The Standard Magazine

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It’s a matter of PRIDE The Gay Movement. Past, Present, Future. JUNE, 2013 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 6



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COMMENTARY RAISING AWARENESS DURING PRIDE SEASON Pride season has arrived! Rest assured the annual celebration of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community includes marches, parades, pool parties, festivals, entertainment, 5K runs, and interfaith programs. No matter where the celebration occurs, the core purpose is to raise awareness, break down barriers and call for equality for all individuals locally and globally. Pride creates opportunities to raise awareness on a variety of topics that are important to you. Pride season is your time. Pride season is your opportunity to share your thoughts about equal rights. Pride season is the perfect time to have conversations with associates, family, church members and civic leaders. Everywhere you go during Pride season let people know what’s important to you. There’s no shortage of issues to take a position on. Make a sign and march in your Pride parade or meet up with others and enter as a marching contingent. Talk about how you feel on issues that are important to you and the LGBT community. What’s your take on one of the largest private youth organizations in the United States allowing discrimination of gay and lesbian parents, Scout leaders, and in employment? Having young children, I can’t see how a child can be permitted to participate in the Boy Scouts of America, while the organization will not allow me to participate because I’m gay. Discrimination at any age is discrimination and it’s wrong. How do you feel about Hollingsworth v. Perry? A three judge appellate panel at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that California’s Proposition 8, a 2008 ballot initiative that amended the state constitution to allow only opposite-sex couples to marry, was unconstitutional. On appeal with the United States Supreme Court, the decision is certainly a topic that will stimulate a conversation wherever you go. No matter how the case is handled, this is a great opportunity to talk about loving relationships and having the freedom to marry the person you love. Another hot topic is the decision expected soon from the United States Supreme Court is the “Defense of Marriage Act,” or DOMA, passed in 1996 by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. The part that is being challenged is called “Section Three,” which prevents the federal government from recognizing any marriages between gay or lesbian couples for the purpose of federal laws or programs, even if those couples are considered legally married by their home state. This is also a good time to voice support to ensure LGBT people are protected at their jobs. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is a bill that was introduced in Congress in May to prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. ENDA creates what no other law currently does: express protections for LGBT people in the workplace. It is similar to protections under existing federal discrimination laws that protect other classes of workers on the bases of sex, religion, race, and ethnicity. As we celebrate Pride season, I invite you to join in the effort to raise awareness for equality as well as have a good time. What issues are important to you? What conversations can you have to raise awareness?

The Standard Magazine 1111 Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs CA 92262 760-831-4869 Nino Eilets Publisher Luciano McNulty Editor Maya Kalabic Art Director David A. Lee Photographer Contributors Andre Carthen, Wesley Cole, Jeff Dorta, Dennis Mason & Gerolamo Viola, Steve Housman, George Zander, Steven Bolerjack, Kerry Hendrix, David Lee, Ron deHarte, Jesse Melgar, Emma Dee Editorial Credits : LGBTQ Nation, Brandpoint & Project Publicity The Standard Magazine is published monthly. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of the Standard or its staff, advertisers or readers with exception of editorials. Publication of the name or photograph of any person, business or organization in articles or advertising in the Standard is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such person, business or organization. The Standard disclaims any responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Advertising rates are subject to change without notice. The Standard reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject any advertisement for any reason including, but not limited to poor taste. It is the policy of The Standard that we only publish letters to the editor that are signed by the author and verifiable by phone number. We can reserve the right of anonymity upon request. The letters need to be original, in good taste and free of libel as well as edited for clarity and grammar. Letters are subject to editing by The Standard that also reserves the right to decline print. Please forward your letters to: The views expressed is not necessarily those of The Standard. Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No portion of the publication may

COMMENTARY BY RON DEHARTE President Greater Palm Springs Pride

be reproduced in any form without the expressed consent of the publisher.





Though I wasn’t around in the 1920’s when small groups began meeting in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia, I have been in parts of those same small groups starting in the 1970s. Our Coachella Valley is chock full of thousands of us who have played many roles in the history of our movement. We are a living history of our movement! When folks ask us who wrote the infamous “gay agenda,” we just say us. Our movement’s opposition has always claimed we wrote the gay agenda in dark, sleazy, smoky rooms. Well, they were right. We did write it and it was simple- “Liberty and Justice for all.” Catch words that we as a community began to see as a goal for the LGBTQ


community. And 45 years later, we are getting closer to that reality. So, now that this is Pride Month yet again, around our globe, millions will march, sing, dance, parade and party to celebrate our advances. Pride and Politics indeed go hand in glove and always have. The combination of hard party celebrations and the hard work of politics remain the bedrock of our Pride. To sum up the LGBTQ Political Movement and the History of Pride Festivals moving forward together, it is primarily personal stories. We must always be cognizant of how it is a reminder to how personal this work in our movement has been and will continue to be…and


how significant that Pride Festivals have been an integral part of the movement from the outset. Everyone has stories of the importance of a Pride Festival to their journey. It is crucial not to get cynical and gnarly negative about these parades. All of our generations have used these to gain acceptance and love. They are a very important legacy. Embrace them, please. Harry Hay founded the Mattachine Society in 1951 in Los Angeles, by 1955 The Daughters of Bilitis, the first Lesbian Rights organization was formed in San Francisco. It took until 1966 to have the first transgendered rights organization- formed in San Francisco. Of course, the Stonewall Riots in New York City was where that largest awareness came about. It is clearly, where our movement kicked into a higher level. The next year came the first Pride Parades in Los Angeles and New York City. From that day, the politics and Pride celebrations are linked. First and foremost, they are parties and celebrations of who we are. There are millions of stories of LGBTQ kids and adults coming to their first Pride Parade and being one with a community. My personal involvement in the LGBTQ political movement began in the 70s. I sat of the board of the Dorian Group‌.and very

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early lobbying group in Washington State. Anita Bryant terrorized the community along with the onslaught of HIV/AIDS. Seattle beat the evil Anita, ---one of the few cities who maintained their antidiscrimination laws, and worked together to help and assist folks effected by the pandemic. And we also continued to work on LGBTQ rights in Olympia and other cities around the state. It was Washington State’s first lobbying effort for our rights. Throughout all of this action, drama, the wins and losses, that


have over the years made up our community, it has been pride festivals and parades that became the glue holding it all together. My first Pride Parade souvenir was a picture of not very festive rain soaked group of men standing in the rain. That was in 1975. We had about 400 folks marching and maybe that many attending the rain drenched festival in Volunteer Park. Then, flashing forward to 2012 where there were 375,000 in downtown Seattle. It is now the city’s second largest and clearly most festive parade. Palm Springs Pride has grown larger as all have…more marching, more diversity and more fun than ever. From Pride Festivals of millions of folks- San Francisco, New York, Amsterdam, Sydney, Berlin to the Pride Festivals of Bisbee AZ, Joshua Tree and Bakersfield. In 2013, all will embrace the new political slogans…marriage for all, help for LGBTQIA youth, and the transgendered community. Pride will grow and endure. Every year more festivals take place throughout all of America. And countries where it is not safe to parade, still attracts marchers and activists. Stay involved and show up. Our work and our partying is not done!!!

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Robert Guzman never thought he’d need permission from the U.S. government to take his spouse to Disneyland. Just as he couldn’t imagined, like so many of us, that Mexico—a country steeped in Catholicism—would legalize same-sex weddings before his own liberal-leaning state of California. As the United States Supreme Court argues over DOMA and chief justices ponder the fate of Prop. 8, Robert and his husband Carlos Rodriguez wait in their adopted hometown of Guadalajara, Mexico for permission to “come aboard.” But Robert has not been waiting idly. Last September, he wrote an impassioned letter to President Obama in which he referenced the President’s rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention as the impetus for hope that the federal government would soon allow his Venezuelan-born spouse to legally enter the United States. “We are a married couple and recognized as such in many parts of the world, but not in my United States of America,” Robert wrote. “I am not asking you to override the rules, regulations and laws of immigration. I am simply asking Carlos be given a fair chance to get a visitor’s visa so he can visit our country with me.” “At 72, I was requesting permission to come to the U.S.,” Robert


says with a laugh during a phone interview from the home he shares with Carlos in Mexico , where the couple lives. “I wanted to create some awareness and put him [Obama] on notice,” he continues. “I wanted the self satisfaction of being able to say I’ve done everything I can. I pushed the envelope by writing the President. How much further can I go?” In the eight months since writing the letter, little has changed. Carlos is still without a visa and not recognized as Robert’s spouse at the federal level. While they did receive a response from the White House, it read more like an endorsement for the administration’s immigration policies, with no mention of DOMA or the marriage equality debate, much to the couple’s chagrin. “I thought it was pretty lackluster,” Robert says about Obama’s letter. “I wasn’t angry; I was a little disappointed and, at the same time, a little flattered that I even received a response.” While Robert and Carlos anticipated a lukewarm, formulaic reaction from the administration, Robert sees the evasive tone of the letter as symptomatic of greater issues. “Now they are watering down the immigration reform, along with everything else,” he says. “He

COVER [Obama] is allowing the Republican Party to beat him up. I don’t understand that.” Beyond the difficulty in obtaining a visa for non-residents today lies the greater injustice: That Robert and Carlos’s heterosexual counterparts are exempt from this immigration dance and that more and more countries are recognizing same-sex marriage while the United States—the land of the free—lags embarrassingly behind in granting this most basic human right. “We can go to Spain, Holland, and now France as a couple .... But we can’t go to United States,” Robert says. “That puts the U.S. in the same category as Saudi Arabia [when it comes to marriage equality].” Carlos, who taught English as a second language in his native Venezuela, has wanted to see the U.S. since he can remember. “One of my dreams was to go to Disneyland,” he says. “That’s why I started learning English by myself. For me, in those days, it was the best. I became a fan of the U.S.—how clean it was, how you treated people there. But now I realize there is a lot of hate.” The passage of Prop 8 prohibited the couple from being married or even having a marriage performed elsewhere recognized in Robert’s home state of California. So on April 13, 2013, Robert and Carlos were married in Mexico, where Robert has citizenship because his father was born there. Carlos is a legal resident, because he is related to Robert as his spouse, which allows him to work in Mexico. It was a lovely ceremony and fraught with meaning, the couple recalls of their wedding. “The judge was very serious,” Robert says. “She was wonderful and told us to keep in mind that in Mexico marriage is a very important thing, that in Mexico this marriage was recognized and ‘we needed to understand that.’ She wanted to stress how legal it was, how important it was.” While the couple remains optimistic that the United States will overturn DOMA and federally recognize same-sex marriage, they are quite content with their life in Guadalajara and have no plans to relocate any time soon. They live in a beautiful four-bedroom home in the suburbs with their dog Blackie, who they rescued from the streets. “He came into our yard while Carlos was washing our cars,” Robert remembers. “Our straight neighbors all know we’re gay,” Robert says, adding that Guadalajara enjoys an active LGBT community. “If you live in Guadalajara and you’re not a mariachi, you’re gay,” he jokes. But Robert, a former Palm Springs resident, looks forward to the day when he can legally bring Carlos to visit his family and friends across the border. “I’m hopeful everyday,” he says. “I can go back and forth. It’s a privilege I don’t abuse and it’s one I hope to share someday with Carlos.”

A Love Story Robert and Carlos met online and communicated for months before meeting in Mexico City in 2007. A month later, they met in Ixtapa, where they stayed for a couple of weeks. The relationship evolved and Robert flew to Venezuela to meet Carlos’ family. “We decided we were in love,” Robert recalls. “I asked Carlos if he wanted to live in Mexico City.” Then Steve Albrecht, one of Robert’s friends from Palm Springs, said he’d been visiting Guadalajara and he thought the couple would like it. Robert and Carlos met Steve there and they fell in love with the city. It was also where Robert proposed. Robert had taken a photo of his father’s unique wedding ring and took it to a jeweler in Guadalajara, asking if the jeweler could replicate it—twice. Later, with the romantic backdrop of a stunning fountain in the city, Robert asked Carlos to marry him. Carlos said yes. And they cried, Steve included.

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PRIDE PRIDE REPRESENTS MANY THINGS Pride represents many things to many people. Here are a few things that make us proud.

are our Straight Allies. Thousands of straight allies stand up for us on a regular basis. They are such a valuable asset; please thank them for their continued support.

12 STATES THAT RECOGNIZE GAY MARRIAGE Massachusetts Connecticut Iowa Vermont New Hampshire District of Columbia New York Washington Maine Maryland Rhode Island Delaware Minnesota Hoping that next time this list is compiled, we see at least twice as many states.

Here is a very short list of the many straight celebrities who stand in our corner. Anne Hathaway Brad Pitt Cyndi Lauper Hudson Taylor George Clooney Julianne Moore Natalie Portman Cher Sean Avery Drew Barrymore Chris Kluwe Ben Cohen Brendon Ayanbadejo Top 10 Gay friendliest cities according to are:

OPENLY GAY SPORTS FIGURES Jason Collins. Basketball Robbie Rogers. Soccer Greg Louganis. Diving Billie Jean King. Tennis Brendan Burke. Ice Hockey Gareth Thomas. Rugby John Amechi. Basketball Martina Navratilova. Tennis Billy Bean. Baseball Johnny Weir. Figure Skating Orlando Cruz. Boxing Sheryl Swoopes. Basketball Esera Tuaolo. Football STRAIGHT ALLIES Throughout the history of minorities securing civil rights, there have been individuals that are part of the majority who have the foresight to see progression as something to welcome, and stand up for the disenfranchised. For the LGBTQ movement, these individuals


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Palm Springs, CA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Long Beach, CA Cambridge, MA Los Angeles, CA Portland, OR Philadelphia, PA San Diego, CA New York, NY

This was based on a study that covered municipal laws, community and peer support, and safety and tolerance. For more info visit OPENLY GAY CELEBRITIES Sir Ian McKellen Matt Bomer Chely Wright Jane Lynch

PRIDE Melissa Etheridge Anderson Cooper Ricky Martin Zachary Quinto Barney Frank Wanda Sykes Ellen Degeneres Neil Patrick Harris Sean Hayes ORGANIZATIONS These are just several of the many organizations that represent our issues on a daily basis. Please support them.

for and acceptance of LGBT people. Equality California, together with our allies, has successfully sponsored more than 85 pieces of pro-equality legislation. EQCA continues to advance equality through legislative advocacy, electoral work, public education and community empowerment. HRC As the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, the Human Rights Campaign represents a force of more than 1.5 million members and supporters nationwide — all committed to making HRC’s vision a reality. is the world’s largest petition platform, empowering people everywhere to create the change they want to see. www. Stop The Hate is an educational initiative of Campus Pride and supports colleges and universities in preventing and combating hate on campus as well as fostering the development of community. The national program serves as the premiere source of anti-hate educational resources for higher education institutions and campus communities.

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation, now in its 40th year, is an organization of people joined in a common, grassroots purpose: to create positive change in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Our power and longevity as an organization is a reflection of this willingness of dedicated individuals to become personally involved in the ongoing fight for LGBT equality. Our members are our strength. EQCA Equality California is the largest statewide LGBT advocacy organization in California working to secure full and lasting equality

Amnesty International Human rights don’t discriminate; Amnesty International believes that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, should be able to enjoy the full range of human rights, without exception.

Association of Straight Allies The ASA stands with the LGBT community to secure equal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning adults and youth through research, education, solidarity, and protest. www.

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ALASKA IS A DRAG. USA An engaging tale about an extremely out young African American working in a cannery and the new young straight guy who shows up and befriends him. Sometimes ignored by mainstream theaters, short films are some of the most thought provoking and interesting films made. The word about short films is getting out but many times even the most avid of film aficionados might find it difficult to explore this genre particularly on a larger scale. We are very fortunate to have one of the largest and most significant short film festival right here in our own backyard. The Palm Springs International ShortFest, Short Film Festival & Film Market, one of the most acclaimed short film showcases in the world, will take place in Palm Springs at the Camelot Theatre on June 18-24, 2013. Now in its 19th year, the Palm Springs International ShortFest will showcase over 300 short films from more than 50 countries. As an Academy Award qualifying event, the caliber of films is always hugely high, as evidenced by the 95 shorts that have earned Oscar nominations


since the festival began 18 years ago. Maybe that is why this short fest is the biggest and most celebrated event of its kind. The concurrent Short Film Market will feature a library of more than 3,000 films available to film buyers, industry and press, the largest of its kind in America. A world class showcase of dazzling animation, comedy, documentary and live action short films featuring programs of great LGBT shorts and featuring the annual “Gay!La” screening and party at Hunters on Thursday, June 20. Festival events include nightly receptions, as well as seminars, master classes and scheduled ‘one-on-one’ meetings with industry experts and filmmaking professionals, free to all filmmakers who participate in the Festival.

GAY 4 PAY. USA This fascinating documentary explores the life of Sebastian, a hunky straight man who quit college and now works in the gay porn business to make money. His story is interspersed with in-the-street interviews with people being asked what they think about the concept of being ‘gay for pay’.

For more information and tickets call (760) 322-2930 or (800) 898-7526 or visit

GORILLA. AUSTRALIA Joel and Sean, relatively new to ‘coupledom’, go for a camping trip by a

FEATURE another riveting exploration of the ambiguity of sexual desire, as two guys, jock friends from High School years before, reencounter each other during a group lunch at a café.

remote mountain lake. The trip is idyllic, until a strange young woman intrudes on their secluded getaway, creating complications that couldn’t be foreseen. HEADLONG. BELGIUM A young ballet dancer, in an unknown city for a competition, has his world upended by a charismatic stranger on the run who bursts into his room one morning. A MATTER OF SEX. ISRAEL Partners Guy & Lior have decided they want a baby and have arranged to meet with a lesbian couple who want the same thing. While nothing about the plan promises to go easy, things get even more complicated when Lior & Yael - half of the lesbian couple - find themselves attracted to each other in unexpected ways. THE PRIDE OF PALM SPRINGS. USA An excellent and inspiring documentary about the award-winning Palm Springs High School Marching Band’s participation in Palm Springs’ Gay Pride march, with references to Prop. 8, DOMA and DADT. SON. SPAIN Twisted tale about Pedro, a “good” boy who just happens to have hooligan friends, a doting mother and a father who frequents gay cruising areas. Oh - and Pedro is gay himself - though closeted. In the course of the story, things come to a head, as everything is about to change... TOEING THE LINE. USA Writer/Director Brenden Blinn (Thirteen or So Minutes, He She We) here provides

WANNABE. USA Nick has an odd and unquenchable obsession- so when he cuts his Vampire teeth; he heads for a party and his old male flame, Jesse.



IT’S CONSUMING ME. GERMANY In the aftermath of a breakup, a young man sits under a tree in the forest, running through a rapid-fire montage of the things he loves and hates about his ex, with the images set to a propulsive electronic score. AUTHENTIC. AUSTRALIA A misogynist learns what he really wants in life when he meets a young man on his apartment building elevator who exerts a strange hold over him.

THE FIRST DATE. USA In a tizzy over the hot sous chef she’s just had a blind date with, Amanda is going through the tortures of the damned with selfdoubt as she fills in her gal pal, Jill, on her situation. When Jill gives her the courage to ask hottie Kelly out for a second date, Amanda quickly dashes off a text to the object of her desire. All’s well until she hits the ‘send’ button... For a complete list of films, dates and show times visit For more information and tickets, call (760) 322-2930 or (800) 898-7526

The seven-day competitive festival screens approximately 300 films from 40 countries in a series of 90-minute programs. All films submitted, whether screened in the Festival or not, are eligible to participate in the Market, which consists of a video film library and 20 viewing stations open to sales agents, distributors and other industry representatives. The Festival has twenty competitive categories with prize money, film stock and production services valued over $70,000.00 to be awarded for first and second places in addition to a “Best of Festival” award and a “Future Filmmaker” award. All first place winners in the Live Action and Animation categories and the Best of the Fest Award winner will automatically become eligible for nomination consideration by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the short film categories.

JUNE, 2013 15


DESERT BUSINESS ASSOCIATION New President takes the Lead BY KERRY HENDRIX The Desert Business Association (DBA), the Coachella Valley’s Lesbian and Gay Chamber of Commerce, has been in operation as a business-networking group for LGBT and allied businesses for more than 30 years. The organization is the only LGBT Business Association for the Greater Coachella Valley assisting members in the promotion and development of their businesses by providing networking receptions, educational seminars, advertising opportunities, a member directory (both in print and online), member promotions and discounts, and the opportunity to host events at member-sponsored locations. The Board of Directors has elected Janet Malachowsky to lead the organization. Janet stems from the finance world, with 8 years in banking and lending, 13 years in financial printing, and is currently a Financial Advisor with Morgan Stanley. Janet has been a member of the DBA for many years and has served on the Board of Directors for the past 3 years. Janet will be first Lesbian to serve as President of the organization “I am honored to lead the new Executive Team of the Board of Directors of the DBA. We are excited about continuing the evolution of the organization and we will continue to drive the DBA to be the most personal and fun business chamber in the Coachella Valley,” says Janet. “At the last mixer, on May 20, 2013, at The Center in Palm Springs, I gave everyone homework: please reach out to more women (both lesbian and straight) and bring them to our events. The more diverse we become, the more accepting we are, the more collaborations we enjoy, the more our businesses and practices flourish. The DBA welcomes new ideas and appreciates your engagement to take us to a new level of business networking.” “The Desert Business Association is all about collaboration and coalition-building. We have certain goals we hope to achieve during this calendar year that will make member interaction more accessible and rewarding. We will update our website, hold surveys more frequently and introduce more events that are educational. I have reminded our membership to be prepared to attend events throughout the Coachella Valley-- the DBA is a valley-wide organization, and we look forward to seeing you at our next event.” DBA relationships reach throughout southern California as well


as all cities of the Coachella Valley. We encourage members to actively participate in all the benefits we offer by leveraging their existing DBA relationships, which in turn, will help them build new relationships needed to expand and flourish. Our connection with the other business organizations in San Diego (GSDBA), Long Beach (LBCBN), and Los Angeles (LAGLCC), as well as, our membership to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) offer our members an opportunity to expand their reach without expanding their budgets. DBA members can join our affiliates for half off their business membership cost. The new DBA 2014 Business Member Directory will be hitting the streets for Greater Palm Springs Gay Pride in November. This will be one of our largest directories in the past 3 years. Members are entitled to a free listing as part of membership and have the opportunity to purchase additional advertising space. We will print 15,000 copies of this directory with distribution to the Coachella Valley, to visitors at the Palm Springs Gay Pride Festival, and to our affiliates in the local drive market. In addition to Janet as President, the Executive Team consists of Michael Genova - Vice President, Bob Machado – Treasurer, and Michael Hayja – Secretary. The complete Board of Directors includes, Dominique Fruchtman, Linda Jessie, Casey Jones, Kristeen Lester, Eric Rudolph, and Steve Seager. The Executive Director role has been up and running for the past two years and is held by Kerry Hendrix with Marci O’Brien serving as the Administrator. Desert Business Association, Coachella Valley’s only LGBT Chamber of Commerce, is a business network formed to promote and support LGBT and allied businesses, professionals and individuals who have joined together for business promotion, economic development, educational and humanitarian purposes. The Association began in 1979 and has forged relationships with fellow LGBT organizations as well as mainstream Chambers of Commerce throughout southern California. If you are interested in joining the DBA, serving on a committee, or attending one of our networking mixers, the DBA can be reached at 760-904-4589 or online at www.


BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR John Evans Sponsored by Compass Rose Financial

BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Desert Cow Computers Sponsored by Signs By Tomorrow

OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION The Center Sponsored by Law Offices of Eric A. Rudolph

OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE LEADER Mark Anton Sponsored by Cord Media Company

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RESTAURANT WEEK 2013 The Palm Springs Desert Resorts Restaurant Week Association, Inc. announces the sixth installment of Palm Springs Desert Resorts Restaurant Week, taking place May 31-June 16, 2013. The Restaurant Week’s signature “Eat. See. Stay.” experience features dining deals, exclusive hotel packages and perks, and special rates at area attractions, providing guests with a unique opportunity to explore Palm Springs and its neighboring communities at an exceptional value. Palm Springs Desert Resorts Restaurant Week now takes place over 17 days and allows diners to choose from three-course, prix fixe dinner menus available for $26 or $38 per person at over 70 participating restaurants in La Quinta, Palm Springs, Indian Wells, Desert Hot Springs, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Cathedral City, and Indio. Participating hotels will offer an array of perks exclusive to Restaurant Week, including specialty room rates, upgraded inroom amenities, and more. Local attractions—from spas to The Living Desert and the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway—are also offering special rates and perks available exclusively during Restaurant Week. Restaurant Week is the perfect time to visit your favorite restaurant or try something new. Newcomers this year include dish-Creative Cuisine in Cathedral City, Workshop Kitchen & Bar in Palm Springs, and Korakia Pensione, along with the recently opened Mastro’s in Palm Desert and Cork & Fork in La Quinta. Restaurant Week favorites like Circa 59 at Riviera Palm Springs, Copley’s on Palm Canyon, Sirocco, TRIO, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, Cello’s Bistro, Kaiser Grill, PS Follies, Indian Wells Resort Hotel, and the Ace Hotel & Swim Club—alongside its Feel Good Spa—return with dining deals and special offers. ABOUT PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS RESTAURANT WEEK Founded in 2007, Palm Springs Desert Resorts Restaurant Week showcases the diverse dining and leisure opportunities in the city of Palm Springs and surrounding communities of the greater Coachella


Valley. In just six years, this annual event has grown from fewer than 30 participating restaurants, hotels, and attractions to more than 100. The Palm Springs Desert Resorts Restaurant Week Association, Inc., officers and committee members represent a cross section of prominent restaurateurs and hoteliers from throughout the Coachella Valley, as well as operators of local attractions and publications and executives of local tourism boards. Overall, the 24-member committee represents award-winning restaurants, acclaimed resorts, golf clubs, influential local publications, attractions, and area convention and visitor bureaus. Restaurant Week offers over two weeks of its signature “Eat. See. Stay.” experience, featuring exclusive dining, hotel, spa, and attractions deals. Sponsors include US Foods, Palm Springs Life / Fashion Week El Paseo /FOOD + WINE Festival Palm Desert, Kaminsky Productions and Savor a Taste of the California Desert, among others. For more information and a full list of participants, please visit , “like” Restaurant Week on Facebook, or follow the organization on Twitter.



Every Sunday starting Jun 9 and running through Jun 30, the inimitable Howie Pyro spins psycho soul, voodoo R&B, and ‘60s garage bands, all on 45’s. Music that is somewhat familiar but somewhat not. All from the original records. Howie Pyro started DJing as a teenager at the Mudd Club in New York City in 1978. His emphasis is to make you dance uncontrollably to music that makes your head spin, which may sound familiar but then again put lots of happy question marks in the air. Howie has DJ’d for everyone from The Cramps to Christina Aguilera’s 21st birthday party, huge Hollywood events, fashion shows and Santerian Priest inductions, and has played, written and/or performed with Danzig, Debbie Harry, Johnny Thunders, Ronnie Spector, Rancid, Joey Ramone, Genesis P. Orridge, Kid Congo Powers, and many more. Weekly on Sunday at 10:00 pm. This event is free to the public and you must be 21+ to play in the sandbox… THE AMIGO ROOM OF THE ACE HOTEL 701 E. Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, CA For more information: Call 760-325-9900 or visit



OBAMA ISSUES PROCLAMATION DECLARING JUNE LGBT PRIDE MONTH COURTESY OF LGBTQNATION The White House on Friday May 31 2013 issued a proclamation by President Barack Obama, declaring June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, saying his administration has been “a proud partner in the journey toward LGBT equality.” “We celebrate LGBT Pride Month at a moment of great hope and progress, recognizing that more needs to be done,” Obama said, the fifth consecutive year he has issued the proclamation: LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTH, 2013 — BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION For more than two centuries, our Nation has struggled to transform the ideals of liberty and equality from founding promise into lasting reality. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans and their allies have been hard at work on the next great chapter of that history — from the patrons of The Stonewall Inn who sparked a movement to service members who can finally be honest about who they love to brave young people who come out and speak out every day. This year, we celebrate LGBT Pride Month at a moment of great hope and progress, recognizing that more needs to be done. Support for LGBT equality is growing, led by a generation which understands that, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” In the past year, for the first time, voters in multiple States affirmed marriage equality for same-sex couples. State and local governments have taken important steps to provide much-needed protections for transgender Americans. My Administration is a proud partner in the journey toward LGBT equality. We extended hate crimes protections to include attacks based on sexual orientation or gender identity and repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” We lifted the HIV entry ban and ensured hospital visitation rights for LGBT patients. Together, we have investigated and addressed pervasive bullying faced by LGBT students, prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Federal housing, and extended benefits for samesex domestic partners. Earlier this year, I signed a reauthorization


of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in the implementation of any VAWA-funded program. And because LGBT rights are human rights, my Administration is implementing the first-ever Federal strategy to advance equality for LGBT people around the world. We have witnessed real and lasting change, but our work is not complete. I continue to support a fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act, as well as the Respect for Marriage Act. My Administration continues to implement the Affordable Care Act, which beginning in 2014, prohibits insurers from denying coverage to consumers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, which addresses the disparate impact of the HIV epidemic among certain LGBT sub-communities. We have a long way to go, but if we continue on this path together, I am confident that one day soon, from coast to coast, all of our young people will look to the future with the same sense of promise and possibility. I am confident because I have seen the talent, passion, and commitment of LGBT advocates and their allies, and I know that when voices are joined in common purpose, they cannot be stopped. NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2013 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh. BARACK OBAMA Prior to Obama’s administration, President Bill Clinton was the last president to issue such a proclamation, first doing so in 1999 and then in 2000 before he left office. President George W. Bush never issued a proclamation commemorating LGBT pride.



RUSSIA GAY COMMUNITY TO CELEBRATION VIA TWITTER COURTESY OF HUFFINGTON POST GAY VOICES Pride season is practically upon us and while there will be celebrations around the world, our Russian gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender brother and sisters will not have the chance to join in the festivities in their homeland. Last year a court in Moscow ruled that gay pride celebrations were prohibited in the city for the next 100 years and things are just as bleak in other parts of the country. However, instead of waiting until 2112 to show their pride, the Russian LGBT community has been invited to go west to celebrate in Sweden. Stockholm Pride has unveiled a new Twitter campaign, #GoWest, which welcomes their Russian friends to travel to Sweden for their Pride celebrations this summer. On the campaign page for #GoWest, you can send out a tweet that will automatically be translated into Russian, inviting people to Stockholm Pride. “To celebrate that love, regardless of gender, sexual orientation,

ethnicity and gender identity is a democratic right, we have taken this opportunity to, with humor and love, direct a special invitation to all of Russia to celebrate Pride with us,” says Stockholm Pride, a generous offer to a population suffering in Russia right now. Unlike Russia, Sweden has been progressive on the issue of gay and transgender rights for years, legalizing same-sex marriage in 2009 and even introducing the term “hen” to define people (and in some cases objects) who do not wish to be identified as male or female.

JUNE, 2013 21


Palm Springs’ official Pride events may be in November (tourist season has its economic realities and no one wants to march in leather and/or high heels when it’s a hundred degrees outside), but the rest of the country and even many other nations are awash in LGBT celebrations this month. And with high traffic to events in nearby San Diego, Long Beach and Los Angeles, it’s still easy to get Pridish around here. Certainly, there is much to celebrate this year: twelve states have recognized marriage equality with surprising speed, gay and lesbian people now serve openly in the military and there’s a good chance the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8 may be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. Several high-profile gay people, including one professional sports figure, have come out without as much fuss as expected and overall acceptance of gay and lesbian civil rights is at an all-time high, if you believe the polls. Some enlightened politicians, including a few conservatives, have endorsed marriage equality and perhaps most telling, the president—in the State of the Union speech no less—spoke of Stonewall, equating it with Selma, Seneca Falls and Birmingham Jail in the pantheon of seminal American civil rights events.


All this has occurred just over the few past months and may suggest that we’re finally entering an unprecedented period of educated evolution toward full equality and acceptance. It’s all been unexpected, joyful and quite heady. It’s also very tempting to rest on a sense of accomplishment. But we don’t dare, not yet. In the midst of all these positive developments, this year has also seen some sharp and disturbing turns. Violent protests against same-sex marriage have erupted in Russia, Brazil and surprisingly, toujours l’amour France. Democrats in the U.S. Senate were forced by Republicans to drop LGBT-partner provisions of the immigration bill, the Boy Scouts approved gay members but banned gay leaders (surely paving the way for some confused and angry 18-year old Eagle Scouts). The Catholic Archbishop of New York has called for more anti-gay praying and sermonizing throughout his church in anticipation of the Supreme Court decisions. And most horrifically, anti-gay hate attacks have increased alarmingly, especially in New York City and recently culminated in the murder of a young gay man by a crazed bigot who bragged at what he’d done, spouting the usual offensive epithets as he was led away. The shooting was unforeseeable, among lights and many people in the

VIEW supposedly safe and gay-friendly neighborhood of Greenwich Village. But for a killer driven by whatever anti-gay demons possessed him, it was all quite easy. I never want to rain on anyone’s Gay Pride Parade. Indeed and especially this year, we must focus on the positive, celebrate with all the heart, mind and energy we can conjure, come out to whomever we can, appreciate the fellowship of our LGBT brothers and sisters, remember the sacrifices and struggles of our predecessors, never apologize for who we are and of course, remain as fabulous as possible. And most importantly, before we go out to dance in the street, we must be smart and informed. As a veteran of more than three decades of Pridefesting, occasional activism, shouting matches, innumerable marches and protests, arguments in print, boardrooms and town halls, a couple of police scuffles and one brief arrest, I am at best, a cautious optimist. A strong dose of reality informs my view of LGBT social and political progress. That’s why for all the carnivale, we cannot be carried away by any naïve belief or hope that we’ve finally conquered homophobia or are even close. Despite those polls, LGBT issues still deeply divide the country, right along red state/blue state lines. So Pride cannot just be a series of celebrations—it must remain the continuation of a fight that has been going on for more than forty years and promises to stretch far into the future. I find inspiration to persist in that future in the long-ago Stonewall Riots of June 1969. The president was right to recognize that event and remind us of what we owe to those who, without plans, strategies, focus groups or media spokespersons, found the courage to stand up for themselves, resist the bullies, shout out the first coherent demand for gay equality, make people pay attention and unknowingly pave the way for what we may take for granted every June in our Pride celebrations. If you don’t know about those first Resistors, educate yourself. They were a ragtag mix that night. Besides neighborhood regulars, there were hustlers, johns, drag queens, transgendered guys/ gals, wise queens, street trade, leather numbers, a few addicts, older dads, younger chicken and plain old queens. If you’re unfamiliar or uncomfortable with some of those terms, all the more reason to realize and appreciate what they had to overcome. Their actions led directly to the first organized gay pride event the following year: the Christopher Street Liberation Parade. Of course, most of those Stonewall pioneers are long gone or simply lost to history. But all would surely be astounded by what they inadvertently unleashed. If you’re old enough to remember them, keep their story alive. If you’re too young, then learn that story. It’s the crucial commemorative foundation of what makes us all what we are today. STEVE BOLERJACK is a former public relations executive and longtime writer and editor His work has appeared in the New York and Washington Blades, Genre, POZ, The Desert Sun, PRIDE, The Bottom Line and many others. His collection of columns for the New York Blade, Pride, Politics & Plague, was published in 2011. He currently lives in Palm Springs.

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JUNE, 2013 23



Summer is my favorite time of year and June is my favorite month. Always has been, always will be. This goes back to childhood. It was the end of the school year and summer meant freedom to me. I still have that sense of freedom. Freedom is now filled with pride – Gay Pride. Music has also meant freedom to me and music has always played a major role in my life, as does Gay Pride month to millions of LGBT folks across the nation. Let’s talk about music. After all, it’s so much a part of Gay Pride. When I was 22-years-old, I learned what Gay Pride truly meant. I attended my first Pride Parade in West Hollywood, California, and it became apparent that I was a part of something important. Before that time, I knew very little about why June was Gay Pride month. However, I soon learned of the Stonewall riots that occurred back in the Greenwich Village section of New York City in June of ’69, and that’s when I started to realize what Gay Pride stood for. The generation that came before mine made it possible for the lives millions of us are living today. Music transforms all of our lives into something special, and is therefore a large part of Gay Pride. This year is no different. The music plays on. With his 15th album, Dave Koz has decided to turn up the heat this summer by enlisting three of his friends, who are also superb jazz musicians; Gerald Albright, Richard Elliot and Mindi Abair. Together, with the help of some of our favorite vocalists, “Summer Horns” has all the ingredients for a delicious serving of ear candy. DAVE KOZ AND FRIENDS: SUMMER HORNS Concord Records Release Date: June 11, 2013 Track Highlights. The album kicks off with the Ronnie Laws composition “Always There.” This rendition has just the right vibe to let the listener know they’re about to hear a very special collection of songs. It’s upbeat, light and breezy, and defines the word cool. Get out your favorite beverage and chillax – this song is as comfortable as a perfect summer day. “Got To Get You Into My Life,” the Lennon/McCartney classic, is reminiscent of the Earth, Wind & Fire arrangement that was a Top 10 hit back in the summer of ’78. It feels so damn good. Happiness abounds!


“Rise” is a sensational cover of the Herb Alpert track that was also big on the Disco/Dance chart hit back in the summer of ’79. It’s hard to beat the original, but Koz and Friends achieve the feat beautifully, and give this track an update that makes it feel as fresh as it did when it was blaring on the radio and pulsing ever so smoothly on the dance floor back in the day. “So Very Hard To Go” is an all-time favorite track of mine, so I was skeptical before hearing this version because of my alliance to the original. To say I was ecstatic as soon as I heard the first couple of lyrics sung by Michael McDonald would be an understatement. This blue-eyed soul singer, who was once the lead vocalist of The Doobie Brothers, hasn’t lost an ounce of his vocal or his love for this genre of music. This cover of the 1974 R&B classic is a standout, and McDonald’s vocals bring it to a whole new level. Superb! “Take Five” is a sentimental choice that was chosen as a tribute to the late, great jazz pianist, Dave Brubeck, who passed away last December. His spirit rises as Koz and Friends’ four saxophones, accompanied by a simple bass, blend so beautifully for this cover that was Brubeck’s signature song.

LISTEN UP 80s hits such as “On The Wings Of Love” and “Love Power,” to name just two. What makes this organ-based arrangement even more astonishing is the fact that Osborne recorded it in one take without ever having sung it before. Between Koz and Friends and Osborne, a song is reborn. The final track, “Summer Horns,” is also labeled a Bonus Track, and a bonus it is. It’s the only original recording written especially for this set, and it fits into this collection as if it’s one of the classics that make up this collection. All in all, if you’re looking for a sophisticated yet joyous set of grooves, this album is the perfect way to heat up your summer. Dave Koz is one of our greatest musicians, and “Summer Horns” is a perfect match to the season’s rising temperature. Dave Koz and Friends: Summer Horns will be released on June 11, 2013.

SYLVESTER - MIGHTY REAL: GREATEST DANCE HITS Fantasy Records Release Date: June 25, 2013

“Reasons” doesn’t need a reason to be included on this set, as it’s one of the greatest Earth, Wind & Fire songs ever composed by Maurice White, Philip Bailey and Charles Stepney. This version oozes with so much sensual excitement that the horns only enhance the sexual tension of this classic. What would an album of classic covers be without a Stevie Wonder composition? After all, Stevie is the eighth Wonder of the world. This jazz rendition of “You Haven’t Done Nothin” even soars without the lyrics, but features Jonathan Butler scatting through this superb arrangement that’s only enhanced by Rick Braun’s trumpet and flugelhorn. The pairing of these two guests provides the perfect vibe. “God Bless The Child” – just about every great recording artist has covered this Billie Holiday-penned classic. This arrangement borrows heavily from the Blood, Sweat & Tears version that David Clayton-Thomas tore up and made his own in the summer of ’69. This time around, Jeffrey Osborne lends his superb vocals. It’s as if time hasn’t passed listening to Osborne sound as fresh as he did on his

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the release of Sylvester’s collection, “Mighty Real: Greatest Dance Hits.” Sylvester was not only one of the first disco stars to be openly gay, but he bravely crossed beyond the boundaries of race, gender and sexuality to become a proud figure of the gay liberation movement. 2013 marks 25 years since Sylvester’s untimely passing, and nothing could be more appropriate than for this collection to be released during Gay Pride month. The Single CD edition features 10 previously issued tracks plus the brand new dub remix of “Mighty Real,” by Ralphi Rosario. The Double Pink Vinyl edition features all 11 tracks on two 12” vinyl LPs. “Mighty Real: Greatest Dance Hits” will also be available digitally. A portion of the proceeds from this compilation will go to: The AIDS Emergency Fund and Project Open Hand.


JUNE, 2013 25



A Place like No Where Else…


P-town! Provincetown has been welcoming diverse folks from around the world for over 600 years….. Vikings, Pilgrims, Portuguese sailors, playwrights, artists, musicians- oh my! And of course it is New England’s and perhaps America’s most famous Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered playground. It was In the 20s when this outpost at the north end of Cape Cod, across a bay from Boston, began attracting artists and writers. That is when it all began. Every year the place becomes friendlier, more relaxing, and more inclusive. The bustling harbor, the exciting downtown, with an amazing variety of shops and restaurants contains fun surprises on every block. The way to P-town could not be easier. You can fly! Cape Air connects to and from Boston’s easy Logan Airport and there are also weekend flights from New York as well. You can sail by ferry! Two high speed ferries cross from the Boston Harbor to P-Town in 90 ninety minutes. The dock is a fifteen minute cab ride from the airport, or you can access the dock from the airport by water taxi….even more fun!! Ride a bus! P and B Bus Lines connect Provincetown to


Boston, Providence and New York. Or rent a car and drive, but you really do not need the car in P-town, so these three are the optimum choices. Bicycles are everywhere for rent and that is a great way to exercise and see the town. Commercial Avenue is a few miles long and most of the town’s attractions are on or near this street. Places to eat, drink, party, dance are all here. There is fine dining but mostly distinctive, unique and great casual food. One of the finest small art museums in the world is the Provincetown Art Museum. Their collection has more than 2000 works from over 500 artists who all have connections to Cape Cod. The museum opened in 1914 so it has been there as our community evolved. There are also hundreds of classes from practical art to art history. Two-thirds of the land area of the town is controlled by the National Park Service. It is the Cape Cod National Seashore. There is a great Visitors’ Center with spectacular beach views of two of the finest beaches on the Cape- Herring Cove and Race Point. The Old Harbor Life Saving Station tells the story of the “surfmen,” who

TRAVEL proceeded the modern day Coast Guard. Art’s Dune Tours, which has been in operation since 1946, operates tours out onto the dunes. Learn the fascinating history of the folks who lived in the “Dunes Shacks” and see up close the amazing mountains of sand. P-town and Massachusetts Bay are both excellent whalewatching grounds. An afternoon on a whale watching venture is sure to please most of your travelling partners. It is fun, unique and entertaining. There are several companies but the leader is the Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch of Provincetown. They are located at the main pier. They have up to twelve daily trips during the summer season to the Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary. Expert and fun naturalists are aboard on every sailing. Walking and biking around town is like always being in a living museum; few places in America have recorded history to observe that stretches back more than 500 years. There are more than 50 historic sites on Commercial Avenue alone. The Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum is worth an invigorating walk. It sits on the highest hill in town and rises 252 feet. What better way to celebrate a 20th century Portuguese fishing village, 18th century Yankee village, the landfall of 17th century English immigrants and 12th century Vikings than a 14th century Tuscan tower? Quirky yes,

but so is this delightful town! Guesthouses and cottages are the places to stay. There are literally hundreds. And as with all accommodations, personal taste and budget are all well covered in P-town. The Anchor Inn is a lovely place with rooms that look over the bay and the street. The Boatslip is the party central hotel where every afternoon at the stroke of four, the hotel’s deck is transformed into P-town’s largest Tea Dance. The Sage Inn is a unique and very special place designed for artists and students, but welcoming to all. Newly remodeled, it is very relaxing. Along with being an Inn and an exceptional Lounge, the place offers meeting spaces designed for local cultural non-profits. The permanent population of the town is around 2000, but in the summer its ranks swell to 45000 or more. There are hundreds of places to stay, but reservations are absolutely necessary. The shoulder seasons of March-May and Sept-mid-Oct are pretty desolate but many restaurants and accommodations are opened and P-town takes on a lovely and hauntingly beautiful pace. Hotel rates are thriftier then as well. Enjoy! FOR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT GEORGE AT ZANDER44@AOL.COM.

JUNE, 2013 27

FASHION GAY GRATEFUL DAY For years, the word “Pride” has labeled our community, what if we change that word for...for us. In addition, what if, there was nothing to be proud of? Gay, gay pride, gay culture. What is it with the gay obsession? Maybe it’s time to tackle the topic from a “politically incorrect” point of view and give the readers a piece of my mind about the subject. Let me preface this by apologizing to those who might find this offensive but it might give you a different perspective. I won’t talk about the political battles for same sex marriage that is something that should have happened millions of years ago, or many of the countless issues we face daily. To begin, G.A.Y. means Good As You, in case you didn’t know that. What if a gay person, like me, refuses to call himself gay because he does not like labeling, (I cut the red Levi’s tag from all of my about that?). What would happen if we use the word homophile instead of homosexual? That, clearly and automatically, would stop anyone, from thinking of sex and make them want to ask that terrible, grotesque and humiliating question, when they see two men together, “Who’s the woman in the relationship”? They don’t mean, “Who goes to the supermarket to shop or who cooks and runs the home”, if you know what I mean. Awhile back my own mother asked me that question, and, I almost responded but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, today I probably would because I have no time for people’s stupidity, mothers included. So, what’s the pride in being gay? I cannot think of why I, or any other “homophile” person, should be proud. To begin with, Pride, if you care about the church (Yeah right!) is one of the seven deadly sins and maybe why many straight people hate us and, some of them would want to see us in the company of the devil. In addition, even if “We the Gays” show no care for the church, secretly, we say our prayers at night before we go to sleep and ask forgiveness for any “daily sin” that may have occurred, on the way to work or any other errand. Why? Simply because we are humans, but that’s another story. Homophile is a person who tends to stick around people of the same genre. I like to think that of me because, throughout the years I have learned that there’s no such thing as Gay Culture. Think about it. For centuries, except for some five thousand years ago in Greece, we have been denied the status of Human Beings, manifestly or secretly, by the Church, the Government, our neighbors and, most devastating of all, our own families. Pride because Michelangelo Buonarroti liked men? Because Caravaggio was chased by the church for his itsy bitsy indiscretions? However, he was a genius so he had to be forgiven.


CHRISTIAN DIOR by Yousuf Karsh [1954]


Proud because almost all the fashion designers were gay? Dior was the most discrete person in the world; if anything were said about his sexual preferences, it would still be considered terrible taste. If you look at it under this new lens, what would be the point in asking a person...”Are you gay?” which I’d politely answer, “Why do you want to know that? Does your daddy want to date me”? Cristobal Balenciaga was homophile. What difference does it make anyway? None of them came out once to say they were proud to be gay. They had better things to do; they were busy creating beautiful things. If anything, we should be grateful for all the gifts that we have received. The gift of seeing things differently, the gift to bring the world a new and happier prospective on life, the gift of beauty in architecture, fashion, literature, decorative arts. We should be grateful for the way our brain works. Gay culture does not exist: It’s just a sub-culture, a colorful and happy way to see the world. In a very sad way, we became a culture only when AIDS came on the scene; at that point, we were a world threat and a problem. We made it through the fire; we are still here and fighting. Nevertheless, that is another story that we all hope will soon become history. QUESTIONS? CONTACT ME GERO VIOLA AT STYLEPAX@ GMAIL.COM

JUNE, 2013 29




Can’t we all just get along? We can, especially when some of the largest corporations stand behind us. You may be surprised to learn that some of your favorite networks, foods, drinks, and product companies are big supporters of LGBT equality. Bravo, Apple, Showtime, HBO, Absolut, Levi’s, General Mills, Budweiser, Target, JC Penny, Kenneth Cole, Amazon, Microsoft, Expedia, Smirnoff …to name a few. There was a time when gay characters on TV were as hard


to find as a gay professional athlete was and when we were seen it was embarrassing and demeaning. Now there are shows based entirely around gay culture. From major ad campaigns with notable gay spoke people…remember RuPaul and Elton John for MAC and now with Ellen DeGeneres for JC Penney. It’s like Virginia Slims…we’ve come a long way baby. Full acceptance? Certainly not yet. Reason to celebrate absolutely, because we can take Pride in knowing that new support is coming in everyday…and no celebration is complete without a great sparkling wine. As the first wine specially created as a celebration of equality for gay Americans and all those who support this noble cause, ÉGALITÉ gives toast to EQUALITY. Introduced in January of this year, Égalité is the first nationallydistributed wine created in support of LGBT equality in the United States and around the world. Meaning ‘Equality,’ the name Égalité is both a reflection of the wine’s French origin and a celebration of equality for gay Americans. So celebrate the gay way. Chef Andre Carthen a.k.a. the Fit Chef, is featured in Kathy Ireland’s book “Real Solutions for Busy Moms: Your Guide to Success and Sanity,” and Janet Jackson’s first book, NY Times #1 Best Seller “True You”.



ENTERTAINING MADE EASY The weather is warming up and summer is right around the corner. From holiday celebrations to road trips, family vacations to block parties, it’s the time of year for cookouts. Make all of your summer cuisine extraordinary no matter what the occasion with these simple tips: * Kick seasoning up a notch - Spice up your main dish and sides by adding bold flavors through marinades and dips. Pair grilled shrimp with a homemade barbecue sauce or create a delicious horseradish sour cream for seasoned waffle fries. * Create cutting-edge comfort food - When menu planning for summer get-togethers, add a twist to a classic recipe. It doesn’t have to be a large departure from a family favorite; try swapping out a regular hamburger bun with artisanal bread or include sweet potato fries as a side dish rather than traditional french fries. * Add some color to your meal - Never underestimate the importance of an aesthetically pleasing meal. * Incorporate the flavors of the season into your cocktails - Use seasonally fresh fruits and vegetables as more than a garnish to create memorable cocktails. Start with your spirit of choice and try the following refreshing flavor combinations: basil and grapefruit, apple and sage or rosemary and lime. * Fill the grill - Simplify cooking - and clean-up - by doing as much cooking as possible in your outdoor kitchen. Sides such as Alexia Waffle Fries or Panko Breaded Onion Rings make summer entertaining a breeze when prepared on the grill and are delectable complements to a variety of grill-friendly fare, from steaks and sweet corn to barbecue chicken and asparagus (and beyond). To prepare, simply create a foil grilling tray using two pieces of aluminum foil by crumpling the top piece, creating an edge around the bottom smooth piece to make a tray, and grilling on medium for about 20 minutes. For delicious seasonal recipes, visit

JUNE, 2013 31


When I think of being ‘proud’, I tend to consider what it is that gives me that feeling. For example, one of the things I tend to think about is my country and what it stands for with regards to individual freedoms. I also think about my heritage as well as the many accomplishments of goals I’ve set for myself in my life so far. The thing is, we all have certain areas of our life, both past and present that we feel proud about, which might also include the degree to which we have cared for our body and mind. However, when exhibiting pride, the most important element to consider is you. Because you are made up of things you believe in and ideals you stand for. Anyone can just say they are proud of something…that’s easy. But, to be proud to the right degree, at the right time, for the right reason and in the right way…THAT, is what’s most meaningful. Especially since it’s not within everyone’s power or grasp and it’s definitely not easy. As another example of pride in our lives, this time of year brings with it what we call “Gay Pride”. This term refers to a worldwide movement and philosophy of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. The pride campaign of the gay rights movement essentially emphasizes three basic ideas. The first of these ideas is that ‘people have a right to be proud of their individual sexual orientation and gender identity’. Second, that ‘sexual diversity is a gift.’ And the third idea is the fact that ‘sexual orientation and gender identity are inherent and cannot be intentionally altered’. Marches celebrating Pride (pride parades) are celebrated worldwide. The word pride is used in this case as an antonym for shame, which has been used to control and oppress many people throughout history. Pride in this sense is an affirmation of one’s self and the community as a whole. The modern “Gay Pride” movement began after the Stonewall riots in New York City in the late 1960s and just a few years after another civil rights movement. It was five decades ago that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lead a march on Washington D.C. as a proud man speaking for millions of proud Americans who were not receiving their fair share of the freedoms guaranteed to ALL in this great country of ours, namely the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. LGBT Americans now stand at that same threshold. This then, represents a number of areas we might consider important to our own personal belief system that make up who we are, what we believe and what we stand for. In fact, we are the last standing group of individuals seeking human rights equality. That then, is reflected in our outward expression of freedom…and that is


definitely something for which we can celebrate with pride…in the right degree, at the right time, for the right reason and in the right way. Whether you are a regular reader of my articles or reading this one for the first time, I would like to express my thanks and extend to you my best wishes for the most meaningful, safe and joyous LGBT Pride Summer. If you are not sure where to begin with your health and fitness plan, what to do, how to correct a problem area, or have any other questions pertaining to this column or relating to your fitness goals, please feel free to contact me at the email address below. Many of the questions you may have are the same questions others may have. I will answer all inquiries by email or phone. Also, if you are interested in regular group fitness seminars, exercise classes such as water fitness, cycling or ‘fit-camps’ for weight loss or gain please let me hear from you. If you need help with your physique training, post injury retraining or nutritional guidance, please contact me by email at the address below, or just visit my web site at: Dennis Mason, C.P.T.


Throughout California, millions of young people participate in activities like scouting, Little League, youth soccer, 4-H and YMCA or YWCA camps. On May 29, California took a historic step forward to guarantee that they grow up learning that discriminating against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people is unacceptable. On May 29, the California Senate passed the Youth Equality Act, authored by Sen. Ricardo Lara and sponsored by Equality California. Right now, groups that discriminate based on race, sex, nationality — none of them are eligible for the tax breaks that youth organizations get. Missing from that list currently? Sexual orientation and gender identity, which are part of California’s broader nondiscrimination code. The Youth Equality Act fixes that by ending special tax breaks for groups that discriminate against LGBT people. The vote was a historic victory: This is the first time that an LGBT bill won a two-thirds majority in any Californian legislative house. After moving testimony from Eric Andresen, father of Ryan Andresen, who was expelled from the Boy Scouts just for being gay, the Senate recognized that discrimination has a cost, and it’s wrong for California to subsidize discriminating youth organizations with tax breaks. The bill now moves on to the Assembly, where it also needs a two-thirds vote to become law. EQCA Executive Director John O’Connor is an Eagle Scout, and takes the success of the Youth Equality Act personally. “The Youth Equality Act is bigger than the Boy Scouts, but they’re definitely part

of it,” O’Connor explains. “A lot of my passion here comes from being a Scout — not only do I want the best for them, they also really taught me a lot about standing up for what’s right. I love the Scouts, but they have to embrace equality to fulfill their promise.” O’Connor ties the Youth Equality Act to a larger narrative of LGBT equality. The necessity of openness that was a main topic at the Harvey Milk Day Diversity Breakfast in Palm Springs also underpins the Youth Equality Act. “One of the major rules Harvey Milk argued for was that everyone needs to be out, everyone needs the freedom to live as who they are, and that’s crucial for achieving full equality, both by empowering us and by letting our friends and family see us as people rather than stereotypes. The Youth Equality Act will help LGBT young people participate in that empowerment, and it will also teach their straight peers that discrimination is the way of the past, not the future,” said O’Connor. But not everyone in the Coachella Valley supports ending the exclusion of LGBT people; Sen. Bill Emmerson failed to vote for the Youth Equality Act. Instead of being a part of a historic moment for LGBT equality, he voted against the bill in committee and sat on the sidelines for the floor vote, letting history pass him by. If LGBT people in Palm Springs were hoping that Emmerson would represent them and stand against their ongoing unfair exclusion, they were wrong.

JUNE, 2013 33

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EVENTS CALENDAR and film actor David Pevsner starring in his new solo musical show “Musical Comedy Whore” at The Commissary in Rancho Mirage. The show will open on May 17, 2013, for a five-week run closing on June 16, 2013. Sex, Secrets, and Show Tunes – “Musical Comedy Whore” is a wild, funny and thoughtful journey with a gifted and versatile performer and playwright. Jim Strait, DRP Artistic Director says, “You’ll have a ball!” To order go online at or call 760-202-3000.

JUN 15 The 5th Annual Joshua Tree Gay Pride Festival is set for Saturday, June 15, from 11am to 11pm at the Art Queen Complex and surrounding venues including Joshua Tree Saloon, Trailer Trash & Courtyard, and The Station. Joshua Tree Gay Pride Festival, is a celebration for progress, and an Art & Music Festival for the whole family! Joshua Tree, California. Visit for more info.

NOW THRU JUNE 16 The Desert Rose Playhouse, the Valley’s live stage company serving the LGBT community, will present its final production of our 2012/13 Season, popular stage


JUNE 6 THRU SEPTEMBER 19 The Palm Springs Art Museum will offer free films in its Annenberg Theater every Thursday at 6 p.m. from June 6 through Sept. 19 (there is no film on July 4). The first ten films will be the 2013 Global Lens series of films, organized by the Global Film Initiative. This series highlights films from countries not typically associated with filmmaking, and features young and upcoming directors. Visit for further info.

CURRENTLY THRU OCTOBER 6 Insights on Architecture is inspired by Ezrar Stoller (1915 - 2004), a student of both architecture and industrial design, who began his career as a photographer in the late 1930s. His image 1939 World’s Fair, Finnish Pavilion, Queens, New York, designed by Alvar Aalto, launched his career and his recognition as an acute observer of space and form. His photographs of work by architects Frank Lloyd Wright, Eero Saarinen, Louis Kahn, and Marcel Breuer demonstrate his finely tuned sensitivity to light and shadow, translucency and solid form. Additional photographs by other architectural photographers in our permanent collection will accompany this exhibition. This exhibition is organized by the Palm Springs Art Museum.

CURRENTLY THRU OCTOBER 20 Agua Caliente Cultural Museum continues a great exhibition, Where are the Tipis? The changing perceptions about Indians. Views of Indians, past and present, are often based on misinformation. Where

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EVENTS CALENDAR are the Tipis? provides insights into these perceptions and how they have been perpetuated. For more information about Where Are the Tipis? and other Museum programs and events, call 760-778-1079 or visit

JUNE 29 The Show at Agua Caliente Casino presents Michael Jackson History Show II The Ultimate Tribute featuring Kenny Wizz. Show starts at 8pm. For info on this show or any other visit

JULY 6 Fantasy Springs Casino presents KC and the Sunshine Band with The Village People in the Special Events Center at 8pm. KC and The Sunshine Band was one of the most progressive bands in the 70’s and is credited with changing the sound of modern pop music. Beginning their 36th year as the “kings of disco”, the one-of-a-kind Village People is synonymous with dance music. On July 6th, the same day as the Fantasy Springs concert, the Palm Springs Walk of Stars will honor Harry Wayne Casey of KC & The Sunshine Band with a star dedication ceremony.

all without the attitude. And of course, we are proud to still hold the longest happy hour in all the Valley. Remember: Size Matters. Come by for our happy hour from 10am – 7pm. Yes, that’s right: 9 hours long! For a list of all events and specials visit

TUESDAYS The weekly Bella da Ball Cabaret Variety Dinner Revue at Azul features a different show each week with a cast of male and female vocalists and drag personalities. The highly popular show is hosted and produced by Palm Springs’ area social ambassador, Bella da Ball, and features music-comedy-song-dance-costumingheaddresses-photo ops-door prizesaudience participation and more. The 95+ minute production features musical numbers ranging from show tunes to country to pop and everything in between. Don’t miss the fun every Tuesday at 7:30pm! No cover.

ONGOING Hunters Nightclubs® Palm Springs, Palm Springs’ go-to gay bar and dance club, has been leading the way in full-out fun for 13 lucky years now! And we keep it pumping, making it better for you all the time with our unparalleled event line-up. We enjoy having the desert’s most sought-after and friendly DJs, full-on themed events, and a staff that has it


SUNDAYS “The Playgirls” at Toucans Tiki Lounge featuring Tommi Rose! Performances 8, 10pmThese darling Divas of drag really deliver with their very own brand of entertainment to packed houses. Special guests appear weekly. DJ in the sound booth. Complete list of events go to

Coming Soon: Full Monthly Event Calendar at

JUNE, 2013 35

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JUN 28 - 30

JUN 5 - 9

KEY WEST FLORIDA - KEY WEST PRIDE Show your Key West Pride on June 5-9! Street Fair, Pride Parade, Pool Parties, Dance Parties, Sunset Sails, Comedy, Film, and so much more! All set on a tropical island that is legendary for its laidback style and its open and accepting atmosphere. Whether you’re looking to party with friends, travel with family, or get lost in the magic of our tropical island, Key West Pride has something for everyone.

JUN 14 - 16

NAPA & SONOMA CA GAY WINE WEEKEND Enjoy three full days of LGBT events in Northern California’s magnificent Sonoma Valley - home to some of the world’s most prestigious wines and wineries. Celebrate with world class wine and culinary delights, music and dancing in a private estate vineyard, VIP Receptions, wine tasting excursions, champagne brunch and wine auction in one of the most famous luxury wine destinations in the world.

NY - NY / NEW YORK CITY GAY PRIDE The New York City Gay Pride is the original Christopher Street Day, home of the Stonewall gay bar. Pride week starts with The Rally at Bryant Park (42nd Street and 6th Avenue). A week later the March will start at noon on 5th Avenue and 52nd Street to Christopher and Greenwich Streets. The Pride week culminates with a dance party at Pier 54.

JUN 29 - 30

SAN FRANCISCO - CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO PRIDE San Francisco has got a two-day Celebration and a Parade. The Two-Day Celebration takes place at San Francisco’s Civic Center area on Saturday and Sunday.

JUN 8 - 16

ANCHORAGE - ALASKA / ALASKA PRIDE The state’s largest city, Anchorage, hosts the Alaska Gay Pride Festival and Parade, right in the heart of this rugged metropolis that lies in the shadows of the Chugach Mountains, along the famous Turnagain Arm fjord. Alaska Pride takes place over a full week, culminating with the Alaska Pride Diversity March that proceeds to the Alaska Pride Festival, held in Delaney Park.


JUN 15 - 16

DENVER - COLORADO / DENVER PRIDE Recognized as one of the top ten pride events in the country, Denver’s PrideFest is a celebration of community, heritage, family and culture. Produced by the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Colorado (The Center), more than 250,000 people from Colorado and surrounding areas come out to enjoy the parade, rally, music, entertainment, food and much more.

JUN 21 - 30

HOUSTON - TEXAS / HOUSTON PRIDE The Pride Festival and Parade are at the center of the seven-day Celebration and are annually attended by more than 300,000 people from Houston and all over the world.

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JUN 11 - 16

VIENNA - AUSTRIA / VIENNA PRIDE With a population of nearly 2 million, a rich cultural scene, and a lively and quite visible gay and lesbian community, the Austrian capital city of Vienna is one of central Europe’s top destinations yearround. The major components of Vienna Gay Pride are the Pride Village, held in the city’s very prominent and centrally located Heroes’ Square, or Heldenplatz, through the six days of Pride. On June 15, the colorful Rainbow Parade (Regenbogenparade) proceeds through the city.

JUN 15

EDINBURGH - SCOTLAND PRIDE SCOTIA Scotland’s capital city, with a population of about 500,000 (making it the country’s second-largest metropolis, following Glasgow), Edinburgh is one of the cultural and arts hubs of the United Kingdom, and a fascinating city with a rich history that dates to the Roman Age. The city is well known for its creative spirit and lively festivals, including the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Edinburgh International Book Festival. Each June, the city plays host to the colorful Pride Scotia celebration, aka Scotland Gay Pride

JUN 22

BERLIN - GERMANY CHRISTOPHER STREET DAY Christopher Street Day is Berlin’s gay pride. It is the end of Pride Week / CSD Berlin. The big parade on the last Saturday of Pride week will follow a route from the Kurfurstendamm to the Siegesäule. At night, a big Pride party will close CSD. Berlin CSD is one of Europe’s biggest gay prides, with gay parties and events all over town.

JUN 25 - 30 JUN 13 - 17

SITGES - SPAIN GAY PRIDE SITGES In 2012, more than 70,000 people attended Sitges third pride. It was an amazing experience and one that is set to return this summer. Gay Pride Sitges 2013’s centerpiece will be the Pride by the Promenade, where every day the Gay Pride Village will keep you entertained by the Mediterranean... not to mention our other key events, concerts and more. This year the festival will be held over 5 days from June 13 through June 17.

JUN 21 -3 0

DUBLIN - IRELAND GAY PRIDE DUBLIN Gay Pride Dublin is the Climax of three pride weeks, with the big parade on the last Saturday, right through the Irish capital. The flagship event is the Dublin Pride Parade itself, which takes place the last weekend of June. It is the largest LGBTQ pride festival in the Republic of Ireland. The event has grown from a one-day event in 1983 to a ten-day festival celebrating LGBT culture in Ireland with expanded arts, social and cultural content.

LONDON - ENGLAND LONDON GAY PRIDE Gay Pride London brings you the traditional parade and several massive parties all over town. The traditional Parade takes place through central London on Saturday 29 June. The parade will be a highly visual and engaging celebration of the evolution and achievements of the LGBT+ community over the last four decades. Large screens erected throughout central London, including in Trafalgar Square, which will broadcast a mixture of recorded and live messages from community groups, charities, sponsors, celebrities, politicians and interviews from around the Pride events

JUNE, 2013 37



JUNE, 2013 39


DINE | DRINK | DANCE { Coachella Valley }


WANG’S IN THE DESERT 424 S Indian Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone: (760) 325-WANG (9264)

LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA 222 S Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 325-2794

ZIN AMERICAN BISTRO 198 S Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 322-6300

HUNTERS NIGHTCLUB 302 East Arenas Road, Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-323-0700

NATURE’S HEALTH FOOD & CAFE 555 S Sunrise Way Suite 301 Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 323-9487

LULU CALIFORNIA BISTRO 200 S Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 327-5858

BIRBA 622 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 327-5678

TOUCAN’S TIKI LOUNGE 2100 North Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-416-7584

POMME FRITE 256 S Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 778-3727

CHEEKYS 622 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 327-7595

RAINBOW BAR AND GRILL 216 South Indian Canyon Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-325-3989

RIO AZUL MEXICAN BAR AND GRILL 350 S Indian Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 992-5641

EL MIRASOL 140 E Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 323-0721

TRIO RESTAURANT 707 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone: (760) 864-8746

THAI SMILE PALM SPRINGS 651 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 320-5503

HAMBURGER MARY’S BAR & GRILLE 415 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 778-6279

STUDIO ONE 11 COCKTAIL LOUNGE 67-555 East Palm Canyon Drive, Suite A103, Cat. City CA 92264 760.328.2900

TRIO RESTAURANT 707 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 864-8746

RICK’S RESTAURANT 1973 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 416-0090

THE TOOL SHED 600 E. Sunny Dunes Road, Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.320.3299

THE TROPICALE 330 E Amado Road Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 866-1952

PINOCCHIO IN THE DESERT 134 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-3776

SPURLINE VIDEO LOUNGE 200 Indian Canyon Drive Palm Springs CA 92262 760-778-4326

SHERMAN’S DELI & BAKERY 401 E Tahquitz Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 325-1199 ACQUA PAZZA / THE RIVER at Rancho Mirage 71800 Highway 111 Suite A167 Rancho Mirage, CA Phone: (760) 862-9800 AZUL RESTAURANT 369 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 325-5533 CASA DE FRIDA 450 S Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 459-1681 COPLEY’S ON PALM CANYON 621 N Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA Phone: (760) 327-9555



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