The Magazine for the Narley Harley Rider
Volume 15 #4
JUNE 2013
What’s Shakin’ Joke Page
Fort Erie Motorcycle Swap Meet
Feature Bike The National Motorcycle & Tattoo Show 30th Annual Cover The Kids Run
We Support
Our Troops!!!
The Rider’s Guide to Ontario and Beyond!!
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Table of Contents What’s Shakin’ Pg4 Figh ng For Your Rights Pg5 Scary Larry Speaks out The Na onal Motorcycle Pg8 And Ta oo Show Pg16 On The Road Again Rose Reports Joke Page Pg21 Motorcycle Handlebar Height Pg19 Randy Robinson Fort Erie Swap Meet Pg22 Cri er A ends Feature Bike It’s Got The Look Pg28 Motorcycle Enhancements Grand Re-Opening Pg33 Shennanigans Pg37 With Sherri O’Irish Cruising With Cri er Pg 39 Lady’s and Thier Harleys Pg44 Motorcyco Beau Pg46 From the Far East...Ontario Danni’s Times Pg 51 Riding The Southwest Pg 53
900 Colborne St. East Brantford, Ontario
519-756-6218 Store Hours Mon-Fri 10am - 6pm Sat. 9am - 1pm
Since 1988
Alleycat and Gaurdrail Tell us about thier Rides
THE RIDER’S MAG 1111 Davis Drive, Suite 501, Unit 23, Newmarket, ON L3Y 9E5 Phone: (905) 235-5353 Toll Free 1-855-873-6680 Fax: (905) 235-5358 Email: Website:
Webmaster:Lost Dog
Publisher / Editor : Rick Davis Publisher Emeritus: Alex J.R. MacRae Editor Emeritus: J.B. Ballantine
Managing Editor: ACE Wolske Creative Content Manager: Peppermint Patty Office Manager: Diane Davis Computer Geeks: Dan Fournier
Advertizing and Sales Eastern Ont./Western Que. Rep: Beau Rooney 613-295-4444 Southern Ontario Rep: J.R. MacRae 905-631-5890 Southwestern Ontario Rep: Tim Armstrong 519-252-9631 Contributing Writers Pastor Dave Neals, Danni, Scary Larry, Manon Kellman, Beau Rooney, Jonathan Musson, Al Marentette, Rossaire, Tim Armstrong, Bob Loblaw, Sherri O’Irish
Office Security Supplied By: Captain & Morgan “The Wonder Dogs” Printed By : Canweb Printing Inc. Grimsby, Ontario Printed in Canada
The contents of this magazine are copyrighted and remain the property of
“The Rider’s Mag Inc.” For Ad Information or Rate Cards Please Contact The Publisher/Editor or a Sales Rep.
416.663.3382 THE RIDERS MAG -----PAGE 3
Every Monday The Checkered Flag Bar and Grill –
3671 Hwy #6, Mount Hope. (At By-Pass) Monday Night Riders Special – 2 for 1 Burgers – Cri er’s Crew Cards accepted for a further 13% discount. 905-679-2419
5th Annual Motorcycle Mondays June 3 – Aug 26 2013
Bro Erie Shores / Angelo’s Port Dover 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 346 Main St. Port Dover, Ont. 519-593-0416 Live music, People’s choice, Door prizes
Every Tuesday The Albion Hotel’s Amazing Bike Night – From May – September! Door prizes and Year end Grand Prize! 1 Main St. Bayfield, On. 519-565-2641
Every Wednesday Checkered Flag Bar and Grill –
3671 Hwy #6, Mount Hope. (At By-Pass) ½ price Wings Cri er’s Crew Cards accepted for a further 13% discount. 905-679-2419
Every Thursday Clare’s Harley Davidson – Bike Night – Star"ng June 6th
Thro le Therapy Thursday 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM 590 York Rd. Niagara On The Lake, On., 905-684-4647 www.claresharleydavidson. com
Save on your HD tire purchase's Dunlop, Avon, Metzelers, Michelin We install and balance
Lore o Tavern – Riders Night –
7994 County Rd. 1 at Hwy 50 – In The Heart of Lore o. Specials for Riders – Cri er Crew Cards accepted for greater savings! 905-729-2215
Zuber Company LITIGATION
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Fighting for Your Public life a racts many dubious personali es that somehow manage to get their knackers crushed in the media vise. Lately there has been a surge of unethical acts by public officials such as – Rob Ford supposedly caught on video smokin’ crack – Conserva ve Senator Mike Duffy forced to resign as a tax cheat and possible double-dipping - Conserva ve Senator Pamela Wallin forced to resign as a tax cheat – a London Ont. OPP officer suspended for ripping off gasoline and bum wipe – and the hits just keep on coming. WTF!! Where are the persons of integrity?? Why they’re in corporate where the really smart stuff happens, Eh Ollie? Premier Wynne, who is constantly demonstra ng her lack of foresight or intelligence, has, once again, overstepped and has now seen fit to meddle into the OLG thereby outraging the management and causing a mass resigna on by the en re board of directors. This is a corpora on that generates eight billion dollars (yea that’s $8,000,000,000.00) a year in revenue and returns two billion ($2,000,000,000.00) to the provincial coffers every year. If it ain’t broke- why fix it? Now the Ontario Liberals are pushing a plan to repackage the HOV lanes into vehicle toll lanes – so much for the Green Energy policies that this Liberal government cited in an a empt to discourage the OCC efforts to allow single-rider access. Hey Kathleen; is it the Liberal mandate to muck up everything that helps the ci zens of Ontario? Think Billions (with a capital Bee) in taxpayer funds squandered on the gas plants fiasco! To further add to this summa on regarding government pork a rac ng parasi c personali es – I sniggered and guffawed my way through Danni’s Times, (Riders Mag May issue), which promotes nomina ng yet another dabbler (minus a skill set) to come forward and suck at the public teat. IMHO, the dickhead, oops balding eagle (also another slang reference for the male appendage), is a tourist in the biker lifestyle and possesses zero knowledge about issues facing bikers in the 21st century. I have o en wri en and espoused that biker’s desperately need government representa on. You bet we do, Ollie - but educated and savvy representa on and that ain’t it! When I first began to organize my thoughts via words placed on paper, my mentors always stressed to “get your facts right” which, when I read an ar cle, is the first thing I check. And which, if I have firsthand knowledge, will determine to me if the author has integrity and not a personal agenda. Did I really read that there were 8000 riders in Oshawa? Yuk! Why is it that this a endance es ma on is akin to Pinocchio’s nose? Cuz’ it expands by 75% whenever quoted by groupies. Let’s yak about a real poten al candidate – who is a biker (not a motorcycle owner), who has poli cal experience and a dis nguished skill set and who is currently the head of the OCC Poli cal Ac on Commi ee – Mr. Bob Purcell. Four years ago, I encouraged the OCC execu ve to back a campaign to allow single-rider access to the Ontario HOV lanes on the 400 series highways. Bob has been working on that proposal within the Ontario Legislature, first with the McGuinty government and now with the Wynne government. He was successful in arranging an interview with Wynne when she was the Minister of Transporta on. (She blew us off!) Bob has also interacted with Tim Hudac and the MPP’s currently in opposi on to seek support should the Conserva ves form the next government. What else you ask? It appears that Bob, ac ng within his OCC mandate, also realized success in suffoca ng a poten al unofficial ban on club colours
with Scary Larry
inside the Royal Canadian Legion and also, at the request of the OCC, intervened when a teacher introduced a study comparing bike clubs to cults which also succeeded in the school board pulling the curriculum. Now that’s a biker worthy of our vote - not another bumbling amateur. Currently, the Ontario Confedera on of Clubs has over fi y (50) member clubs and over forty (40) independent members. That’s a shitload of vo ng clout when you factor in the many individual members in each club and also the friends, family members and business associates of those members. As a group, we can provide illumina on and educa on concerning OCC ac vism - while backing it up with voter numbers necessary to apply the significant poli cal pressure required to garner governmental support for the interests of bikers in Ontario. Scary Larry OCC Treasurer
Every Saturday Flat Track Motorcycle Races - June 1st – July 27
603 Netherby Road, Welland Ontario - 7 PM For more info – 905-734- 7058-
Every Sunday Sunday Motorcycle Cruise Nights - starts 5:00 PM Denny’s Restaurant – 2208 Bank St. (Near Hunt Club) South Keys Plaza, Show and Shines – Door Prizes – Games More info – Beau 613-295-4444 theridersmag.beau@ Phone: 519-846-0040 Fax: 519-846-0145
Mostly Iron Heads Lloyd Gadd 7457 Speers Rd #4 Elora, Ontario
! Engine Rebuilding
Specializing in H-D Sportsters ! Vintage Restorations ! New, Used & N.O.S. Parts ! Service & Repairs
SHOW & SHINE Royal Cdn. Legion #134 140 King Street Mount Forest, On
Shakin’ May
May 26th – B.H.M.C. 75th Anniversary – Reunion & Open House S.B.B. 443 Hwy# 20 E. Stoney Creek 12 PM – 4PM –
May 26th – 2nd Annual Mission: 2804 C.C. Run Complexe J.R. Brisson Arena. 758 Brebeuf St. Casselman On. $20 per bike. More info 613-7643606
May 26 – 4th Annual Spring Car, Truck and Bike Show
4:00 PM – dusk, Denny’s Restaurant, 2208 Bank St. (Near Hunt Club)
June 1st – Selkirk Choppers – Grand opening Celebra!on Open House – 7 Main St. East. Selkirk Ont.- 905-776-1111 June 8th – Cowpaddy’s 2nd Annual Poker Run 1243 county Rd. 2 Maitland, On. Registra!on 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM For info – or call Greg or Susie 613-926-0799
June 8th – Biker TV covers Dukes HD ride.
Registra!on 11:00 AM – Noon - info – 519-488-5086 –
June 8 – Durham Ride for Dad – Prostate Awareness Ride Scugog Community Recrea!on Centre, 1665 Reach St. Port Perry, Ont. Pre-registra!on - Friday June 7, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Ride Day registra!on June 8, 7:00 AM – 9:15 AM - Ride leaves 9:30 AM SHARP.
June 9th – Red Devils MC – Annual Bike Show 30 Arden Ave., Hamilton On. Registra!on 11 AM – noon – All Makes Welcome! Proceeds to C.N.I.B. – more info –
June 13 – Clare’s Harley Davidson – Demo Rides10:00 AM – 3:00 PM - 590 York Rd.
June 14th - Hamilton Biker’s Church – Bike Nights at Stonewalls
Bar-B-Que 50/50 Draw Beer Tent Rough Camping Available
INFO 519-323-1570 THE RIDERS MAG -----PAGE 6
Niagara On The Lake, On., 905-684-4647
339 York Blvd. (Near Queen) – 7:00 PM - ? – 905-577- 0808
June 15th – 16th - Westerntown Smokeout –
370 Uxbridge/ Pickering Town Line Rd. Just North of Claremont off Brock Rd. 1st le' past the RR tracks. For more info call The Twins -905294 4745
June 16th – Orangeville Legion #233 11th Annual Show and Shine
High Noon – 7 John St. Orangeville. All makes and models welcome. Outside bar – Entertainment – Vendors info – 519-942-4895
June 22nd – 81 2nd Annual Show n Shine & Bike Wash @ EAST TORONTO
Cathy’s Country Kitchen
June 22 – Bro Kawartha Region & Brethren MC 1st Anual Show & Shine
Help Dawn Fight Multiple Myeloma Registration 10:30 - 12:30 Ride Leaves At 1:00pm $25.00 Includes Ride, Dinner & Live Band GREAT FOOD GREAT FUN RIDE INFO 905-628-7820 Peter’s Corners 1305 HWY #5 West R.R. #1, Dundas On L9H 5E1
$10 dona on – 12:30 PM 3595 St. Clair Ave. E. Unit 14, Scarborough. Rain date June 29th
Riverside Inn, 7497 Hwy. 35 Norland, registra on 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM - More info – Joe – 705-454-0925
June 23rd – Bobcaygeon Community Bikefest – Music- Fun – Food – Vendors- Show and Shine More info – call Doug 705-793-1751 – www,
Day for Dawn Ride Aug. 17th 2013
June 29th- Support The Troops Bash- Falcons M.C. - London
Pre-Party for the “RUN TO THE NORTH WALL” 2pm Rain or Shine $20 includes Steak Diner, Live Band, Camping. BYOB Tickets and Info: Tanker: 519-551-6686 Moose: 519-857-9769 Grinch: 226-626-5550 Texas: 905-391-7904
July July 6th – Lincoln County MC – Harley Davidson Show and Shine At LCMC Clubhouse – 4859 Hillside Dr.
Beamsville, On. Gates open at Noon – more info – 905-5634267
July 11th - Hamilton Biker’s Church – Bike Nights at Stonewalls
339 York Blvd. (Near Queen) – 7:00 PM - ? – 905-577- 0808
July 13 – Aces and Eights MC – Christmas In July Toy Ride
Starts – Durham Children’s Aid Society. 1320 Airport Blvd. Oshawa, On (off Taunton Rd.) registra on begins 9:00 AM kickstands up – 10:00 AM- rain or shine. One toy per bike required to register. Ride ends at Kawartha Biker’s Church in Peterborough, more info contact marbles – ken@bltconstruc
July 19 -21 - Ride Manitoulin Motorcycle Rally
-Poker Run – Ladies Ride – Show and Shine – Biker Games – Camping – Live Bands – More –
The National Motorcycle Well once again Carol and Bob proved themselves to be resilient and resourceful and showed that they can adapt to change, roll with the punches and make the best out of things as they put on another great event as they have for the past 32 years as they were forced to change the date of their event to April from the usual date in March. It did cause some confusion but all’s well that ends well. They changed things up a bit by integra ng and expanding the Ta oo part of the Show to become a more prominent part of the event as a whole with many of the best ink slingers around par cipating and competing. I took several opportuni es to wander through and check out some of the work being done and saw some pre y spectacular ink being applied to many anxious people. While I have several ta oos of my own, and can comment on certain aspects and know what I like and don’t like, I don’t consider myself the best choice to do a specific write up on this por on of the show especially if I can get someone more qualified to do so, so I had the
& Tattoo Show 2013 by Critter
lovely Lyne e who has some really amazing tats adorning her lovely body step up do a write-up and photo essay that I will run as a companion piece to this ar cle as I feel that it deserves special treatment and a en on and I will do my part to support what I feel could very well become a major draw to these shows and help to give exposure and notoriety to the many fantas c ta oo ar sts out there. Ace, my friend and managing Editor, and I had come down on Friday and got the booth set up and early Saturday morning the crew and I gathered at the shop to head on down. I again, had a full crew on deck for this show with my Grandson Nick being back on board along with Ace, Peppermint Pa y and Sco so the Black Bitch was full to capacity as we made our way along a longer than normal route to get there, as the Don Valley Parking Lot was closed for the en re weekend. Senior, Lyne e and my friend and newest delivery dude, Greg were to join us later in the day so we had things well in hand and I was free to mostly wander the show ge ng pictures and just doing what I do. JR and JB were off with their kids enjoying their re red folk status.
The National Motorcycle
& Tattoo Show 2013 by Critter
tend for those looking to sell parts but also for those who We were in good company, with our booth located right be- are seeking out that hard to find item to start, complete or tween Tim and Tina from Triple K Upholstery and Mr. Hank move forward with a build or restora on. with all of his neat collectables with Nash, The Leather King There are new parts, old parts, directly across the aisle and The Hooters girls two booths shiny parts, and dirty parts, down. parts spread out on table tops, Another neighbouring booth was Wilderness Tours Ra ing parts in boxes and bins under Company and we engaged in long conversa ons with them the tables, parts hanging and over the course of the parts just lying on the floors show and established that or propped up against walls the product that they are or other parts. In other words offering would be perfect there was a shitload of parts to for clubs, large or small be found at this swap meet! groups and individuals There was leather and jewelry, that are looking for new polishes jewelry polishes for des na ons and new parts and polishes and balms adventures. They are for boots and other leather goods! located near O awa and There were shirts and memorabilia, and all kinds of good have cabins and camp grounds that can accommodate up stuff. to 1000 people and offer a different experience that should There were riding schools to those in need teach how to thrill, chill and invigorate. We also established that the Mag ride or do refresher courses to enhance and improve existwould be a perfect place for them to adver se. So check out ing skills. There were insurance companies and just about their ad in this month’s issue. everything a rider could need all under one roof. I took off frequently There were motorcycles of every make, model, colour and and found that this descrip on. works quite well when There were custom bikes, trying to get a good vintage bikes, trikes, that feel for the show that were a real great repreI had been unable to senta on of the World of do in the past as I was Motorcycles. always, mostly ed to There were also some the booth, and unable pre y unusual bikes on to roam at will as back display such as those by then Sr. and I basically, Monte Carlos who’s very were the booth. imagina ve crea ons that We have many adver sers who come to this show faithcan border on the wild fully each year like Tony and Ursula from CJ Cycle in Bolton and Big Art from A&K Recrea on who comes down from Coldwater as this show has a very dis nct charm, feel and character to it that is its draw and makes it viable to a end as the show attracts the type of customers that they want and I was able to have the me to talk to them. This is and has always been ANGELO’S OF DOVER largely, a Swap 346 MAIN ST. PORT DOVER, 519-593-0416 Meet and it is a must at-
The National Motorcycle and crazy but fun (For him to dream up and build and for the rest of us to look at in wonder.) garner much a en on and usually earns many trophies at all of the shows. I ran into Ryan from RNR who once again had a huge display of his excellent motorcycle crea ons along with a large selec on of parts at bargain prices and managed to talk to him for a while during brief breaks between customers anxious to buy. I sauntered around (well mostly limped and hobbled as I’m s ll having issues with my old worn out knee but thanks to the knee brace, tensor bandages, pain killers and my fancy cane, I was able to endure the wear and tear.) and dropped in on Pamela The T Shirt Girl as she is just a treat to
& Tattoo Show 2013 by Critter
be around and visited with John and Company from Motorcycle Enhancements. There are plenty of Rides, Clubs and events all vying for the a en on and support of the riding community. The Veterans groups, Riding Clubs and organiza ons like Abate, Gazzoo from BRO, The Ontario Confedera on of Clubs and many others all had booths set up to promote their causes. The Zombies MC had a booth set up as well and I got a chance to stop by for a visit before retrea ng to the Beer Garden where once again my pal Dudley the bartender (Who has become a fixture at these shows) was large and in charge and I was able to sit and enjoy a beer while mingling with others that had developed a thirst while bargain hun ng, before I
The National Motorcycle once again wandered off to explore the show. The used bike sec on was once again crammed with bikes that were for sale and some that would be des ned for the auc on on Sunday. Then I checked out the many show bikes and an que and vintage rides that were on display. I usually don’t get to see them un l the Sunday morning when I would usually take the opportunity of having fewer people to get in the way of the shots but taking advantage of having a large and capable crew at the booth I could be more pa ent and take it all in. The day flew by and the Mags were flying out of the booth thanks to our great crew. The a ernoon soon turned into evening and the crowds were beginning to wane so we decided to put the booth on auto-pilot and headed for the exit. We all were back in ac on early Sunday and a er a great breakfast we were large and in charge at the show once again and ready to make it all happen. While I ventured off to get more pictures and explore what I’d missed the day before or just revisit the people I visited yesterday the rest of the crew got busy ge ng the rest of the Mags handed out. This show is and has always been as much a social event as it is a show. It is where people who haven’t seen much of each other since the end of rid-
& Tattoo Show 2013 by Critter
numbers and intermingle quite well, much to the chagrin of Law Enforcement who are s ll trying to perpetuate the myth of the impeding “Biker War” that they like to tell to anyone who will listen, especially at budget me. Anyway I had a lot of people to visit and hands to shake and a lot of conversa ons to engage in so for me the day just evaporated and it was soon me to head to the stage area for the awards presenta ons which also have a nice relaxed feel to them. I’ve always loved coming to this show and don’t think that I’ve missed a single one since they started it. I had a great me and look forward to next year.
MARTINS CUSTOM MOTORYCLES Complete Builds, Rolling Chassis Builder Parts, Parts & Accessories
ing season last year to re connect, reestablish and re kindle rela onships as well while they are picking up the things that they needed or what they discovered they needed a er they saw it here. The clubs come out in large
“Committed To Custom” 905-372-1510 4307 BURHAM ST. NORTH, COBOURG ONT. THE RIDERS MAG -----PAGE 11
The National Motorcycle CLASS: MILD SPORT BIKE 3rd Frankenstein Performance Cycle 2004 Kawasaki ZX12 2nd Frankenstein Performance Cycle 2004 Kawasaki ZX10 1st Motorcycle Enhancements 2002 Suzuki Hayabusa CLASS: MODIFIED SPORT BIKE 3rd Monte Carlo 1998 Suzuki, “Predator” 2nd Frankenstein Performance Cycle 2005 Kawasaki ZX10 1st Frankenstein Performance Cycle 2007 Kawasaki ZX14 CLASS:CRUISER 3rd Jus ne Robertson 2007 Suzuki Boulevard S40 2nd Rick Edwards 2003 Yamaha Road Star 1st Daniel Thomas 2001 Yamaha V Star CLASS: INDIAN CLASS 3rd Greg Patrick 1926 Indian Prince 2nd Bill Zimmerman 1917 Model O Indian 1st Cliff Zimmerman 1936 Indian Model 436 CLASS: VINTAGE CLASS 3rd Paul Irwin 1953 Vincent Rapide 2nd Peter Arsenault 1949 BSA Bantam 1st Brock Hansler 1972 Norton CLASS: SPECIAL INTEREST 3rd Bill Morris 1979 Suzuki PE250 2nd Monte Carlo 1972 Honda, Canadian Spirit 1st Monte Carlo 1972 Honda, Top Gun CLASS: TRIKE CLASS 3rd Monte Carlo VW Trike, The Mask 2nd Monte Carlo VW Trike, Anaconda
& Tattoo Show 2013
by Critter This is a companion piece for the Ta oo Show
Of Sailors, Bikers, and Loose Women ~ The Art of Tattoo -
By Lynette
Admi edly, I am a big fan of the ta oo! When I came home with my first ta oo decades ago, my parents were mor fied, telling me it was the label of the juvenile delinquent. Li le did they (or I, at the me) know it was the beginning of a series of ta oos and a fascina on with the art form and culture? Even the history of ta oo is amazing! In 1991, the discovery of “Otzi” the Iceman was discovered. He lived in 3300 BC and had a total of 57 ta oos. There are many ta ooed mummies, both male and female that date back to 330 BC. Ta oos were given for beau fica on, iden fica on, religious, cultural and medical reasons. They were popular throughout the ages in many countries – Egypt, India, the Philippines, Indo, Europe, China, Japan, Samoa, ancient Greece and Rome, with the Celts, the Vikings and the Maori of New Zealand. The elite of Britain would o en re re to libraries and parlours a er dinner to par ally disrobe and show off their ink. In fact, both Winston Churchill and his mother were ta ooed! Some of the “Stereotypical Groups” in the history of tattooing include the Sailor tattoos (my favorite!). Sailor tattoos are rich in supers on, and include ‘travel marks’ commemora ng voyages, accomplishments, milestones, and supers ous ta oos to Continued on page 18 ensure safe travels to port. For over seventy years there wasn’t a Circus or Sideshow that didn’t include a fully ta ooed or “Illustrated” man or woman. There is also the Criminality ta oo group. I’m pre y sure that’s where my parents thought I was headed with my mark of the juvenile delinquent! In ancient China, prisoners, slaves Is a criminal record limiting your and criminals were ta ooed, and in modern mes, prisoners ta oo themselves and each other to express their associacareer or travel opportunities? ons and individuality. Ta ooing also has a rich history with the military. All the divisions of the military have their own symbols. These are o en ta ooed on those who are proud to be a part of the military and wish to keep a memory of their me in service. Supporters also sport military style ta oos to portray their love and pride for their country, and as a show of respect Confidential. Reasonable. and honour to those who fought so hard for our rights and freedoms. Please Call Denise @ (905) 866-4272 Unfortunately a er WWII ta oos were often associated with the criminal element and the less savory members of society. An outbreak of Hep C in the ta oo industry didn’t help this percep on, BUT it did lead to be er 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH equipment and steriliza on, and thus the atMONTH FROM JUNE- SEPT. tude towards ta ooing began to change. Now ta ooing is more accepted than ever! It appeals to people in all walks of life. Many ta ooists have a background in art, and tat339 YORK BLVD. HAMILTON tooing has gone from its crude beginnings to a truly “fine art”. (NEAR QUEEN) 905-577-0808 I was asked by Cri er to cover the Ta oo GREAT FOOD!, Show por on of the 32nd Annual Na onal Motorcycle and Ta oo Show. As a ta oo GREAT FUN!, affec on ado and someone who rides, I GREAT FRIENDS! couldn’t think of a be er marriage. Like the promise of the open road and the freedom DON’T GO TO CHRUCH... that a motorcycle provides, ta oos are a way to express yourself and celebrate the lifestyle. GO TO When I arrived at the show, the air was electric with the buzz of ta oo guns. This
JUNE 14 AUG. 8 JULY 11 SEPT.12 7p.m.-?
The National Motorcycle
& Tattoo Show 2013 by Critter
por on of the show a racted Motorcycle quite a crowd! There were a Bring your bike seat LQ dozen shops with mul ple ar sts Accessories, for mods or gels represented, and not many empty Exotic Leathers chairs! Although everyone was busy, I appreciate those that took some me to speak with me. All of the shops were thrilled with venue and the turnout. Many shops had pre-booked appointments, but ALL of them had le plenty of room for ‘walk-ins”. This was really an opportunity to Gel Pad Inserts, showcase their work. Ar sts Pans ~ Shaping were “gunning” for the award for Air Horns, the “Ta oo of the Day Contest” Engraving ~ Studs Top Pads, so crowds were really privy to their best work! (The prize for the Over 20 yrs of Award Winning Custom Bike Seats ta oo of the day was a feature in X ALT Magazine, Canada’s Premier Ta oo, Body Modifica on and Alt 905-735-7216 Lifestyle Magazine, kind of a big deal!) I want to give a special shoutout to all the shops for le ng me photograph and talk to them about the venue… Sco of The Big Kahuna Ta Shack, who was working a big crazy back piece (and Joel his appren ce who cha ed me up), Gord from Addicted Ta oos, and Johnny, the shop manager from FY Ink (watch these boys, they are really up and coming in the ta oo world!) Thanks so much to all the shops in a endance, and all those ge ng ta ooed, good show ! Addicted Ta oos Body Piercing www.addictedta All That Remains Ta oo Studio www.allthatremainsta Big Kahuna Ta Shack www.bigkahunata Blugod Ta oos & Piercings TODD@ BLUGOD.COM Dermagraphics by Paul www.dermagraphisbypaul. ca (he also has a mobile shop for all your events!) Dis nk ve Ta oos info@dis nk veta Exquizeet Tattooos and Piercing www.exquizee a Forever Young Ink www.fyinkta oos. com The Hartless Tattoo Company Skintricate Ta oo Company www.skintricate. ca Ta z & Company ta
July 20 – Cargill Bike Bash
Cargill Community Centre – Jerry Lippert Memorial Poker Run – Saturday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Show and Shine 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM and Lots, Lots More! Camping available!
July 20 – 7th Annual Mt. Forest Legion Show and Shine
Royal Canadian Legion #134, 140 King St. Mount Forest, Ont. Free registra on starts 11:00 AM – judging 2:00 PM awards – 2:30 PM All makes and models welcome. – Beer Tent – Rough camping 519-323-1570
Aug. 2 – 3 -4 – 5 – ABATE- The 25th Annual The Final Fron er
304518 Southline Rd. Priceville, Ont. Camping - Live Bands - Bike Games - Show and Shine – Vendors – Food – Lots more – See ad in The Riders Mag for more details and contacts info.
Aug. 8th - Hamilton Biker’s Church – Bike Nights at Stonewalls
339 York Blvd. (Near Queen) – 7:00 PM - ? – 905-577- 0808
Aug. 9 -11 – Cow Paddy’s 2nd Annual Rodeo and Roast Starts 12:00 PM – 11101 County Rd. 15, North Augusta. Advance ckets $20
For info – or call Greg or Susie 613-926-0799
Aug. 10th – West Hill Choppers Biker Bash For Cys c Fibrosis th th) Sat Aug 10 -2013 (rain Date –Sun Aug. 11
The Tara Inn Pub 2365 Kingston Rd. Scarborough, $5.00 Admission BAND – TOMMY ROCKERS CLASSIC ROCK SHOW
Aug. 10 – Ride for Hope Ride starts Halton Recovery House, 8173 Trafalger Rd. Hornby, Ont. registra on starts 9:30 AM Ride departs – 11:00 AM 3 hour scenic ride – Live entertainment – BBQ – Silent Auc on – Raffle Door prizes – more info – 905-8781120 ext. 225
Aug 17 – Day for Dawn Ride – Cathy’s Country Kitchen 1305 Hwy. 5 West, RR#1 Dundas, Ont. more info 905-628-7820 Help Dawn fight Mul ple Myeloma – registra on 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Ride leaves 1:00 PM –
Aug. 25 – Cri&er Country/ Black Gold Show and Shine
(519) 821-8666
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM – In Support of Alzheimer Awareness for more info Cri&er - 905 235 5353 or Gord - 416 804 2292
Aug. 30 – Sept. 2 – Ride – Ra' – Rage Major & Minor Repairs, Rebuilds & Scheduled Service Complete Machine Shop Service, Frame Up Build to Order
Harley Davidson Trained P.H.D. Mechanic
108 Beaumont Cres. Guelph, Ont THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 14
Biker Long Weekend Getaway Adventure - Camping – Cabins Check out the full page ad in The Riders Mag. – more info – 1-888723-8669 www.WILDERNESSTOURS.COM
Sept. 8th - 4th Annual Fall Car, Truck and Bike Show
4:00 PM – dusk, Denny’s Restaurant, 2208 Bank St. (Near Hunt Club)
Sept. 12 – Hamilton Biker’s Church – Bike Nights at Stonewalls
339 York Blvd. (Near Queen) – 7:00 PM - ? – 905-5770808
Sept.13th Port Dover See You There!
Sept. 28th - Big Daddy’s Cow Paddy Toy Run All together ride – details to be announced For info – or call Greg or Susie 613-926-0799
SUPPORT THE TROOPS BASH Hosted by the London Chapter of the Falcons M.C. Veterns Canada Saturday, June 29, 2013, 2PM RAIN OR SHINE 892 County Rd 46, Essex, On Cost $20 include: Steak Dinner, Live Bands, Camping BYOB - Draft will be available
Tickets and Info: Tanker: 519-551-6686 Moose: 519-857-9769 Grinch: 226-626-5550 Texas: 905-391-7904 Directions: 401 to exit 28-Turn left on Puce Rd. to Rear Rd. T Junction turn left then right on to Puce Rd., Follow to the STOP Sign-Turn Right and watch for #892 County Rd. 46 on the Right Side
On the Road
Again By Rose
It is official….riding season in Niagara has started and the weather has been great. Unfortunately, Mother’s Day weekend was not so nice but be er than snow up in northern Ontario. Unlike last year, this April was a cold, rainy month and because of that Clare’s Demo Rides on April 19th were cancelled. I went there about noon and they never even took the bikes off the truck….not a good start to our riding season. On April 27th, Welland County MC’s first event was the Annual Poki-Barb-Dan….which stands for Poker Run, Barbecue and Dance. About 200 bikes a ended the Club’s 26 annual kickoff run of the year. Riders can choose to do only the ride or stay for a great steak dinner and/or stay on for the bonfire and dance…it is always a good day…weather permi ng. Welland County is also known for their Niagara Motorcycle Raceway. In the last few years they have built up a motocross track that is well used…to get more info go to Niagara HOG used to a end Hamilton HOG’s Blessing of the Bikes in Hamilton at the end of April. Unfortunately Hamilton HOG lost their charter because Pooles lost their HD franchise. Niagara HOG kept up the tradi on even though some members thought it would be a good idea to have the Blessing of the Bikes in Niagara. Tradi onally, a!er the April General Mee ng a large group of bikes ride into Hamilton. This year about 50 bikes rode in while another group scouted out the route for their Poker Run. Father Charlie is a great spiritual leader and does a good job of making everyone feel welcome. He blesses every bike individually, gives the rider a cross made of palm leaves and has a picture taken with Father, rider and bike…..nice touch. It has become somewhat of a tradi on to ride back to Teddy’s in Grimsby for some
On the Road
Again By Rose
refreshments…Biker friendly pub….great wings. May started out as a beau ful warm month and the 30th Annual BRO Cover the Kids Run was a perfect day for a ride. The blossoms were out in the orchards, the tourists were out in full force in both Niagara-on-theLake and at the Falls. I’ve been on this ride in all kinds of weather….rain, cold and windy. The beau ful weather brought over 300 bikes out for a great cause. About 30 bikes from Niagara HOG met at Prudhommes and were joined by another 30 bikes or more from Hamilton’s Iron Riders. The stops are always the same and like clock work a group always passes by the last stop and goes into Chippawa for some refreshments. The Boathouse is a favourite watering hole, and of course the Riverside, which is under new management, is another favourite spot. We rode into BRO field and the place was packed with bikes and people. The line up to get food and drink ckets was long but moving well. It is always nice to see old friends early in the riding season. Niagara HOG’s Spring Poker Run is always the first Sunday in May….which usually coincides with the Fort Erie Swap Meet. Niagara HOG generally makes one of the card stops near the Swap Meet so anyone wan ng to go…can. The Swap Meet had vendors like Triple K, Fenwick’s Biketoberfest Screaming Eagle on display and numerous others outside because of such a beau ful day. The vendors inside were cooking because of the heat but it was a good turnout with lots of people wandering up and down the aisles looking for that something special for that basket project. FYI……Willey Nelson turned 80 on April 29…On the Road again.
298 Colborne St.
The National Motorcycle Frankenstein Frank’s Magic Crops, Inc. 1st Performance Cycle Owner Frank Pastor Jr. Horticulturalist Class III U of T Over 35 Yrs. Experience
Hydroponic Growing & Lighting Systems for Vegetables & Flowers
Store Hours Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 - 6:00 Saturday : 11:00 - 2:00 Closed Sunday
E-mail : Tel. (905) 333 3282 480 Guelph Line Fax (905) 639 9190 Burlington, Ontario Toll Free 1 800 668 0980 Canada L7R 3M1
Ashphalt Terrorist CLASS: CONSERVATIVE CLASS 3rd Maria Ferenci 2005 So ail 2nd Bruce Gaunt 2008 Dynaglide 1st Fernando Riberio 2007 So ail CLASS: MILD STREET 3rd Michael Trigiani 2004 Fatboy 2nd Bruce Gaunt 2006 So ail
1st Michael Walter 2005 Fatboy CLASS: FULL STREET 3rd JD Cycles 2012 Custom 2nd Wayne Chamberlain 2004 Custom 1st Speed Trix 2013 So ail, “Lumen Bike” CLASS: FULL STREET RIGID 3rd CJ Cycles 2012 Custom Rigid 2nd Rick Court 2008 Custom Chopper 1st Ken Croney 2010 Custom, “red chopper”
& Tattoo Show 2013 by Critter
CLASS: PRO STREET 3rd Wymond Walkem 2012 Custom 2nd JD Cycles 2012 Custom Pro Street 1st Speed Trix 2013 Bobber 300 CLASS: BOBBER 3rd Quinn Camp 2012 Custom, “Lucky 13’ 2nd Wayne Burgess 2006 Chopper 1st George Papadopoulous 2013 Custom Bobber CLASS: VINTAGE HARLEY 3rd Don Hart 1968 Sportster 2nd Don Hart 1957 FLH with sidecar 1st Don Hart 1929 HDH CLASS: SPORTSTER 3rd Bruce Belford 2006 Sportster 2nd Me!e Vallis 2007 Sportster 1st Rob Pla! 2001 Sportster CLASS: H.D. TRIKE 3rd Thunder Trikes 1987 Thunder Trike 2nd Dan Sullivan 2005 Trike 1st JD Cycles 2000 Harley Trike CLASS: DRESSED HARLEY 3rd Brian Lalonde 2010 Harley Ultra 2nd RNR Custom Cycle 2009 Roadglide 1st Wayne Chamberlain 2004 Roadglide CLASS: RADICAL CLASS 3rd Quinn Camp 2012 Custom, “Satan’s Ka"llac” 2nd Speed Trix 2013 Rigid, “Anduril” 1st Speed Trix 2013 So ail, “Viper” BEST PAINT- George Papadopolous 2013 Custom Bobber BEST PLATING- George Papadopolous 2013 Custom Bobber BEST MURAL- Motorcycle Enhancements 2002 Suzuki Hayabusa BEST ENGINE- Speed Trix 2013 So ail, “Lumen Bike” BEST ENGINEERED- George Papadopolous 2013 Custom Bobber BEST INDIVIDUAL DISPLAY Michael Walter 2005 Fatboy BEST BIKE IN SHOW - $3,500.00 Speed Trix 2013 So ail, “Viper”
Motorcycle Handlebar Height By Randy Robinson Safe Handlebar Height Parameters Based on Best Physiological Principles Throughout the past few years, there have been many ckets issued for handlebar height. In many cases, ckets may have been issued based on measurement from motorcycle seat height to handlebar. This measurement is a very arbitrary and inappropriate method to determine if the handlebars are illegal, or compromise the safety of the rider and passenger. Consider Automobiles -Adjustable seats give personal fitment for Safety, Comfort, and Control -Adjustable Steering Wheel posi oning for Safety, Comfort, and Control Most all automobiles and trucks have adjustable seat height to allow drivers to access the best visibility of the outside environment, as do the seat sliders, which give forward and back posi oning to allow for the best foot pedal control access. Steering wheels are also adjustable in most vehicles for both safety and comfort. Commonly, when driving down the road, a driver will have their hands in the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock posi ons, some mes switching from one hand to another. Ins nc ve Op mal Strength and Resistance Car drivers upon an impending impact grab these 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock posi ons of the steering wheel to brace themselves for a the pending impact because it is ins nc ve and natural to prepare for impact with your best restric ve strength. The op mal arm posi oning is when your arms and hands are out at 90 degrees to your body. Your body’s best pushing power is when you have them across from your shoulders at approximately 90 degrees. Push-up, Op mal Strength and Resistance Power Everyone who has ever done a push-up knows by the effort it takes, and that the best strength and op mum resistance is when your hands and arms are at 90 degrees to your body. If you add the par al weight of another person pushing down on your body while trying to do a push-up, you will adjust to get the exact and best hand posi oning. It is always when the arms are at 90 degrees or within very minor variances either higher or lower. Motorcyclists commonly vaulted over the bars During quick decelera on or hard breaking, the average lower than op mal handlebar height on many motorcycles will cause a rider to lose control as he is thrown forward and upward therefore losing steering or handling control. The rider and passenger momentum causes them to be thrown forward and up, and in many cases actually vaulted over the motorcycle, especially in the situa on where the motorcycle rider has to break quickly, or where there is poten al pending impact. Op mal height handlebars based upon the par cular height of the
rider gives the rider the best control, strength, and resistance advantage to retain control over the motorcycle and provide the safest outcome. Motorcycle Passengers hold onto the riders for security. The added weight and forward iner a of a passenger that is instantaneously thrown upon a rider under rapid decelera on will cause loss of control and end up with both rider and passenger being thrown up and forward unless the rider has handlebars of op mal height and posi ons to hold back the weight and forward momentum of the passenger. The Best and Safest Handlebar Height therefore depend upon the Rider Height The safest handlebars for many taller riders would of course exceed the current legal specific measurement. Some of the handlebars that come from the Harley-Davidson factory I am sure also exceed this specifica on, and even for shorter riders these handlebars may place their arms slightly higher than a 90 degree angle. There could also be situa ons where taller handlebars for shorter riders would compromise their turning ability in ght corners, although I have never yet met a rider who is willing to compromise their own control or safety.
164 164 Main Street, 164 Main Main Street, Street, Lucan ON N0M 2J0 Lucan ON ON N0M N0M 2J0 2J0
Pre-owned Pre-owned Harley Harley Davidson Davidson SALES & SERVICE SALES & SERVICE “PUT “PUT SOMETHING SOMETHING POWERFUL POWERFUL BETWEEN BETWEEN YOUR YOUR LEGS !!!” LEGS !!!” Fax: 519-227-1581 519-227-1581 519-227-1331 Fax: Financing Financing Available Financing Available Available
Over 100 used !Financing Avaliable !Family Owned & Operated !Since 1958
Wheatley, 519-825-4222 THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 19
(519) 445-2275
Hwy.#54 Caledonia
N 5th Line
4th Line THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 20
Chiefswood Rd.
Grand River 6th Line
2158 Chiefswood Road
Ohsweken Town Center
Hwy #6
Hwy #6
Several days ago as I le a mee ng at a hotel; I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the mee ng room revealed nothing. Suddenly I realized I must have le them in the car. Fran cally, I headed for the parking lot. My husband has scolded me many mes for leaving the keys in the igni on. My theory is the igni on is the best place not to lose them. His theory is that the car will be stolen. As I burst through the door, I came to a terrifying conclusion. His theory was right. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my loca on, confessed that I had le my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen.Then I made the most difficult call of all, “Honey,” I stammered; I always call him “honey” in mes like these. “I le my keys in the car, and it has been stolen.” There was a period of silence. I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard his voice. He barked, “I dropped you off!” Now it was my me to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, “Well, come and get me.” He retorted, “I will, as soon as I convince this policeman I have not stolen your car.”Yep, it’s the golden years.“ Turtle A man got on the bus with both of his front trouser pockets full of golf balls and sat down next to a beau ful (you guessed it) blonde. The puzzled blonde kept looking at him and his bulging pockets. Finally, a er many glances from her, he said, “It’s golf balls.” The blonde con nued to look at him for a very long me, thinking deeply about what he had said. A er several minutes, not being able to contain her curiosity any longer, she asked . . . “Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow?” One day, shortly a er joining the PG A tour in 1965, Lee Trevino, a professional golfer and married man, was at his home in Dallas ,Texas mowing his front lawn, as he always did. A lady driving by in a big, shiny Cadillac stopped in front of his house, lowered the window and asked,” Excuse me, do
Continued Page 25
PLATINGMASTER Chrome Plating Specialists Platingmaster(1978)Limited
Mel Harris Jr. ph.(519) 433-3423 Fax.(519) 433-3595
1, Hamilton Road, London, Ont. N6B-1M9
Certificate in Translation from U of T MGK ENGLISH-FRENCH TRANSLATION SERVICES Guelph, Ontario Canada 519-835-8488
Fort Erie Motorcycle Swap Meet by Critter This event has always been a favourite event for Riders and vendors alike from all over the Province and the USA. It is also a favourite of both Sr. and I and we had already made our plans for our a!endance at this show months ago, and that was for us to go together, meet at our predetermined me and place and take whichever of our trucks would best suit us when the day arrived and it was also established where we would be going for breakfast. Truth be told, we made these plans on the way back from last year’s Swap Meet, the rest was just confirma ons. Jr. was to go as well and he was hoping to ride down but he had an opportunity to go golfing with a buddy and blew us off to be the re red guy and trudge around a golf course and whack a li!le white ball around rather than go to the Swap Meet. The re rement bug had struck again! So on the Saturday I met with BDR Doug and he had said that he would like to go along as he was s ll looking for
parts and stuff for his old Panhead and he was incorporated into our merry band. So early Sunday morning I picked him up at his place leaving plenty of me to make it to Sr.’s place by 8:00 and we would have plenty of me to have breakfast and make it to Ft. Erie with me to spare, or so I thought. We decided a quick stop for a couple of coffees from the McDonalds drive through would be in order, just to de us over un l breakfast. This is where the plan fell apart. There was a screw up with something in the restaurant and we got stuck there for a lot longer than expected so we were subsequently later ge ng to Sr.’s place that arranged and he was on the phone. But we got it done and with a great breakfast at the 5th Wheel Truck Stop under our belts we were only about 20 minutes late. We had him in his spot just inside the front doors and setup in short order leaving me to find a spot to park Sr.’s truck. That wasn’t an easy task as the place was packed with all
Saturday August 10, 2013 Registration starts: 9:30 a.m. Ride departs: 11:00 a.m. 3-hour scenic motorcycle ride LIVE Entertainment, BBQ, silent auction, raffle and door prizes
40 Entry Fee / $20 Extra Rider Registration waived if you raise $100+ Proceeds will benefit Hope Place Centres Starting Point: Halton Recovery House (8173 Trafalgar Road, Hornby, ON L0P 1E0) $
905.878.1120 Ext. 225 for more information Register online with PayPal, pledge forms available online
Fort Erie Motorcycle Swap Meet by Critter of familiar faces here. manner of vehicles and I finally found a spot almost at the The crew from Eagles Nest, Tony furthest extremity of the property. I was glad I brought my and company from CJ’s Cycle in knee brace and cane as it would be a long trek back to the Bolton, Big Ken and his lovely main doors. lady Kathy MacDonald from the I strapped on my Alvinston Swap Meet, The Amazcamera and made the ing Pamela The T Shirt Girl and just slow arduous journey countless others who make this an down the long driveannual pilgrimage or rite of Spring. way and to the front This has been a mainstay event of the building. since 1982 when Shawn McCooey The lot was jammed started it and ran it successfully before turning it over to with motorcycles and Bob Berry who in turn passed it along to Moe who has run there were more arriving all the me and it since then, except for 1 year. a couple of years ago a!er Moe’s wife died and the when the lot filled they parked on the grass, down the side Swap Meet was cancelled or wherever they could fit it them in. that year. I spo ed Tim and Tina from Triple K Upholstery out front But it came back strong and made my way over to say hi and tried my best to get a and the Biker Community picture of the elusive Tina. Also out front was Hank from Boothill Hearse and Tina from was ready and wai ng for them. I was informed by Purple Slice who was already cleaning motorcycles and Shawn that the event has doing her usual fine job promo ng and demonstra ng her now come full circle as fantas c cleaning products. Moe has turned the event The Fabulous Fenwick Lions were sta oned out front as back to him and that he well where they were selling raffle ckets on a shiny new will once again be at the Harley. helm for next year. I finally made my way inside where Sr. was going full He already has some steam ahead seated on his official stool handing out Mags Open 8 a.m. For Breakfast very interes ng and inat a tremendous pace and mee ng with all the folks he has “STOP IN ANYTIME nova ve plans to make met over the years. He has become a welcome fixture and the event more exci ng an a rac on at BIKER FRIENDLY” and keep people in atall the events tendance longer and give we a end and them some entertainment this is one of his to keep a endees interfavouites. 2965 Homestead Drive ested and make it more of Doug had Mount Hope ON L0R 1W0 an experience than just a ventured into the (Located Along HWY #6) Swap Meet. main sales area He certainly had my where he quickly got swallowed up in the massive crowd and was swept away in the de of bargain hunters, emerging some me later with a big smile and an armload of stuff. I too wandered in to see what was happening 4859 Hillside Dr. Beamsville and who was here this year, (Mountain St. To Albright Manor east on Hillside) picking my way through the $10 per person entry - Adults Only - No Pets large gathering with stops Food & Beverages Available to talk along the way whenGates Open at Noon - Judging at 3:00-Awards at 4:30 pm ever I ran into a Patches for all exhibitors. Trophies for winners! familiar face and More info: 905-563-4267 or e-mail there were lots
“Voted #1 Stop Before Friday 13th Fun!” 289-759-2002
Harley Davidson
Show & Shine July 6, 2013
At L.C.M.C. Clubhouse
Fort Erie Motorcycle Swap Meet by Critter a en on as he related some of his plans to me and quite frankly, I can hardly wait as I think that these ideas will freshen and liven things up quite a bit and the response will be fantas c. Keep an eye on their website www.forteriemotorcycleswapmeet. com and I will let you know as these things unfold and I’m quite sure you will be pleased. The day was a blur and Sr., BDR Doug, our man Jonathan (Who dropped in for a while to visit and help out.) and a crew of assistants (Usually young and pre y.) that the silver tonged, silver haired old fox just sweet-talked into helping, got rid of every Mag we had in short order. I made another tour around the floor to say my goodbyes and pick up a couple of items that I needed and made the long trek to the back parking lot to retrieve Sr.’s truck. Ge ng the truck and bringing it around was one thing but actually prying Sr. away from the throngs of people that were hanging around with him as he held Court out front
was quite another. It took a while but we got him and his stool loaded and we were on our way. It was another great day at an event that has earned it’s
spot as one of the premier Biker events of the year in this Province and I got to work once again with the gentleman that it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with for these past bunch of years, that like this day, while memorable, have been a blur. I’m anxious to see what lies in store for next year. If the twinkle in Shawn McCooey’s eye as he was telling me of his plans was any indica on; I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen.
Follow Me to... Critter Country Show and Shine August 25th 10:00am-5:00pm At Black Gold 1228 Gorham St. Unit #2 Newmarket. Critter: 905-235-5353 Gord: 416-804-2292
Door Prizes Dealer Inquires Welcome
In Support of: The Alzheimer Society Facebook/theridersmag
Page you speak English ?” Lee responded, “ Yes Ma’am, I do “ The lady then asked, “ What do you charge to do yard work ? “ Lee said, “ Well, the lady in this house lets me sleep with her “. The lady hurriedly put the car into gear and sped off. A young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned
*DRUGS*GUNS* *CRIMINAL ORG.*ASSAULT* I’m Not Asking Ya to be Nice to the guys Wearing “Sons Of Anachary “Shit, And I’m Not asking Ya to Buy Them A Beer, But Please Don’t PISS In The Ones That They Got!
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Page to helping the other scribes copy the old canons and laws of the church by hand. He no ces, however, that the monks are all copying from other copies, not from the original manuscript. So, the new monk goes to the Abbot to ques on this, poin ng out that if a scribe made even a small error in the first copy, it would never be picked up! Any error would be con nued in all subsequent copies. The Abbot replies, “We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son.” The Abbot decides to check so descends into the dark caves deep below the monastery where the original manuscripts are held as archives in a locked vault ...which has been unopened for centuries! Hours go by and nobody sees the venerable old Abbot...
Our young monk was worried so went down to find him. He finds him banging his head against the wall, wailing. “We missed the R ! We missed the R ! We missed the R !” His forehead is all bloody and bruised and he is crying uncontrollably. Our young monk asks the old Abbot, “What’s wrong, Father?” In a choking voice, the old abbot replies, “The word was...”CELEBRATE !!!” A er experiencing the discomfort and embarrassment of my last Colonoscopy; I decided to have my next one done while visi ng friends in San Francisco.! Where the beau ful nurses are allegedly much more gentle and accommoda ng. As I lay naked on my side on the table, the gorgeous nurse began my procedure. “Don’t worry, at this stage of the procedure it’s quite normal to get an erec on,” the nurse told me. “I haven’t got an erec on,” I replied. “No, but I have,” replied the nurse. Lesson: Don’t get a colonoscopy in
San Francisco. I am seeing 5 gentlemen (give or take) every day!. As soon as I wake up, Will Power helps me get out of bed. Then I go to see John. Then Arthur Ri s shows up & stays the rest of the day. He doesn’t like to stay in one place very long so he takes me from joint to joint. A er
s l l i r h Spills T
Continued Page 35
SATURDAY NIGHTS 7PM June 1 to July 27 NIAGARA MOTORCYCLE RACEWAY 603 Netherby Road . Welland . Ontario Call: 905-734-7058 THE RIDERS MAG ----- PAGE 27
Its got the Look
This month’s feature guy is Chris and he was the first to answer my call for sportsters earlier this year and because he was agreeable to coming out our way from the G.T.A. area that he calls home we were able to get the shoot done a few weeks back. When he agreed to bring the bike down he said that it wasn’t on the road and he would have to truck it down but we really didn’t care if the bike had a valid tag or not as long as we got the shoot done for the mag. His problem was that he had to repair the custom Paugcho frame as he had made some mods to it and it got a li le out of alignment but he threw it in the back of his truck ran it down to a swap meet in the states. He met up with his riding buddies and they were able to make the necessary repairs to the bike on the spot and he was back on the road so it was a surprise to me when he rode in on the bike. Chris had always wanted a street bike being a guy that grew up riding dirt bikes in his early days and about 10 years ago he decided it was me to act on his desire to own a street bike so he went and visited a Harley Dealer north of the G.T.A. and found this 2003 883R with black wrinkle finish on
the cases and barrels in the showroom brand new in 2004. He got the right deal for the bike thinking that he was gonna make this bike into something that he thought was very cool. He rode the bike stock for the first couple of years and pursued parts to create the cool looking ride that he had always dreamed about for his ul mate street ride and he says a er two years of riding it just was not ge ng to where he really wanted it to be as he had a very specific look in
Its got the Look
mind for his ride. You know we all have some chopper we saw in a mag back in the day or the guy who lived down the street had a cool ride and you said man when I grow up I want a ride like that kinda thing. Well Chris was thinking radical here and he was browsing around the internet looking for ways to make his ride into that cool ride he was looking for. While he was searching around he found a couple of internet groups who were all about Harleys and customizing them yourself, kind of a self help group and he says that gave him the ideas and confidence to do this thing himself so he took the bike off the road saving his insurance dollars he bought himself the rigid paugcho frame for his sporty and with a lot of encouragement from his online friends and ul mately a lot of parts as many of them ran bike or hobby shops he built the bike you see before you. He says that he did enlist some help from local friends as he has a small shop at his home with a lathe and a small mig welder but some of the things he needed done had to be sent out for welding but he dove right into the project saying that when that new frame arrived he had already torn down the old bike to its components laying out all the pieces he would be using in his new crea on and storing all the stuff that would not be required, saying he had it up as a rolling chassis within an hour of its arrival. Chris wanted that really clean and narrow 60s retro chopper look and surprisingly at least to me there is no extension in the narrow glide front end on the bike it is bone stock from the original 2003 sportster although it looks much longer on this frame and he says the rake is similar to that
of the stock ride. He capped the front of the bike off with Japanese handlebars called a ack bars which to me looked like a combina on of Z bars and drag bars combined into one but it definitely gives the bike an original look. He originally had a king tank for the bike but he wanted it narrower (see above, wanted everything narrow) well he narrowed it and had it painted and thought it looked freakin awesome but it ended up leaking so when he took it back to the welder who put it together he would not repair it due to the liner inside the tank so he put the stock peanut on that you see. He says this bike is way more comfortable than the old one despite the rigid frame but he says stopping every hour and a half for fuel has benefits as it’s always good to jump off and stretch the old legs, and probably straighten out the old back as well. The seat is a classic mini with spider web s tching and a couple of springs between the rear of the seat and the frame to act as a bit of suspension and the p-pad on the back is a re-pop he sourced out of Arizona that he says isn’t too comfortable for passengers and bent the rear fender a bit which was why he had to add a brace to the frame to hold that custom made fender in place which also came from a pal of his south of the border.
Needless to say Chris has a good deal, his wife is not to interested in riding and pre y much leaves him to ride and gives him leave each year to head down south and a end events put on by the group of friends that he met all those years ago on the internet while pu ng together the ride with the look that he always wanted. So far he says he has ridden to Ohio for about 5 years saying that they did a tour of Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and a tour of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana on another and says the plan for this year is to ride Tennessee and has hoping to catch the dragons back. So now that he has the bike of his dreams he wants to move onto his next dream saying that now that has had his first Harley his itchin to get a hold of a generator bo om end FL shovel bagger. He wants to ride it a couple of years to see if he can get his wife interested in riding on a bigger more comfortable bike then strip it down, put a narrow glide front end on it and a peanut tank, some guys are incorrigible eh? Special Thanks to Candace for modelling for us.
Its got the Look Owner: Chris City: Mississauga, ON General Year & Make: 2008 Special Construction Model: Greasbag Assembly by: Owner Time: 1 Year Value: Priceless Chrome: Polishing depot Engine Year: 2003 Model: XL Evolution Builder: H-D Displacement: 883 c.c. Lower end: H-D Pistons: H-D Rods: H-D Flywheels: H-D Balancing: H-D Cylinders: H-D Cases: H-D Heads: H-D Valves: H-D Cam: H-D Lifters: H-D Ignition: Key Coils/Wires: H-D Carb: CV Air Cleaner: Bug Eye Pipes: Stock pipes with upswept Thrush glasspac Transmission Year: 2003 Make: XL Type: 5 Speed Shifting: foot Clutch: H-D Primary Drive: H-D Painting Paint: Mostly Powder Coat Type: Tank Harley Burgandy Frame Year: 2003 Builder: Paughco Type: Rigid Rake: 30’ Swing Arm: none Stretch : None
Rear Suspension: 3” springs under seat Accessories Handlebars: Attack Bars Risers: 1” Harley Ignition Switch: yes Controls: Stock Modified clutch perch Seat: West Eagle Solo Tailight: diamond Oil Tank: yes Gas Tank: 2.2 gal sportster Front Pegs: Yes Rear Pegs: No Foot Controls: Yes Electrics: Minimal Grips: yes Headlight: yes Speedometer: Cell Digital Turn Signals: Arm Mirrors: Usually Primary Cover: H-D Throttle: Biltwell Early prototype whiskey P-Pad: Bates repop Special Features: Sissy Bar by owner Front End Type: 39mm Year: 2003 Trees: 5’ Builder: Japan Man Special Features: trees polished by owner Wheels Front Size: 21” Type: Laced Tire: Avon Brake: H-D Fender: Bandana Rear Size: 16” Type: Laced Tire: Dunlop Brakes: H-D Fender: Custom by front street cycle Model: Candace
such a busy day, I’m really red & very glad to go to bed with Earl Grey. What a life! Oh, yes, I’m also flir ng with Al Zymer; Or whatever his name is. I forget ! And I’m thinking of calling JACK DANIELS, Jim Beam, or JOHNNY WALKER to come over and keep me company. Now remember: Life is like a roll of toilet paper.....the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.So have fun, think ‘good thoughts’ only, Learn to laugh at yourself, and ‘count your blessings!!! *THE MIRACLE OF TOILET PAPER***Fresh from my shower, I stand in front of the mirror complaining to my husband that my breasts are too small. Instead of characteris cally telling me it’s not so, he uncharacteris cally comes up with a sugges on.“If you want your breasts to grow, then every day take a piece of toilet paper and rub it between them for a few seconds.”Willing to try anything, I fetch a piece of toilet paper and stand in front of the mirror, rubbing it between my breasts. “How long will this take?” I ask.“They will grow larger over a period of years,” my husband replies. I stopped. “Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between my breasts every day will make my breasts larger over the years?” Without missing a beat he says, “Worked for your ass didn’t it?”He’s s ll alive, and with a great deal of therapy he may even walk again, although he will probably con nue to take his meals through a straw.*Stupid, stupid man.* A husband walks into a shop to purchase a sheer negligee for his wife. He is shown several possibili es that range from $250 to $500 in price -- the more sheer, the higher the price. Naturally, he opts for the most sheer item, pays the $500, and takes it home. He presents it to his wife and asks her to go upstairs, put it on, and model it for him. Upstairs the wife thinks (she’s no dummy), ‘I have an idea. It’s so sheer that it might as well be nothing.
I won’t put it on, but I’ll do the modeling naked, return it tomorrow, and keep the $500 refund for myself.’ She appears naked on the balcony and strikes a pose. The husband says, ‘Good Grief! You’d think for $500, they’d at least iron it!’ He never heard the shot. Funeral on Thursday at Noon. Closed coffin
This Woman Has More Guts Than a Sausage Factory. Take a look at this film. Fabulous footage, although grainy due to me and bad equipment in those days compared to today, but what nerve this gal had. Gladys Ingles was a member of a barnstorming troupe called the 13 Black Cats in the 1920s. Ingles was a wing walker; in this film, she shows her fearlessness in classic barnstorming fashion to save an airplane that has lost one of its main wheels. Ingles is shown with a wheel being strapped to her back and then off she goes as “Up She Goes,” a duet from the era, provides the soundtrack. In the film, Ingles transfers herself from the rescue plane to the one missing the main landing gear re. She then expertly works herself down to the undercarriage only a few feet from a spinning prop. It’s certainly a feat many mechanics wouldn’t even try on the ground with the engine running. She died at 82…. A cowboy and his wife had just go en married and found a nice hotel for their wedding night. The man approached the Front Desk and asked for a room....He said, ‘This heerza special ‘casion -- our honeymoon-- and we need a nice room with a good strong bed.’ The clerk winked -- ‘You want the ‘Bridal’?’ The cowboy reflected on this for a moment and then replied, ‘Nope, reckon not. Guess I’ll jist hold on to her ears l she gits used to it.’ I don’t know how they wrote
Page To whom this may concern Re: Replacement of Mouse Balls. If a mouse fails to operate or should it perform erra cally, it may need a ball replacement. Mouse balls are now available as FRU (Field Replacement Units). Because of the delicate nature of this procedure, replacement of mouse balls should only be a empted by properly trained personnel. Before proceeding, determine the type of mouse balls by examining the underside of the mouse. Domes c balls will be larger and harder than foreign balls. Ball removal procedures differ depending upon the manufacturer of the mouse. Foreign balls can be replaced using the pop off method. Domes c balls are replaced by using the twist off method.. Mouse balls are not usually sta c sensi ve. However, excessive handling can result in sudden discharge. Upon comple on of ball replacement, the mouse may be used immediately. It is recommended that each person have a pair of spare balls for maintaining op mum customer sa sfac on. Any customer missing his balls should contact the local personnel in charge of removing and replacing these necessary items. Please keep in mind that a customer without properly working balls is an unhappy customer
“COME FOR A RIDE 905-776-1111 TO SELKIRK” 7 MAIN STREET EAST SELKIRK ONTARIO N0A 1P0 this with a straight face. This was a memo sent out by a computer company (IBM) to its employees in all seriousness. It went to all field engineers regarding a computer peripheral problem. The author of this memo was quite genuine. The engineers rolled on the floor! Especially note the last couple of sentences.
est DE B ted MA ” o V E RS
905-679-2419 STOP IN ON YOUR
Top Ten Reasons Why Golf Is Be er Than Sex... #10. A below par performance is considered damn good. #9. You can stop in the middle and have a cheeseburger and a couple of beers. #8. It’s much easier to find the sweet spot. #7. Foursomes are encouraged. #6. You can s ll make money doing it as a senior. #5. Three mes a day IS possible. #4. Your partner doesn’t hire a lawyer if you play with someone else. #3. If you live in Florida , you can do it almost every day. #2. You don’t have to cuddle with your partner when you’re finished. And the NUMBER ONE reason why golf is be er than sex...
Continued Page 35
Motorcycle Enhancements Grand Reopening
by Critter
Wow! What a change in the weather! Sunny skies warm temperatures! It was great day to be out on a motorcycle or if you wanted to put on a Motorcycle event you couldn’t have asked for a be er day to do it! So it was that I rode out on this gorgeous day to join John, Cassandra and the rest of his crew, friends, family, loyal customers and a whole bunch of others who just came out to check it out. The lot in front of and around the shop was packed with bikes of all makes and models as Petoonia and I rolled in and found a place to park. The Barbecue was going full lt and the smoke created by it wa ed through the air carrying the wonderful fragrance of the seemingly, endless supply of hamburgers and hotdogs that were being prepared and gobbled up as quickly as those tending the grills could cook them up and serve them. They also had amazing salads and a great rice dish to accompany the other fare and bo les of water. There was a bike wash that had Cassandra and the lovely Alyssa busy for the a ernoon as many bikes stepped up to get their rides cleaned in support of the chari es such as Ride Against Hunger, Ride 2 Reach and Ride for Dad that the shop so generously supports and creates awareness for. I now regre ed the fact that I’d got up early this morning to clean the grime, dust and dirt that had coated Petoonia since last Fall and had remained there all Winter, before heading out to come here. John, accompanied by “Panda”, Shop Dog extraordinaire and loyal friend was busy proudly giving tours, showing off his recently expanded and renovated shop to his many exis ng loyal customers and others and doing an excellent job as host of what turned out to be a fantas c event. Motorcycle Enhancements services everything from Harley Davidson to Bri sh and other makes and has earned an excellent reputa on as someone who does great work and takes extreme pride in his skills and workmanship on whatever make and model of motorcycle you bring in at reasonable prices. They do tremendous custom builds and fabrica on and the trophy case in the now expanded, revitalized and
Cars, Boats, Specializing in Custom Motorcycle Seats
289-808-9190 renovated front show room that is filled to overflowing with trophies won at Major Motorcycle Shows over the years, will a est to the ability of this shop to perform to the highest standards. Motorcycle Enhancements has been in business for 13 years with John combining his hobby and passion for motorcycles and riding with his engineering, electronics and mechanical background and turning it into a solid and successful enterprise. As a bit of a side
11 7 John Street
Motorcycle Enhancements Grand Reopening
by Critter
“CUSTOMIZING YOUR DREAMS” 905-842-2123 / 1-888-842-2123 427 SPEERS RD. UNIT 9, OAKVILLE ON L6K 3S8 note, John was brought in by Ben Gulak, a number of years ago to custom design and fabricate the UNO, which was the inven on of this, then, 16 year old genius and turned it into a reality. You may remember this unique and innova ve one wheeled motorcycle, as it
25th Anniversary
was featured on the popular TV Show “The Dragons Den” and had all of the Dragons coming in on a deal with millions of dollars with young Ben. I remember The Uno from the Na onal Motorcycle Show where it was not only on display but available to try out as well and my daughter Charlene (Yes Godzookie!) took it for a spin. It is just so typical of John to be up for a challenge like that. The carefully planned expansion also allows him more space for the larger pieces of equipment that allows to them do most of the work in house. John makes conscien ous use of every inch of space in his shop either for work area or storage by building mezzanines and work spaces dedicated to specialized work. I moved back outside to find more motorcycles and people had joined the event with more arriving all the me. Cassandra and the rest of the crew were kept very busy handing out ckets for the door prizes that had been donated by many local businesses like Tim Horton’s and The Auto Spa that support John and his Shop in his charity events, and John puts his own money where his mouth is and provided many of the prizes himself. I hung out for a while, talking to many of the a endees whom I’ve come to know over the years like Rickster and many new folks and ge ng some pictures. The many door prizes were enthusias cally given out to an equally enthusias c crowd.
AUGUST 2nd, 3rd, 4th,& 5th 2013
LIVE BANDS ALL WEEKEND CONTACTS GREY-BRUCE- CHICO 519-934-1557 WOODSTOCK- MARK 519-535-9195 TORONTO- DIX 905-428-2467 D Y PA AY DA SES OSHAWA- LOUIE 289-939-9640 SS LONDON- KENNY 519-671-7500 S ES ELEVEN- BILL 519-527-2139 PA KITCHENER- LOBO 519-595-3133 HURON-PERTH- SNELLY 519-482-8779 HWY #4
HWY #6
I wandered over and said my goodbyes to John and company, mounted up and Petoonia headed back up the road as I s ll had a couple of things to squeeze into that beau ful a ernoon. I was informed that this was the first of what is to become an annual event as this one was such a success. Congrats on a great new shop and a great event to John and crew. See you out there!
#1. If your equipment gets old and rusty, you can replace it! At St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Toronto, they have weekly husbands’ marriage seminars. At the session last week, the priest asked Giuseppe, who said he was approaching his 50th wedding anniversary, to take a few minutes and share some insight into how he had managed to stay married to the same woman all these years. Giuseppe replied to the assembled husbands, ‘Wella, I’va tried to treat her nicea, spenda da money on her, but besta of all is, I tooka her to Italy for the 25th anniversary!’ The priest responded, ‘Giuseppe, you are an amazing inspira on to all the husbands here! Please tell us what you are planning for your wife for your 50th anniversary?’ Giuseppe proudly replied, “ I gonna go pick her up.” An 78-year-old man was requested by his Doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical exam. The doctor gave the man a jar and said, ‘Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.’ The next day the 78year-old man reappeared at the doctor’s office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day. The doctor asked what happened and the man explained, ‘Well, doc, it’s like this - first I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my le hand, but s ll nothing. ‘Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then with her le , s ll nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, s ll nothing. ‘We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit,
Continued Page 38
MY Lenn Curtis 519.919.5535 3143 Walker Rd., Windsor 9500 Walker Rd., McGregor
The fantasy, of a woman ge ng off of a motorcycle, removing her helmet, and doing the famous head shake, revealing a perfectly coiffed hair style, is just that, A FANTASY! Trying to sustain a stylish hairdo, a er a long day of riding, is virtually impossible, yet fixable, and is all part of the motorcycle experience. Along with changing weather, road grime, dead bugs on the face, and sunglass tan lines, herein lies the bain of our dilemma, THE HELMET. Wearing a “skid lid” in Canada and most states, is a legality, but most importantly, it’s a personal safety aid. The benefits of wearing a “crash cap”, far outweigh the repercussions, of riding without one. When deciding on a “brain bucket”, whether full face, shielded, half, or beanie, your first considera on should be your personal safety. This could be the one item of your protec ve gear, kind of like a “hard drive pillow” or a “safety deposit box” for your head, that could poten ally save your life, so it is highly recommended to choose func on over fashion. Make sure, when you are buying a “Humpty Dumpty hat”, that you get the right fit for the shape and size of your head. A “nut shell”, should never give you headaches, or leave red marks on your forehead, while at the same me, should not be too loose fi ng either, you want it to stay securely in place, if an accident occurs. Some “jello moulds” have permanent liners, that are made from nylon or polyester, which cause sta c, fric on, and are not very breathable or hygenic. Air vents on the exterior, improve airflow for cooling, and help prevent moisture build up from swea ng. Reputable dealers, will have knowledgeable staff, trained to help you, as well as answer any ques ons, regarding features and safety, that you may have. Men suffer from helmet hair too, but true to their nature, rarely express it, mainly, because they don’t care. On a side note, some of the products and ps listed next, can also be used to prevent, protect, and repair, BIKER BEARD (All hail the beard!!!), from the ravages of wind, sun, dust, and chin straps. When choosing a shampoo or condi oner, avoid sulphates and alcohols, which are drying agents. Look for spray on condi oners and mousses, that have a built in SPF for UV protec on, just for your hair. Child or adult hair detangler, can be your best friend. If you do happen to get knots, it can be used on wet or dry hair, with a wide toothed comb, to prevent breakage. Dry shampoo or corn starch, can give a quick li to sweaty, ma ed hair, when sprinkled on the roots, and massaged in. Use only elas cs, without metal crimps, coated bobby pins and clips, and hair accessories, without bare metal parts, to prevent shearing your hair. Avoid using gels, waxes and creams on your hair, they can leave a greasy residue on the inside of your helmet, collec ng dirt, and may break down the foam. Although, hats, bandannas, and skull caps, are quick fixes, they only mask the problem, and can contribute to it. The coarse co on like fabrics, tend to absorb moisture on the hair and scalp, leaving it itchy and dry. Try wearing a smoother material, underneath your exis ng favourite fix-all. Caps, toques, balaclavas, and liners, made of synthe c materials are breathable, removable, washable, fast drying, and keep the inside of your helmet cleaner. Womens do-rags, have come a long way by incorpora ng style, versa lity, and comfort. Some styles have a pocket for your hair at the back, and are made of silks, sa ns and other low fric on washable materials. Buffs are the mul tool of hair accessories, and can be converted from a hair e, headband, bandanna, neck warmers, and face shield, to a mini skirt or tube top. Spacers and inserts, provide a cushion of space between your head and the shell, decreasing the fric on, while increasing air flow, and comfort. Short hairstyles (1 inch to the nape of the neck), are probably the easiest to fix, just dampen, comb or finger style and go. Try adding a dab of mousse, when styling at home, which can be reac vated with a li le bit of water or heat. Washroom hand dryers, can be a big help in a pinch! If you have bangs, try pinning them in the opposite direc on that you normally wear them, so that they will have some body, when flipped back over. Making small
with Sherri O’Irish flat twists, and pinning them all over your head, then covering your hair with a bandanna, to hold in place, will give a cute messy style, when undone. If you wear a buff or liner, try sliding it up from the bo om up, so that hair is in a reversed direc on. This way when it is removed, the hair reacts, by trying to go back to its normal posi on, while giving you body from the opposi on. The same effect can be achieved by pu ng your helmet on from back to front. Medium hairstyles (nape of the neck to shoulder blades), are the most precarious styles. Again, use a styling product that can be reac vated with water or heat. A round brush and a washroom hand dryer, can do wonders, or moisten, scrunch, and go. Using a sock bun, or a french roll secured with a hair claw, can create a classy a er riding look. The hair s cking out from under the back of the helmet, can be braided, tucked into the coat, or wrapped. Try gathering a low pony tail, into the middle of a bandanna, and secured with an elas c, in a pouch, le ng the four corners dangle. Take ps from the short and long hairstyles, to see which will work with your hair length. Long hairstyles (shoulder blades to waist) are me consuming, and need the most protec ve measures. One of the easiest styles, for men and women, is the biker ponytail, which is essen ally tying your hair with elas cs, at regular intervals, from your head, to the end of your hair. French, dutch, double, or standard braids can add a bit of style to your hair, and when unbraided, will give a crimped look. The ends, can be doubled back and looped, into an elas c close to your neck, or tucked into your coat. Braid ends on each side of your head, can be crossed on top, or across the back, from ear to ear and pinned, for a trendy chic look. Two to four buns can be coiled and secured with elas cs, along your neck, and when uncoiled, can produce beau ful wavy curls. There are hair sheaths, usually made of leather, that can be hooked into an elas c at the nape of your neck, and enclosed with snaps from top to bo om. Avoid metal barre sheaths, as they have sharp edges, which shear at your hair. An excellent idea for long styles, are hair wrap tubes, which come in slim sizes for straight hair, wider for curly hair, and are unrolled up or down the length of the hair, to enclose it. Any hair that you leave exposed to the elements, should be treated to a bit of condi oner, and rubbed in, to prevent split ends during riding. A er care, such as hot oil treatments, deep condi oners, and regular trims, will help keep your hair looking moisturized and healthier. Ask your hairdresser, for any ideas on cuts or styles, which may help to minimize your helmet hair afflic on.* Vanity aside, a bad hair day, does not make for a bad ride day!
Remember: If riding motorcycles, made people look gorgeous, everyone would be doing it!!!
3. BERNADETTE: The act of torching a mortgage 4. BURGLARIZE: What a crook sees with 5. CONTROL: A short, ugly inmate 6. COUNTERFEITERS: Workers who put together kitchen cabinets 7. ECLIPSE: What an English barber does for a living 8. EYEDROPPER: A clumsy ophthalmologist 1. ARBITRATOR: A cook that leaves Arby’s to work at 9. HEROES: What a guy in a boat does McDonalds 10. LEFTBANK: What the robber did when his bag was full of 2. AVOIDABLE: What a bullfighter tries to do money 11. MISTY: How golfers create divots 12. PARADOX: Two physicians!! 13. PARASITES: What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower 14. PHARMACIST: A helper on the farm 590 York Rd. Niagara on the Lake, ON L0S 1J0 15. POLARIZE: What penguins see 905-684-4647 with 16. PRIMATE: Removing your spouse from in front of the TV!! 17. RELIEF: What trees do in the spring 18. RUBBERNECK: What you do to relax your wife 19. SELFISH: What the owner of a seafood store does 20. SUDAFED: Brought li ga on against a government official-! and she even tried squeezin’ it between her knees, but s ll nothing.’ The doctor was shocked! ‘You asked your neighbor?’ The old man replied, ‘Yep, none of us could get the jar open.’
A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their posi on. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs ,the husband asked sarcas cally, ‘Rela ves of yours?’ ‘Yep,’ the wife replied, ‘in-laws’ WORDS A husband read an ar cle to his wife about how many words women use a day. 30,000 to a man’s 15,000. The wife replied, ‘The reason has to be because
Continued Page 52
Cruising With Critter OK the adventure con nues and so far so good. Sure there have been glitches and the occasional screw up here and there, as we con nue on our way down the Yellow Brick Road but again, so far so good. The Gremlins, Evil Spirits or whatever have been hard at work as there have been le ers in some words in ads that we know were there because they are there in our pdfs., proofs and other such technical things that mysteriously vanished when they went to print. We were going to chalk it up as a fuck up on someone’s part (Mine, and I’m perfectly willing to take the heat.) but so far haven’t been able to nail it down as to cause and preven on let alone, find rhyme or reason. I have no excuse or explana on for it other than to say that that must be the shit that apparently, just happens! I’m plugging my way through trying my best to do as good a job as JR did but this is pre y much all new to me and I’m trying to sort it all out and develop a system that will make me more organized and proficient and know that there are many of you out there who know me well and a#er reading that statement are shaking your heads and mu ering things like “That aint gonna happen!” Hell, I’m trying! I’ve had some subscribers write and call saying that they didn’t get their Mags and this, I will a ribute to my computer skills (Or lack of. Hey, I’m just an old truck driver doing the best I can here!) which are slowly developing but have caused me some grief on several occasions (If I had a swear jar and it would be a large one would be full by now.) where I hit the wrong key at the wrong me and some things went slightly amiss. So if you have issues please just give me a call and I’ll fix it as I’ve had to learn how to fix stuff. Other than those things (As far as I know right now.) things
are taking shape. I’m ge ng favourable response to The Mag itself and the Website is s ll a work in progress. Our Facebook page is also ge ng good comments and it too is constantly being changed and tweaked. We are working on ge ng the t shirts and other types of support stuff and that should be happening soon. I had a book sent to the Office – Unrepentant – by Peter Edwards. It is The Strange and (Some mes) Terrible Life of Lorne Campbell, Satan’s Choice and Hells Angel Biker. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet but it looks like it could be an interes ng read. The riding season is well underway (Except when Mother NaThe Strange and (sometimes) ture decides to intersperse the Terrible Life of Lorne Campbell, Satan’s Choice and Hells Angel Biker really great weather that we had a brief run of, with several Peter From y days of rain, snow, hail Random Edwards shi and other just plain cold and House Canada Bloody miserable stuff! She can be one Brutal quirky Bitch at mes! And I may have even tracked down Totally a bike suitable to be converted Honest to become my trike. I’m looking forward to ge ng the project under way. Anyhow, Petoonia and I have been out and about when I’m not stuck inside doing Mag stuff or forced to use the “Black Bitch” out of the necessity of a needing the carrying capacity of a larger vehicle.
NAME______________________________________________________ ADRESS____________________________________________________ CITY______________________________PROV____________________
MC ___ VISA ___
CARD # ______________________ EXP DATE ___________ CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE __________________________
Cruising With Critter further afield and try to get to as many as I can in a far too short riding season, like The Checkered Flag on Mondays, Clare’s on Thursdays and others in the Hamilton, Bran ord and Niagara areas and then spread out even further to check out other Ride Nights such as those held at The Albion Hotel up in Bayfield who has run his great looking ads with us for years. I may even see if JR wants to go along for a ride as he is re red and it would do him good to get out of the house. I did manage to get out to what was the first visit to Casino Rama last week taking in a mesmerizing concert by Joe Bonamassa and was absolutely thrilled by both the show and the venue! I also made it out to a 50th Birthday party for Sylvia the incredibly spoiled (But deserving!) wife of Big Sco at the Legion right here in Newmarket where she was presented with a shiny new Harley for a present! So Happy birthday from me seems to fall short of the mark that Big Sco set, but aside from a card and a small gi , that’s all you’re ge ng from me Darl’n and ba ng your beau ful eyes and smiling your pre y smile aint changing it! There has been a lot of interest and lots of ques ons lately and in answer is; I have decided to only do one Show and Shine this year, Sunday, August 25, 2013. I had intended to do three but me is in short supply as all the extra du es with the Mag eat up considerable amounts of it and one event is the best I can do but we will try to make it really good and we will again try and create awareness of Alzheimer disease. I will be back at Black Gold at 1228 Gorham St. in NewThe DT Cruiser Helmet market as the venue really seemed to work well when we did the event there last September. We will be changing things up a bit this me to make it a lot be er as we did last year’s event The DT Crusier Helmet Is One Of The World’s as an experito test Smallest & Lightest D.O.T Approved 3/4 Shell ment the venue and Helmets Ever Made!! were pleased with the reWith Four Different Shell Sizes You are Sure To Get That Proportionate Fit!! sults. There is plenty of parking and we can incorporate a r e r c u X s beer garden e i R and food into the courtyard and be er contain and control the event. I’ll keep you posted! In keeping with what I want to see in the Mag as represen ng all areas of the Province and to clarify my intent Facebook/ResurrecXionCycles and purpose, I will a empt to explain.
It is shaping up to be a busy riding season and the demands on my me have increased considerably but since that cloning thing didn’t work very well and to the best of my knowledge, no adjustments have yet been made to the clocks or the calendars in terms of adding more me or dates to accomplish everything, so I’ll just do what I’ve always done. The best I can with what I’ve got in the me I’ve got to do it! It’s Kool To Drink Healthy Of course havRENT A FREEZER FULL OF ICE ing Ace here in FOR YOUR WEEKEND PARTY the office really helps as he is fantas c with graphics, computers and prin ng in general and is teaching me a lot about the programs that I need to do this job and pu ng me on the right path. I’ve said before OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon - Fri 10 to 7 ! Sat - Sun 10 to 5 “When this gets to be just a job and stops being fun, I’m out of here!” I meant it and so far the fun has just begun! We’re all looking to get back out there and ride. I’m going to try to get out to as many of the adver sed Ride Nights and events as possible throughout the year but it could take a while as there are lots of them. Some like Lore o Tavern on Thursdays that are local won’t be much of a challenge but I’m going to try and venture
Retro Vintage Helmets Parts and Accessories
Cruising With Critter I have some of our contributors wri ng a brief overview of things going on in their specific and relevant areas. Such as Riding The Southwest which covers the Windsor, Leamington, Chatham, Sarnia district, as well as Beau up O awa way and Rossaire in the Niagara Region and I con nue plug along with Cruising with Cri er and so on and will eventually include other areas of the Province as I find appropriate representa ves in those areas. I am commi ed to doing this as we are The Riders Mag and represent riders to the best of our ability. This isn’t meant to be anything more than an overview and isn’t a plug fest or a pla orm for charity rides who don’t see the need to adver se in order to a ract biker support or shops just wan ng a free plug but a spot where our writers can men on an adver sed ride night, a great party or some event or happening that effects the Biker community in that area without having to write a whole ar cle to it. We support the Biker Community and have done for years but we in turn need support to keep things going and con nue to do what we do. We will be there for you as long as we can afford to do so and we cover events and go places that
no other publica on does. Our writers are real bikers from the real Biker Community in those areas. We have been to your weddings, funerals
Cruising With Critter and par es over the years. We have eaten and drank with you, shared good mes and bad together. We are your Magazine. We have never been afraid to state our views that could never be described as Poli cally correct and never shied away from controversy or taking a stand that other publica ons wouldn’t even touch upon. One of the things that stuck in former Publisher, JR.’s craw was the chari es who expected the Mag to adver se for free and provide coverage because they feel that their charity is more worthy of support than others that do adver se or whatever. They will spend big money on flyers and such and we’ve seen them pay for adver sing elsewhere that doesn’t even reach the core group that they want to a ract that the Riders Mag does reach and expect us to do it for free. Freedom isn’t free. It is a free Magazine in that you can pick it up for free. Read Free – Ride Free is our slogan but our costs are real. Adver sing isn’t free! We get the material for the Mag, print The Mag along with Province wide (And Beyond!) distribu on and everything else that goes along with crea ng a publica on that goes out to 25,000 loyal readers 10 months of the year. Many really understand that The Riders Mag is the perfect vehicle for their adver sing to reach the audience they want and adver sing in The Riders Mag works and we wish to thank each and every one of you, as should the readers as it is you who makes this possible. Others don’t get it and perhaps never will and I’m not going to try and explain it to them because as the saying goes; “If you have to explain they won’t understand.” and to them I say look to other publica ons that exist in your World. Support Your Local Riders Mag. See you out there!
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Ladies and their Harley’s
This month’s feature gal is Sue the Undertaker, yup you didn’t misread that she’s an undertaker and if the weather had been be er than the brutally rainy day we had on our southwest trip this past April Sue had asked that we do the shoot at her place of work where she is a funeral director and a hearse driver and she did send us a picture of the bike and the hearse together when she applied to be one of our ladies and their Harleys. Of course we rolled into Windsor on a gorgeous Saturday having done three shoots in the previous 24 hours en route to Windsor and when I got a hold of our Tim he assured me that the weather was to be perfect the following day although our arrival at the hotel and a check of the local weather for Windsor Detroit told a different story, but who knows maybe he knew something
that we didn’t? We had done a shoot down by the river earlier in the day in the pouring rain and cold and headed over to the restaurant for a bite to eat before we set out for the next shoot mid a ernoon, shortly before we prepared to head out I received an email from Sue asking to change the loca on of the shoot from the previously agreed upon spot to a new address which was her home. Of course Tim has an encyclopedic knowledge of Windsor and before I could Google the address and punch up new direc ons he said oh yeah that’s like 5 blocks from my house and it was also about 25 minutes closer to our hotel than the
Ladies and their Harley’s
previous spot so we hung in the hotel room a li le longer watching the rain pour outside the window hoping we would catch a break. Well luck was with us this day, as we arrived at the address the rain tapered off and I had kicked off the interview in the garage and when the rain stopped Sue pulled the bike into the driveway and we got the pics done, while Sue and I talked up her story in the driveway it started to rain again and I told her to get it inside cause it was coming and it did pour, apparently Tim was in the truck outside saying the sun was gonna break through any second, oops, never happened. Sue and her guy had been riding on his big old metric cruiser style bike for a while when he decided that he wanted an upgrade to a Harley and with the help of his brothers who live down Toronto way he found himself a nice late model FL and Sue really got to enjoy their rides together, so much so that she started to talk about having a bike of her own and so it was back to the brothers in Toronto and this 2002 gently rode sporty with only about 6000 kms on it was located and they set out with the trailer to check out the bike and just maybe buy it. By this me Sue had a ended the riding classes at St. Clair college in Windsor and had her second stage motorcycle license and was anxious to get herself onto a bike and get riding as she had met many on her rides about with her guy and of course she had met a number of lady riders over at the college while doing the learn to ride course that most new riders take these days. The bike was purchased and last season was her first riding her new ride and the threw their two bikes into the trailer and headed down to Myrtle beach in May of last year to do some riding at their famous bike week. This came hot on the heels of a ride out to Port Dover in April for her first Friday the 13th ride which she said was a one day ride riding to Dover and back all in one day which was exci ng. While in Myrtle
beach she added some LED lights to her bike and also added a windshield to help out with the longer rides keeping the wind and bugs off of her and she also picked up that snazzy set of bags on the back along the way and she says that the grips and pegs came off anther bike that belonged to a friend of her husband’s and she thought they looked sharp and he was upgrading so they were added to her bike. She says that she was having a blast riding her new bike a er many years of passengering and she had hooked up with what she described as a girl gang of riders who got together on Thursdays which conveniently was her day off and went riding. She was having the me of her life and was already a very confident rider and considering upgrading to a big twin, a so ail deluxe to be specific because one of her gal pals was riding one and she saw a sweet looking used one over at Robinsons in Wheatly when the worst news she could imagine came to her. July of last year her husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer and many brutal treatments were foisted upon him and he seemed to get worse rather than be er. He wasn’t given much me and hated the hospital and treatments so he decided to explore other more holis c methods of treatment as the chemo was not working out to well. She actually showed me some pics of him a er his ini al treatments here and a more recent picture since he started paying for treatments over the river, and he definitely looked much be er. Having had direct experience in my own family a number of mes now in my own life me and also having met a number of readers of the mag who have been afflicted with this insidious disease the prognosis is never good but it always helps to keep a posi ve a!tude and live life to the fullest, having said that Sue says they have taken a number of impromptu trips recently a er his treatments heading to Nashville for a weekend and another to Chicago. He was feeling so good on that beau ful day that we arrived in Windsor that weekend that she said he went for a ride on his bike which I know always makes you feel just that much be er ge!ng out and feeling the wind on your face and the freedom of the ride. They did a fundraiser last fall to help defray the costs of his treatments and Sue says the community came together and raised an amazing $12,000 towards his treatments and hope that if things con nue to go as well as they have been recently to do a ride some me this year in support of this lovely gals husband. And if she ever gets around to ge!ng that So ail deluxe that she wants so badly I told her to give us a shout and maybe the weather will be be er some future year and we might be able to get out to that place she works and do another shoot. For right now she says she is thinking posi ve and doing everything she can for her Harleys
Motorcyco Beau Well I guess it was only a ma er of me before Spring would finally come around to bless the eastern townships, but the truth is it seemed like it was never going to get here because things would clean up and then another snow dump but it looks like it is here to stay, what a difference from last year where we were on the road by St. Pa y’s Day. Just a li le over a week ago I went down to Toronto along with several of my brothers, to a end the motorcycle/ ta oo show in Toronto, and for most of the trip down to Hog town, the main topic of discussion was about how much snow we s ll had on the ground and how there was no snow anywhere for the last hundred miles or so of our trip. Coming down to this show was a well deserved opportunity to us to get out and breathe in the smell of new leathers, old swap and to hook up with some long me friends. Cri er & I had a chance to talk over my finally deciding to write a monthly column for the Mag, and for providing me with the chance to reach out to all the motorcycle riders in E. Ontario with more informa on on what is taking place in their community and about some of the special people who make it all happen and hopefully over me I will be able to bring more of what is going on in the Eastern Ontario area that local riders may want to follow or even par cipate in. One event that is coming up on April 27th, will be the official kick-off of the month of May being proclaimed Biker Awareness Month by the Mayor of O awa. A number of city buses will have signs affixed to their backs reminding drivers
from the Far East.... Ontario that is!
to pay a en on and be aware of motorcyclists that share the road with them and along with the buses there will be a number of automated signs throughout the city that will flash the message to automobile drivers to remain aware of motorcycle riders and to share the road and keep them safe. I want to men on at this me that while some corporate companies were contacted to ask them to par cipate in the awareness campaign the only one that did was Canadian Tire, but while we had hoped they would do something local like print on the back of receipts for people to watch out for bikers, they choose to try and do it across the province, so I take my hat off to CTC for their response. The whole awareness campaign is the brain-child of a group local to O awa called S.O.A.R (Society of O awa Area Riders) where a number of people represen ng a wide spectrum of the motorcycle communi es gather and try and make things safer & be er for those who ride. Some of those who sit on the board of S.O.A.R have been involved in the poli cs of the biker community for years and projects like having May declared Biker Awareness Month and giving out bumper/window s cker and other promo onal items to promote rider safety are just some of the efforts they are involved in. I sit on the board S.O.A.R represen ng the Riders Mag as well as Motorcyco Beau’s and along with great people like Rusty Godin for The Cel c Brotherhood, the “lovely” Dora Di, for the Motor Maids, Mike “Boz” Bossio, from O.R.R.A. ( Ontario Road Riders Associa on) and Derek “Wrench” Pitcher from Eagle Custom Chopper and many, many others from local area riding clubs or groups including the Bikers Church and the O awa River Riders. Hopefully the gods of weather will give us a great day and allow riders to come by and show their support for this ini a ve. In the O awa area the real sign that spring will have arrived is the Capital City Bikers Church’s Swap Meet & Info Day that will take place this year onMay 4th at their church on Carillion Street, in the Vanier sector of east end O awa. For many years this swap meet that the church provides is free both to vendors and visitors and their swap meet is a place where most people come to hoping to maybe get rid of some of the parts le! over from winter builds and to hunt for treasure before they officially hit the road on their bikes. I actually think that most people a end this event simply because it is their first real chance to socialize with all their riding buddies and to find out what is happening as far as events and poten al road trips for the upcoming
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Motorcyco Beau season. Along with vendors dealing in swap there is a large number of motorcycle/biker organiza ons some of whom I men oned earlier and they a end the show as an opportunity to provide the biker community with all sorts of useful informa on. Groups including The Cel c Brotherhood, S.O.A.R., Motor Maids, The O awa River Riders and of course, The Rider’s Mag where we are always doing our best to keep you informed and where we will be handing out copies of The Riders Mag to many of those who stop by to say Hello! The month of May will also see a number of area cruise nights that con nue throughout the whole summer begin their season, most notably the Sunday cruise night at Denny’s in the South Keys, Gillard’s cruise night on Hwy 2 east of Morrisburg on Thursday nights and the Wednesday cruise night at Rideau Carleton Raceway, all of which are brought to you by TCB. A few weeks back I had the pleasure of a ending a Retread’s Breakfast in Morrisburg and was felt quite a home in a group where you have to be at least 40 yrs old to belong...and the 40 yr olds are the “kids” of the group. I had the pleasure of si ng beside two lovely ladies who were not only charming but one of them is a young 88 yrs old and her and I had a great me trading stories and somewhere during the conversa on we decided that she would be my “cougar” much to the great amusement of all those nearby who got to par cipate in our conversa on. I have always said that bikers have more fun than regular people do and all the folks at this breakfast certainly proved me right. If you are over 40 and looking for great people to ride with and for going on runs with, try finding a local Retreads chapter in your area because if they are anything like the folks in Eastern Ontario Retreads...You will truly enjoy yourself. There is a lot going on this summer in the east and I am hoping that this monthly column will allow the Mag & myself to reach out and bring the biker communi es together and I also hope that whenever you see me at any of the cruise nights, charity runs or any other event, you will come by and say hello and if you know of any shows or events that I am not aware of, you will let me know. It will take me a li le bit of me to get the hang of wri ng
from the Far East.... Ontario that is!
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from the Far East.... Ontario that is!
a column that covers the broad spectrum of what is going on in our community but that is the type of thing that we are focused on here at the Mag, we don’t just want to tell you where to go or what to buy or just make you laugh at the pages of jokes, we want to help riders get important informa on that directly relates to their lifestyle and whether it is about legal issues, discrimina on or just where to go for a good me in the upcoming 4728 Egremont Dr. Strathroy, ON ( 15 min. west of London ) weekend, we want to help you get the best out of what makes our lifestyle the greatest. One more thing that I would like to ask of all the riders in the Eastern Ontario region is that if you know of any businesses that have shown you to have gone out of their way to support the motorcycle community where you live, please take the me to let me know who they are and what they do that makes you feel they go that extra mile to make bikers feel welcome. We have to learn the power of our lifestyle because when you consider all the money that bikers contribute to just by all the countless charity rides & events that go on all across Ontario let alone Canada and the U.S., we make a difference and we deserve to be recognized for our par cipa on in the society SATURDAY, JULY ULY 2 20, 0, 2 2013 01 we live in. I Guess I had be er Cargill Community munity Centre stop here because when I start ge ng poli cal about being a buddies all reach for the Tylenol 2’s and everyone starts looking for the exit door. Thank you for all your support and I look forward to mee ng more of you out on the road this summer!. Brotherhood! ....Beau aka Motorcyco!
Well it’s here and I am so excited with the weather being so agreeable. Riding !me is on the agenda again. Here on the East side of the world it is so great dropping by the hang out spots to see all the regulars. It’s such a great feeling to be able to be part of the fresh air program again. The walls are not always there and I can feel the wind, and the rain. On The Road Again Harley ! BSA ! Norton ! Triumph Just can’t wait to get on the road again. The life I love is making music with my friends. Going places I have never been Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway Insis!ng that the world keep turning our way 12 Carrying Place Road, Trenton, Ont. K8V 3E7 The life I love is making music with Makin music with my (613) 392-8433 friends We’re the best of friends On the road again saved for the very last is- Sunday the holy day-----The Seein’ things that I may never see again. Harley Davidson- because Mark believes this is the one And our way name, people ta oo on their bodies, I do believe that Is on the road again has changed… Mary Dube had a concert in Zephyr on May 4th and we but remains to be would like to say thanks to all who a ended. There were seen…I ‘m looking over a hundred people in the Zephyr Community Centre .In for these ta oos… The Strange and (sometimes) our great province here there are amazing entertainers in but we made Terrible Life of Lorne Campbell, our li le towns. Sunday.. There Satan’s Choice and Hells Angel Biker There is a great Biker couple out of Port Perry, Ron and are bigger more Karren Cross who work with kids from grades 1 to Grade powerful bikes 6. They call themselves the Quaker Earthquakes- Ron is a From but we love these master drummer and his li le drummers took the stage Random Harley’s….But as just and just took the audience to their feet with these young House every biker Canada drummers. Their drumming just seeped into your body with read, Bloody rider no ma er the their rive!ng rhythms. When Ron’s hands went up these bike should have Brutal kids just created some powerful masterpieces. Your eyes their day… And could see the li le hands on the drums, so powerful. Our Check out the Totally biker community is amazing. Riders Mag for Our riders just do not only ride but do amazing things Honest further details… in the community. Isn’t it great being a part of it? I feel The life I love is privileged to be a part of this great family. makin’ music with Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway my friends We’re the best of friends Hope to see all at June is already booked with some great events. The these great EVENTS st Highway of Heroes is on June 1 and that is an exci!ng ride Ride Safe because of the ability to pay tribute to members of our DANNI Canadian Forces. June 15th is the Smoke Out with the Twins pu"ng on a great event. If you love motorcycles, games, great food and the great community that comes with it. This is also an event not to be missed. The music is so amazing! I could say, it’s our CLEARANCE SALE! 20-30% OFF STOREWIDE Season’s coming out party…Hope to see you there… RIDING GEAR SUPERSTORE GREAT SAVINGS Going places I have never been JOE ROCKET, SPEED & STRENGTH. TEKNIC, TOUR MASTER Seein’things that I may Motorcycle Jackets, Pants, Gloves, Helmets, Rain Suits never see again NELSON RIGGS, TALISMAN MOTORCYCLE LUGGAGE TANK BIBS, SADDLEBAGS, TOOLBAGS Mark Richardson has a simple Motorcycle Diary. .He believes HARLEY-DAVIDSON, BATES, BOULET, bikes for every day ; MondayROADIRON, MARTINO BOOTS Kawasaki Ninja 300, TuesdayRiding Goggles, Glasses Patches, Stickers, Biker Pins Electric Bike- Wednesday- Honda Large Selection of T-Shirts & Hoodies and much more CB500- Thursday- BMW-1200 Visit us Online GS- Friday- Victory BoardwalkSaturday- Augusta F4 RR and 2822 HOWARD AVE. WINDSOR, ON 1-800-310-1389
Peter Edwards
we have to repeat everything to men... The husband then turned to his wife and asked, ‘What?’ CREATION A man said to his wife one day, ‘I don’t know how you can be so stupid and so beau ful all at the same me. ‘The wife responded, ‘Allow me to explain. God made me beau ful so you would be a racted to me; God made me stupid so I would be a racted to you! ! WHO DOES WHAT A man and his wife were having an argument about
Riding The
Hi Everyone! This month seems to be flying by, now that warm weather is finally here. Ok there seems to be some confusion 430 Snyders Road East about what is going on down here with Baden, ON N3A 2V7 Mag. Tim Armstrong is the SouthTel: (519) 634-9138 Ext 224 western Ontario Rep as he has always Fax: (519) 634-9209 been. He is much respected in this Is Proud to Introduce part of the Province and has dedicated much me and effort to the task for The 2013 Iron Horse Line years. Bob, who is also very respected of Motorcycle Trailers in the motorcycle Community will be a very valuable asset to mag, and myself The Widebody are contribu ng writers and work in a of The Widebody concerted effort to represent this area, as it can be a big job for one person at mes. I would like to thank all our readers for their support of the recent swap meet, we hope to add Adam to our list of adver sers, a endance was high and the Mags were flying of the shelf, and we ran out by the end of the show. Things are picking up this month, there are lots of Charity Rides going on and we would only too pleased to provide WWW.IRONHORSETRAILERS.COM them with adver sing space at our Charitable Rates as we don’t do free lis ngs. The SUPPORT THE TROOPS BASH is back, on June 29th , this is the 6th annual hosted by the London chapter of the Falcon’s M.C. Veterans Canada ,this is a great party and always a good me, check out their add here for info. In conjunc on The Run to the Wall by the Northwall Riders is June 30th complete with Bar-b-q at the legion branch 143, located at 1570 Marente e, you can check out their site at northwallridersassocia These are a must a end events that the mag has been suppor ng as long as I can remember, a er all, the troops have earned and deserve our support, so come on out + Freight and ride to show them we care. I would like to thank Randy at Robinsons cycle for submi"ng his ar cle on the proper handlebar height ,if you’re Well deadline time looms! I’m always thinking, “what looking for a good used Harley or accessories for your bike am I gonna write about”? Well not to fear! As soon as this is the place to shop and don’t forget he has six nice my fingers hit the keys they are off and running. So many Harley trikes just wai ng for a new home. thoughts, so li le mag space. Nash from Leather King always has a deal for our reader’s, This month has really sucked...Mother Nature (the bitch) he supports the mag as well as numerous shows throughmust hate us, been cold, windy, wet...some spring she is out the year so make a point of going to see him on Howard giving us this year! I am presuming she did not get many Ave. and don’t forget to tell him you saw it here. Happy Mother’s Day gi s or cards this year. Len from Trike my Bike is offering $1000 off to our readers There was not a lot of ac vity here in Southwestern because of the great response and to show you adver sing Ontario this month. We maybe got to go out riding a few in The Mag works, when you see our adver sers tell them mes..un l the sun went down anyway. Brrr was the most that you saw it in the Mag common statement of the month. So get out and enjoy the weather, but be safe. The long weekend is upon us. I hope everyone has their Keep the rubber side down Alleycat plans in order. There are many things to do. Go out and
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have fun! Please take note!!! The date for the Biker TV Bash at Duke’s Harley-Davidson in Chatham has changed. The event will actually take place 1 day earlier than reported here last month. Take note that the ride is scheduled for Saturday the 8th of June. Ride with the lovely Angela Lesperance and Canada’s Road Queen Heather Ireland. Starts at Dukes Harley-Davidson in Chatham with registra on between 11 am and noon with diner and live entertainment scheduled at the end of the ride. Three Quarter Stone will be playing live music for your enjoyment. Also involved in this run as supporters are, Dukes Harley Davidson, Robinson Motorcycle, The Dog House, and Advanced Welding. plus others.. Get yourself on TV come and enjoy a great day with many friends. All proceeds from this event will be forwarded to the Victorian Order of Nurses, Chatham Kent. Some folk in Windsor have started a CAN YOU SEE ME NOW ride and is the 2nd year in what organizers are proposing an annual event. June 2 is the date this year. Star ng at Anderson’s Funeral Home on Ouelle e Ave. Par cipating riders will get a black and orange t-shirt with the logo “LOOK TWICE SAVE A LIFE” in bold le ering across it. Bikes will leave the funeral home and partake on a group ride around Windsor spor ng their newly acquired t-shirts then to the Moose Lodge for a er ride fes vi es. Red Devils Show and Shine on June 9th is a must attend event! Bikes were lined up for blocks last year and there were some very unique and beau ful machines in a endance and the crowd as friendly as they come. All are welcome so I will see you there! The Orangeville Legion has their annual Show and Shine coming up June 16th and it is always an enjoyable event with lots of great people to spend a day with.
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Southwest Please register early for your place in the lineup. Info for this event can be had by calling 519-942-4895. Check out their ad and lis ng here in the Mag! A word of caution if you’re riding threw LaSalle this year. There seems to be a young overzealous cop there who thinks everyone’s handlebars are too high for his personal liking. It don’t seem to ma er to him! It sucks but i have heard everyone is ge ng ckets. I know it’s difficult for the working individual but when confronted with a situa on like this don’t just pay the damn cket. It may be the easy way out but it can also be sa sfying to book a days’ vaca on and fight the cket in ques on. if you’re not comfortable represen ng yourself, there are a number of cket defenders out there and they don’t ask for your right nut for payment. That makes me think of the 401 hwy. going through Chatham Kent. Every time there are more than 2 bikes you are sure to be yanked to the side of the road. Usually no tickets issued but the wasted me is crazy! So have cau on when in these areas. I went to court over a speeding ticket issued last March leaving a well-known Wednesday night bike night put on by Essex County Riders. The cop lied and lied and I was found guilty and hit with a cost $403 plus 3 points. I know I was not going as fast as reported..I have since slowed down to a crawl! :-) I would like to wish Mark Woltz a speedy recovery. Mark was admi ed to a local hospital for a rou ne knee opera on and met with some severe complica ons that have become all too common in this area. If anyone can overcome a situa on like this it will be Mark and we here at the Mag wish him a speedy and full recovery. I stopped in a while back to see one of our newer adver sers, Len from Trike my Bike. I found him to be very knowledgeable about bringing bikes from the states and the do’s and don’ts of impor ng motorcycles, as well as many other motorcycle related queries. I definitely will be back to see him and will let you all know what I learn. Have any ques ons or need shinny a ermarket parts and accessories, give him a call. Want to trike your bike? He will gear you up no problem and without breaking the bank. He is located just south of the EC Row expressway on Walker Rd, directly across the street from our friends at Power Cycle or Iggies as everyone knows it. Welcome aboard Len and Trike My Bike! Last on my list today is the «Run To The North Wall”. Come on down to this annual Memorial Ride and show your support for our Troops. The ride starts at the Royal Canadian Legion 555 on Howard Ave on June 30th. Get there early for your place in the ride. Also the night before there is an annual party put on by Falcons M.C. Veterans Canada. Their SUPPORT OUR TROOPS BASH in Essex has been a greatly attended event and food consists of a steak dinner and the “TYLER WILSON BAND” will be on site for your musical enjoyment. All are welcome to partake in this grand bash. Another “must a end” event and you can get all the info by checking out their ad here in The Rider’s Mag. Guardrail
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