Phnom Penh’s heritage
under threat?
អ្នកជន ំ ាញនយ ិ ាយពអ ី គារ
សហកម្មសទ ិ ិ្ធ និងច ្បាប់ផ្សេងៗ Cambodia’s industrial sector continues to thrive
ទីកង ុ្រ រណបជយ ួ សម្រល ួ បញ្ហា កំណន ើ ប ជ ្រ ាជនកង ុ្ន ទ ក ី ង ុ្រ
Satellite cities a solution for overcrowded Phnom Penh
Bali Scenery
នឹងប ញ្ចបន ់ ៅឆា្ន ២ ំ ០១៦ Bali Scenery project will be completed in 2016
គម្រោង Bali Scenery នឹងបញ្ចបនៅ ់ ឆ២ ំ្នា ០១៦
Contents Page 4-5
អ្នកជំនាញនយា ិ យអព ំ អ ី គារ សហកម្មសទ ិ ិ្ធ និងចបា ្ ប់ផស្ ង េ ៗ Australian office yields attract investors Pages 6-7
Satellite cities a solution for overcrowded Phnom Penh Cambodia's industrial sector continues to thrive Page 8-9
ការផត ្គ ផ ់ ង ្គ ប ់ ន្ទបជ ់ ល ួ តូចៗមន ិ ទាន់អាចឆយ ើ្ល តប... Siem Reap Focus Cover Photo: Bloomberg • Publisher: Ross Dunkley • Chief Executive Officer: Chris Dawe • Editor-in-Chief Post Khmer: Kay Kimsong • Editor-in-Chief Post English: Alan Parkhouse • Managing Editor Post Khmer: Sam Rith • Managing Editor Post English: David Boyle •Property Editors: Rupert Winchester, Hin Pisei • Property Reporters: Siv Meng • Translator: Tang Kouk, Sok Bopha, Phouk Samphaktra, Pich Sinoun, Chean Chanra • Graphic Designers: Aim Valinda, Chum Sokhunthy,Tim Borith, T.Thyda • Photographers: Hong Menea, Heng Chivoan, Pha Lina, Sreng Meng Srun, Mai Virak • ចាងហ្វាង
សីវុ ម៉ង េ ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ៈមខ ុ មា ត់រា ជធានីភ ព ំ្ន ញ េ នឹងផ ្លាស់ប្តូរបន្ថែមទៀតនៅពេល អគារខស ្ព ក ់ ប់ព ពកBali Scenery ដែលនៅជិតស្ពានហង្សនៃទីក្រុង រណបកោះពជ េ ្រ លច េ ច ញ េ ជា រប ូ រាងនៅឆ្នាំ២០១៦ខាងមុខ។ លោក អួង គីមសាយ ប្រធាន គ្រប់គ្រងការដ្ឋានសាងសង់អគារ ខុនដូ Bali Scenery បានប្រាប់ ថា ការសាងសង់ខុនដូទ ី១ ដែល មានកម្ពស១ ់ ៩ជាន់បា នឡង ើ ដល់ ជាន់ទ ១ ី រច ួ ហ យ ើ ។ ចំណក ែ ខ ន ុ ដូ ទី២ មា នកម្ពស៣ ់ ២ជាន់នៅ ព ល េ នេះក ព ំ ង ុ ដ ណ ំ រើ កា របក ុ គ ្រឹះដោ យ រំពឹងថា នឹងសង់ផុតពីដីនៅខែ កក្កដាខា ងមខ ុ ។ លោកបានបន្តថា យើងកំពុងដំណើរការសាងសង់ យ៉ាងស កម្មទា ង ំ យ ប់ទា ង ំ ថ ដ ្ងៃ ម ើ ប្ ី បញ្ចបគ ់ ម្រោងទៅ តា មពល េ វ លា េ ដែលបានគ្រោងទុកនៅក្នុងឆ្នាំ ២០១៦ខាងមុខ។ លោកបានថ្លែងថា៖«លក្ខណ ពិសេសរបស់ខុនដូ Bali Scenery ដោយសារសត ្ថិ នៅ ច ទ ំ តា ី ង ំ ល្អ មានតម្លៃសមរម្យ ការរចនាអគារ ប្រកបដោយសោភណភាព និង សំណង់មានគុណភា ពខ្ពស់»។ គម្រោងខុនដូ Bali Scenery មានចន ំ ន ួ ២ អ គារគឺខ ន ុ ដូទ១ ី មាន កម្ពស១ ់ ៩ជាន់មា នផ្ទះស រុបច ន ំ ន ួ ១៤៤យូនត ី ដោយមានផក ្ទៃ ្រឡា
ចំនួន៨៦៣ម៉ែត្រការ៉េ ចំណែក ខុនដូទ២ ី មានកម្ពស៣ ់ ២ជាន់មាន ផ្ទះចន ំ ន ួ ៣៧៨យូនីត ដោយមាន ផ្ទក ៃ ឡា ្រ ស រុប១ .១១០មត ៉ែ កា ្រ រ៉េ ដោយមានកន្លែងចតរថយន្តនៅ ជាន់ខាងក្រោម។ លោក លឿង ជី ប្រធានផ្នក ែ លក់ និងទីផ្សារនៃគម្រោងខុនដូខាង លើបានប្រាប់ថា រហូតមកដល់ ពេលនេះផ្ទះប្រមាណពី៦០ទៅ ៧០ភាគរយក្នុងគម្រោងនេះបាន លក់អ ស់ហ យ ើ ដោយមានអ តិថ-ិ ជនចម្រុះជាតិសាសន៍។ លោក បានប្រាប់ថា អគារក្នុងគម្រោង ទី១ នឹងបញ្ចប់ការសាងសង់នៅ ចុងឆ ្នាំ២០១៤ចំណែកអគារទី២ កម្ពស៣ ់ ២ជាន់ គ ម្រោងនឹងបញ្ចប់ ការសាងសង់នា ដ ម ើ ឆ ២ ្នាំ ០១៦។ ផ្ទះ១យូនីតមានតម្លៃចាប់ពី៩៩ ០០០ដល ុ រ្លា ដ ល់ទៅ ២ ៨០.០០០ ដុល្លារស ហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក។ លោកបានថ្លែងថា៖ «គម្រោង Bali Scenery រព ំ ង ឹ ថា នឹងទ ទួល បានជោគជ័យ ដោយសារអតិថិ- ជនរបស់យើងសុទ្ធតែមានទំនុក ចិត្តលើគុណភាព និងសោភណ ភាពរបស់គម្រោងទី១ដែលយើង បានសាងសង់នៅ តា មផវ្លូ ២ ០០៤ (ផ្លូវសឡា)»។ លោកបន្ថែមថា៖ «គម្រោងថ្មីនេះស្ថិតនៅចំទីតាំង ល្អ មានការចាប់អារម្មណ៍ច្រើនពី អតិថិជន ពីព្រោះនៅទីនោះមាន បរិស្ថាននិងប រិយាកា សល្អ»។ ទោះបីយ៉ាងណាលោក លឿង ជី ម ន ិ បា នបញ្ជាកព ់ ទ ី ហ ំ ទ ំ ក ឹ ប ក ្រា ់
ការសប ្ថា នាផក ែ្ន ខាងកម ្រោ ដី នៃគម្រោងសាងសង់ខន ុ ដូ Bali Scenery ។ រូបថត ផា លីណា
ដែលត វ្រូ ច ណា ំ យនៅក ង ្នុ គ ម្រោង នោះទេ ប៉ុន្តែបើតាមលោក អួង គីមសាយ ប្រធានគ្រប់គ្រងការ- ដ្ឋានស ណ ំ ង់ន េះធ ប ្លា បា ់ នគណនា ឲ្យដឹងថា គម្រោងនេះអាចនឹង ចំណាយបមា ្រ ណ៣០លានដល ុ រ្លា សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក ដោយមិនគិត បញ្ចូលតម្លៃដីធ្លី។ លោក ស៊ឹង ប៊ុណ្ណា អគ្គនាយក ក្រុមហ៊ុនប៊ុណ្ណារៀលធីគ្រុប ធ្លាប់ មានប្រសាសន៍ថា ទីតាង ំ ន េះអា ច រាប់ថាជាតំបន់លំនៅឋានលេខ១ បើគិតពីគោលដៅរបស់អតិថិជន គឺទីតាំងនេះអាចប្រៀបធៀបជា
មួយ Rose Condo បាន ប៉ន ុ អ ែ្ត ី្វ ដែលសំខាន់គឺគុណភាពនៃការ សាងសង់ ន ង ិ កា ររចនាអគាររបស់ ក្រុមហ៊ុនអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ផ ្ទាល់។ លោកបញ្ជាក់ថា៖ «ភាពជោគ ជ័យរបស់គម្រោងនេះវាអាស្រ័យ លើកា រលក់ការគប ្រ គ ់ ង ្រ កា ររចនា និងគ ុណភាពរបស់អគារ»។ លោក ឌឹត ចណ្ណា ប្រធានគប ្រ -់ គ្រងទូទៅក្រុមហ៊ុនអចលនទ្រព្យ វីអឹមស៊ី បាននិយាយថា ទីតាំង ខុនដូនេះនៅចំកន្លែងល្អលេខ១ ដោយសារវាមានទីតាំងនៅជាប់ ទន្លេ និងតំបន់ពាណិជ្ជកម្មដែល
មានសេវាកម្មចម្រុះដូចជា ផ្សារ ទំនើប សាលារៀន ធនាគារ ផ្លូវ ខ្វាត់ខ្វែង និងមានសេវាកម្មជា ច្រើនទៀតដែលសម្រួលដល់ការ រស់នៅ ប ក ្រ បដោយផាសុកភា ព។ គម្រោងនេះក៏ជាផ្នែកមួយដែល នឹងជួយលើកកម្ពស់សោភណ ភាពរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ ហើយព្រម ទាំងជួយទាក់ទាញភ្ញៀវទេសចរ មកទស្សនាកម្ពុជាទៀតផង។ លោកបានថ្លែងថា៖«ខ្ញុំគិតថា គម្រោងនេះនឹងទទួលជោគជ័យ ប៉ន ុ ែអ ្ត ីៗ ្វ ក៏អាស្រយ ័ លើតម្លៃ និង គុណភាពសំណង់ផងដែរ»៕
Bali Scenery project will be completed in 2016
លោក រ៉ូស ដាំងឃ្លី • អគ្គនាយក
លោកគ្រីស ដ័រ • និពន្ធនាយក លោក កៃ គឹមសុង, អាឡាំង ផាកហៅ • ប្រធានគ្រប់គ្រងការីនិពន្ធ លោក សំ រិទ្ធ, ដេវិដ ប៉ូល • ការីនិពន្ធ«ប៉ុស្តិ៍អចលនទ្រព្យ» ហន ឹ៊ ពិស,ី Rupert Winchester • អ្នកយកព័ត៌មាន ស៊ីវ ម៉េង • អ្នកបកប្រែ តាំង គក់, ភោគ សំភ័ត្ត្រា, ប៉ិច ស៊ីនួន, ជាន ចាន់រ៉ា, សុក បុប្ផា • ផ្នែករចនាទំព័រ អាំ វ៉ាលីនដា, ជុំ សុគន្ធី, ទឹម បូរឹទ្ធ, ធឿន ធីតា, យូសុះ ហាហ្វីសោះ • អ្នកថតរូប: ហុង មីនា, ម៉ៃ វីរៈ, ផា លីណា, ហេង ជីវន ័ ស្រេងម៉ង េ សន ុ៊្រ • អ្នកកែសម្រួលអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ មីុ សុមុនី
hnom Penh’s image will change when the Bali Scenery building near the Hang Bridge next to Koh Pich appears in 2016. The first 19 storey condominium building is built to the first floor, while
the second condominium, with 32 storeys, is currently seeing piling work, which is expected to complete in July. Oung Kimsay, the general manager of Bali Scenery said “we are working actively day and night to complete the project as scheduled in 2016.” “The features of the Bali Scenery condominium is a good location with appropriate price, beautiful styles and of high quality,” he said.
HEAD OFFICE : Post Media Co, Ltd. • 888, Building F, 8th floor, Phnom Penh Center, Cnr of Sothearos & Sihanouk Blvd, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.Tel: 023 214 311-17 Fax: 023 214 318
SIEM REAP • No 629, Street 6 Dangkum Commune, Siem Reap, Cambodia. Tel: 063 966 290, Fax: 063 966 590
Bali Scenery construction near Diamond Island. photo pha lina
Bali Scenery involves two buildings - the first with 144 units over 19 floors covering a total of 863 square metres, while the second condominium has 32 floors with 378 units, with a total of 1,110 square metres with parking underground. Leoung Chi, the sales and marketing manager of the condominium project said now 60 to 70 per cent of the project has already been sold to multinational clients. The first condo building will be completed at the end of 2014, while the second will be completed in early 2016. One house unit is priced from $99,000 to $280,000, he said. “We expect great success because our customers are confident in the quality and beauty of the first condo located along 2004 (Sor La street). This new project is in a good location with many interests from customers because of its location and environment for living,” he said. However, Loeung Chui did not specify the cost of the first condo, but according to Oung Kim Say the con-
struction will be around $30 million, regardless of the value of the land. The location can be regarded as first class and the location can be compared with the Rose Condo buildings, but what is important is the quality of construction and the design of the building, according to Sung Bonna, the director of Bonna Realty Group). The success of this project will depend on sales, management, design and the quality of the building, he said. Condominium location is in a great position next to the river and commercial services, supermarkets, international schools, banks and many other services that facilitate living in comfort, Dith Channa, general manager of VMC Real Estate Cambodia said. This project is also to help promote and attract tourists to visit Cambodia, he said. “I think this project will be successful but everything depends on the value and also the quality of construction,” he said.
June 06, 2013 •
ទីកង ុ្រ រណបជយ ួ សម្រល ួ បញ្ហាកណ ំ ន ើ បជា ្រ ជននៅភព ំ្ន ញ េ សំ សុបញ្ញារទ ិ ្ធ និងហឹម ុ សីហា ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ៈ ការកើនឡ ង ើ ច ន ំ ន ួ ទីកង ុ្រ រណប នៅរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ មិនត្រឹមតែនាំមកនូវ កាលានុវត្តភា ពចន ្រើ ប ណ ៉ុ ្ណោះទេ ប៉ន ុ ថែ ្តែ ម ទាំងបង្ក ឲ្យមានបញ្ហាផ ្សេងៗផងដែរ។ លោក ច្រឹក សុខនីម អគ្គនាយករងនៃ ក្រុមហ៊ុនអចលនទ្រព្យ Vtrust Group មានបសា ្រ សន៍ថា ៖ «តប ំ ន់ប ជ ្រ ជ ុំ នថត ្មី វ្រូ តែរីកនៅតាមតំបន់ជាយក្រុង ទើបអាច បំពេញទៅតាមតម្រូវការដីធ្លីសម្រាប់ធ្វើ អាជីវកម្មដែលកំពុងតែកើនឡើងជារៀង រាល់ថ ្ងៃបាន»។ លោកបានបន្តថា តម្លដី ៃ នៅ តំបន់ដ ល ែ មានសកម្មភា ពសដ េ ក ្ឋ ច ិ មមាញឹ ្ច កក ង ្នុ រាជ ធានីភ្ន ំពេញ កំពង ុ កន ើ ឡើងពម ី ួយឆ ្នាំទៅ មួយឆ ្នាំ ដោយប្រជាព លរដ្ឋខ ្លះបា នលក់ដី របស់ខ ន ្លួ ហើយព ក ួ គ បាន េ ផ្លាសទ ់ ល ី នៅ ំ ទៅតប ំ នជា ់ យកង ្រុ ដែលនៅ ទ នោ ី ះលនៅ ំ ឋានមានតម្លថោក ៃ ជាងក្នង ុ ទ ក ី ង ្រុ ។ តាម រយៈការផ្លាស់ប្តូរលំនៅឋាននោះពួកគេ អាចប្រើប្រាស់ប្រាក់ដែលនៅសល់ខ្លះពី
ការលក់ផ្ទះដើម្បីធ្វើអាជីវកម្មផ ្សេងៗ។ ការអភិវឌ្ឍទក ី ្រុង គឺជា ដំណើរការមាន លក្ខណៈធម្មជា តិហើយកា ររក ី ច ម្រន ើ នេះ នឹងអាចជួយកា ត់បន្ថ យកា រស្ទះច រាចរណ៍ នៅក្នុងទី ក្រុង ព្រោះតែការផ្លាសទ ់ ល ី ំនៅ របស់ប ជា ្រ ព លរដ្ឋម យ ួ ច ន ំ ន ួ ទៅតំបន់ទា ង ំ នោះ។ កត្តាទាំងនេះធ្វើឲ្យការធ្វើដំណើរ នៅក្នង ុ ទ ក ី ង ្រុ មានសភាពធ រូ ស ល ្រា ម យ ួ កម្រិតផងដែរ។ លោក សុខនីម បានបប ្រា ថា ់ នៅពេល ទីក្រុងរណបមួយត្រូវបានសាងសង់ផ្នែក ហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ និងរូបវ័នស ្ត ំខាន់ៗ ក៏ ត្រវូ សា ងសង់ឡ ង ើ ដ រែ ដើមប្ ស ី ម្រល ួ ដ ល់ ការរស់នៅ របស់ប្រ ជាព លរដ្ឋនៅ ទ នោ ី ះ។ លោកបន្ថម ែ ថា ប្រជាជននឹងផ ស ្លា ល ់ នៅ ំ ឋានពីតំបន់ក្នុងក្រុងទៅកាន់តំបន់នោះ ហើយបើកអាជីវកម្មផ្សេងៗដែលអាច បំពេញតម្រូវការឲ្យគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក។ ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋដែលមានប្រាក់ចំណូល ទាប និងមធ្យម អាចផស ្លា ទ ់ ល ី នៅ ំ ទៅ រស់ នៅតាមតំបន់ប្រជុំជនទាំងនោះ ដោយ សារពួកគេយល់ថា តំបន់ទា ំងនោះគឺជា ទីតាំងដ៏ល្អសម្រាប់ការរស់នៅ ព្រមទាំង ទិដភា ្ឋ ពអគារខន ុ ដូ នៅកង ុ្ន ទក ី ង ុ្រ រណប ខេមកូ សធ ី៊ ី ។ រូបថត ហុង មិនា ចំណាយតិចទៀតផង។
អគ្គនាយករងក្រុមហ៊ុនខាងលើបាន បន្ថែមថា ពួកគេអាចមានឱកាសច្រើន ដើម្បីរកប្រាកច ់ ំណូល បើប្រៀបធៀបនឹង តំបន់ក ្នុងរាជធានីភ ្នំពេញ។ ការរីកចម្រើនតំបន់កណ្តាលក្រុងឆ្ពោះ ទៅកាន់ត ប ំ ន់ជា យរាជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ ក៏អាច ជាដំណោះស្រាយដ៏ល្អមួយចំពោះបញ្ហា កំណន ើ ប្រ ជាព លរដ្ឋផ ងដរែ ។ ទិនន ្ន យ ័ ច ង ុ ក្រោយ ដែលទ ទួលបា នពសា ី លារាជធានី ភ្នព ំ ញ េ បា នបង្ហាញថា ចំនន ួ ប ជា ្រ ព លរដ្ឋ នៅកង ្នុ រា ជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ ប ច្ចប ុ ប្ ន្នមានចន ំ ន ួ ប្រមាណ ១,៦លាននាក់ ខណៈកាលពី ឆ្នា២ ំ ០០៨មានចន ំ ន ួ ១ ,៤លាននាក់ប៉ន ុ ្តែ ប្រភពទិន្នន័យផ្សេងទៀតបង្ហាញថា នៅ រាជធានីភ្នំពេញក្នុងឆ្នាំ២០១២ ប្រជាជន មានចំនួនជា ង ២,២លាននាក់។ លោក ច្រឹក សុខនីម បានបញ្ជាក់ថា តំបន់ក ណ្តាលក ង ្នុ រា ជធានីភ្ន ព ំ ញ េ នឹងម ន ិ អាចផ្ទុកចំនួនប្រជាជនក្នុងក្រុងដ៏ច្រើន បានទាំងអ ស់នោ ះទ។ េ ការផស ្លា ទ ់ ល ី នៅ ំ របស់ប ជា ្រ ជ នទៅកា ន់ទ ក ី ង ្រុ រណប គឺជា មធ្យោបាយដោះស្រាយដ៏ល្អមួយ ដើម្បី កាត់ប ន្ថយច ន ំ ន ួ ប ជា ្រ ជ ន ដែលមានចំនន ួ ច្រើនហ ួសនៅក ្នុងទីក្រុង។ត ទៅទំព័រ៦...
អ្នកជនា ំ ញនយា ិ យពអ ី គារសហកម្មស ទ ិ ិ្ធ និងចបា ្ ប់ផស្ ង េ ៗ សីវុ ម៉ង េ ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ៈ ក្រម ុ អ ក ្ន ជ នា ំ ញអចលនទព ្រ យ្ និងច្បាប់បាននិយាយពីច្បាប់ស្តីអំពីការ ផ្តល់សិទ្ធិកម្មសិទ្ធិលើចំណែកឯកជននៃ អគារសហកម្មស ទ ិ ដ ្ធិ ល់ជ នបរទេសដ ល ែ កំពុងផ្តល់ផលប្រយោជន៍ និងការយល់ ច្រឡំមួយចំនួនដ ល់សាធារណជន។ លោក ឌឹត ចណ្ណា ប្រធានគ្របគ ់ ង ្រ ក្រម ុ - ហ៊ុនអ ចលនទ្រព្យ វីអឹមស៊ី បាននិយាយ ថា ច្បាប់ខា ងលន ើ េះបា នអនុញត ្ញា ឲ យ្ ជ ន បរទេសអា ចមានសទ ិ ទ ្ធិ ញ ិ ផ ្ទះចា ប់ព ជា ី ន់ ទី១ឡ ើងទៅ ប៉ុន្តែមិនអនុញ្ញាតឲ ្យពួកគេ មានសទ ិ ទ ្ធិ ញ ិ ផ ្ទះចា ប់ព ជា ី ន់ទ ១ ី ឡ ង ើ ទៅ បានគ្រប់ទីកន្លែងនោះទេ គឺពួកគេអាច ទិញបា នតអគារ ែ សហកម្មស ទ ិ ប ្ធិ ណ ៉ុ ្ណោះ។ ប្រសន ិ ប ព ើ ក ួ គ ចង់ េ ទ ញ ិ ផ ្ទះល ង ្វែ នៅ ជា ន់ ទី១ពួកគេមិនអាចទិញបានទេ។ ពួកគេ អាចទិញបានទាល់តែម្ចាស់ផ្ទះ ឬម្ចាស់ អគារណាមួយមា នការរៀបចំល ក្ខនក ិ្ត ៈតាម នីតិវិធច ី ្បាប់ច្បាស់លាស់ជាមុនសិន។ លោកបានបញ្ជាកថា ់ ៖ « នា ព េលក ន្លង មកប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាមានការយល់ច្រឡំពី រឿងនេះដោយពួកគេគិតថា ជនបរទេស អាចទញ ិ ផ ្ទះចា ប់ព ជា ី ន់ទ ១ ី ឡ ង ើ ទៅ ប៉ន ុ ្តែ នោះមិនមែនជាការពិតទេ»។ លោកបាន បន្ថែមថា ៖ « ជ នបរទេសអា ចទញ ិ ផ ្ទះជា ន់ ទី១បា នដរាបណាពួកគ ដាក់ េ ឈ ្មោះក ម ្រុ - ហ៊ន ុ ឬយកគសា ្រួ រ(ប្ត-ី ប្រពន្ធ)ដែលមា ន សញ្ជាតិខ្មែរ ទើបគាត់អាចគ្រប់គ្រង៤៩ ភាគរយនៃចំណែកផ្ទះណាមួយបាន»។ ច្បាប់នេះមានផលល្អ និងផលមិនល្អ ផងដែរ។ ផលល្អនៅត្រង់ថា រដ្ឋាភិបាល បានគត ិ គ រូ ជា ច ន ្រើ ច ណ ំ ច ុ ម ន ុ ច ញ េ ច បា ្ ប់ នេះឲ្យប្រើប្រាស់ដើម្បីកុំឲ្យមានភាពស្មុគ ស្មាញលើការគ្រប់គ្រង និងបង្កផលប៉ះ- ពាល់ដល់អធិបតេយ្យភាពរបស់ប្រទេស ហើយរដ្ឋាភិបាលចង់បង្កើតច្បាប់ឲ្យមាន ភាពតឹងរ៉ឹងដើម្បីទប់ស្កាត់ការហក់ឡើង
អគារសក ្នា នៅ ់ រម ួ Rose Condo ដល ែ មានទតា ី ង ំ នៅជត ិ ទន្លបា េ សាក់ ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ។ រូបថត ហុង មិនា
ខ្លាំងពេកនៃវិស័យអ ចលនទ្រព្យ ចំណែក ប៉ណ ុ ្ណោះ ព្រោះខ ន ុ ដូគ ទិ េ ញស ម្រាបស ់ ក ្នា ់ ដោយសារជនបរទេសជាច្រើនបានទិញ ចំណច ុ អ វិជមា ្ជ ននៅត ង ្រ ់ មានជនបរទេស នៅ និងមានលក្ខណៈជាអគារសហកម្ម ផ្ទះនៅត ប ំ ន់នោ ះ និងដា ក់ឈ្មោះខ្លួនឯ ង ច្រើនចង់ទិញផ្ទះពីជាន់ទី១នៅកម្ពុជាតែ សិទ្ធិ ចំណក ែ អា ផាតមិនជា អ គារសម្រាប់ ព្រមទាំងមា នការទទួលស្គាល់ពីអាជ្ញាធរ នៅតប ំ ន់នោ ះទៀតផង»។ លោកបន្តថា ៖ «ការពិតប្រជាជនយល់ច្រឡំ ឬគាត់ដឹង ដែរ តែនៅពេលផ ្ទះឡ ង ើ ថ រឿងអី ្លៃ គាត់ម ន ិ ចង់បា ន ដូចន េះព ក ួ គ លក់ េ ឲ យ្ ជ នបរទេស ដោយមិនគោរពតាមច្បាប់ស្តីពីការផ្តល់ សិទ្ធិកម្មសិទ្ធិលើចំណែកឯកជននៃអគារ គាត់ម ន ិ អា ចទញ ិ បា ននវូ ផ ្ទះណាដែលម ន ិ ជួល ប ន ៉ុ ជន ្តែ បរទេសព ក ួ គ តែ េ ងគ ត ិ ថា ឲ្យ សហកម្មសិទ្ធិដល់ជនបរទេស»។ មានលក្ខណៈជាសហកម្មសិទ្ធិនោះទេ។ តែផ្ទះផុតពីជាន់ផ្ទាល់ដីឡើងទៅពួកគេ យោងតាមមាត្រាទី៥នៃច្បាប់ស្តីពីការ ផ្ទះនៅម្តុំផ្សារកណ្តាលនៅតា មតិរវិថីព្រះ- តែងហៅថាខុនដូ។ រហូតមកដល់ពេល ផ្តល់សិទ្ធិកម្មសិទ្ធិលើចំណែកឯកជននៃ ស៊ីសវុត្ថិ(មាត់ទ ន្លេ) និងមផ ្តុំ ្សារចាស់ជន នេះមានប្រជាពលរដ្ឋជាច្រើនបានយល់ អគារសហកម្មសិទ្ធិសម្រាប់ជនបរទេស បរទេសមិនអាចទិញបាននោះទេ។ ខុសពីច្បាប់ខា ងលើនេះ។ បានចែងថា ជនបរទេសដែលមានលក្ខ- លោក គីម ហ ង ៊ា នា យកក្រម ុ ហ ន ៊ុ អច- លោកថង ្លែ ថា ៖ « ផ ្ទះនៅ ម ផ ្តុំ សា ្ រកណ្តាល ណសម្បត្តិគ្រប់គ្រាន់តាមផ្លូវច្បាប់មាន លនទ្រព្យខ្មែរបានប្រាប់ថា គំនិតដ ើមន ៃ ផ្សារចាស់និងផ ្ទះនៅ តា មផវ្លូ មាត់ទ ន្លចា េ ប់ សិទ្ធិធ្វើជាម្ចាស់កម្មសិទ្ធិលើចំណែកឯក- ច្បាប់នេះ គឺផ្តោតសំខាន់ត ែទៅលខ ើ ុនដូ ពីជាន់ទី១ឡើងទៅបានកើនតម្លៃទ្វេដង ជននៃអគារសហកម្មសិទ្ធិ និងសិទ្ធិប្រើ
គារសហកម្មសិទ្ធិសំដៅដល់អគារឬ អ សំណង់ដែលមានកម្មសិទ្ធិករច្រើនរស់នៅ...
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ប្រាស់ និងអាស្រ័យផលលើចំណែករួម និងមានកាតព្វកិច្ចគោរពតាមបញ្ញត្តិទាំង ឡាយនៃច្បាប់នេះនឹងបទដ្ឋានគតិយុត្តិ ពាក់ព័ន្ធផ្សេងទ ៀតជាធរមាន។ លោក ផន ស៊ីន អ្នកជំនាញច្បាប់ភ ូមិ បាលមានបសា ្រ សន៍ថា នៅកង ្នុ អ នុក ត ្រឹ យ្ របស់រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលលេខ១២៦ស្តីពីការ គ្រប់គ្រង និងប្រើប្រាស់អគារសហកម្ម សិទ្ធិបានកំណត់និយមន័យច្បាស់អំពីអ្វី ទៅជាអគារសហកម្មសិទ្ធិ។ អគារសហ- កម្មស ទ ិ ស ្ធិ ដៅ ំ ដ ល់អ គារឬសណ ំ ង់ដ ល ែ មានកម្មសិទ្ធិករច្រើនរស់នៅ ដែលមាន ចំណក ែ ខ ្លះជា ក ម្មស ទ ិ ដា ្ធិ ច់ម ខ ុ របស់ស ហ កម្មស ទ ិ ក ិ្ធ រនម ី យ ួ ៗហៅថាចំណក ែ ឯ កជន និងមានចំណែកខ្លះជាលំហរួមសម្រាប់ ប្រើប្រាស់រួមរបស់កម្មសិទ្ធិករទាំងអស់ ហៅថា ចំណែករួម។ ប្រភេទអគារសហ កម្មសិទទា ្ធិ ំងនោះមានជាអាទិ៍ដច ូ ជាភូមិ គ្រឹះអា ចពាក់ក ណ្តាលភ ម ូ គ ិ ្រឹះអា ចជាផ្ទ ះ ល្វង ែ ច ន ្រើ ល ង ្វែ និងមា នចន ្រើ ជា ន់ជា ប់ៗ គ្នាអាចជាខ ន ុ ដូ ឬ ប ភ ្រ ទ េ ផ ្ទះផ ស្ ង េ ៗទៀត ដែលមានរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធជាប់គ្នា។ តើប្រភេទផ្ទះល្វែង ឬវីឡា និងភ ូមិគ្រឹះ អាចរាប់បញ្ចូលជាផ្ទះសហកម្មសិទ្ធិបាន ដែរ ឬទេ? លោក ផន ស៊ីន បានពន្យល់ ថាផ្ទះល ង ្វែ វីឡា ឬភម ូ គ ិ ្រឹះអាចគ្របដណ្តប់ ជាអគារសហកម្មស ទ ិ បា ្ធិ នផងដរែ តែសម ូ កុគ ំ ត ិ ថា ម ន ិ ម ន ែ ប ភ ្រ ទ េ ផ ្ទះទាំងអស់អាច ជាអគារសហកម្មសិទ្ធិបាននោះទេ។ ផ្ទះ ល្វែង វីឡា ឬភូមិគ្រឹះអាចក្លាយជាអគារ សហកម្មស ទ ិ បា ្ធិ នលុះត្រាអគារនោះមាន លក្ខខ ណ្ឌផ ស្ ង េ ៗទៀតបក ូ ប ញ្ចល ូ គ្នាទ ប ើ អាចក្លាយជាអគារសហកម្មសិទបា ្ធិ ន។ លក្ខខណ្ឌទាំងនោះមានដូចជាផ្ទះ ឬ ភូមគ ិ ្រឹះនោ ះមានកម្មស ទ ិ ក ្ធិ រចន ្រើ ចំ ណក ែ ផ្សេងៗគ្នា មានរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធជាប់គ្នា និង បំពេញលក្ខខណ្ឌមួយចំនួនដូចជាមាន បទបញ្ជាផ ក្ន ៃ្ទ ង ុ រចនាសម្ពន ័ គ ្ធ ប ្រ គ ់ ង ្រ និង ការទទួលខ ស ុ ត វូ្រ រម ួ គ្នាលអ ើ គារទាង ំ មូល ទើបអា ចរាប់ប ញ្ចល ូ ផ ះ្ទ ល ង ែ្វ វីឡា និងភូម-ិ គ្រឹះនោះជាអគារសហកម្មសិទ្ធិបាន៕
June 06, 2013 •
Australian office yields attract investors Nichola Saminather
nvestors are scooping up Australian office buildings at the fastest pace since the end of 2011, attracted by yields that beat those in New York and London. Mirvac Group agreed this month to buy seven properties for A$584 million ($571 million), while Dexus Property, the country’s biggest listed office landlord, paid almost A$1 billion since April for two developments. Investa Property Group, which controls more than A$7 billion of office buildings across the country, has raised money from Swedish and Australian pensions for additional purchases. As much as A$7 of capital is chasing every A$1 of prime-office assets in Australia, up from A$2 in 2011 and the strongest demand since 2007, according to broker Jones Lang LaSalle. The surge in investor interest is part of a global search for assets that offer higher returns as central banks around the world push interest rates to record lows. “The rental market is soft in the Australian context, but Australia is probably looking strong compared with the US and Europe,” Rob Sewell, Sydney-based head of office investments at Jones Lang LaSalle, said in an interview. For offshore investors, “lower returns in Australia will still be a better return than their home markets.” Higher yields on offices in Aus-
tralia reflect muted price growth since Lehman Brothers Holdings collapsed in 2008, ushering in recessions in the US and Europe. Sydney office values have risen less than 3 per cent each year since 2010, after declining 6.7 per cent in 2008 and 12 per cent in 2009. They rose more than 13 per cent in 2006 and 2007, according to researcher Investment Property Databank Ltd. About A$2.1 billion of offices valued at more than A$5 million changed hands in the first three months of 2013, 31 per cent higher than a year ago and the most since the last quarter of 2011, property broker CBRE Group said. Prime offices in Australia’s major cities offered yields as high as 7.9 per cent in the first quarter, according to Jones Lang LaSalle. That compares with 5.25 per cent for London City prime offices above 40 million pounds ($60 million), and between 4 per cent and 5 per cent for prime offices in central business districts in New York and San Francisco, the broker said. Premium offices in Sydney were valued at an average A$16,235 per square metre in the first quarter, down from A$18,095 five years earlier, data from broker Savills show. One force behind the increase in transactions are Australian real estate investment trusts, which raise money from investors to buy properties. They have re-emerged as acquirers after selling properties for liquidity during the credit squeeze that followed Lehman’s collapse. The biggest domestic REIT stocks rose 25 per cent in the past 12
A man jogs past a view of the central business district in Sydney. photo: Brendon Thorne/Bloomberg
months and traded at an average 3.6 per cent premium to net tangible assets as of May 23, turning around from a discount in April, Morgan Stanley data showed. Australian REITs have access to as much as A$6 billion of equity and debt financing, assuming an increase in average debt to 32 per cent of equity from the current 26 per cent, CBRE said. They made A$650 million of office purchases in the first quarter, almost a third of all transactions, the broker said. “With a strong focus on capital management and solid levels of inflows into the listed sector, A-REITs are expected to be more aggressive buyers this year,” Stephen McNabb, head of Australian research at CBRE,
wrote in a March report. A still-wide yield differential to global markets means “foreign investors are likely to continue to support the Australian commercial property sector, although they may face more competition from domestic investors.” Mirvac, the country’s thirdbiggest diversified property trust, agreed this month to buy five offices in Sydney, one in Melbourne and the Allendale Square in Perth from GE Capital’s local property unit at an initial yield of 7.8 per cent. Dexus and its Wholesale Property Fund said they would buy a Perth office site with three buildings for A$434.8 million this month, after paying A$543.9 million in April for a Brisbane property. The capitaliza-
tion rate – a measure of investment yield that contracts as prices rise – was 8 per cent on the Perth acquisition and 7.25 per cent on the Brisbane purchase, according to Dexus. Investors are lining up to buy offices even as rents edge lower and vacancy rates rise. Companies are cutting costs and consolidating work space amid modest economic activity. The Reserve Bank of Australia has reduced borrowing costs by 2 percentage points over the past 19 months to a record low 2.75 per cent, joining global counterparts in embracing cheap credit for an economy where inflation is contained, mining spending is predicted to crest and credit growth is subdued. BLOOMBERG
Property boom in Bangkok suburbs
espite robust supply, the average selling price of new condominiums in eastern and western Bangkok witnessed the highest increase in the city, due to a sharp rise in land prices in the past few years. Risinee Sarikputra, director at property consultant Knight Frank Chartered (Thailand) Co, said the average selling price of condos in this area rose 11.8 per cent from the end of 2012 to 60,286 baht ($1,996) per square metre during the first quarter of 2013. These areas include upper
Sukhumvit, or from Sukhumvit Soi 63 to the Bang Na Intersection along the skytrain, Thon Buri along the BTS extension, and other areas such as Srinakarin, Chaeng Watthana, Kaset-Nawamin and Phetkasem roads. “The focus of many developers continued to be on locations on the periphery, where construction has begun on new mass-transit routes, such as the Purple Line from Bang Sue to Bang Yai,” she said. “They wanted to tap strong demand from low-income earners.” There was strong demand for land in those locations,
with market prices rising by more than 50 per cent. Prices of land near the Purple Line have doubled since 2009. Prices of land close to the Pink Line from Khae Rai to Pak Kret and Min Buri, passing along Chaeng Wattana Road, reached 100,000 baht per square metre, up from only 60,000 baht two years before. Meanwhile, the average selling price of condos in the central business district (CBD) increased by 7.1 per cent to 161,314 baht per square metre, driven by new premium projects in inner Sukhumvit. The average selling price
of condos in the Ratchadaphisek-Lat Phrao and Phahon Yothin areas rose only 1.3 per cent to 103,371 baht per square metre. On the whole, average selling prices grew about 6.0 per cent.
The consultant’s research recorded accumulated supply of Bangkok condos in the first quarter was 254,638 units, increasing by 7.5 per cent from the end of 2012. New condo units offered
in the first quarter totalled 17,869, of which 13,131 units, or 73 per cent, were located in eastern and western Bangkok, with 14 per cent in the CBD and 13 per cent in the northern area. BANGKOK POST
6 •June 06, 2013
Satellite cities a solution for overcrowded Phnom Penh Sam Sopanharith & Hoem Seiha
he coming sprawls of Phnom Penh’s new satellite cities will bring about not only opportunities but also challenges for the population. “Any urban area has to sprawl outside the main city areas so that it can keep up with the increasing demand of commercial land,” said Chrek Soknim, deputy director at Vtrust Property Co. He said the prices of land in the busy central parts of Phnom
Penh are increasing from year to year, and some of the residents have sold their land and moved to suburban areas where housing prices are much lower. They can use their savings from the selling for their businesses or other purposes. The expansion of the urban area is an organic process, and this results in an easing of heavy traffic to the main city because of the relocation of some of the population into the other areas. This makes traffic in the central areas less severe. Soknim said once a satellite city is built, it will also establish infrastructures and important facilities that ease the lives of the people there. “People will move from the central ar-
eas into that place and open up businesses that complement one another there,” he said. Some of the middle and lower class population could move to the new areas because they think the places are good to live, while they also spend less. They could have more opportunities to generate good incomes, compared to the central locations of the urban area proper, said Soknim. The expansion of the central city to the outskirts of Phnom Penh can also be a good solution to the rising population. The latest data obtained from Phnom Penh City Hall shows the current population is about 1.6 million, grow-
ing from 1.4 million in 2008, while other sources indicate more than 2.2 million people in the city in 2012. Soknim said the central areas of Phnom Penh can’t accommodate all the inhabitants. “Relocating to the satellite cities is the way out to ease the state of an overcrowded population,” he said. However, the establishment of satellite cities could take tens of years. Some satellite city projects, such as Diamond Island and Camko City have come to a sort of shape, and they could be very successful. They have not been fully occupied by the residents, but they are attract-
ing some people to move in. However, experts say it is difficult to get access to amenities and facilities. People like to have amenities and facilities in place because travelling in a long distance to have those services is annoying for them. But Soknim said “the trend of the population’s preferences towards relocating to the satellite cities is looming in the horizon.” Soknim of Vtrust maintains that it could take between seven and 10 years for a satellite city to be fully occupied. “As we see with Toul Sangker,” said Soknim, “immediately after its completion in 2000, not many people lived there,
but now it’s a decade later and the block is full of residents.” Some other projects like Boeung Kak Lake and Chroy Changva City that are expected to be complete sometime in the future should experience the same growth. Satellite cities are growing quickly. The government approved $2.1 billion of construction projects in 2012, while it was only $1.2 billion in 2011, data from the Ministry Of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction shows.
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A view of Camko City. photo Hoem Seiha
ទីកង ុ្រ រណបជយ ួ សម្រល ួ បញ្ហា... តពីទំព័រ៣...ទោះបីយ៉ាងនេះក៏ ដោយការបង្កត ើ ទ ក ី ង ្រុ រណបមយ ួ អាចចំណាយពេលប្រមាណ១០ ឆ្នាំ ដើម្បីឲ្យមានប្រជាពលរដ្ឋចូល ទៅរស់នៅ។ គម្រោងទ ក ី ង ្រុ រណបមយ ួ ច ន ំ ន ួ ដូចជា កោះពេជ្រ និងខេមកូ ស៊ីធី ជាឧទាហរណ៍ដែលអាចនិយាយ ថា ជាកង ្រុ រណបទទួលបានជោគ ជ័យ។ តែទក ី ង ុ្រ រណបទាង ំ នោ ះនៅ មិនទា ន់មា នប ជា ្រ ព លរដ្ឋច ល ូ ទៅ រស់នៅពេញនៅឡើយទេ បើទោះ បីជាទីក្រុងទាំងនោះកំពុងទាក់ ទាញទឹកចិត្តប្រជាពលរដ្ឋឲ្យចូល ទៅរស់នៅទីនោះក៏ដោយ។ ទោះបីយ៉ាងណាក៏អ្នកជំនាញ បាននិយាយថា ទីក្រុងទាំងនោះ ពិបាកនឹងផ្គាប់ចិត្តអ្នករស់នៅ ណាស់ដ ល ែ ប ញ្ហាស ខា ំ ន់គ កា ឺ រធ្វើ
ដំណើរឆ្ងាយ។ ប៉ុន្តែលោក សុខនីម បានប្រាប់ ថា ចំណូលចិត្តរបស់ប្រជាជន ចំពោះការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទីលំនៅទៅ ទីក្រុងរណប កំពុងក ើនឡ ើង។ ទោះបីជាយ៉ាងណាអគ្គនាយក ក្រុមហ៊ុន VTrust នៅតែប្រកាន់ ជំហរថា ការផស ្លា ប ់ រ្តូ ល នៅ ំ ទៅ រស់ នៅទក ី ង ្រុ រណបពញ េ អាចនង ឹ ត វ្រូ ចំណាយពេល៧ឆ្នាំទៅ១០ឆ្នាំ។ លោក សុខនីម មានបសា ្រ សន៍ ថា៖«ដូចដែលយើងបានឃើញ ស្រាបហ ់ យ ើ ផ្ទះនៅ ម ទ ្តុំ ល ួ ស ង្កែ គឺ ជាឧទាហរណ៍ម យ ួ ។ បន្ទាបព ់ បា ី ន បញ្ចបគ ់ ម្រោងនៅ ឆ ២ ្នាំ ០០០ មិន សូវមានមនុស្សទៅរស់នៅទីនោះ ច្រើនទេ ប៉ុន្តែរយៈពេល១០ឆ្នាំ ក្រោយមកតំបន់នោះមានមនុស្ស ទៅរស់នៅយ៉ាងច ្រើន»។
គម្រោងផ្សេងទៀតដូចជាតំបន់ បឹងកក់ និងជ្រោយចង្វារ ដែលគេ រំពឹងថា នឹងត្រូវបញ្ចប់នៅពេល ណាមួយនាថ្ងៃអនាគត នឹងត្រូវ ចំណាយពេលដូចគ ្នានេះដែរ។ បច្ចុប្បន្ននេះទីក្រុងរណបនានា កំពង ុ រក ី ច ម្រន ើ យ ង ៉ា ឆា ប់រហ័ស។ រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជាបានអនុម័ត គម្រោងសាងសង់តម្លៃ២,១ពាន់ លានដល ុ រ្លា នៅ ឆ ២ ្នាំ ០១២ ខណៈ គម្រោងសា ងសង់នៅ ឆ ្នាំ ២០១១ មានតម្លៃ ១,២ពាន់លានដុល្លារ នេះបើយោងតាមទិន្នន័យរបស់ ក្រសួងរៀបចំដែនដី នគរូបនីយ- កម្មនិងស ំណង់៕ BP
June 06, 2013 •
Turkey sees land protests
urkey has been engulfed by a series of land protests across several cities after riot police turned Istanbul’s busiest city centre hub into a battleground, deploying tear gas and water cannon against thousands of peaceful demonstrators. Following several days of dawn police raids on the protesters seeking to occupy Gezi park on Taksim Square in Istanbul city centre, the clashes escalated violently, leaving more than 100 people injured, several of them seriously. Police went on the rampage against protesters who had been sitting reading books and singing songs. There was widespread criticism of the heavy-handed intervention and of the government, which is committed to demolishing the park to erect a shopping centre. What started at the beginning of the week as an environmental protest aimed at saving an Istanbul city centre park from shopping centre developers backed by the government appeared to be snowballing into a national display of anger at the perceived high-handedness of the Erdogan government. “They have declared war on us,” said an Istanbul shopkeeper in a back street, as he handed out lemon juice to counter the teargas to protesters. “This is out of all proportion.” Ugur Tanyeli, an architecture historian, said: “The real problem is not Taksim, and not the park, but the lack of any form of democratic decision-making process and the utter lack of consen-
sus. We now have a PM who does whatever he wants.” The protests started late on Monday after developers tore up trees to make way for the controversial construction project featuring a shopping centre in nostalgic Ottoman style and building a replica of an old military barracks. For the burgeoning protest movement, the park issue is the tip of the iceberg. Another building project, the construction of a bridge spanning the Bosphorus, was launched this week, with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan dismissing public opinion. “They can do whatever they want,” he said. “We’ve made our decision, and we will do as we have decided,” he said. He defended the reconstruction of the Ottoman barracks as a matter of “respecting history”. Opponents argue the project will destroy one of the last green spaces in central Istanbul for the sake of private profit. “How can you show respect for something that does not exist?” asked Tanyeli. “We don’t even know what the barracks looked like exactly. To say that this project has anything to do with the reconstruction of a historical building is ridiculous. “We all know how starved Istanbul is for green space. It needs this park so much more than yet another shopping mall.” Several retailers announced they would not open stores in the planned shopping centre. “I would not open a store in a place where blood has been shed,” businessman Selami Sari told the Turkish press. THE GUARDIAN
Turkish protesters gather in Taksim Square, Istanbul, on Sunday. photo AFP
Building work on Diamond Island. photo Hong Menea
Cambodia’s industrial sector continues to thrive Rupert Winchester
ambodia remains an attractive destination for industrial work, with a low inflation rate of 3 per cent and a low minimum wages of $80 per month, according to the CBRE Asia Pacific Logistics Rental Index. The index showed a slight increase of 0.7 per cent quarter-on-quarter in the first quarter of 2013 compared to just under 1.0 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2012 as rental growth remained weak for a third consecutive quarter. Annual growth also continued to decline, falling to 4.4 per cent year-onyear. Leasing activity slowed during the quarter as occupiers opted to stay in their existing premises. In the first quarter of 2013, Cambodia’s textile exports reached $1.34 billion, compared to $1.14 billion in the same period last year, with export commodities including clothing, timber, rubber, rice, fish, tobacco and footwear. In 2012, exports totaled $6.14 billion. Factory rents in most markets – particularly in China – continued to record steady gains in the first quarter of 2013, along with the improvement in regional exports. In Southeast Asia, factory rents are generally stable. In Cambodia rents also remain stable as a continuation of trends seen in 2012, with prime locations in industrial zones commanding rents of $2.5
square metre. Rents in lower quality industrial zones, where units are of a lesser standard, offer rents of $2 per square metre. CBRE says there remains a distinct lack of supply of industrial units as occupancy levels in existing industrial parks continue to rise. The development of new industrial units has been slow as a direct result of the economic downturn, and the associated impact this had on the construction sector. However increasing labour costs in China and Japan continue to drive the demand for industrial property within Cambodia. In particular, Japanese manufacturers are seeking opportunities to relocate operations to Cambodia. Demand for factory space mainly came from tenants in heavy industry. Manufacturers in the chemical and automotive sectors were particularly active in setting up plants in new markets, followed by companies in the consumer electronics and industrial machinery equipment sectors. The opportunities to relocate to Cambodia in search of better production prospects are supported by the improving infrastructure, in particular at the deep seaport of Sihanoukville. The supply of industrial units will be a key influential factor in the growth of Cambodia’s economy, ensuring that foreign direct investment can continue to drive the markets. A number of industrial zones have been proposed for development within sites acquired for the purpose of satellite cities.
CBRE says these industrial zones will provide industrial units to the North, South, and North West sides of Phnom Penh, and will cover approximately 7,000 hectares of land in total. They will be supported by new infrastructure allowing further development of both import and export opportunities. These developments are still likely to focus more on land disposals than matching market demand and supplying rental units. This can largely be put down to the low returns achieved from current rental prices. Economic growth in Asia Pacific is expected to gather pace over the course of 2013 and reach around 4.8 per cent for the year as whole. The Cambodian economy has continued its high growth rate as real GDP growth has expanded to 7.5 per cent in 2013. Cambodia is one of the world’s fastest growing countries, and opportunities for foreign investors to capitalize on low production and labour costs will drive the industrial markets forward. The demand for industrial rental units in prime locations remains high in 2013, as Chinese and Japanese companies look to relocate due to high production costs in their retrospective countries. However the increased demand is unlikely to be met by future industrial parks as the market is largely dominated by owner-occupied locally owned garment factories currently. CBRE predicts this will change as different manufacturers enter the market.
Phnom Penh’s heritage under threat Rupert Winchester
ne of Phnom Penh’s most beautiful French colonial villas may be under threat of destruction, after its owners put it, and, more importantly, the land it stands on, up for sale. The canary-yellow house sits on Street 178, across from the National Museum. Originally built as a royal villa between 1900 and 1910, it was the home of the famous No Problem Café during the UNTAC Mission in Cambodia between 1991 and 1994. In recent years it has hosted art shows and has been used as the Cambodian offices of its owners, a French property fund which owns several pieces of land around the capital and on the coast. The house and its land is on the market for $14 million, and comes with planning consent for a new seven-storey structure on the site. However Etienne Chenevier, a director of owners City Star, denied
that the group planned to knock down the villa. “I strongly deny it. Why would we want to knock down our own building? If you say we will, I will sue you.” But others disagree. “The old houses are disappearing” Anne Lemaistre, head of Unesco’s Cambodia office told the London Financial Times recently. “Over the past 10 years, at least 50 per cent along Norodom Avenue have disappeared. One remarkable house, which had become run down, was demolished during a holiday, when no one was around to notice. With land being more valuable than property, developers prefer to destroy these houses and build condominiums. Laws should be enacted that oblige owners to preserve heritage properties or, if they cannot afford to, to sell them to those who can.” Dougald O’Reilly of Heritage Watch, agrees: “It is truly a shame that permission has been granted to destroy such a grand old structure, and, further that permission to construct a seven-storey building in its place has been given. I would venture this action will destroy the
The Former No Problem Cafe on Street 178. photo rupert winchester
character of the neighbourhood.” O’Reilly says he has been concerned about Phnom Penh’s heritage for many years, “as there has been a trend since the late 1990s to tear down old buildings to erect newer more profitable properties. Clearly
one cannot stand in the way of development, but there is, I would argue, a responsibility on the part of the authorities to try to retain some of the city’s heritage narrative.” Calls to the Ministry of Culture and the Mayor of Phnom Penh’s of-
fice were not returned. Professor Michael Tomlan of the Historic Preservation Planning Department of Cornell University says other Asian countries have been more respectful of their colonial properties. Continues on page 16
Siem Reap Focus by Independent Property Services
•rENTAL property 1:
• Sale property 1: This is an exciting opportunity to purchase an existing business in Siem Reap. Located a stone’s throw from Old Market and Siem Reap Night Market; this boutique hotel is available for immediate sale. This property is also in a unique space, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the busy streets, affording guests tranquility for the duration of their stay. With traveller numbers increasing and Siem Reap being a popular destination in Cambodia, this is a fantastic commercial opportunity. The property is listed at $250,000, a fair price for such a property in the heart of Siem Reap.
• sale property 2: We are happy to present a large home with plenty of outdoor space in Siem Reap. This property boasts four bedrooms with ensuites and a large communal living area. The property features a western-style kitchen that is equipped with all the essentials, airconditioning throughout and cable TV, so that all your creature comforts are met. The spacious outdoor frontal courtyard has undercover parking for two vehicles and there is a gazebo in the garden for entertaining or just to relax. The house sits on approximately 1,200 sqm and is priced at $270,000, with hard title.
This two-bedroom villa is available now in the northern city of Siem Reap. This newly constructed villa has been designed with comfort in mind, and is ready immediately for living the Siem Reap lifestyle. This villa has two large bedrooms with air con, one appointed with an en-suite, a large living area and a decked outdoor area overlooking a wellmaintained garden. The villa comes fully furnished with cable TV, refrigerator and washing machine, plus bedding and lounge suite. This property is reasonably priced at $600 pcm, and would suit a professional couple or a small family.
• rENTAL property 2: This larger five-bedroom villa is located in Siem Reap. This residence is in a quiet part of town, favoured by many expatriates living in Siem Reap. This two-storey house is fully furnished with all you require; a double filtration system for water, air-con included and a very large garden and space for vehicles securely maintained. This property could also offer an NGO the perfect opportunity to set up operations in Cambodia. This villa is listed at $1,500 per month with the tenant responsible for all utility costs.
For further information on theses properties and others in Phnom Penh, Independent Property Services director David Murphy can be reached on 077 959 861 or Alternatively, visit
June 06, 2013 •
ខុនដូនៅតប ំ ន់ជាយក្រង ុ បាងកក ឡើងថយ ៃ ្ល ង ៉ា ខង ំ ្លា កង ុ ្ន តមា ី ្រ សទ១ ី ក្រង ុ បា ងកកៈ ក្រៅពក ី ណ ំ ន ើ ន ការ ៃ ផត ្គ ់ ផ្គង់ តម្លលក់ ៃ ម ធ្យមរបស់ខ ន ុ ដ ថ ូ នៅ ្មី ភា គ ខាងកត ើ និងភា គខាងលច ិ ន ទី ៃ កង ្រុ បាង- កក បានកើនឡ ើងខ្ពស់បំផុត ដោយសារ កំណន ើ ថ ដី ្លៃ ខ ស ្ព នៅ ់ ក ង ្នុ រយៈពល េ ប ន ៉ុ ន ្មា ឆ្នាំចុងក ្រោយនេះ។ លោក Risinee Sarikputra អគ្គនា- យកនក្រ ៃ ម ុ ហ៊ន ុ ផ ល ្ត ប ់ ក ្រឹ សា ្ ផ ក ្នែ អ ចលន- ទ្រព្យ Knight Frank Chartered នៅ ប្រទេសថៃបានប្រាប់ថា តម្លៃលក់មធ្យម របស់ខុនដូក្នុងតំបន់នេះបានកើនឡើង ១១,៨ភាគរយ បើធៀប នឹងតម្លៃកាលពី ចុងឆ ២ ្នាំ ០១២ ដែលមាន ដល់ ៦០២៨៦ បាត(១ ៩៩៦ដល ុ រ្លា ) ក្នង ុ ម យ ួ ម ត ៉ែ ការ៉ ្រ េ នៅក្នុងត ្រីមាសទី១ ឆ្នាំ២០១៣នេះ។ តំបន់ទា ង ំ ន េះរម ួ មា ន នៅបក ៉ែ ខា ងលើ នៃផ្លូវសុខុមវីត ឬចាប់ពីផ្លូវសុខុមវីត៦៣ រហូតដល់ចំណុចប្រសព្វបាងណា តាម បណ្តោយផ វ្លូ រថភ្លង ើ អាកាស នៅម្តុំថន ុ បុរី តាមបណ្តោយច្រករង់ចាំរថភ្លើងក្រោមដី និងនៅតា មតំបន់មួយចំនួនទៀត ដូចជា ផ្លវូ Srinakarin ផ្លវូ Chaeng Wattha- na ផ្លវូ Kaset-Nawamin និងផ វ្លូ Phet- kasem ជាដើម។ លោកស្រីបានអះអាងថា៖«ក្រុមហ៊ុន អភិវឌ្ឍន៍ភា គច្រើន បានបន្តយកចិត្តទុក ដាក់លើតំបន់ជាយក្រុង ដែលការសាង សង់បានចាប់ផ្តើមនៅតាមផ្លូវដែលមាន មនុស្សឆ ្លងកាត់ច្រើន ដូចជា ផ្លូវ Purple Line ចាប់ព ីផ្លូវ Bang Sue ដល់ Bang Yai។ ក្រម ុ ហ៊ន ុ ទា ង ំ នោ ះមានបណ ំ ងសប ូ្រ យកតម្រវូ កា រដខ ៏ ស ្ព ព ់ អ ី ក ្ន ដ ល ែ មា នបក ្រា ់ ចំណូលទា ប»។ តម្រវូ កា រដនៅ ី ត ប ំ ន់ទា ង ំ ន េះមា នចន ្រើ ដោយតម្លទី ៃ ផសា ្ របានកន ើ ឡ ង ើ ជា ង៥០ ភាគរយ។ តម្លដី ៃ នៅ ជ ត ិ ផ វ្លូ Purple Line
បានកើនឡើងចំនួនពីរដងចាប់តាំងពីឆ្នាំ ២០០៩មក។ តម្លៃដីនៅជិតផ្លូវ Pink Line ចាប់ពី Khae Rai រហូតដ ល់តំបន់ Pak Kret និងតំបន់ Min Buri ឆ្លងកាត់បណ្តោយ ផ្លូវ Chaeng Wattana បានឡើងថ្លៃ ដល់ ១០ម៉ឺនបា តក្នុងមួយម៉ែត្រការ៉េ បើ ប្រៀបធៀបនឹងតម្លៃ ៦ម៉ឺនបាតក្នុងមួយ ម៉ែត្រការ៉េកាលពីពីរឆ ្នាំមុន។ ទន្ទឹមនឹងនោះដែរ តម្លៃខុនដូជាមធ្យម នៅតាមបណ្តោយផ វ្លូ ធ អា ្វើ ជីវកម្មក ង ្នុ ក ង ្រុ បានកន ើ ឡ ង ើ ៧,១ភាគរយ ដល់ ១៦១ ៣១៤បាតកង ្នុ ម យ ួ ម ត ៉ែ ការ៉ ្រ េ ដោយសារ គម្រោងសាងសង់ខុនដូថ្មីៗនៅខាងក្នុង តំបន់ស ុខុមវីត។ តម្លខុ ៃ នដូជា ម ធ្យមតប ំ ន់Ratchadaphisek-Lat Phrao និងត ប ំ ន់ Phahon Yothin បានកន ើ ឡ ង ើ ត ែ ១,៣ភាគរយ ប៉ណ ុ ្ណោះ ដល់ ១០៣ ៣៧១បាតកង ្នុ ម យ ួ ម៉ែត្រការ៉េ។ សរុបទៅតម្លៃលក់ជាមធ្យម បានកើនឡ ើងប្រមាណ៦ភាគរយ។ ំ្ន ញ េ ភាគចន ើ្រ ជួលបន្ទបត ់ ច ូ ៗសក ្នា នៅ ់ រម ួ គ្នា ព្រោះវាមានតម្លថោ ៃ ក។ រូបថត ហុង មិនា តាមការសវ្រា ជ វ្រា របស់ក ម ្រុ ហ៊ន ុ ប ក ្រឹ សា ្ កម្មករកម្មការិនី រោងចក្រនៅរាជធានីភព មួយបា នបង្ហាញថា ការផត ្គ ផ ់ ង ្គ អ ់ គារខុនដូ នៅទក ី ង ្រុ បា ងកក ដែលបា នកើនឡើងក្នង ុ ត្រីមាសទីមួយនេះមាន ២៥៤ ៦៣៨ បន្ទប់ ពោលគក ឺ ន ើ ឡ ង ើ ៧,៥ភាគរយបើ ប្រៀបធៀបនឹងច ុងឆ្នាំ២០១២។ ខុនដូថ្មីៗ ដែលបានដាក់លក់នៅក្នុង ត្រីមាសទីមួយន េះ មានចំនួនស រុប ១៧ ៨៦៩បន្ទប( ់ unit) ដែលក្នុងខុនដ ច ូ ំនួន ១៣ ១៣១បន្ទប( ់ unit) ឬ៧៣ភាគរយ មានទតា ី ង ំ នៅ ភា គខាងកត ើ និងខា ងលិច នៃទីក្រុងបាងកក និង១៤ភាគរយនៅ តូចៗនៅពេលនេះមិនទាន់ឆ្លើយតបនឹង លោកបានអះអាងថា៖«ទោះជាយ៉ាង តាមបណ្តោយផ វ្លូ ធ អា ្វើ ជីវកម្មក ង ្នុ ក ង ្រុ និង តម្រវូ កា របានទេ ព្រោះយ ង ើ ស ង្កត េ ឃ ញ ើ ណាការវិនយោ ិ គលប ើ ន្ទបជ ់ ល ួ តច ូ ៗនៅ សី វ ុ ម៉ ង េ ១៣ភាគរយទៀតនៅភាគខាងជើងនៃ ថា នៅពេលណាមានការសង់បន្ទប់ជួល រាជធានីភ្នំពេញពិបាករកផលចំណេញ ទីក្រុងបាងកក៕ B.Post/BP គឺតែងត ែមានការកក់ទុកជា មុន និងមា ន ណាស់ ពីព្រោះដីក្នុងក្រុងមានតម្លៃខ្ពស់ ភ្នំពេញៈ ជាមួយនឹងកំណើនប្រជាជន អ្នកចូលទៅរស់នៅពេញៗជាប្រចាំ»។ ជាហត េ ធ ុ ឲ ្វើ យ្ កា រវន ិ យោ ិ គបប ែ ន េះព បា ិ ក ដែលច ល ូ ម ករស់នៅ រា ជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ កា ន់ នៅពេលសួរថា តើមនុស្សប ្រភេទណា រកប្រាក់ចំណេញ»។ តែច្រន ើ ឡ ង ើ ៗ ពម ី យ ួ ឆ ទៅ ្នាំ ម យ ួ ឆ ្នាំ បាន ជាអតិថិជនគោលដៅរបស់អ្នកវិនិយោគ លោក ចេង ខេង អគ្គនាយកក្រុមហ៊ុន ធ្វឲ ើ យ្ ត ម្រវូ កា របន្ទបជ ់ ល ួ មា នកាន់ត ែខ្លាង ំ ផ្នែកន េះលោក សុខនីម ប្រាបថា ់ អ្នកធ្វើ អចលនទព ្រ យ្ ក ម្ពជា ុ ស៊ភ ី អ ី ល ិ និងជា ប្រ- រហូតនៅ ព ល េ ខ ្លះកា រផ្គតផ ់ ង ្គ ម ់ ន ិ ទា ន់អា ច ការដែលមានប្រាក់ខែចន្លោះពី៣០០ទៅ ធានសមាគមអ្នកវាយតម្លៃ និងភ្នាក់ងារ ឆ្លើយតបតាមតម្រូវកា រទៀតផង។ ៤០០ដុលរ្លា និសស្ ត ិ កម្មកររោងចក្រនិង អចលនវត្ថុកម្ពុជាបា នប្រាប់ថា តម្រូវការ លោក ច្រក ឹ ស ខ ុ នីម អ គ្គនាយករងក្រម ុ ស្ត្រីបម្រើការងារនៅតាមកន្លែងកម្សាន្ត បន្ទបជ ់ ល ួ ព ត ិ ជា មា នចន ើ្រ ព ត ិ ប ក ្រា ដមន ែ ហ៊ន ុ អ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ VTrust Group ដែល សប្បាយនានា ដែលម កពប ី ណ្តាខត េ ព ្ត ក ួ ដោយសារតអ្ន ែ កនៅ តា មបណ្តាខត េ ច ្ត ល ូ បានធ្វើការស្រាវជ្រាវអំពីទំហំ និងតម្រូវ គេតែងស្នាក់នៅផ្ទះជួល ពីព្រោះពួកគេ មករស់នៅក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញកាន់តែ ការបន្ទប់ជួលតូចៗក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ មិនទា ន់មា នលទ្ធភា ពទញ ិ ផ ្ទះផ ល ្ទា ខ ់ ន ្លួ ។ មានចំនន ួ ច ន ្រើ ធ ឲ ្វើ យ្ ត ម្រវូ កា របន្ទបស ់ ក ្នា ់ បានប្រាបថា ់ តាមការស្រាវជ វ្រា របស់ក ម ្រុ ចំនួនប្រជាជនក្នុងក្រុមខាងលើបានហូរ នៅកកា ៏ ន់តែកើនឡ ើងផ ងដែរ។ ហ៊ន ុ និងទិ នន ្ន យ ័ ដែលទ ទួលបា នពីអាជ្ញា- ចូលរាជធានីភ្នំពេញកាន់តែច្រើនពីមួយ តែទោះបជា ី យ៉ាងណា លោ ក ចេងខេង ធរក្នុងស ង្កាតម ់ ួយចំនួននៅ ភ្នំពេញ បាន ឆ្នាទៅ ំ មួយឆ ្នាំ ដែលជាក ត្តាជ ំរុញឲ ្យតម្រូវ មានប្រសាសន៍ថា៖«រហូតមកដល់ពេល បង្ហាញថា នៅក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញមាន ការបន្ទប់ឬផ្ទះជ ួលកើនឡ ើងជាប្រចាំ។ នេះកា រផត ្គ ផ ់ ង ្គ ់ និងត ម្រវូ កា រលវើ ស ិ យ ័ នេះ បន្ទបជ ់ ល ួ ប ហ ្រ ល ែ ជា ង៤០០០និងអា ច លោក សន សៀប ប្រធានគ្រប់គ្រង មានតុល្យភាពគ្នារួចហើយ» ។ កើនឡ ង ើ រហូតដ ល់ជា ង១០.០០០បន្ទប់ ទូទៅន ៃក្រុមហ៊ុនឃី រៀលអេស្ទេត បាន ការវិនិយោគធ្វើផ្ទះជួលតូចៗជាការវិនិ ប្រសិនបើយើងបូកបញ្ចូលទាំងនៅតាម និយាយថាពិតជា មា នតម្រវូ កា របន្ទប់ និង យោគរយៈពល េ ខ ី្ល តែការវន ិ យោ ិ គបប ែ ន ះេ បណ្តាខេត្ត។ នៅភ្នំពេញតំបន់ដែលមាន ផ្ទះជួលដែលមានតម្លៃថោកៗច្រើននៅ អាចទទួលបានផលចំណូលសមរម្យ។ បន្ទបជ ់ ល ួ ច ន ្រើ គឺស ត ្ថិ នៅ តា មបណ្តោយ រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ ព្រោះនិស្សិតមកពីតាម ការវិនិយោគបន្ទប់ជួលអាចមានតម្លៃ ផ្លូវវេងស្រេងនិងផ ្លូវ២ ០០៤ជាដើម។ បណ្តាខត េ ម ្ត ករស់នៅ រា ជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ មា ន ចន្លោះព៤ ី ទៅ ៥ ពា ន់ដ ល ុ រ្លា ស ម្រាបប ់ ន្ទប់ លោកថ្លែងថា៖«តម្រូវការបន្ទប់ជួល ចំនន ួ កា ន់ត ច្រ ែ ន ើ ហ យ ើ អ ក ្ន រ ៀនចប់មា ន មួយជាន់ ឬពីរជាន់។ អ្នកវិនិយោគផ្នែក ដែលមានតម្លៃចន្លោះពី៣០ទៅ១០០ ការងារធ្វើតែមិនទាន់មានលទ្ធភាពទិញ នេះន ង ឹ ទ ទួលបា នបក ្រា ត ់ ឡ ្រ ប់( រួចខ្លន ួ ) ដុល្លារក្នុងមួយខែ ពិតជាបានកើនឡើង ផ្ទះផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនក៏មានចំនួនច្រើនដែរ។ អ្នក នៅរយៈពេលពី២ទៅ៣ឆ្នាំបន្ទាប់ ហេតុ គួរឲ្យចា ប់អា រម្មណ៍ ព ្រោះប ច្ចប ុ ប្ ន្នភ ព ្នំ ញ េ ទាំងអស់នោះភាគច្រើនស្នាក់នៅតាម នេះអ ក ្ន មា នដទ ី ន ំ រេ ធ ៗ ំ នៅ តា មបណ្តោយ កំពុងស្រូបយកកម្លាំងពលកម្មជាច្រើនពី បន្ទប់ជួលដែលមានតម្លៃចាប់ពី៦០ទៅ ផ្លូវ២០០៤ឬផ្លូវវេងស្រេងដែលមានធន តាមបណ្តាខត េ ដ ្ត ល ែ ម ករកការងារធនៅ ្វើ ១០០ដល ុ រ្លា ក ង ្នុ ម យ ួ ខ ។ ែ លោកបានបន្ត ធានមធ្យមគរួ វន ិ យោ ិ គលផ ើ ក ្នែ ន េះព្រោះ ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ស ស ិ ស្ -និសស្ ត ិ និងមួយច ន ំ ន ួ ទៀត ថា មានការវិនិយោគលវើិស័យនេះច្រើន វានឹងទទួលបានផលចំណេញច្រើនជា មករស់នៅជាអចិៃ្រន្តយ៍»។ លោកបាន ប៉ុន្តែវានៅតែមិនទាន់អាចឆ្លើយតបនឹង ជាងទុកដីនៅទំនេរ នេះបើតាមការប្រាប់ ការរក ី ចម្រន ើ សដ េ ក ្ឋ ច ិ ្ច បានធឲ ើ្វ យ្ វស ិ យ ័ សំណង់នៅបទ ្រ ស េ ថរៃ ក ី ដះុ ដាលយង ៉ា ខង ំ្លា ។ Bg បន្ថែមទៀតថា៖«ចំនួនផ្គត់ផ្គង់បន្ទប់ជួល តម្រូវកា របានទេនាពេលបច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ។ របស់លោក ច្រឹក សុខនីម៕
ការផត ្គ ផ ់ ង ្គ ប ់ ន្ទបជ ់ ល ួ តច ូ ៗមន ិ ទាន់ ឆ្លើយតបតាមតម្រូវការជាក់ស្តែង
International Property News Slater in coconut grove Reformed actor Christian Slater has just spent $2.2 million on an Italian-style villa in Coconut Grove, Florida. The property is a meticulously renovated 1926 estate on a lush, gated and secure street in the warm-weather, vacation home mecca of Coconut Grove. The house, named “Villa Dolce Far Niente” is an estate of blissful idleness, which would be perfect for lounging and enjoying the beautiful Florida weather. The 320 square metre property has a long brick driveway and a grand foyer. Dark hardwood floors lead you through arched doorways and French doors. An all-white eat-in kitchen includes marble floors and stainThe white album less steel appliances. The living room features a fireplace and a dramatic dining room with arched mahogany French doors, The central Asian nation of Turkmenistan has earned anoth- leading out to a very green and private outdoor area with a paer spot in the record books, with its capital recently recognised tio and large heated pool. as having more white marble on its buildings than any other Beyond the pool, a private, self-contained guesthouse has a city in the world. full bedroom with a luxurious steam-shower in the bathroom. The capital, Ashgabat, has been transformed from a post-Soviet backwater into a city of hundreds of soaring marble-clad government buildings and apartment blocks in an ostentatious display of Turkmenistan’s natural gas wealth. Guinness World Records editor-in-chief Craig Glenday last week awarded Ashgabat the record for the highest density of white marble-clad buildings, saying it “shows that the architectural restyling effort led by the Turkmen government has come to a high spectacular level”. Turkmenistan has something of a fixation on record-breaking. Last year, it was recognised as having the world’s largest ferris wheel in an enclosed space.
A bit of a shock In what may be one of the biggest celebrity real estate purchases this year, the famous US radio DJ Howard Stern has reportedly bought an expensive piece of South Florida real estate this week in a private sale. Reportedly, the infamous shock jock isn’t just making headlines for stirring up controversy on the airways, he’s also shocking America by paying an alleged $52 million for the beachfront property in Palm Beach. The estate was sold to Stern by American businessman Martin Trust and his wife, Diana. Custom built in 1992 on 3.25 waterfront acres on the North End of Palm Beach, the property boasts a staggering 3,650 square metres of living space, including a five-bedroom, 11bathroom, 1,750 square metre main house. The estate also features a swimming pool and spa, and lovely landscaping. Stern and his wife currently call New York City home, where he produces and hosts The Howard Stern Show for Sirus Radio. Now, the couple will now be neighbours with fellow radio “personalities” Rush Limbaugh and conservative political commentator Ann Coulter.
Barrymore gets more After a year that included a wedding and welcoming a new baby girl into the world, Drew Barrymore has just listed her stunning yet understated estate in Montecito in California for $7.5 million. Only last summer, Barrymore hosted a modest 190-person backyard wedding here to her art consultant husband Will Kopelman. Barrymore purchased the home for $5.7 million in June 2010 . The estate is a gorgeous 1937 traditional home on approxiSteeling himself mately two acres of secluded, lush grounds. The classic two-story estate features six bedrooms, 7.5 bathWater building First he was knocked off the top of the Sunday Times Rich rooms, a separate guest apartment and plenty of parking space. List, and now Lakshmi Mittal could lose $10.65 million on A walking path winds through the gardens, with citrus and It’s amazing what you can do with an old building. You can one of his properties. avocado trees and a vast lawn to create a true one-off. convert it into something as special as The Water Tower conThe Indian steel magnate, whose wealth was recently calculatversion in Kennington, south London. ed at $15 billion, paid $178 million for the 12-bedroom home What you now get is something more akin to a newlyin 2008, at the time the most expensive house in Britain. constructed property once inside, but with one foot firmly in The house is now on the market for a mere $167 million. the past. Still in place are the original York stone staircase, the The first floor of the 1,400 square metre house in the luxustunning exterior and a top floor space created from the old rious Kensington Palace Gardens is dedicated to the master water tank, offering 360-degree views over London. bedroom quarters. It was bought for Mittal’s 37-year-old son The nine floors of accommodation now includes five double Aditya, and reportedly has a special storage room for art, a bedrooms, four bathrooms and a glass ‘link’ to a cube, a new flower room and a silver room. It is believed he has never actustructure that offers a bright open kitchen and living area, a ally moved in. sitting room with projection TV and a 36 square metre roof Despite selling the home, Mittal still has two properties on terrace with even more amazing views. There’s also a gym, cel“Billionaires’ Row”. His fortune fell by an estimated $4 billion lar and garage. last year, causing him to fall to fourth in the Rich List, after Of course, it all comes at a price. And that price is a relatively eight years at number 1. reasonable $7.2 million.
NewArt Gallery FOR RENT
Contemporary Southeast Asia Art paintings, Posters & Photographs Expert Matting & Framing Paintings by khmer, Chiness, Viethamese and Thai artists No 20 St.9,next to phsar kapko,Phnom Penh Tel: 012 824 570
SIEM REAP #12 St 392 Boeung Keng Kang
SELL Personal Cinema The first personal cinema in siem reap 11 theater rooms for 2D&3D big screen 5.1 Channel surround First 3D Movie in Siem reap Near pub street,T : 078 952-970 Angkor Trade center, Siem reap
THE ONLY PROVIDER OF INTEGRATED MARKET & SOCIAL RESEARCH SOLUTIONS IN INDOCHINA #37ABC, Street 271, Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 215 184; Fax: 023 215 190, Email: Vietnam – Cambodia - Laos
NICE VILLA-SWIMMING POOL In TouAl kork area, decoration with 7 bedrooms & bathrooms, big beautiful Garden, living room, kitchen, fully furnished. Tel: 011994168 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT $12/sqm. New building Good location Available for 150 sqm per floor Tel: 077 777 869
FOR SALE SUZUKI SIDEKICK 1992 FOR sale Price: 3000 Tel: 077 718 965
1ST FLOOR VILLA 4 BEDROOMS For Rent, close to Lucky Supermarket BKK2, 04 Bedrooms, big living rooms, very nice kitchen, very big balcony, very quiet and safety.Price: $ 800/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
SWIMMING POOL WESTERN Apartment for rent in BKK I 02 bed 1350$ 03 bedr 2350$ 2 bath, Big living room Good kitchen. Very cleanand Western style. Furnished Very big Pool and Gym.Tel: 077 77 78 69
BRAND NEW WAREHOUSE FOR Rent Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), Size: 1,450sqm plus to 3,000sqm, electricity and water are connected. Price: US$1,7/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
TOWN HOUSE FOR RENT: Location: Tonle Basac 3 Bedr, 4Bath. 850/m Nice Balcony and Terrace Good environment. Furnished Tel: 077 777657
REAL MODERN APT FOR RENT BKK1, 01 & 02 Bed, living room,lots of light, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, roof top pool & gym, very good condition for living, Price: $1,500-2,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/
GARDEN VILLA FOR Rent 2500$/m. In Tonle Basac area, 3 bedrooms, big living room Very quiet, very safety Nice Garden and some trees Contact Tel: 077 777 657
BRAND NEW WAREHOUSE FOR Rent Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), Size: 1,450sqm plus to 3,000sqm, electricity and water are connected. Price: US$1,7/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
1ST FLOOR VILLA FOR RENT, In BKKI area, 02 Bedrooms, big living room, very big balcony, very safety area, very good condition for living. Price: US$600/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
SMALL VILLA FOR RENT South of Russian Market, 03 bedr ,fully furnished, nice kitchen, very quiet and safety, many trees, very good condition for living. $700/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
TRADITIONAL GARDEN VILLA FOR Rent In BKK1, 03-04 bedrooms, large living room, very light, some furnished, western kitchen, big balcony and terrace, very nice garden and trees, big parking and playground, quiet Price: US$3,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23
MODERN APARTMENT FOR RENT BKK1, 3 Bedrooms, large living room, very light, Fully Furnished, western Kitchen, Steam & Sauna, roof top garden, gym, very good condition for living, quiet & safe. Price: $3,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23
ESCAPE FROM PHNOM PENH at Nearby Kingdom Resort (20min) Fri or Sat night specials 1 Dinner + 1 Night + 1 Breakfast From $39 for 2 people. Get away this weekend! Tel: 023 72 15 14 | 012 528 534 Email: LAO-Z- RESTAURANT JUNE Special: Grilled Chicken, Sticky Rice and Papaya Salad just for $5. Lao beer for just a buck! #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415 MORE JUNE SPECIALS AT Steve’s Steakhouse! Chicken Curry, Fried Rice in a Pineapple, Fish And Chips and all for just $5.50. And red wine at $1.75 #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415 NOW OPEN: KINGDOM Guesthouse. Nice Cozy place to stay with WiFi, Cable TV, hot water showers connected lounge & Kitchenette starting at only $25, Located (guess where?) @ Steve’s Steakhouse #8, St.240 Tel: 023 215 415
TRY THE KINGDOM RESORT for your next Meeting, Conferences, Party, or Retreat. Reasonable rates Beautiful surroundings, Full Facilities! Only 20min from town. For more Info call: 023 72 15 14 or SUPER JUNE SPECIALS AT Steve’s Steakhouse! Big Cheese Burger Meal, Grilled Chicken Meal, Souvlaki,Mezes, or Spaghetti Bolognese for Just $5.50! #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415 5 STORY APARTMENT BUILDING On Sisowath Quay for rent. Prime location for residential, Restaurant, guesthouse or Other business. Tel: 069 679 696 RIVER FRONT APARTMENT FOR rent Fully furnish above Cantina Restaurant for $350 per month. Contact: 012 813 169
E-mail: newart_gallery007@ Facbook:Tep Toma(new art)
Special discount1-5% for June 2013 ! Suite 011, Building A, Ground Floor, Phnom Penh Center, Corner of Preah Sihanouk & SothearosBlvds., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, PO Box 981, Tel.: 077 863 545 / 023 217 545
BRAND NEW WESTERN apartment 01 bed 500$ 02 bath, Nice living room Good kitchen. Very clean and Furnished Contact Tel: 077 77 78 69
Ang Khmer Group 11 c, street 396 Beung Keng Kang III, Chamkar Mon district, Phnom Penh (Behind Vietnam Shopping mall and BokorCinema), Kingdom of Cambodia H/P: (855)-15 29 97 96,
FACTORY MANAGER WANTED to organize, manage, and control all functional departments for leading int. window manufacturer. Employer: International Windows Tel.: 077 588 888 Email: HOTEL FOR SALE (ARC005892) Centrally located in S-Reap town, new building with all en-suite & fur nishing,large parking, elevator ,L-Size:2400m2, Price:$7,500,000, Tel 097 6182 888 | BRAND NEW APARTMENT 4 Rent $400~$500/Mon near Royal Palace 1Living room, 1Bedroom Western Style, Fully Furnished Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 WESTERN APARTMENT FOR Rent $750/M, 6th Floor, BKK1Open Living room 1Bed 1Bath, Free Internet, Cleaning and Balcony, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 2BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR Rent Near Central Market, Daun Penh $500/M 2Beds 2Bath Big Living room, Nice Kitchen Fully Furnished, Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 4BEDROOM APARTMENT RENT $800/Month, Tonle Basac Area Fully Furnished, Big Balcony 2Living room 4Bedroom, 4Bath Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 BUILDING FOR RENT (ARC009987) Located in main business area ,on the main road in 7 Makara, corner lot, convenient floor, large parking lot, a/c 26, price:$ 10,900 / month Tel:016 807 817 | MODERNVILLAFORRENT(ARC011474) Located in Phnom Penh Tmei, gated community, 24h security, all fully furnished, nice interior design, 5-bed with bath, price: USD 1,500/ m Tel:016 666 192 | CONDO FOR RENT (ARC009415) Brand new ,3- bed rooms en-suite, open kitchen & dining room, well decorated and fully furnished, all facilities available,Price: $1,600/m Tel: 016 666 192 | HOTEL FOR SALE (ARC006609) In heart of DP, 80 units en-suite bath and furnishing,8 floors & rooftop swimming pool, L-Size: 480m2, Price : $3,00,000,Tel : 097 6182 888 APARTMENT FOR RENT (ARC009432) 3rd floor unit available in CKM , 1-bed, 2-bed, large rooftop swim- pool , nice garden, fully furnished, free wifi, 24h secu- guard,Price:$1,100/m Tel:016 666 192 | CONDO FOR SALE (ARC010748) In Bassac garden city, 24h-secu guard,10mn drive, all facilities & services available, plus pool, size: 160sqm, Price :$210,000, Tel : 097 6182 888. | 2BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR Rent Near Central Market, Daun Penh $500/M 2Bedroom 2Bath Big Living room, Nice Kitchen Fully Furnished, Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 BRAND NEW APARTMENT 4 Rent $450/Month in BKK1 Area 1Bedroom 1Bath, 1Car Parking Western Style, Fully Furnished Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 4BEDROOM APARTMENT Rent $800/M, Tonle Basac Area Fully Furnished, Big Balcony 2Living room 4Bedroom, 4Bath Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 VILLA FOR RENT: $1500/M Boeung Trobek Area near BKK1 $1500 per Month Very Big Yard 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furniture, 4Cars Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
LAND FOR SALE Price: 8, 4500$ size: 21X40m Located at Ta Khmao City Tel: 012 757 900/012 757 875
MODERN ROOF POOL AND GYM For Rent Located in BKKI, 1-2 bed, big living room, fully and modern furniture, modern kitchen, very roof top pool and gym, open big terrace, very quiet and safety. $1,500 -$2,500 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
SWIMMING POOL GARDEN VILLA For Rent In Chamkamorn District, 04 Bed, large living room, very nice interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony, very nice pool and garden very quiet and safety area, cars parking, very quite and safety. $3,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
BRAND NEW MODERN VILLA FOR Rent In Bassac Garden Compound, 4-5 Bed, very large living room perfect interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony and big terrace, it will be complete in June, very quiet & safety area, cars parking, roof top steam & sauna.$4,000/m. Tel: 092 23 26 23
OFFICE BUILDING FOR RENT located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00 PERFECT WESTERN VILLA FOR Rent Northbridge, 05 bedrooms, fully furnished, very light, western kitchen, perfect garden, big playground, 03 Cars Parking, quiet & safe, very good condition for living Rent: $ 3,500/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00 BUILDING FOR RENT (ARC010670) Commercial office on main road in CKM, suited location for bank & MFI office or business purpose. large parking lot, Price:$15,000 / m Tel :016 654 572 | BUILDING FOR SALE (ARC001170) On the main road, corner lot, in 7 Makara, all facilities included, large car park,7 floors , 2 elevators Price : $5,000,000 Tel : 097 6182 888
ផ�ះ���ងស��ប់ជួល ពីរ�ន់កន�ះ �ប់ផ�វធំ 390$/��ទី�ំង�� អន�រ�តិណត��ិតទំហំ៖4មx16ម ទំ�ក់ទំនង៖085 51 92 72
APARTMENT FOR RENT Price: $400/m,Bedroom 2 Fully furnished Tel: 078 85 58 85
Call: Samoeurn Sambath on 097 47 52 565 (or) Call: Bunthoeun Lim on 015 883 222 (or)
TAKE A FREE ADVERT. 1-2-3 IT’S SIMPLE! For just $7 upgrade to a premium advert & boost your bottom line For just 7$ we can publish your advertisement with a photograph and seven lines. Contact our headline to book a photo classies and boost your bottom line.
Sihanuk Ville good for hotel, apt or villa Interest ring @:068 222747
Ls: 18mx30m, 22 Bedrooms & baths Nice yard, good accessibility, suitable
free three lines period is for long time. Price 4,500 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 081 456 007
then 1$ per line
Behind Lumprevu, sale$45.000(neg) 081 22 27 47
2 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room Price: USD 500 per month Location: Near Russian Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Daun Penh, 3000 USD per month (Negotiable). Land Size: 22 m x 27m Nice garden & swimming pool, 3 cars parking 5 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture Tel: 095 584 007/081 456 007
Located in TTP Area, nearby Vietnamese Embassy, 3,200USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 17m x 30m, Nice garden with swimming pool, 3 cars parking 4 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture 081 456 007/ 095 584 007
Offered 5 bedrooms attached baths, two big balconies, 2 rooms for maids, very nice garden with large parking, partly furnished, located in the heart of the city (DP), Asking price 2500USD per month still negotiable Tel: 095 584 007/ 081 456 007
5 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room 2 Cars Park, Price: USD 138900 Location: In front of Toek Thla Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86(Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Phsar Duem Thkov Area 850USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 8m x 25m, 2 cars parking, 4 Bedrooms with 3 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004/ 092 757 947
Land size: 15m x 25m, and Located at Boeung Trabek, 5 Bedrooms with baths and small garden, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,600 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 081 818 004
Warehouse size: 1,350 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. 4,000 USD per month (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
1Bed, 1Kitchen, 1Bath, 1 Living Room, USD 29.900, 2Beds, 2Baths, 1Kitchen, 1Living Room, USD 39990, Reducing Payment: 2 years, Interest Rate: 0%. Near Russian Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Warehouse size: 1,000 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. Price 2,200 USD per month (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Building size: 8.2m x 20m, and Located on main road at Chamkarmorn EXLOGLQJ VSDFH IRU RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 4,700 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Building size: 8m x 16m, and Located on main road at Sensok EXLOGLQJ VSDFH IRU RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 2,600 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
HOUSE FOR SALE Price: $1,200/m, Bedrooms 2 with A/C. Tel: 078 85 58 85, 4Bedrooms Villa for Rent Swimming Pool $2,500/Month, Tonle Basac Area, Western Style, Nice Garden, Furnished, 1Living room, Nice Kitchen, 4Bedrooms A/C, 4Bathroom, Quiet Place, 2Car Parking,,Tel:077777869
to book your space 023 211 314 or
Price: $1,200/m, Bedrooms 2 with A/C. Tel: 078 85 58 85, 4Bedrooms Villa for Rent Swimming Pool $2,500/Month, Tonle Basac Area, Western Style, Nice Garden, Furnished, 1Living room, Nice Kitchen, 4Bedrooms A/C, 4Bathroom, Quiet Place, 2Car Parking,,Tel:077777869
5 Bedrooms, 6 Bathrooms, 1 Kitchen, 1 Living Room, 2 Cars Park Price: USD 1000 per month Location: Next Basak River H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECU
Land size: 12m x 43m, and Located at Chamkarmon, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 3 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,600 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Land size: 16m x 33m, and Located at Daun Penh, 6 Bedrooms with baths and big yard, around 4 cars parking, good accessibility, VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,000 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Located in Tuol Tumpoung Area, 2,000USD per month (Negotiable), Ls: 15m x 25m, Some tree, 3 cars parking 7 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004 / 092 757 947
Land: 20m x 30m, 8 Bedrooms, 10 Bathrooms, 2 Kitchens, 3 Living Rooms 4 Cars Park, Price: USD 2000 per month Location: Near Russian Market H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
2 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room 2 Cars Park, Price: USD 44990 Location: St.371, Near PC Market H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Tuol Tumpoung Area 1,400USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 10m x 30m, Nice garden, 3 cars parking 4 Bedrooms with 4 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004/ 092 757 947
Villa for rent in Toul Tompong area, Bs: 8m x15m, 2Floor, 3 bed rooms, 3 baths. fully furnished, good accessibility, security place IRU OLYLQJ DQG PDNLQJ DQ RIÂżFH WKHUH FDU parking. 1,000$ USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 087 818 005 / 087 818 004
Ls: 30mx40m, villa for rent in Toul kork area , 8 Beds with baths, Good accessibility, big parking. Nearby school, hospital and market, Suitable for running business like garage, restaurant. 2,500$/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 087 818 005 / 087 818 004
from now. It has a spacious, airy living space opening to balcony . This lovely apartment comes with furnished. $1300/month. Tel: 012490104 ZZZ SDOP HVWDWHDJHQW FRP
near by BKKI. It has a spacious, airy living ssace opening to balcony . It has basic furnished. Price: $800/month. Tel: 012490104 ZZZ SDOP HVWDWHDJHQW FRP
P FORVH WR ,QGHSHQGHQW 0RQXPHQW 2 nice Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms surrounded bamboo, WUHHV ÀRZHUV /DUJH \DUG JRRG environment for living Tel : 012 25 44 92 SRENG BOU CAR RENTAL SERVICE
Long contract and Sort contract
Building size: 8m x 16m, and Located on main road at Sensok, building space for RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 3,000 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Land size: 22m x 25m, and Located at Chamkarmorn, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice yard, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,700 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Land size: 18m x 28m, and Located at Daun Penh, 7 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,300 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Ls: 17m x 31m, and Located at Chamkarmon, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 6 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,500 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Warehouse size: 1,150 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. 2,200 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Rental Per Month x Lexus Lx 470 year 2000 : 1250 $ x Lexus Lx 470 year 1999 : 1200 $ x Lexus Rx 300 year 2000 : 750 $ x Lexus Rx 300 year 1999 : 700 $ x Honda CRV year 2000 : 500 $ x Honda CRV year 1999 : 450 $ x Toyota RAV4 year 2002 : 750 $ x Toyota RAV4 year 1999 : 500 $ x Toyota RAV4 year 1998 : 450 $ x Toyota Highlander 2002 : 800 $ x Camry year 2002 : 650 $ x Camry year 2000 -2001 : 500 $ x Camry year 1997-1999 : 450 $ Included Insurance Full Coverage address :#35 St 310, BKK I ,Phnom Penh H/P : 012 891 845 / 016 33 00 25 Email :
YOUR REAL ESTATE EXPERTS :063 3&"-&45"5& &91&354
June 06, 2013 • FABRUARY 21 2013 t 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0.
Cambodia’s premier real estate agency 5 Bedroom Villa for Sale in Ta Khmau This lovely family villa is located in the southern district of Ta Khmau. The villa has two levels, with a large ground floor and a smaller upstairs area. The property features wooden floors throughout, a large modern kitchen and contemporary bathrooms. The villa is nestled in a nice, well maintained garden that includes a detached gazebo that would would be great for entertaining.
2 Bedroom Apartment in Tonle Bassac
3 Bedroom Villa in Tonle Bassac
This property offers stylish living with a modern kitchen and bathroom facilities. The apartment comes with a free year membership of a gym for a year lease. The apartment is fully serviced.
This fully-furnished villa is located in one of Phnom Penh’s gated communities. The living space on ground floor opens out to a small patio and pool area that would be fantastic for entertaining.
2 Bedroom Apartment in Wat Phnom
1 Bedroom Apartment in Daun Penh
This 2 bedroom apartment comes fully furnished and is excellent value. The apartment has a separate kitchen and dining that leads to a living room area that has access to rear private balcony.
This one bed apt is located near the Royal Palace and the riverside areas of Daun Penh. It features 1 bedroom with a en-suite and a small rear kitchen. There is a small terrace on the rooftop for relaxing.
Contact us today for all your property needs.
$450 Tel: 077 959 861
Corner St 63 & St 294 BKK1, Phnom Penh
5-Bedrooms villa available in BKI, nice decoration with nice open living area, nice kitchen, garden with trees Price: 3,500$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0237) 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
3-Bedrooms villa available in BKKI, Nice layout with nice open living area, nice kitchen, garden with trees Price: 1,900$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0398) 069 48 95 43 / 017 76 92 71
In BKKI area, 1-beds & 2 baths, nice Living area with furniture, nice kitchen, Parking, security 24h. Price: 750$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0155) 069 48 95 43 / 017 76 92 71
Toul Kor, nice decoration & 4-beds & baths, nice open two living area to view pool, modem kitchen, nice view large balcony, trees, pool, furniture. 2,500$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0574) 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
In BKKI area, western style with nice furniture, balcony, nice open living room, nice kitchen, gym, pool, security 24h Price: 1,350$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0057) 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
$YDLODEOH RQ VHFRQG ÀRRU nice living room, balcony, nice kitchen, fully furnished. Price: 450$/mth Ref-apt: 0390) 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
On East side of Russian Market Area, nice layout with open living room, balcony, nice kitchen, garden, trees, Price: 2,500$/mth (Ref-villa: 0054) 069 48 95 43 / 017 76 92 71
In BKKI area, nice decoration with modern furniture, nice view balcony nice open living room, nice kitchen, gym, security 24h. Price: 1,200$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0352) 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
Apartment Rentals & Property Management +855 12 971 001
�ជ�នីភá&#x; á&#x;†ďż˝ ពញ ��រជួលទá&#x;†áž á&#x;†áž&#x;ážšážťáž” 2000m2 ��រ 8x26,80m 2�នá&#x;‹ បន�ប�� á&#x;‹ áž„12 បន�បទរ á&#x;‹ ក 18, áž…á&#x;†ďż˝áž™60m áž–áž¸áž˘áž„ďż˝ážšážƒďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž„áž™ážź áž…á&#x;†ďż˝áž™ 350m ďż˝áž„ďż˝ážžáž„áž•ďż˝ďż˝ážœďż˝áž?ឡ��ហ6 áž—ážźáž˜ážˇáž…ážťáž„ďż˝ áž&#x;á&#x;Šážź ��áž?ďż˝á&#x;€áž˜ďż˝áž” áž?���$3500/�� ដីáž&#x;áž›á&#x;‹ �ច��ឞá&#x;ˆ �ង, �ជនី��ន, �រ��លá&#x;?áž™ áž‘ážźážšáž&#x;áž–ďż˝á&#x;?á&#x;ˆ 012 63 0664 | 012 88 07 45 ដីលកá&#x;‹áž”��នá&#x;‹ �ជឡáž?�ងច��ចឝá&#x;‡ áž–áž¸áž•ďż˝ážœďż˝ďż˝áž„ďż˝ďż˝áž„ áž–áž¸áž•ďż˝ážœáž’á&#x;†4á&#x; máž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;† ដី 621má&#x;˘áž›áž€á&#x;‹áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝$11á&#x; ,á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; ល�បá&#x;†áž•ážťáž?áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž&#x;áž„á&#x;‹áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž‡áž˝áž› �កá&#x;‹áž‘áž„Tel : 016 667 279 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž›á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ážšďż˝áž™áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž›áž€á&#x;‹ ហណ��នជá&#x;?áž™ áž&#x;/ក �លáž&#x;ďż˝ďż˝ážœďż˝ ដី2200má&#x;˘ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†500má&#x;˘ លកá&#x;‹ $419,000 Tel: 016 667279 ដីលកá&#x;‹áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝ážžáž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸ 15មx21ម លកá&#x;‹áž€ďż˝áž„áž?��� 21á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; ដឝ�� áž&#x;�ឡáž?ďż˝áž˘ážźážšďż˝ďż˝áž€áž€ďż˝áž˜ Tel:016 667 279 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž›áž€á&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝ážžáž•ďż˝ážœďż˝áž?ឡ��ហá&#x;˘ ��កá&#x;‹áž˘ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž˜ ďż˝ រកáž&#x;ážťďż˝ ី áž“ áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ á&#x;Ľáž˜xá&#x;Ąá&#x;Śáž˜ ដី:á&#x;Ľáž˜xá&#x;Ąá&#x;Śáž˜ áž?��� á&#x;˘á&#x;˘á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; ដឝ�� Tel: 016 667 279 | ដីលកá&#x;‹ďż˝áž”រង����ក áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸:5មx25ម ��កទឡáž&#x;��ឞង áž?���:$150000 �នប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„, ល�áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ áž&#x;áž„á&#x;‹áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž‡áž˝áž›áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž‡áž“ďż˝áž?ឡបរ��áž&#x; Tel: 016 667 279 ដីលកá&#x;‹ ��á&#x;€áž˜ďż˝áž”áž—ážźáž˜ážˇďż˝áž—ážťáž› áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸:25មx57ម,ល�áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž&#x;á&#x;†ážŽáž€á&#x;‹ Boutique hotel/ apartment áž?��� á&#x;˘á&#x;¤á&#x;Ľ á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; ដឝ�� Tel: 016 667 279 | áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž›áž€á&#x;‹ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸áž“ឡងផ�á&#x;‡á&#x;¨áž˜xá&#x;Ąá&#x;Śáž˜ á&#x;Ąá&#x;˘ បន�បá&#x;‹áž?��� á&#x;Ľá&#x;¨á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; ដឝ�� áž&#x;�ឡáž?�ផ��រáž&#x;ážťážœďż˝ďż˝á&#x;” Tel: 016 666 258 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž›áž€á&#x;‹ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸á&#x;Ąá&#x;Łáž˜xá&#x;˘á&#x;¤áž˜ អ�រá&#x;Ąá&#x;˘áž˜xá&#x;Ąá&#x;¨áž˜ á&#x;Łá&#x; បន�បá&#x;‹, áž?���á&#x;Śá&#x; á&#x; ,á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; ដឝ�� áž&#x;/ក��យ ច�� Tel: 016 666 258 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž„ á&#x;˘ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž„លកá&#x;‹ 8.5m x20m áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž‡á&#x;?យជá&#x;†áž“á&#x;ˆ ជឡáž?ផ��រក��ល ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„កá&#x;†áž–áž&#x;á&#x;‹áž–ីរ�នá&#x;‹ áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $950,000 ដឝ��រ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ 8.5m x20m ��ង�ចá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝ážťáž„ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697
ដីលកá&#x;‹ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸ á&#x;Ąá&#x;¤áž˜ x á&#x;˘á&#x;Ľáž˜ áž?��� á&#x;¤á&#x;§á&#x; ,á&#x; á&#x; á&#x; ដឝ�� áž&#x;�ឡáž?ក��ងáž&#x;/ក បរង��ងកងá&#x;Ł �ងáž&#x;áž„á&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž?áž˜ážˇáž“ 016 666 258 |
ážœďż˝ďż˝áž›áž€á&#x;‹ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ áž•ďż˝ďż˝ážœážźáž’á&#x;† ��ង áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸ 25m x25m លកá&#x;‹ $1.5 �ន áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”រង��ងកងá&#x;Ł áž•ďż˝ďż˝ážœáž’á&#x;† ��ង �នá&#x;¨áž”ន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„ á&#x;¨áž”ន�បá&#x;‹áž‘រក áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 958
ដីផ�á&#x;‡ážœďż˝áž‘��លកá&#x;‹ 1.6 �នដឝ��រ បរá&#x;‹áž„��ងកងá&#x;Ą áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸á&#x;ˆ 17mx30m áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž€á&#x;†áž–áž&#x;á&#x;‹á&#x;˘ďż˝áž“á&#x;‹ បន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;Ś áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ ��រ���á&#x;‰ďż˝áž“ ážšďż˝ �រ��លá&#x;?áž™ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 958
áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ážœďż˝ďż˝áž›áž€á&#x;‹áž”��នá&#x;‹ បឝរ��នá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž‘ួល�ក áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸á&#x;Łá&#x;Ąá&#x; má&#x;˘ ��រ á&#x;Łá&#x; á&#x; má&#x;˘ បន�ប�� á&#x;‹ áž„á&#x;¤ ទរកá&#x;¤ áž?���លកá&#x;‹ USD 390,000 Tel: 097 6182 888
áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ážœďż˝áž‘�� ដីទá&#x;†áž á&#x;† 11mx26m $520,000 áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”រង��ងកងá&#x;Ł ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ ដី 11m x26m áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ 9m x17m បន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;¤ បន�បá&#x;‹áž‘រកá&#x;Ł áž…á&#x;†ážŽá&#x;†áž?á&#x;¤ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697
��រ �រ��លá&#x;?áž™áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž‡áž˝áž› áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž–ី $10/m2 ក��ងá&#x;Ąďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ ទី�á&#x;†áž„áž•ďż˝ďż˝ážœáž’á&#x;† áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†áž–ី150m2 ដលá&#x;‹1500m2 áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697
ដីលកá&#x;‹áž”��នá&#x;‹ďż˝ážžáž•ďż˝ážœďż˝áž“ណ�យ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†40,470ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ �នប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„áž…á&#x;†ďż˝áž™2 ,700ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž–ីធ��រ�áž?ឡáž?�ី áž?���150$/ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝á&#x;” Tel:067 666686
ážœďż˝ďż˝áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž›áž€á&#x;‹ ដី 16m x25m áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ 12m x18m ទួល��យ��á&#x;Ą áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $80 áž˜ážťážşáž“ážŠážťďż˝ďż˝ážš á&#x;Ľáž”ន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 958
ដីលកá&#x;‹áž”��នá&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†615ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ážš á&#x; �នប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„áž&#x;�ឡáž?ďż˝áž&#x;�រង�នជá&#x;?យចឝá&#x;‡áž–áž¸áž•ďż˝ážœ áž˜ážťáž“ďż˝áž¸ďż˝ďż˝áž?300ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž„�ឞáž?ážœďż˝áž‘ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž“ďż˝áž?ឡ �ណឡជ�����áž?���150,000$(áž?) Tel:012 88 11 92
áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ďż˝ďż˝áž„លកá&#x;‹ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;† 4mx18m áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”រង��ងកងá&#x;Ł កá&#x;†áž–áž&#x;á&#x;‹á&#x;Łďż˝áž“á&#x;‹áž”�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $190,000 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ 4m x14m បន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;Ś បន�បá&#x;‹áž‘រកá&#x;Ś áž…á&#x;†ážŽáž?á&#x;Ą áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697
ដី��ងលកá&#x;‹áž”��នá&#x;‹áž‡ážˇáž?បឝរ�ពឡភពáž?�ី �បá&#x;‹áž•ďż˝ážœážŠďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž¸ďż˝ďż˝áž„áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†38,000ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ ��áž?��� 90$/ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ Tel: 067666686
áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ážœďż˝áž‘��លកá&#x;‹ ដីទá&#x;†áž á&#x;† 16mx25m ក��ងáž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”ážšáž„ďż˝á&#x;†áž„ ដសន��ញបន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;Ľ បន�បá&#x;‹áž‘រកá&#x;Ś áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸á&#x;ˆ 16m x 25m លកá&#x;‹ 1�នá&#x;Łďż˝ďż˝áž“ដឝ��រ ជួល$3000/�� áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 958
ដីលកá&#x;‹áž”��នá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž™ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝á&#x;€áž“ ណáž?ďż˝á&#x;Šďż˝áž¸áž?áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†20,000ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž“ប�ងá&#x;‹ រ�ងáž?���200$/ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝(áž?) Tel: 067666686 ážœďż˝ďż˝áž€ážźáž“ďż˝áž?á&#x;‹áž›áž€á&#x;‹ďż˝áž”ឝរ���ង The Star Light �ងលឡចទួល�ក áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážœďż˝ďż˝5.10mx12m(E0E1E2) ដី5.10x17.5m�ន4áž”.��ង5 áž”. ទរក�ន�ងទរកក�រប�áž?á&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝ážŽ áž?���147,000$(áž?) Tel: 067666686 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ážœďż˝áž‘��áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž‡áž˝áž› áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $1000/�� ក��ងáž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹ ទួលទá&#x;†áž–ážźáž„á&#x;Ą �នá&#x;Łáž”ន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„ ល�áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ ážšáž&#x;á&#x;‹ďż˝ážšďż˝ďż˝ážšďż˝ďż˝áž›á&#x;?áž™ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 958 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž„លកá&#x;‹ ដីទá&#x;†áž á&#x;† 5.8mx25m áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”រង��ងកងá&#x;Ł ពីរ�នá&#x;‹ ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡5.8m x20m ជួល�ន$1200/�� áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $330,000 �ចចរ��ន áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 958 ដីនឡងផ�á&#x;‡ážœďż˝áž‘�� លកá&#x;‹ 12mx15m $400,000 áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”រង��ងកងá&#x;Ł ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ ដី 12m x15m áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ 10m x12m បន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;Ľ បន�បá&#x;‹áž‘រកá&#x;Ľ áž…á&#x;†ážŽá&#x;†áž?ទ��នá&#x;˘ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697
ដីលកá&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;† 26mx58m áž•ďż˝ďż˝ážœáž’á&#x;† $580.000 ážŠážťďż˝ďż˝ážšáž•ďż˝ďż˝ážœáž’á&#x;† áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž—ďż˝á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝áž‰áž?�ី ទី�á&#x;†áž„ល�áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ ážœďż˝áž‘ďż˝ďż˝ áž—ážźáž˜ážˇďż˝ďż˝ážšá&#x;‡ រ���រ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697 ដី នឡងផ�á&#x;‡áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž›áž€á&#x;‹ áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $590,000 ប�ងរá&#x;‹ áž„ ďż˝ áž&#x;��áž?,á&#x;‹ ទួលទá&#x;†áž–áž„ ážź á&#x;Ą áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸ 15m x25m. 012 939 958 ដីáž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž›áž€á&#x;‹ 23m x 34m 770m2 :23mx34m, $2,300,000 ដឝ��រ ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ áž?á&#x;†áž”áž“á&#x;‹ážŠážźáž“��ញ ជឡáž?ážœďż˝ďż˝áž“ ឯក�ជ�� 077 777 697 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž„លកá&#x;‹ ដីទá&#x;†áž á&#x;† 4.2mx30m áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”រង��ងកងá&#x;Ł ពីរ�នá&#x;‹ ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $250,000 áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ 4 m x22m បន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;Ľ áž&#x;áž›á&#x;‹ážŠáž¸ďż˝áž„áž˜ážťáž á&#x;Śáž˜ďż˝ďż˝áž™á&#x;˘áž˜ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697 ��រ áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž‡áž˝áž› áž•ďż˝ďż˝ážœáž’á&#x;† $6000/�� ទី�á&#x;†áž„ ហណ�ចá&#x;†ďż˝ážšáž˜áž“ កá&#x;†áž–áž&#x;á&#x;‹á&#x;Śďż˝áž“á&#x;‹ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ážš 12m x15m ល�áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ďż˝ážšďż˝ďż˝áž›á&#x;?áž™ ážšďż˝ áž˜áž“ďż˝áž¸ďż˝ďż˝áž‘ďż˝ďż˝ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 958 ដីលកá&#x;‹áž”��នá&#x;‹ďż˝ážžáž•ďż˝ážœďż˝áž“ណ�យ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†25,267ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž“ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„áž…á&#x;†ďż˝áž™ 200ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž–áž¸áž•ďż˝ážœáž‘á&#x;†áž“áž”á&#x;‹áž€á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ážźážœáž?���150$/m2 Tel:067666686
ដីលកá&#x;‹ 17mx30m 1.5�នដឝ��រ ដី 17mx30m លកá&#x;‹ 1.5�នដឝ��រ áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”រង��ងកងá&#x;Ą ទី�á&#x;†áž„ល�áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ ��រ �រ��លá&#x;?យរ���áž?ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝áž“ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697 ដីលកá&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;† 14mx25m លកá&#x;‹áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $470000 ដឝ��រ áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž”រង��ងកងá&#x;Ł ទី�á&#x;†áž„ល�áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹ ��រ �រ��លá&#x;?យរ���áž?ďż˝á&#x;‰ďż˝áž“ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697 ážœďż˝ďż˝áž’á&#x;† មá&#x;‰ážźáž?áž?�ី áž&#x;á&#x;†ážŽá&#x;†áž„á&#x;‹áž?�ី áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž›áž€á&#x;‹ ទី�á&#x;†áž„ក��ង áž&#x;.ក ទរក���នទá&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸ 22m x 43m áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝áž›áž€á&#x;‹ $800,000 បន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;Ľ បន�បá&#x;‹áž‘រកá&#x;Ľ �ង��លទរកធá&#x;† áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“ងទឡញ 077 777 697 ��á&#x;†áž„�ងច�� áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž‡áž˝áž› 15000m2 ��រáž?�ី áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝á&#x;†áž„ 15000m2 ដីá&#x;˘áž ឡច� áž—ďż˝á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝áž‰áž?�ី ហណ�á&#x;?��នáž&#x;ážťáž áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $1.5/m2 áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697 ážœďż˝ďż˝áž&#x;á&#x;†ďż˝áž”á&#x;‹áž›áž€á&#x;‹ ដីទá&#x;†áž á&#x;† 12m x24m បរង��លឡáž? áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ 73 áž˜ážťážşáž“ážŠážťďż˝ďż˝ážš á&#x;Ľáž”ន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 958 ដី នឡង áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡áž›áž€á&#x;‹ ប��នá&#x;‹ 30m x 40m �នទី�á&#x;†áž„ áž&#x;ង��á&#x;‹áž”រងកកá&#x;‹á&#x;˘ ទួល�កáž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝áž›áž€á&#x;‹ $1450,000 ($1200/m2) �បá&#x;‹áž•ďż˝ážœáž’á&#x;†áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†ážŠáž¸á&#x;ˆ 30 m x 40m ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž„លកá&#x;‹ ដីទá&#x;†áž á&#x;† 6.5mx17m បរង��ងកងá&#x;Łáž€á&#x;†áž–áž&#x;á&#x;‹áž–ីរ�នá&#x;‹ ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ 6.5 m x13m បន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;Ľ áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $230,000 �ចចរ��ន áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 077 777 697 áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡ďż˝ďż˝ďż˝áž„លកá&#x;‹ ដីទá&#x;†áž á&#x;† 7.5mx23m បរង��ងកងá&#x;Ł កá&#x;†áž–áž&#x;á&#x;‹áž–ីរ�នá&#x;‹ ប�ងá&#x;‹ážšďż˝áž„ áž?á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝ $320,000 áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†áž•ďż˝á&#x;‡4.2m x18m បន�បá&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;Ľ áž&#x;áž›á&#x;‹ážŠáž¸áž…á&#x;†ďż˝á&#x;€áž„ 3.3m áž‘á&#x;†ďż˝áž€á&#x;‹áž‘á&#x;†áž“áž„ 012 939 9
YOUR REAL ESTATE EXPERTS •June 21 06,, 2013 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. t FABRUARY
$400~$500/Mon near Royal Palace 1Living room, 1Bedroom Western Style, Fully Furnished
Price: $850/m,Bedroom 3, Fully furnished, Near Royal Palace
Price: $500/m,Bedroom 2 Fully furnished, BKK 3
Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
$750/Month, 6th Floor, BKK1 Open Living room 1Bedroom 1Bath, Free Internet, Cleaning and Balcony, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
Near Central Market, Daun Penh $500/Month 2Bedroom 2Bath Big Living room, Nice Kitchen Fully Furnished, Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 4BEDROOM APARTMENT RENT
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Price: $300/m,Bedroom 1 Fully furnished, Near Russain Market Tel: 078 85 58 85
$650/m,Bedroom 1, Bathroom 1 New Fully furnished, BKK 1 Tel: 078 85 58 85
vv $800/Month, Tonle Basac Area Fully Furnished, Big Balcony 2Living room 4Bedroom, 4Bath
Price: $700/m,Bedroom 3 Fully furnished With Land Garden
Located in Phnom Penh Tmei, gated community, 24h security, all fully furnished, nice interior design, 5-bed with bath, price: USD 1,500/ month
Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
Boeung Trobek Area near BKK1 $1500 per Month Very Big Yard 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furniture, 4Cars Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 APARTMENT FOR RENT
$350/m,Bedroom 1, Fully furnished Tel: 078 85 58 85
$450/m,Bedroom, Fully furnished Tel: 078 85 58 85
$400/m,Bedroom 2, Fully furnished Tel: 078 85 58 85
Tel:016 666 192 | CONDO FOR RENT (ARC009415)
Brand new, 3- bed rooms en-suite, open kitchen & dining room, well decorated and fully furnished, all facilities available,Price: $1,600/mo Tel: 016 666 192 | CONDO FOR SALE (ARC010748)
In Bassac garden city, 24h-secu guard,10mn drive, all facilities & services available, plus pool, size: 160sqm, Price :$210,000,
Tel : 097 6182 888. |
$250/m,Bedroom 1, Fully furnished, Near Royal Palace Tel: 078 85 58 85
Price: $1550/m,Bedroom 4 Fully furnished, ToulKok Tel: 078 85 58 85
$850/m,Bedroom 3, Fully furnished With Land Garden Tel: 078 85 58 85
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Commercial ofďŹ ce on main road in CKM, suited location for bank & MFI ofďŹ ce or business purpose. large parking lot, Price:$15,000 / month , Tel :016 654 572 | APART FOR SALE (ARC003514)
Centrally located in BPL, 7-unit service apartment, all furnishing, 4 oors & 24h guard, L-Size: 190m, Price : $ 530,000, Tel: 097 6182 888 /
YOURREALESTATEEXPERTS 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. t
�យá&#x;— ពីបá&#x;‰ážťáž&#x;�អចលន��ព� �កអ�កនរងទទួល�ន �រចឝá&#x;‡áž•ďż˝áž™ďż˝áž™ážĽáž?គឡáž?��� á&#x;ĄážŠáž„ក�ង ďż˝ á&#x;Ąáž&#x;��ហá&#x;? �យ��ន� á&#x;‹ áž” ďż˝ ďż˝ á&#x;† ញ ďż˝ ���ទ ďż˝ អចលន��ព� áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;† ទី�á&#x;†áž„ áž?��� ��ហទសរáž&#x;á&#x;?áž–ďż˝ នឡងពá&#x;?áž?á&#x;Œďż˝áž“���ងá&#x;— ��ល�នចá&#x;†áž“ួនá&#x;Ś ប��áž?á&#x;‹ áž˜áž€ďż˝áž“á&#x;‹
�រ��លá&#x;?យបá&#x;‰ážťáž&#x;���� áž ážź áž˘ážˇáž›áž’áž¸ážŒáž¸ á&#x;¨á&#x;¨á&#x;¨ អ�រF áž˜áž‡ďż˝áž˜ážŽďż˝áž›áž—ďż˝á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝áž‰ ďż˝ďż˝áž„áž•ďż˝ďż˝ážœáž&#x;ឝ�រáž&#x; នឡង��á&#x;‡áž&#x;ីហនឝ áž&#x;��áž?á&#x;‹áž‘�����កá&#x;‹ ហណ�ចá&#x;†ďż˝ážšáž˜áž“ តអឝី��ល áž&#x;ážźáž˜áž…ážźáž›ážšáž˝áž˜ áž”á&#x;†ďż˝ďż˝áž‰áž“ážźážœáž‘ďż˝ďż˝áž„á&#x;‹ďż˝ďż˝áž”បទáž?�ី��á&#x;‡
áž‘á&#x;†áž á&#x;†...........................................................................................................................................................................
ទីáž?ážśá&#x;†áž„......................................................................................................................................................................... áž?���...........................................................................................................................................................................
���ងá&#x;—........................................................................................................................................................................ ��ហទសរáž&#x;á&#x;?áž–ďż˝.................................................................................................................................................................
YOUR REAL ESTATE EXPERTS :063 3&"- &45"5& &91&354
June 06, 2013 FABRUARY 21,•2013 t 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0.
15 15
BKK1, 5 bedrooms, large living room, light, fully furnished, western kitchen, big balcony and terrace, nice garden and trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safe. US$3,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Chroy Changva (across Japanese Bridge), 04 bedrooms, big living rooms, balcony, a lot of light, nice kitchen, fully furnished . Price: $1,200/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
BKKI, 1-2 bedrooms, open living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, nice balcony, roof top gym, very good condition for living Price: US$1,000-US$1,400/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In Chamkamorn District, 4 Bedrooms, large living room, nice interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony, nice pool, garden, cars parking, quite & safety. US$3,000/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Toul Kork, 5 Bedrooms, a lot of light, big living room, western kitchen, nice pool and garden, big playground, big trees, quiet & Safety, 3 cars parking, good for living. US $3,000/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Teuk Thlar Northbridge School, $3,000/ mth, Swimming Pool, Nice Garden, Western Style, Big Living room, 5Beds, 5Baths, Full Furnished & Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
$600/Month in 7Makara Area Real Western Style, Furniture Living Room, 1Bedroom A/c Nice Kitchen, 1Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
BKKI, 1-2 bedrooms, large living room, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, big balcony, quite & safety area, big parking lots, good for living. US$800-US$1,200/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), 1,450sqm plus to 3,000sqm, electricity and water are connected. possible for trucks across. US$1,7/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Near Toul Tompoung Market $1900 per Month Very Big Yard 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furniture, 5Cars Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
Boeung Kak2, Toul Kok Area, $3,000/ mth, Swimming Pool, Nice Garden, Western Style, Big Living room, 5Beds, 5Baths, Full Furnished & Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 HOTEL FOR SALE (ARC006609)
In Bassac Garden Compound, 03 Bedrooms, large living room, perfect interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony, cars parking, very quite and safety. Price: $3,000/month. Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
At south of Russian Market, 3 Bedrooms, nice living rooms, big parking, big play ground, safety and quiute, very good condition for living. Price: US$800/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In heart of DP, 80 units en-suite bath and furnishing, 8 oors & rooftop swimming pool, L-Size: 480m2, $3,00,000, Tel : 097 6182 888 |
Roof top swimming pool and gym, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, 1-2-3 bedrooms. Price: US$1,100 to US$1,900/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Commercial Street, 6 Stories, 12x22m, good condition for School, ofďŹ ce, Bank, showroom, clinic & Hospital, Hotel & other business purpose. US$9,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00 APARTMENT FOR RENT
2 Beds, Price:$600/m, Big Terrace, Fully furnished, Area: Near Russian Market. Tel: 092 447 391 PERFECT WESTERN VILLA FOR RENT
Northbridge, 5 bedrooms, fully furnished, light, western kitchen, perfect garden, big playground, 03 Cars Parking, quiet & safe, very good condition for living. Rent: $ 3,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
close to independent monument, 02 Bedrooms, open living rooms, western kitchen, wooden oor, big balcony, Price: $ 600/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Near Royal Palace Area, 02 beds, fully furnished, very light, nice kitchen, very safety, good condition for living Price: US$400/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Ls: 18.5m x 34.5m, 9 Bedrooms, baths nice yard, good accessibility, suitable for living, residential and small hotel. Leasing period is for long time. 4,200 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 095 584 007
Fs: 30,000m2, Free land at industrial area near Porchin Tong Airport. The owner of the land wants to rent free land. Rental 0.1 USD/square for free land Rental 1.7USD/square Tel: 097 6 707 696/ 087 818 004 VILLA FOR RENT
In Beoung Trobek Area, 5 Bedrooms, big front yard, many trees, very quiet and safety, the best location for living and ofďŹ ce. Price: US$1,500/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
BKK1, 1-2-3 Bedrooms, large living room, light, Fully Furnished, western Kitchen, Steam & Sauna, roof top garden, gym, good condition for living, quiet & safe. $900- $1,500-$3,000/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Near Royal Palace Area, 1-2 bedrooms, fully furnished, lights, vey nice kitchen, very quiet & safe, very good condition for living Rent: US$600-US$800/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Khan Dounpenh, Hs:17x40m, 13 Bedrooms, 15baths, good accessibility, suitable for running business such as Hotel, 3 car parking. Near Embassy. 5000 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 081 41 44 45 / 087 818 005
Location: near Central Market $650/Month: 2Bedroom, 2Bath Western Style, Big Living room Big Balcony, Western Kitchen Contact to View: 012 939 958 TWIN VILLA FOR RENT
Price: $700/m, 4 Bedrooms, Garden, Parking: 2 Cars Fully furnished & Nice Area:CCV, Tel:012 838 829 VILLA FOR RENT
Khan Dounpenh, Hs: 8.5x13m, Ls: 9mx16m, 5 Bedrooms, good accessibility, suitable fo Living and making ofďŹ ce. 2 car parking. Near By Embassy. Price 1500 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 081 41 44 45 / 087 818 005 WESTERN VILLA FOR RENT
16x30, Three stories house has 4 Bedrooms & baths, 4 ofďŹ ce rooms, One living room, kitchen. It is special for the residential and small ofďŹ ce. Rental 2300USD/ mth can negotiable. Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004 NICE VILLA FOR RENT
3 Beds, $1,500/m, Nice & Western
style, BKK 1, Tel: 012 83 88 29
Centrally located in S-Reap town, new building with all en-suite & fur nishing, large parking, elevator, L-Size:2400m2, Price:$7,500,000 Tel 097 6182 888 | BUILDING FOR SALE (ARC001170)
On the main road, corner lot, in 7 Makara, all facilities included, large car park, 7 oors, 2 elevators, $5,000,000 Tel : 097 6182 888 | APARTMENT FOR RENT
2 Bedrooms, $800/m, Western, Nice Living room, Fully furnished, BKK 1 Tel: 092 447 391
In main business area , main road in 7 Makara, corner lot, convenient oor, large parking lot, a/c 26, $ 10,900 /mth Tel:016 807 817 | TWIN VILLA FOR RENT
4 Bedrooms, Price: $600/m, Furnished, Western style Area:CCV, Tel:092 447 391 POOL VILLA FOR RENT
Rent: $2,000/mth 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, Kitchen, dining area, living room, pool, nice garden and full of light. It’s located in TK. Tel: 017 45 70 70
3 Beds, $450/m, Big, Nice & Fully furnished BKK 3, Tel 012 83 88 29
Rent: $850 - $900/mth, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, dining area, living room, fully furnished, balcony, full of light & elevator. It’s Russian TRADITIONAL VILLA FOR RENT
Daun Penh close to Independent Monument, 7 beds, big living rooms, balcony, nice kitchen, some furniture, good for ofďŹ ce, boutique hotel, business purpose, big parking. US$4,000/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Close to Vietnam Embassy, 1-2 Beds, large living room, lights of lights, nice balcony, fully modern furnished, western Kitchen, good condition for living, quiet & safe. $600/mth –$900/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
market, TTP. Tel: 017 45 70 70
3rd oor unit available in CKM, 1-bed, 2-bed, large rooftop swim- pool, nice garden, fully furnished, free wiďŹ , 24h secu- guard, Price: $1,100/month Tel:016 666 192 |
June 06, 2013 •
Phnom Penh’s heritage under threat Continued from page 8
“Surveys of Bangkok and Saigon have done a considerable amount to raise the public awareness, and it has become commonplace to note the “French districts” in those cities, and similar French concession areas in Chinese cities. In most of these instances, however, there is a functioning local historic property and district commission that assists the planning commission in these cases. Cambodia is behind its regional peers, without a doubt. It should make an effort to catch up.” He adds that “the more of these structures that are demolished, the more the city becomes an anonymous collection of boxes of varying types and sizes, often more dependent on automo-
An aerial view of the site on street 178. photo google earth
biles and SUVs that clog the streets.” Architect Geoffrey Pyle, who has worked extensively in Phnom Penh, agrees: “I
think the historic buildings are, of course, valuable in heritage terms, and the best ones should be protected through the legal system.”
He goes on: “I would support any local initiatives to develop a system of protecting particular buildings, whilst seeking opportunities
for funding or technical advice for owners. I believe there would be generally quite a lot of support amongst Cambodian society.”
Pyle says there were rumours that there “was a proposal to build a seven storey building next to the villa in question and the villa would be kept. That, in principle, could be a good solution, where the value of the land can be realised and can support conservation. It is nice to have gardens around old villas and in some cases that should be argued for, but one has to be practical too.” Local property expert Sunny Soo agrees: “It is good to protect old historic buildings – they bring in tourists and so on, but obviously we’ve seen many of these buildings knocked down, in favour of further development. But I don’t see much hope for this one. It is just too small to last. And, really, we’re just talking about sentimental value. Very soon it’ll be forgotten.”