The Review Smiths Issue 28

Page 22

Review Smiths

THE Issue 28 Oct 2022

Hey all!

It's October folks, we are getting to you a little later than usual this month due to some technical issues and a switch over with some new systems. Fear not though we are back on track and ready to take you into the winter months and our special christmas edition (my favourite issue of the year).

month we have had some interesting gear in, technology to keep your home safe and smart watches to keep your kids safe, a good idea when they are off trick or treating this month. We also have some bits and pieces to get your garden tidied up, some things to make hanging out outside more comfortable and some gadgets to help bring the party indoors. oh and just you wait until you feast your eyes on the new Lego Hogwarts Express Collectors' Edition, this beautiful replica is a must have for any Potter fans out there. Enjoy the mag and we will see you next month, happy Halloween.

Editor and chief

Managing Director

Alex Hilling-Smith


Senior Writer

Emma Hilling-Smith

Chief Laptop Biter



For Advertising Enquiries


cONteNts 04. DIvOOm PIxOO 64 06. ArlO esseNtIAl xl 08. sPAcetAlk ADveNturer smArt WAtch PhONe 10. eAsy kArAOke smArt BluetOOth kArAOke system + 2 x WIreless / 2 WIreD mIcrOPhONes 12. kNOck AergrIND 14. lIfemAx heAteD BAck AND seAt mAssAger 16. fIskArs 21" BOW sAW 18. fIskArs xAct WeeD Puller 20. IsABellA cuPBOArD DOuBle 22. veNIccI tINum uPlINe mIsty rOse PrAm 24. legO hOgWArts exPress cOllectOrs eDItION 26. hOrI sPlIt PAD PrO POkemON (PIkAchu BlAck & gOlD) 28. shArk style IQ IONIc hAIr Dryer & styler 30. AArke PurIfIer stArter kIt 32. lOgItech BrIO 500 34. PetrOmAx Dutch OveN ft18 WIth A PlANe BOttOm surfAce 36. Dmr vAult flAt PeDAls 38. mIcrOPlANe BlAck sheeP 40. Nu skIN AgelOc BOOst system 42. NAsh gAzeBO PrO 44. ekster AIrtAg cArDhOlDer For all
related enquiries please contact us at
0208 191 8472
Writer Dave
Writer Peter

Sooo, about some long time ago (I


wasn’t there, honest!) all sorts of things were in fashion as I recall errr… have been told. Some of those things (thankfully, not all of them – colour-changing T-shirts or shell-suits anyone?!) are making a massive come back in the retro-market. One of which is 8-bit gaming and this product taps firmly in to the nostalgia ‘feel’s of exactly that. But, of course, it’s updated for the modern age!

Pixel Art is its own genre these days and the (yep, you guessed it!) accompanying Divoom app allows you to create your own images, animations or scrolling text images. As well as this, the Pixoo-64 is Wi-Fi compatible – a step up from previous iterations that were only Bluetooth – and so the online community is instantly accessible for the Pixel Art afficionado allowing anyone with a penchant for this kind of thing to share their designs, access others and do all sorts of things such as pixelating current photos to help really give that unique feel to them. This connectivity allows people to get truly involved with the Pixel Art community and this is perhaps the greatest strength of the Pixoo-64.

The advantage of being able to share ideas and art-work is immediately obvious but this isn’t the only thing that the PIxoo-64 can do. You can also use it as a clock in whatever design you feel like adopting or use it as a fancy display for up-to-date info such as performance on Social Media platforms or even to show stocks and shares and up-to-date financial information relevant to you.

But, it all comes down to taste with this device. If (like me), you’re happy leaving the 80’s behind (alright, alright I admit it, I’m old!), it’s probably not for you. Otherwise, have fun!

DIvOOm PIxOO 64 P rOs A steP u P frOm Prev IOus P I xOO ’ s – IN sI ze , DetAIl AND cAPABIl I ty mult IPle OPt IONs tO DIsPl Ay IN hOme cONN ectON tO A u NIQue A rt cOmmu NI ty cAN cONN ect tO A lex A eA sy tO set u P cONs A PP cAN Be cON fusINg At f I rst NeeDs tO rem AIN PluggeD IN tO WOrk – k IND Of ru ININg the ‘h ANg ON the WA ll’ OPt ION. 8 BIt sm A rt A rt str AIght tO yOur WA ll
didn’t say the
For more information on the Divoom Pixoo 64 click here
5 £149.99

The problem with many security cameras these days is the need to have a wired connection. Other security cameras I have reviewed in the past have had this one weakness and I’ve always wondered how they were meant to combat this if a determined criminal simply cut the wire, whether this be for the power source or to connect to a base unit for the Wi-Fi connection. The good thing about the Essential XL is that they have completely done away with that need! The battery is apparently large enough to keep a charge for up to 365 days and it is Wi-Fi compatible without the need for a base unit.

Great! So, what else can this camera do? Well, as to be expected it’s weatherproof (kind of essential for an outdoor security camera), has a 130 degree wide viewing angle, a spotlight and 1080p video. It also has a motion detector built in and can send an alert to your mobile phone when it’s triggered allowing you to converse with the person that set off the alert. Or you can just activate the alarm, it’s up to you. And that’s what you get with the base unit. Fairly standard so far to be fair. This camera really comes in to its own once you have the subscription to ARLO Secure however and you get 3 months free on purchase. Once you have the subscription set up, you have access to more features. You can set ‘Activity Zones’ within the camera’s field of view where movement should trigger an alert and have the ability to distinguish between people and animals. You can also store video in the Cloud for up to 30 days. Finally, it’s compatible with Apple Homekit, Alexa, IFTTT, OKGoogle and SmartThings so should easily slip in to your normal Smart Management system.

ArlO esseNtIAl xl For more information on the Arlo Essential XL click here
cOm PAt IBle WI th A PPle hOmek I t, A lex A, I fttt, Okg OOgle AND sm A rtth INgs
7 P rOs cOm Pletely WI reless h A r Dy eA sy tO set u P su B scr IPt ION APP cOsts less th AN £3 A mONth cONs P Icture QuA l I ty NOt A s g OOD A s sOme , mOre ex PeNsI ve cA mer A s yOu h Ave tO tA ke I t DOWN tO ch A rge I t But th At ’ s ONly ONce A yeA r, r Ight? £129.99
sPAcetA lk A DveNturer Is the sm A rt WAtch fOr k IDs £159

Well, here’s a tidy little solution to a problem for the modern age! How does one keep track of one’s little ones without them realising you’re doing exactly that? Give them a funky watch type thing that they think is really awesome and jobs a good’un!

In all seriousness, I think this is a great idea. You don’t want to give young kids a phone with all the bells and whistles and all the hassle that that entails after-all but you do want them to be able to contact you if need be and viceversa as well as get a good idea of whereabouts they are for peace of mind. The Spacetalk Watch does that and gives them a few things to keep them occupied to boot. It has a 5MP camera along with a step-counter and a heart-rate monitor and the capability to make and receive calls as

smArt WAtch PhONe

well as SMS messaging. One feature I particularly like is the ability to allocate a picture to a number so that there is an instantaneous visual aid so they know exactly who’s calling or who they are calling themselves. So that they don’t become a complete slave to the tech and miss out on all that important schooling, you can switch the phone to classroom mood which basically disables everything and pretty much turns this in to a fancy wristwatch. And all this can be done from your own phone of course so you don’t even need to fiddle with the watch itself. You can also dictate who is in their contact list so they can only receive or make calls to or from who you say they can for complete peace of mind.

9 sPAcetAlk ADveNturer
P rOs sA fe , eA sy WAy tO keeP tAB s ON yOur k IDs eA sIly cONtrOl W hO they h Ave cON tAct WI th s chOOl mODe sO they DON ’ t h Ave tO sWI tch I t Off W heN there . sOs A lert fu Nct ION cONs Wr Ist str AP cAN Be
kWA r D, NOt greAt fOr l I ttle f INgers
tO sIgN u P tO
‘sPAcetA lk’ APP
su B
scr IPt ION serv Ice fOr
the full ex Per I eNce .
For more information on the Spacetalk Adventurer Smart Watch Phone click here

smArt BluetOOth kArAOke system + 2 x WIreless / 2 WIreD


Ah, karaoke! The ancient art of making a prat of yourself AND subjecting everyone else to your awful mangling of their favourite tune and still managing to make them applaud you afterwards! Indeed, I can’t think of many other activities that work like this but somehow karaoke lets you get away with it and don’t we just love it! The only real problem is all them others that don’t know you, silently judging you from afar, not to mention the limited selection of songs normally on offer…

Well, fear not! This Bluetooth karaoke system allows you to invite your friends over and sing whatever songs you like without fear of criticism from randoms in the club! It comes with 4 microphones (2 of which are wireless and the other 2 have 2m cables) and, as you may have guessed from the title, it can link up to whatever system you have the app installed on. There’s even a universal cradle/holder for your phone to sit in along with a USB cable. As is the norm these days, there is an app that comes with the karaoke unit with thousands of songs included and new ones added every week. Doesn’t look like you can just Bluetooth your own songs and have the lyrics appear unfortunately but there should be enough to keep the most ardent karaoke fan going for a while. The unit itself also comes with a disco ball, flashing LED lights and is portable, weighing just over 8 Kg’s so you can take it to your friends’ place too! Finally, it has a digital key changer (switch from male to female, baby, even a robot voice if you like) and it can record and playback too. Just to make sure no-one forgets that one time you tried to hit the high note singing ‘Take on Me’…

eAsy kArAOke
P rOs POrtABle us B Or BAttery POW ereD (ABOut 4 hrs) m IcrOPhON e vOlume cONtrOl mult IPle sOu ND effect OPt IONs cONs DOesN ’ t cOme WI th hecklers fOr th At true ex Per I eNce .
11For more information on the Easy Karaoke Smart Bluetooth Karaoke System click here B r INg k A r AOke IN tO yOur hOme £269

kNOck AergrIND

Freshly ground coffee always tastes better. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have room to have a fullblown Barista-style set-up at home and this is where the hand-held coffee grinder comes in. But half the problem with a hand-held grinder is the consistency of the grind, something quite hard to maintain with a hand-held. Adjusting the cogs is usually a fiddly process and you inevitably end up covered in coffee fines! Thankfully, those chaps at Knock have put a lot of thought in to this and this is their latest offering.

The dial to change the grind is on the top of the grinder for starters so, no mess! It’s not stepped either so it’s very easy to get just the grind you want and the dial is laser etched in to aluminium so no chance of the detail being rubbed off as time goes by or a sticker gradually peeling off as I have known to happen on other grinders. The lid is magnetically sealed (love that ‘snap’ feeling when you put it on!) and the knob is made from lovely polished Walnut. All this adds up to a grinder that is not only consistent in its daily grind but is also completely plastic-free. As well as the effort gone in to the Aergrind itself, it has been designed to work with the Aeropress and is a great addition to it, you can even get a discount on one when you purchase the grinder from their site!

All the parts that make up the Aergrind are locally sourced in Scotland where Knock are based and even the brush is wooden. The packaging is also completely recyclable, all in the name of sustainability. You can’t knock them for effort and they certainly have held true to their long-term sustainability goal. Ticks all the boxes, definitely worth a purchase.

A BeAut I ful cOffee


gr IND

stA rts WIth
BeAut I ful
P rOs P rec Ise , cONsIsteNt gr IND NIcely eNg IN eereD sustAINABle DesIgN eD tO WOrk WIth AN A erOPress cONs P r Icey I f yOu ’ re A cA suA l cOffee Dr IN ker 13For more information on the Knock Aergrind click here £149

heAteD BAck AND seAt mAssAger

Long drives are particularly taxing on the body. This is no secret – anyone that’s driven for more than an hour or so can testify to this (which is why we know it’s all an act whenever either parent whinges about another toilet break!) To try and get around this problem, Lifemax have made this back and seat massager. The massager is very portable and flexible and comes with adjustable straps to ensure it fits without sliding around during your drive. It has 5 separate vibrating pads (one at the top for your head, one each for your upper and lower back and two for each of your upper thighs) and a remote that can set all of the pads independently of each other (the thighs count as one) with one of the 5 different vibrating styles. There is also a timer function where you can set the seat to activate for 15, 30 or 60 minutes and you can adjust the intensity of the vibrations. Sounds great but, there are a few issues with this. Firstly, the lowest setting is pretty low and not that noticeable. So, turn it up a bit? Great, but then the strongest setting is fairly loud and can get quite distracting. Also, it seems to have been designed for mainly left-drive cars as the wires to plug in to your car are on the right of the seat. Finally, it’s only a cigarette lighter adaptor so if you don’t have one of those in your car, you’re out of luck. You can always use it on a chair at home as it can plug in to the mains but not sure if that’s really the aim of this product? A little redesigning on this for the UK market and a slight adjustment on the vibration settings would make this fantastic, I’ll wait for that to happen first.

P rOs WAter resIstAN t PADDeD 14” l APtOP cOm PA rtmeN t thermOPl A st Ic WAter PrOOf W elDeD cONstruct ION PADDeD BAck s - sh APeD str APs AND chest str AP eA sy Access Org ANIseD INter IOr l Ight W eIght AND flex IBle cONs ONly t WO cOlOurs AvAIl ABle NO reflect I ve DetAIl INg ON m AIN BODy £59.99
For more information on Lifemax Heated Back and Seat Massager click here 15 the h A r PsDeN h A s A sI m Ple style WIth A thOughtful cONstruct ION.

21" BOW sAW

Well, we’re at that time of year where we start to tidy up the garden, put away those deckchairs and get it all strapped in and buckled up for the winter. No idea what kind of gardener you guys are but me, I tend to leave things to do in one big hefty job rather than go at it all the time. Mainly because I’m not a massive gardening fan and want to put it off for as long as I can! So, of course, there’s a few bushes that have gotten a little big for their britches over the Summer and need pruning back. The SW30 Bow Saw is designed for the more heavy duty elements of pruning. Its design focuses on a curved nose which, unlike more traditionally styled Bow Saws, allows you to get in to those hard-to-reach places more easily. The tooth design allows for the blade to cut both with pulling and pushing strokes, cutting down on the amount of energy you have to expend when using it and the handle is ergonomically engineered to be useable either right or left-handed. This Bow Saw is perfect for cutting wet wood by the way (the tooth design is perfect to get that initial purchase required to avoid slipping) which, given the time of year, is probably likely! It comes with a blade guard included (saving you having to spend out on one) which is just a plastic sheath that slips over the blade when not in use. Although maybe not too suitable for properly heavy jobs as the frame is a little flimsy, it’s perfect for most garden jobs the majority of us are likely to come across. With a very reasonable price and replacement blades not being horrendously expensive, this is not a bad purchase at all.

A greAt vAlue fOr mONey BOW sAW

17For more information on the Fiskars 21" Bow Saw click here P rOs eQuA l POW er Push INg Or Pull INg curveD NOse tO A llOW fOr Better POsI t IONINg I N ex PeNsI ve BlADe guA r D INclu DeD cONs NOt greAt fOr heAv I er jOB s £24.99

Weeding. Another ‘fun’ gardening activity that your elderly relatives can keep. I’m not a fan of gardening, probably never will be. However, being pulled in to help out the oldies every now and then is something I can’t, in all good consciousness, stop doing. The thing with weeding (other than being dull as ditch-water…) is that all that getting down on your hands and knees, digging about and ending up with a permanently arched back is pretty painful and ache-inducing (don’t even get me started on what is and what isn’t a weed! How am I supposed to know? They’re all green…). To be fair, when I put it like that, I now understand why the afore-mentioned oldies like to rope us young’uns in to help. So, hooray for the Xact Weed Puller!

This thing is great for pulling out medium-large weeds. You simply place the metal prongs at the bottom around the weed, push down with your foot on the plastic foot pedal and then pull the Weed Puller towards you. Pull it up, walk over to where you’re dumping the weeds and then push the orange bit on the handle to eject the weed. Simple! It even feels like you’re cocking a gun when you do this, really bringing to life the idea that you’re waging war on the weeds!

Rinse and repeat and all of a sudden, gardening is not quite so dull any more. I would advise making out that it’s really hard work though. Otherwise they’ll just find something else for you to do!

The only potential thing that may not work so well for this is the fact that most of it is plastic. Can’t help but feel it could be prone to snapping easily so treat it with care and have fun!

fIskArs xAct WeeD Puller get PullINg thOse WeeDs WhIle

there Is stIll A BIt Of WArmth

OutsIDe the frONt DOOr.

For more information on the Fiskars Xact Weed puller click here £38.99 P rOs fu N tO use DOesN ’ t tA ke u P much stOr Age sPAce PhysIcA lly much eA sI er th AN tr ADI t IONA l W eeDINg eA sy tO use cONs POteNt IA lly A BI t fr Ag Ile ONly A metre tA ll – cOulD st Ill Be A PrOBlem fOr tA ller PeOPle WI th BAck Issues . 19


This camping equipment company was first born in 1957, when Søren Odgaard needed a tent but couldn’t find one that met his needs, so like any sane man he took to his basement to make his own. The name came about with Søren’s fascination with the old high-end car marque: the “Isabella Borgward”. From there the company has gone from strength to strength and now sells tents, awnings and camping accessories to over 35 different countries worldwide. We received the Cupboard Double to test out, now when you think of camping you may not think of packing a cupboard. In fact, when one of our camp mates turned up with a pop up “bookcase” as she called it we all took the mick, however it quickly became apparent into our weeklong stay that she had the right idea. Our tent floor was covered in carrier bags trying to separate food, cooking equipment, games and booze but eventually everything became muddled up which meant digging through at least 4 different carrier bags every time we needed something. This pop-up double cupboard weighs quite a lump at 30kg, but it comes with a carry bag (folded size 87 x 55 x 11 cm) making it easier to transport from the car, this isn’t a product suitable for a long trek from a festival carpark to the campsite. This weight however does indicate the durability of the cupboard, it is made from a strong aluminium frame with sturdy polyester walls and zip up doors. The fabric shelves are fixed in place, there are six metal shelves that then sit on top for reinforcement, it would be handy if there was a clip or something to hold the shelves in place just to keep them level under uneven weight. It is very easy to set up, simply lift the top up then the legs push into place, it packs down just as easily, it measures up at 84w x 50d x 81h cm giving you are good amount of room to separate your food, cooking gear and eating utensils, the doors can be tied back open so you can always see where everything is, reducing rummaging time. There is ventilation mesh at the back and two holes, it’s worth noting there is no way to close these to keep the bugs out 100% but you can stuff in some tea towels to block them up. Anyway, these holes can be used to pass cables though, letting you pop a tv on top of the fixed tabletop, Xbox and games on the shelves, there is even a cut away hole on the table top that has a plastic cap (which wasn’t fitted very securely) again this can be used as a cable pass through or to stand up tall utensils or spaghetti, whatever you like. The little feet on the bottom of the unit are adjustable so you can get a flat surface on uneven ground, better for storage but also providing the perfect tabletop for a boardgame session. The Cupboard Double is a really handy bit of camping gear, if you use it once it will be hard to go back to a carrier bag storage system, it gives you more room in the tent too as your belongings are elevated off the floor, not to mention protecting them from dirt, sand, mud or anything else that finds it way into the tent.

P rOs P rOs

eA sy tO set u P AND PAck AWAy

cONstruct ION

fI xeD, l A rge tABletOP

cABle PA ss thrOughs IN the BAck AND ON the tOP

DjustABle feet

Age POckets ON the OutsIDe
cA rry h ANDle AND cA rry BAg
t I e BAck
cONs h
A st Ic cAP ON the tABletOP POPs Out eA sIly
s helves
h Ave NOth INg tO hOlD them IN Pl Ace
WAy tO clOse hOles At the BAck (keeP Out Bugs)
DOuBle £150
For more information on the Isabella Cupboard Double click here 21 OrgANIse yOur cAmPINg geAr WIth thIs hANDy DOuBle stOrAge cuPBOArD.

tINum uPlINe mIsty rOse PrAm

When it comes to getting the travel system sorted for your little one the market can be an intimidating thing, it’s a big investment for something you will be using for many years, so you want to get the balance between functionality and stylish design right. The Tinum Upline Misty Rose Pram from Venicci gets this balance so right, it is also available in Slate Grey, All Black, Stone Beige as well as this lovely soft pink. This kit comes with a frame, carrycot, seat unit, footmuff, bag with a removable sachet, changing mat, rain cover and mosquito net, the carry cot measures up at 99l x 60w x 112h cm and weights 12.9kg when attached to the chassis, this is suitable for the early days and up to 9kg (roughly 6 months). When baby is a little bigger and keen to see the world around them the seat unit can be swapped out, this measures up at 92l x 60w x 107h cm, it will also weigh 12.9kg when attached to the chassis and is suitable from 0-22kg. The chassis weighs 8.2kg with the wheels attached, this is the weight you will probably pulling out and loading into the boot many times a day and most people will find it quite manageable. Style isn’t the be all and end all but when you are using something every day for years it might as well suit your tastes, the Tinum ticks all the boxes with design, its smooth lines, minimal look and subtle branding gives it a luxurious chic finish. It has been created to make trips out with little one as easy as possible, the carrycot and seat unit can be removed with just one hand when using memory buttons, you can also adjust the seats hood, headrest and harness all with one hand, leaving the other one to entertain baby. Moving over most terrains is comfortable for both you and baby (although babies seem to enjoy a little bump around) thanks to the solid gel wheels and the additional suspension, however as a four-wheeler it is best suited for urban exploring. The magnetic seat unit harness buckle makes it easier to wrestle baby in to place when they are having a moment, its little details like this that make the Tinum Upline so user friendly. Saying that, we were surprised to see that the access to the large basket is a little awkward, with high sides and a high back means the best access point is at the front which can become blocked but the seats footrest. One other highlight was the compact folding, it will fold down with the seat unit still attached making life after the carry cot much easier, it can then be stored in your car boot without taking over the entire space. Other features include the water repellent and UV50 fabric, the built-in ventilation panels, the seat can be attached, and the chassis folded in forward or rear facing, and the carry strap attached to the chassis for easier carrying. The Venicci Tinum Upline is excellent value for money, super user friendly, compact and with a lavish design, it’s a solid choice for comfortable travel with your little one.

For more information on the Venicci Tinum Upline Misty Rose Pram click here veNIccI
P rOs BeAut I ful DesIgN user fr I eNDly cOm PAct ON e-h ANDeD DetAchmeN t AND ADjustmeN ts l Ight W eIght lA rge BA sket cOmes WI th lOts Of AccessOr I es A DDI t IONA l susPeNsION cONs BA sket cOulD h Ave eA sI er Access

th Is tr Avel system Is

lue fOr mON ey, style meets



the uPl IN e


excelleNt vA
fu Nct IONA

We recently took a trip to the Warner Bros Studios for the Harry Potter tour, one bit that never fails to take my breath away is the full-size Hogwarts Express, it is as iconic as Hogwarts itself and elegantly crosses from the muggle world into the magical one. We already have the 801-piece Lego Hogwarts Express sitting pride of place on the office shelf, but this new Collectors Edition takes things to a whole new level of detail. This new set is aimed at builders who are 18+, it has 5129 pieces and 20 Minifigures and when completed you end up with an enchanting train and Kings Cross platform that measures up at over 26 cm (10.5 in.) high, 118 cm (46.5 in.) long and 20 cm (8 in.) wide that’s a 1:32 scale replica. The detail is magical with the engine, coal tender and 3-room passenger carriage that are all packed with film-accurate references, including the compartment interiors and Trevor the toad on the loose. The detail underneath the train causes it to rock with genuine steam train motion and the carriage features light bricks for added movie magic atmosphere. What we loved about this set was being able to recreate four separate move scenes. The first is one of the most familiar moments in the whole series, when Harry, Ron and Hermione meet for the first time, "You've got dirt on your nose by the way. Did you know? Just

there.". This means you get the first-year version in mini figures with their stumpy little legs they are very cute, along with the train conductor and the Trolley Witch (it’s been so long since she was asked her name that she herself has forgotten it). The second scene is when Professor Lupin saves Harry from the Dementor in the third film, you get the trio in third year form (now with bending legs), Remus Lupin and a creepy dementor. The third scene is when Luna saves Harry from Draco's spell in the sixth film and features six-year Harry, Draco and Luna. The last scene is the final scene from the whole series the departure from Platform 9¾ at King’s Cross Station, for the first time we see adult Harry and Ginny, along with their children, Lily, James and Albus, all ready for Albus’s first trip to Hogwarts. There are two nameless mini figures with darker skin tones, a Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and although its good to finally see a little more diversity we were surprised the set didn’t include adult Ron and Hermione which is a shame as we don’t know when else we would get the chance to see these in mini figure design. There are so many delightful details that Potter fans will love but we aren’t here to spoil all the surprises, this set will appeal to Potter, Lego and train fans and due to the superior build quality of the Lego pieces it will last for generations.

legO hOgWArts exPress cOllectOrs eDItION
P rOs eNch AN t INg AtteN t ION tO DetAIl creAte fOur INDI v IDuA l mOv I e sceN es 20 m INI f Igures INclu De ADult h A rry AND g INN y 1:32 scA le l Ight Br Icks PrOv IDe AtmOsPhere steA m eNg IN e rOck INg mOt ION cONs NO ADult rON AND h erm ION e th Is stu NNINg tr AIN set Br INgs A ll the m Ag Ic Of the hOgWA rts ex Press INtO yOur hOme . £429.99
For more information on Lego Hogwarts Express – Collectors' Edition click here 25

I love how practically everything is customisable these days! With the Nintendo Switch being designed to have controllers that detach, we have an abundance of styles and designs out there with which to make our handheld console our very own. Personally, I never really got in to the whole Pokemon thing but, I have to admit, this design does look pretty cool. The black marries perfectly with the Switch itself and the design works well with the gold, being surprisingly non-garish.

But of course, looks aren’t everything! This Split Pad Pro from Hori features full-size analogue sticks, a D-pad and large shoulder buttons as well as additional rear triggers and Turbo functionality. None of this is new really – it’s what you expect with most pads for the Switch. But what I like about this one is the size of all the above features. It feels like you’re using a regular controller that you would use with any full-size console. It’s all comfortably within reach and fits snugly in to your palms. I didn’t feel like I had to over-stretch while playing or perform some mind-bending, ninjastyle hand acrobatics just to achieve a simple move in the game! I certainly prefer this to the designs which are just flat, straight lines or ones that are angled – they always feel like a chore. Hori have stuck with a design that has been proven to work and I for one, am happy they have. The comfort is definitely the major plus. However, there are some features missing that could have made this an essential. There’s no rumble function or motion controls for instance and there is no wireless feature or IR camera function that could affect some games you want to play. Despite this, it’s still worth a purchase, especially for the Pokemon fans out there!

For more information on the Hori Split Pad Pro Pokemon (Pikachu Black & Gold) click here
cOmfOrtABle cAN leAve AttAcheD tO the sWI tch W h Ile I t ’ s DOckeD A DDI t IONA l tr Iggers cAN Be A ssIgN eD fu Nct IONs A fA m Il IA r feel fOr cONsOle g A mers cONs m IssINg sOme feAtures th At WOulD h Ave BeeN W elcOme hOrI sPlIt PAD PrO POkemON (PIkAchu BlAck & gOlD) tWO Of Our fAvOur I te th INgs cOm BIN eD NINteNDO AND POkemON £44.99

style IQ IONIc

hAIr Dryer & styler

Shark are well known for their ability to create powerful suction so it only makes sense they should be able to flip that energy to go in the opposite direction from suction to blowing. The Shark STYLE iQ Ionic Hair Dryer & Styler is their first hair dryer, it has a rather hefty price tag so is it worth the investment? It comes with the Hairdryer, a concentrator, diffuser and small filter cleaning brush, it has a black and rose gold design, measures up at 7.5 x 12 x 25cm and features a 2.5meter cable. It is heavier than the average hair dryer at just under 500g, this might get a little tiring on very thick hair, but it shouldn’t have too much of an impact as the ergonomic handle makes it comfortable to hold. The iQ Technology uses rapid air power with next-generation intelligence, that generates high-velocity heated ionised air for fast drying with no heat damage. You can dry and style at the same time, the STYLE iQ will intuitively select the optimum heat and airflow when the accessory is attached to the hairdryer. The recommended heat and airflow settings removes the guess work to dry

and style your hair there are three temperatures to choose from and three airflow options too. The settings can be manually adjusted if needed to experiment with different results, there’s a cool air button that can be held for a hit of cold air. The included 2-in-1 concentrator delivers controlled, smooth drying, the wider opening can be used for fast, gentle drying whilst the extended nozzle provides a narrow airpath that smooths and shapes hair. The adjustable diffuser circulates airflow from root to tip to enhance naturally curly hair, the extendable prongs can reach and lift roots while the deep bowl offers maximum coverage and even drying. The hair dryer does leave the hair looking glossy and feeling smooth with no little fly away hairs, you can get a good amount of volume in the hair too whilst styling. The Shark STYLE isn’t a hair dryer for some who simply wants to dry their hair after a shower, it is better suited for those who like to regularly mix up their style and more importantly know how to use all the attachments and setting effectively.


For more information on the Shark STYLE iQ Ionic Hair Dryer & Styler click here 29 P rOs fA st Dry INg h eAteD IONIseD AI r PreveN ts DA m Age leAves h AI r sleek AND BOu Ncy I N tell IgeN t AttAchmeN ts styl Ish DesIgN cONs P r Icey ON the heAvy sIDe th Is POW erful h AI r Dryer AND styler cOmes At A cOst But IN the r Ight h ANDs I t Is A greAt h AI r styl INg tOOl .

AArke PurIfIer stArter kIt

One thing that made things a little more bearable during this summer’s heat wave was having constant access to cold filtered water in the fridge, the issue we had however was that our filter jug is so tall and bulky we had to reconfigure the entire layout to accommodate it. We were immediately struck by how compact the Aarke Purifier is at 27.5h cm x 17.1w cm x 12d cm, a similar size to a four pint bottle of milk, so depending on your fridge size it might even fit in the door. The Starter kit comes with Aarke Purifier jug, 3-pack of Pure Filter Granules, the product manual and Aarke cleaning cloth. This beautiful purifier is constructed with a glass carafe and a stainless-steel lid, the hopper and filter cartridge are also in stainless steel and there is a detachable bumper in silicone to protect the body from bumps and scratches. Unlike regular water filters the Aarke doesn’t use cartridges, the filter granules pour directly into the built-in filter unit, there are two types of granules available, the Pure (£17 for three) and the Enriched Filter (£25 for three), it was the Pure that were included with the started kit. These granules are made in close collaboration with BWT, one of the world’s leading water technology

companies, one bag filters up to 120 litres of water. Each bag is a mix of activated carbon and Ion exchange resin, these elements work together to reduce unwanted tastes like chlorine, decreases heavy metals like lead and copper as well as limescale giving you better tasting water for drinking, carbonating or making tea. The filtered water capacity of the purifier is 1.18L and takes about 3-5minutes per litre to filter through, there is a manual indicator on the lid which reminds you when to change the filter. Although we love that this system reduces the amount of plastic going into the bin the Ion exchange resin is still small beads of plastic that end up being poured straight into the bin. All the parts of the purifier can be put through the dishwasher making it more hygienic than some filter jugs, this prevents that musty taste some jugs can get too. The filter granules combined with the glass and steel construction produces wonderfully fresh and clean tasting water, its compact body is fridge friendly but being as good looking as it is you might want to leave it out on display.

For more information on the Aarke Purifier Starter Kit click here
P rOs g lA ss AND stAINless steel cONstruct ION BeAut I ful DesIgN
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31 £117 the g OrgeOus P ur I f I er PrODuces Del Ic IOus tA st INg WAter.

lOgItech BrIO 500

With many of us still using video chat in our work and social lives having a decent webcam is a necessity, the Logitech Brio 500 is packed with features to make virtual interactions an enjoyable and productive experience. This webcam is full HD 1080p with light correction, Show Mode and auto-framing, this requires Logi Tune, it is worth noting it is not available on Chrome OS, it is compact at 110w x 31.5d mm. The Auto Light Correction uses RightLight to automatically adjust to the environment, so you appear well-lit even in poor lighting, the Advanced Image Quality uses the 1080p resolution and AI-based face image for a crystal clear image, so your personality comes across over the screen. The Auto-Framing is powered by RightSight and centres the camera on you, this means when you stand and move around it will follow you keeping you in shot during meetings, when it’s time for a bit of privacy simply rotate the integrated shutter to completely block the camera. The built-in mic has a range up to 1.22m provides noise reduced audio and also enhances your voice, so you're heard clearly and not the washing machine or kids in the other room. The new Show Mode lets you tilt the camera down and present sketches, notes, or work in progress on your desk, the included mount has a micro-suction pad that secures the webcam to the back of your monitor, so you can make quick adjustments with one hand. The Logi Tune app provides additional features that let you to adjust the field of view, mute the microphone, adjust colour and image resolution, the camera can be set to 1080p/30fps (1920x1080 pixels) or 720p/60fps (1280x720 pixels). The Brio 500 is a good little camera, ideal for those who regularly work or socialise over video, the image is great, and the auto framing is great for anything active like work out classes.

the B r IO
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33For more information on the Logitech Brio 500 click here £129 P rOs 1080 P full h D AutO fr A m INg AutO l Ight cOrrect ION uNI versA l mOu N t P hysIcA l Pr I vAcy cOver g OOD m Ic cONs A PP AND AutO fr A m INg NOt cOm PAt IBle WI th chrOme Os NOt the cheAPest

BOttOm surfAce

Is there anything cosier than all being huddled around a camp fire with something delicious cooking away on it, even as the nights get colder its still one of my favourite places to be. For serious outdoor cooking you need a serious cooking pot and Petromax has got this well and truly covered with the biggest Dutch Oven they have with a plane bottom surface. The original Petromax Dutch Oven was perfectly suited to cooking and baking in the open air but will equally provide results in the oven at home. These cast-iron pots date back to the 18th century and have changed very little over time, why mess with perfection, however Petromax has refined some of the details to make it even better. Just like its predecessors this mumma is made from cast iron which is exceptionally good at holding and evenly distributing the heat, the pre-treated surface (seasoned finish) means there is no need to perform a first seasoning, it can be used right away. When used outside it can be used on an open fire or with charcoal and briquettes, the raised edge of the lid makes it possible to place embers or charcoal directly on to the Dutch oven allowing it to be quickly heated from all directions. This pot is HEAVY and that’s before you even put anything in it, at 16.9kg its like moving a kettle bell about which can make things a little tricky when placing it onto an open fire. If you really struggle and there are high flames a pole can be threaded through the handle for easier manoeuvring and there are also various stands available from Petromax to help you out. It measures up at 22 x 45 x 41 cm and unsurprisingly for a pot this size it delivers a whopping 16.1l capacity, that’s enough for about 20 people. There is a handy thermometer hole so the temperature can be monitored without removing the lid and speaking of the lid it can also be flipped upside down and used as a pan with 2.7l capacity. This Dutch Oven produces delicious food from soups, meat dishes, stews and casseroles as well as cakes and bread, all in the great outdoors allowing you to get back to basics and enjoy a warm meal.

PetrOmAx Dutch OveN ft18 WIth A PlANe
P rOs su I tABle fOr OPeN f I re Or ON cOA ls Out DOOr AND INDOOr use lIP ON l ID hOlDs cOA ls thermOmeter hOle cAN Be useD fOr fry INg , rOA st INg , DeeP fry INg , BOIl INg Or steWINg lID cAN Be useD A s A fry INg PAN Or A s A DIsh 16.1 l cAPAc I ty AND 2.7 l IN the l ID cONs h eAvy €174.99
For more information on the Petromax Dutch Oven ft18 with a Plane Bottom Surface click here 35 g Ather yOur fA m Ily AND fr I eNDs A rOu ND A f I re AND sh A re sOme Del Ic IOus fOOD, W h At cOulD Be Better.

Ah, pedals. Those evil little essential things that have left me with so many shin scars over the years my lower legs don’t seem able to grow hair any more. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em! Pedals, not leg hairs. DMR have been knocking out bikes and bike accessories for over 25 years now so they kind of know a thing or two about pedals it’s fair to say. These particular shin-bashers are made from aluminium with a heat-treated steel axle, making them pretty tough and durable.

The pedal is slightly concave, allowing it to settle nicely in to the arch of your foot and also quite wide so you can more easily find a good place to plant your feet and get the most optimum pedalling stance. The thing that makes these pedals so good however is the customisability of the pins. All the pins can be removed with Allen keys and are therefore replaceable. There are 7 x 6mm pins on the back and front and 4 x 4mm pins in the middle. The 6mm pins can actually be taken out and reversed showing additional 4mm pins so you can adjust where you want that grip to be strongest on the pedal, giving you the control to decide what best suits you and your riding style.

The edges are bevelled so that if you hit an obstacle or the ground, you’re more likely to glance off of it with less impact and the chance of getting stuck as a result is greatly lessened. They also come in a variety of colours so you can pick whatever fits your bike. The only issue is the corners sticking out a little more than most other pedals, hence my shin-bashers reference earlier! Got some new scars now but maybe I should just be more careful.

£120 Dmr vAult flAt PeDAls For more information on the EDMR Vault flat pedals click here P rOs fully custOm IsABle r elAt I vely l Ight At just Over 400 g g OOD gr IP NIce , secure feel cONs P rON e tO mOre sh INBA sh INg th AN Others I h Ave useD s er IOus geA r fOr ser IOus cycl Ists
For stockists, please visit or contact our team directly on: 01295 672 200 BOMBAZINE pendant YELENA pendant KEEGAN wall light ARONA pendant

mIcrOPlANe BlAck sheeP

Like so many great brands Microplane was born out of frustration of not being able to find the right tool for the job, the story goes that when a Canadian housewife was getting annoyed with her orange zester, she went to the garage to grab one of the woodwork tools and found it did the job perfectly. This laid the foundation for the creation of Microplane kitchen graters that use photo-etching technology and an innovative process specifically designed to create ultra-sharp cutting edges. 50 years on and Microplane is now the preferred grater of choice for professional chefs and cooking enthusiasts worldwide, even someone like me who can burn a sandwich has two in the drawer. The new Black Sheep range is a beautiful all black set that includes the Grater Coarse, Grater Fine, Grater Extra Coarse, Grater Groater and the Grater Ribbon. We received the Coarse and Fine to take a closer look at, they are made from a strong but light stainless steel, ensuring you get a long life out of them and importantly they are dishwasher proof thanks to the metal handle, no grated kitchen sponges here. The scratch proof PVD, all black matte finish is very elegant, they wouldn’t look out of place hanging up in the kitchen or attached to a magnetic knife strip, you will want to show them off. They both measure up at 65w x 15h x 300l mm and are made in the USA, the teeth are extremely sharp and act like knives to cut into the ingredients whilst giving you precise control at all times, the design ensures the food then falls away from the grater rather than sticking to it or blocking the holes. The blade ensures that food does not stick or block, but instead gently slides along the cutting surface to produce perfect results every time. They are easy to use with the handle providing a good grip and a none slip silicone strip giving you even greater control (see what we did there). You can grate directly onto the dish and over a wide surface area unlike a box grater, they all come with a protective plastic cover for storage. We were more than happy to add these too graters to our collection, they are a pleasure to use whether you are grating cheese, chilli, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus fruit, garlic, ginger or nuts.

For more information on the Microplane Black Sheep click here
It Is eA sy tO see W hy these h Igh PerfOrm INg gr Aters A re POPul A r WI th BOth chefs AND hOme cOOks A l I ke .
39 P rOs ultr A sh A r P teeth eleg AN t m Atte Bl Ack f INIsh DIsh WA sher sA fe s cr Atch resIstAN t cOAt INg fOOD fA lls frOm gr Ater, NO BlOck Ages P rOtect I ve cOver From £56.50
For more information on the Nu Skin ageLOC Boost System click here Nu skIN AgelOc BOOst system £336.87 g I ve yOur sk IN A BOOst WI th th Is luxur IOus DAIly treAtmeNt.

We all need a little pampering, taking care of our bodies is a mindful experience and can help us feel more confident and happier in our own skin, the ageLOC Boost System from Nu Skin aims to give you a facial that leaves your face glowing. The Boost comes with the Boost device and 40ml of the ageLOC Boost Activating Serum, the device has an ergonomic design with a curved handle that sits comfortably in the hand. It was immediately obvious how to turn the Boost one, it actually requires a swipe of the finger up the full length of touch surface handle, from here you need to pop three pumps of the serum on to the conductive surface and use this to spread it over half of your face. Then you need to perform another swipe up the handle and then glide the Boost over the skin of your face moving in an upward and outward motion, then repeat the step over the other side of the face. The Boost will automatically turn off and any excess serum can be massaged into your skin with your fingers, then you can carry on with the rest of your daily skincare routine. It is recommended that the Boost is used for two minutes once a day to get the full effects, it uses Variable Pulse Microcurrent Technology which aims to leave the skin looking brighter and plumper, as well as helping to improve the appearance of dark spots and even the tone. It offers a gentle exfoliation and promotes skin cellular turnover for a visibly smoother and youthful complexion, helping to ease signs of premature ageing and prolongs youthful-looking skin. Although it takes time to see the full effects of the Boost we did find that skin felt soft and smooth after using it, there was no residue from the serum it was all absorbed into the skin. The on/off control felt a little awkward as your index finger naturally rests on the back of the handle, maybe a simple touch point there would feel more intuitive, however we did like the little dancing lights letting you know it’s on. It certainly isn’t a cheap device so it is worth considering if you will commit to using it every day and replace the serum when needed (£60), but if you have the pennies and time to spare it will supply a little moment of luxury each day.

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NA sh g A zeBO P rO

We have gone from a record-breaking sunny summer to a hell of a lot of rain in a short space of time, this means spending any time outside fairly unpredictable, an easy solution to keep things comfortable is a decent Gazebo. The Gazebo Pro from Nash takes the time and hassle out of setting up a shelter thanks to the Speedup extending dual pole frame, it has been designed with fishing in mind but can also be used for camping or other outdoor activities. The added features will appeal to anglers including the twin clip in rod retaining bars that feature Velcro straps that fit between parallel support legs for easier rebaiting and re-rigging. The material of the gazebo is permanently attached to the frame, the poles simply extend and click into place this means it only takes one pair of hands to set it up, ideal for solo fisherman. The framework feels incredibly robust, enough to withstand the weather and demands of travel, it also packs down impressively small making it easy to throw in the back of the car. It measures up at 220cm (H) x 330cm (W) x 330cm (D) and weighs 17.2kg, the material is a tough 420D with a 15,000mm hydrostatic head construction for protection from the elements. There is a new inner vapour shield that eliminates condensation drips, the fullsize mosquito front and rear door panels have twin zips and elasticated toggle tie ups, there is also a removeable PVC clear front door panel that can be used to gain shelter whilst keeping an eye on the environment around you. There are central zips on the side panels for ventilation and flexible access and there are protective neoprene joint covers preventing material damage when packing the gazebo down. There are options of extending and changing the configuration of the gazebo, it can be used in combination with two Titan bivvies for modular accommodation and living space, there is an internal metal eyelet and attachment tabs for Gazebo Organiser (not included) and the metal eyelets on leading edge of front door can be use with the Gazebo Front Door Pole Kit (not included). The Gazebo Pro is a great choice for so many reasons, it is easy to transport, durable, stable and provides an excellent shelter but our favourite feature is the ease of which it goes up and down, giving you more time to enjoy the great outdoors.

For more information on the Nash Gazebo Pro click here the g A zeBO P rO Is Perfect fOr PrOv IDINg sOme shelter W h Ilst f Ish INg Or AN y Out DOOr Act I v I ty. 43 P rOs Qu Ick AND eA sy tO set u P (By ON e PersON) rOBust fr A me I NN er vAPOur sh I elD full sI ze mOsQu I tO frONt r emOveABle Pvc DOOr PAN el cOm PAct £261.99

AIrtAg cArDhOlDer

This new release from Ekster has teamed up with Apple to create a card holder that is compatible with Apple AirTags (Please note AirTag is not included) to make it as difficult as possible to lose. The Apple Airtag is a small tracker about the size of a £2 coin, ones you have attached it to the Cardholder they are on your radar in the Find My app, if your Ekster then becomes lost all you need to do is ping it from your phone or ask Siri to find your cardholder and the AirTag will emit a sound to help you locate it. There is also a handy directional arrow on your phone screen to assist with the search, it works via Bluetooth but if you are out of range the hundreds of millions of iPhone, iPad and Mac devices around the world helps track down your AirTag via the cloud. At £29 each they are an inexpensive way of keeping track of your gear you can also receive separation alerts to prevent you walking away too far when it’s been left in the coffee shop or gym for example. The custom silicon pocket hugs the cardholder and will secure the AirTag, ready to shout out to you if/when you misplace it. Underneath the AirTag pocket is the Expandable aluminium backplate this can be used to store cash, extra cards or shopping lists.

The rest of the card holder is that good old family Aluminium card holder, with its patented card ejection mechanism, Space-grade 6061-T6 aluminium, RFID protection (wireless theft). It measures up at 0.29 x 4.1 x 2.3 in (0.75 x 10.5 x 6 cm), it will hold up to six cards inside with and extra nine under the back plate, its robust frame and anti losing action make it ideal for busy lives.

For more information on Ekster AirTag Cardholder click here P rOs P ur POse m ADe A I rtAg POcket fANs Out yOur cA r Ds WI th A Push Of A ButtON su Per Dur ABle sPAce gr ADe 6061-t6 A lum INI um sl I m PrOf Ile ex PANDABle BAck Pl Ate BlOcks rf ID hOlDs 1-15 cA r Ds + BIlls cONs cA r D eject ION ButtON A BI t st I ff tO Beg IN WI th NO stOr Age fOr cOINs ONly t WO cOlOur OPt IONs $89 WI th A Pur POse Bu Ilt A I rtAg POcket yOu cAN A lWAys f IND yOur cA r DhOlDer, NO m Atter hOW m AN y t I mes yOu lOse I t.
100% flavor Zero chlorine Zero plastic 100% minerals preserved 100% Preserves the essential Purifies water and reduces trace pharmaceuticals and pesticides Eliminates chlorine for unbeatable tasting water Stop plastic waste PURIFY YOUR TAP WATER IN 15 MINUTES No filter cartridges or maintenance 15 minutes Automatic start and stop instagram/

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