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Intend to Renew Membership I N T E N D TO R E N E W M E M B E
Among those members who are dissatisfied and chose (1), for instance, 47% said they would still renew membership. Among those members quite satisfied (8-10), 99% said they would renew their membership.
Without question, Sweet Adelines has much to be proud of. Philanthropy has recently been given new resources and energy. Tomorrow’s leaders have yet to be recruited. And tomorrow’s members have much to be excited about.
And just like any organization, Sweet Adelines has its challenges to address as well. The key challenges that were identified in the survey are:
• About 4% of respondents do not intend to renew membership for various reasons. Further, like many other membership organizations, Sweet Adelines membership has been declining over the last few decades.
• We need to clearly define our membership. Part of that process will be helped by our recent definition of what “women-centric” means moving forward (see the “Defining Women-Centric” on page 18.)
• Work remains to be done with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), yet we know some members feel overwhelmed by the ongoing dialogue about DEI (even if they are supportive of the effort overall). We must ensure that our progress going forward is integrated carefully with all of the needs of the organization and its members.
• Some international members don’t feel as much a part of the organization as those in the United States and perhaps North America. There are competing organizations and 11% of survey respondents have dual membership with Sweet Adelines and at least one other group.
• Regional leaders and chorus directors are stressed and have dealt with more than they bargained for in the past few years. The people we’ve asked to lead a music organization are seeing members struggling with so much more than the art.