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ON THE COVER: Th e r e i s n o t h i n g m o r e e l e g a n t t h a n t h e highly polished grille of a spectacular Concours vehicle, particularly that of the 1938 Lagonda V12 Rapide Drophead Coupe brought to the 2014 Concours d’Elegance by Oregan owner Ron Rezek.
Photo by Brandon Smith
copy right 201 5 DCoopMe dia, LLC Al l Righ t s R e s e r ve d N u m ber 26 m ay n ot b e re p rod uce d in w h o l e or p art wi t h ou t t h e p ri or w rit te n co n s en t of DCoop M e d i a, L L C I S S N: 2 37 3 - 9 7 0 3 P r o du ce d by : DCo o pM e d i a, L L C 3 2 4 5 Uni ve rs i t y Ave . # 1 1 0 2 S a n D ie g o, CA 9 2 1 0 4 w w w. dcoop m e d i a. com in fo @ dcoop me d i a. com
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image by brandon a. smith
WITH THANKS: Th e N 2 6 M o n t e r e y A u t o We e k Preview edition was crafted with the special assisstance of our “Creative Counsel”, Angel Robinson, whose refined eye and tough, motherly love ensures we don’t throw our hands up in the air and use Comic Sans in the heat of the moment. o.
THE LADIES OF THE 1914 FRENCH GRAND PRIX On any given day, it is often the super-exotic that turns a head, catches an eye, gathers the attention of passer-by. During the Concours d’Elegance, however, an event known for bringing together not simply the best of the best but also the signifigant, the important, and the sentimental, it is the dames of yore the take center stage. Th e 2 0 1 4 C o n c o u r s s a w t h e reunion of the pre-war Mercedes racers that once formed the team responsible for a triple victory at Lyon, the site of the 1914 French Grand Prix. Certainly the three 1914 18/10 legends could be made the star of a permanent display. However, the owners of these racing icons keep them in tiptop shape and race ready. Both were spotted later in the week throttling at full speed at the Mazda Rolex Motorsports Reunion.
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dcoopmedia & pebble beach we’ll be coming to you live from carmel with photos, intereviews, test drives, and more
Hello caller, you’re on the air! This year, as we have ever y year for the past four years, DCoopMedia will be on hand to celebrate the events of Monterey Auto Week sharing with our readers news, inter views, drives, and other surprises via Twitter and Instagram; be sure to follow along using the #DesignLUX hashtag.
follow dcoopmedia during auto Just what do we have in store? Exclusive drives of the McLaren 650S, w e e k David Brown’s Sportback GT, and the on twitter Galpin Rocket. Coverage of debuts @dcoopsd from BMW, Lamborghini, and Rolls #designlux Royce. Inter views with a few design legends. on instagram Joining executive editor Brandon @dcoopsd Smith, this year’s Monterey Auto #designlux Week Team also includes auto buffs Steve Stephens and Alex Schlange. on periscope @dcoopsd See you on the Lawn!
steve stephens d o e s n ’ t d r i ve m u c h b u t w h e n h e d o e s d r i ve s fa s t .
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alex schlange s p e a ks g e r m a n . t h a t ’ s a good reason right?
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auto week m o n t e r e y
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august/september 2015 coming late september
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C O M I N G L AT E S E P T E M B E R D I G I TA L A N D P R I N T F O R M AT F R O M D C O O P M E D I A W W W . T H E T W E N T Y 6 . C O M
lamborghini aventador & santa barbara monter ey auto week chateau style in nor thern california
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dcoopmedia & auto week
from the editor
10 pebble beach concours d’elegance
20 auto week showcases and displays
ROAD the races and
the year of ferrari
classic car forum
concorso italiano
the quail
mccall’s motor works revival
rolex monterey motorsports
exotic spotting
rm sotheby’s
russo & steele
the art of auto week
a preview: gt sportback
the last call
rallyes of auto week
38 pebble beach auctions and sales
50 automotive debuts and introductions
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monterey auto week we plan our whole year around it
Welcome to Monterey Auto Week. As I pen this note to you, signif ying not only the completion of our Monterey Auto Week Preview but also the official relaunch of theTwentySIX as luxur y lifestyle and design journal No. 26, automotive journalists, PR agencies, and marketing teams are burning the midnight oil, working their damndest to complete the never ending list of tasks that are required to pull off the events of Monterey Auto Week. At the offices of DCoopMedia, we too are burning the candle at both ends, securing and confirming inter views and test drives, as well as prepping our post event coverage.
Let’s just say that the bags under my eyes are a midnight reminder that it is once again early August. Don’t let the sleepless nights fool you, however, as this is one of my favorite times of year. Better than Christmas I like to say. Maybe it’s because I’ve always had a deep love for automotive design. Maybe it’s because receiving the keys to a $375,000 piece of machiner y is like opening that one gift under the Christmas Tree that you were just dying to have as a child. Or maybe it’s because I get to ignore my cell phone and, instead, focus on steadfast examples of beautiful design and innovative creativity. Either way, the team and I are ready. The bags are packed. Cameras charged. And cottage booked. Many thanks to Jaguar USA for their support of our team during Auto Week. See you in Carmel!
brandon a smith executive editor
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in remembrance 10
The last 15 years of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance have been enhanced by the vocal keys of Emmy-award winning actor Edward Herrmann. The Master of Ceremonies and the focal point of Concours narrations, Herrmann passed away December of last year. DCoopMedia wishes to honor Herrmann and the voice we’ve all come to love and will most certainly miss.
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LAWN t h e
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pebble beach concours d’elegance one of the world’s premier displays of automotive excellence
There are a myriad of adjectives that can be used to describe what is easily the world’s premier showcase of classic and highly coveted automobiles. However, none of these words come to mind the first time one steps foot onto the 18th Fair way at the Pebble Beach Golf Links.
Whether it be from the shock of being in the presence of so many, what DCoopMedia calls, Unicorns or because of the immense size and sheer expanse of the exhibition, it is quite common to feel as if one has had a religious experience upon attending the Pebble Beach Concours d”Elegance. For 64 years, the quiet coastal town of Carmel and her sister city, Monterey, to the northwest, have attracted the absolute best examples of automotive design and technological prowess, showcasing them alongside vehicles of historical signifigance and cars so rare in existence that they’ve been sighted fewer times than Bigfoot.
sunday, august 16th pebble beach golf links the 18th fair way www.pebblebeachconcours.net
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Though it is the stunning display of four (and three) wheeled works of art that take center stage, what truly makes the Concours a substantial event worth making the trek to annually is the elimination of social, class, and economical lines amongst participants and attendees; viewer and viewed alike coming together in the pursuit of furthering and exploring automotive heritage. The Lawn offers the opportunity to not simply ogle magnificent works of vehicular design - careful not to drool on them - but to also converse with the men and women who collect, restore, and preser ve them. No Concours, however, would be complete without a socially extravagent experience as well. Champagne flows, blankets are spread, and picnics are had adjacent the awards stage, participants breaking the proverbial bread while sharing their tales and automotive stories.
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One of only nine produced, the 1948 Ferrari 166 Corsa Spyder entranced passerby on the 18th Fair way in 2014. A racing legend, the V12, 129 horsepower racer stuns both on the track and at rest.
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image courtesy pebble beach concours d’elegance
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Highlighting Ferrari as this year’s featured marque, the 2015 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance poster spotlights the first Ferrari to race in California, a 1949 166 Mille M i g l i a . Th e p o s t e r , b y a c c l a i m e d a r t i s t P e t e r Hearsey, is just one of a series of posters to co m m e m o ra t e t h e e v e n t s o f Au t o We e k .
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concours highlights t h e s t a r s of t h e 1 8 t h fa i r way
Th i s ye ar i s t he Ye a r of t he Fe rra ri fore told wit h la st ye a r’s B e s t of Show win by t he 19 5 4 37 5 M M Sca g lie t t i Cou pe . Con cou rs cla sse s will foc u s on Pre se r va t ion Fe rra ris wit h a s p e c i al e mpha sis on t hose t ha t pa rt ic ipa te d in t he Pe bble Be a c h Roa d Ra ce s d u ring t he 19 5 0s.
It i s b e ca u se of Du Pont t ha t t he color sc he me s se e n on tod ay ’ s fa c tor y prod u c t ion ca rs exist , t he ir fa st -d r y ing p ai n t s p laye d a ma jor role in t he d eve lopme nt of G e ne ra l Motors . Ju st ove r 30 of t he ve hic le s t ha t be a r t he Du Pont n am e ex i s t tod ay. The law n will play host to ma ny of t he m.
designs by CA R R O Z Z E R I A TO U R I N G
Wi t h a s i g nifica nt conne c t ion to Fe rra ri, t he works of t his I t ali an coa c hbu ild e r, k now n for e le g a nt a nd innova t ive au tomot i ve d e sig ns like t he A lfa Rome o 8C a nd Fe rra ri 2 12 In te r/E xport , will be on t he law n Su nd ay morning .
Alt hou g h a t one t ime t he world ’s la rg e st bic yc le m an u fac t u re r, Colone l A lbe rt Au g u st Pope ’s a u tomobile s, b u i lt be t we e n 19 03 a nd 19 15 , a re re la t ive ly u nk now n. H oweve r, h e is re sponsible for some of t he e a rlie st exa mple s of e le c t rica lly powe re d ve hic le s.
image copyright dcoopmedia
R ace r m ore t ha n d e sig ne r, A me rica n Sport sma n Brig g s Cu n n i n g h am ima g ine d ve hic le s spe c ifica lly to win t he ra ce s at L e M an s. A long sid e his sca rce ra ce rs t he law n will a lso fe a t u re his Vig na le bu ilt C3 sport s ca rs.
MERCURY customs
N ost a lg ia find s it se lf firmly roote d in t he c u stomize d hot rod s of t he 19 4 0s a nd 5 0s, a t whic h M e rc u r y find s it se lf a t t he ce nte r.
B R I T I S H P R E WA R s p o r t s c a r s e a r l y S H E L B Y M U S TA N G S
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the year of ferrari a featured marque
In 2014, the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance set a new standard for post-war vehicles, proclaiming a 1954 Ferrari 375 MM Scaglietti Coupé the Best of Show, making it not only the first post war vehicle to receive the coveted title but also the first time in the Concours’ 64 year histor y that a Ferrari had been awarded the prestigious title.
Some might say that it was, quite simply, just a matter of time. Having just celebrated the 60th anniversar y of their arrival on in the United States, Ferrari has continued to delight and overjoy the masses with a catalog of ever more beautiful examples of Italian design. This year, the Concours d’Elegance is recognizing Ferrari’s contributions to automotive design and innovation, making the iconic marque the lawn’s featured marque. images copyright dcoopmedia
FERRARIS RETRACE THE OLD COURSE Ferraris that raced in the Del Monte Forest in the 50’s will be reunited with a special section of the original Road Race course, reopened for this special event. friday, august 14th, 10 - 11a equestian center
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CASA FERRARI For all but a select few, visiting the home of Enzo Ferrari at Italy’s Fiorano Racetrack remains a distant d r e a m . To c e l e b r a t e t h e i r s e l e c t i o n as the Concours’ featured marque this year, Ferrari has transformed No. 70, bringing Enzo’s casa to the beachside community of Carmel. Completing the scene are a number of Ferrari Classiche certified legends including the 500 Mondial Spyder owned by Porfiro Rubirosa, the 275 GTB Competizione that took 3rd in the 1965 24 Hours of LeMans, and one of just four 250 Monzas on display accompanied by the newest additions to the Ferrari stable such as the Ferrari 488 GTB, California T, and F12berlinetta. Visitors to Casa Ferrari will be treated to espresso, gelato, and champagne. Free to the public. wednesday, august 12th to sunday, august 16th 70 CA-1 - Carmel by the Sea
image courtesy of ferrari usa
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pebble beach classic car forum a lecture series presented by credit suisse
thursday, august 13th, 3p
Mercury Customs and The Men Who Created Them ken gross, george barris, larry erickson, pat ganahl, rik hoving friday, august 14th, 1:30p
Challenges On The Road To Preservation fred simeone, mark gessler, scott grundfor, peter hageman, adolfo orsi friday, august 14th - 3p
Briggs Cunningham and His Cars miles collier, richard harman, john lamm friday, august 14th, 4p
Behind ever y automotive design there lies a stor y waiting to be told. With the support of Credit Suisse, the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance is bringing together as part of their 2015 Pebble Beach Classic Car Forum, luminaries from the fields of automotive preser vation, collection, and design to share on a variety of pertinent topics and to unlock the secrets behind ever y cur ve, ever fold, and ever y fin made part of the cars they had a hand in designing and preser ving.
Richard Harman Book Signing saturday, august 15th, 11a
The Future of Luxury Automobiles tim mcgrane, achim anscheidt, louis de fabribeckers, marek reichman saturday, august 15th, 1p
Restoration Techniques for Fabric Bodied Bentleys richard charlesworth, clare hay, peter livanos, graham moss saturday, august 15th, 3p
The Callum Brothers Talk Design with Industry Icons ian callum, moray callum, tom gale, franz von holzhausen, ralph gilles saturday, august 15th, 4:30p
F1 from Brabham to McLaren: The Genius of Gordon Murray gordan murray
thursday, august 13th to saturday, august 15th the links at spanish bay pavillion at the first fair way
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Introduced to the West Coast in 1950, the original Concours d’Elegance exhibited only 30 vehicles and was simply an adjunct to the Pebble Beach Road Race held yearly in Carmel. That original collection has now become one of the most important weeks in the automotive calendar, playing host to multiple concours events, rallyes, races, displays, and auctions as well as the US and World debuts of some of the most exotic marques in the automotive marketplace.
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SHOWS t h e
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auto week showcases T H E B A R N YAR D F E R R ARI E V E N T I N PA R TN E R S H I P WI TH THE F E RRA RI OWN E R S C LU B
saturday, august 15th, 4 - 7p barnyard shopping village - carmel A candid showcase of Ferraris held yearly among the Barnyard’s signature gardens. Proceeds benefit JDRF. http://2015barnyardferrarievent. eventbrite.com
CA R M E L BY T H E SE A CO N COUR S O N T H E AV E NUE tuesday, august 11th, 10a - 5p ocean ave. - carmel by the sea Presenting multiple marques from 1940-1973 with additional Porsche & Ferraris through 1989.
wednesday, august 12th, 10a - 4p carmel mission basilica - carmel A heavenly pairing of unique vehicles, gourmet food, & wine with by a historic Carmel location. www.carmelmissionclassic.org
thursday, august 14th, 8a - 12p 25 ford rd. - carmel valley A celebration of American design & craf tsmanship, Classic Americana highlights American made vehicles made between 1945 and 2015. www.theclassicamericana.com
tuesday, august 11th, 4 -8p folktale winer y, 8940 carmel valley rd. Classic Motorsports Magazine hosts date night with classic cars, fine wines, food and music. www.classicmotorsports.com
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saturday, august 15th, 8a - 1:30p laguna grande park - seaside There is only one display that makes the odd, the ugly, & the awf ul the belle of the ball. The Concours d’Lemons is it.. www.concoursdlemons.com
thursday, august 14th, 5:30p chateau julien wine estate 8940 carmel valley rd. - carmel
A relaxed evening at Carmel’s foremost winer y highlighted by a car show and dinner in the Chai.
www.chateaujulien.com/shop/events/ dine-in-divine
friday, august 14th, 4 - 7p canner y row - monterey For an evening this quiet waterfront drive comes to life, playing host to the sights and sounds of Super, Hyper, & Exotic Cars. www.exoticsoncanner y row.com
friday, august 14th, 9a - 4p nicklaus club - monterey It’s all about Germany, bringing together classic BMW, Benz, Audi, & more. No Leder required. www.legendsof theautobahn.org
wednesday, august 12th, 12 - 5p lighthouse ave. - pacific grove A showcase of cars with engines not larger than 1,601cc proves bigger isn’t always better. www.marinamotorsports.org
friday, august 14th, 7a - 4p rancho canada golf club - carmel All Porsche, all day. The Werks is the 2nd Annual gathering of the Porsche Club of America. www.werksreunion.com
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Contrar y to popular belief, not to mention the teachings of high school geography teachers round the world, there is actually more than one Red Sea. The first, as most already know, is an extension of the Indian Ocean between Arabia and Africa. The second, a Red Sea many may not be aware of, appears in Monterey once ever y year. August 15th to be exact. However, this particular sea has nothing to do with water. That is, unless you believe that water was once turned into wine. Italian wine that is. From prancing horses to roaring bulls, the Black Horse Golf Course becomes a watering hole of sorts, welcoming the most spectacular, the most exotic, the most rare, and the most Italiano automobili as part of the annual Concorso
Italiano. It is, without a doubt, the largest gathering of Italian vehicles on the west coast, the expansive law n becoming a sea of red (and yellow, silver, blue, and ever y other color in between). While the Concorso welcomes the most exclusive of the exotic favorites bearing the Lamborghini, Ferrari and Maserati nameplates, it is also Auto Week’s favorite spot to discover unknow n, unique, and unusual Italian brands. Bygone Alfa Romeos, Fiats, and Lancias stand in contrast against Pagani hypercars and beloved deTomasos, all joining to become a resplendent lesson in the Italiano. The Concorso Italiano will have one ready to brush up on their Italian, don a slightly tighter than normal suit, and be ready to air kiss both cheeks.
molto bene!
Prancing horses and running bulls are just one small part of this celebration of Italian automotive design
concorso italiano saturday, august 15th, 9a - 5p black horse golf course - seaside www.concorso.com image by brandon a. smith
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the quail: a motorsports gathering where hunting the quail takes on a completely different meaning
It goes without saying that Monterey Auto Week offers visitors more than enough opportunities to view the ver y best that the motoring world has to offer. It’s quite possible that, by week’s end, one might be on vehicular overload and vow never again to see, speak of, or ride in another automobile again.
soiree offers visitors the opportunity to become lost amongst exotic hyper vehicles - Bugatti showcased all eight of their Legends vehicles last year - and museum quality vintages all the while enjoying a bit of bubbly by way of Louis Roederer and the cuisine of numerous four star dining establishments.
That being said, of all of the showcases and displays that occur, there are none that do it quite like The Quail: A Motorsports Gathering. Held yearly on the greens of the Quail Lodge and Golf Club, The Quail has been a staple of the automotive aficionado’s calendar for 13 years, highlighting an unparalleled collection of both vintage and concept vehicles amongst an environment reminiscent of a classic polo match.
The Quail is also the site of many of the week’s automotive debuts. This year’s event will see the US introduction of David Brown Automotive’s Sportback GT as well as the world debut of Lamborghini’s Aventador SV Roadster, making it the first and possibly only place to get an up close and personal look at tomorrow’s enthusiast favorites.
If there is only room in the calendar for one event (in addition to the Concours of course) the Quail must With the Santa Lucia mountain range be it. as its background, the day long
friday, august 14th, 10a - 4p quail lodge . carmel valley http://signatureevents.peninsula.com
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image by brandon a. smith, copyright dcoopmedia
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2015 SPONSORS Aeristo
mccall’s motor works revival
Alfa Romeo Amalgam Fine Model Cars Bell Helicopter Bernardus Winer y Beverly Hills Classic Cars California Highway Patrol 11-99 Foundation Carmel Realty Group Cirrus Aircraf t Cos Bar Of Carmel Del Monte Aviation Eclipse Aerospace
Do not let the name “Monterey Auto Week” deceive you; the week isn’t just about automobiles. Motorcycles often make an appearance on the Concours lawn and during the auctions. Yachts are frequently spotted along the coast. And at the exclusive McCall’s Motor works Revival, considered to be the week’s official kick-off, helicopters, airplanes, and rockets are known to make an appearance.
Epic Aircraf t El Jefe Tequila Ferrari Foxy Couture Gleim The Jeweler Gulfstream Hagerty Hondajet Marich Confectionar y Mecum Auctions Monterey Jet Center Maserati Pagani Panoz Peterson Automotive Museum Pilatus Aircrafat Roederer Estate Shelby American Singer Vehicle Design Stella Artois
The realized fantasy of Gordon McCall, co-founder and Motorsports Director for The Quail, the McCall’s Motor works Revival brings together the most exclusive of automobiles bearing the names Pagani and Singer with a display of aeronautical prowess including Gulfstream introductions, both paired with products from top luxur y brands and a king’s feast of gourmet foods and award winning wines. Now in its 24th year, McCall’s continues the tradition as being THE place to be Wednesday night, hosted again by the Monterey Jet Center. As in past years, proceeds from the highly coveted tickets as well as a silent auction, this year featuring a Baume & Mercier watch, benefit the CHP 11-99 Foundation, providing assistance to CHP families in financial crisis or at death.
Surfair Toyota Vintage Motorsport Magazine Weathertech
wednesday, august 12th, 5 - 10p monterey jet center www.mccallevents.com
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Although the track at Laguna Seca is notorious for its corkscrew turns, intense drops, and hairpin corners, all of which make the home of the Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion a great spot for experienced drivers to test their might, it is the posibility of breaking a prior racer’s lap time that can really get a gearhead’s heart pumping. Want to beat the time of the fastest production car? Just be quicker than the Porsche 918 Spyder’s 1:29.89. lap time.
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ROAD t h e
r a c e s
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I Feel Th e Need, Th e N e e d For
- maverick top gun (1986)
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rolex monterey motorsports reunion t h e ra ce s of yo u r g ra n d fa t h e r & fa t h e r e n co u n te r a 2 . 2 3 8 m i l e l e g e n d
One what was once a dr y lake bed located between Salinas and Monterey, lies 2.238 miles of double apex, hairpin, and downhill plunging cur ves, turns, and runs.
Automotive Alley august 13 - 16 interactive displays from bmw, porsche, ford, jaguar, land rover, chevrolet, nissan, and michelin. 2016 chevrolet camaro preview acura nsx, shelby gt350, ford gt on display
Pre-Reunion saturday, august 8 8a - 12:50p: practice 1:30p - 5:45p: racing sunday, august 9 8a - 12:45p: practice 1:05p - 5:50p: racing
Motorsports Events thursday, august 13 8:30a - 5p: practice & qualifying friday, august 14 8:30a - 4:50p: practice & qualifying saturday, august 15 8:30a - 12:15p: racing 12:25a - 12:40p: ford mustang corral parade laps 2p - 5;50p: rolex racing sunday, august 16 8:30a - 4:20p: racing 4:45p: awards ceremony at paddocks showcase stage
Known simply as “Laguna Seca”, the fabled race track originally appeared in 1957, the successor to the famous Pebble Beach Road Race. Since then, professional race car drivers and those that aspire to be one - if only in their dreams - have descended upon the track, each attempting to beat previously set time and speed records. At Monterey Auto Week, however, the track makes way for a myriad of racers, from the antique Mercedes once driven as part of the 1914 Grand Prix to rare hyper cars like Maserati’s MC12, all of whom “just want to see how fast they can go”. The yearly Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion isn’t simply an opportunity to watch these fabled vehicles burn rubber but it is also a chance to kick tires and talk shop with the owners, mechanics, and drivers, Laguna Seca opening the Paddocks areas to the public. The track and its surrounding fields also play host to an in-field featuring the products of wellknown automotive maintenance and aftermarket brands while major marques set up interactive displays and exhibits featuring their newest race cars and concepts.
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rallyes races & tours g e t a g l i m p s e of yo u r favo r i te v i n t a g e o n t h e r o a d
7th annual monterey car week rally
wednesday august 12th Limited to just 60 cars, all makes and models are invited to particpate in a three hour tour of Monterey’s back roads. Proceeds of this year’s rally will benefit Guglielmos Hope. www.montereycarweek.com/carrally. html
pacific grove concours auto rally friday august 14th Since 1995, the rally, a partnership between Pacific Grove and Pacific Grove Rotar y, has seen over $175,000 raised for DARE, Pacific High School Driver Training and other youth programs. www.pgrotar y.org/lawyer/19thannual-pacific-grove-concoursauto-rally_cp8081.htm
pebble beach motoring classic
august 3rd - 12th Covering a total of 1,500 miles, the ultimate road trip begins outside of Seattle before winding along the coast of the Pacific Northwest before making their final de stination - the Concours d’Elegance. A trip for the ultimate automotive enthusiast. www.pebblebeachconcours.net
pebble beach tour d’elegance
presented by rolex thursday august 13th Vintage automobiles retrace portions of the original 17-mile drive with a pause in Carmel-bythe-Sea. Vehicles begin lining up at the Equestrian Center at 7am. Participating autos are on display on Ocean Avenue in Carmel from noon to 2pm before returning back to the Equestrian Center for a champagne toast. www.pebblebeachconcours.net
italian stampede
thursday august 13th An adrenaline f ueled jaunt from Los Angeles to Monterey, 100 spectacles of Italian design put their collective horsepower to the test with only one challenge - to avoid a “gif t” from the California Highway Patrol. http://italianstampede.com
fuel run monterey
thursday august 13th & saturday august 15th Two events make up the Fuel Run, an of f shoot of the infamous goldRush Rally - a sprightly jaunt from Malibu to Monterey and a backcountr y spin ending at the Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion. www.f uelrun.com
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exotic spotting
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Awaiting his prey, the hunter crouches patiently until the perfect moment presents itself. The one in which the stars align, the skies open and the most perfect of beastly specimens make their appearance. To those hunters, other wise known as exotic spotters, Monterey Auto Week is the proverbial watering hole. The central gathering place for many of the world’s most exotic, exclusive, and finest vehicles (and their owners) congregate. In Carmel there really is no bad spot to lay in waiting, anticipating one’s next vehicular unicorn; a simple change of lights at an intersection results in a new collection of dream cars.
Just fair warning to those who choose to be the hunted rather than the hunter. You are not safe from the quick reflexes and sprightly eye of the exotic spotter.
images by brandon smith
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$400 million 38
The auctions that took place during 2014’s Monterey Auto Week resulted in over $400 million in total sales including the $38.1 million sale of a rare Ferrari 250 GTO. This staggering number represented a 28% increase above auction sales in 2013.
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BLOCK t h e
b e a c h
a u c t i o n s
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s a l e s
image copyright dcoopmedia
p e b b l e
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rm sotheby’s monterey 2015
august 13th - 1th portola hotel & spa monterey conference center www.rmsothebys.com
auction highlight
1953 Jaguar C-Type Wo r k s L i g h t w e i g h t
Th e C o n c o u r s m a y h a v e d u b b e d 2015 the year of the Ferrari but amidst the sea of prancing horses, it is a pouncing kitty that aims to be the penultimate must-have for the deep pocketed collecter attending this year’s auctions. An automotive heritage founded on speed and aerodynamic design, the sleek roadsters and 2+2 coupés for which the Jaguar brand has come to be known pay homage to the brand’s illustrious racing past. Th e C - T y p e Wo r k s L i g h t w e i g h t is just one symbol, albeit one of the most important highspeed symbols of Jaguar’s countless wins, titles, and broken records. An iconic vestige of ra c i n g h i s to r y , t h e C - Ty p e i s t h e rarest of the racing Jaguars, this particular example only the second of the three penned by stylist Malcolm Sayer. Piloted by iconic racing figures Ecurie Ecosse, Peter Whitehead, and Jimmie Stewart, wins at Goodwood, the National Ibsley, Snetterton, and placement at Le Mans and the Penya-Rhin Grand Prix all mark the career of chassis XKC 052, culminating in what many consider to be one of the most important Jaguars ever to cross the finish line.
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image copyright patrick ernzen, courtesy of rm sotheby’s
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gooding & company
the pebble beach auctions
august 15th & 16th equestrian center
i m a g e b y b r i a n h e n n i ke r , co p y r i g h t & co u r t e s y g o o d i n g & co m p a ny
auction highlight
1 9 5 3 B e n t l ey R - Ty p e Continental Fastback Th e 1 9 5 3 B e n t ley R - Ty p e Con t i n e nt a l Fa s tba ck ord e re d by J am e s B on d cr ea to r I an F le m i n g for collab orator I va r Br yce, is ex p e c te d to b ri n g $1 . 4 to $1.8 m il l io n d u ri n g G ood i n g & Comp any ’s P ebbl e B e ac h Au c t i on s.
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quail lodge auctions august 13th & 14th quail lodge west field
image courtesy bonhams’
auction highlight
1959 Ferrari 250 GT Competizione Alloy Berlinetta Th e a u c t i on s at P e b b le B e ac h at tra c t th eir fa ir s h are of i mp ort an t F e rra ris to th e bl oc k. Th i s ye ar i s n o d i f fe re nt , th e th ir d ove rall wi n n e r at t h e 1 95 9 To u r de F ran ce , a 25 0 G T Comp e tiz ione , th e h igh li g h t of B on h am ’ s Q u ai l Lod g e Au ctio n s .
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russo & steele monterey 2015
august 13th - 1th 290 figueroa street . monterey www.russoandsteel.com auction highlight
1963 Ferrari 250 GTL “Lusso” Coupe By the time the swinging 60’s had arrived, Ferrari’s customers were no longer interested in just racing performance and overall street cred. Comfort had become the word of the day and Ferrari, interested in keep their c u s t o m e r s h a p p y , o b l i g e d . Th e r e s u l t was the 1963/64 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso, similar to other SWBs of the era but with more luxurious appointments.
I n a l l , j u s t 3 5 0 of t h e Tu r i n s P i n i n fa r i n a designed prancing horse were built, quickly snapped up by Ferrari fans the likes of Steve McQueen. A Ferrari Cup winner and decorated Concours winner, this particular example, with Moves Like Jagger became the Sunday Morning driver of one Adam Levine, frontman for quintessential band Maroon 5. Mr. Levine will be wishing for One More Night as I’m sure She Will Be Loved. E i t h e r w a y , Th i s S u m m e r ’ s G o n n a H u r t when the 250 GTL Lusso Coupe crossed the auction block as part of this year’s offerings from Russo & Steele.
image courtesy of russo & steele
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image courtesy of rick cole auctions
auction highlight
1947 Delahaye 135M Navel
rick cole auctions monterey 2 015
august 13th - 15th monterey marriott dow ntow n www.rickcole.com
image courtesy of jr auctions
auction highlight
1995 Lotec Mercedes-Benz C1000
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jr auctions
canner y row auto & yacht auctions august 12th - 15th monterey plaza hotel & spa www.jr-auctions.com
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image copyright david newhardt courtesy of mecum auctions
47 mecum auctions m o n terey 20 15
august 13th - 15th hyatt regency resort & spa on del monte golf course monterey www.mecum.com
auction highlight
1976 Porsche 930 Tu r b o C a r e r ra once owned by the late Steve McQueen
i want to be just like
steve mcqueen An opportunity to step into the footsteps of the movie and race icon is the highlight of Mecum’s Monterey 2015 auctions as McQueen’s final special order Porsche is put on the block this August. A vehicle rich in automotive sentiment, the 234hp coupé includes a number of features designed to make mcqueen invisible to law enforcement including a tail light kill switch on the dashboard. in honor of the late McQueen, a portion of the sale’s procedes will benefit the reform school Boys Republic, McQueen’s alma mater.
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the art of monterey auto week
images copyright dcoopmedia
creativity beyond four wheels
august 11th - 12th, 1oa - 6p embassy suites - seaside Vintage automotive collectibles. www.automobiliamonterey.com
august 13th - 15th, 9a - 5:30p the inn at spanish bay - carmel Collectibles, literature, art & tools. www.pebblebeachconcours.com
saturday, august 16th, 10:30a - 4:30p pebble beach golf links, 18th fair way A collection of the finest automotive artists on display. www.autoartgaller y.com
august 13th - 15th, 4 - 11p golden state theatre - monterey Reconnecting emotion to the auto world through film. www.automotivefilmfestival.com
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image courtesy of DiMora Motorcar
No two are alike when it comes to the DiMora Vicci 6.2 Convertible, the 430-horsepower rolling canvas and brainchild of Sir Alfred J. DiMora. Each a one of a kind work of art, the Vicci is billed as the first production vehicle to showcase art on the hood and side panels. With a series run of just 25 vehicles, the $1.2 million dollar roadster successfully blends art and automobile into one singularly inspirational driving experience. Th e V i c c i w i l l b e o n d i s p l a y f r o m A u g u s t 11 through the 15th at the Stanton Center M u s e u m , 5 C u s t o m H o u s e Wa y , M o n t e r e y a s part of the Pebble Beach Monterey Auto Luxe Event. www.dimoramotorcar.com
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450 of 450
Since the introduction of the Bugatti Veyron in 2005, the lawns of Pebble Beach have played host to a number of special introductions including the 16.4 Grand Sport in 2008 and again in 2014 with a showcase of the six limited run Legend Editions. This year, the final production Veyron, number 450 of 450, was purchased begging the question, will we see the Veyron’s successor on the lawn in 2015?
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AUTOS t h e
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image copyright dcoopmedia
a u t o m o t i v e
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automotive debuts & previews monterey has become the premier location for the world’s most exotic automotive intr
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An automotive debut during Monterey Auto Week is unlike any normal introduction. With the gentle sound of waves politely crashing on the nearby shore and the crests of a California mountain range as a backdrop, gone are the velvet ropes, the stringent and sometimes overbearing credential process, and the over-dyed, over-done models weilding a disapproving finger.
announced later than normal - it’s quite common to have at least a general schedule at least two weeks in advance to provide for ample planning - No. 26 can confirm with certainty that the debuts planned for this year’s festivities are certain to wow.
This year, as in years past, Monterey will provide the first-look at a number of fantastical concepts, sold-out limited edition super cars, and production vehicles slated for a showroom near you. Though several of the introductions have been
Just be forewarned, a pinch or two may be needed as many of these fantastical creations are the stuff dreams are made of. And one’s dreams may be the only place one may see them again.
And just where to see the unveiled creations? If presence at the actual unveiling is out of the picture, It is here in the most casual of concepts and new introductions settings that the most luxurious of often find their way to The Quail, the automotive introductions take place. Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion, There is no where else in the world and Concorso Italiano. After, many outside of the traditional convention if not all, will make their way to the center trade show, that plays host to Concept Lawn, located near the as many US and International debuts. Lodge during Concours Sunday.
Introduced during the 2014 Monterey Au t o We e k C l o c k w i s e f r o m u p p e r l e f t : the McLaren P1 GTR Design Concept; the Jaguar Project 7 & Range Rover Sport SVR; the Lamborghini Huracán LP6202 S u p e r Tr o f e o ; t h e M a s e r a t i A l f i e r i Concept.
Images by Brandon A. Smith
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shaken not stirred Just in time for the release of the 25th Bond film later this year, David Browne Automotive brings stateside their inspired GT Sportback.
The last 20 years have seen a resurgence in automotive design inspired by popular vintage icons. Volkswagen reissued the Beetle. Chevrolet launched the PT Cruiser (an instant rental car classic). And there have been just as many small shop reproductions, those like Singer Vehicle Design’s reimagined Porsche 911. All tug at the heartstrings of those who fancy them. This time, the marque is David Brown Automotive, the workshop of David Brown (no, not the original
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Brown whose initials remain embedded in the logo of the Aston Martin), an engineering magnate whose background is in earthmoving technologies, and the heart strings belong to just about ever y person who has ever fallen in love with the DB5. Well, that and anyone who has ever wanted to live the life of one Mr. James Bond. The Sportback GT is no exact replica. Its body, built around the framework of a Jaguar XK, is more tribute than copy. More 21st centur y than 19th. More Panama Hat with jeans than suit and tie. Even better? The £ 594,000 sports car is coming to the United States for her debut at the Quail. Retractable picnic bench and all. As the Clash once said… London’s Calling. The Speedback GT will be on display at The Quail Motorsports Gathering Friday, August 14th.
image courtesy of david brow ne automotive
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CONFIRMED LAMBORGHINI Aventador LP750-4 SV Roadster see it at: the Quail, Motorsports Event
image copyright DCoopMedia
CONFIRMED M A S E R AT I G h i b l i Ermengildo Zenga Concept
see it at: McCall’s, the Quail, and the Concours Concept Lawn
image courtesy of Maserati
RUMORED BMW M4 GTS and 3.0 CSL Hommage Concept
An announcement teasted the debut of two new BMWs, to be presented during Monterey.
image courtesy of BMW USA
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No matter how you slice it, there is only one thing better than simply seeing one’s fantasy car in person. And that’s driving it. The most exotic of brands limit drives to qualified customers so you’ll need to know someone (or be someone) to score a spin in a Veyron or Huyara. Other brands, however, are a little easier, often requiring a simple reser vation. Below are brands we know offering drives to the public. Be sure to check their websites for further information. Audi . Jaguar . Kia . Porsche Range Roverer
the ubiquitous test drive monter ey auto week a pr eview
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THE VILLAS Scattered among the wealthiest of enclaves in the Carmel and Monterey areas one may find a treasure trove of automotive activity k n ow n s i m p l y a s Th e V i l l a . Scoring an invitation to one i s t h e A u t o We e k e q u i v a l e n t o f r e c e i v i n g W i l l y Wo n k a ’ s Golden Ticket as entrance is often limited to only the best of each brand’s clients. Each is a showcase of the marque’s newest, best, and most innovative products often ser ved with a side of champagne Some are hidden in plain view; Bentley’s villa, for example, is located adjacent the Lodge. Others, like Aston Martin and Rolls Royce remain illusive secrets meant only for those “in the know”. Our tip? Simply find someone driving the vehicle of your choice and follow them. Just be sure to knock first. image by brandon a. smith, courtesy dcoopmedia
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SHELBY AMERICA Limited Edition Daytona Coupe see it at: McCall’s, Rolex
image courtesy of Shelby American
see it at: the Quail, Motorsports Ev
CONFIRMED CADILLAC CTS-V & CT6 see them at: the Peter Hay Hill
FORD GT see it at: Rolex
image copyright General Motors image by Brandon Smith
We ’ v e h e a r d rumors for months now. Ferrari says “No comment”.
RUMORED monter ey auto week a pr eview
W M OTO R S L y ka n H y p
see it at: McCall’s, Monterey Auto L image by James Holm, courtesy
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image courtesy of Acura
see it at: Th e Q u a i l w i t h t h e DBX 10 Concept
image courtesy of Bentley Motors
CONFIRMED ROLLS ROYCE Inspired Specification Cars see them at: Rolls Royce Villa
courtesy of Ford Motor Company
image courtesy of Rolls Royce Motor Cars
CONFIRMED A S TO N M A R T I N D B 9 G T see it at: Th e Q u a i l w i t h t h e D B X Concept, Lagonda Tarif & Vulcan
Luxe of W Motors
image courtesy of Aston Martin
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CONFIRMED A S TO N M A R T I N Lagonda Tarif Remember awhile back when Aston Martin teased buyers in the United States with photos of their Lagonda Tarif, only available to buyers in the Middle East? Treats abound as Aston Martin brings the futuristic sedan stateside for our viewing pleasure.
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image courtesy of Aston Martin
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last call a note of gratitude
image copy right dcoopmedia
Although there is an ever growing list of organizations and persons that continue to aide in the elevation of No.26 as a true journal of luxur y, and that that list could turn into a long-winded Oscar speech, the team at DCoopMedia wants to take a moment to recognize Jaguar and the team at Spark 44 for their partnership this season. From transportation to internal support we owe them a great deal of gratitude. Be sure to follow Jaguar’s social media channels for our exclusive coverage of this illustrious British marque.
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OCTOBER 22–25, 2015 | westedgedesignfair.com
For event details and tickets, visit WESTEDGEDESIGNFAIR.COM.
From left: Sunbrella, Jenn-Air, Resource Furniture, Martyn Lawrence Bullard & Kathryn M. Ireland at WestEdge, Zia Priven, and Sorelle Fine Arts
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a dcoopmedia publication