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22. Logos Hope, World’s Larg est Floating Book Exhibition, to Dock in Abu Dhabi in May 2023
24. Do your children know how to exit the bus when alone?
20. Al Ain Zoo announces amazing may offer for Al Ain safari truck
30. Adopt an animal at the Green Planet Dubai
JUNE 2023
Brighton College Al Ain is hosting the final round of fun, interactive ‘Stay & Play’ sessions in June, for FS1 and FS2 admissions for August 2023.
Join us to meet our vibrant, family-orientated community, learn about our innovative Curiosity Approach in the Early Years, see our stimulating facilities and discover how we ensure the best possible start for our pupils.
The only school in Al Ain rated ‘Outstanding’ by ADEK
At Brighton College Al Ain, we nurture education centred on kindness, curiosity and confidence. We celebrate the uniqueness of every individual, fostering a respect for diversity and recognition of the efforts and achievements of all. We encourage pupils to be true to themselves and kind to one another.
Our innovative British Early Years Curriculum is taught in ways that build on a child’s curiosity and interests. Our world-class educators create stimulating, challenging and inspiring learning environments where children's passions are unearthed. They learn by playing and exploring through a mixture of planned and open-ended play activities in our creative, nature-inspired learning spaces both indoors and outdoors.
Brighton College Al Ain is part of one of the most academically successful school groups in the UAE, together with its sister schools in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Al Ain Students got to interact with Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi during this incredible event
The fourth edition of the highly anticipated A Call from Space event, hosted by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre, unfolded at the Great Hall in the United Arab Emirates University, nestled in the heart of Al Ain.
Lieutenant General His Highness
Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, graced the occasion with his presence, where he received a comprehensive briefing on the mission, gaining insight into the remarkable milestones achieved during Sultan Al Neyadi’s tenure aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The event was also attended by key officials, including His Excellency Zaki Anwar Nusseibeh, Cultural Advisor to His Highness the President of the UAE Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and the Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University, His Excellency Yousuf Hamad AlShaibani, Vice Chairman MBRSC, His Excellency Salem Humaid AlMarri, Director General MBRSC and His Excellency Prof. Ghaleb Ali AlHadrami AlBreiki, Acting Vice Chancellor United Arab Emirates University.
In his speech at the event, His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed emphasised the indispensable role of UAE’s leadership in enabling the nation’s extraordinary achievements. He expressed sincere gratitude and appreciation to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, for his invaluable guidance. He further added by acknowledging the contributions of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, for his significant role in enabling these accomplishments. Ad-
ditionally, he extended his thanks to His Highness Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Vice President, and His Highness Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, for their unwavering support and dedication in providing every opportunity for the nation to achieve such impressive milestones, which demonstrate the global achievements of the emirates and the capabilities of its youth.
For his part, Sultan Al Neyadi welcomed His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed, saying: “ We deeply appreciate the gift of your presence with us today, and we express our profound gratitude for your unwavering support.” Al Neyadi also expressed his joy at being able to connect with the people of his city, Al Ain. He further stated: “It is an honour to connect with each and every one of you here at the esteemed United Arab Emirates University, nestled in the heart of Al Ain. I eagerly anticipate your
Al Ain English Speaking students from year 6inquiries and look forward to helping you understand more about my mission and the extraordinary journey aboard the International Space Station.”
The event also witnessed an impressive turnout of over 2,200 individuals eagerly assembled for the event, all anticipating to have a conversation with Emirati astronaut, Sultan Al Neyadi. Through an interactive live discussion, Sultan seized the opportunity to reconnect with his treasured hometown, Al Ain, and elaborated on his unique experiences onboard International Space Station, creating an unforgettable and inspiring experience.
The 1-hour event kicked off with an immersive presentation, followed by the highlight of the event, which was a 20-minute one-on-one discussion between Sultan Al Neyadi and the keen attendees, fostering meaningful interactions and exchanges.
This event is part of the UAE Astronaut Programme, one of the projects managed by MBRSC under the UAE’s National Space Programme that is funded by the ICT Fund of the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA), which aims to support research and development in the ICT sector in the UAE and promote the country’s integration on the global stage.
Homegrown ‘Al Islami Food’ Breaks New Skies, Carves a Place in History By Supplying
The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) has announced a historic moment as “Made in UAE” food successfully reaches the International Space Station (ISS) for the first time. Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi and his fellow Expedition 69 crew members will now have the opportunity to savour the taste of home. The carefully curated selection includes a renowned Emirati dish, Chicken Saloona, produced by Al Islami Foods.
Introducing Emirati food to the International Space Station (ISS) not only highlights the unique culture and culinary heritage of UAE, but also emphasizes the significance of Real Halal food as an ideal selection. Al Islami was able to provide astronauts with balanced nutritional food that embraces the cherished values passed down through generations while ensuring that they are easy to carry, store, and use in a non-gravitational environment
H.E. Salem Al Marri, Director General of MBRSC, said, “The introduction of Made-in-UAE foods to the ISS signifies a proud moment for our nation, as it showcases the best of Emirati culture, culinary heritage, and entrepreneurial spirit. This achievement not only enriches the meal options available to astronauts but also serves as a tangible example of how international collaboration can bring diverse cultures together and create meaningful connections in the field of space exploration. We are proud to share a piece of the UAE with the global astronaut community and look forward to further expanding our partnership with local manufacturers to extend the range of Emirati foods available on the ISS in the future.”
MBRSC meticulously went through a selection process to identify suitable companies for supplying authentic UAE cuisine. After reaching out to nearly 20 manufacturers, Al Islami Foods, with its extensive heritage in providing Real Halal food products dating back to 1981 and expertise in manufacturing quality food over nearly five decades, was chosen to be part of this historic occasion.
B Y D R . M O K H A M A D Z H A F F A L
A s K u r t S e m m s t a r t e d h i s l e c t u r e a b o u t h i s n o v e l t e c h n i q u e d e s c r i b i n g l a p a r o s c o p i c a p p e n d e c t o m y , t h e a s s e m b l e d c r o w d i n t h e h a l l g r a d u a l l y d i m i n i s h e d P e o p l e l e f t , a n g r y a n d a n n o y e d . “ C r a z y a n d u n e t h i c a l , ” t h e y c a l l e d h i m . H e w a s e v e n r e q u e s t e d t o u n d e r g o a b r a i n s c a n a n d a p s y c h i a t r i c e v a l u a t i o n b y t h e G e r m a n m e d i c a l c o u n s e l a s t h e y t e m p o r a r i l y s u s p e n d e d h i s m e d i c a l l i c e n s e . A l l h e d i d w a s l a p a r o s c o p y , w h i c h a t h i s t i m e d e f i e d t h e f a m o u s s a y i n g , “ B i g I n c i s i o n s f o r B i g S u r g e o n s . ”
T o d a y , h o w e v e r , l a p a r o s c o p y i s c o n s i d e r e d t h e g o l d s t a n d a r d f o r d i a g n o s i s a n d t r e a t m e n t o f m u l t i p l e p a t h o l o g i e s i n d i f f e r e n t s p e c i a l i t i e s a s p a r t o f m i n i m a l l y i n v a s i v e s u r g e r y T h i s t y p e o f s u r g e r y i n v o l v e s t h e u s e o f s m a l l i n c i s i o n s n o t g r e a t e r t h a n 1 c m t o p e r f o r m s u r g e r i e s t h a t i n t h e p a s t r e q u i r e d l a r g e 1 5 - 2 0 c m i n c i s i o n s L a p a r o s c o p y o f f e r s p a t i e n t s a f a s t e r r e c o v e r y , l e s s p a i n , r e l a t i v e l y l e s s c o m p l i c a t i o n s , a n d a r a p i d d i s c h a r g e h o m e a n d r e t u r n t o n o r m a l l i f e
A t K a n a d H o s p i t a l , l a p a r o s c o p y i s u t i l i s e d i n g e n e r a l s u r g e r y , g y n a e c o l o g y , a n d p a e d i a t r i c s u r g e r y A t o u r i n s t i t u t i o n , w e l a p a r o s c o p i c a l l y p e r f o r m a p p e n d e c t o m y , c h o l e c y s t e c t o m y , h e r n i a r e p a i r , e c t o p i c p r e g n a n c y , c y s t e c t o m y , m y o m e c t o m y a n d h y s t e r e c t o m y i n b o t h e l e c t i v e a n d e m e r g e n c y c a s e s T h e s u c c e s s o f t h i s k i n d o f t e c h n o l o g y i n v o l v e s a m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y a p p r o a c h b e t w e e n t h e a n a e s t h e s i o l o g i s t s , s u r g e o n s a n d n u r s e s t o e n s u r e t h e b e s t p o s s i b l e s u r g i c a l o u t c o m e .
Dr. Mokhamad is a graduate of the American University of Beirut Medical Center and carries a training fellowship in minimally invasive gynecological surgery. He has 20 years of experience and has been at Kanad Hospital in the Family & Internal Medicine department since 2021.
As Martin Luther King once said: ‘ You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.’
As someone who just finished their final exams, for the third year in a row, I’m pretty much familiar with exam stress. However, with help, I managed to cope so I wanted to help others who are just beginning their exam journey and share some advice.
I hope that after reading this, you find a way to reach the top of your staircase, step by step.
I asked our school counsellor for any personal tips to help reduce stress. She shared some very beneficial advice:
1. Breathe: Breathing may sound too easy to be useful, but deliberately expanding
your chest to take a deep breath relaxes your muscles and encourages them to work normally again. As a bonus, the increased flow of oxygen helps energise your brain
2. Set aside time for yourself: You may feel tremendous pressure to dedicate every wa king moment to studying , but it is still important to rest and reconnect with the people in your life. Go on a walk, eat dinner with your family or friends, or play with your dog. This is not permission to slack off – it ’s time to re-energise and to refocus on the task at hand.
3. Exercise: Like the breathing exercises, exercise prompts you to focus on your body rather than your worries. Many students carry their
stress in their bodies so exercise helps move your muscles and increase blood flow.
4 Sleep: Good quality sleep is associated with better recall, mood and health. So if you think an all nighter will help, trust me, it will only make it worse. So go to sleep.
5. Take control of your preparation: Creating a schedule with concrete goals will give you a sense of progression as you complete required tasks before the big day. Set the ultimate goal within your schedule then try and break down the goal into chunks. If you can become disciplined with your time management, study goals become more achievable with less stress and anxiety
As previously mentioned, I have lots of experience with end of year exams so I wanted to share what I
learnt and strategies that helped me deal with the stress:
1. Take it one day at a time: You’re running a marathon not a sprint. You can’t work 12-14 hours a day. This will lead you to become unproductive as you’re exha usted and not focused on what you need to learn. However if you work 4-6 hours a day, it increases your productivity and your focus, subsequently reducing your stress.
2. Talk to someone: This is perhaps the most important tip and something I wish I had done sooner. By talking to someone about your strug gles, you can unload some of your stress and figure out a plan to solve it together You’re not alone, so go talk to your friend, teacher, parent, anyone you trust
Start revising earlier than you think. This allows you to spread the work out and decreases your daily load which in turn reduces your stress. It also means that if you don't stick to your schedule exactly, there is still time to catch up. A lot of the exam stress can come from always feeling behind so starting early can reduce this.
Schedule and plan what you are going to study for each day. Firstly, this helps you put into perspective how much work you h ave to do Secondly, it breaks it up into manageable chunks over a longer period of time which reduces how overwhelming the work might feel. Consistently doing small amounts of work rather than doing all your work in a short period of time greatly reduces the stress of exams.
I think that the main reason why people get stressed about exams is because they think that these exams will either make or break their future.
Exams don’t define you. You are worth more than what a letter or pi ece of paper tells you. You are still an amazing , smart, successful person with or without these exams.
If you remember that and you work hard, you will be just fine.
Al Maryah Island set to plant 3,000 trees as part of its “Embrace Nature, Inspire Change” sustainability initiative in honour of the Year of Sustainability
The Galleria Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi’s leading community destination, is calling on the public to give back to mother nature as part of World Environment Week. In honour of the Year of Sustainability, the “Embrace Nature, Inspire Change” environmental initiative runs from 8 to 22 June and builds on The Galleria’s ongoing recycling, energy-saving and sustainability efforts.
As part of its commitment to sustainability, The Galleria will plant one tree for the first 3,000 guests who participate in the initiative. To participate, the first 200 guests per day can register for free at the Guest Services desk on level G as of 8 June and until 22 June.
Guests registering to plant a tree will receive a gift card as a thank you to spend anywhere at The Galleria in recognition for their participation. Participants who wish to do so will be invited to join The Galleria team in helping to plant the trees in Q4. The positive environmental impact of this ambitious initiative as estimated by independent environmental agency ENCON amounts to a carbon offset of around 72,000 kilograms (equivalent to 72 metric tonnes), resulting in the saving of 180 kilowatt hours of electricity.
Commenting on the initiative, David Robinson, CEO of Al Maryah Retail Company, said “The Galleria’s ‘Embrace Nature, Inspire Change’ sustainability initiative
is about inspiring the Abu Dhabi community to give back to nature during the Year of Sustainability. With climate impact and sustainability at the top of the agenda for the United Arab Emirates, as it prepares to host COP28 later this year, The Galleria is further elevating its contribution to environmental stewardship through this ambitious drive to plant 3,000 trees in Abu Dhabi. This is our way of giving back to nature and honouring the wider Abu Dhabi community that has long regarded The Galleria as their second home.”
Guests who participate will be able to redeem their AED 100 reward from 8 to 22 June.
Easygenerator, a leading e-learning authoring tool, is proud to announce the launch of its latest innovation, EasyAI. With this launch, Easygenerator promises to revolutionize the e-learning industry and empower employees worldwide. For the first time ever, the majority of the content will be created by the AI in an eLearning authoring tool.
The launch aligns with the UAE’s visionary focus on harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive technological advancements. As the United Arab Emirates continues prioritizing AI as a critical pillar of its national strategy and vision for the future, Easygenerator embraces this paradigm by introducing EasyAI.
Easygenerator, which is among the top 5 e-learning authoring tools in the world, is a cloud platform that enables anyone to create e-learning content, without the need for any prior knowledge of
instructional design. With Easygenerator employees can share can start sharing their knowledge in the organization rapidly, efficiently, and effectively.
“At Easygenerator we believe knowledge sharing should be easy and accessible for everyone. We are inspired by the UAE’s visionary approach to AI and innovation, and with the release of EasyAI, we aim to contribute to this journey by empowering e-learning authors with AI-driven content generation,” said Jan Kees de Jager, CEO of Easygenerator.
EasyAI enables Easygenerator authors to create high-quality e-learning content by automating tasks such as ideation, simplification, summarization, bullet point creation, and question generation. EasyAI significantly reduces the time and effort required to produce impactful e-learning materials. Easygener-
ator’s commitment to being the most user-friendly and intuitive platform ensures that EasyAI empowers authors of all skill levels, to create relevant content that increases the learner’s engagement in any organization.
Users can already create quality content rapidly with Easygenerator, with a drag-and-drop sidebar, thousands of templates, audio & video recording features, and much more. But now EasyAI takes away the fatigue of designing courses and authors can only concentrate on sharing knowledge. The integration of AI not only accelerates the content creation process but also ensures that learners receive relevant and high-quality e-learning experiences that drive engagement and information retention in any organization.
In celebration of the much-anticipated grand opening of SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, key buildings and landmarks on Yas Island and in Abu Dhabi were illuminated in an iconic bright blue color representing the Marine Life Theme Park. In addition to SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, the buildings and landmarks illuminated included Yas Island’s award-winning theme parks and attractions Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi, CLYMB™ Abu Dhabi and the W Hotel. Elsewhere in the capital, buildings that lit up the night sky in blue included Qasr Al Watan, the Mubadala building, the Sheikh Zayed Bridge, the Al Raha Pearl and the Abu Dhabi Global Market building on Al Maryah Island amongst others.
The blue illumination, which was visible from various points across the nation’s capital, aimed to celebrate the Marine Life Theme Park’s grand opening. The park, which is the first of its kind in the region, highlights the importance of protecting marine life and educating the
next generation about our ocean and the incredible life it holds in the UAE’s Year of Sustainability.
SeaWorld Abu Dhabi brings guests closer to the wonders of the ocean through immersive experiences, upclose animal encounters and educational presentations across its eight realms. The park also offers guests thrilling rides and exciting entertainment that both educate and inspire.
A university’s novel experiment lets students have direct encounter with heritage
The deteriorating state of Ras Al Khaimah’s old buildings -- that stand out because of their architectural heritage and use of different building materials -- has propelled a group of researchers and architecture students from the American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK) to engage in a novel project to highlight the importance of heritage conservation.
Ras Al Khaimah’s Old Corniche area today presents a gloomy sight of deteriorating traditional buildings dotting the coastline. They were constructed more than 60 years ago, typically from traditional materials – coral stone and sea sand mixed with seashells. Today, most of them are in a state of disrepair and some are even used for storage purposes. Yet, a Royal Decree prohibits them from being demolished.
These buildings have been seen as undesirable because their economic value has diminished, while their land value has increased exponentially. In addition, the cultural significance of the buildings is not understood or appreciated by their owners or by the public.
A research team from AURAK decided to take some concrete action to address this situation. The team -- comprising Dr Eman Al Assi, Eng. Abeer Abu Ra’ed, and project leader Tawfiq Abuhantash -- prepared a policy paper on preserving cultural heritage and launched a pilot experiential learning project engaging architecture students in documenting select historic houses in the Old Town area. The project was funded by Al Qasimi Foundation.
Six historical houses were identified according to pre-established criteria before the students began their fieldwork. The process spanned six months, during which the students took photographs of all the components, both external and internal. They also measured
and recorded the ornamentation on the walls and ceilings. To verify the accuracy of their measurements, a professional surveyor was employed.
The data and documentation were then brought to the AURAK architectural studios, where the measurements and sketches were converted into technical drawings using specialized software, such as AutoCAD and Revit. Students were able to produce precise two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawings. Additionally, the students produced colored renderings which were exhibited to the public.
Dr. Mohamed Al Zarooni, AURAK’s Associate Provost for Research and Community Service, says: “Educating young generations about the value of heritage and the influence it has on their current lives is just as important as preserving it. One strategy is to incorporate historical building documentation into the teaching curricula of some educational programs, such as architecture. By creating teaching modules with specific learning outcomes, students will be encouraged to have a direct encounter with their heritage and, accordingly, learn about its importance in the context of understanding modern society and culture.”
With this goal in mind, two courses from the architectural curriculum at the American University of Ras Al Khaimah -- Urban Design and Conservation of Historic Architecture -- have been tailored to study the urban context of Ras Al Khaimah Old Town and consider conservation strategies.
The project had a profound impact on students’ relation-
ship with and understanding of Ras Al Khaimah’s cultural heritage.
Lama Al Qady, one of the students involved, said: “The hidden gems in the rubble of the past are visible in the traditional patterns in wall motifs, cornices, and niches. Forgotten ‘majlises’ and courtyards hold the key to studying the culture and lifestyle of past generations.”
Another student, Mohab Hamada, said: “Working on documenting old houses opened my sight to a different direction in architecture and taught me a lot about the traditional and cultural elements of the old houses and gave me an idea of how people used to live their daily lives.”
Research team leader Mr. Tawfiq Abu Hantash, Associate Professor of Architecture, Design, History and Theory said: “It is crucial to preserve these important artefacts of cultural heritage before they disappear. They represent the rich traditions and culture of past days. Therefore, documentation is an essential tool to keep a record of the historic buildings and make them available for future reference. The American University of Ras Al Khaimah is proud to have undertaken this unique project that could contribute significantly to conservation efforts.”
To learn more recommendations and proposed policies associated with the documentation of Ras Al Khaimah’s historic building, including student engagement through AURAK’s architecture program, please refer to Al Qasimi Foundation’s policy paper Raising Awareness of Cultural Heritage: Experiential Learning, Architecture Education, and Documentation of Historical Architecture in Ras Al Khaimah.
In a new series Bold Pursuits, CNN’s Christina Macfarlane visits Abu Dhabi to see how technology is being utilised in innovative ways to tackle the environmental challenges the world is facing and how the solutions being created could lead to a sustainable future for generations to come.
The first episode looks at four challenges facing the world’s oceans: from the effects of CO2 and desalination to the dangers of microplastics and overfishing.
At a mangrove sanctuary on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi, Macfarlane meets Kemal Celik, Assistant Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering at NYU Abu Dhabi. Celik is investigating new and innovative ways to make cement, a key component for the construction industry and a major environmental polluter. “We need to decarbonise the cement industry because it’s responsible for 8%
of the human made CO2 emissions,” he says.
The salty water of the mangrove sanctuary goes through a process of desalination to make it drinkable. The leftover salt, called brine, is not environmentally friendly. However, Celik has been able to take the waste product and use it to create carbon-free cement alternatives. He explains, “What we are doing is using this reject brine from the desalination plant and applying very simple chemistry. We are adding cost-efficient chemicals, adding mixture, and then do stirring process and centrifugation, which means we are separating the solid to the liquid and using this solid part to make a cement.”
Many experts see the oceans as holding the key to achieving ambitious carbon neutral targets.
At the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), carbon capture technology is being used as a cutting-edge climate breakthrough. Dante Simonetti, Associate Professor, Institute for Carbon Management at UCLA speaks about the benefits, “The ocean stores approximately 150 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere. Our process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by leveraging the power of the ocean, to naturally absorb carbon dioxide from the air.”
Simonetti describes how the process involves sea water being pumped in from the ocean, where it’s subjected to an electrical charge. Through chemical reactions the CO2 and water are separated. The CO2 now trapped in solid form is pumped back into the ocean and stored on the sea floor, and the water, which no longer has carbon dioxide, is sent
back to the ocean too where it is ready to absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere, “We’re sim ply returning back to the ocean everything that was naturally in the ocean beforehand, but just in a form where it’s more perma nently used, sequestered.”
Another challenge facing the oceans is the increase of plastic litter which over time is broken down into microplastics causing pollution and harming marine life. Sustainable clothing man ufacturer DGrade are hoping to help solve this problem. Rebecca Rich, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at DGrade, talks about their process, “What we do is take this usually fairly dirty plastic. Once it goes through the cold washing process, it then is shredded into these flakes. Then it comes out and we can use this to make our green spun yarn to make a T-shirt, for example. But we also supply it to local pack aging manufacturers so they can create recycled packaging.”
Scientists in New York City are also experimenting with innovative ways to make more sustainable types of clothing. At NYC Columbia University, CNN meets Theanne Schiros, Co-Founder & Chief Science Officer at Werewool, who is creating biodegradable textile fibres that have the same properties as synthetic materials like spandex and polyester. Schiros speaks about why the fashion industry needs to act on sustainability, “The fashion industry is one of the most polluting and environmentally destructive industries globally. 10% of carbon emissions, 35% of microplastics pollution. Dyes and finishes are the second leading source of global wastewater. Over 90% of the 150 billion pieces of clothing made every year go to landfills and leach toxic chemicals that go into our groundwater.”
Finally, Macfarlane explores how date palm pits are being used to
help the problem of overfishing. The pits are a leftover by-product that normally wouldn’t be used. Erin Lim, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Higher Colleges of Technology, has been experimenting with the product, adding it to fish feed. She says that this can be used to enhance the growth of fish, potentially leading to a reduction in the number of wild fish needing to be caught. Lim talks about how the team also believe that the date seed could provide a natural antibiotic in the fight against diseases in fish, “I’m a believer that mother nature sometimes would have solutions for us that have yet to be mined. We’ve found very good antimicrobial activity against common fish pathogens.”
See more from Bold Pursuits: https://edition.cnn.com/world/ bold-pursuits
In a bid to promote eco-consciousness among families, Taqeef, the visionary behind desert cooling systems, has unveiled an exciting Sustainability Handbook for Families in celebration of World Environment Day and the UAE’s Year of Sustainability.
With a cover page designed by talented Emirati artist of determination, Abdulla Lutfi, the handbook is packed with practical tips to reduce energy consumption while infusing sustainable practices into every aspect of how families live, work, and play. For the younger ones, it also incorporates engaging activities for kids, designed to educate and inspire them about sustainability in a fun and interactive way.
Insightful contributions include how to compost at home from the Waste Lab, an innovative startup dedicated
to transforming food scraps into valuable solutions. Crimson Education, a renowned global college admissions consultancy, provides a curated list of 10 degree programs that aspiring students can pursue for a rewarding career with a positive environmental impact.
The handbook also highlights simple steps to embrace conscious cooling at home, shedding light on energy star ratings for electronic products, all shared by Taqeef’s team of engineering experts. By embracing these simple steps, families can make a significant difference in preserving our planet for future generations.
Tariq Al Ghussein, Chairman and CEO of Taqeef, said, “Across the UAE and the world, environmental and climate awareness plays an increasingly vital role. Our choices today have a profound
impact on our children, communities, and the planet. So, as we stride forward into the future, let’s ensure that the footprints we leave behind are small ones, for both present and future generations.”
Joining the cause, Zahra Lari, the celebrated Emirati figure skating champion and Taqeef’s brand ambassador, added, “In today’s world, it’s crucial to understand that small changes can create enormous impacts. I’ve witnessed this firsthand in my own personal journey and within my relationship with my sport—it has been a game-changer time and time again.”
To read and download a copy of the Sustainability Handbook for Families, visit https://shop.taqeef.com and scroll till you see the image below.
Since the official launch of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) in Abu Dhabi last month, the organisation has been making great strides towards providing targeted support to the UAE community who are affected by the autoimmune disease.
After considerable consultation and committee discussions with the community, including leadership, medical professionals, those living with MS, and their families and friends, two new initiatives will commence this month in the lead-up to World
MS Day, which falls on 30 May.
MS Strong offers complimentary health and wellbeing classes for those directly affected by MS, as well as friends and family members. As the symptoms of MS vary greatly, the classes have been carefully curated with various exercise options to accommodate the vast range of physical movement abilities attendees might have including those who might need to participate from a seated position and are wheelchair friendly.
The first session was hosted
on 9 May at Chapters Fitness and Soul on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi. The class was dedicated to aerobic activities, as studies of aerobic exercise undertaken by those living with MS show improved cardiovascular fitness, strength, bladder and bowel function, fatigue, moods, cognitive function, bone density, and flexibility. Classes will be bookable online at www.nationalmssociety.ae.
New to MS will offer online access to some of the country’s most knowledgeable medical professionals who specialise
in Multiple Sclerosis for those who have been newly diagnosed. Following extensive consultation with the community, the time of diagnosis can be both overwhelming and challenging in terms of finding the latest medical advice and navigating the large variety of symptoms which can occur in the currently incurable disease.
The online seminars will offer access to leading medical professionals across several fields, in both English and Arabic, and be open to those based not only in the UAE, but in the wider region, too. The sessions will also include advice from a key figure within the local MS Community and someone who has been living with MS to provide any practical tips alongside the latest medical guidance.
Speaking about the efforts of the Society in the run-up to World MS Day, Her Excellency Dr. Fatima Al Kaabi, vice chair of the NMSS and executive director of the Bone Marrow Transplant Programme at the Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Centre (ADSCC) said, “This month is a particularly significant month for the global awareness of Multiple Sclerosis and the first time that the UAE will be participating in the global occasion.
We are taking this opportunity to launch two milestone initiatives. These initiatives have been created after several rounds of consultation with the MS community – including
medical experts – and we are delighted to be able to launch these ongoing programmes to support those directly affected by MS.”
“With assistance from experts through our New to MS programme, we will be able to offer support in the initial stages of diagnosis, which can often be overwhelming and daunting. The New to MS programme was also be accessible to those based throughout the region– opening up conversations and showing support to the wider global community.
With MS Strong, we are partnering with health and wellbeing facilities across the country to offer complimentary classes, specifically tailored for individuals living with MS to establish an appropriate level of activity to ease symptoms associated with physical activity and reap other cardio-based benefits. Details of how to join both initiatives and other activities such as MS Walk UAE which is happening on 27 May at Yas Mall can be found on our website and social channels,” Her Excellency continued.
Established as an NGO under the Ministry of Community Development, NMSS was founded to deliver support programmes, improve healthcare services, and provide a community for people affected by MS across the UAE, while also advancing local and global research efforts in pursuit of better treatments and
Studies show that MS affects more than 2.8 million people, globally. In the UAE, 2,000 people have been diagnosed with the disease, however, the actual number of people living with MS is thought to be more than double this, which is why the Department of Health, Abu Dhabi and the Society are focused on raising awareness across the country. The early diagnosis and treatment of MS improves long-term health and wellbeing and can reduce the number of relapses people experience.
Multiple Sclerosis is a neurological disease that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. MS typically affects young adults and can cause a range of symptoms including numbness, tingling, mood changes, memory problems, pain, fatigue, blindness and/or paralysis.
In line with international trends, women in the UAE are three times more likely to develop MS than men, and people with MS are typically diagnosed in young adulthood between ages 20-40. While MS is relatively rare, the unpredictable and often disabling nature of the disease can cause a range of physical, emotional, and mental health challenges for those affected.
For more information on the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, visit https://www.nationalmssociety.ae.
2023 has been a year like no other with travellers eager to make the most of their opportunities to explore new destinations and cultures, and obtaining a visa is an integral part of international travel. To ensure a seamless and safe visa application experience, there are several tips you should keep in mind.
1. It is essential to plan ahead and apply well in advance to avoid any inconveniences. Start by researching the visa requirements for your destination country well ahead of your trip. Ensure you have all the necessary documents and information ready before submitting your application. It’s also advisable to book your flights and accommodations in advance to avoid last-minute price hikes or unavailability. Keep yourself updated with the latest travel advisories and guidelines from both your home country and the destination country. With proper planning and preparation, you can make that long-awaited international trip a reality without any hassle or inconvenience.
2. Timelines for visa processing are clearly outlined on the relevant Embassy/Consulate’s official websites. This information can be valuable in helping you prepare and apply for your visa well in advance. However, it is important to note that during peak travel seasons, such as summer holidays or long weekends, visa processing can take longer than expected. To avoid any delays or last-minute stress, it is recommended that you apply for your visa as early as possible. Schengen countries, for instance, accept applications up to six months ahead of your date of travel. This will give you plenty of time to gather all the necessary documents and ensure that your application is complete and accurate.
3. Our Visa Application Centres require applicants to applicants to book an appointment in ad-
vance. It is recommended that you schedule your appointment well in advance of your intended date of travel as appointment availabilities and processing timelines can vary depending on the volume of applications received. VFS Global provides a convenient and hassle-free online appointment booking system for visa applications.
Appointments are available on the official VFS Global website and are free of charge. Be cautious of third-parties that claim to offer priority/expedited appointment booking services for an additional fee as they are fraudulent. Such entities should be immediately reported to VFS Global and the relevant Embassy/ Consulate for further action. VFS Global does not charge a fee for booking appointments.
4. If you’re planning to travel abroad, it’s important to check the visa requirements for your destination country on the VFS Global website which provides information on visa applications and processing timelines. Additionally, many countries require that your passport be valid for at least six months beyond your return date, so make sure to check the expiration date before you travel. By taking these steps and being prepared, you can help ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.
By following these tips, you can ensure that your visa application process is stress-free and that you are able to enjoy your international travels with ease and peace of mind.
Visit www.vfsglobal.com for details.
Get ready to go on an extraordinary escapade filled with thrills, spills, and frills as Rove At The Park, the premier family-friendly hotel located in Dubai Parks & Resorts, is delighted to announce an exciting new offer just in time for the summer. Celebrate the school holidays in style with this unbeatable deal that will allow Rovers to enjoy a complimentary stay at Rove At The Park when purchasing 2 or more tickets to Dubai Parks & Resorts. Perfectly designed for the young and young at heart, this exclusive offer will run from June 1st and will be valid throughout the summer until July 31st, providing an incredible opportunity for visitors to indulge in a full day of thrilling entertainment and a com-
fortable retreat at Rove At The Park.
Strap in for something truly remarkable at Dubai Parks & Resorts, the largest theme park destination in the Middle East, featuring two incredible theme parks and one water park. Motiongate Dubai, Legoland Dubai, and Legoland Water Park offer over 100 fun-packed indoor and outdoor rides and attractions that are sure to get hearts racing. If you’re looking for something to really get your blood pumping then get ready to experience record-breaking swing rides, family-friendly attractions, captivating live shows, and much more at this unrivalled arena of joy.
The rates for this incredible package
start from AED590 including all fees, with the bonus that children below 12 years old can join for free. After an exhilarating day at the parks, Rovers can take the free shuttle bus that connects the hotel and the parks, ready to unwind and relax in their very own comfortable and cosy Rover room.
Rove At The Park hotel is ideally situated right next to Dubai Parks & Resorts and The Outlet Village, while also providing convenient access to District 2020, Dubai Marina, and the JBR beach. The one-of-a-kind hotel offers a one-stop shop of wondrous adventure-filled entertainment, well-appointed rooms, and im-
aginative international cuisine. Whether exploring the thrilling theme parks or embarking on other exciting activities in the area, Rove At The Park ensures an epic wonderland experience for the whole family.
Don’t miss out and book your next adventure with the whole family today. To avail this exclusive offer, Rovers can book directly through www.rovehotels.com or call +971 4 561 9999.
From June 1st to July 31st
Free stay at Rove At The Park when purchasing 2+ tickets to Dubai Parks and Resorts
Starting from AED590 for two. Rate is inclusive of all fees.
*Kids up to 11.99 years get free tickets to Dubai Parks and Resorts.
*Kids older 12 and above will be charged AED 189 for the extra ticket.
*Free shuttle bus between the hotel and the parks
*Offer is not applicable between 28th June and 2nd July 2023
For more information, please visit www.rovehotels.com
With summer just round the corner, Yas Plaza Hotels is launching a range of all-inclusive and exciting staycation offers across all six of their properties. Promising a thrilling time for everyone, each offer comes with delightful meal packages, activities for the whole family as well as a host of additional benefits.
Located at the heart of Abu Dhabi’s most exciting leisure and entertainment destination, Yas Island, Yas Plaza Hotels comprises of six worldclass hotels and is home to top hospitality brands including Radisson Blu, Crowne Plaza, Centro, Yas Island Rotana, Park Inn by Radisson and Staybridge Suites. With 1,760 Room keys, direct Cyan beach
access, 21 Award-winning restaurants and bars and 25 Meetings and events facilities, Yas Plaza Hotels offer a world of possibilities with every stay. Additionally, designated pet friendly rooms and zones are provided throughout the hotels.
Unlock the ‘All – Inclusive’ Experience!
Go unlimited with the ‘All - Inclusive’ stay package including a one night stay, private beach access, kids club and a choice of award-winning restaurants at Yas Plaza which include Amerigos, Filini Garden, Stills, Rangoli and much more!
Starting at AED 795++ for 3-star hotels and AED 895++
for 4-star hotels, guests will be able to additionally take advantage of complimentary access of the Yas Express Shuttle, making it even easier to access Yas Island’s popular attractions such as Yas Water World, Yas Marina Circuit, Ferrari World and SeaWorld Abu Dhabi!
AED 895++ (4-star hotels – Single Occupancy)
AED 795++ (3-star hotels – Single Occupancy)
AED 1295++ (4-star hotels – Double Occupancy)
AED 1195++ (3-star hotels – Double Occupancy)
Applicable for all 6 hotels.
To make a booking please visit: Rotana
Park Inn
Plan an incredible holiday on Yas Island with Yas Plaza Hotels and enjoy a hotel stay including a whole day pass for Yas Island theme parks including Warner Bros. World, Ferrari World, Yas Waterworld or SeaWorld Abu Dhabi.
Starting at an attractive AED 649++ for 3-star hotels and AED 699++ for 4-star hotels, guests who book for 2 nights or more are promised grater savings on their stay. When book for one night guests can enjoy unlimited access to one park, two nights will give you access to two parks and
three nights give access to three parks (one park per day).
The exciting package also includes 20% off on food and beverages as well as the Spa, an international buffet breakfast, complimentary Wi-Fi in the rooms and public areas and complimentary access to Cyan Beach.
Additionally, guests will be able to take advantage of a complimentary transfer to Warner Bros. World, Yas Waterworld, and Ferrari World as well as Yas Mall and Yas Beach. For those wishing to have a lazy day in at the hotel, the package is also offering access to outdoor swimming pools & recreational facilities.
• Rates are based on 1 person per night
• Theme Park tickets will be issued as per the number of person/s booked
• Park ticket is valid only during the stay
• For Yas Waterworld, kindly note that on Fridays, only ladies and boys aged 8 years and below are allowed entry into the theme park. For more details, please contact Yas Waterworld’s call centre at 600 511 115.
• Offer is subject to availability and may change or be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Offer cannot be combined with any other promotional offers.
• Rates are subject to a 10% Service Charge, 6% Tourism Fee, 4% Mu-
nicipality Fee and 5% VAT on room rate and service charge plus AED 15 government fees per room per night.
• As per the theme parks rules and regulations, park tickets will only be issued after 24 hrs. of the booking. (Only for the bookings made on the same day of arrival)
Booking Links:
Park Inn
Families can rejoice as summer has arrived early at the region’s first and only Polynesian resort, Lapita, Dubai Parks and Resorts, with their new “Kids Go Free” summer staycation deals!
From 1 May until the end of September, children under 12 years will get to experience a fun-filled staycation at Lapita Dubaifor free when checking in with a paying adult.
Take advantage of the Kids Go Free offer to escape the summer heat with the family, by splashing around at one of the many pools or the lazy river, or enjoy the early check in and late check out benefits with a relaxing treatment at
the spa – with 50 per cent off on all treatments – and spend lunch or dinner dining around the restaurants at the resort or the surrounding parks.
Kids can play to their heart’s content at the marvelous play area or enjoy their favourite dishes – like the Smurfs Pasta at Ari – and can even learn more about Polynesian culture with the Polynesian artists, who help educate and spread awareness with music and games. All guests receive tickets to a theme park of their choice at Dubai Parks and Resorts – choose between Legoland Dubai & Waterpark, Motiongate Dubai, and Riverland Dubai –making this the perfect family destination for the summer.
Explore an authentic Polynesian get-away at the unique Lapita, Dubai Parks and Resorts property, with Ahi-Ahi ceremonies from Tuesday to Sunday and Polynesian-themed nights at Kalea Restaurant on the weekends, all performed by classically trained Polynesian artists. The ambience and architecture instantly transport guests to the islands of Polynesia with warm lighting, Polynesian motifs, and traditional waka canoes.
Starting at AED 679 per adult for the Bed & Breakfast offer, with excellent check-in and checkout timings, a fabulous breakfast spread, and 50 per cent off all spa treatments, or AED 982 for
the full board offer, which includes all the above as well as a lunch and dinner dine around across the resort and parks – the “Kids Go Free” deal is surely the ultimate summer treat for every family!
For reservations, call 04 449 0868 or email Lapita.dubai.reservations@autographhotels.com
What: A fun-filled staycation deal, with early check in and late check out, breakfast, a dine around at the hotel or the parks for both lunch and dinner, as well as 50 per cent off on all spa treatments at the resort.
When: 1st May to 30th September 2023
Where: Lapita, Dubai Parks and Resorts
AED 982+ per adult
Kids under 12 go free with paying adult
Reservations: Email Lapita.dubai.reservations@autographhotels.com or call 04 449 0868. Visit https://www.marriott.com/offers/kids-go-free-summer-staycation-off-76091/dxbak-lapita-dubai-parks-and-resorts-autograph-collection for more information.
Promotional Code: Use code MAJ to avail of the offer
What: Explore a Polynesian get-away at Lapita Dubai Parks and Resorts with our Kids-Go-Free Bed & Breakfast offer, featuring early check in and late check out, breakfast, and 50 per cent off on spa treatments at the resort.
When: 1st May to 30th September 2023
Where: Lapita, Dubai Parks and Resorts
AED 679+ per adult
Kids under 12 go free with paying adult
Reservations: Email Lapita.dubai.reservations@autographhotels.com or call 04 449 0868. Visit https://www.marriott.com/offers/kids-go-free-summer-staycation-off-76091/dxbak-lapita-dubai-parks-and-resorts-autograph-collection for more information.
Promotional Code: Use code MAJ to avail of the offer
Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life with a quick weekend getaway that promises to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Everyone deserves a break from the daily grind, and what better way to recharge than to embark on a brief but memorable escape? A weekend getaway provides the perfect opportunity to step away from the demands of work, responsibilities, and routine, allowing you to indulge in much-needed relaxation and self-care.
Imagine a world where time slows down, and your only concern is to immerse yourself in tranquility and bliss. Whether you choose a quaint countryside retreat, a serene beach-
front destination, or a vibrant city escape, the possibilities are endless. A change of scenery can work wonders, as it offers a fresh perspective and the chance to disconnect from the stressors of everyday life.
During a quick weekend getaway, you have the freedom to tailor your experience to your preferences. Seek solace in a luxurious spa, where skilled therapists will melt away your tension with soothing massages and invigorating treatments. Engage in outdoor activities such as swimming or simply strolling through picturesque landscapes. Indulge in delectable cuisine at local restaurants, savouring new flavours and culinary delights. Or, if you prefer,
simply lounge by the poolside with a captivating book, allowing your mind to wander and unwind.
If you are seeking a weekend getaway that surpasses all expectations of luxury, Sofitel Dubai The Palm is the destination of choice. With its stunning architecture, lavish accommodations, and a wealth of amenities, it embodies the epitome of opulence. Allow yourself to be captivated by the grandeur, indulge in the extravagance, and surrender to a world where every aspect of your experience is crafted with the utmost care and sophistication. Your weekend getaway to Sofitel Dubai The Palm promises to be an extraordinary escape
We’ve got you covered
that leaves you rejuvenated, inspired, and longing for more.
So, why wait? Embrace the idea of a quick weekend getaway and make Sofitel Dubai The Palm your ultimate destination for an unforgettable escape. Indulge in the allure of this exclusive beachfront resort, where luxury and opulence are the norm. Allow yourself to be whisked away to a world of blissful relaxation, personal enrichment, and cherished memories.
This summer, Mango House Seychelles invites travelers from the GCC region to embark on a mesmerizing journey to the captivating shores of the Seychelles. Nestled on the pristine South Mahé island, Mango House Seychelles is not only the most luxurious Hilton property on the Island, but a haven of unparalleled beauty, offering a unique blend of adventure, romance, and the ultimate relaxation.
Mango House welcomes guests to immerse themselves in the epitome of charm and sophistication as they discover the allure of this intimate House of Art and Culture, originally built as a family home by celebrated Italian photographer Gian Paolo Barbieri.
With over 41 guest rooms, this exclusive resort features a range of stay options – all facing the pristine coastline of Anse Aux Poules Blues Bay. The resort’s design elements blend the history of the property with the exceptional natural surroundings, along with the rich local culture. Furthermore, Mango House’s decor features preserved handmade furniture with sleek wooden finishing coupled with muted beige tones, creating a contemporary but comfortable feel that is deeply connected to the local culture and colours of the Seychelles.
For adventure enthusiasts, Mango House Seychelles is an idyllic playground waiting to be explored. Guests can dive into the
crystal-clear waters of the Indian Ocean and explore the vibrant marine life with thrilling snorkeling and diving experiences, embark on an exhilarating hike through the lush landscapes of one of Seychelles’ largest National Parks, or indulge in a range of non-motorized water sports that will leave you exhilarated and rejuvenated.
Looking to ignite the flames of romance? Mango House Seychelles offers an enchanting retreat for couples seeking an unforgettable escape. Bask in the warmth of the Seychellois sun as you lounge in beachfront rooms, suites, or villas, each adorned with private terraces or balconies boasting breathtaking views of the Indian
Ocean. Allow the gentle sea breeze to serenade you as you revel in the luxury of privacy and seclusion, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
Guests will come for the adventure and stay for the food - the culinary journey at Mango House Seychelles promises to be a feast for the senses. Indulge in the distinct flavors and exquisite creations of the resort’s five unique dining and drink venues. From tantalizing tropical delicacies to sumptuous seafood delights, every bite will transport you to a world of culinary perfection.
Seeking the perfect balance of tranquility and wellness? Guests can unwind and rejuvenate at the
wellness sanctuary, featuring two dedicated treatment rooms offering a range of soothing therapies and massages. Take a refreshing dip in one of the two plunge pools, or simply lounge by the water’s edge as you immerse yourself in ultimate relaxation.
With its captivating beauty and serene atmosphere, Mango House Seychelles beckons discerning travelers from the GCC region to experience a summer like no other with room rates starting from AED 2,963+. Unleash your sense of adventure, ignite the flames of romance, and create lasting memories in this intimate oasis of luxury.
valid until 31st Sepetember, 2023
Room rates start at AED 2,963+
Reservations: For more information or to make a reservation, visit www.mangohouseseychelles.com or call (+248) 439 7 241 or 439 7 242
On United Nations International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May, discover how the ‘Library of Life’ at Museum of the Future reveals the interconnectedness of Earth’s natural ecosystem, helps guests learn about the dangers of biodiversity imbalance, and inspires visitors to help protect and restore the world’s rich resources.
Globally, thousands of animal and plant species are under threat of extinction with species including the Hawksbill Turtle and the Arabian Leopard, appearing on the critically endangered list. Scientists and researchers have long recognised the impact of reduced biodiversity on ecosystems - impacting nature, plants, animals and humans, and threatening the world we live in.
A potential loss of biodiversity will present significant impacts and potential challenges for Planet Earth as a whole. Reduced biodiversity within a particular species, geographical area, wider ecosystem, or within the global biosphere will negatively affect species and humans at a number of levels.
A decline in variety of life can lead to breakdown in the functioning of the ecosystem and can contribute to a number of factors including a reduction in freshwater, plant life and crops as well as create an imbalance
in the overall ecosystem.
Our planet depends on healthy, vibrant and diverse ecosystems, instilling respect and a deeper understanding of our world is crucial to help reverse the damage and stop the loss of ecosystems and habitats worldwide.
As a global platform focused on studying the future, designing its ideas and creating deep discussions about emerging scientific and environmental trends, Museum of the Future plays a key role in inspiring visitors to protect and preserve our natural ecosystem.
Forming an integral part of the ‘Heal Institute’, located on the fourth floor of the museum, the library nurtures the public’s imagination and inspires visitors to connect deeply with the species around them, whilst instilling a deep sense of responsibility for nature and the environment.
Visitors stepping into the library will discover an engaging and interactive world, where they will be immersed within an awe-inspiring display of thousands of unique species, whilst learning about ways we can work together to repair, restore and renew our planetary ecology.
Acting as an interactive and constantly evolving labora-
tory where visitors can comprehend the magnitude of life in the future: biological, synthetic, artificial and beyond, the library comprises an enormous interactive installation of 2,400 three–dimensional crystal specimen jars, which brings to life the scale of the world’s ecological abundance. Utilising advanced technology, models of species including endangered and extinct specimens have been etched into cylinders of solid crystal glass using laser technology, creating a breathtaking display. The installation also enables visitors to interact with specific species and access information stored in the vast taxonomic database.
Visitors to the museum can use a special BioSynth handheld device, which brings the magnificent complexity of earth’s ecosystems to life before their eyes, and explore a catalogue of the world’s biodiversity, including extinct, existing and emerging lifeforms, and extracting the genetic code of the species, all whilst being transported to the Amazon rainforest, by the power of sound.
Visit Museum of the Future during International Day for Biological Diversity to discover the secrets of Earth’s natural ecosystem and help protect the world’s rich resources.
Perfectly situated in the private Haremtan Cove on the Aegean Sea in Turkey, METT Hotel & Beach Resort Bodrum, operated by Dubai visionaries, Sunset Hospitality Group, has opened its doors for a third season.
With a plethora of dining experiences and accommodation options to choose from, guests can spend the long weekend seeking out life’s simplest pleasures and enjoy an enriching escape that blends modern minimalism and easy living within a truly stunning natural environment.
Places to see and be seen, the resort’s dining and nightlife sets the standard for a relaxed and refreshing atmosphere and is home to five unique dining experiences designed to suit every taste.
An incredible destination overlooking the sea, attiko (which has quickly become one of Dubai’s most well-known hotspots having opened a branch last year), is an outdoor lounge, ideal for sundowners to late-night gatherings where guests can enjoy tasty pan Asian bites and drinks in a vibrant atmosphere, with live DJs and deep soulful, energetic music.
The Mediterranean riviera inspired FOLIE Restaurant and Sea is yet again shaking up the traditional beach club scene in glamorous style. The unique concept is defined by four guest experiences; the elevated seaside sunbed platform and beach, the chic southern Mediterranean open-air restaurant, the private VIP cabanas, and the bar lounge where elegance and fun collide, complimented with fresh
culinary experiences, vibrant music mixes, live entertainment including violinists, saxophonists, and singers, and iconic weekly Cabaret Chic shows.
ISOLA, the resort and destination’s famed Italian restaurant, is set amid the beautiful Manzara Garden with the most stunning views of the Bodrum castle and revisits classic dishes with a modern and trendy approach, whilst Anjel delivers a perfect Turkish experience, where guests can enjoy Bodrum’s most delicious breakfast and dinner, whether indoors or on its spectacular outdoor terrace.
Guests can expect 72 elegant and beautifully designed guest rooms and 31 premium suites, lofts, or villas, all overlooking the Aegean Sea. METT Bodrum also launched
Immerse yourself in the pure paradise of the mediterranean this Eid Al Adha at
its more luxurious villa last year, Villa Poseidon. With sunrise on one side, sunset on the other, the villa is spread across 340sqm, and can accommodate up to 5 guests. It offers 2 bedrooms with in-suite bathrooms and dressing room, a fully equipped kitchen, a private Turkish hammam, alongside its own private pool.
To immerse oneself in the country’s soul-enriching culture, the resort has collaborated with a Turkish contemporary Art Gallery, MUSE Contemporary, to showcase the beautiful works of local and international artists from different art disciplines.
For those looking to be pampered during their stay, guests can relax at the resort’s, MOI
Spa, where skilled therapists help guests choose the best spa treatment designed to soothe, pamper, de-stress or invigorate the mind and body. A Salt Room, Steam room, Sauna, an all-new Hammam experience, a new nail and hair salon as well as temperature-controlled pools are also available, alongside RAISE Fitness & Wellness, a gym concept that promises to be inclusive rather than exclusive and keep you fit during your holidays.
Once again, the private cove which brings no-fuss hospitality, outdoor living, and Bohemian chic vibes, promises to bring people together to celebrate life. METT Bodrum has been recognised by Tripadvisor as a “2023 Travelers’ Choice Award Winner”, which recognises organisations that have received the best
traveller reviews from guests across the globe over the last 12 months and hotels that seat in the top 10% of hotels worldwide. METT Bodrum was also recognised by Conde Nast Traveler ME as Best New International Hotel.
This Eid Al Adha, prices start from EUR 870 (AED 3,481) for an Atrium room, whilst suites start from EUR 2550 (AED 10,203).
Direct flights from Dubai to Bodrum will be available from June 24th with flydubai.
For more information or to book, visit www.mettsocialliving.com/bodrum or call +90 252 316 48 48.
save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.
Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.
of the world’s agricultural soil has already degraded
0 - 20 (very low)
20 - 40 (low)
40 - 70 (medium)
70 - 90 (high)
> 90 (very high)
Source: FAO, 2019, modified to comply with UN, 2021.