Turn to page B1 for Banker & Tradesman’s monthly coverage of all things commercial real estate.
County close-up: Essex Spotlight: Boxford
Jeffrey Sullivan was part of a small group of long-time bankers who thought western Massachusetts needed more options for small business lending. After market research and interviews with more than 100 people supported this notion, they decided to open Massachusetts’ first de novo bank in a decade.
865,000 square feet The size of The Chiofaro Co.’s proposed waterfront tower. See Steve Adams’ story on page 10. Source: The Chiofaro Co.
$177,000 Pittsfield officials hope the city’s low median home sale price can lure companies to expand there. See Jay Fitzgerald’s story on page B1. Source: The Warren Group
$500 million Brockton has seen over $500 million in completed and planned public and private investments downtown. See Matthew Osborne’s column on page B4. Source: Eastern Bank
530,000 square feet The amount of space approved in a new biotech business park in Worcester. See Steve Adams’ story on this page. Source: Worcester Business Development Corp.
$100 Class A office rents could hit $100 per square foot in Boston. See Scott Van Voorhis’ column on page 3. Source: Colliers International
$250,000 The state offers $250,000 grants to Gateway Cities business owners for building improvements. See Joe Kriesberg’s and Ben Forman’s column on page B5. Source: MassDevelopment
60 percent Simple steps can reduce landlords’ heating bills by 60 percent. See Doug Quattrochi’s column on page 5. Source: MassLandlords
Contract Drug Manufacturing Fills Industry Need BY STEVE ADAMS BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF
evelopers built more than 12 million square feet of labs in the past decade to satisfy life science companies’ demand for earlystage research space
in Massachusetts. As biotech companies obtain FDA approvals for their drug treatments and bring products to market, Massachusetts hasn’t
kept pace in the growth of its advanced manufacturing space to enable them to grow in their backyards. Now a former state hospital property in Worcester is making a bid to put central Massachusetts on the map as an affordable option. WuXi Biologics, a Chinese contract pharmaceutical manufacturer with offices in Cambridge’s Kendall Square, is in negotiations to acquire the first of eight development pads that are approved for a combined 530,000 square feet at The Reactory, a 46-acre site. “They wanted access to the colleges and university workforce here,” said Craig Blais,
CEO of the Worcester Business Development Corp. “They’re talking about 150 employees, and they need to hire people from the vocational technical high school level all the way up to Ph.Ds at [Worcester Polytechnic Institute] and UMass, so it’s quite a range.” State economic development officials steered WuXi Biologics toward Worcester as Massachusetts competed with Pennsylvania for its U.S. manufacturing facility. WuXi estimates project costs at $60 million and is in negotiations with the city of Worcester on a tax increment financing agreement, Blais said. Continued on Page 7
157,000 square feet The size of the renovation at TD Garden managed by Gilbane Building Co. See Hot Property on page 7. Source: Delaware North Cos.
Unless otherwise noted, all data is sourced from The Warren Group’s Mortgage Market Share Module, Loan Originator Module, Statistics Module and/or proprietary database. For more information please visit www.thewarrengroup.com/business/ datasolutions.
Booming Economy Turns Demand Toward Office Towers
Small Businesses Seek Help, Personal Connections from Bankers
By Scott Van Voorhis | Banker & Tradesman Columnist
By Diane McLaughlin | Banker & Tradesman Staff
Could Boston Office Rents Banks Turn to High-Touch Programs Hit $100 Per Square Foot? to Capture Business Customers
Commercial Real Estate PAGE 3
Banking & Lending PAGE 9
JANUARY 27, 2020
The Week on the Web
Timothy M. Warren Jr., CEO and Publisher David B. Lovins, President and COO
Published by The Warren Group
Associate Publisher: Cassidy Norton Managing Editor: James Sanna Associate Editor, Commercial Real Estate: Steve Adams Associate Editor, Banking: Diane McLaughlin Contributing Writer: Scott Van Voorhis Audience Solution Specialist: Sarah Ahlgren Advertising Account Manager: Yasmin Nasrullah Graphic Designer: William Samatis
Director of Sales & Marketing: John Bottini
• ResX Warehouse Lending will operate as a division of Amesbury-based The Provident Bank from its facility in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. The division targets creditworthy, small- to mid-cap, independent mortgage banking companies for warehouse lines from $3 million to $25 million. Connecticut-based People’s United acquired the portfolio when it bought Hartford’s United Bank on Nov. 1. • The terms of the transaction were not disclosed in The Provident Bank’s announcement. • “The expertise and leadership of the ResX team provided us an opportunity to obtain a portfolio that is immediately accretive to earnings,” David Mansfield, CEO of The Provident Bank, said in a statement. “The warehouse lending business is a niche business that parallels our strategy of engaging in specialized businesses where we can have expertise and focus. Our technology and banking products provide a compelling reason for businesses to transact with The Provident Bank.”
Communications Manager: Mike Breed Executive Data Solutions Account Manager: William Visconti Data Solutions Account Managers: Chris Mirakian, Peter Sullivan RE Records Search Client Specialist: Jenell James Marketing Coordinator: Sara Ryerson
• Life science developer Alexandria Real Estate Equities acquired the 509,702-square-foot Riverside Center at 275 Grove St. from Houston-based Hines for $235 million, after buying Athenahealth’s 760,000-square-foot Watertown campus in late December for $525 million. • The Riverside complex has flexible floor plates and a newly renovated cafe and fitness center, according to JLL Boston, whose capital markets team represented the seller. The complex also sits near the Route 128-Massachusetts Turnpike interchange. • The two transactions nearly double Alexandria’s portfolio in the Route 128 submarket.
Director of Operations & Product Strategy: Samantha Bullock Data Operations Supervisor: Tammy Dandurant Data Vendor Coordinator: Tracey Kelley Data Quality Auditor: Ellen Gendron Acquisitions Coordinator: Linda MacDonald Transaction Acquisition Coordinator: Wally Bullock
Senior Applications Developer: Joe Chan Software Developers: Michael Paul, Mark Wearsch IT Systems Support Specialist: John Baldi
Controller: Gena Salvo Accounts Payable: Olga Khalaydovsky
• Last month, there were 4,971 single-family home sales recorded in Massachusetts, a 13.1 percent increase from December 2018 when there were 4,396 transactions. Meanwhile, the median single-family sale price spiked 10.4 percent on a year-over-year basis to $397,500, which marked an all-time high for the month of December. Year-todate, there were 59,136 single-family home sales in 2019 – a 1.2 percent decrease from 2018 – with a median sale price of $400,000 – a 3.9 percent increase compared to 2018 and a new all-time record. • At the county level, Middlesex County recorded the most single-family home sales in 2019 with 11,777 transactions with a median sale price of $557,500 – a 1.4 percent increase from 2018. Worcester County recorded the second-most single-family home sales in 2019 with 8,580 transactions with a median sale price of $290,000 – a 5.5 percent increase from 2018. Essex County recorded the thirdmost single-family home sales in 2019 with 6,762 transactions with a median sale price of $457,000 – a 3.9 percent increase from 2018. Not one county in Massachusetts recorded a decline in the median single-family home price in 2019 on a year-over-year basis. • In December, there were 2,099 condominium sales, compared to 1,752 sales in December 2018 – a 19.8 percent increase. Meanwhile, the median sale price increased 4.1 percent on a year-over-year basis to $379,000 – an all-time high for the month of December. Yearto-date, there were 24,522 condo sales in 2019 – a 0.03 percent increase – with a median sale price of $380,000 – a 4.1 percent increase from 2018.
FIRST PHASE OF LARGE MORRISSEY BOULEVARD PROJECT PROPOSED • Developer David Raferty, part of the development team behind Beacon Hill’s Archer Residences condominiums, plans to develop three adjacent parcels between The BEAT – the former home of the Boston Globe, being transformed into offices and tech/light industrial space – and the Hub 25 apartments next to the JFK/ UMass stop on the MBTA’s Red Line into a mixed-use neighborhood. • The first phase, proposed last week, consists of two buildings at 75 Morrissey Blvd., 15 and 17 stories each and holding 608 residential units.
FORMER BLUE HILLS CEO RESIGNS FROM ROCKLAND TRUST BOARD • Rockland Trust said in an SEC 8-K report that William Parent had voluntarily resigned on Jan. 16 as a director of Rockland Trust and its holding company, Independent Bank Corp., to pursue other opportunities. • Parent joined the boards on April 1, 2019, when Rockland Trust acquired Blue Hills Bank, where he was president and CEO from 2010 until the acquisition.
Human Resources Manager: Linnea Blair
Office Manager: Nicole Tower
Gibson Sotheby’s Buys Benoit Mizner Simon
Former Blue Hills CEO Resigns from Rockland Trust Board
First Phase of Large Morrissey Boulevard Project Proposed
(ISSN 0005-5409)
Volume 201, Number 4 Published each Monday. ©2019 The Warren Group Inc., 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. Banker & Tradesman™ and The Warren Group™ are trademarks of The Warren Group Inc. Subscriptions to Banker & Tradesman: Premium: One year – $379 Two year – $679 Single copies are $10.00 each and are on sale at the offices of the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Banker & Tradesman The Warren Group 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 617-428-5100. Fax: 617-428-5119. www.bankerandtradesman.com Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA
POLL RESULTS Banker & Tradesmen readers are worried about the future of multiple listings services. Should MLS services worry about competition?
The growth of big 33% Yes. brokerages could keep too many listings off.
The Provident Bank Acquires People’s United Warehouse Lending Division
To Prevent More Crumbling Foundations, CT Could Monitor Quarries
Fair Housing Mistakes Are Rampant. Are You Getting It Right?
Expansion Will Make D Street ‘Center of Gravity’ At BCEC
Successor to MBTA Control Board on Beacon Hill To-Do List
Baker to Detail Transpo, Climate, Housing Pushes Tonight
Baker Proposes $100M Increase in Ride-Hailing Fees to Fund Transit
In a recession, agents 25% No. will want all the exposure they can get.
Their old user interfaces 25% Yes. will drive agents away. No one will want to give 17% No. up the massive audience they have.
JANUARY 27, 2020
Could Boston Office Rents Hit $100 Per Square Foot? Boston’s Booming Economy Turns Demand Toward Office Towers BY SCOTT VAN VOORHIS BANKER & TRADESMAN COLUMNIST
bevy of new luxury condominium and apartment towers have joined Boston’s skyline over the past two decades, with sales of multimilliondollar units at the 60story One Dalton and the Mandarin Oriental, among many others, powering an historic building boom. Now, after decades as a supporting cast member amid an epic surge of development, Boston’s office market is poised to take center stage over the next couple years, with recordbreaking rents and a mini-surge in new tower construction. All told, Boston’s office market may be poised to make its biggest splash since the 1980s, when a myriad of new office towers went up in the Financial District, from the 46-story One Financial Center across the street from South Station, to Don Chiofaro’s twin-tower International Place complex and its distinctive, rose-granite panels and tripartite-style windows.
A Forest of New Towers
The aggregate rent for both class A and class B office buildings in downtown Boston is at a record high $65 a square foot, beating previous peaks in 2008 and during the dotcom bubble, circa 1999/2000. “We are at the highest rent level we have ever seen in aggregate in the city of Boston,” said
Boston’s skyline is poised to be transformed in the next few years as millions of square feet of office space come online as developers respond to per-squarefoot rents that flirt with triple digits.
Aaron Jodka, managing director for research and client services for Colliers International. In a sign of the times, Texas developer Hines is finally moving ahead with plans to build a 51-story office tower over South Station. The project has been deferred and delayed so many times since the 1980s that is has graced by annual column in these pages on “turkey projects” more than once. Hines’ website still touts how the new highrise is ready to break ground in 2018, though I guess after 40 years of delays and false starts – or as they say in Texas, “all hat and no cattle” – what’s a year or two?
With new investors, construction on the tower is set to finally kick off this year – cross our fingers – with plans for 768,000 square feet of office space and 175 condos. A short walk away in the heart of the Financial District, Millennium Partners is plunging ahead with its own plans for 691-foot-high office and condo tower at Winthrop Square in the heart of the Financial District. The new building is slated to open in 2022, and will boast 775,000 square feet of pricey, top-shelf office space along with 420 luxury residential units.
Down near City Hall and Government Center, HYM’s One Congress, a $1 billion, 1-million-square-foot-plus edifice, will open later that year. Around the corner, owners of the One Post Office Square tower are near the finish line with their sweeping, $250 million renovation.
Rents Hit Record Heights
Meanwhile, office rents, already at record levels, are poised to go even higher in downtown Boston in 2020, with the average rent for existing class A and B towers likely to shoot Continued on Page 10
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JANUARY 27, 2020
Density Must Be Part of Massachusetts’ Climate Strategy
op legislators and activists were over the moon when Gov. Charlie Baker proposed making Massachusetts carbon neutral in 30 years, but they can’t forget that density has to be a key component of how we get there. Baker’s challenge came during his State of the Commonwealth address last Tuesday night, where he proposed getting Massachusetts to the point known as “net zero,” where the state has effectively removed carbon dioxide-generating activities from its economy. “I’m thrilled,” Senate President Karen Spilka told reporters, days before introducing a large package of legislation that would turn the governor’s commitment into action. Baker’s “crucial directive puts Massachusetts in the vanguard,” Conservation Law Foundation President Brad Campbell said in a statement. We wholeheartedly share this enthusiasm for Baker’s goal – climate change is the single biggest threat to the planet at present, and the world desperately needs examples of how to tackle it. But our cheering is tinged by anxiety that the legislature won’t pass one of the most important carbon-reduction measures out there: making sure municipalities allow for dense, walkable development in places like their commercial centers and around transit stops. Its inaction for years on this key topic is made even worse by the long shadow cast by land use decisions. Buildings designed today that are forced by auto-centric zoning and minimum parking requirements to be anti-pedestrian will be with us for decades, driving up auto use at the very same time we need to be reducing emissions from this, our biggest contributor to carbon pollution. Research by scientists at the University of California at Berkley shows the impact of how we build our communities on our carbon emissions. An average household in Braintree produces 53.9 metric tons of CO2 every year. The average family in Concord generates 65.8 metric tons. The average family in Weston generates 86 tons per year. But the average household in the Back Bay only generates 34.4 tons. The key difference? Car use. Without tackling density, the Senate’s legislation and Baker’s commitments implicitly assume electric cars will be able to solve our climate problem. But if all Massachusetts’ cars were converted to electric vehicles, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin’s Energy Institute estimate the state’s electricity generation needs would go up by up to 42 percent, equivalent to 2 million homes. That is a massive increase in generating power that would be difficult to meet without commensurate cost to the public. Crucially, none of the above figures account for the congestion problems that will be caused by the 88,000 more people the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute forecasts will live in the Bay State by 2035.
Letters to the editor of 100 words or less may be submitted via email at editorial@thewarrengroup.com with the subject line “Letter to the Editor,” or mailed to the offices of The Warren Group. Submission is not a guarantee of publication.
Banker & Tradesman Cassidy Norton
Associate Publisher c n o r to n @th e w a r r e n gr ou p . c om
Timothy M. Warren Jr.
Publisher T i m o t h y M. W a r r e n
Publisher 1975-1988 Keith F. Warren
Publisher 1928-1975 W i l l a r d C. W a r r e n
Publisher 1901-1928
Watchdog: Nation’s Real Estate Disclosure Laws Fall Short New Hampshire Could Be Model for America BY LEW SICHELMAN SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN
he nonprofit Consumer Federation of America has once again come down hard on real estate disclosure laws. This time, the group is calling on states to rewrite disclosure laws so they are more understandable, and to give them to buyers and sellers upon their first contact with realty agents. In its latest report, the CFA said many buyers do not comprehend the written disclosure statements they receive from their agents – if they receive one at all, or bother to read it. For one thing, said CFA Senior Fellow (and former executive director) Stephen Brobeck, not knowing whether the agent represents your interests or those of the seller can be costly, because he or she could pass on information you disclosed that would diminish your bargaining power. And for another, an agent, in the interest of making a quick sale, may not show you houses that may be better choices. “An agent working for the other party could, and may be legally required to, pass on compromising information such as the purchase price you’re prepared to sell for or spend,” he said. “And this agent would have no obligation to find the right buyer or the right house at the right price.”
New Hampshire a Model
This isn’t the first time Brobeck and the CFA have taken on the real estate sector. Back in the 1990s, they challenged the use of subagency, in which all other agents were the subagent of the listing agent. That meant that the agent who drove prospects around from house to house was legally bound to pass along information that was disclosed to him, sometimes without telling the buyer. The use of subagency was subsequently abandoned, and every state set about writing its own disclosure laws. Some were written by lawyers, some by real estate professionals, but rarely did any include consumer input, said Brobeck. Nowadays, disclosures are required in all 50 states. But many forms are so long, so full of legalese and so poorly presented that consumers will not read them. Beyond that, terminology differs wildly: The CFA found that, collectively, states use more than 50 different terms to identify the roles agents can play in a transaction. For example, a dual agent – one who works for both the buyer and the seller, but has no fiduciary duty to either – might be known as a “limited consensual dual agent,” “dual representative,” “limited dual agent without assigned agency,” “standard dual representative,” “standard dual agent,” “dual-agency broker representing seller and buyer,” “broker representing both seller
and buyer” or “multiple representative.” It all depends where the agent practices the always-questionable art of working both sides of the fence. “Very rarely do two states have the same agent roles and the same terms to identify those roles,” reads the CFA’s 27-page report said, calling the mishmash of terms “especially challenging.” Brobeck singled out Washington’s disclosure form/ pamphlet as the least consumer-friendly. But he added that many other states’ disclosures are so long, legal, poorly formatted and in such small type that they are unlikely to be read. On the flip side, he credited Vermont, New Hampshire and South Dakota with doing “a good job” with their disclosure laws.
What Other States Must Do
Stressing that “no state is perfect,” the nonprofit advises them all to go back to the drawing board. Otherwise, consumers are left to rely on the guidance of agents who don’t owe them any allegiance. According to the report, 14 states fail to clearly identify whom the agent represents. In eight of those, the disclosure forms were written by the state; the other six use industry-written forms. The timing of agency disclosures also leaves much to be desired. Now that many buyers are combing the internet and calling listing agents directly when they see a house they like, timing has become more relevant than ever, Brobeck said during a telephone press conference. “Many people don’t fully understand that the agent [they speak with initially] may not represent them.” Yet, only 16 states require agents to reveal whom they represent upon first contact. Several others mandate disclosure upon the first meeting, which isn’t soon enough to satisfy Brobeck. Some states allow agents to wait until a service agreement of some kind is signed, and eight allow them to hold off until just before a contract is inked – which, as the report said, is “much too late in the process.” With the amount of money involved in today’s typical real estate transaction, Brobeck said both buyers and sellers “really need an agent who represents their interests and their interests alone.” Toward that end, the CFA is urging every state to rethink its disclosure laws and require they be in writing; in short, concise language; in a user-friendly format; and written by the state, not the industry. Furthermore, the disclosure should include the agent’s name, contact information and date.
Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications. Readers can contact him at lsichelman@aol.com.
JANUARY 27, 2020
The Benefits (and Risks) of Using Alternative Data in Credit Underwriting Financial Regulators Issue New Statement Supporting New Methods BY THOMAS J. CURRY, JASON J. CABRAL, AND DANIEL W. HARTMAN SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN
I Thomas J. Curry
Jason J. Cabral
n December 2019, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and National Credit Union Administration (collectively known as “the agencies”) issued an interagency statement that is generally supportive of the use of alternative data in credit underwriting by banks, credit unions, non-bank financial firms and fintechs. Alternative data includes information not typically found in consumers’ traditional credit reports or customarily provided by consumers when applying for credit. It often includes cashflow data derived from consumers’ bank account records that examines categories of income and expenses (e.g., wages, rent, utility, cell phone and other regular debits and credits), as well as educational and occupational information, social media use and other online or mobile activities.
1 in 5 Are ‘Credit Invisible’
Daniel W. Hartman
The interagency statement highlights the potential financial inclusion benefits of using alternative data in credit underwriting by expanding access to credit and capital to consumers and small businesses. According to the CFPB, more than 45 million U.S. adults (approximately 1 in 5) lack traditional credit scores and more than half of those 45 million are “credit invisible,” meaning they have no credit file with a nationwide consumer reporting agency. Without a sufficient credit history, consumers face significant barriers to accessing credit, or they pay drastically more for credit over time. The use of alternative data may enable millions of U.S. adults a way to gain access to credit, more cheaply and efficiently, and build a more robust credit history. According to the agencies, alternative data may “improve the speed and accuracy of credit decisions and may help firms evaluate the creditworthiness of con-
sumers” and “enable consumers to obtain additional products and/or more favorable pricing/terms based on enhanced assessments of repayment capacity.” Indeed, a July 2019 research report by FinRegLab, a nonprofit research organization, provides an empirical foundation for greater use of cashflow data in alternative data underwriting. The report indicates that cashflow data are already being used to underwrite credit for a range of unsecured consumer and small business credit products.
When compared to traditional credit scores and attributes, cashflowbased metrics appear to predict creditworthiness within the subpopulations at least as well as the traditional metrics. The report found that cashflow data frequently improved the ability to predict credit risk among borrowers that are scored by traditional systems as presenting similar risks of default. Moreover, when compared to traditional credit scores and attributes, cashflow-based metrics appear to predict creditworthiness within the subpopulations at least as well as the traditional metrics, and better in selected cases. Importantly, the report states, these results suggest that cashflow variables and scores do not create a disparate impact among protected populations.
Practice Raises Consumer Protection Issues
The interagency statement does caution that the use of alternative data and analytical methods raises questions about how to effectively leverage new technological developments that are consistent with applicable
consumer protection laws such as fair lending laws, prohibitions against unfair, deceptive or abusive acts or practices, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Banks, credit unions, non-bank financial firms and fintechs are also advised to apply the federal banking agencies’ model risk management guidance, which contains principles for managing risk related to models, including those that may leverage alternative data. Finally, the interagency statement describes the components of a well-designed compliance management program which should include, among others, appropriate testing, monitoring and controls to ensure consumer protections risks are understood and addressed. Although the interagency statement highlights the potential consumer protection issues from a lending standpoint, it does not, however, highlight the potential data protection and related privacy issues that arise with the aggregation, use, and sharing of alternative data across platforms. It is a safe bet that many consumers will not know that this data has been collected and shared or how it will be used in the credit process. As detailed in the Treasury Department’s July 2019 report on financial technology and financial innovation, the agencies should support the Treasury Department’s recommendation that consumers should have the right to freely access and use their financial account and transaction data and to permission their own financial account and transaction data for third-party use. Additionally, the CFPB should follow the Treasury Department’s recommendation that the CFPB work with the private sector to simplify disclosures and terms and conditions so that consumers can give “informed and affirmative consent” concerning access to and sharing their data, to whom access is being granted and for what purposes.
Thomas J. Curry and Jason J. Cabral are partners in Nutter’s corporate and transactions department. Daniel W. Hartman is an associate in Nutter’s litigation department. Curry is former U.S. comptroller of the currency and all are members of the firm’s banking and financial services group.
Monetizing Zero-Carbon Retrofits on Residential Investment Properties Early Adopters Can Charge for Solar at Fossil Fuel Prices BY DOUG QUATTROCHI SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN
limate change will almost certainly devalue specific low-lying pieces of real estate in Massachusetts over the life of the next 30-year mortgage. At the same time, Massachusetts investors that retrofit zero-carbon technologies will both help fight climate change and realize short-term returns.
The Real Costs of Carbon
Carbon emissions cost the real estate industry in three ways: flood risk, wasted energy and exposure to forced upgrades. Short-term flood risk arises not so much from base sea level rise as from storm surge on top of tides. A MassLandlords analysis of NOAA storm surges, tides and NAVD elevations lends credence to this view, suggesting that major portions of Boston and Cambridge should either be behind flood mitigation or paying flood insurance at this point. Perceived flood risk has sharply devalued certain individual lots up and down the East Coast. As published by researchers at the University of Colorado and Penn State, the nationwide average devaluation of exposed real estate is now 7 percent (10 percent among investors) and climbing. The direct expense that comes with burning fossil fuels is equally real. It is easy to forget that natural gas is neither free nor renewable. Historically low prices will continue for a while yet, but not forever. Natural gas is already possibly at peak supply simply due to pipeline constraints; parts of Greater Springfield and the Cape have a moratorium on new accounts. Renters readily move out
of uninsulated natural gas apartments after their first winter of $300-per-month heating bills (to say nothing of renters with baseboard electric heat), increasing turnover and vacancy. Future climate policy may require landlords make large capital expenditures. A carbon tax or cap-and-trade will come to Massachusetts eventually. (We follow California in such matters, and their cap-and-trade program is up and running.) If one thing is certain, it is that additional regulations or forced obsolescence will be levied on landlords. We will have to absorb these costs, replace our equipment or pass costs on to unwilling renters. With flood insurance premiums, fuel costs and policy all contributing to financial uncertainty, is there anything an investor should do?
Solving the Split Incentive with the Sun
The oil embargo of the 1970’s created a “split incentive” problem. We aggressively submetered to push fuel costs onto renters, but we remained (as required by law) in charge of the capital equipment that burned the fuel. Any efficiency improvements would have to be paid out of our pocket but would only save renters. As a result, old, inefficient equipment remains in widespread use. Now we are in a dramatic transition equal to the fuel embargo years but in the other direction: The savviest landlords are taking back the cost of fuel using sunlight. The technology exists and has been on the market for a long enough time where buildings can now be reliably heated and cooled (an added bonus) using solar-powered mini-split heat pumps. The basic path to monetization has several steps. First, landlords must insulate and air-seal. A brand-
new building can now be designed so efficiently it is heated with only waste heat from appliances, the so-called “passive house.” For existing investment properties, retrofits are called for. The latest incarnation of MassSave (combined with support from local community action councils for subsidized units) now provide discounts of up to 90 percent of list price on retrofits. This will reduce fuel consumption 30 percent to 60 percent. Second, landlords must switch from oil, gas or electric baseboard to mini-split heat pumps for each unit. These systems do not create heat, they move it from outside to inside. As a result, they can provide far more heat than combustion per unit of energy. Under real-world conditions, they carry about three times more heat than a 99 percent efficient boiler for the same energy input. Third, landlords must install solar either on that building or in the same load zone, and distribute as many credits as they can to the unit meters. This Schedule Z reallocation works best when owners keep each unit’s meter in their own name. Finally, landlords should charge renters a higher base rent for “heat and electrical included up to a cap.” The cap will be the solar generation of the systems and/or the Schedule Z credit balance remaining. Renters will reimburse the landlord for any excess consumption, and will still therefore have an incentive to conserve, just as they do today when paying utilities directly. This monetization benefits early adopters most. The market rate for “heat included” is currently several hundred dollars a month per unit, more than adequate to justify the capital expenditure when MassSave incentives and SMART credits are counted. Not only will this make landlords money, it will sharply reduce carbon emissions, or eliminate them entirely depending on the grid supply selected for overages. In this way, the market can make a large difference in climate change. Who will be next to go zero-carbon? My advice: don’t be last. MassLandlords has published an article, “Can Massachusetts Landlords Charge for Solar,” with implementation details.
Doug Quattrochi is executive director of MassLandlords Inc.
JANUARY 27, 2020
YEAR SETTLED 1645 YEAR INCORPORATED 1685 TOTAL AREA 24.4 square miles POPULATION 8,277 DENSITY 340 people per square mile TAX RATES Residential: $16.17 Commercial: $16.17 TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSING UNITS 2,648
To find out where their town’s name came from, Boxford sent a delegation to two villages in England named Boxford as part of the United States’ bicentennial celebrations in the mid-1970s. They ultimately decided the town’s name came from Boxford in the Babergh district of Suffolk County.
Jan.-Dec. 2019
Change from 2018
SALES VOLUME Jan.-Dec. Change from 2019 2018
“In our conversations with many banks, we are advised that their stocks of halves, nickels and cents are either exhausted or at a very low ebb. They are now pleading for coin to take care of their customer’s requirements.”
$450,000 450000
$400,000 400000
North Andover
Peabody Rockport
West Newbury
• Statistics based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group
— The late Boston Federal Reserve First Vice President Earle O. Latham, in a 1964 letter to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors
MEDIAN SALES PRICES 500000 $500,000
$350,000 350000 $300,000 300000 $250,000 250000
2010 ’10
2011 ’11
2012 ’12
2013 ’13
2014 ’14
2015 ’15
2016 ’16
2017 ’17
2018 ’18
• All sales thru December YTD
2019 ’19
Essex Massachusetts
• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group
% of Market Share
Berkeley Point 8.65% Capital LLC
Guaranteed Rate Inc.
Cross Country 4.43% Mortgage Inc.
Rankings and Mortgage Market Share stats include purchase and refinance mortgages for all residential properties through December 2019 Market share percentage based on volume of mortgages • Source: The Warren Group
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ’10
• All sales thru December YTD
• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group
Shant Banosian
Guaranteed Rate Inc.
Elena E. Campbell
Residential Mortgage Services Inc.
George T. Koutsos
Cross Country Mortgage Inc.
Ranked by volume of loans through December 2019 • Source: The Warren Group
TOP 10 EXISTING HOME SALES Street Address Community
Buyer Seller
Date Price
3 Nortons Point Manchester
Arlene F. Page David S. McCue
12/16/2019 $8,650,000
10 Harvard St. Marblehead
James L. Tedford III Robert Poss
22 Northstone Road Swampscott
4 5
Street Address Community
Buyer Seller
Date Price
40 Pleasant St. Nahant
Sanjeev Daga Dineen John K. Est
12/20/2019 $2,795,000
10/30/2019 $4,150,000
3 Pinewood Road Manchester
Brennan W. Mulcahey Politi Baldwin FT 2012
12/9/2019 $2,600,000
Christine K. Casey Raymond Bastarache
12/27/2019 $3,325,000
2 Lancey Court Newburyport
R. Jeffrey Bailly 2014 RET Alexandra Coir
10/25/2019 $2,600,000
358 Ocean Ave. Marblehead
Alexander C. Leikikh Christopher Hayes
12/10/2019 $3,000,000
24 Proctor St. Manchester
Seventeen Proctor LLC Christine M. Kinney
12/5/2019 $2,550,000
49 Wingaersheek Road Gloucester
Joseph A. Callanan Shifting Sands RT
11/15/2019 $2,800,000
67 Walnut Road Wenham
Michele Breene Heidi Z. Adam
11/5/2019 $2,505,000
• Statistics from Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019 • New Construction Excluded • Source: The Warren Group
JANUARY 27, 2020
Life Science Incubator Adds ‘Scale-Up’ Space in Worcester Continued from Page 1
The Reactory is part of Worcester’s strategy to provide life science companies with real estate options in all stages of their business cycle, from early stage research to commercialization and manufacturing. The agency bought the property in 2017 for $1.55 million and obtained city approvals for 530,000 square feet of development on 22 buildable acres. A $15 million state grant paid for demolition of the remaining structures with the exception of the Hale administration building, which is subject to Massachusetts Historical Commission protections. In December, Country Bank provided a $2.7 million loan for site preparation. WBDC estimates completing roads and utilities to serve the entire site at $3.5 million, and the city of Worcester is considering a district improvement financing mechanism to pay the bill. Future tax revenues from development would support the bond payments. WuXi has a purchase-and-sale agreement
Image courtesy of the Worcester Business Development Corp.
The Reactory is part of Worcester’s strategy to provide life science companies with real estate options in all stages of their business cycle, from early stage research to commercialization and manufacturing. City officials are promising fast-track permitting including by-right approval of biomanufacturing with 100-foot building heights at the Reactory. The 44-acre state hospital property closed in 1991 and was offered up for sale as part of Gov. Charlie Baker’s surplus property initiative in 2016. Worcester Business Development Corp., a nonprofit formed in 1965 to spur industrial park development, was one of two respondents along with MassDevelopment. WBDC’s bid was supported by the city of Worcester and the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, positioning itself as having the closest ties to the local industry.
The 46-acre Reactory at the former Worcester State Hospital property offers eight building sites for biomanufacturing including a potential $60 million contract manufacturing facility by WuXi Biologics.
on one pad and an option to buy a second site, Blais said. WBDC has had preliminary discussions with companies for some of the others, he said. The council promotes affordable land acquisition prices as part of Worcester’s appeal, with estimated acquisition costs at The Reactory of $30 per buildable square foot. That puts estimated acquisition costs for all eight pads at below $16 million.
suites ranging from 100 to 3,000 square feet and renting for as low as $1,000 a month. The minimum term is one year, and a third of the space has been committed ahead of April’s scheduled opening, Weaver said. Third-party contract manufacturers such as WuXi are a logical option for companies to ramp up drug production in a timely and affordable basis, he said. The advent of smaller biomanufacturing equipment has made it more practical to develop plants in Massachu-
Incubators Offer Range of Space Options
setts rather than overseas. And central Massachusetts offers lower development costs and proximity to the more than 500 life science companies in Boston and Cambridge to maintain quality controls, he said. “Companies from Cambridge can come out and check on their manufacturing facilities in the morning and be home by lunch,” Weaver said.
Email: sadams@thewarrengroup.com
Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives is an economic development firm that operates three life science incubators spanning 25,000 square feet in Worcester, which have attracted early-stage companies from Cambridge to MetroWest and the Interstate 495 belt. Some 95 MBI graduate companies have created more than 800 jobs. “Timing for these guys is everything,” MBI CEO Jon Weaver said. “Once they get that FDA process started, it’s really critical that they have the ability to move quickly.” To entice its members to remain in Worcester as they grow, it’s opening a 25,000-square-foot “scale-up center” at 17 Briden St. in Gateway Park with 28 dedicated
Each week, Banker & Tradesman commercial real estate reporter Steve Adams spotlights a commercial real estate property in Massachusetts notable for its high deal activity, unique design or one-of-a-kind special features.
Melrose Apartments Sold for $101.7M
former Melrose shoe factory converted into apartments by developer Wood Partners in 2015 has been acquired for $101.7 million by GID Investments. The seller, Mesirow Financial of Chicago, bought the 212-unit Jack Flats complex in 2016 for $80 million. The four-building complex includes loftstyle units in a converted former Boston Rub-
Image courtesy of Google Maps
ber Shoe Co. building and three podium-style apartment buildings. Units average 948 square feet. Apartments.com lists one-bedroom units with rents starting at $2,220 per month. GID owns 37,000 apartment units nationwide including 10 properties in Greater Boston, according to its website, and has a development pipeline for another 10,000 units nationwide.
• Gilbane Building Co. provided construction management at-risk services for the 157,000-square-foot renovation and expansion project at Boston’s TD Garden. • Designed by SCI Stadium Consultants International, the project included upgrades to fan seating, concessions and dining, renovation of training and locker rooms for the Boston Celtics and Boston Bruins, and a 50,000-square-foot expansion. • An additional 15,000 square feet of concession space were built on the main concourse levels four and seven, and the 7,500-square-foot 1928 Club bar and lounge was added on level five. The Back Row Bar, an expanded hospitality area with big-screen TV’s and seating for 50 fans, was built behind the eighth-level balcony seating. The Rafters, a members-only seating area, accommodates up to 200 guests on the top level. • The project also included MEP upgrades, renovations of the media facilities and a new main entrance from Causeway Street. THEY SAID IT:
“The Gilbane team was instrumental in helping us to achieve our vision for the ‘Legendary Transformation’ of TD Garden. Their team’s commitment to safety and detailed communication and logistics plan allowed construction to take place without disruption to our daily operations.”
— Amy Latimer, president, TD Garden
THINK YOUR PROPERTY IS HOT? Drop Steve a line at sadams@thewarrengroup.com
JANUARY 27, 2020
Building a Bank from Scratch
Q: How has the startup been going? A:
I think there’s a lot of things that were not expected. We’ve had some negative surprises: folks who we thought were going to come with us as investors or customers who didn’t, some frustrations along the lines of trying to put all the technology together. But also a lot of positive surprises: people who have been coming out of the woodwork to support us, both shareholders and now a real steady stream of people coming in to become customers. We’re getting walk-in traffic at our branch, which we didn’t really count on. We’re generating business not only in commercial loans but in residential mortgage loans, which was not something that we planned for. We’ve also been really pleased with the quality of people who have come to work for us. We’ve got a great team of people, great board, great shareholder base. It’s all slowly but surely falling into place. We don’t have a big marketing budget, so trying to grow the business by word of mouth, creating a positive image of our brand in the community – those are the things we are trying to do now.
Q: What has been the community reaction? A:
What we’re really hearing loudly is that for our niche – to have a focus on small business, to have really highly qualified staff and a really knowledgeable board of directors who are movers and shakers within our community – that is resonating with people. They want to join and become part of our bank and become part of the story. But it’s hard work. There’s no shortage of competition in the marketplace. We really try to stay in our lane. We’re really trying to stay in our niche and not try to be all things to all people.
Q: What approach did you take to deciding what technology to use? A:
We spent a lot of time doing research before we made the decisions. At the end of the day, I think the philosophy that guided us was to make sure that we had a very dependable core platform, tried and true. We chose a vendor we had complete confidence in, COCC. We’ve tried to balance off the exciting fintech opportunities with the dependability of a good provider. When we were doing our research, we wanted to make sure that the regulators were happy with the technology providers, that they had all the right internal controls in place. By and large, we didn’t want to be the first one to use a new platform. We wanted to make sure it was successful somewhere else – close to the bleeding edge but not right on the bleeding edge in terms of the technology choices we made.
Q: What were some regulatory challenges? A:
The regulators have actually been great. That’s been one of those pleasant surprises. Particularly the folks at FDIC and the Division of Banks have been very good to work with. The new commissioner in Massachusetts, Mary Gallagher, has been a great advocate for us. One of the things that we didn’t expect is the level of depth of the reviews the examiners did even before we opened. We had a three to four week visit from the regulators about seven or eight months before we opened, and they went through all of our systems, went through all of our policies and procedures. In a way, it was like free consulting.
Q: How did the year-end numbers match up with expectations? A:
Title: President and CEO, New Valley Bank & Trust Age: 56 Industry experience: 34 years
effrey Sullivan was part of a small group of long-time bankers who thought western Massachusetts needed more options for small business lending. After market research and interviews with At the end of the day, I more than 100 people supported think the philosophy that this notion, they decided to open guided us was to make Massachusetts’ first de novo bank sure that we had a very in a decade. Raising $23.5 million dependable core platform, from 300 local investors, New Valtried and true. ley Bank & Trust opened at the end of May 2019 with Sullivan as president and CEO. The bank finished 2019 with $63 million in total assets, $43 million in total deposits and $29 million worth of loans outstanding.
We’re pretty much hitting our stride in terms of deposits. We’re a little bit ahead on loans from what we had planned. The three rate cuts that happened during the second half of 2019 – the drop in short-term rates while we were just opening the doors – that hurt us. It’s hurt all banks, but it hurt us a little bit harder because so much of our money was just sitting in cash when we first opened the doors. The balance sheet is hitting expectations, but we’re a little squeezed on the margin from what we had originally projected.
Q: What plans do you have for 2020? A:
We’re really focusing on trying to perfect our small business banking platform. We’re going to have an online business lending platform that’ll be up and running by the end of the first quarter. It’s an integrated end-to-end lending platform, paperless, and so we’re really excited about that. And we’re looking to do the same thing for online deposit-opening capabilities. One of the goals that the board has is to make sure 100 percent of our shareholders are doing business with us as customers. So, we’re focused on giving those shareholders a really good first impression, start to do business with them and hope that they will be our word-of-mouth referral sources going forward. One of the other things we’re benefiting from – and hope to continue to benefit from – is that our regional economy in western Massachusetts is pretty good right now. It’s maybe not as red hot as the Worcester market is, but it’s certainly good by historical Springfield standards. We do have a little bit of tailwind at our back because there’s so much economic activity going on where we are. We can also compete in the Worcester market and the Hartford market, particularly through our online channels as we continue to grow, and even the Boston market for that matter.
Stony Ledge, Mount Greylock State Reservation
Whiting Street Reservoir, Mount Tom State Reservation
Alander Mountain and Bash Bish Falls
Quabbin Reservoir
Skinner Mountain
JANUARY 27, 2020
Banks Turn to High-Touch Programs to Capture Business Customers Small Businesses Seek Help, Personal Connections from Bankers BY DIANE MCLAUGHLIN BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF
mall businesses make up more than 99 percent of Massachusetts companies, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. And as more people turn to entrepreneurship, banks and credit unions have sought opportunities to work with these businesses as lenders, technology providers and advisers. Banks could even have a role in helping small businesses avoid a common end. “One of the biggest reasons why most businesses fail is poor financial management,” said Samalid Hogan, director of the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network’s Western Regional Office.
Personal Touch
According to the SBA, Massachusetts had almost 670,000 small businesses in 2019, a 2.5 percent increase over 2018. These businesses have multiple needs from their banks, including merchant services, lines of credit and holistic support, said Hogan, who works with western Massachusetts businesses. The MSBDC provides services and training through a partnership between the SBA and the Massachusetts Office of Business Development.
Hogan said owners often encounter challenges with onerous paperwork requirements when requesting lines of credit or with lenders who look only at credit scores and not at trends on the credit report. Banks that consider the relationship from the business owner’s perspective tend to do better for their customers, Hogan said. “They look at the process from the point of view of the customer experience,” she said. “That’s really what a small business needs – more lenders and banks that are approaching them that way.”
According to the SBA, Massachusetts had almost 670,000 small businesses in 2019, a 2.5 percent increase over 2018. Having an intermediary at the bank – someone a business owner can call “my banker” – is also critical for small businesses, Hogan said. “This individual makes sure that the small business owner is able to get quick answers and fast service,” Hogan said. “That helps out a lot to have that personal touch.” The MSBDC’s training opportunities include courses on financial management tools. Hogan would like to see lenders provide more training and services on these types of tools as well as on financing – how to finance
Along with loans, some community banks are giving out advice and employee benefits to their small business customers.
responsibly, different types of financing and reasons for pursuing loans. She added that she doesn’t see many lenders doing this kind of education for their small business clients.
quarter plans to roll out an online accountopening tool for businesses and individuals. New Valley’s staff also acts as advisers to customers, Sullivan said, moving beyond fulfilling orders or opening accounts to helping business owners think about big strategic questions. “We are able to build relationships because we’re so close to our customers,” Sullivan said. “Our key decision-makers are out on the front lines every day working with our customers.”
Strategic Questions
One Springfield bank starting to work with small businesses is New Valley Bank & Trust, a de novo bank that opened in 2019. Jeffrey Sullivan, New Valley’s president and CEO, said the bank was founded because he and others thought the community needed a new lender focused on small businesses, including providing more services through technology. “Because we’re brand new, we’ve been able to procure technology that is really focused on making business owners’ lives more efficient,” Sullivan said, adding that the bank this
Financial Wellness
Another opportunity for banks to work with small businesses could help them avoid poor financial management, a factor Hogan noted as contributing to small business failures. Continued on Page 10
Address: 1 Dalton St. #6102, Boston Price: $34,000,000 Buyer: 1 Dalton Unit 6102 NT Seller: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Agent: Campion & Co. Size: 7,557 square feet Sold: 1/10/2020
Boston has a new holder of the title “second-most expensive condominium” – one of two One Dalton penthouses. At 7,557 square feet across floors 60 and 61, the $34 million purchase price works out to $4,499.14 per square foot. The unit is listed in the building’s master deed as a shell, meaning few, if any, rooms have been laid out, leaving it open for the buyer’s imagination to run wild.
2,4 2
Address: 34 Washing Pond Road, Nantucket Price: $25,000,000 Buyer: Cindi L. Galiher and John J. Galiher Seller: J Lorentzen-Goodwillie NT Agent: William Raveis Nantucket Size: 6,126 square feet on 5.25 acres Sold: 1/10/2020
Address: 1 Dalton St. #5202, Boston Price: $9,750,000 Buyer: New East Back Bay LLC Seller: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Agent: Campion & Co. Size: 2,945 square feet Sold: 1/14/2020
Address: 4 John Adams Lane, Nantucket Price: $6,962,500 Buyer: Marilyn Wendling and Mark Wendling Seller: Casa Gigi LLC Size: 4,847 square feet on 0.49 acres Sold: 1/13/2020
Address: 33 Branch St., Boston Price: $4,337,500 Buyer: Anna Sommers and John A. Sommers Seller: Sarah W. Fisher Agent: S. Fulani Butler & Barbara Cowley Team, Gibson Sotheby’s International Realty Size: 2,935 square feet Sold: 1/13/2020
JANUARY 27, 2020
Chiofaro’s ‘Pinnacle’ Rekindles Battle over Building Heights BY STEVE ADAMS BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF
he kickoff of formal review of a 865,000-square-foot office and residential tower at what developer Chiofaro Co. calls “Boston’s front door to the world” is rekindling the battle over building heights on Boston Harbor. Political opposition and legal wrangling has delayed the redevelopment of the Harbor Garage property on East India Row for more than a decade, but the Boston-based developer moved forward with its Boston Planning & Development Agency permitting last week while a pair of lawsuits seek to block the project. Branded as “The Pinnacle at Central Wharf ” the Kohn Pederson Fox Assoc.designed tower would include 200 residential units on the upper floors above 538,000 square feet of office space and 42,000 square feet of retail and restaurants. Opponents including Boston-based Conservation Law Foundation and owners of the neighboring Harbor Towers condos say the project violates state law limiting density of
waterfront buildings. Both have pending lawsuits challenging the state’s 2018 approval of new zoning for the 42 acres of downtown waterfront from the corner of Seaport Boulevard and Atlantic Avenue to Christopher Columbus Park. In October, Superior Court Justice Brian Davis ruled that the two lawsuits can proceed.
Developer Offers Community Benefits
Chiofaro Cos. says the taller building height will be offset by the tower’s smaller footprint, in contrast to the 8-story parking garage which takes up the entire site. “Perhaps no development in Boston better illustrates the principle of ‘addition by subtraction’ than this project, such that the removal of the existing garage may very well be characterized as the project’s single most important public benefit,” Chiofaro Cos. wrote in a project notification form filed last week with the BPDA. The new tower would be served by an 1,100-space underground garage, including 850 spaces reserved for the public and New England Aquarium patrons.
Condos Take Back Seat to Office Space Downtown Continued from Page 3 well into the $70-dollar-a-square foot range and up, according to Jodka. The Colliers research chief expects another year of double-digit rent increases in 2020 for both top-shelf towers and their respectable but less glamorous class B neighbors. It comes atop an expensive 2019, with rents in class A towers having shot up 13 percent, followed by a 10 percent increase in rents in class B buildings, Jodka noted. And developers of the new office towers are going for broke, seeking rents as high as $90 a square foot and, in some cases, $100 or more in the case of One Post Office Square as it completes its gold-plated revamp.
Companies are on the hunt for 5 million square feet of space, according to Colliers, a staggering number that is equivalent to five Prudential towers. Putting aside a deal or two in the Hancock tower, reaching triple digits with any consistency has been an elusive goal for real estate companies and investors that own Boston’s office towers. Howewer, a surge of pricey, new office towers promises to finally push Boston’s leading corporate addresses over a benchmark it is has been flirting with for decades.
Demand for 5M SF
Underwriting this rent growth has been steady and strong job growth powered by the Boston area’s big economic engines: life sciences, technology, higher ed, health care and financial services. Companies are on the hunt for 5 million square feet of space, according to Colliers, a staggering number that is equivalent to five Prudential towers. That demand has steadily driven down office vacancy rates and driven up rents. By contrast, while Boston’s condo market
Image courtesy of Kohn Pederson Fox Assoc.
600-Foot Project Pitched Amid Zoning Lawsuits
A rendering from The Chiofaro Co. shows its proposed 600-square-foot Pinnacle tower in context with the downtown Boston skyline. Image courtesy of Kohn Pederson Fox Assoc.
Parking for Harbor Towers residents, currently located in the existing garage, would be provided pending a long-term parking agreement. The project is expected to generate an additional 2,496 vehicle trips daily. The tower’s footprint is positioned to maximize pedestrian access to the harbor, creating an east-west connection from the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Parkway to Central Wharf and the New England Aquarium property. The open space plans include a $10 million contribution to the Aquarium’s plans to update Central Wharf with a resilient “Blueway” public plaza. Developers also agreed to indemnify the aquarium for up to $30 million for impacts during a three-year construction period.
Neighbors: ‘A Gross Overuse’
Those measures haven’t satisfied the Aquarium, which issued a statement that the proposal amounts to “a gross overuse of the site and misses critical opportunities for essential climate resiliency and waterfront accessibility.” Conservation Law Foundation has argued that the rezoning amounts to a precedentsetting example of letting developers obtain additional density in exchange for monetary contributions toward public amenities. “Any developer that advances a project based on the variances in this current, unlawful plan does so at their own financial risk. Developers cannot be allowed to buy their way of rules protecting public access to the waterfront,” CLF said in a statement.
Harbor Towers trustees reiterated their opposition to the scale of the proposed development. “The kind of density and intense uses that Don Chiofaro and his partner Prudential Real Estate are proposing might enhance the Financial District or the Back Bay, where skyscrapers are appropriate. But, as we believe waterfront protection law states and as our ongoing lawsuit makes clear, it does not belong right on Boston’s very special harbor,” spokesman Thomas Palmer said in a statement. Demolition of the garage would make room for 28,000 square feet of open space in the form of a public plaza by Boston-based Copley Wolff Design Group that connects to the Boston Harborwalk. A $300,000 contribution would go toward design and permitting of a new public park in the Chart House parking lot section of Long Wharf. The project would incorporate resiliency strategies including a 4-foot elevation of the existing Harborwalk and potentially a planted “living shoreline” and a new public seating area known as “The Porch.” “The project envisions reimagining and invigorating the adjacent section of the Harborwalk to honor its location at Boston’s ‘front door to the world,’”Chiofaro Cos. stated. The filing of last week’s project notification form kicks off the formal review by the BPDA. Chiofaro Cos. said it hopes to break ground in late 2021.
Email: sadams@thewarrengroup.com
Small Businesses, High-Touch Programs is likely to have another solid year, for once it appears likely to take a back seat to what’s happening in the office market. If anything, Boston is glutted at this point with posh new luxury condos and apartments, all of which are beginning to look the same, whatever the boasts of the developers. There’s also a question of whether there is truly enough demand – or in other words, enough people making at least half a million a year – to support this huge and growing pool of multimillion-dollar condos and apartments. There is likely far more speculative buying than we realize, with investors, both overseas and local, snapping up condos in towers across the city as you would with a hot stock, with hopes of flipping them later. But while the luxury condo market is likely to eventually get its comeuppance, that reckoning will likely have to wait. The recession clouds that overshadowed everything last year as the stock market gyrated have parted, yielding to blue skies and hopes for a banner year ahead. So, here’s to Boston’s office market. May 2020 end on as promising a note as it is starting off on.
Scott Van Voorhis is Banker & Tradesman’s columnist; opinions expressed are his own. He may be reached at sbvanvoorhis@hotmail.com.
Continued from Page 9 Ohio-based KeyBank, which entered the western Massachusetts market in 2016 by acquiring First Niagara Bank, designed a program called Key@Work to help. The bank works with business owners on their financial wellness, and branch managers, considered the small business experts at KeyBank, spend time visiting companies each week, said Courtney Jinjika, KeyBank’s senior vice president and regional retail leader for Connecticut and Massachusetts. Employer financial wellness goes hand in hand with employee wellness, Jinjika said, and the Key@Work program provides employees with free financial education and individual assessments of their own financial wellness. She added that KeyBank plans to expand this program in 2020 and recently hired a Key@ Work specialist. KeyBank also looks to make the wellness
program convenient for customers. Last quarter the bank introduced an online tool that allows customers to schedule appointments with bankers, including meetings outside normal branch hours and at locations convenient for the customer. Financial wellness sessions focus on reviewing products and services available through the bank as well as a customer’s own behaviors. “What we found in the past was many banks were order-takers, or, with the advancements in technology, clients were selfdiagnosing the product that they needed and coming into the bank and sharing that,” Jinjika said. “We wanted to step back, and we want make sure that what we’re delivering to a client is appropriate and will actually advance their financial wellness.”
Email: dmclaughlin@thewarrengroup.com
JANUARY 27, 2020
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144 Centre Street, Holbrook, MA 02343 Tel: 617-227-6553 •www.pesco.com MA Lic 295, N.H 2508, R.I 9246, VT 057-0002204
Mortgagee’s Sale of Real Estate at Public Auction
Mortgagee’s Sale of Real Estate at Public Auction
BOSTON 2 Bedroom Condo
WESTFIELD 2 Parcels of Land / 2 Bldgs 2% Co-Brokerage Offered
34 FairField St., #2, BoSton, Ma Wed, FeB 5, 2020 @ 11aM 764+/-sf condo in 32-34 Fairfield Street Condominium believed to have 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms & 1 bath w/ fireplace and deck. Terms of sale: A deposit of $20,000 by cash, certified or bank check will be required at the time & place of the sale & balance due in 30 days from the date of the sale. All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer nor Mortgagee nor Attorney makes any representations as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. Robert A. Lane, PC, Gaughen, Gaughen, Lane & Hernando, LLP, East Weymouth, MA, Attorney for Mortgagee.
4 & 6 King Street, WeStfield, MA Wed, feb 12, 2020 At 11AM 4% Buyers Premium. Abutting parcels of land totaling 13,995+/-sf of land. 4 King Street: 3,300+/-sf of land improved by a 2+ story 1,383+/-sf single family home believed to have 6 rooms, 2 bedrooms & 1 bath w/ unfinished basement & porch. 6 King Street: 10,695+/-sf of land improved by a 2,705+/-sf brick building currently used as a church w/ central a/c. Terms of sale: A deposit of $15,000 by cash, certified or bank check will be required at the time & place of sale & balance in 30 days. 4% Buyer’s Premium All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer nor Mortgagee nor Attorney makes any representations as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. James C. Fox, Esq, Ruberto, Israel & Weiner, P.C, Boston, MA, Attorney for Mortgagee
V I S I T C L A S S I F I E D S. B A N K E R A N D T R A D E S M A N. C O M
JANUARY 27, 2020
Classified Ads can also be accessed online. Visit bankerandtradesman.com and click on The Marketplace.
To place an ad in Classifieds, email advertising@thewarrengroup.com or call 617-896-5307.
Licensed – Bonded Insured General Contractor specializing in residential and commercial renovations and new construction
Mixed Use Development Request for Proposals Hamilton Development Corporation Request for proposals for an approved mixed use 18 unit project to be privately developed in the Town of Hamilton’s commercial district is available via email request to
Rick Magliozzi, President
Integrated Facilities Construction Corp. 92 High Street, STE 23 Medford, MA 02155 T: (781) 306-1144 F: (781) 306-0808
rmitchell@hamiltonma.gov or by phone 978-335-4993.
V I S I T C L A S S I F I E D S. B A N K E R A N D T R A D E S M A N. C O M
New Housing Models OK’d in Allston and Fenway JANUARY 27, 2020
BU Buys Comm. Ave. Building for $50M A mixed-use building on Commonwealth Avenue in Brookline has sold for $50 million. Boston University bought the 3-story building from an affiliate of The Druker Co., according to information in the Norfolk Registry of Deeds. The 145,174-square-foot building contains several ground-floor retail units, offices and classrooms on its top two floors, according to town property records. The core of the property includes a 2-story parking structure, fronted by small retail units. Retail tenants include a CVS and a Pavement Coffeehouse.
Newton and Needham Properties Sold for $7.1M
WHAT’S NEXT? City Rolls Out ‘Red Carpet’ in Bid for Better Jobs BY JAY FITZGERALD SPECIAL TO BANKER & T R A D E S M A N
T RK Centers has added to its portfolio with the $7.1 million acquisition of two highvisibility properties near the NewtonNeedham line. The transaction includes 238 Highland Ave., a 15,609-square-foot property occupied by Needham Montessori School, Mandarine Cuisine and Needham Nail & Spa, along with 106 Needham St. in Newton, which is anchored by fitness equipment distributor Gym Source. Avison Young’s Brandon Dickason represented seller Terrazzino Investment Trust. The properties are located in a 5-mile trade area that’s home to 265,000 residents with average household incomes of $150,000, according to RK Centers. RK Centers, with New England offices located in Needham, acquired seven properties totaling nearly $100 million in 2019 and currently owns and manages over 9 million square feet of commercial space.
hey’re still beaming in Pittsfield over Wayfair’s decision this past fall to locate its new customer service center – and 300 jobs -- in the city’s Clock Tower Business Center on South Church Street. For a hardscrabble city that’s endured the loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs in recent decades, the furniture e-retailer’s move was a welcome economic shot in the arm. But now, many in Pittsfield are also starting to ask: After Wayfair, what’s next for the Berkshire County city of 43,000?
Capitalize on Culture
Most agree the answer is: Stick to the recent game plan of winning a lot of small economic victories until, hopefully, the next big Wayfair-like jobs deal comes
along, and then it’s back to the small economic victories again. “It’s about a slow but steady transformation,” says Dave Carver, co-managing partner of CT Management Group LLC, owner of Clock Tower Business Center. “It’s almost like a formula. Keep up with the current businesses you have. Promote the ‘cultural economy.’ Try to attract new businesses.” The formula indeed seems to be working, albeit slowly but steadily, for Pittsfield, one of the state’s dozens of officially designated “Gateway Cities.” Even before online furniture vendor Wayfair opted to locate its new facility in the city – a move helped by millions in state tax credits and Wayfair co-founder and CEO Niraj Shah’s roots in Berkshire County – Pittsfield was already seeing economic improvements, largely as a result of its recent focus on promoting
what Carver and others call the “cultural economy,” or what more accurately should be called the “cultural and tourism economies.” The strategy: Leveraging and expanding upon the Berkshire’s already strong cultural and recreational assets, such as Tanglewood in Lennox and the region’s natural beauty, and make it work for the city.
Housing, Tourism Revive Downtown
In the early 2000s, Pittsfield scored major victories with the opening of the Colonial Theater, Barrington Stage Company and the Beacon Cinema. Then came new downtown restaurants and shops, a streetscape redesign with historic lights and plantings, and more recently, new downtown marketrate apartments and condos in converted Continued on Page B6
INSIDE Banking on Brockton Stakeholders Put Heads Together on Private Investment Opportunities Page B4 Food for Thought Help for Gateway Cities’ Retail Environment Page B5
Drawing on its location in the heart of the Berkshires, Pittsfield has seen a downtown revival led by hospitality, housing and cultural businesses.
Photo courtesy of Wayfair | Emma Rothenberg-Ware
A 278-bed co-living development in Allston and 451-unit private studentoriented housing complex in the Fenway moved a step closer to groundbreaking. Boston Planning & Development Agency directors approved the plans for British student housing developer Scape’s 226,700-square-foot complex at 1252-1257 Boylston St., including 68 income-restricted units and a black box theater and community space operated by Fenway-based Theater Offensive. Developers partnered with the LGBTQ theater troupe to compensate for the displacement of the Machine LGBTQthemed nightclub, one of the tenants in the existing building which faces demolition. Some neighborhood residents objected to Scape’s private student housing model because of the major off-campus presence in the Fenway, and Scape said it will seek to lease a maximum 25 percent of units to undergraduates. The requirement is not binding and could be dropped because of “economic necessity,” according to a BPDA document.
JANUARY 27, 2020
Francisco Torres TITLE:
Transformative Development Initiative Fellow, Fitchburg AGE:
6 years
A Road Map to Revitalizing Downtown Fitchburg BY STEVE ADAMS BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF
Q: During your community outreach, what did residents Q: How is the Fitchburg leveraging the state university, say were their goals for downtown Fitchburg? museum and MBTA station properties to revitalize
the TDI district?
They are each spurring private development. Having these assets in our downtown is really positive, and we’re able to communicate that to interested developers to leverage them. The university itself is taking on the theater block renovation, which is a $30 million project to leverage the historic Fitchburg Theater. And the art museum is partnering to renovate the B.F. Brown School into 64 units of artist housing. It’s rare for an art museum to act as developer, and that’s a testimony to our goals for the TDI: to set up Fitchburg as a destination for arts and culture. For the theater renovations, the university looking to receive historic tax credits, and they are in the planning and fundraising phase. It’s going to be about a 1,200-seat theater. Studies have shown that size fits well with not wanting to compete with theaters in Worcester and Boston, so smaller shows would be a good fit. Fitchburg used to have seven operating theaters in the downtown and the outskirts, so it’s a big place for arts and culture and theater.
Q: What are the goals for housing development in the TDI zone?
Increasing the amount of housing is a key strategy for us because we recognize the importance of creating foot traffic at different times of the day. It’s important to having a vibrant downtown. The TDI partnership and the city are really looking to push developers and property owners to develop upper levels of buildings into residential. We’re educating ourselves and them on state programs that help them close the financing gaps to make those projects happen.
Q:How does the TDI lease support program work? A:
Fitcburg has a high level of [retail] vacancy in the downtown, so we’re providing different programs to support the business owners. The business has to be located in the TDI district and we’re looking for commitments from the business or property owner. We’ve had two people looking into leasing and we can’t say who they are yet, but we’re expecting one to open by May and the other in early fall. The maximum subsidy is up to six months of free rent. It’s a nice feature, because it’s a flexible program and each Gateway City needs different things.
The community in general has been supportive of the projects we are taking on. There’s a lot of champions you’ll meet who love Fitchburg and want to see its revival, and are trying to figure out their larger role. One of the things that I’m most proud of is a placemaking process that really developed from the community perspective, called Activate Mill Street. We took an old alleyway that was neglected and converted it into a place and a stage for people to perform, and host yoga and dance classes. We raised $40,000 and applied to MassDevelopment’s Commonwealth Places program, and raised an additional $40,000 [through a matching grant]. To see the small donations coming in – $20 from “Sue in Fitchburg” – was really nice. We had a music festival with two days of concerts and 20 bands, which brought 400 people to downtown. Between August and midOctober we had 35 events.
Q:Opportunity Has downtown Fitchburg’s designation as a federal Zone stimulated private investment? A:
We just did a prospectus with consultants Smart Growth America, who came out and coordinated this with the planning department. We did a walking tour and highlighted properties that we think would be a good fit. The big takeaway was it’s not going to be a saving grace by itself, so we need to work on stacking different programs on top of the Opportunity Zone, such as historic tax credits and the Chapter 40R district west of the train station. Fitchburg has a lot of smaller properties in the downtown that are individually owned. Currently, we are permitting three projects doing housing and a mix of retail, and have a lot of interest. People are asking what programs they might qualify for, and my role is to help them navigate the system.
Q:How can you sustain the progress following the end of the TDI fellowship? A:
My message to people is: the time is now to look at Fitchburg. There’s a huge amount of money coming into the city through the TDI and the $3 million MassWorks grant that the city received to return Main Street to a two-way street. We just had another business receive a grant for a shared workspace. We’re starting to gain a lot of momentum, and if people have an inkling, they should get in while they still can.
Francisco Torres is working with Fitchburg restore vitality and bring more foot traffic to its downtown, helping potential retail tenants seek lease subsidies and providing developers with advice on converting vacant buildings into housing. In 2018, the Los Angeles native and former Brookline economic development official was named MassDevelopment’s transformative development initiative fellow in Fitchburg. TDI fellows spend three years living in economically struggling Gateway Cities and working with local residents, businesses and officials to improve compact, walkable downtown districts. Fitchburg is focusing on existing downtown assets such as its MBTA commuter rail station, Fitchburg State University and the Fitchburg Art Museum as building blocks as it promotes its arts and culture scene as a regional destination.
Increasing the amount of housing is a key strategy for us because we recognize the importance of creating foot traffic at different times of the day. TORRES’ FIVE FAVORITE DOUGHNUT SHOPS 1. Linda’s Donuts (Belmont) 2. Rocco’s Doughnut Co. (Millbury and Westborough) 3. Mass Hole Donuts (Arlington) 4. Kane’s Donuts (Boston and Saugus) 5. Blackbird Doughnuts (multiple locations in Greater Boston)
JANUARY 27, 2020
Tax Benefits for Gateway Cities Projects Abound BY CHRISTOPHER R. VACCARO SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN
hough often snubbed by real estate investors and homebuyers who prefer tonier communities, Gateway Cities are attractive to developers seeking tax incentives. The Massachusetts Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP), enacted in 2010, confers special status on “gateway municipalities”; namely, cities and towns having 35,000 to 250,000 residents, with median household incomes and rates of attaining college degrees below the state average.
Real estate investors should pay special attention to downtown areas of Brockton, Fitchburg, Lowell, Lynn and Worcester, where overlapping HD zones and Opportunity Zones are within walking distance of commuter rail stations. The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) recognizes 26 Gateway municipalities – Attleboro, Barnstable, Brockton, Chelsea, Chicopee, Everett, Fall River, Fitchburg, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lawrence, Leominster, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, Methuen, New Bedford, Peabody, Pittsfield, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Springfield, Taunton, Westfield and Worcester. To participate in the HDIP, municipalities must secure DCHD approval for “HD zones” established for multi-unit market rate housing. Upon DHCD approval, these municipalities may exempt from property taxes 10 percent to 100 percent of the increased value resulting from new construction or substantial rehabilitation in HD zones, for a five- to 20-year period.
Qualifying projects must consist of at least 80 percent housing units available for sale or rent at market prices determined by DHCD. In addition to reduced real estate taxes, projects certified by DHCD qualify for income tax credits of up to 25 percent of construction costs (but not land acquisition costs). DHCD authorized tax credits cannot exceed $10 million annually under this program. A modest 3,032 housing units have received HDIP tax credits since 2010.
Combination with OZ Benefits
The best neighborhoods for tax incentives are those where HD zones overlap with “opportunity zones” established under the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Massachusetts has 138 census tracts designated as Opportunity Zones, mostly in distressed neighborhoods. The tax law encourages investments in opportunity zones for new businesses and construction. These investments can qualify for three federal tax benefits, but the relevant tax laws are complicated. Prospective investors in opportunity zones should consult tax professionals. The following overly simplified example illustrates the federal tax benefits of Opportunity Zone investments. Consider a taxpayer who sells corporate stock or other investment property on Aug. 1, 2020, realizing a $3 million capital gain. On Dec. 31, 2020 (which is within 180 days after selling the stock), the taxpayer reinvests the $3 million capital gain into an easily created “Qualified Opportunity Fund” (QOF) developing investment property in an Opportunity Zone. By reinvesting the capital gain into the QOF within 180 days, the taxpayer can defer paying federal taxes on the gain until the first to occur: either the sale of the QOF investment, or Dec. 31, 2026. This tax deferral is the first tax benefit of the opportunity zone investment. The taxpayer’s tax basis in its QOF investment as of Dec. 31, 2020 is $0, because the taxpayer paid no federal tax on the reinvested capital gain. The second tax benefit provides a stepup in the taxpayer’s basis in the QOF investment, equal to 10 percent of the amount reinvested, if the taxpayer holds the QOF investment for at least five years. The step-up in basis effectively reduces the taxpayer’s capital gains tax by 10 percent. In our example, this second tax benefit enables the taxpayer to avoid capital gains tax on $300,000 of gain (that is, 10 percent
Now Available Online Banker & Tradesman now offers commercial real estate records online, as well as in its monthly CRE Insider special sections.
Photo courtesy of Trinity Financial
Housing Development and Opportunity Zones Offer Savings
Trinity Financial’s $64 million historic restoration of Lowell's Appleton Mills complex created 130 units of affordable artist housing. Gateway Cities offer opportunities for similar projects in their many downtown Opportunity Zones.
of the $3 million reinvested in 2020). If we assume a 20 percent capital gains tax rate, our taxpayer enjoys a tax break worth $60,000. The third tax benefit is the most generous of all. If the taxpayer holds the QOF investment for at least 10 years (but not beyond 2047), the taxpayer’s basis increases to the fair market value of the QOF investment when the taxpayer sells it, and the taxpayer pays no federal capital gains tax on the sale!
Limited Time to Act
However, the opportunity zone tax shelter has sunset provisions. First, the 10 percent step up in basis is unavailable for QOF investments made after 2021, because the investment cannot be held for five years
to explore transactions statewide.
Christopher R. Vaccaro is a partner at Dalton & Finegold in Andover. His email address is cvaccaro@dfllp.com.
For a complete list of commercial property sales that have closed in the past month, see our full monthly review, starting on page B8.
311 Arsenal St, Watertown..................$525,500,000
500-528 Commonwealth Ave U:500-28, Boston.....$44,000,000
1 Marina Park Dr, South Boston..........$482,000,000
245 Sumner St, East Boston..................$35,350,000
269-287 Grove St, Newton...................$235,000,000
64 University Ave, Westwood.................$29,820,830
179 Lincoln St, Boston.........................$155,650,000
492 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham......$29,300,000
50 Mill St, Woburn..................................$57,050,000
70 Everett Ave, Chelsea.........................$28,800,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd B: ARE MA Region 75 LLC S: Athena Arsenal LLC Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): 212,241,900 Lot Size: 1281572sf Prior Sale: 168,500,000 (05/13)
Use:Office Bldg-General B: CLPF One Marina Park Dr S: Fallon Cornerstone 1 MPD Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): 298,393,000 Lot Size: 34220sf
Use:Office Bldg-General B: ARE MA Region 76 LLC S: Hines Global REIT Riversd Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): 150,724,700 Lot Size: 489460sf Prior Sale: 197,250,000 (04/13)
Use:Office Bldg-General B: BPP Lincoln Owner LLC S: Invesco IF 4 3 LLC Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $70,203,000 Lot Size: 42639sf Prior Sale: $75,000,000 (01/12)
before deferred capital gains tax is due on Dec. 31, 2026. Second, all opportunity zone tax incentives are unavailable for reinvested capital gains realized after 2026. The window of opportunity for opportunity zones is narrow. Real estate investors should pay special attention to downtown areas of Brockton, Fitchburg, Lowell, Lynn and Worcester, where overlapping HD zones and opportunity zones are within walking distance of commuter rail stations. Considering available tax incentives and public transportation, some of those cities could become “the next Somerville” within a few years.
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units B: Mill Street Gardens LLC S: 93 Realty LP Mtg: Insurance Strategy Fu $35,000,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $25,979,200 Lot Size: 221720sf
Use:Retail Condo B: Umnvag Kenmore LLC S: Shopps At Comm Owner LLC Mtg: Boston Private Bank $33,000,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $24,904,000 Lot Size: 36220sf Prior Sale: $38,500,000 (11/14)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm B: South Station Phase 1 Owr S: Boston Redevelopment Auth Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $9,696,000 Lot Size: 16000sf Prior Sale: $1,275,000 (02/15)
Use:Hotel B: DRE Nemtco LLC S: TMI Of Westwood LP Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $13,742,050 Lot Size: 103673sf
Use:Office Bldg-General B: Campanelli Trigate OCP Ow S: CRP 3 Framingham Corp Ctr Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $24,412,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $22,184,500 Lot Size: 253654sf Prior Sale: $37,800,000 (05/08)
Use:Office Bldg-General B: NC 70E Chelsea LLC S: 70 Harbour Pointe LLC Date: 12/10/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $9,294,600 Lot Size: 59371sf
JANUARY 27, 2020
Others Can Learn from Gateway Cities’ Formula for Success Lessons Can Be Translated Across Massachusetts
ateway Cities hold tremendous promise as regional economic anchors. Each is home to a unique urban fabric, diverse communities and important civic and cultural inKaryn Polito stitutions. As the Baker-Polito administration looks to the future in the new statewide economic development plan – “Partnerships for Growth” – lessons learned from MassDeMike Kennealy velopment’s Transformative Development Initiative (TDI), its Gateway City program, now inform state strategy by demonstrating how placebased, partnershipled and incremental development is key Lauren Liss to revitalizing downtowns. Early successes in Gateway Cities can guide other communities across the commonwealth as they strive to achieve local economic development priorities. Since 2014, designation as a TDI district has served as an accelerator directing state funds to spur development in specific Gateway City neighborhoods.
The program acts as an innovation lab, piloting new tools that benefit urban neighborhoods – from embedding seasoned economic development fellows in communities; to providing flexible, locally administered block grants to help small businesses thrive; to facilitating a collaborative planning process where work is guided by “TDI Partnerships,” groups of local, cross-sector stakeholders, TDI has created a template for how to focus resources in post-industrial neighborhoods.
Nestled between Union Station and the MGM Casino, Springfield’s TDI district demonstrates how various TDI tools complement local development efforts to foster continued investment. Crafted through extensive engagement with local leaders, business owners and other stakeholders across the state, “Partnerships for Growth” emphasizes communities as engines of economic growth. One of the plan’s four guiding pillars, Build Vibrant Communities, calls for increasing capacity and providing assistance for local planning efforts; supporting the people, places, and businesses that make neighborhoods vibrant and sustainable; and building partnerships critical to a community’s growth.
Photo courtesy of Bridget Delaney
Lease subsidies and low-interest loans to restaurateurs have supported the growth of the dining industry in downtown Springfield, one of MassDevelopment’s transformative development initiative districts.
Day-to-day contributions lead to a neighborhood’s long-term success, which is why TDI focuses on establishing sustained partnerships between a variety of stakeholders with meaningful impacts, from the smallest storefront improvement to the largest new development. It is this collaboration that builds confidence in place.
Haverhill and Springfield Catalyze Investment
Haverhill exemplifies how TDI catalyzes an environment of sustained co-investment, partnership and on-the-ground assistance. In 2015, Traggorth Cos. identified its first investment in Haverhill: JM Lofts, a $6.5 million redevelopment that transformed a vacant downtown build-
ing into 18 market-rate apartments with ground-floor retail. The city’s TDI fellow played instrumental roles in both troubleshooting development issues and securing street-activating ground-floor tenants like veteran-owned Battle Grounds Coffee and the Switchboard Artspace. Furthermore, Switchboard was able to move in as a result of a lease subsidy funded through our TDI Local program, which pairs a MassDevelopment grant with matching local dollars. Following the success of JM Lofts, Traggorth Cos. became a member of the TDI partnership in Haverhill and invested an additional $5.9 million in the neighborhood through a nearby mixed-use development, The Granville, which opened last fall. Continued on Page B6
Stakeholders Put Heads Together on Private Investment Opportunities BY MATTHEW OSBORNE SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN
ore to Eastern Bank’s mission to “less-served” is a decades-long commitment to our Gateway Cities. We have a presence in 12 of the 26 Gateway Cities in Massachusetts, and in Matthew Osborne Lynn we continue to be one of the largest employers with over 500 employees. We have been the first bank to open a branch in Chelsea in 10 years (2008), in Lawrence in 23 years (2011) and in Roxbury in more than 20 years (2018). Our commitment is also reflected in taking a leadership role in public/private partnerships with an objective of driving private sector collaboration with nonprofit and government leaders.
A Partnership for the City
In Brockton, The Brockton Partnership is a privately funded group that brings together local business leaders to share knowledge, discuss current events and, when appropriate, support economic development initiatives. The forum facilitates conversation between private business leaders and developers to bring together their common vision. The Brockton Partnership is supported by several local banks including Eastern Bank, as well as Chris Cooney, president & CEO of the Metro South Chamber of Commerce, and Rob
May, director of planning and economic development for the city of Brockton. Darrin DeCoste and Greg Keefe of Stoneridge Mutual Properties, a real estate development company, attended their first Brockton Partnership meeting in 2018. The location of each meeting rotates to highlight different projects and businesses in the city. This time, it was at Trinity Development’s new, $100 million-plus, mixed-use Enterprise Block project in downtown Brockton, comprised of over 200 residential units and additional commercial space. As developers themselves, Darrin and Greg were interested in seeing the Trinity project firsthand and learning how The Brockton Partnership was supporting economic development in the city. Their interest was, in part, because Stoneridge was about to embark on a new project, Station Apartments. They recently purchased a former office building at 75 Commercial St. in downtown Brockton with plans to convert it to market-rate residential units. The area is well-suited for development with the nearby Brockton commuter rail station providing access to downtown Boston in 30 minutes. With rising home prices, downtown Brockton offers value while still within a reasonable travel distance to and from Boston.
Private Investment Unlocked Near Transit
Stoneridge’s vision is shared by many, as evidenced by the over $500 million in completed and planned public and private investment in downtown Brock-
Photo courtesy of Stew Milne
Good Things Are Starting to Happen in Brockton
Stoneridge Mutual Properties purchased a former office building at 75 Commercial St. in Brockton for conversion to market-rate residential units near the MBTA’s Brockton commuter rail station. Eastern Bank provided $2.6 million in construction financing.
ton. The latest example is the recently opened Mayor Bill Carpenter Garage. The addition of more parking alongside the commuter rail station will continue to unlock the development potential of the area. Darrin and Greg – along with their partner, Steve Baylis – are part of the development effort in Brockton, and Station Apartments was the next stage of that development. Their project was wellthought-out and economically feasible. They put their own funds into the building purchase and they were looking for a financing partner. Touring the vacant office building with Darrin, Greg and Steve and having subsequent conversations resulted in Eastern providing Stoneridge with a $2.6 million construction loan to support the conversion into market-rate housing. Once completed, the 24 units leased up quickly, within three months.
Like The Brockton Partnership, Station Apartments is 100 percent privately financed. And the catalyst was private investment dollars. The three partners at Stoneridge, all childhood friends from Quincy, are committed to helping revitalize South Shore communities like Brockton. Partnering with Eastern’s commitment to serving under-served communities and the efforts of The Brockton Partnership, this project is an example of groups from across a Gateway City coming together around an economically feasible private development. It’s now leading to new opportunities for Stoneridge, all the people now living in Station Apartments and certainly for the continued economic development for the city of Brockton.
Matthew Osborne is executive vice president and senior commercial banking officer at Eastern Bank, where he leads the commercial real estate group.
JANUARY 27, 2020
Help for Gateway Cities’ Retail Environment Little-Known Tools Improve Quality of Life
oston’s retail market is exceptionally healthy. A rising population combined with growing demand for space by boutique fitness concepts, quick-service restaurants and Joe Kriesberg e-commerce brands looking for a physical presence is pushing up rents. In turn, the vibrant retail scene makes urban living more desirable, furthering demand for housing Ben Forman in the metro area’s core. In Gateway Cities, however, retail vacancy presents a major challenge. Older buildings lack modern infrastructure and rarely conform to current codes. Convincing building owners to make costly upgrades is difficult. Strategies to improve and tenant these commercial properties is key to improving quality of life and stabilizing Gateway City neighborhoods.
Three Invaluable Tools
Fortunately, Massachusetts has littleknown tools that are just right for this job. They include the Massachusetts Food Trust (MFT), which works to increase access to healthy, affordable food in neigh-
borhoods without supermarkets. Capitalized by the state with $1 million in 2018, MFT has provided grants to Stop and Compare Market in Lynn and Vicente’s Supermarket in Brockton. In terms of retail amenities that make housing more attractive, supermarkets take priority. Supporting their development in urban neighborhoods stabilizes home values and makes residents healthier to boot.
There should be clear pathways to phase redevelopment, giving owners the ability to activate ground floor retail spaces before they address the needs of the entire building. Diversity and creativity has long been an attractive asset that helps differentiate urban neighborhoods. The Collaborative Workspace Grant administered by MassDevelopment has helped Gateway Cities build on this strength. In 2019, the program distributed $1.5 million in state capital funds, plus another $650,000 contributed by the Barr Foundation. Applicants can request seed grants of up to $25,000 to plan for a new collaborative workspace, or fit-out grants of up to $250,000 for building improvements and equipment purchases. From a coworking kitchen in Lynn to a creative
Photo courtesy of Peabody Properties
The Massachusetts Food Trust provides grants to encourage outlets that sell healthy, affordable food in Gateway Cities, including Lynn.
retail incubator in Worcester, these dollars are activating storefronts in Gateway Cities across the state. The Small Business Technical Assistance Grant Program is a third invaluable tool. Administered by the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation, the program builds capacity in community-based organizations that provide technical assistance, education, and access to capital to local small businesses. Statewide, this program served over 3,600 entrepreneurs in 2019 with 61 percent people of color, 39 percent immigrants and 65 percent operating in low- or moderate-income communities. The work of these organizations is critical to building a strong pipeline of
entrepreneurs to occupy retail spaces in Gateway Cities.
A Role for Real Estate Professionals
The development community’s help sustaining and expanding these three existing programs is key to improving the retail environment in Gateway Cities. But there are two more things real estate professionals can do. First, look for creative ways to partner with cities to leverage MassWorks. This well-known grant program awards approximately $80 million annually for infrastructure improvements. The Baker administration has prioritized MassContinued on Page B6
New Building Techniques at Quincy School Project Construction Manager Embraces Community Engagement BY KEN JOHNSON SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN
n order to adapt to current teaching methodology and the environmental and societal influences educators and students face, local communities are revisiting how schools are designed Ken Johnson and constructed. With an increased emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and even STEAM (which includes the arts) teaching, today’s schools need to be flexible in their layout and utilization. Practices to maximize the means and methods of building in a sustainable manner are addressed earlier and earlier in the design process by construction managers. Protecting the school community from unauthorized access is at the forefront of concerns for the entire project team, as is including the input and involvement of community members who will utilize the space. As the construction manager, we lend our experience and insight in the delivery of all these requirements for our clients. In the city of Quincy, BOND was engaged to replace the existing 89-year old Sterling Middle School with the new South-West Middle School. This $50 million, 96,000-square-foot school was designed by Ai3 Architects. The building features state-of-the-art collaborative
learning spaces, a media center, STEM circulation zones, as well as a modern and high-tech auditorium, gymnasium and classrooms. Project-based learning requires an open floor plan and glass walls to create a synergetic environment. The light-filled spaces and technologically savvy classrooms allow the building to facilitate high-quality student engagement, and large gathering spaces enable teaching from multiple disciplines that maximize building efficiencies.
With the new school being built 5 feet away from the old school, we turned the opportunity into a teaching moment and facilitated classroom learning sessions with its students to coincide with project milestones and STEM curriculum. The classrooms, many of which are located as part of the student connector hallway space, are intuitively designed to separate quiet classroom spaces from busier gathering spaces. The entire lower level is dedicated to active, more public spaces – the music room, auditorium and Continued on Page B6
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JANUARY 27, 2020
Continued from Page B1 old buildings. Most of the improvements, though not all, are centered on or near North Street. “In the 1990s, the downtown was bleak,” said Jesse Cook-Dubin, a local business attorney and president of Downtown Pittsfield Inc., an association of businesses and nonprofit groups. “There were boarded-up buildings, closed store fronts. It was awful.”
Some in Pittsfield express hope that the region’s relatively inexpensive housing – with singlefamily homes gong for a median price of $177,000, compared to the statewide median of $400,000 – in itself might act as a draw for many people fed up with sky-high housing prices in other parts of the region. Today, the downtown area still has its share of vacant ground-level shops and banged-up buildings, with some estimating that 1 out of 4 storefronts remain empty. But it’s a huge improvement from Pittsfield’s recent past – and all signs point to continued improvements. Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer points with pride to the recent opening of retail shops, such as Township Four (a floral store) and Omega 1 African Fashion, both on North Street and both recipients of recent city grants to help them launch. Meanwhile, Tyer and others note the
hundreds of new housing units, mostly in converted old buildings, that are now under construction or in the planning stages. One project includes the conversion of the former St. Mary’s Church complex into 29 market-rate housing units. “I think there’s a demand for at least 250 more housing units,” said CT Management’s Carver, whose company is handling the St. Mary’s conversion project. “Two hundred and fifty units may not be a lot in a big city, but it’s a lot by Pittsfield standards.” Tyer said the strong demand for downtown housing is one of the more encouraging aspects of Pittsfield’s ongoing recovery from the demise of its manufacturing economy in the late 20th century. Indeed, some in Pittsfield express hope that the region’s relatively inexpensive housing – with single-family homes gong for a median price of $177,000, compared to the statewide median of $400,000 – in itself might act as a draw for many people fed up with sky-high home prices in other parts of region.
Skill Gap Hampers Job Market
As successful as the “cultural and tourism” campaign has been in recent years, Pittsfield still needs non-hospitality jobs, city and business leaders acknowledge. Tyler notes how the city’s so-called “Red Carpet Team,” made up of city and state officials, recently worked to draw not just Wayfair to Pittsfield but also a new six-engineer office belonging to Colorado’s Electro Magnetic Technologies. The city is committed to helping both existing and new companies that are thinking of expanding in Pittsfield, she said. But there’s one problem: Pittsfield, like other areas of the state, is suffering from a skilled labor shortage. The area’s unemployment rate is now at a surprisingly low 3 percent, just a notch above the state’s unemployment rate of 2.9 percent, according to govern-
Photo courtesy of Wayfair | Emma Rothenberg-Ware
Pittsfield Hopes Housing Affordability Can Lure Employers
Gov. Charlie Baker, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah and others celebrate the opening of Wayfair's Pittsfield call center in October 2019.
ment data. Yet, many jobs advertised by area companies – including the city’s two largest employers, General Dynamics and Berkshire Health System – are going unfilled. “It’s frustrating,” said Jonathan Butler, president and CEO of 1Berkshire, the region’s combined chamber of commerce and regional economic development organization. “Companies are hiring perpetually.”
Future Seen in Small Firms
Then there’s the relatively slow pace of redeveloping the former General Electric complex, now called the William Stanley Business Park, today overseen by the Pittsfield Economic Development Authority. The authority recently hit a home run with construction of the new 20,000-square-foot Berkshire Innovation Center, where officials hope to attract small, cutting-edge companies with its
array of wet labs, clean rooms and offices. But a full build-out of the William Stanley Business Park is still hampered by the need to install major infrastructure at the site, including new utility lines and stormwater systems. Still, Tim Burke, CEO and managing partner at Mill Town Capital, said he’s cautiously optimistic about Pittsfield’s – and the business park’s – future development. Burke’s financial and real estate investment firm is planning to take space in the new Berkshire Innovation Center. “The city has slowly realized that there’s not a new General Electric coming in,” he said of Pittsfield’s once-mighty but now-gone employer. “People are realizing it’s going to take a lot of smaller companies to move forward. It’s not going to be easy. But [the city] will continue to see improvements.”
Email: jayfitzmedia@gmail.com
Photo courtesy of BOND Building Construction
Behind Springfield’s Restaurant Renaissance
The new South-West Middle School in Quincy includes collaborative learning spaces, open floor plans and large gathering spaces to maximize building efficiencies.
Highly Engineered Schools Are the New Norm Continued from Page B5 gym – while the upper level holds all academic areas. BOND believes in getting to know and engaging with the local communities that we’re working in, and South-West Middle School was no different. With the new school being built 5 feet away from the old school, we turned the opportunity into a teaching moment and facilitated classroom learning sessions with its students to coincide with project milestones and STEM curriculum. Students who were interested in the construction even established their own Junior Building Committee. Throughout the building process, the committee met with BOND employees periodically, went on hardhat tours of the site, wrote reports and shared updates directly with their classmates, as well as on the school’s website. Public schools are incredibly important institutions in communities, meant to last
for many decades while educating thousands and creating lifelong memories. Today, these schools are becoming highly engineered and complex, with features aimed at ushering in the next generation of learning. For us, we see the future builders, engineers and designers embracing technology and an understanding of placemaking that will hopefully guide them to raise the bar for all of us in our industry positively impacting communities directly and tangentially. The gravity of this intention was not lost on the South-West Middle School project team at BOND. With more and more communities renovating their schools, we look forward to seeing how the education industry continues to transform, and plan on being a part of it every step of the way.
Ken Johnson, P.E. is vice president of education at Medford-based BOND Building Construction.
Continued from Page B4 Nestled between Union Station and the MGM Casino, Springfield’s TDI district demonstrates how various TDI tools complement local development efforts to foster continued investment. Recognizing Springfield’s desire to create a downtown dining district, MassDevelopment in 2015 funded an active market implementation strategy to identify tangible steps to attract and grow food businesses. The following year, the city of Springfield created a Downtown Dining District Fund, securing $1.5 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to offer low-interest loans to restaurateurs. With the help of our TDI fellow, the TDI Partnership then launched its own lease subsidy program – funded by TDI Local – to recruit and support entrepreneurs interested in a downtown location. The Springfield Business Improvement District also invested in programming and creative lighting to drive
foot traffic. Today, thanks to the combined efforts of local partners, Springfield’s downtown dining district is home to 15 diverse culinary destinations and a culinary staffing company. The Baker-Polito administration is committed to fostering economic growth in every community in the commonwealth. Whether you are a developer in need of technical assistance, an entrepreneur looking to launch or grow your business or a public official seeking to build momentum through collaboration, the TDI model – partnership-based, incremental community development that unlocks investments that build upon one another – inspires new and exciting partnerships for growth.
Karyn Polito is the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts. Mike Kennealy is the state’s secretary of housing and economic development, and Lauren Liss is president and CEO of MassDevelopment.
Overcoming Barriers in Gateway Cities Continued from Page B5 Works funding for mixed-use redevelopment projects near existing public transit. These dollars can work in concert with the programs above to create vibrant retail districts and stronger urban neighborhoods. Second, encourage the Baker administration to revamp the state building code so it is easier to rehab older commercial buildings in markets where property values are low. As it stands now, bringing the whole building into full compliance with the modern code is generally cost-prohibitive. There should be clear pathways to phase redevelopment, giving owners the ability to activate ground floor retail
spaces before they address the needs of the entire building. It’s easy to equate the lackluster retail environment in Gateway Cities today with the limited purchasing power of residents, but a short visit to the many thriving small businesses in these communities will demonstrate that this is a fallacy. Strong retailers will succeed in Gateway Cities given the chance. With the right strategy, sustained effort, and a little support from state government, there is no doubt that we can create many more opportunities.
Joe Kriesberg is president of the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations and Ben Forman is research director at MassINC.
JANUARY 27, 2020
Gateway Cities Get $340K to Bring Art Downtown M
assDevelopment has awarded $340,000 in grants to 11 organizations to complete art and other creative-industry projects in Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities. The competitive grant program was made available to organizations in Massachusetts transformative development initiative districts, a program that seeks to restore economic vitality to post-industrial downtowns. The following organizations received TDI Creative Catalyst Grant program awards: Brockton Arts Inc.: $25,000 to bring Milton Art Museum collections and arts programming to 50 Centre St. Chelsea Community Theatre at Chelsea Theatre Works: $30,000 for a proposed bilingual performance venue. YEAH! (Youth Experiencing Art and Hope), Fall River: $40,000 for a proposed transformation of public spaces in the South
Main corridor. NewVue Communities, Fitchburg: $25,000 for Fitchburg Arts Collective to transform vacant storefronts into affordable artist studios. The Switchboard, Haverhill: $25,000 for a proposed artist residency program for residencies and programming. Paper City Clothing Company, Holyoke: $35,000 for Paper City Clothing Co., which plans to create a permanent youth artist space and host community events at Urbana Art Studio and in the TDI district public spaces. Downtown Lynn Cultural District, Lynn: $30,000 to build capacity in Lynn’s cultural district and create leadership roles with UrbanMain Lynn, a Main Street America program that provides development services to commercial districts.
City of Revere: $40,000 for tactical installations, creative programming and culinary events at Sandler Square. Art for the Soul Gallery, Springfield: $25,000 for a proposed three-week artist think tank including public workshops, followed by a public exhibition. Springfield Cultural Lynn’s downtown cultural district was among the many recipients of grants Partnership Incorpo- to bring art and creative-industry projects to Gateway Cities downtowns. rated: $25,000 for a creative leaders mentorship program. ment’s transformative development initiaRegional Environmental Council, tive, which has invested $13.5 million to Worcester: $40,000 for art installations in revitalize Gateway Cities downtowns. The community gardens and Main Street food Barr Foundation awarded a $500,000 grant festival and farmers market. to MassDevelopment in 2019 to augment its The grants are part of MassDevelopsupport the program.
Companies are constantly on the move in the Bay State’s dynamic commercial real estate market. It’s a high stakes game of musical chairs – and the landlords with the best information on who’s heading where have an inside edge. Our monthly Lease Roundup aims to provide that edge, offering a snapshot of leasing activity across the commonwealth. The following information was compiled from reports originally published on www.bankerandtradesman.com between Dec. 26 and Jan. 14. It is not meant to be a comprehensive accounting of all leases executed during that time. If you recently signed a new lease and want to potentially appear in future editions of the Lease Roundup, please send all relevant leasing and representation information to editorial@thewarrengroup.com. High resolution photos and graphics are welcomed in .jpeg and .gif formats.
Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Boston Post Road
Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Shattuck Road
City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marlborough
City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andover
Owner: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Novaya Real Estate Ventures
Owner: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cummings Properties
Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nasuni
Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NexusTek
Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expansion
Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relocation/expansion
Square Footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000
Square Footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,500
Tenant Representation: . . . . . . . . . . T3 Advisors’ Chris Corczyca
Tenant Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A
Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . JLL’s Philip DeSimone and Andrew Sherman
Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cummings Properties’ Mike Truesdale
Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 State St.
Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Causeway St.
City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston
City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston
Owner: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rockpoint Group and DivcoWest
Owner: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Properties/ Delaware North Cos.
Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L.E.K. Consulting Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expansion/renewal Square Footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78,000
Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relocation
Tenant Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CBRE’s Nat Kessler and Kevin Kennedy
Square Footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,154 Tenant Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A
Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A
Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A
Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banner Seventeen LLC
Saint Jacques Ave, Agawam..........................
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Roger P Woods Jr Tr, Tr for 103 Central St RT S: Edward J Rourke Jr Tr, Tr for Mary E Rourke INT Mtg: Edward Joseph Rourke $130,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $158,700 Lot Size: 58787sf
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,090,900 Lot Size: 14897sf Prior Sale: $919,235 (12/15)
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Peter D Corens S: John R Evans 2nd Tr, Tr for Timberwood T Mtg: John R Evans 2nd $800,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $158,400 Lot Size: 4155624sf
103 Central St, Abington.............................. $150,000
430 Centre Ave, Abington............................ $421,500 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Viviane Metellus & Robertho Gay S: Glenn R Lapointe Jr Tr, Tr for 430 Centre Avenue T Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $413,865 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $38,100 Lot Size: 6895sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (06/19)
100 Progress St, Abington........................... $495,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: MH-1 Properties LLC S: Arthur L Dalton Tr, Tr for Bulldog RT Mtg: HarborOne Bank $396,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $360,900 Lot Size: 20000sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (04/00)
Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440) B: John Johnson S: David Ratner Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $9,600 Lot Size: 82764sf
194-216 Western Ave, Allston.................... $2,065,000
39 Hillside Ave, Amesbury........................... $310,000
2 Eastern Rd, Acton.................................... $1,150,000 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: JSV Realty LLC S: Thomas F Bergin Jr Tr, Tr for Popham FT Mtg: Thomas F Bergin $850,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $657,800 Lot Size: 45663sf
1 Keefe Rd, Acton....................................... $1,700,000 Use:Commercial Use (397) B: Keefe Road Realty LLC S: Lenox Associates LLC Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $850,000 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,067,700 Lot Size: 79715sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (10/98)
Use:Auto Supply (331) B: Generational Realty LLC S: JMD Development LLC Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $171,300 Lot Size: 6250sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (01/18)
100 Main St, Amesbury............................... $1,100,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Property Quest Solutions S: Klondike Enterprise Group Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $780,600 Lot Size: 15710sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (06/11)
140 Main St, Amesbury................................ $375,000
42 Knox Trl, Acton........................................ $625,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: 42 Knox LLC S: Harding Dorothy E Est & Patricia J Dee Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $500,000 Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $441,500 Lot Size: 47045sf
285 Main St, Acton...................................... $2,100,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Middlesex Savings Bank S: Robert M Hogle Tr, Tr for Bimini Blues RT Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $997,200 Lot Size: 20057sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (09/02)
Use:Religious Property (960) B: Newburyport Homes LLC S: Rock Church Ministries Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $678,750 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $372,800 Lot Size: 37380sf
142 Main St, Amesbury................................ $430,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: Newburyport Homes LLC S: Rock Church Ministries Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $678,750 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,135,800 Lot Size: 9720sf
15 Gould Rd, Andover.................................. $365,000
289 Main St, Acton...................................... $1,580,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: 15 Gould Road LLC S: Alfred J Cavallaro & Mary Cavallaro Mtg: Alfred J Cavallaro $353,948 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $334,200 Lot Size: 196020sf
Use:Bottled/Propane Gas Tanks (311) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $647,700 Lot Size: 22825sf Prior Sale: $942,213 (01/16)
4 Monarch Ln, Andover............................... $1,274,000
140 Mystic St, Arlington.............................. $1,653,000
Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Michael Shaughnessy & Jessica Shaughnessy S: Twin Birch Development Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $900,000 Date: 01/03/20
77 Lawson Ave, Acushnet............................ $231,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Aubrey Lambalot & Joshua Almeida S: Carl J Leidhold Tr, Tr for 77 Lawson Avenue T Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $176,250 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $229,400 Lot Size: 20729sf
Norcross St, Arlington.................................. $625,000
11 Herbert P Almgren Dr, Agawam............. $600,000 Use:Research & Dvlpmnt Facility (404) B: SA Hldg 1 LLC S: Agawam Silver Street RE Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $780,600 Lot Size: 83635sf Prior Sale: $1,620,000 (01/17)
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Ann E Ferentz & Chris M Pollari S: Frank J Panetta Tr, Tr for Theresa J Panetta T 1989 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $395,200 Lot Size: 8715sf
10 Sunnyside Ave, Arlington....................... $3,600,000
230 Main St, Agawam.................................. $6,175,000 Use:Commercial Building (347) B: EPC Hammes LLC S: HP Agawam LLC Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,469,500 Lot Size: 377230sf Prior Sale: $4,845,000 (05/17)
Use:Auto Repair (332) B: MB Realty Group LLC S: 10 Sunnyside Ave LLC Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $2,880,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,047,700 Lot Size: 16500sf Prior Sale: $1,960,000 (05/16)
466 S Westfield St, Agawam........................ $866,562 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Pine Crossing Development S: Thomas F Reidy 2nd & Sherry M Reidy Mtg: Florence Bank $1,700,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $294,800 Lot Size: 670824sf
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $884,700 Lot Size: 12372sf Prior Sale: $853,379 (01/16)
295 Bennett Rd, Ashby................................. $375,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Nicole E Emanuelson & Brendan P Walsh S: Michael J Smith Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $368,207 Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $68,100 Lot Size: 80020sf Prior Sale: $21,000 (03/18)
28 Park Rd, Ashby.........................................
Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Reem E Chniouli S: Ashby Town Of Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $117,100 Lot Size: 6970sf
876 Beldingville Rd, Ashfield....................... $700,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Janet L Castleman S: John R Evans 2nd Tr, Tr for Cape T Mtg: John R Evans 2nd $800,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $471,200 Lot Size: 4334220sf
32 High Street Ext, Ashland......................... $832,485 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Joseph M Bulens & Kelly M Bulens S: Richmond Development Corp Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $460,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $67,500 Lot Size: 30056sf
32 High Street Ext, Ashland......................... $150,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Richmond Development Corp S: Hillside Ashland LLC Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $67,500 Lot Size: 30056sf
821 Daniel Shays Hwy, Athol.......................$10,000,000 Use:Nursing Home (304) B: Bluepoint Healthcare Rlty S: Steven R Croonpick Tr, Tr for QVCC Realty Group T Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,412,900 Lot Size: 298386sf
Use:Religious Property (960) B: Stephen Wills S: First Church Unitarian Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $478,500 Lot Size: 13771sf
332 Wallingford Ave, Athol.......................... $242,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Kibwe J Jonay S: Cynthia Brewer & Jeffrey Brewer Mtg: Digital FCU $170,100 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $177,100 Lot Size: 20864sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (06/13)
15 Capron St, Attleboro............................... $500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Michael T Cook Tr, Tr for Cook RT S: 1315 Capron Street LLC Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $375,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $257,800 Lot Size: 7496sf Prior Sale: $166,000 (06/09)
39 Doral Ln, Attleboro....................................
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Susanne Kraus S: THT Realty Co Inc Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $26,200 Lot Size: 16081sf
65 Falmouth St, Attleboro............................ $235,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Lga Realty LLC S: Dezotell Excavating LLC Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $188,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $219,400 Lot Size: 8280sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (03/17)
187 Lindsey St, Attleboro............................. $384,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Jered Haley & Katryn A Haley-Little S: North Development LLC Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $364,800 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $34,900 Lot Size: 30019sf
51 Pasture Brook Rd, Attleboro.................. $110,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Lewis Davison S: Roxanne D Vergnes Tr, Tr for Des Vergnes FT Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $47,600 Lot Size: 16200sf
About Our Commercial Sales Data
ommercial Sales Monthly Review provides a recap of commercial, industrial and other income-producing property sales that have appeared in the previous four weekly issues of Banker & Tradesman. This reference is an easy-to-use listing of these hard-to-find sales, compiled by The Warren Group, B&T’s parent company. Included in these listings are residential developable land, residential properties with more than three units and many mixed-use parcels. The residential developable land properties are included in the list because they are often sources of income for developers. Similarly, multi-unit residential units are deemed to be income-producers as opposed to purely places of residence for the owner. Mixed-use parcels are included because they often have non-residential features. Because property use designations are culled from assessors’ records and not from the deed to the property, this section includes only those communities where we have the assessor’s property file – the communities
The Warren Group calls COMPreport towns, which now includes all Massachusetts communities except for Great Barrington and Hancock.
What You Will Find The records are organized alphabetically by town and street name. In addition to the property address, buyer, seller, lender, mortgage amount, lot size and prior sale data that were detailed when these sales were originally published in the Official Records section of Banker & Tradesman, the records in this recap also include the filing date, building area (when available) and total assessed value. The fiscal year of the assessment is also noted.
How the Data Is Compiled
After a sale transaction is entered into the The Warren Group database, the address is compared to the addresses in the assessor’s property file. Whenever a match occurs, The Warren Group takes the details from the
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: John Martins Realty LLC S: Nasim G Memon Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $308,200 Lot Size: 4350sf
882 Washington St, Attleboro...................... $340,000
Beldingville Rd, Ashfield.............................. $400,000
478 Main St, Athol.........................................
649 Washington St, Attleboro...................... $102,000
property record and creates the enhanced sales records published here. If The Warren Group cannot be sure of matching the correct records, it does not match them at all. If it is unable to identify an unmatched sale’s property-use class, that sale will not be included in this recap. As The Warren Group processes the assessor’s files, it checks that property-use codes are used consistently across all towns. To this end, The Warren Group sometimes translates a code that one town has created for its own purpose into a code that has the same meaning in the The Warren Group system. There are some instances where The Warren Group has created its own codes to supplement the Massachusetts Department of Revenue codes. This is generally done for multi-use parcels where assessors have assigned their own supplemental codes for greater specificity. In turn, when The Warren Group processes the assessor’s files, it applies its own code to standardize the use code applied to these properties.
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: JRS Rental Properties LLC S: Mona Singh Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $255,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $268,400 Lot Size: 11485sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (02/10)
901 Washington St, Attleboro..................... $1,140,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Xiazhenjie LLC S: 901 Washington Street LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $570,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,224,900 Lot Size: 50965sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (10/13)
25 Walsh Ave, Auburn...................................
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Thomas K Lee & Katie H Lee S: Chao Lee LLC Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $115,000 Lot Size: 44563sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (05/16)
190 Washington St, Auburn......................... $522,500
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: 190 Washington Auburn LLC S: Dartmouth College Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,124,500 Lot Size: 2439360sf
7 Westec Dr, Auburn.................................... $600,000 Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440) B: Rock River Realty Co S: Westec Properties LLC Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $340,900 Lot Size: 289238sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (07/08)
155 Bodwell St, Avon.................................. $1,100,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 155 Bodwell Street LLC S: David Skinner Tr, Tr for 155 Bidwell Street RT Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $471,200 Lot Size: 119354sf Prior Sale: $625,000 (07/01)
11 Ledin Dr, Avon........................................ $1,200,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: New England Truck Solutns S: David Roche Tr, Tr for M&R RT Mtg: Misc Other $1,020,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $640,500 Lot Size: 111078sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (07/03)
Sherwood Dr, Becket.....................................
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: William Faits & Deborah Faits S: Frank Doshna Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,200 Lot Size: 10019sf
5 Alfred Cir, Bedford................................... $1,875,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Cusp Dental Research Inc S: Arthur N Mabbett Tr, Tr for Evergreen NT Mtg: Santander Bank NA $1,300,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $806,500 Lot Size: 49218sf
94 Great Rd, Bedford.................................. $1,475,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: El Prado LLC S: S-Bnk Bedford LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $619,200 Lot Size: 18901sf Prior Sale: $643,818 (08/00)
154 Amherst Rd, Belchertown..................... $775,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Cedarwood Apartments LLC S: George H Adams Jr Tr, Tr for Adams-Hampshire County RT Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $620,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $533,300 Lot Size: 113256sf
57 Monique Dr, Bellingham......................... $539,200 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Dennis R Swanson & Catherine A Swanson S: Lobisser Building Corp Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $278,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $120,700 Lot Size: 16245sf
164 North St, Bellingham............................. $445,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Steven P Driver Tr, Tr for 164 North Street NT S: Marcus L Wenger & Evelyn D Wenger Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $267,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $331,500 Lot Size: 61899sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (02/16)
103 Salisbury St, Bellingham....................... $300,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: 103 Salisbury Street LLC S: William S Lavallee & Donna G Lavallee Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $253,100 Lot Size: 10001sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (10/01)
145 Myricks St, Berkley.............................. $3,832,500 Use:Gas Station (333) B: Nef Een Cranberry LLC S: Epsilon Realty LLC Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $997,200 Lot Size: 82764sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (08/12)
139 Coolidge Rd, Berlin.............................. $1,798,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $849,400 Lot Size: 23522sf Prior Sale: $588,692 (10/03)
©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
400 Grossman Dr U:400, Braintree............ $8,492,857
60 Merrifield Rd, Bernardston..................... $130,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Veaceslav Falceanu & Inna Falceanu S: Arno L Skalski & Sandra J Lacoy Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $104,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $77,400 Lot Size: 1055459sf
161 Hancock St, Braintree.......................... $599,750
19 Briscoe St, Beverly................................ $1,300,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Reny Investments 2 LLC S: Berube Meade Properties Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $777,300 Lot Size: 5770sf Prior Sale: $880,000 (05/18) Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Zachary T Andrews Tr, Tr for Andrews 2 RT S: Park&Dane LLC Mtg: North Shore Bank $843,750 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $766,100 Lot Size: 8900sf Prior Sale: $976,000 (08/19) Use:Medical Condo Unit (344) B: 75 Herrick Street Hldgs S: Robert D Tufts Jr Tr, Tr for MCT RT Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $158,300
12 Dunham Rd, Billerica............................. $2,225,000 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Dunham Property Owner LLC S: Anthony Bruzzese Tr, Tr for Ama RT 2 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $1,890,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,305,300 Lot Size: 67954sf Prior Sale: $960,000 (04/98)
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Guardian Community T Inc S: Thomas A Corcoran Tr, Tr for Brass Ring RT Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $527,700 Lot Size: 7893sf
1599 Washington St U:204, Braintree......... $290,000
Use:Pasture (718) B: Michael Savard S: James A Wojcik & Grazyna B Wojcik Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $6,400 Lot Size: 60548sf Prior Sale: $442,000 (03/19)
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: David M Storlazzi S: A Michael Storlazzi Tr, Tr for DSM RT Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $266,900
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Actan Mataev Tr, Tr for 8 Brock Street RT S: Norman Shapero Tr, Tr for Phillip D Shapero B T Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $866,500 Lot Size: 4500sf
500-528 Commonwealth Ave U:500-28, Boston......... $44,000,000 Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Umnvag Kenmore LLC S: Shopps At Comm Owner LLC Mtg: Boston Private Bank $33,000,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $24,904,000 Lot Size: 36220sf Prior Sale: $38,500,000 (11/14) Use:Retail-Service (325) B: William L Caulder & Alma J Caulder S: Stephen N Lafauci Tr, Tr for Lafauci RT Mtg: Bay State Savings Bk $2,437,500 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $675,500 Lot Size: 2609sf
4 Garden Ct, Boston.................................... $4,225,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Garden Court Realty LLC S: Diane Howell Mtg: TD Bank NA $3,225,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,735,500 Lot Size: 2080sf
234-238 Huntington Ave, Boston................$11,850,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Jack D Train Tr, Tr for Church RT S: 236 Huntington LP Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,420,500 Lot Size: 7878sf
179 Lincoln St, Boston................................155,650,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: BPP Lincoln Owner LLC S: Invesco IF 4 3 LLC Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $70,203,000 Lot Size: 42639sf Prior Sale: $75,000,000 (01/12)
Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Wing T Wu & Kit F Tsang S: Ethlynne Brickman Mtg: Ethlynne Brickman $100,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $248,000 Lot Size: 536sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (05/00)
15 Guest St U:15, Brighton.........................$18,300,000
Use:Retail Condo (345) B: 15 Guest Owner LLC S: NB Guest Street Assoc LLC Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $12,890,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $17,349,500 Lot Size: 126538sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (11/07)
195 Market St, Brighton............................. $1,615,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $678,600 Lot Size: 10034sf Prior Sale: $663,741 (01/16)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Joao P Alves & Janikla A Alves S: Fernanda Hampson Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $633,317 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $337,200 Lot Size: 4905sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (05/10)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Partners Choice Props LLC S: 616 Centre Street LLC Mtg: Stage Point Fund LLC $320,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $308,400 Lot Size: 10232sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (05/11)
800 Centre St, Brockton.............................. $440,000
Use:Camping Facility (386) B: Bayview Campgrounds Inc S: Macarthur LP Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $6,971,600 Lot Size: 1997226sf
180 State Rd U:5, Bourne............................ $240,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Sapia Realty LLC S: Halward M Blegen 3rd Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $248,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $114,900 Lot Size: 986sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (10/05)
Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Juliano Anjas S: Phyllis Weiner Tr, Tr for John Paul RT Mtg: John Paul Realty $435,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $323,100 Lot Size: 15059sf
40 Farrington St, Brockton.......................... $675,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: TDC Realty LLC S: Roody Herold Tr, Tr for South Shore RT Mtg: Peoples United Bank $3,940,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $405,000 Lot Size: 5358sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (05/13)
71 Legion Pkwy U:15, Brockton....................
54-56 Allen St, Braintree............................ $1,067,500
1087 Warren Ave, Brockton........................ $570,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Avan Real Estate Invest S: 1087 Warren LLC Mtg: Silver Hill Funding $456,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $383,100 Lot Size: 4042sf Prior Sale: $340,700 (02/16)
1429-1441 Beacon St, Brookline............... $5,201,429
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Eden Beacon Street LLC S: James Lewis Tr, Tr for Lewis-Lipshutz RT Mtg: Eastern Bank $3,600,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,900,000 Lot Size: 6961sf Prior Sale: $481,200 (07/04)
1762 Beacon St, Brookline......................... $3,000,000 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: 1762 Beacon LLC S: 1762 Bs LLC Mtg: MutualOne Bk $4,900,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,275,800 Lot Size: 5192sf Prior Sale: $2,125,000 (09/18) Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Station 34 Real Estate S: Vincenzo F Dicarlo Tr, Tr for Dicarlo FT Mtg: Brookline Bank $235,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $391,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Pelege Marcellin S: Arthur J Hassett 3rd Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $151,600
33 Dolores Dr, Burlington............................ $540,000
64 Middlesex Tpke U:2, Burlington.............. $722,000
52 New St, Cambridge................................ $9,300,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 52 New Street Land LLC S: Pizzuto Family LP Mtg: Louis A Depasquale $9,800,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,000,600 Lot Size: 43794sf
133 N Main St, Carver................................. $3,832,500 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Nef Een Cranberry LLC S: SMD Development LLC Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $916,000 Lot Size: 149162sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (12/15)
303 Tremont St, Carver.............................. $3,632,500 Use:Gas Station (333) B: Nef Een Cranberry LLC S: Epsilon Realty LLC Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $626,000 Lot Size: 56628sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (07/13)
60 Ramshorn Rd, Charlton...........................
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Hazel RT S: Gary Seifert Mtg: Maple Hill Realty LLC $85,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $93,100 Lot Size: 365904sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (11/05)
35 Cross St U:35, Chatham......................... $1,125,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: K T Did Properties LLC S: Chatham Tyes LLC Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $825,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $223,000 Prior Sale: $250,000 (02/06)
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Flaherty Family LLC S: Robert S Distefano & James Distefano Mtg: Village Bank $905,625 Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $426,300 Lot Size: 43560sf
25 6th St, Chelsea....................................... $2,500,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: 25 Sixth LLC S: Jo-Al LLC Mtg: Life Ins Cmnty Inv $2,430,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,106,900 Lot Size: 25949sf
181 Chestnut St, Chelsea........................... $8,500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: TND 181 Chestnut LLC S: Campus LLC Mtg: Community Economic $8,500,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,247,000 Lot Size: 19624sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/10) Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: NC 70E Chelsea LLC S: 70 Harbour Pointe LLC Date: 12/10/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $9,294,600 Lot Size: 59371sf
90 Everett Ave, Chelsea..............................$13,500,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: NC 90E Chelsea LLC S: Anthony J Simboli Tr, Tr for P&A RT Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $51,155,000 Date: 12/10/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $5,029,800 Lot Size: 56635sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Dominic Kirchner 2nd Tr, Tr for Yabela RT S: Pamela J Morrione & Anthony J Morrione Mtg: Pamela J Morrione $180,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $198,800 Lot Size: 5227sf
444 Montgomery St, Chicopee...................$21,560,000
31 Pleasant St, Chicopee............................ $277,500
43 West St, Chicopee....................................
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Angeljoy Co LLC S: Welzyn Richard J Est & Patricia W Mcdonald Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $196,400 Lot Size: 3485sf
1015 Main St, Clinton................................... $140,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Christopher J Williams Tr, Tr for RTPC RT S: Bill Lekaditis & Zwetanka Lekaditis Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $189,100 Lot Size: 15420sf
503 Commonwealth Ave, Concord............... $673,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $962,700 Lot Size: 26586sf Prior Sale: $1,387,660 (01/16)
213 Park Ave, Dalton................................... $350,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: DTK LLC S: Norman C Mcclintock Tr, Tr for Park RT Mtg: Pittsfield Cp Bk $373,600 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $277,300 Lot Size: 26792sf
160 Andover St, Danvers............................ $2,196,000
369 Old Harbor Rd, Chatham...................... $2,453,000
10 Bridge St, Danvers.................................. $625,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: TDC Realty LLC S: Roody Herold Tr, Tr for Turner Street RT Mtg: Peoples United Bank $3,940,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $459,300 Lot Size: 6839sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (10/14)
212 Orleans Rd U:C, Chatham..................... $100,000
92 Turner St, Brockton................................ $675,000
11 Oak St, Chelmsford................................ $1,207,500
895 Main St, Chatham.................................. $850,000
212 Orleans Rd U:B, Chatham..................... $100,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Edison BRMA002 LLC S: BBB Braintree LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $7,734,900 Lot Size: 169013sf Prior Sale: $2,211,876 (04/11)
Use:Auto Repair (332) B: York Machinery Central S: Chadwick-Baross Inc Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $907,700 Lot Size: 96268sf Prior Sale: $950,000 (07/00)
Use:Auto Sales (330) B: Naanaa RT LLC S: Robert D Horgan Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,100,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,161,900 Lot Size: 96093sf
160 Granite St, Braintree........................... $7,042,857
15 Katrina Rd, Chelmsford......................... $1,560,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: RM Blerman LLC S: Lachenauer LLC Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $212,000 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $146,700 Lot Size: 4356sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (06/17)
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: JJ Zheng Realty LLC S: William A Mcgonigle Jr Tr, Tr for Canton MGM RT Mtg: Canton Mgm Realty $500,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $714,300 Lot Size: 8494sf
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Edison Brma002 LLC S: BBB Braintree LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $7,734,900 Lot Size: 169013sf Prior Sale: $2,211,876 (04/11)
1724 Main St, Brockton.............................. $2,200,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Phillis Properties LLC S: David S Briss Tr, Tr for DSB NT Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $247,400 Prior Sale: $415,000 (01/04)
538 Washington St, Canton......................... $750,000
1724 Main St, Brockton.............................. $2,200,000
160 Granite St, Braintree........................... $7,042,857
5 Fletcher St U:5, Chelmsford..................... $250,000
Use:Commercial Building (347) B: EPC Hammes LLC S: HP Chicopee LLC Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $11,753,200 Lot Size: 1326402sf Prior Sale: $16,530,000 (05/17)
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: 3 Daughters LLC S: Marko P Fani Tr, Tr for Bra Wey RT Mtg: South Shore Bank $487,500 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $258,000 Lot Size: 1986sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (08/10)
Use:Auto Sales (330) B: Naanaa RT LLC S: Robert D Horgan Mtg: Bank of America NA $880,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,161,900 Lot Size: 96093sf
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: A&A Real Estate LLC S: Namay Corp Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $350,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $905,000 Lot Size: 13377sf
334 Montcalm St, Chicopee......................... $200,000
130 Liberty St U:9, Brockton....................... $165,000
16-18 Commercial St, Braintree................. $625,000
201 Chelmsford St, Chelmsford.................. $690,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 54-56 Allen St LLC S: Jeffrey S Aronson Tr, Tr for Allen RT Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $801,375 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $988,100 Lot Size: 6438sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (11/12)
Use:Medical Condo Unit (344) B: Paul Dangelo 3rd S: Peter J Quinn Mtg: Peter J Quinn $150,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $163,700 Prior Sale: $8,795 (04/00)
70 Everett Ave, Chelsea..............................$28,800,000
Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Burlex Realty LLC S: Douglas W Meade Tr, Tr for Meade RT Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $364,100 Prior Sale: $450,000 (05/00)
616 Centre St, Brockton.............................. $333,500
333 Washington St U:508, Boston............... $250,000
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: NBP 2 Brockton LLC S: MA Industrial Brockton Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,335,500 Lot Size: 265716sf Prior Sale: $55,900 (12/12)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Victoria E Antonellis Tr, Tr for Antonellis RT S: Frank Antonellis & Irene S Antonellis Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $882,000 Lot Size: 4500sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (03/02)
29 Allen St, Brockton................................... $627,250
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: HRE 3 LLC S: Cella Generoso Est & Joshua Krefetz Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $922,000 Lot Size: 1203sf
1150 W Chestnut St, Brockton................... $7,775,000
Use:Other Exempt (990) B: 33 Dolres Drive LLC S: Coopertive For Human Svcs Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $481,100 Lot Size: 20000sf Prior Sale: $276,900 (08/99)
17 Sheafe St, Boston.................................. $1,610,000
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: NBP 2 Brockton LLC S: CIP 1120 Realty LLC Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $12,300,000 Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $381,900 Lot Size: 71438sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (12/12)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Frank Antonellis & Irene S Antonellis S: Victoria E Antonellis Tr, Tr for Antonellis RT Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $882,000 Lot Size: 4500sf
20 Brock St, Brighton.................................. $500,000
24 Brock St, Brighton.................................. $500,000
46-50 Cross St, Boston............................... $3,200,000
1120 W Chestnut St, Brockton................... $1,450,000
55 Washington St U:101E, Brookline........... $419,000
8 Brock St, Brighton................................... $1,220,000
260-270 Macarthur Blvd, Bourne.................
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Buckeye Realty LLC S: Blackboard Real Estate Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,900,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $2,162,100 Lot Size: 79279sf Prior Sale: $2,100,000 (12/06)
16-18 River St, Braintree............................ $575,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Dashrathbhai P Patel Tr, Tr for 978 Liberty RT S: Carl Turin Tr, Tr for Sparkle RT Mtg: South Shore Bank $760,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $758,000 Lot Size: 10899sf
144 Lundquist Dr, Braintree....................... $1,275,000
75 Herrick St U:114, Beverly....................... $132,950
208 Mendon St, Blackstone..........................
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Peter L Curto & Raymond J Curto S: Yuet S Lam & Hing Lam Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $559,393 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $485,900 Lot Size: 4129sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (12/06)
978 Liberty St, Braintree............................. $950,000
32 Dane St, Beverly.................................... $1,125,000
Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Edison Brma001 LLC S: BBB Marketplace LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $8,002,300 Prior Sale: $9,400,000 (08/11)
Use:Bank Building (341) B: Eastward MBT LLC Tr, Tr for Eastward Co Business T S: Santander Bank NA Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $637,500 Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $977,800 Lot Size: 47007sf
Use:Inn/Resort (302) B: Captains House Real Est S: Hiram Harding House LLC Mtg: Webster Bank $2,072,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $2,701,400 Lot Size: 62348sf Prior Sale: $2,800,000 (06/06) Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Corvidae Properties LLC S: Cool Breeze LLC Mtg: Cool Breeze LLC $202,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $100,300 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Corvidae Properties LLC S: Cool Breeze LLC Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $101,500
Use:Gas Station (333) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,705,600 Lot Size: 61855sf Prior Sale: $1,817,072 (01/16) Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 10 Bridge St Realty LLC S: Makarewicz Conrad M Est & Conrad M Makarewicz Jr Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $568,750 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $564,800 Lot Size: 7766sf
156 Endicott St, Danvers............................ $1,000,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: M&M Energy LLC S: Global Co LLC Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $867,400 Lot Size: 24750sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (05/19)
48 Maple St, Danvers................................... $220,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 48 Maple LLC S: Ellen Graham Tr, Tr for 14 School Street RT Mtg: Liberty Bay CU $176,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $134,500 Lot Size: 748sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
B10 435 Newbury St, Danvers............................ $1,258,000 Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,765,500 Lot Size: 180774sf Prior Sale: $1,011,381 (12/15)
74 State Rd, Dartmouth............................... $270,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: South Coast Insurance Grp S: Peter D Lepage Ins Agency Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $216,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $265,600 Lot Size: 10618sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (12/16)
559 State Rd, Dartmouth............................. $220,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Jean Chedid S: Thomas W Leonard Mtg: Ryanna LLC $160,000 Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $220,500 Lot Size: 9167sf Prior Sale: $144,500 (03/11)
114 Bussey St, Dedham............................... $688,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Supreme Development Inc S: Denis Palmisciano Tr, Tr for Enrico H Palmisciano T Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $371,000 Lot Size: 20803sf
20 Carematrix Dr, Dedham......................... $9,000,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 20 Carematrix Drive LLC S: Skye Enterprises LLC Mtg: Citizens Bank $6,960,000 Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $5,016,100 Lot Size: 146589sf Prior Sale: $8,300,000 (05/17)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: J2K Realty LLC S: Joseph W Gorey Mtg: Joseph W Gorey $1,125,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $297,600 Lot Size: 8930sf
652 Main St, Dennis..................................... $330,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Ryan Vienneau Tr, Tr for Vienneau RT S: Kent J Vienneau Tr, Tr for Overhead NT Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $264,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $312,600 Lot Size: 12197sf Prior Sale: $187,500 (04/01)
495 School St, Dighton.................................
164 Main St, Essex....................................... $468,500
East Longmeadow
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Christopher R Stevens & Laurie A Stevens S: Nolan R Cook & Karen Cook Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $221,900 Lot Size: 179685sf Prior Sale: $237,500 (12/10)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: James D Vineyard & Robyn Vineyard S: R D Madrazo-Larson Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $228,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $264,500 Lot Size: 12632sf
64 Maple St, East Longmeadow.................. $1,100,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 14 Bowdoin LLC S: Charles D Ward Jr Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $543,750 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $541,000 Lot Size: 7636sf Prior Sale: $588,000 (01/06)
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: C&A Realty Enterprises S: Donald W Lomascolo & Mary Lomascolo Mtg: Donald Lomascolo $950,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $479,300 Lot Size: 39990sf Prior Sale: $535,000 (04/10)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Windsurfer LLC S: Donald F Intonti Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $282,000 Lot Size: 16117sf
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: MCP&JMC Dotros LLC S: 1943 Dorchester Ave LLC Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $22,100,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,517,000 Lot Size: 18504sf Prior Sale: $1,300,000 (06/17)
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Raymond V Ferrone S: 49 Belmont Street LLC Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $517,200 Lot Size: 43996sf
Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Wiseman Real Estate LLC S: Easton Town Of Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $314,500 Lot Size: 43560sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (08/02) Use:Car Wash Facility (335) B: A&Z Depot St LLC S: 101-105 Depot Street LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $1,293,750 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $916,800 Lot Size: 64033sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (03/08)
74-R Highland St, Easton..............................
60-64 Hill Top St, Dorchester..................... $4,000,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: 60-64 Hill Top Street LLC S: John Desimone & William E Lynch Mtg: Needham Bk $2,895,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,261,500 Lot Size: 30900sf
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Robert Hellewege & John Silvia Jr S: Easton Town Of Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $81,700 Lot Size: 554083sf
6 Norfolk Ave, Easton................................. $2,050,000
142 Pleasant St, Dorchester...................... $1,000,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: JB Investments LLC S: Extra Performance Inc Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $750,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $153,800 Lot Size: 4689sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (07/00)
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: 6 Norfolk LLC S: Baloubet Bld Hldg LLC Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,575,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,486,500 Lot Size: 94525sf Prior Sale: $1,551,929 (10/14)
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Laura A Romanowski & John S Burnett S: QEI Inc Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $96,100 Lot Size: 17553sf
51 Honeybee Rd, Dracut.............................. $579,900 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Gregory Costa & Emily Machado S: Wheeler Village LLC Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $463,920 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $45,800 Lot Size: 20851sf
16 Chestnut St, Duxbury.............................. $566,000
Fall River
147 18th St, Fall River..................................
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: RKKR LLC S: Krishna Priya Inc Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $324,400 Lot Size: 7398sf Prior Sale: $297,000 (08/06)
201-203 4th St, Fall River............................ $399,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Michael Gentile S: Carlos M Pimentel & Nadine M Pimentel Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $299,250 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $269,200 Lot Size: 5876sf Prior Sale: $282,500 (09/04)
123 5th St, Fall River................................... $364,404 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Rick R Ray S: Michael F Riordan Jr Tr, Tr for 123-129 5th Street RT Mtg: Silver Hill Funding $291,523 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $247,200 Lot Size: 5443sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (12/15)
160 Alden St, Fall River............................... $300,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Elizete A Viana & Edson Zanetti S: Aparecido A Prates Mtg: Aparecido A Prates $250,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $222,500 Lot Size: 3272sf
1025 Bedford St, Fall River......................... $410,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Daystar Group LLC S: Belicios Properties LLC Mtg: Conventus LLC $328,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $163,300 Lot Size: 3222sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (01/17)
1172-1174 Bedford St, Fall River................ $175,000 Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Broadway Properties LLC S: Oak Grove Property LLC Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $199,900 Lot Size: 12677sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (05/07)
136 Covel St, Fall River............................... $358,500 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Alexander Urbanek S: Shawn C Soderstrom Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $340,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $198,700 Lot Size: 5851sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (07/00)
144 Guild St, Fall River................................ $166,500 Use:Fraternal Organization (353) B: El Khoury Brothers RE LLC S: Saint Annes Fraternity Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $278,900 Lot Size: 34000sf
236 Hope St, Fall River................................ $305,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Victor Rosario Sr S: Luis Lopes & Elisa Lopes Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $208,700 Lot Size: 2487sf Prior Sale: $262,000 (01/18)
136 Lonsdale St, Fall River.......................... $417,500 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 136 Lonsdale Street LLC S: ZBR Holdings LLC Mtg: Peoples Credit Union $275,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $339,200 Lot Size: 5000sf Prior Sale: $398,900 (06/18)
351-353 Madison St, Fall River................... $300,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: C2S Development LLC S: Stanley LLC Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $260,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $257,500 Lot Size: 3200sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (03/12)
Use:Commercial Building (347) B: EPC Hammes LLC S: HP Boston OWP LLC Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $6,592,000 Lot Size: 112820sf Prior Sale: $18,332,000 (05/18)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Lip Real Estate Group LLC S: Thomas R Symington Mtg: Stage Point Fund LLC $180,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $220,300 Lot Size: 3840sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (12/04)
15 Roche Brothers Way, Easton.................$21,210,000
31 Roche Brothers Way, Easton.................$19,295,000
Torrington Rd, Fairhaven............................. $212,500
Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440) B: Paul H Bertarelli & William F Bertarelli S: Easton Town Of Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $249,100 Lot Size: 83200sf
27 Renker Dr, Easton.....................................
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Duxbury Town Of S: Lehr Arthur L Jr Est & David T Lehr Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $69,300 Lot Size: 143312sf
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: American Dream Realty LLC S: James Burns Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $34,800 Lot Size: 8276sf
105 Depot St, Easton.................................. $1,925,000
1943-R Dorchester Ave, Dorchester..........$21,388,710
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: SS Realty Holdings LLC S: Paul L Ceccarelli Tr, Tr for Seaside RT Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $452,800 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $336,300 Lot Size: 7405sf Prior Sale: $234,000 (03/99)
Use:Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land (391) B: Richard Paige S: James Jolicoeur & Michael Jolicoeur Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $37,800 Lot Size: 3965sf
10 Church St, Easton.....................................
14 Bowdoin Ave, Dorchester....................... $670,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Beverly J Russell Tr, Tr for Beverly J Russell LT S: Essex Acquisition Fund Mtg: Peoples United Bank $300,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $436,900 Lot Size: 65340sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/19)
312 E Main St, East Brookfield.................... $285,000
49 Belmont St, Easton................................. $250,000
Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Anibal Chavez S: Steinbach Service Station Mtg: Russell A Steinbach $1,000,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $700,500 Lot Size: 10973sf
Mayflower St, Duxbury..................................
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: South Station Phase 1 Owr S: Boston Redevelopment Auth Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $9,696,000 Lot Size: 16000sf Prior Sale: $1,275,000 (02/15)
321-325 Adams St, Dorchester.................. $1,000,000
11 Brigham Ave, Dracut................................
9 East St, Easthampton.................................
245 Sumner St, East Boston.......................$35,350,000
62-64 School St, Fall River.......................... $350,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: East Boston Airport LLC S: Mario Deluca & Carmela Deluca Mtg: Cooperative Bank $560,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $358,500 Lot Size: 1000sf
999 State Hwy, Eastham.............................. $450,000
Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Hawthorne Development Inc S: Dighton Town Of Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $276,300 Lot Size: 60984sf
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Kismet Properties LLC S: Salt Box Investments LLC Mtg: Martha Vineyard SB $600,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $515,800 Lot Size: 5000sf Prior Sale: $660,000 (08/18) Use:Condominium/Motel (348) B: Judith Erdman S: Thomas M Mcgrath Tr, Tr for 68 Winter Street RT Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $348,000 Lot Size: 1360sf
418 Quequechan St, Fall River.................... $445,000
204 Upper Main St, Edgartown.................... $830,000
233-235 London St, East Boston................. $800,000
147 Shaker Rd, East Longmeadow.............. $625,000
68 Winter St U:5, Edgartown........................ $580,000
Rosemont St, East Longmeadow..................
2 Park St, Deerfield.................................... $1,250,000
East Boston
Use:Commercial Use (397) B: Steven L Graham Tr, Tr for Depot NT S: Coyote Realty LLC Mtg: 64 Maple Street NT $1,100,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $496,900 Lot Size: 134082sf
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: J&M RT LLC S: Jeffrey H Heth Tr, Tr for Heth NT Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $54,000 Prior Sale: $58,000 (12/07)
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,201,600 Lot Size: 34412sf Prior Sale: $914,000 (03/00)
East Brookfield
434 Route 134 U:A2, Dennis.........................
10 Washington St, Duxbury......................... $1,513,000
Use:Commercial Building (347) B: EPC Hammes LLC S: HP Boston OWP LLC Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $5,849,200 Lot Size: 130244sf Prior Sale: $15,568,000 (05/18)
420 Turnpike St, Easton................................
Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Angelo Skritakis Tr, Tr for Crown RT S: Easton Town Of Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $431,200 Lot Size: 29621sf
163 Washington St, Easton............................
Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Paul J Syers Tr, Tr for Victoria Square RT S: Easton Town Of Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $968,200 Lot Size: 45738sf
251 Pine St, Fall River................................. $187,226
735 Pleasant St, Fall River.......................... $450,000 Use:Auto Sales (330) B: A&M Electrical Mechanical S: Tanios Barbour Tr, Tr for Barbour Auto Sales T Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $256,100 Lot Size: 11280sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (10/05)
512 Plymouth Ave, Fall River....................... $340,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Christine Rebello & Joseph A Rebello S: Edner Cherichel & Dora Cherichel Mtg: Fall River Mun ECU $272,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $232,800 Lot Size: 6246sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (11/02)
789-795 Plymouth Ave, Fall River............... $430,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: CFI Development LLC S: Gerald R Banville Mtg: Asset View Capital $215,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $393,000 Lot Size: 9469sf
Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: DBLA LLC S: Oddarh Inc & Apex Mortgage Corp Foreclosure Deed Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $542,700 Lot Size: 60984sf Prior Sale: $89,000 (03/04) Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Thomas A Quintanilla S: Santiago Santos Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $343,660 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $242,700 Lot Size: 4951sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (06/19)
64 Tremont St, Fall River............................. $200,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Ronald S Rusin Jr Tr, Tr for R&D RT S: Alan Silvia Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $185,400 Lot Size: 3666sf
99 Tremont St, Fall River............................. $625,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: DB 3 Brothers LLC S: Cran Properties Inc Mtg: Leader Bank NA $468,750 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $472,100 Lot Size: 6779sf Prior Sale: $32,501 (05/00)
366 Menauhant Rd, Falmouth..................... $2,150,000 Use:Marina (384) B: Green Pond Holdings LLC S: Harry Turner Tr, Tr for Green Pond RT Mtg: Green Pond RT $500,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,157,600 Lot Size: 27000sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (03/00)
13-15 Cane St, Fitchburg............................ $316,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: David A Baker Jr S: BHB Group LLC Mtg: Camden National Bank $237,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $197,100 Lot Size: 6142sf Prior Sale: $177,500 (09/14)
35 Columbus St, Fitchburg.......................... $190,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Robert D Christmas S: John J Aquino Tr, Tr for Christmas Oaks Dev&Mgmt Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $275,600 Lot Size: 25395sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (04/11)
31 Edwards St, Fitchburg............................ $300,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Iris D Ulloa-Flores S: Karen L Cormier Tr, Tr for Rafferty FT Mtg: Silver Hill Funding $225,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $185,300 Lot Size: 4200sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (10/14)
255 Main St, Fitchburg................................ $525,000 Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Kapleye Krikorian Tr, Tr for 3 Harness Horseman RT S: Nashaway Realty LLC Mtg: Alfred Ross $550,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $161,900 Lot Size: 42264sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (01/10)
255 Main St, Fitchburg................................ $525,000 Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Kapleye Krikorian Tr, Tr for Harness Horseman RT S: Nashaway Realty LLC Mtg: Alfred Ross $550,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $161,900 Lot Size: 42264sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (01/10)
805 Main St, Fitchburg................................ $265,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Scott P Morrisey Tr, Tr for 805 Main RT S: Elcevich LLC Mtg: Athol Savings Bk $962,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $382,200 Lot Size: 10907sf
1247-1251 Main St, Fitchburg..................... $342,500 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Niyanio LLC S: Eldamar Properties LLC Mtg: Leader Bank NA $239,750 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $227,400 Lot Size: 4336sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (04/12)
327 Oak Hill Rd, Fitchburg........................... $300,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 327 Oak Hill Road LLC S: Robert Moeckel Tr, Tr for Sun Wave RT Mtg: TD Bank NA $210,000 Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $231,700 Lot Size: 8000sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (05/04)
100 Old Princeton Rd, Fitchburg................. $218,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Evan Hughes S: Richard W Green 3rd & Joyce E Green Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $174,400 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $169,100 Lot Size: 43649sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (07/04)
22 Plymouth St, Fitchburg........................... $239,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Jessica Mejia S: F A Quinilla-Morente Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $227,050 Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $23,800 Lot Size: 5015sf Prior Sale: $10,500 (11/17)
30-32 Prichard St, Fitchburg...................... $238,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 30-32 Prichard St LLC S: TED Construction Inc Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $176,250 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $146,900 Lot Size: 3260sf Prior Sale: $193,291 (03/19)
370 Summer St, Fitchburg........................... $220,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Manchester Construction S: David Secino & Kimberly Secino Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $209,800 Lot Size: 10000sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (09/03)
672-678 Water St, Fitchburg....................... $124,000 Use:Auto Sales (330) B: Mark A Cordio & Bonnie E Cordio S: Ruth A Couture Mtg: James B Couture $74,000 Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $166,400 Lot Size: 15898sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (02/13)
137 Mohawk Trl, Florida.............................. $115,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Hoosac Range LLC S: James M Pedro Tr, Tr for 137 Mohawk Trail T Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $240,700 Lot Size: 43996sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (07/17)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
611 Main St, Great Barrington..................... $190,000
14 Main St, Framingham.............................. $535,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: George Shen & Feng Li S: Raffi Bouladian & John Allekian Mtg: TD Bank NA $401,250 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $383,600 Lot Size: 6691sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (02/13)
290 Park St N, Great Barrington................. $300,000
492 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham....$29,300,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Campanelli Trigate OCP Ow S: CRP 3 Framingham Corp Ctr Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $24,412,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $22,184,500 Lot Size: 253654sf Prior Sale: $37,800,000 (05/08)
161 Worcester Rd, Framingham................$24,000,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Campanelli Trigate Worc S: CRP 3 The Meadows LLC Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $18,767,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $20,118,400 Lot Size: 278523sf Prior Sale: $25,200,000 (05/08)
76 18th Dr U:76, Franklin............................ $745,000 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: David G Funnell & Michele Haynes S: Village At Cooks Farm LLC Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $350,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $185,300 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Michael E Mcgrath & Karen Mcgrath S: Brendon Properties Brkvw Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $475,224 Date: 12/19/19
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Malrich LLC S: Timball LLC Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $394,800 Lot Size: 5120sf Prior Sale: $342,500 (11/14)
Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Kenwood Properties LLC S: 1 Kenwood LLC Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,251,300 Lot Size: 157687sf Prior Sale: $2,425,000 (01/14) Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Franklin Plaza Tic 1 LLC S: West Central Plaza LLC Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $741,800 Lot Size: 115086sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (01/17)
9 Cliff Dr, Freetown..................................... $172,000 Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: George Hana & Amr Hana S: Freetown Town Of Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $263,600 Lot Size: 7405sf
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Montachusett Vtrns Outrch S: Newvue Affordable Housing Mtg: GFA Federal Credit Un $162,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $103,000 Lot Size: 3806sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (11/19) Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Sam Lan S: Rowland F Hunt Jr & Dianne A Hunt Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $131,250 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $143,500 Lot Size: 7166sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (09/04)
Use:Bank Building (341) B: Easthampton SB S: Bank Of America NA Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $972,900 Lot Size: 56889sf
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: JMGH Hingham LLC S: Theofore D Ciolkosz & Francis C Ciolkosz Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $188,600 Lot Size: 31799sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Chapman Street Properties S: William Yenner Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $420,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $298,900 Lot Size: 16509sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (02/02)
Use:Commercial Use (397) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $779,700 Lot Size: 31363sf Prior Sale: $1,158,243 (01/16)
100 Honey Pot Rd, Hadley........................... $100,000 Use:Vegetable Crops (712) B: Willard A Mckinstry 2nd & Nicole M Mckinstry S: Mckinstry Lorena D Est & Ruth M Klopfer Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $86,300 Lot Size: 3005640sf
557 Bay Rd, Hamilton...................................
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Carolyn C Trees Tr, Tr for Carolyn C Trees RET 2013 S: Christopher L Woodin & Jennifer L Woodin Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $599,000 Lot Size: 9583sf Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Fagan Family Real Estate S: Pett Real Estate LLC Mtg: Firstrust Bank $1,282,200 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $284,100 Prior Sale: $280,000 (12/04)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Thomas Morrissey & Joyce A Morrissey S: Mia Rose LLC & Northwest Bank Foreclosure Deed Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $467,400 Lot Size: 50965sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (08/05) Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Graphco Realty LLC S: Lorie Faulkner Tr, Tr for 108 Mayflower Drive RT Mtg: Lorie Faulkner $1,000,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $426,100 Lot Size: 73181sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (01/99)
108 Mayflower Dr, Hanover......................... $878,000
268 W Broadway, Gardner.......................... $1,000,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: John C Strougo S: John Scribner Jr Tr, Tr for Timpany Zone T Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $400,200 Lot Size: 25859sf
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Graphco Realty LLC S: Lorie Faulkner Tr, Tr for 108 Mayflower Drive RT Mtg: Lorie Faulkner $1,000,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $426,100 Lot Size: 73181sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (01/99)
51 Mill St U:9, Hanover................................ $347,500
38 E Main St, Georgetown............................ $275,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: Absolute Acquisitions Inc S: Bank Of America NA Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $640,200 Lot Size: 25019sf
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Susan Murphy & Arthur Murphy S: Wellybaby LLC Mtg: South Shore Bank $260,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $267,200 Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/09)
1143 Washington St, Hanover..................... $900,000
185 Washington St, Gloucester................... $223,250 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Carlos J Goulart & Courtney E Goulart S: 185-187 Washington St LLC Mtg: BankGloucester $380,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $222,700 Lot Size: 1275sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (07/16)
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Hanover Washington LP S: Bri Inc Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $387,900 Lot Size: 42445sf Prior Sale: $523,000 (02/17)
83 Cedar St, Haverhill.................................. $325,000
125 Magill Dr, Grafton................................. $699,900 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Ryan Horgan & Kathryn Horgan S: H&L Highfield Homes LLC Mtg: Jeffrey G Mackinnon $461,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $77,000 Lot Size: 12884sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (08/19)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 83 Cedar Invest LLC S: David Tucker & Diane Tucker Mtg: Pentucket Bank $243,750 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $362,700 Lot Size: 3084sf Prior Sale: $210,750 (08/11)
4 Haverhill St, Haverhill............................... $440,000
135 Westboro Rd, Grafton........................... $590,000 Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: JKRP Holdings LLC S: Grafton Ishtar LLC Mtg: Hometown Bank $472,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $534,700 Lot Size: 46914sf Prior Sale: $277,500 (09/14)
Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Ataan Kurgun & Keri J Kurgun S: N Shore Real Estate Sltns Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $418,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $131,400 Lot Size: 8538sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (06/18)
58 High St, Haverhill.................................... $438,000
Taylor St, Granby.......................................... $100,000 Use:Farm Use (709) B: Lawrence H Humphrey Jr & Shania M Humphrey S: Jill A Kopka Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $13,700 Lot Size: 3910817sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (05/18)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Treetop Home LLC S: Avatar Financial Services Mtg: River Works CU $350,400 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $423,300 Lot Size: 3358sf
13 Overlook Ave, Haverhill.......................... $440,000
20 Castle St, Great Barrington.................... $423,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Castle Street Firehouse S: 20 Castle Street LLC Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $288,100 Lot Size: 17860sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (05/14)
108 Mayflower Dr, Hanover......................... $122,000
29 Osgood St, Gardner................................. $175,000
105 County Rd, Ipswich.............................. $3,750,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Res (041) B: George Rozantes S: Mark Ferri Tr, Tr for Carl Daniel RT Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $223,100 Lot Size: 108464sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (12/02)
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Allstar Auto Salvage LLC S: FRML Bros LLC Mtg: FRML Bros LLC $800,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $542,100 Lot Size: 330620sf
1168 Broadway, Hanover............................. $175,000
248 Central St, Gardner............................... $202,500
Use:Motel (301) B: 149 Ocean Street LLC S: Hawthorne Properties Inc Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,294,100 Lot Size: 33541sf
27 Webster St, Haverhill.............................. $413,600
21 Van Deusenville Rd, Great Barrington... $450,000
38-44 Washington St, Haverhill................... $540,000
Use:Motel (301) B: 131 Ocean Street LLC S: Cape Holiday Motel Inc Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,941,200 Lot Size: 49223sf
Use:Auto Sales (330) B: Livas LLC S: Robert M Mcneil Tr, Tr for Mcneil RT Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,142,000 Lot Size: 444312sf
31 Railroad Ave U:31, Hamilton................... $425,000
149 Ocean St, Hyannis................................ $2,001,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 38-42 Washington St LLC S: Paul A Magliocchetti Tr, Tr for William Rosen RET Mtg: Align CU $400,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $408,100 Lot Size: 3345sf
471-479 W Central St, Franklin.................. $5,125,000
106 Summer St, Haverhill............................ $500,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Cohen Group LLC S: Paul Dickinson Mtg: Lee Bank $680,000 Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,314,900 Lot Size: 6098sf
20 Railroad St, Great Barrington................. $850,000
1-3 Kenwood Cir, Franklin.......................... $4,800,000
131 Ocean St, Hyannis................................ $2,599,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Barrio Haverhill LLC S: Constantine Valhouli Tr, Tr for Middyval RET Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $366,300 Lot Size: 13734sf Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Brian C Farmer Tr, Tr for Farmer 106 Summer St RT S: Duncan C Farmer Tr, Tr for Lee And Summer NT Mtg: Haverhill Bk $400,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $662,800 Lot Size: 19558sf
91 School St, Greenfield.............................. $525,000
43 East St, Franklin..................................... $505,000
259 S Main St, Haverhill............................... $405,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Spectrum Health Systems S: Gloria J Hadsell & John J Keresey Jr Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $374,900 Lot Size: 24394sf
208 Federal St, Greenfield.......................... $450,000
94 Brookview Rd U:94, Franklin.................. $594,030
Great Barrington
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Rosa C Chica-Ochoa S: Karen S Cardillo Tr, Tr for K H&J E Tenbroeck FT Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $354,500 Lot Size: 20996sf
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: John Chumah S: Livingstone Development Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $418,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $130,600 Lot Size: 8002sf Prior Sale: $102,000 (06/19)
218 River St, Haverhill................................ $1,017,500 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Fugere LLC S: 216 River Street LLC Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $409,800 Lot Size: 37649sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: South Pleasant Webster S: Kathleen M Frieswick Tr, Tr for KV RT Mtg: William O Frieswick $1,240,000 Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $456,100 Lot Size: 4922sf
11 Bank Ave, Hingham................................. $400,000
179 Lincoln St, Hingham............................. $2,440,000
222 North St U:4, Hingham.......................... $425,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Design Studio 222 LLC S: George A Hewett Tr, Tr for River RT Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $340,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $361,100
160 Brimfield Rd, Holland............................ $330,000 Use:Summer Camp (387) B: Susan Shaw-Saari S: Boys&Girls Club Family Mtg: Matthew J Robinson $165,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $532,500 Lot Size: 449539sf
12 Cedar St, Holliston................................. $1,055,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Paul W Boyd Tr, Tr for 12 Cedar Street NT S: Louis J Baccari & Catherine H Baccari Mtg: BayCoast Bank $808,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $627,000 Lot Size: 26136sf Prior Sale: $655,000 (03/03)
17 School St, Holliston................................. $754,900 Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Haley F Barraza & Ricardo Barraza S: Oleary Builders Inc Mtg: Leader Bank NA $404,900 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $210,400 Lot Size: 42689sf
938-940 Main St, Holyoke............................ $275,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: 938 Main Street LLC S: William F Leahy & Molly Leahy Mtg: Rita L Witman $200,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $128,600 Lot Size: 18295sf
1985 Northampton St, Holyoke.................... $875,000
Use:Religious Property (960) B: Foley Property Management S: Roman Cath Bishop Of Spri Mtg: Roman Catholic Bishop $600,000 Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $741,900 Lot Size: 9890sf
60-64 Main St, Hopkinton........................... $1,765,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,130,500 Lot Size: 36037sf Prior Sale: $819,947 (01/16)
25 Stoney Brook Rd, Hopkinton................... $437,500 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Benjamin M Sowerby & Julie L Sowerby S: 25 Stoney Brook LLC Mtg: Country Bank $1,378,800 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $307,000 Lot Size: 69539sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (07/18)
120 Nantasket Ave, Hull............................... $900,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Latitude 42 Real Estate S: D J&Nick Enterprises LLC Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $476,900 Lot Size: 21700sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (12/06)
14 E Main St, Huntington............................. $255,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Roman Radkovets S: Scott C Andrews Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $204,000 Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $185,000 Lot Size: 21780sf
27 Russell Rd, Huntington........................... $150,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Brittany Valentine S: Lisa M Obrien Mtg: Lisa Obrien $70,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $321,000 Lot Size: 18250sf
64 Enterprise Rd, Hyannis.......................... $1,125,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Little Harbor Associates S: EKC Ventures LLC Mtg: First Citizens Cr Un $845,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $865,200 Lot Size: 37897sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (04/01)
712 Main St, Hyannis................................... $470,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: M&M Realty Investments S: Peter D Murray & Catherine A Murray Mtg: Peoples United Bank $235,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $486,100 Lot Size: 10890sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (04/03)
71 Turnpike Rd, Ipswich.............................. $250,000
Jamaica Plain
470 Centre St, Jamaica Plain...................... $640,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: David B Doyle & Maricely Perez-Alers S: Stone House At Lake Lure Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $700,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $676,500 Lot Size: 4056sf Prior Sale: $530,000 (07/07)
3359-3365 Washington St, Jamaica Plain... $500,866 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: 3371 Washington Owner LLC S: 221 Chestnut LLC Mtg: Community Economic $2,555,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $744,500 Lot Size: 6411sf Prior Sale: $21,000 (03/07)
3371-3375 Washington St, Jamaica Plain.. $1,654,134 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: 3371 Washington Owner LLC S: Chelsea Division LLC Mtg: Community Economic $2,555,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $612,900 Lot Size: 8400sf Prior Sale: $505,356 (05/16)
183 Summer St, Kingston........................... $2,589,000 Use:Gas Station (333) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,220,300 Lot Size: 43560sf Prior Sale: $1,234,027 (01/16)
35 Bedford St, Lakeville.............................. $650,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Girgis Real Estate Invsts S: Mark Evans Tr, Tr for MJSN RT Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,000,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $280,700 Lot Size: 30000sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (04/98)
57 Long Point Rd, Lakeville........................ $1,910,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: 1 Fitzgerald Drive LLC S: Provident Bank Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,534,800 Lot Size: 357063sf
11 Riverside Dr, Lakeville........................... $1,275,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: K&E Lakeville Realty LLC S: 11 Riverside Drive LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $1,050,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,461,600 Lot Size: 86553sf Prior Sale: $924,186 (01/11)
204 Main St, Lancaster................................ $245,000 Use:Educational Property (940) B: Southern New England Conf S: Atlantic Union College Mtg: Clinton Svgs Bk $196,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $229,200 Lot Size: 27443sf
497-499 Andover St, Lawrence................... $515,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Michael Miller S: Carlos J Carrasco Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $501,508 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $315,800 Lot Size: 9094sf Prior Sale: $378,000 (02/17)
465-465A Broadway, Lawrence................... $450,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Iglesia Decristo Restaur S: 467-477 Broadway St LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $360,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $283,100 Lot Size: 4255sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (04/14)
73 Fern St, Lawrence................................... $197,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Leon Nguyen & Nhi K Nguyen S: Thuy L Vu Mtg: Bank of Canton $167,450 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $146,700 Lot Size: 1383sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (01/17)
145 Franklin St, Lawrence........................... $500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Enmanuel D Almonte S: Nicolas Almonte & Josefina P Dealmonte Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $457,875 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $479,100 Lot Size: 6990sf Prior Sale: $138,574 (11/13)
457-461 Hampshire St, Lawrence............... $750,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Eliezer Silfa S: Estep Inc Mtg: Align CU $600,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $421,600 Lot Size: 6400sf
169-171 Haverhill St, Lawrence................. $1,015,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: NB Property Investments S: 169-171 Haverhill St Rlty Mtg: Bank of New England $710,500 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $740,100 Lot Size: 8276sf Prior Sale: $805,000 (08/16)
211-213 Jackson St, Lawrence.................... $260,000 Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: William Laboy-Dejesus S: Lawrence Family Dev&Educ Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $240,000 Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $211,100 Lot Size: 4500sf Prior Sale: $15,000 (09/10)
©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
B12 128 Newbury St, Lawrence.......................... $525,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Ignacio Fernandez Tr, Tr for 128 Newbury RT S: Antoine Karko Mtg: Eastern Bank $260,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $297,700 Lot Size: 5580sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (01/08)
22-24 Smith St, Lawrence........................... $650,000
66 Chambers St, Lowell............................... $475,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Richard J Terris S: J Investment Properties Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $356,250 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $319,900 Lot Size: 3844sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (06/14)
469 Chelmsford St, Lowell........................... $510,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Fermin Family LLC S: Robert A Norcross 2nd Tr, Tr for Lenox RT Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $487,500 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $556,200 Lot Size: 6300sf
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Shirley Realty Group LLC S: Stavros Realty Inc Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $427,800 Lot Size: 12352sf
Use:Housing Authority Property (970) B: Lighthouse Group Props S: Lowell Housing Authority Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $780,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $873,700 Lot Size: 20436sf
83 Coburn St, Lowell.................................... $990,001
207 Main St, Leicester................................. $275,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Christopher Couture S: Dona Otilia LLC Mtg: Millbury CU $220,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $187,850 Lot Size: 32670sf Prior Sale: $45,000 (05/16)
141 E Merrimack St, Lowell......................... $355,000
1 Crystal St, Lenox....................................... $150,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Poseidonas Realty LLC S: Robert J Gormley Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $265,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $284,600 Lot Size: 2549sf
84 Main St, Lenox......................................... $350,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: KG Realty Investments LLC S: Ellen N Valcourt Tr, Tr for JLV 2 RT Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $907,500 Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $620,700 Lot Size: 4270sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (05/03)
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: 1 Crystal LLC S: Lenoxdale Service Station Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $189,800 Lot Size: 14022sf Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Casa Boema LLC S: Daniel W Obrien Mtg: Adams Community Bk $430,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $306,000 Lot Size: 6105sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (01/01)
3 Frye St, Lowell.......................................... $495,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Lucy Wei S: John-Ching Nguyen Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $371,250 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $400,600 Lot Size: 8100sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (01/14)
1177 Central St, Leominster........................ $400,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 1177 Central Street LLC S: 3D Realty LLC Mtg: Rollstone Bk & Tr $320,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $410,300 Lot Size: 12539sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (03/99)
100 Commercial Rd, Leominster................$16,000,000 Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: Leo MA Mall LLC S: CLNC REO Whitney LLC Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $28,795,800 Lot Size: 2905452sf Prior Sale: $36,100,000 (06/13)
401 Lancaster St, Leominster..................... $200,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Leominster Telecomunictns S: 401 Lancaster Street LLC Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $266,800 Lot Size: 55757sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (02/19)
621 Lancaster St, Leominster..................... $100,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Michele Herard & Euclide Herard S: Patricia A Facey Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $364,100 Lot Size: 37975sf
54 Main St U:A5B, Leominster...................... Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Jorge L Calderon S: North Central Investment Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $71,600
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc S: Luke C Chiotelis & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Foreclosure Deed Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $338,500 Lot Size: 2282sf Prior Sale: $143,000 (12/98)
358 Mammoth Rd, Lowell............................. $700,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Hilltop Apts LLC S: Merchant Hilltop LLC Mtg: NBT Bank NA $7,680,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $6,158,000 Lot Size: 175111sf Prior Sale: $9,375,000 (09/06) Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Broomfield Laboratories S: Spruce Street Realty Corp Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $169,800 Lot Size: 14111sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (11/98)
Use:Housing Authority Property (970) B: Lighthouse Group Props S: Lowell Housing Authority Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $289,125 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $357,700 Lot Size: 4080sf
Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440) B: Pineapple RT LLC S: Boston&Main Corp Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $129,000 Lot Size: 36367sf
Use:Auto Supply (331) B: Home Decor Group Of Lynn S: North Shore Metals Inc Mtg: North Shore Bank $576,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $411,900 Lot Size: 9271sf
81 Hartwell Ave, Lexington......................... $5,899,200 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 81 Hartwell Avenue LLC S: WLC 2 6 LLC Mtg: Service Credit Union $9,000,000 Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $8,974,000 Lot Size: 361548sf Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 81 Hartwell Avenue LLC S: Grayrock Investors LP Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $8,974,000 Lot Size: 361548sf
Use:Commercial Building (347) B: Kelly R Bales & Anne E Kingston S: 233 Concord Road LLC Mtg: Bank of America NA $350,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $767,800 Lot Size: 85837sf Prior Sale: $662,500 (07/18)
Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Maria E Decruz & Cecilio Rodriguez S: Neighborhood Dev Assoc Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $91,200 Lot Size: 4258sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (12/17)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Joseph Fimiani S: KGB Management LLC Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $565,475 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $363,400 Lot Size: 5919sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (07/19)
Use:Gas Station (333) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,262,800 Lot Size: 27007sf Prior Sale: $1,186,009 (01/16)
220 Broadway U:103, Lynnfield................... $157,500
945 Shaker Rd, Longmeadow..................... $1,300,000 Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: AC Liberty Dev LLC S: North Harlow 6 LLC Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $975,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,147,800 Lot Size: 40075sf Prior Sale: $1,235,000 (10/17)
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Keith T Denehy & Heather L Denehy S: Joyce M Mastrogiovanni Tr, Tr for Mastrogiovanni FT Mtg: Eastern Bank $125,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $161,700
100-A Fellsway E, Malden............................ $945,000
193 Appleton St, Lowell............................... $485,000
114 E Main St, Marlborough....................... $1,817,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $991,200 Lot Size: 35195sf Prior Sale: $1,127,901 (01/16)
410 Lakeside Ave, Marlborough................. $1,827,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $868,500 Lot Size: 32000sf Prior Sale: $358,961 (01/16)
130 Lizotte Dr, Marlborough....................... $3,300,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Bsp Cotton Lizotte LLC S: Rockland T Co Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $8,647,600 Lot Size: 222156sf Prior Sale: $11,750,000 (04/14)
541 Plain St, Marshfield.............................. $690,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Olliver Group LLC S: Rack Properties LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $395,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $624,100 Lot Size: 19163sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (07/05)
Marstons Mills
381 Old Falmouth Rd U:32, Marstons Mills. $186,000
Use:Non-residential Condo (349) B: 381 Old Falmouth LLC S: Holcomb Properties LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $148,800 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $149,800 Prior Sale: $150,000 (05/03)
23 Bowdoin Rd U:6, Mashpee...................... $150,000
133 Falmouth Rd U:2, Mashpee................... $165,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 37 Old Morton St LLC S: Demetris K Pringle & Kasey N Olson Mtg: Milton Hill Lending $490,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $647,000 Lot Size: 7753sf Prior Sale: $765,000 (03/19)
Use:Medical Condo Unit (344) B: Hallmark Health Props Inc S: David A Calef Tr, Tr for Dutton FT Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $535,600
283 Vinton St, Melrose................................. $900,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Philip E Bishop & Denise A Bishop S: Robert E Swallow Tr, Tr for R&J Swallow FT 2007 Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $730,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $771,300 Lot Size: 14421sf
3 Morrison Dr, Mendon................................ $320,000 Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Tstone LLC S: Clayton Tellstone Jr & Karen E Tellstone Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $355,100 Lot Size: 150282sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (01/08)
9 Attitash Ave, Merrimac............................. $480,777 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: John T Pagley S: Robert R Scally LLC Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $384,622 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $14,900 Lot Size: 12100sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (10/17)
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Jewett 76 E Main St LLC S: 76 East Main St LLC Mtg: Haverhill Bk $169,200 Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $308,800 Lot Size: 42656sf
171-175 Broadway, Methuen...................... $1,200,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: 75-77 Springfield St LLC S: 173 Broadway LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $900,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $611,700 Lot Size: 21780sf Prior Sale: $553,700 (07/12)
134-138 Pelham St, Methuen.....................$11,650,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: 2800 Lafayette Road LLC S: Pelham Place LLC Mtg: NBT Bank NA $9,028,750 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $5,069,700 Lot Size: 138198sf Prior Sale: $6,372,000 (02/08)
192 Pelham St, Methuen.............................. $300,000 Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Pelham Real Estate Hldgs S: America Pelham LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $480,600 Lot Size: 92561sf Prior Sale: $5,450,000 (01/19)
60 Pine St U:12, Methuen.............................
60 Pine St U:8, Methuen...............................
Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: Joseph Scionti Tr, Tr for Scionti RT S: James R Sheppard Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $70,100 Prior Sale: $75,000 (10/13) Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: Joseph Scionti Tr, Tr for Scionti RT S: Deborah Norcott Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $43,700 Prior Sale: $40,000 (01/14)
62 Cambridge St, Middleboro...................... $375,000 Use:Fuel Tank (310) B: FMK Cambridge Street LLC S: On-Trax LLC Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $214,800 Lot Size: 16117sf
66 Cambridge St, Middleboro...................... $280,000
51 Old Marlboro Rd, Maynard...................... $317,500 Use:Religious Property (960) B: Lilik Gevorgian & Mikayel Alimian S: Maynard Church Of Nazaren Mtg: Santander Bank NA $254,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $372,700 Lot Size: 11038sf
43 Forest St, Medford.................................. $750,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: 43 Forest Street LLC S: Robert P Williamson Mtg: Century Bk Tr Co $850,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $743,600 Lot Size: 9443sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Chan Property LLC S: 100A Fellsway East LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $600,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,021,500 Lot Size: 6115sf Prior Sale: $656,500 (03/05)
101 Main St U:220, Medford........................ $350,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 1523 Pleasant Street Prop S: North River Malden 2 LLC Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,445,000 Lot Size: 9956sf
Use:State Agency Property (910) B: Mystic Property Assoc LP S: Massachusetts DOT Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,343,100 Lot Size: 64033sf
15-23 Pleasant St, Malden......................... $5,060,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Diamonds To Dogs LLC S: Christine A Meisner Tr, Tr for Dario RT Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $362,500 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $732,200 Lot Size: 566280sf
37-39 Old Morton St, Mattapan................... $575,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Semper Fi Properties LLC S: David E Burns Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $45,900 Lot Size: 1sf
Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Richard J Coyle Tr, Tr for Coyle RET S: Millstone Builders LLC Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $419,700
204 Tyler St, Methuen.................................. $725,000
Governors Ave U:24, Medford.......................
4 Steppingstone Dr U:4, Medway................. $580,000
76 E Main St, Merrimac............................... $338,400
1573 Ocean St, Marshfield.......................... $437,500
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: EKC Realty LLC S: Navico Inc Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $986,000 Prior Sale: $181,000 (11/16)
8 Broadway, Lynnfield................................. $1,527,000
233 Concord Rd, Lincoln............................ $2,145,000
Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: Cristiano E Centro S: Long Mountain Investments Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $2,100,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,441,000 Lot Size: 67518sf
2033 Ocean St, Marshfield...........................
74 Lovering St, Medway.............................. $1,375,000
50 Rowe St U:200, Melrose.......................... $550,000
796 Boston Post Rd E, Marlborough.......... $2,600,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Jose S Buruca S: Nery B Castro Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $416,200 Lot Size: 5603sf Prior Sale: $348,000 (05/04)
Use:Non-residential Condo (349) B: Nab Properties LLC S: LJW LLC Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $112,000 Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $140,400 Prior Sale: $129,900 (02/15)
205 Western Ave, Lynn................................ $585,000
81 Hartwell Ave, Lexington......................... $5,350,800
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Caere LLC S: Peter K Chan Tr, Tr for Ochan RT Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $1,100,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $646,300 Lot Size: 42482sf
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Robert J Stilian Tr, Tr for 12 Park Street RT S: Richard J Ford & Tina M Ford Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $250,000 Lot Size: 2270sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/99)
98 Light St, Lynn.......................................... $365,000
60 Oakland St, Mansfield............................. $660,000
49 Oak St, Lowell......................................... $368,501
9 Cheever Pl, Lynn....................................... $100,775
31 Spruce St, Leominster............................ $250,000
Use:Field Crops (713) B: Medway Town Of S: Lenore B Wilson Tr, Tr for Paul R Wilson RET Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $98 Lot Size: 29751sf
Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Neighborhood Housing Svcs S: Marshfield Town Of Mtg: MA Comm Hsg & C Dev $1,800,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,036,900 Lot Size: 60984sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (08/08)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: LM Property Holdings LLC S: Richard Mclaughlin Tr, Tr for 317 Nesmith Street RT Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $338,700 Lot Size: 2512sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (10/09)
618-618A Boston St, Lynn............................ $210,000
47 Princeton St, Leominster....................... $9,600,000
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: TK Mansfield Gas&Market S: Wald Samrout Corp Inc Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $720,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $869,300 Lot Size: 14010sf Prior Sale: $840,000 (07/04)
317 Nesmith St, Lowell................................ $380,000
45 Boston St, Lynn....................................... $720,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Yuri R Souza & Adriano Magno-Pimenta S: Stephen M Moore & Robert F Moore Mtg: Jorge Vinha $388,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $262,900 Lot Size: 11928sf
54 Chauncy St, Mansfield............................ $900,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Jared Bell & Catherine Leach S: Elizabeth A Restrepo Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $429,575 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $360,700 Lot Size: 23338sf Prior Sale: $398,900 (11/05)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: 385 Mammoth LLC S: Elliott William R Est & Hannelore Elliott Mtg: Leader Bank NA $525,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $446,500 Lot Size: 8411sf
1424 Main St, Leominster............................ $400,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Carlos Vasquez S: 193 Appleton Street LLC Mtg: Appleton Lending $436,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $397,100 Lot Size: 2720sf Prior Sale: $139,000 (12/10)
351 Lawrence St, Lowell.............................. $340,000
266 Plain St, Lowell..................................... $136,500
282 Fletcher St, Lowell............................... $1,210,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: 101 Main Street 220 LLC S: Susan Yavner Mtg: Bank of America NA $350,000 Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $195,100
300 Mystic Ave, Medford............................ $6,000,000
Use:Industrial Office Building (402) B: FMK Cambridge Street LLC S: Debbie Office Complex LLC Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $271,800 Lot Size: 14810sf
160 Center Ave, Middleboro........................ $375,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Stephanie A Fuller Tr, Tr for Howland INT S: Shawn A Lemmo Tr, Tr for Center Ave RT Mtg: Shawn A Lemmo $275,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $253,100 Lot Size: 1308sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (01/06)
447 Wareham St, Middleboro..................... $3,832,500 Use:Commercial Use (397) B: Nef Een Cranberry LLC S: Delta Realty LLC Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,499,700 Lot Size: 135794sf
561 Wareham St, Middleboro...................... $375,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: David T Fisher & Dina E Fisher S: Theodore Williams Jr Tr, Tr for Willow Tree RT Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $316,100 Lot Size: 39640sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (05/16)
18 Court Sq, Milford..................................... $805,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Silva Properties Group S: Court Square LLC Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $603,750 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $461,100 Lot Size: 7501sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
420-450 Fortune Blvd, Milford................... $6,200,000
266 County St, New Bedford........................ $191,000
455 Fortune Blvd, Milford........................... $2,750,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Liza Doonan & Stephen Doonan S: Prayer On Steel Inc Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $225,400 Lot Size: 4003sf Prior Sale: $179,000 (07/19)
6 Jackson St, Milford....................................
Use:Charity Property (950) B: WF Realty NB LLC S: Interchurch Council Mtg: Webster Bank $380,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $653,100 Lot Size: 9169sf
Use:Research & Dvlpmnt Facility (404) B: PSGC Milford Industrial S: Milford Fenwal Realty LLC Mtg: Brookline Bank $11,025,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,756,300 Lot Size: 372438sf Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: PSGC Milford Industrial S: Milford Spec Realty LLC Mtg: Brookline Bank $11,025,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,371,400 Lot Size: 182952sf
412 County St, New Bedford........................ $475,000
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: 296 Main LLC S: Juna LLC Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $136,700 Lot Size: 16000sf Prior Sale: $85,085 (10/99)
1480 E Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford.. $510,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: PSGC Milford Industrial S: Milford Holmes Realty LLC Mtg: Brookline Bank $11,025,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,502,000 Lot Size: 484387sf
1494 E Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford. $1,100,000
120 Quarry Dr U:120, Milford...................... $5,000,000
55 Orchard St, Millis.................................... $672,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Ali C Butcher & Shawn M Spurling S: John J Dillon Tr, Tr for Tall Oaks Farm RT Mtg: Needham Bk $470,400 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $469,500 Lot Size: 563231sf
9 Hurteau Rd, Millville................................. $102,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: John L Moran 3rd & Margaret R Moran S: Richard R Hurteau Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $115,700 Lot Size: 40253sf
1 Eliot St, Milton.......................................... $3,151,800 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 1 Eliot Street LLC S: Mary Kelleher Tr, Tr for Elad T Mtg: Eagle Bank $2,210,600 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $1,536,400 Lot Size: 24699sf Use:Medical Condo Unit (344) B: James Lin Tr, Tr for Gub NT S: Beth Israel Deacones Hosp Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $400,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $615,100 Prior Sale: $695,000 (01/18)
Gore Rd, Monroe...........................................
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: RMJ Ranch LLC S: Paul Herber Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $24,700 Lot Size: 635976sf
Use:Office Bldg-Medical (342) B: 499 Rockdale Avenue LLC S: L Michael Gouveia Tr, Tr for L Michael Gouveia LT Mtg: Gouveia L Michael $279,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $318,300 Lot Size: 4704sf Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Jose Andrade S: Robert Amaral Tr, Tr for Social Street RT Mtg: Lendful LLC $124,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $214,400 Lot Size: 3202sf Prior Sale: $108,000 (02/10) Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: New Bedford Inc S: Micro Realty Partners LLC Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $426,200 Lot Size: 5968sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/17) Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Union Street Capital LLC S: Union Street Place LLC Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $206,000 Lot Size: 1891sf
255 Low St, Newburyport............................ $5,750,000
48 Main St, Monson...................................... $263,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Nicholas E Smart S: Daniel J Finnegan & Lewis T Garreffa Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $258,236 Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $241,200 Lot Size: 10890sf Prior Sale: $134,000 (08/98)
Use:Commercial Building (347) B: MOB 1 Low Street LLC S: Low Street Redevelopment Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $3,000,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,354,700 Lot Size: 42525sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (11/11)
92-R Merrimac St, Newburyport................. $1,250,000
Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Timothy W Sullivan Tr, Tr for 92R Merrimac Street NT S: Robert W Richard Tr, Tr for Rear 92 Merrimac St RT Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $382,200 Lot Size: 21325sf
Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Milton Hilton LLC S: Southworth Co Mtg: Investment Cap Mtg $750,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $833,700 Lot Size: 61115sf
Use:Industrial Building (405) B: Plum Island LLC S: Bixby International Corp Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,922,200 Lot Size: 319730sf
36 Canal St, Montague................................. $679,087
10-B Cliff Rd, Nantucket............................. $5,300,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: 10 Cliff Road LLC S: Jean E Heron Tr, Tr for Century House RET Mtg: HarborOne Bank $4,093,112 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,378,200 Lot Size: 4116sf
101 Hummock Pond Rd, Nantucket............ $7,500,000 Use:Field Crops (713) B: Nantucket Is Land Bank S: Larrabee Thomas R Est & Jessie Glidden-Brescher Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $24,200 Lot Size: 465221sf
19 Main St U:19, Nantucket........................ $2,500,000 Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Catch Fish LLC S: Priscilla Mleczko Tr, Tr for Together RT Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $2,000,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,955,200
Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Monarch Properties LLC S: Mcquaid Real Estate LLC Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $300,000 Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $352,900
189-193 Adams St, Newton......................... $1,900,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Lulu Seven LLC S: 189-193 Adams Street LLC Mtg: Village Bank $1,372,500 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,123,800 Lot Size: 9193sf Prior Sale: $1,850,000 (08/17)
269-287 Grove St, Newton..........................235,000,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: ARE MA Region 76 LLC S: Hines Global REIT Riversd Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): 150,724,700 Lot Size: 489460sf Prior Sale: 197,250,000 (04/13) Use:Retail-Service (325) B: R K Newton LLC S: Annette Churchill Tr, Tr for Terrazzino INT Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $922,900 Lot Size: 7500sf
139 Ashland St, North Adams.......................
9 Eliot St, Natick......................................... $1,133,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $775,300 Lot Size: 10860sf Prior Sale: $568,318 (01/16)
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Harris Young LLC S: Macct Realty Hldg LLC Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,240,300 Lot Size: 30305sf Prior Sale: $1,410,000 (09/09)
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Thomas W Rumbolt Tr, Tr for Red Marker NT S: Anita A Avery Tr, Tr for Avery FT Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $271,200 Lot Size: 8960sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (10/00)
36-38 N Holden St, North Adams..................
3 Tech Cir, Natick....................................... $1,982,500
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Matthew L Zieminski & Michael S Bresett S: Chris Bonnivier Tr, Tr for North Holden NT Mtg: Adams Community Bk $63,200 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $75,700 Lot Size: 5600sf Prior Sale: $23,500 (02/19)
41-43 Union St, North Adams...................... $300,000
New Bedford
38 Ashley St, New Bedford........................... $325,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Guity Valizadeh & Natalie Barry S: Aubuchon Realty Co Inc Mtg: Adams Community Bk $225,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $383,100 Lot Size: 22257sf
524 Union St, North Adams...........................
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Honey North Adams LLC S: Richard M Sheehan Jr Mtg: Richard M Sheehan Jr $170,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $69,400 Lot Size: 3604sf
99 Clinton St, New Bedford.......................... $299,900 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Morgan K Faria S: Robert H Kuliga Mtg: Newrez LLC $284,905 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $328,800 Lot Size: 4530sf Prior Sale: $267,400 (04/16)
North Adams
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Roberto Calderon & Manuela Calderon S: Noelia Nunes & Luis F Pimentel Mtg: Webster Bank $243,750 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $225,600 Lot Size: 5192sf Prior Sale: $236,250 (11/17)
1 Preble Rd, Newburyport............................
104 Needham St, Newton............................ $1,900,000
37 Old South Rd U:A, Nantucket.................. $375,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Michael Dasilva Tr, Tr for Dasilva Turnpike RT S: Wayne J Crowe Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $76,800
1500 Boston Providence Tpke U:8A, Norwood............... $500,000
60 Willow St, North Andover....................... $1,900,000
North Andover
565 Turnpike St U:76, North Andover........... Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: 565 Turnpike St 76A Hldg S: H Manning Curtis Tr, Tr for HMC RT Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $125,500
45 John L Dietsch Blvd, North Attleboro..... $2,476,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 45 John Dietsch LLC S: 45 John Dietsch Blvd LLC Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $13,552,500 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,186,800 Lot Size: 196891sf Prior Sale: $14,575,000 (01/03)
55 Robert Toner Blvd, North Attleboro....... $1,383,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $903,600 Lot Size: 20399sf Prior Sale: $729,133 (12/15)
33 Conz St, Northampton............................. $910,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Deerwater Realty LLC S: Frank T Sansom & Sarah E Sansom Mtg: Westfield Bank $728,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $532,100 Lot Size: 16000sf
330 King St, Northampton........................... $1,900,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: 344 King Street LLC S: Castle Pines LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $990,200 Lot Size: 53492sf Prior Sale: $875,000 (09/05)
Locust St, Northampton................................
Use:Industrial Undevlpble Land (442) B: Douglas Ferrante S: Dustin Bernier Tr, Tr for Rainbow RET Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $31,700 Lot Size: 138085sf
193 Locust St, Northampton.........................
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Douglas Ferrante S: 193 Locust Street Assoc Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $719,500 Lot Size: 29447sf Prior Sale: $17,478 (08/99)
209 Locust St, Northampton........................ $720,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Douglas B Thayer & Jain Lattes S: Douglas P Ferrante Mtg: Douglas P Ferrante $300,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $422,700 Lot Size: 11626sf
24 Pleasant St U:2G, Northampton.............. $450,000 Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Jkluss LLC S: Dyson&Webb LLC Mtg: Raymond R Rex Jr $450,000 Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $330,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: Norwood 5 Star Realty LLC S: Sudhir Shah Tr, Tr for 1502 Providence Hwy RT Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $850,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $326,000
842-856 Washington St, Norwood.............. $1,400,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: 842 Washington Street LLC S: Robert C Folsom & Richard S Folsom Mtg: Walpole Coop Bank $1,800,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $951,300 Lot Size: 10452sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (02/99)
32 Main St U:B, Orleans............................... $775,000 Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Westerly Holdings LLC S: Leon D Narbonne Tr, Tr for Cape T Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $584,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $332,300
57 Route 6A U:10, Orleans........................... $700,000 Use:Non-residential Condo (349) B: Mandala Group Inc S: Walun Wong Tr, Tr for Double Dragon T Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $830,800
1598 Monterey Rd, Otis................................
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: John B Tonlino 3rd S: Tonlino Anna Mary Est & John B Tonlino 3rd Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $261,200 Lot Size: 43560sf
64 Leicester St, Oxford................................ $700,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: AG Brothers LLC S: Route 20&56 LLC Mtg: Westfield Bank $560,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $610,500 Lot Size: 47916sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/04)
296 Main St, Oxford..................................... $460,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: 296 Main LLC S: Virginia T Goulet Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $400,300 Lot Size: 12632sf
488 Marshall St, Paxton............................... $225,000 Use:Chapter 61 Forest (601) B: William Rastley & Kathy Rastley S: Ansley D Siter Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $16,725 Lot Size: 2582673sf
246 Andover St U:201, Peabody.................. $400,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: H Sidiropoulos Tr, Tr for Trickett RT S: Andover Group LLC Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $518,500 Prior Sale: $600,000 (12/08)
24 Tsitsinos Dr, Peabody............................. $630,000
5 Beeman Rd, Northborough...................... $9,500,000 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: NBP 2 Beeman LLC S: FD Special Opportunities Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $12,300,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $8,445,700 Lot Size: 336989sf Prior Sale: $9,300,000 (10/16)
2-12 C St, Northbridge................................. $250,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 2-12 C Street LLC S: AWR&GWR LLC Mtg: Gary W Rybicki $250,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $303,500 Lot Size: 11994sf
194 Church St, Northbridge......................... $375,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Charbel Real Estate LLC S: Langford 2 LLC Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $437,700 Lot Size: 20524sf Prior Sale: $107,000 (11/00)
12 Cross St, Northbridge..............................
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Soraya G Bandeli & Bogdan Dumitrescu S: Reservoir Realty Group Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $418,000 Lot Size: 27530sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (08/19)
North Attleboro
204-206 Union St, New Bedford.................. $210,000
867 Turnpike St U:116, North Andover.........
Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Chartley Pond LLC S: Lucile P Drane Tr, Tr for Lucile P Drane LT Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $165,400 Lot Size: 8600sf
422 Reservoir St, Norton............................. $700,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Zin Realty LLC S: Giammalvo Family LP Mtg: Giammalvo Family LP $250,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $311,900 Lot Size: 15390sf
1892-1914 Purchase St, New Bedford........ $300,000
9 S 6th St, New Bedford............................... $680,000
100 Highland St U:226, Milton..................... $540,000
855 Turnpike St U:237, North Andover........ $195,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Oceanic Research Group S: Brindis LLC Mtg: Winter Hill Fed SB $136,500 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $209,900 Prior Sale: $190,000 (12/15)
Old Colony Rd, Norton...................................
Use:Research & Dvlpmnt Facility (404) B: ADG 60 Willow N Andov LLC S: Rohm&Hass Electron Mater Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,701,000 Lot Size: 192535sf Prior Sale: $3,900,000 (10/02)
17 Roosevelt St, New Bedford..................... $117,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: First Choice Properties S: Joan I Gitlin Tr, Tr for Turnpike RT Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $180,200
Use:Parking Lot (337) B: Cisco New Bedford LLC S: VVK Realty LLC Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $1,320,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $317,800 Lot Size: 35066sf
497 Rockdale Ave, New Bedford................. $310,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Cisco New Bedford LLC S: GGK Realty LLC Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $1,320,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $710,900 Lot Size: 42628sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (01/14)
575 Turnpike St U:25, North Andover.......... $135,000
Use:Commercial Building (347) B: SMD Properties LLC S: James Pialtos Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $130,000 Lot Size: 1029sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (04/99)
38 Sutton St, Northbridge............................ $550,000 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Rock River RE Development S: Gilbert Realty LLC Mtg: Hometown Bank $440,000 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $424,300 Lot Size: 83635sf
37 Main St, Northfield.................................. $282,410 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Kevin C Seaman & Paula B Johnson S: Judith A Radebaugh Tr, Tr for Judith A Radebaugh RET Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $268,289 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $357,900 Lot Size: 108029sf
Mount Hermon Station Rd, Northfield......... $417,612 Use:Sand Quarry (410) B: Mitchell Materials LLC S: Mitchell Aggregate LLC Mtg: Peoples United Bank $12,800,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $361,900 Lot Size: 1899216sf
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Lina L Bernardo-Wise S: Michael D Solimine Tr, Tr for MJ 2 RT Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $19,400 Lot Size: 11099sf
226 Church St, Pembroke.......................... $1,237,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $1,276,200 Lot Size: 80002sf Prior Sale: $1,240,629 (12/15)
7 Mattakeesett St, Pembroke...................... $725,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: 7-15 Mattakeesett St LLC S: J J Shepherd&Sons Inc Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $626,250 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $627,600 Lot Size: 65775sf
41 Cranberry St, Pepperell.......................... $395,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Mowgli LLC S: Clodagh J Chaput Tr, Tr for Howells IRT Mtg: IC Credit Union $345,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $375,000 Lot Size: 211118sf
33 Lomar Park U:5, Pepperell..................... $165,000 Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: Michael S Kingsbury & Jennifer L Kingsbury S: Thomas Allen Tr, Tr for Allen RT Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $137,500
30 Powers Mill Rd, Phillipston..................... $145,000 Use:Housing Authority Property (970) B: Beacon Central LLC S: Montachusett Enterprise Mtg: Raymond C Green & Co $145,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2018): $175,800 Lot Size: 71874sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (06/14)
153 1st St, Pittsfield.................................... $124,946 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Anthony J Cimini S: Thomas R Beuth Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $196,000 Lot Size: 7518sf Prior Sale: $159,900 (10/15)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
B14 22 Bartlett Ave, Pittsfield............................ $430,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: RCK Realty LLC S: Golden Hill Properties Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $250,000 Lot Size: 17912sf Prior Sale: $248,000 (12/12)
1740 Cascade St, Pittsfield......................... $100,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: David L Degiorgis & Melanie A Degiorgis S: Roman Cath Bishop Of Spri Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $136,400 Lot Size: 1115136sf
19 Dawes Ave, Pittsfield.............................. $140,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Ledgewood Team LLC S: Timothy J Odonnell Tr, Tr for Timothy J Odonnell FT Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $224,800 Lot Size: 9518sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (09/98)
41 Wendell Ave, Pittsfield............................ $265,000 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: 41 Wendell RE LLC S: Pittsfield American Legn Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $438,500 Lot Size: 31429sf
30 Bramhall Ln, Plymouth........................... $268,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Greg Pelletier & Sharon Pelletier S: 429 Sandwich LLC Mtg: Southern Mass CU $201,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $124,900 Lot Size: 14896sf
100 Camelot Dr, Plymouth........................... $599,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Crows Nest LLC S: Kenneth E Renaud Tr, Tr for Fox RT Mtg: Kenneth E Renaud $599,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $653,400 Lot Size: 43560sf
810 Washington Ave, Revere...................... $1,025,000
79 Farrington St, Quincy............................. $1,625,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Eaglebrook Capital LLC S: Tuan&Thanh Investment LLC Date: 12/27/18 Total Assessed Value (2020): $1,178,400 Lot Size: 11090sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (05/08)
35-39 Franklin St, Quincy........................... $1,300,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Daniel V Sica Tr, Tr for 83 Winthrop Avenue RT S: Luis Santiago-Lasprilla Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $746,100 Lot Size: 5250sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (05/15)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Zhong Gao S: Kenneth L Hagar & Jeanne K Hagar Mtg: City Of Boston CU $650,000 Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $699,200 Lot Size: 8573sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Miles James Real Estate S: Jendavis LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $950,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,031,400 Lot Size: 5000sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (03/05)
81 Winthrop Ave, Revere............................. $910,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: AP03 LLC S: Maurice Foley Tr, Tr for A&M T Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $928,500 Lot Size: 7514sf
144-152 Franklin St, Quincy........................ $879,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: KLA Properties LLC S: Alan A Shapiro Tr, Tr for 152 Franklin Street RT Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $659,250 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $550,300 Lot Size: 4118sf
1284 Furnace Brook Pkwy, Quincy............ $1,000,000
116 Court St U:1, Plymouth..........................
29 Brook Rd, Quincy.................................... $953,000
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $672,900 Lot Size: 15242sf Prior Sale: $605,630 (01/16)
324 Hancock St, Quincy.............................. $5,100,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Foxrock 324 Hancock Rlty S: Foley William C Est & Michael J Prendergast Mtg: Eastern Bank $3,825,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,805,700 Lot Size: 45474sf
1433-1439 Hancock St, Quincy.................. $3,000,000
3 Taunton Ave, Rockland............................. $884,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Thomas Berry S: Gridiron Investments LLC Mtg: Bank of Canton $750,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $553,000 Lot Size: 15450sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (06/13)
Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: Corvo Development 2015 S: Commonwealth Property LLC Mtg: Needham Bk $4,270,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $449,500 Lot Size: 10310sf Prior Sale: $875,000 (12/17)
Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 3B Hldg LLC S: Joseph S Fossa Tr, Tr for 90 Newburyport Tpke RT Mtg: Canton Cp Bk $915,000 Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $710,500 Lot Size: 98010sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (10/11)
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: 116 Court Street LLC S: William Bourbon Tr, Tr for Summer RT Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $137,800 Prior Sale: $278,000 (01/12)
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Quincy City Of S: Hancock Business Center Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $645,900 Lot Size: 2798sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (05/16)
375-377 Dudley St, Roxbury.........................
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Donald L Aldridge & Lori E Aldridge S: Deer Pond Village LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $150,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $65,200 Lot Size: 15604sf
39-41 Main St, Plymouth............................ $1,100,000
Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Quincy City Of S: American Eagle Investment Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,798,300 Lot Size: 7709sf Prior Sale: $1,700,000 (07/15)
82 Nautical Way, Plymouth.......................... $138,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Salomon Hancock LLC S: 299 Newport Avenue LLC Mtg: 299 Newport Avenue $1,200,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $909,900 Lot Size: 4266sf Prior Sale: $387,500 (03/99)
116 Court St U:5, Plymouth......................... $220,000
22 Crimson Way, Plymouth.......................... $516,780
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: AT 39 Main St LLC S: Ontocincinnati LLC Mtg: Berkshire Bank $1,915,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $635,700 Lot Size: 1860sf Prior Sale: $840,000 (07/17)
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Absolute Bldg Consultants S: Little Hios LLC Mtg: Ironhouse Investments $375,000 Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $85,300 Lot Size: 60372sf
1546 Hancock St, Quincy............................ $2,460,000
299-301 Newport Ave, Quincy.................... $2,200,000
1125 N Main St, Randolph............................ $770,000
96 Nautical Way, Plymouth.......................... $138,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Absolute Bldg Consultants S: Little Hios LLC Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $340,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $85,500 Lot Size: 61382sf
Use:Bank Building (341) B: Tran Real Estate LLC S: 1125 North Main St LLC Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $505,600 Lot Size: 15000sf Prior Sale: $512,000 (09/18)
1137 N Main St, Randolph........................... $1,200,000
15 Sandwich St, Plymouth.......................... $1,150,000 Use:Commercial Undevlpble Land (392) B: 15 Sandwich LLC S: Carla A Crawley Tr, Tr for Courtyard RT 2 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,027,500 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,000 Lot Size: 170sf
23 Stone Gate Dr, Plymouth........................ $650,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Timothty L Griffin S: Champion Builders Inc Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $520,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $70,800 Lot Size: 11400sf
62 Stone Gate Dr, Plymouth........................ $573,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Mark H Saraf & Debra L Saraf S: Champion Builders Inc Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $330,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $71,300 Lot Size: 12000sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (01/19)
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Concept Randolph LLC S: 1137 North Main St LLC Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $900,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $495,400 Lot Size: 5000sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (07/08)
1023 Broadway, Raynham.......................... $1,636,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,018,900 Lot Size: 81457sf Prior Sale: $464,825 (01/16)
1585 New State Hwy, Raynham.................. $1,315,500
70 Stone Gate Dr, Plymouth........................ $638,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Donna M Merenda S: Champion Builders Inc Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $488,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $71,400 Lot Size: 12074sf Prior Sale: $1,950,000 (08/18)
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Right Foot Real Estate S: Coletti Realty LP Mtg: S Eastern Econ Dev $665,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,287,500 Lot Size: 79702sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (02/02)
643 Beach St, Revere.................................. $720,000
12 Water Lily Dr, Plymouth.......................... $487,050 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Robert B Rombauer & Donna J Rombauer S: Valle Redbrook LLC Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $73,700 Lot Size: 12113sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Ghana Realty LLC S: Anthony Dicesare Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $576,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $687,000 Lot Size: 2761sf Prior Sale: $545,000 (01/19)
855 Broadway, Revere................................. $825,000
76 Water St, Plymouth................................. $840,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Romboldi Family LLC S: Gary J Brooks & Winifred M Brooks Mtg: Joseph J Tringali $500,000 Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $708,700 Lot Size: 2856sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (04/05)
Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Atlantis Towing LLC S: Sean T Anzuoni Tr, Tr for Broadway Garage RT Mtg: Latitude Capital LLC $400,000 Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $487,200 Lot Size: 8484sf
22 Centennial Ave, Revere......................... $1,200,000
35 Colchester St, Plympton......................... $440,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: James P Goggin & Linda J Goggin S: Nathaniel D Wheatley & Clare C Wheatley Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $352,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $365,700 Lot Size: 120113sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (01/05)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 22-26 Centennial LLC S: 4 Rhouse LLC Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $900,000 Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $818,400 Lot Size: 5572sf Prior Sale: $538,000 (03/15)
177 Shirley Ave, Revere............................... $200,000
Use:Parking Lot (337) B: Shirley North LLC S: Saint Jeans CU Mtg: Capricorn 24 Series $1,200,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $170,500 Lot Size: 5019sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Andrew F Lee & Victoria G Lee S: Cecelia A Pierce Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $760,000 Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $639,200 Lot Size: 6577sf
Use:Bank Building (341) B: Shirley Ventures LLC S: Saint Jeans CU Mtg: Capricorn 24 Series $1,200,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $731,500 Lot Size: 3816sf
37 Arthur St, Quincy..................................... $950,000
184 Shirley Ave, Revere.............................. $1,000,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Newburyport Turnpike Inv S: Bruce C Spaulding Tr, Tr for Potato RT Mtg: Cape Ann Svgs Bk $1,100,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $651,900 Lot Size: 108900sf
8 Jan Sebastian Dr U:22, Sandwich............. $110,000 Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: Excel Building Systems Co S: Partnership Business Sol Mtg: John E Coz $104,500 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $105,500 Prior Sale: $125,000 (01/18)
187 Route 6A, Sandwich.............................. $960,000 Use:Motel (301) B: Janess C Corp S: Jeffrey C Heyer Tr, Tr for Heyer RET Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $768,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,205,200 Lot Size: 355885sf Prior Sale: $880,000 (07/00)
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Christina S Ciampa & E C Ciampa-Sanders S: Ronald Sanders Mtg: Ronald Sanders $108,085 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $187,600 Lot Size: 5375sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (02/16)
351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk........................ $155,000
90 Newburyport Tpke, Rowley.................... $1,220,000
255 Newburyport Tpke, Rowley.................. $1,550,000
1534-1538 Hancock St, Quincy.................. $3,040,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Linda A Macdonald S: Paul Dibiase Tr, Tr for Osborne Hills RT Mtg: eMortgage Management $513,044 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $16,800 Lot Size: 8276sf
133 Essex St, Saugus................................... $108,085
69 Cummins Hwy, Roslindale...................... $1,200,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Marcus Real Estate Invest S: Salomon Hancock LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $3,250,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,369,300 Lot Size: 7260sf Prior Sale: $1,500,000 (08/04)
Use:Medical Condo Unit (344) B: 116 Court Street LLC S: William Bourbon Tr, Tr for Summer RT Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $177,500 Prior Sale: $80,000 (03/16)
47 Osborne Hill Dr, Salem............................ $641,305
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Roxbury Development Corp S: Vila Nova Apartments Inc Mtg: Life Ins Cmnty Inv $1,000,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $109,416 Lot Size: 1802sf
140 Hampden St U:140, Roxbury................ $1,650,000 Use:Non-residential Condo (349) B: PC&D Holdings LLC S: Scheyler Properties LLC Mtg: Webster Bank $1,485,000 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,056,500 Lot Size: 6601sf
14 Taber St, Roxbury.................................. $2,000,000 Use:Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land (391) B: 10 Taber Street LLC S: Toula Poltis Mtg: Toula Poltis $11,400,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $20,400 Lot Size: 2174sf
1530 Tremont St, Roxbury.......................... $1,230,000 Use:Educational Property (940) B: Sociedad Real Estate Hldg S: Sociedad Latina Inc Mtg: Partnerships Of Hope $4,900,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $831,500 Lot Size: 2175sf Prior Sale: $1,230,000 (12/17)
72 Woodside Ave, Rutland........................... $385,794 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: David Alex & Dawn Poole S: Brice Estates Inc Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $230,170 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $15,800 Lot Size: 24064sf
Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Seekonk Town Of S: Seekonk Post 311 American Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $435,700 Lot Size: 235224sf
1872 Fall River Ave, Seekonk...................... $650,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: JK 48 Seekonk LLC S: Harbert T Tourgee Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $421,100 Lot Size: 32234sf
1903 Fall River Ave, Seekonk..................... $1,000,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Nolans Holdings T LLC S: Richard Cabral Mtg: Richard Cabral $200,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $559,500 Lot Size: 49658sf
67 Taunton Ave, Seekonk.............................
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Brad Waterman S: Belltell LLC Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $79,400 Lot Size: 6970sf Prior Sale: $45,000 (11/16)
21 Front St, Shirley...................................... $800,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Mahi 1 Realty LLC S: Ashaben J Patel Tr, Tr for Jay Veer RT Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $640,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $407,700 Lot Size: 16049sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (05/06)
110 Green St, Shrewsbury........................... $540,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: New England Prop Fund 4 S: Blaise Berthiaume & Ruth C Macconnell Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $391,800 Lot Size: 599386sf
779 Hartford Tpke, Shrewsbury................... $450,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Joseph Kupstas Tr, Tr for Emily RT S: Sheila Bourque Mtg: RME Ventures LLC $340,000 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $283,800 Lot Size: 27777sf Prior Sale: $271,600 (09/03)
156 Broadway, Somerville.......................... $1,250,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Jaho Holdings LLC S: Darlene Gallien Mtg: North Shore Bank $589,600 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $465,700 Lot Size: 11761sf
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Urban Real Estate Stratgs S: Alexander C Dellapace Tr, Tr for 156-158 Broadway RT Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $937,500 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $859,200 Lot Size: 5340sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (03/02)
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Exeter International Rltv S: Exeter International Rlty Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,929,800 Lot Size: 265716sf
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,228,600 Lot Size: 13597sf Prior Sale: $1,097,055 (01/16)
130 Canal St, Salem..................................... $737,000
20 Colonial Rd, Salem................................. $3,000,000
212 Broadway, Somerville........................... $989,000
12-1/2 Daniels St, Salem............................. $825,000
19 Central St, Somerville............................$13,275,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 12-14 Daniels Street CBC S: Harry RE LLC Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $1,265,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $725,500 Lot Size: 3485sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (12/19)
12-1/2 Daniels St, Salem............................. $700,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Harry RE LLC S: Ruth J Foster Tr, Tr for Foster RT Mtg: North Shore Bank $1,175,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $725,500 Lot Size: 3485sf
49 Federal St, Salem................................... $550,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 49 Federal Street LLC S: John G King Tr, Tr for G&K 49 Federal Street T Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $1,137,150 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $484,100 Lot Size: 3485sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: 19 Central Street LLC S: A Concetta-Giacalone Tr, Tr for Bona Venture T Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,005,300 Lot Size: 24523sf
17-21 Mcgrath Hwy, Somerville................. $6,000,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: 15 Mcgrath Hwy Owner LLC S: Laben Realty LLC Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,579,800 Lot Size: 32484sf Prior Sale: $4,150,000 (01/08)
16 Moreland St, Somerville........................ $1,250,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: T Zanelli Realty LLC S: Melvin J Hurley & Mary A Hurley Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $500,000 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $473,400 Lot Size: 8773sf
233 Lafayette St, Salem.............................. $4,275,000
69 Myrtle St, Somerville............................. $1,500,000
121 North St, Salem..................................... $210,000
519 Somerville Ave, Somerville.................. $4,150,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Newman Real Estate Invest S: 233 Lafayette LLC Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $3,356,250 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,031,900 Lot Size: 10454sf Prior Sale: $1,600,000 (05/09) Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Lindsay M Fair S: Adrian Shehu & Arta Shehu Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $233,550 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $147,400 Lot Size: 1307sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (03/07)
44 Osborne Hill Dr, Salem............................ $754,400 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Chrys E Beaupre & Dennis R Beaupre S: Paul Dibiase Tr, Tr for Osborne Hills RT Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $500,000 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $16,800 Lot Size: 8276sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Nga Nguyen S: Joseph P Azeredo & Maria S Azeredo Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,189,800 Lot Size: 6190sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (12/99)
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Linear Rtl Somerville 1 S: Somerville Avenue Realty Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,354,400 Lot Size: 13512sf
South Boston
510 E Broadway, South Boston.................... $900,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Eaglebrook Capital LLC S: Marie DelRossi Tr, Tr for William J Murray 2007 T Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,208,000 Lot Size: 3740sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
510 E Broadway, South Boston................... $1,200,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 510 E Broadway LLC S: Eaglebrook Capital LLC Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $1,450,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,208,000 Lot Size: 3740sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (12/19)
555-567 E Broadway, South Boston........... $3,433,000
101 Kensington Ave, Springfield.................. $244,800 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Angeljoy Co LLC S: Jasnia Realty LLC Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $1,154,790 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $192,500 Lot Size: 7858sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (08/17)
107 Kensington Ave, Springfield.................. $444,000
809 E Broadway, South Boston................... $2,750,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Angeljoy Co LLC S: Jasnia Realty LLC Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $384,900 Lot Size: 6573sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (08/17)
362-362A K St, South Boston...................... $1,200,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Erik White S: Hampden Realty LLC Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $192,500 Lot Size: 9710sf Prior Sale: $83,100 (11/09)
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 567 East Broadway LLC S: Marjorie Minkin Tr, Tr for 555 East Broadway NT Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $2,746,400 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $916,500 Lot Size: 6050sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: A&M Properties LLC S: 809 East Broadway LLC Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,925,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,320,000 Lot Size: 2750sf Prior Sale: $1,700,000 (11/18)
62-64 Lester St, Springfield........................ $281,500
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Tariq Milton Tr, Tr for 528 Revere Street RT S: Theresa Joseph & Paul D Joseph Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $450,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $802,500 Lot Size: 1493sf
155 Maple St U:204, Springfield...................
1 Marina Park Dr, South Boston.................482,000,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: CLPF One Marina Park Dr S: Fallon Cornerstone 1 MPD Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): 298,393,000 Lot Size: 34220sf Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Sandhya Goli & Venugopal Saddi S: Alaine F Blair & Rainer M Blair Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,202,000 Lot Size: 1250sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (08/13)
47 Oregon Rd, Southborough...................... $912,400 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Mitchel A Moore S: R Armstrong-Moore Tr, Tr for R Armstrong Moore RT Mtg: Rebecca A Moore $937,400 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $688,100 Lot Size: 130584sf
146 Ashland Ave, Southbridge..................... $550,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 146 Ashland Avenue LLC S: CM 146 Ashland Ave LLC Mtg: Michael T Giordano $453,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2018): $783,100 Lot Size: 2966436sf
36 Main St, Southbridge.............................. $216,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Benjamin R Josephson S: Paul Knutsen Mtg: eMortgage Management $205,200 Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2018): $186,400 Lot Size: 9600sf Prior Sale: $239,000 (07/07)
Use:Religious Property (960) B: Second Chance Animal Svcs S: JW Congregation Support Mtg: TD Bank NA $328,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2018): $521,100 Lot Size: 28970sf
143 Parker St, Springfield............................
Use:Auto Sales (330) B: Rhino Realty LLC S: Family&Developments LLC Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $207,800 Lot Size: 21780sf Prior Sale: $21,000 (09/11)
Use:Auto Sales (330) B: Family&Development LLC S: Tracy E Mutti & Thomas Bednarz Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $207,800 Lot Size: 21780sf Prior Sale: $21,000 (09/11) Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Bmo Real Estate LLC S: Robert Olberg Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $186,600 Lot Size: 6042sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (03/18)
1110 Wilbraham Rd, Springfield................. $2,300,000 Use:Gas Station (333) B: Pride LP S: 3 Star Properties LLC Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $724,500 Lot Size: 45642sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (01/05)
28 Lincoln St, Spencer................................. $320,000 Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Pedro L Rodriguez S: 28 Lincoln St LLC Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $314,204 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $204,100 Lot Size: 60871sf Prior Sale: $204,000 (07/04)
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Steven A Turner Tr, Tr for Spooky RT S: Mark A Andrews & Joyce A Andrews Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $90,500 Lot Size: 47045sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (08/05)
78 Worcester Rd, Sterling........................... $269,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Max 13 Construction Inc S: SMS Realty LLC Mtg: Webster Bank $215,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $295,600 Lot Size: 37649sf
86 Main St, Stoneham.................................. $801,000
331 Allen St, Springfield.............................. $680,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: L&J Realty Group LLC S: Basile Realty LLC Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $544,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $591,200 Lot Size: 17755sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (11/02)
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $677,300 Lot Size: 87003sf Prior Sale: $561,353 (12/15)
531 Pearl St, Stoughton............................... $540,000
1650 Bay St, Springfield.............................. $450,000 Use:Auto Sales (330) B: Greatley Realty LLC S: Laguercia Family LP Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $186,800 Lot Size: 9531sf
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Silowan RT LLC S: Joseph I Banks Mtg: Eastern Bank $405,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $430,900 Lot Size: 56180sf
470 Boston Post Rd, Sudbury..................... $1,137,000
305 Bicentennial Hwy, Springfield............. $9,165,000 Use:Office Bldg-Medical (342) B: EPC Hammes LLC S: HP Springfield Bicentennl Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $5,208,500 Lot Size: 266108sf Prior Sale: $7,125,000 (05/17)
Use:Gas Station (333) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $633,500 Lot Size: 17424sf Prior Sale: $355,191 (01/16)
188 Mendon Rd, Sutton................................ $165,000
189 Brookdale Dr, Springfield.................... $1,080,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: You&Me Investment LLC S: Shawinigan Drive LLC Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $1,280,430 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,358,600 Lot Size: 122099sf Prior Sale: $1,800,000 (07/11)
Use:Chapter 61 Forest (601) B: David Dewolfe & April Dewolfe S: Angelo Pizzarella Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,400 Lot Size: 782337sf Prior Sale: $152,500 (12/19)
188 Mendon Rd, Sutton................................ $152,500
125 Carando Dr, Springfield........................ $960,000
22-24 Decatur St, Springfield...................... $231,000 Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Grace A Muir S: Reynaldo D Rodriguez Mtg: TD Bank NA $226,816 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $124,500 Lot Size: 5001sf Prior Sale: $98,050 (02/19)
Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Erbact LLC S: Sanmar Enterprises Inc Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $232,200 Lot Size: 14754sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (09/11)
580 Plainfield St, Springfield....................... $292,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Garden Farm Properties S: 202 Assoc Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $79,800 Lot Size: 696904sf Prior Sale: $35,000 (06/18)
Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: DDL Holdings LLC S: Constance L Goff Mtg: Constance L Goff $885,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $871,900 Lot Size: 87124sf
Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Luis A Ramos S: Lucio E Maldonado Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $240,075 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $38,900 Lot Size: 7227sf Prior Sale: $13,780 (06/18)
143 Parker St, Springfield............................
700 Worcester St, Southbridge................... $410,000
Meadow Rd, Spencer....................................
Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Orlando C Harvey S: Patriot Living LLC Mtg: Inland B&T $248,907 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $61,600 Lot Size: 10062sf Prior Sale: $12,720 (02/19)
34 Mulberry St, Springfield.......................... $225,000
1008 Quaker Hwy, Uxbridge........................ $125,000
Milford Rd (NS), Swansea............................ $417,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Steven Bevilacqua S: Patrick D Davidson Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $33,300 Lot Size: 32234sf Prior Sale: $15,000 (06/15)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: SJP LLC S: HXP LLC Mtg: Velocity Comm Cap LLC $191,250 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $291,500 Lot Size: 10890sf Prior Sale: $273,000 (04/07)
Use:Nursing Home (304) B: BH SNF Realty LLC S: Bear Hill Realty LLC Mtg: Bank Hapoalim BM $13,184,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $6,386,500 Lot Size: 221285sf
Use:Movie Theater (362) B: Cleopatra LLC S: Gator Swansea Partners Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,305,500 Lot Size: 246985sf
144 Cohannet St, Taunton........................... $255,000
318 County St, Taunton................................ $300,000 Use:Gas Station (333) B: Florence M Macdonald Tr, Tr for Florence M Macdonald T S: Cumberland Farms Inc Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $511,300 Lot Size: 15246sf
255 Joseph Warner Blvd, Taunton..............$10,150,000
88-90 Monmouth St, Springfield.................. $247,500
126 College Hwy, Southwick.........................
74 Monmouth St, Springfield....................... $253,500
254 W 3rd St, South Boston........................ $1,370,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Western Mass Home Health S: Roland C Gagnier & Melanie Gagnier Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $50,600 Prior Sale: $30,000 (04/00)
Use:Chapter 61 Forest (601) B: Ronald J Spokis & Veronica M Spokis S: Angelo Pizzarella Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,400 Lot Size: 782337sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (03/19)
Use:Supermarket (324) B: Agree LP S: Warner Boulevard Dev LLC Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,450,500 Lot Size: 265716sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (09/02)
39 Olney St, Taunton.....................................
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Randy S Pardini Tr, Tr for Iribe Of Issachar Spendth S: Linda Andrade Tr, Tr for APP RT Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,386,900 Lot Size: 72745sf
160 Winthrop St, Taunton............................ $297,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: Jhon J Valencia S: CV Investment Group LLC Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $143,900 Lot Size: 4792sf Prior Sale: $94,000 (01/19)
403 Winthrop St, Taunton........................... $1,000,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Taunton FCU S: Cullen 403 Winthrop St Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $485,400 Lot Size: 32670sf
594 Winthrop St, Taunton............................ $315,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Jerry Oladipo-Olaniyan & Priya A Mohan S: Hamie H Mohamad Mtg: Bay Equity LLC $309,294 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $212,500 Lot Size: 12197sf
2254 Main St, Tewksbury............................. $575,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: DCA Real Estate LLC S: Chris Bitsas Tr, Tr for T&M RT Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $460,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $316,900 Lot Size: 22574sf
2461 Main St, Tewksbury............................. $255,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Thavy Chea S: Mary C Sawyer Tr, Tr for J&M RT Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $180,000 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $230,500 Lot Size: 15700sf
60 Beach Rd U:227, Tisbury.......................... Use:Condominium/Motel (348) B: Michael Battista & Samantha Battista S: Peter E Flynn & Laura G Flynn Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2020): $75,100
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: SGS Holdings LLC S: Chris K Sze Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $764,400 Lot Size: 6858sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (09/08)
2 Bridgeview Cir U:1, Tyngsboro.................. Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: PLS Property LLC S: John R Bovill Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $44,100 Prior Sale: $47,000 (09/16)
2 Bridgeview Cir U:2, Tyngsboro..................
Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: PLS Property LLC S: John R Bovill Tr, Tr for Blackmer Associates RT Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $44,000 Prior Sale: $40,000 (02/17)
5 Pondview Pl U:5, Tyngsboro...................... Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: J&K Tyngsboro Realty LLC S: Kempton P Giggey Tr, Tr for K&M RT Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $44,300
Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440) B: 55 SS LLC S: William J Cofsky Tr, Tr for WRG Cofsky RT Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $272,600 Lot Size: 55757sf
71 1st Ave, Waltham................................... $4,250,000 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: 71 1st Ave LLC S: Overland First Avenue LLC Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $3,440,000 Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,065,400 Lot Size: 45738sf Prior Sale: $1,875,856 (05/04)
290 2nd Ave, Waltham................................ $3,202,500 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: BKC Bridge LLC S: Penny Ford-Carleton Tr, Tr for 290 RT Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $2,401,875 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,412,700 Lot Size: 45433sf
42-44 Eddy St, Waltham............................. $1,050,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Intervale Home LLC S: Dilip V Patel & Surekha D Patel Mtg: Village Bank $682,500 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $623,700 Lot Size: 8407sf
892 Lexington St, Waltham.......................... $947,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $811,000 Lot Size: 18774sf Prior Sale: $812,010 (01/16)
3066 Cranberry Hwy, Wareham.................. $3,425,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: WGI Holdings LLC S: Cgma Wareham LLC Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $2,048,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,747,100 Lot Size: 95832sf Prior Sale: $1,801,800 (04/18)
954 Main St, Warren.................................... $182,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: IB Fieldstone LLC S: Christopher Donohue Date: 01/08/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $127,200 Lot Size: 3049sf
557 Southbridge Rd, Warren....................... $285,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: Roberta J Bigelow & Jane Jewel S: Hermits Of Jesus Eternal Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $270,750 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $186,600 Lot Size: 178599sf Prior Sale: $315,900 (03/06) Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Joseph A Russell S: Mark A Andrews & Joyce A Andrews Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $203,250 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $182,300 Lot Size: 8276sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (02/03)
311 Arsenal St, Watertown.........................525,500,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: ARE MA Region 75 LLC S: Athena Arsenal LLC Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): 212,241,900 Lot Size: 1281572sf Prior Sale: 168,500,000 (05/13)
Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 650 PSW LLC S: 650 Pleasant Street LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $5,579,900 Lot Size: 141500sf Prior Sale: $4,750,000 (02/06)
76 School St, Watertown............................ $1,300,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Ari Koufos S: Righellis George P Est & J Shapazian-Righellis Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $780,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $815,200 Lot Size: 5993sf Prior Sale: $230,743 (10/00)
17 Winter St, Watertown.............................$10,000,000 $73,200
56 Industrial Dr, Uxbridge.......................... $2,000,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Ronald E Parsons Tr, Tr for 56 Industrial Dr RT S: A&J Realty Hldg LLC Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $2,200,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,789,900 Lot Size: 74488sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (08/99)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Mohammed Akbarian Tr, Tr for Pond View RT S: Winter Park LLC Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,299,900 Lot Size: 26500sf
28 Boston Post Rd, Wayland....................... $2,019,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC P S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $736,500 Lot Size: 19926sf Prior Sale: $431,558 (01/16)
130 Main St, Wayland.................................. $344,000
55 Maslows Way, Uxbridge.......................... $543,000
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $536,600 Lot Size: 12197sf Prior Sale: $753,313 (12/15)
288 N Main St, Uxbridge.............................. $130,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Scott A Boothby & Marcia A Boothby S: TTK Real Estate LLC Mtg: Leader Bank NA $343,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $33,300 Lot Size: 99752sf
Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: Charles Patsios Tr, Tr for Tioga Way RT S: Area 2 Realty LLC Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $1,354,500 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,353,000 Lot Size: 43342sf Prior Sale: $1,160,000 (03/99)
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Call Investments LLC S: 288 N Main St LLC Mtg: Webster First FCU $91,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $166,300 Lot Size: 7444sf Prior Sale: $169,900 (04/05)
646 Humphrey St, Swampscott................... $1,930,000
51-55 Summer St, Walpole.......................... $825,000
650 Pleasant St, Watertown.......................$12,000,000
2 Bridgeview Cir U:7, Tyngsboro................. $160,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: PLS Property LLC S: Arpin International Group Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $46,800
15 Winthrop Ter, Warren............................. $207,000
95 Beach Rd, Tisbury................................... $799,000
11 North St, Wakefield................................$14,500,000
17 Deslauriers Ave, Webster........................
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: 17 Deslauriers Ave LLC S: B&C Realty Holdings 1 LLC Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $64,100 Lot Size: 7971sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
B16 137 E Main St, Webster............................... $1,974,000 Use:Gas Station (333) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,041,800 Lot Size: 48787sf Prior Sale: $536,556 (01/16) Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Bruce Conway S: Andrzej Bzura Mtg: Newrez LLC $434,981 Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $158,000 Lot Size: 6621sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/16)
Use:Auto Repair (332) B: JRSB Realty LLC S: DML Realty LLC Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $275,000 Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2020): $410,000 Lot Size: 47045sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (01/14)
Use:Industrial Use (497) B: 100 Eames Street LLC S: ATI Realty LLC Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $7,680,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,076,800 Lot Size: 209959sf Prior Sale: $2,500,000 (11/13)
91 North Rd, Westhampton.......................... $310,000
461 Worcester St, Wellesley...................... $1,179,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: PMG Northeast LLC S: Blue Hills Fuels LLC Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,052,000 Lot Size: 18575sf Prior Sale: $770,289 (12/15)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Eric Jacobson & Nancy Doniger S: David G Poppie & Sally N Imbimbo Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $257,700 Lot Size: 75359sf Prior Sale: $258,000 (08/13)
64 University Ave, Westwood......................$29,820,830
999 Worcester St, Wellesley...................... $4,800,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: South Lind Square LLC S: Wellesley RETail LLC Mtg: Rollstone Bk & Tr $2,400,000 Date: 12/27/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,156,000 Lot Size: 29420sf Prior Sale: $2,600,000 (06/18)
Use:Hotel (300) B: DRE Nemtco LLC S: TMI Of Westwood LP Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $13,742,050 Lot Size: 103673sf
109 Broad St, Weymouth............................$10,000,000
2520 State Highway Route 6, Wellfleet....... $242,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Massachusetts Comm Of S: Charles F Amsler Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $307,400 Lot Size: 33541sf Prior Sale: $341,000 (06/19)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Colonial Village Renewal S: Colonial Village Afford Mtg: MA Housing Fin Auth $8,250,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $5,599,400 Lot Size: 56279sf Prior Sale: $5,700,000 (03/16)
1581 Commercial St, Weymouth................ $1,400,000
West Bridgewater
11 Farm Rd, West Bridgewater................... $605,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Michael P Doucet & Chloe R Doucet S: Farm At West Meadow LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $484,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $161,700 Lot Size: 30486sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Thomas A Mcfarland Tr, Tr for 1581 Commercial Street RT S: APO 3 Management LLC Tr, Tr for 1581 CSW LLC NT Mtg: Colonial Fed Svgs Bk $1,220,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $909,200 Lot Size: 10466sf Prior Sale: $201,000 (03/07)
100 East St, Weymouth................................ $690,000
150 W Center St, West Bridgewater............ $855,000 Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: Konstantinos Bokas Tr, Tr for Bokas RT S: Carolyn M Anderson Tr, Tr for Nuncketeset RT Mtg: Nuncketeset Realty $850,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $643,200 Lot Size: 66224sf
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Kevin Miller Tr, Tr for First K Squared T S: Ryan Duffin Asset Mgmt Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $408,750 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $578,600 Lot Size: 33914sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (01/15)
451 Green St, Weymouth............................. $500,000
West Springfield
732 Elm St, West Springfield....................... $450,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Andrew Oedel & Melissa Mcclung S: White Church Realty LLC Mtg: Florence Bank $240,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $354,000 Lot Size: 14520sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (01/05)
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Green Street Development S: Clark&Smith Inc Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $400,000 Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $268,700 Lot Size: 19821sf
948 Main St, Weymouth............................... $480,000
1022 Main St, West Springfield................... $205,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Invast LLC S: West Co Investments LLC Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $182,100 Lot Size: 3752sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (03/19)
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Kristina E Petitti S: Laurie M Durkan Tr, Tr for D&M RT Mtg: Bank of Canton $360,000 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $319,800 Lot Size: 2347sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (09/15)
1420 Main St, Weymouth............................ $1,209,973
518 Memorial Ave, West Springfield.......... $5,835,319 Use:Commercial Use (397) B: Western MA EEN LLC S: CH Realty 7&CG Mact Bird Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $853,500 Lot Size: 52651sf Prior Sale: $6,629,307 (05/17)
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: Colony Crossing LLC S: LT&E Properties LLC Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $992,800 Lot Size: 71307sf Prior Sale: $1,208,000 (12/17)
605 Pleasant St, Weymouth......................... $550,000
1146 Memorial Ave, West Springfield......... $365,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: SS Fund LLC S: Vincenzo RETtura Mtg: Vincenzo Rettura $215,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $182,100 Lot Size: 8054sf
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Red Barn LLC S: James E Bristol 3rd Tr, Tr for Red Barn NT Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $396,600 Lot Size: 704291sf
135-137 Temple St, Whitman..................... $1,004,000
33 Westfield St, West Springfield................ $670,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 33 Westfield LLC S: Peoples United Bank Mtg: Florence Bank $536,000 Date: 01/13/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $723,800 Lot Size: 30144sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (04/02)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: HCI Properties LLC S: Timothy S Peak & Lorna T Nicolas-Peak Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $750,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $562,200 Lot Size: 13682sf
21-35 Weston St, Wilbraham....................... $625,000
1 Connector Rd, Westborough.................... $440,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Wen-Foo Chern Tr, Tr for Yvonne C Chern T S: David Halterman Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $385,700 Lot Size: 28229sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (12/99)
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Moose Creek Realty LLC Tr, Tr for 21-35 Weston Street RT S: Raymond G Lewis Jr Mtg: Community Bank NA $500,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $348,200 Lot Size: 15060sf
22-36 Weston St, Wilbraham....................... $625,000
161 Milk St, Westborough........................... $4,178,748 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Paulini Loam LLC S: Richard E Terrill Tr, Tr for Lyman RT Mtg: Lyman RT $2,749,927 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $674,600 Lot Size: 169013sf
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Moose Creek Realty LLC Tr, Tr for 22-36 Weston Street RT S: Raymond G Lewis Jr Mtg: Community Bank NA $500,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $350,800 Lot Size: 15210sf
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: TKO Properties LLC S: Paul J Orlando & Dorothy Orlando Mtg: Paul J Orlando $200,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $344,200 Lot Size: 5660sf
15 Walkup Dr, Westborough....................... $2,750,000 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: 15 Walkup Realty LLC S: Lewis F Horton Tr, Tr for MWS RT Mtg: Wellesley Bk $1,375,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,659,600 Lot Size: 136343sf
18 Mckinley Ter, Westfield.......................... $325,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Samuel J Scrivner S: Lake Rentals LLC Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $319,113 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $255,900 Lot Size: 8580sf
40 Montgomery St, Westfield...................... $507,000
785 Woburn St U:4, Wilmington................... $111,000 Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: Eleccomm Realty LLC S: Eleccomm Corp Date: 01/14/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $136,400 Prior Sale: $135,000 (02/13)
49 Church St, Winchester............................ $575,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Boutique Properties LLC S: Eugene W Lawnicki Mtg: TD Bank NA $436,000 Date: 12/24/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $860,100 Lot Size: 12664sf
757 Main St, Winchester............................. $1,200,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Khrovano LLC S: Bruce B Smith Tr, Tr for Smith FT Mtg: Smith FT $900,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,128,500 Lot Size: 14434sf
Flintstone Rd, Windsor..................................
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Gregory V Kelly & Angelica B Black S: Andrew J Grech Mtg: Greylock FCU $45,000 Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $42,800 Lot Size: 449931sf
42 Argyle St, Winthrop................................ $1,100,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Cals Auto Body Of Winthrp S: Jane Ciccarelli Tr, Tr for 69 Shall Street RT Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $577,000 Lot Size: 42950sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (04/13)
1 Arrow Dr, Woburn.................................... $4,800,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 1 Arrow Realty LLC S: Middlesex Canal Realty Mtg: TD Bank NA $3,280,000 Date: 12/31/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $2,659,600 Lot Size: 151153sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (09/00)
16 Fowle St, Woburn................................... $1,850,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Life Assembly God Church S: Jacqueline E Ferraro Tr, Tr for Jana RT Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $1,387,500 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $869,600 Lot Size: 30056sf
238 Lexington St, Woburn.............................
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Fixlution LLC S: Sharon E Ray Mtg: Santander Bank NA $62,250 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $77,300 Lot Size: 2178sf Prior Sale: $83,000 (03/19)
506 Main St, Woburn................................... $2,800,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Arista Woburn LLC S: 508 Main Street LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $6,647,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,272,800 Lot Size: 24829sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (10/03)
50 Mill St, Woburn.......................................$57,050,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Mill Street Gardens LLC S: 93 Realty LP Mtg: Insurance Strategy Fu $35,000,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $25,979,200 Lot Size: 221720sf
331 Montvale Ave, Woburn......................... $1,432,471 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Mcdonalds Real Estate Co S: Lisa M Tranchita Tr, Tr for Tanners Assoc Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $3,619,100 Lot Size: 56192sf Prior Sale: $3,815,000 (10/19)
9 5th Ave, Worcester................................... $659,900 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Worcester Dev Project LLC S: Weihai Cai & Jufang Wang Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $264,100 Lot Size: 12500sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (11/02)
11 Ashton St, Worcester.............................. $600,000
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: John Baltas & Olga Baltas S: Worcester City Of Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $37,200 Lot Size: 3256sf
Use:Productive Woodland (717) B: Diane B Karowski & Richard Karowski S: Debra L Turner Date: 01/02/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $13,500 Lot Size: 412949sf
1117 Hancock Rd, Williamstown................. $501,117 Use:Camping Facility (386) B: Berkshire Lnd Cnsrv T LLC S: AS Properties Ltd Date: 12/19/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,075,000 Lot Size: 11619194sf
742 N Hoosac Rd, Williamstown...................
4 Bellevue St, Worcester..............................
104 Blackstone River Rd, Worcester.......... $750,000
Use:Retail-Service (325) B: James D Cameron & Deborah L Cameron S: Thomas Koelle Date: 12/13/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $116,300 Lot Size: 7492sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (04/08)
111 North St, Williamstown......................... $210,000
39 Thomas St, Williamstown........................ $193,200 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: David H Bartels & Devan D Bartels S: Elizabeth Heekin-Bartels & Thomas H Bartels Mtg: Elizabeth Heekin Bart $193,200 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $193,200 Lot Size: 7841sf Prior Sale: $99,500 (01/00)
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: John P Duquette Tr, Tr for Duquette RT S: Mungovan Realty Co Inc Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $407,200 Lot Size: 28411sf
65 E Central St, Worcester.......................... $380,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Chanhthi Briddell S: New Century LLC Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $373,117 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $206,500 Lot Size: 5335sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (03/16)
99 E Central St, Worcester.......................... $625,000
47 Goshen Rd, Williamsburg........................ $100,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Claudia Higgiston S: George M Klemm & Carol E Klemm Mtg: Republic State Mtg Co $192,307 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $236,800 Lot Size: 11761sf
90 S Maple St, Westfield............................. $4,849,837
6 Dexter St, Worcester................................ $750,000
100 Eames St, Wilmington.......................... $3,100,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Hernandez Enterprises LLC S: Ashton Fields LLC Mtg: Millbury National Bk $480,000 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $274,200 Lot Size: 9620sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (10/05)
26 South St, Westborough........................... $285,000
Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: Western MA EEN LLC S: CH Realty 7&CG Mact Bird Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $936,500 Lot Size: 129286sf Prior Sale: $44,668,949 (10/16)
45 E Prescott St, Westford.......................... $500,000
103 N Main St, Webster............................... $450,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: SLF Realty Corp S: Blythewood Property Mgmt Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $405,600 Date: 01/07/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $314,100 Lot Size: 16988sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (08/17)
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: B&P Realty LLC S: Mungovan Realty Co Inc Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $444,000 Date: 12/20/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $430,600 Lot Size: 34580sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (12/00)
481 Cambridge St, Worcester..................... $350,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: RWJC Properties LLC S: Michael Komenos 3rd Date: 12/18/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $255,700 Lot Size: 3865sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (06/00)
151 Delmont Ave, Worcester...................... $1,000,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Goodman Property Holdings S: Nicholas J Maruca Tr, Tr for A&B Maruca RT Mtg: Peoples Credit Union $468,750 Date: 12/11/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $319,100 Lot Size: 5883sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (01/01)
1 Ekman St, Worcester................................ $245,000 Use:Commercial Use (397) B: PCEA Neema-Worc Church S: Michael J Keating & Frances Daley Mtg: Millbury National Bk $196,000 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $266,800 Lot Size: 4377sf
55 Everard St, Worcester............................ $360,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Bilal Shanaa S: Elsie Padi Mtg: First Home Mtg $347,400 Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $332,400 Lot Size: 4500sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (12/07)
135 Gold Star Blvd, Worcester.................... $785,000 Use:Parking Lot (337) B: K&L Worcester LLC S: Small Justice LLC Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $1,655,500 Lot Size: 162043sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (12/11)
133 Granite St, Worcester........................... $200,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: Balcove LP S: Catholic Charities Diocse Date: 01/06/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $4,778,500 Lot Size: 256133sf
19 Harvard St, Worcester............................ $340,000 Use:Charity Property (950) B: Guild Of Saint Agnes Worc S: Heart Of New England Cncl Mtg: Bay State Savings Bk $272,000 Date: 12/26/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $374,200 Lot Size: 9022sf
30 Iroquois St, Worcester........................... $342,000 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Bledar Ramo & Adelfa Ramo S: Robert Josey Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $273,600 Date: 12/17/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $250,800 Lot Size: 9539sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/18)
200 Lincoln St U:6, Worcester..................... $225,000 Use:Medical Condo Unit (344) B: Worcester Winthrop Realty S: 200 Lincoln Real Est LLC Mtg: Avidia Bank $250,000 Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $256,900 Lot Size: 1978sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (06/10)
982 Main St, Worcester............................... $515,500 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Student Homes LLC S: Georges E Moise & Rose Moise Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $386,250 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $397,100 Lot Size: 8371sf Prior Sale: $432,000 (12/05)
982 Main St, Worcester................................
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Georges E Moise & Rose Moise S: Gary B Glusgol Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $397,100 Lot Size: 8371sf Prior Sale: $432,000 (12/05)
77 Merrifield St, Worcester......................... $300,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 77 Merrifield LLC S: Limark Realty LLC Date: 01/09/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $385,100 Lot Size: 5184sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (02/15)
7 Neponset St, Worcester........................... $7,125,000
Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: FP Greendale Owner LLC S: CD 2006-CD3 7 Neponset St Mtg: Boston Private Bank $4,275,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $12,808,800 Lot Size: 792356sf Prior Sale: $11,820,000 (07/16)
75 Quinsigamond Ave, Worcester.............. $1,085,000 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: 75 Q LLC S: New Garden Park Inc Mtg: New England Parking $1,100,000 Date: 12/23/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $779,900 Lot Size: 67082sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (11/07)
611 W Boylston St, Worcester..................... $194,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: D&T Industries LLC S: Robert J Moossa Mtg: Robert J Moossa $194,000 Date: 12/16/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $371,200 Lot Size: 12286sf
21 East St, Wrentham.................................. $550,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Anand Realty LLC S: Ross K Palioca Mtg: Avidia Bank $550,000 Date: 01/10/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $483,900 Lot Size: 58806sf
10 Aarons Way, Yarmouth........................... $610,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Michael Ermani S: Joseph H Sullivan Jr Tr, Tr for J&J RT Mtg: Hometown Bank $706,500 Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $489,200 Lot Size: 14250sf
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: J Bruce Macgregor Tr, Tr for Sunrise NT S: Cape Cod Five Cents SB Date: 12/30/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $287,500 Lot Size: 49223sf
Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Evangelistic Ministries S: Barbara Amoako Date: 12/12/19 Total Assessed Value (2019): $196,000 Lot Size: 62291sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (06/08)
Use:Trucking Terminal (314) B: Yarmouth Ara LLC S: Leo F Gildea Tr, Tr for Gildea RT Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $925,000 Date: 01/03/20 Total Assessed Value (2019): $569,000 Lot Size: 40000sf
119 Dewey St, Worcester............................ $100,100
57 Mid Tech Dr, Yarmouth.......................... $1,230,000
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Banker & Tradesman
JANUARY 27, 2020
Single-Family Sales By Month
C2 Suffolk. . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C11 Franklin. . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C4 Barnstable . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C11 Hampden. . . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C6 Berkshire Middle. . 01/14/20
C13 Hampshire . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C6 Berkshire North . . . 01/14/20
C13 Middlesex North. . . 01/14/20
4,000 4000
C7 Berkshire South. . . 01/14/20
C14 Middlesex South. . . 01/14/20
3,000 3000
C7 Bristol Fall River. . . 01/14/20
C17 Nantucket. . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C7 Bristol North. . . . . . 01/14/20
C17 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C8 Bristol South. . . . . . 01/14/20
C19 Plymouth. . . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C9 Dukes . . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C21 Worcester. . . . . . . . 01/14/20
C9 Essex North. . . . . . . 01/14/20
C23 Worcester North. . . 01/14/20
7,000 7000 6,000 6000 5,000 5000
2,000 2000
Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May May June June July Jul. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. ’18
Number 6000 of 6,000 Sales 5200 5,200 4400 4,400 3600 3,600 2800 2,800
2,000 2000
Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. ’14 ’15 ’16
Dec. Dec. ’17
Dec. Dec. ’18
Dec. Dec. ’19
Dec. 2014 Dec. 2015 Dec. 2016 Dec. 2017 Dec. 2018 Dec. 2019
Number of Sales
Change Prior Year
3,687 4,083 5,453 5,185 5,267 4,625
-5.5% 10.74% 33.55% -4.91% 1.58% -12.19%
C9 Essex South . . . . . . 01/14/20
C24 Voluntary Bankruptcies C24 Chapter 13
Constable/Civil Process Service Property Management
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Property Tax Appeals Paving Residential/Commercial
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Multi Family & Investment R.E. Brokers
Contact Advertising at The Warren Group
Hard Money Land Wanted
to Foreclose
C26 Petitions to Foreclose 401-474-4500 617-277-1116 C27 Foreclosure Sales
We have Motivated Buyers Seeking willing Sellers
• Certified Capias Arrest • Money Judgement NAID “AAA”Execution Confidential Shredding Enforcement • Subpoenas DOCUMENTS, TAPES,andHARD DRIVES • Summons Complaints ELECTRONIC RECYCLING 617-391-8517 www.MA-CS.com 1-800-783-6766 www.nedest.com
Holmes Financial Services, LLC
www.MA-CS.com 617-277-1116
Data DestructionProcess & Recycling Constable/Civil Service
immediate closings with no red tape! Increase Your Value + Bottom Line •Credit Commercial & investment properties of any kind. Records Contact Robert Marcus • Construction/ land loans. C25 - Excellent State Tax Terms Liensand Pricing. Robertm@rmre.com • No Appraisals Loan C26 Attachments 345 Boylston St. | Newton, MA 02459
MA Lic. 120 NH Lic. 2279 RI Lic. 0546
Increase Your Value + Bottom Line CONSTABLE SERVICE C24 Chapter 11 Bankruptcies Contact Robert Marcus
617.254.8000 617.254.8000
C26 Attachments
Real Estate Records Bankruptcies C26 Petitions
Residential - Commercial MASSACHUSETTS C24 Voluntary Bankruptcies
Evictions Residential/Commercial Real Estate Litigation joshua@@krefetzlaw.com krefetzlaw.com joshua
C24 Chapter C27 Foreclosure C2 Suffolk . . . .11 . . Bankruptcies . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C11 Franklin . . . . . . Sales . . . . . . 01/14/20 C4 Barnstable . . . . Liens . . . . . . 01/14/20 C11 Hampden . . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C24 Federal Tax C27 Sheriff Sales C6 C25 Berkshire State TaxMiddle Liens. . . . . 01/14/20 C13 Hampshire. . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C6 Berkshire North . . . . . 01/14/20 C13 Middlesex North . . . . . 01/14/20 C7 Berkshire South . . . . . 01/14/20 C14 Middlesex South . . . . . 01/14/20 C7 Bristol Fall River . . . . 01/14/20 C17 Nantucket . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C7 Bristol North. . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C17 Norfolk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C8 Bristol South. . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C19 Plymouth. . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C9 Dukes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 C21 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 Property Management PrivateC23 Funding - MA, NH C9 Essex North. . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 Worcester North.RI, . . . .CT, 01/14/20 • Urgent situations/time sensitive-loans that require C9 Essex South. . . . . . . . . 01/14/20 Residential Commercial
q Statistics based on single-family home sales of $1,000 q Source: The Warren Group
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©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Suffolk Registry Stephen J. Murphy, Register 24 New Chardon St., Court House Boston, MA. 02144-9660 Telephone: (617) 788-8575 www.suffolkdeeds.com
Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $2,704,500
YTD 2019 52 $2,987,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 445 BEACON ST U:1............................. $2,150,000 B: John D Plante & Laura M Spencer S: Angora T LLC Book/Page: 62381/100, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,720,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1964sf Prior Sale: $1,850,000 (06/16) 480 BEACON ST U:1............................. $3,940,000 B: Carl Pappo & Amy Pappo S: Geoffrey Cox & Kay Cox Book/Page: 62387/155, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $2,955,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3480sf Prior Sale: $2,500,000 (04/02) 33 BRANCH ST..................................... $4,337,500 B: John A Sommers Jr & Anna Sommers S: Sarah W Fisher Book/Page: 62386/106, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 1442sf Prior Sale: $1,850,000 (10/10) 301-319 COLUMBUS AVE U:903.......... $2,765,000 B: James S Berkman & Mckey W Berkman S: Pamela Jones & Felicia Smith Book/Page: 62376/235, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1793sf Prior Sale: $1,489,000 (12/10)
528 COLUMBUS AVE U:2...................... $2,062,000 B: Giuliana Vetrano & Benjamin Hartwell S: Jeffrey Clymer & Kim Clymer Book/Page: 62379/70, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,649,600 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $2,095,000 (05/19) 345 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:8........... $1,010,000 B: Graham Gullans & Katerine Gullans S: Michael Reopel & Gloria Reopel Book/Page: 62388/151, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $808,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1125sf Prior Sale: $767,000 (05/12) 1 DALTON ST U:2411............................ $899,000 B: Dalton Studio LLC S: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Book/Page: 62381/272, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 1 DALTON ST U:5202........................... $9,750,000 B: New East Back Bay LLC S: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Book/Page: 62394/220, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Condo 1 DALTON ST U:5203........................... $4,000,000 B: New East Back Bay LLC S: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Book/Page: 62394/339, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Condo 1 DALTON ST U:6102.......................... $34,000,000 B: Amy M Mcgrath Tr, Tr for 1 Dalton Unit 6102 NT S: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Book/Page: 62378/308, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 85 E INDIA ROW U:2H........................... $624,000 B: Erin E Odonnell S: Nan Zhou Book/Page: 62387/66, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $340,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 875sf Prior Sale: $545,000 (10/14) 14-16 HENCHMAN ST U:1M.................. $379,000 B: Peter Durfee S: Leslie Schofield Tr, Tr for Old Ironsides RT Doc#: 000000902612, Date: 01/03/20 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $303,200 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 474sf 234-238 HUNTINGTON AVE................ $11,850,000 B: Jack D Train Tr, Tr for Church RT S: 236 Huntington LP Book/Page: 62370/73, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 7878sf
179 LINCOLN ST................................. $155,650,000 B: BPP Lincoln Owner LLC S: Invesco IF 4 3 LLC Book/Page: 62366/176, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 42639sf Prior Sale: $75,000,000 (01/12) 100 LOVEJOY WHARF U:3A................. $1,044,200 B: Rongjia Xiao S: Related Lovejoy Residentl Book/Page: 62380/273, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 28 MARLBOROUGH ST U:2................... $2,530,000 B: Chapron LLC S: Charles W Eppes 3rd & Caitlin C Eppes Book/Page: 62365/314, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1896sf Prior Sale: $2,200,000 (11/15) 259 MARLBOROUGH ST U:4.................. $670,000 B: Paul Jackson S: Timothy J Curley Book/Page: 62386/192, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $602,900 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 635sf Prior Sale: $530,000 (10/18) 350 MARLBOROUGH ST U:3.................. $780,000 B: Anna Y Goon & Maxine T Singleton S: Carolyn M Rusiackas Book/Page: 62366/191, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $620,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 790sf Prior Sale: $459,000 (12/00) 136-138 NEPONSET AVE U:4................ $726,500 B: Robert Nagle S: 136-138 Neponset Ave LLC Book/Page: 62369/63, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $653,850 Use: Condo 11 PARK ST U:B.................................... $425,000 B: Emanuel Kadziela S: James A Castleman Tr, Tr for Orvieto RT Book/Page: 62387/210, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $318,750 Use: Condo 359 PARK ST U:6.................................. $375,000 B: Shawn Hixon Jr & Katelyn Bolgioni S: 359 Park Street LLC Book/Page: 62380/150, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 40 PHILLIPS ST U:1............................... $769,000 B: Wendy Oleksiak & Stephen Oleksiak S: Henry M Epino Doc#: 000000902661, Date: 01/06/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $615,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 788sf
T O W N / R E G I S T R Y Town Name Registry Abington . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Acton . . . . . . Middlesex South Acushnet . . . . . . Bristol South Adams . . . . . . Berkshire North Agawam . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Alford . . . . . . Berkshire South Allston . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Amesbury . . . . . . . Essex South Amherst . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Andover . . . . . . . Essex North Aqinnah . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Arlington . . . . Middlesex South Ashburnham . Worcester North Ashby . . . . . . Middlesex South Ashfield . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Ashland . . . . . Middlesex South Athol . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Attleboro . . . . . . Bristol North Auburn . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Avon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Ayer . . . . . . . Middlesex South Barnstable . . . . . . . Barnstable Barre . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Becket . . . . . Berkshire Middle Bedford . . . . . Middlesex South Belchertown . . . . . . Hampshire Bellingham . . . . . . . . Norfolk Belmont . . . . . Middlesex South Berkley . . . . . . . Bristol North Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Bernardston . . . . . . . . Franklin Beverly . . . . . . . . Essex South Billerica . . . . . Middlesex North Blackstone . . . . . . . . Worcester Blandford . . . . . . . . . Hampden Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Bourne . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Boxboro . . . . . Middlesex South Boxford . . . . . . . . Essex South Boylston . . . . . . . . . Worcester Braintree . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Brewster . . . . . . . . Barnstable Bridgewater . . . . . . . Plymouth Brighton . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Brimfield . . . . . . . . . Hampden Brockton . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Brookfield . . . . . . . . Worcester Brookline . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Buckland . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Burlington . . . Middlesex South Cambridge . . . Middlesex South Canton . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Carlisle . . . . . Middlesex North Carver . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Centerville . . . . . . . Barnstable Charlemont . . . . . . . . Franklin Charlestown . . . . . . . . Suffolk Charlton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Chatham . . . . . . . . Barnstable Chelmsford . . Middlesex North Chelsea . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Cheshire . . . . Berkshire North Chester . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Chesterfield . . . . . . Hampshire Chicopee . . . . . . . . . Hampden Chilmark . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Clarksburg . . . Berkshire North Clinton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Cohasset . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Colrain . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Concord . . . . . Middlesex South Conway . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin
Cotuit . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Cummington . . . . . Hampshire Dalton . . . . . Berkshire Middle Danvers . . . . . . . . Essex South Dartmouth . . . . . Bristol South Dedham . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Deerfield . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Dennis . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Dighton . . . . . . . Bristol North Dorchester . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Douglas . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Dover . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Dracut . . . . . . Middlesex North Dudley . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Dunstable . . . Middlesex North Duxbury . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth East Boston . . . . . . . . Suffolk East Bridgewater . . . Plymouth East Brookfield . . . . . Worcester East Longmeadow . . . Hampden Eastham . . . . . . . . Barnstable Easthampton . . . . . Hampshire Easton . . . . . . . . Bristol North Egremont . . . . Berkshire South Erving . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Essex . . . . . . . . . . Essex South Everett . . . . . . Middlesex South Fairhaven . . . . . Bristol South Fall River . . . Bristol Fall River Falmouth . . . . . . . . Barnstable Fitchburg . . . . Worcester North Florida . . . . . . Berkshire North Foxboro . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Framingham . . Middlesex South Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Freetown . . . Bristol Fall River Gardner . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Georgetown . . . . . Essex South Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Gloucester . . . . . . Essex South Goshen . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Grafton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Gosnold . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Granby . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Granville . . . . . . . . . Hampden Great Barrington . . . . Berkshire South Greenfield . . . . . . . . . Franklin Greenwich . . . . . . . Hampshire Groton . . . . . . Middlesex South Groveland . . . . . . Essex South Hadley . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Halifax . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hamilton . . . . . . . Essex South Hampden . . . . . . . . . Hampden Hancock . . . . Berkshire North Hanover . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hanson . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hardwick . . . . . . . . . Worcester Harvard . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Harwich . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Hatfield . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Haverhill . . . . . . . Essex South Hawley . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Heath . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Hingham . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hinsdale . . . Berkshire Middle Holbrook . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Holden . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Holland . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Holliston . . . . Middlesex South Holyoke . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Hopedale . . . . . . . . . Worcester
Hopkinton . . . Middlesex South Hubbardston . . . . . . Worcester Hudson . . . . . Middlesex South Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Huntington . . . . . . Hampshire Hyannis . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Hyde Park . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Ipswich . . . . . . . . Essex South Jamaica Plain . . . . . . Suffolk Kingston . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Lakeville . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Lancaster . . . . . . . . . Worcester Lanesboro . . . Berkshire North Lawrence . . . . . . . Essex North Lee . . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Leicester . . . . . . . . . Worcester Lenox . . . . . Berkshire Middle Leominster . . . Worcester North Leverett . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Lexington . . . . Middlesex South Leyden . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Lincoln . . . . . Middlesex South Littleton . . . . . Middlesex South Longmeadow . . . . . . Hampden Lowell . . . . . . Middlesex North Ludlow . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Lunenburg . . . Worcester North Lynn . . . . . . . . . . Essex South Lynnfield . . . . . . . Essex South Malden . . . . . Middlesex South Manchester . . . . . Essex South Mansfield . . . . . . Bristol North Marblehead . . . . . Essex South Marion . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Marlborough . . Middlesex South Marshfield . . . . . . . . Plymouth Marstons Mills . . . . Barnstable Mashpee . . . . . . . . Barnstable Mattapan . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Mattapoisett . . . . . . . Plymouth Maynard . . . . Middlesex South Medfield . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Medford . . . . . Middlesex South Medway . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Melrose . . . . . Middlesex South Mendon . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Merrimac . . . . . . . Essex South Methuen . . . . . . . Essex North Middleboro . . . . . . . Plymouth Middlefield . . . . . . Hampshire Middleton . . . . . . Essex South Milford . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Millbury . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Millis . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Millville . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Milton . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Monroe . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Monson . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Montague . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Monterey . . . . Berkshire South Montgomery . . . . . . . Hampden Mt Washington Berkshire South Nahant . . . . . . . . Essex South Nantucket . . . . . . . Nantucket Natick . . . . . . Middlesex South Needham . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk New Ashford . Berkshire North New Bedford . . . Bristol South New Braintree . . . . . Worcester New Marlboro . Berkshire South New Salem . . . . . . . . Franklin Newbury . . . . . . . Essex South Newburyport . . . . Essex South
JANUARY 27, 2020
131 SAINT BOTOLPH ST U:1................ $2,365,000 B: Jaclyn V Fehrenback & Scott L Hutchins S: S Efstratoudakis Tr, Tr for Drachma RT Book/Page: 62367/154, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $1,892,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1121................. $825,000 B: Alexander W Krug & Gudrun C Krug S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62380/218, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $618,750 Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1512................ $1,180,800 B: Sami Aslam & Seema Azam S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62366/95, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $868,240 Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:508................... $674,500 B: Timothy Aleong & Tina Donnarummo S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62394/70, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $472,150 Type: Adj Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:523.................. $1,995,000 B: Sean P Scollin & Heather L Kanser S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62371/113, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $1,496,250 Type: Adj Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:701................... $877,800 B: Timothy P Varitimos S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62366/211, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $702,240 Type: Adj Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:715.................. $1,054,700 B: N&M Property LLC S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62373/284, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Condo 17 SHEAFE ST...................................... $1,610,000 B: HRE 3 LLC S: Cella Generoso Est & Joshua Krefetz Book/Page: 62394/112, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 1203sf
655-659 TREMONT ST U:5.................... $765,000 B: Daniel J Tedeschi S: Chase Chevalier & Michele Chevalier Book/Page: 62378/336, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $612,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 738sf Prior Sale: $720,000 (09/16) 7 UPTON ST U:1................................... $1,300,000 B: Gregory R Ansin & Catherine M Ansin S: Marta Byrnes & Brian D Byrnes Book/Page: 62392/231, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $1,040,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1750sf Prior Sale: $925,000 (03/14) 21 UPTON ST U:2................................. $2,050,000 B: Matthew L Hooks & Brooke B Hooks S: Matthew C Barber Tr, Tr for Barber FT Book/Page: 62381/228, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,230,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1675sf Prior Sale: $1,299,000 (05/11) 124 W NEWTON ST U:1........................ $1,750,000 B: Gary W Ryan & Erin A Ryan S: Scott L Hutchins & Jaclyn Fehrenback Book/Page: 62366/71, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Camden National Bank $1,312,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1550sf Prior Sale: $1,365,000 (06/15) 164 W NEWTON ST U:2........................ $1,743,000 B: Laurie J Gould & Stephen D Ansolabehere S: Jeffrey P Evans & Cristiane Evans Book/Page: 62385/298, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $850,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1480sf Prior Sale: $1,210,000 (12/12) 234 W NEWTON ST U:2......................... $685,000 B: Noah Siegel & Alison Siegel S: Kate Walsh & Kathleen Walsh Book/Page: 62384/106, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $548,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 635sf Prior Sale: $429,000 (04/06) 64 W RUTLAND SQ............................... $4,150,000 B: 64 West Rutland LLC S: Herbert H Hershfang & Ann M Hershfang Doc#: 000000902734, Date: 01/07/20 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $5,590,000 Use: 2-Family Row-middle, Lot: 1955sf
Newton . . . . . Middlesex South Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk North Adams . Berkshire North North Andover . . . Essex North North Attleboro . . Bristol North North Brookfield . . . . Worcester North Reading Middlesex South Northampton . . . . . Hampshire Norhborough . . . . . . Worcester Northbridge . . . . . . . Worcester Northfield . . . . . . . . . Franklin Norton . . . . . . . . Bristol North Norwell . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Norwood . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Oak Bluffs . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Oakham . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Orleans . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Osterville . . . . . . . . Barnstable Otis . . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Palmer . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Paxton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Peabody . . . . . . . . Essex South Pelham . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Pembroke . . . . . . . . Plymouth Pepperell . . . . Middlesex South Peru . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Petersham . . . . . . . . Worcester Phillipston . . . . . . . . Worcester Pittsfield . . . Berkshire Middle Plainfield . . . . . . . . Hampshire Plainville . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Plymouth . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Plympton . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Princeton . . . . . . . . . Worcester Provincetown . . . . . Barnstable Quincy . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Randolph . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Raynham . . . . . . Bristol North Reading . . . . . Middlesex South Rehoboth . . . . . . Bristol North Revere . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Richmond . . Berkshire Middle Rochester . . . . . . . . Plymouth Rockland . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Rockport . . . . . . . Essex South Roslindale . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Rowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Rowley . . . . . . . . . Essex South Roxbury . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Royalston . . . . . . . . . Worcester Russell . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Rutland . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Salem . . . . . . . . . Essex South Salisbury . . . . . . . Essex South Sandisfield . . .Berkshire South Sandwich . . . . . . . . Barnstable Saugus . . . . . . . . Essex South Savoy . . . . . . Berkshire North Scituate . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Seekonk . . . . . . . Bristol North Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Sheffield . . . . Berkshire South Shelburne . . . . . . . . . Franklin Sherborn . . . . Middlesex South Shirley . . . . . . Middlesex South Shrewsbury . . . . . . . Worcester Shutesbury . . . . . . . . . Franklin Somerset . . . Bristol Fall River Somerville . . . Middlesex South South Boston . . . . . . . Suffolk South Hadley . . . . . Hampshire
Southampton . . . . . Hampshire Southborough . . . . . . Worcester Southbridge . . . . . . . Worcester Southwick . . . . . . . . Hampden Spencer . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Springfield . . . . . . . . Hampden Sterling . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Stockbridge . Berkshire Middle Stoneham . . . Middlesex South Stoughton . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Stow . . . . . . . Middlesex South Sturbridge . . . . . . . . Worcester Sudbury . . . . . Middlesex South Sunderland . . . . . . . . Franklin Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Swampscott . . . . . Essex South Swansea . . . Bristol Fall River Taunton . . . . . . . Bristol North Templeton . . . . . . . . Worcester Tewksbury . . . Middlesex North Thorndike . . . . . . . . Hampden Tisbury . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Tolland . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Topsfield . . . . . . . Essex South Townsend . . . Middlesex South Truro . . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Tyngsboro . . . Middlesex North Tyringham . . Berkshire Middle Upton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Uxbridge . . . . . . . . . Worcester Wakefield . . . Middlesex South Wales . . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Walpole . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Waltham . . . . Middlesex South Ware . . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Wareham . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Warren . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Washington . Berkshire Middle Watertown . . . Middlesex South Wayland . . . . . Middlesex South Webster . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Wellesley . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Wellfleet . . . . . . . . Barnstable Wendell . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Wenham . . . . . . . Essex South West Boylston . . . . . Worcester West Bridgewater . . . Plymouth West Brookfield . . . . Worcester West Newbury . . . Essex South West Roxbury . . . . . . . Suffolk West Springfield . . . . Hampden West Stockbridge . . . Berkshire South West Tisbury . . . . . . . . Dukes Westborough . . . . . . Worcester Westfield . . . . . . . . . Hampden Westford . . . . Middlesex North Westhampton . . . . . Hampshire Westminster . . Worcester North Weston . . . . . Middlesex South Westport . . . . . . Bristol South Westwood . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Weymouth . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Whately . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Whitman . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Wilbraham . . . . . . . . Hampden Williamsburg . . . . . Hampshire Williamstown . Berkshire North Wilmington . . Middlesex North Winchendon . . . . . . . Worcester Winchester . . . Middlesex South Windsor . . . . . Berkshire North Winthrop . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Woburn . . . . . Middlesex South Worcester . . . . . . . . . Worcester Worthington . . . . . . Hampshire Wrentham . . . . . . . . . Norfolk
Yarmouth . . . . . . .
Village Town Annisquam . . . . . . Gloucester Assabet . . . . . . . . . . Maynard Assonet . . . . . . . . . . Freetown Auburndale . . . . . . . . Newton Bass River . . . . . . . . Yarmouth Bradford . . . . . . . . . Haverhill Brant Rock . . . . . . Marshfield Bryantville . . . . . . . Pembroke Buzzards Bay . . . . . . . Bourne Byfield . . . . . . . . . . . Newbury. Cataumet . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Cedarville . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Chestnut Hill . . . . . . . Newton Cochituate . . . . . . . . . . Natick Feeding Hills . . . . . . . Agawam Fiskdale . . . . . . . . . Sturbridge Florence . . . . . . Northampton Fort Devens . . . . . . . . . . Ayer Forestdale . . . . . . . . Sandwich Gilbertville . . . . . . . . Hardwick Glendale . . . . . . . Stockbridge Gosnold . . . . . . . . . Edgartown Green Harbor . . . . . Marshfield Haydenville . . . . Northampton Humarock . . . . . . . . . Scituate Indian Orchard . . . . Springfield Islington . . . . . . . . Westwood Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . Holden Leeds . . . . . . . . Northampton Linwood . . . . . . . . Northbridge Magnolia . . . . . . . . Gloucester Manomet . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Mill River . . . . . . New Marlboro Millers Falls . . . . . . Greenfield Monponsett . . . . . . . . . Halifax New Seabury . . . . . . Mashpee Nutting Lake . . . . . . . Billerica Ocean Bluff . . . . . . Marshfield Onset . . . . . . . . . . . Wareham Pinehurst . . . . . . . . . . Billerica Pocasset . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Prides Crossing . . . . . . Beverly Sagamore . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Saxonville . . . . . . Framingham Shattuckvile . . . . . . . . . Colrain Sheldonville . . . . . . Wrentham Siasconset . . . . . . . Nantucket Teaticket . . . . . . . . . Falmouth Three Rivers . . . . . . . . . Palmer Turners Falls . . . . . Greenfield Waban . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton Waquoit . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Waverly . . . . . . . . . . . Belmont Wellington . . . . . . . . . Medford Whitinsville . . . . . Northbridge Woods Hole . . . . . . . Falmouth Woronoco . . . . . . . . . Westfield
How to Read The Real Estate Records
The information appearing in this newspaper is taken from deed and mortgage documents filed at each of the twenty-one registries of deeds in the state. All property transfers with a sales price of at least $100 and all term-mortgage documents are collected. Whenever possible, we combine the separate deed and mortgage documents so that we can present one complete record of the street address, purchase price, lender and mortgage amount. When we cannot link a deed with a mortgage (and vice versa) each transaction appears individually. Real estate records are organized alphabetically by registry, then town, then by street name within a subhead (Real Estate Sales, Foreclosure Deeds, or Mortgages.) The exception is Suffolk Registry and the City of Boston which appear first.
66 W RUTLAND SQ............................... $3,420,000 B: William Tieste & Danielle Tieste S: 66 West Rutland Dev LLC Book/Page: 62384/295, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,750,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 1953sf Prior Sale: $3,945,000 (12/19) 580 WASHINGTON ST U:12E................ $1,425,000 B: Robert T Bramson S: David C Wolff & Kristin V Wolff Book/Page: 62373/47, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $1,068,750 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1301sf Prior Sale: $1,530,000 (10/17) 1140 WASHINGTON ST U:2C................. $860,000 B: Ryan M Killoy S: Elizabeth Whitkin & Jonathan Whitkin Book/Page: 62366/335, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $410,000 Use: Condo, Lot: 1159sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (09/13)
L The statistics at the beginning of each town are for all single-family home sales with a purchase price of $100 and above from January through the most recent complete calendar month.
L The amount appearing on the same line as the street address is the purchase price from the deed. We print “No Amt Given” when the amount did not appear on the document we review. “No Street Given” appears in place of the street address when it was not available. The volume, page of the deed and filing date appear for all sales. The mortgage lender and the amount of the mortgage used to purchase the property are shown. Any second mortgage (Mtg2) filed at the same time as the deed will also appear here.
L In communities where we have a file of all properties from the assessor’s office, we provide additional property details when available. This is done by exactly matching the address and seller name from the new sales record with the address and owner name found in the property file. No descriptive data appears whenever there is any doubt that the two records are the same property. The “Use” is based on the code the assessor assigns to each building on a parcel. Whenever there is more than one use code or more than one building on a parcel, we flag these as “Multi-use” and “Multibldg” respectively.
L These deeds transfer title to the lender after the mortgage is foreclosed (unless there is a higher bidder at the auction.) The amount in these transactions is usually the amount of the outstanding mortgage that was foreclosed.
YTD 1993 17 $47,000
YTD 1994 23 $85,000
••Year-to-Date (YTD) statistics for all single-
family home transactions within our price range criteria.
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 315 MAIN ST U:15.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,000 Pleasant Towers Condo B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Bank $70,000 Mtg2:Seller $8,400 Prior Sale:$93,000 (11/90)
• The first two buyer (B) names and seller (S) names listed on the deed are shown. • Prior sale data (back to 1982) appears only when the address of the new sale matches exactly with the address of the older sale in our database.
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 ELM ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000 B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Mtg Co $140,000 Use:3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot:6459sf Prior Sale:$170,000 (9/89)
• “Use” distinguishes residential homes from land sales and commercial sales. • For residential homes, the number of bedrooms and house style appear when available. • The lot size (Lot) is shown in square feet.
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 43 MAIN ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $142,200 B:Main St Bank S:John Smith & Main St Bank Prior Sale:$190,000 (11/85)
• The prior sale shows the original price paid for the property.
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 10 Median Price $695,000
YTD 2019 16 $787,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 39 GLENVILLE AVE U:1......................... B: Junyao Du S: Valery Trifonov Book/Page: 62378/183, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 584sf Prior Sale: $156,500 (08/01)
Brighton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $700,000
YTD 2019 39 $770,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 ALLEN RD........................................... $905,000 B: Raza Malik & Amama Sadiq S: Hector E Garcia & Andrea Pasko-Garcia Book/Page: 62382/3, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $633,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8039sf Prior Sale: $508,750 (06/11) 29 BRACKETT ST.................................. $685,000 B: Alexander Kesler S: Igor Nemirovsky & Kira Nemirovskaya Book/Page: 62381/276, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 1200sf 137 CHISWICK RD U:5.......................... $550,000 B: Jili Huang & Wang Chen S: 137502135 LLC Book/Page: 62392/287, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $412,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1179sf 1933 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:306...... $462,500 B: Yushin Lee S: Charles F Goldsmith Book/Page: 62369/3, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $416,250 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 661sf Prior Sale: $260,500 (03/03) 1933 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:501...... $478,000 B: K Pongratz-Chander Tr, Tr for Maria Soledad Sanchez IRT S: Eva M Chau & Shu N Chau Book/Page: 62368/18, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 662sf Prior Sale: $286,000 (06/06) 23 ETNA ST........................................... $550,000 B: Robert Donnell & Alexander Hernandez S: Bubluski Joan E Est & Daniel J Bubluski Jr Book/Page: 62374/137, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $440,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2735sf 5-7 MALBERT RD................................. $1,750,000 B: Cheen Y Loo & Robert Y Zee S: David Leslie Tr, Tr for Heles IRT Book/Page: 62388/58, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $1,312,500 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 6116sf Prior Sale: $1,745,000 (10/17) 28 MONTFERN AVE............................... $685,000 B: Alexander Kesler S: Igor Nemirovsky & Kira Nemirovskaya Book/Page: 62381/276, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $484,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3305sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (06/08)
Please note: The information contained in this newspaper is taken from public records. While every precaution is taken, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Readers should confirm any information before taking action.
JANUARY 27, 2020
B = Buyer S = Seller Mtg = Mortgage lender and amount Mtg2 = Second Mortgage Use = Building use Bdrm = bedrooms Lot = lot size in square feet YTD = year-to-date
KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS LP = Limited Partnership Tr = Trustee T = Trust IRT = Irrevocable Trust ReT = Revocable Trust RT = Realty Trust FT = Family Trust NT = Nominee Trust Est = Estate Ex = Executor
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YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $1,041,438
YTD 2019 69 $1,200,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 42 8TH ST U:3106................................. B: Richard J Mccarthy S: Scott W Grady Book/Page: 62371/64, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $288,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $246,250 (10/10) 197 8TH ST U:504................................. B: L Simmons Consulting LLC S: Quintin Smith Book/Page: 62388/188, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $639,000 (06/14) 7 ELLWOOD ST U:3............................... B: William N Arnold & Kristine Mcneill S: Eliza Gedney & Christopher Tierney Book/Page: 62373/261, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $365,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $687,000 (05/17) 356-358 MAIN ST U:32......................... B: Brigid Delancy & Kevin Kelly S: Mary P Mcdade Book/Page: 62391/133, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $386,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $330,000 (06/04)
46 MOUNT VERNON ST U:A................. $1,255,000 B: Eliza Gedney & Christopher W Tierney S: David Rowe & Amy Rowe Book/Page: 62379/122, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $1,004,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,060,000 (12/16)
Chelsea MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 37 Median Price $450,000
YTD 2019 30 $445,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 400 BROADWAY.................................... B: Campus LLC S: Susan Silverstein Tr, Tr for R&R 402 RT Book/Page: 62386/255, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Retail-department Store, Lot: 1120sf 404 BROADWAY.................................... B: Campus LLC S: Susan Silverstein Tr, Tr for R&R 402 RT Book/Page: 62386/255, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Retail-department Store, Lot: 1120sf 175 COTTAGE ST U:710........................ B: Carol Warren & Earl J Brown S: Cottage Street Acq LLC Doc#: 000000902574, Date: 01/02/20 Mtg: Bank of Canton $168,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $122,000 (07/11) 87 PARKER ST U:203............................ B: Jayde I Umemba S: Roback Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 62371/253, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $212,243 Use: Condo 266 REVERE BEACH PKWY................... B: Vasey FT LLC S: Decain Josephine P Est & Joan J Decain Book/Page: 62381/68, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Linchpin Capital LLC $560,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8044sf 111 SPRINGVALE AVE........................... B: Joseph R Fern Jr S: Darlene Blake Doc#: 000000902673, Date: 01/06/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $382,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4003sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (02/12)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 55 Median Price $570,000
YTD 2019 38 $599,500
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 25 BEACON PL...................................... $409,200 B: MTGLQ Investors LP S: Edwin Hernandez & MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 62368/264, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3306sf Prior Sale: $255,506 (03/06) 38 WILLIAMS ST U:B............................ $191,761 B: US Bank NA Tr S: Timothy A Fraser & US Bank NA Book/Page: 62368/253, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $112,000 (09/02)
Dorchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 160 Median Price $558,500
36 SAWYER AVE U:B............................. B: John Mcinerny S: Chad A Tinti & John M Mcinerny Book/Page: 62383/158, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $640,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1925sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (04/13) 60 SAWYER AVE U:2............................. B: Brian P Reynolds S: Lydia Mosig Book/Page: 62372/77, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $456,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1290sf 37 STOCKTON ST.................................. B: Manuel Guzman & F M Guzman-Sanchez S: Carol Brown Tr, Tr for Forest Street IRT Book/Page: 62382/35, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $682,411 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4988sf 37 WENLOCK RD U:37........................... B: Timothy P Sprague & Isabella F Sprague S: Janus Loretta Est & Steven K Hemingway Book/Page: 62390/195, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $369,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1208sf 26 WILLIS ST......................................... B: Matthew J Libby & Emily G Parent S: 26 Willis Street LLC Book/Page: 62370/211, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $768,550 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3730sf Prior Sale: $685,000 (12/19)
YTD 2019 164 $550,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 495 ASHMONT ST U:3........................... $329,000 B: Jennifer S Whalen S: 495-497 Ashmont St LLC Book/Page: 62370/247, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $312,550 Use: Condo 36 AUCKLAND ST U:2........................... $560,000 B: Sze W Wong & Igor Chan S: 36 Auckland St LLC Book/Page: 62372/241, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $420,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 21 CHICKATAWBUT ST U:1................... $705,000 B: David D Miller S: 21 Chickatawbut St LLC Book/Page: 62378/278, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $564,000 Use: Condo 35 CHICKATAWBUT ST U:1................... $750,000 B: Ashley E Wagner S: Chickatawbut 35 LLC Book/Page: 62381/187, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $600,000 Use: Condo 12 COLEUS PARK.................................. $286,434 B: Ervis M Acevedo-Ramirez S: Ravon Harris & Janet Harris Book/Page: 62389/136, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $262,112 Use: 5 Bdrm Semi Detachd, Lot: 4570sf Prior Sale: $151,600 (01/05) 1943-R DORCHESTER AVE................. $21,388,710 B: MCP&JMC Dotros LLC S: 1943 Dorchester Ave LLC Book/Page: 62388/6, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $22,100,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 18504sf Prior Sale: $1,300,000 (06/17) 5 LINDA LN U:4-4.................................. $305,000 B: Daniel Mcguire & Injil A Bakar S: Sommers Mark S Est & Ann M Whelan Doc#: 000000902582, Date: 01/02/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 651sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (11/06) 59-69 MSGR PATRICK J LYDON WAY U:203..... $299,000 B: Jaclyn Nguyen S: Zi H Zou Book/Page: 62371/308, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $239,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 894sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (10/18)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
65 LEWIS ST U:216............................... $645,000 B: Scott Mitchem & Aline Trindade S: Hyungmin Kim Book/Page: 62387/97, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Condo 347 MAVERICK ST............................... $1,850,000 B: 347 Maverick Street LLC S: Rizzo Frank J Est & Barbara M Rizzo Book/Page: 62375/130, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $4,425,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2133sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (01/19) 156 PORTER ST U:123.......................... $401,226 B: Justin J Sun & Leah B Chen S: Matthew Gamerman Book/Page: 62379/155, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Boston Redevelop Auth $320,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 892sf Prior Sale: $314,220 (12/15) 7 PRESCOTT ST..................................... $625,000 B: Joen Builders Inc S: Joanne Salza Tr, Tr for Prescott Street RT Book/Page: 62372/37, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Steven A Ross $862,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 1300sf
Hyde Park MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 176 Median Price $443,275
YTD 2019 150 $460,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 78 DEDHAM ST..................................... $510,000 B: Trent Hibbard & Rachel M Hibbard S: Joseph D Mason Tr, Tr for Joseph D Mason T Book/Page: 62377/343, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $408,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 5670sf
Jamaica Plain MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 84 Median Price $885,000
YTD 2019 84 $812,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 58 BOYNTON ST U:2.............................. $480,000 B: Erik Reed S: 511 Cummings Highway LLC Book/Page: 62385/22, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $432,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 59 CREIGHTON ST................................. $990,000 B: 59 Creighton LLC S: Jose Tavarez & Jennifer Jiminez Book/Page: 62367/184, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 1861sf Prior Sale: $494,000 (05/04) 9 MARK ST U:1...................................... $490,000 B: Sandino Hughes S: Jason D Booth & Lara M Wahl Book/Page: 62380/194, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $416,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1242sf Prior Sale: $228,500 (06/10) 98 MOSS HILL RD................................ $1,100,000 B: 998 MHR LLC S: Fitzgerald John M Est & Linda Olmstead Book/Page: 62376/189, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8260sf 3 PARKSIDE DR.................................... $1,075,000 B: Willa B Miller & Michael A Miller S: Karen A Sunnarborg Book/Page: 62367/230, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $860,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 11288sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (12/98)
Mattapan MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 Median Price $417,500
YTD 2019 56 $412,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 77 GALLIVAN BLVD............................... $580,000 B: Mary Tran S: Modern Contracting Corp Doc#: 000000902603, Date: 01/03/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5407sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (11/18) 15 IDAHO ST.......................................... $665,000 B: Jalena Keith S: JWA Investments LLC Book/Page: 62393/168, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $652,955 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (10/11) 93 ITASCA ST........................................ $700,000 B: Robert L White S: D House Project LLC Doc#: 000000902726, Date: 01/07/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $687,321 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (06/19) 37-39 OLD MORTON ST........................ $575,000 B: 37 Old Morton St LLC S: Demetris K Pringle & Kasey N Olson Book/Page: 62370/292, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Milton Hill Lending $490,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 7753sf Prior Sale: $765,000 (03/19)
Revere MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 203 Median Price $425,000
YTD 2019 198 $445,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 643 BEACH ST....................................... $720,000 B: Ghana Realty LLC S: Anthony Dicesare Book/Page: 62379/222, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $576,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 2761sf Prior Sale: $545,000 (01/19) 22 CENTENNIAL AVE............................ $1,200,000 B: 22-26 Centennial LLC S: 4 Rhouse LLC Book/Page: 62369/133, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $900,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5572sf Prior Sale: $538,000 (03/15) 35 MCCOBA ST U:44............................. $290,000 B: Amit Anand & Sujata Yadav S: Akbar Darouey & Donna Darouey Doc#: 000000902657, Date: 01/06/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $210,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $185,000 (06/16) 271 OAKWOOD AVE.............................. $285,000 B: Hoyle Construction Inc S: Alexander J Caruso Tr, Tr for Case RT Book/Page: 62386/153, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Case RT $280,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 8005sf 275 OAKWOOD AVE.............................. $285,000 B: Hoyle Construction Inc S: Alexander J Caruso Tr, Tr for Case RT Book/Page: 62386/148, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Case RT $280,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 8007sf 127 STEVENS ST................................... $425,000 B: Don Q Real Estate Dev LLC S: Patricia A Dellanno Book/Page: 62385/282, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 5400sf 130 WASHBURN AVE............................ $10,000 B: SD Deachmont LLC S: Joseph Canzano Book/Page: 62388/146, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9165sf 130 WASHBURN AVE........................... $1,065,000 B: SD Deachmont LLC S: Joseph Canzano Book/Page: 62388/143, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9165sf
Roslindale MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 121 Median Price $610,000
YTD 2019 95 $630,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 CUMMINS HWY................................ $14,446,290 B: MCP&JMC Dotros LLC S: Rozzie Partners LLC Book/Page: 62388/1, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $22,100,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 5187sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (07/14) 13-17 CUMMINS HWY........................ $14,446,290 B: MCP&JMC Dotros LLC S: Rozzie Partners LLC Book/Page: 62388/1, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $22,100,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 7422sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (07/14) 13 JUNE ST U:13................................... $715,000 B: Andrew Rejent & Faye A Rejent S: Brian C Keane Tr, Tr for 15 June Street NT Book/Page: 62381/306, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $572,000 Use: Condo 7 KITTREDGE CT................................... $543,000 B: James Long Jr & Kathryn Fargnoli S: Holcombe Renaud L Est & David J Holcombe Book/Page: 62378/251, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $515,850 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3415sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (04/16)
150 MOUNT HOPE ST............................ $450,000 B: Pamela Williams S: Salvatore A Delorenzo Tr, Tr for Delorenzo FT Book/Page: 62378/126, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $427,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 5680sf 55 SELWYN ST U:3................................ $375,375 B: Brendan P Kelley S: Russell X Pollock Tr, Tr for Selwyn Street RT Book/Page: 62379/26, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 20 TAFTHILL PARK U:3A....................... $288,700 B: Betelhem Terefe & Bisrat Woldeghiorgis S: Parkhead Development LLC Book/Page: 62394/224, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Condo 4323 WASHINGTON ST....................... $14,446,290 B: MCP&JMC Dotros LLC S: Rozzie Partners LLC Book/Page: 62388/1, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 5839sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (01/03)
Roxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 Median Price $455,000
YTD 2019 36 $594,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 39-45 DUDLEY ST................................ $1,700,000 B: Masonic Dudley LLC S: Most Worshipful George Book/Page: 62393/199, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: RD Real Estate Debt $1,400,000 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 3295sf 51 DUDLEY ST...................................... $1,700,000 B: Masonic Dudley LLC S: Most Worshipful George Book/Page: 62393/199, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: RD Real Estate Debt $1,400,000 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 5967sf Prior Sale: $540,000 (12/12) 292 EUSTIS ST...................................... $520,000 B: Danielson Depina S: Yuki Aoyama Book/Page: 62376/167, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $494,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2477sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (05/18) 16 WOODWARD PARK ST..................... $500,000 B: Kathleen Santiago & Uriel O Sepulveda S: Nelson Acevedo Book/Page: 62374/42, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $420,827 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 2738sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (05/05)
South Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $845,000
YTD 2019 72 $812,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 225 DORCHESTER ST U:14.................. $1,025,000 B: Rosario Barila & Simona Deflorio S: Oranmore Enterprises LLC Book/Page: 62377/252, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $775,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 545 E 3RD ST U:6................................. $1,100,000 B: Wesley Gee & Carroll Gee S: 545 East 3rd St LLC Book/Page: 62368/85, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $880,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 774 E 7TH ST U:2.................................. $690,000 B: Michael S Flynn Jr & Shannon E Ryan S: Ian Murphy Doc#: 000000902618, Date: 01/03/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $586,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1087sf Prior Sale: $665,000 (08/17) 901 E BROADWAY U:1.......................... $890,000 B: Timothy B Forde & Nicole C Forde S: Sheila D Long Tr, Tr for Sheila D Long LT Book/Page: 62393/104, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Timothy B Forde $890,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 17 LENNON CT U:17.............................. $438,000 B: Stephen T Lampron & Donald M Lampron S: Mary T Donovan & Mark Pendleton Book/Page: 62376/318, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $288,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 780sf 141 W 2ND ST U:206........................... $1,065,000 B: George Harb S: Daniel J Tatar Book/Page: 62393/295, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $692,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1302sf Prior Sale: $875,000 (09/16) 174 W 7TH ST....................................... $925,000 B: 174 West 7th Street LLC S: Gloria Swan Tr, Tr for Swan RT Book/Page: 62372/193, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $1,290,000 Use: 3-Family Semi Detachd, Lot: 1187sf
West Roxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 265 Median Price $600,000
YTD 2019 224 $609,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 109 ANAWAN AVE................................. B: Scram LLC S: Philip T Chaplin & Mary E Chaplin Book/Page: 62365/265, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $827,500 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5750sf 57 BROADLAWN PARK U:20................. B: Stella Gazaryan & Rudolf Gazaryan S: Dmitry Sharshunskiy Book/Page: 62368/317, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $280,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 770sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (02/07)
1789 CENTRE ST U:306........................ $670,000 B: Adam Coppola S: Residences At 1789 Centre Book/Page: 62371/87, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $536,000 Use: Condo 221 CHURCH ST.................................... $630,000 B: Ciara R Kennedy & Justin T Evangelista S: Ryan Connolly & Melinda Mcgahan Book/Page: 62377/319, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $598,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4507sf Prior Sale: $523,000 (12/17) 27 LEDGE HILL RD................................ $620,000 B: Sean Farrelly S: Patricia Clark Tr, Tr for Patricia C Clark FT Book/Page: 62365/232, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Commonwealth Coop Bk $496,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 6110sf 181 MAPLE ST...................................... $500,000 B: Kendall V Dacey S: Sullivan Mary T Est & Robert W Joyce Book/Page: 62367/43, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $475,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3668sf 110 PARK ST U:3.................................. $668,000 B: Julie Evans & Ayesha Hurry S: Joshua Eaker & Leah Cramer Book/Page: 62381/143, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $571,140 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 96 ROCKWOOD ST U:2-1...................... $2,000,000 B: Rockwood House LLC S: Mark D Greenberg Tr, Tr for 11 Rockwood RT Book/Page: 62382/220, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Condo 96 ROCKWOOD ST U:2-2....................... $600,000 B: Rockwood Land LLC S: Mark D Greenberg Tr, Tr for I Rockwood RT Book/Page: 62382/244, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Condo 4975 WASHINGTON ST U:412............... $363,000 B: Stephen F Ward S: Gezim Krasniqi Book/Page: 62368/46, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Cooperative Bank $132,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1055sf Prior Sale: $219,500 (05/13)
Barnstable Registry John F. Meade, Esq. Register P.O. Box 368, Barnstable, MA 02630 Telephone: (508) 362-7733 Fax: (508) 362-5065 www.bcrd.co.barnstable.ma.us BARNSTABLE
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3660 MAIN ST...................................... $1,240,000 B: Victoria E LLC S: Vincent J Toreno Tr, Tr for 3660 Main Street RT Doc#: 000001388280, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $649,500 Use: Residential-other, Lot: 81022sf Prior Sale: $1,225,000 (08/04) 382 PLEASANT PINES AVE................... $345,000 B: Karly Gonsalves & Kathryn Harris S: Crimmins Joseph R Jr Est & Carol A Markham Book/Page: 32612/61, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $327,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 71003sf Prior Sale: $1,183 (09/00) 39 SHALLOW POND DR......................... $429,000 B: Leigh A Warren S: Rebecca L Moore Tr, Tr for Very Shallow RT Book/Page: 32621/205, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/19)
Centerville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 241 Median Price $360,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 65 Median Price $436,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 271 Median Price $370,000
YTD 2019 81 $415,000
YTD 2019 225 $375,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 38 CAPTAIN JACS RD........................... $335,000 B: Frederick J Denton 2nd & Sara Denton S: Aris Christopoulos Book/Page: 32612/83, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $301,165 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $223,000 (05/12) 44 FERNBROOK LN............................... $565,000 B: David J Pineo & Sharon M Pineo S: Christopher J Ward & Debby R Ward Doc#: 000001388125, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $480,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16988sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (07/07) 63 OCEAN AVE...................................... $850,000 B: Gregory J Pinto Tr, Tr for JDC Ocean Avenue RT S: Andrew Buffington Tr, Tr for Buffington NT Book/Page: 32619/243, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 6 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 361548sf
YTD 2019 285 $378,000
82 CLAMSHELL COVE RD..................... $497,500 B: Jillian Stephenson S: C M Bizinkauskas Tr, Tr for 82 Clamshell Cove Rd RET Book/Page: 32619/78, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $398,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $246,000 (10/99) 10 FULLERS MARSH RD....................... $385,000 B: Dake Henderson S: Charles D Burton Book/Page: 32609/259, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $135,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 35284sf 886 MAIN ST........................................ $1,075,000 B: Brian Porter & Susan Porter S: Amy L Gardner Tr, Tr for Amy L Gardner LT Book/Page: 32614/73, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $621,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 19602sf Prior Sale: $653,500 (06/15)
6 HOSPITAL COVE RD.......................... $1,900,000 B: Stalicia LLC S: Susan S Abbe Book/Page: 32610/177, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 79715sf 12 INDIAN TRL...................................... $670,000 B: Philip R Bornstein & Elizabeth A Bornstein S: Scott B Richards Tr, Tr for Laura A Richards RET Book/Page: 32607/171, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $670,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6708sf Prior Sale: $870,000 (09/05) 25 LAMONT RD..................................... $400,000 B: Cape Norick LLC S: Geoffrey M Green Book/Page: 32609/250, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15725sf 28 NORRIS RD....................................... $372,500 B: Edward W Millette 3rd S: James E Lebretton & Crystal Lebretton Book/Page: 32611/199, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21998sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (07/08) 71 SACHEM DR..................................... $369,000 B: Carolyn A Browne S: Lehman Marie L Est & Kathleen A Rivard Book/Page: 32617/210, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $350,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf 85 SHORE RD........................................ $220,000 B: Holly P Lafrange S: Nicholas D Luckraft & Penny Luckraft Book/Page: 32612/231, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $208,587 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13698sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (03/16) 180 STATE RD U:5................................ $240,000 B: Sapia Realty LLC S: Halward M Blegen 3rd Book/Page: 32611/349, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $248,000 Use: Office Condo Unit, Lot: 986sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (10/05) 74 TARA TER......................................... $415,000 B: Trevor D England & Tara L Hill S: James E Deming & Savy M Deming Book/Page: 32612/271, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $373,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19994sf Prior Sale: $263,500 (01/14) 79 TARA TER......................................... $415,000 B: Trevor D England & Tara L Hill S: James E Deming & Savy Meas Doc#: 000001388014, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $373,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26659sf Prior Sale: $174,900 (12/99) 2 TIMBERKNOLL RD.............................. $439,000 B: David A Duffy & Valerie E Duffy S: David Pineo & Sharon Pineo Book/Page: 32614/41, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17685sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (03/17)
Hyannis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 227 Median Price $315,000
YTD 2019 223 $306,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 800 BEARSES WAY U:4EE..................... $171,000 B: Marlon Caldeira S: Ellen L Walsh Doc#: 000001388080, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $158,175 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $140,000 (03/03) 102 LINDEN ST...................................... $300,000 B: Annetta Mcfarlane-Morgan & Trudy Banton S: Donald R Nolin & Alm M Nolin Book/Page: 32615/153, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $289,987 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10454sf 712 MAIN ST......................................... $470,000 B: M&M Realty Investments S: Peter D Murray & Catherine A Murray Book/Page: 32614/100, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $235,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (04/03) 398 W MAIN ST U:2A............................ $144,000 B: Paul Foley S: Rui A Miranda Book/Page: 32613/189, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 775 W MAIN ST U:15............................ $200,000 B: Ellen L Walsh S: Nile Morin Book/Page: 32614/226, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $120,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $46,000 (08/12)
Marstons Mills
Barnstable YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 87 Median Price $470,000
JANUARY 27, 2020
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 120 Median Price $358,000
YTD 2019 133 $375,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 41 LAKESIDE DR................................... $145,000 B: Lexi Finn Development LLC S: Roberta Palmeri Book/Page: 32612/324, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: BEE Inv LLC $185,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf 1375 OLD POST RD............................... $392,000 B: Carrie A Rizzitano S: David Curelli & Karen Nahill Book/Page: 32619/151, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $302,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20473sf 624 OSTERVILLE WEST BARNSTABL U:14...... $270,000 B: Ivaylo N Georgiev S: Wakeby Development Inc Book/Page: 32615/105, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $140,000 (09/05)
Osterville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 94 Median Price $573,625
YTD 2019 95 $558,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 199 E BAY RD U:3................................ $1,246,000 B: Richard C Clark & Alexandra Maccallum-Clark S: Carol A Grant Book/Page: 32613/65, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 21 JASONS LN...................................... $340,000 B: Joseph S Ruo Jr & Joseph S Ruo Sr S: Crosby Cornelia M Est & Kellie C Hicks Book/Page: 32615/179, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $323,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $194,500 (04/01) 297 TANGLEWOOD DR.......................... $405,000 B: Debby Ward S: Dorothy R Mcgillen Doc#: 000001388040, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $384,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15246sf 39 TOWER HILL RD U:21A.................... $340,000 B: Carol A Grant S: John Conathan 2nd Tr, Tr for Dimitra Nickerson 2003 T Book/Page: 32618/56, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Brewster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 207 Median Price $450,000
YTD 2019 168 $463,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 849 LONG POND RD.............................. $320,000 B: Todd F Eadie S: Baker Robert F Est & Robert F Baker Book/Page: 32623/30, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $190,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43200sf RED FAWN RD....................................... $215,000 B: Daniel Harkinson & Caroline Mccarley S: Muriel J Pearson Book/Page: 32612/54, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 47045sf 12 TREVOR LN U:12.............................. $305,000 B: Lawrence Bizzotto & Kathleen P Bizzotto S: Randall Steinberg & Danna Steinberg Book/Page: 32615/279, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $244,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $252,200 (12/16)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 251 CRANVIEW RD................................ $400,000 B: 251 Cranview Road T & Pamela Barter Tr S: Amanda A Campbell & US Bank NA Book/Page: 32608/183, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 42600sf
Chatham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 191 Median Price $630,000
YTD 2019 175 $727,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 CROSS ST U:35............................... $1,125,000 B: K T Did Properties LLC S: Chatham Tyes LLC Book/Page: 32618/272, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $825,000 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $250,000 (02/06) 37 CROSS ST U:37............................... $1,125,000 B: K T Did Properties LLC S: Chatham Tyes LLC Book/Page: 32618/272, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $825,000 Use: Office Condo Unit
39 CROSS ST U:39............................... $1,125,000 B: K T Did Properties LLC S: Chatham Tyes LLC Book/Page: 32618/272, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $825,000 Use: Office Condo Unit 33 DUNE DR......................................... $1,785,000 B: Stephane Gruffat & Marie P Gruffat S: Gail Gustafson-Lintern & Nancy Gustafson-Ault Book/Page: 32615/28, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $660,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25400sf 895 MAIN ST......................................... $850,000 B: Eastward MBT LLC Tr, Tr for Eastward Co Business T S: Santander Bank NA Book/Page: 32606/333, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $637,500 Use: Bank Building, Lot: 47007sf 36 MANAMOCK RD.............................. $1,125,000 B: Daniel L Daniels & Jennifer M Daniels S: Hiram Harding House LLC Book/Page: 32614/288, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $900,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14660sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (06/06) 309 OLD QUEEN ANNE RD.................... $619,900 B: Koen Jansen S: Halina Wong Book/Page: 32615/234, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $526,915 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17000sf Prior Sale: $552,000 (10/02) 38 SOUNDINGS LN................................ $690,000 B: T B Hastings Properties S: Jacobus Overgaag Tr, Tr for 38 Soundings Lane NT Doc#: 000001387899, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19469sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (08/09) 33 UNCLE DEANES RD.......................... $165,000 B: Steven D Baker & Michele A Baker S: Susan Chase Book/Page: 32606/315, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21500sf
Dennis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 372 Median Price $370,000
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 378 $384,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 AGNES RD........................................ $281,000 B: Joseph M Dantonio & Kelly Denham S: Gale Landroche Book/Page: 32606/96, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $266,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8276sf 6 ARROWHEAD DR................................ $479,900 B: Mark J Sullivan S: Joseph F Gulluni Jr & Linsa A Gulluni Doc#: 000001388205, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (06/00) 36 BASS RIVER LN................................ $427,000 B: Paul J Grupposo & Margaret L Grupposo S: Allison Larson Tr, Tr for Forrest FT Book/Page: 32623/126, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $337,500 (10/02) 10 EZRA LN.......................................... $1,800,000 B: David M Brunelle & Jodi A Brunelle S: Steven F John & Shelley A John Doc#: 000001388091, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $1,440,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16988sf Prior Sale: $950,000 (11/11) 16 EZRA LN.......................................... $1,810,000 B: Steven F John Tr, Tr for SFJ&SAJ NT S: Jennifer J Moore & Kate Guedj Book/Page: 32616/29, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 38768sf 33 GRAZING FIELD LN.......................... $869,000 B: Christopher A Kloman & Kristina Peterson-Kloman S: Teresa A Scaring Tr, Tr for Teresa A Scaring RET Book/Page: 32614/344, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $651,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12632sf 6 HEEGEONG DR.................................... $655,000 B: Jonathan A Brown & Lisa A Brown S: Dominic D Maloni & Meggan Maloni Book/Page: 32613/289, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $524,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (09/18) 24 HILLSIDE DR.................................... $617,500 B: Andrew R Noble & Joanne M Noble S: Charles R Cassoli Doc#: 000001388084, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $432,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $641,500 (08/12) 15 LOHR RD........................................... $347,500 B: Cathleen A Kalagher S: Peter J Gailis Tr, Tr for Gailsi FT Doc#: 000001388056, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $312,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7841sf 26 LONGELL RD..................................... $410,000 B: Michael Manning & Lisa Manning S: Karen M Hanley Tr, Tr for Alice M Hanley RET 2008 Doc#: 000001387997, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5227sf 554 MAIN ST......................................... $250,000 B: Jorge L Marin & Rocio D Jaimes S: Lawrence T Davis & Lisa K Davis Book/Page: 32618/138, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $187,500 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (12/18) 262 OLD WHARF RD U:76..................... $189,286 B: John B Brennan & Susan M Brennan S: Salt Air Village Partners Book/Page: 32616/215, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $100,000 Use: Condo
Eastham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 148 Median Price $470,000
YTD 2019 160 $458,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1260 BRIDGE RD................................... $150,000 B: Holly J Howland S: Kenneth M Libby Jr Book/Page: 32616/47, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (09/15) 315 CANDLEWOOD DR.......................... $445,000 B: Donna M Wilson & Linda Watkins S: Kevin T Mccarthy & Nancy P Mccarthy Book/Page: 32622/272, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: American Internet Mtg $233,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22651sf 155 DEACON PAINE RD........................ $450,000 B: Shaun Logan & Kait Logan S: Neuert Rosemary Est & Roberta N Gilsenan Doc#: 000001387934, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $360,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30056sf 105 DEERFIELD LN................................ $337,000 B: Gideon M Turner S: Mary L Harrington Tr, Tr for Karly Paige T Book/Page: 32622/49, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $322,323 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15682sf Prior Sale: $27,230 (12/00) 13 ELDIA WAY....................................... $594,000 B: James A Welch & Nancy L Cook S: John L Ahle & Eileen B Ahle Book/Page: 32615/251, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $470,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20019sf 525 LOCUST RD.................................... $406,600 B: Anthony F Amato & Mary J Amato S: Robert P Gale & Elaine F Barstow-Gale Book/Page: 32613/237, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $304,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20111sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (01/00) 35 SALT POND RD................................. $465,000 B: Gwendolyn Mclean S: Bernard Lipsky & Cathy Lipsky Doc#: 000001388164, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $240,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25700sf
Falmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 628 Median Price $427,700
YTD 2019 634 $434,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 110 ALTONS LN U:3A............................ $490,000 B: Patricia A Litchfield S: Timothy L Griffin Book/Page: 32606/48, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $449,000 (08/14) 31 BAR NECK RD................................. $1,170,000 B: Amy L Greene S: Jennifer C Snyder Tr, Tr for 31 Bar Neck Rd RT Book/Page: 32613/122, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Lee Bank $650,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7680sf Prior Sale: $998,000 (09/13) 2 BAUER LN........................................... $340,000 B: Melissa Page S: Anne M Hemmer Tr, Tr for Harp RT Book/Page: 32610/67, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11230sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (09/15) 5 BRADY DR.......................................... $360,000 B: Brad Tolbert & Rachael Clement S: Roderick C J Est & Charles Roderick Book/Page: 32613/218, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $335,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20542sf 80 COUNTRY CLUB LN.......................... $450,000 B: Kenneth R Piesco & Patricia D Piesco S: Gegam Sarkisian & Kaitlyn Sarkisian Doc#: 000001388309, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20100sf Prior Sale: $369,999 (07/07) 6 CRICKET LN........................................ $300,000 B: Stephan Junker & Jennifer Junker S: Kelly Daniel A Est & Laura S Kelly Book/Page: 32609/55, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Martha Vineyard SB $317,346 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15300sf 116 JAMIE LN....................................... $230,000 B: Excel Building Systems Co S: Reverse Mortgage Funding Book/Page: 32609/116, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: John E Coz $230,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10137sf Prior Sale: $262,815 (10/18) 4 KIRK ST.............................................. $375,000 B: Michael J Feria S: Patricia A Davis Tr, Tr for Patricia A Davis RT Book/Page: 32608/195, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $356,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12800sf 116 KOMPASS DR................................. $280,000 B: John D Mccleary S: David Cousins & Kristan B Cousins Book/Page: 32612/153, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Service Credit Union $286,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20014sf Prior Sale: $454,050 (03/17) 83 LAKE SHORE DR............................... $505,000 B: Daniel E Wisel & Lisa M Wisel S: Scott J Goetz & Nadine T Laforte-Goetz Book/Page: 32615/81, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $255,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14500sf Prior Sale: $372,000 (10/02) NATHAN ELLIS HWY............................. $87,000 B: Michael Shea & Jane E Shea S: James Troubalos & Rita Klapes Book/Page: 32613/10, Date: 01/10/20
78 OAK ST............................................. $580,000 B: Michael Vautour & Lillian M Vautour S: Stephen Albano & Maura C Albano Doc#: 000001387925, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $464,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4800sf 174 QUEEN ST U:2F............................... $625,000 B: Janice S Crowley Tr, Tr for Janice S Crowley RET S: Suzanne S Laham Doc#: 000001388053, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $246,000 (06/98) 85 SAM TURNER RD............................. $334,000 B: Anthony P Burke S: Susan M Sala & Elizabeth Deyoung Doc#: 000001388059, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $210,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25200sf 44 SAND POINT SHORES DR................ $406,000 B: David J Fitch & Sandra J Fitch S: Daniel J Scott & Joan B Scott Book/Page: 32615/129, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $324,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20195sf Prior Sale: $268,000 (04/12) 3 STARBOARD DR................................. $524,000 B: Stephen Albano & Maura C Albano S: Keith H Truesdale & Susan S Truesdale Book/Page: 32609/284, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11350sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (05/11) TRUMBULL RD L:33B............................ $70,000 B: Peterson Development Corp S: DTB Inc Book/Page: 32607/321, Date: 01/09/20 6 UNCATENA N..................................... $3,900,000 B: John R Cahaly Jr & Eloise F Cahaly S: Michael J Follick Doc#: 000001388002, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Customdesign, Lot: 24560sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (02/17) 55 WHITMAN RD................................... $460,000 B: WLWA Jurczyk Holdings LLC S: James K Taylor Doc#: 000001387955, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $525,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 10944sf 25 WOHELO DR..................................... $497,000 B: Abhishek Kumar & Namrata Ojha S: Caleb R Hess & Courtney R Donaher Book/Page: 32606/295, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $446,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 20260sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (03/17)
Harwich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 291 Median Price $422,500
YTD 2019 311 $442,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 ARBUTUS AVE.................................. $250,000 B: Jacquelyn Leger & Brian Leger S: Patricia Taylor Book/Page: 32613/16, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $103,150 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14810sf 218 HEADWATERS DR.......................... $517,500 B: Lawrence I Mortin & Patricia A Schimke S: Bill L Potter Tr, Tr for Potter FT Book/Page: 32609/167, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $400,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20223sf Prior Sale: $400,500 (06/05) 1 HINCKLEY RD..................................... $555,000 B: William M Foley & Cassie L Foley S: Patricia M Morris & Dennis H Weed Book/Page: 32622/224, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $330,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 40749sf 11 LOCUST GROVE RD.......................... $330,000 B: Christopher R Auclair & Kimberly Auclair S: Sheree A Larigan Tr, Tr for Kovnick FT Book/Page: 32612/296, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $264,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10650sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (11/01) 1691 ORLEANS RD................................ $355,000 B: George F Robinson Jr S: Ferdinand A Bernardo & Carol A Zippo Doc#: 000001388177, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $235,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (01/03) 46 WHIDAH DR...................................... $445,000 B: Robert J Allen & Lynda M Allen S: Daniel J Callahan 3rd & Donna M Callahan Doc#: 000001388306, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $400,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $363,500 (11/10)
Mashpee MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 306 Median Price $408,000
YTD 2019 278 $435,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 ASHUMET RD U:10B........................ B: Peter Luckraft S: Nanette P Jacob Doc#: 000001388150, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $127,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $141,000 (03/03) 26 BALFOUR LN.................................... B: Robert J Ward & Wendy L Ward S: Karen T Hubley Tr, Tr for Taggart RT Book/Page: 32607/301, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12502sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (08/13)
17 BISHOPS PARK U:17........................ $390,000 B: Svetlana Wehrlin S: Edith M Orenberg Tr, Tr for Orenberg RT Book/Page: 32607/236, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $194,900 (05/98) 174 LOWELL RD U:39............................ $215,000 B: Margaret M Evans S: Joshua W Richards Book/Page: 32611/273, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $208,550 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $203,000 (11/18) 174 LOWELL RD U:3.............................. $229,900 B: Michael W Cucinotta S: Jerry N Sawyer & Loribeth Towne Book/Page: 32620/234, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $222,227 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $134,000 (11/12) 10 SENECA AVE.................................... $394,500 B: Edward S Nalewanski & Joann M Nalewanski S: Building Technologies LLC Doc#: 000001388096, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9017sf Prior Sale: $261,100 (08/19) 3 SHEFFIELD PL.................................... $561,000 B: Andrew J Westgate & Tracy E Westgate S: 4913 LLC Book/Page: 32606/174, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $448,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19820sf Prior Sale: $367,000 (07/19) 19 SHEFFIELD PL.................................. $464,000 B: Andrew S Rosen & Victoria A Rosen S: Andrew J Westgate & Tracy E Westgate Book/Page: 32605/237, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $417,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19689sf Prior Sale: $316,000 (11/10) 84 SHELLBACK WAY U:84.................... $297,000 B: Frank C Agnes S: Heather Oliver & Priscilla M Tangvik Book/Page: 32607/255, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $222,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $273,000 (01/11) 84 TIDE RUN.......................................... $760,000 B: Colin Campbell & Sarah Campbell S: Ann T Everett Tr, Tr for Bobann RT Doc#: 000001388111, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $560,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (06/01) 26 WHEELER RD.................................... $95,300 B: David H Sturtevant & Vicki Sturtevant S: George H Truxel & Martha L Truxel Book/Page: 32612/57, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 60984sf
Orleans MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 111 Median Price $672,000
YTD 2019 99 $635,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 112 AREYS LN....................................... $695,000 B: Thomas Cunningham & Kristy Cunningham S: Ralph G Sorley Jr Tr, Tr for 112 Areys Lane NT Book/Page: 32618/190, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 61420sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (12/08) 8 CHASE LN........................................... $575,000 B: Richard C Grimaldi & Melissa A Grimaldi S: Abdallah Akar Book/Page: 32618/62, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $484,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (12/16) 14 COVE RD U:1.................................... $795,000 B: Brian Gillespie & Amy Gillespie S: Orleans Centre 4 LLC Book/Page: 32621/196, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Condo 27 DALEY TER....................................... $174,988 B: Byrdie L Jackson S: Katharine V Jackson Book/Page: 32619/104, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $175,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26136sf 19 KINGS WAY...................................... $485,000 B: Judith L Davidson Tr, Tr for Judith L Davidson LT S: James J Stucenski Jr Book/Page: 32612/143, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 42253sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (02/07) 8 LINDSAY LN...................................... $1,030,000 B: Stephen J Farrell & Suzanne T Farrell S: Norman F Mcenaney & Nancy F Mcenaney Book/Page: 32615/206, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $824,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 46174sf 45 MILL POND RD................................. $622,500 B: Joshua A Sloan & Karen H Sloan S: Shirley M Sheridan Tr, Tr for Mary A Mullen T Book/Page: 32622/296, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $484,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 22216sf 23 SAGES WAY.................................... $2,701,000 B: Christopher P Conkey & Susan C Conkey S: Priscilla C Smith Doc#: 000001388117, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 87120sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Provincetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $1,150,000
YTD 2019 25 $860,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 100 ALDEN ST U:228............................ $580,000 B: Angie Soler-Galiano S: Paul L Endich & Patricia A Burke Book/Page: 32610/100, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $427,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 115643sf Prior Sale: $414,400 (06/14) 211-1/2 BRADFORD ST......................... $700,000 B: Douglas K Boulanger S: Susan M Alcott & Thomas F Clancy Book/Page: 32614/201, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $543,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 4012sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (02/00) 286 BRADFORD ST................................ $745,000 B: Leslie H Packard S: Building Men LLC Book/Page: 32618/325, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12032sf Prior Sale: $799,000 (05/19) 93 COMMERCIAL ST U:7....................... $500,000 B: Allan P Dillabough S: Barbara Rice & Richard Mccarthy Book/Page: 32607/128, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $355,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5327sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (04/11) 137 COMMERCIAL ST.......................... $1,400,000 B: 137 Commercial GMC Ptown S: Jay C Anderson Book/Page: 32609/300, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $900,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 1568sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (02/07) 15 MECHANIC ST U:3............................ $870,000 B: Kevin L Sullivan & Patrick K Freer S: Roger Castellani & Alan Ruscoe Book/Page: 32619/208, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7733sf Prior Sale: $749,000 (02/15) 105 PROVINCE LANDS RD................... $1,570,000 B: Paul O Groipen Tr, Tr for Paul O Groipen 2014 RET S: Barry P Wilensky Tr, Tr for Richard A Campana RET Doc#: 000001388050, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12383sf
Sandwich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 403 Median Price $384,000
YTD 2019 381 $399,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 CAPTAIN COLE RD............................. $420,000 B: Alireza Toossi S: Alfred G Grandmont Jr & Wilma N Grandmont Doc#: 000001388074, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $381,974 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13504sf 11 JILLSON WAY................................... $914,000 B: Douglas Shapiro & Jennifer Shapiro S: Greta L Knaus Book/Page: 32618/35, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Ally Bank $730,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $760,000 (07/10) 17 KENSINGTON DR.............................. $309,000 B: Bryan K Thomas S: Kristina Bluefield Book/Page: 32609/98, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $320,124 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (02/19) 69 KNOTT AVE....................................... $350,000 B: Paul True Jr & Glayton Dacruz S: Mark Finley & Carolyn C Finley Doc#: 000001388099, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $262,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $434,000 (06/05) 12 LEVERIDGE LN................................. $111,500 B: John J Hoctor & Susan A Hoctor S: Alice T Walker Tr, Tr for Walker FT Doc#: 000001388030, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $315,272 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 14810sf 9 OLD SNAKE POND RD........................ $402,000 B: Mark E Cadin S: Kristopher E Threlkeld & Hillary B Threlkeld Doc#: 000001387911, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $381,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (07/16) 376 ROUTE 6A U:101............................ $110,000 B: Daniel J Keenan S: George W Bent & Linda M Bent Book/Page: 32605/287, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $62,000 (02/14) 18 TYLER DR......................................... $255,000 B: Jonathan A Leonard & Jeanne E Maclaren S: Judith E Gibbs Doc#: 000001388293, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 27 FEAKE AVE....................................... $66,069 B: Santander Bank NA S: Paul R Legacy & Santander Bank NA Doc#: 000001387894, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 4792sf 4 QUIET ST............................................ $687,000 B: Gerald P Atkins Sr S: Timothy B Cooney & Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Book/Page: 32620/57, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36155sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (08/04)
Truro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $584,387
YTD 2019 53 $715,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 670 SHORE RD U:8................................ B: Randy J Kamen S: Randy J Kamen & Debra S Kamen Book/Page: 32613/185, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Wellfleet MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 73 Median Price $549,000
YTD 2019 63 $550,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 CREST AVE...................................... $1,515,000 B: Amy M Gips S: Thomas A Latanzi & Janet R Latanzi Book/Page: 32611/64, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 37026sf 220 LECOUNT HOLLOW RD................... $425,000 B: Linda J Cronin & Nancy P Cronin-Cook S: Judith L Peterman Tr, Tr for Peterman NT Book/Page: 32621/298, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 65340sf 1045 RIDGE ST...................................... $227,000 B: David Seitler S: Kimberly S Layne Book/Page: 32615/303, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $204,300 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 41818sf Prior Sale: $10,000 (03/04) 2520 STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 6........... $242,000 B: Massachusetts Comm Of S: Charles F Amsler Book/Page: 32613/182, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 33541sf Prior Sale: $341,000 (06/19)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $211,250
YTD 2019 516 $340,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 ACORN HILL DR............................... $545,000 B: Jacob Shwom & Kelly J Shwom S: Svetlana Wehrlin Tr, Tr for 15 Acorn Hill Drive RT Book/Page: 32606/122, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $490,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 61344sf Prior Sale: $481,000 (05/16) 3 CHARLES ST....................................... $297,000 B: Alexander T Cutts S: Kennedy Susan M Est & Joan K Rayno Book/Page: 32622/247, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $282,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14375sf 5 COCHESET PATH................................ $375,000 B: Philip J Qvarnstrom Jr & Tina Qvarnstrom S: Robert F Picarelli & Marion E Picarelli Book/Page: 32618/8, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $356,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40000sf 2 CROMWELL DR.................................. $400,000 B: Brian Govoni S: John C Stocking & Celeste C Stocking Book/Page: 32619/48, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $300,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17860sf 28 HORSE WAY..................................... $589,000 B: Samuel G Silberman & S H Gilberman-Churchill S: Kevin P Shaughnessy Tr, Tr for Mondo RET Book/Page: 32606/63, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $294,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19166sf 17 LILY POND DR.................................. $340,000 B: Carlos Gomez & Linda J Gomez S: Paschal Mary L Est & William M Paschall Book/Page: 32606/262, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $272,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21344sf 44 LOWER BROOK RD........................... $295,000 B: Higor Peters & Natalia Peters S: Caribbean Realty Inc Doc#: 000001388158, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $289,656 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $138,000 (03/19) 5 MCGEE ST.......................................... $260,500 B: Garry Thorpe S: Brian J Govoni & Elizabeth Govoni Book/Page: 32619/31, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $255,781 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $189,000 (04/03) 500 ROUTE 6A....................................... $250,000 B: Sheila M Fitzgerald Tr, Tr for SMF RT S: Muriel S Daly & Matthew P Albanese Book/Page: 32607/291, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 47841sf 5 SALT MEADOW RD............................ $450,000 B: WMSI Development LLC S: Haddard Catherine L Est & Richard T Haddad Doc#: 000001388036, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 23087sf 166 SEAVIEW AVE U:7.......................... $208,000 B: Cynthia Best S: Jeffrey A Howes & Qianyan Cheng Doc#: 000001388064, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $153,685 (11/02)
Middle District
Patricia M. Harris, Register Court House, 44 Bank Row Pittsfield, MA 01201 Telephone: (413) 443-7438 Fax: (413) 448-6025 www.berkshiremiddledeeds.com
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3512 JACOBS LADDER RD................... $259,000 B: Zachary Anderson & Jillian Anderson S: W David Macwilliams 3rd & Deborah S Macwilliams Book/Page: 6557/183, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $233,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (09/07) YOKUM POND RD................................... $5,000 B: Arthur B Powell Jr S: Waller Clementine V Est & Charles M Ivey 3rd Book/Page: 6556/232, Date: 01/10/20 71 PILL DR............................................ $604,081 B: HSBC Bank USA NA Tr S: Michael L Ozner & HSBC Bank USA NA Book/Page: 6558/33, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 166399sf Prior Sale: $259,000 (07/04)
Dalton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $174,500
YTD 2019 84 $189,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 94 BRAEBURN RD................................. B: Lynn E Wesley S: Kathleen O Osullivan & Thomas J Betit Book/Page: 6557/216, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $192,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 39114sf
Lenox MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $313,250
YTD 2019 75 $332,600
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 347 EAST ST......................................... $570,000 B: Timothy M Wilson & Stephanie M Daniels S: Milton Silverstein & Kim Bladh-Silverstein Book/Page: 6558/218, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $570,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 186001sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (04/06) 84 MAIN ST........................................... $350,000 B: Casa Boema LLC S: Daniel W Obrien Book/Page: 6557/55, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $430,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 6105sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (01/01) 25 NEW LENOX RD................................ $355,000 B: Terence E Cronin S: Daniel R Lewis & Paula M Lewis Doc#: 000000042047, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 200376sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (04/15) 24 WESTMINSTER RD........................... $350,000 B: Carlos M Lazalde Tr, Tr for Lazalde FT S: Robin E Anish Book/Page: 6558/213, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30080sf
Otis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $298,000
YTD 2019 12 $215,000
Berkshire Registry
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $189,000
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 580 Median Price $332,950
98 WENDWARD WAY............................ B: John D Typadis & Demetrios P Typadis S: Kenneth M Doherty & Robin G Doherty Book/Page: 32620/337, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $249,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17424sf Prior Sale: $232,500 (07/08)
YTD 2019 43 $335,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 443 LION HILL RD................................. $95,803 B: Michael Calicchia & Joan Calicchia S: Charles L May Tr, Tr for Lorraine D May RET Book/Page: 6558/277, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bank of Bennington $76,373 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 18150sf 2 SEQUENA DR...................................... $319,500 B: Robert B Stulberg & Michelle H Green S: Alice Campbell Tr, Tr for Rose Marie Paykin RET Book/Page: 6558/8, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 139392sf
80 E MAIN RD....................................... $204,000 B: Megan L Torrey S: Ackley Douglas G Est & Douglas G Ackley Jr Book/Page: 6559/122, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $160,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 226512sf Prior Sale: $8,500 (12/99)
Pittsfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 509 Median Price $169,000
YTD 2019 512 $177,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 153 1ST ST............................................ $124,946 B: Anthony J Cimini S: Thomas R Beuth Book/Page: 6556/339, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 7518sf Prior Sale: $159,900 (10/15) 8 ABBOTT ST......................................... $176,000 B: Jose G Desouza S: Jose L Santos Book/Page: 6557/262, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $172,812 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 7919sf Prior Sale: $52,200 (09/14) 52 ABBOTT ST....................................... $182,000 B: Ronald A Lopez-Rivera S: Bruce A Ryan & Sandra J Ryan Book/Page: 6558/160, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $175,925 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 7919sf 39 ATMER AVE...................................... $198,000 B: Hermits Of Jesus Eternal S: Miller Ruth M Est & Kathy J Ferreira Book/Page: 6556/146, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15351sf 60 BACKMAN AVE................................. $137,000 B: Maryellen Hanley S: Matthew M Cyr Book/Page: 6558/253, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $132,890 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6599sf Prior Sale: $129,900 (04/06) 1136 BARKER RD U:14......................... $395,100 B: Geri S Fuhrmann & Christian C Fuhrmann S: Catharine B Deely Tr, Tr for Catharine B Deely 2008 FT Book/Page: 6556/44, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $390,000 (10/11) 57 CHICKERING ST................................ $149,000 B: Stephanie Giardina S: Jacob Trudeau Book/Page: 6559/251, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $142,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4408sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (05/19) 40 CHURCHILL CRST U:40.................... $150,000 B: James C Messana Jr & Linda F Messana S: Marguerite A Reil Book/Page: 6557/36, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,000 (09/06) 1282 CHURCHILL ST............................. $555,000 B: Peter J Houser Tr, Tr for Olmsted RT S: Central Berkshire Lnd Dev Book/Page: 6558/120, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $416,250 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 169013sf 1284 CHURCHILL ST............................. $555,000 B: Peter J Houser Tr, Tr for Olmsted RT S: Central Berkshire Lnd Dev Book/Page: 6558/120, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $416,250 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 364162sf 1286 CHURCHILL ST............................. $555,000 B: Peter J Houser Tr, Tr for Olmsted RT S: Central Berkshire Lnd Dev Book/Page: 6558/120, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $416,250 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 307098sf 1288 CHURCHILL ST............................. $555,000 B: Peter J Houser Tr, Tr for Olmsted RT S: Central Berkshire Lnd Dev Book/Page: 6558/120, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $416,250 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 366340sf 53 COMMONWEALTH AVE.................... $225,000 B: Katherine Bernal & Giovanni Huitzil-Panecatl S: Curry Clayton W Est & Thomas W Curry Book/Page: 6558/313, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $220,115 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9239sf 121 DORCHESTER AVE......................... $79,000 B: Churchill Street Realty S: MHFA Book/Page: 6558/84, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bell Funding LLC $103,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12149sf Prior Sale: $86,161 (07/19) 1506 EAST ST....................................... $115,000 B: T&D Rental Properties Inc S: Peter A Myers & Michelle A Myers Book/Page: 6557/147, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: NBT Bank NA $92,000 Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 8398sf Prior Sale: $116,000 (04/12) 99 LYMAN ST........................................ $150,000 B: Angela J Borden & Thomas R Lynch S: Bonnie M Sondrini Doc#: 000000042045, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15002sf 61 UNION ST.......................................... $93,700 B: Michael T Parks & Kimberly Langley-Parks S: Theodore Kozlowski Tr, Tr for 61 Union Street RT Book/Page: 6556/311, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $70,275 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 10193sf 41 WENDELL AVE.................................. $265,000 B: 41 Wendell RE LLC S: Pittsfield American Legn Book/Page: 6559/242, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 31429sf
JANUARY 27, 2020
109 WENDELL AVE................................ $220,000 B: Trevor S Regensburg & Eric A Regensburg S: Zachary W Ronan & Rebecca A Tamea Book/Page: 6558/301, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 8 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11204sf Prior Sale: $341,500 (10/07) 66 WOOD AVE....................................... $55,000 B: TMR Realty LLC S: Allen Roberta M Est & Dawn Allen Book/Page: 6557/39, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6338sf Prior Sale: $77,900 (06/99)
Florida MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $95,306
YTD 2019 7 $160,000
45 MARCELLA AVE............................... $88,000 B: Ellies Holdings LLC S: Thomas C Rizzo & Greylock FCU Book/Page: 6558/46, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Fox Point Lending $122,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6499sf Prior Sale: $142,500 (09/08) 242 ONOTA ST....................................... $50,000 B: Greylock FCU S: Frank A Masdea Sr & Greylock FCU Book/Page: 6556/274, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 14057sf 44 STRONG AVE.................................... $94,710 B: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA S: Eric F Ames & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 6559/39, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6752sf Prior Sale: $128,000 (06/10)
68 CENTRAL SHAFT RD........................ $136,200 B: Christopher E Sherman S: Kennard E Sherman & Janet L Sherman Book/Page: 1703/262, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $108,960 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 222156sf MOHAWK TRL....................................... $50,000 B: Hoosac Range LLC S: Patrick J Gray Tr, Tr for Hill N Dale NT Book/Page: 1703/509, Date: 01/13/20 137 MOHAWK TRL................................ $115,000 B: Hoosac Range LLC S: James M Pedro Tr, Tr for 137 Mohawk Trail T Book/Page: 1703/517, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (07/17) OLSON RD............................................. $50,000 B: Hoosac Range LLC S: Patrick J Gray Tr, Tr for Hill N Dale NT Book/Page: 1703/509, Date: 01/13/20
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $349,075
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $199,900
YTD 2019 28 $296,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 209 STATE RD....................................... $300,000 B: Angela M Bernstein S: Teri L Cooper & Isabel Silva Book/Page: 6559/182, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $185,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 104544sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (06/04) SWAMP RD............................................ $57,500 B: Gary E Symanski & Catherine Symanski S: Joseph P Bettis & Donna M Bettis Book/Page: 6556/20, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 804553sf Prior Sale: $46,500 (05/00)
Stockbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $357,500
YTD 2019 37 $357,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 ICE GLEN RD................................... $1,250,000 B: Jonathan A Lyons & Amy Lyons S: Michael Shapiro Doc#: 000000042042, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $250,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 645995sf Prior Sale: $1,225,000 (06/15) 3 MASSASOIT RD.................................. $247,000 B: Paul A Malatesta & Lucy Seham-Malatesta S: Albert L Sturmer & Sheila D Sturmer Book/Page: 6557/90, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 31363sf OSCCOLA DR......................................... $247,000 B: Paul A Malatesta & Lucy Seham-Malatesta S: Albert L Sturmer & Sheila D Sturmer Book/Page: 6557/90, Date: 01/10/20
Washington YTD 2019 4 $359,000
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 71 N WASHINGTON STATE RD.............. $181,500 B: USA HUD S: Kathleen A Breen Book/Page: 6556/131, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 227383sf
Berkshire Registry Northern District
Maria T. Ziemba, Register 65 Park Street, Adams, MA 01220 Telephone: (413) 743-0035 Fax: (413) 743-1003 www.masslandrecords.com
Adams MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $143,950
YTD 2019 90 $148,200
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 BELLEVUE AVE................................. B: Jason E Lillie S: Richview Properties LLC Book/Page: 1703/43, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $78,551 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (02/17)
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27 ORCHARD AVE................................. $242,500 B: Yessica Soriano-Martinez & Eufrocina Martinez-Bernal S: James J Parise & Stephanie M Parise Book/Page: 1703/308, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: MountainOne Bk $206,125 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17424sf Prior Sale: $138,000 (01/08)
North Adams MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $139,950
YTD 2019 95 $138,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 139 ASHLAND ST.................................. $50,000 B: Thomas W Rumbolt Tr, Tr for Red Marker NT S: Anita A Avery Tr, Tr for Avery FT Book/Page: 1703/69, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 8960sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (10/00) 911 CHURCH ST.................................... $190,000 B: Richard Fleury S: Barschdorf Claire M Est & Marissa Barschdorf Book/Page: 1703/287, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Camden National Bank $152,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 97356sf 38 E QUINCY ST.................................... $84,900 B: Erica R Diponzio & John T Diponzio S: Tallage Lincoln LLC Book/Page: 1703/403, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $80,655 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13416sf Prior Sale: $79,000 (07/98)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 Median Price $287,000
YTD 2019 42 $220,500
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
94 PROSPECT ST.................................. $52,000 B: Craig D Gifford & Nellie A Gifford S: Daniel S Vasquez & Adams Community Bank Book/Page: 1703/472, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $416,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8052sf Prior Sale: $68,000 (01/19) 131 STATE ST....................................... $73,298 B: US Bank NA Tr S: William C Martin Jr & Robin Martin Book/Page: 1703/521, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4620sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (05/05)
Williamstown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 80 Median Price $308,750
YTD 2019 56 $290,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 759 HANCOCK RD................................ $1,000,000 B: Michelle Johnson & Ben A Scotto S: Timothy C Kennedy Tr, Tr for George D Kennedy 1993 T Book/Page: 1703/378, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Forest, Lot: 4356000sf 130 HENDERSON RD............................. $41,350 B: Pensco T Co LLC S: Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 1702/1112, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10019sf 408 N HEMLOCK LN U:408.................... $210,000 B: Lucie C Polk Tr, Tr for Lucie C Polk 2016 RET S: Deborah Ketai Ex, Ex for Krupp Margo Est Book/Page: 1703/138, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 1206 N HOOSAC RD.............................. $170,000 B: Alan J Tessier & Marcia A Tessier S: Bonita S Derawy & Harold E Thomas Jr Book/Page: 1703/204, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $136,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 41382sf
Berkshire Registry Southern District
Michelle Laramee-Jenny, Register 334 Main Street, Suite 2 Great Barrington, MA 01230 Telephone: (413) 528-0146 Fax: (413) 528-6878 www.masslandrecords.com
Alford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $442,500
YTD 2019 11 $600,000
60 SHUNPIKE RD................................... B: Sarah L Duryea S: Janet Griffith-Stanton Book/Page: 2571/95, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Lee Bank $137,800 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 49223sf Prior Sale: $47,500 (10/17)
Bristol Registry
Fall River District Bernard J. McDonald III, Register 441 North Main Street Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone: (508) 673-1651 Fax: (508) 673-7633 www.fallriverdeeds.com
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES JUG END RD.......................................... B: Kathleen A Mcgowan S: Adrian VanZon Book/Page: 2572/26, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Salisbury Bk & Tr $424,000 Type: Adj
Great Barrington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 65 Median Price $354,000
YTD 2019 71 $325,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 BLUE HILL LN..................................... $352,000 B: Derek R Sisco & Juliet E Popper S: William H Wise & Kelli-Ann Wise Book/Page: 2572/51, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 172062sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (05/07) 20 CASTLE ST....................................... $423,000 B: Castle Street Firehouse S: 20 Castle Street LLC Book/Page: 2571/324, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (05/14) 324 PARK ST N..................................... $525,000 B: Lori A Robbins Tr, Tr for LL Industries NT S: Margaret Q Dietemann Book/Page: 2571/35, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $485,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 1138876sf Prior Sale: $58,586 (04/11) 611 MAIN ST......................................... $190,000 B: Rosa C Chica-Ochoa S: Karen S Cardillo Tr, Tr for K H&J E Tenbroeck FT Book/Page: 2570/334, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 20996sf
Sandisfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $265,000
YTD 2019 12 $240,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES NEW HARTFORD RD.............................. $23,300 B: Cyrus Clark 3rd S: Elaine Lanza Book/Page: 2571/268, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 137911sf NEW HARTFORD RD.............................. $46,700 B: Cyrus Clark 3rd S: Linda Coveney Book/Page: 2571/265, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 137606sf NEW HARTFORD RD.............................. $85,000 B: Alexander Bowman & Jessica Cofrin S: Maybelle Jacquemin Book/Page: 2571/223, Date: 01/10/20
Sheffield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $282,250
YTD 2019 409 $255,000
Egremont YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $455,000
Fall River YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 416 Median Price $245,000
YTD 2019 43 $315,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1050 BERKSHIRE SCHOOL RD.............. $200,000 B: Victor J Biasin 3rd & Juliana L Keil-Biasin S: Sara Combes-Leahey Tr, Tr for Abbott C Combes FT Book/Page: 2571/1, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $180,000 Type: Adj Use: Mixed Use-forest & Resid, Lot: 5440644sf 716 RANNAPO RD................................. $780,000 B: Brian Simon & Susan Norkin S: Mildred Wu-Chan Book/Page: 2571/150, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Salisbury Bk & Tr $400,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 370260sf
12 YELLOW HILL RD............................. B: Kathryn Rego & Christopher Rego S: DBLA LLC Book/Page: 9990/145, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $297,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 114998sf Prior Sale: $318,000 (10/19)
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 WESTWOOD DR................................ B: Zachary R Tolbert & Linda M Tolbert S: Rita R Galchus Book/Page: 2571/346, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $600,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 654271sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (06/01)
JANUARY 27, 2020
112 ARIZONA ST................................... $280,000 B: Tracy Bauer & David L Bauer S: Emilia Desrosiers Book/Page: 9990/192, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3637sf 591 CHICAGO ST................................... $240,500 B: Angel Gomes & Antonio Gomes S: Constitution Properties Book/Page: 9988/303, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: First Citizens Cr Un $192,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5987sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (10/19) COURTNEY ST....................................... $385,000 B: Maria C Botelho & Ludgero C Botelho S: AIS Real Estate Dev Corp Book/Page: 9990/343, Date: 01/13/20 185 GRATTAN ST.................................. $300,000 B: Jose P Mota & Clotilde R Mota S: Frank Costa Tr, Tr for Frank&E L Costa IRT Book/Page: 9990/91, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9896sf Prior Sale: $52,800 (07/99) 144 GUILD ST........................................ $166,500 B: El Khoury Brothers RE LLC S: Saint Annes Fraternity Book/Page: 9990/68, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Fraternal Organization, Lot: 34000sf 242 HARRISON ST................................. $250,000 B: Brian Gaffney & Rebecca Gaffney S: Antonio Martins Book/Page: 9988/328, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $187,500 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2880sf 2221 HIGHLAND AVE............................ $350,000 B: Antonio C Medeiros & Maria J Medeiros S: TWM Realty Inc Book/Page: 9990/38, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $190,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11276sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (07/06) 473 JUNE ST......................................... $367,000 B: Toni Saade S: Peaceful Way LLC Book/Page: 9990/169, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $360,352 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8272sf Prior Sale: $66,500 (08/14) 10 MATE DR.......................................... $228,000 B: Tara Pacheco & Joseph P Valero S: Tracy A Perron Book/Page: 9988/139, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 6103sf Prior Sale: $91,000 (09/98) 4695 N MAIN ST U:4............................. $240,000 B: Juliana M Estrela S: Ludgero C Botelho & Maria Consuelo-Botelho Book/Page: 9990/288, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $192,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $195,000 (08/08) 735 PLEASANT ST................................. $450,000 B: A&M Electrical Mechanical S: Tanios Barbour Tr, Tr for Barbour Auto Sales T Book/Page: 9990/64, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Auto Sales, Lot: 11280sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (10/05) 789-795 PLYMOUTH AVE...................... $430,000 B: CFI Development LLC S: Gerald R Banville Book/Page: 9988/215, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Asset View Capital $215,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 9469sf 1590 ROBESON ST................................ $225,000 B: Brett J Misturado & Anna M Chase S: Carl Botelho & Lisa Botelho Book/Page: 9990/122, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $210,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6927sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/10) 44 SMITHIES ST.................................... $175,000 B: Nancy Aguiar & Neil Aguiar S: Robert A Pouliot & Joann Carreiro Book/Page: 9989/48, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $166,250 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 11166sf 42 STOCKTON ST.................................. $279,000 B: Joseph Barros S: Tara Pacheco Book/Page: 9988/122, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $259,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5534sf WINIFRED WAY..................................... $403,000 B: Anne M Richie & Jose Ferreira S: AIS Real Estate Dev Corp Book/Page: 9989/286, Date: 01/10/20
491 BULLOCK ST................................... $251,894 B: USA HUD S: Elizabeth Chrupcala Doc#: 000000051273, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 9660sf 418 QUEQUECHAN ST........................... $445,000 B: DBLA LLC S: Oddarh Inc & Apex Mortgage Corp Book/Page: 9990/76, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 60984sf Prior Sale: $89,000 (03/04) 328 WALTER ST.................................... $130,000 B: DBLA LLC S: Saro Costa & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 9991/198, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3839sf
Bristol Registry
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 100 Median Price $324,950
Northern District Barry J. Amaral, Register of Deeds 11 Court Street, Taunton, MA 02780 Telephone: (508) 822-7527 Fax: (508) 880-4975 www.tauntondeeds.com
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 434 Median Price $318,500
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 95 Median Price $324,000
YTD 2019 108 $383,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 143 CHIPAWAY RD............................... B: Jose Carvalho & Michael A Guzzo S: Nicholas J Deleo Book/Page: 9990/14, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $225,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 49658sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (08/14)
Somerset MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 221 Median Price $280,000
YTD 2019 227 $286,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 GIBBS ST.......................................... B: Scott C Teixeira S: Robert E Allen Jr & Kim M Allen Book/Page: 9991/188, Date: 01/14/20 490 KATHLEEN AVE.............................. B: Jamie Pacheco S: Paulo Janeiro Book/Page: 9988/272, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $303,125 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8712sf 68 LYNCH AVE....................................... B: David W Clement & Elizabeth M Clement S: Leonard J Camara & Sandra L Camara Book/Page: 9988/253, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $215,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19602sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (03/99) 64 PATTERSON AVE.............................. B: Kevin Hermenegildo S: John W Pimentel & Lucy Pimentel Book/Page: 9991/265, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $367,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8276sf Prior Sale: $139,500 (02/98) 14 SPARROW LN................................... B: Filomena Mccann S: David W Clement & Elizabeth M Clement Book/Page: 9990/196, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $180,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $157,500 (01/14)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 191 MOHAWK RD.................................. B: USA HUD S: Gloria F Bieler & Steven B Bieler Book/Page: 9989/77, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf 967 WILBUR AVE.................................. B: US Bank NA Tr S: David A Lavoie & US Bank NA Book/Page: 9988/46, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7405sf
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 247 Median Price $279,900
YTD 2019 444 $337,750
102 BANK ST......................................... $415,000 B: Francesco B Gioioso S: Stephen K Tasker Tr, Tr for 102-104 Bank Street RT Book/Page: 25656/121, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $311,250 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 8893sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (07/13) 55 BLISS AVE U:8.................................. $220,000 B: Ramon C Wong & Kelly R Wong S: Jason Baird & Karen E Simpson Book/Page: 25653/56, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $205,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $169,900 (06/16) 24 BUENA VISTA DR............................. $480,000 B: Mariusz Z Wojtyna & Alicja Wojtyna S: Geralyn Riley Book/Page: 25656/37, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Pawtucket CU $225,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16000sf Prior Sale: $77,500 (03/19) 14 CODDING RD.................................... $441,400 B: Derek A George & Kaitlin R George S: Marisa M Carlone & Nathan J Carlone Book/Page: 25653/79, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $353,120 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 33504sf 105 CUMBERLAND AVE......................... $5,000 B: Sandra E Bonin & Mary M Rebello S: Carlos A Costa Book/Page: 25650/178, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 13000sf 2 LESTER R GRAY DR........................... $375,000 B: Nargis Moshen & Sayed Moshen S: Jonathan C Ralston & Shelly K Ralston Book/Page: 25653/110, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $281,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16270sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (07/03) 35 LORD ST........................................... $403,850 B: Ramezinha Monteiro S: Mariusz Z Wojtyna & Alicja Wojtyna Book/Page: 25655/165, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $390,000 230 PINE ST.......................................... $348,000 B: Nicole Lindsor & Christopher Dubois S: AZ 14 Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 25655/211, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $341,696 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (02/19) 180 S MAIN ST U:15............................. $126,000 B: Padmavathi Bhimana S: Jennifer Macneill Book/Page: 25661/49, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $94,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $90,000 (04/16)
Swansea YTD 2019 239 $315,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 104 BAPTIST ST.................................... $370,000 B: Jeremy Belgrave S: William L Sellers & Kimberlee L Sellers Book/Page: 9991/16, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $363,298 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 34848sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (09/06) 62 EDWARDS AVE................................. $359,000 B: Alaric Robinson & Kimika Robinson S: 10 Point Properties LLC Book/Page: 9989/89, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $352,497 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6534sf Prior Sale: $52,000 (04/18) 83 SEAVIEW AVE................................... $275,000 B: Daniel Carvalho & Kim Carvalho S: Sara Moore Book/Page: 9990/104, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $183,174 (11/16) 222 WINDWARD WAY........................... $460,650 B: Robert E Allen & Kim M Allen S: B Mcneill Building Corp Book/Page: 9991/211, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 16988sf
53 GARDEN ST...................................... B: FNMA S: Robert R Palmer Book/Page: 25660/114, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3521sf Prior Sale: $84,000 (04/98) 9 POND ST N......................................... B: Santander Bank NA S: George E Parker & Santander Bank NA Book/Page: 25649/52, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 32197sf
Berkley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 59 Median Price $335,000
YTD 2019 90 $349,500
YTD 2019 68 $388,325
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28 42ND ST........................................... $410,000 B: Daniel Rose & Donna Rose S: Christopher Rose & Jennifer Labrie Book/Page: 25661/306, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Jennifer Labrie $80,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20473sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (10/16) 518 BERKLEY ST.................................... $5,000 B: Michael E Garrant & Melanie A Garrant S: John F Gallagher 3rd Book/Page: 25657/235, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 304920sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
1905 ELM ST......................................... $469,000 B: Cheryl A Desjardin & Oscar Desjardin S: Douglas T Pratt & Dawn L Pratt Book/Page: 25659/99, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $375,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 131987sf Prior Sale: $438,000 (01/04) PILOT ROCK DR..................................... $150,000 B: Jay Bullens Tr, Tr for Able RT S: Stonegate Landing LLC Book/Page: 25659/227, Date: 01/14/20 1845 PINE HILL RD............................... $508,000 B: Brandon G Hayes Sr & Crystal E Mendonsa S: Dustin J Pari & Diane S Pari Book/Page: 25655/130, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $405,000 Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $408,000 (10/15)
Easton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 212 Median Price $445,500
YTD 2019 227 $462,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 49 BELMONT ST.................................... B: Raymond V Ferrone S: 49 Belmont Street LLC Book/Page: 25650/332, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 43996sf 19 GREENWOOD VILLAGE ST U:19....... B: Alexis J Schulz & Scott R Gandy S: Jianchen Chen Book/Page: 25656/64, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $209,142 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $208,500 (08/03) 2 HILLTOP LN U:3.................................. B: Robert D Bisanti S: Sandy Habashy Book/Page: 25650/149, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $180,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $147,320 (03/15) 31 SHERIDAN ST................................... B: Brodget S Roberts & Barrett Q Reoberts S: Joanne N Edwards & Tyrone Edwards Book/Page: 25658/158, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $340,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13068sf 477 WASHINGTON ST........................... B: Ava Moses LLC S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 25658/325, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 34848sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (07/19)
Mansfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 232 Median Price $450,000
YTD 2019 197 $465,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 81 ANGELL ST....................................... $305,000 B: Gina E Bouchard & Megan A Bouchard S: Christina A Moscaritolo Book/Page: 25649/25, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Pawtucket CU $305,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8400sf Prior Sale: $213,000 (05/14) 31 KING ARTHUR WAY.......................... $637,000 B: Matthew Mcgrane & Christina A Moscaritolo S: Donald O Morse & Victoria C Morse Book/Page: 25649/346, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $606,850 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 39826sf
North Attleboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 285 Median Price $376,000
YTD 2019 294 $398,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 JUDGE ST........................................... B: Deborah Galante S: Derek A George & Kaitlin R George Book/Page: 25653/37, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: NFM Inc $300,457 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $256,000 (07/15) 74 OAKHURST ST.................................. B: 809 E Washington St LLC S: VIB Properties LLC Book/Page: 25651/88, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20332sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (02/12) 220 PARK ST U:10................................ B: Christopher Koukol S: Vladimir Lessage Book/Page: 25657/259, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $222,130 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $212,900 (09/17)
Norton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 195 Median Price $366,000
YTD 2019 184 $372,450
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 164 DEAN ST......................................... B: Robert Johanson S: Alexandria Cronin Tr, Tr for L&A RT Book/Page: 25650/245, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $398,185 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 329314sf Prior Sale: $184,000 (03/03)
98 NEWLAND ST................................... $385,000 B: Waithaka R Wanyee & Erika L Bornemann S: Kelsey Bonnet & Kevin Bonnett Book/Page: 25650/266, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Broker Solutions Inc $378,026 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18426sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (08/13)
Raynham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 192 Median Price $416,250
YTD 2019 178 $381,250
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 FAIR LN............................................ B: Emily Lewis-Tovar S: Matthew J Fernandes Book/Page: 25648/250, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $460,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43660sf Prior Sale: $513,450 (09/11) 115 GOLDFINCH DR.............................. B: Ernesto Fadrigalan & Jueyao Fadrigalan S: Raynham Preserve LLC Book/Page: 25662/117, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $334,850 133 MICHAEL RD.................................. B: Kevin Rocha & Eileen Rocha S: Michael R Hall Book/Page: 25654/205, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $316,658 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20369sf Prior Sale: $256,000 (12/15) 40 SANDY HILL RD............................... B: Emily A Hall & Michael R Hall S: Madison Homes LLC Book/Page: 25656/152, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $400,000 29 TERRIER WAY.................................. B: Joseph Sousa S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 25654/92, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 350671sf Prior Sale: $312,028 (02/19) 249 TITICUT RD..................................... B: Sabbatia Holdings LLC S: Freedom Mortgage Corp Book/Page: 25653/300, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 35693sf Prior Sale: $385,400 (10/19)
Rehoboth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 146 Median Price $412,500
YTD 2019 129 $409,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 CLANA RD........................................ $205,000 B: James M Mcandrews Jr & Irene O Eberbach S: Winterfell Development Doc#: 000000111597, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $495,000 5 GLEBE ST........................................... $145,000 B: Michael E Taylor & Laura A Taylor S: Michael A Bigney & Thomas S Pelchat Book/Page: 25654/310, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $414,568 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 107916sf 155 MOULTON ST.................................. $359,000 B: Lina Pringle & Thomas Pringle S: Susan M Hicks & Kristi L Callahan Book/Page: 25655/231, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $167,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 74810sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (04/15)
Seekonk MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 202 Median Price $320,000
YTD 2019 164 $338,750
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 30 DANA DR.......................................... $335,000 B: Peter Konstatilakis & Rachana Sar S: Sharlene J Mallon Book/Page: 25656/185, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $318,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17424sf Prior Sale: $243,000 (07/09) 351 FALL RIVER AVE............................ $155,000 B: Seekonk Town Of S: Seekonk Post 311 American Book/Page: 25661/75, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 235224sf 182 LAKE ST......................................... $155,000 B: Rashida Taher S: Vito L Iacono Tr, Tr for Iacono IRT Book/Page: 25654/172, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 57935sf 149 OAK HILL AVE................................ $110,000 B: Randy S Pardini Tr, Tr for Issachar Spendthrift T S: Jonathan S Pardini Book/Page: 25658/83, Date: 01/13/20 153 OAK HILL AVE................................ $100,000 B: Randy S Pardini Tr, Tr for Issachar Spendthrift T S: Jonathan S Pardini Book/Page: 25658/123, Date: 01/13/20 157 OAKHILL AVE................................. $105,000 B: Randy S Pardini Tr, Tr for Issachar Spendthrift T S: Jonathan S Pardini Book/Page: 25658/86, Date: 01/13/20 3 OLIVIA WAY........................................ $560,000 B: Dustin Pari S: Geoffrey A Waldman & Jill A Waldman Book/Page: 25655/273, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $476,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $529,000 (12/16) 983 TAUNTON AVE................................ $425,000 B: Braulio Diaz S: Ajesh R Patel & Priti A Patel Book/Page: 25660/303, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $340,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36590sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (07/07)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 514 Median Price $300,255
YTD 2019 498 $310,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 925 CRANE AVE S U:T4......................... $240,000 B: Deanna D Hatch & James Hatch S: Vincent M Taylor & Beth A Taylor Book/Page: 25649/202, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $245,520 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $239,900 (09/18) 1348 BAY ST......................................... $350,000 B: Rehinald J Pinckney & Cynthia E Pinckney S: Helen L Morissette Book/Page: 25659/104, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $343,660 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $342,500 (01/14) 35 BAYLIES RD U:35............................. $205,000 B: Patricia D Pimentel & Sergio F Pimentel S: Showstead Thomas F Est & David A Showstead Book/Page: 25651/167, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $198,850 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 80 BAYLIES RD U:80............................. $270,000 B: Audra Blazuk & John E Donovan S: Crystal E Mendonsa Book/Page: 25654/266, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $265,109 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $212,000 (05/07) 150 BROADWAY.................................... $125,000 B: Madlog Management LLC Tr, Tr for Richmond Street RT S: Jeannette Brown & Sanford Brown Book/Page: 25653/255, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Mechanics Cp Bk $118,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5663sf Prior Sale: $81,000 (08/00) 38 CARA CIR......................................... $467,500 B: Joseph Gonsalves S: Elton Harding Jr & Jeannine M Harding Book/Page: 25648/240, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 31363sf Prior Sale: $389,900 (08/14) 20 CHESTER ST..................................... $260,000 B: Margaret A Perry S: John E Nichols & Lynn M Nichols Book/Page: 25649/143, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $234,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13504sf 211 COPLEY DR..................................... $425,000 B: Mariano Baez S: Michael G Mccloud & Donna M Mccloud Book/Page: 25658/177, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $403,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25265sf 407 DANFORTH ST................................ $265,000 B: Vicente Furtado S: Joshua Rice Book/Page: 25655/49, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cardinal Fncl Co LP $260,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $96,000 (04/19) 125 HIGHLAND ST U:308...................... $217,000 B: Edward Kiernan S: Larson Jeffrey J Est & Susan M Hall Book/Page: 25650/98, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Crescent CU $196,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $229,900 (08/07) 506 HODGES ST.................................... $359,900 B: James E Olney & Nancy Valcorba-Olney S: Andrew J Medas & Michelle E Medas Book/Page: 25654/245, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $353,380 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 23087sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (03/18) 18 JACKSON ST.................................... $411,000 B: Diane Mcelligott Tr, Tr for D-Jac 18 RT S: Arcenio B Chaves Book/Page: 25649/325, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $308,250 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (03/13) 255 JOSEPH WARNER BLVD.............. $10,150,000 B: Agree LP S: Warner Boulevard Dev LLC Book/Page: 25655/303, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Supermarket, Lot: 265716sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (09/02) 67 SCHOOL ST....................................... $300,000 B: Kyle Pernock S: Melisa A VanHorn Book/Page: 25654/331, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $294,566 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (01/06) 145 SEEKELL ST.................................... $278,750 B: Shawn Moniz S: Lori Neves Book/Page: 25658/241, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Taunton Federal Cr Un $223,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30492sf 785 SOMERSET AVE............................. $217,000 B: Bradford T Kuczewski & Brandon J Tangaro S: Kuczewski Thaddeus J Est & Kevin Kuczewski Book/Page: 25658/275, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $206,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8712sf 8 SPINNAKER LN U:B............................ $305,000 B: Robert J Small S: Stephen Brescia & Denise Miner-Hart Book/Page: 25648/330, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $258,187 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (05/17) 626 STAPLES ST................................... $306,500 B: Carlos A Sanchez S: Charles Griswold & Christine A Griswold Book/Page: 25656/88, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Finance America LLC $300,948 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 25700sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (11/14) 55 WILLIAMS ST U:602......................... $299,500 B: Ryan Ellis & Meghan Ellis S: Chrisstine Avevedo Book/Page: 25651/133, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $310,282 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $304,772 (11/06)
160 WINTHROP ST................................ $297,000 B: Jhon J Valencia S: CV Investment Group LLC Book/Page: 25658/198, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 4792sf Prior Sale: $94,000 (01/19) 594 WINTHROP ST................................ $315,000 B: Jerry Oladipo-Olaniyan & Priya A Mohan S: Hamie H Mohamad Book/Page: 25653/304, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Bay Equity LLC $309,294 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 12197sf 4-1/2 WOODLAWN ST........................... $297,700 B: Evelyne Francois & Rodolphe Francois S: James E Punda Tr, Tr for Punda RT Book/Page: 25659/36, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $292,307 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17860sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 61 WORCESTER ST............................... B: FNMA S: Paul M Plumb 3rd & FNMA Book/Page: 25655/6, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 26572sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 225 Median Price $277,500
YTD 2019 183 $286,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 397 MAIN ST......................................... B: Nolan J Roderiques S: Dennis A Arsenault & Shane Tavares Book/Page: 13076/278, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $256,763 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4613sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (04/15) 111 WASHINGTON ST........................... B: Elizabeth Goodhue S: Reid Dorothy M Est & Patricia Lee Book/Page: 13076/79, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $193,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4809sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (09/14)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 642 Median Price $220,888
YTD 2019 626 $239,900
Frederick Kalisz Jr., Register 25 North Sixth Street New Bedford, MA 02740 Telephone: (508) 993-2603 Fax: (508) 997-4250 www.newbedforddeeds.com
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES CONDUIT ST L:5.................................... $14,000 B: Stephen Couto-Medeiros S: Suzanne L Picard Book/Page: 13076/141, Date: 01/14/20 CONDUIT ST L:6.................................... $14,000 B: Stephen Couto-Medeiros S: Suzanne L Picard Book/Page: 13076/141, Date: 01/14/20 CONDUIT ST L:7.................................... $14,000 B: Stephen Couto-Medeiros S: Suzanne L Picard Book/Page: 13076/141, Date: 01/14/20 CONDUIT ST L:8.................................... $14,000 B: Stephen Couto-Medeiros S: Suzanne L Picard Book/Page: 13076/141, Date: 01/14/20 3 N ANTHONY DR.................................. $265,000 B: Bruce Gadomski & Lucinda Gadomski S: Adelina C Botelho & Jeremy J Jadlowic Book/Page: 13071/242, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $180,000 Use: 1-Family Ranch, Lot: 11280sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (04/06) 120 PERRY HILL RD.............................. $300,000 B: Karen L Knox & Frank A Knox S: Russell Dubois Tr, Tr for Perry Hill Cranberry RT Book/Page: 13071/93, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 2247714sf
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BAYBERRY LN L:7................................. B: Artur J Matos & Patricia Matos S: MVF Development Corp Book/Page: 13073/299, Date: 01/10/20 FAIRWAY DR L:150............................... B: Michael W Kramer & Susan G Kramer S: MVF Development Corp Book/Page: 13073/211, Date: 01/10/20 420 GULF RD W..................................... B: Randy J Everett & Nicole C Everett S: Ronald Oliveira Book/Page: 13074/21, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $356,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17967sf Prior Sale: $275,100 (09/19) 605 HIGHLAND AVE.............................. B: Dayra Stevens & Christian G Stevens S: Manuel Demelo & Maria B Demelo Book/Page: 13073/241, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $484,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40291sf LAKESIDE AVE L:10.............................. B: Ryan Pina S: White Debra D Est & William N Gagne Book/Page: 13073/115, Date: 01/10/20 LAKESIDE AVE L:11.............................. B: Ryan Pina S: White Debra D Est & William N Gagne Book/Page: 13073/115, Date: 01/10/20 7 WALNUT ST........................................ B: Arcenio B Chaves S: Lopes Dwayne J Est & Amanda Lopes Book/Page: 13076/177, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 3600sf Prior Sale: $19,900 (12/10)
Southern District
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 322 Median Price $330,000
New Bedford
Bristol Registry
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 104 Median Price $298,950
JANUARY 27, 2020
3759 ACUSHNET AVE............................ $330,000 B: Joshua Moreira & Crystal Moreira S: Troy Johnson Book/Page: 13073/218, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $324,022 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9923sf Prior Sale: $286,500 (03/18) 242 AUSTIN ST...................................... $261,200 B: Joshua D Hoyle & Jessica L Hoyle S: Patricio V Jorge Book/Page: 13072/58, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $195,900 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4230sf Prior Sale: $117,000 (04/19) 47 BABBITT ST...................................... $136,251 B: Optimum Business Invests S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 13076/206, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $142,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3472sf Prior Sale: $120,291 (06/18) 198 BLACKMER ST............................... $209,000 B: Jose A Cabral S: Jose R Pereira & Nidia M Pereira Book/Page: 13072/212, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $202,024 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 1999sf Prior Sale: $56,000 (12/16) 112 BRYANT LN.................................... $300,000 B: Jason Braz S: Pauline M Gouveia Book/Page: 13071/82, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 12994sf 141 CHESTNUT ST................................ $140,000 B: Rufino A Pinho S: Resi REO Sub LLC Book/Page: 13073/132, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4548sf Prior Sale: $146,232 (06/19) 286 COFFIN AVE.................................... $340,000 B: Sueira Dosanjos & Esmael Fernandes S: Michelle Racine Book/Page: 13074/133, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $333,841 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5672sf 311 COGGESHALL ST............................ $265,000 B: William M Melendez S: Liberio Demelo Book/Page: 13074/59, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $260,200 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2069sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (03/99) 236 COLLETTE ST................................. $225,000 B: Shaina M Rivera & Carlos M Rivera S: Odete Durden & Ivo Almeida Book/Page: 13075/120, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $168,750 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4003sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (05/01) 139 DARTMOUTH ST............................. $349,000 B: Josefina Rodrigues S: Kevin E Welch Jr Tr, Tr for IHT IRT Book/Page: 13073/185, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $319,800 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4339sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (06/98) 139-141 HATCH ST............................... $247,500 B: Melissa A Fonseca S: Debra Morse Book/Page: 13071/336, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $235,125 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7327sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (06/12) 69-71 HAZARD ST................................. $239,900 B: Julissa Hanson & Joel F Rodriguez S: NGG RT LLC Book/Page: 13071/17, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $235,554 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3650sf Prior Sale: $142,000 (08/03) 265 MAPLE ST...................................... $274,000 B: Elizabeth Medeiros & Nelson Pais-Medeiros S: Maria Tomasia & John Tomasia Jr Book/Page: 13073/343, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $233,007 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3358sf 624 MAXFIELD ST................................. $84,000 B: Janine Dasilva & Ira Joseph 4th S: Bruce A Joseph & Linda M Witherspoon Book/Page: 13074/265, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 11657sf 23 OAK ST............................................. $325,000 B: Ryan M Santos S: Ronald Oliveira Book/Page: 13074/105, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $313,113 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3781sf Prior Sale: $221,500 (08/19)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
189 PLYMOUTH ST................................ $249,900 B: Jose D Mota & Maria E Mota S: JMS Realty&T LLC Book/Page: 13074/279, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $106,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3598sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (11/18) 497 ROCKDALE AVE.............................. $310,000 B: 499 Rockdale Avenue LLC S: L Michael Gouveia Tr, Tr for L Michael Gouveia LT Book/Page: 13072/145, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Gouveia L Michael $279,000 Use: Office Bldg-medical, Lot: 4704sf 17 ROOSEVELT ST................................. $117,000 B: Jose Andrade S: Robert Amaral Tr, Tr for Social Street RT Book/Page: 13072/162, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Lendful LLC $124,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 3202sf Prior Sale: $108,000 (02/10) 304 SUMMER ST................................... $230,000 B: Legacy Of Yngrid LLC S: James F Reilly & Jessica M Reilly Book/Page: 13076/102, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Loan Funder LLC $172,500 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3563sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (02/06)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 43 PIERCE ST........................................ $173,628 B: Caliber Home Loans Inc S: John Maciel & Caliber Home Loans Inc Book/Page: 13075/348, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2544sf Prior Sale: $160,400 (10/18) 83 WILLIS ST......................................... $196,800 B: Wells Fargo Bank NA S: Adam M Robitaille & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 13073/95, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5689sf Prior Sale: $256,000 (10/07)
Westport MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 146 Median Price $355,000
YTD 2019 159 $390,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 574 ADAMSVILLE RD............................ $346,000 B: Lindsay A Williams & Thomas Paiva S: Marcus J Healey & Paul J Healey Book/Page: 13070/262, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $100,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40500sf Prior Sale: $66,500 (12/00) 85 CHARLOTTE WHITE RD.................... $460,000 B: Steven P Andrade & Jaclyn R Andrade S: Ronald M Oliveira Tr, Tr for 85 Charlotte White Rd RT Book/Page: 13074/80, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 60365sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (07/19) 91 CHARLOTTE WHITE RD.................... $498,000 B: Whitney Raposo & Scott Raposo S: Ronald M Oliveira Book/Page: 13073/307, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $438,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 60647sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (12/17) CHERRY LN L:55................................... $100,000 B: KWM Motorsports LLC S: Bernard A Taradash & Jonathan M Taradash Book/Page: 13075/58, Date: 01/13/20 70 CHERRY AND WEBB LN................... $750,000 B: KWM Motorsports LLC S: Bernard A Taradash Tr, Tr for Bernard A G Taradash T Book/Page: 13075/61, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: St Michaels CU $770,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 63722sf 429 GIFFORD RD................................... $280,000 B: Joshua C Bjornson & Sarah R Romanowicz S: Buckley John J Est & Wendy L Buckley Book/Page: 13076/237, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $271,600 Use: 5 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (04/11) 81 MASQUESATCH RD.......................... $410,000 B: John M Karoff & Frances D Karoff S: Maurice Paul E Est & Diane King Book/Page: 13071/287, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $307,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20828sf 180 NARROW AVE................................. $140,000 B: Hugh E Mcgovern & George R Mcgovern Jr S: Mark Reed Book/Page: 13073/31, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 119790sf 18 SPINNAKER WAY............................. $515,000 B: Brian N Pimentel S: Maria J Medeiros & Antonio C Medeiros Book/Page: 13073/160, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $467,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 82658sf Prior Sale: $461,960 (04/05) WEBB LN............................................... $750,000 B: KWM Motorsports LLC S: Bernard A Taradash Tr, Tr for Bernard A G Taradash T Book/Page: 13075/61, Date: 01/13/20 WEBB LN L:56....................................... $100,000 B: KWM Motorsports LLC S: Bernard A Taradash & Jonathan M Taradash Book/Page: 13075/58, Date: 01/13/20
Dukes Registry Paulo C. DeOliveira, Register Box 5231, Edgartown, MA 02539 Telephone: (508) 627-4025 Fax: (508) 627-7821
Aquinnah MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $1,300,000
YTD 2019 6 $1,527,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 PILOTS LNDG..................................... B: Nelson Pilots Landing LLC S: Scott Sheryl Est & Patricia K Martin Book/Page: 1517/1047, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 52272sf
Chilmark MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $1,092,500
YTD 2019 18 $1,251,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BLACK POINT RD................................. $1,907,500 B: Jackbo LLC S: Michael J Kelly & Martha Hall-Kelly Book/Page: 1517/484, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 17424sf 28 BLACK POINT RD............................ $1,907,500 B: Jackbo LLC S: Michael J Kelly & Martha Hall-Kelly Book/Page: 1517/484, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,621,375 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 235224sf Prior Sale: $1,725,000 (01/14)
Edgartown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 108 Median Price $800,000
YTD 2019 70 $1,175,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 CRAFTS FIELD WAY.......................... $1,250,000 B: Kevin M Hodges & Andrea S Miano S: Vineyard Preserv LLC Book/Page: 1517/326, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: PNC Bank $1,000,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22128sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (05/02) 1 FOREST CIR........................................ $723,500 B: John S Mcnamra & Jeannie J Kang S: Marvin G Wyatt Book/Page: 1517/276, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $425,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25265sf 9 MILL HILL FARMS RD....................... $3,500,000 B: Ellen Kurz S: James E Murphy & Mary K Murphy Book/Page: 1517/903, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm, Lot: 133729sf Prior Sale: $1,015,000 (12/09)
45 DAGGETT AVE.................................. $795,000 B: Jean-Marie Lovett-Huff & Christopher T Huff S: Robert H Paisner Tr, Tr for 45 Daggett Avenue RT Book/Page: 1517/187, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $636,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11162sf Prior Sale: $695,000 (10/06) 92 MAIN ST.......................................... $1,825,000 B: 92 Main LLC S: Russell D Urban & Catherine E Urban Book/Page: 1517/389, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,277,500 Type: Adj Use: 7 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 9728sf Prior Sale: $550,100 (05/00) 125 MAIN ST......................................... $65,000 B: John W Clough S: Carolyn J Hoseit Book/Page: 1517/316, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 7880sf MITCHELL RD........................................ $625,000 B: Simeon J Denhart-Holzer S: Mink Meadows Association Book/Page: 1517/236, Date: 01/09/20 517 STATE RD U:B4.............................. $330,000 B: Joseph K Gervais S: Sherry A Sidoti Book/Page: 1517/454, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $264,000 Use: Condo 5 VILLAGE CT U:4.................................. $330,000 B: Joseph K Gervais S: Sherry A Sidoti Book/Page: 1517/454, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Retail Condo Prior Sale: $149,000 (03/12)
West Tisbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $889,500
YTD 2019 31 $825,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 73 OLD COACH RD................................ $745,000 B: Alison Curtin S: Gabriel Pollow Tr, Tr for Pollow FT Book/Page: 1517/629, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $558,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 47916sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (06/98) 160 PLUM BUSH POINT RD.................. $2,200,000 B: Kathryn R Ham Tr, Tr for Sanke RT S: Philip W Spalding Tr, Tr for Spalding INT Book/Page: 1517/115, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 278784sf
Essex Registry
Northern District M. Paul Iannuccillo, Register 354 Merrimack Street, Suite 304 Lawrence, MA 01843 Telephone: (978) 683-2745 Fax: (978) 688-4679 www.lawrencedeeds.com
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 375 Median Price $660,000
25-27 BROOKFIELD ST......................... $550,000 B: Guillermina Martinez S: Golden Turf Properties Book/Page: 16150/124, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: New England Regional $526,291 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 3550sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (08/19) 5 CRESTSHIRE DR................................. $295,000 B: Reilyn Montero S: Leo G Lacroix & Elsie Lacroix Book/Page: 16152/141, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leaderone Financial $289,656 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 7752sf 7 DANA ST............................................. $75,000 B: Ithaca Finance LLC S: Ana L Rodriguez Book/Page: 16147/160, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6470sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (04/06) 3-5 EUTAW ST....................................... $535,000 B: Daniel Gonzalez & Fatima Sosa S: Junior Vargas & Mariel Henriquez Book/Page: 16150/252, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $525,309 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5180sf Prior Sale: $408,000 (10/16) 156 GARDEN ST.................................... $350,000 B: Viciel Delacruz-Salazar & Maritza Salazar S: Irma Gordones-Martinez Book/Page: 16152/334, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $343,660 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 2783sf Prior Sale: $146,000 (01/13) 211-213 JACKSON ST........................... $260,000 B: William Laboy-Dejesus S: Lawrence Family Dev&Educ Book/Page: 16152/85, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $240,000 Use: County/municipality Property, Lot: 4500sf Prior Sale: $15,000 (09/10) 30 KENT ST........................................... $260,000 B: Federico Rosario & Victoriana Guzman S: John R Hardacre & Kimberley A Shanley Book/Page: 16150/88, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $255,290 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9850sf 26-28 LAFAYETTE AVE......................... $200,000 B: RJJM LLC S: Stephen J Prone Tr, Tr for Prone T Book/Page: 16151/87, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 8100sf 128 NEWBURY ST................................. $525,000 B: Ignacio Fernandez Tr, Tr for 128 Newbury RT S: Antoine Karko Book/Page: 16149/333, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $260,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 5580sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (01/08) 303-305 PROSPECT ST........................ $1,090,000 B: Cavallo03 LLC S: KYM Properties LLC Book/Page: 16152/291, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $817,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6311sf Prior Sale: $807,000 (10/17) 309 PROSPECT ST............................... $1,090,000 B: Cavallo03 LLC S: KYM Properties LLC Book/Page: 16152/291, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $817,500 87-89 SAUNDERS ST............................ $530,000 B: Tereso A Lopez S: LLP Construction Inc Book/Page: 16150/70, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $512,311 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 7350sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (05/19)
Oak Bluffs YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 92 Median Price $634,998
YTD 2019 416 $660,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 480 Median Price $350,000
YTD 2019 513 $370,000
8 CIRCUIT AVE U:16.............................. $315,000 B: Alex J Vieira S: Nicholas M Catt Book/Page: 1517/421, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $283,185 Use: Condo 37 ISAAC AVE....................................... $611,000 B: Sanjae Garwood & Paulette S Houston S: Tarpley Ruth M Est & Ryall Tarpley Book/Page: 1517/753, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Martha Vineyard SB $549,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 11000sf 35 MANCHESTER AVE........................... $600,000 B: Erin Pye & James Holenko S: Christopher F Sage Tr, Tr for Abby S Sage RET Book/Page: 1517/851, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $539,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10900sf 3 OLD BARNES RD................................ $300,000 B: Jean M Bacon Tr, Tr for M L Bacon FT S: Catherine B Koch Book/Page: 1517/414, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf 43 TIFFANY DR...................................... $945,000 B: Robert L Kaye & Nancy J Kaye S: Karen L Heston Book/Page: 1517/654, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Martha Vineyard SB $756,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 71761sf Prior Sale: $855,000 (12/17)
144 ARGILLA RD................................... $590,000 B: John C Doherty & Denise S Doherty S: Michael Pabian & Julie Pabian Book/Page: 16148/63, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 32123sf Prior Sale: $599,900 (07/17) 64 BELLEVUE RD................................... $630,000 B: Luke D Kimball & Carla U Kimball S: Alice Randazzo Tr, Tr for Avedis A Vartabedian RT Book/Page: 16153/68, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $504,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 44997sf 21-23 BRECHIN TER............................. $508,000 B: Randall S Deemie & Justine L Deemie S: Abbot Street Realty LLC Book/Page: 16149/226, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $498,798 Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 13890sf Prior Sale: $379,900 (06/13) 8 MORTIMER DR................................... $959,000 B: Keith Toms S: Joseph P Pedulla & Lillian V Pedulla Book/Page: 16149/163, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $767,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36451sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (01/05) 332 SALEM ST...................................... $125,000 B: Carl J Famiglietti Tr, Tr for Carl J Famiglietti LT S: Anthony J Sievers & Theresa Dunn-Sievers Book/Page: 16150/62, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 120661sf
34 ALVIN ST.......................................... $425,000 B: Quenis Peralta S: Giovanni Marrone Doc#: 000000121430, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $403,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14758sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (10/06) 28 AYERS VILLAGE RD......................... $285,000 B: Hamid Ihizan & Hasnaa Merghad S: Scherry A Mezzapelle Book/Page: 16151/185, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $275,025 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36399sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (05/03) 21 CONRAD ST...................................... $375,000 B: Amy Lavina S: Linda M Bacon Tr, Tr for Lorraine P Floyd 2018 T Book/Page: 16149/35, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9805sf 272 FOREST ST..................................... $225,000 B: Rubio FT LLC S: Monique Elder Book/Page: 16148/256, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: LendingOne LLC $232,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9026sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (06/14) 11 JASPER ST....................................... $395,000 B: Nicole E Bonsignore S: John G Desmet & Joyce M Desmet Book/Page: 16149/205, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $245,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 20299sf
North Andover
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 63 Median Price $635,000
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 66 $714,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 273 Median Price $275,000
YTD 2019 261 $295,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 293 Median Price $565,000
YTD 2019 256 $592,000
95 BEACH RD........................................ $799,000 B: SGS Holdings LLC S: Chris K Sze Book/Page: 1517/171, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 6858sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (09/08)
85 BERKELEY ST................................... $410,000 B: Ramon Baez & E Rodriguez-Debaez S: Francis P Cote Tr, Tr for 85 Berkeley RT Book/Page: 16149/103, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $402,573 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 15033sf
210 BEAR HILL RD................................ B: Alexander M Perry & Suzanna R Perry S: James J Connolly Tr, Tr for Connolly Fy Book/Page: 16149/270, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $652,375 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43996sf
115 CAMPION RD.................................. $900,000 B: Daniel R Hudder & Stacey A Greenberg S: Mark M Kokavec & Simone C Kokavec Book/Page: 16147/325, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (10/15) 23 CIDERPRESS WAY U:23................... $534,500 B: Marcia T Fabiano S: Emily T King Book/Page: 16151/127, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 268 DALE ST......................................... $450,000 B: Brandon Wright & Christine Machtemes S: Diane M Carney Tr, Tr for Cecelia E Sangermano IRT Book/Page: 16149/125, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $427,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 98881sf 58 MAYFLOWER DR U:58...................... $664,900 B: Kameron Sanchez & Laura Gomez-Machiavelo S: William Fung & Irene Fung Book/Page: 16150/149, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $458,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $594,000 (10/08) 40 PHEASANT BROOK RD..................... $830,000 B: Jonathan Moody & Shannon Moody S: Patrick Osullivan Book/Page: 16148/175, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $480,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (06/99) 79 ROCKY BROOK RD........................... $755,000 B: Michael Pabian & Julie Pabian S: Paul F Kochanski & Shelly A Kochanski Book/Page: 16148/79, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $679,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50965sf Prior Sale: $625,000 (02/03)
Essex Registry
Southern District John L. O’Brien, Jr., Register 45 Congress St, Suite 4100 Salem, MA 01970 Telephone: (978) 742-1700 Fax: (978) 744-5865 www.salemdeeds.com
Amesbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 166 Median Price $386,000
YTD 2019 195 $400,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 42 BARTLETTS REACH U:42................. $405,000 B: Paula M Doucette S: Aimee J Hromadka Book/Page: 38185/462, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Republic State Mtg Co $280,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $375,000 (05/17) 4 BIRCH ST............................................ $482,000 B: Kyle Anderson S: Jennifer Nash & Kevin Nash Book/Page: 38182/488, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12223sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (01/05) 100 MAIN ST........................................ $1,100,000 B: Property Quest Solutions S: Klondike Enterprise Group Book/Page: 38179/490, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 15710sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (06/11) 5 WASHINGTON ST............................... $235,000 B: Jason G Leblanc Tr, Tr for Jason G Leblanc RET S: Jones Kathryn M Est & Phillip D Jones Book/Page: 38185/489, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3212sf
Beverly MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 333 Median Price $460,300
YTD 2019 315 $499,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 79 BRIMBAL AVE.................................. $338,000 B: Driscoll Real Estate Hldg S: Kindred Healthcare Optng Book/Page: 38190/575, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18075sf Prior Sale: $338,000 (10/19) 19 BRISCOE ST.................................... $1,300,000 B: Reny Investments 2 LLC S: Berube Meade Properties Book/Page: 38191/311, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5770sf Prior Sale: $880,000 (05/18) 1 PATTI RD............................................ $610,000 B: Eric J Aldrich & Lauren J Aldrich S: Matthew D Caputo & Sarah J Caputo Book/Page: 38184/464, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $549,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8408sf Prior Sale: $569,000 (11/18) 10-12 SIMON ST................................... $395,000 B: Don Q Real Estate Dev LLC S: Austin Properties LLC Book/Page: 38190/206, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Main Street Lndng LLC $300,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3804sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/19) 18 SUMMIT AVE U:3............................. $355,000 B: Victoria Richard S: Patrick J Murphy Book/Page: 38178/534, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $337,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $255,000 (11/12)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Boxford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 119 Median Price $680,000
YTD 2019 124 $649,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 77 MAIN ST........................................... $505,000 B: David Francoeur & Jill Franklin S: Mary L VanDusen Tr, Tr for Mary L Van Dusen T 2008 Book/Page: 38183/481, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $479,750 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 164221sf 25 MAPLE AVE...................................... $741,500 B: Deborah S Thurston S: Mary L Coleburn & William C Coleburn Book/Page: 38188/99, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $667,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87120sf
Danvers MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 300 Median Price $465,000
YTD 2019 239 $489,900
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 287 ANDOVER ST.................................. $505,000 B: Emily Brown & Joshua R Brown S: Peter Natsios Tr, Tr for 287 Andover Street RET Book/Page: 38189/568, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $377,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18052sf Prior Sale: $357,000 (10/18) 24 BURLEY FARM RD........................... $500,000 B: Lawren White & Megan White S: Eleanor C Stanford Tr, Tr for Hjsecs RT Book/Page: 38181/506, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $425,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18260sf 31-R ELLIOTT ST................................... $430,000 B: Jason Pare S: Jaworski Mary J Est & Patricia A Cote Book/Page: 38188/48, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $322,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 191664sf 156 ENDICOTT ST................................ $1,000,000 B: M&M Energy LLC S: Global Co LLC Book/Page: 38180/428, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Gas/service Station, Lot: 24750sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (05/19) 3 EXETER ST......................................... $475,000 B: Sevan Demirdogen S: Bay State Equity Partners Book/Page: 38184/406, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18197sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (01/19) 37 HOLTEN ST U:10............................... $220,500 B: Edward M Pollack Tr, Tr for Linda B Pollack FT S: Susan A Haas Book/Page: 38180/361, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 5 MERRILL ST....................................... $265,000 B: Yancaro Flipping Co LLC S: Carolyn E Smith Book/Page: 38185/396, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Conventus LLC $212,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5912sf 14 PURITAN RD..................................... $545,000 B: Nicholas A Chiarello S: Whendy A Kelliher Tr, Tr for 14 Puritan Road T Book/Page: 38182/553, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $490,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6300sf Prior Sale: $369,900 (08/02) 10 ROGERS RD...................................... $575,000 B: Stephen P Kontos & Margaux E Rand S: Stephen P Kontos & Christopher L Kontos Book/Page: 38178/104, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $460,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 18840sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (05/15)
Essex MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $522,500
YTD 2019 27 $578,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 CENTENNIAL GROVE RD.................. B: Alexander Lynch & Angela Lynch S: Faith E Symmes Tr, Tr for Symmes RT Book/Page: 38184/497, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 51270sf Prior Sale: $588,000 (10/16)
Georgetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 99 Median Price $445,000
YTD 2019 122 $450,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 30 E MAIN ST U:4.................................. B: Georgetown Affordble Hsng S: Jill Barry-Kennedy Book/Page: 38178/554, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $239,000 (05/17) 38 E MAIN ST........................................ B: Absolute Acquisitions Inc S: Bank Of America NA Doc#: 000000609228, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Bank Building, Lot: 25019sf
Gloucester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 229 Median Price $420,000
YTD 2019 232 $431,750
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 COLE AVE........................................... $450,000 B: Martin J Landry & Pauline F Landry S: Vincie J Taormina & Salvatore Taormina Book/Page: 38191/154, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $292,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (08/19)
4 CONANT AVE...................................... $650,000 B: 187 East Main Street LLC S: Cape Ann SB Tr, Tr for Suzanne E Ziemer T Book/Page: 38179/118, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: BankGloucester $716,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 19632sf 14 HARRIETT RD................................... $867,500 B: Melissa Moseley S: John J Napolitano & Julia A Napolitano Doc#: 000000609142, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Ann Svgs Bk $667,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43094sf 82 LANGSFORD ST................................ $250,000 B: Michael J Tocantins S: Holly L Randall Tr, Tr for Jenkins Road NT Book/Page: 38186/535, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $160,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 15768sf 123 MOUNT PLEASANT AVE................. $577,000 B: Geopffrey Bradford & Jay R Brancaleone S: Alice J Bradford & Stephen B Chisholm Doc#: 000000609164, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $485,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8700sf 21 THATCHER RD.................................. $450,000 B: Kenneth Wisser & Susan Wisser S: Murphy Mary J Est & Patricia A Lafleur Book/Page: 38188/7, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7000sf 1283-R WASHINGTON ST..................... $250,000 B: Woodbury Hill LLC S: Miller Suzanne R Est & Bruce J Miller Book/Page: 38181/575, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 630sf 16 WAY RD............................................ $905,000 B: Janet Blackman & Philip Sawyer S: Royce M Hazard-Leonards & Kenneth S Leonards Book/Page: 38183/407, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $678,750 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18180sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (12/04) 2 WOODBURY HILL RD.......................... $250,000 B: Woodbury Hill LLC S: Miller Suzanne R Est & Bruce J Miller Book/Page: 38181/575, Date: 01/09/20
Groveland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 80 Median Price $402,500
YTD 2019 79 $457,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 13 BROAD ST........................................ $379,500 B: Eric R Lannquist & Miriam G Lannquist S: Sean P Mahoney & Siobhan M Mahoney Book/Page: 38183/301, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $366,834 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 23424sf Prior Sale: $222,000 (11/10) 97 KING ST............................................ $420,000 B: Sean Mahoney & Siobhan Mahoney S: Angela Giadone & Daniel Giadone Book/Page: 38184/235, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $310,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $366,500 (08/14) 12 MERRIT AVE..................................... $585,900 B: Linda Dusseault-Valentine & Robert E Valentine S: Arthur J Murphy Tr, Tr for Merritt Avenue RT Book/Page: 38185/516, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15750sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (05/19)
Hamilton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 98 Median Price $562,500
YTD 2019 106 $601,100
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 72 HAMILTON AVE................................ $590,000 B: Douglas D Turner & Elizabeth D Turner S: Elizabeth L Kane Tr, Tr for Kanga South RT Book/Page: 38181/231, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $531,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 62726sf 71 LINCOLN AVE................................... $551,000 B: Samuel P Sears Jr S: Amy Player-Smith & Kevin R Smith Book/Page: 38181/136, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $440,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12448sf Prior Sale: $354,000 (02/02)
144 FARRWOOD DR U:144.................... $267,000 B: Linda Piscatelli & Michael Piscatelli S: Mirna Gustave Book/Page: 38184/186, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $226,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $237,000 (06/04) 2 FEDERAL ST....................................... $125,000 B: 2 Federal Street LLC S: Michael DellaPaolera Book/Page: 38181/273, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Leonard C Blum $200,000 178 KINGSBURY AVE............................ $395,000 B: Christopher J Cirone & Hadeel Sarhan S: 98 Auburn St LLC Book/Page: 38190/114, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $365,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 17733sf Prior Sale: $201,430 (05/18) 232 MONUMENT ST U:232.................... $335,000 B: Thomas Hyde-Hoggard S: Harry R Allen & Jean E Allen Book/Page: 38183/373, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $339,619 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 12589sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (08/15) 64 OLIVER ST........................................ $459,000 B: Laura A Britton S: Hardway Realty LLC Book/Page: 38185/541, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $450,686 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 11979sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (11/17) 619 PRIMROSE ST U:1.......................... $184,900 B: Jacqueline R Deberardinis S: Gina M Parolisi Book/Page: 38187/188, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $179,353 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $140,000 (07/18) 158 S PLEASANT ST............................. $235,000 B: 158 South Pleasant St LLC S: Michael P Rurak Book/Page: 38183/172, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Triumph Cptl Ptnrship $284,200 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 7388sf 180 SALEM ST U:180............................ $280,000 B: Kellen L Lavoie & Bette E Jacobs S: Med Properties LLC Book/Page: 38185/145, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $224,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 55 SALTONSTALL RD........................... $1,000,000 B: Meenu Saini & Sohan Saini S: Cambridge Educatnl Hsng Book/Page: 38190/485, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $700,000 Use: Dormitory/residence Hall, Lot: 223898sf Prior Sale: $661,250 (06/13) SCOTLAND HILL RD.............................. $125,000 B: Robert Ferreira Jr S: Ferreira Michael A Est & Rose M Ferreira Book/Page: 38190/520, Date: 01/14/20 73 SILVER ST........................................ $395,000 B: Leandro Bergamini & L Dasilva-Junqueira S: Winder Pena-Santana Book/Page: 38182/69, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: ABSM $387,845 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 11635sf Prior Sale: $344,000 (09/17) 128 SUMMER ST U:B............................ $164,500 B: April T Williams S: Keith W Kratz Book/Page: 38188/294, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $159,565 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,000 (05/16) TENADEL AVE L:42-43.......................... $54,000 B: Giant RE Development LLC S: Steven M Benjamin Tr, Tr for Tenadel Avenue RT Book/Page: 38188/196, Date: 01/13/20
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 68 5TH AVE........................................... B: Hermes Godoy S: Crystal Carr & Freedom Mortgage Corp Book/Page: 38185/316, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5401sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (03/16)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 124 Median Price $494,500
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 513 Median Price $330,000
YTD 2019 486 $347,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 53 7 SISTER RD..................................... $675,000 B: Robert R Flaherty & Heidi C Paulson S: Vanessa Lombard Book/Page: 38180/385, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $540,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40014sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (07/13) 86 ARLINGTON ST U:C.......................... $120,000 B: Top Tier Investments LLC S: William M Evans Book/Page: 38183/47, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $141,000 (12/03) 90-92 BRADFORD AVE.......................... $403,000 B: Hilda S Ochoa & Marcos M Ochoa S: Kenneth W Faulkner Tr, Tr for Diane R Faulkner FT Book/Page: 38180/587, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $395,700 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8786sf 5 CASABLANCA CT U:5......................... $249,900 B: Zachary W Lucier S: Linda F Piscatelli & Michael D Piscatelli Book/Page: 38184/590, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $255,647 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $221,000 (11/18)
YTD 2019 144 $557,500
2 CHEBACCO RD.................................. $1,250,000 B: Elizabeth VanOtterloo & Sander VanOtterloo S: Ford Properties Inc Book/Page: 38183/23, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 108900sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (05/18) 401 COLONIAL DR U:30........................ $210,000 B: Melissa Starrak S: Starrak Margareta S Est & Kurt F Somerville Book/Page: 38190/522, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 105 COUNTY RD................................... $3,750,000 B: Livas LLC S: Robert M Mcneil Tr, Tr for Mcneil RT Book/Page: 38184/356, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Auto Sales, Lot: 444312sf 10 NORTHRIDGE RD.............................. $813,640 B: Alfred J Mcniff Jr & Maura C Mcniff S: M Kathleen Coleman Tr, Tr for 10 North Ridge Road RT Book/Page: 38190/55, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Maura Coleman Mcniff $654,980 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25254sf 116 NORTHRIDGE RD............................ $894,000 B: Elizabeth Harrington & Paul Harrington S: Gilda A Tunney Book/Page: 38180/403, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8000sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (06/03)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 659 Median Price $345,000
YTD 2019 651 $375,000
18 LAKEVIEW DR.................................. $552,000 B: Bank New York Mellon Tr S: Robert P Marley & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 38188/142, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19800sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (12/04)
64 BACHELLER ST................................ $388,000 B: Cleumar Desouza S: Balbino Group Inc Book/Page: 38189/40, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $380,972 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5938sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/19) 618-618A BOSTON ST.......................... $210,000 B: Robert J Stilian Tr, Tr for 12 Park Street RT S: Richard J Ford & Tina M Ford Book/Page: 38181/256, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 2270sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/99) 408 BROADWAY U:206......................... $260,000 B: Nerla Batraville S: Debra A Bryant & Albert H Gillette Book/Page: 38185/179, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $208,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 17789sf Prior Sale: $191,000 (01/04) 24 FALLS ST.......................................... $406,500 B: Michael Deleon & Yenny Deleon S: Fausto G Cabrera & Zulerka Cruz Book/Page: 38185/440, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $406,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3436sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (07/14) 12 KEENE ST......................................... $387,000 B: Ashley L Prete & George J Prete S: John Murphy Book/Page: 38185/206, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $348,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3125sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (10/15) 51 KENT RD........................................... $250,000 B: Lisa A Vaneck & Cassandra A Ragucci S: Kranea Inc Book/Page: 38184/265, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: American Natnwide Mtg $700,904 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10193sf 63 KENT RD........................................... $780,000 B: Michael B Barrett & Angela R Cesa S: Kent Road LLC Book/Page: 38191/399, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $480,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10030sf Prior Sale: $492,500 (03/19) 44 LAWRENCE RD................................. $597,400 B: Jermaine P Griffin S: Lourdes Gonzalez Doc#: 000000609178, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $477,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22085sf 40 LIGHT ST.......................................... $555,000 B: Jose L Martinez & Ana Y Mejia-Arana S: Jermaine P Griffin & Tracy Griffin Book/Page: 38184/429, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $544,947 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3316sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (09/01) 19 LOWELL ST....................................... $200,000 B: Sree FT LLC S: David R Arbogast Jr Book/Page: 38181/424, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Dunegrass Capital LLC $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8897sf 29-31 PARKLAND AVE.......................... $541,500 B: Dennis J Richard & Jared J Richard S: Legere Sharon M Est & Kathleen M Crowley Book/Page: 38190/581, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $406,125 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4996sf 89 SHERIDAN ST................................... $580,000 B: Dioselina M Gomez & Danny A Reynoso S: Carlos A Berrio-Santana Book/Page: 38179/332, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $560,642 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4160sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (12/15) 14 TOWER AVE...................................... $535,000 B: Jahadual Islam S: Merlinda Bluefort Doc#: 000000609251, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $508,250 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3715sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (11/04) 50 TREVETT AVE................................... $497,500 B: Nicholas J Coppola & Yamila Ruiz S: Property Acquisition Grp Book/Page: 38179/3, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $398,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 7278sf Prior Sale: $273,000 (11/19) 205 WESTERN AVE............................... $585,000 B: Joseph Fimiani S: KGB Management LLC Book/Page: 38181/311, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $565,475 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 5919sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (07/19) 427 WESTERN AVE............................... $615,000 B: Feliciano Gomez-Esteban & Elda Chavez-Mendez S: Wualfre Deleon & Irma Junenez Book/Page: 38181/154, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $603,860 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 14951sf Prior Sale: $401,500 (09/17)
7 IVY LN................................................ B: Patricia A Ivey & Wayne S Ivey S: Ring William E Jr Est & Carol Ring Book/Page: 38187/14, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7026sf Prior Sale: $812,000 (11/18)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 172 Median Price $658,375
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 170 $677,450
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 ALEXANDRA RD................................. $650,000 B: Joseph I Covino S: Alexandria Haas & Arthur J Haas Book/Page: 38184/299, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $481,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30925sf Prior Sale: $540,000 (10/05) 569 SALEM ST...................................... $528,000 B: Zonghua Chen & Jing Zhang S: Donegan Eileen D Est & John H Donegan Book/Page: 38184/330, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Sun Mortgage Co Inc $150,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 19039sf
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $900,000
YTD 2019 59 $790,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 FOREST ST....................................... $510,000 B: Sandra A Fitzgerald S: Bridget E Murray Book/Page: 38181/482, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $408,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6775sf Prior Sale: $399,900 (06/04) 57 SCHOOL ST U:5................................ $937,000 B: Bonnie Soodik & Michael Soodik S: Terry L Cowman Tr, Tr for Anne DeLaittre Cowman T Book/Page: 38190/444, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $780,000 (03/14)
Marblehead MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 239 Median Price $689,000
YTD 2019 261 $710,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 DEVEREUX ST.................................. $812,600 B: Bradley Bray & Cally Bray S: Anne Morison Book/Page: 38179/313, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $454,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6646sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (07/06) 11 LINCOLN PARK................................. $362,500 B: Kenneth Breen S: Karasusan B Halas Book/Page: 38190/382, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Natl Grand Bk Marblhd $290,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Row House, Lot: 2800sf Prior Sale: $312,000 (07/11) 360 OCEAN AVE................................... $1,500,000 B: QBW LLC S: Coppola Lucy A Est & James E Coppola Jr Book/Page: 38183/498, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Marblehead Svgs Bk $1,155,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23580sf
Merrimac MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $399,000
YTD 2019 79 $405,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 46 BIRCH MEADOW RD......................... $225,000 B: Ambrose Props New Eng LLC S: Peoples United Bank Tr, Tr for 46 Birch Meadow RT Book/Page: 38186/319, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: David Pasquale $335,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 87120sf 76 E MAIN ST........................................ $338,400 B: Jewett 76 E Main St LLC S: 76 East Main St LLC Book/Page: 38191/323, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Haverhill Bk $169,200 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 42656sf
Middleton YTD 2019 86 $595,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 78 FULLER POND RD U:78.................... B: Whendy Kelliher S: Barbara M Tuck & Dennis A Tuck Book/Page: 38184/411, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $319,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $570,000 (07/10) 38 VILLAGE RD U:407........................... B: Matthew T Moy S: Kevin M Mitchell Book/Page: 38185/264, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $198,000 (01/08) 23 WEBB ST.......................................... B: Alicia Borgonzi & Eugene Borgonzi S: Frank W Twiss & Ilene B Twiss Book/Page: 38188/66, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $560,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20038sf
Peabody MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 425 Median Price $435,500
YTD 2019 425 $450,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES CLIFTON CIR.......................................... $40,000 B: James F Burke Tr, Tr for Burke 2015 FT S: Arthur E Mccarthy Tr, Tr for P&J RT Book/Page: 38183/476, Date: 01/10/20 44 DIANE RD......................................... $555,000 B: Christine Alepakis & Zissis Alepakis S: Marie E Ceurvels & Thomas D Ceurvels Book/Page: 38184/218, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $544,362 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 14736sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (02/13) 11 HAWTHORNE CIR U:11..................... $390,000 B: Beverly G Mcgrath & Gerald F Mcgrath S: Brook T Morgan Book/Page: 38181/97, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $208,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $288,000 (09/13) 22 LENOX RD........................................ $460,000 B: Derek R Broughton & Jessicam Menendez S: Peter J Bramberg Book/Page: 38187/594, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $437,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (04/14) 21 SAMOSET RD................................... $440,000 B: Jenna M Digianvittorio & Claudia Yokota-Mcneil S: Benton Susan P Est & Charles Leventis Book/Page: 38185/229, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17302sf Prior Sale: $382,000 (12/14) 12-A SANDRA RD.................................. $459,900 B: Luis O Lopez & Carmen R Santana-Lopez S: Crystal Lee-Truong & Sharon M Legere Book/Page: 38181/204, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $451,569 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 9871sf Prior Sale: $184,000 (08/98) 56 TRASK RD........................................ $375,000 B: Joseph J Rocco Tr, Tr for 56 Trask Road RT S: Alan Edgerly Tr, Tr for JCS RT Book/Page: 38184/458, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10001sf
Rockport MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 64 Median Price $630,000
YTD 2019 67 $578,500
60 PHILLIPS AVE................................... $627,000 B: Nancy E Duda & Robert T Duda Jr S: Pittore Patrifia H Est & Thomas R Appleton Book/Page: 38179/495, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18256sf 28 SOUTH ST......................................... $525,200 B: Marsha L Sloane Tr, Tr for Marsha Lee Sloane RET S: Lahti Sr Rudolph J Est & Cheryl A Lahti Book/Page: 38183/399, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11554sf 2 WOODBURY HL................................... $250,000 B: Woodbury Hill LLC S: Miller Suzanne R Est & Bruce J Miller Doc#: 000000609119, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 41400sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 67 Median Price $525,000
YTD 2019 70 $540,000
YTD 2019 100 $522,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 CHAISSON RD.................................... B: David P Branning & Emily A Branning S: Andrea M Guay & Robert W Pokelwaldt Book/Page: 38187/348, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $688,850 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12843sf Prior Sale: $629,000 (09/14)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 223 Median Price $587,500
Newbury YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 82 Median Price $508,500
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 80 Median Price $555,375
106 HIGH ST U:A................................... B: Donna Deangelis & Eric Holm S: 106 High Street LLC Book/Page: 38179/90, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $783,920 Use: Condo 19-23 PLEASANT ST U:402................... B: Aaron L Halpern & Wendy G Halpern S: Anne Charlton Book/Page: 38183/433, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $335,000 (09/18) 102 STATE ST U:B................................. B: Robin A Prentice S: John P Makiver Book/Page: 38184/74, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Winter Hill Fed SB $237,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $229,000 (04/11)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
180 DODGE RD...................................... $580,000 B: David Dawley & Kiley Dawley S: Lisa J Butler Book/Page: 38184/382, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $464,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 53880sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (12/09) 3 FARNHAM RD..................................... $437,000 B: Natalie M Malinowski & Thomas A Malinowski Jr S: Amy F Rotberg & Lester Rotberg Book/Page: 38180/150, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $381,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 32670sf 90 NEWBURYPORT TPKE..................... $1,220,000 B: 3B Hldg LLC S: Joseph S Fossa Tr, Tr for 90 Newburyport Tpke RT Book/Page: 38179/257, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Canton Cp Bk $915,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 98010sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (10/11) 255 NEWBURYPORT TPKE................... $1,550,000 B: Newburyport Turnpike Inv S: Bruce C Spaulding Tr, Tr for Potato RT Book/Page: 38181/588, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cape Ann Svgs Bk $1,100,000 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 108900sf 545 NEWBURYPORT TPKE U:11............ $576,000 B: John J Napolitano & Julia A Napolitano S: Karen A Iorio Tr, Tr for JCS RT Book/Page: 38184/255, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $479,900 (09/05)
Salem MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 240 Median Price $418,000
YTD 2019 249 $425,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 BERTUCCIO AVE............................... $351,000 B: Benjamin Chertok S: Belanger Janice E Est & Marlene F Callahan Book/Page: 38187/459, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $280,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4792sf 93 CANAL ST U:4.................................. $390,000 B: Alexandria Haas S: Schiavuzzoalm Realty LLC Book/Page: 38185/349, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $250,000 Use: Condo 20 COLONIAL RD.................................. $3,000,000 B: Exeter International Rltv S: Exeter International Rlty Book/Page: 38187/538, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 265716sf 12-1/2 DANIELS ST............................... $825,000 B: 12-14 Daniels Street CBC S: Harry RE LLC Book/Page: 38186/205, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $1,265,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 3485sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (12/19) 57 ENDICOTT ST................................... $540,000 B: LH Capital Development S: Karen M Baker Book/Page: 38183/470, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $316,000 (07/14) 1 FILLMORE RD U:3AA.......................... $338,000 B: Linda Mcdonald S: Susan Laniewski Book/Page: 38184/6, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $270,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $289,900 (12/17) 5 GOOD HOPE LN U:5............................ $405,000 B: Edward Gangwisch & Michelle Gangwisch S: Joel S Droker Tr, Tr for Droker 2018 T Book/Page: 38183/68, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $303,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $217,590 (10/98) 4 HAZEL ST U:2..................................... $292,500 B: Stephanie J Silva & Frederick M Gavin S: Christopher H Boehmer & Jordan M Warren Book/Page: 38183/519, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $270,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2614sf Prior Sale: $224,000 (07/16) 21-23 KOSCIUSKO ST........................... $175,000 B: Michael Martin S: Charles E Raymond Tr, Tr for Charles E Raymond LT Book/Page: 38179/66, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 2614sf 233 LAFAYETTE ST.............................. $4,275,000 B: Newman Real Estate Invest S: 233 Lafayette LLC Book/Page: 38188/240, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $3,356,250 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $1,600,000 (05/09) 12 LAUREL ST....................................... $412,000 B: David Palumbo S: Lucille L Blouin & David R Blouin Book/Page: 38185/97, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $309,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13068sf 138 NORTH ST U:C................................ $425,000 B: Lillian Chalifour & Michael Clukey S: Cynthia L Pelletier & Thomas J Pelletier Book/Page: 38185/291, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $345,000 Use: Condo 47 OSBORNE HILL DR........................... $641,305 B: Linda A Macdonald S: Paul Dibiase Tr, Tr for Osborne Hills RT Book/Page: 38183/337, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $513,044 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 8276sf 1 SPRUANCE WAY U:35C...................... $295,000 B: Jorge Martinez & Rosalynn Viola S: Marissa Jaynes & Witold Matczak Book/Page: 38190/549, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Stearns Lending $236,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $274,250 (08/19) 99 WASHINGTON ST U:22..................... $360,000 B: James L Wash S: William J Dragon Book/Page: 38188/552, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $270,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3049sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (08/10)
Salisbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 78 Median Price $357,000
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 67 $359,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 135 BEACH RD U:B118......................... $199,900 B: Doris Welcome S: Nazare F Barchus Tr, Tr for Kosmeh FT Book/Page: 38185/64, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $159,920 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $127,500 (04/13) 3 BRIDGE RD U:A.................................. $350,000 B: Robert A Ciampitti Jr Tr, Tr for Sail Lofts RT S: Jeffrey Carroll Book/Page: 38179/597, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Jeffrey Carroll $339,000 Use: Condo 26 MAIN ST........................................... $325,000 B: Daisy L Snow Tr, Tr for 26 Main Street T S: Beverly Chapinski Book/Page: 38189/522, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Gloria Platcow $195,000 Use: 1-Family Ranch, Lot: 130680sf 48 OLD COUNTY RD.............................. $284,000 B: Tom Patenaude Homes Inc S: Brent A Marks Doc#: 000000609137, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: William S Macleod $1,010,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 5900sf Prior Sale: $96,000 (05/11)
50 OLD COUNTY RD.............................. B: Tom Patenaude Homes Inc S: Brent A Marks Doc#: 000000609137, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: William S Macleod $1,010,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $96,000 (05/11)
Saugus MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 325 Median Price $435,000
YTD 2019 326 $460,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 46 FAIRMOUNT AVE.............................. $435,000 B: Sara Lyman & Michael Pelleier S: Beverly G Mcgrath & Gerald F Mcgrath Book/Page: 38180/555, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $413,250 327 LINCOLN AVE................................. $370,000 B: Yadel Gonzalez & Danitza Zambrana-Gonzalez S: Marilyn J Spongberg Book/Page: 38187/392, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: North Shore Bank $358,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7183sf 15 PACE RD........................................... $431,000 B: Abdelkrim Benhalima & Samira Bensafa S: Susan Corbett Tr, Tr for Robertson FT Book/Page: 38182/20, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $381,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7549sf Prior Sale: $364,500 (06/04) 153 WALNUT ST.................................... $280,000 B: Marcio Dejesus S: Peter D Walsh Tr, Tr for Walsh FT Book/Page: 38185/257, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12502sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 11 CLEVELAND AVE.............................. $251,000 B: Property Acquisition Grp S: Linda M Viscione & Carrington Mortgage Svcs Book/Page: 38185/131, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5998sf
Swampscott YTD 2019 169 $580,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 57 CRESCENT ST.................................. $454,000 B: Kristin Andres & Joseph Czupryna S: Allison Jekogian & Nicholas Ranalli Book/Page: 38178/571, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Harvard University CU $424,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4138sf Prior Sale: $357,000 (03/17) 646 HUMPHREY ST.............................. $1,930,000 B: Charles Patsios Tr, Tr for Tioga Way RT S: Area 2 Realty LLC Doc#: 000000609183, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $1,354,500 Use: Shopping Ctr/mall, Lot: 43342sf Prior Sale: $1,160,000 (03/99) 1008 PARADISE RD U:2F...................... $404,000 B: Yuri Ostrovsky Tr, Tr for Ostrovsky FT S: Bette S Rice Tr, Tr for Esther Silberberg 2000 RT Book/Page: 38181/8, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo
Topsfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $595,000
YTD 2019 101 $630,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 FAIRWAY DR U:20............................ $735,000 B: Barbara F Dobbins & Thomas R Dobbins S: Lucy F Power & William R Power Book/Page: 38183/188, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 13 FORREST RD.................................... $450,000 B: Matthew D Caputo & Sarah J Caputo S: Emily Moser-Bryant Tr, Tr for Kenneth A Moser IRT Book/Page: 38185/566, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $427,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50500sf
Wenham YTD 2019 62 $683,750
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 STOCKWELL LN................................. $1,100,000 B: Michael A Coletti & Shana Coletti S: Christopher Ford & Jennifer Ford Book/Page: 38190/454, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $400,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20865sf Prior Sale: $760,500 (06/15)
West Newbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $524,950
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 97 Median Price $175,000
Scott A. Cote. Register 43 Hope Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 Telephone: (413) 772-0239 Fax: (413) 774-7150 www.franklindeeds.com or www.masslandrecords.com
Ashfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $280,500
YTD 2019 12 $244,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES GRANT ST.............................................. $80,000 B: Mary Flahive-Dickson S: Mary R Flahive Tr, Tr for John J Flahive RET Book/Page: 13511/102, Date: 01/09/20
Colrain MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $175,000
YTD 2019 18 $172,250
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 295 MAIN RD........................................ $199,900 B: Neil D Stetson & Rosemary Stetson S: Karen R Herzig Tr, Tr for Herzig 2015 IRT Book/Page: 7482/194, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 78408sf
Conway YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $289,500
YTD 2019 13 $254,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 MAIN ST........................................... B: Robert Llamas S: Mallary Margo H Est & Martine A Mallary Book/Page: 7483/109, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm, Lot: 12632sf
Greenfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 153 Median Price $190,000
YTD 2019 161 $200,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 CEDAR GLN U:23.............................. $161,000 B: Michele L Deveney S: Cecilia Moran Book/Page: 7482/199, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $161,000 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $150,000 (06/18) 64 GROVE ST......................................... $119,000 B: Wendy Robinson S: Carmelina Lorusso Tr, Tr for Lorusso INT Book/Page: 7481/27, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $79,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8220sf Prior Sale: $74,000 (06/00) 91 SCHOOL ST....................................... $525,000 B: Chapman Street Properties S: William Yenner Book/Page: 7481/300, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $420,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 16509sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (02/02) 13 WISDOM PL...................................... $135,000 B: Michael C Stempel & Killeen M Stempel S: Christopher A Therien Book/Page: 7481/328, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33798sf Prior Sale: $144,000 (09/04)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $675,000
Franklin Registry
YTD 2019 60 $605,669
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 171 MAIN ST......................................... $36,000 B: Erin Fronrath & John Wolford S: James Malone & Erin Fronrah Doc#: 000000609076, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $435,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Forest, Lot: 566280sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (12/15) 253 MAIN ST........................................ $1,320,000 B: Jason M Gesing S: Arabella H Strovink & Karl W Strovink Book/Page: 38187/410, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $992,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 95396sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (12/07)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 Median Price $147,500
YTD 2019 9 $125,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES W BRANCH RD...................................... $10,500 B: Branch View Farm LLC S: Jeffery J Murdock & Marcelene L Murdock Book/Page: 7483/191, Date: 01/14/20
Montague YTD 2019 70 $210,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 146-148 OLD SUNDERLAND RD........... $562,500 B: Anthony Somers & Tracey Somers S: Tetty Gorfine Book/Page: 7482/137, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Forest, Lot: 1110911sf
Northfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $237,500
YTD 2019 20 $238,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES GULF RD................................................ B: Craig R Carlson S: Eugene Lemon & Diane Mero Book/Page: 7482/111, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 2121372sf Prior Sale: $48,700 (05/05)
YTD 2019 109 $175,900
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 459 Median Price $180,000
YTD 2019 411 $190,000
49 MEADOW LN.................................... B: Nathan J Rennick & Katelyn J Fletcher S: Julie A Pistorino Book/Page: 7481/125, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $219,942 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 50138sf Prior Sale: $184,300 (01/06)
69 ASHGROVE ST.................................. B: Steven J Drapeau S: Roy Denise Est & Theresa Erikson Book/Page: 23042/192, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $123,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8712sf 597 BROADWAY ST.............................. B: Sarah E Mueller & Brian E Adams S: Matthew M Balut Book/Page: 23038/304, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $180,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8276sf Prior Sale: $129,000 (05/13) 54 CAMBRIDGE ST................................ B: Brianna Cooley S: Ivan Litvac & Tatiana Litvac Doc#: 000000220818, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $219,450 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (08/13) 27 CHARBONNEAU TER........................ B: Cesar Lopez S: Thomas Mccollaum & Karen Mccollaum Book/Page: 23037/138, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (09/05) 12 CHESTER ST..................................... B: Mark D Leclerc S: Paul L Leclerc & Mark D Leclerc Book/Page: 23043/137, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (01/13) 21 DALE ST........................................... B: 21 Dale LLC S: Christina M Moreau & Stacy L Moreau Book/Page: 23040/146, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (04/06) 40 EMMETT ST...................................... B: Sherryl J Sparks S: Frank Royland 3rd & Shentel Royland Book/Page: 23043/163, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $160,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6970sf 47 LESTER ST....................................... B: Luis A Ortiz-Diaz S: Craig Cwalina Book/Page: 23040/218, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $254,701 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $232,500 (09/15) 4 PEMBROKE PL................................... B: Karen Mccollaum S: Edward R Paul & Margaret A Paul Book/Page: 23041/385, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $161,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf 663 PENDLETON AVE............................ B: Robert Schlefstein & Tina M Bergeron S: Peggy Breault & Paul Allard Book/Page: 23040/310, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $189,255 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11761sf 1480 PENDLETON AVE U:1480............. B: Stephanie Fahey S: Karen L Pagella Book/Page: 23043/244, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $136,482 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $110,500 (06/04) 11 RIVERDALE RD................................. B: Marisol Mateo S: Godek Richard Est & Sylvia Fairbanks Book/Page: 23041/68, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $170,848 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10454sf 48 WARD ST.......................................... B: Jeffrey Rudert S: Michael Page & Laurie A Page Book/Page: 23043/306, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $101,850 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6970sf 47 WHITTLESEY AVE............................. B: Desiree A Frank S: Lana J Guz Book/Page: 23038/217, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Florence Bank $80,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9148sf 32 YORK ST........................................... B: Richard P Stolpinski & Amber C Boyle S: Andrew J Pirog Book/Page: 23043/376, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $188,522 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $132,000 (03/16)
Hampden Registry Cheryl A. Coakley Rivera, Esq., Register 50 State Street Springfield, MA 01103 Telephone: (413) 755-1722 Fax: (413) 731-8190
Westfield Satellite Office Westfield City Hall 59 Court Street Westfield, MA 01085 Telephone: (413) 568-2290 Fax: (413) 568-4869 www.registryofdeeds.co.hampden.ma.us
Agawam MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 249 Median Price $225,000
YTD 2019 248 $236,250
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 51-53 HOPE FARMS DR........................ $295,000 B: Daniel Oconnor S: Andrew J Fox Book/Page: 23037/183, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $221,250 Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $178,250 (10/11) 11 MANSION WOODS DR U:C............... $187,000 B: Christian T Ledoux S: Tina M Chandler Book/Page: 23040/385, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $181,390 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $178,000 (11/07) 283 ROWLEY ST.................................... $260,000 B: Ahmet Kupuc S: Steven W Sosnowich Book/Page: 23043/198, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $208,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11439sf Prior Sale: $316,500 (10/10) 466 S WESTFIELD ST............................ $866,562 B: Pine Crossing Development S: Thomas F Reidy 2nd & Sherry M Reidy Book/Page: 23038/517, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Florence Bank $1,700,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 670824sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 201 SOUTHWICK ST.............................. $146,997 B: Wells Fargo Bank NA S: Raymond F Pleva Jr & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 23036/276, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 33730sf
Blandford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $196,250
YTD 2019 18 $187,450
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7-R BIRCH HILL RD............................... B: Jonathan A Thompson S: Marie C Ackley Doc#: 000000220854, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $176,700 Use: 5 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 94525sf
Brimfield YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 Median Price $229,000
YTD 2019 39 $267,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 ECHO RD........................................... B: Erika Flores S: Pawel Kruszewski Book/Page: 23041/265, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 12600sf Prior Sale: $12,000 (02/11) 19 LYMAN BARNES RD......................... B: Jason M Bedard & Chevelle Bedard S: Roger A Parker & Tracy L Parker Book/Page: 23037/233, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $340,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 172062sf Prior Sale: $368,000 (04/05) 34 LYMAN BARNES RD......................... B: Beth A Goven S: Jason Bedard & Chevelle Bedard Book/Page: 23037/212, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $272,964 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 95832sf Prior Sale: $217,500 (08/14)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $191,750
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 173 Median Price $580,000
118 CLAIRMONT AVE............................ $150,000 B: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc S: Mark S Woodbury & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 23039/336, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6970sf 63 CLARENDON AVE............................. $72,000 B: Christopher Nascembeni S: Jeremy R Shlosser & United Bank Book/Page: 23044/533, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (07/09) 41 FERNHILL ST.................................... $90,136 B: US Bank NA Tr S: Agnes M Halloran & US Bank NA Book/Page: 23036/339, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6098sf
East Longmeadow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 228 Median Price $254,000
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
YTD 2019 264 $251,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 61 DWIGHT RD...................................... $188,000 B: Leslie S Rivera-Cruz S: Shronda N Payne Book/Page: 23040/506, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 2999sf Prior Sale: $124,900 (03/10)
73 GERRARD AVE.................................. $277,500 B: Yevgeniy Deykin & Katharine Reyes S: Susan M Granfield Book/Page: 23042/348, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $160,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17396sf Prior Sale: $115,500 (10/01) 64 MAPLE ST....................................... $1,100,000 B: Steven L Graham Tr, Tr for Depot NT S: Coyote Realty LLC Book/Page: 23042/478, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: 64 Maple Street NT $1,100,000 Use: Commercial Use, Lot: 134082sf
Granville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 10 Median Price $220,000
YTD 2019 12 $284,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 49 HARTLAND HOLLOW RD.................. B: Robert J Toth S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 23040/466, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $122,146 (01/19)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 270 Median Price $328,250
YTD 2019 287 $340,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 BARRINGTON RD............................. $182,000 B: Patrick Curry S: Raymond G Rowe & Debra H Rowe Book/Page: 23036/417, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $178,703 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6534sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (06/07) 76 LONGMEADOW ST............................ $232,000 B: Linda A Hickling & Angel L Garcia S: Robert H Marshall Book/Page: 23041/17, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 23958sf 577 LONGMEADOW ST......................... $309,000 B: Bay Path University S: Frank N Leichthammer & Laurie A Leichthammer Book/Page: 23039/417, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $289,000 (04/02)
Ludlow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 221 Median Price $215,000
YTD 2019 213 $230,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 52 Median Price $240,450
42 HAMPSHIRE ST................................ $121,000 B: John Portelada Jr S: Henry J Kelly & Phyllis D Kelly Book/Page: 23039/434, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $117,370 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4410sf PARKER LN............................................ $135,000 B: Stephanie P Nascimento S: Tuukakorp LLC Book/Page: 23036/482, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 40040sf 436 POOLE ST....................................... $285,000 B: Derek J Gomes S: Acacio M Ferreira Book/Page: 23043/330, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Country Bank $242,250 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43650sf 49 W BELMONT ST............................... $229,000 B: Taylor Lukas & David Normand 2nd S: Creation Foam Homes LLC Book/Page: 23039/307, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $224,852 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 34928sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (09/19) 17 WINDWOOD DR................................ $375,000 B: Yongqiang Wang S: Raymond J Robbins & Diane M Robbins Book/Page: 23038/161, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40816sf Prior Sale: $369,500 (11/06)
YTD 2019 78 $276,750
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 MAPLE GROVE RD............................ B: Jacqueline C Owens & Grover T Owens S: Custom Homes Dev Group Book/Page: 23042/535, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30890sf Prior Sale: $172,500 (12/19)
Holland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $214,900
YTD 2019 64 $255,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 WOOD LN............................................ B: Classic Solutions Inc S: Mark N Bierman & Jacqueline J Bierman Book/Page: 23040/469, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 78408sf
Holyoke MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 212 Median Price $199,900
YTD 2019 209 $210,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 ARBOR WAY U:A.............................. $77,000 B: Brendan M Cauley S: Renaud Roger H Est & Laura A Renaud Book/Page: 23038/59, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Holyoke CU $73,150 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $90,000 (05/10) 215 ELM ST............................................ $4,000 B: Diana Garcia S: Holyoke Comnty Land T Inc Book/Page: 23041/417, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 8250sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (07/04) 324 ELM ST........................................... $180,000 B: Tyler W Tardy S: Anthony W Soto & Melissa M Soto Book/Page: 23041/240, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $171,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4404sf Prior Sale: $124,000 (03/07) 140 ESSEX ST........................................ $4,000 B: Diana Garcia S: Holyoke Comnty Land T Inc Book/Page: 23041/417, Date: 01/10/20 3 JEANE DR........................................... $219,000 B: Justin Conlon S: Carrie-Ann Gaynor Book/Page: 23042/415, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $175,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11553sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (07/07) 60 LOWER WESTFIELD RD.................... $117,000 B: Coakley Corp S: Daniel Chandler Book/Page: 23040/62, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 27486sf Prior Sale: $91,125 (09/10) 87 N EAST ST........................................ $72,000 B: Ashley Galvez S: Rogelio Roman & Aleja Deleon Book/Page: 23042/529, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5538sf Prior Sale: $60,250 (11/08) 1985 NORTHAMPTON ST...................... $875,000 B: Foley Property Management S: Roman Cath Bishop Of Spri Book/Page: 23037/122, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Roman Catholic Bishop $600,000 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 9890sf 179-181 PEARL ST................................ $238,000 B: Anthony Bermudez Jr & Brendalee Bermudez S: Michael W Lapalme & Ann M Lapalme Book/Page: 23043/399, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Northern Mtg $233,689 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8450sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (03/08)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 33-35 BROOKLINE AVE......................... $157,511 B: Wells Fargo Bank NA S: Alberto C Rivera & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 23044/353, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5400sf Prior Sale: $150,775 (08/13)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 193 CENTER ST..................................... $136,700 B: FNMA S: Ronald J Bonomo & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 23044/65, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7489sf Prior Sale: $134,000 (09/16) 128 PROSPECT GDNS........................... $186,000 B: Apex Bank S: Gerald R Witkowski & Apex Bank Book/Page: 23042/341, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12400sf Prior Sale: $52,500 (02/98)
Monson MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $228,000
YTD 2019 98 $239,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 ELM ST............................................. B: Ashley C Gendron S: Pamela A Bourgault Book/Page: 23040/329, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $149,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14375sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 109 COTE RD......................................... B: US Bank NA Tr S: Kevin A Quesnel & US Bank NA Doc#: 000000220805, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 50530sf Prior Sale: $152,000 (03/07)
Montgomery MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 Median Price $183,500
YTD 2019 8 $280,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 PINERIDGE RD.................................... B: Tyler Montgomery & Anthony Fastiggi S: CIG 4 LLC Book/Page: 23041/496, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $166,780 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $111,000 (10/18)
Palmer MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 135 Median Price $189,000
YTD 2019 134 $206,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 77 FLYNT ST.......................................... B: Sean E Mccaughey S: John T Meehan Book/Page: 23043/115, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $215,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15438sf Prior Sale: $151,546 (07/14)
42 SHEARER ST.................................... $35,000 B: Joseph J Skowyra S: Diane H Smith Tr, Tr for Fran Bareiss IRT Doc#: 000000220800, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10000sf 11 WINTHROP ST.................................. $181,000 B: Matthew Lyons & Joy Lyons S: Charles J Callahan & Barbara L Callahan Book/Page: 23040/476, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $177,721 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9600sf Prior Sale: $162,000 (07/15)
Southwick MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 113 Median Price $260,000
YTD 2019 108 $277,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 124 HILLSIDE RD.................................. B: Becket Academy Inc S: Paul H Whalley & Bonnie A Whalley Book/Page: 23042/333, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 61780sf 27-A MORT VINING RD......................... B: Andrew M Ouimette S: Wendi L Mello Book/Page: 23038/376, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $437,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 266076sf Prior Sale: $541,500 (10/08) 110 S LONGYARD RD............................ B: Steven Buzzell & Cecilia Buzzell S: William H Baildon & Amy E Baildon Book/Page: 23045/146, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $343,087 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $193,500 (01/98) SAWGRASS LN L:5................................ B: Doreen Dargon S: Fiore Realty Holdings LLC Book/Page: 23037/47, Date: 01/08/20
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 44 FERNWOOD RD................................ B: US Bank NA Tr S: Theresa A Burdick & US Bank NA Book/Page: 23036/470, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21344sf
Springfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1,408 Median Price $155,000
YTD 2019 1,389 $165,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 ALGONQUIN PL................................. $123,689 B: Glenn R Zuffelato S: FNMA Book/Page: 23035/538, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $92,400 (12/18) 48 ALLEN ST......................................... $173,400 B: Muhammad Taqi S: Amina Ali Book/Page: 23041/343, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5258sf Prior Sale: $67,000 (06/09) 331 ALLEN ST....................................... $680,000 B: L&J Realty Group LLC S: Basile Realty LLC Book/Page: 23041/364, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $544,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 17755sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (11/02) 104 BRISTOL ST.................................... $60,000 B: Graduate Housing Services S: Robert W Lacas Jr Book/Page: 23038/439, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5480sf Prior Sale: $39,000 (01/16) 96-98 CAMBRIDGE ST.......................... $50,000 B: New Look Realty Inc S: NWO Realty Inc Book/Page: 23040/138, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6107sf Prior Sale: $14,700 (04/09) 125 CARANDO DR................................. $960,000 B: DDL Holdings LLC S: Constance L Goff Doc#: 000000220837, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Constance L Goff $885,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 87124sf 273-275 CENTRE ST............................. $560,000 B: Naylor Nation Real Estate S: Amat Victoria Curam LLC Book/Page: 23038/239, Date: 01/09/20 34 COLLINS ST...................................... $31,000 B: James Githiri S: Diane M Smith-Jubrey Book/Page: 23038/452, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4648sf 89 CORONA ST...................................... $197,000 B: Jonathen Neris & Genesis Rosario-Neris S: Juan Santana Book/Page: 23044/478, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $191,090 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10276sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (05/19) 18-20 DRESDEN ST............................... $215,000 B: Floyd Cameron S: Adeleke Thomas Book/Page: 23044/507, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $211,105 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6525sf Prior Sale: $149,000 (01/05) 70 EDDY ST........................................... $185,000 B: Victor W Bouchard Jr & Judith L Inhof S: Alliance Real Estate Sltn Book/Page: 23042/546, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $181,649 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6460sf Prior Sale: $55,000 (06/19) 84 ELEANOR RD.................................... $170,000 B: Anthony Santiago & Angie V Marquez S: Rogelio Marquez Book/Page: 23040/236, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $150,590 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10467sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (06/17)
33 EUCLID AVE...................................... $184,000 B: Yvette Ortiz S: Dong Phuong Group Inc Book/Page: 23041/421, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $173,036 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7357sf Prior Sale: $62,055 (10/18) 54 GROTON ST...................................... $143,000 B: Gina Milambo S: Alex Vilkhovoy Tr, Tr for AJ Capital RT Doc#: 000000220810, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $140,409 Use: 3 Bdrm, Lot: 10075sf Prior Sale: $55,400 (08/19) 164 GROVELAND ST.............................. $100,000 B: Basile Realty LLC S: Darlene R Setkewich Book/Page: 23041/517, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $78,000 (08/99) 46 HARKNESS AVE................................ $182,500 B: Tiffany M Jessup S: Claire Thibodeau Book/Page: 23043/461, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $176,950 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5279sf 82 HILLSIDE DR.................................... $215,000 B: Mickey L Banks 3rd & Lauren Banks S: Blueline Management LLC Book/Page: 23037/72, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $219,945 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12602sf Prior Sale: $114,000 (07/19) 62-64 LESTER ST.................................. $281,500 B: Erik White S: Hampden Realty LLC Book/Page: 23040/523, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 9710sf Prior Sale: $83,100 (11/09) 41 MARBLE ST...................................... $67,250 B: Relax Realty LLC S: Cornelius W Phillips Book/Page: 23041/566, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Commerce Lending Inc $53,800 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6059sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (12/04) 129 MARGERIE ST................................ $60,000 B: Rayan C Abdulbaki S: Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 23039/578, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 2801sf Prior Sale: $75,440 (10/19) 155 MARSDEN ST................................. $191,000 B: Nereida Laboy S: Hurst&Crane Investments Book/Page: 23045/219, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Inland B&T $187,540 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (06/06) 122 MIDDLESEX ST............................... $179,000 B: Krystal A Corbin S: Larisa Rudin Book/Page: 23039/505, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $175,757 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5846sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (05/10) 101 MULBERRY ST U:G2....................... $29,000 B: Mulberry House Conod Assn S: Mulberry House Conod Assn Book/Page: 23044/341, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $33,000 (05/05) 356 ORANGE ST.................................... $160,000 B: Jose A Maldonado-Cruz S: Ramon Sornoza & Gloria Sornoza Book/Page: 23040/4, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $155,200 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6260sf 1521 PARKER ST.................................. $155,000 B: Binh T Le S: Steven P Gaudette & Carrie A Gaudette Book/Page: 23044/361, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Polish National CU $124,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11931sf Prior Sale: $172,500 (06/06) 60 PARKSIDE ST................................... $85,000 B: Revitalized Renovations S: Ralph R Clifford Book/Page: 23041/271, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $140,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5380sf 93 PINE GROVE ST................................ $169,900 B: Candice L Cipolla S: CIG 4 LLC Book/Page: 23039/131, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $166,822 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $87,500 (08/19) 35 POWELL AVE.................................... $175,000 B: Yamilex Vega S: James W Fiore & Darlene Fiore Book/Page: 23040/182, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $140,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (04/11) 305 ROSEWELL ST................................ $97,650 B: Alex Owusu S: Springfield City Of Book/Page: 23042/315, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5371sf 23 RUSSELL ST..................................... $200,000 B: Reba A Raudales S: Juan A Santana Book/Page: 23036/514, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $196,377 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $109,500 (08/19) 136 SHAWMUT ST................................. $155,000 B: Maritsa Rivera-Diaz S: Daniel P Rosen & Michelle Rosen Book/Page: 23042/589, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $150,350 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $109,000 (05/04) 69 SHERMAN ST................................... $115,000 B: Joaquim Santos S: Dan Beauregard Book/Page: 23037/13, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Pinnacle Fncl Corp $122,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6186sf Prior Sale: $91,555 (11/19)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
133-135 SPRINGFIELD ST.................... $250,000 B: Baystate Medical Center S: Jael M Williams Book/Page: 23040/544, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9740sf Prior Sale: $244,900 (12/05) 38 WALSH ST........................................ $160,000 B: Erika Berrouard S: ARJ Enterprises LLC Book/Page: 23044/179, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $149,893 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $74,000 (09/19) 354-356 WHITE ST................................ $175,000 B: Julio A Ortiz S: Obrien Kevin D Est & Joseph M Obrien 3rd Book/Page: 23041/195, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $166,250 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 8102sf 73 WOODROW ST.................................. $329,900 B: Simmone Shortte S: Bretta Construction LLC Book/Page: 23036/533, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $323,924 77 YORKTOWN DR U:77........................ $168,000 B: Megan A Hopper S: Michele B Marantz & Steven M Marantz Book/Page: 23043/218, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Greatr Springfield CU $155,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $157,000 (10/10)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 157 KENSINGTON AVE.......................... $133,760 B: MTGLQ Investors LP S: Bakhos Abou-Francis & MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 23044/426, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6499sf 86 MAGNOLIA TER................................ $114,500 B: Ruby Realty LLC S: Scott A Smith-Jewell & Bankunited NA Book/Page: 23036/368, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Joel B Zuckerman $103,970 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8011sf Prior Sale: $187,900 (09/01) 47 WELLINGTON ST.............................. $115,206 B: US Bank NA Tr S: Jacqueline E Turner & Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 23039/467, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4530sf Prior Sale: $73,000 (12/03)
West Springfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 271 Median Price $215,000
YTD 2019 329 $220,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 215 BALDWIN ST................................. $1,170,000 B: Bear Den Holdings LLC S: 215 Baldwin Street LLC Book/Page: 23040/254, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $878,000 24 COTTAGE ST..................................... $226,000 B: Robinson Urena & Wanda Baez S: Regnier John A Est & Marshia G Regnier Book/Page: 23045/96, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $221,906 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 3975sf 732 ELM ST........................................... $450,000 B: Andrew Oedel & Melissa Mcclung S: White Church Realty LLC Book/Page: 23040/549, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Florence Bank $240,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 14520sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (01/05) 56 FAIRVIEW AVE................................. $180,000 B: Ziya Lachinov S: Lori Galda Book/Page: 23040/443, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $144,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 8400sf 116 GRANDVIEW AVE........................... $440,000 B: Steven R Nogas & Jennifer L Nogas S: John R Spano Book/Page: 23039/7, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Lee Bank $352,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 12312sf Prior Sale: $143,000 (12/06) 30 HILLSIDE AVE................................... $187,000 B: Khalid Dhahir & Sarah Hnfsh S: Wayne M Hansen & Lynn M Hansen Book/Page: 23043/269, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $183,612 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11250sf 1146 MEMORIAL AVE........................... $365,000 B: SS Fund LLC S: Vincenzo RETtura Book/Page: 23037/597, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Vincenzo Rettura $215,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 8054sf 102 POPLAR AVE.................................. $231,500 B: Rachel M Brochu S: Mccarthy Joanne E Est & Elizabeth Mccarthy Book/Page: 23045/249, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $227,306 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22500sf 38 ROBINSON RD.................................. $107,500 B: Brian P StAmand S: Paul Kida Book/Page: 23037/143, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7500sf 33 WESTFIELD ST................................. $670,000 B: 33 Westfield LLC S: Peoples United Bank Book/Page: 23043/17, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Florence Bank $536,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 30144sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (04/02)
Westfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 380 Median Price $226,500
YTD 2019 363 $233,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 48 GRANDVIEW DR............................... B: James Rivera 2nd & Heather E Johnston S: Champiney Donald R Est & Donna Clarke Book/Page: 23040/42, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $265,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30240sf 3 HANOVER ST...................................... B: Tighe R Dudeck S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 23042/453, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Atlantic Home Loans $151,603 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6028sf Prior Sale: $182,941 (07/19) 100 HONEY POT RD.............................. B: Andrew J Pirog S: William J Brown & Deborah Brown Book/Page: 23043/479, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $227,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 231304sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (02/17) 13 MILL ST............................................ B: Samantha L Hoynoski S: Christopher R Smigel Doc#: 000000220823, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $244,489 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7623sf Prior Sale: $228,000 (09/17) 54 MONTGOMERY ST............................ B: Oscar P Naula-Naranjo S: Wilmington T NA Tr Book/Page: 23038/158, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5940sf Prior Sale: $97,600 (12/18) 75 ORCHARD ST.................................... B: Sarah Hopson S: Jason C Pomeroy Book/Page: 23039/584, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $227,616 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15000sf 316 PAPER MILL RD............................. B: Konrad Klein S: Lawrence R Gosselin Book/Page: 23044/112, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $236,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25187sf 57 PEQUOT POINT RD........................... B: Henry Girardin 4th & Kathryn D Girardin S: Michael R Leveille & Theresa M Leveille Book/Page: 23041/150, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7238sf 39 RACHAEL TER.................................. B: Vinodkumar Patel & Alpa Patel S: Kathy M Meyer & Ronald T Meyer Book/Page: 23044/571, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $392,611 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25612sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (01/08) 51 RIVERSIDE DR.................................. B: Kevin C Connors 2nd & Evelyn E Connors S: Sandra Callahan Book/Page: 23041/132, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Polish National CU $217,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12220sf Prior Sale: $176,000 (11/04) 1430 RUSSELL RD U:9.......................... B: Dorota Bak Tr, Tr for Dorota Bak T S: Kevin C Connors Book/Page: 23039/572, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $106,500 (12/16) 14 STERLING ST.................................... B: FHB Realty LLP S: LP 4 LLC Book/Page: 23040/80, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $220,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5141sf Prior Sale: $164,000 (04/15)
Mary Olberding, Register 33 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: (413) 584-3637 Fax: (413) 584-4136 www.hampshiredeeds.com or www.masslandrecords.com
Amherst YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 190 Median Price $360,000
YTD 2019 170 $379,450
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 156 COLUMBIA DR................................ B: Roshna Shahi & Ranju Shahi S: Sonja Guddat Book/Page: 13512/123, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $378,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24402sf Prior Sale: $264,610 (12/17) 1133 N PLEASANT ST........................... B: Tom Svrcek & Catherine J Svrcek S: Ronald Fontanetta Book/Page: 13512/275, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm, Lot: 16607sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/12)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 184 Median Price $269,950
YTD 2019 153 $296,000
216 BAY RD........................................... $125,999 B: Robert J Mitchell S: Freedom Mortgage Corp Book/Page: 13511/195, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 28314sf Prior Sale: $136,120 (08/19) 510 FRANKLIN ST................................. $381,035 B: Joshua R Wallace & Suzi A Wallace S: M&G Land Development LLC Book/Page: 13511/232, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $331,035 281 MILL VALLEY RD............................ $270,000 B: Jennifer L Albury & Antonio Marquez-Diaz S: Katherine S Binder Book/Page: 13512/61, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $265,109 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 120661sf Prior Sale: $168,000 (09/01) 3 OAKWOOD DR.................................... $256,000 B: David J Manura S: Devin Griffiths & Rachel Griffiths Book/Page: 13514/30, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22750sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (04/02) 140 OLD ENFIELD RD............................ $395,000 B: Raymond J Robbins & Diane M Robbins S: Joel Harder Book/Page: 13511/162, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $316,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 207781sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (09/11)
130 SHEFFIELD DR................................ $430,000 B: Bank Of America NA S: Peter S Galuszka & Bank Of America NA Book/Page: 13509/338, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Rec, Lot: 380714sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (06/01)
Wilbraham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 204 Median Price $286,000
Hampshire Registry
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 124 GRANVILLE RD............................... B: Fifth Third Bank S: Margaret M Davis & Fifth Third Bank Book/Page: 23041/50, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14910sf
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 193 $275,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 96 HIGH PINE CIR U:96......................... $356,400 B: Doreen Cunningham S: Virginia F Barry Book/Page: 23039/536, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Massmutual FCU $156,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $290,900 (08/04) 9 INWOOD DR........................................ $269,750 B: Jamie Shepard S: Edward K Gray & Jacqueline S Gray Book/Page: 23037/578, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $247,023 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30035sf 14 OVERLOOK DR.................................. $480,000 B: Pavel Siryk & Galya Siryk S: Jan F Wegrzynek & B A Bassilakis-Wegrzynek Doc#: 000000220832, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $456,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38404sf Prior Sale: $545,000 (04/08) 11 VICTORIA LN.................................... $418,000 B: Mark Edgar & Lorna Edgar S: Jeffrey F Wolcott Book/Page: 23036/238, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $334,400 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 37440sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $170,500
YTD 2019 11 $215,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 194 BERKSHIRE TRL............................. B: Craig H Garnett & Claudia A Waite S: John K Heon Book/Page: 13513/341, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $180,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 148278sf Prior Sale: $45,000 (03/18)
Easthampton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 163 Median Price $260,000
YTD 2019 166 $280,000
South Hadley
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 72 Median Price $241,500
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 199 Median Price $240,000
YTD 2019 84 $273,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES CARVER ST L:3...................................... B: Kotowicz Custom Homes LLC S: Edward C Shyloski&Sons Book/Page: 13510/28, Date: 01/08/20 115 SOUTH ST....................................... B: B Archambault-Jackson S: Tyson R Ence Book/Page: 13510/301, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $223,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21800sf Prior Sale: $137,000 (05/12)
Hadley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 58 Median Price $353,500
YTD 2019 54 $349,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 103 N MAPLE ST................................... $125,000 B: Alan StHilaire & C Carrera-StHilaire S: US Metal Roofing Distrbtr Book/Page: 13511/300, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 43504sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (10/19) 131 ROCKY HILL RD.............................. $430,000 B: Farah Chamoun & Fibi Kahabout S: Donna M Carver Tr, Tr for Donna M Carver RET Book/Page: 13511/36, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $344,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19954sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (02/07)
Huntington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $172,500
YTD 2019 23 $226,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 E MAIN ST........................................ $255,000 B: Roman Radkovets S: Scott C Andrews Book/Page: 13514/282, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $204,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 21780sf 18 POND BROOK RD............................. $287,500 B: Donald F Voudren & Terry A Voudren S: Catherine Rude-Sena Tr, Tr for Mary G Rude NT Book/Page: 13513/172, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $280,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 2122243sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 14 BARR HILL RD.................................. $188,600 B: Lakeview Loan Servicing S: Lyndsay M Suitts & Lakeview Loan Servicing Book/Page: 13510/238, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 144619sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (06/16)
Northampton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 203 Median Price $336,000
YTD 2019 201 $242,000
YTD 2019 203 $347,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 CONZ ST........................................... $910,000 B: Deerwater Realty LLC S: Frank T Sansom & Sarah E Sansom Book/Page: 13511/126, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $728,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 16000sf 53 RICK DR............................................ $281,000 B: Melody A Foti Tr, Tr for Melody A Foti T S: Mark S Bonde & Noreen A Bonde Book/Page: 13513/266, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11099sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (08/19) 288 RIVERSIDE DR................................ $252,500 B: Jason Rodriguez & Naomi Rodriguez S: Christopher E Gobillot & Cindy L Gobillot Book/Page: 13512/31, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 6299sf 89 WATER ST........................................ $407,500 B: Peter Casey & Janet Casey S: Lawrence F Bouley Book/Page: 13512/297, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $305,250 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 12214sf
34 HIGHLAND AVE................................ $234,900 B: Heidi Chereski S: Cynthia M Lukowski Book/Page: 13510/280, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $227,060 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18295sf Prior Sale: $172,395 (08/19) 19-21 WEST ST..................................... $425,000 B: Patsy Lawnhurst-Mackinnon & Gregory N Mackinnon S: Leonard Larock & Corrine Larock Book/Page: 13512/102, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $340,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 45890sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1 Median Price
YTD 2019 5 $214,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES EAST ST................................................. $66,000 B: Michelle Helms S: Kenneth M Horowitz Book/Page: 13510/33, Date: 01/08/20 GRANT ST.............................................. $80,000 B: Mary Flahive-Dickson S: Mary R Flahive Tr, Tr for John J Flahive RET Book/Page: 13511/102, Date: 01/09/20
5 GREENWOOD LN................................ $233,500 B: Lynne A Helems S: Ronald W Mcmahon Book/Page: 13512/240, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $186,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 15326sf Prior Sale: $121,000 (05/00) 540 GRANBY RD U:42........................... $128,750 B: Emily C Destromp S: Donald R George & Cheryl A George Doc#: 000000020581, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Holyoke CU $122,312 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $136,000 (08/07) 20 LAWRENCE AVE U:41....................... $140,000 B: Gary A Geanacopoulos & Jimmie M Geanacopoulos S: Jaimarie G Ely Book/Page: 13512/352, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $112,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $115,500 (09/16)
Ware MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 108 Median Price $170,000
YTD 2019 111 $192,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BEAVER RD L:58................................... $20,000 B: Stephanie A Mattraw & Damian P Johnston S: Bernardo Alberta Est & James W Gelinas Book/Page: 13514/318, Date: 01/14/20 BEAVER RD L:59................................... $20,000 B: Stephanie A Mattraw & Damian P Johnston S: Bernardo Alberta Est & James W Gelinas Book/Page: 13514/318, Date: 01/14/20 BEAVER RD L:60................................... $20,000 B: Stephanie A Mattraw & Damian P Johnston S: Bernardo Alberta Est & James W Gelinas Book/Page: 13514/318, Date: 01/14/20 9 HILLSIDE TER..................................... $241,000 B: Nathan A Park S: David A Park Book/Page: 13513/287, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: UMass/Five Coll FCU $144,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19940sf 15 MALBOEUF RD................................. $158,950 B: Michael D Bingle S: Lawrence A Lanier Book/Page: 13510/173, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $151,002 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19500sf Prior Sale: $83,000 (04/98) 14-20 OTIS AVE................................... $1,035,000 B: Park Otis LLC S: Sengen Properties LLC Book/Page: 13510/65, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 10845sf Prior Sale: $510,000 (03/07) 48-58 PARK ST.................................... $1,035,000 B: Park Otis LLC S: Sengen Properties LLC Book/Page: 13510/65, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $669,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 12425sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (03/07) 92 PLEASANT ST................................... $182,000 B: Patricia Mendez-Lara & Jorge Martinez-Mendez S: Leslie S Rivera Book/Page: 13512/217, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $178,703 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12150sf Prior Sale: $161,000 (06/16)
Middlesex Registry Northern District Richard Howe, Jr., Register 360 Gorham Street Lowell, MA 01852 Telephone: (978) 322-9000 Fax: (978) 322-9001 www.lowelldeeds.com
Billerica MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 399 Median Price $429,500
YTD 2019 460 $457,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 BALSAMWOOD AVE........................... $281,000 B: Lijing Cui & Shaoxun Cui S: USA HUD Book/Page: 33743/235, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $356,295 (03/12) 12 DUNHAM RD.................................... $2,225,000 B: Dunham Property Owner LLC S: Anthony Bruzzese Tr, Tr for Ama RT 2 Doc#: 000000303670, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $1,890,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 67954sf Prior Sale: $960,000 (04/98)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
10 GLENWOOD RD................................ $370,000 B: Katherine Swayne-Gerrish & Carrie L Swayne-Gerrish S: Michael F Martorana Book/Page: 33736/85, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19000sf Prior Sale: $252,500 (04/12) 10 JEFFREY RD..................................... $340,000 B: Ralph Natola S: Melissa A Maggio Doc#: 000000303692, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Redfin Mtg $272,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $225,600 (10/01) 8 MARSHBROOK RD.............................. $409,837 B: Valerie Jordan S: Marshbrook Road LLC Doc#: 000000303701, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $395,540 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 34425sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (11/19) 31 WOODLAWN AVE............................. $284,000 B: Zakariya Soulong & Sharifah Chhoeng S: Diplomat Property Manager Book/Page: 33734/61, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8460sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (10/17) 102 WYMAN RD.................................... $17,935 B: Linda L Hylander S: Pamela E Clarke Book/Page: 33743/260, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Split Entry, Lot: 30070sf Prior Sale: $498,900 (07/06) 102 WYMAN RD.................................... $17,935 B: Pamela E Clarke S: Linda Hylander-Gans Tr, Tr for 102 Wyman Road RT Book/Page: 33743/227, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Split Entry, Lot: 30070sf Prior Sale: $498,900 (07/06)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 76 BOSTON RD...................................... $280,376 B: US Bank NA Tr S: Francis A Menezes & Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 33733/36, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 18598sf Prior Sale: $156,000 (08/98)
Chelmsford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 364 Median Price $436,000
YTD 2019 384 $450,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 CHARLESGATE RD............................. $438,000 B: Theodore A Rokas & Susan C Rokas S: Paul E Morash Tr, Tr for Mary J Morash IRT Book/Page: 33746/184, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $416,100 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22569sf 11 CUSHING PL U:302........................... $597,400 B: Roger L VanZele & Patricia A VanZele S: Grist Mill Chelmsford LLC Book/Page: 33740/121, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $300,000 Use: Condo 15 KATRINA RD.................................... $1,560,000 B: York Machinery Central S: Chadwick-Baross Inc Book/Page: 33735/217, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Auto Repair, Lot: 96268sf Prior Sale: $950,000 (07/00) 81 LITTLETON RD.................................. $305,000 B: Jessica A Brouillette & John Tompkins S: Patricia A Kelly Book/Page: 33747/205, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $299,475 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10672sf 11 OAK ST............................................ $1,207,500 B: Flaherty Family LLC S: Robert S Distefano & James Distefano Book/Page: 33748/9, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Village Bank $905,625 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 43560sf 80-82 TYNGSBORO RD......................... $404,500 B: Gary Sarkissian & Tatevik Sarkissian S: Mark E Bilodeau Book/Page: 33738/3, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Align CU $323,600 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 10910sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (11/01) 180 TYNGSBORO RD U:43..................... $169,000 B: 125 Burnham Road LLC S: Martha Robinson & Douglas Wright Book/Page: 33743/150, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $134,900 (12/04) 610 WELLMAN AVE U:610.................... $285,000 B: Judith M Patton S: Michael K Dzineku Book/Page: 33736/99, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $199,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $275,000 (04/18)
Dracut MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 338 Median Price $353,326
YTD 2019 317 $365,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 BERNARD RD..................................... $415,000 B: Christopher D Flaherty & Lindsay Ferreira S: Caroline A Kubilus Tr, Tr for Caroline A Kubilus RET Book/Page: 33745/205, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $390,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40943sf 11 BRIGHAM AVE.................................. $50,000 B: Laura A Romanowski & John S Burnett S: QEI Inc Book/Page: 33739/171, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 17553sf
115 LAFOND LN U:7.............................. $200,000 B: Katherine L Souza S: Kathryn Tracy Book/Page: 33736/40, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $192,242 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,000 (12/17) 51 LINDSEY LN...................................... $213,900 B: Jessica Sherman S: Timothy B Markot & Janet C Markot Book/Page: 33737/234, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $203,205 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4207sf Prior Sale: $162,150 (11/02) 95 TENNIS PLAZA RD U:19................... $235,900 B: Liam P Mccarthy S: Derek M Santos & Nicole M Santos Book/Page: 33745/89, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $224,105 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $229,900 (03/06) 53 WILLOW AVE.................................... $185,000 B: CIL Realty Of MA Inc S: Abreu Constr Corp Tr, Tr for Abreu Construction RT Book/Page: 33739/97, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $1,390,475
Lowell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 612 Median Price $295,000
YTD 2019 558 $316,375
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 47 3RD AVE........................................... $282,000 B: Dongping Tan & Lucy Y Tan S: Rene L Bureau Book/Page: 33733/200, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: MLD Mortgage Inc $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5468sf 21 A ST.................................................. $385,000 B: Anita K Rith S: Lor Ravy & Kim S Ly Book/Page: 33733/294, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $378,026 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3542sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (10/17) 6 ACTON ST U:A.................................... $310,000 B: Julia M Dekker & Bertram P Dekker S: David J Perrotta & Lucy M Perrotta Book/Page: 33738/237, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $300,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $300,000 (03/07) 96-100 ARCH ST................................... $230,000 B: Belmont Hill Group Inc S: Miracle Realty LLC Book/Page: 33743/159, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Steven A Ross $288,000 44 BILLERICA ST................................... $79,900 B: JAF 27 LLC S: Tallage Lincoln LLC Book/Page: 33736/212, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Mortgage Covenants $85,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2809sf 110 BRANCH ST U:10............................ $107,000 B: Matthew D Oram S: Alexander Dunaway Book/Page: 33740/201, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $80,250 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $99,000 (12/18) 110 BRANCH ST U:11............................ $185,000 B: Matthew D Oram S: Alexander Dunaway Tr, Tr for Alex CJ Dunaway T Book/Page: 33740/173, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $138,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 428 BUTMAN RD................................... $456,000 B: Alicia M Grand S: Terrence L Palmer & Margaret J Palmer Book/Page: 33737/174, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $364,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6000sf 275 CHRISTIAN ST................................ $396,000 B: Donald J Martineau S: Alex E Savary & Laura A Moore Book/Page: 33736/189, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14024sf Prior Sale: $319,000 (12/07) 82 E ST U:A........................................... $240,000 B: Phillip Rodriguez S: Russell J Vitallo Book/Page: 33736/10, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $228,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $188,500 (08/07) 41 GRACE ST......................................... $474,000 B: Kenberly Montoya-Obando & Wallace Ribeiro S: Mani Property Holdings Book/Page: 33744/87, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $465,414 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5534sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (09/19) 19 HILLSIDE ST..................................... $323,000 B: Michael J Bauer S: Jeff P Sat Book/Page: 33742/187, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $258,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6743sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (10/17) 24 JEWETT ST....................................... $140,000 B: Santiago Santos S: Turker FT LLC Book/Page: 33740/69, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2192sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (09/19) 256-R MARKET ST U:4404.................... $150,000 B: Venkat Vuppala S: Middlesex Holdings LLC Book/Page: 33743/109, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $112,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $84,500 (04/11) 1180 MIDDLESEX ST............................. $425,000 B: Monte Castle LLC S: Norm Hebert Tr, Tr for Hebert FT Book/Page: 33743/41, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Nuance Capital LLC $396,064 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 22614sf
266 PLAIN ST........................................ B: Pineapple RT LLC S: Boston&Main Corp Book/Page: 33740/234, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Industrial Devlpble Land, Lot: 36367sf 36 PRESCOTT ST U:209........................ B: Tyler E Hathaway & Ashley C Maillet S: YYT North LLC Book/Page: 33735/163, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Condo 36 PRESCOTT ST U:C2.......................... B: Tyler E Hathaway & Ashley C Maillet S: YYT North LLC Book/Page: 33735/163, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Condo 48 ROPER ST......................................... B: Richard Hupper & Lillian Hupper S: Keith Erskine & Paula Erskine Book/Page: 33738/140, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $210,674 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4600sf Prior Sale: $218,900 (11/06) 92 SWAN ST U:209............................... B: Daniel Whelton & Carole Whelton S: Kathleen M Ohagan Book/Page: 33744/76, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 41 VARNUM ST..................................... B: Alphonso Z Walker & Racheal S Walker S: Jose H Pena Book/Page: 33743/241, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $289,656 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3012sf Prior Sale: $66,000 (11/11) 8 WHIPPLE ST....................................... B: Yuta Asano S: Clair Silva Book/Page: 33747/69, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $244,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4823sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/05) 20 WOODLAND DR U:348...................... B: Travis J King S: Claudine Langlois Book/Page: 33739/61, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $208,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Tyngsboro $185,000
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 126 Median Price $427,500
YTD 2019 115 $400,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 BRIDGEVIEW CIR U:1......................... $82,000 B: PLS Property LLC S: John R Bovill Book/Page: 33735/244, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $47,000 (09/16) 2 BRIDGEVIEW CIR U:2......................... $73,000 B: PLS Property LLC S: John R Bovill Tr, Tr for Blackmer Associates RT Book/Page: 33736/5, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $40,000 (02/17) 7 GRACE WAY....................................... $342,434 B: Alicia Darragh S: Tyngsboro Crossing Dev Book/Page: 33737/32, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $339,832 Use: Use Not Provided By Assessor 25 PHALANX ST.................................... $125,000 B: Oliver Beauchemin & Jesse D Seibert S: Laura E Bell Tr, Tr for Kalhauser Mass NT Book/Page: 33731/94, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Kalhauser RET $120,000 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 13920sf
Westford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 265 Median Price $575,000
YTD 2019 250 $589,500
Tewksbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 313 Median Price $429,900
1344 WHIPPLE RD................................ B: Linda Nguyen S: Joanna I Faria & Robert W Tansey Book/Page: 33747/256, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13993sf Prior Sale: $284,000 (02/14)
YTD 2019 354 $445,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 81 BRIARWOOD RD............................... $550,000 B: Oluwaseun Bayode & Oluwatosin Oluleye S: John N Deinnocentis & Marsha Ledbury Book/Page: 33734/86, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $335,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24699sf 72 JUNIPER LN U:72............................. $355,000 B: Frank Gagliardi & Nicole Smith S: Yuhong Lin Book/Page: 33740/296, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $348,570 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (11/14) 170 MAIN ST U:208............................... $75,000 B: Naddif Enterprises Inc S: Purtell LLC Book/Page: 33731/237, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Condo 1501 MAIN ST U:7A............................... $1,000 B: Kelvin Bullock S: Jordanne Murphy & Kelvin Bullock Book/Page: 33743/294, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Edward G Roberts $78,700 Use: Office Condo Unit, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $79,200 (10/17) 1501 MAIN ST U:8.................................. $1,000 B: Kelvin Bullock S: Jordanne Murphy & Kelvin Bullock Book/Page: 33743/294, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Edward G Roberts $78,700 Use: Office Condo Unit, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $79,200 (10/17) 28 MAPLEWOOD AVE............................ $400,000 B: Yosemitte Perez-Muniz & Yanishka M Ortiz S: Paradise Construction Grp Book/Page: 33744/26, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Republic State Mtg Co $392,755 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6400sf Prior Sale: $263,750 (10/18) 505 NORTH ST....................................... $499,900 B: Joseph C Johnson & Donna M Johnson S: Thomas G Smulligan & Marissa D Smulligan Doc#: 000000303680, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Federal Savings Bank $399,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 62291sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (02/14) 197 PATRICK RD U:197......................... $305,000 B: Kristina Makris & Milton Makris S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 33733/272, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $274,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/19) 21 PATRIOT RD..................................... $335,000 B: Victor Fonseca S: Kenneth W Ewen & Dana P Siegal Book/Page: 33736/62, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $328,932 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10346sf 29 SANDY LN........................................ $629,900 B: William J Crowell & Emily J Crowell S: John Paul Properties LLC Book/Page: 33746/235, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $598,405 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13000sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (06/19) 70 VILLA ROMA DR U:70...................... $320,000 B: Christopher Briggs & Darcy Eidle S: William K Lorenz Book/Page: 33735/109, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $304,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf
26 BYRNE AVE...................................... $605,000 B: Philip Humphreys & Lisa Humphreys S: Daniel Sacco & Cindy M Sacco Book/Page: 33740/28, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $290,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4661sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (08/16) 7 JEFFERSON RD.................................. $450,000 B: Jesica D Mcguire & Michael Generoso S: Richard L Harrington Tr, Tr for Richard L Harrington INT Book/Page: 33732/25, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Patriot Community Bk $427,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 89734sf 17 LELAND RD...................................... $683,500 B: Rubal Verma & Pallavi Khosla S: Philip J Humphreys & Lisa J Humphreys Book/Page: 33739/211, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $580,975 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 46491sf Prior Sale: $452,000 (12/11) 6 TRUE BEAN WAY................................ $780,000 B: Giselle Goncalves-Coelho S: John H Mo & Judy F Mo Book/Page: 33745/24, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: First Natl Bk $585,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40987sf
Wilmington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 245 Median Price $520,000
YTD 2019 272 $530,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 394 ANDOVER ST.................................. $565,000 B: Michelle L Tomassetti & James Ebitson S: Maureen L Hafner & William M Hafner Book/Page: 33740/257, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $365,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20100sf 17 ARLENE AVE..................................... $450,000 B: Meaghan Leahy & Nicholas L Robarge S: Michele A Kincaid Tr, Tr for Hayden FT Book/Page: 33742/26, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Align CU $427,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22500sf 1 CANYON ST........................................ $350,000 B: Irma Buenrostro & Myrna Lima S: Lizandro Mendoza & Diana L Mendoza Book/Page: 33734/293, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $302,706 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10175sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (02/14) 45 FOREST ST....................................... $404,000 B: Anne Cangello S: Gary M Blonigen & Melanie Blonigen Book/Page: 33739/191, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $363,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20014sf Prior Sale: $267,000 (12/11) 22 FREDERICK DR................................. $512,500 B: William Mcneice & Donald P Mcneice S: Carolyn A Kelliher Book/Page: 33740/1, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $486,875 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 47044sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (05/09) 109 MCDONALD RD.............................. $775,000 B: Diane C Vieira S: North Wilmington Estates Book/Page: 33733/72, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: TIAA CREF T Co FSB $475,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 22035sf 785 WOBURN ST U:4............................. $111,000 B: Eleccomm Realty LLC S: Eleccomm Corp Book/Page: 33746/16, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $135,000 (02/13)
JANUARY 27, 2020
Middlesex Registry Southern District Maria C. Curtatone, Register 208 Cambridge Street East Cambridge, MA 02141 Telephone: (617) 679-6310 Fax: (617) 617-577-1289 www.cambridgedeeds.com or www.masslandrecords.com
Ashby MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 Median Price $253,000
YTD 2019 49 $272,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 295 BENNETT RD.................................. $375,000 B: Nicole E Emanuelson & Brendan P Walsh S: Michael J Smith Book/Page: 73982/463, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $368,207 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 80020sf Prior Sale: $21,000 (03/18)
Ashland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 156 Median Price $460,000
YTD 2019 152 $499,950
Acton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 207 Median Price $635,000
YTD 2019 201 $600,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28 CARLISLE RD................................... $510,000 B: Andrew C Jones & Karina E Jones S: Karthikeyan Ramu & Sridevi Muthukumarasumy Book/Page: 73987/341, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $465,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27720sf Prior Sale: $423,000 (06/17) 392 GREAT RD U:B303.......................... $179,000 B: Candace J Dickinson & Matthew P Ranney S: Vijay K Yadav & Seema Singh Book/Page: 73971/520, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $173,630 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $157,900 (09/04) 42 KNOX TRL......................................... $625,000 B: 42 Knox LLC S: Harding Dorothy E Est & Patricia J Dee Doc#: 000001833775, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $500,000 Use: Auto Repair, Lot: 47045sf 491 MAIN ST........................................ $1,025,000 B: Andrew J Adams & Erin R Kendlehart S: Dianna L Mcneish Tr, Tr for Dianna L Mcneish RET Book/Page: 73964/536, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $831,480 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $1,060,000 (06/08) 2 WINGATE LN..................................... $1,025,888 B: Laura G Thomas & Robert J Thomas S: Kim Sieurin Book/Page: 73978/437, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $820,710 Type: Adj Use: 1-Family, Lot: 80150sf Prior Sale: $925,000 (11/18)
Ayer MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 100 Median Price $349,950
YTD 2019 72 $346,000
Arlington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 312 Median Price $789,500
102 ALGONQUIN TRL U:102.................. $400,000 B: Niraj Mishra & Khushboo Gupta S: Ganesh Krishnan & Umamaheswari Raman Book/Page: 73971/426, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $392,755 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $320,000 (02/07) 13 FERN XING U:13............................... $547,457 B: Ann F Botka S: Ashland Green LLC Book/Page: 73958/275, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Condo 119 GREEN ST....................................... $412,500 B: Jessica L Wilkinson & Ryan E Wilkinson S: Joan E Thomas & Cheryl A Thomas Book/Page: 73974/521, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $371,250 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13939sf 7 TOWER RD.......................................... $269,000 B: Morgan Mott & Andrew Kelley S: Ryan Wilkinson & Jessica L Wilkinson Book/Page: 73969/336, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $249,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (01/09) 15 TYLER LN......................................... $490,000 B: Thiago Godoi S: Saul A Cooper & Peter Cooper Book/Page: 73961/393, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15682sf Prior Sale: $268,500 (06/98) 7 WOODRIDGE LN................................. $689,000 B: Danielle Prince & Jason Prince S: Joseph M Bulens & Kelly M Bulens Book/Page: 73985/289, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $551,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36590sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (07/08)
YTD 2019 303 $813,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28 CORNELL ST..................................... $840,000 B: 20 Cornell Street LLC S: Steven Strano Book/Page: 73966/140, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Downeast Private Lndg $953,450 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4500sf 44 GLOUCESTER ST............................. $1,157,500 B: Youssef M Marzouk & Stephanie E Young-Marzouk S: Kevin J Mclaughlin Doc#: 000001834057, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mass Inst of Tech $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3930sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (12/18) 102 GLOUCESTER ST U:1...................... $780,000 B: Peter J Hall S: Christopher B Cronin Tr, Tr for 102 Gloucester Street RT Doc#: 000001833971, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $585,000 Use: Condo 7 MOCCASIN PATH............................... $730,000 B: Joseph W Shea S: Kelsie A Marr & Andrew H Marr Doc#: 000001834102, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $584,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8080sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (07/15) 56 NEWCOMB ST................................. $1,000,000 B: Michael B Flynn & Nancy J Flynn S: Grace K David Tr, Tr for Davids T Book/Page: 73958/154, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $750,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4761sf 341 SUMMER ST U:2............................. $505,000 B: Rafael B Decicco & Adriana A Decicco S: Deborah A Zecchino Book/Page: 73986/270, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $479,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $306,250 (01/12) 455-457 SUMMER ST........................... $795,000 B: Vidurshi S Zaveri & Anosh D Zaveri S: Richard J Luongo & Muriel B Luongo Book/Page: 73959/145, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $596,250 Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 6021sf 25 WINDMILL LN................................... $963,000 B: Kelsie Marr & Andrew H Marr S: John Pine Tr, Tr for John Pine IRT Doc#: 000001834195, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $688,850 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17000sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
36 BLIGH ST.......................................... $395,000 B: Sarah L Kalmes & Andrew J Mccarthy S: 36 Blight St LLC Book/Page: 73977/451, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $375,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (03/19) 48 MULBERRY CIR................................. $6,000 B: Allan E Peterson & Stephanie A Peterson S: Betty A Karr Book/Page: 73976/210, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24829sf Prior Sale: $417,000 (01/20) 48 MULBERRY CIR................................ $417,000 B: Brett M Storro & Paige L Carbone S: Betty A Karr Book/Page: 73972/561, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $409,447 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24829sf Prior Sale: $399,150 (05/07) 41 NORWOOD AVE................................ $450,000 B: Olivia Deacetis & Michael Deacetis S: Christopher J Horgan Tr, Tr for Patrick J Horgan RET Book/Page: 73958/417, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $427,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $404,297 (10/11) 83 WASHINGTON ST............................. $530,000 B: John D Briggs & Angie A Briggs S: Scott Patterson Book/Page: 73970/331, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Align CU $424,000 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 27007sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (04/11) 98 WASHINGTON ST............................. $339,000 B: Judy M Trask S: Andrew S Richard & Michelle Richard Book/Page: 73965/198, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $289,907 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $314,000 (06/15) 18 WESTFORD RD U:23......................... $191,000 B: Clarissa A Eaton S: Andrew C Jones & Karina Jones Book/Page: 73984/80, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $152,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $185,000 (11/17)
Bedford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 127 Median Price $700,000
YTD 2019 133 $750,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 BUEHLER RD..................................... $1,200,000 B: Yuri Fursov & Margarita Fursov S: John F Giglio & Dawn A Giglio Book/Page: 73978/302, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $960,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30078sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (10/00)
28 RAND PL........................................... $525,000 B: Benjamin Bennett & Christine J Bennett S: Julia Whiteneck Book/Page: 73980/576, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $420,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 50168sf Prior Sale: $5,000 (11/15)
Belmont MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 161 Median Price $1,150,000
YTD 2019 169 $1,135,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 PARK RD......................................... $1,075,000 B: 14-16 Park Road LLC S: Eileen Caves & Joseph A Greene Book/Page: 73961/552, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 5379sf 3 WASHINGTON ST.............................. $1,000,000 B: Robert E Powers & Alison Liou S: Kevin M Dorn & Nicole A Dorn Book/Page: 73985/113, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $899,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5676sf Prior Sale: $807,000 (07/13)
Boxboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $675,000
YTD 2019 53 $730,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 146 RUSSET LN U:146.......................... $345,000 B: Isabelle H Naginski S: Kimberly D Burke & Daren J Burke Book/Page: 73984/143, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $276,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $308,000 (03/19) 32 SPENCER RD U:26M........................ $135,100 B: Alonso O Rodriguez Sr & Yvette Rodriguez S: Helena S Lopes Book/Page: 73967/247, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $101,325 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $104,500 (11/08) 53 SWANSON CT U:32C........................ $147,500 B: B&E Properties LLC S: Scott S Dolham & Elizabeth A Dolham Book/Page: 73985/252, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $103,500 (02/10)
Burlington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 240 Median Price $565,084
YTD 2019 247 $574,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 ALGONQUIN DR.................................. $485,000 B: Cheryl Montgomery S: James G Dolan Tr, Tr for James G Dolan FT Doc#: 000001834030, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $436,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9500sf 33 DOLORES DR.................................... $540,000 B: 33 Dolres Drive LLC S: Coopertive For Human Svcs Doc#: 000001833923, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $276,900 (08/99) 6 LIEUTENANT LITCHFIELD WAY.......... $850,000 B: Julie A Patterson-Dangelo & Anthony R Dangelo S: Mark S Lefebvre Tr, Tr for Howes Lefebvre 2018 T Doc#: 000001834049, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $484,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26912sf Prior Sale: $469,900 (07/00) 35 RICHARDSON RD U:35..................... $624,900 B: Prasanna Chaudhari & Yogita Patil S: Yuri Fursov & Yury Fursov Book/Page: 73977/283, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $445,000 (03/13) 135 S BEDFORD ST............................... $465,000 B: Siyan Lin S: Haroutun Shahbazyan & Olga Shahbazyan Book/Page: 73958/495, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $372,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14766sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (12/13) 46 WASHINGTON AVE........................... $562,500 B: Jayabaskar Rajagopal & Niranjani Jayabaskar S: Nishikant S Purohit Tr, Tr for Purohit FT Book/Page: 73966/522, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $506,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 20070sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (01/13) 42 WINN ST........................................... $400,000 B: Grasiele Machado-Coelho & Cesar M Desouza S: Robert V Salvato Tr, Tr for Salvato FT Book/Page: 73985/223, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: First Natl Bk $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10075sf
10 BOWDOIN ST U:1............................. $630,000 B: Giorgio Mariano S: John Paxman & Petrina L Poy Book/Page: 73980/384, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $504,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 312 CONCORD AVE U:312.................... $1,325,000 B: Shinu A John & Prasanth George S: Andrew D Jones Tr, Tr for A D Jones RET Book/Page: 73980/512, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $1,060,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 41 COTTAGE ST.................................... $1,480,000 B: Bradford K Matthiesen & Madeleine I Matthiesen S: Michael D Way Doc#: 000001833910, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,184,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2564sf Prior Sale: $680,000 (04/11) 2 EARHART ST U:111............................ $780,000 B: Anthony Chen & Janet P Tse S: Dee D Chen Book/Page: 73970/193, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: HSBC Bank $546,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $682,500 (03/17) 35 FULKERSON ST............................... $1,260,000 B: Eland Shoushan & Shelly Shoushan S: Zachary W Bohart Book/Page: 73964/80, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,008,000 Use: 2-Family Row-end, Lot: 1066sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (07/01) 285 HARVARD ST U:102....................... $680,000 B: Sea K Siegel S: Romana N Lowe Tr, Tr for Romana N Lowe T Book/Page: 73962/31, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $408,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 285 HARVARD ST U:404....................... $410,000 B: Shuangxi Wang & Yang Wang S: Manuel Rodriguez-Orellana & Maria D Pizarro Book/Page: 73970/186, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $205,000 (06/04) 58 HASKELL ST.................................... $1,100,000 B: Elissa M Hobert & Stephen T Edwards S: Grayce W Stead Tr, Tr for Stead RT Book/Page: 73971/213, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $935,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5024sf 33 LINNAEAN ST U:2............................ $2,475,000 B: David Blumenthal & Ellen G Blumenthal S: Judith B Stephenson Tr, Tr for 33 Linnaean St 33-2 NT Book/Page: 73966/392, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,608,750 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,260,000 (05/04) 116 REED ST U:2................................... $810,000 B: Anirban Chatterjee S: 116 Reed Street LLC Book/Page: 73971/401, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $607,500 Use: Condo 10 ROGERS ST U:430............................ $840,000 B: David Glen S: Gerald R Guenette Jr Book/Page: 73978/553, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Concord MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 234 Median Price $1,012,000
YTD 2019 200 $1,192,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 44-46 CREST ST.................................... $540,000 B: Kimberly D Burke & Daren J Burke S: Harding Dorothy E Est & Patricia J Dee Book/Page: 73988/78, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $250,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 11307sf 11 DERBY ST U:11................................ $730,000 B: Charles V Simek Jr S: Paul Moran & Julie Moran Book/Page: 73964/378, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $547,500 Use: Condo 10 HIGHLAND ST U:10.......................... $500,000 B: Symes Development&Permitt S: Faye E Hayes Book/Page: 73980/70, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 14356sf 261 PARK LN........................................ $1,693,000 B: David Lax & Ilana R Manolson S: 261 Park Lane LLC Book/Page: 73976/189, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,269,750 Use: 7 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 78325sf
Everett MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 141 Median Price $445,000
YTD 2019 131 $450,000
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $1,450,000
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 111 $1,475,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 ASH ST U:33.................................... $1,620,000 B: Daniela Drago & Ulrich Koch S: David A Schwartz & Jane E Price-Schwartz Book/Page: 73961/598, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $1,134,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,476,000 (08/17) 69 BOLTON ST U:302............................ $725,000 B: Fang Gao S: Huntington Dahr-Lambert & Kelly Burchett-Lambert Book/Page: 73964/509, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $525,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $625,000 (07/15)
26 ARLINGTON ST................................. B: Villasson Dorafils & Fabiana J Pierre S: Joseph R Palermo Doc#: 000001833769, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $595,237 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5306sf 240 BRADFORD ST................................ B: Juan E Benavides S: William A Stallworth Book/Page: 73973/588, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $618,640 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3306sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (07/02) 24 COREY ST U:304.............................. B: Nicole M Ouellette S: Sandra J Melvin & Glenn Gordon Book/Page: 73978/488, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $256,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $73,900 (11/98)
132 GLENDALE ST................................. $900,000 B: Victor Investments Capitl S: Paul W Rauseo Tr, Tr for V&D RT Book/Page: 73972/374, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: North Shore Bank $675,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3759sf Prior Sale: $282,000 (04/09) 47 REED AVE......................................... $620,000 B: Yovana Portillo & Nelson Portillo S: Geralda Carvelho-Rosa & Norberto Desouza-Rosa Book/Page: 73982/487, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $608,770 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4835sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (12/01) 18 WOODWARD ST............................... $750,000 B: Christie Yunzhe-Xie S: Mandip Singh & Balvir K Sandhu Book/Page: 73981/435, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $525,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5232sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (08/15)
Framingham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 619 Median Price $439,900
YTD 2019 632 $456,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 44 BISHOP DR U:44............................... $220,000 B: Ismael S Pinheiro S: James R Walsh Sr Tr, Tr for Walsh FT Book/Page: 73983/140, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $212,657 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 6 BRADFORD RD................................... $340,000 B: Magued Barsoum Tr, Tr for Barsoum LT S: Christopher P Quirk Doc#: 000001833903, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19998sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (12/03) 8 CODY RD............................................ $790,000 B: Jennifer Goodfellow & Jill Christensen S: 1371 Properties LLC Book/Page: 73960/102, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $632,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10999sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (08/18) 12 DAVID RD......................................... $412,500 B: Pasquale Deluca & Maria Deluca S: Craig J Letoureau & Ashley M Wilson Doc#: 000001834012, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8159sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (05/11) 14 EMILY RD......................................... $496,000 B: Antonio Santiago & Luz N Quiles S: Jaes J Easo & Siby E Philip Doc#: 000001833993, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $487,016 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 12624sf Prior Sale: $404,000 (08/07) 9 HAVEN ST........................................... $450,450 B: Fabio S Almeida & Eny Souza-Almeida S: Jose Gomes-DeSema Book/Page: 73967/574, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $400,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4326sf Prior Sale: $212,000 (03/17) 61 LAWRENCE ST................................. $425,000 B: Joseph Alvarez S: Roger B Sturgis Book/Page: 73957/571, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $318,750 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3206sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (03/11) 4 MAJOR HALE DR................................ $662,601 B: Danielle M Shaheen S: Mark L Leonard & Susan Y Leonard Book/Page: 73973/332, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $596,301 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21009sf 1 MAYFLOWER RD................................ $365,000 B: Tina Tzaneros & George Tzaneros S: Donald E Frail Tr, Tr for Donald&Natalie Frail LT Book/Page: 73972/145, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Hunt Mortgage $100,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10332sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (07/16) 151 RIVERPATH DR U:151.................... $710,000 B: Yuantong Lu & Zhouding Yan S: Alec J Zadek & Jenna D Zadek Book/Page: 73965/562, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $420,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $639,380 (02/16) 185 SUMMER ST................................... $325,000 B: VS General Homes LLC S: Chandrakala V Rayjada Doc#: 000001833812, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 8869sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 155 FAY RD U:B.................................... B: Santander Bank NA S: Leonita Amalfi & Santander Bank NA Book/Page: 73983/339, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $242,000 (08/07)
YTD 2019 161 $469,900
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 891 HIGHLAND ST................................. $480,000 B: Brendan C Walsh & John F Walsh 4th S: RTN FCU Book/Page: 73971/546, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: RTN FCU $456,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (04/19) METCALF DR L:10................................. $350,000 B: Jonathan Gerber S: Steven G Kovacs Tr, Tr for AJK Properties RT Book/Page: 73964/456, Date: 01/09/20 METCALF DR L:10................................. $350,000 B: Geoffrey Glick S: Jonathan Gerber Book/Page: 73972/45, Date: 01/10/20 15 SPARROW LN................................... $595,000 B: Alyssa Tang-Bortnyk & Andrew Bortnyk S: Deborah J Coppins Book/Page: 73965/514, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $476,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18295sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (12/11) 14 WINGATE RD.................................... $630,000 B: William J Lysz & Jill Lysz S: Meister Cynthia T Est & Adam Blecher Book/Page: 73976/363, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $470,000 Use: 4 Bdrm, Lot: 18731sf
Hopkinton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 215 Median Price $635,000
YTD 2019 212 $650,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 ASPEN WAY U:224........................... B: Kailas G Tare S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 73976/139, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Pulte Mortgage Corp $598,772 Use: Condo 12 ASPEN WAY U:225........................... B: Bhaskar Anand & Sudipta Parhi S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 73987/509, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $579,919 Use: Condo 46 CHESTNUT ST.................................. B: Christine C Palarca & Nathan G Lampert S: Chistopher M Tighe & Linda J Tighe Book/Page: 73966/284, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $580,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 59181sf Prior Sale: $495,000 (07/17) 16 CROSS ST......................................... B: 4 Guys Realty Corp S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 73962/213, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27669sf Prior Sale: $218,249 (09/18) 2 DEER RUN.......................................... B: Vicki A Rossillo S: John D King & Melissa M Pelletier Book/Page: 73980/268, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $532,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45329sf Prior Sale: $680,000 (08/17) 63 OLD ELM WAY.................................. B: Paul G Jung & Melanie E Jung S: Brian M Day & Leslie J Day Book/Page: 73965/476, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Century Bk Tr Co $446,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 80002sf Prior Sale: $446,000 (01/08) 7 W ELM ST........................................... B: Arben Ziu & Mirjeta Ziu S: Teresa Kelley Book/Page: 73973/61, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $315,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 33302sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (04/18)
YTD 2019 195 $388,500 $210,000
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 39 HIGH ST............................................ $156,630 B: FNMA S: Jose B Sousa & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 73984/308, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5663sf
YTD 2019 342 $1,140,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES YTD 2019 135 $510,000
50 AMELIA WAY.................................... $799,000 B: Ashleigh Serafim & Alberto Serafim-Capuano S: Theodore S Moche 2nd & Christina M Mcisaac Book/Page: 73978/368, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mid-Island Mortgage C $639,200 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 58370sf Prior Sale: $770,000 (05/15)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $1,140,000
YTD 2019 50 $1,175,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 HIDDENWOOD PATH........................ $680,650 B: Fabio Elia & Veronica Carrillo-Marquez S: Negarre H Moore Tr, Tr for Negarre H Moore T Book/Page: 73957/446, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $510,400 Use: 4 Bdrm, Lot: 68389sf
Littleton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $467,500
YTD 2019 121 $467,500
11 BEAVER BROOK RD U:2.................. $2,627,500 B: 911 Beaver Brook LLC S: Lexvest Beaver Brook LLC Book/Page: 73963/259, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $2,102,000 Use: Condo 11 BEAVER BROOK RD U:3.................. $2,627,500 B: 911 Beaver Brook LLC S: Lexvest Beaver Brook LLC Book/Page: 73963/259, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $2,102,000 Use: Condo
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 LAKE ST........................................... B: Julie Nicolazzo & Michael A Sousa S: Lamson Lake Street LLC Book/Page: 73975/274, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $199,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8276sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 234 Median Price $488,450
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 177 Median Price $375,000
229 EAST ST........................................ $1,850,000 B: Yonghong Bai & Yifang Li S: Vertex Venture Group LLC Book/Page: 73964/573, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,480,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 21163sf Prior Sale: $670,000 (09/17) 25 ESTABROOK RD............................... $802,000 B: 25 Estabrook Road LLC S: Gillian C Gill Tr, Tr for Gillian C Gill T Book/Page: 73978/527, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $1,381,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5512sf Prior Sale: $329,500 (01/99) 21 TAFT AVE......................................... $715,000 B: Lachance Contracting LLC S: Kenneth C Russell Book/Page: 73972/214, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $722,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11581sf 30 TURNING MILL RD.......................... $1,080,000 B: Ajay Dubey & Ronita Panda S: Michael Tsirkin & Marina Tsirkin-Laskin Book/Page: 73959/588, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $864,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 33049sf Prior Sale: $1,170,000 (06/18)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 364 Median Price $1,099,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 194 Median Price $464,000
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 143 Median Price $500,000
Groton $640,000
26 DONALD ST...................................... $710,000 B: David A Boyer & Damla Boyer S: Hildebrand Margaret M Est & Lawrence W Hildebrand Doc#: 000001834003, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $674,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6300sf 6 DORAN FARM LN U:6......................... $940,000 B: Laura R Williamson S: Rakesh Wanga & Rajini Wanga Book/Page: 73983/28, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Vandyk Mortgage Corp $690,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 436sf Prior Sale: $1,006,000 (04/18)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
65 BRENTWOOD ST............................... $500,000 B: Patrick Ouellette S: Constitution Properties Book/Page: 73972/515, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $475,000 Use: 2-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 5668sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (04/19) 52 CLARENDON ST................................ $560,000 B: Lian Duan & Feifei Teng S: Deflumeri Reginald Est & Joseph A Deflumeri Book/Page: 73960/49, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $476,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7167sf 45 CLAYTON ST..................................... $749,000 B: Lauro Gomes-Costa S: Tarseem Singh & Avtar Singh Book/Page: 73973/137, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: First Guaranty Mtg $735,433 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4400sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (06/01) 125-127 COLUMBIA ST......................... $745,000 B: Maseo Tran & Todd M Gianatasio S: Dorivaldo Ramos-Desouza Book/Page: 73963/579, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $580,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3442sf Prior Sale: $372,000 (10/01) 20-30 DANIELS ST U:201...................... $329,900 B: Alan Kwan S: Tenzin Sungrab & Lucille Nguyen Book/Page: 73971/165, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $263,920 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $220,000 (09/15) 10 LINWOOD ST U:108.......................... $258,000 B: Donna Weinberg S: Paul E Saperstein Co Book/Page: 73971/471, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 59 REGENT RD...................................... $336,000 B: Henok Zewude-Yirga S: Barry H Sweet & Barbara D Chitouras Book/Page: 73982/428, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: NJ Lenders Corp $131,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Row House, Lot: 1069sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (09/03) 45 VALLEY ST....................................... $350,000 B: Hashmat A Rauf S: Marilyn R Domoretsky Book/Page: 73979/130, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $280,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4667sf
Marlborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 307 Median Price $380,000
YTD 2019 303 $395,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 FOREST ST...................................... $2,980,000 B: Marlborough Education LLC S: Lake William Marsh LLC Book/Page: 73959/252, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: RRA Capital Mgmt $5,139,800 Use: Office Bldg-medical, Lot: 257875sf
48 HAGER ST......................................... $25,000 B: South Coast Advisors LLC S: Douglas M Stanczak & Sharon Stanczak Book/Page: 73972/38, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $129,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 89734sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (03/05) 29 LEONARD DR.................................... $416,000 B: Marcos A Albuquerque S: Paul J Giroux Book/Page: 73961/347, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: ABSM $332,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 23663sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (03/09) 22 WASHINGTON ST............................. $375,000 B: Vyacheslav T Matveychuk & Candice N Moore S: Angela M Vilimaitis Book/Page: 73978/25, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6269sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (09/11) WILLIAMS ST....................................... $2,980,000 B: Marlborough Education LLC S: Lake William Marsh LLC Book/Page: 73959/252, Date: 01/08/20
Maynard MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 119 Median Price $380,000
YTD 2019 123 $400,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 GARFIELD ST...................................... B: Northeast Custom Building S: Mcanulty Daniel K Est & Susan Racine Book/Page: 73971/564, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4504sf 173 MAIN ST U:4................................... B: Kelly B Pendergast S: Max Management LLC Book/Page: 73958/354, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $345,600 Use: Condo 51 OLD MARLBORO RD......................... B: Lilik Gevorgian & Mikayel Alimian S: Maynard Church Of Nazaren Book/Page: 73976/453, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $254,000 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 11038sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 249 Median Price $645,000
YTD 2019 261 $645,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 CASS ST........................................... $725,000 B: Nicholas Roose & Danielle Roose S: MG Unlimited LLC Book/Page: 73984/538, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $594,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3827sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (07/19) 108 FRANKLIN ST U:2........................... $462,000 B: David Conlon & Christina Conlon S: 108 Franklin Street LLC Book/Page: 73977/320, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $415,800 Use: Condo 98 MALVERN ST U:98........................... $465,000 B: Matthew Labonte & Molly Labonte S: Steven M Cella Book/Page: 73980/444, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $418,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 4586sf Prior Sale: $384,000 (10/15) 1000 STONE PL.................................. $101,700,000 B: IMP Jack Flats LLC S: Mfrevfii Melrose LLC Book/Page: 73972/27, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 256133sf Prior Sale: $80,000,000 (04/16) 2000 STONE PL.................................. $101,700,000 B: IMP Jack Flats LLC S: Mfrevfii Melrose LLC Book/Page: 73972/27, Date: 01/10/20 3000 STONE PL.................................. $101,700,000 B: IMP Jack Flats LLC S: Mfrevfii Melrose LLC Book/Page: 73972/27, Date: 01/10/20 4000 STONE PL.................................. $101,700,000 B: IMP Jack Flats LLC S: Mfrevfii Melrose LLC Book/Page: 73972/27, Date: 01/10/20 28 SYCAMORE RD................................. $155,000 B: Pamela M Schofield S: William L Hanson Book/Page: 73977/356, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7182sf 118 TREMONT ST U:118....................... $393,000 B: Daniel Balles & Lillian Eden S: KWJM Capital LLC Book/Page: 73956/478, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $314,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $430,000 (07/19)
Medford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 294 Median Price $611,500
YTD 2019 306 $619,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 71 BOSTON AVE U:R............................. $900,000 B: James A Mckanna & Hayley N Kahn S: NPG Properties LLC Book/Page: 73960/504, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $720,000 Use: Condo 126 FERN RD......................................... $475,000 B: Ian B Willse & Peter Willse S: Rosemarie Hanlon Tr, Tr for Hanlon FT Book/Page: 73967/61, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: RTN FCU $451,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 9503sf 64 FOREST ST U:132............................. $350,000 B: Berk Sarioz & Allison K Callahan S: Anna Levantakis Book/Page: 73976/389, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: American Internet Mtg $332,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $264,500 (04/16) 213 FULTON ST..................................... $850,000 B: Sean D Galvin S: Corleto Maryann Est & Derek Pelity Book/Page: 73973/516, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11200sf 101 MAIN ST U:220............................... $350,000 B: 101 Main Street 220 LLC S: Susan Yavner Book/Page: 73960/316, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $350,000 Use: Office Condo Unit 3920 MYSTIC VALLEY PKWY U:509..... $530,000 B: John H Mo & Judy F Mo S: Olga Usyk Doc#: 000001834176, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (10/16) 34 POWDER HOUSE TER....................... $557,000 B: Kerin Steele & Jennifer Steele S: Ellen Toms Tr, Tr for Cleary FT Book/Page: 73971/579, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $445,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6508sf 63 SAVIN ST.......................................... $720,000 B: Alexandre Quesnel & Margretta Beaty S: Kameron Sanchez & Laura Gomez-Machiavelo Book/Page: 73971/499, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $370,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13413sf Prior Sale: $448,900 (05/11) 16 SHIP AVE U:4.................................... $715,000 B: Brian Viegas S: Robert Miller & Mary-Alice Miller Book/Page: 73973/393, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $679,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $412,000 (03/03)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 63 WOBURN ST..................................... $320,000 B: Anton Filikov S: Steven D Sklivas & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 73969/61, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8190sf Prior Sale: $342,000 (10/98)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 367 Median Price $600,000
YTD 2019 359 $615,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 93 E CENTRAL ST U:23......................... $208,768 B: Shawn A Alexander S: Viktoria Nedobor-Ferreira Book/Page: 73974/100, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Clinton Svgs Bk $202,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,111 (08/17) 164 E CENTRAL ST U:B......................... $555,000 B: Barbara M Faubert S: Wheeler Lane Realty LLC Book/Page: 73972/469, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 14 EASTLEIGH LN.................................. $965,000 B: Leonard Cercone & Jill E Nadeau S: Scott M Jamieson & Catherine M Jamieson Book/Page: 73965/271, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $665,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45564sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (05/00) 34 HARWOOD RD................................. $1,350,000 B: Joshua Marmor & Emily Marmor S: High End Homes LLC Doc#: 000001834022, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $972,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10380sf Prior Sale: $429,000 (09/18) 3 KYLIE LN........................................... $1,215,000 B: Yogesh Punjabi Tr, Tr for Yogesh Punjabi T S: Kevin Tramontozzi & Rebecca Tramontozzi Book/Page: 73972/589, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Citibank Na $972,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15420sf Prior Sale: $1,115,000 (06/17) 12 KYLIE LN......................................... $1,300,000 B: Alec Zadek & Jenna Zadek S: Robert O Carlson & Kristin Nelson Book/Page: 73969/372, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $1,169,870 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25025sf Prior Sale: $1,220,000 (09/16) 13 MORGAN DR U:209.......................... $549,900 B: Scott M Jamieson & Catherine M Jamieson S: Dina Larady Book/Page: 73970/385, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $175,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 15 OAKLAND ST.................................... $635,000 B: Adam T Johnson & Adrienne B Johnson S: Patric Schenk & Evelyne Schenk Book/Page: 73979/163, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $571,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 15002sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (07/17) 12 PENACOOK LN................................... $9,250 B: Michael Rubinstein & Sarit Sadras-Rubinstein S: Michael B Feeley & Laura L Feeley Book/Page: 73983/254, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22494sf Prior Sale: $960,000 (10/17) 80 PINE ST............................................ $610,000 B: Stefanie J Wong & John C Connor S: Bonnie R Gilman & Bruce M Gilman Book/Page: 73978/246, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $488,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20399sf 3 SHADY OAK LN.................................. $258,000 B: Sree FT LLC S: Marianne W Winship Book/Page: 62380/28, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15002sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (03/17)
3 TECH CIR........................................... $1,982,500 B: Harris Young LLC S: Macct Realty Hldg LLC Book/Page: 73966/190, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 30305sf Prior Sale: $1,410,000 (09/09) 22 VERNON RD...................................... $375,000 B: Elizabeth F Kotyla & Timothy J Kotyla S: Stringham W Jr R Est & Barbara Stringham Book/Page: 73986/49, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $300,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16675sf 13 WALDEN DR U:2............................... $270,000 B: Anthony Petreyko S: Kathleen Marifone Tr, Tr for Ruriko Chenevert RET Book/Page: 73973/95, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $258,000 (12/15)
Newton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 654 Median Price $1,184,750
YTD 2019 608 $1,242,500
JANUARY 27, 2020
46 UNDERWOOD AVE........................... $1,210,000 B: Murtaza Mehdi & Naz Ali S: Bin Feng & Hong Jiang Doc#: 000001834053, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $968,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5450sf Prior Sale: $805,000 (04/12) 85 WABAN HILL RD N.......................... $2,850,000 B: Thaxter D Shaw & Ramona Sequeira S: 85 Waban Hill LLC Book/Page: 73973/214, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Morgan Stanley $2,280,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10451sf Prior Sale: $1,080,000 (08/17) 728 WALNUT ST.................................... $770,000 B: Mark Anselmi & Kelly Anselmit S: Kuntal Vahalia & Neelanjana Sen Book/Page: 73966/1, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Village Bank $616,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7775sf Prior Sale: $558,000 (10/08)
North Reading
17 ALDERSEY ST.................................. $3,500,000 B: ZD Aldersey LLC S: DDG Aldersey LLC Book/Page: 73988/2, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $2,300,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 14425sf Prior Sale: $2,500,000 (02/15) 19-R ALDERSEY ST.............................. $3,500,000 B: ZD Aldersey LLC S: DDG Aldersey LLC Book/Page: 73988/2, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $2,300,000 30 BANKS ST....................................... $1,700,000 B: Christopher Shabsin & Dana Scott S: Lynch Adelaide R Est & Carol Voltz Book/Page: 73961/421, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $800,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4906sf 9 BARTLETT ST..................................... $814,500 B: Derek Chan S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 73972/363, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3600sf Prior Sale: $807,500 (05/19) 11 ELIOT ST........................................... $885,000 B: Wei He & Zhaohua Peng S: Paul V Dwyer Tr, Tr for Dwyer IRT Book/Page: 73967/473, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $708,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 2679sf 6 ENDICOTT AVE................................... $825,000 B: CP Investment LLC S: Burke Margaret L Est & Joseph L Burke 3rd Book/Page: 73974/444, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: MutualOne Bk $900,000 Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 3006sf 63 HUDSON ST...................................... $820,000 B: Simion Zilberstein & Milka Silbershtein S: Rebecca Fordon & Eric Chon Book/Page: 73963/506, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Stearns Lending $615,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3387sf Prior Sale: $464,000 (07/11) 88 IRVING ST........................................ $1,098,950 B: Vikas R Ranga-Reddy S: 88 Irving LLC Book/Page: 73977/584, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $879,160 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5750sf Prior Sale: $1,475,000 (07/19) 79 JOSEPHINE AVE U:1......................... $850,000 B: Jessica L Noble S: Estia Properties LLC Book/Page: 73959/450, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $680,000 Use: Condo 11 LOWELL ST U:1............................... $1,060,000 B: Michael L Oneill & Ana M Thomas S: KTA Construction LLC Book/Page: 73960/412, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Condo 80 LOWELL ST U:1................................ $756,000 B: Elizabeth Parfit S: Gavin Parfit & Isabel Barzum Book/Page: 73987/320, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $700,800 (08/14) 303 LOWELL ST U:23............................ $337,450 B: Wanyi Huang & Wingkwai Ng S: Thomas T Hall Book/Page: 73977/494, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $240,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $172,500 (09/11) 21 MURDOCK ST U:B............................ $865,000 B: Kim Desmond-Wong S: Cedar Murdock Partners Book/Page: 73973/106, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $688,850 Use: Condo 27 MURDOCK ST U:1............................. $990,000 B: Ross Daly & Hailey Broderick S: Hawthorne Dev Ventures Book/Page: 73965/382, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $688,850 Use: Condo 43 MYRTLE ST U:43.............................. $808,000 B: Eliyahu Levi & Elise Y Levi S: Christopher B Cronin Tr, Tr for 41 Myrtle Street RT Book/Page: 73958/305, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $727,200 Use: Condo 69 MYRTLE ST..................................... $1,500,000 B: Nga Nguyen S: Joseph P Azeredo & Maria S Azeredo Book/Page: 73961/533, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6190sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (12/99) 22 NEWBURY ST U:22.......................... $1,220,000 B: Priyantha Herath S: 22 Newbury Street LLC Book/Page: 73958/444, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $1,037,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 27 PINCKNEY ST.................................. $1,025,000 B: Sean Wan & Stacy Wang S: Hudson Santana & Lisa Santana Book/Page: 73959/556, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $820,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2512sf Prior Sale: $660,000 (02/18)
215 AUBURN ST.................................... $550,000 B: Wai K Tam & Jian Y Tam S: Suk S Tam Tr, Tr for Suk Sum Tam IRT Book/Page: 73965/447, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $350,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6198sf Prior Sale: $438,888 (11/11) 280 BOYLSTON ST U:802...................... $777,000 B: Janis Tsang S: Amy Robbins Tr, Tr for Lipkin Imperial Towers RT Book/Page: 73966/117, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 194106sf Prior Sale: $669,000 (05/14) 9 CALLAHAN PATH............................... $865,000 B: 9 Callahan Path LLC S: Myron J Fox Tr, Tr for Louise A Felton RET Book/Page: 73970/430, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $1,600,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13010sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (07/99) 73 CARVER RD...................................... $935,000 B: 73 Carver Road LLC S: Francie G Sheehan Book/Page: 73974/236, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Accolend LLC $1,030,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7152sf 3 CHANDLER ST.................................... $800,000 B: Jufang Wang & Weihai Cai S: Gino Caira Book/Page: 73958/8, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5519sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (05/18) 110 CHERRY ST..................................... $864,000 B: Theodore W Blank & Nicole C Cabrera S: Bradley Bray Book/Page: 73958/387, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $688,850 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7285sf Prior Sale: $582,000 (05/06) 188 CHURCH ST U:2.............................. $970,000 B: Subbuluxmi Natarajan S: John T Harris Tr, Tr for Ellen T Harris 2015 RET Book/Page: 73961/317, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $921,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 11520sf 35 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:205.......... $530,000 B: Betty Chan S: Dongtai He Book/Page: 73969/72, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $397,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 48829sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (10/13) 14 COOK ST........................................... $585,000 B: Gilza M DosSantos S: Olimpia Bove & Marisa Fusco Book/Page: 73979/519, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $555,750 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2077sf 269-287 GROVE ST............................ $235,000,000 B: ARE MA Region 76 LLC S: Hines Global REIT Riversd Book/Page: 73983/262, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 489460sf Prior Sale: $197,250,000 (04/13) 30 HELENE RD...................................... $1,255,000 B: Xiao Guo & Dongfei Pei S: Gerard L Bridi & Leila Bridi Book/Page: 73961/196, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $688,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11259sf 252 JACKSON ST................................. $1,099,900 B: Qian Wu S: Michael Lushan & Deborah Lushan Book/Page: 73967/336, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $879,920 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9580sf 35 JAMES ST........................................ $652,000 B: Alireza Joukar & Sara Oloomi S: Andrew Kayser Book/Page: 73966/265, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $521,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6210sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (12/04) 223 LEXINGTON ST U:223..................... $935,000 B: Denise Hines-Kelleher & Jinshan Guo S: Matthew L Kelleher & Denise Hines Book/Page: 73971/304, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $685,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 32293sf Prior Sale: $807,000 (05/14) 15 MARSHFIELD RD.............................. $735,000 B: Bernard N Driscoll 3rd & Joseph M Freni S: Marie C Farmer Book/Page: 73965/144, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Winter Hill Fed SB $651,450 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5760sf 50-52 PRESCOTT ST............................ $1,296,000 B: Dong Han & Yuan Jiang S: Pasquale S Venditti & Patricia Mceachern Book/Page: 73980/78, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $907,200 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7958sf 29 SAGAMORE RD............................... $1,100,000 B: Jianwen Feng & Xin Zhang S: Theodore A Fritz Tr, Tr for Theodore A Fritz 2016 RET Book/Page: 73962/415, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $825,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10620sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 185 Median Price $550,000
YTD 2019 174 $558,750
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 HAYWARD FARMS LN........................ $799,900 B: Alessandra Doval S: Parul Conway & Debra J Conway Book/Page: 73971/480, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: First Natl Bk $159,980 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 63162sf 220 MARTINS LNDG U:403................... $397,300 B: Stephen J Dion & Brenda Dion S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 73967/432, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Pulte Mortgage Corp $297,300 Use: Condo 17 NICHOLS ST..................................... $967,684 B: Paul Harrington & Deborah Harrington S: Herrick Development LLC Book/Page: 73970/229, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $764,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 48831sf 10 PORTER RD...................................... $415,000 B: Ashley K Cameron & Christopher L Thibault S: Michael Owen & Katherine Bolcome-Owen Book/Page: 73979/275, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $290,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $266,000 (08/15) 19 SHORE RD........................................ $300,000 B: Kevin Pierce S: Worry Free Real Estate Book/Page: 73987/287, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $291,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (08/19)
Pepperell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 135 Median Price $344,900
YTD 2019 129 $375,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 WILLIAMS ST..................................... B: Tathyanne A Dearruda S: Daniel P Harkins & Robin J Harkins Book/Page: 73961/255, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $332,975 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 609692sf Prior Sale: $363,000 (07/09)
Reading MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 235 Median Price $600,000
YTD 2019 277 $612,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 329 ASH ST........................................... $380,000 B: Greater Boston Property S: James M Yandle Jr & Erin Yandle Book/Page: 73972/479, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16464sf Prior Sale: $286,500 (04/10) 903 GAZEBO CIR U:903......................... $427,500 B: Ameya Chintamani-Mulye & Sayali Vinay-Baidya S: Jeanne M Hoffman Book/Page: 73966/557, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $342,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 393 PEARL ST....................................... $550,000 B: James M Yandle & Erin E Yandle S: Mary A Atwood Book/Page: 73974/67, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $522,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15719sf
Sherborn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 70 Median Price $823,000
YTD 2019 90 $795,800
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 29 ELIOT ST........................................... B: Michael Lowder & Maria Lowder S: Brian E Clarke & Kelly A Clarke Book/Page: 73979/39, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $576,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 42950sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (02/00) 24 SOUTHFIELD LN U:24....................... B: Diana Obeng-Manu S: Fields At Sherborn LLC Book/Page: 73973/471, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $211,280 Use: Condo
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $345,000
YTD 2019 60 $370,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 30 HORSE POND RD.............................. B: Brian N Lucus S: B Squared Corp Book/Page: 73986/322, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $451,668 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 142876sf Prior Sale: $92,000 (08/18)
Somerville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 112 Median Price $797,500
YTD 2019 96 $850,000
23 WISCONSIN AVE.............................. $1,030,000 B: 23 Wisconson Opco LLC S: Waka Parl LLC Book/Page: 73981/90, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $721,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3432sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (01/16)
Stoneham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 187 Median Price $550,000
YTD 2019 202 $555,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 199 COLLINCOTE ST............................. $535,000 B: Mamun Rahman & Zinat Sharmin S: Thomas E Anderson & Stephen Columbus Book/Page: 73960/16, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $428,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12354sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (04/19) 23 HIGHLAND AVE................................ $491,500 B: Aeron E Dugan S: Jun Cao & Lizhi Cao Book/Page: 73970/148, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $299,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 15384sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (05/15) 472 MAIN ST U:A.................................. $632,900 B: Bernd Kirschning & Valerie Kirschning S: J-Marg LLC Book/Page: 73979/593, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $120,000 Use: Condo 472 MAIN ST U:C.................................. $650,000 B: Krista Marino S: J-Marg LLC Book/Page: 73964/218, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $375,000 Use: Condo 597 MAIN ST U:A2................................ $580,000 B: Sandra J Dalbeck Tr, Tr for LHD RT S: Cicciariello Joseph A Est & Patsy Cicciariello Book/Page: 73971/367, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $450,000 (03/05) 21 MAPLE ST U:21................................ $731,500 B: Asmabanu Memon & Mahek Mody S: Robert W Murray Tr, Tr for Elm Tree T Book/Page: 73974/323, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $572,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 22 POND ST........................................... $676,500 B: Marissa Kong-Nutu & Ovidiu D Nutu S: Marc H Brovender & Mary L Brovender Book/Page: 73979/207, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $569,500 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 22846sf 29-1/2 POND ST.................................... $360,000 B: Elizabeth F Motta S: Robbin Jacobs Book/Page: 73980/20, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $353,479 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6400sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (07/00)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 12 PEARL ST......................................... $100,000 B: Edelweiss Financial LLC S: Joyce A Louis & Edelweiss Financial LLC Book/Page: 73982/254, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6800sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (02/06)
Stow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 88 Median Price $522,500
YTD 2019 84 $520,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 DAVIS RD........................................... B: Karl A Borg & Tania Borg S: Graham R Waiting Book/Page: 73978/285, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $343,000 (01/20)
Sudbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 278 Median Price $750,000
YTD 2019 282 $750,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 200 HORSE POND RD............................ $375,000 B: Paul Noonan S: Nancy J Taverna & Peta Stone Book/Page: 73984/115, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 35719sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (05/06) 11 MAPLE AVE...................................... $400,000 B: Dmitriy Lavrishin Tr, Tr for 11 Maple RT S: Moore Nancy J Est & Robert L Wareham Book/Page: 73959/330, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Avi Liss $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26572sf 22 SPRING ST....................................... $380,000 B: Kurt W Deschler & Jacqueline V Downing S: Ann I Freiss Book/Page: 73961/415, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20038sf
Townsend MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 122 Median Price $296,000
YTD 2019 126 $307,450
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 109 WALLACE HILL RD......................... B: Joseph D Mason & Maureen J Collins S: Cheryl C Carlson Book/Page: 73973/434, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 20198sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (08/16)
JANUARY 27, 2020
Wakefield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 254 Median Price $540,503
YTD 2019 231 $570,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BERWEEN MELVIN L:B.......................... $107,815 B: Scott Green S: Christopher B Cronin Tr, Tr for 9A Melvin Street RT Book/Page: 73964/47, Date: 01/09/20 107 BUTLER AVE................................... $525,000 B: Michael J Soper Jr & Jacquelyn G Soper S: Brenda A Dion & Stephen J Dion Book/Page: 73965/342, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $498,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 70567sf 27 BYRON ST........................................ $599,500 B: Michael Owen & Katherine Owen S: Katherine M Hanna Tr, Tr for Jean M Burke T Book/Page: 73980/198, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $599,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9034sf 12 CYRUS ST......................................... $107,815 B: Scott Green S: Christopher B Cronin Tr, Tr for 9A Melvin Street RT Book/Page: 73964/47, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 8002sf 1 GRAFTON ST...................................... $397,000 B: Bryan Revis S: Marcia T Fabiano Book/Page: 73980/47, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $377,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 1634sf 15 KAREN RD........................................ $450,000 B: Marlon H Martinez S: Robert D Weeks Book/Page: 73979/61, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $427,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10302sf 11 MIDDLESEX ST U:1.......................... $450,500 B: Chaitanya K Kasyapa & Bala M Kancharana S: Ana I Marques & Jorge A Coelho Book/Page: 73986/94, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $427,975 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $378,000 (08/15)
Waltham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 331 Median Price $604,900
YTD 2019 332 $600,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 ALLEN RD......................................... $540,000 B: Jennifer L Dzamba S: Louise C Leblanc Doc#: 000001834190, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $432,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5968sf 1 BALM AVE......................................... $2,200,000 B: Charles P Mantenuto Tr, Tr for Hobbs Brook RT S: Debbie Arrigo Tr, Tr for Nicholas P Arrigo LT Book/Page: 73988/43, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 217800sf 45 CALDWELL RD................................. $557,000 B: Amy Hayde & Adam Bottis S: Jeremiah A Lyons & Elizabeth Lajeunesse Book/Page: 73957/549, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $557,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9017sf Prior Sale: $526,000 (08/16) 93 CALVARY ST U:2.............................. $860,000 B: Yang Pan & Binglun Hou S: Mac Property Group LLC Book/Page: 73985/459, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $688,000 Use: Condo 21 CRAFTS ST....................................... $600,000 B: Andrew Meira & Natalia Meira S: Michael M Oregan Tr, Tr for 21 Crafts Street RT Book/Page: 73962/257, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $570,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5009sf Prior Sale: $97,500 (08/98) 60 GRANT ST U:60................................ $407,000 B: B S Thanabalasingham & Miling Wang S: Wilfred Charnley Book/Page: 73967/163, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $366,300 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $209,900 (10/00) 82 LIONEL AVE U:A............................... $245,000 B: Sharon Horenstein S: Thomas A Taylor Book/Page: 73972/270, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $195,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 57 LURA LN........................................... $890,000 B: Anthony J Lapadula & Kathleen P Herold S: Richard F Dacey 3rd & Ellen L Dacey Book/Page: 73967/296, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $667,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40206sf 1380 TRAPELO RD................................ $575,000 B: Cardillo Development Corp S: Richard A Frost Tr, Tr for Frost RT Book/Page: 73975/46, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $1,431,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12502sf
Watertown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 111 Median Price $650,000
YTD 2019 111 $720,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 31 CHARLES ST..................................... $685,000 B: Olga Shahbazyan & Haroutun Shahbazyan S: Kane Built Inc Book/Page: 73961/499, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $535,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5281sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (11/17) 131 COOLIDGE AVE U:227.................... $387,000 B: Vishal Bhatia & Sunanda Pepalla S: Magovsky Shirley E Est & Ronald S Magovsky Book/Page: 73987/470, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $290,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 81-83 DEXTER AVE............................... $820,000 B: John Bauer & Elise Bauer S: Henry I Britner Book/Page: 73961/171, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $615,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4000sf
137 GALEN ST U:2................................. $475,000 B: Christopher Decelles S: Jennifer L Connolly Book/Page: 73966/32, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $307,000 (05/13) 27 GRANDVIEW AVE U:27..................... $505,000 B: Stanley Y Lim S: Kathleen A Marine Book/Page: 73973/26, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $355,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $359,900 (09/03) 50 OLNEY ST......................................... $535,000 B: Klavs Dolmer & Mary Truscott S: Stanley Y Lim & Megan L Lim Book/Page: 73971/137, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $508,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 4309sf Prior Sale: $394,000 (02/15) 6 PORTER ST......................................... $825,000 B: Younes Hamdi S: Giuseppe Digiacomo Tr, Tr for Porter Street RT Doc#: 000001834183, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $797,450 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4470sf 12 RIVERSIDE ST U:3-3........................ $369,000 B: Geoffrey D Sholkin S: Stoyan Mihnev & Rozalina Tsvetkova Book/Page: 73984/366, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Howard Sholkin $208,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $229,500 (12/07) 17 WINTER ST..................................... $10,000,000 B: Mohammed Akbarian Tr, Tr for Pond View RT S: Winter Park LLC Book/Page: 73966/40, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 26500sf
Wayland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 187 Median Price $764,000
YTD 2019 164 $736,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 PLAINVIEW RD.................................. $1,900,000 B: Jared Huntley-Stiff & Kathryn Holland-Stiff S: Michael P Ellenbogen & Julie Ellenbogen Book/Page: 73965/46, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,210,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44875sf Prior Sale: $595,000 (01/01) 9 SNAKE BROOK RD.............................. $875,000 B: Jeffrey R Bergeron & Bethany A Bergeron S: Stanley Chin & Pauline C Chin Book/Page: 73967/387, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $690,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47610sf 9 TIMBER LN......................................... $679,000 B: Thomas Tavino & Samantha Tavino S: Jeffrey R Bergeron Tr, Tr for Jeffrey&B Bergeron RET Book/Page: 73966/448, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $577,150 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15600sf Prior Sale: $439,000 (06/12)
Weston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 158 Median Price $1,500,000
YTD 2019 148 $1,425,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 568 WELLESLEY ST.............................. $3,400,000 B: Kaipu Weston LLC S: Zachary Hanoyan & Helene Hanoyan Book/Page: 73985/402, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 77860sf Prior Sale: $2,510,000 (02/11)
Winchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 258 Median Price $1,150,000
YTD 2019 260 $1,168,250
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 ARTHUR ST U:23.............................. $577,000 B: Guoxing Yao & Yang Liu S: Shouryadeep Srivastava & Shweta Sinha Book/Page: 73972/183, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $430,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 218 CROSS ST U:218........................... $1,020,000 B: Laila Hassani & Abdelilah Hassani S: DP Orgettas LLC Book/Page: 73972/339, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $663,000 Use: Condo 15 DIX ST U:4....................................... $1,565,000 B: Barbara Cummings S: Robert D Carabio & Andrea M Carabio Book/Page: 73974/164, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,000,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,745,000 (11/17) 757 MAIN ST........................................ $1,200,000 B: Khrovano LLC S: Bruce B Smith Tr, Tr for Smith FT Book/Page: 73967/196, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Smith FT $900,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 14434sf 130 POND ST......................................... $636,000 B: Yanli Zhao & Xiyan Zhang S: Bodrovic James A Est & Nancy A Diemer Doc#: 000001834041, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20053sf 38 PROSPECT ST................................. $1,749,000 B: Laura Puma-Kotzeff & Simon P Kotzeff S: Sandra A Urie Tr, Tr for Sandra A Urie 2006 RET Doc#: 000001834015, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $1,399,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 30627sf Prior Sale: $1,600,000 (07/01) 6 SHEFFIELD RD................................... $1,805,000 B: Kendall A Samuelson & Cornelia B Cronan S: Eric Webster & Joseph Miller-Webster Book/Page: 73961/474, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $1,353,750 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Revival, Lot: 6470sf Prior Sale: $1,576,000 (05/17)
Woburn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 250 Median Price $485,000
YTD 2019 308 $510,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 BRENTWOOD RD.............................. $740,000 B: Jaekeum Kim & Hyejin Hwang S: Paul C Carpentar Sr & Rosemary Carpentar Book/Page: 73971/238, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $666,000 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 48352sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (10/05) 86 CAMBRIDGE RD............................... $510,000 B: Shayla Belanger & Anthony J Rotella S: Kimberly A Higgins Doc#: 000001833975, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $474,300 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $252,000 (03/07) 74 ELM ST............................................. $750,000 B: Tidd Home LLC S: Tidd Home Book/Page: 73965/431, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Residential-other, Lot: 21780sf 32 EVERETT ST U:2............................... $38,000 B: Henry Jancinthe S: Henry Jacinthe & Manouchka Leroy Book/Page: 73971/282, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 80 N WARREN ST U:46......................... $228,000 B: Abigail Seidel S: Thomas M Kelly Book/Page: 73978/167, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $182,400 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $120,000 (04/11) 19 TRAVERSE ST U:3............................ $687,182 B: Phani V Sukhavasi & Brooke Carter-Sukhavasi S: 19 Traverse Street 3 LLC Book/Page: 73972/440, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $549,745 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (11/18) 29 VAN NORDEN RD............................. $425,000 B: Ranjit Singh & Mandeep Kaur S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 73962/101, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Chris Miller $260,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 34848sf Prior Sale: $381,021 (01/19)
Nantucket Registry Jennifer H. Ferreira, Register 16 Broad Street Nantucket, MA 02554 Telephone: (508) 228-7250 Fax: (508) 325-5331 www.nantucketdeeds.com
Nantucket MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 172 Median Price $1,490,000
YTD 2019 146 $1,500,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 CLARA DR......................................... $1,950,000 B: Amy Beliveau Tr, Tr for Acktually Home RT S: 1 Clara Dr LLC Doc#: 000000164203, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $1,560,000 Type: Adj Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 7614sf Prior Sale: $1,800,000 (09/18) 6 DOVEKIE CT....................................... $1,310,000 B: Kelly M Gallagher & Colleen E Gallagher S: Theodore Winston & Simone S Winston Doc#: 000000164227, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $1,048,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5871sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (04/98) 3 HICKORY MEADOW LN..................... $5,500,000 B: John M Iacoi Tr, Tr for Salt RT S: Bekind Development Co LLC Doc#: 000000164222, Date: 01/10/20 4 JOHN ADAMS LN.............................. $6,962,500 B: Mark Wendling & Marilyn Wendling S: Casa Gigi LLC Doc#: 000000164234, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Goldman Sachs Bank US $4,525,625 Type: Adj Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 21307sf Prior Sale: $5,675,000 (10/13) 9 PILGRIM RD...................................... $2,300,000 B: Sea Hero LLC S: SGB Pilgrim LLC Doc#: 000000164190, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $4,385,000 34 WASHING POND RD....................... $25,000,000 B: John J Galiher & Cindi L Galiher S: J Lorentszen-Goodwilie Tr, Tr for J Lorentzen-Goodwillie NT Doc#: 000000164217, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 5 Bdrm, Lot: 228540sf 115 WASHINGTON ST.......................... $2,367,123 B: Ditch Investments LLC S: 115 Washington St Ext LLC Book/Page: 1729/319, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 11534sf Prior Sale: $1,850,000 (01/17) 2 WHITE ST.......................................... $1,250,000 B: Terrence O Newth & Sheila A Newth S: David Bopp Tr, Tr for 2 White Street RT Book/Page: 1730/1, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $600,000 Type: Adj
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Norfolk Registry William P. O’Donnell, Esq, Register 649 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Telephone: (781) 461-6122 Fax: (781) 326-4742 www.norfolkdeeds.org
Avon MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 85 Median Price $344,000
YTD 2019 67 $356,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 CURTIS CIR U:5.................................. $429,900 B: Mary K Keumurian S: Trudy Becker Tr, Tr for Village At Curtis Ests RT Book/Page: 37514/431, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 6 CURTIS CIR........................................ $449,900 B: Gina A Recupero & Mario J Recupero S: Robert Erlichman Tr, Tr for Village Curtis Estates RT Book/Page: 37519/298, Date: 01/14/20 10 KATHERINES WAY........................... $150,000 B: American Property Solutns S: T L Edwards Realty LLC Tr, Tr for South Street&Route 24 RT Book/Page: 37507/144, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 53579sf
Bellingham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 221 Median Price $330,000
YTD 2019 224 $339,900
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 CANDACE DR................................... $312,500 B: Zachary P Brennick & Margaret S Hennessy S: Kenneth P Boisclair & Kristie M Boisclair Book/Page: 37517/270, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $296,875 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 27801sf Prior Sale: $303,800 (09/05) 29 CANDLELIGHT LN............................. $398,250 B: Charles R Leverone & Beverly A Leverone S: South Center Realty LLC Book/Page: 37510/390, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 12514sf 85 CROSS ST......................................... $315,000 B: Ross M Davis S: Eric P Houle & Sarah Houle Book/Page: 37508/312, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $252,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 86989sf Prior Sale: $249,000 (05/10) 2 EVERGREEN DR U:2........................... $405,000 B: Utsav Modi S: Pine Hollow LLC Book/Page: 37510/422, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $364,500 Type: Adj Use: Possible New Construction 164 MECHANIC ST................................ $262,500 B: TMC Holdings&Development S: Virginia H Rubrigi Tr, Tr for John W Brown Jr 2002 RET Book/Page: 37514/383, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 90605sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (10/98) 164 MECHANIC ST................................ $262,500 B: TMC Holdings&Development S: Virginia H Rubrigi & Maria J Boyle Book/Page: 37514/385, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 90605sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (10/98) 4 MED ST.............................................. $235,000 B: Matthew Studley S: Armand W Fontaine Jr Tr, Tr for Armand W Fontaine Jr T Book/Page: 37512/548, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40063sf 57 MONIQUE DR.................................... $539,200 B: Dennis R Swanson & Catherine A Swanson S: Lobisser Building Corp Book/Page: 37511/178, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $278,000 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 16245sf 19 PELLETIER DR.................................. $375,000 B: Mark Dicristoforo & Nancy Dicristoforo S: Robert L Dumont & Lynne C Dumont Book/Page: 37517/188, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25484sf 11 S CENTER ST.................................... $190,000 B: Joshua Harris S: Oliver Mary J Est & Earle Oliver Book/Page: 37510/571, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf 26 WILLIAMS WAY............................... $7,000,000 B: 26 William Way LLC S: William Way Partners LLC Book/Page: 37508/381, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $4,312,500
Braintree MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 356 Median Price $485,000
YTD 2019 321 $530,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 BICKFORD RD.................................. B: Hong T Chau & Phat Q Lai S: Peter N Luu & Kim C Ngo Book/Page: 37518/417, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $451,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7227sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (05/09)
111 BRADFORD COMMONS LN U:111.. $320,000 B: Nicholas Marella & Natalie Silva S: Paul J Albernaz & Diane M Albernaz Book/Page: 37514/553, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $288,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $296,900 (03/03) 9 INDEPENDENCE AVE U:105................ $517,000 B: Amanda Chaves S: Independence Avenue Assoc Book/Page: 37520/298, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $307,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 9 INDEPENDENCE AVE U:107................ $555,000 B: Orianna P Olivero-Casso & Carlos CassoDomingguez S: Independence Avenue Assoc Book/Page: 37514/493, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $527,250 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 154 PEACH ST....................................... $497,000 B: Dimitra Chatzopoulos & Nathan Moura S: Charles J Larocca Jr & Meghan Larocca Book/Page: 37514/314, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $472,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10951sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (08/13) 198 POND ST......................................... $415,000 B: Murad Shehadeh S: Kevin J Buonpane & Meaghan E Tracey Book/Page: 37518/283, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $407,483 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6316sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (09/18) 6 RICHARD RD...................................... $675,600 B: Sebastian Quintero & Francesca Quintero S: Sean C Mcconville & Jocelyn Mcconville Book/Page: 37516/374, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $540,480 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 13020sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (10/08) 16-18 RIVER ST.................................... $575,000 B: Guardian Community T Inc S: Thomas A Corcoran Tr, Tr for Brass Ring RT Book/Page: 37507/379, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 7893sf 44 SUMMIT RIDGE DR.......................... $765,000 B: Sean C Mcconville & Jocelyn Mcconville S: Michael H Desmarais & Siobhan Desmarais Doc#: 000001438458, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $400,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17237sf Prior Sale: $577,500 (09/13)
Brookline MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 159 Median Price $1,770,000
YTD 2019 138 $1,977,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 GARDNER RD U:1............................ $1,035,000 B: Vladimir Svetnik & Luba Svetnik S: James S Cooper & Susan F Horwitz Book/Page: 37514/239, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $450,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $750,000 (06/10) 23 KILSYTH RD.................................... $2,700,000 B: Alexei Degterev & Ekaterina Torchilin S: Andrew G Cohen & Ophelia K Tsui Book/Page: 37510/209, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $2,160,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 2910sf Prior Sale: $1,547,500 (11/07) 50-60 LONGWOOD AVE U:801.............. $620,000 B: Pamidimukkala M Rao & Uma M Rao S: Albert Lin & Marjorie Lin Doc#: 000001438272, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 60 LONGWOOD AVE U:910.................... $671,000 B: Daniel A Rodman S: Frank G Berson & Jill Berson Doc#: 000001438433, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $536,800 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $325,000 (12/06) 80 PARK ST U:75................................. $1,560,000 B: Richard G Frank & Elizabeth S Frank S: Judah L Schwartz & Joan Thormann Book/Page: 37507/469, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $1,248,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $820,000 (05/11)
Canton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 227 Median Price $524,900
YTD 2019 201 $570,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 CULLODEN DR.................................. $870,000 B: Kevin J Cleary & Lauren M Kodish S: Dawn M Sullivan Book/Page: 37514/297, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $696,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19907sf 20 INDIAN WOODS WAY U:20............... $545,000 B: Leo Boroditsky & Sofia Boroditsky S: Anh Q Tran Book/Page: 37514/68, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $425,000 (12/17) 2 MEETINGHOUSE RD........................... $490,000 B: 572-582 Washington St LLC S: Kathleen M Shea Tr, Tr for 2 Meeting House Road RT Doc#: 000001438309, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Canton Cp Bk $1,492,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25831sf 95 MESSINGER ST................................ $350,000 B: Tran Cornerstone General S: Charlotte J Goodrich & William S Dickie Book/Page: 37514/482, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14505sf 19 PINE ST U:H...................................... $237,500 B: Weymouth Condo Renovators S: Meghan A Moore Book/Page: 37510/134, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $215,900 (07/07)
19 SUTCLIFFE AVE................................ $705,000 B: Brian T Cronin & Victoria A Cronin S: Richard G Thomason & Karin J Thomason Book/Page: 37511/221, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $564,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11021sf 80 WALNUT ST U:211........................... $187,000 B: Colman G Conroy & Joanne Conroy S: Mary P Danella Book/Page: 37514/192, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Hancock Mtg Partners $140,250 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo
Cohasset MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 125 Median Price $950,000
YTD 2019 133 $950,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 191 ATLANTIC AVE.............................. $4,270,000 B: Scott A Wilson & Allison Wilson S: William Oneil Tr, Tr for William Oneil Grantor T Book/Page: 37518/323, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 9 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 92783sf Prior Sale: $4,100,000 (12/19) 85 ELM ST............................................. $730,000 B: James T Mcloughlin & Serena L Harben S: Seth Tweeddale & Lucie Tweeddale Book/Page: 37521/374, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $580,000 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 13000sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (08/14) 21 LEDGEWOOD FARM DR................... $1,075,000 B: Benjamin T Greenbowe & Susan M Greenbowe S: Jeri S Herman Book/Page: 37512/240, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $860,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36571sf Prior Sale: $849,000 (08/01) 75 PLEASANT ST................................... $425,000 B: Matthew Coser & Theodora K Mara S: Elizabeth T Longo Book/Page: 37518/138, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $403,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8408sf 44 RESERVOIR RD................................. $920,000 B: David Liptak & Erin M Evans S: James T Mcloughlin & Serena L Harben Book/Page: 37511/201, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $736,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 20008sf Prior Sale: $605,000 (12/14) 392 S MAIN ST...................................... $747,000 B: Kendra J Cooper Tr, Tr for Kendra J Gordon Cooper T S: David A Game & Sally L Sisson Book/Page: 37517/563, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 67518sf Prior Sale: $3,000 (12/99)
Dedham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 321 Median Price $499,000
YTD 2019 309 $510,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 CAREMATRIX DR............................ $9,000,000 B: 20 Carematrix Drive LLC S: Skye Enterprises LLC Doc#: 000001438153, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank $6,960,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 146589sf Prior Sale: $8,300,000 (05/17) 482 HIGH ST.......................................... $223,000 B: Anthony Serani S: Mary V Serani Book/Page: 37519/383, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 2750sf 22 LINDEN PL U:2................................. $460,000 B: Frances David & Stephanie Culhane S: Joshua Donati & Courtney Donati Book/Page: 37513/337, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $403,500 (12/15) 2 SHIRETOWN RD.................................. $470,000 B: William R Santo & Janice B Santo S: Catherine Kabat Book/Page: 37508/533, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 6433sf Prior Sale: $329,900 (11/02) 70 SHIRETOWN RD................................ $542,000 B: Christopher D Clark & Shelly Mcardle S: Elizabeth K Omalley & Joseph D Omalley Book/Page: 37513/507, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $433,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16875sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (01/12) 75 SPRAGUE ST.................................... $522,000 B: Sean Madden & Sarah Madden S: Alma M Haddad Tr, Tr for Alma M Haddad RET Book/Page: 37520/565, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $443,700 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3640sf 34 VINCENT RD..................................... $363,000 B: 34 Vincent LLC S: Michael F Piper Tr, Tr for Piper NT Book/Page: 37517/500, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Raymond C Green & Co $335,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5000sf 254 WESTFIELD ST.............................. $3,500,000 B: BSI 254 Westfield LLC S: Roger Marino & Michelle S Marino Book/Page: 37509/42, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Raymond C Green & Co $3,385,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 557342sf Prior Sale: $3,400,000 (10/99)
Dover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 89 Median Price $1,221,000
YTD 2019 72 $1,246,750
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 142 WALPOLE ST.................................. $657,500 B: Anthony D Escobedo & Erin Escobedo S: Arthur P Gavrilles Tr, Tr for Jeanne Gavrilles FT Book/Page: 37508/549, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $591,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45928sf
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 179 Median Price $429,000
YTD 2019 173 $450,000
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 51 ELM ST............................................. B: Julio Santana S: Donald Nadeau & North Easton SB Book/Page: 37514/450, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: National Private Lndg $285,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 42178sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (04/02)
Holbrook MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 154 Median Price $336,500
YTD 2019 160 $350,650
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 34 HILLSDALE RD................................. $350,000 B: Clark Peterson & Cindy Peterson S: David M Sullivan & Regina M Sullivan Book/Page: 37513/12, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $343,660 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7866sf 22 HILLVIEW AVE.................................. $369,000 B: Arlete I Lattin & Mark A Lattin S: Carl H Bienaime & Vanessa Denaud Book/Page: 37518/36, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $295,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 9650sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (12/15) 33 PINE ST............................................ $90,000 B: Bridge Over Corp S: Balbir K Singh Tr, Tr for Jaspaul&B Singh RT Book/Page: 37521/566, Date: 01/14/20 47 S SHORE RD..................................... $120,500 B: Momentum Holdings LLC S: Citimortgage Inc Book/Page: 37511/77, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: JCT Mtg Fund 1 $136,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 5293sf Prior Sale: $128,225 (08/18)
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 60 ADAMS ST........................................ $580,000 B: Evan Nelson & Michelle Nelson S: Andrew T Hodgens & Andrea J Hodgens Book/Page: 37512/188, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $464,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 47841sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (06/15) 14 CHENEY POND RD............................ $650,000 B: Nicole Lapointe & Amy Erlandson-Lapointe S: Oscar Jazdowski & Nina Jazdowska Book/Page: 37518/193, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $520,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20074sf 4 HILLCREST RD................................... $980,000 B: Ian Mcwilliams & Raquelle Kaye S: Brian G Fenwick & Jessica L Fenwick Doc#: 000001438223, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $485,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 29093sf Prior Sale: $859,900 (04/13) 34 MINUTEMAN RD.............................. $1,500,000 B: Brian G Fenwick & Jessica L Fenwick S: Gregory F Fields & Marion H Fields Book/Page: 37510/525, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: One West Bank FSB $1,144,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 79639sf Prior Sale: $1,402,000 (11/04)
Medway MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 147 Median Price $439,900
YTD 2019 165 $429,775
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 143 HOLLISTON ST............................... $130,000 B: Timber Crest LLC S: Susan J Pavlik & Nancy P Russell Book/Page: 37515/50, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 827640sf 74 LOVERING ST.................................. $1,375,000 B: Medway Town Of S: Lenore B Wilson Tr, Tr for Paul R Wilson RET Book/Page: 37508/456, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Field Crops, Lot: 29751sf
Millis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 97 Median Price $415,000
YTD 2019 282 $720,500
YTD 2019 98 $448,100
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 62 DOVER RD........................................ $712,500 B: Wuilly Galarza & Belsy G Galarza S: R L Sullivan Construction Book/Page: 37517/424, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $699,531 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $510,000 (07/16) 53 NORFOLK RD.................................... $430,000 B: Jaime Resnick & Steven D Mackay S: Four Core Properties LLC Book/Page: 37515/302, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $275,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 26572sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (09/18)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 71 Median Price $343,000
YTD 2019 80 $386,413
387 CANTON AVE.................................. $820,000 B: Ian T Johns & Kerry D Johns S: Suzanne M Shevlin & Timothy J Shevlin Jr Doc#: 000001438321, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $574,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6891sf 19 HOLBORN ST.................................... $725,000 B: Claire Marden & Daniel Marden S: Ian T Johns & Kerry D Johns Book/Page: 37512/553, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $580,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6338sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (11/14) 19 LOTHROP AVE.................................. $410,000 B: Christopher Trammell S: Claudette Austin Book/Page: 37512/359, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $389,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4051sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (07/05) 17 MELBOURNE RD............................... $670,000 B: Jenna K Sbordone & Marc Peterson S: Kevin J Cleary Jr Book/Page: 37513/258, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4548sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (07/13) 36 REEDSDALE RD................................ $624,000 B: Michael P Cusack S: H Joseph Morrison 3rd & Kaitlyn M Sullivan Doc#: 000001438181, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $277,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5401sf Prior Sale: $363,500 (08/12) 58 SHELDON ST.................................... $818,000 B: Yuncheng Li S: Terry Y Law & Becky Deng Doc#: 000001438392, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $572,600 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6360sf Prior Sale: $680,000 (04/16)
21 MILLBROOK DR................................ $550,000 B: Timothy Cress & Michaele Magnuson S: Richard J Oneil Jr & Heather H Oneil Doc#: 000001438292, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $335,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30324sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (04/12) 115 TERRY LN U:115............................ $389,900 B: Lorenz R Boeck & Kelsey A Post S: Warren F Ziegler Jr Tr, Tr for Warren F Ziegler Jr RET Book/Page: 37508/179, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $311,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $325,000 (08/15) 138 W BACON ST.................................. $283,000 B: Kimberly A Matakanski S: Kerri Arruda Book/Page: 37512/133, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $268,850 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32614sf Prior Sale: $245,900 (10/02)
Medfield YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 158 Median Price $653,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 286 Median Price $685,500
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 386 Median Price $978,250
YTD 2019 382 $1,067,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 40 MEETINGHOUSE CIR........................ $905,000 B: Michael Santos & Nicole Santos S: Deborah C Weiss Tr, Tr for Meetinghouse Circle 40 RT Book/Page: 37517/599, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $543,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10454sf 49 RIVERSIDE ST U:49.......................... $919,000 B: Jia N Lee S: Riverside Condominiums Book/Page: 37509/502, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Condo 248 WEBSTER ST.................................. $800,000 B: Green Wave Ventures LLC S: Albert H Rossi Book/Page: 37512/515, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $1,940,000 Use: 3-Family Colonial, Lot: 10454sf 20 WHITING WAY.................................. $989,000 B: Gail Steel S: Jeffrey Wright Book/Page: 37510/188, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $484,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 10019sf
Norfolk MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 140 Median Price $527,450
YTD 2019 149 $575,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 OVERLEA RD...................................... $625,000 B: Todd Kawa & Annalee M Granger S: Kimberly A Chipman & Peter S Chipman Book/Page: 37513/423, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $613,679 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 54281sf
Norwood MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 255 Median Price $469,000
YTD 2019 257 $475,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1500 BOSTON PROVIDENCE TPKE U:8A................... $500,000 B: Norwood 5 Star Realty LLC S: Sudhir Shah Tr, Tr for 1502 Providence Hwy RT Doc#: 000001438383, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $850,000 Use: Industrial Condominum 70 ENDICOTT ST U:1101....................... $562,000 B: Linda Multer S: EW Development LLC Book/Page: 37514/47, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 70 ENDICOTT ST U:1303....................... $459,000 B: Narayan K Venkata & Kalavathi Dasuri S: EW Development LLC Book/Page: 37512/440, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $436,050 Use: Condo 54 MAPLE ST........................................ $375,000 B: Kelly S Mullen S: Ralph H Spear Jr Book/Page: 37509/496, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 17619sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (05/11) 311 WASHINGTON ST........................... $725,000 B: Michelle Pena S: Tirso Pena Tr, Tr for Sunshine RT Book/Page: 37516/397, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $688,750 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 8177sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (11/18)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Quincy MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 592 Median Price $485,000
YTD 2019 529 $512,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 77 ADAMS ST U:1205........................... $338,500 B: Tatsiana Verbal S: Brian Cronin Book/Page: 37510/547, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $210,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $244,000 (05/15) 200 COVE WAY U:814........................... $320,000 B: Rachel Lau S: Thomas T Chan & Laura Y Tung Book/Page: 37518/447, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bank of Canton $210,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $305,000 (08/17) 200 FALLS BLVD U:A105...................... $360,000 B: Michael Guyton S: Matthew Olander Book/Page: 37515/205, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $360,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $266,900 (08/05) 144-152 FRANKLIN ST.......................... $879,000 B: KLA Properties LLC S: Alan A Shapiro Tr, Tr for 152 Franklin Street RT Book/Page: 37514/577, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $659,250 Use: Retail-department Store, Lot: 4118sf 1022 HANCOCK ST U:68....................... $520,000 B: Andrew Y Cho & Ji H Chung S: Justin Lavoie Book/Page: 37520/73, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Condo 13 HOMESTEAD AVE............................. $490,000 B: Ronald P Crombie S: Joanne M Crombie Book/Page: 37517/241, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $343,250 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3275sf 172 LIBERTY ST.................................... $685,000 B: Long T Nguyen & Nhu Q Do S: Vanessa C Sisti-Brown Tr, Tr for Sisti RT Book/Page: 37513/399, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $627,288 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6000sf 1001 MARINA DR U:203....................... $650,000 B: Catherine M Reese S: Edward K Shapiro & Galina Pekurovskaya Doc#: 000001438276, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $520,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $332,500 (12/10) 100 MAYOR THOMAS J MCGRATH HW..... $3,900,000 B: East Breeze LLC S: Quincy SWP LLC Book/Page: 37513/574, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rollstone Bk & Tr $2,220,960 20 OAKWOOD RD.................................. $380,000 B: Denise M Burns S: Peter Dibona Book/Page: 37507/78, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $373,117 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (09/19) 47 PARKER ST....................................... $327,500 B: 47 Parker Street LLC S: Santucci Joseph Est & Robert E Fabrizio Book/Page: 37517/491, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11992sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (08/98) 7 RANDLETT ST..................................... $340,000 B: Jason T Kuriakose S: Donna M Wade Book/Page: 37513/128, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $306,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 1216sf 1257 SEA ST......................................... $490,000 B: Ronald P Crombie S: Joanne M Crombie Book/Page: 37517/241, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 3895sf 59 SHARON RD..................................... $481,889 B: Jialiang Tan & Qiuxi Huang S: James Bush & Jessica Parkinson Book/Page: 37513/314, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $337,322 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $229,000 (09/00) 60 UPTON ST......................................... $447,500 B: Robert Josie S: Joseph G Monahan Book/Page: 37509/520, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Boston FireFightrs CU $358,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5809sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (06/08)
45 WEBSTER ST.................................... B: Thong C Lien & My L Tran S: Jeffrey D Mahoney & Alethea R Wait Book/Page: 37509/179, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $443,000 (03/14) 138 WILLARD ST U:6............................ B: Brian D Palmucci S: Da K Li Book/Page: 37510/4, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Bank of Canton $213,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $72,000 (08/98) 86 WREN TER U:A................................. B: Kyle P Shawgo & Rachel E Lubin S: DOC Management LLC Book/Page: 37521/520, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $438,000 Use: Condo
Randolph MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 302 Median Price $366,500
YTD 2019 289 $379,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 168 HIGH ST.......................................... B: Joshua H Somoano & Heidy J Murillo S: Farouk Brown Book/Page: 37520/52, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $397,664 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $217,000 (04/19) 1 MICHELLE LN..................................... B: Kyle Fashaw & Steysy Clark S: Pierre H Grandoit Book/Page: 37515/241, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 13176sf Prior Sale: $386,500 (11/15) 1003 N MAIN ST U:9............................. B: Loren Lewis-Peters S: Indranie Baldeo Book/Page: 37515/246, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $185,155 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $125,000 (12/15)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 22 NELSON DR U:3H............................. B: US Bank NA Tr S: Tracy A Clifford & 1900 Capital T 2 Book/Page: 37506/500, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $135,000 (06/08)
Sharon MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 227 Median Price $525,000
YTD 2019 208 $550,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 366 EAST ST......................................... B: Antonio Rufo & Rachel Basso S: Stephen Jenks Book/Page: 37513/533, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $576,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40950sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (03/17)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 4 NOTTINGHAM WAY............................ $252,074 B: Bank New York Mellon Tr S: April Medailleu & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 37507/423, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9365sf Prior Sale: $133,250 (11/05)
Wellesley YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 358 Median Price $1,388,750
YTD 2019 326 $1,400,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 AMHERST RD................................... $400,000 B: Cassandra L Santoro & Joel N Fuller S: Cheryl A Flannery Book/Page: 37512/461, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $386,726 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9000sf 152 ERIN RD U:152............................... $288,000 B: Lydia Mosig S: Susan D Degirolamo Book/Page: 37511/37, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 99 LINCOLN ST...................................... $375,000 B: Tony N Nguyen S: Union Jack Group LLC Book/Page: 37514/350, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $356,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3360sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (04/19) 15-17 MORTON SQ................................ $266,000 B: Owen Kiernan S: Nelson E Gouveia & Kenneth Gouveia Book/Page: 37507/369, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 5535sf 80 ROCKY KNOLL DR............................ $450,000 B: Chinh L Diep & Phi Y Huynh S: Tuan V Ngo & Kim T Huynh Doc#: 000001438295, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 86684sf Prior Sale: $290,380 (12/98) 1515 WEST ST....................................... $330,000 B: Stoughton Residences LLC S: Greymax LLC Book/Page: 37514/374, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $567,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Rec, Lot: 696971sf Prior Sale: $2,500,000 (05/16)
Walpole MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 289 Median Price $542,000
11 BRIARWOOD LN............................... $550,000 B: James L Delaney S: Judith S Ludwig & William P Ludwig Doc#: 000001438454, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $420,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30002sf 12 DELCOR DR U:12.............................. $551,900 B: Peter Gulew & Joanne Pask S: John Radosta Book/Page: 37508/334, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $545,000 (08/19) 234 ELM ST........................................... $500,000 B: Eric T Chopchitz & Ariana M Chopchitz S: Chopchitz Joseph Est & Jennifer A Ierardi Book/Page: 37510/575, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30638sf 235 GOULD ST....................................... $729,000 B: Michael Mccullough & Jennifer Mccullough S: Manolis E Siaflianis & Panagiota Siaflianis Book/Page: 37518/484, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $510,300 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 35293sf Prior Sale: $535,000 (12/06) 64 HIGHLAND ST................................... $470,000 B: Arin M Heureux & Katharine J Heureux S: David A Duffy & Valerie E Duffy Book/Page: 37513/457, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $399,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (01/01) 47 KILRONON PARK.............................. $839,900 B: Bradley R Homeier & Debra L Homeier S: Whitman Homes Inc Book/Page: 37507/338, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $105,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 25808sf 16 MERGANSER WAY U:16................... $365,000 B: Joseph G Bernardi Jr & Ann M Bernardi S: Ford Carol A Est & Kevin F Hampe Book/Page: 37508/34, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $260,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 417 OLD POST RD................................. $530,000 B: Matthew Levy & Stacy Kates S: Bernard A Dullea & Lorilee M Dullea Book/Page: 37517/440, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $397,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14030sf 773 SOUTH ST....................................... $649,900 B: Ryan Markham S: Albert A Giandomenico Tr, Tr for HG RT Doc#: 000001438186, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $422,435 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 128502sf Prior Sale: $627,102 (12/15)
Stoughton YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 300 Median Price $370,000
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 272 $518,250
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 246 BAKER ST...................................... $1,165,000 B: Karen A Mazzotta & Bruno Mazzotta S: Michael J Dowling Book/Page: 37508/466, Date: 01/08/20
45 AVON RD......................................... $1,189,000 B: Christopher J Gomsak & Margaret N Gomsak S: Katherine Kamm Book/Page: 37509/151, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $951,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8210sf Prior Sale: $730,000 (12/14) 16 CROTON ST..................................... $1,340,000 B: Randolph Dsouza & Christina D Swanson S: Ferris Lizbeth S Est & Louise Ferris-Burt Book/Page: 37516/462, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21272sf 3 DEWING PATH................................... $2,617,500 B: Shankar Narayanan & Brinda Murty S: Wesley L Atamian & Mishtu A Mukherjee Book/Page: 37510/294, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $2,000,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27973sf Prior Sale: $2,587,000 (10/13) 10 OAKLAND CIR.................................. $485,000 B: Alvarado Properties LLC S: Brendan G Lanigan Tr, Tr for Christine J Lanigan RET Book/Page: 37521/300, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $588,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4500sf 15 TANGLEWOOD RD........................... $1,560,000 B: Todd B Haylon Tr, Tr for Haylon NT S: Guy G Smith & Elizabeth A Smith Book/Page: 37513/226, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30066sf
Westwood MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 195 Median Price $775,000
YTD 2019 190 $752,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 339 FAR REACH RD............................. $1,472,500 B: Derek Najdzien & Grace Najdzien S: James M Geary & Therese M Geary Doc#: 000001438369, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $883,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 46970sf Prior Sale: $1,375,000 (09/02) 120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2102............... $496,070 B: Yingqian Ma S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37513/444, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2103............... $476,080 B: Napier Burrows LLC S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37521/119, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Condo
120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2106............... $664,975 B: Patrick M Gallagher & Theresa P Gallagher S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37507/435, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Pulte Mortgage Corp $498,731 Use: Condo 120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2108............... $494,831 B: Elaine E Thompson S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37517/11, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Condo 120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2109............... $496,120 B: Yuanchen Wang S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37520/328, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $372,090 Use: Condo 120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2110............... $495,035 B: Amer G Chahine S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37508/502, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Pulte Mortgage Corp $445,531 Use: Condo 120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2111............... $523,335 B: Yao Zhang S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37510/323, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $392,500 Type: Adj Use: Condo 225 WOODLAND RD.............................. $705,000 B: Cameron Denton Tr, Tr for Caroline R Gray RET S: Diana Damico & Stephen C Lesage Book/Page: 37515/67, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Century Bk Tr Co $564,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24693sf
Weymouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 628 Median Price $395,000
YTD 2019 592 $420,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 573 BROAD ST U:230............................ $100,000 B: George B Murphy S: Alice G Brown & George B Murphy Book/Page: 37520/3, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $92,000 (03/99) 200 BURKHALL ST U:705...................... $380,000 B: Julie Tanner S: Seifart Joanne E Est & Peter R Brown Book/Page: 37513/374, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $305,000 (10/18) 9 CARA DR U:9...................................... $320,000 B: Melissa A Richardson S: Bevilacqua James J Jr Est & Joseph P Bevilacqua Book/Page: 37510/142, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $175,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 9 CUMMINGS AVE................................. $421,000 B: Donna M Wade S: Daniel G Wilson Tr, Tr for Mary Anne Carley FT Book/Page: 37514/163, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $100,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8978sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (09/04) 88 NECK ST........................................... $245,000 B: Christopher Cazeault S: Peter W Metcalf Tr, Tr for Elizabeth Metcalf T Book/Page: 37521/471, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 19850sf 44 TAMARACK TRL............................... $410,000 B: Barbara Campbell & Brian Campbell S: James A Wilson Tr, Tr for Kathleen L Cobb T Book/Page: 37510/455, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15547sf 6 TARA DR U:1...................................... $210,000 B: Keith M Doherty S: Dwight J Williams Book/Page: 37510/30, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Quincy Credit Union $192,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $177,125 (03/18) 44 WACHUSETT RD............................... $405,000 B: Noelle Bou-Sliman S: Dianne L Shearer Book/Page: 37514/266, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5942sf Prior Sale: $332,500 (08/15) WASHINGTON ST.................................. $92,500 B: 1047 Washington St LC S: Manganiello Barbara E Est & Matthew J Manganiello Book/Page: 37509/493, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 41352sf 65 WEBSTER ST U:201......................... $124,000 B: Diplomat Property Manager S: Paul E Saperstein Co Book/Page: 37507/332, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $90,000 (08/03)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 65 WHITMAN ST................................... $336,200 B: Wells Fargo Bank NA S: Brandon Ahlgrim & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 37519/505, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7200sf Prior Sale: $347,000 (08/17)
Wrentham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 162 Median Price $472,500
YTD 2019 158 $499,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 EAST ST........................................... $550,000 B: Anand Realty LLC S: Ross K Palioca Doc#: 000001438298, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Avidia Bank $550,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 58806sf
Plymouth Registry John R. Buckley Jr., Esq., Register 32 Belmont St., Brockton, MA 02360 Telephone: (508) 586-6998 Fax: (508) 830-9280 www.regdeeds.co.plymouth.ma.us
Brockton Satellite Office
For recordings and rundowns of unregistered land: 155 West Elm Street, 2nd floor Brockton, MA 02301 Telephone: (508) 586-6998 Fax: (508) 588-0240
Rockland Satellite Office
900 Hingham Street – Suite 920 Rockland, MA 02370 Telephone: (781) 792-2800 Fax: (781) 792-2424
Abington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 174 Median Price $377,500
YTD 2019 181 $380,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 39 KING ST............................................ $410,000 B: Jonathan C Brace & Melody E Obrier S: Christopher R Leonard & Melissa Leonard Book/Page: 52207/50, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $410,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 32216sf Prior Sale: $278,000 (01/14) 195 LINCOLN ST.................................... $355,000 B: John Farrell S: David Mullen & Carolyn Mullen Book/Page: 52218/225, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $355,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16970sf Prior Sale: $308,000 (03/07)
Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 205 Median Price $395,000
YTD 2019 217 $399,900
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 ASPEN DR........................................ $582,500 B: Kathleen M Littleield & Kenneh A Littlefield S: Patrick Clarke & Kari A Clarke Book/Page: 52223/212, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $495,125 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 46869sf Prior Sale: $552,500 (07/16) 781 AUBURN ST.................................... $350,000 B: Matthew Mccormack S: Jonathan S Galina & Janine B Galina Book/Page: 52212/145, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $302,706 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23506sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (03/18) 68 CENTER ST....................................... $375,000 B: Peter Rebell & Karen Rebell S: Bridget S Roberts & Barrett Q Roberts Book/Page: 52217/104, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $363,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32460sf Prior Sale: $301,000 (08/17) 2 COLONIAL DR..................................... $522,250 B: Brooke Eaton & Edward Eaton 3rd S: Caroline F Arrighi & Michael W Arrighi Book/Page: 52204/75, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $470,025 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21787sf Prior Sale: $499,900 (06/17) 501 CONANT ST.................................... $250,000 B: Nelson Pacheco & Jason Oliver S: Michaela Chambers & Mary Froio Book/Page: 52203/127, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 39800sf 526 SUMMER ST................................... $449,000 B: Harry Emile & Lynda Maurice S: Michael J Byrne & Helen A Byrne Book/Page: 52214/69, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $440,867 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 108080sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (01/01)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 50 LYMAN PL........................................ $345,800 B: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc S: Aenis S Harris Sr & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 52224/309, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (11/10)
Brockton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 968 Median Price $290,000
YTD 2019 873 $310,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 12TH AVE......................................... $201,000 B: East Brockton LLC S: George A Mapp Sr Tr, Tr for Mapp FT Book/Page: 52203/319, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14401sf 29 ALLEN ST......................................... $627,250 B: Joao P Alves & Janikla A Alves S: Fernanda Hampson Book/Page: 52207/273, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $633,317 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4905sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (05/10)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
32 ANGERER AVE.................................. $330,000 B: Michaela Berkitt & Eszra Berkitt S: Mariano Baez & Glenda L Diaz Doc#: 000000794183, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $313,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $2,480 (12/04) 125 ARDSLEY CIR................................. $239,000 B: Laura Martinez S: William Ferrullo 2nd & Jill J Ferrullo Book/Page: 52210/195, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $231,830 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (10/11) 23 BUNKER AVE.................................... $310,000 B: Domingos T Medina & Maria D Medina S: Gerald J Mahoney Tr, Tr for Leocadia A Mahoney IRT Book/Page: 52209/154, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $284,798 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6020sf 45 BURROUGHS RD............................... $451,000 B: Marc Dudley-Jean & Gaslaine Jean S: Arei LLC Book/Page: 52218/18, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $442,831 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17807sf Prior Sale: $288,750 (06/19) 616 CENTRE ST..................................... $333,500 B: Partners Choice Props LLC S: 616 Centre Street LLC Book/Page: 52214/109, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Stage Point Fund LLC $320,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 10232sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (05/11) 141 CHANNING AVE.............................. $310,000 B: Shawn B Jenkins S: Paul Freeman Book/Page: 52200/23, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Broker Solutions Inc $310,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7200sf Prior Sale: $181,000 (05/19) 86 DARTMOUTH ST............................... $335,000 B: Osamuyimen Uzebu & Vanessa Uzebu S: Carlos Lobo Book/Page: 52210/240, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $324,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6325sf Prior Sale: $121,000 (11/17) 9 EDSON ST........................................... $265,000 B: Amilcar Carvalho & Jaqueline Carvalho S: Bernice M Skinner Book/Page: 52208/251, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21000sf 146 EDSON ST....................................... $400,000 B: Anabela M Docanto S: Rose M Stanton Book/Page: 52211/345, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $325,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6264sf 284 GRAFTON ST.................................. $320,000 B: Israel Abraham & Rochelle Page-Abraham S: Rui Fernandes & Diana Velez Book/Page: 52219/79, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $327,360 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3781sf Prior Sale: $239,000 (11/03) 130 LIBERTY ST U:9.............................. $165,000 B: Paul Dangelo 3rd S: Peter J Quinn Book/Page: 52206/40, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Peter J Quinn $150,000 Use: Medical Condo Unit Prior Sale: $8,795 (04/00) 23 LORING ST........................................ $279,000 B: Jacquelyn Dugas S: Mary Matthews Book/Page: 52212/45, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $230,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 16940sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (05/10) 64 MAPLEWOOD CIR............................. $375,000 B: Yvon Lumarque & Guerline Lumarque S: Margaret C Sylvester Book/Page: 52202/257, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $363,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 13155sf 10 MARION ST...................................... $389,500 B: Beatrice Varice S: Charlene K Bowen Book/Page: 52214/163, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $370,025 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5441sf Prior Sale: $329,000 (05/17) 57 MELROSE AVE.................................. $487,900 B: Marie N Jumeau S: Rose Realty LLC Book/Page: 52214/289, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $479,062 109 OAK LN U:9..................................... $159,900 B: Mary Matthews S: Shaila Srinivasa Book/Page: 52213/178, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 685 OAK ST U:20-6............................... $170,000 B: Lordwins Mathieu S: MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 52201/313, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $136,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $115,099 (09/19) 62 PINE AVENUE EXT............................ $330,000 B: Tyrika M Allen & Shawn Buchanan S: Anabela M Docanto Book/Page: 52204/111, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $324,022 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5471sf Prior Sale: $199,999 (05/14) 1035 S FRANKLIN ST............................ $316,000 B: Chau K Vo S: Eliezer Rivers Book/Page: 52214/94, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $300,200 81 SAWTELL AVE.................................. $519,900 B: Jessica StHilaire & Lucienne Roselien S: Emanuel Depina & Daniela Depina Book/Page: 52219/301, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $510,482 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7919sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (12/17) 149 SPRING ST..................................... $450,000 B: Helton Borges-Monteiro S: Adelino A Vicente Book/Page: 52206/158, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $441,849 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3746sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (07/10)
20 STANDISH ST................................... $160,000 B: Silvian Robinson S: FNMA Book/Page: 52219/325, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Sea Glass Funding LLC $268,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7018sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (10/19) 928 W CHESTNUT ST........................... $3,635,000 B: TTSR LLC S: MVB LLC Book/Page: 52205/132, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: MVB Mortgage $3,135,000 1120 W CHESTNUT ST......................... $1,450,000 B: NBP 2 Brockton LLC S: CIP 1120 Realty LLC Book/Page: 52223/26, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $12,300,000 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 71438sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (12/12) 1150 W CHESTNUT ST......................... $7,775,000 B: NBP 2 Brockton LLC S: MA Industrial Brockton Book/Page: 52223/29, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 265716sf Prior Sale: $55,900 (12/12) 1087 WARREN AVE............................... $570,000 B: Avan Real Estate Invest S: 1087 Warren LLC Book/Page: 52207/212, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Silver Hill Funding $456,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4042sf Prior Sale: $340,700 (02/16) 114 WINTHROP ST................................ $637,000 B: Dionne Phipps & Marie C Thomas S: Elisandro Construction Book/Page: 52213/259, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $625,462 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6229sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (09/19)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 27 ALLEN ST......................................... $434,000 B: Alfredo Brandao S: Hashim AlMumeet & MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 52217/315, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5049sf
Carver MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 137 Median Price $339,000
YTD 2019 132 $337,700
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 65 BUNNYS RD...................................... B: Dell Roderick S: William H Viator Jr Book/Page: 52217/211, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17424sf 6 PINE CITY RD..................................... B: Brian Kenny S: Foster Scott R Est & Talia L Coronella Book/Page: 52220/71, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $256,155 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16117sf WADE ST L:88A..................................... B: Weathervane At Patriot S: AD Makepeace Co Book/Page: 52213/236, Date: 01/10/20
YTD 2019 219 $645,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 615 FRANKLIN ST................................. $550,000 B: James G Moriarty Jr & Kara Shaw-Stone S: Joshua R Mauney & Sheila Logan-Mauney Book/Page: 52213/339, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $390,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $423,500 (08/13) 600 SUMMER ST U:10........................... $390,000 B: Ruthanne Russell & Paul Crowley S: J Brooks-Marston 2nd & Grant P Marston Book/Page: 52211/235, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3049sf
East Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2019 173 $364,900
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 105 CEDAR ST....................................... B: George Legrice & Charlie Reichert S: Steven R Whynot Book/Page: 52220/94, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 56192sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (05/02) 173 CRYSTAL WATER DR U:173........... B: John Marcella & Elizabeth Marcella S: Jeanette M Sully Book/Page: 52204/5, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,815 (09/99) 79 SHERWOOD CIR............................... B: Kevin J Burke S: Mary P Arnold Book/Page: 52207/187, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $283,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10560sf
Hanson MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 129 Median Price $370,000
YTD 2019 141 $380,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 259 HOLMES ST.................................... $535,000 B: Christopher R Leonard & Melissa Leonard S: Richard Bourgelas & Michelle Bourgelas Book/Page: 52207/343, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $428,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40206sf 137 LAKESIDE RD................................. $431,000 B: Steven B Thompson S: Kevin R Perkins Book/Page: 52224/326, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $340,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18000sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (10/17) 902 MAIN ST U:2................................... $330,000 B: Robert T Germaine & Elaine L Germaine S: Denise Savage Tr, Tr for Tramontana RT Book/Page: 52207/1, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $332,432 (07/07)
Hingham YTD 2019 278 $799,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 BEAL ST........................................... $779,000 B: Drew Widger & Ashley Widger S: David Liptak & Erin Evans Book/Page: 52206/252, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Connecticut Comm CU $474,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 20877sf Prior Sale: $625,000 (04/16) 3 FOLEY CT............................................ $469,000 B: Derek Jollotta & Rebecca Jollotta S: Ronald P Crombie Book/Page: 52211/324, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $422,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9000sf 6 HEMLOCK RD..................................... $490,000 B: Kuma J Nelson S: Peter M Tsang & Angela S Tsang Book/Page: 52224/211, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $472,850 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 12350sf Prior Sale: $332,000 (07/11) 107 HALSTED DR U:107........................ $965,000 B: Olivia Lanna S: Christopher Reed & Molly B Reed Book/Page: 52205/91, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $750,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $642,225 (05/14) 33 SIMMONS RD................................... $529,000 B: Boston Bd LLC S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 52223/82, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Finance America LLC $511,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9375sf Prior Sale: $630,162 (07/19) 52 UNION ST......................................... $1,230,000 B: Molly B Knight & Alexander G Knight S: Falconeiri Construction Book/Page: 52212/325, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $984,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28700sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (03/19)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 160 Median Price $400,000
YTD 2019 187 $421,000
YTD 2019 91 $354,900
41 ATLANTIC HOUSE RD....................... $450,000 B: Cassandra Saitow S: Eileen M Allen Book/Page: 52213/320, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $360,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 6070sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (09/07) 21 BAY ST............................................. $320,000 B: National Properties LLC S: Peter T Prasinos Book/Page: 52206/271, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: LendingHome Funding C $266,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4500sf Prior Sale: $270,500 (02/04) 159 BEACH AVE.................................... $875,000 B: William Mckim & Jessica Mckim S: Christina V Murphy Tr, Tr for 159 Beach Avenue RT Book/Page: 52218/265, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 5040sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 98 QUINCY AVE..................................... B: Jake Pylant S: Jeffrey Gruol & US Bank NA Book/Page: 52207/106, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/07)
Mattapoisett MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $422,000
YTD 2019 99 $470,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 203 Median Price $400,000
7 ANTASSAWAMOCK RD...................... $620,000 B: Robert D Vecchia & Andrea J Wizer S: John S Berg Book/Page: 52204/301, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $496,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8392sf Prior Sale: $709,000 (04/05) 23 GRANDVIEW AVE............................ $1,280,000 B: David A Halle & Karen J Halle S: Ocean Blue Development Book/Page: 52202/20, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 7833sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/07) 44 PRINCE SNOW CIR........................... $175,000 B: Joseph J Aleardi Tr, Tr for Aleardi NT S: Whitman Homes Inc Book/Page: 52216/206, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 15085sf
YTD 2019 211 $415,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 BAY VIEW AVE................................. $389,000 B: John Vitagliano & Danielle Vitagliano S: Brett C Lansing & Rachel L Lansing Book/Page: 52201/34, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $381,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4792sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (09/18) 70 INDIAN POND RD............................. $495,000 B: Christopher Mcdonough S: Herbert W Aikens & Kristina L Aikens Book/Page: 52218/299, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 163350sf Prior Sale: $369,000 (09/10) 35 MAPLE ST........................................ $188,000 B: Colby Radomski S: Richard S Eldridge Tr, Tr for Eldridge RT 2 Doc#: 000000794195, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $189,898 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12632sf 13 SCHOOL ST....................................... $414,900 B: James C Mulligan & Janice D Mulligan S: Wendy L Ward & Robert J Ward Book/Page: 52201/286, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $269,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30056sf Prior Sale: $252,500 (08/00) 155 SUMMER ST................................... $285,000 B: Edward Healey S: Gary P Pellegrini Tr, Tr for Pellegrini FT Book/Page: 52215/338, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Marie Downey $140,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16553sf
Lakeville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 156 Median Price $359,500
YTD 2019 147 $383,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 BEDFORD ST.................................... B: Girgis Real Estate Invsts S: Mark Evans Tr, Tr for MJSN RT Book/Page: 52219/347, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,000,000 Use: Auto Repair, Lot: 30000sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (04/98) 21 LEONARD ST.................................... B: John J Kavanagh & Eileen T Kavanagh S: Bank New York Mellon Tr Book/Page: 52218/116, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $255,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 182385sf Prior Sale: $424,000 (01/19) 2-4 LONG POINT RD.............................. B: Charles Griswold S: Zhaohua Sun & Luting Zhang Book/Page: 52213/148, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $245,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22200sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (06/17)
YTD 2019 215 $349,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 13 COOMBS ST..................................... $275,000 B: Patricia A Testaverde & Anthony Testaverde S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 52218/279, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $277,777 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (12/16) 5 KEITH ST............................................ $311,000 B: JLA Assoc LLC S: FNMA Book/Page: 52218/158, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 20037sf Prior Sale: $357,224 (12/19) PLYMOUTH ST....................................... $450,000 B: Middleborough Town Of S: Wildlands T Inc Book/Page: 52202/180, Date: 01/08/20
YTD 2019 170 $656,000
21 DONOVAN FARM WAY U:21............. B: Andrew P Wilson & Mary A Brewster S: Robert F Fandel Book/Page: 52203/132, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $462,200 (06/02)
YTD 2019 231 $399,900
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 932 POINT RD....................................... $140,000 B: Equity T Co S: Monterio Florence R Est & Kathleen Monterio Book/Page: 52210/85, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9100sf
33 HARTFORD RD................................. B: Virginia Hall S: Mary Keenan Doc#: 000000794244, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 5100sf 1735 MAIN ST....................................... B: Laurel Senger S: Blake A Dalton Book/Page: 52212/214, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $490,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 226076sf 541 PLAIN ST........................................ B: Olliver Group LLC S: Rack Properties LLC Book/Page: 52215/177, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $395,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 19163sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (07/05) 24 PORTER ST....................................... B: Marie T Russell S: Catherine Boudreau Book/Page: 52212/115, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $588,105 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $348,000 (10/15)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 253 Median Price $326,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 224 Median Price $386,000
23 CLARK RD........................................ $245,000 B: Michael J Vacca & Michele A Brini S: Shelley A Vacca & Specialized Loan Svcg Book/Page: 52205/40, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $240,562 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 100056sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 342 Median Price $440,750
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $450,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 186 Median Price $620,000
YTD 2019 344 $460,000
567 TWIN LAKES DR U:567.................. B: Ali K Soufan S: James H Mckillop Book/Page: 52213/126, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $180,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $131,000 (12/99)
1 GREAT ACRES DR.............................. $680,000 B: John P Adams & Lauren K Adams S: Brian J Mcmullen & Tammy Mcmullen Book/Page: 52205/219, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $544,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 34872sf Prior Sale: $590,000 (03/13) 56 LINDEN LN........................................ $765,000 B: Brian J Mcmullen & Tammy M Mcmullen S: Susan L White Tr, Tr for 56 Linden Lane NT Book/Page: 52206/309, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $612,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30410sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (03/16) 51 MILL ST U:9...................................... $347,500 B: Susan Murphy & Arthur Murphy S: Wellybaby LLC Book/Page: 52212/167, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: South Shore Bank $260,000 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/09) 24 WILLOW RD...................................... $437,000 B: Matthew J Grabowski S: Steven R Montgomery & Nancy M Montgomery Book/Page: 52202/282, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $349,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30056sf
Halifax YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 102 Median Price $344,000
YTD 2019 195 $550,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 324 Median Price $813,750
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 153 Median Price $361,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 181 Median Price $541,000
Duxbury YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 225 Median Price $692,500
1175 NANTASKET AVE U:6................... $165,000 B: Shawn Darcy & Tracy Darcy S: Paul L Samardak Book/Page: 52203/193, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Paul L Samardak $145,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $95,000 (05/12) 16 Q ST.................................................. $200,000 B: William T Murray & Mary C Murray S: Paul M Minton & Patricia A Moroney-Minton Book/Page: 52221/292, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5050sf
JANUARY 27, 2020
72 4 WINDS DR..................................... $540,000 B: Dennis Gilpin & Brianna Novio S: Raine&Birch Home Design Book/Page: 52223/241, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $498,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 52006sf Prior Sale: $335,330 (03/19) 82 HIGHLAND DR.................................. $580,000 B: Sean L Mcinerney & Emily J Mcinerney S: Steven J Sullivan & Mary C Sullivan Book/Page: 52213/239, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $569,494 Use: 2-Family Gambrel, Lot: 46690sf 7 MATTAKEESETT ST............................ $725,000 B: 7-15 Mattakeesett St LLC S: J J Shepherd&Sons Inc Book/Page: 52216/152, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $626,250 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 65775sf 200 VALLEY ST..................................... $450,000 B: Raissa Ferreira-Dasilva S: Stephen Damon Tr, Tr for Damel RT Book/Page: 52202/134, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $418,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 267894sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 5 ANTILLA CT........................................ B: Quicken Loans Inc S: Lisa M Polvere & Quicken Loans Inc Book/Page: 52217/302, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 14370sf Prior Sale: $334,500 (07/14)
Plymouth $545,000
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 943 Median Price $367,500
YTD 2019 809 $379,999
BLUE GILL LN........................................ $130,000 B: Mike&Tony Elbow Pond LLC S: Elbow Pond LLC Book/Page: 52213/73, Date: 01/10/20 ELBOW POND RD.................................. $130,000 B: Mike&Tony Elbow Pond LLC S: Elbow Pond LLC Book/Page: 52213/82, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $1,200,000 11 FAIRWAY DR U:11............................ $400,000 B: Scott E Keery & Carolyn J Keery S: Keery Constance F Est & Thomas R Keery 2nd Book/Page: 52216/4, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Village Bank $260,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
8 FOREST EDGE..................................... $587,500 B: Michael J Collins & Amy E Collins S: John A Morin Tr, Tr for Morintuck RET Book/Page: 52204/40, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Arc Home LLC $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 20036sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (07/10) 29 FRESH POND CIR............................. $345,000 B: Lamont Matthews-Dailey S: Constitution Properties Book/Page: 52214/139, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $276,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16988sf Prior Sale: $142,500 (07/19) 21 HIGHLAND AVE................................ $212,000 B: Draper Homes&Improvements S: James Centola & Margaret M Centola Doc#: 000000794211, Date: 01/13/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 21350sf 4 HIGHLAND TER U:410........................ $350,000 B: Robert N Craig & Michele M Balcom S: David Briggs & Deborah Shorey Doc#: 000000794252, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $275,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $332,500 (06/05) 77 JAN MARIE DR................................. $365,000 B: Steven F Youngclaus & Kate Yongeiaus S: Benjamin Stanley & Jessica Stanley Book/Page: 52219/108, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $310,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 21307sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (04/15) 507 LONG POND RD.............................. $335,900 B: Lawrence Francis Jr & Lisanne Francis S: Patricia Oconnor Tr, Tr for Lois E Mccourt T Book/Page: 52207/27, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $328,932 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30019sf MANOMET AVE L:52............................. $212,000 B: Draper Homes&Improvements S: James Centola & Margaret M Centola Doc#: 000000794211, Date: 01/13/20 2 MARINERS WAY U:109...................... $436,787 B: Alexandra M Fotiades Tr, Tr for Alexandra M Fotiades T S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52211/134, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Condo 2 MARINERS WAY U:208...................... $446,456 B: Donald O Morse & Victoria C Morse S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52204/17, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $250,000 Use: Condo 2 MARINERS WAY U:211...................... $428,767 B: Vito J Maniscalco & Shella A Maniscalco S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52213/203, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $200,000 Use: Condo 2 MARINERS WAY U:302...................... $463,245 B: Paul T Luttrell & Lauren Luttrell S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52210/299, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $125,000 Use: Condo 2 MARINERS WAY U:304...................... $425,352 B: Michael J Ryan & Deborah A Ryan S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52211/172, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $225,000 Use: Condo 2 MARINERS WAY U:306...................... $401,846 B: Arthur D Macneil & Pamela M Macneil S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52212/95, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $205,000 Use: Condo 43 MARINERS WAY U:11-2................... $485,013 B: Robert W Kelly & Mary J Kelly S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52206/205, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $155,000 Use: Condo 45 MARINERS WAY U:11-1................... $583,125 B: Wayne B Hodges & Cynthia M Niemczyk-Hodges S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52207/90, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Condo 82 NAUTICAL WAY................................ $138,000 B: Absolute Bldg Consultants S: Little Hios LLC Book/Page: 52222/123, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Ironhouse Investments $375,000 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 60372sf 96 NAUTICAL WAY................................ $138,000 B: Absolute Bldg Consultants S: Little Hios LLC Book/Page: 52213/55, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $340,000 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 61382sf 452 RAYMOND RD................................ $465,000 B: Benjamin Stanley & Jessica Souza S: Hamil O Grimes Doc#: 000000794217, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $481,740 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27841sf Prior Sale: $358,038 (01/03) 712 ROCKY HILL RD.............................. $717,500 B: Jeffrey G Ehalt & Frances D Ehalt S: Amy E Collins Tr, Tr for 712 Rocky Hill Road RT Doc#: 000000794084, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $291,525 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (06/15) 15 SANDWICH ST................................. $1,150,000 B: 15 Sandwich LLC S: Carla A Crawley Tr, Tr for Courtyard RT 2 Book/Page: 52211/70, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,027,500 Use: Commercial Undevlpble Land, Lot: 170sf SAQUISH BEACH BLVD......................... $200,000 B: Regina Cahill S: Kathryn E Ridder Book/Page: 52207/336, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 5000sf 43 STAFFORD ST.................................. $235,000 B: Rezart Brakaj S: Thomas Mckinnon Tr, Tr for Melissa Hamill T Book/Page: 52219/192, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (05/05) 23 STONE GATE DR............................... $650,000 B: Timothty L Griffin S: Champion Builders Inc Book/Page: 52207/161, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $520,000 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 11400sf
49 TANANGER RD................................. $355,000 B: Ryan Mulvey S: Steven Mcmenamin Book/Page: 52219/152, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $343,151 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23485sf Prior Sale: $192,500 (01/99) 7 THOMAS AVE..................................... $315,000 B: Jason Richmond S: Paul J Zambarano & Patricia L Zambarano Doc#: 000000794153, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $300,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (09/12) 8 TIDEVIEW PATH U:2........................... $121,000 B: 8-2 Tideview RT S: Sharon M Palmerino Book/Page: 52201/253, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $90,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $105,000 (02/04)
Rochester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 81 Median Price $389,900
YTD 2019 52 $427,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES WALNUT PLAIN RD............................... $155,000 B: Cindy A Mignault & Charles A Mignault Jr S: Diana J Murphy Tr, Tr for Midchester RT Book/Page: 52219/188, Date: 01/13/20
Rockland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 203 Median Price $339,900
YTD 2019 178 $355,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 JOSH GRAY RD................................ $246,000 B: Robert C Maynard & Lori A Maynard S: Cynthia L Saffer Tr, Tr for 19 Josh Gray Road RT Book/Page: 52205/211, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Robert Brugnoli $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9000sf 845 LIBERTY ST.................................... $415,000 B: Marc Panaro & Sarah Panaro S: Carlson Capital Land Mgmt Book/Page: 52214/260, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $352,750 Use: 1-Family Raised Ranch, Lot: 14850sf Prior Sale: $307,000 (11/19) 138 VERNON ST.................................... $345,000 B: Emily Pflipsen & Nicholas Pflipsen S: Stephen Youngclaus & Kate Youngclaus Book/Page: 52218/183, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $327,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9343sf Prior Sale: $259,000 (06/07)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 119 GROVE ST U:245............................ B: Mount Pleasant RT & Paul Mctigue Tr S: Erin Shanahan & Wilmington T NA Book/Page: 52222/61, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 194713sf Prior Sale: $159,900 (09/05)
Scituate MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 310 Median Price $574,500
YTD 2019 300 $599,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 78 ABERDEEN DR.................................. $460,000 B: Francis M Connolly S: John D Gage Tr, Tr for Burnbrae RT Book/Page: 52213/284, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $444,647 Use: 1 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20130sf 24 BEAVER DAM RD............................. $350,000 B: Christopher J Flynn 3rd & Janis E Elynn S: Paul Mctigue & Joan O Mctigue Book/Page: 52225/91, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 10480sf Prior Sale: $26,000 (01/98) 7 EGYPT BEACH RD.............................. $510,000 B: Michael J Panarelli & Mary G Panarelli S: Leslie Johndrow Tr, Tr for Johndrow FT Book/Page: 52209/307, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $408,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 22600sf 59 SEDGEWICK DR................................ $640,000 B: Cara Brooks S: Mary Curran & John D Curran Book/Page: 52216/43, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $512,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 78844sf 19 STANDISH AVE................................. $525,000 B: Timothy Kensinger & Suzann Yastzemski S: Clare A Wood Book/Page: 52215/274, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4650sf Prior Sale: $422,000 (01/14)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 47 PENNFIELD RD................................. B: US Bank NA Tr S: Bradford B Warren Sr & US Bank NA Book/Page: 52216/213, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22700sf
Wareham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 405 Median Price $267,000
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 431 $275,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 CARMICHAEL WAY.......................... $288,000 B: Stephen D Brescia & Denise M Hart S: Joseph L Maloney & Ann M Maloney Book/Page: 52203/271, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $230,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7008sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (09/09) 3066 CRANBERRY HWY....................... $3,425,000 B: WGI Holdings LLC S: Cgma Wareham LLC Book/Page: 52218/305, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $2,048,000 Use: Retail-department Store, Lot: 95832sf Prior Sale: $1,801,800 (04/18)
6 FANNIES LN....................................... $315,000 B: Joshua J Hanson S: Derek J Bourne & Etta Bourne Book/Page: 52210/215, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $309,294 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22563sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (06/14) 9 FRANK CUTLER DR............................ $290,300 B: Rebecca M Okolita S: Mark Gillum Book/Page: 52211/287, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $285,041 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11020sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (02/09) 23 FRESHMEADOW DR......................... $220,000 B: Adam M Edgell S: Kimberly Reddington Book/Page: 52224/125, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $213,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (03/15) 45 MAIN ST U:203................................. $224,000 B: Keith H Caspersen Tr, Tr for Keith H Caspersen T S: Scott C Smith Book/Page: 52210/44, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 22 MARKS COVE RD............................. $382,500 B: Francis R Sauvageau & June C Sauvageau S: David E Tewksbary Tr, Tr for Tewksbury FT Book/Page: 52209/331, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $300,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10079sf Prior Sale: $214,000 (03/11)
West Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $339,900
YTD 2019 94 $364,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28 VITAL AVE........................................ $351,800 B: Mark J Duggan S: Janice Wilson Book/Page: 52216/227, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $359,891 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (09/15) 150 W CENTER ST................................. $855,000 B: Konstantinos Bokas Tr, Tr for Bokas RT S: Carolyn M Anderson Tr, Tr for Nuncketeset RT Book/Page: 52215/22, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Nuncketeset Realty $850,000 Use: Shopping Ctr/mall, Lot: 66224sf
Whitman MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 164 Median Price $330,000
YTD 2019 144 $349,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 501 AUBURN ST U:204.......................... B: Michael Higgins S: Paul Dumas & Kathleen Dumas Book/Page: 52221/319, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 484 HOGG MEMORIAL DR..................... B: Adam T Campbell & Katelyn E Okeeffe S: Christopher Marks & Brianne Marks Book/Page: 52200/339, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $304,385 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12502sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (06/08)
Worcester Registry Kathryn A. Toomey, Esq., Register 90 Front St., Worcester, MA 01608 Telephone: (508) 798-7717 Fax: (508) 798-7746 www.worcesterdeeds.com
Athol MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 159 Median Price $170,000
YTD 2019 178 $170,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 ESTABROOK ST.................................. B: WPS Revest LLC S: Tara V Lewis Book/Page: 61723/262, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3584sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (10/13)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 272 MOUNT PLEASANT ST................... B: John Boudreau S: Harry W Brown Jr & Athol SB Book/Page: 61729/91, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 30960sf 585 PARTRIDGEVILLE RD..................... B: US Bank NA Tr S: Robert W Derynck & US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 61725/142, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20305sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (12/04)
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 73 Median Price $205,000
YTD 2019 70 $225,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES HUBBARDSTON RD............................... $28,000 B: Richard J Mcdonald Tr, Tr for Richard J Mcdonald RET S: Kathleen A Cronin Tr, Tr for John Francis LT Book/Page: 61732/118, Date: 01/13/20 371 VALLEY RD..................................... $320,000 B: Adam Gonyea & Anna Gonyea S: Caruso Construction Corp Book/Page: 61734/398, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Inland B&T $256,000
Blackstone MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 75 Median Price $293,000
YTD 2019 93 $291,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 367 BLACKSTONE ST............................ $340,000 B: Manuel A Braza & Susan Braza S: Allen D Kamfonik & Lisa S Kamfonik Book/Page: 61736/199, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 138181sf Prior Sale: $187,500 (11/02) 6 GLENSIDE DR..................................... $483,923 B: Brian F Mcgowan & Kim Larochelle S: Independent Builders Corp Book/Page: 61730/36, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $459,700 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 35566sf
Bolton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $572,500
YTD 2019 78 $597,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 WHEELER RD.................................... $605,000 B: Frederick J Salvaggio & Melynda Salvaggio S: Brian C Tower & Karen E Tower Book/Page: 61713/326, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $100,000 Use: 1-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 251341sf
Boylston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $449,000
YTD 2019 59 $470,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 901 EDGEBROOK DR U:901................... B: Ina J Williams S: Matthew Yezuita Book/Page: 61725/298, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $218,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
YTD 2019 232 $274,950
81 CITY DEPOT RD................................ B: K&G Remodeling Inc S: Mark J Corey Book/Page: 61717/90, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf 51 CRANBERRY MEADOW RD.............. B: Michael W Stevens S: Geldbaum LLC Book/Page: 61733/270, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Southbridge CU $200,000 6 FAITH DR............................................ B: Kraig Thebado S: Cash Properties LLC Book/Page: 61722/230, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $310,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 12500sf Prior Sale: $226,200 (10/19)
Clinton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 104 Median Price $288,000
YTD 2019 117 $285,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 116-118 LAWRENCE ST........................ $409,000 B: Neli Chaves-DeOliveira S: Jose J Infante & Lidia Infante Book/Page: 61741/250, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $401,175 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 11402sf Prior Sale: $137,550 (11/17) 229 MAIN ST......................................... $220,000 B: Silvio C Fernandes & Adna F Fernandes S: James A Tomolo Jr Tr, Tr for 229 Main Street T Book/Page: 61727/396, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: First Natl Bank AZ $154,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10700sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (11/19)
Douglas MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 118 Median Price $328,950
YTD 2019 113 $325,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 KERNEY RD........................................ $141,500 B: Christopher L Staruk S: Martha Hughes-Main & Patricia Shaw Book/Page: 61715/357, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $178,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (04/00) 97 NW MAIN ST.................................... $425,415 B: Sarah J Houle & Eric P Houle S: Roy M Correia Book/Page: 61726/166, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $340,332 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 102366sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (10/17) 40 OLDE CARRIAGE LN......................... $599,900 B: Steven J Higgins & Elizabeth A Laclair S: Sampson Properties LLC Book/Page: 61734/111, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $479,920 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 90170sf Prior Sale: $79,000 (12/17)
Dudley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 146 Median Price $262,778
YTD 2019 124 $273,500
7 PINE ST.............................................. B: Candy Lindstrom S: Santander Bank NA Book/Page: 61741/117, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2268sf Prior Sale: $100,930 (07/19)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 3 DRESSER HILL RD.............................. $162,000 B: Medhat Morgan S: David Gallant Jr & HSBC Bank USA NA Tr Book/Page: 61722/105, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Steven A Ross $129,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 128938sf Prior Sale: $248,000 (12/18) 12 EAGLE DR......................................... $354,690 B: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA S: Eric Asante & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 61737/188, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 26854sf Prior Sale: $209,000 (12/10)
Gardner MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 247 Median Price $200,000
YTD 2019 238 $216,250
Charlton YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 153 Median Price $284,900
59 H FOOTE RD..................................... $399,900 B: Roy M Correia S: Michael E Marshall & Donna M Marshall Book/Page: 61728/230, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $319,920 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 207781sf Prior Sale: $189,900 (09/00) 7 MACKENZIE DR.................................. $71,000 B: Paul B Tycz S: Paul B Tycz & Courtney L Tycz Book/Page: 61731/27, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $412,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 61960sf Prior Sale: $517,449 (01/05) 14 STAFFORD ST.................................. $170,000 B: Cherco Properties LLC S: Thaddeus Mroczkowski & Susan Mroczkowski Book/Page: 61742/112, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 9935sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (01/11)
YTD 2019 165 $310,000
67 HAMPTON ST................................... B: Heidi A Quinn S: Adam Gonyea & Anna Britton-Anastas Book/Page: 61733/197, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Webster First FCU $186,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6736sf Prior Sale: $175,200 (02/15)
Auburn YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 274 Median Price $267,500
3 MARIE ST........................................... $305,000 B: Neal Ulitsky & Deborah M Ulitsky S: Nazim Aliu Book/Page: 61716/347, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $305,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $189,900 (08/16) 383 OXFORD ST N................................. $315,000 B: Cali-Ryan R Collin & Patricia D Harper S: Jadwiga Deptula Book/Page: 61726/235, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $275,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 24595sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/19) 34 SILVER ST........................................ $230,000 B: Daniel Paine S: Kathleen M Fletcher Book/Page: 61741/142, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $218,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 25400sf 16 WARREN RD..................................... $245,000 B: Patrick Ryan S: Edward G Mayo & Bernice E Mayo Book/Page: 61735/84, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $240,562 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11632sf 36 WARREN RD..................................... $209,000 B: Wanda Castillo S: Amanda Marc Book/Page: 61735/344, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $167,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10250sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (07/16) 8 WHITETAIL RUN................................. $590,000 B: Daniel E Mccormick & Vicki P Sei S: Crescent Builders Inc Book/Page: 61730/337, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $472,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 36643sf
71 BANNER RD...................................... B: J August Leighton & Heather L Leighton S: Michael J Kelley Book/Page: 61720/190, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $294,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19300sf Prior Sale: $167,400 (07/12) 28 CENTRAL ST..................................... B: Huong Q Le Tr, Tr for Le FT S: Kyle N Higgins & Wendy R Higgins Book/Page: 61725/216, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 12018sf Prior Sale: $55,500 (10/16) 103 CHAPEL ST..................................... B: Robert Savoie & Barbara C Alpine-Savoie S: Mark T Kallberg Book/Page: 61720/397, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $192,944 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 28160sf 181 DYER ST......................................... B: Addison J Weber S: Nancy L Rolle Book/Page: 61720/40, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $206,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12806sf
172 EUCLID ST...................................... $250,000 B: Melvin Caban S: James Sampson & Shari Sampson Book/Page: 61722/381, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $240,105 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20152sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (07/14) 7 GREENWOOD ST................................. $185,000 B: Kevin Caron S: Arthur R Leray Book/Page: 61726/381, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Workers Credit Union $138,750 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 3500sf Prior Sale: $61,750 (07/08) 35 LAITINEN DR.................................... $241,000 B: Matthew M Dibara & Suely R Dibara S: RM Investments Inc Book/Page: 61726/257, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $228,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9692sf Prior Sale: $144,000 (06/19) 358 OTTER RIVER RD............................ $111,500 B: Jef Cullen S: Arnold Kenda & Kerry L Kenda Book/Page: 61742/221, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 45738sf 168 WOODLAND AVE............................ $260,000 B: Done Inthongkham & Phayvanh Phommachanh S: Cristal A Landry Book/Page: 61721/17, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $252,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 25021sf
Grafton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 188 Median Price $381,000
YTD 2019 233 $387,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 BRIAN CIR.......................................... $449,900 B: Steve Ivester S: Bradley G Swerling Book/Page: 61722/37, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $359,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Cape, Lot: 40435sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (06/14) 9 COVENTRY RD U:9............................. $236,000 B: Savannah Goodrich S: James E Blais & Carley Blais Book/Page: 61720/117, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 446926sf Prior Sale: $182,500 (06/16) 91 FITZPATRICK RD.............................. $385,000 B: Bradley G Swerling & Shelly Sodoski S: Robert S Kallio Book/Page: 61723/185, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $308,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 65264sf 6 GOLDENROD CT U:6........................... $191,000 B: John Oneil & Karen Oneil S: Steven M George Book/Page: 61730/356, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $181,450 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 81457sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (06/17) 70 HIGH POINT DR................................ $566,000 B: Mackenzie T Boiteau & Steven R Boiteau S: Lauren M Fletcher Book/Page: 61716/134, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $366,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20659sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (06/13) 39 MAGILL DR....................................... $646,000 B: Juliano Barbosa S: Kathryn Horgan & Ryan Horgan Book/Page: 61725/278, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $613,700 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17748sf Prior Sale: $620,000 (09/14) 125 MAGILL DR..................................... $699,900 B: Ryan Horgan & Kathryn Horgan S: H&L Highfield Homes LLC Book/Page: 61727/296, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Jeffrey G Mackinnon $461,000 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 12884sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (08/19) 11 MAIN ST........................................... $155,000 B: Paul N Alachoyan S: River Ave Associates LLC Book/Page: 61725/376, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Homefield Credit Un $120,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9750sf 47 WORCESTER ST............................... $328,700 B: Brian R Morgan & Brittany K Morgan S: Travis L Mast & Maria E Mast Book/Page: 61716/114, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $322,745 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 23484sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (06/14)
Hardwick MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $200,000
YTD 2019 20 $255,700
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 169 FISK RD.......................................... $312,500 B: William I Melendez & Melanie Ramos-Garcia S: Beth Goven Book/Page: 61717/264, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $312,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 168142sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (12/17)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 74 Median Price $624,500
YTD 2019 65 $610,000
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
143 STOW RD........................................ $505,000 B: Leslie A Timm & Eric J Carlson S: Harold Wilion Book/Page: 61740/64, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $479,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 161172sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (06/18)
Holden MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 299 Median Price $324,900
YTD 2019 288 $352,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 JORDAN RD...................................... B: Rene Reyes & Jessica W Reyes S: Kendall Homes Inc Book/Page: 61723/141, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $460,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13006sf 165 PILGRIM DR................................... B: Jared Mickelson & Victoria Mickelson S: Jeffrey F Landers & Ingrid T Landers Book/Page: 61728/393, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Members Advantage Mtg $504,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 150207sf 351 WACHUSETT ST............................. B: Dakash LLC S: Jeanine Lorusso Book/Page: 61734/393, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 34848sf
Hubbardston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 66 Median Price $257,250
YTD 2019 50 $259,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 170 GARDNER RD................................. B: Gregory S Senecal S: Christopher A Aubrey Book/Page: 61730/198, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $195,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $124,500 (12/18)
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 204 MAIN ST......................................... B: Southern New England Conf S: Atlantic Union College Book/Page: 61725/240, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Clinton Svgs Bk $196,000 Use: Educational Property, Lot: 27443sf
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 56 LAKE SARGENT DR.......................... $60,000 B: RTL Realty LLC S: M Gwyneth Bombard Book/Page: 61730/150, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10275sf 1033 MAIN ST....................................... $195,000 B: Peter M Medina S: Alexander Jung Tr, Tr for 1033 Old Main Street NT Book/Page: 61734/26, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Bay State Savings Bk $185,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5445sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (01/04) 15 PINE ST............................................ $275,000 B: John R Watterson S: Mary M Gabrila Book/Page: 61720/234, Date: 01/09/20 866 PLEASANT ST................................. $146,000 B: Kevin R Snow & Susan G Snow S: Rose Pare Tr, Tr for Joseph&Marie Robidoux IRT Book/Page: 61736/274, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 262534sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 44 HOWARD TER................................... B: US Bank NA Tr S: Pamela J Marengo & US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 61714/140, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 261362sf
Mendon MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 69 Median Price $441,000
YTD 2019 65 $495,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 TALBOTT FARM DR.......................... B: Justin S Wood & Alissa R Wood S: Hastie Real Estate Mgmt Book/Page: 61728/70, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $464,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60113sf Prior Sale: $504,000 (11/19)
Milford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 278 Median Price $340,000
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 148 Median Price $280,200
YTD 2019 138 $300,000
30 BENTON ST...................................... $411,500 B: Sharon Fadika & Matthew Vito-Goclowski S: Sidiki Fadika Book/Page: 61731/192, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $329,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18786sf Prior Sale: $317,000 (05/10)
Millville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $256,900
YTD 2019 28 $239,950
Leicester YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 135 Median Price $250,000
Lancaster YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 78 Median Price $367,000
26 NANCY RD........................................ $394,900 B: Lucas C Nader & Jennifer R Nader S: Paulo Silverio-Vaz & Juliana B Custodio Book/Page: 61727/324, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $375,155 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 11034sf Prior Sale: $331,000 (06/15) 6 PENNY LN........................................... $421,000 B: Sean R Higgins & Steven A Higgins S: Richard A Gray & Lauri Gray Book/Page: 61733/21, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $399,950 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23949sf 64 PROSPECT HTS U:64........................ $231,000 B: Matheus Ananias & Natalie A Ananias S: Stephan Varteresian & Edward Varteresian Book/Page: 61732/243, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $224,070 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 13 SOUTH TER U:13.............................. $322,000 B: Claudia Deoliveira S: Boris E Proschitsky Tr, Tr for Boris E Proschitsky RET Book/Page: 61715/271, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $312,340 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 78 WALDEN WAY U:78.......................... $495,000 B: Linda L Laws S: Ronald E Cook & Maureen R Cook Book/Page: 61714/248, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $449,672 (01/12)
YTD 2019 255 $355,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 86 HIGHLAND ST................................... $420,000 B: Nilto Goncalves-Neto & Katiucia Correa-Goncalves S: Joao Dos-Santos & Lucineia Santos Book/Page: 61740/293, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $399,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 16788sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (03/14) 8 KENNEDY LN U:17.............................. $150,150 B: Yasser Rehman S: FHLM Book/Page: 61718/200, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $146,657 (01/19)
179 THAYER ST..................................... $300,000 B: Sachem Capital Corp S: Millville Associates Inc & Sachem Capital Corp Doc#: 000000115323, Date: 01/14/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 1417007sf
North Brookfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 Median Price $215,000
YTD 2019 53 $230,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 38 NORTH ST......................................... B: Brad C Chartier S: Philip Courchaine & Sheila Courchaine Book/Page: 61727/178, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Country Bank $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 66473sf Prior Sale: $53,000 (07/13)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 69 Median Price $290,000
YTD 2019 75 $341,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 MOUNT VIEW DR................................ B: Jason H Grenier S: Hogan Barbara C Est & Robert J Hogan Book/Page: 61729/57, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $296,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25254sf
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $265,000
YTD 2019 18 $230,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 228 POPPLE CAMP RD.......................... B: Patrick J Obrien S: Russel G Obrien Sr & Kathleen A Wise Book/Page: 61738/202, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 34848sf
Phillipston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $237,000
YTD 2019 30 $220,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 80 BLAKE CORNER RD.......................... $205,000 B: Luis Gutierres & Viviane Gutierres S: Thomas J Specht & Janice C Specht Book/Page: 61727/206, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 1894710sf 30 POWERS MILL RD............................ $145,000 B: Beacon Central LLC S: Montachusett Enterprise Book/Page: 61726/1, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Raymond C Green & Co $145,000 Use: Housing Authority Property, Lot: 71874sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (06/14)
YTD 2019 54 $362,250
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES YTD 2019 163 $349,900
111 BORDER ST U:111.......................... $153,280 B: Rutters Brook LLC S: FHLM Book/Page: 61742/297, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $225,900 (10/07) 64 COUNTRY CLUB DR.......................... $425,500 B: Richard Splane S: F Scott Kreuzinger Tr, Tr for Kreuzinger RT Book/Page: 61721/244, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $382,950 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40000sf 12 CROSS ST......................................... $92,000 B: SMD Properties LLC S: James Pialtos Book/Page: 61729/139, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Commercial Building, Lot: 1029sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (04/99) 59 NICOLE AVE...................................... $415,000 B: Feliciano Carrasco & Stephanie Carrasco S: John J Morawski & Catherine M Morawski Book/Page: 61720/375, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $402,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30000sf 31 SHERYL DR...................................... $106,000 B: George Lowe S: George Nabbout Book/Page: 61720/309, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: RTN FCU $100,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12004sf Prior Sale: $174,900 (11/00)
345 MIRICK RD..................................... $240,000 B: Matthew W Kmieczak & Lisbet L Kmieczak S: Richard B Rauh & Lisa W Rauh Book/Page: 61717/205, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Southbridge CU $120,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 86970sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/15)
Rutland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 124 Median Price $339,510
YTD 2019 125 $335,900
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 42 BARRE PAXTON RD......................... B: Zackery Nutile S: Virginia Realty Inc Book/Page: 61723/296, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $247,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 108900sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (06/19) 36 CLEALAND CIR................................. B: Lucia V Rojas S: Judy T Ho & Kevin Lucas Book/Page: 61724/348, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $395,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38333sf Prior Sale: $347,000 (09/16) 42 PRINCETON RD................................ B: Glenn D Peura S: Jeanne E Chaclas Book/Page: 61717/20, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $353,528 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 125453sf Prior Sale: $395,400 (12/15)
YTD 2019 145 $211,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 185 CHAPIN ST..................................... B: Marco A Rendon Jr S: Joan M Cyr Book/Page: 61739/337, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $259,218 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 9126sf 20 IDLEWOOD ST.................................. B: Divine Balingcasag & Evelyn Natividad S: Tracy J Przystas & Rhonda L Przystas Book/Page: 61728/277, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $251,831 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19185sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (08/14) 274 MARCY ST...................................... B: A&C Home Renovations LLC S: Thomas Obrien & Christine L Obrien Book/Page: 61718/363, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6415sf 29 PECK ST........................................... B: MAI Properties LLC S: Gregory Cormier Book/Page: 61722/207, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Gregory Cormier $170,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 12500sf Prior Sale: $62,000 (04/10)
YTD 2019 137 $360,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 63 FAIRWAY VIEW DR U:63.................. B: Deborah Lynch S: Black Brook Realty LLC Book/Page: 61718/17, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Possible New Construction 188 MENDON RD................................... B: David Dewolfe & April Dewolfe S: Angelo Pizzarella Book/Page: 61729/32, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Chapter 61 Forest, Lot: 782337sf Prior Sale: $152,500 (12/19) 59 WHITINS RD..................................... B: Tom Keleher & Mary Keleher S: Nathan Y Peterson Book/Page: 61726/158, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf
Templeton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 122 Median Price $237,000
YTD 2019 123 $240,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 695 BALDWINVILLE RD......................... $58,000 B: ASL Property Services LLC S: Donald E Rathburn & Charlotte Rathburn Book/Page: 61730/298, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Steven Spagnuolo $80,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 21780sf 742 BALDWINVILLE RD......................... $228,000 B: Kristen Tabron S: Harold Quinn Book/Page: 61738/255, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $150,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (07/16)
1 FIELDSTONE ST U:1........................... $289,900 B: Matthew G Mccarthy S: Sylvia C Rivard Tr, Tr for Sylvia C Rivard RET Book/Page: 61734/203, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $225,000 (11/13)
Uxbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 147 Median Price $332,500
YTD 2019 142 $254,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES MEADOW RD......................................... $35,000 B: Steven A Turner Tr, Tr for Spooky RT S: Mark A Andrews & Joyce A Andrews Book/Page: 61717/375, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 47045sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (08/05) 15 OLD FARM RD.................................. $310,800 B: Nelida Machicote & Angel Machicote S: John Hoff Properties LLC Book/Page: 61717/45, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $313,939 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15209sf Prior Sale: $158,000 (07/19) 49 PLEASANT ST................................... $249,000 B: Matthew R Pillsbury S: Craig A Valley & Meghan E Valley Book/Page: 61738/221, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Inland B&T $242,470 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 14320sf Prior Sale: $90,124 (09/12) 32 SHORE DR........................................ $235,000 B: Bryan Grenier S: Cathy Holmes & Albert F Gildert Book/Page: 61723/11, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $230,743 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10099sf
Sterling MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2019 86 $365,500 $465,000
YTD 2019 150 $333,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 ALMSHOUSE RD............................... B: Janice J Sohigian & Ann K Jastremski S: Dana J Gould Book/Page: 61729/337, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27578sf Prior Sale: $244,900 (04/05) 2 LOYALIST DR U:2............................... B: Kimberly A Brennan S: Susan Pierce Book/Page: 61736/174, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $223,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $210,000 (02/19)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 290 W RIVER RD................................... B: FNMA S: Ida M Snay & Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 61729/43, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18361sf
Warren MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 83 Median Price $214,000
YTD 2019 50 $203,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 954 MAIN ST......................................... $182,000 B: IB Fieldstone LLC S: Christopher Donohue Book/Page: 61717/391, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 3049sf 58 NELSON ST....................................... $156,000 B: Pattimarie Macdougall S: Roger T Montanez & Elizabeth R Montanez Book/Page: 61717/228, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $148,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $118,000 (08/16) 557 SOUTHBRIDGE RD.......................... $285,000 B: Roberta J Bigelow & Jane Jewel S: Hermits Of Jesus Eternal Book/Page: 61720/74, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $270,750 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 178599sf Prior Sale: $315,900 (03/06)
Sturbridge YTD 2019 409 $444,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 111 Median Price $360,000
62 REDSTONE HILL RD......................... B: Lucas S White & Laura White S: Stacey E Murphy & Patrick J Murphy Book/Page: 61730/225, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $395,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 29552sf Prior Sale: $506,040 (10/06)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 101 Median Price $460,000
Spencer YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 119 Median Price $225,000
Upton $275,000
8 COLONIAL DR..................................... B: Robert H Ryan S: Robert H Ryan & Linda J Ryan Book/Page: 61716/206, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $170,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25000sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 147 Median Price $199,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 89 Median Price $375,000
Shrewsbury YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 413 Median Price $417,500
52 EDGEWATER AVE............................. $163,000 B: Chaching Co S: Santon David E Est & Mark J Santon Book/Page: 61727/379, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5000sf 110 GREEN ST....................................... $540,000 B: New England Prop Fund 4 S: Blaise Berthiaume & Ruth C Macconnell Book/Page: 61721/33, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 599386sf 17 HEATHERWOOD DR.......................... $377,000 B: Kieu Ly & Vu Duong S: Dolores A Rossetti Tr, Tr for Rossetti LT Book/Page: 61727/83, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $127,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12650sf 27 SHIRLEY RD..................................... $135,000 B: John J Kimball & Margaret Macdonald S: John J Kimball Tr, Tr for Kathleen Kimball FT Book/Page: 61734/330, Date: 01/13/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14057sf 325 SPRING ST..................................... $725,000 B: John L Crooks & Vanessa Crooks S: Christine E Rawan Book/Page: 61717/96, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $580,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 35005sf 31 WASHINGTON ST............................. $300,000 B: Carlos F Marcolino S: Edward J Stremler & Gloria J Anderson Book/Page: 61723/225, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $359,900 (04/06)
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $373,750
20 JUNE ST........................................... B: Daniel Corey & Amy Corey S: Karen J Winsky Tr, Tr for Spinney IRT Book/Page: 61727/53, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12197sf
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 149 Median Price $247,250
Northbridge YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 154 Median Price $320,000
8 LOVETT RD......................................... $418,000 B: Dina J Costa & Adam Costa S: Henry S Marc & Kimberly G Marc Book/Page: 61720/161, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $334,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 66211sf Prior Sale: $364,900 (06/04) 89 MERRIAM DISTRICT........................ $318,000 B: Zachary J Ashwell & Jessica K Ashwell S: Timothy Biddle & Kim Biddle Book/Page: 61728/41, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $308,460 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22651sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (01/04) 19 OXBOW RD....................................... $75,000 B: S&k Development LLC S: Alfred L Dowell Jr Book/Page: 61728/100, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Alfred L Dowell Jr $74,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 198198sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (09/99)
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 129 Median Price $320,000
YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 189 Median Price $242,800
YTD 2019 136 $326,450
YTD 2019 194 $250,000
1 COMMONWEALTH AVE...................... B: Ryan A Stanley S: 5 Blackstone Sutton LLC Book/Page: 61739/202, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $391,809 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (07/19)
12 COLONIAL RD................................... B: Benjamin A Wall & Cassandra M Wall S: Mary R Phelan Book/Page: 61717/153, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $250,381 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8487sf Prior Sale: $104,250 (07/99)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
10 HALL ST........................................... B: Paul M Randall S: Paul M Randall & Craig L Randall Book/Page: 61722/77, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5358sf 106 WORCESTER RD............................. B: Lorraine A Scola S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 61721/215, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15136sf Prior Sale: $147,171 (07/19)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 6 BOYDEN ST........................................ $88,000 B: John E Vangons S: Galen Holmes 3rd & XS T Mortgage Book/Page: 61727/365, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7458sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (06/16) 33 HIGHLAND ST................................... $192,700 B: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA S: Dorothy P Menzone & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 61740/343, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14341sf Prior Sale: $218,000 (08/08)
West Boylston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 92 Median Price $306,950
YTD 2019 87 $310,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 WESTLAND CIR................................ $535,700 B: Paul Bashaw Jr & Diane Bashaw S: Crescent Builders Inc Book/Page: 61713/320, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 488308sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (11/18)
West Brookfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $239,900
YTD 2019 43 $255,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 39 OAK DR............................................. B: Jair F Cintra & Stephanie M Thibault S: Andrew L Forgit Book/Page: 61721/331, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $249,566 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Cape, Lot: 75794sf Prior Sale: $4,950 (06/14)
Westborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 184 Median Price $527,500
YTD 2019 154 $524,950
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 CROWNRIDGE RD............................. $630,000 B: Kishore Dasararaju & Deepthi R Dommaraju S: Patrick E Steeves & Ruth M Steeves Book/Page: 61742/85, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $504,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26519sf Prior Sale: $587,500 (08/08) 36 ELI WHITNEY ST............................... $265,000 B: Dependable Home Solutions & Louis P Despres S: Despres Kathleen A Est & Thomas J Despres Book/Page: 61726/352, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 50305sf 3109 TOWNSEND BLVD U:3109............ $429,000 B: Sumit Sharma S: Ashok Sasanoori & Krishnaveni Yangala Book/Page: 61728/124, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $75,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $312,813 (03/15) 28 UPTON RD........................................ $459,000 B: Vicky Gordon-Martin Tr, Tr for Vicky Gordan Martin RET S: Peter F Honan & Elaine T Mccabe Book/Page: 61730/185, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 69696sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (12/00)
Winchendon MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 136 Median Price $191,250
YTD 2019 134 $221,500
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 31 BALDWINVILLE RD........................... B: John J Dubovsky S: Debra L Skinner Book/Page: 61728/297, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $258,484 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 174240sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (05/12) 37 TUCKER ST....................................... B: Eric Callahan S: FNMA Book/Page: 61734/364, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $148,025 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33105sf Prior Sale: $133,000 (04/19)
Worcester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1,385 Median Price $238,000
JANUARY 27, 2020
YTD 2019 1,290 $255,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 BENJAMIN RD.................................. $255,000 B: Geralyn Macdonnell S: Louise A Dupont Book/Page: 61720/353, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $247,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11592sf 27 CHANDLER ST................................. $1,000,000 B: Chandler Owner LLC S: VTT Chandler Street LLC Book/Page: 61713/349, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 11023sf Prior Sale: $50,500 (10/12)
332 CHANDLER ST................................ $480,000 B: Margaret Doherty-Lopez & Antonio Lopez-Blanco S: Desmond Lee & Phuong Hang Book/Page: 61732/368, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $337,500 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4987sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (10/15) 80 CORRINE ST..................................... $280,000 B: Alexandro M Dafonseca & Ariane Fonseca S: Richard E Tucker & Theresa A Tucker Book/Page: 61726/49, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $266,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7500sf 95 COURTLAND ST................................ $400,000 B: Mary Marshall S: James C Bejoian & Laurie J Bejoian Book/Page: 61723/122, Date: 01/09/20 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 7500sf 201 DANA AVE...................................... $279,250 B: Chimun Chao S: Green Valley Properties Book/Page: 61741/296, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $274,682 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9500sf Prior Sale: $136,000 (09/12) 129 DERBY ST....................................... $349,900 B: Rachael D Heard S: Alex Abdow Book/Page: 61727/136, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $279,920 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 4998sf 10 FRANCIS ST..................................... $184,000 B: Michael R Mshooshian S: Mshooshian Asdig V Est & Michael R Mshooshian Book/Page: 61713/222, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6445sf 160 FREMONT ST U:224....................... $195,000 B: Kara Kimball S: Jared Swerzenski & Jill A Swerzenski Book/Page: 61726/301, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $175,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $214,400 (04/06) 74 GAGE ST........................................... $360,000 B: 74 Gage Street RT LLC S: Matthew Goclowski Book/Page: 61731/132, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $288,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4980sf Prior Sale: $204,000 (08/17) 7 GIBBS ST U:7A................................... $67,000 B: Groveland T S: Mccarthy Michael J Est & William P Mccarthy Book/Page: 61742/165, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: James Pinzino $55,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 135 GOLD STAR BLVD.......................... $785,000 B: K&L Worcester LLC S: Small Justice LLC Book/Page: 61728/324, Date: 01/10/20 Use: Parking Lot, Lot: 162043sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (12/11) 43 HEYWOOD ST................................... $288,000 B: Wolff Gentil & Ruth N Gentil S: Yudelka Baez Book/Page: 61733/376, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $271,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18518sf Prior Sale: $150,500 (07/14) 5 HOLLIS ST.......................................... $375,000 B: Abigail R Rodriguez S: Felix Bernabel & Rita Ramos Book/Page: 61737/285, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $318,750 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6580sf Prior Sale: $191,722 (08/06) 3 HYANNIS PL....................................... $350,000 B: Dylan J Roche S: Alexander J Chetwynd Book/Page: 61721/354, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $343,660 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5118sf Prior Sale: $257,000 (09/17) 47 IRVING ST........................................ $1,000,000 B: Chandler Owner LLC S: VTT Chandler Street LLC Book/Page: 61713/349, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Parking Lot, Lot: 3299sf Prior Sale: $50,500 (10/12) 53 IRVING ST........................................ $1,000,000 B: Chandler Owner LLC S: VTT Chandler Street LLC Book/Page: 61713/349, Date: 01/08/20 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 3142sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (09/01) 10 IVES ST............................................. $340,000 B: Dhan H Rai & Chau K Nguyen S: Ninh V Luu Book/Page: 61726/20, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $289,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4150sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (10/08) 6 JEFFERSON ST................................... $390,000 B: Richard Portillo & Kana Portillo S: Jose O Canales & Jackeline Rodriguez Book/Page: 61730/79, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $292,500 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 7215sf Prior Sale: $279,865 (12/03) 86 KING PHILIP RD............................... $330,000 B: Samuel Okyere & Juliet Okyere S: KLA Holdings LLC Book/Page: 61728/185, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $324,022 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 8453sf Prior Sale: $164,000 (09/17) 29 KINNICUTT RD.................................. $261,375 B: Ellen Oconnor S: Doris K Goff Book/Page: 61742/32, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Crescent Mtg Svc $248,306 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16045sf 65 LAKE AVE U:516............................... $284,000 B: Moses Ma S: Maria H Long Book/Page: 61730/332, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $170,000 (09/13)
7 LAPIERRE ST...................................... $280,000 B: Rachel Sundstrom S: Lynn A Pieczarka Book/Page: 61726/135, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $252,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5329sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (08/98) 200 LINCOLN ST U:6............................. $225,000 B: Worcester Winthrop Realty S: 200 Lincoln Real Est LLC Book/Page: 61720/140, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Avidia Bank $250,000 Use: Medical Condo Unit, Lot: 1978sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (06/10) 12 LODI ST............................................ $282,500 B: Lysander Amado S: Luis Dasilva & Patricia King Book/Page: 61729/348, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $240,125 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4719sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (12/17) 468 MASSASOIT RD.............................. $380,000 B: James Rizza & Karin Rizza S: Michael Harnois & Richard W Harnois Book/Page: 61716/382, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $285,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 9239sf Prior Sale: $344,000 (05/06) 77 MERRIFIELD ST................................ $300,000 B: 77 Merrifield LLC S: Limark Realty LLC Book/Page: 61723/209, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5184sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (02/15) 25 MIDDLESEX AVE.............................. $265,000 B: Sarmad AlAloussi & Nada AlAloussi S: Sophia C Zinnel & William E Zinnel 3rd Book/Page: 61729/251, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $257,050 Use: 3 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 4035sf Prior Sale: $262,000 (08/17) 25 OLIVER ST........................................ $273,000 B: Tony Hang S: Michael Ayers Book/Page: 61716/43, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Evolve B&T $218,400 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (04/19) 6 PALISADES ST................................... $261,000 B: Christina Saninocencio S: Jason M Robitaille & Leslie Robitaille Book/Page: 61724/101, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $247,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 12500sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (04/12) PLANTATION ST..................................... $1,000 B: 722 Plantation LLC S: Worcester City Of Book/Page: 61736/342, Date: 01/13/20 10 REEVES ST....................................... $379,000 B: Marie M Barosy S: Patrick Reynolds Book/Page: 61729/212, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $379,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5049sf Prior Sale: $216,000 (03/16) 25 SARAH DR........................................ $215,000 B: Christopher Champagne S: Orzechowski Steven P Est & Stanley M Orzechowski Book/Page: 61721/154, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $204,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17874sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (10/09) 926 SOUTHBRIDGE ST U:9.................... $115,000 B: Matthew Pastore S: Christopher S Condon & Meaghan E Condon Book/Page: 61715/67, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $92,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $110,700 (02/04) TACONIC RD.......................................... $14,000 B: Omar Alsami & Rama Alsami S: Luigi Digioia Book/Page: 61722/293, Date: 01/09/20 18 TAUNTON ST.................................... $21,000 B: Pearson Development Corp S: G J Bartosiewicz Tr, Tr for Bartosiewicz LT Book/Page: 61740/368, Date: 01/14/20 66 TOWER ST........................................ $325,000 B: Joanna C Vasiliadis S: Robert J Callan Doc#: 000000115313, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $260,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7512sf 53 UPSALA ST....................................... $440,000 B: Jose B Martinez-Estrada & Iris L Estrada S: AMH Properties LLC Book/Page: 61722/161, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $418,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 11493sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (12/16) 48 VENUS DR........................................ $295,000 B: Eric Elman & Samantha Whitters S: Philip Giarusso Book/Page: 61719/378, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $276,450 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10568sf Prior Sale: $237,500 (02/16) 1 WALTER ST........................................ $304,350 B: Grace E Osberg & Luke M Osberg S: Turning Point Investments Book/Page: 61729/311, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $243,480 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10220sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (10/19) 10-A WELLS ST..................................... $219,332 B: All Ideal Homes LLC S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 61730/279, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Dominion Fncl Svcs $204,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $211,200 (04/19) 9 YUKON AVE........................................ $355,000 B: Elvis S Nunez S: Imagetech Properties LLC Book/Page: 61736/276, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Hunt Mortgage $355,000
Worcester Registry Northern District Kathleen R. Daigneault, Esq. 166 Boulder Drive, Suite 202 Fitchburg, MA 01420 Telephone: (978) 342-2637 Fax: (978) 345-2865 www.fitchburgdeeds.com
Ashburnham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 99 Median Price $251,800
YTD 2019 120 $252,250
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 LILLIAN DR....................................... B: Lilac Homes LLC S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 9522/148, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $211,500 (10/03) 15 MURRAY RD..................................... B: Nancy L Rolle S: Asher Construction LLC Book/Page: 9524/90, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $272,400 1 WINDING COVE RD............................. B: Gina Ramelli & Tymothy D Edson S: Alexander Rodriguez & Renee L Brown Book/Page: 9523/176, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Navy FCU $244,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 28673sf Prior Sale: $105,299 (01/17)
Fitchburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 429 Median Price $200,000
YTD 2019 388 $229,350
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 CIRCLE ST........................................ $270,000 B: A R Marino-Mendizabal S: Maria A Giorello Book/Page: 9522/171, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $265,109 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 16062sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (08/15) 70 DUDLEY ST....................................... $289,900 B: Jonathan Griffith & Lisa Carson S: Francis E Kirrane & Nicole M Kirrane Book/Page: 9524/260, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Navy FCU $296,567 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7380sf Prior Sale: $213,000 (12/01) 31 EDWARDS ST................................... $300,000 B: Iris D Ulloa-Flores S: Karen L Cormier Tr, Tr for Rafferty FT Book/Page: 9525/264, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Silver Hill Funding $225,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4200sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (10/14) 96 LAWTON AVE................................... $167,000 B: Roberto Ciccarelli S: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 9524/38, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4672sf 204 LINCOLN ST.................................... $206,000 B: Meng Her S: Blia Lee & Mai K Yang Book/Page: 9523/338, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $195,700 Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $212,000 (06/06) 46 LONGWOOD AVE.............................. $215,000 B: Bruce V Fisher S: Fisher William H Est & Patricia D Popov Book/Page: 9527/46, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14560sf 100 OLD PRINCETON RD....................... $218,000 B: Evan Hughes S: Richard W Green 3rd & Joyce E Green Book/Page: 9523/253, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $174,400 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 43649sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (07/04) 139 PARSON CIR................................... $190,000 B: Deborah Martelli S: Maurice O Dery 3rd & Nancy M Taylor Book/Page: 9524/312, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $219,495 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8465sf 47 PAYSON ST...................................... $85,000 B: Robert J Smith Jr S: Linda M Moreira Book/Page: 9524/228, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $79,998 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2378sf Prior Sale: $40,500 (04/09) 133 WANOOSNOC RD............................ $77,500 B: Cathy Thebeau S: Dana A Descarreaux & Robyn J Descarreaux Book/Page: 9524/249, Date: 01/10/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6400sf 672-678 WATER ST.............................. $124,000 B: Mark A Cordio & Bonnie E Cordio S: Ruth A Couture Book/Page: 9523/56, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: James B Couture $74,000 Use: Auto Sales, Lot: 15898sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (02/13)
Leominster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 409 Median Price $270,000
YTD 2019 405 $283,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 170 7TH ST............................................ B: Matthew Primeau S: Laura L Lorion Tr, Tr for Brow FT Book/Page: 9522/283, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $258,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4750sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
29 BERRINGTON RD U:29..................... $160,000 B: Cassidy Lanza S: Anthony P Tavilla & Pamela S Tavilla Book/Page: 9525/169, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $128,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $135,000 (06/18) 123 CORTLAND CIR U:123.................... $160,000 B: Caitlin A Hope S: Lockhart Lynne Est & Marini Maclean-Karro Book/Page: 9523/153, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $128,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 76 GRANT ST......................................... $285,000 B: Joseph Ashey & Carol Tocci S: Mateusz Milosek Book/Page: 9524/364, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Evolve B&T $130,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10219sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (02/18) 48 MAHOGANY RUN U:48..................... $219,000 B: Peter A Banks & Holly E Banks S: Margot Xarras Tr, Tr for Mahogany Run RT Book/Page: 9525/306, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $159,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 62 MEADOW POND DR U:G................... $135,000 B: Rachel A Anderholm & Matthew G Anderholm S: Frederick Ryan & Grace Ryan Book/Page: 9526/37, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $132,554 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 23 PHILLIPS RD..................................... $265,000 B: Blake Ford S: Dirusso Doris E Est & Linda Richard Book/Page: 9524/148, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $212,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12886sf 9 VINE ST.............................................. $284,500 B: Boris D Harizanov & Melanie A Harizanov S: Stephen C Moses & Tamara C Moses Book/Page: 9526/275, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $279,346 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3850sf Prior Sale: $141,000 (07/09)
Lunenburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 144 Median Price $290,000
YTD 2019 185 $315,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 76 ARBOR ST........................................ $17,800 B: Walter D Day S: Day David A Est & Walter D Day Book/Page: 9526/342, Date: 01/14/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 95832sf 322 FLAT HILL RD................................. $327,400 B: Hannah Basnett & Luke Malerbi S: Michael P Conway & Rachel Conway Book/Page: 9522/323, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $330,707 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Rec, Lot: 570636sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (06/13) 419 LANCASTER AVE............................ $468,000 B: Jean R Benjamin & Chirlegh Benjamin S: Elizabeth J Riley Tr, Tr for Elizabeth J Riley LT Book/Page: 9522/118, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $411,840 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 80586sf Prior Sale: $445,600 (07/07) 15 PARK STREET TER........................... $255,000 B: Gregory J Barr-Lafreniere S: Debra L Lafreniere & Robert T Lafreniere Book/Page: 9524/338, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $207,570 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14810sf 54 PROSPECT ST.................................. $335,000 B: Vito J Gerante Tr, Tr for Gerante LT S: Joseph F Baho & Yvonne M Baho Book/Page: 9522/256, Date: 01/08/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 47916sf Prior Sale: $177,000 (07/18) 78 WILDER RD...................................... $400,000 B: Francis E Kirrane & Nicole M Kirrane S: Matthew M Bowlin & Jade V Bowlin Book/Page: 9524/287, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Rollstone Bk & Tr $320,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $376,000 (11/18)
Westminster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $299,000
YTD 2019 118 $317,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 136 EAST RD U:1.................................. B: Greg P Ramshaw & Karyn E Ramshaw S: Normandin Group LLC Book/Page: 9526/244, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Workers Credit Union $271,606 Use: Condo 3 LIGHTHOUSE LN................................. B: Matthew N Olson & Deanna F Olson S: Ashoryn LLC Book/Page: 9523/319, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $455,050 Type: Adj 9 OVERLOOK RD.................................... B: James Bozicas S: Ridgecrest Invest Props Book/Page: 9523/292, Date: 01/09/20 Mtg: Workers Credit Union $320,720 28 W HILL DR U:28............................... B: Kristin Abramo S: David Wilkson Book/Page: 9525/225, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $200,450 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $181,000 (03/03)
JANUARY 27, 2020
Credit Records Voluntary Bankruptcies Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.
These are Chapter 7 Liquidations in which a debtor turns over all property owned to be converted into money which is used to pay administration costs and creditors to the extent possible. Honest debtors receive a discharge relieving them from legal liability for the payment of provable debts listed in the petition with some specific exemptions, most notably taxes and support payments. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#). BARNSTABLE
AMES, Shyla L, 12 Farmersville Rd, Sandwich, 02563-2604 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-10111 WILLIAMS, Jeffrey L, 10 Weeks Pond Dr, Sandwich, 02644-1636 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-10108
Great Barrington
TAXICO INC, 3 Crosby St, Great Barrington, 012301414 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-30027
Fall River
SWEAT, Joey, 319 Cambridge St, Fall River, 027213727 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10126
KNIGHT, Jake H, 24 Hopewell St, Taunton, 027802448 D:01/11/20 Case#: 20-10086
ALMANZAR, Rafael, 41 Grove St, Boston, 02114-3511 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-10104
NEELY, Mieya Shaunte, 933 Jette Ct, Brighton, 02135-4438 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10120
SALEH, Fadi Alex, 32 Aspinwall Rd U:1, Dorchester, 02124-2029 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-10109
Springfield HENRY, Natalie A, 140 Buckingham St, Springfield, 01109-3928 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-30032 POLK, Antonio V, 195 Arnold Ave, Springfield, 011191407 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-30022
Wales FISHER, Belinda, 198 Union Rd, Wales, 01081-9793 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-30025
STLOUIS, Fritz A, 6-8 Almont St, Mattapan, 021261418 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-10105
GARCIA, Mariaelena, 74 N Whitney St, Amherst, 01002-1815 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-30035
BONILLA, Mario Hernesto, 103 Ward St, Revere, 02151-1313 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-10116
CLEWER, Patricia J, 20 Hawthorn Ave, Winthrop, 02152-1114 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10123
WOODSON, Shelley, 16 Parish Hill Rd, Granby, 01033-9591 D:01/12/20 Case#: 20-30021
Southampton PIANDES, Stacey J, 11 Maple St, Southampton, 01073-9403 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-30024
DIPINTO, Marylee R, 31 Central Ave, Dudley, 015713367 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-40054
BROOKINGS-BENEDICT, R, 109 Lovell Rd, Holden, 01520-1306 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-40080
ANTOLINI Jr, Alfred S, 19 Dana Park, Hopedale, 01747-1919 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40064
LUCCARELLI, Lisa M, 65 Mccarthy Ave, Leicester, 01611-3252 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40058
BARTER, Victoria A, 10 Polonia Dr, Oxford, 015371300 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40057
WHITE, Jessica M, 354 Charlton St, Southbridge, 01550-1356 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40056
VALLON, Jordan R, 6 McGilpin Rd, Sturbridge, 015661230 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40059
MITCHELL, Suzen A, 15 Queen Of Roses Ln U:15, Uxbridge, 01569-2618 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-40074
DIXON, George R, 15 Edgelawn Ave, Chelmsford, 01863-1905 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-40053
DACOSTA Jr, Jose F, 91 Lexington St, Belmont, 02478-5035 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-10095
Framingham FOSTER-GRANT, Janice S, 111 Parmenter Rd, Framingham, 01701-3044 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-40049
Malden RICCARDI, James Neil, 43-45 Mccormack St, Malden, 02148-1020 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10129
Medford FORBES, Rayanne L, 347 Riverside Ave, Medford, 02155-5724 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-10098
Natick BIRINDJIAN, Sevag V, 21 N Main St, Natick, 017603403 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-10106
KERRIGAN, Denise L, 15-17 Brockton Ave, Haverhill, 01830-3311 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40060
DAGENAIS, Richard M, 14 Sycamore Dr, Townsend, 01469-1313 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-40071
MCDONALD, Brian William, 34 Liberty St, Middleton, 01949-1811 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10132 MCGOWAN, Karen Ann, 2 White Cedar Dr U:2, Middleton, 01949-1918 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10134
FULTON, Joshua W, 9 Shirley St, Chicopee, 010202936 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-30036
CATANESE, Toby, 40 Pleasant Valley Dr, Worcester, 01605-1563 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-40055 GERRY BERGERON&CO INC, 667 Grove St, Worcester, 01605-3122 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-40081 WATKINS Jr, Hubert, 1267 Grafton St, Worcester, 01604-2617 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-40050 WEEDEN, Richard D, 1301 Main St U:1, Worcester, 01603-1549 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-40077
BRIONES, Paciencia, 7676 Maple St U:1005, Holyoke, 01040 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-30030
HILL, Pamela L, 73 Bridle Path Rd, Springfield, 01118-1843 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-30026 RICHARDSON Jr, Gerald W, 121 Cedar St U:1R, Springfield, 01105-1444 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-30033
MAZEIKA, Robert C, 21 Princeton St, Westfield, 01085-1913 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-30034
BOGACZ-LAZZARA, Staci A, 42 N Main St, Belchertown, 01007-9826 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-30029
PARKER Jr, Ronald E, 322 Main St U:E, Easthampton, 01027-2035 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-30031
HILLIS, Tanya Maria, 112 Boston Rd, Billerica, 018621312 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40062
RAMOS, Danielle M, 56 South St, Framingham, 01702-7049 D:01/11/20 Case#: 20-40047
PACINI, Joseph, 99 Riverside Ave U:1001, Medford, 02155-4607 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10125
HUYGENS, Jeannete A, 910 Main St U:615, Melrose, 02176-2346 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-10100
MURRAY, Mirasol Balliar, 307 Alewife Brook Pkwy, Somerville, 02144-1150 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-10094
MALLOCH, William, 54 Lindenwood Rd, Stoneham, 02180-2350 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-10117
DEMICHELE, Joseph E, 99 Pleasant St U:2-1, Watertown, 02472-2317 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-10115
CAVANAGH, Stefani M, 45 Prospect Ave, Norwood, 02062-2239 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-10101
LLC, LimoLiner, 154 Maple St, Stoughton, 020721179 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10128
MCPHERSON, Lori A, 733 Stewart Dr, Abington, 02351-5029 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10131
RAMEAU, Christopher P, 59 Saint Joseph Ave, Fitchburg, 01420-4022 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40061 STJEAN, Kenneth R, 245 River St, Fitchburg, 014202927 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-40063
CUTLER, John Richard, 6 Reed St, Leominster, 01453-4519 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-40069 GAZDZIK, Sonja E, 50 Boutelle St, Leominster, 014536302 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-40070
Chapter 13 Bankruptcies Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.
These allow for an adjustment of debt. An individual with a regular income proposes a plan to pay off debts from future earnings over a period of time between three to five years. Usually these payments are in full satisfaction of the debt, but may be a percentage of them. Upon completion, the debtor receives a discharge of all debts covered by the plan except child support and alimony, if applicable. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#)
LUTZ-HENRICKSON, Gale F, 461 N Main St, Brockton, 02301-3507 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-10099 NASIAKOS, Mary, 137 Pearl St, Brockton, 023012819 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10133
FERNANDEZ-URREGO, Dayana, 81 Ford St U:A, Methuen, 01844-5750 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-40072
PLESSAS, Fotis, 11 Hatzis Way, Lynn, 01904-2427 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10121
NGUYEN, Vinh, 1 Thistle Ln, Lynnfield, 01940-2154 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-10112
MORAN, David A, 27 E Collins St, Salem, 01970-4144 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-10118
WOOD, Pamela Ann, 72 Roy St, Swampscott, 019071054 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10130
FISHER, Peter J, 19 Center St, Bridgewater, 023241316 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10122
IELLAMO, Christopher J, 27 Stewart Ln, Agawam, 01001-2435 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-30028
NOE, Delaney A, 63 Chester Rd, Blandford, 010089520 D:01/11/20 Case#: 20-30020
BURNS, Eliza Y, 42 Free St, Hingham, 02043-3123 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10127
FOTI, Jean, 88 Saint Jacques Ave, Chicopee, 010204254 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-30023
DOYON, Joseph M, 21 Highridge Rd, Bellingham, 02019-1869 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-40067 FORIT, Brian C, 23 Little Tree Ln, Bellingham, 020192911 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-40078
Mansfield DASILVA, Sergio S, 508 Francis Ave, Mansfield, 02048-1547 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$4,438 GLAVIN, Daniel & Kristi L Glavin, 285 Hope St, Mansfield, 02048-1501 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,286 IBRAHIM, Diana G & Mike C Ibrahim, 282 Ware St, Mansfield, 02048-2919 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$40,000 MCCARTHY, K F & C M Mccarthy, 7 Lauren Ln, Mansfield, 02048-3288 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$27,446
North Attleboro
WHITEHEAD, William M & Joi Whitehead, 11 Veterans Way, North Attleboro, 02760-6555 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$35,440
KING, David D, 30 Sunflower Dr, Raynham, 027671867 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,242
CRAWFORD, Claude I, 1093 Middleboro Ave, Taunton, 02718-1222 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,671 PEREIRA, Louis, 619 Cohannet St, Taunton, 027804719 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,124
DIAMOND EXPRESS INC, 155 West St, Wilmington, 01887-6009 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-10093
QUINN, Deana M, 283 Foster Rd, Tewksbury, 018762809 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-40066
ROGAN, Erica Marie, 92 N Main St, West Boylston, 01583-1132 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-40051
These are reorganizations usually used by a business (may be used by an individual) to rehabilitate rather than to liquidate. Debtors propose a plan to reorganize their financial affairs and satisfy their creditors. This plan must be accepted by the creditors and approved by the court. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#).
West Boylston
LAWRENCE, Stephen Q, 21 Whitney St, Westborough, 01581-2531 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-40075
Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.
DEMPSEY, Robyn, 7 Macarthur Blvd U:1, Danvers, 01923-3525 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-10092
Chapter 11 Bankruptcies
Federal Tax Liens Filed: Clerk’s Office, US District Court, Boston.
Liens are placed by the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, on the property, real or personal, of any taxpaying entity deemed to be in default on taxes. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and filing date (D) of the lien is listed; the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) follows. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed. Types of tax include 941 FICA and Withholding Tax; 940 Federal Unemployment Tax; 1040 Individual Income Tax; 2290 Highway Use Tax; 1120 Corporate Tax; 720 Excise Tax.
COSTA, Andrew D & Rebecca Costa, 14 Brewster St, Dartmouth, 02748-3507 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,044 NOGUEIRA, Manuel & Maria Nogueira, 6 Topelo Ct, Dartmouth, 02747-1540 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,670 SMITH, Timothy, 520 Rock Odundee Rd, Dartmouth, 02748-1413 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,104
Quincy SANDS, Margaret M, 20 Edgeworth Rd, Quincy, 02171-1613 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-10097
Randolph BATTLE, Barbara M, 3 Eagle Rock Rd, Randolph, 02368-3515 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-10090 SHIELDS, George, 208 Centre St, Randolph, 023431057 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-10096
CALIENDO, Philip C, PO Box 186, Bourne, 02532 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,792 HALLAM, Michael J & Kathleen O Hallam, 158 Jefferson Rd, Bourne, 02532-5400 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$9,222 KIRBY, William, 16 Birch St, Bourne, 02532-3004 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,308
SILVA, Laudiceia & Alex O DaSilva, PO Box 558, Edgartown, 02539 D:01/09/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$34,620
ACOSTA, Edita, 10 Albion St, Lawrence, 01841-2703 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$20,161 GONCALVES, Elizeu & Rosana Lopes, 130 Parker St U:12, Lawrence, 01843-1537 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$43,433 SANCHEZ, Yamil, 690 Haverhill St U:2, Lawrence, 01841-4010 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,163 SANDOVAL, Dominicano F, 64 Milton St, Lawrence, 01841-4561 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,797
CONRON, Sandra A, 53 Mystic St, Methuen, 018442410 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$27,975 GERVAIS, Albert J & Gervais Colonial Art Shop, 1 Ferndale Ave, Methuen, 01844-2411 D:01/14/20 Tax:940, 941 Amt:$21,263
ARENDA, Danielle Rose, 405 Whiting Ave, Dedham, 02026-3242 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-10089
BARBEAU, Scott G, 242 Dodge St, Beverly, 019151248 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$73,957 GUGLER, C Edward, PO Box 504, Beverly, 01915 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$70,205 REARDON, Danielle & Paul J Reardon, 38 Nelson Ave, Beverly, 01915-1157 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,171
FOSTER, Craig S, 54 Doran Dr, Brewster, 02631-1251 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,687
VALINCH, Kathleen A, 302 Ipswich Rd, Boxford, 01921-1513 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$9,778 WILKINSON, Jill & Robert R Wilkinson, 375 Main St, Boxford, 01921-1412 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$28,508
ARTHURS, David M, PO Box 153, Dennis, 02638 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$32,104
LAMONICA, Anthony, 44 Locust St, Danvers, 019232215 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$51,729
BISPO, Elson O, 12 E Falmouth Hwy, Falmouth, 02536-5902 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,941
MIHOS, Vinessa A, 275 Whitman St, Hanson, 023411151 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-10107 SWEENEY, Daniel W, 48 Indian Path, Hanson, 023411626 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-10110
MOLLIE O INC, 370 Main St, Harwich, 02645-2450 D:01/13/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$24,240
CASSIDY, Denise H & Brian P Cassidy, 3 Lake Rd, Gloucester, 01930-5217 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$124,087 CURTIS, Elizabeth T, 5 Fort Hill Ave, Gloucester, 01930-4434 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,653 RENBRANDT INC, 32 Blackburn Ctr, Gloucester, 01930-2270 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$5,886
BURNS, Michael, 35 Great Pines Dr, Mashpee, 02649-3413 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$43,825 NORRISH, William L & Dorothy Norrish, 30 Riverview Ave, Mashpee, 02649-3091 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$20,838
AGOSTO, Jean, 62 Galen St, Brockton, 02302-3336 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-10102 GREGG, Seth, 1203 Warren Ave, Brockton, 023016856 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-10119
WRIGHT, Joseph M, 169 County St, Lakeville, 023471812 D:01/14/20 Case#: 20-10103
Marshfield GROOM, Bobbi L, 19 Edwards Rd, Marshfield, 020505330 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-10113
Pembroke ADAMS, Edward P, 15 Andrew Dr, Pembroke, 023593111 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-10114
Plymouth WOOD, Ellis C, 3 Plymouth Rock Ter, Plymouth, 02360-4833 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10124
Wareham ROBADO, Kevin B, 6 Ames Island Rd, Wareham, 02571-1278 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-10135
MHLABA-ADEBO, Meleni, 166 Ashmont St, Dorchester, 02124-3745 D:01/12/20 Case#: 20-10088
Brewster Dennis
CAHILL, Mark R & Maryanne Cahill, 42 Monument Rd, Orleans, 02653-3517 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,733
MCRORY Sr, James S & Helen T Mcrory, 153 Orlando Ave, Pittsfield, 01201-2244 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,069
North Adams
CHOULS, Alexander I & Erin Coughlan, 243 Union St, North Adams, 01247-3517 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$75,751
West Stockbridge
LUMLEY, Anthony, 2 Sunderland St, Roxbury, 021211804 D:01/11/20 Case#: 20-10087
POWELL, Robert T & Marjorie Powell, PO Box 438, West Stockbridge, 01266 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$4,727
CUMMINGS, Brandon, 275 Main St, Blackstone, 01504-1526 D:01/12/20 Case#: 20-40048 JOHNSON, Darren J, 120 Federal St, Blackstone, 01504-1391 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-40068
Oakham WISNEWSKI, Matthew M, PO Box 131, Oakham, 01068 D:01/15/20 Case#: 20-40065
OLIVEIRA, Antonio L & Melody A Oliveira, 34 Palmer River Rd, Swansea, 02777-3360 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,611 WILLIAMS, Nidia S, 111 Idlewoods Dr, Swansea, 02777-5074 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,415
ACCOMANDO, Christopher J, 9 General Henry Knox Rd, Southborough, 01772 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-40076
GIRON-GONZALEZ, Carlos A & Diana M GironGonzalez, 20 Lawn St, Attleboro, 02703-7704 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,703 HEDTLER, Jason & Colleen Hedtler, 33 Donald Ln, Attleboro, 02703-6999 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,312 STEPHEN, Withers & R Withers, 25 Commonwealth Ave, Attleboro, 02703-1005 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$161,022
Southbridge COLOMBA, Gaetano, 203 Durfee St, Southbridge, 01550-2301 D:01/13/20 Case#: 20-40052
West Brookfield MCNICHOL-MOORE, Carol Ann, 7 West St, West Brookfield, 01585-3246 D:01/17/20 Case#: 20-40079
Worcester FORSHAW-FLETCHER, Maria N, 38 King Philip Rd, Worcester, 01606-2334 D:01/16/20 Case#: 20-40073
SHEPHERD, Holly K & Christopher A Shepherd, 613 Bay Rd, Hamilton, 01982-1006 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$173,881
DIPIETRO, Michael, 75 S Kimball St, Haverhill, 018357529 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,268 PERTILLAR, Julius & M Lombard, 5 Marion St, Haverhill, 01832-4657 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,651 RICHARDS, Cleon L, 132 Lawrence St, Haverhill, 01830-3332 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$75,960 TAVAREZ, Frankli R, 23 Hamilton Ave U:2, Haverhill, 01830-3313 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,048
SANTANA, Luis, 96 Alley St, Lynn, 01902-4405 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$43,042 STEVENS, Victoria L, 42 Sachem St, Lynn, 019024663 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,854
GIUGLIANO, Steven, 205 Edgemere Rd, Lynnfield, 01940-1334 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,315
CORRIGAN, Kathleen M, 7 Lime St U:7, Marblehead, 01945-2530 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$9,387 CORRIGAN, Kathleen M, 7 Lime St U:7, Marblehead, 01945-2530 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$9,387
KELLAR, John W, 83 Scotland Rd, Newbury, 019511002 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,224
BENNETT-HOGGARD, Janine L, 4 Macarthur Cir, Peabody, 01960-6419 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,235 DESIMONE, Maria P & Marco J Desimone, 6 Jordan Rd, Peabody, 01960-1241 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,961 HUBER, Aimee N & Kurt J Huber, 8 Ledgewood Way, Peabody, 01960-1344 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$1,096 HUBER, Kurt J, 8 Ledgewood Way, Peabody, 019601344 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$32,858 NEW GENERATION PAINTING, 1-R Newbury St, Peabody, 01960-3830 D:01/13/20 Tax:6721, 941 Amt:$55,498
NICHOLS, Danielle, 609 Sandy Bay Ter, Rockport, 01966-2034 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,793
ESPECIALLY YOURS INC, 670 Washington St, Easton, 02375-1169 D:01/14/20 Tax:1120, 941 Amt:$12,470 VERDI, Edward P, 24 Day St, Easton, 02356-1824 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,040
BAGLEY RALPH R EST, 4 Norman St, Salem, 019703314 D:01/13/20 Tax:1041 Amt:$92,878 HENDRICKS, Christopher P, 17 Boston St, Salem, 01970-2103 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,804
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
JANUARY 27, 2020
DOYLE, Kathleen M, 1902 Founders Way, Saugus, 01906-4541 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,054 LATO CORP & Sen Nails, 358 Broadway, Saugus, 01906-1902 D:01/13/20 Tax:1120, 941 Amt:$21,650 PICARDI, Sarah I, 14 Greystone Rd, Saugus, 019062116 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,800
JUMPER, Brian, 31 Crawford St, Watertown, 024722819 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,059 SCHROEDER, Alexis, 361 School St, Watertown, 02472-1413 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$35,279
COOPER, Joshua J, 442 Raymond Rd, Plymouth, 02360-6877 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$256,291 DRISCOLL, Marilee, 13 Chapel Hill Dr U:6, Plymouth, 02360-6002 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,328 MONCADA, Lori H, 5 Clare Rd, Plymouth, 02360-7121 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$131,217 PARENT, Craig, PO Box 6002, Plymouth, 02360 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,380 TIMLIN, Erin E & Mark E Timlin, 1563 State Rd, Plymouth, 02360-5198 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,750
FRANK ARON INDUSTRIES, 24 Town Forest Rd, Webster, 01570-3155 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$30,949 LG PROPERRITES LLC, 791 School St, Webster, 01570-2926 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$12,747 PIWOWARCZYK, Wojciech, 4 Tanner Rd, Webster, 01570-2123 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$315,037
GROSS, Neil D, 200 Vantage Ter, Swampscott, 01907-1271 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$20,940
BALINT, William F, 21 Elmcrest Dr, Chicopee, 010133300 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$42,754 DIMAMBRO, Erica G, 100 Mandalay Rd, Chicopee, 01020-3937 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$64,741 KAN, Deniz M, PO Box 1325, Chicopee, 01020 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$20,068 KELE, Gerald J, 80 Columba St, Chicopee, 010201404 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,321 KELE, Gerald J & Christina A Manzi, 80 Columba St, Chicopee, 01020-1404 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,216
CARDINAL, Daniel A, 95 Lincoln St, Holyoke, 010402554 D:01/09/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,007 FARGAS, Clarissa, 34 Congress Ave, Holyoke, 010403009 D:01/09/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$50,870 SHAIKH, Arfa & Mohammad R Shaikh, 48 Holy Family Rd, Holyoke, 01040-2701 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$55,461
CRAVEN, Eric T & Pauline K Craven, 220 Longmeadow St, Longmeadow, 01106-1337 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,138 KALLOCK, Michael N & Carolyn O Kallock, 458 Williams St, Longmeadow, 01106-2022 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$27,229 SWIERZEWSKI, John J, 104 Albemarle Rd, Longmeadow, 01106-2604 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,211
MIGNOGNA, Matthew, 620 East St U:C, Ludlow, 01056-3019 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,804 RODRIGUES INC, 782 Center St, Ludlow, 01056-1409 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$13,955
NAGLACK, Jody P, 92 Mason St, Palmer, 01069-2216 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$23,439 TURLEY PUBLICATIONS INC, 24 Water St, Palmer, 01069-1885 D:01/13/20 Tax:1120, 941 Amt:$14,367
AYALA, Jonathan, 304 Union St, Springfield, 011051303 D:01/09/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,738 DAVIS, Larry B & Charon Davis, 406 Belmont Ave, Springfield, 01108-1766 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$7,907 MAYERS, Simeon S & Anastasia T Mayers, 30 Clayton St, Springfield, 01107-1002 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,768 SENEZ, Aaron J, 46 Bronson Ter, Springfield, 011082625 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,229 SUERO, Fernando A & Guadalupe Lirian, 30 Gold St, Springfield, 01107-1325 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,623
BURKE, John M & Heather A Perkins, 19 Camelot Ln, Westfield, 01085-5405 D:01/09/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$32,406 BURKE, John M, 19 Camelot Ln, Westfield, 010855405 D:01/09/20 Tax:6672 Amt:$228,259 FIORE, Jason, 34 Cross St, Westfield, 01085-3808 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,070 LEGER, Jeffrey C, 121 Colony Dr, Westfield, 010854829 D:01/09/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$48,313
WALSH, John F, 73 Barrett St U:3079, Northampton, 01060-1734 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$34,951
ALL PARTS RACING LLC, 55 East St, Ware, 010821583 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$210,363
CASINO, Keith J, 16 Shelburne Ave, Billerica, 018215001 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,912 RICHARD W REID ELECTRICAL, 67 Dunham Rd, Billerica, 01821-5733 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$115,375
GAUDETTE, Brian J, 255 North Rd U:199, Chelmsford, 01824-1410 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$70,810 HO, Quay V & Trang T Tran-Thu, 36 Turnpike Rd, Chelmsford, 01824-3526 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,774 RIGNEY, Michael L & D M Connolly, 19 Billerica Rd, Chelmsford, 01824-3010 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$81,711
DOUCETTE Jr, Lawrence J, PO Box 8901, Lowell, 01853 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,402 MWANGI, Kagai & Wanjiku Kagai, 25 Emmett Way, Lowell, 01851-5210 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$62,897
LOWELL TRANSPORATION INC, 1501 Main St U:22, Tewksbury, 01876-2043 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$3,042
MANCIA, Manuel A, PO Box 2017, Nantucket, 02554 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$8,229 NARVAEZ, Miguel A, 82 Union St, Nantucket, 025543860 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,775
VANNELLI, Paul R & Diana A Vannelli, 160 Saint Claire St, Braintree, 02184-8242 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$8,620 VANNELLI, Paul R, 160 Saint Claire St, Braintree, 02184-8242 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$106,671
EMPIRE MOTORS SERVICE INC, 1033 Turnpike St, Canton, 02021-2838 D:01/14/20 Tax:941 Amt:$15,411 SARRA, Helen, 316 Sherman St, Canton, 02021-2570 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,889 STCLAIR, G & G StClair, 814 Washington St, Canton, 02021-2545 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,536
HULVERSON, Martha, 7 Cedarledge Vlg U:7, Cohasset, 02025-1221 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,791
CABRERA, Regel P & Alison E Cabrera, 72 Chickering Rd, Dedham, 02026-6702 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,174
FERTITTA, Thomas J, 60 Green St, Foxboro, 020352867 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,640
LOMBARDI, Paul J, 4 Forest St, Franklin, 02038-2502 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,741
LARDIERE, Brianne E, 107 Holliston St, Medway, 02053-1904 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,851
ODYSSEY OPERA OF BOSTON, 376 Washington St, Malden, 02148-1343 D:01/08/20 Tax:941, 990 Amt:$14,013
FINE, Albert D, 611 Watertown St, Newton, 024601351 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,058
MENDES, Sullyvan C, 62 Highland Ave, Somerville, 02143-1805 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$173,189
ELSDEN Jr, Brian, 32 Tanglewood Dr, Scituate, 02066-3215 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,021 KILLEEN, Carolyn A, 53 Glades Rd, Scituate, 020661647 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$34,083
KEYES, Dana & Theresa Ferreira-Keyes, PO Box 745, Wareham, 02571 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$50,837
West Bridgewater
ALMEIDA, Traci A, 266 Matfield St, West Bridgewater, 02379-1314 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$44,769
GAL, Afik, 24 Gary Rd, Needham, 02494-2417 D:01/14/20 Tax:CIVP Amt:$87,306 HAMBURGER, Stephen & Lisa E Bennett, 76 Grosvenor Rd, Needham, 02492-4445 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$413 HAMBURGER, Stephen, 76 Grosvenor Rd, Needham, 02492-4445 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,928
DEOLIVEIRA, Ilton S, 10 Saint George Ave, Norwood, 02062-4420 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,867
BARRY, Daniel J, 26 Fensmere Ave, Quincy, 021693113 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$40,550 CORDEIRO, Mario, 7 Seaport Dr, Quincy, 02171-1598 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$41,405 RAMSAY, Lori Anne C, 22 Mechanic St, Quincy, 02169-5407 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,474 SMITH, Brian D, 199 Sea St, Quincy, 02169-2572 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$19,035
DREWS CORP, 51 Emily Jeffers Rd, Randolph, 023682850 D:01/14/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$27,053
SANTOS, Anabela, 73 Pearl St, Stoughton, 020722335 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,123
BRADY, William W & Joan Brady, 5 Coach Rd, Walpole, 02081-2102 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$31,552
HOANG, Christopher M & Yen T Tran, 246 Union St, Weymouth, 02190-2827 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,287
MOREY, Kenneth P, 2065 West St, Wrentham, 020931808 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$1,911 MOREY, Kenneth P & Fumiko Y Morey, 2065 West St, Wrentham, 02093-1808 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,202
ARMAND&CO PC, 365 Westgate Dr, Brockton, 023011818 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$22,220 MATHER Jr, Michael C, 120 Commercial St U:765, Brockton, 02302-3136 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,401 MCINTOSH, Cameron & Sharilynn Mcintosh, 45 Goddard Rd U:304, Brockton, 02301-3817 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$7,174 MCKEAN, David, 95 Cairn Rd, Brockton, 02302-2504 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$44,428
DIMENSIONS DESIGNS, 73 Main St U:B, Carver, 02330-1373 D:01/13/20 Tax:CIVP Amt:$18,703 BAGNALL, Kerry, 38 Standish St, Duxbury, 023325026 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,065 MOFFETT, Gearald R & Kelley M Moffett, 1296 Tremont St, Duxbury, 02332-3744 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,206 BEZANSON, John K, 39 Buttonwood Rd, Halifax, 02338-1110 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$8,756
KIRK, Peter A & Mary K Kirk, 9 Western Ave, Hull, 02045-1101 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$19,336
DANGELO, Michael, 3 Larson Rd, Kingston, 023641738 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,384 DANGELO, Michael & Tara I Dangelo, 3 Larson Rd, Kingston, 02364-1738 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,699
799 HANCOCK STREET RT, 419 Church St, Marshfield, 02050-1772 D:01/13/20 Tax:1041 Amt:$48,896 LAWLOR, Kevin & Heidi Lawlor, 46 Winthrop Dr, Marshfield, 02050-4704 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,088 LAWLOR, Kevin, 46 Winthrop Dr, Marshfield, 020504704 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$53,781
CANNING, John, 2 Arden St U:1, Allston, 02134-1502 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,557
CAFETERIA BOSTON LLC, 279-A Newbury St, Boston, 02116-2402 D:01/14/20 Tax:941 Amt:$20,128 DONLEY, Chase, 542 Massachusetts Ave U:4, Boston, 02118-1402 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$28,451 KENNEDY, John, 280 North St, Boston, 02113-2108 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,810 SARKISSIAN, Shant, 333 Washington St U:205, Boston, 02108-5106 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$1,953
ASANTE, George, 95 Malden St, Worcester, 016061039 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,202 JACQUEL, Yael, 4 Vaughan Ave, Worcester, 016031133 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,717 MACHARIA, Edwin G, 3 Albemarle St, Worcester, 01605-1018 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,164 PATTON, Wanda, 270 Sunderland Rd U:75, Worcester, 01604-2505 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$658 WATSON, Victor, 71 Pleasant St, Worcester, 016093203 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,252
NOLAN, Donna A & Abbys Cleaning Svc, PO Box 193, Ashburnham, 01430 D:01/13/20 Tax:940, 941 Amt:$3,980
PEDRANTI, Jason W, 617 Rindge Rd, Fitchburg, 01420-1309 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$19,083
BERGERON, Kenneth & K Stesney, 102 Country Ln, Leominster, 01453-2004 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,751
State Tax Liens Filed: Registry of Deeds
BLAKE, Jeannette L, 42 Edson St U:2, Dorchester, 02124-4304 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,728 OLIVEIRA, Dennis, 96 Clarkson St, Dorchester, 021252530 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$2,989 RUSSO, Nancey T & Mcsorley Russo, 42 Milwood St, Dorchester, 02124-5237 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,425
Liens are placed by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue on the property of the taxpayer deemed to be in default on taxes. If the lien is not fully satisfied, the property may be sold at public auction. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and the filing date (D) is listed followed by the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) which includes penalties and interest as of the filing date. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed.
ALZATE, Sandra N, 300 Chelsea St U:2, East Boston, 02128-1745 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,267 SHUL, Juan C, 133 Falcon St U:1, East Boston, 02128-1375 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,216
GRANT, Gregory & Inna Grant, 22 Chestnut St U:102, Charlestown, 02129-3420 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,710
East Boston
Hyde Park
MCGLAME, Peter, 100 Needham Rd U:2, Hyde Park, 02136-3318 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,067 POLANCO, Gregory S, 1106 River St U:2, Hyde Park, 02136-2915 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,601 RODDICK, Christopher, 105 Child St, Hyde Park, 02136-1756 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,338 ROSARIO, Carlos, 21-A Business Ter, Hyde Park, 02136-2159 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,126 SINCLAIR, Rodcliffe B, 1000 River St U:3, Hyde Park, 02136-3132 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,731
Jamaica Plain
BAREFORD, Christopher & Kkira Bareford, 4 Belmore Ter U:3, Jamaica Plain, 02130-4900 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,074 ELIAS, Nebiyu, 365 S Huntington Ave, Jamaica Plain, 02130-4887 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,877
LINNELL, J Matthew, 101 Mill Hill Rd, Chatham, 02659-1324 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,517 ARAL RESTAURANT GROUP & Friendlys 1203, 5 Davis Rd, Falmouth, 02540-2812 D:01/14/20 Amt:$13,958
ANGIOLILLO, Edward, 133 Uncle Venies Rd, Harwich, 02645-3413 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,626 ANGIOLILLO, Jane, 133 Uncle Venies Rd, Harwich, 02645-3413 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,626 MANNING, Joyce L, 16 Pine Dr, Harwich, 02645-2427 D:01/14/20 Amt:$22,170
DUARTE, Gisele M, 114 Lincoln Rd, Hyannis, 026012408 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,847
HARRIS-AUSTIN, Wanda, 151 River St, Mattapan, 02126-2919 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,809
GREGGS AUTO BODY INC & Greggs Auto Body, 55 Finlay Rd, Orleans, 02653-3320 D:01/14/20 Amt:$6,048
TORRES, Ericsson, PO Box 213, Revere, 02151 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$2,617
R2R VENTURES INC & Mojos, 191 Route 6, Provincetown, 02657-1250 D:01/14/20 Amt:$13,274
BLY Jr, Hut, 15 Mosgrove Ave, Roslindale, 021311113 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,107 BRANHAM, Christina M, 372 Cornell St U:2, Roslindale, 02131-2821 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,687 VASILIADIS, Petros & Nikki Vasiliadis, 5 Walter St, Roslindale, 02131-1531 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,592
MATTRESS, Raymond F & Kellie A Mattress, 1 Maybelle Ave, Auburn, 01501-2810 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,241
REGIENUS, Mark A, 300 Spring Hill Rd, Barre, 01005 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$62,522 TOLMAN, Mathew, 76 Union St, Barre, 01005-8716 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,496
WILLIAMS, Richard A & Donna Williams Jr, 19 Handy Rd, Blackstone, 01504-1347 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$145,735
RICHARD J MCGRATH INC, 51 Ramshorn Rd, Dudley, 01571-6249 D:01/13/20 Tax:941 Amt:$6,718
FLETCHER, William J, PO Box 423, Hardwick, 01037 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$41,633
BOSS, Eric A & Jessica M Boss, 77 Winthrop Ln, Holden, 01520-2540 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,911
DYMEK, Mark S, 57 Pitcherville Rd, Hubbardston, 01452-1631 D:01/13/20 Tax:6672 Amt:$11,863
AMOLINS, Anna S, 77 Purchase St, Milford, 017571654 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,083 METAL BUILDING SERVICES, 27 Water St, Milford, 01757-4118 D:01/13/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$5,568 OJEDA, S Loja & Mayancela Minchala, 45 Grove St, Milford, 01757-3367 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$19,048 TAMAGNI, Anthony & Lisa J Tamagni, 61-1/2 Hayward St, Milford, 01757-3551 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,447
North Brookfield
JOHNSON, Scott, 100 Old East Brookfield Rd, North Brookfield, 01535 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,480 JOHNSON, Scott & K Cantwell Johnson, 100 Old East Brookfield Rd, North Brookfield, 01535 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,232
LENT, Stevan, 15 Gospel Path, Truro, 02666 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,893
BLAKE, Christine, 377 N Dennis Rd, Yarmouth, 02675-2139 D:01/14/20 Amt:$45,096 BLAKE, Mark, 377 N Dennis Rd, Yarmouth, 026752139 D:01/14/20 Amt:$45,096
WINTERS, John & J Joghua Winters, 189 Hayes Hill Rd, Otis, 01253 D:01/14/20 Amt:$7,539
Fall River
BAILEY, Paula, 224 Mount Hope Ave, Fall River, 02724-1629 D:01/14/20 Amt:$14,726 RAMSBOTTOM PRINTING INC, 135 Waldron Rd, Fall River, 02720-4723 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,430 SEIDL, Linda, 931 Bedford St, Fall River, 02723-1232 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,399 TERCEIRA, Kimberly, 101 Downing St, Fall River, 02723-2405 D:01/14/20 Amt:$13,073
KRADIN, Robert, 155 Oakdale St, Attleboro, 027038513 D:01/14/20 Amt:$14,634
CORNELIUS, Kevin, 41 Dean St, Easton, 02375-1433 D:01/14/20 Amt:$4,775
DTECH CONSTRUCTION SVCS & Design Tech Const, 7 Massasoit Ave, Norton, 02766-2527 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,964
CASTILLO, Maria, 28 Garfield St, Taunton, 027801438 D:01/14/20 Amt:$13,884
New Bedford
NORMAND COUTURE, 37 Reynolds St, New Bedford, 02740-7011 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,676
BOJ DRYWALL INC, 323 Howard St, Lawrence, 01841-2936 D:01/14/20 Amt:$35,536 JAME RENTAL INC, 637 Andover St, Lawrence, 01843-1015 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,925 RIVERA, Eulises N, 52 Manchester St, Lawrence, 01841-3020 D:01/14/20 Amt:$31,347
DOG TRAINING INC & Naked Dog Inc, 202 Tyler St, Methuen, 01844-1314 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,010 GODINEZ, Ruth, 202 Tyler St, Methuen, 01844-1314 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,010
GALLAGHER, Paul T & Kathleen K Gallagher, PO Box 297, Norwell, 02061 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$123,173
AUDET HOMES INC, 50 Heritage Rd, Uxbridge, 015691256 D:01/13/20 Tax:1120, 940 Amt:$13,062
ANDERSON, Joseph, 8 Fernview Ave, North Andover, 01845-4419 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,751
MELVIN, Jonathan J, 114 Spruce St, Middleboro, 02346-3418 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,710
TRIPP, Luke V, 5 Rose Hill Way, Waltham, 024538214 D:01/08/20 Tax:6672 Amt:$53,114
HIDALGO, Gabriela, 6 Elm St, Beverly, 01915-4909 D:01/14/20 Amt:$7,200 MCALEER, Patrick, 6 Warren St, Beverly, 01915-3630 D:01/14/20 Amt:$20,296
PITZI, Charm, 218 Georgetown Rd, Boxford, 019211612 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,069 PITZI, Craig, 218 Georgetown Rd, Boxford, 019211612 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,069
MCLEOD-ABELL, Shilo, 14 Proctor St, Gloucester, 01930-3523 D:01/14/20 Amt:$297,007 MPS ENT, 23 E Main St, Gloucester, 01930-3014 D:01/14/20 Amt:$33,567
LAMBERT, Andrea, 186 King St, Groveland, 018342015 D:01/14/20 Amt:$28,297 LAMBERT, Nancy, 186 King St, Groveland, 018342015 D:01/14/20 Amt:$16,090
DARALI, Ikhlas, 19 Mary Ellen Dr, Lynn, 01904-1439 D:01/14/20 Amt:$59,905 GARCIA, Roberto, 78 Euclid Ave, Lynn, 01904-2320 D:01/14/20 Amt:$30,440 JONES, Jeffery, 65 Baker St, Lynn, 01902-4301 D:01/14/20 Amt:$26,019 LEGERE, Sharon, 29-31 Parkland Ave, Lynn, 019042227 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,513
MILLER, Gary, 5 Elliot Rd, Lynnfield, 01940-2001 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,558 MONTALTO, Joseph, 4 Lowell St, Lynnfield, 019401013 D:01/14/20 Amt:$6,595
MIRES, Marcel M, 4 C St, Merrimac, 01860-2107 D:01/14/20 Amt:$13,483
MORRISON, Alfred, 336 N Main St, Middleton, 019491607 D:01/14/20 Amt:$27,056
KONSTANTINE RESTAURANT, 672 Lowell St, Peabody, 01960-3632 D:01/14/20 Amt:$188,815 PANOUSOS, Konstantinos, 10 Blackstone St, Peabody, 01960-1002 D:01/14/20 Amt:$100,436
F&F PLUMBING&HEATING INC, 353 Main St, Saugus, 01906-3150 D:01/14/20 Amt:$9,678 REIS, Edivald, 9 Blacksmith Way, Saugus, 019064439 D:01/14/20 Amt:$318,028 UNITED SERVICE GROUP INC, 9 Blacksmith Way, Saugus, 01906-4439 D:01/14/20 Amt:$318,028
ESPOSITO, Christopher R, 32 Gail St, Topsfield, 01983-1729 D:01/14/20 Amt:$16,077
WHITMORE, Jason, 35 Daniel Shays Hwy, Orange, 01364-2027 D:01/14/20 Amt:$7,834
MONDREDA, Michael J & C L Larson, 7 Millers Way U:C, Sutton, 01590-2967 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,468
TRETIAK-CARMICHAE, Helen, 454 Hudson Rd, Sudbury, 01776-1928 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,304
BRIANAS, William F, 7 Wabash Rd, Wilmington, 01887-2878 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$20,614 SAINATO, David S & Shelley A Sainato, 36 Crescent St, Wilmington, 01887-1957 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,467
DECASTRO, Donald C & Debra M Decastro, 150 Hemlock Dr, Holliston, 01746-1506 D:01/08/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$7,087
DUTCHER, Erik B & Colleen E Dutcher, 237 Crescent St, Rockland, 02370-1925 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,452
DICKEY, James, 134 Reedsdale Rd, Milton, 021863919 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$45,879 RENRICK, Dejahn M & Xaviera L Renrick, 166 Alfred Rd, Milton, 02186-2404 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,918 RICHARDS, Michael P & Maura Richards, 14 Maxwell Rd, Milton, 02186-3906 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$92,980
WARDWELL, Donald J, 325 Wrentham Rd, Bellingham, 02019-2651 D:01/14/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$43,459
BURACHENKO-FRANCE, D S & Olga I Burachenko, 68 Powers Rd, Westford, 01886-4117 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,741 SILVIA, Michael & Susan Silvia, 12 Barn Ln, Westford, 01886-2071 D:01/13/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$183,382
North Andover
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
DEJOINVILLE, Edward, 120 Albert St, Agawam, 01001-2604 D:01/14/20 Amt:$2,751 IVANCHENKO, Eugene, 15 Silver Lake Dr, Agawam, 01001-2349 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,064 ZANOTTI, Lee, 140 Franklin St, Agawam, 01030-2310 D:01/14/20 Amt:$7,506
ARNOLD, Bruce, 128 Cambridge St, Springfield, 01109-3006 D:01/14/20 Amt:$4,491 GONZALEZ, Hector, 431 Riverside Rd, Springfield, 01107-1058 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,633 HARDY, Charlotte, 175 Bristol St, Springfield, 011092837 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,678 KUS LLC & Village Pizza, 7 Audubon St, Springfield, 01108-3201 D:01/14/20 Amt:$4,737
WHITMAN, Norman, 198 Union Rd, Wales, 010819793 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,804
LAXIOS LTD & Opa Opa Steakhouse&Brew, 169 College Hwy, Southampton, 01073-9320 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,738
XU, Chiao F, 2 Pine Island Lk, Westhampton, 010279500 D:01/14/20 Amt:$79,940
HENDERSON, Austin, 9 Fayerweather St U:3, Billerica, 01862-2405 D:01/14/20 Amt:$21,271 MAHONEY, Gregory, 1 Fahey Way, Billerica, 018213402 D:01/14/20 Amt:$9,510 MAHONEY, Theresa, 1 Fahey Way, Billerica, 018213402 D:01/14/20 Amt:$9,510
MARGET, Steven, 70 Bridge St, Chelmsford, 018242604 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,526
FABIAN, Henry, 187 Central St, Lowell, 01852-1923 D:01/14/20 Amt:$18,589 KARIBIAN, Marc, 6 Livingston Ave, Lowell, 018511602 D:01/14/20 Amt:$1,745
TEIXEIRA, Joao, 15 Donna Dr, Tewksbury, 018763717 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,075
DONAHUE, Kevin, 12 Texas Rd, Westford, 018864304 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,391
DICICCO, Mark A & Enterprises LLC, 31 Main St, Ayer, 01432-1342 D:01/14/20 Amt:$173,143
MARSHALL GREENHOUSE INC, 171 Harrington Ave, Concord, 01742-4008 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,911
POND GENERAL CONST INC, 186 Beacon St, Framingham, 01701-4962 D:01/14/20 Amt:$196,996
CAMPOS, Silvio, 67 Felton St, Hudson, 01749-1630 D:01/14/20 Amt:$7,492
KNOWLER, Erica, 21 Lincoln Dr, Littleton, 014601807 D:01/14/20 Amt:$19,708
MAYNE, Robert, 685 Broadway, Malden, 02148-2041 D:01/14/20 Amt:$13,665 NEW VISION CONSTRUCTION, 16 James St, Malden, 02148-7413 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,230 TWTW PLEASANT INC, 157 Pleasant St, Malden, 02148-4801 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,841
CARVALHO, Flavia D, 206 Bolton St, Marlborough, 01752-3907 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,781 PITTOL, Leandro, 910 Boston Post Rd, Marlborough, 01776-3214 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,781
WINKLER, Ulla, 14 Brookings St, Medford, 021554403 D:01/14/20 Amt:$16,133 ZHAO, Jincheng, 20 Central Ave, Medford, 021554024 D:01/14/20 Amt:$15,523
DACOSTA, Marcelo, 1123 Revere Beach Pkwy U:42, Revere, 02151-3845 D:01/14/20 Amt:$16,100
REIS, Edivaldo, 386 Squire Rd, Revere, 02151-4318 D:01/14/20 Amt:$318,028
PETERSON, Cornelius, 352 Watertown St, Newton, 02458-1335 D:01/14/20 Amt:$28,382
SALGADO, Bladymir, 273 Fenno St, Revere, 021513850 D:01/14/20 Amt:$9,196
CURTIS, Gregory, 260 Haven St, Reading, 018673216 D:01/14/20 Amt:$17,715
SHREE BHAGVATI INC, 23 Front St, Shirley, 014642851 D:01/14/20 Amt:$54,834
BOSTONIAN FLORIST INC, 92 Highland Ave, Somerville, 02143-1725 D:01/14/20 Amt:$2,637 G&A FOODS INC, 1 Main St, Somerville, 02145-1449 D:01/14/20 Amt:$14,113 KHEDR, Ahmed, 383 Broadway, Somerville, 021451509 D:01/14/20 Amt:$10,294 TU Y YO V LLC, 858 Broadway, Somerville, 021441905 D:01/14/20 Amt:$18,661
TAURO, Ada, 111 Cushman Ave, Revere, 02151-2950 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,844 UNITED SERVICE GROUP INC, 386 Squire Rd, Revere, 02151-4318 D:01/14/20 Amt:$318,028
Roslindale JACOBS, Jon, 446 Belgrade Ave U:PH6, Roslindale, 02132-1549 D:01/14/20 Amt:$10,972 YURRITA, Javier, 16 Gardenside St U:2, Roslindale, 02131-3711 D:01/14/20 Amt:$50,368
Roxbury BAYIB CAFE INC & Anshur Restaurant, 722 Shawmut Ave, Roxbury, 02119-2030 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,738
South Boston
GRILLO, Victor, 5 Sparhawk Cir, Stoneham, 021801959 D:01/14/20 Amt:$56,987
BEGUM BRANDS CORP, 60 Old Colony Ave, South Boston, 02127-2406 D:01/14/20 Amt:$65,644
PATEL, Jigar, 24 Cudworth Ln, Sudbury, 01776-1386 D:01/14/20 Amt:$45,599
VITONE, David, 73 Summit St, Waltham, 02451-2968 D:01/14/20 Amt:$9,049 WONG, Chi Y, 203 Totten Pond Rd, Waltham, 024517557 D:01/14/20 Amt:$6,663
NAGUIB, Ahmed, 155 Worcester St, Watertown, 02472-1865 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,133
LADDCO HOSPITALITY LLC, 20 Kilby St, Woburn, 01801-2958 D:01/14/20 Amt:$35,183
West Roxbury CRIMIN, Kimberly, 446 Belgrade Ave U:PH6, West Roxbury, 02132-1549 D:01/14/20 Amt:$10,972
Gardner ROOFBLOK LIMITED, 60 Industrial Rowe, Gardner, 01440-2832 D:01/14/20 Amt:$31,232 BARCELOS, Lucas, 29 Church St U:29, Grafton, 01519-1517 D:01/14/20 Amt:$49,444
Millbury LEITE, Lawrene, 1544 Grafton Rd, Millbury, 015274399 D:01/14/20 Amt:$11,377
LINER TIRE INC, 128 Boylston St, Brookline, 024457652 D:01/14/20 Amt:$21,291
ALFREDO BASTIANELLI T, 71 Adams St, Milton, 02186-3413 D:01/14/20 Amt:$6,305 RICHARD, Harry, 17 Mckinnon Ave, Milton, 021864828 D:01/14/20 Amt:$91,637
RANCHO CHICO FAMILY, 52 Washington St, Plainville, 02762-2636 D:01/14/20 Amt:$41,595 SANTILLAN, Jose, 52 Washington St, Plainville, 02762-2636 D:01/14/20 Amt:$46,789
REARDON, Theresa, 68 Bay State Rd, Quincy, 021711512 D:01/14/20 Amt:$2,987
NMB SHIVAI LTD & Subway, 93 Mazzeo Dr, Randolph, 02368-3401 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,744
FONTES, Amancio, 55 Kevin Clancy Way, Stoughton, 02072-3888 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,706
WORLD TRUCK CORP, 1434 Main St, Walpole, 020811708 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,294
ECCO TRATTORIA INC, 1167 Main St, Weymouth, 02190-1514 D:01/14/20 Amt:$7,486
ROCHA, Nidia P & Nidia Store, 1035 Bedford St U:103, Abington, 02351-1206 D:01/14/20 Amt:$9,472
SMITH, David, 65 Reservoir St, Northborough, 015321214 D:01/14/20 Amt:$48,528 ALVARADO, Jose, 43 Goddard St, Southbridge, 01550-2453 D:01/14/20 Amt:$4,877
Templeton MOSCHETTI, Christine, 58 Rice Rd, Templeton, 01468-1330 D:01/14/20 Amt:$45,603 MOSCHETTI, Kirk, 58 Rice Rd, Templeton, 014681330 D:01/14/20 Amt:$45,603
Uxbridge NOAMESCO LLC, 5 Hamilton Ct, Uxbridge, 015693130 D:01/14/20 Amt:$7,754
Worcester DIAZ, Abraham, 229 Fairmont Ave, Worcester, 016044710 D:01/14/20 Amt:$6,145 MAKAO RESTAURANT INC, 181 Millbury St, Worcester, 01610-2801 D:01/14/20 Amt:$7,981 OWUSU-AGYEMAN, Kwabena, 560 Lincoln St, Worcester, 01605-1934 D:01/14/20 Amt:$4,300 SHLIAPA, Kylee, 260 Burncoat St, Worcester, 016062145 D:01/14/20 Amt:$13,654 SPRINO, Barbara, 4 Clarendon St, Worcester, 016043006 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,331 SPRINO, David, 4 Clarendon St, Worcester, 016043006 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,331
GONCALVES, Paulo, 349 N Pearl St U:610, Brockton, 02301-1103 D:01/14/20 Amt:$6,760 TSARHOPOULOS, Patricia, 34 Rockland Cir, Brockton, 02301-2961 D:01/14/20 Amt:$2,344
PACHECO, Laurie, 18 Walden Ct, Leominster, 014535039 D:01/14/20 Amt:$12,658
VAUGHAN, Paul, 214 Tremont St, Carver, 02330-1700 D:01/14/20 Amt:$25,914
FIN FUR&FEATHER INC & Fin Fur&Feather, 409 Columbia Rd, Hanover, 02339-2393 D:01/14/20 Amt:$45,270
RAPOZA, Moses, 44 County St, Lakeville, 02347-1813 D:01/14/20 Amt:$33,573
CAMPBELL, Michael, 50 Old Meeting House Ln, Norwell, 02061-1436 D:01/14/20 Amt:$17,804
BARNES, Robert, 104 Elmer St, Pembroke, 023593540 D:01/14/20 Amt:$1,140 OAS INC & Olympic Auto SPA, 104 Elmer St, Pembroke, 02359-3540 D:01/14/20 Amt:$1,140
ESCHE, Kurt & Millwork Seacoast, 7 Livingston Dr, Plymouth, 02360-2303 D:01/14/20 Amt:$27,864 FISK, Howard, 40 Court St U:2, Plymouth, 023603825 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,040
GE CONSTRUCTION INC, 65 Park St, Rockland, 02370-1801 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,140
ALLEN, Thomas, 3042 Cranberry Hwy, Wareham, 02538-4804 D:01/14/20 Amt:$8,707
MANTER, Jeffrey, 228 Newbury St U:21, Boston, 02116-2504 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,210
L DAVINCI CHILD CENTER, 200 Arlington St, Chelsea, 02150-2312 D:01/14/20 Amt:$6,649 LITHGOW, Ruben & Lithgow Auto Body, 35 Carmel St U:1, Chelsea, 02150-1908 D:01/14/20 Amt:$12,204
East Boston
SANTIAGO, Efrain, 168 Faywood Ave U:350, East Boston, 02128-1078 D:01/14/20 Amt:$16,640
Hyde Park
ROSALIES LANDSCAPINGCONST, 335 Huntington Ave, Hyde Park, 02136-3851 D:01/14/20 Amt:$10,822
Jamaica Plain
PICKER, Pablo, 15 Paul George St U:2, Jamaica Plain, 02130 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,297
TOUTWELL RESTAURANT INC & Edu&Dens Bakery, 643 River St, Mattapan, 02126-3037 D:01/14/20 Amt:$21,148
Bourne 15 Bridge St Owner:Cynthia A Coppi L:American Mortgage Fund Case#:20SM000199 Filing Date:01/14/20
Brewster 224 Pine Bluff Rd Owner:Catherine C Ricks L:Newrez LLC Case#:20SM000147 Filing Date:01/09/20
Hyannis 88 Greenwood Ave Owner:Charles A Whitcomb Jr L:Bank Of America NA Case#:20SM000198 Filing Date:01/14/20
Sandwich 8 Linden Rd Owner:James Thornhill 4th L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000121 Filing Date:01/09/20
Yarmouth 19 Holiday Ln Owner:Elizabeth A Macadam L:Pennymac Loan Services Case#:20SM000194 Filing Date:01/14/20
Pittsfield 52 Danforth Ave Owner:Sherry Burgess-Ferrom L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000110 Filing Date:01/09/20 185 Lenox Ave Owner:William T Afferback L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000163 Filing Date:01/13/20
North Adams 53 Montgomery St Owner:Edward J Wentz 3rd L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000189 Filing Date:01/13/20
Somerset 40 Charlrod Ave Owner:Eric R Fisher L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000186 Filing Date:01/13/20 54 Oneil Rd Owner:Suzette M Covel L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000123 Filing Date:01/09/20
Attachments Filed: Registry of Deeds.
Attachments are liens on real property of defendant(s) to satisfy any potential judgement for damages and costs that may be awarded to the plaintiff(s). Prior notice to the defendant is required except in unusual circumstances when the court may allow an ex parte attachment without prior notice. The filing of an attachment does not mean that the plaintiff will win the lawsuit and by the time it appears here, it may have been released. We report only that an attachment was recorded; the registry of deeds must be checked for discharges or releases. The name and address of the defendant is followed by the Plaintiff making the claim. The filing date (D) at the registry of deeds and the potential award (Amt) is shown. If an address does not appear here, it was not available on the document we review.
58 Hickory Rd Owner:Tijana Flowers-Harris L:Roundpoint Mortgage Svc Case#:20SM000216 Filing Date:01/15/20 21 Townhouse Rd Owner:Vito A Forlano L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000208 Filing Date:01/14/20
Gloucester GUWOR, Samuel, Gloucester St, Gloucester Plaintiff: Joseph Michael D:01/09/20 Amt:$50,000
Belmont MUKARKER, Fuad N & Zaneta Nachyla, 20 Park Rd U:20, Belmont Plaintiff: East Cambridge SB D:01/13/20 Amt:$31,131
Framingham NEWTON CORVER ORIENITE, 9 Berkeley Rd, Framingham Plaintiff: Santander Bank NA D:01/10/20 Amt:$67,000
106 Kenoza Ave U:1 Owner:Melissa L Morrell L:TD Bank NA Case#:20SM000133 Filing Date:01/10/20
11 Harwick Rd Owner:Phillip Machugh L:Bayview Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000118 Filing Date:01/09/20
101 Ashland St Owner:Patrick Halligan L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000113 Filing Date:01/09/20
55 Radcliffe Rd Owner:Keenam Park L:First Boston Construction Case#:20SM000125 Filing Date:01/09/20
Saugus 51 Hesper St Owner:Charles Williams L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000172 Filing Date:01/10/20
West Newbury 31 Turkey Hill Rd Owner:Ioannis Kakouris L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000148 Filing Date:01/13/20
Greenfield 67 Fort Sq Owner:Michael J Egan L:TD Bank NA Case#:20SM000132 Filing Date:01/10/20 63 Fort Sq Owner:Michael J Egan L:TD Bank NA Case#:20SM000132 Filing Date:01/10/20
Agawam 46 Elmar Dr Owner:Darlene M Florek L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000187 Filing Date:01/13/20
Chicopee 97 Leo Dr Owner:Brian A Bogart L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000182 Filing Date:01/10/20
East Longmeadow 126 Thompkins Ave Owner:Tara A Rivest L:PHH Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000150 Filing Date:01/09/20
Hampden 255 Allen St Owner:Jennifer Mcfarland L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000205 Filing Date:01/14/20
Holyoke 178 Brown Ave Owner:Victor Heredia L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000138 Filing Date:01/13/20 183 Pearl St Owner:Edward J June Jr L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000178 Filing Date:01/10/20
Springfield 4 Bairdcrest Rd Owner:Chrispina Chitemerere L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000153 Filing Date:01/09/20 37 Castle St Owner:Juan A Torres L:Citizens Bank NA Case#:20SM000161 Filing Date:01/10/20 700 Chestnut St Owner:Grace R Hatch L:TD Bank NA Case#:20SM000218 Filing Date:01/15/20 19 Dianna Dr Owner:Pablo Morales L:Homebridge Financial Svc Case#:20SM000204 Filing Date:01/14/20 48 Gladstone St Owner:Kirk Craigg L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000159 Filing Date:01/10/20 52 Pendleton Ave Owner:Wilmer A Parker L:HSBC Bank USA NA Tr Case#:20SM000166 Filing Date:01/10/20 1617 Plumtree Rd Owner:Robert L Peck L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000168 Filing Date:01/10/20 38 Wellington St Owner:Irene E Goodwin L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:20SM000160 Filing Date:01/10/20
West Springfield 71 Garden St Owner:Daniel Riopelle L:Carrington Mortgage Svcg Case#:20SM000149 Filing Date:01/09/20
Westfield 174 Root Rd Owner:Lyudmila I Shut L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000157 Filing Date:01/10/20
South Hadley 43 W Summit St Owner:Michael S Powers L:Pennymac Loan Services Case#:20SM000156 Filing Date:01/10/20
Ware 14 Barnes St Owner:Ryan D Carey L:Midfirst Bank Case#:20SM000193 Filing Date:01/14/20
Easton 82 Highland St Owner:Karen Y Mechanic L:Select Portfolio Svcg Case#:20SM000139 Filing Date:01/13/20
Norton 138 Lincoln St Owner:Gertrude Ruley L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000154 Filing Date:01/09/20
Taunton 14 Briggs Ct Owner:Antonio F Lima L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000140 Filing Date:01/13/20 55 Meeshawn Ave Owner:Tracy A Mcgonagle L:Bristol County SB Case#:20SM000136 Filing Date:01/13/20
New Bedford 145 Illinois St Owner:David J Levasseur L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000137 Filing Date:01/13/20 2120 Phillips Rd U:37 Owner:Karen S Ferreira L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000151 Filing Date:01/09/20
Chelmsford 8 Claude Rd Owner:Karin Meckeller-Mckinnon L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:20SM000213 Filing Date:01/15/20 16 Middlesex St U:4 Owner:Joseph J Shea L:MHFA Case#:20SM000143 Filing Date:01/13/20 255 North Rd U:216 Owner:Harold Maragianis L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000130 Filing Date:01/10/20
Lowell 257 Walker St U:C Owner:Fred Georgoulis L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000212 Filing Date:01/15/20
Tewksbury 114 Mystic Ave Owner:Kristina M Rogers L:Ally Bank Case#:20SM000155 Filing Date:01/09/20 448 Shawsheen St Owner:Lawrence Toth L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000179 Filing Date:01/13/20
334 Charlotte White Rd Owner:Franklin D Rego 3rd L:Citizens Bank NA Case#:20SM000211 Filing Date:01/15/20 15 Winterberry Ln Owner:Marianne T Mclennan L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000122 Filing Date:01/09/20
Oak Bluffs
WASHINGTON, Domonique, 16 Elwyn Rd U:2, Dorchester, 02124-1110 D:01/14/20 Amt:$5,725
The information here has been abstracted from initial filings at the Massachusetts Land Court where a lender has asked the court for authority to foreclose the mortgage it holds on the property mentioned. The Land Court has the responsibility of notifying interested parties of the foreclosure proceedings through the publication of legal notices in newspapers throughout the state. Only parties who are protected under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 may register objections to the proceedings. If no legitimate objections are filed with the court, the lender is granted permission to proceed with the foreclosure sale of the property. The property address appears on the first line. The current owner of the property is followed by the lender (L). The third line begins with the Massachusetts Land Court case number and is followed by the date that the foreclosure petition was filed with the court.
HADFIELD, Holly, 20 Judson St, Braintree, 021844503 D:01/14/20 Amt:$3,429
Petitions to Foreclose
JANUARY 27, 2020
79 Circuit Ave Owner:Kerry F Scott L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:20SM000203 Filing Date:01/14/20
Methuen 11 Brook St Owner:David Fredella L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000191 Filing Date:01/14/20 8 Hawkes Brook Ln Owner:Nelson Matos L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000220 Filing Date:01/15/20
Gloucester 3 Lake Rd Owner:Denise B Hamel-Cassidy L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000144 Filing Date:01/09/20
Ashby 427 Main St Owner:Matthew Gledhill L:PHH Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000146 Filing Date:01/09/20
Cambridge 8-12 Museum Way U:2407 Owner:Phillip T Howard L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000210 Filing Date:01/15/20
Framingham 15 Edith Rd Owner:Kathryn R Leblanc L:Citizens Bank NA Case#:20SM000207 Filing Date:01/14/20
Hudson 200 Manning St U:27C Owner:Donald J Paul L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000180 Filing Date:01/10/20
Malden 26 Floral Ave Owner:Justin C Boyd L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000167 Filing Date:01/13/20
Medford 9 Amaranth Ave Owner:Jorge R Gomes Tr L:Bayview Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000135 Filing Date:01/10/20 19 Chandler Rd Owner:Dennis M Raimo L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000164 Filing Date:01/13/20
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Woburn 2 Albert Dr U:6 Owner:Randy M Paolillo L:JPMC Specialty Mortgage Case#:20SM000174 Filing Date:01/10/20
Avon 718 W Main St Owner:Lorraine Otero L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000116 Filing Date:01/09/20
Dedham 447 Sprague St Owner:David Johnson L:Citimortgage Inc Case#:20SM000127 Filing Date:01/09/20
Franklin 701 Oak St Owner:Margaret Bourque L:Rushmore Loan Management Case#:20SM000196 Filing Date:01/14/20
Holbrook 22 Overlook Rd Owner:Marisa C Roth L:MHFA Case#:20SM000173 Filing Date:01/13/20 201 Weymouth St Owner:Marie F Privat L:MHFA Case#:20SM000170 Filing Date:01/13/20
Milton 89 Blue Hill Ave Owner:Yolene A Neptune L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000145 Filing Date:01/09/20 1176 Brook Rd Owner:Oratai Culhane L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000217 Filing Date:01/15/20 1717 Canton Ave Owner:Yvonne Joseph L:HSBC Bank USA NA Tr Case#:20SM000162 Filing Date:01/10/20
Norwood 172 Fulton St Owner:Colleen Reynolds L:MHFA Case#:20SM000142 Filing Date:01/13/20
Plainville 9 Huntington Ave Owner:Patrick T Day L:Flagstar Bank FSB Case#:20SM000169 Filing Date:01/10/20 1-3 Sharlene Ln Owner:Samantha Rose L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000171 Filing Date:01/10/20
Quincy 45 Harrington Ave Owner:David W Manter L:Newrez LLC Case#:20SM000158 Filing Date:01/10/20 121 Phipps St Owner:Chau Mai L:Pennymac Loan Services Case#:20SM000115 Filing Date:01/09/20
Weymouth 9 Field Ave Owner:Jaime Lebreton L:Bayview Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000117 Filing Date:01/09/20 99 Fountain Ln U:2 Owner:James Donahue L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000202 Filing Date:01/14/20 20 John Quincy Ln Owner:Andrew S Rice L:Roundpoint Mortgage Svc Case#:20SM000129 Filing Date:01/10/20 19 Maple St Owner:Colleen A Coyne L:PNC Bank NA Case#:20SM000214 Filing Date:01/15/20
Bridgewater 21 Beninati Farm Rd Owner:Paul J Spacek L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000175 Filing Date:01/10/20 36 Flagstone Pl U:36 Owner:James D Lucia Jr L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000183 Filing Date:01/10/20
Brockton 43 Claremount Ave Owner:Gregory Turco L:American Investments LLC Case#:20SM000201 Filing Date:01/14/20 101 Copeland St Owner:Steevan V Fernandes L:Pennymac Loan Services Case#:20SM000190 Filing Date:01/14/20 43 Melrose Ave Owner:Martina S Gonsalves L:Harborone Bank Case#:20SM000112 Filing Date:01/08/20 116 Oak Ln U:5 Owner:Julia F Tripp L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:20SM000184 Filing Date:01/10/20 9 Stephen Dr Owner:Lewis W Daniels L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000181 Filing Date:01/10/20 85 Torrey Ave Owner:Shalise Hammond L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000200 Filing Date:01/14/20
Carver 69 Plymouth St Owner:Joseph Mcdonough L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000188 Filing Date:01/13/20
Duxbury 90 Stagecoach Rd Owner:Alison Gates-Zogheib L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000131 Filing Date:01/10/20
Kingston 19 West St Owner:John P Johnson Jr L:MHFA Case#:20SM000152 Filing Date:01/13/20
Plymouth 239 Lunns Way Owner:Heather V Guindon L:Loancare LLC Case#:20SM000215 Filing Date:01/15/20
Wareham 2218 Cranberry Hwy Owner:David M Leblanc L:MHFA Case#:20SM000109 Filing Date:01/08/20
West Bridgewater 604 N Elm St Owner:Robert Smith L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000128 Filing Date:01/10/20
Whitman 25 Kenwood Dr Owner:Matthew Ventosi L:Midfirst Bank Case#:20SM000120 Filing Date:01/09/20
Chelsea 28 Orange St Owner:Jerry Le L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000192 Filing Date:01/14/20
Dorchester 42 Edson St Owner:Jeanette L Blake L:Bay State Home Group LLC Case#:20SM000134 Filing Date:01/10/20
West Roxbury 4975 Washington St Owner:E Gyftopoulos-Sdrollas L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000185 Filing Date:01/13/20
10 Clark Rd Owner:John R Reed 3rd L:Bankunited NA Case#:20SM000222 Filing Date:01/15/20
01/28/20 09:00 AM 200 South St Owner:Kelly Oneill Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:11/09/16 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/10/20) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670
Grafton 43 Creeper Hill Rd Owner:Karen T Nephew L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000124 Filing Date:01/09/20
Hubbardston 11 Ed Clark Rd Owner:F Martin Streb L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000223 Filing Date:01/15/20
Milford 19 Ferguson St Owner:Kevin P Rocheleau L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000165 Filing Date:01/10/20
Oxford 6 Holly St Owner:Frances M Brunelle L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:20SM000195 Filing Date:01/14/20 11 Patton St Owner:Michael P Boulanger L:Carrington Mortgage Svcg Case#:20SM000221 Filing Date:01/15/20
Southbridge 22 Franklin Ter Owner:Daemon P Dills L:MHFA Case#:20SM000141 Filing Date:01/13/20
Spencer 42 Woodside Rd Owner:Christine A Cabana L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000114 Filing Date:01/09/20
Sturbridge 340 New Boston Rd Owner:Guy Black L:Cornerstone Bank Case#:20SM000111 Filing Date:01/08/20
Uxbridge 30 Glendale Ave Owner:Charles Corbett L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000209 Filing Date:01/14/20
West Brookfield 15 Birch St Owner:Richard M Roushia L:Midfirst Bank Case#:20SM000177 Filing Date:01/10/20
Winchendon 130 Elm St Owner:Robert P Zartman L:Money Source Inc Case#:20SM000197 Filing Date:01/14/20
Worcester 27 County St Owner:Antonio Rodrigues-Lucas L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000126 Filing Date:01/09/20 3 Eames Rd Owner:Claire R Bahn L:New Residential Mortgage Case#:20SM000176 Filing Date:01/10/20 30 Locust Ave Owner:David T Corey L:Midfirst Bank Case#:20SM000119 Filing Date:01/09/20 193 Svenson Ave Owner:Richard Astor L:New Residential Mortgage Case#:20SM000206 Filing Date:01/14/20
Ashburnham 4 Seneca Dr Owner:James G Pineau L:PHH Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000219 Filing Date:01/15/20
Foreclosure Sales These notices of the public sale of mortgaged property are compiled from legal notices published in newspapers throughout the state. The proceeds from the sale usually are used to satisfy the mortgage in default. The time and place of the sale must be published for three consecutive weeks in a local newspaper prior to the sale. The sale may be postponed; or the sale may not occur at all if the debt is satisfied before the sale. The property address, date and time of the sale appears on the first line followed by the current owner (O) of the property. The lender (L) and the cash deposit (Deposit) required at the time of sale are found on the third line. The book and page number (Bk/ Pg) of the mortgage document and the filing date (D) at the registry of deeds comprise the fourth line. The newspaper (Source) and issue date (in parenthesis) can be checked for additional details. The attorney’s name (Atty) and phone number appear on the last line for interested parties to contact. BARNSTABLE
Harwich 02/06/20 11:00 AM 64 Smith St Owner:Sabra R Mckean Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:07/31/18 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/15/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 02/06/20 11:00 AM 64 Smith St Owner:Sabra R Mckean Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:31438/49 D:07/31/18 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/14/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868
Mashpee 01/30/20 10:00 AM 69 Cambridge Dr Owner:Donald James Proulx Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:19861/253 D:05/24/05 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/08/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800
Sandwich 01/30/20 12:00 PM 11 Race Ln Owner:Donald J Donahue 3rd Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/14/16 Source:Boston Herald (01/15/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc
JANUARY 27, 2020
Lee 01/30/20 11:00 AM 235 Water St Owner:Ann M Finkle Lender:CitiMortgage Inc Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:07/23/91 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/16/20) Atty:Harney & Tenney Llp 508-651-7524
Peru 02/07/20 01:00 PM 220 E Windsor Rd Owner:Elaine S Wormwood Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/23/07 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/10/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500
Pittsfield 01/29/20 11:00 AM 81 Dartmouth St U:304 Owner:Saif Safick Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/31/06 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/10/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 02/03/20 12:00 PM 102 Dewey Ave Owner:Albert Turner Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/10/09 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
North Adams 02/05/20 12:00 PM 721 Curran Hwy Owner:William I Thacker & Ariel M Ramos Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/12/17 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/13/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Fall River 02/04/20 12:00 PM 126 Brown St Owner:James T Wilkinson Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/18/10 Source:The Herald News (01/14/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800
Swansea 01/29/20 10:00 AM 575 Maple Ave Owner:Florida N Trepanier Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:07/26/06 Source:The Herald News (01/08/20) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200
Easton 01/31/20 03:00 PM 6 Adam St U:2 Owner:Maureen K Murphy Lender:New Penn Financial LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/26/16 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/10/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 01/31/20 03:00 PM 6 Adam St U:2 Owner:Maureen K Murphy Lender:New Penn Financial LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/26/16 Source:The Enterprise (01/10/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800
01/31/20 12:00 PM 129 Marianna St Owner:Bethany L Donnelly & Todd M Becker Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/29/07 Source:Daily Item (01/14/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 02/10/20 11:00 AM 41 Merrill Ave Owner:George Jackson Jr Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/04/05 Source:Daily Item (01/13/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500
HAMPDEN 02/03/20 12:00 PM 69 Billings St Owner:Wendy S Martin Lender:Government Loan Securitiz Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:11083/360 D:02/01/00 Source:Republican (the) (01/13/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/04/20 10:00 AM 27 Applewood Dr U:27 Owner:Kenneth E White Lender:Midfirst Bank Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17656/477 D:02/18/09 Source:Republican (the) (01/14/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/04/20 11:00 AM 88 Cora Ave Owner:Steven J Morin Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:20868/414 D:09/10/15 Source:Republican (the) (01/10/20) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670 02/04/20 12:00 PM 128 Sunnymeade Ave Owner:Ruthie May Therrien Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:22192/393 D:05/30/18 Source:Republican (the) (01/13/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868 02/05/20 02:00 PM 209 Woodcrest Dr Owner:Susan Kim Lender:US Bank NA Tr Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16427/504 D:12/26/06 Source:Republican (the) (01/15/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/05/20 02:00 PM 209 Woodcrest Dr Owner:Susan Kim Lender:US Bank NA Tr Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16427/504 D:12/26/06 Source:Republican (the) (01/15/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/06/20 10:00 AM 365 Chicopee St Owner:Wayne L Pare Sr Lender:Florence Bank Deposit:$15,000 Bk/Pg:22403/98 D:10/15/18 Source:Republican (the) (01/09/20) Atty:L Alexandra Hogan Esq 413-333-5577 02/12/20 02:00 PM 50 Thaddeus St Owner:Eugene Bernier Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:20293/97 D:05/22/14 Source:Republican (the) (01/15/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
Ludlow 01/30/20 01:00 PM 530 Chapin St Owner:Donna M Leto Lender:HSBC Bank USA NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16675/260 D:04/18/07 Source:Republican (the) (01/09/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800
Fairhaven 02/06/20 01:00 PM 74 Seaview Ave Owner:Joseph T Giammatteo & Sharon M Giammatteo Lender:Reverse Mortgage Funding Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:04/14/08 Source:Standard Times (the) (01/15/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868
02/03/20 01:00 PM 60 Carew Ter Owner:Ken C Supersad Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16484/79 D:01/26/07 Source:Republican (the) (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
New Bedford 02/03/20 03:00 PM 1143 Tacoma St Owner:Raymond E Valentine Lender:PNC Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:03/05/07 Source:Standard Times (the) (01/13/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800
Lawrence 02/05/20 10:00 AM 90 Beacon St U:2 Owner:Tracey Fielding Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:9585/129 D:06/22/05 Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (01/15/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/11/20 11:00 AM 46 Kendall St Owner:Margarita Ramos Lender:Quicken Loans Inc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:15265/121 D:10/19/17 Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (01/13/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500
Methuen 02/04/20 01:00 PM 343 Hampshire Rd Owner:Stephen Corbin Jr Lender:Newrez LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:14665/2 D:06/13/16 Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (01/14/20) Atty:Marinosci Law Group 401-234-9200
Gloucester 02/03/20 03:00 PM 5 Derby Ct Owner:Edward H Townsend Jr Lender:Nations Lending Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:35042/131 D:06/24/16 Source:Gloucester Daily Times (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
Haverhill 02/03/20 12:00 PM 92 Merrill Ave Owner:Marybeth Johnson Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:19540/239 D:10/30/02 Source:Haverhill Gazette (01/09/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 02/17/20 12:00 PM 169 Grove St Owner:Cynthia A Eleves Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:32240/433 D:02/20/13 Source:Haverhill Gazette (01/09/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
Lynn 01/31/20 11:00 AM 66 Harwood St Owner:Akhtar U Tarar & Kabir A Sheikh Lender:PHH Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/30/07 Source:Daily Item (01/15/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500
02/06/20 12:00 PM 55 Park St Owner:Elaine Chase Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:42294/8 D:02/12/04 Source:Shirley Oracle (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
Townsend 02/06/20 02:00 PM 7 Penny Ln Owner:Robert A Mason Lender:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:61445/57 D:03/21/13 Source:Shirley Oracle (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
02/03/20 01:00 PM 60 Carew Ter Owner:Ken C Supersad Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16484/79 D:01/26/07 Source:Republican (the) (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
02/04/20 01:00 PM 31-33 Dorset St Owner:Eduardo Castillo Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:16467/234 D:01/15/07 Source:Republican (the) (01/10/20) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670 02/12/20 12:00 PM 89 Judson St Owner:Andrew C Robbins Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:21169/440 D:05/09/16 Source:Republican (the) (01/13/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 02/19/20 12:00 PM 281 Newton Rd Owner:Wilfred Fontaine Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:22133/159 D:04/17/18 Source:Republican (the) (01/13/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
West Springfield 02/07/20 03:00 PM 1608 Memorial Ave U:1608 Owner:Nicholas R Begin Lender:PHH Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17674/19 D:03/03/09 Source:Republican (the) (01/15/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500 02/12/20 03:00 PM 16 Jensen Cir Owner:John Bielanski Lender:Harmon Law Offices PC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:20139/182 D:12/18/13 Source:Republican (the) (01/15/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500
Wilbraham 02/04/20 01:00 PM 12 Linwood Dr Owner:Donna C Posley Lender:OCWEN Loan Servicing LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:20940/23 D:10/20/15 Source:Republican (the) (01/13/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868
Lowell 02/07/20 11:00 AM 50 Wentworth Ave Owner:Kamara Realty LLC Lender:Hardest Working Realty Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:33121/265 D:07/02/19 Source:Sun (the) (01/12/20) Atty:Rosemary Traini Esq 781-461-8300
Malden 01/28/20 01:00 PM 68-70 Highland Ave Owner:Jean P Moise Lender:HSBC Bank USA NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:12/15/06 Source:Boston Herald (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Dover 01/30/20 01:00 PM 51 Wilsondale St Owner:Howard J Silverman Lender:SG Capital Partners Deposit:$25,000 Doc#:* D:01/10/18 Source:Boston Herald (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
02/12/20 10:00 AM 49 Boylston St U:2 Owner:David R Howell Lender:Citizens Bank NA Deposit:$7,500 Doc#:* D:12/16/08 Source:Boston Herald (01/13/20) Atty:Barsh And Cohen Pc 617-332-4700
Roslindale 02/03/20 12:00 PM 31 Harrison St U:B Owner:Adriana Cordero Lender:Santander Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:01/06/04 Source:Boston Herald (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Roxbury 01/27/20 03:00 PM 21 Montrose St Owner:Jane Barrow-Toppin Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/19/03 Source:Boston Herald (01/13/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
01/27/20 10:00 AM 119 Winthrop St Owner:Patricia Dufour & Jean S Felix Lender:Ditech Financial LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/13/15 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/10/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 02/04/20 11:00 AM 31 Johnson St Owner:John V Muzrim Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/21/05 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/16/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 02/04/20 11:00 AM 26 Lilly Ave Owner:Patricia Tsarhopoulos Lender:HarborOne Bank Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:07/02/09 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/16/20) Atty:Kline & Sanders Llp 617-964-2200 02/04/20 12:00 PM 100 Malvern Rd Owner:David Albertson Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/26/03 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/14/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 02/06/20 12:00 PM 46 Belding Cir Owner:Scott F Wuschke & Thomas M Wuschke Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/18/02 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/16/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 02/07/20 12:00 PM 780 N Cary St Owner:Donald J Macfarland & Frances A Macfarland Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/08/06 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/14/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 02/12/20 01:00 PM 79 Brookville Ave Owner:Kevin S Clapp Lender:Santander Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/31/06 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/13/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 02/12/20 12:00 PM 8 Johnson Ct Owner:Mcdavis Dorvillier & Cecile Dorvillier Lender:Fifth Third Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/25/14 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/13/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
02/04/20 11:00 AM 10 High St Owner:Matthew Mandigo Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:57888/291 D:10/13/17 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/13/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868
East Bridgewater 01/27/20 12:00 PM 832 Central St Owner:Matthew T Gomes Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/05/06 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/10/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 01/29/20 12:00 PM 341 Belmont St Owner:Victor Lucas & Enoes Martinez Lender:Pennymac Loan Services Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:02/28/17 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Marion 01/29/20 01:00 PM 11 Parkway Ln Owner:Michael J Harkins Lender:Specialized Loan Svcg Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:03/25/13 Source:Boston Herald (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Whitman 02/12/20 02:00 PM 61 Harriet Ave Owner:Nicole M Sullivan Lender:Select Portfolio Svcg Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/24/07 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/13/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Boston 02/05/20 11:00 AM 34 Fairfield St U:2 Owner:Barry W Chapin Lender:Hingham Institution Deposit:$20,000 Doc#:* D:11/25/15 Source:Boston Herald (01/16/20) Atty:Gaughen Gaughen Lane & He 781-335-0374
Dorchester 01/27/20 12:00 PM 103 Welles Ave U:3 Owner:Javier Fernandez Lender:PNC Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/08/08 Source:Boston Herald (01/10/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 01/30/20 03:00 PM 82-84 Ballou Ave Owner:Carol-Ann Marquis & Babatunde E Marquis Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:04/16/07 Source:Boston Herald (01/16/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 02/05/20 11:00 AM 268 Washington St Owner:Lloyd Mason & Elizabeth Mason Lender:Reverse Mortgage Funding Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/15/19 Source:Boston Herald (01/14/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 02/06/20 12:00 PM 41 Holiday St Owner:Marie Williams Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$20,000 Doc#:* D:03/01/06 Source:Boston Herald (01/16/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Charlton 02/04/20 02:00 PM 50 Cranberry Meadow Rd Owner:Eugene F Martin Lender:Santander Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:30684/162 D:07/02/03 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/13/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868
Clinton 02/06/20 11:00 AM 905 Ridgefield Cir U:A Owner:Douglas Jay Burdick Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:38380/182 D:02/08/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/10/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500
Leicester 02/05/20 01:00 PM 78 Lake Ave Owner:Carl J Johnson Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:29446/135 D:03/20/03 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/15/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800
Worcester 01/30/20 02:00 PM 155 Hamilton St U:7 Owner:John M Salkaus Lender:US Bank NA Tr Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:30569/124 D:06/27/03 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/09/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/04/20 10:00 AM 5 Freeman St Owner:James W Stone Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16655/346 D:10/21/94 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/14/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/06/20 01:00 PM 388 Burncoat St Owner:Milaine Colaianni Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:38738/338 D:04/06/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/09/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500
Fitchburg 02/12/20 11:00 AM 71 Cottage St Owner:Cheryl L Beauregard Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:6375/52 D:01/31/07 Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (01/13/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500
Sheriff Sales These notices of the public sale of mortgaged property are compiled from legal notices published in newspapers throughout the state. The proceeds from the sale usually are used to satisfy the mortgage in default. The time and place of the sale must be published for three consecutive weeks in a local newspaper prior to the sale. The sale may be postponed; or the sale may not occur at all if the debt is satisfied before the sale. The property address, date and time of the sale appears on the first line followed by the current owner (O) of the property. The lender (L) and the cash deposit (Deposit) required at the time of sale are found on the third line. The book and page number (Bk/ Pg) of the mortgage document and the filing date (D) at the registry of deeds comprise the fourth line. The newspaper (Source) and issue date (in parenthesis) can be checked for additional details. ESSEX SOUTH
Jamaica Plain 01/27/20 01:00 PM 49 South St U:8 Owner:Althea E Smith Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/30/09 Source:Boston Herald (01/16/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Š2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Salem 45 Congress St Sale at:, 02/13/20 10:00 AM Owner:George Daaboul Bk/Pg: Source:Salem Evening News (01/09/20)
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