UN faces eviction in Myanmar
Inside a US spy organisation
NATIONAL – page 2
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TECHNOLOGY – page 15
Issue NUMBER 1660
Bird flu claims six-year-old
Successful People Read The Post
WednesDAY, jUly 3, 2013
Egypt on the brink of change
Protesters blocked by CPP ralliers Khouth Sophak Chakrya
RATHER than just the police and security guards who usually confront them, Boeung Kak lake protesters faced an additional obstacle preventing their converging on Prime Minister Hun Sen’s house yesterday: CPP campaigners. Dressed in party hats and shirts, a group of ruling party campaigners joined with police on Sothearos Boulevard in the capital to block the Boeung Kak lake protesters, who had earlier blocked Monivong Boulevard for the second day in a row. Shouting through a megaphone, activist Kong Chantha called on authorities to let them through as they protested a violent attack, allegedly by a guard, which caused a Boeung Kak woman to miscarry on Monday. “Please make way for us to meet our leader,” she said. “We need his help.” In response, CPP campaigners shouted: “Vote for CPP – number four”, referring to the party’s position on the ballot. Protesters tried to push through
Shaimaa Fayed and Paul Taylor
PRESIDENT Mohamed Morsi rebuffed an army ultimatum to force a resolution to Egypt’s political crisis, saying yesterday that he had not been consulted and would pursue his own plans for national reconciliation. But the Islamist leader looked increasingly isolated, with ministers resigning, the liberal opposition refusing to talk and the armed forces, backed by millions of protesters in the street, giving him until today to agree to share power. Newspapers across the political spectrum saw the army’s 48-hour deadline as a turning point. “Last 48 hours of Muslim Brotherhood rule”, the opposition daily El Watan declared; “Egypt awaits the army,” said the state-owned El Akhbar. The confrontation has pushed the most populous Arab nation closer to the brink amid a deepening economic crisis two years after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, raising concerns in Washington, Europe and neighbouring Israel. Protesters remained encamped overnight in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square and protest leaders called for another mass rally yesterday evening to try to force the president out. Senior members of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood used the word “coup” to describe the military ultimatum, backed by a threat that the generals will otherwise impose their own roadmap for the nation. In a statement issued nine hours after General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi delighted Morsi’s opponents by effectively ordering the president to heed the demands of demonstrators, the president’s office used considerably less direct language to indicate he would go his own way. “The president was not consulted about the statement issued by the armed forces,” it said. “The presidency sees that some of the statements in it carry meanings that could cause confusion in the complex national environment. “The presidency confirms that it is going forward on its previously plotted path to promote comprehensive Continues on page 12
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A protester, opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, holds up Egypt's flag during a rally in Cairo's Tahrir Square yesterday demanding that Morsi resign. REUTERS
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T-shirt shop raided Thik Kaliyann and Kevin Ponniah Siem Reap
HE owner of a Siem Reap printing shop remained in police custody last night along with one of his employees in the wake of a Monday night raid that saw 500 T-shirts with anti-election slogans seized by local authorities. The shirts were commissioned by the US-based Khmer People Power Movement, an organisation previously likened to a terrorist group by Prime Minister Hun Sen, who in May publicly accused them of training armed anti-government forces in Thailand. Part of an order of 1,000 placed
KPPM gear seized, two detained
with the Cambodia T-shirt Printing House in Siem Reap, the T-shirts bore slogans calling on citizens to boycott the election because they are “not free and fair”. A worker at the print shop, who asked to remain anonymous, said the shop’s owner and a designer had been detained on Monday night and remained in police custody. “They took them to Siem Reap police station after they raided our shop. Then this morning, the police brought them back to find more evidence. After that, they took them back to the station,” he said yesterday.
Two laptops and 500 T-shirts were confiscated, he added, while the shop remained open for business. KPPM head Sourn Serey Ratha confirmed yesterday via email that the T-shirts were commissioned by his organisation to donate to Cambodians before the election, emphasising that the group’s actions were allowed under freedom of expression laws. “KPPM [does] not believe in [the] election and learned that the election in Cambodia is only a political tool of CPP for legalising its power . . . this is the reason why we promote and provide this awareness to people and
encourage Khmer people [to] use power to [rise up] instead” he said. The slogan printed on the shirts said: “Cambodians unite to use people power against formal elections that are not free and fair”. Police were led by Siem Reap court deputy prosecutor Chhoun Sopanha, who declined to comment extensively on whether charges were being sought yesterday. “I was with the provincial police last night to investigate the Cambodia T-shirt Printing House, and we found some proof, but I cannot elaborate,” he said, adding that the case was still under investigation. Continues on page 2