www.phnompenhpost.com •June 27, 2013
Chinese developer to revamp London docks for Asian firms Brenda Goh
Chinese developer has signed a deal to convert a derelict plot of land next to London’s City Airport into the British capital’s third financial district aimed at Chinese firms and worth an expected $1.5 billion when completed. The 35-acre site at the Royal Albert Dock, industrial land currently strewn with empty warehouses and unused docks, will be redeveloped by Advanced Business Park (ABP) and British developer Stanhope into a 300,000 square
metre complex of offices, homes and shops that will house mainly Chinese firms. “Creating a third financial district in the capital, this development will act as a beacon for eastern investors looking west, bringing with it tens of thousands of jobs and billions of pounds of investment for the UK economy,” London Mayor Boris Johnson said at an event where the deal was signed. The scheme is the first project outside China for ABP, which has built a business park in south west Beijing and is building two others in the coastal city of Qingdao and Shenyang in north-east China.
Contents Page 4-5
តម្លៃ និងតម្រវូ ការវីឡាជួល កើនឡង ើ កង ុ្ន ឆមាសទ១ ី New site for Asian property investors Pages 6-7
សមាគមអចលនវត្ថក ុ ម្ពជា ុ នាំ អំណោយទៅជយ ួ ដល់... Riba awards 2013: buildings for nuns, pupils, tourists ... and Ferraris Page 8-9
តម្លជ ៃ ល ួ ការិយាល័យបណ ្រ ត ី នៅសង ិ ប ្ហ រុ ធ ី ក ្លា ច ់ ះុ Singapore prime office prices fall Cover Photo: Bloomberg
Connaught Bridge and the Royal Albert Dock. Photo Ian Cunliffe
It is targeting Chinese and Asian businesses looking to set up in Europe, believing this will provide a strong source of demand at a time when many European and US firms are shelving office moves against a shaky economic backdrop. The company will develop the site in five phases at a cost that was not disclosed. It will build a minimum of 56,000 square metres in the first phase and will receive the freehold once the complex is completed by 2021/22. ABP has yet to sign up tenants for the scheme but has seen strong interest from Chinese firms looking to take space, ABP’s Chairman Xu Weiping told Reuters. It hopes to sell 70 per cent of the space to Asian firms, as Chinese companies prefer to own rather than rent their offices, he said. The Royal Albert Dock, which opened in 1880, was once Britain’s largest and is one of three docks in east London that the mayor has pegged for regeneration. The city hopes to emulate the eventual success of the 97acre Canary Wharf financial district that was built on the city’s docks in the 1990s. Its skyscrapers now house investment banks such as Barclays and Morgan Stanley, after a difficult spell during which its
developer went bust. The Royal Albert Dock is connected to the rest of London by a light railway and its transport links will further improve when the Crossrail scheme opens in 2018, Johnson said, adding the development would likely provide about 20,000 jobs. London is keen to regenerate derelict sites around its eastern waterways in the aftermath of last year’s Olympic Games and in March said it was hunting for a developer to build a floating village on the River Thames. But the deal comes amid slumping demand for space in the City and Docklands (Canary Wharf ) financial districts as Britain’s economy struggles to recover from the financial crisis. The Shard, Western Europe’s tallest skyscraper, has yet to announce an office tenant after opening in July last year. About 9 per cent of Docklands offices are vacant while 6.5 per cent of City offices are empty, April data from CBRE showed. This compares to 3.4 and 3.5 per cent respectively in late 2007 before the financial crisis. Sovereign wealth fund China Investment owns a stake in Songbird Estates, the majority owner of Canary Wharf. REUTERS
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លោក រ៉ូស ដា ំងឃ្លី • អគ្គនាយក
លោកគ្រីស ដ័រ • និពន្ធនាយក
លោក កៃ គឹមសុង, អាឡាំង ផាកហៅ • ប្រធានគ្រប់គ្រងការីនិពន្ធ លោក សំ រិទ្ធ, ដេវិដ ប៉ូល • ការីនិពន្ធ«ប៉ុស្តិ៍អចលនទ្រព្យ» ហន ឹ៊ ពិស,ី Rupert Winchester • អ្នកយកព័ត៌មាន ស៊ីវ ម៉េង • អ្នកបកប្រែ តាំង គក់, ភោគ សំភ័ត្ត្រា, ប៉ិច ស៊ីនួន, ជាន ចាន់រ៉ា, សុក បុប្ផា • ផ្នែករចនាទំព័រ អាំ វ៉ាលីនដា, ជុំ សុគន្ធី, ទឹម បូរឹទ្ធ, ធឿន ធីតា, យូសុះ ហាហ្វីសោះ • អ្នកថតរូប: ហុង មីនា, ម៉ៃ វីរៈ, ផា លីណា, ហង េ ជីវន ័ ស្រង េ ម៉ង េ ស្រន ុ៊ • អ្នកកែសម្រួលអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ មីុ សុមុនី HEAD OFFICE : Post Media Co, Ltd. • 888, Building F, 8th floor, Phnom Penh Center, Cnr of Sothearos & Sihanouk Blvd, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.Tel: 023 214 311-17 Fax: 023 214 318
SIEM REAP • No 629, Street 6 Dangkum Commune, Siem Reap, Cambodia. Tel: 063 966 290, Fax: 063 966 590
Phnom Penh property investment rising
ចលនាទិញដីទក ុ លក់បានចាប់ផម ើ្ត កម្រក ើ ឡើងវញ ិ កង ុ្ន រាជធានីភព ំ្ន ញ េ
June 27, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
Siv Meng
According to Channa’s predictions, between 2012 and 2013, the land price in Phnom Penh has increased 15 to 20 per cent and for the good locations in the outskirts it has jumped between 30 per cent or higher. In 2014 this growth will be similar to this year but 2015 it will climb even higher. “Currently, land investment may have risks, but not as high as 2008-2009 because the increase this time is due to real demand, while the investors who buy properties buy not only for profit but also for specific purposes. If they wait two or three more years, it can be too late, because this time the supply and demand has balance,” Dith Channa said. The buying and selling of land in Phnom Penh has really jumped, and the purchase of land for sales for profit is good, Kuy Vat, president & CEO of Vtrust Group said. “It is a good time for investment, but we have to check the main locations; although we know that any location is profitable but some can be profitable in the far future. If we are able to buy in the middle of the city, it is very, very good because we will have higher profits,” he said.
សីវុ ម៉ង េ
លោក ឌឹត ចណ្ណា ប្រធានគប ្រ គ ់ ង ្រ ទ ទៅ ូ ក្រុមហ ៊ុន វីអឹមស៊ី បានយល់ឃើញដ ូចគ្នា នឹងកា រលើកឡ ើងរបស់លោក គីម ហ៊ាង ដែរ ដោ យលោកមានបសា ្រ សន៍ថា ចលនា ទិញដីទុកលក់យកប្រាក់ចំណេញពិតជា មានការកម្រក ី ឡើងវញ ិ ហើយអ ដ ្វី ល ែ ប ក ្លែ នៅតង ្រ ថា ់ នៅជត ិ ព ល េ បោ ះឆត ្នោ នា ព ល េ កន្លងមកការទិញ លក់ និងតម្លៃដីធ្លីស្ថិត ក្នង ុ សភាព ទង ្រឹ ប៉ន ុ សម្រា ្តែ បកា ់ របោះឆ្នោត នាពេលខា ងមខ ុ នេ ះម ន ិ ត ម ្រឹ ត សកម្ម ែ ភា ព ទិញល ក់ក ន ើ ឡ ង ើ នោះទេ សូមប្ ត ី តម្ល ែ ក៏ ៃ ហក់ឡើងខ្ពស់ផងដែរ។
trong economic growth ភ្នំពេញៈ កំណើនសេដ្ឋកិចប ្ច ្រកបដោយ and political stability are ភាពរឹងមាំ និងនយោបាយមានស្ថិរភាព driving more people to inបានជំរញ ុ ឲ យ្ ច លនាទញ ិ ដ ទ ី ក ុ ស មប ្រា ល ់ ក់ vest in land in Cambodia, យកចណ ំ ញ េ ចា ប់ផ ម ្តើ ក ក្រក ើ ឡ ង ើ វញ ិ នៅ especially in Phnom Penh, because ក្នង ុ រា ជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ ព្រោះជា ត ប ំ ន់ដ ល ែ គ េ it is seen as low risk. មើលឃើញមានហានិភ័យទា ប។ Land values in the Phnom Penh លោក គីម ហ៊ាង នាយកក្រុមហ ៊ុនអច- area growing at between 10 to 15 លនទព ្រ យ្ ខ រ្មែ បាននយា ិ យថា ច លនាទញ ិ per cent annually, while in the ដីទុកលក់បានចាប់ផ្តើមមានសកម្មភាព suburbs they are rising by some 10 ឡើងវិញច្រើនជាពិសេសតំបន់ដ ែលស្ថិត per cent. នៅក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ និងតំបន់ជាយៗ Land buying has revived a lot, esពីព្រោះពួកគ េមើលឃើញថា តម្លដី ៃ ធន ្លី ឹង pecially in Phnom Penh and its outហក់ឡ ង ើ ថ ម ែ ទ ៀតនៅភ្ន ព ំ ញ េ ខណៈតាម skirts, because investors see the land បណ្តាខេត្តមានសភាពនៅនឹង។ price rising, while in the provinces លោកបានបប ្រា ទ ់ ៀតថា តម្លដី ៃ នៅតំបន់ ប្រធានគ្រប់គ្រងទូទៅក ្រុមហ៊ុន វីអឹមស៊ី is still “difficult”, Kim Heang, presiពាណិជ្ជកម្មក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញបានកើន ខាងលបា ើ នបប ្រា ទ ់ ៀតថា មានមល ូ ហ ត េ ុ dent of Khmer Real Estate said. ឡើងចន្លោ ះព ១ ី ០ទៅ១ ៥ភាគរយបចា ្រ ឆ ំ ្នាំ ចំនន ួ ៥ ដ ល ែ ធ ឲ ្វើ យ្ ច លនាទញ ិ លក់ដី និង “Such investments will have ចំណក ែ ដ ឧ ី ស្សាហកម្មមានកណ ំ ន ើ កាន់តែ តម្លដី ៃ ក្នុងទ ីក្រុងកើនឡ ើងដូ ចជា៖ much profit, but investors should ខ្ពស់ ខណៈដនៅ ី ជា យកង ្រុ មា នកំណន ើ ក្នង ុ -ទី១ សេដ្ឋកិច្ចរបស់ប្រទេសយ ើងមាន be careful; if they have $10 and រង្វង១ ់ ០ភាគរយប្រចាំឆ្នាំ។ កំណើនប ្រកបដោយភាពរឹងមាំ។ they buy up to $50 they will have លោកអះអាងថា៖«ការវិនិយោគបែប -ទី២ ស ្ថិរភាពនយោបាយនិងសង្គ ម high risks, but if they have $100 នេះន ង ឹ បា នទទួលផ លចណ ំ ញ េ ច ន ្រើ ប៉ន ុ ្តែ -ទ៣ ី វិនយោ ិ គិនជា ច ន ្រើ ច ល ូ ម កកម្ពជា ុ and they buy $90 and leave $10 អ្នកវន ិ យោ ិ គគរួ ត មើ ែ លស មត្ថភា ពខន ្លួ ឯ ង ជាពិសេសវិនិយោគិនមកពីប្រទេសជប៉ុន that will be OK,” he said. “Howដែរ ព្រោះបមា ើ នត្រឹម១ ០ទិញដល់៥០វា ដែលជា អក ្ន វន ិ យោ ិ គមន ិ ងា យទៅរកទីផសា ្ រ ever, if they have no money, and នឹងជួបហានិភ័យខ្ពស់ តែបើមាន១០០ ណាមួយទេ ប៉ុន្តែនៅពេលពួកគេចូលមក they go to the bank for loans to ទិញអស់៩០ទុក១០នោះវានឹងមិនមាន មានន័យថាទីផ្សារនោះល្អ។ invest in this sector, they will face បញ្ហាអ ទ ្វី »េ ។ តែទោះបជា ី យ៉ាងណាលោក -ទ៤ ី កា របោះឆត ្នោ អា ណត្តទ ិ ៥ ី នា ព ល េ high risks.” បញ្ជាកថា ់ ៖« ប ស ្រ ន ិ ប គ ើ ន ្មា ប ក ្រា ហ ់ យ ើ ទៅ ខាងមុខនេះ ត្រូវបានអ្នកវិនិយោគនានា What is strange in that during the ខ្ចប ី ក ្រា ព ់ ធ ី នាគារដម ើ ប្ វី ន ិ យោ ិ គកង ្នុ វស ិ យ ័ គិតថា នឹងម ន ិ ប ៉ះពា ល់ទៅ ដ ល់បរិយាកាស previous elections buying, selling នេះពួកគ េនឹងជ ួបហា និភ័យខ ្ពស់»។ អាជីវកម្មទេ ពីព្រោះអ្នកនយោបាយនៅ and land prices were stagnant, but for this forthcoming election buying and selling not only has jumped but prices have skyrocketed, Dith Channa, the general manager of VMC Real Estate Cambodia said. Dith Channa said five reasons making the buying, selling and land prices in the city jump include the country’s strong country economic growth; its political and social stability; foreign investment; the investors believe the country’s politics are mature, and the belief the real estate sector can provide more profit. “Investment decisions for this time is right and real estate experts believe so; concurrently the integration of ASEAN is coming closer. When Cambodia is economically integrated into ASEAN, it will have more and more investors come to invest in the country. When investors come, they all have demand for properties, therefore, the price of real estate will rise,” ការទញ ិ លក់ ដីធ ចា ី្ល ប់ផម ើ្ត មានសកម្មភាពឡង ើ វញ ិ ចាប់តាង ំ ពីដម ើ ឆ ២ ំ្នា ០១២ បន្ទាបព ់ ស ី ប ្ង ស ់ ត ្ងា នា ់ អឡ ំ ង ុ ឆ២ ំ្នា ០០៨ ។ រូបថត ហុង មិនា Dith Channa he said.
កម្ពុជាមានភាពចាស់ទុំ។ -ទ៥ ី វស ិ យ ័ អ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ ជា វស ិ យ ័ ដ ល ែ អាចផល ្ត ប ់ ក ្រា ចំ ់ ណញ េ ច ន ្រើ ព្រោះអ ក ្ន វន ិ ិ យោគជឿថា ក យ ្រោ ព ល េ បោ ះឆត ្នោ វស ិ យ ័ នេះនឹងហក់ឡើងខ ្ពស់ថែមទ ៀត។ លោកបានបញ្ជាកថា ់ ៖ « កា រសម្រេចច ត ិ ្ត វិនយោគ ិ នៅពេលន េះគ ជា ឺ ការសម្រេចច ត ិ ្ត ដ៏ត្រឹមត្រូវ ហើយក្រុមអ្នកជ ំនាញអចលន ទ្រព្យសុទ្ធតែយល់ឃើញបែបនេះ ស្រប ពេលដ ល ែ កា រធស ្វើ មាហរណកម្មស ដ េ ក ្ឋ ច ិ ្ច ទៅក្នុងតំបន់អាស៊ានកាន់តែខិតជិតមក ដល់»។ លោកបានបន្ថែមទៀតថា៖«នៅ
រវិនិយោគលើដីធ្លីនាពេលបច្ចុប្បន្នអាច កា មានហានិភ័យ តែមិនធំដូចអំឡុងឆ្នាំ... ពេលកម្ពុជាធ្វើសមាហរណកម្មសេដ្ឋកិច្ច ជាមយ ួ អា ស៊ានន ង ឹ មា នវន ិ យោ ិ គ ន ិ កា ន់ត ែ ច្រើនចូលមកវិនិយោគនៅកម្ពុជា។ នៅ ពេលអ្នកវិនិយោគចូលមកកម្ពុជាពួកគេ សុទត ្ធ មាន ែ តម្រវូ កា រផក ្នែ អ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ ប ើ ទោះបីជាពួកគេវិនិយោគក្នុងផ្នែកណាក៏ ដោយ ដូច្នេះត ម្លអចលន ៃ ទព ្រ យ្ ន ង ឹ ឡ ង ើ ថ ្លៃ ជាមិនខាននៅព េលនោះ»។ តាមការនទ ិ ស្សន៍( ការគត ិ ប្រមល ើ មើល) របស់លោ ក ឌឹត ចណ្ណាបានឲ្យដឹងថានៅ ក្នង ុ ច ន្លោះឆ្នា ២ ំ ០១២និងឆ ២ ្នាំ ០១៣នេះ តម្លៃដីធ្លីក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញកើនឡើងក្នុង រង្វង់១៥ទៅ២០ភាគរយ និងតំបន់ត្រូវ ប៉ាន់នៅជាយក្រុងអាចកើនឡើងក្នុងរង្វង់ ពី៣០ភាគរយ ឬខ្ពស់ជាងនេះ។ នៅឆ្នាំ ២០១៤ កំណើននេះនឹងមានប្រហាក់ ប្រហែលឆ្នាំនេះដែរ តែឆ្នាំ២០១៥តម្លៃ របស់វានឹងហក់ខ្ពស់។ លោក ឌឹត ចណ្ណា បា នថង ្លែ ថា ៖ « កា រវន ិ ិ យោគលើដីធ្លីនាពេលបច្ចុប្បន្នអាចមាន ហានិភ័យ តែមិនធំដូចអ ំឡុងឆ្នាំ២០០៨២០០៩នោះទេ ពីព្រោះការកើនឡ ើងនៅ ពេលនេះគឺដោយសារមានតម្រូវការពិត ប្រាកដ»។ លោកបានបន្តថា ៖«ប្រសិនបើ រង់ចាំរយៈពេលពី២ទៅ៣ឆ្នាំខាងមុខអាច យឺតព ល េ ព្រោះព ល េ នោះការផត ្គ ផ ់ ង ្គ ់ និង តម្រូវការមានតុល្យភាពគ្នាហើយ» ។ លោក គុយ វ៉ាត អគ្គនាយកក្រុមហ៊ុន VTrust Group មានបសា ្រ សន៍ថា ស្ថាន ភាពទិញ លក់ដីធនៅ ្លី រាជធានីភ ្នំពេញពិត ជាមានការកើនឡើងខ្ពស់មែន។ លោក បានទទួលស្គាលថា ់ កាលៈទេសៈនេះការ ទិញដ ល ី ក់ទ ក ុ ច ណ ំ ញ េ ព ត ិ ជាមានឱកាស ចំណេញច្រើន។ លោកបានបញ្ជាកថា ់ ៖ « ដ ល់ព ល េ ដ ល ែ ត្រូវវិនិយោគផ្នែកអចលនទ្រព្យហើយ តែ អ្នកវន ិ យោ ិ គកត ៏ វូ្រ ព ន ិ ត ិ យ្ ម ល ើ ទ តា ី ង ំ ឲ យ្ បា ន ច្បាស់ផ ងដរែ បើទោ ះបយ ី ង ើ ដ ង ឹ ថា ទីតាង ំ ណាក៏អា ចចណ ំ ញ េ ប ក ្រា បា ់ នដរែ គ្រានតែ ់ ទីតាំងខ្លះត្រូវចំណាយពេលយូរ»។ លោក បានបន្តថា ៖ « ប ស ្រ ន ិ ប មា ើ នលទ្ធភា ពទញ ិ បាននៅក ណ្តាលរា ជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ ពិ តជា ល ្អ ណាស់ ព្រោះនឹងមានឱកាសទទួលបាន ប្រាកច ់ ំណេញកាន់ត ែខ្ពស់»៕
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 27, 2013
តម្លៃ និងតម្រវូ ការវឡា ី ជួលកន ើ ឡង ើ កង ុ្ន ឆមាសទ១ ី ហឹន ុ ពិសី ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ៈ ការកន ើ ឡ ង ើ ន ក ៃ ម្រត ិ ប្រាក់ចំណូលរបស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ក្នង ុ ស ក ្រុ និងក ណ ំ ន ើ អ ក ្ន វន ិ យោ ិ គ ទាំងក្នុងស្រុក និងក្រៅស្រុកបាន ធ្វើឲ្យតម្លៃ និងតម្រូវការវីឡាជួល នៅក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញកើនឡ ើង គួរឲ យ្ ក ត់ស ម្គាលនា ់ រយៈពេ លជ ត ិ ៦ខែនាដើមឆ្នាំ២០១៣នេះ។ ការរស់នៅក្នុងផ្ទះវីឡាត្រូវបាន គេឲ្យត ម្លយ ៃ ង ៉ា ខ ស ្ព ់ ព្រោះវឡា ី គ េ តែងសង់ឡើងដោយមានបន្សល់ ទុកន វូ ច ណ ំ ក ែ ដ ម ី យ ួ ច ន ំ ន ួ សមប ្រា ់ ធ្វើជាសួនច្បារ ទីធ្លាលេងកម្សាន្ត និងកន្លង ែ ច តរថយន្តផងដរែ ។ ផ្ទះ វីឡាត្រូវបានគេគិតថា ជាលំនៅ- ឋានដល ែ អ ក ្ន រស់នៅ ភា គចន ្រើ ជា អ្នកមានប្រាក់ចំណូលខ្ពស់។ លោក ស៊ា ឆៃលន ី នាយកប្រត-ិ បត្តក ិ ម ្រុ ហ ន ៊ុ អ ចលនទព ្រ យ្ ស៊អ ី ល ិ រៀលធី បាននិយាយថា តម្លៃ និង តម្រវូ កា រវឡា ី ជ ល ួ នៅ ក ង ្នុ រា ជធានី ភ្នព ំ ញ េ នា ឆ មាសទ១ ី ឆ្នា២ ំ ០១៣ នេះបានកើនឡើងច្រើន ពិសេស ក្នុងខណ្ឌច ំការមន ដូនពេញ និង ខណ្ឌទ ល ួ គោក។ ការកើនឡ ង ើ ន ៃ តម្រូវការវីឡាជួលនៅពេលនេះក៏ ដោយសារតែកម្រិតជីវភាពរបស់ ប្រជាព លរដ្ឋក ម្ពជា ុ កំពង ុ កើនឡើង ស្របព ល េ ក ណ ំ ន ើ ន អ ៃ ក ្ន វន ិ យោ ិ គ ចូលម កបទ ្រ ស េ កម្ពជា ុ ប ន្តក ន ើ ជា រៀងរាល់ថ ្ងៃ ដែលព ក ួ គ ទាំ េ ងនោ ះ សុទត ្ធ ត្រ ែ វូ កា រលំនៅឋានសក ្នា នៅ ់ ឬបើកជា ការិយាល័យ។ នាយកកម ុ្រ ហ ន ុ៊ សអ ី៊ ល ិ រៀលធី ខាងលបា ើ នបញ្ជាកថា ់ ៖« ត ម្លវៃ ឡា ី ជួលនៅ ក ង ្នុ រយៈពល េ ៦ ខ ដើ ែ មឆ ្នាំ
វីឡាជល ួ មយ ួ របស់កម ុ្រ ហន ុ៊ សអ ី៊ ល ិ រៀលធី ដល ែ សត ិ្ថ នៅ កង ុ្ន រាជធានីភព ំ្ន ញ េ ។ រូបថត សហការី
២០១៣នេះបា នកន ើ ឡ ង ើ ច ន្លោះ ពី២០-៣០ភាគរយ ចំណែកឯ តម្រូវការក៏កើនឡ ើងច្រើនដ ែរ។ កត្តាដែលធ្វើឲ្យតម្រូវការជួល វីឡាកើនឡើងដោយសារតែមាន ហេតុផលសំខាន់ៗមួយចំនួនដូច ជា កត្តាក ម្រត ិ ជ វី ភាពរបស់ប ជា ្រ - ជនកើនឡើង តម្លៃអចលនទ្រព្យ និងដីធ្លីកើនឡ ើង និងការ ស្វែងរក ទីតាំងបើកអា ជីវកម្ម ឬក៏ការិយា- ល័យធ ្វើការកាន់តែមានច្រើន។ លោក ឆៃលីន បានប្រាប់ទៀត
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ថា បច្ចុប្បន្នផ ្ទះវីឡាស្ថិតក្នុងខ ណ្ឌ ចំការមន និងខ ណ្ឌដ ន ូ ព ញ េ ដែល មានបន្ទប់ចំនួន៤-៥ គេអាចរក ជួលបានក្នុងតម្លៃចាប់ពី២៥០០៤០០០ដល ុ រ្លា ក ង ្នុ ១ ខ ែ ខណៈទំហំ ដដែលន េះអា ចមានតម្លប ៃ ហ ្រ ល ែ ១៨០០-២៥០០ដល ុ រ្លា ក្នង ុ ខ ណ្ឌ ទួលគោក។ លោក ឌឹត ចណ្ណា ប្រធានគ្រប់ គ្រងទូទៅក្រុមហ៊ុនអចលនទ្រព្យ វីអឹមស៊ី បាននិយាយថា តម្លៃវីឡា ជួលនៅ ឆ ន ្នាំ េះបានកន ើ ឡ ង ើ ជា ង
២០ភាគរយនៅខណ្ឌចំការមន និងខណ្ឌដូនពេញ ចំណែកខណ្ឌ ទួលគោកកើនឡើងប្រហែល១០ ភាគរយដែរ រីឯតំបន់ផ ្សេងៗ ទៀត ក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញកើនឡើងតិច តួចទេ បើប្រៀបធៀបទៅនឹងរយៈ ពេលដូចគ ្នាកាលពីឆ្នាំមុន។ លោក ចណ្ណា បានបន្តថា វីឡា ជួលដែលស្ថិតក្នុងខណ្ឌដូនពេញ និងចំការមន មានតម្លៃប្រហាក់ ប្រហែលគ្នា ដោយវីឡាដែលមាន បន្ទប់ចំនួន៥-៦ មានតម្លៃចាប់ពី
៣៥០០-៤០០០ដុល្លារក្នុង១ខែ ចំណែកនៅខណ្ឌទួលគោកមាន តម្លៃចន្លោះពី២៥០០-៣០០០ ដុល្លារអា មេរិកក្នុង១ខែ។ ទាក់ទងទៅនឹងការកើនឡើង នៃតម្លៃជួល និងត ម្រូវការខាងលើ លោក ឌឹត ចណ្ណា បានបញ្ជាកថា ់ ៖ «តម្លៃជួលវីឡានឹងបន្តកើនឡើង ទៀត ពីព ្រោះក ម្ពជា ុ ជ ត ិ ដ ល់ព ល េ ដែលត វ្រូ ធ ស ្វើ មាហរណកម្មស ដ េ ្ឋ កិចទៅ ្ច ក ង ្នុ ត ប ំ ន់អា ស៊ាននា ច ង ុ ឆ ្នាំ ២០១៥ខាងមុខ។
ការដែលវីឡាជួលនៅក្នុងខណ្ឌ ចំការមន និងដ ូនពេញ មានតម្លៃ ថ្លៃពីព្រោះនៅទីនោះមានលក្ខណ ពិសស េ ម យ ួ ច ន ំ ន ួ ដ ច ូ ជា ស្ថត ិ នៅ កណ្តាលរា ជធានីភ ព ្នំ ញ េ ជាតប ំ ន់ មានប្រជាជនរស់នៅច ្រើន សម្បូរ មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលពាណិជ្ជកម្ម កន្លែង កម្សាន្ត ភោជនីយដ្ឋានធ ំៗ ហាង លក់ទំនិញ ផ្លូវខ្វាត់ខ្វែង និងមាន សុវត្ថភា ិ ពលប ្អ ស ្រ រើ ទ ៀតផង។ រីឯ វីឡានៅទួលគោក មានលក្ខណ ពិសស េ ត ង ្រ មា ់ នទតា ី ង ំ ធ ទ ំ លា ូ យ និងមានបរិយាកាសល្អសម្រាប់ ការរស់នៅ។ លោក ប៉ូ អ៊ាវគង់ ប្រធានគ្រប់ គ្រងទូទៅក្រុមហ ៊ុន អេស៊ា រៀល- អេស្ទេត បានលើកឡើងថា តម្លៃ និងត ម្រវូ កា រវឡា ី ជ ល ួ ព ត ិ ជា បា ន កើនឡើងនៅក្នុងឆមាសទី១ឆ្នាំ ២០១៣នេះ ប៉ុន្តែមិនកើនឡើង ច្រើននោះទេ។ នៅខណ្ឌចកា ំ រមន និងខណ្ឌដ ូនពេញ វីឡាដ ែលមាន ចំនន ួ ៤ -៥ ប ន្ទបមា ់ នតម្លជ ៃ ល ួ ក ង ្នុ ១ខែចាប់ពី២០០០ទៅ៤០០០ ដុលរ្លា និងនៅខណ្ឌទ ល ួ គោ កមាន តម្លៃពី២០០០-៣០០០ដុល្លារ។ លោក ខាត់ សុវណ្ណ នាយកគ្រប់ គ្រងក្រម ុ ហ៊ន ុ ខេមថប ប្រផធ ឺ ី គ្រប ុ បាននយា ិ យថា តម្លៃ និងត ម្រវូ កា រ វីឡាជួលបានកើនឡើងអាស្រ័យ ទីតាង ំ (តំបន់ប ង ឹ ក ង េ ក ង ជាតំបន់ ដែលមានតម្រូវកា រច្រើនជា ងគ) េ តែទោះបីជាយ៉ាងណាវាមិនបាន កើនឡើងច្រើននោះទេ។ លោក បានប្រាបទ ់ ៀតថា បច្ចុប្បន្នលោក ពិបាករកវីឡាជួលដ ើម្បីបំពេញឲ្យ សេចក្តីត្រូវការរបស់ភ្ញៀវនៅក្នុង ខណ្ឌច កា ំ រមន និងខណ្ឌដ ូនពេញ ណាស់ពីព ្រោះវឡា ី ជ ល ួ នៅ ទីនោះ មានតម្លៃថ្លៃ ...តទៅទំព័រ ៧
June 27, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
New site for Asian property investors
risingLand. com is a new internet-based property portal solely focussing on emerging real estate markets, targeting Asian and Chinese property investors. CEO Clara Yeung talked to Post Property’s Rupert Winchester about the need for the site. Why have you set up ArisingLand? The economy and property sector in emerging markets has achieved substantial growth over the past years. Such growth was further accelerated by the increasing inflow of foreign investment as a result of the booming of newly built and off-plan property developments in the emerging markets across EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), Latin America and Emerging Asia. The property markets in the emerging countries have drawn great attention from global property investors, institutional investors and real estate funds over the past years. This trend is growing at a very fast pace that both professional investors (high net worth individuals and institutional investors) and individual property buyers, including holiday home buyers and retirement home buyers from the mature markets such as United States, Europe, United Kingdom and Australia, are currently investing in those regions. Among the property buyers from mature markets, the Europeans and especially the British have accounted for a significant portion in property investment in emerging countries. There are currently a representative number of European and British companies serving Europeans and British buyers in overseas property investment in the emerging countries. These businesses include property agency, real estate investment funds and online property portals. In addition, the majority of European and British property developers are currently investing in property development in these emerging coun-
tries. The upward trend of the emerging property industry is evidenced by the growth of revenue from the sale of properties. Such a trend is notably seen by the Europeans, who are actively investing in properties in the emerging markets due to the high property price and market saturation in mature countries. I see great potential among the Chinese and the Asians. The Chinese population is currently experiencing a rapid growth in capital prosperity. Tight government controls on domestic property ownership cause this group of wealthy individuals to look into foreign countries for investment opportunities. Property investment in the emerging markets provides an alternative solution as they expect a great return on investment. However, due to limited market exposure, property developers and agents from emerging market countries the elite group currently lacks knowledge, trends, and news on investment potential of the emerging property markets. Many Chinese are travelling in small groups to different foreign countries (including emerging market countries) to search for property investment opportunities proactively. China outbound tourism in 2011 reached 97 million people. The number of Chinese entering United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Brazil increased by 23 per cent, 25 per cent and 48 per cent respectively in 2011 compared to 2010. The figures for Southeast Asia countries are even higher, ranging from 23 per cent to 68 per cent. ArisingLand.com recognizes this concern and has become the first and only online media platform specifically designed to meet the demands of the Chinese and Asians. We provide an opportunity for property developers, property agents, individual landlords and real estate funds in the emerging markets to showcase their prestige projects to Chinese & Asian investors.
Which countries are you focussing on initially? We are initially covering Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Brazil. We will consider covering more countries in the future. When we add a new country, we review the elements that make foreign investment attractive and welcome, such as political stability, economic development, foreign real estate ownership, etc. We will collect market information (investment guides, real estate news, research, analysis, etc) and place it on our portal prior to accepting any advertising. We never cover a country based on the number of advertising enquiries we receive from real estate companies. This is to ensure quality information and content is provided for our users. We do not charge anyone for browsing our portal.
Clera Yeung, CEO of ArisingLand. Photo Supplied
With our website hosted in China, ArisingLand also provides professional translation, seminars and inspection trips to further enhance the investment decision by exclusive group. The emerging market countries we currently cover included Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Brazil. There is a great potential for property developers, property agents, property funds, professional property investors and institutional property investors from the emerging markets to capture the Asian market by listing their property projects with ArisingLand.com. There is a need for project owners from the emerging markets to expand their clientele to capture the Asian buyers, especially the
Chinese buyers who rarely come across property investment opportunities in the emerging markets. There are currently no Asians and no Chinese property portals solely focused on the emerging markets. Those existing Asians and Chinese portals focus only on properties in Asia or the mature markets in the West, and the existing property portals for emerging markets are solely
How do you plan to make money? Are you going to be acting as an agency? Our core business is property media. We are not property agents. Our income source is from advertising. We also charge advertisers from seminars and property inspection trips based on the number of property buyers attending the focused on European audi- event. Our business is develences. oping in stages; we hope to launch a property magazine Who do you see as being and property exhibition in your target customers? the future. We provide an opportunity for property developers, What do you think about property agents, individual the Cambodian property landlords and real estate market? funds in the emerging marI would classify Cambokets to showcase their prestige dia as what we call a frontier projects to Chinese & Asian property market. The transinvestors. parency levels have yet to develop.
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 27, 2013
Riba awards 2013: buildings for nuns, pupils, tourists … and Ferraris Oliver Wainwright
small stone chapel for Augustinian nuns, a street of wooden terraced houses for extended families and a bulbous yellow home for a fleet of Ferraris are some of the many structures celebrated in this year’s Royal Institute of British Architects (Riba) awards, which honour the cream of architectural excellence. The 52 projects – 43 selected from across the UK, and nine from the EU – span everything from schools to private houses, art galleries to parks, and will go on to compete for a place on the shortlist of the Stirling Prize for the best building of the year – to be announced in July, with the winner chosen in September. Two of the strongest contenders this year come from Northern Ireland, in the form of the Giant’s Causeway visitor centre and the MAC arts centre in Belfast. The former, designed by Dublin-based Heneghan Peng, lies hunkered down in its hillside site, sliced into the ground like a geological fissure, as if the product of some great slippage of tectonic plates. The MAC, by Hackett Hall McKnight, stands as a towering beacon of culture at the centre of Belfast’s bizarre neoclassical St Anne’s Square development. Within, a crafted sequence of spaces revolves around a chiselled brick and concrete atrium with the urban qualities of a real civic place.
The Giant’s Causeway visitor centre by Heneghan Peng, nominated for the RIBA awards 2013. Photo Marie-Louise Halpenny
Elsewhere, the awards celebrate some of the last decent schools we will be seeing for a while, since Michael Gove, the education secretary, forbade “award-winning architects” from designing them. St Alban’s Academy, by dRMM, now stands like something from a bygone age – a hedge fund-sponsored palace of learning, arranged around a top-lit street and wrapped with a lurid livery of red and orange stripes. Sunglasses might also be needed for one of the most arresting projects to grace the list. The Enzo Ferrari Museum in Modena – the last, posthumous building of Future Systems’ Jan Kaplicky, completed by London-
based Shiro Studio – takes the form of a bright yellow car bonnet. A flaring aluminium shell, constructed with boat-building technology, the amorphous roof wraps around the old car factory with a brash radiator grill façade, perfectly embodying the ostentatious brand. Choosing a more reticent approach to its context, the Jerwood Gallery in Hastings is designed by one of the youngest practices on the list. The first built work of HAT Projects, the gallery nestles on the shingle beach between the tall timber net shops and breezeblock winch sheds, continuing the loose grain of courtyards and alley-
ways with its own cluster of boxes. Clad in a skin of dark pewter-glazed tiles that shimmer with an oily iridescence, the gallery contains a sequence of rooms of a low-key domestic scale, carefully tuned to the nature of the collection. A similar reticence can be found in the brilliant restoration of Astley Castle in Warwickshire, by Witherford Watson Mann for the Landmark Trust, which weaves walls of timber and brick into the stone ruin to create a powerful layered interior. Homes of a different scale are celebrated in several ingenious housing projects, including Peter Barber’s Beveridge Mews in east London.
The MAC arts centre in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Enzo Ferrari Museum in Modena. Photo David Pasek
Photo Christian Richters
Clad in timber shingles (inspired by the garden sheds next door), the street is cut and notched to create multi-levelled back gardens on this unpromising single-aspect site – providing up to seven-bed social units for the area’s large extended families. It is a model for how many such left-over urban sites could be developed by local authorities with a little imagination. Just up the road is the largest and most complex project on the list, whose inclusion in awards for buildings might raise eyebrows. The sprawling masterplan for the Olympic site, by Allies and Morrison, saw 242 hectares of the Lower Lea Valley cleansed and reformed as a heroic sporting campus of Teletubby mounds and swathes of tarmac. High-tech stadia rub shoulders with biodiverse reedbeds, homes for athletes stand next to those for otters and swifts. Constructing a sports park as the basis for a new piece of city was a Herculean – some might say questionable – task; and with plans predicated on the all-important “legacy”, it remains to be seen quite how this magic kingdom of the East End will evolve. Whatever the outcome, choosing the winner of the Stirling’s architectural Olympics will be no easy task with this wealth of worthy competitors. THE GUARDIAN
June 27, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
សមាគមអចលនវត្ថក ុ ម្ពជា ុ នាអ ំ ណោ ំ យទៅជយ ួ ដល់ខត េ ក ្ត ព ំ ង់សឺ្ព សីវុ ម៉ង េ ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ៈ សមាគមអក ្ន វា យតម្លៃ និងភ ក ្នា ងា ់ រអចលនវត្ថក ុ ម្ពជា ុ កា ល ពីថ អា ្ងៃ ទិតយ្ ក ន្លងម ក បា ននាយ ំ ក អំណោយមានរថយន្តសាម៊ុយ មួយគ្រឿង និងថវិកាចំនួន១ម៉ឺន ដុល្លារអា មេរិក សម្រាប់ជួសជុល សាលាបឋមសិក្សាមួយនៅក្នុង ស្រុកសំរោងទងខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ ។ លោក ចេង ខ ង េ ប្រធានសមា- គមអ្នកវាយតម្លៃ និងភ ្នាក់ងាអច- លនវត្ថក ុ ម្ពជា ុ បានបប ្រា ឲ ់ យ្ ដ ង ឹ ថា អំណោយទាង ំ អ ស់ដ ល ែ ស មាគម អ្នកវា យតម្លៃ និងភ ក ្នា ងា ់ រអចលន ទ្រព្យយកទៅផ្តល់ជូនពេលនោះ ជារបស់លោ ក ដាតូ យ៉ាបស ់ ង ៊ី ហុក (Dato Yab Singhock)សប្ប-ុ រសជនជនជាតិមឡ ៉ា ស េ ៊ី ផ្តលតា ់ ម រយៈសមាគមអ្នកវាយតម្លៃ ដើម្បី ជួយសម្រួលដល់ការដឹកជញ្ជូន អ្នកជំងឺនៅតំបន់នោះទៅកាន់ ំ បគ ្រ ល់កន ូ សោ រថយន្តជន ូ ដ ល់ថក ្នា ដ ់ ក ឹ នាំមណ្ឌលសខ ុ ភាពរលាំងស ន ែ ។ រូបថត សហការី មណ្ឌលសុខភាពនៅរលាំងសែន លោក ចេង ខេង (ស្តា)
តម្លៃ និងតមវូ្រ ការវឡា ី ជួលកន ើ ឡង ើ កង ុ្ន ... តពីទំព័រ ៤... និងមិនសូវមាន ទៀតផង។ លោកបានថង ្លែ ថា ៖«ប ច្ចប ុ ប្ ន្នខ ្ញុំ កំពុងមានអតិថិជនចំនួន៦នាក់ ដែលមានបំណងចង់រកជួលវីឡា នៅកង ្នុ ត ប ំ ន់ប ង ឹ កេងកង១ ប៉ន ុ ខ្ញ ្តែ ុំ មិនទាន់អាចរកជូនពួកគាត់បាន ទេ ព្រោះវីឡានៅទីនោះបច្ចុប្បន្ន មិនស វូ មា នទេរីឯត ម្លមា ៃ នចាប់ព ី ២៥០០-៣ ៥០០កង ុ្ន ១ ខែសមប ្រា ់ វីឡាដែលមាន៤-៦បន្ទប»់ ។ លោក សុវណ្ណ បានប្រាប់ទៀត ថា ចំណែកវីឡាសម្រាប់ជួលនៅ ក្នុងខណ្ឌទួលគោក មិនពិបាករក ដូចខណ្ឌចំការមន និងដូនពេញ នោះទេ ព្រោះនៅ ទ នោ ី ះសម្បរូ វីឡា ជួល ហើយមា នតម្លៃធរូ ថ្លៃផងដែរ គឺវីឡាដែលមានចំនួន៤-៦បន្ទប់ អាចមានតម្លៃប្រហែល១០០០-
២៥០០ដុល្លារក ្នុង១ខែ។ បច្ចុប្បន្ននេះគេមិនសូវឃើញ មានការសង់វីឡាថ្មីនៅក្នុងខណ្ឌ ចំការមន និងខណ្ឌដូនពេញទេ ដោយផ្ទះវីឡាភាគច្រើនត្រូវបាន គេឃើញក ព ំ ង ុ រក ី ដ ុះដា លនៅក ង ្នុ ខណ្ឌទល ួ គោ កពីព ្រោះនៅ ទ នោ ី ះ មានដនៅ ី ស ល់ទ ន ំ រេ ច ន ្រើ ហើយ ធំៗទ ៀតផង ខណៈនៅខ ណ្ឌច កា ំ រ មន និងខណ្ឌដូនពេញផ្ទះវីឡា បានបាត់បងជាបន្តបន្ទាប់ដោយ សារតអ្ន ែ កវន ិ យោ ិ គបានវាយវឡា ី ចាស់ចោល ដើម្បីយកដីទៅសង់ ជាអាផាតមិន ឬខុនដូ។ ការសង់ ជាខុនដូ និងអា ផាតមិន ត្រូវបាន គេគិតថា ជាការវិនិយោគដែល ងាយសល ្រួ រកបក ្រា ជា ់ ងទក ុ ផ ្ទះដ ៏ ធំសម្រាបជ ់ ល ួ ឲ យ្ ម នុសស្ ស្នាកនៅ ់ ក្រុមហ៊ុនឬអង្គការ៕
សម្តែងក្តីរីករាយយ៉ាងខ្លាំងដែល ទទួលបានអំណោយជារថយន្ត សាម៊យ ុ នា ព ល េ នោ ះ ដែលនោ ះគឺ ជាការឆយ ើ្ល ត បទាន់ព ល េ វ េលាទៅ នឹងតម្រូវការជាក់ស្តែងនៅមូល- ដ្ឋាន។ រថយន្តនេះនឹងប្រើប្រាស់ សម្រាប់ដឹកអ្នកជំងឺមកមណ្ឌល សុខភាពឲ្យបានទាន់ពេលវេលា ដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយការស្លាប់របស់ អ្នកជំងដ ឺ ែលអាចការពារបាន។ នាកន្លងមកដោយសារតែជួប ការលំបាកក្នុងការធ្វើដំណើរ និង ផ្លូវឆ្ពោះមកកាន់មណ្ឌលស ុខភាព មានចម្ងាយឆ្ងាយនោះ មានអ្នក ជំងឺមួយចំនួនបានស្លាប់តាមផ្លូវ ព្រោះគព ូ្រ ទ េ យ្ ម ន ិ អាចជយ ួ សង្គះ្រោ បានទាន់ពេលវេលា។ លោក ពិសិដ្ឋ មានប្រសាសន៍ ថា៖«រដូវន េះជា រដវូ ភ ្លៀងដច ូ ្នេះកា រ ធ្វើដំណើរនឹងកា ន់តែលំបាកប៉ុន្តែ នៅពេលមានរថយន្តសាម៊ុយនេះ យើងសង្ឃឹមថា វានឹងអាចជួយ សម្រល ួ ដ ល់កា រដក ឹ ជ ញ្ជន ូ អ ក ្ន ជ ង ំ ឺ មកមណ្ឌលសុខភាពបានទាន់ ពេលវេលា»៕
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT We are the development arm of one of Cambodia’s leading real estate developers responsible for some of the most impressive building schemes in the region. As a rapidly expanding organization we are looking to fill a number of positions in our property Asset and Property Management Department. 1. PROPERTY SERVICE MANAGER Responsibilities: - To be responsible for the strategic and day today delivery of Property Management Services to Vattanac Capital Tower. - Ensuring integrity, quality and customer experience retained at all times. This in includes lease management, front of house services and customer relationship management. - To communicate with and report to the Senior Management and/or their representatives on all matters relating to the property services including a monthly report. - To prepare and operate on yearly budgets; monitor and control expenses within agreed budgets. - Working with the engineering department prepare and propose improvement plans for aspects of the property and its facilities, including but not limited to cost effective operations from an end user point of view. - To prepare and conduct regular formal meetings with occupiers as a group, directly and to occupiers directly through customer relationship managers. - Accomplishes financial objectives by collecting rents, paying bills, forecasting requirements, preparing an annual departmental budget, scheduling expenditures, analyzing variances, initiating corrective action. Requirements: - At least 5 years’ experience in commercial mixed use property management - Excellent in communication skills - Able to interact with a wide range of clients - Strong property management qualifications and skills - Demonstrated management experience with continuous improvement 2. SALES & MARKETING MANAGER Responsibilities: - Actively seek potential tenants and securing profitable leases in line with leasing strategy and policy. - Establish and maintain good relationships with signed tenants in managing their leases including, rent, service charge collection and utilities collection, attending meetings and written communication. - Provide market research to senior management in order to support presentation. - Provide day to day customer management support to tenants.
វីឡាដ ល ែ មានអាងហែលទក ឹ ការជល ួ តងមាន ែ តម្លខ្ព ៃ ស់ ។ រូបថត ហុង មិនា
ដែលមណ្ឌលសុខភាពនោះគ្រប ដណ្តប់ប្រជាជនជាង៧.០០០ គ្រួសារនៅទីនោះ។ លោកថ្លែងថា៖«ដោយសារការ ខិតខំរបស់សមាគមអ្នកវាយតម្លៃ និងភ ក ្នា ងា ់ អ ចលនវត្ថក ុ ម្ពជា ុ ទ ប ើ មានសប្បុរសជនជនជាតិម៉ាឡេ- ស៊ីម្នាក់មានទឹកចិតជ ្ត ្រះថ្លា ដោយ បានផល ្ត ់អណោ ំ យជន ូ មណ្ឌល សុខភាពរលាំងសែន ព្រមទាំង បានផល ្ត ់ថវិកាសមប ្រា ់ជស ួ ជស ុ សាលាបឋមសិក្សារលាំងគ្រើល ទៀតផង ហើយនេះក៏មិនមែនជា អំណោយលើកទី១របស់លោក ដាតូយ៉ាបស ់ ង ៊ី ហុក ដែរ» ។ លោក បានបន្តថា៖«ក្នុងនាមជាប្រធាន សមាគម និងជា បុគ្គលម្នាក់ដែល ជាកោសិកាសង្គមយើងត្រូវតែ ខិតខំទាំ ងអ ស់គ ទ ្នា ប ើ ស ង្គមយ ង ើ មានភាពល្អប្រសើរ»។ រថយន្តសាម៊យ ុ ដែលបានផ្តល់ ជូនខាងលើមានតម្លៃ១៣.០០០ ដុល្លារអា មេរិក។ លោក ទិត ពិសិដ្ឋ ប្រធាន មណ្ឌលស ខ ុ ភាពរលាំងសែនបា ន
Assist tenants and senior management with issues arising within the building. Assist with marketing information and campaigns.
Requirements: - At least 4 years’ experience in local property market - Degree in Marketing or Business Administration - Excellent in communication skills - Excellent in Customer Care 3. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGER Responsibilities: - Planning, successful execution and follow up of customer retention campaigns, monthly forecast, and other reporting as required by Property Manager. - To meet agreed targets set out for the CRM in converting enquiries into bookings and supporting the on-going communication between the team and all tenants. - To manage the CRM team and to ensure that the service delivery to tenants and prospects is of excellent quality and achieves overall contract objectives. - To maintaining excellent service quality at the point of enquiry and follow-up. Requirements: - At least 3 years’ experience in CRM - Degree in Marketing or Business Administration - Excellent in communication skills - Excellent in Customer Care 4. RETAIL BUSINESS COORDINATOR Responsibilities: - Collate & manage all information for retail leasing oppurtunities. - Research retail market for potential suitable tenants. - Provide day to day customer management support to hot general leasing administration retail tenants make initial contact to potential retail tenants. - Take initial retail leasing enquiries and validate suitability for operational. - Provide retail operational experience and support to senior management. Requirements: - At least 3 years’ experience in retail business - Degree in Marketing or Business Administration - Excellent in communication skills - Excellent in Customer Care Vattanac Properties Limited is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Interest candidates please forward your detailed CVs including a recent photo with a cover letter describing your suitability for the role and salary expectation to sochenda.in@vattanacproperties.com Your CVs will be treated strictest confidence, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Deadline for application is on Saturday 13th July 2013.
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 27, 2013
Singapore prime office prices fall
The towers of the Marina Bay Financial Centre in the central business district in Singapore. Bloomberg
rices of prime office space in Singapore fell the most anywhere in the world during the 12 months ending in March 2013, according to new data from CBRE. Although Asia dominates the list of most expensive office locations, the price of prime Grade A office space in the city-state dropped 16.3 per cent as a result of an increase in supply and increased availability at the lower end of the market. CBRE noted that the bulk of the rental decline occurred in early 2012, with only minimal rental corrections in the second half of 2012 and in the first quarter of 2013. Asia is home to the world’s most expensive office locations as Hong Kong-Central remained the highest priced market, and four other Asian markets populated the top five, according to CBRE Global Research and Consulting’s semi-
annual Prime Office Occupancy Costs survey. Hong Kong–Central’s overall occupancy costs of US$235.23 per square foot per year topped the “most expensive” list for the third consecutive time. London’s West End followed with total occupancy costs of $222.58. Beijing’s Finance Street, Beijing’s Jianguomen central business district and New Delhi’s Connaught Place central business district rounded out the top five. Other Asia-Pacific markets in the top ten include Hong KongWest Kowloon (6th) and Tokyo (Marunouchi/Otemachi) (8th). New York’s Midtown Manhattan (10th) returned to the top ten markets for the first time since early 2012, joined by Moscow (7th) and London’s City (9th). Singapore was ranked 19th globally. “While the pace of occupancy cost growth globally has slowed,
limited supply of prime space in key core business centres has fuelled continuous upward movement of occupancy costs,” said Dr Raymond Torto, CBRE’s Global Chief Economist. “The most expensive office markets often attract the regional headquarters of large multinational firms that require a prime location in a prestigious building with access to major global and regional transit routes.” CBRE tracks occupancy costs for prime office space in 127 markets around the globe. Of the top 50 “most expensive” markets, 21 are in Asia-Pacific, 18 are in EMEA and 11 in the Americas. While comparisons in dollars are affected by currency exchange rates, annual per cent change calculations are based upon occupancy costs in local currency and are not influenced by currency changes. PROPERTYGURU.COM.SG
Phnom Penh Focus by Independent Property Services
•saleproperty 1:
• rENTAL property 1: These newly constructed, one-bedroom apartments are located in a large complex in the central district of Daun Penh. All apartments are modern and of western style throughout. The lounges are open plan with the well-equipped kitchen that access the private balcony. The bedrooms are of a good size, light and airy, and come with an en-suite. The properties would suit a single occupant or a professional couple. These apartments are listed from $550 and range to $750 per month with the tenant responsible for all utility costs.
• rENTAL property 2: This three-bedroom apartment comes fully furnished and is located in the central district of Daun Penh. The property is not far from the riverside and positioned on the top floor of a small apartment complex . The three bedrooms are all with en-suites, and a larg e open plan living/dining area . There is a separate contempo rar y g alley style kitchen that adjoins a ser vice area with breakfast bar for the main living area . This property is priced at $1,100 and would ideally suit a small family.
This charming Siem Reap villa is located in an area of the town that enjoys good access to Angkor Park. The villa consists of two kitchens, one on each level, in addition to a total of four bedrooms (all with air-conditioners). This split-level living environment would work for a growing family or possibly for shared accommodation. With space for three vehicles, and a lovely front garden with a gazebo for entertainment, this property is available for immediate occupation. This villa is listed at $220,000 with the owner willing to negotiate on serious offers.
• saLe property 2: This lovely apartment is located on the uppermost level of the shopfront building in the central suburb of 7 Makara, close to the Olympic Stadium, and near the shopping areas of Sihanouk Boulevard and the Orussey Market. It features two bedrooms, one being a mezzanine bedroom, a central kitchen and an open plan living area that opens out to a wrap-around balcony with sweeping views of inner Phnom Penh. This apartment has western décor and furnishings throughout including a well-equipped kitchen and bathroom facilities. This property is priced at $140,000 and comes with soft tittle.
For further information on theses properties and others in Phnom Penh, Independent Property Services director David Murphy can be reached on 077 959 861 or Inquiry@independentpropertyservices.com. Alternatively, visit www.independentpropertyservices.com
June 27, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
តម្លផ ៃ ះ្ទ នៅ អា មេរក ិ ក ន ើ ឡើងខស ្ព កា ់ លពខ ី ម ែ ន ុ វ៉ាសន ុី តោនៈការលក់ផ ះ្ទ ចា ស់ៗ នៅអាមេរិក បានឡើងខ្ពស់កាល ពីខ ឧ ែ សភា រហូតដល់កម្រត ិ ខ ស ្ព ់ បំផុតនៅក្នុងរយៈពេល៣ឆ្នាំកន្លះ ចំណក ែ ត ម្លក ៃ បា ៏ នហក់ឡង ើ ខ ស ្ព ់ ផងដរែ ពោលនះេ គជា ឺ សញ្ញាមយ ួ បង្ហាញពីការស្ទុះងើបឡើងវិញនៃ វិសយ ័ អ ចលនទ្រពយ្ ព ម ្រ ទា ង ំ អា ច ជំរញ ុ ឲ យ្ ក ណ ំ ន ើ ស ដ េ ក ្ឋ ច ិ ហ ្ច ក់ឡ ង ើ ខ្ពស់ផងដែរនៅឆ្នាំនេះ។ សមាគមកម ុ្រ ហ៊ន ុ អ ចលនទ្រពយ្ អាមេរក ិ បានបប ្រា ឲ ់ យ្ ដ ង ឹ កា លពថ ី ៃ្ង ព្រហស្បតិ៍ស ប្តាហម ៍ ន ុ ថា ការលក់ ផ្ទះចាស់ៗបានកើនឡើងចំនួន ៤,២ភាគរយ បើប្រៀបធៀបនឹង អត្រាប្រចាំឆ្នាំ៥,១៨លានខ្នង ពោលគឺជាកំណើនខ្ពស់បំផុតគិត ចាប់តា ង ំ ព ខ ី វែ ច ិ កា ្ឆិ ឆ្នា២ ំ ០០៩មក នៅពល េ ដ ល ែ ឥ ណទានពន្ធរបស់ អ្នកទិញផ ្ទះផុតក ំណត់។ កំណើនលក់ផ្ទះបានកើនឡើង ខ្លាង ំ ជា ង ការរព ំ ង ឹ ទ ក ុ ដ ល ែ គ បា េ ន ព្យាករថា កំណើនលក់ផ្ទះចាស់ៗ អាចនង ឹ ក ន ើ ឡ ង ើ ដ ល់៥ លា នខង ្ន កាលពីខែឧសភា។ ទីផសា ្ រអចលនទ្រពយ្ គឺជា វស ិ យ ័ មួយក្នុងចំណោមវិស័យលេចធ្លោ ជាងគេនៅក្នុងសេដ្ឋកិច្ចអាមេរិក និងកំពុងជួយទប់ទល់នឹងសេចក្តី សម្រេចរបស់រដ្ឋាភបា ិ លនទ ៃ ក ី ង ្រុ វ៉ាស៊ីនតោនក្នុងការដំឡើងអត្រា ពន្ធ និងការកាត់បន្ថយចំណាយ របស់រដ្ឋាភិបាលនៅឆ្នាំនេះ។ គោលនយោបាយរប ូ យ ិ វត្ថដ ុ ល ែ មានសារប្រយោជន៍ខ្លាំងរបស់ ធនាគារកណ្តាលអា មេរក ិ ន ង ឹ ជ យ ួ ធ្វឲ ើ យ្ អ ត្រាក ម្ចទ ី ញ ិ ផ ្ទះធ ក ្លា ច ់ ុះជ ត ិ
ដល់កម្រិតទាបបំផុតនោះកំពុង ជួយជ រំ ញ ុ ដ ល់ទ ផ ី សា ្ រអចលនទ្រពយ្ ឲ្យស្ទុះងើបឡើងវិញ។ ទោះបីជា យ៉ាងនេះក្តី លោក Ben Bernanke ប្រធានធនាគារកណ្តាល អាមេរិក បានបង្ហាញសញ្ញាយ ៉ាង ច្បាស់កាលពីថព ្ងៃ ុធកន្លងទៅនេះ ថា ធនាគារកណ្តាល នឹងចា ប់ផ ម ្តើ កាត់ប ន្ថយវធា ិ នការជរំ ញ ុ រប ូ យ ិ វត្ថុ នៅចុងឆ ្នាំ២០១៣នេះ។ កាលពីខែឧសភា តម្លៃលក់ផ្ទះ ជាមធ្យមបានឡើង១៥,៤ភាគ- រយ បើប្រៀបធៀបនឹងរយៈពេល ដូចគ្នាកាលពីឆ្នាំមុនរហូតដល់ ២០៨ ០០០ដុល្លារ ពោលគឺជា កំណើនខ្ពស់បំផុត បើប្រៀបធៀប នឹងកំណើនថ្លៃក្នុងរយៈពេលដូច គ្នាកាលពីឆ្នាំមុន។ លោក Lawrence Yun សេដ្ឋ វិទូប្រចាំសមាគមក្រុមហ៊ុនអច- លនទព ្រ យ្ អា មេរក ិ មានបសា ្រ សន៍ ថា៖«តម្លៃផ្ទះបានកើនឡើងយ៉ាង ឆាប់រហ័ស»។ ដោយសារកណ ំ ន ើ ត ម្លអ ៃ ចលន ទ្រព្យបានធ្វើឲ្យម្ចាស់ផ្ទះជាច្រើន ដាក់ផ ្ទះរបស់ខ ន ្លួ ល ក់ដោយជ រំ ញ ុ ឲ្យមានផ្ទះដែលលក់មិនទាន់ដាច់ កើនឡ ង ើ ខ ស ្ព នៅ ់ ល ទ ើ ផ ី សា ្ រ ពោល គឺ៣,៣ភាគរយកាលពីខែឧសភា បើប្រៀបធៀបនឹងខ ែមេសា រហូត ដល់ ២,២២លានខ្នង។ ទោះជាយ៉ាងនេះក្តីផ្ទះសម្រាប់ លក់ នៅតែបន្តកើនឡើងនៅក្នុង ទីផសា ្ រ។ សេដវ្ឋ ទ ិ ជា ូ ច ន ្រើ យល់ថា អត្រា៦ភាគរយ គឺជាតុល្យភាពដ៏ ល្អមួយរវាងការផ្គត់ផ្គង់ និងតម្រូវ ការ៕ Reuters/BP
ការលក់ផះ្ទ នៅអាមេរក ិ កើនឡង ើ យង ៉ា ចន ើ្រ កង ុ្ន ខឧ ែ សភា ។ Bloomberg
ទិដភា ្ឋ ពអគារខ្ពស់ៗនៅទ ីក្រុងហុងកុង។
ទីក្រុងហុងកុងជា ផ្នែកមួយរបស់ប្រទេសចិន ដែលមានផ្ទៃក្រឡា១១០៤គីឡូម៉ែត្រការ៉េ និងមានប្រជាជនប្រហែល៧ ១៧៣ ៩០០លាន
នាក់(ឆ្នាំ២០១៣)។ ទីក្រុងហុងកុងគឺជាមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលផ ្នែកហិរញ្ញវត្ថុឈានមុខគ េនៅអាស៊ី ដោយនៅទីនោះមានអគារខ្ពស់ៗជាច្រើន។ អគារខ្ពស់ ជាងគេនៅទីក្រុងហុងកុងមា នឈ្មោះថា International Commerce Centre ដោយមាន១១៨ជាន់ និងក ម្ពស់៤៨៤ម៉ែត្រ ។ រូបថត Bloomberg
តម្លជ ៃ ល ួ ការិយាល័យបណ ្រ ត ី នៅសង ិ ប ្ហ រុ ធ ី ក ្លា ច ់ ះុ សិងប ្ហ រុ ីៈ តម្លកា ៃ រិយាល័យជួលល ដា ំ ប់ខ ស ្ព ់ (Grade A) នៅកង ្នុ ប ទ ្រ ស េ ស ង ិ ប ្ហ រុ បា ី នធក ្លា ់ ចុះខ ង ្លាំ ប ផ ំ ត ុ នៅ ក ង ្នុ ព ភ ិ ពលោកនារយៈពល េ ១២ខ ែ(គ ត ិ ត ម ្រឹ ខ ែមនា ី ឆ្នា២ ំ ០១៣) នេះប ើ យោងតាមទិន្នន័យថ្មីរបស់ក្រុមហ ៊ុនCBRE។ បើទោ ះបជា ី នៅ ត ប ំ ន់អា ស៊ី មានទតា ី ង ំ អ គារ ការិយាល័យជួល ដែលមានតម្លៃខ្ពស់ជាងគេ ច្រន ើ នៅ ក ង ្នុ ប ញ្ជក ី ដោ ៏ យក៏ត ម្លអ ៃ គារការិយា- ល័យជ ល ួ ល ដា ំ ប់ខ ស ្ព ( ់ Grade A)នៅបទ ្រ ស េ សិងប ្ហ រុ បា ី នធក ្លា ច ់ ុះ១ ៦,៣ភាគរយដែរ ដោយ សារកំណើននៃការផ្គង់ផ្គង់ និងកំណើនអគារ ការិយាល័យល ដា ំ ប់ទា បក ន ើ ឡ ង ើ ខ ស ្ព នៅ ់ ក្នង ុ ទីផសា ្ រ។ ក្រម ុ ហ ន ៊ុ ស វ្រា ជ វ្រា CBRE បានឲ្យដឹង ថា ការធក ្លា ច ់ ុះខ ង ្លាំ ន ត ៃ ម្លជ ៃ ល ួ អ គារបានកន ើ ឡើងនៅ ដ ម ើ ឆ ២ ្នាំ ០១២ដោយត ម្លអ ៃ គារជល ួ បានបប ្រែ ល ួ្រ ត ច ិ ត ច ួ នៅ ឆ មាសទព ី រី ឆ្នា២ ំ ០១២ និងនៅ ត្រីមាសទីមួយឆ្នាំ២០១៣។ បើតាមការអង្កេតពីតម្លៃអគារការិយាល័យ លំដាប់ខ្ពស់(Grade A) ប្រចាំឆមាសរបស់ ក្រុមហ៊ុន CBRE Global Research and Consulting បានបង្ហាញថា ទ្វីបអាស៊ីគឺជា តំបន់ដែលមានអគារការិយាល័យជួលតម្លៃ ខ្ពស់ជាងគេនៅលើពិភពលោក ដូចជាអគារ ការិយាល័យនៅទីក្រុងហុងកុងមានតម្លៃខ្ពស់ ជាងគនៅ េ ល ទ ើ ផ ី សា ្ រខណៈត ប ំ ន់ច ន ំ ន ួ ៤ ផ ស្ ង េ ទៀតនៅក្នុងទ្វីបអាស៊ី ឈរនៅចំណាត់ថ្នាក់ កំពូលទាំង៥។ ជាទូទៅអ គារការិយាល័យសម្រាបជ ់ ល ួ នៅ កណ្តាលទ ក ី ង ្រុ ហ ង ុ កុង មា នតម្លៃ ២៣៥,២៣ ដុល្លារក ្នុង១ ហ្វូតការ៉េ (ស្មើ ០,៣០៤៨ម៉ែត្រ ការ៉) េ ក្នង ុ ១ ឆ ្នាំ ពោលគបា ឺ នជាប់ច ណា ំ ត់ថ ក ្នា ់ កំពូលចំនួន៣ឆ្នាំជាប់ៗគ្នាក្នុងនាមជាតំបន់ ដែលមានអគារការិយាល័យស ម្រាបជ ់ ល ួ ត ម្លៃ ខ្ពសប ់ ផ ំ ត ុ ។ តំបន់ភាគខាងលច ិ ន ទ ៃ ក ី ង ្រុ ឡុងដ៍ ប្រទេសអង់គ្លេស បានតាមពីក្រោយទីក្រុង ហុងក ង ុ ដោយមានត ម្លជ ៃ ល ួ ២ ២២,៥៨ដល ុ រ្លា ក្នុងម ួយហ្វូតការ៉េ។ បន្ទាប់មកទៀតគឺនៅតាម ផ្លូវ Finance Street នៅក្នុងទីក្រុងប៉េកាំង
មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលពាណិជក ្ជ ម្ម Jianguomen និង តំបន់មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលពាណិជ្ជកម្ម Connaught Place នៅទ ក ី ង ្រុ ញ វូ ដែលី ប ទ ្រ ស េ ឥ ណ្ឌាស ទ ុ ្ធ តែស្ថិតនៅក្នុងចំណាត់ថ ្នាក់កំពូលទាំងប្រាំ។ ទីផ្សារនៅតំបន់អាស៊ីប៉ាស៊ីហ្វិកផ្សេងទៀត ស្ថិតនៅក្នុងចំណាត់ថ្នាក់កំពូលទាំង១០ រួម មានត ប ំ ន់Kowloon ស្ថត ិ នៅភាគខាងលច ិ នៃ ទីកង ្រុ ហ ង ុ ក ង ុ ជា ប់ច ណា ំ ត់ថ ក ្នា ទ ់ ៦ ី និងត ប ំ ន់ Marunouchi/Otemachi នៃទក ី ង ្រុ ត ក ូ យ្ ជា ូ ប់ ចំណាត់ថ ក ្នា ល ់ ខ េ ៨ ។ តំបន់ Midtown Manhattan នៅទីក្រុងញូវយ៉កបានវិលមករក ចំណាត់ថ ក ្នា ក ់ ព ំ ល ូ ទា ង ំ ១ ០ជាថ ម ្មី ង ្ត ទ ៀតគត ិ ចាប់តាំងពីដើមឆ្នាំ២០១២មក។ ទីក្រុងម៉ូស្គូ ជាប់លេខ៧ តំបន់នៅទីក្រុងឡុងដ៍ជាប់លេខ ៩ ខណៈប្រទេសសិង្ហបុរី ជាប់ចំណាត់ថ ្នាក់ទី ១៩នៅលើពិភពលោក។ លោកបណ្ឌិត Raymond Torto ប្រធាន សេដ្ឋវិទូសកលប្រចាំក្រុមហ៊ុន CBRE មាន ថ្លង ែ ថា ៖ «ខណៈកណ ំ ន ើ ថ អ ្លៃ គារជល ួ បា នធក ្លា ់ ចុះនៅ ទូទាង ំ ព ភ ិ ពលោកនោះការផត ្គ ផ ់ ង ្គ អ ់ គារ ការិយាល័យល ដា ំ ប់ខ ស ្ព ត ់ ច ិ ត ច ួ នៅ តា មមជ្ឈ- មណ្ឌលពាណិជ្ជកម្មសំខាន់ៗ បានជំរុញតម្លៃ អគារជួលស្ទុះងើបឡើងជាបន្ត»។
លោកបានបន្តថា ៖ «ទផ ី សា ្ រអគារការិយាល យ ័ ដែលមានតម្លៃខ្ពស់បំផុត តែងតែទាក់ទាញ ការិយាល័យក ណ្តាលប្រចាត ំ ប ំ ន់របស់ក ម ុ្រ ហ៊ន ុ អន្តរជាតិធំៗ ដែលត្រូវការទីតាំងល្អនៅក្នុង អគារការិយាល័យធ ៗ ំ ដែលមា នចក ្រ ផ វ្លូ ច ញ េ ចូលទៅមកធំៗរវាងតំបន់ក៏ដូចជានៅទូទាំង ពិភពលោក»។ ក្រុមហ៊ុនCBRE កំពុងតា មដានតម្លៃអគារ ការិយាល័យលំដាប់ខ្ពស់នៅក្នុងទីផ្សារចំនួន ១២៧កន្លែងនៅជុំវិញពិភពលោក។ នៅក្នុង ចំណោមទផ ី សា ្ រទាង ំ នោ ះ ទីផសា ្ រចន ំ ន ួ ៥ ០ជាប់ ចំណាត់ថ ក ្នា ជា ់ ទ ផ ី សា ្ រអគារការិយាល័យដ ល ែ មានតម្លៃខ្ពស់បំផុត ដោយមានទីផ្សារចំនួន ២១ស្ថិតនៅក្នុងតំបន់អាស៊ីប ៉ាស៊ីហ្វិក ទីផ្សារ ចំនួន១៨ស្ថិតនៅតំបន់ EMEA និងទីផ្សារ ចំនួន១ ១នៅអាមេរិក។ ដោយសារការប្រៀបធៀបតម្លៃជាប្រាក់ ដុល្លារ មានផលប៉ះពាល់ដោយសារអត្រាប្តូរ ប្រាកនោ ់ ះ ដូច្នេះកា រគណនាការបប ្រែ ល ្រួ ត ម្លៃ អគារជាអត្រាភាគរយប្រចាំឆ្នាំ គឺផ្អែកលត ើ ម្លៃ អគារជួលគិតជារូបិយប័ណ្ណក្នុងស្រុក និងមិន រងឥទ្ធព ិ លពកា ី របប ្រែ ល ្រួ តម្លរៃ ប ូ យ ិ ប័ណទ ្ណ ៕ េ PROPERTYGURU.COM.SG/BP
www.phnompenhpost.com •June 27, 2013
International Property News UPTOWN MAN
BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS STREET A cul-de-sac on the coast of the English county of Devon has been dubbed Britain’s most dangerous street, amidst fears that one house after another is collapsing into the sea. The 90-year-old houses in Redcliffe Road, Torquay, have seen a series of devastating landslides, which have seen one home fall over the cliff edge and others evacuated over safety fears. Coastal erosion has meant that the elegant family homes are at risk of falling 30 metres into the sea below, , with one evacuated by the local council and the garden of another fenced off because it is judged at risk. The homes are supposedly worth up to $555,000, and were built in the 1930s. But over the last few months, landslides have turned one home into a heap of rubble dangling over the cliff edge, while a neighbouring house has been deemed too risky to live in. The Council has now warned people to stay away, for their own safety, and asked residents to work together to keep the sightseers out.
He got rid of his penthouse in New York in March, and now US singer Billy Joel has sold his Miami, Florida mansion for a shade under $14 million. After originally putting the pad on the market for $14.75 million in May last year, Joel sold the luxurious home to fashion mogul Diego Della Valle, the owner of Tod’s shoes and majority shareholder in the Saks Fifth Avenue department store. The seven-bedroom, 8.5-bathroom waterfront property covers 825 square metres on the exclusive La Gorce Island, where GOODBYE TO BIRD STREETS stars including Cher and Lil Wayne own homes. Billy apparently paid $13.5 million for the house in 2006 but Jodie Foster is selling her home in the distinguished Los Anafter he pays his agents he will probable have lost out the deal. The house has expansive areas indoors and is lined with palm geles, California neighbourhood known as Bird Streets. The acclaimed actress, director and producer has decided to trees outside where there are also beautiful views of Biscayne Bay. There is a pool and several al fresco seating areas. Arched part ways with her Spanish-style home, listing the property for doorways and windows feature throughout as well as chande- a cool $6.399 million. Foster originally purchased the intimate hacienda in 1997 and lier light fixtures and a winding staircase. went about remodeling parts of the property. However, the 1935 villa retains much of its original charm, with beautiful beamed ceilings, brick-lined courtyards and other rustic details. Accessed via a private, gated driveway in the rear, the home sits shaded in mature foliage and a “high-reaching hedge for utmost discretion.” The home itself offers four bedrooms, five baths and roughly 562 square metres, and it has amenities ranging from a screening room to a chef ’s kitchen to a master suite with a private sitting area.
Sitting high on a bluff overlooking the Mohawk River in the town of Amsterdam, New York State, Amsterdam Castle was built in 1894 by the state for the town’s National Guard. Dramatic and imposing, the building’s narrow windows, high turrets and limestone bricks look utterly medieval. And now it is on the market, for a mere $895,000. Amsterdam Castle was built as the administration and training facility for the 46th Company of the New York National Guard. Following World War II, the armory continued to serve as the base of the Infantry until 1995, when the state sold the home to a private owner for $62,500. In 2005, after some updates, a new owner bought the home for $800,000 and transformed it into a bed-and-breakfast. THE SKYSCRAPER WITH A TWIST The 3,350 square metre home is back on the market, ready to be another B&B or private residence. The home has restored OYE COMO VA It took eight years to build, is 310 metres tall and will surely hardwood floors, original stained glass and crown mouldings. Legendary rock guitarist Carlos Santana is selling his Las Ve- The officers’ rooms serve as bedrooms, and commercial spaces drive buyers round the bend to buy an apartment there. This gas home in the Ridges area for $3.75 million, after buying it — including a basement kitchen, locker rooms and full gym is Cayan Tower, the world’s tallest twisted building - and has finally opened with much fanfare in Dubai. — are also in the home. for $3.5 million in 2010. Built at a cost of around $600 million, the 80-storey residenBuilt in 2009, his agents say “the trophy property combines tial Cayan Tower is twisted at 90 degrees from top to bottom modern convenience and design to create a fresh, state-of-theand is home to 570 luxury apartments. art living environment filled with clean lines and high-end And it looks like the appeal of living in a record-breaking amenities.” property has already lured in buyers, with 80 per cent of its A marble-lined walkway leads past water features and a fire units already sold. pit, into the 675 square metre home, which offers a total of The architects used open-space architectural concepts to four bedrooms and six baths. ensure that there are no pillars anywhere in the building. The Inside, accent lighting, skylights and large doors that mix website boasts about the property’s location - it was built at indoor-outdoor living spaces give the home an organic feel. the mouth of Dubai Marina - and boasts views across the maThe property resembles a resort more than a home, with inrina, sea and The Palm. It offers a pool, whirlpool, spa, massage house luxuries that include an elevator, a theater and a palatial rooms, nursery and gym. master bathroom with its own fire pit. On a secondary market property website, a one-bedroom Outside, a backyard oasis features a disappearing-edge pool apartment carries a price tag of $435,000, CNN reported. that extends out toward the Las Vegas Strip.
YOUR REAL ESTATE EXPERTS 20 June 27, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
Photo Exhibition
NewArt Gallery FOR RENT
Contemporary Southeast Asia Art paintings, Posters & Photographs Expert Matting & Framing Paintings by khmer, Chiness, Viethamese and Thai artists No 20 St.9,next to phsar kapko,Phnom Penh Tel: 012 824 570
E-mail: newart_gallery007@ yahoo.com Facbook:Tep Toma(new art)
Faces of Angkor by Baku Saito 08-July to 19-August 2013 Venue: Norton University Chroy Chong Va
OFFICE BUILDING FOR RENT located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00 www.towncityrealestate.com
1ST AND 2ND FLOOR APT FOR Rent Located in Tonle Bassac Area , fully furnished, nice kitchen, lots of light and nice balcony, very quite and safety.Price: US$320-350/m. Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
BRAND NEW WESTERN apartment 01 bed 500$ 02 bath, Nice living room Good kitchen. Very clean and Furnished Contact Tel: 077 77 78 69 hcsopheak@yahoo.com
OFFICE BUILDING FOR RENT located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00 www.towncityrealestate.com
BRAND NEW WAREHOUSE FOR Rent Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), Size: 1,450sqm plus to 3,000sqm, electricity and water are connected. possible for trucks across. Price: $1,7/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
2ND FLOOR VILLA FOR RENT Near Independent Monument, 1bed, fully furnished, very lights, western kitchen, very safety, very big terrace very good condition for living. Price: US$750/m Tel: 092 23 26 23
SWIMMING POOL WESTERN Apartment for rent in BKK I 02 bed 1350$ 03 bedr 2350$ 2 bath, Big living room Good kitchen. Very cleanand Western style. Furnished Very big Pool and Gym.Tel: 077 77 78 69
CORNER OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Located on the BLVD street, 150 sqm and US$2000 per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00 www.towncityrealestate.com
TRADITIONAL GARDEN VILLA For Rent In Tonle Bassak area, 05 beds, large living room, very light, some furnished, western kitchen, big balcony & terrace, very nice garden and trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safe. Price: $3,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
MODERN POOL APT NEAR WAT Phnom 2 beds, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light and nice balcony, very quite and safety.Price: US$1,100/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
TOWN HOUSE FOR RENT: Location: Tonle Basac 3 Bedr, 4Bath. 850/m Nice Balcony and Terrace Good environment. Furnished Tel: 077 777657 khornsokunyahoo.com www.ppgroup.biz
MODERN HIGH CLASS VILLA FOR Rent In BKKI, 06 Beds, very large living room, perfect interior design , modern kitchen, big balcony, very quiet & safety area, cars parking, Price: $5,000/m. Tel: 092 23 26 23
2ND FLOOR APT FOR RENT Located in BKK3, near Toul Sleng Museum, 2 beds, fully furnished, very lights, nice kitchen, very quiet & safe, very good condition for living, nice garden.Rent: US$500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
GARDEN VILLA FOR Rent 2500$/m. In Tonle Basac area, 3 bedrooms, big living room Very quiet, very safety Nice Garden and some trees Contact Tel: 077 777 657
MODERN VILLA FOR RENT Near Russian Market And Mao Tse Toung BLVD, 05 bedrooms, big living room, modern kitchen, big balcony, very quiet and safety area, big cars parking,Price: $1,700/m. Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
5th Floor Phone: Khmer:012 767 371 English, Japanese: 010 636 662
LINK-VILLA FOR RENT In Grand Phnom Penh, 03 Beds, open living room, very nice interior design, modern kitchen, nice balcony, nice garden, very quiet and safety area, cars parking.Price: $800/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
SRENG BOU CAR SERVICE FOR RENT Long contract and Short contract Property Investment Rental Per Month Villa for Sale Lexus Lx 470 year 2000 : 1250 $ Villa for Rent Lexus Lx 470 year 1999 : 1200 $ Apartment for Sale Lexus Rx 300 year 2000 : 700 $ Lexus Rx 300 year 1999 : 650 $ Apartment for Rent Honda CRV year 2000 : 500 $ Land for Sale Honda CRV year 1999 : 450 $ Land for Rent Toyota RAV4 year 2002 : 650 $ Kindly to show in city or out of city Toyota RAV4 year 1999 : 500 $ #35 St 310, BKK I ,Phnom Penh Toyota RAV4 year 1998 : 450 $ H/P : 012 891 845 / 016 33 00 25 Toyota Highlander 2002 : 750 $ Email : srengbou@yahoo.com Camry year 2002 : 650 $ Camry year 2000 -2001 : 500 $ Camry year 1997-1999 : 450 $ Landcruiser Year 2000 : 1200 $ Included Insurance Full Coverage SUZUKI SIDEKICK 1992 FOR address :#35 St 310, BKK I ,P.Penh sale Price: 3000 H/P : 012 891 845 / 016 33 00 25 Tel: 077 718 965 Email : srengbou@yahoo.com
HOTEL FOR SALE (ARC006609) In heart of DP, 80 units en-suite bath and furnishing,8 floors & rooftop swimming pool, L-Size: 480m2, Price : $3,00,000,Tel : 097 6182 888 CONDO FOR RENT (ARC009415) Brand new ,3- bed rooms en-suite, open kitchen & dining room, well decorated and fully furnished, all facilities available,Price: $1,600/m Tel: 016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh NO BLESS APARTMENT FOR SALE with lowet price. 12 floor with 3 bedroom. Tel: 012 840 069
BRAND NEW MODERN VILLA FOR Rent In Bassac Garden Compound, 05 Beds, very large living room, perfect interior design, lots of light, modern kitchen, big balcony and big terrace, very quiet and safety area, cars parking, roof top steam and sauna. Price: $4,000/m. Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00 BASAC GARDEN VILLA FOR Rent 2000$/m. 3 bedrooms, Big living room and dining area Nice Garden and some trees Contact Tel: 077 777869 www.ppgroup.biz WESTERN APARTMENT Located in BKKI Rent: $700/month for one bed 1 Living room, nice balcony Fully Furnished, Nice Kitchen More light, Motor Parking Contact Tel: 077 777 869 NICE APARTMENT IN BKK 2 Rent: $500/month for two beds 1 Living room, nice balcony Fully Furnished, Nice Kitchen More light, Motor Parking Contact Tel: 077 777 657 1BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 RENT $400/Month near Royal Palace 1Bedroom 1Bath, Roof Terrace Western Style, Fully Furnished Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 2BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 RENT $700/Month in BKK3 Area 2Bedroom 2Bath, Big Balcony Western Style, Fully Furnished Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 2BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 RENT Near Independent Monument $750/Month: 2Bedroom 2Bath Western Style, Fully Furnished Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
ROOF TOP POOL APARTMENT FOR Rent Located in BKKI,2 beds, open living room, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, very nice balcony, roof top gym and gym, very quiet and safety area, very good condition for living. Price: US$1,200/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
WESTERN APARTMENT FOR Rent Located in BKKI, 1-2 beds, large living room, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, very big balcony, quite & safety area, big parking lots, very good condition for living . Price: $800-$1,200/m. Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00 www.towncityrealestate.com BUILDING FOR RENT (ARC010670) Commercial office on main road in CKM, suited location for bank & MFI office or business purpose. large parking lot, Price:$15,000 / m Tel :016 654 572 | www.arc.com.kh BUILDING FOR SALE (ARC001170) On the main road, corner lot, in 7 Makara, all facilities included, large car park,7 floors , 2 elevators Price : $5,000,000 Tel : 097 6182 888 5 BEDROOMS VILLA FOR RENT Located in Boeung Trabek Price: 1500/month 1 big Living room, big yard Some furniture. Nice Kitchen Big Space for Parking 4 cars. Very good for living and office Contact Tel: 077 777 657
BRAND NEW APARTMENT FOR Rent BKK1, 1-2-3 Beds, large living room, very light, Fully Furnished, western Kitchen, Steam & Sauna, roof top garden, gym, very good condition for living, quiet & safe. Price: $ 900- $ 1,300 - $ 3,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
PENTHOUSE FOR RENT Close to Vietnam Embassy, 2 Beds, large living room, lights of lights, very big balcony, fully and modern furnished, western Kitchen, very good condition for living, quiet & safe. Price: $1,300/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
MODERN ROOF POOL AND GYM For Rent Located in BKKI, 1-2 beds, big living room, fully and modern furniture, modern kitchen, very roof top pool & gym, open big terrace, very quiet and safety. Price: $1,500-$2,500 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00 www.towncityrealestate.com CONDO FOR SALE (ARC010748) In Bassac garden city, 24h-secu guard,10mn drive, all facilities & services available, plus pool, size: 160sqm, Price :$210,000, Tel : 097 6182 888. | www.arc.com.kh
PERFECT WESTERN VILLA FOR Rent Northbridge, 05 beds, fully furnished, very light, western kitchen, perfect garden, big playground, 03 Cars Parking, quiet & safe, very good condition for living Rent: $ 3,500/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
TRADITIONAL VILLA FOR RENT, In Beoung Trobek Area, 05 Bedrs, big front yard, many trees, very quiet and safety, the best location for living and office. Price: US$1,500/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
MODERN APARTMENT FOR Rent Located in BKKI, 01-02 bedrs Large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, nice balcony, roof top gym, very good condition for living Price: $1,200-$1,400/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00 APARTMENT BUSINESS FOR sale in Siem Reap 25 units, parking gardens etc. good busines /turnover. sell for cheap price due to ill health Tel: 089 986 398 APARTMENT FOR RENT Price: $250/m,Bedroom 1 Fully furnished, Near Royal Tel: 078 85 58 85
Call: Samoeurn Sambath on 097 47 52 565 (or) sambath.samoeurn@phnompenhpost.com Call: Bunthoeun Lim on 015 883 222 (or) bunthoeun.lim@phnompenhpost.com
TAKE A FREE ADVERT. 1-2-3 IT’S SIMPLE! For just $7 upgrade to a premium advert & boost your bottom line For just 7$ we can publish your advertisement with a photograph and seven lines. Contact our headline to book a photo classies and boost your bottom line.
Sihanuk Ville good for hotel, apt or villa Interest ring @:068 222747
Ls: 18mx30m, 22 Bedrooms & baths Nice yard, good accessibility, suitable
free three lines period is for long time. Price 4,500 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 081 456 007
then 1$ per line
Behind Lumprevu, sale$45.000(neg) 081 22 27 47
2 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room Price: USD 500 per month Location: Near Russian Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Daun Penh, 3000 USD per month (Negotiable). Land Size: 22 m x 27m Nice garden & swimming pool, 3 cars parking 5 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture Tel: 095 584 007/081 456 007
Located in TTP Area, nearby Vietnamese Embassy, 3,200USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 17m x 30m, Nice garden with swimming pool, 3 cars parking 4 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture 081 456 007/ 095 584 007
Offered 5 bedrooms attached baths, two big balconies, 2 rooms for maids, very nice garden with large parking, partly furnished, located in the heart of the city (DP), Asking price 2500USD per month still negotiable Tel: 095 584 007/ 081 456 007
5 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room 2 Cars Park, Price: USD 138900 Location: In front of Toek Thla Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86(Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Phsar Duem Thkov Area 850USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 8m x 25m, 2 cars parking, 4 Bedrooms with 3 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004/ 092 757 947
Land size: 15m x 25m, and Located at Boeung Trabek, 5 Bedrooms with baths and small garden, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,600 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 081 818 004
Warehouse size: 1,350 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. 4,000 USD per month (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
1Bed, 1Kitchen, 1Bath, 1 Living Room, USD 29.900, 2Beds, 2Baths, 1Kitchen, 1Living Room, USD 39990, Reducing Payment: 2 years, Interest Rate: 0%. Near Russian Market H/P: 017 28 22 93 / 069 60 50 21 (English) : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Warehouse size: 1,000 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. Price 2,200 USD per month (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Building size: 8.2m x 20m, and Located on main road at Chamkarmorn EXLOGLQJ VSDFH IRU RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 4,700 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Building size: 8m x 16m, and Located on main road at Sensok EXLOGLQJ VSDFH IRU RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 2,600 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
HOUSE FOR SALE Price: $1,200/m, Bedrooms 2 with A/C. Tel: 078 85 58 85, 4Bedrooms Villa for Rent Swimming Pool $2,500/Month, Tonle Basac Area, Western Style, Nice Garden, Furnished, 1Living room, Nice Kitchen, 4Bedrooms A/C, 4Bathroom, Quiet Place, 2Car Parking, www.ppgroup.biz,Tel:077777869
to book your space 023 211 314 or property@phnomnpenhpost.com
Price: $1,200/m, Bedrooms 2 with A/C. Tel: 078 85 58 85, 4Bedrooms Villa for Rent Swimming Pool $2,500/Month, Tonle Basac Area, Western Style, Nice Garden, Furnished, 1Living room, Nice Kitchen, 4Bedrooms A/C, 4Bathroom, Quiet Place, 2Car Parking, www.ppgroup.biz,Tel:077777869
5 Bedrooms, 6 Bathrooms, 1 Kitchen, 1 Living Room, 2 Cars Park Price: USD 1000 per month Location: Next Basak River H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECU
Land size: 12m x 43m, and Located at Chamkarmon, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 3 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,600 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Land size: 16m x 33m, and Located at Daun Penh, 6 Bedrooms with baths and big yard, around 4 cars parking, good accessibility, VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,000 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Located in Tuol Tumpoung Area, 2,000USD per month (Negotiable), Ls: 15m x 25m, Some tree, 3 cars parking 7 Bedrooms with 5 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004 / 092 757 947
Land: 20m x 30m, 8 Bedrooms, 10 Bathrooms, 2 Kitchens, 3 Living Rooms 4 Cars Park, Price: USD 2000 per month Location: Near Russian Market H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
2 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Living Room 2 Cars Park, Price: USD 44990 Location: St.371, Near PC Market H/P: 016 88 08 48/ 097 616 8787 : 016 22 06 22/ 012 68 05 86 (Chinese) 24 HOURS SECURITY
Located in Tuol Tumpoung Area 1,400USD per month (Negotiable) Land Size: 10m x 30m, Nice garden, 3 cars parking 4 Bedrooms with 4 baths, Basic furniture 087 818 004/ 092 757 947
Villa for rent in Toul Tompong area, Bs: 8m x15m, 2Floor, 3 bed rooms, 3 baths. fully furnished, good accessibility, security place IRU OLYLQJ DQG PDNLQJ DQ RIÂżFH WKHUH FDU parking. 1,000$ USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 087 818 005 / 087 818 004
Ls: 30mx40m, villa for rent in Toul kork area , 8 Beds with baths, Good accessibility, big parking. Nearby school, hospital and market, Suitable for running business like garage, restaurant. 2,500$/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 087 818 005 / 087 818 004
from now. It has a spacious, airy living space opening to balcony . This lovely apartment comes with furnished. $1300/month. Tel: 012490104 ZZZ SDOP HVWDWHDJHQW FRP
near by BKKI. It has a spacious, airy living ssace opening to balcony . It has basic furnished. Price: $800/month. Tel: 012490104 ZZZ SDOP HVWDWHDJHQW FRP
P FORVH WR ,QGHSHQGHQW 0RQXPHQW 2 nice Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms surrounded bamboo, WUHHV ÀRZHUV /DUJH \DUG JRRG environment for living Tel : 012 25 44 92
Spend only
Building size: 8m x 16m, and Located on main road at Sensok, building space for RIÂżFH DQG ELJ FRPSDQ\ good accessibility Asking price 3,000 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Land size: 22m x 25m, and Located at Chamkarmorn, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice yard, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 1,700 USD per month Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
Land size: 18m x 28m, and Located at Daun Penh, 7 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 4 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,300 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Ls: 17m x 31m, and Located at Chamkarmon, 5 Bedrooms with baths and nice garden, around 6 cars parking, good DFFHVVLELOLW\ VXLWDEOH IRU UHVLGHQWLDO RU RIÂżFH Asking price 3,500 USD per month Tel: 081 456 007 / 095 584 007
Warehouse size: 1,150 square meters, and located at Phnom Penh Thmei with having RIÂżFH DQG WUXFN DFFHVVLELOLW\ WKDW VXLWDEOH for product storage or small garment factory. 2,200 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
For your services Ms. Puthy Keo on 015 449 242 puthy.keo@phnompenhpost.com
:063 3&"-&45"5& &91&354 YOUR REAL ESTATE EXPERTS JUNE 27, 2013 t 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. June 27, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
POST-Property.com .com POSTKHMER
13 13
Cambodia’s premier real estate agency 5 Bedroom Villa in BKK1 This pleasant villa is located on the corner block in central suburb of BKK1, close to many restaurants and entertainment venues that this suburb. The ground floor features 2 bedroom, a large open lounge/ living area and rear modern kitchen. Upstairs there are a total of 3 bedrooms (all with ensuites) and a secondary living room. There is an enormous frontal courtyard with a small garden and a pool for relaxation.
2 Bedroom Apt in Tonle Bassac
3 Bedroom Villa in BKK1
This property offers stylish living with a modern kitchen and bathroom facilities. The apartment comes with a free year membership of a gym for a year lease. The apartment is fully serviced.
This three bedroom single storey villa is located centrally in BKK1. It features a pleasant frontal courtyard with gazebo. This villa is of western style with fully equipped kitchen and bathroom facilities.
1 Bedroom Apartment in Daun Penh
3 Bedroom Villa in Tonle Bassac
This riverside property is finished to a high western standard. It comes with a fully fitted kitchen and a large living space with small balcony. Get in early as interest in this apt will be high.
This fully-furnished villa is located in one of Phnom Penh’s gated communities. The living space on ground floor opens out to a small patio and pool area that would be fantastic for entertaining.
Contact us today for all your property needs. www.independentpropertyservices.com inquiry@independentpropertyservices.com
$3500 Tel: 077 959 861
Corner St 63 & St 294 BKK1, Phnom Penh
Available in BKKI Area, nice layout with open living room, balcony, nice kitchen, garden, trees, Price: 3,000$/mth (Ref-villa: 0052) www.vmcrealestate.com 093 77 81 81 / 017 76 92 71
In BKKI area, 2-bedrooms with bathrooms, nice Living area with furniture, nice kitchen. Price: 650$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0302) www.vmcrealestate.com 093 77 81 81 / 017 76 92 71
5-Bedrooms villa available in BKI, nice colonial style inside, nice open living area, nice kitchen, garden with trees Price: 4,000$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0163) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 093 77 81 81
In Toul Kor area, modern decoration with 5-beds & baths, nice open two living area, balcony, nice kitchen, pool, garden, trees. Price: 4,000$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0574) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 078 97 99 57
In BKKI area, western style with nice furniture, balcony, nice open living room, nice kitchen, gym, pool, security 24h Price: 1,350$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0057) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 078 97 99 57
In BKKI area, nice decoration with modern furniture, nice view balcony nice open living room, nice kitchen, gym, security 24h, Price: 1,200$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0352) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 078 97 99 57
3-Bedrooms villa available in BKKI, Nice layout with nice open living area, nice kitchen, garden with trees Price: 2,200$/mth. (Ref-villa: 0398) www.vmcrealestate.com 095 543 788 / 017 76 92 71
In BKKI area, nice decoration with Wooden ÀRRU QLFH IXUQLWXUH EDOFRQ\ QLFH RSHQ OLYLQJ room, nice kitchen, gym, security 24h Price: 1,900$/mth. (Ref-apt: 0103) www.vmcrealestate.com 017 76 92 71 / 095 543 788
POST-Property.com .com POSTKHMER
14 14
�ជ�នីភេំ� ពញ ��រជួលទំហំសរុប 2000m2 ��រ 8x26,80m 2�ន់ បន�ប�� ់ ង12 បន�បទឹ ់ ក 18, ចំ�យ60m ពីអង�រឃ���ងយូ ចំ�យ 350m �ង�ើងផ��វ�តិ��ខ6 ភូមិចុង� ស៊ូ ��ត�ៀម�ប ត���$3500/�� ដីសល់ �ច��ើៈ �ង, �ជនី��ន, �រ��ល័យ ទូរសព�័ៈ 012 63 0664 | 012 88 07 45 ដីលក់ប��ន់ �ជិត�ងច��ចុះ ពីផ�វ��ង��ង ពីផ�វធំ4០mទំហំ ដី 621m២លក់តំ��$11០,០០០ ល�បំផុតសំ�ប់សង់ផ�ះជួល �ក់ទងTel : 016 667 279 ផ�ះលំ��រ�យសំ�ប់លក់ ខណ��នជ័យ ស/ក �លស��វ� ដី2200m២ ទំហំ500m២ លក់ $419,000 Tel: 016 667279 ដីលក់សំ�ប់��ើផ�ះសំ�ក់ ទំហំដី 15មx21ម លក់ក�ងត��� 21០០០០ដុ�� ស�ិត�អូរ��កក�ម Tel:016 667 279 www.arc.com.kh ផ�ះលក់��ើផ�វ�តិ��ខ២ ��ក់អ���ម � រកសុ� ី ន ផ�ះ ៥មx១៦ម ដី:៥មx១៦ម ត��� ២២០ ០០០ដុ�� Tel: 016 667 279 | www.arc.com.kh ដីលក់�បឹង����ក ទំហំដី:5មx25ម ��កទិស��ើង ត���:$150000 �នប�ង់រ�ង, ល�សំ�ប់ សង់ផ�ះជួលសំ�ប់ជន�តិបរ��ស Tel: 016 667 279 ផ�ះលក់ ទំហំដនិ ី ងផ�ះ៨មx១៦ម ១២ បន�ប់ត��� ៥៨០០០០ដុ�� ស�ិត�ផ��រសុវ��។ Tel: 016 666 258 www.arc.com.kh
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ដីលក់ប��ន់�ើផ�វ�នណ�យ ទំហំ40,470�៉������ �នប�ង់រ�ងចំ�យ2 ,700�៉���ពីធ��រ�តិថ�ី ត���150$/�៉������។ Tel:067 666686 ដី��ងលក់ប��ន់ជិតបុរ�ពិភពថ�ី �ប់ផ�វឩ����ី��ងទំហំ38,000�៉������ ត��� 90$/�៉������ Tel: 067666686 ដីលក់ប��ន់��យ���ៀន ណត�៊�ីតទំហំ20,000�៉�������នប�ង់ រ�ងត���200$/�៉������(ត) Tel: 067666686 វ��កូន�ត់លក់�បុរ���ង The Star Light �ងលិចទួល�ក ទំហំវ��5.10mx12m(E0E1E2) ដី5.10x17.5m�ន4ប.��ង5 ប. ទឹក�ន�ងទឹកក�ឹប�ត់��ណ ត���147,000$(ត) Tel: 067666686 ផ�ះវ�ទ��សំ�ប់ជួល តំ�� $1000/�� ក��ងស��ត់ ទួលទំពូង១ �ន៣បន�ប់��ង ល�សំ�ប់ រស់�រ��រ��ល័យ ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958 ផ�ះ���ងលក់ ដីទំហំ 5.8mx25m ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ ពីរ�ន់ ប�ង់រ�ង ផ�ះ5.8m x 20m ជួល�ន$1200/�� តំ�� $330,000 �ចចរ��ន ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958 ផ�ះ���ង ២���ងលក់ 8.5m x20m ស��ត់ជ័យជំនៈ ជិតផ��រក��ល ប�ង់រ�ងកំពស់ពីរ�ន់ តំ�� $950,000 ដុ��រ ទំហំផ�ះ 8.5m x20m ��ង�ច់��ុង ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697
888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. t FABRUARY 21 ,2013 2013 www.phnompenhpost.com •June 27,
ដីនិងផ�ះវ�ទ�� លក់ 12mx15m $400,000 ស��ត់បឹង��ងកង៣ ប�ង់រ�ង ដី 12m x15m ផ�ះ 10m x12m បន�ប់��ង៥ បន�ប់ទឹក៥ ចំណំតទ��ន២ ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697
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��ំង�ងច�� សំ�ប់ជួល 15000m2 ��រថ�ី ទំហំ��ំង 15000m2 ដី២ហិច� ភ�ំ��ញថ�ី ខណ�័��នសុខ តំ�� $1.5/m2 ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697 វ��សំ�ប់លក់ ដីទំហំ 12m x24m បឹង��លិត តំ�� 73 មុឺនដុ��រ ៥បន�ប់��ង ទំ�ក់ទំនង 012 939 958 ដី និង ផ�ះលក់ ប��ន់ 30m x 40m �នទី�ំង សង��់បឹងកក់២ ទួល�កតំ��លក់ $1450,000 ($1200/m2) �ប់ផ�វធំទំហំដីៈ 30 m x 40m ប�ង់រ�ង ទំ�ក់ទំនង 077 777 697
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JUNE 27, 26, 2013 2013 t 888 1)/0.1&/)1045 $0. June • www.phnompenhpost.com
15 15 VILLA FOR RENT L-Size:2400m2, Price:$7,500,000
Tel 097 6182 888 | www.arc.com.kh BUILDING FOR SALE (ARC001170)
On the main road, corner lot, in 7 Makara, all facilities included, large car park, 7 oors, 2 elevators, $5,000,000 Tel : 097 6182 888 | www.arc.com.kh MODERN VILLA FOR RENT
BKK1, 5 bedrooms, large living room, light, fully furnished, western kitchen, big balcony and terrace, nice garden and trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safe. US$3,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Chroy Changva (across Japanese Bridge), 04 bedrooms, big living rooms, balcony, a lot of light, nice kitchen, fully furnished . Price: $1,200/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
BKKI, 1-2 bedrooms, open living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, nice balcony, roof top gym, very good condition for living Price: US$1,000-US$1,400/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Near Prey Sor Area (Warehouse zone), 1,450sqm plus to 3,000sqm, electricity and water are connected. possible for trucks across. US$1,7/sqm Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Boeung Kak2, Toul Kok Area, $3,000/mth, Swimming Pool, Nice Garden, Western Style, Big Living room, 5Bedrooms, 5Bathrooms, Full Furnished & Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958 APARTMENT FOR RENT
2 Beds, Price:$600/m, Big Terrace, Fully furnished, Area: Near Russian Market. Tel: 092 447 391 LLA FOR RENT
In Chamkamorn District, 4 Bedrooms, large living room, nice interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony, nice pool, garden, cars parking, quite & safety. US$3,000/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Toul Kork, 5 Bedrooms, a lot of light, big living room, western kitchen, nice pool and garden, big playground, big trees, quiet & Safety, 3 cars parking, good for living. US $3,000/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
BKKI, 1-2 bedrooms, large living room, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, big balcony, quite & safety area, big parking lots, good for living. US$800-US$1,200/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Commercial Street, 6 Stories, 12x22m, good condition for School, ofďŹ ce, Bank, showroom, clinic & Hospital, Hotel & other business purpose. US$9,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Ls: 18.5m x 34.5m, 9 Bedrooms, baths nice yard, good accessibility, suitable for living, residential and small hotel. Leasing period is for long time. 4,200 USD/mth (Negotiable) Tel: 095 584 007
Fs: 30,000m2, Free land at industrial area near Porchin Tong Airport. The owner of the land wants to rent free land. Rental 0.1 USD/square for free land Rental 1.7USD/square Tel: 097 6 707 696/ 087 818 004 VILLA FOR RENT
In Bassac Garden Compound, 03 Bedrooms, large living room, perfect interior design, modern kitchen, big balcony, cars parking, very quite and safety. Price: $3,000/month. Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
At south of Russian Market, 3 Bedrooms, nice living rooms, big parking, big play ground, safety and quiute, very good condition for living. Price: US$800/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Roof top swimming pool and gym, fully and modern furnished, western kitchen, 1-2-3 bedrooms. Price: US$1,100 to US$1,900/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Northbridge, 5 bedrooms, fully furnished, light, western kitchen, perfect garden, big playground, 03 Cars Parking, quiet & safe, very good condition for living. Rent: $ 3,500/mth Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
close to independent monument, 02 Bedrooms, open living rooms, western kitchen, wooden oor, big balcony, Price: $ 600/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Near Royal Palace Area, 02 beds, fully furnished, very light, nice kitchen, very safety, good condition for living Price: US$400/month Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Near Toul Tompoung Market $1900 per Month Very Big Yard 1Living room, 5 Bedroom, 5 Bathrooms, Some Furniture, 5 Cars Parking Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
Tel: 081 41 44 45 / 087 818 005 WESTERN VILLA FOR RENT
16x30, Three stories house has 4 Bedrooms & baths, 4 ofďŹ ce rooms, One living room, kitchen. It is special for the residential and small ofďŹ ce. Rental 2300USD/ mth can negotiable.
Location: near Central Market $650/Month: 2 Bedrooms, 2Bathrooms, Western Style, Big Living room, Big Balcony, Western Kitchen Contact to View: 012 939 958
Rent: $850 - $900/mth, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, dining area, living room, fully furnished, balcony, full of light & elevator. It’s Russian
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23 081 23 00 00
furnished BKK 3, Tel 012 83 88 29 HOUSE FOR RENT
Price: $850/m,Bedroom 3, Fully furnished, Near Royal Palace
In heart of DP, 80 units en-suite bath and furnishing, 8 oors & rooftop swimming pool, L-Size: 480m2, $3,00,000,
Tel: 077 777 697 012 939 958
Centrally located in S-Reap town, new building with all en-suite & fur nishing, large parking, elevator,
$600/Month in 7 Makara Area Real Western Style, Furniture Living Room, 1Bedroom A/c Nice Kitchen, 1Car Parking
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Price: $500/m,Bedroom 2 Fully furnished, BKK 3 Tel: 078 85 58 85
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Tel: 078 85 58 85
Price: $700/m,Bedroom 3 Fully furnished With Land Garden Tel: 078 85 58 85
Located in Phnom Penh Tmei, gated community, 24h security, all fully furnished, nice interior design, 5-bed with bath, price: USD 1,500/ month Tel:016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh CONDO FOR RENT (ARC009415)
Brand new, 3- bed rooms en-suite, open kitchen & dining room, well decorated and fully furnished, all facilities available,Price: $1,600/mo Tel: 016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh CONDO FOR SALE (ARC010748)
In Bassac garden city, 24h-secu guard,10mn drive, all facilities & services available, plus pool, size: 160sqm, Price :$210,000,
Tel : 097 6182 888. | www.arc.com.kh
Close to Vietnam Embassy, 1-2 Beds, large living room, lights of lights, nice balcony, fully modern furnished, western Kitchen, good condition for living, quiet & safe. $600/mth –$900/mth
3 Beds, $450/m, Big, Nice & Fully
market, TTP. Tel: 017 45 70 70
Tel:016 666 192 | www.arc.com.kh
Tel: 017 45 70 70
$650/m,Bedroom 1, Bathroom 1 New Fully furnished, BKK 1
3rd oor unit available in CKM, 1-bed, 2-bed, large rooftop swim- pool, nice garden, fully furnished, free wiďŹ , 24h secu- guard, Price: $1,100/month
Daun Penh close to Independent Monument, 7 beds, big living rooms, balcony, nice kitchen, some furniture, good for ofďŹ ce, boutique hotel, business purpose, big parking. US$4,000/mth
Rent: $2,000/mth 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, Kitchen, dining area, living room, pool, nice garden and full of light. It’s located in TK.
Area:CCV, Tel:012 838 829
Near Royal Palace Area, 1-2 bedrooms, fully furnished, lights, vey nice kitchen, very quiet & safe, very good condition for living Rent: US$600-US$800/mth
Area:CCV, Tel:092 447 391
Tel: 077 777 697/ 012 939 958
style, BKK 1, Tel: 012 83 88 29
4 Bedrooms, Price: $600/m, Furnished, Western style
Price: $300/m,Bedroom 1 Fully furnished, Near Russain Market
BKK1, 1-2-3 Bedrooms, large living room, light, Fully Furnished, western Kitchen, Steam & Sauna, roof top garden, gym, good condition for living, quiet & safe. $900- $1,500-$3,000/mth
Tel:016 807 817 | www.arc.com.kh
Price: $700/m, 4 Bedrooms, Garden, Parking: 2 Cars Fully furnished & Nice
Tel: 081 41 44 45 / 087 818 005
3 Beds, $1,500/m, Nice & Western
In main business area , main road in 7 Makara, corner lot, convenient oor, large parking lot, a/c 26, $ 10,900 /mth
Teuk Thlar Northbridge School, $3,000/mth, Swimming Pool, Nice Garden, Western Style, Big Living room, 5Beds, 5Baths, Full Furnished & Big Balcony
Tel: 092 757 947 / 087 818 004
In Beoung Trobek Area, 5 Bedrooms, big front yard, many trees, very quiet and safety, the best location for living and ofďŹ ce. Price: US$1,500/month
Tel: 092 447 391
Khan Dounpenh, Hs:17x40m, 13 Bedrooms, 15baths, good accessibility, suitable for running business such as Hotel, 3 car parking. Near Embassy. 5000 USD/mth (Negotiable)
Khan Dounpenh, Hs: 8.5x13m, Ls: 9mx16m, 5 Bedrooms, good accessibility, suitable fo Living and making ofďŹ ce. 2 car parking. Near By Embassy. Price 1500 USD/mth (Negotiable) PERFECT WESTERN VILLA FOR RENT
2 Bedrooms, $800/m, Western, Nice Living room, Fully furnished, BKK 1
Tel : 097 6182 888 | www.arc.com.kh HOTEL FOR SALE (ARC005892)
June 27, 2013 • www.phnompenhpost.com
ការលក់ថលា ំ្នា បលនៅ ំ ឋានរយៈពល េ ៥ខឆ ែ ន ំ្នា ះេ មានសភាពទង ឹ្រ សីវុ ម៉ង េ ភ្នព ំ ញ េ ៈ បើទោ ះបជា ី វស ិ យ ័ ស ណ ំ ង់ និងស ដ េ ក ្ឋ ច ិ ្ច កម្ពុជាកំពុងមានការរីកចម្រើនក៏ដោយក៏ការលក់ថ្នាំ លាបលនៅ ំ ឋា នរបស់ក ្រុមហ ន ៊ុ ម យ ួ ច ន ំ ន ួ នៅ ឆ ន ្នាំ េះ មិនប ង្ហាញសញ្ញាកើនឡើងនោ ះទេ។ លោក ហេង ឡុង បុគល ្គ ិកផ្នែកលក់នៃក្រុមហ៊ុន Maestria Cambodia Co, Ltd ដែលជាក្រុមហ៊ុន នាំច ល ូ ថ លា ្នាំ បម៉ាក Maestria មកពប ី ទ ្រ ស េ បា រាំង បានបប ្រា ថា ់ ការលក់ថ លា ្នាំ បរបស់ក ម ្រុ ហ៊ន ុ នា រយៈ ពេល៥ខែដើមឆ្នាំនេះមិនមានកំណើននោះទេ បើ ធៀបទៅន ង ឹ រយៈពល េ ដ ច ូ គ កា ្នា លពីឆ ២ ្នាំ ០១២។ តែ ទោះបីជាយ៉ាងណាលោកបានបដិសេធមិនប្រាប់ពី មូលហេតុដែលធ្វើឲ្យការលក់ស្ថិតក្នុងសភាពទ្រឹង បែបនេះទេ ដោយលោកបានបញ្ជាកថា ់ ៖«ខ្ញុំមិនដ ឹង ថា ហេតុអ្វីបានជាការលក់ថ្នាំលាបក្នុងរយៈពេល ៥ខែដើមឆ្នាំនេះមិនក ើនឡ ើងនោះទេ»។ តម្លៃថ្នាំលាបម៉ាក Maestria នៅទីផ្សារនាពេល បច្ចប ុ ្បន្ននេះមិនមា នការប្រែប្រួលខុសពីឆ្នាំមុនទេ។ អ្នកស្រី ហ៊ង វណ្ណា ម្ចាស់ដេប៉ូលក់ថ្នាំលាបចម្រុះ ដែលមា នទតា ី ង ំ ស ត ្ថិ នៅ តា មមហាវថ ិ ម ី ស ៉ៅ ទ េ ង ុ បា ន និយាយថា កា រលក់ថ លា ្នាំ បលនៅ ំ ឋា ននៅឆ ន ្នាំ េះមិន មានការកើនឡ ើងនោះទេ។
ផលិតផលថលា ំ្នា បជញ្ជាង ំ Nippon Paint ដល ែ មានដាក់លក់នៅហាងមយ ួ ក ង ុ្ន រាជធានីភព ំ្ន ញ េ ។ រូបថត ហឹន ុ ពិសី
ទាក់ទ ងនង ឹ ផ លិតផ លរបស់ប ទ ្រ ស េ ណា ដ ល ែ ដ ប េ ូ៉ បច្ចប ុ ប្ ន្នថ លា ្នាំ បមយ ួ ធ ង ុ មា នតម្លចា ៃ ប់ព ១ ី ៧,៥០ របស់លោកស្រីលក់ដាច់ជាងគេអ្នកស្រី វណ្ណា បាន ដុល្លារ ដល់ជាង១០០ដុល្លារអាមេរិក អាស្រ័យលើ និយាយថា ផលិតផ លម កពប ី ទ ្រ ស េ ច ន ិ ល ក់ដា ច់ជាង ម៉ាកផលិតផលនិងគុណភា ពផលិតផលនីមួយៗ។ គេ ព្រោះវាមានតម្លៃថោកសមរម្យ បើប្រៀបធៀបជា ម្ចាសដ ់ ប េ ម ៉ូ យ ួ រប ូ ទ ៀតឈ្មោះ ហុង ស ខ ុ លាភបាន មួយផលិតផលនាំចូលមកពីប្រទេសផ្សេងៗទៀត។ និយាយដូចការលើកឡើងខាងលើដែរដោយលោក
បានអះអាងថា ការលក់ថ្នាំលាបឆ្នាំនេះមិនធ្លាក់ចុះ ទេ ហើយក ម ៏ ន ិ ក ន ើ ឡ ង ើ នោ ះដរែ ។ ការលក់ស ត ្ថិ នៅ ក្នង ុ ស ភាពទង ្រឹ ប ប ែ ន េះ ព្រោះមា នការបក ្រ ត ួ ប ជ ្រ ង ែ ច្រើនពីផលិតផលនាំចូលពីប្រទេសនានា។ ផលិត ផលថ្នាំលាបផលិតនៅកម្ពុជានិងផ លិតផលផលិត នៅប្រទេសចិនមានចំណែកទីផ្សារច្រើនជាងគេ ពី ព្រោះផលិតផលក្នុងស្រុកក៏មានគុណភាពអាចប្រើ ប្រាសបា ់ ននិងអា ចបក ្រ ត ួ ប ជ ្រ ង ែ ជា មួយផ លិតផ ល ដទៃទៀតផងដែរ។ ទោះបីជាយ៉ាងណា ការលក់ផលិតផលថ្នាំលាប ម៉ាកNIPPONមានកណ ំ ន ើ ក ង ្នុ ឆ ន ្នាំ េះប ប ើ ្រៀបធៀប នឹងរយៈពេលដូចគ ្នាកាលពីឆ្នាំមុន។ លោក ហេង ស្រេងប្រធានផ្នែកលក់នៃក្រុមហ៊ុន នាំច ល ូ ផ លិតផ លមក ៉ា NIPPON PAINTបានប្រាប់ ថា ការលក់ផលិតផលក្នុងក្រុមហ៊ុនរបស់លោកក្នុង ឆ្នាន ំ េះមា នកណ ំ ន ើ ច ន្លោះ៥ទៅ៨ភាគរយ។ ការលក់ មានកំណើនតិចតួចបែបនេះ ដោយសារមានការ ប្រកត ួ ប ជ ្រ ង ែ ព ផ ី លិតផ លដទៃទ ៀតចន ្រើ ហើយកា រ រីកចម្រើនវិស័យសំណង់ក៏មិនសូវបានជួយដល់ការ លក់របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនលោកទេ។ លោកបានថ្លែងថា៖ «ក្រុមហ៊ុនសាងសង់លំនៅឋានធំៗភាគច្រើនមិន បានប្រើប្រាស់ផលិតផលដែលមានឈ្មោះល្បីៗទេ ពួកគេប្រើតែផលិតផលមានតម្លៃថោកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ នៅឆ្នាំនេះតម្លៃថ្នាំលាបម៉ាក NIPPON ក៏បានកើន ឡើងចន្លោះពី២ទៅ៣ភាគរយផងដែរ»៕