The cost of dying
Issue NUMBER 1662
... and what happens if you can’t afford it?
Successful People Read The Post
friday, july 5, 2013
4000 RIEL
Politics of sex reflected in funding Justine Drennan
“AT THIS point we’re basically running on a shoestring,” Dr Glenn Miles, a facilitator for antitrafficking NGO Love146 of his research on Cambodian transgender sex workers, said. Miles’s team of mostly self-funded researchers spends a bare minimum on travel expenses, small gifts for interviewees and other necessities. They are actively looking for donors to supplement the small budget Love146 offers, but so far it has been difficult. “Generally, secular groups don’t want to touch it because they’re afraid of being seen as antigay, and faith-based groups don’t want to touch it because they’re afraid of being seen as progay,” Miles said. He acknowledged that some Cambodian
Faith-based groups don’t want to touch it because they’re afraid of being seen as pro-gay groups working with LGBT issues – Men’s Health Cambodia and the Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance, among others – have attracted funding from major donors like the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations. But Miles argued that these organisations have been more appealing to donors because their focus on health matters such as HIV/AIDS prevention diffuses the political sensitivity surrounding sex and sexuality. Jarrett Davis, Miles’s fellow researcher of biologically male transgender (“ladyboy”) sex workers, agreed: “It’s quite difficult to find funding for research that addresses males as whole people, who have emotions and vulnerabilities beyond just sexual health.” Homosexuality, prostitution and that other key target of American social conservatism, abortion, have long been divisive issues, not just in the United States but also when it comes to distributing US funds abroad – especially in a country like Cambodia that receives so much aid. Since President Barack Obama took office, US executive and court decisions have opened up more channels of support for what many would term sexual and reproductive rights, in Cambodia and elsewhere. But activists in these areas say political sensitivity often still hampers funding. Continues on page 4
Young people ride motorbikes without helmets during a Cambodia National Rescue Party campaign rally in Phnom Penh yesterday.
hong menea
One issue they agree on Cheang Sokha and Shane Worrell
IVIDED the ruling and opposition parties stand on their visions for Cambodia, united they ride on another matter: flouting the Kingdom’s helmet laws during the election campaign. In their quest to attract voters in the opening week of campaigning, hundreds of supporters and members of the Cambodian People’s Party and the Cambodia National Rescue Party have streamed – helmetless – through the streets on
Parties ignoring helmet law motorbikes. While spreading their message, they’ve mocked a law that can attract a fine and is designed to reduce the devastating number of fatalities on the Kingdom’s roads. But police say they are powerless to intervene. “If police strictly enforce the traffic law during campaigning, there will be lots of problems – conflict will occur,” Phnom Penh municipal police chief Choun Sovann told the
Post yesterday. “We will be accused of obstructing or disturbing rallies.” Also of concern and just as illegal, Sovann said, was bad driving from young party ring-ins, which many officers had complained about. “Some people joining the rallies have been laughing at police. When we ask why they are breaking the law by driving the wrong direction down the street,” he said, “they respond: ‘We’re going the opposite way because we’re the opposition’.”
Tep Nytha, secretary-general of the National Election Committee, said many of those rallying in the streets were of high school and university age, meaning some were not even eligible to vote. “They have been driving motorbikes at night, disrupting traffic and public order,” he said. “I appeal for political parties to pay attention to this.” In a statement signed by Governor Pa Socheatvong, Phnom Penh municipality also urged parties to Continues on page 2