Issue72 en

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The Source Issue 72 | May 1-15, 2014

Wade into Wadi Adventure How to deal with your

Monster-in-law From poetry to melody with Maitha Al Hameli

Kingdom of the Two Seas


summer'14 collection

Thousands of new opportunities in


See page 30

‫ّ‬ ‫تسوق واربح‬

‫ً‬ ‫أحدث الجوائز اإللكترونية أسبوعيا‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تسوق بقيمة ‪ 150‬درهم في الجيمي مول واحظ بفرصة ربح‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أحدث الجوائز اإللكترونية أسبوعيا بين ‪ 13‬أبريل ‪ 2014‬و‪ 27‬يونيو‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أسبوعيا و‪ 37‬جائزة ّ‬ ‫‪ 20) 2014‬جائزة ّ‬ ‫قيمة في آخر سحب‬ ‫قيمة‬ ‫الواقع يوم الجمعة ‪ 27‬يونيو ‪ .(2014‬لالستعالم يرجى االتصال‬ ‫بقسم خدمة العمالء في الجيمي مول‪ ،‬هاتف ‪037623859‬‬ ‫* تطبق الشروط واألحكام‬

‫‪SHOP & WIN‬‬ ‫‪Gadget Bonanza‬‬

‫‪Spend AED 150 at Al Jimi Mall to enter the‬‬ ‫‪weekly draw for a chance to win one of our‬‬ ‫‪latest high-tech gifts from 13th April 2014 to‬‬ ‫‪27th June 2014. 20 gifts to be won weekly and‬‬ ‫‪37 gifts at the final draw. From 13th April 2014‬‬ ‫‪to 27th June 2014.‬‬ ‫‪*Terms and conditions apply‬‬

Contents 8 INBOX

This page is all about you! Send us your poems, pictures or letters and see them published here. Ask us your questions and pick up some handy environmental tips


All the news from around Al Ain


"Better get a bucket"


14 URBAN WOMAN Care for your hair


How to deal with your Monster-in-law




CITY REVIEW Canada wants you; Taqaddum can help get you there!


ENTERTAINMENT Hollywood & Bollywood gossip


MY WORLD Bahrain: Kingdom of the Two Seas


DIARY What are your plans for next week? Take a look at our diary for the latest events happening around town






Wadi Adventure's 2nd birthday party

20 HEALTH & LIFESTYLE The Mers-Corona virus what you should know


AL MAJLIS From poetry to melody with Maitha Al Hameli


Dealing with exam stress


ICONIC, summer'14 collection

28 CULTURES OF WORLD Eat like a local


Le Classique, 25 years of excellence

14 16


Special Guest Director's Note! MANAGING DIRECTOR Farid Nouisser EDITOR IN CHIEF Mahra Saeed Al Muhairi ENGLISH EDITOR Brenda Chandler ASSISTANT EDITOR / WRITER Komal R. Lakhani ARABIC EDITOR Jehad ASSOCIATE EDITOR / SENIOR TRANSLATOR Diana Joudieh SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER & PHOTOGRAPHER Sikkandar Sharpudeen DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Joe Mathew ADVERTISING CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Nadia Hussain, Dr. Talal Mohammed Al Darwich, Marianne Makdisi, K.Radhaskishan, JJ Dubblejay, J.J. Green, Fiona Duerden TO CONTACT US +971 3 7668111 FOLLOW US ON thesourceuae thesourceuae

It is with delight and great pleasure that I present to you our guest director for this issue of The Source. Please extend a very warm Al Ain welcome by reading and sharing these profound words of wisdom penned straight from the heart! - Farid.

THE MIRROR Those sublime moments of elation and gratitude. Those excruciating moments of despair and agony. Those spectacular moments of conviction and faith. Those dreadful moments of misgiving and incredulity. Those ecstatic moments of achievement and satisfaction. Those heart-rending moments of disappointment and loss. “I don't know where I am. At times I plunge to the bottom of the sea, at times, rise up like the Sun.” I am a teacher. A teacher is a learner. I teach what I have learned. I have learned lessons from mirrors. “If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?” The rubbings and irritations of my life are my opportunity for refinement, my invitation to evolve and advance. But, my potential for evolution is proportionate to my passion for the me-moment; it is in embracing the moment with honesty, in seeing myself correctly and clearly, in allowing the nuisance and the niggling of the dawning me-moment to polish and refine me. I have to choose to evolve. “Many of the faults you see in others, dear reader, are your own nature reflected in them.” I see as I am. This is the fundamental lesson and the teacher. The mirror proffers my very own reflection in that which I see. Everything and everyone I see is a vivid reflection of who and what and how and why I am. I see myself in you. How I see is the problem, not what or whom I see. It is precisely those me-in-you-moments [the good, the bad, and the ugly] that allow me to be polished, that allow my mirror to more clearly reflect the potential-me, the becoming-me. You are the mirror that allows me to see myself. “Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his Heart - Wikiquote, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more…” I emerge polished, seen, known, and found if I embrace the me-in-you-moment. This is the most profound conquest. “The lion who breaks the enemy's ranks is a minor hero compared to the lion who overcomes himself.”

Ahmad Barnard Quotations by Rumi thesourceuae


No part of this publication or content, thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of The Source Magazine, published by Smart Design Publishing, in writing. The Source Magazine and Smart Design Publishing accept no responsibility, however caused, for errors or omissions contained in this publication. Any articles and/or images included in this publication and/or views and opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of The Source Magazine and Smart Design Publishing, and any of its affiliates, but remain solely those of the author(s). Such publications have been included for general reference and the purpose of fair review. Copyright © 2014 by The Source and Smart Design Publishing, and its affiliates. All rights reserved.

WIN! WIN!! WIN!!! 1. Want to win AED 250 Voucher to spend at Splash Fashion? Send us a picture of yourself in your own Splash Fashions outfit holding a copy of the current issue of The Source and that’s it! Winners will be chosen on originality and creativity. Brownie points if your picture is clicked in Al Ain. 2. Keeping in line with our initiative to keep you active and fit, we are giving away a day pass for 2 to Hiltonia health club, located at the Hilton Al Ain. Share with us your health tips to stay fit; the most useful tip wins! Send your entries to with the subject Splash Fashions for the first competition and Hilton Al Ain for the second one. Don’t forget to include your name and location.

*Terms and & Conditions applied.



Camilla's words of widsom

LETTERS Salutations Sourcers,

I teach English to grade 12 young men here in Al Ain. This term, our guiding theme is "Exploration and Discovery." Finding appropriate and interesting reading materials related to this theme is a "Success is not measured challenge for me and my colleagues, but, by what you accomplish fortunately for me, I've collected every issue but by the opposition you of The Source since I moved here in 2012. I have encountered, and the courage with which you have have extracted and collated the articles into maintained the struggle against separate binders based on topic, length, and reading level. The "My World" articles, overwhelming odds." featuring different world destinations, Orison Swett Marden are absoutely perfect. The beautiful photographs, well written descriptions, Arabic versions, and logical layout of the articles makes learning so much smoother and interesting. MARLA You may be interested to know that the most popular articles from your magazine among my students are those that feature events,


I'd like to thank you for writing an excellent piece (“Until Divorce Does Us Part”) that enlightens the audience via a free of charge community publication. A much needed one, tailored to UAE stats with rock solid bullets.

NAME: MARLA & COLE Marla & Cole are brother and sister and were found downtown Abu Dhabi begging for food when they were 4 months old and have been in foster care since. They are quiet and can be nervous around new people, but just need time to adjust. They would love to be homed together. For more information about these two, please contact Sandy Paws on or to find more amazing pets looking for adoption, visit

I've never been married, as a matter of fact; I am only 26 and have been in the UAE for almost 2 years now. The silence in the eyes of husbands and wives as they walk their kids through malls, or sit opposite each other having lunch, has often come to my attention, and it is this distant body language that speaks directly to an unmarried humble person like me. One does not need to be a psychiatrist or have a degree in psychology


Hello, I'm 18yrs old and I have dark circles under my eyes, I've been using high powered glasses since grade 2, could that be the reason for my dark circles? Because I take enough rest (8hrs a day) and I don't have iron deficiency either. Could you please suggest some solution for my dark circles? From Frenzia Dear Frenzia,

HAL LADIYK GHAIRUH? Means ‘do you have another one?’ SO the next time you go shopping and don’t like the item the shop keeper shows you ask them Hal ladiyk ghairuh?

During our conversations about what Al Ain has to offer, it was mentioned that our city has many wonderful and interesting parks/playgrounds for families and children. Perhaps you could do a series of articles featuring different public parks in Al Ain, rating them based on attractions, cleanliness, crowdedness, etc. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful bilingual publication. Keep up the good work! Joyfully,

PJ SMALLEY to recognize that there is a definite problem here!

Dear JJ Green,


attractions, businesses, and especially restaurants here in Al Ain. In fact, it has inspired us to alter our exploration theme to focus on exploring our beautiful city around us. This term, students will be creating video tours of their favorite places to relax, have fun, and eat in our gorgeous garden city.

Thanks for the question! Dark circles around the eyes bother lots of people all over the world. It is not from bad vision or wearing glasses. While sleep deprivation is the most common

I'd like to comment on bullet number # 8, 'Absence of Intimacy': Apart from Traffic and workload conditions in the UAE, there is a lack of motivation to exercise and achieve the desired physical and emotional well being that would greatly assist couples in their struggles to achieve a more intimate relationship. This is not just an article; it’s a work of Public Service! Great Job! Thank you for your quick response. I wish you all the best in life. Mohtasham reason, allergies, genetics, and age are also causes for dark rings. Besides getting sleep, there are no well-established treatments. Some dermatologists will use chemicals to bleach the skin. Be well, Gabe The doctor is always on call at The Source and asking the right questions can lead to better health. Dr. Gabriel comes to us from Oasis Hospital, where he practices family medicine. Simply send your questions to askthedoctor@ and see them answered and published in the magazine.

WINNER The winners are

Wadi Adventure: Alain Dar Alzen Cosmo international: Janessa Generally


Eastern Motors organizes FUNatic for the first time in Al Ain

residents can take advantage of from offroading and white-water rafting to a more relaxing morning kayaking or sun-bathing on the beach.

Organizing a collection of fun-filled activities to fit the lively spirit of Al Ain residents, particularly Jeep owners, Eastern Motors, Al Ain dealership of Fiat and Jeep Chrysler and member of Al Fahim Group, collaborated with a number of Al Ain-based entities to arrange the first ever FUNatic. Starting with a healthy breakfast at Eastern Motors’ showroom in Sanayia District, 150 participants totaling an impressive 50 – car convoy, the Jeep owners were divided

Sudden fog diverts flights from Abu Dhabi

into four categories: Beginners under the names Fun Drive Grand Cherokee – which featured the largest number of drivers – and Fun Drive Wranglers, Intermediate Off-road Drivers and Advanced Off-road Drivers. At the event, Mr. Nassim Mourani, General Manager of Eastern Motors, said, “We plan to hold this entertaining and highly engaging event with our customers on an annual basis. Al Ain is a beautiful oasis with lots of exciting recreational activities which

“We had a large turn-up and are thrilled to be enjoying a family day out with Jeep owners in Al Ain as it gives us a chance to get to know them on a more personal level,” he continued. After a remarkable morning in the sand dunes of the oasis, participants were invited for lunch at Wadi Adventure, one of the event sponsors, and unwind on the poolside of the park. Other supports of FUNatic were Al Ain Equestrian Shooting and Golf Club, Al Jimi Mall, Tim Horton’s, Hilton Al Ain and Al Ain Water Park. To finish off the fascinating day-out, raffle prizes were handed out to winners and included two airline tickets to Bangkok, Thailand.

Al Ain Zoo Celebrates Winners of Photo Contest

14 Etihad flights into Abu Dhabi International Airport were diverted to other airports in the UAE on Sunday morning due to unexpected fog, the airline said in a statement. The flights were diverted to Al Ain, Al Bateen and Al Maktoum International Airport in the UAE. They were re-positioned back to Abu Dhabi after re-fuelling when the fog cleared. As a result, Etihad had delays in departures for the rest of the day.

Abu Dhabi police tighten the strings on road safety

Here is yet another reason to drive safe on the UAE's roads (and everywhere in the world!) if you want to avoid getting deported! An Abu Dhabi court sentenced a man belonging to another GCC country to four months in jail and ordered his deportation from the UAE after he was convicted of driving recklessly and endangering lives and public property. The man was also convicted of driving a car without a license. Plus, he refused to heed police orders to stop the vehicle after he was seen driving in the opposite direction on a key road in Abu Dhabi at night. The man's Arab friend, who owns the car, was also convicted by the court for allowing the former to drive his vehicle without a license. 10

The Source

Al Ain Zoo celebrated the winners of its photo contest, held for the third consecutive year, in a recognition ceremony hosted at the zoo. Contestants, who comprised both amateur and professional photographers, had the chance to capture candid zoo moments and submit their three best photos in an initiative that supports Al Ain Zoo’s commitment to wildlife conservation. At the award ceremony, each winner was gifted with a camera from Grand Stores, and the top three finalists won a cash prize from Al Ain Zoo, after which the group was treated to an exclusive tour of the zoo. The winners will also have their photos published in Al Ain Zoo’s 2015 calendar, the sales of which serve to support the zoo’s conservation efforts and programmes, as do all other revenue-generating activities and initiatives at Al Ain Zoo. Muna Al Dhaheri, Chief Executive of Conservation and Education at Al Ain Zoo, commented: “When people are passionate

about nature and wildlife photography, and are given the environment and an opportunity to promote their talent, participation is at its highest. In this instance, Al Ain Zoo was delighted to receive hundreds of submissions from fans, all of whom showcased great enthusiasm. We would like to thank each of them for their participation, which helps to shed light on the zoo’s efforts to conserve endangered species. The initiative gave guests a chance to capture our beautiful animals, and also allowed us to engage our visitors in the global cause of conservation from a different, creative perspective.” The photo contest encouraged animal lovers to test their talent behind a lens and explore the zoo’s various exhibits and activities. A jury from the zoo reviewed over 600 entries, finally choosing the best 12 photos, all of which can be seen in the 2015 Al Ain Zoo calendar.

tech talk One phone to rule them all!

3D printers Don’t like something about your phone? Replace the part instead of buying a new phone with Project Ara. How you ask? Read on… Project Ara is Google’s attempt to reinvent the cellphone as we know it. Instead of a slab of glass and metal that you have no ability to upgrade, save for buying a new device, it’s an attempt to launch a phone where all of the main components are interchangeable via modules that click in and out, attaching via electro-permanent magnets. Despite being highly customizable, it will only come in three main sizes, helping to eliminate the kind of device fragmentation that currently plagues Android. Google plans to roll out a “gray model,” a very basic device that costs as little as $50, as well as higher-end handsets that could go for as much as $500 and up. The former will be released first — around this time next year if all goes according to plan — and will likely be a smaller, Wi-Fi-only version. This bare-bones model will be followed by the higher-end ones eventually. But Google’s initial objective is to ramp up a hardware ecosystem that moves at the same pace as the software it runs.

3D printers are all the rage these days and we must admit they are pretty cool! For those of you not in the know, read on to discover what it is and how it works. The process of 3D technology in all equipment (also called additive manufacturing) is fairly similar. Objects are designed with a CADlike software program and then sliced into extremely thin layers (like slicing a loaf of bread). The machines then spray, squeeze, or dribble the material onto a base, one layer at a time, fusing these together with heat until the object is formed. Some machines extrude a filament of plastic materials through a nozzle and build the objects on a platform from the bottom up. Some build the objects in a tray of powder or liquid and the platform lowers as each layer is applied, building from the top down. In the end you will have an actual solid product in your hand. 3D printers are available on line and in some stores around the UAE.

Tonino Lamborghini launch new premium quality in-ear headphones Building on the new line of smartphones called ANTARES, the Italian luxury lifestyle and accessories Group Tonino Lamborghini will unveil its high quality in-ear headphones line, QUANTUM. The new series will be available in the markets of Italy, UK, USA, China, Russia, UAE, South Korea and Japan starting from June 1, 2014. As a stylish accessory in modern life, the Quantum earphones provide a great opportunity to join the community of the legendary Italian company Tonino Lamborghini and share its values and identity. Quantum earphones are premium quality products, which can become an accessory for everybody. The earphones are decorated on both sides with the classic metal logo of the "Raging Bull", which underlines the daring spirit of the brand and its uniqueness and relentless desire for perfection. During the manufacturing process the logo is coated with two layers of paint, and then polished by hand. Quantum series is for people who appreciate both quality and design. The series includes three models that were created to allow everyone to find their favorite.


Have you ever been in the situation where you reach the airport and realise you forgot to pack something? Well it’s happened to us! Usually it’s a toothbrush or even your camera battery or that spare memory card. Now Stow can help you. It offers packing list templates that can be adjusted for length and type of trip; you no longer have to worry about trying to remember everything you need. There aren’t a lot of frills, but it’s one of those apps you’ll appreciate having when need-be. Right now it’s only available on iOS. The Source



Better Get a Bucket


ften, we notice essential objects only in their use. For months on end they drift out of mind in the doldrums, then all at once they smash onto the reef of necessity and importance. Job done, they slip away on the wash to be ignored once more ’til need again presses them into service. One such object is the Bucket.

The Bucket’s origins are hardly puzzling. Picture prototypical man sifting the tidepools for clams. Fortune bestows upon hairy a pair of lobsters. He stomachs his fill and, in dreamy rest ’neath the coconuts, contemplates the transport of the remainder to his bambooed abode. Having completed his “work,” he orders a female to see it done. She, rightly insulted, buttresses her dignity with a quip at his expense. Her companions chortle heartily. Then, perceiving benefit for the babe at breast, she gathers palm fronds and sets about the weave.

TELL ME IT WASN’T SO. The Bucket pervades life and language. As youngsters we play with bucket and spade, and as oldsters we ponder our fortunes after we kick one. The Bucket has ridden waves of economic and social changes. In its contemporary cheapplastic form it is used for the sale of sweets, soap powders, ice cream, coffee (America only), food, fertilisers, toys and too many other products to mention. And its low-costplastic advantage is growing ever more important as demand skyrockets around the world. 12

The Source

By JJ Dubblejay

IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS, FOR INSTANCE, THEY’VE NEVER NEEDED THEM SO MUCH. You see, over the next two thousand years the sea level will rise 1.3 metres. If the temperature goes up 2 degrees Celsius, however, the ring round the bath will top out at 4.8 metres. Disastrous. With a rise of 1 to 6 metres, 15 to 62 percent of islands will disappear. Catastrophe. In terms of people, 0.5 to 2 metres could displace 1.2 to 2.2 million islanders. Consequently, they’re bailing like mad in the Solomon’s. But they need more buckets. Of course,

no one cares about them enough to do anything to help. The people who might care, in Surrey, Southampton and Shanghai - the admirals of the industrial status quo and the only people who really have the power to do something - care far more for cars, sneakers, handbags and jewellery than they do for the sinking Solomon’s. Of course, they don’t have the Pacific lapping at their kids’ playpens. But if they did, they just might care a lot. Might. The good news is that before long the flippers will be on the other feet, so we’ll find out. The rate of sea level rise on the US east coast - including Miami and New York - is three to four times the global average. Awesome. A big enough storm might knock out the power and swamp the sewage plants. Good. Already Miami floods in full-moon tides and heavy rain, and saltwater is invading the Everglades. If we’re lucky, the inundations will contaminate groundwater and devastate agriculture. It can’t happen soon enough for the Solomon Islanders. In the meantime, gather up your surplus buckets and ship ’em off to Oceania. Though if you happen to be a Surrey, Southampton or Shanghai bound captain of industry, you’d do better to invest in a plastic-bucket plant. You’ll make another squillion doubloons and generate so much CO2 you’ll secure your factory’s raison d’être. You’ll do nothing to solve the problem, obviously, but at least you’ll have plenty of buckets on hand for the moment you finally realize that climate change doesn’t only pertain to people you can ignore.

urban woman

Care for your



aintaining healthy hair can be quite a task in today’s stressful life, especially if you are a bride with a wedding to plan. So for all the brides to be, we bring you hair care advice directly from the expert. Charbel Doumit, hairstyle expert and founder of ‘HAIRWAVES by Charbel’ in Abu Dhabi and participant in L’Officiel for brides 2014, has shared the following tips with The Source.

Charbel Doumit Hairstyle expert and founder of ‘HAIRWAVES by Charbel’

1. HAIR CARE SESSIONS, Start your hair care sessions at least six months prior to the wedding date, and do a regular follow up with your stylist to experiment with different looks for your special day. 2. HAIR STYLING After deciding on the wedding dress, the bride should complete it with the right veil and accessories to enhance the dress’s beauty and splendour. Keep in mind that simple yet elegant accessories are better than exaggeration. Check different hairstyles in fashion magazines and select the ones you find attractive. Discuss them with your hairdresser. He will add his special touches to make them more compatible with your look, dress and accessories. Take pictures during trial styling sessions. The pictures will help identify the styles that flatter you most. 3. HAIR COLOUR Hair colouring should be done at least two months prior to the wedding day. Dye your hair in a colour that matches your skin. Allocating this time will accentuate the various layers in your hair. Be sure to take extra special care of your hair during this process and keep the edges trimmed. Collaborate with your hair expert on the use of healthy hair care products that revive and maintain colour. 4. WASHING HAIR AT HOME Using shampoo and conditioner alone are not enough; you need to use a hair-mask that will keep the moisture intact. 5. GIVE THE HAIR DRYER A BREAK Continuous use of hairdryers will damage hair, and affect its lustre. Botox sessions can help treat the hair and revive its natural shine and beauty not only for the wedding and honey moon, but for months beyond. 6. MAINTAIN A GOOD DIET. The importance of nutrition cannot be stressed enough. It is important to consume sufficient liquids such as green tea and reduce the intake of drinks that

contain caffeine, as they promote dry hair. Drink plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable juices which will help maintain healthy levels of fibre and minerals in your body to enhance the vivacity of your hair from within. These tips can be useful for everyone. You don’t need to be getting married to have great hair. Stay Healthy and beautiful!



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stuff for men


Monster -In-Law

G By J.J. Green

entlemen, you’ve been playing the field for years now in a desperate attempt to find Miss right and after numerous disaster stories, there she is! An angel, a beacon of hope and the answer to that giant void threatening to suck you into the eternal single life. Once again you find yourself singing in the shower and counting the sleeps until your next rendezvous with the mother of your future children. Ecstasy is here to stay until that fateful day when like a freight train mercilessly running you down, you meet your future monster-in-law. So now what? Do you run like hell and put the girl of your dreams behind you, hire a hit man or contemplate suicide as you drink yourself into deep depression? Relax dudes; there is a solution to every problem and here are a few options, along with their respective advantages and disadvantages, to help you cope with your mother-in-law woes. 1. BECOME A DOORMAT – If you have the willpower required for this approach, it will prove by far to be the easiest method of dealing with her. No matter what, always agree with her and basically be prepared to allow her to walk all over you, wherever and whenever she sees fit. Do everything she asks you to do without ever complaining until the day she dies. Advantages – You will never have any trouble with her and she will no doubt like you. Disadvantages – You will feel like a complete loser devoid of the self esteem and dignity a real man should have! 2. BE FAKE – This is basically the twofaced approach to dealing with the woman, which involves smiling agreeably in her face


The Source

with the utmost compliance and of course, disregarding anything and everything as soon as she is out of sight and mind. Advantages – This approach will gain you points with your mother-in-law as long as she does not get wise to what is really going on. And while you are managing to pull the wool over her eyes, it buys you time to keep the peace and preserve some of the dignity you would have lost with option 1. Disadvantages – You will turn into a liar of unbelievable proportions and that is just not morally speaking, a great idea. 3. THE “TO HELL WITH HER APPROACH” – This will definitely be the worst approach in all regards but it will certainly be one that your inner self will often be yearning for the most. No need to pretend with this option; as a matter of fact you can be quite open about not liking her and for that matter, have a complete disregard for her feelings in general. Say what you want, be who you want and disagree with her at every opportunity, after all, you don’t like her! Advantages – You are going to feel like one heck of a testosterone filled “macho man” and it’s safe to assume the old “dragon lady” won’t be popping by for many visits; perhaps none at all! Disadvantages – Your mother-in-law is going to absolutely despise you and I wouldn’t count on paradise with your wife for long either!

4. THE “TRY YOUR BEST TO GET ALONG” APPROACH – This may not be the easiest approach but in the long run it is by far the most rewarding. Be prepared to suck it up and arm yourself with respect, truth and honour at all times, even when it seems impossible to get through to her. You are looking at the long term here, and the rewards of a loving relationship will be worth the effort. Advantages – Your wife will absolutely adore you and your mother-in-law will bless that love instead of being an eternal wedge! Disadvantages – ZERO!! The choice is yours gentlemen and may you live happily ever after with your decision!


Happy Birthday Wadi Adventure

The surf was up and spirits were higher than the waves at Wadi Adventure on April 25th and 26th, as Al Ain’s unique man made whitewater rafting, kayaking and surfing facility, celebrated its 2nd birthday. The Source was there with friends and family to join in on the celebration. Whether you were there to partake in some of the more adventurous activities available or just laze in the sun while the kids enjoyed splashing, bouncy castles face painting and balloon twisting with the clowns, the party was a hit for all who attended. Wadi Adventure is still one of the best kept secrets in Al Ain and we are extremely fortunate to have this world class facility in our back yards. Who said there is no beach in Al Ain? If you still haven’t taken the plunge and made your way down to Wadi Adventure then have a look at these spectacular photos to see just how much fun and excitement you are missing! Happy Birthday Wadi Adventure and thanks for a great party!

By JJ Green


The Source


The Source


health & lifestyle

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus



s reports about a new SARSlike MERS-CoV virus (Middle East Respiratory Virus, a type of coronavirus) spreads across the globe, many of us may be feeling a little concerned. There are many media reports from different sources with hourly updates and this adds to

the tension.

New viruses that we have never seen before seem to appear all the time. But you might be surprised to know that sometimes these go away as quickly as they have come. We often get nervous about illness and infections more than is necessary. Viruses affect the human population in large amounts. Influenza affects 5-10% of adults and 20-30% of our children. The SARS virus was confirmed in 2,488 people with 251 deaths. Bird flu affected 650 total cases of avian with 386 deaths. The hepatitis C virus affects 150 million people chronically. We are also familiar with the chickenpox virus, mononucleosis and so on. Viruses are constantly changing and some affect certain people more than others. Some don’t even know they are infected or carriers. Many viruses, once contracted, offer immunity to the person and reduce the chance of reinfection. This does not mean to downplay the importance of taking sensible precautions against the MERS-CoV virus, but more information about it is needed. What we can focus on is how to reduce our risk. As of April 16, WHO confirmed a total of 238 laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with MERS-CoV worldwide, including 92 deaths, from September 2012. This estimates MERS mortality to be about 50%. 20

The Source

Dr. Nadia Hussain

MBBS, MSc Str.M.Bio (UK), PhD (c)

Dr. Nadia is a physician pursuing her PhD in Physiology from UAE University. She is the Chief Editor for Capsule (UAEU), author of Fragments of my Time (Minwa Press) and an award winning poet.

The MERS virus is part of a large virus family and has been in humans for more than a year now. It was first identified in a sixty year old hospitalized patient who got it from a bat living near his residence. Camels have also been found to carry the virus and transmit it to humans. The countries affected are Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE, but laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported in the UK, France, Italy and most recently, the Philippines.

People who have underlying conditions such as diabetes or lung disorders should avoid contact with animals. If there is animal contact, hand washing before and after touching the animals should be most important. Regular hand washing is one of the best techniques to reduce the chances of being ill. Use soap and water or even a hand sanitizer. We are constantly touching high traffic surfaces such as doorknobs, toys, supermarket trolleys, faucets and so on. If you are exposed to an infected person, you should be monitored for fever and respiratory symptoms. Exposure means living with or caring for an infected person; being within 3 feet of them requires precautions.

MERS-CoV is spread from person to person through respiratory droplet secretions. MERS has often infected people caring for a sick (MERS-CoV-infected) individual. The affected people develop fever and a cough similar to a respiratory illness and even shortness of breath.

Resources: World Health Organization: http:// infections/en/index.html. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention: novelcoronavirus/

In April, 10 new cases have been reported in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. This includes six paramedics in Al Ain, one of whom has died.

Common sense goes a long way in reducing the risk of spreading the virus and some sensible precautions can be taken.

al majlis

From poetry to melody with

Dr. Maitha Al Hameli By Komal R Lakhani


The Source


al majlis

have been writing ever since I learned to spell, and over the inspiration filled years, I fondly recall the origins of my passion, which can be traced back to the poems scribbled across the back pages of my fourth grade textbooks. On my journey towards becoming a writer, I have had the great fortune of interacting with a wide variety of people but nothing is more riveting than the opportunity to interview an accomplished writer and poet who, has not only won an award for her literary contributions, but has had her poems transformed into beautiful songs by famous singers! Dr. Maitha Al Hameli is our Emirati in Focus this issue. Born in Abu Dhabi, she received her bachelor's degree from the United Arab Emirates University and completed her graduate studies at the University of Cairo, where she earned the highest grade awarded doctorate. The Emirati writer and poet achieved a doctorate degree in Political Awareness, and a UNESCO certificate in “Strengthening National Capacities for Safeguarding Cultural Heritage”. She also won the L'Officiel's Arab Woman Award for best writer and poet. She has three books published and maintains an active blog where many of her poems can be read. What inspired you to write poetry? I inherited the love of poetry from my grandfather and he was my first teacher. When did you write your first poem? During my preparatory stage in school but at such a young age, I still needed practice. Your poems have been sung by many singers; which one is your favourite composition?

awards; how does it feel to be such an accomplished women in the Arab World?

You have a doctorate in political awareness of Emirati women. Why did you choose this specific area?

There is no doubt that I am proud of receiving these awards, especially since I am originally a Bedouin and as such consider this honour to be a great responsibility to my origins.

Because of my passion and love for the many women in this country, and the urgency of creating their necessary political awareness; especially since the inclusion of women in the electoral experience.

What are your views on the role of women and their contributions to the Arab world in general and the UAE in particular?

You have been certified by UNESCO for ‘Strengthening National Capacities for Safeguarding Cultural Heritage.’ How was this achieved?

Women have been absent for a very long time from a great many scenes in the literary and political aspects of our culture, but in recent years they have shown their merit and won the respect and trust of leaders and society. Emirati women today are a potent example of the ambition, success and potential of the Arab and Khaleeji female culture. The Emirati woman has emerged in many regional and international forums and has been the highlight of achievements on a global scale.

I achieved it through various courses and seminars I attended in the UAE and through my association with the great team I had the pleasure of working with. Is there any advice you would like to share with the Arab youth in regards to achieving their goals? Hold on to your parents, never lose your loyalty to your country, and always be keen on success; no matter what the obstacles.

I am truly humbled and grateful to the many talented artists that immortalized my works by transforming them into beautiful songs and it is difficult to single out just one. Some of my favourite interpretations are by The Dubai Group, Walid Ibrahim, Harbi Al Ameri and Abdullah Al Mamari. Do you think the essence of a poem changes when it is combined with music and sung? Not at all, and the change is dependant upon how the song is received and understood. You have been the recipient of many The Source




How can we manage



By Fiona Duerden

ecently we wrote about a tragic case in Sharjah where a young student decided to end his life rather than face the possibility of bad exam results. All around the world, exam pressure is becoming a recognised problem – affecting students’ self esteem, physical and mental health.

Talk to a trusted friend or family member and spend some time explaining how you feel. Ask them to check up on you, help you take breaks and manage your revision time.

build it in to your timetable. A lazy body breeds a lazy mind! Even a ten minute walk will leave you feeling calmer and more focussed.

EAT PROPERLY: Have proper breakfasts and give yourself good fuel: lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and less processed or fast food. High sugar will just make you crash, so eat foods that will keep your blood sugar stable.

DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS! Everyone remembers things differently – learn what works for you, set your own revision plan and stick to it.

OF COURSE EXAMS ARE STRESSFUL – but it’s important not to let it get out of control. A little bit of stress can be a good thing, as it motivates us to study instead of hanging out with friends. But too much stress can actually prevent us from doing our best.

Play with your pet dog or cat! Tufts University near Boston, US, brought Australian Shepherds in to help relieve stress for students studying for finals. There’s something about our furry friends that helps us to calm down.

The distraction theory states that high pressure situations can create a dual-task situation, in which your attention is split between the main task and the negative or unhelpful thoughts about doing it badly. Attention is an important part of ‘working memory’, which is the system that actively holds information. Working memory has a limited capacity, and those distracting negative thoughts reduce it! So to do our best, we need to learn to manage our stress. We asked the team at Focal Point Career Guidance for some tips. RECOGNISE STRESS: Some symptoms of stress are constant tiredness, forgetfulness, anxiety and irritability, headaches, difficulty sleeping, blurred vision or dizziness. If any of these describe you, then get some help.


The Source

TAKE BREAKS: Recognise when you are stressing out and take a break. It’s generally recommended that for every hour you study, you need to take a 10-15 minute break.

EXERCISE: Physical activity is proven to reduce anxiety levels, so

AVOID STRESSFUL PEOPLE: Stress is contagious! Don’t study with friends that are panicking – it will only make your stress levels worse. SLEEP WELL: Separate your work space from your sleeping space. Never revise in bed! BE REALISTIC: If you plan to study 12 hours a day, you are only setting yourself up to fail – which will make you stress even more. Plan for what is realistic, include breaks. WALK AWAY! Don’t spend time comparing answers after the exam – it’s too late to change anything, and it will only make you worry, which will stress you out for the next exam! AND LASTLY, DON’T TELL YOUR PARENTS WE SAID THIS – but failing isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you. For a starter, there are always resits; secondly, if you know you’ve put the right amount of effort in and you still fail, perhaps it’s a sign that this really isn’t the subject for you. Both Thomas Edison and Richard Branson did badly at school but it certainly didn’t stop them! You ARE worth much more than your exam score! If you need help studying for university entrance exams, email Focal Point Career Guidance careerguidance@



The Source


The Source


culture and heritage

Eat like a Local

F By K.Radhakishan

or many people in the UAE, food translates to shawarma, hommus and falafel. Even people in our office were under a similar impression. So I set out in search of the types of food families in the UAE have been cooking up for years. Though I don’t know the origins of these yet - that will be a feature for another day - I have managed, with a little help, to discover some of the signature Emirate dishes. The food here is accented with spices like cinnamon, saffron and turmeric, along with nuts, limes and dried fruit to enhance the flavour. Some of the most popular dishes that we will take a closer look at in this article are Al Harees, Al Majboos and Madrooba.


This is a traditional Arabic dish consisting of wheat, meat (chicken/lamb) and salt. It is a popular treat on special occasions such as Ramadan, Eid and weddings. It is prepared by cooking ground wheat in a pot with a pinch of salt, to which the meat is added. The mixture is then left to cook for many hours until it is completely caramelized with the wheat. The mixture is then poured into 28

The Source

a clay pot and placed in a clay oven or specially prepared hole in the ground filled with burning coals. After several hours, the thick mixture is removed and stirred with a special piece of wood called 'midrib'. The final product is topped with local ghee and placed onto flat plates. Harees is a rich and filling meal which can be found in some Arabic restaurants.


until the sauce thickens. This dish is served topped with ghee (butter).


Also called Al Makboos (Al Machboos), this dish has red meat as its main ingredient (which can be replaced by shrimp or chicken) combined with rice. The meat is placed in boiling water with a blend of spices and dried lime. Fried chopped onion is added to the cooked meat, followed by a vegetable medley, usually consisting of potatoes, tomatoes and green peppers. The mixture is left to cook on low heat for a short period. Cooked rice and saffron are added to the meat mixture in layers. Finally, it is left to cook on a low fire or in an oven for about 10 minutes. This is similar to the Indian biryani and can be eaten without any accompaniments.


It consists of salt-cured fish (known locally as ‘Maleh’ or salty) and flour cooked in a pot and seasoned with spices. The fish is cleaned thoroughly in running water and then cooked in a pot along with spices. While cooking, flour is added to the fish

This is a dish of meat boiled with onions and a variety of vegetables such as courgettes, eggplant, onions, pepper and okra. Spices and tomato paste are also added and the mixture is left to simmer for 10 minutes until ready. It is similar to soup. There are also a number of Arabic desserts which we will leave for another issue. Before you go, you should know that food and culture go hand in hand in the UAE. Traditionally, families eat together sitting on the floor without the use of cutlery. So don’t be alarmed at the prospect of eating with your hands; respect the tradition and go with the flow. These days, it is common to see low dining tables replacing the Bedouin floor setting.

recipes L E C L AS S I Q U E We had such an amazing time when last we ventured out to Le Classique at the Emirates Golf Club, that we were simply tickled to be invited back for yet another sampling of French ambrosia. I agree that we have a very nice golf course in our garden city but variety is, after all, the spice of life, and once you have treated yourself to a world class golf experience in neighboring Dubai, make sure to bring your appetite to a restaurant that boasts a 25 year legacy of satisfying the most discerning palates. We were treated to a 3 course luncheon menu that included our featured recipe dish. The chefs teamed up to present a creation that was as much a work of art as it was a meal. Each bite ignited a harmony of flavours arousing our taste buds. The surroundings and service were a compliment to the overall experience and visiting this delightful establishment is a must for anyone. Chef Jeff Brothers (left) & Chef Sylvain Roucayrol

Whether you’re planning a day on the links or just out to spoil your taste buds, be sure to put Le Classique, at The Emirates Golf Club on your list of places to experience!

Halibut with Black Garlic Purée, Iberico Ham and Garden Vegetables INGREDIENTS: Serves 4 600gr of halibut | 30gr of black garlic | 30gr of white garlic | 60gr of double cream | 25gr of butter | 10gr of milk | Baby leeks (8 pieces) | Shimeji mushroom (1 punnet) | Green asparagus (8 pieces) | 100gr of beef ham (optional) | Olive oil | Salt and Pepper

METHOD: Black Garlic Purée : • Peel the garlic, then add the butter, cream and milk in a pan; cook it slowly until the garlic become soft. • Put it in a blender and mix until smooth. • Season to your liking. Halibut : • Boil all the vegetables; refresh them

• • •

in cold water with ice to keep a bright colour. Start the halibut in a frying pan with olive oil and a bit of butter, colour and finish it in the oven for four minutes. On a plate display the vegetables and ham (optional), then position the fish on the plate. With a spoon, add the black garlic purée. The Source


city review

s t n a W a d a ” n e l a p C o “ e P d e i f i l Qua Taqaddum Visa Services can HELP! Breaking News: Re-Opening of Federal Skilled Worker Program On Wednesday, April 23, 2014, the Government of Canada announced new occupations and caps for the popular Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) program. Additional important information has been announced for the Federal Skilled Trades (FST) and Canadian Experience Class (CEC) The new changes go into effect for all three programs on May 1, 2014. “This is a long-awaited and exciting announcement for applicants all over the world,” said Attorney David Cohen. “I am certain that in

the coming days we will see an incredible amount of excitement generated for the FSW program in particular, which has historically been the most popular. Effective May 1, 2014, the FSW will be accepting an overall total of 25,000 new applications. Applicants must have at least one year of work experience in one of 50 eligible occupations. A maximum of 1,000 applications will be accepted per eligible occupation.

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The Source


Call it a Party! Call it Spring recently opened a new concept store at Abu Dhabi Mall. A part of the Club Apparel group, Call it Spring’s opening was packed with shoe lovers and bloggers alike. With Dj Sabrina spinning the beats, a live model display, nail station to entertain the ladies, pumping dance performances and a 150 pairs of free shoes (yes you read it right 150 pairs), the event was a fab hit!

Jude Law replaces Michael Fassbender in 'Genius' `Sherlock Holmes` star Jude Law has been brought in to replace actor Michael Fassbender in `Genius` which is based on the life literary icon Thomas Wolfe who was one of the most acclaimed writers of the early 20th century. The British actor, 41, is to portray Wolfe opposite Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman among others, reportedly

Chris Blames himself for split with wife Gwyneth

Selfie fever soars high at IIFA

Govinda’s daughter refuses 30 films in three years! Even though actors become choosy about selecting movies after they become famous, here is one star kid who is very choosy when it comes to making her bollywood debut. Actor Govinda and Sunita’s daughter Narmada has ‘apparently’ refused 30 films in three years. Now that’s a lot of films to be offered to a newcomer. According to Sunita, Narmada wants to start doing comedy films first, which is also her father’s forte.

If Hollywood did it, can Bollywood stay behind? Actors at IIFA try to recreate the Hollywood version of Ellen DeGeneres’s Oscar selfie.

Chris Martin, 37, is apparently a man that knows how to admit when he’s wrong. The Coldplay singer broke his silence in an interview with BBC Radio 1 and gave juicy details about his not-so-private private life, most notably admitting that he is at fault for his breakup of the 10-year marriage with wife Gwyneth Paltrow, 41, and that he has some personal issues he needs to work on.

One less bachelor in Hollywood George Clooney, 52, is finally casting off bachelorhood to marry his perfect match, his dad told the Daily News Monday. Nicholas Clooney, 80, confirmed his son’s surprise engagement to human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin, 36, a few hours after her British law firm issued a congratulatory statement.

The Source


my world




ahrain has been one of the Gulf’s most important commercial crossroads since the Bronze Age, when the freshwater springs that bubble off-shore encouraged the trade on which the nation’s early fortunes were built.

Today, old and new is succinctly blended, from historic monuments such as the Al-Khamis Mosque, dating back to 692 AD, to one of the most modern Formula One race tracks in the world, at the Bahrain International Circuit. Bahrain remains a regional financial hub, but don’t think it’s all work and no play. Quite the contrary – Manama, the capital, is known for its late-night shopping and lively nightlife. Glass and steel spires decorate the city’s skyline, while the narrow, rabbit warren of stalls at the Manama Souq – a sight not to be missed – are famous for their

A beautiful broad inside view of the Riffa Fort


The Source

By Marianne Makdisi

vast array of perfumes, spices, nuts, shisha bottles and gold. Two million people visit Bahrain each year, mostly from the surrounding region, although there are increasing numbers of tourists from other parts of the world. The country’s social liberalism is a pull to visitors, and people flock to Manama on weekends. The city’s role as Arab Capital of Culture in 2012 has also led to a much greater and welcome emphasis on music, art and heritage events. Unfortunately, because Bahrain is a tiny place, its inhabitants have all been affected by the ongoing political unrest in one way or another.


Bahrain, which means “two seas” in Arabic, comprises the cluster of islands lying between the east coast of Saudi Arabia and the Qatari peninsula. The small island nation is characterised by the water that laps its shores. The sea is so shallow around the coastline that pieces of land are regularly reclaimed and the official number of islands is contested.

The new Bahrain Financial Harbour rises like Neptune from such reclaimed land, and the harbour’s curved, green-glass towers stand like bookends on the island’s northern shore. Other iconic buildings include the twin towers of the Bahrain World Trade Centre, which are linked by skybridges sporting wind turbines, designed to generate more than 10 per cent of the building’s power requirements. Also being developed on reclaimed land is the waterfront Bahrain Bay, which is aiming for nearly 50 per cent completion in 2014. Being built on three islands, and connected to Manama by two bridges to form an inner harbour, the $2.5bn development will consist of 40 buildings offering residential, commercial and retail space, including a Four Seasons hotel and Raffles City Bahrain. Bahrain Island dominates the archipelago, and the nation is connected to Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province via the King Fahd Causeway – a huge crossing spanning 25 kilometres with five bridges and seven embankments.


Not only was Bahrain the first Arab country to discover oil in the 1930s, but it was also one of the first Gulf states to welcome a major influx of expatriate workers (who now constitute about half of the 1.3m inhabitants). The kingdom retains a comparatively cosmopolitan atmosphere, and with 4,000 years of history, there’s plenty to do.

my world Al Fateh grand mosque

An archipelago of 33 islands, Bahrain offers rich history and culture, a liberal lifestyle and a cosmopolitan capital city

Bahrain World Trade Center

Minaret of Al Khamis Mosque

worshippers at once, the Al-Fateh Mosque was built in the 1990s and features the world’s largest fibreglass dome. The huge domed building also hosts the National Library.

Bahrain National Museum: For a welllabelled introduction to Bahrain, head to the national museum, the country’s most popular tourist attraction and home to many fascinating artefacts, some dating back to the ancient Dilmun civilization.

Corniche al-Fateh: This pleasant seaside promenade offers good views of the skyscrapers to the south and the planes taking off from the airport nearby. There’s also fun fair rides for the kids and shisha bars for the adults. Tree of Life: 30km south of Manama, this famous, lonesome tree in the middle

of a dry desert flowers twice a year and is covered in green leaves, despite having no known water source. Traditional Houses of Muharraq: At the beginning of the last century, Muharraq was the capital of Bahrain and over the past decade, the district’s traditional houses have been restored, with each dedicated to an aspect of the country’s cultural heritage. Concert halls, art galleries, craft centres, cafes and libraries have opened in the whitewashed alleyways around the Sheikh Ebrahim Centre for Culture and Research.

The National Museum of Bahrain

Bahrain Fort: Recently renovated, and with new lighting at night, the Fort is a splendid example of Bahrain’s varied history and was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005. Al-Fateh Mosque: One of the biggest mosques in the world, capable of accommodating more than 7,000 The Source




JUST ADD Volcom 2014: Get ready for the second JUST ADD Volcom competition to hit the UAE - combining skate boarding and surfing at Wadi Adventure Al Ain. Price: 50Dhs - Entry for spectators, 50Dhs - Buffet Lunch, 150Dhs - Surf Jam entry, 50Dhs Entry Skate Jam International Circus Stars: This will be the first international circus stars show to be staged in Al Ain. The event will be brimming with thrills and excitement for audiences of the evening performances, the first of which begins at 6pm and the second at 8pm, on all weekdays excluding Sunday. Tickets are: AED75, AED100 and AED 150 (VIP). On till May 24, 2014, Al Hili Fun City, Al Ain Al Ain 10th Wedding Show: Al Bader Exhibition Organizers would like to give

the to-be wedded couples a chance to choose the best options for their wedding day at “Al Ain 10th Wedding Show”, an exhibition to show, exhibit and display all products related to weddings. 05 – 10 May, Al Khabisi Hall 2, Al Ain Convention Center. Hilton Al Ain Paco's: Rock of Ages party: Rock tunes from diesel band + Raffle draw. 7th May, starting at 9:30pm. No entrance fee. Paco's Salsa Lessons: 11th- 25th May. Salsa Lessons from 8:30pm to 9:30pm, social salsa dancing until 11pm. No entrance fee. Makani - Musical Evening: Pianist and Violinist playing classical Arabic music at Makani 2nd May, starting at 7:00pm. No entrance fee Garden and pool: White Sensation pool party with DJ and free entrance for ladies

Canada needs you

from 8:00pm to 11pm. Special promotion in beverages., 8th May. 8:00pm to 2:30pm, AED 60 including 2 beverages.Dress code is white. Danat Al Ain Resort. Farmers Market Brunch - Every Friday: Enjoy those lazy Friday afternoons at the Friday Farmers Market Brunch at Arabesque. An array of perfectly cooked culinary delights with kids activities and entertainment. AED 125* per person. Kids aged 6 -12 years at AED 65*only. They also have a fresh farmers market where you can buy organic fruits and vegetables and indulge in a unique shopping experience. Ayla Restaurant Teachers Nights – Due to high demand, the specially created Buffet every Monday is back! All Teachers are invited to join them in this amazing journey! Starting from 6 pm till 11 pm, every Monday at AED 69* per person


Emirates NBD Classics presents Amaan and Ayaan Ali Khan Sons of the Sarod Master Amjad Ali Khan will be performing as part of the Emirates NBD Classics series. Friday, 2nd May 2014, 8:00 PM, DUCTAC, Mall of the Emirates. Admission: AED 150, AED 300 call + 971 4 341 4777 for details.



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The Source

time out

Flick Picks! NEIGHBORS LANGUAGE: English RUNNING TIME: 100 min GENRE: Comedy STARRING: Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne, Zac Efron SYNOPSIS: A couple with a new born baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house. RELEASE DATE: 08-05-2014



WINESBURG, OHIO 2, By Sherwood Anderson Introduction by John Updike Before Raymond Carver, John Cheever, and Richard Ford, there was Sherwood Anderson, who, with Winesburg, Ohio, charted a new direction in American fiction--evoking with lyrical simplicity quiet moments of epiphany in the lives of ordinary men and women. In a bed, elevated so that he can peer out the window, an old writer contemplates the fluttering of his heart and considers, as if viewing a pageant, the inhabitants of a small midwestern town. Their stories are about loneliness and alienation, passion and virginity, wealth and poverty, thrift and profligacy, carelessness and abandon.

S ip, S lur p and Clic k Yo u l i k e u s a n d w e ' l l l i k e y o u that's how easy it is to WI N BIG at The Source!

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w w w. t h e s o u r c e u a e . c o m The Source




I'm Queen Merich L. Aranda, 4 years old and an FS1 at Al Ain International School. I love drawing, coloring and painting. My favorite foods are fruits, pasta, brocolli chicken and strawberry milk. At home my sisters and I like dancing, singing and watching cartoons. My mum is dedicated to reading stories to me before I sleep at night. My loving Dad is my playmate; we love cars and basketball. Every weekend we go to church and our family bonding times are swimming, watching movies, shopping and eating in a cozy place.

Story time

NICK AND TESLA'S ROBOT ARMY RAMPAGE By Bob Pflugfelder, Steve Hockensmith In this second novel of the Nick and Tesla series, the precocious brother-and-sister duo find themselves solving another baffling mystery. As the story opens, their Uncle Newt takes a consulting gig at a cut-rate amusement park, engineering animatronic figures for a cheap Hall of Presidentsknockoff. One perk of the job is that Nick and Tesla have unlimited access to the amusement park all summer long—but the kids quickly discover that one of the park employees has a sinister plan.

‫لمحة عن كتاب‬ ‫ُرطب من ذهب‬

‫ نوف عبد الرحمن‬:‫ نورة عباس الخوري | الرسامة‬: ‫الكاتبة‬ ‫الشيخ | نرش يف دار الهدهد لنرش‬ .‫ما العالقة بني املروحية وحشد من الببغاوات وفطائر التمر‬ ‫اكتشف هذه القصة امل ُبهجة للصغري أحمد الذي يحاول جني‬ ‫ ولكن‬.‫التمر من عىل النخيل لتصنع له والدته فطرية التمر‬ ‫كيف يستطيع الصغري أحمد أن يجمع التمرات بينام النخل‬ ‫ إىل أن‬...‫عال جدا ً؟ سوف يحاول أن يجرب كل ما يفكر فيه‬ ‫ مع وصفة لفطرية‬.‫تساعده املروحية وحشد الببغاوات للحصول عىل التمرات الذهبية‬ .‫التمر بالخلف‬

Parents if you have a special youngster who you think would be great for our Sourceling of the Week, send a photo and a bio of no more than 100 words to

‫ أنا أحب‬.‫ ارتاد مدرسة العني الدولية‬,‫ سنوات‬4 ‫عمري‬,‫أنا اسمي كوين مريتش اراندا‬ .‫ والتلوين‬،‫الرسم‬ ‫ الفواكه واملعكرونة والدجاج والحليب و الربوكيل و‬: ‫واطعمتي املفضلة هي‬ ,‫أحب أنا و أخوايت الرقص والغناء ومشاهدة الرسوم املتحركة يف املنزل‬.‫الفراولة‬ ‫ أما والدي‬.‫تكرس أمي الوقت يل لقراءة بعض القصص قبل أن أنام يف الليل‬ ‫و يف عطلة نهاية‬,‫ فنحن نحب السيارات و كرة السلة‬،‫الحبيب فهو رفيقي يف اللعب‬ ‫ ومشاهدة‬،‫ و نقيض وقتنا مع بعض كأرس ٍة يف السباحة‬,‫األسبوع نذهب إىل الكنيسة‬ . ‫ والتسوق وتناول الطعام يف مكان جميل‬،‫األفالم‬ ‫ للعدد القادم‬The Source ‫األهل الكرام الذين يرغبون برتشيح طفلهم لعمود طفل‬ ‫ كلمة فقط إىل الربيد االلكرتوين‬100 ‫إرسال صورة وسرية ذاتية من‬

Test your knowledge 2. What gives a drop a spherical shape? 3. Who is the current president of the USA? 1. Biro Brothers, 2. Surface Tension 3. Barack Obama 36

The Source

‫ما الحيوان الذي ينام‬2.2 ‫وإحدى عينيه مفتوحة؟‬ ‫كم قل ًبا لألخطبوط؟‬3.3 ‫ قلوب‬3 .3 ،‫ الدلفني‬.2 ،‫ اللسان‬.1

1. Who invented the BALLPOINT PEN?

‫أين توجد حاسة الشم لدى‬1.1 ‫الثعبان؟‬





































































































































































































































‫‪Connect both‬‬ ‫‪sides of‬‬ ‫!‪water slides‬‬

‫‪Bed in‬‬ ‫‪Summer‬‬

‫‪In winter I get up at night‬‬ ‫‪And dress by yellow candle-light.‬‬ ‫‪In summer quite the other way,‬‬ ‫‪I have to go to bed by day.‬‬ ‫‪I have to go to bed and see‬‬ ‫‪The birds still hopping on the tree,‬‬ ‫‪Or hear the grown-up people's feet‬‬ ‫‪Still going past me in the street.‬‬ ‫‪And does it not seem hard to you,‬‬ ‫‪When all the sky is clear and blue,‬‬ ‫‪And I should like so much to play,‬‬ ‫?‪To have to go to bed by day‬‬ ‫‪By: Robert Louis Stevenson‬‬ ‫‪Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 -1894) was a‬‬ ‫‪Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer.‬‬ ‫‪To read more by Robert Louis Stevenson‬‬ ‫‪google A Child's Garden of Verses‬‬

‫‪SOLUTION: 1-C, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-D.‬‬

‫دعوة على العشاء‬

‫ٍ‬ ‫دعوات شخصية لكل أهل مدينته الذين‬ ‫أقام رجل غني عشا ًء ضخام تتخلّله مفاجأة مل يُفصح عنها‪ ،‬وأرسل‬ ‫كانوا يعملون يف بساتينه ومعامله‪.‬‬

‫ولَام اقرتبت ساعة العشاء ‪ ،‬تجمهر الناس خارج باحة قرص الرجل الغني؛ لك ْن ما من احد كان مستعدا ً‬ ‫للدخول !‬ ‫وكانت تساؤالتٌ عديدة مدار أحاديثهم وهم واقفون خارجاً‪ .‬فقال واحدٌ‪“ :‬ال شك أن السيد يريد أن يجمعنا‬ ‫ربا الحظ تقصريا ً ما يف عملنا‪ ،‬أو رسقاتِنا الصغرية من بساتينه أو‬ ‫كلّنا يف قرصه‪ ،‬ليك يقبض علينا ويسجننا‪ ،‬ألنه ّ‬ ‫معامله‪ ”.‬وقال آخر‪“ :‬إ ّن السيد‬ ‫حريص عىل أمواله‪،‬فال ب ّد انه سيطالبنا بديوننا مضاعفة‪ ،‬ونحن عاجزون عن‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫تسديدها‪ .‬إنها فرصة سانحة ليفعل ذلك‪ ”.‬وأضاف ثالث‪ ” :‬ال شك أ ّن السيد س ُيلزمنا بالفوائد‬ ‫املرتتّبة علينا‪ ،‬فيستعبدنا له‪ ،‬بل ويستعبد أبناءنا‪ .‬وما هذا العشاء سوى تغطية لِ َس ّن قانونه‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫بسندات دفعٍ تُرافقنا حتى مامتنا‪”.‬‬ ‫علينا‪ ،‬ولتقييدنا‬ ‫وهكذا راح البعض ينسحب من أمام القرص‪ ،‬رافضاً دعوة السيد؛ وراح البعض اآلخر ينتظر‬ ‫خارجاً مشكّكاً بن ّية السيد وهدفه من وراء هذا العشاء الضخم‪ .‬لكن شاباً واحدا ً‪ ،‬كان يستمع‬ ‫اىل احاديث أهل املدينة‪ ،‬مل يكن موافقاً عىل تساؤالتهم وتشكيكهم؛ فص ّمم عىل‬ ‫الدخول‪ ،‬برغم نظرات اآلخرين وهمساتهم‪ .‬وكانت املفاجأة ! دقّت ساعة‬ ‫العشاء وا ُقفل باب القرص‪ ،‬وعاد الجميع اىل بيوتهم؛ بينام متتّع هذا‬ ‫الشاب بالعشاء الفخم مع السيد الغني ورجاله االمناء‪ .‬ومع أنه كان‬ ‫الوحيد الذي لبّى الدعوة‪ ،‬لك ّن املفاجأة التي خبّأها السيد‪ ،‬ا ُعلِ َنت يف‬ ‫نهاية العشاء‪ ،‬وقد كانت أ ّن ّ‬ ‫كل َمن يَحرض يحصل عىل عف ٍو نهايئ‪ ،‬عن‬ ‫كل الديون والفوائد واملوجِبات‪ .‬فخرج الشاب ُحرا ً وفرحاً‪ ،‬بينام ِ‬ ‫خس‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫كل أهل املدينة بسبب رفضهم وشكّهم وسوء ظ ّنهم‪.‬‬ ‫‪36‬‬

‫‪The Source‬‬

‫?‪Did you know‬‬ ‫‪The first animal launched into orbit, Laika,‬‬ ‫‪was found as a stray wandering the streets‬‬ ‫‪of Moscow. Soviet scientists assumed that‬‬ ‫‪such animals had already learned to endure‬‬ ‫‪conditions of extreme cold and hunger.‬‬

‫تم العثور عىل الكلبة اليكا ‪,‬اول حيوان أطلق يف املدار‬ ‫ضاال يف شوارع موسكو‪,‬يفرتض العلامء السوفييت ان هذه‬ ‫الحيوانات كانت قد تعلمت بالفعل تحمل ظروف الربد‬ ‫القارس و الجوع املدقع‪.‬‬

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