June newsletter

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June 2013

Official Newsletter of the Garland High School Division 2C Key Club

June News! Summer is here! Find out more about what’s going on while we’re on break.

Volume 1 Issue 3

In this Issue: 1…………Cover Page 2………….Run or Dye 2013 3………….Recruiting Members 4………….Continued 5………….Upcoming Events 6………….ELIMINATE 7………….ICON 8………….DCON/Fall Rally 9………….Contact Page

Got any plans for Summer? Summer’s finally here! Although sleeping in and being a couch potato 24/7 sounds inviting, don’t forget that service is needed in the summertime as well. You could always help out your neighborhood by pocking up trash, donate books to a local library, or even save up some money to donate for ELIMINATE. The great thing about summertime is that you have the opportunity to make your own decisions. Some people like to volunteer as hospitals, which is quite commendable. I know the Sachse Animal Shelter could always use some people to help them. If you’re every bored over the summer, just remember you could do a world of good for you and others by thinking of some ways you can help your community.

Do you love Ultimate Frisbee and ice cream? Hey guys! We would love to do another fundraiser to benefit ELIMINATE and our club, so we will be having a Frisbee tournament during the beginning of the school year. Sign you and your friends up for a team!


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Run or Dye 2013 Because running in white is too mainstream. On June 22nd, our Key Club had the privilege of volunteering for Run or Dye Dallas. As we arrived at Fair Park, all around us, people were dressed in white, all smiles and ready for a colorful run! People dressed up in tutus with silly hats and socks. Others made it a goal to wear all white down to their shoes and socks in order to ensure that they were getting exactly what they paid for! As everyone lined up, music blasted to pump up the spirits of the runners. They even had hilarious warm-ups to ensure everyone’s

muscles were ready as well! After warming up, some of the event organizers through out free merchandise before finally telling why they started the Run or Dye in the first place. The staff motivators encouraged everyone to let go of their troubles, bad memories and negativity and enjoy living live in full color. They emphasized that the race was a celebration of living life in color and not in black and

white. What a great philosophy to live by! We ended up handing out water, and pretty soon, the mini pools that were filled with the water bottles were colored as well! Even the water got to experience a colorful adventure! All in all, the race went by smoothly and we were able to successfully hydrate everyone, while also engaging in the colorful festivities.

Live in COLOR!

Great Causes. Run or Dallas sponsored two charities: the Special Olympics and the victims of the Oklahoma tornadoes. The Special Olympics is the largest sports organization for people with intellectual disabilities. Founded in 1968, the Special Olympics has been expanded to helping over 4 million people in 170 countries. This worldwide organization has helped to bring smiles to the faces of people who suffer from disabilities, reminding

Women and children, boys and girls that they are capable of having fun while being healthy just like anyone else! Run or Dye Dallas also donated money to the Oklahoma victims who suffered casualties, damaged homes, schools and communities. Over 13,000 people applied for aid after the tornadoes hit, 24 were killed, 20 more injured and two schools were destroyed as a result massive storms. Fortunately, Run or Dye has been able to

contribute to the estimated 25 million dollars in aid and is still collecting In other cities to come, Well done, Run or Dye!


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How can we promote membership for the incoming freshman? Since we had many seniors graduate and leave, it’s important for our club to start of with a fresh group of people dedicated to service! Theodora Winter Maintaining a steady number of members in every grade is imperative and that’s why recruiting freshman is so important. The thing is, freshman always have this habit of being overly joyous due to the fact that they’ve just made it to high school. That’s great though! Some of us could really use an energy boost (especially us juniors). Freshmen make it easier for us to find people because of their genuine excitement to be involved in something non-academic. Fortunately, we had many join this year and hopefully we can have even more join next year! In this past year, Garland High School’s key club had 108 paid members, 38 of them being seniors. I do believe we can get more than 38 freshman to join, especially since our school has 900 incoming freshman! In order to achieve our goal, we have to start as quickly as possible. In our school, we have a Share Night, which is one night where freshman can come in and

Garland High School

learn about all of the potential clubs they can be involved in. We have so many clubs; it’s a struggle to even fit all of them in one gym! Key Club definitely has competition every year, but we’re always successful due to the fact that at Share night, we like to reach out to future students along with their parents. We make a habit of displaying past scrapbooks, posters, t-shirts, you name it! Proper advertisement is key in recruiting people. We not only have a display for all of the freshmen, but we also make handouts for them to remember us. The key is to make freshmen realize the potential difference they can make in their home, school and community, along with the exciting memories to go along with it. Scrapbooks are a useful tool to help freshmen envision themselves gathering powerful memories that will last a lifetime. It’s also important to welcome them with open arms. The fact that Key Club

Division 2C

is apart of an international organization shows that we are accepting of all kinds of people! We pride ourselves on our global concern for others. Another way to excite them is by of course, bragging a little! Kiwanis has made

Here are some of the freshman we had the privilege if adding to our club, Tiffany Koo and Justine Phan! such great progress in our efforts to ELIMINATE Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. It also never hurts to remind people that we are the biggest service organization in the world.


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How to make someone wish they were in Key Club, K-style Y u no

In Key Club???????

In just three steps, you’ll have them convinced this is the club for them. Get their Attention. Advertisement is key. Capture the attention of new faces wanting to join a club by showing them a bit what your club is about. Our Key Club likes to do this by using Share Night, which is a night of recruiting incoming freshman to join your club. We set up a booth, including a giant sign informing people that we are an international service organization. We also include scrapbooks, t-hsirts, posters and I sign-up sheet for more information. But, not everyone attends Share Night. Another smart way to advertise is by making posters that capture people’s attention. Memes have become every popular, so we like to put them on our posters for recruitment. You could also make tshirts for the club and organize a day where everyone wears their club t shirt to help advertise for one day. If you could talk to your principle, you could even set up a booth at lunch.

If your school has video announcements, you could ask to put an segment to attend a meeting if your interested in joining , or send a representative to make one over the speakers if your don’t have them. There are a myriad of methods that could get people’s attention through visuals, audio and even writing. It doesn’t hurt to try using in all three areas. Something as simple as a pamphlet could convince that Key Club is the right club for them. Or maybe a video inspired them.

Emphasize the goals of the club. Whenever you first speak to someone who is interested in joining your club, make sure you address the mission of the club before anything else. A good place to start informing someone about Key Club is by first, telling them we are an international service organization, and then using an example of how we serve others. The ELIMINATE Project would be a great place to start off! You can talk about what methods your club has used to raise money for ELIMINATE, or talk about a service project you’ve just completed. Either

way, people love to hear about groups that are making changes in their home, school and community, and you could inspire them to do so as well.

Don’t be afraid to brag a bit. Our organization has plenty to be proud of! It’s always admirable to inform others that we are an international organization, because it shows our concerns for service on a global point of view. Another place to brag would be the fact that we have made so much progress eliminating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus in 31 countries. Whenever I tell people that, they feel assured that their donation has definitely made a difference. Also, if your club had the privilege of winning any trophies or recognition at DCON, informing others is never a bad thing! A bit of bragging goes a long way, and you can also advertise going to DCON in the upcoming year. After all of your efforts, people are sure to join your club. What are you waiting for? Get started!


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Car Wash!

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Upcoming Events! We need some news ideas for our theme next year!

We’ll be having a car wash Friday, July 12th from 8am12pm so bring something appropriate to wear! If anyone has a hose, soap or towels, please contact one of us, or post on the Facebook page!

You can participate by thinking of a theme, cool slogan, or designing a t-shirt for next year! Other Events: July 12th: Car wash from 8am to 12pm. *Make posters for an hour and tell everyone you know!* August 13th: Fish camp training *mandatory for helpers August 15th: Fish Camp

Fish Camp! If you help at fish camp, you HAVE to be at the training session on August 13th. We’ll need some volunteers to help promote our club and also sell t-shirts so be ready to advertise and encourage the incoming freshman!

Late August: Ultimate Frisbee Tournament and Ice Cream Social All Summer: T-shirt sales After the 2nd general meeting: Elections for head of the new committees (ELIMINATE, Fundraising, Member Recruitment, etc.) 5

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Join in on the goal to help raise $110 million US for the ELIMINATE Project!

Remember, our personal goal is $1,000 and we’re already halfway there!


Help save


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Gain loads of knowledge about Key Club International while having a blast in DC! Visit keyclub.org for more information!


Interested in going to DCO next year?

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DCON was loads of fun! Everyone should go next year!

Attend Fall R ally and you’ll find ou t the theme for nex t year!

Place: Six Flags(Arlington) Cost: $30 $35 at the door


Contact Page! Juliana Zhang – Club President julianazhang921@gmail.com

Angelo Echiverri – Club Webmaster angeloechiverri@rocketmail.com

Hanhah Oden –Brunson – Club Vice President

Justine Phan – Club Treasurer



Michael Nguyen – Club Secretary of Minutes

Frank Moreno – Secretary of Hours



Tiffany Yang – Club Historian

Theodora Winter – Club Editor



Thomas Le – Club Historian

Steffi Lee – Division 2C LTG



Luke Broussard – District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com

Isaiah ValleQuinones – District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com

Usman Hyder – District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com

Tashmira Hossein – District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com

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