The Pitch Pipe January 2019

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THE T H E | January 2019 | Volume 72 — No.3







2019 International Champion Quartet

2018 Sweet Adelines International

SIRENS OF GOTHAM CHORUS 2019 Harmony Classic Division A Champion Chorus REGION #15, New York, N.Y.


January 2019 • Volume 72 — No.3


2018 Sweet Adelines International

Fe a t u r e s

Headquarters Headlines

8 12 36 40

7 11 41 42

Building a Diversity Garden Getting to Know Deke Sharon Voices from the Kansas City Risers Osteopathy for Singers

IBOD Election Results Song of Welcome We Found What Was Right

Bringing Barbershop Harmony to the Classroom


Membership Recruitment Champs

St. Louis Recap

In Every Issue

14 16 18 20 23 26 30 31 32 35 38

3 5 50

Wow, Did We Sing in St. Louis! Rising to a Championship Top 10 Quartets

From Our President From Our CEO Accolades/In Memory

Jumping for Joy Top 10 Choruses Harmony Classic Chapter Longevity Awards

On The Cover

Lifetime Achievement Award

Congratulations to ClassRing who sang in St. Louis all the way to 2019 Queens of Harmony! (L to R) Mary Duncan (bt); Heather Havens (l); Hailey Parks (bs); Michaela Slamka-Johnston (t).

The Coronet Club: Coming Home 50-and 60-Year Members Bursting With Song! Winners

Competition photos by Jon Read Photography.

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


THEPITCHPIPE January 2019 | Volume 72 — No.3 |

Sweet Adelines International A worldwide women's singing organization committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through opportunities in education, performance and competition.

_____________________________________ INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Save up to $50 USD on Early Registration Rates! Register Today! Early Registration pricing expires on May 29, 2019



PITCH PIPE ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration in a future issue of The Pitch Pipe, email

Remaining 2019 Copy Deadlines • Feb. 4 (April 2019 issue) • May 6 (July 2019 issue) • Aug. 5 (Oct. 2019 issue) Change of Address: Let us Know Where You Are Please be sure headquarters has your current address to ensure you receive The Pitch Pipe and non-electronic mailings. Login to the membership database at Click on "My Profile," "Contact Info" and update the appropriate information.

Tammy Talbot Chief Executive Officer Richard Huenefeld Chief Financial Officer Tamatha Goad Editor-in-Chief Kim Berrey Managing Editor Ben Larscheid Graphic Designer Joey Bertsch and Lauren Stark Staff Photographers Kim Berrey Advertising 918.622.1444 •

INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019 Patty Cobb Baker, International President Paula Davis, Immediate Past President Joan Boutilier, President-elect Thérèse Antonini, Secretary JD Crowe, Treasurer Sharon Cartwright Janice McKenna Jennifer Cooke Renée Porzel Peggy Gram Mary Rhea Cammi MacKinlay

EDUCATION DIRECTION COMMITTEE Marcia Pinvidic, Chair Corinna Garriock Mary Rhea Peggy Gram Kim Vaughn

EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD Joan Boutilier Moreida Lord Corinna Garriock Cammi MacKinlay Kate Hawkins ______________________________________ Sweet Adelines International members receive The Pitch Pipe as a benefit of their membership. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $12 USD/year U.S.A. or $24 USD/year outside U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION REQUESTS & ADDRESS CHANGES: The Pitch Pipe 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Telephone 1.918.622.1444 • Toll-free 1.800.992.7464 Fax 1.918.665.0894 • Office hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CT) Direct all correspondence, editorial copy and photographs to Deadlines are 60 days prior to publication. Not all submissions will be published. ______________________________________ THE PITCH PIPE (ISSN 0882-214X) (USPS 603-060) is published quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 by Sweet Adelines International Periodicals paid at Tulsa, OK U.S.A. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE PITCH PIPE 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Canadian Post Agreement Number: 1453408 Send Canadian change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to: P.O. Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7 Canada Entire contents are copyright © 2018 by Sweet Adelines International. All rights reserved. HARMONIZE THE CYBER WORLD @SweetAdelinesIntl



@SweetAdsIntl @SweetAdelineIntl

Remember to use #iamsweetadelines on social media. Headquarters uses this # to find your posts, photos and tweets to share across Sweet Adelines social media channels.


St. Louis Stories

Celebrating with my family in St. Louis! (L to R) sister-in law Criss Baker Nunamaker; Gina and husband Jeff Baker; yet another sister-in-law, Bonnie Baker.


wrote this issue’s President’s Message shortly after returning from the International Convention and Competition in St. Louis. I was still wrapped in my barbershop bubble, full of the powerful and profound feelings that come from a week of total musical and performance immersion, as well as a week of celebrating all that Sweet Adelines International brings to the world of women’s barbershop. There was, of course, so much love for one another and so much fun! There was immense camaraderie and joy – joy in just being there, doing what we love to do, joy in our successes, big and small and in sharing the successes of others. There was amazement at the creativity exhibited. I witnessed it not only on the stage, but in the boardroom, in the classes and in the convention operations. Creativity that showed courage in stretching and growing, taking risks and stepping beyond zones of comfort to offer something new, improved, exciting and more impactful. There was an overarching feeling of solidarity that we are working and growing together through times of change and growth. And then – there were the stories we shared. Everyone has a story and, oh, how those stories come alive at our conventions and competitions. So many stories were told on the stage in St. Louis – in the performances, in the celebrations of our award winners, in our 50- and 60-year members and in the presenters for the annual donations appeal. Yet there were many other stories with us in St. Louis, off the stage. They were the stories of the women in the arena seats,

Sweet Adelines sisters harmonizing during the World Singing Day Mass Sing in St. Louis. women who were backstage working and singing on the streets of St. Louis. Stories that we couldn’t hear, stories in the process of being written. Yet stories that we all know and feel. All of these stories – of love, heartache, triumph, growth, trials, tribulation, support and of joy – are universal life stories. We are drawn to them, on and off the stage. They show us our humanness, make us feel, create a vulnerability in us that helps us build relationships and trust. These stories inspire us and help us see what is possible. They allow us to escape our burdens, our own story, even if just for a moment. They let us feel and be a part of something, empowering us to move outside of our singularity to something bigger than just ourselves. They help us learn we are not alone. This is why we love our conventions. Yes, the amazing singing and performances enthrall and amaze us. But it’s the stories that draw us there. We need the stories. For they strengthen and sweeten our own. In harmony,

Patty Cobb Baker International President

January 2019 | T HEPI T CH P IP E






IES 2019 July 25-28, 2019 Royal Northern College of Music Manchester, UK G RISSTIAN R S Contest 2019 Quartet

Travel to Manchester, UK and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of barbershop with some of the best Sweet Adelines instructors, such as Sandy Marron, Judy Pozsgay, Paula Davis, Lynda Keever, Lori Lyford and more. There will be something for everyone – quartets, coaches, directors, arrangers and anyone who just wants to learn more about our art form. Plus the dynamic Deke Sharon will be on hand teaching classes on topics such as close harmony, blend and performance presentation. IES 2019 attendees will also have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful harmonies from some of the best up-andcoming youth quartets during the 2019 Rising Star Quartet Contest. Past winners of the Rising Star Quartet Contest include ClassRing, our 2019 Queens of Harmony! All this barbershop learning, socializing and singing will be taking place in Manchester, UK – a city rich in history and vitality. You will want to plan a few extra days to explore this city, dubbed the “UK’s Music Capital.”

Join us to Sing and Celebrate at IES 2019! • IES 2019 registration opens Jan. 8, 2019 Rising Star Quartet Contest • July 27, 2019 • Contest entry opens Jan, 14, 2019


Reflections of Convention


stated in the last edition of The Pitch Pipe that I would highlight specific departments in each issue and I will get back to that in April. But right now, I would like to reflect on the wonderful week we experienced in St. Louis. We’re familiar with the Christmas classic, It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, and for Sweet Adelines, convention and competition week is definitely one of the most wonderful times of the year! Congratulations to all competitors who crossed the stage. This is the first year that I’ve had the opportunity to sit in the audience and enjoy the music. My oh my – we are good! The talent on that stage was amazing! Congratulations to Division A – Sirens of Gotham; Division AA – Wellington City Chorus; International Chorus Champions Scottsdale Chorus, and International Quartet winners, ClassRing! You all represent this amazing organization beautifully! There were so many highlights for the week, but a few come to the top of my mind. As we began the week at regional leaders' training, I listened to the amazing volunteer leaders who give their time and talent to care for their region. On Tuesday, at the Diversity Café, I listened to members share from their hearts to help others understand different perspectives and shift their perspective as a result. I had the privilege of joining the 50-60-year member breakfast and honoring members who have given their lives to this organization. The stories shared and hearing Lustre serenade a member – priceless.

After a Sweet Adelines serenade, Fleetwood Mac keyboardist Ricky Peterson sat in on part of the chorus finals.

Another highlight – Ricky Peterson, the keyboardist for Fleetwood Mac, Prince and David Sanborn, attended a portion of the chorus finals! He had been at a restaurant the night before, where Sweet Adelines sang to him and brought tears to his eyes. Joe Liles’ emotion was unforgettable when he was announced as the winner of the songwriting contest and North Metro’s swan song performance was beautiful and moving. By the end of the week, Queen Janell Paviolitis let me wear her crown (A girl can dream!) and a new staff member asked me after chorus finals Saturday night, “Tammy, can I come to convention every year?” (Why yes, I think that can be arranged!) Finally, the hugs, love, support and words of encouragement you shared with me moved my heart. Once again, as with all SA events, my takeaway is the amazing music and the community. You are a community of women encouraging, supporting and empowering one another. If we could bottle this, we could truly change the world. In appreciation,

Tammy Talbot, CEO

Tammy Talbot with members of the Young Singers Foundation Silent Auction Committee.

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


A Brand New Song & Dance Sweet Adelines International

Directors’ & Visual Leaders’ Seminar 2019

San Antonio, TX Don't miss this lineup of classes planned to help directors and visual leaders gain the skills they need to grow and foster a culture of excellence in their choruses. • Need some help with integrating choreography into your chorus’s performance?

Then you won’t want to miss “Voice and Dance Technique Integration: The Anatomy of Functional Movement with Voice.”

• Have chorus members that span the spectrum in age?

“The Voice at All Ages” will help you teach them to care for their instrument no matter their age.

• Want to create a chorus environment rich in diversity – a place where everyone feels welcomed? “Fostering Diversity and Inclusion through Repertoire, Rehearsals and Chorus Culture” will give you the tools you need to make this a reality in your chorus.

The Directors’ and Visual Leaders’ Seminar is a can’t-miss training! Registrations are limited so reserve your spot!

Mark Your Calendar for Aug. 8-10, 2019! Registration opens Jan. 7, 2019* *Open to frontline directors, assistant directors and visual leaders. Visit for more information.


January 2019 | T H EP I TC H P I P E

2019 International Board of Directors Election Results


he election to fill four expiring terms on the International Board of Directors (IBOD) concluded on November 28, 2018, at 3 p.m. CST (9 p.m. GMT). Elected to a three-year term were Joan Boutilier, River City Sound Chorus, Region 3, Patty Cobb Baker, Harborlites Chorus, Region 21, Jeanne d’Arc (JD) Crowe, Canadian Showtime Chorus, Region 16 and Jennifer Harris, Harbor City Music Company and Arundelair Choruses, Region 19. The term runs May 1, 2019, through April 30, 2022. The Board also appointed two members to serve one-year terms beginning on the same day. The

appointees are Thérèse Antonini, North Metro Chorus, Region 16 and Leslie Galbreath, Skyline Chorus, Region 8. Sweet Adelines International President Patty Cobb Baker said that participation in the 2018 election stood at 93.7 percent, lower than the 95.8 percent participation recorded in the 2017 election. This year, nine regions achieved 100 percent chapter vote participation: Border Lakes Region 2; Spirit of the Midwest Region 5; Great Gulf Coast Region 10; Sequoia Pacifica Region 11; North by Northwest Region 13; Heart of the Blue Ridge Region 14; Greater NY/ NJ Region 15; Southern Cross Region 34; and New Zealand Region 35.

Joan Boutilier

Patty Cobb Baker

Jeanne d'Arc (JD) Crowe

Jennifer Harris

Thérèse Antonini

Leslie Galbreath

Want to create cool items featuring the Sweet Adelines logo? There’s a procedure for that! If you’re a region, quartet or chorus that wants to produce merchandise or materials with the name “Sweet Adelines International” or any of the organization’s official logos, authorization must be requested from SA Headquarters. Just follow these simple steps. 1. Download the logo licensing application at 2. Submit completed logo licensing application to 3. Receive an email from HQ within 10 business days notifying you of the status of your submission.

Logo Licensing Application • Internal Use Licensing • Fundraising Use Licensing Sweet Adelines Graphic Standards • Active Logo Licensing Agreements

January 2019 | T HEPI T CH P IP E


Building a Diversity Garden


t the St. Louis convention, the Diversity and Inclusivity Task Force hosted a Diversity Café - an “ideas session” - where attendees could talk freely about concerns, attitudes, reactions and solutions. The session included presentations by task force members Peggy Sutton and Valerie Clowes. There were many personal stories shared throughout the day related to diversity and inclusion. The focus of the café was not only to understand how we might marginalize or offend individuals in our


January 2019 | T H EP I TCH P I P E

midst; it was also about figuring out how to evolve and make changes once we understand an issue that impacts members, audiences and potential members. The following is a recap of the discussions held and stories shared at the session. Creating a ‘Safe Zone’ Chorus How many of us are in choruses that are safe zones? If you share something important, do you fear it will be held against you? How do you react when you

Differences, similarities, an appreciation for both – all grow together for beautiful choruses.

are faced with information that is new to you? According to Shankar Vedantam’s book The Hidden Brain, when we encounter people and situations that are not familiar to us via our own experiences, our unconscious mind takes us to the fear or flight part of our brains. It’s important to be aware of how unconscious bias may be shaping our behavior, individually and collectively. Chorus cultures that support open dialogue create a safe place, where members are able to share information with the

leadership team and chorus members without fear of judgment. Finding ways to support open dialogue will help members to bridge differences and create a happier, healthier chorus. Discussing Music That Marginalizes Do we understand the background and cultural references of the songs we have in our repertoire? One attendee had this to say: “My chorus was doing a Dixie song, which was a huge issue for me. I understand that when you’re in a competitive chorus, there is a lot to consider, including the concern that the song works really well for the chorus, and so you’re faced with doing it. I learned the song and competed with it, but my position was, ‘I can’t do that song again.’ We had a session to talk about it. I was very emotional. Another member stood up and said, ‘We will find another song.’ It was hard because my chorus loved the personality of the song, but they did it – they gave it up.” For more information on repertoire choices, refer to Elizabeth Davies’ article on inclusion in the July 2018 Pitch Pipe, or dig further back to the April 2016 Pitch Pipe article by Corinna Garriock on choosing inclusive music. Developing Make-Up Plans for Everyone Many choruses still labor under the mistaken impression that make-up must be uniform (i.e. we all wear the same product) across the singing unit. In fact, the approach needs to be unified in order to highlight facial features effectively, but not necessarily uniform. It is impractical and ineffective to expect many different skin tones to wear the same foundation. One attendee shared how her chorus approached addressing this issue: “We invited a make-up professional to our retreat. Everyone brought her own make-up, based on matching it to our costumes. Our professional made a presentation and after, we literally did our stage make-up onsite. The best thing the make-up artist told me was, ‘You’re priming a canvas and then you’re making a painting.’ It was hard for some but was a way to help those who may be challenged with make-up, cosmetic shades and varying skin tones.” Checking Your Unconscious Bias This member shared her experience when her two daughters both married men who were not of the same cultural background as her family. As she got to know her sons-in-law and their families better, she made the following observation: “I realized there was a lot I didn’t know.” She went on to say, “If we can stop being so sure about what we know, then, as things come up, I can tell myself, ‘I’ve not dealt with it, I don’t walk in their shoes. I don’t know what I don’t know.’ And then, most importantly, I say: ‘I’m going to find out.’” Generally, café attendees agreed that we all have biases, whether or not we are aware of them. One approach discussed was to acknowledge this fact and strive to approach others with curiosity, rather than with assumptions or judgement.

Accepting New Ways of Doing Things All levels of SA, from the international to the chorus level, have a role in encouraging new approaches and shaping cultural expectations. One attendee described her experience singing with a chorus that operated without a musical director. The singers felt out of place – even snubbed – in the organization because they were not ‘like everyone else.’ She explained, however, that the chorus follows the rules, harmonizes the world and that this unique model works for them. Another member shared that she was told she couldn’t be involved in her region’s leadership until she had been a member for 10 years. In a follow-up conversation with leaders, it appeared that some leaders were fearful of losing their roles if they turned their leadership responsibilities over to others. The group agreed that recognizing and talking about drivers behind exclusionary behavior is important, particularly as governance changes are proposed for the regional level. Being Receptive to Change How does change occur? How do we become a more diverse and inclusive organization? Will it be driven from the top? Is it initiated at the bottom? Café attendees came to a general consensus that change can start with every chorus. Support at the regional and international level will be critical as well. We may feel confused about change. Change can raise feelings of anger and fear as we let go of old traditions to make room for new ones. We may retreat to “but we’ve always done it this way” in our discomfort. How do we combat negative feelings around change? Participating in change is important. Asking questions and raising awareness is helpful. What can we do as individuals to contribute to change? Examine how you practice inclusion at the individual level. What are you doing to set yourself apart, and what might you be assuming about others that causes you to set them apart? “Establishing a culture of ‘safety’ within the organization will free up members to share their experience and their feelings,” Bridget Barrett, a Diversity and Inclusion Task Force member, told café attendees. “In my opinion, this would best be served by offering instruction in how to listen and how to share compassionately and responsibly. I’m a strong believer that the skills we develop and experiences we have here filter into the rest of our lives.” So true! We hope to see you at Diversity Café 2019. In the meantime, look for more from the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force as they continue their important work in support of Sweet Adelines International’s stated commitment to “build bridges with potential singers, regardless of race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression or physical abilities. Generally, café attendees agreed. This article was coordinated by Diversity Task Force chair, Thérèse Antonini, and task force members, including Peggy Sutton, with input from Corinna Garriock, SA Education Direction Committee.

January 2019 | T HEPI T CH P IP E


Song of Welcome


lease join us in welcoming our new chapter, One Voice! We’re thrilled to have you with us as we grow in the joy of singing and friendship for many years to come. We are Sweet Adelines!

One Voice Chapter Harmony Heartland, Region #4 • Indianapolis, Ind. Charter Date: Sept. 14, 2018 Team Leader: Lori Petrucciani Director: Molly Huffman What happens when a group of friends have one chorus vision? They come together to create one voice. One Voice began as an idea between three friends: Lori

Petrucciani, Molly Huffman and Bev Miller. After years of competing in choruses, they wanted to focus on their community, and the Open Division provided them an opportunity to practice musical excellence while keeping their repertoire fresh and fun. Molly Huffman, One Voice’s director, explained: “We missed that. It’s very refreshing to just perform from the heart.” One Voice completed the chartering process in a little over a year, thanks to the Steps Program and to the support of Region #4. According to Lori, “The Steps Program was so simple and so easy to follow that it was basically a no-brainer for us to use. It’s definitely something that anyone who is forming a prospective chapter can use.” She also advised potential new choruses to “lean on the experience within the region” as a guide. What’s next for One Voice? Growth and education. “Our goals are to perform as much as possible, to learn as much fresh music as possible and to grow,” Molly said. The idea of community and togetherness is pivotal to One Voice, she added.

If you or a group of women you know are interested in forming a prospective chorus, please email for more information.

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


A conversation with IES 2019 special guest educator, Deke Sharon

Getting to Know – or Know More About – Deke Sharon BY HILLARY PINNOCK, REGION #31 RMT (UK/THE NETHERLANDS)


ell, it’s a new year, with so much to look forward to, including Sing and Celebrate, the 2019 International Education Symposium in Region #31 – the UK to be exact – in the wonderful eclectic city of Manchester in northwest England. Region #31 is looking forward to welcoming Sweet Adelines from all over the world to what will truly be a fabulous range of workshops presented by an equally fabulous lineup of top Sweet Adelines instructors, such as Judy Pozsgay, Lori Lyford, Sandy Marron, Paula Davis, Linda Keever and more. ClassRing, the 2019 Queens of Harmony, will accompany them, as well as our special guest educator, the inimitable Deke Sharon. Many of you met Deke at IES 2017, but for those who’ve not yet had the pleasure, we asked Deke to share a little about himself with us:

Deke: My first vocal harmony started in church choir, camp

Hillary: Some refer to you as “the father of contemporary a

Deke: Perhaps it’s a cliché but my first experience singing

cappella.” You must be pretty proud of that mantle?

Deke: Well, I’m proud that I’ve been able to get more people

singing, which was always my ultimate goal. The name is helpful for publicity but the closer you get to my friends, the more it’s an albatross about which I’m perpetually teased, be it bandmates calling me “Padre” or cohorts thanking me for “inventing a cappella.” And then if anything goes wrong or is the slightest bit out of tune, they turn to me in a whisper and say: “You know, that’s all your fault!”

Hillary: Where did it all start, and did you always know music was going to be your life?

(around the campfire) and the San Francisco Boys Chorus. All three were valuable in teaching me different skills and techniques and I remain committed to creating music that spans differences and boundaries while reaching as many people from different walks of life as possible.

Hillary: Who inspired you when you were younger and who inspires you now?

Deke: As a child? Mr. Rogers. As a teen? Bertrand Russell. As a young adult? Nelson Mandela. And now? Mr. Rogers.

Hillary: Being from the U.S. West Coast, how soon in life were you aware of barbershop singing?

barbershop was as the lead in The Music Man freshman year in high school. I loved it so much I kept it going all four years but wanted to branch out into other styles of a cappella and since so little was available, I taught myself to arrange. First arrangement? When I’m Sixty-Four. Biggest arrangement in high school? Bohemian Rhapsody – which is everywhere now – but back in 1985 it was more of a “What does that kid think he’s doing?!” choice.

Hillary: With arrangers like you adding to the repertoire,

barbershop is now becoming more modern in its look and sound. Where would you like to see further change?

Deke: I would like to see more African-American involvement

and influence on the style (especially for historic reasons), including taking more chances, letting the melody cut loose, lead on stage with emotion instead of precision and not be afraid of harmonic simplicity and so on. In this way, we can make barbershop appealing to a much wider swath of singers and listeners, while making amends for the past.

Hillary: You sing, act, produce, arrange, direct, write songs, teach and generally don't rest when it comes to a cappella! What other ambitions might you have in the pipeline that you can tell us about?

Deke: I’m not long into my 50s now and I have to say, I feel like I already won the game. I did exactly what I’d hoped to do – popularize


January 2019 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

a cappella – and while doing so I achieved a higher platform than I’d expected. Now my mission remains as it always was: share the joy of harmony in hopes of healing the world. I know, sounds corny, but it’s what I truly believe. People who sing together understand and respect different people more, know how to listen better, and so many more things that everyone who is reading this already knows. (Sorry for preaching to the choir – literally!)

Hillary: And you're joining forces with Sweet Adelines again this July in Region #31. Tell us why.

Deke: I can’t wait! I had an amazing time at the last IES and made so many

new friends that, when asked, I jumped at the chance. One upside is that it’s in Manchester, which I fell in love with recently while doing a new show for the BBC. It’s an amazing city with an incredible history and there’s no better way to experience it than with a bunch of harmonizing buddies from around the world. No doubt this event will be a huge magnet for singers across Europe, which means we'll all leave with incredible memories and new friends galore!


C 2019 Quartet

Sweet Adelines International welcomes young women ages 25 and younger to compete in the 2019 Rising Star Quartet Contest! The

r? heste

anc M n ay to IES i w r e t et


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contest will be held on July 27, during Sweet Adelines' 2019 International Education Symposium (IES) in Manchester, UK.

Contest entry is open Jan. 14 – May 31, 2019. Visit the Rising Star Quartet Contest page at

Registration opens Jan. 8, for Sing and Celebrate: IES 2019, July 25-28, in Manchester, UK.

to register.


Wow, Did We

Sweet Adelines International

Sing in St. Louis!

For five exhilarating days in October, St. Louis was the gateway to the greatest barbershop show on earth – the 72nd Sweet Adelines International Convention and Competition. It was so magical that long after all had gone home, many continued to post about “convention withdrawal pains” on social media. “This convention will be remembered for imbuing the overarching feelings of joy and sisterhood in every day, every rehearsal, every meeting and class and in every stellar performance,” noted International President Patty Cobb Baker. “From delightfully happy to captivated, enthralled, thrilled and moved beyond imagination, I think everyone left even more harmoniously connected than ever, with buckets-full of all the things our wonderful musical sisterhood provides!” The spectacular week drew 40 quartets and 40 choruses, totaling 3,200 barbershop singers representing Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Sweden and the United States. We were thrilled to welcome members from Japan, too! Watching along with the exuberant live crowd in St. Louis were thousands more barbershop fans around the world, tuning in via the wildly popular webcast. One social media post from New Zealand showed preschoolers watching the performances! The first-ever songwriting contest brought cheers and tears; the mass sing was dynamite; the Mixed Harmony chorus was a beautiful sight, and sounded great, too. Classes drew SA “students” eager to learn from leaders, experts and their fellow singers. Everyone was immersed in the sheer fun of it – one group of Sweet Adelines, out at a local restaurant, met and serenaded a Fleetwood Mac band member who was in town for a concert. He was so impressed with the music he attended part of the chorus finals the next day. Congratulations to all international winners, who you’ll read more about on the following pages. And thank you to every Sweet Adeline who came to sing, cheer, volunteer, learn, laugh and celebrate the powerful magic of women’s a cappella barbershop harmony. We hope to see you at Sweet Adelines events this year – IES 2019 in Manchester, U.K.; the Directors’ and Visual Leaders’ Seminar in San Antonio; and once again, for our greatest gathering, international convention and competition in the exotic, historic, fascinating city of New Orleans!


January 2019 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

Marsha Fulton, Lifetime Achievement Award recipient and Patty Cobb Baker

Valerie Taylor receives the award and a warm embrace from Ann Gooch

Mike Blakeslee and Patty Cobb Baker present NAfME Award to Jane Brown

Special Awards The Ladies – International Novice Quartet Award winners

Congratulations to these individuals for their significant contributions to the organization and the barbershop art form in the arenas of leadership, musical excellence and education.

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Marsha Fulton, CAL, #26 Each year, SA’s international president chooses and presents this award, which honors a lifetime of leadership, love and service to the organization.

Ann Gooch Award:

Joe Liles, Bursting with Song! songwriting contest grand prize winner and Patty Cobb Baker

Valerie Taylor, Vocal Dimension Chorus, #31 This award recognizes a non-North American Sweet Adeline for significant efforts to promote barbershop singing worldwide.

National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Award:

Jane Brown, Pride of Baltimore Chorus, #19 Presented by Mike Blakeslee, NAfME executive director/CEO, this award recognizes excellence in the education field and, in particular, furthering barbershop education in the schools.

International Novice Quartet:

Mass Sing on the Old Post Office Plaza in St. Louis

The Ladies This award recognizes the highest scoring semifinals quartet in which two or more members have never competed in international semifinals or finals. It’s sponsored by the 1967 International Champion Quartet, the Hurricane Honeys.

Bursting with Song! Songwriting Contest Award: Joe Liles • Grand Prize Winner Contestable Full Arrangements

Mixed Harmony Family Chorus

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Meet ClassRing From Rising Star Winners to International Champion Quartet and 2019 Joni Bescos Trophy Honorees

Michaela Slamka-Johnston (tenor), Spirit of the Gulf Chorus, #9 Heather Havens (lead), Chapter-at-Large #19 Mary Duncan (baritone), Kansas City Chorus, #5 Hailey Parks (bass), Chapter-at-Large #4 SCORE: 2769 SEMIFINALS SONGS: A Wonderful Day Like Today/ Nothing Can Stop Me Now medley (C. Hine); Blame It On My Youth (B. Graham) FINALS SONGS: Seize The Day (A. Bock); Sweet Adeline (J. Giallombardo); Shamey, Shamey, Shame (M. Parks); You’ll Never Walk Alone (A. Bock)


ince the day ClassRing began as an idea on a Hawaiian beach during the 2013 SA convention, the young quartet has been on the rise. After forming a foursome via barbershop connections, friendships and a social media search, they met for a handful of rehearsals before winning the 2014 Rising Star quartet contest. Since then, they have performed on the international stage every year since a 2015 wildcard invitation, always placing as a Top 10 finalist. Their barbershop-to-the-core talent is not surprising, considering their musical roots and family ties to some of the world’s best female and male barbershop singers. For example: Michaela is a fourth generation barbershopper on her father’s side. (See Fun Facts) She also shares her love of the genre with her husband, Nathan, and friends Ravi and Blair, singing in the twotime world mixed champion quartet, Double Date. Mary, a third-generation barbershopper by way of both parents, followed her mother and grandmother to the Kansas City Chorus. Her love of quartetting was a lock, especially after seeing her mother, Michelle Hunget, become a queen with 2010 international champion quartet, Zing! Heather’s three-generation connection led her to join her first chorus at age 10. Her father is also a BHS champion with Old School. Fittingly, Heather married a barbershop singer and she and her husband can’t wait to share their hobby with their young daughter. From a young age, Hailey sang with her family but not in the barbershop style. That changed in high school, when an enthusiatic Sweet Adeline and long-time YWIH advocate named Jen Cooke came to school weekly to teach girls about a cappella barbershop harmony. Hailey also married a barbershopper, so it’s possible she may start yet another generational barbershop legacy. After Rising Star, ClassRing planned to disband, thinking


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they’d reached the pinnacle of their success. However, the love and support of the Sweet Adelines family inspired them to stick together and set higher goals. As it turned out, the decision was the easy part – the reality involved late Friday night flights after a week of school, weekends jam-packed with rehearsals and coaching, late Sunday night flights – and the occasional break for Mexican food. “We had to make every minute count,” bass Hailey Parks remembered. “Sharing a common goal and our friendships made it easier. For any of you out there looking into a long-distance quartet, it’s achievable!”

By the time the 2018 international competition began, the quartet was inspired to sing from their hearts about a near-lifetime of transformative barbershop experiences and friendships, noted baritone Mary Duncan. “We’ve felt so blessed to have had such strong support from our families and our fellow Sweet Adelines – we really wanted to convey that in our performances this year,” she explained. The quartet’s finals package, most of which was arranged specifically for them, “was especially significant,” Hailey added. Their last song, You'll Never Walk Alone, was an anthem to their global barbershop family. “Through our four years as a quartet, we’ve gone through breakups, losing family members, high school and college graduation, new jobs, three marriages, a baby, and more,” Heather explained. “We’ve walked together on this journey, along with our families and our Sweet Adelines family.” Added Michaela: “Give your all to everything you do. You’ll have so many amazing people to share it with because with a family as big as ours, you’ll never truly be alone.”

Behind the harmony: ClassRing and family.

Fun Facts • The quartet found their bass after posting a search on Facebook and members of Region #23 (never forget!) recommended Hailey. The #1 question ClassRing is now asked: “How does such a big bass voice come out of such a tiny body?” • The four met officially at their first Rising Star rehearsal in St. Louis – the same city in which they won the international championship. • Michaela’s 2019 SA championship makes her the first-ever third generation quartet champion. Growing up, she watched her grandfather, uncle, cousin, and dad become BHS international quartet champions with Power Play, and then saw her dad win the title for the second time with Crossroads. • ClassRing has performed at Carnegie Hall in New York City and on live network TV at Fox and Friends.

Heather Havens, 28: Attended University of Missouri-St. Louis, where she studied early childhood education. She lives in Aldie, Va., with her husband and is a stay-at-home mom to their adorable daughter, Riley.

Michaela Slamka-Johnston, 26: A MU-St. Louis graduate with bachelor’s degrees in music education/music competition and theory. She lives in Ft. Myers, Fla., with husband Nathan and fur baby, Tag. She and her husband are music educators.

ClassRing Shout Outs “To our parents, siblings, grandparents, in-laws and most importantly, our significant others, Matt, Clara, Nathan, Andrew and baby Riley – thank you for allowing us long weekends away, for running to Starbucks early on contest day and for cheering loudly, even though it’s the 100th time you’ve heard us sing that song. “A huge shout out to our dream team coaches: Jean Barford, Carole Persinger, Betty Clipman, Peggy Gram, Michelle Hunget and Mike Slamka — especially Mike who has been our mentor from the very beginning. Also, to Cindy Hansen, Clay and Becki Hine, thank you so much for taking the time to work with us as well! “Joey Minshall, Patrick McAlexander, Clay Hine, Matt Parks and Adam Bock – you are geniuses. Thank you for your time and talent in helping us bring our musical visions to life!”

Mary Duncan, 21: University of Kansas (KU) student in chemistry; plans to further her studies in the KU master’s program for biomolecular engineering. She currently lives in Lawrence, Kan., with her girlfriend, Clara.

Hailey Parks, 25: University of Tennessee-Knoxville graduate with a music education degree. She and her husband Matt, both music educators, live in Knoxville with fur babies, Ruby and Ranger.

2018 Sweet Adelines International

TOP 10 QUARTETS Viva! • 2nd Place Patty Cobb Baker (t), Harborlites Chorus Gina Baker (l), Toast of Tampa Show Chorus Chris DeRosa (bt), Toast of Tampa Show Chorus Peggy Jones (bs), Carolina Harmony Chorus REGION: #9, Wesley Chapel, Fla. SCORE: 2767 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Put Your Arms Around Me Honey (A. Dale); How Deep Is The Ocean? (R. Hopkins) FINALS SONGS: Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (D. Wright); Billy A Dick (J. Arns); Stuff Like That There (S. Kitzmiller); No One Is Alone/Not While I’m Around (S.Tramack) Titanium • 3rd Place and Most Entertaining Quartet Award Connie Light (t), Rich-Tone Chorus Melody White (l), Rich-Tone Chorus Holly Stuart (bt), Rich-Tone Chorus Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman (bs), CAL #25 REGION: #25, Lake Dallas, Texas SCORE: 2700 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Cuddle Up A Little Closer (C. Hine); Next Time I Love (L. Wright) FINALS SONGS: I Love Being Here With You (A. Dale); The Moment I Heard Your Eyes parody ( J. Liles); Love In Any Language (D. Briner, updates by J. Rutherford); Come On, Get Happy (A. Dale)

Windsor • 4th Place Ashley Espinoza (t), CAL #9 Jenny Allen (l), CAL #9 Mary Sarah Johnson (bt), CAL #9 Lexi Moroni (bs), CAL #5 REGION: #9, St. Peters, Mo. SCORE: 2683 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Somebody Loves Me (C. Hine); What’ll I Do? (E. Waesche) FINALS SONGS: Wonder Why (A. Bock); Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man Of Mine (B. Beck); Haven’t Met You Yet (A. Dale); All I Do Is Dream (C. Hine)

Tenacious • 5th Place Shannon Lange (t), Scioto Valley Chorus Chelsea Selvaggio (l), Scioto Valley Chorus Tracy Marcarello (bt), Scioto Valley Chorus Connie Brant (bs), Scioto Valley Chorus REGION: #4, Powell, Ohio SCORE: 2612 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Next Time I Love (L. Wright); Wherever There’s Me, There’s You (T. Gentry) FINALS SONGS: Help! (G. Partington); Blackbird (D. Runswick); We Can Work It Out (C. Schmidt); I Will (D. Wright)


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Spritzer • 6th Place Joan Boutilier (t), River City Sound Chorus Susann McKinley (l), North Metro Chorus Hannah Barton (bt), Ontario Heartland Chorus Sharon Demy (bs), North Metro Chorus REGION: #16, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada SCORE: 2601 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Roses Of Yesterday (N. Bergman); How Many Hearts Have You Broken? (J. Arns) FINALS SONGS: Who Will Buy parody (J. Dale); Big Spender parody (B. Sellers); You Turned The Tables On Me parody (N. Bergman); When I See An Elephant Fly (A. Dale)

Glamour • 7th Place Stacey St. John (t), CAL #4 Deidra Ekins (l), CAL #4 Dominque Parsons (bt), Scioto Valley Chorus Gretchen Holloway (bs), Scioto Valley Chorus REGION: #4, Columbus, Ohio SCORE: 2593 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Get Me To The Church On Time (A. Dale); All The Way (T. Gentry) FINALS SONGS: Glamour Girls (L. Wright); I Love Jazz medley (D. Wright); Be My Baby Tonight (A. Dale); Go The Distance (A. Dale)

Renegade • 8th Place Rachel Pack (t), CAL #13 Alena Hemingway (l), CAL #13 Holly Davis (bt), a cappella Joy Chorus Bethany Frerichs (bs), Jet Cities Chorus REGION: #13, Tacoma, Wash. SCORE: 2582 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Next Time I Love (L. Wright); I Got Rhythm (D. Wright) FINALS SONGS: Too Darn Hot (R. Krigström); Stormy Weather (A. Dale); Beautiful Girl (M. Menafee); Live It Up (A. Dale)

The Ladies • 9th Place and 2019 International Novice Quartet Award Quincie Smith (t), CAL #10 Caroline Hunt (l), CAL #1 Kimberly Newcomb (bt), Capital City Chorus Ashley Brockman (bs), CAL #10 REGION: #10, Fort Worth, Texas SCORE: 2563 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Something’s Gotta Give (P. Alexander); May I Never Love (R. Craig) FINALS SONGS: Luck Be A Lady Tonight (M. Hine); Cuddle Up A Little Closer (C. Hine); When Sunny Gets Blue (K. Kitzmiller); Nice Work If You Can Get It (K. Kitzmiller)

Sparkle! • 10th Place Barbara Graham (t), CAL #6 Julie Hagstrom (l), CAL #13 Lisa Kvigne Case (bt), City of Lakes Chorus Marcia Starnes (bs), City of Lakes Chorus REGION: #6, Minneapolis, Minn. SCORE: 2471 SEMIFINALS SONGS: If Ever I Would Leave You (C. Hine); Fit As A Fiddle (D. Wright) FINALS SONGS: Blue Skies (C. Hine); Painting This Old Town Blue ( D. Briner); Eight Days A Week (D. Harrington); Who’s Sorry Now? (E. Moon)

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Scottsdale Chorus

2019 International Champion Chorus • Most Entertaining Chorus Award REGION: #21, Scottsdale, Ariz., Lori Lyford, director SCORE: 2982 SEMIFINALS SONGS: He Was There (N. Bergman); Mardi Gras March (A. Dale)

FINALS SONGS: Top Of The World medley (D. Wright); The Jumpin’ Jive (A. Dale); I Will (D. Wright); Jump medley (A. Dale)


he Scottsdale Chorus is “jumping for joy” to be your 2019 International Champion Chorus! Winning the gold is such an honor and privilege. We extend our sincere congratulations to all the competitors and in this extremely close contest, to our dear friends in Golden West Region #21, the amazing Harborlites Chorus. Each competition has its unique flavor and we believe that this run-up to St. Louis was a clear illustration of the true spirit of Sweet Adelines. Dale Syverson has coached Scottsdale for 20 years and has had a huge impact on who we are today as a chorus. Our director, Lori, coached Rich-Tone, whose performances thrilled the audience yet again. Dale is also one of Harborlites’ fine coaches. All three of these choruses, plus many other competitors in St. Louis, share directors


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and coaches, whose ultimate goal is to help one another become the best examples of our individual style of female barbershop! When we started the challenge of finding music that suited our chorus personality for St. Louis, we explored what defines that musical personality. We love to sing uplifting songs with positive, hopeful lyrics. We crave the intricacies of challenging rhythms, and we thrive on performing with lots of energy, fun and joyfulness. We also love to dig deeply into the lyrics and delivery of beautiful ad lib ballads. This year we were fortunate to sing arrangements by Nancy Bergman, David Wright and Aaron Dale. Aaron Dale has shared his brilliance with Scottsdale for years as an arranger and more recently as our coach. Aaron joined us in Las Vegas 2015 for rehearsal coaching sessions, and he did the same this year in St. Louis. He knows what challenges us and he gives us opportunities for musical and personal growth. Jim Arns, director

of the Melodeers, has been coaching us since before Las Vegas 2015, and we have grown through his multifaceted approach to coaching, using the four judging categories. In addition to singing exciting and passionate arrangements, we continue to build our stamina so we can perform with the energy required to make all of it fun, and a real, three-dimensional experience for our singers and audience alike. Our in-house choreographer, Becky Eisenberg, created and taught the visual plans for all of our new music. We are so lucky to have her! We would like to acknowledge and thank the engine behind the “Good Ship Scottsdale,” our management team! From rehearsal setup to coaching hosts to fundraisers, it takes a village and we salute the group that leads those endeavors. See you all in New Orleans!

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SCOTTSDALE CHORUS MEMBERS ON STAGE Myrna Ackrish Linda Allen Lauren Altiere Donna Bailloux Cynthia Baker Rosemary Baltensberger Melanie Barker Connie Beil Janice Blake Kathy Blodgett Deb Bloomquist Lisa Bonine Janet Bourbouse Kaleena Bowers Ginny Browne Diane Bullock Erin Cardin Rosemary Carpenter Elaine Cooper Maggie Crick Tamara Crichlow Trish Cruz Taylor Daniels Barb Davis Della Davis Joyce Deyo Mary Dobel Rebecca Eisenberg


Lee Ann Fellows Jacqueline Fernandez Eileen Fernstrom Patricia Fleck Katie Frederick Lily Gannon Debbie Geiger Molly Gerbi Laura Giese Marie Green Christine Gustoff Jana Gutenson Leila Haggard Kathleen Hillebrandt Judy Huffman Darren Hurst Darla Jackson Jamie Lynn Jacobs Janine Jenson Christina Jette Caroline Jones Pamela Kafer Caitlin Klemballa Denise Koehnlein Riki Lankford Kate Larson Becky Larson Cathy Longman

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Arline Lonon Jenny Lucier Lori Lyford Dorinda MacLean Theresa Mahar Linda Mallon Carol Mayka Caitlin McAndrew Julie McBain Amy McIntosh Lynda Merrer Krista Moller Linda Myer Sherry Nealy Linda Nelson Lisa Norton Jody Oakley Donna Odegaard Elly Palmer Fran Pearson Rhonda Pellerin Christina Petroski Evelyn Pidgeon Claudia Plotnick Carol Pool Rebekah Poston Pamela Preston Sheilah Rendon

Judy Reynolds Kelly Roberts Shirley Rose Melinda Rowe Patricia Sampson Marsha Shaw Debbie Shipman Sue Shoaf Mary Slade-Branham Sarah Slade-Branham Bethie Smith Ginny Sprigings Shayna Steeves Alma Stewart Meredith Swank Mary Beth Szabo Theresa Tate Theresa Trollinger Connie Vila Cyndee Walters Dianna Wells Linda Wells Ruth Whitfeldt Lauren Williamson Deborah Zoerner Adelina Zottola

2018 Sweet Adelines International


Harborlites Chorus • 2nd Place REGION: #21, Huntington Beach, Calif. • Pamela Pieson, director SCORE: 2977 SEMIFINALS SONGS: A Bundle Of Old Love Letters (J. Bescos); The Trolley Song (D. Wright) FINALS SONGS: This Can’t Be Love (D. Wright); I Wish You Love (D. Wright); Let’s Do It/Let’s Fall In Love (J. Brockman); Great Day (G. Lewis)

Rich-Tone Chorus • 3rd Place REGION: #25, Farmers Branch, Texas • Dale Syverson, director SCORE: 2959 SEMIFINALS SONGS: On My Own (G. Lloyd, J. Minshall); South Rampart Street/That’s A Plenty (C. Hine) FINALS SONGS: Dancin’ Feeling Part 1 (Better When I’m Dancing/Can’t Stop The Feeling) (A. Bartholomew); Masquerade (E. Waesche, J. Bescos, J. Minshall);

Time And Tide (A. Nystrom); Dancin’ Part 2 (A. Bartholomew); This Is Me (K. Kitzmiller)

Skyline Chorus • 4th Place REGION: #8, Denver, Colo. • Vickie Maybury, director SCORE: 2801 SEMIFINALS SONGS: The Nearness Of You (A. Reimnitz); Strike Up The Band (D. Wright) FINALS SONGS: Come On, Get Happy (A. Dale); Honey I’m Home (C. Garriock); Three Little Words (A. Reimnitz); William Tell Overture (J. Giallombardo)

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2018 Sweet Adelines International


Pearls of the Sound Chorus • 5th Place REGION: #32, Helsingborg, Sweden • Rasmus Krigström and Anna Rosenberg, directors SCORE: 2697 SEMIFINAL SONGS: Love Letters (S. Delehanty, R. Krigström); This Can’t Be Love (D. Wright, R. Krigström) FINALS SONGS: Show Me How You Burlesque (R. Krigström); Faith (R. Krigström); Come What May (R. Krigström); I Wish You Love (D. Wright, E. Goglia); Lady Marmalade (R. Krigström); Show Me How You Burlesque (R. Krigström)

Song of Atlanta Chorus • 6th Place REGION #14, Roswell, Ga. • Becki Hine, director SCORE: 2687 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Baby, Won’t You Please Come Home (C. Hine); Next Time I Love (L. Wright) FINALS SONGS: Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend/I Never Knew medley (C. Schmidt); Nature Boy (M. Hine); Come What May (K. Keller); The CanCan (C. Hine); Because We Can (M.Hine)

Pride of Portland Chorus • 7th Place REGION: #13, Portland, Ore. • Ryan Heller, director SCORE: 2686 SEMIFINALS SONGS: There Is No Greater Love (N. Bergman, J. Minshall, R. Heller); Strike Up The Band/Everybody Step medley (A. Dale) FINALS SONGS: Hello Dolly (C. Schmidt, R. Heller); It Only Takes A Moment (D. Wright); Before The Parade Passes By (C. Schmidt)


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City of Lakes Chorus • 8th Place REGION: #6, Richfield, Minn. • Scott Kvigne, director SCORE: 2605

SEMIFINALS SONGS: He Was There/Mardi Gras (N. Bergman); Hot Time In The Old Town (R. Craig) FINALS SONGS: South Rampart Street Parade (B. Beck); Come In From The Rain (B. Oliver);

Seasons Of Love (J. Minshall); As Long As I’m Singing (L. Wright)

Metro Nashville Chorus • 9th Place REGION: #4, Brentwood, Tenn. • Kim Wonders, director SCORE: 2604 SEMIFINALS SONGS: If Ever I Would Leave You (C. Hine); Oh, Look At Me Now (A. Dale) FINALS SONGS: Opening For A Princess (J. Minshall); Time After Time (J. Arns); Brave (J. Starr); Song Of Love (J. Minshall)

Buffalo Gateway Chorus • 10th Place REGION: #16, Bowmansville, N.Y. • Diane Porsch, director SCORE: 2528 SEMIFINALS SONGS: Smile, Darn Ya, Smile/Powder Your Face With Sunshine medley (C. Hine); You’re The Flower Of My Heart, Sweet Adeline (J. Minshall) FINALS SONGS: Buffalo Gals (M. Rowland); In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning (J. Arns); Somewhere Out There (J. MInshall); Buffalo Gals Reprise (M. Rowland)

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2018 Sweet Adelines International


Sirens of Gotham Chorus • Division A Champion Chorus REGION: #15, New York, N.Y. • Mira Taferner & Kari Francis, directors SCORE: 1232 SONGS: Astonishing (A. Tramack); Everybody Says Don’t (A. Bock); If I Ruled The World (R. Rund); This Is Me (K. Francis)

Carolina Harmony Chorus • 2nd Place REGION: #14, Raleigh, N.C. • Susie Smith, director SCORE: 1202 SONGS: Octopus’s Garden (L. Rochefort); Big Bad Bill Is Sweet William Now (J. Arns); I Have Dreamed (D. Briner); Come Sail Away (L. Rochefort)


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Circular Keys Chorus • 3rd Place REGION: #34, Baulkham Hills, New South Wales, Australia • Vicki Dwyer, director SCORE: 1187

SONGS: Deadly Animals Song (N. Schurmann); The Moment I Thought I’d Die (J. Liles); Make ‘Em Fall In Love (G. Lloyd); DNN Fanfare (G. Lloyd); Oh, Look At Me Now (A. Dale); Change The World (D. Sharon, D. Wright)

Vocal Motion! Chorus • 4th Place REGION: #26, Calgary, Alberta, Canada • Caroline Richards, director SCORE: 1171

SONGS: Popular (S. Tramack); Believe (M. Terefe, G. Scott, G. Warburton); Once Upon A Time (J. Dale); Girl On Fire (J. Minshall); Flashlight (D. Sharon)

Bella A Cappella Chorus • 5th Place REGION: #35, Kerikeri, New Zealand • Patti Cooke, director SCORE: 1081

SONGS: Haere Mai (G. Lloyd); I Can’t Begin To Tell You (C. Schmidt); Jazz Me Blues (A. Minihane); Love In Any Language (D. Briner)

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2018 Sweet Adelines International



Wellington City Chorus • Division AA Champion Chorus REGION: #35, Wellington City, New Zealand • David Brooks & Henrietta Hunkin-Tagaloa, directors SCORE: 1229 SONGS: The Old Master (D. Brooks); Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (D. Wright); Soon (D. Brooks); Acquarius/Let The Sun Shine In medley (L. Wright); Blame It On The Boogie (J. Bremer); I Will Survive/I’m A Survivor (L. Wright); Daft Punk medley (B. Beck)

Mission Valley Chorus • 2nd Place REGION: #12, Los Gatos, Calif. • Angela Suraci, director SCORE: 1177 SONGS: Sing, Sing, Sing, Deed I Do medley, Pure Imagination, Defying Gravity (L. Wright)


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Greater Cleveland Chorus • 3rd Place REGION: #17, Independence, Ohio • Jean Flinn, director SCORE: 1176

SONGS: Come Fly With Me (K. Keller); Ain’t He Sweet/Yessir, That’s My Baby (C. Hine); A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (J. Bescos); Straighten Up/Fly Right (M. Coffman); Come Fly With Me (K. Keller)

No Borders Show Chorus • 4th Place and Winner • Harmony Classic Most Entertaining Chorus Award REGION: #31, Venray, The Netherlands • Stuart Sides, director SCORE: 1172 SONGS: This Could Be The Start Of Something Big (S. Kitzmiller); Good Morning, Come Fly With Me, You Must Take The A Train, Bicycle Race, I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), Can’t Stop The Feeling, Java Jive, The Rain in Spain (in medley, A. Scott); A Place of Miracles (A. Scott)

Women of Note Chorus • 5th Place REGION: #9, West Palm Beach, Fla. • Mitchell Greenberg, director SCORE: 1136

SONGS: Something’s Coming (D. Wright); Glory Of Love (C. Hine); How Deep Is The Ocean? (R. Hopkins); Best Day Of My Life (L. Wright)

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Chapter Longevity Awards Chapters listed in order of anniversary date.

70 Years

Kansas City Chapter, Kansas City, Mo., #5

65 Years

Seattle Shores Chapter, Seattle, Wash., #13 Sound Celebration Chapter, Springfield, Ill., #5

60 Years

Dundalk Chapter, Baltimore, Md, #19 A Cappella Joy Chapter, Bellevue, Wash., #13 Lehigh Valley Chapter, Bethlehem, Pa., #19 Magic City Chapter, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, #26 L.A. South Towns Show Chapter, Redondo Beach, Calif., #11 Mission Valley Chapter, Los Gatos, Calif., #12 Columbus Chapter, Columbus, Ohio, #4 Cedar Sounds Chapter, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, #5 Crystal City Chapter, Newark, Ohio, #17

55 Years

Jersey Sound Chapter, Cinnaminson, N.J., #19 Song Of The Pines Chapter, Prescott, Ariz., #21 Twin County Chapter, Massapequa Park, N.Y., #15 Azalea City Harmony Chapter, Mobile, Ala., #10 Grand Mesa A Cappella Chapter, Grand Junction, Colo., #8

50 Years

North Metro Chapter, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, #16 Rich-Tone Chapter, Richardson, Texas, #25 Hickory Tree Chapter, New Providence, N.J., #15 Lake Country Chapter, White Bear Lake, Minn., #6 Texas Harmony Chapter, Irving, Texas, #10 Lawton Harmony Chapter, Lawton Okla., #25 Pride of Portland Chapter, Portland, Ore., #13 Champlain Valley Chapter, Plattsburgh, N.Y., #1

45 Years

Twin Forks Chapter, Grand Forks, N.D. #6 Heart of the Island Chapter, Lantzville, British Columbia, Canada, #26 Song of the Valley Chapter, Chester, N.Y., #15 Magic of Harmony Show Chapter, Newport News, Vir., #14 Bakersfield Blend, Bakersfield, Calif., #11


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40 Years

Shoreline Sound Chapter, St. Clair Shores, Mich., #2 River City Harmony Chapter, Yankton, S.D. #6 Voices in Harmony Chapter, Ypsilanti, Mich., #17 Sugar Land Sound Chapter, Sugar Land, Texas, #10 Sweet Georgia Sound Chapter, Warner Robbins, Ga., #14 Harmony Shores Chapter, Panama City, Fla., #9 Carolina Harmony Chapter, Raleigh, N.C., #14 Diamond State Chapter, Newark, Del., #19 River Blenders Chapter, Chesterfield, Mo., #5

35 Years

Prairie Gold Chapter, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, #26 Västerås Show Chapter, Västerås, Västmanland, Sweden, #32 Little River Chapter, Angola, Ind., #17 Seaway Sounds Chapter, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, #2 Sing! Shenandoah Chapter, Winchester, Va., #19 Fenton Lakes Chapter, Fenton, Mich., #2 Vallee de Croix Chapter, Stillwater, Minn., #6 Melbourne Chapter, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, #34 Harmony of the Gorge Chapter, Hood River, Ore., #13 Rönninge Show Chapter, Rönninge, Stockholm, Sweden, #32

30 Years

Scioto Valley Chapter, Dublin, Ohio, #4 Crystal Chimes Chapter, Hot Springs Village, Ark. #25 Palz Pepper Chapter, Kaiserslautern, Rhineland-Palatinat, Germany, #30 Alamo Metro Chapter, San Antonio, Texas, #10

25 Years

Southern Sounds Chapter, Frankston, Victoria, Australia, #34 Sounds of Hawkes Bay Chapter, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, #35 Sound of New England Chapter, West Hartford, Conn., #1 Pride of Baltimore Chapter, Baltimore, Md., #19

20 Years

Foveaux Harmony Chapter, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand, #35 Southern Accord Chapter, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, #26 Endeavour Harmony Chapter, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, #34 Taranaki Harmony Chapter, New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand, #35 Seneca Soundwaves Chapter, Canandaigua, N.Y., #15 Chesapeake Harmony Chapter, Severna Park, Md., #19 Arbutus Sounds Chapter, Sunshine Coast, B.C., #26 Circle of Harmony, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, #16 TuneTown Show Chapter, Nashville, Tenn., #4

15 Years

Coffee Bean Show Chapter, Gävle, Gävleborg, Sweden, #32 Headliners Chapter, Ballina, New South Wales, Australia, #34 Delmarva Chapter, Berlin, Md., #19 Red Cedar Sounds Chapter, Colfax, Wis., #6

10 Years

5 Years

Voices Northwest Chapter, Everett, Wash., #13 Stockholm Starlight Chapter, Stockholm, Sweden, #32 Heartbeat UK Chapter, Stockport, Cheshire, United Kingdom, #31 Saratoga Soundtrack Chapter, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., #15 A Cappella West Chapter, Murdoch, Western Australia, Australia #34 Bayou Blend Chapter, Broussard, La., #10 Heart of Columbia Chapter, Columbia, S.C., #14 ArkAppella Chapter, Rogers, Ark., #25

Diamond Jubilee Chapter, Middletown, Ohio,#4 Sirens of Gotham Chapter, New York, N.Y., #15 Singing Unlimited Chapter, Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, #31 Limestone City Voices Chapter, Elginburg, Ontario, Canada, #16 Indian Blue Chapter, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia, #34 Gateway Spotlight Chapter, St. Charles, Mo., #5

Marsha Fulton 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient


pplause, cheers and enthusiastic whistles greeted Marsha Fulton, Region #26, Regional Administrative Director, when she stepped forward to accept the 2018 SA Lifetime Achievement Award from President Patty Cobb Baker during the St. Louis convention. Smiling and waving, Marsha touched the “Proud Singer” ribbon she wears as a member of a small, close-knit group of Sweet Adeline friends who have, for decades, met to catch up at every convention. This evening, an entire arena of proud singers welcomed her. Patty explained that it was her “incredible honor” as international president to choose Marsha, who she described as a “lifelong selfless servant, mentor and fearless leader.” The rationale was clear, as Patty read Marsha’s long list of accomplishments: two-time international president, 47 years as a certified expression judge, international judge specialist moderator and expression judge specialist, local/regional leader, director and singer, to name a few. Since joining SA in 1962, Marsha has attended all education and regional events and has been at all but three international conventions. Patty also read comments from Marsha’s fellow Proud Singers, who described her as “a lion at the board table, always willing to take on important issues” and a mentor with an “uncanny way” of spotting and helping talent flourish. “After 56 years in the trenches, it’s clear you have the heart of a volunteer,” Patty noted with admiration. “And yours is as big as they come.” As Marsha recalls, the ability to type was the catalyst that launched her legendary SA career. In 1963, she was elected recording secretary of the London Chorus, Region #2, and handed the “essential tools” of typing and carbon paper, along with a portable typewriter.

It was a friend in her card club who introduced her to four-part a cappella harmony and as Marsha continued to find her voice within SA, she left behind her former hobbies – cards, bowling and the Olympic sport of curling. “I never had the right equipment and I was always freezing while curling so when I found Sweet Adelines, I didn’t have to do that anymore!” she laughed. As she became more involved in Sweet Adelines, Marsha spoke about a significant moment as a member, when she knew she would dedicate her time and talents, musically, personally and administratively, to the organization. It happened when former international president Lois (Anderson) Chartier (then a Region #2 leader) spoke to Marsha’s chorus. “I was very taken with this woman. She was articulate, enthusiastic and talked about the role of singers in the health of a chorus,” Marsha remembered. “She also said that rehearsals were a night for the singer to be herself and be part of an extended family. “Wow. I wanted to be that woman. That evening influenced how I saw Sweet Adelines at the time and what I could see myself being and doing.” Marsha began her final remarks with what she called “a commercial” relating to organizational growth. She cited a 1988 Pitch Pipe article by Bev Miller, addressing the responsibility for reversing declining membership. The promotional tagline back then was “Be a Singer/Bringer.” “That still rings true today. We all own a piece of this rock called Sweet Adelines.” “Sweet Adelines has been very, very good to me,” she added. “And the pleasure has been mine, all mine.” Then, touching her ribbon again, she announced: “And I am a proud singer!”

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Coming Home For the Coronet Club, convention week is a flurry of final rehearsals, welcoming competing quartets, a powerhouse show, celebrating newly-crowned queens and memories to last until next year. BY MAGGIE RYAN GREATER HARRISBURG CHORUS, REGION #19 PHOTOS BY CLAIRE GARDINER

The end of an era: Sweet Adelines’ longest-active champion quartet, “The Buzz,” (2005) retire on a high note in their final Coronet Club performance.


right lights, vivid gowns and the crowns – oh, those crowns – set the Coronet Club Show apart from every other event at Sweet Adelines International’s annual convention. But the show is more than the exclamation point for a week of fierce competition. It’s a homecoming and a celebration of the best among us, on a grand, yet intimate, scale. It begins months ahead, just like our own chapter shows. A theme is developed, music approved and choreography mapped out. Sheet music and learning tracks are mailed worldwide. It turns out a good portion of our international quartet champions don’t read music. And when they get together for that once-a-year performance, they need some work. What, like us? Yes, just like us. “I’m going to need five times more tenor here and a lot less lead. You don’t have the melody here, leads!” designated director Kerry Denino (Spotlight, 2006)* barks at the first rehearsal. Kerry is guiding the Queens through their first shot at the wildly intricate Daft Punk, arranged, according to the sheet music, “by many, many people.” A sly smile plays on her lips as she surveys her seated singers. “I’m gonna need more tenor or I’ll have to add some leads.” “What?!” comes an amused, indignant and high-pitched cry.


January 2019 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

Liz Hardcastle (Ambiance, 1987), Coronet Club show emcee for the past 20 years, passes the podium to new emcee, Nikki Blackmer (Frenzy, 2017) The tenor section sits up straighter and gives each other the sideeye. Add leads. As if. At its core, the Coronet Club is a gathering of women for whom music is the native tongue, the first language, the common thread. Soon the rhythms emerge, like the shared beat of a collective heart. At the back of the small, packed ballroom Molly Plummer (Maxx Factor, 2011) puts the front row through its paces. They’re backing into each other and getting the giggles. It’s a little rough, but it’s only Tuesday. They’re pros. They’ll pull it off. A few hours earlier, the Coronet Club greeted the 2018 competitors at its annual reception. Quartets line up in their matching walk-around outfits and wait to be announced as they enter the ballroom. They are met by a queen who will introduce them around. Out in the hallway, eyes are wide, especially among first-timers. Their heroes are just inside that door. “I was so excited,” says Melynnie Williams (Zing! 2010) of her first reception. “There were all the beautiful crowns and beautiful women and they are so receptive and loving. You just can’t wait to be one of them.” The wonder of this collection of queens never goes away, even when you have two crowns to choose from. “I walked in the first

2018 Region #21 champion quartet, C’est La Vie, with former international president, queen (Ginger ‘N Jazz, 1990/Rumors, 1999 ) and SA international board member, Peggy Gram.

First-time competitors Vintage, a 2018 Wildcard Quartet from Region #8, enjoying the Coronet Club reception.

time as a non-queen and was in awe of the talent in the room,” recalls two-time champion Susan Ives (Classic Edition, 1998 and Zing! 2010) “After 20 years as a queen, I’m still in awe.” The gathering quartets fill the ballroom to a cheerful, almostfrenetic capacity. Coronet Club President Janell Paviolitis (MeloEdge, 1984), ever a calm presence in the rousing venue, takes to the small stage and introduces the 2018 champions Lustre. The crowd closes in and some women simply sit on the floor, legs drawn up, heads back, taking in the performance. “It’s very weird [being on this side],” admits Lustre bass Jenny Harris, motioning at the room. “I was introducing some members in a competing quartet and I was looking at crowns across the room and I saw a Lustre crown and it was … (she squeals and grins). Wow.” Near the end of the Friday night show, after 2019 champions ClassRing marched to their front-row seats amid cheers, photos and Pretty Woman booming from the arena speakers, after “The Buzz” (2005) has taken its final bow, and the Ambassadors of Harmony BHS chorus performed a thrilling guest set, longtime emcee Liz Hardcastle (Ambiance, 1987) gets serious. Just for a moment.

Martini (2012) baritone DeAnne Haugen, singing with her sons Josh Umhoefer (left) and Jake Umhoefer, in Midnight Croon.

Fire and Ice, representing Region #35, traveled from New Zealand to St. Louis for their first international competition.

“I love our Coronet Club audiences,” she says. “Since 1987, we’ve joyously played together. You are my ‘forever family.’ But I’m ready to take a little break. The time is perfect for a new, fresh, crazy perspective for all of us. “Queen Nikki Blackmer (Frenzy, 2017),” Liz says, naming her successor at the podium, “your TIME is now!” The queens file out with the big crowd, still tip-tapping a little Daft Punk (nailed it) and basking in the glow of another fine show. They linger for a long time in the hotel lobby, swapping stories and even singing a couple of tags. St. Louis is history. New Orleans awaits. They’ll enter a room full of crowns and feel the flutter all over again, but this time it won’t be nerves. It will be joy. The joy of coming home.

*Editor’s Note: Quartets’ champion years refer to the year in which they held the majority of their title, not the year they won the competition.

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


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January 2019 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

50-and 60-Year Member Awards 50-YEAR MEMBER AWARDS Dottie Allen, Fox Valley Chapter, #6 Patti Alward-Johnson, Midwest Crossroad Chapter, #3 Marge Bailey, Chapter-at-Large, Region #8 Anita Barry, Jersey Harmony Chapter, #15 June Beamon, Southern Star Chapter, #8 Loretta Bell, Carolina Style Chapter, #14 Philomena Bernard, Champlain Valley Chapter, #1 Terry Borash, Carolina Harmony Chapter, #14 Margaret Brock, Columbia River Chapter, #13 Janet Burnett, Houston Horizon Chapter, #10 Kathy Carmody, Velvet Hills Chapter, #8 Lee Chalmers, Choral-Aires Chapter, #3 Joyce Creller, Northern Gateway Chapter, #12 Linea Croly, Seattle Shores Chapter, #13 Meech Debol, Spirit of Spokane Chapter, #13 Pat Devejian, Enchanted Mesa Show Chapter, #21 Barbara Ebner, Farmington Valley Chapter, #1 Sherry Ebner, Farmington Valley Chapter, #1 Joyce Eichenseer, Harmony on the Sound Chapter, #1 Hope Fulwiler, RiversEdge Chapter, #13 Beth Garske, RiversEdge Chapter, #13 Barbara Greffen, Pride of Baltimore Chapter, #19 Elizabeth Hardcastle, Sound Celebration Chorus, #5

Barbara Harp, Five Valley Chapter, #13 Ginnie Hartman, Lake Country Chapter, #6 Caryl Henkel, Toast of Champaign Chapter, #3 Nancy Hill, Acapella Omaha Chapter, #5 Maureen Holcombe, Valley Forge Chapter #19 Corrine Horton, Chapter-at-Large, Region #3 Mary Hower, Sparkling City Chapter, #10 Pat Hunter, Pacific Empire Chapter, #12 Roberta Jewell, Lake Effect Harmony Chapter, #16 Cathy Johnson, Member-at-Large Pamela Johnson, Sacramento Valley Chapter, #12 Judy Kaeser, Metro Mix Chapter, #5 Kay Kastens, Motor City Blend, #2 Marianna Keithley, Diamond Jubilee Chapter, #4 Joanne Kensinger, Topeka Acappella Unlimited Chapter, #5 Lenore Konkel, Fox Valley Chapter, #6 Carol Leary, Sounds of Pittsburgh Chapter, #17 Janet Lichtenberg, Southern Company Chapter, #9 Mary Liston, Pocatello Showcase Chapter, #8 Nancy Maggio, Chapter-at-Large, Region #11 Shirley Marconi, North Metro Chapter, #16 Nancy McLaughlin, Grand Olympics Chapter, #13 Bev Miller*, Capital City Chapter, #4

Rita Mitchell, Friendship VII Chapter, #4 Carol Moskowitz, Buffalo Gateway Chapter, #16 Janet Nickel, Chapter-at-Large, Region #19 Constance Noble*, San Diego Chapter, #21 Dianne Pedersen, Chapter-at-Large, Region #11 Johanna Ramsay, Harborlites Chapter, #21 Gail Ranger, Emerald City Chapter, #25 Maureen Rocchio, Chapter-at-Large, Region #16 Darlene Rogers, Texas Harmony Chapter, #10 Bonnie Rust, City of Lakes Chapter, #6 Dorothy Sauer, Pride of Toledo Chapter, #17 Claudia Scarber, Merrimack Valley Chapter, #1 Kathleen Schlee, Chapter-at-Large, Region #19 Glenna Sexton, Assiniboine Chapter, #6 Sandy Shelver, Queen City Sound Chapter, #25 Charlotte Shrewsbury, Dundalk Chapter, #19 Laurene Sullivan, Motor City Blend, #2 Diane Thayer, Pride of Toledo Chapter, #17 Judy Wallis, Member-at-Large Barbara West, Coastline Show Chapter, #1 Rita Zwick, City of Flags Chapter, #17

60-YEAR MEMBER AWARDS Jo Atkinson, Dundalk Chapter, #19 Jackie Bishop, Mission Valley Chapter, #12 Yvonne Cody, Greater Harrisburg Chapter, #19 Marilyn Conlan, Verdugo Hills Chapter, #11 Jane Cullum, Dundalk Chapter, #19 Rosalie De Sena, Member-at-Large Sally Eggleston, Cedar Sounds Chapter, #5 Margaret Elver, Member-at-Large Barbara Fear, North Metro Chapter, #16 Shirley Fine, O.K. City Chapter #25 Lori Fodor-Reiner*, Chapter-at-Large, Region #12 Marge Grau*, Spirit of the Gulf Chaper, Region #9

Susan Gunas, Farmington Valley Chapter, #1 June Hernesmaa, Chapter-at-Large Region #12 Shirley Janssen, Velvet Hills Chapter, #8 Carole Kagle, Dundalk Chapter, #19 Linda Keutzer, Member-at-Large Joanne Kick, Spirit of the Gulf Chapter, #9 Gloria Kuchenbecker, Member-at-Large Betty Meinholz, Goldcoast Chapter, #9 Norma Mundstock, Gem City Chapter, #4 Libby Petrovsky, Women of Note Chapter, #9 Joan Ray, Chapter-at-Large Region #12 Patricia Reynolds, Member-at-Large

La Nell Rockwell, Velvet Hills Chapter, #8 Mary Ryberg, Zumbro Valley Chapter, #6 Anne Seidel, Crystal City Chapter, #17 Nancy Smith, Greater Harrisburg Chapter, #19 Jeanie Spong, City of Lakes Chapter, #6 Rita Taylor, Chapter-at-Large Region #26 Zoe Thompson, Chapter-at-Large Region, #13 Pat Tyree, Velvet Hills Chapter, #8 Carolyn vanBenthuysen, Chapter-at-Large Region, #11 Jan Wyckoff, L.A. South Towns Show Chapter, #11 *deceased

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Congratulations to SA’s Oldest Chapter

Voices from the Kansas City Risers You don’t get to the age of 70 without some stories to tell

E S T. 1 9 4 5

In the beginning: Kansas City Chorus and director Joe Stein


s Sweet Adelines International nears its 75th anniversary, the Kansas City Chorus (KCC) marked its own anniversary last October, turning a proud 70 years old. Chartered on Oct. 30, 1948, it’s one of 18 original SA chapters and one of two still in existence from those pioneering days of visionary women barbershoppers. “To learn that a chapter of Sweet Adelines Inc. is being organized in Kansas City is very welcome news… my hope is for much success. I shall appreciate a word, now and then, about the progress being made by a Sweet Adeline all girl chorus,” Edna Mae Anderson wrote “sing-cerely” to chorus director Joseph Stern in September 1946. Edna Mae would be amazed and proud, as we all are. The Kansas City Chorus has enjoyed seven decades of harmony, sisterhood, quartet Queens (including 2019 champion ClassRing baritone, Mary Duncan), dozens of medals, unforgettable show themes, an international president, iconic directors and hundreds of performances, from Arrowhead Sports Stadium to the steps of


January 2019 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

the White House. Now under the direction of Queen of Harmony Michelle Hunget, this chorus truly exemplifies Region #5’s Spirit of the Midwest. “Kansas City's heart and perseverance has flourished through these 70 years, giving the gift of music and love to countless women. I believe we are a beautiful example of what it means to be a Sweet Adeline – growing, learning, loving, supporting, encouraging, celebrating women singers everywhere. “The best way to predict the future is to create it! We've reached an amazing milestone – and we’ve only just begun!” Michelle said.

Kansas City Chorus: Notable Numbers First Meeting: Sept. 3, 1946 A news release announcing the first meeting invited women with one qualification: a desire to sing. Forty-five women attended; the group elected a president and secretary/treasurer.

First Quartet Performance: Nov. 18, 1946 KCC and director Ruby Pike, 1972

The Kansas City Sweet Adeline’s first quartet, the talented What Are We Singing Four, performed 72 years ago at Ladies Night, hosted by the local men’s group of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America.

Chartered: Oct. 30, 1948 Directors

Director Stacy Schumacher, 2009

1946-1961 • Joe Stern 1962-1966 • Arlo Moore 1966-1973 • Ruby Pike 1974-1976 • Steve Leone 1978-1980 • Judy Seawood 1981-2008 • Jo Kraut 2008-2009 • Kim Kraut, Stacy Schumacher, co-directors 2009-2015 • Stacy Schumacher 2016-2016 • Susan Ives, interim artistic director 2017-present • Michelle Hunget

International President: Margaret Moyer, 1956-1957

Regional/International High Notes: KCC won SA’s first regional competition in 1952 and went on to capture 15 regional titles and numerous top-three finishes. Since 1990, the chorus has earned ten Top-10 finishes. Visit or the chorus Facebook page.

Director Michelle Hunget, 2017

Congratulations from Sweet Adelines well-wishers around the world have flooded the KCC’s Facebook page, especially during the 70th anniversary birthday party the chorus threw for themselves in late October. In St. Louis, SA President Patty Cobb Baker read a proclamation from the Missouri state senate applauding the chorus for its long history as an outstanding arts organization. What bonds and sustains such a musical sisterhood for so many years? Photos of the group speak loudly, capturing the group’s love of music, each other and an irrepressible sense of fun. Here’s how some members, old and new, expressed it: “What have I learned? Oh, so many things, like you don’t really meet just once a week; that you’re able to shed all your cares for a few hours of singing; what dear friends your riser mates become.” - Anita Wolfe, joined in 1958 “I’ve sung in different groups all my life and I never knew until now that barbershop is exactly what I love most about singing. Before SA, I hadn’t had much opportunity to develop friendships and mentorships with older women.” - Nicolette Lewis joined in 2017

“I found KCC through Google! I jumped in kind of blind – I showed up at my first rehearsal knowing only that they were a women’s barbershop group. We have such a powerful history and members who had been involved since they were the age I am now (23). I hope that we continue the legacy they are leaving for us.” - Maggie Tirrell joined in 2017 Carol Schumacher knew she wanted to join when she was only 7 years old. “My mother took me to rehearsals when I was very young. In fact, a "Kansas City Star" reporter took a photo of me sitting on the risers and captioned it, ‘ I want to be a Sweet Adeline when I grow up!’” she remembered. When she turned 16, Carol joined and said since then, she’s learned many life lessons from her SA sisters through the years. “One lesson was about change. As a chapter, we’re no stranger to that. At one point, we went from 35 members in 1986 to 92 singers and a second-place regional finish in 1987. “As we learn to adapt to change, we find things that make us stronger. It’s like riding a wave – if you can just ride it out, you can find a rainbow or distant shore you never saw before, to start afresh. Together, we can do anything!”

Give It Up for the Winners of SA’s First Songwriting Contest


weet Adelines is bursting with pride and can barely wait to hear the harmonies created through our first international songwriting contest, “Bursting with Song!” SA will publish and distribute all winning songs this year. Joe Liles was the grand prize winner with his song, I’ll Never Sing A Love Song Anymore, which will debut this September at the New Orleans convention.

The contest, originally the inspiration of SA immediate past international president Paula Davis, aimed to reveal “amazing new talent and fun ways to showcase” new music. The contest struck a chord with talented musicians, drawing 110 original songs and finalists/honorable mention awards from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Sweden, as well as the United States.

Congratulations to: Category 1: Contestable Full Arrangements First Place: Joe Liles of Kenosha, Wis., (score of 291), I’ll Never Sing A Love Song Anymore Second Place: Joe Liles, (287), I Guess I Always Will Third Place: Paul Engel of Menlo Park, Calif., and Ed Watson of Mount Juliet, Tenn., (279), When You Ring A Chord With Your Newest Friends Honorable Mention: Steve Delehanty, Bronx, N.Y.; Glenda Lloyd, Gilmore, Australian Capital Territory, Australia; Lorraine Rochefort, Plantsville, Conn.; and Greta Somers, Flint, Mich.

Category 2: Full Arrangements (Regardless of Contestability) First Place: Joe Liles, (282*), Sing The Lovers Second Place: Glenda Lloyd (282), The Little Things Third Place: June Dale, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, and Erin Howden, Midhurst, Ontario, Canada, (277), Come On And Sing! Honorable Mention: Matthew Astle, Sammamish, Wash.; Karen Breidert, Jacksonville, Fla.; Kay Bromert, Urbandale, Iowa; Cristine Conerty, Colbert, Wash.; Sofia Feuer, Malmö, Sweden; Carol Boyd Leon, Baldwin, N.Y.; Joey Minshall, Enderby, British Columbia, Canada; and the late Anita Rovere, Daytona Beach, Fla.

Category 3: Melody and Lyrics First Place: Jennifer Palus, Brentwood, Tenn., (261), Busy All Day Second Place: Cheryl Standage, Edmond, Okla., and Shelly Johnson, Charlotte, N.C., (259), Come Sit With Me Third Place: Daphna Rahmil, San Jose, Calif., (253), Way Of The Wind Honorable Mention: Jenny Rattenbury, Wellington, New Zealand, and Gina Ogden, Seffner, Fla.

*(Liles received the higher average score)

Sweet Adelines


Bursting with Song! Organized, managed and adjudicated by Sweet Adelines. Songwriting Contest Task Force: Debbie Curtis, chair; Anita Barzilla, Laura Tiffany Degraw; Sue Pelley, Sondra Avant Songwriting Contest Judging Task Force: Sharon Babb, chair; Lynda Keever, Jan Meyer

January 2019 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

Sweet Adelines International Sales Presents:

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he Osteopathic philosophy views the body as a completely integrated system and Osteopathic treatment is aimed at facilitating the body’s self-healing mechanisms through the use of manual therapy. As Osteopaths, we do not separate the mind and body - they are interdependent systems - and in my work with treating singers, I feel this is nowhere more apparent than in the manifestation of vocal issues. The voice is an organic instrument and a vital part of our means of expression, whether we are professional voice users or not, and therefore, treatment must encompass both the physical and emotional states in order to find resolution. The majority of issues I see with singers fall into the broad category of Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD). This is where increased tension in the vocal musculature leads to a variety of symptoms which can include breathiness, hoarseness, pitch changes, breaks, weakness etc., and can manifest with or without pain or discomfort. Usually there is no frank damage to the cords themselves, although this can be a sequela in extreme cases. So, what can lead to this muscle tension? If we look at where the vocal apparatus sits in the context of the whole body, then we can start to understand this better. The vocal apparatus is made up of the larynx (housing the vocal cords), the thyroid and cricoid cartilages and the hyoid bone, which serves as an attachment point for many of the extrinsic muscles associated with phonation. The hyoid is a unique bone in the body in that it does not articulate (join with) any other bone - it is literally suspended in space by the sling of muscles that surround it. Coupled with its location at the front of the neck (one the most mobile areas of the body), it is therefore very reflective of any postural asymmetries coming from structures below. Humans are programmed by nature always to keep the eyes level: this is a primitive survival mechanism that allows us to judge distances more accurately - useful when being approached by a predator! If we take the example of someone with a dropped arch on one foot, this will pull the corresponding leg downwards leading to a


January 2019 | TH EP I TCH P I P E

sideways tilt at the pelvis, which could potentially begin a ‘list’ in the spine. The body will then set up a compensatory pattern where muscles will correct alternatively right and left in a ‘zig-zag’ fashion up the back until the final point of correction at the top of the neck to bring the eyes level. This will result in an asymmetrical pull through the hyoid muscles leading to imbalance and potentially to vocal strain. Neutral pelvic positioning is also key to optimal respiratory mechanics via the abdominal and respiratory muscles. Sub-optimal pelvic alignment can serve to tighten or slacken the surrounding muscles, which may affect our ability to receive a sufficient inbreath. This will then lead to a lack of sub-glottal pressure which, when aiming for higher pitches or greater volume, may lead the singer to overuse the muscles above the hyoid to achieve this. This can lead to tension and strain of the vocal muscles and the symptoms of MTD. Any singer who has experienced vocal issues will know that it can be a very stressful situation. Anxiety has its own postural pattern that includes shoulder and neck tension and high, shallow breathing. This will also adversely affect sub-glottal pressure and vocal muscle tension - the more we worry, the worse it gets! So, stress-management is also a central part of regaining the voice. To summarise, the majority of vocal issues I see usually have their origin in postural alignment, leading to inefficient muscle use and strain. Vocal issues are often put down to ‘poor technique,’ but it is my belief that many such technical problems arise because the singer finds himself or herself fighting their own anatomy. Once an optimal neutral posture is found and the muscle function is better understood, much of this strain disappears. Losing one’s voice is a loss of self, so vocal issues can often lead to the voice becoming ‘dissociated’ from the rest of the body. By working from the feet up, we can reintegrate the voice into the body and allow for the freedom of expression which serves as the inspiration for all singers.

Top Tips: • Sing with intention, not tension. • Remember that sound is not created at the larynx and mouth - it is just coloured there. • Ground yourself through your feet, as this will reduce tension at the neck. • Allow your voice to resonate from the feet up - take the focus away from your throat. • It takes a whole body to sing! (Originally published Oct 2, 2014 by iSing Magazine at and published here with permission.) About the Author: Jennie Morton specializes in the treatment of performing artists. She is a professional singer and performance coach; trains health practitioners in the management of performers’ injuries; lectures internationally on performing arts medicine; and wrote “The Authentic Performer: Wearing A Mask and the Effect on Health.” Visit

Hear Jennie Morton in Person:

Jennie will be a featured speaker at Sweet Adelines 2019 Directors’ and Visual Leaders’ Seminar, Aug. 8-10, in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Registration opens Jan. 7, 2019, for this dynamic seminar, which promises “A Brand-New Song and Dance.” Led by co-chairs Mary Rhea and Kim Vaughn, the seminar is a must for frontline/assistant directors and visual leaders. For more information, visit

We Found What Was Right and Built on It BY TARANAKI HARMONY CHORUS, REGION #35


ast year, then-president Paula Davis encouraged SA members "to find what is right and build on" the strengths and unique character of our choruses. What better way to build on what is right than to share with our international sisters the enduring friendships, the passion for musical harmony and the growth our chorus has enjoyed? Recently, our 29-strong chorus gathered to celebrate 20 charter-years; five 20-year members; and our many years of shared experiences with Fauna McNair, a 35-year member. Fauna was there when our inaugural chorus (Wairoa) chartered in 1985. She later moved to the Taranaki region and relentlessly pursued her barbershop passion, eventually engaging 19 women who loved to sing. Sounds Easy Chorus was formed, later chartering as Energy City Chorus in 1998. In 2003, we became Taranaki Harmony Chorus to better represent our proud regionwide membership. We have our visionary leaders to thank for their foresight and sustained passion 20 years ago. Their invested energy and time helped us excel individually and as a chorus. As a result, when we competed recently with an open package for the first time, we were so proud, so lifted by confidence and energy from our long-shared history. The audience rewarded us with three standing ovations.

We are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate our 20 years, as this is our gold!

(L-R) Chorus Director Gill Holmes, Rosemary Richards, Christine Pool, Judy Cunningham, Regional Representative Kerry Stewart, Joan Pearson and founder Fauna McNair.

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Bringing Barbershop Harmony to the Classroom BY DEBBIE BAKER, SA DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION

Titanium Quartet at the Sweet Adelines booth at the NAfME conference in Grapevine, Texas.


e had a fantastic time representing Sweet Adelines at the National Association for Music Educators (NAfME) conference last November in Grapevine, Texas. SA public relations manager Lauren Stark and I combined our individual expertise into a powerhouse exhibit full of energy and music! The conference drew choral and instrumental music educators, collegiate music education students and community and publicschool choir directors. That was exciting for me because, as a music educator and former NAfME/SA educator award winner, I have a unique perspective into the choral music classroom. Our goal was to ensure everyone we met went away knowing that SA is the world’s largest a cappella singing organization for women of all ages, and that our commitment to advancing the barbershop art form includes educational opportunities around the globe, from New York to New Zealand. Our new presentation for the event featured commentary from well-known choral music educators such as Lori Lyford, Debbie Cleveland, Lynn Gackle and Ryan Heller, who spoke about the benefits of incorporating barbershop music into the traditional choral classroom. The video demonstration included performances by several Rising Star winners, including C’est La Vie, Hot Pursuit and Adrenaline.


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Our booth was adjacent to the luncheon area which allowed us to provide entertainment and education to many, many attendees. Attendees were invited to sing with SA's third place and most entertaining international quartet, Titanium, who enthusiastically taught tags so participants could experience the thrill of ringing chords. The crowds often erupted in applause as the sounds echoed through the hall. On the second day, several attendees came to our exhibit asking for more information. One of the highlights of the trip was being invited to participate in an after-hours drum circle. While the intent of the activity didn’t include formalized singing, it did allow us to interact and make connections with several collegiate vocal music students who later asked how SA could help them establish barbershop singing in their future classrooms. These interactions also generated a lot of interest in the upcoming Rising Star quartet and YWIH chorus video contests. We had music educators requesting classroom resources and a couple of women interested in visiting their local chorus. In all, it was a wonderful, interactive way to demonstrate the beauty of barbershop harmony and the educational opportunities SA offers all over the world.

All New Marketing! With posters, brochures, social media, a new website and original photography and videos coming soon. It’s the next generation of Sweet Adelines.Capturing the spirit of our organization. Our music. Our mission. Our sisterhood.

Life on a High Note.

Membership Recruitment Champs Thank You for Your Sweet Support

Welcome! Happy smiles among Anne Downton’s recruits.


e’re giving a standing ovation to our most recent winners in the Sweet Adds Membership Incentive Program. Over the past six months, these enthusiastic ambassadors persuaded more than 35 happy new members to come sing with us.

Winners: Victoria Cook, 16 new members, Harborlight Show Chapter, Region #1 Moira Long, 10 new members, A Cappella West Chapter, Region #34 Anne Downton, 6 new members, Westcoast Harmony Chapter, Region #26 Winners receive one year of free international dues and other incentives, based on their recruitment numbers.

Recruiting Hints and Tips

Some “how-to” ideas from Victoria Cook and Anne Downton: • Talk it up. Don’t be afraid to talk about your chorus experiences and how singing has changed your life. It’s about sharing with others in a way that will excite them and will make them want to join a choral community. Share in person and on Facebook! • Think about the experience you’re conveying to outsiders. If the only SA exposure a person has is about buying raffle tickets, you may want to rethink your narrative. When you have a chorus experience you wouldn’t have had otherwise, talk about it! People will take notice and may ask you how to join. • Get to know people and their singing voices. If you think they’d be a good fit, invite them to rehearsal. The people who stick around are the people who match your chorus culture. • Be low pressure. Just let them come, sing along and see if they like it. • Follow up! After rehearsal, see how they enjoyed it. Thank you to all members who continue to spread the love of barbershop harmony around the world by sharing with interested women who may not be familiar with us – and would want to be!

For more information, contact or call 1-800-992-7464 or 1-918-622-1444.


January 2019 | TH EP I TCH P I P E


SAVE THE DATES 2019 Mark your calendar


C 2019 Quartet

July 25-28, 2019

2019 International Education Symposium & 2019 Rising Star Quartet Contest (July 27) Manchester, UK Registration Opens Jan. 8

A Brand New Song & Dance Sweet Adelines International

Directors’ & Visual Leaders’ Seminar 2019

San Antonio, TX

Aug. 8-10, 2019

Directors’ and Visual Leaders’ Seminar, San Antonio, Texas, USA Registration Opens Jan. 7

Sept. 16-21, 2019

73rd Annual International Convention and Competition, New Orleans, La., USA Registration Now Open!

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Avg. No. Copies of Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months 19,200 4,200

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18,475 0

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Total Distribution



Managing Editor: Kim Berrey, Sweet Adelines International

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9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, Okla. 74137-2007




Percent Paid



Publication Title: The Pitch Pipe Publication No.: ISSN 0882-214X Filing Date: Oct. 3, 2018 Issue Frequency: Quarterly No. of Issues Published Annually: 4 Annual Subscription Price: $12

Contact: Kim Berrey Telephone: 918-388-8014 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: Sweet Adelines International 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, Okla. 74137-2700 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: Sweet Adelines International 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, Okla. 74137-2700 9. Publisher Sweet Adelines International 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, Okla. 74137-2007 Editor in Chief: Tamatha Goad, Sweet Adelines International 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, Okla. 74137-2007

10. Owner: Sweet Adelines International 9110 S. Toledo Ave. Tulsa, Okla. 74137-2007 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 percent or more of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgagees or Other Securities: None 12. Tax Status: The purpose, status and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has NOT changed during the preceding 12 months.

Extent and Nature of Circulation Quarterly Magazine of Sweet Adelines International Total Number of Copies (net press run) (1) Mailed Outside Country Paid Subscriptions (2) Mailed In Country Paid Subscriptions (3) Paid Distribution Outside the Mails (4) Paid Distribution by Other Classes of Mail Total Paid Distribution (1) Free or Nominal Rate Outside Country (2) Free or Nominal Rate In Country (3) Free or Nominal Rate Mailed at Other Classes (4) Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Outside the Mail Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution

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13. Publication Title: The Pitch Pipe 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: Oct. 2018


January 2019 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

(Signed by) Kim Berrey Managing Editor

Oct. 3, 2018

20,500 6,200

Sweet Adelines Affinity Programs for Members You have no doubt heard that saying about life happening while you were busy making other plans? Life can be uncertain — yet you can certainly utilize many strategies to help manage difficulties. With that in mind, Sweet Adelines is offering members the opportunity to take advantage of two services that are especially important in today’s world: access to legal advice and identity theft protection. A third program, Healthiestyou, assures 24/7 access to a doctor for diagnosis, treatment plans, prescriptions and more.

For complete information, visit Resources/Added Values for Membership at

All three services operate on easy, convenient mobile apps. Sweet Adelines can choose individual or family plans.

LegalShield It is stressful enough to need legal advice, let alone having to worry about what it will cost. With a LegalShield plan, you can contact your law firm for legal advice and not worry about high hourly fees. No legal issue is too big or too small and your lawyer is just a toll-free number away. LegalShield includes many benefits but even at the most basic level, our plans allow you to have peace of mind.

IDShield IDShield is the only identity theft protection company armed with a team of licensed private investigators on call to restore your identity. IDShield monitors your social security/insurance number, bank and credit accounts, passport, email, driver’s license number, social media accounts and much more. IDShield provides a complete picture of identity theft and can walk you through all the steps to protect yourself.

Healthiestyou By Teladoc


Whether you have questions or just aren’t feeling well, you can effortlessly connect to a 24/7 telehealth hotline for the diagnosis and treatment of illness, second opinions and consultations. Board-certified, licensed physicians in every U.S. state are waiting to provide exceptional care. They can even prescribe medication and save a trip to the doctor’s office, whether members are at home or on the road. Your healthcare just got a whole lot easier!

LegalShield and IDShield are available in the U.S. and Canada,* with variable coverage on the legal plan. Healthiestyou is available only in the U.S. at this time. *(Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nunavut, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon)

January 2019 | T HEPI T C H P IP E


Accolades — Aug. 2, 2018 through Oct. 3, 2018

Note: Certifications officially awarded after Oct. 3, 2018, will appear in the April 2019 Pitch Pipe.

DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Advanced to Approved Director Debbie Baker, Talk of Tulsa, #25 Vanessa Leamy, Blue Mountain, #13 Alison Soutar, Aberdeen, #31 Advanced to Certified Director Cheryl Weijermars, South City Soundz, #35 Michael Hengelsberg, Greater Harmony Chorus, #17 Brenda McCall, Gateway Spotlight, #5 Laura Russell, Royal River, #1 Stephanie Wallbank, Circular Keys Chorus, #34 Kay Weiss, Capitaland, #15

IN MEMORY — Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2018 Ann Burnette, Magic of Harmony Show Chapter, #14 Carol Carter, Danville Chapter, #3 Debra Cassidy, Pride of Toledo Chapter, #17 Beverly Cogan-Gluzman, Canadian Showtime Chapter, #16 Lori Fodor-Reiner, Chapter-At-Large, #12 Kathleen Gilbert, River Blenders Chapter, #5 Kathleen Haggerty, Bridges of Harmony Chapter, #9 Claire Hamley, Chapter-At-Large, #5 Ann Henebury, Carolina Harmony Chapter, #14 Peggy Hietala, Pride of Toledo Chapter, #17 Ria Kittay, Boston Skyline Chapter, #1 Lucille (Lucy) Knos, Chapter-At-Large, #8 Janice LaDuke, Motor City Blend Chapter, #2 Donna Limp, Danville Chapter, #3 Patricia Martin, River Magic Chapter, #4 Bev Miller, Capital City Chapter, #4, co-founder One Voice Chapter, #4

Advanced to Harmony 500 Director *Jerrie Beyrodt, Capital City Sound, #13 *Andy Maddox, Capital City Sound, #13 Rhonda Spoelstra, Image City, #16

Anita McGarry, Member-At-Large Dolores Nowaczyk, Northwest Harmony Chapter, #13 Jennifer Pittman, Pacific Sound Chapter, #13 Evelyn White, Farmington Valley Chapter, #1

Harmony 500 recognizes SA certified directors who have been on the front line for at least a year and have led her/his chorus to a score of 500 or higher in regional competition.

Advanced to Master Director Caitlin Castelino, Diablo Vista, #12 Jennifer Williams, Dundalk, #1 Advanced to Harmony 700 Director Tindra Thor, Stockholm City Voices, #32 Harmony 700 recognizes SA certified directors who have been on the front line for at least a year and have led her/his chorus to a score of 700 or higher in regional competition. *Correction: The chorus affiliation for Jerrie Beyrodt and Andy Maddox was incorrect in the October 2018 Pitch Pipe. Both are with Capital City Sound #13, not Harmony Fusion #13.



CITY VOICES CHORUS - DIRECTOR SEARCH Our director of 17 years, since the inception of City Voices Chorus, is retiring. City Voices, located in the St. Louis area, is now seeking a new director. We have 30 highly motivated members that consist of new and veteran singers. This position becomes available May 1, 2019. Express your interest to:


January 2019 | TH EP I TC H P I P E

Corrections Barbara Harp was mistakenly listed In Memory in the 2018 International Convention and Competition program. Barbara is well and a proud member of the Five Valley Chapter and just celebrated her 50th year as a Sweet Adelines member in 2018! Barbara Nielsen’s name was spelled incorrectly in the 2018 International Convention and Competition program. The correct spelling of her name is as it is listed here. During the introductions for the judging panel for the quartet finals competition, her hometown was mistakenly listed as Jacksonville, Fla. Barbara resides in Baltimore, Md. We misidentified a quartet in the October issue of The Pitch Pipe. The quartet shown in the upper left of the Queen’s College article on page 27 was identified as Fly Right quartet and should have been Lyric quartet. We apologize for any confusion caused by these errors.

73rd Annual Convention and Competition Sept. 16-21, 2019 New Orleans, La., USA

2019 New Orleans Registration Now Open! Early Registration Fees* Registration Type

Price (USD)

International Chorus Competitor All Events


International Quartet Competitor All Events


Convention Assistant All Events


Member All Events


Non-Member All Events


Youth Member or Non-Member All Events


*Early Registration pricing expires on May 29, 2019

Check online for updated information and registration forms by visiting







Competition Dates and Deadlines

Quartet Entry Deadline (60 Days): 1/21/2019 Quartet Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 2/5/2019 Quartet Contest Date: 3/22/2019 Order of Appearance Draw (55 Days): 1/28/2019 Chorus Entry Deadline (60 Days): 1/22/2019 Chorus Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 2/6/2019 Chorus Contest Date: 3/23/2019 Competition Packet Emailing (105 days): 12/7/2018 International 30-Day Mailing: 2/20/2019

Important: The paperwork for new and renewing quartets must be submitted and processed before they may register for competition. New quartets or renewals received after Jan. 15, 2019, will be charged additional registration fees.







Quartet Entry Deadline (60 Days): 1/28/2019 Quartet Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 2/12/2019 Quartet Contest Date: 3/29/2019 Order of Appearance Draw (55 Days): 2/4/2019 Chorus Entry Deadline (60 Days): 1/29/2019 Chorus Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 2/13/2019 Chorus Contest Date: 3/30/2019 Competition Packet Emailing (105 days): 12/14/2018 International 30-Day Mailing: 2/27/2019
















Quartet Entry Deadline (60 Days): 3/4/2019 Quartet Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 3/19/2019 Quartet Contest Date: 5/3/2019 Order of Appearance Draw (55 Days): 3/11/2019 Chorus Entry Deadline (60 Days): 3/5/2019 Chorus Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 3/20/2019 Chorus Contest Date: 5/4/2019 Competition Packet Emailing (105 days): 1/18/2019 International 30-Day Mailing: 4/3/2019


January 2019 | TH EP I TCH P I P E













Quartet Entry Deadline (60 Days): 2/4/2019 Quartet Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 2/19/2019 Quartet Contest Date: 4/5/2019 Order of Appearance Draw (55 Days): 2/11/2019 Chorus Entry Deadline (60 Days): 2/5/2019 Chorus Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 2/20/2019 Chorus Contest Date: 4/6/2019 Competition Packet Emailing (105 days): 12/21/2018 International 30-Day Mailing: 3/6/2019 REGION










Quartet Entry Deadline (60 Days): 3/11/2019 Quartet Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 3/26/2019 Quartet Contest Date: 5/10/2019 Order of Appearance Draw (55 Days): 3/18/2019 Chorus Entry Deadline (60 Days): 3/12/2019 Chorus Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 3/27/2019 Chorus Contest Date: 5/11/2019 Competition Packet Emailing (105 days): 1/25/2019 International 30-Day Mailing: 4/10/2019
















Quartet Entry Deadline (60 Days): 2/11/2019 Quartet Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 2/26/2019 Quartet Contest Date: 4/12/2019 Order of Appearance Draw (55 Days): 2/18/2019 Chorus Entry Deadline (60 Days): 2/12/2019 Chorus Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 2/27/2019 Chorus Contest Date: 4/13/2019 Competition Packet Emailing (105 days): 12/28/2018 International 30-Day Mailing: 3/13/2019 REGION









Quartet Entry Deadline (60 Days): 3/18/2019 Quartet Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 4/2/2019 Quartet Contest Date: 5/17/2019 Order of Appearance Draw (55 Days): 3/25/2019 Chorus Entry Deadline (60 Days): 3/19/2019 Chorus Late Entry Deadline (45 Days): 4/3/2019 Chorus Contest Date: 5/18/2019 Competition Packet Emailing (105 days): 2/1/2019 International 30-Day Mailing: 4/17/2019

2018 Sweet Adelines International

WELLINGTON CITY CHORUS 2019 Harmony Classic Division AA Champion Chorus REGION #35, Wellington City, New Zealand

2018 Sweet Adelines International

SCOTTSDALE CHORUS 2019 International Champion Chorus REGION #21, Scottsdale, Ariz.

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