The Rider's Mag March 2013-03 v15-n01

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The Magazine for the Narley Harley Rider

THE RIDER’S MAG Volume 15 #1



Joke Page

Freedom 55 Ride

London World of Motorcycles Expo


Kitchener Bagger Nation

Feature Bike

Critter/Black Gold Show & Shine

What’s Shakin’

14th Anniversery Issue We Support

Our Troops!!!

The Rider’s Guide to Southern Ontario and Beyond!!

Table of Contents -Fighting for Your Rights with Scary Larry Pg 4 -What’s Shakin’ Pg 6 -On The Road...JR gets ready for spring Pg 7 -Cruising With Critter... Critter’s Rants Pg 8 -Readers Write...Our Readers Respond Pg 8 -Ride To The North Wall...Don Norris Salutes Pg 9 - World of Motorcycle Expo 2013 London Pg10 -Drago’s Memorial Run...Mannon Rides for us Pg17 -Red & White Poker Run 2012 Pg18 -Joke Page Pg19 -Dice Run To Biketoberfest...Rose Beer Fest Pg20 -Alliston Potato Fest Show and Shine Pg21 -Hips Cycle Open House.25 Years and Counting Pg22 -Feature Bike...Sturgis,Canadian Style Pg24 -Kitchener Harley-Bagger Nation...Kaz Tells Pg26 -Biker Church...Pastor Dave Forgives our sins Pg28 -Western Town Smokeout 2012 Pg30 -Black Hawks Poker Run 2012..Jon Gambles Pg32 -Old Bastards Rally..Beau and the Old Bastards Pg33 -Critter Country/Black Gold Show & Shine Pg36 -Ride Sally Ride...Sherri O’Irish Sings it to Us Pg40 -Zombies Patch Party...Scary Larry Hosts Pg42 -Black Hawks Show ‘N Shine 2012 Pg44 -Danni’s Times...A Lady’s Perspective Pg 46

900 Colborne St. East Brantford, Ontario

519-756-6218 Store Hours Mon-Fri 10am - 6pm Sat. 9am - 1pm

Since 1988



THE RIDER’S MAG 1111 Davis Drive, Suite 501, Unit 23, Newmarket, ON L3Y 9E5 Phone: (905) 235-5353 Toll Free 1-855-873-6680 Fax: (905) 235-5358 Email: Website:

Webmaster:Lost Dog

Publisher / Editor : Rick Davis Publisher Emeritus: Alex J.R. MacRae Editor Emeritus: J.B. Ballantine

Managing Editor: ACE Wolske Creative Content Manager: Peppermint Patty Office Manager: Diane Davis Computer Geeks: Clive, Dan Fournier

Advertizing and Sales Eastern Ont./Western Que. Rep: Beau Rooney 613-295-4444 Southern Ontario Rep: J.R. MacRae 905-631-5890 Southwestern Ontario Rep: Tim Armstrong 519-252-9631 Contributing Writers Pastor Dave Neals, Danni, Scary Larry, Mannon Kellman, Beau Rooney, Jonathan Musson, Al Kasza, Rossaire, Tim Armstrong


Office Security Supplied By: Captain & Morgan “The Wonder Dogs” Printed By : Canweb Printing Inc. Grimsby, Ontario Printed in Canada

The contents of this magazine are copyrighted and remain the property of

“The Rider’s Mag Inc.” For Ad Information or Rate Cards Please Contact The Publisher/Editor or a Sales Rep.

416.663.3382 THE RIDERS MAG -----PAGE 3

Fighting for Your Rights with

Scary Larry Here’s the new boss – same as the old boss – The Who, 1971. Although it appears that Ontario has a new, vibrant and vital Premier, it’s merely a mirage created by u lizing Liberal poli cal op cs. No mistake, the old regime is s ll in power but its pitchman now resembles a bad imita on of McGuinty in drag. As bikers, there is nothing about this replacement premiere that works to our advantage. I had the dubious pleasure of mee ng with Kathleen Wynne a couple of years back - when she was the Minister for Transport in Ontario. Our chairman, our Poli cal Ac on chief and I made the arduous and expensive trip to meet with her and her assistants regarding our quest to allow single rider access to the provincial highway’s high occupancy lanes. The mee ng was short (the photo op went longer than the meet) and the message was clear . . . no one would be allowed in the HOV lanes unless there were two or more passengers in/ on the vehicle unless the vehicle was spor n’ a green license plate. As a sidebar to that mee ng, I inquired why no MPP has ever a ended the BRO Fallen Riders Memorial? Minister Wynne made a big show of delega ng one of her staff to write down the date and then went on to state that someone from her office would be there in May. In typical Liberal poli cal fashion, the promise was broken - as the event came and went without an appearance by any official or staffer. These goofs go a go! Liberal poli cs have strangled produc vity and buried this province under an unprecedented deficit in an unsuccessful a empt to shore up a dying McGuinty government. Extremely loose talk referring to this mob as ‘government’ – the Ontario

taxpayer has endured non-violent penetra on mixed with a double shot of Prepara on H liberally (pun intended) applied to their disposable income. The Ontario deficit concoc on has been well shaken and enthusias cally s rred prior to filling your enema bag. Perhaps the upcoming Tory government will prove to be less about S&M and more about being recep ve to our OCC requests, Eh Ollie? On a more posi ve note, some of our kind has lately experienced some success in figh ng their BS ckets in traffic court. There was some dialogue on OCC-Talk about a biker in (I think) Windsor who won his BS illegal helmet infrac on by challenging the LEO’s exper se in determining what was a legal helmet vs illegal helmet. I must apologize as this is all the details I have at press but I will seek more details and report back once I have the straight skinny. Also, John O of the Loners M.C. emailed me about his victory in Lindsay Traffic Court figh ng a charge for having a ver cal plate on his machine. His philosophy is - never nego ate, never cop a plea and fight ‘em all! Fuckin’ A! Jus ce is a costly and me consuming endeavor but that’s the system and that’s what LE counts on when they u lize ‘jack & plaster’ tac cs but it’s very important to – Fight ‘em all and keep records. Members of the OCC have created a form that you, yea you, can download for FREE, go a love that word, Eh Ollie? Simply go to and click the tab marked ‘Informa on’ then go down the list and open ‘Check Out the Police Stop/Harassment Form and download it for future use during those unnecessary intrusions into your lifestyle choice. Scary Larry OCC Treasurer

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What’s Shakin’ Welcome to the Riders Mag March 16 – 17 Spring Motorcycle Show We do try to get out and cover all adver sed The Interna onal Centre – Toronto events, and we have a crew of dedicated volunteer contributors who cover these events out of the pure For more info – 905-771-0132 love of doing it and we tend to spread them thin as there are a lot of events and it is some mes there are just more events than we have me to spare. “THUMBS-UP & MANY THANX” The Mag is adver sing driven and events may not TO ALL OUR FRIENDS WHO JOIN US make the pages of the page as quickly as we would IN CELEBRATION OF OUR NEW DIRECTION! like but they do eventually make their way into print. Please check out our new updated website as we can be much melier there.


Feb. 24 Big Al’s Annual Swap Meet 10 AM- 3 PM Dundas Community Center – 10 Market St. Dundas On. For more info – 905-746-7077 March 3 Alvinston Swap Meet 10 AM – 3 PM more info – 519-845-0239 Ken Mac Donald


April 13- 14 The 32nd Annual Na!onal Motorcycle and Ta"oo Show For More info- 705-778-2275 May 5 Fort Erie Swap Meet For more info- 905-651-5233

OK I’m sorry I called you a crazy old Hag Ma! I lost my temper, OK we’ve been chasing you for the last three hours! The other guys just wanted to shoot you instead of wai ng for you to run out of gas! But do you thank me?


On the Road Happy anniversary to the mag, 14 years gone and the beginning of the 15th is an amazing sta s c for a venture that I thought might make it 6 months way back in 1998 when we were planning to introduce the mag early in 1999. The new management transi on is coming together nicely and I am glad to see the support from all of you readers for Cri er and the crew. As I have said on many occasions in the past it’s the readers that give us the strength and bring the adver sing dollars in that pay the bills to keep the mag on the market for all these years now. You readers spread the word to your local bars, restaurants, bike shops, and all types of entrepreneurs from amongst the readership who adver se their ventures helping bring them new business and support the mag. I know Cri er is very big on the website and all the related social network stuff that was truly the weakness of our previous management team who were unini ated in the value and usefulness of the new social media networks that our kids and grandkids find so u erly irresis ble and perhaps even useful for some things, to me it seems like a waste of me but that’s just one inexperienced persons opinion, check out the social media presence of the mag these days giving all the poten al adver sers further penetra on into the markets they are trying to reach out to. I am truly enjoying my re rement and really can’t figure out how the heck I ever found me to work for a living, it’s awesome I am living life and I don’t have a deadline anymore freakin awesome, love it. I am heading south on March break for the first me in more than a decade and will actually miss the Spring Motorcycle show as it has changed its dates from early April to mid-March, but as far as I know I should be around for the Na onal Motorcycle show, and I am looking forward to also making it out to events this summer and pu ng some miles on the bike and ge ng my boat wet for the first me in over 15 years is another exci ng prospect along with spending me at the lake. Enough about how much I am enjoying myself, I do s ll contribute some ar cles to the mag and feature shoots. I put out the word last month that I needed some shovels, Sportster and vintage bikes as well as lady rides. Let’s just say the response was overwhelming on the shovels and I wanna send a shout out to Rick in Kitchener, we shot his bike a few years back and he actually had sent me a request by snail mail (yup that s ll exists) and right a er I sent off last months on the road column to Cri er I found his le er and photo in a pile of shit on my desk. Awesome Rick but you didn’t include your contact info, I remember the shoot well

by JR

and that old wide glide appeared on an anniversary edi on just like this one a few years back but I don’t have your phone number and since you don’t do the internet call me please 905-631-5890 you’re on my list but I need your phone number. I could use a few more Sportster and ladies rides and just to be specific this is a Harley enthusiast mag so we are looking for Harleys, special interest stories are great but not our meat and potatoes we s ll have bills to pay around here. Since we are no longer limited by deadlines and other obliga ons we have a bit more flexibility on our feature shoot trips but I do plan to hang onto that southwestern Ontario trip in late April so a few bikes in the Woodstock to London corridor should be doable on a Friday a ernoon near the end of April, or Sunday on the way back? Email me a pic of your ride along with your loca on in Ontario, email address, local phone, cell phone, and any other per nent info that makes it easy to get in touch with you, we are planning a trip some me in early May out east of Toronto we have a few long suffering readers who have been wai ng for us to show up and take care of them and I promise you your me is coming,

hopefully we can make our schedules mesh to get er done as some comedian likes to say. For all of you local to me (Burlington/Hamilton area) we do day shoots as well and love to have people swing by the house or in our local area by appointment and we are frequently in the Niagara region as we have family down that way and can set up shoots on weekdays and weekends depending on the schedule so don’t be shy reach out and we will get you on the list and take care of you, my email is theridersmag@gmail. com see you out there, ..................on the road.


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Cruising with Critter

(Rants, Raves, Reviews, Reflections and Revelations of the Ribald, Recently, Reduced, Revamped, Rejuvenated, Reshaped and Revitalized, Roving Reporter (formerly known as the Rotund Roving Reporter). Well here I go again this will be number three for me and hopefully it will be three mes is the charm as I try to find the right combina on of font size and spacing (Something easy on older eyes.) that goes with the need to get more content into the pages. We are working on it! Yes I’m trying to clear up the back-log of events as well! Remember I’m just the dumb old truck driver who somehow made a wrong turn or several along the way and just ended up here saying stuff like WTF? You have endured my offerings each month for the last bunch of years, much the same as Godzilla has endured me over the past forty some odd years and I s ll get warm gree ngs from many of you when I’m out and about …………….and when I get home……….. well the dogs are always happy to see me……….so…….so far so good! I t’s like the guy who ended up pain ng signs said; “Last week I don’t even know how to spell sign painter and now I are one.” Well I’m doing the best I can and things seem to be se ling down and smoothing out, I got a couple of major shows in without any major malfunc ons, in fact things came together quite well and I’m quite proud of how the booth looks with our new banner and bar set up. I ’m ge ng lots of favourable feedback on the previous two issues but I s ll have a way to go. It is a work in progress as is the website and it will be a li le while before I get it the way I want it. Please be pa ent as I’m trying to amalgamate my Cri er Country sites and all that they encompassed with The Riders Mag site and create a really great site that will go far beyond what we have on any of them. We have some very exci ng ideas that just require a li le more tweaking before we unveil them so please be pa ent. The new site will be more interac ve, more informa ve and have more pictures from more people and from more places than ever before! Also absent, has been our support shirts from both in the Mag and at the Shows as our stock was quite low and we just didn’t have enough quan es to have a viable display. We are revamping them as well and should have some really great product for you soon, We have tried to get out and about and cover as many events as we can but some mes conflic ng schedules and just life……….like shit…….some mes it just happens. Some of these screw ups happened on my watch…some didn’t but we really do apologize for any of the adver sed events that we failed to make it out to and I will list them here and offer our

most humble apologies to all; The Lung Transplant Ride, The Red Devils Poker Run, BRO Niagara Scavenger Hunt, Rocky’s Bagger Na on, Rocky’s Ladies Night, Rocky’s Men’s Night, Kitchener Men’s and Ladies Nights. We work with a crew made up of volunteers who cover these events on their own me and their own dime and have to cut them some slack when they have to deal with personal issues. It was suggested that public floggings might be effec ve but on further considera on we felt it might adversely affect moral, so we tabled that idea……for now! We will be be er soon. We are also working on ge ng more people on board and out there in all areas of the Province. We have a number of Shows and events coming up with the ever popular and well a ended Big Al’s Swap meet in Dundas, the Alvinston Swap Meet, The Spring Motorcycle Show and The Na onal Motorcycle and Ta oo show so we will be busy and we hope to see you out there.

Readers Write Jan. 10/13 Scary Larry or The Riders Mag YOUR ARTICLE IN THE Jan. 2013 issue about the pressure the Police put on the Lindsay Legionprooves a point that I made in an earlier le er. The more power the Police obtain the more abuse of that power will be used. Clothing and a re was the reason they used? So now the Police are telling people how they should dress? Doesn’t the Taliban also have and exercise that power? My biggest shock was that the Legion buckled under to this misguided pressure! I would have expected the Legion to stand strong and let the Police know that they would be missed in the parade. I am proud of The Canadian Legion and they symbolize the strength of Canada, but when they openly accept this unjust and immoral abuse of power by the Police where they have no right to dictate who has the right to support The Legion and our Troops past and present. I wonder if our ba le to remain free people is lost. Not abroad but here in our own Country!We send Canadians to die far from home to gain freedom for other na ons.Maybe we should instead, bring our soldiers home to fight for our freedom here.I am a member of The Canadian Legion and am embarrassed by the Lindsay Legions misguided decision!I expect next, the Lindsay Legion to give out pamphlets next year informing people of the dress code required at The Rememberance Day Parade and cerimonies. /


Andre Wa eel

Ride to the North Wall Ride to the North Wall A ride to remember, but not for the right reasons! It took me seven and a half hours to reach Windsor. I met up with the NWRA Steel City Chapter near Woodstock and we rode together with stops for food and rest from the disabilita ng heat and head winds. I had planned to camp with the Falcons MC, but it didn’t take much for the NWRA to convince me to camp with them in air condi oning. Later, we joined the Falcons for their BBQ. They had members in from NB., Mb. and Ab. for this event. They had just set up a new chapter in Quebec. The steaks were delicious. I must be ge ng too old for this shit. I can’t stay up ll 4 or 5 in the morning anymore. Assembly was at the new Legion where cold beer was on tap. I drank water of course. We pulled out at 1:30 in columns of two, and when we reached the park on the Detroit River’s edge, we could hardly get all the bikes in. My guess

by Don Norris

the salute. We were dismissed at 3:00 p.m. and I couldn’t head east fast enough. I bid farewell to the NWRA and hit the 401 wearing as li"le clothing as I could get away with. A#er dinner and a break at the Husky near London, I made it home at 8:00 p.m. without taking a nap on the side of the highway like I did in 2010. Needless to say, I was exhausted, but glad I had paid my respects and honoured those who have given so much and those who con nue to face danger in order that we may enjoy the freedom to ride. Happy Canada Day!

is we had close to a thousand bikes. Because of the heat the ceremonies were short, but s ll emo onal. There was no fly-past this year, but the Navy provided a twenty-one gun salute. Three names have been added to the list of repatriated Canadians from Vietnam this year. All WWII, Korean and Vietnam vets were frequently in tears. And recent vets from Bosnia, Afghanistan and other (peace-keeping) du es, all with their own painful wounds, physical and mental, were emo onal. RidersMag once again asked me to help them lay a wreath. Tim, Jr. and I marched smartly to the monument and I was honoured to provide


The World of Motorcycles Expo 2013 London

I just take my me, stay calm and as relaxed as possible, 7:00 AM and It had all the makings of a horrible trip to London as I loaded up the Black Bitch, checking and rechecking my list to make sure I had everything that I could possibly need for the weekend, with high winds, temperatures that were colder than a witch’s le t (Without factoring in Wind Chill.) and lots and lots of snow both on the ground from the overnight onslaught and s ll falling at an alarming pace. The kind folks on the radio told of numerous accidents virtually everywhere but specifically on the route that I had planned and were advising all to just stay home. “Shut the fuck up!” I spat at the radio before switching to

cd and the great sound of Joe Bonamassa tunes filled the cab to be er set the tone for the drive rather than a bunch of alarmists giving me advice that I was going to ignore anyhow. I was going to London damn it! No me to get out the snow blower now (“It will give me something to do when I got home late Sunday evening when I’m exhausted from my weekend adventure.” I said to myself. “Oh Joy!”) I switched to four wheel drive, bullied my way out of the snow filled driveway and out onto the barely cleared streets and set out for what was to be a very long drive. The trip was about what I had expected but I have developed a method and a mindset of driving in these condi ons garnered through a long career driving trucks out on these same roads through similar and worse condi ons.


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905-372-1510 THE RIDERS MAG -----PAGE 10

keep my wits about me, cross my fingers and hope for the best. So it was just before 1:00 PM I rolled into the London Agriplex and unloaded the Black Bitch and set up the booth. I would be flying solo today but everything worked out just fine, as my pal Dusty and I had put our heads together and with his wizardry with wood and knowledge of power tools and talent for doing things right, we were able to refine the bar setup that he had built to be more sturdy and be able to be assembled and disassembled by one person if necessary and today it was necessary and I’m very pleased to report that it went together slicker than snot through a hen’s beak, and within a short period of me I had my booth up and ready for business…………….well almost. It was now that I discovered that I didn’t quite bring everything with me. The brackets for the shelves that fit in the back of the bar were nowhere to be found. “WTF?” I cursed as I scoured all the nooks and crannies of The Black Bitch and came up with nothing. I had them in my hands yesterday and was sure I’d packed them. I thought back to the events of the previous day and I could envision them si ng with some paperwork like rate sheets and such items, along with informa on about the Hotel that I’d booked on the internet and would need if I intended to sleep indoors over the weekend, right on top of the printer where I couldn’t possibly miss them and I knew that was where they remained at that moment. I reluctantly called Godzilla to ask her to go out to the shop and let me know where I would be staying and the confirma on number. She never said anything, but a er 40 odd years of marriage I knew she was mu ering stuff like “You idiot!” as she du fully went to the shop and moved the brackets to get to the Hotel reserva on sheet that I’d printed and placed under the brackets so as not to forget them and to prevent these necessary papers from blowing around when the door to the shop opened. I finished what set up I could and made my way through the ever increasingly snow filled streets of London to Home Depot to purchase more brackets, stopped at the LCBO and then made my way to the Hotel that thanks to Godzilla, I now knew its loca on. I got se led in and had a nice shot of rum just to take away some of the stress from the day, before heading back to the Show for the opening at 4:00 PM. It was kind of slow that evening as the weather had everything in a mess, from roads, highways and parking lots and I knew and everybody else in the building knew that it would have a real adverse effect on the Show. I was correct in my assessment as The Show had indeed been plagued with many no shows and cancella ons from vendors, bike builders and exhibitors as roads and highways in all areas of the Province ranged from bad to worse, treacherous and dangerous to en rely impassible or just plain closed. But there were enough stalwart souls that did show up to s ll

The World of Motorcycles Expo 2013 London

have a respectable Show. These are seasoned veterans who have experienced setbacks and adversity before and just adapt and carried on as best they could, and wouldn’t let Mother Nature ruin a perfectly good Motorcycle show with a li le snow. A twister or hurricane may have been a li le too much to deal with, but a li le snow? Come on these are Canadian Bikers we’re talking about here. Move a few things around, make some adjustments and bing badda boom …….and what do you know? You have a Motorcycle Show! A downsized show to be sure but it was a Motorcycle Show. What did you expect them to do sit down and cry? They did what they had to do. Improvised and overcame the obstacles that were put in their paths. Sure It could have been be er had Mother Nature not got her bitchy li le fingers in there on some sick li le whim but that is what she does, and these folks did the best they could with the

hand they were dealt , did some fancy footwork and s ll pulled it off. Anyone can do any job if everything goes just the way it was planned. But things rarely go according to plan and it is what you do to overcome that separates the men from the boys and the men were already changing gears at the slightest hint that something was going south. There was plenty to see and do lots of great bikes, products and fare to check out. Rocky’s and Kitchener Harley had huge displays of new bikes, products, riding apparel, helmets and just plain great looking fashion items to make you the best dressed, best equipped and best informed Harley rider around and a huge knowledgeable and enthusias c staff was on hand to see that you got what you needed, or as I’ve discovered many mes, just wasn’t aware that I needed it un l it was pointed out to me by one of their amazing sales crew.


The World of Motorcycles Expo 2013 London

Many other dealers were out in force as well offering fantas c deals on Bikes, Trikes and accessories. There were safe riding demonstra ons from the trainers and crew from Fanshawe College in the large Demo area beside the Beer Garden that had the a en on of many and it was a good excuse to stop for a beer and a bite too. They certainly had a great selec on of motorcycles with everything from an que, unique, bone stock, mildly modified to wildly modified, vintage to some fantas c Custom builds that displayed the talent, crea vity and imagina on of some of the best builders around. There were some pre y unusual bikes on display as well like the Scooter display with some pre y radical entries like the “Nitro” Vespa scooter. The “motorcycle community” is very much a part of this show and I think that might explain the comfortable feel that the show exudes, with some pre y amazing displays and so many local groups and Clubs taking part in a major fashion. The Norton Owners group brought out so many fine bikes they had to be giver their own class. The Hells Angels MC, The Queensmen MC all did a fantas c job in displaying their Club entries with The Phantom Thunder MC and The Gold Wing group going overboard in their efforts to win best display that saw the Gold Wing group edging them out for yet another win. But it is the effort and the love that is put in that


you have to appreciate. The veterans groups were well represented with gentlemen Like Trapper Kane and the Crew who does so much for Veterans and put a lot of effort into the fine display that they had setup that included the Memorial pain ng that is as great a tribute to those who died in service to our Country. The venerable and always entertaining Harry Wa s with his book “Dispatch Rider” is always a pleasure to talk to and has great stories to tell. There were of course some outstanding individual displays as well, like Michael Walker who eventually won People’s choice painstakingly put together an amazing over the top display for his bike and I don’t think he stopped cleaning the bike or tweaking the display once throughout the whole show. There were some great new products and services being introduced at the show along with many familiar ones that all promise to make our lives as bikers, be er, our skills be er honed, our bikes cleaner and running be er and some just whimsical stuff. There was a vast assortment of leather goods and t shirts. New this year was the bicycle con ngent who had some really interes ng items and bicycles on display ranging from an que to cu ng edge. Two wheels is two wheels and they caused quite a

The World of Motorcycles Expo 2013 London

s r with their riding displays at intervals throughout the show. I headed back to the Hotel just before closing as I was red as Hell, my knee and my ankle were both throbbing (And despite once again calling into service, the neat Dragon cane that Gord from Black Gold had given me last Winter when I had my knee operated on and had helped me in my many journeys around the Show)and telling me that I could definitely use another shot of rum or three and some pain killers before dri ing off to sleep, so I put a bunch of Mags up on the countertop and put the booth on auto-pilot (What? Am I going to worry that people were going to steal Free Magazines?) Next morning I was up early showered wrapping my injured right ankle and knee in tensor bandages so I could get through the day had a great breakfast in the hotel dining area and headed to the show. There s ll wasn’t a whole lot of traffic on the streets as many were s ll semi clogged with that awful white crap that had wreaked havoc yesterday and I knew that we would be in for a slow morning. I no ced that there were more bikes on display now than when I le the night before and it was evident that many had arrived late but as they say; be er late than never. The Swap meet area is always a hit as there is always an enormous selec on of new

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(613) 392-8433 and used parts with some amazing prices as witnessed by the armloads of parts I saw being toted around throughout the Show. I wandered around talking to different vendors and people I knew along the way. Many of our adver sers and supporters were set up at the Show as well. Tim and Tina from Triple K upholstery were large and in charge with their great products and installing gel packs in customers seats as he has a booking sheet for appointments at all these Shows. Check their ad for how to book for the next show. They do an amazing job and it is something I keep meaning to get done as well that along with one of those extremely loud horns. Ken MacDonald, along with his lovely bride Katherine (Who also writes for The Mag) and their family and friends. were set up with new and used parts in the Swap meet area while promo ng his highly successful and popular Alvinston Swap Meet. I stopped to visit with Nash from Leather King who is always a huge presence at all these Shows to the point where he is almost


The World of Motorcycles Expo 2013 London

synonymous with Motorcycle Shows throughout the Province and he is always a pleasure to talk to. He asked a er our man Tim as did many others, but he was unable to make it out this me due to other commitments. Kevin from Ac on Trailers as Sponsor of the Show had a huge display of trailers set up and as usual had some very a rac ve young ladies working for him. These ladies would play a big part in making the Show be er for me as I spirited them away from their du es to pose on some of the bikes. I was not to be alone today, as Manon and her husband Gerry showed up before noon and were a huge help in the booth allowing me to wander and take in the show so as to do the write up. We were joined by Publisher and Editors emeritus, JR and JB later that a ernoon and it was great to see them, we had a great me and cleared out a lot of Mags before they headed across the border to take in a Hockey game. It was great to see Rocky (Yes that Rocky!) walking around taking in the show and he stopped in at our booth to talk awhile. I hung in un l early evening before abandoning my post and op ng to have a nice dinner and head for the comfort of my Hotel room, leaving Manon and Gerry in charge of the booth.


Sunday I awoke well rested, showered and vacated my room and headed back to the Show for the final day. It was a beau ful morning and the snow crews had done a decent job out on the streets making for an easy commute. It was another slow period, perfect for wandering through ge ng unclu ered shots of the bikes and just visi ng with other vendors and other early risers. I spoke at length with Kathy Ullya , an a rac ve, knowledgeable and extremely enthusias c representa ve, or more specifically, Program Administrator of a rela vely new ini a ve by Harley Davidson in their quest to be er serve those who buy and ride their motorcycles to give their riders a be er edge in staying safe out on the roads through a rider training program that they are calling Rider’s Edge, Academy of Motorcycling and Rocky’s is solidly behind it and developing it in the London area. It is hoped that this program will spread throughout their network of dealers. Our man Kaz and his buddy arrived about noonish and hung out at the booth allowing me to venture off. I had been asked by several exhibitors if I could line up some girls that could pose on their bikes as it is something I’ve been known to do in the past and I set about the task.

The World of Motorcycles Expo 2013 London

Kitchener Harley Davidson aside from excellent sales, service and such is also known for having some really a rac ve ladies employed there. One lady in par cular caught my eye and I made my way to their booth to see if I might be able to steal her away for a li le while. While Nastassia would have been willing, today it wasn’t going to happen as I had to pick a day when she was feeling under the weather and we agreed to do something another me. I ran into Dzzi a fantas c looking lady whom I’ve known for several years who was just taking in the Show, and she agreed to accommodate me and pose on a couple of bikes. I hadn’t forgo en about the two very a rac ve young ladies that Ac on Trailers had at their display and headed over to see if I could commandeer them for a quick photo-shoot. They were on board with it, so off we went and I soon had them in various poses on several bikes and they were having a ball so much so that we a racted a en on from others and I soon had them on several other bikes as well as more and more exhibitors caught on to the idea that pre y girls and motorcycles are a pre y good fit. T shirt girl Pamela came to track me down and inform me that Tom Mann and Heather Ireland were at The Riders Mag booth wan ng to interview me for Biker TV so we rushed back

and the ever lovely Heather did a fairly long interview with me concerning me taking over The Mag and other stuff. I was now just wai ng for the awards por on of the Show. This Show always has a nice relaxed feel about it that is evident from start to finish and the awards are no excep on. They can be tedious at mes at some shows but not this one Dino and Derek do a fantas c job and keep the mood light and cheerful. Kaz was unable to hang around un l the end of the show to help with tear down as was originally set up, so I resolved not to get into a hurry and would get it done in my own good me. The booth came apart even be er than it went up and by being pa ent I was able to drive The Black Bitch right up to the booth for easy loading rather than risking further injury by trying to load outside in the icy and snow covered parking lot. It was a good Show despite the grief that Mother Nature threw their way. As I said, the Show has a nice relaxed feel to it that goes beyond the great beer garden and the fact that you can wander through the show with the beverage of your choice in hand but it sure helps. In par ng as while on the subject of the beer garden I must comment on the excellent service and the fantas c food that could in no way be called overpriced and the pulled pork and roast beef were great. The staff was pleasant and accommoda ng and a pleasure to deal with.


The World of Motorcycles Expo 2013 London

See you next year! Send Mother Nature a Mother’s Day card or something to maybe put her in a be er mood so that she doesn’t dump snow on you next year. People’s Choice: #242 Michael Walter 2005 Fat Boy-Best Paint: Brad Poyser 2009 So ail -Pro Builder: Quinn Kemp 2013 Harley Custom - 2. Ryan Robinson Harley Custom - 3. Ryan Robinson Harley Custom - Builder: John Hipkan 2006 Harley Custom - 2. Quinn Kemp 2012 Harley Custom - Radical: Shawn Boshaw 2004 Harley Custom - 2. PD Restora on 2012 Harley Custom - 3. Rick Bigg 2006 Custom - 4. Vahe K 2005 Harley Custom - Custom: Allan Jewell 1970 Triumph T120 - 2. Brian Cou s 1948 Triumph Tiger 3. Don Jackson 1970 Hobbit - Vintage American: Rick Wolf 1927 Cleveland 4 - 2. Louis Bari 1901 E.R. Thomas - 3. Don Nixon 1962 Harley Pan head - 4. Adam Bari 1912 Harley - 5. Rick Wolf 1907 Marsh Metz - Vintage: Mike Partridge 1962 Matchless - 2. Bruce Greenians 1956 Jawa 175 - 3. Jeff Fligg 1961 BSA Super Rocket - 4. PD Restora on 1942 BSA M20 - 5. Geoff Doherty 1957 Royal Enfield - Vintage Asian: Kevin R 1967 Honda CB 450 - 2. Gary Price 1976 Kawasaki KZ900 - 3. Chris Ryan 1983 Honda CB1100F - 4. Bill Coulson 1964 Suzuki Hillbilly - 5. Denis Duncan 1964 Suzuki M12 - Triumph: Bob Buchanan 1952 Triumph TR5 - 2. PD Restora on 1966 Triumph T90 - 3. Bob Buchanan 1955 Triumph T100R - Norton: Darryl Skillings 1967 Norton Atlas - 2. Bob Lawson 1969 750 S - 3. Ross Thompson 1960 Norton 99 Sportster: Brian Forget 2004 XLH - 2. PD Restora on 1992 XLH - 3. Ben Webster 1973 XLH - Street American: Michael Walter

2005 Harley Fat Boy – 2. Brad Poyser 2009 So ail Custom - 3. Steve Wilson 2003 Harley Fat Boy - Touring American: Shawn Stacpoole 2005 Road King - 2. Corey Smith 2008 Harley Street Glide - 3. Vaughn Blackmore 2012 Harley Road Glide - Shovel Head: David Janssens 1983 Harley Lowrider - 2. Mar n Archibald 1982 Harley FXR - 3. John Brennen 1955 Harley - Custom Asian: Albert Pepper 1984 Kawasaki LTD - 2. Trevor Green 1974 Kawasaki H2 Hybrid - 3. Joe Castle 1974 Yamaha XS 650 - Street Asian: Paul Woolley 2009 Suzuki M109R - 2. Dale Vanacker 2006 Suzuki GSXR - 3. Anne e Jarman 2006 Yamaha VStar Touring Asian: Gary & Laura Palmer 2010 Goldwing- 2. Steve & Diana Brighton 1997 Goldwing - 3. Steven Lilly 1999 Goldwing - European Touring: John Stracuzza 2005 BMW K1200 RT - 2. Chuck Ronson, 2010 BMW R1200 RT - 3. Paul F. Russell 1988 BMW R1100 RT - Compe on: Sandra Carter-Beal 2006 V-Rod Destroyer - 2. Sunny Park 2008 Yamaha R6 - 3. Ben Coulson 2004 Scorpa SY250 - Three-Wheeler: Trapper Cane 2007 Harley Sidecar - 2. Ron Wakeline 2001 Honda Trike - 3. Leon Roose 1989 Honda Trike - Scooter: Trevor Green 1957 Lambre a TV 175 - 2. Kevin R The Vintage Guy 1965 Honda - 3. Kevin R The Vintage Guy 1966 Honda 50 - Special Interest: Mason Bri on: 1950 CCM Wilson Dart - 2. Vic Smith 1966 Lambre a Nitro - 3. Ben Coulson 1969 Roken Trail Breaker.


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Drago’s Memorial Run Brrr what a cold morning, 6 degrees with clear blue skies; chaps, heated vest and warm gloves are part of my a re today. I am, however, coun ng down the minutes before I can take the chaps and gloves off. These are the most annoying part of riding in cold weather; chaps are a pain in the bu and the gloves makes everything you touch on your bike seem awkward. This will be my second me a ending Drago’s ride. I have done this ride 7 years ago and had been riding for only a few months. Before leaving the house, I told Gerry that I would not go more that 80 km/hr...Harley’s where not made to race! Who was I trying to fool? This ride was not an 80 km ride but more like 120 km/ hr, and it was the last me I rode in the back of a huge line-up of motorcycles. You are playing catch-up all the me! At one point, the pick-up truck following the ride came up to us and asked if we were OK…I felt sorry for my husband having to tag along with the slow poke ME. Today, I am ready for a fast non-stop ride. I arrived at the Khaki Club in Wellesley for 9:30 and already quite a few riders were on site. By the me we were ready to leave at 11:00, we had a li le over 200 registered par cipants. The ride was a total of 105 km, all back roads and the speed was just perfect. It is rare that you see a huge line-up of bikes where everyone knows how to ride in a group, this was one of them. Upon our return at the Khaki Club, pulled pork sandwiches and drinks were available at a very reasonable cost. During lunch, many door prizes were given out and a silent auc on was underway. The highlight of this ride for me and everyone present

by Mannon

was Jed and Pam’s challenge to raise $1000. If they accomplished it, they would both get their heads shaved. They raised over $2500 for the cause and both had their heads completely shaved and Jed also had his en re beard shaved off. They both looked good with hair on, but I must honestly say that they s ll looked very good without the hair. Congrats guys, I doubt I would ever have the courage to do it! This year was the 13th annual Drago’s ride which raises funds for the Grand River Cancer Centre. With the help of this ride, the Kool FM poster boy campaign and supporters giving checks, they were able to raise in the first 12 years over $93,000. It is important to point out the greatest supporter of this ride - Harold from Big Smoke who has raised close to $20,000 on his own. This years ride raised a li le over $11,000; totaling over $100,000 donated to the Center!!! The ride was started in honor of Drago, a motorcycle rider who passed away in 1999. His family wanted to do something and a commi ee of 5 was formed. Today, 3 of the original commi ee members are s ll organizing the event: Jan (his wife), Wally and Dave along with two new members: Peggy and Heather whom replaced the two other members along the way. As with any event, this would not be possible to do without sponsors. A special thank you goes out to all of them: Khaki Club, Blue Moon Hotel, Canadian Tire, Country Boy Restaurant, Cycle Works, Ethels Lounge, Kitchener HarleyDavidson, Iron Heads, Shoppers Drug Mart, Tim Hortons, Wimpeys, Zehrs and the ladies of the commi ee. What more can I say? It’s a rendezvous next year! Manon

The Brothers Of The Blade MC Would like to congratulate

"Critter” on his New Adventure with

The Rider’s Mag THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 17

Red & White Poker Run 2012 I had been looking forward to this run as I had such a great me the last me. I had personal obliga ons that I had to look a er that evening but figured I’d be done in plenty of me but would have to leave early from the final stop, which I had assumed that it would be at Their South Simcoe House as it did the last me. I had allowed plenty of me to get to the Downtown CH for the start of the run, but didn’t allow for the fact that the Gardner Expressway would be closed in both direc ons and it had traffic posi vely jammed on the Don Valley Parkway and all other routes in and out of the city and to get there on me I would have had to have le in the wee hours of morning and camped out on the doorstep un l the start of the Poker run. It amazes me that the geniuses in charge of such things would close down a major transporta on artery on a weekend crammed full of ac vi es such as ball games and everything else so instead of making it easy and pleasurable for people to come to the city they try their level best to make it as inconvenient as humanly possible and a nightmare so that people cringe at the thought of going there. I made it there a er an exhaus ngly slow crawl through traffic surrounded by morons and idiots who seemed intent on making things worse and far more dangerous than they ever need to be, and did their best to change my good mood to a rude mood in a hurry. But I was here now and found a spot to park the much over heated Petoonia while I did my thing. There was a huge crowd out in front of the CH signing in, looking over the route sheets, collec ng their first cards or just milling around shoo ng the shit with friends and so on. The street was constantly packed with motorcycles as one group would register and head on their way and another group would appear and take their place. It was a constant flow and they had a fantas c turnout. I moved through shaking some hands and taking some pictures on the way. I grabbed a route sheet and to my dismay, found that this was a different route than the last Poker run and this one had us going east from the second stop and ending up in Bowmanville. I looked at my watch and knew that this wasn’t going to fit with my evening agenda at all and knew then that I would not be able to do the en re run. I made my way through the crowd un l I found Dirt Dag and spoke to him about the run. He asked if I was going on the whole run and I told him that due to other commitments I would only get as far as maybe the third stop and depending on the me the fourth as well but there was no way I could fit the en re run in. He was content with that but obviously disappointed that I couldn’t check out all the stuff they had planned out for each stop along the way as he was proud of the work that and effort that the Club put in to make this event a success. I moved off to visit with many old friends before taking off on the next leg. I ran into Stretch, Double D, Doug, and Moaner from


the Brothers of the Blade, Vinnie and a whole crew of the Brotherhood along with the amazing Sophie and a whole whack of people and would have loved to have just stayed and talked awhile but another challenge awaited……..the trip from there to the next stop. I climbed aboard Petoonia and we were off like a thundering herd of turtles. Traffic was at an absolute stands ll and there was li!le choice in routes to take at this point so I stuck with the obvious and just determinedly picked my way through as best I could trying not to get myself killed or Petoonia damaged or both. It was an adventure to be sure but I made it out and broke free of the really heavy traffic and just had to contend with the heavy traffic un l I could get to the less than heavy traffic and beyond that lay just traffic and our second stop, The Great Canadian Ta!oo Shop on The Lakeshore Blvd. This turned out to be a treat for me as the Street was alive with bikes and old cars, hot rods, old trucks and people, lots and lots of people. This event was coincidental with the planning of the poker run but was a fantas c coincidence. It was evidently put on by Terez Leathers and I believe, Wildside, but I didn’t have a whole lot of details as it wasn’t adver sed in the Mag, but it was pre!y awesome. There were bands playing, pre!y girls, face pain ng, food vendors, pre!y girls, cars and trucks of every model and year imaginable more pre!y girls and other such fare. It was almost like the old days when Elaina from On the Fringe used to hold her Show and Shines that had the streets jammed and all kinds of bikes and ac vity. I found a spot for Petoonia, grabbed my trusty Nikon and went off to check things out. It seems that others from the run got distracted from the original plan as well and while they collected their next card found themselves wandering among the crowds and checking out the scene that was spread out before us. I went in search of a much needed beer and was joined in my quest by several of the Perfect Pigs. I ran into a lot of people along the way and got to talking and carrying on and was oblivious to the fact that some of the bikes that I heard taking off were part of the Poker Run. I checked my watch again and knew that this would likely be my last stop for this ride although I would ride by the third stop just to check but when I got near I didn’t see much ac vity so I carried on. Hey guys I would have like to have done the whole run, I’m sorry, but some mes shit happens in your life and you have to deal with it. Thanks. Hope you all had a great day!

Joke Page Li le Johnnie’s father took him to class on his first day of school. Johnnie’s dad pulled the teacher aside and told her “Johnnie has a bad gambling problem so don’t make a bet with him you can’t win”. The teacher agreed to this. When the teacher was passing out the text books Johnny said “Teach. I’ll make a bet with you”. She replied “Ok what?” Johnny said “I’ll bet you fi y dollars I can tell you what colour pan es you have on”. She agreed and told him a er the last bell he was to stay in the room and then he could guess. While Johnny and the class were at recess the teacher took her pan es off and put them in her purse. When school was out Johnny stayed in the classroom and the teacher locked the door and said “Okay Johnny what colour are they?” He replied “Yellow!”. So the teacher raised her dress and said “No your wrong, I’m not wearing any”. Johnny asked her to walk him out to his dads car and he would get her money. So as Johnny passed his dad going to the car, the teacher told his dad that Johnny finally got beat. He said “What do you mean?” She said “Johnny bet me fi y dollars he could tell me what color pan es I had on, so I took them off ”. The father replied “That son of a bitch! He bet me a hundred dollars he could see your pussy before the nd of the day!!!”. “Turtle” A rather elderly gentleman (mid-eigh es) walks into an upscale cocktail lounge. He is very well-dressed, smelling slightly of an expensive a er-shave, hair well-groomed, great-looking suit, flower in his lapel, shoes shined, no walker, etc.. He presents a suave, well-looked-a er image. Seated at the bar is an elderly (70’s?) fine-looking lady. The gentleman walks over, sits along-side of her, orders a drink, takes a sip, turns to her and says, “So tell me good looking, do I come here o en?” “Turtle” True Sportsman Tom decided to e the knot with his long me girlfriend. One evening, a er the honeymoon, he was assembling some loads for an upcoming hunt. His wife was standing there at the bench watching him. A er a long period of silence she finally speaks. Honey, I’ve been thinking, now that we are married I think it’s me you quit hun ng, shoo ng, hand-loading, and fishing.

Maybe you should sell your guns and boat. Tom gets this horrified look on his face. She says, “Darling, what’s wrong?” “There for a minute you were sounding like my ex-wife.” “Ex wife!”, she screams, “I didn’t know you were married before!” “I wasn’t” “Turtle” Keith and his wife are having hard financial mes, so they decide that she’ll try being a hooker. She’s not quite sure what to do, so Keith says, “Stand in front of that bar and pick up a guy. Tell him you charge a hundred dollars. Any ques ons and I’ll be parked around the corner. She stands outside the bar for about five minutes showing her leg, when a guy pulls up and asks “How much?” She says, “A hundred dollars. He replies, “All I got is thirty.”

MY Lenn Curtis 519.919.5535 3143 Walker Rd., Windsor 9500 Walker Rd., McGregor

DEALER FOR: HANNIGAN r MOTOR TRIKE r LEHMAN She says, “Hold on,” and runs back to Keith and asks. “What now. What can he get for thirty? “A hand job,” Keith replied. She runs back and tells the guy all he gets for thirty dollars is a hand job. He agrees and she gets in the car. He unzips his trousers, and out pops this HUGE willy. She stares at it for a few seconds, then says. “I’ll be right back..” She runs back to Keith. “What’s wrong?” he asks. “Any chance you could lend this guy seventy dollars?” “Turtle” Tools Explained DRILL PRESS: A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the chest and flings your beer across the room, den ng the freshly-painted project which you had carefully set in the corner where nothing could get to it. WIRE WHEEL: Cleans paint off bolts and then throws them somewhere under the workbench with the speed of light . Also removes fingerprints and hard-earned calluses from fingers in about the me it takes you to say, ‘Oh sh--!’ SKIL SAW: A portable cu"ng tool used to make studs too short. PLIERS: Used to round off bolt heads. Some mes used in the crea on of blood-blisters. BELT SANDER: An electric sanding tool commonly used to convert minor touch-up jobs into major refinishing jobs. HACKSAW: One of a family of cu"ng tools built on the Ouija board principle... It transforms human energy into a crooked, unpredictable mo on, and the more you a empt to influence its

Continued on Page 41 THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 19

Dice Run to Biketoberfest Mention This Ad and Receive


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Local: 905.680.2270 Toll Free: 1.855.680.2270 Insulating Niagara/GTA/Hamilton and All Surrounding Areas The Biketoberfest weekend started off a li le wet and cool on Friday night for the Ride of the Flags. Only about 30 bikes showed up, with a number of blockers out in their car or truck to help the riders get to Welland County. I was a li le concerned about the turnout for the Niagara HOG® Dice Run on Saturday morning. The skies were grey and it was cool but the day got sunnier and warmer and by high noon the parking lot at the Boathouse in Chippawa was packed. A large number of people came early for the great breakfast. About 150 people came in to roll the dice for a chance to win a classic HD® clock. We le the parking lot with about 110 bikes and followed the waterways around the peninsula. Our first stop was B.R.O. Field in Welland for the second roll of the dice. Of course our friends at B.R.O. were wai ng for us with entertainment, refreshments and a BBQ. They have their annual Scavenger Run that day so we just get the party started and quite a few people go from Biketoberfest back to the field to con nue the party. To my surprise, Heather from Biker TV came over to say “Hi” and to join us on the rest of the ride. Heather and company missed us at the Boathouse but got a biker to lead them to us. I asked Dave from Niagara HOG to take the camera man on the back of his bike so he could film us riding to Fenwick. We rode the back roads to Church St. and slowly proceeded to ride into the park with an area wai ng for us on the infield. The layout was different this year because of the larger crowds each year. Heather was impressed that we had preferred parking and that there were so many bikes and people. She could not believe that Biker TV has never been to Biketoberfest and that it was such a big biker event. Heather interviewed Bruce B., the main man, who organizes


by Rose Biketoberfest with the help of the Fabulous Fenwick Lion’s Club and she promised him that they would be back to film this growing biker happening. She interviewed Bear, Prez of Niagara HOG® and got the info on the Friday the 13th Quilt that Niagara HOG® is raffling off for their charity of choice, Camp Huronda, a juvenile diabetes camp to help young people learn about their condi on. They filmed the vendors….the number of vendors went up from 25 to over 50 this year. I am certain there will be a segment on Biker TV about Biketoberfest in the near future. Lincoln County MC was on hand to run the Show and Shine. They have a great Show & Shine every year at their club house so it is logical to ask a club that knows what they are doing to run it. Lots of bikes in numerous categories and tons

of trophies for the winners. The winners are: Decker/Dresser Screaming Eagle Vintage Stock Mild Custom Full Custom Sport Bike Trike Best of Show

First Place Tracey Knowles Valmont Lizotte Craig Freemans Stoneycreek Choppers John Cosentini Quinn Custom Motorcycle Pete Phillips Sully Rob Lupton

Second Place John Harrington David Goodhue Garth Bevan Ron Wiggins Scott Gilbert John Cosentini Steve Fudge Barb Rennie

The winner of the Niagara HOG® Dice Run was Toad with 33 points. Biketoberfest celebrated their 10th anniversary this year. To make it a special event, they raffled off a 2011 Screaming Eagle and the winner is Rob Brown of Waterloo. Congratula ons to everyone who par cipated.

Alliston Potato Fest Show and Shine 2012 The weather networks had been calling for full on thunderstorms and fury for the en re day all week long and when I awoke I was not really surprised to find that while there were some cloudy periods and the ground was wet from the rain that had fallen overnight, it wasn’t too bad. I knew that those ominous weather reports though would likely result in less than favourable a endance at this event that seems to have trouble catching a break. A er finally securing a good venue at the Legion at which to host the event last year they get hit with horrible weather forecasts. Petoonia and I wound our way out to Alliston a er making a quick stop up in Barrie to take care of some business (Hey I’ve got to cram and make the most of every trip to keep on top of things.) and the weather held out nicely although dark clouds were gathering and I knew that we would be ge ng wet at some point. I rolled into the Legions parking lot and parked Petoonia, gathered up my hat and trusty Nikon and started checking out all the fine looking bikes that had come out to support this event despite the less than perfect weather condi ons that were forecast and were, unfortunately about to become a reality. I declined the opportunity to be a judge as it has proven to be a bit of a conflict of interest in the past and something that Boss man JR advises against. There were many familiar faces and bikes present and I was busy mee ng and gree ng the many stalwart riders who a end and support these events all over the Province. Their bikes are not just for show. They ride them and they are also a welcome sight. I wandered around visi ng here and there, ge ng pictures and doing what Roving Reporters are supposed to do when something caught my a en on. I looked up to see old buddy Hank standing at the edge of the beer garden waving a bo le of 50. Break me! So I sat there enjoying my 50 and one of the fine hamburgers that the Ladies from the Legion were cooking on their massive barbecue and engaged in many conversa ons with other riders and a endees while trying my best to ignore the rain that was becoming more intense by the minute. It was ge ng to be a real challenge to keep my camera dry so I broke down and went to Petoonia to put on my Drover coat.

I stopped to talk awhile with AOA members Greg and Brian and their ladies as the judges made their rounds and decided on winners. The ever lovely Karen was there with her Sporty that she is so proud of, hoping that the sun would come out so that some of the more subtle details that my Brother CB had incorporated into the paint-job would show be er. It was not to be. The sun may have tried to shine through from me to me but failed. The awards were presented, riders put on their rain gear and the lot soon emp ed. I said my goodbyes and Petoonia and I made our way over the rain slicked roads and headed for home. It was a good a empt and has huge poten al to be an amazing event but rain and shit does happen and so it was for this event. They have a nice venue but more classes like Ladies bike and Decker and a few others would be helpful, maybe next year the weather will co-operate and you will get the a endance you hoped for. The winners were; Best Chrome – Paul Archer, Bets Paint & People’s Choice – Ed Simmonds, Vintage Todd Housan, Rat – Terry Ward, Domes c – Eric Sum, Import – Bill MacKenzie, Custom – Alex Laplanc


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289-808-9190 THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 21

Hips Cycle Open House I had never been to Hips but I’d heard of them a lot but this was always one of JR’s favorite events and it was in his area, so it was always covered by him and I assumed he would do it again this year. He had asked if I could put someone on it this year as he had other re red guy stuff to do. I assigned myself the job as I wasn’t doing anything else that day and figured that it would be a good me to get out check them out and introduce myself as “The New Guy”. I entered the address into my GPS and headed on out for Bran ord. I made the trip in about an hour and forty five just taking my me as I enjoy driving and it has always been my me that I use to reflect, regain my focus and unwind. I had no idea what to expect when I pulled into the already crowded parking lot and squeezed the Black Bitch into a spot. “Wow! They do seem to get a great turnout.” I thought to myself?” as I gathered up my camera and headed in. I looked down the driveway where a number of people were milling around smoking, talking or whatever but looking past them there appeared to be a replica of The Original Harley Davidson Garage that I’d recognized from pictures. “Interes ng, I’ll have to check that out before I leave. Probably just a façade though.” I thought to myself as I made my way to the front door. Remember now, I knew absolutely nothing of Hips Cycle other than knowing the name. I’d spoken to Jim on the phone and he seemed like a great guy, but to the best of my knowledge we had never met.

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I knew he was a long me adver ser, supporter of the Mag and had a very good reputa on. I knew a lot of people who had dealings with his shop and had never heard anything nega ve. I knew this was an Annual event and that JR had been covering it for all the years that I’ve been involved with the Mag and I could easily have researched it by reading some of the past ar cles from The Mag and it wasn’t through lack of interest that I didn’t read them but lack of me as I was too busy doing the events that I had to cover and doing the few things that I did for the Mag along with driving a truck full me. OK I was just being damn lazy! Whatever! From the front it appeared to be a small shop. How much stuff could they possibly have in here and how long would it take to cover it all? I figured that I would likely spend an hour or so and wander off and maybe figure out a nice place to eat on the way back. A er all how much me could it take to cover a li"le event like this and judging from the number of vehicles in the parking lot it would be shoulder to shoulder in there now and it was early. Then I walked through the front door. I was dumbfounded! It was a great store and shop that you would never guess was this anywhere near this size from the outside. It was a complete surprise like when Alice stuck her head down the rabbit hole and discovered another World. It was amazing and this is just what I could see from the front door. “This could take a while!” I thought to myself as I moved into the room. I was already seeing many familiar faces as my eyes darted around trying to figure where to start. There was a lot to take in. This was the showroom and parts counter area and it was packed with Motorcycles, motorcycle accessories, collectables, clothing, helmets and everything and anything any biker could possibly need. I reached to my back pocket and tucked my wallet down a li"le deeper because I was bound to see many things that I would like to have here but need some restraint so that the bookkeeper doesn’t freak on me. There were lots of people in that large, comfortable, well laid out showroom, all smiling, talking or busy digging through bargain bins or

Hips Cycle Open House scooping up items they needed but at no me did they appear to be crammed in there . Whoever designed this layout knew what they were doing and paid a en on to traffic flow, which is an element that is o en some mes forgo en and loses to the desire of ge ng more merchandise on display. Hips seem to have been able to accomplish both quite handily. In fact as I was soon to discover they seemed to have all bases covered. I no ced one gentle man with what appeared to be a main a rac on perched on his shoulder. Maxwell the blue winged Parrot (Who was known as Maxine un l they found out his true sex a while back. Sort of like Chas ty Bono) was a hit as he made his way around either from his perch on the shoulder of his owner or just strolling around on his own while taking me out here and there to pose on a bike or two. I no ced one gentleman standing in the midst of a group of people that everyone was talking to and assumed (correctly) that this must be Hip. He spo ed me, excused himself from the group and came

over to introduce himself. “JR not coming this year?” he asked. I replied that I didn’t think so as JR was enjoying his re rement and spending me with his family. “He usually comes just in me to eat and brings his own bo le of hot sauce!” Hip said with a smile. “You never know with him” I responded. “He does love his food and he may well show up under the guise of making sure I was doing it right or in need of some mentoring, but if he comes armed with hot sauce we’ll know the real mo va on.” “You got film in your camera?” he asked abruptly. I knew this was in reference to JR showing up last year without a memory card in his camera. “Yep!” I assured him holding up my trusty Nikon and turned it on for inspec on. “I have a fully charged ba ery and an empty memory card! Loaded for bear! JR told me what had happened last year.” This was the first that I’d heard that there would be food served and now I had a hint that there could be chili and my mouth started watering and my stomach growled slightly at the mere men on of chili. “Maybe

Continued on Page 27


Sturgis, Canadian Style

This month’s feature guy is J.D. and he has been riding a long me saying that he and his brother decided that they wanted to get their motorcycle licenses so they went over and enrolled in the motorcycle training course at St Clair college in 1985, they both became licensed that same year. J.D. says his first bike was a 400cc metric bike which he picked up cheap and later sold to a friend in town for nearly double what he paid for it. J.D. has had good fortune buying and selling bikes over the years saying that he has had either 8 or 9 Harleys over the years and es mates that he has owned 13 or 14 bikes in total since 1985. He has had a steady job with Ford Motors as a machine mechanic and says that he is both a millwright and a machinist and has done well for himself at the company over the years and says he is expec ng to re re in another 8 years or so having enough years in for his pension. Being a millwright he is naturally quite mechanical and he applied his abili es to a number of voca ons outside of

his regular job including working on a range of cars and trucks, wrenching on all his own bikes at the encouragement of his friend Tim. he has also become a pre y fair home renovator. he needed to upgrade his early houses and didn’t have the cash to pay someone so he studied up on how to do it and became fairly proficient at it over the years doing a few small projects for friends and neighbors. J.D. says he was fixing a friend’s car as a favour back in the 80’s and when he was finished the friend wanted to pay him for his


Sturgis, Canadian Style me doing the repairs but he refused payment so the friend insisted that he take his HarleyDavidson motorcycle for the day in lieu of payment, he says he took that bike out and rode it 50 km’s and brought it back. The friend was upset saying that’s not a day’s riding but he admi ed that he loved it so much that he had to go out and buy himself his first Harley, a 1975 Low rider which he s ll owns to this day. Its currently in pieces down in his basement being restored to brand new condi on and he hasn’t decided if he’s gonna ride it again or just polish it up and display it in his living room . For all the years he’s been riding he didn’t get around to buying a brand new Harley-Davidson motorcycle un l 2001 when he purchased a brand new Heritage Springer, owned the bike for 3 weeks and had just had his first oil change when he had a major accident. The driver of a Cadillac Escalade pulled a u-turn right in front of him and he slammed into the side of the big S.U.V. wri ng off the bike and tearing the mirror off the side of the truck. J.D. says that his leg was really messed up and a er a short s nt in the hospital he headed back to Robinson’s Harley-Davidson (when they were s ll a factory dealer) on crutches and bought himself another brand new Harley-Davidson Heritage So ail about 3 weeks a er the accident when he received his cheque for the wri en off Springer. He trailered the new bike to Florida to ride as he had a friend who lives there saying he always had a room to stay in at his pals house. J.D. commuted on weekends to Florida from the Detroit airport saying he would head over a er work and catch a 5:30pm flight Friday and be in Florida havin a beer by 8 pm the same night spending his weekends in Florida, nice gig if you can get it eh? His good friend and mentor, Richard, who J.D. says was like a father to him and was the person responsible for his riding HarleyDavidson

motorcycles as it was he who sent him on his first ride when he repaired that truck all those years ago had been telling him of a very rare Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, a Sturgis Special Canadian Edi on, saying there were only 50 of them made one for each dealership in the country, and that there was one for sale in the tri-ad. J.D. was very excited about the bike being for sale and the opportunity to own such a rare piece of history that he called his brother who had been pestering him to sell him a shovelhead he had in the garage. He called him up and told him to get his cash and show up, he had some cash on hand and stopped by his bank and grabbed another $500 coming up with a couple thousand shy of what the asking price was in the adver sement. J.D. called and said he was coming over to check out the bike. The year was 2004 and this special bike was up for sale by the original owner who had purchased the bike at a long defunct local Harley dealer Sport and Field and that he had rode the bike across the county 4 mes and in all those trips had only ever seen one other of the original super rare bikes and it was on display at the major Harley-Davidson dealership in Vancouver. The bike ran good and he took it for a quick ride and all seemed to be right with the bike and he told the owner that he had a specific amount of cash in his pocket and that was what he would pay for the bike and if he accepted the offer he would hand over the cash, if not he was going to walk away keeping the cash in his pocket. Well as you can see, he accepted the cash, the funny thing is that beyond that first ride on the bike in 2004 when he bought it he’s never rode it since. He did lend the bike to his friend Richard that year for an en re season as he had just bought a brand new car and said he couldn’t afford a bike that year so J.D. insured and plated the bike for the year and handed it over to him to ride for the en re season. J.D. says the bike was well cared for probably be er than he would have cared for it himself and when the season was up he le the bike in the care of his friend and father figure un l he had to have by-pass surgery. Richard called him and said you be er get your bike out of my garage, just in case. Well the surgery went fine and J.D. and Richard con nue to be close friends and this beau ful old Sturgis hasn’t been ridden since 2004 and the plate on it at the me of the shoot was the same plate and s cker that had expired that year. J.D. says he loves havin this piece of history and the he would only consider selling it to someone who was a true collector of rare things, other than that he says he’s not interested in selling it.


Kitchener Harley - Bagger Nation November 15th marked a whopping 40 days le of shopping ll Christmas and an evening of ogling some pre y cool stuff at Kitchener Harley Davidson. Sure guys, bring out all the neat new stuff when everyone is wondering what to get, who, for Christmas. Looks like Aunt Jane is ge ng a Tim’s card because I just spent $ 2,500.00 on the new LED ligh ng system upgrade on my geezer glide. I guess the kids are going to have to wait for the I-phone un l version 8 because I just dropped another $ 1,500.00 on a cam upgrade to drag my ass around town a li le quicker. Looking around at the latest in Harley fashion is always a treat. Wow! A 12 volt heated toque to keep the frost off my bald spot when I’m styling. Lets not forget about the all the fuss about loud pipes and noise bylaws popping up in area. Well fear not for Harley has cranked up the compe on for the Fast & Furious, bass thumping gear heads. How about a new Audio Boom System, complete with I-pod dock and new saddlebag lids for your 06 up Ultra. Go ahead copper, s ck your night s ck up them and find some baffles. A er all it only cost me $ 3,500.00, but I bet you can hear me now asshole.


when explained by a professional who broke it down into English. Touching on the benefits of performance upgrades like air cleaners, free-flow exhaust systems all great ps to ensure the best performance from your bike. They talked about camsha s and big bore kits all hanging by the tree. (We could only hope.) Quite simply, it was a perfect opportunity to check out the latest and greatest from the motor company. So head on down to Kitchener Harley Davidson and make your geezer glide the loudest, baddest bagger on the block. For now I’ll just have to try out my new heated nut warmer and pacifier because Santa must have known how bad I was this year. Till the next event, I hope everyone had a fantas c holiday and I look forward to catching everyone at the upcoming shows Ciao4now.. Al

All kidding aside, there were lots of deals to be had here and as always the staff put on an amazing show, bringing out the beer and pizza was just the start of the experience. Sure they had lots of “bling “ to add to your Christmas Wish List, but it was much more than sell, sell, sell tonight. It was a learning experience for everyone that came out. Not snowing but s ll a bit frosty. There were even a few diehards that decided to ride on in for the event. It was a great chance to try out that new electric nut warmer and pacifier.


Not just a show me opportunity but side by side comparisons of the new ligh ng systems gave you the chance to see the difference that LED ligh ng makes. It was an educa onal experience. You could actually see what is going on inside your engine with a couple of beau ful cutaway engines on display. It is very easy to understand




Hips Cycle Open House hot sauce with him. I’ll just need a snack on the way home because if I have a small I was beginning to think that he carried it in a special hot serving of chili here it should de me over for a while.” I thought. sauce holster or canister or something and un l now I had been I hadn’t eaten yet today and my stomach was beginning to nag unaware of his severe hot sauce habit. me a bit. The place was filling up quickly and I had no shortage of people I moved further into the shop and was equally impressed! The to talk to as I moved about. space was huge, well lit, clean and totally organized with a row of There was one thing that everyone and I mean everyone, bike li s all set up as separate work sta ons a bike was on each of without fail, said; “Wait un l you taste the food!” the stands with a tech sheet showing what the bike was and what Hip came by again and since I’d never been there before, work had been and what was yet to be done. There was an air exhaust system to ensure that the air in the shop graciously offered to give me a tour of the place and I jumped at the chance. was clean. We started the tour outside with a visit to the Harley Shop There was yet another row of stunning looking bikes on the replica that I’d no ced on the way in that I’d mistakenly assumed other side of the was just a façade. room all gleaming I couldn’t have been more mistaken. like new pennies or This was an exact replica me culously built in exac ng detail by nickels now that the Jim and a crew of helpers that made this their all-encompassing penny has bi en the project in 2003 to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of The dust! There were people Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company that had been accidently everywhere. bulldozed. There was a table Inside and out it was true to the original. set up down the Jim had worked from pictures to create this wonderful tribute centre of the large and had telephone poles custom milled to the exact size of the shop and there wood used in the original building and even took note of nail was coffee and placement from those photos to ensure that even the nails were doughnuts available so I grabbed a cup of coffee and wandered in the right spots. around trying to take in all that was contained within its walls. I was quite sure that if Jim could get his hands on the DNA of Amazing! Mr.’s Harley or Davidson or both he would recreate their sweat to I was dazzled by all of the memorabilia on the walls and in every spray around the room to give it even more authen city. nook and cranny and it was evident that I aint seen nothing yet. This was incredible to say the least. A trip to the washroom would usually go unmen oned and We moved back inside and took a tour of the shop area then might not seem like a fi ng topic to include in an ar cle but it is Jim led me down a long hallway to yet another shop where the here! machining was done and the Dyno machine was operated. This Incredible! quaran nes what might be considered a dirty environment from I could spend hours in here just looking around. the area where the cleaner assembly and such is done. It was beyond clean but that is not what really sets it apart. There was yet another set of doors which led to a massive It was chock full of great stuff everywhere! Artwork, posters, storage area that actually had its entrance on another street. pictures, memorabilia and collectables even some 50 stuff This was more than a motorcycle shop it was a major, mul (God bless you!) everywhere you looked they had something faceted opera on and the view you get from the front of the fascina ng to see. You could almost forget why you came in here building is totally decep ve. in the first place and it seemed almost a shame to pee in what Jim le me to my own devices as he had lots of people who could be described as a shrine or a museum and I knew that wanted to share his company. despite what I’d already seen, I s ll hadn’t seen anything yet! I made a slow tour down that long hallway that led back to Taking pictures of a washroom isn’t something I normally do, but the front areas and tried to soak in the history and the sheer this place was the excep on and when a trip to the washroom Continued on Page 29 becomes a key component in an ar cle it leaves me to wonder how are they going to top this? I was about to find out! I looked around and recognized a whole lot of folks who had already discovered this place CLEARANCE SALE! 20-30% OFF STOREWIDE and it seems that they come here from miles around. RIDING GEAR SUPERSTORE GREAT SAVINGS It would seem that I was the only one North JOE ROCKET, SPEED & STRENGTH. TEKNIC, TOUR MASTER th of the 49 parallel that hadn’t been here Motorcycle Jackets, Pants, Gloves, Helmets, Rain Suits before in fact the place is quite well known NELSON RIGGS, TALISMAN MOTORCYCLE LUGGAGE TANK BIBS, SADDLEBAGS, TOOLBAGS south of the border as well so I was feeling HARLEY-DAVIDSON, BATES, BOULET, pre y damned insignificant and uninformed here. ROADIRON, MARTINO BOOTS I started to mingle and was having a ball Riding Goggles, Glasses Patches, Stickers, Biker Pins just trying to take it all in while socializing. Large Selection of T-Shirts & Hoodies and much more I got asked a lot as to where JR was and Visit us Online when he was coming and if he would have his


2822 HOWARD AVE. WINDSOR, ON 1-800-310-1389


Sturgis, Canadian Style

Owner: J.D. City: Lasalle, ON General Year & Make: 1982 Model: Sturgis Fabrication by: Harley-Davidson Engine Year: 1982 Model: Shovel Builder: Harley-Davidson Displacement: 80” Lower end: H-D Pistons: H-D Rods: H-D Flywheels: H-D Balancing: H-D Cylinders: H-D Cases: H-D Heads: H-D Valves: H-D Cam: Andrews H-D Lifters: H-D Ignition: H-D Coils/Wires: H-D Carb: H-D Air Cleaner: H-D Pipes: Pythons Transmission Year: 1982 Type: 4 Speed Shifting: foot Clutch: H-D Gears: H-D Primary Drive: H-D Painting Colour: 2 Tone Candy Red Painter: Harley Davidson Frame Builder: H-D Year: 1982 Type: FX

Rake: H-D Stretch: None Swing Arm: H-D Rear Suspension: 11” Progressive Accessories Handlebars: 6” High Risers: H-D Controls: H-D Seat: H-D Signals: H-D Tailight: H-D Oil Tank: H-D Gas Tank: H-D Front Pegs: H-D Rear Pegs: H-D Foot Controls: H-D Electrics: H-D Grips: H-D Mirrors: H-D Headlight: H-D Speedometer: H-D Primary Cover: H-D Front End Type: H-D Year: 1982 Builder: H-D Extension: None Wheels Front Size: 19” Type: H-D Mag Tire: Dunlop Brake: H-D Fender: Stock

Biker Church

with Paster Dave Neals

Here I sit looking out at snow blowing and listening to the winds howling, I believe it’s the worst storm we have had this winter and thinking when will it end. I hope when we are si ng reading the Mag in March all that is done and the snow is gone. We are working on Prepara on of our Show and Shine already working again to a successful date of July 13th when I know for sure this white stuff will be gone. Just the other day I had a call from a rider in the Orillia area who thinks the problems he is encountering are more severe than anyone can imagine. I assured him he is not alone. I think when we are not burning the roads we have too much me to think about life and spend much too much me trying to solve problems. Delivering His people from problems is nothing new for God. God promises you and me that he will win over Satan’s a acks. In Psalm34:19 is wri en – “Many are the afflic ons of the righteous BUT the Lord delivers him out of them all. So many of his people seem to come to the end of their rope today. I hear quite o en, “Pastor Dave I don’t know how I can go on.” What does Satan say “he desires to afflict people and God loves to set them free. What do I mean afflict? While it could include a health issue such as sickness or disease it means a state of pain, distress, or grief, repeated adversity, calamity and loss. Remember this statement – Satan afflicts, but God always delivers! I am sure we all have suffered a acks, it just seems like one thing a er another. Why does it seem I am be a acked over and over all the me.. You see Satan comes to steal the good Word out of your heart. In John 10:10 it says Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. And the only way he can beat you is if you stop trus ng in the Word of God. Jesus says”…where the word is sown…Satan comes immediate and takes away the word that was sown…afflic on or persecu on arises. If you don’t know the Word of God you have no defense except to accept whatever Satan wants to throw your way. That’s what Satan is. He is a er the word and makes us trip and fall. Those who do not know the word you are already in his back pocket but those that know the Word he must get you to let go of the Word, it is likely you will never experience God’s best for you. But if you resist, stay steadfast in the faith then God will bring deliverance every me. God can deliver you just like He has delivered His people before. God sees the afflic on you are or have suffered. He sees the adversity that you have faced. He sees the deep sorrow that they have caused. He has heard your cry and is going to deliver us and give us favor. All we need to do is find that old book, the Bible and find the answers to our problems. You might say the Bible is Life Manual to life. The favor of God will break the cycle of repeated a acks and set you on a path of victory. When God’s favor is poured out on your life, it starts changing the present course of things and gives you the advantage to be successful. That’s why the devil has fought day and night trying to get you to give up. Don’t do it! Your situa on is about to turn around. Your afflic on, the repeated a acks are about to come to an end. The God who delivers is preparing deliverance for you. Try it I know it does work! Pastor Dave

Rear Size: 16” Type: H-D Mag Tire: Dunlop Brakes: H-D Fender: H-D Model: Amanda


Hips Cycle Open House magnitude what was on those walls. Movie posters, artwork, posters, posters and pictures of I think every Daytona Bike Week that ever was and more! I didn’t know where to look because, as with the washroom and everywhere else your eyes landed there was something more to see. It was a feast for the eyes! My camera was ge ng a huge work out here! When I got back to the front shop I no ced that the crowd had swelled considerably and in fact, had almost doubled and they were s ll coming in. I no ced as well that many food items had made their way to the table in the centre of the room and it was the focus of a en on of many. I cruised on over and sampled some of the bounty that was spread out in huge pla ers, plates, trays and bowls that made the large table look small. I tried a couple of items like what I was calling the “Elvis Wraps” which was peanut bu er and banana in a wrap. Thank you, thank you very much! “Man this is great!” I said to no one in par cular. “Wait un l you taste the chili!” was the reply from many around me, almost in unison. I wandered some more trying to get a real sense of this amazing place and trying to define it or sum it up into one descrip ve statement and it eluded me and my vocabulary as I’ve never seen a shop that quite compares to it. The side doors opened and more people entered and began pu ng large pots and pans out and suddenly, a beau ful aroma filled the room and the fragrance wa ed into every corner of the building and surrounding buildings. People who had been outside were now inside beckoned by the tantalizing aroma that exuded from those vessels. I knew without having to be told that the chili had arrived. I pa ently waited my turn at the pot although my stomach was now growling so loud as others in the line thought that someone had let a large dog or wolf in, and it was well worth the wait! I sat and enjoyed every morsel and the meat balls and much more. “Well, so much for having to find a place to eat on the way home!” I thought to myself. I was introduced to a lovely lady named I believe “Mississippi” who lay claim to having produced much of the tasty bounty that

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we were enjoying. “You’re the new guy eh? JR said he was re ring but I thought he’d s ll come. He brings his own hot sauce you know.” She said. Please don’t write about the food though as Hip hates that that is all he writes about is the food and says li le about the bikes. I I told her that I would try to write a balanced piece. I moved off to talk to some more people and take another look around because you can’t possibly take all this in in one pass. There is just so much to see here and I can’t possibly fit it all into one ar cle. If you’ve never been here, do yourselves a favour and take the trip over to Bran"ord and tell them that Cri er sent you, but make sure you allow yourselves a lot of me, there is a lot to see. You won’t be disappointed. I stayed a lot longer than I ini ally thought I would and would have stayed longer yet, as it seemed that the party was just ge ng started, but it was a long drive back and I had another stop that I had to make yet so I made my way around the room to say my goodbyes. I saw Hip and thanked him for his hospitality. “Don’t write about the food!” he cau oned. “I wish I could make and keep that promise.” I replied “But a er tas ng it; if I told you that…..I’d be lying! But I’ll do the best I can.” At that I made my way out to the Back Bitch and pointed her towards home. I was s ll trying to capsulate the fantas c shop and crew that I’d just visited into a concise descrip ve ar cle and decided that it just can’t be done in one visit and will have to go back again next year and be more a en ve to detail. JR I am the boss now and have just taken over this event as my own. If you want to come along as a co-writer or consultant or just to keep me company that’s fine we can team up……don’t forget your memory card or your hot sauce. People missed you. Hip and Crew I want to thank you for your kind hospitality. This was a great experience for me. This may be the best organized, cleanest and friendliest, motorcycle shop I have seen and that was the consensus Certificate in Translation from U of T I got from all who a ended this day. MGK E1GLISH-FRENCH If Hip is as me culous TRANSLATION SERVICES with the running of his shop as he is with all the physical and esthe cal things, his Guelph, Ontario shop must run like a Canada Swiss Watch and from 519-835-8488 the comments I heard today I’m pre y sure that’s right.


Western Town Smokeout Sept. 2012 Wow! I’m here to tell you, that when it comes to weather and the Western Town Smoke out Party the Twins can’t seem to buy a break. They have been plagued with rain at so many of their par es that exaspera on must surely be se ng in. I was out doing some running around delivering stuff with the Black Bitch that morning and was going to head home first and grab Petoonia and ride over but the heavy rains changed my mind and it turned out to be the right decision. My usual mind set is that if it’s a biker event you ride to it but as I’ve go en older I tend to regard my once, hard and fast rule to be more of a guideline to be considered according to condi ons at the me. I got to the property, drove past the house and through the gate and immediately switched to four wheel drive as the rest of the way in was obviously going to get messy. The truck fish tailed a bit and shot wads of dirt mud and crud from the res. ``No, Petoonia wouldn`t have liked this at all.`` I thought to myself. When I got to the end I discovered that many others had chosen the four wheeled mode of transport as well for this event. It was des ned to be a sloppy one.

There were a few bikes parked amongst the cars, trucks, campers and tents of the regular crew of true, hard core, loyal and hearty party animals who come here to have a ball no ma er what Mother Nature throws at them, be it mud, crud, shit or snow. The look on Charlie and Ernie’s faces told it all. They smiled weakly and shrugged and said; “What can we do, cry? It is what it is!” I could only smile back, shake my head and agree. Johnny Sombrero and his large crew of Black Diamond Riders had set up at their usual spot but the wind was playing Hell with their canopy, but they were taking it in stride and were determined not to let a li le shi y weather spoil their day. BDR member, Doug was one of the stalwart soles and rode his trusty old Panhead in. John (God bless him.) knew I was coming and extracted a nice cold 50 tall boy from their cooler as I approached and handed it to me. What a life! The sun did a hide and seek thing with us throughout the day and at mes it was great. More bikes and more vehicles arrived as the day progressed but the wri ng was on the wall for this running of the event that would be more aptly named “The Soak Out” was not to be a roaring success. The Twins put a great deal of me and effort into these events and it comes purely from the heart, the love of the lifestyle and the love of a great party. Needless to say the games didn`t happen, but the twins went around and gave a trophy to anyone who actually rode their bikes in. Not to be picky, but technically, Crazy Bitch Karen should only have go en half a trophy because she only rode in half way across the field and bailed, le ng her òl man Greg ride his in and walk back to bring hers the rest of the way. But she did ride in, not like some, that included myself, so I`ll give credit where credit is due, and besides she looks so damn good and she`s great to party with so who really cares. Stan Mazda did his level best as Emcee to keep the mood light and to counter what Mother Nature had so cruelly inflicted on the event un l Donnie Meeker and his band “The Blues Lemmings” got up there and absolutely rocked the place. I just sort of roamed around and socialized, taking 4728 Egremont Dr. Strathroy, ON ( 15 min. west of London ) pictures and doing Roving Reporter stuff or just plain

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Western Town Smokeout Sept. 2012

Guelph Noise Bylaw

Cri er stuff, which is simply enjoying the day, good weather or bad, and enjoying the company of some of the best people you could ever want to meet. You just have to make the best out of the cards that you are dealt. Today we got a li le soggy but those who were there had a great me despite the weather. The only bad “Smoke Out” would be no “Smoke Out “ that is a statement I will make with no reserva on and I’m sure that the many regulars that came out once again along with some new faces who told me that they had come because of things that had been wri en in the Riders Mag would agree with. The place and the twins have character and the people who have been coming here for years appreciate their efforts and keep coming back despite the efforts of that ornery bitch Mother Nature, who seems to do go out of her way to try and dampen their spirit. Hang in there guys. It can only get be er.

GUELPH — Motorcyclists hoping for an early Christmas present at city council Monday night might be feeling a bit Scrooged. Despite the concerns of two of their colleagues that noise restric ons on motorcyclists are unfair and “a make-work project,” the majority of city councillors approved a new tes ng protocol aimed at cracking down on loud bikes. Coun. Gloria Kovach noted the staff recommenda on did not include op ons for targe ng other loud vehicles “which arguably frequent our roadways more.” Kovach said she is also concerned about how the bylaw is to be enforced, no ng only Guelph Police officers have the authority to pull over a suspected noise bylaw violator. But Kovach ques oned whether listening to motorcycles’ exhaust’ notes is an effec ve use of the police service, which recently introduced an online repor ng system for minor crime in an effort to be more efficient. The councillor suggested the bylaw will be a “bureaucra c nightmare” which unfairly targets motorcycles over other loud vehicles. Coun. Cam Guthrie said the legisla on “pits neighbour against neighbour” by providing residents with another tool to use against each other. “I think this is a make-work project, and in fact I’m embarrassed I even referred this to staff in the first place,” Guthrie said. Several motorcyclists urged councillors to scrap the idea. Doak McCraney noted municipali es which have implemented similar restric ons are now facing legal challenges. He said the provincial Highway Traffic Act already regulates what is a legal exhaust system and provides officers tools to charge motorists who are unnecessarily making noise. Bill Kerr, who came to the podium in a black and orange Harley Davidson jacket, said despite a nota on to the contrary in the staff report, “Loud pipes do save lives.” Kerr provided two examples of near-misses with cars, which he a ributed to being able to rev his bike and make sufficient noise he got the drivers’ a en on. Fellow enthusiast Mike Theriault told council he rides a 1947 motorcycle, which would likely not pass the new noise standard. He added it would be nearly impossible to equip his bike with parts to allow it to pass. “You can’t just go and find these parts,” Theriault said. “It’s going to fail and I know it’s going to fail. “If it came off the (assembly) line that way why should it not be allowed?” Doug Godfrey, the city’s manager of bylaw compliance and security, said officers will have some discre on in applying the law and would take the age of the vehicle into considera on. FOREST, ONTARIO The bylaw passed 10-2, with Guthrie and Kovach vo ng against it.

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Black Hawks Poker Run 2012 2012 Aug 18 Black Hawks Poker Run aiding the Tillsonburg Community Living Center and “My Bar & Grill”. First off, this idea about having riders “pre-register” (phone their interest in attending) is A GOOD IDEA. It gives promoters the numbers of attendees expected to be at a scheduled event, who they are, phone number, if a passenger is expected as well… In the immortal words of Martha Stewart, “IT’S A VERY GOOD THING”. Advertising in the Mag is also a good thing – business card size in the month(s) prior to, and maybe a half page the month of, an event. It promotes an event to a wide audience, who has the same interest in riding, and maybe even generous hearts. I haven’t been through Tillsonburg in a while. But it’s easy to find. From Hamilton, head towards Port Dover, turn right in Jarvis, and follow Hwy 3 through Simcoe, and Delhi, until you get to Tillsonberg. Head up Broadway (if you pass the Shell station, you’ve gone too far), and turn right on Lisgar Avenue to find “My Bar & Grill” in the mini-plaza within sight of the Community Living Center. What we had for weather was nothing short of glorious. Perfect temperature, wispy clouds that gave way to puffy clouds and a gentle breeze all blended perfectly for a perfect day for an event such as this. It was evidently, also a perfect day for many other events and happenings in the area as well on the weekend of the Black Hawks ride out to Port Burwell, which may explain the somewhat disappointing attendance. Last year was well attended, for their first annual, with about 50 people turning up. Luckily, this year, they consulted their long range forecasting guru, who concentrated, strained his little grey cells, and told them to push this year’s event one week beyond last year’s (thus avoiding the downpour, which almost washed out the Selkirk parade, the weekend before). Before you flip pages, and read the best joke ever, do finish this article, because what was suggested for next year by Geordie and Michelle (owner, & wife) of “My Bar” will have your mouth watering, and thinking positively about penning this event in your next year’s ride calendar in big letters as a must attend event. For breakfast, this year, Dara was serving the sausages, scrambled eggs, bacon, ham slices, fried potato wedges, fried onions, toast and coffee. On such a beautiful day, it’s a disappointment for the many who worked hard with the expectation of having the event grow to have only13 bikes show up. Bob & Mary Anne gratefully accepted our admission fees, that turned out to be $25 for rider, and $15 for passenger = $40 (but that included supper, a certainty of winning a door prize, and a Community Living beer cooler). We waited, ever hopefully, until 1pm, then mounted up, and took a very scenic, twisting, meandering, winding route out to Lake Erie, followed it along at a distance (because that’s the only main road that follows the lake) out to Port Burwell, for lunch at the “Sand Castle”, on the beach. Donna and I looked at the chicken wraps and poutine, which turned out to be a good 3 pounds of fresh cut fries smothered in gravy, and two kinds of cheese (the wraps went home for Sunday lunch). Trying to slowly finish a tasty ice slurpy, but getting a diamond splinter


by Jon

brain freezy headache from it for my efforts, it was time to return. We followed the same route back to “My Bar.” There was no possibility of anyone leaving, without taking something home with them, out of the door prizes. Beer mugs, tall beer glasses, baseball caps, polo shirts, gift certificates, a set of plates, a giant stuffed teddy bear, everyone put their sticky fingers (including me) on the large size chrome helmet that was not DOT approved, there was a lovingly made crochet blanket, a well made quilt, jackets, t-shirts… plenty to go around. Supper was pulled roast beef on a bun with fresh cut fries and salad. Now truly, think about this, if you were offered, for supper, a sirloin steak supper included in the entry, and almost the certainty of a door prize (many had to be in the $25 range), good riding, a beautiful route that you’ve almost certainly never experienced before, with a group of people you’re bound to like, and want email addresses of, with proceeds going towards a good cause, on a beautiful day, how many positive things have to be said before you nod your head and say to yourselves “yeah, I think I can swing that - I’m going” ? “My Bar” is not to be confused with the place in Port Dalhousie. The floor of “My Bar & Grill” isn’t your usual slate grey industrial tiles, or wood, its record album covers from Roger Whittaker to Queen, Dean Martin to Hank Ives, Rush to ELO. Pick a recording artist, and they’re represented in the 45s and 72screwed to the walls. It’s a unique place that features live bands on stage, and a good size dance floor. Marty Graff, CEO of Tillsonburg community center was on hand, of course, to offer thanks to those who came out to the ride – the money generated was going to the community center, so it stands to reason. Let’s try and make next year’s event at least twice as good as the first event – shall we folks? Sirloin steaks! Likely it’ll be advertised again next year, with a So I said to the old broad; “Yeah the cheque phone number to bounced. Too fucking bad! Do you really expect RSVP. me to believe you’re going to drive 1500 miles to Jonathan repo the bike? And you and your son are going to do what? In your dreams you senile old bat! Musson Then I hung up and haven’t heard a word from her ( since!”

Old Bastards Rally Over the years I have been called many things, some good, some bad, some deserved and some not!...but one of the names that I have o en been called is an Old Bastard, Hell! Some mes I even go out of my way to prove that I deserve to being called one, but this past July I actually had the opportunity a end an Old Bastard’s Rally, Yep! That ‘s what these folks call themselves and the event was held just outside the town of Delta, at the Upper Beverly Lake campgrounds, which is just northeast of Gananoque and about half way towards the town of Smiths Falls. Now, you might assume that the members of the club called themselves The Old Bastards because they deserved the tle based on the way they act (especially some of those that I consider close personal friends) but the name actually came from its original founding of the club in the nearby Township of Bastard. The club’s membership is made up of mostly people who have a strong interest in vintage motorcycles and not only owning them, but also riding them. The weather on the way down was absolutely miserable and as it was the first me that we had been to this par cular campground where the Old Bastards were gathering, we pre y well felt that upon arrival we would not find any significant number of people in a endance. How nice it is to be proven wrong and it was brought to mind that I o en comment that it is not what you “ride” that makes you a biker but rather what you ride for, and when we arrived at the campgrounds it was easy to see what all these folks came for. These are people who want to preserve not only the motorcycles themselves but also want to preserve the lifestyle and brotherhood that somehow seem to come with riding a bike. The campgrounds themselves were impressive and while some of the people camping there were not part of the rally, but the large number of bikes & bikers in a endance especially on this very wet and o en stormy day really helped in ge ng everyone into a posi ve headspace. One of the great things about rallies like the Old Bastards is that we all get to do a li le bit of me-travelling, to revisit some of the great motorcycles that we owned in our youth and remember all the crazy stories that accompany those memories. There were so many vintage Harleys and Indians in a endance along with just about every make of Bri sh motorcycle you could possibly think of and while I am “Old” enough that I missed the entry of Japanese bikes into biking as part of my youth, there was an incredible number of vintage bikes from Asia as well and some of my companions who are younger were ge ng a taste of nostalgia like they always hear from those who were weaned on Bri sh bikes and throughout the a ernoon it was an endless stream of “Hey! Look at that!” or “I owned one of those!” There were flatheads, knuckles, Pans along with BSA’s. Truimph’s, BMW’s, Moto-Guzzi’s & Norton’s, the list just went on

by Beau

and on and almost all of them looked as if they had just come off the showroom floor. There were also a number of oddi es such as Russian & Chinese bikes running around as well. You know, it’s one thing to a end an indoor motorcycle show and see all sorts of vintage iron on display all shined up and looking like my Mom’s living room did when we were kids and she would cover all the furniture up with plas c and never let us play in it because it was reserved only for guests, but to come to a rally and see all these great motorcycles and people actually driving them was a bonus a er all bikes were made to be ridden. One of the more interes ng things about many of the people who were there was the large number of them who had tracked down models of the first bikes they had ever owned and purchased and rebuilt them and there were even some riders there who s ll owned their very first motorcycle, one of those being a “Brother”, Doug Smith. Now Doug has a collec on of motorcycles and one of those is his 1966 Bridgestone which was his very first bike that he purchased as a teenager while working for a mutual friend, back in the mid-60’s at one of the first motorcycle shops to spring up in O awa area and on this day he brought several of his bikes to the show including a BSA & one of his Harleys. Doug has been a familiar sight in the Toronto area over the years for having had his 1929 HD along with it’s matching sidecar used in a number of movies and just recently he sold the sidecar along with a 68 Shovelhead to another “Brother” and thereby keeping the long tradi on of apprecia ng vintage motorcycles alive & well and in the family. Frank’s Magic Crops, Inc. Now while the weather moved back Owner Frank Pastor Jr. and forth between Horticulturalist Class III U of T downpours & drizzle Over 35 Yrs. Experience and the occasional strong gust of wind, Hydroponic Growing & Lighting Systems the rally events took for Vegetables & Flowers place amidst the raindrops and at mes when the rain really Store Hours poured down, people Mon. - Fri.: 10:00 - 6:00 simple gathered in Saturday : 10:00 - 3:00 groups underneath the Closed Sunday trees that are all over the campground or found some temporary protec on under E-mail : someone’s camper Tel. (905) 333 3282 480 Guelph Line awnings or vendors Fax (905) 639 9190 Burlington, Ontario tent, either way they Toll Free 1 800 668 0980 were determined not Canada L7R 3M1 to allow anything to get in the way of them enjoying themselves either from the events or taking advantage of the opportunity to socialize. I found myself remembering my personal defini on of being a biker and a motorcyclist, one taking every opportunity to socialize with others and celebrate the lifestyle they have in common, and the other being those that simply enjoy the machines. The Old Bastards seems to bring together people who are both biker & motorcyclists and all around the campgrounds they were having a great me discussing bikes, parts and where to get them and


Old Bastards Rally many were exchanging info on other vintage groups & rallies. Two members of the Old Bastards Mc and good friends of ours who we spent some me with are Greg & Susie Kinghorn who are the hosts of Big Daddy’s Cowpaddy Rodeo & Roast and while hiding out during one par cular downpour we had an opportunity to talk with them about their event which took place just a few weeks earlier and how much of a great me at their event we all had and we no ced that many of those very same people we met at their event were here par cipa ng in the OBVMC rally. Every so o en when the rain stopped we took a bit of a tour around the campgrounds and we were impressed by all the services that were available to the campers and how clean everything was including the washrooms and when you consider that we were just minutes down the road from the town of Delta, where you could pick up everything you might need from food to fuel, this campgrounds is an ideal spot for a motorcycle event and the surrounding roads in this area are filled with incredible sceneryy and po points of interest make for interes ngg road runs.

by Beau

Now I want to remind you that tradi onally I would be telling you about all the American Iron that was present and trust me there was lots of it there but the truth was I was con nually amazed at the “other” motorcycles that were not only vintage but restored in pris ne condi on. I met a rider named Richard Love who was proudly riding around on his 60’s 150cc Honda and in talking to him I was impressed at how he and others a ending, were so passionate about restoring these machines and keeping them up and using them. It was a real treat to see a lot of Indian motorcycles and by that I mean the “real” Indians, the ones that are pre-1953 and because you barely ever see a Scout or Chief on the road these days it is truly something to see, several at this event being ridden around as every day bikes. From a distance I think I even saw a Henderson, but it was pouring at the me and I figured I might get a chance to see it later in the day but sadly the wind was really picking up and it was decided by all of us that we would head out back to O awa just in case it really turned ugly. You learn something about the people who s ll revere motorcycles from another era and that they are not fair weather riders and rain or shine they make whatever effort that is needed to get out and hook up with other riders who share their passion. They are an example to all of us to worry less about how many clouds are in the sky and more about making the opportunity to create memories. I want to thank all the people who are members of The Old Bastards Vintage Motorcycle Club for providing us with A great day and they can rest assured that we will make every effort to be back for the next one and that we recommend and hope that many more local riders will get out and support events like this rally and their swap meet. As motorcycles become more & more fuel injected and the ability to work on your own machine becomes near impossible I believe that many riders who remember what it was like to be able to do their own maintenance & repairs many bikers are going to start taking a much stronger interest in vintage bikes and the popularity of The Old Bastards Vintage Motorcycle Club will grow and grow. You can contact The Old Bastards at their website : Brotherhood! “Motorcyco” Beau



Critter Country / Black Gold Show & Shine Sept. 2012 I moved this event from The 400 Market in Barrie not because there was anything wrong up at the Market, and I will look to doing some events there again next year and in years to come. They are amazing people and an absolute pleasure to be associated with, but I wanted to change things up a bit and explore other venues as well so Gord from Black Gold and I decided to try out doing an event at his loca on on Gorham Street in Newmarket. This is something that we had been talking about for quite some me; in fact it was one of the places I was considering before I’d even talked to the fine folks at The 400 Market. It offered plenty of features that I was looking for in a venue. There was easy access with lots of parking as there was free parking on both sides of the Street and on a Sunday, with it and being a largely industrial area there is very li le traffic and being a fairly wide street we could do it safely without having to actually close the street. The large courtyard parking lot offered a perfect loca on to hold such an event as you could easily control the traffic going in an out and would be perfect to set up some vendors and the entrants for the Show and Shine bikes. I had to give it a shot so we started to piece things together on fairly ght me constraints if I was going to have me to adver se and promote the event. Gord and his main man John approached other tenants in the

complex to see if anyone would have issues with the event and got approval from them and the landlord while Gord and I put together one of the final key ingredients, food and beverage. Tom’s bar offered all of that and more and owner Nathan was only too anxious to come on board so we decided to go ahead and see what would happen. I did the adver sing and promo on through the Mag while Gord and his crew also spread the word and got things going. There is one huge factor that can and does play a heavy role in the success or failure of any outdoor event that has ever or will ever be held here or anywhere else over which we have no control; Mother Nature. She can be a cruel and miserable bitch or she can be a sweetheart and there is no way to know which one you are going to see turn up and what mood she is going to be in un l she arrives on the scene. she and I have bumped heads on many occasions in the past and she is always the winner but the fact that I have survived whatever she has thrown at me to this point (A er well over 40 years of driving truck and riding motorcycles I’ve had a lot thrown at me.) is proof that un l she kills me I will never admit defeat and she has not won the fight, just the round. You just have to deal with what she gives you, hope for the best, and if you do survive; chalk it up to experience. Now according to all the weather forecasters, who, if you’ve followed my ramblings on these pages in the past, you will know I have a par cular disdain for; were predic ng awful things to happen weather-wise on the date that we had set. The day before and even right up un l the morning of our event they were saying how horrible it would be out there in Cri er Country and all would best be advised to Harley-Davidson Specialists that just stay indoors and watch TV or something. ! All Makes - All Models But they’ve been wrong many mes before and I was hoping that ! Service once again the shameless lying bastards would be made to eat ! Parts & Accessories their words. We forged ahead as planned. ! Sales The day before, my pal Dusty and I went up to Barrie and loaded the ! Consignment Sales stage that he had built for me from its spot at The 400 Market onto Dusty’s trailer and I kept it hooked to the Black Bitch and we now gathered on Gorham St. and set it up in front of Tom’s restaurant under threatening skies. But s ll no MTO Inspection station- TIRES from $500. Set rain, not even a sprinkle. We went about se!ng up the ENGINE REBUILDS -PAINT & CUSTOM WORK Specials rest of our stuff and ge!ng the BE ALL READY FOR THE SPRING RIDING SEASON vendors se led into their spots as well and we no ced many patches of blue appearing amidst the grey clouds and the sun was figh ng to “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK for all the Latest get through as well. Bikes, News, Stock, Specials The winds kept up and it was 2235 INDUSTRIAL ST. BURLINGTON L7P 3E1 OFF NORTH SERVICE RD, cool but the skies did clear and we just kept going. BETWEEN BRANT ST. &Guelph line





Critter Country / Black Gold Show & Shine Sept. 2012 I had my big Irish Buddy, Murph along again this me and he and my “really great” Grandson Nick, to be joined later by Godzilla to look a er the registra ons and such, Peppermint Pa y doing her usual wonderful job with the 50/50 and buddies and associates Ace and Squirrel manned the sound system and tended to other technical issues as they arose and our crew was established and formed. Murph also commandeered John Spagnullo and Keijo as official members of Cri ers Crew and they joined my buddy Bronson to serve as judges and other unspecified du es to be dealt with as they arose and we were large and in charge as more and more bikes arrived. It was looking good and sounding be er when Stephanie Gregg and her fantas c band arrived, set up and played some great old Rock and Roll to the crowd that milled around picking up some great deals from our vendors and of course, from cohost Black Gold who had a full crew on the job and offered some great deals on some great merchandise in and outside his store. Pamela the T shirt Girl was out to support my event once again as was Johnny Sombrero and his crew of Black Diamond Riders with his booth selling shirts, memorabilia and swapping stories. He is an a rac on in his own right as his longevity and tenacity and con nued unwavering presence in his chosen lifestyle has afforded him. We also had George, who is, Wizzard Custom Pain ng out with examples of some of his work on display. George has been around for years and he con nues to amaze people with his work that has been graced many a custom vehicle for years now and has been inspira onal to many contemporary painters. Hank from Boothill Hearse came out once again and was a rac ng lots of a en on with that fantas c, eyecatching hearse of his. The Perfect Pigs MC once again had

set up their booth selling support merchandise and once again supported my event as they do with many other motorcycle events around the province. The bar was crammed all day as they offered some great food at reasonable prices. The crowds that came out despite the dire weather forecasts and threatening skies were treated to some great entertainment and I hope they had a great me as they made my heart swell with pride to see them.

It might not have been as large a crowd as what we got up at the 400 Market but it was big enough for myself and Gord to know that this is a good venue and what was essen ally a trial run that this spot works and with some modifica ons and tweaking it can be a great venue and we will do it again, bigger and be er. This is all a learning experience and with each event we learn a li le bit more and apply what works and get rid of or modify what didn’t work or add value to what we are trying to accomplish, that being a first class Motorcycle event or as close to it as we can come. The day flew by and it was me to give out the awards for the Show and Shine. I had a great me and want to thank each and every one of you for coming out to support this event. I once again, got by with a lot of help from my friends and family and fully appreciate all that you’ve done and con nue to do. I am a lucky man to have you all in my life! I also want to thank those who sponsor trophies and make these events possible. The winners for The Sept. 30/12 Show and Shine were; Best in Show- sponsored by: The Brothers of the Blade MC – Rick Wilson People’s Choice –sponsored by; The Outlaws Canada MC – Larry Lilly Best Paint – sponsored by; Black Gold Canada- 1st – Deadeye 2nd – Rick Wilson Street custom – sponsored by; The Outlaws Canada MC -1st – Larry Lilly 2nd –Phil Johnson Sportster – sponsored by; Full Thro le Motor Company – 1st Jaye Jolicoeur 2nd –Chris Doust Ladies Bike – sponsored by; The Brotherhood MC – 1st Karen Brown 2nd – Terry Tain Trike – Sponsored by; Maxline Custom Choppers – 1st – JD Cycles 2nd – Harry Vintage Stock – sponsored by; The Paradice Riders MC -1st Bill McCallum Vintage Modified – sponsored by The Brothers of the Blade MC1st Doug Hart 2nd – Shane Sundal Bri sh Bike –Sponsored by; The Perfect Pigs MC – N/A Radical Custom – sponsored by; The Aces and Eights MC -1st – Rob Lupton 2nd – Chuckie Road Warrior – sponsored by; The Riders Mag – N/A

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Critter Country / Black Gold Show & Shine Sept. 2012 American Cruiser – sponsored by; The Brothers of the Blade MC – 1st – Hoover 2nd – Kevin Lloyd American Touring – sponsored by; The Black Diamond Riders MC – 1st Mark D’Angelo – 2nd – Vic Freitas Metric Cruiser – sponsored by; The Big Foot Bar and Grill – 1st Hank Stephen Special Interest – sponsored by; Jabber’s Airbrush Studio – N/A Metric Touring Sponsored by; The Perfect Pigs MC – 1st Frank Daigle 2nd – Jerry Smith Furthest travelled –sponsored by; The Renegades MC –Larry Lilly Cri er’s Show and Shine - Aug 26/12 winners (unavailable when this ar!cle went to press) Best in Show – sponsored by; DC’s Diner – Mark D’Angelo Peoples Choice – Sponsored by; The Outlaws Canada MC – Wendy Best Paint – Sponsored by ; Black Gold – 1st Mark D’Angelo 2nd – Wanda Newton

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Street Custom – sponsored by; The Perfect Pigs MC – 1st Larry Lilly Lloyd Gadd 2nd Nick Fiore 7457 Speers Rd #4 American Touring – sponsored by; The Black Diamond Riders MC – 1st Big Ed 2nd Brian Parkin Elora, Ontario Metric Cruiser – sponsored by; The 400 Market – 1st John Dowling ! Engine Rebuilding 2nd Doug Selig Sportster – sponsored by; The Full Thro"le Motor Company – 1st Karen Belfry 2nd – Wendy Ladies Bike - sponsored by; The Brotherhood MC – 1st Karen ! Vintage Restorations ! New, Used & N.O.S. Parts ! Service & Repairs Brown 2nd Maria Trike – sponsored by; The Riders Mag – 1st Linda Simmer 2nd – John Elliot Vintage Stock – sponsored by; The Paradice Riders MC – 1st Blake Knight Vintage modified – sponsored by; The 400 Market – 1st Garth Dawson 2nd Vic Bri!sh – Sponsored by; The Riders Mag – N/A Special Interest - Sponsored by; Jabber’s Airbrush Studio – 1st Guy Levasseur 2nd John Schroeder Radical Custom – sponsored by; The Aces and Major & Minor Repairs, Rebuilds & Scheduled Service Eights MC – 1st Serge 2nd Greg Campaiene Complete Machine Shop Service, Frame Up Build to Order Road Warrior – Sponsored by; Jabbers Harley Davidson Trained P.H.D. Mechanic st nd Airbrush Studio – 1 Cam Duffy 2 Frank Konolowski Jr. American Cruiser – Sponsored by; The Brothers of the Blade MC – 1st Les Schrei 2nd Jerry Zahn

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Ride Sally Ride Since the dawn of the motorcycle, there have always been women who wanted to ride them. As a vehicle of both war and leisure at that me, only a few, were courageous enough to get on the seat to drive one. A er all, it was dangerous, unladylike, and frowned upon by society during those days, and motorcycles were just another means for women to prove themselves. Through the years, most women have been sa sfied with being just a passenger, yet there have always been those, who feel the driving need to experience solo riding first hand. In recent years though, women have taken up motorcycle riding, in rapidly increasing numbers, approximately one in every four riders on the road today, is a woman. There is a wide demographic range of women riders, and an equally diverse range of reasons, that they choose to ride. Now more than ever, women are becoming mo vated to overcome their fear, in mida on, and procras na ons towards motorcycles and riding, and are taking the proverbial “bull by the horns” Ge ng started can be rela vely easy and doesn’t have to be costly!

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1, Hamilton Road, London, Ont. N6B-1M9 First read and study, the official MTO Handbook for Motorcycles and General Drivers, which can be purchased or found online at h"p:// handbook/, and from which your test is based. Secondly, go to your local Drive Test Examina on Centre, h"p://, without an appointment, to take a wri"en, mul ple choice test, to obtain your M1 license. The test consists of 3 parts, general road rules, signs, and motorcycle knowledge. Thirdly, book a Motorcycle Safety Course, h"p:// gradu/motocourse.shtml, some of which start as early as mid-

by Sherri O’Irish

March. You are not required to have completed the mandatory 60 day learning period, in order to take the course, but you will not be upgraded to an M2 un l you have, if you are successful. Another op on, is to book a Drive Test riding skills test, outlined in the handbook, which begin the first week of May, province wide. There are restric ons to the graduated motorcycle license, but you will be well on your way, to becoming one of the many new women riders on the roads. As a rider myself, I would suggest to anyone, to take a Ministry approved, motorcycle safety course. Approximately 1/3 of course a"endees in recent years, have been women, as well as some courses catering only to females. Trained experts will teach proper riding habits, and defensive driving techniques, all in a secure controlled environment. Why be thrown to the wolves, with a few words of wisdom, a pat on the back, and a push down the street, when you could take a course, that could save your life, and impact the way you live to ride, for years to come? Many motorcycle manufacturers have taken no ce, of the growing popula on of female riders, as a target market. By offering designs that are specific to smaller riders, such as lower, lighter styles, with feminine color choices, and limited speeds, they feel it will appeal to women. Dealerships have set up “Ladies Nights”, as part of a marke ng strategy, to get more women interested in purchasing a motorcycle or related items, and to inform and connect women interested in riding. So too, have motorcycle apparel, accessory, and tourism industries, recognized female riders as an increasingly lucra ve opportunity, to generate revenue. There are many all-female riding groups across Ontario, and Canada, as well as many other na onally recognized social, touring, and charitable organiza ons, all who welcome new members. During the riding season, on any given Sunday, Timmies is always a haven, for fellow riders, on their way to and from somewhere. So if you are looking for sisterhood, friendship, community involvement, or just nurturing your passion to ride, the possibili es are endless. May 3, 2013 is Interna onal Female Ride Day, or as I like to think of it as the kickoff to riding season! So whether you’re a beginner or seasoned rider, I encourage you, to get out there and experience the freedom, exhilara on, confidence, and enrichment, which riding can bring to your life. Remember, “The road may take you there, but the bike will lead you!”

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Joke Page course, the more dismal your future becomes. VISE-GRIPS: Generally used a er pliers to completely round off bolt heads. If nothing else is available, they can also be used to transfer intense welding heat to the palm of your hand. OXYACETYLENE TORCH: Used almost en rely for ligh ng various flammable objects in your shop on fire. Also handy for igni ng the grease inside the wheel hub out of which you want to remove a bearing race. TABLE SAW: A large sta onary power tool commonly used to launch wood projec les for tes ng wall integrity. HYDRAULIC FLOOR JACK: Used for lowering an automobile to the ground a er you have installed your new brake shoes, trapping the jack handle firmly under the bumper. BAND SAW: A large sta onary power saw primarily used by most shops to cut good aluminum sheet into smaller pieces that more easily fit into the trash can a er you cut on the inside of the line instead of the outside edge. TWO-TON ENGINE HOIST: A tool for tes ng the maximum tensile strength of everything you forgot to disconnect. PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER: Normally used to stab the vacuum seals under lids or for opening old-style paper-and- n oil cans and splashing oil on your shirt; but can also be used, as the name implies, to strip out Phillips screw heads. STRAIGHT SCREWDRIVER: A tool for opening paint cans. Some mes used to convert common slo ed screws into nonremovable screws and butchering your palms. PRY BAR: A tool used to crumple the metal surrounding that clip or bracket you needed to remove in order to replace a 50 cent part. Or to make you holler when it comes loose from whatever you are trying to remove and hits you between the eyes, full force! HOSE CUTTER: A tool used to make hoses too short. HAMMER: Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the object we are trying to hit. UTILITY KNIFE: Used to open and slice through the contents of cardboard cartons delivered to your front door; works par cularly well on contents such as seats, vinyl records, liquids in plas c bo les, collector magazines, refund checks, and rubber or plas c parts. Especially useful for slicing work clothes, but only while in use. SON-OF-A-BITCH TOOL: (A personal favorite!) Any handy tool that you grab and throw across the garage while yelling ‘Son of a BITCH!’ at the top of your lungs. It is also, most o en, the next tool that you will need. “Turtle” Went out last night and got really wasted. I woke up in the middle of the night next to some chick who was snoring and far ng, so I knew I made it home OK!------------------------The wife’s back on the warpath again. She was up for making a sex movie last night, and all I did was suggest we should hold audi ons for her part.-------------------------My sister-in-law sat on my glasses and broke them. It was my own fault. I should have taken them off.-----------------------I spent a couple of hours defros ng the fridge last night, or “foreplay” as she likes to call it.--------A er both suffering from depression for a while, me and the wife were going to commit suicide yesterday. But strangely enough, once she killed herself, I started to feel a lot be er. So I thought, “Fuck it, soldier on!”-----------------------I woke up this morning at 8, and could smell something was wrong. I got downstairs and found the wife face down on the

a kitchen floor, not breathing! I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. Then I remembered McDonald’s serves breakfast un l 11:30.------------------------The other night, my wife asked me how many women I’d slept with. I told her, “Only you. All the others kept me awake all nig ht!”-------------------------My missus packed my bags, and as I walked out the front door, she screamed, “I wish you a slow and painful death, you bastard!” “Oh,” I replied, “so now you want me to stay!”-------------------A girl I know said the last me she had sex, it was like the men’s Olympic 100 meter final. I laughed, “Over in 9.5 seconds?” “No,” she said, “Eight black men and a gun.”------------------------A Catholic boy in confession says, “Bless me Father, I have sinned, I masturbated while thinking about my sister.” “That’s a disgrace,” said the priest, “especially when you have two gorgeous brothers.” “Turtle” Don’t talk in public on your cellphone - Nobody wants to hear your stuff - nobody! A er a ring day, a commuter se led down in her seat and closed her eyes as the train rolled out of the sta on. The guy si"ng next to her, pulled out his cell phone and started talking in a loud voice. “Hi, sweetheart. It’s Eric. I’m on the train. Yes, I know it’s the six thirty and not the four thirty, but I had a long mee ng. No, honey, not with that blonde from the accoun ng department. With the boss. No sweetheart, you’re the only one in my life. Yes, I’m sure, cross my heart.” Fi een minutes later, he was s ll on the phone with her, talking loudly, when the young woman si"ng next to him had had enough and leaned over and said into the phone, “Eric, turn that phone off and come back to bed.” Eric doesn’t use his cell phone in public any longer. “Turtle” How children perceive their grandparents 1. She was in the bathroom, pu"ng on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter, as she’d done many mes before.A er she applied her lips ck and started to leave, the li le one said, “But Grandma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!” I will probably never put lips ck on again without thinking about kissing the toilet paper good-bye....

Continued on Page 45 THE RIDERS MAG ---- PAGE 41

Zombies Patch Party Feelin’ kinda weird reporting on the shenanigans of duh Zombies party but Critter was unable to attend due to the London show soooooooo - here ya go! Almost six years back, I, along with four other brothers from other Mothers, formed the Perfect Pigs M.C. and never once did we anticipate that our name would somehow be associated with Law Enforcement due to my viewpoint regarding same which has been well documented on the pages of this mag. The moniker was chosen ‘cuz it signified that ‘All men are pigs’ – a motto which, during those years, we aspired to ‘perfectly’ resemble that remark whenever the opportunity presented itself. Well, over the years and as we expanded, we decided to end all the presumptuous chatter and re-patch the club under a new name and a new designation – thus the Zombies M.C. was born. It was also decided that we would host a kick-ass party to kickoff our new look. BRAVO and APPLAUSE to my Sergeant at Arms, Hoover, for steppin’ up and making the night a huge success, YOU BE ACES, Brother! The Zombies invited over 140 of our friends to celebrate the new patch and they didn’t disappoint! The hall was filled to capacity with patches from various clubs - some making the arduous trek (despite the ‘effin’ snowstorm) from Windsor, Chatham, Sudbury, Barrie and assorted other Ontario locations. Everyone made out like bandits ‘cuz the menu featured dishes ripped from the pages of a fine culinary magazine – Jerk Chicken, Beef au Juise, Spicy Macaroni, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables and fresh bread. Served hot and eaten off china plates with table cutlery. Man, what a freakin’

by Scary Larry

spread! The groaning board offered so much food that many guests went home with doggy-bags - I believe the band left with doubles leaving no doubt that they are starving artists! A huge ‘thumbs-up’ to Reckless & Tara for creating an awesome dining experience, and a special thanx to our Zombie members, strikers and hangers for assisting with the many tasks that are created when hosting a doo of this magnitude, ya’ll done real good, my brothers! The party was scored by the rockin’ talents of the Crooked Zebras, who played multiple sets highlighted by dance rock tunes from the Tragically Hip, Beatles, Neil Young and many, many other amazing rock & roll renditions. The band also covered a tune from the Sons of Anarchy especially for Hoover! The selections were so intoxicating that this old carcass could resist no longer and forced the Bootiful Babs to take a couple of spins on the dance floor. Hope I didn’t blacken anyone’s eye with my drunken gyrations but when the spirit moves you - ain’t nothin’ left to do but go with it, Eh Ollie! My only complaint about the night was that it was over much too soon. Such is the way of things when yer surrounded by the people you love & respect. A special slap on the patch to the attending clubbers from Rangers M.C., Aces & Eights M.C., Hell’s Angels M.C., Queensmen M.C., Red Devils M.C., Patchless M.C., Redline M.C., Apocalypse M.C., Iron Phoenix M.C., Renegades M.C., Coalition Crew M.C., Horsemen M.C., Chosen Few M.C., Night Wolves Freedom Fighters, Bikers Church and, although they couldn’t make it, we received an impressive plaque from Independent Motorcycle Corportion congratulating the Zombies on the new initiative. Also, a grateful ‘thank you’ to the many We now install Motorcycle Accessories, Seat Heaters to individuals who attended – hope ya’ll Exotic Leathers keep your butt warm enjoyed the festivities as much as this Call for more info leather-backed MF’er! The attendance by so many friends & brothers filled me to the max and made me proud to be a long standing member Gel Pad Inserts, of this patch wearin’ lifestyle. Zombies Pans ~ Shaping Air Horns, Forever ~ Forever Zombies Engraving ~ Studs Top Pads, Scary Larry Over 20 yrs of Award Winning Custom Bike Seats President & Founder Zombies M.C. 905-735-7216 THE RIDERS MAG ---- PAGE 42


Black Hawks Show n’ Shine 2012 So yes its Jonathon’s usual beat to cover the Blackhawks show in Mount Hope at Frankie’s, I can’t remember what was up this past year but he couldn’t make it so when all else fails I show up to cover events, then nice thing was this year when I showed up I didn’t get that ra of Jon ques ons as I had when I covered their anniversary party earlier in the year at S.B.B. It was a beau ful day for a ride and a few good cigars along with the last beer that I had since I reformed myself at least temporarily in an effort to lose a bit of the excessive weight I accumulated since qui ng cigare es Jan 2010. So I know and love Kate at Frankie’s for as many years as the mag has been around, she’s always been a loyal supporter and adver ser in the mag and she was around this day with at least one of her kids, Kate always likes to be around when events were happening. The turnout on this perfect day was awesome and the bikes con nued to arrive throughout the a ernoon and none of them disappointed in terms of the compe on for the awards that the Blackhawks were handing out at their annual event, not to men on the pile of door prizes that were laid out on the pool table as well. I ran into friends and acquaintances as well as making a few new ones to boot and even a few old friends of Cri ers that I was told hadn’t seen him in years, one who claimed to have his old gold wing, wow and in all the years I have known him he never men oned ever having a metric but then we all have, at one me or another haven’t we? The food is always good at Frankie’s and the waitress’ a rac ve so grabbing a bite is always a good idea and they do serve all day breakfast which is what I usually partake in when I’m in the neighborhood but on this occasion the rather large cigar in my mouth kept me outdoors with people on the beer garden pa o or in the parking lot. Over the course of the a ernoon, club spokesperson (my impression) Woggie got up a few mes and gave me warning for those wan ng to partake in entering their bikes in the show or purchase ckets on a variety of draws that were being held in support of the club and its various causes and as you can tell by the pictures the event was well a ended both on the inside as well as the outside of the bar. When it was me to announce the winners a lot of no ce was given so everyone on the property had me to make it back to the area near the pool tables where the winners would be announced and door prizes were drawn. The awards were called out and I was handed a list of numbers with no names so I will include the list of winners in that


by JR

format hoping that all of you winners know who you are and I did get a group shot of the winners so all the winners present were in the picture. The classes and winners were as follows, Offshore Custom, 1st, #1; Offshore Stock, 1st, #2, 2nd #3; Sportster 1st #5, 2nd #4; Big Twin Stock, 1st #5, 2nd #3; Big Twin Custom 1st #3, 2nd #5; Best Artwork #1. Best Trike #3; Best Paint, #7 Street Glide, big twin custom. Hopefully you winners all made it into the picture. I look forward to this year’s events with the Blackhawks MC.

Joke Page 2. My young grandson called the other day to wish me Happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was, and I told him, 80. My grandson was quiet for a moment, and then he asked, “Did you start at 1?”

to keep her cool. “That’s interes ng.” she said.. “How do you make babies?” “It’s simple,” replied the girl. “You just change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’.”

3. A er pu ng her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. As she heard the children ge ng more and more rambunc ous, her pa ence grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, pu ng them back to bed with stern warnings. As she le the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice, “Who was THAT?”

11. Children’s Logic: “Give me a sentence about a public servant,” said a teacher. The small boy wrote: “The fireman came down the ladder pregnant.” The teacher took the lad aside to correct him. “Don’t you know what pregnant means?” she asked. “Sure,” said the young boy confidently. ‘It means carrying a child.”

4. A grandmother was telling her li le granddaughter what her own childhood was like. “We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a re; it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods” The li le girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, “I sure wish I’d go en to know you sooner!” 5. My grandson was visi ng one day when he asked, “Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?” I mentally polished my halo and I said, “No, how are we alike?’’ “You’re both old,” he replied. 6. A li le girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather’s word processor. She told him she was wri ng a story. “What’s it about?” he asked. “I don’t know,” she replied. “I can’t read.” 7. I didn’t know if my granddaughter had learned her colors yet, so I decided to test her. I would point out something and ask what color it was. She would tell me and was always correct. It was fun for me, so I con nued. At last, she headed for the door, saying, “Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these colors yourself!” 8. When my grandson Billy and I entered our vaca on cabin, we kept the lights off un l we were inside to keep from a rac ng pesky insects. S ll, a few fireflies followed us in. No cing them before I did, Billy whispered, “It’s no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are coming a er us with flashlights.” 9. When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied, “I’m not sure.” “Look in your underwear, Grandpa,” he advised “Mine says I’m 4 to 6.” 10.. A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, “Grandma, guess what? We learned how to make babies today.” The grandmother, more than a li le surprised, tried

12. A grandfather was delivering his grandchildren to their home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Si ng in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalma an dog. The children started discussing the dog’s du es.”They use him to keep crowds back,” said one child. “No,” said another. “He’s just for good luck.” A third child brought the argument to a close.”They use the dogs,” she said firmly, “to find the fire hydrants.” 13. A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. “Oh,” he said, “she lives at the airport, and when we want her, we just go get her. Then, when we’re done having her visit, we take her back to the airport.” 14. Grandpa is the smartest man on earth! He teaches me good things, but I don’t get to see him enough to get as smart as him! 15. My Grandparents are funny, when they bend over, you hear gas leaks and they blame their dog. “Turtle” A Blonde’s Year in Review January Took new scarf back to store because it was too ght. February Fired from pharmacy job for failing to print labels..... Helllloooo!!!....... Bo les won’t fit in printer!!! March Got really excited.....finished jigsaw puzzle in 6 months..... Box said ‘ 2-4 years!’ April Trapped on escalator for hours ... Power went out!!! May Tried to make Kool Aid.....wrong instruc ons.... 8 cups of water won’t fit into those li le packets!!! June Tried to go water skiing....... Couldn’t find a lake with a slope.


Danni’s Times Must I mention all the Canadians Bikers with bikes tucked in their trailers heading for roads to cruise? The International Driving Permit is printed in 10 languages, is valid for one year, and allows the holder to operate a vehicle without further tests or applications in more than 150 countries. Canadians can purchase one at a Local CAA office for $25, plus the cost of passport pictures. Millions of International visitors drive in Florida each year. In 2012, over 3.3 million Canadians traveled there and just making a guess, it is a guarantee that at least 1 million were motorcyclists. Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song Terry Fox, manager of the legal advisory department for CAA of South central Ontario, strongly recommended for all Canadians who plan to visit Florida without a valid US license to obtain this IDP from CAA before departing even if the line-ups are long. Do not chance it. 2013 Daytona Bike Week is fast approaching and it will be necessary to have this International Drivers Permit. Approximately 500,000 people invade this city to be a part of the festivities of motorcycle racing, riding all the highways, concerts and the many parties. And I’ll try not to sing out of key.. Until this law is clarified, without this permit, you could be considered technically driving without a license. Law enforcement Officers are vast in Florida, there are over 400 Law enforcement Agencies in Florida. Calling my Insurance Agent, I was informed that if you were involved in an accident with the motorcycle, it would not depend on the interpretation of the Officer. The law is first. If a speeding ticket was issued, it also would have to state what the law was, a proper license was not provided to the Officer.. Legally it is considered operating a motorcycle with an invalid license because I am out of country and in the state of Florida where the law at the moment states.. I could be arrested. This International Drivers Permit is to be presented along with a regular Driver’s license. It is always seen through the law on the books at the time. He also recommended the visit to CAA- $25 and go about it the right way to be safe. Wording is everything. As long as this law is in the books, Insurance companies will need to work in this frame. Word of advice was not to take a chance.. Today’s Trucking has confirmed that commercial truck drivers coming from Canada are exempt from the requirement. Kirsten Olsen-Doolan spokesperson for the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles came out to press later today and announced…The Florida State Troopers will no longer be enforcing the state law requiring Canadian Drivers to carry an International driving Permit along with their regular Driver’s license. It is being investigated as it might contravene the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic and requires further review… The law is written in the books and there is still 399 Police Departments that have not spoken out against this law. To all the Bikers heading to Florida, !Financing Avaliable the advice is to have the permit and head to the nearest CAA office as fast as you can.. !Family Owned & Operated As you ride those highways, all this will be in !Since 1958 the distance, with the sun is in your face and your focus is where you are riding.. Enjoy the roads…..and have all that is required to do so… See you at March Show. . Wheatley, 519-825-4222 DANNI

Thank you to everyone who was very gracious in answering my request of the motorcycle…We have found one and appreciate the fast response. It is said, if you require something, just ask the Biker Community….True…Now we are really excited…Each year we focus on Lady Riders, and have found that Ladies might ride a motorcycle but do have different passions. With our proud sponsor for the calendar it is enabling us to be adventurous, and it’s off to a great start…Our goal is to have the calendar all across Canada for 2014 featuring our vast Ladies Riding Community. With a little help from my friends.. Joe Cocker I have always loved the world of photography and now settling into it, I find it so fascinating. Being at the International Centre was fun as it is a great place to shoot pictures. Our biker community is so interesting. I am sure if you are reading Pastor Dave’s article, he is mentioning that Jimmy Lamore who passed on Jan, 29th. Everyone knew Jimmy and loved him. The friends )LQDQFLQJ $YDLODEOH that came out to see him were “PUT SOMETHING phenomenal, nice to see the POWERFUL community… If you were BETWEEN YOUR LEGS!!” around Bikers Church, you knew Jimmy. What would you do if I sang out of tune ? Early this morning as I watch the news getting ready for the world, the news that Florida now requires an International Drivers Permit was flashed on every news channel. Legislators passed a law that requires non-US motorists to have an International Permit addition to their regular Driver’s License on January 1st, 2013. Florida is scrambling to modify the rules to allow drivers with English-language licenses to operate a vehicle in the state without the permit. The next Legislative Session is not until March and technically, by law, will be required by the many Canadian Travelers who will be heading south.

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