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Major Themes

Membership Trends

The digital survey showed new members over the past four years represent just over 2-3% of our current membership. Membership additions will probably have to average about 4-5% of current membership per year to stabilize our membership. However, to go beyond stabilization and into an upward growth trend new members will need to represent 7%+ of current membership per year. NOTE: This computation is based on data from the survey. A deeper analysis of membership trends needs to be done to better guide a growth or stabilization strategy.

In particular, the survey showed there are some membership sub-groups that might need more attention:

• For members in the 5- to 12-year membership period, there’s a greater risk factor of them leaving due to other “life” responsibilities and issues. We need to pay more attention to this group and find new ways to retain them.

• Other groups that have less satisfaction and need attention are member at large/ chapter at large.

• Lower satisfaction is evident for non-North American members.

• There is also lower satisfaction with Black members and those who feel the organization should be open to all people of historically marginalized genders.

Member Engagement

Increased engagement of our members clearly correlates to high levels of satisfaction. Most members are in singing groups, and 44% have experienced leadership or education opportunities.

More Than Music

More Than Music

How would you rate your personal enjoyment of SA in the following areas?

Continuing heritage/ harmony of a cappella

How would you personal enjoyment following areas?

Music education

International Connection

Members indicated they appreciate being part of a long-standing, international organization and feel it adds credibility as they recruit new singers.

• However, at least some of the international members feel a distracting difference in culture and the logistics of being part of a mostly U.S.-centric organization.

• A more challenging issue is how to ensure equitable access to education for our international members.

Support for Local/Regional Leadership

There is a recurring theme about the need to expand ways Sweet Adelines provides training and other support for regional leadership team members and chorus directors.

• RMT members especially seem to feel pressure from both their local choruses and from International and face the potential for burnout. They need guidance and support as they work to push various elements down to the local chorus level.

• Directors find themselves needing to provide leadership beyond music (what is usually needed to manage rehearsals, training and competitions). No doubt COVID has made these pressures feel more significant.

Youth Outreach

The survey indicated a need for outreach to youth to find ways to involve them in the organization.

• Given this feedback, we see a real opportunity to revitalize our outreach and programmatic efforts to better meet the needs of younger singers.

DEI/Accepting or Supportive of Diversity

Many members are very appreciative of the work being done by Sweet Adelines around DEI. Some believe there is far more work to be done, and some believe there is too much focus on this effort.

Sweet Adelines International is committed to continuing our ongoing DEI journey. The survey results and interviews together suggest that most members support our DEI efforts. Some members expressed a desire for improved DEI communications and clarity about how DEI efforts relate to the overall goals of the organization. To address these concerns while continuing the commitment to all of our Guiding Principles, we will work to ensure that DEI communications, training, and other efforts are presented in a way that clearly demonstrates alignment with that commitment.

Understanding Multiple Gender Definitions

Understanding Multiple Gender Definitions

Do you understand multifaceted definitions of gender such as “Agender”, “Cisgender”, “Gender fluid”, etc.?

Per cent O f All Respondents

Percent Of All Respondents By Age

Age 15-25 (Gen Z)

Age 26-41 (Millennial)

Age 42-57 (Gen X)

Age 58-64 (Late Boomers)

Age 65-76 (Early Boomers)

Age 77+ (Silent)

Do you understand faceted definitions such as “Agender”, “Gender fluid”,

Educational Offerings Accessed Most – Members appreciate the education currently offered by Sweet Adelines and have accessed it in many ways, from the Online Education Center on the Sweet Adelines website to education programs offered at the International Convention.


Education Programs Members Want – The survey also provided members a chance to indicate what types of education they felt are most important and want to see more of -Vocal Production and Performance education were clearly the highest rated topics.

Your feedback in both areas is very helpful and will help guide our future planning as we continue addressing what type of education we offer members and how you prefer to receive it.

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