2017 Church Guide pages

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Church Directory A guide to Pampa’s Faith Community Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him‌ Rev. 3:20

PamPaNEWS a publication of The

CHURCH GUIDE - 2 - The Pampa News

203 N. West Street Pampa, Texas

806-669-1155 Weekly Activities Bible Study Life Groups for alll ages 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Activities for all ages on Sunday and Wednesday Evenings

We invite you to share in the growing excitement God is creating in our church! www.firstpampa.com


CHURCH GUIDE - 3 - The Pampa News

Church of Nazarene: Living as God would have it since the 1930s By John Lee

jclee@thepampanews.com Twitter: @jcl1987

In 1930, a group of people began to pray for a holiness church for about 12 families in Pampa. They met in a grocery store and organized in 1931. The group formed as a Church of Nazarene and eventually became an international member. As far as practices are concerned, there is very little difference between a Church of the Nazarene and any other denomination. “There is actually so many more things that we have in common,” pastor Jimmye Cole of Church of the Nazarene said. “Maybe because we are a smaller church world-wide, we’re not that well-known. But our focus on the scripture and the word of Christ and on salvation is very, very different than most denominations.” Cole added that Church of the Nazarene focuses on John Wesley’s teachings on holiness and following salvation and that our hearts will be cleansed by God and we could live a holy life. “It doesn’t mean that we’re perfect, but the scripture says that our love for him should be perfect,” Cole said. “I would rather say that we have 90 or 95 percent of the things in common with other denominations.” Cole said Church of the Nazarene is very conservative and Bible-based like most other churches. Church of the Nazarene has seven church board members and a few other Sunday School teachers and preachers. Unfortunately about a dozen members who were major church components have passed away over the last year. “So we lost their ideas, their income and those kind of things,” Cole said. “But we’re still doing our part in keeping our hope in Christ.”

Church of Nazarene’s focus is on children with weekly Bible schools for children on Wednesday night’s. “We decided instead of a week of Bible school we’d let Wednesday night’s be our thrust for children,” Cole said. “So we have Bible stories and music and activities. We’d like for that to increase and get new families.” The Church of Nazarene internationally has 160 congregations since 1895. On this level, they are able to have “compassionate” ministries who aids countries following a natural disaster. Save for a few children and teenagers, the congregation at Church of Nazarene is age 30 and up. “Probably a bigger proportion of senior adults age 50 and up,” Cole said. “We do what we call a blended worship. We use hymns, we use choruses, contemporary things and

videos. It helps us kind of learn the tempo, the pace with the words on the screen.” There is an emphasis of patriotism coming from the Pampa Church of Nazarene. They honor the military on patriotic holidays and usually take part in the patriotic parades. “We just believe there are many folks who sacrificed their youth, their best for this country, for us to be free to worship to be free to live as God would have us to do,” Cole said. “So we want to honor that. We’re big on that.” Church of the Nazarene services are on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. with an evening small group service at 6 p.m. On Wednesdays the children’s service is at 6:30 p.m. On Aug. 26, there will be a Southern Gospel Concert at 7 p.m. at Church of the Nazarene. Pampa Church of Nazarene is located at 500 N. West Street in Pampa and can be reached at 806-669-3144.

CHURCH GUIDE - 4 - The Pampa News

Pampa Ministerial Alliance: Uniting the community under one God By John Lee

jclee@thepampanews.com Twitter: @jcl1987

Sing and also to do community outreach. A lot of churches want to do something, it’s a good idea, but the more churches you have combined working and helping one another for events like the Pampa Mud Wars (the last weekend in July) [the better it will be]. Churches don’t have to participate but they are welcomed to.” One of the more recognizable events, besides the Mud Wars, was the crusade two years ago uniting all Christians with sermons from evangelist Rick Gage. The Alliance has also put together prayer vigils like in 2016 when Pampa

National Day of Prayer

Too often churches in any given community are too separated when we are all worshipping the same God. The Pampa Ministerial Alliance hopes to continue to change that in the community. “It consists of churches who want to participate in our fellowship once a month,” Sergio Urrutia of New Life Assembly said. “We can encourage one another, we can pray for one another and just lift us up. We can also plan events that are in the community like Christmas, PMA cont. on page 13 events in November, Fifth Sunday















• CH R


1633 N. Nelson “ D I S C I P L E S O F669-3225 CHRIST” H OF C

Our mission is for people to…

KNOW Christ… GROW through discipleship… GO tell others of God’s love!

www.fccpampa.org fccpampa@cableone.net

Sunday 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Celebration of Praise Child Care Children’s Church

Sunday School ... 9:45am Sunday WorShip and children’S church... 10:50am

Wednesday 7:00pm Life Enrichment Children’s Ministry Student Ministry

WedneSday evening ... 6:15pm (Summer

Schedule may vary, call for additional activitieS)

Snack Supper & youth group nurSery provided


Ed and Brenda Sattesahn Lead Pastor

500 S. Cuyler St. • 806-665-5941 • www.pampafirstag.com


CHURCH GUIDE - 5 - The Pampa News

St. Paul United Methodist Church: It’s all about love By Steven Watson


St. Paul United Methodist Church of Pampa, located at 511 N. Hobart St., puts a strong emphasis on fellowship. “Our core values are loving God, loving each other and serving the world,” said Pastor Vondel Stevens. “Everything we do, we make sure is wrapped up in these three things.” “To better love God, our worship services and Wednesday night Bible studies are centered on pointing to who God is,” Stevens said. “As we know him more we can love him more.” SPUMC has services on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. and from Sept. 1 though May 30 they also have Wednesday night service at 6 p.m. “During the school year we have a Wednesday night fellowship meal. We eat together every Wednesday night, Stevens said. “We

meet up, somebody cooks and we have a Bi- presence and they pride themselves on beble study and it all points to building stron- ing informal and friendly. ger fellowship and that’s very important to us.” Loving God and loving each other builds to serving the world and in that regards Steven’s is always looking for ways to display Christ to the community. “As far as serving the world goes, every Communion Sunday we take up an offering specifically for benevolence,” said Stevens. “With that money we buy united gift cards to provide groceries or gas for people who may need it. Secondly, we pack small bags of food that can be eaten readily for homeless people so the if someone comes by and they’re hungry, we can hand them a bag of food. Lastly, we’re also taking up well maintained clothes for people who are in need of that.” Stevens made mention that they are an older congregation with a growing younger

Pentecostal Holiness Church 1700 Alcock

“Where you’re never a stranger, but a new friend.”

Morning Worship Evening Worship Bible Study Gospel Singing

Sunday Sunday Wednesday Second Sunday of each month

10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 2-4 p.m.

Celebrating 89 years in Pampa 1928-2017 Rev. Albert and Mary Maggard, Pastors 29415

A loving welcome, anointed preaching, joyous worship

CHURCH GUIDE - 6 - The Pampa News

Soldiers for Christ Fellowship: Taking the gospel to the world By Steven Watson


Soldiers for Christ Fellowship opened up 2006 in Skellytown under Senior Pastor Chip Watson. “Our purpose is simple; Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations,” said Watson. “We are an outwardly focusing ministry that goes where we’re needed.” The church is a non-denominational fullgospel church that focuses on discipleship and discernment. “If it’s in the Bible, we teach it and believe it in the context that it is given to us,” said SFCF board member Katy Wilde. The church has received a reputation for being a so-called biker church but that apparently isn’t the case. “Sure we have a lot of bikers that go here but for every biker that attends we have just as many who have no

desire to ride who attend as well,” said Watson. “We have a rather diverse group of believers from all walks of life; I would say we have a rather young crowd in comparison to most churches with the average age being in the low 30s.” The church offers Sunday morning prayer service from 9:30-10:15 a.m. followed by Sunday morning worship service at 11 a.m. They also have a Sunday evening service at 6 p.m. and a Wednesday night program at 7 p.m. They also have multiple outreach programs throughout the week including a feeding in the park program where they serve the community of Pampa by grilling and fellowshipping with the community and many other cell-group style ministries. “I guess we’re a little unorthodox and that tends to make people a little nervous but the fact of the matter is that the Gospel of Jesus

and the men he chose to carry his gospel to the world were also unorthodox. The Bible uses the phase ‘a peculiar people’ and we just embrace it,” Watson said. For more information contact the church at 806-231-8482.

Church of Christ Mary Ellen & Harvester 1342 Mary Ellen • (806) 665-0031 • www.mehcofc.org Keith Feerer - Preacher

“….Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Revelation 2:10

Sunday School–9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship–10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship– During Daylight Savings time (March to Nov.) - 5 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship– Not during Daylight Savings time (Nov. to March) - 2 p.m. Wednesday Worship–7:00 p.m. 29416

CHURCH GUIDE - 7 - The Pampa News

Central Baptist Church: A light in the darkness By Steven Watson


Central Baptist Church, located at 513 E. Francis Ave., is a small church in a big building with a bigger purpose; to be a Light in a dark world. The church focuses on inward spiritual growth with a heavy conviction for community. “We like word of mouth. Invite your friends, invite your neighbors, ‘Hey come to our church,’” said Pastor Norman Rushing. “I tell these folks if you’ll get them here, I’ll tell them about Jesus. I promise you that.” The church has four regu-

lar weekly services. Sunday morning they offer a Sunday school Bible study that starts at 9:45 a.m. followed by Sunday morning worship service at 11 a.m. They also offer a 6 p.m. Sunday evening service and a 6:30 p.m. Wednesday night service where they also offer youth services. The Sunday morning worship service is also broadcast over KGRO on the radio as well as streamed live on Facebook so that people who are unable to get to church can still worship. Pastor Rushing also made CENTRAL cont. on page 14

In our world of uncertainty…

Remember Jesus Loves You For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16


9:45 a.m. Bible Study 11 a.m. Worship (broadcast on KGRO) 6 p.m. Worship


6:30 p.m. Adults, Youth, Children & Preschool Activities

Central Baptist Church

Norman Rushing, Pastor 513 E. Francis • 665-1631 • www.centralpampa.com


CHURCH GUIDE - 8 - The Pampa News

We welcome Paul Beam and his family to Pampa. Paul is the new Senior Pastor for Calvary Baptist Church.


CHURCH GUIDE - 9 - The Pampa News

New Horizon Community Fellowship continues to move on with new name, same community fellowship By John Lee

jclee@thepampanews.com Twitter: @jcl1987

Those unfamiliar with the situation of Crosspointe Church may have noticed that it has a new name, New Horizon Community Fellowship (NHCF). NHCF pastor AJ Taylor, who took over in August 2015, said the changing of the name came shortly after previous pastor Charles Lowry left because of family medical needs. “Charles was the first pastor of Crosspointe Church,” Taylor said. “He had been the pastor 10-plus years and I was the youth pastor here.” Lowry chose to leave to take care of his family and Taylor was named the interim pastor. “As far as the church’s standing and his standing, we’re in a good place,” Taylor said. “We don’t have any issue with him and as far as I know he doesn’t have any issue with us. I think like the rest of us he is a little hurt at how people have been running their mouth spreading rumors. I can’t blame him for that.” NHCF is inter-denominational and is made up of several different Christian denominations in

the congregation. “We believe the Bible is the written word of God,” Taylor said. “We believe in the essentials and other than that we believe in fellowship.” With Taylor as the pastor, NHCF’s youth is led by Brandon Montgomery and Brienna Schmidt. Taylor said there are roughly 200 people who would say they are members and have about 30-70 attendees depending on the Sunday. The church has started a livestream service, which Taylor said has received good reviews so far. “I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from people about

it,” Taylor said. “I really enjoyed being able to watch when I’m not here.” The church has one Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m. and has small group meetings and couples/marriage classes on Sunday nights. On Wednesday nights the church has a meal (by donation) at 6:15 p.m. followed by a class. They also offer children’s ministry on Sunday mornings. The demographic of the congregation has several older, working class and middle class attendees. They have five missionaries and they do have a NHCF cont. on page 14

CHURCH GUIDE - 10 - The Pampa News

Carpenter’s Church: Where everyone has a ‘role” By John Lee

jclee@thepampanews.com Twitter: @jcl1987

little bit of all kinds. Mainly the working folks I would say.” Sinyard said one of the unique things about the church is it is a stepping stone for young ministers. “We have been helping young men and women who want to get into ministry get started,” Sinyard said. “We give them the opportunity to teach and minister. Some have went on to minister. It’s just a neat thing to watch the younger generation become a part of the ministry somewhere else.” Carpenter’s Church has Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and worship at 10:30 a.m. They have Sunday evening services at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesdays they begin at 7 p.m. As for music during their service? “We sing the old-time gospel,” Sinyard said. “We stilll sing the old songs like ‘I’ll fly away’ and ‘When we all get to Heaven.’ However we

The location that current houses Carpenters Church was built in the 1950s as Herrah’s Methodist Church. As time went along it closed and eventually became the property of St. Paul United Methodist Church. In the late 1980s, the Carpenters Church purchased the building with the name influenced by Jesus’ occupation and members’ part with the church. “He was a worker and built things,” pastor Jim Sinyard said. “Small churches like this one is more than just a church. It’s a ministry. Because of our size, everybody has to be a part. Everyone cleans, everyone does the maintenance.” Eighty-five percent of the demographic is older and is made up of several different types of community members. “We have a lot of business owners,” Sinyard CARPENTERS cont. on page 13 said. “We have some prison guards and just a


CHURCH GUIDE - 11 - The Pampa News

Doing God’s work in Pampa

Big Z Barbecue

Submitted photo

Trunk or Treats

Staff Photo

Pictured are Ted Dickman, Bill Hammer, Gene McAdoo and Scott Lewis. These Lutheran men are making briskets for the Annual Big Z BBQ in 2017. The BBQ is held usually on the first Saturday in May and is Zion Lutheran’s biggest fundraiser.

Princesses Corinne, 3, and Cameron, 5, Curtis grab some candy at First United Methodist Church’s Trunk or Treat. The pair are the daughters of Kristen and Tyson Curtis. Many churches and businesses hold Trunk or Treats as an alternative to the tradtional door-to-door trick-or-treating.

Zion Lutheran Church

Highland Baptist

1200 Duncan • 669-2774

~A place for You ~As You are ~Where You are

Rev. Michael Erickson, Pastor

The word of the Lord endures forever. I Peter 2:25 A church dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A church dedicated to the teaching of our Savior and His Apostles. A church dedicated to reverence with traditional liturgical worship.

Divine Service each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Class at 9:15 a.m. pampalutheran.org 29418

Sunday School .................................................................................... 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship ................................................................10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday Activities (Children, Youth, Adult Bible Study) ..........................7 p.m. Nursery provided for all services

1301 N. Banks • 665-3300 Corner of Banks & Kentucky


…reaching up to Jesus, reaching out to Pampa


CHURCH GUIDE - 12 - The Pampa News

Doing God’s work in Pampa


Photo by Callie Odell

St. Matthew’s Episcopal holds an annual Pancake Supper fundraiser just before Mardi Gras on Fat Tuesday. The supper benefits the church and their education program for children in the area. For more information on St. Matthew’s call 806-665-0701.

Hobart Baptist cooking for Pampa News/Chamber golf tourney

The gentlemen at Hobart Baptist Church cook lunch for those playing in The Pampa News/Chamber of Commerce golf tournament held in July.

Submitted photo

CHURCH GUIDE - 13 - The Pampa News


Continued From Page 4

locally and School Carpenters tans of Christ Down in South

church is not for everyone,” Sinyard said. “But Texas. the closeness of the conContinued From Page 10 But the special part gregation is unreal.” Carpenter’s Carpenter’s Church is do have some contempo- about Church is the closeness located at 639 Barnes St. rary as well.” in Pampa. They can be Carpenter’s Church of the congregation. supports Good Samari“I realize that a small reached at 806-669-2720.

was struck with a handful of untimely deaths a few weeks apart. “When something like that happens it affects all of us,” Urrutia said. “What a way for our ministerial alliance pastors and churches to come together in such moments like that to bring comfort to the affected families and community.” Urrutia said it wasn’t about a church in particular, but to bring comfort to the community and ask what they can do for the community. “That’s what crisis does,” Urrutia said. “When crisis strikes our community, it brings us together. That’s what

God wants us to do. That’s what I like about our ministerial alliance. We can put aside our differences. When it comes to something like that, we can agree to help one another.” Several well-known churches are a part of the Alliance including: New Life Assembly, Calvary Baptist, First Baptist Church, Highland Baptist Church, Briarwood Church, First Christian Church and many more. Urrutia invites any pastor to come to their fellowships. The Alliance will soon be considering luncheons for meetings. For more information on the Pampa Ministerial Alliance call Sergio Urrutia at New Life Assembly or Ed Sattesahn at First Assembly of God.

St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday

5:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Spanish Reconciliation Saturday 4:30 p.m. or by appointment Faith Formation Sundays: 10:30-11:45 Sept–May

Weekday Masses

Monday No Mass Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Spanish Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Thursday 7:00 a.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Summer Hours

Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed Friday

Submitted photo

Pastor Rev. Francisco Pérez

810 W. 23rd Ave. 665-8933 • Fax 806-665-2840 stvincentpampa@gmail.com


Pastor Jimmye Cole of the Church of the Nazarene and a member of Pampa’s Ministerial Alliance, presented Ellen Tyre, director of Pampa’s Salvation Army, with a check for $1167.91 which will go towards the Angel Tree project. The donation was collected at the “Fifth Sunday Singing” at Central Baptist Church On October 30, sponsored by the Ministerial Alliance. The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree project provides Christmas gifts for underprivileged children in Gray County who otherwise might not have a merry Christmas. The Angels will be on trees at Walmart right after Thanksgiving. Any questions, call 665-7233.

CHURCH GUIDE - 14 - The Pampa News


Continued From Page 9

community outreach. The name is derived from their location giving a horizon to look out toward. “There’s always new horizons and that can be spiritual as well,” Taylor said. “As you begin to plug into what God has for you that begins to change your outlook...your horizon. We talked about as trustees that we want to be communityminded and then fellowship to me is so much more. As Americans we have lost focus as to what church is. No matter if there are two peo-

ple here or 200, we want this to be focused on fellowship. “We want people to feel welcome and to know people and not be a handshake and you leave with no connection.” The church even has an app that users can download that will give them updates and posts about church business. For more information on NHCF call 806-440-4240. The church is located at 711 E. Harvester and is on Facebook. “We just always want to keep moving forward,” Taylor said. “God’s got his hand here for a reason.”


Continued From Page 7

mention that Wednesday night service is about learning more than just the word but about the history and circumstances surrounding the scriptures. “If you want to understand the scripture, you need to understand the background of the scripture,” Rushing said. The church has a heart for community and has a few programs aimed at shining light in some different ways. The first program advocates for Wilson Elementary kids who need school supplies. “We have a program called pennies for Wilson,” Rushing said, “ We look at the needs of chil-

First Presbyterian Church Please join us as we worship and serve as witnesses of God’s love in the world. You can learn more about First Presbyterian Church, view previous worship services and worship with us online at 10:45 a.m. on our website at pampapresbyterian.com • Growing in the Gospel • Expanding Youth and Christian Education programs and activities • Committed to learning and sharing God’s love

Service Schedules Sunday Mornings

9:00 a.m. Coffee & donuts 9:30 a.m. Classes for all ages 10:45 a.m. Worship


Hi-Land Christian Church 1615 N. Banks • 669-6700 Pastor: Mike Sublett

“Everyone has a place and a job in our church. We are a small, close knit family that works together for Jesus. And, we have a place for you,too” ~Mike Sublett

Sunday 9:45 Sunday School 10:45 Worship 6:00 Service Wednesday 7:00 Bible Study

Wednesdays September thru May 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

WOW - classes for kids & adults Meal for all Youth program Choir practice

525 N. Gray St. | Pampa, Texas 79065 806-665-1031

dren as far as school supplies is concerned and people leave their change and we pick it up and give it to the school to buy supplies.” The second community program focuses on the elderly in nursing home care. “We’re getting to be an older church,” Rushing said. “We were going to the nursing home every Tuesday and we’re looking at continuing that in the future.” Like the scripture says, ‘We’re to be all things to all men,’ Rushing is ever pushing to have his church reach greater heights. “We try to help anyway we can,” Rushing said. When we hear of something we jump in and see what we can do.”


We preach and teach the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, which has been described as “an appeal from a loving Father to wandering and estranged children to come home where love is waiting for them.”

CHURCH GUIDE - 15 - The Pampa News

Worshipping in Pampa Bible Baptist Church 500 East Kingsmill Pampa TX 79065 806-669-7830 Body of Christ Church 210 N. Ward Street Pampa TX 79065 669-9599 Briarwood Church 1800 W. Harvester Avenue Pampa TX 79065 665-7201 Calvary Assembly of God Church 1030 Love Street Pampa TX 79065 669-7207 Calvary Baptist 900 E. 23rd Street Pampa TX 79065 665-7961 Carpenter’s Church 639 S. Barnes Pampa TX 79065 669-2720 Central Baptist Church 513 E. Francis Pampa TX 79065 665-1631 Church of Christ 1342 Mary Ellen Pampa TX 79065 665-0031

Church of Christ Somerville 500 N. Somerville Pampa TX 79065 665-0004 Church of God Gwendolen & Sumner Pampa TX 79065 669-6372 Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints 411 East 29th Ave. Pampa TX 79065 669-2967 Church of the Nazarene 500 N. West Pampa TX 79065 669-3144 Community Christian School 1633 N. Nelson Pampa, TX 79065 665-3393 Cornerstone Baptist Church 2410 W. 23rd Ave. Pampa TX 79065 669-6509 New Horizon Community Fellowship 711 E. Harvester Pampa TX 79065 Faith Bible Church 110 W. Kingsmill

Pampa TX 79065 688-9266 Fellowship Baptist Church 622 E. Francis Pampa TX 79065 665-5976 First Assembly of God 500 S. Cuyler Pampa TX 79065 665-5941 First Baptist Church 203 N. West Pampa TX 79065 669-1155 First Christian Church 1633 N. Nelson Pampa TX 79065 669-3225 First Freewill Baptist Church 731 Sloan St. Pampa TX 79065 665-2545 First Pentecostal Holiness 1700 Alcock Pampa TX 79065 665-3366 First Presbyterian 525 N. Gray Pampa TX 79065 665-1031

First United Methodist Foster & Ballard Pampa TX 79065 669-7411 Grace Baptist Church P.O. Box 839 Pampa TX 79065 669-7967 Harvest Fellowship Baptist Church 2700 W. Kentucky Ave. Pampa TX 79065 665-4922 Harvest Bible Church 300 W. Browning Avenue Pampa TX 79065 669-2923 Hobart Baptist Church 1100 W. Crawford Pampa TX 79065 669-3212 Hi-land Christian Church 1615 N. Banks Pampa TX 79065 669-6700

First United Methodist Church of Pampa

Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:30 am Broadcast live on KOMX FM 100.3 For info on Children’s Ministry, Youth Group & Adult Small Groups visit www.pampafumc.com. Pastor - Rev. Ruby Moultrie 201 E. Foster | Pampa, TX | 806.669.7411 29420

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