The Splash_Edition 3_May 2008

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I/May 2008 Vol.3



I still remember when I was in primary school, I used to wear sandals, bring a plastic bag in which I put my books and pencil in it, and never iron my school uniform. Almost all of my friends did the same thing, wearing sandals, bringing a plastic bag and never ironing their school uniform. It was so simple for us. We never care with that situation. The important thing for us is we can go to school and get knowledge. Never ironing my school uniform continues until I entered junior high school, even until I entered senior high school. But now, I was very shock when realizing that our school uniform nowadays has changed significantly into ‘more trendy’ even ‘too trendy’ and seem to be less discipline.

It is clear that our school uniform now is going to be “liberal” just for trendy. The case of a trendy school uniform is less appropriate for the education environment. As is known, school is a place for students to learn to be a knowledgeable person and has a good moral. We cannot avoid that television has an important role in giving influence for students. Many students are influenced by the style of the student’s characters in series or films. It is clear that many Indonesian series or films which filming I know that now we are in globalization school’s life tends to use characters who wearing era in which all life style is influenced by up to untidy school uniform. date information. In this case, our school uniform Perhaps one might argue that the freeis influenced by up to date fashion as what we dom in choosing school uniform is on their choice called as fashionable clothes. Nowadays, our (different basic style). If wee look back to our conschool uniform has changed significantly from sensus, it is clear that style and color for the how it should be. It seems to be more “trendy” school uniform has been regulated. For shirt, we and less discipline. If we look at the girls’ school have blue and red “batik” with various designs, uniform of senior high school, you will be aston- white shirt, and “pramuka” (light brown shirt). ished knowing that many of them are dare However, as what we can see now, many school enough to wear short tight skirt and sexy tight try to make their own motif for their own school shirt. They also like to wear too many accessories uniform. It seems clear, then, that liberal school which they put in their shirt or school bag. Whereas for the boys of senior high school, they uniform is a rebellion for the school regulation. It often wear a trouser in which the lower part of the is something ironic if we look at the fact now that students who are going enter a school has been trouser is very tight. Moreover, they often wear socialized about the rule of wearing school unibig necklace made of stainless steel or wearing big bracelet made of silver and sometimes they form ( page 3) use a small size of bracelet made of latex.

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When you hear about the word kebaya, what does come to your mind? You will think about the women’s dress, isn’t it? If you try to find the translation of the word kebaya in oxford dictionary, you won’t find any meaning because kebaya only can be found in Indonesia; it is one of our traditional costumes. The writer will not explain more what kebaya is but this passage will give you some information about the development of kebaya’s style. In this time you will find many styles of kebaya. Its development from year to year gives many variations of the design. The design was started with Kartini’s style and the next time, you could see the modification of Kartini’s design. Now you will see modern kebaya which is very elegant because of the design of its form and its combination with trousers or traditional cloth. The kebaya’s style is also influenced with its materials. Last time, the material was not transparence and then it was changed with the thin and transparence material which invited some criticisms when it was worn by Balinese women to pray in the temple. In the next year, the material was back to the not-transparence one and back again to the transparence. Now, you can see the style of the material is both of transparence and nottransparence. Kebaya, which has many variations of its material and color, is a good choice to wear either in the night or in the afternoon. Even, many girls like to wear kebaya when they are attending party or other formal event. Although the trend of fashion is always changed time by time, kebaya is still has its own place in the Indonesian fashion world. Kebaya is always used when the women are attending or celebrating Kartini Day, formal meeting with other country, marriage, and as the costume to pray in the temple. As Indonesian women, let us keep kebaya to be exist in the fashion world in this country, even in the world. –Tisna-

From the Editor Firstly, we’ re very sorry for the lateness of our third edition, and perhaps you who have sent answers for the second edition’s quiz have been waiting restlessly. We are working hard to present the best for you, actually; among many critiques and suggestions which often come from any directions. But the most important thing in this case is that we have tried our best for you, and we are sure that we are really improving by working. The Splash Pages is actually presented for you for your English study at school or afterschool, and that is why we try to adjust the language use so as to match with your level of English proficiency. We thank you who have participated in the quiz, and the reward will be sent to your school. We hope next time you still enjoy it because the quiz is getting harder! Lastly, we wish you happy reading.

Regards, The Splash

From page 1 Many opponents might argue wearing school uniform is a part of fashion. In this case, I do not want to be a narrow minded person. I know that now we are in open minded era. I admit that fashion always goes on and we have to follow it. But it is not wise for us if we just swallow it a hundred percent. In the case of school uniform, I think, students of senior high school should be more educated in deciding “How should I dress?” It is because the way how they dress tends to be imitated by their younger brother and sisters in junior high school even in elementary school. For the school, they only way to prevent this problem is by restricting the school regulation which govern this problem. Students’ parents also take a significant role in reminding their children to dress appropriately. Also, for the film maker, series maker and public figures who take role as a student in a certain series or film should struggle to maintain the discipline in wearing school uniform. In short, the phenomenon of “trendy” school uniform has entered our educational field and we can not just let it be. Teachers, school authority, parents, and all components of society should pay attention to this reality and work hand in hand in maintaining the discipline in wearing school uniform.

Traditional Games

Do they still

exist among the children now?

Editorial Staff CHIEF EDITOR: Made Hery Santosa, S.Pd, M.Pd. EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Arya Lawa Manuaba, Agus Pramerta EDITORS: Dani Wahyudi, Dian Sawitri Arya Lawa, Mettasari WEB DESIGNERS: Dani Wahyudi, Ari Wiranata Widiantara, Wirayadnya Sukma Julista LAY OUT: Nopi Suardani, Eka Susanti, Yulia Martayani, Ari Yuliati


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owadays, children in Indonesia especially in Bali forget some traditional games that we have. The modern games have replaced the traditional games with its variety of form and kinds. There is not difficult to find the modern games, children just need to buy it in Department store, market, etc. the modern game also can be done everywhere and every time, alone or together with friends. In contrast, traditional games need more space to be played and more amazing if done together with our friends. It also teaches us the importance of togetherness.

Like most children around the world, aside from going to school, Balinese children also love to play games and toy. Children should be taught to love and play traditional games that we have, to keep them from extinction. One of popular traditional games are played by Balinese children is “lompat tali” or “rope jumping”. Children who live in rural areas often make their own toys by using material that they can find easily. Now, let know more about “lompat tali game”. “Lompat tali” is an outdoor game for four or more players. The equipment needed only jump rope. Rope jumping is a children’s game of physical perseverance. It requires a piece of rope about 7 feet long. Any kind of rope are light materials can be used to play this game. A very simple piece of rope can be made from groups of rubber bands notched together one after another. Now days, people still play this game but they use a commercially manufactured plastic rope with a handle on each end. You can buy this kind of rope in most sport stores. Rope jumping can be played individually or groups. Individual game on each s of the rope with two hands The player holds the two end n, he or she height of the shoulders. The the at h eac y, bod the of side en the rope e and rhythmically. Just wh wis ckclo und aro e rop the leg or moves yer jump up, either with one pla the or, flo the ses pas touches and g and two legs simultaneously. yer between the act of jumpin lled It requires good timing of pla tro con be e pace of the movement can Th e. rop the of ent revem is mo ent the movem stamina of the player. This and ll ski the on or ing he end dep when player trips over the rope or the til un r ove and r ove peated she gets tired.

PRINTING AND PUBLISHING: Trisna Dewi, Ari Widnyana Ary Wijaya, Anjani PROMOTION AND ADVERTISEMENTS: Siska Paramita, Dian Indrayani Lismana Dewi, Swari Larasati JK,Dudik, Mettasari, Luh De STAFF: Tisna Endirianti, Dayu Surya Astini, Dhias, Katreni, Priti Arsani, Triani. Dayu Agung, Harthini, Widiya Sari, Aksari, Sudarsini, Ayu Nurwiyanti, Eka Sekya. Sri Darmawati, Istri Wijayanti, Ari Anggraeni, Santi Oktarina, Budiari, Ray Sulyantha. CONTACT: HMJ English Education Department, Undiksha, Jalan Ahmad Yani 67, Singaraja 81116. 085237814391 (I.B. Arya) // 08123658076, 081805355570 (Made Hery Santosa)

Group game Two players hold each end of the ro pe, and move the tion, either clockw rope in circular m ise or counter clo ock wise. The third pl rope as it passes over the ground. ayer jumps over th W e hen the third play or she stops and ho er trips over rope lds the rope while , he the other player ta can run along 30 minutes until one kes turn. The gam hour. e

So now, after knowing the rules of playing this game, you can try to play it to keep it from extinction and also keep your body health because this game has a function as a sport. Invite your little brother or sister even your friends to play this game.(Ayu nurwi-Harthini-Sary)

Vol.3 The Splash



The electronic games and high technology toys are often the simplest inventions that can entertain the children for a long period of time. Although stateof-the-art, high technology computer games are available in Indonesia, such as the ever-popular Nintendo and Playstation. These games would only be found in the homes of middle to upper class families. This fact shows us that traditional game has replaced by modern games. There are many children do not know about traditional game and how it is played for example ”Hopscotch” or in Bali well known as “Engkel”. This game is a kind of traditional sport because while we are playing, we also get sport. The word "hopscotch" is a compound of "hop" and "scotch", meaning "scratched line". In Czech (other Slavonic languages), both "hop" and "scotch" are rather childish expressions for "make a jump".

The historic version of hopscotch rules is the first player tosses the marker (typically a stone, coin or bean bag) into the first square. The marker must land completely within the designated square and without touching a line or bouncing out. The player then hops through the course, skipping the square with the marker in it. Single squares must be hopped on one foot. For the first single square, either foot may be used. Side by side squares are straddled, with the left foot landing in the left square, and the right foot landing in the right square. Optional squares marked "Safe", "Home", or "Rest" are neutral squares, and may be hopped through in any manner without penalty. Upon successfully completing the sequence, the player continues the turn by tossing the marker into square number two, and repeating the pattern. If while hopping through the court in either direction the player steps on a line, misses a square, or loses balance, the turn ends. Players begin their turns where they last left off.

ER Guys, there are still two N R O C Z I QU Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary left with us! Come on and get them by answering these simple quizzes:

The first player to complete one course for every numbered square on the court wins the game. “Hopscotch” or “engkel” is a simple children's game which can be played with several players or alone. Hopscotch is often played in playgrounds by young girls. After knowing how to play this game, you can try it at your house yard or wherever you want. This game is very interesting and give you pleasure. (Harthini, ayu, sary)

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