Issue 113 en

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Issue 113 | Dec. 24 - Jan. 7, 2016

Happy New Year! Fursan Al Dubai Emarat Crowned Top New Year’s Champions

Eve Destination


Invest in Excellence. Sixth Form Open Evening Wednesday 20th January 7.00pm to 8.30pm

“A relentless focus on the achievement of each and every pupil is well embedded.” 2015 ISI Inspection - ‘excellent‘ in every category


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AL AIN, UAE 2013




INBOX This page is all about you! Send us your poems, pictures or letters and see them published here. Ask us your questions and pick up some handy environmental tips.




ENVIRONMENT Whispering Worms of Wisdom


FAMILY Be Smart about Facebook posts over the Christmas Holidays...


FEATURE Fursan Al Emarat Crowned Champion of the Al Ain Air Championship 2015


HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE A Diet To Keep Your Heart Healthy







URBAN WOMAN Teaching Children About The Importance Of Charity


CITY HIGHLIGHTS City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra...


CITY REVIEW Al Ain Private School Principals’ Association


MAKING A DIFFERENCE Fantasy Island?...


ENTERTAINMENT Hollywood & Bollywood Gossip


TECH TALK New Technology on the Street


RECIPE Black and White Cheesecake


MY WORLD Dubai Tops List Of Most Desirable New Year’s Eve Destinations


DIARY What are your plans for next week? Take a look at our diary for the latest events happening around town.











Anyone under the impression that being in a predominantly Muslim country means celebrating Christmas or other cultural and religious events behind closed doors is in for a refreshing surprise.

Despite being confronted with the challenge of playing host to some 200 different nationalities, the UAE offers a level of tolerance to its expat communities that is like no other in the region. The expats comprise 89% of the country’s population and are free to worship and celebrate their respective religious and cultural occasions without discrimination. The 35 existing churches throughout the nation are a testament to the respect offered to the Christian residents who make up a mere 9% of the total population. For those of you who are celebrating Christmas, we hope that you will acknowledge the many privileges that go hand in hand with being a resident of this great land and in the spirit of Christmas, continue the tradition of peace, love and good will towards all. On behalf of our team and sponsors at The Source, I would like to wish our readers a very pleasant remainder of 2015 and may the New Year facilitate your brightest dreams and aspirations.

Happy Holidays

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Farid Nouisser Managing Director

Happy Reading…

WIN! WIN!! WIN!!! Another exciting year is coming to an end and on behalf of our sponsors, readers and team, we wish to thank everyone for their awesome support during 2015. And to get 2016 started off in a most delicious way, our very kind friends at the Danat Al Ain Resort are inviting one lucky couple to dine in style with them at Arabesque.


To be in with a chance to win, simply tell us why you love the Danat Al Ain Resort. Kindly share your name, location and contact number and email your answers to with the subject line Danat,Al Ain.

No part of this publication or content, thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of The Source Magazine, published by Smart Design Publishing, in writing. The Source Magazine and Smart Design Publishing accept no responsibility, however caused, for errors or omissions contained in this publication. Any articles and/or images included in this publication and/or views and opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of The Source Magazine and Smart Design Publishing, and any of its affiliates, but remain solely those of the author(s). Such publications have been included for general reference and the purpose of fair review. Copyright © 2015 by The Source and Smart Design Publishing, and its affiliates. All rights reserved.


*Terms and & Conditions applied.


y now, we’ve all heard the anti Muslim rants of a certain American presidential hopeful along with his call to ban them, until further notice, from the home of the brave and free. And in contrast to the circus unfolding across the big pond, The UAE continues to set an extraordinary example of religious and cultural tolerance and acceptance.


La Brioche Winner - FATIMA IBRAHEM AL DARINI Mercure Hotel Winner - EHSAN LOAI JALABI

Please call The Source office at 037668111 to redeem your prize

The Source



Camilla's words of widsom

Wacky World Foursie: New Festive Onesie For Ponies To Keep Them Warm

"Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling." Edna Ferber

FAKEHA Means Fruits

So if you want to say, I like all kinds of fruit, you say: Ohebo jameea anwaa al Fakeha


Ascot Racecourse unveiled a new festive ‘foursie’ – a seasonal onesie that was created for Shetland pony, Daffy, to help him keep warm this Christmas. “In winter I always worry about Daffy getting chilly as he likes to spend so much time out

of his stable,” said owner Jackie Rowberry. “I love the fact that Ascot has created a special foursie for Daffy so that he can get into the Christmas spirit. He’s loved all the attention and is quite the envy among his stable buddies!”

Awakening... Decades of darkness all around, she could barely see anything, terrified and lonely. A loud thunder and she would cover her ears, cringing to the floor, anything to hold onto. More lightening and she would close her eyes tighter. Exhausted, drained and aged from loneliness and fear. And then one day she feels rain drops on her face, on her existence. It calms her, it soothes her.

These beautiful Angora Mau mix kittens are looking for their forever home. They are 11 weeks old and love their cuddles. They are male and female siblings . If you can give them a loving home please email me.


The Source

She tries to open her eyes after years of darkness. Its hard - she blinks and finally sees rain pouring from the sky. She sees dark clouds and she feels the breeze. It is not dark anymore. Rain washes away her tears of joy, she is not scared anymore. She gradually walks on the green pasture - baby steps, still fearful of it being a dream. But it isn't, she had just closed her eyes for too long - and she could now see the rainbow... ~Dr. Samira Ahmed

Danat Al Ain Resort 3 WISE MEN at Oasis Hospital Welcomes the

Festive Season

Danat Al Ain Resort marked the beginning of the Festive Season with a Christmas Tree Lighting on 11th December 2015 at the hotel garden. The Danat Choir, a kids’ choir and Ruby Bamboo band sang Christmas carols, while Tamra Events provided entertainment for the kids that included a bouncy castle, face painting, kids’ workshop, magic show and pony rides. The Christmas bazaar was a great place to find that perfect Christmas gift. The highlight of the event was the arrival of Santa Claus who together with Sushanth Nambiar, the hotel’s Executive Assistant Manager, lit up the Christmas tree. Kids had the chance to meet Santa and received a gift from the jolly elf. The Gingerbread House Making event followed on 12th December 2015. The Pearl Ballroom was filled with the spirit of Christmas with wonderful Christmas carols sung by the Danat Choir and Ruby Bamboo Band. Families had a magnificent time decorating their houses and kids were once again visited by Santa Claus; all of them received a special gift personally handed to them by Mr. Claus. After the gingerbread house making, guests visited the Christmas Village where they had a superb time with kids’ workshops, face painting and henna tattooing. The two-day celebration was well-attended and highly successful, thanks to all the attendees, participants, choir and the hotel staff.

One of the essential Christmas traditions of Al Ain, Oasis Hospital’s 3 Camels event was the usual mix of carols, kids entertainment and christmas camels. Billed as a stop-off on a very important journey to greet a very special Christmas baby, the three camels arrive at Oasis complete with wise men carrying treasure chests full of sugary delight to share with any children they meet. The event opened with carols led by members of the AAEC church choir and bible readings of the Christmas story, focussing on the journey of the three magi (or wise men) who travelled from the East, following a star, to find the baby Jesus. The paediatrics department provided colouring and entertainment for children, while free popcorn and helium balloons (from the staff of the Eye Clinic) added to the festive fun. Just as everyone was singing ‘We Three Kings’, they arrived! Riding camels and dressed in traditional Eastern Wise Men attire! The identity of the magi is always a very well kept secret, even inside the hospital. This year, popular Pediatrics specialist, Dr Rafael, took on the role, along with Bashar al Khalaf, Customer Service Manager and Benjamin Thomas, Chief Human Resources officer. The fun continued with a chance to try sitting on the camel and photo opportunities with the wise men. The Source



New Year Holiday will not be transferred 1st of January, which falls on Friday, will not be transferred to another day. The Federal Authority for Human Resources has said that the New Year's holiday for 2016, which falls on Friday, 1st of January, will not be transferred to another day. On the occasion, the authority congratulated the President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, VicePresident and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and Their Highnesses, the Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates... Source: Khaleej Times


taqaddum 10

The Source




Executives at ExxonMobil knew the risks to the environment from CO2. Yet they misled the public, calling the science into question. The fact we knew it all along does not dilute the pain of the betrayal. n my eighteenth birthday I hooked up with my girlfriend at a local tennis tournament. We weren’t a good match (ha!). For years a worm in my belly had been whispering that we shouldn't have been together, but I’d doggedly ignored its voice. I hadn’t been there two minutes when she took off somewhere - I assumed to retrieve my gift. Half an hour later she had not returned and I began to think something was up. Eventually, I wandered home alone, monumentally miffed. It was a typical Australian summer’s day, so I took the swamp route. Waterbirds speared the grass about my feet, gobbling up the deadly spiders as they thronged fang-first for my flesh. Falcons swept from the sky, clearing away the snakes, while mosquitoes tattooed my neck with my own blood. Aah, the peace and harmony of nature… Movement in the undergrowth caught my eye. Twinned shapes twisted and rolled. I thought for a moment of the geese that nested in those parts, and I took a silent step sideways to improve the view. Lo and behold, there was my truant sweetheart wrapped in another’s embrace. The cad was one of my teachers and, evidently, one of hers. She seemed to be learning quite a lot. ‘Happy birthday, AJ!’ she called. Well, okay, she wasn’t quite that callous. To this day I don’t think she noticed that I noticed. Fair enough. She was busy. And so, just as truth met reality between sets of the Under 18s round robin, we meet the theme of this article. Yeah, we shouldn’t have been together. The fact I knew it did nothing to dilute the pain. Exxon Lied Inside Climate News has revealed that executives at ExxonMobil deliberately misled the public about the perils of CO2 emissions. Financial records, emails and the research of the company’s own scientists tell a sorry tale of what they knew and how it differed from what they told us. The New York Attorney-General’s Office has opened an investigation and prosecution is expected to follow under the Martin Act. To gain a conviction the state must prove a company deceived the public by misrepresenting or omitting a material fact in the offering of securities. It’s clear that Exxon’s scientists briefed executives on the risks of CO2 and that they chose to spread disinformation in response. For instance, one memo admits that ‘fossil fuels contribute most of the CO2’ causing global warming, while another declares that the company would ‘emphasize the uncertainty in scientific conclusions’ in public. Between 1998 and 2005 the company contributed around $16 million to organizations committed to creating the impression of scientific debate where there was none. Of course, we knew it all along. The scientists were right about tobacco and they’re right about CO2 emissions. That we can’t trust vested interests is hardly revelatory, but that doesn’t make Exxon’s betrayal easier to accept. We may be living with the ramifications of twenty-five years of manufactured doubt for years to come. Disturbingly, GOP candidates for President, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, all spout misinformation produced by ExxonMobil as if it were fact. That candidates should disregard evidence for an ideological position does not bode well. Just imagine President Trumpet galumphing up to COP21 to bluster that this global-warming malarkey is nothin’ but a hoax… Lord, save us.


The Source

By AJ_Gray

Buon Appetito This January 2016 Al Ain Rotana is proud to celebrate all things Italian. During this month, you can expect Italian flavours, scents and sensations throughout the hotel. We will present special menus highlighting Italian cuisine in our restaurants while our grand lobby will showcase a special feature on the Italians’ love for sport, fashion and culture. So get ready.. Fun is on its way!

Al Ain Rotana, Sheikh Zayed Road, P. O. Box 1210, Al Ain, UAE, T: +971 (0)3 754 5111, F: +971 (0)3 754 5444,


Be Smart about Facebook posts over the Christmas Holidays and stay secure! By: Aaron Brown

FACEBOOK is a fantastic tool to communicate with loved ones and share memories over the festive period – but sharing too much can have disastrous consequences. Be Careful With Location Data Location data is incredibly useful – it allows your smartphone to map out your entire photo collection across the globe and lets your friends track you down in a busy city centre. Popular social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter let users link their photographs, statuses and posts to a specific location. Again, if you are sharing an update or photo about your delicious Christmas dinner – in a post tagged in another country, you can unintentionally reveal that your house in unattended. There have been a number of cases in which criminals have been able to determine where victims lived based on where they geotagged the majority of their photos. And remember – Twitter is a public social network. Unlike Facebook, the default settings ensure your profile, tweets and images are

public and searchable by anyone – even those who do not have an account with the network. #3 – Don't Advertise That You're Worth Robbing Don't use your social media accounts to brag about your new Ultra HD 4K television set, video game console, surround sound system or other new gadgets and goodies. For the same reason you shouldn't leave your car keys visible from the outside of your house, or leave valuable jewellery by the window – you need to be careful what you advertise on your social media account. Home Alone, or Vulnerable It's easy to fall into the habit of sharing your every thought, musing or update from your personal or professional life on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. But a simple status about being bored that you have to spend the evening home alone again, or a quick-fire tweet about a troublesome landlord who still hasn't fixed the broken lock on your bedroom windows – could quickly land you in hot water. It might sound paranoid, but it’s always worth considering the worst case scenario before

you post a new status, tweet or Instagram snap. A couple of Instagram photos about your brand-new TV and pricey new necklace, coupled with an angry tweet about the broken windows and a Facebook status geotagged with your home address could be disastrous. Be Particularly Careful When Posting About Others, Or Vulnerable Individuals You might be more than happy to share photographs of yourself surrounded by gifts, out carolling with fiends or enjoying a drink by the fire in a hearty rural pub with family. But that does not mean everyone in the photo or mentioned in the Facebook status wants to be identified. It's bad enough if you share that your front door lock is broken, or that you are spending Christmas away from home with family – but it’s even worse if another family member does it for you. Children are particularly vulnerable – so avoid tagging them or sharing images with location data or other identifying features, such as a school uniform with the logo or name emblazoned on the chest.

Be Careful With Location Data #3 – Don't Advertise That You're Worth Robbing Home Alone, or Vulnerable Be Particularly Careful When Posting About Others, Or Vulnerable Individual


The Source



OF THE AL AIN AIR CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 More than 50,000 visitors attended Al Ain Air Championship over the three-day event

Middle East, 19 December 2015: After a thrilling three-day aerobatic event that adopted a competition format for the first time, Fursan Al Emarat has been crowned as the 2015 Al Ain Air Championship victor. The UAE’s national aerobatic team took the title after impressing a prestigious judging panel, as well as an adoring crowd of onlookers who were given the ability vote for their favourite acts for the first time. The award was presented by Jasem Al Darmaki

Lieutenant Colonel Nasser Al Obaidli, Fursan Al Emarat Team leader, receives the Grand Champion Trophy from Jassem Al Darmaki, Acting Director General at TCA Abu Dhabi.


The Source

Acting Director General, TCA Abu Dhabi, to Lieutenant Colonel Nasser Al Obaidli, Fursan Al Emarat Team leader on the final day of the championship amongst thousands of excited spectators. “This year has been spectacular for us and the new championship format has proved to be a success. We’ve had over 50,000 visitors at the event and this has been beyond our expectations. We are proud to have hosted this event in Al Ain. We’d like to take this opportunity and congratulate Fursan Al Emarat, the Grand Champion of Al Ain Air Championship 2015 and also thank all the participating teams for an impressive lineup of performances. We look forward to the next edition and hope to offer the visitors a memorable experience again,” said Sultan Al Dhaheri, Acting Executive Director of Tourism Sector, Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority. The Grand Champion, showcased an excellent display of skill and precision, impressed the audience and led the scoreboard by 51.06 points; Bravo 3 Repsol came in second with 51.05 points, followed by Breitling Wingwalkers with 50.22 points and Richard Goodwin in the fourth place with 47.8 points. The scores are a cumulative result of the points secured over the three days of the championship.

Fursan Al Emarat won for the best showcase of Pride and Breitling Wingwalkers won the WOW factor category.

is a huge honour for us to win the first Grand Champion title of the Al Ain Air Championship 2015. We’d also like to thank all the cheering spectators who helped us perform even better than we had planned,” says Lieutenant Colonel Nasser Al Obaidli, Fursan Al Emarat Team leader.

Teams from all over the world traveled to Al Ain for this electrifying event, which offered many cultural and entertainment activities on the ground that included drifting performances, hot-air balloon shows, live music and performances, and an exciting and vast gastronomic experience. Al Ain Air Championship 2015 is presented by Tourism and Culture Authority, Abu Dhabi and supported by the UAE Air Force (UAEAF) and the Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC).

Participants were also being judged for the Breitling Style Awards in four categories, namely, Power, Grace, Pride and WOW factor. In the category of Power, the winner is Bravo 3 Repsol, while in the category of Grace; the winner is Glider FX Aerobatics. In addition,

“We’d firstly like to thank the UAE government and our great leaders for their constant support and encouragement, without which we wouldn’t have been where we are today. It


The Source


A DIET TO KEEP YOUR HEART HEALTHY Heart disease affects millions of people and is one of the leading causes of death. No matter what your risk for heart disease, there are many ways that you can imporve the overall health of your heart. A heart healthy diet, in combination with medicine, can have powerful effects. Here are some tips to help you: Switch Your Diet:

Add Beans To It:

It is true that you can’t eat your fill of double cheeseburgers but there are many delicious, heart smart alternatives to be found. One of the best cardio diets is the Mediterranean diet. This is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seafood and healthy fats. This diet is low in LDL cholesterol and even reduces the risk of developing diabetes and inflammation.

Beans are superfood packed with LDL reducing fiber, vitamins and minerals that also reduce your blood pressure. These are also a great lean, plant based protein source to replace the meat in your dishes. Beans are also a great source of antioxidants.

Eat More Fish: Fish are a very good source of protein. Salmon, tuna, halibut and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids adding many benefits. Shrimp are high in cholesterol. Also, breaded or fried fish have a lot of bad fat and calories; avoid these as much as you can and instead broil or grill.

A palmful of nuts that are unsalted also helps to reduce LDL cholesterol. It can also help you deal with the cravings for crunchy snacks. Eating nuts also helps to reduce inflammation and are rich in antioxidants and are a great source of protein. You can eat them alone or add them to salads for an extra crunch.

Cut The Fat:

Go Whole:

Not all fat is bad but saturated and trans fat both raise LDL cholesterol, which is not what you want. The main sources of saturated fat include red meat, processed meat and full fat dairy products. Trans fat is in partially hydrogenated oil and turns up in many baked and fried foods. You can control this by allowing only 7 percent or less of your total daily calories to come from saturated fat. Count how many grams of saturated fat you eat in a day, multiply by nine and it will show how many calories you are getting from it. Trans fat should be reduced to zero.

Fewer processed foods will help you reduce your blood pressure and blood sugar. Both are crucial to your overall heart health. Pick fruits and vegetables that provide much needed fiber. The more different kinds and colours you eat, the more variety of nutrients you get. Choose brown rice, whole grain bread and pastas because these are gentler on your blood sugar and prevent sudden spikes. Reduce the salt you consume. More than 75 percent of our sodium consumption comes from processed foods and meals at restaurants. All the more reason to cook at home and eat fresh, whole foods as much as possible. and use spices to enhance flavor. Spices such as turmeric and oregano also have heart-protecting compounds.

Add Olive Oil: Olive oil increases the good cholesterol; HDL. It has compounds that keep your arteries healthy. If you’re cooking with olive oil, just be sure to heat it below its smoke point: 310° F for extra virgin olive oil and 375° F for virgin olive oil. Higher heat can cause the oil to break down into free radicals, which only contribute to more cell damage. Or simply drizzle some on whole wheat pasta or use it for a tasty salad vinaigrette.


Eat Nuts:

The Source

Dr. Nadia Hussain

MBBS, MSc Str.M.Bio (UK), PhD Bio.Sc. (UAEU) Dr. Nadia Hussain is a physician based in Al Ain with a PhD from UAE University. She is a faculty member of Al Ain University of Science and Technology. She is a writer of several books and publications for the last fifteen years. She is also an award winning poet.

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Teaching Children About The



Charitable giving is one of the noblest acts. There is joy in giving and only those who give happily understand this. nlike Mathematics or English, charity is not a life lesson that translates to a specific curriculum. Teaching your children about charity in our capitalist environment, where everything is geared towards having more, better and newer things is not an easy task and thus requires discipline.

There are several ways you can teach your children how to be charitable without having to focus on negative things that could leave the child disinterested. Donating Clothes Once in a while take some time to go through the closets in your home and fish out clothes that you no longer wear or need. These clothes can be given to a children’s home or go to the needy. When you are doing it, encourage your child to do the same. Allow them to let go of old toys they no longer play with. For the maximum effect, be there with the children while they do it and make sure they are aware of the difference they will make. Encourage them to let go of the items they could really be attached to, explaining the impact they could have on someone else’s life. Take your child with you to the charity where you will drop your stuff, and if at all possible, make sure your child actually sees the difference that their toys can make in the life of another child.


The Source

Helping The Neighbors It is advised that you regularly engage in service oriented projects. Rake leaves out of elderly couples backyards. Bake cookies and cakes for the people that bring you mail, milk or other deliverables; it will make their day. You could also make food and take it to the less fortunate in your community. Donating Blood When going for blood donations, take the children with you. This will cause them to view you as a role model. Talk to them about the reason for giving blood and the importance of it. You Can Have Fun It doesn’t all have to be about giving up stuff or enduring pain while giving blood. You can also play charitable house lotteries or car lotteries in which you stand a chance to win a house or a car, all the while knowing that, even if you don’t win, your proceeds are going for a good cause. The Importance Being Of Charitable These simple acts may seem very minor, but the impact they will have on the child later in life is priceless. This way you will raise children who are sensitive to other peoples’ plights. The children will also value acts of sharing instead of buying into today’s capitalist mindset. Additionally these acts of kindness will definitely make a huge difference in the society at large. The world will be a much better place for all of us.



ABU DHABI CLASSICS MUSIC FROM JAMES BOND FILMS, BEETHOVEN AND BRAHMS THRILLS EMIRATE The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) returned to the emirate of Abu Dhabi for two concerts as part of this season’s Abu Dhabi Classics international concert series.


he UK-based orchestra, which made its highly successful debut appearance in the emirate in 2014, has been invited back to perform in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi as part of the current Classics season, presented by Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi).

Dr Ronald Perlwitz, Head of Music Programme, TCA Abu Dhabi said: “With City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, we are welcoming back a musical ensemble that was already last year part of the TCA Abu Dhabi music programme and proved a great success. The musical skill of the orchestra with piano legend Nelson Freire at The Emirates Palace was outstanding! The performance in Al Ain with 50 years of James Bond music proved to be another spectacular highlight. Film music in the magical setting of Al Jahili Fort in Al Ain was an invitation for the whole family to enjoy classical music.” Sir Edward Elgar conducted the inaugural concert of the City of Birmingham Orchestra in November 1920. Over the nine decades since, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra has grown into a 90-piece ensemble with a worldwide reputation for excellence. The first concert was held in the stunning setting of Al Jahili Fort in Al Ain, on the 9th of December with the orchestra performing a Film Music Night dedicated to the fictional British spy James Bond – codename 007. The scores from numerous films spanning 50 years of the secret agent’s adventures were brilliantly performed under the stars at the historic fort. Included in the programme was music from famous James Bond films including Diamonds are Forever, Thunderball, From Russia with Love, Live and Let


The Source

Die, Goldeneye, The Living Daylights, Moonraker, Skyfall and many others. The Film Music Night followed last year’s performance by the CBSO dedicated to film scores by one of Hollywood’s greatest composers, John Williams, as well as the work of prominent Indian film composer A.R.Rahman. The orchestra - one of the UK’s oldest and most prestigious musical institutions - played Williams’ compositions from film classics such as ET, Superman and Star Wars alongside music from Rahman’s Taal, Bombay and Lagaan. The following evening, the orchestra moved indoors and back to the capital to the fabulous setting of Emirates Palace Auditorium where it was accompanied by one of the world’s most acclaimed concert pianists, the Brazilian virtuoso Nelson Freire, who performed Johannes Brahms’ Piano Concert Nr. 2, a piece completed in 1881. The second part of the night was dedicated to the music of Ludwig van Beethoven and his 7th Symphony – known as the ‘Dance Symphony’. Stephen Maddock, Chief Executive of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, said: “I am delighted that we are bringing the CBSO back to Abu Dhabi just a year after our debut in the UAE. Last year’s concerts on the floating stage at the Corniche, and at the Al Jahili Fort, were hugely memorable and enjoyable for the whole orchestra; to be playing in these beautiful locations to such a warm welcome from the audiences was a highlight of our year. This year we are very proud to be bringing another two programmes, flying the flag for British culture with our musical tribute to the great James Bond films, as well as playing timeless classics by Beethoven and Brahms. The incredibly warm welcome received was once again humbling, and as this hugely impressive series of concerts continues to grow, we look forward to playing our part in helping Abu Dhabi Classics spread a love of great orchestral music. Both concerts were conducted by Michael Seal who studied violin and composition at the Birmingham Conservatoire and has studied conducting with Jonathan Del Mar, Sakari Oramo, Andris Nelsons and Jorma Panula. Abu Dhabi Classics runs until May 2016. For tickets and information for all concerts visit:


The Source



PRINCIPALS’ ASSOCIATION The oasis town of Al Ain benefits from 58 Private Schools offering a diverse range of international curricula including British, American and Asian (Indian CBSE and Pakistani). Back in 2012 the desire for greater collaboration and the sharing of best practice led to the formation of a Principals‘ Association. In the interest of enhancing education for our students, schools that are commercially competitive came together to work as a collegial group of educational professionals. Various private schools from Al Maqam, Al Towaya and, of course, Falaj Hazaa areas have taken turns to host a monthly meeting where guest speakers and school leaders work together sharing success stories or approaches to common challenges.

of their superb campus and vibrant learning spaces. Headmaster, Mr David Tongue, was pleased to share details of the wide range of clubs and electives which help pupils of the college achieve the vision “a love of learning for its own sake”.


eetings often see an attendance of over 30 senior leaders and the group benefits from touring the campus of other schools. Recently Brighton College hosted the association meeting, where pairs of confident senior school students provided a guided tour


The Source

Mr Chris Nourse (who is chairman of the Principals’ Association and Principal of Al Ain International School) shared some tips from the school’s inspection visit. The group also welcomed valuable input from the esteemed Aldar Academy Director of Education, Mr Peter Carpenter (who was a central figure in past development of Dubai’s KHDA inspection framework). Mr Jeff Evans from the School Development Division of ADEC explained “The Principals’ Association is an effective forum to enable collaboration and build capacity among our Private Schools. Over the past four years, we have seen a greater range of inter-school activities and competitions taking place in Music, Art, Drama and Sports. Strong skilful leadership is immensely important for the success of our schools and the role of Principal can be challenging and sometimes lonely - so a platform for our colleagues to share ideas and work together can only benefit the entire community”.



Island? Egyptian Billionaire Nears Deal for

Greek Paradise to House Refugees


The Source


n Egyptian billionaire is getting closer in his quest to take hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees from the land of barrel bombs to an island paradise where fish and dolphins skim the shoreline and olive trees dominate the terrain.

Telecom tycoon Naguib Sawiris floated the idea of buying a Greek or Italian island to house up to 200,000 Syrian refugees in September. A spokesman told Forbes on Wednesday that the Coptic Christian is showing "optimism" that he could land one of 17 Greek isles currently under consideration. "Due to the delicacy of the issue, he has not disclosed specific reasons for his optimism," the spokesman said. Sawiris reportedly is studying each of the islands to determine which can lodge the most refugees and which has the “highest potential for future use.” He’s still awaiting Greek government approval to buy an island. Dulichium Island is currently being sold for around $43 million. The 1,335-acre island has 4,000 olive trees, according to a real estate listing. (

“I’ll employ the people to

build their own homes, their schools, a hospital, a university, a hotel" - Naguib Sawiris In September, when Sawiris first announced the plan, he said he would name the territory “Aylan Island” to honor the memory of the 3-year-old Syrian boy whose drowning shocked the world. Sawiris has said he wants to provide for between 100,000 and 200,000 of the more than 4 million Syrian refugees who’ve fled their country’s civil war and the clutches of ISIS. Late September, when he had initially narrowed down his options to two islands, he declared “I’ll employ the people to build their own homes, their schools, a hospital, a university and a hotel.” Greece has between 1,200 and 6,000 islands and it’s unclear how many the government actually owns, Business Insider reported in July. lists 14 islands for sale, seven at a cost between $3.2 million and $43 million, and seven others with prices available upon request. The 14 properties range from seven smaller islands between 31 and 95 acres, six larger islands between 245 and 750 acres and the massive Dulichium Island, which is 1,335 acres. Much of the terrain is undeveloped. At least four islands -- Lihnari Peninsula, Dulichium, Island of Patroklos and Vouvalos Island -- already have plentiful olive groves, and several others have ample vegetation and fresh or nearly-drinkable water. The 272-acre Kato Antikeri Island even has electricity, telephone lines and a solar energy system. Most are sparsely inhabited -- with only a few people and goats calling the bushy areas, flat land and rocky terrain home. It's estimated that there are as many as 1,200 to 6,000 Greek islands, ranging in size from just a few acres to more than 1,000. Billionaire Naguib Sawiris is looking to buy one of 17 islands on which to house some of Syria's refugees.

The Source



The Rock Has The Best Response To A Meme Calling Him Out The good people of the Internet definitely noticed Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's penchant for the cuff pose. They even put together a compilation of Johnson's best photos in a hilarious meme asking the question, "Will The Rock ever finish buttoning his sleeve?" Well, the actual Rock saw the meme, and he absolutely loved it. The actor posted the picture on Instagram with the caption "F'n GENIUS!" By Bill Bradley

Martin Sheen Undergoes Quadruple Bypass Surgery Martin Sheen is recovering from quadruple bypass surgery, his son Emilio Estevez announced via social media this week. Estevez described the surgery, which involves rerouting blood flow to the heart, as "very successful" and expects his 75-year-old father to be home by Christmas. "The decision to operate on his heart was a proactive one, not an emergency situation," Estevez wrote on Facebook. Estevez later tweeted out a photo of Sheen in the hospital, touting a heartshaped pillow and giving a thumbs up.

Adele Feared

For Her Life After Smoking 25 Cigarettes A Day Adele has spoken recently about entering a new stage in her life. It turns out that breaking a bad habit might have been crucial in that process. The 27-year-old revealed Friday that she quit smoking because she feared it would eventually kill her. According to The Mirror, Adele was smoking up to 25 cigarettes a day before she stopped performing in 2011 and underwent vocal cord surgery to prevent permanent damage to her voice... By Cole Delbyck

By The Huffington Post

Madonna Denies Allegations That Sean Penn Ever Physically Assaulted Her In an affidavit written for Sean Penn's lawsuit against "Empire" creator Lee Daniels, Madonna has denied that her ex-husband ever physically assaulted her. The case is a defamation case against Daniels after the director made comments comparing Penn's history of alleged physical abuse to that of Terrence Howard, who has openly admitted to hitting women. While allegations have circulated that Penn physically assaulted Madonna on multiple occasions during their marriage in the '80s, Penn has denied the allegations and Madonna only rarely addressed them... By The Huffington Post 30

The Source

Lauren Conrad Is A Redhead Now There are some celebrity facts you can depend on: Adele is good at singing, Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper have weird, fascinating chemistry and Lauren Conrad is a Pinterest-perfect blonde. But no longer! On Saturday, former "Hills" star Conrad shared a photo on Instagram featuring her new hair color alongside hair stylist Kristen Ess, who sports a similar shade. Obviously, she looks amazing... By The Huffington Post


27 Highly Desirable Gifts for Apple-Loving Fanatics and 1 to Skip

Porsche Is on an All-Electric Mission

Porsche on Friday revealed plans to produce its first 100 percent electrically powered sports car under its Mission E project by the end of the decade. The Mission E concept car debuted at the Frankfurt International Motor Show earlier this year. The four-door vehicle utilizes a system power output that exceeds 440 kW and can accelerate from 0 to 100 kph in about 3.5 seconds, Porsche said...

Chances are, you know an Apple fanatic -- someone whose iPhone, Mac or iPad is a prized possession. If you don't know a true fanatic, you probably know a fan -- or barring that, someone who might appreciate an Apple-made gift this holiday season. To help you cut through fanatic to... someone else entirely, I've put together a list the chaff, from one Apple of the best Apple gifts...

AI Programmed to Learn at Human Speed

Researchers have created a computational model that enables artificial intelligence to learn the way humans do, according to an article published last week. The model gives AI the ability to recognize handwritten alphabetical characters as fast as humans can. Researchers reversed engineered the way people address problems and built an AI algorithm for that approach...

Gadget Ogling: Custom Kicks, Heartbeat Tricks, and Office Picks I'm hardly the most stylish gent around town, but even I would consider wearing a pair of sneakers I could adorn to my liking at any time through their customizable display. ShiftWear's sneakers allow you to choose from myriad colorful or even animated designs through an app. Since the display is E-Ink-based, battery consumption is low, and a charge lasts around 30 days...

Twitter Alerts

Users to StateSponsored

Cyberattack Threat

Twitter last week began warning some of its members that they may be the target of a state-sponsored attack on their accounts. Coldhak posted to its Twitter account a copy of the warning it received. It's among a small number of accounts that state-sponsored actors may be targeting in an attempt to obtain information such as email addresses, IP addresses and phone numbers, Twitter warned...

The Source






INGREDIENTS: 1. 176 g Oreo biscuits 2. 40 g butter, melted 3. 350 g cream cheese 4. 200 g sour cream 5. 1/2 lemon, zested 6. 2 1/2 tbsp custard powder 7. 1 tsp vanilla essence 8. 50 g caster sugar 9. 100 g dark chocolate 10. 100 g double cream 11. 75 g white chocolate



The Source

Preheat oven to 350°F. Crush all but 3 of the cookies into crumbs and mix with the melted butter. Press 2/3 into the bottom of a lined 8 inch springform cake pan and smooth out.

Mix together the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon zest, cornstarch, vanilla extract and sugar. Spread half over the base, add the remaining cookie crumbs and top with remaining cream cheese mixture. Smooth the top and bake for about 1 hour. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack for about 2 hours.

Melt the dark chocolate and mix with 1/3 cup of cream until well combined. Melt the white chocolate and mix with the remaining cream. Spread the dark chocolate all over the cake, drizzle the white chocolate over the top and use a toothpick to create patterns. Roughly chop the 3 remaining cookies and use to decorate around the side.








DESTINATIONS Gone are the days when London, New York and Sydney would top the list of most desirable New Year’s Eve destinations. Dubai has replaced all three iconic capitals as the most en vogue city to visit to experience the thrilling countdown to midnight. That’s the consensus of travel booking site, which has released its Travel Hacker Guide for the 2015 holiday season revealing the cities that are trending over the New Year period based on the greatest increase in flight searches. Despite stiff global competition, Dubai witnessed a huge 70 percent spike in flight searches compared to last year, according to the guide. An increase in the number of more affordable flights to the city, as well as Dubai’s reputation as the Middle East’s party capital, as well as its magnificent firework displays on New Year’s Eve, were cited as reasons for the destination’s popularity. Global superstar DJ David Guetta performing in Dubai on December 31st further spiked in flight searches to the city as dance music fans consider the destination to see in the New Year.


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he French chart-topper, known for his electronic hits including Dangerous, Titanium, Without You and When Love Takes Over, will play at Dubai Media City Amphitheatre to an anticipated crowd of 14,000.’s top 10 list of most sought-after New Year’s Eve destinations are: Dubai, UAE; Cartagena, Colombia; Barcelona, Spain; Reykjavik, Iceland; Tokyo, Japan; Atlanta, Georgia; Santiago, Chile; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Chicago, Illinois; and Vancouver, Canada. Best places to watch Fireworks in Dubai this New Year’s Eve BURJ KHALIFA AND DOWNTOWN DUBAI Burj Khalifa will transform into a giant LED screen to display a light and sound show depicting the towering growth and achievements of Dubai city and its visionary leadership, followed by breath-taking fireworks in a six part sequence that will light up the sky from the highest point on earth. The six part firework display will feature spectacular pyrotechnics, enveloping the majestic Burj Khalifa in different colours and illuminations. As the final countdown to the New Year begins, Burj Khalifa will dazzle through the final two acts into a breath-taking grand finale. Over the past few years, the spectacular pyrotechnics displayed in Dubai during New Year’s Eve has appealed to people all around the world. Without an argument, the fireworks show atop the world’s tallest tower will be the most awesome spectacle to watch. This time around, Burj Khalifa is all set to create one of the world’s best pyrotechnic and LED display shows for the New Year’s Eve. About 1.7 Million People are expected to be in Downtown Dubai to celebrate the New Year’s Eve, so you can expect traffic congestion in Downtown and surrounding areas. RTA has advised commuters to use public transport for ease of travel. Some of the roads in and around Downtown may be closed; hence people are advised to arrive in downtown before 6pm.

LONGEST FIREWORKS SHOW AT BURJ AL ARAB Burj Al Arab is planning a mesmerizing 15 minute long fireworks show to ring in the New Year. This will be the longest fireworks display in the UAE. For those of you who are not dining at the Burj Al Arab, but still want to get a glimpse of the grand fireworks, the Dubai Ferry cruise is an awesome way to beat the traffic and enjoy the fireworks at Burj Al Arab. FIREWORKS AT PALM JUMEIRAH AND ATLANTIS You can celebrate the New Year’s Eve in style, by making a reservation for the Gala Dinner under the stars at Atlantis. From the famous fireworks displays to incredible and sumptuous feasts all night, Gala guests can enjoy fantastic views of The Palm, the Dubai Skyline and the spectacular Atlantis itself. MORE PLACES TO VIEW FIREWORKS In addition to these, fireworks will also go up at Madinat Jumeirah, The Walk at JBR, Global Village, Dubai Creek, Golf & Yacht Club and Dubai Festival City. So where ever you wish to watch the fireworks in Dubai this new year’s eve, we hope you enjoy the celebrations and have a wonderful time as you bid farewell to the current year. WATCH FROM YOUR HOME: If you cannot make it to Downtown Dubai or want to stay cozy and watch the fireworks from the comfort of your home, simply tune-in to one of the local TV Channels (Dubai One) or watch live streaming on Gulf News or You Tube here downtowndubai.

The Source




NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS 2016 DEC 29 - DEC 31, 2015 EMIRATE-WIDE, ABU DHABI Abu Dhabi is getting ready to offer a bouquet of festivities for everyone celebrating the New Year 2016. From celebrations in shopping malls to musical extravaganzas to spectacular fireworks, you are sure to find a joyous and celebration ambience across the emirate. The Concerts Enjoy a line-up of superb concerts in the Abu Dhabi city, Al Ain and Al Gharbiya at this year’s New Year Celebrations. Star studded concerts by leading Arab stars will be staged across the emirate providing a joyful atmosphere as people set out to welcome 2016. Fireworks On New Year's eve you don’t want to miss the popular Fireworks- a long time tradition of bringing in the New Year. Be there and on time before midnight to witness one of the most spectacular and elaborate fireworks display in Abu Dhabi: Al Maryah Island, Promenade Khor Al Maqtaa Start the New Year with a bang watching the Qaryat Al Beri’s spectacular Fireworks display at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve.

WINTER FEST AT MUSHRIF CENTRAL PARK DEC 17, 2015 - JAN 03, 2016 MUSHRIF CENTRAL PARK CHILDREN’S GARDEN, ABU DHABI Mushrif Central Park rings in the cool season with a Winter Fest in the Children’s Garden. The Winter Fest will feature daily activities to keep the little ones busy as they finish school and begin holidays this festive season. Activities: The two-week event will include a variety of play zones and activities suited to children around the winter theme. 36

The Source

Penguin shy games Children can escape to the garden and experience penguin shy games, a unique take on the traditional coconut shy game and a snow fight zone for fun battles. Snow filled maze There is plenty to explore with Winter Fest’s own snow filled maze and soft play igloos for the younger kids. Movies In addition, families can enjoy a day under the cool sky watching kid-friendly winter themed movies with bean bags on the grass in front of our signature movie screen.

AL DHAFRA FESTIVAL 2015 DEC 10 - DEC 30, 2015 MADINAT ZAYED, AL GHARBIA The festival inspired in its form and content, by the authentic Bedouin spirit, is dedicated to the protection of environmental and historical heritage, and the reinforcement of the bond between the past and the present of the Emirati citizens. The 9th edition of the festival is expected to draw a large attendance as it features more than 15 outstanding competitions and rich heritage activities, Al Dhafra Festival offers prizes with a total value of more than AED 55 million ($15 million) including 225 cars. The number of laps at the Camel Mazayna Competition (Camel Beauty Contest) will reach 72 for both Asayel (locals) and Majahim (dark-skinned) camels. The other competitions and activities are: the Mahaleb Competition, the Heritage Camel Race, the Arab Heritage Saluki Race, the Falcon Hunting Competition (falcons bred in captivity), the Purebred Arabian Horse Race, the Dates’ Mazayna, the Dates’ Packaging Competition, the Photography Competition, the Handicrafts Competition, the Classic Cars Competition, the Camel Auction, the Traditional Market and the Children’s Village. From the last edition of the festival, two additional open laps have been added to Camel Mazayna for Sheikhs and whoever wishes to take part from the tribes to pick the ten most beautiful camels (local Asayel + Majahim). For more information log on to:

AL AIN ROTANA HOTEL •National Day Brunch at Zest on December 2nd, 2015 AED 155* per adult inclusive of free flow of soft drinks and sparkling wine. AED 75* for children below 12 years of age. One man show entertainment for the kids. For more information, please call +971 (0)3 754 5111, ext. 8821 or email to fb.alain@ •Turkey Takeaway from Atrium Nothing beats a perfect dish for festive season like a home-style turkey. From Monday 24 November 2015 to 6 January 2016 and priced at just AED 100* per kg, our turkey takeaway is all you need to serve your family and friends and relish together. Our premium roasted turkey, western style, is served with mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables, turkey sausages, chestnuts, cranberry sauce and gravy sauce and is available in different sizes to serve 4-6 persons or 8-10 persons. To place your order or for more information, please call 037545111 ext. 8821 or email to * Order to be placed 24 hours in advance. No home delivery, pick up from the hotel. Price is inclusive of 10% service charge and 6% tourism fee. •Christmas tree lighting at Al Ain Rotana at Grand Lobby Get the festivities off to a magical start with Al Ain Rotana on Thursday 10 December, from 5:30pm onwards. Join us at the grand lobby for a magical night of fun and revelry as we host the Christmas tree lighting. Christmas carolers will raise the spirit with their harmonious singing, while you stock up on all the Christmas goodies including cookies, gifts and lots more. Santa Claus will be welcomed in the lobby to light up the huge tree and distribute a sacksful of gifts for the children. For more information, please call +971 (0)3 754 5111, ext. 8821 or email to fb.alain@ •Ginger Bread House at Atrium café Kick off the season of giving at Atrium café between 10 December 2015 to 8 January 2016 Visit us at the Gingerbread House with your little ones for a selection of all of your favourites Christmas goodies to get into the festive mood. For more information, please call +971 (0)3 754 5111, ext. 8821 or email to *Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 6% tourism fee.


Flick Picks! DANAT AL AIN RESORT CHRISTMAS EVE DINNERS 24th December Arabesque: Christmas buffet for AED 145 net inclusive of selected house beverages Luce: Four course set menu for AED 125 net Horse & Jockey: Traditional Christmas dinner for AED 85 net Avail our early bird promotion of 15% discount when you book and pay before 10th December 2015. CLAUS REMIX 24th December Get ready for an epic night of fun and dance this Christmas Eve. Tickets at AED 60 net inclusive of two welcome drinks. Ladies get free entry and welcome drink on the house. CHRISTMAS DAY CELEBRATIONS 25th December Arabesque: Christmas buffet for AED 145 net inclusive of selected house beverages Luce: Four course set menu for AED 125 net Horse & Jockey: Traditional Christmas dinner for AED 85 net Avail our early bird promotion of 15% discount when you book and pay before 10th December 2015. WHITE PARTY 31st December Start off the New Year with a four course set menu for AED 199 net inclusive of unlimited soft beverages and welcome bubbles. Guests who come after 11:00 can enjoy the party for AED 99 net inclusive of two beverages. THE GREAT GATSBY PARTY 31st December Turn back the hands of time and embrace the decadence of a bygone era where suits were sharp, the gin was dry and the city was a playground for the rich and famous. Delight in a carvery buffet at AED 149++ per person. Guests who come after 11:00 can enjoy the party for AED 75 net inclusive of two welcome beverages.

POINT BREAK (15+) LANGUAGE:English RUNNING TIME: 1 hr 53 mins GENRE: Action STARRINGTeresa Palmer, Luke Bracey, Ray Winstone SYNOPSIS: A young FBI agent infiltrates an extraordinary team of extreme sports athletes he suspects of masterminding a string of unprecedented, sophisticated corporate heists. "Point Break" is inspired by the classic 1991 hit.


worms WINTER

(THE LUNAR CHRONICLES #4) by Marissa Meyer Princess Winter is admired by the Lunar people for her grace and kindness, and despite the scars that mar her face, her beauty is said to be even more breathtaking than that of her stepmother, Queen Levana.

*Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 6% tourism fee.

Winter despises her stepmother, and knows Levana won’t approve of her feelings for her childhood friend-the handsome palace guard, Jacin. But Winter isn’t as weak ...

HILTON: DECEMBER MONTHLY EVENTS 1. Little Pink Dress | Paco's | 4.12.2015 | 9pm-3am 2. Christmas Tree Lightning | Hilton Al Ain | 12.12.2015 | 6pm-8pm 4. Decoration of the Gingerbread House & Cookie Painting session | Hiltonia playground | 24.12.2015 | 2pm-4pm| AED50 per child 5. "Italian Christmas Dinner. Enjoy specialty from the chef Duck Breast at AED 75*." | Casa Romana | 24.12.2015 | 7pm-11pm 6. Traditional Christmas Eve | Hilton Al Ain | 24.12.2015 | 7pm-11pm | AED150* 7. Christmas Under the Stars | Makani Café | 24.12.2015| 7pm-11pm 8. Xmass Party at Paco’s | Paco's | 24.12.2015 | 9pm-3am 9. Christmas Brunch | Hilton Al Ain | 25.12.2015 | 1pm4pm | AED185* 10. New Year Party at Paco’s | Paco's | 31.12.2015 | 9pm3am *Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 6% tourism fee.


3. Teachers Night Out | Paco's | 18.12.2015 | 9pm-3am

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SourcelingS My name is Mohammed Abdul Qhawi, I am 6 years young and I am from India. I study at Al Ain Juniors School and my favourite subjects are Maths and English. My class teacher is Asifa S. I love my teacher. During my free time I visit Green Mubazarra and Al Ain mall. Each day I spend 2 hours studying and one hour cycling, walking and running. I participate in running competitions at school and I won first prize. I thank my friends and family, especially my elder brothers Abdur Rahman & Abdullah Shareef who always support me in my studies. A special thanks goes to my father who always supports my school needs even when he is tired.

Story time

THE WRINKLED CROWN by Anne Nesbet Up in the magical, wrinkled hills, Linny breaks an ancient law. No matter how musical a girl may be, she must not so much as touch a string of a lourka before she turns twelve, or she'll be spirited off to Away. When the curse meant for her strikes her best friend instead, Linny must leave her home behind to try to set things right. If you walk down out of the wrinkled hill...

‫لمحة عن كتاب‬

‫كامل كيالين‬

،‫ صغري السن‬،‫“نارادا” هي حكاية صبي ذيك وشجاع‬ .‫ وهو حاكم مدينة يف بالد الهند‬،»‫عمه يدعى «خوند‬ ‫فام هي قصته مع الدبَّة التي تريد محارصة املدينة ومع‬ ‫الساحرين الرشيرين «هان» و«مان»؟‬

Parents if you have a special youngster who you think would be great for our Sourceling of the week, send a photo and a bio of no more than 100 words to ‫ أدرس يف مدرسة العني‬.‫ سنوات وأنا من الهند‬6 ‫ عمري‬،‫مرحبا اسمي محمد عبد القوي‬ .ً ‫ و أنا أحب معلمتي آصفة كثريا‬،‫ و موادي املفضلة هي الرياضيات واللغة اإلنجليزية‬،‫جونيورز‬ ‫ و أقيض عادة ساعتني يف الدراسة و ساعة‬،‫أزور خالل وقت فراغي حديقة املبزرة و العني مول‬ .‫لركوب الدراجة وامليش والجري‬ ‫ و‬،‫ و أنا أشكر أصدقايئ وعائلتي‬،‫شاركت يف سباق للجري يف املدرسة و فزت باملركز األول‬ ‫ كام‬،‫خصوصا إخويت األكرب سناً عبد الرحمن وعبد الله رشيف اللذان يسانداين دامئا يف دراستي‬ .ً ‫أشكر والدي الذي يجلب يل دامئا احتياجايت املدرسية حتى و هو متعب جدا‬

Test your knowledge 2. What are the 3 R’s of recycling? 3. At what temperature is Centigrade equal to Fahrenheit? 1) Female 2) Reduce, reuse and recycle 3) -40 degrees 38

The Source

‫) ماهيعاصمةنيوزيلندا؟‬1 ‫) كم العباًيف فريق كرة السلة؟‬2 ‫) كم يبلغ عدد األسنان الدامئة عند‬3 ‫اإلنسان؟‬ ‫) ويلينغتون‬1 ‎5 )2 32 )3

1. Do male or female mosquitoes bite people?


















macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs birds need gravity to swallow

gorillas can't swim

Kiwi birds are blind

the average ice berg weighs 20,000,000 tons

turnips turn green when sunburnt Hawaii officially became apart of the US on June 14 1900

the average porcupine has 30,000 spikes

a garfish has green bones

the average speed of a skydiver is 200kph

Spain's largest source of income is from tourism

Find 10 Differences

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