Issue76 en

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Issue 76 | Jun 26 - July 10, 2014

Al Noor Hospital taking health care to the streets

A 'Funtastic' Summer

right here in Al Ain

Brighton College Al Ain

ADEC inspection reveals astounding results!

Real Men Give


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Contents 8 INBOX

This page is all about you! Send us your poems, pictures or letters and see them published here. Ask us your questions and pick up some handy environmental tips


All the news from around Al Ain

13 ENVIRONMENT Lose those kilos


Every woman deserves pampering

16 STUFF FOR MEN Real Men Give

18 29



CITY REVIEW L'italiano's: “Pizza Perfect”and sooo much more…


ENTERTAINMENT Hollywood & Bollywood gossip


MY WORLD Five People You Meet in Travel Hell


DIARY What are your plans for next week? Take a look at our diary for the latest events happening around town






COMMUNITY FORUM Al Noor Hospital Taking health care to the streets

& LIFESTYLE 20 HEALTH Surprising Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting


Asma Ibrahim Al Blooshi: From student to teacher


A 'Funtastic' Summer right here in Al Ain


What Ramadan is all about


Beat the heat with chilled sweet delights



Director's Note!



ere is an old bedtime story that just never gets old and I am dedicating it to a very dear friend who loves the inspirational power of just living – you can read this to your beautiful new baby soon Nour. Once upon a time there was an island where all the emotions lived; Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and other such feelings, including Love. One day it was announced to all of them that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. So, all the emotions prepared their boats to leave.

Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve the island paradise until the last possible moment. When the island was almost totally under water, Love decided it was time to leave. She began looking for help. Just then Wealth was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked, “Wealth, can I come with you on your boat?” “I’m sorry you can’t”, answered Wealth, “I’ve got so much silver and gold on my boat that there is no room for you anywhere.”


Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help who was passing in a beautiful yacht. Love cried out, “Vanity, help me please.” “I can’t help you. You are all wet and will damage my beautiful yacht” said Vanity and sailed away.


Next, Love saw Sadness passing by. Love said, “Sadness, please let me go with you.” Sadness answered, “Love, I’m sorry, but I just want to be left alone right now.”


Then, Love saw Happiness. Love cried out, “Happiness, please take me with you.” But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn’t even hear Love’s cries for help.

CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Nadia Hussain, Dr. Talal Mohammed Al Darwich, Marianne Makdisi, K.Radhaskishan, Ahamed Barnard, J.J. Green,

Love began to cry. Then, she heard a voice say, “Come Love, I will take you with me.” It was an old man that Love didn’t know. Love felt so grateful and so much joy that she forgot to ask his name. When they finally got to land, the old man left and went on his way without another word. Love realized how much she owed to the old man, and asked Knowledge:


“Who was the old man that helped me?”“ Time” Knowledge answered. “But why did Time help me when no one else would?” Love asked. Knowledge smiled and answered:

TO CONTACT US +971 3 7668111 FOLLOW US ON thesourceuae

“Because only Time can tell how important Love is.” Protect love and always take it with you until the end of time because their can never be enough of this emotion – ever! Ramadan Kareem thesourceuae thesourceuae


No part of this publication or content, thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of The Source Magazine, published by Smart Design Publishing, in writing. The Source Magazine and Smart Design Publishing accept no responsibility, however caused, for errors or omissions contained in this publication. Any articles and/or images included in this publication and/or views and opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of The Source Magazine and Smart Design Publishing, and any of its affiliates, but remain solely those of the author(s). Such publications have been included for general reference and the purpose of fair review. Copyright © 2014 by The Source and Smart Design Publishing, and its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Managing Director


1. Beauty Solutions Trading and Consulting is once again giving 5 readers (magazine readers as well as our social media fans) a chance to get their hands on one of Ciaté London’s Doll house Collection nail polish sets worth AED 150 each! So if you did not win the last time, you have one more chance to get lucky! To win, simply tell us which colours are a part of this collection? 2. Closeup wants to give our readers sparkling white teeth with their new Diamond Attraction Dental Gel. A six months’ supply can be all yours! How? It’s easy; we want to know which section of The Source is your favourite and why? We will be picking two winners in this issue. Send your answers with the subject line ‘Ciate – Doll House’ for the first contest and ‘Closeup’ for the second to Don’t forget to tell us which part of Al Ain you live in.

*Terms and & Conditions applied.



Camilla's words of widsom


"Anger resolves nothing it only puts up your blood pressure." Catherine Pulsifer


"In a new study going around I read that sanitizers are not entirely safe, for adults as well as kids. Is there any truth to that? Are anti-bacterial wet wipes any good? What other alternatives are there if I'm on the move and don't have access to soap and water?" Excellent question!

Name: SHADOW Shadow is a 6 month old puppy needing a new home as her current owner cannot s p e n d enough time with her due to work commitments. She is used to living in an apartment but would love a garden with a lively family as she loves people and children. She gets on with other dogs and loves camping in the desert! She is very well trained and an affectionate dog. Shadow is spayed, microchipped and vaccinated. For more details call Animal Welfare Al Ain on 050-533-8577 or for more animals looking for homes, visit www.

Washing your hands with soap and water is best for removing bacteria, virus and fungi from your hands. It's the most effective protection from contracting and spreading illness. Alcohol based handsanitizers are the next best option. What is debatable is whether triclosan containing hand-sanitizers are effective and safe. So,

y k c a W d l r o W

Crocodile flavour ICE CREAM goes on sale

What's your favourite ice cream flavour mint choc chip, rum and raisin? Well, how about crocodile...? That's the unique new flavour on offer at the Sweet Spot restaurant in Davao City in the Philippines. The owners of the store, husband and wife Dino and Bianca Ramos, have been selling the ice cream ever since they received a batch of croc eggs from Dino’s uncle. What started off as an experiment quickly turned into one of the most popular treats they sell. "Of course it is regular ice cream and doesn’t taste like croc meat," says Dino.

Are you travelling this summer? This sentence may come in handy


"It’s only the eggs we use. But they do make delicious ice cream. "Because crocs are an endangered species, we only get the eggs that do not hatch or are surplus." Crocodile eggs are said to be 80% yolk and much healthier than chicken eggs.

I recommend soap and water or alcohol based hand sanitizers. Gabe The doctor is always on call at The Source and asking the right questions can lead to better health. Dr. Gabriel comes to us from Oasis Hospital, where he practices family medicine. Simply send your questions to askthedoctor@ and see them answered and published in the magazine.

TIPS TO GO GREEN Donate or recycle electronics. Much energy is expended producing and shipping electronic devices, so it’s vital to get as much “mileage” out of them as possible. Reusing electronics also keeps harmful metals and plastics from reaching landfills. The EPA maintains a list of places to donate used electronics.


WINNERS ARE... Jancent, Ma. Jermaine Cabahug, Joseph Osama, S Saleh and Jennifer Collins. You have each won a goody bag from Ponds.

Congratulations! Please email us at before July 9, 2014 to claim your prize.





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NRC Invites the Community to Join Hands to Address Drug Abuse The National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) recently announced its plan for celebrating World Drug Day throughout the last week of June. Along with Abu Dhabi Police, NRC aims to raise awareness of drug abuse, as well as the treatment and rehabilitation services provided by the center. H.E Dr. Hamad Al Ghaferi, Director General, praised the efforts the nation has placed on combatting drug use under the wise leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces and with the continued support of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy

Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs. Al Ghaferi said: “We find that World Drug Day is a chance for us to bring the community together to raise awareness on this major issue, and how drugs affect family relationships, socio-economic status and most importantly, one’s health. We recognize that drug abuse and rehabilitation is a societal stigma. If people find it difficult to come to us for help or to find out more about what we do, we’ll go to them. We are taking this opportunity to give the public our support, and that anyone who speaks to us does so in strict confidence.” The NRC is inviting the public to visit its stands at Marina Mall and Dalma Mall to

participate in activities organized between June 22 and June 26. These activities will include the showing of films and documentaries that present the history of drugs, drug abuse and the many negative side effects associated with drug use. A free clinic operated by experts from the NRC will be available to passersby to answer any questions related to addiction or rehabilitation. The awareness week will be supported by a heavy presence on twitter: the hashtag (#LifeFirst) has been created to encourage people to engage in NRC’s broader awareness efforts in addressing addiction. People seeking help or looking for more information can call the NRC’s hotline on 800 2252.

No trucks in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain during rush hours of Ramadan The Traffic and Patrols Directorate at Abu Dhabi Police has announced that trucks weighing 2.5 tons and over will not be allowed to enter the cities of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain during the rush hours of the holy month of Ramadan. In order to ensure a smooth flow of traffic, trucks will be prevented from entering the cities between 7:30 to 9:30 am and from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Congratulations Headstart Nursery Al Ain. It’s that time of the year, when the birds leave the nest, and take their first flight into the real world. Graduation is an important step in every student’s life. It symbolises hard work and a sense of achievement. The Source would like to congratulate all the Classes of 2014, and wish them all the best in their future endeavours. We are proud of you!

Al Ain Zoo kicks off the summer with the ‘Night Zoo’ Al Ain Zoo has announced that it will be changing its summer operating hours, where guests of all ages will get the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of activities and exclusive offers for the entire family in the cooler hours of the evening. Embracing Abu Dhabi’s summer mascot, the turtle, Al Ain Zoo’s resident experts will be leading informative discussions on this amphibious species. Visitors will also get the chance to take a closer look into the world of reptiles through learning exciting information about these unique creatures. Live crocodile feedings will also be taking 10

The Source

place, under the supervision of the crocodile keepers, allowing for a thrilling and exciting experience. Guaranteeing a fun learning environment for all, a variety of exciting animal experiences such as the live bird shows and weekly lively and educational movie screenings will be exhibited at the Parrot Tent. Several feedings are scheduled for the evening hours, leaving the animals energetic and lively for night-time visitors. The zoo is open daily from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. during the holy month of Ramadan.

Brigadier Eng. Hussein Ahmed Al Harithi, Director of Traffic and Patrols Directorate at Abu Dhabi Police, stressed that traffic control will be intensified during Ramadan in order to prevent heavy trucks from entering Abu Dhabi. Al Harithi noted that violating trucks will face impoundment for a period of one week, a fine of AED 1000, and a penalty of eight black points on the driver's license for the first offense. The penalty for a second violation will be increased to an impoundment period of two weeks in addition to the fine and black points. Under the “Your Safety” campaign, Al Harithi called upon drivers to: benefit from Ramadan's spiritual connotations; abide by the traffic laws and determined speeds on internal and external roads; leave enough space and pay attention; give priority to pedestrians at pedestrian zones; use seat belts; and to avoid using mobile phones while driving.


Brighton College Al Ain is best new school in history of Abu Dhabi Emirate ADEC inspection report hails ‘extremely positive impact’ of independent school

Brighton College Al Ain has been awarded the highest grade ever achieved by a new school in the Abu Dhabi Emirate. The historic A2 rating by Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) follows a three-day inspection of the British-style independent school. The highly coveted rating also makes Brighton College Al Ain the top ranked school in Al Ain history, less than a year after it opened in September 2013. Admissions staff at the school now anticipate a surge in applications for places following publication of the report. Inspectors praised the ‘exceptional progress’ of children at Brighton College Al Ain in the report, predicting that ‘the majority will receive A and A* grades in English, mathematics, science and ICT’ at GCSE. The quality of teaching and learning at the school is heralded as ‘exciting and always interesting for students,’ resulting in ‘highly engaged’ children who are ‘very confident, enjoy school life and say they are proud to belong to Brighton College.’ Brighton College Al Ain has also won the plaudits of ADEC inspectors for combining ‘an extremely strong ethos of care’ with ‘a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities’ through which pupils have ‘developed a

love of learning for its own sake’ within just two terms of the school opening. The school is judged to be close to its goal to become ‘internationally recognised as a leading British Curriculum school in the Middle East,’ with inspectors hailing the ‘exceptionally strong capacity to develop the school even further and fulfil its ambitious aims.’ Brighton College Al Ain is the sister school of its British counterpart, Brighton College, which achieved the highest examination grades of any co-educational school in British history last summer. In the last four years, Brighton College has won a host of accolades including Sunday Times ‘Independent School of the Year’ and ‘UK Independent School of the Year,’ whilst Headmaster Mr. Richard Cairns was named as Tatler Headmaster of the Year last year. Responding to the ADEC inspection report, Mr. Cairns commented: ‘I am delighted that ADEC has recognised the impact that Brighton College UK’s newest school is having in Al Ain. It has not only raised the bar in terms of the quality of Britishstyle education on offer but also quickly established itself as one of the best schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.’ He continued: ‘The Headmaster of Brighton

College Al Ain, and his superb team of outstanding teachers and support staff, are to be congratulated for this stellar achievement.’ Mr. Alun Yorath, Headmaster of Brighton College Al Ain, paid tribute to children at the school for their role in the landmark ADEC inspection rating. He commented: ‘When the College opened its doors in September, our pupils were quickly made aware of the unique opportunity that they were being given to study at a school that aims to become a byword for excellence. ‘They have responded by matching our ambition for them with every new challenge that they encounter and the outstanding ADEC inspection report quite rightly acknowledges their exemplary attitude to their learning.’ Mr. Ragheed Shanti, Chair of the Governors at Brighton College Al Ain, expressed his delight at the achievements of a school that is less than a year old. Mr. Shanti said: ‘The progress of the College over the last ten months has been every bit as rapid as that of the pupils under its care. ‘I have no doubt that the College will continue to flourish and deliver exceptional outcomes for its pupils over the next months and years.’ The Source


tech talk


The Emotion-reading personal robot set for release in 2015

One thing that allows human beings to live together is their ability to read one another’s emotions before the frying pans start to fly. Pepper is a semi-humanoid robot designed to do just that. Pepper was jointly developed by SoftBank Mobile and Aldebaran Robotics SAS. Looking like an affable plastic anime character, the robot stands 121 cm tall and weighs 28 kg. It travels at 3 km/h with its joints designed for graceful movement to allow it to communicate in a natural manner. To help it interact with those around it, Pepper is equipped with a suite of sensors that includes four microphones, a pair of colour video cameras, 3D sensor, touch sensors, bump sensors, lasers, sonar, and gyros positioned in the head, body, arms, and legs. It also boasts voice recognition capabilities and features a 10.1-in Free. Android, iOS, Kindle & Windows Are you a movie buff? Then download IMDb where you watch trailers, browse photos, track your must-see list and rate your favorite movies and TV shows! IMDb is the world’s largest collection of movie, TV and celebrity info. They aim to list every detail about every movie and TV show ever made, including who was in it, who made it, the plot, user ratings, trailers, photos, reviews, quotes, goofs, trivia and much more. You can also look up the list of tope movies of all time, best comedies, horror, drama and more.

touchscreen display on its chest, while an in built Wi-Fi module keeps it connected to the internet. It can run for around 12 hours on its lithium-ion battery, and has auto balance capabilities, along with anti-collision and safety features. According to SoftBank Mobile, the robot is capable of emotion recognition by gauging expressions and voice tones, and it can modify its behaviour based on what it sees and hears. In addition, by the time of its commercial launch, the company says it will also have the ability to learn through experience. Pepper will be on sale in Japan in February2015 at a base price of ¥198,000 (AED 7,132 approx ). Ramadan 2014 Free. Android Stay posted with suhoor and iftar's timings. This app also offers the five islamic prayer times, for more than 251 countries. You can save missed days, get notifications for Eid Al Fitr and set alarm options for prayers. One of the biggest drawbacks of this app is the size. If you have 10 mb to spare, check out this app.

Onefootball Brasil - World CupFree. Android & iOS The world cup is in full swing and if you find yourself on the go during the matches download this app. You can get up to date play-by-play match commentary in the live ticker and never miss a game with their World Cup planner. You can also see all the latest news, match schedules, results and statistics, videos from press conferences and interviews, pre- and postgame news coverage for all matches and chat with other fans from around the world live during a match. The app can be set up with personalised push notifications. Dinner Spinner Free. Android & iOS If you haven’t already downloaded this app, you must! If you are someone who doesn’t know how to cook and your better half is flying away for the summer, or if you are a good cook who is running dry on ideas, let this app guide you. A fun and easy way to find awesome recipes! Search by ingredient or give your phone a shake to find inspiration. Then relax and feel the cooking stress melt away. You’ll be making recipes tested and reviewed by home cooks like you. 12

The Source

TubePro Free. Microsoft The official YouTube app from Microsoft is a bit disappointing, due to limitations imposed by Google. For example, it doesn't let you record and upload videos! TubePro doesn't have that limitation and offers plenty of other goodies on both the video consuming and uploading sides. For example, you can save videos for offline viewing. It also makes good use of distinctive Windows Phone interface features like tiles and swiping.

Lose those



JJ Dubblejay

s a teenager I fluked a scholarship to attend a private school. I managed fine in English and History and Procrastination, but the move revealed that my education at government schools had lacked rigor in one area in particular.

The problem was simple: Mr Lovall was speaking a language I didn’t understand.

In my very first math class, Mr Lovall (ooh, the irony) squiggled a wibbly thingy on the board then thrust a knobbled finger in my direction like a sword. “What’s this?” he challenged in his bellowy bark. I’d never seen a wibbly thingy like it, so I shrugged my shoulders and told him I didn’t know. I thought nothing would come of it - after all, at my last school ignorance had not only been expected, but fiercely protected. It turned out to be a bad move. Mr Lovall's eyes narrowed, his mouth soured and his posture became ever so subtly more aggressive.

In short, the elite are forgoing passage aboard the good ship Sustainability. And I think I know why. It’s not resistance to Al Gore’s monumental boringness, nor the pseudo-science of the sympathetic interest groups. Take a look at the following quote from the IPCC report and consider why the folk of Surrey and Southampton might think it gobbledygook:

To his credit, the teacher declined to run me through. Instead he drew the desired response from a classmate, who answered with an immediacy and confidence that astounded. “A surd, sir,” said the twit. The rest of the class chimed in and the room came alive like an engine ignited. In that moment, I was lost to math. The screw turned and the mathematical ship steamed off, leaving me floundering in its wake.

And thus the subject turns, obviously, to climate change. Politicians and businesspeople are again accusing the environmental lobby of scaremongering. The findings of the IPCC are “nonsense.” The greens, they say, want to plunge us back into the Dark Ages. Global Warming is a natural cycle.

“…a 0.5 to 2 meter sea level rise could displace between 1.2 and 2.2 million people…” It’s the metric system. In the workshops of the industrial elite they’re still measuring in feet and yards. Talk of meters has them blinking furiously and looking about as if searching for something lost. And the IPCC reports are riddled with it. Here’s an example which communicate on two fronts:




“…a long-term temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels would lead to a median global sea level rise of 4.8 meters…” Not only does it talk Metrics, but it’s speaking Celsius as well. Don’t they realize that when Donald Trump takes to the ice, he thinks the temperature is below 32, not zero? Fortunately, politicians and businesspeople understand the language of cash. There’s plenty of climate-dollar numbers to bandy about, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get everyone in sync with reality. In 2012 the US government spent $139 billion on the consequences of extreme weather - more than on education or transportation. Private insurers covered 25 percent; the federal government paid the rest. Oh, dear. The Republican Party needs to hear that. They’ll put a stop to this egregious waste of public funds in no time. They’ll block the budget, hold congress to ransom over it. Rush Limbaugh’s blubber will shudder in indignation. Glenn Beck’s spittle will curdle. The silent majority will rise as the suits descend from the boardrooms and march down Wall Street demanding action. See, the captains of carbon are just like me. What they need is the right education.

The Source


urban woman


J By Komal R. Lakhani

deserves pampering

ust like our cell phones, we often require recharging but unlike the phones, there are limitless ways of recharging ourselves. I recently indulged in some much needed R & R at the newly opened Tips and Toes Spa at Wahat Hili Mall. This luxuriously appointed spa spreads across at least a dozen therapy rooms with separate areas for hair treatments and an even bigger space to pamper your tips and toes. My evening started with a tour of the entire facility, after which I was introduced to Nimade from Bali, who began with my Silky Skin Body Scrub. This therapeutic treatment provides an entire body exfoliation. Nimade was gentle and applied pressure to just the right spots. This was followed by a warm shower and then an application of menthol liquid to expedite the release of stress and toxins - which it absolutely did! The treatment ended on a heavenly note with a full body massage using moisturising products from Pevonia, including peony extracts. Peonies activate the natural defense mechanisms of skin, toning and firming the epidermis. The extract of the petals have a regenerative, softening, moisturizing, firming and antiinflammation effect. On the other hand, the root extract is often used as an ingredient for skin-soothing lotions, and hair conditioners. Bathing with peony extract can help to calm and soothe nerves. The end effect was definitely an ultra silky, rejuvenated skin and I was relaxed into a state of oblivion. I hated the thought of leaving this cozy, dimly lit room. Luckily Tips and toes has a solution for this dilemma. Before exiting into the ‘real world’, there is a resting room with individual canopy beds, soft music and a fountain, all of which magically transport you to a lush tropical rain forest where you can repose until you are ready to emerge. After resting for a bit


The Source

I graced down the candlelit passage for my hair appointment. After a thorough hair wash, I was given a fabulous haircut and styling by Asrat (Ash), who worked wonders with my wavy hair without compromising the length - just the way I like it! The entire staff is polite, hospitable and extremely engaging, ensuring that your stay is at the highest level of comfort at all times.

Every woman is special and we all deserve to be spoiled from time to time! Treating ourselves to a good pampering is a small price to pay for the benefits and believe me when I tell you that I slept like a baby that night! Fortunately for us, Tips and Toes is offering a 30 per cent discount on all services (excluding nails) until the end of June at the Wahat Hili branch. So get out there and give yourself the pampering you deserve!

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stuff for men

Real Men Give


By Farid Nouisser

ince this article appears on the English side of our magazine, I am assuming that some of the readers will be western expats and probably nonMuslims. Regardless of your religious beliefs gentlemen, we reside in a predominantly Muslim society and whether we are Muslims or not, the Holy Month of Ramadan has arrived and with it should come a time of humble reflection for all. In a world ravaged by hunger pain and violence, our awareness of this mayhem may simply be the result of reading the paper or watching daily news channels. If so, then we can consider ourselves among the fortunate few who not only have an obligation, but the power to make a difference! It may seem as though global chaos has spiraled out of control and implementing change has become somewhat of a pipedream, but I assure you that it’s never too late to leave a footprint of kindness. The trick is not


The Source

venturing too far with your deeds. Have a look around your own backyards for people and situations in need and start small. If the fortunate and bountiful of this earth all adopted this philosophy of aid, a domino effect would surely result and improvement on a large scale would be imminent. In other words, think globally and act locally!

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” – Albert Pike (1809 – 1891)

The following is a compilation of quotes from a select few ‘real men’ that carry with them the necessary inspiration to invoke action from those of us who have good intentions but suffer from the ‘complacency epidemic’. Read these thought provoking words of wisdom and use this Holy Month of Ramadan to do what many of us push off for that perpetual tomorrow – there may not be another day so act now and peace be with you!

“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” – John F. Kennedy (Inaugural Address 1961)

“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world” – Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) “The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make the money do more for the betterment of life.” – Henry Ford (1863 – 1947)

“I would rather have it said, ‘He lived usefully’, than, ‘He died rich’.” - Benjamin Franklin (letter to his mother 1750)

“Is the rich world aware of how four billion of the six billion live? If we were aware, we would want to help out; we’d want to get involved.” – Bill Gates “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt (Second Inaugural Address 1937) “Don’t give until it hurts, rather give until it heals.” – Farid Nouisser ( For The Source Magazine- Issue #76, June 24, 2014)



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social & community forum


Giving back to the community Al Noor Hospital - Al Ain Campus launches a community outreach program to shed light on various health & wellness related topics

I 18

n one of our previous issues we featured a health index barometer that indicated the overall health of the population of this country as compared to the perceived health of the individual residents, and the discovery was that we still have a long journey ahead before arriving at a desired state of acceptable health. Al Noor Hospital, Al Ain Campus is not taking the

The Source

health issues plaguing our city's residents lightly, and with a proactive stance, bringing this message to the streets in hopes of creating the required awareness to make a difference in Al Ain. At The Source, we applaud this effort and as a community magazine, we are offering our support to insure that the message is received loud and clear and the people of Al Ain begin to take the required steps toward a healthier existence. Al Noor Hospital, Al Ain Campus earlier this year launched its community outreach program aimed at promoting preventive

social & community forum care and wellness for the Al Ain residents. Part of this program is in collaboration with Al Ain Mall. Every alternate Thursday, from 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm, Al Ain mall visitors will have the opportunity to learn about a different health and wellness topic and will have access to a number of free medical assessments, free consultations with medical experts and will also receive various educational material pertaining to the topic highlighted on the day. “Changing nutritional habits, reliance on fast food and decreasing habitual physical activity, have resulted in the emergence of non-communicable diseases as the dominant feature of poor health in the community” said Dr. Amina El Saleh, Hospital Director at the Al Ain Campus “In recognition of this and in alignment with the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi (HAAD) disease prevention programs, we have introduced outreach activities aimed at drawing attention to the lifestyle diseases and other preventable health problems” A variety of health topics including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or heart health, eating disorder, nutrition and cervical and colorectal cancer have already been covered and there are a many more lined up such as asthma, the harmful effects of tobacco and men’s health, to name a few. Al Noor Hospital – Al Ain Campus is committed to engage in programs that are specifically designed to provide the community with the knowledge and support they need to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to make better choices. The program will run until the end of 2014. About Al Noor Hospital – Al Ain Campus

Al Noor Hospital – Al Ain Campus is located in the center of Al Ain city and was established in 2006. The hospital offers a wide range of medical and surgical inpatient and outpatient services including a 24-hour emergency service. The hospital

is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratory, radiology, a nuclear medicine department, physiotherapy unit and houses over 20 clinics covering all major specialties. For more information visit www.alnoorhospital. com

The Source


health & lifestyle

Surprising Health Benefits of


Although three dates are eaten at the start of Iftar every day during Ramadan for spiritual reasons, they also come with the added bonus of multiple health benefits. One of the most important aspects of fasting is getting the right amount of energy, and considering an average serving of dates contains 31 grams of carbohydrates, they become an instant energy booster. Dates are also a great source of fibre and given their high levels of potassium, magnesium and B vitamins, it quickly becomes apparent that dates are one of the healthiest fruits out there.


No doubt you’ll be aware of the positive effects fasting can have on your mental wellbeing and spiritual focus, but the brainboosting powers of Ramadan are even more significant than you might think. A study carried out by scientists in the USA found that the mental focus achieved during Ramadan increases the level of brainderived neurotrophic factor, which causes the body to produce more brain cells,


The Source

thus improving brain function. Likewise, a distinct reduction in the amount of the hormone cortisol, produced by the adrenal gland, means that stress levels are greatly reduced both during and after Ramadan.


Because you will be fasting during the day, Ramadan is the perfect time to ditch your bad habits for good. Vices such as smoking and sugary foods should not be indulged during Ramadan, and as you abstain from them your body will gradually acclimatize to their absence, until your addiction is kicked for good. It’s also much easier to quit habits when you do so in a group, which should be easy to find during Ramadan.


We all know that weight loss is one of the possible physical outcomes of fasting during Ramadan, but there are also a host of other healthy changes going on behind the scenes. A team of cardiologists in the UAE found that people observing Ramadan enjoy a positive effect on their lipid profile, which means there is a reduction of cholesterol in the blood. Low cholesterol increases cardiovascular health, greatly reducing the risk of suffering from heart disease, a heart attack, or a stroke. What’s more, if you follow a healthy diet after Ramadan, this newly lowered cholesterol level should be easy to maintain.


One of the main problems with extreme fad diets is that any weight lost is often quickly put back on, sometimes even with a little added extra. This isn’t the case with Ramadan. The reduction in food consumed throughout fasting causes your stomach to gradually shrink, meaning you’ll need to eat less food to feel full. If you want to get into the habit of healthy eating then Ramadan is a great time to start.


As well as being great for spiritually cleansing yourself, Ramadan acts as a fantastic detox for your body. By not eating or drinking throughout the day your body will be offered the rare chance to detoxify your digestive system throughout the month. When your body starts eating into fat reserves to create energy, it will also burn away any harmful toxins that might be present in fat deposits.


By not eating throughout the day you’ll find that your metabolism becomes more efficient. This is because of an increase in a hormone called adiponectin, which is produced by a combination of fasting and eating late at night, and allows your muscles to absorb more nutrients. This will lead to health benefits all around the body, as various areas are able to better absorb and make use of the nutrients they need to function.


Al Ain’s Leading School Source: ADEC Private School inspection reports 2012-2014 inclusive

Brighton College Al Ain has been awarded the highest grade ever achieved by a school in Al Ain and the best of any new school in the history of Abu Dhabi Emirate.

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School leaders have made an ‘extremely positive impact’ For further information please visit Email

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AL AIN, UAE 2013

al majlis

From student to teacher By Komal R. Lakhani

This week I had the chance to interview someone who was not only born and raised in Al Ain but has given back to our community in more ways than one can count. Asma Ibrahim Al Blooshi, an educator at Al Ain’s Women’s College is our woman in focus. The recent recipient of an Outstanding Achievement Award presented by H.E. Mohammad Omran Al Shamsi (Chancellor of Higher Colleges of Technology), Asma was also an active U.A.E volunteer ambassador at the World Expo 2010 and 2012, and continues to volunteer in various capacities today.


The Source

Tell us about your studying in Al Ain?


During my first year at college, I had to prove myself because everyone thought I came from a private school. But like most students, I attended a government school. My family’s support is what I appreciate the most; carrying me throughout the years and affording me an education without limits. Tell us a little about your teaching philosophy and what you hope to achieve. A teacher must understand a student’s character. What the student needs is someone who will listen to them and help them achieve their goals. I have been teaching information technology for the past two years and was the first Emirati female to teach at a Men’s college – a very unique experience for both me and the students! I never start a lesson immediately; for the first 10 minutes, I ask them to tell me what they did today that made them proud? The boys tell me things like “I was not rude to the security guard today”, it’s a small start but it’s good. I want to be proud of my students and see them succeed – bottom line! You studied at the Women’s college and now you are teaching there; how does that feel? It feels like the years have raced by. I dreamed of one day teaching while I was a student and pushed myself to realize my dream. Being able to give back to an institution and a community I will always consider my home is the greatest gift imaginable and I am truly grateful for my blessings and opportunity. The respect and support I receive from the college is humbling and I am sought after for every event. You also train faculty members at the women’s college, how do you approach this task? I.T. is growing in Al Ain. I teach the faculty in modules; it’s important to start with the basics and move up from there.

I conduct group lessons but some are shy and prefer individual coaching or online classes. I try to have open conversations with them and let them explore their individual learning limits. Technology changes daily and as such we cannot force them to change at the same pace. They need to first embrace the information and absorb it at a comfortable speed that renders results rather than frustration in the classroom. Hobbies I enjoy toying with after effects software apps to edit videos or photos as well as physical activities like tennis and aerobics. I am also a licenced scuba diver and can dive up to 18 meters. Diving is an incredibly calming experience and I would encourage everyone to at least try snorkelling in the Maldives. What are your views on the future of education in Al Ain? I believe that the next five to seven years will usher in better and more diverse choices and Al Ain will grow with many new projects. Hamdan University is going to have a huge impact on education. The UAEU is currently one of the most important institutions along with Zayed University and the Higher College of Technology. The urgency to study abroad no longer exists as a result of our outstanding facilities right at home and with the addition of technology and social media; the entire world can be brought right to our door step. What advice can you give to the students? Appreciate what is given to you and give back in return. Compared to other countries, students in the UAE enjoy excellent education at virtually no cost. All we ask of them is to take it seriously and work hard at contributing to a stronger individual and collective future for themselves and their country. As an I.T. instructor, I would also like to remind students that technology is a precious gift and should be used wisely!

al majlis

The Source




right here in Al Ain

ummer can be a difficult time for both kids and adults. The heat is the biggest problem and the other, which we can help you with, is boredom. Many families fly away for the summer, either back home or to various vacation destinations, leaving the neighbourhood desolate.

For families staying in Al Ain over the summer, here are some interesting things to do: FOR THE KIDS There are a number of activities to keep your kids busy, especially if both parents are working or if you just want to put a stop to their “I’m sooo bored” tantrums. Sayfuna Mumayaz 2014, courtesy of the Abu Dhabi Education Council, has a number of activities lined up for the summer. For enrolment details, visit their website If your child is more of an artist, then a summer Drum Workshop and Art classes starting from July 6th at House of arts can help satisfy their artistic cravings. They also have a new program called Kindermusik, starting on Sunday, 31 August 2014, which is designed especially for children. There is no age requirement for this


The Source

class and even a new born can enroll with a parent. Al Araa Creative Training Center, located in Oud Touba has a Sayeef wu kayeef (Enjoy your summer camp) from June 22, 9 am – 1 pm. Activities include computer classes, painting, swimming and more. You can reach them at 037555779. United Sports Academy has football classes for boys (aged 5 and up). It’s located behind Al Ain Mall. Their Ramadan timings are 10 am – 12 pm. FOR THE ADULTS We did not forget the adults and realize that sitting poolside is not an everyday option. Here are some other things you can do with or without the kids in tow. If you like adventure, Al Ain Sportsplex is the place to go. Why not gather some friends and team up for a game of paintball! Ladies can benefit from the various Ramadan offers up for grabs at the numerous privately owned gyms in Al Ain. Most of them have deals on Zumba, Aerobics and Pilates with unlimited aerobics or gym use from AED 350 – 400.

By K.Radhakishan

FOR THE FAMILY Living in the UAE, you have surely noticed that this is ‘food land’, boasting every possible cuisine. Ramadan is a great time to indulge in some traditional Arabic food while giving the Shawarma a break. Popular places for Arabic food are Al Dar, Matam (Restaurant), Abu Halib for their Arabic buffet and Leisure Restaurant. If you are looking for some family fun on the weekend, Wadi Adventure will be having a traditional Arabic Style Iftar Buffet for 100 AED per person, inclusive of admission to Wadi Adventure surf pool. Enjoy extended park hours until 10 PM every Friday during Ramadan! Al Ain Zoo has some interesting family activities planned; details of those can be found on their website. During Ramadan, most shops outside the malls are open past midnight providing an excellent opportunity to stroll through the local markets and take in the culture of this unique country. So if you’re staying here, don’t get bored, get busy and have a ‘funtastic’ summer!


Brighton College hails its scholars in glittering ceremony


57 of Al Ain’s brightest children prepare for world class education

alented children from schools across the city took a bow in a night of celebration at Brighton College Al Ain last Wednesday. The 57 youngsters have won scholarships to Brighton College, the world class school that aspires to send its pupils to some of the leading universities in the world. The Source was there to share in a landmark occasion in the educational life of the Garden City. The music of Edward Elgar, he of ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ acclaim, permeates from

By JJ Green

the speakers of the packed College Theatre as a cavalcade of proud parents and siblings take their seats in this wonderful new facility. It is a fitting soundtrack to a special moment in the childhoods of 57 of the brightest young minds in the city of Al Ain, as they prepare to take the applause of the assembled gathering and mark their transition into world class education. ‘The idea of scholarships is not new,’ remarks Head Master Alun Yorath as he addresses the Theatre. ‘For many centuries children have had access to world class education at leading UK schools and universities through scholarship programmes.’ Although well-intentioned, Mr. Yorath’s comments resonate with a certain irony.

For this type of event is, in fact, completely new to Al Ain, which is still getting used to the presence of one of the world’s foremost family of schools in its midst. After all, this is Brighton College, internationally acclaimed as the leading co-educational school in Britain, extraordinarily successful thus far in its Abu Dhabi guise and now spearheading a transformation in the educational standards of the Garden City. The stirring address of the Head Master is punctuated by a delightful musical performance from ten year old flautist Anoushka Bowbyes, as she tackles Charles Gounod’s ‘Entrée des jeunes Nubiennes’. Later, the audience is treated to a beautiful

education The majority, however, have come from other local schools such as Al Ain International School and Al Ain English Speaking School, having passed rigorous scholarship examinations to take this next step in their quest for academic excellence. The smiles on faces betray their delight as they take the congratulations of parents once the event has concluded.

Limited scholarship places are still available with a 25% remission on fees. The ‘all-rounder’ scheme has caught the imagination of expatriate parents across the city who might have otherwise struggled to meet the expense of funding a world class education.

rendition of Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’ by a group of Brighton Scholars that has gained a regional reputation for its musical prowess over the course of the year. As the Awards Ceremony begins, each of the children that enter the stage and proudly accept a Scholarship certificate beam and bow, yet all with a different tale to tell. Some of those presented to the audience are bedecked in Brighton blazers and are already well known to their teachers and peers as academic high fliers, sporting stars or musical talents.

‘Knowing that Brighton College has recognised and rewarded my daughter’s hard work and talent has given her the confidence to realise that she can achieve anything,’ remarks proud mother Caroline Maxwell-Hillard as she reflects on the event. She continues: ‘We are really proud that the award of a Scholarship by Brighton College will reflect well on our daughter in university and job interviews in the future.’ For Carla Townsend, whose son was awarded an All-Rounder Scholarship, the ceremony is an emotional but uplifting event. She comments: ‘It has been a real pleasure to spend the afternoon with such talented young people and I was moved by the musical performances. The whole event was inspirational.’

We are really proud that the award of a Scholarship by Brighton College will reflect well on our daughter in university and job interviews in the future.’

As the event draws to a close, Head Master Alun Yorath has good news for prospective parents who may feel that they have missed the boat on scholarship applications for the coming academic year. ‘We remain as committed as ever to offering a remission on school fees for parents of children who demonstrate good all-round academic potential. Parents who are interested in a Brighton College education would be well advised to contact our Admissions Office as soon as possible to arrange for testing.’

culture and heritage



o Muslims, the Holy Month of Ramadan is the month of piety, beneficence and blessings. Therefore, they look forward to its arrival by observing the appearance of the new moon, which signals the beginning of a new Islamic month, and greet each other by saying "Ramadan Kareem" which means "Have

a blessed Ramadan".

Although Muslims all over the world follow the same religious beliefs based on the Holy Quran and the Prophet's traditions, each region has characteristic local customs which make Ramadan a unique experience in every country. In the UAE, Ramadan traditions already start in the run-up to the month of fasting, during the Islamic month of Sha'aban. On the eve of the fifteenth of Sha'aban, known as Hagg Al-Layla, Emirati children dress in their best clothes and go from house to house, chanting songs and poems. The neighbours await them with sweets and nuts, which the children collect in specially made cloth bags embroidered with traditional patterns. On the first night of Ramadan, the family gathers at the house of the patriarch, the male head of the family, for their first Iftar (meal of breaking the fast). Throughout the whole month, social life is focused more than ever on hospitality, family, alms giving 28

The Source

and sharing gifts and popular dishes with the community. People sponsor charity tents to serve free meals of Iftar to the needy and sometimes even distribute Iftar meals to cars and passersby before the call for the Maghreb Prayer. Following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the fasting is broken with a small appetiser of dates and Laban (buttermilk) throughout the Islamic world. In the Arabian Peninsula, the cradle of Islamic civilisation, people feel even more attached to their ancient Bedouin roots when they perform the rituals of old. Dates, the “bread of the desert”, are the most popular ingredients for Emirati Ramadan sweets and pastries such as Gars, a breadlike crumble with dates and cardamom.

Other typical dishes in the Arabian Peninsula are Harees and Threed. Harees, a creamy porridge cooked out of ground wheat and meat, is particularly valued for its restorative qualities. Threed, a meat and vegetable gravy ladled over thin bread, is an ancient Arabian dish, which dates back to pre-Islamic times. The selection of vegetables may vary depending on season and individual preference, as

does the seasoning. However, saffron, coriander and caraway seeds are the most popular choice in the Arabian Gulf. During Ramadan, every Iftar symbolises the benevolence of God. After each day of fasting, people gather and share their food with the heightened feelings of compassion, thankfulness to God's blessings and strong sense of oneness. Worshippers throng into mosques to perform additional prayers called Taraweeh, read the Holy Qur’an and attend Ramadan lectures and sermons. During the last ten days, many devoted Muslims spend the whole day in mosques, praying and reciting the Qur’an, in anticipation of the Laylat Al Qadr, the night of the first revelation of the Holy Qur’an. At the end of Ramadan, before Eid Al Fitr, Muslims pay Zakat Al Fitr, a pious charity, to the needy. In addition, many people prefer to pay their yearly Zakat during Ramadan although it can be paid at any time during the year. In Abu Dhabi, several local and federal organisations such as the General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowment, Zakat Fund and Red Crescent Authority collect Zakat to support various charity projects within and outside the Emirate. The celebration of Eid Al Fitr marks the end of Ramadan. During this holiday many Emirati families go on short trips or outings. People take the opportunity to buy new clothes and often refurnish their houses.

recipes Summer is here along with the all too familiar Al Ain heat. In this issue of The Source, our ‘foodies’ decided to battle the inferno with a bit of a twist and headed over to Makani at the Hilton for some chilling ideas, courtesy of our mixologist friend, Nurul. Here are a few frosty delights to exercise your blender and help cool you down while lounging poolside – not to mention how good you will look with one of these in your grasp!

The Concorde – avocado milkshake-strawberry Cocktail Layers Blend milk, avocado and vanilla ice cream, then layer the strawberry mixture on top; garnish with a fresh strawberry and enjoy!

Sunset – orange-pomegranate-pineapple

– avocado-mango-strawberry Individually blend the 3 ingredients, then layer starting with the avocado and finishing with the strawberry; garnish with a fresh strawberry and enjoy!

Blend all 3 ingredients together, pour into a glass, garnish with fruit of choice and enjoy!

Falcon – orange-strawberry-pineapple

Blend all 3 ingredients together, pour into a glass, garnish with an orange wheel and enjoy! The Source


city review

“Pizza Perfect”and sooo much more… By Farid Nouisser

It was time for a pizza party with a bunch of kids saying good-bye for the summer and what better place to host such an event than at Al Ain’s very own L’Italiano’s. So off we went with five adults and seven kids in tow to discover a gem of a pizzeria at Al Jimi Mall that was ready to take on the challenge of satisfying this eclectic, hungry bunch. I should probably point out that although we had pizza on our minds; L’Italiano’s is sooo much more than just another pizzeria, boasting a brand new menu that caters to a wide variety of tastes. We reserved in advance and upon our arrival were given a warm welcome by the manager Antoine, who quickly ushered us to a huge table already prepared for the party. His patience was astounding as he heroically took the orders of seven very fickle appetites, making sure not to miss a single detail. Our server Rodolfo quickly sprang into action along with the rest of the staff as the long list of savory appetizers suggested by Antoine began appearing for the adults to sample. We tried our best to pace ourselves, knowing that the main stay pizzas were still looming on the horizon, but the mouthwatering appeal of the delights placed in front of us was more than any mortal could bear and we naturally devoured the lot! After having satiated the entire party with their selection of unique pizzas, we were ready to order a crane service to remove us from the table, but to our combined horror and delight, Antoine rolled out the home style Tiramisu and ice cream for the kids – MAMA MIA! I could go on for days describing their signature stuffed and delicious thin crusted pizza but if you have not already discovered L’Italiano’s charm, then I suggest you make your way over to Al Jimi Mall to taste the difference quality makes. The amazing staff along with the wholesome original recipes will definitely speak for themselves. And if you are a foot ball fan, then why not check out their amazing patio and catch all the World Cup action live with the gang at L’italiano’s.


The Source

entertainment Time to run before the big ‘Kick’

Kick producer, Sajid Nadiadwala, seems to be racing against time right now to make headway on his film. Kick is slated for an Eid release, but unfortunately, they haven’t even wrapped up the shooting yet. He recently went on record to say that he has no time to enjoy the reception to the film’s trailer and song, since he is busy shooting and then running to the monitor. Rumour has it Salman Khan is super irritated with his producer for the delays, so much so that a fight broke out at their office.

Ranbir getting Romantic with the Ex. Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone will soon be heading to France. Unlike RK’s last outing with ladylove Katrina Kaif in Johannesburg, it seems like his France visit is strictly professional. The Kapoor lad who has just returned from his long Jagga Jasoos schedule to Mumbai is all set to head to France in a couple of weeks. Ranbir will be leaving for Corsica, South France along with ex-girlfriend Deepika very soon for Imtiaz Ali’s Tamaasha that brings the Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani Jodi together again.

Preity Zinta files complaint against ex boyfriend Ness Wadia

The actress filed a complaint with the Mumbai police on June 13, 2014 against her former boyfriend and industrialist Ness Wadia for public humiliation and abusive behaviour during an Indian Premiere League (IPL) match in Wankhede stadium on May 30th. The match was between Chennai Super Kings and Kings X1 Punjab. IPL COO Sundar Raman, had confirmed Preity’s allegations in a written statement to the Mumbai Police. Following the actress` complaint, an FIR was registered against Wadia under IPC Sections 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace), 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation) and 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman). The Mumbai Police have so far recorded statements of seven witnesses in relation with the complaint filed by Preity against Wadia. Out of the seven people, five of them have confirmed Preity`s allegations and acknowledged that the incident did take place. The Mumbai Police asked the actress who took off for the US after filing the complaint to be present at the Wankhede Stadium on June 24, for spot panchnama (verification) and recording her statement regarding the event.

Ranbir said at the event, “I leave for Corsica, South France in 12 days. We (Deepika Padukone and I) will be there for a month, shooting with Imtiaz Ali.” He added, “It’s a romantic film. I am,looking forward to shooting it.” 30 days is a long time in a romantic destination like France. Question is, will Katrina Kaif who’s been keeping a close watch on his every move of late accompany him to France or not?

North West turn One! The Kardashian’s never go out of the lamplight. This time, the spot light has stolen up the youngest member of the clan, North West, daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Proving she is just like any other tiny tot, North looked slightly scared as she was asked to blow out her birthday candles. The tot celebrated turning one while she was in New York City, but Kim and Kanye waited a week before they laid out the really lavish Kardashian-style celebrations. Pictures taken inside the Kidchella-themed bash showed a huge Ferris wheel, a bouncy castle, picnic benches, mini stages, tepees, and little stalls spread around the sprawling grounds - aka Kourtney Kardashian's enormous back garden/field. North looked seriously adorable in her suede birthday dress and floral head dress. Pictures show that even Kanye West cracked a grin but North looked suspiciously at the lurid neon, three tiered cake which was adorned with daisies. The family managed to coax North into a bit of a grin by the end of the day.

Miley Cyrus shows off a variety of outfits and provocative poses during her recent Bangerz concert in Amsterdam. We are not sure what Miley is trying to achieve here, but it did makes us laugh out loud!

The Source


my world


YOU MEET IN TRAVEL HELL Travel is rarely all smooth sailing, as our columnist was reminded on a rather eventful journey to the US

By Marianne Makdisi


The Source

my world “When were you last in the US?” asked the steely eyed immigration official, sizing me up from behind his spectacles. He’d already processed the 75 per cent of my family who hold American passports, but my green card was ringing alarm bells. “If you could just foll-ar me,” he beckoned, stepping down from his kiosk and leading me into a room with several rows of plastic chairs and a windowless, artificially lit interview office on one side.


think we might have been living in the Middle East for too long,” I whispered to my husband an hour or so into our flight from London to Chicago. A bored-looking flight attendant had just flung a packet of pretzels at me and told me, categorically, that there were no children’s meals. Remembering that getting food is a stroke of luck on US carriers these days, I asked for chicken and looked grateful. “I’m running out of trays…Try the other side,” she replied nonchalantly, motioning at the cart being pushed by a disinterested Joan Rivers lookalike with a headache making her way reluctantly up the other aisle. There wasn't a hint of red lipstick in sight, I realised. “We’ve been really spoilt flying everywhere on Gulf airlines, haven’t we?” I admitted. But nothing was going to dampen our enthusiasm – not the 4am start, the transatlantic flight with small children, or the fact I’d been singled out for ‘special screening’ – akin to being frisked by a human body scanner with octopus arms. This was our first trip back to the US in nearly five years and I’d been looking forward to it for months. In retrospect, it wasn’t surprising that my realisation we’d been gone too long rang true later that day, when a hitch at immigration brought our journey to a shuddering stop. During our marriage, we’ve had to get our ducks lined up in the US, the UK and the UAE, and despite hiring a lawyer to deal with the paperwork while living in America, there were loose ends.

I started getting worried – our connecting flight to Minneapolis was in three hours’ time, and I really didn’t want to miss it. Our boys, high on half a night’s sleep, were restless and began scrapping with each other like gerbils. Over the next two hours, students with visa problems, a plane-load of Koreans and three generations of an extended family from Asia were processed before me, despite the fact we’d been sitting there the longest. “Are you going to jail, mommy?” asked my older son. “Immigration issues ain’t a quick problem,” barked the supervisor. “I've got people we’re sending home – we’re doing ‘em first,” she drawled, closing her office door on our faces. Our luck only changed when a new shift started and a kinder official looked into our case. We had, indeed, been out of the US for too long. Two-and-a-half hours after being led into the waiting room, we finally left – $560 dollars in fines lighter and with less than 40 minutes until our next flight. There was no choice but to queue jump at the long line snaking its way through security. I whipped off my shoes, belt and jewellery and we hustled the boys through.

At the gate, the crowd of people looked like they were ready to elbow their way on board – when some unwanted news stopped us in our tracks again. “The 1.30pm flight to Minneapolis/St Paul is cancelled,” the gate agent announced, deadpan. No apology, no explanation. “Passengers can line up for rebooking,” she droned – on a flight nine hours later. Nine hours. Longer than the time it took to cross the Atlantic. Two elderly ladies who’d also flown from London looked aghast. A travelling mum with kids even younger and less manageable than ours sat on the floor and wept quietly. Other passengers conversed in hushed grumbles, cursing every now and then as though they had Tourette’s. It was at this point that my husband came up with an escape plan. The airline flies to another city in the same state and, if we could get there, we could drive. “Can we go to Rochester instead?” he asked the lone gate agent in charge of rebooking the long line of disgruntled travellers. “Yes, in two hours’ time,” was the reply. And after much tapping on the computer, we were rerouted. Arriving at Rochester, Minnesota, was a blessed relief, even though our luggage didn’t make it (it was never going to, was it?). We hired a car after prolonged fraud checks by our American credit card company, and set out on the drive to Minneapolis, drinking in the green farmland and marvelling at the open road on which we were travelling. On which there was very little traffic compared to the UAE – and which, despite the emptiness, had a very low speed limit. The flashing lights of a police car filled the rear view mirror, and we were pulled over by a cop who had no sympathy for our sorry story about a tiring journey, our cancelled flight and lost luggage. Thanks to our nearly-there enthusiasm, we were fair game. The Source


diary MARK THESE EVENTS ON YOUR CALENDAR AYLA HOTEL Ramadan Iftar: Open your fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan with family and friends at Ayla Restaurant. Enjoy a traditional buffet at AED 110 net per person, inclusive of refreshment and juices. DANAT Blissful Ramadan Treat: Arabesque Restaurant features a lavish Iftar buffet with a selection of Oriental delicacies, Lebanese mezzes, freshly grilled kebabs, whole ouzi, mouthwatering desserts and much more for AED 129* per person. Reserve a table in advance for 10 and pay for 9 only. Children between 6-12 years eat at half price.

HILTON Burger promotion: Indulge in different types of burgers available only during the month of Ramadan at Paco's. Average price of AED 52+ Call +9713-7686666 for details. GRAND MERCURE Iftar Buffet: Enjoy Iftar at Le Belveder for AED 95 per person, while taking in the scenic view of Al Ain from the top of Jabel Hafeet. For details call +9713-7838888

Blissful Ramadan Staycation: Have a relaxing retreat this Ramadan at the Danat Al Ain Resort with rates starting from AED 299*. Indulge in a wide range of recreational facilities or have a calming massage in our spa. Enjoy a wide selection of Ramadan treats at our Iftar buffet or chill out in the Layalina Cafe during Suhoor. Valid from 29th of June until 24th of July 2014.

Eid Night: Make your Eid celebration truly memorable and exciting with the Eid Night at the Arabesque Restaurant. Enjoy our traditional buffet spread for only AED 149* per person, inclusive of unlimited soft beverages. Kids from 6 to 12 years old eat at half price. Call +9713-704 6000 for more information. ABU DHABI SUMMER SEASON Abu Dhabi Summer Season – three mega months of entertainment running from June 5-August 31 - features blockbuster international theatre, top notch international ballet shows, film & theatre premieres, music concerts, comedy nights, illusionists, contemporary circus spectaculars, live kids shows, a FIFA World Cup extravaganza, Iftar & Suhoor offerings during Ramadan and a host of locally-produced activities in hotels, malls and attractions till August 31, 2014, throughout Abu Dhabi. Explore the event activities on https://abudhabievents. ae/en/pages/summer-season.aspx

Eid Brunch: Enjoy the second day of Eid with your family and friends with our amazing brunch buffet at the Arabesque Restaurant for AED 149* per person inclusive of soft beverages. Kids will enjoy our Eid theme activities such as face painting, balloon bending and magicians.

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The Source

time out

Flick Picks! EK VILLAIN STARRING: Sidharth Malhotra, Shraddha Kapoor, Ritesh Deshmukh GENRE: ACTION RUNNING TIME: 135 min LANGUAGE: Hindi SYNOPSIS: Ek Villain movie is based on the character Guru who is a quiet, tough and ruthless boy, working for a politician, Prahlad. A dark past refuses to let Guru sleep at night until he meets a girl, Aisha. He falls in love with her, his life changes and he convinces Aisha to get married to him. Guru even quits his job and moves from Goa to Mumbai to make a new beginning with Aisha. Just when things seem perfect, she falls prey to an attack. Devastated, Guru starts hunting the miscreant and is shocked to learn of his seemingly innocuous and simple identity.



NUDGE: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness Every day, we make decisions on topics ranging from personal investments to schools for our children, the meals we eat and the causes we champion. Unfortunately, we often choose poorly. The reason, the authors explain, is that, being human, we all are susceptible to various biases that can lead us to blunder. Our mistakes make us poorer and less healthy; we often make bad decisions involving education, personal finance, health care, mortgages and credit cards, the family, and even the planet itself.

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The Source


SOURCE KIDS SourcelingS Hello everyone! My name is Hannah Thibault. I'm 10 years old, I am in grade 5 and I am home-schooled. I'm from Barrie, Ontario, Canada. I love to watch cartoons and Betty Boop is my favourite. I like to play with my friends. For sports, I play rugby at the Al Ain Shooting and Golf Club. I have a little brother named Nathan who is 7 and my cousin Thomas is 12. I love hanging out with my family. My favourite subject is Science. When I am older I want to be a Scientist!


BY LARA CHAPMAN When a young witch goes off to boarding school, she discovers powers that leave her with a challenging choice. Eleven-year-old Hallie is more thrilled than you might think to be shipping off to boarding school. After seeing how horrible “normal” kids can be—kids like her former BFF, Kendall Scott— Hallie figures The Dowling Academy School of Witchcraft will be a welcome fresh start. Plus, it’s a chance to make her dad proud that she’s continuing family traditions and becoming the best kind of witch, just like her legendary great-great-grandmother.

‫لمحة عن كتاب‬

‫مشكلة صغرية‬

‫ ري عبدالعال | نرش يف دار كلامت‬:‫الكاتب‬ ‫بنت صغرية تتمنى أن تكرب مثل أختها وأخيها فيصبح مرصوفها‬ ‫ لكنها تالحظ أنها إن كربت‬،‫ ويُسمح لها بالجلوس يف املقعد األمامي يف السيارة‬،‫أكرب‬ ‫ ولن تتمتع باللعب بالعرائس وبالحلوى‬،‫سوف يكون عليها واجبات كثرية للمدرسة‬ .‫ لذلك تغري رأيها‬،‫وبالجلوس عىل ركبتي جدها مثلام تفعل اآلن‬ .‫ وخاصة املحاطون بأخوة أكرب منهم‬،‫كتاب طريف يركز عىل موضوع يفكر فيه الصغار‬

Parents if you have a special youngster who you think would be great for our Sourceling of the Week, send a photo and a bio of no more than 100 words to

،‫ يف الصف الخامس و أدرس يف املنزل‬،‫ عمري عرش سنوات‬،‫ اسمي هانا تيبو‬،‫مرحبا‬ ‫ أحب مشاهدة الرسوم املتحركة وبيتي بوب هو املفضل‬،‫ كندا‬،‫ أونتاريو‬،‫أنا من باري‬ ‫ أما عن الرياضة فأنا ألعب الركبي يف نادي العني‬،‫ أحب أن ألعب مع أصدقايئ‬،‫لدي‬ ‫ وابن عمي‬،‫ لدي أخ صغري اسمه ناثان وهو يف السابعة من عمره‬،‫للرماية و الغولف‬ ‫ و ماديت املفضلة هي‬،‫ أحب متضية الوقت مع عائلتي‬،‫توماس و عمره أثنا عرش عاما‬ .‫ فعندما أكرب أريد أن أكون عاملة‬،‫العلوم‬ ‫ للعدد القادم‬The Source ‫األهل الكرام الذين يرغبون برتشيح طفلهم لعمود طفل‬ ‫ كلمة فقط إىل الربيد االلكرتوين‬100 ‫إرسال صورة وسرية ذاتية من‬

Test your knowledge 2. How many years are there in a millennium? 3. In what galaxy is Earth located? in? 1. Carbon-dioxide; 2. 1000 3. The Milky Way 36

The Source

:‫من القائل‬1.1 ..‫ومن ال يحب صعود الجبال‬ ‫يعش أبد الدهر بني ال ُحفر؟‬ ‫ما هو أعرض أنهار العامل؟‬2.2 ‫أي املحيطات أسامه العرب‬3.3 ‫بحر الظلامت؟‬ ،‫ األمازون‬.2 ،‫ أبو القاسم الشايب‬.1 ‫ املحيط االطليس‬.3

1. Which harmful gas is thrown out of body by the respiratory system?







































































































































































































































































































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