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Charlene Wilson
Lindsay Castro
Leo & Virginia Aguilera
Leo Aguilera, Gabriel Chavoya & Creative Team
Joshua Aguilera, Autumn Amador, Alexis Diaz, Jocelyn Powell
Carol Castillo
Alexis Diaz
Virginia Aguilera
Norbert Feliciano
Dana Le’Blanc
Uday Narayan
B.U.F.F.(MEN 50+)
Looking back at 2022 , the year to "RESET!"
Eachyear The Newsvine has reported our church's great events, jubilant celebrations, incredible triumphs, and glorious testimonies of faith. 2022 lived up to its theme, "RESET!" All assessments of past accomplishments our pastor pointed out must be evaluated with a different perspective; we as a congregation must preserve our stamina and energy to succeed but adjust our priorities. We must take on a broader dimension to grasp what the will of our God is for us. Our pastor was right on target and timely with this theme when we all emerged after two years of lock downs and preventive measures because of the pandemic.
Jerry Powell
Jonathan Quinones
Jeremiah Williams
Charlene Wilson
Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah
Sujay Diaz, Mary Aguirre
Charles & Joyce Bispo
Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre
Nancy Holston, Tim Montes
Dana Le'Blanc
MaKayla Johnson
Jonathan Quinones
Jeremiah Williams
Alex Diaz
Herb Jenkins
Chris & Lindsay Castro
Tim & Jeriann Montes
Antonio Gutierrez
Joyce Jones
Sujay Diaz
To be appointed
SUNDAY - 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
MONDAY - 7:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY - 7:00 p.m.
THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m.
FRIDAY - 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY - 10:00 a.m.
Spanish/Service - Youth Chapel
Pre-service Prayer
Morning Service - Sanctuary, KREW
Growth Track - Youth Chapel
All-Church Prayer
Mid-Week Service, KREW
Spanish Service
Revive Yth (Youth Service)
Saturday Morning Outreach
THE NEWSVINE is published quarterly (first week of January, April, July, October) by Revival Church, 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to The Newsvine are subject to pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.
In the past twelve months, this pursuit of adjusting and resetting our efforts created a great outpouring of the spirit in each service. Never was the preaching more effective; never was the music more dynamic; never were the testimonies more victorious! These wonderful moments became the memories of a year like no other.
In this biggest issue yet, see through the camera's eye what unfolded in 2022; a fulfillment of a theme that will live on into 2023. Our pastor, no doubt, will challenge us in the next few services to see why we had to reset to measure up to what is coming this new year. Great expectations lie ahead for all of us at Revival Church. Get ready! Be prepared! Maranatha, the Lord cometh!
EDITORS, Leo & Virginia Aguilera“Every page an altar to His works!”
"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you."
II Corinthians 13:11 (NIV)The past two years have been one of the most oppressive ordeals the modern church has suffered. The pandemic seriously harmed and created impediments that curtailed many congregations across the fellowship, and in our local congregation, the loss of precious saints, illness, the falling away of several members, and the secular restrictions placed on outreach saw a decrease in attendance. But Bishop Keyes once preached to us in times like these that there is hope: "I believe people who have been stripped spiritually, who feel wounded and hurt, before this year is over will experience restoration!"
Let us all remember when we first received salvation, how excited we were as a new convert, how we were filled with zeal and boldness, and how much we wanted to share with others our glorious experience. God can restore to us that same joy. As Bishop Keyes promised in that sermon: "When the church is attacked and stripped, God will not leave it there. He will restore to it His blessing because He is the God of restoration!" With such blessed assurance, our joy can be overwhelming, and each service we attend will foster that joy with great moments and miracles of faith. From "glory to glory" we will witness His powerful acts of restoration that will exceed our expectations.
Pastor Johnson has wisely declared the first twenty-one days of 2023 a time of prayer and fasting for all members of our local congregation. There is no better way to seek God's direction. Such a concerted effort is tantamount to the great revivals told in the Bible. In II Chronicles 30 (TLB) we read of Hezekiah's letter he wrote and sent out to his kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom of Israel to return to God's holy temple and celebrate the passover which hadn't been done since the days of Solomon and David. Some in the northern kingdom of Israel laughed him to scorn, but others obeyed, and in Judah "the entire nation felt a strong, God-given desire to obey the Lord's direction as commanded by the king and his officers." The people who came to the house of God celebrated with great joy. Idols were destroyed, sacrifices were made, and the people confessed their sins. God took note and verse
27 says: "Then the priests and the Levites stood and blessed the people, and the Lord heard their prayers from His holy temple in heaven."
Our pastor and his ministerial staff are calling us to come to the house of God with great joy and renew our commitment to our Savior Jesus Christ with repentance and worship. The season of prayer and fasting will begin the process of restoration, and each of us will discover Christ has not abandoned us nor will allow suffering to be the last word of our lives.
Our pastor guided us to reset ourselves this past year. You should be ready to check your Christian walk by making sure you have restored the absolute essentials to ensure your salvation.:
1. Attend church, in person, faithfully, AND worship!
2. Recognize the authority of a pastor in your life.
3. Pay your tithes and offerings.
4. Share the gospel with others for their salvation.
5. Pray and fast. (Pray in the Spirit!)
6. Study and memorize scripture.
7. Live in peace and harmony with all around you.
8. And above all obey the Great Commandments spoken by Jesus: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind....and the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:36-40)
Now that we have reset from the famine of the pandemic, now that we are working to restore the essentials to our Christian duties, our pastor was anointed to preach on January 1, 2023, during our First Service of the Year the theme for the incoming year: "The Lord of the Increase!" The sermon was focused on taking God's word literally and showing respect for the five-fold ministry, particularly the anointed word from the pastor and the evangelist. To listen and obey is vital from preventing us to wander like wind-tossed tumble weeds. We need to stay planted firmly in one church - to thrive, and serve in one location - for then God will give us increase in all aspects of our Christian walk. Our restorative actions will be rewarded with an increase of His wonders! Do the essentials and He'll increase the miraculous!
Table of Contents
The Year in Pictures (Jan. - Sept.)
KREW Missions Fair
Missions Conference - Friday Night
Missions Luncheon
We Love Our Missionary Children!
Missions Conference - Saturday Night
Missions Conference - Sunday Morning
Missionary Families
Wisdom Begins With a Word - Carol Castillo
Community Outreach - Trunk or Treat
Testimony of Faith - Jackie Walls
What Does the Bible Say about Baptism?
Guest Preacher - Floyd Lozada
Servicio Español
Ministry Focus - Growth Track
Life Groups
COVER STORY: City Councilman Jeremiah Williams
Guest Preacher - Drew Galloway
KREW Christmas Party
Volunteer of the Month - Kellee Hopper
Midweek on Ice
Christmas Concert
Midweek Ugly Christmas Sweater Fellowship
Christmas Morning Candlelight Service
First Sunday of the Year
The Year in Pictures "Reset" 2022
January EvEnts
First sunday oF the year
It’s tIme to Reset!
January began with an amazing First Sunday of the Year service. The ensemble led us into a time of worship, Pastor Johnson preached on “Reset,” this year’s theme, and we celebrated the Lord’s Supper. We were visited by two gifted men of God, Floyd Lozada, pastor of West Valley Revival Center in Gustine, California, and Elias Limones, senior pastor of The Pentecostals of the Bay Area. Hard-working Joshua Williams was honored by Pastor
Johnson as January’s Volunteer of the Month. Our Hyphens (young adults) attended the Western District Hyphen Conference and had fun in the snow at their RC Hyphen Winter Retreat. Our Revive Yth (junior and senior high students) began leading worship one Wednesday night a month.
After two years of the pandemic and the present political unrest in our country, we are even more determined to reset and refocus on God’s kingdom. Let His will be done in 2023!
Revive Yth Sings
Revival Continues into February
Wewere blessed by the preaching of two more men of God in February, Adrian Hood (top left) of Landmark Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church in Denver, Colorado, and Evangelist James Wilson (top right). Our First Lady, Kim Johnson, celebrated her birthday this month (pictured on left with her daughters, MaKayla and Mehgan). We honored our February Volunteer of the Month, Ashley Valencia, and feted all of our church volunteers to thank them for their countless hours of service.
March EvEnts
It Was a Busy March!
March was a very busy month at Revival Church.
Gabi Reyes, a licensed Family and Marriage Counselor, spoke on mental health. Nelson Rivera, senior pastor of Upper Room Church in Imperial Beach, and Samuel Emory, senior pastor of Apostolic Tabernacle in Merced, ministered. Pastor Johnson had the opportunity to minister in Spain, seen here preaching with Missionary Nathan Harrod. We had two Bible quizzing teams excel with our beginners team of Naomi Salazar and Logan D’Aquino qualifying to compete in
Nationals and our experienced team placing 4th at the Western Bible Quiz Extravaganza in Oregon. We celebrated Heritage Sunday with our seniors singing some of our favorite old-time gospel songs, and were treated by the gifted Hursts from Hollister, accompanied by Robert Eades from Texas. Our Life Groups kicked off another semester, and we honored Jocelyn Powell as our March Volunteer of the Month. Yes, March was a busy month, and with only a quarter of the year behind us, we were just getting started.
What an apRIl!
April brought us a tremendous weekend session on mental health with David and Julie Martinez, who pastor Vida Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. We were also blessed by Bishop Keyes who still has the fire. Pastor Johnson became another year older this month. Happy Birthday, Pastor! A need for an organized response to medical emergencies in our church was noted and filled, led by Alyssa Suarez. We are thankful to have so many trained emergency responders in our church. At the end of the month,
Pastor Johnson announced this month’s Volunteer of the Month, Sujey Diaz. She heads our Bible Quizzing, helps to oversee KREW, and much more! We are so thankful for everything the Lord is doing at Revival Church!
May EvEnts
maRvelous may!
May was filled with lots of special events. One of those events was our Baby Dedication when proud parents and grandparents bring their children to dedicate them to the Lord. It is both a solemn and joyous time. In May, we were also blessed by the preaching of Evangelist Landon Gore who preached, “Beggars Can Be Choosers.” Another special occasion was Mother’s Day. Pictured to the right are Ashley Quinones, wife of Administrative Pastor Jon Quinones, and their adorable children. This month, the church also recognized Brianna Fletcher, as our May Volunteer of the Month. In spite of the challenges of being a new mother, Brianna is dedicated to fulfilling her role as a sound technician for our church services. Our last big event of May is always our Memorial Day Church Picnic. Pictured below preparing a mouth-watering meal, is Sylvia George. The church each year gathers together for a potluck meal, sports, and a time to honor our veterans. Thank you. John and Amy Rodriguez for organizing this year’s festivities.
JunE EvEnts
Senior Camp
Joyous June!
June brings summer camps, graduations, and Father’s Day. The photo of Taryn Chavez represents just one of our many high school and university graduates. Youth Pastor Josh Aguilera poses with our campers who had a great time at this year’s Western District Senior Camp. Dedicated and faithful, Mark Fletcher was recognized as June’s Volunteer of the Month. Also in June, we were blessed by the ministry of Paul Pamer, pastor of Apostolic Church in Barberton, Ohio. Our fathers were honored at our annual Father’s Day Service. The church also celebrated Pentecost Sunday in June with a special choir. A highlight of this month was the announcement of two of our Bible quizzing teams qualifying for Nationals! Congratulations to quizzers, Naomi, Logan, Jazzlyn, Lauren, and Addy and to their coaches. What an exciting month!
July EvEnts
august EvEnts
Evangelist Greg Godwin
Whatan unforgettable service we had with Evangelist Greg Godwin! He preached about the urgency of making oneself ready to meet the Lord in dwindling last days. Both the altar and the baptistry were filled with people of all ages. The church particularly rejoiced with the Jones family who had been praying more than 20 years for Willie, their husband and father. God is still reaching, “...not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”
2 Peter 3:9 (KJV).
Wewere delighted to have Raymond Woodward, the teaching pastor at Capital Community Church in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, back with us to preach this month. His message focused on Shammah, one of David’s three mighty men. Tired of the enemy stealing their crops, Shammah stood his ground in a field of lentils. Brother Woodward, said we need to do the same. We need to square our shoulders and fight against the enemy of our soul. He said, “If you stand up to the enemy, God will stand up with you!”
Give God 12 Bible Study
Many of our ladies participated in a weekly bible study at the church developed by Kim Haney. Pictured above, Joyce Jones oversees a lesson.
sEptEMbEr EvEnts
Happy Birthday, Pastor Jon!
KREW Missions Fair
Our first event for missions giving is our annual KREW Missions Fair headed by Sujey Diaz. Tables were set up and manned by volunteers, many of whom dressed up as well to represent their country. Some of the nations represented were: Mexico, the Fiji Islands, Costa Rica, Italy, and Israel. Our KREW kids, using “passports,” enjoyed learning about each country—and tasting each table’s treats. There was an emphasis that we can all be missionaries: at school, at work, EVERYWHERE! Thank you, Sister Diaz, for organizing such a wonderful event for our children...and adults, and for reminding us that we all can “Shine for Jesus!”
Missions ConferenCe 2022
The Conference Begins...
Afterpraying and fasting and many hours of preparation, the church was ready and eager for the first night of Stewardship Missions Conference. Worship began with the choir singing “We Need the Rain,” and the Holy Ghost did indeed rain down!
Our first three North American missionaries introduced themselves, and it was clear that these men were passionate about their calling. “We believe that God is going to do great things in the Bay Area!” exclaimed Pastor Nathanael Pritt who, two and a half years ago, started a church in San Leandro, California, with his wife, Brooke. Our next missionary was Jason Stotler, who pastors a church in Morgan Hill with his wife, Sabrina, who related their launch service. His wife on the way to the service, was in a car accident which totaled their van. When she arrived to the church service shaken and in tears, she told her husband, “Let’s go to the front and worship.” When they did, the Spirit fell, and two people received the Holy Ghost. “God is moving in Morgan Hill!” he exclaimed. Our final missionary was Jacob Tapia who, with his wife Christina, pastors in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. He said, “We are pioneering a work, and God is opening the doors.” Pastor Johnson asked the church to pray for these men saying, “We want their churches to explode with Apostolic revival!”
Our speaker for the night was Victor Jackson who pastors Bible Center of Orlando, Florida. He preached on “The Glory of Genesis,” using Genesis 1:1,2 as his text. He explained when these words were penned, it was a radical statement to say that there was only one God, and that He was invisible. He went on to say that God sends in chaos when He is about to do something new. Chaos beings you back to your first love. He went on to say that when God is ready to move you to another level, you will feel emptiness. “Emptiness promotes faith in your heart.” The third point he made using this text is that if you are in darkness, you are in transition to a new day which will bring mercy, power, and glory. “If you avoid night,” he said, you avoid opportunities to grow in God.” In darkness, you are under the shadow of the Almighty. Lean on God, he said, and you will come out of it.
Friday Night MissioNs
saturday MissioNary LuNcheoN
Saturday morning the Johnsons traditionally open up their home to host a luncheon for our visiting missionaries, special speakers, and a small group of invited guests. It opens with a time of prayer and worship, followed by a catered luncheon and time of fellowship.
Thank you to all who set up, served, baked, and decorated. A special thank you to Blooms for the lovely flower arrangements, and to Donna Whorton who once again dazzled us with her scrumptious cakes!
We Love our MissioNary Kids!
Whenit comes to our missionary children, we LOVE to spoil them! On Saturday, they were treated to an afternoon of pizza and lots of fun at John’s Incredible Pizza while their parents enjoyed the missionary luncheon. As you can see from these pictures, there were many smiles and much excitement, whether it was shooting baskets, or riding the Merry-Go-Round. God bless these children as they share in the ministry of their parents.
Along-time tradition in our church is the Sunday morning cash rain for our missionary children. After Pastor Johnson introduced our missionary children, he explained that the church would come forward and put an offering for them in a collection basket. This money, he said, was strictly for the children to spend however they wanted. Pastor Johnson reassured the children that all the money would be gathered, and they would all get an equal share of the offering. As people began to come forward, suddenly dollar bills began floating down from the ceiling! What an exciting time as the children raced to pick up as many bills as they could hold in their hands.
saturday Night MissioNs
Saturday night the church was packed. This is a service where many of the Spanish-speaking churches in the North Bay, as well as visitors from other congregations, join us. The choir began the service with a time of enthusiastic, bilingual worship, beginning with the song, “Nadie Como Tu.” We then heard from three of our global missionaries, beginning with Michael McBride, who will be ministering in Moldova. He and his family will be the first UPCI missionaries appointed solely to this former Soviet Union country. Although there is a fierce war just across the border in Ukraine,
Brother McBride said, “We are not afraid because God has called us.” The next missionary we heard from was Ryan Paul who is assigned to Spain. “We believe that Spain is going to be pivotal for revival in Europe,” he said. “I believe Europe is ripe for revival; for Apostolics to take authority over every stronghold.” Our final missionary to speak that night was Joshua Tingley who will be ministering in Haiti, a country that was ravaged in 2010 by an earthquake that killed approximately 220,000 people. “God is reaching for the nation of Haiti,” he said. I believe the gospel of Jesus Christ
can do what the nations of the world have not been able to do. There’s still hope!” Our speaker for the night was Aaron Bounds, pastor of The Anchor Church in Zanesville, Ohio. He spoke on “The King’s Treasure House.” Using Exodus 10:21,22, he spoke of the darkness God sent over the land of Egypt, relating it to the feeling of darkness many people feel today. He reminded the congregation that they are children of the light. “Come out of that darkness, out of that confusion, fear, and oppression.” He said we are in the world, but not of the world. He cautioned us to be careful that we do not allow the
spirit of the world to influence us. “Why are we entertaining ourselves with things we cannot partake of?” he asked. “You have no authority over anything you entertain.” He went on to say, “There is a call to consecration. We all need to repent of being distracted by things that don’t matter.” Even before Brother Bounds finished his sermon, cries of repentance went up as the altar filled. May God help us all, not to be distracted by the influences of the world, but to be focused on Jesus Christ and the work of His kingdom.
suNday MorNiNg MissioNs
Sunday’s Mission Conference service is always much-anticipated. In addition to hearing from our remaining missionaries, we get to hear the heart-felt burdens of some of the missionary wives, who have left behind their family and friends and the comforts of home to accept Christ’s Great Commission.
Before we heard from these precious sisters, we heard from the remaining missionaries. First up was Mike Sarna, who is ministering in Costa Rica. He said, “In Costa Rica, the Lord has called the young people to be the ones who go and get the lost treasure in the field.” He said he felt the same calling for this church and our young people. Next up was Todd Dugal who, with his wife Carla, are starting a work in Macomb, Illinois. He spoke of how their community is multicultural, and their church is connecting with people of different ethnicities. “God is expanding our reach,” he said. We then heard from Johnathan Nazarian who pastors a new work in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife Erin. Their vision is to build a multicultural, multi-generational church. “There is a great awakening in Nashville,” he said. “There is a great awakening in our nation and our world.”
It is tradition on the last day of our conference to hear from a few of our missionary wives. This year, we were blessed to have Lalaina Tingley and Keirstin Paul speak. Sister Tingley revealed to us that before the Lord found her at age 16, she was an addict. She ended up homeless, but determined to life for God. “I did whatever I could,” she said, “because I wanted to live for God.” When they met with the Global Missions board to be appointed as missionaries to Haiti, one member told them, “Unprecedented sacrifice brings unprecedented revival.” We then heard from Sister Paul who has been appointed with her husband Ryan to Spain. She shared her burden for the lost, stressing that people are dying lost because the laborers are few. “We are never enough,” she said, “but He is enough.”
Pastor Aaron Bounds was the final speaker for the conference. He used the story of Esther to convey to the church that it does not matter where you come from, God has a plan for your life. Just as Esther was appointed for such a time to save her people from destruction, God has appointed us for a time such as this. There is a great awakening in North America, and millions will receive the Holy Ghost. We cannot bow to cultural norms. “Right now, you can make a difference,” he said. “Enough is enough!”
After hearing from our missionaries and our special speakers, and after praying and fasting and seeking God’s will, the church was ready to give. As people brought up their sacrificial offering and pledges, the sanctuary was filled with sounds of prayer and worship. May God bless and multiply what is given for His kingdom and His glory, and may He mightily use these missionaries to win countless souls for His kingdom. Maranatha!
MissioNary Prayer List
Please keep all of our missionary families in your prayers as they endeavor to do all God has placed in their hearts for the cities and countries to which they have been called and appointed.
Wisdom Begins with a Word
by Carol CastilloBroken Walls
Ordinarily a wall symbolizes strength and protection. In ancient cities the only real means of defense were the walls…the thicker they were and the higher they rose, the safer the inhabitants felt. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, built an eleven-mile defensive wall outside the city, wide enough on top for chariots driven by four horses to pass each other.
In recent times one of the most famous landmarks in the world was the Berlin wall, dividing the city in two after World War II and acting as a physical barrier to freedom.
But not all walls are physical.
People construct inner walls to keep others from seeing their vulnerabilities and keep themselves safe from exposure. These walls can divide and separate us from ourselves, other people and God. Over time they prevent us from experiencing authenticity in close, loving relationships.
Distorted images about God can keep even Christians barricaded behind walls. If we believe He is an angry, punitive God, waiting to trip us up at the slightest error, we will fear His touch. To obtain all the beautiful aspects of trusting vulnerability and emotional safety that God wants for you as His child, those walls must crumble and fall.
God uses adversity to break down our walls -
God often uses adversity to get our attention. When we are flooded by storms and crushed
by adversity, our life feels like it has fallen apart. During those times we are more apt to turn our eyes to the Lord.
The Psalmist describes it this way: “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me.” Psalm 42:7 NKJV
Another translation states “…at the noise of your waterspouts.” These spouts are frequent on the coast of Syria; they are like a tornado occurring over water and resulting in a funnel-shaped whirling column of water and air. No doubt the Psalmist had seen them and the ravages they made, destroying anything in their watery path.
Every Christian reaches a crisis point at one time or another in life. And in that moment, when the
walls seem to be caving in and the roof appears to be collapsing, when wave after wave of trouble rolls over us, the words of this Psalm take on a whole new meaning.
“Awake! Why do You sleep, O Lord?
Arise! Do not cast us off forever. Why do You hide Your face, And forget our affliction and our oppression?”
Psalm 44:23-24 NKJV
Have you ever felt bewildered that God was taking no action…perhaps was asleep, not paying attention, deaf to your crisis and immediate needs? We know that God has no human qualities, “neither slumbers nor sleeps,” and “his ears are open” unto our prayers. Yet crushing circumstances can cause us to lose sight of Him when our eyes only see ruins crashing around us.
Know that God has not forgotten you. In fact He lovingly uses those crushing circumstances to break down our walls, gently expose our wounds and allow us to admit our need for inner healing. We're protective of our bruised areas and don't want to let anyone near them, even God. The restoration and wholeness that God wants for your life can sometimes only happen under crushing conditions.
God uses our faith and praise to break down walls -
“Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in.” Joshua 6:1 NKJV
Ancient Jericho was the first walled city in history, a stronghold. According to Joshua 6:1–27, the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched
around the city walls once a day for six days, seven times on the seventh day, and then blew their trumpets. “By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days.” Hebrews 11:30 NKJV
Like Jericho, the walls in our life cannot fall by our own strength. Our power to destroy them comes through obeying and praising God. The walls come down when the praise goes up!
"Without faith it is impossible to please Him." (Hebrews 11:6)
Faith is not denial or repression. Nor is it pretense. Faith does not mean pretending to be fine, pasting on a smile, and putting on the window dressing of a happy life.
Nowhere does the Bible say that faith is stoic, tight-lipped refusal to acknowledge pain and express heartbreak. Jesus deeply felt the agony of his suffering. He wept violently in Gethsemane. He cried out on the cross. He asked God the hard question, “Why have You forsaken me?”
His brokenness accomplished a divine purpose and formed a beauty that God delights in. Brokenness can be beautiful in your life. When we let God inside, when we openly admit and expose our true selves to God, our brokenness can be healed.
It takes
faith to let God in when we are hurting.
We must believe that His intentions are good and righteous, that He can be trusted with our fragile emotions, and that He will love us in our unlovable brokenness. And we must praise Him during
the process, and trust Him with the outcome.
God is our only true refuge -
God came in the form of man to reconcile our hurts. He loves us in every hidden area. Our own defenses must crumble away. Our only true refuge is God himself. He is our defense, our strong tower. Our only safety is in Him, not in walls made from our own construction.
I want to encourage you to let God "go there." Let Him take you back to the places in your life where you've been wounded. He will give you insights and fresh understanding of the event or situation.
God wants to heal you. He wants to restore and transform you. He loves you and cares for you. He doesn't want you walking wounded through life because it holds you back from reaching your full potential.
In this world, that which is broken is without value. But God takes pleasure in using broken things. In fact, God demands that we be broken before He can even begin to use us. Brokenness brings you closer to God. Brokenness helps you become compassionate to the pain of others The person who is broken is more likely to spend time listening to God. The greatest benefit of being broken is that it makes us more like Jesus.
Do you have walls that you think are unpassable; that are heavily guarded from the eyes of anyone else? Begin with honesty. Approach God now and humbly request that He begin the breaking process. Have faith and praise Him throughout, no matter how painful it feels in the moment.
Believe this:
You will have breakthrough!
You will be triumphant!
It will be worth it all in the end.
“Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”
Hebrews 12:11 NKV
Community Outreach: Trunk or Treat
EachOctober, Revival Church invites the children of our community to our Trunk or Treat festivities, complete with hot chocolate, a bounce house, and plenty of CANDY! Cars (and members) dress up using a variety of themes. From the Quinones family’s car (right) decorated as a Target store to the Montes’ camping theme complete with a fire for making s’mores, there was a lot of creativity and fun. Could we be just one candy away from winning a hungry soul for Christ?
A Compelling Story of three SiSterS
(Editor’s Note: In previous two issues, we learned that the Hurtado sisters, Rosie, Josie, and Jackie, were born into extreme poverty. Their parents were field laborers and had to work hard, grueling hours in the hot sun, picking various fruit and vegetable harvests throughout California. The sisters joined their parents picking while still young girls, and their lives were dictated by a domineering, abusive father who beat them and their mother into submission, creating a hostile environment of fear and pain. Their misery was compounded with his drinking, gambling, and womanizing, building tension in the marriage until, one night, an explosion of violence left their father dead, shot by their mother in act of a complete meltdown. She was sent to the psychiatric ward of the state prison, where a team of psychiatrists determined she was innocent because of extreme mental and physical trauma leading to temporary insanity. Their mother was released after nine months. We continue with the family free from fear, but with the sisters still facing the struggle and challenges of life as one by one they are drawn to the only One who can deliver and heal their souls)
“But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears.”
Psalm 18:6 (NLT).
Jackie’s Story
In high school, Jackie was partying all the time with her friends. She ditched school and drank. But finally, she convinced Terry to let her come live with her. Terry, her older sister, was a newlywed, yet her husband said it would be fine with him. Jackie graduated from their local high school and soon was employed with Los Angeles county as a clerk.
But even on workdays, Jackie drank. She and some of her co-workers would drink during their lunch breaks and even during their coffee breaks. It was obvious she had become an alcoholic. Jackie would party during the weekends. When at home, she would drink until she passed out on the couch or on the front porch.
the boondocks. Jackie clutched her purse and a ceramic mug she had won in the fair. The man stopped the car in front of a house and told everyone to get off. There was a party going on. Uncomfortable in strange surroundings, Jackie asked the host if she could use the phone so she could call for a ride. No phone was offered. The man then said he would take her to Whittier himself. Just the two of them.
As she sat in the front seat of the van, she prayed to Jesus. She was terrified. “Please take me home or to the nearest store so I can call my sister,” she pleaded. The man kept driving and the countryside became more remote and dark.
She started going to the park to drink. Once, when she was sitting on a park bench drinking, someone from Brother Philip’s White’s church in Burbank handed her a flyer. She kept the tract and read it again and again. This was new to her. She became curious and even hungry to understand the message of the flyer and was fascinated by all the scriptures listed. She looked up the verses in a Bible back at home. This is what her sister Josie had been telling her all about - to repent and be baptized! Jackie began to understand a little better what the Holy Ghost was, but she did not see how it was relevant. Sometimes she would talk to God, but she did not understand to Whom she was talking. She was hungry to know more about God and His Son Jesus. It would take a terrifying event to help drive her right into the arms of Jesus Christ. One day, when she was 21 and still living with Terry in the Los Angeles area, Jackie went to the county fair with family members. Somehow, she got separated from her family and friends, leaving her with no way home after the fair closed. Desperate, she started asking complete strangers if they would be willing to drive her home to Whittier. She finally found a family in a van. They seemed safe: a man, a woman, and a baby. She got in the back of the van with the baby, and the man started driving. He told her they were going to go through Pomona first. Soon they were going down a dark, deserted road. Jackie started getting nervous and asked where they were going. The man said they were going to stop by his friend’s home first. The silence of the man and woman as they drove was eerie. Soon they were out in
After awhile he stopped the van in a remote location and told her that he was stopping at his friend’s house. By now she was getting really scared. He told her that he needed to lock her door. He then started to reach over her. She knew this was it. He was going to attack her, and she had no one to help her. It was then that Jackie saw her chance. She had been holding the ceramic mug all this time, and she hit the man with it as hard as she could, then she yanked the door handle, jumped out the van door onto the road and took off running. She ran for blocks. To her horror, she could hear him behind her, chasing her on foot, cussing and screaming. Finally, she saw a light from a house that had a big RV parked in front. She hid behind a bush. She tried breaking her mug so she could cut him if she needed to, but without success. She could not see him, but she could hear him as he searched for her. She waited, her heart pounding, and then sprinted for the door, knocking frantically. A young man and old woman opened the door. She were shocked to see a young woman burst in, crying hysterically. They let her call for her family to pick her up, but refused to let her give out their address. She had to make arrangements to meet her family at a nearby donut shop. They also would not give Jackie a ride.
After getting directions to the donut shop, she crept out of the house. She had to go by herself in the dark, deserted streets for approximately two miles in the direction of the parked van. It was 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. Jackie ran as fast as her legs would take her, certain that at any moment the man would lunge for her, pulling her to the ground. She passed the van, but there was no sign of him. She ran, not daring to stop. When she finally reached the donut shop, she was shaking uncontrollably. When her family picked her up, she was sobbing in re-
lief. Jackie was ready now for a change in her life. Josie invited Jackie to come to Modesto for a two-week visit.
Ready foR a Change
While there, Josie invited her sister to come to church. Jackie would only agree to come if Josie agreed to go out with her later that night. Josie agreed, determined to get her sister into the church no matter what. When Jackie entered the building, she was wearing a leopard outfit and spiked heels. She was surprised when she saw everyone going wild during worship service. After the service, Pastor Keyes came up and greeted her. When she said she would be going back to L.A. soon, he said that he felt she would be back. After church, Jackie brought her sister to a local club. She knew Josie was uncomfortable, but that was the deal. Jackie drank for both of them and was soon plastered. While there, Jackie had an altercation with one of the bouncers. He cussed at her and called her a derogatory term. Jackie went at him. He fought back, and knocked her to the ground. Then he straddled her and began pounding her face. Josie screamed and tried to intervene, but was held back. The bouncer then proceeded to mace Jackie over and over again. The police arrived and she was treated at the ER. The next day, Josie phoned Pastor Keyes to talk to Jackie. Jackie was so angry that she told Pastor Keyes she wanted to kill the bouncer or have someone else kill him. Pastor Keyes stopped her and asked her to calm down. He reminded her that the bible says that vengeance belongs to the Lord; “let Him take care of it.” Jackie told him no that she could do it quicker. She finally agreed to leave it in God’s hands.
Jackie stayed longer than the two weeks so she could heal from the facial burns she received from the mace. She went back home, but God was already dealing with
her. After about five months, she quit her job and came back to Modesto, moving in with Rosie. She was still looking at the scriptures, trying to understand about the Holy Ghost.
One night after Javier taught a Bible study at their house, Jackie felt God tugging at her heart. She went to the restroom and looked in the mirror. She said to herself, “You’re going to get the Holy Ghost.” She was excited. After that, she came out and told her sister and brotherin-law that she was ready. They started praying for her. “While they were praying for me,” Jackie said, “I felt something really hot on my back. It was like a pitchfork wanting me to stop.” She asked Javier if he was poking her, but he was not. She kept praying, determined she would get the Holy Ghost, then the tongues came forth. The pain went away. Pastor Keyes baptized her a month later in Jesus’ name!
Today, several decades later, the three sisters remain active in church, participating in fund-raising, singing in the choir, and having bible studies in their homes. And every now and then, when new guests come into our sanctuary, not knowing what to expect, they may see all three sisters dancing in the Spirit and running around the church in fanatic, joyful worship for their Lord Jesus!
“He lifted me up from the pit of despair, out of the miry clay; He set my feet upon a rock, and made my footsteps firm.” Psalm 40:2Jackie Walls today
What Does the Bible Say About BAPTISM?
Note - The Book of Acts is a record of the practices of the disciples and the Early Church. The books after it are letters written to believers who were already baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy Ghost.
Is Baptism Even Necessary?
Isn’t it enough to believe or accept Jesus as my Savior?
Acts 2:38 (ESV): “... repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins....”
Mark 16:16 (ESV): “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
1 Peter 3:21 (ESV): “Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience....”
Why should I be baptized by submersion? Can’t I just be sprinkled?
Colossians 2:12(ESV): “... having been buried with him in baptism...”
Romans 6:4 (ESV): “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death....”
Note - The Greek word for baptize (baptizo) means to fully immerse. The two verses above compare baptism to burial, which means to fully cover--not sprinkle.
I was baptized in the names Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. What’s the big deal about being baptized in Jesus’ name?
Acts 2:38 (ESV): “... repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins....”
Acts 4:12 (ESV): “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Matthew 28:19 (ESV): “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit....”
Note: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are titles, not names!
Colossians 3:17 (ESV): “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus....”
What are some examples in the Bible of people being baptized?
Acts 2:41 (ESV): “So those who received his word were baptized...” (The 3,000 who were baptized on the Day of Pentecost)
Acts 8:12,13,16 (ESV): The Samaritans were baptized after hearing Philip preach.
Acts 8:36-38, Ethiopian eunuch baptized
Acts 9:18 & Acts 22:16 - Baptism of Paul
Acts 10:48 - Cornelius, a Roman centurion was baptized.
Acts 16:33 - Jailor of Paul and Silas baptized
Acts 18:8 - Corinthians were baptized
Acts 19:5 - Ephesians believers baptized
Matthew 3:15 Jesus’ baptism
As the eunuch asks Philip, “What prevents me from being baptized?” (Acts 8:36 ESV)
Floyd Lozada
“If Not Now, When?”
We were blessed by the preaching of Floyd Lozada, pastor of West Valley Revival Center in Gustine, Chowchilla, and Los Banos on the Sunday after our annual Missions Conference. His topic was, “If Not Now, When?” He talked about recognizing where we are in God now. After being moved by the conference, have we gone back to the same routine? He said none of us are where God ultimately wants us to be. “There’s no limit,” he said, “to what you can see God do in your life when you avail yourself to
His will and to His purpose.” He said we need to ask ourselves, “What do I want to see God do in me moving forward.” He went on to say that there must be a hunger in our soul and in our spirit to want more of God. “Prayer,” he said, “is still the key to revival in 2022.” He said, “I want to see revival, not just on a weekend, but every day of my life. I’ve got to see God glorified.” God, help us not to be satisfied with the status quo, but to have a genuine hunger for more. If not now, when?
Servicio español
¡Su presencia barrió la sala hoy en el Servicio Español! ¡Gracias, Jesús!
¡Únase a nosotros los Domingos a las 9 am para la adoración y la palabra de Dios!
Ministry Focus: Growth track
What Is gRoWth tRack?
Growth Track Ministry is designed to equip the believer with the fundamental truth of the word of God. Our ministry firmly believes that ALL scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. This is important in the scope of eternity. The Kingdom of God must be effective on the earth through word and deed, and it begins with knowledge of the word of God. We are developing disciples of Jesus Christ who are confident of who they are and what they believe.
When and WheRe does It take place?
Over the past six years, GTM is privileged of impacting more than 300 lives with the Apostolic doctrine. And we’re gaining momentum. In our summer semester, we’ve averaged 42 students. We attribute our success to prayer, fasting, perseverance, and remaining sensitive to the directive of the Lord and our pastor. Our classes happen every Sunday at 12:30pm immediately after our morning service in the Youth Chapel and last for 18 weeks. Each topic merits two consecutive weeks and allows our instructors to exhaust the study. Originally, we had concerns with the time slot but trusted our pastor’s direction and the Lord has done great things. That along, with topics like "The Rapture," "The Tabernacle," and "Spiritual Authority," has created so much
hunger in our members of all age groups, and church tenure. To God be the glory!
Our curriculum for the winter semester is solely on the Oneness of God written by David K. Bernard. We covet your prayers as we’re believing for seventy students for this upcoming semester. We’re also incorporating a mid-term adult Bible quizzing tournament. Not only is learning the word of God effective, but it’s also fun!
When can I JoIn?
Students can join anytime, but there will be a sign-up kiosk starting in January in the foyer. If you have any questions about Growth Track, please contact Sister Andrea Powell.
On behalf of the instructors of Growth Track Ministry, thank you to everyone for your faithfulness, prayers, and future attendance.
Dana Le’Blanc, GTM DirectorGrowth Track Teachers
IstartedGrowth Track back in 2018 and have been with it since. I can honestly say I have grown in my walk as a Christian in the body of Christ. Now more than ever, I want to hear God’s word wherever and whenever. Those 45 minutes at Growth Track are important to me. We have elders, youth, and everyone in between in this class, and our instructors are doing an amazing job teaching the word of God. I recently became a part of the Growth Track hospitality team. I am the one who feeds those who come a great snack. Here is a scripture that we always have: “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” (Psalms 119:105).
Weare so grateful for the Growth Track Ministry and the teachers who not only have given their time but also their love and wisdom to this work. They have all been amazing and anointed by God.
It is easy with life's responsibilities to not make time for what's truly important. This ministry has been a true blessing, and we look forward to it each week. It truly has been a gift. Thank you, Jesus!
We believe these classes have something for everyone, both new to the church and more experienced, and you will be so blessed when you attend.
We thank God for the church and this ministry and the blessings they have given us!"
Ifirst came to Revival Church back in January 27, 2019, with my girlfriend. We were both baptized that day. Our "Loving Lord GOD" has shown me and has confirmed that I'm a work in progress, striving to walk in the path my Lord has laid out for me. All I have to do is to keep my focus on Him and follow His words. I truly enjoy my Growth Track class after services and look forward to the knowledge they teach me. Now I pick up my Bible and read it everyday - from a man who hated to read!
Life Groups
Hyphen, the young adults group led by Chris and Lindsay Castro, traveled in October to the first national Hyphen conference in Indianapolis, Indiana (left). “Take the Call” was the theme, and our Hyphens were inspired by speakers: Rema Duncan, Mark Brown, Michael Thomas, and Travis Worthington. When they returned all fired up, they were given the opportunity to speak on a Wednesday night. The church of tomorrow is stepping up today! (From left: Noah Wells, Alexis Diaz, and Hailey Torres. Top photo: Hyphen November gathering. Below: Thanksgiving. Bottom: Hyphens gather for their weekly Bible study at a local coffee cafe.
BUFF + Wives Thanksgiving Get-Together
BUFF led by Herb Jenkins (above) had a time of fellowship, awesome potluck food, and the word from Administrative Pastor Jon Quinones (right). It was hosted at the beautiful home of Grover and Sandra Hunt. What a great way to kick off the holiday season.
Ladies' Bible Study Christmas Tea
Wellover a year now, a group of our ladies led by Andrea Powell has been meeting online weekly to dig deeper into the scriptures. After studying about prayer using The Book on Prayer by Ken Gurley, the group just completed a study on the Fruit of the Spirit. They decided to meet in December for a time of fellowship for a Christmas tea at the home of member Virginia Aguilera. Plates of cookies, cupcakes, banana nut bread--and chicken--and all kinds of goodies were feasted upon as the ladies made snowmen decorations and enjoyed the beautiful handmade Victorian fans gifted by member Rosenet Gonzales. What fun and love!
Congratulations, JEREMIAH WILLIAMS Modesto City CounCilMan, District 5
The citizens of District 5 in Modesto recognized the many contributions of Jeremiah Williams to the community, voting him to represent them on the Modesto City Council with 68% of the vote! For years, Jeremiah has been selflessly serving his beloved city.
He has served Revival Church as a licensed minister for many years and has used his expert carpentry skills to beautify the sanctuary and the foyer. Although he is quite busy in the community, he can be found faithfully sitting in the front row for every service. What some citizens may not know, he was a foster child in thirteen different homes, until he landed his final home in the church of the living God!
Space will not allow us to list all of Jeremiah's accomplishments, honors, and areas of community involvement, but here are just a few:
• Owner of Oak Crafts by Jeremiah since 1986
• Licensed minister for Revival Church
• Has served as a Stanislaus County Equal Rights Commissioner since 2005
• Served on the Modesto Chamber of Commerce for 12 years
• A founding member of the Stanislaus County Boys & Girls Club
• First African-American Stanislaus County Fair Board member
• Former president of the Kiwanis Club
• Serves on the boards of: Gospel Mission, King Kennedy Center
• Was Vice President of the NAACP in 2005
• Founding trustee of the Gallo Performing Arts Center
• Chair of Modesto's 4th of July Parade for the past 11 years
• Named Honorary Lifelong Rotarian by Downtown Rotary Club
• First African-American Lieutenant Governor for Kiwanis Division 46
• And much more...and now Jeremiah will serve the citizens of Modesto as a city council member - a first for Revival Church!
JEREMIAH WILLIAMS Modesto City CounCilMan, District 5
Drew Galloway
"The Enemy of Hell"
Drew Galloway, who is Louisiana District Youth President, blessed Revival Church with a powerful message focusing on the influence we have with God as His child. Our weaknesses move Him, because He is our father, he said. "Cast all your cares upon Him. Why? Because He cares for us," he declared. We can take all of our fears and anxieties to our Father who loves us, and He will be moved with compassion.
"God is not going to heal what you hide."
KREW Chr ist ma s Party!
Volunteer of the Month Kellee Hopper
Pastor Johnson recently recognized a very worthy Volunteer of the Month of December, Kellee Hopper
She has been a valuable member of our Music Ministry Team, serving with Nancy Holston, Tim Montes, and Matt Aguirre for many years. Although she is quite busy with her demanding position as Director of Marketing & Communication at the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District, she drives all the way from her home in the Bay Area twice a week to attend church services and choir practices. Kellee is dedicated, prepared, and is a loyal supporter of Revival Church and a beloved member. We are proud of her professional accomplishments, as well as her godly example through the years. Congratulations, Kellee! Thank you for all you do for us!
Life Groups
Mature Ladies Christmas Luncheon
In December the Mature Ladies' Life Group, led by Joyce Jones, met for their much-anticipated annual Christmas Luncheon. Approximately 40 women came for the festivities of food and games. Congratulations to Ashley Valencia (above left) who won the grand prize in the Christmas gift exchange game. The main Sister was our own Barb Seah who ministered words of wisdom to the group. What a wonderful time of fellowship for our ladies!
Rodriguez Home Christmas Fellowship
...To the Philippines, Globally
Wethank God that our streamed services have been a blessing to this precious group of believers who live in a mountainous area in the Philippines where they have no Internet. A small group comes down to an Internet cafe once a month to listen to our services and then takes what's preached and taught back to their congregation. Bible study materials have also been sent by our church to these hungry hearts. Praise God for the revival happening in the Philippines, and may He continue to reach beyond our walls.
...To a Women's Shelter, Locally
RC Women's Shelter Ministry Christmas. "Thank you to all who gave to make these gifts possible and to Sister Johnson and Sister Jacqueline Aguirre for your talent in organizing these appreciated baskets and goodie bags. The love of God was so tangible. Grateful! Thankful! Blessed!" - Grace Delgadillo
Midweek on Ice!
Our church started a new holiday tradition this year in lieu of a Christmas banquet--a night of fellowship at the local seasonal ice skating rink, Modesto on Ice, owned by Kathy and Dave Halsey. It was an unforgettable night of sipping hot chocolate, enjoying the warmth of a fire's glow, and of course, trying to stay upright on a pair of ice skates. From elders to children, all agreed this was a fabulous time of fellowship!
"Christmas at revival ChurCh"
Our Annual Christmas Concert
With lots of energy and cuteness, our KREW kids under the direction of Sujey Diaz, retold the Christmas story in song, complete with Mary riding to the stable on a "donkey," a melodic angel and angel choir, and a trio of shepherds greeting the newborn king... along with some "cows." The video that followed was priceless as various children took turns telling parts of the Christmas story. We love children, especially at Christmastime!
Next up was our REVIVE Ensemble led by Kiah Williams, made up by members of our youth department. They blessed us by singing a jubilant rendition of "O Come All Ye Faithful" with Ashlyn Gregory singing lead. What a blessing to hear our young people praising the Lord in song.
Our Hyphen young adult group decided to do a twist on the usual Christmas play. They wrote a humorous skit with a competitive quiz game format based on Christmas. When it came down to the tie-breaking point, contestant Penelope Peppermint correctly answered the question, "What is Christmas really about?" She said, "Don't forget to point your heart, your family, and your loved ones to the true meaning of Christmas: Christ came with a plan for our redemption."
Intermixed between group numbers were three moving individual performances. Pictured from left: Oscar Hernandez sings "Noche de Paz;" Joshua Aguilera, complete with graphics, in a spoken word performance focuses on the greatness of God Almighty in Jesus Christ; MaKayla Johnson sings, "My Heart, Your Home."
In a first for our Christmas concert, we had a drumline, worthy for the baby Jesus. Wow! These guys could drum! From Left: Danny Gregory, Shane Hunt, Aaron Amador, Jayden Montes and Ryan Paul
We are thankful for our very talented RC ensemble, not only for their singing ability, but also for their leadership in worship. They ushered the congregation into worship at the beginning and conclusion of the service. In fact, after singing "Blessing & Honor" and "Let's Lift Jesus," the Spirit of God moved so mightily that Pastor Johnson stopped them after their second song, as people were already moving down to the altar with arms raised. May the redeeming power of Jesus Christ have a lasting effect on the lives of all who attended!
The Christmas concert was a huge success, and we owe it in no small part to the amazing musicians who poured their hearts and souls into their performances. We are so thankful for their outstanding job and for the incredible gift of music they shared with us. Our Music Ministry team of Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre, Nancy Holston (pictured left) and Tim Montes (right) created a program that included multiple ministries from our KREW kids all the way to our young adults, and with a wide variety of performances. According to Pastor Johnson, this year's concert "was one of the best Christmas experiences I have ever been a part of - to God be all the glory!" Editor Leo Aguilera says, "It was the best concert ever!"
The ultimate goal for our Christmas Concert is to connect people to the Savior. Many hours of planning, rehearsing, cleaning, and prayer take place even before the night of the concert. We are thankful to all who performed and to our lighting, sound, media, and streaming crews for their dedication. Thank you, Pastor, for your vision and burden for those who, especially during the holiday season, are reaching out to Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined (Matthew 4:16 NLT).
Ugly Christmas sweater midweek
The church's festive Ugly Christmas Sweater Midweek Fellowship Night was a huge success! Everyone turned up in their most outrageous and hilarious sweaters and had a great time. Victorious, yet again, for the ugliest Christmas sweater was Gloria Sadeddeen, with Josh Aguilera and Sujey Diaz placing second and third respectively. Another winner for the night was Dana Le'Blanc who won the "Find Someone Who" game. It was also a special treat to see Taylor, Mehgan AND Atlas Clay Fairbanks, visiting from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The atmosphere was joyful and light, and the hot chocolate and cookies afterward made it all the more special. It was a wonderful night of fellowship and laughter, and everyone left with fond memories of the evening.
Candlelight Service
Christmas Morning
Whata special Candlelight Service we had to close out the year, on Christmas Day! The service was made even more exceptional with the first-time visitation of Atlas Clay Fairbanks. In the top photos below, he was formally presented to the church by his parents and our pastor and his wife. But most important, the earthly birth of our Savior was the focus of this very holy service.
"He was the light, and now we are the light of the world."
- Pastor Johnson
Atlas Clay's First Christmas - 2022