The Newsvine, Summer 2016

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A Very Special Last Edition

No! Not for the magazine itself! This will be the last hard copy for our readers nation-wide. Hard copies will only be made available for future issues to our local congregation members, close associates, and missionaries. The good news is ministers who want to continue reading future magazines can do so by following us on the internet. In the past several issues we have encouraged our readers to go to or simply google thenewsvine. There you can read past issues and any still to come for free! Our magazine is one click away anytime, anywhere on any internet device. If you click to “follow us”, you will automatically be notified when a new issue is available. Our staff members invite you to continue being faithful readers in the years to come. Maranatha, the Lord cometh! Editors Leo and Virginia Aguilera


Summer 2016 REVIVAL CENTER UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Business Phone: 209-522-5365

email us at or follow us on EDITOR LEO AGUILERA


Virginia Aguilera Joshua Aguilera Charlene Wilson Leo & Virginia Aguilera Leo Aguilera, Grover Hunt Gabriel Chavoya, Jim Campbell, Carol Castillo Josh Aguilera Virginia Aguilera Norbert Feliciano

CHURcH SERVICES SUNDAY - 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 5.30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. MONDAY - 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY - 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:30 P.M. THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Thursday - 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY - 10:00 A.M.

Sunday School-Children - Tuolumne Sunday School - Adults - Sanctuary Morning Service - Sanctuary Prayer in Youth Chapel REVIVAL SERVICE All-Church Prayer Starting Point for New Converts Mid-Week Service, K.R.E.W Pulse (Youth Service) Spanish Service Saturday Morning Outreach

Church staff


assistant pastor assistant pastor youth PASTOR resident missionaries church secretary SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR RC Kingdom Kids K.R.E.W. Kids prayer ministries Word Ministry Choir world missionS ladies ministries (S.H.E.) discipling ministries L.E.A.D. director PURPOSE INSTITUTE OUTREACH connect groups community relations apostolic man ministry BUFF (Men’s 50+) HYPHEN (Young Adults) THRIVE (Young Marrieds) spanish services Nursing Home Ministry Food for Thoughts & Food PantrY

Uday Narayan Dana Le Blanc Jonathan Quinones Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah Charlene Wilson Mary Aguirre John & Amy Rodriguez Kim Johnson Charles Bispo Dana Le Blanc Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre Jerry & Andrea Powell Priscilla Gomez Chris Harris Carol Castillo Jerry Powell & Carol Castillo Leonard Alvarez Paul & Jenifer Winter Jeremiah Williams Alex Diaz Herb Jenkins Jeriann Powell Aaron & Shannon Gomez Antonio Gutierrez Joyce Jones Nancy Williams

“Aiming for Awareness!” NEWVINE is published quarterly by the United Pentecostal Church of Modesto, Inc., 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Postage paid at 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Newsvine, 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to the Newsvine are subject to Pastor’s approval and editing by the Newsvine staff.


By Editor Leo Aguilera


The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25 NLT)

(Editor’s Note: In our last issue, I presented the basic Biblical principle in our doctrine why all Christians need to tithe. I quoted the Bible verse found in Matthew 23:23 (NLT) where Jesus Christ Himself commands us to pay our tithes with the proper attitude: “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the law--justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things.” Every righteous command Jesus gave to the Pharisees IS a universal command for all believers to follow. Now I will address Christ’s command that all His followers should give offerings as well. Offerings are the acts of giving beyond tithing, as will be explained.) THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TITHES AND OFFERINGS The prophet Malachi made the distinction between tithes and offerings when he separated the two with the word “and” in Malachi 3:8: “...Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes AND offerings.” Jesus also made the distinction when he spoke to the Pharisees how to properly give tithes (see Editor’s Note) and then addressed the listeners at the Sermon on the Mount on how to give offerings to the poor in Matthew 6:3 (NIV): “But when you give to the needy...” Paul provided guidance as well when he instructed the members of the church to support the ministry in I Cor. 1:14:, “In the same way, the Lord ordered that those who preach the Good News should be supported by those who benefit from it.” Then Paul gives an excellent example of an offering beyond the tithes in II Cor. 8:4,5 (NLT) when he praises the generosity of the Macedonia church for giving to the needs of the Jerusalem church: “They begged us again and again for the privilege of sharing in the gift for the believers in Jerusalem. They even did more than we had hoped...” Time and time again God speaks to us in the Old and New Testaments that His true believers will always give of their material substance. An example of tithing is when Jacob said 500 years BEFORE the law was given by Moses in Genesis 28:22 (KJV): “... and all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.” An example in giving an offering is when Paul said to the Corinthian church to have the offering for the Jerusalem church ready in II Cor. 9:5: “So I thought I should send these brothers ahead of me to make sure the gift you promised is ready. But I want it to be a willing gift, not one given grudgingly.” CHURCH OFFERINGS ARE... We saw with the Apostle Paul that offerings can be meeting the needs of the local church or other churches in need. Offerings to missionaries or outreach ministries in the local congregation are excellent examples. Remember the salaries of the local pastor and assistants are to come from the tithes. Missionary pledges and the upkeep of the church building, bus ministry, outreach programs, and church charities should be met from added offerings in the offering plate by the local saints.

WHAT ABOUT OFFERINGS FOR THE POOR? Our LORD Jesus Christ was very direct about giving to the poor. In Matthew 6:3 He did not say IF we give to the poor, He said (NIV): “But WHEN you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” The Lord commands all Christians to give to the poor and needy, whether in our local community or beyond. The Lord also commands us to be secret and discreetly confidential in this type of offering. Married couples and individuals should be giving to charities that truly help the poor and underprivileged. When a Christian feels in his heart to give to a charity, he does not need to tell his pastor or family members that he is doing so. If a married couple gives to St. Jude Hospital to help child patients battle cancer, they need not tell church members and their friends they are doing so. Giving to local homeless shelters, gospel missions, and funds for free meals to the poor, as can be specified to any local Salvation Army, is pleasing to God. Volunteering for community service, as our local brother Jeremiah Williams is an excellent example of a generous citizen and civic leader, is a commendable sacrifice of time and labor. Even giving those few dollars to those extending a hand for help, God sees and rewards the giver. Before giving to a charity, a Christian needs to study and discern if that organization is legitimate. My advice is to give carefully. Giving offerings is God’s command to perform AFTER the Christian gives his tithes, not instead of. Giving to church needs, missionaries, and alms to the poor and needy is divinely ordained. THE BLESSINGS OF GIVING OFFERINGS As Paul teaches us in II Cor. 9:6-7 (KJV): “Now this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let them give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” Here Paul gives us the promise of how God will bless us with the simple law of the harvest. The more seed you plant, the bigger the harvest. The more generous you are in giving of your substance, the more He will bless YOU! And you should have JOY when you give. Being joyful is addictive, so your giving should be part of your worship. Once you give your tithe you have the freedom to give offerings Deciding where to give and how much should always be preceded with prayer. The Holy Spirit will guide you to become aware where your money or service is most needed. A good old Dutch adage says, “The only things you take from this world are the things you gave away.” God is keeping an account of all that we give in tithes and offerings. It is like a bank account accumulating for us in heaven. That godly widow, faithful in her tithes and offerings and even generous with her time and service to her community, may not be wealthy here on earth, but her treasure in heaven would make the richest CEO on Wall Street bow his head in shame. Jesus spoke these words in the same sermon he preached about giving: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven... for where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21) AMEN!


Congratulations and God bless your future endeavors!

Kristy Zapien

Graduate of Gregori High College Plans: MJC, 4-Year University Career Plans: Audiologist

Thomas Baker

Graduate of Modesto High College Plans: MJC, CSU Stanislaus Career Plans: US History Teacher

Mariah Amador

Graduate MJC, transferring to CSU, Stanislaus Degree: AA in Behavioral and Social Sciences Career Plans: High School History Teacher or College History Professor



Jon Harris

Graduate of Livingston High College Plans: IT&T Career Plans: Cyber Security

Scott Boyle

Graduate CSU, Stanislaus Degree: Bachelor of Arts in History Career Plans: High School History Teacher

Chris Harris

Susan Ybarra

Johnny Ybarra

Purpose Institute graduates proudly dis-

play their diplomas flanked by directors Carol Casillo and Jerry Powell and Pastor Johnson. Sister Susan Ybarra was the special graduation speaker during the ceremony held recently.

Jeremiah Williams Graduation Celebration

The Ybarra Family


ur church recently celebrated the graduation of four of our members from Purpose Institute. Purpose Institute is a ministry training institution whose goal is to better prepare church leaders. It works with local churches to provide quality collegelevel courses focusing on Biblical knowledge, spiritual values, and leadership skills. Students are required to come “on campus” once a month to attend classes, while also working on assignments between sessions. Students may work toward either a

Above, Sister Julie Chavoya mans the PI information booth. On the left, Sister Julie prepares the graduation celebration din-

ner for graduates and their families like the Ybarra Family (far left photo). two-year or four-year diploma. Examples of course offerings are: “The Importance of Apostolic Doctrine”, “The Life and Ministry of Christ”, “The Major Prophets”, and “Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God”. We are blessed at Revival Center to have such an outstanding opportunity for our members. If you would like to become more knowledgeable about the Bible, our doctrine, and Christian ministry, but are busy with family and work obligations, the flexibility of this program may be a perfect fit for you.




singleness of heart for Newsvine Assistant Editor Joshua and his wife Jeannette Aguilera drew this newlywed couple to spend their first summer vacation together not on the mountain vistas of Yosemite or walking hand in hand on a sunset ocean beach, but to the vast country of India. Feeling a burden for missions at last year’s Stewardship Missions Conference, they immediately began seeking God’s will. As they prayed, God opened the doors wide for them to connect with Pastor Chacko Thomas who is the director of the Almost Heaven Children’ Home, an orphanage in Mumbai, India. God surely had His hands on this young couple as their connecting flight took them through the main airport in Istanbul, Turkey. If they had flown on the dates they originally planned, they would have been at the airport during the time of both the terrorist attack and the military coup. As their Muslim travel agent later said to them, “God always protects His people!” While in India, Joshua and Jeannette were able to visit the orphanage and interact with the precious children. These young people were delighted by the suitcases of clothing donated by several church families. The children were also thrilled to be treated to a special dinner and ice cream cones. In addition to spending time at the orphanage, Josh was also able to visit the Bible school overseen by Brother Thomas. He was moved by the hunger and sincerity of the students. While there, he got to witness a baptism service in which 24 were baptized, including a Trinitarian pastor. Since then several members of this man’s church has been baptizzed. Josh and Jeannette were also able to visit a few of the more than 50 churches Brother Thomas has started. The worship was enthusiastic. “People came in with an anticipation that something was going to happen,” says Jeannette. “Their hunger is so great for the word of God that some members travel two hours to come to church.” Coming back from India, Josh and Jeannette have been profoundly touched. “God has placed us here to be vessels,” says Jeannette. “In the light of eternity, am I doing what God asks me to do? Am I a light to someone?” May God speak to the hearts of young couples and young people to look beyond their own world and reach out to others whether it is locally in their communities or to the far reaches of the globe. “Go ye into all the world....”


Josh and Jeannette in front of a church in Aurangabad.

Brother Chacko Thomas and Jeannette pose with the orphanage children. Bible students in prayer.

Almost Heaven Children’s Home, the orphans pose with the Aguileras

Preparing for baptism. One of 24 baptized by Brother Thomas!

Spirited worship at one of the Aurangabad churches.

Jeannette readies the special meal for the orphanage children. On the left is one of the children from the orphanage. On the right is Brother Habik who was one of their drivers and translators.

THE TEMPLES OF ELLORA near the city of Aurangabad

On the left and above, some of the many ancient temples in India built with elaborate architectural splendor. The photo at left and on the front cover were taken at the caves of the Ellora Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recently featured in National Geographic History Magazine.



The Powells Make an Impact with Missionary Sit-Downs

Sit-Down with the Bucklands


World Missi ons Directors , Jerry and Andrea Powell pose with the Bucklands.

or over six years our World Missions Directors, Brother Jerry Powell and Sister Andrea Powell, have had visiting missionaries take part in informal gatherings at some of our church members’ homes and make a more intimate presentation of their missionary work in foreign lands. It is a unique face-to-face encounter with these devoted warriors of the cross to offer testimonials of their burden for global outreach. The Powells make a special invitation to the youth of our church to attend as much as possible. There has been great success in recruiting our local youth to become AIMers, AYC participants, and helpers to missionaries around the globe. During the late spring and early summer, the Powells have organized several missionaries sit-downs that have been a great blessing for all who have attended. This has been a fulfillment of Pastor Johnson’s pledge at the beginning of the year to sponsor missionary outreach each month.


Brother Roger and Sister Becky Bucklands had their sit-down meeting at the home of Joshua and Jeanette Aguilera. All who attended were made aware of the tremendous challenges and to supervise missionary works across the vast Pacific Ocean. The expense of jet travel can be enormous. Missionaries on some of these remote islands must be visited and revenue supplied for living expenses, Gospel literature, and the expenses of Bible colleges where established. The need for teachers is a great concern. Let’s us pray for the success of saving souls on these beautiful islands of the Pacific.


Brother Dennis and Sister Stephanie Moore had their sit down at the home of our resident missionary Xenn Seah and wife Barbara. The Moores are currently assigned to teach in one of our organization’s schools in the Holy Land. They will be with us at our annual Stewardship Missions Conference in October. Pray for this vital ministry in the land where Jesus walked!



The Moores pose with Sisters Barbara and Erin Seah

The Cambells share wonderful scenes of Costa Rica on the Apple. Brother Luke

res his burden Campbell sha


for Costa Rica


Brother Luke and Sister Samantha Campbell had their sit-down at this editor’s home. The dynamic couple have been assigned to the nation of Costa Rica. Sister Campbell hails from her father’s church in Guatemala. Brother Campbell shared with a large group gathered how he met his future wife, and how they shared the burden to be missionaries in Central America. Sister Campbell then shared with us how God miraculously spared her life when she was a teenager from an psychopathic intruder who violently attacked her when she was alone at her home in Guatemala. Her narration was compelling and deeply moving as she told her story. It was her faith in Christ that gave her the intelligence to outsmart her attacker. Their deputation in the United States will be extensive. They’re hoping that many pastors will take them on as Partners in Missions. We are looking forward to seeing them again at our annual Stewardship Missions Conference in October. God bless the Campbells and their burden for Costa Rica.

AIMer Kihanna Rangel enthralls her audience with her dynamic account of her two treks to the Dominican Republic

Sister Samantha Campbell

Naomi Lozada, Marajae Garcia, and Alyah Lozada


The most recent sit-down was held again at the Seah’s home. A total of 63 attended, making it the largest gathering yet in the six years since these meetings were started. This time many who attended were given first-hand testimonies of Joshua and Jeannette Aguilera’s trip to India, and from our daughter work in the Gustine church, missionary helpers to the nation of the Dominican Republic: AIMer Kihanna Rangel and Apostolic Youth Corp participants Alyah and Naomi Lazada, daughters of Pastor Floyd Lozada, and Marajae Garcia. As each told their testimony of traveling to these foreign lands, they all had one thing in common, their desire to leave an impact for Christ among the many lives they met. As Brother Josh said, “those souls left an impact with me I will never forget. We need to do so much more for missions!”

Jeannette and Joshua Aguilera share their experiences in INDIA. SUMMER NEWSVINE 2016




vangelist Joshua Herring kicked off the summer season by joining us during our bilingual service (black and white photo above) on the Memorial Day weekend and continued for the next several weeks to preach on what it takes to have GOOD REVIVAL! His sermon titled “It’s About to Rain” caused the congregation to rise to their feet with renewed faith. Brother Herring has a special relationship with our church, and is definitely used by God to exhort the saints. Such sermons as “The Currency of His Kingdom,” “Prophets in Dungeons,” and “Blessed by Affliction,” bring both the saint and the visitor to the altar with arms raised and sincere prayers lifted toward heaven. Brother Herring has a special gift of explaining the plan of salvation in such a way that fills the altar with hungry souls, and we have had many baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy Ghost (photo, middle right shows a baptism happening right during his sermon!). We are blessed to have such anointed and powerful preaching at Revival Center, and look forward to a continued relationship with this young, but seasoned man of God. Preach on, Brother Herring!



Building Up Firm Foundations

A Message from BUFF Director Herb Jenkins


he idea for an “over 50’s men’s group” was spawned by the extreme sickness and eventual death of a long-time friend and brother in the Lord. This brother was ill for a long time, and I picked him up for breakfast or lunch on many occasions but failed to go in his B.U.F.F. Director Herb Jenkins home or question why he always wanted to meet me out front. On his death bed with him in a coma, I finally entered his home and was appalled and ashamed at the conditions that he had and continued to live in. He passed from this life a short time later. I questioned myself, “How could I allow a friend to live and die in those conditions?” My excuse was...I didn’t know. I decided then that in God’s church no brother or sister should be so isolated that we could use the excuse that “we didn’t know” again. So with the blessing of Pastor Johnson, B.U.F.F. was born! Building Up Firm Foundations has allowed men from all walks of life to become closer and more united within the fellowship of our church. This allows us to find out about needs and, if possible, to address them. God has allowed us to hear great insight from our peers on a monthly basis while we enjoy food and fellowship. As a group we have also been able to build two wheelchair ramps for families in need, do a winterizing of vehicles for the ladies in our church who do not have a man in the home to help them, and purchase a vehicle for a faithful couple in need! We also provide drinks and help serve at the Youth Outreach Brother Jon Quinones heads up at the local rec center.

BUFF men pose with their fishing trophies caught in San Francisco Bay But while this is the reason for our existence, we also specialize in FUN! We’ve had an overnight camping trip, deep sea fishing trip, a Night at the Nuts baseball game, dinners at various brothers’ homes, as well as an all men’s evening at the pastor’s house. If you are a man over 50 and want to meet some of the best men in the world, please contact me and find out what exciting event is on our horizon!

Bishop Keyes enjoys a meal with BUFF Brother Grover and Brother Miguel.

Above, BUFF members Jim Campbell and Uday Narayan discuss matters at a BUFF fellowship held at a local restaurant. Above right, L to R, musicians Paul Winter, Tim Fletcher, Bill Cameron, Floyd Havner, and Larry Hall entertain at a recent Mexican feed at the Havners’ home.


Mother’s Day Sister Johnson and Sister Keyes

Sister Bonnie Ketner

Families pray together during the altar service.

Betty Hemmingway, Lindsay Castro, and Sister Johnson

Sister Andrea Powell and Sister Lela Powell

The George Family Prays

Pastor and Sister Keyes

The Jones Family, Nicole, Kiah, and Joyce

“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” —Abraham Lincoln “A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.” -Washington Irving


Happy Mother’s Day!

Families pray at the altar.

Father’s Day Sister Johnson hugs her dad, Bishop Keyes.

Pastor Johnson uses a pick axe to illustrate his sermon entitled “Workers and Warriors.”

The Amador and Quinones Families

The Diaz Family

The Dominguez Family

We Are One in the Spirit

Willie and Sister Jones ur services to honor mothers and fathers are always a very special time, but for those who have lost their parents or do not have a parent who attends church with them, it can be a very painful or lonely time. With this in mind, our church has ceased to have the traditional Mother’s and Father’s Day services with children reciting poems and skits promoting a mother’s or father’s love. Instead, our services have become family oriented. We still decorate our sanctuary with balloons spelling out Mom or Dad, but Pastor’s sermons have been geared on themes to strengthen our families. Each or these services ends with a the congregation gathering at the altar. Families pray together, but look to include those who do not have a family member attending Revival Center. Thank you, Pastor and Sister Johnson, for your loving and compassionate leadership of our church.




Kids Radically Experiencing Worship

Sister Johnson teaching.

Sister Gracie Delgadillo

Sister Kellee Hopper

What started out as a burden in the heart of our pastor’s wife, Sister Johnson, has been birthed into an exciting ministry for our children on Sundays and Wednesdays held in the Youth Chapel while adults attend services in the sanctuary. With the help of an energetic, talented crew, Sister Johnson has developed a program that teaches children Bible-based lessons and engages them in joyous worship.


Brother Josh Aguilera

Sister Jovita

THE PRAYER But the Lord was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me. So the Lord said to me: 'Enough of that! Speak no more to Me of this matter. Deut. 3:26 NKJV


ot all prayers are pleasing to God. Moses pleaded with God to reverse His judgment of not allowing him to lead Israel into the Promised Land. One of the Bible's strongest leaders and mightily used of God, Moses had tremendous influence and power with God. For decades God had responded to Moses' impassioned prayers with deliverance, healings, miracles, and provision. God had even showed Moses His Glory. Then the day came that this godly man lost his temper when the Israelites complained of no water. God instructed

Did You Know? by Brother Jim Campbell



he tabernacle of the Old Testament consisted of 48 boards of acacia wood. There were 20 boards on each side and 8 on one end of the Tabernacle. The boards were 27” wide and 15 feet long. Each board was completely covered with gold. Each board was connected with silver sockets on the bottom. These boards were held in place by 5 horizontal bars on the side of each wall. Each of these bars were made of wood and overlaid with gold.These physical structures of the tabernacle represent more than wood and gold, They represent the nature of Jesus Christ. The boards represent His humanity; the gold, His divinity. Even the type of wood in the tabernacle’s construction was a reflection of Christ’s nature. Acacia wood was used for its incorruptibility, so we have a fitting symbol of the sinlessness and incorruptibility of Christ. Hebrews 4:15 says that He was tempted in all points like as we are and yet was without sin. Even in His death, his body would not see corruption (Acts 2:21). Since each board was made of both wood and gold, we have the truth illustrated that Jesus was very much a man and very

Moses to speak to the rock and it would bring forth water. In his anger Moses struck the rock and then took the credit when water appeared. God's judgment on Moses for failing to obey and not giving God glory was that Moses would not be allowed to lead God's people to the Promised Land (Numbers 20:1-12). Moses had difficulty accepting that judgment. He pleaded with God, "I pray, let me cross over and see the good land beyond the Jordan, those pleasant mountains, and Lebanon." (Deuteronomy 3:25). But the begging was of no avail. God spoke to Moses the way we would speak to a whiny child. "Enough of that! Speak no more to Me of this matter" (Deuteronomy 3:26). God still loved Moses and forgave him for his sin, but He had already made clear the consequences. God did not want to hear that prayer. Subject closed. A mark of spiritual maturity is allowing God to be in control even when you don't agree or understand. Has God already given you His answer to a prayer? Has He made His will clear in your life? Has He even declared a judgment over your disobedience? Then don't keep praying about it. Stop trying to change God's mind. Embrace His answer with love and respect. Trust in His righteous sovereignty and allow Him to direct your life. Peace and joy will be the fruit of your surrender. much the almighty God. While the wood was not the gold and the gold was not the wood, these two materials were combined together in one board. While Christ’s divinity was not His humanity, each being distinct and separate from the other, divinity and humanity met not in two persons, but in one person. As a man He slept with weariness in the bottom of the ship; as God He arose and rebuked the storm.As a man He wept at the grave of Lazarus, as God He called him forth from the tomb. As a man He suffered upon the cross, as God He arose triumphant! In the Tabernacle, all things can represent Christ and the Church.The bars used to support the boards are a type of the church. All the boards were not secure until bound by the 5 bars. These bars were wood overlaid with gold representing Christ. So as the framework of the walls needed 5 bars to support them; likewise the church has instituted the five-fold ministry to help support the spiritual church. Ephesians. 4:1112 says, “And he gave some apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Without Holy Ghost filled people filling these offices, the winds of false doctrines will work havoc among individual members of the body of Christ. As one can see, the nature of Christ is revealed not only in the New Testament, but in the Old Testament as well. God through time has been revealing Himself to the world. “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” (I Timothy 3:16, KJV).



(Editor’s Note: This testimony is not for the squeamish. The evil one person can inflict on another can be horrifying and almost hopeless in the final outcome. But there is a God who sees all. Cassie was prayed for salvation by a loving grandmother and uncle. It was those prayers that protected her from a brutally abusive relationship that could have ended in a fatal tragedy.)

as told to Associate Editor Virginia Aguilera



assie first met Johnny at James Marshall Elementary School in Modesto, California. There was something about him that just clicked with her. But what started out as a schoolgirl crush almost ended in her death and that of her unborn son. After years of attending elementary school together and weekly Awana youth church programs, she was saddened when Johnny moved with his family to the Los Angeles area when they were in junior high. Heartbroken, she thought she would never see him again. But she was wrong...almost dead wrong! On a hot, summer evening while at a gathering of friends at Mellis Park in Modesto, Cassie, now in her early twenties, saw a familiar, handsome face. It was Johnny walking toward her, smiling broadly. Seeing his face, brought back her romantic feelings and stirred up a new hope that perhaps she could finally have a relationship with the boy who had stolen her heart in elementary school. Her friends at the park gathering warned her that he was crazy, but she told them she knew him and he was not that way. Convinced that Johnny had not changed, Cassie was now ready to move beyond her school girl crush to serious dating. Although Cassie had believed in God her entire life, she had been struggling spiritually. Her uncle was an United Pentecostal Church preacher, Brother Gregory Pearson, and her grandmother, Sister Dorothy Nash, was a faithful church member of Revival Center. Even though both encouraged her to live for God, Cassie’s addiction to crack and alcohol had her bound. Instead she would visit numerous different churches, trying to connect with God, but still not ready to give up her vices. She had started taking drugs to assuage her emotional pain and depression, but


they only ended up deepening her troubles and blinding her to the real answer to her problems--Jesus Christ! Johnny, on the other hand was not religious at all. In fact, when he was living in the Los Angeles with his family, he had become heavily involved in the Crips, a mostly African-American gang. Alcohol and drugs also had become part of his existence. He was struggling with mental illness, having been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. Sadly, Cassie would find out later he had also been in trouble with the law. Hardened and angry, he was not the same boy Cassie had fallen as a young girl. Instead, he had become an unpredictable, violent threat. But Cassie had no idea how dangerous he was. They started dating and ended up moving in together, which she admits was a terrible mistake!


The first time Johnny attacked her was a complete surprise. They had been arguing as they often did, especially when Johnny had been drinking. When Cassie slapped a cigarette out of his hands, he leaped up, grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter, and plunged it into her back. He then slugged her in the jaw. Cassie screamed, “I’m going to call the police!” She never made that phone call. Suddenly, Johnny became extremely apologetic and kept saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She believed his sincerity and excused his violence as her fault, after all she did knock the cigarette out of his hand first. Cassie, herself, had grown up in an abusive household, so in her eyes this was “normal.” She did not want to live in an abusive relationship like her mom, but she just fell into it. Not only did she not call the police, she also did not seek medical care for her deep stab wound. She was in a great deal of pain for many weeks, but was relieved the knife had not hit a vital organ. “I didn’t want to tell them at the hospital what had happened,” she said, “because I didn’t want him to go to jail.” Cassie convinced herself that Johnny would never assault her again. After all, he was very apologetic, and she would be more careful in the future not to push him too far when they argued. She was wrong!

The second time Cassie was attacked was a fight over her going to church. Cassie and Johnny had moved to Prescott Estates in Modesto, along with her two children from a previous relationship. She had finally allowed her uncle to convince her to go to church at Revival Center. This was the same church where her children regularly were attending Sunday School, She was getting dressed for service when the trouble began. Johnny was very upset that she was going to church. He jealously thought she was going there to meet someone. Drunk and swearing, he locked her in the house and took the key. Without the key, Cassie could not escape. She was locked in with a very intoxicated and venomously angry man. Johnny began to verbally abuse her, then he grabbed a Louisiana Hot Sauce bottle and slammed it into Cassie’s head. The blunt force of the bottle caused an injury that would later require 13 staples in the ER. “There was blood everywhere,” she said. “I thought I was going to die.” Convinced he planned on killing her, she desperately broke a window and crawled to safety. A neighbor who had seen what happened called for help. Cassie didn’t wait for the ambulance. Somehow she managed to get herself to the hospital. In the meantime, Johnny, afraid he would get arrested, left and hid out at his brother’s exwife’s house. When the ambulance and police arrived, Cassie’s two children had to crawl out the broken window to escape. Fortunately,they had been upstairs during the attack, and had not witnessed anything other than the yelling. Johnny was arrested and sent to prison for two years. The prosecutor wanted to ask for a tougher sentence, but Cassie begged for leniency. After all, she thought, she had provoked him again and...she loved him. Helplessly in love, she began writing letters to her abuser, thinking he would change. Johnny responded back that he was truly sorry. In prison, Johnny received the medication he needed to help control his schizophrenia. His letters sounded like the boy she first had met in elementary school. Cassie was filled with hope that they could make a fresh start. When Johnny got out of jail, Cassie, blinded by her love, went back to Johnny, even though there was a restraining order banning any contact with her.


Their troubles began again when he decided to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol and stopped taking his prescribed medication. The jealous demon soon reared his ferocious head again. They had moved to Oakland to live with family. Cassie had quit drugs cold turkey when she found out she was pregnant. She got a job and was working security patrol at a hospital. She and Johnny had gotten married by the hospital chaplain where she worked. Her job made her exhausted, but her paycheck and Johnny’s permanent disability check made ends meet. At first Johnny was sweet and nice. However, his jealous side soon appeared. At times he would follow Cassie to work and stay to watch her during her shift. However, since he had gotten out of jail, he had never hit her again. But they sure were beginning to argue a lot. As her pregnancy advanced, they decided that she needed to quit her security patrol job and move back to Modesto where living expenses were more affordable.

Soon after they settled in their apartment, Cassie and Johnny went to visit Cassie’s aunt who was bedridden due to cancer. Cassie had been out on the front porch drinking when she stepped inside the house and caught her husband in an inappropriate situation with a minor. They began venting and swearing at each other, continuing the heated argument at home. She was so angry, she did not realize how mad Johnny had become. She finally told him if he did not quiet down, she would call his parole officer since there was still a restraining order against him. She thought the threat with this phone call would calm down. Instead it infuriated him even more. As she held the phone receiver and started dialing, he yanked the phone cord out of the wall. Frightened, she raced to the bedroom to use the phone there, slamming and locking the door to protect herself. Enraged, he kicked the door open and punched her, knocking her to the floor. He then got on top of her, straddling her, even though she was seven months pregnant. He swore then bellowed fiercely, “I will kill you.” He got up and went into the kitchen. Thinking he would not follow through on his threat, Cassie followed him. She realized she might have to run for her life. Cassie at first didn’t realize Johnny had grabbed a sharp serrated steak knife. As she passed him, he violently pushed Cassie down onto her stomach. “I thought I was going to die now,” she said. “I couldn’t move because he was on top of me. He put the knife to my neck and used the serrated blade to slice my neck from the front to the back.” Blood spurted everywhere. Terrified, Cassie cried out, “I’m sorry!” Her desperate words cut through his rage, triggering him to stop. He brusquely told her to get a towel, oblivious to the amount of damage he had done. Cassie’s children, ages nine and seven, had witnessed the attack and were scared and crying. This time Johnny was apologizing to no one!


“Go call a ambulance,” Cassie urged her husband, but he just sat there and did nothing. Unfortunately, no one at the apartment complex at which they lived had a phone, so Cassie asked her oldest son to run to the school next door to find the custodian who could radio for help. “I was praying, ‘God, please spare me’,” she said, realizing that she was about to faint. Cassie’s son could not find the custodian, so weakened with blood loss and fear, Cassie somehow managed to walk to her aunt’s house down the street. Shocked by Cassie’s condition, her aunt hysterically called 911 for an ambulance. Cassie became more and more pale as she sat and listened anxiously for the siren’s scream. The ambulance delivered her to Doctor’s Hospital in Modesto, As the emergency room doctor cleaned and stitched the gaping wound, he shook his head and said that if her wound had been made just a little further toward the front of her neck, he would have sliced her jugular vein and “a thousand doctors could not have saved you!” Cassie was released from the hospital and spent the first night back at her house alone. Johnny had disappeared. Her children were with her aunt. The next day, she went to stay with her aunt. She had a visit from an officer from the Modesto Police Department. He told her, “He will not get away with this. I will find him.” (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)



The Newsvine

REVIVAL CENTER United Pentecostal Church of Modesto 825 7th Street Modesto, CA

When the police did arrest him south of Modesto in Turlock, they found him shaking. He thought they were there to arrest him for murder. He was convicted of attempted murder and went to prison for 17 years. After all those years of abuse, Cassie had finally had enough. “The love was gone,” she said. “He attacked me when I was pregnant with his own son.” After the child was born, she presented him to her husband at the jail, but she has never seen her abuser again. She decided she was now more than ready to make major changes in her life, including coming to church. About two weeks later, she came to Modesto Revival Center. Traumatized by her near death experience; however, it took several years before she could completely surrender herself to God. She was on and off drugs during those dark years. She also had severe bouts of depression. “The attack mentally disturbed me,” she said. “I lost everything. I even lost my kids.”


Cassie finally took note of Revival Center reaching out to her. With the persistence of family and church members like Sister Angel Padilla who visited her when she was staying at the women’s shelter, she at last found the strength to break free. She was baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy

Ghost, and with God’s grace, she has been living a victorious life. Today, Sister Cassie is a faithful member of Revival Center. She completed our Starting Point New Christian Bible study series, and faithfully attends Bible study fellowship meetings, including this editor’s home Bible study. This fall she will be starting Purpose Institute to become more grounded in God’s word. She was inspired by the speech given by Sister Susan Ybarra in our recent P.I. graduation ceremony. Cassie is now single. “I am married to Jesus,” she says. Sister Cassie has a word for women who are living in a home that is filled with fear and violence. “If you are in an abusive situation,” she says, “GET OUT RIGHT NOW! If you don’t, but then you finally can get away, it might still mess you up for years. You could die, or it could take you years to get back to God, and your kids will be affected by the trauma.” Cassie may have fallen into the pattern of being an abused woman, but thanks to Jesus Christ, she has been snatched out of it by God’s saving power and grace. You can find the strength and help you need to make a change in your life. Let Christ make you a new creature, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT).

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