BEFORE YOU GO Emirates Dubai 7’s, Etihad F1 f&b, Spinney’s Dybai 92 Cycle Race, Dubai Opera, Seaworld arctic exhibit
Ease into a stress free school routine

BEFORE YOU GO Emirates Dubai 7’s, Etihad F1 f&b, Spinney’s Dybai 92 Cycle Race, Dubai Opera, Seaworld arctic exhibit
Ease into a stress free school routine
As we move out of summer, why not spend your days on the lush fairways of Al Ain Equestrian Shooting and Golf Club's Championship or Academy courses.
4, 3 & 2 month Membership offers are available in 7 day, 5 day and Academy membership categories.
Couple, Country and Junior Membership offers are also available.
To start your membership or for more information please contact Shane:
Unlimited golf on both the Championship and Academy Course, plus night golf from Monday to Friday
Shared GPS fitted golf carts (Championship Course)
Unlimited range balls and use of the Academy Facility
Restaurant and Golf Shop discounts
Mohammed Al Neyadi
Wendy Peach
Alexej Abyzov, Ph.D
Kanad Hospital
Jamie Moore
Shamim Kassibawi
St Georges University
Joelle Saab
Dr Robert Brown
Follow us on
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M a k e h a l f y o u r g r a i n s w g r a i n s .
P r o t e i n
V a r y y o u r p r o t e i n r o u t i n e .
L o o k f o r w h o l e g r a i n s f i r s t o n t h e i n g r e d i e n t s l i s t t r y o a t m e a l , p o p c o r n , t e f f , q u i n o a , m i l l e t , b u l g u r , b r o w n r i c e , o r b r e a d s , c r a c k e r s a n d n o o d l e s m a d e w i t h w h o l e - g r a i n f l o u r s L i m i t g r a i n d e s s e r t s a n d s n a c k s s u c h a s c a k e s , c o o k i e s a n d p a s t r i e s . L o o k f o r w h o l e g r a i n s l i s t e d f i r s t o n t h e i n g r e d i e n t s l i s tt r y o a t m e a l , p o p c o r n , t e f f , q u i n o a , m i l l e t , b u l g u r , b r o w n r i c e , o r b r e a d s , c r a c k e r s a n d n o o d l e s m a d e
M y m i l k o r y o g u r t .
C h o o s e f a t - f r e e m i l k , y o g u r t
a n d c a l c i u m - f o r t i f i e d s o y m i l k t o c u t b a c k o n s a t u r a t e d f a t . R e p l a c e s o u r c r e a m , c r e a m a n d r e g u l a r c h e e s e w i t h l o wf a t o r f a t - f r e e y o g u r t , m i l k a n d c h e e s e .
U s e t h e N u t r i t i o n F a c t s L a b e l a n d i n g r e d i e n t s l i s t t o l i m i t
i t e m s h i g h i n s a t u r a t e d f a t , s o d i u m a n d a d d e d s u g a r s
16 40 22 The Source FAMILY 7
N u t r i t i o n i s v e r y i m p o r t a n t t o y o u r o v e r a l l w e l l - b e i n g a n d h e a l t h . H e r e a r e s o m e s i m p l e , s m a l l c h a n g e s y o u c a n m a k e t o d e v e l o p h e a l t h i e r h a b i t s t h a t y o u c a n e n j o y a n d w i l l i m p r o v e y o u r l i f e s t y l e
N u t r i t i o n i s v e r y i m p o r t a n t t o y o u r o v e r a l l w e l l - b e i n g a n d h e a l t h H e r e a r e s o m e s i m p l e , s m a l l c h a n g e s y o u c a n m a k e t o d e v e l o p h e a l t h i e r h a b i t s t h a t y o u c a n e n j o y a n d w i l l i m p r o v e y o u r l i f e s t y l e .
F r u i t s
F r u i t s
M a k e h a l f y o u r p l a t e f r u i t s a n d v e g e t a b l e s . F o c u s o n w h o l e f r u i t s .
M a k e h a l f y o u r p l a t e f r u i t s a n d v e g e t a b l e s . F o c u s o n w h o l e f r u i t s
C h o o s e w h o l e , c u t o r p u r e e d f r u i t s – f r e s h , f r o z e n , d r i e d o r c a n n e d i n 1 0 0 % j u i c e E n j o y f r u i t w i t h m e a l s , a s s n a c k s o r a s a d e s s e r t .
G r a i n s
G r a i n s
M a k e h a l f y o u r g r a i n s w h o l e g r a i n s .
M a k e h a l f y o u r g r a i n s w h o l e g r a i n s
L o o k f o r w h o l e g r a i n s l i s t e d f i r s t o n t h e i n g r e d i e n t s l i s tt r y o a t m e a l , p o p c o r n , t e f f , q u i n o a , m i l l e t , b u l g u r , b r o w n r i c e , o r b r e a d s , c r a c k e r s a n d n o o d l e s m a d e w i t h w h o l e - g r a i n f l o u r s
L o o k f o r w h o l e g r a i n s l i s t e d f i r s t o n t h e i n g r e d i e n t s l i s tt r y o a t m e a l , p o p c o r n , t e f f , q u i n o a , m i l l e t , b u l g u r , b r o w n r i c e , o r b r e a d s , c r a c k e r s a n d n o o d l e s m a d e w i t h w h o l e - g r a i n f l o u r s
L i m i t g r a i n d e s s e r t s a n d s n a c k s s u c h a s c a k e s , c o o k i e s a n d p a s t r i e s .
y g
s n a c k s s u c h a s c a k e s , c o o k i e s a n d p a s t r i e s
s n a c k s s u c h a s c a k e s , c o o k i e s a n d p a s t r i e s .
D a i r y M o v e t o l o w - f a t o r f a t - f r e e d a i r y m i l k o r y o g u r t .
D a i r y M o v e t o l o w - f a t o r f a t - f r e e d a i r y m i l k o r y o g u r t .
C h o o s e f a t - f r e e m i l k , y o g u r t a n d c a l c i u m - f o r t i f i e d s o y m i l k t o c u t b a c k o n s a t u r a t e d f a t .
R e p l a c e s o u r c r e a m , c r e a m a n d r e g u l a r c h e e s e w i t h l o wf a t o r f a t - f r e e y o g u r t , m i l k a n d c h e e s e .
V e g e t a b l e s
V a r y y o u r v e g g i e s !
V e g e t a b l e s
V a r y y o u r v e g g i e s !
C h o o s e w h o l e , c u t o r p u r e e d f r u i t s – f r e s h , f r o z e n , d r i e d o r c a n n e d i n 1 0 0 % j u i c e E n j o y f r u i t w i t h m e a l s , a s s n a c k s o r a s a d e s s e r t C h o o s e o p t i o n s t h a t a r e f u l l o f n u t r i e n t s a n d l i m i t e d i n a d d e d s u g a r s , s a t u r a t e d f a t , a n d s o d i u m .
C h o o s e o p t i o n s t h a t a r e f u l l o f n u t r i e n t s a n d l i m i t e d i n a d d e d s u g a r s , s a t u r a t e d f a t , a n d s o d i u m .
L i m i t g r a i n d e s s e r t s a n d s n a c k s s u c h a s c a k e s , c o o k i e s a n d p a s t r i e s .
P r o t e i n V a r y y o u r p r o t e i n r o u t i n e .
P r o t e i n
V a r y y o u r p r o t e i n r o u t i n e .
C h o o s e f a t - f r e e m i l k , y o g u r t a n d c a l c i u m - f o r t i f i e d s o y m i l k t o c u t b a c k o n s a t u r a t e d f a t . R e p l a c e s o u r c r e a m , c r e a m a n d r e g u l a r c h e e s e w i t h l o wf a t o r f a t - f r e e y o g u r t , m i l k a n d c h e e s e .
L i m i t C h o o s e f o o d s a n d b e v e r a g e s w i t h l e s s a d d e d s u g a r s , s a t u r a t e d f a t , a n d s o d i u m
L o o k f o r w h o l e g r a i n s l i s t e d
L o o k f o r w h o l e g r a i n s l i s t e d f i r s t o n t h e i n g r e d i e n t s l i s tt r y o a t m e a l , p o p c o r n , t e f f , q u i n o a , m i l l e t , b u l g u r , b r o w n r i c e , o r b r e a d s , c r a c k e r s a n d n o o d l e s m a d e w i t h w h o l e - g r a i n f l o u r s
L i m i t g r a i n d e s s e r t s a n d
f i r s t o n t h e i n g r e d i e n t s l i s tt r y o a t m e a l , p o p c o r n , t e f f , q u i n o a , m i l l e t , b u l g u r , b r o w n r i c e , o r b r e a d s , c r a c k e r s a n d n o o d l e s m a d e w i t h w h o l e - g r a i n f l o u r s .
L i m i t g r a i n d e s s e r t s a n d
L i m i t C h o o s e f o o d s a n d b e v e r a g e s w i t h l e s s a d d e d s u g a r s , s a t u r a t e d f a t , a n d s o d i u m .
U s e t h e N u t r i t i o n F a c t s L a b e l a n d i n g r e d i e n t s l i s t t o l i m i t i t e m s h i g h i n s a t u r a t e d f a t , s o d i u m a n d a d d e d s u g a r s .
C h o o s e v e g e t a b l e o i l s i n s t e a d o f b u t t e r a n d o i l -
U s e t h e N u t r i t i o n F a c t s L a b e l a n d i n g r e d i e n t s l i s t t o l i m i t i t e m s h i g h i n s a t u r a t e d f a t , s o d i u m a n d a d d e d s u g a r s C h o o s e v e g e t a b l e o i l s i n s t e a d o f b u t t e r a n d o i l -
b a s e d s a u c e s a n d d i p s i n s t e a d o f o n e s w i t h b u t t e r , c r e a m o r c h e e s e .
P r e a n d P o s t n a t a l N u t r i t i o n -
D r i n k w a t e r i n s t e a d o f s u g a r y d r i n k s
D r i n k w a t e r i n s t e a d o f s u g a r y d r i n k s
K a n a d H o s p i t a l ' s O u t p a t i e n t N u t r i t i o n S e r v i c e s c o v e r a w i d e r a n g e o f a r e a s , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o :
b a s e d s a u c e s a n d d i p s i n s t e a d o f o n e s w i t h b u t t e r , c r e a m o r c h e e s e . K a n a d H o s p i t a l ' s O u t p a t i e n t N u t r i t i o n S e r v i c e s c o v e r a w i d e r a n g e o f a r e a s , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o :
W e i g h t M a n a g e m e n tP e r s o n a l i z e d p l a n s t o a c h i e v e h e a l t h y a n d s u s t a i n a b l e w e i g h t l o s s o r w e i g h t m a i n t e n a n c e t h r o u g h a b a l a n c e d d i e t a n d l i f e s t y l e m o d i f i c a t i o n s f o r b o t h a d u l t s a n d p e d i a t r i c s C h r o n i c D i s e a s e M a n a g e m e n t - N u t r i t i o n a l s u p p o r t f o r i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h c h r o n i c c o n d i t i o n s l i k e d i a b e t e s , h y p e r t e n s i o n , h e a r t d i s e a s e , a n d g a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l d i s o r d e r s , h e l p i n g t o m a n a g e s y m p t o m s a n d i m p r o v e
W e i g h t M a n a g e m e n tP e r s o n a l i z e d p l a n s t o a c h i e v e h e a l t h y a n d s u s t a i n a b l e w e i g h t l o s s o r w e i g h t m a i n t e n a n c e t h r o u g h a b a l a n c e d d i e t a n d l i f e s t y l e m o d i f i c a t i o n s f o r b o t h a d u l t s a n d p e d i a t r i c s C h r o n i c D i s e a s e M a n a g e m e n t - N u t r i t i o n a l s u p p o r t f o r i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h c h r o n i c c o n d i t i o n s l i k e d i a b e t e s , h y p e r t e n s i o n , h e a r t d i s e a s e , a n d g a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l d i s o r d e r s , h e l p i n g t o m a n a g e s y m p t o m s a n d i m p r o v e
o v e r a l l h e a l t h .
N u t r i t i o n s u p p o r t f o r p r e g n a n t w o m e n , e n s u r i n g t h e y r e c e i v e e s s e n t i a l n u t r i e n t s f o r t h e i r w e l l - b e i n g a n d t h e h e a l t h y d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e i r b a b y . N u t r i t i o n a l C o u n s e l i n g f o r P r e t e r m - r e l a t e d C o n d i t i o n sT h e p e d i a t r i c d i e t i t i a n o f f e r s s u p p o r t a n d g u i d a n c e f o r p a r e n t s a n d c a r e g i v e r s i n m a n a g i n g p r e t e r m - r e l a t e d c o n d i t i o n s , s u c h a s r e f l u x , f e e d i n g d i f f i c u l t i e s , g r o w t h c o n c e r n s , a n d a g e a p p r o p r i a t e g u i d a n c e o n i n t r o d u c i n g s o l i d f o o d s a n d t r a n s i t i o n i n g f r o m m i l k f e e d s t o s o l i d f o o d s .
p e d i a t r i c d i e t i t i a n s o f f e r e x p e r t g u i d a n c e a n d s u p p o r t t o a d d r e s s t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s .
p e d i a t r i c d i e t i t i a n s o f f e r e x p e r t g u i d a n c e a n d s u p p o r t t o a d d r e s s t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s .
F o o d A l l e r g y M a n a g e m e n tT h e p e d i a t r i c d i e t i t i a n w o r k s c l o s e l y w i t h f a m i l i e s t o d e v e l o p s a f e a n d n u t r i t i o u s m e a l p l a n s f o r c h i l d r e n w i t h f o o d a l l e r g i e s , e n s u r i n g t h e y m e e t t h e i r d i e t a r y r e q u i r e m e n t s w h i l e a v o i d i n g a l l e r g e n s P i c k y E a t e r S t r a t e g i e s - T h e p e d i a t r i c d i e t i t i a n s p r o v i d e p r a c t i c a l s t r a t e g i e s a n d t i p s t o a d d r e s s p i c k y e a t i n g b e h a v i o r s a n d e n c o u r a g e a d i v e r s e a n d b a l a n c e d d i e t
F o o d A l l e r g y M a n a g e m e n tT h e p e d i a t r i c d i e t i t i a n w o r k s c l o s e l y w i t h f a m i l i e s t o d e v e l o p s a f e a n d n u t r i t i o u s m e a l p l a n s f o r c h i l d r e n w i t h f o o d a l l e r g i e s , e n s u r i n g t h e y m e e t t h e i r d i e t a r y r e q u i r e m e n t s w h i l e a v o i d i n g a l l e r g e n s . P i c k y E a t e r S t r a t e g i e s - T h e p e d i a t r i c d i e t i t i a n s p r o v i d e p r a c t i c a l s t r a t e g i e s a n d t i p s t o a d d r e s s p i c k y e a t i n g b e h a v i o r s a n d e n c o u r a g e a d i v e r s e a n d b a l a n c e d d i e t
F e e d i n g S u p p o r t - F o r c h i l d r e n e x p e r i e n c i n g
f e e d i n g d i f f i c u l t i e s , s e l e c t i v e e a t i n g h a b i t s , o r t r a n s i t i o n i n g f r o m t u b e
f e e d i n g t o o r a l f e e d i n g t h e
P r e a n d P o s t n a t a l N u t r i t i o nN u t r i t i o n s u p p o r t f o r p r e g n a n t w o m e n , e n s u r i n g t h e y r e c e i v e e s s e n t i a l n u t r i e n t s f o r t h e i r w e l l - b e i n g a n d t h e h e a l t h y d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e i r b a b y N u t r i t i o n a l C o u n s e l i n g f o r P r e t e r m - r e l a t e d C o n d i t i o n sT h e p e d i a t r i c d i e t i t i a n o f f e r s s u p p o r t a n d g u i d a n c e f o r p a r e n t s a n d c a r e g i v e r s i n m a n a g i n g p r e t e r m - r e l a t e d c o n d i t i o n s , s u c h a s r e f l u x , f e e d i n g d i f f i c u l t i e s , g r o w t h c o n c e r n s , a n d a g e a p p r o p r i a t e g u i d a n c e o n i n t r o d u c i n g s o l i d f o o d s a n d t r a n s i t i o n i n g f r o m m i l k f e e d s t o s o l i d f o o d s F e e d i n g S u p p o r t - F o r c h i l d r e n e x p e r i e n c i n g f e e d i n g d i f f i c u l t i e s , s e l e c t i v e e a t i n g h a b i t s , o r t r a n s i t i o n i n g f r o m t u b e f e e d i n g t o o r a l f e e d i n g , t h e
G o o d n u t r i t i o n i s v i t a l t o a h e a l t h y l i f e s t y l e S t a r t s m a l l , m a k i n g s i m p l e c h a n g e s o n e a t a t i m e t h a t y o u c a n m a n a g e a n d e n j o y
G o o d n u t r i t i o n i s v i t a l t o a h e a l t h y l i f e s t y l e . S t a r t s m a l l , m a k i n g s i m p l e c h a n g e s o n e a t a t i m e t h a t y o u c a n m a n a g e a n d e n j o y .
K a n a d H o s p i t a l i s h a p p y t o h e l p y o u d e v e l o p h e a l t h y h a b i t s !
K a n a d H o s p i t a l i s h a p p y t o h e l p y o u d e v e l o p h e a l t h y h a b i t s !
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Brighton College Abu Dhabi and Brighton College Al Ain are delighted to announce the appointment of their newly appointed Head Masters, Mr Scott Carnochan and Mr Oliver Bromley-Hall, respectively. Prior to this appointment both have served at Brighton College Al Ain with Mr Scott Carnochan as Head Master and Mr Oliver Bromley as the Deputy Head Master.
During Mr Scott Carnochan’s tenure at Brighton College Al Ain, the school not only maintained its “Outstanding” ADEK rating but also solidified its standing as the premier educational destination in the ‘garden city’. As Head Master he exhibited remarkable leadership qualities, elevating the academic benchmark and delivering an excellent experience for the school community. With a background spanning 14 years leading schools in the UK, Mr Scott Carnochan’s journey led him from his role as Head Master in the UK at the age of 34, to the Head of Holmewood House School in Tunbridge Wells. His leadership at Holmewood House School was later recognised in Tatler School Guide 2020, quoting that the institution ‘thrived under his leadership’. In addition, he has also held senior positions at Repton School in Derbyshire and St John’s College School in Cambridge.
Commenting on his new appointment, Mr Scott Carnochan said,
“The journey ahead holds immense promise, and I am eager to collaborate with our wonderful pupils, dedicated teachers, and supportive community to build upon the excellence which has gone before me and to begin a new chapter of success together. My commitment to fostering a dynamic learning environment and nurturing growth aligns perfectly with Brighton College Abu Dhabi’s values. Together, we will inspire and empower our pupils to embrace their potential and shape an exciting future. It is a privilege to be given the opportunity to lead such a wonderful school and its community.”
Before being appointed Head Master, Mr Oliver Bromley-Hall, has been a part of the Brighton College Al Ain ecosystem for 8 years. His most recent role serving as Deputy Head Master encompassed a wide-ranging remit across the Junior and Senior phases, affording him an in-depth understanding of every aspect of the College’s people and operations. He has also served as Head of English, House Master Deputy Head of the Senior School and Head of Senior School, reflecting his deep-rooted connection to Brighton College Al Ain. With a BA Honours degree and teaching qualification in English, he has an extensive career spanning over 18 years across the UAE and the UK and is currently pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Education at the University of Bath.
Speaking on his new role and plans for the upcoming school year, Mr Oliver Bromley-Hall, Head Master of Brighton College Al Ain said, “I am honoured to continue working with Brighton College Al Ain as I step into the role of Head Master. Another ‘Outstanding’ grading in our latest ADEK inspection, along with our pupils’ recent outstanding achievements in their GCSE and A Levels is testament to their great efforts, along with the unwavering support from our teachers and their families. I am confident that we will maintain this partnership and continue to see the College thrive.”
Mr Craig Lamshed, Chief Operating Officer, Brighton Colleges UAE commented, “I am delighted to welcome Mr Scott Carnochan as the new Head Master of Brighton College Abu Dhabi, as well as Mr Oliver Bromley-Hall in his role as Head Master of Brighton College Al Ain. Both Mr Carnochan and Mr Bromley-Hall have been instrumental in developing the educational programme at Brighton College Al Ain, leading the College to secure its third successive outstanding ADEK rating. I am confident Mr Carnochan and Mr Oliver Bromley-Hall will continue to improve the standard of education on offer at both Brighton College Abu Dhabi and Brighton College Al Ain in search of what is beyond being rated outstanding.”
Al Ain Zoo awaits its 10 millionth visitor with a memorable celebration and special offers
Al Ain Zoo has announced that it is waiting for the arrival of its 10 millionth visitor with a massive celebration and special offers as it is a significant milestone in terms of the Zoo’s achievements and success in supporting ecotourism and raising awareness of nature conservation. The Zoo continues to attract visitors from various segments of society.
The Zoo counts the number of visitors by 10 million, based on a specific statistic that started in 2010 until the middle of 2023, to count the number of visitors who have enjoyed the unique experiences and various that are continuously developed over the years. The Zoo honours its visitors who contributes to the Zoo’s initiatives and programs for the protection of wildlife and environmental sustainability.
The 10 millionth visitor will be awarded with a free annual membership that allows them access to the Zoo and all its facilities, enabling them to enjoy multiple experiences, services, and a variety of adventures for a year.
His Excellency Ghanim Mubarak Al Hajeri, Director General of the Zoo and Aquarium Public Institution, said: “We are pleased to receive the 10 millionth visitor who will crown our years of effort and relentless work in providing exceptional experiences and services through which we aim to support ecotourism based on the highest cultural and recreational standards.We are working closely with our partners to add more in the near future to make our park the region’s top family tourist destination.
“We have overcome many challenges that made us better and it has enabled us to move forward each year and offer the best institutional practices to our visitors and partners locally and globally. The greatest challenge we have faced recently is undoubtedly the Covid-19 crisis, which had some devastating ramifications on global tourism but we are proud to say that we have worked persistently to compensate for what we all faced during that trying period, until we received global praise for our ability to respond to the pandemic with our resilience and strength.”
Al Hajeri extended his thanks and appreciation to all Al Zoo visitors, stressing that the Zoo would not have reached this figure without its loyal guests, who have always been a strong supporter of sustainability, nature conservation and protection of endangered species.
Back-to-school anxiety is not uncommon among students and parents alike. From firstday jitters to worries about academic performance, the start of a new school year can be a stressful time. Dr. Haseeb Rohilla, an Adult Psychiatrist working with Abu Dhabi 360, explains, “Anxiety, if not addressed, can affect a student’s academic success and overall well-being.”
Dr. Haseeb adds, “In recent years, we have witnessed a growing number of young people with low self-esteem and social anxiety. Infact, anxiety is the largest single driver behind 10 to 19-year-olds seeking treatment, with a quarter of our patients experiencing this issue.”.
To better navigate this period, the Emirate-wide initiative, Abu Dhabi 360, launched by Abu Dhabi Sports Council, has compiled a series of practical strategies, and coping mechanisms, focusing on promoting a positive mindset for the new school year.
Start a Regular Sleep Schedule: Establishing a consistent sleep schedule can significantly boost a child’s mood and school performance. Essential bodily functions and brain activities occur during sleep, contributing to concentration, clear thinking, and memory processing. The brain cycles between non-REM and REM sleep, with each cycle playing a critical role in health. While needs vary, experts suggest 9-12 hours for school-aged children and 8-10 hours for teenagers.
Communication is key in addressing and understanding your child’s anxieties. Discussing their feelings can help them feel more prepared and less anxious. This open dialogue can also provide you with insight into their worries, enabling you to offer reassurance and solutions where possible.
Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help manage anxiety. Regular practice of mindfulness increases grey matter in the brain, which aids in improving emotional regulation and can reduce anxiety levels. The Abu Dhabi 360 app provides guided mindfulness exercises that can easily be incorporated into daily routines.
Cultivating a positive mindset can be an effective way to manage stress and anxiety. Encourage your child to view challenges as opportunities for growth and to see mistakes as learning experiences. This shift in perspective can boost their resilience and overall mental health.
Stay Organised:
Keeping track of schedules, assignments, and deadlines can help reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. This sense of control can significantly reduce stress and help students feel more capable and confident.
Teachers can be an excellent resource for students feeling anxious about the new school year. Encouraging communication with teachers can alleviate many back-to-school worries and can foster a supportive learning environment. A simple conversation can make your child feel heard and understood, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.
It’s essential to remember that feeling anxious about the new school year is entirely normal. But with the right strategies and tools, students and parents can turn these anxieties into a positive and proactive start. For a wealth of resources on managing backto-school stress, remember to turn to the Abu Dhabi 360 app - a hub of well-being tips and guidance, offering support at the touch of a button.
“ Encourage your child to view challenges as opportunities for growth and to see mistakes as learning experiences. This shift in perspective can boost their resilience and overall mental health.”
As the end of summer approaches, the back-to-school season brings anticipation and, inevitably, the hustle and bustle of preparing for the academic year. Alongside choosing new stationery and uniforms, a critical part of this preparation involves maintaining a nutritious diet for children’s academic success.
“Eating the right foods can help children improve their memory, concentration, and brain function,” says Dr. Mona Mobarak, a Certified Nutritionist working closely with Abu Dhabi 360. “The most impactful step a parent can take is to ensure they are fuelling their children’s bodies with balanced meals. Healthy eating is crucial, not just for their physical growth, but also for their cognitive development.”
To ensure families approach the new school year in the best way possible, the Emirate-wide initiative, Abu Dhabi 360, launched by Abu Dhabi Sports Council, has prepared a series of simple, easy, and nutritious recipes to help parents pack their children’s lunchboxes with brain-boosting foods.
Quinoa is a protein-rich grain that also packs a good amount of fibre. Protein is vital for brain function, helping repair brain cells and boost cognitive abilities, while fibre slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, providing a steady supply of energy. Mixed with a variety of fresh
veggies, this quinoa salad is a powerhouse of nutrients and perfect for a quick, easy lunch.
Blueberries, packed with antioxidants, are known as ‘brain berries.’ They delay brain ageing and enhance memory, while chia seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, vital for brain health. This sweet, nutritious smoothie is a refreshing breakfast or snack that delivers brain-boosting benefits.
Chickpeas are an excellent source of protein and fibre, both essential for brain health. Protein aids neurotransmitter function, enhancing learning and memory, while fibre provides slow-releasing energy. Tossed in olive oil and your favourite spices and roasted until crispy, this is a healthy, brain-boosting snack children will love.
Salmon is one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for brain health, promoting improved
learning, and better mental skills. Sweet potatoes provide beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that supports brain function. A meal that combines both offers a delicious way to serve up some serious brain food.
Spinach is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can improve memory and speed up information processing. Eggs, a good source of protein and choline, help in promoting brain health and improving memory. This easy-to-make scramble is a power-packed start to any school day.
The significance of incorporating brain-boosting foods into your diet is just as important as fostering healthy eating habits from a young age. The benefits extend beyond physical health, directly contributing to your child’s academic performance. Whether you’re looking for breakfast ideas or afternoon snacks, the Abu Dhabi 360 app is a one-stop source for wholesome recipes suitable for any occasion.
Using human “mini-brain” models known as organoids, Mayo Clinic and Yale University scientists have discovered that the roots of autism spectrum disorder may be associated with an imbalance of specific neurons that play a critical role in how the brain communicates and functions. The specific cells are known as excitatory cortical neurons.
The new study is published in Nature Neuroscience.
The team found an abnormal imbalance of excitatory neurons in the forebrain of people with the disorder, depending on their head size.
“This organoid technology allowed us to recreate the brain development alteration that happened in the patients when they were in the uterus, which is believed to be the time when autism spectrum disorder originates,” says Alexej Abyzov, Ph.D., a genomic researcher in the Department of Quantitative Health Sciences at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine. Dr. Abyzov is a senior author of the study.
Autism spectrum disorder is a neurological condition that affects the way people perceive and interact with others, leading to challenges in social communication and behavior. The term “spectrum” emphasizes the broad range of symptoms and severity, and includes autism, Asperger’s syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder and an unspecified form of pervasive developmental disorder.
The World Health Organization estimates that about 1 in 100 children worldwide has autism.
More about “mini-brains”
For the study, the scientists first created miniature three-dimensional brain-like models, called organoids. The pea-sized clusters of cells began as skin cells from people with autism spectrum disorder. The skin cells were placed in a culture dish and “reprogrammed” back into a stem-cell-like state, called induced pluripotent stem cells. These so-called master cells can be coaxed to develop into any cell in the body, including brain cells.
Next, the scientists used a special technology called single-cell ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequencing to study the gene expression patterns of individual brain cells.
In all, they examined 664,272 brain cells at three different stages of brain development. The scientists also discovered that the neuron imbalance stemmed from changes in the activity of certain genes known
as “transcription factors,” which play a crucial role in directing the development of cells during the initial stages of brain formation.
This study builds on 13 years of published studies on autism spectrum disorder by Dr. Abyzov and his collaborators, including Flora Vaccarino, M.D., a neuroscientist at Yale University. In one pioneering study, they showed molecular differences in organoids between people with autism and those without and implicated the deregulation of a specific transcription factor called FOXG1 as an underlying cause of the disorder.
“Autism is mostly a genetic disease. Our goal is to be able to determine the risk of autism spectrum disorder and possibly prevent it in an unborn child using prenatal genetic testing. However, this would require detailed knowledge of how brain regulation gets derailed during development. There are many aspects in which organoids could help in this direction,” says Dr. Abyzov.
Sleep is something that everyone needs, and most people need a similar amount, depending on their age. That amount also changes with age. However, some people need more sleep to feel well-rested, some need less, while others suffer from sleep deprivation.
Sleep deprivation refers to the condition of not getting enough sleep, either in quantity or quality, to meet the body’s needs for restful and restorative sleep. It can be caused by various factors, including lifestyle choices, medical conditions, work schedules, or sleep disorders.
Jumeirah Group’s J Club General Manager Jamie Moore highlighted this topic during his latest wellness talk series “Moore Sleep, Moore Life”, a series of wellness talks focusing on sleep, brain, and body, provided by J Club, Dubai’s ultimate lifestyle destination.
According to Jamie Moore, General Manager at J Club and Sleep Specialist: “Sleep is the single most effective thing you can do to reset your brain and body to optimize daily performance.” He added: “Sleep is the foundation of good health, supporting our immune system, cognitive function, and emotional resilience. He has recently launched a brand new and exclusive social page which will provide educational lifestyle tips and seminar clips focusing on ‘how to live better, for longer’ @ moorelifegroup.
Sleep deprivation can have significant effects on both physical and mental health. Some common effects of sleep deprivation include:
The Brains Cognitive Function:
Lack of sleep shuts down the ‘CEO’ of the brain, the pre-frontal cortex. This part of the brain controls our emotions, decision making, thought processes, creative learning, and memory.
Emotional Disturbances:
As mentioned above, sleep deprivation can lead to mood swings, irritability, increased stress levels, and a higher risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
Physical Health and the Body:
Sleep deprivation is associated with an increased risk of developing several health problems, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weakened immune system, and a higher susceptibility to infections. The science and data shows that the less sleep you get, the shorter your life can potentially be.
Decreased Performance and Safety:
Sleep-deprived individuals often experience decreased alertness, and slower reaction times, as well as decreased productivity. Jamie says –
Here are some general tips and tricks that can help improve your sleep:
Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule:
Set a regular sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. This helps regulate your body’s internal clock.
Keep the room cold:
Your core body temperature needs to drop by at least 1C before falling asleep. The recommended temperature is between 18-22C.
Have a night-time Routine:
Engage in relaxing activities before bed, such as reading, taking a warm bath, practicing deep breathing exercises, or meditation. These activities can help calm the mind and prepare your body for sleep.
Dim the lights in the evenings:
Your body needs to produce melatonin before falling asleep, a great way to activate this is by creating a dark environment (not too dark though). Switch off a few of the lights and create a relaxing atmosphere.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:
Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and managing stress levels can contribute to better sleep. Life is all about balance.
“Sleep is the greatest legal performance enhancing drug out there!”
Finding your little one’s new home away from home is no easy task for any parent. For the past 18 months, we have been looking for the ideal preschool, and now we have found one. As a working mother, I am aware of the hurdles we face, which is why I am excited to share five invaluable tips that we have learned along the way, with the hope of assisting other parents in their own quest:
Venturing into the big world alone can be a daunting experience for both parents and their little ones. As we embarked on this journey, our primary concern was ensuring proximity to our home, allowing us to swiftly respond whenever our child needed us.
Discovering accredited institutions catering to children under six may present challenges, but I was determined to conduct thorough research, leaving no stone unturned. Our preference leaned towards an Inter-
national Baccalaureate (IB) program, as we believe in its global recognition and the ease of transition it offers, should the need arise.
We wanted our little one to embrace not only our mother tongue, Arabic, but also English and French. While it may seem like a tall order, we remained confident that we could fulfill this aspiration.
Having spent most of my life in New Zealand I really wanted the outdoor option along with an eco-conscious innovative early childhood learning experience, meaning that the environment would be inspired by nature wherever possible. The outdoor design incorporates elements of nature such as rocks, trees, and water.
Anticipating the emotional rollercoaster during the initial weeks, I prioritized selecting a nursery that would provide understanding and support, both for me and my little one, as we navigated this transitional period. It was crucial for me to find a nurturing environment that would help with the preliminary challenges and adjustments.
We ultimately chose the remarkable Redwood Center of Excellence, an early childhood learning center nestled in Al Barsha 2, which exceeded our expectations on all fronts. Welcoming children aged 45 days to 6 years old, the center recognizes the immense importance of the first five years in a child’s life, as supported by modern neurological research. It’s like a “mini university,” as parents described, offering a unique teaching approach that combines best practices from Montessori, Reggio Emilia, STEM and the arts.
The specially built and designed premises uses lots of natural light, the color green and natural materials to create a soothing atmosphere for the children. We loved all the special rooms like the Reggio inspired atelier (an artist’s haven) the botanical garden and the sensory room with stimuli that help children engage their senses.
During this process, we also discovered how important it is to get genuine feedback from other parents. Having opened just over a year ago, its popularity Is a testament to its success.
As the start of a new academic year draws closer, many students will be making the transition from high school to university abroad. An exciting prospect for students to make new friends, gain more maturity, and turn something they are truly passionate about into a career. However, it can also present some nerves for students, as they move away from their homes and support system, meet new people, and adapt to a new learning environment.
It can often feel overwhelming trying to juggle all of these at once, so St. George’s University (SGU) School of Medicine Grenada, in the Caribbean shares five tips for students to cope with these changes.
Students may miss their high school community when they start university life. That’s why it is important for them to stay connected with their social circle, family, and friends. Setting up WhatsApp groups in advance of leaving can help them stay in touch and keep up to date with one another.
Equally as important is staying connected to themselves and being in touch with their own emotions. Therefore, journaling about personal experiences and expressing the feelings that accompany these events is always better than bottling them up.
Being organized can help students adapt more smoothly to their new surroundings and
responsibilities. For example, students can more efficiently plan what they would like to do during the first week on campus if they have organized their agenda in advance. This habit will also help them plan other areas in their life, such as organizing their schedule to know when to study and when to take time out.
Students going to university might find themselves thinking that other people are able to manage the transition better than them, but this can be detrimental to their confidence and well-being. All students will have come from different backgrounds and it’s important that students focus on their own goals and progress. Having a healthy personal perspective can help manage those pre-university nerves.
It is always a good idea for students to connect with the cohort who planning to go to the same university before the academic year starts. It will help enhance the student’s overall experience and ease the transition into a new academic environment. Building a network of friends even before arriving could give a sense of belonging and support as students embark on this exciting journey together.
Learning how to relax will
not only help students as they psychologically prepare themselves to start university, but it will also help during stressful exam periods and in other aspects of life they may encounter in the future. Practicing relaxation techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, meditation, muscle relaxation exercises, deep breathing, and mental or guided imagery could help students focus on being calm and thinking clearly.
To summarize, some students might find the transition from high school to university life stressful, especially if it involves traveling abroad. However, there are ways in which students can cope with the anticipation of making new friends, academic pressures, and leaving familiar support systems behind.
If students still find themselves looking for guidance, students can check if their university has specialized departments offering support to international students that may be missing home. For example, SGU has a dedicated Global Students Lounge that provides cultural adjustment support, a peer mentoring program, and other activities for international students to help them fit into university life.
Dulsco Environment is encouraging schools across the UAE to get the new term off to a green start, with a series of simple, sustainability-focused tips that can be adopted in inside and outside the classroom.
With the spotlight on sustainability like never before, Dulsco Environment wants teachers, pupils and parents to think more about recycling, waste management and conserving our environment when schools go back next week – and make sustainability part of their long term goals at school and home.
Joelle Saab, Recycling and Treatment Director at Dulsco Environment, said: “Sustainability and the environment should be high up on the educational agenda. While there have been great strides in schools’ green initiatives over the last few years, there is still a long way to go.
“Schools that adopt green initiatives will help the UAE meet its sustainability targets, save on running costs and instill green thinking in the minds of the youngsters of today who will become the leaders of tomorrow. With COP28 just around the corner, the new school term is the ideal time for everybody to make eco-friendly practices – at school and at home – part of their daily lives.”
Joelle Saab Recycling and Treatment Director at Dulsco EnvironmentEnvironmental awareness: put up posters – ideally digital or printed on recycled paper – in staffrooms, classrooms, canteens and corridors to build awareness of how to go green. Download a Dulsco poster here. In addition, organise regular awareness sessions about waste recycling and sustainability;
Recycling bins: install colour coded, clearly labelled bins throughout schools to encourage teachers and pupils to segregate their waste at source.
Say no to single use plastic: replace single use drinks bottles and other items from school and replace them a re-usable, sustainable product;
Set targets: make recycling a fun challenge by setting goals on waste management and sharing the targets with all teachers, pupils and parents. Track progress, and celebrate milestones as they are reached and nominate monthly recycling champions;
Collection campaigns: hold regular campaigns where pupils bring in paper, cards, cans and plastic for recycling, and unleash younger kids’ creativity by organising waste-to-art sessions; Lights out!: turn off lights – at school and at home – when nobody is in the room;
Food for thought: cut food waste at the school canteen by customising portions –
Eco-tips and environment-friendly initiatives get the new school year off to a green start with Dulsco
serve smaller amounts with the option to add, rather than a big portion that may not be eaten. Introduce food composters for leftovers to turn food into a soil enhancer that can be used in school landscaping activities.
Lunches: pack kids’ lunch bags with reusable water bottles and wrap food in washable, reusable material such as beeswax paper;
Notepads: if you can’t go digital, use recycled paper pads and colouring books, and make them go further by making more notepads from unused pages;
Homework: encourage students to complete their homework and school projects in natural daylight to save
electricity – and cut energy consumption bills in the process. If using a desk light, make sure it has an LED bulb;
Get walking or carshare: cut vehicle emissions, reduce traffic jams and boost fitness by walking to school in the cooler months. If walking isn’t an option, try carpooling.
Over the last two years, Dulsco’s team of environmental experts has presented sessions on waste segregation and contributing to the circular economy to more than 3,500 people –including teachers and pupils. And Dulsco Environment’s recycling bus, now a familiar site on the UAE’s roads, visits dozens of schools each year as
part Dulsco’s commitment promoting sustainability. To book an awareness session and the bus, call 800 WASTE or email waste@
The company also provides waste management and recycling services for more than 120 educational establishments in the UAE.
As the new academic year begins, families are juggling packed schedules. This means getting kids back on a routine after the long holiday months, waking up bright and early for school, completing homework, and finding time for entertainment and fun. Getting back to school can sometimes get overwhelming.
Amazon Alexa can help make the transition easier for families, taking away a bit of the stress of managing it all. Whether it’s coordinating daily activities, creating shopping lists, setting reminders for prayer times, or organizing extra-curricular activities. For instance, using a simple voice command like, “Alexa, wake me up for school”, parents can ensure punctuality, as well as set reminders for homework, playtime and games.
Let’s look at the top three ways Amazon Alexa helps families during the exciting – and let’s be honest, stressful – back-toschool season:
Amazon Alexa comes packed with a host of skills and features that make learning fun, spark curiosity and build creativity. If kids are stuck on their homework or want more information, families can use Alexa to help students learn new things – be it “Alexa, how do you spell conspicuous?” or “Alexa, what’s the capital of Madagascar?”. The “Math Challenges” skill, for instance is another example, offering math games covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, transforming learning into a fun, family activity.
Parents can rely on Alexa for valuable tips, making the first day of school stress-free and exciting. By simply asking, ‘Alexa, how to prepare for the first day of school?’ or ‘Alexa, how to get your kids ready for school?’ parents ensure a stress-free start to the academic year. With routine features such as waking kids to their favorite songs or personalized greetings, remind-
ers on essential tasks such as packing lunches and backpacks, receiving weather updates for appropriate attire, reminders for study time, enjoying bedtime stories for relaxation, and receiving reminders for extracurricular activities and many more.
Parents can also effortlessly organize and prepare delicious school meals for their children with the help of Amazon Alexa. By asking, “Alexa, what kind of food can I prepare for children?” or “Alexa, show me recipes for food I can prepare for kids for school,” parents can explore a wide range of recipe options by Fatafeet. To celebrate back-to-school season, Amazon is offering exclusive promotions on their devices from August 22 to 30. The Amazon Echo Dot 5th Gen is now available for AED 159.99 and the Amazon Echo Dot 5th Gen with Clock for AED 189.99. Experience the convenience of the Amazon Echo Show 8 (2nd Generation) at a discounted price of AED 379.99.
Soaring temperatures and high humidity increase your risk of heat-related issues like dehydration and heat stroke. Those weather extremes also can increase stroke risk for some people.
Dr. Robert Brown, a Mayo Clinic neurologist, says if you or someone you know experiences stroke symptoms in the heat, call your emergency services number, as stroke is a medical emergency.
Does weather impact your risk of having a stroke?
“There is some influence of weather and temperature on the occurrence of stroke, and it ends up that it’s oftentimes temperature extremes ─ very, very hot, very, very cold,” Dr. Brown says.
Or very, very humid. The increased risk of stroke may have to do with the impact extreme heat, humidity and cold have on the body, Dr. Brown says.
“Factors related to blood pressure and even some factors related to certain heart conditions,” he says. A stroke is a medical emergency. The faster you get treatment, the better your chances of recovery are. “There are several treatments that are available at the time of stroke-related symptoms,” Dr. Brown says. “These include clot busters or medications designed to try to break up the clot in an artery blocking the blood flow to the brain.”
Some treatments can sometimes be used to remove the blockage from the artery directly.
Symptoms include sudden onset of weakness of the face, arm or leg; sudden numbness on one side of the body; sudden difficulty seeing, speaking or understanding others; sudden unsteadiness or a sudden, severe headache unlike anything you’ve ever had. If symptoms occur, call your emergency services.
Dr. Brown says when it comes to stroke, remember
F, face drooping,
A, arm weakness;
S, speech difficulties
T, time to call 999 in UAE
Dr Robert Brown Mayo Clinic neurologistSource FAMILY
Wild arrival:
he Green Planet, Dubai’s only indoor tropical rainforest is taking guests into the fascinating world of predatory plants with the launch of the Middle East’s first Carnivorous Plants exhibit from 31st August 2023.
Joining The Green Planet’s plant kingdom are some of the world’s most extraordinary bug-eating including the Pitcher Plant, Venus FlyTrap and Sundew Plant.
Rare in the Middle East, guests have a special opportunity to learn more about these unique botanical wonders up close with workshops held from 31st August to 3rd September at 3PM. Guests can even witness these unique plants in action as biologists feed them insects as part of a hands-on demonstration.
Capable of reaching heights of up to three feet, the Pitcher Plants stand tall with their tube-like leaves, expertly trapping unsuspecting insects. That’s not all - these cheeky plants flaunt flowers that resemble the colour of raw meat, further attracting flies, while secreting scents of nectar making it irresistible to other bugs.
The Venus Flytrap, the most famous of the carnivorous plants, is known for its rapid hunting tactics, consuming any insect that climbs inside it. The ‘traps’ of Venus Flytraps snap shut only when two hairs are touched rapidly, preserving energy for the perfect moment to strike. These remarkable plants can live for up to 20 years, making them the ultimate carnivorous survivors.
Beautiful but deadly, Sundew Plants are known for their fascinating appearance and unique hunting approach. One of the largest groups of carnivorous plants with at least 194 species, these unique plants can be found in the icy lands of Alaska all the way to the exotic shores of New Zealand. Getting their name from the glistening dewdrops on their leaves, these cunning plants capture bugs with their enticing nectar, creating quite the sticky situation for the insect kingdom.
So, mark your calendars and prepare to enter the gripping world of Carnivorous Plants at The Green Planet Dubai. It’s an experience you won’t want to miss! Admission to the exhibit is included with the standard admission ticket to the indoor rainforest.
For more information on the exhibit, please visit and follow The Green Planet on social media for the latest updates:
Instagram: @TheGreenPlanetDubai
Facebook: @TheGreenPlanetDubai
The incredible walruses of SeaWorld Abu Dhabi are acclimating well to their state-ofthe-art habitats located in the Marine Life Theme Park’s Arctic Realm. Home to five walruses, each with their own unique personalities, the Arctic Realm of the Polar Ocean is one of SeaWorld Abu Dhabi’s eight immersive realms.
From Smooshi, her calf Koyuk, and Boris, who joined us from zoological facilities in Canada to Lilou and Nanoha, who join SeaWorld Abu Dhabi from Kamogawa, Japan - all the walruses have adapted exceptionally well to their new home.
Among the numerous comforts of their habitat is the innovative Animal Life Support System (ALSS), a state-of-theart technology that meticulously mirrors the atmosphere of the Arctic. The ALSS carefully oversees the control of water quality, ensuring its salinity, temperature, and other parameters are upheld to the highest standards. This comprehensive system fosters an environment that is not just habitable, but entirely conducive for the growth and development of the animals.
Complementing the ALSS is the Advanced Animal Lighting System (AALS), which reproduces the natural light cycles found
in the Arctic north. By simulating daybreak, sunset, seasonality, and the subtle shifts in between, the AALS promotes the animal’s natural circadian rhythm, ensuring their continued physiological and psychological wellbeing. Together, these systems represent a benchmark in marine habitat design and management, underscoring SeaWorld Abu Dhabi’s commitment to the wellbeing of its resident marine life.
The dynamic walrus habitat, with an intricate design resembling the Arctic north, gives these playful mammals ample room to explore, engage and prosper. The overall design of the habitat includes large Arctic rocks and boulders for the animals to rest, bask and play on, as well as several viewing windows – both above and below water - which give the walruses opportunities to interact with guests. Another interesting feature that’s worth noting is the addition of schools of fish in their habitats, which encourages the walruses to exercise and play throughout the day.
While cutting edge technological achievements greatly help the walruses thrive in their new dynamic habitat, this can’t be achieved without the dedicated team of animal care specialists, veterinarians and zool-
ogists at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi. This passionate team, expertly equipped with the latest training and knowledge specific to walrus care, ensures aroundthe-clock care and attention, allowing all five walruses to explore and flourish in their new home at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi. The skilled team provides enrichment activities daily, from engaging behavior sessions to providing them with specially designed devices to play with, the walruses are kept busy throughout the day. This enrichment is also supported with a high-quality diet including restaurant grade clams, squid and herring – with their individual diets continuously under review by nutrition specialists to ensure that each walrus’s daily nutritional needs are met.
SeaWorld Abu Dhabi’s commitment to animal welfare has established an enriching environment for all the animals in their care. The Marine Life Theme Park is also the region’s first facility to be certified by Global Humane, the international brand of American Humane and the world’s largest certifier of animal welfare.
To find out more about SeaWorld Abu Dhabi’s walruses, please visit:
Unveiling the Arctic wonders: see the incredible walruses of SeaWorld® Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
Looking to create long-lasting memories with your loved ones? Kids are in for a treat as they get to meet their favorite online personalities at the largest and slimiest family event of the year – Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards.
Set to be held at Etihad Arena this September, guests can partake in joyous entertainment and engaging performances, all curated for Nickelodeon fans across the globe. Make the most out of your stay with Yas Island’s ‘Kids Go Free’ packages, unlocking a wealth of perks, including free stay, play, and dining experiences for kids. Guests can avail Yas Island’s Kids Go Free offer before September 30 upon booking a stay at one of the island’s participating hotels.
Later in October, guests can join the festivities and
witness a phenomenal performance of ‘Disney on Ice’ as they celebrate a century of wonders this October 11-15 at Etihad Arena. A world of entertainment awaits as Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and all of Disney’s beloved characters glide on ice with their magical tales and a dazzling show-stopping display of art!
For endless family-friendly fun, a visit to Yas Island’s theme parks is a must. Over at Ferrari World Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, ‘Race into Summer’ continues to delight adventure-seekers and little ones with a wide array of Ferrari-themed experiences and a captivating drone show that offers spectators an extraordinary finish to their eventful day at the park.
A few minutes ahead, guests and families can enjoy splash-tastic adventures at Yas Waterworld Yas Island, Abu Dhabi and meet their favorite
Super Heroes with Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi’s DC Super Hero Season running until September 3. In addition, the recently added SeaWorld® Yas Island, Abu Dhabi offers young spirits and guests a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the fun-tastic wonders of the sea as they wave goodbye to the final summer days.
With a non-stop year-round calendar of events and plenty of entertainment in store on Yas Island, guests and little ones can bid farewell to the end of summer and welcome the back-to-school season with a haven of action-packed adventures and themed entertainment at every corner.
For more information, please visit or contact Yas Concierge at
Held in partnership with Dubai Sports Council, the Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge has announced its highly anticipated return, following a record-breaking 2023 season that saw over 2,200 participants take to the streets of Dubai.
The annual event has officially launched its 14th edition, with registration now open for the Aster Pharmacy BIG 5 and the main race confirmed for Sunday 25th February 2024. The 2024 season will see a new look for the citywide, 92km cycle race, while continuing to serve as a qualifier for the international UCI Gran Fondo World Series Championship for the third consecutive year. The top 20 per cent of participants from each age category will qualify to compete in the finals in Aalborg, Demark in September 2024.
The return of the Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge marks the opening of registration for the event’s iconic Aster Pharmacy BIG 5 competition. Comprised of four Build-Up Rides, the BIG 5 provides a roadmap to the fifth and final 92km race, giving cyclists the perfect chance to train and gradually scale up their speed on the cycling tracks of Al Qudra in the months leading up to the main event. The number one male and female riders from each category will receive a yellow or blue jersey, which will signal their status as the leading rider ahead of each Build-Up Ride.
“We are thrilled and immensely grateful to announce the return of the Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge this year. After a record-breaking 2023 season with over 2,200 participants, we cannot wait to witness yet another exceptional cycling event. We look forward to supporting cyclists from all over the world and being a part of their journey. Together with our partners, we are excited to gear up for another fantastic year and set new milestones together,” said Warwick Gird of Spinneys Group GM Marketing.
An exciting addition to this year’s Aster Pharmacy BIG 5 is the introduction of a brand-new Teams Category, creating a new opportunity for cyclists to join forces and compete as a squad of six. The teams can be of mixed-gender and the minimum eligible age is 16. Once registered, the lineup of the team will remain fixed for the duration of the series and the winning team with the least cumulative time across all five events will be crowned at the awards ceremony.
Participants can now register and secure their spot for the Aster Pharmacy BIG 5 competition for only AED 535. The entry provides a full range of incredible benefits, including exclusive prizes, race packs, a leaderboard ranking, series leader jerseys, priority parking, and a bespoke finisher medal.
This season’s Aster Pharmacy BIG 5 schedule is as follows:
BUR 1:
35km on Sunday 1st Oct 2023
BUR 2:
45km on Sunday 29th Oct 2023
BUR 3:
65km on Sunday 19th Nov 2023
BUR 4: 85km on Sunday 28th Jan 2024
Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge (92KM) on Sunday 25th
February 2024
Aster Pharmacy, one of the largest regional health and wellness chains continues its commitment towards community wellness by returning as the official title partner of this year’s BIG 5 competition.
“As always, we are incredibly delighted to associate with Spinneys as the official partner in this year’s BIG 5 competition, and it’s a privilege to continue being a supporter of one of the region’s
fastest growing communities,” said N.S. Balasubramanian, CEO of Aster Pharmacy. “The Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge has long been one of the established fixtures of the region’s annual fitness calendar, and we are really looking forward to seeing cyclists competing in the Aster Pharmacy BIG 5 competition over the coming months.”
The 14th edition of the Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge season will also see the return of the iconic Junior Rides and TotalEnergies Outride, with the two fan-favourites back by popular demand to allow the entire family to take part in the main race weekend in February 2024.
The Junior Rides are a great opportunity for the younger ones to test their abilities and have some fun at the same time. They are untimed and solely for the enjoyment of the sport, while the TotalEnergies Outride is a shorter course option, allowing families and new cyclists to join in the fun.
Saturday 24th Feb 2024
TotalEnergies Outride:
Date TBD
Final Race: 92km on Sunday 25th Feb 2024
“We’re thrilled to announce the kick off of the 14th edition Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge, said Stewart Howison, Race Director of the Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge. “Registration is now open for the Aster Pharmacy BIG 5 competition, giving both competitive and new cyclists the opportunity to test their skills and stamina while on their journey to 92km this season.”
Held in partnership with Dubai Sports Council, Spinneys and Dubai 92, the Spinneys Dubai 92 Cycle Challenge is one of the Middle East’s premium road cycling races, regularly attracting thousands of riders from all over the world.
For more information or to register for the events, visit
As Formula 1 prepares to return for the second half of the 2023 season, and with a limited number of experience packages remaining, the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023 is set to feature an award-winning line-up of international cuisine and incredible dining experiences for fans to enjoy while the 10 teams race around the Yas Marina Circuit track in November.
With a number of new additions for 2023’s event, the 15th edition of the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023 weekend sees 15 exciting hospitality experiences placed across the iconic track, including the allnew Deck at Two, a VIP-viewing platform at Turn 2, with exclusive menus from Nobu Dubai, estiatorio Milos and Hakkasan Dubai of Atlantis Dubai. Renowned for its premium sushi and grilled Japanese offerings, Roka also makes a debut this year at Club 58.
Bringing its world-renowned Japanese cuisine with a Peruvian twist, F1 fans will be wowed by the event’s exclusive menu curated by Head Chef Damien Duviau of Nobu Dubai for #AbuDhabiGP weekend. Simultaneously, guests can also choose to indulge in the one Michelin-starred Hakkasan Dubai, featuring a tailored blend of Cantonese recipes as part of an “Only At” collection, designed exclusively for the F1 weekend on Yas Island by Chef Andy Toh. With one of the finest Greek Mediterranean restaurants in the world, estiatorio Milos, the Deck at Two is being touted as the place to be for this year’s Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023.
Motorsport fans looking to enjoy the thrilling high speeds in a luxurious setting can enjoy the party
atmosphere at this year’s event from the new Hillside Terrace. With a uniquely curated menu from The MAINE Oyster Bar & Grill, Dubai’s first homegrown New England Seaside Brasserie, fans can enjoy this year’s F1 weekend from day to night atop the Abu Dhabi Hill overlooking the iconic North Hairpin.
The historic turn also serves as a backdrop to the new The Garage @Sunset for those looking to bring their whole team to the race weekend, with intimate private boxes and free-flowing F&B options for all.
At the end of the fastest section on the Yas Marina Circuit track, fans can witness the action from the all-new Club 58, an eye in the sky with views of the circuit’s longest straight and the start-finish line at the F1 season finale in a modern, relaxed setting.
Alongside the new additions, fan favourites will return for this year’s event, with Turns at West, North Straight Hospitality, Deck At Nine with Opa, Luna Lounge featuring Ce La Vi, Turn 1 with Il Borro, Alici and Maya Bay and Shams Suites with Gohan and Ninive all back by popular demand for 2023.
Bringing a unique fusion of Greek flair and specialty dishes, the views overlooking Yas Marina from Deck at Nine have returned due to unprecedented demand from fans, alongside the rooftop Luna Lounge which proved to be a hit with its Instagrammable swing.
Fans looking for a true experience in culinary and sporting excellence can alternatively enjoy the dining experience from Shams Suite, with Japanese-in-
spired Gohan and the atmospheric Ninive bringing a new way to enjoy the F1 action.
Organisers have confirmed these experiences will remain on sale for a limited time, with the demand for this year’s F1 season finale tickets continuing to see unparalleled interest from fans across the globe. Fans looking to not miss out on a weekend filled with entertainment on and off the track can find more details at:
Alongside the ultimate F1 weekend experience, all Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023 ticket holders can also enjoy a range of unrivalled perks, with access to one of Yas Island’s incredible theme parks, Qasr Al Watan and the Louvre Abu Dhabi through the ‘Yas All In’ ticket, valid between Wednesday 22nd to Monday 27th November.
Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023, which will conclude the longest season in F1 history, is set to break records both on and off the track following 2022’s biggest-ever attendance, with new Grandstand and Hospitality packages being unveiled to ensure fans can experience the #AbuDhabiGP in a variety of ways during 23rd to 26th November on Yas Island.
With more exciting announcements still to come, fans can still secure their experience package at the region’s biggest sports and entertainment event at:
7s now on sale for December 2023
The highly anticipated return of the Emirates Dubai 7s is here with tickets now on sale for the region’s biggest sports and entertainment festival, set to return from 1 to 3 December 2023 during the UAE National Day weekend. Fans can choose from a variety of experiences to enjoy at the year-ending
spectacle at Dubai’s Sevens Stadium in the ultimate event weekend for all.
In an international celebration of sport, music and entertainment, the 2023 edition of Emirates Dubai 7s will feature its biggest line-up to date with world-class international
athletes, global artists and stateof-the-art hospitality experiences heading to Dubai this December for the premier weekend festival, with,
tickets starting from only AED 425.
Alongside the main sevens tournament, fans can witness exciting sporting action from amateur rugby, netball, cricket, and fitness teams across the weekend. Last year’s edition saw global attendance from elite and amateur athletes alike, hosting over 5600 participants and 420 teams of all levels and ages from 32 countries competing at The Sevens Stadium in 2022. Organisers have confirmed further plans to expand the competitions to meet demand in 2023, promising an activity for everyone, from sporting fans to festival goers, families, fitness enthusiasts, and more.
Away from the pitch, this year’s event will see a talented mix of award-winning international and local artists and entertainers perform across the four iconic stages – Rugby Rocks, Heineken Tavern, Beats on 2 and Frequency on 8 –as the sun-soaked days transition to evenings of fun-filled entertainment.
In a weekend fit for all, the entertainment is set to include artists of all genres, with organisers confirming the first artists to feature at the Emirates Dubai 7s in 2023, with iconic British duo, DJ Luck & Mc Neat, and UK Garage stars, Artful Dodger, both bringing their 25-year chart topping legacy of dance hits to The Sevens in December. Fans can look forward to the official headline artist announcements over the coming weeks.
For families, 2023 is set to see the infamous colourful atmosphere of the Emirates Dubai 7s weekend return, with entertainment and activation stands across The Sevens for young fans
to enjoy. Alongside a selection of F&B outlets and viewing locations, families can look forward to a sun-soaked weekend of fun with free entry for children under 10.
Meanwhile, fans looking to enjoy a state-of-the-art hospitality experience can take in all the action from The Hanger, with two days of VIP treatment, free-flowing F&B options and a premium view of Pitch 1 from the North Grandstand starting from just AED 1,950.
Emirates Dubai 7s Festival Director Mathew Tait said: “It’s an exciting moment as we announce tickets are on sale today for the new look HSBC SVNS DXB, with our Emirates Dubai 7s set to kick off the new series in style this December. Along with our history of being the Middle East’s biggest sport and entertainment weekend, we look forward to seeing how the new format shapes up and welcome our fans back to The Sevens Stadium this December.”
Sports fans and festival lovers alike can look forward to seeing the first edition of the newly introduced World Rugby HSBC SVNS series, which introduces a brand-new approach to the classic series with the events around the world providing a unique festival atmosphere across three days of incredible sport and entertainment. The revamped series will kick off its new era with the iconic event in Dubai later this year.
World Rugby Sevens General Manager Sam Pinder said: “With over 50 years of tradi-
tion, the Emirates Dubai 7s has built a strong reputation for spectacular entertainment, on and off the pitch, hosting the world’s best players and teams and creating a fantastic party atmosphere around the venue.”
“We are excited for HSBC SVNS, the supercharged new identity for rugby sevens, to kick off in Dubai bringing together a truly immersive festival of rugby, music, food and experiences to broaden the reach and appeal of the sport beyond its traditional audiences and create the ultimate weekend-long get together.”
With tickets now on sale, fans can secure their access to the region’s biggest sports and entertainment weekend, with pre-registration now available for Friday’s free ticket option.
Emirates Skywards, the award-winning loyalty programme of Emirates and flydubai, is also offering members a chance to grab tickets early and enjoy up to 15% off on hospitality tickets and 20% off general admission tickets for a limited time. Simply login or register on, and catch three-days of action-packed sports, worldclass entertainment, and family fun.*
For more information on tickets for this year’s event, visit:
*Emirates Skywards offer is valid until 17 September 2023
The Ice Warrior Challenge is back for its 14th edition on Sunday, 24 September, organised by Ski Dubai in partnership with Dubai Sports Council. Early bird tickets have gone on sale for the endurance challenge, which will see the World’s Best Indoor Ski Resort transformed into a 3.5-km assault course complete with more than 20 obstacles including monkey bar swings, tyre runs, net crawls and the ice water pool.
Since launching in 2010, the Ice Warrior Challenge has become one of the most popular events on the sporting calendar for adrenaline junkies, attracting elite athletes from around the world as well as locals and expats of varying fitness levels. Last year’s event was a huge success with more than 300 participants from 46 countries.
Ice Warrior Challenge is open to males and females aged between 15 and 60. As in previous years, there will be an Individual category for participants of all fitness levels, and an Elite category for participants with high fitness levels who can complete the course in less than 25 minutes. The event also welcomes groups of five and is a great way to foster team bonding outside of the office or some friendly rivalry amongst your mates.
Early bird tickets are priced at AED 210 for Individuals, AED 250 for Elite and AED 185 per person in the Teams category and are available until Friday, 25 August. Normal pricing resumes on 26 August.
Registration for the event is now open on: and closes on 17 September. Participants can expect a fun-filled atmosphere on the day with live music to keep everyone motivated, and everyone who crosses the finish line will receive a commemorative medal and an Ice Warrior souvenir t-shirt after returning their timing chip.
Earlier this year, Ski Dubai was awarded the Best Sport / Adventure-Based Entertainment at the 2023 MENALAC Awards, which are the benchmark of excellence in the leisure, entertainment and attractions industry. Ski Dubai was recognised for its commitment to promote a healthy and active lifestyle in the MENA region with both competitive and recreational events. Ski Dubai has also recently been nominated for ‘World’s Best Indoor Ski Resort’ at the World Ski Awards, a title which it has retained for seven consecutive years. For more information, visit
Dubai Opera, the main performing arts center in the UAE and the epitome of artistic excellence in the Middle East, is thrilled to announce the highlights of its highly anticipated fall/winter season 2023.
With an exceptional line-up of more than 15 engaging and vibrant performances set to grace its iconic stage this fall-winter, Dubai Opera is poised to once again redefine the realm of performing arts and captivate audiences from around the world.
Dubai Opera's commitment to excellence, creativity, diversity and inclusivity has positioned it as the lighthouse for the performing arts in the Middle East. By reaching the highest international standards and building an authentic
identity, Dubai Opera is positioning itself as an iconic ‘House of Cultures’, a dynamic hub for creativity and innovation, a platform where artistic languages and creative expressions from all over the world converge and blend every day, offering a truly unique and unforgettable experience to all kind of audiences.
"Our mission is to serve, unify, and inspire the community of Dubai and beyond by celebrating the cultures of the world" says Dr. Paolo Petrocelli, Head of Dubai Opera. "Through excellence in the arts, we aim to build a more vibrant and inclusive society, placing Dubai Opera at the forefront of the global cultural scene".
Dubai, a city that celebrates arts and culture, has always embraced
the spirit of creativity. The upcoming fall/winter season at Dubai Opera is a testament to this celebration, featuring an array of world-class performances spanning various genres and generations.
From opera and symphonic to classical and contemporary ballet, from musicals and film music to drama and comedy, from jazz to pop, rock, electronic and world music, Dubai Opera's new season offers an exceptionally diverse lineup that appeals to the entire community, catering all different artistic styles and movements.
The 2023-2024 season of Dubai Opera will kick off with two grand opera and ballet productions, Swan Lake and Madama Butterfly, presented by the Hungarian State
Opera and the Hungarian National Ballet, for the first time touring to UAE.
Here are some intriguing highlights of Dubai Opera's season:
Swan Lake (Classic Ballet): 8th, 9th and 10th September 2023
Immerse yourself in the timeless tale of love and magic as the Hungarian State Opera and the Hungarian National Ballet bring their exquisite rendition of Swan Lake to Dubai.
Madama Butterfly: 12th and 13th September 2023
Witness the tragic and heart-wrenching story of love, sacrifice, and cultural clashes in Puccini's beloved opera, Madama Butterfly. Presented by the Hungarian State Opera, this performance promises to be a captivating experience for all.
Gilberto Gil: 29th September 2023
Experience an unforgettable evening as the legendary Gilberto Gil takes the stage for his farewell tour. Accompanied by his talented family, Gil will treat the audience to a mesmerizing performance of his iconic songs.
David Garrett: 26th October 2023
Prepare to be amazed by the virtuoso violinist David Garrett as he takes you on a musical journey with his new album "ICONIC." Known for his electrifying performances, Garrett's blend of classical and contemporary music will leave you spellbound.
Kenny Garrett: 28th October 2023
Experience the soulful and melodic jazz of Kenny Garrett as he presents his latest album, "Sounds from the Ancestors." With his captivating saxophone solos and infectious energy, Garrett is sure to leave the audience wanting more.
Macbeth: 3rd, 4th and 5th November 2023
Witness the gripping tragedy of Macbeth as the acclaimed theatre company ETT returns to Dubai Opera following the success of their critically acclaimed tour of Othello in 2018. Brace yourself for a riveting performance as Macbeth embarks on a treacherous journey for power and redemption.
Ali Sethi: 11th November 2023
Prepare to be enchanted by the soulful voice and mesmerizing performance of Ali Sethi. Known for his captivating blend of classical and contemporary Pakistani
music, Sethi will take you on a musical journey that transcends borders and resonates with the heart.
Jethro Tull: 24th November 2023
Experience the legendary rock band Jethro Tull as they embark on "The Prog Years" tour, bringing their iconic sound and progressive rock masterpieces to Dubai. Get ready to be transported back in time as Ian Anderson and his bandmates deliver a mesmerizing performance filled with intricate melodies, powerful rhythms, and unforgettable classics.
Slava’s SNOWSHOW: 8th, 9th and 10th December 2023
Experience the global phenomena of Slava's SNOWSHOW, presented for the very first time in Dubai. Enchanting millions of audiences worldwide. Captivating children and catapulting adults back into their own childhood.
Tinariwen: 12th December 2023
Immerse yourself in the hypnotic rhythms and soulful melodies of Tinariwen, the Grammy-winning group from Mali who will be showcasing their new album Amatssou. Experience their unique blend of traditional African music and blues as they take you on a musical journey through the Sahara Desert.
Matteo Bocelli: 21st December 2023
Prepare to be captivated by the extraordinary talent of Matteo
Bocelli as he showcases his rich and powerful voice. Following in the footsteps of his renowned father, Andrea Bocelli, Matteo will serenade the audience with his enchanting interpretations of classical and contemporary songs.
In addition to the fall/winter season, Dubai Opera is excited to announce that the full season for 2023/2024, along with new partnerships and collaborations, will be unveiled in September 2023.
Embracing the richness of diverse cultures, Dubai Opera's new season brings together artists from various backgrounds, showcasing a wide range of genres and artistic expressions. The season celebrates cultural diversity, fostering cross- cultural understanding and appreciation. By curating a program that spans genres and cultures, Dubai Opera aims to provide a platform for artists to share their unique visions and voices, promoting cultural exchange and dialogue.
Tickets for the fall/winter 2023 season performances will be available for purchase starting in June. For more information and updates, please visit
They’re the geeks who live, eat and breathe their favourite technology brand - now a new contest is seeking to celebrate the world’s biggest Apple fans.
Reseller site has launched a search to find Apple’s superfans from around the world with an Apple Watch up for grabs for the most dedicated.
But to make the cut you’ll have to be a serious Apple lover, with a range of questions testing the knowledge of even the most ardent fans of the brand.
When it comes to brand loyalty few can keep up with Apple and the contest is seeking to celebrate the tech brand’s biggest fans from across the world. If you know your iPhone inside out, love watching movies on your iPad and working on your MacBook? Then the contest to find Apple’s biggest superfans could be for you.
With Apple expected to launch a new generation iPhone in September the search is designed to celebrate the brand’s biggest fans before the big reveal.
Entrants will have to answer a series of brain busting questions on the history of Apple and its products and will be given only a short time to respond to prevent them from using the internet to look up the answers.
Only the top 20 fans who score 100% in the quickest time will be invited to take part in a sudden death clash of the Apple supergeeks.
Round one of the competition runs until the beginning of September with the final being held around Apple’s proposed big September launch event.
The final will contain questions that only the ultimate Apple Brain could know - a true test of
what it takes to be crowned the world’s biggest Apple superfan.
Sarah McConomy, COO of said: “Apple fans are some of the most devoted in the world and with a new iPhone expected to be announced in the coming weeks we thought it would be fun to find the brand’s most loyal devotees.
“We’ve researched the history of the brand and its products to come up with a series of questions designed to test even the most knowledgeable Apple fans while giving everyone a chance to compete to be the fastest to answer.
“We’re excited to be able to crown the undisputed world’s biggest Apple fan from a shortlist of the 20 devotees.”
To test your Apple knowledge and see how you compare to fans around the world please visit: .
As the new academic year approaches, parents everywhere are gearing up to equip their teens with essential skills for a successful future. One crucial aspect that often goes overlooked is financial literacy, which forms the foundation of responsible money management. Introducing Leapthe revolutionary mobile app and prepaid Visa card designed to empower teenagers aged 6-18 with financial knowledge and cultivate lifelong good money habits.
Leap is more than just an app; it's an educational tool that transforms the way parents teach their children about money and financial responsibility. Developed with a clear focus on empowering teens to make informed financial decisions, Leap provides an engaging platform for learning the building blocks of earning, saving, and spending money wisely.
Empowering Financial Independence: With Leap, teenagers gain practical experience in managing money independently. From setting savings goals to making responsible spending decisions, teens are equipped with the con-
fidence and skills to navigate the financial challenges of adulthood.
Real-life Simulations: Leap incorporates interactive real-life simulations, allowing teenagers to apply financial concepts in practical scenarios. Whether it's budgeting for school supplies or planning for extracurricular activities, these simulations prepare teens to face real-world financial challenges head-on.
Progress Tracking and Support: For parents, Leap offers a user-friendly interface that allows effortless tracking of their teen's financial progress. Parents can gain valuable insights, identify areas for additional support, and celebrate their teen's achievements, fostering a positive and rewarding learning experience.
Financial Goal Setting and Rewards: By encouraging teens to set financial goals, Leap instils a sense of purpose and motivation in their financial journey. As they achieve these milestones, real-life incentives and rewards help reinforce the value of saving and responsible spending.
"We believe that the new academic year presents a perfect
opportunity to equip our teenagers with essential life skills, and financial literacy is a vital aspect of their development," said Ziad Toqan, Co-founder and CEO of Leap. "With Leap, parents can rest assured that their teens are well-prepared to handle financial challenges and make educated choices throughout their lives."
As technology continues to shape the world, the importance of financial literacy for teenagers cannot be overstated. Leap bridges the gap between traditional education and real-world practicality, ensuring that the next generation is ready to face financial challenges with confidence and competence.
Joining Leap is simple and accessible. To get started and learn more about its invaluable benefits, parents can visit www.savewithleap. com and sign up for a free account. Leap is available for download via App Store and Google Play with a 1 month complimentary subscription upon downloading.
Find out more at and stay updated on social media @savewithleap.
save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.
Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.
of the world’s agricultural soil has already degraded
0 - 20 (very low)
20 - 40 (low)
40 - 70 (medium)
70 - 90 (high)
> 90 (very high)
Source: FAO, 2019, modified to comply with UN, 2021.