FEBRUARY 2020 | VOL. 1
THE BUCCANEER'S HERALD The Recycled Pirate's official newsletter
More great reads inside this issue:
Vacation & Dreams TRP Merchandise
So finally, here is the first of hopefully many newsletters with lots of good and exciting news. As The Recycled Pirate I aim to be an innovator that brings old and new projects to the table in an improved version for a more sustainable future. Sustainability is not just the environment, it is also our society. And let's get this very clear, without finances there are no means to protect our environment or improve our community. Yet there is one more pillar that I hope to bring to your attention, inspiration. Inspiration to change for the better. This newsletter hopefully will give you insight in what The Recycled Pirate does, what I have done and what I would like to do in the future, but more importantly, why YOU are so important in that future.
Support us here: https://www.patreon.com/TheRecycledPirate
FEBRUARY 2020 | VOL. 1
Vacation and Daydreaming My first vacation by choice During my first ever vacation by my own choice I had the time to reflect on the past seven years. As you all know, it was quite the journey picking myself up after the accident that should have left me traumatized. I found the real meaning of my life. I found a strength to inspire other lives and suddenly, seven years later I find myself sitting at a swimming pool in Santa Cruz with a mother of 36 and her 6 year old child. I have spoken at so many schools and organizations and they all said "you should do more with this knowledge that you have." But why should anyone listen to me? Because I have something to say not afraid of saying it. Because I can stand up for people that have no voice. Because the alternative, silence, is no longer an option. I will no longer be judged by other people's values. So after my vacation I set out on a new journey that has led me to you, now, here. Please read with me as I take you on a tour to my vision of the future. A future of creating a message. A message that shaped the past seven years.
I have written poetry most of my life. The inspiration went silent for a while and then suddenly it started to come back in "wisdoms."
You are not perfect. Period. So own it!
The Recycled Pirate
I experimented for the last years with video and written content. Quotes about life's mysteries and inspiration. Topics that not only moved me but that were actual questions and conversations within me. After my vacation it all made sense and I printed 100 postcards on recycled paper. Shipping them to friends around the world to thank them for believing in me as I redefined the role I would play in the lives that I would encounter from here on.
I Recycle lives! Support us here: https://www.patreon.com/TheRecycledPirate
FEBRUARY 2020 | VOL. 1
Merchandise The Recycled Pirate goes commercial As a public speaker and personal development coach I noticed how fast we fall back into old habits. After a call from a client that was having a panic attack in the bathroom at work a couple of hours after one of the best sessions we ever had, I knew I had to come up with something. For our next session I wrote her a little note that she carries with her to this day. The intention stayed with me but I didn't know yet what it would inspire. I'm a storyteller that likes sharing my message. As I already had my face on the Herbology Native Healing Beard Oil and soon also my name on their After Shave Face Toner, why not expand the line into a real physical brand? Why not make it a real brand with a strong message? With a willing partner like Herbology it should set us apart as a conscious brand for the future. The products needs to be a message on itself and carry a message within the message. All products are either made of recycled material or can be reused or recycled in the future. Long story short, we sent out over 200 postcards, developed a Curaçao post stamp with the help of Cpost and sold over 350 cards in four months. This is a message worth spreading, right? Pirate Wisdom Quote Postcards are printed on recycled paper and are designed with the help of Mrinalini Iyengar. Together we already worked on the next development, seeing the enthusiasm regarding the postcards and the quotes. With the help of two private financial backers in Curaçao and Germany I ordered the first 100 organic cotton fair trade t-shirts. They will be the same as the cards and the message will be clear to all:
In the next newsletter:
Stay tuned in on:
2nd Life Curaçao. Sustainable Projects
The Pirate Wisdom Quote Postcards are available at:
Support us here: https://www.patreon.com/TheRecycledPirate