July Newsletter

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The Official Newsletter of the Garland High School Division 2C Key Club

Almost Done!






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In this issue 1…………Cover Page 2………….Car Wash 3………….Ultimate Frisbee 4………….Charity miles 5………….C.M. Continued

School’s almost here!

6………….Upcoming Events 7………….ELIMINATE 8………….DCON/Fall Rally 9………….Contact Page

Hey everyone! School will begin in just a few weeks, so make sure you’re prepared like a typical Key Clubber! Hopefully, you all have earned enough hours but, if you haven’t yet, there are a couple more opportunities left before the next school year!

Save the Date!

Make sure you have all of your hours!

August 9th

August 13th

August 15th

HEROES Help those with disabilities form 9a.m. to 4p.m.

FC Training You must attend if you are helping out with Fish Camp.

Fish Camp Come with a great attitude and be ready to sell t-shirts!



Car Wash! This car wash was definitely a learning experience!

We Tried! Unfortunately, our car wash wasn’t as successful as we hoped, but it’s all about learning, right? We weren’t able to raise as much money as we wished, partly because it was in the summer and hard to promote since everyone is on vacation. We did end up making some dough, despite our rough circumstances. Thank you to everyone who helped out!

Better Luck Next Time! In the future, we hope to have more member involvement. I know some of you were stuck at home and could’ve gone! Anyway, next time, the event will be much more organized and in a better spot to guarantee more success.

We Need Feedback from You Guys! We would appreciate more feedback from the members about what we could do tom make our fund-raising events more successful. If anyone has any ideas as to how we can pull off a better car wash and other great fundraising events, don’t hesitate to email any of us. Our information is in the contact pages! 2

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Please help spread the word about the Frisbee Tournament! You don’t have to be athletic to participate! To promote our club as well, we will have an ice cream social, so people can also stop buy to watch and share some ice cream as we talk more about our club! We really want to expand our club to everyone throughout the school!

We really want to raise more money for ELIMINATE and our club, so we really need everyone to find friends to participate in the Frisbee Tournament during the beginning of the school year. Please reach out to people and assemble a team. It’ll be great fun and you don’t have to be athletic! We will also have prizes for the winning team, so get your game face on!


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Charity Miles: the new app that could make running for a cause much easier. I by Theodora Winter

Garland High School

Division 2 C

Do you enjoy running, walking, biking and just being active in general? Do you often find yourself looking for new ways to support people in need? Recently, our club has discovered the perfect app for you! Charity Miles is an app that allows you to run, bike or walk and donate money. You can pick from twenty-four different charities every time you choose to use it! Any one who has a smartphone from Android or Apple can use their GPS monitors to help track their distance. When you’re finished with your workout, the app will also tell you how much you’ve raised for your charity. In our club, a number of people are involved in different sports, marching band and dance, so being active is pretty important. One thing we always enjoy is participating in races! If you’re looking to train for an upcoming race, this app allows you to do that, while also helping others. It’s like Toms, but you don’t have to buy anything! Being healthy is important for everyone, especially in our adolescent years, so we’re basically killing two birds with one stone! If you’re looking to start being more active this, app is also great for you! Tracking your progress is key, and now you can track your progress through your distance traveled and the amount of money you’ve earned! What a win win! The

great thing about this app is that you can use it you know you’re going to be walking for a while, you can turn this app on. One time, my sisters was curious how much she walked at work and it turns out she’d walked three miles in one shift! You can use it as encouragement to go outside after being cooped up for so long because of summer break. Or, you could walk with a fried or family member and earn twice the amount for your charity of choice. No matter what method you choose, you’re exercising for a noble cause! With one million invested in the project, but makers are hoping to change that with the help of us spreading information to others! There have been problems in the past posting your accomplishments to Facebook and helping to spread the word because this is a newer app, butt you can still raise money for Charity Miles and they are looking to fix the sponsorship problem as quickly as possible! Charity Miles has recently added new charities to their app and we could potentially get them to include The ELIMINATE Project or


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Children’s Miracle Network. If we could pull that off, then that would be another way to contribute to our worthy causes!

No matter which way you look at it, Charity Miles is a great idea created by a team of talented individuals that strive to change the world, so they’re in a sense just like us. Right now, they’ve invested 1 million dollars in the bank to donate, and they hope more promotion from users will assist in getting their app out there. The owners would add more money to give away with more promotions and third party sponsors. We have the potential to raise a great number of money from charities worthy of assistance. Who wouldn’t want to help?

It’s often difficult to organize hour opportunities in the summer because school isn’t in session and people are on vacation. Charity Miles could be a beneficial hour opportunity that could allow anyone to earn their hours whenever possible. If our club works at it enough, we might be able to have them add the charities we donate to as ones to run for. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?!?!

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” - Barack Obama




Interested in becoming more involved in Key Club? Of COURSE you are! Thankfully, we will have many more opportunities for you all to become more than just a board member! As we plan more events, more help is required and that’s why we need you guys! This year, we’re looking to plan more events and service projects to reach our goal for ELIMINATE and much more, so if you love to plan and serve we could definitely use your assistance! Run for heard of a committee later this year!

August 13th: Fish camp training *mandatory for helpers August 15th: Fish Camp Late August: Ultimate Frisbee Tournament and Ice Cream Social. If you want to help out more, contact Michael or Thomas for more information! All summer: T-shirt sales. We really need to sell these t-shirts so we can buy some new ones! WE NEED NEW IDEAS FOR NEXT YEAR. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Email one of us! -Charity Miles: For every dollar you make, you will receive one hour. This is great encouragement if you already run or you’re looking to become healthier! After the 2nd general meeting: Elections for the head of the new committees (ELIMINATE, Fundraising, Member Recruitment, etc.) After the candidates are narrowed down, the board will elect the leaders in every committee. August 9: from 9 am - 4 pm you can go help out with a picnic sponsored by HEROES individuals with disabilities. It’s come and go! Address: 503 N. Central Expressway, Richardson, Texas, 75080 6



Join in on the goal to help raise $110 million US for the ELIMINATE Project!

Remember, our personal goal is $1,000 and we’re already halfway there!


Help save




Interested in going to DCON next year?

People who attend DCON are FIERCE.

Attend Fall Rally a nd yo u ’l l f ind out the the me for next year!

Place: Six Flags (Arlington) Cost: $30 $35 at the do o r 8

Contacts Juliana Zhang – Club President julianazhang921@gmail.com

Hanhah Oden –Brunson – Club Vice President hannah.vob@verizon.net

Angelo Echiverri – Club Webmaster angeloechiverri@rocketmail.com

Justine Phan – Club Treasurer Justine_phan@yahoo.com Michael Nguyen – Club Secretary of Minutes Michaelnguyen86@yahoo.com Frank Moreno – Secretary of Hours Ifrank95@yahoo.com Tiffany Yang – Club Historian Tiffany.r.yang@gmail.com

Thomas Le – Club Historian tom_le2@yahoo.com

Luke Broussard – District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com

Isaiah ValleQuinones – District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com

Theodora Winter – Club Editor Thewinter3@gmail.com

Steffi Lee – Division 2C LTG Steffilee96@gmail.com

Usman Hyder – District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com 938 Medina Dr. Arlington, Tx

Tashmira Hossein – District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com

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