The Rider's Mag Nov/Dec 2014 V16-n08

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The Magazine for Riders

THE RIDER’S MAG Volume 16 #8


What’s Shakin’

Nov/Dec 2014

Joke Page

Feature Bike We Support

Our Troops!!!

The Rider’s Guide to Ontario and Beyond!! Over 25,000 Readers and Growing

Table of Contents Pg. 4 - What’s Skakin’ What’s Goin’ On Pg. 5 - Cruising with Cri er A Busy Couple of Months and S ll Going Pg. 13 - Kawartha Kids Ride From Back When it was Warn Out Pg. 15 - Malicious Custom Fabrica ng Grand Opening A New Shop In Scarborough Pg. 18 - ABATE The Final Fron er 2014 Sherri Visits Another Party Pg. 21 - Figh ng For Your Rights The Rooster Crows Pg. 24 - On The Road JR Is Plannin’ for Next Year Pg. 25 - Shenanigans with Sherri O’Irish The Red Head is Back Teaching us all Manners Pg. 26 - Joke Page They Just Keep Comin’ Pg. 28 - 2 Months worth of Calendars 900 Colborne St. East 519-756-6218 Brantford, Ontario

Store Hours Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm

Since 1988


Pg. 32 - Black Gold & The Makin’ of The Black Bitch 3 Cri er Tells us a Couple of Tales PARTS AVAILABLE FROM ALL SUPPLIERS Pg. 34 - Two Guns and a Machete Donny Peterson is Back to his Old Tricks Pg. 36 - S cker Stories Sharon Gets Around Huron ALL LICENSED MECHANICS Pg. 39 - Hello Fellow Inmates Dangerous Donnie has Returned Pg. 42 - From the far East………Ontario that is. Beau Tells the Tall Tales of the Mysterious East Pg. 46 – Riding the Southwest Guardrail keeps on keeping on ….regardless! Pg. 48 - Feature Bike “Hot Rod Trike” 164 Main Street, Pg. 50 - Biker Church Lucan ON N0M 2J0 Pastor Dave’s Seeing Colours Pre-Owned Harley Davidson Sales & Service


1111 Davis Drive, Suite 501, Unit 23, Newmarket, ON L3Y 9E5 Phone: (905) 235-5353 Toll Free 1-855-873-6680 Fax: (905) 235-5358 Email:


Holiday Open House SATURDAY NOV. 29TH 9am-3pm


Publisher / Editor : Rick Davis Publisher Emeritus: Alex J.R. MacRae Editor Emeritus: J.B. Ballantine

Managing Editor: ACE Wolske Creative Content Manager: Peppermint Patty Office Manager: Diane Davis

Advertizing and Sales Eastern Ont./Western Que. Rep: Beau Rooney 613-295-4444 Southern Ontario Rep: J.R. MacRae 905-631-5890 Southwestern Ontario Rep: Tim Armstrong 519-252-9631 Contributing Writers Pastor Dave Neals, Danni, Scary Larry, Manon Kellman, Beau Rooney, Jonathan Musson, Al Marentette, Rossaire, Tim Armstrong, Donny Petersen, Bob Laidlaw, Sherri O’Irish, Al Kasza, Dangerous Donnie, Bad Bob, Aaron Hesmer, Sharon Nicolson Contruibuting Cartoonists Critter, Michael MacDonald Office Security Supplied By: Captain “The Wonder Dog"


Printed By : COLD WEB




Grimsby, Ontario.

Printed in Canada

Printing Inc.

The contents of this magazine are copyrighted and remain the property of

“The Rider’s Mag Inc.” For Ad Information or Rate Cards Please Contact The Publisher/Editor or a Sales Rep.

Financing Available

Collectables Gifts Motorcycle Accessories Gift Cards Available

Bring a Non-Perishable Food Item and Support The Food Bank



Critter’s Crew Cards

Accepted Here



Shakin’ Nov. 22nd- Jacox Harley-Davidson-Lunch & Learn

November st Nov. 1 - MOVEMBER Kick-Off. JOIN the #Jacox #BushBrooms #TEAM to make a difference in #MensMentalHealth! Register by November 1st for your chance to #WIN* A 2015 #HarleyDavidson #Street750 #Motorcycle. Phone Jacox Harley-Davidson for more details at 905-858-0966 or Visit for full details.

Nov.8th- Jacox Harley-Davidson-Lunch & Learn Learn more about “Performance Upgrades” at 1PM. Please register with Julie at jmar!

Learn more about “LED Ligh!ng” at 1PM. Please register with Julie at jmar!

Nov. 28th- PD Restora!on’s Annual Christmas Party 4192 Perkins Rd. London, 5 – 11 pm, Free Food and Drinks, Door Prizes All Night Long, and Our Parts Suppliers on hand showing off their New Harley Products. Everything in the store is on Sale. More Info Contact: Krystle or Phil at 519652-6200 or www.pdrestora!

Nov. 29th- Duke’s H-D Christmas Open House

Peterborough’s Morrow Building, 10am to 5 pm, All Makes and Models Welcome. See our ad on Page 27

5 Classic Car Drive, Blenheim, 10am – 4pm, Live Music, Door Prizes, Spin-to-Win, 50/50 Draw Check out for more details.

Nov 11th- Remembrance Day

Nov. 29th- Hogtown Cycles Holiday Open House

Nov 9th- Motorcycle Swap Meet Peterborough

Wear a Poppy and show Support for your Local Vets. th

Nov 18 - Rocky’s H-D Ladies Night At Rocky’s H-D, 900 Wilton Grove Rd. London, Great Food, Live Music, 6-9pm Check out for more details

164 main St., Lucan, From 9am-3pm Come out and Join us for a great day of Holiday Cheer More Info Check out

Nov 20th- Rocky’s H-D Men’s Night At Rocky’s H-D, 900 Wilton Grove Rd. London, Great Food, Live Music, 6-9pm Check out for more details

Nov. 29th- Kawartha Christmas Celebra!on



1000 Fairbairn St., Peterborough, 6:30 pm, Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings, Tickets $15 !ll Nov. 22, More info & Tickets: 705-8755412 or 705-295-5143

Continued on Page 54

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Cruising With Critter Wow! Riding season 2014 went by in a flash! It seems like just yesterday I trying to get both of my bikes ready for the season which was a bit of a challenge at mes as the trike project was and s ll is a work in progress and while she did make it out to several events the expected bugs started to appear and she was sidelined but my old faithful Petoonia was more than up to the task and she is always a pleasure to ride. JR hasn’t been ge ng the response he expected from his calls for feature bikes such as Sportsters, vintage and special builds. If you’ve got Pride in Your Ride and want to have your bike featured drop us an email with your contact info and a picture and descrip on of your bike and he and the lovely JB will be glad to set up a shoot with you. Sorry but third party requests are not accepted. We also need lady riders for the Ladies and their Harleys feature as well. It was a busy season for not just myself but all of our volunteer crew and at mes we were stretched to the max in trying to get all events covered and unfortunately there were some that we just couldn’t get anyone out to and at other mes several of us would show up at the same event which was the case with “Ride for the Kids” event for Big Brothers, Big Sisters that started at Clare’s H-D in beau!ful Niagara on the Lake.

tures that I have seen. Then “Bad Bob” rode up as well and in a quick huddle it was established that between him and Rose we would have the event well covered and I could move on to the other events on my list without shortchanging the organizers of this great cause. I had tracked down the lovely Lisa who is en rely in her element in situa ons like this and calmly goes about the business at hand and makes it look easy! This was to be a challenge not just for Lisa but for every member of their large but extremely competent staff from management right on down. The always affable John Clare was on hand to oversee things and he made me to come over to talk awhile which is always a treat. Randy Clare was also busy and seemed to be everywhere at once but seems to always have a calm and focussed demeanor. In my conversa ons with some of the organisers I was told that they were so happy with their decision to have Clare’s as a star ng point and u lize their experience and knowledge as well as the

I rode out to catch the start of the event and con nue on to cover a couple of other events that were taking place on that day as well. “Best Value UK Motorcycle Rental” I arrived to find our man Rossaire large and in charge direc ng the huge gathering of bikes that had come out for Countries you can visit Countries you can visit the ride into a well-or• -Services offered include: Less than 40 Miles We are ganized and thought out -Fully Comprehensive Insurance with only a £500 excess staging that would allow from both London Gatwick -Servicing carried out by Authorised Harley-Davidson main dealer for a smooth and safe -Full Breakdown and Recovery cover through the RAC and London Heathrow departure. No easy task -Late Model 103” Road Kings with hard panniers, Airports when you consider the pillion seat, footplates, sissy bar, rack (a short cab ride) enormous number of -Refund on any Harley-Davidson main dealer work carried out motorcycles that were involved. Rose was more than up to the challenge and his efforts were not in vain as it was one of email your vacation dates to Brian at: the smoothest depar- or call 011 44 7760 271984

Begin Your European Harley Vacation in London

UK Road King Rentals THE RIDERS MAG -----PAGE 5

Cruising With Critter enormous parking lot. They had some celebri es that were about to appear to not only offer their appearance at the event but would be joining the ride. It was Kim Coates and Theo Rossi AKA Tiggs and Juice from the Sons of Anarchy TV series.

They arrived in a limousine and caused quite a s r with the huge crowd. They were gracious and magnanimous and generous with their me posing for selfies with the many fans that had come out to see them and signed autographs and at no me seemed to be pompous, rude, or less than happy to be there which can be the case with some celebri es who seem to come out to events and

come off as jerks who have be"er things to do. These guys were real gentlemen and seemed totally at ease and comfortable with their celebrity status. There was an organized media session to which I was invited where we could get pictures of the celebri es with members of the staff, event organizers and the leading pledge earners. Then everyone moved outside to where the celebrity guest signed a motorcycle that was to be raffled off. Then the call went out to head to the bikes and that the ride was about

to begin. The roar of hundreds of motorcycles filled the air as the par cipants readied themselves. The police bikes lead the way, followed by the celebrity guests and then as a testament to Rose’s organiza onal skills the rest of the pack filed out in a smooth organized procession onto the roads for a great day for a great cause.

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647-522-0516 THE RIDERS MAG -----PAGE 6

This is where my por on of the day ended and I mounted up and se"led into Petoonia’s plush saddle and headed off to do more Roving Reporter stuff elsewhere comfortable in the knowledge that Bob and Rose had this well in hand. Their write up will follow. As I men oned earlier this weekend was packed with events as we have a short riding season and the compe on for rider’s charitable par cipa on is at an all- me high and it is hard to get full coverage for all but we do try and we some mes have to make brief stops at several events in a day as me and logis cs permit. I stopped by Jacox Harley Davidson for their Make a Wish event and will write a separate ar cle on it in a future issue as I have misplaced my notes and as I write this it is too late for me to call someone to help me out but I wanted to give it a brief men on here as a great deal of me and effort was put into it and I didn’t want to not acknowledge it. My apologies but the notes are probably hiding with the several pens, pairs of reading glasses and many other items that have gone missing over me and will turn up at some point, I’m sure.

Cruising With Critter

It was a great me for a good cause and well a ended and everyone seemed to have a great me enjoying the fine fare from the barbecue and the many things that they had set up to raise funds for this great cause. They had a silent auc on set up with a huge selec on of some really nice stuff up for bid. I got a chance to talk to the always enthusias c Julie Mar n and get some insight into what the event was about. I get invited to so many par es and events and just can’t possibly make it out to many as there always seems to be a conflic ng adver sed event which has to take precedence over personal choices. That is something that I have had to accept and hope that everybody understands. There is a couple of other factors that have to be considered alcohol is one as if I go to a party I like to relax a while and have a beer or two and if I’ve been out covering events all day and have already had a couple by the me you add them up I wouldn’t be able to drive back and I generally have events lined up for the next day as well that require me to get away early. Fa gue is another thing to be factored into my decisions. It is extremely rare to have the luxury of a designated driver but does happen occasionally. This was the case when I was invited to a 50th birthday party for a good friend of mine, Ernie that his lovely lady Sandra threw for him at the Stouffville Legion. My buddy Dusty graciously volunteered to get me there and back safely so I was able to kick back with some friends that I don’t get to see o"en enough, enjoy some great music performed by the always excellent “Zed Head” eat some great food and partake in a few beer (I s ll have to be up early the next morning so I can’t over indulge!) and celebrate the milestone of a friend surviving a half century. Happy Birthday Ernie! As a bonus for the evening the lovely bartenders (Yes they had 50!) took a liking to the many pins on my hat and contributed a fantas c looking one that the Legion was giving out commemora ng Aboriginal contribu on to the Armed Forces. Along with the celebra on of life we are also faced with the fact that life does end for all of us sooner

or later. For some it ends far too soon which was the case for Gordon McGillivary and it doesn’t seem fair for such a likeable, well respected, and much loved man to be taken from this life at the age of 45. Gord was born in Cape Breton, Nova Sco a in October of 1968 and passed away on Sept. 9th of this year. He was an accomplished ta oo ar st, friend and brother who will be missed by everyone who knew him. He leaves behind his loving partner Ashley and two wonderful girls Alyssa and Alaina. I was able to make it out to the viewing but was unable to get away for the funeral but our man Dangerous Don from Durham was able to a end and has his thoughts on the funeral which was a fi$ng tribute to the man. My condolences to friends and family. GBNF! Ride in Peace! I received a call from another good friend Android (Andy) of the Renegades MC, informing me that his father Sam Magee had suffered a succession of severe heart a acks and was now hospitalized and he wasn’t expected to recover.


Cruising With Critter I had met his father on other occasions as he was involved with the Highway of Heroes Ride and we had even run a picture that I took of him along with Trapper on the cover of the June 2010 issue of the Mag as I had covered that ride. Andy was asking if I could a!end the funeral and I replied that I’d be honoured and would be there when needed. Sergeant (Ret’d) William “Sam” Magee CD, OMC, SSM, BSM, a highly respected and decorated soldier in the Canadian Army who served the Country bravely and defied death on many occasions as member of the famed Devils Brigade, a combined commando unit, made up of Canadian and American troops that sustained incredible losses during the War. Sam now faced his own mortality and while he ins nc vely fought fate to the very end. But this me, me and failing health had taken its toll on the old soldier and the saying goes like all old soldiers he didn’t die, he just faded away. Gone but not forgo!en has never rung so true. His bravery in combat situa ons earned him many medals that included The Bronze Star, and The Silver Star (United States) and his accomplishments in civilian life were many and earned him the respect and admira on of all that knew him. He earned a reputa on as the guy who could get things done and done right and his work as Execu!ve Director of Big Brother, Big Sisters of Ajax/Pickering and execu!ve Director of The United Way of Ajax/Pickering was an example of those accomplishments. The Devils Brigade was awarded the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal earlier this year and the Department of Na!onal Defence created “The William “Sam” Magee award in his honour to be presented to a non commissioned member of the Canadian Special Opera ons Regiment who exemplifies the quali es that Sam will be remembered. He was also knighted by France, an honour bestowed on him as he lay in the Hospital. A nice note to go out on I would

say. It was a gorgeous day as I climbed aboard “Black Bitch 3” as the trike was on the road again and Bronson had done a great job of rec fying the gearing and chain issues and got rid of a couple of other bugs that had come up with her as well and she felt good as we made our way across to Oshawa where we joined in with a large group of riders consis ng largely of military MC’s such as The 1st Cavs, Pa rat ro o p e rs and Veterans and they were joined by members of The Renegades MC. We gathered in the parking lot of the Legion on Simcoe St. and Trapper took charge, laying out the route and the i nerary for the ride and the service that was to take place at Col. R.S McLaughlin Armoury, in Oshawa as well as the trip to the internment at Thornton Cemetery in the Veterans Sec on. Sam was a member of The 1ST Cavs and rode for years and had a fondness for bikes throughout his life and “Android” (Andy) credits his Dad for him being a biker today when his Dad introduced him to motorcycles back in the 60’s when he put him on one of those step through Hondas that his Dad used to get around the base at Trenton. It was a Honda but the bug took a firm hold and never let go. When young Andy came home on his first street bike a beaming Sam Magee talked him into le ng him take it for a short spin. The short spin turned into a long spin which Andy feeling a mix of fear for his Dad’s PARTS, ACCESSORIES, AND INSTALLATION had well-being and anger over the worry that he was experiencing both for his Dad and his beloved motorcycle. When the old soldier finally returned about an hour later, bike intact and a huge shit ea ng grin firmly implanted on his face he answered Andy’s rade with a simple statement that ended the discussion; taught you to ride in the first place?” WE CAN KEEP YOU “Who True to military fashion and precision we RIDING ALL YEAR pulled out exactly when we were scheduled and rode in forma on to the Armoury with ROUND! members of The Renegades doing the blockMERRY CHRISTMAS ing and parked as we were instructed. Except, the number of bikes overwhelmed the TO ONE AND ALL! spots that were available, so some crea ve parking became the order of the day. But we CUSTOM WORKS all got parked and headed out front to where the whole spectacle of a true military funeral 7 MAIN STREET EAST SELKIRK ONT. N0A 1P0 worthy of this fine soldier and man would




Cruising With Critter take place. It was explained to me that the body was being transported to the Armoury in a 1948 Dodge Ammo Truck a fact that pleased this gentleman as being very appropriate, being that Chrysler Corp. had for years provided transporta!on for members of The Devils Brigade to get to and from the Annual Reunions, a fact that grew more and more important as years went by and health issues for many of these vets made transporta!on a problem. Their numbers were dwindling rapidly and there are fewer and fewer with each passing year but it is nice to see a giant Corpora!on taking such a solid posi!on for these brave figh!ng men who faced the horrors of war so that we all can enjoy the freedoms for which they fought and so many died. There were a number of old Vets here today and you had to know that these men saw history in the making and were in fact involved in the shaping of that history. Andy rode up escor!ng the Ammo Truck that carried the coffin and the casket draped with the Canadian flag with his medals laid out on a sheet of velvet lay on top as he was then unloaded and carried by the “Honour Guard” into the




Armoury where a very touching service was conducted and members of the family spoke lovingly and respec%ully of this man we had gathered to honour. He was then carried back out and loaded in




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Cruising With Critter the hearse for his final ride to the cemetery. This was a full military funeral complete with presenta on of the flag and the medals to the family and as the casket was lowered into the grave, a low level fly by with a C130 Hercules Bomber paid final tribute to the gallant figh ng man whose body lay inside but his spirit, his memory and his accomplishments will live on. He truly made his mark on the World and his life made a difference to so many in so many ways. In tribute to the man and his memory the City of Oshawa has named two streets a"er him; Magee St. and Magee Court. A very classy gesture to a very classy man! Emo ons ran high that day and for the family the ceremonies brought tears one minute and laughter the next and everything in between. Only a person who has lived a life of meaning can evoke those kinds of emo ons and Sam Lived one of those kinds of lives! Thanks Sergeant William “Sam” Magee, the Na on, and World owes you so much and I, for one am honoured to have met you and am grateful for your sacrifices! Brothers of the Blade end of season ride/party/Fishing Derby I always try to swing by for this party each year because it is always a great me but this year I was really curious as there has been a new twist added to the day. A fishing derby! In the spring they had about 100 trout trucked in and released into the pond or Lake BOTB as it has become known to anyone who has been here.







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The guy who delivered the then, around eight inch fish was scep cal, to say the least, of the fishes chances of survival in the pond. But the pond is clean and has much life in it already in the form of frogs and such and has got good circula on and such so under protest he released them into the pond.

Spring turned to summer and there were many, sigh ngs of fish jumping but no fish floa ng and the jumpers all looked to be growing and looking healthy. Now came the day came that we’d all been wai ng for had arrived, special docks that had been constructed were packed with kids of all sizes and dozens of lines were being cast out in hopes of tantalizing the trout by hopeful anglers the fish didn’t seem too interested in their offerings and only about twenty were caught and made it to the fry pan skilfully manned by Dusty. They had grown quite a bit during their stay in the pond and they were good looking fish with no worms or parasites so the concerns of the gentleman who reluctantly delivered them in the spring were dismissed and considered to be unfounded. This event isn’t just for the members and many other clubs Like the Iron Hawgs out of Bran ord and The Aces and Eights showed up to help them celebrate. It is first and foremost a family event and they come here to relax with friends and family and if you can catch a nice fish while you’re doing that, so much the better! There was plenty of other food on hand for those who didn’t catch a

Cruising With Critter fish as there was an abundance of chili and other dishes. A few more fish have been caught since and plans were being formulated as to, how best to keep them alive over the winter. It was a great day and everybody had a great me except for a disturbing incident that occurred on the ride as they came upon an accident that involved a motorcycle where the bodies of the rider and his female passenger s ll lay on the roadway, their bodies smoldering. It was a sobering and very disturbing sight and a grim reminder that you always have to keep your wits about you and your mind on the road. Calendar Shoot – November/December 2014 I found myself once again running against the clock to get the shoot done as I had to make sure that the trike was ready to go and couldn’t arrange for anything else un l it was done to the point where it was 98% ready and I reached that point mid-week and now needed to put everything else together real fast. I needed models and started making calls and was s ll trying to put it together when I stopped at the Brothers of the Blade house on Friday evening. Everything that I needed was there. Ladies, loca on and even a covered spot in case Mother Nature decided to get nasty.

Arrangements were made right then and there and everyone was on board and I could breathe easier. So Saturday morning I was up and about early gathering up wardrobe items that I’ve been accumula ng since I started doing this stuff. We were going with two themes today a Fall and a winter calendar the winter one being Christmas themed. I threw everything into the back of the trike and headed over to get it done. The ladies were already there and had been busy ge ng ready for the shoot. I knew that Karen was in for the Lady Santa stuff that I’d need for December and the lovely Lyne e (Yes the girl who has done such a great job wri ng up the Tattoo Show for the Mag the past couple of years.) who has only been back from the west coast for a short me and I knew that she would be perfect for the fall shots. I also had the amazing Judy and Jaye team out to look a er details with the ladies and they make my job so much easier. I found out that I’d gained a lady for the Christmas shoot as the girls had commandeered her the night before and she was ready to go looking great in her ou it.


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905-735-7216 I set the trike up down by the pond and we went to town. We had wardrobe changes to do and it worked out well as I shot some of the fall shots with Lyne e in one ou"it then while she was changing I shot the Christmas shots and kept on that way un l we had used up all wardrobe combina ons and I was more than sa sfied that I had enough shots. It turned into a party as more and more people arrived and we just called it a day. There was constant ac vity the whole me that we were doing the shoot. Dusty was fishing and ended up having to fight Lyne e’s dog “Sailor” for it. Dusty won the battle and gained a fishing buddy as sailor was at his side as he con nued to fish and readying himself for round two. He also brought the fish over to pose with Lyne e to show her that we have fish in Ontario too just smaller. I should point out that Lyne e lives part of the year in BC where she is the Captain of a fishing boat that people, the likes of Sam Elliot, charter to go out and catch BC fish. All in all, it was a great day! I got the job done and had a ball doing it! It doesn’t get any be er than that. Thanks to everyone there!

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There is a bar right here in the beau ful town of Newmarket on Bathurst between Davis Dr. and Mulock that has always intrigued me mostly because of the name. It is called The Good Times Bar and Grill. Now to me, if you lay claim to a name such as that you are guaranteeing that you will have a good me there. End of story! I’d passed many mes but at mes that it was closed or there was no me to stop in. One day recently I had me and was in the neighbourhood and decided to drop in and check them out. The place was empty except for the owners but it was mid-a ernoon on a Saturday of a long weekend so I really didn’t expect to find the place packed. I took a seat at the bar and a gentleman who introduced himself as Bob and as a co-owner came over and asked me what he could serve me. Now anyone who knows me or reads my columns knows what my choice of beverage was. Not surprisingly, they didn’t carry 50 any longer although they used to, but the old guy that drank it had probably moved away or (Quite likely died of old age but happy as Hell while draining the final golden drops of the golden nectar that they call Laba ’s 50.) died and they didn’t carry it now but they did have a decent and quite acceptable subs tute in Alexander Keith’s, as it is also an ale and it comes close. His lovely partner; Noelle came over and joined in the conversa on and it was like I’d been coming in there for years. I tried the food and it was really good as well leaving me thinking about the many other choices on that I’d spotted on their menu that I’d try on my next visit and earmarked several items that Godzilla might enjoy if I brought them home for her. Now if I can have a good me in an empty bar with just the owners present, in my mind they have already fulfilled their promise. I have been back several mes since and each me it gets be er. The last me I ran into my old Sensei. (Man! Did I just write OLD Sensei? Shit!!!!) What I meant to say was Brad Jones who used to teach me Karate years ago but is s ll youthful and in really good shape and fulfilling his dreams of having a musical career to round out his bucket list or list of life goals and accomplishments by forming a band called The Aspiring Legends. This was the very first place that hired them and they were se ng up for a gig that night and were going over some of their tunes in prepara on for it. They sounded pre y good and I would have gone back to check them out further but the old schedule thing dictated a different des na on was in store for the evening. I hear Elvis Priestly (AKA Dorian Baxter) who is running for Mayor up here is there every Sunday and he is an adventure all by himself. If you’re in the area and looking for a place to have a good me, stop in at Good Times Bar and Grill. Tell Bob Cri er told you to swing by.

Kawartha Kids Ride 2014

It was another fantas c day to be out on a motorcycle and Petoonia and I headed off to the east to meet up with the fine folks that run the Kawartha Kids Ride at the Airport Restaurant in Lindsay. The proceeds of this ride and along with other fundraising events is donated to provide much needed money for much needed services to fund Kids programs in the area. There was a large turnout of motorcycles already and it was s ll early, a break from Mother Nature is always much appreciated as good weather usually translates into better a endance than if it’s shi y. I rolled in, parked Petoonia and went to work making my way through the large gathering taking pictures to where Joe “The Bear” was rushing around trying to take care

of last minute details and I was able to say hi before he was called away to look a er something else. I really didn’t need to talk to him anyway just needed to let him know I was there and the run would get coverage and he knows that I understand the work involved in running one of these events and as I said the weather was beau ful and bikes were showing up constantly and the registra on table was kept busy. I wandered a bit ge ng some shots saying hello to the many familiar folks in a endance, before checking out the breakfast special that the restaurant was offering. It was just too good to resist. So I pampered myself to a great breakfast and coffee and watched the last minute scrambling as people registered and bought the great looking


Kawartha Kids Ride 2014 298 Colborne St.

t-shirts and made ready for the ride. There was a good representa on from several Clubs there with The Renegades MC was out with large numbers as were The Redline MC, The Kawartha Charity Riders and a brand new patch made its debut at this event with several members of The Redneck Rebels MC in a endance. There was a police escorted parade through beau ful downtown Lindsay to start things off and then back to the Airport Restaurant before leaving on the actual Poker run. We were all directed onto the tarmac and were lined up amidst the planes down the centre. I took that


to be a great photo-op and managed some good shots and then they had all the attendees gather for a group shot before we mounted up and headed out on what was an excellent and well planned route that took us through some of the best scenery that the Province. It was a very enjoyable ride and I met a lot of new people as I would just tag along with whatever group was leaving when I was ready to go as I had no idea where we were going or how to get there and spent much of the me without a clue as to where I was at any given moment. At one stop that was a dairy with a great ice cream bar (I can’t eat ice cream.) and I was invited by one group to join them for a run up to a nearby Scenic Lookout where I could share some of the refreshment that some of them had packed in their tour packs. I was all over that offer like ugly on an ape! So off we went with them in the lead and we ended up in an absolutely gorgeous shady spot with a great view of the en re valley that was worth the ride up there with or without refreshment. Our thirsts quenched with some me out of the heat we were off to join the rest of the riders on the last couple of legs of the run and back to The Airport Restaurant in Lindsay where the Barbecues were going full blast and turning out some really fantas c food. I should add that The Airport Restaurant owners and staff were amazing and really help make this whole thing work. The last cards were drawn and the tabula ons were done, prizes were awarded and I said my goodbyes and Petoonia and I headed for home. Another great day with some great people exploring some really spectacular roads with enough twists and turns to keep it interes ng without being too hairy for novice riders. This was their thirteenth year doing this and they raised about $5000.00 for their cause which provides breakfasts at schools, sends kids to camp. They get great coopera on from the community and try to give back to the community. The organizers wish to thank all the businesses that contribute to the success of this event and to the Riders who came out in support. Thanks guys see you next year!

Malicious Custom Fabricating Grand Opening The weather had been doing strange unpredictable things lately and you never really knew what the old hag, Mother Nature was going to throw at you un l she was doing it. When Petoonia and I set out that morning the skies were blue and the sun shone brightly and it looked like it had all the makings of a perfect day as I headed South to Scarborough where Malicious Cycle and Clothing was having another Grand Opening Barbecue and Show and Shine this me to celebrate the opening of the Custom Fabrica on division of the shop as an expansion of the very successful Clothing Store had been completed and was ready to fully func on. As I expected, the place was filling up fast and there were lots of folks milling around checking out the bikes. The barbecues were going full lt and the aroma of all that food being cooked had created a line that never seemed to get smaller and those manning the grill were kept busy the whole me as appe tes seem insa able. I managed to track

down Bryan who has a constant smile on his face and has always been a pleasure to talk to as long as I have known him. He couldn’t be happier with the success of the Store and now the reac on to this expansion seems really favourable and they are already in the process of yet another expansion, adding more space and offering motorcycle storage as well. He proudly showed me around the spacious, well lit, well equipped shop poin ng out custom tanks and such that are being built there and what they will be capable of doing which is pre y well everything and anything imaginable as what they can’t do in house they have an enormous network at their disposal so there is no such thing as we can’t do that. That phrase is foreign to these guys. But this isn’t a repair shop it is Custom Fabrica on at its best






and Nelson and Lenny are top notch people who can get it done. Their network includes custom painters and airbrush ar sts and can make your wildest fantasies a reality. A one stop shop for all your custom needs. We were joined by Clint who I‘ve also known for a number of years and was always taken with his tenacity and focus. He was also smiling broadly and is thrilled with the success of the store and the support that they are ge"ng. They are constantly adding new items and new products that will allow people to get all they need






in the way of motorcycle apparel right here. They offer support gear from all over the World and have tremendous online sales as well. They get great support from the all over and the support keeps growing as these guys know how to treat people and deserve the support they get. Guys like Randy, a guy from Brampton who happened into the store one day and they talked got along real well and kept coming back helping out with the renova ons and just being a great help and solid supporter. He had lost his license a while back and built a special 81 support bicycle which he uses for transporta on. He then custom built another bicycle out of several old bikes and barbecue parts and came up with this fantas c crea on that he loaded on a custom designed and constructed trailer and rode all the way from Brampton to the Show and Shine in Scarborough to give it to the guys here at Malicious. He had le Brampton early that morning (around 8:00), and got to the store around noon. Bryan and Clint were blown away by his generosity and his resolve. The bike itself shows great imagina on and great talent and has earned a permanent spot mounted proudly on the wall. As I men oned earlier, they had tons of food here and Bryan insisted that I try some of the deep fried turkey, a treat that I hadn’t tried before and I go a tell you, it was great! I wandered out and checked out the bikes that were entered in the Show and Shine and some of the vendors that were set up

Malicious Custom Fabricating Grand Opening there like Paul Falkner from Spray Chrome Toronto which looks like a fantas!c product that should become real popular with bikers. There were lots of people to talk to as well as the lot was now filled with bikes and people milling around checking out the bikes and just enjoying the day. They announced the winners of the Show and Shine I got my pictures and wandered around saying my goodbyes then headed for home. It was a great day spent with some good people and with each visit here, I feel like I’m witnessing the birth and the growth of what may the next big player in the World of Motorcycles as they let expansion and growth happen naturally and gain knowledge, confidence and experience then take the next step. They are trea!ng people with respect and it is being returned to them in kind. They have new items on the way so watch for further expansion in the not too distant future. You aint seen nothing yet.


ABATE The Final Frontier 2014 Frank’s Magic Crops, Inc. Owner Frank Pastor Jr. Horticulturalist Class III U of T Over 35 Yrs. Experience

Hydroponic Growing & Lighting Systems for Vegetables & Flowers

Store Hours Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 - 6:00 Saturday : 11:00 - 2:00 Closed Sunday

E-mail : Tel. (905) 333 3282 480 Guelph Line Fax (905) 639 9190 Burlington, Ontario Toll Free 1 800 668 0980 Canada L7R 3M1

My drive up to the town of Durham, was par for the course, fraught with misdirec on. A er consul ng my trusty Map App, I wasn’t too far off the mark, and ended up following a camping trailer and a couple bikes loaded down, to the gravel road cut off. In the wilds of rural Ontario, tucked away behind a fence row of trees, awaited the 24th year ABATE party, at the Final Fron er grounds. I was escorted to Chapter 2 from Woodstock, who graciously hosted me at their camp, with a huge tent and buffet assembled. From there I set out to get the lay of the land, so to speak. A large band stand flanked by a bar area, where the hub of ac vity, food and novelty vendors all lined the new rodeo corral. Behind the general store, were the fron er cabins for each chapter, that lined the walkway on both sides in rows. With over a hundred acres of land, there was plenty of room for camping and ac vi es. Other riding groups, such as the Steel Horse Riders, Phantom Thunder, the Gate Keepers, and the Saddle Tramps also came out to support this event. In the evening I was introduced to a number of people within the ABATE group, some of whom I would catch up with later, for a sit down chat. Over a few drinks I listened to Ribbed, and the MoonDogs, who entertained the crowd through the night, and the party lasted well into the wee hours. A er a chilly night of sleep, my caffeine detector went off, and I wandered out, sunglasses on, in search of that glorious “starter fluid”. Saturday was bound to be a busy one, with the rodeo games and my roving reporter/photographer du es, to get the scoop on this charitable Associa on. While ge ng some breakfast, I ran into some folks that I’ve met from other events, near and far, (the red hair is a dead giveaway)! Once stabilized, the morning led to an a ernoon of well organized rodeo games, where fan favourites and newcomers, were cheered on by the crowds lining the outside of the corral. As I snapped pics, I talked to a few people, who told me they had been coming for a few years and what a great me it is, to others, who like me, were first mers there, and we’re having


by Sherri O’Irish

ABATE The Final Frontier 2014

by Sherri O’Irish

a blast. I was referred to talk to the man with the plan Claude “Surf”, who is the Provincial Events Rep, and not an easy man to keep sta onary for more than a few minutes, due to his du es. He did however find some me to let me interview him about the Associa on, the charitable work they do, and the progress and goals for the future. In his 3rd year as the Rep, he has proposed many changes for the be erment of charity and fundraising events going forward, group awareness and promo on, and media support. As well as helping individuals, hospitals and various chari es already, they donate to the Eat and Learn Program, so that no child goes to school hungry. The Final Fron er party is the largest fundraising event of the year for ABATE, and it depends on things running smoothly, for the enjoyment of the weekend, but not everything does.... Enter the “Neighbor from Hell”! According to ar cles I’ve read and heard about, a certain neighbor, bordering the back of the property, has lodged formal complaints to town council about the noise, smells, smoke, sewage disposal, etc. Did I forget to men on, that this place is in the middle of nothing but farmland and bush lots, but s ll the ba le con nues? The group even went as far as to relocate their bandstand and corral to face away from the neighbor this year, which in turn proved to be a much be er set up than before. A WIN WIN I think?!

Johnny Rebel’s STEEL HORSE BOUTIQUE Where Biker Meets Rock N’ Roll Meets Western Unique Ladies Accessories (Lottsa Bling!), Dude Duds, Leather, and Lots of other “Really Cool Stuff”

223 MAIN ST. PORT DOVER----------226.931.5953

Happy trails and safe riding, we’ll see you along the way! Open 11 - 5 Thurs to Mon

Stop in for a free bandana with this ad.

Closed Tues & Wed


Fighting for Your Rights Lives . . . All of us, at some point in the flee ng moments of our existence, think it might be me for an adjustment, an altera on or a slight tweaking in our methodology of dealing with everyday events. Soooooo, it appears that, in the last quarter of my allo ed lifespan, it is now me to focus on what is (or isn’t) relevant to my being. The other night I enjoyed revisi ng the movie ‘True Grit’ - not the sequel, or the remake, but the original with the Duke. There is a scene in the movie where the Duke’s line “Waddya think about that?” is sharply retorted with the line “I’d say that’s bold talk for a one-eyed fat man.” My salad days of wearing the moniker Scary Larry are long past and (to all who give a damn) from this point to the exit door my new road name lives as Rooster . . . for obvious crusty reasons. My zeal for ac vism has not dimmed and I will con nue to write this column for as long as you can stand my BS but there will be some minor changes to the focal point. The OCC execu ves have also decided on a slight varia on and enlarge the scope of the Confedera on to include informa on per nent to the safety of our members. The OPP has published the latest stats regarding traffic fatali es and man, has it been a grim year! Here’s the sobering fact – 217 road deaths to date – Speed was a factor in 51 – Distracted driving accounted for 45 – Not using a seat belt 38 – Impaired driving 34. Out of these stats, the numbers for motorcycle deaths as of August was 26 . . . with at least 60 days to the end of riding season. A chilling number ‘cuz 26 was the total for all of 2013! At present there is no breakdown as to the factors which caused the fatali es. Alarming numbers to be sure which suck even more when you check out the past seven-year sta s cs. Motorcycle fatali es for the period numbered 175 of which 50 were a ributed to the careless driving of other motor vehicle operators. “Other than a careless few that we come across during our enforcement opera ons, the OPP believes that Ontario motorcyclists in general recognize that they are a vulnerable road user and demonstrate safe, defensive driving.” stated OPP Deputy Commissioner Brad Blair in a release. Mmmmmm, that mustabin’ freakin’ painful to deliver, Eh Ollie? Also especially enlightening are the myth-bus ng stats for the past seven-year period. Contrary to public opinion, drivers aged 45-64 accounted for 87 fatali es – the lower age groups only accounted for 25 deaths. Also wet road condi ons were not a major factor as the majority of fatal accidents (158) were on dry roads. So there you have it . . . Bikers are riding responsibly but nonetheless, we are at extreme risk. The Confedera on’s commitment to the protec on of bikers’ rights will always remain focused on protec ng our basic rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Charter of Rights; but now we will also work towards

with Rooster


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Fighting for Your Rights assuring the protec on of our one basic right . . . that we possess the basic street-smarts that will increase our odds of returning to our loved ones unscathed and alive!! There’s been a lot of cha er and specula on regarding the end of free motorcycle parking in the City of Toronto sooooo, here’s the latest informa on on the subject - Toronto has introduced on-street motorcycle and scooter parking zones in certain loca ons, operated via pay-and-display machines, on a pilot basis. The zones will be defined by line markings on the pavement and via signage. Parking in these 30 loca ons will be free of charge to motorcycles and scooters. The city has allocated approx. 300 motorcycle spaces in the designated pay-and-display loca ons. The pilot project will be concentrated on parking areas in the downtown core that are regularly being u lized by motorcycles and scooters. These sites will be monitored to determine usage and compliance over a one year period with a final recommenda on report scheduled for release in the Fall of 2015. As of September 15, 2014, six of the designated 30 loca ons are ac ve. All data included herein was gleaned from a report issued by the City of Toronto and posted on www1.toronto. ca under the ‘Transporta on’ tab. Important to note . . . you don’t have to be a clubber to become an Ontario Confedera on of Motorcycle Clubs member! Independent membership dues are ridiculously low at $25.00 per year. Sooooo, what’s your excuse? Larry (aka Rooster) Lilly OCC Treasurer


with Rooster

On The I know I know I have been negligent in wri ng my column, busy is a very small word used to describe my life these days, some me I will find a bigger on that provides the impactful power that be er describes what it’s like to be re red and be me. Re red is an expression I found, it describes my rela onship with the mag and its readers, not so much aging parents. So I was really disturbed by the lack of response from any of our readers and or adver sers about sponsoring some ladies y shirts, seriously we were talking about a couple hundred bucks from a few different adver sers each to cover a hundred or hundred and fi y ladies y shirts, so enough about that, I called Beau and asked him to set it up for me and I will fork out the dough for y shirts out of my own pocket cause it’s the right thing to do, so ladies be ready to flash em for me at the upcoming Friday the 13ths although I may miss the march event. So feature shoots, thanks to all of you good folks out there who made yourselves and your rides available to us over the last few weeks of September to get a li le ahead of the game here as we were definitely running behind. It’s easy for all you newbie’s okay? We are heading out last weekend of April to southwestern Ontario, which includes. London, Chatham, Windsor, and can include Sarnia, and some mes includes Kitchener/Cambridge/Waterloo. The later is close enough if


with J.R.

we have a half dozen bikes in the area we can come out on other weekend as being closer it requires less planning. We need, Shovels, vintage and special construc on bikes, we need ladies bikes, they all have to be Harleys, duh! If you are a Harley owner get on our list, if you are in the southwestern Ontario area, get on our list, if you are in the tri city area or Guelph-Milton area get on our list, Hamilton and Niagara are our home turf, get your bike on the list. The models men oned above are the ones I am short on ok? We do 2 each year of sportsters, shovels, stock evo/ tc88, vintage, and special construc on. We do 5 lady bikes a year each month from May through September, there are no categories for ladies, if it’s a Harley and you are a lady owner your good to go, just send me pics by email along with your regional loca on, email address and phone number, I will confirm and we will take care of you, if your already on my list you will hear from me soon enough. For those of you who contacted me but never sent a picture or said you were quite ready, you are not on my list and will need to re-apply, if you have corresponded with me you know you are on the list because I said so in plain language, oh yeah hello to eastern Ontario, Banshee Beau is a long me friend and contributor, we’d love to get out to visit O awa way, gimme an excuse, I dare ya, we can do O awa again considering its been way too many years since we were there. Ok no more harping I have golf in the morning and this has been a stressful week so next week promises to be equally stressful but then that’s what I get for ge ng what I always wanted, livin the dream so I won’t complain too much. See you all out there on the road.


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Shenanigans Another summer (if you could call it that) has come and gone, and now all we have are our memories of this season, to keep us warm through the long winter months. Hopefully, all of you got to enjoy at least some of the many rides, rallies and events this year, and are making plans to do it again, or want to try somewhere new, next year. With what there is to see and do, near or far, it’s s ll only the p of the iceberg as far as op ons are concerned. New groups, events and a rac ons, are popping up all over the place, invi ng riders of all makes and models to join in. That’s the way it should be, people coming together with a common interest, and having a good me doing it. Riding is NOT like driving a car, where the most common hand gesture is “flipping the bird”. Seeing other riders and giving them a friendly wave, lets the other person know that you both share the feeling of freedom that two wheels brings. So too, should you feel the concern, when you see another riders’ bike is disabled on the roadside. Contrary to popular belief, a helmet placed on the ground near a bike, apparently doesn’t mean a thing to some folks (as I found out), but it’s supposed to mean that the rider needs help. Herein lies the bain of my summer riding experience, cut short. On one of the last nice riding weekends that we had, I decided to go for a ride. When not far from home, and on a busy road, she decided to stall out on me. Now I could blame it on the color (green), which I’ve been told numerous mes is unlucky, or the fact that her name is Shenanigans, which is pre y self explanatory, it s ll never goes over well with me, when she decides to act up. A"er trying to get her running again, a few choice words, and a smoke to calm my nerves, I put my helmet on the ground, and proceeded to call around for a trailer. Cars, trucks and bikes passed me by, it was a nice day a"er all, and who wants to waste their me with THAT! My op ons were narrowing down, and I was roas ng like a beer can chicken in a barbeque, so I pulled off to a nice shady spot, and again put my helmet down. I heard two bikes coming towards me, and when they got closer, I saw it was a couple of custom barhoppers. Without even looking, they passed me by, and I said to myself “What does a girl go a do to get a li le help around here?” (not in those exact words, but close). Finally a guy pulled up in a car, and said that he had seen me coast by, and thought “That can’t be good!”. Trying to find the humor in the situa on, I told him, “This is one of those new fangled E-Harleys!”. Fortunately he lived a few houses up, and said I could park it there, then he gave me a ride home to get my car, which renews my faith, that there are s ll good and kind strangers out there, thanks Carmen.

with Sherri O’Irish

Next, the cavalry to the rescue! Luckily I found my friend Murphy, with of all people, Cri er, and we hooked up a trailer, got my bike, and got her back safe. All without too much difficulty. While re- It’s Kool To Drink Healthy flec ng on the RENT A FREEZER FULL OF ICE ordeal over a FOR YOUR WEEKEND PARTY few drinks, the answer to my earlier ques on, came in a nonchalant way, when Critter said “Darlin, why didn’t you just flash your ts!”. A"er a huge roar of laughter, I started to 7 DAYS A WEEK think it wasn’t Mon OPEN Fri 10 to 7 ! Sat - Sun 10 to 5 such a bad idea (damn that boob job would have come in handy), and I might take it into considera on, if it happens again! All in all, what riding I did get to do this summer, was quite even#ul, and if the bike gremlins stay at bay, hopefully next summer will be one for the books, or at least the Riders Mag!

REMEMBER: Wearing leather and riding a motorcycle, makes you no more of a biker, than having balls, makes you any less of a dick!






Pay $100 for a $120 Gift Certificate

Bring in Your Winter Projects We’ll Get Working On Them offer good til Dec. 24, 2014 Merry Christmas Were Here Year Round THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 25

Joke Cathy’s Country Kitchen OPEN DAILY 8am - 3pm

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Great Coffee Daily Take Out Lunch Specials & Home Cooking Peter’s Corners Phone: 1305 HWY #5 West 905-628-7820 R.R. #1, Dundas On L9H 5E1 The train was quite crowded and a U.S. Marine walked the en!re length looking for a seat, But the only seat le# was taken by a well dressed, middle-aged, French woman’s poodle. The war-weary Marine asked, ‘Ma’am, may I have that seat?’ The French woman just sniffed and said to no one in par!cular, ‘Americans are so rude. My li(le Fifi is using that seat.’ The Marine walked the en!re train again, but the only seat le# was under that dog. ‘Please, ma’am. May I sit down? I’m very !red ......’ She snorted, ‘Not only are you Americans rude, you are also arrogant!’ This !me the Marine didn’t say a word, he just picked up the li(le dog, tossed it out the train window, and sat down. The woman shrieked, ‘Someone must defend my honour! ‘This American should be put in his place!’ An English gentleman si*ng nearby spoke up: ‘Sir, you


Page Americans seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. ‘You hold the fork in the wrong hand. ‘You drive your cars on the wrong side of the road. ‘And now, sir, you seem to have thrown the wrong bitch out the window. Fi y Shades... You appeared from nowhere and shamelessly, without any reserva!ons, you laid on my naked body. You sensed my indifference, so you applied your hungry mouth to me without any guilt or humilia!on, and you drove me near crazy while you drained me. Finally, I dri#ed off to sleep. Today when I awoke, you were gone. I searched for you but to no avail, only the sheets bore witness to last night’s events. My body s!ll bears faint marks of your enthusias!c ravishing, making it all the more difficult to forget you. Tonight, I will remain awake, wai!ng for you........ F##king mosquito As a joke, my brother Jay used to hang a pair of panty hose over his fireplace before Christmas. He said all he wanted was for Santa to fill them. What they say about Santa checking the list twice must be true because every Christmas morning, although Jay’s kids’ stockings overflowed, his poor pantyhose hung sadly empty. One year I decided to make his dream come true. I put on sunglasses and went in search of an inflatable love doll. They don’t sell those things at Wal-Mart. I had to go to an adult bookstore downtown.

Joke If you’ve never been in an X-rated store, don’t go. You’ll only confuse yourself. I was there an hour saying things like; ‘What does this do?’ ‘You’re kidding me!’ ‘Who would buy that?’ Finally, I made it to the inflatable doll sec on. I wanted to buy a standard, uncomplicated doll that could also subs tute as a passenger in my truck so I could use the car pool lane during rush hour. Finding what I wanted was difficult. ‘Love Dolls’ come in many different models. The top of the line, according to the side of the box, could do things I’d only seen in a book on animal husbandry. I se led for ‘Lovable Louise.’ She was at the bo om of the price scale. To call Louise a ‘doll’ took a huge leap of imagina on. On Christmas Eve and with the help of an old bicycle pump, Louise came to life. My sister-in-law was in on the plan and let me in during the wee morning hours. Long a er Santa had come and gone, I filled the dangling pantyhose with Louise’s pliant legs and bo om. I also ate some cookies and drank what remained of a glass of milk on a nearby tray. I went home, and giggled for a couple of hours. The next morning my brother called to say that Santa had been to his house and le a present that had made him VERY happy, but had le the dog confused. She would bark, start to walk away, then come back and bark some more. We all agreed that Louise should remain in her pantyhose so the rest of the family could admire her when they came over for the tradi onal Christmas dinner. My grandmother no ced Louise the moment she walked in the door. “What the hell is that?” she asked. My brother quickly explained, “It’s a doll.” “Who would play with something like that?” Granny snapped. I kept my mouth shut. “Where are her clothes?” Granny con nued. “Boy, that turkey sure smells nice, Gran,” Jay said, to steer her into the dining room. But Granny was relentless. “Why doesn’t she have any teeth?” Again, I could have answered, but why would I? It was Christmas and no one wanted to ride in the back of the ambulance saying, “Hang on Granny, hang on!” My grandfather, a deligh#ul old man with poor eyesight, sidled up to me and said, “Hey, who’s the naked gal by the fireplace?” I told him she was Jay’s friend. A few minutes later I no ced Grandpa by the mantel, talking to Louise. Not just talking, but actually flir ng. It was then that we realized this might be Grandpa’s last Christmas at home. The dinner went well. We made the usual small talk about who had died, who was dying, and who should be killed, when suddenly Louise made a noise like my father in the bathroom in the morning. Then she lurched from the mantel, flew around the room twice, and fell in a heap in front of the sofa. The cat screamed. I passed cranberry sauce through my nose and Grandpa


ran across the room, fell to his knees, and began administering mouth-to-mouth resuscita on. My brother fell back over his chair and wet his pants. Granny threw down her napkin, stomped out of the room, and went out and sat in the car. It was indeed a Christmas to treasure and remember. Later in my brother’s garage, we conducted a thorough examina on to decide the cause of Louise’s collapse. We discovered that Louise had suffered from a hot ember to the back of her right Continued on Page 52 thigh.














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WE’VE GOT CHRISTMAS e l c y C s Maliciou & Clothing WRAPPED UP
























BLACK GOLD & THE MAKIN’ OF THE BLACK BITCH 3 Black Gold – Riders Mag – Cri er’s Collectables Gord has always had a passion for knives, military items and collec ng. He also had an interest and apprecia on for leather clothing and products and anything that has quality and one day he found himself in a posi on to bring all of those things together and that is how Black Gold came about. He opened the doors at the store on Gorham St. in Newmarket about six years ago and sees no reason to stop. He likes to give his customers value for their money and gets much of his clothing items custom designed to his specifica ons and stands behind what he sells. If you are looking for something specific and he doesn’t have it he will get it for you and won’t be happy un l you are. Gord has also been a big presence at all the major bike shows over the past six years and has go en to know what people are looking for when they come to the shows and adjusted his products and displays to best serve the customers. He is always ready to change with the mes and the trends and that is what keeps his stock viable and his displays fresh. He is always on the look-out for anything that will enhance his store and give people something different. So you will never know what you will find there un l you get there. I know I’ve walked in to find an item and had to have it! He has an eye for good stuff and is willing to take a chance that his ins ncts are right. If I know he’s been on a trip I get in there as soon as I know he’s back to see what treasures that he has found. I became involved with Gord through the Riders Mag long before I took it over and he has always been a huge supporter both of the Mag, myself and my other ventures as well. I came into possession of some Harley-Davidson Collectables took up some of the space in the store and when I took over the Mag we moved part of our opera on in there as well as we our currently looking at up-da ng our clothing line and it will all be available at that loca on as well as online. The loca on also offers a great venue for the Show and Shines that Gord and I do together and they have all been very successful and are increasing in popularity now that we can have our own beer garden and contain the events. We may consider doing more than one a year as well. The Making of Black Bitch 3 I can hardly believe that I’ve reached this stage. The trike project is finally nearing comple on and I couldn’t be happier. The theme song for this build should be I get by with a li le help from my friends or in this case; a lot of help from my friends. I first started thinking about this build years ago when my buddy Bronson and I sat a threw some ideas around and thought that we could build this over the course of a year or two and just do it as a fun project and involve as many people as we could. Then I spo ed the trikes that Josh from JD Cycle up in Keswick had on display at the Bike Shows and took Bronson down to check it out. We knew then that that would be the rear end we would use to build the trike. I talked price and such with Josh and put it on hold for a while but it was never forgo en. Then I took over the Mag and I knew that I wanted to get the project off the ground right away as it would be a great promo onal tool as well as a prac cal delivery vehicle in which to deliver Motorcycle Magazines. So I cashed in stuff and put together a chunk of coin and we were off to


the races! I got out my pencils and came up with several designs all of which I ran by Bronson but in the end, the final design ended up being a lot different than what I started to with, as I could see obvious flaws in the original concept as we got closer to actually pu#ng it all together into a working machine. It got stalled once again when my budget did not meet the numbers that Bronson and I were talking and it looked like the project might get shelved indefinitely. I did, however, want to lock in the rear end so I could at least have the start of the project physically there and went up, cheque book in hand, to see Josh at his shop up in Keswick. A$er some discussion I told him of my dilemma and my budget to do the whole project, bike rear end and all. He thought for a bit and then offered me a deal on the trike that he was riding and represen ng his shop at the shows, the work and modifica ons that would be required to make it work to the specifica ons I would need and he would help me get it ready for the box and that we would work together with Bronson to get it done and his end for everything would be within my budget! I just couldn’t turn it down. Now the project went into overdrive as Josh is a dynamo in his shop and stuff happens fast, real fast! We went from rough plans to the extension being done, the rear end being installed and a rough plywood box set in place literally, overnight! I le$ the night before and it was one way and when I appeared the next morning with Dusty with more sketches, hauling our buddy Buff ’s trailer to haul it to Dusty’s for the box construc on, there was the trike looking very much like I wanted it to be. Josh had bought some plywood and some screws and a saw and there it was. We all knew that there would be refinements that Dusty would be making as he built the real thing but it was ge#ng there far faster than I had an cipated. We had however skipped a step or two that included Bronson’s input. That wasn’t planned, as I love and respect Bronson and wouldn’t want to insult him but I’m not used to things happening that fast and I couldn’t undo things at this point as we were on deadline to get it ready for the Show in Toronto, so we just charged ahead and the trike that made it to the show hadn’t even been road tested or even fired up as Josh s ll had some tweaking that he wanted to get done before that happened. Dusty worked his magic, our buddy Jim McConnell had some Douglas fir beams that he’d salvaged from some old storage sheds down on Passmore Blvd. in Toronto. He had held onto them for around 10 years and even came close to burning them at one point but along came Dusty and it was decided to drop them off there and see if they could eventually find a use for them. So Dusty with my project in need of some classy looking lumber, he hauled them down the road to another buddy; Fred Chris#anson at Tenson Sawing who custom milled the beams into what would become the box for the trike. Now Dusty went to work doing the final design and build, working solely from my descrip on and I couldn’t have been more impressed as he went way beyond what I was expecting. While all this was happening all the rest of the stuff was in full swing. Jabber from Jabbers Airbrush studio was doing an amazing job on the paint. The panels for the box went down to Jim at Against the Grain in Richmond Hill to be

BLACK GOLD & THE MAKIN’ OF THE BLACK BITCH 3 CNC’d with the Riders Mag Logo. The fenders came on sale from Princess Auto and Dwight Auer from Just Metall in Aurora customized them to suit our needs. I picked up the lights at Heavy Duty Truck parts in Concord and some others rs from Walmart. We brought everything together and assembled it in Dusty’s shop the fenderss were painted with gloss black shaky cans from Canadian Tire and bolted on Josh h and Dusty did the wiring and everything was a ready as it was going to be to get et it to the Show. It was far from perfect but she was going to make her debut. Myy buddy G.G. came up with her name and “Black Bitch 3” was ready for the unveiling ng but not the road. We borrowed Buff ’s trailer once again pushed the trike on and then pushed it back off down at the show put her in place. It went over really well and got a huge reac"on but I knew that we were s"ll a ways from being done. We pushed it back on the trailer at the end of the show and took it back to Dusty’s then back to JD Cycle to have Josh tweak it a bit more. I was on the road! Then one day the chain let go altogether and it went back to Josh again where it was fixed and I was off once again and it made it to Port Dover but something s"ll wasn’t exactly right in the gearing or whatever but one thing was clear, a highway machine she wasn’t, at least not yet! Bronson wasn’t a huge fan of the chain that we had on there and made a few other recommenda"ons and the trike was officially out of ac"on un"l those things were done. We also figured that we had to improve the aerodynamics a bit so I sourced out a Memphis Shade fairing up at Strictly V Twin and a&er a long and heated bargaining session with Fred Hale I walked out with the fairing (We were both smiling at the end, so I’m not sure who came out on top.) and took it up to my buddy Jabber to recreate the flames that he had done on the tank and fender. I sought out another old friend Dave Lyons who is a kick ass upholsterer at Deluxe Auto Trim just down the road in Stouffille and got the top of the box covered. I had originally talked to Mike at Mike’s Upholstery in Hamilton and he wanted to do the job but logis"cs and "me were the deciding factors in shopping out this deal locally. I couldn’t think of how I would get it to and from Mikes shop and home and then back without killing a whole whack of "me that I could ill afford to kill off! Dave did a fantas"c job and the s"tching is a great effect he also gave my bu* some relief with the installa"on of a gel pack. That done, the beast is now residing temporarily at Tombstones Motorcycles in Richmond Hill where she is having a Daytona Twin Tec module installed and we’ll see if that makes a difference as well. Josh figures it will make a big difference as it is running real lean at present and the exhaust pipes have turned a nice shade of purple and now Petoonia is jealous and wants to be leaned out. So I figure that the trike is now around 95% complete now and I’ve got a set of lowers, garnered in round two with Fred Hale that have to go up to Jabber along with the side covers and rear fenders for paint DUSTY DEREK and we’ll see what you all think of it when she will be on display at the Supershow in January. See you there!






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Two Guns and Preview from my book called “The Watch” soon to be renamed “Biker 101”. Only the stripper’s name is changed to protect the guilty...otherwise this is the way it was...and yes it is true.






Two Guns and a Machete Let’s go back 30 years in the life of Don. Normally I do not stay up late. This is good. If I do stay up, the kind of places I wind up in are usually dangerous. One night, my stripper girlfriend and I meet a couple of Dominicans outside a tourist bar in Sosua on the north shore of the DR (Dominican Republic). When thinking Dominican, think macho! Manhood is a big deal. Desire’ was tall, very tall. She had long bleach blond hair cascading down her bare back, legs that went on forever, encased by the shortest of shorts, and fuck-me spike heels. I am sure that it was Desire’s’s pouty, glossed lips that a racted these guys and not my dynamic personality. They didn’t know where to look first but se led on her scan ly


a Machete

by Donny Petersen

clad ts that seemed at eye level. Desire’ didn’t care. She was used to it. She bored easily. However, tonight she would not be bored. We banter back and forth. We like each other but I can tell the leader has a gun. These guys can’t help themselves as they trip over each other leaving clues that they are heavies. I casually move closer, slapping my new pal on the back, using distrac ons so he does not no ce I am in his space. Laughing, I ask him what kind of piece he has. He pulls out a .38 revolver and points it at me. I know he is only trying to impress us but a gun is a gun is a gun. I smile, cool as cool can be, watching warily for my chance. I no ce that the exposed cylinders do not have bullets in them but who knows if the others do. I let him get comfortable as we talk and laugh. The gun sways side to side. I me it and grab the gun barrel as it passes my body and wrench it out of his hand. Now, I am in control. I lecture him about poin ng a gun at a friend as I check to see if all cylinders are empty. There is one bullet ready to go! He wants his gun back. He is panicking...maybe, it is not even his. I ask for more bullets to fully load it before returning it. He does not have any more as I suspected. I temporarily keep the one bullet and give the revolver back to him. My new friend is flustered. He says he is going to an a erhours joint at the bo om of Los Charamicos. He needs his bullet. This shanty town slum is not for tourists and is a rough place. I say we will go to the a er-hours with him and I will give the bullet to him if a problem arises. He says that I will not be welcome. I tell him I go where I want. Off we go, having a good ole me. White Gringoes never go here. The local police will only go in force during the day. Do I look like I care? In retrospect, perhaps I should have given him his lone bullet too. Maybe, I should have kept the gun with the bullet in the chamber, ready to fire. However, I made the right decision. If I used the gun when my soon-to-be situa on was at its seemingly worst, I would have certainly died soon a er! Charamicos was a slum, built on land less desirable for tourist development at the me. There are no lights unless hydro is stolen and makeshi wiring crosses above. The worst sec on is down a hilly, rough dirt gulley-road that also serves as a gu er for tropical storm rainwater. The storm water helps wash the sewage into Sosua Bay. There are no flush-toilets and no sanita on; we are in a third world slum late at night. I whisper to my chick not to drink mixed drinks and no ice. Beer, where she can see the cap popped is her drink from here on in. I had already told her in Toronto not to bring jewelry. Now, this former shithole is home to such luxury hotels as The Galleria and the Seahorse Ranch. The doorman does not want to let me in because I am a Gringo. He is big for a Dominican. He starts power-tripping on me when I insist on coming in. I sucker him fla ening his nose. He goes into a rage. He too is macho and I have made him look bad. He is afraid to fight me

Two Guns and

a Machete

by Donny Petersen

head on. He reaches above a door frame and pulls down a machete. Dominicans grow up with a machete in their hand for cuÂ?ng sugar cane and other crops. It becomes an extension of their arm and they are experts at wielding this deadly tool or weapon, as the case may be. I am fucked. As always, I seem to ďŹ nd a soluÂ?on in the direst of situaÂ?ons. He swings the machete. He is not aiming to wound or disable. It will sink-in six inches wherever it lands! He is aiming for the top of my head. It will split my head in two like a coconut. I step into the doorway. The blade hits and sÂ?cks into WE CHROME METAL, FOAM, GLASS, the door jam. I punch him again as he struggles to free the WOOD, PLASTIC, FABRIC........ blade. At this Â?me of my life, I was a heavy weight liÂ?er and an unskilled brawler. I weighed 240 lbs. I now weigh 190 lbs ALMOST ANYTHING !!! but have boxing skills. Who else would start boxing at age 61? Today, I would take him out with one punch. Back then, COUNTLESS COLOURS TO I just hit with no thought. It had always worked for me but not tonight. CHOOSE FROM! He is knocked back. He swings the machete again. Same deal. I punch again. He reels back from my punch. I know, I don’t have much Â?me before he ďŹ gures out to stab me with the machete. I yell to the bartender to set up drinks for everyone on me. The doorman stops for a few seconds, confused. Patrons start yelling for their free drinks. I suddenly become very popular. I then yell above the din to have a toast to my courageous friend. I say he has fought me to a standsÂ?ll and that he is a very tough guy. Before he can react, I put my arm around him warily watching the blade. However, he will now become a vicÂ?m if shock. he conÂ?nues because I am much stronger and have vice grips Desire’ and I part ways in Toronto when I ďŹ nally ďŹ gure out for hands. I keep the chaÂ?er up praising him and buy more why she is always bored. She liked girls more than men. That drinks. We become friends. Bouncers always want the tough aronted my testosterone laced manhood at the Â?me. Now, guys as friends to back their future plays. I would like it. Fun, fun, fun! She would also be gone part of However, this is sÂ?ll a very dangerous place. It is Â?me for the Â?me leaving me in peace unÂ?l I then too became bored. me to leave. I have pushed my luck way too far. THERE ARE 5 WAYS TO CREATE POWER: We move outside, in the pitch dark into the hot $LU Ă€RZ RU HQJLQH EUHDWK- FRPEXVWLRQ FKDPEHUV FRPELQLQJ ZLWK D and steamy night. We begin to make our drunken LQJ IRU WKHUH FDQ EH QR FRPEXVWLRQ Ă€DW WRSSHG RU PDWFKLQJ SLVWRQ GHVLJQ FUHwalk up the gulley. The only light is from the stars DQG FRQVHTXHQW SRZHU ZLWKRXW DLU $LU DWH DLU DQG IXHO WXUEXOHQFH ZLWK EXLOW LQ Ă€RZ LV WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW IDFWRU LQ VTXLVK EDQG V 6TXLVK RFFXUV ZKHQ D VHFand the moon. SRZHU $LU GHOLYHU\ UHTXLUHV WLRQ RI WKH SLVWRQ FURZQ FRPHV FORVH WR D My chick and my newfound buddy with the FUHDWLQJ PDWLQJ SRUWLRQ RI WKH FRPEXVWLRQ FKDPEHU empty revolver and me are suddenly accosted by WKH H[SHOOLQJ RI VSHQW JDVHV DIWHU FRPEXVWLRQ 7KH H[KDXVW V\VWHP LV WKH XVXDOO\ D Ă€DW VKHOI 7KH DLU DQG JDV LQ WKLV three other Dominicans, one with a semi-automaÂ?c. PRVW WHFKQLFDO FRPSRQHQW RI WKH +DU- DUHD ZLOO IRUFHIXOO\ VTXLVK LQWR WKH DGMDThese guys are real. These guys are gangsters. They OH\ 'DYLGVRQ ,WV GHVLJQ LV DQ H[HUFLVH FHQW FRPEXVWLRQ FKDPEHU ERZO PL[LQJ WKH IXHO DQG DLU LQWR EXUQDEOH SURSRUWLRQV LQ SK\VLFV DQG WKH GRPDLQ RI will kill! $ VRSKLVWLFDWHG HOHFWURQLF LJQL&\OLQGHU FRPThey want my money and I ain’t giving it to them. WLRQ FRRUGLQDWHV IXHO GHOLYHU\ SUHVVLRQ LQFUHDVHV WKH Out of the dark, we hear loud, authoritaÂ?ve SUHVVXUH RQ WKH SLVWRQ ZLWK VSDUN WLPLQJ Spanish. The doorman is angry. He is in charge and FURZQV GXULQJ WKHLU 3RZ 0RUH FXELF LQFKHV HU 6WURNH WR VSLQ WKH Ă€\giving these guys orders. He tells them to leave me ZKHHOV IDVWHU GLVSODFHPHQW alone as I am his friend. They lower the gun, back 7KH ROG DGDJH WKDW´ QXWKLQÂś 6TXLVK WXUo, and fade into the darkness. EHDWV FXELF LQFKHV´ LV PLVEXOHQWO\ PL[HV WKH IXHO OHDGLQJ +RZHYHU FKDUJH LQWR WKH FRPEXVWLRQ I yell, “Thank you, my friend.â€? 1RWKLQJ EHDWV FXELF LQFKHV We make it up the rocky, uneven hill for the nicer FKDPEHU 6TXLVK PL[HV WKH ZKHQ FRRUGLQDWHG ZLWK DLU DQG JDV ZKLFK SURpart of Charamicos and relaÂ?ve safety. It is sÂ?ll bad DLU Ă€RZ EUHDWKLQJ FRPSUHVPRWHV D KLJKHU SHUFHQWDJH here at night but we walk onto Sosua Beach and are RI EXUQ RI ZKDW LV DOUHDG\ VLRQ FRPEXVWLRQ FKDPEHU ÂłVTXLVK´ DQG D VRSKLVWLFDWWKHUH 7KLV SURGXFHV PRUH soon in Sosua. HG LJQLWLRQ FRRUGLQDWLQJ IXHO DQG IHZHU HPLVWe part ways with our pretend-gangster buddy. SRZHU DQG VSDUN I toss him his bullet, slap him on the back and give VLRQV DV DQ HQYLURQPHQWDO EHQHÂżW 6WRFN ' VKDSHG a ďŹ nal laugh. My chick has not said a word. She is in DQG DIWHUPDUNHW %DWKWXE






STICKER It’s Thanksgiving as I write this and I would like to express my thanks to those who have contributed to this summer’s happiness and adventures! I am thankful for all the people I have found myself surrounded by. Some are great friends, some are strangers, some are somewhere in between but no ma er where I went this summer I con nued to find myself amongst laughter and smiles and friendly people. It’s a great atmosphere for a happy life . . . thank you all for that! And of course thanks for Harleys, windy roads, falling gas prices, ice cream, BBQ anything, and so much more! A special thanks to Cri er, for making me feel really great at the perfect me! You have no idea how great you people are, thanks to all of you for being there!

Buzz’s Poker Run Made it to Buzz’s Poker Run again in late August, an old favorite from years gone by. The weather was grey with drizzle and spi y rain throughout the area. It seemed like it wasn’t enough rain to ruin a good me for the old crowd but just enough to keep the whiners at home (or send them home early). The weather improved as the day went on with the odd sprinkle from the sky but they were light and short and it was warm enough to dry quickly. It was a great

Easy Acre Machines Build


Custom Bikes & Engines

519-636-3717 23983 Melbourne Rd. Strathroy, Ont. THE RIDERS MAG ---- PAGE 36


by Sharon

day for a ride! Once everyone got back to the property the games entertained the crowd. As always there were many par cipants with several skills. It seemed the weenie bite compe on stood out above the rest this year with many ge ng the whole thing on the first round! As rounds went on, it was obvious that many had been prac cing over this past long cold winter. Toughest biker of the day award goes to Chris ne Henderson for riding the rear fender of the hard tail all day through sun and rain smiling all the while! And it didn’t stop there, Chis na con nued to ride that hard fender of that hard tail throughout the games, s ll smiling! Go a love happy people! Another great round of old friends, new friends, old faces, new faces, hugs all around, great bands, dancing in the dirt, and Uncle Bailey! Koodos to Buzz for fantas c job as always! That’s a lot to pull off in one day and you rise to the occasion every year. Movie Night at Smileys On certain Thursday nights in the summer the Lake Huron Steel Horse Riders meet at Smileys shop outside of Kincardine for movie night. The big screen is the back of a double garage door, the movies are classic biker movies, the food is homemade and fantas c, and the company is great! Even though it was a chilly night and calling for rain, Don brought his 1940 Indian . . . what a beauty! This machine is ridden o"en including on kick start runs in the States, it’s no trailer queen. The Lake Huron Steel Horse Riders have been around the Kincardine area for about 3 years and consists of about 100 members. They have raised thousands for local chari es this year alone and took a $1500 cheque to the New Liskeard Bikers Reunion

STICKER to Ba le Cancer. They’re a good bunch of people! I’ve a ended two movie nights now, the second one featured Road to Paloma which le me riding home sad and horny. Watch the movie . . . you’ll understand. Smiley offered me extra layers but I was already so bundled up I could barely bend my arms, the hospitality was truly awesome. Movie night is now Movie Marathon Saturdays to help get us through the winter so come on out, meet some new friends, hang around, stay warm, eat well, and watch some biker movies! Queen’s Bush Poker Run My next adventure was the Queen’s Bush Poker Run for Au"sm Awareness in September. It was a rainy day with a rainy forecast, it just didn’t look nice anywhere in the area but bikers in Grey Bruce don’t stop riding over a bit of rain. People showed


by Sharon

have enough door prizes that it seems almost everyone wins something. The food is always great and plen"ful and the route is well planned with plenty of parking at the designated stops. Great job every "me! Jon them on Facebook and plan to a end

up from all corners of the coun"es to raise money for Au"sm Awareness. Pre y sure everyone got soaked at least once during the run but didn’t damper the smiles and good "mes. I sure didn’t hear a lot of complaining, more talking about the sunny spots than the rainy spots. It was a pants on, pants off kinda day . . . rain pants that is! Every "me I turned around my buddies were telling me “PUT YOUR PANTS ON” cuz whenever I did, the clouds seemed to subside. Sure was fun! Anita and The Queens Bush staff work very hard to pull off two large poker runs every year, one in the spring and one in the fall. Both runs




by Sharon

nor did I know the crowd or anyone in the crowd. Those were the reasons I went to Docville. As soon as I pulled in it was obvious that this was a friendly and welcoming bunch of people. By the me I got around the back and a drink poured a few more strangers welcomed me to the bash. As the day

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and night went on people came and went but it seemed that no ma er where you were at what me people just kept on saying hello and cha ng with me like old friends. Docville is a really neat property on its own merit too. Steve is a rela ve of Doc Hollidays and has many interes ng trinkets throughout the property. The barn is glorified with a crystal chandelier, a stage, a bar, a dance area, and tables and sea ng for all. The Rock Holliday Band and many others (terrible with names) rocked that barn all day and all night! As the day turned into night Wild Berries introduced by the “Little Drummer Man” brought folks together and got us dancing! Berries soaked in 151 proof alcohol for a few years will surely give a person happy feet! Next thing I knew it was morning and I was up, packed, and out for breakfast was Doc, Sheila, and some of the crew (s ll terrible with names). I didn’t roll out of there un l early a ernoon as the stories and giggles just kept on going. Quick Note You Pay us Best wishes to Ken and Victoria Cole, an Owen NOTHING unless no fee Guarantee Sound area couple who were involved in a serious We Win your case motorcycle accident earlier this summer in the busy Frankenmuth region of Michigan. Victoria suffered Car Accident Birth Injury serious head injuries - not all expenses are covered by insurance. Friends have set up a trust fund at Slip and Fall Motorcycle Accident CIBC in Owen Sound to help. Think of them and othMedical Malpractice Brain Injury ers during the upcoming holiday season and conAccident Benifits sider a contribu on to help others over the hump. Spinal Cord Injury The season is winding down now with just a few riding days le . Soon the bikes go to the shop for the over winter tweaking and the bikers head to the bike shows and indoor events. Hope to see many of you at the shows and the Member : Ontario Confederation of Clubs par es and thanks again everyone for a priceless summer! Ontario Trial Lawyers Assocation

the runs next year, always a great friendly crowd! Docville A er Queen’s Bush my next adventure was not planned, the best adventures always start that way. The plan for the day was to maybe a end the movie marathon Saturday at Smileys but the weather was forecast for high 20’s all weekend - this could be the last great riding weekend of the year! Plan A was only a bit over an hour away and that wasn’t a long enough ride for such a great weekend. A quick # message to a willing dog si er and on to Plan B! I had heard about Docville, read about Docville, and even seen Docville on Facebook but I have never been to Docville



Serving Clients for 20 years. THE RIDERS MAG ---- PAGE 38

Hello fellow inmates...

by Dangerous Donnie from Durham

I am never late on my 88 (the ole stock twinkie) but I missed the deadline for the September Riders Mag and I do have an excuse, I was on the road here and there catching some rays and new roads, got back too late to file some of my usual dribble. Lucky for me, Cri er being the guy he is didn’t kick me to the curb. I did get to a end a few events, first was Malicious Cycle and Clothing’s grand opening down on St Clair East in Scarborough, Byran and Clint have put in ton of work to make this venture a go...and the store looks really fine. What I like about it is all the gear they sell is original that you won’t find anywhere else. (as well as the 81 support stuff). Good weather, good food, a good turn out and cold drinks. Who can pass on that? After I decided to roll home I followed a few old school bikers and when I pulled up at a stop light, they invited me to road house along Kingston Road. Rick and the other guy (I forgot his name) and I spent a few hours just shoo ng the breeze on an outdoor pa o. Nice. August long weekend was the annual Rangers MC party/camping held up in South River at a remote farm called Huggy Bears..(did not see any bears tho and we had the whole 100 acres to ourselves). Early Friday morning my crew (Rangers East Prospect Chapter) met them at the 400hwy/Innisville cut off, awesome sunny day, and from there we motored up to South River and then about

20kms into the bush along some dirt roads where we all arrived a li le dusty and parched, and proceeded to quench our thirsts. This is a family event and it was good for all to bond with each other. With some of the Rangers made up of Portuguese, Italian and Hungarian heritage, well you just had to know this was no burnt hamburger BBQ deal. We ate like kings at the long table they had set up. Now throw in a few Irish guys in the mix and there was no shortage of beverages either. One of those old school run-aways. Tents were set up all over the property, which also sports a huge house with 20 beds along with two big cabins that could sleep 8, so everybody had a choice. My old back does not like the hard ground so I wimped out for indoor accommoda ons (also had the bride with me and she don’t camp). Victor (Ranger MC Pres.) spent Saturday cooking up his famous tradi onal Hungarian Goulash (for those that don’t know Goulash it’s this combo of a beef/pork/veggie strew) a huge outdoor pot that must have held 5 gallons was stewing







905-372-1510 4307 BURNHAM ST. N., COBOURG, ONT. THE RIDERS MAG ---- PAGE 39

Hello fellow inmates...

by Dangerous Donnie from Durham

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(613) 392-8433 all day. We tore into bowl a er bowl of this great concoc on. Also on the menu was pulled pork Italian style by Vito (who had it in the smoker for some 12 hours) excellent grub for sure. Walter cooked breakfast for all. I bet 100’s of you that a end the Rangers winter bash in Toronto know about the quality of food that I am talking about. Also the good friends of the Rangers the Patchless MC arrived on Saturday as well and the party con nued ll the wee hours. My friends that put on Bikes on Bond also did everything possible to create a long term event in downtown Oshawa that was expected to a ract a 1000 riders (Aug 16th). Much work involved shu ng down the main streets for bikes only,

In Beaverton


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vendors, t shirts, food, bands, all the stuff you need to put on great party. Well didn’t it just piss rain all day, I rode my scooter thru the downpour that was so heavy I had to seek shelter, arrived in the Schwa to find empty streets, shit was I in an episode of the Twilight Zone? Nope, it was called off due to the monsoon. I ran into a few folks on two wheels and we hit a local bar, and once the rain slowed I headed back to home base. But fear not, the people involved and all volunteers are going ahead with next years’ plans, which will coincide with the some of Pan Am Games which I am told are also being hosted in Oshawa so it should draw huge crowds of people, riders and civilians. I made my pilgrimage to Cri ers Show and Shine up in Newmarket and this was his biggest turn out to date. Lots of vendors, Great weather. Many clubs also showed up for his bash. He was able this year to get a beer garden set up, as I walked into the area there he was beer in hand trying to find me to inhale a sausage on a bun, and choke down a 50. I am always amazed that he has that much energy to talk to the 100’s he knows, no shit he is an ambassador of our lifestyle and promotes brotherhood amongst us all, no ma er what our choice of associa ons are. Sadly as I end this scribble there were several of us that are no longer here, recently the biker community lost a wellknown and well liked all round brother, a friend to all. RIP... Gord Macgillivary, as a ta oo ar st (Addicted Ta oos) he has literally le his market on 100’s, and judging from the turnout at the viewing and funeral, there were many that he probably never met that paid their respects due to his rela onship with the biker community. I know his generosity and openness to all was apparent. When we first opened our CH he was there and was stuffing bills into our dona on jar (a old HD gas tank on the bar) He spent a lot of me with his friends 81 N/Toronto and frequently down at The Rangers CH as well. Gord leaves a young family behind (two young daughters and wife) and on behalf of the Mag we offer sincere condolences. I would also men on an old riding buddy Steve Young who collided with a car just south of Wasaga late August on his trusty road king. ....All of them G B N F... It was a season with many accidents I am not sure why it seemed to be many more than previous years, but it blows .... Sorry to say I missed a lot of events this year... too many to men on.... and I am running out of stuff to say, so by the me you read this we are fully into the fall and approaching Christmas, let’s all support each other thru the winter, visit a CH or three and… Cya soon


Motorcyco Beau No ma er how you cut it as soon as labor day weekend is in sight there is a li le voice in the back of your head that says the motorcycle season will be over soon, you had be er get as much riding in as you can before the weather turns ugly so you start ac vely looking for whatever events or rides are coming up so you can get the best of both, riding and being with people who share your love of the biker lifestyle. While there are always lots of rides to take part in late Summer I try to a end as many events as I can where the opportunity to have the me to talk with people about what they did over the summer and what experiences they had. I also like to spend some me with old friends who most likely I may not see again un l the following riding season unless we are lucky enough to bump into each other at one of the winter motorcycle shows. Either way one of those events I made it up to again this year was the Snake River Rodeo, hosted by the Simple Men MC and held just north of the town of Cobden up the O awa Valley about an hour and a half ride from O awa, depending upon which route you choose to take to get there. One of the pleasures of motorcycling in the O awa Valley is whether you choose to


tales from the Far East.... of Ontario that is!

take the Trans-Canada to head west or decide to take one of the many old highways that follow the O awa River you will be rewarded with by incredible scenery and lots of heritage towns along the way. The weather on the way up was much like it was last year with the skies being overcast but not really threatening rain and warm temperatures so when we arrived at the site there were already lots of riders se ling in and two very familiar faces to greet us were those of Sean Guest and Duane Chevalier. If seeing those two doesn’t brighten up your day then trust me, nothing will. This event draws a lot of the military riders and clubs from the Petawawa area including the Ruffians MC and the Eyes of Odin MC who along with The Cel c Brotherhood put PTSD (Post Trauma c Awareness Disorder) Awareness as one of their key mandates for club ac vi es. Another highlight to this year’s rodeo was the a endance of several members from the Mari me chapters of the Simple Men MC who rode up to take part in the fes vi es and to show support for their O awa Valley chapter. Once we had the TCB info tent set up and copies of the Mag set out on the table for folks to pick-up I took some me to walk around and take some pictures and see who I know that made it up from the O awa area to par cipate. That’s one of the perks of what I do is that I get to meet so many great people and a er you have been to the same event a couple of mes over the years you discover you feel at home and believe me if you come to the Snake River Rodeo it won’t be long before you will feel at home too because the folks at Snake River know how to be hosts and they treat you exactly the same way they would like to be treated if they were at someone else’s event. The rodeo itself is a full par cipa on event where people take turns helping out so that just about everyone can get in on the fun and I no ced that the boys had made some upgrades in their equipment. As usual the comments from their commentator were hilarious and had the audience in s tches and the evening’s entertainment was provided by Dean Batstone or SWB (skinny white boy) as we call him. Although Dean is both from the valley and a member of the Simple Men MC, he travels back and forth between here and the U.S. entertaining audiences with his song wri ng and singing so it makes sense that a local boy and a club member would be the main a rac on. I spent the rest of the day

Motorcyco Beau hanging out enjoying the rodeo, the food & the company of some of the clubs that stopped by to sit under the shade of the info tent. During that part of the day Kerry Anderson and his lady stopped by to say hello. Kerry was the founder of the O awa Valley Motorcycle & Ta oo Show that was held in Petawawa and folks up in this area s ll hope that one day the show will take place again. When we finally headed out on the road home we found ourselves planning on returning for next year’s rodeo and hoping that more riders from the O awa area will come up and take part in a good thing. Much thanks to Sean & Duane and the rest of the Simple Men MC for a great me! In early September the annual Fall Motorcycle and Custom Car Event took place at the Denny’s Restaurant in the South Keys Plaza (O awa) hosted by The Cel c Brotherhood and The Riders Mag. This twice yearly event is held with the intent of helping bring about more public awareness of trauma c brain injury (TBI) and post trauma c stress disorder (PTSD) to not only the motorcycle community but to the general public as well. It is es mated that in the province of Ontario there are more than half a million people living with ABI ( acquired brain injury ) and while I don’t want to give an ammuni on to those people who complain about riding motorcycles being dangerous, but just like people who play sports etc it is important issue for riders and their families to know more about and how to detect some of the signs of concussion and what kind of help they should seek out. Once again the event was blessed by incredible weather and motorcycles and cars started rolling in well before 3 pm. One of the first things I no ced of was the a endance of a number of members of the Ruffians M.C., who I men oned earlier, we had got to know them when we took part in the Snake River Rodeo in Cobden. Some of the other patches that were in a endance for the event were the Veterans MC, the Defenders, the Road Snakes RC & members of the B.O.B.(Burn Out Boys) who are a bunch of great folks who ride out of St. Isidore area about 40 minutes east of O awa. There were a lot of other familiar faces such as Tim and Peri Poirier from B.A. Machine Performance Cycles who kindly came by to show their support for the event & trauma c brain injury awareness.

tales from the Far East.... of Ontario that is!

Dyno Machine Shop Welding Flowbench Performance Parts Precision Rebuilds COME SEE OUR Their shop is crazy busy NEW LOCATION and it is great to see they NOW OPEN! are being rewarded for

7174 Bank Street, their high standard of Metcalfe, ON K0A 2P0 work, sadly I never really (613) 821-9090 got a chance to talk to either of them because Tim & Peri they were surrounded by area riders for most of the a ernoon which only points out the obvious that O awa area Harley riders were in need of somewhere they could take their bikes to get quality work and service done. Another person of interest who stopped by to show his support for both the event and the motorcycle community was a very well know photojournalist, Stephen J. Thorne, who when he hasn’t been taking pictures of what it is like in places like Afghanistan he devotes his me to riding his custom Harley and taking pictures of the O awa area motorcycle community. Especially ones that include beau ful bikes & beau ful ladies and what a coincidence but so do I. Nuff Said! Aside from the usual things that take place at this event


Motorcyco Beau PETE’S R

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THE 2015’s ARE HERE there was one new a rac on that allowed riders to par cipate in and demonstrate at the same me the symptoms and dangers of head concussions. The Cel c Brotherhood has been able to acquire more “Concussion Goggles” a new technology when you put on creates some of the effects you might experience sustaining a head trauma might induce. Now most mes trying to get grown men and women to sit on top of an adult tricycle in front of all their friends would be a tough task, but add to that wan ng them to wear the special goggles and navigate a course of bright orange pylons would be even tougher. But ask a group of ta ooed men and women who ride motorcycles to do it, and they line up in no me which kind of says something about how special people who ride motorcycles are. Their ability to laugh at themselves while doing something good and par cipa ng in events makes us all proud. Trust me the people who watched laughed like crazy, because seeing people who normally wield motorcycles weighing hundreds of pounds through winding roads and heavy traffic everyday, this event became one of the toughest they ever had to perform and just about every one either hit or knocked down lots of pylons. They had the onlookers howling with laughter at them trying to make simple turns. Being a survivor of severe trauma c brain injury myself I really appreciated everyone helping to get the need for awareness for head injury. The next me that the boys set this challenge up I think I will give it a shot myself. It isn’t o en that you get motorcycle and car people together without a pissing match star ng, but over me the Denny’s event has evolved into one where both communi es at least are civil to each other a er all just about everyone who rides two wheel has a four wheel vehicle too. Good friend Mike Maloney aka Grinder who is also an honorary Cel c Brother was kind enough


tales from the Far East.... of Ontario that is!

to donate two of his impressive metal sculptures that he creates from motorcycle and car parts for the “Best Of” vehicles in both bike and car categories. Over the years Grinder has donated dozens of these much sought awards to many of the area’s motorcycle events and refuses to take any money for them or to even consider making them available for sale. Which in my books makes him a true “Brother” to our motorcycle community! Some other folks who came by to show their support were members of B.A.C.A (Bikers Against Child Abuse) headed up by Tom Allain & his lovely lady Nathalie Lacasse. Who as well as being part of B.A.C.A, are also the organizers of this year’s Ride for Hope that took place in Embrum back in late August. Some of the others who were kind enough to come out were Nancy Maloney, Cheryl Schneider and Fran MacDonald who kindly became the 50/50 cket ladies. Added to that group Mr. Harley aka Doug Taylor, Merlin, Keith Fong and Jon Oldroyd , it was a very entertaining a ernoon and while motorcycles came and went throughout the day it was some of the last great weather for riding that we might see. A li le over 250 motorcycles par cipated along with about 100 vintage & custom automobiles. One of the highlights of the a ernoon was a young boy of about ten years old or so who showed up wearing a Incredible Green Hulk costume and who posed along with members of The Cel c Brotherhood to help support the ABI Awareness Campaign. He was a li le trooper and took me to pose for dozens of photographs for the public. Well that’s one way to get your picture in the Mag! I would also like to men on that The Cel c Brotherhood are now officially going to be partnering up with the Ontario Brain Injury Associa on and just recently in the OBIA magazine told the story of how their colors were created due to their dedica on to promo ng brain injury awareness. The TCB is also going to be directly involved with helping to promote The O awa Ride for Au sm and Moncion’s The Ride for Her (Ovarian Cancer) and have teamed up with Dave & Lynn Presley in promo ng everyone to register and become an organ donor, so please when you see the TCB in the new year stop by and say hello and pick up informa on on any or all of these causes. This year there were lots of prizes to be given out aside from Grinder’s trophies and between myself and Denny’s owner, Jeff Billard, it took nearly 45 minutes just to get the door prizes and show prizes handed out. Talk is that star ng next year both the Spring and Fall events will start off with

Motorcyco Beau rides first, then end up back at Denny’s later in the day for the games and fes vi es so that it is a total day of things to take part in. I would like to also ask my readers that if you are in the O awa area and you and some of your friends might want to meet up somewhere, please keep in mind this Denny’s as a place to go since they have made such great efforts to donate their support for our local motorcycle community and besides there are not many places where you can get breakfast 24 hours a day! Over the next few weeks there were a number of Fall Color Runs throughout the O awa area including the annual Big Daddy’s Cowpaddy crew with their Fall Foliage & Toy Run which this year was star ng from the town of Spencerville and ended up at their clubhouse The Old Bastard’s Vintage Rally had a very wet beginning but that didn’t stop the many vintage bike riders and fans that inhabit Eastern Ontario from a ending. If you weren’t afraid you might shrink in the rain there were many true classic motorcycles to be seen and under trees and tarps there was lots of swap available from Harley & Indian to Bri sh and metric. I always marvel at when some of my buddies and myself are walking around and we all find ourselves mu ering “Hey! I used to own one of those!” When you live and ride long enough ride the memories of past iron always lingers. For me the last event more or less for the season was the Capital City Bikers Church Fall Color Run. That took place on Oct 11th and thanks to the weather co-opera ng and to the strong support the CCBC gets from local riders, due to all the good things the church crew do throughout the season from pu"ng on rodeos for other events throughout the Summer and of course their Spring Swap Meet which in this area has become the unofficial start to riding season. This year the Color Ride had well over 100 motorcycles par cipate and many more people who showed up to take part in the fes vi es. A$erward they had a free chili lunch complete with cake and other goodies The ride itself went over to the Ga neau Park on the Quebec side and on the return trip, two riders were stopped by the R.C.M.P and at first it looked as if they were going to get stung with pricey ckets, it turned out the Officer saw fit to only issue them warning. When the first riders who returned heard that some people had been stopped all the other riders started a collec on in order to help their fellow bikers pay whatever fines they got. When they found out it was only warnings they donated the money collected to the Bikers Church. Ac ons like this are what the CCBC brings out in local riders and the members of the church are a true gi$ to our community. Sure enough as soon as we arrived my “Lovely” Be e jumped right in to help out the rest of the ladies in serving the chili lunch and ge"ng cake and coffee out to everyone. Much thanks to Hillbilly, the “Lovley” Nelia and all the rest of the CCBC crew for a great day! This September also saw the end of the season for the Forever Two Wheels Bike Nights held every Wednesday night at the Rideau Carleton Raceway & Casino. While it was the 7th year for bike night, it was the first year for the motorcycles

tales from the Far East.... of Ontario that is!

having their own area in another lot instead of playing 2nd fiddle to the car night and have most of the bikes having to park on the hard pack. RCR was kind enough to give the Bike Night one of the front lots, all the space that would be needed to allow motorcycles to park and leave enough space between them so folks could walk around and appreciate the paint jobs & custom work, along with all the effort of the people who either built them or had built for them. I can’t say that weather was in our favor for the weekly event, because in all the Wednesdays from May to September there was only one where the weather man did not threaten rain. Like it or not that had an effect on people coming out, but all and all the average turnout was over 250 bikes. While some riders whined about not being “part” of the car night, most people enjoyed having a special space for just the motorcycles and not having to worry about their bikes being hit by stray gravel or dust from the exi ng cars. I guess in the end there is truth in the old saying “You can’t please everybody”. Hopefully the Bike Night at RCR will develop even further and there is the hope that various local rides, events and groups will take part and set up informa on tables to promote their cause. Who knows perhaps some of the local builders or painters might take part and showcase some of the work they are doing? Cruise nights are an excellent opportunity for the public to not only get to know other riders but also to know motorcycle related businesses in the area. I hope to personally see many of you at the Toronto motorcycle shows and especially at the O awa Interna onal Motorcycle Show so please if you see me stop by and say Hello! As Always I remind all of you that if you know of an event or a biker friendly business that might like to adver se or carry The Riders Mag, Please contact me using the informa on below. You can also follow me on Twi er: The Riders Mag East h p://twi Email: Remember you can read The Riders Mag online : h p:// And as always I want to leave you with this reminder for all of you to follow… “We Make Our Motorcycle Communi es Stronger! .. By Making Them Be er!otherhood! Motorcycle Beau!


Riding The


by Guardrail






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change was working, and I could see by Visit us Online 2822 HOWARD AVE. WINDSOR, ON 1-800-310-1389 the amount of parking and the huge grass

a r e a where the venders outlined this place was huge. The SHOW AND SHINE area was along the main road in, and the bikes stretched for quite a distance. There were many beau ful bikes in this row, from Mikey Haskels Low Life Chopper to a wildly done up Hyabusa. This place had em all. A whole lot of venders outlined the walking path thru the park, and there was everything from BBQ to candy and bike parts. Off to the le was a swap meet. Also everythin’ you could ask for. I purchased another draw cket, but sadly I was not the lucky winner, A great job was done by all the organizers and venders. I will put this on my calendar of events for next year. ON A MISSION FOR A MISSION Well I tell you there is no shortage of folks willing to help out at a fundraiser in this area. The very generous people from here deserve a pat on the back, all 178 of them. Mention This Ad The mission ride organized by George Winnie from Forever Free Motorcycle and Receive Hearse has turned out to be a big event , SAVE TOMORROW the ride went around Essex county stopping at the Legion in Amherstburg where live music played on the pa o, the beer cold as ice and the burgers and dogs were Over 10 Years Experience “We Beat All Competitors Prices” cooking. We all socialized for about 45 minEco Comfort Spray Foam Insulation Specialists Inc. utes and were told to get ready, the ride New homes, Reno’s, Attics, Crawlspaces, from here went to the Colchester Bar and Quonset huts and much more Grill where Julie and her crew had everyNEW Flat and Low Slope 3lb Foam Roofing System Installers thing ready for our arrival, of course the Spray Foam Insulation | Pour Foam Insulation parking lot filled up quickly, and the side Local: 905.680.2270 Toll Free: 1.855.680.2270 streets alike, we parked next to the graveInsulating Niagara/GTA/Hamilton and All Surrounding Areas yard. The B-B-Q was almost ready and soon the steak dinners would be served, the line formed quickly, and we were eager for food

Holy smokes, where did the riding season go? Seems like things just got rolling again and already the leaves on the trees are turning colour and falling off. While out visi ng at Robinsons Motorcycle, cha"ng with a few folks and Kim men oned that the next day they were to host a Motormaids Can/Am event. Not knowing too much about this riding club I found out that some 75years ago this all female riding club got started, and is not just from one area, these ladies are from all over Canada and the USA, at this run par cipants have rode in from New York State. Western Canada, etc. These riders earn points that they collect ll years end and award trophies etc. to the most a#ended and distance etc. Cool very cool.. BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS CHATHAM KENT BIKEFEST Well the venue was changed this year and was now held at Tecumseh Park in the centre of Chatham. The weather was par cipa ng, and I knew the ride out was going to be great, I just le Robinson Motorcycle from mee ng a couple ladies from the Motormaids and was headed to Chatham. Not knowing the town to well I was hoping to see other bikes headed in same direc on, as I neared the centre of town I was in luck and followed a couple bikes right to the gate area, parked my bike and immediately ran into a few folks I know and they were saying how well the venue


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Riding The also, as we approached the food, the steaks were already being cooked and guests were fed quickly and organized. Great job done by all. Also a shout out to the great job blocking the BAD EXAMPLES had done. Every street, parking lot and alley were blocked and the ride went really smooth. Chatham-Kent H.O.G. SHOW AND SHINE At Dukes H-D This show and shine was organized by the Chatham H.O.G. and they had the Golden Helmet Riders there as well. The day started out cold and rainy as usual this year, and I got a slow start and ended up at the event a li!le later than expected, the Golden Helmets had just finished their riding rou#ne, and the talk around was who would win the show and shine. The wind was brisk and was blowing the smell of the BBQ around. I took some pictures and had a few social moments, talking with Tom D who just picked up a new to him trike, having trouble keeping his 2 wheeler up when stopped because of knee problems this is the perfect plan. The winners are being announced and I could only get a few of the names and that is even a$er going to the desk and asking.. 1st place Sportster Andy Lawson with his 75 1st place So$tail Peter Keleonus with his 01 Heritage 1st place Metric Jeff ( no last name) 650 Suzuki The 50/50 draw pulled by Dukes manager Chris Hall was Jeff McFadden with a win of 247.00. Great job Guys. I stopped in and seen Len and Chris#ne at TRIKE MY BIKE and they have also now taken over the building next door, their expansion is going to allow more completed trikes to be on hand for sale in their main showroom. Just as I got there Chris#ne came out from back room where she was preparing Carrot Cake, having just come out of oven I was offered and graciously took a piece, dam can she Thanks again for the cake. And if your down on Howard stop in and see Nash at Leather King, I went there last week and got a fantas#c deal on a set of half gloves, he has everything imaginable in leather. From boots to scarves and hats. Check him out. Please remember our adver#sers, when in the market for something new check our adver#sers first. They support our mag, lets support them..

See ya on the road...... Guardrail


by Guardrail






All Proceeds From the Lunch to Ronald McDonald House




5 Classic Car Drive, Blenheim, Ontario N0P 1A0




Hot Rod Trike

This month’s feature biker is Cam and this is the 3rd appearance of his 883 Sportster which he es mates first appeared in the mag back in about 2001 and his wife Sharon modeling on the trike. Her first bike also appeared in the mag back in the same year as a friend modeled on Cams sportster that first me. You see Cam has a passion for all things mechanical and has become a very competent mechanic and customizer of bikes saying that he is obsessive about his bikes, and their originality ge!ng many ideas from life on the road, bike shows, show and shines and various publica ons as well as the internet and says that if there is something that he does not know how to do he will set about researching how to and will teach himself with much prac ce how to perfect whatever it is that he is a"emp ng. I vaguely recall the second appearance of the sportster which we may call Cams 883 version 2.0 when he outfi"ed the bike with a wider rear wheel replacing the disc rear wheel, custom fuel tank with flush fuel filler, custom rear fender, halogen head-


light and he had done some work to the engine as well so it was significantly different that the bike we originally shot by the pond that appeared in the mag back in May of 02. At this point Cam was showing quite a talent for customizing bikes and doing the work himself we had also featured wife Sharon’s sportster in an earlier mag as well and of course Cam had put his hands to that ride as well and it had many one of a kind custom features on it. It has been quite a few years since either’s bike had appeared in the mag and I had put the call out for sportsters as I do from me to me as well as ladies bikes and Cam responded with pics of latest incarna on of his sportster and a descrip on of Sharon’s latest ride as well. It seems that Cam had upgraded to a fat boy and was enjoying riding his big twin and as usual these two were constantly on the road touring with whatever they had to

Hot Rod Trike

ride having been to Milwaukee for one of the big dates and also men oning Laconia as another event city that they rode to directly and I do believe that Sharon got her first ride on a big twin down south as she was s ll wan ng to ride her sportster but once she had that first ride on a big twin that was it she wanted to upgrade. Well that was fine and now they were both riding big twins and touring as o en as possible and planning some trips for long weekends, you know taking Friday and Monday off of a weekend that’s not a tradi onal long weekend just booking some me and riding, I won’t get into what Cam did to Sharon’s bike as we have it coming up next year as a lady feature but let’s just say that this sportster 883 that was his first ride and maybe love, who knows he just could not part with it whether it was the dollars invested or just the sen mental a achment is hard to say but the bo om line was he was not le!ng it go and at the same me he was never riding it either, and he was itching to get to work on something so he thought about conver ng it into a trike, but not a trike like all the other trikes around, he wanted something completely different and he started out where many of his project started out, on eBay. He started to run searches looking for not only parts and ideas but deals as well right for a trike conversion for his sportster that was gonna make it look cool, different that all others, but he had a definite idea about building something that was gonna look like an old school hot rod, he really wanted a par cular look to the rear wheels, something that looked like the old Cragar SS rims that us old rodders are familiar with. He found a rear end that really does not look a whole lot like anything that I have seen on a trike to date and I think I have seen about 5 or 6 different configurations including the original trike the

Harley-Davidson servi car which was produced by the factory from 1932-1972. Cam says that this rear end closely resembles that style although unlike the early servicars this version does have rear suspension and Cam has added his own disc brakes to the rear wheels. He says when he first put it together that he had to do a lot of adjus ng to get the beast to ride correctly saying that adding a stabilizer to the front forks helped but that could not completely dampen the wobble in the front end when one of the rear wheels hit a par cularly deep man hole cover or pot hole so when riding he makes conscious a empts to avoid such problems. The res came off a mustang car and were bought used and give the exact look that he was going for the old hot rod with no rear fenders look although he says that it makes this bike a challenge to ride in the rain as you could imagine the rooster tails from the treads on those rear wheels, but he says that he just tries not to ride it in the rain. The conversion started about 3 years ago and the first incarna on had the rear fender from the original bike in between the two rear wheels and Cam absolutely hated the look and soon a er removed that offensive looking fender

and built himself a nice aluminum rack to put over the rear axle allowing him to carry his gear and giving him an easy to e down to spot on the rear of the bike. He saw a beat up old truck cruising through Dover with a big old cooler in the back and he got the idea of maybe moun ng something on his aluminum rack. The cooler you see here is an old school aluminum cooler that he cut down to a size that looked more appropriate on the back of the bike and then took the original base off the cooler bolt mounted it onto his rack and the cooler has a couple snap locks that hold it in place making it an excellent tour pack or cold storage for beverages as well. You go a admit that this ride is cool, he pulled off the hot rod look and the cooler is cool and func onal and I know having featured this bike now for a 3rd me that Cam is not done yet and who knows maybe we will see it again in another 5 or 10 years looking completely different again, in the mean me he’s talkin about some real wacky projects, but wait ll next year to see what he did to Sharon’s bike, wow.


Bikers Church Colour Rides Have you had your colour ride or maybe you have been on one. We had ours the first Saturday in October. The color was unbelievable, so many colors producing pictures that will be remembered for a me. Ever wonder how the trees ever started or how their color is formed year a er year always different shades. It is as if the painter mixes a different batch every year. How did this ever begin, you can read it in the oldest and Stretch: none most read book but I will save you the research. In the Bible Other Altera ons: frame widened 1.5” at struts it says “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit a er his kind, Swing Arm: custom built Axle: DNA posi-trac on, 70 tooth whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed a er pulley Rear Suspension: Progressive his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, Shocks, Model 418; 11” a er his kind: and God saw that it was good. And the evening ACCESSORIES and the morning were the third day” (Genesis 1:11-13). Bars: Flanders drag bar Trees needed 3 ingredents to start 1. Dirt. All soil is not the Risers: 4” pull back same. The mixture of at least five things produces growth/ Controls: Arlen Ness life: (1) soil (2) silt (3) clay (4) chemical nutrients and, (5) soil Headlight: Headwinds 5 ¾” moisture. Two other items of dirt do not produce growth, chrome billet rocks and minerals. Some dirt/soil may not be conducive to Turn Signals:Front: Joker LED growth, i.e., “stony soil, thorny soil, wayside soil” (Ma!. 13:4Rear: dual 1928 Ford LED Taillight: dual 1928 Ford LED 8).2. Water. God made atmosphere on the second day. To Electrics: minimal grow and produce life you need: (1) rain (2) atmosphere, huOil Tank: stock midity (3) soil moisture. 3. Light. God made light the first day. Mirrors: Pro-One Light is energy and life that is needed to grow vegeta on. VegGrips: Arlen Ness eta on – what do we know 1. Seed. In each living organism Speedometer: Dakota Digital was a “seed” to reproduce that type of organism. 2. Modern Gauges: none Gas Tanks: HD peanut; 2.5 gallon DNA molecule and gene c code. Each type of organism has its own unique structure of DNA so it can only reproduce that Foot Controls: chrome billet same kind. 3. There is tremendous varia on poten al within forward set Seat: Le Pera solo each, producing varie es within the kind and producing of Front Pegs: chrome billet dis nct individuals within the kind, but DNA precludes the Rear Pegs: HD evolu on of new kinds. 4. There are horizontal varia ons but Primary Cover: stock, chromed no ver cal changes. 5. “A er his kind” (v.12) occurs 10 mes. FRONT END It teaches limita on of varia on; organism reproduces itself FORKS a er its kind, not some other kind. The Hebrew MIN (kind) is Type: hydraulic species, not family. 6. Refuted. The evolu onary dogma that Year: 1995 all living things are interrelated by common ancestry and deExtension: none scent is refuted by Biblical statement and by DNA limita ons. Builder: owner Triple Trees: Hawg Halters midThe original classifica on of growing vegeta on in the Bible glide with 5° rake is s ll used by observers of modern taxonomic nomenclaSpecial Features: Race Tech ture. 1. Grass intended to include all ground-covering vegvalving eta on. 2. Herbs intended to include plants, bushes, shrubs, WHEELS & FENDERS etc. 3. Trees intended to include all woody plants, including FRONT fruit-bearing trees and non-fruit bearing trees. Observa ons Size: 21” we can make 1. Apparent age. These vegeta ons were made Type: 60 spoke stainless

Hot Rod Trike Owner: Cam Milne City: Welland GENERAL Fabrica on by: Cam Milne Year & Make: 1995 Harley Davidson Model: Sportster Value: no idea Assembly by: owner Time: trike conversion: 1 winter whole bike: 10 years Chroming by: Pla ngmaster, London ENGINE Year: 1995 Model: Evolu on Builder: factory Rebuilder: owner Coils/Wires: Crane/Accel Igni on: Crane Hi-4, Accel voltage regulator Displacement: 883cc Lower End: stock Balancing: stock Flywheels: stock Rods: stock Cylinders: stock Pistons: stock Cases: stock Heads: stock, planed, polished, painted Cam(s): Screamin’ Eagle Li ers: stock Carb: stock with Yost Power Tube Air Cleaner: Force Winder with K&N filter Valves: stock Pipes: Bassani with Big City baffles TRANSMISSION Year: 1995 Type: 5-speed Shi ing: foot Engine Sprocket: stock Trans Sprocket: 30 tooth pulley Wheel Sprocket: 70 tooth pulley Clutch: stock Primary Drive: stock Gears: stock Case: stock PAINTING Painter: stock Type: stock Colour: black Special Paint: none FRAME/SUSPENSION Year: 1995 Builder: HD Type: swing arm Rake: 5°

Rim Width: 2.15” Tire: Avon 90 Fenders: West Coast Choppers Diablo Fender Struts: none Brakes: Hawg Halters with Russell full floa ng stainless rotor, Pro-Fab pressure switch REAR Size: 17” Type: American Racing alloy Rim Width: 11” Tire: Ni!o Drag Radial 315/35R17 Brakes: dual 4 piston billet chrome


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Bikers Church as full-grown plants, not as seeds. What comes first, “the chicken or the egg?” 2. Ini al beginning. There was no divine decep on, it was the necesBiker, Formal and Non-Formal Weddings sary method of crea on. Cannot compare with present process because this was a “one- me” Childrens Dedications & Baptisms event called crea on or beginning. 3. How did Funeral and Committal Services it appear? Rings in tree? Beard on a man’s face? Fruit on a tree? Volcanic lava? Mountain range? Contact: Rev. Dave Neals Stalac tes? 4. Func oning whole. From the beginning, the whole universe was made a func oning en ty; complete and fully-developed. Many plants require pollina on by insects, but insects were not use force on the earth. Its unbelievable what began before created un l the sixth day. 5. Why vegeta on and fruit trees were made before man and animals? God’s provi- me provides us with breathtaking scenery. Pastor Dave sion (He provides before we need) God’s order (Growth from inward to outward) Order. (Crea on follows law, not chaos) 6. Permanence of created orders. “All things con nue as they were from the beginning” (II Peter 3:4). “All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beast, another of fishes, and another of birds” (I Cor. 15:39). So what are suppose to do 1. Plant . “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed (seeding seed) which is upon the face of the earth” (Gen. 590 York Rd. Niagara on the Lake, ON L0S 1J0 1:29). The principle of planning: as “seed 905-684-4647 corn” is for plan ng crops for next year, God wants us to plan our life to take care of our self. 2. Eat. “I have given every green herb for meat:” (Gen. 1:30). The principle of life and strength. God does not automa cally give food to us, we must take responsibility for it and ourselves. 3. All knowledge. Adam had all knowledge about life that he needed to have. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it” (Gen. 2:15). The principle of the division of labor: God will not do for us, what we can do for ourselves. We cannot do God’s work. “We are laborers together with God” (I Cor. 3:9). 4. Work. “God said unto them, Be frui!ul, and mul ply, and replenish (fill) the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion” (Gen.1:28). There are five principles from each command: a. Frui!ul, produce yourself in another. b. Mul ply, produce many like you. c. Replenish, fill the earth with your life-style. d. Subdue, make earth work for you. e. Dominion,

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Page house. The ones who do get out, bring food back to the wrecked centre for pot luck. My Grandma says that Grandpa worked all his life to earn his retardment and says I should work hard so I can be retarded someday too. When I earn my retardment, I want to be the man in the doll house. Then I will let people out, so they can visit their grandchildren.

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Do you fart in bed ? If this story doesn’t make you cry for laughing so hard, let me know and I’ll pray for you. Harley Davidson Trained P.H.D. Mechanic This is a story about a couple who had been happily married for years, the only fric on in their marriage was the husband’s habit of farting loudly every morning when he awoke the noise would wake his wife and the smell would Fortunately, thanks to a wonder drug called duct tape, we make her eyes water and make her gasp for air. restored her to perfect health. Every morning she would plead with him to stop ripping I can’t wait un l next Christmas. them off because it was making her sick. He told her he couldn’t stop it and that it was perfectly A er Christmas, a teacher asked her young pupils to write natural. an essay on how they spent their holiday away from school. She told him to see a doctor, she was concerned that one One child wrote the following: day he would blow his guts out. We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and The years went by and he con nued to rip them out. Then Grandpa. one Christmas day morning, as she was preparing the turkey They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got for dinner and he was upstairs sound asleep, she looked at retarded and they moved to Batemans Bay where everyone the innards, neck, gizzard, liver and all the spare parts, and a lives in nice li le houses, and so they don’t have to mow the malicious thought came to her. grass anymore! She took the bowl and went upstairs where her husband They ride around on their bicycles and scooters and wear was sound asleep and, gently pulling the bed covers back, name tags because they don’t know who they are anymore. she pulled back the elas c waistband of his underpants and They go to a building called a wreck centre, but they must emp ed the bowl of turkey guts into his shorts. have got it fixed because it is all okay now. They do exercises Some me later she heard her husband waken with his there, but they don’t do them very well. usual trumpe ng which was followed by a blood curdling There is a swimming pool too, but they all jump up and scream and the sound of fran c footsteps as he ran into the down in it with hats on. bath room. The wife could hardly control herself as she rolled At their gate, there is a doll house with a li le old man on the floor laughing, tears in her eyes! si ng in it. He watches all day so nobody can escape. SomeA er years of torture she reckoned she had got him back mes they sneak out, and go cruising in their golf carts! pre y good. Nobody there cooks, they just eat out. About twenty minutes later, her husband came downAnd, they eat the same thing every night --- early birds. stairs in his blood stained underpants with a look of horror Some of the people can’t get out past the man in the doll on his face. She bit her lip as she asked him what was the ma er. He said, “Honey you were right… all these years you have warned me and I didn’t listen to you.” “What do you mean?” asked his wife. “Well, you always told me that one day I would end up far ng my guts out, and today it finally happened, but by the grace of god, !Financing Avaliable some Vaseline and two fingers. I think I got most of them back in!!! !Family Owned & Operated Major & Minor Repairs, Rebuilds & Scheduled Service Complete Machine Shop Service, Frame Up Build to Order


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While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, the doctor struck up a conversa on with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to poli cians and their role as our leaders.

Joke The old rancher said, “Well, you know, most poli cians like Mike Duffy are ‘Post Turtles’.’’ Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a ‘post turtle’ was. The old rancher said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle.” The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor’s face so he con nued to explain. “You know he didn’t get up there by himself, He doesn’t belong up there, He doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, He’s elevated beyond his ability to func on, And you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with.” A couple was invited to a swanky costume party. Unfortunately, the wife came down with a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He being a devoted husband protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed, and there was no need for his good me being spoiled by not going. So he took his costume and away he went. The wife, a er sleeping soundly for about an hour, awakened without pain and, as it was s ll early enough, decided to go to the party. Since her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. She joined the party and soon spo ed her husband cavor ng around on the dance floor, dancing with every nice woman he could, and copping a li le touch here and a li le kiss there. His wife sidled up to him and, being a rather seduc ve babe herself, he le his current partner high and dry and devoted his me to the new babe who had just arrived. She let him go as far as he wished ...naturally, since he was her husband. Finally, he whispered a li le proposi on in her ear and she agreed. So off they went to one of the cars and had a quickie. Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away, went home, put the costume away, and got into bed, wondering what kind of explana on he would make for his behaviour. She was si ng up reading when he came in, and she asked what kind of a me he had. He said: “Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good me when you’re not there.” “Did you dance much?” “You know, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Browning, and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all evening. But you’re not going to believe what happened to the guy I loaned my costume to...” Environment Canada has issued a travel warning due to snowfall and bad road condi ons.

Page They suggest that anyone travelling in the current icy condi ons should ensure they have the following: CYCLE SALVAGE Shovel Blankets or sleeping bag YOUR 1 STOP SHOP Extra clothing including FOR NEW AND USED hat and gloves PARTS 24 hours worth of food De-Icer SPECIALIZING IN THE Rock Salt 4 MAJOR JAPANESE Flashlight with spare batteries BRANDS: Road Flares or Reflec ve YAMAHA, SUZUKI, Triangles Full gas Can KAWASAKI & HONDA First Aid Kit Booster cables I got a lot of weird looks on the bus this morning! Will I Live to see 80? I recently picked a new primary care doctor. A er two visits and exhaus ve Lab tests, he said I was doing ‘fairly well’ for my age. (I just turned 59) A li le concerned about that comment, I couldn’t resist asking him, ‘Do you think I’ll live to be 80?’ The doctor responded by asking, ‘Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer or wine?’ ‘Oh no,’ I replied. ‘I’m not doing drugs, either!’ Then he asked, ‘Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?’ “I said, ‘Not much since my former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!’



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Dec. 6th- Jacox Harley-Davidson Christmas Open House

December Dec. 4th- Kitchener H-D Ladies Night At Kitchener H-D, 2255 Kingsway Dr. Kitchener, Great Food, Live Music, 6-9pm Check out for more details

Dec. 4th- Jacox Harley-Davidson Ladies Night 2815 Argen a Rd, Mississauga, from 6:30PM-8:30PM, Come on out and have some fun More Info:905-858-0966 or th


Dec. 6 - Queensmen’s 55 Annual Christmas Party Windsor Moose Lodge, 777 Tecumseh Rd. W. Windsor, Cocktails at 5, Dinner at 6, Live Music all night, Limited Sea ng, For Tickets contact any Queensmen Member

Dec. 6th- Clare’s H-D Holiday Open House At Clare’s NOL, 9am-4pm, Meet Santa at Noon, Early Bird Coffee & Donuts, Door Prizes & Draws, Donate an Unwrapped Toy and Help us Help the Community. For more info or 905-684-4647

2815 Argen a Rd, Mississauga, 10AM-3PM. Drop in & share your Christmas wishes with Santa & BURY THE BIKE with toys for the Salva on Army. More Info:905-858-0966 or

Dec. 11th- Kitchener H-D Men’s Night At Kitchener H-D, 2255 Kingsway Dr. Kitchener, Great Food, Live Music, 6-9pm Check out for more details

Dec. 11th- Jacox Harley-Davidson Mens Night 2815 Argen a Rd, Mississauga, from 6:30PM-8:30PM, Come on out and join the party More Info:905-858-0966 or

Dec 28th- 17th Annual Biker Breakfast At Colasan s in Kingsville, 10am.

January 2015 Jan 1st- Happy New Year! Jan. 2nd-4th- North American Interna onal Motorcycle Super Show

Stock or Chopper Dyna Replacement Frames 1 Marconi Court Unit #9 Bolton ON


Interna onal Centre, Airport Rd. Fri:Noon l 10pm, Sat: 10am-9pm, and Sun:10am-5pm It’s the big one at the Airport


Wishing You All The Best in 2015 THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 54




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