2016 03 march 2016 v18 n 01 web

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Pg. 4 - What’s Shakin’ Time to set-up your Calendar Pg. 7 - Cruising with Critter All over the southern part of Ontario Pg. 14 - One for the Road. Lil’ Red Does Breakfast Twice! Pg. 16 - Fighting for your Rights Roostah Rants. Pg. 18 - Whispers of a Neoteric Nomad Planning a Busy Summer Pg. 19 - Pacific Ponderings A Show at The Tradex. Pg. 21 - Joke Page The laughs just keep comming. Pg. 24 - Easy Acre Machines Calendar Feature Shop of the Month Pg. 27 - Bikers Church Happy Easter ! Pg. 28 -Easy Acre Machines Shop of the Month Pg. 30 - The Bike Lawyer Insurance What do you Really Need! Pg. 32- Tattoo Shop of the Month The Ace & Sword Tattoo Parlour Pg. 33- Adventures From The Deep South.... A lot to say About Nothing Pg. 34- Dangerous Donnie from Durham Only a Danger to Himself Pg. 36 - From the far East……Ontario that is. The Super Show is on Beau’s Mind. Pg. 40 - Sticker Stories She Rescued the Boss Again. Pg. 42 - Feature Bike Memorial Street Glide Pg. 45 - East Coast Rambler It’s Show Time in Moncton.

Every Wednesday Night All Winter Long It’s Bike Night at Suck Bang Blow

Mar. 19th – A.B.A.T.E.’s 5th Annual Charity Pool Tournament

Live Bands, Drink Specials and No Cover Charge. Come on out to Stoney Creek, 443 Highway 20 East at the end of Tapleytown Road. Tell Chelsey that The Mag sent you.

At Hustler Billiards, 116 Dearness Dr. in London. $15 entry fee, Registration starts at 10:30am, Games start at Noon. Door Prizes, 50/50 and the proceeds go to Childcan. For more info call Joker at 519-671-0078.


Mar. 6th – Alvinston Motorcycle Swap Meet

Alvinston Community Centre Complex, 10am3pm, $5 Admission, Kids under 12 Free. More Info at 519-312-0516

Mar. 12th – Clare’s Harley-Davidson® Spring Open House

At Clare’s Niagara on the Lake, 590 York Rd. Early Bird coffee and donuts, Door Prizes, Qualify to Win a HD® Sportster®. For more info: www.claresharleydavidson.com

Mar. 12 - Jacox Harley-Davidson’s® Complimentary Lunch & Learn: Riding Gear – Getting Ready for Riding Season th

To Register, please contact our Marketing Manager Julie Martin at 905-858-6763 or at jmartin@jacoxharley.com by Friday March 11th.

Mar. 17th – 20th – Ottawa-Gatineau Motorcycle Showcase

At The Shaw Centre, 55 Colonel By Drive, Admission $18 at the door, $15 online. 10am – 10pm Thurs, Fri & Sat, 10am – 5pm Sun. www.ottawainternationalmotorcycleshow.ca


Mar. 19th - Classy Chassis & Cycles

Presents Dyno Tuning & Performance Upgrade Seminar, 11am & 1pm. At The Shop, 1399 8th Line of Smith, Lakefield, Ont. For more information call us at: (705) 292-8300 or Toll Free: (888) 292-8305 or check out www.usedhd.ca

Mar. 26th - Jacox Harley-Davidson’s® Complimentary Lunch & Learn: BOOM! Audio

To Register, please contact our Marketing Manager Julie Martin at 905-858-6763 or at jmartin@jacoxharley.com by Friday March 25th.


Apr. 9th & 10th – 26th Annual Spring Motorcycle Show

At the International Centre on Airport Rd. in Toronto, Saturday 10am – 9pm and Sunday 10am – 5pm. For more Information www.motorcyclespringshow.com

Apr. 21st – Dukes Harley-Davidson® Garage Party

Come on out and spend the Evening with all of us at Dukes HD. More details to follow in Next Month’s Issue, or check www.dukeshd.com

Apr. 23rd – Hamilton Bikers Church Spring Swap Meet

At Crown Point Community Church, 92 Ottawa St. N., Hamilton. 10A.M. – 2 P.M. Admission $5 per person, Tables $10 each. Funds to support our “Send a Kid to Camp” Fund. For more info contact: Pastor Ken 905-870-8584 or email kenang@cogeco.ca or www.hamiltonbikerschurch.com

Apr. 30th - Hogtown Cycles Spring Open House

Goodbye Winter...Hello Spring! At Hogtown in Lucan. 10am3pm, Live Music, In-store specials, Door Prizes, Food & Refreshments. For more Information Call: 519-227-1331 or check out www.hogtowncycles.ca

May Is Motorcycle Awareness Month

May 1st - Fort Erie Motorcycle Swap Meet

There are Rides set up all over the Country. Check your local area for the Ride Nearest you.

May 7th – Tiny’s Cycles Port Elgin Fish Fry

Tiny’s Cycles and the Southhampton Rotary Club are hosting a Fish Fry Evening, Burnout Pit, Live Band. More info to follow Next Month or Call Tiny at 519-832-1612

May 7th – The Awareness Ride - Sault Ste. Marie

Meeting at 11am at the Fallen Rider’s Monument, Strathclair Park, 990Foster Dr., in The Sault. Everyone’s Welcome. For more Info Call Gerry at 705-649-3316

May 15th – Critter Country/Black Gold Swap Meet

At Black Gold 1228 Gorham St. in Newmarket. 10am til 3pm, Rain or Shine, $5 Admission, More Vendors Welcome for more Information Contact Al at: 289-338-5227

May 22nd - Kawartha Bikers Church Bike Blessing

Everyone is invited. It all starts at Bikers Church, 1000 Fairairn St., Peterborough at 10:15 followed by a Barbecue and tour of Peterborough County and its highlights. Info call 705875-5412

May 22nd – Mario’s Bakeshop Bike/Classic Car Show Opening Night 2016

At the Shop 13305 Hwy 27, just North of King in Nobleton, First Bike Night of the Summer. Starting at 6pm, For more info contact 905-859-2253 or check out www.mariosbakeshop.ca

Heavy Duty Recreational, Commercial, Industrial Electronics, Controls and Lighting systems

May 7th – International Female Ride Day

5% off by mentioning The Rider’s Mag

West End Arena, Ridge Road, Fort Erie. 10am-4pm For more info: Contact Sean 289-686-6797 or 905-246-1282 or email shawnmccooey@yahoo.com


June 11th – Big Daddy’s Cowpaddy’s 5th Annual Poker Run

Registration 9 – 10:30 at the Kempville Restaurant where breakfast will be available. For More information call Greg or Susie at 613-926-0799 or check out www.BigDaddysCowpaddy.ca

June 11th - New Hamburg Full Throttle Poker Run

Registration starts at 9am, at New Hamburg Legion. BR 532 , 65 Boullee St, New Hamburg. Kickstands up at 10:45am or register Online at www.newhamburgfullthrottle.com

June 12th – Quinte Ride For Paws Poker Run

At Centennial Park Amphitheater, 236 Couch Crescent in Trenton. Ride starts at 11am, $10 per Bike , BBQ and Live Entertainment to follow the ride. For more info contact: 613-392-0759 or 613-847-7670

May 28th - 4th Annual Ride 2 Reach Charity Ride

At Motorcycle Enhancements 427 Speers Rd. Unit 9, Oakville, For More Contact John at Motorcycle Enhancements 1-888842-2123

May 28th – 10th Annual Sault Ste. Marie Fallen Riders Memorial Run

At Strathclair Park, 990Foster Dr. in The Sault. Cerimonies start at 11am sharp, with the Awareness Ride and BBQ to follow. Everyone’s Welcome, Rain or Shine. No Politics or Attitudes Allowed. For more Info call Gerry at 705-649-3316.

May 29th – Dunnville Hospital Foundation’s ‘10th Annual Ride For The Future’

More info to follow in the next Mag or contact: 905-7742529 or www.rideforthefuture.ca


July 9th - 13th Annual Kawartha Bikers Church Show And Shine

24 classes, a Tattoo class; Live Music, Great Food with all the Trimmings; Vendors, Swap, 50/50. Even Shade provided. Bike registration till 1 pm ; Vendor Registration & info 705-875-5412


Aug. 5th to 7th - Big Daddy’s Cowpaddy’s 5th Annual Rodeo & Roast

The Big Bash of the Summer in the Eastern Ontario area, 11101 County Rd. 15, North Augusta, Ontario. Gates open at 12pm, Tickets $25 in advance or $30 at the Gate. For More information call Greg or Susie at 613-926-0799 or check out www.BigDaddysCowpaddy.ca

July July 8 to 10 – 2 Annual Bancroft Wheels, Water & Wings th



A whole weekend of events , Concerts, Midway, Beer Tent and More! Classic cars on Friday Night, Hot Rods & Rat Rods on Saturday Night and Motorcycle Show N Shine on Sunday. Downtown Bancroft for more information visit www.beautifulbancroft.ca .

July 9 - Lincoln County M.C. Harley-Davidson Show & Shine th

At the L.C.M.C. Clubhouse, 4859 Hillside Dr. Beamsville. Gates open at Noon, Judging at 3:00pm, Awards at 4:30. $10 per entry, Trophies for the Winners. More Info: 905563-4267 or email lcmc1967@hotmail.com

July 9th – 3rd Annual Brantford Gunners’ Club ‘Blues For Soldiers’ & Hip’s Cycle Show & Shine

At the Gunners’ Club 116 Henry St. Brantford. A full day of Blues and a Show & Shine to Boot. The Music starts at Noon, the Show & Shine from 1 – 4 pm all in support of Veterans who are homeless or suffer from PTSD. For more info and Tickets contact Brian at 226-920-3900.

July 9th – 3rd Annual Hogtown Baconfest

Downtown Lucan Ontario, Free Admission Live Bands, Beer Tent, Walking Poker Run, Kids Zone & Lota of Bacon. For more Info check out www.baconfestlucan.ca


Aug. 28th – 5th Annual Quinte Ride For Paws Ride

At 7 Creswell Drive in Trenton (behind the Metro). Meet & Greet starts at 9:30am with the Ride starting at 11am, $15 per Bike , BBQ starting at Noon. For more info contact: 613-392-0759 or 613-847-7670

Aug. 28th - Critter & Black Gold’s Annual Show ‘N’ Shine for Alzheimer’s

Join The Mag Crew at 1228 Gorham St. in Newmarket for the day and Enter your Bike to Win. Trophies for All Classes, BBQ and Live Music. Starting at 10am and going till 4pm. See you there

I hope you all will join me in wishing this little publication that we lovingly call The Riders Mag a happy Anniversary as we mark it’s 17 years in existence and extend thanks to JR MacRae and Janie Ballantine for having the foresight and the dedication to have started it up then see it through fourteen of those years until I was asked to take it over. I have been at the helm for the past three years now, going into the 18th year. Things with the Mag keep moving along and we have received much favourable feedback on the recent changes in format and such from our readers and advertisers. We felt it was time to dress her up and let her see the Country and let the rest of the Country see her. Working on a common workingman’s budget instead of a more affluent one, it has not been an easy ride, as we faced many rocky roads, twists, turns and challenges along the way, with ever increasing costs of just doing business. While we have witnessed many other publications not fare near as well, we managed to not only just survive but have actually moved forward by making what we felt were some necessary format changes and other modifications. These changes included switching printers in order to make the improvements to stay relevant, pertinent and to survive in today’s fast paced, ever changing and very competitive marketplace and be attractive to advertisers who are our only source of revenue. Where other publications received large Government grants and subsidies we at the Mag, largely got by with a lot of help from our friends along with the unwavering support of you our readers. You gave us the encouragement and moral support to carry on even when the many challenges we faced pointed towards just giving up, closing the doors and letting the Mag die. There is something to be said for tenacity. We are all volunteers as the Mag isn’t yet up to making me anywhere close to what anyone could consider rich and I still have my job making the big wheels go round and round for my employer of forty some odd years, Canada Cartage. We have now taken our little Mag from coast to coast and are being well received everywhere it has been available. We more or less, expected that, as we have long had subscribers from all across this great Country and beyond. Our online stats are very encouraging and show us as to, who, how many, from where, how often and what is being read and for how long. Our readers are from not just Canada and the United States but from all over the Globe. That is online, and we are constantly making changes and improvements to it as well and have noticed a huge surge in the numbers of readers who check us out on mobile devices. The true test is whether these different areas of the Country that we now cover, will support The Mags’ printed version’s existence with advertising dollars. We are trying to give all areas their own presence and representation a in a magazine for riders by riders from all parts of our great land and make it a

true Canadian Riders Magazine. However, to do this, we need the support from all these different areas to make it viable from a financial and practical standpoint. Distribution costs and the extra print runs add to our expenses. If we don’t get support from outside Ontario we will be forced to retreat back to within Ontario borders and the rest of the Country will have to go online or subscribe. As you have no doubt heard, there have been many changes in the print media lately that have brought about closures of many major newspapers and magazines or gone strictly online. The Toronto Star recently closed several huge printing plants. This will have an enormous effect on the economy with the subsequent loss of jobs as these publishers move away from print to digital, online formats, as advertising revenues for the print editions have dwindled and can no longer sustain them. We too, have been trying to keep pace and maintain our status quo in the print versions while keeping our website and online versions up to date and user friendly. We have brought on new writers from all across the Country and have sought out young talented people to be sure that we are up to snuff and keeping pace with fresh ideas and changes in technology. We have also added new people to our circulation crew in an effort to keep our costs in line and maintain a more personal touch to our deliveries. I have been making my rounds for the past few Months delivering the Mags out through the South Western areas of the Province and up through Sarnia and back across through Bayfield, Port Elgin and across working my way back through Owen Sound and Orangeville and home to Newmarket. My trip is getting shorter as I have managed to get some great people to come on board and lessen my load substantially. First we got three amazing people in the Windsor area who pick them up where I drop them at Duke’s H-D in Chatham and distribute them throughout the region as well as representing the Mag at functions events doing advertising sales. Welcome aboard Bernie, Rob and Rick. Now my pal Chico from the wilds of Tara has come on


board to do the whole area up through Owen Sound, Collinwood and so on and now another gentleman by the name of Horse is already well known to the motorcycling community has stepped up and is taking on the London, Woodstock, Strathroy, Aylmer areas. This is huge in terms of having strong, local representation for the Mag and building those areas. We also have Frenchie, who runs Black Gold Leather and Steel out in Belleville getting the Mags out to the many stops out in Eastern Ontario including our own, incomparable, Beau Rooney up in the wilds of Ottawa. Then our Northern guy, Guy is still going strong up in Sudbury and area and has proven himself as a huge asset. Meanwhile, out in the East Coast, our man Jeff Burgess is getting the Mags to the many stops in New Brunswick and forwarding them to other spots in Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island through an ever expanding network of reliable contacts that he has established in the short period he has been there. My buddy Billy from Prince Edward Island has jumped in and is now our Spud Island express biker and delivery person who can also do ad sales for that area with full support from us. We are looking to get representation in Newfoundland now as well as into the Western Provinces on to the West Coast where our Broken Angel, Susie is getting things in place. You will no doubt notice that we’ve added a new feature starting with this issue. The Tattoo Studio of the Month where we will feature a different Shop each month to lead into our Tattoo section which we think is going to be very popular as we have been hearing from a lot of shops that they would like to advertise as bikes and tattoos have always gone hand in hand. We are pleased to have The Ace and Sword Tattoo Parlour formerly The Great Canadian Tattoo Company step up on short notice to be the first. I appeared after my day job camera in hand as Managing Editor; Al had already set things up with shop Manager,


Mel and I was in and out quickly but I was very impressed with the renovations. The place looks amazing! Dave was in his studio applying and new Tat on a customer, I stepped in said hi, got some shots and was on my way. Here we are, with just a few short months left until we can kick off the 2106 riding season. I know that with this freakishly mild weather that we have experienced over the past several Months that many of you have taken advantage of it and snuck in a short ride or two. I haven’t been so lucky as a busy schedule that hasn’t coincided with those few ride friendly days, combined with the fact that Petoonia is still waiting for her parts to come back from the painter and I’m really reluctant to take the trike out because of the beautiful detailing job that Brian from Outspoken did on her before the Supershow still has her gleaming in her spot in the garage and I’d like to keep her that way for the upcoming, Spring Motorcycle show on April 9th and 10th. It has been a very busy and eventful year so far and all indications say that it is about to get a whole lot busier. I was slowed down a bit in the last few weeks as I was involved in an accident up near Walkerton. I fortunately walked away with just a banged up shoulder, (probably from the seat belt.) but my truck was a write off. I got the tow truck driver to drop me and my stuff off at Harley`s Bar in Mildmay where I waited for our girl Sticker Chick to make her way down from Owen Sound and further me down to Orangeville from where my buddy Deadly Doug and managing Editor Al would get me home. On a positive note Harley`s Bar now carries The Mag. They have great food and a friendly crew to serve it to you and they serve 50 so check them out when you are in the area! This left me without a vehicle for a while until the insurance company arranged for another set of wheels for me to use until I could get another truck. It screwed up my plans to do the Niagara region with Bad Bob that day and worse, I couldn`t make it across to Pastor Dave Neal`s Benefit Party that the Redline MC where holding for him to help him through some hard times he has been experiencing lately with his health! Sorry Pastor Dave I really meant to be there. I know Dangerous Donny went and did an excellent write up but I would have liked to have shown up. Dave has been a great personal friend and supporter of the Mag over the years and was a comfort when I went through my own health issues. The event was a huge success and provided Pastor Dave with some great Moral support and some relief from some financial burdens. Thanks Redline MC and all who attended for stepping up and standing up! Best Wishes I was shocked to hear that a good friend George Stott from the Black Diamond Riders MC and owner of ForbesHewlett Transportation was stricken with some very severe health issues after the Supershow and I wish him a speedy complete recovery. The Supershow 2016 I will continue where I left off last Month. We got to the Show and set up and arranged for all the passes that we would need for this Show as most of our ever expanding crew would be there and they all made their observations last issue and they were all favourable. I will

have to agree with them. The Show was a huge success and the show organizers delivered on their promise to bring in the crowds and no one was happier than vendors. We went through around 7,000 Mags and could have done more if we had them. I will be brief as all of our writers put in their comments last month so there is no need to restate their comments. But the general consensus is; we all had a great time. We wanted liven things up a bit at our booth for this year’s show and may have overdone it a bit as the activity got a little overwhelming at times and may have had some negative impact on some of the things we were trying to accomplish, as we had overloaded our booth. A lot of stuff was put together at the last minute after we had already arranged for our space. We had produced some posters for two of our models Ashley and Briana, to sign and sell so we had a table set up for them in front of the booth. Then we were offered an opportunity to bring one our most popular writers, Donny Petersen into the booth to sell and sign his books and 81 Calendars for a couple of hours. This went over perhaps too well as there was a line up for people wanting to meet him and he was more than happy to sign their purchases, pose for selfies and so on but it ran a whole lot longer than anticipated. He was joined at times by a couple of his brothers one of which was Larry Pooler who also wrote a very popular column for us at one time. However all the activity crowded out our models who were doing quite well up until that point. We had also gotten into some fantastic, full spectrum, LED lighting that was illuminating our booth that we wanted to introduce at the show and we had Alfie DiGiovanni come in to demonstrate these great products but he too was blocked by all the people wanting to meet Donny. In the end, it was just a matter of us trying to stuff 10 lbs. of goodies into a 5 lb. sack. Live and learn I guess. I think we need a larger booth. Just about our whole crew was out at some point, with Beau and Company down from Ottawa, Guy slid in from the North Country,

Sticker Chick found her way down from Owen Sound and the boys from the Deep South rolled in at various times. We also had Greg from Haggersville, Lil Red in from Cambelford, Bad Bob, our Mag Hag Tanya, Big Scott, Jonathan, Sales guy Brian, Peppermint Patty, Managing Editor Al, Sweet Sheri O`Irish, JR. and the star of the bunch Alex Sr. showed up for a while, much to the delight of the many readers who miss his presence in the booth. The huge crowds that were crammed into all the halls made maneuvering through the halls with any speed at all difficult at best, so it was the obvious choice just to take your time and soak it all in. It was good to see the enthusiasm and feel the positive energy and genuine interest throughout the entire show. An excellent indicator that the motorcycle culture is alive and well. The show had once again brought in some celebrities like Paul Jr. from Orange County Choppers and Horny Mike from Counting Cars and they had long line ups of people wanting to meet them and get autographs and such. I was happy to see my two favourite bartenders were there again in the beer garden. Many of our regular advertisers were there and getting lots of traction from the great crowds that swarmed through the doors. Gord and the Crew from Black Gold were doing great business as was Fred Hale and family who always have a great display for Strictly V Twin up in Pefferlaw and were set up directly across from us again. Our favourite jewelry guy, Alain was once again on the left side of us and we had Ray and James and the


good folks from Pace Law to our right. AM Sales had a large selection of their motorcycles on display and they had a constant flow of people visit them in search of a great deal. Monte Carlos was there once again with many his wonderful, whimsical and very imaginary creations. It is always a treat to see him at these shows and you just never know what he will come up with next. Josh from TombStones along with his lovely Lady Maggie and a crew of family and friends had a great looking display as did Outspoken, Quinn’s, Wildside, and so many others had some awesome looking bikes all vying for prizes to the pleasure of the awe struck crowds who were crowding around them all day. There were so many fantastic entrée`s I did not envy the judges in their task to pick the winners. But pick them they did and with the awards done the rush was on to tear down and head for the exits. This show is always amazing and the organizers put great effort into making them that way and strive to make them bigger and better each year. They certainly fulfilled their end of the bargain with the many happy vendors in all the Halls, they brought in the crowds and vendors like Gord from Black Gold and Wayne from White boy apparel from two different halls both can attest to it by the sales


that they did. The Shows are a great time, but extremely draining and this year, it was just Scott and I at the end to close things up but we just took our time and it all got done and when I arrived at home I was ready for a good stiff shot of rum or two before fading off to bed. Hip`s Open House 2016 I picked up Bad Bob and we rolled across to Hip`s Cycles in beautiful Brantford for an event that I and hundreds of other bikers mark on their calendars in big bold letters, as a must attend. It is almost a tradition out this way. ‘Out this way’ really doesn`t do it justice, as they draw people from all over. Jim is well known and extremely well liked and respected in the Motorcycle Community and has been around a long time. He, the shop, and his crew have a won a well-earned a solid reputation of giving excellent reliable service and advice.

They treat people the way they would like to be treated themselves and that is evident by the amount of repeat business they get. We arrived early as past experience has taught us that the early biker gets the better parking spots and doesn`t have to walk a long way back to the shop from where you finally found a spot on one of the side streets. We wandered through the shop, picking up a free coffee on the way, checking out all the amazing stuff that is on display and talking to the many folks that I knew. It is impossible to see everything in one walk through. I`ve been here a number of times and still see something new and different each time. As usual there was a table running down the centre of the shop loaded with coffee urns and a large array of donuts and other treats for the guests to munch on as they socialized and checked out all that this great store has to offer and scope out some of the works in progress as well as completed projects. This of course is just to whet your appetite and hold you over until the really, really good stuff arrived. Anyone who has been here knows about the chili and the meatballs and other amazing fare that is legendary among bikers. We still had places to go to this afternoon and had to leave just as the food was being brought in and the tantalizing aroma that wafted our way almost had us going back. But the lineup was already forming as the trays were being laid out and we were on a mission, so

we bid farewell to Jim, John and the rest of his crew and the many customers who are more like friends who would share some great food and conversation until late in the evening. See you next year! The Support the Troops Swap Meet, Beachville This was the first year for this event and judging from the attendance it won`t be the last! I picked up Deadly Doug and we headed out to the west to find the Legion`s parking lot crammed full of vehicles and lots of people. We headed down the street that ran beside the hall and followed the rows of cars and trucks that lined both sides of the narrow roadway to the very end where we could finally find a spot to park. We weren`t going to be the end of the line for long as we met more coming down as we walked back to the Legion Hall that was absolutely crammed with vendors with long tables chock full of parts, accessories and other treasures that were being scrutinized by a huge crowd of bikers all anxiously searching for the items that they needed to either start a project or get closer to completing one. Fred Hale and his lovely daughter Amy were down from their shop in Pefferlaw and had a lot to offer this crowd of bargain hunters. Shawn McCooey from the Famous Fort Erie Swap Meet was out pumping his own Swap Meet on May 1st. It wasn`t a particularly large hall for the number of people in attendance but being the 1st Annual (I`m assuming that there will be a 2nd judging from the success of this one), who knew! We wandered through mostly just getting moved along with the flow of the crowd but managing to slow down here and there to exchange greetings with this person or that one and scoping out the offerings that filled the tables. This was the first run through that had us simply scanning tables for items of interest that we would check on, on our next pass through as with the flow of people you had to plan your stops in advance. They apparently had a beer garden with pulled pork sandwiches that was going to happen later in the day but by then we would be on our way back as I had other commitments to attend to that day. This was an indication that these Swap Meets are back in vogue and gaining in popularity with vendors and bikers in general. I have always loved them and they bring you back to the day when riding wrenching and seeking out parts and building something with character and developing your own style was what it was all about before the bolt on billet and chrome thing became

the rage and the norm. When that pile of old parts wasn`t just a pile of crap or scrap but a treasure trove of valuable, sought after and appreciated parts that contain our history and can keep our biker culture alive! Excellent job guys! I expect to hear from you next year and I hope I`ll be able to hang around for the beer and pulled pork sandwiches. I drink 50 if you haven`t heard. Later…………… London Motorcycle Swap Meet – Deadly Doug and I met at his place and headed on out to the wilds of London in my brand new F150 on her maiden voyage to a Motorcycle event and our assessment is; ‘So far So Good!’. She at no time slammed into the side of a Chevy pickup truck, she handled well, got excellent fuel economy and was comfortable as Hell to drive and ride in, and she got us there and back without incident! So far so good! I`m still trying to figure out what all the buttons and dials do as it is better equipped than my old one. We got to London a little later than planned, having stopped for breakfast which we may have enjoyed too much and languished over a bit too long. Who knew that the Swap Meet would attract so many, so early?


If we’d been there early enough we would have been among the 150 or so people lined up at the door at 9:00 AM way in advance of the 10:00 AM start time. The organizers took pity and let them in early. When we arrived at 10:30 the parking lot was full to beyond capacity and there was some creative parking being done to create spaces where none existed before. Beyond that there were cars parked both sides of the road for as far as you could see! Not really wanting to walk for a mile back to the hall, we took a chance on the parking lot and lucked into a spot just vacated. We walked the short distance to the entrance where Ray and James representing the good folks at Pace Law who were proud sponsors of the event had a booth right at the entrance so we got a warm welcome, then the ever magnificent Nancy Pooler appeared and welcomed us in as well. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to walk into an event that was, for the mostpart only advertised with us and see the place absolutely packed from start to finish. That is what happened here! It was hard to maneuver through the crowds of people that had the place jam packed. I saw so many people that I knew and managed a handshake here and there but with the massive crowds, hugs were extremely hard to accomplish but I still snuck a few in! Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and smiles seemed to be the order of the day as they scooped up their treasures, taking advantage of some great prices and some rare finds! Doug was happy to find some Panhead parts and I found some great H-D Emblems that are destined to go on my new truck. I had been searching for them for quite a while so this was just an added bonus for the trip out here. It is great to bring this many like-minded people out at a great get together all in search of something and in some


cases for some of us just the gathering alone, was as good as it gets. This was a good sized hall but one even twice this size would still be overwhelmed by this crowd which tells me that there should be more of these or one or two really big, well organized ones that could move from venue to venue and do it up right in providing a space at a reasonable cost for those with parts to get together with those who need the parts. They can work out the deals for themselves at a great social gathering where you can enjoy yourself with those who share a common bond and interest. Once again Fred Hale had a huge display of wares from his store up in Pefferlaw and was in his glory wheeling and dealing with a constant big smile on his face. There were lots of others as well, Dave Green who didn’t travel near as far as Fred had a really great display of parts and accessories, old stuff, new stuff, hard to find stuff and people knew that if he didn’t have it there he could find it. This was a great day, meeting some great people doing what the real people all love to do! This to me is a real indication that what was old isn’t really new again, it’s just a good old biker get together over motorcycle parts with people who are there for a common purpose who share a common love and interest; Motorcycles! We don’t really need fancy packaging just a good venue and a place to socialize where we are free to follow our true passion. Great Job! Great Time! Thanks to the organizers and the sponsors!

Easy Acre Machines Custom Cycles (And egg farm.)

I first met Dann (With two N’s) last Month when I was delivering out Mags that way. At first I wasn’t sure if I was in the right spot as I wheeled into the magnificent looking property. It sure didn’t look like any Motorcycle Shop that I had ever seen but the sign at the end of the drive reassured me that was, so I continued on up halfway expecting guard dogs or armed security to challenge my presence at any time. I began to feel more comfortable as I spotted motorcycle trailers here and there and as I pulled up in front I was greeted by Dann who was the owner and he gave me the grand tour. Upon entering we immediately came upon the Dyno Machine area and then into a spacious, well lit, and very well equipped shop area with all kinds of projects underway. Then on to the showroom/lounge/office area. I noticed along the way that there were a set of antlers on one of the bikes and had to enquire. It was part of a very popular Christmas Parade Float that Dann and his crew put together each year and had yet to be dismantled (Or in the case de-antlered.) The more we talked, the more I was convinced that this shop would be ideal for the Calendar Feature and he agreed. So it was that a few weeks later I met up with our newest recruit, Jordan, who is an amazing photographer with many other skills that should prove advantageous to The Mag, loaded up my brand new F150 (That I’d just picked up the night before from the good folks at Shanahan Ford in Newmarket, and their super salesman Jon who put a rush on getting it brought in and all the preservice work done real quick.) and headed for Strathroy to spend some time at Easy Acres. I resisted the urge to sing “Easy Acres is the place to be!” as we rolled through the fantastic countryside that leads to the shop.

Dann was to arrange for the models so all we had to worry about was our equipment which we unloaded and set up while waiting for the models to arrive as we were early. It gave us time to get lots of pictures of the shop, crew and some of the projects that were under way trying our best to stay out from underfoot as this was a workday. Now I did notice a large walk in refrigeration unit beside the office which was the centre of much activity throughout the day and when the door opened I could see large quantities of eggs in cartons and containers and every now and then one of the guys would come through with a large basket absolutely filled with eggs and disappear into its depths and then reappear with an empty basket. It did catch my attention and I was intrigued but I resisted the urge to ask. There was even a sign on the side of the refrigeration unit that had prices listed. This was a first for me! Bike shop and egg outlet! I didn’t get the relationship at all. For some reason I remained obsessed with the whole thing. Finally as I was writing this up, I just had to call Dann and ask. “What is with the fucking eggs?” Dann’s reply was “Oh yeah, we sell a whole lot of them! We had a barn in the back and threw some chickens in there and we ended up with a sideline!” They have about 150 to 200 chickens and they lay like mad. Some are old and will soon end up on a plate in a different form than an egg but just as tasty. My only beef was that I didn’t ask while I was there as I had to stop and get eggs on the way home! Dann says that in some parts he has even earned the moniker of “The Organic Biker!” ………Even I can’t make this stuff up! Baily, the shop dog kept a constant, vigilant eye on us from the comfort of his bed up until it was time for a group shot of the whole crew of which he is a vital component. He did his part and posed between the Models a while, then resumed his watch from his bed. Two of the models, sisters, Lyndsey and Keeley along with their lovely mother Christine arrived and quickly got ready for the shoot then the third lady, Christina made her entrance and we were all set to go. With Jordan doing all the photography it left me free to talk to Dann, Mark and the rest of the crew about the shop so I could piece together and article.

This was a great opportunity to see them in action and see how well this tight knit crew work together and see the interaction with the steady flow of customers, some of whom, just dropped in to say hi. There seemed to be a bond between the crew and the customers that went beyond just customer relations. There was a warm friendly atmosphere that comes from mutual trust and respect that comes from good reliable workmanship at fair prices with a personal touch. We had a great time there and could have stayed longer but we had taken enough of their valuable time. We had more than enough shots of all three of the ladies and we knew that the hard part was yet to come in deciding which shots would be used.

You might think that having three beautiful women has to be a treat and it is, from a visual perspective but it makes it really hard to weed out the shots that work best. Honestly, if I had any one of these girls individually it would have been easier, as each one was stunning and had her own individual look, style and personality and we were perplexed. We’d look at the shots of one girl and say “Oh yeah! This is the shot for the calendar or the cover or both!” Then we’d move onto the next set of shots of the other girl and say these are as good as the other girl then back and forth between the two when we put the third ladies pics into the mix and our heads were spinning even more so! I hope they and you like our selections. Thanks Ladies you were a pleasure to work with. Thanks to Dann and the crew for putting up with us!






One for the road

Ok, I used to like snow. But when you go out to your truck and it snowed so much that you can’t even see the truck, then I have a problem. It can go away now. I’ve endured Christmas, New Years and the sappy day called Valentine’s Day (which I’m not a huge fan of) and I’m ready for spring. You give me 7 to 10 degrees and I’m going out on the bike, snow or not! So, when I first started writing for the mag, Critter said that the winter months can be just as busy as the summer ones. Curious I wondered how so. You’re not riding, there’s no charity rides or weekend outdoor events. How can it possibly be just as busy? Well let me just tell you, he wasn’t fibbing! Between breakfasts with a group of 40 or so riders to swap meets and motorcycle shows, it’s been busy. Our summer calendar is filling up quite nicely and I haven’t even been assigned anything yet! Recently I’ve been to meet Frenchie and Donna at Black Gold in Belleville. And I’ve bought more shirts there than I can count. Never mind me, I took my mother there and she bought three! She doesn’t ride but because I do she feels


…..with Lil Red

supportive. Lol I’m glad Frenchie’s place is here. I absolutely love the shirts, he’s got gloves (which I need) long, leather hair clips, leather vests, and knives! Holy cow does he have knives! Like I said I love this store! Any ideas that you have in leather, he’s the man to talk to because if he can’t do it or he knows just the person who can! Now when I tear myself away from Black Gold, I’ve been meeting up with riding groups for breakfasts/ brunch/hell let’s eat get-togethers. Recently we went to meet up with the Northern Stars for breakfast, and at the same restaurant we ran into about 40 other riders from The Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers. Both groups were welcoming of my questions, pictures and stories. And I met a woman who I think you all gotta meet. Miss Olive! Now when I joined the conversation with the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers, I was given the opportunity to speak to Olive. Oh….did I mention that she’s 85 years young? Oh, and did I also mention that she STILL RIDES A MOTORCYCLE??? What?? Come again? Yep, you heard right. You can usually find Olive on the back of her son Ian’s 2004 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic. If she sees Ian walking towards his bike in the driveway, she’s grabbing her vest and asking him ‘What took you so long, let’s get moving!!” She’s the Mom of the group and once you meet her and see that infectious smile, you realize why. I’m beginning to think that she rides more than I do! She has a son in Windsor who rides also, so she’s a thinker and has already placed a helmet at his place, you know, in case he goes for a ride! Now Ian says that she’s the navigator, and based on the fact that they are lost most of the time, (hey Olive, those are his words, not mine. Go get him!), she’s my kind of girl. I can get lost just leaving the end of my street. When Mike

and I go for long rides, he’ll step aside midway through and say take over, knowing full well there’s a good chance that I have no idea where I am. So she’s a girl after my own heart! Now the CMC dates back to 2008 and is a national, social riding club. If you’re all about family, love to ride have fun, than this is the place to be. And I gotta say, any group that calls a ride a “Geezer Ride”, is truly the group for Mike and I. They even ride to local retirement homes to talk to the people there, show off their bikes and trade stories. You wouldn’t believe some of the stories that people from the retirement homes tell of their riding days. While talking to Ian and his group, we were asked to join the Northern Stars for breakfast. There was John and his wife Beverly, Mike and his wife Lucy and Don and his wife Patti. While we enjoyed breakfast (it was at Ten Acre, so it was a busy place) we discussed upcoming events. They do a charity ride for kids in Kingston, and they’re expecting more than the 65 bikes they had last year. It’s the third year, relatively new, but seeing as it’s for kids I don’t doubt it will grow in the next year or so. On Valentine’s Day, I joined a group of ladies for breakfast. They hold a ride every year that is becoming near and dear to my heart. The Quinte Ride for Paws. We went last year and it was huge. This group of ladies (lead by my new found friend Tamalin) organize the event with business cards, flyers, radio ads, facebook and every other way to advertise imaginable. And if you park your vehicle or bike anywhere in the Trenton/Belleville area, you will find a flyer or card on it! Tamalin is not shy about that. SO just put the card in your pocket and then on your fridge cause this is a ride you need to attend. They do so much for different animal organizations around the Quinte Region that you’d be foolish not to support them. Hey, and the ride used to be called Bike for Bitches (get it?). And these ladies don’t just organize the event, they foster animals. Each had a story of a doggy or doggies, and I gotta say, they treat these doggies like members of the family. I mean these pups enjoy the snow way more than most kids. And they got video to prove it! The event has a show n shine, a bbq, vendors, door prizes and earlier in the summer, a poker run. Listening to all they do, they’re a busy group of ladies. Keep an eye out for info regarding this event as I’m sure I’ll mention it again…and again. So with breakfasts, brunches, motorcycle shows and all the gatherings we’ve attended this winter, I’m exhausted. Critter..you were right! Oh, by the way, this summer’s calendar is filling up rather quickly (not including assignments), so if you have an event/get-together or ride, contact me at lilred@theridersmag. com. If you don’t keep me busy I’ll just get into trouble 


Tears are not enough…Shaking your head in disbelief is not enough…Re-posting comments on social media is not enough…Barking your outrage at a gathering of your peers is not enough…… What is enough, you ask? Activism and passive resistance are the only solutions to this troubling trend of discrimination, by law enforcement, towards a visible minority that is neither an ethnic or religious entity. It is however, a lifestyle born of a desire to live in a society based upon the fundamentals of freedom and respect. The current disturbing trend of ‘Murder by Cop’ is becoming more commonplace as governments appear to have lost control of their dogs. More and more, it is becoming apparent that the individual first responder is oblivious to the subtleties of civilized human behavior. Choosing instead to take on the persona of executioner and, it appears, feels neither remorse nor regret once a life is snuffed out. Also quite apparent is that, once confronted, most LEO’s refuse to accept responsibility for their actions which, once again, perpetuates the assumption that they believe they are above the law. Today, in the USA, the same thugs that swear an oath ‘to serve and protect’ have now formed a fugazi motorcycle club called Iron Order M.C. which, IMHO, was founded to administer disorder and now - death. The modus operandi of these villains is to disrespect, harass and bait authentic motorcycle club members into an altercation; thereby creating a self-defense scenario which allows them to use deadly force regardless of whether the opposing combatant is strapped. Reports suggest that their usual tactics are to ambush from


either cover or distance and pick targets that are preferably either unarmed or insufficiently armed. While demonstrating violent personality traits, they are without character and perpetuate the big lie that all bikers are criminals and deserve to be exterminated. They are thugs of the first order who bank on the deformed and moderate mindset of a bastardized and broken legal system in order to get away with murder. If you ride then you should be wary of current attitudes towards clubbers because, in the not so distant future, the bias may trickle down to you simply because you affect a clubber demeanor in your choice of clothing. Perhaps there are readers that believe clubbers deserve to be subjected to biased treatment because of past random acts committed by club members. That same fuzzy logic, which enables discrimination based upon past crimes, can also be referenced towards many other groups like: law enforcement, the clergy, the military, the teachers, the child care providers, the sport coaches and all levels of government. So why isn’t there biased discrimination towards those entities? Society is aware of these criminal acts but tolerates them because those occupations provide a service or function to a civilized society. Why single out bikers as a scapegoat for all the sins of society? Simply (if it can be summed up simply) because bikers past indiscretions have been vilified and over exaggerated both in the media and Hollywood productions - thereby creating the illusion of a threat based upon fictitious and sensationalized abstract events. The OCC hosts a Facebook page titled ‘The Ontario Biker Black List’. The page currently boasts over 1500 followers. An interesting development happened recently when a business was place on the ‘Black List’ for posting a dress code policy against patrons wearing “Gang Colours’ or ‘Support’ clothing in their club. Usually we never hear from an establishment when it is listed, but in this case the owner replied . . . “Let me say that this issue is near and dear to me as I am the Owner of the club, and a Biker as well. What I tell you will leave a bad taste in your mouth.... When we established the club a little over a year and a half ago, we had a lot of hoops to jump through with the AGCO (liquor licensing) due to the record of the previous tenants in the building. As a result, we had to have our license compliance policy include a “No Gang Colour” policy. Just recently, our inspector conveyed to us that he was convinced that “Support” attire was also considered colours, and suggested he would take action if he saw those worn by our patrons. so, in summary, We are a biker friendly establishment. But our policy reflects the demands of our Government and not our beliefs as Business owners and bikers. I hope to ease these restrictions in the next year as we renew our liquor license.” In essence, an Ontario Government department has decided that ALL bikers who sport MC affiliated clothing are gangsters; who do not deserve to mingle with other patrons unless they remove the offending items. Yet again, another prejudice indirectly foisted upon society by law enforcement ‘cuz the AGCO is riddled with ex-coppers who either bend to the pressures of active law enforcement or

harbor personal discriminatory attitudes towards our lifestyle. I leave it to you to decide exactly who is deserving of scrutiny and harassment, Eh Ollie? This issue’s featured OCC Member Club is the Veteran Commandos Motorcycle Club. VCMC Ontario was founded in June 2015.

The membership is comprised of military Veterans, both active and retired, who have served in elite military and Special Forces branches of their respective countries. The club’s patch consists of the parachutist wings with a single dagger running through the center of the jump wings. The dagger is a universal symbol of elite forces worldwide. Veteran Commandos M.C. is an International M.C. with charters in Canada, USA, Australia, Belgium, South Korea to name a few. The club respects all other clubs and colours and is non-territorial. Members of VCMC welcome fellowship and support the ideal of reciprocal rights and freedoms for all. Veteran Commando M.C. is a non-profit organization that supports and donates to various Veteran charities. The club’s motto/mission is No Borders – Same Mission. Interested parties are welcome to visit www.veterancommandosmc.com for more. As of February, 2016, there are 83 OCC Member Clubs and 58 Independent OCC Members, whose influence reaches approximately 4000 individuals who are extremely concerned about the bad rap being laid at the feet of an easily identifiable minority. What’s your mindset regarding the very real persecution of bikers simply because of media hype? Where are you in the equation? Will you just keep grazing and let others do the heavy lifting so that you can enjoy posing on the weekends? Will you deem the ugly

situation facing Ontario clubbers, not my problem, as you pull a ‘Sons of Anarchy’ tee over your girth of success? If you feel simpatico to our cause then you need to join the OCC. Perhaps your contribution will be as simple as becoming a member or as complex as being vocal and standing tall on the issues? No matter . . . The Ontario Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs and Independents will always appreciate whatever contribution you can make to the confederation. OCC = ONE COMMON CAUSE Rooster Rider OCC Treasurer


Rooster Rider



Are we tired of winter yet? Due to being the middle of winter as well as the multitude of hurdles that have presented themselves in our busy lives, this month’s article is somewhat limited. Please don’t take this as a sign of lack of interest, but rather a sign of better things to come as we go through some necessary changes. We’ve been actively distributing and promoting the Mag, with great results and I know people are already planning their riding season, from the whispers that echoes in crisp, northern air. The list of distribution points keep growing up here at a rapid rate, as people are now contacting me to add their businesses to the growing list and bring them monthly copies to hand out. They are more than willing to become a great asset in the north to carry this fine publication. An updated map of local, independent distributers will soon be available online for all to see. Business owners who distribute our magazine get benefits such as an online listing on our website, extra foot traffic to the store and being part of our team to share news, events and information for riders, by riders. If you would like to benefit from distributing The Rider’s Mag please contact me via Facebook/Rider’s Mag North Ontario; email, ThatNorthernGuy144@gmail.com; or by telephone, 705-662-1526. In order to make the contact information more readily available, I’ve developed a QR Code that supplies you with all the contact info. Just scan it with your smart phone and Voila! You have it all locked up in the palm of your hand. Advertising and support from corporate and community sponsors is the lifeline of The Rider’s Mag. If your abilities allow you to provide such support, it would be beneficial to all. The more help we get, the better our magazine becomes and allows us to cover more events, more people and more places. Any and all support to help the Mag’s distribution and coverage is greatly appreciated no matter how insignificant you might think it is. Everything helps. Advertising


in the Mag for your business, from a business card size, a full page, or calendar coverage, to simply buying a refreshment for a member. It’s a win-win situation for everyone and strengthens the scene. Cheers to all that contribute to the existence of this fine read. Advertising in the Rider’s Mag is GOOD business! Help keep us going strong! The time has come to start advertising your rides. I’m well aware that planning is well underway and dates have been secured. Advertising a great method to secure your event to be covered in a later issue of The Riders Mag, to more than 30,000 people with ease. So don’t hesitate, contact me and let’s get this going. And speaking of events, the 10th Annual Fallen Riders Memorial Run is coming up soon. On Saturday May 28, 2016, hundreds of riders will hit the road to bring awareness to our fallen comrades in Algoma, whose names are dawned on a beautiful memorial plaque. Roger Wing, who started the event says “This is what happens when there’s no awareness” and started this run to help create safer roads. The run will be at the same time and location as last year, starting at Strathclair Park (Algoma) at 11am sharp and traversing the Great Northern Road to end at the Knights Inn for a social gathering. It’s a great way to start the riding season and you’ll be sure to meet some great people. If the weather cooperates, the bikes will soon be ready as well as some flashy, new, glossy copies of the Rider’s Mag. We’re just waiting for Mother Nature to release its grip on this cold and miserable weather so we can hit the road.

“Respect, Honor, Loyalty, Honesty, Integrity, Trust, Courtesy, Charity….Biker’s live by a code…. don’t you wish everybody did?.... Keep Old School Values and Traditions Alive!”

Greetings and salutations to all my Rider friends… I hope you are all gearing up for the spring riding season, (even though we’ve been having spring like weather for several weeks already, out on the West Coast...sorry Eastern Canada) And so as the biking season starts to ramp up and people are rolling the dust covers up and off of their Harleys . People are looking at their calendars and are starting the planning their holidays and long weekends to include not only local... But road trip rallies and runs, as well. Unfortunately it also brings me to a frustrating and despicable reality that is becoming all too commonplace in today’s fear driven society. You may remember a few issues back I wrote of the veterans MC in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island, how prejudice and harassment had led to their expulsion of the Remembrance Day ceremonies... Well as it turns out, our friends were just another casualty of an ever growing trend of corruption and police harassment on Vancouver Island. But my digression is not without warrant. A few weeks back, a very close friend asked me to meet him at the clubhouse for a cup of coffee but more importantly to find out if I had any knowledge as to why a very popular and well attended rally that has taken place on Vancouver Island for the past eight years without incident, was abruptly canceled. At that time I did not have the answers... But was determined to find out. I was appalled as to why it was ultimately cancelled, leaving thousands who look forward to the event disappointed... as well as the organizers, vendors, and the local townsfolk alike. (I will delve into that much deeper in the next issue) Although I was appalled, I unfortunately was not surprised. It was a story that has become commonplace in our community of motorcyclists, not only has it become commonplace it has become excepted. Our rights as citizens are constantly being challenged, every day we deal with the same prejudices, and facets of oppression and tyranny from our lawmakers, to those who have sworn to uphold the law, as well as judges and politicians. Sadly even the mainstream media outlets have given in to the corruption. You just have to switch on the 6:00 news and how they spoon feed mind numbing barrages of Mayhem and Carnage, in the form of digital sound-bytes of manipulative misinformation... And then forces us to swallow the lies one small dose at a time. These are also the very people that most of society believes are there to actually protect us and secure us to serve us. These maniacal zealots are not just taking the law into their own hands they are attempting to take our rights as Canadian citizens away from us and in fact violating not only our own Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms but the UN Charter of Rights as well. And while for the most part bikers will always be freedom loving individuals our civil rights and freedoms are being stripped a little more at a time, each day that goes by. Atrocities are being perpetrated with no one to stand up and say ‘No more’. I am under no delusion, that bikers are Boy Scouts… Or pixies… Quite the contrary actually! Generally speaking bikers will be the one group of people that will fight for what they believe in and for what is

right and just. However in saying that, we have lost too many of our brothers and sisters to overzealous and under controlled cops that use our hard earned tax dollars as their own personal piggy banks to satiate some personal vendetta against us. It is easy for the general public to be horrified by some sensationalized news story that has been spoon-fed to them by the mainstream media, like the spew of lies about what really happened in Waco Texas, to innocent and peaceful bikers, having a peaceful lunch. They were ambushed, attacked, shot, killed and lied about to the media. Oh and did I mention they ALL had their bikes stolen by the largest criminal organization known to mankind...the POLICE, and it’s equally easy to paint all the bikers with the same brush... but let’s face some real facts here: Bikers are the largest group of individuals involved in raising money for children’s charities in Canada and Worldwide. From Toy Runs, to Bikers Against Child Abuse, Bikers Against Autism, Bikers Against Bullying and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Bikers are almost always the first to dig deep into their


pockets for someone in need or to help put the fallen brother or sister or their families for that matter. Bikers understand the importance of community, of family, of loyalty, and respect. But I digress, it is these atrocities that have brought me here... To tell this woman’s story... one brave, and amazing woman, introduce her community, share her vision, her brain child… I will expose How she has been....and continues to be abused and bullied by the Islands authorities and introduce one particular Thug, that has a personal vendetta against her, and all bikers, (and veterans for that matter), as well as the government agencies. And how an entire community has circled the proverbial wagons and rallied around her. In The Rider’s Magazine Next issue I will be introducing her, interviewing her, and her colleagues, the townsfolk, the mayor of Cumberland BC, I will also be speaking with at least three different presidents of three different MCs... That live and work, and contribute to society.., all people that live and work in the area will be invited. This may sound strange but I will also be giving the authorities a chance to explain their behavior and

justify spending thousands upon thousands of tax-payers dollars to harass and intimidate peaceful Rally goers and purposely going out of their way to attack and exhaust the upstanding citizens and this lovely woman for organizing this event. Please don’t miss next month’s issue if you were looking for a subscription please get a hold of me through my email that will be at the bottom of this article. As always much love and respect… If you are an organization, MC, A motorcycle enthusiast or if you have an event or story that you would like to have me feature in my Pacific Ponderings you can always contact me via email: brokenangel@theridersmag.com Ps, There was a great turnout to the motorcycle show this year at the Tradex. My beautiful and always entertaining photographic assistant Reagan got lots of great photos, we met lots of great people and saw some old friends as

well!!! Wow there are some beautiful new bikes out there!! I handed out hundreds of Mags to hundreds of motorcycle admirers and got some wonderful feedback!! I hope to see you there next year!!

BYW...,l’ll be putting together a West Coast version of the calendar. So again I say... If you have an important event... A birthday, an anniversary, a funeral it birth announcement... A charitable event.. You name it.. If it’s West Coast, we wanna know!! Ride safe my Friends, love and respect... Always. Susie A.k.a. Broken Angel…… brokenangel@theridersmag.com


My wife and I went to the Royal Show and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said, ‘THIS BULL MATED 50 TIMES LAST YEAR’ My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs .......Smiled and said, ‘He mated 50 times last year, that’s almost once a week.’ We walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said, ‘’THIS BULL MATED 150 TIMES LAST YEAR’ My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, ‘WOW~~That’s more than twice! a week ! .........You could learn a lot from him.’ We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said, in capital letters, ‘THIS BULL MATED 365 TIMES LAST YEAR’ My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and said, ‘That’s once a day .You could REALLY learn something from this one.’ I looked at her and said, ‘Go over and ask him if it was with the same cow.’ My condition has been upgraded from critical to stable and I should eventually make a full recovery. A biker is riding by the zoo in Toronto, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to maul and eat her under the eyes of her screaming parents. Harleyman jumps off his bike, runs to the cage, and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from pain, the lion jumps back letting go of the little girl, and, Harleyman brings her to her terrified parents who thank him endlessly. A journo had watched the entire event. The journo approached the rider: “Oh mister, this was the most gallant and brave thing I’ve seen a man do in my whole life.” “Oh, it was nothing, really. The lion was behind bars, and I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right,” he replied. Journogal squeaked, “Well, I’ll make sure this won’t go unnoticed. I’m a Toronto journalist, you know, and tomorrow’s paper will have this story on the front page. So, tell me, what do you do for a living? And it’s election time, so who might you vote for this time?” The Harleyman replies, “I’m a Canadian soldier and I like the Conservatives.” Journogal giggles and skips away. The following morning the soldier and rescuer buys the paper to see if it, indeed brings news of his actions. On the front page: CANADIAN SOLDIER ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANTAND STEALS HIS LUNCH! And that pretty much sums up the media’s approach to political reporting in Canada these days.

A guy walks in and asks the barman, ‘Isn’t that Trump and Sanders sitting over there?’ The bartender says, ‘Yep, that’s them.’ So the guy walks over and says, ‘Wow, this is a real honor! What are you guys doing in here?’ Trump says, ‘We’re planning WW III.’ The guy says, ‘Really? What’s going to happen?’ Trump says, ‘Well, we’re going to kill 140 million Muslims and one blonde with big tits.’ The guy exclaimed, ‘A blonde with big tits? Why kill a blonde with big tits?’ Trump turns to Sanders and says, ‘See, I told you, no one gives a shit about the 140 million Muslims.’ A student asked his English professor, “What is the definition of a Dilemma?” The professor said, “Well, there’s nothing better than an example to Illustrate that. Imagine that you are lying in a big bed with a beautiful aroused naked Young woman on one side and an excited gay man on the other.” “Who are you going to turn your back on?” Why I Like Retirement ! Question: How many days in a week?

WORLD WAR III IN THE PLANNING STAGES Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are sitting in a bar.


Answer: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday Question: When is a retiree’s bedtime? Answer: Two hours after he falls asleep on the couch. Question: How many retirees to change a light bulb? Answer: Only one, but it might take all day. Question: What’s the biggest gripe of retirees? Answer: There is not enough time to get everything done. Question: Why don’t retirees mind being called Seniors? Answer: The term comes with a 10% discount. Question: Among retirees, what is considered formal attire? Answer: Tied shoes. Question: Why do retirees count pennies? Answer: They are the only ones who have the time. Question: What is the common term for someone who enjoys work and refuses to retire? Answer: NUTS! Question: Why are retirees so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage? Answer: They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids will want to store stuff there. Question: What do retirees call a long lunch? Answer: Normal. Question: What is the best way to describe retirement? Answer: The never ending Coffee Break. Question: What’s the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree? Answer: If you cut classes, no one calls your parents. Question: Why does a retiree often say he doesn’t miss work, but misses the people he used to work with? Answer: He is too polite to tell the whole truth. And, my very favorite.... QUESTION: What do you do all week? Answer: Monday through Friday, NOTHING..... Saturday & Sunday, I rest. Provincial Social Services (welfare payments) is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free

money ever. Meanwhile, the Parks Branch, asks us “Please Do Not Feed the Animals.” The stated reason for this policy is because “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.” SERENITY Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, ‘How old was your husband?’ ‘98,’ she replied.... ‘Two years older than me’ ‘So you’re 96,’ the undertaker commented.. She responded, ‘Hardly worth going home, is it? Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: ‘And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?’ the reporter asked... She simply replied, ‘No peer pressure.’ Food for Thought The reason Mayberry was so peaceful and quiet was because nobody was married Andy, Aunt Bea, Barney, Floyd, Howard, Goober, Gomer, Sam, Earnest T Bass, Helen, Thelma Lou, Clara, and of course Opie - all single. The only married person was Otis, and he stayed drunk. The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs and have fun finding them. I’ve sure gotten old! I’ve had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I’m half blind, can’t hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation; hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can’t remember if I’m 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends. But, thank God, I still have my driver’s license. I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor’s permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over. An elderly woman decided to prepare her will


Continued on page 46


I Walk The Line

I’m sure everyone loves that Johnny Cash classic song. For many of us is has various and multiple significances. It often stands as a commitment to a spouse or girlfriend/ boyfriend. For some of us it takes on a bit of a deeper significance of our commitment to brotherhood in our clubs. For me, both meanings are true. As we “Walk the Line”, standing up for our rights as bikers and maintaining our responsibilities to our brotherhood, we always try to maintain the utmost of truthfulness, honesty and ready support for our brothers. I know a lot of guys that would give a brother the shirt off their back if he needed it. Seen it happen more than once and so have you. Furthermore, most of us, if not all, carry a tool kit and a cell phone and would not pass a stranded biker without trying to lend a hand. We meet the coolest people that way! However, I often wonder if other club guys think that us Bikers’ Church guys are up to “no good”. I mean, are we trying to “poach” members from other clubs to increase our membership? Just to calm your possible suspicions, the answer is NO WE DO NOT DO THAT. In churches, it is the ultimate “No-No”. Guys who leave their clubs on less that good terms have trouble becoming member with us and I have meticulously avoided stealing members who ride motorcycles from other churches just to look like we have a big membership. In fact, our policy is that you do NOT need to leave your club to visit or attend our churches across Ontario. In fact, we expect you to come to church wearing your proper colours! We respect your club membership deeply. Our main motivation is far from inducting you into “Our Church”. Our prime directive is to Make Sure You Have Faith In God. When Christianity was beginning to become a “World Religion” in the first century A.D., the plain and simple message of Good News from St. Peter and St. Paul was this: “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Roams 10:9. This word “Saved” seems too magical and too religious for many of us so let me translate it as simply “Becoming A Part Of God’s Family.” I hope that makes more sense and it is the only step you need to take right now to let God into your life and without Him, you’re missing out on the greatest thing you could ever have. Pray with me: “God, wherever you are out there, I believe in you and I believe that you raised Your Son, Jesus Christ from the grave that First Easter Sunday. Please accept me into your family. Amen.” To Be continued next month...Happy Easter and look, Spring is on the way. God Bless! Pastor Ken 905 870 8584 hamiltonbikerschurch.com


Easy Acre Machines is a great shop located at 23983 Melbourne Rd. just outside of Strathroy that was started about six years ago by Dann who turned a lifelong passion for motorcycles into a thriving business. He started riding a Honda CX 500 then graduated to a Harley-Davidson Sportster and caught the “Biker Bug” and his life’s course was set. He was strongly influenced by the whole biker lifestyle and “Old School Bikers” like Red and Whipp who have been wrenching up in the Sarnia area for years as well as his Cousin Don Stefanik who owns SOS Lube and he went on to become a licensed Auto mechanic and certified Motorcycle technician and has went on to develop a solid reputation of his own in the local Motorcycle Community. The shop itself sits back from the road and at first glance you might not think that it houses such a fantastic example of the Motorcycle World.

They can and do work on anything but their preference is to stay within their comfort zone and that is with Harley-Davidson. It is a full service shop, performing full maintenance programs, tires, engine rebuilds, restorations and from the ground up custom builds. They have a Dyno testing unit not only serves their own purposes but draws tremendous business from shops and individuals from all over the Province and are they very strong in the World of High Performance Motorcycles. They can deliver the kind of horsepower and torque to the rear wheel that you really want. While they have done many projects and custom builds, Dann can’t single out any one particular job as their specific claim to fame or favourite. Each and every project was special and each had its own special quirks that gave them the satisfaction just getting each job done successfully. Each provided its own specific chal-

lenges, new insights and demanded that he and his crew develop new skills, ideas and techniques that they then had to apply to accomplish the task at hand. They are willing to share with others to ensure that the interest in the motorcycle culture remains strong and their hard earned experience, knowledge and respect for traditions is passed on to the new generation of bikers. History at the shop is preserved in pictures and a large collection of t-shirts that festoon the walls and ceiling, each commemorating an event, shop, bar that played a significant part in a very colourful Motorcycle culture because that is what this shop is all about. Easy Acre Machines is also a dealer for most of the main suppliers of aftermarket equipment such as; Kuryakin, Drag Specialties, Cosmetic, Preston, Midwest, Amsoil, required to do a job that is completely custom and unique and will bring a smile to the face to the most discerning customer. They can get custom machining and fabrication on frames, front ends, internal engine and transmission components or custom wheels and aren’t happy until you are. The crew itself is made up of a band of brothers; Dann, Marc, Ken, Mike, Ricardo, Jeff, Darryl and Terry who all bring their individual skills and talents to the table but can work together as a finely tuned machine and that is what can best be described as a great Motorcycle Shop where the one that benefits most is the customer! Check them out sometime!

Lucas and Forest Auto and can get OEM parts as required. All in all, they want to be considered as a traditional motorcycle shop with traditional old school values who are progressive in their thinking and their approach to the ever changing World of motorcycling and want to be on the cutting edge. The level of enthusiasm in this shop is infectious and contagious and it has infected all of the crew who are far more like family. They have a huge reliable network of suppliers and shops that can provide any and all of what is

What to do if in a bike accident

There is a lot of info about what to do if you or a buddy are involved in a car or bike accident. The following are my suggestions, especially if you are injured and the other driver was at fault: 1. Look after yourself first. You have to get off the road if you can but try to remember to take a moment. Don’t try to get up until you are sure you have stopped sliding. It is surprising how long that can take (don’t ask how I know!). And take a moment to figure out the best route to safety. You may be disoriented and your initial reaction could put you in greater danger. And don’t refuse medical help. With the adrenalin pumping you may not realize that you are hurt. Especially if you hit your head. Plus, if it turns out you are hurt, don’t give the insurance company the opportunity to say it could not have been serious because you did not go to the hospital. Once you look after your health then you can think about protecting your legal rights, if you are able. 2. Call 911, or if not an emergency, the normal police reporting. It is mandatory if there are injuries or damage is over a certain threshold. It is helpful to have a police report that may help to establish who was at fault for the accident. If the police don’t come, be sure to go to a self reporting collision station and file a report; 3. Make a decision about safety at the scene. Don’t move anyone who is injured. If you can safely take steps to ensure that no further accidents occur (i.e, warning


oncoming drivers) you should do so. It may be preferable to leave your bike or car where it is. First it can be dangerous to move it. Second, the position of the vehicles can be important to establish fault. 4. Get the other driver’s information: licence plate (at least get that right away in case the driver leaves the scene), check driver’s licence for name, address, licence number. Check ownership for the name and address of the owner. Remember, insurance is through the owner, or lessee, not the driver. Check the insurance pink slip for the name of the insurance company and policy number. Of course, the police will do all this if they come. 5. Take photos showing the resting position of the vehicles, damage to the vehicles, skid marks, debris and other evidence that will not be there for long. Start with a longer distance shot to show the subject in context and then a series of closer shots to get the detail. Lots of people now have dash cams which can be very helpful to protect you in those fake crash situations or to show what happened. I have a case right now where a bike went down due to freshly painted lines on the roadway. The client’s travelling companion caught the whole thing on a Go Pro camera on her bike. Very helpful. 6. Report the accident within 24 hours to your own insurance company. If there is any possibility that you might be injured you must complete and submit an application for no-fault accident benefits to your own auto

insurer within 30 days. They should send you the forms but you can also download all the forms from the FSCO website. You need the OCF1 (application) OCF 2 (Employer’s Confirmation of income) if you are unable to work due to the accident, OCF 3 (Disability Certificate). You can also provide an OCF 5 which allows your insurer to access your medical records. You have to either give them access (their expense) or provide the records yourself (your expense). For my clients I prefer to get the records myself and send to the insurer at their expense. Gives me a little more control. Note that if you want to make a claim against another driver, you MUST apply for no fault benefits first 7. Consult a lawyer sooner rather than later. We’ll talk later about how to chose a lawyer but for now, I will just say do not go to anyone referred by a tow truck driver (Except Moto Limo, they are my friends and straight shooters) and be very suspicious of anyone referred by a paralegal or a treatment clinic. It may be some time before you know whether your injuries are serious and permanent enough to create a viable claim (we’ll go over this in a later column). But it is a good idea to get advice early and also to notify the at fault party of your claim sooner rather than later. The legislation requires that notice be given within 120 days after the accident, but the consequences for missing this deadline are not serious. Remember, there is a 2 year limitation period to start your lawsuit against the at fault party in the court. If you miss that deadline you lose all rights to claim. Normally the 2 years starts to run on the date of the accident, but there may be circumstances when it starts later. 8. Follow up on medical treatment and seeing your doctor. It is important to see a doctor or other health care professional regularly, if only for the purpose of having him or her record your current symptoms. In legal matters there is a tendency to think that anything that does not appear in a record never happened. So if there is no record of ongoing symptoms, complaints or problems, it will be assumed they did not exist. But do not exaggerate or understate your symptoms. Be as truthful and accurate as you can. Your credibility is crucial. 9. Do not post any information about your

activities or pictures of you on any social media. The insurance companies will be prowling those sites for information about you. Anything that shows that you may have some semblance of a life will be taken out of context and exploited to give the impression there is nothing wrong with you. 10. Go back to work if you can. You are better off not losing the money, you will never get it all back in a court case. Make an honest effort. If you can do the job that’s great. If you can’t, don’t try to be a super hero. Don’t continue working if it is not sustainable in the long run. Follow your doctor’s advice. Making an honest effort to return to work will boost your credibility in the event you cannot sustain working. That’s it for now. Hope you never need to use this information! Please check out my website by going to either www.bikelawyer.ca or www.timleighbell.com . Please feel free to send any questions or comments to me at tim@timleighbell.com .


The Tattoo Shop formerly known as The Great Canadian Tattoo Company, has been putting some really fantastic, award winning, artwork on people’s bodies and doing piercings for clientele from all over the globe for more than twenty years. Now the name has changed but the tradition continues. It has always been a great shop with a high degree of professionalism and they have done some amazing work over the years, but they have now done major renovations to the iconic spot on the Lakeshore that has over the years, become a landmark. They have a well-earned reputation as being a top notch studio which employs and mentors some of the best Tattoo


artists in the business and welcomes fresh ideas which will keep them where they belong, in the forefront of the Tattoo industry, while still fulfilling the needs of those wanting the more traditional designs. Some of the artists currently working at the studio are; Dave, Danielle Bar, Elyse Robson, Kelly Mason, Mark Naraine and Mel who is also the manager, In twenty plus years they have seen a lot and learned a lot and are able to produce the design that will make Your Tattoo totally unique and personalized to your complete satisfaction. Now under their brand new name The Ace and Sword Tattoos and with the bright and welcoming space that they have created, they will carry on the tradition and further their reputation while maintaining the same high standards of both design and sanitary conditions that they have built their reputation on. They will keep on keeping on for years to come.

Not much happening here in the Deep South, waiting on spring and can’t wait to get on with charity rides and other important events in the area. Having said that, I would like to acknowledge a couple, that attend every event in the area, even though they currently don’t ride, and through their tireless efforts take pictures of the events and participants, and post for free on facebook. They also support charity rides, and almost every event possible every weekend, and ask nothing in return. So here’s a special thanks to Ray Miller and Connie Beaudoin, you guys are great to

hang around with, and always a pleasure to speak with and share drinks and dinner, your photos of the events are greatly appreciate by me and everyone that I have ever spoken with. Thanks again, and can’t wait to see you out there. If any of you riders know of others that you would like to acknowledge please contact me through the Riders Mag Lockup Due to a lack of motorcycle events this time of year I think I got 2 choices for topics the past or the future. I’m gonna cook up a nice story about some past events but for this month… I’d like to take this opportunity to make the Riders Mag readers aware of the rides and events that I’m looking forward to in 2016. This year we welcome a new ride to this area, it’s a 3 day event, Hogs for Hospice is scheduled for July 29, 30 & 31 2016 which will take place in Leamington Ontario. The Rally is sponsored by the Hospice of Windsor and Essex County. The participants will taking a ride dubbed Tour The Tip around Canada’s most southern point. For more information go to www.hogsforhospice. com or contact joe@ hogsforhospice.com or donny@hogsforhospice. com The Probert Memorial Ride is always a huge success and we are looking forward to June 26th is this year’s ride. Hogs for Horses a fund raiser for WETRA hosted by the Iron Horse MC. Date to be announced. Queensmen MC Shoot & Scoot Saturday August 27, Games of luck and skill along the ride. The 8th Mission Ride

is one of my personal favorites, always the last Sunday in August 28th. We’ll be printing more details of these rides in future issues of Riders Mag.

A picture from the Mission Ride featuring a couple hundred riders from Essex County. I’d like to mention the Face Book page that a few hundred people in my area are members of is the Windsor and Essex County Biker Memorial Page, moderated/administrated by Carl (The Wizard) Dobson, well… when he’s allowed on that is, it seems he’s always pissing the facebook gods off. Here people can post memorials, post pictures and just share memories with friends of fallen bikers. There are posts remembering bikers from twenty or thirty years ago right up to this month (R.I.P. Marcel Sleiman). NOTES: Action shots of Shoot & Scoot by Bob Taylor. Group shot of Mission Ride by Ray Miller


Dangerous Donnie here...but only a danger to myself/ according to those that really know me...(lol) There were only a few events over the last few months that I could cover...so let me talk about some characters I know...... Pastor Dave I’m sure that we all have met people for the first time and had that feeling they were meeting a genuine solid person without a malicious bone in their body .This is the sense I had when I first met Pastor Dave of Bikers Church (Kawartha). Of course you know him from his writings in The MAG. I understand his first column was in the original 2nd issue all those years ago. Anyhow Pastor Dave is dealing with some health issues and Pastor Ken has taken over the monthly write up. Our friends the REDLINE MC (Kawartha) put on a very cool tribute for Pastor Dave and invited all to attend, so we made the journey up to the REDLINE CH in Fenelon, wanting to be early...but the place was already packed with clubbers and friends, the guest of honour arrived and was swarmed by his well-wishers, but as usual he took time to greet everyone, and what amazes me is he never forgets a face considering all the people he has met or ministered to over the years. He made a point of telling me that if wrote this up that he wanted me to thank and acknowledge REDLINE and friends for this great party....But right back at you Pastor Dave we all wish you the best and good health... The B-Man Heard that old saying? “There’s old bikers and there’s bold bikers....but there ain’t no old-bold bikers.” Well that is not quite true, I attended one such individuals birthday party, who is old and bold none other than Bob (The Birdman) Metcalfe of the Aces and Eights MC. The B-man was in fine form at his celebration which was attended by many reprobates, representatives from the MC’S, as well as family and friends. With the current rate of exchange (CDN-U.S) he makes the claim he is only 47 years old...yeah maybe in metric Robert......but I happen to know your real age and let’s just say we both had our first experience with fast women, bad


whiskey and motorbikes in the mid 1960’s....!! Anyhow all that know Birdman send their L & R .. Big Red (Nick) President of the Rangers MC (East Chapter) has finally got his knee operation done, it has put him at the mercy of his lovely wife for the recovery period and off work to heal up. Apparently it will take weeks and weeks.....He wisely planned the operation for the winter months so not to miss single KM for the riding season on his new Trike, although now with a good set of knees I have a feeling there is a two wheeled Milwaukee vibrator on his radar. Toad or Todd My huge big buddy and club brother has recovered from an almost fatal event. Here are his words...sorry it took me so long to relate them (Rangers East member). “Hello all. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Todd. I’ve been a part of this lifestyle most of my adult life. I’ve made many acquaintances, and even more friends.” “In June I suffered an amazing illness that nearly took my life. It is called Necrotizing fasciitis which is basically flesh eating disease. This mixed with gangrene gave me a 4% chance of survival. Over the next 48 days I had 5 surgeries, and a nice long coma.” “I’m writing this small blurb because I can’t possibly thank everyone in person. I owe my

life to the doctors, nurses, and staff at Credit Valley Hospital, but I owe my spirit to all of my family, my club, and my friends.” “I thank you all for your prayers, and your visits. I will never be able to repay the love and support I was given, but as always, I will always be your family, your club brother, and your friend. Thank you all.” Bike Show We hit the International bike show on Saturday at noon. The weather was quite warm, and I swear there were twice as many people attending compared with years gone by, being that packed it was the old slow shuffle as we trudged through the crowds. I made it over to Hall 5, did the walk around, made my annual pilgrimage over to The RIDER’S MAG booth and noted Donny P and Larry P signing 81’s cool calendars. Sitting in the back was the Green Man himself, Beau from Ottawa who has kick started the MAG up that way big time! I noted the good looking Mag Hag who rushed over to give me some love, Critter was off being Critter to his throngs of friends. At that point I surrendered to my thirst. It was time for a wobbly pop or three......lucky for me the line up to get beer was huge so I only spent half a days wages on beers. I did see Critter and bought him a mixed beverage (figures the babe that was serving seemed to know what he was drinking during the show and concocted some sort of a cocktail in big glass for him..). Naturally in the beer garden if you stay long enough you will see all characters and fellow MC’s (even get your picture taken several times just for shaking hands with another) most of the Southern Ontario 81 Chapters were out for the day and dropped by for a beverage...and all the other friendly clubbers. Rangers MC 10TH Anniversary Party What can I say, more than 400 people attended, many many thanks to all those that came out for the biggest bash each year for those in the MC community. Clubs from A-Z attended...too many to list...But thanks for those that came out for their first year ...Chosen Few MC...Stop 12 Bandits MC ...Swordsmen MC. Wrap this up eh? Well fine folks, when you read this in Mid-March another winter is winding down and soon the dreaded period the drags on where we wait till our turf warms up and the salt has been washed away from our roads. With the unusual soft winter we have had I know some of you never put your scooters away. I noted pictures of the Long Horns MC riding about in Santa Claus suits right around Christmas, which is something I have always wanted to do. Personally my bride and I made it down south to Mexico and was thinking of hitting AZ in the spring but that may be on the back burner. I will be around to attend the events in my territory (East Toronto/Durham)...if you want some coverage reach out to me...advertising is very reasonable... contact the MAG direct. Also I will be out with my band here and there... The Memphis North All-stars, who can be booked for your event. Old School Blues and Classic Rock. Support the advertisers... visit a clubhouse...buy support gear ...it keeps the ball rolling. Critter does an amazing job putting this publication out, and now being a national MAG it’s pretty cool to think somebody in BC or NFLD is reading this. A shout out to all of you ...and for the locals .C U all soon... DD out.


Well usually around this time I am writing about what took place at the Ottawa International Motorcycle Show but all my readers are going to have to wait until next month’s column for that because the show has changed to different month and it’s also in different location. The OIMS is now being held at Ottawa’s Shaw Centre (which used to be known as the Ottawa Congress Centre) and is now in conjunction with the Ottawa International Car Show. It does look as if we will have a Mag booth there and I hope that our supporters will be sure to drop by and say hello to us. As usual the month of February here in eastern Ontario has been a roller coaster of days slightly above zero to one day where Ottawa and surrounding area had the biggest single day snow fall and broke a few records for coldest days since etc. So you can well imagine how welcome anything relating to motorcycles and their riders helps to make February bearable and the 3rd Annual Greely Swap

Meet rose to that challenge. Started several years ago by Al Carmichael, Jim Poulin and Grant Bachmier, this event has grown not only in size of attendance but in range of vendors coming to buy, sell or trade in motorcycle parts or accessories and it appears to only get bigger and better in the future. It’s location at the Greely Legion seems ideal for this type of event. As in past years, I made sure we had a table to hand out copies of the Mag and to have an opportunity to catch up on any new changes in the area’s motorcycle community and probably the most talked


about topic was the rising rates for motorcycle insurance. The frustration riders felt in not having many options open to getting better prices. Hopefully somewhere down the line the bikers of Ontario will find a way to voice their dissatisfaction with the process and the Mag will be able to participate. This year’s show had many familiar faces behind the tables and as soon as we were able to get our tables set up and before the doors opened to the crowd I did my usual once around, both as an opportunity to take some pictures and maybe find a piece of treasure for myself. We had acquired an extra table beside us for Grant Harrison, who had brought some samples of airbrush work showing off the skills of an artist friend of his in the Montreal/Laval area and Grant felt that his artist buddy’s skills might be well received in the eastern Ontario region. I have to say I was impressed with the portrait skills of Iggy aka Boss Airbrush Art. Just like tattooists some airbrush artists are better at certain style or themes than others and doing portraits in a skill set in itself. Iggy had wanted to thank us for encouraging him to show off his skills and without us knowing it, he used the picture from my last month’s column where at the very end there is a picture of my close friend and TCB brother, Clipper who had passed away in December. He airbrushed the picture on a license plate and we intend to add the gift into our memorial for Ron. A short walk away from our table, Tim and the ‘lovely’ Peri Poirier from B.A. Machine Performance Cycles were setting up and even though they have been working all week at their shop doing builds and repairs on many of the bikes of Ottawa’s Harley riding community, they were using their day off to participate in the meet. I had just recently stopped by B.A Machine and Tim was showing me some of the abilities of his New Dyno and explained to myself and another rider why he chose to get a much more accurate but sadly expensive machine for the shop and how it had already allowed him to provide customers with better performance data. While it is

a true pleasure to see his enthusiasm in his mechanical wizardry, truth is as soon as he started talking numbers and statistics, I just start looking at the chrome and the paint. Too freaking funny. Another institution at this meet was Doug Taylor and his son, James who were busy setting up a couple of tables of parts left over from builds they have been working on together and while I guess every biker dreams about their son sharing not only their love of motorcycles but their passion in building them, it is a personal pleasure to watch these two living that dream. Not far from the Taylor’s, members of the Simple Men MC of Snake River were preparing for the public so I stopped by because the SMMC and TCB have long been supporters of each other’s projects and chatted with Muffin aka Sean Guest when I noticed that Duane Chevalier was catching forty winks and whether it was because he had worked so hard bringing stuff into the building or trying to heal from the party the night before. I couldn’t resist taking a pic. I know he will forgive me someday. I stopped by to say hello to one of my secret girlfriends, MariePaule Philion, who worked her tail off last year creating a calendar called “Ride Women Ride” with all the funds being non-profit and going to MS. While I know we are already into 2016, there is still lots of months left in the year so, if you have the opportunity, please purchase one of these calendars and show support for a local effort to help a worthy cause and highlight

women who ride. On my way back to the Mag table I stopped by the B.A.C.A. (bikers against child abuse) to say hello to Taz and Thor who have always been supporters of the Mag and I look forward to attending their Ride for Hope again this year. I have a lot of good friends that have become part of B.A.C.A and hopefully we will cross paths many times over the season. The doors had already opened by the time I got back to the Mag table. All the TCB crew were busy engaging the people and handing out copies of the mag and just as I sat down, Dan Allaston, owner of the New Moon Tattoo studios and a long time friend & brother came by. I might add that you can always pick up a copy of The Riders Mag at not only the New Moon Tattoo studios but also B.A. Machine. Once I got behind the table it got crazy, but nice, because lots of good friends stopped by and this meet was no different. Neil and Kim Eisenberg came by and not long after the ‘lovely’ Nelia Goncalves and Debbie Davis of the Capital City Bikers Church popped by to say hello and remind me that the CCBC Swap Meet will be taking place on May 7th. Like in past years this event is sort of the season opener for Ottawa and area riders. Snax & Muffler took time from the Outlaws MC table and stopped by to


talk for a bit and after I figured I would make one last tour of the event but no sooner was I out from behind the table when Melanie Froggatt and Julie Burket-Hitsman came by and I never miss an opportunity to sandwich myself in between these two ladies who ride for a photo op. I may be old but for the moment I am also far from dead. The Greely Swap Meet was just what the doctor ordered for the area riding community and whether you actually found something you needed or not, smiles on everyone’s faces was the order of the day. I especially want to thank all my brothers from the TCB and even more so my ‘lovely” Bette for being there to help make the magic happen. One last thing I want to mention before I sign off was the untimely passing of a personal friend, Denis Renaud who was a strong advocate for motorcycle riders in the eastern Ontario area, past member of the board of S.O.A.R. (society of Ottawa Area Riders) a councillor for the town of Casselman Ont and last but not least one of the founders of the 2804 Dice Run for Air Cadets which I have attended since it’s beginning. Denis had only been married for a short time and his passing at only 47 yrs old has left a hole in many hearts here in the east. Until Valhalla Brother! As always I want to remind all of you that if you have an event or ride or if you are business that deals with either motorcycles or the people who ride them, you might like to advertise or be a distributor for ‘The Riders Mag’ and if so please contact me either by email or by telephone. Email: theridersmag.beau@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter: The Riders Mag East : http//twitter.com/motorcyco_ beau Read us Online: http:// theridersmag. com/online And as always I want you to remember ... we make our motorcycle communities stronger!... By making them Better! ... Brotherhood! Motorcyco Beau!


‘I don’t wanna pickle! I just wanna ride my moto-sickle! Winter is not the best time of year to be a biker and I am starting to feel the effect of the Harley withdrawals, along with all of you. ABATE of Grey Bruce invited me to their infamous New Year’s Eve bash at the barn so that was the next biker adventure for me. ABATE Grey Bruce had door prizes galore, fireworks at midnight, tunes, good cheer, and of course some wonderful stories. There were members from many chapters in attendance including Toronto, Brantford, Huron-Perth, and more! My luck with ABATE continued and I won one of the more sought raffle prizes once again which was a Baker’s Dozen of yummy homemade treats including butter tarts, brownies, and more! Even with all the New Year’s fun, it was quite noticeable that Jimbo was missing. I had heard rumors of ill health but nobody was really saying anything then finally I got the news that Jimbo was in the hospital. Jimbo is a founding father of ABATE Ontario


and in his younger days he was a member of the Throttle Twisters MC and the Satan’s Choice MC. Jimbo was born a biker. Jimbo is one of my oldest mentors along with Dix, having met them both around 1990 when they were first forming ABATE in Ontario. I like would not have moved to this area if I had not partied at the farm where I met many of the bikers who are now my friends. My family is far away so after finding out how close Jimbo was, I visited him on Family Day. We shared some memories and some pretty good laughs over coffee and cookies. If you are in the area Jimbo takes his coffee double double and would really welcome some real food! My big out of town adventure was going to the January Bike Show. Lucky for me my friend Dennis wanted to go also and neither of us wanted to drive down alone so I picked him up on the way. We did the tour of vendors and booths on the way through with Dennis having some fun with the Hooters girls. I caught up to the folks at Black Gold and dropped off their sticker order. They were so busy we barely had time to chat! I finally made it to the Rider’s Mag booth, but it was busy with the models signing posters and I was hungry so when Patty asked if we wanted to go for lunch I was all in. The booth was still packed busy when we returned with the infamous Donny Petersen bringing in the crowd so I went for another stroll around. My favorites were all in the same area with the vintage bikes, the home builds, and many of the event promotions in the same or neighboring Hall. Love the names of the older bikes like the “Flying Merkel”. The vintage bikes always get my attention. Nothing like a rope as a main drive belt! The home builds are a tie for my attention as I like the abnormal builds. Anyone can buy a bike but only a few can build one, or rebuild one, or put a gas tank on one upside down! Adam King’s Oil Leakers were there, I snapped a few pics of his well ridden all season motorcycles but never did run into Adam. Adam’s famous around here for his vintage racing machines often entered at the Race of Gentlemen. Many were there promoting the billion events planned for the coming riding season. Jenn was there promoting the Ride for Lupus, a very worthy event coming up on May 28th in Guelph. Jenn puts a lot of effort into this recurring event including choosing the nicest route and acquiring

some pretty amazing door prizes. I also ran into the organizers of the Steve Mesic Memorial Ride, another worthy event geared toward mental illness awareness. The Steve Mesic Memorial Ride leaves Hamilton on June 19th and is free to attend with donations going to the CMHA and Steve’s son’s education fund. During the rest of the tour I ran into quite a few people including John and Panda from Motorcycle Enhancements, Dennis from the CMC, Ed, and more. Vendors were selling everything motorcycle related you could think of . . . and more! I returned to The Rider’s Mag booth which was still very busy and well staffed. I did hand out a few mags just so I could say I did something but it really was quite crowded so I didn’t stay too long. It seemed it was time so I did the watusi, turned myself around, and headed home to the river. A few weeks later I got a phone call from Al at the Rider’s Mag telling me Critter’s truck had ended up in the ditch close to where I live so he needed a lift home. Critter had found a wonderful seat at Harley’s Pub in Mildmay where they just happened to serve 50, however the truck had not faired so well. I closed the store a bit early and headed out on a road trip. By the time I got to the rotund reporter he was sitting at Harley’s Pub in downtown Mildmay well fed and watered down with “50”, yes, that’s right, they have “50” here. I had a bite and we headed off to Orangeville to pass off our infamous Critter off to the boys at the halfway mark, just like a relay race! That same day Chico from Georgian Bay ABATE had stopped into the store to say hello. Critter had stopped by Chico’s with some mags earlier and Chico was telling me how much he just loved Critter’s truck, which was a lot like Chico’s new one. As Chico went on about the beauty of Critter’s truck and the truck graphics I’m not sure how I kept a straight face as all I could think was “not so pretty anymore!”. Critter and I laughed about that all the way to Orangeville (sorry Chico, didn’t know how serious it was so I had to keep quiet at the time). That was about the extent of my winter road trips for this year. In 2012, I pulled into Big Balls Dice Run not knowing who would be there after not attending for many years. I pulled into an area with welcoming folks and set up my tent. That was the day I met Shelley Arnew. Shelley welcomed me in not as a friend but as family from the moment we met. After many years of riding with her husband she had finally taken the plunge and bought herself a bike and was just learning to ride. Shelley was one of few who kept in touch all year long with messages at Christmas and my birthday. She seemed to know when her contagious smile and generous heart was needed. By the time I saw her again last year she had lost 100 pounds, graduated to a bigger bike, and was riding it like she owned it. We lost Shelley recently and there are really no words to express the void that will accompany every Big Balls Dice Run from now on. I will miss her special messages throughout the year just as much. Shelley, may you forever ride the wind my friend and may the Harley gods treat you as you have always treated others. Until next time, hold your loved ones very close, appreciate every moment to the fullest, ride safe, and ride on!’


Beautiful Bike on a Budget

This month’s feature guy is Terry from Brampton and this is his long desired custom shovelhead dream ride, apparently a lot of others as well as you can tell by the various awards he has won at different ride in shows in his area. Terry and his buddy Bruce had been riding together for a lot of years Terry on his old 74 FLH which he says always seemed to be a bike that could never make it much past the end of the street. He found that he lacked confidence in his old ride for any sort of long trips and he eventually sold the bike. Over the years his pal Bruce had ridden this shovel and


did a little bit of customizing on the bike but it fell into disrepair as he aged and rode the bike less and less and being a fire suppression guy started to use a lot of items you would find in your typical industrial type building sprinkler system to hold the pipes on and the fuel tanks etc. As time went by and his health failed he retired the bike; at least that’s how Terry described it. Well Terry had always wanted to own this bike and he approached his friend to sell him the bike but he never seemed too interested in selling it especially to a buddy so that he would have to see the bike all the time. As the

years passed he took the bike into Tony at CJ to see if he was interested in buying it and Tony made him what he considered a reasonable offer and he was somewhat insulted, isn’t that always the way. Well for Terry the door was opened to finally buy the bike that he had always wanted and at one time many years earlier he had actually painted the frame tanks and tins robin’s egg blue for his buddy. Well he made an offer a little higher than what Tony had offered and the bike was his. Terry knew he had his hands full but his son TJ was into fixing things up and cleaning things as well as some customizing so he put him to work on the bike the day he brought it home. Within 24 hours the bike was torn down. They say the motor was in excellent condition and had been rebuilt at some point during the previous owners tenure but the transmission was a wreck and would not shift at all. There were a variety of other smaller issues with various components and Terry was adamant that the robin’s egg blue had to go so when TJ had the bike all stripped

down Terry took the frame tanks and tins to the body shop and had them done up in Ruby Pearl. Terry rode that bike the first year like that and spent the majority of the time getting the bugs out of the bike saying that there were alignment issues between the transmission and the engine meaning that the open primary belt had a bad habit of jumping off, never a good look. And the bike had a general scruffy look about it as most of the chromed and aluminum pieces were well weathered and pitted or just plain dirty. Once they got most of the bugs out of the bike TJ and Terry went to work on cleaning up the bike saying that they figure that had a combined 1200 hours of cleaning and polishing most of the original parts. Along the way decided to paint any of the parts that they couldn’t cleanup flat black with wrinkle paint. The end result is defiantly a pretty snazzy looking ride and the awards prove that other think so too. Terry then polished up the existing rims replacing the rubber with continentals, upgrading the calipers as the bike came equipped with disc brakes but he wanted the newer calipers for stopping power. The

original fuel tanks that came with the bike when he bought it started to leak of course right after a fresh paint job and after a lot of screwing around trying to figure out how to fix that problem, Tony at CJ set him up with a brand new set of tanks which Terry had to have paint matched to the rest of the bike. In its earlier incarnation the bike had its original hard bags but when TJ hooked up with a leather guy in Calgary on line and he fabricated them the custom tank bib and rear fender bib Terry decided he should upgrade the bags. He bought the bags to match the bibs and didn’t think he was gonna like them but says they have grown on him over time. Now that the bike is done and that’s what Terry says ‘It’s done’, he has no further changes but says that everything is for sale and if the right dollars came along he would happily sell the bike. I asked if he had any sort of next ride in mind but he was non committal saying that he had put the bike up for sale in the early years when he first owned it but that he never got the offer he was looking for, he said he only put it up for sale because he wasn’t riding it much but he hasn’t done that in a while cause now he’s riding it plenty and winning awards. He loves it, he really built a beautiful bike on a budget.



Well here we go, heading into March and the Biker-Blood is starting to take over. Mother Nature (the bitch) has been playing games with me throwing out temperatures of -28º to the +10º. The +10º has me looking at the bikes pushing like bulls on the garage door looking for the freedom of the open road, but the look from the boss tells me in no uncertain terms “No F’N Way” (funny she can relay that message to me with a look, not having to say a word!) I just have to mention a great experience that we had. During last month’s deliveries, I finally ran into the Big Guy from the Paysan Restaurant in St. Antoine, Roger Leblanc. While talking to him about bikes, music and advertising, I mentioned to him that if a wall sign (which I have been admiring for several months) went missing from the wall behind his bar, it would be at our house behind my bar. To my surprise after about an hour of rapping with Roger, he jumped up on the bar, pulled that sign from its moorings and presented it to us. Thank you Roger, it will always stand proud behind our bar at home. Don’t forget that Roger & his brother are responsible for the location in St. Antoine Bike Rally. Keep an eye open for dates in upcoming issues of the Mag. The next delightful experience was a phone call from Mick at J.H. Stewart Harley Ltd telling me that the “Couch” was ready. We hooked up our trailer and headed up to Miramichi to pick her up. There she was sitting there waiting, not only being serviced and ready, but also detailed spotless. My first ride of the season, (about 20 feet) to get her to bed for the rest of the shit weather. Still felt great and gave me hope for an early spring. The grand finale of the month was the Moncton Motorcycle and ATV show at the Coliseum in Moncton. We arrived at the V-Hotel downtown which proved to be a great location, located five minutes from the venue and offers a very comfortable room complete with indoor/outdoor pool and hot tub and an adjoining restobar supplying great food & drinks (no Export), all at an affordable price. Arriving at the show we were able to park very close to the main entrance and, loaded up with the Nikon & a couple of bundles of Mags entered and led to the office to get press passes. Rayanne & Milaine thank you for your help in having everything handled. Off we go to talking to vendors & distributors from all over the east. Reps were here for Harley, Honda, Yamaha,

Indian, Ducati, Triumph & others. I can’t comment on the ATV side ‘cause every time I tried to go to that section I got the aforementioned look from the boss (you know the one). Through the 3 days of the show we managed to hand

out mags galore & talked to many ride and rally promoters from every province of the Maritimes. Again keep your eye on the Mag for dates & venues. We also found the bar and were able to rest our bones and actually had a chance to talk to a few members of the Motor Maids M.C. WOW these girls have a large riding venue ahead and miles of road to cover this year. WAY TO GO! After locating some leather vendors I managed to pick up some cold weather riding gloves and a new vest that will dawn the new patch that N.B.S. Riders back in Port Colborne, Ont. accepting me as a member in good standing, and then sent down to me. Thank all of you for the privilege. Then it happened, wandering through the Honda Canada display, the “Boss” perched herself on a new Shadow. Her feet actually sat flat on the ground and the whole bike seemed to fit her like a glove! With the help of Honda and Peter Rees from Toys for Big Boys they made a very attractive arrangement to obtain a new last year’s model. We’ll have to wait for the Boss’s decision on that one but at least I didn’t get “The Look” . All in all it was a great show and if you missed it this year, make a point of getting there next year. That should rap it up for this month. Dreaming about seeing you out on the road next month… Until then Be Safe. Atlantic Jeff signing off. theridersmag_atlantic@yahoo.ca


and told her preacher she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-Mart ‘Wal-Mart?’ the preacher exclaimed. ‘Why Wal-Mart?’ ‘Then I’ll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week’ My memory’s not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory’s not as sharp as it used to be. Know how to prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill out. It’s scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker. These days about half the stuff in my shopping cart says, ‘For fast relief.’ THE SENILITY PRAYER : Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference. Due to the climate of political correctness now pervading America, Kentuckians, Tennesseans and West Virginians will no longer be referred to as ‘HILLBILLIES.’ You must now refer to them as APPALACHIAN-AMERICANS. And furthermore, HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT WOMEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT: 1. She is not a ‘BABE’ or a ‘CHICK’ - She is a BREASTED AMERICAN. ‘ 2. She is not ‘EASY’ - She is ‘HORIZONTALLY ACCESSIBLE.’ 3. She is not a ‘DUMB BLONDE’ - She is a ‘LIGHT-HAIRED DETOUR OFF THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY.’ 4. She has not ‘BEEN AROUND’ - She is a ‘PREVIOUSLY-ENJOYED COMPANION.’ 5. She does not ‘NAG’ you - She becomes ‘ VERBALLY REPETITIVE.’ 6. She is not a ‘TWO-BIT HOOKER’ - She is a ‘ LOW COST PROVIDER.’ HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT MEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT: 1. He does not have a ‘BEER GUT’ - He has developed a

‘LIQUID GRAIN STORAGE FACILITY.’ 2. He is not a ‘BAD DANCER’ - He is ‘ OVERLY CAUCASIAN.’ 3.. He does not ‘GET LOST ALL THE TIME’ - He ‘ INVESTIGATES ALTERNATIVE DESTINATIONS.’ 4. He is not ‘BALDING’ - He is in ‘FOLLICLE REGRESSION.’ 5. He does not act like a ‘TOTAL ASS’ - He develops a case of RECTAL-CRANIAL INVERSION.’ 6. It’s not his ‘CRACK’ you see hanging out of his pants - It’s ‘TROUSER CLEAVAGE.’ Hillary Clinton goes to her doctor for a check-up, only to find out that she’s pregnant. She is furious... Here she is in the middle of her election campaign, now this has happened to her! She calls home, gets Bill on the phone and immediately starts screaming: “You Jerk! How could you have let this happen? With all that’s going on right now, you go and get me pregnant! How could you? I can’t believe this! I’ve just found out I’m five weeks pregnant and it’s all your fault!..... Well, what have you got to say?” There is nothing but dead silence on the phone. She screams again, “Did you hear me?” Finally, she hears Bill’s very, very quiet voice, in a barely audible whisper: “Who’s calling?” A Pastor goes to the dentist for a set of false teeth. The first Sunday after he gets his new teeth, he talks for only eight minutes. The second Sunday, he talks for only ten minutes. The following Sunday, he talks for 2 hours and 48 minutes. The congregation had to mob him to get him down from the pulpit and they asked him what happened. The Pastor explains the first Sunday his gums hurt so bad he couldn’t talk for more than 8 minutes. The second Sunday his gums hurt too much to talk for more than 10 minutes. But, the third Sunday, he put his wife’s’ teeth in by mistake and he couldn’t shut up. Canada always ready to help! Press release. The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, met with the President of the United States and strongly supported the war on terrorism. Prime Minister Trudeau issued the following statement: CANADIANS WILL HELP AMERICA WITH THE WAR ON TERRORISM. WE HAVE PLEDGED 2 WARSHIPS, 600 GROUND TROOPS, AND 6 FIGHTER JETS. AFTER THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE RATE, THEY WILL END UP WITH 2 CANOES, 6 MOUNTIES, AND A BUNCH OF FLYING SQUIRRELS. REDNECK VACATION Billy Bob and Luther were talking one afternoon when Billy Bob tells Luther,”Ya know, I reckon I’m ‘bout ready for a vacation. Only this year I’m gonna do it different. The last few years, I took your advice about where to go. Three years ago you said to go to Hawaii. I went to Hawaii and Earlene Got pregnant.


March 17-18, 2012



Presented by

Saturday March March 17 17 10 10 am am to to 9 9 pm pm Saturday Sunday March 18 10 am to 5 pm Sunday March 18 10 am to 5 pm




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