September News

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Volume 1 Issue 6 The Official Newsletter of the Garland High School Division 2C Key Club September Edition

2 Lorem Ipsum

In this Issue: Cover Page….……….….……1 In This Issue………………..……2 Presidents’ Corner…….…...…3 Owl Conference….…......….. 4 Genesis Women’s Shelter….6 Snow Cones…………….…....6 ELIMINATE………………...…..7 Ultimate Frisbee………..……8 DCON………….............…….10 PCM/Region 8 Picnic………11 Upcoming Events……..…….12 New Representatives….…..14 Attention Sophomores…....15 Key Club Week…………..…15 Contact Page………………16

A Word from your President and Vice President 3


President’s Corner: Juliana Zhang Hey guys! I'm so proud of our club raising over $1,000 for the ELIMINATE Project. You guys are the best! Let's keep up this spirit of service within our club and community. Get involved with service projects like the upcoming Fall for Garland and Walnut Glen Festival. Make sure to join a committee as well! You'll be able to truly get involved and make Key Club your own. Have a wonderful month!

- Juliana Zhang

Vice President’s Corner: Hannah Oden - Brunson Hey GHS Key Club! I’m so proud of you guys for already achieving our goal of raising $1,000! Awesome job! This year, we’re hopefully going to do more events like Ultimate Frisbee to raise money for ELIMINATE and our club so get ready for a year of intense planning and fun! If you guys have any questions of suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact one of the officers or representatives! Have a great month everyone!

-Hannah Oden Brunson

Owl Conference


Lorem Ipsum

Owl Conference is Garland High School’s leadership conference that encourages students to be active in areas of leadership, spirit and most importantly service!

No pessimist ever discovered the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit. – Helen Keller

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. —Margaret Mead

Owl Conference

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Garland high School’s notorious Owl Conference was a huge success!

The Conference began with an opening message

about the importance of establishing leadership in our school. Afterwards, everyone split up into groups, starting in three different rooms. Each room had a different theme: Leadership, Spirit and, of course Service! Officers aided in running all three rooms and everyone definitely enjoyed themselves! Although the service room resonated with all of our key clubbers the most, learning about the importance of sprit is something that not everyone always takes into account. It’s important to keep the spirits of not only our organization, but our high school elevated as well, so we can achieve greatness together! Leadership is also an important trait to have in order to have a successful organization. Our key clubbers also enjoyed playing games like leader’s ship and races to see which group could complete a task the fastest. These games were meant to highlight the importance of teamwork and collaborative thinking. Needless to say, everyone benefited from this experience! At the end of the day, we wrapped up with making owls with encouraging messages for the teachers going back to school. The owls ended up looking so adorable! Garland High School definitely knows how to decorate a cute owl!

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Genesis Women’s Shelter Key Clubbers have aided in an organization that helps women in situations of abuse or neglect. Go to if you would like to volunteer or donate more items.

The Genesis Women’s Shelter promotes the shelter, safety and strength of women who have been victims of abuse or need counseling. It’s open 24/7 for women who need it. A couple of seniors made their Creative, Action and Service Project to help the shelter by donating supplies, so of course Key Clubbers came to

We aided the Genesis Women’ Shelter by donating supplies like

their aid by helping out! It’s always

shampoo and other toiletries that always needed. You can always

important to remember that treating

donate supplies to them by going onto their website because they are

someone with care is the best thing

always in need of something, or donating gently used clothing to

you can do for a person.

their store on Saturday.

GHS Key Club helped to sell snow cones for the Farmer’s market and that was also a success. We ended up being a huge help and sold many snow cones for an all around great day! The snow cones were greatly needed after one of the last hot days of summer!


Congratulations Everyone! We have succeeded in our efforts to raise $1,000 for ELIMINATE!


Help save

Do YOU believe in the power of ZERO?

The Ultimate Fundraiser


Our last fundraiser to complete our goal of raising $1,000 was the Ultimate Frisbee Tournament held on September 13, 2013. Let’s just say, it was pretty ultima te.

Thank you to everyone who participated! Because of you all, we were able to raise our last $400 for The ELIMINATE Project!

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The Ultimate Fundraiser


It’s no secret just how passionate I am

which team came out on top, we were able

about the ELIMINATE Project. I’ve

to spread awareness about The

always enjoyed what it stands for, so for

ELIMINATE Project and what Key Club

us to achieve our goal in reaching $1,000

stands for. None of this could’ve been

raised for the ELIMINATE Project

possible without the help of our fellow Key

means so much to me and I hope it

Clubbers spreading the word, so special

means a lot to you all as well! This

thanks to you guys! You ‘ve really proved

tournament really was a success! We

that a small group of individuals in fact can

ended up have 10 teams compete for the

make a difference by raising money to save

bragging rights of the 2013 Ultimate

approximately 555 mothers and babies.

Frisbee Tournament and one team surely

Now that we’ve crossed that goal off of our

did stand out on top! After taking a

list, what’s next for the Garland High

whole month to plan everything and

School Key Club?

spread the word out, thankfully, enough people were convinced to participate! At first, the idea of putting on a whole tournament for a service project was pretty scary, but in the end, I’d say everything worked out! Not only did everyone enjoy battling each other to see


DCON Theme Announced!

The new theme is finally here and you DON’T want to miss out on all the fun so make sure you save the date and arrangements to attend DCON 2014!


Garland High School Key Club finally got to meet up with other fellow members of Region 8 in a picnic at Bethany Park in Allen! Meeting other regional members and LTGs was such a wonderful experience!

Fellow officers were able to communicate different ideas with each other and converse on the methods of completing their duties efficiently. Personally, it was a lot of fun learning what other editors do with their newsletters!

Of course, sharing a meal together help to unite everyone in Division 2C. Who doesn’t bond over a mealespecially a free one? Our fellow LTGs did a magnificent job coordinating the whole event. Thanks organizing such an awesome meet – up and providing good food!


October 5th – Fall for Garland – 10A.M. to 6 P.M. come and go in downtown Garland October 11th- Homecoming door and wagon designs are due and the winners will receive one hour. October 12th - Concessions at UT-OU game at the Cotton Bowl. You must attend if you signed up or have someone be a replacement for your absence. Also, you must attend the mandatory meeting after the general meeting on Wednesday October 9th. October 18th Armstrong Elementary Carnival Set up - 3:00 P.M. Carnival: 5:30 - 8 P.M. Clean up: 8 - 9:30 P.M. October 19th – One girl will give a 6-minute speech about the importance of leadership for the Girls with Goals event at Bussey Middle School around 9A.M. Message Juliana if you want to do it!


October 25th – Walnut Glen Fall Festival will have many different shifts Set Up : 3-6P.M. (10 students) Working Booths: 5:45-9:00 P.M. (35 students) Concessions – 5:30-9:00P.M. (7students) Baked Goods/Treat Table - 5:45 - 9:00 pm – (2 students) Face Painters - 5:45 - 9:00 – (3 students, especially if they are artistic) Clean-Up 9:00 pm until 9:45 – (10 students) Sign Up on the Google Docs on the Facebook Page October 29th – Fundraiser Mega Party 6-8P.M. Sign-up is on Google Docs Ongoing – Help Armstrong Teachers and Tutoring Students: Helping Teachers: Monday Through Thursday - 3-4:30 P.M. Tutoring: Wednesdays - 3-4:30 P.M. October 31st – Trick or Treat for Unicef in Waterview (more details to come)

Question for the Editor: After reviewing all the newsletters, what unique things would you say make newsletters stand out from others?


Freshman Rep –

Committee Head of

Linh Nguyen

Fundraising – Jennifer Umanzor

Sophomore Representative – Christine Vu

Committee Head of DCON – Kelly Mullins

Committee Head of


Advertisement – Lacie



Angelija Echiverri


Committee Head of


Transportation – Jessica

David Galaviz


Attention Sophomores!


You have an opportunity to apply for the Kiwanis Sophomore of the Year Scholarship!! Follow all the directions and submit it by November 4th to Mr. Stolar in room 130. Download the application from the Facebook page. Last year, DCON Committee Head Kelly Mullins won last year and President Juliana Zhang won the year before. The winner(s) will receive a plaque with their name on it and a $600 scholarship towards college! 
I highly encourage you apply!

Key Club Week is November 5-9th, 2013 this year and we will be planning something special so stay tuned!

Contacts! Juliana Zhang – Club President

Thomas Le – Club Historian

Hanhah Oden –Brunson – Club Vice

Angelo Echiverri – Club Webmaster

President Michael Nguyen – Club Secretary of Minutes

Justine Phan – Club Treasurer Tiffany Yang – Club Historian

Frank Moreno – Secretary of Hours

Luke Broussard – District Governor

Steffi Lee – Division 2C LTG

Isaiah ValleQuinones – District

Usman Hyder – District Secretary

Treasurer Tashmira Hossein – District Editor

Henry Nguyen Sargeant at Arms


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