The Revealed Cross, a Drama that Makes an Impact!
THE newsvine “Every page an altar to His works!”
Summer 2018 REVIVAL CENTER UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Business Phone: 209-522-5365
email us at thenewsvine@gmail.com
Google us at thenewsvine or follow us on issuu.com/thenewsvine EDITOR LEO AGUILERA
Virginia Aguilera Joshua Aguilera Charlene Wilson Leo & Virginia Aguilera Leo Aguilera, Grover Hunt Gabriel Chavoya, Isaac Pena Jim Campbell, Carol Castillo Alexis Diaz Virginia Aguilera Norbert Feliciano
Dana Le Blanc Jerry Powell Ravind Narayan Jonathan Quinones Uday Narayan Jeremiah Williams Administrative pastor Jonathan Quinones church secretary Charlene Wilson resident missionaries Uday Narayan, Ravind Narayan, Xenn Seah Youth Leader - p.u.l.s.e. Joshua Aguilera SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR Mary Aguirre K.R.E.W. Kids director Kim Johnson prayer ministries Charles Bispo Choir Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre world missionS Jerry & Andrea Powell advanced modesto Carol Castillo initiative director OUTREACH director Life groups public relations apostolic man ministry B.U.F.F.(Men’s 50+) HYPHEN (Young Adults) THRIVE (Young Marrieds) spanish services Nursing Home Ministry BIBLE QUIZZING devout men GROWTH TRACK
Leonard Alvarez Jonathan Quinones Jeremiah Williams Alex Diaz, Andrew Amador Herb Jenkins Jeriann Powell Aaron & Shannon Gomez Antonio Gutierrez Joyce Jones Sujay Diaz Andrew Amador Dana Le Blanc
CHURcH SERVICES SUNDAY - 9:30 A.M. 9:45 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 12:15 P>M> 2:00 A.M. 5.30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. MONDAY - 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:00 P.M. THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Thursday - 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY - 10:00 A.M.
Sunday School-Children - Tuolumne Sunday School - Adults - Sanctuary Morning Service - Sanctuary Growth Track Spanish Service Prayer in Youth Chapel REVIVAL SERVICE All-Church Prayer Mid-Week Service, K.R.E.W P.U.L.S.E. (Youth Service) Spanish Service Saturday Morning Outreach
THE NEWSVINE is published quarterly by the United Pentecostal Church of Modesto, Inc., 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Postage paid at 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. POSTMASTER: Send address changes toThe Newsvine, 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to The Newsvine are subject to Pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.
A Word from the Editors Does the Apostolic Church Demand Too Much from Its Members?
ociologist Rodney Stark recalls in his book, The Rise of Christianity, an interview he had with a Catholic priest who mentored new priests while pastoring an Italian Catholic congregation in Oakland, California. Across the street from his Catholic church was another church that announced in bright neon letters “Italian Pentecostal Church.” The Catholic pastor told Stark, “The first thing I do with a young priest is to bring him out here and make him read that sign. Then I tell him that, ‘Everyone from over there came from over here. Every time you are tempted to cut corners, remember that sign.’” From this account, Stark makes a conclusion for churches today: “Obviously you can demand too much, but if you demand too little, that’s what you get.” His study of the early church saw that early Christians were committed, and they won converts by showing others the fruits of their faith. Does Pastor Johnson demand too much from us? Not if we remember main stream churches are losing members at an alarming rate and finding “ICHABOD” spiritually written over their entrances. Our pastor encourages us to fast, pray, attend, and evangelize for every revival service scheduled. He, as the shepherd of our congregation, knows what it will take to effectively win our city to the true gospel. We as individuals must demand much from ourselves for continuous revival, and we must do it collectively with our fellow members as a united front. Then our church can truly make an impact locally and around the globe. As you read the articles of the following pages, you will see how many of our members possess zealous devotion to evangelizing our city and reaching out to foreign countries with a missionary burden. It is a massive harvest field that awaits us, and our pastor and leaders spearhead our evangelism with true conviction to the tenets of what early Christianity was all about. There was a powerful vitality with the church generation of Paul and Peter. It should be no different today! MARANATHA, our Lord cometh! EDITORS Leo and Virginia Aguilera
THERE IS A DEVIL! “The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist.” is a quote from the 19th century French poet Charles Baudelaire’s work “Le Figaro”, written in 1864. Such a postulation makes a strong argument that the devil has no interest if you believe he exists. He is more concerned if you believe whether or not there is a God. Once the doubt sets in that personified evil and even hell cannot exist, then rejection of the supernatural heightens to unbelief in Christ Jesus, heaven, and the contents of the Bible. The unbeliever becomes insensitive to a divine order, that the universe is ruled by chance, and an afterlife is non-existent with the final blow of death. The unbeliever will have nothing to do with church, preachers and any readings from the Bible, because of his/her rejection that God and the devil are living entities. But IT IS the Bible that declares the existence of the devil, and worse, history itself records man’s inhumanity to man, the evil in war and conquest, and the hideous atrocities one can read in the newspapers every day which verifies something greater exists that malevolently influences men and women to do barbarous acts.
WHO HE IS! He goes by many names in the Christian world: Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Antichrist, the Father of Lies. In literature he is called the Lord of the Flies, the Prince of Darkness, and Mephistopheles. Islam calls him Shaytan, the Buddhists call him the demon named Maara, and the Jews say Satan is a verb expressing difficulty or temptation. But all these world views agree on one thing: he is the nemesis of good and all that is decent and moral. He is the adversary of God and His believers. Most religions say he will be judged and damned on the final judgement day, along with all who have done wickedly; and in Christianity, all who also have rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the book of Ezekiel (Chapter 28) the King of Tyre is described as a supernatural being with most Biblical translators agreeing this king is the personification of the devil. He was the “anointed cherub that covereth” who stood behind the throne of God, created with great beauty, his vestments were of the finest gold and jewels, and tradition said he led the choirs of angels in music, glorifying the mighty God. He was created perfect for he was blameless and sinless until pride and envy formed in his heart. Isaiah (Chapter 14) called him Lucifer (“morning star”), but when he was cast out of heaven, he was known as Satan (“adversary”). Why was he cast out? His pride for his beauty, position, and influence among the other angels made him think he could be God and even replace Him. In the book of Revelation (Chapter 12) he persuaded a third of the angels to follow him, but in verse 9 he was hurled to the earth and his angels with him. Since then he has railed against God and His believers. During the time Christ walked the earth, Satan entered into
Judas Iscariot and witnessed all the miracles and wonders our Savior performed. He and his demons knew Christ was the “Son of God” and many times screamed out the recognition, but the devil did not really understand what that meant. During his tempting of Christ in the wilderness, he dared to try to persuade Jesus to fall down and worship him, not knowing he was speaking to God Almighty in the flesh. Not until Christ cried out on the cross, “It is finished!” did Satan realize who He was. Since then he has used his own confusion to confuse others to recognize Who Jesus really is.
Jesus Tempted by Carl Bloch (1865)
WHAT HE IS NOT! The devil IS NOT omnipresent, omniscient, or omnipotent. He would like to exude that he is all three, but he is not even one. Only our Lord Jesus Christ, in the fullness of the Godhead, can claim all three as the mighty God and everlasting Father. If the devil was omniscient (all knowing), his fortune tellers and palm readers would be wealthy, for they would know what lottery numbers and roll of the dice to pick. The devil cannot guarantee to predict accurately not even one second into the future, but his mastery in manipulating persons through the centuries is the gamble he can only take. The devil is not omnipresent for he must rely on his principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places, along with his demons and whatever other urchins he must used to keep him informed of the success and failures of his evil intentions. He is certainly not omnipotent for his desire is to create chaos, violence, and persecution of Christians, but he has not attained world control because of Christ’s mercy to still call those who must be saved. The Bible does foretell of the devil’s antichrist taking control of the world governments in the near future, but God’s word assures Christian believers the day of reckoning is coming; Satan will be defeated, and Christ will rule all things with His saints in glory. There IS a devil, and to accept his existence is to fight his evil with intelligence and faith in Christ Jesus!
Clockwise from top left: The underground church is attacked; Agent John Wells threatens Abigail Domingues; John (Noah Wells) is on the run with friends Peter (Adrian DeAnda) and Laura Jasmin DeAnda); Sinister agents played by CJ Aguirre and Daniel Reitz guard the entry; and the underground church worships in an abandoned warehouse, aware of the constant danger of being discovered.
he Revealed Cross is a continuation of last year’s youth drama, The Concealed Cross. In fact, the first act was a reenactment of The Concealed Cross for those who missed it. The church, underground, is fighting for its existence in a hostile world determined to hunt down and destroy its members; a bleak picture, but a very real one in many parts of our world today. Brother Josh Aguilera wrote and directed this frightening drama which alluded to the life of the Apostle Paul prior to his conversion, and reminded the church of our brothers and sisters who face these real dangers every day across our globe. Noah Wells played the part of John, a young preacher, sent to a distant city to replace the minister of an underground church who had been arrested by government officials. Upon joining this determined congregation, John’s first sermon was interrupted after an informer revealed their location. John was captured and tortured, but in the end refused to renounce his Savior. His last words before being dragged out to face 4
his doom were the words of the song, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.” In the end, his pursuer, confused by Noah’s determination to live for Christ even if it would cost his life, kneels with his arms outstretched. Would the persecutor now become the evangelist? Act Two begins with Saul, played by Luis Araujo, trying to find redemption, rescuing John from prison and bringing him to a safe house. In the meantime, the Director (Kristy Zapien) pressures an arrested member to betray the group of underground believers. Will Saul find the forgiveness he seeks? Will the underground church be destroyed? In the final heart-wrenching scene, Saul, now a converted Christian, faces his persecutors, and sacrifices his life. Administrative Pastor Jon Quinones then made an impassioned altar call, and many came forward with tears, realizing it was time to decide to follow Jesus... and not turn back.
The Message of the Cross Still Changes Lives! Top row: Saul (Luis Araujo) supervises the brutal attack on the underground church showing no mercy; Saul, moved by the unrelenting faith of John (Noah Wells) rescues him from prison; Saul is united with fellow believers headed toward heaven. Second row: The sinister Director, (effectively played by Kristy Zapien) interrogates Saul; altar call scenes. Left: a broken Saul is confronted by Rose (Lauren Hunt) who struggles to forgive; Bottom left: Director Josh Aguilera ministers during the altar call.
A Great Thanks to The Revealed Cross Cast and Crew
Luis Araujo - Saul Warwick Noah Wells - John Samuels Adrian DeAnda - Peter Isaias, extra Lauren Hunt - Rose Daniels Timothy Burciago - James Greene, Agent Sanchez Jazmin DeAnda - Laura Black Kristy Zapien - Cynthia Warwick (The Director) Thomas Barker - Simon Andrews (Pastor Andrews) Josh Williams - Agent John John Walls - Agent Vinny Zapien - Pastor Rogers, Agent Adams Daniel Reitz - Agent Alexis Diaz - Nurse Natalie Rock Roshan - Clerk CJ Aguirre - Steven Avalos Kiah Jones - Jennifer Avalos Chloe Espinoza - Faith Abigail Dominguez - Frankie Eliza Flores - Grace Cassie Hernandez - Maria Aaliyah Amador - Sarah Samantha DeAnda - Ruth John Marciel - Cameron Gabe - Blake
Kiara Denney - Extra Anjolene Rodela - Extra Ramon - Extra Israel Dominguez - Robert Warwick
Josh Aguilera - Director, Writer, Producer, Stage Hand Jon Harris - Sound Jocelyn Powell - Music Ethan DeMoss - Stage Lighting John George - Spotlight Julien Reyna - Spotlight Assistant Merl Fletcher - Sound Assistant Breana Fletcher - Media and Mic Assistant Ernie Espinoza - Media Assistant Jeannette Aguilera - Stage Director Alyssa Moran - Stage Crew Cindy Zapien - Stage Crew Shannon Gomez - Backstage Supervisor Makayla Johnson - Mic Manager, Backstage Director Adrianne Chavez - Make-Up Lead Autumn Amador - Make-Up Assistant Zoe Warren - Make-Up Assistant Jon Quinones - Preacher
BBQ in the Park!
ommunity Compassion ministers monthly to those in our area who are need. Above are photos from their barbeque in a local park. Looks yummy!
Joy in Serving Others
Carolyn & Angelo Dimas with great help from the lady volunteers!
t the end of July, Community Compassion ministry led by Angelo and Carolyn Dimas prepared more than 200 meals for those in need in our community. Thanks to the generosity of Costco, they also were able to donate more than 100 sleeping bags, tents, sleeping mats, air beds, and lanterns. Tables of donated shoes and clothing were available as well, along with a prayer booth. A huge thank you to all who donated and assisted in this much needed and appreciated ministry.
Leonard Alvarez, Angelo Dimas, Herb Jenkins
aaron DeLgaDiLLo
Graduate of Johansen High College Plans: MJC Major: Photography & Journalism
Louie farias
Graduate of Davis High MJC Vocational Arts Major: Welding
mariah amaDor
BranDon fLetCher
Graduate of Whitmore Charter College Plans: MJC Major: Media Technology
CharLene moore
Graduate of Downey High College Plans: MJC Major: Probation Officer
nataLie george
Graduate of CSU, Stanislaus Degree: BA in History, entering the Masters Program. Career Plans: History Professor
Graduate of Gregori High College Plans: CSU, Sacramento Career Plans: Law Enforcement
erin seah
Graduate of Whitmore Charter College Plans: CSU Stanislaus Major: Nursing
Chris sKarZYnsKi
Graduate of Beyer High College Plans: CSU, Stanislaus Major: Nurse Practitioner SUMMER NEWSVINE 2018
A Life-Changing Missions Trip
ummer is usually that time of year in which you picture yourself relaxing with a cold glass of lemonade, waiting to eat a juicy barbecued hamburger, but for a group of our young people and young adults, this summer was a life-changing experience, a missions trip to the Central American country of Belize. Brother Jerry Powell coordinated this group of 36 consisting of 12 chaperones and 24 youth from United Pentecostal churches in Fresno, San Francisco, Gustine, Modesto, Maryville, Orland, and Burney, California. They began in Belize City spending the weekend in outreach and four church services and then went to southern Belize to minister in the Mayan villages of Bladden and Trio. They participated in six services in which 18 received the Holy Ghost and three were baptized in Jesus’ name. Brother Powell was very proud of these young people who never complained despite the very high temperatures and humidity. Brother Powell is grateful to all the pastors and parents of the Western District who entrusted their young people and young adults into their care, and to God for a safe and successful missions trip to Belize. He also thanks the Marysville church that collected and packaged several suitcases of candy and toys to be distributed, and to those who donated school supplies. Finally, Brother Powell also thanks the District officials and pastors of Belize who allowed our team to be in service with them at their churches, and especially Missionary Dwayne Abernathy for hosting our team.
Youth Team Testifies
uring youth week, several of the team members had an opportunity to share their mission experiences with the church. Vinney Zapien talked about what an amazing experience it was. “They didn’t worry about time. They just worshipped!” he said. He encouraged anyone considering going on a mission trip to prepare ahead of time by studying the word of God and praying. “Get ready now,” he said, “because you will be more of a blessing when you go.” His wife Cindy said the most amazing part of her trip was seeing
the passion and commitment of the people of Belize. She said most of the people who came to church services walked. One grandmother walked with her five grandchildren to services. “Throughout our trip, we stepped outside of our comfort zone: singing, speaking, translating, whatever the need was,” she said. Erin Seah, daughter of one of our resident missionaries, Xenn Seah and his wife Barb, spoke of her determination to go to Belize and how it changed her life. “I have a determination in my heart that I can’t be the same,” she said. She also encouraged all the young people to go on a missions trip. “It will really show where your heart is in God, and your true self, and it will set your priorities straight.” Next Jeannette Aguilera testified. She spoke of how missions impacts a person. “It changes your perspective of life. It changes your heart. It changes your love toward people,” she said. She encouraged everyone to make themselves available to do the will of God. “Our main purpose is to reach souls, to work for His kingdom,” she said. “When you become available for God, sometimes that means reaching outside of your comfort zone. God is stretching you out. He wants to see that availability.” After Jeannette, Adrianne Chavez testified. She described what an emotional experience Belize was. “Every service just pulls at your heart,” she said. “It really does change you.” Youth Director Joshua Aguilera wrapped up the service by sharing the impact on his life. He spoke how the first night’s service “was like heaven opened up in that place.” He described how the spirit of God moved in such a supernatural way. He ended by reminding us all that everyone is called to the mission field. Nobody is called just to sit on a pew. “The church of America is called to go beyond,” he said. God is calling every single one of us to go. We are called for more.” He asked, “Are you still hungry for more of God, for Him to use you, for God to be the center of your life?”
Pictured on opposite page: Prayer service in Belize; NorCal Youth Impact Team on outreach in front of a UPC church; Jocelyn Powell prays for a young Belize child. This page top from left: church ladies prepare a delicious meal; the team ministers during a church service in Belize City; one of the three who were baptized in Jesus’ name. Middle row from left: a UPC Church; Josh Aguilera works the altar during one of the many powerful altar call services; Vinney Zapien prays for a church member at one of the services. Bottom row from left: NorCal Youth Impact Team Coordinator Jerry Powell poses with some children who received donated school supplies; the team had an adventure when they visited the Mayan ruins of Xunantunich; Jerry Powell poses with Dean DeAscentis, the new NorCal Youth Impact Team coordinator who will be heading up next year’s missions trip. Start saving and praying now...
More From Belize
NorCal Youth Impact Team arrives in Belize, eager to minister. Thirty-six members from seven different churches in Northern California led by Coordinator Jerry Powell outreached, sang, preached, prayed, and made themselves available to be used by God in this life-changing endeavor.
Isaiah Hernandez and the team leads in worship in Belize City in one of four services there.
This photo is of the UPC church in Santa Rosa, Belize, which was built with funds provided by Pastor Jon Mullings and his church in Bakersfield, CA. “It is a beautiful building,” says Jerry Powell. “In fact, all the churches were the most well constructed and attractive buildings in their villages.”
Jerry Powell with the pastor of the Santa Rosa church in Belize
Altar service in Belize City
A great staff of leaders (from left): Dean & Amy DeAscentis - Assistant Team Coordinator and Pastor in Lincoln, CA; Rich Jones & Tammy Jones - Section Eight Youth Director, Youth Pastors in Marysville, CA; Joshua Aguilera & Jeannette Aguilera – Youth Director at Revival Center in Modesto, CA; Cindy Zapien & Vinney Zapien, Modesto, CA, Dan & Esther Becerra - Hyphen Directors in Gustine, CA; Andrea Powell & Jerry Powell - NorCal Team Coordinator. Says Jerry Powell, “I couldn’t ask for a more dedicated team with whom to work. These couples are the very best, top notch mission’s minded, sold out to God and ready to do His will wherever that may lead!”
Suitcases filled with candy!!! What a treat! Josh Aguilera plays with children in Trio, Belize, before services in one of the Mayan villages in which they had a children’s crusade.
NorCal Youth Team members pose with children.
Cindy Zapien passes out donated books to the children.
WOW! Describes our organization’s new headquar-
ters at Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri, just west of St. Louis. Editors Leo and Virginia Aguilera visited during a vacation road trip that covered 17 states. The building (above, left) was sleek in design with a beautiful lobby (above, right) that welcomes visitors, along with friendly receptionist Hilde Macias (with Sister Aguilera). Brother Kyle Loyd (right, with Brother Aguilera), who works in the Youth Division as administrative assistant to the General Youth President, was tour guide and quite knowledgeable with the building facilities. The editors were pleased to see our Bishop’s photo (left) permanently hanging on the wall of past leaders of our organization. Below, left is a photo of the chapel where the staff gathers monthly and have a devotional service with General Superintendant, Dr. David Bernard and Sister Bernard. Below, right, is a photo of the state-of-the-art studio which is the center of our organization’s media recordings of programs and production projects.
Awesome Team Leaders! help run and facilitate the business of our organization. The editors were honored to be photographed with individuals who have dedicated their lives to “carry the whole gospel to the whole world by the whole church!” Clockwise, Brother Steve Cannon heads the Children’s Ministries, Brother Aguilera poses with General Youth President Joshua Carson, Brother Bruce Howell, Global Missions Director, poses with his admirable elephant sculptures. Director of Stewardship Steve Drury leads the division that provides resources in loan funds, the United Pentecostal Foundation, and affordable insurance programs for ministers, churches, and church facilities. His dvision is also in charge of investments. Assisting him in the insurance division is Sister Sharon Davis, posing with Sister Aguilera. Brother Jonathan McClintock works in the Division of Publications. Brother Tim Cummings is office manager of a very hard working staff. Left photo is Communications Director David Johnson who gave the green light for this report. Thank you Brother Johnson! Other dignitaries and staff we met were Brother Thomas Harding, Brother Scott Armstrong, Brother Randy Adams, Brother Michael Thomas, Brother Steven Roy, Brother P.D. Buford, Brother Everett Gossard, Brother Bryan Abernathy, and Sisters Tamra, Cindy, Seneatha, and Corinne in the Youth Division.
The interior décor for each of the departments in the building is well conceived as exemplified by the impressive entrance to the Global Missions Division in the above photo. Top right, is the welcoming patio outside the lunch room with a beautiful view of the surrounding hills. The photo at right is the shipping and receiving area. The editors encourage all members of our fellowship to put it on your bucket list to see where the hub of the United Pentecostal Church International tends to our heavenly Father’s Business.
ur church was blessed in July to have the faith-preaching ministry of Brother Charles Robinette. It was hard not to rush to the altar in the middle of his preaching as he shared miraculous healings and said, “God is going to fill everyone with the baptism of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues just like the Bible says!” He starts strong and never relents as he stokes faith with each word. Forty-two people were filled with the Holy Ghost, along with baptisms and healings. To God be the glory! More photos on page 16.
The Gums’ Present An
ow! From the moment child evangelists Daniel and Marilyn Gums stepped to the front of the church, there was an excitement in the air. This team knows how to reach children! From their crazy red shoes to their amazing gestured songs, they had our children mesmerized, all the while interweaving Christ’s sacrifice on the
Church Memorial Day Picnic is a Hit!
evival Center loves fellowshipping at our annual Memorial Day church picnic at Beyer Park in Modesto. At noon, members gather in the pavillion to honor our veterans (top left) and to enjoy a mouth-watering lunch of BBQ chicken supplied by the church and potluck dishes. At top right, Elder Rick Keyes prays for the food with MC Jeremiah Williams who organized the picnic event and the games. Thank you, Jeremiah and wife Sister Nancy! (middle left) Our team of ladies prepare to serve and (middle right) our valiant team of men brave the heat to serve up the world’s best BBQ chicken. (Bottom left) Our ladies fellowship and watch the players on the baseball field behind them.
Energetic Children’s Crusade
cross for their sins, David’s victory over Goliath, and teaching them how to pray to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost - and it paid off! The children filled the altars, hungry to receive this precious gift, and 16 did! What an amazing service! I know I’ll never forget Pastor Johnson (right) portraying a growling giant!
More Recent Events More of the ROBINETTE HOLY GHOST CRUSADE...
faith BuiLDer. If you come to a revival service with Brother
Charles Robinette without the Holy Ghost, chances are that you will leave speaking in tongues. “It Will Happen to You” was the title and focus of his sermons, and believe you me, once you’ve heard him preach, you will believe! Brother Robinette has a special way of building one’s faith until doubt is powerless. We can’t wait until you visit us again at Revival Center!
Special Visit from the Andersons, Missionaries to Brazil
Aaron and Tiffany Anderson, missionaries to Sâo Paulo, Brazil, since September 2016, recently ministered at our church. They shared their burden for the country of Brazil, and he encouraged us with his sermon titled, “And Samuel Grew before the Lord.” He said that although Samuel grew up during a very wicked and corrupt time, he became a great prophet in Israel. We, too, may rise above our past circumstances and live victoriously for Christ.
Baby Dedication
Mother’s Day
Bilingual Service
A Happy Mother’s Day to our beautiful pastor’s wife, Sister Kim Johnson, and to our equally lovely Bishop’s wife, Sister Sharon Keyes.
Pastor Luis Hernandez, who pastors a thriving Spanish-speaking congregation in San Francisco, preached our Bilingual Service. His passionate sermon, “We Are Not of Them,” brought the congregation to their feet.
Buff + Wives
School Send-off Service
Recently our Life Groups on a Sunday met to fellowship. Above our BUFF men, along with their wives enjoyed delicious hamburgers at Fuddruckers.
Friends We Met From Brazil
Prior to the start of the new school year, Revival Center had a special covering service for our students, teachers, staff, and administrators. Pastor Johnson admonished the students to live for God, despite the worldly influences around them. Please remember to keep in prayer all who attend and work in our schools. On our recent road trip this summer, we parked briefly at a rest stop in Arkansas and noticed a family who appeared to be Apostolics. We introduced ourselves and were excited to hear that yes, they were Pentecostals visiting from Brazil. Pictured left is Ivete Santos and her daughter Anelise Vargas. They are from a missions-focused church that outreaches all across the world. SUMMER NEWSVINE 2018
Brother Uday Narayan has been our resident missionary to the Fiji Islands and India for nearly four decades. His wife and family have shared his burden through the years and have also accompanied him many times, preaching and witnessing the true gospel over the vast harvest fields of Indian souls. Now the Lord has provided a couple who share this same burden. Brother Ravind and Sister Suman Narayan (no relation), spiritual fruits of Brother Uday Narayan’s numerous crusades in Fiji, have answered the call to join him as our church’s resident missionaries to the same harvest fields so beloved by Elder Narayan. Our church and pastor fully support and celebrate their appointment to continue evangelistic outreaches in the years ahead. Elder Narayan will continue journeying to India and Fiji as his health permits, but he is overjoyed to pass the mantle to this younger couple who are honored and deeply humbled to succeed him. Ravind and Suman have already been to India earlier this year, sharing the gospel. At press time, Ravind was about to embark again. Praise the Lord! The following begins a two-part series of the testimonies of faith of Ravind and Suman Narayan. We begin with Sister Suman and how the Lord called her to be His willing vessel when it seemed all odds were against her. Her story is one of victories and triumph making her the spiritual saint she is today. Read and be inspired!
uman was born in Fiji on the island of Viti Levu. She and her three sisters and one younger brother grew up in the rural outskirts near the city of Nausori. Her parents, Kamlesh and Jai Lata, were very devoted Hindus. Suman grew up in the 1970’s and 80’s on a ranch surrounded by rice fields in a wooden house with a corrugated metal roof and dirt floors. They had no air conditioning and slept on the floor. They lived together in their eight-room house with her father’s three brothers, their wives, and their children, approximately 18 people in 18
all. “We all pulled together,” said Suman. If the harvest was good, they had enough, but if it rained and they had no rice harvest, it was very difficult. They did not worry about snakes because the mongooses ate them, but mosquitoes--they were always a problem, along with typhoid and dysentery. They got their water from a well which never ran dry. At night, when it was dark and private, they would bathe next to the well. Since they didn’t have a car, they had limited entertainment. Suman and her sisters cooked and sewed, and she loved spending what free time she had reading. Her father was a carpenter, and her mother worked in a garment factory. Her parents were very strict. She wore only dresses, Her father forbade her and her sisters to wear pants or to cut their hair. Her grandmother cautioned her and her sisters not to marry a city boy, or they would be locked up in a house. Because her parents and grandparents were devout Hindus, she remembers an uncountable number of idols and pictures around their home to which they faithfully prayed. Her favorite was Saraswati, the god of education, as she wanted to pass her exams and do well in school. Her dream was to find a career that would help her and her family. Fiji, at the time, was under the English education system. They had major exams at the end of elementary and high school which must be passed in order to advance to the next level. She loved studying Shakespeare, and her favorite teacher was her English literature teacher. She walked two miles to school every day barefoot as it rained so much the muddy roads made walking in shoes impossible. She studied hard, got good grades, and passed her exams, but was unable to attend college as their family could not afford the cost. Life was difficult for Suman growing up because her father was an alcoholic. She remembers that he would always come home loud and drunk and would argue and grow violent with her mother and sometimes his own mother. He never gave them any emotional support. They tried everything, but to no avail. Suman was very close to her grandmother and loved her very much. Her grandmother was a great comfort to her when her father would come home drunk. When Suman was 17, she put aside her dream of going to college and went to work to help support the family. She got a job working at the same garment factory as her mother. Suman got paid 50 cents an hour; her mother 75 cents. Her mother would also wash clothes at all of the homes of the wealthy people in their area. She would
wash the clothes by hand using a washboard. She would do the wash for three or four families earning $20. Life was hard, and then to add to their struggles, Suman’s sister became very ill. She began walking around the house doing everything with her eyes completely closed. Suman became convinced her sister was possessed by a devil! Desperate, the family called in a witch doctor. But even then, Suman could see they were fabricating their incantations, then charging the family exorbitant fees, with no success, In fact, her sister became worse.! BLESSED HOPE! One day as Suman’s mother, Jai, was walking home from a tiresome day at work, she met Sister Uthura Narayan, the wife of Bhoop Narayan, the pastor of the local United Pentecostal Church founded by Brother Uday Narayan on one of his crusades sponsored by Revival Center in Modesto. They started talking. Sister Narayan asked, “Why do you work so hard?” Jai explained that her husband Kamlesh was an alcoholic and very sick. To make matters worse, her daughter was very ill as well, and they had called the witch doctor to come to their house. Witch doctors were very expensive, she told her, charging them hundreds of dollars. If you did not pay, they would take things from your house for payment. They acted like they were gods, and you had to wash their feet when they came to your home. Sister Narayan said, “You don’t have to spend any
money. Jesus can heal your daughter for free!” Jai came home and told her husband what Sister Narayan had said. Kamlesh became very angry. “We cannot leave our religion for sickness,” he exclaimed. “I will die rather than trade religions!” But Jai put her foot down and said she had accepted Sister Narayan’s invitation to go to this Christian Pentecostal church. Kamlesh saw his wife was resolute and surprisingly gave in with conditions. He would allow Suman and her sisters to go to church, but he would not permit Jai and Suman’s little brother to go. The following Sunday, the sisters went to church. Suman remembers vividly what Pastor Bhoop Narayan preached: “You Will Not See Your Enemy Again!” Suman and her sisters felt healing during that service. Her sister who had been demon possessed, suddenly opened her eyes and was delivered! When she returned home, the whole family were astonished. The following week Suman received the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues. Eventually, Kamlesh allowed Jai to join their daughters. Soon afterwards Suman and her sisters were baptized. During that same service her mother received the Holy Ghost. When Suman, her mother, and sisters came home, her mom was ecstatic and glorifying God. Suman’s dad and her grandmother became very angry, but they did not let their attitudes stop them from sharing their new experience. “We kept praying,” said Suman, “and our house felt very clean.” This all happened the end of September in 1987. “We were on fire for Jesus, “ said Suman. “We wanted to tell everyone. I never thought that anything like this could happen to me.” PERSEVERANCE Unfortunately, not everyone in among their neighbors and acquaintances wanted to hear about their new experience. “People started making fun of us,” remembers Suman. But Suman and her family were determined to live for God. They sang in the choir and went to church every time the doors were open. ”All we wanted was to go to church and learn about the truth,” she said. There were no excuses to miss church. “If you have a headache,” Suman’s mother would say, “you can take a Tylenol.” CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE SUMMER NEWSVINE 2018
The Newsvine
United Pentecostal Church of Modesto 825 7th street Modesto, CA 95354
About a month later, Suman came home from school and was surprised to see her father sitting on the porch with his hair, which was usually kept long, cut short and well groomed. His disposition was remarkably changed. He was calm and happy. When she quizzed him, her father explained that he had gone to Brother Bhoop Narayan’s house and had been given a Bible study. Brother Narayan told him that if Jesus would come that night all of his family would go, and he would be left alone. Suman’s dad got scared, and asked to be baptized in Jesus’ name. He also repented of his sins and felt an incredible change deep in his soul. He was baptized that Thursday night and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost during a crusade that same weekend. Wholeheartedly converted, he took all of the idols from their home. Ten days later, at the age of only 44 years old, he passed away, but his countenance showed he was assured that he had attained eternal life with his saviour Christ Jesus! During this time of mourning, Suman noticed that the pastor’s son was very comforting and caring to her. His name was Ravind Narayan. He would tell her not to worry. Suman’s mother noticed his attention and cautioned her daughter. “Keep away from him. What would people
say?” she scolded. Her mother reminded her that any type of casual relationship between a boy and a girl was forbidden under the rules and traditions of their society. Suman admits that she did not think of boys. Courtship and marriage were handled by parents and grandparents, so young girls in Fiji at that time did not converse with boys outside their family and relatives. BUT Ravind definitely was interested in Suman and told one of the ladies in the church. That Christmas Eve when the church family had gathered at the Narayan’s home for dinner, this woman came up to Suman and told her of Ravind’s desire to be her friend. “He is interested in you,” she said, “and you might want to start talking to him.” Suman obediently said she must speak to her mother first. “I asked my mom,” said Suman, “and without hesitation she said ‘NO!’ ” Suman was reminded that in their culture courtships and marriages were arranged by the parents, and it was not considered proper for young people of opposite genders to spend time together without their parent’s permission. That was enough for Suman. BUT..... Ravind’s interest was not easily dissuaded.