1 minute read
sperAs M4
As far as powerful flashlights go, there aren’t many smaller than this! Knocking out an impressive 1320 Lumens at its highest setting and with a beam range of 2130 ft (652 m), it far surpasses your standard lamp and fits in your pocket easily at just over 3” long. It also boasts a USB-C Charging port through which you can fully charge the lightweight (only 3oz) I* 18350 battery in about 2 hours. Once charged, the battery can last up to 220 hours if you use it in ECO mode. However, I wouldn’t rely on this to do an awful lot for you as the light output drops to just half a Lumen (about half the light a standard candle emits) and would probably only suit the most ardent fans of reading books under the covers.
Speaking of the battery life, although the range and light output is impressive at its maximum setting, it will only last 1hr and 10 mins. To be fair however, it’s probably long enough to do whatever you need to do so just over an hour isn’t bad. Strangely, the next setting down at 450 Lumens gives you 1hr and 15 mins of battery. Not sure if something is wrong with their calculations but why would you bother with 450 for the sake of another 5 minutes? Unless you’re being responsible and trying not to blind anyone near you I suppose!
Other functions include a locking system to prevent accidental turn on when being transported and a handy power indicator that uses a simple traffic-light system to give you an idea of how much battery life you have left.
The size and convenience of this torch is what wins it for me, just don’t expect it to be useful for extended periods of time. sMALL, COMpACt ANd very very brIght prOs sMALL ANd COMpACt very brIght At MAx settINg LONg rANge At MAx settINg gOOd ChArgINg tIMe FOr WhAt It CAN dO CONs eCO MOde Is ONLy hALF A LuMeN NO reAL MIddLe settINg – It ’ s eIther LOAds OF LIght Or NOt very MuCh.