Queen's Joy
During this August we had a big day for the Lion's Gate portal. This is event happens every year from July 28-Aug 12. The peak of energies occur on Aug 8 and is when the powers are increased and higher dimensions can be reached. It is an astrological event mirrored by the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. The pyramids line up with the Belt of Orion while a conjuction of the Sun and Star Sirius are welcomed by the Sphinx at sunrise. This year's Lion's Gate had additional strength since it fell upon a new moon.
At the beginning of this journey, we were told to follow a path to find our guide. At first nothing out of the ordinary happened while on that path. But all of a sudden I found myself in a very well lit underground cavern. My guide was ahead leading me through the small corridor, which I intuitively knew was below a pyramid. We came upon a door, which my guide opened for me to see. Inside was a room filled to the brim with extremely shining gold items such as cups, plates, coins and other items. It was so full, it was impossible to enter or even see all of the shiny objects. Next I was brought to another door. When this one was opened, there was a large room filled with the reddest gem rubies cut to perfection in many different sizes. There was no logic as to why the rubies did not fall to the floor as the doorway opened. I was then brought further down the tightly enclosed hallway. The next room was completely white and empty. I was guided to enter alone and walked to the center of the room. The ceiling emanated a white wonderous glow of which I had never seen before. Then appeared a white light vortex with swirls which had a cloud like appearance. I was lifted into this cloud and could sense the presence of an Angel ahead of me. The ride in this energy cloud was near instantaneous and I found myself standing on hill during nighttime.
Social media was absolutely filled with info and activities surrounding this event like never before. I had heard this year's Lion's Gate was a continuation from last year's. This had extreme significance for a particular meditation I participated in this year which tied both years together for me. Rewinding to last year's Lion's Gate in 2020, I had an absolute 10 out of 10 experience. There was a Full Moon Meditation and Shamanic Journey which was scheduled a few days before the peak on 8/8/20. During the class, we were given information on how to proceed for the journey. As we braced our backs on yoga bolsters to open our hearts, the shamanic drumming music began. There was no set goal or destination, it was given that our guides would bring us to what or where we were needed. There was no intent of around the Lion's Gate portal itself and no one in the class had anywhere near a similar experience to mine.
I was not sure where I was, but it seemed to have the same vegetative features as Earth. It was an open area on a hillside under a star covered sky. I noticed all the stars in the sky and thought how wonderful it was to be looking above from here. 26