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WAterhAuL KyNANCe LIMIted edItION bLue CArbON
Since 2018 Waterhaul have been working hard to remove the most lethal form of plastic in our oceans, fishing nets, and turning them into sunglasses, not only that but each purchase of the Limited-Edition Blue Carbon sunglasses funds the SeaTree's mangrove conservation efforts in Indonesia. Mangrove Forests are five times as efficient at storing carbon from our atmosphere than tropical rainforests, they also help to create critical habitats for threatened marine life and protect the islands from storm surges and rising sea levels. Each purchase plants five mangrove trees in these areas which are known to be rich in what's called "Blue Carbon" hence the name. These frames are made from 0% virgin plastics and 100% recycled fishing nets and lines from Cornwall, they are engineered and hand-finished in Italy. These unisex circular shades suit most small to medium size faces, particularly narrower face shapes (the Crantock model is better suited for larger face shapes). They come with a ‘Recycle and Replace’ lifetime guarantee, damaged frames can go back into the plastic recycling loop to create new pairs and Waterhaul will replace and recycle your frames for free, forever. The Blue Carbon come in an attractive matte slate grey finish as a nod to the materials origins, they use reliable, ultra-durable three-barrel hinges, and offer a good amount of flexibility, a snug fit and are comfortable across the nose. They come with Barberini polarised glass lenses, the world's most premium and sustainable lenses, (known for making opticals for Maui Jim and the like). These glass lenses were chosen for their optical quality, the mineral glass offers the greatest optical clarity with an Abbe value of 59 (vs. 32 for polycarbonate), they are also scratch resistant making them perfect for the beach and provide UVA/UVB 400 protection. Waterhaul lets you try the shades on before committing with a 30-day free trial at home and the option to exchange or return if they are not for you. It is obvious the Kynance have been conscientiously created, even down to the free sustainable cork tri-folding protective case and plastic-free and 100% recyclable packaging. If I was desperate to find something to pick on its that there is not an eco-friendly microfibre lens cleaning cloth included, come on Waterhaul we know if anyone can make this happen it is you guys. They have achieved what some many have failed to do, the perfect combination of a truly eco-friendly, functional AND attractive end product, this is £75 you won’t regret spending.
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