The Source Family Issue 258 October 2022

Page 1 Issue 258 | 31 October 2022 WORLD’S FIRST OFF-ROAD ELECTRIC LONGBOARD SKATE PARK Opens in Al Ain 5th November - Free Event ABU DHABI CALENDAR Full Lineup 5 venues including sports and musical performances AL AIN BOOK FESTIVAL
2022 / 2023LEAGUE —

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Dr Saliha Afridi

Lakmee Senadheera Alison Soltani



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نــيعلا ةــقطنم يف مــكاحلا لثمم ناـــيهن لآ دـــمحم نــب نوـــنحط خــــــيـشـلا وـــــمـس ةـــياـــعر تـــــحــت UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HH SHEIKH TAHNOON BIN MOHAMMED AL NAHYAN RULER’S REPRESENTATIVE IN AL AIN REGION يــف يــتاراملإا عادــبلإاو ثارــتلاب ءاــفتحلال دوــعي يذــلا ةــيديلقتلا تاــعانصلاو فرــحلا نــم نــيعلا ةــقطنم ىــلإ ماــعلا اذــه ةــنماثلا رــبمفون ةقاب للاخ نم يتاراملإا ثارتلا ةعور ةيبعش ةيقيسوم ةيتارامإ ةيميلعت ةيبعش You are invited to celebrate the best of Emirati heritage and creativity at the 8th annual Traditional Handicrafts Festival returning to • Workshops • Traditional Food OCTOBER 2022 48 42 34 The Source FAMILY 7
44 The Source FAMILY8

We all struggle with self-doubt from time to time, but some people live with a constant fear that their professional success is a house of cards that could come tumbling down at any moment. They believe that their success is just a series of lucky draws because they are not inherently able or competent, and if and when people find out what they are really capable of - they will be exposed as a fraud. These individuals struggle with what is known as “imposter syndrome”.

Imposter syndrome

The term impostor syndrome was first used by psychologists Suzan na Imes and Pauline Rose Clance in the 1970s. When the concept was first introduced, it was mostly applied to high-achieving women, but since then research has found that many men struggle with im poster syndrome as well. While imposter syndrome is not a formal mental illness or diagnosis, people who struggle with this often also struggle with low self-esteem, low self-worth, as well as more serious difficulties such as depression and anxiety.

Many believe that it is only those who newly enter the workforce or start a new position that struggle

with imposter syndrome, but that is in fact not the case. Imposter Syndrome does not have to do with one inherent ability; it is mostly re lated to how one feels about them selves. The more successful a per son is, the more likely they will feel that they are posing or acting in their role. No matter how well they do at work, and how much praise or positive feedback they receive, the idea that they are capable and successful cannot be digested or in ternalized.

What causes Imposter Syn drome?

Individuals who struggle with im poster syndrome can come from

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households where there was a high value placed on achievement. This could be that the parents ex pected a lot from their children or the parents themselves were high ly successful. Having success be an anchor within a family could result in a person feeling like they don’t measure up to the explicit or im plicit standards set for them. The opposite is also true, where some with imposter syndrome come from families that did not have an yone in positions seen as tradition ally successful, so who they are and where they come from, feels very different from the role or po sition they hold today.

Mainly a result of their family dy namics and societal messages about success and who is capable of it, most individuals with impost er syndrome have very high stand ards for themselves and anything less than perfect is considered not worthy and not able. They have in ternalized messages from their up bringing that their self-worth and their self-esteem is dependent on and defined by worldly achieve ment and success, so a lot of en ergy is aimed at maintaining their position and proving that they are worthy of acceptance, apprecia tion and admiration.

Since there is so much pressure to achieve external success, they are less likely to focus on their in ternal life, which would include self-awareness and a realistic eval uation of ones one’s talents and abilities. The older they get, the further they stray from their true self, and the less realistic they are about the expectations they set for themselves.

The familial context and their per fectionistic tendencies are exacer bated by social comparison, which is amplified in today’s world by social media. These individuals will compare themselves, along with their very loud and present inner struggles, with filtered and curat ed snapshots of people who ap pear to ‘have it all together.’

How one can relate to the imposter syndrome?

While I would love to suggest a 30 day program to getting rid of the imposter, unfortunately under standing and healing those parts of you takes a bit longer. You have to travel internally to those parts of you that developed in child hood which linked your value and worth with your achievement. On this journey you will need to con front your fears of being reject ed and abandoned, and you will need to heal the parts of you that are laden with shame.

Where does one start in doing the work and the healing associated with the imposter syndrome?

Consider your inner world as con sisting of many parts. We all have parts of us that are confident, he roic, and whole while having parts that feel vulnerable, victim-like, and fragmented. All parts exist in all of us, some louder than oth ers. There are times where you feel fully in control of your power, and other times you feel like it is a struggle to find your footing. So, even if there is a part of you that feels like an imposter, know that it is only a part of you. It is not the totality of who you are.

“The wound is where the light enters” - Don’t resist the impost er, welcome it as you have a real dialogue with it. You weren’t born like this but developed this part of you because you felt that your sense of self was determined by your accomplishments.

This part of you came about to protect you and make sure you al ways put your best foot forward. However, it is no longer serving you. And usually, the parts that help us in one phase of our life can hold us back in another. Once you understand the origins of the im poster and realize that its pointing towards the parts of you that are

unhealed, you can work on healing them, as well as learning the les sons and thanking this part of you that helped you get this far in life. The more you heal, the less power the imposter has, letting you move more and more into your power.

Develop a relationship with the im poster. We might never be able to totally rid of this part, however, we can learn to relate to it and keep it in check. Use the following ques tions to try to understand where it came from, and how it is telling you about what you need to heal.

• What am I afraid of really? What is the worst that can happen?

• What are my gifts and talents?

• Where in my life do I not feel like an imposter?

• When you hear the voice telling you that you are an im poster - listen closely, whose voice is it?

• If your friend or a child came to you with similar concerns, what would you tell them?

• What would happen if you accepted that you are ‘act ing’ a part until you can fully inhabit it?

Imposter syndrome is essential ly a part of you that is afraid that the authentic self will be rejected and abandoned. When someone is struggling with this issue, they have so much of their focus and attention on keeping appearances that they forget to check in with themselves about what their truth really is.

The lens with which they view the world becomes so corrupted that they cannot see their own talents and thus, dismiss their own abil ities. While many of us want to quickly rid of this part of us, we may be missing the point. The im poster, if you relate to it as a part of you that is protective, is here to guide you to your wound that needs healing, and eventually, it is here to guide you to your truth.

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Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre reveals new vision and programme for Al Ain Book Festival 2022

The Al Ain Book Festival, formerly known as the Al Ain Book Fair, will return with a new look and pro gramme for its 13th edition taking place from 14-20 No vember 2022.

Under the new slogan “All Eyes on Al Ain”, for the first time the Festival will take place across five landmark sites in the city of Al Ain in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The Festival will celebrate Al Ain’s rich cultural herit age and the inspiring work of Emirati and Arab writers,

creatives, and intellectuals past and present.

The diverse events programme will bring Emirati stories to life through live music, poetry, panel discussions, publisher showcases, workshops, sports events, and installations for everyone of all ages to enjoy.

The first winners of the Ar abic Language Centre’s new international poetry prize, “Kanz Al Jeel” The Treasured Sayings Award, will receive their awards on 16 Novem ber as part of the Festival pro gramme.

Abu Dhabi - 31 October 2022. Under the patron age of His Highness Sheikh Tahnoun bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, The Ruler’s Rep resentative in the Al Ain re gion, the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre, part of the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi, has announced that the 13th edition of the Al Ain Book Festival (AABF), previously known as a ‘Book Fair’, will take place from 14 to 20 No vember. For the first time, the event will occur across five sites in Al Ain including the Hazza bin Zayed Stadi

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um, Zayed Central Library, Qasr Al Muwaiji (Muwaiji Fort), Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa, and the UAE Uni versity.

Under the slogan ‘All Eyes on Al Ain’, the event will return to the city, known as the birthplace of the Founding Father of the UAE, the capital’s ‘garden city’ and home to the UAE’s first UNESCO World Herit age Sites. With a renewed mission to not only shine a light on Al Ain’s heritage and Emirati culture, but also to nurture a culture of reading, the Festival will celebrate the work of Emi rati and Arab writers, cre atives, and intellectuals, both past and present.

Through a transformed events programme, span ning literature, perfor mance, music, film and sport, the Festival will bring Emirati stories to life and celebrate the Arabic lan guage in all its forms. Sto ries and voices from be yond the UAE will also be celebrated in the ambitious programme.

The Abu Dhabi Arabic Lan guage Centre (ALC), which

is leading the organisation of the multi-site event with the support of its sponsors including its strategic part ners, the Al Ain Club and Al Ain University, media part ner the Abu Dhabi Media Company, and logistics spon sor, Tawzea Distribution & Logistics Services, is part of the Centre’s wider mission to preserve Arab heritage, promote the development of the Arabic language, and equally to deliver ambitious events that support the cre ative and cultural industries in the UAE.

Dr Ali bin Tamim, Chairman of ALC, said: “The new spir it of the Al Ain Book Festival departs from the traditional role of book fairs as primar ily platforms for buying and selling books, in favour of a distinctly interactive cultur al celebration that shines a light on Emirati culture and creativity. The Festival will be open to everyone with a special focus on young people, and the newly ex panded visitor offering will showcase the work of Arab writers, artists and creatives that enrich our society to day.”

Acting Executive Director of ALC, said: “This year’s Al Ain Book Festival will en gage a community of read ers in a much more diverse and dynamic way, encap sulating a new chapter for the annual event. Reaffirm ing the central position of Al Ain on the cultural map, the festival will welcome 110 exhibitors and poten tially more than 35,000 vis itors to different locations across the city. As part of the festival’s long tradition of promoting literature and culture, the event will cele brate the heritage, writing and language of the UAE and Arab world.”

A Multi-Site Festival Programme

Across the multi-site Fes tival, visitors can expect a huge range of events and activities designed for all tastes and age groups. Pan el discussions, live music, shows and performanc es, seminars, workshops, sports activities, and herit age events will all provide a unique platform to explore all areas of Emirati culture and creativity.

Bait Mohammed bin Khalifa, one of the five key sites that will be activated for AABF 2022.

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The Hazza Bin Zayed Sta dium will serve as the hub of the festival, hosting a multi-faceted Children and Youth Programme and a dynamic Arts Programme, as well as the all-important Publisher wings - an inspira tional showcase of publish ing in the Arab world today.

The stadium will host 70 performances, including folk and heritage shows that highlight the beauty of popular music around the world, as well as dance and comedy shows. Visitors can expect to see and hear the Syrian, Dubai-based hand pan player Anas Alhalabi, and Emirati, Egyptian, and Omani folklore brought to life at the stadium.

A series of 49 cultural semi nars will be hosted across four Festival locations as part of the cultural programme. Dis cussion topics spanning her itage, family, children, sport, history, arts, sustainability, literature and poetry will offer something for all age groups and levels of expertise. Some of the questions to be ex plored across the cultural pro gramme, include ‘What do we mean by the concept of youth empowerment?’; ‘Does the art of fiction come with train ing or talent?’; and ‘What is behind representations of the Emirati burqa in popular cul ture?’

Qasr Al Muwaiji will also host one of the Festival’s highlight programmes, the “Sung word: The Eleven Poets of Al-Ain”

to celebrate the legacy of Nabati poetry and timeless sung poems, famous locally and across the Arab world. Thanks to cultural phenom ena such as the TV Pro gramme the Million’s Poet, the oral tradition of Nabati poetry dates back to the 14th century, and has be come increasingly popular today. The Festival will spot light young and veteran tal ent inspired by Al Ain’s great poets.

Children & Young People During the seven-day Festi val, young people, families and children will discover
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more than 200 activities, designed to inspire creativ ity and innovation, ranging from arts and crafts work shops to storytelling, pup pet shows and science and engineering projects. The Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium and Zayed Central Library in particular will offer pro grammes geared towards the younger generation.

Visitors will discover spec tacular kinetic installations which recreate prominent fictional characters from Emirati and ancient Arab folklore, such as Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, the magical Coconut Tree, the Bird Beast, and Sea Giant. Audiences will be invited to get the full character expe rience with the use of aug mented reality and discov er the hidden details that complete the story of each protagonist.

Qasr Al Muwajji, one of the five key sites that will be activated for AABF 2022.
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A programme dedicated to Arab cinema will show case young emerging Emi rati filmmakers and offer workshops and discussions such as Creative Writing for children’s films, and how to reach audiences in non-commercial cinema, led by renowned film direc tors and creatives such as Nujoom Alghanem and Nas ser Al Dhaheri.

The Wider Programme

As part of ALC’s wider pro gramme of cultural initia tives, the Festival programme champions current and future talent across the cultural and creative industries, and aims to foster a widespread culture of reading.

The Zayed Central Library, will notably host the “Kanz Al Jeel” (Treasured Sayings) Award Ceremony on 16 November to honour the winners of the first edition of this initiative launched earlier this year by the ALC. Across six prize cate gories aimed at poets, writers, translators, and scholars, the

Award celebrates the legacy of the increasingly popular oral and literary tradition of Nabati poetry.

The Festival will also host an event to mark the launch of a long-term partnership be tween the ALC and the UAE University. The multi-facet ed collaboration will pro mote knowledge and skills sharing, including educa tional initiatives and cultur al events

Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium, one of the five key sites that will be activated for AABF 2022.
The Source FAMILY18
COME AS A STRANGER, LEAVE AS A FRIEND! !قيدــصك انرداغ ، بيرـغك انرز نلآا انوروزVisit Us Now #HOMEOFFRESHNESS

AL AIN ENGLISH SPEAKING SCHOOL Opens new automotive garage

Al Ain English Speaking School is cele brating the opening of its brand new au tomotive garage at the school! Yes, you read that correctly! Not satisfied with just delivering the academics, Executive Principal, Andrew Thomas said, “We are looking at expanding the wider curricu lum for our students, both in school time and in our extra curricular activity pro gramme.

I think it’s invaluable to give our students such opportunities as these outside of the normal academic programme”. The garage, which is fully functional with all the tools and equipment that you would expect to find, including an inspection pit, is teaching the students the basics of changing tyres and oil, as well as car maintenance. However, there are some bigger projects afoot. Principal of the Secondary School, Zaheer Abass added, “We are very excited with our tuk tuk project.

Over the course of the next year, stu dents will be involved in making 3 tuk tuks which will be used by our sites and buildings team, to help them move heavy equipment easily and with speed around

the school. Plus, the students will get to see their work in action”. Students from Year 6, have already started learn ing about how engines work, as well as being able to literally get their hands dirty, by working on our cars.

Thomas added, “Mr Jordan who is run ning this department has produced some lovely ideas and concepts within this area and we are excited to see how far we can really push it”. The school intends to also build sand buggies with the students, and enter into national and international competitions for en gineering and technology

Students at the school are very excited by this concept and opportunity, allow ing them to learn valuable life skills as well as the technical components of, where we have such a high volume of students here already since opening”.

As a result of their win, Marni and Se bastienne will now cook a three course dinner for the runners-up.

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A spending trigger is any emo tion, place or circumstance that tempts you to spend more than you are comfortable with. Simply knowing your triggers can help you better plan your budget and save more money, as well as create more peace of mind. If you can develop hab its to put some space between the trigger and the action of spending, you give yourself a chance to resist temptation and feelings of regret. Here are 7 common spending triggers you may face as an expat and tips to deal with them:


One of the most common triggers for expats is home sickness. It may be when you first make the move, the cul ture shock and over whelm could cause excessive spending in an effort to simu late home comforts. It could be that you tend to buy prod ucts imported from your home country, even though your host country might produce a similar prod uct at a cheaper price. Alter natively, it could be following a particular season or event back home – maybe you miss the cooler weather, or a fami ly member has a baby.

How to deal with 7 common expat spending triggers

Feeling homesick from time to time is completely nor mal, but if you are pining for home too often and it’s af fecting your daily life, it might be worth speaking with a trusted friend or therapist. Impulse spending because of feelings of homesick ness can be counter-intui

Alison Soltani
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tive, particularly if you moved abroad to save money for your future back home. You will probably end up feeling worse after the spending. Immersing yourself in the new culture and taking social media breaks can help ease homesickness. Look for the positives in the place where you currently live and immerse yourself in life there. Remind yourself of the reasons you moved – focusing on your goals can help shift your mind set.


Like homesickness, loneliness can be a difficult feeling to cope with as an expat. It takes time and effort to forge new friend ships. A temptation when you move to a new country can be to attend every possible event, draining your financial resourc es quickly. Or if you are dealing with culture shock, you might retreat from social interaction and overspend online to com pensate. Either way, loneliness can be difficult to cope with and using spending to escape the feeling isn’t healthy.

However, you do need to so cialise to make friends, so how can you develop friendships without spending all your money? Seek out activities within your interests so that you spend money on things that you value. You could call or message a friend when you feel lonely. Once you start getting to know people, in itiate meetups that require less spending, such as inviting people to your house or look ing out for free or inexpensive events. Don’t be afraid of set ting boundaries – if something is out of your budget, offer an alternative.

Fear of missing out (FOMO)

As an expat, everything is ex citing, new, and novel. You may have a limited time –perhaps you are planning to spend two or three years abroad. This can lead to FOMO as you try to cram every expe rience imaginable into your time overseas. You should aim to enjoy your time as an expat but overstretching yourself fi nancially is not worth it. Once debt spirals out of control, you may not be able to return home until you’ve paid if off. Paying for holidays and expe riences on credit will always end up costing you more than the original price in interest and fees if you don’t pay it off immediately.

A remedy for this is to plan your budget carefully. Ensure you have a robust emergency fund and save for experienc es and holidays. Even though you may feel that your time is limited, two years is a long time, and you can spread ex periences out over the period you are planning to stay in the UAE. Perhaps budget for one costly activity each month and spend the rest of the time do ing inexpensive or free things. You could write a list of all the things you want to do as an expat and put them in or der of priority. Work your way down the list and if you can’t do everything, at least you will know you experienced the things most important to you. The holiday that never ends… Like FOMO, holiday mindset is common amongst expats in the UAE. The continuous good weather, better salaries and benefits and less stress ful work life can often lead to

the feeling of constantly being on holiday. Of course, this isn’t always the case, and everyone’s situation is unique, but the op portunity to lounge by a hotel pool every day after work is not available to many people in their home countries. This could encourage a more relaxed atti tude to spending and budgeting – perhaps harmless in the short term, but over time, staying in the holiday mindset will destroy your savings and your credit score.

A more carefree attitude can be a refreshing escape from the drudgery of the rat race back home. It’s important to enjoy the lifestyle in your host coun try; however, it’s also sensible to retain healthy money routines. Some solutions could include transferring money into savings on payday, automating bill pay ments including paying off your credit card in full every month and tracking your spending reg ularly so you know where your money is going.

Societal Expectations

Societal expectations can spark unnecessary spending no matter where you live - resident, citizen, or expat, no one is entirely free from this spending trigger. Com panies spend billions on adver tising and for good reason – the psychology works! Advertising, the media, even well-meaning family and friends, can influence us to spend on certain things by placing expectations on us. They make you feel that you lack something and purchasing an item will make you happy. Most of the time the promise is emp ty, and we end up feeling low again, so spend more money. This vicious circle often means less money and happiness for us.


For expats, this might look like people expecting regular photos of your ‘adventures abroad’ or assumptions that as you don’t pay income tax, you therefore must be rich. It might be an expec tation to travel somewhere every school holiday or go to brunch every weekend. It could be the belief that you must send your children to a certain school or live in a specific location, all of which may be out of your budget range.

This trigger is tricky to over come as it’s so deeply in grained in all of us – after all, the average person is exposed to 4000-10,000 ad vertisements every day. One of the best shots you have of testing whether you truly desire something or wheth er you are succumbing to someone else’s expectation is to create a space between impulse and behaviour. De pending on your favoured method of overspending, you could write a note and attach it to your credit card with some questions that you must answer before using the card or keep something for seven days in your Ama zon cart before purchasing. Doing a no spend challenge can be useful to give yourself a reset on your spending and keeping a gratitude journal can be an effective reminder of all the great things you al ready have in your life.


When you move abroad, a lot of the busyness of life can disappear overnight. Maybe you had a lot of family obli gations to keep up with or drama among your friends.

If you had a large network of people or social commitments keeping you busy, it can feel like a dramatic change. You can find yourself bored for the first time in a long time and this can often lead to overspending.

Instead of spending to fill the time, consider this a blessing. You finally have time to com plete that project you started four years ago but didn’t have the time to see through, or work on a hobby or skill that you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be costly – it could be anything from practising a musical in strument to running to callig raphy. Ask yourself before you spend – are you spending just simply to fill the time or is the expense fulfilling to you?


Stress is a big spending trig ger for many people. The idea that spending can help allevi ate stress and anxiety is why the term ‘retail therapy’ was coined in the 1980s. Ironically, overspending increases stress levels rather than making you feel better. It can help in the moment – inducing feelings of contentment, excitement, and relaxation. The feeling asso ciated with having something new can give you the guise of escaping your problems and having a new start. That is until you get the credit card bill and realise you have to pay for your impulses.

Plus, once the euphoria of nov elty has worn off, we return to our baseline happiness level –so, if you were stressed before, be prepared to continue feeling stressed unless you have dealt with the root cause of your heightened anxiety. You may have to deal with the addition

al emotion of regret for your purchases, especially if you didn’t truly want them in the first place. Remember that once you purchase some thing, you take responsibility for it – storing it, maintaining it, cleaning it, and paying for it.

So, how can we combat the urge to stress-spend? I find the ‘if-then’ formula works well for this scenario. When you are feeling calm and stable, decide on some po tential scenarios and give yourself an instruction – ‘if I have a stressful day at work, then I will take a bath and call my mum’ or ‘if I feel anxious about the future, then I will write in my gratitude journal’. If you feel stressed or anxious a lot of the time, speaking to a therapist would be advisa ble. Otherwise, finding ways to deal with stress that do not involve spending is the only way to prevent indulging in ‘retail therapy’.

This is not exhaustive, and the examples given are just for illustrative purposes. Al though they may not per tain to your circumstanc es, it is worthwhile to take some time to reflect on your spending triggers and devise some solutions that would work for you. These are just general tips and do not re place speaking with a mental health professional if you do feel anxious or stressed. Be coming aware of your spend ing triggers can help you to better budget, manage your money and save more of your hard-earned cash.

The Source FAMILY24 نــيعلا ةــقطنم يف مــكاحلا لثمم ناـــيهن لآ دـــمحم نــب نوـــنحط خــــــيـشـلا وـــــمـس ةـــياـــعر تـــــحــت UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HH SHEIKH TAHNOON BIN MOHAMMED AL NAHYAN RULER’S REPRESENTATIVE IN AL AIN REGION يــف يــتاراملإا عادــبلإاو ثارــتلاب ءاــفتحلال مــكوعدن دوــعي يذــلا ةــيديلقتلا تاــعانصلاو فرــحلا ناــجرهم نــم نــيعلا ةــقطنم ىــلإ ماــعلا اذــه ةــنماثلا هــترود يــف 2022 رــبمفون 20 – 1 ةقاب للاخ نم يتاراملإا ثارتلا ةعور اوفشكتسا :نم ةعونتم ةيبعش نونف • ةيقيسوم تلافح • ةيتارامإ فرح • ةيميلعت شرو • ةيبعش ةمعطأ • ةيثارت تاقباسمو ةطشنأ • ةيفاقث تايلاعفو ضراعم • ةجتنملا رسلأا قوس • ،دادـــــــجلأا ةــــفرــح داــــــفـحلأا رـــــــخـف ايموي ءاسم 11 - ارصع 4 نمو ارهظ 1 – احابص 9 نم نيعلا ،ةراطقلا قوس يـــــــناـــجم لوــــــــخدلا You are invited to celebrate the best of Emirati heritage and creativity at the 8th annual Traditional Handicrafts Festival returning to Al Ain from 1- 20 November 2022. Immerse yourself in the heritage of the UAE with: • Traditional Performances • Concerts • Emirati Handicrafts • Workshops • Traditional Food • Heritage Activities & Competitions • Cultural Exhibitions & Events • Small Family Businesses Crafts of the Ancestors, Pride of the People Daily 9 AM - 1 PM and 4 PM - 11 PM Souq Al Qattara, Al Ain FREE ENTRY

Childproof your car… from messy kids!

Crisp wrappers, old socks, juice cartons and general mud strewn across the car are just some of the issues facing motorists with children.

Those at a loss for how to keep their beloved little ones at bay from ruining the interior of their car while they are inside, are being offered advice on how to childproof their motor and keep it looking as good as new.

The holiday car rental experts from have put together their top tips for keeping cars clean and children happy at the same time.

Among the tips offered are taking off muddy shoes, keeping on top of car cleaning and laying down protective mats in the back seats.

Travelling with children can create some of the most wholesome and important memories, however it can also often lead to a very messy car.

“Our tips to tackle the mess are all very straightforward and quick for busy parents to do during and after any trip out. Things like encouraging kids to take muddy boots and shoes off before they get in the car, to avoiding greasy foods and fizzy drinks.

“The best tip we can offer is to keep on top of any mess. Clearing your car out after every trip will take a matter of minutes. Leave it a few weeks or months and you’ll be cleaning for ages.”

Here are’s tips for keeping your car clean when travelling with children.

Keep food at bay

To avoid sticky patches, crumbs and unavoidable smells, food should be kept away from the car. Motorists who are struggling to keep food away from their little ones on a long trip should monitor the snack choices to those that can be easily cleaned up and create minimal crumbs. Greasy food should also be a no-go.

Remove shoes

Encouraging children to remove their muddy boots and shoes before getting into the car is a huge factor in determining how messy the car can get. Super organised motorists should keep spare bags or plastic sheeting in the boot to place the shoes in whilst in motion.

Rubber mats

Motorists who are missing car mats should purchase some inexpensive rubber mats that can be cut to size and placed on the floor. After each trip, simply knock the dirt off the mats and pop back into place.

Take a bin bag

In order to keep rubbish to a minimum, motorists should always have a bin bag on hand. Children should be encouraged to throw in any empty bottles, wrappers and food waste rather than chucking it on the floor.

Avoid fizzy drinks

Spill a fizzy drink and the sticky marks are almost impossible to get out. Instead stick to water for the kids during long journeys - any spillages will quickly dry and shouldn’t leave any stains.

Balls in the boot

After kicking about balls in the park, motorists should throw the ball in the boot rather than in the back of the car. The same goes for tennis balls or any toys, a box placed in the boot of the car is best used to store all of the essential toys.

Sit on plastic bags

If the kids are about to get in the car soaking wet, sit them on some plastic bags. This will keep the seats dry and put an end to the damp smell that comes with transporting children who have become soggy from the weather outside.

Empty the car

After every journey, empty the car of toys, food and any rubbish. Keep on top of it and it’ll never become an issue again!

The Source FAMILY26

With a lively, dynamic line-up of events, Abu Dhabi is offering countless unforgettable moments this winter that residents and visitors can enjoy with their fami lies. From award-winning Broadway musicals to culi nary festivals, visitors can explore the ultimate desti nation for family fun and entertainment.

The top unmissable family fun events on the Abu Dha bi Calendar this winter are:

Movie Screenings at The Matinee,

The WB™ Abu Dhabi

Until 31 October 2022

Boasting a dive-in theatre where you can watch clas sic Warner Bros. films from the pool, The Matinee restaurant at The WB Abu Dhabi is also keeping the littles ones busy with their favourite cartoons, includ ing Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck.

Abu Dhabi Culinary Season

5 October – 5 December 2022

Across Abu Dhabi

Returning for its fifth edition, Abu Dhabi’s annual cel ebration of food is plating up something to suit every palate with a diverse array of culinary experiences. Take your family on a culinary tour around the world by introducing them to out-of-the-box experiential dining concepts, hidden gems, chef’s tables, and mas terclasses, exclusively curated for Abu Dhabi Culinary Season.

Disney’s The Lion King

16 November – 10 December 2022

Etihad Arena

The landmark Broadway musical Disney’s The Lion King is set to appear in the region for the first time at Etihad Arena. Marking 25 years since its Broadway premier, The Lion King is the most popular stage mu sical in the world, known for offering an unparalleled theatrical experience to families and kids of all ages.

World Cup Fan Zone – Abu Dhabi

20 November – 18 December 2022

Yas Links Abu Dhabi

With a thrilling line-up of family fun entertainment and exciting activations, Abu Dhabi’s flagship fan zone at Yas Links Abu Dhabi will feature interactive foot ball-themed games such as FootPool, an amateur e-sports tournament, retro arcade games and F&B pop-ups from local and homegrown popular eateries.

Mother of the National Festival

9-18 December 2022

Abu Dhabi Corniche

Offering family-friendly fun and cultural awareness, the Mother of the National Festival will return from 9 to 18 December with a jam-packed schedule, featur ing exciting zones and live entertainment, including a performance by Miami Band.


The Junior Marine Biologist Programme at the National Aquarium Abu Dhabi Until 31 December 2022

National Aquarium Abu Dhabi

See your kids step into the role of a ma rine biologist in a guided programme at The National Aquarium Abu Dhabi. Open to children between 5 and 15 years of age, the programme, led by an experienced ed ucator, showcases what professional biolo gists do every day.

For more information on upcoming events on the Abu Dhabi Calendar, go to

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Introducing the All-New Kindle

Now with 300 ppi High-Resolution Display, USB-C Charging, and 2X Storage

The next generation of Kindle de vices are finally here, and Amazon are bringing their customers and book lovers premium features to its most affordable devices to enjoy, all at just the palm of their hands or the size of their pockets!

The launch of the newest model of Kindle, the lightest and smallest of its series, combines premium features with an affordable price, including a 300 ppi high-resolu tion 6-inch display, USB-C charg ing, longer battery life of up to six weeks, as well as 16GB of storage—twice the storage of the previous generation—enough to hold thousands of titles, so you can take your library with you.

Dark mode and adjustable front light provide a comfortable reading ex perience in all conditions, including bright sunlight or no light at all. The device comes packed with customer favorites like X-Ray, which provides important details about people or places mentioned in a book, and a built-in dictionary to quickly look up any word.

Access to Millions of eBooks with a Peace of Mind

Discover a wide range of books, in cluding the latest best sellers on and reading recommendations from the Amazon Book Review. Kindle users can have access to over one million paid and free Kindle eBooks in more than 40 languages including English, Arabic, French, and Hindi.

Users can simply visit the Kindle eBooks store and explore a virtual library of some the latest and pop ular releases across a wide range of genres, authors and release dates.

Additionally, Prime members can read from a rotating selection of thousands of books, magazines, and more—at no additional cost to their Prime membership.

Pricing and Availability

The all-new Kindle will be available starting from October 26 at AED 399 in 16GB and in Black or Denim colors on New fabric covers for Kindle will be available in Black, Rose, Denim, and Dark Emer ald.

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Emirates Natural History Group (ENHG) Al Ain

ENHG is a great way to find out more about Al Ain and its natural history and want to share with more of you!

So what is ENHG? It is one of the oldest interest groups for the public in the UAE. It was founded in 1976 in Abu Dhabi, and over time further chapters have been set up. The Al Ain chapter was established in 1981, so it is now over 40 years old. The ENHG as a whole is under the patronage of H.E. Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak al Nahyan. The focus of ENHG is the natural history of the UAE and Oman, and more specifically to observe, to enjoy, to report and to publish observations of the natural environment.

The core values of the group underpin all our activities. They include the following:

• Enjoying and respecting the environment

• Recording the flora and fauna of UAE and Northern Oman

• Informing on topical issues

• Sponsoring related research

• Inclusion of all members in as many events as possible, regardless of age, ability, expertise or experience

Regular activities include monthly talks on a range of topics, and field trips in the UAE and sometimes across the border into Oman. Our ENHG members have a very wide range of interests, so during the year we try to cover as many of those interests as possible through these talks. The volunteers who organize events and activities on behalf of members have a

broad range of interests and skills, including photography, plants, cultural history, archaeology, geology, astronomy, mammals, arthropods, cartography, reptiles and birds.

ENHG field trips are sometimes to local sites, sometimes further afield. While trip leaders make an effort to provide background information regarding each site, we encourage members to use other resources to discover further details.

Commercially available offroad books are particularly helpful as they include maps and useful tips, for example on safety in the desert.

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Upcoming Trip

Destination: Al Ain Oasis

Trip Duration: approximately 3 hours

Al Ain Oasis is the largest of many that are found in Al Ain. The oasis has many interesting sites which former Al Ain Lifetime membership recipient Phil Iddison developed into an interesting tour. Our very own Areej Jaradat will lead this walk with some slight modifications to the original route. During this trip, Areej will point out interesting structures and plants, discuss the heritage/cultural and natural history of Al Ain Oasis.

Calendar of events for ENHG members includes:

Birdwatching in Al Ain October 01, 2022

Day trip to Jazira, Oman October 22, 2022

Visit to Al Ain Oasis November 05, 2022 Talk on plant photography by

Angela Manthorpe November 8, 2022

ENHG, Al Ain, Annual General Meeting November 8, 2022

Day trip to Hanging Gardens, Oman November 19, 2022

Day trip to Copper Hike, Ras Al Khaimah December 17, 2022

Day trip to A’Dahir, Oman January 14, 2023

Day trip to Khutwa, Oman January, 2023

Hafit tombs/Mezyad Fort TBC Nizwa/Bahla, Oman TBC

Jebel Hafit, Al Ain TBC

* date(s) to be confirmed closer to the time.


New members are always welcome!

ENHG is looking forward to welcoming many new members this year!

We have an email group to keep members informed of all meetings and trips, a Facebook page, and a website where you can find full details of other aspects of ENHG work such as publications. Annual membership fees are just Dhs100 for individuals and Dhs150 for families and couples.

Facebook at: groups/enhgalain


To find out more information and become a member, please send an email to:

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Jotun Paints UAE, the market leader for decorative, protective, and marine paints market in MEIA region, has inaugurated its 13th dealer shop in Al Ain, UAE. The new location will function as an inspiration shop where end users can get first-hand experience of Jotun’s premium paints and textures.

The shop, along with building materials and décor products, has dedicated 80sqm of space exclusively to Jotun where con sumers can see an inspirational display of painted walls as well as choose from a vari ety of painting solutions and colors.

“Jotun is a well-established brand that at tracts customers with its unique, high-qual ity products. Located in a prime location, we will be able to attract many end users as well as customers such as painters and contractors. The space provided will allow our visitors to experience Jotun’s products

and help them make better buying deci sions.” said Yousef Hamad Bin Salem Al Az zani, the shop owner. “We are excited to be opening this new branch and believe it will provide an excellent service to our custom ers.”

Svein Johan Stub, General Manager, Jotun Paints Abu Dhabi added, “Jotun is expand ing its reach within Al Ain and reaching out to both end users and B2B partners. Trust ed dealers such as Al Kaiser form a reliable bridge between us and consumers, and they help serve our customers better. We look forward to this new collaboration and wish Al Kaiser all the best in selling Jotun’s quality paints experience to the people of Al Ain.”

The Jotun Al Kaisar Building Materials and Décor shop is open from 7am to 9pm from Saturday to Thursday and is located behind Emirates Post Office in Al Ain. Visitors can connect with the store at +971 50 868 2573

Jotun Paints Inaugurates New Store in Al Ain in Collaboration with Al Kaisar Building Materials and Décor
The Source FAMILY36’s annual 11.11 sale event is back again this November with incredible savings for customers through a wide range of deals across renowned brands. Taking place for three days from November 1012th at

Stefano Martinelli, GCC Retail Director, Amazon, said: “We’re excited to kick off the end of year shopping season with our 11.11 sale on, offering custom ers the chance to save as they shop deals as well as enjoy additional ways to save through banking partner discounts. For the first time, this year’s sale also gives Prime members in the UAE even bigger benefits to enjoy.”

Exclusive 11.11 benefits and savings for Prime members on

This year, Prime members will get a wide range of exclusive 11.11 sale benefits within their membership allowing them to shop deals and enjoy savings before everyone else, while enjoying additional Prime exclusive discounts. Some of these benefits include access to a selection of top deals from November 1-8th and early access to all sale deals on November 9th, giving Prime members the chance to make the most of all 11.11 deals 24hours before other customers can start shopping. Prime members will also enjoy free international delivery from Amazon US and UK, across Prime eligible 11.11 deals, during the sale.

Customers who aren’t Prime members can sign up for a free 30-day trial on www.ama to be among the first to save on a wide selection of must-have products and explore the full range of Prime mem

bership shopping and entertainment benefits.

Top Early Deals for Prime members on from Nov 1-8th

• Prime members can enjoy a selec tion of top early deals from the Am 11.11 sale from November 1-8th, including:

• Save up to 83% on perfumes from brands including Hugo Boss, La coste, Elizabeth Arden, Calvin Klein, and Davidoff

• Save up to 61% on beauty and per sonal care items from brands in cluding Braun, Philips, Oral B, Lan caster, and TYMO

• Save up to 53% on air purifiers and humidifiers from Levoit

• Save up to 47% on pet products from brands including Sheba, Whiskas, and Mumoo

• Save up to 40% on select services from Amazon Home Services in cluding car rentals, house cleaning, beauty services, dog and cat groom ing, car service packages, moving services, and more. In addition to free virtual consultations on elec tronic, home and kitchen appliance repair services

• Save up to 38% on cooking sets, food processors, air fryers, coffee machines, and more from brands in cluding Tefal, Black+Decker, Philips, and Nespresso

• Save up to 32% on Ring devices from Amazon

• Save up to 29% on select head phones and earbuds from Truefree

Prime members benefits:

• Free Same-Day and One-Day Delivery –Order today, get items on the very same day, for eligible orders over AED100 that are placed before the cut-off time com municated on the product detail page. Order today, get items tomorrow with free one-day delivery promise on eligible products, with no minimum purchase.

• Prime Video – Enjoy access to Prime Vid eo, where members can stream or down load thousands of award-winning movies and TV series, including Amazon Originals such as The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, All or Nothing Manchester City, The Summer I Turned Pretty, and The Pe ripheral.

• Prime Gaming – Enjoy access to free ingame content for popular games and a growing library of free games from Prime Gaming.

• Free access to Deliveroo Plus – free ac cess to a 12-month Deliveroo Plus Silver membership – otherwise priced at AED 19/month – offering unlimited free de livery on food orders, with a minimum food order of AED 80. Offer available for a limited time at azon-prime.

Customers can make their shopping experi ence even easier by downloading the Amazon app to browse and shop the best 11.11 sale deals or shop directly on the website at www. All deliver ies can be paid through online payment op tions including credit and debit cards or Am Gift Cards, which also offer an easy, simple, and convenient gifting experience to friends and family.’s Annual 11.11 Sale Returns from November 10-12th with Additional Exclusive Benefits and Savings for Prime members in the UAE
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Global Village Launches Brand New Outdoor Snowfest Ice Rink

Calling all ice skating enthusi asts! A brand new eco-friendly outdoor Snowfest Ice rink has landed at Global Village for Sea son 27.

The large, shimmering ice rink is a revolutionary, world-class synthetic rink, giving guests the same experience as real ice skat ing but without the wet feet and chilly noses.

No matter the weather, skat ers can enjoy an evening of sliding around the ice rink and getting caught in a beautiful snow shower.

Situated at the entrance of the Carnaval™, guests will be pro vided with all the equipment needed including the skates, skating seal aids for the chil dren, and even a pair of fluffy Snowfest socks, for a fun and safe skating session.

The Snowfest ice rink is ready to chill, thrill and excite Global Village guests at AED 40 for 20 minutes of wonder.

Let the fun begin!

Tickets are available online and on the Global Village app.

Follow the Global Village social me dia channels for the latest updates: Instagram: @GlobalVillageUAE Twitter: @GlobalVillageAE Facebook: @GlobalVillageAE

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AL AIN ZOO raises awareness for wildlife conservation and nature preservation on World Animal Day

World Animal Day is celebrated every year on October 4th and this year Al Ain Zoo reinforc es its efforts to conserve wildlife and preserve their natural habitat, based on the best local and global standards.

Al Ain Zoo is home to more than 4,000 ani mals, approximately 30% of which, are considered endangered species. The Zoo has worked on pre serving these animals and spreading aware ness through educating the public, especially the

younger generation, on proper protection of all creatures.

Al Ain Zoo sets an example as a role model in de livering the World Animal Day message of wildlife conservation and champi oning their survival on the planet by addressing the dangers of animal extinction, exploitation and traf ficking. Since its establish ment in 1968, the Zoo has become a local and global supporter in the field of wildlife conservation and gene preservation, breed ing and caring for high-

risk endangered spe cies such as the Dama gazelle, (Addax), the Arabian Sand Cat, the Arabian Leopard, Scim itar-horned oryx and the Arabian tahr. Some of these animals are on the verge of extinction and some of them have already become extinct in the wild as a result of destructive human practices such as illegal animal trade, urban en croachment on habitat and overfishing.

The Zoo has put in prac tice several environ

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mental initiatives, events and conferences and adopts mod ern technological systems, exploratory education, veter inary training, and interactive youth training. The Zoo also continuously adopts global programs and implements joint efforts such as partner ships, local and international zoological society member ships, participation in several breeding programs, exchange of expertise and knowledge, and providing data to con cerned entities through ZIMS, a zoo aquarium animal man agement software, one of the best and most reliable global resources for information on animals.

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Global Village unveils new and upgraded attractions for Season 27

Global Village has revealed further details of some of the additional new experiences and attractions guests can look forward to throughout Season 27.

Arriving at the perfect time for Halloween, the newly built House of Fear will be the scariest haunted house expe rience in the region featuring a team of actors across nine different experiences with everything from a haunt ed cemetery, hospital psych ward and even a screaming tree. Spanning 660 square metres, the exclusive House of Fear concept features the latest animatronic technolo


gy from the United States and has been curated for Global Village by Cave Entertainment to create an immersive haunt ed house experience unlike any other.

Another brand new attraction for Season 27 is Diggers Lab, where children, young and old, can put on a construction hat to enjoy this fun edutain ment activity. The hydraulic digger experience, located at the entrance of Carnaval, in vites little builders to take the controls by operating diggers, dumpers and other construc tion machinery, offering ex citement for the whole family.

In a world where strange rules, the highly popular Ripley’s Be lieve It or Not!™ Odditorium, which is bursting with vibrant and eye-catching oddities, returns to Global Village for its 4th year. With more than 200 unbelievable and incredi ble displays from all over the world, the first Ripley’s Be lieve It or Not!™ Odditorium in the MENA region welcomes a number of new exhibits, as well as an upgraded lobby and new retail offerings.

There will be over 50 new Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Ex hibits, including a 14-foot-

long killer crocodile, a matchstick model containing over one million matchsticks, and even the Cris tiano Ronaldo ‘money legs’ dis play. The popular “Torture cham ber” gallery now includes a brand new photo opportunity adding to the unbelievable exhibits of an cient prison punishment.

Also new this year will be the “He roes Gallery” inspired by iconic superheroes and showing some very unique movie memorabilia in an exciting new rotating exhibi tion. More details on these exhib its will be coming soon. With over 170 rides, games and attractions to explore and enjoy, the Carnaval™ funfair is the per fect dose of family fun. This sea son Fast Track queue lines have also been introduced on seven of Carnaval’s most popular rides, so guests can feel like a VIP and get straight to the front of the queue. Thrill seekers will be able to watch themselves in all their disheveled glory thanks to new video recording technology on three white-knuckle rides. Guests will be able to wear wrist-cam eras that will record their entire hair-raising experience ready to take back and share the fun with their loved ones or as a perfect so cial media post.

In addition to the new and en hanced attractions being intro duced, all the existing rides have

been stripped down, given a full service and rebuilt again to obtain the required third-party certifica tions. Global Village has contin ued to win awards for its excep tional safety standards. The park once again received a five-star rating and the prestigious Sword of Honour from the British Safety Council earlier this year.

Mark Tucker, Director of Orb En tertainment, said, “All summer long our team has been working hard to improve existing rides and dream up new experiences. It takes thousands of man-hours to ensure that all our rides and attractions are at the level our millions of guests have come to expect from us. From safety to guest experience everything is ready and we can’t wait to open the gates on Season 27.”

Last month Global Village unveiled details of the Global Village Big Balloon, a one-of-its-kind Helium Balloon Ride which will rise over 200 feet above ground, providing spectacular 360-degree bird’s eye views across Global Village and the Dubai skyline.

Follow the Global Village social media channels for the latest up dates: Instagram: @GlobalVillageUAE Twitter: @GlobalVillageAE Facebook: @GlobalVillageAE

The Source FAMILY 43

TRAVEL SOLO to the Maldives


scape to a secluded island get away amidst azure Indian Ocean waters and celebrate life with your dream Maldives vacation in your own company.

Have you been trying to write a novel, and are looking for some inspiration? Or are you just looking for a fresh start in life? No matter what that is –just take a break from the daily buzz of city life and fly away to the Mal dives – let your creative juices flow, reflect, and rejuvenate in the most scenic place on earth.

One of the biggest perks of travelling solo is that you have all the time in this world to love yourself! At the By Atmosphere and COLOURS OF OBLU resorts, you will have numerous ways to love yourself a little extra with the

resort group’s postcard-perfect villas, enchanting views amidst the magical sunrises and sun sets and adrenaline-charged ac tivities.

Revel in your own company and enjoy exhilarating watersports activities or breathtaking ex periences such as paragliding and night diving. For some thing more relaxing, snuggle into comfy bean bags and ex perience a ‘movie night under the stars’ – settle into a private cinema screening on the white, sandy beach under a starlit sky, with candles and torches cre ating a magical cocoon. Watch your all-time favourites at one of the most beautiful spots on the planet.

You can also enjoy unforgettable moments and watch the splendours of the sun during your private sun set cruise. Witness the distinctive hues of blue and turquoise trans form into soft red, pink, purple, and deep orange as you float across the sea.

The Maldives evokes a picture of pristine beaches, clear turquoise lagoons, and reef-ringed atolls with colourful marine life – the ideal setting for adventure, exploration, and indulgent experiences. All the By Atmosphere and COLOURS OF OBLU resorts cater to solo travel lers except the adults-only OBLU SELECT Lobigili, where a minimum of two adult guests are required to reserve a villa. Here is what you can do on your solo trip to the island nation.

and enjoy the best of the Island country in your own company at the By Atmosphere and COLOURS OF OBLU Resorts
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Savour the best of flavours

Explore a world of exquisite flavours at the By Atmosphere and COLOURS OF OBLU resorts with standout bars with poolside seating. Celebrate life over some flavoursome feasts, and enjoy sumptuous buffet spreads with a selection of Asian, European, and Maldivian favourites with live cooking stations, grills, fresh seafood, and delightful desserts at the resorts.


Explore sports, fitness sessions, lively entertain ment, and social events where you can meet new friends. Start the day with sunrise yoga by the la goon. Join fitness sessions such as aqua aerobics, body sculpting, and cardio strength. Dart games, tennis, football, and chess tournaments are some of the other fun experiences to explore.

Get clicked!

If you’re out there in the Maldives solo, you have a lot of work to do for your Instagram account – so let loose, have fun and create a timeless, endur ing reminder of cherished moments with a pho

toshoot session. From gorgeous sunset shoots to mesmerising drone shots, the resorts’ skilled photographers will capture your holiday memories for life.

Aquatic Adventures

Plunge into the ocean depths and explore the most exotic marine life. The OBLU NATURE Helengeli island is a favourite spot for di vers and marine life enthusiasts along with being a top location among the best resorts for snor keling in the Maldives. Discover the underwater wonders with SSI and PADI courses and ocean excursions that suit all abilities and interests or kayak over crys tal clear waters, zip across the lagoon on jet skis, and just float and soak in the golden sunshine.

Relax and Rejuvenate

If you want to relax and rejuve nate – there’s no better way than to treat yourself at the spa. ELE | NA The Spa, which is part of all the By Atmosphere and COL OURS OF OBLU Resorts, offers a range of wellness and fitness activities from morning yoga to aqua aerobics etc. Other than ELE | NA, the tranquil Akiri Spa by Mandara at Atmosphere Ka nifushi features a range of treat ments fusing spa traditions from India, Bali, Hawaii, and Thailand.

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Dubai’s Largest Experience Resort, JA The Resort in Jebel Ali Beach Dubai is offering its guests the perfect tranquil beachfront escape, just in time for the season’s festivities with several new developments and enhancements soon to be unveiled at JA Palm Tree Court.

Surrounded by expansive green gardens, beautiful waterwalls and a private pristine beach, JA Palm Tree Court’s much anticipated all new-look villas and elevated amenities make it the ideal choice for guests to re-connect and enjoy a truly serene beachfront getaway.

Offering 212 Beachfront Villa Suites, each suite has undergone a spectacular

interior refresh, allowing guests to relax in a chic, contemporary but modern living space infused with tropical accents which mirrors its lush location. Featuring intricate design, JA Palm Tree Court has partnered with a local artist, who has developed several murals showcasing nautical inspired artworks, which will be housed in each Beachfront Villa Suite.

Offering a warm colour palette of earthy beige, seaside blue pastels and mossy greens, the family-favourite suites now come with unmissable amenities and services that all guests can enjoy. Residents can avail nightly turndown service, in-room checkin, exclusive butler service as well as bath amenities by leading skincare and body care brand, Elemis.

The impressive developments

continue with 20 brandnew Beach Cabanas set to be available from December 2022. Situated along the sandy white, pristine beach, the new Beach Cabanas will be exclusive to guests staying at the Residences and Suites. Butler service will be available for guests to enjoy, as well as several leisure activities which will take place near the cabanas.

In addition to the refreshed Beachfront Villas at JA Palm Tree Court, guests staying at the property can also enjoy a newly built private swimming pool, nestled within the stunning landscaped grounds, and just a few short steps away from the beach. Set to open from October 21st, Tamar Pool will provide an elevated experience exclusively for JA Palm Tree Court guests.

Serving up delicious food and refreshing beverages, Tamar Terrace, an al fresco dining concept will offer simple yet innovative cuisine with an irresistible menu offering local, organic, and seasonal produce. Due to open from December 2nd, guests can dine for breakfast and lunch, or and enjoy sundowners, whilst taking in magnificent sea views from the open terrace overlooking the pool and the glistening Arabian Gulf.

The last but not least of JA The Resort’s enhancements is the Just Splash splash

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park set to operate from November 2022. Located near the ultimate kiddie’s haven, the Pirates & Mermaids kids’ club, Just Splash will ignite imaginations providing endless adventures for kids of all ages to enjoy. Stretching across an impressive 550 sqm beachfront, Just Splash will feature several play structures, creating hubs of fun where families and friends can spend the day together. Whilst the little ones are entertained by weekly activities, parents can unwind at Sandbar, a new casual yet chic cocktail beach bar, fitted with a stunning terrace overlooking the waterplay areas and sea views.

Commenting on the new JA Palm Tree Court developments, William Harley-Fleming, Vice President of Operations for JA The Resort and Indian Ocean said: “We are extremely pleased with the new enhancements at JA The Resort, and in particular the JA Palm Tree Court refurbishment with the additional facilities that has truly taken the whole family vacation experience to a new level.

As one of Dubai’s most wellestablished destination resorts, our aim is to constantly innovate and refresh our guest offerings, so that we can provide discerning global travellers with the quality and excellence that they have come to associate with this wonderful fivestar resort, and further cementing our positioning of JA The Resort as Dubai’s largest experience resort.’’

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Emirates Dubai 7s Announces Impressive Line-up of Globally Acclaimed Musical Performances at this Year’s Festival

The Emirates Dubai 7s, part of the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series, will host an entertaining lineup of international musi cal artists and DJs at the festival set to take place over the long weekend from Thursday 1st to Sat urday 3rd December.

This year’s festival-goers can look forward to an ex citing weekend filled with international sporting ac tion against a backdrop of amazing music and entertainment, including world class performanc es and popular hits from The Cuban Brothers, Gor gon City and Craig David presents TS5.

English electronic music production duo, Gorgon City and chart-topping performer, Craig David presents TS5, will head line Frequency on 8, a visual and audio expe rience, while the high ly entertaining musical band, The Cuban Broth ers, will perform at Beats

on Two, a unique ‘Ibiza style’ bar concept which overlooks all the action on Pitch 2. In addition, the fan favourite ‘Rugby Rocks’ stage will show case the very best local talent along with the world-famous ‘Heinek en House’ blasting out classic house tunes all weekend long.

The famous duo, Gorgon City, have smashed the charts for over 10 years and are set to kick off the entertainment on Friday 2nd Decem ber at Frequency on 8 starting at 10pm.

On Saturday 3rd De cember, funk-filled party starters, The Cuban Brothers, will perform at Beats on Two, between 4pm – 5:30pm. Closing this year’s festival, one of the biggest British artists of all time, Craig David presents TS5 will bring soul, funk and hiphop hits to Frequency on 8 at 9:30pm.

Ticket holders will gain access to the concert events taking place dur ing the Emirates Dubai 7s. Ticket options for the weekend include the ul timate Hangar Hospital ity for an upscale and all-access experience, Weekend General Ad mission and Weekend Reserved Seating, as well as single-day tick ets that are available in limited quantities. Children under 12 years of age gain free entry dur ing the weekend.

For the latest news and updates, please visit or @dubai7s on Insta gram.

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As temperatures begin to drop and the sun dips beyond the ho rizon, embark on an exquisite culinary journey through the majestic waterways of Madinat Jumeirah. With the iconic Burj Al Arab Jumeirah serving as the per fect backdrop, meander through the winding canals as you savour award-winning Asian flavours across Zheng He’s, Pai Thai and Bahri.

From reimagined Chinese fla vours with tableside drama to the aromatic tastes of Thailand and rooftop world-class cocktails, step onboard one of Jumeirah’s iconic abras to discover the The Madinat Silk Route for an un forgettable dining experience. With two delectable journeys to choose from, there are plenty of options to indulge across Madi nat Jumeirah.

Journey One | Start the night with an aperitif at the exquisite Bahri at Jumeirah Mina A’Salam, sipping on the likes of the artfully crafted Barrel Aged Negroni and Yuzu & Elderflower Spritz, per fectly paired with a signature Bao. Next, be transported to Zheng He’s for a mouth-watering selec tion of starters. Savour the Sig nature Peking Duck served with pancakes and all the classic con diments as well as the Signature Dim Sum Sharing Platter, best en joyed with a signature cocktail or mocktail.

The journey ends at the water side haven Pai Thai with indul gent mains such as Gaeng Khiew Wan Gai (Green Chicken Curry), Tom Yam Talay Phad Heang (Wok Fried Seafood), Nuea Yang Pai

Thai (Grilled Australian Beef) and Phad Phak Ruam Mit (Wok Fried Vegetables). Accentuating the vibrant Thai flavours, quench your thirst with the Salika Lin Thong (Gin-based cocktail) or Khanom Bee (pineapple-based mocktail). For the sweetest end, Pai Thai’s Pandan Crème Brulee, provides the finishing touch to the evening.

Journey Two | Journey along the mesmerising waterways as you start your evening at the pictur esque Pai Thai at Jumeirah Al Qasr. Indulge in the Khong Wang Ruam (Pai Thai Starter Sample) including Prawn Cakes, Chick en Sate, Pomelo Salad, Vegeta ble Spring Rolls and the Purple Chicken Dumpling. All served with the Salika Lin Thong (Ginbased cocktail) or Khanom Bee (pineapple-based mocktail).

The charming abra then takes guests to the stunning Zheng He’s for a delectable menu of sharing mains including the Sig nature Peking Duck, Szechuan Pepper Spiced Tiger Prawns, Wok-Fried Black Pepper Aus tralian Beef Tenderloin, StirFried Broccoli and a choice of Egg Fried Rice or Vegetables Egg Noodle, paired with a signature cocktail or mocktail. For a sweet finish, discover the refreshing Sago Pearls & Fresh Mango.

The final destination on the jour ney, Bahri, serves up the perfect digestif with the Cocoa Old Fash ioned and Yuzu & Elderflower Spritz, enjoyed best as you over look glorious views of the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah.

The Madinat Silk Route: Availa ble daily from 6PM at AED 990 for two people | Journey One: Inclusive of two cocktails/mock tails and one bar bite at Bahri, sharing starters at Zheng He’s with one cocktail/mocktail and sharing mains and dessert with one cocktail/mocktail at Pai Thai OR Journey Two: sharing start ers at Pai Thai with one cocktail/ mocktail, sharing mains and des sert with one cocktail/mocktail at Zheng He’s and two cocktails at Bahri. | Booking required min imum 48 hours in advance and 100% payment in advance.

For more information and reser vations, please call 800 323232.

Additionally, as a member of the leading rewards programme, guests can pay with their points when staying or dining at Jumei rah Hotel & Resorts™ and unlock coveted benefits, whether it’s a glamorous suite escape, ro mantic dinner for two, a luxury chauffeur car ride or purchasing the perfect birthday gift, all of it is possible with Jumeirah One points. For details on Jumeirah One visit

In the meantime, stay connect ed via our social media channels and don’t forget to tag us in your posts #TasteofJumeirah #Time ExceptionallyWellSpent.

Instagram: @zhenghesdubai

@bahridubai @paithaidubai @jumeirahalqasr @jumierahminaasalam The Source FAMILY50

Full Entertainment Lineup Announced For Inaugural World Tennis League

Six of the world’s best DJs and performers will offer a grand slam experience at the World Tennis League in Dubai this December at the CocaCola Arena, in partnership with Dubai Sports Council.

Following the spectacular tennis on court from the likes of Novak Djokovic and Iga Świątek, the arena will transform and stage a series of six epic music concerts featuring stellar names; Tiësto, Wizkid, Deadmau5, Ne-Yo, Mohamed Ramadan and Armin van Buuren.

Guests who register online now for the #GreatestShowOnCourt - the major event that combines world-class tennis with epic post-game shows - can take advantage of a 10% discount when the pre-sale starts on 8 November at 10am.

Rajesh Banga, Chairman of The World Tennis League, said, “We’re so excited to reveal the full line-up of

top music acts for the inaugural World Tennis League in Dubai.

We have assembled an unbelievable set of DJs and performers who will give fans an unforgettable night of entertainment after they’ve watched the world class tennis on court.”

Taking place from December 19 to 24, the World Tennis League is an innovative round robin tournament that sees teams of star players face off in nail-biting two-set matches. Joining Djokovic and women’s world

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No. 1 Świątek are reigning Wimbledon champion

Elena Rybakina and Aussie maverick Nick Kyrgios. The full player roster and team line-ups will be announced on Sunday 6 November.

Here’s the sensational concert schedule in full:

Monday 19 DecemberTiësto

Opening the line-up for The World Tennis League is the Dutch DJ giant Tiësto, often nicknamed The Godfather of EDM. Voted the Greatest DJ of All Time by Mix Magazine in a 2011 fan poll, Tiësto was then named the best DJ of the last 20 years in 2013 by readers of DJ Mag, who also gave him their DJ of the Year award three years in a row from 2002 to 2004. His iconic gig at the opening ceremony

of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games remains a landmark of dance music and his hits such as The Business and The Motto received millions of global streams.

Tuesday 20 DecemberWizkid

Dubbed Nigeria’s Justin Bieber, Wizkid is leading the charge in the Afrobeats genre. Wizkid was born in Lagos, Nigeria and announced his talent to the world with his 2011 debut album Superstar, following it up with 2014’s impressive Ayo which featured the standout track Ojuelegba. But the turning point in Wizkid’s career came in 2016 when he collaborated with Drake on One Dance, which helped him to become one of Africa’s most influential musicians today.

Wednesday 21 December - Deadmau5

The award-winning DJ and highly respected producer will headline the third evening of entertainment at the CocaCola Arena. For more than two decades Deadmau5 has thrilled crowds across the globe with award-winning hits such as the two-time platinum certified single, Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff, as well as critically acclaimed tracks including Professional Griefers and Sofi Needs A Ladder. In 2012, He became the first electronic artist in history to grace the cover of Rolling Stone.

Thursday 22 DecemberNe-Yo

Riding high after the release of his ninth album Self Explanatory earlier this year, Ne-Yo will bring hits such as Because of You, So Sick, Miss Independent, Closer, Let Me Love You, Time of Our Lives (with Pitbull) and One in A Million to the Coca-Cola Arena this December. The three-time Grammy winner and prolific songwriter has also penned songs for other artists including Irreplaceable by Beyoncé and Unfaithful, Russian Roulette and Take a Bow for Rihanna.

Friday 23 DecemberMohamed Ramadan

The Egyptian TV and movie star, singer and rapper has a huge following around the Arab world, many of whom will roar their approval when he takes the stage after the players at The World Tennis League leave the court. Hits like Tik Tok, Number One and Ya Habibi will form part of an


electric show from the irrepressible Ramadan, who in 2020 became only the second Arabic artist to have his image adorn the Spotify billboard in Times Square, New York.

Saturday 24 December - Armin van Buuren

Now a dance music veteran of almost 30 years, the DJ icon has the honour of closing the inaugural World Tennis League in Dubai a day before his birthday. A beloved figure on the international DJ circuit thanks to tracks like One More Time, Blah Blah Blah, and This Is What It Feels Like, the Dutchman has played to millions of people at some of the world’s biggest festivals, stadiums and nightclubs and came top of DJ Mag’s prestigious top 100 poll five times.

With many of the world’s best tennis players on court and top music acts to thrill ticket holders, #GreatestShowOnCourt has something for everyone. Register now for a special 10% off tickets for the presale to experience the #GreatestShowOnCourt at www.coca-cola-arena. com/en/events/WorldTennis-League

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Get a glimpse of the UAE’s past, present and future with Qasr Al Watan’s Light and Sound show

Qasr Al Watan, the Palace of the Nation, invites visitors to enjoy the cool winter breeze while witnessing the palace come to life and light up the night with a spectac ular evening entertainment: The Palace in Motion light and sound show - taking place every day at 7:00 PM.

This spectacular audiovisual display pro jects onto the façade of the Palace to tell a story in three acts, with an accompanying narration that tells the visual story of the UAE’s past, present, and future.

The Palace in Motion’s inspiring original performance consists of one of the largest projection installations in the Middle East, with fifty-two projectors lit onto the exte rior of the Palace’s walls. The show punc tuates visual developments and supports the narrative and the sound of traditional

Emirati instruments playing with futur istic twists and cutting-edge visuals to contribute to the immersive nature of the performance.

The Palace in Motion light and sound show is a memorable way to end the day for visitors who spent their day exploring the Palace and a great way to start the evening for those who came specifically for the show.

The exquisite experience at Qasr Al Watan is truly unlike any other, for visitors of all ages to explore time and time again. With its architectural marvels, artistic wonders and historical legacy, one visit to Qasr Al Watan is never quite enough. To plan your visit to the Palace and enjoy the light and sound show please visit the website:

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The Abu Dhabi Waste Management Center (Tad weer) announced that it has produced more than 1 million tons of products re cycled from waste materials collected in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi during the first half of 2022. This comes in line with Abu Dhabi’s strat egy to promote sound waste management and recycling, and its aim to convert waste into environment-friendly products that contribute to the local economy.

During the first half of 2022, the Center successfully pro duced around 14,000 tons of fertilizer, including plant, animal, mixed, and poultry manure, resulting from recy cling green and animal waste. This is in addition to pro ducing more than 1 million tons of various sized gravel by recycling demolition and construction waste and pro ducing around 26,000 tons of rubber products resulting from recycling tires, all as part of the Center’s efforts to achieve sustainability.

Eng. Abdul Mohsin Al Kath eeri, Director of Projects and Facilities at Abu Dhabi Waste Management Center (Tadweer), said: “Since its establishment, the Center has adopted a comprehen sive approach to achieving environmental sustainability by developing an integrated


plan for waste management and recycling. This commit ment is supported by many programs and initiatives that aim to deal with all types of waste, reduce its amount, reuse it, and encourage the community and organizations to use recycled materials, while taking advantage of the capabilities and advantages that Abu Dhabi enjoys that make it a thriving hub for in novative sustainability solu tions.”

“The Center will continue its efforts to enhance the inte grated waste management system of the Emirate and adopt the best solutions and the latest technologies for waste management as part of our aim to convert waste into products that can be used in various sectors. This will em power us to realize the UAE’s ambitions to achieve a circu lar economy.” he added.

As part of its commitment to providing the best waste collection and transporta tion services in accordance with the highest international standards, Tadweer distrib utes containers and provides collection and transportation services for waste of various shapes and sizes throughout the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. This includes residential are as, commercial and industri al areas, roads and streets, parks, mosques, government

departments, health and ed ucation centres, construction sites, government sanctioned slaughterhouses, public mar kets, farms, and estates, with the waste being transported to specialized facilities for processing and recycling.

The Center recycled products amounting to 23% of the total waste collected in the special ized facilities during the first half of 2022.

As part of the Center’s efforts to recycle and treat waste, re cycled gravel was used in vital national projects such as road pavements, and different rubber products were used as safety floors and rubber tiles for sidewalks in several sectors, including the public sector, the sports sector, the education sector, and land scaping. region and the launch of Wire less Festival in Abu Dhabi next March will be a huge draw to urban music fans throughout the region. The festival will showcase some of the biggest international hip hop stars but will also provide a plat form for local artists too.”

With the complete Abu Dha bi Calendar featured on the Visit Abu Dhabi website, res idents and visitors can now start planning their ‘mustsee’ schedule for the follow ing events:

Tadweer produces more than 1 million tons of products recycled from waste during first half of 2022
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Millions of people around the world mark this special occasion with purchases of sparkling jewellery, gold coins and bars to celebrate with family and friends

At a special time of year when Indians around the world unite in celebra tion of Diwali - the festi val of lights - there can be few better places to buy loved ones something special than Dubai, the city of gold. Traders have travelled to Dubai’s souks for more than a hundred years in search of spices, pearls and gold.

To mark the first day of Di wali - on 22 October - In dians celebrate with gifts of gold and jewellery. As a special promotion this Di wali in Dubai, shoppers can take advantage of excep tional deals and offers on purchases with the Dubai Jewellery Group. Buyers can enjoy 50 per cent off select ed diamond jewellery col lections and up to half-price on making-charges on select gold jewellery. Purchases

of gold, diamond, pearl or precious jewellery of AED 500 at participat ing outlets will also be entered into an exciting raffle to win shopping vouchers worth AED 5000 each. In total, AED 150,000 worth of jew ellery vouchers will be handed out to 30 lucky winners, making the fes tival of light one of the brightest ever in Dubai. For more information

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on offers and deals visit

What is Dhanteras?

The five-day festival sees soaring sales of gold, in what is one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. Dhanteras is eagerly awaited by vendors and traders of gold around the world, but what does the festival symbolise?

Tradition will see millions of people around the world mark the occasion with new purchases of sparkling jewellery, gold coins and bars to pass among family and friends. It is not uncommon for bonuses and special gifts to be handed out to employers during the festival of lights. And it is not just gold that features high on the shopping list, as many people will also purchase or gift appliances, home ware or even a new car.

This Diwali, Centrepoint is giving shoppers a chance to win gold coins and shopping vouchers, when purchasing items for a minimum of AED 200. And at Emax, customers can get a scratch and win Coupon for a chance to win prizes such as 1 gram of gold coin, and much more when spending AED

2000. And when shopping at HomeBox, visitors will get a raffle coupon for a chance to win one of four gold coins, which is 10 grams each worth AED 2000.

20 lucky winners will take home 24 carat gold coins worth AED 5000, when shopping at participating malls under Dubai Shop ping Malls Group, including Arabian Center, Al Ghurair Centre, Dubai Outlet Mall, Al Quoz Mall, Central Mall, Times Square Centre, Bay Avenue, Al Khail Gate, Al Bustan Centre.

As part of the festival, homes are cleansed and decluttered to restore a sense of calm. and lamps are lit in the home to at tract future prosperity.

Why gold?

Gold is close to the hearts of Indians which many of those living in India, a na tion home to more than 1.4 billion. It is consid ered auspicious in Indian culture, particularly dur ing Diwali and Dhanteras. Gold has become such a passion and embedded into heritage that in 2021, figures from the World Gold Council showed de mand across India for the precious metal reached

797 tonnes. Demand worldwide rose 10 per cent in 2021, climbing to 4,021 tonnes.

This year, Diwali is sure to be an extra special cel ebration in the UAE. The Emirates are now home to over 2.5 million Indians, and many will be celebrat ing Diwali in Dubai.

It has become a muchloved period of the Dubai events calendar, and not just within the Indian di aspora but also among the many residents and tour ists who flock to the coun try at this time of year to make the most of events, entertainment and retail offers designed to sparkle, as well as festive fireworks and lighting across the city.

As a festival of new begin nings and hopes for the future, for those wishing to share greetings at this time of year, try a simple “Happy Dhanteras”, or “Shubh Dhanteras”, which translates to “Auspicious Dhanteras”.

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save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.

Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.

of the world’s agricultural soil has already degraded

0 - 20 (very low) 20 - 40 (low) 40 - 70 (medium) 70 - 90 (high) > 90 (very high)


Source: FAO, 2019, modified to comply with UN, 2021.
SaveSoil.orgLearn & Support

Three essential tips to making great homemade pasta

Celebrated annually on October 25, World Pasta Day is just another rea son to ditch the low-carb diet and indulge in this widely appreciated and much-loved dish.

With endless pasta-bil ities, one can choose their favourite type of pasta in all shapes and sizes and devour it with a sauce of your choice. From a good ol’ Mac n’ Cheese to the classic Spaghetti Aglio e Olio and also the simple Car bonara, we are honour ing this versatile dish that is easy to cook, may it be for big occasions or for just for an everyday small win.

Ditch the olive oil when boiling pasta

It’s common practice for individuals to add a little olive oil to their boiling water prior to adding the pasta, to make sure it does not stick. However, scientifically, since oil and water do not mix, the oil only forms a layer over the water which does not help with anything.

As a matter of fact, while draining the wa ter since the oil latches on to the pasta, it makes it harder for the pasta sauce to stick to it, doing more harm than good. And as we all know, the pasta sauce is the main reason most people eat the dish.

Always salt your pasta water and never rinse it

As an unspoken rule, it is impor tant to season the water before cooking your pasta. While the sauce is always added to the pas ta at a later stage, the only way to flavour the pasta itself would be by adding salt to your water.

Furthermore, there has been a lot of debate in the past when it comes to rinsing your pasta after cooking it. While it is true that is stops the cooking process so that your pasta does not get too mushy, it also removes the starch that is released by the pasta.

Once the starch is washed off, the pasta tends to get a wet coating, slippery slickness, making it diffi cult, if not near impossible, for any sauce to latch on to your pasta. Therefore, it is highly recommend ed to not put your hot pasta under water after cooking, unless you are about to make a cold salad.

Here are three essential tips for all fellow pasta lovers to follow:
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Choose your sauce as per the shape

Italy has over 500 pasta shapes and sizes. Right from long (pasta lunga), short (pasta corta), stuffed (ripiena), cooked in broth (past ina), stretched (strascinati) or in dumpling-like form (gnocchi/ gnocchetti).

To know the perfect pasta shape

for your sauce is essential, but not an easy task. And take it from someone who has Italian roots, we are surely quite strict about the sauces that go with each type of pasta, for good reason.

If you are using thin pastas like spaghetti and vermicelli, always choose thinner sauces like but ter sauce, tomato or an olive oil whereas if you are into hollow

pastas like penne, then the ideal sauce would be something rich and meaty. Additionally, for the smallest ones like the tiny ditalini the best option would be to use it in a soup.

Pairing the right shape of pasta with your sauce will have an in credible result while the wrong ones can completely ruin your dish. So, choose wisely!

Penne Butternut Squash Parmesan Sauce

Serves 6


1 large or 2 small butternut squash weighing about 1.5 kilos

6 cloves garlic

500g penne

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1/3 cup chopped shallots or yellow onions

1/4 cup packed, freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1/3 cup double cooking cream

¼ tsp thyme

1 tablespoon/pinch of microgreens for garnish

1 teaspoon salt, more to taste

Pepper, to taste

Vegetable stock (unsalted) as needed to thin the sauce, about 1 cup


Roast the butternut squash:

Preheat the oven to 240°c. Chop the butternut into 2cm cubes Toss butternut and garlic cloves in olive oil and a pinch of salt Roast for 25-30 minutes or until slightly charred.

In a pot, add some olive oil and the chopped onions and sweat until just beginning to brown Add garlic and butternut to the pot, stir and then add the veg stock and herbs. Simmer for 5 min

Add cream and stir, cook for an additional 5-10min

Immerse blend until smooth

Add the parmesan and continue to cook, add more stock or cream until desired consistency is reached. Salt and pepper to taste

Cook the pasta in boiling salted water:

Fill a pot with water and salt (1 tablespoon of salt for every 2 quarts of water). Set over high heat to bring to a hard boil. Add the pasta and cook at a hard boil, uncovered until al dente.

Mix cooked pasta with sauce: When the pasta is ready, drain and reserve a little of the water, immediately add to the hot sauce and stir.

Plate and serve with microgreens as a garnish

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EAD Launches the ‘Pile It Up’ Challenge in Collaboration with Abu Dhabi Schools

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As part of its vision of a single-use plastic-free Abu Dhabi, the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) is launch ing a dynamic challenge for Abu Dhabi schools to encourage a culture of recy cling for single-use plastic bottles.

Entitled ‘Pile it Up’, EAD will challenge schools in Abu Dhabi against each other to collect and return single-use plastic water bottles for a two-month period, with all collected waste to be sent for re cycling. EAD is collaborating closely with Emirates Schools Establishment for the success of the ‘Pile it Up’ challenge.

Running between 23rd September to 22nd November, participating schools could see their winning performance during the challenge rewarded with a grand prize of AED 12,000. The first run ner up will receive AED 10,000, while the second runner up will get AED 8,000. In total there are cash prizes for seven winners, and schools winning cash priz es needs to allocate the funds towards sustainable environmental projects at school. The winners are selected based on the highest number of bottles col lected, and most importantly recycled. The top seven schools will be featured on EAD social media channels, and all schools will receive certificates.

Ahmed Baharoon, Executive Director of Environment Information, Science Outreach Management Division at EAD, said: “The younger generation today is increasingly eco-conscious and can play an influential role in encouraging their peers and families to get real on efforts to safeguard the environment, which is the core mandate of EAD. We want to harness their concern, show them that we mean business and get their sup port for our Mission to Zero movement against single-use products.”

He added: “Therefore, we have chosen the ‘Pile it Up’ challenge as a tool to en courage them to play a pro-active role in nurturing a culture of recycling for

single-use plastic bottles. We prepared the schools for the challenge by launching a ded icated awareness campaign guiding the students about EAD’s Single-Use Plastic Poli cy. To ensure that they exert serious efforts and to help de velop a competitive edge to the challenge, we believe that several students will rise to the occasion and strive to re cycle as many single-use plas tic bottles as possible, as well as shift to multi-use products and lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

The crux is in the students striving to recycle as many bottles, not just collect them. By providing an incentive of cash prizes for several win ners, students will feel ap preciated and recognised for their hard work.”

He concluded: “Youth are the future of Abu Dhabi and by ingraining them with posi tive habits, we are contribut ing to their development as role models for environmen tal conservation, and help ing them create a safer and healthier city for them and their children to live in.”

Mission to Zero is an ambi tious aspirational campaign that strives to reach a target of zero for single-use plastic, waste and carbon emissions to make the emirate the most liveable place in the world. It followed the launch of the Single-Use Plastic Policy by EAD in 2020 and on June 1st 2022, Abu Dhabi imposed a ban on single-use plastic bag with major retailers.

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