Announces Kid Go Free packages on Yas Island

Abu Dhabi
REDUCE Your Metabolic Age
Turning your goals into reality

Announces Kid Go Free packages on Yas Island
Abu Dhabi
REDUCE Your Metabolic Age
Turning your goals into reality
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22. Logos Hope, World’s Larg est Floating Book Exhibition, to Dock in Abu Dhabi in May 2023
24. Do your children know how to exit the bus when alone?
20. Al Ain Zoo announces amazing may offer for Al Ain safari truck
30. Adopt an animal at the Green Planet Dubai
Want to show everyone how cute your pet is?
MAY - JUNE 2023
Brighton College Al Ain is hosting fun, interactive ‘Stay & Play’ sessions in May and June, for FS1 and FS2 admissions for September 2023.
Join us to meet our vibrant, family-orientated community, learn about our innovative Curiosity Approach in the Early Years, see our stimulating facilities and discover how we ensure the best possible start for our pupils.
The only school in Al Ain rated ‘Outstanding’ by ADEK
At Brighton College Al Ain, we nurture education centred on kindness, curiosity and confidence. We celebrate the uniqueness of every individual, fostering a respect for diversity and recognition of the efforts and achievements of all. We encourage pupils to be true to themselves and kind to one another.
Our innovative British Early Years Curriculum is taught in ways that build on a child’s curiosity and interests. Our world-class educators create stimulating, challenging and inspiring learning environments where children's passions are unearthed. They learn by playing and exploring through a mixture of planned and open-ended play activities in our creative, nature-inspired learning spaces both indoors and outdoors.
Brighton College Al Ain is part of one of the most academically successful school groups in the UAE, together with its sister schools in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Building habits is not always easy. We may not know what our habits are — but we should. Research has shown that roughly 45% of our everyday behaviors are related to habits.
A group of researchers from Duke University was rather straightforward in their conclusion of the impact that habits have on people: “Without habits, people would be doomed to plan, consciously guide, and monitor every action.” That’s why consciously working to build great habits is so important.
Keep motivational reminders on hand. In the beginning, when whatever inspired the new habit is fresh on the mind, it’s easy to put in the work. But as time passes the inspiration starts to fade. Motivational reminders will help to drive you through the uphill climb to habit formation.
Visualize the rewards of establishing the new habit. Whenever you feel yourself waning or falling back into a bad habit, imagine how much better things will be now and in the future because of the new habit.
Do it ONE Thing at a time. When we focus on forming just one habit, the likelihood of sticking to the habit and turning this behavior into a synaptic habit pathway is greatly improved.
Track your progress. Habit-forming tools such as the 66 Day Challenge Calendar allow you to track your progress and stay on task.
Be extremely consistent in the beginning. Studies show that consistency pays off, particularly in the beginning of creating a habit when automaticity increases are at their highest.
Don’t stop if it seems to be taking too long. Many people fail because they give up too early. Remember, it takes 66 days on average to form a habit.
Create a positive parallel pattern. The synaptic habit pathway never fully goes away, which means it can easily be triggered. Instead of just quitting a bad habit, replace it with a new parallel pattern for the habit-related situation.
Minimize disruptions when starting a new habit. If you have a vacation right around the corner, are in the middle of a move, or are experiencing any other hurdles in your regular routine, consider waiting until you have less distractions to begin forming a new habit.
By repeating something enough, whether that be chewing your nails while studying or going for a run each morning, a behavior will begin to feel instinctual. This is why it is helpful to follow these steps to make sure you are building the right habitsnot the wrong ones.
These eight tips will help you start creating good habits now
g m o s t n a t u r a l w a y o f p r o v i d i n g f o o d f o r h e a l t h y g r o w t h a n d d e v e l o p m e n t i n i n f a n t s . B r e a s t m i l k i s s p e c i a l l y d e s i g n e d f o r h u m a n b a b i e s , a n d i t b r i n g s w i t h i t a f u l l r a n g e o f u n i q u e b i o l o g i c a l a n d e m o t i o n a l i n f l u e n c e s . B r e a s t f e e d i n g a l o n e p r o v i d e s a l l t h e f o o d a n d d r i n k a b a b y n e e d s f o r t h e f i r s t s i x m o n t h s o f l i f e , a n d i t p r o t e c t s a g a i n s t a v a r i e t y o f i l l n e s s e s . T h e W o r l d H e a l t h O r g a n i z a t i o n r e c o m m e n d s e x c l u s i v e b r e a s t f e e d i n g – o n l y b r e a s t m i l k f o r t h e f i r s t s i x m o n t h s ( w i t h o u t w a t e r , h e r b a l t e a , o r a r t i f i c i a l m i l k ) . A t t h e e n d o f t h e 6 t h m o n t h , i t i s r e c o m m e n d e d t o i n t r o d u c e a p p r o p r i a t e h o m e m a d e f o o d s a n d c o n t i n u e b r e a s t f e e d i n g u p t o 2 y e a r s o f a g e o r l o n g e r . B r e a s t f e e d i n g c a n
S t a r t e a r l y .
p b o t h m o t h e r a n d b a b y , b u t i t c a n a l s o b e c h a l l e n g i n g a t t i m e s H e r e a r e s o m e s i m p l e t i p s f o r s u c c e s s f u l b r e a s t f e e d i n g : B r e a s t f e e d i n g s h o u l d b e i n i t i a t e d a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e a f t e r b i r t h , i d e a l l y w i t h i n t h e f i r s t h o u r a f t e r d e l i v e r y T h e e a r l y i n i t i a t i o n o f b r e a s t f e e d i n g h e l p s t o e s t a b l i s h g o o d b r e a s t f e e d i n g a n d m i l k s u p p l y , a n d t h e b a b y g e t s t h e b e n e f i t o f t h e f i r s t m i l k , o r “ c o l o s t r u m , ” k n o w n a s l i q u i d g o l d , w h i c h p r o v i d e s i m m u n e p r o t e c t i o n t o a n i n f a n t
K e e p t h e b a b y n e a r t h e m o t h e r .
T r y t o k e e p t h e b a b y n e a r t o y o u , e s p e c i a l l y a t f i r s t T h a t h e l p s y o u g e t t o k n o w y o u r b a b y w e l l a n d l e t s y o u k n o w w h e n
y y i m p o r t a n t a t n i g h t . I f y o u h a v e y o u r b a b y n e x t t o y o u , y o u c a n e a s i l y l i f t h i m / h e r f o r f e e d i n g w i t h o u t e i t h e r o f y o u b e i n g d i s t u r b e d t o o m u c h . Y o u c a n t h e n b o t h r e t u r n t o s l e e p q u i c k l y w i t h o u t d e l a y .
N u r s e f r e q u e n t l y .
N e w b o r n s n e e d t o n u r s e m o r e f r e q u e n t l y , a t l e a s t 1 0 - 1 2 t i m e s p e r d a y . F o l l o w y o u r b a b y ’ s c u e s a n d o f f e r t h e b r e a s t w h e n e v e r y o u r b a b y s h o w s s i g n s o f h u n g e r . T h i s w i l l a l s o h e l p i n i n c r e a s i n g y o u r m i l k s u p p l y
P r o p e r l a t c h .
P r o p e r p o s i t i o n a t t a c h m e n t t o t h e b r e a s t i s a n i m p o r t a n t k e y
f o r s u c c e s s f u l b r e a s t f e e d i n g
G o o d a t t a c h m e n t e n s u r e s a r i g h t
i n t a k e o f m i l k , n o n i p p l e p a i n ,
s u p p l y i n c r e a s e a s t h e b a b y e m p t i e s t h e b r e a s t , a n d r e l i e f f r o m c o m m o n b r e a s t f e e d i n g d i f f i c u l t i e s l i k e s o r e o r c r a c k e d n i p p l e s , e n g o r g e m e n t , p l u g d u c t s , e t c . K e y s f o r p r o p e r p o s i t i o n i n c l u d e : b a b y h e a d a n d b o d y i n l i n e , b a b y h e l d c l o s e t o t h e m o t h e r , b a b y ’ s w h o l e b o d y s u p p o r t e d , b a b y a p p r o a c h e s b r e a s t , n o s e t o n i p p l e / l i p c h i n m o u t h a b o v e . S i g n s o f g o o d a t t a c h m e n t : b a b y ' s m o u t h w i d e o p e n , m o r e a r e o l a s e e n a b o v e b a b y ' s t o p l i p , l o w e r l i p t u r n e d o u t w a r d s , b a b y c h i n t o u c h e s t h e b r e a s t .
A d d r e s s i s s u e s p r o m p t l y .
I f y o u e x p e r i e n c e a n y p a i n o r d i s c o m f o r t w h i l e b r e a s t f e e d i n g o r i f y o u r b a b y i s n o t g a i n i n g w e i g h t o r i s f u s s y , s e e k h e l p f r o m a l a c t a t i o n c o n s u l t a n t o r y o u r h e a l t h c a r e p r o v i d e r .
R e m e m b e r : b r e a s t f e e d i n g i s n a t u r a l , b u t m a n y t i m e s i t ' s n o t e a s y , e s p e c i a l l y t h e f i r s t f e w d a y s . M o s t m o t h e r s n e e d p r a c t i c a l s u p p o r t f o r p o s i t i o n a n d a t t a c h m e n t t o m a k e s u r e t h e i r b a b y i s f e e d i n g a d e q u a t e l y A t t h e b e g i n n i n g , m o t h e r a n d b a b y a r e l e a r n i n g t o g e t h e r , a n d w i t h
a d e q u a t e g u i d a n c e f r o m a b r e a s t f e e d i n g e x p e r t , t h e i r b r e a s t f e e d i n g j o u r n e y c a n b e e a s i e r a n d m o r e s u c c e s s f u l .
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t b r e a s t f e e d i n g o r f o r s u p p o r t , p l e a s e r e a c h o u t t o t h e s u p p o r t t e a m a t K a n a d H o s p i t a l .
Al Ain Academy, part of the Aldar Academies family of schools, located in the heart of Al Ain, receives a grade of “outstanding” in a series of standards during a BSO inspection, making it the highest-rated British Schools Overseas (BSO) school in Al Ain.
The lead inspector from the UK, Colin Dyson, described in his report, “Al Ain Academy is providing high quality education and care for its students. The high quality outcomes are due to the hard work of the principal and his team. The quality of teaching is consistently good or better. As a result, students achieve well in their education and development. Students and their teachers enjoy school. Strong relationships based on mutual trust and understanding are evident throughout the school.”
A team of four inspectors visited the school over the course of three days, observing over 50 lessons, meeting with students, reviewing exam results, meeting with parents, reviewing policies and practice across the school including the quality of school leadership. The inspection team concluded that not only was the standard of pupils’ achievements incredible, but the moral and social skills of pupils as well as their
relationships with one another to be outstanding. “The Early Years/Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a strength of the school – implementing some highly creative teaching strategies and innovative assessment strategies. External examination results at Key Stages 4 and 5 are another strength of the school highlighting the professionalism of the staff and the hard work of the students. Furthermore, the quality of relationships is outstanding. Students show a genuine concern for the needs of others and display a high level of self-awareness and confidence.”
The inspection was completed by Penta International, approved by the British Government for the purpose of inspecting schools overseas, reporting results to the English Department for Education (DfE).
added “We are very proud to be rated as the highest graded BSO school in Al Ain. An inspection is just a three-day snapshot, but it is important that the inspection team recognised that we do not just deliver outstanding exam results, but also that our teachers, students and parent community are one family that work together to give our pupils the very best start in life. The moral compass and character of a child are as important as their grades: it is excellent that our inspection report also recognised this in our pupils”.
Al Ain Academy is a school moving from strength to strength. It is the only school in Al Ain with pending Curiosity Approach accreditation, the first school in the Abu Dhabi Emirate to be accredited with Character Education Kitemark, with two pupils breaking Guinness World Records, and has recently had pupils scoring the highest marks in the Middle East and the world in the Pearson A-level programme.
It will come as no surprise that available places for children of the youngest age groups are extremely limited. To know more about the school, visit
Mr Pugh, the school’s Principal,
“Leadership and management lead a strong sense of community. Parents recognise and value the strategic role of the school in their sons’ and daughters’ lives.” BSO inspection report.
Founder of It’s So Simple, Rachael Sacerdoti, explains the two fundamental steps that are often ignored
As we get older, research shows that we begin to lose muscle mass. This is due to a slower way of living and a decrease in testosterone levels which leads to our bodies creating less lean muscle mass. When you create more muscle you burn more calories, so the stronger and fitter you are, the lower your metabolic age will be.
Rachael Sacerdoti, fitness coach and founder of It’s So Simple, an online programme for the mind and body focuses on two essential rules of a high protein diet and strength workouts using weights, which can help prevent loss of muscle mass.
“My clients often take a lot of persuading to start using weights properly,” says Rachel. “Women often worry they’ll bulk up in a masculine way, and if they stop lifting weights their muscles will turn to fat and that weights won’t improve their cardiovascular health. These are all misconceptions. I would never advise dropping classic cardio altogether, because it’s important for endorphins and of course, it’s great for heart health – but for women over 40, weight training is the most important.”
Increasing muscle mass can turn back time when it comes to your metabolic age. Rachael encourages her clients to feel fatigued by the end of the exercise, and to keep increasing the weights to make sure they keep challenging the muscles they are building. Once the muscle reaches the point of fatigue, the fibers breakdown and with the intake of protein, calories and rest, they will rebuild and grow.
The combination of muscle building and protein intake is crucial. Rachael Sacerdoti continues, “As a rough guide, women should be looking at a minimum of 100g of protein daily. It’s not always easy to get enough protein in just three meals, so I also encourage a snack high in protein in the afternoon. Carbs are also important and if you are working out, your plate should be 40 per cent protein, 40 per cent vegetables and 20 per cent carbs.”
As well as the simple rules of weight training and protein intake, It’s So Simple works on an 80-20 lifestyle balance. “If you’re in a routine 80 per cent of the time, when you are out at a restaurant, enjoy and let it go!”
Al Ain Zoo has allocated free tickets for the truck safari vehicle for school students, in addition to reducing the ticket price for visitors to only 99 dirhams instead of 200 dirhams, and the campaign will continue throughout May this year.
Al Ain Safari is the largest manmade Safari in the world, where visitors of all ages can enjoy getting up close to many African animals, including lions, white rhinos, ostriches, zebras, and other wild species, such as deer and the Greater Kudus antelope.
Visitors are accompanied by experienced and highly trained Emirati tour guides to help them get the best out of this memorable expe-
rience; enjoy it to the maximum and find out all there is to know about all the fantastic creatures. Safari tours are usually one hour long and take place at various times of the day or night, with options of Safari vehicles available, including the 6-person truck or the 22-person truck, depending on their needs and preference.
This amazing promotional campaign gives families and visitors the opportunity to enjoy Al Ain Safari tours, experience the unique atmosphere, and take the time to watch the migratory birds that flock during this season, along with those that find refuge and choose to stay at the Zoo.
per person
Cereal Partners Worldwide, the maker of Nestlé Breakfast Cereals and a leading breakfast cereal business in the world, is taking fans beyond the cereal bowl with an interactive metaverse experience.
The Nestlé Cereals Metaclub will host a vast space with 10 unique virtual attractions on Decentraland, bringing together access to sustainability themed online challenges, NFTs with real life rewards, and a digital Anghami lounge featuring specially curated playlists with free Anghami Plus subscriptions.
“Living up to our purpose to “Make Breakfast Better”, we are excited to be the first Breakfast Cereal Business to enter the metaverse and aim to create immersive and rewarding experiences for our consumers to enjoy and connect with our brands while raising awareness with our dedicated sustainabili-
ty attractions”. said Nehmatallah Younes, Business Executive Office, Cereal Partners Worldwide, Middle East & North Africa
“Our Nestlé Cereals Metaclub offers a unique channel to engage and connect with younger audiences, educate them on the topics of sustainability, while taking them through an omnichannel brand experience,” said Bahaa Boulmona, Brand Manager, Cereal Partners Worldwide, Middle East & North Africa.
Qossay Al Sattari, Distribution Partnerships Lead, Anghami, commented: “At Anghami we strongly believe in innovation and in offering customers unique entertainment experiences that have a positive social impact. This initiative is a great example of innovation meeting sustainability.”
With a special focus on regenerative agriculture, the Nestlé Cereals Metaclub features a dedicated Rainforest Corner, in partnership with the Rainforest Alliance, to raise awareness for sustainability projects and encourage donations. A Nestlé Cocoa Plan Zone further spotlights how cocoa is responsibly sourced, and a virtual breakfast cereal factory – modelled after Nestlé’s Karacabey Factory in Turkiye – highlights how renewable energy is efficiently used.
To enter the Nestlé Cereals Metaclub, users can simply choose their favorite avatar and start exploring the space.
Cereal Partners Worldwide is behind some of the world’s most iconic breakfast cereals brands –NESQUIK®, CHEERIOS®, LION®, and KOKOKRUNCH® to name a few.
The Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC), part of the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), in collaboration with AD Ports Group, has announced that the emirate will be hosting the ship Logos Hope – the world’s largest floating book exhibition – which will be docking in Abu Dhabi in May 2023, following stops in Ras Al Khaimah and Dubai.
The seafaring exhibition will welcome visitors from 18 May to 4 June, in parallel with the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2023, and will present nearly 5,000 titles covering a wide range of topics including science, sports, arts, medicine, dictionaries, languages, and many more. It will also organise a busy programme of accompanying events and interactive shows.
The ALC is participating in the exhibition with a rich agenda of educational and creative workshops, book discussion sessions, and arts and music events for all ages.
His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Tamim, Chairman of the ALC, said: “The Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre is committed to supporting cultural events which facilitate access to knowledge and encourage reading. The Logos Hope exhibition is an innovative global platform that aligns with these goals, showcasing the latest publications to communities in a novel way. We look forward to participating in this event to promote the centre’s latest projects and publications, coinciding with our activities for the annual Abu Dhabi International Book Fair.”
Saif Al Mazrouei, Chief Executive Officer, Ports Cluster at AD Ports Group said: “We are privileged
to welcome Logos Hope, the world’s largest floating book fair, at the Abu Dhabi Cruise Terminal. One can imagine the amount of wealth of knowledge and information carried on board. This offers us the opportunity to extend an unmatched new learning experience to the residents of Abu Dhabi and the UAE.
Sebastian Moncayo, Advance Preparation Project Manager for Abu Dhabi at the Logos Hope exhibition, said: “This will be the first time visiting the United Arab Emirates for most of our crew, and the excitement is evident.
Our volunteers are curious about the history of the country and its amazing development over the years. Logos Hope’s visit coincides with the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, and we want to extend our appreciation and gratitude to the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi for their invitation to be a part of it.
We are honoured to visit the UAE, and to open the doors of our floating home to all our visitors. We look forward to continuously strengthening our relation-
ship with the country to have more frequent visits in the future.”
Every year, the Logos Hope ship receives approximately one million visitors. Since its establishment in 2009, it has visited more than 150 countries around the world, welcoming a total of 49 million people.
The ship’s crew includes volunteer staff from 60 different nationalities, with teams travelling to areas surrounding the ports where the ship docks to visit hospitals and schools and provide community service and assistance. Logos Hope’s main objective is to serve people in the communities where it docks.
A social experiment conducted by the Child Safety Department (CSD), an affiliate of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah, has revealed that 50 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 8 from various nationalities do not know how to open the school bus door to exit if they were left inside. They also do not know how to draw the attention of passers-by to help them, which puts them at serious risks including death, due to lack of oxygen and high temperatures inside the bus or closed vehicle for an extended period.
Held in collaboration with the Sharjah Civil Defense Authority at a public school, the CSD experiment targeted several male and female students, where each child was left alone inside a closed school bus to monitor their reactions and if they could successfully exit the bus. The experiment revealed that children’s responses varied, with only half of the participants being able to
take the necessary steps to leave the bus.
Alongside the experiment, the Sharjah Civil Defense conducted an awareness workshop, which focused on educating children on the steps they should take if they are left inside a bus or closed vehicle, starting with opening the windows for ventilation and then repeatedly honking the horn to attract the attention of people to help the child exit.
Hanadi Al Yafei, CSD Director, said: “The vision behind our efforts is to raise awareness of the entire community and institutions on proactive measures to reduce potential risks children may face. We carried out the social experiment to present to officials and parents statistics revealing the importance of raising children’s awareness on safety measures and organising workshops at educational institutions to teach students basic safety skills .”
She added: “We hope this experiment will serve as a model for institutions in the UAE and the region to measure the risk and find solutions to prevent childhood accidents. We also hope it serves as an incentive for parents and organisations dealing with children to raise awareness of the young segment of the community on the necessary actions to take when they are at risk. This experiment can be modelled to various incidents because protecting children is a community responsibility, and children themselves have a role in it to protect themselves.”
The social experiment is part of a series of CSD initiatives to increase awareness about all factors that impact children’s safety. At the beginning of the school year, the department hosted a two-day workshop titled ‘School Bus Safety Golden Rules’, attended by 900 bus drivers, supervisors and navigators who are responsible for the bus commutes of thousands of schoolers across the emirate of Sharjah.The workshop updated attendees on the best practices of children safety during their transportation to and from their schools.
CSD reveals that 50% of children do not know how to exit buses when forgotten inside
Heinz, makers of the world’s favourite ketchup have dreamed up a double ended ketchup bottle that could provide the solution to problems facing fans worldwide. The Heinz Ketch-Up & Down bottle has two lids that mean no matter which way up you store it or use it, ketchup connoisseurs can access every last drop.
The concept was created by the team at Kraft Heinz, who dedicate their time to studying ketchup fans closely and realised that everyone seems to have their own peculiar preferences. While some would squeeze it as if it owed them money, others prefer to shake it like a maraca. Some like to store it upright while others place it upside down or on its side.
Passant El Ghannam, Head of Marketing at Kraft Heinz MEA, commented: “At Heinz, we are consumer obsessed and we rely on insights like this one to fuel innovation and bring consumers more of what they want. So, building on the success of our upsidedown bottle which we released in 2010, we saw an opportunity to solve a problem that many of our fans face. If scaled up, it could be game changing for ketchup lovers. The Heinz Ketch-Up & Down bottle gives fans more of what they love – the great taste of Heinz!”
This week, scientists from the United Arab Emirates unveiled their latest findings from the Emirati Hope Probe, which has been orbiting Mars.
They say they have new ground-breaking insight into Deimos, a Martian moon.
The Hope Probe got closer to Deimos than any spacecraft has since 1977, and its observations challenge a long-standing theory about the origins of the red planet’s moons.
CNN’s Eleni Giokos spoke to the Chairwoman of the UAE Space Agency, Sarah bint Yousif Al Amiri, about the science behind it all and how this journey began.
Amiri said:
“As the data was captured around Deimos, what we have been found out is that the composition of the moon is close to the composition of Mars, rather than being close to the composition of a captured asteroid, which is the current standing theory of the origin of Mars's moons.
Now why are the significant, Deimos and perhaps even Phobos can most probably be pieces of Mars, similar to Earth's moon, rather than being captured asteroids in orbit around Mars today. What's significant for us is because we did small maneuvers to change the orbit of the spacecraft slightly, we're able to continue capturing this data into our extended mission which will continue on till next year.”
“This is going to be our third significant scientific discovery; the science team will continue to get science data.”
“Our primary science mission is actually addressing that indirectly in terms of understanding global changes on Mars as climate and the weather system of Mars. And we were able to capture well over two terabytes of data on the weather system on Mars capturing the entire year across all seasons.
Situated on the iconic Palm Jumeirah, the newly opened Cheval Maison - The Palm Dubai is the ideal summer getaway for families, couples or groups of friends to relax, whilst escaping the hustle and bustle of the city. With great rates starting from just AED555 per night to stay in a one-bedroom apartment between now until 31st August 2023, there has never been a better time to head to the beach and make the most of the spring weather.
Cheval Maison - The Palm Dubai is the first Cheval Collection property to open outside the UK, the first Cheval property in the UAE and provides the ideal base from which to explore the Palm Jumeirah and beyond. Whether guests are staying for just one night, one
week, or for months at a time, they can expect five-star service and a personal touch. The contemporary apartments provide the freedom, flexibility and space for guests to create their own personal sanctuary and tailor a bespoke itinerary. Within footsteps of Nakheel Mall, popular attraction The View, as well as scenic beaches and lively restaurants Cheval Maison – The Palm Dubai provides the perfect place to unwind.
The all-apartment offers a selection of 131 units arranged with one, two and three bedrooms, plus an elegantly appointed three-bedroom penthouse, all with fully equipped kitchens, private terraces or balconies. Guests can also benefit from a
range of facilities including a rooftop pool and terrace, fitness centre and private parking. The Palm Monorail, is just a few minutes’ walk from the apartments, which also provides easy access to the metro system for those seeking to connect with the rest of the city.
Date: Valid from now until 31st August 2023
Price: Starting from AED555 per night for a one-night stay in a one-bedroom apartment. Enjoy early check-in from 11 am and late check-out until 4 pm.
For bookings or more information, please visit: https://www. chevalcollection.com/cheval-maison-the-palm/
in a one-bedroom apartment from now until 31st August 2023 from AED555 per night
• M&C Saatchi Group & Saatchi Gallery Art for Change Prize call for entries opens 26 April 2023 with a total prize fund of £20,000 to be won, split between six regional winners, and the opportunity to exhibit at London’s iconic Saatchi Gallery
• Emirati Conceptual Artist, Zeinab Alhashemi, is one of the guest judges
Today, global creative solutions company, M&C Saatchi Group and London’s iconic Saatchi Gallery have announced the second edition of their international art initiative – the annual Art for Change Prize.
Drawing upon the success of last year, which saw 2,500 entries from over 130 countries worldwide, the free-to-enter Art for Change Prize aims to make art, culture, and creativity accessible to everyone. It celebrates emerging artistic talent and serves to highlight and stimulate dialogue
around visual arts as a medium for positive global and social change.
With M&C Saatchi’s deep experience in behaviour change, this year’s prize invites emerging artists from around the world to creatively respond to the theme of ‘Regeneration’. Artists are invited to create new stories of a liveable future and motivate people to do what it takes to be a driving force for the change we need.
The issues of climate justice, social justice, and economics are now inseparable, but there
are reasons to be hopeful. Climate change is finally sinking in. Citizens are demanding change. Nations, cities, communities and corporations are stepping up.
Moray MacLennan, M&C Saatchi CEO, comments: “We have ambitious goals for environmental and social change and this year’s Art for Change Prize aims to have a positive impact on both across the world. Our partnership with the Saatchi Gallery aims to deepen access to art and identify the next generation of artists influencing real societal
change. After the success of last year, we want to have an even bigger impact this year. Because that’s what art can do, create meaningful change.”
Paul Foster, Saatchi Gallery Director, adds: “We are thrilled to present the Art for Change Prize in partnership with our Principal Patron M&C Saatchi Group. We received an incredible wealth of emerging talent from across the globe last year - to the delight of the judges and our visitors. This year’s theme, Regeneration, will provide an important challenge to the artists to explore how art can inspire meaningful change.”
Zeinab Alhashemi, Emirati Conceptual Artist, specialised in site specific art installation and public art, Artist Mentor and Founder of Athmad Projects, and Art for Change Prize Judge: “The Middle East & Africa have one of the richest cultural art histories and brim with worldclass talents. Countries like the UAE are also leading initiatives and conversations on our planet’s Sustainability, and 2023 has been declared the ‘Year of Sustainability’ for the nation. I’m optimistic that our region’s artists can offer stand-out work in this year’s Art for Change Prize. I invite my fellow artists to submit their entries.”
A total prize fund of £20,000 will be split between six regional winners, five to receive £2,000 each and one overall winner to receive £10,000. All artists will exhibit their winning works in a dedicated exhibition at Saatchi Gallery, a recognised authority in contemporary art, where the overall winner will be announced.
Applications will be invited through an open call online and the prize is available to emerging artists based in the following M&C Saatchi key global regions UK, Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia, Middle East & Africa. A winner from each location will be decided by the judging panel before a grand jury selects the overall winner.
Full list of judges include:
Middle East & Africa: Robert Grace, Founding Partner and Head of Strategy at M&C Saatchi Abel South Africa, Ryan Reed, Chief Creative Officer at M&C Saatchi UAE, Zeinab Alhashemi, a Conceptual Artist (represented by Leila Heller Gallery), specialised in site specific art installation and public art, Artist Mentor and Founder of Athmad Projects
Asia: Ali Shabaz, Chief Creative Officer at M&C Saatchi Singapore, Dami Sidharta, Chief Creative Officer at M&C Saatchi Indonesia, Nadya Wang, Editor of Art & Market and Fashion & Market, Lecturer at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore
UK: Darren Bowles, Partner & Executive Creative Director at Re, Part of M&C Saatchi Group, Ronaldo Tavares, Executive Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment, Sophie Morgan, TV Presenter, Writer & Disability Advocate
Europe: Klara Eide, Partner & Executive Strategy Director at M&C Saatchi Stockholm, Christian ‘Kidde’ Schuck, Managing Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Berlin, Michael Elmenbeck, Founder and Creative
Director of CF HILL Art Space and Bon Magazine
Americas: Nicholos Rotondi, Executive Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment North America, Lucas Crigler, Creative Director at SS+K, Part of M&C Saatchi Group, Mickey Smith, Conceptual Artist and Photographer
Australia: Emma Robbins, National Executive Creative Director, M&C Saatchi Australia, Patrick Guerrera, Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Re, Part of M&C Saatchi Group, Claire Bridge, Founder of Art World Women and dual contributor to The Peregrine Collection on The Moon
One overall winner will then be chosen by a grand jury, led by Saatchi Gallery.
Artists must be aged 18 or over, within the first five years of what they hope will be a successful artistic career and be working in one or more of the following media: painting, drawing, illustration, photography, collage, 2D mixed-media, video or film. To enter visit
• Call for entries open: 26 April 2023
• Deadline for entries: 17 July 11.59pm UK BST
• Regional winners announced: mid-October 2023
• Overall winner announced: 21 November 2023
• Exhibition dates: 22 November 2023 – 12 January 2024
For more information visit https://mcsaatchi.com/artforchangeprize
Residents of the UAE can now officially ‘Adopt an Animal’ at The Green Planet Dubai, a tropical rainforest home to over 3,000 plants and animals across four indoor rainforest levels. Through this initiative, animal lovers will be able to adopt Lemon the sloth, Kendrick the lemur, Amal the slow loris, Goldie the blue and gold macaw, and Coco the toco toucan for the duration of one year.
The adopted animals will be under the expert care of the trained individuals at The Green Planet. Through this program, The Green Planet parents would be contributing to the conservation and education initiatives by helping to conserve, breed, and preserve the species and their natural habitats as well as assisting in the animals’ welfare by donating to the wildlife sanctuary, the rehabilitation programs, veterinary requirements, and
contributing to the provision of general animal needs.
Animal adoptions are an ideal present for loved ones, family, and friends. This unique and thoughtful initiative comes in different options including gold, silver, and bronze. Each package comes with a welcome letter, a personalized adoption certificate, an animal keychain and email updates about your adopted animal.
Sara Stevens, Head of Operations and Curator at The Green Planet said, “We are thrilled to be able to bring this experience to the animal enthusiasts in the UAE. Adopting an animal is really rewarding and there’s no better way to show support for the rainforest.”
The gold package priced at AED 699 includes an adoption certificate, a letter about the animal with a picture, a keychain, two single use general admission ticket with 1 year validity, a recycled and reusable bag, quarterly update on the animal with a photo, a stuffed plush toy, and an exclusive 30 minute behind-thescenes tour at the Green Planet.
The silver package priced at AED 499 includes an adoption certificate, a letter about the animal with a picture, a keychain, two single use general admission ticket with 1 year validity, a recycled and reusable bag, quarterly update on the animal with a photo and a stuffed plush toy.
The bronze package priced at AED 299 includes an adoption certificate, a letter about the animal with a picture, a keychain, a single use general admission ticket with 1 year validity and a recycled and reusable bag.
Find out more about the adoption packages by visiting The Green Planet’s website-
Follow the Green Planet social media channels for the latest updates:
Instagram: @TheGreenPlanetDubai
Facebook: @TheGreenPlanetDubai
Since November 2022, UAE nationals are not required visas to visit Japan. The full visa waiver for Emirati nationals has been incredibly successful, and this is now supported by a number of additional new measures to ease travel for many living in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. These new measures include:
Effective immediately, all foreign nationals who would otherwise be required a visa to visit Japan and who reside in the UAE, and all Saudi nationals and foreign nationals residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, are now able to simply apply online for a short-term stay visa for the purpose of tourism travel to Japan. Applicants need to apply via the dedicated website JAPAN eVISA (https:// www.evisa.mofa.go.jp), where upon successful submission, a digital confirmation visa will be sent to the applicant. When entering Japan immigration, the eVISA holder needs to simply log on to the Japan eVISA website and show visa. No screenshots or printouts of the page will be accepted. For further details on how to apply online visit the online instructional video here.
Effective immediately, Qatari nationals can now apply at Japanese Embassies, Consulate-Generals or Consulates, to have their passport registered.
Upon registration, applicants will then receive a “Visa Waiver Registration” seal within their passport, which will entitle them to multiple short-term stays in Japan without a need for a visa for a period of 3 years (or expiration date of the passport).
Additionally, the Japanese government has announced that it will cease COVID-19-related entry requirements to the country from May 8, 2023, in line with Covid-19 being classified as a common disease. This means travelers no longer need to provide proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test from May 8 onward.
An exciting new neon spacethemed indoor playworld just landed on the grounds of Riverland™ at Dubai Parks™ and Resorts, the Middle East’s largest theme park destination.
Neon Galaxy is a new multi-level indoor adventure park spread across 860 m2 for children and young teens. It features ‘Astro Arena’, a neon space theme with ninja courses, slides, rope climbing and a wipe-out challenge that will engage children’s learning while providing endless fun in a safe and stimulating environment. Children above 98cm can enjoy an hour for AED 85 or AED 125 for a full day pass.
‘Neon Galaxy’ also features ‘Little Astronauts’, a dedicated sensory-rich space with various shapes, colours and textures for the curious ones under 98cm to learn through play and exploration. This space also includes ball pits and many space themed educational activities that will engage
children’s learning while providing endless fun in a safe and stimulating environment. Little ones can enjoy this area for as little as AED 60 for an hour or AED 90 for a full day pass.
While energetic youngsters explore the adventurous world of ‘Neon Galaxy’, parents can catch up on work, grab a bite or just sit back and relax at the café conveniently situated within.
Promising fun all year long, parents can also book a memorable birthday party at ‘Neon Galaxy’ starting from May 2023, where the birthday boys and girls can run, jump, and climb away whilst celebrating with their friends. Birthday packages start from AED 100 per guest.
From soft play and attractions for the little ones to adventurous action for teenagers and adults, Dubai Parks™ and Resorts promises world class experiences. Special rates can be availed by
Annual Pass holders and guests with tickets to any of the Dubai Parks™ and Resorts theme parks including MOTIONGATE™ Dubai, LEGOLAND® Dubai Theme Park and LEGOLAND® Water Park. Day visitors to RIVERLAND™ Dubai can purchase tickets directly at ‘Neon Galaxy’, with prices starting from AED 60 per hour, or online at www.dubaiparksandresorts.com. Neon Galaxy’s opening comes after Dubai Parks™ and Resorts’ recent unveiling of JumpX, the world’s largest inflatable park and a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title holder.
For more information, please visit www.dubaiparksandresorts.com.
Sleeping enough, eating well, exercising and coping with stress are all components of good health, but focusing on all four at once while managing a hectic schedule may seem impossible. Safia Debar, M.B.B.S., an expert in tailored medical exams at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, explains how giving a little extra attention to any one of these areas can improve the others.
“By pulling any of these levers, you can have a big impact on your health,” Dr. Debar says. It all starts in the brain, Dr. Debar says. It can be in a state of “rest, repair and relaxation,” in which, assuming general good health, the body is functioning optimally, or the brain can be in a stress state, in which the body’s primary concern becomes handling one or more perceived threats and other physical needs are relegated to second place, she says.
“Our brain does not distinguish. The perception of threat and real threat are the same, so once that button is pressed, the same cascade ensues,” Dr. Debar says. Stress can impact sleeping, eating and exercising. For example, when the brain is in a stress state, it is thinking in the short term and focused on feeling better immediately. That’s why it’s common to crave sugary and/or fatty foods and not make the effort to exercise when stressed: The brain tells the body it needs immediate energy, Dr. Debar says.
“The brain wants to feel better right now, so it’s not going to think about going to exercise and then feeling better afterward,” she says. “It’s all intertwined.”
Similarly, sleeping, eating and exercising can affect how we handle stress. Key questions to ask yourself include:
“What is my sleep like?” If it’s not good, maybe that’s where to place your attention, by going to bed earlier or changing another aspect of your sleep routine, Dr. Debar says.
“How is my gut functioning?” If you are having digestive problems, it may help to optimize your nutrition, Dr. Debar says.
“What is my social support like?” That can affect mood, she says.
“Do I find certain things are making me feel stressed?” For example, if checking email before bed or immediately upon waking generates stress, think about how to change that part of your routine to maintain calm, Dr. Debar says.
“What kind of exercise am I getting?” If the answer isn’t much, try to find ways to incorporate more movement into your day, she says.
“By helping your gut, that might be enough for you, or helping your sleep, that might be enough for you,” Dr. Debar says. “It’s those simple foundational elements that can have huge impact. Be intentional about certain things.” Pulling these levers of health ourselves can feel empowering, she says.
“It’s not, `A doctor said I had to lose weight and sleep and reduce my stress.’ When you understand the foundations of health, it then doesn’t become about you having low self-control, or procrastinating, or not being disciplined,” Dr. Debar says. “Instead, how do we take what you have in your life and embed these practices in it?”
Why working on one of these can improve the others
Miral Destinations, the trusted one-stop trade and promotional partner for Yas Island Abu Dhabi, has launched its exciting Kids Go Free packages for the summer at Arabian Travel Market 2023. The family offering will allow Yas Island’s visitors to extend their stay and indulge in a wide array of leisure and entertainment offerings that appeal to travelers of all ages and preferences.
Yas Island’s Kids Go Free packages are available for purchase now on Yas Island’s website and offer families incredible added value and unlimited entertainment, allowing children under the age of 12 to stay, play and dine for free all summer long.
As one of the world’s fastest growing leisure and entertainment destinations, Yas Island Abu Dhabi has become a coveted locale for travelers from around the world. From award-winning theme parks and attractions, world-class shopping, top-notch hotels, over 165 dining
outlets, a links golf course, exciting water and motor sports, and a year-round line-up of spectacular musical, entertainment and family-friendly events, there’s something for everyone within the 25 sq km island.
For unrivalled family fun, a visit to Yas Island’s award-winning theme parks is a must. Be it at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, home of the world’s fastest rollercoaster, Yas Waterworld Abu Dhabi, where families can enjoy over 45 splash-tastic rides, slides and attractions, or Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi, the world’s largest indoor theme park where guests can meet over 35 fan-favorite Animation characters and DC Super Heroes all under one roof, there’s tons of family-friendly entertainment in store.
Set to join the Island’s incredible portfolio of attractions is SeaWorld® Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, the region’s next generation Marine Life Theme Park, slated to open to the public on May 23, 2023. Guests looking
to experience the park can visit SeaWorld Abu Dhabi’s booth at the event to witness first-hand an immersive world unlike any other.
Yas Island is also home to a wide range of leading hotels that cater to different budgets and delights. Whether opting for a luxurious stay, such as the W Abu Dhabi Yas Island, or a family-friendly option like The WB™ Abu Dhabi Curio Collection by Hilton, there’s no shortage of world-class hospitality on offer that can be availed as part of Yas Island’s packaged offering.
The Kids Go Free summer packages are now available for booking online starting May 1 and will be valid to avail from June 1 to September 30, 2023. Holidaymakers keen to experience the best of Yas Island Abu Dhabi are advised to purchase their packages directly from Yas Island’s website at www.yasisland.com.
Elevate your summer entertaining by hiring a private chef for your villa party
As temperatures begin to soar in the UAE, people prefer to stay indoors to beat the heat. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your summer with your close friends and family. Elevate your entertaining plans by hiring a private chef who will provide you with the ultimate luxury of fine dining in the comfort of your own villa.
With extensive experience catering to royal families and high-net-worth individuals, Dubai-based Private Chef Vanessa Bayma of CBC Consultancy and Events is renowned for providing an exceptional fine dining experience at home. Her summer menus start at 350AED per person and range from family-style barbecue spreads to four-course plated dinners spanning an array of tempting cuisines, including Mediterranean, Asian fusion, Nikkei, and Arabesque.
from the first showstopping canapé through to the last bite of dessert.
Every last detail: Hiring a private chef for your summer villa party provides a bespoke experience that cannot be matched by any restaurant or standard catering service. Chef Bayma will work closely with you to create a personalized culinary journey that is tailored to your needs and likings. From the table settings to the music, every detail is thoughtfully considered to create the perfect ambiance for you and your guests.
Personal and private: When you host a gathering in the comfort of your villa, you and your guests can celebrate in complete privacy, with no restrictions on your time, décor choices or preferred playlist, compared to hosting an event in a venue.
So, if you’re looking for a luxurious and hassle-free way to celebrate summer with your loved ones, contact Chef Vanessa Bayma today. Her expertise and passion for food will ensure your private event is a success and an experience to remember.
For more information, please visit www.chefbayma.com, or to book a private event, please contact her team at WhatsApp +971 58 860 4799 or email info@chefbayma.com
Hassle-free entertaining: By hiring a private chef for your summer villa party, you can sit back, relax and enjoy your event without worrying about stress of food shopping, preparation and service. Your dedicated culinary team will take care of all the details, including setting up the kitchen, cooking, plating, and cleaning up after the event, allowing you and your guests to enjoy a hassle-free and memorable experience.
Restaurant-quality cuisine: Chef Vanessa Bayma and her handpicked, expertly trained team at CBC use only the highest quality ingredients, so you can rest assured knowing your food will be fresh, healthy, and delicious. With customized menus catering to every taste and preference, Chef Bayma and her team ensure every dish is a masterpiece that your guests will savour,
“I believe summer villa parties are the ultimate luxury experience. With a private chef, you can take your party to the next level by creating a personalized and unforgettable culinary experience. I work closely with my clients to understand their needs and preferences, and craft menus that exceed their expectations,” said Private Chef Vanessa Bayma. “Whether you’re hosting a small gathering or a grand celebration, I’m here to make sure that your summer villa party is a success and a lasting memory for you and your guests.”
Chef Vanessa Bayma is known for her expertise in international cuisines, fusion cooking, and fine dining experiences. She has worked with some of the most prominent restaurants and hotels in the UAE and has catered to high-profile clients and events.
Here are some of the benefits of hiring a private chef for in-villa parties during the summer:
English will retain its position as the world’s most widely spoken language over the next decade and teachers will continue to be at the heart of English learning, even in the face of increased automation, AI and machine learning.
These are two of the findings in a landmark research publication, the Future of English: Global Perspectives, published by the British Council in April. It is the result of a series of roundtables connecting education experts from 49 countries across the globe.
This is the first publication in a major programme of research and global engagement started by the British Council in 2020. The Future of English research programme will shine a light on the trends driving the use of English as a global language and provide data to inform policy makers, educators, researchers, and others interested in this important topic. Key findings:
English is the most widely spoken
language in the world. and English is likely to retain this position for the next decade and beyond. English will play an important role in giving more young people access to higher education opportunities.
There is a strong connection between the desire to learn English and the need for teachers, even when new technologies are considered.
Private sector has the potential to address the deficiencies in language education provision offered by the public sector and expand the prospects available to young people. Nevertheless, the quality of certain private offerings is inconsistent, and the report proposes increased cooperation between public and private providers.
Policy makers should continuously review the approach to assessing English proficiency to make sure assessment practices stay relevant for today’s study, work and social interactions.
Technology has the potential to help greater numbers of students access language learning. But the publication found that it also risks widening the divide between people who have access to technology and those who do not.
There has been a gradual, industry led, shift away towards valuing language proficiency that is more practical and situational, rather than solely focusing on being fluent in one's native language
The British Council will be driving data collection globally to inform future research releases globally. As part of our long-term commitment, we have initiated a major new Future of English research grant scheme, awarding the first four grants to UK-led international projects in 2022.
Alongside the new publication, the British Council is set to unveil a new Future of English touring exhibition. The multimedia exhibition will explore several of the report’s core themes - English in education, English in the work-
place, and English in the community - and feature interactive elements which will ask visitors for their views on the future of the English language. Initially opening at the British Council’s headquarters in Stratford, London from 26 April, the exhibition will subsequently travel to the New Directions LATAM 2023 conference in São Paulo, Brazil from 25-27 May, the New Directions East Asia 2023 conference in Hanoi, Viet Nam on 27 and 28 October 2023. Other locations and dates will be announced for 2023, before the exhibition returns to London in early 2024.
Mark Walker, Director of English & Exams at the British Council, said:
“At the British Council, English language teaching, learning and assessment are at the heart of what we do. We champion the power of English to break down barriers and help millions of learners grow their skills, build international connections, and access life-changing opportunities.
“Now we’re collaborating with partners, thought leaders, teachers and learners around the world to open up new conversations and share global perspectives about the future of English.”
The British Council supports 100 million English learners worldwide with online resources and connects with more than four million teachers and educators online each year – the world’s largest global network of teachers. The British Council also works directly with education leaders, teacher educators and teachers of English to raise standards of English in education systems.
To read the full report :https://www. britishcouncil.org/future-of-english
Calling all the ladies in the capital – mark your calendars for April 28 as Yas Waterworld’s long-awaited event ‘Ladies’ Day’ is set to return with a fun-filled splash all dressed up in pink! Taking place each Friday until November, this season’s series of the fan-favorite event promises a line-up of exciting activities including refreshing mocktail bars, funky new décor, as ladies will get the chance to groove the night away with tunes brought by a live female DJ every night.
Ladies’ Day is set to deliver the ultimate girls-only adventure at Water’s Greatest Playground. As always, guests will also be able to enjoy over 45 rides, slides and experiences in total privacy for a Friday to remember each week. To ensure the comfort of guests during Ladies’ Day, the waterpark will continue to enforce a strict nophone policy with an all-female staff on the ground. Whether you're looking for heart-pumping drop down Liwa Loop, or a peaceful float down the Raha river, Yas Waterworld promises the most exhilarating water experiences for ladies.
Ryan Watkins, General Manager at Yas Waterworld, said: “Yas Wa-
terworld’s Ladies’ Day has long been a staple event for women in the capital, and for good reason. Not only do we give our female guests an opportunity to enjoy our award-winning waterpark’s rides and slides with the utmost privacy and comfort – we are constantly working with our guest experience and operations teams to level up the experience and offer up something new and exciting. We have a whole slew of water-inspired surprises in store this time around and are sure that long-time fans and first-time guests alike will have a Ladies’ Day to remember at Yas Waterworld.”
Ladies' Day is designed to cater to all female guests of all ages. Whether visiting with groups big or small, women can enjoy aquatic excitement with complete peace of mind and privacy. Boys under eight are also welcome when accompanied by their mothers. So ladies – water you waiting for? Grab your swimsuits and head over to the UAE’s legendary waterpark for an unforgettable day of fun in the sun.
For more information on Yas Waterworld’s Ladies’ Day and to purchase tickets online, please visit: www.yaswaterworld.com.
With summer fast approaching, Palazzo Versace Dubai invites guests to escape the heat at the iconic city hotel and enjoy a specially curated summer offering when booking a stay from May 1st to September 30th.
Immerse yourself this summer with a luxury escape to Dubai’s most fashionable address and discover the hotel’s Versace-designed rooms, signature dining outlets, award-winning spa, and lavish amenities all under exclusive prices throughout the summer.
Guests can take advantage of great savings on their stay when booking Palazzo Versace’s specially curated Summer Escape package, inclusive of accommodation in a luxuriously appointed room or suite, daily breakfast at the award-winning Giardino, High Tea at Mosaico Lobby Lounge, AED 150 voucher at The SPA as well as a further 20% discount on F&B.*
Available to book for stays from May 1st to September 30th with prices starting at AED 999+++, Palazzo Versace invites Dubai residents and visitors to experience unparalleled comfort and enjoy an unforgettable getaway this summer.
• Accommodation in a luxuriously appointed room or suite designed exclusively by Versace
• Daily breakfast at Giardino for two adults
• High Tea for 2 at Mosaico (once during the stay)
• AED 150 voucher at The SPA for any spa treatment
• 20% off Food and Beverage (except on Q’s Bar and Lounge and brunch packages)
• Complimentary Internet access
The Mai Dubai City Half Marathon is set to welcome participants in Abu Dhabi for the first time at Yas Island, on May 7, 2023. The event will make its debut in Abu Dhabi, with Mai Dubai as its title sponsor, as a result of its success in Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) in the past 4 years. The popular marathon, which is also celebrating its 5th anniversary, is one of the most anticipated events on UAE’s sporting calendar and promotes an active lifestyle among participants.
The race includes three distance categories – 5 kms, 10 kms, and the ultimate half marathon 21 kms. All distances begin and end on the Yas Bay Waterfront, with runners taking a 5 km loop on the boardwalk, Etihad Arena, and back along the waterfront. Complimentary buses will take runners from three locations in Dubai to the start line in Abu Dhabi, and back to Dubai afterward. Buses will depart from Dubai Marina, JLT, and Burjuman Metro station. In addition, there will be a
number of activities along the route to keep the runners cool and entertained, and all participants will receive a medal, a delicious breakfast box, and a t-shirt.
Abraham Kah, CEO of Mai Dubai, said: “We are delighted to serve as the title sponsor for the Mai Dubai City Half Marathon, which will be held for the first time in Abu Dhabi’s Yas Island. While the Mai Dubai City Half Marathon, Dubai edition is in its 5th season, it is certainly a proud moment for
Mai Dubai to extend the running event to the Abu Dhabi fitness enthusiast. We want to make sure we reach as many people as possible to promote hydration as an important part of physical fitness. This is part of our continued effort to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourages good health and wellness in the UAE’s sports community. Through this event, we hope to empower all those who wish to take the first step towards realising their full potential, as well as welcome participants from the running communities around UAE to take part in this inaugural event in Abu Dhabi.
Steven Matthijs, of Promoseven Sports Marketing, stated: “With the successful Dubai edition celebrating its 5th anniversary and attracting an increasing number of runners each year, we are delighted to announce that Abu Dhabi will be joining the calendar as well. This entails more possibilities to take part in one of the leading running events of Dubai, with the backing of Mai Dubai and several other supporting partners. Our goal is to make each event bigger and better than the previous one, resulting in a positive experience for participants.”
The latest event promises to be an exciting experience for runners from all over the UAE. With Yas Island as the Official Venue Partner, Parachute as the Official Digital Marketing Partner, and Promoseven Sports Marketing as the organisers, the Mai Dubai City Half Marathon is poised to set new records this year.
• 1 ½ cups (339g) unsalted butter, softened
• 3 cups (600g) sugar
• 5 large eggs, room temperature (place in a bowl of warm water for 5 minutes to speed up the process).
• 3 cups (342 g) cake flour (Not self rising. We use Swan’s Down, bleached)
• ½ teaspoon (2)g baking powder
• ½ teaspoon (3g) salt
• 1 cup (235 g) buttermilk
• 2 teaspoons (8g) vanilla extract
• 2 cups confectioners sugar (measure then sift)
• 3 tablespoons milk (add additional as needed in small increments)
• pinch of salt
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• Grease and flour a tube pan.
• Preheat the oven to 325 deg
• In a separate bowl whisk the cake flour, baking powder, and salt to combine, set aside for later.
• Using an electric mixer (paddle attachment if using a stand mixer), cream the butter on medium speed until smooth. Next, gradually add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy for 3 to 5 minutes.
• Add the eggs one at a time, blending after each until the yolk is incorporated.
• Add the vanilla extract to the 1 cup of buttermilk.
• With the mixer on low speed, add the flour mixture alternately with the buttermilk to the butter/sugar/egg mixture in the mixing bowl. Begin and end with the dry ingredients. I do three additions of dry, alternating with two additions of wet.
• Scoop batter into prepared bundt pan.
• Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 5-10 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. *Baking times may vary.
• This makes approximately 8 cups of batter.
• Allow to cool in the pan for 10 minutes before turning out.
• Combine ingredients, stirring until smooth. If it is too thick, add more. milk in small increments. If too thin, add additional confectioners sugar. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap until ready to use.
• Once the cake has cooled, you can spoon the glaze over the cake, or for more control, you can spoon it into a disposable piping bag with the tip snipped away.
In line with the global celebrations on World Wish Day, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has joined hands with CLYMB™ Abu Dhabi, the UAE’s ultimate indoor adventure hub, to surprise 8-year-old Abdulrahman with a unique indoor skydiving experience inside the World’s Biggest Indoor Skydiving Chamber and with an adaptive bike of his own to help improve his mobility and make his ultimate dreams come true.
In line with the Foundation’s keenness to turn children’s dreams to a reality, Noha El Shorbagy, Project Manager at the Make-A-Wish Foundation welcomed Abdulrahman and his family, along with the CLYMB Abu Dhabi team and the instructor who accompanied the guests to their indoor skydiving experience.
Hani Alzubaidi, CEO of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, said: “The Foundation’s humanitarian work in the UAE thrives on the community’s thoughtful wishes and their willingness to lend joy and happiness to those in need during the Holy Month of
Ramadan. We are hopeful that many will share our efforts to provide the children with hope and positivity to make their dreams come true.”
Al-Zubaidi added: “I wish upon everyone a blessed month that brings forth an abundance of blessings and happiness. May Allah grant the UAE and its people countless years of prosperity and growth.” Alzubaidi also expressed his gratitude to CLYMB Abu Dhabi and commended the exceptional experience provided to turn Abdulrahman’s dreams come true.
CLYMB Abu Dhabi is home to the world’s biggest indoor skydiving chamber and the region’s tallest climbing wall, The SUMMYT™. The attraction is open to guests of all ages and offers unforgettable adventures and heart-pumping experiences for all skill levels.
The platform offers an innovative digital solution for auctioning & direct selling of valuable paintings, antiques, collectibles and furniture.
Mohamed Diab and Amro Ashour announced their unique entry into the e-commerce market with the launch of DiarBid, a firstof-its-kind platform providing innovative solutions offering users maximum value from selling unique and used furniture, valuable antiques, outstanding paintings, rare collectables, and high value home items. Focusing on high-value listings, the dynamic, easy-to-use, secure platform provides auctioning, direct buying and selling, delivery and installation, and offering a full-circle service packaging and relocation.
DiarBid’s Co-Founder and Business Development Manager, Mohamed Diab, says, “Sensing a gap in the market, we are excited to share DiarBid with the UAE. For the first time, through a highly-regulated bidding process via our auctioning platform, DiarBid allows users to grab the best deals on valuable pre-owned furniture and home items and provides onthe-spot quotations for premium house moving and packaging services. From one account, users can buy, sell, or relocate from the convenience and comfort of their home.”
Unlike other online listing platforms in the market, DiarBid ensures quality and authenticity with thorough screenings and stringent regulation processes towards each listing and transaction. Reviewed by DiarBid’s team before going live, with provenance papers of high-value art
and collectables analysed by an authentication expert, each listed lot has a monetary hold placed on it, valued at 5% of the seller’s target price and once a bid is successful, a 10% hold of the buyer’s bid value until approved. With funds released immediately when agreed, the two parties are offered delivery and installation services through DiarBid’s premium relocation partner. This partner also acts as a physical quality control collecting and delivering items, ensuring they are in the condition as advertised by the seller.
Of the process, Amrou Ashour, Co-Founder and Operations Manager, says, “By placing clearcut conditions for each listing, we are not only confirming our commitment to an authentic, secure and reliable platform, but we are asking for the same commitment from our users, weeding out illegitimate parties and ungenuine activities.
All transactions are done online through wire transfers, and we act as the middle man, the authenticator, facilitating all communication between the buyers and sellers to avoid annoying phone calls and visits unless the buyer opts to pick up the purchase at an agreed date and time.”
Developed in partnership with Dubai-based digital agency Wisdom IT Solutions, extreme attention was paid to the online user brand experience, a high
priority for Diab and Amrou when developing the platform’s framework. Of the user experience, Diab added, “Wisdom played a pivotal role in turning our dream into a reality. We wanted to make sure we got it right from the start, and the Wisdom team’s attention to detail and willingness to go above and beyond truly set them apart.
They were with us every step of the way, providing unwavering support and expertly consulting our team to ensure we created a comprehensive solution that met our needs and exceeded our expectations.”
As selling furniture is mostly connected to moving home, DiarBid also provides relocation services for homes and offices in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah through a professional and competitively-priced third-party associate.
Listed alongside the auctioning activities on the platform, users can fill out a questionnaire and receive an estimated quotation generated on the spot, with the final cost provided within 24 hours. The booking and payment of the service can also be facilitated online.
DiarBid’s operations currently cover Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah, with rapid expansion plans to cover the remainder of the UAE and GCC, starting with Saudi Arabia, in June 2024.
save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.
Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.
of the world’s agricultural soil has already degraded
0 - 20 (very low)
20 - 40 (low)
40 - 70 (medium)
70 - 90 (high)
> 90 (very high)
Source: FAO, 2019, modified to comply with UN, 2021.