The Pampa News — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — 1
Letters to Santa Clause
Mariana- Wilson Elementary
Morean- Lamar Elementary
Karter- Austin Elementary
Cy- Austin Elementary
2 — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — The Pampa News
Letters to Santa Clause
Lamar Elem. Kindergarten Hall
Azdyn - Dear Santa, I want a sonic game for my xbox. and a board game. Love, Azdyn Mayra - Dear Santa, I want a my little pony. Love, Mayra Cameron - Dear Santa, I want a go cart. Love, Cameron Zoey - Dear Santa, I want a doll. Love, Zoey Flannery- Travis Elementary
Briella - Dear Santa, I want a real red lipstick. Love, Briella Adriana - Dear Santa, I want a barbie. Dominique - Dear Santa, I want a barbie. Madison - Dear Santa, I want a baby doll. Eli - Dear Santa, I want a raptor. Shylalynn - Dear Santa, I want a doll.
Ashley - Dear Santa, I want a doll. Love, Ashly Desiel - Dear Santa, I want a go cart. Leiland - Dear Santa, I want a tv. Love, Leiland
Anya - Dear Santa, I want a cooking doll set. Tamia - Dear Santa, I want Ana and Elsa. Love, Love, Anya Tamia Oakley - Dear Santa, I want an ice cream truck. Drake - Dear Santa, I want Godzilla. Love, Drake Love, Oakley Issac - Dear Santa, I want a race car. Love, Issac Destinee - Dear Santa, I want a dream tent. Love, Destinee Romeo - Dear Santa, I want a bike, countig board, walkie talkies and an Ipad. Love, Romeo
Tyler- Dear Santa, I want a transformer. Love, Tyler Rhylie - Dear Santa, I want a scuba mask. Love, Rhylie
Brown Noelia - Dear Santa, bers anto i with you come wez me I wut hashii Izak - Dear Santa, I want a drt bik thank you sosososososo much for your phents. You are the best collio you give me a pupee plese love Izak Johonesso - Dear Santa, I hopee you give me my toos that I want for Christmas. I want hashmise for Chrismas and I will give you free kit Inaoe. It will be mirrke and a kookee to bite. I love you to the moon and bake i hope you like what I giv eyou my pransit. Chace - Dear Santa, We are in 1st grd and I wut to have a drt bike. Princess - Dear Santa, I wot a brabe and haose for Crisme and a fone to. Thae you. Love princess.
Emily - Dear Santa, I want a doll. Love, Emily
Jesus - Dear Santa, you are the bist I want a dog. I like you. Dear. Ana -Dear Santa, I want a Barbie horse. Love, Anahi - Dear Santa, I want Goldilocks and the 3 Ana Bears Back. Piper - Dear Santa, I wot a fear myke I wet I leauve yu sity for iwr. Arianna - Dear Santa, I want a Barbie. Love, Pancho - Dear Santa, I want cops and robbers. Arianna Mia - Dear Santa, I have been very good this yer Addison - Dear Santa, I want a Doc McStuffins i owe that you waok so hrd and I rilly want a puppy Ariel - Dear Santa, I want playdough nerf gun. bike. can you bring me it? Love Mia Love, Ariel
Lindsey - Dear Santa, I want a dollhouse.
Stepahanie - Dear Santa, You are very good. Chaseyn - Dear Santa, I want a nerf gun. Love, Can I have a tablet? Please Santa Thank you. Love Chaseyn Stephanie
Daniel - Dear Santa, I want nike shoes. Love, Matthew - Dear Santa, I want a motorcycle. Mylah - Dear Santa, Thank you Santa I want a Daniel Love, Matthew dog. I want a cat. I want my teacher Mr. Brown. I Diego - Dear Santa, I want a transformer. Love, want an iPad. Love, Mylah Kaylee - Dear Santa, I want a motorcycle. Love, Diego Kaylee Camila - Dear Santa, I like your elfs. They have been wrking hrde giving toys to kids. Thank you Guillermo - Dear Santa, I want a hoverboard. Hayden - Dear Santa, I want a tablet. Love, for the presins but I want for Chrismas a lol big Love, Guillermo Hayden vrsin and that all Love Camila Jayden - Dear Santa, I want a ninja turtle. Love, Prezlee - Dear Santa, I want a big Barbie house. Max - Dear Santa, your are the best. I want a Jayden Love, Preslee iPad. Benicio - Dear Santa, I want a dinosaur tent for Easton - Dear Santa, I want a Big Batman. Love, my bed. Love, Benicio Easton
Alex - Dear Santa, I want a tablet.
Morean - Dear Santa, I wot a not you habe for a Joshua - Dear Santa, I want a remote car. Love, Gunner - Dear Santa, I want a singing reindeer. laptop can you phet plese. Joshua Love, Gunner Mauricio - Dear Santa, I want nike shoes. Love, Kyle Derklin - Dear Santa, I want a power ranger toy. Mauricio Nataly - Dear Santa, thank you for giving me a Love, Derklin bow. I need a bac pac. i want some blck boots my Mia - Dear Santa, I want a Barbie House. Love, mom wants a dress. my dad want a hat. My sisZander - Dear Santa, I want a motorcycle. Love, Mia ter wants cuties. Jackie wants a soft blanket. I love Zander you. Aevyan Dear Santa, I want a race track. Love, Sophie - Dear Santa, I want a toy tigr. Aevyan Evan - Dear Santa, thank you for giving every a present. I need shoes i want a fone and a drtbike. Justice - Dear Santa, I want a bisicl. Love, Justice Eva - Dear Santa, I want a puppy. Love, Eva. My mom wants a truck because she has eight kids. I love you and I will lev you cookies. Christian - Dear Santa, I want a xbox. Love, Caylee Dear Santa, I want a hover board. Christian Love Caylee Axel - Dear Santa, I hope you come fro me the north pole. I want an x-box. My baby sistr wants a Kayson - Dear Santa, I want a Xbox. baby toy. Why do you bring us toys. First grade Sarahi - Dear Santa, I want a toy tiger.
Lisia- Travis Elementary
Rruven - Dear Santa, You need a vakashn. I want an Ifone 7. My thuther wants new legos. How many elves do you have? Itzel - Dear Santa, I like my num noms playset. I would need a new 2crt. Zaya - Dear Santa, I need a new backpack I want a xbox one for my bruther. Alexa - Dear Santa, I need clothes. I would like American Girl Doll. Jacob - Dear Santa, You work hard. I need socks. I would like a dirt bike and a PS4 and a drone and a mrakin trol dirt bike and a nekles and a iPhone 5 +1 and a iPhone 7 and a dog. Izzy - Dear Santa, I want a phone for Christmas I am new ant toys. Brianna - Dear Santa, Ifliynwell Santa. I woud like some LOL dools and shopkins please and I need some bots. Michael - Dear Santa, I need Christmas please yes you can have a Christmas thank you well come
The Pampa News — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — 3
Letters to Santa Clause train is in the prezent good job Michael you opin it baby brothers a toy and a nerf gun? Can you give thanking yes new trin good job. me and elf on the shelf a new bike and a fidget spinner. Carlos - Dear Santa, I hope you come sef lene to tan i love you because you begusa pest I want Giovany - Dear Santa, Do you have any presents a x-box my serk I want I does I love you so much. for me? If you do I want a dog because my other dog ran away. Alberto - Dear Santa, thank you for giving us stuf for Christmas I need sum subcasis and I would like Fayrene - Dear Santa, can I have a doll house a IFone for Christmas. and a room preety dolls and a pack of slime pants. Makeup gummys and gumball machien can my Emilion - Dear Santa, on Christmas I wrt a x-box. siser have more makeup? and can my bother have pj set. Anali - Dear Santa, for Christmas I went a x-box one for Christmas for Santa thank you from Anali Anali - Dear Santa, I want pack of slime please and i will want a puppy a barbie house and a vioLexi - Dear Santa, I need my cus for Christmas. I lin I will want a gumbell machine a hover board a would like a bebe sye be cause like a your are cute figispinner and a direbook and a new spubr and a feu for the bebe pye feuyou for the tus. barbie house LOL doll and for brother an erfgoon and a figit spinner a hovermaid. Diego - Dear Santa, Santa I would a t-dot two you because yon work so herd my big bruter want Myla - Dear Santa, can I have a big box of Lol a x-box two my baby sister wants a sail. dolls a puppy a bike and a playhouse with a fan in it. I love you Santa.
Uriel- Dear Santa- I would want an ipad and an iphone for Christmas. And I want a playstation for Christmas. I wish I could see you in real life and drive to the North Pole but I know its far but I still want to go.
Angel - Dear Santa, I want an xbox one and I Angel - Dear Santa, thank you for bringing me want the games that I like. I want two laptops one preins last year. I want a Magick track on Christwith all the memory from my stepdads laptop I mas and i want a power ranger blac it santa. I am so want a few toys for Christmas. soory because i have been cinda bad. I need a color box for home. Love, Angel Dane - Dear Santa, I want a remote control truck and a video game for Christmas. Santa I love Peyton - Dear Santa, teackey. Is shoes it Barbie a Christmas. It is my favorite holiday ever. I believe jaekees Elves are a Christmas are reindeer a cookin you Santa. I believe that you are alive. I want a ies I wat ball a play milk and playhouse. Love, Peyphone and best of all spend time with my family. ton
Steven- Dear Santa- What I want for Christmas is a rover that flies so high into the sky. Pokeman cards and a dragen that has wings. That is yellow and red.
Mrs. Diggs Lorain- Dear Santa- I want a bike and a phone and a tablet and a computer. Karajah- Dear Santa- I want a project bag, or a bees machine and a puppy, A Backer macker, iphone, tablet dolls, new clothes and shoes, smelly markers and books. I also want Jojo Sweenys head phones, a new fit bit lol, diamond necklace and a glow in the dark rocks. Love Karajah. T’aira- Dear Santa- I want a blue pink and black bike with a basket a chapter book an iphone, an orbee machine a big Lol a kitten a Jojo MyLive doll, smell marker a sparkly iphone case, an art set a fitbit, necklace. Please Santa? An big kiss from my family Love T’aira.
Kayelie- Dear Santa- I want a Barbie Dream House, a Barbie and a cupcake maker. Elijah- Dear Santa- I want bumper cars and a Lego dragon. Also I want a race car track.
Deandra - Dear Santa, I wot a Barbie Dream Atkin- Dear Santa- I want two things for ChristKeyon - Dear Santa, you are the best. I want a House with its swimming stairs I loop and I also mas. I want a phone or a hover bord. Both of my xbox I need some close. Be safe. I love Christmas want baby twin dolls and a barbie and Ken. sisters want a new bunk bed, but I think their old bunk bed is fine. I sleep on it every night. Aleiga - Dear Santa, thac you for cuming to vesit. Mariana Dear Santa, this is the four presents I ned a coat for Christmas. I want paint for Christthat I want for Chistmas is a huverboard and a Abby- Dear Santa- I want a horse and a Barbie mas becus I fil licke I am a artist. computer and one more thing, light up shoes that and a new blanket for Christmas. Last but not least Sofia - Dear Santa, thank you for the toy. Can I glow on the bottom Marry Chistmas Santa I hop a kitten. have some CDs. I wot a doll for Christmas. I will you don’t get sick. Chevelle- Dear Santa- I want a kitten or a puppy. lev you some cooke. Love, Sofia Jocelyn - Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a hu- Mostly I want a kitten. Please Santa get me a kitAlex - Dear Santa, you can nis I wol put coose verboard and a phone. I am going to give a present ten. to my mom for Christmas. I’m going to give her a and mic bod present. I fop flof the rof legos. puppy. Jennifer- Dear Santa- I want a love a bella so badly. I also want a Jojo My life doll and her dog Emily - Dear Santa, I hop that you ruz elves staye Fernie Dear Santa, Can you let me on line. I Bow Bow and a car for Christmas. I want a toy bithape. Thank you for the presis lazt year. You are want a PS3 games and a remote. I also would like ten and puppy to play with. I want an iphone and nice. Love, Emily a computer. a puppy that is black lab. Can you get my mom something that has monkeys on it? Ariana - Dear Santa, you are so nise! I need a Antero Dear Santa, I have been good and I want blankite and dsidins doll too. Hav a safe trip! Arito have a dog and a camera drone. I want a gumLandon- Dear Santa- I want a flash costume that ana ball machine. Do you want a cookie and a glass of has a red button that make you go fast like Flash. I also want a little town that you can move around Anthony - Dear Santa, we love my time ppl me mille. Santa I want a hoverboard and that is it. people. dot irpline.
Mrs. Leal
Luisaya - Dear Santa, thank you for the preset frum laser. Thank you for the Ipad i will lev you Valeria- Dear Santa- Can I have the whole entire cookies and milk. collection of my little ponies. I would also like a Hover Board and 1 Lol please. Braeth - Dear Santa, I love you to the moon and back. I hope that your sleigh don’t run out of powPeyton- Dear Santa- I would like a new pillow er. Love, Braeth and blanket. I also would like a lego set and toy cars that go on a map. Thank you. Kariah - Dear Santa, can you give me a green ball for Christmas have you had some cookies and milk. Joshua- Dear Santa-I want a wet ball and fake I love Christmas Santa. I want a Christmas They spider. My nephew wants a Christmas cookie are my presets. I love you Santa. Love, Kariah shaped like a tree. He also wants a new little bike.
Sydney- Dear Santa- I love you but what I want for Christmas is a fake mermaid tail and a cookie maker also a sewing machine and also a dig iphone. Blayde- Dear Santa- There are a lot of children that want prizes and presents. I want a boa, a computer, a laptop, a phone and a tablet. Boston- Dear Santa- What I want from you is a remote control monster truck. I hope this doesn’t push your buttons. I want something for my brother I want you to get him Reddead Revention 1 and Reddead Revention 2.
Hayden - Dear Santa, i want to thank you for Yetli- Dear Santa-The first thing I would like to giveing us prezent you are grat Santa. I want a have is a computer and a robot. Also a Barbie doll Third grade xbox, playstashen and a big rtdto. and a yo-yo and a bike. Last I would like a ball.
Mary- Dear Santa-I want a Robot cosmo, a lego Second grade and friends set of a pool party, a stuffed animal of a Kezia - Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is dojo monster and a New LG phone. a few books. My babby sister really wans the Elsa Morse boom box she seen at walmart. Also Also I want Sergio- Dear Santa- What I want is a Lego set to thank you for all the hard work you have done Ryleigh - Dear Santa, I love cats can I have a stuffed cat? I love to paint. Can i have paint elease? of Batman and Lego city. Also I want a nerf guns. every year to put a Christmas present under my tree Next a huverbord and a brand new bike. I love dresses can I also have one? at home. Sincerely, Kezia Annette - Dear Santa-I want a phone so bad. Can Annabell - Dear Santa, I wish that I could have my own makeup and my own skate board so I can you give me a glitter case with it? Also, Lol’s and right it with my friends Lexxy and Nate. I hope it is pool and a hatehimal. not to cold at the North Pole. Do you think I have Joanna- Dear Santa- I want a dollhouse. It has been good for my mom and dad at home. I am in a bathroom. The bathroom has everything. It also 2nd I hope you make it here safely. has a bed room. It also has everything too. I would Brentley - Dear Santa, and I wut a stuf unmoob- like some dolls too. I also want a Lol doll. cat I want a baby husky I want a bike and stuffed Lilly- Dear Santa-What I want for Cristmass is animal that looks like rudolph I also want slime. a Hatchabel, doll house, Lols, New cute clothes, Joshua - Dear Santa, I hope your safe at the North makeup, new shoes, and a toy car that you can set Pole I look forward to seeing you this Ceel nightms in, American Gril doll and a crib for a baby that comes with diapers. I would also like a new pool in Chout ples hav toy king kong toy. Love, Joshua my backyard right when I go outside and a phone Jaden - Dear Santa, I have been a good girl I hope and one more thing an Elf on the shelf. it’s not to cold in the North Pole. Do you think I Landan- Dear Santa-I want a bike for Christmas. could have a new baby doll for Christmas? Love, I would also like a Freddie game. Last I would like Jaden a baby turtle. Angela - Dear Santa, I want 9 things for CristBailey- Dear Santa- What I want for Christmas is mas. I want a box of LoL dolls, a box LPS, a baby poppy, a Barbie house, a LPS house and a real pi- a Hatchmal. The 2nd thing I want for Christmas is ana. I want a computer and a nail polish box and a a cutie car. The 3rd thing I want for Christmas is Trolls Blind bags. The 4th thing I would like for gum boll mishen. Christmas is some skinny jeans. Thank you. Nayelie - Dear Santa, I want a package of slime, Isaac- Dear Santa- I want an air droner. I hope It a puppy, bracelets a whole pack of paper, clothes has a camera. I want to add a nerf gun. a belt, a emoji bedset, and earings. I also wanta northface jacket and new pjs. Can you give my
Ignacio - Dear Santa, This is what I want for Christmas. All I want is a nintendo switch to play with my cousin, sister and friends. Your friend, Ignacio. Chase - Dear Santa, I have been a good boy so I think you should pick me out presents for me. Sencerly, Chase Aaden - Dear Santa, I want a dell and some money a IPad, Iphone 8, Xboxx, gta 5 with xboxx fuget cube a big tv and a game. Love Aaden Sally - Dear Santa, I hope I was a really good kid and hope that I am on the good list. I hope I can get what I want a little life pet, a little fake monkey, rollscats, a covor, emoji pillow, cenderlla, adoring and reading book, ipad, birbe, baby with all doneten toy. Love, Sally Chloe - Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year can I. eglest get a present from you please. I have been meen to my sisters but can I get a present. Please can I have a unicorn slime marker. Sinelley, Chloe. Kale - Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. can you get me some beats non wiless a non biting dog. Love Kale
4 — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — The Pampa News
Letters to Santa Clause Eli - Dear Santa, I have ben a good boy and how chair, kinetic sand and a cute little backpack please. and black rims. Color blue and black. Then, I want have you been and can you please bring me a lot of That’s all I want for Chrismas. Sincerely, Andrea it to go so so fast. I want brand new clothes. A other presents. Love Eli thing I want three nerf guns for me and my brothers. The last thing I want one Barbie for my little Lockett Christopher - Dear Santa, I want Gold shos and sister. Your friend, Jose. a playstashin to and to remots t othe playstashin a Kimberly - Dear Santa, you are the best in the super mario Game and a charder to my DS. Thanck world and I love you. When are you going to visit? Donavin - Dear Santa, Hello, I have a little list of you Love Chris stuff. I would like a PS4, however i am not trying I want a ike for Christmas. Also I want a puppy. to be needy Santa so please do not put me on the Love, Kimberly Oscar - Dear Santa, All I want for crismis is isaps naughty list. One more question, are the elves real4 and my sistr a dramhose becus me and my sister Baleria - Dear Santa, I want a computer. I want a ly that small? Sincerely, your magnificent Donavin wher good. Love, Oscar. reindeer toy, Santa I love you! I want to give you Cendon - Dear Santa, I want the race track at a hug when you come to visit. Sincerely, Baleria Fabian - Dear Santa, Procr that you are rill. I am wolmart. Second, I want a riley big drone. 3rd i ging to leve you kacke and is cem. I want all my Ivan - Dear Santa, you are the best guy ever! We want a riley cool tablit. Sincerely, Cendon. toy’s to be power raguers I am whanting betuer love you! Also, for Christmas I want an xbox, PS4 come. I have bin good. Your fend Fabian. Christopher - Dear Santa, I am not asking for a X, and a hug, thank you. Also, say hi to the elves lot this year because I am going to Didsney world. for me at the North Pole. Your friend, Ivan Ezra - Dear Santa, I want a PS4 pockemon with All I want is WWE 2K18. My other wish is you DS game and a deck of Yu-Gi-Ho cards with xbox Diana - Dear Santa, I want you to geve presents giving kids stuff I have that I don’t use. My quesand a remot control wat filing meshen. Yor frend to good kids and other kids that don’t have clothes tion is how do you put up with people mimicking Love Ezra or toys. I want a tablet, America doll, and thank you? Your pal, Christopher.
you for the presents that you give to people. I will Jesus - Dear Santa, I hope I have been a very good leave you cold milk and some chocolat ship cookDaniela - Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! This boy. but on chirstmes i want an xbox one and legos ies. The cookies are so good and yummy. Your Christmas I would like a t.o.L doll and my little and a mediem flat screen tv. Your friend, Jesus. pony SeaPony Castle. The biggest thing is my famfriend, Diana ily to be happy. Also, please can you take care of Jessie - Dear Santa, Do you lick to eat cokies at ot Joel - Dear Santa, Please tell me if I have been my grandparents? I would also like to know how can you get me Legos to bild with can you get me good. Also, has zozo been helping you? How many Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Mrs. Clause a elf on the shelf. Love, Jessie prents are you giving to evry one? I’,m cool with are doing? I hope you do well. Merry Christmas! what you give me but I want to donate money to Love, Daniela Aalyan - Dear Santa, i have ben good will you help. Here is what I want Nindo Switch, new nindo bring me ahaurbord caluko critens. Madelyn - Dear Santa, I want a pink hoverboard 2DS and a friend Zozo, my elf. and another thing I want is to help homeless kids. Guardado Jordan - Dear Santa, We hope you come this year Has some one ever saw you? Do you know everyto bring us some presents and we will give you body’s name? Have you ever made noise at some Yameleth - Dear Santa, I would like a barbie and some milk and chocolate bread. Can I have a big ones house? I want a pair of black boots and pants. a baby. Thank you Santa. Your friend, Yami box of pokemon cards, phone, hoverbord, uno at- Your friend, Madelyn Daniel - Dear Santa, I would like a control remote Farrari, control remote helicopter, some cleat for my brother that are play fire but high toe, under armer shirts and money for me and my brother. Also, iPhone 1 for me and my brother. Would you like to get some thing for my brother. Your friend, Daniel
tack, soccerball, bike, puppy and a pair of soccer Maritza - Dear Santa, I would like a big bike and cleats. We hope you and your elf stay to see us in a phone. I have a little sister that she wants a Froperson. Love, Jordan zen bike and a doctor game. How does the reindeer Bianette - Dear Santa, I want you to get the peo- look like? How does the elfs look like? Do elf’s ple presents and to the people who are in the hospi- listen to you? Do the reindeer listen to you? I forgot tal. I would like an elf for Christmas. I also want a to put a purple hover board for Christmas. Love, Maritza computer for Christmas. Love, Bianette
Santiago - Dear Santa, I want a scooter, racecar, Annette - Dear Santa, I want a smartwatch for Yarely - Dear Santa, I would like a Nintendo hoverboard that’s blue, and a football because my kids I had been good in the house and I help my Switch, a phone and some rolerskates. I hope you brother only plays tackle with his football. Can I mom clean the house. Second I want a bike and a have a great happy Christmas, and I like your have a xbox 1 and a playstain for how many peolaptop. Sincerely, Annette Christmas songs. Your friend, Yarely ple do want presents in the world? I Christmas the Jesus - Dear Santa, Querido Santa Claus yo quiMarcelina - Dear Santa, What I want for Christ- birthday of god? Your friend, Santiago ero en navidad us estuche de colotes y dos espa- mas is for a wonderful day and a thankful day and das y una pistola de jugere y un yaquete grande de presents under the tree. I want for everybody to be plumas y tambien quiero un trampdia. You friend, happy. Love, Marcelina Jesus Aaron - Dear Santa, I want a tablet. If you can Milton - Dear Santa, I want a trampoline and a you go to my home. Why do you give kids toys? soccer boll and a PS4. I like you because you bring How many elfs do you have Santa Claus? How big presents to us, and we are thankful to you. Love, is your home Santa? Love, Aaron Milton Zaidan - Dear Santa, All I whant for Christmas is Valeria - Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new lego minecraft set and a competitor for my you to take presents to someone who doesn’t have mom then a nerf football and a 500 little people money. I would like a laptop or a phone. And one set. Thank you for all this stuf Santa Claus. Your last thing I would like you to bring a very special friend, Zaidan toy for my little brother. Sincerely, Valeria. Linda - Dear Santa, I appreciate what you do. Seleste - Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas Why can’t we see you all the time? I love when is a laptop and clothes I want a tablet, shoes, girls you give me present it so nice of you when you make-up and a phone. I also want a new pillow. I come to my home I leave you plate of cookies and want a puppy. Love, Seleste a cup of milk as the cookies are home made. Your best friend, Linda Edwin - Dear Santa, I would like a lego nijago bike and a hot weels garage with the gorila and the Jesus - Dear Santa, I want a PS4. Why I want a garage that there can fit over 140 cars. I also would PS4 is cause when I don’t have school homework like you to give something to the people who don’t I am bored. If you give me a PS4 I wont be bored have much. May I also have the Lego ninjago anymore. I will use it a lot. Sincerely, Jesus movie disk. Thank you for giving us presents every year. Where are you reay the one I saw in the north Raymond - Dear Santa, I would like a BBa for pole in Colorado? Your friend, Edwin Cristmas please! I heard all the pruductors are making more BBa’s. So please get me one for CrisAshley - Dear Santa, I would like an iPhone 6 tmas please! Sincerely, Raymond for Christmas, and a case for it, and a pop socket. Please give the poor clothes and shoes so they Daniel - Dear Santa, This Christmas I don’t want won’t be cold. Bring them a blanket also. Say hi to anything because I have evrything I want my famthe elfs for me! Your friend, Ashley ily. So when you pass by my house go into my closet in my room take as many toys as you can. And Analia - Dear Santa, I would like a ticket to go to take them to Charady. Love, Daniel Chicago, Illinois, a laptop, new clothes, an iphone 7 and $20. Santa do you want milk and cookies for McKinnse - Dear Santa, I want a blanket for Christmas? Well, I can give you some so you can Christmas. Will you get me a botel of perfume? be happy. Thank you! Your friend, Analia Also, can I have some finger nail pollesh. Finely can I have a tablet too? Thank you for evry thang! Edgar - Dear Santa, For Christmas can you give You friend, McKinnse me a art board. Can you bring me some books to read. Santa can you bring me a phone too. Santa Isaac - Dear Santa, I would like you to take gifts can you give presents to people that do not have to the people that are poor. Santa how old is the very much money. Your friend, Edgar. North pole? How many toys do you make ever year for Christmas? I would also like some presents to Gabriel - Dear Santa, I want a PS4 and 15 bay and i don’t care what kind. Love, Isaac blades an Xbox 1, a call of Duty 3. I would also like some footballs and soccer balls and big tv and Leatherwood a Iphone 8 and a hot tub and a german cheperd and some shoes and er anmen. Love, Gabriel Bianca - Dear Santa, I don’t want a lot of presents Benji - Dear Santa, I want a xbox one and a trampoline. And a new computer because the one one is not working now so thats why I want a new computer. A new bike that looks like motor race bike without no training wheels. Love, Benji Andrea -Dear Santa, I would like five things please. I would like a laptop, desk, blue comfy
Joshuah - Dear Santa, I want a hoverboard. Also just to tell my brother wants a toy motercyle. Also my sister wants a Barbie doll. Also, just to tell you my grampa wants a cowboy hat. Also a pair of pants. Also my grandma wants a warm blanket. Also some pajamas. Your pal, Joshuah Yaritza - Dear Santa, I want some bots for Chrismas can you bring it to me? I want them brown and some clothes please Santa and a cumputer they say that the elves are magical? What do you want me to let you on the table? Love, Yaritza Owen - Dear Santa, Can I have Star Wars hamnock and a live tree. I would also lick a huffy 2yv electric green machine. Do you lick oreo cookies? Don’t tell Ian that I will get him semthing I wants a star wars eb. Can I have a reb motoreikle what I can drive. Love, Owen Rachel - Dear Santa, I will want a big dog stuff animal and a bow I want chase from Paw Patrol then I want a new bike with pink, blue and red and how do you know everybody. Love, Rachel Carina - Dear Santa, for Christmas I would like to have a my life girl of jojo siwa, and a guitar. Also, I have some blankets and clothes for kids that don’t have parents. My life is going great!!! Sincerely, Carina Jesus - Dear Santa, I want a red remote helicopter and a baskitball. Is is fun making toys? Do you give toys to the homeless kids toy? Good luck delivering toys. Your friend, Jesus
Moore Devan - Dear Santa, I would like Thomas the Train for Christmas. Your friend, Devan Saul - Dear Santa, I would like toys for Christmas. Your friend, Saul Ailey - Dear Santa, I want to see your alf and I have ding a good grirl this your and I so did god. Love, Ailey
Jaelei - Dear Santa, I hope you are doing fine. I have been a good girl this year! For Cristmas I realy want a power wheels boomerang please I don’t want you to read a lot of things. I will send you my for Christmas. All I want for Christmas is a tablet, list for now please enjoy your present! a $15 iTunes card and a sew cool with material. So Jaime - Dear Santa, I want a apple watch and a bb now that I told you want I wanted can I ask you guns and a cuputer and cal of dude for xbox one! some questions? Is your bag heavy and big? One Love, Jaime last question how many reindeers do you have? Love, Bianca Tommy - Dear Santa, I want a hummer and rucks to build stuff. I want a ds swtich a pokemon holder Jose - Dear Santa, I want a bike with black wheels and a iphone with a charger for both and a laptop.
The Pampa News — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — 5
Letters to Santa Clause Thank you, Tommy Mia - Dear Santa, I hope you had some rest. I’ve been a super good girl. I want a hoverboard, a silicone baby and a million fidget spinners. Please can you get me those 4 most beautiful things in the WORLD! Will you get me those 4 things?
perigrinos. Yo quiero perigrinos. Soy tu amigo Barbie house. Santa. Tonya- Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy farm Alexander- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un mono do with farm animals and a lot of toys. I love you, oso anaranjado. Ojale que sea grande! Tambien Tonya. quiero un lobo. Te quiero. Keagan- Dear Santa, Please bring me a bicycle that lights up. Miss Solis
Zhadrian - Dear Santa, I want thest minecraft lagor and a hothgun and the coudore gams and the Amia- Dear Santa, Please bring me markers. Yuriana- Dear Santa- Yo te voy a dejar galletas y emotcar and thecmotsets. leche. Yo te voy a dejar un juguete. Quisiera que Brody- Dear Santa, Could I please have some me traigas un juguete de Frozen y de Trolls. MaChristian - Dear Santa, I wish you make a great nana te voy a dejuar un juguete. pokeman cards and a swing set. I love you and Chrismas I will leve you a box of 10 cookies and thank you! Brody milk for you. I want a drown for Chrismas i will be Jeilinne- Dear Santa- Me gusta que traigas regagood and I want a hoverbord and a box of skyland- los. Me puedes traer unas pijamas y ropa. Me trae Isiah- Dear Santa, Can I please have a toy airers. plane? muchas cosas para hacerme el pelo y pinturas para
los labios. Yo quiero un mono y un huevo con un Christoper - Dear Santa, Can you give me a min- pajaro adentro. Jadon- Dear Santa, please bring me a tiger puppet ion toys for Christmas and mony for Christmas. and a yo-yo. Thank you, Jadon Love, Christopher Javier- Dear Santa- Yo voy a comprar jugetes. Diego- Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy shark Yo quiero un moto. Samuel - Dear Santa, for Christmas i want a Eaand dinosaur. And Ice cream I would like police star bunny costume and a gril elf on the shelf a batKevin- Dear Santa- Quisiera recibir un mono do stuff. Thank you, Diego ter can and a ninja costume. Mickey Mouse y uno do Bob Esponja y una paDaniel- Dear Santa, Please bring me cars, cupjama de Santa Claus. Gracias por mis regalos. Yo Angie - Dear Santa, I hope you have a great day. quiero un traje de pijamas para mis hermanos. cakes and presents. Thank you, Daniel Does Mrs. Clause is doing fine? I really want you to bring me a whole bag of slime and squishy. I Tiara- Dear Santa, Please bring me Shokpins like Emilio- Dear Santa- Yo quiero una bicicleta y hope you have a great time see you soon. Love, una tableta con muchos juegos. Tambien me gus- strawberry kiss and lippy lips. I would like some Angie taria una pista de carreras con muchos carros chi- dolls too. Thank you Tiara dos. Un camaro de Batman. Te voy esperar hasta Bailey - Dear Santa, I want a popsolo for Christ- que llages a mi casa. Lyric- Dear Santa, Please bring me a Ninja Turmas. tles I like Leo the Leader and Michelangelo, RaJose- Dear Santa- Una bicicleta y tableta. Un phael too. Thank you, Lyric. Rhyder - Dear Santa, I want a hoverbord for libro y una moto. Chrismas. I want the brand to be Hover-1. I also Areli- Dear Santa, Please bring me a Barbie want a X-box 360. I might want Mincraft for a Xhouse, a Barbie car and a Barbie. I love you, Areli. Vanesa- Dear Santa- Yo quisiera recibir una biciBox 360. If you can git me this I will be your best cleta de princesas y una tablet. friend. Sincerely, Rhyder Raylen- Dear Santa, I would like a toy farm with horses, cats and cows. Thank you, Raylen Juanita- Dear Santa- Gracias por comprar me Dillon - Dear Santa, I have ben a good boy this una muneca. Y una Barbie que tenga animals y los year. For Crismas I went a basket ball hoop and a sane. Y una muneca que tenga nambre. Damien- Dear Santa, Please Bring me a Minedirey. Love, Dillon. craft and a soccer ball. Thank you, Damien.
Josye- Dear Santa- Gracias por los regalos yo Dakota - Dear Santa, I hope you put me on the quiero un juguete de Power Rangers de un robot. Anthony- Dear Santa, can I have Call of Duty 2 good list I hope so! Can you bring me a legobox Tus animals esten bien bonitos y tu carro tambien and a football? I love you, Anthony and a new big lego box. Love, Dakota esta muy bonita te quiero ver. Leilani- Dear Santa, can I please have a guitar? Ismael - Dear Santa, Can you bring me a hover Thank you, Leilani Gerarado- Dear Santa- Gracias for traer regalos bord and a bike for Chrimas and for my brother a yo quiero que le traigas a mis hermanos una avion xbox and a contrer with games and we will leve telefono y tambien una arco iris. Para mi quiero Jaciel- Dear Santa, Please bring me Silly Scents you cookies and milk. Love, Ismael Crayons and a Ninja Turtle. I love you, Jaciel un juguete de Spider-Man. Te estas portando bien Santa Claus y te quiero ver. Aryviana - Dear Santa, I hope you give me presents this year agion! Please bring my brother to and my sister something to. Cause people really love Parks Curtissa- Dear Santa, I love a handglider toy. you Santa! You don’t want to let us down. Love, Aryviana David- Dear Santa, I would like a vampire toy. Luckaliegh - Dear Santa, I hope you can come to Josiah- Dear Santa, I would like a gorilla toy. my house. All I ask for is one of thows moterisd toy cans and a bunsch of foote pajamas 4 how pens and Zulma- Dear Santa, I would like a lol doll for ples bring some dog chrets and toys. PS made you Christmas. some cookies. Love, Luckaleigh
Wilson Elem. Kindergarten Mrs. Roberson
Lexi- Dear Santa, I would like a guitar for Christmas. Adrianne- Dear Santa, I would like a big Barbie for Christmas. Sebastian- Dear Santa, I want a paint set for Christmas.
Saucedo Karla- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me hatchable baby alido jojo sewo dow as xbox mincaf slimav pink lol dow love Karla Jayce- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me a Barbie. Thanks Sophia- Dear Santa, I would like for you to brig me a brolps, love Sophia Matthew- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me Peppa Pig thcy yo Santa, Matthew Landen- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me a bike. Landen Jackson- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me a watch. Jackson
Soda- Dear Santa, I want a Xbox 1 for Christmas. Jason- Dear Santa- Traigame una bicicleta chida Espn- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring por favor. Que me traiga una de este que se va my Creeshain- Dear Santa, I want a paint set for me a captn America. Thank you rapido como flash. Tambien un iman. Tu amigo. Christmas. John- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring Marisol- Dear Santa- Quiero una casa para jugar. Lilah- Dear Santa, I want a Barbie for Christmas. me a choo choo train. Love you, John Tambien quiero algo que tiene luces verdaderas y se puede meter en la casa. Te quiero decie que to Adriana- Dear Santa, I want a paint set for ChristTyler-May- Dear Santa, I would like for you to quiero mucho por traerme muchos regalos el ano mas. bring me a Brbu dol. Tyler-May pasado. Gabriella- Dear Santa, I want a hatchable for Arianna- Dear Santa, I would like for you to ring Javier- Dear Santa- Yo quiero una bicicleta para Christmas. me a thankgil me. Arianna el Navidad. Tambien un robot que se transforme a un juguete. Feliz Navidad. Sofia- Dear Santa, I want a guitar for Christmas. Victor- Dear Santa, I would like for you to brin Love, Sofia me a big batman. love Victor Angel- Dear Santa- Quiero una moto que me traiga Santa Clas. Que me traiga un robot de jugete. Scarlett- Dear Santa, I want a hatchable for Mia- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me Christmas. a lol doll. Love Mia Aileen- Dear Santa- Quiero que me traigas Santa Clos regalos. Y quiero que vayas a mi casa para Madyson- Dear Santa, I want a Batman toy for Keyzus- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring Navidad. Christmas. me a Thank you Love Keyzus Arleth- Dear Santa- Yo quiero una case do jugete Kindline- Dear Santa, I want a tablet with headMac- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring y una perrita viva. Que to vaya bien en el trabajo. phones for Christmas. me a xbox. Love Mac Kristello- Dear Santa- Yo quiero pinturas y un Edwin- Dear Santa, I want a dirtbike for ChristBridgette- Dear Santa, I would like for you to gato. mas. bring me a princess doll. Thank you, Bridgette Maylen- Dear Santa- Yo quiero una campana y Natalie- Dear Santa, I want a white house you Danely- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring un pajaro bueno. can color for Christmas. me a flute. Love, Danely Karim- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un iman grande que tiene mucha fuerza y se puede pegar a todo. Caison Tucker- Dear Santa, I love your house and I love Tambien quiero un pavo para ser mi amigo. you. Please bring me a race track and a gorilla and Oscar- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un carro que se a jet. Thank you, Tucker. transforma a un robot y que tiene control. Quiro Camaron- Dear Santa, I would like a ninja turtle unas juguetes de trabajar. Gracias Santa. toy and a toy motorcycle. Logan- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un regalo para mi Yamilet- Dear Santa, Please bring me a magical mama. Quiero darle un sombrero como las de los
Maritza- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me a. Love Maritza Braelyn- Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me a unicor with wing love Braelyn
1st Grade West
6 — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — The Pampa News
Letters to Santa Clause baby and the last one is a lot of booka like 100 Monds Gael- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un robot de control books because a love to reed. remoto. Yo quiero uno de colores azul y rojo. Yo Kaliden- Dear Santa, I want a hver bord for lo voy a manejar en el piso. Le puede traerle pilas. Christmas and xbox ebo band skooder bekas samMauro - Dear Santa, I want the xbox one and cars Feliz dias. three games but I like you santa and I want a bike wn stood my skooden and clos I love you, Santa and santa you are a good santa and I want a toy of Nefi- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un drone con camara Angel- Dear Santa, I want a KAMR for KrO- rain deers and your awsome to but I want a lot of en el control arriba porque yo nunca ge tenido uno. mAI. Love, Angel prisents but can you give it to me. I love you santa Tiene helises en cada lado y la camaro enfrente. Voy a abrir la caja y lo voy a manejar. Con todo Sebastian - Dear Santa, I want a robot I want him Juan- Dear Santa, I want a lopot spider and a humi Corazon. to be super man. I want him to fly a lot. I want him vrbord. Love, Juan green and I want him to talk. I will like to have a Keyla- Dear Santa- Yo quiero una muneca de Achilles- Dear Santa, I want a bad noo bike. conetrole so I can move him. I want him to be tall. decndants 2. Yo voy a jugar y se llama Mal. Me Love, Achilles I want him to get things. gusta porque yo la veo los muvis. Pore so la quiero. Con todo mi Corazon. Hayden- Dear Santa, I want a loo ningago. Alondra - Dear Santa, I want a tablet with cover Hayden Yadira- Dear Santa- Yo quiero una muneca con on it. And I want two dolls. And I want a bed. And pelo de arcoilis porque tiene pelo suave y porque Gavin- Dear Santa, I wut a xbox by ams I will I want clothes and shoes. I want a pool and I want me gusta. Voy a jugar con mi casa de Barbie afuera rece elamexbox and gams. I’m gulle play with a white puppy. I want a pink bake I ondder brown con mi Barbie. tim at the time. I like gams it is fun. I love santa. I puppy. blevin santo. Love, Gavin Pablo- Dear Santa- Santa me puedes traer un Lego Minecraft. Con una casa y con stift y alex y Ember- Dear Santa, Shopkins toy cat with kin2 perros. Con todo mi Corazon. tins, hachmloos mermad Babls books noogres toy budrflio. Thank you, Santa. Love Ember Giovanni- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un X-box 360 para jugar con mis hermanos. Gisselle- Dear Santa, I want a Barbie I drim hous
to play with dols and a Barbie Cards I love you Mineydi- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un Mermaid tail Santa. Love, Gisselle porque no puedo nadar. Yo quiero nadar con esta Mermaid tail con amor. Orkiel- Dear Santa, I want a udr krishur lit naw and gooens toy. love Orkiel Angel- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un X-box con controles para jugar todo los juegos en el x-box. Le Chanel- Dear Santa, I want a mermad set for voy a dejar Jose que juege tambien mi x-box para Christmas and gogols. I am going to go in my fish que sea feliz. pool. Merry Christmas! Love, Chanel
Kenya - Dear Santa, I want a puppy and Toy of my little pony movie dall name is of fullreshy of burflys and book for reading for my mom dall of prinsses for me I wall leaft cookies of choolet coffee and for you dears ceretes thanks you Santa merri chrismis. Samantha - Dear Santa, I want a tablet and numnums. And for my ster ketheryn a tablet to like me and all the collechen of numnums for me to. And I want more things I want shop kins all The colle shon. And a bike to plaese.
Alex- Dear Santa, I want a tablet and lego WFL Dereck- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un juego de football for chrismes also hababord Santa it’s ok if Mavin- i play with my tos. I wanta batman set. Minecraft. sume wan want’s a tablet plese bring me a football Love, Mavin I will give a note so you now what team should you Joana- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un trampoline Yarely- Dear Santa, I want 10 shopkins. I want now sow you can bring me it I love you santa porque quiero subirme en el trampoline. El tram- more becus. I already playd with my old ones. Merpoline es divertido y cuado lo tengo quiero subirme ry Christmas! Love, Yarely. Omar- Dear Santa, I want a controller to play en el trampoline porque quiero brincon en el tramwith my friends. I also want a video game about poline. Zakaydin- Dear Santa, I want a basketball and legos. I want a new soccer ball. please give my dad a xbox 360 and a for willer and a havorborde for another horse and my moma bird. Victor- Dear Santa- Just Dance 2018 para que yo Christmas. I love flat ten my bracres basketball I y mis hermanos bailemos en el x-box con los con- hover. Love, Zakaydin Wise 2 Grade class troles y el disco con la caja. Con todo mi Corazon. Aubrie- Dear Santa, I hope you can bring Doc Jaden- Dear Santa, I want a nef gun. I am going miss stuffing set and ten my little poys and hachato have nef wayer and I wel have fun. Love, Jaden Ximena- Dear Santa- Yo quiero un playset de comals. I Wish I Can See Rudolph. Thank you. Please midita. Yo quiero cosinar ensaladas y sopas a mis Sunshine- Dear Santa, I want hachmols Santa can you give me four quartars then next christmas I papa. Tambien voy a cosinar chocolate derritida can you give me a big hachmels. Santa I want a big Will give you a doller. con pan. Tambien el pan esta tostado. blcit sof I will love it. Santa I like you Santa you are the best Santa evr. Santa you give presit. Love, Sunshine.
Frankie- Dear Santa, I would like americar gril dolls suff and clos for the elf. please and thanks. Gael- Dear Santa, I want a hot weel trac it has a And ahew maching water bottle and lunck bag. I Leah- Dear Santa, How are the raindeer? I ben good at lunch I want a iphone to call my Dod and gril u. I want it becus that I can play with it. I will hop you aet my cooks. see you soon! Love, Gael. mom Tyffora- Dear Santa want a toy horse for christmas. I want my little ponney and it is a girl and I Natalie- Dear Santa, How is rdf doing? I want a love ponnys. I want to say hellow to roodoff. pogo stik to bbanc up high and my little pony toy. 2nd Grade
Rhuben- Dear Santa, How you and Mrs. How the Andres - Dear Santa, For christmas I want a car rederes wut i for crimis or jred sobe. control remote. I like because I can rired with my control. its a good price because the bettery you Chloe- Dear Santa, I had 100 on my tes. My teshr nont have to changet all over and over. Can you was God. Are you being God? I want skating shoes please give it to me. for Chismys. I want to skat on the flor. Love, Chloe Abraham- Dear Santa, I want a plane controller. I Alexia- Dear Santa, How is fodor is he bad or also want a lot of toy cars I want games for my wii. god. I hop he has a grat tim. I got a Wilson pol I thank you santa. want a Elsa Sled for Crismis. Jorge- Dear Santa, can you bring me a skate Madden- Dear Santa, How are the radere?? I boord for christmas. can you bring me a tablet for want a box of legos and a qilin, Love, Madden christmas. can you bring me the game Gor of war for christmas. can you bring me a puppy for christAnthony- Dear Santa, How are the render? Santa mas. can you bring me a car with a controller for I want a gam for cesmes. Love Anthony christmas. Eyleen- Dear Santa, How are you Santa? is Rodof Brandon- Dear Santa, I want a woodeh playstil there in the noth pole? I rally want a mrmay till house so I can play in there. I also want a puppy. to swim. Love, Eyleen I want city. the last thing I. want is a box. full of teddy bears. Raelle- Dear Santa, I hop you are doing good. How is mis clos? I want a contr for my xbox Love Raelle Israel - Dear Stanta, I want a toy car and a big tablet for Christmas and legos alsow I Whant a Colby- Dear Santa, Ples Santa can I have Kinis Cool gragen and a chrein for christmas and I want Ellf and nerf gun. Love, Colby a monkey that is cold chip I whant a hellecraptre for christmas and toy car that can get in Jentry- Dear Santa, I hope you have a grate Crismas and have a fun ride on your sled. Santa I want a go cart for Crismis. Love, Jentry Amy- Dear Stanta I whant a Barbi toy because its cule and I Whant the barbie whas little. I what dat Buck- Dear Santa, how are you today? The rain- the barbi has a car wet all of his house en fud on deer ar nice to Santa. I am hop i am not on the no- the house. Anden I Whant all of bardi on his house teet list. I want a vido game for Chriamis. Love anden a car of Walmart and to a the stor dat is all a Buck want at christmans
Aimi- Dear Santa, I want a furby and hatchimal and a tablet and a i phone ten for my mom and dad and one for me too and a elf on the shelf. please! Also santa will put you dusert. thank you! Rose- Dear Santa, I hop you can come ples I wat a bice and a fone with a hart on it and a toy car I hop you a crispis at home a chac you frume me rose Melissa- Dear Santa, I want a xbox of minecraft. Want a Minecraft dog that is real I love santa!!!! Aaliyah- Dear Santa, I want a iphone and for my brother a baby tablet for edgar my uncle a new bandna and my a big bow last but not least my dad a smart Watch. tell Mrs. clause I love her hohoho thank you santa. Jesus- Dear Santa, I Want bike’s that I can drive by a remote control so if I have one I will be so happy mine broke last christmas. I had nothing to do. happy Christmas Santa claus thank you Sanat claus you are the best Izzabella- Dear Santa, Are you have a great Day a the north pole. For christmas I want a hatchimaland a I phone ten. Also a fit bit and skis also money please! Perla-Dear Santa, Can I have a fit bit. I wish you a merry Christmas to you and your raindeer Katelynn- Dear Santa, for christmas I want a Crown with a Weding cape that gose on the crown and a hamchmal and Eever robot. I hope Rudolph is still helping lead the sleigh.
Giovanni- Dear Santa, How er you and the rikne? Aisha - Dear Stanta, I wath a my little poney be Dakata- I Want a shopcins and a princess bike I want a car a ractrok a seehers because I broke the like a wat you to rat a my toy because a lvoe christand amal bike. tell RudoPh I Sed hi!!!. SAnta I seehers. mas. love you. thank you Marco- Dear Santa, How is every bude! I hop Clarivel - Dear Santa, I want a toys The toy. The you all are good and I want games ples Santa. toy I want is Shopkings. The shopking are my faJackson- Dear Santa, I relly want a new tablit beLove, Marco vorite I want a lot. some shopkings I some but not case mine broke last time and I hope you have a all. On Christmans I want that. I love Santa. great Chrismis eve and to your hard working elvs Anthony- Dear Santa, How is Rodof? I want a nrf of yours I hope you have a good day. gun. I will shot my gun otsid. love Anthony Debanhi - Dear Santa, I want a tablet and shopking some converse and a skateboard and a puppy Gabe- Dear Santa, I do not want to make it hard
The Pampa News — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — 7
Letters to Santa Clause for you can you bring me money? I hope you make winter cloths. Something to read: I would love a it. new princess ponies the pumkin ghost. Something to wear: I need new pjs. TJ- Dear Santa, I woud like a phone. Santa I hope you have a grate year. I love you. I also would like Serenity- Dear Santa, I want a new iphone and some pokemon cards. thake you. a dicendince land 2 book and a new diary and a hart necles for my sister. I would love a new captin Bray- Dear Santa, For Christmas can I please underpants book. I need a new Jojo swia dress love have a new scooter and a nerf for boys dart toy. I Serenity. How are you. Plese and thank you. hope you have a graet Christmas. Madison- Dear Santa, I want the live love sparZia- Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a appl kle book. I need a new pear of sherts. To read is a phone and a puppy and a hatchimals pleas. Thank new book the bad guyse. Something to wear is my you. I hope you have a grate year too. Rudoph the close. Hope you are doing well Santa Clas. Love, red nose rain deer had a very shine nose and if you Madison ever saw it you woud even say it glos like a lite bokb. Holly- Dear Santa, I want a toy car and I need hiheels and I want a shopkin book I need a lol shirt. Edgar- Dear Santa, for Christmas I what a skate- I hope you are doing well Santa Clas. board For Christmas and monkey slid and a hotweel car garage and a roblox game for my brorter Sarina- Dear Santa, for Christmas I went a uniand sister and me pleas thank you the end. corn diary with a ncklace that has as and a blingedout stationery lock box. I need a new pair of socks and shoes. I would love to read a bad case of stripes Saldivar’s class and kevin henkes books. I need to wear outfits for Elise- Dear Santa, I want fro Chrimas I want a winter. sketdor for Chrimas becas it haz y weys and I can pelt it and a box of sheps of you Santa.
Brayan- Dear Santa, I ryly ryly want a want a jacket backus ther ledo they not fit on me. I what a exbox one because my other one broke and fifa eight and shose bucese lik five of them is broken. Yareli- Dear Santa, i went adidas bat gave gold and bloc and ten theng i rili wnt es kidzoom and sane mitten than k santa I lov you! Shelby- Dear Santa, you are so loveng. A need new glabs. And I new hat wen is cold. I net a I new tablet and a crambook Santa I net new jacet for Christmas and a neet a coolmaker. Javier- Dear Santa, wanta fone and a smrt watch Iwon cardboard and tape to make a movie theather. Darlyn- Dear Santa, for Christmas I need a coolmaker because I can pint be hair prity. Nex I can have fun an my coolmaker she is a girl. Santa I need a karyoky to sing on it and put music thank you. Santa you are so nice to me have a nice day. Santa I forget to put have i want my karyoky I want to look like Frosen. Dylee- Dear Santa, I want a kidbuz for Christmas. I want a barbi for my prem house. I also want a tablet for I can play games in it. I also want to give all the people a card that says Happy Christmas everybody yo have a grate day and be safe. I want some pante for I can paint my salf. I want a furie baby in puppy and cat for I can play if for when my cosens come of Im boring. Areli- Dear Santa, I need glovs and ear muffs. I want a dog bebe and 20 lite bags of hatchimals. Next am bing gode at shool can you brin me 30 lol plis plis santa clas. Next thank you for evrithing last a whant smorfs. Jacqui- Dear Santa, in this Christmas I have been good. Santa I want a new tablet for Christmas. Santa in Christmas I want a barbie house. I need a new jacet for the winter. I need new socx for Christmas. Santa I am so happy for Chrismas. I love Christmas because is the brithday of God.
Owen- Dear Santa- How are you doing? I hope this isint much of a hastle but can you please give me a Nintendo Switch Super Mario Oddesy and new Super Mario bros wii? If you give me all these items I’ll leave our more cookies! Mariana- Dear Santa- How are you with making the toys for the little girls and boys. Please can I have a phone and a ipad and a new bike for home please. But rember that you came I will have cookies out for you when you come your friend. Makaylah- Dear Santa- How are you and the reindeerse? I hope yall are doing good. I have been doing good in school so I was hoping you would get me mony for homeless people and one more thing a pet bunny. I hope you have a safe trip. Your friend Makaylah. Ira- Dear Santa- Can I please have tablet, a nerf gun, and a good Christmas. Thank you. Your friend Ira
Maria- Dear Santa- How is Rudolph doing? How are you doing are you doing great? This is what I want for Chismas can I pleas have a flipuzo also hachumie and a desk to do my homework. Thank Mariah- Dear Santa, I want a toy that is cald num- you for brening my presents. Your Friend Maria. nums. It smells good, I need to know brown boots. I want shopkins books to wear I need to get pj. Sarah- Dear Santa- How are the elves? How is Rudolph and his mom and dad and rest of the reinWesley- Dear Santa, I remember when I lived deers? May I kindly have some marbles and a utinin the cuntery and I coud heer you on my roof. I self and some art suplise. My sister saw your sleigh want a new skystrike nerf gun I need an here pair of and reindeer once in Louisiana. Love sarah. jeans I woud like the book what if you herd animals eyes. I need new PJs. Aielee- Dear Santa- Just to let you no I have ben good so I was wondering if I could have a new lego Jhanatan- Dear Santa, I want a spiderman toy. I set and a scooter and I hope my elf is ok because it need some new shoes I would like the stick dog is the first and I have not seen him yet and I hope chases a pizza book. I also need some new clothes. he is not lost. If yadale is lost if his is here is were I’ve been very good this year I will have some I live. And you are the best Santa. cookies ready for you on Christmas. Jake- Dear Santa- Can you please bring some toys Jaqueline- Dear Santa, I want a jojo doll that like foxy plushie and a bon loy toy watch. How is sings. I need new pare of shoes. I want a desen- Rudolph? Is he ok? I will lay out cookies and coke. dents book. I need new cloths. Love, Jaqueline. I hope you like it. Is the North Pole ok? I heard its cold. I wish I could see your sleigh is it ok? Josslin- Dear Santa, I want a nrfe gun to shot. Loagos so I can builte, a small vioe game, a haSantos- Dear Santa- Will you be able to get me a chubole, a maghic stuff, a toy toles with a big box, xbox one and how are doing this fine evening are a car has a thing that yore in it, a lazre, a tigre that you busy and how is Rudolph and I love Christmas moves and a foxy picture. and I like you because you are the best you remind me of my favorite fauther. I just want to say Merry Brian- Dear Santa, I need a new pair of hair Christmas and my question is how you doing in the bows. I what a new wonder woman achion figyour. North Pole and another thing that I want is a comI would love to have a new pete the cat book to puter. Your friend santos. read. I need some more shoats to wear. Love Brian. Thank you for the toys. Jon- Dear Santa- I hope you have a good year can I please have a tablet. Next can I have another dog Bronwyn- Dear Santa, I want a new bed. I need and I will triy to give you some things silky but I a new dreser. I love a direy. I nead some more hope you have a safe tripe. dressis. Love, Bronwyn. Andrew- Dear Santa- How are you and how is Ana- Dear Santa, I want jojo stuff like pelos. I Mrs. Clause? May I have the rifle for Christmas need new jojo close I want to read a jojo book. I please. I would like a hoverboard please. I would need a new kichen I hope you are doing well. also like a crome book please. Have a safe night. Your friend Andrew. Avery- Dear Santa, I want a super spa. I need new clohes. I would love a new cat in the hat book. I Michelle- Dear Santa- How is Rudolph being? need more jojo siwa clhoes. I hope you are doing May I have a hoverboard and a nerf bow and arrow well. for girls. I would also like a new blanket. Thank you for your friend michelle. Taro- Dear Santa, I want a rey mystero suts. I need some new pjs. I would love a pokemon book Mrs. Milligan of sun vs. moon. I would like close. I would like to give you cookies. Jaylynn- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope every-
Jesus- Dear Santa, I was berin nice for Chrimtmas i want a kidzoom wash. Also a xbox one I Third Grade want a kidzoom bicas like you can play games and fhotes. I want a xbox one bicas you can see neflix Mrs. Couts and youtube and play video games.
Jazzmine- Dear Santa- I just want to say how Aaron- Dear Santa, I want a robot monkey be- is it going at the North Pole. Can you please get cause there cool. I want a nite no swich for new me a new p ok shoes and I will leave you a glass games that are cool. I need new clots. of milk and cookies on my chimney. Hope you have a safe trip around the world and please tell the Santiago- Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a elf’s to have a safe and fun Christmas. Your friend dash cam and also I want a nitento swich. I need a Jazzmine. gr me-x to school. I need shoes becus my shos are old. I want a chromebook and also I want hot weels Jaxson- Dear Santa- How are you doing? For gzmo. Love Santiago. Christmas could I please have the new call of duty
world war two? Hope you have a great Christmas Javier- Dear Santa, I want a big wet pupet. a this year. founx poptomeriu lait toys Chortufgo. Ky glustics legos toys of foliness ndy now woot jus box bendi Christopher- Dear Santa-How are you? Are you grud toy. still tired from last years trip? This year can ihave some are suplise like markers, crayons, and colored Ms. K pencils. Thank you hope your night goes smoothly and have a merry Christmas. Sincerely Christopher. Iamilee- Dear Santa, I want LOLs and culufer mrkers. I ned craonds. Something to raed is a peppa Joseph- Dear Santa- Can I please have a new bbpig book. Someing to wheer is a LOL shrt. gun and how is the North Pole and I hope you are good. Your friend Joseph Ayiia- Dear Santa, I want a bothebel and a diary and some new close because the close I have rite Angelie- Dear Santa- How was your day was it now they are old and to liyyle and o heart neckles good. I hope it was. For Christmas I would want a and a shopken sheep and a shopkin anterder. American doll and a new pair of shoes. I hop you have a good day. Your friend Angelie Gissel- Dear Santa, I want shopkins. I need some new boots. I would love a new unicorn diary. I need Keira- Dear Santa- How are you? How is Rusome new jakets. I hope your doing well. dolph? I hope you get me a Hachamal, chap stick, and a coloring book. I hope you are safe and have Jazlene- Dear Santa, something I want is a blinged a marry Christmas. out stationery lock box. Something I need is new
thing is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas I would like a Grinch pillow, Grinch pj, and Grinch blactie. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas. Love Jaylynn. Kaileb- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everything is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas I would like a phone, a smart watch, and a PS4 with GTA 5 that has modded account. Thank you so much. Merry Chrismas!
Jasmyne- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everything is going well at the North Pole for Christmas. I would like new pj and pillow and blacite. Thank you so much Merry Christmas. Kaylyn- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everything is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas I would like a robot dog a robot pony and a real life puppy. Daton- Dear Santa- How are you? Hope evering is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas I would like a toy plane a toy truck and a puppy. Thank you so much Merry Christmas. Jade- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everything is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas I would like a tablet for Christmas and thank you so much. And a toy for my dog max and clothes. Merry Christmas. Mia- Dear Santa- - How are you? I hope everything is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas I would like a hover bouard and iphone and a ps4 with call of duty. Thank you so much MERRY CHRISTMAS. Kaylee- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope every-
8 — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — The Pampa News
Letters to Santa Clause
thing is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas Braeson - Dear Santa: I LOVE SANTA. I know i Emma - Dear Santa: I want a box of Kientic sand I would like a puppy alive, charle and bairbe with have not been good all the time but can you please bring me a power ranger sword, jurassic park, and a table and a tea set. Please bring me. 3 pupps and mom dog. Thank you so much merry Xbox one game, also please get Ian a Thomas the Christmas. Train and Abbott a new binky. I would like a new Collin - Dear Santa: Please bring me a lego set note pad and pens. Please bring Ryan a minion plat for Dallas cowboys werf gun with bullets Codie- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope every- set and Olivia a doll house. Thank you so much I’ll thing is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas have cookies and milk. Love Braeson Easton - Dear Santa: Please bring me a x-box and the other thang. I would like a mommy dog with puppies, a 20 pack Caden - Dear Santa: I want a custy rivets robot of hachmala that are little and a pug baby alive. toy for Christmas. Naomi - Dear Santa: Can I have a American here Thank you so much. name is Jojosiwa and a boy American Boy doll
Marianna- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope ev- Mrs. Nachtigall Braiden - Dear Santa: hot wheels erything is going well at the North Pole. For Christ- Dear Santa: I want a train with tracks and mas I would like a phone. Hoverboard and a finger a Patti Kayleigh - Dear Santa: Please bring me Amerihorn that goes choo choo, and a red button to can Girl Doll and fir outfuts for my American Girl monkey. Thank you so, much. Merry Christmas make it go. Please and thank you. Love Patti Doll. Thank you. Marina- Dear Santa- - How are you? I hope Trae - Dear Santa: I want a gun that soots balls Adriel - Dear Santa: I want a cat. I wut a tablet. I everything is going well at the North Pole. For and a phone and a guitar and dinosaur that grows wut a nerf gun. Christmas I want a my little pony blankit a gold in water and I want a camera to take pichere of my figit spiny and pink rollr skats. Merry Christmas. Nini and candy and tub toy’s. Love Trae Tyler - Dear Santa: Can I have a x-boc and reLove Marina. Kinsley - Dear Santa: I wut a yuoonuc that cfnt mote control truck please Thank you! toc or set I. olso wut mi own room. mi own soopr Jaedon - Dear Santa: Can I have a swimming Cameron- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope ev- doopr soft sox. pool and a trampolline. Thank You erything is going well at the North Pole. For ChristJudsyn Dear Santa: I have been good. I want a mas I would like a toy train set, a trampoline and a Bracie - Dear Santa: Please bring me a stuffed rctorro loco truck a new nerf gun amd more darts. toy army set. And a new lego set. I will leave cinnamon roll for tuger and can you bring me a stuffed unicorn you. Love Judsyn Nevaeh - Dear Santa: Santa Please bring me 1. Blayze- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everyPie game 2. Car. Thank you thing is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas Tomas - Dear Santa: It would be so nice if all I would like a xbox one, a trampoline, 2k18 for kids had a warm house and 2 toys, 4 christmas, I Zoe - Dear Santa: Please bring me a bunch of xbox one. Thank you so much Merry Christmas. hope to get me a geso rd and a Batman HQ. Love LOL dolls and clothes. Thank you Tomas Andrin- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everyJerni - Dear Santa: I want a emoji pillow rubik thing is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas cube Jojo Suwa poster cellphone barbie dream I would like a computer, ipad charger, also soft pja- camper playset LOL Surprise fur roar in Tyler Finmas. Thank you so much Merry Christmas. gerling Monkey Shopkins pillow with my name on it. Maxx- Dear Santa- I will like to have a xbox for 1st Grade Christmas and a batman and a nerf rival gun. Sailor - Dear Santa: Please bring me giraffe pajaBaron- Dear Santa- - How are you? I hope every- mas. And a giraffe carpet and thank you. thing is going well at the North Pole. For ChristAubrey - Dear Santa: I want a new doll and a mas I would like a Jordan 4 retcheros red and black magnet set. Please and Thank You. color. Thank you so much Merry Christmas. Ollie - Dear Santa: I want a monster truck. Christopher- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everything is going well at the North Pole. For Draelyn - Dear Santa: Please bring me Minecraft Christmas I would like a bmx bike dash cam and diamond sword. a pie face sky high. Thank you so much Marry Kyson - Dear Santa: Santa Please bring me DeChristmas. sendants dolls and toy can.
Kimberly - Dear Santa: Please bring me I was going to said Please bring me a toy tiger and a stufe puppy and I will say thanks for the presents
Kaden- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope evTripp - Dear Santa: I wuut a dirk bike and a slingerything is going well at the North Pole. What I shot toy want first is a football helmet. What I want next is Luis - Dear Santa: Please bring ples ples brem a a trampoleene. What I want last is football pads. Thank you so much and have a Merry Christmas. 2 control cars brem a batman toy Love Kaden. Josie - Dear Santa: Please bring me clothes, and please birmg me shopkins. Thank you Sean- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everything is going well at the North Pole. For Christmas Jaxon - Dear Santa: Please bring me a I. rodot elf I would like pac pan spiner toy. Arms beyblade an magnet set LEGO set. burst. Thank you so much Merry Christmas! Chelslyn - Dear Santa: Please bring me art case and a pie in the face. Thank you Adrian- Dear Santa- How are you? I hope everything is going well at the North Pole. For ChristAthera - Dear Santa: Please bring me some chubmas I would like candy cains a remote control car by puppies and legos. and a new baby puppy. Thank you so much merry Sadaya - Dear Santa: Please bring me a giena pig Christmas. a rel guiena pig and 20 shopkins.
Samamantha - Dear Santa: please bring me a diamond dig it and a goold dig it Tank you Santa
Travis Elem.
Kindergarten Ms. Chandler
Jimmer - Dear Santa: Please bring me a orange wificker and a globe. Abby - Dear Santa: Please bring me a semi truck and a kid truck.9
Taylor - Dear Santa: I want a dictionary and a soccer game. I love Santa! You are in North Pole Santa! Thank you! David - Dear Santa: Please bring me a netendo mario iPad with pokemon on it. And ninjago.
Mrs. Weaver Austin - Dear Santa: monster truck and a backhoe Journey - Dear Santa: please bring me a baby alive and a toy puppy thats soft thank you. Payton - Dear Santa: Please Santa i want a skateboard and a lego set
Mia - Dear Santa: I want a real kitten. Please bring Santa and a pie face 2. Thank you Santa Love Mia Isaac - Dear Santa: I want pie face and a gloup track and sky landers like my cusen to Santa Kevin - Dear Santa: Pil fas abari and a small tmagnets Pierson - Dear Santa: I whont a sky high in the face and Pj Mask play set. Ethan - Dear Santa: Please bring me a mini pie in the face and a shooting game. Berkleigh - Dear Santa: Please bring me shopkins and a globe Thank you. Anayah - Dear Santa: I went a baby tiger and a hatchable. Thank you. Emmett - Dear Santa: Please bring me pick men 2 Nintendo switch.
Brody - Dear Santa: Please bring me pokemon Xavier - Dear Santa: I have bin good Santa. I cards and a live turtle in a take. Devyn - Dear Santa: I would really liked I wunt a what a nintendo switch and pokemon suntmoon. mocchol that cen go in wodr and snoe and madand Nathalya - Dear Santa: Please bring me a doll ise. Plez give me a lego set plez give me thes suf with a lot prt of the doll is a balls is leit in a leitll Jazlyen - Dear Santa: Sparkly back pack barbie for cris mis. Love Devyn doll that can swim in a lets. Esther - Dear Santa: Can you bring me toy jewMrs. Troxell Logan - Dear Santa: nintendo switch. and yoshi’s elry and toy make up. wooly world. Gattyn - Dear Santa: I have been good will you Reese - Dear Santa: I want pie face game and a bring me a hatchimal playset and hatchimals please Bentley - Dear Santa: Hungry Hungry Hippos and nail polish. game and new shopkins Belle Book Hallie - Dear Santa: How are you? I want a bicle and a stuffy. Mrs. Mendoza Damir - Dear Santa: I have been good don’t let Rori - Dear Santa: I want a box pf kinetic sand anyone touch dash my elf on the shelf. Help my please bring me it and I aso what lego and you are sister get a present please can I have a new foot- nise to all of us and thank you for evre budey. ball and a new monster truck I wish i could see the North Pole. Ahtziri - Dear Santa: Barbies Situn gevimave me barbies to candy Mef Cismus we like cisus. Sawyer - Dear Santa: Please bring me a giet spiner and a beby wene dog, lego demensons scooby Macey - Dear Santa: I want Kinetec sand and a doo legos, pokeon, fox gummes, getar xbox password book and bracelet to please this si wont I wonmt on the pichr please bring me this one the Joshua - Dear Santa: I have been a good boy. I pichr. am very nice can I please have a ners gun. Christmas cups for my mommy and a daddy a new tablet. Zaylon - Dear Santa: Can I please have a play Love Joshua station contreller fer minecraft and 4 hoverboards and thank you. Harper - Dear Santa: I would like a tampawen, a build-a-bear, 12 LOL Sissts big lol sist Kylee - Dear Santa: Can you bring me some barbies dolls and one harmonica to please. Thank You. Sophie - Dear Santa: Can I hae a teloskop for Christmas. Please I hopeyou say yes. Do you want Korbin - Dear Santa: Please bring me a lego set. some cookies? Please bring me two legos sets.
Mrs. Nichols
2nd Grade Mrs. Bowen Lisia - Dear Santa: I would like a hatchamole for Christmas. I want a big doll house that is blue and purple and has a rainbow on top of the roof. Ayden - Dear Santa: I what a puppy in sky hay pie face in a go pro so I can be a YouTuber. I what to see Santa in football pad. Dage - Dear Santa: I want a nerf gun and a thousand bullets. Also, a cosmo and clot bait t-shirt. Also a click bait shoes. Jaylee - Dear Santa: I want a hurdnerd. I word like some has and gafe I wood like one piveit jet. Bradlee - Dear Santa: I we want a hur
Sophie - Dear Santa: I don’t know if you are real Mason - Dear Santa: Please bring me a x-box and nert gun plezss bring tem tanck you.! or not. Can I have a set of one hundred coryns. I Karston - Dear Santa: I want a toy bow @ arrow, also want a invizobol writing pen. We don’t have a real runny, polly pocet and give to charity. Emberlyn - Dear Santa: Please bring me 3 hover- chimmin so you have to use the door. Can I have a boards and 1 cat please thank you! phone and a talking doll. Do you want some cookHaiden - Dear Santa: I want lots legos I wat mind craft, toys lots. I want my little brother to not be Johan - Dear Santa: I forgot to til you this, And I ies and orange juies? sick no more. want 4 xbox one cunchroolrs. And nintendo switch Trystan - Dear Santa: I hope I see you. I hope please. Thanks Santa
The Pampa News — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — 9
Letters to Santa Clause you see me. I hope you get me a puppy so I can take care of it I always. I hope you will like my letNathanyel - Dear Santa: I want a pac-man game ter see you Till Christmas. One more thing I want and a soccer ball and red and black bike and a wala nintindo 64. let and a phone and a tablet and a cute little billy puppy and a ginny pig and a lot of magic tracks and Connor - Dear Santa: for Christmas I want a a Captain America doll and coll ball and a Happy mileon dolors. So i can let it fly and I can be rich. Christmas! I want a lamb too. I want a masave house for my family. Because we need a new one. If you can Cullen - Dear Santa: Are you a fake cause everymake that lamb gold. I want a big screen tv too. one in my fan says you are, and I don’t believe it oh well any way I want a bat-man and robin set-up Honorae - Dear Santa: For Christmas I want a nu- with bad guys. tendoe switch. And a game for the Nutendo Switch like Super Mario Odusee. But Super Mario odusee is my favorite game on the nutendo switch. Mrs. Downs
i want it to be fast and red and I want ior balrcose with log how are doing Santa are you santa are Staen warm I hope you are. Bella - Dear Santa: Whatever you doing are you drinking hot coco. I hope you stay warm. What i want for Christmas I want a unicorn for Christmas. a pretty one for Christmas. Please. I all love it so much that I can just scream loud on Christmas eve
Ms. Chandler Jakiah - Dear Santa: I would like a Barbey dream house and a new tablet and i would like a barbey vandn and a dol
Artrazia - Dear Santa: I want a lot of oresne and James - Dear Santa: I one i seen you on google a ps4. I really love ps4. you were in Pennsylvania, and I wish I can see you Tanzley - Dear Santa: I would really like a new in Google and see you on that strew were I saw beds pet a new mikron and a big filpout hop I’m nit Nathan - Dear Santa: I what a toy lit trubol and you. and I wish that you can swing me like a fan the nod lie . have a casmo. Also a pet case and a comepuynter and that I wish I had a mine craft lego set and I and a sf deb and a phone. wishing for a energy sowrd that is fake. Bella - Dear Santa: Abarbare and Dreem house and Coled because mine are riot. Cloey - Dear Santa: Can I have a huvboard and Janessa - Dear Santa: I want a magic elf. And I a now book. Can I have some now close and some want a jumppling. and I want a Moiricin Doll. An Aubrey - Dear Santa: I would really like a good now shoes. Can I have some ginger bel polish? Can I want a hole place of pins us. With a ease with vacation to O.K.C. and give me a swiming pool I have some shpcins and some hachubls? and clean paper with it. And I want 10 magic elfs. and a hover board. I want a table to, and I want new jeans. and new Melenie - Dear Santa: I want a new bike. I want a basket ball, with a shirt to, and I want a pokestik. Carlee - Dear Santa: I would really like a barbie medium 4 wiler. I want a big minerst high doll and and I want a dog. and a pudul. and I want a Math life in the drew house with a camper with it. And super girls doll all of them. I want a new backpack. that is full with math only math in it kinds of math. then I want a num num truck and with the barbie I want a hude kid car you can get in. I want a bug dream house I want a pool with it. And I want a hachmoll. John - Dear Santa: I want a 3ds and they sum crazy Capt. and mon. I want 4 x-ray scopes. I want a crossbow. Gabriel - Dear Santa: I want a ebox even now. I want a brace set booster box. I want a xbox !. I Martin - Dear Santa: I would like 14 nerf guns I have two and I want a shark and a baby shark to want a iPhone 6. I want a camera. I want a poke- and a tree house and a gagits’s on the guns and a and a for wiper and a dirt bike. I want a new bike. mon sticker book. I want a dales cowboy jerse pass and nerf mini guns since by Prescot. Mckenize - Dear Santa: I would really like a rin Mrs.Osborne Preston - Dear Santa: I want for Christams is a and a kiri and toy car and a toy home and I can git hocerbored. And a two leg scooter. And a small a bejens and dude and erleg. Karsyn - Dear Santa: I want for Christmas is a car but the won you can drive. And I want a big pet cat a baby pet cat that is white and a new tv, my pokemon box. And I want a fish for Christmas. And Logan - Dear Santa: I would really like a iPod. own make up set, a pool, a hot tub, a flag, my own cash. The end. If you look on my iPad’s potos it will show all the bathroom in my rook, new pinnacles, more paint things I want and tell buddy i said Hi! stuf, more art stuff. Carson - Dear Santa: For Christams I’ed like some pokemon card and pokemon toys and some Brooklyn - Dear Santa: I woo rele wind if you Eli - Dear Santa: How are you doing Santa are other toys. I don’t now what my brothers getting. remo kind car ned a phone ever a cal for rides. If I feeding the rain deer. I want a PS4 and a volging But if you have time you can send him what he gets. get all of these there thing I will be so grateful cam ray a now apple watch and a now cas for my P.S. if you can get me a baby puppy or a mouse. iPhone and a Oklahoma City flat bill hat and a Kam - Dear Santa: I would really like a sellphone warlis headphone. Natalie - Dear Santa: I really really want a laptop for christmas and a toy car, And super mairo odes. and a computer or just one of those or a xbox 1 or And a wizard set with a wand. And I would a wizJace - Dear Santa: Hay Santa how are you dong tomadoci life and a new charger for my netendo ard hat and shirt. on desemser. I want a nerf gun 3DS. PS please get all of what I wished for PS again get me a charger for all letronic you give me. Jaci - Dear Santa: I would really like uinarms Roy - Dear Santa: Der Santa hay are you two And black ops zombies. dolls house I would also like a new gtar. I would day? and your elfs? and you randers? I want a roreally like a hachimol glittering garden and hachibot set. Travis - Dear Santa: I want a hoverbpard with a mol spires. If I get all rheas things I will be very charger. An a pump to air my tire an my bike. An grateful. Zoey - Dear Santa: I hope that you are doing ok. I want a car set to play car with my sister. An a And I hope you can mack it these yer. And I want nether elf rain deer. JaKyalee - Dear Santa: I would really like a a baby iliv dorle and a dol haws. And that is all I dream houes and the train hachamole. Then a gator want this year. I love you. Braxton - Dear Santa: I want to have a phone. I then new barbie doll and flows. Than a hover bord want a box of Legos. I want to have a puppy. I want then new flows for me. Simi - Dear Santa: How are you doing becos I am to have a loch. I want to have a Lego video game. fine. What are have bind. I want a series hachmle. Carson - Dear Santa: I want my four front teeth and give my mom a new phone. My little brother Kaelyn - Dear Santa: I want a iPad for Christ- for Christmas. don’t know how to write so i want to ask you I want mas. You make me the happiest girl on earth and to give him a tiny book. And for me I want a tree please get me a iPad. I want the case to be turkcase. Rafel - Dear Santa: I like a play stash. I like a house for I can have fun and a toy car. Can you do this for me and do not cry do not pout. fence. I love Santa be he brend Preset. Please tell me you love Christmas because if you Konnor - Dear Santa: How are you doing I hope did not I would he sad! You have a good Christmas! Jordan - Dear Santa: I would really like a comyou are doing good and I hope you like hot coco puter and a plastation 4 for Christmas. I would also and cooked I hope you are not sick or cold you betChase - Dear Santa: How are you? Can I have a like Hot wheel tracks. I would also like a phone. ter have a good Christmas with you rain deer and I god zillatay and a hat well set. And lad as of Jurarhope you come and I don’t want to be on the hotter sic world and mInecraft legos. And a rabbit fox and Caison - Dear Santa: I would really like a nerf list. matchtral. gun and a football. So I can play with it if i get all thow thing I will be kind. Jacob - Dear Santa: How are you doing today I Matthew - Dear Santa: How are you I hop your hop you enjoy the cooked and milk i am mpeg to- warm. I hope you are happy are you? Please can I day and I am going to color a dow and I wis gunna have 4 pokemon cards. and a fruit spine and a loch. 3rd Grade ask you if you can get me a blow raja toy and a fox Please can I have a basketball and a tablet.Please plow and a foaf blaci tack and a pelw case and a can I have aexbox 1 and 2 books. Mrs. Baker foxy jacket. Aiden - Dear Santa: are you oh cage I hope you Yarel - Dear Santa: I want real nun chucks and a Peyton - Dear Santa: how are you doing Santa I are so I just want to know. If you plzse can get my paddle ball please Sant Nik. My sister also would went a now blanket and a now pet and a now cu and for wiper and please get my iPhone 7 with games now crayon box and now watch. so I can play games and a timer watch so I can’t like paddle ball and a paw patrol set. time people when are playing school. Brody - Dear Santa: For Crimis may i have a big Sarah - Dear Santa: How are you doing today. How are you filing yawt you cookies. I what a Aaron - Dear Santa: how are you doing. I hope bag of candy, or can I have a xbox gold for a year scooter. I what a mackup seer! I what a drslit seer! you are doing good. I hope you are daft in the Noth and a xbox 1 please. I what a rodot cat! Love Sarah! Poll. Ma I please have a bunch of legos thick you Henry - Dear Santa: I want a maclarn and a snugso much Santa. Ma I pleas have a god neckless. gle tail and transformer blanket also a mego nerf Aurora - Dear Santa: I want a 10000000 baby Thank you so much Santa. gun $100 dollar bill and normel nerf guns and hot dolls and a little bunck bed for the dolls. And I want 1000 clothes for the dolls. I want a real Jasmyne - Dear Santa: How are you? Are you weeks and please transformers toys. baby. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I want a re- eating cocoas and white milk or chocolate milk? Autumn - Dear Santa: I really want kinetic sand ally phone and a diary with 100000000 keys. And Wen it is Decemeber it is going to be Christmas. I and I also want all the stuff to make slime. 1000000000000000000000000 fidget spiners. like wen you give me presents thank you for giving me them wit I went for Christmas is project Mc2 Ryan - Dear Santa: I want a Lambergine xbox Jayton - Dear Santa: I want all of the pokemon and elf clothes and ben for them. 360 controller, lego demesions, cloths, shoes, black legos. I want all of the pokemon cards. I want the puppy little live pet. I want a art set. I want a pet Antawn - Dear Santa: how are you doing are you coach, and a nerf gun. hat. I want real live gold cash and dimness good do you think some people are on the good list. Cy - Dear Santa: I want a wii u console and Santa are you having fun or giving give on ChristEthan - Dear Santa: For Christmas I want a new mas evening. Santa can I have a dog and a snack about four remotes and Mario Kart 8 to go with it. I also want the Monster Truck that comes with the soccer ball and a nintindo switch and a car pet and and a must Musthstash. glasses that help you see what the Monster Truck is a puppy robot. Isasc - Dear Santa: I wot a grad day for you San- experiencing. I also want some more are pokemon Lexi - Dear Santa: This year I want pink appel ta. How are you doing I am doing wel. I wot a pes cars, and some for my brother. iPhone because we only have those kind of charger. 4 this yet. Ethan - Dear Santa: I want a Jake Paul mercy, but Oh also the case has to have unicorns and it has to be the one that flote with glitter and water. Danel - Dear Santa: I want a motet that car and a jakit, I want 30 Jake Paul mercy jakits and shieets
10 — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — The Pampa News
Letters to Santa Clause
and a Team 10 sine. and a hover board that has a spond…. For Christmas I would like dream tent, I wut a rodot bog for Christmas and a roudolph stecker of Team 10 and a picker of Jake Paul. water balloons, a new iPod, a crome, minecraft and pue! books, a very fuzzy coat/jacket, and slime, but the Miguel thing I want most, are roller blades! It is a thing I woule like a roudolph for christmas because I I have been hoping for years! Thank you for this, love his red nose and I love how he flys! Ms. Karson too! Sincerely, Flannery. Ava I want for Christmas is a colers and a colerring Kade - Dear Santa: For Christmas I want a new Rhowanne Dear Santa: I want a lot of Sores ball book. controller because my brothers broke it. And I want a polygon please give me all of this I hope you and a bad now, wirtne bardes pleas. I want a lot go monster high dolls please. I want a baby kitten Manley 1st come I love you Santa. That’s black and wight please please Santa. and A Addison Aiden - Dear Santa: For Christmas I want a new car that I can drive like of those smart cars. I want I wod like a cereoke a mericin grldoll love adone. case for my hover board and xbox one dison how are you doing I am grate Heaven - Dear Santa: This Christmas I want a hoverboard. I also some cloes from Justice in the mall. I want a knew phone. I need some socks. I also want a puppy. I want some shoes. The last thing I want is some colerng books and the bigis pack of crayons inciting blutifull. Thats all I war for Christmas. Shyann - Dear Santa: I have been a very good little girl this year. Also Santa what I would like to have for Christmas is a big big big gat skren tv and a real makeup. Thank you Santa have a good Christmas ok. See you on Christmas Alex - Dear Santa: I want a fete spiner. And some big rings and some mare small rings. and I want some shopkins with three shopkins. and I also want some shoes. I want some calocow creators. I want the bunnys family. I want the house and the car. thats all I want for christmas. Kaylee - Dear Santa: I want a hatchamal for Christmas and a journal that has kitten’s on it. I have a kitten name Pearl. Please give mea christmas pencil. Will you give me candy cane. I love those things that is all I want for Christmas. Nathan - Dear Santa: Can you get me and my little broth a psy4 pr xbox 360 with the games minecraft. Anthony - Dear Santa: All I want for Christmas is…. A scooter, overboard, iPod, Jake Paul mearch, guava juice diy kit, guava search. Jaelah - Dear Santa: I hope I get a science kit so I can share with friends and family well hope we see our elf. Adalie - Dear Santa: I want a computer, cozy and orbez spam for Christmas, Natdndo Swich with a cat too. Jace - Dear Santa: I want a Texens football helmet and the game and the King Kong game and a new bike and a phone and a helmet Bentley - Dear Santa: I would like a Reborn baby doll. I would like a phone. I would like a new water bottle. I would like a bucket fu of squishys. Gunter - Dear Santa: I would like a remot control tank that can drive on land, rock and water. And some candy plese. Gavin - Dear Santa: I cud like to have a most truk wot all 4 wils as big as a desc and a hudand a top. Naya - Dear Santa: What I want for Christmas in my stalking is, a lot of lip gloss, some little gifts from Sally’s, candy, many football, maskers, eye liner, and a water bottle filled with goods. These are the stuff that I don’t want in my stockings, sweater that are crop tops, jeggings with boys in them, a makeup kit, sweaters, jeans and a hole bunch of Why Don’t We staff.
Landry Dylan - Dear Santa: I want a PS4, lego holiday hew are you I wunt a big truck i wint a wollt I Chrauh, over watch gif I get a PS4 and some PJ’s. I wood like a pfon love Landry also want a new dirt bike for Christmas. p.s. I some Landry Star Wars Cloths too. How are you. I want a jon deer ride on truck. And a dez bryant jursy. and a hat wheels track. Micaila - Dear Santa: Thank you for all the presCameron ents you have ever give me. This year I would like Haw are you? Can I ples hava gtitelol spkess next a geany bottle with a tull grant in it. I would also can i have a giite dog hawse? and a prinses casle? like a million peises of and that I can share with evPaxton eryone in 3rd Grade. I also really want to have my Hyure you santa what do you do at the north pol? sisters garage in the closet for her to get it this year. I what petshak not vinum is it? Cato wut is yr derdoing I luf Sinta I not I not the tiwilo. theres I cinbe good wif sintu. Gracee Moore 1st I want the book splat the cat back to school splat. Esteban And I want a ipad. And a umcorn dall. I would like a pool for chrstmas. Malirie Grace hih is misilaz I want all foe it is a lit htab and a lit I wauld a noo brbe for crisms. chorandachik boubaffe Amber Austin Legend How are you? For christmas I would like a lego I wut a pupy I wut some macup I wit a brbnas I set and a drone I would like a carry okey much love wut some noow shoos for christmas I wut a noow Austin close Emme Phoenix I want a big gooln surprise amerten gerl doll I I woold like a x box and a showcon macen for want a phone christmas. Mariah Mia Masrabrs sausukos I love rabrc haruae haruseub I wont a pug school a big win can you iowy a miksos rugat ipab i luuseu lowayoo mikourst sor pup and dole ples and I wont to be a smole sowie it osum love love love love can fite ow sowy can you macket wihy porste ples Raul santa awsoy ay how haws I howp you have a hape How are you toy jeep har a chin e 2 x-box toy cresmis santa and I miyyt back you sim ckoos. stwirr. Cainan James Santa I want a phone I love you santa In I want a How are you? tabllit ples santa I wat car ples santa My cristmas list I want a nintendo lego set. a Franklin baby brother. and a minecraft lego set I want a hot wheel trak and for wakkee tokees! Lyla And a xboc and put mind craft on it. And a crpr How are you and mrs clos. For chrismis I want a stuft anuml and a scelten stuft anuml. And a remote new back pack and a karyoceymachine and a nido. kntrl car that gos veree fast. Thak you, Santa! Love From Lyla. Franklin! I hope everything is great in the north Rogers 2nd pole Santa! Autumn Baron I rily want a hatchimal surprise and a iphone 8 I would like a huvbord for christmas plee and I and a hatchimal. surprise eggs and a big bike and will have cookees and millk. For you and have a a big lego set. good Christmas. Kate Amber I want a gizmo gadget and a neon street roller I want a snouser and a roboe horse and the swim- and ipad. I think I’v ben rilly good this year. And a ming pinkie pie and a squishy and dispicl me3 and hatchimals surprise. Thank you a lamp. Aspen Shaylee for christmas i want a ipad and a jeep and xbox I want a Barbre playn and a max robot and a Lol one and a jeep licens and a gizmo gadet and a pilball, and a sticker pad, and a mylife doll vet and a low for the ipad and a pop socket for the ipad and a fone and and, a modersicle and a white car and a Lego minecraft set and an iphone 7 and hatchimals selfe taber and plese and thank you and a unicone rainbow swirl maker and a just dance Talon 2018 and a choclet egg surprise Iv been very good May I have a pupi and a xbox to can I alsoe have so can I please have a new set of pokemon cards and diggimen cads and Claire a bubble macer. Can I please have hatchimals (suprise)? They Sawyer come in little eggs and they hatch out toy animals. I wont fro crismis is a baby a liv dall and a lol dall It takes a long time to get them hatched. They act and a canddee cane and a predee chaching prs this like rill animals! I’ve been relly good. Can I please is my farret halluday thacyoo santa fro all the toys. have plado to. Melani Chrsitian My name is melani i liv in texa i want a oun brbie I want a foxy plushy for chrismas. I was being arplan and too brbie uv bashdis2. good this year so I think I can get it. It looks like it
Austin Elem.
Cole son - Dear Santa: What I want for Christmas is a magic trick train set. What I would also like is Ghost buster Lego set. Mrs. Lee 1st Weston Tallinn - Dear Santa: I want a dig because they I wot a puth and a nintindo are cute. I also want candy for Christmas! Elexa I wot for Christmas is a somsing be cus ous can Daniel - Dear Santa: For Christmas I want a over- mac a soo so i can mac clos I love you Santa. board and a robot dog and a laptop and also a waBlake terproof phone and a boomkand and I also want I wut xbox smothosh 2 nrfgas blue red 2 scatbos a xbox one and a computer and a drone and also moreo smash bruthrs pocemon hufrbod a robot a robot fish and a pokemon Elit pack and a figet with awfo a rmot I wut a amegmadrodo thet I can spinner. go in I luv cismis. Cooper I would like a robot dog and a parit robot with out a cuntrolr Mrs. Bilyeu Adelyn I want a nintindo and a soggy doggy and a scate Isaiah - Dear Santa: I really want a play station 4 and legos. The kind of Legos I want is Starwars. bord and a fingerling Everett What I really want too is a basketball net please. I would like a pronobiom and books and aaAyden - Dear Santa: What I want is a hoverboard. ceorhlimomakr I want a cowboys and the 49ers shirt and the NY Alyna I wish for a phone for Christmas I do not have shirt. The Jake Paul merch and I want a necklace. I want a tablet. I want a lego set slim. I want a one. And I rille want one. Austin FriendShipe necklace 4 please I want a lego seat I wot a smr woch and a ipad. I want a fitbit. Linni I woule like for Christmas suftenumi black hes. Bryson - Dear Santa: I would like a hoverboard. which a stor vat is a white stor. Oliver Allyssa - Dear Santa: All I really want is a hovWhat i want for Christmas is a huvrbord and a erboard and a iPad. Wait I really really also want a botr slid. Why Don’t We shirt!!! Chassady I wit like a ropt cat and a cchlore wif a ropt cat. Flannery - Dear Santa: Just so you know this is Kiara precios Christmas list that I would love you to re-
is red and black and brown. Jaden I bin good so I what a gameing computer for christmas. And a seck for my computer. And a big nerf gun. and a non is xbox. And a non is plashtashin. Noel I want a iphone 8 for christmas and a hatchimal for christmas I ben rleey good this yer and I thack I shod have it for christmas. Jayden I want a drone and a phone for christmas, and a xbox I am truing my best to be good. I hope the reindeer are feeling good. Nathan I want a gizmo gadget and a deck of pokemon and a deck of legos and a xbox one x a ps3 Iphone8 porsocket computer galazy phone and a five nights at freddys pluses hatchimals and a mincraft sord. and a pickacks and a acx and a shovel for christmas. Wayloh Furby Bizz lightyear whith the bluebelt hot rod pokemon legos transformronrs arge biar wiiu mariocart 8 dokey king return of the island freeze minecraft toys Santa i ben good this year plese can i get it. Bentley I ben vere gold so I think I shold git a big box of pokemon toys ples can I hav it you are vere nise you proble git tired giving pepl toys so santa I want a big box of pokemon toys for crismas eve. Abby Wot I wot is a compute I lic I bin good wits a craytat roos Tristen I’d like a xbox x for christmis I have been very good this year OH! and can I have some pokemon
The Pampa News — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — 11
Letters to Santa Clause
becuz I want to be a good traner one day. Conner I want a blue Jeep for Christmas. I will carry all my towys in the Jeep. Hendrix I want a phone a computer all five nights at freddys pushys inclodino the big kind. All five nights at freddys action figures teliscope a mini gutar. Buslighte year rex bullsie leese slinky and porkchop.
Wendt 2nd
Gentry For Christmas I woild like a baby clos becaue I am giteing a baby doll from my mom and my dad. i even would like baby stuf for christmas Santa and thank you for the christmas we have. Sincerely, Gentry Christian For Christmas this year I want a fake selset because I like to play weker. Aleso I want to see Santa. Because no one ever soll him. Thank you for all you do! Sincerely Christian Dunia For Christmas this year. I want a pack of ereeings, necklace, brasitst. I also want a mooserhigh school doll haws. Sincerely Dunia Mekhi For chrismis I want a phone, eilfood, a remot contrl car, alos of cars in pleahhse. in trucks in hormemin book in santa isesum. Jose This Christmas I what a xbox. I so want a figit coob sincerely a huvr bord. Like so ples make it gold I wud like with the xbox I what a fist and feres and halo like with a blak fon Beck For christmas this year. I am asking for a new mecy. Because my old mecy is brocene. Cood I have two stuffed animls endermans pleas? I love you santa Sincerely Beck. Oh i cindue wont more stuff Aiden For Christmas this year I am asking for a enderdragon plushy. I lik minecraft it is a veary cool game. The enderdragon cost 50 buks. Sincerely Aiden. Julissa For Christmas this year, I am asking for some new brouwn boote. I want new clothes. I also wouldn’t mind a new tablat. I also want a baby alif doll. I also want a merenkin girl doll Sincerely Julissa Lawrence For Christmas this year, I am asking for a dert bike. I want a dert bike because I rely like the sowns of a dert bike. I also wouldn’t mind getting an x-box 1 and even an Ipad. I love cool thigs. Thank you for all you do. Sincerely Lawrence. Hagen For Christmas this year, I am asking for a skooter like thing. I want a skooter like thing because I’am bord over the days. P.S. get a dog vest for Dasher. Remember Dasher. Sincerley, Hagen Ryan I what a noew xbox 1 and a compoter and I what roblox to give to me robux 999999 Christian All I want is a dinosaur. I want it to be a t-rex. It doeses mater if it’s big or small four christmas. Also a bible too I reale love these things and you. I love Christmas. Sincerely Christian. Francisco For Christmas I want splatoon. I want a new game because i think it is kno. Me and my frens want to play it. You work so hard and me and my sistr and cusins are growing to me Sincerely Francisco
Ogerly 2nd
Masen I wont a gootball and a video game then a scatborp you can deliver my presents to my house in Pampa tx becauce...I been a good boy santa. Karter I have been a really really good this year. I would please like a tree house and a electic scooter and nine disney world pases please. Taxyn Im on the nice list. Can you please get me a deck holder duel cards, cameradrone, bike, ps3, bkokops, ww2, phone. Alex I had a verey good year. I really whant a xdox one and a puppy and to dea good, satant for missogerly. And I will give you some baked cooikies and please give my sister a cool toy. In Pampa tx. Love Alex. Kamrynn I have been really good I wold like a phone tonot talk, to see grandad. You can delivor my peresens to Pampa tx. Love, Kamrynn Abby I have been very good this year. I would like a skate bord, a hover bord, bootes and candales. Those are my favorit things I want for crismas. You can deliver my prasans to my house. Sincerely Abby Truel I want transgormers candy and money. I live at pampa, tx Claire I have ben good this year Id like a craz cart, a electic scoorder, set of dars, and a trapleayn. You can deliver my presints to pampa tx. Love Claire Sophi I have den good and dab this year and I want a huverdorb and a hootin boswich and I want books to reeb at night and I live at Pampa tx so you can give me presants if Ive ben good. Love sophi Aaliyah I have been good all year. I would like a treehouse, tea cup, yorky and some art suples. You can meet me at my house. But I won’t see you because I will be sleeping. I will leave you some coikes. Any kind you want! Love Aaluyah Kylie I really really have been good. I want an american girl doll close! And a puppy a really really cute one! and new barbies! I live in Pampa texas. Grace I ben good this year. I whant a brber. I whant a brber house. Then I whant a poll. I wish I can get a tremlen. Then i whant a swing set. Robert I think that I been good this year. I would like some legos. I like to cosme. and a swich. I would like splaton2 for the swich. I live in Pampa. Love Robert.
Gabriella a huge pool with a electric bat. I live in Pampa. I want for christmas is a cemra, Eryk and a ton of film and you know what else I want Can I have a nintendo swich with mario odeesey, for christmas I want for christmas is a pair of crace cookies, eidsi phon, and a dog. sparkle conbers like my mom i wnt to match my Payton mom because I love love Wut I wot for crismes is a forwelr and I also wot a rayzor and I want mor shows and I alow hwot a now cowteand and I olsow hwot a now t.v. and I alsow hwot a culking dook and I hwot a iu gown Mrs. Brouchi 3rd Io and I olsow hwot a cat and I hwot a radel and I Harmony I have been realy good at school and at home. olsow hwot a fish Abel What I want for Christmas is a laptop I’ve always When it christmas are you going to austin elewanted a laptop ever since I saw them thats what I mentry to tell us about christmas so we know to be want from you. and I’m also glad because my Elk buddy I miss him so much I’m glad to see him I good kids. Hopefully we get great presents. would be so happy. Carter McCook 3rd May i have a racing drone, Madden 18, Ipad, Alli Sling, a paint ball fun, Nintendo Switch, Rival I want a huverbord, and a pleas get me a rabbit kaohs , Rival Zeuas, Megg twinshock, Judge, Jolt too. And I want a big giyent horse and a lot of gum Blasters, the end. and candy too and in my stoking and I want a robEmery bot little dog and the last thing I want and I want For crismas I want a cozmo, hatchmals, liefree a ipad ok. sky high, heat blanket, hot werls, cuddles wit herd, Ayden simonsay, nintendo switch, real life baby doll, spirMy Chistmas I rearlly want a hoover board! I it toons two, pokemon sun and moon, and have a hope I get lots of presants from you. From Ayden happy holiday. p.s I live in Pampa Chloe
for christmast I want a chemistry set. I also want google Aleza, phone socket. Also I want another elf on the shelf. Sincirely, Chloe. Jancey What I want for Christmas is Elexa which is like google you can talk to! I also want a heat blanket. it would feel really good to get under one on a snowy day! Christopher For christmas I want a rival nerf gun, hatchamals, legos, a drone pie face sky-high, catch the fox, giggle wiggle, simon, bop it, nintendo swich with splatoon 2 and pokemon go ultra sun and moon, RD-D2 robot. Good luck and christmas. Payton wut I wot fram santa is a now par of shows and I wot a now dedag and I all so wot a laptop and I wot a dox of sorpes and a dox of culrd pensls and a dox of pens and I wot is a now dak pak and I wot is a hihxl dots and I wot is a now wodrdotl my crismes list. Kayton I want a hoverbord, gamnastil kip. A beam, amat a popam kit a glow in the dark figit spiner a jojo swiew bow a jojo rastom a jojo babir dall and both of them a beats (not head fons) So Santa I hope I get a gamnastit bar, beam, and mat. Love, Kayton Haley I really want a laptop for christmas. that is just all I want for christmas. I hope I’m not on the nontey list. I’v been nice and not been a trouble maker. I help mom, dad, sisters, and bothers. Zoie I wish for a nintido switch, a purple bike, a lap top, a phone, a ipad, a chapter book, headset, a huver bord, a color book with crayons. Brandon I love you and I wound like a game prapr the rapar pls and I wound like to get all of us the neito swich with super morie idensy and a new svoter and the big heroe 6 caters for my game 300 pls Love you and a phone to with hedphones love you Emma I wont a ntendo switch, a scooter, Im ot cuntracar, a bike with the bandls dracks, a clock, a fack frog, a new bed set, a lap top, a phone, a head set, head phones with no stings and a ipode Gabriel I want a dorne. a xbox a ps3 a pare of head phones a iphone 7 a laptop a bugote a lambergeny a thousand more robux and a thosand more robux. Brian I want a chars nickey stuff a apple whach a hat a ipone tablet ipad money drone a dog gold a bebe gun a tv a job a car a bugoty a cupcar a movie room gta5 xbox 360 a novel Oliver What I want for chrimas is a ps4 with 4 controlers, me living with levi, mini modersycle, $1,000,ooo,000, I hoverboard, 4 turtles in a tank that looks like a huge forest, a new terraria disk, a little drone, fule, big patio in back yard, foo stickbots, racers, a huge pool with a electric boat. Jaqueline I want some shopkins but not the same shopkins I have and I want a toy that can talk and a little cute toy and a adventure book but a chapter book of adventure book and a watch pls and thx Andrew I want a apple whatch a i phone 8 with a cool phone case and a ps 4 with gta and 5 and a bugty a lauchbord a crazy cart a baseball game for my ps4 a i pad and a x box one x with a base ball game and gta and 5 and a cool bmx bike. Leri What I want for chrimas a ps4 whith four controlers mini moters and one wolf that is a bag amilion dolars one hober bord 4 turtles in a tank that looks like a forest, terraria disk, a drone and fule, big patio in the back yard, 100 stick bots, 50 pcet racers,
Abigail I want a ipad and a bike markers for my white bord, a karoke box with talor swift songs 20 I relly want a hover bord and a 20 set fidget spinners. 20 set slime, I want want a nintendo swich. I want a puppy. Marcos I want long under armor socks and a tanktanktank wiiu game and a phone and a steph curry shoes and a football and a hover bored and a doel becham jr jursy and a panda plushy and a odel becham claets and a nintendo swich with splatoon 2 and a puppy. Julia Can you get me a real raindear and some bff braccets a regiler ipod and a big whitebord so i can play school with daddy. Can I have a hover borb or a map and xpo markers. oh and I want 5 figit sponers. Oh and a ipad. Kelilah for chrismas I want a ipad and a bff neclaces and a lots of jewarly and a nail set white board and exspo markers and a 20 big jojo siwa bows figet spinners for girls that have bluetooth speaker on it and a hoverboard and a bucket of slime. Hunter I want a bike, a prison island lego set, and 5 new minecraft lego sets. Trekker I wot a batman toys super hero whetoys rc car rorbot. Allyson I want a puppy that is a pug. And a stuffed anamals shopkin. And a houver bord. And a teddy bear. Mason For christmas I want a drone a new scooter and a toy hellecopter. I want a five nights at freddy’s poster and a poster of lots of posters. Zoe For Christmas I want a fuzzy tail. I want the killer whale one. I promise I will give you cookies and milk. I give you cookies and milk every christmas. Brycen What I want for Chrismas is a traplein, and a puppy and gumball machein and a toy car and a basketball a lego sets an the diary of a wimpy kid books water gun nintendo switch hover borde 10 figet spinner Kaden I want a iphon 6 i whant it gold and I whant a pool 16 pokemon card paks the big sun and moon and bacikbacs lego sets 1,000,000 dollars machade pokemon plushes nintendo swich huverbored and a rubanks. Aliyah I want a hover board for christmust and a phone. and a dog pleas can I have it and if I am bad you dont have to give it to me they mean nothing at all but if I am good I get egleast a huverboard. Olivia Can I please get markers jur hals, pencils, pens, fnaf plushies, a new tablet. Please Santa Clause. I will give you lots of cookies and milk. Victoria I wunt a elecric scooter and a macupset and hedfons and a hether emoges and sum toys for my puppy. Dace For cristmas I want a fad legos. Also I want a police tahoe and a fuzzy tale that is a shark. Lucas I want a game sistum. a ipad. Kelilah for chrismas I want bff necklas and chap stick and merry chrismas hope you have a good one your the best and I want 20 jojo siwa bows and a stop
12 — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — The Pampa News
Letters to Santa Clause watch and a tablet lip gloss.
Thorum 3rd
Mrs. Thorum Dear Santa, First of all, I have been good so do not bring me coal. What I want for Christmas is simple. A new Chip the Rabbit. (Jet brown, cute, soft, and the best bunny ever!) A blanket. (Soft, mint green or pink, and just blanket type.) Last, the power to swap bodies with people! (Anytime, anybody, for as long as I want!) What I have done good this year is, be nice to Ella (one of the new kids.) Eat mom’s chili. (Without complaining.) Last, I got Jill the best earbuds ever! (They never fall out of your ears!) I also said please and thank you all year! I also need to ask why you give coal to people if they are bad? What if they are homeless? They would love coal for a present then. Answer soon! Love, Lorelai! Teas This year I want a vteach wach thats perple then I want gradedora hachamals shopkin pilows and num nums. Gunner For chrismas I want a hover bored basketball shoes a football and a ipad and a under armer hat a basketball. I relly want a skate bored I want a pair of shoes a lizard or a turtle. a nikey hat too and some video games. and a goo maker and a new jacket and cowboy tickets. Brady for christmas I want a pair of labrons and black nee pads a new under amour football vefobit band OKC basketball tickets OKC basketball hat and jursey a belt-d-ring loods. Some more athletic shorts. Gavin This year for cristmas I would like a ipod my parents might not think I am responcabal if not I would like a new seat of basball cards. Emmah This year I want a kitten because Ive been wanting one for ever, it can be my pall I love cats. Second, I want a hover board they are awesome you baseicaly arent even moving and they dont die easily. I really want a elf on the shelf my family would love it because it does crasy tricks. Kenzee I want a bunch of things for christmas but here are my top 5 things I want a gopro, a crome book, new bands for my watch, money, and last but not least a new fin fun mermaid tale. So do you think you can get me all of those things? Your best friend, Kenzee Hallie One things I want for christmas is a vetch wach the 2 one and a slime stress ball that mens a stress ball made out of slime and a yunucorn fingerling and som sets for it to play on and som stuff for my bird. Wakecy What I whant for chrismis is a new phone and 2rtchike and a nerf gun and a new jakit and a 2rown and a new figit spiner and a new. Tow tangel and a new figitqyuoab and a new bike. and . I whant a holl nukit of candy and a new rectruck and a new dog. Kameryn The first thing thats on my cristmas list is a jojosiha amarcan girl doll with bowbow. The 2nd thing on my list is a twin hachmal. The 3rd thing on my list is a giant lol surprise with 50 suprises! Arwen One thing I want for christmas is a stress ball. I could use it for my math. Another thing I want is a slime its so much fun. The two things I want for Christmas. Gage For Christmas I want a white hoverboard a pair of black kneepads for basketball. Two mor ethings I want foom Christmas is a Oklahoma City Thunder hat flatbill, black under armor joggers. Kooper I want a futtball and a huver bord, motentrol granmbo, amogentrol gran. And siens stuff. The end. Chase for christmas I want a fot ball and a ripstick and a phone and a bike and a fotuiler d510 bilesike a wamart card that has 50k$ becus I want to buy a nurf gun for the fut ball so we can play chack. Brody I want u things force awakens final show first order star destroyur Rhyan my name is rhyan and I love krismas and you santa I realy want to go to the north pole and I whahnt to mete rordolf. Love Rhyan Brayden What I want for chrismas is a phone a clectdal car and a bike and a WWE ring Kamden I only want 4 thing for Chistmas is a walkee talkee a 4 wheeler and 3 the greatest movie of all time Sand-lot 3. Last but not least number 4 its called a sizmo palz it can call text play games even tell time. Maddie May I please have a new phone with a my little pony case on it my little ponys to a jojo siwa. Dou a hatchimal a doll house a smart watch a new house a elf on the shelf a alarm clock rudolph the red nose reindeer my little pony books new pajamas and teddy bear
Kindergarten Mrs. Ingle Cameron-Dear Santa- I like your reindeer. How can reindeer fly. Can you please bring me football cards? Tabitha-Dear Santa- I like your hat. What do the reindeer eat? Please bring me a unicorn. Thank you for my book.
Lindsey-Dear Santa- I like your toys bro you go legos and a piano and I promise to leave out an apon your vacation. Please bring me Pegasus uni- ple for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Kash. P.S. Please say “Hi” to my baby brother for me! corn. Thank you. Zylee- Dear Santa- I like your house. What does Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of the your elves like? Pleas bring me a tablet. Thank time. What I would like most this Christmas is biyou. cycle and a real house and I promise to leave out Wyatt-Dear Santa- I like your hat. How aree you. cookies and milk for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Karys. P.S. Please say “Hi” to me for me! Pleas bring me a cat. Thank you for the train. Ivan-Dear Santa- I like your elf. How can reinDear Santa, this year I have been good all of the deer fly. Please bring a dog for me. Thank you for time. What I would like most this Christmas is bringing us presents. drone and book about por and I promise to leave out cookies and milk for you! Merry Christmas, Emma-Dear Santa- I like you. What does RuSanta! Love, Nathan. P.S. Please say “Hi” to me dolph like? Can you bring me a phone? Thank you for me! for my microphone. Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of the Sadie-Dear Santa- I like you belt. Do you like your elves? Please bring me a cat. time. What I would like most this Christmas is make up and a real phone and I promise to leave Kimber-Dear Santa- I like your beard. What do out money for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, your reindeer eat? Kayleigh. P.S. Please say “Hi” to my Andrea for me!
St. Matthews
Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is suPre-kindergarten per hero doll and a Barbie Camper and I promise to leave out presents for you! Merry Christmas, Hughes and Roberson Annie- Dear Santa, I like chocolate chip cook- Santa! Love, Kaylee. P.S. Please say “Hi” to my ies and raisin cookies. Do you? I love you. I go to friends for me! school at St. Matthews. Bring gifts for all my family. Love, Annie Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of Jackson- Dear Santa, I want Heatwave, the Res- the time. What I would like most this Christmas cue Bot. I also want the Transformers Optimus Prime and SideSwipe. A blue police car would be is a real lasso and a truck with a horse trailer and cool! A red fire truck too. Roller skates are a pres- I promise to leave out a surprise for you! Merry ent I want too. Love, Jackson. Christmas, Santa! Love, Angela. P.S. Please say “Hi” to my Aunt Jo for me! Crawford- Dear Santa, I can’t wait to see you on Christmas Eve. I want a nerf gun for Christmas. Dear Santa, this year I have been naughty (but Harbor- Dear Santa, I want important stuff. Not nice!). What I would like most this Christmas is puppies, because I already have too many. I would like candy that Daddy can’t eat. New scissors big Christmas Ariel book and 2 frozen dolls and I would be good too then I won’t have to use my promise to leave out a big boy toy for you! Merry sister’s scissors. A Mermaid tail that can go in the Christmas, Santa! Love, Carley. P.S. Please say water would be cool! Love, Harbor. “Hi” to me and grandma and papaw for me! Adilyn- Dear Santa, I would like a mermaid towel, an ice cream maker and some makeup. Love, Dear Santa, this year I have been good some of Adilyn the time. What I would like most this Christmas Mia- Dear Santa, I would like an American Girl is Barbie House and a mermaid and I promise to leave out my old Barbie house for you! Merry doll. Christmas, Santa! Love, Allie. P.S. Please say “Hi” Calloway- Dear Santa, Can you bring us all presto my mommy for me! ents we can open up? Banner- Dear Santa, It was fun seeing you at the Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of North Pole with your elves. The Polar Express train the time. What I would like most this Christmas was an awesome way to get there. Thank you for is hatchimals and a rainbow bike and I promise to the ringing bells. I love you, Banner. leave out carrots for you and your reindeer! Merry Aubrey- Dear Santa, I would like a princess Christmas, Santa! Love, Paezlie. P.S. Please say dress, tennis shoes, and a tall giraffe with a long “Hi” to my Barbie for me! neck. Aubrey Baker- Dear Santa, You are the best! I love you Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of the so much. I’m sure you are the coolest guy ever I time. What I would like most this Christmas is also know you are nice. Love, Baker playdough cookies and the rest of my little ponies Blake- Dear Santa, I want a dot-dot smile dress. and I promise to leave out a cake for you! Merry A goldie locks doll, and an expensive baby doll. Christmas, Santa! Love, Breelyn. P.S. Please say Thank you, Blake “Hi” to me for me! Fischer- Dear Santa, I want a T-rex dinosaur costume. Love, Fischer
Veronica and Desray
Dear Santa I would like PJ Masks, Couch- Charless Telescopre, Family- Huntley Fat turkey for outside- Creed Pirate Hook- Jesci Toy surprises- Bree Bike, Dinosaur, Car- Emerson New Bike- Jaxon A remote four wheeler- Paul Big princess, Elena doll- Claire PJ Masks, Jammies- Adelynn Mermaid little puppy- Sofia Hatchimals- Brenli Puppy surprise and little marbles thing- Nora Baby- Chloe
Kindergarten Reyes
Israel- Dear Santa, my name is Israel I want a real dog babe i will get you cocet cookes for you santa you are my favrit I want a new ptoms I want a bunch of play stashin games. Anistyn- Dear Santa, my name is Anistyn I want a LOL and a unicorn Santa I love you what Cind of cookes is your faet? Is it choclt chip cooke Lov, Anistyn. Aisley- Dear Santa, I want a robo dog that is a pupe and it is a cag and it is a botl. Love, Aisley.
Dear Santa, This Christmas I have been good all of the time, what I would like most this Christmas Salma- Dear Santa, I want a toy pony. Santa wut is lazor gun and lots of trucks and helicopters and is yor favrit susys my name is Salma. Love, Salma. I promise to leave out cookies, juice and a napkin for you. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love Maddox. Henry- Dear Santa, I want a hamstr and a robot Please say “Hi” to me for me! that pks up bloks. Love, Henry. Dear Santa, this year I have been naughty (but nice!) what I would like most is a Barbie doll and Grant- Dear Santa, I whnt a true and a Lego set I Barbie House and I promise to leave out marshmellows for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, olso waht a hot rod car. Grant. Aamori. P.S. Please say “Hi” to your elves for me! McKinley- Dear Santa, I want a amrcn grl doll Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is a that looks like me and a unicorn. Santa wut is your carriage and uma doll and I promise to leave out favit cookes have are you Santa I will pt reindeer fd snacks for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Maylee. P.S. Please say “Hi” to my daddy for me! in my frut yod if your reindeers are hugre the food is not for regyir reindeers. Love, McKinley Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is Drake- Dear Santa, I want a mreo plusite d h rl Lego Zombie House and Playdough pizza set and I pupe. Love, Drake promise to leave out a gingerbread house for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Koltyn. P.S. Please say “Hi” to Rudolph for me! Emma- Dear Santa, my name is Emma wut kind of cookis do you like I want a robo doe for Dear Santa, this year I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is Chrismtas. Love, Emma
The Pampa News — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — 13A
Letters to Santa Clause Marianna - Wilson Elementary
Sailor - Travis Elementary
Achilles - Wilson Elementary Aubrey - Travis Elementary
Mylah- Lamar Elementary
Raymond- Lamar Elementary
14 — Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 — The Pampa News
The Elf
Wednesday 3pm to
12/20 5pm
w w w . c u l b e r s o n a u t o s . c o m