បេតក ិ ភណ្ឌនៅរាជធានីភព ំ្ន ញ េ កំពង ុ រងការគរំ ាមកហ ំ ង ែ Property investors wary of Turkey before riots
London’s renters fuel apartment boom
ក្រម ុ ហ៊ន ុ អចលនទ្រព្យគា្ម នអាជ្ញាប័ណប ្ណ ឈ ្រ មមខ ុ ផវូ្ល ច្បាប់
Crackdown on unlicensed companies
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 13, 2013
ក្រម ុ ហ៊ន ុ អចលនទ្រពយ្ គន ្មា អាជ្ញាបណ ័ ប ្ណ ឈ ្រ មមខ ុ ផវូ្ល ចបា ្ ប់ សីវុ ម៉ង េ ភ្នំពេញៈ សមាគមអ្នកវាយតម្លៃ និង ភ្នាក់ងារអចលនវត្ថុកម្ពុជា នៅពេលនេះ កំពង ុ ត ្រៀមចាត់វធា ិ នការចពោ ំ ះកម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ រកស៊ីក្នុងវិស័យអចលនទ្រព្យទាំងអស់ ដែលគ្មា នអាជ្ញាប ណ ័ ្ណត្រឹមត្រូវ ដោយសារ ក្រម ុ ហ ន ៊ុ ទា ង ំ នោ ះកព ំ ង ុ ប ង្កព យ្ ុះភ ្លៀងនៅ ក្នុងវិស័យនេះ។ លោក ចេង ខេង អគ្គនាយកក្រុមហ៊ុន អចលនទព ្រ យ្ ក ម្ពជា ុ ស៊ភ ី អ ី ល ិ និងជា ប្រ- ធានសមាគមអ្នកវាយតម្លៃ និងភ្នាក់ងារ អចលនវត្ថក ុ ម្ពជា ុ បា នបប ្រា ថា ់ ថ្នាកដ ់ ក ឹ នាំ សមាគមកំពុងពិភាក្សាបញ្ហានេះជាមួយ ក្រសង ួ ពា ក់ព ន ័ ដ ្ធ ម ើ ប្ ចា ី ត់វធា ិ នការចំពោះ ក្រម ុ ហ៊ ន ុ ឬទភ ី ក ្នា ងា ់ ររកសវ៊ី ស ិ យ ័ អ ចលន ទ្រព្យណាដែលគ្មានច្បាប់ និងអាជ្ញាប ័ណ្ណ ច្បាស់លាស់ ខណៈនៅកម្ពុជាពេលនេះ មិនទាន់មានវិធានការទាក់ទងនឹងផ្នែក នេះនៅឡើយទេ។ លោកបានប្រាប់ទៀត ថា៖«បច្ចុប្បន្នយើងកំពុងពិភាក្សាជាមួយ សមាជក ិ របស់ស មាគម និងក ស ្រ ង ួ ពា ក់- ព័ន្ធនានាដើម្បីចេញប្រកាសអនុក ្រឹត្យ ឬ ច្បាប់សម្រាប់គ្រប់គ្រងភ្នាក់ងារ និងក្រុម ហ៊ុនដ ែលគ្មានច្បាប់ទម្លាប់ទាំងនោះ»។ លោកបានអះអាងថាប ទ ្រ ស េ មួ យម ន ិ អាចគ្មានច្បាប់នោះទេ ហើយប្រជាជន ទាំងអ ស់ក ត ៏ វ្រូ ត គោរព ែ ចបា ្ ប់ដ រែ ពីព ្រោះ នៅពេលមានបញ្ហាអ្វីមួយគេតែងតែយក ច្បាប់មកដោះស្រាយ។ លោកបន្ថែមថា៖ បច្ចប ុ ប្ ន្នកម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ មា នអាជ្ញាប ណ ័ ត ្ណ ម ្រឹ ត វ្រូ បានទទួលរងនូវការពេបជ្រាយយ៉ាង ច្រើនពីអ្នករកស៊ីមិនស្របច្បាប់ ហើយ ចំនួនក្រុមហ៊ុនមិនស្របច្បាប់ទាំងនោះក៏ មានចំនួនច្រើនជាងក្រុមហ៊ុនស្របច្បាប់ ទៀតផង។
លោក ចេង ខេង បានបន្តថា ៖ «យើង ជាក្រម ុ ហ ន ៊ុ ស្រ បច បា ្ ប់ដូច្នេះតែ ងតែធ្វអ ើ ្វី ជាក់លាក់ និងមា នស្តង់ដារប្រកបដោយ ក្រមស ល ី ធម៌ ព្រមទា ង ំ បា នបង់ព ន្ធជ ន ូ រដ្ឋ ត្រឹមត្រូវទៀតផងប៉ុន្តែក្រុមហ៊ុនរកស៊ម ី ិន ស្របច្បាប់ពួកគាត់ធ្វើអ្វីមិនជាក់លាក់ទេ ទាំងការយកកម្រៃពីការទិញ លក់ ជួល និងសេ វាក ម្មផ ស្ ង េ ៗ ទ ៀត។ ហេតន ុ េះយើង មិនអា ចឲយ្ ព ក ួ គ បង្ក េ ព យ្ ុះភ ្លៀងតាមតចិ ែ ត្ត បែបនេះតទៅទៀតនោះទេ»។ រហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះសមាគមអ្នក វាយតម្លៃ និងភ្នាក់ងារអចលនវត្ថុកម្ពុជា មានសមាជិកសរុបច ំនួន២ ៤ក្រុមហ៊ុន។ លោក សន សៀប ប្រធានគប ្រ គ ់ ង ្រ ទូទៅ ក្រុមហ៊ុនអចលនទ្រព្យឃី រៀលអេស្ទេត បានទទួលស្គាលប ់ ញ្ហាន េះព ម ្រ ទា ង ំ បាន ជំរញ ុ ឲ យ្ មា នចណា ំ ត់កា រពីក ស ្រ ង ួ ពា ក់ព ន ័ ្ធ នានាចំពោះក្រុមហ៊ុន និងទភ ី ក ្នា ងា ់ រណា ដែលគន ្មា ចបា ្ ប់ ដោយលោកបានធ្វើការ ប្រៀបធៀបកម ុ្រ ហន ុ៊ ទាង ំ នោះទៅសត្វ មូសដល ែ មកខាំមនុស្សដើម្បីរស ់បើទោះ បីជា ដឹ ងថា ព ល េ មក ខាពួ ំ កគេ ប្រឈមមខ ុ នឹងការស្លាបក ់ ៏ដោយ។ លោកបាននយា ិ យថា៖ « ក ម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ ទា ង ំ នោះបានបង្កឧ បសគ្គជា ច្រើនដល់ការរីក ចម្រន ើ ក ង ្នុ វស ិ យ ័ អ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ នៅកម្ពជា ុ ដោយសារតែពួកគេមិនគោរពច្បាប់ មិន គោរពកម ្រ ស ល ី ធ ម៌វជ ិ ជ ្ជា វី ៈ និងធ អ ្វើ តា ្វី ម អំពើចិត្ត»។ លោកបន្តទ ៀតថា ក្រុមហ៊ុន គ្មានអា ជ្ញាប ណ ័ ទា ្ណ ង ំ អ ស់គួ រម កសអា ុំ ជ្ញា- ប័ណ្ណពីក្រសួង ដើម្បីផ្តល់ទំនុកចិត្តដល់ ប្រជាជនក្នុងស្រុក ក៏ដូចជាអ្នកវិនិយោគ មកពីក្រៅប្រទេស។ លោក ប៉ូ អ៊ាវគង់ប្រធានគប ្រ គ ់ ង ្រ ទ ទៅ ូ ក្រម ុ ហ ន ៊ុ អេស៊ា រៀលអស េ ត ្ទេ បានយល់ ស្របន ង ឹ កា រលក ើ ឡ ង ើ ខា ងលដ ើ រែ ដោយ លោកមានបសា ្រ សន៍ថា ការជរំ ញ ុ ឲ យ្ ក ម ្រុ ហ៊ុនទាំងនោះគោរពច្បាប់គឺជារឿងល្អ ពី
កម ុ្រ ហន ុ៊ អចលនទព ្រ យ្ កម្ពជា ុ សភ ី៊ អ ី ល ិ ដល ែ ជា កម ុ្រ ហ ន ុ៊ មា នការចះុ បញ្ជត ី ម ឹ្រ ត វូ្រ ។ រូបថត ហុង មិនា
ព្រោះមានផលប្រយោជន៍ជាច្រើនដូចជា ទី១ ផ្តល់គុណប្រយោជន៍ដល់ក្រុមហ៊ុន ដែលមា នវជ ិ ជ ្ជា វី ៈនិងមា នអាជ្ញាប ណ ័ ត្រ ្ណ ម ឹ ត្រវូ ឲ យ្ ប្រ កត ួ ប ជ ្រ ង ែ គ ប ្នា ក ្រ បដោយតម្លា- ភាពទី២ រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលអាចទទួលបាន ប្រាកច ់ ណ ំ ល ូ ពីព្រោះក ម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ ដ ល ែ មា ន ច្បាប់ត ែងតប្រ ែ កាសចំណូលនិងតែងតែ បង់ព ន្ធជ ូនរដ្ឋត ្រឹមត្រូវ។ លោកបានថង ្លែ ថា ៖« ប រា ើ ជរដ្ឋាភបា ិ ល ចាត់វធា ិ នការច្បាស់លា ស់ច ពោ ំ ះកម ុ្រ ហ ន ុ៊ គ្មានអាជ្ញាប័ណទា ្ណ ំងនោ ះពិតជា ល្អ។ ការ ធ្វើបែបនេះដើម្បីធ្វើឲ្យក្រុមហ៊ុនទាំងនោះ ងាកមកធ្វើអ្វីទៅតាមជំនាញវិជ្ជាជីវៈ និង អាចកាត់បន្ថយផលប៉ះពាល់ដែលធ្វើឲ្យ អតិថជ ិ នបាត់ប ង់ទ ន ំ ក ុ ច ត ិ »្ត ។ លោកបាន បន្ថែមថាសកម្មភាពពួកគ េអាចធ្វើឲ្យប៉ះ
ពាល់ដល់ក្រុមហ៊ុនមានជំនាញវិជ្ជាជីវៈ ព្រោះមានក្រុមហ៊ុនមួយចំនួនបានបោក ប្រាសសេ ់ ចក្តទ ី ក ុ ច ត ិ រ្ត បស់អ តិថជ ិ នដែល ជាហេតុធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកវិនិយោគបាត់បង់ទំនុក ចិតដ ្ត ល់ក ម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ ស្រ បច បា ្ ប់ហើយប ញ្ហា នេះខ្ញុំក៏ធ្លាប់បានជួបផ្ទាល់ផងដែរ។ លោក ម៉ី វ៉ាន់ ប ធា ្រ ននាយកដ្ឋានឧស្សា- ហកម្ម និងហ ិរញ្ញវត្ថុ នៃក្រសួងសេដក ្ឋ ិច្ច និងហ ិរញ្ញវត្ថុ មានប្រសាសន៍ថា ក្រសួង បានរៀបចច ំ បា ្ ប់ស ព ្តី កា ី រគប ្រ គ ់ ង ្រ កា រជញ ួ ដូរ អចលនទ្រព្យរួចហើយ បន្ទាប់ពីបាន ប្រជុំជាមួយវិស័យឯកជន ហើយក្រសួង ក៏បានដាក់បញ្ចល ូ ទៅក្នង ុ សច េ ក្តីពង ្រា ច្បាបផ ់ ងដែរ។លោកបានបន្តថាសេចក្តី ព្រាងច្បាប់នេះនឹងត្រូវបញ្ជូនទៅទីស្តីការ គណៈរដ្ឋមន្ត្រីនៅក្រោយពេលរៀបចំ
រដ្ឋាភិបាលអាណត្តិថ្មីរួចដោយយើងរំពឹង ថា ច បា ្ ប់ន េះន ង ឹ អា ចបកា ្រ សឲយ្ ប ប ្រើ ស ្រា ់ នៅចុងឆ្នា២ ំ ០១៣នេះ។ លោកបន្តថា ទោះបម ី ន ិ ទា ន់មា នចបា ្ ប់ នេះក៏ដោយ ក៏ក្រសួងបានចាត់វិធានការ ណែនាំ និងផ្សព្វផ្សាយឲ្យប្រជាជនប្រើ ប្រាស់សេវាកម្មរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនដែលមាន អាជ្ញាប ណ ័ រ្ណ ច ួ ហើ យ។ ក្រសង ួ ក ធ ៏ ប ្លា បា ់ ន ប្រាបឲ ់ យ្ ក ម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ រកទទួលទា នលវើ ស ិ យ ័ អចលនទ្រព្យមានអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណទាំងអស់ រាយការណ៍ពីអាសយដ្ឋានក្រុមហ៊ុនគ្មាន អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណមកក្រសួងដើម្បីក្រសួងចាត់ វិធានការណនាំ ែ ជា ម ន ុ ព ្រោះប ច្ចប ុ ប្ ន្នន េះ យើងម ន ិ ទា ន់មា នចបា ្ ប់ប៉ន ុ ក្រោ ្តែ យព ល េ មានច្បាប់យើងនឹងដាក់ទោសទៅតាម បញ្ញត្តិច្បាប់ដ ែលបានអនុម័ត៕
Crackdown on unlicensed companies SIV MENG
he Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association is now ready to take action over any company that has no valid license, because they are causing difficulty in the sector. The leaders of the association will be discussing the issues to take measures against invalid agencies or businesses without clear licenses; up to now in Cambodia there has been no action related to these issues yet, Cheng Kheng, director of the CPL Real Estate Company and president of the
Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association said. “We are currently discussing with the members of the Association and ministries concerned to issue Prakas, sub-decrees or laws for controlling the agencies and companies that have no rules and order,” he said. “A country cannot be without laws and all people must also respect the law because when something happens it is often resolved by the law. Currently, the companies with valid licenses are mocked by the rogue businesses, and the number of the dishonest businesses is more than the fair businesses,” he said. “We do legitimate business,
always with ethical standards as well as paying tax to the government but the rogue companies do not do so, specifically from purchasing, selling and renting commission, he said, adding that, “we cannot allow them to make troubles.” So far, the association has 24 company members. Sorn Seap, general manager of KEY Real Estate Ltd admits the problems and he said he will urge action from the ministries concerned over invalid companies, comparing those companies to “mosquitoes that come to bite us even they know that biting us makes us die.” “Those companies have caused many barriers to growth in the real estate sec-
tor because they do not respect the laws, professional ethics and do everything arbitrarily. All unlicensed companies should ask for the licenses to give confidence to Cambodian people as well as foreign investors,” he said. Po Eavkong, the managing director of Asia Real Estate Cambodia agrees, saying that urging them to respect the laws is a very good thing, “because there are many benefits such as providing benefits to the companies with professional standards, and valid licenses to compete with transparency. The government can get revenues bcause the legal companies always declare their income and always pay tax to
the government,” he said. “If the government takes a specific measure for unlicensed companies, it is good. Doing so is making them turn to correct professionalism and reduce the impact of the loss of consumer confidence. Their activities affect the clear and professional companies because some companies defraud the trust of customers, therefore, investors lose confidence in the legal business and for this matter I have also met,” he said. Ministries have already drafted the law on the management and trading of properties after meeting with the private sectors, Mey Vann, director of Department of Industry
and Finance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance said. “The draft will be sent to the cabinet after the next elections, and we expect the law will be declared able to be used at the end of 2013,” he said. “Even though, we haven’t had the law, the ministry has introduced and asked the public to use the services of legal companies with a license from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, he said. The ministry has also told real estate agencies to report the address of the invalid companies to the ministry for pre-action because now we do not have the law but after the law, we will punish them according to the law,” he said.
June 13, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
បេតក ិ ភណ្ឌនៅរាជធានីភព ំ្ន ញ េ កព ំ ង ុ រងការគរា ំ មកហ ំ ង ែ
Contents Page 4-5
ការលក់កាមេរស ៉ា វុ ត្ថភា ិ ពមាន កំណន ើ ក ង ុ្ន រង្វង១ ់ ០ភាគរយ TriBeCa penthouses easy prey for burglar Pages 6-7
ស្ពានមត ិ ភា ្ត ពកម្ពជា ុ -ចិន ពក ្រែ សំរោងសង់បានជាង៧០% Superuse: meet the architects transforming the world with waste Page 8-9
Property investors wary of Turkey before riots London's renters fuel apartment boom Cover Photo: Bloomberg • Publisher: Ross Dunkley • Chief Executive Officer: Chris Dawe • Editor-in-Chief Post Khmer: Kay Kimsong • Editor-in-Chief Post English: Alan Parkhouse • Managing Editor Post Khmer: Sam Rith • Managing Editor Post English: David Boyle •Property Editors: Rupert Winchester, Hin Pisei • Property Reporters: Siv Meng • Translator: Tang Kouk, Sok Bopha, Phouk Samphaktra, Pich Sinoun, Chean Chanra • Graphic Designers: Aim Valinda, Chum Sokhunthy,Tim Borith, T.Thyda • Photographers: Hong Menea, Heng Chivoan, Pha Lina, Sreng Meng Srun, Mai Virak • ចាងហ្វាង
លោក រ៉ូស ដាំងឃ្លី • អគ្គនាយក
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Rupert Winchester ភ្នំពេញៈ វីឡាម ួយក្នុងចំណោម ផ្ទះវីឡាស ម័យអា ណានគ ិ មបារាំង ដែលស ស ្រ ស ់ ត ្អា ប ផ ំ ត ុ ក ង ុ្ន រា ជធានី ភ្នំពេញអាចស្ថិតក្រោមការគំរាម កំហែងនៃការវាយបំផ្លាញចោល បន្ទាប់ពីម្ចាស់របស់វាដាក់លក់ដី ផ្ទះវីឡាន េះ។ ផ្ទះដែលត្រូវបានគេលាបពណ៌ លឿងនោះស្ថិតនៅតាមផ្លូវលេខ ១៧៨នៅម្ខាងទៀតនៃសារមន្ទីរ ជាតិ។ លក្ខណៈដើមរបស់ផ ្ទះនោ ះ ត្រូវបានគេសាងសង់ជាវីឡាបែប រាជវង្សនៅចន្លោះ ឆ្នាំ១៩០០ និង ឆ្នាំ១៩១០។ វីឡានេះគឺជាអតីត ហាងកាហ្វេដ៏ល្បីមួយដែលមាន ឈ្មោះថា No Problem Cafe នា អំឡង ុ ព ល េ ក ងរកសា ្ សន្តភា ិ ពរបស់ អង្គការសហបជា ្រ ជា តិ(អ៊ន ុ តាក់) ចូលមកប្រទេសកម្ពុជារវាងពីឆ្នាំ ១៩៩១ដល់ឆ១ ្នាំ ៩៩៤។ ក្នង ុ ប ន ៉ុ ន ្មា ឆ ថ ្នាំ ៗ ្មី ន េះផ្ទះន េះត វ្រូ បានគេយកធ្វើជាកន្លែងដាក់តាំង បង្ហាញគ ន ំ រូ ស ល ិ ប្ ៈនិងត វ្រូ បា នគេ ប្រើជាការិយាល័យរបស់ម្ចាស់ផ្ទះ នេះស ម្រាបម ់ ល ូ និធអ ិ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ បារាំងដ ល ែ មានកម្មសទ ិ ល ិ្ធ ដ ើ មួ ី យ ចំនន ួ នៅ ជ វុំ ញ ិ រា ជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ និង នៅតំបន់ឆ ្នេរសមុទ្រ។ ផ្ទះនិងដ ីនេះត្រូវបានដាក់លក់ តម្លៃ១៤ លានដល ុ រ្លា ដោ យមាន ការយល់ព ម ្រ ច ពោ ំ ះផន ែ កា រសាង សង់ប ប ែ រចនាសម្ពន ័ អ ្ធ គារថដ ្មី ល ែ មានកម្ពស់៧ជាន់។ ទោះយ៉ាងណា លោ ក Etienne Chenevier នាយក City Star បានបដិសេធដោយលោកបាន បញ្ជាកថា ់ ក្រុមហ ៊ុនគ្មានផែនការ វាយវឡា ី ន ះេ ចោ លទ។ េ «ខ្ញស ំុ ម ូ ធ្វើ ការបដិសធ េ ច ពោ ំ ះការលក ើ ឡ ង ើ នោះ។ តើមានមូលហេតុអ្វីយើង ចង់វាយអគារផ្ទាល់របស់យើង? ប្រសន ិ ប អ ើ ក ្ន ន យា ិ យថា យ ង ើ នឹង វាយចោលខ្ញុំនឹងប្តឹងអ្នក»។
ផ្ទះវីឡាដល ែ បនស្ ល់ទក ុ តាង ំ ព ស ី ម័យអាណានិគមនិយមបារាំង នារាជធានីភព ំ្ន ញ េ ។ រូបថត Rupert Winchester
ឧទាហរណ៍ស ម្រាបព ់ ន្យល់ក រណី នេះ គឺត្រូវបានគេវាយកម្ទេចក្នុង អំឡុងវិស្សមកាលនៅពេលដែល មិនមានមនុស្សនៅជុំវិញទីនោះ ចាប់អា រម្មណ។ ៍ ខណៈដីមានតម្លៃ ថ្លជាង ៃ អគារអ្នកអ ភិវឌ្ឍផ ក ្នែ អ ច- លនទ្រពយ្ បា នជស ្រើ រ ស ើ យ កការ វាយផ្ទះទាំងនេះចោល ហើយ សង់ខុនដ ូថជ ្មី ំនួសវិញ។ ច្បាប់គ ួរ ត្រូវបង្កើត និងអនុម័តឡើងដើម្បី ដាក់ឲ្យជាប់កាតព្វកិច្ចទៅលើ ម្ចាសផ ់ ្ទះទា ង ំ នោ ះឲយ្ អ ភិរក្សអ គារ បេតិកភណ្ឌរបស់ខ្លួន ហើយ ប្រសិនបើគាត់មិនអាចធ្វើដូច្នេះ បានគាត់អា ចលក់ផ ្ទះនោ ះទៅឲ យ្ អ្នកដែលអាចអភិរក្សបាន »។ លោក Dougald O'Reilly នៅ អង្គការឃ្លាម ំ ល ើ ប ត េ ក ិ ភណ្ឌ(He- ritage Watch) យល់ស ប ្រ ថា ៖ «វាគឺជាភាពដ៏អាម៉ាស់មួយដែល ការសុំច្បាប់វាយបំផ្លាញត្រូវបាន អនុញ្ញាតឲ្យទៅអ្នកវាយបំផ្លាញ ហើយជា ងនេះទៅ ទ ៀតការសកា ុំ រ អនុញ្ញាតសម្រាប់ការសាងសង់ អគារ៧ជាន់នៅក្នុងកន្លែងនោះ ត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាត។ ខ្ញុំនឹងមាន ប្រតិកម្មតបតចំពោះសកម្មភាព នេះ ដែលនឹងប ំផ្លាញលក្ខណៈរូប
រើ ចនាសម្ពន ប ័ ន ្ធ អ ៃ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ ទាង ំ នេះតវូ្រ បានបផ ំ ញ ្លា កាន់តច ែ ន ើ្រ នោះទីកង ុ្រ នង ឹ កយ ្លា ទៅជា... ប៉ន ុ ម ែ្ត ជ្ឈដ្ឋានដ ទៃមន ិ បា នយល់ ស្របនោះទេ។ លោកស្រី Anne Lemaistre ប្រធានការិយាល័យ នៃអង្គការយូណេស្កូប្រចាំកម្ពុជា បានប្រាប់ទៅកាសែត London Financial Times កាលពីពេល ថ្មីៗថា៖ «ផ្ទះចាស់ៗ កំពុងត ែបាត់ បង់» ។«ក ង ្នុ រយៈកាលជាង១០ឆ្នាំ នេះយ៉ាងហោ ចណាស់អ គារចន ំ ន ួ ៥០ភាគរយនៅតាមបណ្តោយផ្លូវ ព្រះនរោត្តម បា នបាត់ប ង់។ ផ្ទះគ រួ ឲ្យកត់សម្គាល់មួយដែលអាចជា
រាងភាពដើមរបស់អគារ»។ លោក O'Reilly ថ ង ្លែ ថា លោក មានក្តីបារម្ភអ ំពីបេតិកភណ្ឌរបស់ រាជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ រយៈពល េ ជា ច ន ្រើ ឆ្នាំហើយ«ខណៈមាននិន្នាការ វាយអគារចាស់ៗ ចោ លចាប់តា ង ំ ពីច ង ុ ទ សវត្សរ៍៩ ០ដម ើ ប្ សា ី ងសង់ អគារថ្មីៗដែលអាចផ្តល់ប្រាក់ ចំណញ េ ច ន ើ្រ ជា ង។ ច្បាស់ណាស់ អ្វីមួយមន ិ អាចឈរនៅកណ្តាល ផ្លវូ ន កា ៃ រអភិវឌ្ឍបា នទេប ន ៉ុ វា ្តែ ត វ្រូ មានការទទួលខុសត្រូវនៅផ្នែក
ខាងអាជ្ញាធរដើម្បីព្យាយាមរក្សា បេតិកភណ្ឌរបស់រាជធានី»។ លោក ឡុង ឌីម៉ង់ អ្នកនាំពា ក្យ សាលារាជធានីភ្នំពេញបានប្រាប់ ថា ការទញ ិ លក់អគារ ណាម យ ួ ឬ ផ្ទះណា ម យ ួ អា ជ្ញាធរមន ិ មានសទ ិ ្ធិ
ហាមឃាត់ទេ ទោះបីនៅប ្រទេស បារាំងក ដោ ៏ យ។ នៅបទ ្រ ស េ បា រាំង ម្ចាស់ផ្ទះគេចង់ល ក់ផ្ទះ គឺជាសិទ្ធិ របស់គេ ប៉ុន្តែបើសិនម្ចាស់ផ្ទះចង់ កែល ម្អ ឬវាយចោលផ្ទះ គឺត វ្រូ ទៅ សុច ំ បា ្ ប់អា ជ្ញាធរ ហើយប អា ើ ជ្ញាធរ
ពិនិត្យឃើញថា អគារនោះមាន លក្ខណសម្បតិ្តត្រូវចាត់ចូលជា សម្បត្តិបេតិកភណ្ឌ អាជ្ញាធរនឹង ហាមឃាត់មិនឲ្យវាយចោល តែ គេអាចអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យកែលម្អសោ- ភណភាពខាងកង ្នុ ប៉ន ុ នៅ ្តែ ក ម្ពជា ុ យើងនៅ ម ន ិ ទា ន់មានចបា ្ ប់ប ត េ ក ិ ភណ្ឌនៅ ឡើយទេ។ លោកបញ្ជាក់ថា៖«យើងអត់ មានច្បាប់ វាជាកង្វល់មួយដែល ម្ចាស់ផ្ទះវាយផ្ទះគេចោល គឺជា រឿងរបស់គេ ព្រោះរហូតមកដល់ ពេលនេះយើងមិនទាន់មានច្បាប់ នេះនៅឡើយទេ»។ លោកបន្ថែម ថា ៖«សាលារាជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ មាន បំណងរក្សាទុកអគារទាំងនោះជា សម្បត្តប ិ ត េ ក ិ ភ ណ្ឌ ដែលយ ង ើ ត វ្រូ ការធកា ្វើ រងាររម ួ គ្នាជាមួ យក ស ្រ ង ួ ពាក់ព័ន្ធ ដើម្បរ ី ៀបចច ំ ្បាប់នេះទៅ រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល»។ លោក ហ៊ម ឹ ឆែម រដ្ឋម ន្រក ្តី ស ្រ ង ួ វប្បធម៌ និងវច ិ ត ិ សិ ្រ លប្ ៈបានបដិ- សេធម ន ិ អ ត្ថាធប ិ បា ្ យ ដោយមាន ប្រសាសន៍ថា លោកជាប់រវល់បជ ្រ ុំ នៅពេល...តទៅទំព័រ ៧
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 13, 2013
ការលក់កាមេរស ៉ា វុ ត្ថភា ិ ពមានកំណន ើ កង ុ្ន រង្វង១ ់ ០ភាគរយ សីវុ ម៉ង េ ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ៈ ការលក់កា មេរស ៉ា វុ ត្ថ-ិ ភាពរយៈពល េ ៥ខែ ឆំា្ន២០១៣ នេះមាន កណ ំ ន ើ ក្ន ង ុ រង្វងប ់ ហ ្រ ល ែ ១០ភាគរយ បើប្រៀបធៀបទៅ នឹងរយៈពល េ ដ ច ូ គ កាល ្នា ពឆ ី ម ្នាំ ន ុ ដោយសារតការ ែ រក ី ច ម្រន ើ វស ិ យ ័ សំណង់និងកា រយល់ដ ង ឹ ទា ក់ទ ង នឹងសុវត្ថិភាពកាន់តែកើនឡ ើង។ លោក តឹក លឹមឆេង នាយក គ្រប់គ្រងក្រុមហ៊ុន Electronic Solution Center ដែលនាំចូល ផលិតផ លកាមេរស ៉ា វុ ត្ថភា ិ ពមកពី ប្រទេសចិន និងវៀតណាម បាន និយាយថា កា រលក់កា មេរស ៉ា វុ ត្ថ-ិ ភាពមាននៅក ម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ របស់លោ ក មានកំណើនក្នុងរង្វង់ចាប់ពី១០ ទៅ២០ភាគរយក្នុងរយៈពេល៥ ខែដើមឆ្នាំនេះ បើប្រៀបធៀបទៅ នឹងរយៈពល េ ដ ច ូ គ កាល ្នា ពឆ ី ម ្នាំ ន ុ ខណៈទីផ្សារនៃការប្រកួតប្រជែង កំពុងក ើនឡ ើងកាន់តែខ្លាំង។ ការ ប្រកត ួ ប ជ ្រ ង ែ កា ន់ត មាន ែ ភាពខង ំ្លា ក្លានោ ះកដោ ៏ យសារតមាន ែ ការនាំ ចូលផលិតផលដែលមានតម្លៃ ថោកនិងម ន ិ ស វូ មា នគណ ុ ភា ពពី ប្រទេសចិនផងដែរ។ លោកបាន បន្តថា អ្នកប ប ្រើ ស ្រា ភា ់ គចន ្រើ ពួក គាត់ផ្តោតលើតម្លៃជាជាងគុណ- ភាពផលិតផល។ លោកបានអះអាងថា៖ « កា មេរ៉ា សុវត្ថិភាពផលិតនៅប្រទេសចិន កំពង ុ គ ប ្រ ដ ណ្តបល ់ ទ ើ ផ ី សា ្ រកម្ពជា ុ ប្រហល ែ ៥ ០ភាគរយ។ ផលិតផល ដែលផលិតនៅប្រទេសចិនទាំង នោះកំពុងវាយលុកទីផ្សារកម្ពុជា កាន់តែខ្លាំងឡើងៗ ហើយតម្លៃ របស់វាធ្លាក់ចុះផងដែរ»។
រូបភាពបង្ហាញពកា ី មេរ៉ា ដល ែ តវូ្រ បានតភ្ជាបម ់ កទរូ ទសស្ ន៍សមប ្រា ម ់ ល ើ ហត េ កា ុ រណ៍ផស្ ង េ ៗ ។ រូបថត ផា លីណា
ការតាង ំ ល ក់កាមេរ៉ា នៅកង ុ្ន រាជធានីភព ំ្ន ញ េ ។ រូបថត ផា លីណា
ប្រព័ន្ធកាមេរ៉ាសុវត្ថិភាពពិតជា មានសារៈសំខាន់ណា ស់ ព្រោះវា អាចជួយឲ្យការគ្រប់គ្រង និងការ ត្រត ួ ព ន ិ ត ិ យ្ កា ន់ត មាន ែ បស ្រ ទ ិ ភា ្ធ ព ដោយវាអាចផ្តលភ ់ ស ័ តា ុ្ត ងសម្រាប់ ពិនិត្យមើលរាល់សកម្មភាពនានា ប្រសិនបើមានអ្នកណាធ្វើអ្វីខុស ឆ្គងនោះគេអាចដឹងភ្លាម។ លោក ស៊ិន ឡៃអីុ នាយកផ្នែក ចែកចាយនៃក្រុមហ៊ុន Auram System ដែលជា ក ម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ ច ណ ំ ុះ ឲ្យក្រម ុ ហ ន ៊ុ RMA មា នបសា ្រ សន៍ ថា ការលក់កាមេរ៉ាសុវត្ថិភាពនៅ ក្រម ុ ហ ន ុ៊ របស់លោ កបានកើនឡ ង ើ ប្រហែល១០ភាគរយ ទន្ទឹមនឹង
ផ្នែកព័ត៌មានវិទ្យា និងកាន់ស្តុក នៅហាងលក់កាមេរ៉ាសុវត្ថិភាព Phnom Penh office Supply បានប្រាប់ថា ការលក់កាមេរ៉ាក្នុង ហាងរបស់លោកមានកំណើន ប្រហែល១០ភាគរយក្នុងឆ្នាំនេះ ហើយក ម ុ្រ ហ ន ុ៊ រំពង ឹ ថា ការលក់ន ង ឹ មានកំណើនខ្ពស់ជាងនេះព្រោះ ហាងរបស់លោកកំពុងពង្រីកការ លក់ និងផ្តល់សេវាទៅកាន់គ្រប់ ខេត្តក្រុងទូទាំងប្រទេស។ លោក គឹមឈុន បានបន្តទៀតថា កាមេរ៉ា សុវត្ថិភាពមានតម្លៃចាប់ពី៥០០ ដុល្លាររហូតដល់៤០០០ដុល្លារ ក្នុងមួយឈុតដោយអាស្រ័យលើ
តម្រវូ កា រផលិតផ លនេះក ន ើ ឡ ង ើ ខ្ពស់នៅកម្ពុជា។ លោកបានប្រាប់ថា ក្រុមហ៊ុន Auram System បាននាំចូល សុទត ្ធ ផលិ ែ តផលដល ែ មា នគណ ុ ភាពខស ្ព ម ់ កពប ី ទ ្រ ស េ ចិន អាមេ- រិក និងម៉ាឡស េ ៊ី ហើយផ លិតផ ល មកពីប្រទេសម៉ាឡេស៊ីលក់ដាច់ ជាងគេ ព្រោះវាមានតម្លៃសមរម្យ ហើយអាចប្រកួតប្រជែងជាមួយ ផលិតផលមកពច ី ិនបាន។ លោកអះអាងថា៖«ផលិតផល របស់ប ទ ្រ ស េ អា មេរក ិ មា នតម្លថ្ល ៃ ៃ ប៉ន ុ មា ្តែ នបច្ចក េ វិទយា ្ ខ ស ្ព ់ និងមា ន អាយុកា លបប ្រើ ស ្រា ជា ់ ប់បា នយូរ
រហូតដល់៥ឆ្នាំ ខណៈផលិតផល ផលិតរបស់ប ្រទេសម៉ាឡេស៊ីនិង ចិនមានអាយុកា លបប ្រើ ស ្រា បា ់ ន ត្រឹមរយៈពេលបីឆ្នាំប៉ុណ្ណោះ»។ លោកបានប្រាប់ទៀតថា៖«អ្នក មានប្រាក់ប្រើប្រាស់ផលិតផល កាន់តែបានថោក ដោយសារពួក គេប្រើប្រាស់ផលិតផលមានតម្លៃ ថ្លៃ និងមា នអាយុកា លប្រើប្រាស់ បានយូរ តែអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ផលិត ផលថោកពួកគេត្រូវផ្លាស់ប្តូរវាជា ញឹកញាប់ ដោយសារផលិតផល ពួកគាត់ប្រើប្រាស់មិនមានគុណ ភាពខ្ពស់»។ លោក ចាន់ គឹមឈុន បុគល ្គ ិក
Are you having troubles on managing your property? A strong history within the field of serviced apartment and office space management
ទំហំ និងចំនួននៃកាមេរ៉ាដែល យើងប ំពាក់ជូនអតិថជ ិ ន។ លោកបញ្ជាក់ថា៖«កំណើននៃ ការលក់ឆ្នាំនេះដោយសារការរីក ចម្រើនវិស័យសំណង់ ការផ្តល់ សេវាកម្មរបស់យើងជូនអតិថិជន ប្រកបដោយគុណភាពល្អ និង មានតម្លៃសមរម្យ»។ បុគ្គលិកក្រុមហ៊ុនខាងលើបាន បន្តថា អតិថជ ិ នជាគោ លដៅរបស់ ក្រុមហ៊ុន Phnom Penh office Supply ភាគច្រើនជាម្ចាស់ខុនដូ អាផាតមិន វីឡារោងចក្រសហ- គ្រាស និងតាមបណ្តាក្រុមហ៊ុន ហាងជំនួញនានានៅកម្ពុជា៕
June 13, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
TriBeCa penthouses easy prey for burglar Christie Smythe
riBeCa, the super-wealthy Manhattan enclave sprinkled with movie stars, has attracted a daring criminal who exploits the roof gardens of its converted industrial and distinctive cast-iron buildings to make off with jewellry and electronics, sometimes with residents still at home. A man with climbing skills has been preying on penthouse-dwellers, letting himself in through unlocked terrace doors and windows, according to the New York Police Department. The incidents, coming at a time of historic lows in city crime, have shaken some inhabitants of TriBeCa, which has been home to celebrities such as Meryl Streep, Gwyneth Paltrow and Justin Timberlake, according to Zillow.com. The neighbourhood is the site of the TriBeCa Film Festival, co-founded by actor Robert De Niro, who is also one of the area’s best-known property developers. With its century-old industrial buildings and tangle of cobblestoned streets, the area appeals to the well-heeled and artistic looking for interesting loft spaces and a community feel, said Robert Dankner, president of Prime Manhattan Residential. “There are a lot of quiet rich people who live there,” Dankner said, adding that he had once had a famous client who “ended up in TriBeCa because he was surrounded by people like him, who are of means and have a high level of taste.” The recent home-invasions are “mind-boggling,” said Sofia Song, a former TriBeCa resident and vice president of research for property listings firm StreetEasy.com. The area is known for low crime, excellent schools and “a very wealthy demographic.” Short for the Triangle Below Canal Street, TriBeCa has the second-highest medi-
Short for the Triangle below Canal Street, TriBeCa has the second-highest median residential rent, at $8,000, in Manhattan, according to StreetEasy.com. Brad Barket/Getty Images
an residential rent, at $8,000, in Manhattan, according to StreetEasy.com. Only the area of Central Park South in midtown Manhattan has a higher median price, at $8,225. In an October 2011 analysis published by Forbes, TriBeCa and nearby SoHo, short for South of Houston Street, contained the richest zip codes in Manhattan. Yet TriBeCa’s charms, such as secluded nooks, uneven blocks and comparative quiet, also offer attractions to thieves, residents said. At least five penthouse burglaries have occurred since April, all said to be the work of the same man, according to police. Residents contend there were others as early as December. “Why do you rob banks? Because that’s where the money is,” said longtime resident Mark Dimor, 64, in a telephone interview. “There’s a rich vein of roof gardens in TriBeCa. It’s easy cash,” he said, adding that people can be “sloppy” and leave their doors unlocked. The suspected burglar, whom residents and police
described as a slim, lightskinned black man in his 20s or 30s, has tended to strike in the early evening on Thursdays and Fridays, sometimes even while residents are home. At least two residents said they saw him in their buildings, one just outside her bedroom, before he dashed away. “He’s brazen right now,” said New York Police Captain Brendan Timoney, speaking at a community council meeting for Lower Manhattan’s First Precinct. Despite his boldness, there have been no reports of the man being armed or violent, Timoney said. Teri Hagedorn, who lives on the top-floor of an apartment on TriBeCa’s Walker Street, said she discovered a man she claimed was the burglar in her building’s stairwell in December. The man, whom she described as “nicely dressed” in a gray coat, quickly continued down the stairs after she confronted him, she said. “He was very apologetic, very polite,” said Hagedorn, a 39-year-old advertising consultant. Hagedorn said she later learned that the apartment of her neighbor, on the same
floor, had just been ransacked. “We just knew he shouldn’t be there,” she said. “I didn’t get the sense that he was armed and dangerous, but we weren’t sure.” In another incident, a 38year-old TriBeCa woman who asked not to be identified said she was in a bedroom in her three-floor apartment on a January evening when she saw a similar-looking man coming down her stairs. The woman, whose two children were on a lower floor with a nanny, said she screamed at the man and chased him back up to a rooftop terrace where he disappeared. Police quickly responded after she called, sending a helicopter to scan the roof, but couldn’t find him, she said. Timoney said a suspect
hasn’t been located yet. He is believed to live outside of the neighbourhood and may be using a Church Street building as a staging ground for his home invasions, he said. According to the New York City crime statistics, burglaries in the First Precinct, which includes much of TriBeCa, are up 31.1 per cent for the year to date as of May 26 when compared to the prior year and up 40 per cent over the past two years. In the Fifth Precinct, an adjacent area, burglaries are up 8.3 per cent for the year to date and 30 percent over the past two years. City-wide, the number of burglaries has dropped 9.9 per cent so far for the year and 6 per cent over the past two years.
Stanley C. Gale Jr., a real estate developer who also lives in a TriBeCa penthouse, said he has installed a camera system on his terraces and is keeping his doors locked after learning about the burglaries. He said he is hopeful the community will band together to help catch the thief. “Prices just continue to go up. It’s a great place to be,” said Gale, whose firm, Gale International, is a developer for a $35 billion Songdo International Business District in South Korea and a Flatiron District condominium project in Manhattan. “In order to catch this guy, it’s going to be a matter of the community” taking action, he said. “I’m willing to bet that he knows the neighbourhood pretty well.” BLOOMBERG
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 13, 2013
Superuse: meet the architects who are transforming the world with waste Nichola Saminather
collection of airline trolleys has arrived in the Architecture Foundation’s gallery in London. But something’s not quite right. They are filled not with miniature cans of tonic water and readymeals, but an intriguing assortment of scraps: metal offcuts from lasercutting, fragments of timber cable reels, bits of car windscreens – even a mysterious trough of used coffee grounds. “This is our mobile school,” says Jan Jongert, a Dutch architect whose practice Superuse Studios has been rethinking design for a world of scarce resources over the past 15 years. “It is part materials library, part case-study bank – and it all fits into the back of a van.” The slender aluminium trolleys – some of 5,000 made redundant by KLM when they recently updated their design – house a wunderkammer of case study projects, drawn from Superuse’s work, as well as projects produced by students at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, where the architects also teach. In the words of Jongert, the projects are about “identifying and connecting available flows in the urban ecosystem”. He sees production as an organic cycle of streams, which are too often separated. By bringing together mutual inefficiencies – align-
For the facade of this house the inner parts of cable reels are used. The load bearing construction is made from steel beams from a textile machine. Photo Superuse Studios
ing surplus with demand, waste with need – the work looks to develop a more integrated world of products and services. One trolley tells the story of GRO Holland, an initiative that recycles coffee grounds as a growth substrate for mushrooms. “98.8 percent of coffee is wasted in the process of making it,” says Jongert, explaining how waste grounds are now collected from a
A collection of airline trolleys filled with materials to be reused. Photo Superuse Studios
network of cafes, mixed with oyster mushroom spores and packed into perforated plastic bags, then hung in a humid warehouse. The harvested fungi are sold back to the cafes, and the waste substrate passed on to nearby tulip farmers to reuse. His practice is now working on designs for a new visitor centre for the organisation, which will see mushrooms used as thermal insula-
tion in a cavity wall – while the coffee grounds will be used in rammedearth walls. In Jongert’s world, nothing goes to waste. Superuse (formerly known as 2012 Architecten) first tested these ideas with a series of interiors projects, which soon grew in scale. Beginning with a Rotterdam nightclub, which incorporated aeroplane seats and benches made from car tyres, they moved on to build an entire house out of reclaimed materials, with a steel frame made from redundant textiles machinery, clad in timber salvaged from cable reels. The rotor blades of decommissioned wind turbines are also a recurring feature in their work, forming elaborate maze-like structures of tunnels and towers in children’s playgrounds. For the past few years, they have collected many such case studies of “upcycling” and repurposing from around the world on the Superuse website, an open source database “where recycling meets design” – from a children’s train made of oil barrels to a mobile container pizzeria. “But the real issue, as a designer, is knowing where to find these surplus flows,” says Jongert, as he discovered working on a project for a new gateway to the Gibbons Rent
garden in Southwark. “We designed an entrance using reclaimed pipework,” he says, “but then realised that you don’t have steel downpipes in the UK.” Luckily a cheap supply of tree protector grills has come to the rescue. This process of what he calls “material scouting” looks set to get a little easier, with the arrival of the new Harvest Map website, an online platform that links surplus materials with people that need them. Launched in the UK this week, it so far features a haul of Olympic leftovers. While the Olympic building site actively promoted reuse of its surplus materials, other companies are not always so forthcoming. Working on a project for furniture manufacturer Vitra, Superuse realised that they could make 1km of seating from the factory’s annual waste – a discovery that has since prompted the company to rethink its production methods. “We need to show this,” says Jongert. “It is only through this transparency that things will change.” He is adamant that “superusing” is the only way forward: “The idea of connecting these disparate flows will become a big part of the economy. It will have to happen – we have no other choice.” THE GUARDIAN
June 13, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
សកម្មភាពនកា ៃ រឈស ូ ដីកសាងផវូ្ល ស្របតាមបណ្តោយតស ួ ន ្ពា ពក ្រែ សរោ ំ ង ។ រូបថត សីវុ ម៉ង េ
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ស្ពានមត ិ ភា ្ត ពកម្ពជា ុ -ចិន ពក ្រែ សរោ ំ ងសង់បានជាង៧០% សីវុ ម៉ង េ កណ្តាលៈ ស្ពានឆ្លងកាត់ទន្លេបាសាក់ មួយទ ៀតសត ិ្ថ ក ង ុ្ន ភ ម ូ ព ិ ក ្រែ ស រោ ំ ងសង្កាត់ ព្រែកសំរោង ក្រុងតាខ្មៅ ខេត្តកណ្តាល រហូតម កដល់ព ល េ ន េះកា រសាងសង់បា ន សម្រេចប មា ្រ ណ៧០ភាគរយហយ ើ ន េះ បើតា មកា របប ្រា ឲ ់ យ្ ដ ង ឹ ព វី ស ិ ក ្វ រដល ែ ស ត ្ថិ នៅការដ្ឋានសាងសង់ស្ពានន េះ។ វិស្វករជនជាតិចិនដែលប្រាប់ឈ្មោះ
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បានប៉ុន្មានឆ ្នាំផង ស្ពាន និងផ ្លូវថ្នល់ទាំង នោះបានរងការបាក់ស ត ្រុ និងខ ច ូ ខា តជា បណ្តើៗរួចទៅហើយ។ ស្ពានព្រែកក្តាម បានស ត ្រុ ក បា ្ លសន ្ពា ត យ ្រើ ខា ងកត ើ និង ស្ពានព ក ្រែ តា មាក់ កំពង ុ ស ត ្រុ ក បា ្ លសន ្ពា នៅជាប់បណ្តោយផ្លូវជាតិលេខ៦។ លោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ហ៊ុន សែន ម្តង ហើយម្តងទៀត លោកតែងតែពោល សរសើរមហាមិត្តចិនថា ជាប្រទេសល្អ ផ្តល់ជំនួយដោយគ្មានភ្ជាប់លក្ខខណ្ឌ ខុសពីប្រទេសមួយចំនួនទៀតដែលផ្តល់ ជំនួយដោយភ្ជាប់ជាមួយលក្ខខណ្ឌ។
លោក គឹម បុរី អគ្គនាយកបច្ចេកទេស នៃក្រសួងសាធារណការ និងដឹកជញ្ជូន បានបដិសេធមិនធ្វើអត្ថាធិប្បាយឡើយ ដោយលោកបានរុញឲ្យសួរសំណួរទាំង អស់ទៅកាន់លោក លឹម ស៊ីដេនីន រដ្ឋ- លេខាធកា ិ រកស ្រ ង ួ សា ធារណការនិងដ ក ឹ ជញ្ជូនទៅវិញ។ លោក លឹម ស៊ីដេនីន រដ្ឋលេខាធិការ ក្រសង ួ សា ធារណការនិងដ ក ឹ ជ ញ្ជន ូ បាន បដិសេធឆ្លើយសំណួរតាមទូរស័ព្ទដោយ លោកបានប្រាប់ឲ្យអ្នកសារព័ត៌មានដាក់ លិខត ិ ទៅកាន់កស ្រ ង ួ ជាមន ុ ៕
បេតក ិ ភណ្ឌនៅរាជធានីភព ំ្ន ញ េ កព ំ ង ុ រងនវូ ការគរា ំ មកហ ំ ង ែ តពីទំព័រ៣...អ្នកសារព័ត៌មានបង្ហាញ អត្តសញ្ញាណអ ង្គភាពរបស់ខ្លួន។ សាស្រ្តាចា រ្យ Michael Tomlan នៅ នាយកដ្ឋានធ្វើផែនការសម្រាប់ការអភិ- រក្សប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត នៃសាកលវិទ្យាល័យ Cornell University បា នថង ្លែ ថា បណ្តា ប្រទេសនៅទ្វីបអាស៊ីដទៃៗកាន់តែមាន ការគោរពនិងឲ យ្ ត ម្លជា ៃ ងមន ុ ច ពោ ំ ះអគារ ដែលសល់ពីសម័យអាណានិគម។ «ការ សិក្សាវាស់ស្ទង់របស់ទីក្រុងបាងកក និង ទីក្រុងហូជីមិញ បានធ្វើការលើកកម្ពស់ ការយល់ដ ង ឹ ដ ល់សា ធារណជនយង ៉ា ច ន ើ្រ ហើយវាបានក្លាយជាកន្លែងទូទៅមួយ ដើម្បីកត់សម្គាល់ថា«ខណ្ឌបារាំង»នៅ ក្នុងទីក្រុងទាំងនោះ និងតំបន់សម្បទាន របស់បារាំងដែលស្រដៀងគ្នាក្នុងទីក្រុង មួយចំនួននៅប្រទេសចិន។ ទោះយ៉ាង ណាក្តី ភាគច្រើនបំផុតនៅក្នុងចំណោម ឧទាហរណ៍ទំា ងនោះ គ មា ឺ នគណៈកម្មការ ខណ្ឌ/ស្រក ុ និងអ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ ប វ្រ ត្តសា ិ ស្រ្ត កំពុងដំណើរការ ដែលគណៈកម្មការនេះ ជួយធ្វើផែនការក្នុងករណីទាំងនេះ។ វា គ្មានអ គ ្វី រួ ស ង្សយ ័ ទ េ ប ទ ្រ ស េ ក ម្ពជា ុ គ ស ឺ ត ្ថិ នៅពក ី យ ្រោ ប ទ ្រ ស េ ទា ង ំ ព រី ន េះ។ វា គ រួ ត ែ មានកច ិ ខ ្ច ត ិ ខ ប ំ ង ្រឹ ប ង ្រែ ដ ម ើ ប្ តា ី មឲយ្ ទា ន់ ប្រទេសទាំងនោះ»។ លោកបានបន្ថែមទៀតថា៖«បើរចនា-
សម្ព័ន្ធនៃអចលនទ្រព្យទាំងនេះត្រូវបាន លោក Geoffrey Pyle ស ប ្ថា ត្យករដែល ហើយអ្វីដែលល្អបំផុតគឺគួរត្រូវបានការ បំផញ ្លា កា ន់ត ច ែ ន ្រើ នោ ះទីកង ្រុ ន ង ឹ ក យ ្លា បានធកា ្វើ រយង ៉ា ច ន ្រើ ក ង ្នុ រា ជធានីភ ព ្នំ េញ ពារតាមប្រព័ន្ធច្បាប់»។ ទៅជាកន្លែងមួយដែលពោរពេញទៅ បានថង ្លែ ថា៖ « ខ គ ្ញុំ ត ិ ថា អគារបវ្រ ត្តសា ិ ស្រ្ត លោកប ន្តថា ៖ « ខ គា ្ញុំ ទ ំ ន ្រ វូ គ ន ំ ត ិ ផ ច ្តួ ផ ម ្តើ ដោយអគារប្រភេទថ្មីៗជាច្រើន»។ គឺព ត ិ ជាមានតម្លល ៃ ក្ខណៈជាប ត េ ក ិ ភ ណ្ឌ ណាដើម្បីបង្កើតប្រព័ន្ធការពារអគារទាំង
ការកន ើ ឡង ើ នត ៃ ម្លដ ៃ ធ ី ី្ល បានធឲ ើ្វ យ្ សណ ំ ង់ចាស់ៗសល់ពស ី ម័យអាណានិគមបឈ ្រ មនង ឹ ការវាយកម្ទច េ ។ រូបថត Rupert Winchester
អស់នោ ះខ ណៈសង ្វែ រកឱកាសសជ ុំ ន ំ យ ួ ថវិកា ឬប្រឹក្សាផ្នែកបច្ចេកទេសសម្រាប់ ម្ចាស់អគារ។ ខ្ញុំជឿថា ជាទូទៅនឹងមាន ការគាំទ្រច្រើនក្នុងសង្គមកម្ពុជា»។ លោក Pyle ថ្លែងបន្តថា មានពាក្យ ចចាមអារ៉ាមថា មានសំណើសាងសង់ អគារ៧ជាន់នៅជិតវីឡានោះ ហើយវីឡា នោះនឹងត្រូវរក្សាទុកដដែល។ ជាគោល ការណ៍នោះន ង ឹ អា ចជាដ ណោ ំ ះសយ ្រា ល ្អ មួយ ដែលតម្លៃដីអាចត្រូវបានគេកត់ សម្គាល់ និងអាចគាំទ្រដល់ការអភិរក្ស។ វាគឺជា រ ឿងលដ ្អ ល ែ មា នសន ួ ច បា ្ រនៅជ វុំ ញ ិ វីឡាចា ស់ៗ ទា ង ំ នោ ះហយ ើ ក ង ្នុ ក រណីខ ្លះ យើងត្រូវធ្វើទឡ្ហីករណ៍គាំទ្រ ប៉ុន្តែវាត្រូវ តែមានការអនុវត្តផងដែរ»។ អ្នកជ នា ំ ញវស ិ យ ័ អ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ នៅ ក ង ្នុ ស្រុក លោក Sunny Soo បានយល់ ស្របថា ៖ « វា ជា កា រលដ ្អ ល ែ គ កា េ រពាររក្សា អគារប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តចាស់ៗ។ អគារទាំង អស់នោ ះអា ចទាក់ទា ញភ ្ញៀវទស េ ចរបាន យ៉ាងច្រើន ប៉ុន្តែជាក់ស្តែងយង ើ ឃើញថា អគារទា ង ំ នោ ះតវ្រូ វា យកម្ទច េ ចោល ដ ម ើ ប្ ី ការអភិវឌ្ឍថ។ ្មី ប៉ុន្តែខម ្ញុំ ន ិ ឃើញកស ្តី ង្ឃម ឹ ខ្លាំងសម្រាប់បញ្ហានេះទេ។ ពិតណាស់ យើងគ ន ្រា ត ់ ក ែ ព ំ ង ុ ជ ជែកអ ព ំ អា ី រម្មណន ៍ ៃ តម្លរៃ បស់វា ប ន ៉ុ នា ្តែ ព ល េ ខា ងមខ ុ ឆា ប់ៗ វា នឹងត ្រូវបានគេវាយកម្ទេច»៕ PS
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 13, 2013
Property investors wary of Turkey before riots Tom Bill
protest against plans to fell trees for a development near Istanbul’s Taksim Square, the precursor to five days of rioting, reflects the scarcity of open space in Turkey’s largest city, thanks to rampant construction. Broader anti-government sentiment has fuelled the violent protest after a police crackdown on the peaceful demonstration, which won’t help Turkey’s appeal to global property investors already wary of its chaotic planning system and unappealing leasing market. Although Turkey received its second investment-grade credit rating last month and construction is booming, international capital from real estate investors has been thin on the ground, though transaction data is limited in what is still a relatively opaque property market. “There have been riots in other countries, but Turkey is different because it comes on top of other is-
Protesters gather at Taksim Square in Istanbul. Photo Bloomberg
sues,” said an investor at a fund with The decision to bulldoze a handful more than 5 billion euros ($6.5 bil- of trees in Gezi Park is part of plans lion) of European property under to pedestrianise the adjacent Taksim management. Square and build yet another shop-
real estate agent Kuzeybati. Istanbul has 2 million square metres of mall space under construction, dwarfing the 1.3 million total mustered by 60 Western European cities tracked by consultants CBRE. Only Chinese cities Chengdu and Tianjin have more. Lax controls have created a beggarmy-neighbour building spree as bigger new malls muscle out older rivals. The Trump Towers, Sapphire and Carousel malls have all suffered as newer buildings sprouted up nearby, a trend that has contributed to the closure of 24 shopping centres in Turkey over the last two years. “The thinking is if you can build a five-storey mall that’s worth more than a one-storey car showroom, then you will always build the mall,” said a property expert at a global consultancy. Foreign institutions looking for a secure rental income stream would also think twice before investing in Turkish office space, since there is not much of a local market base. Office ping centre and luxury flats. Parts of Turkey are already “over- blocks are a common investment for built”, said Murat Ergin, managing Continues on page 9 director of Istanbul
Phnom Penh Focus by Independent Property Services
•saleproperty 1:
• rENTAL property 1: This recently constructed apartment is located in central suburb of BKK1, close to many of the entertainment and restaurant venues of that suburb. The property is modern and comes fully furnished. The front lounge area is light and airy, as are the bedrooms, with the larger master bedroom featuring a plenty of wardrobe space. The western style kitchen comes complete with a large oven, refrigerator, washing machine, an exhaust fan, and plenty of cupboard space. This property is priced at $1,000, terrific value for a modern, contemporary property in the heart of Phnom Penh.
• rENTAL property 2: This pleasant, two-bedroom apartment is located in the heart of BKK1. It features two bedrooms with en-suites, a modern rear kitchen and an additional bathroom. The property is fully furnished with a gas-stove top, refrigerator, washing machine and stylish lounge and dining furnishings. There is a small courtyard for motorbike parking to the front and a private courtyard to the rear of the property. This is a very pleasant and leafy property in the heart of Phnom Penh. This property is located in a small block, and is listed at $1,100 plus utility costs.
This four-bedroom townhouse is located in a gated community in the northwestern area known as Toul Kork. This 2.5 storey property will be sold unfurnished and features a total of four bedrooms and four bathrooms. There is a large living area and a separate small maid’s room/storage room. The property also has a rear western kitchen and the front courtyard that can provide parking up to two vehicles. The community has gym and pool facilities in addition to a coffee shop/restaurant. The price for this property is $220,000, with the owner willing to negotiate on reasonable offers.
• saLe property 2: This lovely apartment is located on the uppermost level of the shopfront in the central suburb of 7 Makara, close to the Olympic Stadium, and near the shopping areas of Sihanouk Boulevard and the Orussey Market. It features two bedrooms, one of which is a mezzanine bedroom, a central kitchen and an open plan living area that opens out to a wrap-round balcony with sweeping views of inner Phnom Penh. This apartment is of a western style including a well-equipped kitchen and bathroom facilities. The property is listed at $140,000 and comes with soft tittle.
For further information on theses properties and others in Phnom Penh, Independent Property Services director David Murphy can be reached on 077 959 861 or Inquiry@independentpropertyservices.com. Alternatively, visit www.independentpropertyservices.com
June 13, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
Property investors wary of Turkey... Continued from page 8 funds in major European cities, but in Turkey they are typically owned by the builder, sold off floor by floor or sold to the tenant. “It’s slightly chicken and egg, because with no buyers, local developers can’t generate the profits needed to build investment grade assets,” said a second property source familiar with Turkish market. Despite the obstacles, a few brave investors have led the way with mall investments, buoyed by a young population of consumers aspiring to European shopping habits, which has resulted in the number of Turkish malls growing from 46 to about 300 since 2000. Investment yields, or the rental income as a per centage of the property’s value, reflect the investment risks of Turkey and appeal to those seeking higher returns. Yields are at a relatively attractive level of about 8 per cent for the best retail properties in Istanbul versus 3 per cent in London’s West End, 4 per cent in Paris or about 4.5 per cent in the major German cities. Investors that have bought Turkish retail property include the Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC and U.S. private equity giant Blackstone, which bought three Turkish malls from Dutch company Redevco last year. Blackstone has also bought about half of the debt of Dutch mall developer Multi Corp in a move that could enable the private equity giant to take control of the company, which has a string of shopping centres across Turkey. Time will tell if fortune favours the brave. “Turkey is not easy to get into, but if Blackstone are there now it’s for a good reason,” the second source said. REUTERS
London’s renters fuel an apartment boom Neil Callanan, Patrick Gower & Chris Spillane
ondoners are increasingly becoming renters whether they like it or not after the UK capital’s average home price passed 500,000 pounds ($778,000) last month. With first-time buyers having to borrow more than ever and save longer to afford a down payment, leasing demand is set to soar, and developers and investors are building like never before. The Greater London Authority estimates households renting privately owned apartments or single-family homes will increase to 37 per cent by 2025 from 25 per cent last year. “It’s one of the most exciting, if not the most exciting asset class in the market today,” said Nick Joplin, executive director of Grainger, the UK’s largest publicly traded residential landlord. “Institutions are recognizing that too.” Investors including Grainger, Dutch pension-fund asset manager APG and developer Quintain Estates & Developments Plc are already seeking to profit while others, such as New York-based private-equity firm KKR, have said they’re considering entering the London market. Savills estimates at least 210,000 more UK households will seek to rent in the next three years, most in the capital. Multifamily home buyers got total returns of 8.9 per cent in the UK last year, compared with 2.7 per cent for commercial real estate, according to Investment Property Databank Ltd. They’re also set to benefit from measures introduced by Prime Minister David Cameron’s government aimed at stoking construction and reviving the economy. The government’s March budget announcement included 1 billion pounds of incentives aimed at spurring multifamily residential development and easing a housing shortage. “These projects represent a wide range of innovative models and will provide a good spread across England, with around one quarter in London,” Housing and Local Government Minister Mark Prisk said in April A month after the incentives were
Cranes stand near the Riverlight residential apartment block development by St James, a home building unit of Berkeley Group Holdings Plc, during construction in the Nine Elms district of London. bloomberg
introduced, about 700 million pounds had been allocated to 45 projects around the UK. The developments could produce as many as 10,000 homes, the government estimates. “Those are the seed assets that we will see in future years acquired by institutional money once they’re built, leased up and tenants are paying their rent,” Grainger’s Joplin said. The shift toward companies and investors owning swaths of rental housing is as much cultural as it is economic. Like the rest of Britain, home ownership in London is engrained in the culture. Moving up the so-called housing ladder and renting out an apartment once a new home is acquired, or investing in a few buyto-let properties, has become a cottage industry. That’s different than places like the US and Germany where homeownership rates are lower and companies own thousands of rental apartments. About 70 per cent of Britons own their own home, compared with 53 per cent in Germany, data compiled by LBS Research shows. In the US, the figure is 65 per cent. To rent a home to Londoners unable or unwilling to buy one, multifamily investors are focusing on neighborhoods with access to transportation links like the London Un-
derground, such as Paddington as well as Balham and Putney, which are in the south and southwest of the city, according to Adam Challis, head of residential research at broker Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. “It’s all about orientating the asset around the demand profile of future occupiers,” Challis said. “Renters typically are going to be young professionals, car free, and as a result transport access is going to be a hallmark of the successful locations.” The Underground’s zones 2 and 3, which ring the city center, were the country’s best-performing areas for renting houses and apartments last year with returns of 10.7 per cent, researcher IPD said in February. The average rent in greater London climbed to 1,236 pounds in April, up 4.8 per cent from a year earlier, according to an index compiled by HomeLet, the UK’s largest referencing and rentals insurance company Quintain, a London-based developer, decided it will rent out about 100 apartments in building projects in the Greenwich area and another 100 in the city’s Wembley neighborhood, rather than sell as they had typically done, because of increased demand. “It’s the new phenomenon of this year,” Quintain CEO Max James said by telephone. “There is a growing in-
stitutional demand for this kind of product, so you begin to see this triangle where developers, tenants and institutions are all coming together in the same space.” London home asking prices increased 3.3 per cent to a record 509,870 pounds in May, propertywebsite operator Rightmove said in a report last month. The price of London homes is now more than nine times the average earnings of residents and buyers typically need a deposit of 59,000 pounds, according to a report by Savills. The typical first-time London buyer borrowed 3.6 times their household income last year for the purchase, the most ever, according to data compiled by the Council of Mortgage Lenders going back to 1974. Rents in the city were about 7.6 per cent higher in April than a year earlier, the biggest gain in the UK, LSL Property Services said last month. The London Assembly, a group of elected officials tasked with scrutinizing the Mayor, published a report today urging Boris Johnson to seek a change in U.K. law that would stabilize rents in London. Proposals include the introduction of a public sector letting agency, designed to incentivize “landlords to provide stable rents and longer tenancies.” BLOOMBERG
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 13, 2013
International Property News Hamptons rental
Sell hard with a vengeance US actor Bruce Willis has listed his huge Beverly Hills estate, for $22 million. The property, which is located near the prestigious Beverly Hills Hotel, is built in a Spanish-style in 1928. The star would make a killing if the mansion sells at the asking price. Willis purchased the 965 square metre home for a mere $9 million back in 2004. The estate has 11 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms, along with a tennis court, swimming pool and fountains. It is one of two properties in Los Angeles that Willis currently owns: the 58-year-old also has a ranch-style home off Mulholland Drive, which is a fair bit smaller sits on 269 square metres. Bruce also has two properties in New York, although one of them is on the market. Willis listed his Trump Place apartment for $11.65 million in February but it is not thought to have sold yet.
Another Russian billionaire will be spending his hard-won rubles on the east coast of the United States as he heads to the exclusive Hamptons area, spending a staggering $1million on a rental property for the summer. Igor Sosin paid $860,000 to rent a stunning turn of the century mansion for two months in 2011, and is believed to be returning to the same 12 bedroom, 12 bathroom house this year. The home boasts 10 acres, two pools and 50ft water fountain among other features. Built in the early 1900s, the house has been restored by its current owners who have put the property up for sale for $45 million, while wealthy renters like Sosin take advantage of its standout amenities. Sitting on a large plot of land, the property features a sixcar garage, a beautifully kept rose garden and a towering water fountain that is unlikely to be replicated on any of the surrounding properties. There is a carriage house for further guests, an indoor and outdoor pool and a full health centre with hot tub, sauna and gymnasium. The 45-year-old Sosin, who owns Russia’s equivalents to Home Depot and Petco, hosted an impressive Fourth of July party at the house last time he rented it. In a 2011 story in the New York Post, a broker familiar with the Russian billionaire rental scene in the Hamptons explained: “They’ve left the French Riviera and are flocking here.”
The price of history? How will potential buyers embrace the chance to own 1026 North Beckley Avenue in Dallas, Texas? Lee Harvey Oswald rented a room there in 1963, until he was accused of killing President John F Kennedy. The owner’s family has lived in the house for 70 years. Now, she hopes to parlay its past into a comfortable future elsewhere. The place can be yours for a cool $500,000, fully furnished. The owner’s grandmother bought the property in 1943 and for years ran a rooming house there. Her tenants included Oswald, who arrived on October 14, 1963, taking a room for $8 a week including refrigerator and living room privileges. On November 22, he returned to the house 30 minutes or so after the president’s assassination, spent a brief period in his room and hurriedly left, the housekeeper later said. Inside, potential buyers will find furnishings from the Oswald days that will remain with the house: Oswald’s metal-frame twin bed and wardrobe dresser; the dining room table, chandelier and wallpaper; a piano, coffee table, rocking chair and reupholstered couch; the kitchen stove and Oswald bathtub.
Coming up Trumps
Madonna sells up US singer Madonna has sold her 560 square metre Manhattan duplex overlooking Central Park, but not before taking a $4 million hit on her original asking price. The sale of the huge six-bedroom apartment in Harperley Hall - on the corner of West 64th Street, with banks of windows facing Central Park - closed last week. The property had been on the market for six months, it was first listed last November for $23.5 million, before the price was cut by 15 per cent in February to $19.995 million. Madonna originally bought a condo in the building with former husband Sean Penn back in the mid-1980s. Since then two other apartments have been added, to create a sprawling duplex on the fifth and sixth floors. It has 15 rooms, including eight bedrooms, five wood-burning fireplaces, a library, kitchen/diner and formal dining room. Two large living rooms with balconies and French doors open onto the park. The master bedroom included luxurious marble bathroom with Moorish arches, a steam shower and claw-foot tub. Madonna hasn’t lived in the apartment for several years. In 2009 she bought an Upper East Side townhouse for $32.5 million after splitting from second husband Guy Ritchie.
Russian fertilizer mogul Dmitri Rybolovlev bought Donald Trump’s 3,000-square metre home in Palm Beach, Florida, for $95 million but now apparently plans to tear it down due to mould damage. Rybolovlev bought the beachfront mansion in 2008, but has decided to demolish the house, which sits on a 6.26-acre property, including a 475-foot-long beach “He’s pretty mysterious about his ultimate plans,” a real estate source said. Some suspect that Rybolovlev may be planning on dividing up the lot into several beachfront lots. “It’s clear that the house will be leveled by the end of the year,” the source said. Trump bought the home in 2004 for $41.4 million from a nursing home tycoon. He then spent two years renovating the Florida home and then put it back on the market. The seven bedroom home has a garage that can accommodate 80 cars. The decor includes marble floors, bullet-proof windows, mahogany doors, giant skylights and a full-sized ballroom.
Bundchen eyes NYC duplex A 2,000 square metre estate on the US West Coast isn’t enough for supermodel Gisele Bundchen and star football quarterback Tom Brady. The NY Post reports that the couple are on the hunt for a new place in New York City. Just this week, Bundchen was spotted checking out an $11,495,000 duplex in the new Walker Tower luxury development on West 18th Street. The supermodel toured a three-bedroom, 260 square metre condo that includes a 35 square metre terrace and amazing views of the Empire State Building. Brady wasn’t touring the home with Gisele this week because his team have just started their organized team activities. He is pulling his weight though, as he just signed a contract extension that will help pay for the expensive pad. The Post reported that sources close to the couple say they are shopping the city’s real estate listings and are looking to spend between $9 and $12 million dollars for their new home.
YOUR REAL ESTATE EXPERTS 20 June 13, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
NewArt Gallery FOR RENT
Contemporary Southeast Asia Art paintings, Posters & Photographs Expert Matting & Framing Paintings by khmer, Chiness, Viethamese and Thai artists No 20 St.9,next to phsar kapko,Phnom Penh Tel: 012 824 570
E-mail: newart_gallery007@ yahoo.com Facbook:Tep Toma(new art)
SELL Personal Cinema
Ang Khmer Group
The first personal cinema in siem reap 11 theater rooms for 2D&3D big screen 5.1 Channel surround First 3D Movie in Siem reap Near pub street,T : 078 952-970 www.angkorcinema.com Angkor Trade center, Siem reap
11 c, street 396 Beung Keng Kang III, Chamkar Mon district, Phnom Penh (Behind Vietnam Shopping mall and BokorCinema), Kingdom of Cambodia H/P: (855)-15 29 97 96,
APARTMENT BUSINESS FOR sale in Siem Reap 25 units, parking gardens etc. good busines / turnover. sell for cheap price due to ill health Tel: 089 986 398
Special discount1-5% for June 2013 ! Suite 011, Building A, Ground Floor, Phnom Penh Center, Corner of Preah Sihanouk & SothearosBlvds., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, PO Box 981, Tel.: 077 863 545 / 023 217 545 pyramid@online.com.kh www.pyramid-e.com
THE ONLY PROVIDER OF INTEGRATED MARKET & SOCIAL RESEARCH SOLUTIONS IN INDOCHINA #37ABC, Street 271, Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 215 184; Fax: 023 215 190, Email: cambodia@indochinaresearch.com www.indochinaresearch.com Vietnam – Cambodia - Laos 1Bedroom Apartment 4 Rent $450/Month near Royal Palace 1Bedroom 1Bath, Roof Terrace Western Style, Fully Furnished Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
FOR SALE SUZUKI SIDEKICK 1992 FOR sale Price: 3000 Tel: 077 718 965
TEACHERS WANTED: If you love children and are creativeyou should be working at Home of English. We Need You! #17 && 19, St.360, Phnom Penh (023) 222 292 / 222 293 prek@homeofenglish.edu.kh VILLA FOR RENT: $1500/M Boeung Trobek Area near BKK1 $1500 per Month Very Big Yard 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furniture, 4Cars Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT $12/sqm. New building Good location Available for 150 sqm per floor Tel: 077 777 869
LOOKING FOR EXPATRIATE MEN to take research survey on sexual attitudes and behaviors. Go to www.surveymonkey.com/s/ SexHelpPhnomPenh1 USA THICK STEAK SPECIAL Tenderloin 325g (12oz) @ $33 Rib-eye 325g (12oz) @ $24 Or Big 450g T-Bone’s @ $25! All Choice. For real Steak lovers only! @ Steve’s #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415
FACTORY MANAGER WANTED to organize, manage, and control all functional departments for leading int. window manufacturer. Employer: International Windows Tel.: 077 588 888 Email: tino@iwindows.biz HOTEL FOR SALE (ARC005892) Centrally located in S-Reap town, new building with all en-suite & fur nishing,large parking, elevator ,L-Size:2400m2, Price:$7,500,000, Tel 097 6182 888 | www.arc.com.kh BUILDING FOR RENT (ARC009987) Located in main business area ,on the main road in 7 Makara, corner lot, convenient floor, large parking lot, a/c 26, price:$ 10,900 / month Tel:016 807 817 | www.arc.com.kh MODERNVILLAFORRENT(ARC011474) Located in Phnom Penh Tmei, gated community, 24h security, all fully furnished, nice interior design, 5-bed with bath, price: USD 1,500/ m Tel:016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh CONDO FOR RENT (ARC009415) Brand new ,3- bed rooms en-suite, open kitchen & dining room, well decorated and fully furnished, all facilities available,Price: $1,600/m Tel: 016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh HOTEL FOR SALE (ARC006609) In heart of DP, 80 units en-suite bath and furnishing,8 floors & rooftop swimming pool, L-Size: 480m2, Price : $3,00,000,Tel : 097 6182 888 APARTMENT FOR RENT (ARC009432) 3rd floor unit available in CKM , 1-bed, 2-bed, large rooftop swim- pool , nice garden, fully furnished, free wifi, 24h secu- guard,Price:$1,100/m Tel:016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh CONDO FOR SALE (ARC010748) In Bassac garden city, 24h-secu guard,10mn drive, all facilities & services available, plus pool, size: 160sqm, Price :$210,000, Tel : 097 6182 888. | www.arc.com.kh 2BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR Rent Near Central Market, Daun Penh $500/M 2Bedroom 2Bath Big Living room, Nice Kitchen Fully Furnished, Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 BRAND NEW APARTMENT 4 Rent $450/Month in BKK1 Area 1Bedroom 1Bath, 1Car Parking Western Style, Fully Furnished Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 4BEDROOM APARTMENT Rent $800/M, Tonle Basac Area Fully Furnished, Big Balcony 2Living room 4Bedroom, 4Bath Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 VILLA FOR RENT: $1500/M Boeung Trobek Area near BKK1 $1500 per Month Very Big Yard 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furniture, 4Cars Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 APARTMENT FOR RENT Price: $250/m,Bedroom 1 Fully furnished, Near Royal Tel: 078 85 58 85
LAND FOR SALE Price: 8, 4500$ size: 21X40m Located at Ta Khmao City Tel: 012 757 900/012 757 875
BRAND NEW WESTERN apartment 01 bed 500$ 02 bath, Nice living room Good kitchen. Very clean and Furnished Contact Tel: 077 77 78 69 hcsopheak@yahoo.com
1ST FLOOR VILLA 4 BEDROOMS For Rent, close to Lucky Supermarket BKK2, 04 Bedrooms, big living rooms, very nice kitchen, very big balcony, very quiet and safety.Price: $ 800/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
SWIMMING POOL WESTERN Apartment for rent in BKK I 02 bed 1350$ 03 bedr 2350$ 2 bath, Big living room Good kitchen. Very cleanand Western style. Furnished Very big Pool and Gym.Tel: 077 77 78 69
BRAND NEW WAREHOUSE FOR Rent Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), Size: 1,450sqm plus to 3,000sqm, electricity and water are connected. Price: US$1,7/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
TOWN HOUSE FOR RENT: Location: Tonle Basac 3 Bedr, 4Bath. 850/m Nice Balcony and Terrace Good environment. Furnished Tel: 077 777657 khornsokunyahoo.com www.ppgroup.biz
REAL MODERN APT FOR RENT BKK1, 01 & 02 Bed, living room,lots of light, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, roof top pool & gym, very good condition for living, Price: $1,500-2,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/
GARDEN VILLA FOR Rent 2500$/m. In Tonle Basac area, 3 bedrooms, big living room Very quiet, very safety Nice Garden and some trees Contact Tel: 077 777 657
BRAND NEW WAREHOUSE FOR Rent Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), Size: 1,450sqm plus to 3,000sqm, electricity and water are connected. Price: US$1,7/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
1ST FLOOR VILLA FOR RENT, In BKKI area, 02 Bedrooms, big living room, very big balcony, very safety area, very good condition for living. Price: US$600/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
SMALL VILLA FOR RENT South of Russian Market, 03 bedr ,fully furnished, nice kitchen, very quiet and safety, many trees, very good condition for living. $700/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
TRADITIONAL GARDEN VILLA FOR Rent In BKK1, 03-04 bedrooms, large living room, very light, some furnished, western kitchen, big balcony and terrace, very nice garden and trees, big parking and playground, quiet Price: US$3,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23
MODERN APARTMENT FOR RENT BKK1, 3 Bedrooms, large living room, very light, Fully Furnished, western Kitchen, Steam & Sauna, roof top garden, gym, very good condition for living, quiet & safe. Price: $3,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23
ESCAPE FROM PHNOM PENH at Nearby Kingdom Resort (20min) Fri or Sat night specials 1 Dinner + 1 Night + 1 Breakfast From $39 for 2 people. Get away this weekend! Tel: 023 72 15 14 | 012 528 534 Email: info@thekingdomresort.net LAO-Z- RESTAURANT JUNE Special: Grilled Chicken, Sticky Rice and Papaya Salad just for $5. Lao beer for just a buck! #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415 MORE JUNE SPECIALS AT Steve’s Steakhouse! Chicken Curry, Fried Rice in a Pineapple, Fish And Chips and all for just $5.50. And red wine at $1.75 #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415 NOW OPEN: KINGDOM Guesthouse. Nice Cozy place to stay with WiFi, Cable TV, hot water showers connected lounge & Kitchenette starting at only $25, Located (guess where?) @ Steve’s Steakhouse #8, St.240 Tel: 023 215 415
TRY THE KINGDOM RESORT for your next Meeting, Conferences, Party, or Retreat. Reasonable rates Beautiful surroundings, Full Facilities! Only 20min from town. For more Info call: 023 72 15 14 or Email:toinfo@thekingdomresort.net SUPER JUNE SPECIALS AT Steve’s Steakhouse! Big Cheese Burger Meal, Grilled Chicken Meal, Souvlaki,Mezes, or Spaghetti Bolognese for Just $5.50! #8, St.240 TEL 023 215 415 5 STORY APARTMENT BUILDING On Sisowath Quay for rent. Prime location for residential, Restaurant, guesthouse or Other business. Tel: 069 679 696 APARTMENT BUSINESS FOR sale in Siem Reap 25 units, parking gardens etc. good busines / turnover. sell for cheap price due to ill health Tel: 089 986 398 APARTMENT FOR RENT Price: $400/m,Bedroom 2 Fully furnished Tel: 078 85 58 85
ផ�ះ���ងស��ប់ជួល ពីរ�ន់កន�ះ �ប់ផ�វធំ 390$/��ទី�ំង�� អន�រ�តិណត��ិតទំហំ៖4មx16ម ទំ�ក់ទំនង៖085 51 92 72 MODERN ROOF POOL AND GYM For Rent Located in BKKI, 1-2 bed, big living room, fully and modern furniture, modern kitchen, very roof top pool and gym, open big terrace, very quiet and safety. $1,500 -$2,500 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
SWIMMING POOL GARDEN VILLA For Rent In Chamkamorn District, 04 Bed, large living room, very nice interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony, very nice pool and garden very quiet and safety area, cars parking, very quite and safety. $3,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
BRAND NEW MODERN VILLA FOR Rent In Bassac Garden Compound, 4-5 Bed, very large living room perfect interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony and big terrace, it will be complete in June, very quiet & safety area, cars parking, roof top steam & sauna.$4,000/m. Tel: 092 23 26 23
OFFICE BUILDING FOR RENT located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00 www.towncityrealestate.com
Call: Samoeurn Sambath on 097 47 52 565 (or) sambath.samoeurn@phnompenhpost.com Call: Bunthoeun Lim on 015 883 222 (or) bunthoeun.lim@phnompenhpost.com
TAKE A FREE ADVERT. 1-2-3 IT’S SIMPLE! For just $7 upgrade to a premium advert & boost your bottom line For just 7$ we can publish your advertisement with a photograph and seven lines. Contact our headline to book a photo classies and boost your bottom line.
Sihanuk Ville good for hotel, apt or villa Interest ring @:068 222747
Ls: 18mx30m, 22 Bedrooms & baths Nice yard, good accessibility, suitable
free three lines period is for long time. Price 4,500 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 081 456 007
then 1$ per line
Behind Lumprevu, sale$45.000(neg) 081 22 27 47
2 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room Price: USD 500 per month Location: Near Russian Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Daun Penh, 3000 USD per month (Negotiable). Land Size: 22 m x 27m Nice garden & swimming pool, 3 cars parking 5 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture Tel: 095 584 007/081 456 007
Located in TTP Area, nearby Vietnamese Embassy, 3,200USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 17m x 30m, Nice garden with swimming pool, 3 cars parking 4 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture 081 456 007/ 095 584 007
Offered 5 bedrooms attached baths, two big balconies, 2 rooms for maids, very nice garden with large parking, partly furnished, located in the heart of the city (DP), Asking price 2500USD per month still negotiable Tel: 095 584 007/ 081 456 007
5 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room 2 Cars Park, Price: USD 138900 Location: In front of Toek Thla Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86(Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Phsar Duem Thkov Area 850USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 8m x 25m, 2 cars parking, 4 Bedrooms with 3 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004/ 092 757 947
Land size: 15m x 25m, and Located at Boeung Trabek, 5 Bedrooms with baths and small garden, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,600 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 081 818 004
Warehouse size: 1,350 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. 4,000 USD per month (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
1Bed, 1Kitchen, 1Bath, 1 Living Room, USD 29.900, 2Beds, 2Baths, 1Kitchen, 1Living Room, USD 39990, Reducing Payment: 2 years, Interest Rate: 0%. Near Russian Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Warehouse size: 1,000 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. Price 2,200 USD per month (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Building size: 8.2m x 20m, and Located on main road at Chamkarmorn EXLOGLQJ VSDFH IRU RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 4,700 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Building size: 8m x 16m, and Located on main road at Sensok EXLOGLQJ VSDFH IRU RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 2,600 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
HOUSE FOR SALE Price: $1,200/m, Bedrooms 2 with A/C. Tel: 078 85 58 85, 4Bedrooms Villa for Rent Swimming Pool $2,500/Month, Tonle Basac Area, Western Style, Nice Garden, Furnished, 1Living room, Nice Kitchen, 4Bedrooms A/C, 4Bathroom, Quiet Place, 2Car Parking, www.ppgroup.biz,Tel:077777869
to book your space 023 211 314 or property@phnomnpenhpost.com
Price: $1,200/m, Bedrooms 2 with A/C. Tel: 078 85 58 85, 4Bedrooms Villa for Rent Swimming Pool $2,500/Month, Tonle Basac Area, Western Style, Nice Garden, Furnished, 1Living room, Nice Kitchen, 4Bedrooms A/C, 4Bathroom, Quiet Place, 2Car Parking, www.ppgroup.biz,Tel:077777869
5 Bedrooms, 6 Bathrooms, 1 Kitchen, 1 Living Room, 2 Cars Park Price: USD 1000 per month Location: Next Basak River H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECU
Land size: 12m x 43m, and Located at Chamkarmon, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 3 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,600 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Land size: 16m x 33m, and Located at Daun Penh, 6 Bedrooms with baths and big yard, around 4 cars parking, good accessibility, VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,000 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Located in Tuol Tumpoung Area, 2,000USD per month (Negotiable), Ls: 15m x 25m, Some tree, 3 cars parking 7 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004 / 092 757 947
Land: 20m x 30m, 8 Bedrooms, 10 Bathrooms, 2 Kitchens, 3 Living Rooms 4 Cars Park, Price: USD 2000 per month Location: Near Russian Market H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
2 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room 2 Cars Park, Price: USD 44990 Location: St.371, Near PC Market H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Tuol Tumpoung Area 1,400USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 10m x 30m, Nice garden, 3 cars parking 4 Bedrooms with 4 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004/ 092 757 947
Villa for rent in Toul Tompong area, Bs: 8m x15m, 2Floor, 3 bed rooms, 3 baths. fully furnished, good accessibility, security place IRU OLYLQJ DQG PDNLQJ DQ RIÂżFH WKHUH FDU parking. 1,000$ USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 087 818 005 / 087 818 004
Ls: 30mx40m, villa for rent in Toul kork area , 8 Beds with baths, Good accessibility, big parking. Nearby school, hospital and market, Suitable for running business like garage, restaurant. 2,500$/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 087 818 005 / 087 818 004
from now. It has a spacious, airy living space opening to balcony . This lovely apartment comes with furnished. $1300/month. Tel: 012490104 ZZZ SDOP HVWDWHDJHQW FRP
near by BKKI. It has a spacious, airy living ssace opening to balcony . It has basic furnished. Price: $800/month. Tel: 012490104 ZZZ SDOP HVWDWHDJHQW FRP
P FORVH WR ,QGHSHQGHQW 0RQXPHQW 2 nice Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms surrounded bamboo, WUHHV ÀRZHUV /DUJH \DUG JRRG environment for living Tel : 012 25 44 92 SRENG BOU CAR RENTAL SERVICE
Long contract and Sort contract
Building size: 8m x 16m, and Located on main road at Sensok, building space for RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 3,000 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Land size: 22m x 25m, and Located at Chamkarmorn, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice yard, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,700 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Land size: 18m x 28m, and Located at Daun Penh, 7 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,300 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Ls: 17m x 31m, and Located at Chamkarmon, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 6 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,500 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Warehouse size: 1,150 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. 2,200 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Rental Per Month x Lexus Lx 470 year 2000 : 1250 $ x Lexus Lx 470 year 1999 : 1200 $ x Lexus Rx 300 year 2000 : 750 $ x Lexus Rx 300 year 1999 : 700 $ x Honda CRV year 2000 : 500 $ x Honda CRV year 1999 : 450 $ x Toyota RAV4 year 2002 : 750 $ x Toyota RAV4 year 1999 : 500 $ x Toyota RAV4 year 1998 : 450 $ x Toyota Highlander 2002 : 800 $ x Camry year 2002 : 650 $ x Camry year 2000 -2001 : 500 $ x Camry year 1997-1999 : 450 $ Included Insurance Full Coverage address :#35 St 310, BKK I ,Phnom Penh H/P : 012 891 845 / 016 33 00 25 Email : srengbou@yahoo.com
:063 3&"-&45"5& &91&354 YOUR REAL ESTATE EXPERTS
FABRUARY 21 2013 t 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. June 13, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
POST-Property.com .com POSTKHMER
Cambodia’s premier real estate agency 5 Bedroom Villa in Toul Kork This partially furnished, enormous villa is located in the western district of Toul Kork. The surrounding gardens contain a tennis court, pool and a separate games room. The gound floor is open plan with a large kitchen, dining/living/lounge area and a single bedroom. Upstairs consists of 4 bedrooms (all with en-suites) and a secondary living area. This villa is perfect for a large active family.
2 Bedroom Apt in Boeung Trabek
3 Bedroom Villa in BKK1
This newly constructed apartment is furnished to a western style and located close to the Boeung Trabek Plaza. The kitchen/living area is open plan and the property comes fully furnished.
This three bedroom single storey villa is located centrally in BKK1. It features a pleasant frontal courtyard with gazebo. This villa is of western style with fully equipped kitchen and bathroom facilities.
1 Bedroom Apartment in Daun Penh
1 Bedroom Apartment in Daun Penh
This riverside property is finished to a high western standard. It comes with a fully fitted kitchen and a large living space with small balcony. Get in early as interest in this apt will be high.
This first floor, 1 bed apt is located in the central district of Daun Penh. It features a western style rear galley kitchen and dinning area, a separate bedroom (with en-suite), and frontal living area.
Contact us today for all your property needs. www.independentpropertyservices.com inquiry@independentpropertyservices.com
$550 Tel: 077 959 861
Corner St 63 & St 294 BKK1, Phnom Penh
5-Bedrooms villa available in BKI, nice colonial style inside, nice open living area, nice kitchen, garden with trees Price: 4,500$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0163) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
3-Bedrooms villa available in BKKI, Nice layout with nice open living area, nice kitchen, garden with trees Price: 2,200$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0398) www.vmcrealestate.com 069 48 95 43 / 017 76 92 71
In BKKI area, 2-bedrooms with bathrooms, nice Living area with furniture, kitchen, security. Price: 550$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0158) www.vmcrealestate.com 069 48 95 43 / 017 76 92 71
In Toul Kor area, nice decoration with 5-beds & baths, nice open two living area, big pool, nice kitchen, balcony, trees. Price: 2,500$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0354) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
In BKKI area, western style with nice furniture, balcony, nice open living room, nice kitchen, gym, pool, security 24h Price: 1,350$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0057) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
Available on East side of Russian Market, nice living room, balcony, nice kitchen, furnished. Price: 450$/mth Ref-apt: 045) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
On East side of Russian Market Area, nice layout with open living room, balcony, nice kitchen, garden, trees, Price: 2,500$/mth (Ref-villa: 0054) www.vmcrealestate.com 069 48 95 43 / 017 76 92 71
In BKKI area, nice decoration & modern furniture, nice view balcony, nice open living room, nice kitchen, gym, security 24h, Price: 1,200$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0352) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 069 48 95 43
Apartment Rentals & Property Management
www.orome.asia +855 12 971 001
14 14
�ជ�នីភេំ� ពញ ��រជួលទំហំសរុប 2000m2 ��រ 8x26,80m 2�ន់ បន�ប�� ់ ង12 បន�បទឹ ់ ក 18, ចំ�យ60m ពីអង�រឃ���ងយូ ចំ�យ 350m �ង�ើងផ��វ�តិ��ខ6 ភូមិចុង� ស៊ូ ��ត�ៀម�ប ត���$3500/�� ដីសល់ �ច��ើៈ �ង, �ជនី��ន, �រ��ល័យ ទូរសព�័ៈ 012 63 0664 | 012 88 07 45 ដីលក់ប��ន់ �ជិត�ងច��ចុះ ពីផ�វ��ង��ង ពីផ�វធំ4០mទំហំ ដី 621m២លក់តំ��$11០,០០០ ល�បំផុតសំ�ប់សង់ផ�ះជួល �ក់ទងTel : 016 667 279 ផ�ះលំ��រ�យសំ�ប់លក់ ខណ��នជ័យ ស/ក �លស��វ� ដី2200m២ ទំហំ500m២ លក់ $419,000 Tel: 016 667279 ដីលក់សំ�ប់��ើផ�ះសំ�ក់ ទំហំដី 15មx21ម លក់ក�ងត��� 21០០០០ដុ�� ស�ិត�អូរ��កក�ម Tel:016 667 279 www.arc.com.kh ផ�ះលក់��ើផ�វ�តិ��ខ២ ��ក់អ���ម � រកសុ� ី ន ផ�ះ ៥មx១៦ម ដី:៥មx១៦ម ត��� ២២០ ០០០ដុ�� Tel: 016 667 279 | www.arc.com.kh ដីលក់�បឹង����ក ទំហំដី:5មx25ម ��កទិស��ើង ត���:$150000 �នប�ង់រ�ង, ល�សំ�ប់ សង់ផ�ះជួលសំ�ប់ជន�តិបរ��ស Tel: 016 667 279 ដីលក់ ��ៀម�បភូមិ�ភុល ទំហំដី:25មx57ម,ល�សំ�ប់ផ�ះសំណក់ Boutique hotel/ apartment ត��� ២៤៥ ០០០ ដុ�� Tel: 016 667 279 | www.arc.com.kh ផ�ះលក់ ទំហំដនិ ី ងផ�ះ៨មx១៦ម ១២ បន�ប់ត��� ៥៨០០០០ដុ�� ស�ិត�ផ��រសុវ��។ Tel: 016 666 258 www.arc.com.kh ផ�ះសំ�ក់លក់ ទំហំដ១៣មx២៤ម ី អ�រ១២មx១៨ម ៣០បន�ប់, ត���៦០០,០០០ដុ�� ស/ក��យ ច�� Tel: 016 666 258 ផ�ះ���ង ២���ងលក់ 8.5m x20m ស��ត់ជ័យជំនៈ ជិតផ��រក��ល ប�ង់រ�ងកំពស់ពីរ�ន់ តំ�� $950,000 ដុ��រ ទំហំផ�ះ 8.5m x20m ��ង�ច់��ុង ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697
POST-Property.com .com POSTKHMER
ដីលក់ ទំហំដី ១៤ម x ២៥ម ត��� ៤៧០,០០០ដុ�� ស�ិតក��ងស/ក បឹង��ងកង៣ �ងសង់��តមិន 016 666 258 | www.arc.com.kh
វ��លក់�ប់ ផ��វូធំ ��ង ទំហំដី 25m x25m លក់ $1.5 �ន ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ ផ��វធំ ��ង �ន៨បន�ប់��ង ៨បន�ប់ទឹក ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958
ដីផ�ះវ�ទ��លក់ 1.6 �នដុ��រ បឹ់ង��ងកង១ ទំហំដីៈ 17mx30m ផ�ះកំពស់២�ន់ បន�ប់��ង៦ សំ�ប់ ��រ���៉�ន រ� �រ��ល័យ ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958
ផ�ះវ��លក់ប��ន់ បុរ��ន់��ទួល�ក ទំហំដី៣១០m២ ��រ ៣០០m២ បន�ប�� ់ ង៤ ទឹក៤ ត���លក់ USD 390,000 Tel: 097 6182 888
ផ�ះវ�ទ�� ដីទំហំ 11mx26m $520,000 ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ ប�ង់រ�ង ដី 11m x26m ផ�ះ 9m x17m បន�ប់��ង៤ បន�ប់ទឹក៣ ចំណំត៤ ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697
��រ �រ��ល័យសំ�ប់ជួល តំ���ប់ពី $10/m2 ក��ង១�៉������� ទី�ំងផ��វធំ ទំហំពី150m2 ដល់1500m2 ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697
ដីលក់ប��ន់�ើផ�វ�នណ�យ ទំហំ40,470�៉������ �នប�ង់រ�ងចំ�យ2 ,700�៉���ពីធ��រ�តិថ�ី ត���150$/�៉������។ Tel:067 666686
វ��សំ�ប់លក់ ដី 16m x25m ទំហំផ�ះ 12m x18m ទួល��យ��១ តំ�� $80 មុឺនដុ��រ ៥បន�ប់��ង ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958
ដីលក់ប��ន់ទំហំ615�៉����រ េ�នប�ង់រ�ងស�ិត�ស�ឹង�នជ័យចុះពីផ�វ មុន�ី��ត300�៉����ង�ើតវ�ទ����ន�តិ �ណិជ�����ត���150,000$(ត) Tel:012 88 11 92
ផ�ះ��ងលក់ ទំហំ 4mx18m ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ កំពស់៣�ន់ប�ង់រ�ង តំ�� $190,000 ផ�ះ 4m x14m បន�ប់��ង៦ បន�ប់ទឹក៦ ចំណត១ ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697
ដី��ងលក់ប��ន់ជិតបុរ�ពិភពថ�ី �ប់ផ�វឩ����ី��ងទំហំ38,000�៉���� ��ត��� 90$/�៉������ Tel: 067666686
ផ�ះវ�ទ��លក់ ដីទំហំ 16mx25m ក��ងស��ត់បឹង�ំង ដូន��ញបន�ប់��ង៥ បន�ប់ទឹក៦ ទំហំដីៈ 16m x 25m លក់ 1�ន៣��នដុ��រ ជួល$3000/�� ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958
ដីលក់ប��ន់��យ���ៀន ណត�៊�ីតទំហំ20,000�៉�������នប�ង់ រ�ងត���200$/�៉������(ត) Tel: 067666686 វ��កូន�ត់លក់�បុរ���ង The Star Light �ងលិចទួល�ក ទំហំវ��5.10mx12m(E0E1E2) ដី5.10x17.5m�ន4ប.��ង5 ប. ទឹក�ន�ងទឹកក�ឹប�ត់��ណ ត���147,000$(ត) Tel: 067666686 ផ�ះវ�ទ��សំ�ប់ជួល តំ�� $1000/�� ក��ងស��ត់ ទួលទំពូង១ �ន៣បន�ប់��ង ល�សំ�ប់ រស់�រ��រ��ល័យ ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958 ផ�ះ���ងលក់ ដីទំហំ 5.8mx25m ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ ពីរ�ន់ ប�ង់រ�ង ផ�ះ5.8m x20m ជួល�ន$1200/�� តំ�� $330,000 �ចចរ��ន ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958 ដីនិងផ�ះវ�ទ�� លក់ 12mx15m $400,000 ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ ប�ង់រ�ង ដី 12m x15m ផ�ះ 10m x12m បន�ប់��ង៥ បន�ប់ទឹក៥ ចំណំតទ��ន២ ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697
ដីលក់ទំហំ 26mx58m ផ��វធំ $580.000 ដុ��រផ��វធំ ស��ត់ភ�ំ��ញថ�ី ទី�ំងល�សំ�ប់ វ�ទ�� ភូមិ��ឹះ រ���រ ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697 ដី និងផ�ះសំ�ប់លក់ តំ�� $590,000 ប�ងរ់ ង � ស��ត,់ ទួលទំពង ូ ១ ទំហំដី 15m x25m. 012 939 958 ដីសំ�ប់លក់ 23m x 34m 770m2 :23mx34m, $2,300,000 ដុ��រ ប�ង់រ�ង តំបន់ដូន��ញ ជិតវ��ន ឯក�ជ�� 077 777 697 ផ�ះ���ងលក់ ដីទំហំ 4.2mx30m ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ ពីរ�ន់ ប�ង់រ�ង តំ�� $250,000 ទំហំផ�ះ 4 m x22m បន�ប់��ង៥ សល់ដី�ងមុខ៦ម��យ២ម ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697 ��រ សំ�ប់ជួល ផ��វធំ $6000/�� ទី�ំង ខណ�ចំ�រមន កំពស់៦�ន់ ទំហំ��រ 12m x15m ល�សំ�ប់�រ��ល័យ រ� មន�ី��ទ�� ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958 ដីលក់ប��ន់�ើផ�វ�នណ�យ ទំហំ25,267�៉�������នប�ង់រ�ងចំ�យ 200�៉���ពីផ�វទំនប់កំ��ូវត���150$/m2 Tel:067666686
ដីលក់ 17mx30m 1.5�នដុ��រ ដី 17mx30m លក់ 1.5�នដុ��រ ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង១ ទី�ំងល�សំ�ប់ ��រ �រ��ល័យរ���ត�៉�ន ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697 ដីលក់ទំហំ 14mx25m លក់តំ�� $470000 ដុ��រ ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ ទី�ំងល�សំ�ប់ ��រ �រ��ល័យរ���ត�៉�ន ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697 វ��ធំ ម៉ូតថ�ី សំណំង់ថ�ី សំ�ប់លក់ ទី�ំងក��ង ស.ក ទឹក���នទំហំដី 22m x 43m តំ��លក់ $800,000 បន�ប់��ង៥ បន�ប់ទឹក៥ �ង��លទឹកធំ ទំ�ក់ទំនងទិញ 077 777 697 ��ំង�ងច�� សំ�ប់ជួល 15000m2 ��រថ�ី ទំហំ��ំង 15000m2 ដី២ហិច� ភ�ំ��ញថ�ី ខណ�័��នសុខ តំ�� $1.5/m2 ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697 វ��សំ�ប់លក់ ដីទំហំ 12m x24m បឹង��លិត តំ�� 73 មុឺនដុ��រ ៥បន�ប់��ង ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958
888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. t FABRUARY 2013 www.phnompenhpost.com •June 21 13,,2013
$400~$500/Mon near Royal Palace 1Living room, 1Bedroom Western Style, Fully Furnished Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
$750/Month, 6th Floor, BKK1 Open Living room 1Bedroom 1Bath, Free Internet, Cleaning and Balcony, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
Near Central Market, Daun Penh $500/Month 2Bedroom 2Bath Big Living room, Nice Kitchen Fully Furnished, Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 4BEDROOM APARTMENT RENT
vv $800/Month, Tonle Basac Area Fully Furnished, Big Balcony 2Living room 4Bedroom, 4Bath Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
Boeung Trobek Area near BKK1 $1500 per Month Very Big Yard 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Some Furniture, 4Cars Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 APARTMENT FOR RENT
$350/m,Bedroom 1, Fully furnished Tel: 078 85 58 85
$450/m,Bedroom, Fully furnished Tel: 078 85 58 85
$400/m,Bedroom 2, Fully furnished Tel: 078 85 58 85
$250/m,Bedroom 1, Fully furnished, Near Royal Palace Tel: 078 85 58 85
Price: $1550/m,Bedroom 4 Fully furnished, ToulKok Tel: 078 85 58 85
$850/m,Bedroom 3, Fully furnished With Land Garden Tel: 078 85 58 85
Commercial office on main road in CKM, suited location for bank & MFI office or business purpose. large parking lot, Price:$15,000 / month , Tel :016 654 572 | www.arc.com.kh APART FOR SALE (ARC003514)
Centrally located in BPL, 7-unit service apartment, all furnishing, 4 floors & 24h guard, L-Size: 190m, Price : $ 530,000, Tel: 097 6182 888 / www.arc.com.kh
ដី និង ផ�ះលក់ ប��ន់ 30m x 40m �នទី�ំង សង��់បឹងកក់២ ទួល�កតំ��លក់ $1450,000 ($1200/m2) �ប់ផ�វធំទំហំដីៈ 30 m x 40m ប�ង់រ�ង ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697 ផ�ះ���ងលក់ ដីទំហំ 6.5mx17m បឹង��ងកង៣កំពស់ពីរ�ន់ ប�ង់រ�ង ទំហំផ�ះ 6.5 m x13m បន�ប់��ង៥ តំ�� $230,000 �ចចរ��ន ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697 ផ�ះ���ងលក់ ដីទំហំ 7.5mx23m បឹង��ងកង៣ កំពស់ពីរ�ន់ ប�ង់រ�ង តំ�� $320,000 ទំហំផ�ះ4.2m x18m បន�ប់��ង៥ សល់ដីចំ�ៀង 3.3m ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 9
YOURREALESTATEEXPERTS 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. t
�យៗ ពីប៉ុស�អចលន��ព� �កអ�កនឹងទទួល�ន �រចុះផ�យ�យឥតគិត��� ១ដងក�ង � ១ស��ហ៍ �យ��ន� ់ ប � � ំ ញ � ���ទ � អចលន��ព� ទំហំ ទី�ំង ត��� ��ខទូរស័ព� និងព័ត៌�ន���ងៗ ��ល�នចំនួន៦ ប��ត់ មក�ន់
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ទីតាំង......................................................................................................................................................................... ត���...........................................................................................................................................................................
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POST-Property.com POSTKHMER.com
:063 3&"- &45"5& &91&354 FABRUARY 21, 2013 t 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. YOUR REAL ESTATE EXPERTS June 13, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
15 15
VILLA FOR RENT L-Size:2400m2, Price:$7,500,000
Tel 097 6182 888 | www.arc.com.kh BUILDING FOR SALE (ARC001170)
On the main road, corner lot, in 7 Makara, all facilities included, large car park, 7 oors, 2 elevators, $5,000,000 Tel : 097 6182 888 | www.arc.com.kh MODERN VILLA FOR RENT
BKK1, 5 bedrooms, large living room, light, fully furnished, western kitchen, big balcony and terrace, nice garden and trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safe. US$3,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Chroy Changva (across Japanese Bridge), 04 bedrooms, big living rooms, balcony, a lot of light, nice kitchen, fully furnished . Price: $1,200/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
BKKI, 1-2 bedrooms, open living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, nice balcony, roof top gym, very good condition for living Price: US$1,000-US$1,400/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), 1,450sqm plus to 3,000sqm, electricity and water are connected. possible for trucks across. US$1,7/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Boeung Kak2, Toul Kok Area, $3,000/mth, Swimming Pool, Nice Garden, Western Style, Big Living room, 5Bedrooms, 5Bathrooms, Full Furnished & Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 APARTMENT FOR RENT
2 Beds, Price:$600/m, Big Terrace, Fully furnished, Area: Near Russian Market. Tel: 092 447 391 LLA FOR RENT
In Chamkamorn District, 4 Bedrooms, large living room, nice interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony, nice pool, garden, cars parking, quite & safety. US$3,000/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Toul Kork, 5 Bedrooms, a lot of light, big living room, western kitchen, nice pool and garden, big playground, big trees, quiet & Safety, 3 cars parking, good for living. US $3,000/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
BKKI, 1-2 bedrooms, large living room, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, big balcony, quite & safety area, big parking lots, good for living. US$800-US$1,200/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Commercial Street, 6 Stories, 12x22m, good condition for School, ofďŹ ce, Bank, showroom, clinic & Hospital, Hotel & other business purpose. US$9,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Ls: 18.5m x 34.5m, 9 Bedrooms, baths nice yard, good accessibility, suitable for living, residential and small hotel. Leasing period is for long time. 4,200 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 095 584 007
Fs: 30,000m2, Free land at industrial area near Porchin Tong Airport. The owner of the land wants to rent free land. Rental 0.1 USD/square for free land Rental 1.7USD/square Tel: 097 6 707 696/ 087 818 004 VILLA FOR RENT
In Bassac Garden Compound, 03 Bedrooms, large living room, perfect interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony, cars parking, very quite and safety. Price: $3,000/month. Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
At south of Russian Market, 3 Bedrooms, nice living rooms, big parking, big play ground, safety and quiute, very good condition for living. Price: US$800/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Roof top swimming pool and gym, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, 1-2-3 bedrooms. Price: US$1,100 to US$1,900/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Northbridge, 5 bedrooms, fully furnished, light, western kitchen, perfect garden, big playground, 03 Cars Parking, quiet & safe, very good condition for living. Rent: $ 3,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
close to independent monument, 02 Bedrooms, open living rooms, western kitchen, wooden oor, big balcony, Price: $ 600/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Near Royal Palace Area, 02 beds, fully furnished, very light, nice kitchen, very safety, good condition for living Price: US$400/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Near Toul Tompoung Market $1900 per Month Very Big Yard 1Living room, 5 Bedroom, 5 Bathrooms, Some Furniture, 5 Cars Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
Tel: 081 41 44 45 / 087 818 005 WESTERN VILLA FOR RENT
16x30, Three stories house has 4 Bedrooms & baths, 4 ofďŹ ce rooms, One living room, kitchen. It is special for the residential and small ofďŹ ce. Rental 2300USD/ mth can negotiable.
Location: near Central Market $650/Month: 2 Bedrooms, 2Bathrooms, Western Style, Big Living room, Big Balcony, Western Kitchen Contact to View: 012 939 958
Rent: $850 - $900/mth, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, dining area, living room, fully furnished, balcony, full of light & elevator. It’s Russian market, TTP. Tel: 017 45 70 70
Tel:016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh HOTEL FOR SALE (ARC006609)
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Close to Vietnam Embassy, 1-2 Beds, large living room, lights of lights, nice balcony, fully modern furnished, western Kitchen, good condition for living, quiet & safe. $600/mth –$900/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23 081 23 00 00
Tel: 017 45 70 70
3 Beds, $450/m, Big, Nice & Fully furnished BKK 3, Tel 012 83 88 29 HOUSE FOR RENT
Price: $850/m,Bedroom 3, Fully furnished, Near Royal Palace
$650/m,Bedroom 1, Bathroom 1 New Fully furnished, BKK 1
3rd oor unit available in CKM, 1-bed, 2-bed, large rooftop swim- pool, nice garden, fully furnished, free wiďŹ , 24h secu- guard, Price: $1,100/month
Daun Penh close to Independent Monument, 7 beds, big living rooms, balcony, nice kitchen, some furniture, good for ofďŹ ce, boutique hotel, business purpose, big parking. US$4,000/mth
Rent: $2,000/mth 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, Kitchen, dining area, living room, pool, nice garden and full of light. It’s located in TK.
Area:CCV, Tel:012 838 829
Near Royal Palace Area, 1-2 bedrooms, fully furnished, lights, vey nice kitchen, very quiet & safe, very good condition for living Rent: US$600-US$800/mth
Area:CCV, Tel:092 447 391
Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
style, BKK 1, Tel: 012 83 88 29
4 Bedrooms, Price: $600/m, Furnished, Western style
Price: $300/m,Bedroom 1 Fully furnished, Near Russain Market
BKK1, 1-2-3 Bedrooms, large living room, light, Fully Furnished, western Kitchen, Steam & Sauna, roof top garden, gym, good condition for living, quiet & safe. $900- $1,500-$3,000/mth
Tel:016 807 817 | www.arc.com.kh
Price: $700/m, 4 Bedrooms, Garden, Parking: 2 Cars Fully furnished & Nice
Tel: 081 41 44 45 / 087 818 005
3 Beds, $1,500/m, Nice & Western
In main business area , main road in 7 Makara, corner lot, convenient oor, large parking lot, a/c 26, $ 10,900 /mth
Teuk Thlar Northbridge School, $3,000/mth, Swimming Pool, Nice Garden, Western Style, Big Living room, 5Beds, 5Baths, Full Furnished & Big Balcony
Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
In Beoung Trobek Area, 5 Bedrooms, big front yard, many trees, very quiet and safety, the best location for living and ofďŹ ce. Price: US$1,500/month
Tel: 092 447 391
Khan Dounpenh, Hs:17x40m, 13 Bedrooms, 15baths, good accessibility, suitable for running business such as Hotel, 3 car parking. Near Embassy. 5000 USD/mth (Negotiable)
Khan Dounpenh, Hs: 8.5x13m, Ls: 9mx16m, 5 Bedrooms, good accessibility, suitable fo Living and making ofďŹ ce. 2 car parking. Near By Embassy. Price 1500 USD/mth (Negotiable) PERFECT WESTERN VILLA FOR RENT
2 Bedrooms, $800/m, Western, Nice Living room, Fully furnished, BKK 1
In heart of DP, 80 units en-suite bath and furnishing, 8 oors & rooftop swimming pool, L-Size: 480m2, $3,00,000,
Tel: 077 777 697 012 939 958
Centrally located in S-Reap town, new building with all en-suite & fur nishing, large parking, elevator,
$600/Month in 7 Makara Area Real Western Style, Furniture Living Room, 1Bedroom A/c Nice Kitchen, 1Car Parking
Tel : 097 6182 888 | www.arc.com.kh
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Price: $500/m,Bedroom 2 Fully furnished, BKK 3 Tel: 078 85 58 85
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Price: $700/m,Bedroom 3 Fully furnished With Land Garden Tel: 078 85 58 85
Located in Phnom Penh Tmei, gated community, 24h security, all fully furnished, nice interior design, 5-bed with bath, price: USD 1,500/ month Tel:016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh CONDO FOR RENT (ARC009415)
Brand new, 3- bed rooms en-suite, open kitchen & dining room, well decorated and fully furnished, all facilities available,Price: $1,600/mo Tel: 016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh CONDO FOR SALE (ARC010748)
In Bassac garden city, 24h-secu guard,10mn drive, all facilities & services available, plus pool, size: 160sqm, Price :$210,000,
Tel : 097 6182 888. | www.arc.com.kh
June 13, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
PPIU នង ឹ បើកដណ ំ រើ ការហាងលក់ទន ំ ញ ិ នៅចុងឆន ំ្នា ះេ សីវុ ម៉ង េ ភ្នំពេញៈ អគាររបស់សាកលវិទ្យាល័យភ្នំពេញ អន្តរជាតិ (PPIU) គ្រោងនឹងបើកដំណើរការ ហាងលក់ទំនិញ ភោជនីយដ្ឋាន និងហាងលក់ ផលិតផលជាច្រើនទៀតដែលបម្រើឲ្យការសិក្សា របស់និស្សិត និងសាធារណជននៅចុងឆ្នាំនេះ បន្ទាបព ់ អ ី គារកម្ពស១ ់ ៥ជាន់ន េះបា នផក ្អា ស កម្ម ភាពសាងសង់មួយរយៈខ្លីរួចមក។ លោកស្រី ទេព កូលាប សាកលវិទ្យាធិការនៃ សាកលវិទ្យាល័យភ្នំពេញអន្តរជាតិ បានប្រាប់ថា អគារសាកលវទ ិ យា ្ ល យ ័ ភ ព ្នំ ញ េ អ ន្តរជា តិន ង ឹ ប ក ើ ដំណើរការផ្សារលក់ទំនិញ សម្ភារសិក្សា ហាង កាហ្វេភោជនីយដ្ឋាន និងផលិតផលនានាដែល បម្រើឲ្យការសិក្សារបស់ន ិស្សិតនៅចុងឆ ្នាំនេះ។ បច្ចុប្បន្នទីតាំងខាងលើកំពុងត្រូវបានអ្នកជួល កំពុងរ ៀបចំរចនា និងតុបតែងលម្អ ដោយកន្លែង លក់ ដូរទាំ ងនោ ះមានចាប់ព ជា ី ន់ផ ល ្ទា ដ ់ ដ ី ល់ជា ន់ ទី២ បន្ទាប់ពីនោះគឺជាទីតាំងសម្រាប់សាកល វិទ្យាល័យបើកប ម្រើដល់ការសិក្សា។ លោកស្រី ទេព កូលាប បានបញ្ជាកថា ់ ៖ «ការ បើកអាជីវកម្មនៅទីនេះនឹងទទួលបានជោគជ័យ
ព្រោះបច្ចុប្បន្នអគារនេះមាននិស្សិតសិក្សាជាង ៦០០០នាក់ដែលយ៉ាងហោចណាស់ពួកគេពី ៣០ទៅ៤០ភាគរយដែរ ដែលនឹងទ ញ ិ ទន ំ ិញនៅ ទីនេះ ព្រមជាមួយនឹងអតិថិជនមកពីកន្លែង ផ្សេងៗទៀត»។ លោកសបា ្រី នបន្ថែមថា ៖ «ខក ្ញុំ ៏ គ្រោងបើកភោជនីយដ្ឋានដោយខ្លួនឯងផងដែរ ដោយអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យនិស្សិតសិក្សាជំនាញសណ្ឋា- គារ ន ង ិ ប ដិស ណ្ឋារក ច ិ ្ច ឬជនា ំ ញពាក់ព ន ័ ន ្ធ ង ិ កា រ គ្របគ ់ ង ្រ ធ្វកា ើ រយកបទពសោ ិ ធនៅទន ី េះ ហើយ ប្រាក់ចំណេញដែលទទួលបានពីអាជីវកម្មយើង នឹងចែករំលែកគ្នា»។ ទាក់ទងនឹងដំណើរការសាងសង់បញ្ចប់អគារ ខាងលើលោកសសា ្រី កលវទ ិ យា ្ ធ កា ិ រខាងលបាន ើ ប្រាប់ថា ការសាងសង់នៅកំពុងដ ំណើរការបន្តិច ម្តងៗដើម្បីបម្រើដល់ការសិក្សារបស់និស្សិត។ លោក ប៉ូ អ៊ាវគង់ ប្រធានគ្រប់គ្រងទូទៅនៃ ក្រុមហ៊ុន អេស៊ា រៀលអេស្ទេត បាននិយាយថា អគារនេះមានទីតាំងល ្អ ជាតំបន់ពា ណិជ្ជកម្មរស់ រវើកហេតន ុ ះេ កា របក ើ ហា ងលក់ទ ន ំ ញ ិ ភោជនីយ- ដ្ឋាននិងកន្លែងល ក់ផលិតផលផ្សេងៗទៀតទាក់ ទងការសិក្សារបស់និស្សិតនឹងទទួលជោគជ័យ ហើយអ្វីដែលសំខាន់គឺកន្លែងច តយានជំនិះ។ លោកអ៊ាវគង់ បានអះអាងថា៖ «ខគា ្ញុំ ទ ំ គំ ្រ នត ិ នេះ ព្រោះអគារនេះវាមិនត ្រឹមតែបម្រើឲ្យនិស្សិត
សិក្សានៅទីនោះប៉ុណ្ណោះទេ តែក៏មានសិស្សានុ- សិសស្ ជា ច ន ើ្រ ពា ន់នាក់នៅ វទ ិ យា ្ ល យ ័ បា ក់ទក ូ និង អ្នកធកា ើ្វ រជវំុ ញ ិ តប ំ ន់នោ ះជាអតិថជ ិ នផងដរែ »។ សាកលវទ ិ យា ្ ល័យភ ព ្នំ ញ េ អ ន្តរជា តិមានទតា ី ង ំ នៅក្នុងតំបន់ប ុរីកីឡា ទល់មុខវិទ្យាល ័យបាក់ទូក ដោយចណ ំ តរថយន្តនៅ ទ នោ ី ះមានភាពធទ ំ លា ូ យ អាចចតរថយន្តបាន៣៥០គ្រឿង និងម៉ូតូបាន ប្រហែល១០០០គ្រឿង។ លោក គីម ហ៊ាង នាយកក្រុមហ ៊ុនខ្មែរ រៀល- អេស្ទេត បានមានប្រសាសន៍ថា ទីតាំងសាកល វិទយា ្ ល័យភ ព ្នំ ញ េ អ ន្តរជា តិ ដែលគ ង ្រោ ន ង ឹ រ ៀបចំ បើកភោជនីយដ្ឋាន និងហាងលក់ទំនិញចម្រុះ បែបន េះនៅបរទេសគហៅ េ ថាជា City University។ លោកបានបន្តថា ការបើកប ម្រើសេវាកម្ម បែបនេះនឹងទទួលបានជោគជ័យ ដោយសារតែ សាកលវិទ្យាល័យភ្នំពេញអន្តរជាតិ មានទីតាំង ស្ថិតចំនៅកណ្តាលរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ ទំហំអគារធំ មានភាពទាក់ទាញ។ សិសស្ ដ ល ែ ស ក ិ សា ្ នៅទីនោះ នឹងមានភាពងាយស្រួលដើរផ្សារទិញទំនិញ នៅ ពេលព ក ួ គ ចុ េ ះព ថ ី ក ្នា រ ់ ៀនជាពស ិ ស េ បើ អ គារនេះ មានរោងភាពយន្តកាន់ត ែល្អ។ លោកបាននយា ិ យយង ៉ា ខ ថា ្លី ៖ « នេះជា គ ន ំ ត ិ ថ្មី និងដំបូងគេនៅកម្ពុជា។ គម្រោងនេះនឹងទទួល អគាររបស់សាកលវិទយា ្ ល័យភព ំ្ន ញ េ អន្តរជា តិ។ រូបថត ហុង មិនា បានជោគជ័យជាមិនខា ន»៕