Banker & Tradesman: Feb. 3, 2020

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County close-up: Franklin Spotlight: Hawley

As Avidia Bank’s CFO, Margaret Sullivan has a key role to play in helping the bank stay innovative. Through its risk management practices, which Sullivan is responsible for, Avidia has emerged as one of the most forward-thinking community banks in Massachusetts, and one of the most fintech-friendly.







142,431 The number of housing units Massachusetts produced from 2010 to 2019. See Scott Van Voorhis’ column on page 3. Source: U.S. Census Bureau


$224,000 The median single-family sale price in Franklin County. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group’s Statistics Module

$16.65 million The purchase price of a unit on the 55th floor of One Dalton. See the Gossip Report on page 9. Source: The Warren Group

-17 percent The Bay State produced 17 percent fewer homes in the 2010s compared to the 200s. See Scott Van Voorhis’ column on page 3. Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Marc White Jr.

Only 680 single-family homes were sold in Franklin County last year. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group’s Statistics Module

4,147 square feet The size of the most expensive home in this week’s Gossip Report. See page 9. Source: The Warren Group

14,000 Massachusetts produced only about 14,000 homes per year in the decade just concluded. See Scott Van Voorhis’ column on page 3. Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Reborn Admirals Bank Aims for Big-Name Capabilities in Small Package BY DIANE MCLAUGHLIN BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF


hen Marc White Jr. joined Admirals Bank as president and CEO in 2017, he wanted to reconstruct the bank and move forward in a different direction. For White, moving forward meant, in part, looking to the past. “Old-fashioned relationships, I felt very strongly, were being lost in the process of people focusing more and more on tech-

nology to replace the human element, the human touch,” White said. “I felt very strongly that clients were not being served the way that I felt that they should be.” Admirals Bank’s new business model looks to serve clients – specifically high and ultra-high net worth families – by offering wealth management and banking services with a focus on building relationships. This business model comes with a new name as well. Admirals Bank relaunched in January as Ethic, a Wealth Bank. The Boston-based bank, which also has an office in Rhode Island, enters a crowded field of firms catering to the wealthy. Even with this competition,

White said, Ethic’s approach could make a difference for wealthy individuals.

A High-Tech Personal Touch

Admirals Bank has faced significant hurdles since 2017, when it reported more than $19 million in losses and saw former CEO Nicholas Lazares leave his post. Also in 2017, Admirals became subject to a federal consent order and saw a plan fall apart to sell off most of the bank’s assets to a group of private bankers, including White. White, who then joined Admirals Bank in 2017 as president and CEO, has worked in the Boston’s financial services industry for more than 35 years.

Continued on Page 9

$692,500 The price of the most expensive recent existing single-family sale in Franklin County. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group

Unless otherwise noted, all data is sourced from The Warren Group’s Mortgage Market Share Module, Loan Originator Module, Statistics Module and/or proprietary database. For more information please visit datasolutions.



New Numbers Show Bay State Produced a Mere 14,000 Units Per Year

By Steve Adams | Banker & Tradesman Staff

Amid Talk of Housing Crisis, White Elephant Production Dropped 17 or Black Hole? State, Neighborhood Offer Percent in 2010s Very Different Visions for Hynes Future By Scott Van Voorhis | Banker & Tradesman Columnist

Commercial Real Estate PAGE 3

Commercial Real Estate PAGE 7

Photo courtesy of Ethic



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

The Week on the Web

Timothy M. Warren Jr., CEO and Publisher David B. Lovins, President and COO



Published by The Warren Group




Associate Publisher: Cassidy Norton Managing Editor: James Sanna Associate Editor, Commercial Real Estate: Steve Adams Associate Editor, Banking: Diane McLaughlin Contributing Writer: Scott Van Voorhis Audience Solution Specialist: Sarah Ahlgren Advertising Account Manager: Yasmin Nasrullah

• Located in the Four Seasons Hotel Office Tower at 1441 Brickell Ave., the office will service high-net worth individuals and family offices, as well as endowments and foundations. • Paul Simons, president of private banking, wealth and trust, said in an email to Banker & Tradesman that opening a Miami office was a strategic decision to support Boston Private’s ambitious growth agenda. South Florida is a key wealth market in the U.S., Simons said, providing a natural fit for the type of advice and expertise the firm offers. • Boston Private entered the South Florida market with a Palm Beach Gardens office in 2014, and Simons said the Miami location complements this existing office. He added that the opportunity to hire talent in the Miami area made for a compelling opportunity.



Graphic Designer: William Samatis


Director of Sales & Marketing: John Bottini Communications Manager: Mike Breed Executive Data Solutions Account Manager: William Visconti Data Solutions Account Managers: Chris Mirakian, Peter Sullivan RE Records Search Client Specialist: Jenell James Marketing Coordinator: Sara Ryerson


Director of Operations & Product Strategy: Samantha Bullock Data Operations Supervisor: Tammy Dandurant Data Vendor Coordinator: Tracey Kelley Data Quality Auditor: Ellen Gendron Acquisitions Coordinator: Linda MacDonald

• “This new campus serves as a physical symbol of Cape Cod 5’s ongoing investment in and service to the unique communities of the Cape, Islands and Southeastern Massachusetts,” Dorothy A. Savarese, chair and CEO of Cape Cod 5, said in a statement. “The foundation of this headquarters building is actually the mission and values that have driven this bank for 165 years. Its innovative elements and advanced technologies will propel us to the future so we can continue to meet the evolving needs of our customers, community members and employees for decades to come.” • The headquarters at 1500 Iyannough Road, known by the trademarked name HQ5, will bring together about 300 employees previously located at multiple administrative offices. The 80,000-square-foot building includes an employee fitness center, a 10,000-square-foot courtyard, a parking garage with more than 200 spaces and additional parking.

Transaction Acquisition Coordinator: Wally Bullock


Senior Applications Developer: Joe Chan Software Developers: Michael Paul, Mark Wearsch IT Systems Support Specialist: John Baldi


Controller: Gena Salvo Accounts Payable: Olga Khalaydovsky Human Resources Manager: Linnea Blair

• Boston Properties President Douglas Linde said the company plans “an extraordinary experience” for local residents and tourists, spanning the 50th through 52nd floors of the building, which is Boston’s second-tallest. Completion is scheduled for mid-2022, he said. • Both the existing Skywalk Observatory and the Top of the Hub restaurant will close April 18 to make way for the redevelopment. Select Restaurants said this month that Boston Properties declined to renew its lease for the Top of the Hub. The Top of the Hub has operated for 53 years, and Select Restaurants also operates the observatory space.

EX-BLUE HILLS CEO NAMED ENVISION BANK LEADER • Former Blue Hills Bank president and CEO William Parent has been named to lead Randolph-based, $644 million-asset Envision Bank. He will take over as president and CEO on April 1, when current leader James P. McDonough retires. • Parent was Blue Hills president and CEO from 2010 until it was acquired by Rockland Trust on April 1, 2019. He joined the boards of Rockland Trust and its holding company, Independent Bank Corp., and resigned from those boards two weeks ago. • Before joining Blue Hills Bank, Parent, 58, was a partner and chief investment officer at Grail Partners, a boutique merchant bank. He has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry and held several senior executive roles at Bank of Boston and its successor companies, FleetBoston and Bank of America. • “I cannot think of a better successor than Bill Parent,” McDonough said in a statement. “Bill is an accomplished banker with a sterling reputation in the banking industry, and I eagerly anticipate what he and the Envision Bank team will accomplish together in the future.” • Also retiring on April 1 is Michael Devlin, the bank’s executive vice president and CFO. He will be succeeded by Lauren Messmore, the former Blue Hills Bank CFO. Messmore joined Blue Hills Bank in 2012 as the senior vice president of corporate strategy and was executive vice president and CFO from September 2017 until the acquisition on April 1, 2019.


Office Manager: Nicole Tower


• Nan Fung has made its first acquisition in Boston just months after establishing a new U.S. office to pursue life science properties, resulting in a quick windfall for the previous owner of 13 months. • Brookfield Properties sold 51 Sleeper St. in Fort Point to Nan Fung, after acquiring the 152,000-square-foot office building in December 2018 for $91 million. • In November, Nan Fung Group announced that it had hired former JLL Boston executive Matthew Powers as CEO of its new Boston-based Nan Fung Life Sciences Real Estate subsidiary to expand its U.S. life science portfolio in “innovation-driven” markets. Powers previously was a real estate executive for life science companies including Merck Millipore and Genzyme.

Cape Cod 5 Opens New Hyannis Headquarters

(ISSN 0005-5409)

Volume 201, Number 5 Published each Monday. ©2019 The Warren Group Inc., 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. Banker & Tradesman™ and The Warren Group™ are trademarks of The Warren Group Inc. Subscriptions to Banker & Tradesman: Premium: One year – $379 Two year – $679 Single copies are $10.00 each and are on sale at the offices of the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Banker & Tradesman The Warren Group 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 617-428-5100. Fax: 617-428-5119. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA

POLL RESULTS Banker & Tradesman readers say the state must step in to help Gateway Cities What’s the best way to help Gateway Cities grow?


Construction to Start on New T Station at Cambridge Crossing


Watchdog: Nation’s Real Estate Disclosure Laws Fall Short

state tax credits for com37% More mercial developments


Bill Would Require Carbon Pricing for Commercial Buildings by 2025

more frequent commuter 28% Faster, rail trains.


Hong Kong Investor Makes $115M Boston Acquisition


OCC: Ex-Wells Fargo CEO Barred from Working in Banking Again


Former Blue Hills CEO Resigns from Rockland Trust Board


Density Must Be Part of Massachusetts’ Climate Strategy


Berkshire Bank Adds Regional Presidents


Parent Named Envision Bank’s President and CEO

23% Better local transit service. investors more familiar 12% Getting with them.

FEBRUARY 3, 2020



Amid Talk of Housing Crisis, Production Dropped 17 Percent in 2010s New Numbers Show Bay State Produced a Mere 14,000 Units Per Year BY SCOTT VAN VOORHIS BANKER & TRADESMAN COLUMNIST


he 2010s saw lots of talk about the desperate need for more housing in Greater Boston and across Massachusetts, from everyone from newspaper editorial boards and politicians to religious

leaders. So, with the decade officially at an end, just how did we do? Unfortunately, not too hot. Construction of new homes, condominiums and apartments in Massachusetts in the 2010s fell to its lowest level since the U.S. Census began publishing the stats in 1960, even making a double-digit plunge compared to the 2000s.

Numbers Tell Dispiriting Story

Coupled with the economic boom that helped transform the Boston area into one of the world’s wealthiest metros over the past four decades, the result of this chronic shortage of new housing has been both entirely predictable and tragic. Home prices and rents have soared to insane and unsustainable levels, with the median home price in Massachusetts hitting $400,000 in 2019. That’s up nearly 4 percent from 2018 and an all-time record for the state, according to The

Warren Group, publisher of this newspaper. “Strong job growth has attracted more people into the region and pulled more residents into the job market,” the most recent Greater Boston Housing Report Card noted. “For a region with a track record of sluggish housing production, this has predictably resulted in demand outstripping supply, sending both rents and home prices soaring.” The numbers that detail this story aren’t pretty.

The soft-sell approach to solving the housing crisis – encouraging developers to build more housing and offering modest incentives to suburbs, towns and cities in hopes they will roll back onerous zoning regulations – simply isn’t working. The 1970s were the peak decade for new residential construction in the state, with developers rolling out 304,790 new homes, condos and apartments in the Boston area and across Massachusetts. On average, developers pulled building permits for more than 30,000 units each year.

Massachusetts built only 142,431 apartments, houses and condominiums between 2010 and 2019, a far cry from the 304,790 built in the 1970s.

Then came the 1990s and a big drop-off in housing construction. The decade saw 168,044 new homes and rentals built, for an average of 16,804 each year. There was a modest rebound in the 2000s, when 172,544 units built, before a big drop in the 2010s. A big drop, as in a more than 17 percent decline: Just 142,431 new houses, apartments and condos were built in the 2010s across Massachusetts and in Greater Boston. That’s barely 14,000 new residential units a year, or less than half what we were seeing in the 1970s.

Boston Carried the State

The results are both surprising and somewhat counterintuitive as well, given the transformation of Boston’s skyline thanks to a bevy of gleaming new condo and apartment towers.

But as if often the case, life is complex and two seemingly contradictory facts can both be true at the same time. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh has made substantial progress in getting new housing built, with a big uptick in construction over his predecessor, the late Thomas M. Menino, who was himself no slouch in this regard. Under Walsh, the city has doled out permits for 30,000 new units since 2014, with Boston well along the way towards meeting the mayor’s goal of 69,000 new units by 2030. Thanks to the building boom in Boston, the number of new apartments rolled out over the past few years in Massachusetts is the highest seen since the go-go 1980s. But the progress in Boston has been more than counterbalanced by a collapse in singlefamily home construction and new multifamily housing of all types across the rest of the state. Continued on Page 10

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FEBRUARY 3, 2020



The Market Can’t Solve Climate Change – Yet


s things stands right now, the market can’t solve climate change. Don’t be fooled by Larry Fink’s mid-January letter to the heads of the world’s biggest corporations stating his firm, BlackRock, would exit investments it deems to “present a high sustainability-related risk.” Don’t get your hopes up because developers of waterfront parcels in Boston are starting to design for a world of higher sea levels and stronger storms. Right now, most of the major trends in business and finance taking shape in response to climate change are focused on making sure investors and companies don’t lose their shirts when a droughtfueled wildfire sweeps through an exurb. The hard steps – adapting how we do business to a low-carbon world – aren’t really happening yet, and for good reason. The money isn’t there. Most market actors look five to seven years out, or less. That’s too short a timeframe for many of the larger drivers of climate change to show up in a balance sheet or a pro forma. Not enough homebuyers, even in famously frugal New England, recognize that the higher up-front cost of a solarequipped house is balanced by lower life-cycle costs. Not enough investors recognize that a suburban development built with cars in mind is a worse long-term investment if the cost of carbon generated by driving gets priced into gasoline. That’s why it’s critical the state creates cap-andtrade and cap-and-invest schemes like the Transportation Climate Initiative and others the state Senate has proposed for homeowners and commercial buildings. Building industry groups say an important provision of the Senate’s bills – passed late last week – which would create a “stretch” net-zero building code that towns could adopt to spur greener building, is currently cost-prohibitive to implement. Net-zero buildings – those that are so energy efficient they generate effectively zero carbon dioxide or which produce enough of their own energy to compensate for what is generated – are possible but developers and buyers must pay a premium for these features. With construction costs already high and increasing much faster than inflation, new mandates like this could put a damper on the building necessary to address the housing crisis and keep our economy humming. With a properly designed cap-and-trade program, though, developers and landlords would have an incentive to invest in net-zero features, moving these essential upgrades from a luxury product towards an every-day component of buildings. As it takes up the Senate’s bill, the House of Representatives should pair net-zero building requirements with incentives or tools that will make sure sustainable building becomes the easy choice.

Letters to the editor of 100 words or less may be submitted via email at with the subject line “Letter to the Editor,” or mailed to the offices of The Warren Group. Submission is not a guarantee of publication.

Banker & Tradesman Cassidy Norton

Associate Publisher c n o r to n @th e w a r r e n gr ou p . c om

Timothy M. Warren Jr.

Publisher T i m o t h y M. W a r r e n

Publisher 1975-1988 Keith F. Warren

Publisher 1928-1975 W i l l a r d C. W a r r e n

Publisher 1901-1928


Don’t Bite Off Too Much House Some Lenders Will Approve Borrowers for Too Much Money BY LEW SICHELMAN SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


nly a lender can tell a homebuyer how much they can spend on a house. But you don’t have to spend that much, and probably shouldn’t. Everyone need some wiggle room – especially if you’re a first-time buyer. Broker Steve Godzyk in Manchester, New Hampshire recently had a client who didn’t heed that warning, and she’s likely to be sorry. A single mother of two, she told Godzyk that after paying the house note, she’s left with no money to have fun or go anywhere with the kids. During the house hunt, she’d insisted on searching at the top price her lender said she qualified for. When Godzyk asked why she wouldn’t buy in a lower price range so she would have money left over after paying her mortgage, she replied, “The loan officer said I can buy a home at that price, and I will.”

House Poor Far from Rare

Being “house poor” is no fun, and it doesn’t take long for a dream house to become a nightmare. And Godzyk’s client appears to be far from alone in shooting for the moon. A new report from mortgage analytics firm Black Knight found that 1 percent of all loans taken out in last year’s first quarter were delinquent within six months. Sure, 1 percent doesn’t sound like a lot in the greater scheme of things, but that’s the most since 2010 – and an increase of more than 60 percent over the past two years. Here’s more proof some buyers are biting off more than they can chew: In another recent study, Clever Real Estate, a site that matches buyers with agents, found that 35 percent of mortgage complaints submitted to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2018 were from people who were struggling to pay their mortgages, suggesting they were overextended. It’s even happening in the rental sector, according to Zumper, a leasing platform, which said a third of all Millennials spend more than 30 percent of their incomes – the standard measure of affordability – on rent.

How Lenders Set Limits

Lenders base their decisions about the maximum they will lend on several factors. Credit scores are key, but they also give heavy credence to your debt-to-income ratio, or DTI, which is calculated by dividing your total monthly debt expenses – like vehicle, credit card and student loan payments – by your gross monthly income. Generally, lenders won’t approve mortgages for people who spend more than 43 percent of their income on recurring monthly payments. But that cutoff “is hardly a steadfast rule,” said Clever Real Estate research analyst Francesca Ortegren, who found that 15 percent of the loans written in 2018 were to borrowers above that ceiling. Indeed, Middletown, Connecticut, mortgage broker George Souto said some conventional lenders will go up to 50 percent, while those pushing government-backed FHA financing will go as high as 55 percent.

Don’t go that high, though. Why? If you add the cost of your new mortgage to your monthly debt load, it leaves little or nothing for utilities, maintenance, food, gas, clothing, school supplies and all those other things you spend money on, month in and month out – items your lender doesn’t pay any attention to when calculating your DTI. “This is an insane way to go into homeownership,” Lise Howe of Keller Williams Capital Properties in Washington, D.C., warned recently on the ActiveRain real estate site. “A lender may approve you for a mortgage at a high amount, but it might not make good financial sense to borrow all that money.”

How to Help Your Clients

To help your clients avoid debt overload, start by encouraging them to pick their lender carefully. . You want them to deal with professionals who have their best interests at heart. And make sure to keep your clients’ practical interests in mind. “There are agents who will test [clients’] discipline,” said Barbara Todaro of RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin. “If your pre-approval reflects a large number, they’ll start their showings with that luxury home, and everything else will look like a fix-and-flip.” New Lenox, Illinois, mortgage broker Gene Mundt agreed. “A good lender fulfills a larger role than someone who facilitates a mortgage,” he said. Another good step is to suggest your client prepare two budgets: one so they know exactly what they are spending now, and the other so they’ll know what they’ll be paying once they buy a house. That way, they won’t be giving their lender the power to determine how much you can spend on your house. Some items will shift, of course. If they are paying renter’s insurance now, for example, they can forget that number – but they should include an amount for homeowner’s coverage in the second budget. It’s required, as is mortgage insurance. Some of these costs can be included as part of their monthly house payment, but they add substantially to an amount above and beyond principal and interest. Make sure they include everything, from cable and internet bills to their cellphone. And allow amounts for food, entertainment, transportation and whatever else they can think of. Later, if they decide to lower some of these expenses or dump them entirely, they can. But at least they’ll know going in what they have going out. Making these lists will take some time, but it’s well worth it. Budgeting allows borrowers to determine their own fates, advises Ortegren. It’s “a simple way to avoid overspending,” she said.

Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications. Readers can contact him at

FEBRUARY 3, 2020



Why Diversity Matters in Real Estate Private Sector Should Follow Massport’s Example and Seek Greater Diversity in its Business Partners BY GREG JANEY SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


s a kid who was born and raised in Roxbury, I’ve seen the city’s skyline change. But as an entrepreneur, I have experienced a business climate which has largely remained the same. When I started as a general contractor in the 1980s, there were more minority business enterprises in the city then than there are today. That is a matter of fact. According to U.S. Department of Commerce, the number of African American-owned firms in the greater Boston area dropped by at least 16 percent in the last couple of decades. A glass ceiling in the construction industry has prevented contractors like myself from growing as much as my white counterparts have. Opportunities to participate in development projects across that invisible line on Mass. Ave. and in downtown Boston have been limited for people of color and women. I applaud Massport for recognizing this social and economic disparity and for having the courage to spark a cultural change. In 2017, they made diversity and inclusion one of four equally weighted criteria in the Summer Street Hotel RFP. The significance of this in the bidding process is huge. It was the first time that a public project in Boston required real emphasis

on a diverse team. Thanks to Massport, John Moriarty & Assoc., Janey Construction Management and our diverse team of investors and developers will have a symbolic landmark in the heart of the Seaport beyond just the stature of a 1,050-room hotel building.

We need more state agencies and local governments to follow suit. We also need the private sector to step up to the plate. Why? Because building diverse partnerships makes good fiscal and moral sense. Our $500 million joint venture to build the Omni Hotel has already created over a thousand jobs and it will continue to contribute to the local economy once it opens ahead of schedule next year. But the story of how Massport changed the business climate doesn’t end there and they want to build on the success of their diversity criteria.

On Oct. 8, they held the first-of-its kind networking event in the Seaport District. The event, dubbed “Building Partnerships,” drew over 150 people interested in expanding opportunities. Massport board member Warren Fields and CEO Lisa Wieland were there to reaffirm their commitment to diversity and inclusion. Boston’s Economic Development Chief John Barros was also there to promote the city’s efforts to work with a diverse business community. I was impressed with the turnout. The room was buzzing with like-minded people looking to grow their connections outside the usual players in the city. Many people also came from out of state, from as far away as Colorado. Contractors, developers, architects, investors, consultants and business owners of different races and gender got together to seize the opportunity and get to know each other. This is how business should be across the city and the state: Diverse. We need more state agencies and local governments to follow suit. We also need the private sector to step up to the plate. Why? Because building diverse partnerships makes good fiscal and moral sense. A cultural change is the only thing that’s sustainable. It’s up to us to advocate for that.

Greg Janey is president and CEO of Janey Construction Management


Boston’s Wetlands Ordinance Advances Climate Planning New Climate Change Regulations Impose Costs, But So Will Changing Climate BY MATTHEW KIEFER, CHRISTIAN REGNIER AND CONNOR O’DWYER SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN

Matthew Kiefer

Christian Regnier

Connor O’Dwyer


n his 2020 State of the City address, Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh proclaimed Boston “the most climate-friendly city in the United States.” As a coastal city uniquely vulnerable to sea level rise, Boston has embarked on an ambitious campaign to integrate climate resilience into city planning and policy. Although the list of climate change policy efforts is long, we focus here on efforts by the city to integrate climate change planning into the permitting and development process. The Boston City Council enacted an ordinance in December that protects wetland resource areas beyond current state and federal regulations. Current wetlands protections focus on impacts to existing wetland and river resources. Most significantly, the new Boston ordinance focuses on anticipated future climate change impacts, most obviously sea level rise and increased flooding risks. The new ordinance creates new flood resilience zones, subject to regulation based on predictions of sea level rise, and directs project applicants and the city of Boston to consider future climate change impacts associated with projects. The ordinance creates other new protected areas, not all of which will be on the waterfront. The true effects of the ordinance on development and the environment will only become clear as implementing regulations emerge to clarify the ordinance.

Ordinance Not Boston’s First Step This new ordinance is only the latest element in the city’s climate planning. The mayor’s office published the Climate Ready Boston report in 2016, generated by an advisory group of scientists and experts, which predicts increasing temperatures, more powerful storms and flooding from sea level rise, and outlines climate change planning and preparedness strategies to address them.

The Boston Planning & Development Agency, responsible for regulating development in the city, has taken the lead on several planning and regulatory measures addressing climate change. The BPDA administers green building standards in the Boston zoning code. Article 37 requires developers to utilize LEED standards to design more sustainable and efficient buildings. The city’s objective is to encourage developers to build projects that are certifiable to the highest LEED standard possible to reduce environmental impacts, particularly with respect to energy usage and increased greenhouse gases.

Most significantly, the new Boston ordinance focuses on anticipated future climate change impacts, most obviously sea level rise and increased flooding risks. The BPDA’s design review process encourages buildings to be designed to withstand potential climate change impacts by, for example, placing utilities and critical systems above ground level. The BPDA updated its set of Climate Resiliency Guidelines and an accompanying checklist in 2017 with the stated goal “to consider and analyze the impacts of future climate conditions and to incorporate measures to avoid, eliminate, or mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and impacts related to climate change in project planning, design and construction.” All projects subject to the Article 80 reviews for large projects, planned development areas and institutional master plans are required to complete the checklist. Carbon Free Boston is the city’s plan to become carbon neutral by the year 2050. To accomplish this goal, developers are asked in the Article 80 Large

Project Review process to consider the carbon footprint of new buildings and design a plan to make those buildings carbon neutral. In project reviews, the BPDA and the Boston Transportation Department encourage or require infrastructure for zero-emission vehicles, bikes, pedestrians and public transportation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Development Must Change with Climate The BPDA also maintains a map that projects future flooding beyond existing flood hazard areas delineated in Federal Emergency Management Agency flood maps. The BPDA updated its Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines in September 2019 to “serve as a reference for residents, business owners and developers to translate flood resiliency strategies into best practices.” To further integrate flood preparation into zoning, the BPDA is reviewing a proposed coastal flood resilience zoning overlay district, to be utilized in conjunction with the map and guidelines. As the climate changes, so too do the familiar development processes in Boston. Climate change planning and preparedness policies and regulations, unique in addressing future harms rather than preventing current ones, are here to stay. Although these policy and regulatory changes will impose costs on developers, companies and nonprofit institutions as they develop new facilities – and will require development professionals to learn how to incorporate them into development approvals – their adoption is based on the belief that the cost of not dealing with climate change will be far greater. The goals and timelines of these policies are based on future projections. These projections may change for better or worse, depending upon the effectiveness of climate policy initiatives not just in Boston, but around the world. There is no doubt that the recent wetlands ordinance and other city environmental policies will continue to evolve as more becomes known about the interactions between development and climate change.

Matthew Kiefer is a director at the law firm of Goulston & Storrs and a member of the ULI Boston/New England Advisory Board. Christian Regnier is a director at Goulston & Storrs. Connor O’Dwyer is a real estate associate at Goulston & Storrs.


FEBRUARY 3, 2020





Hawley has no gas stations, convenience stores, liquor stores or police department. It does, however, have a fire department.

TOTAL AREA 30.9 square miles POPULATION 337 DENSITY 11 people per square mile TAX RATES Residential: Commercial:



Jan.-Dec. 2019

Change from 2018

Jan.-Dec. Change from 2019 2018

$244,500 -12.83%


$245,000 0% 21 5%


$250,010 8.11% 15 7.14%


$278,750 65.43%


$172,250 -1.57%



$254,000 -12.26%

13 -27.78%


$295,000 3.51%

49 -3.92%



11 -26.67%


$225,000 8.43% 17 240%


$200,000 5.26% 161 5.23%








”My God, has the army dissolved?” — Gen. Robert E. Lee after the Battle of Sailor’s Creek, where Hawley native David Dunnels White single-handedly captured Lee’s son Gen. G.W. Custis Lee

8 -33.33% 0%

MEDIAN SALES PRICES 450000 $420,000 380000







$125,000 -15.25%

9 12.5%


$312,500 -7.53%

16 -20%


$237,000 -6.69%

11 120%




$210,000 9.52% 70 12.9%

New Salem



$238,000 0.21%


$175,900 0.51% 109 12.37%


$211,000 -13.88%




$280,000 31.76%








$280,000 100000

2010 ’10

2011 ’11

2012 ’12

2013 ’13

$270,000 1.31% 27 170%


$320,000 6.84%


$197,200 -4.39%



$204,000 140%

7 -12.5%


$314,750 -15.5%

Franklin County



2017 ’17

2018 ’18


800 800 700 700 600 600


% of Market Share


Greenfield Savings Bank


Greenfield 7.25% Cooperative Bank


Quicken Loan Inc.



Rankings and Mortgage Market Share stats include purchase and refinance mortgages for all residential properties through December 2019 Market share percentage based on volume of mortgages • Source: The Warren Group

500 500


400 400 300 300

2019 ’19

Franklin Massachusetts



• Statistics based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group

2016 ’16

• Source: The Warren Group



2015 ’15

• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds

23 -4.17%


2014 ’14

• All sales thru December YTD

20 -60.78%



$16.22 $16.22


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ’10









• All sales thru December YTD

• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group





Caryl L. Connor

Greenfield Savings Bank


April Healey

Greenfield Cooperative Bank


Lindsay R. Barron

HarborOne Mortgage

Ranked by volume of loans through December 2019 • Source: The Warren Group

TOP 10 EXISTING HOME SALES Street Address Community

Buyer Seller

Date Price


80 Bardwells Ferry Road Shelburne

Paige L. Montague Deangelis RT

11/6/2019 $692,500


260 Hoosac Road Conway

Thomas L. Henyey Cheryl A. Patterson


44 Burrows Turnpike Bernardston

4 5


Street Address Community

Buyer Seller

Date Price


226 Cooper Lane Shelburne

Matthew J. Boron Catherine H. Smith

11/8/2019 $495,000

11/25/2019 $575,000


228 Lower Road Deerfield

Dwight P. Manley Sharon L. Chan

10/11/2019 $455,000

Mark E. Gilmore Joan G. Coombs

12/19/2019 $545,000


355 Federal St. Montague

Albert P. Handel III Saul Kent

10/25/2019 $439,900

227 River Road Sunderland

Richard W. Strycharz Jr. Anthony M. Maio

11/18/2019 $514,900


32 Peabody Lane Greenfield

Walter K. Boas Thomas R. Currie

11/1/2019 $428,000

92 Jasmine Road Orange

Daniel Faneuf William Maclay-Schmick

11/26/2019 $510,000


79 Boynton Road Deerfield

Anthony J. Tracia Gregory T. Felton

10/9/2019 $420,000

• Statistics from Oct 2019 - Dec 2019 • New Construction Excluded • Source: The Warren Group


FEBRUARY 3, 2020



White Elephant or Black Hole? State, Neighborhood Offer Different Visions for Hynes Future BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF


s legislators debate the proposed sale of the Hynes Convention Center, Back Bay business leaders portray their neighborhood as teetering on the brink of a decline that would accelerate without the Boylston Street facility’s annual infusion of 500,000 visitors. The Massachusetts Convention Center Authority is seeking to sell the Back Bay meeting hall, saying it’s on the verge of obsolescence, and reinvest the proceeds in a $500 million expansion of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. The project including a second ballroom would let the Seaport District facility host two major conventions simultaneously.

Designed by architects Populous, the expansion would move the BCEC up into sixth place among the nation’s largest exhibit halls, enabling it to compete for 97 percent of the major convention market, MCCA officials say.

BCEC Needs Expansion, State Says

MCCA officials say the Hynes has outlived its usefulness, and needs at least $200 million in renovations and up to $500 million in overall upgrades to provide the large meeting and exhibition spaces that modern conventions require. At the same time, the 16-year-old BCEC has outgrown its capacity and has been operating at the limits of its practical occupancy since 2013, according to the MCCA. The additional business generated by the BCEC expansion would outweigh the negative effects of the Hynes’ sale, according to the MCCA. Designed by architects Populous, the expansion would move the BCEC up into sixth place among the nation’s largest exhibit halls, enabling it to compete for 97 percent of the major convention market, MCCA officials say. That would translate into 545,000 annual attendees at MCCA facilities, up from the current average of 495,000. Annual hotel night bookings would rise from 789,000 to 855,000. MCCA estimates the project would create 1,230 permanent jobs, including off-site businesses that cater to conventioneers. In remarks to the Joint Committee on State Administration last week, MCCA Executive Director David Gibbons said the Hynes sale is expected to fetch less than $500 million, according to real estate studies provided by consultants. He declined to give specific estimates, saying it would amount to “bidding against myself.” The difference would be paid by the $269 million Massachusetts Convention Center Fund, according to the MCCA, which delivered a 98-page report to lawmakers on the project. Gov. Charlie Baker halted an earlier planned expansion in 2015, citing the need for the state to borrow $1 billion to pay for it and skepticism about the benefits.

MCCA officials say the Hynes Convention Center requires up to $500 million in renovations and upgrades to meet the needs of modern trade shows. Back Bay business leaders say a redevelopment wouldn’t replicate the Hynes’ economic impact on neighborhood hospitality and retail properties.

Boston zoning. And neighborhood residents say an economic downturn could delay redevelopment similar to the Filene’s site at Downtown Crossing during the recession. “There is no convincing consensus vision for the future of the site,” said Martyn Roetter, chair of the Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay. “There is a material risk. The sale of the Hynes would be more harmful to Back Bay and Boston than any benefits the expansion of the BCEC might generate.” Three legislators who represent Back Bay want the Hynes sale to be considered sepa-

rately from the BCEC expansion, citing unanswered questions about the Hynes property’s future and its effects on the neighborhood’s retail, restaurants and hotels. State Rep. Jay Livingstone said he’s looking for a more complete economic analysis than administration officials have offered so far. The Boston Planning & Development Agency has not publicly released any information about how much could be built on the Hynes site, which sits on the border of two zoning districts.

Continued on Page 10

HOT PROPERTY Each week, Banker & Tradesman commercial real estate reporter Steve Adams spotlights a commercial real estate property in Massachusetts notable for its high deal activity, unique design or one-of-a-kind special features.

‘Lack of Convincing Consensus’

Representatives of Back Bay business and resident groups have raised red flags about the continuing confusion over the future of the property and what could be built there under


Photo courtesy of Charlene McBride / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

Both sides have commissioned ongoing economic impact studies to back up their rhetoric. But lawmakers indicated neighborhood support will factor strongly into whether they authorize the Hynes sale, something that was largely absent at last week’s Statehouse hearing. Back Bay hotel owners, nightclub operators and even the organizers of the Boston Marathon spoke of the 800,000-square-foot Hynes’s integral role in the neighborhood’s economy. “It’s a very bad urban planning idea,” said Richard Friedman, CEO of One Dalton luxury hotel and condo tower developer Carpenter & Co. “Back Bay is fragile. Amazon is killing retail all over the place. If you take the Hynes out of the Back Bay and put in an office building or something else, it will not have the impact the Hynes has.”

And the imminent redevelopment of Fidelity Investments’ Commonwealth Pier property – which would remove the Seaport Boulevard complex’s 132,000-square-foot exhibition hall – could push more trade shows to the Hynes in the future, Back Bay Association President Meg Mainzer-Cohen said. The Fidelity property hosts approximately 60 events annually that attract 300,000 visitors, spokesman Michael Ialto said in response to an inquiry from Banker & Tradesman.

Photo courtesy of Ed Uthman / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0


Opponents of a push to sell the Hynes Convention Center for redevelopment say the site’s challenges, which include building over the busy Massachusetts Turnpike, could drag down Back Bay much as the vacant Filene’s parcel dragged down Downtown Crossing.

• Cambria Hotels’ first Massachusetts location is an art-infused new landmark at the gateway to South Boston. • Designed by Boston-based RODE Architects, the 100,000-square-foot Cambria Hotel Boston, Downtown-South Boston includes 159 guest rooms, a 160-person event space and rooftop restaurant at the corner of West Broadway and Dorchester Avenue. • RODE collaborated with London-based artist Simon Heijdens to bring his Lightweeds installation of light-projected tree forms to common spaces, and partnered with Yellow Goat Design to create a custom chandelier inspired by weeping willows in Boston’s Public Garden. • The form of the building reflects Boston’s irregular street grid with folding planes and geometries that spotlight the surrounding urban landscape. THEY SAID IT:

“The building taps into the architectural language of the Fort Point neighborhood, leading to simple but confident moves in familiar concrete, brick, and wood beam textures. By giving unique twists to established designs, the hotel fits in harmony, while also giving a new architectural flare to the neighborhood.”

— Jessica Haley, head of interiors, RODE Architects

THINK YOUR PROPERTY IS HOT? Drop Steve a line at


FEBRUARY 3, 2020


An Avid Manager of Risk

Q: How did you get your start in the banking industry? A:

When I was 16, I worked for a local community bank, Hudson National. I knew at the time I wanted to be in accounting and figured of all the places that were local, a bank seemed to be a place where accounting would be useful. There was a position open for a general ledger clerk. So that’s where I got started. I did that part-time in high school and then kept the job at Hudson National in different capacities in college as well.

Q: What does your position as CFO involve? A:

I would say overall with my position, one key thing is always – in layman’s terms – looking at the bigger picture, looking strategically at the direction that the bank should be going in and making sure we’re doing it in a financially sound and stable manner. The one pretty cool differentiator for Avidia Bank is we look at risk management as an opportunity to differentiate ourselves. We don’t see risk management as a tool for us to shy away from risk. Rather, if we excel in risk management and have a strong base and some really talented resources, then we’ll have the ability to take on opportunities that might, for some, be a little riskier in nature. We’re open to taking on products or services that might not be traditional banking-type products and services and [we] embrace them a little bit better than maybe traditional institutions.

Q: What’s an example of that approach? A:

One thing that has been part of the industry for the last five years is the concept of disruptive banking and fintechs. A lot of banks don’t know what to do with fintechs that are now in the market. What we decided years ago was rather than try to compete with them or try to fight with them for the business, what if we were to partner with them. What is it that we can offer that they need, and likewise they can offer that we need? Over the past few years, we have established some partnerships with the various fintechs to improve our payment processing platforms, for example. It’s allowed us to offer real-time merchant settlement because we partnered with a fintech that provided the ability – prior to our core processor – to be able to offer instant merchant settlement. And by having that strong risk foundation, we can make sure that we’re approaching this new service to our customers in a fashion that is compliant, and we’re fulfilling our fiduciary responsibilities. We’re also partnering with a fintech called PayFi. We’re, in essence, building the systems that will allow us to become a member of the Clearing House and offer real-time payments for all customers. With everything comes good and bad, but for the most part the good has definitely outweighed the bad in this instance.

Q: What are some challenges you face as CFO? A:

The challenges, I’d say, are probably similar to every other institution. Our margin has been squeezed over the last couple of years. The analysts and the economists are saying that there will be no rate changes this year – as best as they can predict – so we know that our margin will continue to be squeezed. And with the economy doing so well, you could say that the customer – whether it’s the consumer or a business – has a bit of an upper hand. So, competition with other institutions is fierce right now, as we are all striving to get wallet share from the same business or individual. It’s a sign of the times. It just makes it a little more competitive, a little more challenging for us to continue to grow loans, grow deposits. Not in Avidia’s case, but if an institution were not to embrace change or embrace fintech or think outside the box about nontraditional, community bank-type business, it’s that much more difficult to continue to support growth.

MARGARET SULLIVAN Title: Chief Financial Officer, Avidia Bank Age: 49

Q: How have opportunities changed for women in executive roles at banks? A:

Industry experience: 33 years

Over the years I have definitely seen more women in higher positions. I can think back to as recently as 10 years ago attending various conferences, various workshops, and looking around and being outnumbered by the male gender in the room. It could have been 90 percent men and 10 percent women. Now that percentage of women is much higher.



s Avidia Bank’s CFO, Margaret Sullivan has a key role to play in helping the bank stay innovative. Through its risk management practices, which Sullivan is responsible for, Avidia has emerged as one of the most forward-thinking commuWe don’t see risk nity banks in Massachumanagement as a tool for setts, and one of the most us to shy away from risk. fintech-friendly. Sullivan’s time at Avidia Rather, if we excel in risk predates the bank’s curmanagement and have a rent form, having worked strong base and some really at its predecessor Hudtalented resources, then son Savings Bank for 12 we’ll have the ability to years when it merged take on opportunities. with Westborough Bank in 2007 to create Avidia. Like more than 80 percent of Avidia’s employees, Sullivan volunteers in the community and is board chair for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Mass. and Metrowest, where she has mentored the same child for seven years.

I just had to make sure that no matter what, I did the best job I could. I would try to prove that I had the abilities and the skill set that was needed. And I always had to make sure I was heard, I was seen, that my voice was not forgotten or drowned out. Unfortunately, I think over the years there have been times when women have had to prove themselves or work just a little bit harder in order to stand out.

Avidia Bank is able to partner with a wider range of fintechs to offer products and services thanks to diligent risk management practices.



“The people that mind don’t matter, and the people that matter don’t mind.” — Dr. Seuss


“Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.” — Alice Morse Earle


“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss


“If you want to win, you’ve got to sport a winning attitude.” — Winnie the Pooh


“If you can dream it, you can do it.” — Walt Disney

FEBRUARY 3, 2020



Ethic Faces Numerous Competitors in Wealth Management Continued from Page 1 Ethic is trying to take advantage of an opening White sees in the wealth management landscape. High net worth clients gravitate towards firms that offer a personal touch, the ability to personalize how they interact with a firm’s services and high standards of client service, all things White said some large wealth management services don’t do well. At the same time, families traditionally need to turn to big financial institutions for the ability to invest in vehicles more complex than index funds and other passive investments. Nonetheless, White saw some people choosing smaller wealth management firms so they could work with advisers they knew and trusted. Ethic hopes to offer these clients the best of both worlds. “I felt that if you could really address both of those elements, you could still get access to really good investment management capability but combine that with old-fashioned personal touch and truly understanding relationships,” White said. “There was a need for that type of financial institution.” While the old-fashioned personal touch is key to Ethic’s approach, the wealth management capabilities will include innovative technology. Because Admirals was a small bank, White said, it did not have legacy systems that would take years to upgrade. Instead, the bank has built a new technology platform that integrates banking, lending and wealth management in one system. The platform is up and running, including its banking, commercial

lending, mortgage and wealth management services, with additional enhancements coming in the second and third quarters.

A Crowded Field

As it launches as a wealth bank, Ethic will face competition from traditional wealth management providers as well as from community banks in New England. Several of these banks are also making moves to expand wealth management services.

“I felt that if you could really address both of those elements, you could still get access to really good investment management capability but combine that with old-fashioned personal touch and truly understanding relationships.” — Marc White, president and CEO, Ethic, a Wealth Bank

Amesbury-based Boston Private announced a goal last year to grow wealth assets under management to $50 billion. Two banks with wealth management services, Cambridge Trust and Wellesley Bank, recently announced plans to merge, a move that will give the former access to the latter’s wealthy MetroWest territory.

Ethic hopes to stand out in a crowded field of wealth management firms and banks by offering investment capabilities only larger firms traditionally have, with the service of a small office.

Alex Twerdahl, a managing director and senior research analyst at Piper Sandler, said wealth management is a natural extension of a bank’s services. He said a number of community banks in the Northeast have wealth divisions, with services ranging from retirement planning to tax and individual wealth strategies. “When you have someone coming in to talk about their financial situation and you have wealth services, you should have an advantage in being able to talk about the overall financial picture,” Twerdahl said. Wealth management does not require banks to keep as much capital on hand and is governed by fewer regulations compared to other banking and lending services. Because fees are tied to assets under management, these services can do well during periods of strong market performance, like the current one. Twerdahl said this also provides banks with some insulation during low inter-

est rate environments and periods of interest rate volatility. Growth, he said, is often driven by the ability to hire wealth managers and their existing books of business away from other institutions. “So much of [wealth management] is driven by the relationships,” Twerdahl said. “If you hire somebody who has good relationships with wealthier individuals, you’re going to be able to grow the business.”

Target is 50 Percent Growth

Ethic has started adding staff, and there will be opportunities to build relationships with the wealthy in Massachusetts. The state Department of Revenue recently released the 2017 report of taxpayers with income over $1 million. The state had more than 18,000 taxpayers in this category, and another 2,200 outof-state taxpayers with Massachusetts income over $1 million.

Continued on Page 10




Address: 1 Dalton St. #5502, Boston Price: $16,650,000 Buyer: Boston&Beyond LLC Seller: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Agent: Campion & Co. Size: 4,147 square feet Sold: 1/17/2020


A restored South End townhouse in the fourth spot in this week’s Gossip Report represents a real gem for any family buyer. A spacious street-level entrance opens into a large living and dining area. Higher up, a master suite takes up the entire third floor while children’s bedrooms sit above that.

2 2


Address: 29 Youngs Way, Chilmark Price: $9,200,000 Buyer: Youngs Way Chilmark Landholdings LLC Seller: Young Family LP Size: 2,562 square feet on 3 acres Sold: 1/15/2020



Address: 108 Lake Ave., Newton Price: $5,306,985 Buyer: Jeremy A. Day and Tieu-Bich Nguyen Seller: Day FT Size: 3,940 square feet on 0.56 acres Sold: 1/16/2020



Address: 176 West Canton St., Boston Price: $4,500,000 Buyer: Barber FT Seller: Daniel W. Cummings and Linda C. Cummings Agent: John Neale & Bradford Sprogis, Sprogis & Neale Real Estate Size: 4,459 square feet Sold: 1/15/2020



Address: 1 Dalton St #5103, Boston Price: $4,100,000 Buyer: Sarah Deutsch Seller: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Agent: Campion & Co. Size: 1,403 square feet Sold: 1/15/2020


FEBRUARY 3, 2020


Website Accessibility Is an Essential Component for a Modern Business No One Can Afford a Website Inaccessible to 1 in 5 Adults BY MIKE MCKENNA SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


egardless of vision, hearing, physical and cognitive ability, everyone should be able to access information found on websites. Unfortunately, many businesses are falling short when it comes to ensuring accessibility for all users. Website accessibility is an often-overlooked aspect of building, maintaining and owning a website, particularly if a site is more businessto-business oriented. However, website accessibility is not just for public-facing folks such as real estate agents and property managers. As many as 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. may not be able to use a website because of a disability. Many people with disabilities rely on adaptive tools to use technology. For example, a visually impaired user can utilize a screen reader to help browse a website. If a website is not programmed to meet today’s accessibility stan-

dards, adaptive tools will not work correctly, and the user will be left at a disadvantage. The Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. This encompasses employment, communications, public accommodations and more. Websites must accommodate people who are blind or visually impaired, deaf or hearing impaired, physically disabled or cognitively challenged (i.e., dyslexia). ADA website accessibility complaints are on the rise and currently there are thousands of cases nationwide. Anyone in operating in the B2B space has four good reasons to make sure their websites work for people of all abilities. First, job-seekers are among those visiting your website. One of the most often overlooked aspects of any website is the “career” or “employment” section. Even if your company is B2Bfocused, this area of the website is often public as it’s geared to site visitors who are seeking employment. Oftentimes, the job application on a website is not accessible or the form fields aren’t descriptive. These are obvious ADA issues. It is discriminatory and limits the field of job candidates. If the career section of your website is not

Incentives Insufficient to Stem Housing Crisis

accessible to all users, your company is at risk for website accessibility complaints. Second, individuals with disabilities are your current and future business partners. B2B companies tend to overlook the fact that individuals with visual impairment or other disabilities still work, and most likely utilize adaptive technology in the course of their work on a daily basis. So, having an accessible website is in your company’s best interest as individuals with disabilities are likely among your existing (and potential) business partners. Third, your clients’ customers need website accessibility. Oftentimes with high-end condominiums, the property management site is referred to for a number of things, including for use as a temporary sales site. The ecosystem of technology needs to be useable across all segments. Take, for example, a developer who is also a capital provider to other builders. Their audience is broad, so their website has the following types of users: Investors: Many of their projects require significant capital investment to complete, and a developer must appeal to a wide array of real estate investors. Subcontractors: When the builder is in search of partners or contractors for their projects, they often refer subcontractors to their site. Potential buyers: Once a project is planned and approved, details about the project are posted online in order to begin to market to and build relationships with folks who may be interested.

Job applicants: Many developers have career opportunities on their site, and need to make sure that these are accessible to applicants. Fourth, it’s the law. The federal government requires that websites offering services to the general public must comply with accessibility guidelines. Companies that don’t comply may find themselves at risk of financial penalties. Winn-Dixie Stores Inc. recently faced and lost an ADA-based website accessibility lawsuit – the first of its kind. When it comes to builders and other B2B companies, the definition of “general public” with regard to website visitors is fairly broad and must be examined. Lawsuits against businesses with noncompliant websites are on the rise, resulting in tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and fines. Not only that, but companies with websites that are not accessible are missing out on the opportunity to serve 20 percent of the population. Having a website that meets modern standards ensures accessibility to users of all abilities, ranging from investors and subcontractors to potential buyers and job applicants. An accessible website also provides improved search engine visibility (which means an increase in website traffic) and limits the risk of ADA claims associated with having a noncompliant website.

A visually impaired user can utilize a screen reader to help browse a website. If a website is not programmed to meet today’s accessibility standards, adaptive tools will not work correctly, and the user will be left at a disadvantage.

Mike McKenna is president and co-founder digital accessibility service Adaptable.

Ethic Faces Numerous Competitors The massive amount of building that’s gone on in Boston – including One Seaport Square, shown here in 2015 – stands in contrast to the little new housing build in the city’s suburbs.

Continued from Page 3 In the suburbs, where the vast majority of people in Greater Boston live, it’s the same old story of local zoning rules rigged to bar new residential construction and NIMBY opposition. One need look no further than Newton, where NIMBY neighbors have mounted a campaign for a city-wide vote that would kill plans for a build 800 apartments – as well as offices, restaurants and eight parks – on what is now a dreary, 23-acre parcel dominated by parking lots, a struggling shopping plaza. The drop off in 2010s is doubly frustrating given all the attention the housing crisis has received. Governors and mayors, not to mention religious, civic and business leaders, have spent a decade cheerleading for more housing of all types, setting ambitious goals, issuing reports

and doling out tax incentives. Yet after all that, it still failed to move the needle. The soft-sell approach to solving the housing crisis – encouraging developers to build more housing and offering modest incentives to suburbs, towns and cities in hopes they will roll back onerous zoning regulations – simply isn’t working. The carrot clearly isn’t working, so it’s time for the stick. It’s time for Beacon Hill to step in and ban the exclusionary zoning rules that suburban communities have so successfully used to bottle up badly needed housing.

Continued from Page 9 While Ethic has a federal charter, White said it plans to start off by focusing on Greater Boston and the New England region. The bank has about $220 million in assets and just under 500 customers remaining from Admirals Bank. White’s goals include growing the loan book and deposit base by about 50 percent in 2020. On the wealth management side, he’s looking for Admirals to hit about $400 million to $500 million in assets under management by the end of the year. Assets under

management are not included in total assets. While Ethic’s customers will have high and ultra-high net worths, White said the institution plans to make itself available to the broader community by developing financial programming. “Some of those folks may never be a client,” White said. “But if we can make a difference or have an impact or help them along the way, I feel very strongly that as an institution in 2020, we have an obligation to do that.”


New Lobby to Reposition Dewey Square Tower

Scott Van Voorhis is Banker & Tradesman’s columnist; opinions expressed are his own. He may be reached at

Continued from Page 7 Despite the lack of clarity over future density, brokerage Colliers International has already received inquiries indicating global interest in the site, Managing Director Frank Petz told lawmakers. The Hynes generates approximately 240,000 hotel room night bookings annually, according to data by Boston-based hotel industry consultants Pinnacle Advisory Group. The Back Bay Association has requested that any redevelopment be required to include 150,000 square feet of meeting space. After hearing two hours of testimony, the committee co-chairs said they were troubled by

the seeming lack of support in Back Bay. Sen. Marc Pacheco noted the Senate has just five months left in formal session and any member can block the bill from coming to a vote. “It’s very important to make sure that there’s legitimate discussion that’s going on and see everybody brought to the table,” he said. Rep. Danielle Gregoire took it a step further. “I can’t stress strongly enough that those conversations have to happen, or it’s going to be dead in the water as far as I’m concerned,” she said.


Photo courtesy of CBT Architects

Rep. Says Hynes Sale ‘Dead in the Water’ P

roposed updates to 175 Federal St. include 12,000 square feet of new retail in a glassenclosed lobby and restaurant space including a raised public observation platform overlooking the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. The entrance and lobby would move to the corner of Purchase and Summer streets. “The classic challenge for a lot of buildings in Boston is: where is your front door?” said Haril

Pandya, a principal at CBT Architects. “Right now, the front door feels like a loading dock, and it was a collision of trucks and people.” The removal of the elevated Central Artery continues to influence commercial landlords’ capital improvements on the eastern end of the Financial District. In 2016, Oxford Properties Group relocated the main entrance of its 125 Summer St. office tower to face the Greenway.

FEBRUARY 3, 2020




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3 Sumner Avenue


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FEBRUARY 3, 2020








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Banker & Tradesman

FEBRUARY 3, 2020





Number of Mortgages for Single-Family Homes





B2 Suffolk. . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20

B10 Franklin. . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20

B4 Barnstable . . . . . . . 01/21/20

B10 Hampden. . . . . . . . . 01/21/20

16,000 16000

B6 Berkshire Middle. . 01/21/20

B12 Hampshire . . . . . . . 01/21/20

12,000 12000

B6 Berkshire North . . . 01/21/20

B12 Middlesex North. . . 01/21/20

8,000 8000

B6 Berkshire South. . . 01/21/20

B13 Middlesex South. . . 01/21/20

4,000 4000

B6 Bristol Fall River. . . 01/21/20

B16 Nantucket. . . . . . . . 01/21/20

B7 Bristol North. . . . . . 01/21/20

B16 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20

B7 Bristol South. . . . . . 01/21/20

B18 Plymouth. . . . . . . . . 01/21/20

B8 Dukes . . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20

B20 Worcester. . . . . . . . 01/21/20

B8 Essex North. . . . . . . 01/21/20

B22 Worcester North. . . 01/21/20

24,000 24000



20,000 20000





hApril May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.


Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May May June June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. ’18

20000 20,000





800 0

Jan. 15

Jan. 16

Jan. 17

Jan. 18


Dec. 2015




Dec. 2016




Dec. 2017




Dec. 2018




Dec. 2019





Jan. 19

8000 8,000 4000 400





12000 12,000




16000 16,000



Dec. 15 Dec.

Dec. Dec.16

Dec. Dec.17

Dec. Dec.18

Dec. Dec.19






B8 Essex South . . . . . . 01/21/20


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Property Management Property Tax Appeals

Residential - Commercial

Property Tax Appeals and Abatement Applications Increase ValueProperty + Bottom Line Real Property orYour Personal Representation in allRobert municipalities Contact Marcus in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine 42 Glen Avenue | Newton, MA 02459

Christopher Maffucci, Esq. 303 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210 617-426-5900 • 617-426-8810 (fax)


Property Tax Appeals Paving Residential/Commercial

Property Tax Appeals and Abatement Applications “Over 7,000 Satisfied Customers Since 2001” Real Property or Personal Property Installations Maintenance in Representation in all&municipalities Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine


Driveways, Parking Lots, Material Sales & Snow Management Maffucci, Esq. 781-878-2004 303 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210 577 Brockton Ave.• Abington, MA 02351 617-426-5900 617-426-8810 (fax)

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B25 Petitions to Foreclose


B23 Chapter B26 Foreclosure B2 Suffolk . . . .11 . . Bankruptcies . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B10 Franklin . . . . . . Sales . . . . . . 01/21/20 B4 Barnstable . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B10 Hampden . . . . . . B23 Federal Tax Liens B27 Sheriff Sales . . . . . 01/21/20 B6 Berkshire Middle. . . . . 01/21/20 B12 Hampshire. . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B24 State Tax Liens B6 Berkshire North . . . . . 01/21/20 B12 Middlesex North . . . . . 01/21/20 B6 Berkshire South . . . . . 01/21/20 B13 Middlesex South . . . . . 01/21/20 B6 Bristol Fall River . . . . 01/21/20 B16 Nantucket . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B7 Bristol North. . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B16 Norfolk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B7 Bristol South. . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B18 Plymouth. . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B8 Dukes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 B20 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 Property Management PrivateB22 Funding - MA, NH B8 Essex North. . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 Worcester North.RI, . . . .CT, 01/21/20 • Urgent situations/time sensitive-loans that require B8 Essex South. . . . . . . . . 01/21/20 Residential Commercial


IT Services



Christopher Maffucci, Esq.617-391-8517 303 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210 617-426-5900 • 617-426-8810 (fax)

MA Lic. 120 NH Lic. 2279 RI Lic. 0546



Increase Your Value + Bottom Line Property Tax Appeals and Abatement Applications •Credit Commercial & investment properties of any kind. Records Contact Robert Marcus • Construction/ land loans. Real Property or Personal Property B23 Voluntary Bankruptcies • No Appraisals B24 - Excellent State Tax Terms Liensand Pricing. Loan B23 Chapter 13 Bankruptcies B25 Attachments 345 Boylston St. | Newton, MA 02459 Representation in all municipalities in Holmes Financial Services, LLC B23 Chapter 11 Bankruptcies B25 Petitions to Foreclose 401-474-4500 617-277-1116 Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine B23 Federal Tax Liens B26 Foreclosure Sales

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B25 Attachments

B23 Chapter 13 Bankruptcies



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❑ Statistics based on single-family home sales ❑ Source: The Warren Group



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©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.



Suffolk Registry Stephen J. Murphy, Register 24 New Chardon St., Court House Boston, MA. 02144-9660 Telephone: (617) 788-8575

Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $2,704,500

YTD 2019 52 $2,987,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 AVERY ST U:24G................................ $750,000 B: Gen Ken Peoperties LLC S: Julia Owens Book/Page: 62409/20, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Doherty Real Estate $750,000 Use: County/municipality Property, Lot: 1257sf Prior Sale: $1,190,000 (03/08) 577 BAKER ST U:583B.......................... $799,000 B: Vasiliki Pavlo S: Brush Hill Properties LLC Book/Page: 62409/304, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 146 BEACON ST U:1............................ $19,700,000 B: Jeremy M Sternberg Tr, Tr for Good Radius 2 NT S: PS Beacon LLC Book/Page: 62398/7, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3733sf Prior Sale: $5,635,000 (09/19) 146 BEACON ST U:2............................ $19,700,000 B: Jeremy M Sternberg Tr, Tr for Good Radius 2 NT S: PS Beacon LLC Book/Page: 62398/7, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1710sf Prior Sale: $2,800,000 (09/19) 146 BEACON ST U:3............................ $19,700,000 B: Jeremy M Sternberg Tr, Tr for Good Radius 2 NT S: PS Beacon LLC Book/Page: 62398/7, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2984sf Prior Sale: $3,153,000 (04/12)

146 BEACON ST U:4............................ $19,700,000 B: Jeremy M Sternberg Tr, Tr for Good Radius 2 NT S: PS Beacon LLC Book/Page: 62398/7, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 883sf Prior Sale: $579,000 (04/12) 146 BEACON ST U:5............................ $19,700,000 B: Jeremy M Sternberg Tr, Tr for Good Radius 2 NT S: PS Beacon LLC Book/Page: 62398/7, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 211sf Prior Sale: $5,635,000 (09/19) 210 BEACON ST U:3............................. $3,195,000 B: 210 Beacon LLC S: Gerald Adler Tr, Tr for Adler RT Book/Page: 62401/294, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 980sf 210 BEACON ST U:4............................. $3,195,000 B: 210 Beacon LLC S: Gerald Adler Tr, Tr for Adler RT Book/Page: 62401/294, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2130sf 414 BEACON ST U:4............................. $2,475,000 B: Meijuan Wu S: Kevin P Costello Book/Page: 62399/131, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2118sf Prior Sale: $1,450,000 (07/12) 535-545 BOYLSTON ST...................... $128,000,000 B: Boylston Ll LLC S: John Hancock Life Ins Co Book/Page: 62396/267, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 8960sf Prior Sale: $100,500,000 (08/16) 223 COMMONWEALTH AVE................ $10,000,000 B: 223 Commonwealth Ave LLC S: Thomas P Mccann & Joan Mccann Book/Page: 62399/160, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $7,500,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 3250sf 377 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:8............ $545,000 B: Hale Nalu LLC S: 377 Commonwealth Ave LLC Book/Page: 62418/127, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 400sf Prior Sale: $364,598 (03/19) 1 DALTON ST U:5103........................... $4,100,000 B: Sarah Deutsch S: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Book/Page: 62400/193, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo 1 DALTON ST U:5502.......................... $16,650,000 B: Boston&Beyond LLC S: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Book/Page: 62406/296, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo

5 DWIGHT ST U:1................................. $1,630,000 B: Lynsey Fitzgerald S: Matthew Salzler & Erika Faires Book/Page: 62411/26, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $1,000,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1466sf Prior Sale: $1,020,000 (07/12) 139 E BERKELEY ST U:601.................. $1,001,000 B: Krisztian Kopasz & Salome A Bissa-Kono S: Mark E Curtis & David C Furtado Book/Page: 62418/150, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $800,800 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1259sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (11/03) 65 E INDIA ROW U:14C......................... $815,000 B: John Britto S: John Hennessy Book/Page: 62407/280, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $652,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1230sf Prior Sale: $890,000 (10/15) 80-82 FENWOOD RD U:1013................ $1,080,000 B: Parth Shah & Nidhi Shah S: Miles D East & Catherine A East Book/Page: 62406/169, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $864,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,149,000 (05/18) 1 FRANKLIN ST U:1103........................ $1,730,000 B: Anil Ohri & Meera Ohri S: Yi X Sun Tr, Tr for Charles Harbor Towers T Book/Page: 62399/317, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 1 FRANKLIN ST U:1504........................ $1,900,000 B: Nina A Investment LLC S: Frank Hong & Cindy Leung Book/Page: 62410/90, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 49 HANCOCK ST U:7............................. $970,000 B: Okazaki Properties LLC S: Erin L Nagle Tr, Tr for Nagle FT Book/Page: 62407/4, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 920sf Prior Sale: $805,000 (02/15) 1 HUNTINGTON AVE U:202................... $1,200,000 B: Serge Safar S: Max M Lerner & Hilary Nicholson Book/Page: 62399/230, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $840,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 810sf Prior Sale: $841,000 (09/17) 234-238 HUNTINGTON AVE................ $11,850,000 B: Jack D Train Tr, Tr for Church RT S: 236 Huntington LP Doc#: 000000902797, Date: 01/09/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 7878sf

T O W N / R E G I S T R Y Town Name Registry Abington . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Acton . . . . . . Middlesex South Acushnet . . . . . . Bristol South Adams . . . . . . Berkshire North Agawam . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Alford . . . . . . Berkshire South Allston . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Amesbury . . . . . . . Essex South Amherst . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Andover . . . . . . . Essex North Aqinnah . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Arlington . . . . Middlesex South Ashburnham . Worcester North Ashby . . . . . . Middlesex South Ashfield . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Ashland . . . . . Middlesex South Athol . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Attleboro . . . . . . Bristol North Auburn . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Avon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Ayer . . . . . . . Middlesex South Barnstable . . . . . . . Barnstable Barre . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Becket . . . . . Berkshire Middle Bedford . . . . . Middlesex South Belchertown . . . . . . Hampshire Bellingham . . . . . . . . Norfolk Belmont . . . . . Middlesex South Berkley . . . . . . . Bristol North Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Bernardston . . . . . . . . Franklin Beverly . . . . . . . . Essex South Billerica . . . . . Middlesex North Blackstone . . . . . . . . Worcester Blandford . . . . . . . . . Hampden Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Bourne . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Boxboro . . . . . Middlesex South Boxford . . . . . . . . Essex South Boylston . . . . . . . . . Worcester Braintree . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Brewster . . . . . . . . Barnstable Bridgewater . . . . . . . Plymouth Brighton . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Brimfield . . . . . . . . . Hampden Brockton . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Brookfield . . . . . . . . Worcester Brookline . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Buckland . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Burlington . . . Middlesex South Cambridge . . . Middlesex South Canton . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Carlisle . . . . . Middlesex North Carver . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Centerville . . . . . . . Barnstable Charlemont . . . . . . . . Franklin Charlestown . . . . . . . . Suffolk Charlton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Chatham . . . . . . . . Barnstable Chelmsford . . Middlesex North Chelsea . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Cheshire . . . . Berkshire North Chester . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Chesterfield . . . . . . Hampshire Chicopee . . . . . . . . . Hampden Chilmark . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Clarksburg . . . Berkshire North Clinton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Cohasset . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Colrain . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Concord . . . . . Middlesex South Conway . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin

Cotuit . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Cummington . . . . . Hampshire Dalton . . . . . Berkshire Middle Danvers . . . . . . . . Essex South Dartmouth . . . . . Bristol South Dedham . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Deerfield . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Dennis . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Dighton . . . . . . . Bristol North Dorchester . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Douglas . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Dover . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Dracut . . . . . . Middlesex North Dudley . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Dunstable . . . Middlesex North Duxbury . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth East Boston . . . . . . . . Suffolk East Bridgewater . . . Plymouth East Brookfield . . . . . Worcester East Longmeadow . . . Hampden Eastham . . . . . . . . Barnstable Easthampton . . . . . Hampshire Easton . . . . . . . . Bristol North Egremont . . . . Berkshire South Erving . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Essex . . . . . . . . . . Essex South Everett . . . . . . Middlesex South Fairhaven . . . . . Bristol South Fall River . . . Bristol Fall River Falmouth . . . . . . . . Barnstable Fitchburg . . . . Worcester North Florida . . . . . . Berkshire North Foxboro . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Framingham . . Middlesex South Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Freetown . . . Bristol Fall River Gardner . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Georgetown . . . . . Essex South Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Gloucester . . . . . . Essex South Goshen . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Grafton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Gosnold . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Granby . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Granville . . . . . . . . . Hampden Great Barrington . . . . Berkshire South Greenfield . . . . . . . . . Franklin Greenwich . . . . . . . Hampshire Groton . . . . . . Middlesex South Groveland . . . . . . Essex South Hadley . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Halifax . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hamilton . . . . . . . Essex South Hampden . . . . . . . . . Hampden Hancock . . . . Berkshire North Hanover . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hanson . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hardwick . . . . . . . . . Worcester Harvard . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Harwich . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Hatfield . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Haverhill . . . . . . . Essex South Hawley . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Heath . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Hingham . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hinsdale . . . Berkshire Middle Holbrook . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Holden . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Holland . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Holliston . . . . Middlesex South Holyoke . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Hopedale . . . . . . . . . Worcester

Hopkinton . . . Middlesex South Hubbardston . . . . . . Worcester Hudson . . . . . Middlesex South Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Huntington . . . . . . Hampshire Hyannis . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Hyde Park . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Ipswich . . . . . . . . Essex South Jamaica Plain . . . . . . Suffolk Kingston . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Lakeville . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Lancaster . . . . . . . . . Worcester Lanesboro . . . Berkshire North Lawrence . . . . . . . Essex North Lee . . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Leicester . . . . . . . . . Worcester Lenox . . . . . Berkshire Middle Leominster . . . Worcester North Leverett . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Lexington . . . . Middlesex South Leyden . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Lincoln . . . . . Middlesex South Littleton . . . . . Middlesex South Longmeadow . . . . . . Hampden Lowell . . . . . . Middlesex North Ludlow . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Lunenburg . . . Worcester North Lynn . . . . . . . . . . Essex South Lynnfield . . . . . . . Essex South Malden . . . . . Middlesex South Manchester . . . . . Essex South Mansfield . . . . . . Bristol North Marblehead . . . . . Essex South Marion . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Marlborough . . Middlesex South Marshfield . . . . . . . . Plymouth Marstons Mills . . . . Barnstable Mashpee . . . . . . . . Barnstable Mattapan . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Mattapoisett . . . . . . . Plymouth Maynard . . . . Middlesex South Medfield . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Medford . . . . . Middlesex South Medway . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Melrose . . . . . Middlesex South Mendon . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Merrimac . . . . . . . Essex South Methuen . . . . . . . Essex North Middleboro . . . . . . . Plymouth Middlefield . . . . . . Hampshire Middleton . . . . . . Essex South Milford . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Millbury . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Millis . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Millville . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Milton . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Monroe . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Monson . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Montague . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Monterey . . . . Berkshire South Montgomery . . . . . . . Hampden Mt Washington Berkshire South Nahant . . . . . . . . Essex South Nantucket . . . . . . . Nantucket Natick . . . . . . Middlesex South Needham . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk New Ashford . Berkshire North New Bedford . . . Bristol South New Braintree . . . . . Worcester New Marlboro . Berkshire South New Salem . . . . . . . . Franklin Newbury . . . . . . . Essex South Newburyport . . . . Essex South

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

40 ISABELLA ST U:5W......................... $1,650,000 B: Katarzyna M Nelson & Katarzyne M Sikora-Nelson S: Daniel R Mathieu & Thomas M Potter Book/Page: 62413/158, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $1,320,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1470sf 234 MARLBOROUGH ST U:3................. $1,275,000 B: Golden Rose LLC S: Jo A Jones Book/Page: 62399/94, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1158sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (12/01) 49 REVERE ST U:6................................. $781,000 B: William Connolly S: Lyncey E Fitzgerald Book/Page: 62411/272, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $546,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 733sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (04/09) 20 ROWES WHARF U:309..................... $2,690,938 B: James Rosenfield Tr, Tr for James P Rosenfield 1995 T S: John Barrett Tr, Tr for 20 Rowes Wharf 309 NT Book/Page: 62420/299, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1973sf 20 ROWES WHARF U:608..................... $2,600,000 B: Andrew D Rothstein Tr, Tr for RW 608 RT S: John F Haley Book/Page: 62398/274, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1451sf Prior Sale: $2,400,000 (04/15) 25 S MUNROE TER U:3.......................... $675,000 B: Stefan Nicotra S: 25 S Munroe LLC Book/Page: 62414/215, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 30 SAINT STEPHEN ST......................... $1,960,000 B: Devasena Morrissette & Dennis J Morrissette S: E Rafferty-Bostwick Tr, Tr for E Rafferty Bostwick RET Book/Page: 62414/296, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $1,460,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 1586sf Prior Sale: $1,060,000 (11/08) 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1001................. $913,300 B: Zachary R Kahn & Nicolle R Kahn S: Boston Seaport M12 Land Book/Page: 62404/120, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $730,640 Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1019................ $1,048,700 B: Danhai Mu & Rong Yi S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62419/126, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1620................ $2,295,000 B: Platinum Panthers LLC S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62420/42, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo

133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1623................ $1,950,000 B: Mariah D Calagione Tr, Tr for Mariah D Calagione RET S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62401/42, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1818................ $2,100,000 B: Anurag Gupta S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62417/272, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $1,680,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1908................ $2,895,000 B: Bruce Rodman S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 62404/1, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $2,167,500 Type: Adj Use: Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:2012................ $1,298,250 B: Jingjing Xu S: Boston Seaport M1&M2 Land Book/Page: 62414/241, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 17 SHAWMUT ST................................. $10,410,505 B: Gugv 2 212 Stuart Prop S: Stuart Acquisition 22 LLC Book/Page: 62406/45, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 702sf 19 SHAWMUT ST................................. $10,410,505 B: Gugv 2 212 Stuart Prop S: Stuart Acquisition 22 LLC Book/Page: 62406/45, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Parking Lot, Lot: 700sf Prior Sale: $7,500,000 (05/16) 110 STUART ST U:21J......................... $1,220,000 B: Irwin Muskat Tr, Tr for Irwin Muskat 1992 T S: John J Imbrescia & Marcia E Imbrescia Book/Page: 62396/102, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1112sf Prior Sale: $950,000 (06/14) 212 STUART ST..................................... $583,000 B: Stuart Acquisition 12 LLC S: Boston Redevelopment Auth Book/Page: 62406/31, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 3183sf Prior Sale: $6,000,000 (05/16) 212 STUART ST.................................... $7,289,493 B: Gugv 2 212 Stuart Prop S: Stuart Acquisition 12 LLC Book/Page: 62406/37, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 3183sf Prior Sale: $6,000,000 (05/16) 222 STUART ST..................................... $583,000 B: Stuart Acquisition 12 LLC S: Boston Redevelopment Auth Book/Page: 62406/31, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 3617sf


Newton . . . . . Middlesex South Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk North Adams . Berkshire North North Andover . . . Essex North North Attleboro . . Bristol North North Brookfield . . . . Worcester North Reading Middlesex South Northampton . . . . . Hampshire Norhborough . . . . . . Worcester Northbridge . . . . . . . Worcester Northfield . . . . . . . . . Franklin Norton . . . . . . . . Bristol North Norwell . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Norwood . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Oak Bluffs . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Oakham . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Orleans . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Osterville . . . . . . . . Barnstable Otis . . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Palmer . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Paxton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Peabody . . . . . . . . Essex South Pelham . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Pembroke . . . . . . . . Plymouth Pepperell . . . . Middlesex South Peru . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Petersham . . . . . . . . Worcester Phillipston . . . . . . . . Worcester Pittsfield . . . Berkshire Middle Plainfield . . . . . . . . Hampshire Plainville . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Plymouth . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Plympton . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Princeton . . . . . . . . . Worcester Provincetown . . . . . Barnstable Quincy . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Randolph . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Raynham . . . . . . Bristol North Reading . . . . . Middlesex South Rehoboth . . . . . . Bristol North Revere . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Richmond . . Berkshire Middle Rochester . . . . . . . . Plymouth Rockland . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Rockport . . . . . . . Essex South Roslindale . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Rowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Rowley . . . . . . . . . Essex South Roxbury . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Royalston . . . . . . . . . Worcester Russell . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Rutland . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Salem . . . . . . . . . Essex South Salisbury . . . . . . . Essex South Sandisfield . . .Berkshire South Sandwich . . . . . . . . Barnstable Saugus . . . . . . . . Essex South Savoy . . . . . . Berkshire North Scituate . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Seekonk . . . . . . . Bristol North Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Sheffield . . . . Berkshire South Shelburne . . . . . . . . . Franklin Sherborn . . . . Middlesex South Shirley . . . . . . Middlesex South Shrewsbury . . . . . . . Worcester Shutesbury . . . . . . . . . Franklin Somerset . . . Bristol Fall River Somerville . . . Middlesex South South Boston . . . . . . . Suffolk South Hadley . . . . . Hampshire

Southampton . . . . . Hampshire Southborough . . . . . . Worcester Southbridge . . . . . . . Worcester Southwick . . . . . . . . Hampden Spencer . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Springfield . . . . . . . . Hampden Sterling . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Stockbridge . Berkshire Middle Stoneham . . . Middlesex South Stoughton . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Stow . . . . . . . Middlesex South Sturbridge . . . . . . . . Worcester Sudbury . . . . . Middlesex South Sunderland . . . . . . . . Franklin Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Swampscott . . . . . Essex South Swansea . . . Bristol Fall River Taunton . . . . . . . Bristol North Templeton . . . . . . . . Worcester Tewksbury . . . Middlesex North Thorndike . . . . . . . . Hampden Tisbury . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Tolland . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Topsfield . . . . . . . Essex South Townsend . . . Middlesex South Truro . . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Tyngsboro . . . Middlesex North Tyringham . . Berkshire Middle Upton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Uxbridge . . . . . . . . . Worcester Wakefield . . . Middlesex South Wales . . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Walpole . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Waltham . . . . Middlesex South Ware . . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Wareham . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Warren . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Washington . Berkshire Middle Watertown . . . Middlesex South Wayland . . . . . Middlesex South Webster . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Wellesley . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Wellfleet . . . . . . . . Barnstable Wendell . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Wenham . . . . . . . Essex South West Boylston . . . . . Worcester West Bridgewater . . . Plymouth West Brookfield . . . . Worcester West Newbury . . . Essex South West Roxbury . . . . . . . Suffolk West Springfield . . . . Hampden West Stockbridge . . . Berkshire South West Tisbury . . . . . . . . Dukes Westborough . . . . . . Worcester Westfield . . . . . . . . . Hampden Westford . . . . Middlesex North Westhampton . . . . . Hampshire Westminster . . Worcester North Weston . . . . . Middlesex South Westport . . . . . . Bristol South Westwood . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Weymouth . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Whately . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Whitman . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Wilbraham . . . . . . . . Hampden Williamsburg . . . . . Hampshire Williamstown . Berkshire North Wilmington . . Middlesex North Winchendon . . . . . . . Worcester Winchester . . . Middlesex South Windsor . . . . . Berkshire North Winthrop . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Woburn . . . . . Middlesex South Worcester . . . . . . . . . Worcester Worthington . . . . . . Hampshire Wrentham . . . . . . . . . Norfolk

Yarmouth . . . . . . .


Village Town Annisquam . . . . . . Gloucester Assabet . . . . . . . . . . Maynard Assonet . . . . . . . . . . Freetown Auburndale . . . . . . . . Newton Bass River . . . . . . . . Yarmouth Bradford . . . . . . . . . Haverhill Brant Rock . . . . . . Marshfield Bryantville . . . . . . . Pembroke Buzzards Bay . . . . . . . Bourne Byfield . . . . . . . . . . . Newbury. Cataumet . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Cedarville . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Chestnut Hill . . . . . . . Newton Cochituate . . . . . . . . . . Natick Feeding Hills . . . . . . . Agawam Fiskdale . . . . . . . . . Sturbridge Florence . . . . . . Northampton Fort Devens . . . . . . . . . . Ayer Forestdale . . . . . . . . Sandwich Gilbertville . . . . . . . . Hardwick Glendale . . . . . . . Stockbridge Gosnold . . . . . . . . . Edgartown Green Harbor . . . . . Marshfield Haydenville . . . . Northampton Humarock . . . . . . . . . Scituate Indian Orchard . . . . Springfield Islington . . . . . . . . Westwood Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . Holden Leeds . . . . . . . . Northampton Linwood . . . . . . . . Northbridge Magnolia . . . . . . . . Gloucester Manomet . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Mill River . . . . . . New Marlboro Millers Falls . . . . . . Greenfield Monponsett . . . . . . . . . Halifax New Seabury . . . . . . Mashpee Nutting Lake . . . . . . . Billerica Ocean Bluff . . . . . . Marshfield Onset . . . . . . . . . . . Wareham Pinehurst . . . . . . . . . . Billerica Pocasset . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Prides Crossing . . . . . . Beverly Sagamore . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Saxonville . . . . . . Framingham Shattuckvile . . . . . . . . . Colrain Sheldonville . . . . . . Wrentham Siasconset . . . . . . . Nantucket Teaticket . . . . . . . . . Falmouth Three Rivers . . . . . . . . . Palmer Turners Falls . . . . . Greenfield Waban . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton Waquoit . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Waverly . . . . . . . . . . . Belmont Wellington . . . . . . . . . Medford Whitinsville . . . . . Northbridge Woods Hole . . . . . . . Falmouth Woronoco . . . . . . . . . Westfield

How to Read The Real Estate Records

The information appearing in this newspaper is taken from deed and mortgage documents filed at each of the twenty-one registries of deeds in the state. All property transfers with a sales price of at least $100 and all term-mortgage documents are collected. Whenever possible, we combine the separate deed and mortgage documents so that we can present one complete record of the street address, purchase price, lender and mortgage amount. When we cannot link a deed with a mortgage (and vice versa) each transaction appears individually. Real estate records are organized alphabetically by registry, then town, then by street name within a subhead (Real Estate Sales, Foreclosure Deeds, or Mortgages.) The exception is Suffolk Registry and the City of Boston which appear first. L The statistics at the beginning of each town are for all single-family home sales with a purchase price of $100 and above from January through the most recent complete calendar month.

L The amount appearing on the same line as the street address is the purchase price from the deed. We print “No Amt Given” when the amount did not appear on the document we review. “No Street Given” appears in place of the street address when it was not available. The volume, page of the deed and filing date appear for all sales. The mortgage lender and the amount of the mortgage used to purchase the property are shown. Any second mortgage (Mtg2) filed at the same time as the deed will also appear here.


YTD 1993 17 $47,000

YTD 1994 23 $85,000

••Year-to-Date (YTD) statistics for all single-

family home transactions within our price range criteria.

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 315 MAIN ST U:15.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,000 Pleasant Towers Condo B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Bank $70,000 Mtg2:Seller $8,400 Prior Sale:$93,000 (11/90)

• The first two buyer (B) names and seller (S) names listed on the deed are shown. • Prior sale data (back to 1982) appears only when the address of the new sale matches exactly with the address of the older sale in our database.

222 STUART ST................................... $10,410,505 B: Gugv 2 212 Stuart Prop S: Stuart Acquisition 22 LLC Book/Page: 62406/45, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 3617sf 176 W CANTON ST............................... $4,500,000 B: Matthew C Barber Tr, Tr for Barber FT S: Daniel W Cummings & Linda C Cummings Book/Page: 62397/112, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,800,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 2184sf Prior Sale: $2,625,000 (09/11) 92 W SPRINGFIELD ST U:1................... $540,000 B: Arthur D Horbe & Kate G Horbe S: Ryan M Killoy Book/Page: 62421/163, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $351,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 506sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (08/14) 91 WALTHAM ST U:3............................ $775,000 B: Omar M Abdelsamad S: Steven M Costello & Jeremiah T Hegarty Book/Page: 62404/171, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $620,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 655sf Prior Sale: $724,000 (04/18) 333 WASHINGTON ST U:102C............... $75,000 B: General Nutrition Corp S: Washington Street Assoc Book/Page: 62414/324, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 580 WASHINGTON ST U:1203.............. $1,880,000 B: Debra L Weiss S: M Benjamin Howe & Janet Howe Book/Page: 62414/331, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Morgan Stanley $1,504,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1625sf 1180-1200 WASHINGTON ST U:307..... $840,000 B: Jessica L Bonelli & Zachary R Hoffman S: Lynn M Deitzer Book/Page: 62413/209, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $714,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 985sf Prior Sale: $685,000 (06/15) 16 WELLINGTON ST U:3........................ $510,000 B: Alexander J Gill S: Straw Jeffrey S Est & Andrew Straw Book/Page: 62413/287, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $452,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 499sf 6 WHITTIER PL U:2H............................. $488,500 B: Jason Chen S: Ellen Holt Book/Page: 62407/60, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 802sf Prior Sale: $449,000 (12/15)

Allston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 10 Median Price $695,000

YTD 2019 16 $787,500


L In communities where we have a file of all properties from the assessor’s office, we provide additional property details when available. This is done by exactly matching the address and seller name from the new sales record with the address and owner name found in the property file. No descriptive data appears whenever there is any doubt that the two records are the same property. The “Use” is based on the code the assessor assigns to each building on a parcel. Whenever there is more than one use code or more than one building on a parcel, we flag these as “Multi-use” and “Multibldg” respectively.

L These deeds transfer title to the lender after the mortgage is foreclosed (unless there is a higher bidder at the auction.) The amount in these transactions is usually the amount of the outstanding mortgage that was foreclosed.

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 ELM ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000 B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Mtg Co $140,000 Use:3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot:6459sf Prior Sale:$170,000 (9/89)

• “Use” distinguishes residential homes from land sales and commercial sales. • For residential homes, the number of bedrooms and house style appear when available. • The lot size (Lot) is shown in square feet.

20-22 ASHFORD ST.............................. $2,400,000 B: 20-22 Ashford St LLC S: Gary J Vrotsos & Dennis C Woods Book/Page: 62411/302, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $1,398,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 5000sf 24 BRAINERD RD.................................. $960,000 B: Huo Li S: David I Paul Book/Page: 62400/341, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $672,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3200sf 14 WESTFORD ST U:2........................... $515,000 B: Ping Wang & Tong Zi S: Amelia C Patton & Daniel S Patton Book/Page: 62420/220, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1023sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (02/09)

Brighton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $700,000

YTD 2019 39 $770,000


▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 43 MAIN ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $142,200 B:Main St Bank S:John Smith & Main St Bank Prior Sale:$190,000 (11/85)

• The prior sale shows the original price paid for the property.

Please note: The information contained in this newspaper is taken from public records. While every precaution is taken, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Readers should confirm any information before taking action.




FEBRUARY 3, 2020

B = Buyer S = Seller Mtg = Mortgage lender and amount Mtg2 = Second Mortgage Use = Building use Bdrm = bedrooms Lot = lot size in square feet YTD = year-to-date

KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS LP = Limited Partnership Tr = Trustee T = Trust IRT = Irrevocable Trust ReT = Revocable Trust RT = Realty Trust FT = Family Trust NT = Nominee Trust Est = Estate Ex = Executor

Interested in Mortgage-Only Transactions?

Our online records offer a much deeper look into local markets. L Navigate to L Log in to your account L Click on Real Estate Records under the Real Estate Transactions tab And get busy putting our mortgage records to work!

26 CHISWICK RD U:1............................ $340,000 B: Placid LLC S: Logan Duarte Book/Page: 62409/250, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $255,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 590sf Prior Sale: $352,000 (05/19) 58-60 COLBORNE RD........................... $1,050,000 B: Yuanqin Chen & Xinwei Liu S: Toy C Moy & Yee K Moy Doc#: 000000902778, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $735,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4877sf 516 WASHINGTON ST.......................... $1,380,000 B: Kevin J Yee & Jin F Li S: We Close The Deal LLC Book/Page: 62408/252, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Align CU $828,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3784sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (03/16)

Charlestown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $1,041,438

YTD 2019 69 $1,200,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 ALBION PL U:3.................................. $1,040,000 B: Claire Giblin & Matthew K Pierce S: Edward S Poitevent & Leigh Poitevent Book/Page: 62409/325, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $490,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $735,000 (04/15) 65 BALDWIN ST U:2.............................. $633,000 B: Joshua Stanton & Adeline Hodge S: Bryan J Roy Book/Page: 62414/134, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $569,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $527,750 (05/16) 364 BUNKER HILL ST U:3...................... $745,000 B: Robert Butler & Bella Butler S: Thomas Cullen & Jennifer Cullen Book/Page: 62395/288, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo

6-8 FRANKLIN ST U:2.......................... $1,200,000 B: Matthew Virzi & Mary Virzi S: Russell A Bolt & Vivian T Bolt Book/Page: 62421/132, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $960,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $725,000 (09/04) 86 HIGH ST U:1..................................... $1,025,000 B: Lauren D Grillo & Gregory D Johnson S: Kendrick LLC Book/Page: 62398/308, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $775,000 Use: Condo 2 LEXINGTON ST.................................. $1,400,000 B: Lee Raymond & Ariana Burdett S: Brian Kelly & Ashley Swasey Doc#: 000000902834, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,120,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Row-end, Lot: 883sf Prior Sale: $1,225,000 (03/16) 13 LEXINGTON ST U:2........................... $727,500 B: Jessica Jackson S: Amy L Fater & Timothy Fater Book/Page: 62398/19, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $617,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $456,000 (08/09)

Chelsea MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 37 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2019 30 $445,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 124 ADDISON ST U:16.......................... $247,000 B: Glennie Polynice S: Margaret E White & Christopher Cataldo Doc#: 000000902780, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $239,509 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $135,000 (12/03) 33 DIVISION ST..................................... $275,000 B: William Amaya S: Mary M Quinones Tr, Tr for Tiny RT Book/Page: 62405/166, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $261,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2750sf 14 REYNOLDS AVE U:14....................... $337,500 B: Fatima M Goncalves S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 62409/223, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $320,625 Use: 5 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $262,667 (12/18) 505 WASHINGTON AVE U:31................. $255,000 B: Teodor Nikollara S: Sonia K Leung Book/Page: 62411/99, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $204,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $212,500 (08/17) 102 WILLIAMS ST................................. $880,000 B: Jose Monge S: 102 Williams Street LLC Book/Page: 62422/44, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $660,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 3350sf Prior Sale: $595,000 (03/16)

East Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 55 Median Price $570,000

YTD 2019 38 $599,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 211 E EAGLE ST.................................... $950,000 B: Eagle Street Development S: Joseph Lunetta Book/Page: 62396/184, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mechanics Cp Bk $760,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3200sf 71 HOMER ST........................................ $929,900 B: 71 Homer LLC S: Elaine Najaryan Tr, Tr for Amelia F Cataruozzolo IRT Book/Page: 62398/175, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3350sf 323 MAVERICK ST................................ $500,000 B: Boston Building Co LLC S: Huiming Huang Book/Page: 62396/226, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: BankGloucester $375,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2438sf Prior Sale: $161,000 (09/12) 137 PARIS ST........................................ $710,000 B: 137 Paris Street LLC S: Marie L Lasala Book/Page: 62412/145, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Boston Cnst Hld $985,000 Use: 3-Family Row-end, Lot: 1950sf 329 SUMNER ST................................... $1,075,000 B: 329 Sumner LLC S: Cassandra Benson & Mary A Wells Book/Page: 62414/258, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Boston Cnst Hld $950,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 1164sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (12/07)

Hyde Park

Dorchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 160 Median Price $558,500

68-70 SAGAMORE ST.......................... $1,010,000 B: Sagamore Realty LLC S: James P Nally & Mary P Nally Book/Page: 62406/142, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $757,500 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 2890sf 11 SAMOSET ST.................................... $725,000 B: Jadrian Miles & Maria Sardinas S: Alan G Duffy & Camilla B Duffy Book/Page: 62419/207, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $580,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2820sf 65 SAWYER AVE U:1............................. $705,000 B: 65 Sawyer Avenue LLC S: Brian P Mcneil & Corie E Mcneil Book/Page: 62421/66, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 432 WASHINGTON ST........................... $960,000 B: Micah Evans S: Billy Cheuk Book/Page: 62412/219, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $768,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 4103sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (12/09) 37 WELLESLEY PARK............................ $900,000 B: Flavian Brown & Austyn E Mayfield S: Lee Robinson Book/Page: 62409/117, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $720,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 3820sf Prior Sale: $218,500 (07/98)

YTD 2019 164 $550,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 157 ADAMS ST U:1............................... $415,000 B: Stephen J Swigut S: 157 Adams Street LLC Book/Page: 62410/290, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $332,000 Use: Condo 1522 ADAMS ST U:WM302................... $889,000 B: Anna F Jones S: Robert Noble Book/Page: 62403/102, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $200,000 Use: Condo 31 BARRY ST........................................ $875,000 B: Rashidat R Agboola S: Elza Mathieu Book/Page: 62404/294, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $854,700 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3400sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (05/18) 248-A BOWDOIN ST............................. $1,100,000 B: Adilson F Rodrigues S: Kachi Investments LLC Book/Page: 62405/192, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Velocity Comm Cap LLC $750,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 1862sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (04/12) 389 CENTRE ST.................................... $1,250,000 B: Mark A Morrison & Rebecca A Morrison S: 389 Centre Street LLC Book/Page: 62418/341, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $937,500 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3710sf Prior Sale: $975,000 (07/18) 990-998A DORCHESTER AVE.............. $1,100,000 B: Lin Properties LLC S: Kim H Nguyen Book/Page: 62420/150, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Kim H Nguyen $750,000 Use: Shopping Ctr/mall, Lot: 2532sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (04/04) 44 GLENDALE ST.................................. $1,150,000 B: Volnay LLC S: Wilfredo Otero Tr, Tr for Winfrdo Otero RET Book/Page: 62397/242, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: South Shore Bank $1,012,500 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 4967sf 3 HAMLET ST........................................ $800,000 B: Jose O Deandrade S: Ana M Deandrade Book/Page: 62404/199, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $640,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2571sf 32 ROSECLAIR ST U:2........................... $579,000 B: Courtney Libon & David Urena S: Maureen Sullivan Book/Page: 62404/95, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $335,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1200sf Prior Sale: $256,500 (01/11)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 176 Median Price $443,275

YTD 2019 150 $460,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 ALPINE ST U:5.................................. $217,500 B: Marlenny L Anziani S: Alicia Taylor Book/Page: 62405/291, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $206,625 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 880sf Prior Sale: $211,300 (01/05) 134 DANA AVE...................................... $365,000 B: James Carroll S: Showstead Thomas F Est & David A Showstead Book/Page: 62410/6, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $328,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3873sf 888 METROPOLITAN AVE..................... $770,000 B: Michael B Moran & Keena B Patel-Moran S: Historic Fairmount LLC Book/Page: 62405/235, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $616,000 1385 RIVER ST...................................... $801,000 B: Franklin E Ortiz S: William M Dempsey Book/Page: 62411/338, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: City Of Boston CU $760,950 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6496sf 45 WASHINGTON ST............................. $422,000 B: Christopher Cawley S: Christopher Cawley Book/Page: 62408/170, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $422,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4950sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (06/17) 151 WEST ST......................................... $480,000 B: Marichell Camacho-Benson & Patrick Florence S: N&A Real Estate Mgmt LLC Book/Page: 62419/310, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $316,442 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2893sf Prior Sale: $287,000 (11/18)

Jamaica Plain MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 84 Median Price $885,000

YTD 2019 84 $812,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 CAROLINA AVE U:1.......................... $575,000 B: Diane R Koeller & Eric W Schubert S: Patricia Kinsella Book/Page: 62405/346, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $484,350 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1016sf 76 ELM ST U:403................................... $440,000 B: Marilyn A Levine S: James Dibartolomeo & Jacki Dibartolomeo Book/Page: 62400/85, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 780sf Prior Sale: $363,850 (07/15)





23 GOODWAY RD.................................. B: 23 Goodway Road LLC S: Gill Thomas J Est & Norita Morgan Book/Page: 62397/158, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Creative Dev Assc LP $580,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4039sf 180 HEATH ST....................................... B: Ting Jiang & Zujie J Shi S: Tania I Rodrigues Book/Page: 62399/75, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3244sf Prior Sale: $55,000 (08/05) 387 HYDE PARK AVE U:2...................... B: Michael Thomas & Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas S: Neverman Properties LLC Book/Page: 62403/202, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $502,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1427sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (09/17) 28 NEWBERN ST U:2............................. B: Katheryn Perry S: Mia M Lefkowitz Book/Page: 62398/52, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $465,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 824sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (03/14) 98-100 ROSSMORE RD U:3................... B: Matthew W Ruggiero & Ana A Shapiro S: Elizabeth R Mcgrath Book/Page: 62402/184, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $412,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1137sf Prior Sale: $362,000 (08/13)






YTD 2019 56 $412,500 $840,000


▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 30 AMBROSE ST................................... B: Kevin F Martinez & Ana J Martinez S: Mendez Brothers Invest Book/Page: 62412/94, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $490,943 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4050sf Prior Sale: $371,000 (06/18) 233 BRADSTREET AVE.......................... B: Daniel Turetsky & Mikhail Turetsky S: Claire M Leblanc Book/Page: 62405/63, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4245sf 44 FOWLER AVE.................................... B: Mohammed Merzaq S: James Third LLC Book/Page: 62421/77, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $155,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 2880sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (12/19) 13 KINGMAN AVE U:1........................... B: Celsus LLC S: Dana Brangiforte Book/Page: 62420/248, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $83,810 (03/07) 29-31 RESERVOIR AVE......................... B: Brown Judith R Est & Mary L Devoy S: Donna K Mitchell & Todd K Mitchell Book/Page: 62400/136, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4913sf Prior Sale: $236,500 (10/99) 20 WASHINGTON SQ............................. B: Nicholas C Gast & Vi Buily S: Ian C Houmeister & Minh S Houmeister Book/Page: 62399/189, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $617,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 1656sf Prior Sale: $474,500 (06/16)







Roslindale MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 121 Median Price $610,000

88 HOWARD AVE................................... $540,000 B: Andre A Barbosa & Iman K Barbosa S: Jackson Bernice Est & Homer Jackson Book/Page: 62415/57, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: American Natnwide Mtg $738,137 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 6566sf 243 NORTHAMPTON ST....................... $2,300,000 B: Akanksha Chaand Tr, Tr for Mission Hill Ultra T S: HSB Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 62414/176, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $1,385,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 1200sf Prior Sale: $1,150,000 (11/12) 30 POMPEII ST...................................... $740,000 B: Wade M Sarraf S: Larry S Rose Book/Page: 62403/43, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cardinal Fncl Co LP $741,675 Use: 3-Family Row-end, Lot: 1476sf 9 WAYNE ST.......................................... $810,000 B: Antoine King & Wendy Lima S: Vinton Walker Book/Page: 62413/261, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Federal Savings Bank $795,328 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 7369sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (07/08)

YTD 2019 95 $630,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 GUERNSEY ST U:2............................ $517,000 B: Tyler Fitzpatrick & Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick S: Matthew Clarke & Gina Yarmel Book/Page: 62410/135, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $387,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1165sf Prior Sale: $352,000 (05/13) 31 HARRISON ST U:B............................ $305,000 B: Alana Bednarz S: Adriana Cordero Book/Page: 62412/196, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1729sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (01/04) 15 JUNE ST........................................... $715,000 B: Kyle Morawski & Sarah Morawski S: Brian C Keane Tr, Tr for 15 June Street NT Book/Page: 62413/327, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $572,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 16195sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (02/16) 19 TAPPAN ST U:1................................ $515,000 B: Jennifer J Wilson S: Stephen J Primes Book/Page: 62419/284, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Harvard University CU $265,000 Use: Condo

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $845,000

YTD 2019 72 $812,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 CHANNEL CENTER ST...................... $12,000,000 B: 7 CC 73 Owner LLC S: 7 Chanel Center LLC Book/Page: 62412/60, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 15092sf 346-354 CONGRESS ST U:613............. $1,357,000 B: Thomas Frover & Amanda Vanderhorst S: Aaron A Gilman Book/Page: 62403/39, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1159sf Prior Sale: $915,000 (07/10) 537 E 1ST ST U:4................................. $1,045,000 B: Daniel D Greco S: TJV Enterprises LLC Book/Page: 62412/117, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $731,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1358sf 772 E 6TH ST U:2.................................. $789,000 B: Stephanie E Tarallo S: 772 E Sixth Street LLC Book/Page: 62402/128, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $500,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 82 G ST U:1.......................................... $1,100,000 B: Kevin R Bleyle & Jasen W Coole S: Ken Fisher & Christopher Kandus-Fisher Book/Page: 62417/344, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $800,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (10/15) 180 GOLD ST U:5................................... $665,000 B: Sean P Farrell & Marissa A Gallo S: Michael D Lauenger & Tina Zhang Book/Page: 62418/219, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $532,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 819sf 146-146H M ST U:1............................... $660,000 B: Colin Schafer S: 146 M Street LLC Book/Page: 62401/171, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Condo 34 MITCHELL ST U:2............................. $577,500 B: Richard Errirco S: Colleen M Coleman & Jonathan S Obrien Book/Page: 62419/157, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $433,125 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 708sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (08/13) 287 OLD COLONY AVE U:1.................... $799,000 B: Chintu Patel S: 287 Old Colony LLC Book/Page: 62411/184, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $639,200 Use: Condo 287 OLD COLONY AVE U:2.................... $679,000 B: Kathryn Bouchard S: 287 Old Colony LLC Book/Page: 62422/1, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $290,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 350 W 4TH ST U:410............................. $560,000 B: Karan Sodhi & Bulat Khasanov S: Daniel D Greco Book/Page: 62411/50, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $448,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 753sf Prior Sale: $511,000 (01/17) 14 W BROADWAY U:906...................... $1,675,000 B: Michail Geller & Kadria Geller S: CPC Cornerstone Dev Book/Page: 62400/47, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Guaranty Mtg $1,225,000 Use: Condo

West Roxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 265 Median Price $600,000

Winthrop MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $493,250

YTD 2019 96 $494,700




YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 203 Median Price $425,000

YTD 2019 36 $594,500

South Boston


6 DEERING RD....................................... B: Beatrice Bamikole S: David Humphrey & Edna M Humphrey Book/Page: 62405/75, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $811,965 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 4049sf Prior Sale: $517,000 (06/06)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 Median Price $455,000


Mattapan YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 Median Price $417,500


85 JOYCE KILMER RD........................... $450,000 B: Patrick M Martin S: Peter J Martin Tr, Tr for Loughrea-Martin T Book/Page: 62398/340, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $450,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5150sf 27 LEDGE HILL RD................................ $620,000 B: Sean Farrelly S: Patricia C Clark Tr, Tr for Patricia C Clark FT Doc#: 000000902750, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Commonwealth Coop Bk $496,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 6110sf 42 PARAGON RD U:2............................. $372,500 B: Nicholas Decola S: James P Rinaldi Doc#: 000000902839, Date: 01/10/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $298,000 Use: Condo 21 POTOMAC ST................................... $580,000 B: Aruna Veeraragavan & Kannappan Veeraragavan S: Elinor Horner Doc#: 000000902769, Date: 01/08/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $464,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5160sf Prior Sale: $367,000 (12/13)

YTD 2019 224 $609,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 91 GLENELLEN RD................................ $379,000 B: Glenellen LLC S: George Katherine L Est & Maura Gallagher Doc#: 000000902868, Date: 01/13/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $553,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 11962sf

97 GROVERS AVE................................. $1,125,000 B: Vincent A Crossman S: Carmine Sodano Book/Page: 62397/19, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $787,500 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6500sf 142 PLEASANT ST U:10........................ $478,000 B: Barbara Evangelista & Jan K Peters S: Bianca Belcher Book/Page: 62403/310, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $454,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $489,000 (12/17) 142 PLEASANT ST U:8.......................... $448,000 B: Lauren E Dematteo S: Stephen Siuda & Amanda Digitale Book/Page: 62403/269, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $422,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $408,000 (12/18) 76 SUMMIT AVE.................................... $520,000 B: William P Edgett Jr & Gina M Edgett S: Marie Monteleone Book/Page: 62412/70, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $422,262 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4000sf 80 UPLAND RD...................................... $560,000 B: Raymond R Parziale & Xiaomei C Parziale S: Robert Kelley & Ethel C Kelley Book/Page: 62399/334, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $448,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8861sf 229 WASHINGTON AVE U:1A................ $205,000 B: Christopher M Mullins S: Diana Durbano Doc#: 000000902900, Date: 01/14/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $160,000 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $126,000 (12/14) 444 WINTHROP ST................................ $386,000 B: Kaitlyn Cedrone S: Mark Bouche & Joyce Bouche Book/Page: 62410/223, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $366,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3572sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (05/09)

Barnstable Registry John F. Meade, Esq. Register P.O. Box 368, Barnstable, MA 02630 Telephone: (508) 362-7733 Fax: (508) 362-5065

Barnstable MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 87 Median Price $470,000

YTD 2019 111 $492,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 625 HUCKINS NECK RD......................... $193,440 B: Sang J Lee S: FHLM Book/Page: 32627/44, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19602sf Prior Sale: $206,327 (12/19) 597 MAIN ST......................................... $500,000 B: Nicholas M Crawford & Jennifer Crawford S: Robert R Black 3rd Tr, Tr for Gabrielle Black RET Book/Page: 32624/348, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $475,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Salt Box, Lot: 113692sf Prior Sale: $39,800 (01/01) 246 PINE ST.......................................... $225,000 B: Christopher J Loftus S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 32632/119, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 131987sf Prior Sale: $319,412 (08/19)

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

Centerville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 241 Median Price $360,000

YTD 2019 225 $375,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 77 GREAT HILL DR................................ $415,000 B: Mary E Goulding & Rebecca Meyer S: Mark Lane & Susan E Lane Book/Page: 32628/238, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $311,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 45302sf Prior Sale: $242,500 (12/00) 73 OXNER RD........................................ $370,000 B: Ramon E Perez S: Mary R Wattles Tr, Tr for Mary R Wattles RET Book/Page: 32633/222, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $363,298 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15246sf 233 WHEELER RD................................. $1,300,000 B: Steven G Joseph S: Craig W Huntley & Bonnie Ellis Book/Page: 32634/77, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $1,170,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 74488sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (03/12)

Cotuit MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 65 Median Price $436,000

YTD 2019 81 $415,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 925 MAIN ST U:6................................... $370,000 B: Michael A Spinello S: Colleen A Trainor Tr, Tr for Trainor LT Book/Page: 32625/116, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $185,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $370,000 (07/02) 57 PHEASANT HILL CIR........................ $595,000 B: Paul D Fitzgerald & Kathleen N Fitzgerald S: Francis E Murphy 3rd & Sharon M Murphy Book/Page: 32633/342, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $524,000 (08/13) 568 SANTUIT RD................................... $675,000 B: Susan Malomo & David M Fravel S: Deborah L Deluga & Michael Deluga Book/Page: 32630/194, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $540,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 56628sf Prior Sale: $156,000 (07/98)

Hyannis YTD 2019 223 $306,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 53 1ST AVE........................................... $307,500 B: Stuart W Bolton & Julie Hanlon-Bolton S: Charles A Lindberg Tr, Tr for Lindberg FT Book/Page: 32631/121, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $276,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $367,000 (03/05) 198 LONGVIEW DR................................ $305,000 B: Robert Maloney & Isabel Maloney S: Perkins Christopher A Est & Amy V Thomas Doc#: 000001388592, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $240,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (09/12) 30 MAIN ST U:K.................................... $175,000 B: Mojo Realty Investments S: Osman Lopes-Desousa Doc#: 000001388599, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $135,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $185,000 (06/03) 45 TEVYAW RD...................................... $245,000 B: Ronaldo P Coelho & Jaqueline Coelho S: Marianne E Burnside Book/Page: 32631/56, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $232,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $92,000 (04/98) 90 TOWN HOUSE TER U:90................... $213,000 B: Elwood B Davis Tr, Tr for Poses 2008 FT S: George P Evans & Arthur M Coyle Book/Page: 32624/337, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 80 WALNUT ST...................................... $290,900 B: Wilson Espinoza S: Maxtin A Delahanty Book/Page: 32624/146, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Natl Bk $232,720 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (09/17) 168 WALNUT ST.................................... $375,000 B: Teresa D Guevara-Alvarado S: Alpha Investments LLC Book/Page: 32625/184, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $368,207 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $234,012 (09/19)

Marstons Mills MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 120 Median Price $358,000

YTD 2019 133 $375,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 29 REDBERRY LN.................................. B: Krista L Shamon S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 32627/253, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $313,215 Use: 2 Bdrm Salt Box, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $368,546 (06/19)


Bourne MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 271 Median Price $370,000

YTD 2019 285 $378,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 KING ARTHURS WAY......................... $325,000 B: Dana M Boudreau & Kathleen G Robinson S: Claudia Rotondi & Anthony R Rotondi Book/Page: 32632/262, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Redfin Mtg $315,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 29969sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (05/98) 9 PARK ST............................................. $501,000 B: Timothy Jones S: John C Herther Tr, Tr for 9 Park RT Book/Page: 32626/310, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $400,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 5881sf

Brewster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 207 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2019 168 $463,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 BREAKWATER RD........................... $1,755,000 B: Spoosily Inc S: Wind Reef Inc Book/Page: 32625/256, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Islands Comty De $640,000 Use: Inn/resort, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $899,000 (01/11) 72 CAPTAINS VILLAGE LN.................... $850,000 B: Ian D Millen Tr, Tr for Millen T S: Steven Dangel Tr, Tr for Dangel FT Book/Page: 32626/205, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $460,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30448sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (01/01)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 70 CRESCENT LN U:70.......................... $216,000 B: FNMA S: Noreen A Kelly-Perkes & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 32626/274, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $329,000 (06/05)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 227 Median Price $315,000

126 SANTUIT NEWTOWN RD................ B: Jensett Corp S: Peter R Streck & Diana D Streck Book/Page: 32626/282, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Peter P Jenkins $280,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 57064sf


©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 191 Median Price $630,000

YTD 2019 175 $727,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 54 HERITAGE LN................................... $285,000 B: Adrian Atkinson & Anne Quinones S: Lance R Murphy & Colleen J Furber Book/Page: 32626/54, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $332,519 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 39602sf 81 HITCHINGPOST RD........................... $105,000 B: Paul A Dicarlo & Brielle C Goldfaden S: Paul A Dicarlo Book/Page: 32628/313, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21742sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (08/19) 35 SHATTUCK PL................................. $1,115,000 B: John D Branigan & Jane F Branigan S: Henry E Crosby & Leslie R Crosby Book/Page: 32625/155, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $892,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 28980sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (04/16) 2 WILLIAMS WAY.................................. $995,000 B: Nathaniel Akers & Jane Bargmann S: Cape Coastal Builders Inc Book/Page: 32635/103, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $756,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 60496sf

Dennis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 372 Median Price $370,000

YTD 2019 378 $384,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 BEACH RD.......................................... $390,000 B: Mark A Landolfi & Lisa M Landolfi S: Stephen Clickner Doc#: 000001388543, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $312,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (07/16) 96 CAPTAIN CHASE RD......................... $329,000 B: Krishana R House S: William R Moran & Nellie G Moran Book/Page: 32633/177, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $263,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4356sf 88 COLES POND DR............................. $1,390,000 B: Kerry M Schneeberger S: John P Digiovanni & Anne E Digiovanni Book/Page: 32627/47, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (11/10) 9 EDWARDS AVE U:C5.......................... $143,000 B: Glenroy S Burke S: William D Kelley Book/Page: 32633/40, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $83,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $136,500 (12/04) 110 GLENDON RD U:9........................... $130,000 B: Gregory A Montecalvo & Sharon L Montecalvo S: Jill M Goretti & John S Goretti Doc#: 000001388682, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $122,500 (07/19)

2 LUSCOMBE LN.................................. $2,500,000 B: Louis J Lanzillo & Lisa Lanzillo S: Carlton R Copp & Alice A Copp Doc#: 000001388435, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 19602sf 402 MAIN ST......................................... $800,000 B: Compact Of Cape Cod Cnsrv S: Charles Winters & Tobey Winters Doc#: 000001388396, Date: 01/15/20 25 O K AVE............................................ $710,000 B: William B Hudson & Julie C Hudson S: John F Hudson Tr, Tr for 25 O K Avenue RT Doc#: 000001388573, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: John F Hudson $710,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2614sf 36 O K AVE............................................ $710,000 B: William B Hudson & Julie C Hudson S: John F Hudson Tr, Tr for 25 O K Avenue RT Doc#: 000001388573, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: John F Hudson $710,000 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 6534sf 248 OLD WHARF RD U:A3..................... $260,000 B: Robert S Eastman S: Richard Kole Book/Page: 32630/292, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $204,000 Use: Condo 51 PRINCETON CIR............................... $434,900 B: James Hartzell & Karen Hartzell S: Paul A Funk Doc#: 000001388481, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $20,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8276sf Prior Sale: $427,000 (05/19) 10 UNCLE ROLF RD............................... $342,500 B: Thomas M Murphy Jr & Kathleen A Murphy S: Brendan K Walsh & Jennifer L Walsh Doc#: 000001388606, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $308,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $312,000 (05/17)

Eastham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 148 Median Price $470,000

YTD 2019 160 $458,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 CLAYTON RD.................................... $685,000 B: Paul R Stewart & Diana C Pisciotta S: Steven Kleinberg Tr, Tr for Steven E Kleinberg RET Book/Page: 32632/158, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $616,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20909sf Prior Sale: $452,500 (09/11) 8 WIDAH LN........................................... $460,000 B: David Geen & Irene Geen S: Philip C Baker & Stephen D Graham Book/Page: 32633/18, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $414,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21107sf

Falmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 628 Median Price $427,700



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

YTD 2019 634 $434,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 498 CENTRAL AVE................................ $316,766 B: France Thayer-Wise & Frances Wise-Grenley S: Peter Y Wise & George M Krol Book/Page: 32630/215, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7920sf 140 CHAPAQUIOT RD U:113................. $18,000 B: Meissner David R Est & Robert A Brown S: Judith Hyde-Messiner & Marjorie W Messiner Book/Page: 32633/202, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 140 CHAPAQUIOT RD U:113................. $40,000 B: Wormelle 1923 LLC S: Meissner David R Est & Robert A Brown Book/Page: 32633/205, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 9 CHURCHILL DR................................... $270,000 B: Mary A Sardone & Joanne Sardone S: Roger E Sullivan & Lois M Sullivan Book/Page: 32633/155, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7700sf Prior Sale: $208,000 (07/08) 21 GARRY AVE...................................... $340,000 B: Christopher Rozanski S: Carl Cavossa & Kristen Cavossa Doc#: 000001388721, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $306,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12615sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (07/17) 14 GREEN POND RD.............................. $427,500 B: Stephen Craft & Meghan K David S: Rhea L Cobban Doc#: 000001388749, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Canton Cp Bk $376,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (01/11) 38 HAYWAY RD..................................... $243,000 B: Daniel J Knowlton & Crystal M Knowlton S: Susan L Palanza Book/Page: 32630/37, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Southern Mass CU $194,400 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15530sf Prior Sale: $194,500 (10/19) 44 KATHY ANN LN................................ $280,000 B: Micah J Agnoli & Jaymie C Foster S: Kinchla Properties LLC Book/Page: 32628/188, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $274,928 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17804sf 368 LOCUSTFIELD RD........................... $220,000 B: Anthony J Faria & Allison L Baker S: Rooney John H Est & Tara Memmolo Book/Page: 32637/162, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $457,875 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27390sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (12/99) 70 OSTROM RD..................................... $345,000 B: Jack Mandelbaum & Bernice Z Mandelbaum S: Mott L Groom & Brabara J Groom Book/Page: 32625/107, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 95539sf

72 PHEASANT LN................................. $1,195,000 B: Susan R Keller S: Gregory Salvatore & Joanne Salvatore Book/Page: 32624/110, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 13460sf Prior Sale: $776,750 (12/16) 83 PINECREST BEACH DR..................... $285,000 B: Doreina I Ramos S: Gary G Mcnally Book/Page: 32631/204, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $242,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14200sf 182 SIPPEWISSETT RD......................... $785,000 B: Karl Rosengren Tr, Tr for Karl Rosengren T S: Sandra M Owen Doc#: 000001388763, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $545,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 19200sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (07/03) 16 TERRY LOU AVE............................... $450,000 B: Frank J Anastasi Tr, Tr for Frank Anastasi T S: Marcia F Anastasi Tr, Tr for Marcia E Anastast T Book/Page: 32625/77, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16000sf Prior Sale: $436,000 (12/16) TRUMBULL RD L:33B............................ $180,000 B: Argonauta Designs LLC S: Peterson Development Corp Book/Page: 32627/97, Date: 01/16/20 850 W FALMOUTH HWY U:9................. $437,000 B: Julio M Baranano Tr, Tr for Julio M Baranano RET S: Virginia T Godino Book/Page: 32625/62, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 5 WAMSUTTA RD.................................. $422,500 B: Neil V Curran S: Gerald B Smith & Kathleen M Smith Doc#: 000001388471, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $338,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 36329sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (05/15)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 61 ANDREWS ST................................... B: US Bank NA Tr S: Ernest Kuruppu & US Bank NA Book/Page: 32627/334, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18090sf Prior Sale: $317,000 (06/05)


Harwich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 291 Median Price $422,500

YTD 2019 311 $442,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 BAYVIEW RD..................................... $1,250,000 B: Frank P Trimboli & Mary R Trimboli S: George I Rockwood Jr Tr, Tr for George I Rockwood RT Doc#: 000001388378, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $625,000 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 30056sf 4 NOVOTNY LN...................................... $534,000 B: Garrett S Peterson & Rebecca L Boyer S: Robert J Tompkins Tr, Tr for James B Tompkins T Book/Page: 32632/213, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $427,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 90169sf 413 QUEEN ANNE RD............................ $287,000 B: Sean M Pitta & Sara M Gifford S: Barbara Hanson Book/Page: 32633/319, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $258,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15000sf 994 QUEEN ANNE RD............................ $397,000 B: Leslie G Collins Tr, Tr for Lgcollins RET S: Linda B Hladek Book/Page: 32632/284, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $317,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17900sf Prior Sale: $126,000 (02/00) 601 ROUTE 28 U:107............................. $180,000 B: George I Rockwood S: Barnes Margaret M Est & Nancy M Barnes Book/Page: 32625/206, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $15,000 (09/01)

Mashpee MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 306 Median Price $408,000

YTD 2019 278 $435,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 85 BLUE CASTLE DR............................. $360,000 B: James Harney S: Catherine M Garrick & Orlando Hernayz Book/Page: 32636/296, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2-Family Raised Ranch, Lot: 56628sf 57 DEER RIDGE RD............................... $412,000 B: Fernando Mendes & Fabiana Mendes S: Judy Mcmahan Book/Page: 32628/161, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $404,537 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12981sf 300 FALMOUTH RD U:10F..................... $232,500 B: Karen A Wilson S: Craig T Curtin & Rebecca J Curtin Book/Page: 32630/265, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $170,000 (01/18) 39 NEHOIDEN RD.................................. $182,500 B: Sean P Moroney & Christine A Willander S: Walter G Bardsley Jr Tr, Tr for Nardsley FT Doc#: 000001388498, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 13112sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (12/00) 9 PGA LN U:9......................................... $324,000 B: William F Ryan & Margaret K Ryan S: Charles Kaplan Tr, Tr for Charles Kaplan RET Doc#: 000001388515, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $340,900 (06/05)

40 PORTHOLE DR.................................. $316,000 B: Raymond K Bertone S: Patrick Casselberry & Kristen Casselberry Book/Page: 32632/181, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $306,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11151sf Prior Sale: $307,000 (02/18) 22 QUAKER RUN RD.............................. $730,380 B: Matthew S Dobro & Carla Bender-Dobro S: Richard F Gonzales & Rita I Gonzales Book/Page: 32625/214, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $430,380 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12125sf Prior Sale: $645,000 (07/17) 42 REDWOOD CIR................................. $305,000 B: Christopher Mahairas & Samantha Mahairas S: Gloria I Stewart Doc#: 000001388695, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $266,687 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 14810sf 17 RIVERVIEW AVE U:B........................ $300,650 B: Timothy J Foley & Mary A Foley S: Brian Reyenger & Kelly Reyenger Book/Page: 32626/160, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $218,000 (04/18) 80 SHELLBACK WAY U:80.................... $269,000 B: Judy Mcmahan S: Arthur A Marcantonio & Gail Marcantonio Book/Page: 32631/305, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $218,966 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $204,000 (11/15) 3 STONY BROOK DR U:3....................... $500,000 B: Kathleen G Olson S: Southport On Cape Cod Dev Doc#: 000001388467, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $400,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 4 STRAWBERRY AVE............................ $368,000 B: John D Benard & Elizabeth A Benard S: Cape Equity Holdings LLC Book/Page: 32624/80, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $376,464 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44431sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (05/01) 74 SUNSET CIR..................................... $343,000 B: Scott C Loranger & Rebecca Sanders-Demott S: Sharon C Lapham Tr, Tr for Lapham LT Book/Page: 32636/177, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $308,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13242sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (06/12) 20 TOPPING LIFT................................... $600,000 B: Warren K Palley & Jody M Palley S: Beth E Rodman Tr, Tr for Topping Lift RT Doc#: 000001388429, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $495,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 16379sf Prior Sale: $590,000 (08/04) 17 WINDSOR PT U:17............................ $395,000 B: Charles P Reidy 3rd Tr, Tr for Charles P Reidy 3rd RET S: Bryan Dulce W Est & Robert W Ryder Book/Page: 32628/60, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $398,000 (05/08)

Orleans MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 111 Median Price $672,000

YTD 2019 99 $635,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 60 BAKERS POND RD........................... $670,000 B: Marcus Delavega & Melissa Delavega S: Peter W Joy & Lynda E Joy Book/Page: 32627/309, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $484,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 69696sf 9 BEGINNERS LN................................... $220,000 B: Melanie Dawn-Maloney & Michael T Maloney S: Peter M Daniels Book/Page: 32637/140, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 47480sf Prior Sale: $206,625 (12/08) 56 ELDRIDGE PARK WAY...................... $510,000 B: Sunfish Select LLC S: William J Scheier Tr, Tr for Scheier Piney T Doc#: 000001388647, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $408,000 Use: Office Bldg-medical, Lot: 35719sf 64 PORTANIMICUT RD.......................... $275,000 B: Kevin F Galligan Tr, Tr for Orleans Conservation T S: Thomas R Heaton Book/Page: 32637/131, Date: 01/21/20 68 PORTANIMICUT RD.......................... $150,000 B: Compact Of Cape Cod Cnsrv S: Thomas R Heaton Book/Page: 32637/133, Date: 01/21/20 139 ROUTE 6A....................................... $480,000 B: Warmur Investments LLC S: Wings Unlimited LLC Book/Page: 32625/340, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $350,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 16988sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (08/03)

Provincetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $1,150,000

YTD 2019 25 $860,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 177 BRADFORD ST U:B......................... B: Christopher E Bartick S: Doris A Nitti Book/Page: 32636/335, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $495,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3974sf 491 COMMERCIAL ST U:4..................... B: Carol Adelman & Barbara Scarcella S: 491 LLC Book/Page: 32633/314, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 6400sf 50-A HARRY KEMP WAY U:2................ B: Robin Wright & Janice M Graham S: Jean Strella & Carol A Fitzgerald Doc#: 000001388415, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 23349sf Prior Sale: $289,000 (12/00)




19 PRISCILLA ALDEN RD U:B............... $851,000 B: Shruthi Mahalingaiah & Henning Willers S: Steven F Smoot Book/Page: 32631/340, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $680,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5747sf Prior Sale: $559,000 (04/05) 55 W VINE ST U:B................................. $904,500 B: PTGB LLC S: James R Regan Doc#: 000001388719, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7852sf

Sandwich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 403 Median Price $384,000

YTD 2019 381 $399,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 BUCKINGHAM DR............................. $398,000 B: Timothy A Wassell & Paige M Wassell S: Mark Roughan & Lorrie Roughan Book/Page: 32630/223, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $298,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 20473sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (05/99) 2 DEERWOOD DR.................................. $310,000 B: Nicholas F Pieschel & Crystal L Pieschel S: Walter Belcher Tr, Tr for 2 Deerwood Drive RT Book/Page: 32628/138, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $279,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 31799sf Prior Sale: $257,000 (11/19) 55 FALMOUTH SANDWICH RD.............. $410,000 B: Derrick W Miller & Velma E Francis-Miller S: Stephen P Capone & Nancy A Capone Doc#: 000001388679, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $389,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19602sf 4 IDA LN................................................ $527,000 B: Jane W Mcnamara & Dorcas Wilson S: Leigh A Warren Doc#: 000001388604, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 31799sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/08) 5 LESLIN LN.......................................... $575,000 B: Peter Skordas & Elizabeth Skordas S: Joseph L Sullivan & Cindy L Sullivan Book/Page: 32627/50, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $460,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 63162sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (08/98) 24 LIBERTY ST...................................... $532,900 B: Anthony J Colesano & Wendy A Colesano S: John Elacqua Tr, Tr for 24 Liberty Street RT Book/Page: 32632/69, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $479,610 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 19166sf 15 OXFORD RD...................................... $285,000 B: Robert D Hallam & Suzanne N Hallam S: Gary K Costa Doc#: 000001388445, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $199,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26572sf 35 PIMLICO POND RD........................... $378,500 B: Jamie Clooney & Chris Roguzac S: Margaret K Ryan & William F Ryan Doc#: 000001388500, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cardinal Fncl Co LP $302,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Salt Box, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $356,400 (03/05) 358 ROUTE 6A U:3................................ $137,500 B: Claudine Welburn S: Pine Grove Of Sandwich Book/Page: 32628/4, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $109,500 Use: Condo

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 4 OLD FORGE RD................................... B: Salt Air Realty LLC S: Jeffrey T Boudreau & Citimortgage Inc Book/Page: 32636/158, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $432,966 (02/13)


Truro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $584,387

YTD 2019 53 $715,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 62 CORN HILL RD U:11......................... $701,255 B: Brice Mckane & Michelle Mckane S: Gillease Janet Est & Laura L Peck Book/Page: 32629/8, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Morgan Stanley $524,691 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 15 HIGHLAND AVE................................ $519,000 B: Linda Fiorella S: Joseph J Trovato Tr, Tr for Trovato Highland T Book/Page: 32624/305, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $415,200 Use: 2-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf

Wellfleet MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 73 Median Price $549,000

YTD 2019 63 $550,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 GROVE AVE........................................ $612,750 B: David G Winkler & Lisa A Stevens S: Daniel Winkler Tr, Tr for Winkler FT Book/Page: 32637/30, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $469,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 54014sf 65 HARRISON ST................................... $350,000 B: John E Coppinger & Ellen M Coppinger S: Neill Jean F Est & Ellen O Miller Book/Page: 32629/262, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12632sf 90 VALLEY RD...................................... $1,330,000 B: William E Forbath & Judy G Coffin S: Elizabeth A Neustadt Doc#: 000001388340, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 57935sf

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

99 WAY 60............................................ $589,000 B: Steven R Moore & Lynda M Moore S: Randall L Emmons & Katherine C Emmons Doc#: 000001388617, Date: 01/17/20

Yarmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 580 Median Price $332,950

YTD 2019 516 $340,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 65 BEACH RD........................................ $215,000 B: Doreen L Kelley S: Joanne Tlasek & Robin M Tlasek Book/Page: 32631/335, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $173,000 (02/10) 30 BREWSTER RD................................. $185,000 B: Nancy K Lavin S: Tracy A Craig Tr, Tr for Kathryn E Kelly T Book/Page: 32623/319, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5227sf 21 BUTLER AVE..................................... $209,000 B: Autumn Norgeot S: Michael P Dillon & Stephanie A Paradis Book/Page: 32630/246, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $202,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $171,000 (12/08) 44 CAMELOT RD................................... $130,000 B: Scott J Horrigan & Susan Horrigan S: Weaver Ruth E Est & Glenn Weaver Doc#: 000001388689, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16988sf 160 CAPTAIN SMALL RD...................... $350,000 B: William Jaques & Emily Jaques S: Peter Skordas & Elizabeth Skordas Doc#: 000001388370, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $343,660 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $268,000 (09/02) 40 FRESH BROOK RD............................ $315,000 B: Joshua D Bing S: Gregory T Rondeau & Susan M Rondeau Doc#: 000001388580, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $267,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (07/13) 38 HILLCREST RD................................. $485,000 B: Cameron E Robinson & Kristy N Kime S: Brendan Baker & Lindsay Baker Book/Page: 32631/284, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $363,700 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23087sf Prior Sale: $308,500 (02/16) 52 LAKE RD W....................................... $260,000 B: Nancy Edwards S: Gerard Logan & Carol Logan Book/Page: 32631/230, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $238,095 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6534sf 19 PAULA LN......................................... $352,250 B: Paul T Kelleher & Amy S Kelleher S: Mary S Chiles Book/Page: 32626/23, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $281,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf 25 PEREGRINE LN................................. $345,000 B: Gregory Nelson & Paula Nelson S: Brian T Malone & Kerrie A Malone Book/Page: 32628/64, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $115,245 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7840sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (04/07) 32 PLYMOUTH RD................................. $370,000 B: Jonathan C Eldredge S: Aimee B Bourgeois & Jeffrey D Whittemore Book/Page: 32630/340, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cardinal Fncl Co LP $370,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (09/07) 34 RIDGEWOOD DR............................... $330,000 B: Craig M Lohr S: James P Voros Book/Page: 32627/23, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $264,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25700sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (06/13) 674 ROUTE 6A....................................... $570,000 B: Brendan E Baker S: Muhammad Afzal & Misbah K Afzal Book/Page: 32632/241, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $510,400 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40436sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (05/09) 135 S SHORE DR U:25........................... $225,000 B: Thomas F Mackay S: John L Miller Sr Doc#: 000001388658, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 1 SPRUCE ST......................................... $307,500 B: Brenda L Smith S: Beth A Oliver Tr, Tr for Oliver 1 Spruce RT Book/Page: 32629/14, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $189,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf 12 WILDFLOWER LN U:12..................... $305,000 B: James R Palman & Patricia T Palman S: Helen A Watson Tr, Tr for Helen A Watson RET Doc#: 000001388628, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $198,000 (08/99) 40 WIMBLEDON DR............................... $367,000 B: Paul T Stanhope & Margaret J Stanhope S: George J Rodrigues & Kimberly A Rodrigues Book/Page: 32637/100, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Webster First FCU $217,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6534sf Prior Sale: $211,000 (10/11)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 11 FRANK BAKER RD............................ $220,000 B: HB 3 Alternative Holdings S: Nancy Daniel & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 32628/118, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4792sf



Berkshire Registry Middle District

Patricia M. Harris, Register Court House, 44 Bank Row Pittsfield, MA 01201 Telephone: (413) 443-7438 Fax: (413) 448-6025

Becket MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $189,000

YTD 2019 53 $229,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 175 MYSTIC ISLE WAY......................... $190,000 B: Pierre Cabrila & Lori H Cabrila S: Richard D Hackbarth & Mary E Hackbarth Book/Page: 6561/205, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf

Dalton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $174,500

YTD 2019 84 $189,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 80-82 CRANE AVE................................. $129,000 B: Ashley Wasuk S: Alfred G Gelinas & Amy R Gelinas Book/Page: 6562/286, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $131,500 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 13800sf 1 MELLISSA WAY.................................. $275,000 B: Thomas J Callahan & Linda J Callahan S: Michael S Cormier Tr, Tr for Melissa Way NT Book/Page: 6561/196, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 38545sf 306 NORTH ST....................................... $310,000 B: Darin C Aitken & Melissa R Aitken S: Thomas J Callahan & Linda J Callahan Book/Page: 6563/49, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $323,583 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52272sf 176 PLEASANT ST................................. $222,900 B: Travis Mickle & Taren E Balardini S: Melissa R Aitken Book/Page: 6562/226, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $200,410 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13612sf Prior Sale: $204,500 (06/16) 93 WARREN AVE................................... $164,400 B: Paul A Mcneil & Tonya M Street S: Mark E Daley & Becky L Daley Book/Page: 6560/127, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7055sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (10/00)

Hinsdale MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $190,000

YTD 2019 35 $257,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 40 HINSDALE RD................................... $129,000 B: Charles A Kendall S: Martha D Thompson Tr, Tr for Thompson FT Book/Page: 6564/79, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 10890sf

Lee MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 Median Price $252,000

YTD 2019 58 $275,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 240 HIGH ST.......................................... B: Min Khant & Mahnin Y Khaing S: Brian M Duval Book/Page: 6561/252, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $120,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10454sf


Lenox MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $313,250

YTD 2019 75 $332,600

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 47 CHURCH ST...................................... $200,000 B: Cohen&White Associates S: Ellen Cohen Book/Page: 6561/134, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 2555sf 56 CLIFFWOOD ST................................. $589,000 B: Thomas Petrocine & Linda L Petrocine S: Bonnie Fraser Tr, Tr for Bonnie Fraser RET Book/Page: 6563/25, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pittsfield Cp Bk $485,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14985sf Prior Sale: $840,000 (10/04) 27 LAWTON ST...................................... $280,000 B: Jean-Claude Attoumo & Jessica R Attoumo S: Lisa A Massie Book/Page: 6564/100, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $265,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30013sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (08/02)

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

261 OLD STOCKBRIDGE RD.................. $490,000 B: Michael A Lucia S: Thomas A Sebestyen & L J Fishbein-Sebestyen Book/Page: 6563/78, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $392,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 43124sf





2 DEPOT ST........................................... B: Berkshire Scenic Railway S: High Meadow Foundation Book/Page: 6560/268, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 38115sf ICE GLEN RD L:78................................. B: Berkshire Scenic Railway S: High Meadow Foundation Book/Page: 6560/268, Date: 01/16/20

6 HAMEL AVE........................................ $275,000 B: Donald Casey & Christine Casey S: Jeremy R Broadwell & Dawn M Broadwell Book/Page: 1703/896, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Dollar Bank Fed Svgs $220,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $106,000 (12/17)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $298,000

YTD 2019 43 $335,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES PINE RD L:11.......................................... B: Steven J Caron & Sandra J Caron S: Pine Road LLC Book/Page: 6560/31, Date: 01/15/20 92 S MAIN RD....................................... B: Michael Alves S: Alan R Cook & Theresa H Klan Book/Page: 6560/161, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 38370sf



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $357,500






▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 148 APPLETON AVE.............................. $148,500 B: T&D Rental Properties Inc S: Scott Mccarthy & Mary R Martorell Book/Page: 6561/314, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: NBT Bank NA $118,800 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 6652sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (05/04) 14 CLIFFORD ST U:B2........................... $102,000 B: Ashlee C Quinn S: Jean-Claude Attoumo & Jessica Attoumo Book/Page: 6562/254, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $81,600 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $87,000 (10/04) 180 ELM ST.......................................... $2,950,000 B: Lake Rentals LLC S: Elm Street Shops LLC Book/Page: 6562/318, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $2,212,500 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 78408sf Prior Sale: $2,225,000 (01/06) 39 HULL AVE......................................... $112,000 B: Lynette C Love S: Paul A Mcneil Book/Page: 6560/102, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $109,971 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6090sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (11/13) 8 KATHY WAY....................................... $310,000 B: Andrew Martin & Roshni B Martin S: Andrew R Waluszko & Laurie Waluszko Book/Page: 6561/284, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $279,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 17359sf Prior Sale: $34,500 (03/01) 43 LAKE ST........................................... $55,000 B: Wajid Mahmood & Mahmood S Awan S: Mir Afdasta & Tj M Afdasta Book/Page: 6562/96, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 3642sf Prior Sale: $7,500 (06/17) 44 MARCELLA AVE............................... $185,000 B: Josh Liccardi & Jacqueline Kozak S: Harold Dupee Tr, Tr for 122 Longview Terrace NT Book/Page: 6560/134, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $157,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $79,000 (10/18) 10 MARSHALL AVE............................... $158,000 B: James W Campagna & K N Donoughe-Campagna S: Douglas J Durante & Leslie A Durante Book/Page: 6561/29, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $138,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12036sf 12 MAUDE ST........................................ $169,900 B: Francisco Santana S: Francese Family Realty Book/Page: 6561/83, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $135,900 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 6599sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (07/19) 423 PECKS RD....................................... $40,000 B: Thomas Frederick & Connie Frederick S: Naomi Sakkinen & Blake Sakkinen Book/Page: 6560/328, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10990sf Prior Sale: $5,000 (09/03) 117 POLLOCK AVE................................ $230,000 B: Kevin M Zawistowski & Andrea M Everhart S: Paula E Turnbull Tr, Tr for Obrien Pollock IRT Book/Page: 6564/16, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $230,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10132sf 284 POMEROY AVE............................... $275,000 B: Andrew Fishbein S: Miss Halls School Inc Book/Page: 6560/74, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Educational Property, Lot: 101059sf 35 WELLESLEY ST................................. $220,000 B: Joshua A Kisselbrock & Sarah E Friedman S: Robert S Pomeroy Book/Page: 6561/160, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greylock FCU $213,400 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9374sf Prior Sale: $241,500 (01/06)

128 JERUSALEM RD............................. $342,000 B: Morningside Properties S: Fernside Properties LLC Book/Page: 6561/188, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Rec, Lot: 469141sf

Washington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 Median Price $287,000 1303 LOVERS LANE RD......................... B: Lucy Moreno S: FNMA Book/Page: 6560/332, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $175,125 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 937411sf Prior Sale: $186,533 (10/18)

YTD 2019 56 $290,000

Berkshire Registry Southern District

Michelle Laramee-Jenny, Register 334 Main Street, Suite 2 Great Barrington, MA 01230 Telephone: (413) 528-0146 Fax: (413) 528-6878

Monterey MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $378,000

Northern District

Maria T. Ziemba, Register 65 Park Street, Adams, MA 01220 Telephone: (413) 743-0035 Fax: (413) 743-1003

Adams MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $143,950

YTD 2019 90 $148,200

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 44 ELM ST............................................. $130,500 B: Jordan C Dupont & Joseph W Dupont S: Linda M Michaels Book/Page: 1703/704, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $131,818 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $107,000 (10/03) HOXIE BROOK RD.................................. $65,000 B: Michael J Rossi & Morgan J Rossi S: Thomas R Perry & Cheryl D Perry Book/Page: 1703/652, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 52708sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (08/17) 1 LEHS LN............................................. $50,000 B: Harold T Cook & Deborah L Cook S: Robert J Tomkiewicz & Andrea J Tomkiewicz Book/Page: 1703/813, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Robert J Tomkiewicz $50,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $32,000 (10/00)

North Adams MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $139,950

YTD 2019 95 $138,000


11 HATHAWAY ST................................. B: US Bank NA Tr S: Edward W Pilot Jr & US Bank NA Book/Page: 1703/698, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5000sf

YTD 2019 28 $296,000


Berkshire Registry

51 ANTHONY RD................................... $130,000 B: Raymond T Kushi Tr, Tr for Stagecoach Stop RET S: Joseph W Ryan Book/Page: 6561/78, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 47916sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (01/07)


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 80 Median Price $308,750

YTD 2019 14 $480,500




YTD 2019 4 $359,000



50 BRACEWELL AVE............................. B: Provincetown Screenwritng S: C&G Property Group LLC Book/Page: 1703/1046, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 3795sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (11/17) 52 BRYANT ST...................................... B: Alexandria Rousseau S: Joel M Ffeder & Darcy L Feder Book/Page: 1703/844, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $158,585 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 9768sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/07) 48 CADY ST........................................... B: Cady Street LLC S: Diane C Disanti Book/Page: 1703/879, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2960sf 26 GALLUP ST....................................... B: Marin Ivankovic & Sofija Belobrkovic S: Thomas D Murphy Book/Page: 1703/732, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $117,750 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 7497sf Prior Sale: $75,500 (07/19)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $349,075

YTD 2019 37 $357,500

Tyringham YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $452,000

Pittsfield YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 509 Median Price $169,000







21 POINT RD......................................... $468,000 B: Martin J Bogue & Eileen S Heanue-Bogue S: Jutt Anne M Est & Simonne L Coderre Book/Page: 2572/296, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14375sf

Sheffield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $282,250

YTD 2019 43 $315,500

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 254 S UNDERMOUNTAIN RD................. B: US Bank NA Tr S: Michael Advocate & US Bank NA Book/Page: 2572/129, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Inn/resort, Lot: 870764sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (12/00)


Bristol Registry

Fall River District Bernard J. McDonald III, Register 441 North Main Street Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone: (508) 673-1651 Fax: (508) 673-7633

Fall River MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 416 Median Price $245,000

YTD 2019 409 $255,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 857 2ND ST........................................... $160,000 B: Charles Ogara S: Lowney Francis P Est & Irene B Schall Book/Page: 9994/280, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3261sf 227 BRIGHTMAN ST.............................. $200,000 B: South Coast Capital Invst S: Joseph C Rapoza Book/Page: 9997/119, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Signature Lending LLC $551,016 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3099sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (04/03) 229 BRIGHTMAN ST.............................. $200,000 B: South Coast Capital Invst S: Joseph C Rapoza Book/Page: 9997/122, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Signature Lending LLC $551,016 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2282sf 318 BROADWAY.................................... $225,000 B: Nancy Desocio & Christian Desocio S: Maria Soares & Alba Binsaid Book/Page: 9995/227, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: C&S Investments LLC $260,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3061sf 14 CANONICUS ST................................ $195,000 B: 77-85 Massasoit LLC S: William C Bouchard Sr Tr, Tr for William Bouchard T Book/Page: 9994/82, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fall River Mun ECU $146,250 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 1261sf 103 CHICAGO ST U:10........................... $275,000 B: Roger T Dillingham 3rd & Ashley J Hurst S: James Medeiros & Renee L Medeiros Book/Page: 9992/165, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

103 CHICAGO ST U:9............................. $275,000 B: Roger T Dillingham 3rd & Ashley J Hurst S: James Medeiros & Renee L Medeiros Book/Page: 9992/165, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo 50 CLARK ST U:4-4............................... $119,000 B: Scott Medeiros S: Juliana Estrela Book/Page: 9995/141, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fall River Mun ECU $65,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $121,000 (06/05) 34 CONANT ST...................................... $279,900 B: Glenn D Morrison Jr S: David O Lourenco Book/Page: 9994/45, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: The Federal Svgs Bk $274,829 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4901sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (01/06) 28 DAY ST............................................. $300,000 B: Kaysi M Dume S: Collette Lester & Richard Pelletier Book/Page: 9993/291, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $294,566 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7680sf 393 EMBERT ST.................................... $345,000 B: Alan J Valois & Danielle Valois S: Patricia T Cortes & Karen M Tommer Book/Page: 9994/233, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $310,500 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 5116sf 45 JOHNSON ST.................................... $229,900 B: Michael W Thibault S: Nicole Pereira Book/Page: 9994/187, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $223,003 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5523sf Prior Sale: $158,000 (08/14) 335 LUDLOW ST.................................... $295,000 B: Humberto Botelho & Lucy Correia S: Hong Chu Book/Page: 9997/95, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $289,656 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 9229sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (08/13) 11 MATE DR.......................................... $299,000 B: Michael R Jacques S: Inez Camara Book/Page: 9995/262, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $284,050 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 6850sf Prior Sale: $282,000 (07/07) 18 MOTT ST........................................... $335,000 B: Jailton Lopes S: Nelia M Cabral & Nanuel E Cabral Book/Page: 9994/286, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $318,250 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4605sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (10/99) 1483 N MAIN ST.................................... $350,000 B: Shakim L Branch S: 1483 North Main St LLC Book/Page: 9994/149, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $343,660 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3809sf Prior Sale: $174,000 (04/19) 125 NIAGARA ST................................... $244,850 B: Nathaniel Greene S: Daniel A Ferreira & Toni N Ferreira Book/Page: 9996/322, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $240,414 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2109sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (04/18) 243 OAK GROVE AVE............................ $277,000 B: Manuel C Gomes S: Patrick J Saulnier & Ashley Saulnier Book/Page: 9997/21, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: NFM Inc $271,982 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7912sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (01/18) 557 WALNUT ST.................................... $200,000 B: South Coast Capital Invst S: Joseph C Rapoza & Kelli A Rapoza Book/Page: 9997/125, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Signature Lending LLC $551,016 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4623sf 101 WATUPPA AVE............................... $210,000 B: Denny Dmon S: Thurland Provost & Rebecca Provost Book/Page: 9995/165, Date: 01/17/20

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 311 5TH ST U:1A................................... $73,000 B: Maria Mainini S: Cyndney M Brown & Baycoast Bank Book/Page: 9993/159, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $129,900 (07/08) 801 N MAIN ST...................................... $437,000 B: RI Property Wire LLC S: Basics Realty LLC & Russo Lending LLC Book/Page: 9995/25, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pawtucket CU $349,600 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 7114sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (05/08)

Freetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 95 Median Price $324,000

YTD 2019 108 $383,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 COLONIAL DR................................... B: Zachary A Sallar & Ashley A Sallar S: Almerinda Smith Book/Page: 9993/200, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $256,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41382sf COPICUT RD.......................................... B: R-5 Co Inc S: Campanelli Freetwon Land Book/Page: 9994/269, Date: 01/17/20 2 CUSHMAN AVE................................... B: Philip Pereira S: P&I RT Corp Book/Page: 9993/54, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $171,000 (10/16)




Somerset MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 221 Median Price $280,000

YTD 2019 227 $286,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 78 BROAD COVE ST.............................. $520,000 B: Helder Cruz & Jocelyn Cruz S: Charlene M Bert Book/Page: 9992/309, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $416,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50094sf 700 LEES RIVER AVE U:4...................... $269,000 B: Raymond A Steele S: Deborah A Carreiro Book/Page: 9994/211, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $264,127 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $231,900 (06/17) 104 LUTHER AVE................................... $340,000 B: Thomas R Tatro & Amanda M Tatro S: Helder P Cruz Book/Page: 9992/212, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $323,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $232,000 (08/08) 21 ROBIN LN......................................... $337,500 B: Isaac Milton & Deborah Milton S: Daniel H Berthiaume & Claudette C Berthiaume Book/Page: 9995/87, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $320,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf

Swansea MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 247 Median Price $279,900

YTD 2019 239 $315,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 LOCKWOOD CIR............................... B: Carl S Bugara S: Kerri Thurber & Justin Thurber Book/Page: 9995/315, Date: 01/21/20 23 MICHAEL AVE................................... B: Brian S Schuster & Tanya M Silvia S: Barry S Rowley Jr Book/Page: 9995/186, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $166,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $193,000 (11/16)


763 WEST ST......................................... B: Kelly Carpethos & James Rowan S: Valade Oscar G Est & Wlaine M Valade Book/Page: 25668/207, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20000sf


Dighton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 100 Median Price $324,950

YTD 2019 90 $349,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 876 AUTUMN ST.................................... B: Patrick H Riendeau S: Rick H Riendeau Book/Page: 25663/78, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $260,200 Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $125,500 (03/19) MAIN ST L:1.......................................... B: Lisa Fournier S: Kenneth Nickerson & Pamale J Nickerson Book/Page: 25663/99, Date: 01/15/20 1520 STANZIONE DR............................. B: Kimberly L Paige S: Donna M Paige & Russell L Paige Book/Page: 25667/331, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $155,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 35284sf 1616 WILLIAMS ST............................... B: Andrew Carriere S: Munsell Lois H Est & Krista Reid Book/Page: 25664/76, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $269,100 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 39204sf




Northern District Barry J. Amaral, Register of Deeds 11 Court Street, Taunton, MA 02780 Telephone: (508) 822-7527 Fax: (508) 880-4975


▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 71 BURGESS ST U:1.............................. $295,000 B: Abu B Iqbal S: Robert J Meisterman Tr, Tr for Jessica RT Book/Page: 25666/19, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $270,000 Use: Condo 1405 COMMERCE WAY U:13................. $370,000 B: Cecilia N Decastro & Thomas A Decastro S: Rachel H Green Book/Page: 25671/170, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $375,000 (09/19) 41 CONNOR CT U:41............................. $254,000 B: Stephen Amaral & Kelsea Martin S: Scott Jones & Holly M Jones Book/Page: 25668/95, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $240,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $239,000 (03/19) 37 DENNIS ST U:7................................. $222,500 B: Donna J Scanlon S: Brenda M Ward & William R Seanlon Book/Page: 25666/135, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $258,375 (09/06) 50 EAST ST........................................... $110,000 B: Heiko Bates S: Pedro A Alicea & Aleida Mohammad Book/Page: 25663/45, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2093sf 62 EMORY ST........................................ $277,500 B: Justin Reardon S: Jenna M Ensko & Nicholas J Ensko Book/Page: 25670/68, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $208,125 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4140sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (04/17) 18 MATHEWSON AVE............................ $210,000 B: BCM Enterprises LLC S: Judith A Mahar Book/Page: 25670/299, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18281sf 164 PLEASANT ST................................. $275,000 B: Northeast Acquisitions S: Paul G Lynch Book/Page: 25665/185, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Delbuono Family Lndng $375,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 13400sf 13 SIMPSON AVE.................................. $231,000 B: Kevin Dunfey S: Jacqueline D Jarvis Book/Page: 25664/69, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10500sf



146 ALLEN RD....................................... $525,000 B: Winston L Dang S: Dorothy P Bates & Stanley P Bates Jr Book/Page: 25671/38, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $537,075 Use: 3-Family Duplex, Lot: 71003sf 39 BALTIC AVE...................................... $585,000 B: Jacquelyn Tremblett & David P Tremblett Jr S: Linda Tucker Doc#: 000000111615, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $468,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30492sf 419 CENTER ST..................................... $493,000 B: Denise M Freedman & Greg L Freedman S: Fusion Investments LLC Book/Page: 25665/315, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $468,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (03/19) 46 CLARA HOWARD WAY..................... $825,000 B: David F Howe S: Seth E Ellis Tr, Tr for Stephen A Randon T Book/Page: 25667/326, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40075sf 678 DEPOT ST..................................... $12,650,000 B: North Easton MA Senior S: VRS&CLB Easton LLC Doc#: 000000111627, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Capital One $35,500,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 126324sf Prior Sale: $945,000 (11/06) 10 LAMPLIGHTER LN U:10.................... $98,500 B: Mary Fitz-Gerald Tr, Tr for Rosalie E Bingham IRT S: Bruce V Kane Tr, Tr for Victoria A Kane T Book/Page: 25664/151, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 65 SUMMER ST..................................... $505,000 B: Timothy Sullivan & Anne Sullivan S: David P Tremblett Jr & Jacquelyn Tremblett Doc#: 000000111612, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $353,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 89298sf Prior Sale: $510,000 (06/18) 107 WINTERBERRY LN.......................... $587,500 B: Vladimir Starzhevskly & Irina Starzgevskaya S: Bruce Pearson & Nancy Pearson Book/Page: 25664/64, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (07/16)

Mansfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 232 Median Price $450,000

North Attleboro YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 285 Median Price $376,000

YTD 2019 294 $398,500


Easton YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 212 Median Price $445,500

880 MAPLE ST...................................... $514,000 B: Allisonm M Wulff & Mitchell W Cotto S: Gelen J Bauer Tr, Tr for Dorine I Boyd RET Book/Page: 25669/287, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $411,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 60113sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/07) 112 PINE ST.......................................... $400,000 B: Dawn M Mccarthy & Michael Mccarthy S: Dawn M Mccarthy Tr, Tr for Roy Lewis Barnes Sr IRT Book/Page: 25671/206, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $320,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 36822sf 11 PLANTATION RD.............................. $720,000 B: Jeffrey R Bielawski & Liana G Singer S: Gary Murohy & Katherine Murphy Book/Page: 25670/337, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $340,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30216sf Prior Sale: $340,325 (12/98)



Bristol Registry

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 434 Median Price $318,500



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

YTD 2019 197 $465,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 70 BRANCH ST...................................... $442,500 B: Gregg Kennedy & Kelsey Kennedy S: Thomas M Ward & Nicole Ward Book/Page: 25668/31, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Camden National Bank $452,677 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17595sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (07/18) 251 BRANCH ST.................................... $237,000 B: Sunwealth Powers Inc S: Branch Street Dev Ptnrs Book/Page: 25667/115, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Industrial Devlpble Land, Lot: 283140sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (12/15) 271 BRANCH ST.................................... $237,000 B: Sunwealth Powers Inc S: Branch Street Dev Ptnrs Book/Page: 25667/115, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Industrial Devlpble Land, Lot: 662112sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (01/15) 15 COLONIAL DR................................... $780,000 B: Devangkumar Bhatt & Hiral Nhatt S: Laura R Humphrey Book/Page: 25668/347, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $624,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41502sf 59 COURT ST......................................... $295,000 B: Marjo Properties Inc S: Shurtleff Russell H Est & Richard Shurtleff Book/Page: 25669/273, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $236,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 15232sf

31 ACHILLES WAY................................ $467,500 B: Eliot Community Human Svc S: Mary M Roberts Book/Page: 25671/74, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $399,900 (05/04) 336 E WASHINGTON ST....................... $2,100,000 B: Triple Play North LLC S: Economy Car Wash Inc Book/Page: 25666/283, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Ocean State Bus Devel $1,962,000 Use: Car Wash Facility, Lot: 20150sf 348 E WASHINGTON ST....................... $2,100,000 B: Triple Play North LLC S: Economy Car Wash Inc Book/Page: 25666/283, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Ocean State Bus Devel $1,962,000 Use: Car Wash Facility, Lot: 78408sf 20 MADDY LN....................................... $629,900 B: Anthony Castelli & Katharine Castelli S: Infinity Homes LLC Book/Page: 25668/323, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $484,000 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 20279sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (07/19) 22 PROSPECT ST.................................. $199,900 B: Simidele Mabray S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 25669/233, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4986sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (12/16) 19 RICHARD K STEVENS DR................. $529,000 B: Vijeet Goel S: Fadi Heneine Book/Page: 25664/160, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $476,100 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 17838sf 21 SLEEPY HOLLOW CIR....................... $519,900 B: Allyson Galley & Jacob Galley S: Gregory A Paulhus & Alice G Paulhus Book/Page: 25663/340, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $441,915 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15050sf

Norton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 195 Median Price $366,000

YTD 2019 184 $372,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 209 OAK ST........................................... B: Simar House Inc S: Barnside Corp Inc Book/Page: 25668/248, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Justin Murphy $315,000 370 OLD COLONY RD............................ B: Tuchus LLC S: Dana Rappaneau & Susan Rappaneau Book/Page: 25671/239, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $150,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 169884sf 246 OLD TAUNTON AVE........................ B: Matthew Harkins S: Kevin Oliveira & Jessica Oliveira Book/Page: 25667/139, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Navy FCU $368,177 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 36196sf Prior Sale: $168,000 (04/06) 81 PINE ST............................................ B: James R Hadfield & Kristine M Hadfield S: Jason A Riviere & Michele L Riviere Book/Page: 25674/263, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $384,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 42141sf Prior Sale: $472,000 (03/05) 135 PLAIN ST........................................ B: Jason Riviere & Michele Riviere S: Marilyn Picariello & Ronald S Picariello Book/Page: 25674/313, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $712,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 86118sf 206 TAUNTON AVE................................ B: Eckstrom Homes LLC S: Hilltop Property Group Book/Page: 25667/121, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Emerald Funding Inc $420,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 31280sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (07/19)







Raynham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 192 Median Price $416,250

YTD 2019 178 $381,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 79 FRANCINE RD................................... $327,900 B: Kevin J Johnston 2nd & Katelyn M Teague S: Kevin M Conrad & Lauren R Conrad Book/Page: 25666/159, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $316,423 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15028sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (10/15)

29 PINE TREE LN................................... B: Michelle L Conley S: Michelle M Raymond Book/Page: 25669/213, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30026sf 84 SHERWOOD LN................................. B: Maureen Murphy & Keelan Murphy S: Nak Heng & Kum P Poan Book/Page: 25663/239, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $436,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (11/05)




▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 CIANA RD......................................... $190,000 B: Carol Mennucci & Michael Mennucci S: Winterfell Development Book/Page: 25666/191, Date: 01/16/20 29 COUNTY ST....................................... $295,000 B: Sergio Alves S: Pidgeon Judith A Est & Lynne M Mackenzie Book/Page: 25669/103, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pawtucket CU $275,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 76988sf PLEASANT ST L:8.................................. $262,500 B: Jan B Fasullo & Robert Fasullo S: Middlebrook Investments Book/Page: 25674/75, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $482,500 240 SUMMER ST................................... $632,500 B: Douglas S Meeker S: Robert Aguiar Jr Doc#: 000000111636, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $537,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 71326sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (07/17)

Seekonk MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 202 Median Price $320,000

YTD 2019 164 $338,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 225 COUNTY ST..................................... B: Mark A Levine S: Bryan F Galvin Book/Page: 25664/16, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $268,690 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (03/18)


Taunton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 514 Median Price $300,255



Rehoboth YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 146 Median Price $412,500

30 WILDFLOWER RD............................. B: Mark Hedberg S: James R Hadfield & Kristine M Hadfield Book/Page: 25673/162, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $343,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 28314sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (07/10)

YTD 2019 498 $310,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 CHANDLER AVE................................ $486,000 B: Conceicao Rodrigues S: Bradley R Bryon Book/Page: 25668/56, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $477,197 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $317,750 (12/12) 16 CLIFTON ST U:G............................... $289,900 B: Allyson Grundy S: David M Galante Book/Page: 25668/168, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $231,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $259,900 (11/06) 21 DICKINSON DR U:B1........................ $210,000 B: Michael J Potoczak & Marion J Potoczak S: Joseph F Potoczak Tr, Tr for 21 Dickinson Drive T Book/Page: 25671/117, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $145,000 Use: Condo 34 HODGES AVE.................................... $425,000 B: Jordan Silk S: Khari Roulhac Book/Page: 25671/278, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $417,302 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (06/18) 182 ICE HOUSE RD................................ $25,000 B: Stephen Whitten & Jamie Ledin S: Jamie Ledin Book/Page: 25666/217, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 28314sf Prior Sale: $318,000 (01/17) 16 MALCOLM CIR................................. $310,000 B: Angelina Donahue & Thomas Donahue S: David S Glessman Book/Page: 25674/40, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $263,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (02/09) 249 MYRICKS ST................................... $346,000 B: Anthony M Richardi & Nicole Richardi S: Teresa E Perry Book/Page: 25669/18, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $259,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf 30 N PLEASANT ST............................... $670,000 B: Shore Realty LLC S: Antonio C Simas & Deolinda M Simas Book/Page: 25667/92, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $502,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 10454sf 47 N PLEASANT ST............................... $307,500 B: Bevette Davis & Kevin Davis S: Edward R Martins & Carole L Martins Book/Page: 25670/180, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Webster Bank $230,625 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $84,900 (02/01) 49 PURCHASE ST.................................. $350,000 B: Jason Labrie S: Mary Jaber & Trevor G Joyette Jr Book/Page: 25664/313, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $336,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 11326sf Prior Sale: $234,900 (08/13)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

35 ORCHARD ST.................................... $166,000 B: Pioneer Investments LLC S: Carline A Gorey & Salem Fove Mortgage Co Book/Page: 25674/230, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Stage Point Fund LLC $200,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $207,000 (03/04) 464 WEIR ST......................................... $271,000 B: Inacio Alves S: Ana C Macedo & US Bank NA Book/Page: 25666/269, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 10890sf

Bristol Registry

Southern District Frederick Kalisz Jr., Register 25 North Sixth Street New Bedford, MA 02740 Telephone: (508) 993-2603 Fax: (508) 997-4250

Acushnet MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 104 Median Price $298,950

YTD 2019 111 $296,821

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 PONDVIEW RD.................................. $445,000 B: Christopher M Wallace S: Richard F Russell Book/Page: 13078/22, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $320,000 Use: 1-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 33000sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (03/18) 175 S MAIN ST...................................... $162,400 B: Ana L Costa & Laureano A Costa S: Ruth F Barksdale Book/Page: 13080/37, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 8170sf 187 S MAIN ST...................................... $180,000 B: Pioneer Investments LLC S: Wilmington T NA Tr Book/Page: 13083/4, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Stage Point Fund LLC $196,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13117sf Prior Sale: $307,500 (12/18) 16 THORNTON ST.................................. $275,000 B: David Bibeau & Melissa S Bibeau S: Christopher M Wallace Book/Page: 13078/1, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $270,019 Use: 1-Family Ranch, Lot: 16000sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (10/13)

Dartmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 322 Median Price $330,000

YTD 2019 335 $365,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES ALLEN ST.............................................. $15,000 B: Brian S Parent Tr, Tr for Brian S Parent RET S: Thomas C Saunders & Maureen S Saunders Book/Page: 13079/162, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $10,000 (06/09) 35 HARVEST AVE.................................. $385,000 B: David N Hulse & Erin Hulse S: Carolyn E Villella Book/Page: 13078/262, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $378,026 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 80010sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (12/07) 9 HAZEL ST........................................... $310,000 B: Stacey Casey & James A Casey S: Karen L Brizida Book/Page: 13080/331, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $313,131 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4536sf Prior Sale: $197,000 (11/15) 1050 HIXVILLE RD................................. $210,000 B: Alvaro Correia & Lisa P Correia S: FHLM Book/Page: 13080/253, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 42000sf Prior Sale: $176,250 (05/18) 5 JOHNSON ST...................................... $245,000 B: Zachary R Leblanc & Brooke A Leblanc S: Edwin V Rodrigues Tr, Tr for Edwin V&L C Rodrigues RET Book/Page: 13081/141, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $237,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4250sf

Fairhaven MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 225 Median Price $277,500

YTD 2019 183 $286,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 147 CHESTNUT ST................................ B: Russell Patenaude S: Donald B Mendell Book/Page: 13081/135, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9400sf







107 SYCAMORE ST............................... B: Shang X Zhao S: Ming Zhao & Tao Zhao Book/Page: 13082/152, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Southern Mass CU $225,000 Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 7261sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (08/06) 11 WINSOR ST...................................... B: Matthew J Ventura S: Mindy Carvalho & Marco P Carvalho Book/Page: 13082/174, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $224,485 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4208sf



New Bedford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 642 Median Price $220,888

YTD 2019 626 $239,900

157 BLOSSOM RD................................. B: DBLA LLC S: James J Walsh Jr & Rockland T Co Book/Page: 13079/124, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 29600sf


Essex Registry

Dukes Registry Paulo C. DeOliveira, Register Box 5231, Edgartown, MA 02539 Telephone: (508) 627-4025 Fax: (508) 627-7821

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 210 AUSTIN ST...................................... $220,000 B: C2S Development LLC S: Kiriakos M Stergiotis & Filomena M Stergiotis Book/Page: 13080/185, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $220,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5062sf Prior Sale: $156,000 (06/04) 78 CORNELL ST..................................... $290,000 B: Trevor P Andrade S: John M Romanelli Book/Page: 13080/102, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $284,747 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5441sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (07/15) 185 CORNELL ST................................... $165,000 B: Jacob A Days S: Jody Fernandes & Sherry L Roberts Book/Page: 13077/123, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Southern Mass CU $132,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5689sf 15 KATHERINE ST................................. $90,000 B: Joshua Rice S: Tavares Margarida Est & Maria A Tavares Book/Page: 13077/297, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2553sf 168 MACOMBER ST.............................. $250,000 B: Jameson D Souza S: Craig Dixon Book/Page: 13081/35, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $230,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4273sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (04/17) 11 MAITLAND ST.................................. $218,000 B: Mark A Andrade S: Vera Masse Book/Page: 13078/141, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $214,051 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 1930sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (08/16) 226 SAWYER ST.................................... $191,350 B: Karen Khalife Tr, Tr for 226 Sawyer Street NT S: Alex Cornwell Book/Page: 13081/167, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3999sf Prior Sale: $150,550 (01/18) 46 SCOTT ST......................................... $350,000 B: Sterling B Ortiz-Pimentel S: Liberio Demelo Book/Page: 13083/38, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $343,660 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4317sf Prior Sale: $20,500 (12/98) 438 RODNEY FRENCH BLVD................. $300,000 B: John Tomasia Jr & Maria A Tomasia S: David Tomasia Tr, Tr for Tomasia NT Book/Page: 13078/107, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3890sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 209 CARROLL ST.................................. $284,000 B: Mortgage Security Inc S: Carolyn F Caughman & MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 13081/85, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5336sf Prior Sale: $257,500 (06/03) 129 PRINCETON ST............................... $285,000 B: FNMA S: Dolores Rish & Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 13082/229, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3350sf

Westport MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 146 Median Price $355,000

YTD 2019 159 $390,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BENTLEY LN L:4.................................... $140,000 B: Jessica M Dasilva & Matthew M Dasilva S: Robert G Kfoury Tr, Tr for KRG RT Book/Page: 13082/91, Date: 01/21/20 BENTLEY LN L:7.................................... $140,000 B: Seth Tiburcio & Kelly Tiburcio S: Robert G Kfoury Tr, Tr for RGK RT Book/Page: 13080/301, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $340,000 78-A HILLCREST ACRES....................... $800,000 B: Patricia Houlihan & Richard Skinner S: Richard P Desjardins Tr, Tr for Wall FT Book/Page: 13078/103, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 15028sf 43 MEADOWBROOK LN......................... $479,900 B: Robert A Pronk & Kathleen C Pronk S: Joel A Rice Tr, Tr for Brookside NT Book/Page: 13080/29, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60000sf 346-R OLD COUNTY RD........................ $895,000 B: Westport Town Of S: Clementina Costa Tr, Tr for George Costa NT Book/Page: 13077/97, Date: 01/15/20 2 SHADOW WOODS LN......................... $630,000 B: George Keches Tr, Tr for Rebecca Taylor NT S: David F Hansen & Jennifer Vyse-Pope Book/Page: 13078/112, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $430,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 77755sf WHALON WAY L:11............................... $147,000 B: Richard Calderon & Elizabeth Homen S: Robert G Kfoury Tr, Tr for RGK RT Book/Page: 13077/215, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $117,600 Type: Adj

MOUNT ALDWORTH RD........................ $325,000 B: Seana Kelley & Barry Patterson S: Jilana Abrams & Alan Abrams Book/Page: 1518/414, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 12516sf


Northern District M. Paul Iannuccillo, Register 354 Merrimack Street, Suite 304 Lawrence, MA 01843 Telephone: (978) 683-2745 Fax: (978) 688-4679

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $1,092,500

YTD 2019 18 $1,251,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 BIJAHS WAY................................... $1,587,500 B: Deirdre J Chassman S: Stephen A Spongberg & Harmony C Spongberg Book/Page: 1518/313, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $750,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 130680sf Prior Sale: $820,000 (02/98) 29 YOUNGS WAY.................................. $9,200,000 B: Youngs Way Chilmark Landh S: Young Family LP Book/Page: 1518/48, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 152460sf

Edgartown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 108 Median Price $800,000

YTD 2019 70 $1,175,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 ATWOOD CIR.................................... $955,000 B: Margaret G Lafley Tr, Tr for Margaret G Lafley RET S: Richard S Dubin Tr, Tr for Rear Admiral K Wallace NT Doc#: 000000087755, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (07/00) 18 KATAMA FARM NORTH RD............. $1,450,000 B: Jonathan Sweet & Johanna Sweet S: Eugene D Gilsenan & Maria Gilsenan Doc#: 000000087746, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,015,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21807sf

Oak Bluffs MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 92 Median Price $634,998

YTD 2019 80 $692,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27 BAYES HILL RD............................... $1,050,000 B: Lori B Estiverne & Vladimir P Estiverne S: Robert M Fontaine & Barbara A Fontaine Doc#: 000000087732, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $840,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 33106sf 37 CIRCUIT AVE U:4.............................. $350,000 B: Matthew J Bovenzi S: Francis H Brunelle Tr, Tr for Brunelle FT Book/Page: 1518/161, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $280,000 Use: Condo 37 CIRCUIT AVE U:5.............................. $350,000 B: Joseph G Sova & Victoria B Sova S: Francis H Brunelle Tr, Tr for Brunelle FT Book/Page: 1518/133, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $280,000 Use: Condo 16 CLAY AVE........................................ $1,156,888 B: Thomas P Rivoir & Theresa C Rivoir S: Catherine F Davin & James M Davin Book/Page: 1518/352, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Martha Vineyard SB $726,888 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 20006sf 62 FRONT ST......................................... $705,000 B: Perry C Rainey S: Anthony K Carestia & Virginia N Coogan Book/Page: 1518/425, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $564,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13851sf 70 PARK ST........................................... $840,000 B: Stephen J Davis Tr, Tr for Davis-Cowan FT S: Patrick R Crosgrove Book/Page: 1518/189, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 5227sf 16 SYRACUSE AVE................................ $515,000 B: Edno C Miller & Nilzete N Miller S: Charles T Opalenik & Sandra J Opalenik Book/Page: 1518/469, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $489,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $147,000 (02/99)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 20 WOOD DUCK WAY........................... $1,020,486 B: Wells Fargo Bank NA S: Daniel J Kidwell & Leslie M Kidwell Book/Page: 1518/615, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 53143sf Prior Sale: $1,600,000 (08/07)

Tisbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 63 Median Price $635,000

YTD 2019 66 $714,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 636 FRANKLIN ST................................ $1,000,000 B: Anthony J Carestia & Virginia N Coogan S: Bluedog Capital Partners Book/Page: 1518/449, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $800,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 42602sf Prior Sale: $1,053,323 (04/19)

Andover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 375 Median Price $660,000

YTD 2019 416 $660,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 BOBBY JONES DR U:33................... $860,000 B: Michael R Deluca & Rosemary A Deluca S: Lorna J Hallal Tr, Tr for Lorna J Hallal RET Book/Page: 16158/91, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $450,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $990,000 (06/05) 38 ESSEX ST........................................ $1,000,000 B: 38 Essex LLC S: Independent Living Corp Book/Page: 16160/293, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $800,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 11500sf 2 GREENBRIAR CIR............................... $425,000 B: Reynaldo Rodriguez & Darien Ramirez S: Judy A F Lambert-Link Tr, Tr for Robert G Decristofaro RET Book/Page: 16157/141, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $393,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45041sf 207 HIGH ST.......................................... $639,900 B: Artem Tokarev & Olena Tokareva S: Gregg Routhier & Dina M Routhier Book/Page: 16155/314, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $607,905 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50020sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (03/06) 12 LONGWOOD DR U:4.......................... $202,000 B: Jin Y Lin S: David A Onessimo Doc#: 000000121449, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $153,000 (05/02) 287 N MAIN ST...................................... $377,000 B: Jean J Francois S: Joel E Schofield & Karen A Schofield Book/Page: 16159/280, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $259,462 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8390sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (09/19) 6 NORWICH PL...................................... $934,900 B: Gregg Routhier & Dina Routhier S: Michael R Deluca & Rosemary A Deluca Book/Page: 16157/37, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $747,920 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38035sf Prior Sale: $835,000 (02/06) 6 TECH DR........................................... $26,000,000 B: CIM Ofc Andover MA LLC S: WS NV 4 Andover Tech LLC Book/Page: 16154/298, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Research & Dvlpmnt Facility, Lot: 572285sf Prior Sale: $10,800,000 (03/16)

Lawrence MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 273 Median Price $275,000

YTD 2019 261 $295,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BELKNAP ST.......................................... $50,000 B: MJC Development Corp S: Sunnybrook Development Book/Page: 16157/64, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 28203sf 113 E HAVERHILL ST............................ $480,000 B: Jose M Disla S: Richard A Guzman & Carmen L Guzman Book/Page: 16155/262, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $441,600 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5295sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (03/04) 116 E HAVERHILL ST............................ $537,000 B: Sthefany Adames & Nathaly Adames S: Bcad LLC Book/Page: 16153/239, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $393,772 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 14263sf Prior Sale: $152,000 (02/19) 14-16 FOREST ST.................................. $420,000 B: Troy A Guzman S: Julianne Y Shelzi Tr, Tr for Second Generation T Book/Page: 16155/26, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $412,392 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5800sf Prior Sale: $217,396 (11/08) 99-101 FRANKLIN ST U:1..................... $250,000 B: Esther Castillo-Frias S: Merrimack Valley Habitat Book/Page: 16158/153, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Merrimack Vly HabHmty $153,217 Use: Condo 99-101 FRANKLIN ST U:2..................... $213,300 B: Henri K Tshimbalanga & Annie K Kabengele S: Merrimack Valley Habitat Book/Page: 16157/272, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $147,455 Use: Condo

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

10-12 HOBSON ST................................ $470,000 B: Jamiel Ortiz S: Jose M Disla Book/Page: 16154/342, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $446,500 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 7795sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (09/15) 45 OREGON AVE.................................... $276,000 B: Eric D Walker S: Christopher Brown Book/Page: 16155/48, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $271,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11980sf Prior Sale: $229,000 (05/06) 181-183 PARK ST................................. $555,000 B: Aneudi Diaz-Lora & Leticia E Sosa-Dediaz S: Julian Berroa & Kenia Berroa Book/Page: 16160/205, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $544,947 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 14558sf 105 PROSPECT ST U:6.......................... $304,900 B: Jean J Marcelin S: Chris-Sco Corp Book/Page: 16156/160, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 14 STATE ST......................................... $274,500 B: John J Hidalgo S: Ingrid M Sanchez Book/Page: 16157/340, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $265,338 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $35,000 (08/98) 362-364 WATER ST.............................. $345,000 B: Mijail A Lantigua-Batista & Ana M Batista-Munoz S: Davine Bechara Book/Page: 16155/66, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $334,650 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 4017sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (07/13)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 96-98 ABBOTT ST................................. B: JIN Properties LLC S: Jannette Torres & HSBC Bank USA NA Book/Page: 16155/106, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Harvest Now LLC $355,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5600sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (08/06) 40 DARTMOUTH ST............................... B: Francisco Horton S: William Green & US Bank NA Book/Page: 16156/109, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Mark A Saab $265,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8346sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (09/08)

Southern District John L. O’Brien, Jr., Register 45 Congress St, Suite 4100 Salem, MA 01970 Telephone: (978) 742-1700 Fax: (978) 744-5865


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 166 Median Price $386,000

YTD 2019 195 $400,000



YTD 2019 513 $370,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 ALBERMARLE ST............................. $319,900 B: Mayelin L Fernandez S: Mark Brown & Matina Brown Book/Page: 16157/320, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $314,105 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8599sf 41 EDGEWOOD AVE............................... $327,500 B: Thalia Murray & Anthony J Murray-Corniell S: Albert W Mitton 3rd & Diane S Mitton Book/Page: 16156/71, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $321,567 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (12/05) 45 GASTON ST U:45.............................. $220,000 B: Thuhoa T Truong S: Guillermo Ramirez & Wendy Ramirez Book/Page: 16156/290, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $175,000 (03/17) 19 JAMES RD........................................ $325,000 B: Pablo A Guerrero & Dominga A Guerrero S: Stephen P Parolosi & Mark S Parolosi Book/Page: 16158/12, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $314,153 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10001sf 19 KENDALL ST..................................... $250,000 B: Brian E Flanders & Lisa A Colangelo S: James F Taylor Tr, Tr for James F Taylor LT Book/Page: 16158/141, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13499sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (08/08) 22 LORING RD....................................... $345,000 B: Brandon C Caron & Andrea Pittella S: Timothy J Mueller Book/Page: 16153/343, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $327,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15002sf Prior Sale: $294,000 (08/18) 67-69 LOWELL ST................................. $445,000 B: Jorge A Baten S: Leandro A Olivo Book/Page: 16160/225, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $436,939 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4809sf Prior Sale: $251,000 (04/14) 478 LOWELL ST..................................... $820,000 B: Jason W Zhen Tr, Tr for Methuen RT S: Teddy Kalogeropoulos Tr, Tr for 478 Lowell Street RT Book/Page: 16160/251, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 31999sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (07/13) 7 ORCHARD ST...................................... $300,000 B: Jochy D Diaz S: Theresa C Parent Book/Page: 16157/178, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $250,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7501sf 8 THISSELL ST...................................... $420,000 B: Santa Jaime & Ana K Lopez S: Aicha Lotfouallah & Abdessalam Radi Book/Page: 16158/115, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $405,982 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8002sf Prior Sale: $367,000 (07/17)

North Andover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 293 Median Price $565,000

Essex Registry


Methuen YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 480 Median Price $350,000

85 FARRWOOD AVE U:1........................ $185,000 B: Daniel J Kelly S: Paul C Carroll Book/Page: 16160/23, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $177,510 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $136,500 (03/04) 15 FURBER AVE.................................... $500,000 B: 15-17 Furber Avenue LLC S: Carmen Finocchiaro & Angelina Finocchiaro Book/Page: 16154/199, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 19898sf 15 REGENCY PL.................................... $375,000 B: Paul J StHilaire Tr, Tr for Village RT S: North Andover Realty Corp Book/Page: 16154/32, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 38716sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (06/17)

YTD 2019 256 $592,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 410 BEAR HILL RD............................... $1,120,000 B: Tilottoma Mukherjee & Mandira Mukherjee S: Brooks Gayle M Est & Samuel S Brooks Book/Page: 16155/6, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Camden National Bank $896,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $1,346,050 (11/02)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

4 BIRCHWOOD PT U:103....................... $180,000 B: Nicole H Capolupo Tr, Tr for Nicole Capolupo RET S: Bryan M Hodgkins & Judith E Hodgkins Book/Page: 38200/560, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $144,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $105,000 (11/09) 21 CLARKS RD U:201............................ $170,000 B: Ronald T Bennett S: Thomas T Bishop Book/Page: 38201/359, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $136,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $139,000 (10/18) 4 COLONIAL DR..................................... $559,000 B: Megan Cheeseman & Tyler L Meredith S: F&C Builders LLC Book/Page: 38200/511, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $519,870 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 11941sf 60 MERRIMAC ST U:508...................... $1,118,766 B: Jayne Alfano Tr, Tr for Jayne Alfano RET S: Hatters Point Capital LLC Book/Page: 38201/157, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 22 OLD MERRILL ST............................. $527,000 B: Coby A Lieblein & Ashley Pierce S: Roberta E Benson & John R Friedrich Book/Page: 38194/28, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $447,950 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25058sf Prior Sale: $392,900 (01/14)

Beverly MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 333 Median Price $460,300

YTD 2019 315 $499,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 BASS RIVER RD............................... $495,000 B: Eric Deffer & Nicole L Deffer S: Mark R Glover Tr, Tr for Glover FT Book/Page: 38195/7, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $445,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13102sf 496 CABOT ST...................................... $1,050,000 B: John Austin & Patricia Austin S: Felizardo Properties LLC Book/Page: 38193/377, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 14350sf Prior Sale: $499,900 (11/12) 50 CORNING ST..................................... $645,000 B: David P Boody-Alter & Gwenivere Stanton-Olsen S: Kevin F Power Book/Page: 38195/168, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $548,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24650sf 46 ENON ST.......................................... $5,300,000 B: Northeast Retail Acq LLC S: JRLD Realty LLC Book/Page: 38197/273, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $4,240,000 56 ENON ST.......................................... $5,300,000 B: Northeast Retail Acq LLC S: JRLD Realty LLC Book/Page: 38197/273, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $4,240,000 Use: Retail-equipment, Lot: 87716sf 25 GREGG ST......................................... $520,000 B: Christine Kobyljanec & Erin Schaeffer S: Eric Deffer & Nicole Deffer Book/Page: 38194/86, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $416,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8861sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (05/17) 42 HILLCREST AVE................................ $345,000 B: Heather E Tamilio S: Andrea M Damato & Richard L Damato Book/Page: 38199/341, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $310,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 4913sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (07/01) 5 INDIAN HL.......................................... $675,000 B: Susan A Hennessey-Power & Kevin F Powers S: Matthew D Stone & Sarah Stone Book/Page: 38196/281, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $472,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 97539sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (12/16)

139 PARK ST......................................... $699,900 B: Ruthy LLC S: Elaina Kiley & Michael P Kiley Book/Page: 38193/525, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $524,250 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2897sf Prior Sale: $517,500 (03/05) 8 PINEWOOD AVE.................................. $426,000 B: Michael Egan S: Herbert T Mcsherry & Lora Mcsherry Book/Page: 38196/220, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $404,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7356sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (02/07) 12 RED ROCK LN................................... $509,900 B: Christine Shatswell & Christopher Shatswell S: Cassie Apruzzese & Jason Apruzzese Book/Page: 38199/500, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $484,405 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8848sf Prior Sale: $404,000 (05/15) 2 WADSWORTH PL............................... $1,400,000 B: Arthur E Blume & Paula O Blume S: John Pace & Linda Pace Book/Page: 38204/138, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Ally Bank $1,120,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 49680sf

Boxford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 119 Median Price $680,000

YTD 2019 124 $649,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 AMBERWOOD LN............................... $785,000 B: Alexis A Devilling & Mark A Devilling 2nd S: Christopher Sarandopolis & Martine O Sarandopolis Book/Page: 38199/394, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87991sf Prior Sale: $820,000 (07/15) 12 DOLE HILL LN................................... $660,000 B: Brendan T Schoch & Elise Schoch S: Karen E Hussey & Todd L Hussey Book/Page: 38192/427, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $627,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 89734sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (10/04) 23 PARTRIDGE LN................................. $715,000 B: Constantine D Tzortzis & Jill W Tzortzis S: Carmil LLC Book/Page: 38193/270, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $565,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 89298sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (10/18) 41 PORTER RD...................................... $730,000 B: Joseph Lunetta S: Caroline Cushin Doc#: 000000609304, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 93218sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (06/99)

Danvers YTD 2019 239 $489,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 CEDAR HILL DR................................ $556,000 B: John W Marouchoc & Kristin L Marouchoc S: Barbara F Dobbins & Thomas R Dobbins Book/Page: 38201/265, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $444,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 23114sf 190 CENTRE ST..................................... $980,000 B: Robert Duncan & Tammy Starion S: Donna M Coppola & Nicholas A Coppola Book/Page: 38203/218, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $780,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 95832sf 143 HIGH ST......................................... $1,100,000 B: JAM 5 Properties LLC S: Angelina Ciruolo Tr, Tr for Angelina&M Ciruolo RET Book/Page: 38201/467, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: North Shore Bank $1,024,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 23342sf 33 OVERLOOK DR.................................. $745,000 B: Dominic Garcia & Denise Hermandez S: Lindallwood Realty 3 LLC Book/Page: 38204/71, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $558,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41372sf 16 PUTNAM LN...................................... $430,000 B: Jeffrey Ash & Abigal Bigg S: Moseson Elaind Est & Virginia J Moseson Book/Page: 38199/5, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $414,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18322sf 57 SYLVAN ST U:1C.............................. $240,000 B: Neal C Maclennan S: Samantha M Dindia Book/Page: 38199/75, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $192,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $122,600 (08/12) 11 WALNUT ST...................................... $275,000 B: James Third LLC S: Elaine M Baker & John E Baker Book/Page: 38200/535, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Latitude Capital LLC $247,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $183,000 (05/99)

Essex MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $522,500

Georgetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 99 Median Price $445,000

YTD 2019 122 $450,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 77 W MAIN ST....................................... B: Kenneth S Croft S: Christopher A Roy & Ginamarie P Roy Book/Page: 38193/194, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $337,453 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9756sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (09/12)


Gloucester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 229 Median Price $420,000

YTD 2019 232 $431,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 DAVENTRY LN U:3B.......................... $1,505,000 B: Lois Ghaderi-Quinn & Ralph Quinn S: Basland Properties LLC Book/Page: 38205/351, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo 134 E MAIN ST...................................... $530,000 B: Maiara M Oliveira S: Kathleen Costa & Neil Costa Book/Page: 38200/288, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $512,311 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3370sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (12/02) 130 EASTERN AVE................................ $275,000 B: Francis Mccormick Jr S: Grace Hope Realty LLC Book/Page: 38199/250, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cape Ann Svgs Bk $620,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 14822sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (10/15) 8 FAIR ST.............................................. $811,000 B: Edulis Properties LLC S: Nina Jarvis & Carlo Randazzo Book/Page: 38195/243, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cape Ann Svgs Bk $648,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5438sf 29 LAWRENCE MOUNTAIN RD.............. $99,000 B: Richards Development S: Charlene Frederick Tr, Tr for Gaucher Frederick 2016 T Book/Page: 38197/537, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $676,350 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10117sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 857 WASHINGTON ST........................... B: FNMA S: Janice Downey & Citimortgage Inc Book/Page: 38193/253, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10100sf Prior Sale: $247,781 (06/10)


Groveland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 80 Median Price $402,500

YTD 2019 79 $457,500


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 300 Median Price $465,000



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

YTD 2019 27 $578,000

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 15 ICEHOUSE LN................................... $391,000 B: Settlemoir LLC S: Lucile Galber & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 38197/361, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $401,109 (05/08)

188 MAIN ST......................................... B: Main St Groveland LLC S: Lynne B Conklin & David G Takesian Book/Page: 38199/573, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 20500sf


Hamilton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 98 Median Price $562,500

YTD 2019 106 $601,100

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 607 BAY RD........................................... $390,000 B: Allison M Odoardi & Jay F Odoardi S: Heather Ford Book/Page: 38193/52, Date: 01/15/20 1073 BAY RD........................................ $1,000,000 B: Richard Harrison & Samantha Harrison S: Jana Smiley & Paul Smiley Book/Page: 38195/448, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 91040sf Prior Sale: $1,125,000 (10/04) 504 BRIDGE ST..................................... $859,000 B: Cassie Apruzzese & Jason Apruzzese S: KC Acquisitions LLC Book/Page: 38199/483, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Lendus LLC $687,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40095sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (03/19)

Haverhill MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 513 Median Price $330,000

YTD 2019 486 $347,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 ARCH ST........................................... $360,000 B: Brittney R Goodman S: Edge Real Estate Invests Book/Page: 38200/119, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $353,479 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 1912sf Prior Sale: $213,000 (05/19) 6 BRADFIELDS DR................................ $582,312 B: Jeanne Quinn & Joseph Quinn S: Matthew J Quinn & Tara M Quinn Book/Page: 38205/84, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 81022sf Prior Sale: $525,500 (12/15) 6 BURNHAM ST..................................... $310,000 B: Andres Mosquera S: David F Lane Jr & Helen R Lane Book/Page: 38196/319, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $294,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9374sf CROSBY ST............................................ $25,000 B: Paula M Ciraldi-Komola S: Carolina Properties LLC Book/Page: 38199/604, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 9884sf 36 FARRWOOD DR U:36........................ $253,000 B: Maurice Parr S: Rachael L Godek & William R Godek Book/Page: 38196/136, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Align CU $240,350 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $173,000 (06/15)

18 LAKEVIEW AVE................................. $380,000 B: Beatrice Teguia & Joseph Teguia S: Barry A Berlin Book/Page: 38200/263, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Internet Bk In $361,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23679sf 81 LAUREL AVE..................................... $308,000 B: Mary E Parker S: Provost&Smith Dev LLC Book/Page: 38195/49, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $302,421 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5310sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (04/19) 93 LAWRENCE ST................................. $400,000 B: Scott W Wood Jr S: Merton W Howard Jr & Patricia M Howard Book/Page: 38200/336, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $255,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7780sf 18-20 LOCKWOOD ST........................... $350,000 B: Alan A Reinoso S: Kathleen Michitson & Timothy S Michitson Book/Page: 38195/312, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $338,318 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4678sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (09/08) 21 MACON AVE..................................... $343,000 B: Mercedes C Gomez & Yobanis Gomez S: Maryann Lupi & Michael F Lupi Book/Page: 38196/436, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $336,787 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 9400sf 25 MERCURY TER U:25......................... $232,000 B: Kerry Cabral S: Quintin L Tigs Tr, Tr for Mercury Terrace RT Book/Page: 38205/535, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Pentucket Bank $220,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 40 ORANGE ST...................................... $426,400 B: Maximo Delacruz S: Paige Wassell & Timothy Wassell Book/Page: 38196/456, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $411,682 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7501sf 3 RYAN PATRICK WAY.......................... $385,000 B: Bryan Hart & Daniel Silva S: Robert Filion & Kely P Fillion Doc#: 000000609292, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $308,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $317,000 (03/08) 615 SALEM ST...................................... $439,900 B: Kelly Fillion & Robert Fillion S: Daniel Gorski & Emily Mchale Book/Page: 38195/412, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $351,920 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16013sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (01/13) 11 VILLA ST U:202................................ $150,000 B: Vila Properties LLC S: Christopher J Gianni Tr, Tr for MJ Gianni FT Book/Page: 38193/60, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $129,000 (03/10) 33 WESTCHESTER DR U:33.................. $288,000 B: Annette Poirier S: Gary Johnson Book/Page: 38193/166, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $258,000 (04/18) 9 YELLOW BRICK RD............................ $430,000 B: Jose R Martinez & Zoaine Tiburcio S: Jeanne M Quinn & Joseph D Quinn Book/Page: 38204/90, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $408,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7876sf

385 ESSEX ST U:385............................. $255,000 B: Trang T Huyen-Nguyen S: Tiep V Le Book/Page: 38200/407, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: River Works CU $242,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 11473sf Prior Sale: $48,000 (01/09) 69 EUTAW AVE...................................... $409,000 B: Vanna Lim S: Daniel S Mcmanus & Joan A Mcmanus Book/Page: 38200/311, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $332,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7003sf 31 FEARLESS AVE................................. $210,000 B: Byron L Angel & Paul Overgang S: Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Book/Page: 38201/35, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2559sf Prior Sale: $256,500 (12/18) 20 HEATHS CT U:204............................ $217,500 B: Estela Budo S: Kaitlyn R Lausier Book/Page: 38203/484, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $163,125 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 84500sf Prior Sale: $217,500 (11/19) 293 JENNESS ST................................... $365,000 B: Faith Osaretin & Helen Otabor S: Bloch Edward P Est & Cynthia A Plunkett Book/Page: 38200/448, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $315,679 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5095sf LAWTON AVE L:33................................ $830,000 B: Ying Chen & Katherine Van Sry S: Joseph P Conti Book/Page: 38201/351, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 3423sf 124 OCEAN ST U:3A.............................. $250,000 B: Leonard Green S: Anna Kumysh Book/Page: 38195/333, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5602sf Prior Sale: $241,500 (03/19) 35 RAND ST........................................... $350,000 B: Ery Ovalle & Paul Overgaag S: Wilmington T NA Tr Book/Page: 38199/442, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $343,660 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3707sf Prior Sale: $301,639 (03/19) 57 ROGERS AVE.................................... $830,000 B: Ying Chen & Katherine Van Sry S: Joseph P Conti Book/Page: 38201/351, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 3000sf 28 SPRINGVALE AVE............................. $458,000 B: Juan Nunez-Gervacio & Miguelina Nunes S: Carlos Cespedes & Rebecca Cespedes Book/Page: 38205/488, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $444,260 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 5885sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (04/04) 10 SURFSIDE RD U:4............................. $146,000 B: Abdelmomen Alouani S: Ibrahim Benzina Book/Page: 38204/590, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5924sf Prior Sale: $102,000 (02/05)



19 VERNDALE ST.................................. B: Idalio Guzman S: Ralph A Iasimone & Loancare LLC Book/Page: 38196/598, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Northmark Bank $135,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5502sf


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 172 Median Price $658,375

YTD 2019 144 $557,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 JEWETT HILL RD................................ $610,000 B: Brendan W Dugan & Kaitlin G Dugan S: David E Workman Tr, Tr for Workman 2016 T Book/Page: 38194/534, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $240,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 74923sf 7 RIVERSIDE DR.................................... $595,000 B: Lawrence J Savarese S: Nina M Amaro Tr, Tr for Amaro NT Book/Page: 38201/441, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $595,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 30280sf


▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 BELLE AVE......................................... B: Noemia L Nau S: Joseph G Tarr Book/Page: 38200/47, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $280,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 1684sf Prior Sale: $176,000 (02/13) 48 ELMWOOD AVE................................ B: Gregory E Hayward S: Linda C Torrey Book/Page: 38196/574, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3600sf 121 ESSEX ST....................................... B: 121 Essex Street LLC S: David P Daley & Keith M Saunders Book/Page: 38205/462, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: North Shore Bank $315,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 3494sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (11/07) 242 ESSEX ST....................................... B: Juan Espinal & Jenifer Mota S: Frederick E Stallworth Book/Page: 38201/416, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $427,121 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4701sf Prior Sale: $256,000 (11/06)

YTD 2019 170 $677,450



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 659 Median Price $345,000

16 UNION CT......................................... $170,000 B: Ever Zavala S: Kennth C Lord & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 38197/457, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $136,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 1736sf


Ipswich YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 124 Median Price $494,500






677 CHESTNUT ST................................ B: James D Cribbins Jr & Kate Cribbins S: James J Hook Book/Page: 38201/186, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $409,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30550sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (06/02) 54 HIGHLAND AVE................................ B: Matthew Manganelli S: Harold M Belbin Book/Page: 38194/305, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $450,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (04/13)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $399,000

YTD 2019 79 $405,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 61 E MAIN ST........................................ B: M&S Renovations LLC S: Diane M Buaiz Tr, Tr for Milardo RET Book/Page: 38199/100, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13633sf 22 GROVE ST U:B.................................. B: Jillian Mcconnell S: Ring William E Jr Est & Carol Ring Book/Page: 38200/6, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $261,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (01/17)



Middleton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 80 Median Price $555,375

YTD 2019 86 $595,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 BELLINGHAM CT U:16...................... $489,900 B: Steven C Roche & Kelly F Oneill S: Robert R Flaherty & Heidi C Paulson Book/Page: 38203/320, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $289,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $440,000 (04/05) 14 KIMBERLY LN................................... $638,000 B: Adam Curtiss & Kristen Curtiss S: Katherine A Cameron & Scott P Cameron Book/Page: 38193/415, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $588,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 42371sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (06/08) 4 LEARY LN.......................................... $1,048,000 B: Katherine A Cameron & Scott P Cameron S: Madelyn Steeves Book/Page: 38195/148, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Ipswich Bank $900,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 47672sf 10 OGDEN LN........................................ $864,000 B: Elyssa F Kaplan & Scott M Kaplan S: Debora O Kelly Tr, Tr for 10 Ogden Lane RT Book/Page: 38194/180, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $450,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40014sf 38 VILLAGE RD U:208........................... $268,850 B: Julie M Macdonald S: Gregory S Snow & Judy L Snow Book/Page: 38205/361, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Stoneham Cp Bk $70,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $162,250 (12/07)

Newbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 82 Median Price $508,500

YTD 2019 100 $522,500


53 HIGH RD.......................................... $2,900,000 B: Ashley L Lilly & Josiah K Lilly S: Tara Patrican Book/Page: 38194/438, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: JKL 5 LLC $2,900,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 107593sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (06/08) 1 LITTLES LN........................................ $1,100,000 B: Christopher M Bouton & Katie S Bouton S: Brian J Patrican Book/Page: 38194/575, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 196891sf Prior Sale: $1,600,000 (10/11)

YTD 2019 59 $790,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 69 PLEASANT ST................................... $900,000 B: Matthew Stone & Sarah Stone S: 69 Pleasant St LLC Book/Page: 38197/484, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $600,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8440sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (04/17) 2-B SURF VLG...................................... $1,100,000 B: Terry L Cowman Tr, Tr for Terry L Cowman 1996 T S: Kettle Cove PC&J LLC Book/Page: 38193/191, Date: 01/15/20


YTD 2019 261 $710,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 CRESTWOOD RD................................ B: Richard C Marcy Jr Tr, Tr for SCM NT S: Nancy A Gwin Book/Page: 38203/480, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11619sf 12 GREEN ST......................................... B: 42 North Properties LLC S: Marblehead Town Of Book/Page: 38204/451, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: CSLF Alamosa LLC $284,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3160sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (06/98)




YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 239 Median Price $689,000



Manchester YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $900,000

144 PLEASANT ST................................. $370,000 B: Pit LLC S: Cheryl J Lee Tr, Tr for C&J RT Book/Page: 38201/540, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Marblehead Svgs Bk $277,500 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 3820sf 202 WASHINGTON ST U:2..................... $290,000 B: Elizabeth R Mcgrath S: Peter W Carlton Tr, Tr for 202 Washington NT Book/Page: 38196/397, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $100,000 Use: Condo



©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Newburyport MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 223 Median Price $587,500

YTD 2019 228 $665,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 BOARDMAN ST U:6............................ $560,000 B: Tammy B Bottner & Daniel Carlat S: James R Gurley Book/Page: 38193/90, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo 9 GREENLEAF ST.................................. $1,000,000 B: Joyce Bokuniewicz S: On The Rocks LLC Book/Page: 38201/559, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $800,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3100sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (08/18) 329 HIGH ST......................................... $1,100,000 B: Daniel T Anthony & Jill A Hempen-Anthony S: Anthony Salvatore & Christine Salvatore Book/Page: 38199/213, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15149sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (05/13) 14 TILTON ST........................................ $672,500 B: Brenna Mccarthy & Gregory Sulser S: Arthur P Croteau Jr & Mary E Croteau Book/Page: 38196/340, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $627,688 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6400sf 159 WATER ST...................................... $249,000 B: Brettonwood Development S: Johnson Josephine H Est & Dawn Kozuchowski Book/Page: 38205/397, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $175,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2963sf




Peabody MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 425 Median Price $435,500

YTD 2019 425 $450,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 CURWEN RD..................................... $500,000 B: Carmine Deguglielmo & Linda Deguglielmo S: Kristen Elmimouni & Youssef Elmimouni Book/Page: 38200/32, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19375sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (06/07) 26 EMERSON ST.................................... $550,000 B: Jackson L Shadrach-Gaye S: Alexis A Devilling & Mark A Devilling 2nd Book/Page: 38197/6, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $495,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6159sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (02/11) 18 GLENDALE AVE................................ $445,000 B: Nicholas V Gagliolo & Molly Carey S: Lindsay Welenc & Celena M Welenc Doc#: 000000609367, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $378,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $329,000 (07/03) 2 JOY RD............................................... $410,000 B: Abigail Cahill S: Lindita Murrizi & Luan Murrizi Book/Page: 38205/176, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $307,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6399sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (08/18) 21 MASON ST........................................ $465,000 B: Ball Round LLC S: Arthur D Pelkey Jr Tr, Tr for Arthur D Pelkey Jr T Book/Page: 38193/435, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $364,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 8198sf 5 STEVENS ST....................................... $300,000 B: Skomurski Development LLC S: Parkii Donna Est & Edward L Waters Book/Page: 38195/219, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 6869sf 14 TOMAH DR....................................... $670,000 B: David O Lopez & Mallory G Lopez S: Tammy Starion Book/Page: 38201/169, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $603,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13517sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (05/10)

Rockport MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 64 Median Price $630,000

YTD 2019 67 $578,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19-23 BEARSKIN NCK.......................... $1,025,000 B: Bearskin LLC S: Marcella Partners LLC Book/Page: 38198/386, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Stone Mortgage LLC $1,400,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 2349sf Prior Sale: $762,500 (11/09) 57 MOUNT PLEASANT ST U:1A............. $150,000 B: Amy Mccagg S: Janice Hansen Book/Page: 38196/315, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $121,500 (01/14)

Rowley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 67 Median Price $525,000

YTD 2019 70 $540,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 HARTS WAY U:8................................. $670,000 B: Kevin J Willis & Wendy A Zollo S: ONG Development&Design Book/Page: 38194/297, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 39 ROWLEY COUNTRY CLUB RD U:39.. $715,000 B: Diane D Herth & John D Herth S: Alfred W Descenza & Shirley T Descenza Book/Page: 38204/306, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo

Salem MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 240 Median Price $418,000

YTD 2019 249 $425,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 AMANDA WAY................................. $650,000 B: Richard Drazin & Stacy Drazin S: Megan T Carlton Tr, Tr for Camilo Martinez 2017 RET Book/Page: 38193/348, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $650,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $499,900 (05/13) 22 CARLTON ST U:4.............................. $245,000 B: Nina E Sprenger S: George Markt Book/Page: 38194/372, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $237,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (04/17) 27 CAVENDISH CIR U:27....................... $430,000 B: Scott J Nathan S: Frances D Ehalt & Jeffrey G Ehalt Book/Page: 38193/491, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $215,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $405,000 (09/05) 171 FEDERAL ST U:B............................ $505,000 B: Ann M Thompson & Christopher Thompson S: Marilyn Levine Book/Page: 38193/111, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $454,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $443,750 (12/17)

23 GREEN ST U:3.................................. $340,000 B: Connor Loop & Abby S Mcgregor S: Ellen Price Book/Page: 38198/425, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $329,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $268,000 (09/16) 36 HARBOR ST...................................... $645,000 B: R&M Holdings LLC S: Ocelot Operations LLC Book/Page: 38195/367, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $451,000 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 1307sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (07/17) 14 HERBERT ST U:2.............................. $276,000 B: Claudia Vides S: Allyson N Chapman & Angelina Ciruolo Book/Page: 38201/45, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2178sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (09/17) 8 IRVING ST........................................... $417,000 B: Carlos Delgado & Skender Kanani S: James B Taylor Book/Page: 38197/504, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $216,500 (04/11) 245 LAFAYETTE ST U:1C...................... $245,000 B: Jitka Stastna S: Jane Baker Book/Page: 38196/170, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $183,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $169,000 (01/03) 5 LARCHMONT RD U:1.......................... $299,999 B: Robert Hunter-Decker S: William P Hefferan Book/Page: 38198/131, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $299,999 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $210,000 (11/05) 16 LEAVITT ST U:2................................ $225,000 B: Alis G Gabriel & Theodore Gavrilescu S: Paul B Wilkinson Book/Page: 38200/219, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $168,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 2 MAPLE AVE........................................ $450,000 B: Shane S Ballou & Ashley I Nogueira S: Taylor Grabus & Courtney Mentuck Book/Page: 38200/492, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $405,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4792sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (06/16) 41 NICHOLS ST..................................... $553,000 B: Santiago Zuluaga-Jimenez S: Ashanti L Clark Book/Page: 38205/24, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $542,983 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3049sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (09/15) 38 NORMAN ST..................................... $150,000 B: 27 Summer LLC S: 38 Norman Street LLC Book/Page: 38195/281, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Parking Lot, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $1,275,000 (04/18) 38 NORMAN ST.................................... $1,275,000 B: 38 Norman Street LLC S: Common Ground Enterprises Book/Page: 38195/277, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Parking Lot, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $1,275,000 (04/18) 40 OSBORNE HILL DR........................... $655,157 B: Anne M Sirois & Matthew Sirois S: Paul Dibiase Tr, Tr for Osborne Hills RT Book/Page: 38203/511, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $524,126 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 8276sf 38 RAYMOND RD.................................. $590,000 B: Irina B Kontsevaia & Boris Kontsevoi S: Grazyna Chanaj & Roman Chanaj Book/Page: 38195/103, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6970sf 18 WEATHERLY DR U:1......................... $335,000 B: Albert H Gillette S: Kent F Murphy Book/Page: 38195/114, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $268,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $238,000 (08/01) 15 WINTER ST...................................... $2,050,000 B: Renewal Ventures LLC S: Beverly Overlook LLC Book/Page: 38195/509, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,535,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $1,525,000 (08/18)

Salisbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 78 Median Price $357,000

YTD 2019 67 $359,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 170 BEACH RD U:41.............................. $397,400 B: Elizabeth Mccarthy & John Mccarthy S: Michele M Carroll Book/Page: 38194/136, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $267,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $303,900 (06/13) 42 BRISETTE AVE.................................. $243,659 B: Thomas M Pizzuto & Caren Pizzuto S: Thomas M Pizzuto & Edward A Pizzuto Doc#: 000000609380, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4470sf Prior Sale: $176,000 (06/07) 1 ERICA WAY........................................ $425,000 B: Daniel L Roaf & Kaitlyn M Roaf S: Elizabeth J Mccarthy & John G Mccarthy Book/Page: 38192/551, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $403,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 103230sf Prior Sale: $319,900 (09/07)

Saugus MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 325 Median Price $435,000

YTD 2019 326 $460,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 79-81 AUBURN ST................................ $679,000 B: Michael Denicola Jr & Marina S Iannaco S: Joseph H Pizzarello Tr, Tr for Joseph H Pizzarello LT Book/Page: 38202/510, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $631,053 Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 10001sf 55 BRISTOW ST..................................... $460,000 B: Leanne Brum & Michael Brum S: Carl D Oliveri Tr, Tr for 55 Bristow Street RT Doc#: 000000609375, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $451,668 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8442sf 261 CENTRAL ST................................... $555,000 B: Rodrigo Dossantos S: Kristin B Agreste & Natalie P Agreste Book/Page: 38201/225, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $527,250 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 9901sf Prior Sale: $207,500 (06/99) 9 NIRVANA DR U:2E.............................. $435,000 B: Kenny T Hoang S: Robin Driscoll & Thomas Driscoll Book/Page: 38194/127, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $349,900 (08/14) 23 PEARL RD......................................... $530,000 B: Joyce Bouche & Mark W Bouche S: Uri FT LLC Book/Page: 38200/194, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $519,332 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (07/19) 7 THOMAS ST U:J13............................. $350,000 B: Rose S Oliveri Tr, Tr for Oliveri FT S: Caesar Orlandella Tr, Tr for Quagenti FT Book/Page: 38201/134, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

Swampscott MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 173 Median Price $580,000

YTD 2019 169 $580,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 70 ATLANTIC RD................................... $913,000 B: Rachel Thompson S: James F Low & Robin P Low Book/Page: 38199/30, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11935sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (06/99) 81 DENNISON AVE................................ $700,000 B: Thomas E Burke & Kathleen M Burke S: Lynne Greenberg Doc#: 000000609397, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $560,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9975sf 65 NASON RD........................................ $630,000 B: Ellen Price & Brian Twist S: Kathleen M Burke & Thomas E Burke Book/Page: 38200/244, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $504,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6578sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (11/13) 129 NORFOLK AVE................................ $557,500 B: Michael A Lespasio & Heather Smith S: Norfolkfuller LLC Book/Page: 38204/528, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $547,401 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4792sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (07/19) 402 PARADISE RD U:1S........................ $365,000 B: Camilo Martinez Tr, Tr for Camilo Martinez 2017 RET S: Mary J Kane Book/Page: 38195/395, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $222,500 (05/07)

Topsfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $595,000

YTD 2019 101 $630,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 HICKORY LN..................................... B: Pierre Narath & Rosemarie Narath S: Brad J Vocino & Rebecca Vocino Book/Page: 38198/279, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $500,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 54537sf


Charlemont YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $168,500

YTD 2019 8 $278,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 WARFIELD RD.................................. B: Margaret J Veith S: Robert A Canuel Book/Page: 7485/41, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27007sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (01/02)


YTD 2019 49 $295,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 202 MILL VILLAGE RD.......................... $210,000 B: Eric J Covey & Heather C Poulin S: Smiaroski Richard V Est & Stephen Smiaroski Book/Page: 7485/192, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $168,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 78408sf



YTD 2019 21 $245,000


12 CARLISLE AVE.................................. B: Phillip E Lucas Jr & Lauren A Lucas S: David P Brule & Susan T Bellemare Book/Page: 7484/306, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $196,969 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20822sf


Orange YTD 2019 109 $175,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 151 ATHOL RD...................................... B: Timothy A Mallet S: David C Dorow Book/Page: 7484/96, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 72745sf 157 W RIVER ST.................................... B: Thomas Ward & Nicole Ward S: John Gregory & Ronny Departo Book/Page: 7485/160, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $205,214 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $183,900 (03/06)



▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 75 E MAIN ST........................................ $441,018 B: US Bank NA S: Robert D Anderson & Karen R Anderson Book/Page: 7486/35, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 67082sf



1 PELHAM HILL RD............................... $205,000 B: David J Bourgeois & Naomi R Bourgeois S: Brittany E Sawicki Book/Page: 7483/277, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Neighbors Bank $212,121 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (08/16) 57 SHORE DR........................................ $65,000 B: Gary West & Donna West S: Michael E Shane Book/Page: 7484/337, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 5227sf

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 153 Median Price $190,000

YTD 2019 161 $200,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 234 BARTON RD.................................... $209,000 B: Samuel Veillette & Jamie Veillette S: Smith Michael W Est & Bonnie Smith Book/Page: 7485/217, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $188,100 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18343sf 30 CEDAR GLN U:30.............................. $165,500 B: Jessica A Washer S: Amanda Hale-Doyle Book/Page: 7483/302, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $145,000 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $148,000 (06/17) 16 COOLIDGE AVE................................. $192,000 B: Robert E Shave S: Paper Sean M Est & Lorraine H Bates Book/Page: 7484/129, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $153,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11252sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (11/17) 80 MUNSON ST..................................... $138,000 B: Thomas A Powers S: Paul E Hurwitz & Rosanne Apfeldorf-Hurwitz Book/Page: 7484/153, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $117,300 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 14715sf 55 PIERCE ST........................................ $200,000 B: Gallagher K Hannan & David A Erickson S: Greenfield Paper Box Co Book/Page: 7485/323, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 11761sf 57 PIERCE ST........................................ $200,000 B: Gallagher K Hannan & David A Erickson S: Greenfield Paper Box Co Book/Page: 7485/323, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 5266sf $112,000

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $337,950

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 10 Median Price $266,500

YTD 2019 27 $270,000


Wendell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 Median Price $85,000

YTD 2019 7 $204,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 208 LOCKE HILL RD.............................. B: Ellen M Trousdale S: Sharon Wachsler Book/Page: 7484/29, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 174240sf Prior Sale: $334,500 (09/06)


Hampden Registry Cheryl A. Coakley Rivera, Esq., Register 50 State Street Springfield, MA 01103 Telephone: (413) 755-1722 Fax: (413) 731-8190

Westfield Satellite Office



YTD 2019 70 $210,000

88 N CROSS RD..................................... $310,000 B: Thomas W Wyman & Susanne H Lacosse S: Alyn M Hastings & David W Hastings Book/Page: 7485/132, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $215,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 696960sf Prior Sale: $53,000 (09/02)



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $191,750

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 97 Median Price $175,000


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $207,500



Deerfield YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $285,000




107 JAMES ST U:A................................ B: Citibank NA Tr S: Neal S Peters & Citibank NA Book/Page: 7484/105, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

Scott A. Cote. Register 43 Hope Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 Telephone: (413) 772-0239 Fax: (413) 774-7150 or

222 BRATTLEBORO RD......................... B: Tammy J Powell & Don J Powell S: Mary E Glabach & Timothy E Deneault Book/Page: 7484/1, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $128,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf

530 HUCKLE HILL RD............................ $150,000 B: Jacob Hubbard S: Patricia K Cohn Book/Page: 7485/109, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $144,993 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6817576sf


Franklin Registry

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $245,000

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

YTD 2019 16 $312,500

Westfield City Hall 59 Court Street Westfield, MA 01085 Telephone: (413) 568-2290 Fax: (413) 568-4869

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 N LEVERETT RD............................... B: Marielle L Emond S: Kimberly A Adams Book/Page: 7485/243, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $80,000 Type: Adj Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 28645sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (01/06)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 249 Median Price $225,000


▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 EDEN TRL......................................... B: Jonathan R Rice & Kayla B Bernard S: Catherine C Cayer Book/Page: 7484/278, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $280,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43996sf

YTD 2019 248 $236,250


Leyden YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $254,000



©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

22 LAKEVIEW CIR................................. $309,000 B: Christopher K Malloy & Shannon A Malloy S: Bank New York Mellon Tr Doc#: 000000220886, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $293,550 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20037sf Prior Sale: $332,910 (12/19) 108 OAK LN........................................... $261,000 B: Michael A Mandella & Donnarenee C Mandella S: Dawn J Rivest & Donald A Rivest Book/Page: 23046/542, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $261,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20000sf


63 MARSH HILL RD............................... $569,000 B: Shaun D Comee & Rachel A Berg S: Robert Zepf & Jennifer Zepf Book/Page: 23048/221, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $455,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 130244sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (11/05) MILL LN................................................ $1,000,000 B: H Ververidis-Crisafuli Tr, Tr for Hertans RT S: David M Lamberto & Anthony T Maffeo Book/Page: 23051/183, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 43167sf

144 TANGLEWOOD DR.......................... B: Cody N Davis & Jessica Davis S: Beverly E Iuliano & Conrad J Iuliano Doc#: 000000220872, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $431,706 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31500sf 51 THOMPSON ST................................. B: Steven R Weiner S: William T Raleigh Book/Page: 23050/513, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $250,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9000sf Prior Sale: $156,100 (06/19) 48 VAN DYKE RD................................... B: JMB Property Management S: Bank Of America NA Book/Page: 23052/466, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Daniel S Burack $134,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $123,000 (01/20)



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 Median Price $229,000

YTD 2019 39 $267,000


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 459 Median Price $180,000

YTD 2019 411 $190,000




YTD 2019 78 $276,750

34 SPRINGHOUSE RD............................ B: Richard D Ring 3rd & Vanessa Ring S: Bonnie Leaning Book/Page: 23050/469, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $247,009 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30000sf 262 WILBRAHAM RD............................ B: David Clark S: Fumi Realty Inc Book/Page: 23051/163, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $207,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 64469sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (08/19)





Holyoke YTD 2019 209 $210,000







▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 BRITTANY RD................................... $460,000 B: Bruce I Herzberg & Judith T Herzberg S: Maziar Hashemi & Fereshteh Mehmandoost Book/Page: 23050/431, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $368,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (08/00)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 221 Median Price $215,000

YTD 2019 213 $230,000



▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 64 HANWARD HL................................... $220,000 B: Aaron M Porchelli & Elizabeth M Porchelli S: Susan M Hearne & David Keene Book/Page: 23048/279, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Crescent Mtg Svc $216,015 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16710sf 43 PEASE RD......................................... $375,000 B: Lori Crum S: Marco A Scibelli Book/Page: 23053/67, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 35815sf Prior Sale: $99,225 (04/19)

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 BEVERLY ST..................................... $215,000 B: Andrew J Collins S: Arthur L Giard & Sandra J Giard Book/Page: 23050/213, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Country Bank $165,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11460sf 2 GLENN ST........................................... $185,000 B: Steven M Tomlinson S: Jonathan C Bly & Rachael F Bly Book/Page: 23046/25, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Polish National CU $155,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 14500sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (02/10) 110 LONGVIEW ST................................ $85,500 B: Dominic Kirchner 2nd Tr, Tr for Grosz RT S: Brouillette V A Est & Brenda L Brouillette Book/Page: 23046/376, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Scott F Leonard $120,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16500sf 1040 OVERLOOK DR.............................. $180,000 B: Dylan Allen S: West Claire M Est & Ann M Banas Book/Page: 23046/49, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $174,600 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9867sf

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $250,000

YTD 2019 22 $210,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 PARK ST........................................... B: Robert M William S: Deborah J Brodie Book/Page: 23048/553, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $174,325 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 17200sf


Southwick YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 113 Median Price $260,000

Longmeadow YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 270 Median Price $328,250

YTD 2019 134 $206,500


▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 11 SHERWOOD TER............................... B: Edward C Brunelle S: Teresa A Hodges & Newrez LLC Book/Page: 23052/25, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6740sf

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 135 Median Price $189,000



30 LINDOR HTS..................................... B: Kathryn M Zweir S: Susan Goodchild & Heather G Grove Book/Page: 23046/153, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26136sf 51 LONGWOOD AVE.............................. B: Julia A Santiago S: Darren Oreilly & Kelly Oreilly Book/Page: 23046/337, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $156,440 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $179,400 (06/17) 1117 MAIN ST....................................... B: Home Equity Assets Realty S: Home Equity Assets Realty Book/Page: 23052/180, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12457sf




East Longmeadow YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 228 Median Price $254,000



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 212 Median Price $199,900



33 FACTORY ST..................................... $93,000 B: John Occhialini S: William D Sullivan & Karen M Broughan Book/Page: 23046/252, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 16553sf 292 FRONTENAC ST.............................. $155,000 B: Alliance Real Est Solutns S: Chapdelaine K M Est & Edward J Chapdelaine Book/Page: 23047/61, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: RCN Capital LLC $165,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12632sf 505 GRATTAN ST.................................. $280,000 B: Dung X Nguyen S: Khanh H Dao & Uyen Phan Book/Page: 23047/392, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fortune Mortgage Co $210,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $179,000 (12/04) 49 JOY ST.............................................. $85,000 B: Dominic Kirchner Tr, Tr for Anouk RT S: Thompson John Mest & Susan Gelinas Book/Page: 23050/170, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pensco Trust Co $145,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $103,000 (07/98) 200 LAMBERT TER U:21....................... $180,000 B: Michelle D Gonzalez S: Andrzej Organ & Anna Organ Book/Page: 23047/118, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $176,739 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 46 LINDEN ST........................................ $256,400 B: Anthony Evborokhai & Mary Evborokhai S: Ronald Cloutier Jr & Mitsuko Cloutier Book/Page: 23050/259, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $251,755 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $178,800 (10/04) 79 PROVIDENCE ST............................... $142,260 B: Kelly G Obrien S: Beverly G Rossi & Robert A Beaulieu Book/Page: 23052/447, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $137,992 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $72,900 (06/98) 71 ROOSEVELT AVE.............................. $210,000 B: Liza A Tuttle & Ashley M Ziemba S: Leclerc Holdings LLC Book/Page: 23048/353, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Polish National CU $168,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (11/05) 2 STOCKBRIDGE ST U:18...................... $370,000 B: Leslie L Christen & Susan M Christen S: Waycon Inc Book/Page: 23052/277, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo 5-7 STONE AVE..................................... $305,000 B: Dillon Natle S: Mina Al-Bayati Book/Page: 23045/545, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $306,900 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (07/18) 22 WOODBRIDGE RD U:22.................... $80,000 B: Eagle Home Buyers LLC S: Sackett Kristin E Est & David P Sackett Book/Page: 23048/205, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Debra A Calvanese $112,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $128,000 (10/05)

47 LENO RD........................................... B: FHLM S: Monte L Brubaker & Newrez LLC Book/Page: 23047/328, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30056sf

YTD 2019 98 $239,500

63 MOULTON HILL RD........................... $274,000 B: Lawrence J Scaglione 4th & Chelsea M Dumas-Scaglione S: Ian M Haskins & Juliana Haskins Book/Page: 23050/197, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $267,767


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $214,900


Monson YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $228,000

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 52 Median Price $240,450

89 VIENNA AVE..................................... B: Fernando Blanco S: William D Methot Doc#: 000000220877, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pinnacle Fncl Svc LLC $61,000 Use: 2 Bdrm, Lot: 5000sf



88 ARTISAN ST..................................... B: USA HUD S: Cynthia A Strange Doc#: 000000220910, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf 340 DALE ST U:C................................... B: FHLM S: Jennifer M Matlasz & US Bank NA Book/Page: 23046/516, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $127,000 (10/07)



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

483 CHAPIN ST..................................... $232,000 B: Michael D Armando & Yvonne Armando S: Eric R Pollander Book/Page: 23051/61, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $227,797 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20010sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (02/15) 102 LONGVIEW CIR............................... $307,000 B: Alena I Sas S: Brian M Liberty Book/Page: 23048/335, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $301,439 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (02/16) 783 LYON ST......................................... $258,500 B: Brian M Liberty S: Paul F Lebel Book/Page: 23048/529, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Luso FCU $170,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 74052sf Prior Sale: $63,030 (02/15)

YTD 2019 108 $277,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 93 BERKSHIRE AVE............................... $249,000 B: Richard J Odell S: Dawn M Leborgne & Matthew R Leborgne Book/Page: 23050/338, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $199,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 40436sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (09/00) FERRIN DR............................................ $99,000 B: Gary Egli & Kathy Egli S: Shirley Pace Book/Page: 23048/490, Date: 01/16/20 12 NOBLE STEED XING......................... $100,000 B: Dale N Guerrette & Lilia A Guerrette S: Jaan Development Corp Book/Page: 23050/146, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 40004sf 3 ROBIN RD........................................... $347,000 B: Dawn Leborgne & Matthew Leborgne S: Hasmukh L Gogri & Raksha H Gogri Book/Page: 23050/356, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $247,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 58731sf

Springfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1,408 Median Price $155,000

YTD 2019 1,389 $165,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 73 ATWATER RD................................... B: Joseph A Pellegrino Jr S: Annette M Pellegrino Book/Page: 23050/76, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Annette M Pellegrino $1 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 34243sf 76 CAMBRIDGE ST................................ B: Erika Flores S: Milton Finklea Book/Page: 23053/246, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6477sf 108-110 COLTON ST............................. B: Ming Tsang & Lifang Luo S: Springfield Code Enfrcmnt Book/Page: 23052/170, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4857sf Prior Sale: $4,000 (07/01) 61 DENVER ST....................................... B: Yaritza Paula S: Richard C Hervieux Jr Book/Page: 23050/575, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $139,680 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6081sf EASTERN AVE....................................... B: Springfield Water&Sewer S: Neighborhood Collaborativ Book/Page: 23048/370, Date: 01/16/20






EASTERN AVE....................................... $30,000 B: Springfield Water&Sewer S: Springfield City Of Book/Page: 23048/413, Date: 01/16/20 223 EMERSON ST.................................. $184,000 B: Benjamin E Jenne S: Laura M Murphy Book/Page: 23049/246, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $184,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5998sf Prior Sale: $133,000 (08/15) 128-130 KENSINGTON AVE................... $255,000 B: Charles Bogues S: K&S Holdings LLC Book/Page: 23050/319, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $250,381 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6499sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (04/07) KING ST................................................. $55,000 B: Springfield Water&Sewer S: Springfield City Of Book/Page: 23048/409, Date: 01/16/20 165-167 LACONIA ST............................ $245,000 B: Yao Agbemordzi S: Michael Quiros & Beryeline Couvertier Book/Page: 23046/441, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $196,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 7945sf 100 MAIN ST......................................... $635,000 B: LW Self Storage LLC S: Lockwood Global LLC Book/Page: 23049/531, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $508,000 264 MAIN ST......................................... $165,000 B: Alexis R Marquez & Yailine S Figueroa S: Chad T Lynch & James W Rocca Book/Page: 23053/148, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $162,011 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6599sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (04/19) 1795 MAIN ST U:108............................. $35,000 B: CMJT Management LLC S: Matthew Katz Book/Page: 23050/492, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Medical Condo Unit 77 MCKNIGHT ST.................................. $167,000 B: Xiomara Bezares S: Amat Victoria Curam LLC Book/Page: 23053/193, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $163,975 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4961sf Prior Sale: $76,000 (06/05) 41 MERRIMAC AVE............................... $239,500 B: Billy Santiago Jr S: Tascon Homes LLC Book/Page: 23053/88, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $239,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4657sf Prior Sale: $162,500 (12/19) 100 MONMOUTH ST.............................. $207,000 B: Luis A Ruiz & Jaditsy Besares S: Pierra A Boursiquot Book/Page: 23049/74, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $203,250 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6804sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (03/05) 33-35 NATHANIEL ST........................... $205,000 B: Francis Forson & Josephine A Forson S: Onota Rental LLC Book/Page: 23046/526, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $164,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 3202sf Prior Sale: $76,100 (11/12) 242 PLUMTREE RD................................ $165,000 B: Scott Thrower & Jessica Thrower S: Craig M Johnson Book/Page: 23046/71, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $156,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5772sf Prior Sale: $144,900 (09/06) 640 PLUMTREE RD................................ $85,000 B: CRS Development LLC S: Heritage Baptist Church Book/Page: 23048/123, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: William C Skinner $81,730 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 245373sf 236 PRENTICE ST.................................. $269,900 B: Huiming Huang S: Bretta Construction LLC Book/Page: 23048/373, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $149,900 33 SHADY BROOK LN............................ $173,000 B: Nash Stanton S: Declyn F LLC Book/Page: 23051/36, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $13,840 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14828sf 49 VENTURE DR.................................... $162,000 B: Martha A Brodeur S: Andrew A Crespo & Daniel A Crespo Book/Page: 23049/152, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8451sf 140 W ALVORD ST................................ $215,000 B: Jose J Diaz S: Insight Homes LLC Book/Page: 23053/175, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Inland B&T $211,105 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $87,703 (09/18) 2 WASHINGTON RD............................... $255,000 B: Erica Canty S: Joan Prince Book/Page: 23052/538, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $259,842 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11252sf Prior Sale: $247,000 (01/19) 27-29 WATERFORD CIR........................ $220,000 B: Cynthia L Curtis S: Willie B Cuffie Book/Page: 23050/45, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $216,015 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 9927sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (08/14) 750 WILBRAHAM RD............................ $170,100 B: Tao Tran S: USA HUD Book/Page: 23048/268, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27604sf Prior Sale: $164,820 (06/18) 2401 WILBRAHAM RD.......................... $225,000 B: Michael J Desimone & Shirley R Desimone S: Hugh K Martin Jr Book/Page: 23050/556, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Country Bank $178,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 86249sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (06/19)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

192 WOLLASTON ST............................. B: Waleska Lugo-Dejesus S: Derek J Rose & Erica L Rose Book/Page: 23053/71, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: ARRHA Credit Union $172,140 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 5998sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (09/07)


▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 115 CARROLL ST.................................. $148,000 B: US Bank NA Tr S: William R Pacheco & Rebecca Pacheco Book/Page: 23049/447, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $106,900 (06/03) 39 DAVENPORT ST................................ $93,960 B: FHLM S: Letha L Vanhorne & New Residential Mortgage Book/Page: 23046/575, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12654sf 67 JEFFREY RD..................................... $132,000 B: Christopher J Behnk S: Diana T Sylvester & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 23052/590, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $125,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12441sf 53 STEBBINS ST................................... $59,500 B: Ruby Realty LLC S: Roberto Carrasquillo & HSBC Bank USA NA Book/Page: 23049/326, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Pinnacle Fncl Svc LLC $93,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 10799sf Prior Sale: $58,000 (06/99) 200 WINDEMERE ST............................. $106,000 B: Chris Wiernasz S: Esther I Montalban & Berkshire Bank Book/Page: 23046/279, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6050sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (02/07)

Wales MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $213,500

YTD 2019 22 $200,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 REED HILL RD.................................... $150,000 B: Brenda L Dessert S: Guy C Lucia Jr & Cheryl B Lucia Book/Page: 23049/594, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $147,283 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 54886sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (10/07) 10 WOODLAND HTS.............................. $30,000 B: Ronald W Gresty Jr & Rhiannon J Gresty S: Gerard Fauteux & Louisette Fauteux Book/Page: 23048/328, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $64,800 (11/10)

West Springfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 271 Median Price $215,000

YTD 2019 329 $220,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 524 COLD SPRING AVE U:4................... B: Natalya Sosnina S: Svetlana Kaletina & Vladimir Kaletina Book/Page: 23053/223, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $66,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $28,900 (04/99) 83 LATHROP ST..................................... B: Asmir Katica S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 23051/158, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4500sf Prior Sale: $98,521 (08/18) 23 RIDGEVIEW RD................................. B: Maddison Mayberry & Samuel Allen S: Sharon A Fortini & Susan M Paul Book/Page: 23048/430, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $219,450 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18895sf 57 UPPER BEVERLY HLS....................... B: Casey J Gomes & Gianna D Gomes S: Martha A Brodeur Book/Page: 23048/505, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Luso FCU $205,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $207,000 (08/09)





▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 49 HIGHLAND LN................................... $284,540 B: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA S: David A Dickinson Jr & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 23053/138, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (04/05)

Westfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 380 Median Price $226,500

YTD 2019 363 $233,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 47 BATES RD......................................... $296,000 B: Mark Hardy & Laura E Hardy S: Jutt Anne M Est & Simonne L Coderre Book/Page: 23046/2, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $281,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22700sf 62 PINERIDGE DR.................................. $344,900 B: Eddie Neal & Zoila Neal S: William M Cottengim Sr & Laurina M Cottengim Book/Page: 23051/103, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $197,628 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22187sf 100 RIVERSIDE DR................................ $145,000 B: Sarah H Underwood S: USA HUD Book/Page: 23050/185, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10384sf Prior Sale: $145,960 (04/19) 44 SCHOOL ST....................................... $72,500 B: Saloomey Construction Inc S: WNG Holdings LLC Book/Page: 23045/504, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land, Lot: 6435sf





44 SCHOOL ST....................................... $72,500 B: Little Parking Lot LLC S: WNG Holdings LLC Book/Page: 23045/502, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land, Lot: 6435sf 62 SCHOOL ST....................................... $72,500 B: Saloomey Construction Inc S: WNG Holdings LLC Book/Page: 23045/504, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 20900sf 62 SCHOOL ST....................................... $72,500 B: Little Parking Lot LLC S: WNG Holdings LLC Book/Page: 23045/502, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 20900sf 419 SOUTHWICK RD U:E19................... $199,500 B: William M Cottengim Sr & Laurina M Cottengim S: Leslie Curtin Book/Page: 23051/129, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $189,525 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $185,000 (08/17) 76 WESTMINSTER ST........................... $194,900 B: Brian C Baker S: Tristan P Kiendzior & Renee S Kiendzior Book/Page: 23053/8, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Westfield Bank $155,920 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10600sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (08/18)

Wilbraham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 204 Median Price $286,000

YTD 2019 193 $275,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 100 BURLEIGH RD................................. B: Anita Duffy S: Scott A Fearn Book/Page: 23046/583, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $260,988 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 160301sf 17 HICKORY HILL DR............................ B: James W Drummey & Molly Drummey S: Robert S Duffy & Anita L Duffy Book/Page: 23046/599, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $342,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38912sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (05/09) 19 OVERLOOK DR.................................. B: Kevin Hinchey S: Thomas I Nehmer Jr Doc#: 000000220897, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $363,375 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 42295sf Prior Sale: $83,000 (08/99)




▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 141 IRELAND ST................................... B: Selcuk Alagoz S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 13518/125, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 871200sf Prior Sale: $204,000 (06/18)


Easthampton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 163 Median Price $260,000

YTD 2019 166 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 2ND AVE............................................. $30,000 B: Michaelene Mock S: Samantha J Laflamme Book/Page: 13515/190, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Samantha J Laflamme $29,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 78124sf Prior Sale: $221,443 (08/16) 286 LOUDVILLE RD............................... $295,000 B: Jennifer M Millard & Nathaniel J Millard S: Daniel D Laprade Tr, Tr for L A&R R Laprade IRT Book/Page: 13518/139, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Polish National CU $199,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 74640sf 4 W LAKE ST......................................... $225,000 B: Katelynn F Tobin & Graham S Coterwas S: Irene F Borsuk Book/Page: 13517/273, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $274,530 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10629sf 18 WEST ST........................................... $314,900 B: Emery K Mcclinton & Daniela Rizzari S: W Marek Inc Book/Page: 13517/343, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Navy FCU $326,236 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15682sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (04/19)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 72 Median Price $241,500 1 AMHERST ST...................................... B: Joseph M Macsisak S: Mountain Stream LLC Book/Page: 13519/106, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Country Bank $39,800 Type: Adj 242 AMHERST ST.................................. B: Jonah Vaclavicek & Rebecca Howard S: Emily D Souza & Steven M Tomlinson Book/Page: 13515/160, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Polish National CU $174,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26572sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (12/15)

YTD 2019 84 $273,000 $49,900


YTD 2019 203 $347,000


YTD 2019 170 $379,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 67 N WHITNEY ST................................. $590,000 B: Historic Renovations&Rntl S: Janice A Shumway Tr, Tr for Richard L Shumway RET Book/Page: 13518/91, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 40528sf



▶ REAL ESTATE SALES AMHERST RD........................................ $52,500 B: Robert M Servant & Angela P Servant S: Henry Martin Book/Page: 13517/57, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 74444sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (12/04) 37 MAGNOLIA LN.................................. $425,000 B: Beverly E Iuliano & Conrad J Iuliano S: JN Duquette&Son Constr Book/Page: 13517/294, Date: 01/17/20 268 N LIBERTY ST................................. $225,000 B: Lisa Desroches S: Erin C Hebert Book/Page: 13517/302, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $218,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43858sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (07/09) 129 WILSON RD.................................... $300,000 B: Scott D Surner & Valerie A Miller S: Paige L Montague & Joseph D Geary Book/Page: 13516/105, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Florence Bank $105,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 56567sf

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 199 Median Price $240,000

YTD 2019 201 $242,000

15 BERWYN ST...................................... $225,000 B: Ryan J Olszewski & Maya Lapping-Rivera S: Wesley N Orourke Book/Page: 13516/263, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $218,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 13963sf Prior Sale: $209,000 (01/08) 26 LAWN ST.......................................... $240,000 B: Kelly Oreilly & Darren Oreilly S: John E Duda & Catherine A Allen Book/Page: 13515/279, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $235,653 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf 91 RIDGE RD......................................... $355,000 B: Nathaniel L Mello & Rebecca O Mello S: Michael J Bakos 4th & Michelle A Bakos Book/Page: 13517/134, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Polish National CU $265,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 61420sf 20 SUSAN AVE...................................... $235,000 B: Jason D Bourque & Kimberly Bourque S: Rebecca O Mello & Natahniel L Mello Book/Page: 13517/19, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $223,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $181,000 (03/10)

Ware MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 108 Median Price $170,000

YTD 2019 111 $192,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 58 CHURCH ST...................................... $229,900 B: George H Plouffe S: Leon A Gaumond Jr & Candace O Gaumond Book/Page: 13519/178, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $218,405 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 15885sf Prior Sale: $242,900 (02/05) 47 GOULD RD........................................ $286,000 B: Paul F Russell Jr & Crystal L Russell S: Edward P Wloch & Cindy L Wloch Book/Page: 13519/39, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Country Bank $271,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25001sf 16 PINECREST CIR................................ $245,000 B: Aaron L Plankey & Kayla J Plankey S: Paul F Russell Jr & Crystal L Russell Book/Page: 13518/301, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $196,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19020sf Prior Sale: $244,000 (12/14)




South Hadley


Northampton YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 203 Median Price $336,000





YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 184 Median Price $269,950

YTD 2019 15 $265,000


Mary Olberding, Register 33 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: (413) 584-3637 Fax: (413) 584-4136 or

7 POTWINE PL....................................... B: FNMA S: Jane E Weisner & Quicken Loans Inc Book/Page: 13516/137, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30000sf

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $246,750


Hampshire Registry

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 190 Median Price $360,000


46 WOODBINE AVE................................ B: David J Munska Tr, Tr for Munska FT S: Thomas J Munska Jr Book/Page: 13518/53, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4600sf

48 AUSTIN CIR...................................... $211,000 B: Arthur P Dunphy & Lisa Dunphy S: Alex Vilkhovoy Tr, Tr for AJ Capital RT Book/Page: 13518/176, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $207,178 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13874sf Prior Sale: $136,500 (06/19) 110 CARDINAL WAY............................. $530,000 B: Jordan Chanler-Berat S: Lynne D Wallace & Nicole M Pagliaro Book/Page: 13515/229, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $477,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 65776sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (07/09) 60 CLARK AVE....................................... $305,250 B: Brian J VanKoten & Jillin Z Decoursey S: Thomas J Parent & William J Parent Book/Page: 13517/173, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $244,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 17123sf 560 ELM ST........................................... $305,000 B: Amanda S Dembowski & John-Alexander Weston S: Joy B Bergman Book/Page: 13515/255, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Florence Bank $289,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21758sf Prior Sale: $132,500 (12/01) 37 HATFIELD ST.................................... $158,000 B: Patricia Duffy S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 13519/267, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10851sf Prior Sale: $172,500 (04/19) 116 N MAIN ST...................................... $280,000 B: Tyler J Bladyka & Keturah Hammond S: Beverly G Park & Sheila Derensis Book/Page: 13515/306, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $266,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 21623sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (10/99) 49 RIDGE VIEW RD................................ $80,000 B: Chocorua Realty Invests S: Saul N Kuhr & Karen S Kuhr Book/Page: 13518/169, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 1869sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (10/09) 76 SANDY HILL RD............................... $185,000 B: Loom Properties LLC S: Deborah A Armstrong Book/Page: 13517/253, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11770sf 25 SPRUCE HILL AVE............................ $280,000 B: Laura Ross S: Spencer C Bridgman Book/Page: 13516/287, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $110,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23562sf

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $295,000

YTD 2019 21 $270,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES WESTHAMPTON RD.............................. B: Northampton City Of S: John P Omasta Book/Page: 13517/128, Date: 01/17/20


Williamsburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $255,000

YTD 2019 14 $395,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 62 SOUTH ST......................................... $339,000 B: Ambarish S Walvekar & Jane L Edmonstone S: James H Johnson & Carolyn B Johnson Book/Page: 13515/325, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $322,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 71438sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (04/06)

Middlesex Registry Northern District Richard Howe, Jr., Register 360 Gorham Street Lowell, MA 01852 Telephone: (978) 322-9000 Fax: (978) 322-9001

Billerica MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 399 Median Price $429,500

YTD 2019 460 $457,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 37 BRIDGE ST U:304............................. B: Gregory T Quinn S: Anita Crowley Book/Page: 33757/187, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $270,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $357,400 (06/16)


FEBRUARY 3, 2020

8 FINNWAY ST...................................... $446,000 B: Timothy J Mueller S: Chalton J Watters Jr & Dianna J Watters Book/Page: 33753/68, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $462,056 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8500sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (03/08) 17 JEFFERSON ST................................. $368,000 B: Omair Shaikh & Diana Garay S: Karen L Dubbs Book/Page: 33756/60, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: American Financing Co $349,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19969sf 8 KENMAR DR U:67............................... $170,000 B: Alan F Ahern Jr S: Angel M Harrington Book/Page: 33759/155, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $164,900 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $134,400 (08/05) 52 PINEWOOD AVE................................ $480,000 B: Hiren Parmar & Mukti Parmar S: Nancy J Keegan Book/Page: 33752/61, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: One American Bank $432,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (04/14) 13 SCHOOL HOUSE LN.......................... $395,500 B: Touria Soukrati S: Edward Leblanc Tr, Tr for Leblanc 2015 FT Doc#: 000000303765, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $316,400 Use: 7 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25045sf 12 STONEY DR...................................... $295,000 B: Joseph R Sacco S: Victoria R Pfenninger Doc#: 000000303734, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $280,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3000sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (06/16)

Carlisle MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $870,000

YTD 2019 76 $882,701

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES RUTLAND ST......................................... B: Michael J Wood S: John Bakewell & Lauren C Bakewell Book/Page: 33759/95, Date: 01/17/20


Chelmsford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 364 Median Price $436,000

YTD 2019 384 $450,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 CUSHING PL U:104........................... $439,900 B: Linda J Emerson S: Grist Mill Chelmsford LLC Book/Page: 33753/58, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Condo 11 CUSHING PL U:202........................... $575,890 B: Patricia M Pena S: Grist Mill Chelmsford LLC Book/Page: 33764/106, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo 11 CUSHING PL U:208........................... $591,900 B: Patrick L Leong & Wai K Cheong S: Grist Mill Chelmsford LLC Book/Page: 33749/254, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $431,250 Use: Condo 144 DUNSTABLE RD............................. $433,750 B: Marisa Marchi S: Constitution Properties Doc#: 000000303732, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16827sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (06/19) 50 KENNEDY DR U:50........................... $234,000 B: Lakshmanan Annamalai & S Alagusundaram S: Joseph E Higgins Book/Page: 33753/180, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $163,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $190,000 (01/16) 364 LITTLETON RD................................ $563,000 B: Cristiano S Proctor-Pinto & Andrea L Proctor-Pinto S: Venkata R Prabhala & Srivalli Prabhala Book/Page: 33765/50, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Rollstone Bk & Tr $478,550 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $461,000 (04/15) 18 MANNING RD................................... $382,500 B: Alex D Pennachio S: Kelhane Development LLC Book/Page: 33757/90, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Atlantic Home Lending $363,375 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11742sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (12/19) 5 MCCORMICK LN................................. $490,000 B: Benjamin S Axelson & June M Axelson S: Debra A Fortin Tr, Tr for Crose RT Doc#: 000000303746, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $441,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40226sf 255 NORTH RD U:124............................ $290,000 B: Arthur Franke S: Andrea L Proctor-Pinto Book/Page: 33764/276, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Security First Mtg Fn $217,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $274,000 (04/07) 194 PINE HILL RD................................. $640,000 B: Daniel A Reale & Leslie Stebbins-Reale S: Jan M Trausch & Richard L Trausch Book/Page: 33764/124, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $544,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40069sf Prior Sale: $637,000 (09/17) 121 STEDMAN ST................................. $300,000 B: James T Sullivan Sr Tr, Tr for Keith James RT S: Roark Annmarie Est & Lorna J Jones Book/Page: 33752/185, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Jarvis Place RT $290,000 108 WESTFORD ST................................ $421,000 B: Matthew E Mcgovern S: Joan P Oates Book/Page: 33763/225, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21760sf

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Dracut MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 338 Median Price $353,326

YTD 2019 317 $365,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 63 CINDERELLA CIR.............................. $337,500 B: Joseph Callesano S: John M Hassan Tr, Tr for Cinderella RET Book/Page: 33759/241, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $327,375 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25470sf 551 HILDRETH ST U:17......................... $263,000 B: Luis E Alvarado & Martha L Alvarado S: Julie L Markey Book/Page: 33751/59, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $130,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $215,000 (04/07) 28 KELLY RD......................................... $629,900 B: Kimleng Huoth & Raksmey Minh S: Rainbow Builders Corp Book/Page: 33756/103, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $499,900 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 21706sf 100 MERRIMACK AVE U:97.................. $255,000 B: Nathaniel G Moreland S: Susan E StPierre & James StPierre Book/Page: 33755/9, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $260,865 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $233,000 (11/06) 187 PRIMROSE HILL RD....................... $530,000 B: William F Nagle Jr S: Neeraj Chopra Doc#: 000000303759, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $291,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21126sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (11/18)

Dunstable MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $525,000

YTD 2019 43 $519,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 HORSE HILL ST.................................. $576,000 B: Katherine A Dziewiszek & Rodrigo A Gonzalez-Valdes S: Dennis G Pappas Book/Page: 33763/269, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $547,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44693sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (04/03)

Lowell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 612 Median Price $295,000

YTD 2019 558 $316,375

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 19TH ST U:4....................................... $164,000 B: Matthew Thomas S: Elaine Cui Tr, Tr for East West IRT Book/Page: 33750/191, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $124,000 (08/19) 68 2ND AVE........................................... $470,000 B: M Alves-DeOliveira S: Brian Hebert Book/Page: 33751/173, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $446,500 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 3302sf 56 6TH ST.............................................. $420,000 B: Sathaboramana Kheng S: Doreen A Scully Book/Page: 33751/148, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $412,392 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3812sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (03/08) 8 B ST.................................................... $490,000 B: Jay G Wanek & Karen Wanek S: 8-10 B Street LLC Book/Page: 33763/292, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Redfin Mtg $367,500 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4500sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (10/17) 68 BEACON ST...................................... $265,000 B: Samantha Marchand S: Andre J Pare & Lisa A Hanson Doc#: 000000303781, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $238,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2369sf 31 DINGWELL ST................................... $345,000 B: Channari Ath & Chan Pech S: Vincent Nguyen Book/Page: 33754/51, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $327,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7032sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (07/19) 491 DUTTON ST U:319.......................... $175,000 B: Beaver Brook Group LLC S: Textile Group LLC Book/Page: 33765/148, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Emerald Capital LLC $612,500 Use: Condo 491 DUTTON ST U:320.......................... $175,000 B: Beaver Brook Group LLC S: Textile Group LLC Book/Page: 33765/157, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Emerald Capital LLC $612,500 Use: Condo 43 ELLSWORTH ST................................ $90,000 B: HM Soares Construction S: David P Abely & Allan E Abely Book/Page: 33765/214, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 6386sf 61 FULTON ST....................................... $175,000 B: Ryan Rourke S: Michael Bornstein Book/Page: 33763/48, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2798sf Prior Sale: $177,000 (12/13) 42 HIGHLAND ST U:1............................ $360,000 B: Sergio Musto & Allison Hodges S: Southern End Realty LLC Book/Page: 33759/200, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $310,000 Use: Condo

131 HUMPHREY ST............................... $382,500 B: Kia C Sreng S: Peter G Oknos Book/Page: 33754/207, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Washington Svgs Bk $355,725 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (06/19) 156 LINCOLN ST................................... $6,850,179 B: NLCP 156 Lincoln MA LLC S: CC MA Realty LLC Doc#: 000000303739, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 39843sf 25 LYONS ST......................................... $220,000 B: Maria J Colon S: Kevin M Correira Jr & Ana L Colon Book/Page: 33752/33, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $213,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 1755sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (06/19) 76 MAGNOLIA ST.................................. $348,000 B: Alec Garabedian S: Kunthea Oum Book/Page: 33758/71, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $330,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7200sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (12/17) 10 MEGHANN LN................................... $535,000 B: Michael P Pieslak & Susan E Pieslak S: Joseph J Gys Jr & Maureen Gys Book/Page: 33750/165, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $350,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $306,000 (08/02) 1975 MIDDLESEX ST U:57.................... $345,000 B: Robert L Blanchard S: Therese E Keohane Book/Page: 33750/242, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $255,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $269,900 (10/15) 116 NESMITH ST U:1............................ $255,000 B: Robert Jaynes & Desiree M Jaynes S: Linda Machado Book/Page: 33758/190, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $155,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $155,000 (06/02) 137 PINE ST U:2.................................... $173,000 B: Kanaiylal Patel & Kailashben Patel S: Robert Jaynes & Desiree M Jaynes Book/Page: 33758/147, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Methuen Cp Bk $129,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $53,500 (12/99) 825 PRINCETON BLVD.......................... $400,000 B: Ernest Amankwaah S: Douglas S Pilcher & Monica L Pilcher Book/Page: 33751/128, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $400,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7984sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (08/17) 23 READ ST........................................... $436,000 B: Joshua G Poitras S: Underwood Property Mgmt Book/Page: 33758/215, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $436,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 8417sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (06/13) 610 SCHOOL ST..................................... $480,000 B: Idair D Minosso & Marli D Alexander S: Michael P Pieslak Tr, Tr for Pieslak FT Doc#: 000000303793, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $360,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9355sf Prior Sale: $119,000 (03/00) 47 SHAFFER ST..................................... $150,000 B: Charles Fotopoulos S: James Lachapelle Tr, Tr for A A&L A Lachapelle IRT Book/Page: 33748/176, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: James Xarras $180,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3380sf 80 SMITH ST U:A10............................... $185,500 B: Sarah A Ferguson S: Shi B Chng & Janice P Lee Book/Page: 33752/143, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $176,225 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $95,000 (07/08) 139 VIRGINIA AVE................................. $315,000 B: Andrew E Shockley S: Richard Curran & Jaime Curran Book/Page: 33753/133, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $286,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6375sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (04/15) 250 WENTWORTH AVE.......................... $432,000 B: Lars Faller & Christina Faller S: Matthew Desoteaux & Franchesska Descoteux Book/Page: 33754/180, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $332,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $319,900 (11/12) 314 WENTWORTH AVE.......................... $341,000 B: Richard Curran & Jaime Curran S: Mcfaddean Michael F Est & Melanie A Lopez Book/Page: 33754/264, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $272,800 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6000sf




85 ARLENE RD...................................... $231,000 B: Sofia Barbosa S: James W Stone & Carrington Mortgage Svcs Book/Page: 33765/85, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 8954sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (04/09) 343 PAWTUCKET BLVD U:2.................. $104,000 B: Mouafak Khabazeh S: Angel L Figueroa & Freedom Mortgage Corp Book/Page: 33755/64, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $68,650 (09/13)



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 313 Median Price $429,900

YTD 2019 354 $445,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 477 MAIN ST......................................... $358,500 B: Jason S Scheri S: Tari L Kennedy Book/Page: 33760/209, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: LendSure Mtg $322,650 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $163,000 (05/99) 90 PATTEN RD...................................... $332,000 B: AA Real Estate Ent LLC S: William Waterman Book/Page: 33760/13, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Favor Of Quanta Fin $322,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14600sf 90 SARINA WAY U:90........................... $545,000 B: Lav Kumar & Swati Goswami S: Yuliya Berezutskiy & Gennadiy Berezutskiy Book/Page: 33765/180, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $436,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 131 VERNON ST.................................... $291,000 B: Stephen E Baker & Sara E Baker S: William M Weiss Tr, Tr for Walter P Weiss IRT Book/Page: 33758/27, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Washington Svgs Bk $274,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6218sf 40 VILLA ROMA DR U:40...................... $339,900 B: Lauren Gibson & Andrew Fontaine S: David Branning & Emily Branning Book/Page: 33754/122, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $271,920 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (03/16) 90 WINTER LN U:90.............................. $191,600 B: Darryl Messier S: Jennifer Mace Book/Page: 33760/94, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $182,020 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $166,400 (09/14)

Tyngsboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 126 Median Price $427,500

YTD 2019 115 $400,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 179 LAKEVIEW AVE............................... $285,000 B: Margaret M Zorzonello S: Evan B Donnelly & Diana Donnelly Book/Page: 33750/55, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $270,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5518sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (01/13) 22 WICASSEE RD.................................. $500,000 B: Kenneth A Deschenes & Meghan Deschenes S: Susan C Chronopoulos & Michael J Chronopoulos Book/Page: 33750/120, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: NE Regional Mtg Corp $376,475 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23539sf

Westford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 265 Median Price $575,000

YTD 2019 250 $589,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 38 DUNSTABLE RD................................ B: Back2life Homes LLC S: W Clark Pease Jr & Ellen Dow-Pease Book/Page: 33757/84, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 54014sf 52 FLAGG RD......................................... B: Victoria Pfenninger & Brian Sylvia S: Thomas H Faris & Kelli S Faris Book/Page: 33755/103, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $318,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 40027sf Prior Sale: $399,000 (12/10) 3 HUMISTON CIR................................... B: Kevin M Crawford & Angela J Crawford S: Patricia L Labbe & Richard O Labbe Book/Page: 33759/101, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Homestead Fund Corp $655,405 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20039sf Prior Sale: $347,745 (06/98) 14 PRESERVATION WAY....................... B: Derek Ching & Wei Wang S: Scott H Prager & Nancy G Prager Book/Page: 33764/183, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $690,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 131569sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (05/16) 4 STERLING LN...................................... B: Associate Solutions LLC S: David P Comley & Lisa A Comley Book/Page: 33758/249, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: RCN Capital LLC $359,600 Use: 2-Family Contemporary, Lot: 46174sf 69 TENNEY RD...................................... B: Jasen B Blacksburg & Lizann M Persico S: Kevin M Crawford & Angela J Crawford Book/Page: 33757/215, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $550,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 41643sf Prior Sale: $542,500 (12/16)







MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 245 Median Price $520,000

YTD 2019 272 $530,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 195 SALEM ST U:2202.......................... $425,000 B: Joseph D Shaffer S: Joseph A Langone Tr, Tr for 195-2202 Salem Street RT Book/Page: 33751/265, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $379,900 (08/07)

Middlesex Registry Southern District Maria C. Curtatone, Register 208 Cambridge Street East Cambridge, MA 02141 Telephone: (617) 679-6310 Fax: (617) 617-577-1289 or

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 Median Price $253,000

YTD 2019 49 $272,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 144 DAVIS RD....................................... B: Tyler K Stewart S: Mark Flagg Book/Page: 74004/130, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $194,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 45302sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/18)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 156 Median Price $460,000

YTD 2019 152 $499,950



▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 BIRCH RIDGE RD.............................. $470,000 B: Min Hou & Xin Wang S: Sergey Fridrikh & Evgeniya Freydina Book/Page: 73998/342, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $352,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 23135sf Prior Sale: $418,750 (04/04) 14 JOSEPH REED LN............................. $699,000 B: Jason Reed & Teresa Reed S: Timothy J Strudwick & Laura T Germine Book/Page: 73994/83, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $559,200 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24812sf Prior Sale: $656,000 (03/16) 195 NAGOG HILL RD............................. $840,000 B: Erica Dawn-Blight & Terrance J Charters S: Louis Montella & Kimberly L Montella Book/Page: 73998/507, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $756,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 168862sf Prior Sale: $783,700 (07/07)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 6 HUCKLEBERRY LN.............................. $650,000 B: Mortgage Assets Mgmt LLC S: Elizabeth Gringeri & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 74013/588, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 89583sf

Arlington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 312 Median Price $789,500



Acton YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 207 Median Price $635,000


YTD 2019 303 $813,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 48 CROSBY ST...................................... $722,500 B: Aindra Misra & Neeti Mittal S: Carolyn C Carlson Tr, Tr for Carolyn C Carlson RET Book/Page: 74015/330, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $578,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (07/15) 29 FRANKLIN ST U:1............................. $917,500 B: Dianna L Mcneish Tr, Tr for Dianna L Mcneish RET S: Matthew Kehoe & Jaclyn Kehoe Book/Page: 73995/514, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo 102 GLOUCESTER ST U:2...................... $865,000 B: David Liu & Maria Matveeva S: Christopher B Cronin Tr, Tr for 102 Gloucester St Condo T Doc#: 000001834469, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $605,500 Use: Condo 208 JASON ST....................................... $625,000 B: Natalia Marks & Andi Marks S: Daniel J Hanlon & Susan E Hanlon Book/Page: 74018/35, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Truist Bank $625,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 5790sf 281 MASSACHUSETTS AVE.................. $890,000 B: Dmitry G Merzon & Jennifer Greene-Merzon S: Ann P Burnham Tr, Tr for 99 Waltham Street T Book/Page: 74018/282, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Commercial Building, Lot: 3755sf 993 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:213........ $305,000 B: Qian Chen S: Bruce L Goodchild Book/Page: 73999/30, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $255,000 (12/13) 59 MOTT ST........................................... $566,500 B: Rakesh Goel S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 74007/519, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $874,875 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $754,726 (06/18) 163 PARK AVE U:163............................ $655,000 B: Kimberly Mullin-VanSavage S: Lynn S Waltzman Doc#: 000001834495, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: American Fed Mtg Corp $556,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 25 ROBIN HOOD RD.............................. $880,000 B: Carolyn C Carlson S: John J Connor Book/Page: 74017/33, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $450,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5722sf 9 RONALD RD........................................ $609,000 B: Joseph Z Pearson & Alissa L Feller S: Patricia Deal Book/Page: 73999/591, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $383,670 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7100sf 10 WOODSIDE LN.................................. $775,000 B: Lauren Schiffer & Erik Asmussen S: Virginia Harrington Book/Page: 74015/125, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $620,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10485sf

46 FOUNTAIN ST................................... $390,000 B: Fabio Fragale & Maureen Fragale S: Cynthia C Winterhalter Book/Page: 74018/243, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $292,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20038sf 63 GROVER RD...................................... $665,000 B: Sudath L Gunasekara & Pestiruwe S Cooray S: Heather Georgallas & Colin Murphy Book/Page: 74001/412, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $532,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30056sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (03/18) 213 LELAND FARM RD U:213............... $325,000 B: Joshua Y Chung S: Yevgeniy Shayevich & Natalie Shayevich Book/Page: 74017/503, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $260,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $270,000 (08/04) 6 ROBERT GONFRADE WAY.................. $478,000 B: Arnika Garg & Dasharath N Gulvady S: Jason G Prince & Danielle B Prince Book/Page: 74017/88, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $382,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $406,000 (02/15) 40 SHADOW CREEK LN U:40................. $490,000 B: Evgeniya Freydina & Sergey Fridikh S: Ashland Development LLC Book/Page: 74000/91, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Northstar Mtg Corp $360,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 167 TRAILSIDE WAY U:167................... $325,000 B: Jayesh Guru & Richa J Guru S: Linda A Macfarlane Book/Page: 74001/250, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $276,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $227,500 (10/12)

Ayer YTD 2019 72 $346,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 505 AUTUMN RIDGE DR U:505............. $365,000 B: Helen K Sandoz Tr, Tr for Helen K Sandoz 2018 T S: Joyce A Sheridan Tr, Tr for Joyce A Sheridan RET Book/Page: 74004/593, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $289,900 (12/11) 24 CAMBRIDGE ST U:24....................... $239,500 B: Joyce L Thomas & Bruce N Thomas S: Ellis Josephine L Est & Jacqueline T Ellis Book/Page: 73997/28, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $139,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 16 GROTON SCHOOL RD....................... $360,000 B: Noel F Rosenthal & Heather E Waddell S: Michael Tinglof & Maria Tinglof Book/Page: 74006/337, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Service Credit Union $360,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 19166sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (10/18) 178 HAYMEADOW LN............................ $455,000 B: Oudom Chea & Sok San S: Chaitanya K Bokam Book/Page: 74017/382, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $451,668 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $398,108 (01/17) 4 JUNIPER RDG U:4.............................. $430,000 B: Sharon P Staggers-Moss S: David T Vo Book/Page: 74000/22, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $365,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $319,000 (06/13) 8 TURTLE HILL RD U:A.......................... $392,500 B: Julie Zide S: Sara Riley Book/Page: 74002/400, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: One American Bank $314,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 48 WASHINGTON ST............................. $179,735 B: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc S: Michael Ernst & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 74013/219, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 6098sf

Bedford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 127 Median Price $700,000

Belmont MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 161 Median Price $1,150,000

YTD 2019 169 $1,135,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 ABERDEEN AVE............................... $1,132,500 B: Lee H Snyder & Etsuko Snyder S: Laura Mercer-Rice Doc#: 000001834533, Date: 01/17/20 24 OAKLEY RD..................................... $1,825,000 B: Jeremy Forster & Hilary Forster S: Lloyd Johnston & Melissa Hart Book/Page: 73998/365, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $1,460,000 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11318sf Prior Sale: $1,063,896 (11/07) 43 OLIVER RD........................................ $450,000 B: James R Borden & Nicole M Borden S: Ray B Whitehead Book/Page: 74014/500, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 10140sf 63 PINEHURST RD................................ $1,118,700 B: Graham T Allison Jr & Elisabeth K Allison S: M Mcmanana-Crabtree & George B Mcmanama Jr Book/Page: 73994/73, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26852sf 38 SLADE ST U:38................................. $542,000 B: Haoran Wang & Yuzhu Jiang S: Hiroyuki Wada & Nozomi T Wada Book/Page: 74008/371, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $482,380 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $450,000 (03/16)

Burlington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 240 Median Price $565,084

YTD 2019 247 $574,000


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 100 Median Price $349,950

19 GOULD RD........................................ $655,000 B: Matthew J Machado & Nydia M Jhennae S: Irving Michael Tr, Tr for Jacqueline D Michael RT Book/Page: 74007/52, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: One West Bank FSB $524,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 46600sf 3 LOOMIS ST......................................... $450,000 B: 3 Loomis Street LLC S: Deflice Family Land T LLC, Tr for 3 Loomis Street RT Book/Page: 74006/196, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 20830sf 48 PINE HILL RD................................... $561,000 B: Julia P Whiteneck S: Jon E Mallinson & Alissa K Mallinson Book/Page: 73995/311, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20473sf Prior Sale: $428,000 (10/12)

YTD 2019 133 $750,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 191 CONCORD RD................................ $1,288,000 B: David P Hutchinson & Lisa M Hutchinson S: William D Clouse & Krista K Clouse Doc#: 000001834587, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $960,000 Type: Adj Use: 1-Family, Lot: 41447sf Prior Sale: $1,175,000 (05/14)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

14 BURLINGTON ST............................... $375,000 B: 14 Burlington Street LLC S: Joseph G Kadilak Jr & Paul C Kadilak Book/Page: 74001/93, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Northmark Bank $756,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19645sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (07/05) 2 COLLEGE RD....................................... $481,500 B: Hamdi A Hassan & Mervat H Said S: Omahony Thomas P Est & Jeannine G Robbins-Murphy Book/Page: 73994/330, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $361,125 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20473sf 28-A FRANCIS WYMAN RD................... $782,000 B: Rommel Belvis & Soraya Belvis S: Francis Wyman LLC Book/Page: 73996/581, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $482,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 76587sf 19 GEDICK RD....................................... $560,000 B: Madhur Tiwari & Sunita Tiwari S: Mangesh Bhat & Nandini Bhat Book/Page: 74016/479, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $448,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 20167sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (11/03) 9 HALLMARK GDNS U:3........................ $315,000 B: Lisa M Aloisi S: Madhur Tiwari & Sunita Tiwari Book/Page: 74013/346, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $275,074 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $231,100 (05/16) 4 OAK ST............................................... $480,000 B: Michael Sramowicz S: Rommel Belvis & Soraya Ramos Book/Page: 73994/455, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Eagle Bank $934,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18500sf Prior Sale: $391,000 (07/04) 138 WINN ST......................................... $965,000 B: Lin Guo & Tim Tian S: Mingliang Lu & Wei Lin Doc#: 000001834522, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cathay Bank $579,000 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30077sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (11/09) 9 WOODSIDE LN.................................... $449,500 B: Jackson T Maier & Katie E Kircher S: Korman William E Est & John W Korman Book/Page: 74001/370, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $427,025 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 20585sf Prior Sale: $246,000 (05/00)

Cambridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $1,450,000

YTD 2019 111 $1,475,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 44 AVON HILL ST................................. $2,900,000 B: Keith F Wang & K Sayn-Wittgenstein S: Shulman Roy M Est & Domenic P Aiello Book/Page: 74017/457, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 5000sf




76 BERKSHIRE ST................................ $1,963,000 B: Yefei Han & Nan Zhang S: Raymond C Green Funding Book/Page: 74017/430, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $1,374,100 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2974sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (11/19) 36-38 CREIGHTON ST.......................... $1,700,000 B: Zijie Liu S: Robert Haggerty & Marie B Haggerty-Perrault Book/Page: 74014/99, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3-Family Old Style, Lot: 4000sf 21 HOWARD ST U:2............................... $650,000 B: Yin Yang S: 21 Howard Street LLC Book/Page: 74002/295, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo 21 HOWARD ST U:3............................... $699,000 B: James A Mercer 3rd & Mary S Mcclure-Mercer S: 21 Howard Street LLC Book/Page: 73994/571, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $524,000 Use: Condo 60 KIRKLAND ST.................................. $3,410,000 B: 60 Kirkland Street LLC S: Adrian Catalano Tr, Tr for Catalano RT Book/Page: 74013/187, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $3,200,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4100sf 1137 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:24........ $490,000 B: Nadjim Kebir S: Barry S Morris Book/Page: 74009/132, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $340,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $350,000 (08/13) 1572 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:35........ $520,000 B: Sean M Johnson & Donna M Douglass S: Michael Magruder Doc#: 000001834378, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $468,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 169 MONSIGNOR OBRIEN HWY U:416.. $846,000 B: Boyu Li & Haining Zhang S: Sean T Welch & Joanne C Welch Book/Page: 73994/234, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $634,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $553,500 (12/04) 143 PLEASANT ST U:4B....................... $1,250,000 B: James Gill S: Tiancen Hu & Hongying Shen Doc#: 000001834513, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $850,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $760,000 (07/13) 318 RINDGE AVE U:414......................... $731,000 B: Yian Huang S: Urban Vision Ltd Tr, Tr for 318 Rindge Avenue 414 RT Book/Page: 73990/575, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $240,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (08/18)

Concord MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 234 Median Price $1,012,000

YTD 2019 200 $1,192,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 DEVENS ST...................................... $1,200,000 B: Boynton Brennan Builders S: Louise S Houston Tr, Tr for Francis A Houston FT Book/Page: 73994/30, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7400sf 2040 MAIN ST....................................... $491,900 B: AWMW LLC S: Campbell Richard A Est & Mary L Auchus Book/Page: 73989/593, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21761sf 199 OAK HILL CIR................................ $1,140,000 B: Anne C Mauk & Anne-Catherine Mauk S: David A Schubert & Mary-Anne G Schubert Book/Page: 73994/123, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $786,600 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20436sf 182 OLD MARLBORO RD....................... $503,200 B: Oldmarlboro 182 LLC S: Rohan Shirley R Est & Neil A Rohan Book/Page: 74018/71, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11307sf 82 SHADYSIDE AVE............................. $1,200,000 B: Robert E Elkind & Norma L Elkind S: Robert R Bergwall & Michele M Laura Book/Page: 73999/110, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $600,000 Type: Adj Use: 1-Family, Lot: 322269sf Prior Sale: $10,000 (11/99) 102 THE VALLEY RD............................. $731,000 B: Jacob Spencer & Katherine Spencer S: Todd S Morton & Susannah W Bancroft Book/Page: 73993/482, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $365,500 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 49583sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (06/10)

Everett MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 141 Median Price $445,000

YTD 2019 131 $450,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 ALFRED ST....................................... $425,000 B: CBC Financial LLC S: Robert S Zaino Book/Page: 74009/509, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3812sf 14-R BRADFORD ST.............................. $425,000 B: Nayara Negrelli S: Larossa Rose M Est & Claire F Merenda Book/Page: 74000/259, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $300,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3650sf 72 BRADFORD ST.................................. $405,000 B: Buddha Maharjan & Keshari Maharjan S: John A Trodella & Richard M Trodella Book/Page: 73996/45, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Eagle Bank $324,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3537sf

27 CARTER ST U:3................................ $570,000 B: Linjung L Kim S: Core Group Realty LLC Book/Page: 73994/432, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $513,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 43 CHARLTON ST U:B309..................... $570,000 B: Robert B Reid & Marissa Mediate S: Alexander S Bartol & Elyssa Bartol Book/Page: 74005/18, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $484,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $360,000 (06/14) 41 HEATH ST......................................... $580,000 B: Jennifer F Gallagher S: Andres Granados Book/Page: 74001/155, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Success Mortgage Part $559,700 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 1925sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (03/11) 11-13 LANGDON ST............................. $6,000,000 B: Eleven Langdon LLC S: Toni Scolaro Tr, Tr for Langdon Court RT Book/Page: 73995/478, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $5,000,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 12706sf 59 LEXINGTON ST................................. $729,800 B: Xiaoxiao Xie & Xiaobin Zheng S: Brenda M Marchant Book/Page: 73993/20, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $547,350 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3999sf 165-167 UNION ST U:123..................... $705,000 B: M DeOliveira-Pereira S: Eliana Lipsky & Adele W Kirby Doc#: 000001834270, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $634,500 Use: Condo 14 WINTER ST....................................... $510,000 B: Ismair R Rosa S: Helia Assis & Wanderson Alves-Coelho Book/Page: 74001/393, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $500,762 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 2709sf Prior Sale: $384,000 (04/16)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 8 BENNETT ST....................................... $300,000 B: Salim Chowdhury S: Mary E Monaco & Caliber Home Loans Inc Book/Page: 74004/278, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3489sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (07/16)

Framingham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 619 Median Price $439,900

YTD 2019 632 $456,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 CAMPBELL RD................................. $484,000 B: Wagner M Braga & Kessia K Flauzino S: David Lewis Book/Page: 73993/153, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $470,324 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 5820sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (06/10) 5 EDGEBROOK RD................................. $431,400 B: Nathaniel L Joslin & Natasha M Rausch S: Deborah A Stames-Merz Tr, Tr for Stames-Hamilton FT Book/Page: 74006/85, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $409,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 87133sf 7 FLAGG DR........................................... $420,500 B: Maria C Rivera Tr, Tr for Rivera FT S: Kevin M Cummings LLC Book/Page: 74009/388, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $315,375 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 8054sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (08/12) 81 HASTINGS ST................................... $512,500 B: Mohammad H Najafizehtab & Zeinab Haghighatjoo S: Huan W Fang & Chia-Ying Chen Book/Page: 73997/267, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $354,375 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 10319sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (06/15) 26 MONTGOMERY DR........................... $650,000 B: Stanley Chin & Pauline Chin S: Dmitriy Lavrishin Tr, Tr for 26 Montgomery RT Book/Page: 73999/573, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $300,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 20460sf Prior Sale: $387,100 (08/19) 58 OAKVALE RD.................................... $447,000 B: Teresa Horwitz S: Jawdat Hatoum Tr, Tr for Hatoum FT Book/Page: 74009/187, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $431,857 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 21344sf 11 SLOANE DR...................................... $443,000 B: Daniel J Bernblum S: David J Fitch Tr, Tr for 11 Stone Drive RT Book/Page: 74006/590, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $213,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20351sf Prior Sale: $253,000 (09/00) 184 SUMMER ST................................... $437,000 B: Robert Reinhardt & Meghan L Mulvey S: Jon F Halpin & Stacey M Demaio Book/Page: 73995/408, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $415,150 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5929sf Prior Sale: $303,000 (10/13) 94 WAYSIDE INN RD............................. $760,000 B: John C Harutunian & Monica Viteri-Harutunian S: Joseph E Riley & Terri J Riley Doc#: 000001834291, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $608,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 75402sf Prior Sale: $387,500 (12/98) 43 WILSON DR U:43.............................. $258,000 B: Stephanie L Godbout S: Robson C Dasilva Book/Page: 73999/520, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $250,260 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $192,000 (08/02) 99 WINTER ST....................................... $435,000 B: Mark A Elguizaoui & Marie E Peck-Llewellyn S: Stanley Johnson Book/Page: 74018/217, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Navy FCU $405,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11752sf Prior Sale: $323,500 (08/03)

Groton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 143 Median Price $500,000

YTD 2019 135 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 40 ARROW TRL..................................... $415,000 B: Shruti Venkatraman & Karthikeyan Neelakanda S: Nancy Halpin-Allen & Daniel J Macgillivray Book/Page: 73994/288, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $332,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 14000sf Prior Sale: $336,564 (01/07) 16 MOCKINGBIRD HILL RD................... $765,000 B: Anjan Reijnders & Jolie Reijnders S: Siram Gopalan & Sushma Kalavagunta Book/Page: 74014/574, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: TIAA CREF T Co FSB $688,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31640sf

Holliston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 194 Median Price $464,000

YTD 2019 161 $469,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 30 BRIARCLIFF LN................................ $568,000 B: Scott Ferkler & Erica Ferkler S: Cara Rachlin Book/Page: 74003/284, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $454,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 28662sf Prior Sale: $454,900 (03/14) 180 CONCORD ST U:1........................... $400,000 B: Eric Gonzalez & Amy M Gonzalez S: Dependable Home Solutions Book/Page: 74009/567, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $360,000 Use: Condo 850 HIGHLAND ST................................. $600,000 B: Benny L Rodriguez & Nancy P Rodriguez S: Peter T Mitchell & Marilyn T Mitchell Book/Page: 73994/371, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Sharon&Crescent Uni $500,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 54406sf 20 MARILYN ST..................................... $240,000 B: Ryan S St-Aubin & Lindsay H St-Aubin S: William A Wintringham Tr, Tr for Marsha A Wintringham RET Book/Page: 73997/382, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $204,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20038sf

Hopkinton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 215 Median Price $635,000

YTD 2019 212 $650,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 64 EAST ST........................................... $575,000 B: Michael F Manzella & Karen M Manzella S: Richard J Odell Book/Page: 74005/518, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $460,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 60000sf 37 FRUIT ST.......................................... $400,000 B: Twin Pines Landscaping S: Kap S Ju Book/Page: 74012/420, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 300033sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (03/17) 4 HIDDEN BRICK RD............................. $860,000 B: John Mannix & Aimee Mannix S: Tracy Trainor-Hudson & Heath Hudson Book/Page: 73996/221, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $688,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 61132sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (06/09) LEGACY FARMS NORTH VLG U:274...... $594,275 B: Falgun S Patel & Anjanaben Patel S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 74014/25, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo 14 N MILL ST........................................ $650,000 B: L Dueschelle-Cook & Christopher D Cook S: John Mannix & Aimee S Mannix Doc#: 000001834285, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $520,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 79419sf Prior Sale: $505,000 (01/14) 20 STONEY BROOK RD.......................... $395,000 B: Jarred Sakakeeny & Catherine Sakakeeny S: Kenneth E Marsters Tr, Tr for Prime Properties RT Book/Page: 74007/126, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $1,092,064 Type: Adj Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 46217sf 9 VALLEYWOOD RD............................... $470,000 B: Jun Bei S: Smith Carlton L Est & H Scott Smith Book/Page: 74009/213, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 61437sf 245 W MAIN ST..................................... $272,500 B: Holly P Robinson & Sharon Shigley S: Donald G Gobielle & Linda L Gobielle Doc#: 000001834480, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $267,563 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11060sf 48 WOOD ST.......................................... $390,000 B: Jake J Wilde & Alyssa C Nichols S: Judith Johnson Book/Page: 74006/307, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $312,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30056sf

Hudson MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 177 Median Price $375,000

YTD 2019 195 $388,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 COTTAGE ST..................................... $349,000 B: Jose Cabral & Beatriz Cabral S: Jose P Costa Tr, Tr for LM RT Book/Page: 73991/298, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $250,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 8168sf 8 JOHNSON AVE.................................... $405,000 B: Nicholas J Ghiloni & Mary K Gaide S: Brendan Hartwell Tr, Tr for 8 Johnson RT Book/Page: 74003/42, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Avidia Bank $365,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14803sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (07/19)

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

31 STEVENS RD U:31............................ $560,000 B: Daniel J Callahan 3rd & Donna M Callahan S: Bernard M Weiss & Lisa D Weiss Book/Page: 73993/142, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $504,888 (10/14) 23 WORCESTER AVE............................. $457,000 B: Juliana E Farrell & Thor Benander S: Christina M Benander & Darrell A Panza Book/Page: 74001/34, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $418,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10250sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (11/07)

Lexington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 364 Median Price $1,099,000

YTD 2019 342 $1,140,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 ADAMS ST......................................... $2,369,000 B: Boudewijn VanLent & Maria J Hamers S: 8 Adams Street LLC Book/Page: 74017/338, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: PNC Bank $1,895,200 Type: Adj 65 BRIDGE ST....................................... $965,000 B: Shiying Wang & Yuan Li S: Lachance Contracting LLC Book/Page: 74005/158, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $510,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14661sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (12/18) 1 CARLEY RD........................................ $950,000 B: Elizabeth A Ross Tr, Tr for Wrangham-Ross FT S: Alan J Schonberger & Martha J Painter Book/Page: 73992/168, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 11600sf 27 COURTYARD PL U:27...................... $1,255,000 B: Umair Aziz & Hafsah Syed S: Hu Li Book/Page: 74000/452, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $753,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,240,000 (10/15) 2 MASON ST......................................... $1,050,000 B: Barnes Land Development S: Gustav F Papaneck Tr, Tr for Hanna Papaneck RET Book/Page: 74008/216, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Eagle Bank $969,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 28568sf 2 PEACHTREE RD................................. $2,100,000 B: Pui P Leung & Teddy J Leung S: 4 Peachtree Rd LLC Book/Page: 73993/558, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $1,100,000 43 SPRING ST....................................... $725,000 B: Chinmay Bapat & Pooja Bhat S: Fuzhong Qin & Bianai Fan Doc#: 000001834281, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $580,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19856sf Prior Sale: $509,000 (06/07)

Lincoln YTD 2019 50 $1,175,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BAKER FARM RD.................................. B: Walden Woods Project S: F Douglas Adams & Patricia I Adams Book/Page: 73994/117, Date: 01/15/20


Littleton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $467,500

YTD 2019 121 $467,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 NASHOBA TRL.................................... B: Matthew M Wishart & Sarah R Wishart S: Christopher Dill Tr, Tr for Dill FT Book/Page: 73994/546, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $360,001 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9374sf Prior Sale: $339,900 (10/13) 8 PORTER RD........................................ B: Christina J Magnani S: Dorothy Burke Book/Page: 74008/63, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $322,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40502sf 2 WYCHWOOD DR................................. B: Lindsay E Byrne S: Aaron T Byrne Book/Page: 73992/476, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $268,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20077sf Prior Sale: $222,000 (02/18)




Malden MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 234 Median Price $488,450

YTD 2019 246 $499,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 CLIFTON ST...................................... B: Lam Y Tang & Dorothy M Tang S: Beal Carol Ann Est & James W Beal Book/Page: 74015/266, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3200sf 206 COLUMBIA ST................................ B: Allan Brussard Jr & Deanna J Celi S: John J Curry 3rd & Joyce A Curry Doc#: 000001834371, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $436,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3356sf 15-17 FERGUSON RD............................ B: Hanok M George S: Philip J Willette & Laura Mack Book/Page: 74005/98, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $684,000 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3735sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (01/98) 17 HARTSHORN AVE............................. B: Wenfeng Nie & Mandy Y Li S: Amilton P Cardoso & Ana I Cardoso Book/Page: 74012/328, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Sun Mortgage Co Inc $428,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4194sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (10/05)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $1,140,000

109-111 LAWRENCE ST........................ $737,500 B: Noble S Wong S: Nam T Nguyen Book/Page: 74001/302, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $742,019 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4099sf Prior Sale: $272,000 (04/10) 28 LEBANON ST................................... $1,515,000 B: Lebanon LLC S: SPP Citizens NLREF 5 LLC Book/Page: 74018/152, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Bank Building, Lot: 25620sf Prior Sale: $1,177,265 (01/20) 28 LEBANON ST................................... $1,177,265 B: SPP Citizens NLREF 5 LLC S: Vereit Real Estate LP Book/Page: 74001/561, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Sunflower Bank NA $39,500,000 Use: Bank Building, Lot: 25620sf Prior Sale: $1,213,211 (10/12) 24 LYNDE ST......................................... $430,000 B: 24 Lynde Street LLC S: Manuel J Pimental Tr, Tr for Manuel J Pimental RET Book/Page: 73994/170, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4150sf 326 LYNN ST......................................... $549,000 B: Anise R Evans S: Janaina Dalben Tr, Tr for Ashly B FT Book/Page: 74007/580, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $521,550 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2630sf Prior Sale: $165,100 (10/09) 795 MAIN ST U:795............................... $246,000 B: Aishan Scott S: Michael D Nichols Book/Page: 74006/378, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $198,030 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $131,000 (04/03) 108 MAPLE ST U:6................................ $285,000 B: Laura N Chen & Wong K Keung S: Eleanor A Cooke & Donald T Cooke Doc#: 000001834311, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Sun Mortgage Co Inc $142,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 49 STEARNS ST U:3.............................. $480,000 B: Zhikun Zhao S: Yeje Shen & Wenfeng Hu Book/Page: 74008/340, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $360,000 Use: Condo 34 TREMONT ST.................................... $587,500 B: Liping Cheng & Wenling Huang S: Ernest Doucette & Suzanne P Doucette Book/Page: 73991/325, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $499,375 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4425sf Prior Sale: $157,000 (10/98) 51-53 TREMONT ST.............................. $675,000 B: Jose M Sanchez S: Margaret J Toner Book/Page: 73989/529, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $627,750 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7088sf




YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 307 Median Price $380,000

YTD 2019 303 $395,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 ASH ST............................................. $395,000 B: Mark Christopher & Wendy Christopher S: Diane E Spottswood Book/Page: 74017/465, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $123,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13371sf 192 BOLTON ST U:9.............................. $126,000 B: Shreekar Ranade & Anita Moghe S: Jeanette M Sewell Book/Page: 73997/581, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $94,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 132 BROAD ST...................................... $365,000 B: Paul J Vrooman S: Steven R Bonica & Christine Rollins Book/Page: 74005/244, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $273,750 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5977sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (08/05) 24 CLEARVIEW DR................................ $405,000 B: Jaime Cordoba & Beatriz Cordoba S: Richard Lavoie & Joan Lavoie Book/Page: 74001/541, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $384,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12936sf 108 CONCORD RD................................. $518,000 B: Judith H Olson S: Russell W Chase & Monica S Chase Book/Page: 73996/89, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $388,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11211sf 48 HIGH ST............................................ $650,000 B: Marlborough Totg LLC S: John P Rowe Jr & J Peter Rowe Book/Page: 74006/276, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Parking Lot, Lot: 10890sf 57 MAIN ST........................................... $650,000 B: Marlborough Totg LLC S: John P Rowe Funeral Home Book/Page: 74006/273, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $1,040,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 22651sf 1 PARK ST............................................. $357,000 B: Saul Carvajal & D M Hernandez-Quintanilla S: Nicole Wittenhagen Book/Page: 74008/521, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: American Natnwide Mtg $321,300 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7178sf Prior Sale: $222,000 (02/11) 110 ROUNDTOP RD............................... $385,000 B: Kyle Estabrooks & Kathleen C Estabrooks S: Jose C Deoliveira & Leidimar V Deoliveira Book/Page: 74008/493, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $378,026 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (09/16)

Maynard MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 119 Median Price $380,000


©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2019 123 $400,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 HOWARD RD.................................... B: Caitlin M Sawicki & Eric Thornley S: Thomas J Schuler Tr, Tr for Schuler FT Book/Page: 74008/313, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $416,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 28484sf


3 MAYBURY RD..................................... $328,500 B: George Markt S: Sheila Bogonovich & Rita Lalli Book/Page: 73996/459, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $279,225 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21375sf 1 OAK RIDGE DR U:1............................. $297,000 B: Suresh Madhwapathy S: Paul R Newcomb Book/Page: 74000/241, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $277,000 (08/08) 81 PARKER ST....................................... $420,500 B: Brendan I Bennett S: Wesley Hoffert & Elissa Hoffert Book/Page: 74007/366, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $336,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13704sf Prior Sale: $411,000 (08/17) 45 SUMMER HILL RD............................ $390,000 B: Robert Costa S: Christine Z Shoh Tr, Tr for Christine Z Shoh RET Doc#: 000001834342, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $351,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 33946sf Prior Sale: $351,000 (09/14)

Medford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 294 Median Price $611,500

YTD 2019 306 $619,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 ALLSTON ST..................................... $775,000 B: Salim Ally & Laila Ally S: RCG First Medford LLC Book/Page: 74009/454, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $581,250 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9000sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (10/16) 369 FELLSWAY W................................. $512,500 B: Aaron Panone & Kathleen Hanlon S: Matthew J Studivan Book/Page: 74002/541, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $452,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6323sf Prior Sale: $347,000 (11/14) 215 FULTON ST.................................... $1,186,700 B: ND Harding LLC S: Sean D Galvin Book/Page: 73995/357, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,150,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 19093sf 222 LAWRENCE RD............................... $785,000 B: Anthony M Howarth & Kerstin A Howarth S: Francis X Oleary Tr, Tr for Oleary RT Book/Page: 74009/163, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $745,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9520sf 63 LINCOLN RD..................................... $900,000 B: Matteo Buttigieg & G Parent-Buttigieg S: Jeffrey R Chabot & Randi D Rotjan Book/Page: 73991/518, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $700,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8164sf Prior Sale: $613,500 (08/13) 12 LOWELL CT U:1................................ $400,000 B: Curtis Duffy & Leah Tringale S: Lynne A Mccullough Doc#: 000001834484, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $380,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $287,000 (08/13) 203 MIDDLESEX AVE............................ $679,000 B: Jean R Fanfan & Brigite Fanfan S: Joseph A Deforte & Anna V Deforte Book/Page: 74008/548, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Century Bk Tr Co $345,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 5482sf 314 RIVERSIDE AVE U:305.................... $440,000 B: Kristina Batt & Natalia Batt S: James M Ebitson Book/Page: 74015/375, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $330,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (03/10) 76 SHIP AVE U:11................................. $345,000 B: Andrew Ngure & Josette Farnham S: Qing Li Book/Page: 73994/203, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Leominster CU $327,750 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $281,000 (10/15) 29 TYLER AVE....................................... $505,000 B: Charles A Grandon & Elizabeth Grandon S: James P Holland Jr Tr, Tr for Agnes T Holland 2016 IRT Book/Page: 74008/127, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $479,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5010sf

Melrose MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 249 Median Price $645,000



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

YTD 2019 261 $645,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 205 BEECH AVE..................................... $545,000 B: Minot L Powers 4th S: Patricia R Bracken Book/Page: 74015/541, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $436,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7125sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (04/10) 73 ESSEX ST......................................... $745,000 B: John Wise S: Sebastian Moreas Book/Page: 73999/267, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 8391sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (06/06) 3 GROVE PL........................................... $54,625 B: Glen Mistretta S: Glen Mistretta & Frank Ellis Book/Page: 74002/97, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $283,705 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2093sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (01/18) 235 GROVE ST....................................... $750,000 B: Matthew Karolian & Madeleine Karolian S: Daniel G Caulfield & Cynthia A Caulfield Book/Page: 74005/310, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $675,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7463sf 194 MELROSE ST.................................. $700,000 B: Olja Radic S: Paul D Devito & Wanda Yee-Devito Book/Page: 74003/305, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $490,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 14000sf

69 SUMMER ST..................................... B: Donny Jee S: Lois Gilligan Tr, Tr for Margate LT Book/Page: 74003/338, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $360,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3721sf


Natick MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 367 Median Price $600,000

YTD 2019 359 $615,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 165 E CENTRAL ST................................ $475,000 B: Kelli Y Barrett S: Thomas J Shibley & Molly Coyle-Shibley Book/Page: 74010/6, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 30854sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (05/15) 177 E CENTRAL ST................................ $365,000 B: Uri FT LLC S: Adrienne T Taylor Book/Page: 74008/165, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: LendingOne LLC $397,440 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10920sf 70 FAIRWAY CIR U:70........................... $557,000 B: Khurram Kazi & Sameema Malik S: Bernard J Pastorik & Sally S Pastorik Book/Page: 74009/437, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $440,000 (04/16) 37 HARWOOD RD.................................. $484,900 B: High End Homes LLC S: Marie T Coll Doc#: 000001834506, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Village Bank $963,675 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10302sf 3 JENNISON CIR.................................... $700,000 B: Bhanu Vadhera S: Purnima Demorais Doc#: 000001834572, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $688,850 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 29481sf Prior Sale: $1,025,000 (09/09) 24 MAGNOLIA RD.................................. $565,000 B: Dmitriy Lavrishin Tr, Tr for 24 Magnolia RT S: Said Tabet & Adrianne Dana-Tabet Book/Page: 74010/276, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Magnolia Lending T $550,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 29843sf Prior Sale: $430,500 (06/03) 13 NIMITZ CIR....................................... $850,000 B: Michael P Jeffries & Sarah D Style S: Christopher M Suraci Tr, Tr for C M&L K Suraci T 2016 Book/Page: 74007/470, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: TIAA CREF T Co FSB $484,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11060sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (04/00) 68 SUMMER ST U:A.............................. $880,825 B: Wei Fu S: Autumn Leaf Homes LLC Book/Page: 74007/557, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $280,000 Use: Condo 53 W CENTRAL ST................................ $687,500 B: Michael J Sheehan & Lynn M Sheehan S: Kenneth A Ferguson & Ann T Ferguson Book/Page: 73993/475, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 29621sf 281 W CENTRAL ST U:B........................ $617,800 B: Xiaoyu Qiu S: Chadwick Homes LLC Book/Page: 74008/480, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo

Newton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 654 Median Price $1,184,750

YTD 2019 608 $1,242,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 175 ALLERTON RD............................... $1,660,000 B: Alexander G Narinsky S: Peggi S Iebba Book/Page: 74009/351, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $1,245,000 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family, Lot: 8530sf 34 CHANNING ST................................. $1,700,000 B: Weihong Shen & Yang Wang S: Sarah Deutsch Book/Page: 73988/159, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cathay Bank $1,020,000 Type: Adj Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 3350sf 15 CHENEY CT....................................... $645,500 B: Michael Gooch & Xiaowen Wang S: Fanjun Liu & Rong Zhao Book/Page: 74007/255, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $516,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3780sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (01/08) 1824 COMMONWEALTH AVE............... $2,040,000 B: Max M Lerner & Hilary E Nicholson S: LDQ LLC Book/Page: 73998/313, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $1,428,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11543sf Prior Sale: $880,000 (04/18) 130 DUDLEY ST.................................... $2,559,000 B: Navid Bouzari & Negar Tahbaz S: Sheryl R Marshall & Howard C Salwen Book/Page: 74009/53, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,385,000 Type: Adj 250 HAMMOND POND PKWY U:314S... $730,000 B: Francine Berger Tr, Tr for Francine Berger 2002 T S: Jeffrey F Lewis Tr, Tr for Lewis FT Book/Page: 73999/563, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 761642sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (03/13) 250 HAMMOND POND PKWY U:516S... $494,000 B: Hyunsoon Hwang & Chul Park S: Andre A Karaa Book/Page: 74017/328, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 761642sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (03/12) 57 HIGH ST U:57................................... $1,155,000 B: Parul Agnihotri & Mohit Kansal S: L Herrmann-Nowosielski Tr, Tr for Herrmann-Nowosielski T Book/Page: 74000/289, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $924,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 14491sf Prior Sale: $999,000 (09/15)

108 LAKE AVE...................................... $5,306,985 B: Jeremy A Day & Tiru-Bich Nguyen S: Matthew J Day Tr, Tr for Day FT Book/Page: 74000/370, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: HSBC Bank $2,137,500 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24629sf 74 MANET RD....................................... $1,750,000 B: Manet Road LLC S: 74 Manet Road LLC Book/Page: 73992/124, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7350sf Prior Sale: $863,400 (03/14) 86 MOULTON ST.................................... $775,000 B: Kane Built Inc S: Mosher Joanne S Est & Jane Mosher-Canty Book/Page: 73995/97, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Village Bank $1,170,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10044sf 158 NEWTONVILLE AVE....................... $1,455,000 B: Aleksandr Rayshubskiy & Marina Slutsky S: James P Robertson Jr & Claire Ryan-Robertson Book/Page: 73994/507, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $855,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 15645sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (11/11) 81 NORWOOD AVE U:5.......................... $500,000 B: Aries Generation LLC S: Margaret Heap-Lieber Tr, Tr for MML FT Doc#: 000001834449, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $375,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 71710sf 51 OAKLAND AVE................................. $1,650,000 B: Tony M Verzura & Jessica N Pelletier S: B Scott Miller Book/Page: 74015/228, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Century Bk Tr Co $1,155,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14193sf Prior Sale: $715,000 (06/18) 17 PERKINS ST U:1.............................. $1,100,000 B: Zhen Zhang S: C A Sabatos-Peyton & James M Peyton Book/Page: 73992/376, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $935,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 12278sf Prior Sale: $820,000 (06/13) 16 ROUNDWOOD RD............................. $675,000 B: Erdem Yilmaz & Ozge E Tasdemir-Yilmaz S: Irene E Cramer & Normandy A Waddell Book/Page: 74000/483, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $540,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6750sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (05/99) 50 SALISBURY RD U:50....................... $1,625,000 B: Zi C Wang S: Christopher J Quigley & Tiana Celesia Book/Page: 74007/237, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 15042sf Prior Sale: $980,000 (05/04) 76 TAFT AVE U:2................................... $705,000 B: Szechun Leung S: Gregory Talalayevsky & Faina Talalayevsky Book/Page: 74018/124, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5889sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (07/09) 21 TAMWORTH RD............................... $2,250,000 B: James Peyton & Catherine Sabatos-Peyton S: Brian Shin & Nana C Shin Book/Page: 73995/39, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $1,800,000 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 14470sf Prior Sale: $2,215,000 (08/16) 6 TIRRELL CRES................................... $1,520,000 B: Xiao T Chen & Lei Cui S: Bella Mikhailov & David Tilman Doc#: 000001834299, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $1,064,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10850sf Prior Sale: $755,000 (01/08) 21 VERNDALE RD.................................. $450,000 B: Intervale Homes LLC S: Richard H Kent 3rd Doc#: 000001834387, Date: 01/16/20 90 WABAN PARK U:90.......................... $755,000 B: Melissa L Marean & Daniel J Marean S: William Kaye & Meaghan C Kaye Book/Page: 73993/590, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $604,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 9346sf Prior Sale: $747,500 (02/19) 170 WINCHESTER ST U:270.................. $915,000 B: Min Lu & Jun Liu S: Whitney M Amyot-Viana & Mark Viana Doc#: 000001834613, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $548,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 93 WOODLAWN DR............................... $926,000 B: Mitchel Appelbaum & Meryl R Appelbaum S: Mcgloin Kathleen Est & John Lally Book/Page: 73999/151, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8640sf

North Reading MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 185 Median Price $550,000

YTD 2019 174 $558,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 73 CONCORD ST................................... $1,600,000 B: Commercial Sapce Providrs S: Edmund A Henry & Pauline D Henry Doc#: 000001834308, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 42340sf 17 WRIGHT ST....................................... $525,000 B: Jennifer Marchione S: Edward J Kerrigan & Linda M Kerrigan Book/Page: 74017/553, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $393,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 8712sf

Pepperell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 135 Median Price $344,900

YTD 2019 129 $375,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES DOW ST................................................. B: James F Friend S: Jonathan P Friend Book/Page: 73989/469, Date: 01/15/20


36 NASHUA RD...................................... $296,000 B: Albert S Mariano & Pamela J Mariano S: Home Point Financial Corp Book/Page: 74006/518, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 80002sf Prior Sale: $295,200 (10/19) 5 NOVA DR U:B..................................... $265,000 B: Jessica Frost S: George A Mcnulty Jr Book/Page: 74007/286, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $265,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $167,000 (03/15) POWHATAN RD L:3............................... $130,000 B: Tully Homes LLC S: Brandi L Carr Book/Page: 74006/50, Date: 01/17/20 2-4 TUCKER AVE................................... $275,300 B: Thomas J Hennelly & Carol J Hennelly S: Hewitt Jacqueline A Est & Debra L Fullington Book/Page: 74004/37, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Winchester Cp Bk $261,535 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 32478sf

Reading MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 235 Median Price $600,000

YTD 2019 277 $612,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 BAY STATE RD................................. $520,000 B: Steven Tan & Anita Chung S: Richard J Curro 2nd Book/Page: 73999/60, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $460,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6780sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (10/18) 18 CARNATION CIR U:B........................ $587,000 B: Jill M Shuman S: Patricia E Black Tr, Tr for 18b Carnation RT Book/Page: 74006/417, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $469,600 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo

Sherborn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 70 Median Price $823,000

YTD 2019 90 $795,800

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 38 FARM RD.......................................... $715,000 B: Lewis E Kazis & Beatrix S Thomas S: Nancy A Stover Tr, Tr for Stover FT 2002 Book/Page: 74001/440, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $572,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 44431sf 54 N MAIN ST........................................ $605,000 B: Robert A Coerver 3rd & Jennifer A Bennett S: Paul Waldau & Judith Strang-Waldau Doc#: 000001834264, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Avidia Bank $544,500 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $652,000 (05/07)

Somerville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 112 Median Price $797,500

YTD 2019 96 $850,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 260 BEACON ST U:106.......................... $900,000 B: May L Salipande S: Highland CBD 260 Beacon Book/Page: 74000/146, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Redfin Mtg $400,000 Use: Condo 111 CEDAR ST U:A................................ $786,915 B: Benjamin Sands & Emily Bailey S: 111 Cedar Street LLC Book/Page: 74006/136, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $629,532 Use: Condo 23 COTTAGE AVE................................. $2,600,000 B: 23 Cottage LLC S: 23 Cottage Ave LLC Doc#: 000001834233, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $1,500,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4895sf Prior Sale: $1,450,000 (04/16) 21 CUTTER AVE.................................... $1,590,000 B: Somerville Community Corp S: Marolima 21 West LLC Book/Page: 74005/69, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $1,615,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 2389sf Prior Sale: $619,000 (05/03) 2 DERBY ST........................................... $610,000 B: Olufemi O Adeduji & Olushayosola Adeduji S: Tola Dawodu Book/Page: 73995/159, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $457,500 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $540,000 (07/07) 124 HIGHLAND AVE............................. $1,750,000 B: 124 Highland Ave LLC S: American Legion Dept MA Book/Page: 73996/157, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Boston Cnst Hld $3,450,000 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 10259sf Prior Sale: $337,000 (04/04) 121 LOWELL ST.................................... $1,111,000 B: Zorayda T Vidal-Farino & Juan C Farino S: Paul M Ottaviano & Donna O Mikule Book/Page: 73996/412, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $833,250 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3280sf 415 MEDFORD ST U:C5......................... $249,000 B: Dolence Co LLC S: Marc Resnick Tr, Tr for Double Disco RT Book/Page: 74008/441, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $174,300 Use: Condo 55 PRESCOTT ST U:B........................... $1,135,000 B: David T Ledonne & Jessica C Ledonne S: 55 Prescott Street LLC Book/Page: 74000/193, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: USA Alliance FCU $170,250 Use: Condo 7 TENNYSON ST U:2B........................... $900,000 B: Leslie Cohen & Robert Landy S: Americana Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 73991/586, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $300,000 Use: Condo

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

233 WILLOW AVE U:1........................... $1,129,000 B: Steven V Mycynek & Rima C Mycynek S: KTA Construction LLC Book/Page: 73999/286, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $709,000 Use: Condo

Stoneham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 187 Median Price $550,000

YTD 2019 202 $555,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 84 FOREST ST....................................... B: Michael A Catricala & Diane Catricala S: Lee H Snyder & Etsuko Snyder Book/Page: 74007/396, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $500,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30740sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (08/12) 135 FRANKLIN ST U:502....................... B: Hillary A Mahoney & Scott D Oconnell S: Helen L Petrone Book/Page: 73996/72, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $332,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 8 GILMORE ST U:F................................. B: Rene A Castro S: Michael Desantis Book/Page: 73993/226, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Claude Petrillo $300,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $325,000 (02/16) 24 HIGH ST............................................ B: Rory Lock & Susan Lock S: Diane Catricala & Michael Catricala Book/Page: 74004/163, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $646,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12592sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (11/11) 128-B MAIN ST..................................... B: Jennifer Dunn S: Legacy North Properties Book/Page: 74000/580, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $399,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5182sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (07/19) 80 PLEASANT ST................................... B: Andrew J Madison & Anna L Madison S: Linda M Petrous Book/Page: 74016/285, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $338,751 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $232,000 (05/08)







Stow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 88 Median Price $522,500

YTD 2019 84 $520,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 250 W ACTON RD.................................. B: Katelyn M Daman & Tyler H Daman S: Erin Silva & Robert P Silva Book/Page: 73993/510, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $362,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40075sf


Sudbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 278 Median Price $750,000

YTD 2019 282 $750,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 53 CLARK LN......................................... $505,000 B: Tyler J Tompkins & Caitlin Noone-Tompkins S: Ericson Jeanne R Est & Karen E Naranjo Book/Page: 74017/63, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $404,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 31799sf 28 EMERSON WAY................................ $643,000 B: Jon F Halpin & Stacey Demaio S: Treacy Therese M Est & Anne T Lee Book/Page: 74001/129, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $510,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40117sf 14 GRISCOM RD.................................... $600,000 B: George R Laffey & Devin L Laffey S: Peter Wells Tr, Tr for Majorie V Hamilton T Book/Page: 73995/595, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $480,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22216sf 26 MAPLEWOOD AVE............................ $382,000 B: Andrew J Blair S: Karl Ginand & Sarah S Ginand Book/Page: 73998/388, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $305,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6715sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (06/10) 6 OLD COUNTY RD U:16........................ $760,000 B: Mehmet A Sen & Irem S Reel-Sen S: Xiangfeng Liu & Jiayuan Zhao Book/Page: 73993/200, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $684,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $700,000 (03/17) 61 VIRGINIA RIDGE RD......................... $755,000 B: Huan W Fang & Chia-Ying Chen S: Geoffrey B Webster & Virginia M Webster Book/Page: 73998/76, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $250,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $710,000 (06/09)

Townsend MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 122 Median Price $296,000

YTD 2019 126 $307,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 PEACH LN........................................... B: Christopher M Pepe & Lisa Pepe S: John J Majkut Tr, Tr for Majkut FT Book/Page: 74013/92, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $300,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27940sf 3 PISCES LN.......................................... B: Timothy F Fill S: Paul A Vassallo Book/Page: 74007/28, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $251,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 20000sf






11 SCHOOL ST....................................... B: Adam Stewart S: Anne S Thibeau & Brian L Senecal Book/Page: 74003/213, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $168,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (06/07)


Wakefield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 254 Median Price $540,503

YTD 2019 231 $570,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 234 WATER ST U:205............................ B: Amy L Macdonald & Vitaly Borodkin S: Adam R Vigneau Doc#: 000001834350, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $271,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $245,000 (05/16)



YTD 2019 332 $600,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 125 2ND AVE....................................... $54,070,000 B: Medina Dc 2 Assets LLC S: Digital Waltham LLC Book/Page: 73999/83, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 127457sf Prior Sale: $14,250,000 (10/05) 44 BRIGHTWOOD RD............................. $675,000 B: Aileen Waters S: Chelsea Dodge & Anthony Aiudi Doc#: 000001834437, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $275,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8451sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (05/16) 76 MIDLAND DR.................................... $481,000 B: Svetlana Sheinina S: Kehs David Roger Est & Richard A Kehs Book/Page: 73995/10, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Stearns Lending $456,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11718sf 73-75 RICH ST...................................... $860,000 B: Luke D Reisner & Tara Gron-Reisner S: Daniel V Treggiari Book/Page: 73997/517, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $829,822 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4269sf 66 RICHGRAIN AVE............................... $580,000 B: Hope Schreiber S: Igal S Bluvol & Sarah A Bluvol Doc#: 000001834476, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $435,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6011sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (06/04) 125 THORNTON RD............................... $460,000 B: Thomas M Gildea Tr, Tr for 24 Gale Street RT S: Bernard J Despres Book/Page: 73998/151, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 6490sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (08/19) 1560 TRAPELO RD.............................. $22,850,000 B: BP 3BOSI 1560 Trapelo Rd S: 1560 Trapelo Road Realty Book/Page: 73995/580, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 105415sf Prior Sale: $3,500,000 (03/06)

Watertown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 111 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2019 111 $720,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 53 MAPLE ST........................................ $750,000 B: Matthew Gorman & Gabriela Gorman S: Elizabeth A White Book/Page: 74001/281, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $686,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 6400sf 22 MAPLEWOOD ST U:24...................... $849,000 B: Adam Walpert & Kady Goldlist S: Vijay Johnson Book/Page: 74001/9, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $764,100 Use: Condo 26 MYRTLE ST...................................... $415,000 B: Steffen Panzone S: Gary Pooler & Janice M Pooler Book/Page: 73996/258, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $434,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2450sf 182 PALFREY ST................................... $850,000 B: Robert Pflugfelder Tr, Tr for Anne A Pflugfelder RET S: David Dobkin Tr, Tr for Gertrude M Latzko RET Book/Page: 74010/244, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14095sf

Wayland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 187 Median Price $764,000

Weston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 158 Median Price $1,500,000

YTD 2019 148 $1,425,000


Waltham YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 331 Median Price $604,900

72 SEDGEMEADOW RD......................... $400,000 B: Sedgemeadow LLC S: Cardillo Anthony J Est & Marco V Cardillo Book/Page: 74000/535, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Steven A Ross $772,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40315sf 1405 WISTERIA WAY U:1405................ $909,000 B: Stephen A Blum & Ellen M Blum S: Donna D Luby Book/Page: 74008/585, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $972,000 (11/07)

YTD 2019 164 $736,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 504 DAHLIA DR U:504........................... $800,000 B: C Edward Rowe Tr, Tr for C Edward Rowe T 2015 S: Paul B Rosenberg & Marcia B Rosenberg Book/Page: 74005/469, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $640,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $740,000 (07/09) 16 MORRILL DR.................................... $850,000 B: Joseph Goldberg-Giuliano & Anice J Giuliano S: E Michael Thomas & Elizabeth A Levy Book/Page: 74016/596, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $722,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20071sf 60 RIVERVIEW CIR................................ $449,000 B: Catherine C Conderino & Joseph S Conderino S: Joseph Goldberg-Giuliano & Anice Giuliano Book/Page: 74015/25, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $417,570 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $331,000 (03/12)

5 BLOSSOM LN..................................... $920,000 B: Jin Shi & Jun Ke S: Michael Moore & Wendy E Moore Book/Page: 73989/557, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citibank Na $782,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 42390sf Prior Sale: $670,000 (06/07) 225 BOSTON POST RD......................... $1,650,000 B: Erin L Nagle & Karen M Villamena S: Cynthia Burroughs Book/Page: 74006/61, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,155,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 56564sf Prior Sale: $1,221,000 (07/02) 14 BYRON RD....................................... $3,300,000 B: Everett R Orbon & Ha T Nguyen-Orbon S: Joanne R Casper & Wendell B Colson Book/Page: 73992/85, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Joanne R Casper $2,970,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 105738sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (01/99) 59 HALLETT HILL RD........................... $1,317,500 B: Xin Lin S: M Eleanor Meyer Book/Page: 74009/104, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $600,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 33105sf Prior Sale: $1,190,600 (06/05) 60 OLD RD............................................. $950,000 B: Alain G Weber & Magali I Weber S: Randall A Blumenthal Tr, Tr for First Hill Top RT Book/Page: 74015/283, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $1,400,000 Type: Adj Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 90928sf 40 SHERBURN CIR............................... $1,800,000 B: Nicholas Boschetti & Julianne A Boschetti S: Brickyard Inc Book/Page: 73999/447, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,000,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40131sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (08/17)

Winchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 258 Median Price $1,150,000

YTD 2019 260 $1,168,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 CONVERSE PL................................. $7,000,000 B: 10 Converse Place LLC S: Mohammed Akbarian Tr, Tr for Pondview RT Book/Page: 74016/369, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $4,875,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 25902sf 25 DARTMOUTH ST............................... $885,000 B: Onur Mergen & Melda Mergen S: Gary Y Ark & Tatyana Kofman Doc#: 000001834566, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Winchester Cp Bk $550,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10063sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (05/00) 26 EDWARD DR U:26............................ $789,000 B: Wenjing Zhou & Zongli Zheng S: Judy C Zvonar & Gregory A Zvonar Book/Page: 73999/404, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $394,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $304,000 (05/98) 85 HIGHLAND AVE............................... $1,070,000 B: Nathan Levick & Nicole Levick S: Barry Morris Doc#: 000001834295, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $856,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7921sf Prior Sale: $960,000 (06/16) 3 PILGRIM DR...................................... $1,450,000 B: Amos Pilgrim Winchester S: Karen S Leland Tr, Tr for 3 Pilgrim Drive RT Book/Page: 73998/145, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41165sf 9 SENECA RD....................................... $1,435,000 B: Derek J Sammarco & Jane G Sammarco S: Debra Iuliano Tr, Tr for Iuliano NT Book/Page: 73991/240, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Winchester Cp Bk $650,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15640sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 112 HIGHLAND AVE............................. $2,226,603 B: HSBC Bank USA NA Tr S: Diana E Araujo & HSBC Bank USA NA Book/Page: 74000/321, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 6 Bdrm Revival, Lot: 15250sf Prior Sale: $1,450,000 (10/06)

Woburn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 250 Median Price $485,000

YTD 2019 308 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 BORDER ST...................................... B: Mark Donnellan S: Julie Marshall Book/Page: 74016/77, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Joseph Kennedy $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/14) 269 CAMBRIDGE RD U:706................... B: Parthiban Rajasekaran S: Mary T Antworth Doc#: 000001834255, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $373,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $325,000 (07/15)


5 CRESCENT AVE U:6............................ B: Ronald Caccavaro Tr, Tr for CCC RT S: Rag Rock Realty LLC Book/Page: 74006/452, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $263,000 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $318,424 (02/07) 270 LEXINGTON ST............................... B: Atlantic Power Cleaning S: Mary L Burke Book/Page: 74018/287, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Northmark Bank $330,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8712sf 299 LEXINGTON ST U:56....................... B: Polly A Po S: Shannon Farm Dev LLC Book/Page: 73995/197, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $263,161 Use: Condo 1011 MAIN ST U:18............................... B: Kaitlin A Murphy S: Richard R Cobb Book/Page: 74003/565, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $206,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo





YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 159 Median Price $1,770,000 $315,671

YTD 2019 224 $339,900



YTD 2019 146 $1,500,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 154 CLIFF RD....................................... $2,600,000 B: Bekind Development Co LLC S: Carol A Barrett Doc#: 000000164257, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $4,410,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43087sf Prior Sale: $1,900,000 (10/18) 6 MARSH HAWK LN.............................. $845,750 B: Audrey Sterk S: Sharon Lappin Book/Page: 1730/329, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,330,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 45227sf 46 MONOMOY RD................................. $3,300,000 B: Hale Everets S: Jane Willard-Hammond & Helen J Hammond Doc#: 000000164292, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,200,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf 17 NANINA DR...................................... $289,000 B: Hunter J Gray S: David R Gray Book/Page: 1731/43, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $256,000 Use: Affordable Housing, Lot: 5404sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (06/16) 17 OLD SOUTH RD U:B.......................... $535,000 B: 17 Old South Road LLC S: Irene Orellana-Egan Book/Page: 1730/280, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $428,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $469,000 (04/05) 62-A ORANGE ST U:62A....................... $1,750,000 B: Matthew P Cassano & Joslyn Cassano S: Dream Original Properties Book/Page: 1730/156, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $1,400,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $845,000 (03/19) 17 STARBUCK RD................................ $1,400,000 B: Todd M Broderick Tr, Tr for 17 Starbuck NT S: Elisabeth Voight Tr, Tr for Elisabeth Voigt RET Doc#: 000000164316, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: First Republic Bk $700,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22178sf

Norfolk Registry William P. O’Donnell, Esq, Register 649 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Telephone: (781) 461-6122 Fax: (781) 326-4742




YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 221 Median Price $330,000

225 BODWELL ST................................. $4,110,000 B: Oneg 2 LLC S: 225 Bodwell Corp Book/Page: 37526/101, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $2,860,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 173804sf 4 CURTIS CIR........................................ $460,000 B: Jerrica Fleurantin S: Robert Erlichman Tr, Tr for Curtis Estates RT Book/Page: 37522/96, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $437,000

41 3RD AVE........................................... $385,000 B: Henrique J Pereira & Rinara C Pereira S: Michael F Edwards Book/Page: 37527/188, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $365,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8000sf Prior Sale: $229,950 (05/15) 146 BELLWOOD CIR U:146.................... $238,450 B: Tihomir P Trifonov & Yordanka P Trifonova S: Pine Hollow LLC Book/Page: 37531/225, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $231,295 Use: Possible New Construction 60 CENTER ST....................................... $175,000 B: Foreclosure Solutions LLC S: Reinette T Sonnenberg & Reine T Sonnenberg Book/Page: 37532/400, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11684sf 24 COUNTRY SIDE RD U:24.................. $285,500 B: Thomas S Homsi & Laura R Homsi S: Jason T Zeigler & Tara L Zeigler Book/Page: 37525/309, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Charles River Bank $271,225 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $239,900 (05/09) 1 EVERGREEN DR U:1........................... $437,526 B: George W Chabot Jr S: Pine Hollow LLC Book/Page: 37537/82, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Possible New Construction 7 FARM ST............................................ $303,000 B: Karma Tsering & Lien Phan S: Odonnell Brothers LLC Book/Page: 37532/433, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $257,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13200sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (03/19) 505 HARTFORD AVE.............................. $354,000 B: Layne J Lovett & Devyn M Collins S: Steven R Moore & Lynda M Moore Book/Page: 37530/194, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $336,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 38700sf 63 MONIQUE DR.................................... $524,025 B: David L Navarro & Paula M Navarro S: Lobisser Building Corp Book/Page: 37527/128, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 14071sf 184 RUTHELLEN RD.............................. $329,000 B: Janice Batista S: Lynch David J Est & Faina Kopilevich Book/Page: 37530/285, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $319,130 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10508sf 70 S MAIN ST........................................ $230,000 B: Richard W Renaud Jr & Laura Renaud S: Renaud Sr Richard W Est & Scott E Renaud Book/Page: 37535/119, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $185,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 24657sf

Braintree MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 356 Median Price $485,000



Jennifer H. Ferreira, Register 16 Broad Street Nantucket, MA 02554 Telephone: (508) 228-7250 Fax: (508) 325-5331

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 85 Median Price $344,000



Nantucket Registry

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 172 Median Price $1,490,000

67 GILL ST............................................. B: NSP Residential LLC S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 37522/422, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 35500sf Prior Sale: $233,600 (02/19) 67 GILL ST............................................. B: Anne J Hagberg S: NSP Residential LLC Book/Page: 37522/426, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Aura Mtg Advisors LLC $285,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 35500sf Prior Sale: $233,600 (02/19)

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

YTD 2019 321 $530,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 54 ELMLAWN RD.................................. $579,900 B: Joshua A Diaz S: AGS Development Corp Book/Page: 37531/488, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $593,237 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (06/18) 14 HICKORY RD..................................... $510,000 B: John Yao S: Robert D Griffin & Joanne M Griffin Book/Page: 37532/115, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $408,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11883sf 32 MASSACHUSETTS AVE.................... $589,000 B: Robert P Sweeney Jr & Jennifer M Sweeney S: Beatrice Aghajanian Doc#: 000001438562, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $471,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7501sf 614 POND ST U:1108............................ $198,000 B: Caetlin A Mcmanus & Aaron L Natti S: Daniel P Regan Book/Page: 37533/103, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $158,400 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $139,000 (10/06) 102 STANDISH AVE............................... $440,000 B: Patrick Coakley & Dana C Coakley S: First Cong Curch Braintre Doc#: 000001438806, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $418,000 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 8999sf Prior Sale: $365,900 (06/02) 84 WHITES HILL DR.............................. $507,500 B: Graham W Forum & Sara H Forum S: Whites Hill LLC Book/Page: 37526/2, Date: 01/15/20

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 14 GRACE RD........................................ $530,000 B: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc S: Joseph P Hallisey & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 37536/115, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 12502sf

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2019 138 $1,977,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 ALTON CT U:3.................................... $1,350,000 B: Deborah Solomon & David H Solomon S: Joseph O Bracken & Erin F Swedish Book/Page: 37527/140, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,080,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,525,000 (07/17) 1778 BEACON ST U:302........................ $850,000 B: Bryan Roy & Lucy Kenney S: Tobias Hauner Book/Page: 37533/76, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $680,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $677,000 (09/14) 139 BELLINGHAM RD............................ $960,000 B: 139 Bellingham Owner LLC S: Nancy Kaplan-Corbett Tr, Tr for Bellingham Road 139 RT Doc#: 000001438518, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Raymond C Green & Co $1,210,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8132sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (08/99) 730-766 COMMONWEALTH AVE......... $50,000,000 B: Boston University S: Harley Realty Co LP Book/Page: 37527/108, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Educational Property, Lot: 118418sf 38 HEATH ST........................................ $2,995,000 B: N&O Mass Holdings LLC S: Joffrey A Roy & Farley N Sullivan Book/Page: 37532/153, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26151sf Prior Sale: $2,022,500 (10/07) 140 HEATH ST...................................... $1,900,000 B: Paul A Rufo Tr, Tr for 140 Heath Street RT S: Andrew C Sucoff Tr, Tr for 514 Warren Street NT Book/Page: 37531/556, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 45594sf 4 PARK ST U:1....................................... $835,000 B: Huy Nguyen & Alina R Ene S: Nicole M Gailus Book/Page: 37527/467, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $501,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $511,000 (12/07) 33 POND AVE U:719.............................. $771,888 B: Yee Y Pei & Edwin H Pei S: Yee J Loh & Sin F Chin Book/Page: 37536/472, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: HSBC Bank $540,321 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $430,000 (03/11)

Canton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 227 Median Price $524,900

YTD 2019 201 $570,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 NORFOLK ST.................................... B: Dzu Le & Lisa Le S: Nelson M Alvarez Book/Page: 37528/269, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6403sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (09/18) 44 WILL DR U:59................................... B: James M Griffin S: Jennifer M Shanahan Doc#: 000001438683, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $228,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $191,500 (11/06)



Cohasset MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 125 Median Price $950,000

YTD 2019 133 $950,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 39 BEECHWOOD ST U:5........................ $455,000 B: Patrick R Bertovich S: Andrew P Hess & Elyse Hess Book/Page: 37524/281, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Cooperative Bank $210,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $430,000 (05/18) 25 CHITTENDEN LN U:25...................... $930,000 B: Jeffrey Granoff S: Peter H Tracy Tr, Tr for Peter H Tracy RET Book/Page: 37537/380, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $990,000 (09/17) 14 HOLLY LN......................................... $800,000 B: Andrew P Hess & Elyse Hess S: Raymond Horal Book/Page: 37525/586, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Abington Svgs Bk $640,000 Use: 1-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 20317sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (05/19)

Dedham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 321 Median Price $499,000

YTD 2019 309 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 CURVE ST U:43................................. B: Horacio Valdez & Gisela Valdez-Cott S: Mei L Wong & Kwok Wong Book/Page: 37524/435, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $414,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $367,500 (01/06) 989 EAST ST U:111............................... B: Nancy Dewar S: Laura Timmins Tr, Tr for Tarpey FT Book/Page: 37534/584, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $125,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $338,500 (06/04) 132 GARFIELD RD................................. B: Sarah E Goodman & Vilma Reyes S: Thomas Gannon Book/Page: 37530/588, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $345,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11070sf Prior Sale: $361,000 (10/19)




88 THOMAS ST...................................... $530,000 B: Ezinne C Osuji & Modestus N Anagwu S: Karen Dinatale Book/Page: 37527/539, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $450,500 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6120sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (11/02) 315 WASHINGTON ST.......................... $1,135,000 B: Petruzziello Properties S: Eric Swartz & Lauren Swartz Book/Page: 37526/37, Date: 01/15/20

Dover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 89 Median Price $1,221,000

YTD 2019 72 $1,246,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28 HARTFORD ST................................. $1,085,000 B: Charity Zagorianakos S: Dana E Stephenson & Michael W Stephenson Book/Page: 37525/264, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $976,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 44940sf Prior Sale: $685,000 (06/16)

Foxboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 179 Median Price $429,000

YTD 2019 173 $450,000

Holbrook MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 154 Median Price $336,500

YTD 2019 160 $350,650

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 MULLANE AVE.................................. B: Rene A Miranda & Luz B Gonzalez-Perez S: 27 Barnum St LLC Doc#: 000001438693, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $395,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16120sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (07/19) 204 SOUTH ST....................................... B: Stephen E Hill & Tara M Hill S: Anne T Baker & Robert A Baker Doc#: 000001438662, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Resmac Inc $306,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17370sf 45 STEVENS DR.................................... B: Amy L Franklin & Timothy M Griffin S: Francis Ogar & Judith Ogar Book/Page: 37533/50, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $391,380 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 13010sf Prior Sale: $322,000 (06/03) 6 SYLVAN RD........................................ B: Daniel F Mitchell & Meghan P Mitchell S: Nhatlinh P Vo Book/Page: 37527/330, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $436,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (02/17)





▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 16 ALDER RD........................................ $184,000 B: 16 Alder Road LLC S: Gerald E Malafronte & New Residential Mortgage Book/Page: 37527/433, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Latitude Capital LLC $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf


YTD 2019 334 $461,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 APPLETON CMN U:10....................... $339,000 B: Gerald M Daniels S: Michaella B Peoples Doc#: 000001438575, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $244,000 (04/17) 11 CORTLAND DR................................. $620,000 B: Michael F Edwards & Felicia L Edwards S: Patrick Arena & Lisa Arena Doc#: 000001438653, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $434,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41080sf Prior Sale: $475,280 (11/01) 166 COTTAGE ST................................... $414,900 B: Zachary B Squiers & Erin Squiers S: Joseph P Kelly & Megan E Kelly Book/Page: 37532/75, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $373,400 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 17490sf Prior Sale: $328,000 (10/13) 12 DANFORTH WAY U:12...................... $300,000 B: Sasa-2 Global Endeavors S: Mom Nguon Doc#: 000001438722, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Avidia Bank $240,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $270,000 (03/06) 72 E CENTRAL ST U:302....................... $444,900 B: Robert C Swenson Jr & Karen E Swenson S: 70 East Central St LLC Book/Page: 37525/7, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $200,000 Use: Condo 160 GROVE ST...................................... $1,600,000 B: Hennep Properties LLC S: Leo F Bartolini Tr, Tr for 279 Grove St NT Book/Page: 37525/499, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 367080sf 96 JEFFERSON RD................................ $772,000 B: Kevin Ranahan Jr & Lindsay Ranahan S: Lisa J Buccella & William S Buccella Book/Page: 37531/72, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $750,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 42800sf Prior Sale: $717,000 (09/05) 263 PLEASANT ST................................. $710,000 B: Tyler Mcnamara & Analida C Mcnamara S: Lorusso Building&Remodel Book/Page: 37524/587, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $532,500 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 50181sf 128 STONE RIDGE RD U:128................. $305,000 B: Thomas Lovett & Paula Lovett S: Carlos A Sousa Jr Doc#: 000001438674, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $197,500 (10/19) 4 SUMMER HEIGHTS DR....................... $660,000 B: Thomas R Kandler & Laura Kandler S: Scott B Blum & Cynthia L Blum Book/Page: 37538/243, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: NJ Lenders Corp $561,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 42752sf Prior Sale: $560,000 (07/09)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 177 BROOK ST...................................... B: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr S: Wendy J Jones & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 37528/230, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 24181sf


Medfield YTD 2019 177 $710,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 BIRCH LN............................................ $865,000 B: Artan Mertiri & Eriselda Mertiri S: Daniel J Slowe & Susan A Slowe Doc#: 000001438539, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $688,850 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40018sf Prior Sale: $510,000 (12/99) 62 GREEN ST U:2.................................. $301,000 B: Hasmik Hovanisian S: Jonathan A Roberta & Eileen Roberta Book/Page: 37527/51, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $249,850 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $238,500 (04/12) 14 MILLER ST U:14............................... $377,500 B: Sancho Maulion & Abigail Maulion S: Brian A Breslin & Carolyn Breslin Book/Page: 37523/562, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $302,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $309,900 (04/05) 34 MILLER ST........................................ $500,000 B: Brian A Breslin & Carolyn D Breslin S: Helen K Sandoz Tr, Tr for Jelen K Sandoz 2018 T Book/Page: 37525/79, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10000sf 51 SOUTH ST U:51................................ $250,000 B: Chrysalis Properties LLC S: Robert H Harrington Book/Page: 37532/179, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: JRB Capital Inv $258,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (01/14) 54 SPRING ST U:1................................. $749,900 B: Debra A Weafer S: 52 Spring Development LLC Book/Page: 37530/343, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $509,900 Use: Condo


YTD 2019 165 $429,775

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 FAWN RD............................................ $565,000 B: Joshua P Brickman & Shawna E Brickman S: David W Kennealey & Allison G Kennealey Book/Page: 37536/430, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $452,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 79192sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/01) 10 RIVER ST.......................................... $275,000 B: Joseph J Dobek 3rd S: Nicholas P Shirman & Sarah Carter Book/Page: 37531/332, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: FBC Mtg LLC $220,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (04/14)

Millis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 97 Median Price $415,000

YTD 2019 282 $720,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 69 ANTWERP ST................................... B: Eric K Thompson & Alberto C Riobo S: Paul M Demille & Susan J Harvey Book/Page: 37524/80, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $544,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5001sf 172 BRUSH HILL RD.............................. B: Aliaksandr Shavialevich S: Andrea I Scully Book/Page: 37525/247, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $744,301 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4940sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (12/07)



Needham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 386 Median Price $978,250

YTD 2019 382 $1,067,000

YTD 2019 98 $448,100

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 BRANDYWINE TER........................... $460,000 B: Jonathan A Roberta & Eileen Roberta S: James L Bullion & Ellen C Bullion Book/Page: 37528/54, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $372,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26572sf 2 CRYSTAL LN....................................... $695,000 B: Craig A Carey & Jennifer L Carey S: Robert C Swenson Jr Tr, Tr for Robert C Swenson Jr RET Book/Page: 37523/140, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $500,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20909sf Prior Sale: $669,700 (10/05) 8-10 EDEN ST........................................ $446,000 B: 8-10 Eden Street LLC S: Ralph L Tedesco & Colleen A Tedesco Book/Page: 37527/558, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Ralph L Tedesco $446,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 30056sf

82 HENDERSON ST............................... $1,600,000 B: Brandon Millen & Sarah Millen S: Alfred P Pace Jr Tr, Tr for 2019 Henderson RT Book/Page: 37529/161, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $880,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $710,000 (06/19) 44 PARKVALE RD................................. $1,800,000 B: Daniel Theis & Lena Theis S: Gordon S Jones & Karen S Jones Book/Page: 37530/122, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Camden National Bank $1,260,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17424sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (05/12) 30 WINSLOW RD.................................. $1,150,000 B: Gregory J Coppola & Ariel B Coppola S: Jonathan L Migdol & Jane S Migdol Book/Page: 37524/190, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $400,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 10019sf

Norfolk MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 140 Median Price $527,450

YTD 2019 149 $575,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 CREEK DR........................................... $769,000 B: Anthony M Jesensky & Marie C Keenan S: Thomas F Romanus & Patricia A Romanus Book/Page: 37527/248, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $570,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 86363sf 46 NOON HILL AVE................................ $560,000 B: Phyllis Mclean & Joseph Federico Jr S: Peter R Brown Tr, Tr for Marilyn A Whelan 2001 RET Book/Page: 37529/363, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $448,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 55871sf 27 PRISCILLA AVE................................ $398,000 B: William Barry & Kelly Fischl S: John P Bermingham Doc#: 000001438840, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $375,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5771sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (05/07) 20 ROBIN RD......................................... $520,000 B: Andrea Baptiste S: Panagiotis Koukiotis & Katina Koukiotis Doc#: 000001438669, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $494,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38858sf

Norwood MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 255 Median Price $469,000

Plainville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 71 Median Price $343,000

YTD 2019 257 $475,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 DAVIS AVE....................................... $600,000 B: Granite Point Properties S: Iovanni Realty LLC Book/Page: 37528/104, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Iovanni Realty LLC $600,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 10668sf 59 DEVON RD........................................ $498,500 B: Nicole Faggas & Kevin Reynolds S: Stephanie Oleary Tr, Tr for Janet H Kelly RET Book/Page: 37538/189, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $458,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 18660sf 15 VICTORIA CIR................................... $626,500 B: Arnold Chien S: Gerald M Daniels Tr, Tr for Daniels FT Doc#: 000001438510, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22338sf 1260 WASHINGTON ST......................... $950,000 B: Norwood Brookside Realty S: R B Roger Inc Doc#: 000001438570, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $712,500 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 10365sf 144 WILSON ST..................................... $539,000 B: Camilla B Duffy & Alan G Duffy S: Terry Scalzo & Kerry A Webber-Scalzo Book/Page: 37538/55, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13501sf Prior Sale: $387,000 (04/15)

YTD 2019 80 $386,413

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 COACH RD........................................ $816,448 B: Jonathan B Allen & Christina M Allen S: Mirimichi Land Invests Book/Page: 37529/448, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 48787sf 109 TERRY LN U:109............................ $370,000 B: Zachary B Green & Lauren T Green S: Yaroslav Zaslavskiy & Marina Zaslavskiy Book/Page: 37533/6, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $351,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $364,000 (08/07)

Quincy MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 592 Median Price $485,000



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 147 Median Price $439,900

Milton YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 286 Median Price $685,500

88 CENTRAL ST..................................... $590,000 B: Timothy F Mogan & Emily R Mogan S: Robert R Aucoin Jr & Elizabeth H Aucoin Book/Page: 37532/408, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $472,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 26090sf 160 EAST ST......................................... $775,000 B: Greenlodge Realty LLC S: JDA Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 37529/335, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $620,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 20369sf Prior Sale: $725,000 (09/18) 94 MECHANIC ST U:F............................ $540,000 B: Robert R Aucoin Jr & Elizabeth H Aucoin S: William F Spierdowis Tr, Tr for Spierdowis LT Book/Page: 37532/475, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (08/10) 5 SPRING BROOK RD U:2...................... $375,000 B: G Greene Properties LLC S: Jeffrey B Grainger Tr, Tr for Jessica RT Book/Page: 37523/461, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 158 Median Price $653,000

12 ROCKVILLE MDWS U:12.................. $499,999 B: Ronald E Stanley Tr, Tr for Ronald&Linda Stanley T S: Samuel C Fish & Sandra S Fish Book/Page: 37525/97, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $95,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $479,900 (09/12) 5 TIMBERLINE RD................................. $452,000 B: Thomas M Keefe & Margaret L Keefe S: Ruben E Comettant & Eileen P Comettant Book/Page: 37524/566, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $406,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26136sf



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 343 Median Price $456,500



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

YTD 2019 529 $512,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 BAILEY ST........................................ $469,000 B: Patrick Gorman S: Nicholas E Devincentis Tr, Tr for Devincentis FT Book/Page: 37524/217, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $454,930 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5013sf 19 BEECHWOOD ST............................... $499,000 B: Bradley R Skeffington & Melanie Appleman S: Martha A Crowley & Charles S Crowley Book/Page: 37537/95, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $474,050 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf 465 CENTRE ST.................................... $3,600,000 B: Centre Street Owner LLC S: HD Development Of Marylnd Book/Page: 37532/512, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $15,177,000 Use: Retail-equipment, Lot: 607226sf Prior Sale: $16,750,000 (09/00) 20 FALLON CT U:20............................... $360,000 B: Jiawen Wen S: Simon O Huang & Julie Nguyen Book/Page: 37525/33, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bank of Canton $288,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $305,000 (10/16) 1122 FURNACE BROOK PKWY.............. $395,000 B: Tong Wu & Bixia Xi S: Aaron Kolodny Doc#: 000001438800, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $316,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4700sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (08/17) 40-42 GORDON ST................................ $728,000 B: Son Pham S: Sao K Chan Book/Page: 37533/330, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Home Ln & Invest Bk $225,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5000sf 1025 HANCOCK ST U:4C....................... $325,000 B: Michael J Pennisi S: Tullis Family LP Doc#: 000001438660, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 249 HARVARD ST.................................. $537,675 B: Weiyang Liu S: Macrae Howard J Est & Brian Macrae Book/Page: 37526/526, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $472,675 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5963sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (06/11) 71 HUNTRESS ST.................................. $320,000 B: Kerry J Burke & Stacey M Deluca S: William J Lydon Tr, Tr for William J Lydon T Book/Page: 37530/11, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $200,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $188,000 (08/06) 131 NORFOLK ST.................................. $535,000 B: Qizhi Zhang & Hong Yan S: Joseph P Mckenna Jr Tr, Tr for Mckenna FT Book/Page: 37528/173, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $401,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8040sf 93 PIERMONT ST.................................. $610,000 B: Shijun Li & Suping Zhong S: Xunqi Yu & Liyun Zhang Book/Page: 37530/419, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $305,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5870sf Prior Sale: $452,000 (01/18) 1 PRIMROSE CIR................................... $750,000 B: Andrew Guralnick & Nisha Guralnick S: Eric E Wagner Book/Page: 37530/32, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $600,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9692sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (07/11) 150 QUINCY AVE U:3C.......................... $549,000 B: Njambi W Mathenge & Rosemary W Mathenge S: APO 3 Management LLC Tr, Tr for Faxon Development NT Book/Page: 37533/297, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $299,000 Use: Condo 10 SEAPORT DR U:2407........................ $405,000 B: Joydeep Mukherjee & Rumpa Mukherjee S: Denise Findlay Book/Page: 37531/414, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $240,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $305,000 (10/09) 140 SQUANTO RD.................................. $635,900 B: Daniel Tarabelli & Rita Tarabelli S: Ishtiaq Haque & Manal Malik Book/Page: 37526/80, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $508,720 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5101sf Prior Sale: $562,600 (12/17) 90 TURNER ST....................................... $240,000 B: Casey Ferreira S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 37529/179, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $220,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 2770sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (10/19) 86 UPTON ST......................................... $586,000 B: Daniel B Pious & Jamie T Pious S: Daniel S Tarabelli & Rita M Tarabelli Book/Page: 37524/466, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $527,341 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5889sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (12/12)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

221 VICTORY RD U:221........................ $1,075,000 B: Janice E Thayer Tr, Tr for Janice E Thayer T S: Kevin M Delaney Doc#: 000001438503, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $755,000 (03/07) 32 WHALER LN U:32............................. $640,000 B: William P Oconnell S: Oksana Posnik Doc#: 000001438700, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: MountainOne Bk $512,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $569,000 (06/07) 11 WINDSOR RD................................... $450,000 B: Hui J Li S: Maura J Jago Book/Page: 37523/225, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Colonial Fed Svgs Bk $315,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5242sf

Randolph MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 302 Median Price $366,500

YTD 2019 289 $379,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 54 ANDERSON DR................................. $463,000 B: Robert Laracuente & Johanna S Laracuente S: Lily H Do Book/Page: 37532/160, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: NFM Inc $454,613 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 13225sf Prior Sale: $347,000 (08/19) 304 CANTON ST.................................... $515,000 B: Chelsey L Parker & Gloria A Parker S: Daisy Sanchez Book/Page: 37537/348, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $489,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15100sf Prior Sale: $445,000 (11/17) 29 IMRIE ST.......................................... $514,000 B: Danh V Pham & Chau Nguyen S: Vladimir J Damas & Ghersy Damas Doc#: 000001438687, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $436,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12590sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (03/14) 16 LORI LN............................................ $355,000 B: Joselys Baez & Juan Baez S: David W Verge Tr, Tr for Charles W Verge IRT Book/Page: 37528/366, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $348,570 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12000sf 91 MILL ST............................................ $240,000 B: Philip A Grant & Christina Grant S: Joseph Shields & Debra A Oliver Doc#: 000001438713, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $180,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 11191sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (11/08) 1348 N MAIN ST.................................... $405,000 B: Fedrick S Brown & Francella S Brown S: Epoch Investment LLC Book/Page: 37532/296, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $361,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8786sf Prior Sale: $228,000 (10/17) 17 NORTH ST......................................... $550,000 B: Alexandra L Sibert S: Barznab Khan Tr, Tr for 17 North RT Book/Page: 37524/338, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $514,500 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6450sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (12/15) 113 NORTH ST....................................... $390,000 B: Hertelou Villette & Cleonne Villette S: Benny Rodriguez & Nancy Galindo-Rodriguez Book/Page: 37524/319, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $378,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7001sf Prior Sale: $233,000 (01/09) 28 RICHARD RD.................................... $565,000 B: Darnell L Bailey S: Edson Jean & Isabel Jean Book/Page: 37531/114, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $452,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20436sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (05/17) 24 STOUGHTON ST U:A......................... $250,000 B: Danna Clark S: Solange Arnoux Book/Page: 37528/238, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Stearns Lending $237,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $257,000 (09/04) 5 WALDO ST.......................................... $280,000 B: Samuel B DeAlmeida & Ellen B Desouza S: Green Mountain Prop Grp Doc#: 000001438828, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: First Natl Bk $196,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (06/19)

Sharon MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 227 Median Price $525,000

YTD 2019 208 $550,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 BAYBERRY DR U:2........................... $195,000 B: Lynes J Torres S: Karen M Mccann Book/Page: 37531/205, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $185,250 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $157,000 (04/19) 295 MOUNTAIN ST................................ $750,000 B: Richard V Selenow Tr, Tr for Selenow RT S: David Selenow & Hilary J Selenow Book/Page: 37531/132, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 101780sf Prior Sale: $712,000 (05/16)






Stoughton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 300 Median Price $370,000

YTD 2019 278 $399,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 COPPERWOOD DR U:12................... $419,900 B: Eileen Cohen Tr, Tr for Eileen Cohen FT S: Paula C Hirsh Tr, Tr for Hirsh FT Book/Page: 37527/216, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 161 CORBETT RD.................................. $427,000 B: Jose G Lux S: Philip F Obrien & Melanie R Madaio-Obrien Book/Page: 37531/466, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $405,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15090sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (04/00) 49 FRANKLIN ST................................... $330,000 B: Dina Zapata S: Ullock Mark S Est & Gail E Zolluccio Book/Page: 37532/221, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $313,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7560sf 125 GAY ST........................................... $495,000 B: Elizabeth Orsini & Austin Boyt S: Steven R Argentieri & Sujatha Argentieri Book/Page: 37529/214, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $480,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30500sf 122 GREENBROOK DR U:122................ $270,000 B: Charles A Browne Jr & Darnell E Browne S: Kline Warren M Est & Susan B Lasewicz Doc#: 000001438552, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Broker Solutions Inc $256,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $117,000 (11/98) 29 KEITH TER........................................ $557,000 B: Gregory D Carter & Jessica B Carter S: Joanne Campanello & Jeffrey A Benson Book/Page: 37531/135, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $445,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17398sf 33 MARJORIE RD.................................. $307,000 B: Brendan P Slean & Sarah M Slean S: Mary L Giordano Tr, Tr for Mary Lou Giordano 2001 FT Book/Page: 37532/5, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $276,300 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (08/08) 73 PINEWOOD AVE................................ $362,000 B: Roosevelt J Beauzier & Oldine M Paul S: Christopher L Lally & Cicelia A Lally Doc#: 000001438765, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $342,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 20000sf 171 PLEASANT ST................................. $440,000 B: Jiva J Segaran & Radica S Segaran S: Andrew Walsh Tr, Tr for 171 Pleasant Street RT Book/Page: 37525/562, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $330,000 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 12525sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (05/07) 47 PROSPECT ST.................................. $575,000 B: Inesa Stavri & Vasil Stavri S: 47 Prospect LLC Book/Page: 37538/133, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $431,250 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 20650sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (04/18) 80 RIPLEY DR........................................ $711,000 B: Angel Pastrana S: Elliot Schneider Tr, Tr for Vlgs At Goddard Highlnds Book/Page: 37535/51, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $568,800 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 11231sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 4 RALPH MANN DR............................... B: Pioneer Investments LLC S: Pilar Guevara & Wilmington T NA Book/Page: 37537/124, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Stage Point Fund LLC $255,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8693sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (06/05)


Walpole MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 289 Median Price $542,000

YTD 2019 272 $518,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 BROAD ST........................................ B: Michael Tryba & Brittany Tryba S: David Thurber & Mary E Thurber Doc#: 000001438735, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Security First Mtg Fn $340,119 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10128sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (05/18) 26 BULLARD ST.................................... B: George W Byrd S: Timothy W Songin & Diane M Songin Book/Page: 37529/580, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $451,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 22700sf 710 EAST ST U:B................................... B: Erald Salla & Oligerta Rrodhe S: Nancy S Dewar Book/Page: 37531/47, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $254,000 (12/12) 8 MERGANSER WAY U:8....................... B: Judith R Decker S: Peter A Betro Jr Tr, Tr for 10 Charles RT Book/Page: 37536/33, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $314,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $337,000 (05/05) 7 VILLAGE DR........................................ B: Laurel Homes LLC S: Ellen J Stone Book/Page: 37538/157, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Turner Inv Trust $480,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20121sf







YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 358 Median Price $1,388,750

YTD 2019 326 $1,400,500

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 162 Median Price $472,500

YTD 2019 158 $499,950



16 BAY VIEW RD.................................. $1,816,000 B: Yagnik Pandya & Sonia Kolenchary S: Bay View LLC Book/Page: 37533/157, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $1,543,600 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10003sf Prior Sale: $849,900 (11/17) 92 ROYALSTON RD.............................. $1,850,000 B: Verdant Properties LLC S: Heidi Kost-Gross Book/Page: 37528/16, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Needham Bk $2,545,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 45738sf Prior Sale: $897,000 (05/99)

175 CUMBERLAND RD.......................... $970,000 B: Sidiki Fadika & Sharon Fadika S: Ronald J Gillis Jr Tr, Tr for 175 Cumberland Road T Book/Page: 37535/587, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $873,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 101070sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (11/18) 307 FOREST GROVE AVE...................... $385,000 B: Rachel Brevich & Nicholas Testa S: Victoria Pariyar Book/Page: 37522/497, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $346,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 39800sf Prior Sale: $189,500 (08/08) 285 LAFAYETTE AVE............................. $234,600 B: Meridian Custom Homes Inc S: Park Place Wrentham LLC Book/Page: 37530/520, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Park Place Wrentham $105,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 24683sf 305 LAFAYETTE AVE............................. $225,000 B: Lucille V Bailey & Eugene M Bailey S: Park Place Wrentham LLC Book/Page: 37531/171, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Navigant Credit Union $671,200 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 25659sf 400 MADISON ST.................................. $400,000 B: Kathryn L Jefferson & Philip A Jefferson S: Craig A Woodhams Book/Page: 37535/143, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $320,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 90605sf 2035 WEST ST....................................... $550,000 B: Thomas J Prall & Elizabeth Prall S: Patricia L Houlihan Book/Page: 37530/490, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $440,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 87131sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (03/03)

Westwood MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 195 Median Price $775,000

YTD 2019 190 $752,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 84 PARKER ST....................................... B: Daniel J Moore & Melanie Lown S: Gary W Leshinski Book/Page: 37523/424, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $455,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (04/17) 120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2104............... B: Melissa L Simeone S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37525/385, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Pulte Mortgage Corp $201,850 Use: Condo 120 UNIVERSITY AVE U:2107............... B: Daniel J Slowe & Susan A Slowe S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 37526/368, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Condo 51 WESTLAND AVE............................... B: James M Reilly & Colby M Reilly S: Mcgann Jean Est & Elissa G Franco Book/Page: 37527/404, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20865sf





Weymouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 628 Median Price $395,000

YTD 2019 592 $420,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 ARGYLE CT......................................... $395,000 B: Victor A Martignetti & Jennifer A Martignetti S: Venu G Balaga & Jacqueline Balaga Doc#: 000001438532, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $404,480 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10804sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (12/16) 116 BURKHALL ST U:J.......................... $262,500 B: Michael C Seifart S: Kristin W Maher Book/Page: 37530/309, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $84,162 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $178,500 (08/12) 20 CHAPMAN ST U:206......................... $165,000 B: Jodi Willis S: Sharon M Livingston Book/Page: 37532/44, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $160,050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $107,000 (04/99) 106 HOLLIS ST...................................... $420,000 B: Michael Moriarty & Julie Doyle S: Julie A Burke Book/Page: 37532/247, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $401,709 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11000sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (10/13) 25 INGRID RD........................................ $360,000 B: John Hammett S: Robert P Sweeney Jr Book/Page: 37524/404, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $288,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10056sf Prior Sale: $227,000 (10/11) 104 LAKE ST......................................... $389,900 B: Sudhir D Doke S: Donna M Valicenti Tr, Tr for Donna M Valicenti T Book/Page: 37531/283, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $370,405 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11178sf 52 PARKVIEW ST.................................. $542,000 B: Yagna A Ganti & Bhavani Rani S: Sean S Jacobsen & Cindy A Jacobsen Book/Page: 37531/25, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $504,060 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 1190sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (04/14) 386 PLEASANT ST................................. $350,000 B: Roberta M Bergstein & Ayla Axeloons S: Laura Kandler Book/Page: 37535/541, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 22740sf Prior Sale: $329,900 (07/16) 58 SANDTRAP CIR U:58........................ $649,900 B: Kenneth J Morrell S: Asie Abboud Book/Page: 37524/431, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $470,000 (09/11) 37 SCHOOL HOUSE RD U:10................. $390,000 B: Steven A Branson & Cynthia M Branson S: Peter H Bornstein Tr, Tr for Leo Bornstein IRT Book/Page: 37533/221, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $370,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $283,000 (05/13) 192 WEST ST......................................... $575,000 B: Mark W Leonard & Elizabeth A Leonard S: Nina B Bove Book/Page: 37527/510, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $156,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16029sf Prior Sale: $379,900 (02/13)

Plymouth Registry

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

620 BEDFORD ST................................. $1,200,000 B: Celiberti Realty LLC S: Robert E Arthur Tr, Tr for Digger RT Book/Page: 52232/178, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $960,000 Use: Health Spa, Lot: 103941sf 145 BOXWOOD LN................................. $517,000 B: Stephen V Protz & Megan C Protz S: Deborah A Garnett & Gilbert H Garnett Book/Page: 52235/117, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $387,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf 27 CARMEL CIR..................................... $389,900 B: Kaitlin Morelli S: Maureen A Murphy & Keelan E Murphy Book/Page: 52228/334, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $359,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11000sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (01/99) 35-B COTTAGE ST U:35B...................... $354,000 B: Andrise Barreau S: James A Pane Jr Book/Page: 52243/270, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $343,380 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 40 EASY ST........................................... $502,000 B: Patrick J Henderson & Jessica Henderson S: Thomas Henderson & Deborah Henderson Book/Page: 52235/210, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $451,800 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 46949sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (06/13) 15 OAK MEADOW PL U:15.................... $345,000 B: Nelia R Fernandes S: Jonathan Vallarelli & Danielle E Haslam Book/Page: 52237/88, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $258,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $290,000 (06/16) 26 OAK RIDGE LN.................................. $435,000 B: Christopher M Hemmer & Bridget A Hemmer S: Stephen V Protz & Megan C Protz Book/Page: 52233/218, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $391,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 24277sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (11/14) 20 CASSIDY PL U:20............................. $179,104 B: Lauren E Gavin S: Stephanie M Silva Book/Page: 52246/69, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $143,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 599 SOUTH ST....................................... $282,000 B: Carly M Amrhein S: Ellis James H Est & Chad J Ellis Book/Page: 52240/307, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $328,505 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf

John R. Buckley Jr., Esq., Register 32 Belmont St., Brockton, MA 02360 Telephone: (508) 586-6998 Fax: (508) 830-9280


Brockton Satellite Office


For recordings and rundowns of unregistered land: 155 West Elm Street, 2nd floor Brockton, MA 02301 Telephone: (508) 586-6998 Fax: (508) 588-0240

Rockland Satellite Office 900 Hingham Street – Suite 920 Rockland, MA 02370 Telephone: (781) 792-2800 Fax: (781) 792-2424

Abington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 174 Median Price $377,500

YTD 2019 181 $380,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 440 CENTRE AVE................................... $415,000 B: Nora Gay & Jean E Mare S: Glenn R Lapointe Jr Tr, Tr for 440 Centre Avenue T Book/Page: 52247/164, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $394,250 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 7000sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (06/19) 145 COLONEL HUNT DR........................ $418,000 B: Troy Chase & Cherie L Chase S: Roger R Guay Tr, Tr for R C Guay FT Book/Page: 52235/250, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $334,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 25682sf 1117 THAYER ST U:1117...................... $340,000 B: Ashlee P Reid S: Jalila L Adams Book/Page: 52247/57, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $323,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $280,000 (06/17) 45 W CHAPEL ST................................... $260,000 B: Andrezej R Latosiewicz & Zbigniew Latosiewicz S: Joseph Bentley Book/Page: 52243/86, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7444sf

Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 205 Median Price $395,000

YTD 2019 217 $399,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 ANNA MAY CIR.................................. B: Christopher Sabato & Ashley Coffrey S: Alino Rodrigues & Maria Rodrigues Book/Page: 52238/157, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $436,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $435,000 (07/05)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 968 Median Price $290,000 8 BISCAYNE RD..................................... B: Katie M Balboni S: Helen A Logiudice Book/Page: 52240/252, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Bank of Easton $312,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11047sf 103 CHRISTOPHER RD.......................... B: Gina Lee S: Michael P Nye Tr, Tr for M&N RT Book/Page: 52239/32, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $239,112 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10010sf Prior Sale: $188,500 (03/19) 28 CLINTON ST...................................... B: Patricia A Jesus & Antonio F Jesus S: Rosa Rodrigues Book/Page: 52232/54, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $441,849 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4478sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (06/10) 172 COUNTRY CLUB LN........................ B: Sean Galligan S: Jose A Santiago Book/Page: 52241/170, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $304,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17049sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (05/17) 112 CRESTFIELD DR............................. B: Augusto J DaLuz & Augusta A DaLuz S: Matthew L Penardi & Nydia J Alvarez Book/Page: 52241/145, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $334,823 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (11/17) 15 EAGLE AVE U:12............................... B: Olasoji B Martins S: Shawn Wilber Book/Page: 52227/17, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $93,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $95,000 (11/08) 251 FAIRVIEW AVE............................... B: Elizabeth S Karolemeas S: Anthony C Doyle Tr, Tr for Doyle FT Book/Page: 52239/243, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13486sf 92 GERALD AVE.................................... B: Ian Champion S: Maureen L Mckee & Judith A Mcmanus Book/Page: 52239/144, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $274,928 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10315sf 63 GLENDALE ST................................... B: Segundo Guaman S: Jose S Moreira Book/Page: 52246/280, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7919sf Prior Sale: $294,999 (08/09) 22 HAYWARD AVE................................ B: Corey Kearns S: George Morin & Christina Morin Book/Page: 52234/164, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $285,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5689sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (09/18)

YTD 2019 873 $310,000 $390,000

62 LEWISTON ST................................... $305,000 B: Makia N Lemar S: Michael J Kelliher & Mara J Kelliher Doc#: 000000794326, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $289,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12001sf Prior Sale: $239,000 (05/14) 274 LISA DR.......................................... $330,000 B: Melany Teixeira S: Dasilva Enterprises LLC Doc#: 000000794370, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $324,022 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10498sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (09/19) 34 MANCHESTER ST............................. $300,000 B: Kelani S Gibson S: Anthony M Richardi Book/Page: 52234/196, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4047sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (03/00) 108 OAK LN U:12.................................. $80,000 B: Daniel P Gill Jr S: Daniel E Anderson Book/Page: 52241/118, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $55,000 (01/12) 221 OAK ST U:4-33............................... $160,000 B: Karen H Preval S: Rowley Walter F Jr Est & Walter Rowley 3rd Doc#: 000000794297, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $152,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 685 OAK ST U:18-4............................... $165,000 B: Lorena H Silva-Coelho S: A&O Enterprises Co Inc Book/Page: 52240/170, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $156,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $106,000 (10/19) 23 ROCKLAND CIR................................ $455,000 B: Santosha C Gillard S: Nuno A Vieira Tr, Tr for Vieira IRT Book/Page: 52234/285, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $441,350 Use: 5 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12402sf 119 ROSEMARY ST............................... $216,000 B: Barros Realty Group LLC S: Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 52241/126, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10380sf Prior Sale: $258,300 (11/19) 66 S FULLER ST.................................... $299,950 B: Pierre Wesnaica-Jean & Wesnaica J Pierre S: Kenrick A Lashley & Florezel B Lashley Book/Page: 52230/28, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $294,516 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3476sf 85 WESTON ST...................................... $500,000 B: Kariim Sekka & Selina S Sekka S: Residential Property Acq Book/Page: 52228/137, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $490,943 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7954sf Prior Sale: $311,499 (06/19) WILMINGTON ST................................... $60,000 B: Brockton City Of S: A To Z Building&Remodelng Book/Page: 52240/142, Date: 01/17/20



134 ARMISTON ST................................ $179,000 B: Armiston Street Realty S: Jean M Morrison & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 52239/21, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 144619sf 193 PERKINS AVE................................. $120,000 B: Thomas Stryjewski S: Mark Phillips & Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 52230/310, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $118,000 (05/01)

Carver $320,000

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 137 Median Price $339,000

YTD 2019 132 $337,700




PINE ST................................................. $131,250 B: First Colony Development S: Barbara L Cornwell & Eleanor L Robbins Book/Page: 52227/125, Date: 01/15/20 PINE ST................................................. $43,750 B: First Colony Development S: Heikkila Leonard A Sr Est & Leonard A Heikkila Jr Book/Page: 52227/131, Date: 01/15/20 ROCHESTER RD..................................... $131,250 B: First Colony Development S: Barbara L Cornwell & Eleanor L Robbins Book/Page: 52227/125, Date: 01/15/20 ROCHESTER RD..................................... $43,750 B: First Colony Development S: Heikkila Leonard A Sr Est & Leonard A Heikkila Jr Book/Page: 52227/131, Date: 01/15/20

Duxbury $280,000

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 225 Median Price $692,500

YTD 2019 219 $645,000



©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

93 EAST ST.......................................... $1,115,000 B: Tucker F Webb & Alexandra Webb S: Dana A Wirkala & Susan Wirkala Book/Page: 52230/288, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $1,059,250 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 65265sf 21 HUNT FARM DR................................ $787,000 B: Richard Viens & Christine Lazuk S: Tucker Webb Book/Page: 52230/72, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $400,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $765,000 (04/17)

East Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 153 Median Price $361,000

YTD 2019 173 $364,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 CARINA WAY.................................... $440,000 B: Randolph E Sayce & Patricia A Sayce S: Wendy M Jennings Tr, Tr for Jennings RT Book/Page: 52240/22, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10023sf 468 UNION ST....................................... $470,000 B: Michael S Faherty & Lorraine M Faherty S: Phillips Janice M Est & Kevin M Phillips Book/Page: 52229/12, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $461,487 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28000sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 1600 PLYMOUTH ST U:1600................. B: Jake Pylant S: Alicia Locurto & US Bank NA Book/Page: 52239/129, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $200,000 (03/07)


Halifax YTD 2019 91 $354,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 615 TWIN LAKES DR U:615.................. B: Steven Bailey & Paula Bailey S: Dorothy E Breen Book/Page: 52236/292, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $177,000 (03/15)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 160 Median Price $400,000


▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 299 BROADWAY.................................... $444,000 B: Richard Ferrell & Rachel Ferrell S: Taha Kidwai & Rahila Kidwai Doc#: 000000794331, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $410,985 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $330,500 (12/09) CONSTITUTION WAY L:A3A.................. $275,000 B: Delcon Enterprises LLC S: J S Barry Development LLC Book/Page: 52228/77, Date: 01/15/20 65 HOMESTEAD LN............................... $999,000 B: Salvatore J Longo Jr & Lindsey A Longo S: Robert R Mcbride Book/Page: 52232/103, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Liberty Bay CU $799,200 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 42493sf 233 TWIN FAWN DR.............................. $490,000 B: David A Twomey & Suzanne Twomey S: Eugene R Mcnulty Tr, Tr for Mcnulty INT Doc#: 000000794393, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $441,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31363sf 142 WALNUT ST.................................... $420,500 B: Kristine M Bingham & David Bingham S: David A Twomey & Suzanne Twomey Book/Page: 52239/324, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $412,883 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9147sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (02/15) 63 WINDWARD LN................................ $991,000 B: Michael Cammarata & Mariessa Cammarata S: Robert M Mcgee Jr & Stacy Maynard Book/Page: 52227/161, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $792,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38689sf Prior Sale: $810,000 (08/07)

Hanson YTD 2019 141 $380,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 270 HIGH ST.......................................... B: Projects Unlimited Constr S: Water Tower Realty LLC Book/Page: 52247/202, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Summit Capital Mgmt L $255,000 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 35749sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (12/18) 685 MAIN ST......................................... B: Kathryn M Caruso & Patrick J Caruso S: Randolph E Sayce & Patricia A Sayce Book/Page: 52237/189, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $382,837 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33933sf 98 PHILLIPS ST..................................... B: Dylan Schuster & Rachel Schuster S: David Loring & Cynthia A Loring Book/Page: 52227/292, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $267,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 19602sf





▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 COOLIDGE AVE................................. B: Elizabeth A Shafer & Daniel C Harvey S: Mark W Leonard & Elizabeth A Leonard Book/Page: 52232/158, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $683,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9802sf Prior Sale: $284,500 (08/99)

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 145 BEACH AVE.................................... $940,000 B: Michael T Hass & Susan Mckendry S: Judith Hass & Barry Hass Book/Page: 52245/95, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $350,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12764sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (11/01) 304 COMMODORE CT U:304................. $200,000 B: Christine T Cox Tr, Tr for Christine Cox T S: Carol Buchwalter Tr, Tr for Carol Buchwalter RET Book/Page: 52240/226, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $105,000 (05/98) 3 RIVERS EDGE RD U:3......................... $436,000 B: Carmelo Holdings LLC S: Diane Lancaster Tr, Tr for Diane Lancaster 2014 RET Book/Page: 52231/187, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Charlestown Capital $455,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $383,000 (01/03)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 4 SOUTH AVE......................................... $299,739 B: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr S: Thomas A Woods & Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Book/Page: 52229/167, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8134sf Prior Sale: $126,000 (01/99)

Kingston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 203 Median Price $400,000

YTD 2019 211 $415,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 39 POND VIEW DR................................. $770,000 B: George Stavropoulos & Elenie Stavropoulos S: Lisa A Brockway Book/Page: 52240/146, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: NFM Inc $450,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $824,900 (07/04)

Lakeville YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 156 Median Price $359,500

YTD 2019 147 $383,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 154 COUNTY ST.................................... $4,569,331 B: NSA Property Holdings LLC S: William H Markson Tr, Tr for County Road RT Book/Page: 52241/309, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 340943sf 156 COUNTY ST.................................... $4,569,331 B: NSA Property Holdings LLC S: William H Markson Tr, Tr for County Road RT Book/Page: 52241/309, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Commercial Use, Lot: 184998sf 65 MYRICKS ST..................................... $346,000 B: Anthony M Richardi & Nicole B Richardi S: Teresa E Perry Book/Page: 52238/324, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $259,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 128 HEMLOCKS..................................... $140,000 B: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc S: Ronald M Dube & Finance Of American Rever Book/Page: 52237/1, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11637sf Prior Sale: $75,900 (04/98)

Hingham YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 324 Median Price $813,750

YTD 2019 187 $421,000


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 129 Median Price $370,000

18 WOMPATUCK RD............................ $1,102,000 B: Brian P Mcneil & Corie E Mcneil S: Malu LLC & CSLF Alamosa LLC Book/Page: 52234/247, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Citibank Na $991,689 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14651sf Prior Sale: $465,100 (01/18)


Hanover YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 181 Median Price $541,000

119 HALSTED DR U:119........................ $965,000 B: Cathy S Dove S: Justin P Trembath & Alicia L Penney Book/Page: 52245/190, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $750,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $741,700 (10/14) 30 KIMBALL BEACH RD........................ $570,000 B: Matthew Corson & Stacey Corson S: Dartagnon Budz & Tamara A Mayhew-Budz Book/Page: 52226/225, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Inland B&T $520,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 8781sf Prior Sale: $559,000 (07/17) 6 RITTER RD.......................................... $510,000 B: Samantha D Betti S: Christopher Ahl Tr, Tr for Ritter Road RT Book/Page: 52237/164, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $375,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10528sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (03/15) 72 SHARP ST U:9.................................. $555,000 B: LRVS 72 Sharp LLC S: Niwida LLC Book/Page: 52244/282, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: South Shore Bank $277,500 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $220,000 (06/18)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 102 Median Price $344,000



FEBRUARY 3, 2020


Marion MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2019 91 $452,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 FRONT ST......................................... B: Sarah K Mitchell S: MHT Jackson & Marion LLC Book/Page: 52246/326, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: MHT Jackson&Marion $1 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 78731sf




MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 342 Median Price $440,750

YTD 2019 344 $460,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 42 BOURNE PARK AVE.......................... $440,000 B: Stephen P Martin Jr & Colleen F Martin S: Joseph J Belmosto Jr & Jana Belmosto Book/Page: 52238/82, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $418,192 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20121sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (03/11) 18 CAROLINA TRL................................. $409,000 B: Paul M Cosentino & Paul J Consentino S: Doris M Burns Tr, Tr for Doris M Burns FT Book/Page: 52244/73, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $245,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47916sf 689 FOREST ST..................................... $265,000 B: South Shore Spaces LLC S: Priscilla W Macmillan Tr, Tr for Macmillan RT Book/Page: 52236/333, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Stephen R Peterson $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $339,900 (03/02) 56 PILGRIM TRL.................................... $625,000 B: Joseph J Belmosto Jr & Jana E Belmosno S: Peter Krusell & Eric Krusell Book/Page: 52239/280, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $468,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $406,793 (01/19) 30 SPYGLASS LANDING DR U:30......... $529,900 B: Dean C Marks & Susan J Harvey S: John Conley Tr, Tr for Marks FT Book/Page: 52232/206, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $405,000 (12/06) 49 STATESMAN TER............................. $529,900 B: Dean C Marks & Katherine F Marks S: Gerard E Smith Jr & Kathleen Smith Book/Page: 52233/62, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $50,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20245sf 205 WINSLOW ST.................................. $589,000 B: David C Griffin & Janice E Griffin S: Robert B Pronk & Kathleen C Pronk Book/Page: 52235/167, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: TJC Mortgage Inc $471,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10000sf

Mattapoisett MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $422,000

YTD 2019 99 $470,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 108 BRANDT ISLAND RD...................... $416,000 B: Steven J Pontes S: Patricia T Lemieux Book/Page: 52227/93, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $408,465 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 24553sf 3 LAUREL ST......................................... $345,000 B: Stephen B Helm & Julie M Helm S: Noele R Kidney Tr, Tr for Noele R Kidney RET Book/Page: 52229/40, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $140,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (05/16) 86 MARION RD...................................... $340,000 B: Carl Bonnell S: Katherine Home Improv LLC Book/Page: 52238/219, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $340,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26454sf Prior Sale: $139,900 (10/16)

Middleboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 253 Median Price $326,000

YTD 2019 215 $349,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 54 CHERRY ST....................................... $350,000 B: Adrian L Valdez S: Cordeiro Allen M Est & Toni A Cordeiro Book/Page: 52238/106, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $358,050 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9147sf 62 FOREST ST....................................... $285,000 B: Susan Boyle S: Indian Hill LLC Book/Page: 52233/45, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $228,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $166,312 (08/03) 15 LOVELL ST........................................ $171,600 B: Partners Choice Props LLC S: Truist Bank Book/Page: 52246/41, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Stage Point Fund LLC $180,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $169,700 (01/19) 100 PLYMOUTH ST................................ $325,000 B: William R Logan Tr, Tr for B&E RT S: Meaghan Savard Tr, Tr for Gerald E&M Savard IRT Book/Page: 52232/150, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 500790sf PURCHADE ST....................................... $150,000 B: Edward J Medeiros Tr, Tr for D&L RT S: Susan Hubbard Tr, Tr for Pocius FT Book/Page: 52245/64, Date: 01/21/20 4 SUNSET AVE....................................... $300,000 B: Ellen L Kendrick Tr, Tr for Ellen L Kendrick RET S: Lynn A Solberg & Jean L Bartlett Book/Page: 52239/274, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12632sf WHITE TAIL LN...................................... $185,000 B: RMB Assoc LLC S: Georgia T Sophis-Peskar & Steven A Clark 2nd Book/Page: 52243/241, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 80001sf

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 186 Median Price $620,000

YTD 2019 170 $656,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 52 BLACK POND HILL RD..................... $520,000 B: Mary M Nelligan & Nicholas T Festone S: Miller Virginia F Est & Michele M Ellis Doc#: 000000794360, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $494,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44867sf 42 LONGWATER DR............................ $27,500,000 B: Clean Harbors Environment S: RMR OPFCP LP Book/Page: 52233/324, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 693475sf Prior Sale: $7,955,000 (01/04) 80 WASHINGTON ST U:15..................... $250,000 B: Jonathan D Fabrizio Tr, Tr for NRF RT S: Barry R Smith Tr, Tr for Lobrs RT Book/Page: 52231/111, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $170,700 (01/05)

Pembroke MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 224 Median Price $386,000

YTD 2019 231 $399,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 DEVEUVE LN..................................... B: Dana Caldarone & Patricia Caldarone S: Andrew Morgan Book/Page: 52233/254, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 2980sf Prior Sale: $211,000 (09/17) 389 HIGH ST.......................................... B: Paul F Lynch & Heather M Lynch S: Roberta G Leary Book/Page: 52247/287, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40637sf 80 INDIAN TRL...................................... B: Joseph Caristi S: Scott F Regan & Danielle M Regan Book/Page: 52229/194, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 12500sf Prior Sale: $78,000 (07/99)




Plymouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 943 Median Price $367,500

YTD 2019 809 $379,999

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27 BARQUENTINE DR............................ $335,000 B: Stephen Guzman-Mcgrath & Erica Guzman-Mcgrath S: Gerald Romano & Natalie Romano Doc#: 000000794340, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $328,932 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf 58 BOOT POND RD................................ $390,000 B: Daniel V Green & Briana Green S: Adam M Johnson Tr, Tr for Pauline Johnson RET Book/Page: 52229/83, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $370,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41345sf 21 BRALEY LN U:R................................ $165,000 B: Stephanie R Bryson & Margarete B Wood S: Paul D Sferruzza Book/Page: 52231/64, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $156,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 19 BRIGGS AVE..................................... $272,500 B: Lauren Bergeron S: Bayridge Realty LLC Doc#: 000000794280, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $261,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5663sf Prior Sale: $152,500 (01/13) 10 BRUCE RD........................................ $460,000 B: Douglas S Schulz & Kristin W Maher S: Richard D Humbred & Mary A Humberd Doc#: 000000794366, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $368,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 20871sf 30 CAPE VIEW DR................................. $600,000 B: Matthew S Jacobs & Meaghan E Jacobs S: Donald E Mcgowan Tr, Tr for Mcgowan 55 INT Book/Page: 52237/66, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $480,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 9782sf 392 COURT ST....................................... $645,000 B: Karen L Rich & Stephen G Rich Jr S: John Conetta Tr, Tr for Conetta RT Book/Page: 52234/54, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Silver Hill Funding $487,500 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 2430sf Prior Sale: $613,500 (01/07) 147 HALFWAY POND RD....................... $300,000 B: Charles Small S: Julie E Cavanaugh Tr, Tr for Halfway Pond Road T Book/Page: 52230/321, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $220,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 122366sf 27 HAWKS PERCH................................. $630,000 B: James D Wick & Kerri L Wick S: Bigdeli Development Corp Book/Page: 52230/258, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 9229sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (08/19) 31 HITCHING POST................................ $850,000 B: Dana A Wirkala & Susan Wirkala S: Alfred F Danca & Deborah D Danca Book/Page: 52231/29, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $425,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 16530sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (07/05) 2 MARINERS WAY U:311...................... $446,390 B: Donald P White & Patricia A White S: Sawyers Reach LLC Book/Page: 52233/258, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $230,000 Use: Condo 7 MISTY KNL......................................... $400,000 B: Mark J Kane & Leslie P Kane S: Timothy A Costello Tr, Tr for Costello FT Book/Page: 52246/131, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Camden National Bank $392,755 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 6907sf Prior Sale: $366,475 (03/04)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

7 OLD LANGMORE WAY U:7................. $428,000 B: Robert C Peterson S: Paul F Canavan Tr, Tr for Cananvan FT Book/Page: 52241/91, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $253,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $416,062 (04/04) 109 RUSSELL MILLS RD....................... $395,000 B: Kenneth Magno Jr & Megan Magno S: Robert J Fortini & Paul W Goyette Book/Page: 52236/267, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $316,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 34375sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (05/18) 182 SANDWICH ST U:182..................... $590,000 B: Richard Humberd & Mary Humberd S: Joann Rooney Book/Page: 52240/29, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $270,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $570,000 (04/16) 4 SHERIDAN DR.................................... $380,000 B: Ian M Haskins & Juliana Haskins S: Hannelore L Roberts Book/Page: 52240/67, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 20000sf 230 SHIP POND RD............................... $265,500 B: Casey Mckee & Natalie C Mckee S: Pamela E Januse Book/Page: 52241/23, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Redfin Mtg $257,535 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41345sf 330 SHIP POND RD............................... $310,000 B: Darren R Fleet S: Timohty W Dowell & Anne M Dowell Book/Page: 52245/274, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $294,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40473sf Prior Sale: $307,000 (02/19) 1669 STATE RD..................................... $220,500 B: Potential Properties LLC S: Joan M Miller Tr, Tr for G&J RT Book/Page: 52229/336, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $270,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 31326sf 2179 STATE RD..................................... $430,000 B: James F Decoste & Maia Betts S: Kelleher Fine Builders Book/Page: 52232/283, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: First SB $365,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 45701sf Prior Sale: $152,000 (05/19) 4 WINTERBERRY WAY U:4.................... $445,000 B: Debora A Naughton & Michael J Naughton S: Woodger Kristin Est & Marshall S Woodger Book/Page: 52227/158, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 12885sf Prior Sale: $412,532 (05/17) 41 SUNFLOWER WAY............................ $399,145 B: Michele M Conners S: Whitman Homes Inc Book/Page: 52246/300, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $330,000 7 TIDEVIEW PATH U:8........................... $104,000 B: Michael C Garcia S: Christine L Bassett Book/Page: 52238/192, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $93,600 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $39,000 (01/11) 52 WALLWIND DR................................. $15,000 B: Open Gate Property Soltns S: Paul J Mello Book/Page: 52236/327, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 20044sf 7 WEBSTER REACH............................... $550,000 B: Martin Tollins & Karen Tollins S: Evelyn W Bond Tr, Tr for Bond FT Book/Page: 52227/84, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 7052sf Prior Sale: $589,405 (09/04) 9 WHITE ST........................................... $235,000 B: Matthew C Montgomery S: Kenneth A Magno Jr & Megan E Magno Doc#: 000000794322, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $223,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6583sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (04/10) 24 WILDCAT LN..................................... $423,000 B: Anthony J Tassinari & Marielle N Tassinari S: Michael M Defelice Tr, Tr for Defelice-Buckley FT Book/Page: 52230/226, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $347,802 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40038sf 4 WINTERBERRY WAY U:4.................... $445,000 B: Debora A Naughton & Michael J Naughton S: Woodger Kristin Est & Marshall S Woodger Book/Page: 52227/158, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $267,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 12885sf Prior Sale: $412,532 (05/17) 64 WOODY NOOK.................................. $729,995 B: John J Grugan & Kathleen J Grogan S: Toll MA Land LP Book/Page: 52228/262, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: TBI Mortgage Co $400,000

Rochester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 81 Median Price $389,900

YTD 2019 52 $427,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 HORSE NECK DR.............................. B: Paulo M Amaral & Stephanie Amaral S: Connet Woods LLC Book/Page: 52238/61, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $393,600


Rockland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 203 Median Price $339,900

YTD 2019 178 $355,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28 BOXBERRY LN U:28......................... B: Judith Ogar S: Matthew F Burke Book/Page: 52242/226, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $194,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 381586sf Prior Sale: $232,000 (09/15)





283 LEVIN RD........................................ $315,000 B: Nicole M Bekerian S: Rachel A Ferrell & Richard Ferrell Book/Page: 52232/263, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $299,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8414sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (03/16) 117 LIBERTY ST.................................... $282,000 B: Anna M Nam S: Marshall John W Est & Nancy C Marshall Book/Page: 52230/149, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $211,500 Use: 1-Family Conventional, Lot: 23520sf

Scituate MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 310 Median Price $574,500

YTD 2019 300 $599,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 37 JAMES WAY..................................... B: Sean S Jacobsen & Cindy A Jacobsen S: James L Griffin & Mary K Griffin Doc#: 000000794379, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $476,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15919sf 23 TURNER RD...................................... B: Roger Jackson & Susan Ovans S: Laurie Campbell Doc#: 000000794265, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8886sf Prior Sale: $429,000 (11/14)



▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 7 WINSLOW AVE U:7............................. $335,000 B: Mortgage Assets Mgmt LLC S: Thomas S Mcintosh & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 52237/34, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

Wareham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 405 Median Price $267,000

YTD 2019 431 $275,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 39 12TH ST............................................ $160,000 B: Gabriella Priest S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 52238/238, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $155,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3600sf Prior Sale: $56,189 (04/19) 59 BUTLER ST....................................... $252,500 B: Pablo O Camacho & S Casilla-Melendez S: Randall Fernandes Book/Page: 52233/330, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $255,050 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6866sf Prior Sale: $195,250 (05/15) 2335 CRANBERRY HWY........................ $100,000 B: Kenneth Deluze S: Bretto James F Jr Est & Eva Avellino Book/Page: 52235/91, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20771sf 15 DOGWOOD AVE................................ $160,000 B: Gina M Zazza S: Alfred A Zazza & Nancy Zazza Book/Page: 52243/106, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 3600sf 35 GITCHE GUMEE RD........................... $325,000 B: Marrianne Bertocchi S: Gary R Adams Jr Doc#: 000000794310, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $260,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf 149 MAIN ST......................................... $169,000 B: Salvatore A Santolucito S: Thomas Michael B Est & Lillian Thomas Book/Page: 52231/88, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 5673sf 23 MARITIME DR.................................. $417,000 B: Jillian E Price S: Rafael Corona & Maria Corona Book/Page: 52237/271, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 35084sf Prior Sale: $337,000 (12/18)

West Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $339,900

YTD 2019 94 $364,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 86 EAST ST........................................... B: Debora Brancaccio & Ralph Brancaccio S: Bruce E Fullerton Tr, Tr for Fullerton FT Book/Page: 52228/228, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $224,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16988sf


Whitman MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 164 Median Price $330,000

YTD 2019 144 $349,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 269 AUBURN ST.................................... $287,000 B: Cornelius J Connolly S: Daniel S Otto & Michele J Otto Book/Page: 52239/50, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 30340sf Prior Sale: $207,500 (09/13) 6 HENNING DR...................................... $485,000 B: Aaron S Taylor & Alexandria M Taylor S: Raymond L Nelson & Ruth J Nelson Book/Page: 52247/264, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $382,300 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17999sf Prior Sale: $249,900 (02/99) 254 HOGG MEMORIAL DR..................... $468,850 B: Bariqa Wadud & Syed Z Ulhuda S: Stephen G Egan Tr, Tr for Egan Development NT Doc#: 000000794398, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: 2015 12 LLC $375,080

67 JOYCE AVE....................................... $315,000 B: Jacob Stillman S: Aaron S Taylor & Alexandria M Taylor Book/Page: 52245/147, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Washington Tr Co $283,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9200sf 10 NATIONAL DR................................... $455,100 B: Kenneth A Wood & Kristi A Wood S: Stephen G Egan Tr, Tr for Egan Development NT Doc#: 000000794287, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $364,080 262 WINTER ST..................................... $340,000 B: Chrysta J Slayton S: Virginia C Hannigan Book/Page: 52245/256, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $289,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 15159sf

Worcester Registry Kathryn A. Toomey, Esq., Register 90 Front St., Worcester, MA 01608 Telephone: (508) 798-7717 Fax: (508) 798-7746

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 159 Median Price $170,000


East Brookfield




YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $227,450

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 299 Median Price $324,900

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $424,000

YTD 2019 23 $385,000

YTD 2019 178 $170,000


560 HOWE ST........................................ $141,000 B: Michael Pianka & Krzysztof Pianka S: Mccrillis Florence M Est & Paul S Mccrillis Book/Page: 61769/215, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 218671sf 219 PODUNK RD.................................... $315,000 B: Michael Hess S: Paul J Andreozzi Tr, Tr for 219 Podunk Road RT Book/Page: 61759/343, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $315,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 36155sf Prior Sale: $152,000 (08/19)

75 BIRCHWOOD DR............................... B: Leonardo A Angiulo & Emily P Angiulo S: Ahlquist Jr Harold E Est & Gail I Rajala Book/Page: 61755/80, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: IC Credit Union $270,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19166sf 42 EDGEWOOD DR................................ B: Joseph Evangelista S: Leanna Gary J Est & Kimberly A Leanna Book/Page: 61748/79, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $213,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18295sf Prior Sale: $182,000 (06/01) 1350 MAIN ST U:3................................. B: Ivone Czamara S: Martinelli Kathy A Est & Lidsay Taylor Book/Page: 61760/151, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $105,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $135,000 (08/07) 107 WINTER HILL RD............................ B: Jeanne E Chaclas S: Jacqueline M Tremblay Book/Page: 61761/14, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $220,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20004sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (08/07)

Blackstone MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 75 Median Price $293,000

YTD 2019 93 $291,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 169 ELM ST........................................... $367,500 B: David L Rogers & Pamela A Rogers S: John C Staples Book/Page: 61755/181, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $294,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 118579sf 31 MAIN ST........................................... $223,000 B: Karen Washkewits S: Scott F White Tr, Tr for 31 Main Street RT Book/Page: 61757/114, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $211,350 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2515sf Prior Sale: $55,000 (05/17)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $572,500

YTD 2019 78 $597,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 83 QUAKER LN...................................... B: Robert J Feeley & Ashley L Feeley S: Jason Luscher Book/Page: 61751/290, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $343,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 87991sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (10/15)



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 153 Median Price $284,900 YTD 2019 232 $274,950 $280,000


YTD 2019 165 $310,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 69 PRINCE RD....................................... B: Brianna L Verzillo & Jonathan F Prouty S: Brian Silun & Jo-Lynn Silun Book/Page: 61749/31, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $295,715 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 300564sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (08/12) 443 WORCESTER RD............................. B: D&L Ventures LLC S: James O Walsh & Thomas C Mccabe Book/Page: 61754/172, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 63000sf




YTD 2019 113 $325,000


88 DEPOT ST......................................... $288,500 B: Kimberly Golosh S: Deanna Lavigne Book/Page: 61756/371, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $274,075 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23458sf 220 PERRY ST....................................... $356,000 B: Ryan Ferreira & Leann Ferreira S: Paul T Stanhope & Margaret J Stanhope Book/Page: 61768/155, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 91476sf Prior Sale: $213,452 (08/00)



YTD 2019 70 $225,000



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 146 Median Price $262,778

YTD 2019 124 $273,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 INTERVALE RD................................. B: Norman Boilard S: JK 2 Financial Services Book/Page: 61753/134, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $266,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $270,617 (12/19) 18 KENNEDY AVE................................... B: Mark Meleski S: Mark Meleski & Jody Meleski Book/Page: 61758/375, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12564sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (06/99)

YTD 2019 238 $216,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 108 CENTURY WAY U:108..................... B: Cassondra L Lavigne S: Raymond T Cormier Book/Page: 61760/291, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $162,657 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 66 EUCLID ST........................................ B: Reza Husain S: James T Parker & Nancy E Parker Book/Page: 61759/248, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $194,315 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (06/17) 390 TEMPLE ST..................................... B: Dean R Vaillancourt S: Leblanc Ronald R Est & Elise E Leblanc Book/Page: 61761/180, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Plaza Home Mtg $109,791 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 849307sf





▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 244 MAGILL DR U:244.......................... $332,450 B: Brian A Connelly S: Shamsnaz V Bhada Tr, Tr for Shamsnaz V Bhada T 2018 Book/Page: 61761/67, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $315,827 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 174240sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (10/14) 9 MILLSTONE DR.................................. $606,000 B: Daniel Tenanes & Amy Tenanes S: Elite Home Builders LLC Book/Page: 61751/111, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $545,400 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 56988sf 1 WHITNEY ST....................................... $495,681 B: Bank New York Mellon Tr S: Robert G Maxwell & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 61751/200, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41306sf Prior Sale: $596,000 (08/03)

YTD 2019 20 $255,700




▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 1926 BARRE RD.................................... $179,000 B: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr S: Mary J Maguire & Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 61753/338, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $174,000 (05/05)

Harvard MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 74 Median Price $624,500


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 Median Price $350,000

YTD 2019 55 $356,845

53 BANCROFT PARK U:53..................... B: Teresa Arcudi S: Gail Wickstrom Book/Page: 61751/156, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $237,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $101,000 (01/99)


Hubbardston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 66 Median Price $257,250

YTD 2019 50 $259,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 ED CLARK RD................................... B: Robert Grose & Roxanne Grose S: Louise E Owens Book/Page: 61756/61, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $116,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 174090sf


Lancaster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 78 Median Price $367,000

YTD 2019 85 $387,550

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 CRESCENT ST.................................. B: Kevin P Shepard S: Arthur D Traylor & Debra L Traylor Book/Page: 61748/186, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $308,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (09/04)


Leicester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 135 Median Price $250,000

YTD 2019 122 $250,500



133 MECHANIC ST................................ B: Kimberly Pagnoni S: Skiba Realty Investors Book/Page: 61759/266, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $190,605 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $67,700 (11/18)




YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $200,000



38 KEYES RD......................................... $160,000 B: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA S: Rebecca Mahoney & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 61750/202, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19437sf Prior Sale: $136,500 (04/12) 225 STONE ST....................................... $83,640 B: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA S: Christine Wright & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 61756/109, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 38500sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (05/08)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 188 Median Price $381,000





YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 247 Median Price $200,000


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 118 Median Price $328,950





765 HUBBARDSTON RD........................ B: Robert L Dambra & Angela M Merulla S: June A Locke Book/Page: 61761/148, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $166,877 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 69696sf 1560 PLEASANT ST............................... B: Samuel Smith & Kayla Pugliese S: Matthew J Zarif & Nellie R Zarif Book/Page: 61758/355, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Security First Mtg Fn $188,275 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 53504sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (02/14)

S MAPLE ST........................................... $2,000 B: Mark S Foss Tr, Tr for Brookfield Woods RT S: Martha Taylor Book/Page: 61758/101, Date: 01/17/20 WALNUT ST............................................ $2,000 B: Mark S Foss Tr, Tr for Brookfield Woods RT S: Martha Taylor Book/Page: 61758/101, Date: 01/17/20



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 73 Median Price $205,000

YTD 2019 37 $255,000



246 CENTRAL ST................................... B: Kushtrim Isufi S: Mcgovern William C Est & Laurel M Day Book/Page: 61762/28, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $270,655 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33727sf 20 COURVILLE RD................................. B: Michel Perritt S: Glen G StMartin Book/Page: 61768/354, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 222043sf 601 HERITAGE LN U:601....................... B: Jane A Gaffney & Robert J Danna Jr S: Ashley M Gustafson Book/Page: 61760/260, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $190,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $175,000 (03/10) 19 MOUNT VIEW AVE............................ B: Jacob R Turcotte S: Lawrence F Army Book/Page: 61746/24, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $314,204 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22767sf Prior Sale: $243,000 (08/13) 10 SHARY LN........................................ B: Hisham M Jaber S: Mohamed Jaber Book/Page: 61759/169, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Central One FCU $100,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12650sf Prior Sale: $159,000 (05/00)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $226,900




Auburn YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 274 Median Price $267,500


Brookfield $210,000

YTD 2019 288 $352,500

SOUTH ST.............................................. $85,000 B: Edward M Munter S: Arthur P Lange Book/Page: 61758/310, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 39319sf

182 COTTAGE ST................................... B: John Giles S: Elaine R Gagne & Louis A Gagne Jr Book/Page: 61757/384, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $112,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6750sf Prior Sale: $33,250 (06/12) 140 OLD KEENE RD............................... B: Donna J Caouette S: Mark Neverett Book/Page: 61757/33, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $307,800 268 ORCHARD ST.................................. B: Alysia M Morrissette S: Caitlyn E Mcguirk Book/Page: 61759/294, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: IC Credit Union $168,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52272sf Prior Sale: $8,000 (08/14) 44 RIDGE RD......................................... B: Paul Sundstrom S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 61767/357, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 32988sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (09/19) 273 VINE ST.......................................... B: Samuel I Williams & Amanda G Williams S: Francis L Chase & Tammy M Coller Book/Page: 61747/164, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $187,106 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11360sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (12/13)


YTD 2019 33 $242,000







FEBRUARY 3, 2020

YTD 2019 65 $610,000

201 BALDWIN ST.................................. $330,000 B: David Blonder S: Victor M Taylor Book/Page: 61761/301, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Zillow Home Loans $310,200 Use: County/municipality Property, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (11/02) 10 FERNCROFT RD................................ $260,000 B: Holly J Pagan S: Syed Construction LLC Book/Page: 61756/309, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $251,322 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 13812sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (06/19) 355 PLEASANT ST................................. $206,000 B: Trina R Fields S: Norman L Boilard Book/Page: 61750/220, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $195,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $171,900 (09/15) 39 SALMINEN DR.................................. $285,000 B: Edward F Russo Tr, Tr for Salminen Avenue RT S: Raymond F Boucher Book/Page: 61745/264, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 17350sf Prior Sale: $43,667 (09/12)




62 OLD LITTLETON RD U:1................... $270,000 B: 62 Old Littleton Road LLC S: Kenneth A VanWormer Tr, Tr for Hill NT Book/Page: 61747/23, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Gloria J Levine $1,200,000 Use: Condo 12 TRAIL RIDGE WAY U:D..................... $573,970 B: Hugh Holman & Francine Graillot-Holman S: Normandin Group At Trail Book/Page: 61771/77, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Possible New Construction

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 69 Median Price $441,000

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2019 65 $495,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 LOCUST HILL DR................................ $622,857 B: Ryan Robinson & Colleen Robinson S: George Gallagher Tr, Tr for Sylvan Springs RT Book/Page: 61757/148, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $492,923 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 60113sf



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 278 Median Price $340,000

YTD 2019 255 $355,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 13 GIBBON AVE..................................... $365,000 B: Maria F Tersarotto & Ricardo Tersarotto S: Rolande L Parent Book/Page: 61752/139, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $273,750 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6499sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (06/15) 29 GODFREY LN U:29............................ $272,500 B: Patricia A Reinsel S: Thomas M Olson & Alexis Larter Book/Page: 61768/319, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $100,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $215,000 (07/18) 39 IADAROLA AVE................................. $565,900 B: Mohamed Fakira & Ednalda Fakira S: D&F Afonso Builders Inc Book/Page: 61761/94, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $537,605 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 15059sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/06) 5 KATE LN U:29..................................... $560,350 B: Richard A Parabicoli & Vicki J Parabicoli S: Snowflake LLC Book/Page: 61745/385, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $170,000 Use: Condo 28 ROLAND WAY................................... $520,000 B: Alexander S Hulme & Michaella B Hulme S: Mark Gomes & Lydia Gomes Book/Page: 61766/374, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $416,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45024sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (09/16) 5 SHADOWBROOK LN U:4..................... $174,400 B: Rafael B Jalles S: David B Radcliff Book/Page: 61758/254, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $156,960 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $114,000 (04/08) 36 SPRING ST....................................... $369,000 B: Debra R Prudhomme S: Chris Hayes & Antero Lopes Book/Page: 61752/174, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $377,487 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3001sf Prior Sale: $157,000 (03/09) 77 WEST ST........................................... $276,500 B: Phillip Borghi & Elizabeth Scanlon S: Sunshine Easton Realty Book/Page: 61759/149, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $256,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5166sf Prior Sale: $177,500 (04/19)

Millbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 148 Median Price $280,200

YTD 2019 138 $300,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 CEDAR AVE...................................... $285,000 B: Yeni Guerra-Silva S: James G Boliver Tr, Tr for Mary C Boliver T Book/Page: 61761/124, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $279,837 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11350sf 30 HERRICKS LN................................... $380,000 B: David S Zanoni S: Daniel F Girard Jr & Rebecca Girard Book/Page: 61753/222, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $342,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25764sf Prior Sale: $309,000 (05/04)

Millville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $256,900

YTD 2019 28 $239,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 223 CHESTNUT HILL RD....................... $311,000 B: Christopher Mazza & Ellen Foley S: Edward Mcnamara Tr, Tr for Mcnamara FT Book/Page: 61759/125, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $305,367 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 71874sf 133 PROVIDENCE ST U:E...................... $170,000 B: Kayla C Staples S: Turning Point Investments Book/Page: 61749/64, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bank of Rhode Island $161,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $52,134 (11/19)




YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 184 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 413 Median Price $417,500

YTD 2019 184 $445,000



16 COLBURN ST.................................... $420,000 B: Sampath E Pathirana & A K Wagoda-Pathirage S: Marcelo Generoso & Marcelle S Silva Book/Page: 61768/81, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $357,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21392sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (12/15) 6 FISK DR U:6........................................ $315,000 B: Tamara Toto & Kevin Toto S: James S Elbe Tr, Tr for Fisk Drive RT Book/Page: 61752/379, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $293,000 (10/12) 10 INCREASE WARD DR....................... $365,000 B: Dudley W Darling & Diane Darling S: Beverly Lieberman Book/Page: 61748/234, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Leominster CU $292,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 40437sf 152 NORTHGATE RD............................. $305,000 B: Ian Parsons S: Bruder Patricia Ann Est & Cynthia Bruder Book/Page: 61745/115, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Navy FCU $289,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21048sf

19 CAMELOT DR................................... $700,000 B: Jonathan K Ralys & Kristy L Ralys S: Jose V Ramirez & Lisa M Ramirez Book/Page: 61746/216, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $485,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28616sf Prior Sale: $635,500 (11/08) 67 EDGEWOOD RD................................ $360,000 B: Ronan C Barros & Diva M Barros S: Jonathan Justiniano Book/Page: 61768/381, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $345,186 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 11178sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (09/19) 32 FYRBECK AVE.................................. $295,000 B: Gina Alves & Gearlisson B Rocha-Alves S: Doris P Macdonald & Allan G Macdonald Jr Book/Page: 61765/342, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $289,656 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11250sf 5 POINT RD U:2..................................... $629,000 B: Prakash K Kini & Pooja Kini S: Nelson Point LLC Book/Page: 61748/355, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $503,200 Use: Condo 152 SPRING ST..................................... $445,000 B: Linto John & Prabha Linto S: Robert P Anderson & Frances J Mckellar Book/Page: 61752/45, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $422,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $404,900 (06/14) 5 STONEY HILL RD................................ $707,500 B: Mark T Crane & Charlene Delrosario S: Nihal A Dalvi Tr, Tr for 5 Stoney Hill Road RT Book/Page: 61761/359, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: US Bank NA $207,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 91912sf Prior Sale: $739,900 (07/07)

Northbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 154 Median Price $320,000

YTD 2019 163 $349,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 105 BROOKWAY DR.............................. $432,000 B: Douglas F Pavone & Deanna Pavone S: Chad M Talbott & Paige C Talbott Book/Page: 61743/337, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $345,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 56988sf Prior Sale: $445,000 (10/06) 1737 QUAKER ST.................................. $415,000 B: Brandon Gobeille & Linda L Gobeille S: William Roy & Michelle Roy Book/Page: 61761/323, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $399,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 51326sf 282 SAMUEL DR.................................... $455,000 B: Mathieu M Beauregard & Ami K Beauregard S: Achuta Gonnabathula & Narahari Madusudhana Book/Page: 61754/178, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $432,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20300sf Prior Sale: $457,725 (06/04)

Oxford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 149 Median Price $247,250

YTD 2019 151 $258,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 CAREY LN........................................... $280,000 B: Nicholas J Degon S: Dina Costa Book/Page: 61757/94, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $266,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (06/12) 6 CHERDON LN...................................... $350,000 B: Kenny Le & Jourdan Le S: Mathieu M Beauregard & Ami K Beauregard Book/Page: 61751/313, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 23087sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (05/17) 6 CHRIS RD........................................... $286,000 B: Matthew W Carlsen S: Courtney J Carlsen & Tom R Gentry Book/Page: 61768/124, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $280,819 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60984sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (01/03) 10 CHRIS RD......................................... $145,000 B: Urzula Desilets S: FNMA Book/Page: 61762/251, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 40946sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (07/19)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $237,000

YTD 2019 30 $220,950



1 CHASE RD.......................................... B: Austin J Grenevich S: Lisa M Ducharme Book/Page: 61751/54, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $255,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33106sf 1 EDNA CIR U:1..................................... B: Sonja L Craig S: Austin J Grenevich & Joseph F Grenevich Book/Page: 61745/179, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $139,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 436sf Prior Sale: $87,200 (05/14) 5 NURSERY AVE.................................... B: Bryan J Carney S: Peter Georges & Giselle Georges Book/Page: 61769/188, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $184,320 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (09/15) 115 SUMMER ST................................... B: Herbert F Seymour 3rd S: Worcester Community Hsng Book/Page: 61750/289, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (12/19)

200 WILLIAMSVILLE RD....................... B: Craig J StCyr & Rachel L Lynch S: Edgewater Construction Book/Page: 61758/388, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $256,048



YTD 2019 409 $444,000



North Brookfield YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 Median Price $215,000



FEBRUARY 3, 2020


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 147 Median Price $199,000

YTD 2019 145 $211,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 421 CHARLTON ST................................ $175,000 B: Jordan L Scharff & Cassinda Scharff S: Jesse C Thomas & Jessica Thomas Book/Page: 61753/377, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $171,830 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $122,000 (09/02) 728 CHARLTON ST................................ $230,000 B: Steven R Vitale & Sharon J Vitale S: William M Pupalaikis & Barbara A Pupalaikis Book/Page: 61743/390, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $222,323 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $163,000 (03/10) 127 CHESTNUT ST................................ $212,000 B: Anthony Rodriguez S: Brianna L Verzillo Book/Page: 61746/279, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $208,160 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14500sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (01/16) 197 COURNOYER BLVD......................... $269,567 B: William B Spence & Edelmira A Spence S: Donald Cournoyer Jr Tr, Tr for SCKD RT Book/Page: 61753/287, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Southbridge CU $45,000 48 FAIRMOUNT AVE.............................. $65,000 B: Paul Alger S: FNMA Book/Page: 61758/278, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8561sf Prior Sale: $35,000 (10/19) 34 MARIA AVE U:D................................ $108,000 B: Eric M Silva S: Costa S Rapo & Sonja A Rapo Book/Page: 61751/24, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $142,000 (02/06) 69 PRINCE RD....................................... $347,900 B: Brianna L Verzillo & Jonathan F Prouty S: Brian Silun & Jo-Lynn Silun Book/Page: 61749/31, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $295,715


YTD 2019 125 $335,900




14 BLUEBERRY LN................................ $292,000 B: Sean J Wessell S: Anthony P Sinkewich & Nancy L Sinkewich Book/Page: 61758/37, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $286,711 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13068sf 26 SOUCY DR U:13................................ $292,900 B: Anthony P Sinkewich Tr, Tr for Sinkewich RT S: J M Soucy Contracting Inc Book/Page: 61761/175, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Condo

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 15 SMITHVILLE RD................................ $210,000 B: FNMA S: Emile R Gaucher & Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 61771/172, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17451sf

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 89 Median Price $375,000

YTD 2019 86 $365,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 85 JOHN DEE RD................................... $351,500 B: Sonja R Guddat S: Clinton SB Book/Page: 61761/289, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (09/19) 7 STILL RIVER RD................................. $287,900 B: Jonathan E Hatch S: Kathleen Johnson-Petit & Richard Labouef Jr Book/Page: 61771/87, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $273,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 46174sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (06/17)

Sturbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 129 Median Price $320,000

YTD 2019 136 $326,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 143 MAIN ST......................................... $145,000 B: Tiffany Wassmer S: Candace L Galonek Book/Page: 61746/263, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Southbridge CU $135,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 31799sf 79 MCGILPIN RD................................... $87,000 B: Jeffrey M Stone S: Marin Realty Inc Book/Page: 61758/237, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Marin Realty Inc $78,500 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 161172sf 5 MEREDITH WAY................................. $465,100 B: Joshua C Cole & Amber Cole S: T Reardon Builders Inc Book/Page: 61753/115, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $372,080 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 30927sf 205 NEW BOSTON RD........................... $60,000 B: Betti-Ann Tatro & Clifton Tatro S: Betti-Ann Tatro Tr, Tr for Benoit FT Book/Page: 61746/334, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25700sf

Sutton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 111 Median Price $360,000

YTD 2019 137 $360,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 LAKEVIEW CIR.................................... $431,500 B: Michael Lachance & Caroline Barr S: David W Gunness & Kathryn A Gunness Book/Page: 61752/71, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $345,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52891sf 28 MAIN ST........................................... $229,900 B: Serv Electrical Systems S: Joseph E Fitzpatrick & Janine Fitzpatrick Book/Page: 61748/291, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $180,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (03/05)

Templeton YTD 2019 123 $240,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 58 CARRUTH RD.................................... B: Susan M Thibeault S: Alan Drouin Book/Page: 61752/167, Date: 01/16/20





40 HIGH ST............................................ B: Maritza Martinez & Richard Martinez S: Cook Suzanne M Est & Justin M Cook Book/Page: 61761/385, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $265,831 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 10890sf 22 LINCOLN ST...................................... B: Hope Holmes & Tyler Saphirak S: William D Grenier & Gary P Grenier Book/Page: 61751/246, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $186,240 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 38430sf 254 MAIN ST......................................... B: Richard Scales S: Kimberly K Foley Book/Page: 61768/251, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $195,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20979sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (07/16)




MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 101 Median Price $460,000

Uxbridge YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 147 Median Price $332,500

YTD 2019 150 $333,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 ADAMS CT U:1................................... $161,100 B: Kirolis Andrawis S: Sean Nelligan & Hannah M Arbuthnot Book/Page: 61762/155, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $153,045 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,000 (10/04) 91 ELM ST U:6....................................... $144,200 B: Davienne Long S: Alexander D Fleury & Lisa L Hua Book/Page: 61754/325, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $141,588 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $73,000 (09/13) 104 E HARTFORD AVE U:2.................... $139,000 B: Joshua R Poirier S: Roger Jackson & Susan Ovans Book/Page: 61762/187, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $132,050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 25 JOHNSON RD................................... $410,000 B: Garrett Baretto & Emily L Buratto S: Luc E Gervais & Sally A Gervais Book/Page: 61755/199, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Navigant Credit Union $240,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 87120sf 11 LAKE ST U:A..................................... $257,400 B: Ines Arenas-Pena S: Michael Sullivan & Verena R Sullivan Book/Page: 61758/135, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $244,530 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $264,900 (10/18) 810 QUAKER HWY................................. $350,000 B: JMB Enterprises Inc S: Uxbridge Realty Corp Book/Page: 61749/361, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Michael Oconnor $325,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 44431sf

Warren MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 83 Median Price $214,000

YTD 2019 50 $203,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 189 COMINS POND RD.......................... B: Erik J Lavigne Jr & Deanna Lavigne S: Laurie A Mccarthy Book/Page: 61760/251, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 14374sf Prior Sale: $83,500 (04/00) 2246 MAIN ST....................................... B: Joyce Bressem S: Pamela Dritt Book/Page: 61769/227, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Country Bank $100,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5662sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (01/03)



Webster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 189 Median Price $242,800

YTD 2019 194 $250,000


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 122 Median Price $237,000

1 SUMMERS CIR................................... $560,000 B: Bethany L Brackett S: Grove Upton Development Book/Page: 61760/244, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 25870sf WILLIAMS ST........................................ $40,000 B: James A Mccarthy 3rd Tr, Tr for Mccarthy RET S: Betsy J Sadler Tr, Tr for Betsy J Sadler RT Book/Page: 61755/351, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 409464sf







22 GLENWOOD AVE............................... $136,000 B: John D Holdcraft S: Christopher M Mongeon & Carington Mortgage Svcs Book/Page: 61753/271, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12700sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (05/08)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 119 Median Price $225,000

Rutland YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 124 Median Price $339,510


205 N SPENCER RD.............................. B: Mariah A Bosse & Zachary J Powers S: Robert J Lavallee Book/Page: 61744/324, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $245,746 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 321360sf

YTD 2019 97 $463,000

25 KNOWLTON CIR U:25....................... $355,000 B: Hitesh D Oswal & Aarti Oswal S: Prakash K Kini & Pooja Kini Book/Page: 61747/293, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Central One FCU $319,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $302,000 (05/16) 54 KNOWLTON CIR U:54....................... $180,000 B: Giannoula Stamopoulos S: Georgios Kourkouliotis & Stela Kourkouliotis Book/Page: 61752/269, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $96,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $160,000 (02/05) MAIN ST................................................ $85,000 B: Richard A Perkins Tr, Tr for R A Perkins T S: Marguerite M Manguso & Margaret Manguso Book/Page: 61751/276, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 19166sf 15 PLEASANT ST................................... $280,000 B: Stephen M Cronin S: Paul Cronin & Denise Cronin Book/Page: 61767/63, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $195,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 32670sf Prior Sale: $278,000 (03/18)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

28 ELM ST............................................. $275,000 B: Christian Domenech S: V&J LLC Book/Page: 61752/104, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $251,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 9099sf Prior Sale: $154,000 (06/19) 17 KONKEL AVE.................................... $355,000 B: Enrique Valentin & Yeida L Gonzalez-Martinez S: Alisha N Ellis Book/Page: 61747/216, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $355,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14854sf Prior Sale: $238,000 (06/14) 16 PATTISON RD................................... $735,500 B: JWW Building Technology S: Gloria A Brown Book/Page: 61745/155, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 17898sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (09/13) 44 POINT PLEASANT RD....................... $375,000 B: Robert W Marshall 3rd & Debra J Curran S: Robert W Marshall 3rd & Donna L Spicer Book/Page: 61763/148, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5000sf 12 PROSPECT ST.................................. $292,500 B: Eric Ruscitti Tr, Tr for RC INT S: Harold R Bembenek & Mary Conrad Book/Page: 61770/302, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: CMP Holdings LLC $284,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4314sf Prior Sale: $99,900 (08/99) 12-R PROSPECT ST............................... $292,500 B: Eric Ruscitti Tr, Tr for RC INT S: Harold R Bembenek & Mary Conrad Book/Page: 61770/302, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: CMP Holdings LLC $284,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5053sf 1 SYLVESTER DR.................................. $247,000 B: Breanna Pianka & Joseph Mason S: James D Keller & Meghan C Keller Book/Page: 61760/36, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $242,526 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25000sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (02/15)




West Boylston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 92 Median Price $306,950

YTD 2019 87 $310,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 95 STERLING ST.................................... B: Michael D Cavicchi & Ashley L Page S: Kevin W Johnson & Justine E Johnson Book/Page: 61769/337, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $306,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 35284sf Prior Sale: $302,000 (08/16)


West Brookfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $239,900

YTD 2019 43 $255,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 SHEA RD........................................... B: Erin C Hebert S: Richard A Chaffee Book/Page: 61761/207, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Polish National CU $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 94090sf


Westborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 184 Median Price $527,500

YTD 2019 154 $524,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 ADAMS ST........................................ $440,000 B: Manoj K Sinha & Richa Sinha S: Robert J Sikes Book/Page: 61747/266, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $426,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 25008sf Prior Sale: $351,300 (03/13) 6 JACOB JONES WAY........................... $775,000 B: Suvojit Dutta & Debalina Dutta S: Leone Silver Cynthia Est & Kimberly N Dunker Book/Page: 61749/228, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $510,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 66120sf

Winchendon MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 136 Median Price $191,250

YTD 2019 134 $221,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 205 SPRING CIR U:A............................. $68,000 B: Toytowne 302B LJS LLC S: Terri Witts Book/Page: 61743/50, Date: 01/15/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $46,000 (07/17) 52 W SHORE DR.................................... $467,900 B: Scott D Bullen & Lorraine R Bullen S: Richard D Thibeault Jr & Susan M Thibeault Book/Page: 61751/34, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 18730sf Prior Sale: $372,500 (07/08) 230 WEST ST......................................... $189,900 B: Jeffrey A Costa S: Nathan Lajoie Book/Page: 61755/9, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $191,818 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 70785sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (09/06)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 214 BALDWINVILLE RD......................... $241,859 B: US Bank NA Tr S: Katherine A Russell & Kenneth L Russell Book/Page: 61751/233, Date: 01/16/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 130680sf

Worcester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1,385 Median Price $238,000

YTD 2019 1,290 $255,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 ADELLE CIRCUIT.............................. $300,000 B: Shawn Loiseau S: Brenda A Richard Book/Page: 61769/282, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 22563sf 11 ADELLE CIRCUIT.............................. $300,000 B: Shawn Loiseau S: Brenda A Richard Book/Page: 61769/282, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $225,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 22563sf 13 ADELLE CIRCUIT.............................. $300,000 B: Shawn Loiseau S: Brenda A Richard Book/Page: 61769/282, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $225,000 100 APTHORP ST.................................. $226,500 B: Jean M Anderson-Smith S: Stanley J Ostaszewski Book/Page: 61760/194, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $215,175 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9913sf 39 ARBUTUS RD.................................... $255,000 B: Kate Loughlin-Mysliwicz S: Maryellen Lovinsky & James A Lovinsky Book/Page: 61746/393, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $204,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7620sf 36 BEACONSFIELD RD.......................... $249,205 B: David P Prendiville Jr & Sarah E Bakun S: Christine Zecker Book/Page: 61770/35, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $244,690 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10820sf Prior Sale: $227,200 (05/17) 35 BJORKLUND AVE............................. $310,000 B: Faith Tirendi & David Tirendi S: Heidi Anderson & Clarence C Anderson Jr Book/Page: 61749/174, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $248,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 8137sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (12/15)

18 BLANCHE ST.................................... $302,000 B: Steve N Gaval Tr, Tr for 18 Blanche Street RT S: Dawn E Foster Tr, Tr for Foster LT Book/Page: 61748/72, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Steve Nader Gaval $303,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5059sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (06/12) 11 BLITHEWOOD TER............................ $285,000 B: Stella Duah S: Rishi Bhatia Tr, Tr for RKRJ T Book/Page: 61746/158, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $14,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 4157sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (08/08) 407 CAMBRIDGE ST U:22..................... $255,900 B: Wei Zhao S: Gold Star Builders Inc Book/Page: 61759/25, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $204,720 Use: Condo 407 CAMBRIDGE ST U:C11................... $240,000 B: Naana A Atta S: Goldstar Builders Inc Tr Book/Page: 61757/352, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $228,000 Use: Condo 3 CAMP ST............................................ $179,900 B: Lina L Torres S: Central City Properties Book/Page: 61747/64, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $170,905 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3699sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (09/19) 64 CHINO AVE....................................... $200,000 B: Nadia Elabbar S: Erik J Leufstedt Book/Page: 61753/195, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $160,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $104,500 (03/12) 154 COMMONWEALTH AVE.................. $255,000 B: Christina Mcbride-Riggier S: Diane R Mcbride Book/Page: 61758/321, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $247,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 5800sf 3 DIGREGORIO DR................................. $105,000 B: Kevin L Mercadante Tr, Tr for Digregorio Drive RT S: Gemstone Investment Co Book/Page: 61746/361, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10775sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (12/11) 17 ELLIOT ST......................................... $209,000 B: Tracy J Forde S: Santos Contractor Co Book/Page: 61770/132, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $205,214 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3713sf Prior Sale: $94,093 (03/19) 60 ELM ST U:12..................................... $127,000 B: Sally Kent & James Woodward S: David Beardsley Book/Page: 61760/23, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $64,000 (03/15) 27 EUCLID AVE...................................... $350,000 B: Hung Lam S: Robert Ackerman Jr Book/Page: 61757/246, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $343,660 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4655sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (04/14) 36 FAIRFIELD ST................................... $349,000 B: Claudia B Vasquez & Gisselle X Arredondo S: Tran Diep Book/Page: 61762/235, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $342,678 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4665sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (04/19) 242 FAIRMONT AVE.............................. $256,500 B: Ashley Palomeque & Fanny Gomez-Oyervide S: Souhair A Mcdonald & Ronald J Mcdonald Book/Page: 61770/54, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Eastern Bank $248,805 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5421sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (03/04) 14 FREMONT ST.................................... $45,000 B: Gregg Migridichian S: Antoinette Donovan Book/Page: 61751/31, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Industrial Devlpble Land, Lot: 8381sf 68 GARDNER ST.................................... $75,000 B: CP 58 Gardner Street LLC S: Waterstone Property Inc Book/Page: 61750/373, Date: 01/16/20 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 60113sf 7 HARWICH ST...................................... $265,000 B: Thomas P Troy S: Samantha Rob LLC Book/Page: 61758/115, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $212,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11105sf Prior Sale: $119,500 (07/19) 39 HIGHLAND ST................................... $275,000 B: Lenox Investments LLC S: Lifestream Healthcare Book/Page: 61756/139, Date: 01/17/20 76 INDIAN HILL RD............................... $125,000 B: Jose E Chaves & Paula C Chaves S: Michael J Hennigan Book/Page: 61767/210, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Comeras FT $180,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7500sf 24 INDIAN LAKE PKWY......................... $178,416 B: WPS Revest LLC S: Frances Petralis-Bitteker Book/Page: 61767/273, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 13610sf 16 ISABELLA ST.................................... $285,000 B: Michael A Sandoval S: Ronald R Orcutt & Deborah A Orcutt Book/Page: 61746/102, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $279,837 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15625sf 340 LAKE AVE....................................... $365,000 B: William P Moulin S: Marie Demma & Arthur Demma Book/Page: 61752/338, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $310,250 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 22169sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (12/07) 101 LYNNWOOD LN............................... $410,000 B: Tuan Nguyen S: Stephen P Laska & Violet E Laska Book/Page: 61744/164, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $389,500 53 MALDEN ST...................................... $360,000 B: Karen Ferreira & Rosemar Ferreira S: Property Providers LLC Book/Page: 61771/118, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $342,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (02/19)

25 MARLAND RD................................... $385,000 B: Stefanos Axios S: Francis D Sposato Jr Book/Page: 61771/150, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $372,150 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 9000sf 12 MARLBORO ST................................. $220,000 B: Ariana C Cosenza & Evan D Cabral S: Mark R Cosenza & Raymond J Cosenza Jr Book/Page: 61744/124, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $209,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20740sf 28 MERLIN CT U:28............................... $182,500 B: Allison M Mclaughlin & Donna M Mclaughlin S: Harvey H Fenigsohn Tr, Tr for Harvey H Fenigsohn IRT Book/Page: 61758/75, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $164,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 39 MERRIFIELD ST................................ $299,000 B: Phylis Hetie S: Ayham Alasmi Book/Page: 61762/74, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $224,250 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5475sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (08/18) 7 MODRED CT....................................... $150,000 B: Marc Catanese S: Jennifer L Gilchrsit Tr, Tr for Morelamd Hill Condo T Book/Page: 61760/30, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10000sf 9 MODRED CT....................................... $150,000 B: Marc Catanese S: Jennifer L Gilchrsit Tr, Tr for Morelamd Hill Condo T Book/Page: 61760/30, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10000sf 45 MORGAN ST..................................... $310,000 B: Nathan Eliason & Christine Eliason S: Nelsido Hilario Book/Page: 61768/161, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $304,385 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 23260sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (10/18) 24 MOTT ST........................................... $310,000 B: Anton Orlik S: T&K Real Estate Holdings Book/Page: 61762/98, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $263,500 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 3540sf Prior Sale: $77,500 (12/08) 34 NUTMEG DR..................................... $285,000 B: Sampson Okyere-Ampofo & Lawrence Ampofo-Appiah S: Hossein Khalili & Sampson Okyere-Ampofo Book/Page: 61747/113, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bay Equity LLC $279,837 Use: 3 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 5239sf Prior Sale: $196,000 (09/19) 25 PAPER BIRCH PATH U:68................ $427,300 B: Opeyemi Haruna S: Goldwaithe Construction Book/Page: 61744/228, Date: 01/15/20 Use: Condo 467 PARK AVE....................................... $510,000 B: Flores Brothers Realty S: Christopher L Hanlon Tr, Tr for Philip J Hanlon 2014 T Book/Page: 61755/322, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Homefield Credit Un $408,000 Use: Auto Sales, Lot: 18854sf 40 PERKINS ST...................................... $98,500 B: Titus General Contracting S: Gary Carey Book/Page: 61749/145, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Chabel Najem $50,123 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6150sf 301 PLANTATION ST U:1...................... $350,000 B: George Sakaloglou & Wenchun Chao S: George Sakalaoglou Book/Page: 61754/63, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $150,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 327 PLANTATION ST U:303.................. $175,000 B: Sowjanya Siromani-Sake S: Cecile Wilhelmi Book/Page: 61762/214, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $131,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $169,000 (04/19) 1382 PLEASANT ST............................... $187,000 B: T&T Associates LLC S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 61762/269, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $140,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9153sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (10/19) 29 SOUTHOLD RD.................................. $250,000 B: Kosta Xhai S: USA HUD Book/Page: 61761/41, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 7000sf Prior Sale: $255,994 (11/14) 1149 W BOYLSTON ST.......................... $270,000 B: Carlos Escobar S: David L Tirendi & Faith C Tirendi Book/Page: 61746/48, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Millbury National Bk $215,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 22800sf Prior Sale: $173,000 (08/01) 16 WAUCANTUCK RD............................ $217,000 B: Heather Garron & Douglas Garron S: David W Derosia & Linda M Derosia Book/Page: 61755/137, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Plaza Home Mtg $213,069 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8250sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (02/09) 167 WEDGEWOOD RD........................... $340,000 B: Lac V Tran & Bao T Pho S: Rosemar Ferreira & Jessica G Ferreira Book/Page: 61770/163, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $328,652 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 8863sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (03/16) 41 WESTMORLAND DR......................... $265,000 B: Stephanie A Meyer & Jaime L Hurley S: V&J LLC Book/Page: 61758/5, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Central One FCU $255,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12933sf Prior Sale: $151,000 (10/19) 16 WHISPER DR.................................... $485,000 B: Yuejie Han & Mazin Alsamarraie S: Lifen Du Book/Page: 61754/143, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: 2004 380 LLC $460,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10038sf Prior Sale: $449,000 (12/13) 39 WIGWAM AVE.................................. $775,000 B: Michel Ermani S: Joseph H Sullivan Jr Tr, Tr for J&J RT Book/Page: 61760/323, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Hometown Bank $517,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 9347sf

FEBRUARY 3, 2020

Worcester Registry Northern District Kathleen R. Daigneault, Esq. 166 Boulder Drive, Suite 202 Fitchburg, MA 01420 Telephone: (978) 342-2637 Fax: (978) 345-2865

Ashburnham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 99 Median Price $251,800

YTD 2019 120 $252,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 RIVER STYX RD................................ B: Victoria Leparskas S: Alysia Morrissette Book/Page: 9529/10, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Level One Bank $169,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 45000sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (11/17) 45 RIVER STYX RD................................ B: Donald S Foster 2nd S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 9530/5, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 87007sf



Fitchburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 429 Median Price $200,000

YTD 2019 388 $229,350

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 284 5TH MASSACHUSETTS TPKE......... $224,000 B: Jesenia M Sanchez & Matthew P Picard S: Jennifer A Strong & Juan Carrion 3rd Book/Page: 9530/325, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $219,942 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12325sf Prior Sale: $228,000 (05/07) 10 CHERRY ST....................................... $170,000 B: Wendy E Hardison-Moreno S: Mary E Singleton Book/Page: 9530/183, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $131,500 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2552sf 39-41 CLIFF ST..................................... $68,000 B: John Harrison Tr, Tr for 39 Cliff Street RT S: Arenas Investments LLC Book/Page: 9531/17, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: College Capital LLC $153,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5000sf 39-41 CLIFF ST..................................... $50,000 B: Arenas Investments LLC S: Charles J Cristofono & William J Cristofono Book/Page: 9531/7, Date: 01/21/20 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5000sf 100 DAY ST........................................... $310,000 B: Franklin J Valerio S: Gary G Reed & Linda F Reed Book/Page: 9528/309, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $304,385 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 7904sf 140 EDLEE ST........................................ $237,000 B: Michelle Favreau & Donna Tessier S: Raymond W Syvari & Elizabeth I Syvari Book/Page: 9527/320, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $232,707 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10500sf HIGH ROCK RD...................................... $20,000 B: George Landry S: William A Thomas Book/Page: 9530/349, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 212965sf HIGH ROCK RD L:B2.............................. $20,000 B: George Landry S: William A Thomas Book/Page: 9530/349, Date: 01/21/20 124 HIGHLAND AVE.............................. $180,000 B: Fsoc 1 LLC S: Teresa Richards Book/Page: 9528/14, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Equity Trust Co $180,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8058sf 151-153 LINCOLN ST............................ $135,000 B: Julio F Palacios & Graciela I Palacios S: Joseph D Byrne Tr, Tr for LSF T Book/Page: 9528/77, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Joseph D Byrne $127,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 6395sf Prior Sale: $109,900 (09/99) 365 MAIN ST......................................... $110,000 B: WPS Revest Massachusetts S: Edward A Markham Tr, Tr for Robert A Markham T Book/Page: 9529/77, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 2570sf 371 MAIN ST......................................... $110,000 B: WPS Revest Massachusetts S: Edward A Markham Tr, Tr for Robert A Markham T Book/Page: 9529/77, Date: 01/17/20 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 2113sf 9 MOUNT VERNON ST........................... $350,000 B: Daniel A Blair S: 9 Mount Vernon Street LLC Book/Page: 9528/52, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Bay State Savings Bk $462,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6308sf Prior Sale: $113,900 (03/09) 23 WINTER ST....................................... $275,000 B: Angela M Tami & Pedro I Castillo S: Danny Hernandez Book/Page: 9530/309, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $270,019 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6452sf Prior Sale: $78,000 (11/18)

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Leominster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 409 Median Price $270,000

YTD 2019 405 $283,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 GARDNER PL...................................... $373,000 B: Erin Gonzalez S: Brian C Richard & Lori A Richard Book/Page: 9530/227, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $381,579 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6725sf Prior Sale: $185,816 (08/13) 54 GREEN ST U:401.............................. $175,000 B: Samantha M Dindia S: Michael J Toomey Book/Page: 9529/268, Date: 01/17/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $160,000 (06/18) 38 MAHOGANY RUN U:38..................... $218,000 B: Hilda A Darkwah S: Margot Xarras Tr, Tr for Mahogany Run RT Book/Page: 9529/240, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $208,550 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 1332 MAIN ST....................................... $186,000 B: Santino J Raffaele S: Thomas P Pender & Timothy M Pender Book/Page: 9528/265, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $182,631 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10150sf 214 MECHANIC ST................................ $350,500 B: Yemby Barrera-Hernandez S: Mary E Flynn & Lorraine M Flynn Book/Page: 9528/290, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $344,151 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6250sf 187 MIDDLE ST..................................... $231,000 B: Pittol Construction&Fndtn S: Maria A Pulsinelli Book/Page: 9528/359, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: State Funding LLC $208,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6864sf 620 N MAIN ST...................................... $650,000 B: Ratanak Theary-Chum S: John J Pancare Tr, Tr for Pancare RT Book/Page: 9527/359, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $487,500 139 SMITH ST....................................... $322,000 B: Anthony V Russo S: James L Xarras Book/Page: 9529/134, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $316,167 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (04/19)

Lunenburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 144 Median Price $290,000

YTD 2019 185 $315,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 46 BROAD MEADOW DR....................... $325,000 B: Merouane Benjnane & Meryeme Benharoune S: Joseph Murchison & Hailey Leavit Book/Page: 9528/341, Date: 01/16/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $308,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (08/17) 727 WEST ST......................................... $255,000 B: Eric S Hinds S: James E Gosson & Danielle Gosson Book/Page: 9528/30, Date: 01/15/20 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $240,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (11/16)

Westminster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH DECEMBER YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $299,000

YTD 2019 118 $317,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 DEAN HILL RD.................................. $291,000 B: Jason Gath-Dailey & Kristen E Dailey S: Anderson Mary E Est & Lorri Wallace Book/Page: 9530/354, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $285,729 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 47916sf 94 EAST RD........................................... $410,310 B: David J Tyler & Kimberly G Tyler S: Normandin Group LLC Book/Page: 9530/70, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $220,000 20 HARRINGTON RD............................. $290,500 B: Seth W Dalton & Kathleen E Dalton S: Robert W Petkewich Book/Page: 9529/108, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $270,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 91663sf 198 NARROWS RD U:2.......................... $293,000 B: Westminster Ventures LLC S: Alan M Belanger Tr, Tr for Belanger LT Book/Page: 9530/155, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo 198 NARROWS RD U:3.......................... $293,000 B: Westminster Ventures LLC S: Alan M Belanger Tr, Tr for Belanger LT Book/Page: 9530/155, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo 198 NARROWS RD U:4.......................... $293,000 B: Westminster Ventures LLC S: Alan M Belanger Tr, Tr for Belanger LT Book/Page: 9530/155, Date: 01/21/20 Use: Condo 23 OVERLOOK RD.................................. $485,500 B: Deborah L Hood & Ruben S Austin S: Teresa Schneider Tr, Tr for 23 Overlook Road RT Book/Page: 9530/252, Date: 01/21/20 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $435,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 759438sf 4 RAYMOND RD.................................... $445,000 B: David M Goguen S: Daniel Getts Book/Page: 9529/192, Date: 01/17/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $422,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 91663sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (02/17)



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

Credit Records Voluntary Bankruptcies Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.

These are Chapter 7 Liquidations in which a debtor turns over all property owned to be converted into money which is used to pay administration costs and creditors to the extent possible. Honest debtors receive a discharge relieving them from legal liability for the payment of provable debts listed in the petition with some specific exemptions, most notably taxes and support payments. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#). BARNSTABLE

Centerville BISAZZA, Vanessa, 264 Oak St, Centerville, 026681828 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10180

Yarmouth VEARA, Carlene B, 52 Quartermaster Row, Yarmouth, 02664-1651 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10161


Pittsfield PASCUCCI, Donald F, 93 Bushey Rd, Pittsfield, 012014403 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-30045


Fall River ANDRADE, Jason, 478 Palmer St, Fall River, 027212518 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10142 OSTALAZA, Ivelisse, 694 King Philip St, Fall River, 02724-2124 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10139




GOLDBERG, Scott B, 490-492 White St, Springfield, 01108-3230 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-30040

DIEPPA, Felicia E, 10 Alton Dr, Dudley, 01571-3802 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40097

West Springfield


CORTIS, Thomas S, 21 Elm Ave, West Springfield, 01089-3108 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-30041

LAJOIE, Paul D, 400-402 Parker St, Gardner, 014403743 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-40102


OCONNELL, William F, 1368 Amostown Rd, West Springfield, 01089-4315 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-30044


CHAMBERS, Denise A, 157 Navajo Rd, Springfield,


Billerica FONSECA, Susette M, 20 Kenmar Dr, Billerica, 018214705 D:01/18/20 Case#: 20-40084

Lowell SULLIVAN, Thomas B, 40 Fairgrove Ave, Lowell, 01851-1620 D:01/19/20 Case#: 20-40085

Tyngsboro BRIERE, Ronnie P, 241 Lakeview Ave, Tyngsboro, 01879-1772 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-40110


Cambridge TRUJILLO, Tanya Joy, 190 Pemberton St, Cambridge, 02140-2516 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10164

Everett DORGAN, Brian Patrick, 41 Estes St, Everett, 021494211 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10179

Framingham PARAENSE, Wasley T, 40 Cochituate Rd, Framingham, 01701-7915 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40099

Malden LI, Shi Hua, 7 Lyle St, Malden, 02148-1317 D:01/19/20 Case#: 20-10137

Somerville SPARKS, Amanda, 59 E Albion St, Somerville, 021451430 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10192

Waltham GANDHI, Mayur A, 104 Hillcrest Rd, Waltham, 024512262 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10162

Bellingham PERRY, Richard F, 183 Blackstone St, Bellingham, 02019-1636 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-40114


DAY, William M, 13 Castle Rd, Attleboro, 02703 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10195

MAURER, Laura, 81 Town St, Braintree, 02184-5309 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10167



STGERMAIN, Douglas J, 6 Highland St, Easton, 02375-1309 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10193

LEONARD, Simon J, 23 Bates Ln, Cohasset, 020251541 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10154



CORREIA, Dianne M, 910 Bay St, Taunton, 027807517 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10143

PIKE, William T, 69 Beach St, Foxboro, 02035-1126 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10187



FLOYD, Paul, PO Box 87, Holbrook, 02343 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10157

SAMPSON, Judi A, 21 Boylston St, Acushnet, 027432125 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10147


New Bedford

MELEND Jr, Charles A, 9 Myers Ln, Milton, 021862533 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10155

PALACIOS, Juan A, 923 Lucy St, New Bedford, 02745-3611 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10146


SPINDOLA, Tammy L, 17 Spruce St, New Bedford, 02740-5236 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-10172 VARLEY, Sarah Rose, 621 Cottage St, New Bedford, 02740-5541 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10140

Westport DEMELLO, Rebecca L, 1163 American Legion Hwy, Westport, 02790-1125 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10141


SABINO, Hanan, 100 Taunton St U:A419, Plainville, 02762-1252 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10165

Randolph SHER, Ian R, 4107 Avalon Dr, Randolph, 02368-1547 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10166

Weymouth CONTE, Carol A, 786 Middle St, Weymouth, 021884008 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10182


North Andover BENNETT, Carl, 11 Fox Hill Rd, North Andover, 018452937 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40087


Haverhill CABRERA-SANCHEZ, Gladys, 48 Tersolo Rd, Haverhill, 01832-8628 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-40104 ESCALANTE, Juan A, 123 Grove St, Haverhill, 018324770 D:01/18/20 Case#: 20-40082

Lynnfield GOUTZAMANIDIS, Vasilios G, 18 Thomas Rd, Lynnfield, 01940-2147 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-10174

Peabody FALLON, Brian Harold, 19 Moulton Rd, Peabody, 01960-3753 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10177

Saugus LESIAK, Andrew C, 73 Howard St, Saugus, 019064014 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10197


Agawam BAZLUKE 3rd, Samuel R, 643 Suffield St, Agawam, 01001-2361 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-30047 SMITH, Shelby C, 7-E Mansion Woods Dr, Agawam, 01001-2398 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-30049


Hubbardston MORIN, Melissa S, 32 Chippewa St, Hubbardston, 01452-1550 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40095


Abington NASSER, Abdul M, 206 Hancock St, Abington, 023511518 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10156

Brockton GOLDBERG, Semyon, 110 Oak Ln U:11, Brockton, 02301-0901 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10163


MOLLICA, John M, 33 Louis St, Northbridge, 015881950 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-40112

HOHL, Meaghan F, 7 Ledgewood Dr, Hanover, 023391330 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10150

Hull CARTER, Kathryn, 9 Park Ave, Hull, 02045-3109 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10188

Middleboro HAYWARD, Stephen J, 66 School St, Middleboro, 02346-2258 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10158

Rochester MORAIS, Lisa F, 93 New Bedford Rd, Rochester, 02770-1508 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-10171

Revere DEMELLO, Janice R, 72 Gore Rd, Revere, 021512004 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-10173


DEMPSEY, Maureen M, 47 Cass Ave, West Springfield, 01089-2423 D:01/23/20 Case#: HUREMOVIC, Sabahudin, 19 Falvey St, West Springfield, 01089-1230 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-30038




BARRUCCI, James, 28 Duren Ave, Woburn, 01801-

ORTIZ, Maria E, 304 South St, Southbridge, 015504017 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-40117 SCRIVANI, Tina L, 338 Lebanon Hill Rd, Southbridge, 01550-3910 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40094

Uxbridge MURRAY, John P, 354 Hazel St, Uxbridge, 015693109 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-40108

5305 D:01/18/20 Case#: 20-10136


Holbrook GOSBY, Jane E, 68 Juniper Rd, Holbrook, 023432145 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10178



HEWITT, Ronald L, 21 Dillon St, Worcester, 016044505 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40089

DAUPHINE, Philippe, 65 Blue Hill Ave, Milton, 02186-

HUYNH, Lena T, 49 Westview Rd, Worcester, 016022527 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40092


1105 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-10176

QUINTANILLA, Arnoldo, 85 Golden Rd, Stoughton,

KYEM, Isaac Kojo, 25 Bancroft St U:3, Worcester, 01610-2455 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-40111


YEBOAH, Daniel T, 2 Accomodation St, Worcester, 01607-1002 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40093

HUNECK, Barbara J, 28 Pintail Rd U:28, Walpole,



02072-1920 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10190

02081-4356 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10149

Weymouth SHAW-GREEN, Yolondo L, 215 Winter St, Weymouth,

PEREZ, Carmen Albania, 14 Waverly St U:3, Fitchburg, 01420-3342 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-40103

02188-3304 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10148


Leominster KINNEY Jr, Richard J, 23 Fairmount St, Leominster, 01453-2363 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40091

Lunenburg GOODINE, Donald E, 541 Chase Rd, Lunenburg, 01462-1721 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-40086


Brockton GUTIERREZ, Conrad E, 685 Oak St U:19-9, Brockton, 02301-1185 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10183 MCCOY, Rickie T, 53 Stonehill St, Brockton, 023014412 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10186

MARCEAU Jr, Donald Richard, 34 N Common Rd, Westminster, 01473-1026 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-40101

Chapter 13 Bankruptcies O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.

These allow for an adjustment of debt. An individual with a regular income proposes a plan to pay off debts from future earnings over a period of time between three to five years. Usually these payments are in full satisfaction of the debt, but may be a percentage of them. Upon completion, the debtor receives a discharge of all debts covered by the plan except child support and alimony, if applicable. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#)

Kingston JOHNSON Jr, John P, 19 West St, Kingston, 02364-

BRISTOL FALL RIVER KENNEDY, Holly M, 131 Quanapoag Rd, Freetown, 02717-1406 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10169

MCGUIRE, Theresa, 1092 State Rd, Plymouth, 023605165 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-10170 NUGENT, Mark C, 53 Shallop Rd, Plymouth, 023603623 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10144


Tyngsboro BOSTON E BRUNSWICK HLDGS, 170 Pawtucket Blvd, Tyngsboro, 01879-2111 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-40107

Federal Tax Liens Liens are placed by the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, on the property, real or personal, of any taxpaying entity deemed to be in default on taxes. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and filing date (D) of the lien is listed; the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) follows. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed. Types of tax include 941 FICA and Withholding Tax; 940 Federal Unemployment Tax; 1040 Individual Income Tax; 2290 Highway Use Tax; 1120 Corporate Tax; 720 Excise Tax.

Dennis DRISCOLL, James S, 47 Howest Path, Dennis, 02638 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$172,568



FERNANDEZ, J Fernandez & M Alcarez Fernandez, 28 Marks Path, Hyannis, 02601-2336 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,053

GOVONI, Mark A, 75 Walnut Plain Rd, Rochester,


02770-4008 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10191

Rockland LEWIS, John D, 185 Pleasant St, Rockland, 023701269 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10151

BARRETT, Michael J, 117 Orchard Rd, Mashpee, 02649-2906 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$31,652

Osterville JOINER, James, 321 Main St, Osterville, 02655-1734 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$27,957

Wareham JENKINS-BAWOH, Mohamed, 38 Harvest Cir, Wareham, 02576-2402 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10138


East Boston ROZMAN, Mark, 10 New St, East Boston, 02128-2316

Roxbury HEARNS, Deborah Ann, 227-227A Walnut Ave, Roxbury, 02119-1624 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10189


BROWN, Alcina C, 859 Hortonville Rd, Swansea, 02777-3615 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-10145

GALLANT, Ross W, 88 Grand View Ave, Winthrop, 02152-1411 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10184

BRISTOL SOUTH DIFFLEY, Shawn P, 102 Mount Vernon St, New Bedford, 02740-4614 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10168

These are reorganizations usually used by a business (may be used by an individual) to rehabilitate rather than to liquidate. Debtors propose a plan to reorganize their financial affairs and satisfy their creditors. This plan must be accepted by the creditors and approved by the court. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#).



New Bedford

Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.

1319 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10185


D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10152


Chapter 11 Bankruptcies

Filed: Clerk’s Office, US District Court, Boston.

KACZKOWSKI, Piotr, 1 Cumberland St, Worcester, 01606-1016 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40096



01109-1522 D:01/20/20 Case#: 20-30037

West Springfield

KROHN, Karen L, 8113 Arbor Dr, Shrewsbury, 015456020 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40088

Wareham CENTEIO, Gail Marie, 3 Roundhill BLVD, Wareham, 02538-1112 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10194

D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-30042


GOMES, Matthew T, 676 Plymouth St, Halifax, 023381206 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10198


ANDRE, Lenna, 137 Vienna Ave, Ludlow, 01056-2228


IRVINE, Cameron W, 114 Union St, Northbridge, 01588-1967 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-40109

Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court,

MBARAK, Stefan, 85 Washington St U:7110, Plainville, 02762-2127 D:01/23/20 Case#: 20-10181

Methuen SERRANO, Niurca I, 1 Bates St, Methuen, 018445412 D:01/18/20 Case#: 20-40083

ROSNOV, Larry A, 153 Providence Rd U:Q, Grafton, 01519-1506 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40098







Fall River BERNDT, Alan, 2000 Bay St, Fall River, 02724-1635 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,016 CHACE, Kenneth, 3 Courtney St U:7, Fall River, 02720-6701 D:01/21/20 Tax:CIVP Amt:$27,775 CHACE, Louise, 3 Courtney St U:7, Fall River, 027206701 D:01/21/20 Tax:CIVP Amt:$27,775 DAVILA, Raul A, 35 Rolling Green Dr U:E, Fall River, 02720-1841 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,908 GENDREAU Jr, Raymond L, 102 Read St, Fall River, 02720-5538 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$125,938 STOKES-HANNAH, Joshua A, 162 Walnut St U:3W, Fall River, 02720-2418 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,598

Somerset DUPONT, Derek, 73 New York Ave, Somerset, 027263850 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$55,772


Auburn MESSINA, Marc A, 4 Vincent St, Auburn, 01501-1618 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-40105


Attleboro CUPELES, Luis E & Yahara D Luciano-Cupeles, 1 Lord St, Attleboro, 02703-7712 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,817 PAGE, John & Tiffany A Page, 5 Jody Way, Attleboro, 02703-6056 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,059



WHITMAN, Steven, 27 Mohawk St, Danvers, 019231110 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10160

VERDOLINO, Amy E, 43 Countryside Rd, Grafton,


North Brookfield


SCHLEGEL, Wayne A, 162 Oakham Rd, North

PERRY, Kenneth J, 20 Erick Rd, Mansfield, 020483056 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$45,783

OUK, Thoeun, 12 River Street Pl U:1, Lynn, 01901 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10153


COLLINS, John, 88 Debra Dr, Chicopee, 01020-2251 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-30039


MARTELL, Janice A, 230 Walnut St, Saugus, 019061136 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-10175

JONES, Niki M, 75 Springfield St U:1B, Chicopee, 01013-2625 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-30048

BARRENA, Hope, 1063 Main St, Athol, 01331-2504 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-40113

ROSS, Dolores D, 19 Talbot St U:6, Saugus, 019063432 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10196




BAYRAM, Haci I, 19-21 Munsing Ave, Ludlow, 010561317 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-30043

DEBAGGIS, David A, PO Box 142, Douglas, 01516 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40090

AYER, Richard H, 85 Hill St, Topsfield, 01983-2411 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-10159

01536-1632 D:01/22/20 Case#: 20-40106

Brookfield, 01535-2219 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-40116

Worcester DOYLE, Richard J, 146 Beacon St, Worcester, 016101506 D:01/21/20 Case#: 20-40100 FRASER, John F, 17 Chiltern Hill Dr, Worcester, 01602-1414 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-40115

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

TRUONG, Joe T, 105 Tiffany St, Attleboro, 027036349 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,970

Norton GARCIA, Peter, 11 Ledge Rd, Norton, 02766-1707 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,282 MORSON, Jason C, 7 Massasoit Ave, Norton, 027662527 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,286

Seekonk DENELLE, Nancy Y, 92 Jean Dr, Seekonk, 027713307 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$101,491



FEBRUARY 3, 2020






DEVINCENTIS, Carmine, 118 N Walker St, Taunton, 02780-2146 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,589

PANCHOS INC, 206 Ballardvale St, Wilmington, 01887-1032 D:01/21/20 Tax:941 Amt:$15,031

ALDEN, James & Lori Alden, 14 Adams Ter, Newton, 02458-1205 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,311

NEW APPROACH HEALTHCARE, 12 Annapolis Rd, Milton, 02186-2508 D:01/15/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$8,057

JOHNSON, Craig S & Antoniea Johnson, 46 Grant St U:46, Milford, 01757-2018 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$8,956


SOUZA, M & Goncalves D Oliveir, 38 Bancroft Ave, Milford, 01757-4108 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$810





RAPOSO, Marla F, 11 Karen Ln, Dartmouth, 027472380 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$44,157

OVERMAN, Robert E & C Fincke Overman, 19 Forest Rd, Acton, 01720-4508 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,847


Tisbury ANDRADE, Kellen & Bruno S Clara, PO Box 1631, Tisbury, 02575 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,993 PANICO, Daniel J, 31 Lagoon Pond Rd, Tisbury, 02568-5514 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,687


Lawrence OTERO, Jonathan, 91 Myrtle St, Lawrence, 018413113 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,143 OTERO, Jonathan & Jomayra Montes, 91 Myrtle St, Lawrence, 01841-3113 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,277

Methuen BRADLEY, Jason M, 149 Pitman St, Methuen, 018446483 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,892 LAGE, Jucelia F, 6 Gloucester St, Methuen, 018445429 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,767


Beverly FEALTMAN, Corey M, 8 Linehan Way, Beverly, 019152191 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$131,910

Boxford HART, Christopher E, 292 Main St, Boxford, 019212229 D:01/21/20 Tax:6672 Amt:$117,460

Danvers 31 LYNNFIELD CORP INC & Wardhurst, 194 Endicott St, Danvers, 01923-3619 D:01/21/20 Tax:941 Amt:$3,441 CARTER, Larry C, 2317 Kirkbride Dr, Danvers, 019231585 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$4,004 CHAMBERS, Ellen, 54 Cabot Rd, Danvers, 019154942 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$29,987 SEWARD, Frederick A, 2 Mcdewell Ave U:13, Danvers, 01923-3316 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,168

Georgetown BEATRICE, Traci T, 4 Forest St, Georgetown, 018331864 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$2,382

Groveland DEPALMA, Anthony F, 15 Yale St, Groveland, 018341558 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,372

Haverhill ELHAYEK, Jessica, 12 Mariah Ridge Rd, Haverhill, 01832-1514 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$41,621 GOODRUM, Phillip W, 67 Washington St, Haverhill, 01832-5744 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,310 WARD, Brenda M, 142 Hoyt Rd, Haverhill, 018358307 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,857 WARD, Thomas F, 142 Hoyt Rd, Haverhill, 018358307 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,872

Lynn ANTUNEZ, Santos E, 75 Chatham St, Lynn, 019022339 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,188 BIANCHI, Carolyn R, 22 B St, Lynn, 01905-1204 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,344 DIONNE, Dena K, 558 Eastern Ave, Lynn, 01902-1539 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$54,235 FALAH, Yousif, 4 N Common Ter, Lynn, 01902-4221 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,942 RABELO, Felipe D, 51 Walnut St, Lynn, 01905-1634 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,650

Marblehead EMOND, Christine, 52 Gerald Rd, Marblehead, 019452044 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$1,285,782

Peabody ELLINGWOOD, Jonathan S, PO Box 402, Peabody, 01960 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,228

Salem KANE, Judith A, 289 Essex St, Salem, 01970-3435 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,399 TROPEA, Michael A, 169 North St, Salem, 019701659 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$38,647

Saugus CHEN, Jan T, 670 Broadway, Saugus, 01906-3201 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$48,328

Swampscott RICHARDSON, Wanessa, 50 Humphrey St, Swampscott, 01907-2543 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$110,387


Hadley OCICKI, Patricia A, 138 Rocky Hill Rd, Hadley, 010359745 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$29,592

OVERMAN, Robert E, 19 Forest Rd, Acton, 017204508 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$43,239

Arlington DANAHY, Brien E & Alex G Friel, 4 Kipling Rd, Arlington, 02476-7001 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,033 GREENSCAPES LAWN&GARDEN, 33 Ryder St, Arlington, 02476-2759 D:01/15/20 Tax:1120, 941 Amt:$10,227 KENNEDY, Nancy M, 50 Margaret St, Arlington, 02474-8825 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$28,390 PAZZIA, Josep & Marisa Pazzia, 27 Lakehill Ave, Arlington, 02474-8226 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$42,826

Ashby MINI BROACH MACHINE CO, 1266 Main St, Ashby, 01431-2311 D:01/15/20 Tax:941 Amt:$37,129

Ashland RAMIREZ, Jose A, 38 Wayside Ln, Ashland, 017211842 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$34,997 SEAMLESSIT INC, 121 Arrowhead Cir, Ashland, 01721-3907 D:01/15/20 Tax:941 Amt:$29,860

Bedford BAROUNIS, Jack, 21 Pine St, Bedford, 01730-2817 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,583


Chelmsford MARTIN, William L & Edith Martin, 9 Vincent Rd, Chelmsford, 01824-4135 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$78,082

Lowell SOUZA, Robson L, 85 Belmont St U:5C, Lowell, 01851-3008 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,248 STRAUSS, Steven, 27 Jackson St, Lowell, 018522101 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$34,353


Burlington MENENDEZ, Robert & Kimberly Menendez, 32 Terrace Hall Ave, Burlington, 01803-3510 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,007 ROSE, Larry T & Kaylin Rose, 49 Cresthaven Dr, Burlington, 01803-2137 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$76,614

Cambridge BLAKE, Andrew M, PO Box 410191, Cambridge, 02139 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,274 BROWN, Christopher, 264 Walden St U:2, Cambridge, 02138-6716 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$82,459 CYR, Edward N, 106 Dudley St, Cambridge, 021402423 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$31,268

Everett LOPES-GARCIA, M & M L Wieczorkowski, 50 Liberty St, Everett, 02149-2721 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,701 WENDEMBRUCK, Claudia R & Sergio P Wendembruck, 254 Vine St, Everett, 02149-4923 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$20,920

Framingham DAPAZ, Jose F, 22 Brewster Rd, Framingham, 017026218 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,689 ENSURE HEALTHCARE SVCS, 100 Concord St, Framingham, 01702-8304 D:01/17/20 Tax:941 Amt:$16,188 GOMES, Clemente & Marlene B Gomes, 235 Beaver St, Framingham, 01702-4955 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,950 PEREYRA, Luis P, 31 Henry St, Framingham, 017026617 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,908 RIBEIRO, Claudio J, 352 Bishop St, Framingham, 01702-6565 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,865 STEFANELLI, Sergio A, 21 Berry St, Framingham, 01702-7214 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$59,692

Hudson MOREIRA, Gustavo L, 2 Judith Rd, Hudson, 017492759 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$63,288

Lexington DELIMA, Ronny S, 44 Ridge Rd, Lexington, 024202236 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,699 PABLA, Jaswinder & Sarabjeet Pabla, 32 Solomon Pierce Rd, Lexington, 02420-2533 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,984

Malden DOWDIE, Dale A, 49 Trueman Dr, Malden, 021482100 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$39,851 LAYTON, Scott A & Pablo H Layton, 56 Regent Rd, Malden, 02148-7523 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$8,629

SAFONSECA, Wesley M & Renata Santana, 41 Central Ave, Malden, 02148-2115 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$23,035

Marlborough GARCIA, Anisio & Roberta Santos, 149 Winter St, Marlborough, 01752-4563 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,777 HOLMES, Susan A, 14 Hayden St, Marlborough, 01752-4315 D:01/17/20 Tax:CIVP Amt:$56,477



CARD, Jonathan E, 69 Merriam St, Somerville, 02143-3125 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,233

FAZIO, Keith L, 741 Main St, Weymouth, 02190-1660 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$134,081

DEOLIVEIRA, Jose C, 422 Mystic Ave, Somerville, 02145-1903 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,187 MEJIA, Franciso, 27 Alston St, Somerville, 021432101 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,423 MONTEIRO, Marcos A, 184 Broadway, Somerville, 02145-3129 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,594 THOMAS, Jacques, 18 Webster Ave, Somerville, 02143-3310 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,454 THOMAS, Jacques & Johanne Thomas, 18 Webster Ave, Somerville, 02143-3310 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$8,108

Stoneham RODRIGUEZ, Octavio A, 6 South St, Stoneham, 02180-2827 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$29,558 WALTHAM CAB YELLOW INC, PO Box 541500, Waltham, 02454 D:01/21/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$20,949 ANDRADE, Ataulfo A & Maria A Andrade, 111 Evans St, Watertown, 02472-2148 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,242 BARUA, Ricky, 76 Melendy Ave, Watertown, 024724231 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,744 REED, Josh, 6 Hudson St, Watertown, 02472-3713 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,784 RODRIGUES, Marival J, 201 Arsenal St, Watertown, 02472-2718 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,174

MARTINEAU, Sandra, 112 South St, Tewksbury, 01876-4170 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,416

DEALMEIDA, Gustavo F, 50 Village Brook Ln, Natick, 01760-3802 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,935



Bridgewater LARSON, Ray W & Marcia J Larson, 1413 Old Pleasant St, Bridgewater, 02324-2136 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$59,875


Weston GOFF, Frederick J & Amanda Goff, 79 Sylvan Ln, Weston, 02493-1027 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$23,292

Kingston GILMORE, Douglas & Corinne Gilmore, 96 High Pines Dr, Kingston, 02364-2166 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,402

Middleboro GNEITING, Hilda, 18 Highland St, Middleboro, 023463406 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,408

Plymouth WHITING, Jennifer L, 19 Savin Rd, Plymouth, 023601528 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$30,156


West Bridgewater


Boston W2 GROUP INC, 2 Center Plz U:210, Boston, 021081903 D:01/15/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$314,914

Brighton DENEVES, Matusalem S, 164 Faneuil St U:B, Brighton, 02135-1838 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,592


Dorchester HGUYEN, Hoang T, 7 Duncan St, Dorchester, 021222727 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,890

Avon BRICE, Patrick J, 15 Nichols Ave, Avon, 02322-1709 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,963 BRICE, Patrick J & Kentine Chery, 15 Nichols Ave, Avon, 02322-1709 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$63,645

Brookline ASIRVATHAM, Christopher, 615 Vfw Pkwy, Brookline, 02467-3656 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,219

Cohasset TWOHIG-GIUGGIO, Kathllen M, 554 Jerusalem Rd, Cohasset, 02025-1016 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$36,346 WEHMEYER, Darryl M, 21 Bayview Dr, Cohasset, 02025-1257 D:01/21/20 Tax:6672 Amt:$54,966

Dedham DERBA, Edward J, 192 Scott Rd, Dedham, 02026 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,220



MOON, Robert F & K J Feeney-Moon, 11 Hillside Dr, Shrewsbury, 01545-5813 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$37,114 MANGUAL, John A, 32 Central St, Southborough, 01745-1033 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$30,757

BINGHAM, Sean K & Lucille A Bingham, 227 8 Lots Rd, Sutton, 01590-1020 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$31,226

POLETO, V & A Goncalves-Deandrade, 5 Kilby St, Woburn, 01801-2909 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,951


DIVINE DAY SPA INC, 63 Boston Tpke, Shrewsbury, 01545-3602 D:01/21/20 Tax:941 Amt:$10,324



MANCIA, Manuel A & Elia N Lemus, PO Box 2017, Nantucket, 02554 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$2,267

COLE, Melissa, 5 Whippoorwill Dr, Shrewsbury, 01545-3238 D:01/21/20 Tax:6672 Amt:$75,895

REILLY, John D, 277 Atlantic Ave, Hull, 02045-3257 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$107,749

CHICAS-MARQUEZ, Josue A, 129 Grove St U:2, Chelsea, 02150-3316 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$1,171

DASILVA, Gertalino, 2-A Miacomet Ave, Nantucket, 02554-4392 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,569



WIDEN, Colin S & Nansi O Widen, 44 Sherburn Cir, Weston, 02493-1010 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,573


WATSON, Sara E & Richard C Watson, 15 D St, Northbridge, 01588-1809 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,255

FORTE CONTRACTORS INC, 1 Mildred Cir, Sturbridge, 01566-1384 D:01/21/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$18,430

KNEECE, Richard C, 713 Boston Post Rd, Weston, 02493-1105 D:01/15/20 Tax:6672 Amt:$68,223


TAYLOR, David J & Linda A Taylor, 125 Cooper Rd, Northbridge, 01534-1135 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,140


CHICAS, Josue & Brenda S Flores, 129 Grove St U:2, Chelsea, 02150-3316 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,008

TEIXEIRA, Selmo C & Rosane B Teixeira, 7 Highland St, Woburn, 01801-4304 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,262


HALLOWELL, David S, 149 Temple St, Duxbury, 02332-3224 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,851

MCGRATH FENCE CO INC, 142 Turnpike St, West Bridgewater, 02379-1005 D:01/16/20 Tax:941 Amt:$19,117

SPECHT, Robert A, 111 Cochituate Rd, Wayland, 01778-2601 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$31,407

TAMAGNI, Anthony, 61-1/2 Hayward St, Milford, 01757-3551 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$444



SPECHT, Robert A & Heather B Murphy, 111 Cochituate Rd, Wayland, 01778-2601 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$124,237

SOUZA, Marcio V, 38 Bancroft Ave, Milford, 017574108 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$35,669


REYNO, Timothy, 369 Summer St, Rockland, 023702711 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$28,337

LAVELLE&CO PAINTING & Lavelle Painting Contract, 2 Bogren Ln, Wayland, 01778-4404 D:01/15/20 Amt:$143,649

SOUZA, Marcio V & Maria G Silva, 38 Bancroft Ave, Milford, 01757-4108 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,127

SWENSON, William J & Deborah A Swenson, 268 Forest Ave U:3, Brockton, 02301-5054 D:01/16/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,143

RODRIGUES, Marival J & G DeSouza, 201 Arsenal St, Watertown, 02472-2718 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$2,560

AVENI CLEANERS INC, 224 Plymouth St, Holbrook, 02343-1558 D:01/15/20 Tax:941 Amt:$17,783


CONCEICAO, James, 22 Jasper Ln, Randolph, 023684088 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,972

CHRYSSICAS, Theodore J & Mary K Chryssicas, 12 Longfellow Rd, Wellesley, 02481-5221 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,136


BOWERS, Richard M & Elena D Bowers, 26 Strawberry Hill Rd, Natick, 01760-3656 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,392


TURNER, Jeffrey P & Jennifer E Turner, 370 Summer Ave, Reading, 01867-3813 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,602

PAPA, Kevin & Jennifer Papa, 7 Midland Ave, Franklin, 02038-1628 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,072


SHAW, Lisa, 326 Manet Ave, Quincy, 02169-3033 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$41,099

FRANCOIS, Frankovy W, PO Box 6, Randolph, 02368 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$68,504

TOY COMPANIES INC, 896 Boston Post Rd, Marlborough, 01776-3214 D:01/15/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$11,820 ALCANTARA, Sebastiao L, 98 Wright Ave, Medford, 02155-6114 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,151

NATOLI, Thomas F, 34 Harris St, Quincy, 02169-1606 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$30,852

MCCARTHY, James & Katie Mccarthy, 15 Manning St, Reading, 01867-2712 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,517


LOPES, Edson & Kesia B Lopes, 38 Cliff St, Malden, 02148-1841 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,513

TORTOLINI Jr, William J & Kristen A Tortolini, 3 Tercentennial Dr, Billerica, 01821-2929 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,604

BOURBEAU, Jeffrey, 4-C Railroad St, Pepperell, 01463-1735 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$64,008

SEEBACH-GIEGO, Stephanie, 61-A Waverley St, Belmont, 02478-1958 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$7,614

DEAN, Mark R & Kath Chouinard-Dean, 21 Birch Hill Rd, Northampton, 01062-3401 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$4,260

MARINO, Kevin M & Jennifer E Marino, 1 Marilyn Rd, Billerica, 01821-2220 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$4,716

BETTENCOURT, Leo R & Elizabeth A Bettencourt, 14 Ashley St, Pepperell, 01463-4207 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,042


LAYTON, Scott A, 56 Regent Rd, Malden, 02148-7523 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,139



SEEBACH-GIEGO, Stephanie & D Griego, 61-A Waverley St, Belmont, 02478-1958 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,149



PRELL, David, 53 Pierrepont Rd, Newton, 024621126 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,299

RUSSO, Nancy T, 42 Milwood St, Dorchester, 021245237 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$62,218

East Boston FLORES, Pedfo R, 247 Marion St U:3, East Boston, 02128-1726 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$58,774 SANTIAGO-MORALES, Carlos G, 118 Bennington St U:1, East Boston, 02128-1710 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,378

Jamaica Plain WEATHERS, Brian D & Nicola Weathers, 29 Rosemary St, Jamaica Plain, 02130-3230 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,857

Revere CORREIA, Alfred & Marta R Correia, 58 Haskell Ave U:2, Revere, 02151-3305 D:01/15/20 Tax:1120 Amt:$34,928

Roslindale HENRIQUEZ, Antonio R, 70 Brookway Rd U:493, Roslindale, 02131-1225 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,251

Roxbury BAEZ, Cisnell, 1050 Tremont St U:711, Roxbury, 02120-2119 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$27,341

Winthrop FURLONG, James M, 87 Winthrop Shore Dr U:10, Winthrop, 02152-1202 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,018


Athol RAINES, L & H Adams-Raines, 5 Twichell St, Athol, 01331-1314 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,367

Upton MURRAY, Daniel W & Lynn T Murray, 39 Rockwood Ln U:39, Upton, 01568-1692 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$19,501

Webster ANGELO, Stephen R, 39 Tower St, Webster, 015701963 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$30,757 CLIFFORD, Jeffrey A, 112 Beacon Park, Webster, 01570-1597 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,372

Worcester ABOODY, Paul & Caroline Aboody, 94 Commodore Rd, Worcester, 01602-2727 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,095 ADU, Gyamfi F, 37 Rodney St, Worcester, 016052821 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$8,227 ALVARENGA, Ada J, 12 Lanark St, Worcester, 016031711 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,278 BELSITO, Paul M, 245 Sw Cutoff, Worcester, 016042711 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,288 HERNANDEZ, Enrique & Noreen L Hernandez, 17 Jersey Dr, Worcester, 01606-1129 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,939 JSIE TRANSPORT INC & Edison Santos, 61 Moreland Green Dr, Worcester, 01609-1083 D:01/21/20 Tax:1120, 941 Amt:$11,226 MALLEY, Daniel E & Mary T Malley, 73 Indian Hill Rd, Worcester, 01606-2609 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$38,104 NORFORD, Samuel, 20 Tirrell St, Worcester, 016032617 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$53,081 PITCHER, David H & Sherri G Pitcher, 42 Forest St, Worcester, 01609-1730 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,695


Leominster GIL, Yesenia A, 1510 Main St, Leominster, 014536622 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$31,759

Westminster COOLEY, Michael B, 44 Lake Dr W, Westminster, 01473-1409 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$70,209 COOLEY, Michael B & Tracey Cooley, 44 Lake Dr W, Westminster, 01473-1409 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,732

State Tax Liens Filed: Registry of Deeds

Liens are placed by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue on the property of the taxpayer deemed to be in default on taxes. If the lien is not fully satisfied, the property may be sold at public auction. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and the filing date (D) is listed followed by the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) which includes penalties and interest as of the filing date. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed.

Charlton PHOMPHITHAK, Kane, 11 Hannahs Way, Charlton, 01507-1586 D:01/17/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,802



BOURGEOIS, Gary J & Sundra L Bourgeois, 206 Ryan St, Gardner, 01440-1524 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$23,075

FAGAN, Mary E, 89 Pleasant St U:D5, Medfield, 02052-2639 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,871

MEEHAN, Robert J, 45 Pearly Ln, Gardner, 014401737 D:01/21/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$4,421



LARDIERE, Brianne E & Christopher Lardiere, 107 Holliston St, Medway, 02053-1904 D:01/15/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$472

STONEGATES HARDSCAPE, 4-A Spaceway Ln, Hopedale, 01747-1534 D:01/21/20 Tax:941 Amt:$10,199

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


Bourne ELLIS, Dianne, 60 Monument Neck Rd, Bourne, 02532-4113 D:01/21/20 Amt:$6,007

Dennis LIVESEY, Linn, 92 Glendon Rd, Dennis, 02639-2314 D:01/21/20 Amt:$11,548

Hyannis DUARTE, Gisele M, 114 Lincoln Rd, Hyannis, 026012408 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,897 HAMMOND, Steven, 22 School St, Hyannis, 026013118 D:01/21/20 Amt:$11,076



STEIN, Christopher, 19 Center St, Provincetown, 02657-1507 D:01/21/20 Amt:$45,751

Sandwich VERMYNCK, Monica, 5 Captain Kidd Rd, Sandwich, 02537-1116 D:01/21/20 Amt:$10,383 VERMYNCK, Peter, 5 Captain Kidd Rd, Sandwich, 02537-1116 D:01/21/20 Amt:$10,383

Wellfleet STORER, Zachary, 1963 State Hwy, Wellfleet, 026422553 D:01/21/20 Amt:$7,462


Chelmsford FANA, Cathy & Cocos Cafe&Catering, 169 Princeton St, Chelmsford, 01863-2509 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,428

Dracut RODRIGUES, Georgina, 11 Knoll Rd, Dracut, 018261541 D:01/21/20 Amt:$6,664

Lowell BAY STATE WIRE&CABLE CO, 645 Lawrence St, Lowell, 01852-3535 D:01/21/20 Amt:$16,240



WHEELER, Kimberly, 100 Housatonic St U:B, Lee, 01238-1307 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,322

MEREDITH, Gail, 38 Elm St, Tyngsboro, 01879-1326 D:01/21/20 Amt:$4,937


Berkley DEROSA CONSTRUCTION&LAND, 12 Riverside Dr, Berkley, 02779-2311 D:01/21/20 Amt:$11,164

North Attleboro WINGS FIRE AUTOMOTIVE INC, 404 E Washington St, North Attleboro, 02760-2321 D:01/21/20 Amt:$14,718


MEREDITH, Thomas, 38 Elm St, Tyngsboro, 018791326 D:01/21/20 Amt:$12,805

Wilmington CREATIVE EDGE POOLS&SPA, 54 Mcdonald Rd, Wilmington, 01887-3811 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,521



GONSALVES, Alfred, 7 Pleasant St, Taunton, 027803202 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,810

MAHER, Christopher, 299 Allen Rd, Ashby, 014312169 D:01/21/20 Amt:$8,376

MELLO, Melissa, 19 Barnum St, Taunton, 027804601 D:01/21/20 Amt:$4,137

MAHER, Leslie, 299 Allen Rd, Ashby, 01431-2169 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,193


Acushnet MELO, Jose, 453 Main St, Acushnet, 02743-5203 D:01/21/20 Amt:$6,701


Lawrence CUCCHIARA, Jaclyn K, 21 Vandergrift St, Lawrence, 01843-3714 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,527 MONTERO, Laura, 73 Coolidge St, Lawrence, 018431152 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,985


Ayer HUNTER, Christopher, 12 Pleasant St, Ayer, 014321330 D:01/21/20 Amt:$12,979

Burlington BREUS, Antoine, 13 Sandy Brook Rd, Burlington, 01803-3920 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,285

CHEEVER-LECLAIR, Shannon, 18 Myrtle St, Lynn, 01905-1726 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,345 EL GRAN JAGUAR RESTAURANT, 228 Union St, Lynn, 01901-1315 D:01/21/20 Amt:$84,139

GUARDIA, Jonathan, 99-A Taylor Ave, Plymouth, 02360-1033 D:01/21/20 Amt:$7,862 LENTON&SONS INC, 819 Federal Furnace Rd, Plymouth, 02360-4745 D:01/21/20 Amt:$12,748 MACFARLAND, Christine, 8 Chapel Hill Dr U:7, Plymouth, 02360-6001 D:01/21/20 Amt:$1,184 MACFARLAND, Dennis & Cary Hill Lock Svc, 8 Chapel Hill Dr U:7, Plymouth, 02360-6001 D:01/21/20 Amt:$15,945 SADLER, Russell, 126 Manomet Ave, Plymouth, 02360-1115 D:01/21/20 Amt:$28,336

Rockland FARROW, Alan, 11 Pacific St U:5, Rockland, 023702222 D:01/21/20 Amt:$4,434

WORCESTER LAFORTUNE, Steven, 685 S Main St, Athol, 013312147 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,923

Auburn SALDANA, Telos, 58 Oxford St, Auburn, 01609-2942 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,122

Blackstone CALITRI, Alan, 1 Summer St, Blackstone, 01504-1335 D:01/21/20 Amt:$17,315

Charlton DECOT, Brian, 406-A Worcester Rd, Charlton, 015071506 D:01/21/20 Amt:$9,192

YEO, Scott, 71 Baker Rd, Everett, 02149-4913 D:01/21/20 Amt:$9,731

Malden BRANDANO, Roy, 1 Neal St, Malden, 02148-1919 D:01/21/20 Amt:$62,070 SILVA, Rodilene D, 25 Acorn St, Malden, 02148-7601 D:01/21/20 Amt:$14,825

Medford JONES, Joseph, 116 Arlington St, Medford, 021556708 D:01/21/20 Amt:$8,765

OTOOLE, Edward, 22 Hudson Rd, Oxford, 01540-1308 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,907

Winchendon EVANS, Craig, 66 Benjamin St, Winchendon, 014751812 D:01/21/20 Amt:$14,098

Worcester EGAN, Robert, 136 Orton Street Ext, Worcester, 01604-1984 D:01/21/20 Amt:$26,126 MAHONEY, Christopher, 51 Blithewood Ave, Worcester, 01604-3553 D:01/21/20 Amt:$1,692



FAUNTLEROY, Deborah, 81 Prairie Ave, Newton, 02466-1614 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,758

BAIRD, Katherine, 70 Heron Way, Leominster, 014531313 D:01/21/20 Amt:$18,800


GERACE, Rodney, 368 Pierce St, Leominster, 014533034 D:01/21/20 Amt:$7,125

SALMINEN, Erik, 37 16th Tee St, Newbury, 019511952 D:01/21/20 Amt:$9,765

Peabody K&P FOOD SERVICE INC, 672 Lowell St, Peabody, 01960-3632 D:01/21/20 Amt:$294,849

Salem GREEN MOUNTAIN CONSULTING, 57 Howard St, Salem, 01970-7400 D:01/21/20 Amt:$14,601

HIGHLAND MARKET PIZZA INC, 22 Highland St, Somerville, 02138-2210 D:01/21/20 Amt:$20,289

Stoneham FRANCISCO, Antenor, 8 Colonial Ct, Stoneham, 02180-4129 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,195

Waltham BERNARD, Kelvin, 117 Worcester Ln, Waltham, 02451-7546 D:01/21/20 Amt:$22,997


JS PROTECTIVE SERVICES, 70 Heron Way, Leominster, 01453-1313 D:01/21/20 Amt:$20,179 PELLETIER, Deborah, 238 Abbott Ave, Leominster, 01453-2176 D:01/21/20 Amt:$87,614 PELLETIER, William, 238 Abbott Ave, Leominster, 01453-2176 D:01/21/20 Amt:$87,614

FARIA, Melanie, 107 Ridge Ln, Waltham, 02452-4878 D:01/21/20 Amt:$36,846



MACIEL, Carlos, 27 Bowker Rd, Waltham, 024536634 D:01/21/20 Amt:$51,413

Filed: Registry of Deeds.

MGA FOODS INC, 38 Hamilton St, Saugus, 019062239 D:01/21/20 Amt:$21,871


Salisbury LYNCH, Kelly, 48 Locust St, Salisbury, 01952-1113 D:01/21/20 Amt:$12,998


Agawam DREWNOWSKI, Paul, 90 Royal St, Agawam, 010011628 D:01/21/20 Amt:$4,096 SHEIKH, Rizwana, 50 Amherst Ave, Agawam, 010302212 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,734

Chicopee ZASCO PRODUCTIONS LLC, 340 Mckinstry Ave, Chicopee, 01013-1849 D:01/21/20 Amt:$13,384 ZYRA, Joseph, 65 Sampson St, Chicopee, 010202717 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,724

Holyoke MENDOZA, Miguel, 282 Suffolk St, Holyoke, 010403370 D:01/21/20 Amt:$4,624

Longmeadow CHRISTENSEN, Adam, 137 Porter Lake Dr, Longmeadow, 01106-1246 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,700

MELE, Ben, 40 Millbrook Rd, Wayland, 01778-2215 D:01/21/20 Amt:$11,248 MELE, Hillary, 40 Millbrook Rd, Wayland, 01778-2215 D:01/21/20 Amt:$11,248

Winchester GREEN LIFE JANITORIAL, 28 Church St, Winchester, 01890-2502 D:01/21/20 Amt:$14,825

Woburn BRAESE, Carrie, 40 Waverly Rd, Woburn, 01801-5853 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,252 GOLINSKI, Chris, 9-A Totman Dr, Woburn, 018015401 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,545 SAMAAN, Emad, 42 Campbell St, Woburn, 018013637 D:01/21/20 Amt:$8,555




ARDOLINO, Anthony, 28 Dayton St, Springfield, 01118-1725 D:01/21/20 Amt:$15,058

MAHONEY, John, 71 Belmont Ct U:3, Brockton, 02301-4722 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,709

BRODEUR, Sylvia, 42 Nassau Dr U:42, Springfield, 01129-1411 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,369

OFFLEY, George, 140 Colonel Bell Dr U:716, Brockton, 02301-1927 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,496

CLEMONS, Marc, 114 Manor Ct, Springfield, 011182400 D:01/21/20 Amt:$16,142 D&G JAMAICAN CUISINE LLC, 5 Preston St, Springfield, 01109-1721 D:01/21/20 Amt:$21,475

YOURELL, Robert, 54 N Main St, Brockton, 023013907 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,578 LAHAGE, Margaret, 33 Merrill Rd U:B, Hull, 020452944 D:01/21/20 Amt:$6,024

TEJADA, Johnny, 75 Earl St, Springfield, 01108-1833 D:01/21/20 Amt:$11,803



Amherst KNOX, Brian, 44 Potwine Ln U:1, Amherst, 010023301 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,837

Northampton C PLUS S ENTERPRISES INC & Hempest, 2 Conz St U:4, Northampton, 01060-4440 D:01/21/20 Amt:$9,659

Attachments are liens on real property of defendant(s) to satisfy any potential judgement for damages and costs that may be awarded to the plaintiff(s). Prior notice to the defendant is required except in unusual circumstances when the court may allow an ex parte attachment without prior notice. The filing of an attachment does not mean that the plaintiff will win the lawsuit and by the time it appears here, it may have been released. We report only that an attachment was recorded; the registry of deeds must be checked for discharges or releases. The name and address of the defendant is followed by the Plaintiff making the claim. The filing date (D) at the registry of deeds and the potential award (Amt) is shown. If an address does not appear here, it was not available on the document we review.


HERNANDEZ, Jonathan, 23 Carver St, Springfield, 01108-2722 D:01/21/20 Amt:$7,713

GRAVES, Gena, 11 Bradford Ave, Kingston, 023641501 D:01/21/20 Amt:$24,385 GRAVES, Richard, 11 Bradford Ave, Kingston, 023641501 D:01/21/20 Amt:$24,385

Lakeville BALZARINI, Edward & New England Shelving, 415 Millenium Cir, Lakeville, 02347-1246 D:01/21/20 Amt:$49,262

ALLSOP, William & Lisa Allsop, 14 Childs Rd, Monson Plaintiff: Gaudette Gary M Est & Tracy A Langevin D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,000,000 ALLSOP, William & Arrow Tree Svc, 14 Childs Rd, Monson Plaintiff: Tracy A Langevin D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,000,000 ALLSOP, William & All Tree Service Gamishee, 14 Childs Rd, Monson Plaintiff: Tracy A Langevin D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,000,000 SINISCALCHI, John & John P Siniscalchi, 189 Hovey Rd, Monson Plaintiff: HB Thomson Inc D:01/15/20 Amt:$14,500

Springfield ALLSOP, Deborah, 90 El Paso St, Springfield Plaintiff: Tracy A Langevin D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,000,000 JUDGE-CASTELLINI, Laura & Westfield Bank, 1331 Main St, Springfield Plaintiff: Westfield Bank D:01/17/20 Amt:$12,864


Arlington BROGAN, Joseph M & Jennifer Brogan, 19 Joyce Rd, Arlington Plaintiff: Robert Britt D:01/17/20 Amt:$25,000

Lexington LIN, Xin W & Christine Lin, 35 Preston Rd, Lexington Plaintiff: JDP 21 Clifornia LLC D:01/17/20


Randolph RUTH CAB INC & Eldali Transportation Inc, 22 Hillsdale Rd, Randolph Plaintiff: Freshstart Venture Cap D:01/15/20 Amt:$40,000

Weymouth OBERT, Richard, 925 Commercial St, Weymouth Plaintiff: Joseph Spinale D:01/17/20 Amt:$125,000

WORCESTER GAGUA, Sofia, 34 Highview Dr, Uxbridge Plaintiff: King Root Capital LLC D:01/15/20 Amt:$123,121

MAHMOOD, Khalid, 48 State St, Lynn, 01901-1505 D:01/21/20 Amt:$8,294


441 Long Bow Ln W Owner:Jaime M Garanzuay L:MHFA Case#:20SM000283 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


MONTILLO, Roseanne, 264 E Border Rd, Medford, 02155-1107 D:01/21/20 Amt:$9,467

LAZARUS, James, 272 Washington St, Marblehead, 01945-3331 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,077

ALLSOP, William, 14 Childs Rd, Monson Plaintiff: Tracy A Langevin D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,000,000


LECLAIR, Peter, 18 Myrtle St, Lynn, 01905-1726 D:01/21/20 Amt:$5,345



RODRIGUEZ, Jose M, 8 French River Cir, Oxford, 01540-2472 D:01/21/20 Amt:$9,481 COUNTRY MUSIC RANCH, 7 Sycamore Ave, Spencer, 01562-2854 D:01/21/20 Amt:$13,136


Tisbury SWIFT CATHERINE M EST, 369 Main St, Tisbury Plaintiff: Lisa Crabtree D:01/15/20 Amt:$18,000


Saugus 266 LINCOLN PROPCO LLC, 266 Lincoln Ave, Saugus Plaintiff: Intelycare Inc D:01/15/20 Amt:$11,000 6 MORRILL PL PROPCO LLC, 6 Morrill Pl, Saugus Plaintiff: Intelycare Inc D:01/15/20 Amt:$56,000





FAIRBAIRN, Mary, 747 Lowell Rd, Groton, 014501522 D:01/21/20 Amt:$8,644


AGHA, Mustafa, 72 Pinehurst Dr, Plymouth, 023605072 D:01/21/20 Amt:$14,930

DORNELE CONSTRUCTION INC, 67 Clinton St, Everett, 02149-4640 D:01/21/20 Amt:$84,598


KARVELAS, Sherry, 43 Beacon St, Gloucester, 019303438 D:01/21/20 Amt:$3,413


284 COURT ST NT & Joseph Maguire Tr, 284 Court St, Plymouth, 02360-4362 D:01/21/20 Amt:$32,036


BLACK SHEEP CHARCUTERIE, 12 Woodland Ave, Beverly, 01915-2926 D:01/21/20 Amt:$37,418 ABELL, Edward, 14 Proctor St, Gloucester, 019303523 D:01/21/20 Amt:$298,525


SZALAY, Gregg, 45 Richardson Corner Rd, Charlton, 01507-1430 D:01/21/20 Amt:$14,173





FEBRUARY 3, 2020

Northborough SIENA LUXURY HOMES LLC, 223 & 227 South St, Northborough Plaintiff: Air Temperature Services D:01/17/20 Amt:$14,950


Fitchburg CARON, Brian D & Brian Caron, 38 Lincoln St, Fitchburg Plaintiff: Workers CU D:01/16/20 Amt:$9,500

Petitions to Foreclose The information here has been abstracted from initial filings at the Massachusetts Land Court where a lender has asked the court for authority to foreclose the mortgage it holds on the property mentioned. The Land Court has the responsibility of notifying interested parties of the foreclosure proceedings through the publication of legal notices in newspapers throughout the state. Only parties who are protected under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 may register objections to the proceedings. If no legitimate objections are filed with the court, the lender is granted permission to proceed with the foreclosure sale of the property. The property address appears on the first line. The current owner of the property is followed by the lender (L). The third line begins with the Massachusetts Land Court case number and is followed by the date that the foreclosure petition was filed with the court. BARNSTABLE

Lenox 169 E Dugway Rd Owner:Elizabeth A Roosa L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000271 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Pittsfield 26 Reuter Ave Owner:Mark H Mendel L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000297 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Adams 32 Spring St Owner:Gary F Fletcher L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000285 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

North Adams 335 State St Owner:Jason N Miner L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000336 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Fall River 630 2nd St Owner:James Almeida L:PHH Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000282 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 147 Norman St Owner:Madeleine Whitley L:Finance Of America Revers Case#:20SM000326 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Freetown 90 Chipaway Rd Owner:Salina Sfougaris L:MHFA Case#:20SM000325 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 137 Chipaway Rd Owner:Joseph A Winsper L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000341 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Attleboro 116 Leedham St Owner:Christopher Landry L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:20SM000235 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 450 N Main St Owner:Andrew C Cerrone L:Reverse Mortgage Solution Case#:20SM000337 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Easton 831 Washington St Owner:Joyce M Rogers L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000295 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Rehoboth 12 Ash St Owner:Dennis E Swass L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000343 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Fairhaven 27 Sedgewick Rd Owner:Karen J Demelo L:Specialized Loan Svcg Case#:20SM000262 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Andover 261 River Rd Owner:Kelly A Rehman L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000247 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Lawrence 91 Butler St Owner:Juan B Romero L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000273 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 115-115A Chester St Owner:Jonathan J Davey L:Santander Bank NA Case#:20SM000254 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Methuen 121-123 Pelham St Owner:Rita Brazell L:Quicken Loans Inc Case#:20SM000296 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 21-23 School St Owner:Stephan A Nazarian L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000338 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


North Andover

577 Lumbert Mill Rd Owner:Daniel J Dumas L:Wilmington T NA Tr Case#:20SM000355 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

177 Great Pond Rd Owner:Elke L Ehrig L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000342 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Falmouth 63 Rosemary Ln Owner:Susan S Garvey L:Rockland T Co Case#:20SM000246 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Harwich 210 Lower County Rd Owner:Jon Miles L:Wilmington T NA Tr Case#:20SM000241 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Hyannis 291 Winter St Owner:Charles A Mcdevitt L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000281 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Beverly 10 Meeting Place Cir Owner:Patrick J Gillan L:Partners For Payment Reli Case#:20SM000335 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Haverhill 93-95 Harrison St Owner:Geraldo Pagan L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000328 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing



18 Hawthorne St Owner:Arturo V Reynoso L:Vanderbilt Mortgage&Fin Case#:20SM000330 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

71 Witchwood Rd Owner:Donna L Anderson L:M&T Bank NA Case#:20SM000284 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

70 Jenness St Owner:Robert Calef L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000279 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.



FEBRUARY 3, 2020




East Boston


2 Belfast Rd Owner:Michael J White L:Santander Bank NA Case#:20SM000358 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

95 Tennis Plaza Rd Owner:Jesse A Gulino L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000323 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

27 Boydes Xing U:27 Owner:Kymbly Deas L:MHFA Case#:20SM000242 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

348 Saratoga St Owner:Maria C Pleitez L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000238 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

166 Douglas St Owner:Judith H Palmer L:PHH Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000269 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing




Hyde Park


26 Parallel St Owner:Gary R Wilcox Jr L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000301 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

789 Chelmsford St Owner:Cheryl M Spaulding L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000345 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

23 Rockhill St Owner:Brandon C Avery L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000263 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

162 Beaver St Owner:William Concepcion L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000266 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


20 Joppa Rd Owner:Donnarae Szaban L:Santander Bank NA Case#:20SM000234 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

256 Stevens St Owner:James Mclaughlin L:Quicken Loans Inc Case#:20SM000312 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


25 Lawton St Owner:Charles Delsignore L:New Residential Mortgage Case#:20SM000289 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

57 Park Ave Owner:Denis F Kelley L:Santander Bank NA Case#:20SM000253 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Jamaica Plain

31 Walworth St Owner:Susan Godin L:Fifth Third Bank Case#:20SM000344 Filing Date:01/21/20

136 Beach Rd Owner:Dennis Anderson L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:20SM000339 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Saugus 1 Birchwood Ave Owner:Mario A Lanza L:Amerihome Mortgage Co Case#:20SM000329 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 9 Broadway Owner:June B Griffin L:Select Portfolio Svcg Case#:20SM000277 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 12 Makepeace St Owner:Alan Desouza L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000227 Filing Date:01/15/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


15 Cottage St Owner:Carolyn Gelineau L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000228 Filing Date:01/15/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

121 Foster Rd Owner:Ernest M Boudreau L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000319 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

418 South St Owner:Janice Troiano L:PHH Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000291 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

12 S Amos St Owner:Daniel L Doucot L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000320 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing



175 Brickel Rd Owner:Culhane Paul E Est L:Newrez LLC Case#:20SM000265 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

34 Bridle Path Way Owner:Elkin B Mccallum L:Boston Private B&T Co Case#:20SM000245 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

95 Ewing Dr Owner:David Jackson L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000309 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Wenham 2-A Dexter Ln Owner:Beth Knowlton L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000293 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Orange 60 Perry Rd Owner:Eleanor A Donahue L:US Bank NA Case#:20SM000256 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Agawam 114 Tobacco Farm Rd Owner:Jeffrey N Heinze L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000243 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 11 Witheridge St Owner:Gregory A Belden L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000352 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Brimfield 19 5 Bridge Rd Owner:Richard M Zola L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000346 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Chicopee 88 Chateaugay St Owner:Matthew T Pasternak L:Citizens Bank NA Case#:20SM000288 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

East Longmeadow 144 Patterson Ave Owner:George J Kahi L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:20SM000321 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Ludlow 406 Miller St Owner:Brian P Page L:Berkshire Bank Case#:20SM000327 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Monson 57 Stafford Rd Owner:Yvette M Rioux L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000318 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Springfield 304 Christopher Dr Owner:Duane Davis L:Truist Bank Case#:20SM000239 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Everett 96 Cottage St Owner:Cenia Escobar L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:20SM000225 Filing Date:01/15/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 34 Dunster Rd Owner:Gregory E Derosa L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000348 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Framingham 18 Carling Rd Owner:Ofelia F Hodge L:Amerihome Mortgage Co Case#:20SM000233 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Westfield 1768 E Mountain Rd Owner:John Q Adams L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:20SM000360 Filing Date:01/22/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Billerica 114 Friendship St Owner:Benjamin Vega L:Santander Bank NA Case#:20SM000259 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

4 Della Ave Owner:Berlyns Devoliere L:Amerihome Mortgage Co Case#:20SM000257 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

1 Baker Ln Owner:Albano Correia L:Secialized Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000236 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Hudson 18 Temi Rd Owner:Dennis J Balboni L:Citizens Bank NA Case#:20SM000290 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Malden 325 Lynn St Owner:Iris Almonacid L:Citimortgage Inc Case#:20SM000331 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Melrose 47 1st St Owner:George L Reid Jr L:Citibank NA Case#:20SM000232 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Natick 12 Purington Ave Owner:Michael Rowe L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000267 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Newton 29 Levbert Rd Owner:Joyce Berdichevsky L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000240 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


76 Perkins ST Owner:Kayode Asupoto L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000351 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

132 Huntington St Owner:Tome B Andrade L:Fifth Third Bank Case#:20SM000303 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

East Bridgewater 259 Pine St Owner:Edward M Lawrence L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000311 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Hull 9 Park Ave Owner:Joanne A Kelly L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000357 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Kingston 29 Nottingham Dr Owner:Robert Hone L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000261 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Marion 365 County Rd Owner:Christopher E Seiders L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000237 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Canton 262 High St Owner:Christopher J Sykes L:Specialized Loan Svcg Case#:20SM000255 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Dedham 41 Holmes Rd Owner:Heath R Purdy L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000270 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing



3 Winthrop Dr Owner:Pamela L Owens L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000333 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

South Boston 296 Bolton St U:2 Owner:Andrew Mccarthy L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000280 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Athol 57 Cottage St Owner:Lorelei Currier L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000274 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Auburn 56 Barnes St Owner:Thomas Michniewicz L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000276 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 1 Clarendon Rd Owner:Bryan S Trilligan L:PHH Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000278 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 35 Field St Owner:Penny L Berry L:Home Point Financial Corp Case#:20SM000298 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Barre 79 Station Rd Owner:James Angelos L:New Residential Mortgage Case#:20SM000292 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Gardner 52 Linwood St Owner:Sean M Otoole L:PHH Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000268 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 156 Park St Owner:Erick F Hoovis L:USAA FSB Case#:20SM000300 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 319 S Main St Owner:Erinn Martin L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:20SM000305 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Leicester 50 Charlton St Owner:Wayne Snay L:Bank Of America NA Case#:20SM000286 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

North Brookfield

Pembroke 111 Queens Brook Rd Owner:Thomas J Obrien L:Santander Bank NA Case#:20SM000252 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Plymouth 50 Long Duck Pond Rd Owner:Konstantinos Rigas L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000244 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Rockland 83 Union St Owner:Elizabeth Cooper L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000334 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 25 Winding Way U:25 Owner:Shawn R Tucker L:FHLM Case#:20SM000350 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Scituate 18 Kathys Path Owner:Karen M Ward L:Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Case#:20SM000313 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Foreclosure Sales These notices of the public sale of mortgaged property are compiled from legal notices published in newspapers throughout the state. The proceeds from the sale usually are used to satisfy the mortgage in default. The time and place of the sale must be published for three consecutive weeks in a local newspaper prior to the sale. The sale may be postponed; or the sale may not occur at all if the debt is satisfied before the sale. The property address, date and time of the sale appears on the first line followed by the current owner (O) of the property. The lender (L) and the cash deposit (Deposit) required at the time of sale are found on the third line. The book and page number (Bk/ Pg) of the mortgage document and the filing date (D) at the registry of deeds comprise the fourth line. The newspaper (Source) and issue date (in parenthesis) can be checked for additional details. The attorney’s name (Atty) and phone number appear on the last line for interested parties to contact.


5 South St Owner:Lana M Ruel L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000272 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

24 Wareham St Owner:Stephan M Pietrafitta L:US Bank NA Case#:20SM000258 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

3 Bucky Dr U:3 Owner:Lustgarten Stewart J Est L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000226 Filing Date:01/15/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

56 Pearl St Owner:John D Lemoine L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000349 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

980 Stafford St Owner:Nancy E Oneil L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:20SM000310 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

31 Chestnut St Owner:Craig L Mahon L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000231 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


25 Gaston St Owner:Leverne A Stephens L:Salem Five Cents SB Case#:20SM000308 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

116 Moraine St Owner:Jocelyn S Okeefe L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000356 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing








90 Mannville St Owner:Hilarie J Haley L:MHFA Case#:20SM000287 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

110 Highland St Owner:Clinton S Robinson L:Pennymac Loan Services Case#:20SM000332 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

48 Mill St Owner:Craig S Ringer L:Select Portfolio Svcg Case#:20SM000317 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

99 Wightman St Owner:Phet Ouch L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000224 Filing Date:01/15/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing



13 Radcliffe Rd Owner:Steven P Morana L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000347 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 8 Lynn Ave Owner:Meghan Bacon L:Carrington Mortgage Svcs Case#:20SM000248 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

373 Taunton St Owner:Peter C Knaus L:Midfirst Bank Case#:20SM000353 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

93 Chatham Rd Owner:Mae R Kimbrel L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000322 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


20 Colony Rd U:20 Owner:Jill A Maynard L:Truist Bank Case#:20SM000315 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing



24 Nathaniel St Owner:Jose L Marquez L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000307 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

West Springfield

4 Stone Hill Ter Owner:Caroline E Casey L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000251 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

835 Townsend Rd Owner:Amylynn Whetzell L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:20SM000304 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

13 Montgomery Ave Owner:Nadege Desir L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000314 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

39 Trinity Ter Owner:Veronica L Mcnair L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:20SM000316 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing



14 Mansfield St Owner:Jermaine Rodriguez-Smith L:Mortgage Network Inc Case#:20SM000230 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

31-33 Thetford St Owner:Lynzi A Gayle L:Newrez LLC Case#:20SM000299 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

50 Faxon Rd Owner:Jazmin I Steele L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000306 Filing Date:01/20/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

11-13 Bismarck St Owner:Ahmad Hijazi L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:20SM000229 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Falmouth 02/12/20 03:00 PM 24 Pinehurst Rd Owner:Jay H Lively & Rachel Lively Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/06/06 Source:Falmouth Enterprise (01/10/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

Harwich 02/27/20 11:00 AM 42 Marlin Rd Owner:George F Small Lender:Cape Cod Five Cents SB Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/19/07 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/22/20) Atty:Bradley J Bailey 508-771-4644

9 Lane Ave Owner:Brandon C Avery L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000264 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

02/27/20 11:00 AM 42 Marlin Rd Owner:George F Small T Lender:Cape Cod Five Cents SB Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:1073341 D:09/19/07 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/21/20) Atty:Bradley J Bailey Esq 508-771-4644



2171 Providence Rd Owner:Tiara Crickenberger L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000250 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

02/27/20 02:00 PM 88 Captain Ellis Ln Owner:John T Barowski Lender:Citizens Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:04/04/14 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/20/20) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701

Oxford 23 Thayer Pond Dr U:8 Owner:Laurence Shuman L:Newrez LLC Case#:20SM000294 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Shrewsbury 14 Manor Rd Owner:Linda Ward L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:20SM000324 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 657 South St Owner:Roberta I Blute L:Citimortgage Inc Case#:20SM000359 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Southbridge 251 Torrey Rd Owner:Guy A Renaud L:Trinity Financial Service Case#:20SM000260 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 361 Worcester St Owner:Arthur B Bainton L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:20SM000249 Filing Date:01/16/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Sterling 7 Still River Rd Owner:Richard Labouef Jr L:New Residential Mortgage Case#:20SM000354 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing




43 Bullard Ln Owner:Glenn C Mastrodicasa L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:20SM000340 Filing Date:01/21/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

45 Cedar Grove St Owner:Eric W Manning L:M&T Bank NA Case#:20SM000275 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

350 Central Tpke Owner:Joseph M Lavoie L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:20SM000302 Filing Date:01/17/20 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

02/27/20 02:00 PM 88 Captain Ellis Ln Owner:John T Barowski Lender:Citizens Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:28071/161 D:04/04/14 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/19/20) Atty:Brock & Scott Plcc 401-217-8701

Mashpee 02/11/20 09:00 AM 278 Meetinghouse Rd Owner:Robert C Fernald Jr Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/04/06 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/21/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 02/11/20 09:00 AM 278 Meetinghouse Rd Owner:Robert C Fernald Jr Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:21591/251 D:12/04/06 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/20/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

Osterville 02/07/20 11:00 AM 920 Main St Owner:John M Iacoi Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:04/12/05 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/17/20) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc 02/07/20 11:00 AM 920 Main St Owner:John M Iacoi Tr Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:19723/235 D:04/12/05 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/16/20) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq



02/07/20 10:00 AM 11 Campion Rd Owner:Kevin Maloney & Geraldine Maloney Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:07/31/03 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/17/20) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc 02/07/20 10:00 AM 11 Campion Rd Owner:Kevin Maloney Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:17401/94 D:07/31/03 Source:Cape Cod Times (01/16/20) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq


Becket 02/12/20 01:00 PM 329 Little John Dr Owner:Sarah A Lapointe Lender:M&T Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/11/17 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/22/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800

Peru 02/07/20 01:00 PM 220 E Windsor Rd Owner:Elaine S Wormwood Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/23/07 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/17/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

Acushnet 02/12/20 11:00 AM 50 Blueberry Dr Owner:Edmund Rodrigues & Lucy F Matias Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:10/20/05 Source:Standard Times (the) (01/22/20) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc

New Bedford 02/10/20 10:00 AM 10 Winter St Owner:Leonard B Graham & Ella Graham Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:11/30/04 Source:Standard Times (the) (01/17/20) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670 02/18/20 12:00 PM 66 Central Ave Owner:Steven Amaral & Sandra A Amaral Lender:HSBC Bank USA NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/02/07 Source:Standard Times (the) (01/21/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Westport 02/12/20 10:00 AM 648 American Legion Hwy U:648 Owner:Bruce Garcia & Kelly Mota Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:03/07/07 Source:Standard Times (the) (01/22/20) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200




01/29/20 11:00 AM 81 Dartmouth St U:304 Owner:Saif Safick Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/31/06 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/17/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

02/18/20 11:00 AM 11 Bow St U:2 Owner:Jana A Vitale Lender:Vanderbilt Mortgage&Fin Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:33540/305 D:09/12/14 Source:Salem Evening News (01/21/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500

02/03/20 12:00 PM 102 Dewey Ave Owner:Albert Turner Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/10/09 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/17/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500


02/10/20 10:00 AM 1 Avon Pl Owner:Lori A Mchugh Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/07/07 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/20/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 02/26/20 11:00 AM 239 Robbins Ave Owner:Carol L Killian Lender:Reverse Mortgage Solution Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/24/12 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/22/20) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc


Adams 02/13/20 10:00 AM 14 Simon Ave Owner:Walter W Levesque Lender:Adams Community Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/06/14 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/21/20) Atty:Donovan Oconnor & Dodig 413-663-3200

North Adams 02/05/20 12:00 PM 721 Curran Hwy Owner:William I Thacker & Ariel M Ramos Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/12/17 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/20/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 02/13/20 11:00 AM 483 Walnut St Owner:Steven M Stojda Lender:Adams Community Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/25/13 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/21/20) Atty:Donovan Oconnor & Dodig 413-663-3200 02/19/20 12:00 PM 159 Pleasant St Owner:Richard A Lynn & Scott M Moran Lender:Bayview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/22/07 Source:Berkshire Eagle (01/22/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500


Fall River 02/10/20 10:00 AM 1533 Robeson St Owner:Vincent M Fitzgerald Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/21/06 Source:The Herald News (01/20/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 02/11/20 12:00 PM 118 Maple St Owner:Derek Vasconcellos Lender:Pennymac Loan Services Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:04/29/16 Source:The Herald News (01/16/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 02/18/20 11:00 AM 1427 Plymouth Ave Owner:Pauline M Costa & Antonio M Costa Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/22/09 Source:The Herald News (01/16/20) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701 02/18/20 03:00 PM 541 Tecumseh St Owner:Lori A Hathaway & Melvin A Hathaway Lender:MTGLQ Investors LP Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/22/07 Source:The Herald News (01/21/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Somerset 02/19/20 11:00 AM 44 Glendale St Owner:Kenneth C Grime & Colene G Grime Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:10/21/96 Source:The Herald News (01/22/20) Atty:Cunningham Mechanic Cetli 508-651-7524


Taunton 02/12/20 10:00 AM 132 Davenport St Owner:Derek S Smith Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:04/29/16 Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (01/22/20) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc



FEBRUARY 3, 2020

02/19/20 12:00 PM 31-A Chandler Rd Owner:Robert H Taylor Lender:Citimortgage Inc Deposit:$15,000 Bk/Pg:19239/373 D:09/12/02 Source:Haverhill Gazette (01/16/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Gloucester 02/06/20 11:00 AM 145 Essex Ave U:608 Owner:Mark L Mcintire Lender:Loancare LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:32896/436 D:10/02/13 Source:Gloucester Daily Times (01/16/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

02/07/20 12:00 PM 149 Fountain St Owner:Wayne G Phillips Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16301/369 D:10/27/06 Source:Republican (the) (01/17/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

02/04/20 12:00 PM 100 Malvern Rd Owner:David Albertson Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/26/03 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/21/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

02/10/20 12:00 PM 170 Laurelton St Owner:Andie Gedeon Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:21790/4 D:07/31/17 Source:Republican (the) (01/20/20) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq

02/06/20 12:00 PM 46 Belding Cir Owner:Scott F Wuschke & Thomas M Wuschke Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/18/02 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/23/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800

02/10/20 11:00 AM 35-37 Longfellow Ter Owner:Julio C Feliciano Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:16709/127 D:05/25/07 Source:Republican (the) (01/20/20) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq

02/07/20 12:00 PM 780 N Cary St Owner:Donald J Macfarland & Frances A Macfarland Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/08/06 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/21/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

02/10/20 01:00 PM 110 Spikenard Cir Owner:Gary Fortune Lender:MTGLQ Investors LP Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:16244/475 D:10/06/06 Source:Republican (the) (01/20/20) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq

02/12/20 01:00 PM 79 Brookville Ave Owner:Kevin S Clapp Lender:Santander Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/31/06 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/20/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

02/11/20 11:00 AM 87 Garfield St Owner:Jermaine O Menzie Lender:Webster Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17490/595 D:09/30/08 Source:Republican (the) (01/17/20) Atty:Oconnell Attmore & Morri

02/12/20 12:00 PM 8 Johnson Ct Owner:Mcdavis Dorvillier & Cecile Dorvillier Lender:Fifth Third Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/25/14 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/20/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

02/12/20 10:00 AM 42 Daytona St Owner:Beverly N Thomas Lender:DLJ Mortgage Capital Inc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:10884/12 D:08/10/99 Source:Republican (the) (01/22/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/13/20 12:00 PM 43 Lang St Owner:Gregory W Tapp Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:102147 D:10/30/92 Source:Republican (the) (01/16/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500 02/13/20 11:00 AM 3 Sumner Ave Owner:LL Corner Realty LLC Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:20272/334 D:05/07/14 Source:Republican (the) (01/22/20) Atty:James R Byrne Esq 860-548-2683


02/13/20 01:00 PM 35 Sunset Dr Owner:Patricia S Oprecht-Kum Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:15376/59 D:09/30/05 Source:Republican (the) (01/16/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500

02/11/20 12:00 PM 902 River St U:2 Owner:Bette A Caruso Lender:MTGLQ Investors LP Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:441045 D:06/09/04 Source:Haverhill Gazette (01/16/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500

02/17/20 01:00 PM 163 Spikenard Cir Owner:Joseph A Wandolowski Lender:Citibank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:141477 D:10/26/01 Source:Republican (the) (01/20/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500



02/10/20 11:00 AM 41 Merrill Ave Owner:George Jackson Jr Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/04/05 Source:Daily Item (01/20/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

02/11/20 10:00 AM 20 Railroad Ave Owner:Frederick N Gore Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16480/239 D:01/26/07 Source:Republican (the) (01/21/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

Peabody 02/13/20 12:00 PM 12 Glen Dr Owner:Heather J Roan Lender:US Bank NA Tr Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:26282/352 D:11/07/06 Source:Salem Evening News (01/22/20) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670

Saugus 02/07/20 10:00 AM 47 Basswood Ave Owner:Ronny Keegan & Farrah Keegan Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/02/06 Source:Daily Item (01/17/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800


Agawam 02/06/20 02:00 PM 23 Lincoln St Owner:John Pizzimenti Lender:Reverse Mortgage Funding Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16943/373 D:09/14/07 Source:Republican (the) (01/16/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 02/13/20 02:00 PM 87 Anthony St Owner:Richard E West Lender:Loancare LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:156722 D:04/21/04 Source:Republican (the) (01/16/20) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500 02/17/20 12:00 PM 120 Homer St Owner:Frederick Marble Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:15821/568 D:04/11/06 Source:Republican (the) (01/20/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Chicopee 02/19/20 04:00 PM 18 Roberts Pond Ln Owner:Edward J Blanchard Jr Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:10147/572 D:01/30/98 Source:Republican (the) (01/22/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


Granby 02/18/20 01:00 PM 28 New Ludlow Rd Owner:Christine E Canavan Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:7860/1 D:06/12/04 Source:Republican (the) (01/21/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


Arlington 02/18/20 01:00 PM 35 Prospect Ave Owner:Hercilio Correa Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:05/22/06 Source:Boston Herald (01/23/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500


Nantucket 02/07/20 11:00 AM 2 Waydale Rd Owner:David Glowacki 3rd Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:05/04/07 Source:Inquirer And Mirror (01/09/20) Atty:Murphy & Lupan Pa 508-650-9252


Randolph 02/14/20 01:00 PM 34 Cross St Owner:Cbmd Home Solutions LLC Lender:Toorak Capital Ptnr Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/10/19 Source:The Enterprise (01/17/20) Atty:Law Offices Of Keith K Fu 02/14/20 01:00 PM 34 Cross St Owner:Cbmd Home Solutions LLC Lender:Toorak Capital Ptnr Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/10/19 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/17/20) Atty:Law Office Of Keith K Ful

East Longmeadow 02/19/20 05:00 PM 421 Prospect St Owner:Emilio Guadalupe Lender:Specialized Loan Svcg Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:20872/75 D:09/15/15 Source:Republican (the) (01/22/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500



02/12/20 10:00 AM 130 Market St Owner:Eunice L Medina Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:04/28/17 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/22/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 02/13/20 11:00 AM 9 Highland St Owner:Warren W Dougan Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/04/05 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/23/20) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 02/13/20 11:00 AM 5 Montgomery St Owner:Al Miranda LLC Lender:Capital Line Funding LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:04/12/19 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/21/20) Atty:Wise & Jack Llc 508-500-4300 02/19/20 12:00 PM 1021 Pleasant St Owner:Claude Duverglas & Djanine P DaVeiga Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/01/08 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/22/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 02/21/20 02:00 PM 33 Vale St Owner:Kenneth P Corricelli Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:04/24/08 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/22/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

02/11/20 10:00 AM Pearl St Owner:Phillipe Leng Lender:Kun Mcguire Deposit:$210,000 Bk/Pg:60162/4 D:03/15/19 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/21/20) Atty:Alan W Mcalister

North Brookfield 02/07/20 03:00 PM 71 Elm St Owner:Gerald A Mcalister Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:56520/35 D:12/19/16 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/16/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868

Warren 02/18/20 12:00 PM 875 Cronin Rd Owner:Maria Daniels Lender:Matrix Financial Services Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:59118/6 D:07/17/18 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/21/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 02/18/20 11:00 AM 641 Little Rest Rd Owner:Lee J Margadonna Lender:Cornerstone Bank Deposit:$7,500 Bk/Pg:27886/325 D:10/28/02 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/17/20) Atty:Neil S Cohen Esq 617-332-4700

West Boylston 02/07/20 11:00 AM 3 Center Dr Owner:Glenn Gardiner Lender:Santander Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:37958/260 D:11/19/05 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/16/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868 02/11/20 10:00 AM 67 N Main St Owner:Carlos A Figueira Lender:US Bank NA Tr Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:38382/209 D:02/02/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/17/20) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670

Worcester 02/07/20 11:00 AM 338 Park Ave Owner:Nashef LLC Lender:Berman Auctioneers&Appr Deposit:$25,000 Bk/Pg:55183/171 D:04/12/16 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/16/20) Atty:Robert S Adler Esq 508-757-7721

Whitman 02/12/20 02:00 PM 61 Harriet Ave Owner:Nicole M Sullivan Lender:Select Portfolio Svcg Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/24/07 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/20/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

02/14/20 12:00 PM 107 Blithewood Ave Owner:Rotimi D Abegunde Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:38886/54 D:04/27/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/17/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


Boston 02/05/20 11:00 AM 34 Fairfield St U:2 Owner:Barry W Chapin Lender:Hingham Institution Deposit:$20,000 Doc#:* D:11/25/15 Source:Boston Herald (01/23/20) Atty:Gaughen Gaughen Lane & He 781-335-0374

Dorchester 02/05/20 11:00 AM 268 Washington St Owner:Lloyd Mason & Elizabeth Mason Lender:Reverse Mortgage Funding Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/14/08 Source:Boston Herald (01/21/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 02/06/20 12:00 PM 41 Holiday St Owner:Marie Williams Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$20,000 Doc#:* D:03/01/06 Source:Boston Herald (01/23/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Jamaica Plain 02/12/20 10:00 AM 49 Boylston St U:2 Owner:David R Howell Lender:Citizens Bank NA Deposit:$7,500 Doc#:* D:12/16/08 Source:Boston Herald (01/20/20) Atty:Barsh And Cohen Pc 617-332-4700

Roslindale 02/03/20 12:00 PM 31 Harrison St U:B Owner:Adriana Cordero Lender:Santander Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:01/06/04 Source:Boston Herald (01/17/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500


Boylston 02/12/20 03:00 PM 220 E Temple St Owner:Steven J Fuller Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:41245/197 D:05/25/07 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/22/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

Charlton 02/14/20 02:00 PM 58 H Foote Rd Owner:Christopher M Shaw Lender:Wilmington T NA Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:35189/343 D:11/30/04 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/17/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500




02/04/20 11:00 AM 31 Johnson St Owner:John V Muzrim Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/21/05 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/23/20) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

02/11/20 11:00 AM 29 Berlin St U:114 Owner:Patrick R Colaluca Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:50417/188 D:01/28/13 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/17/20) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670

02/07/20 01:00 PM 124 Dubois St Owner:Maureen K Kusmierczak Lender:Loancare LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17135/478 D:01/31/08 Source:Republican (the) (01/17/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

02/04/20 11:00 AM 26 Lilly Ave Owner:Patricia Tsarhopoulos Lender:HarborOne Bank Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:07/02/09 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/23/20) Atty:Kline & Sanders Llp 617-964-2200

02/14/20 01:00 PM 14 Crown St Owner:Peter J Valentino Lender:Santander Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:44317/145 D:05/27/09 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/17/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

02/19/20 03:00 PM 21 Sterrett Dr Owner:Frank T Larson Lender:Bayview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:18609/501 D:12/10/10 Source:Republican (the) (01/22/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

02/07/20 02:00 PM 188 Fernwood Dr Owner:Percy Eady Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:56483/87 D:12/16/16 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/16/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868

02/12/20 02:00 PM 986 W Boylston St Owner:Ivonne Nazario Lender:US Bank NA Tr Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:37049/230 D:08/05/05 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/22/20) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

02/10/20 10:00 AM 533 Pleasant St Owner:Charles E Thomson Lender:OCWEN Loan Servicing LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/14/16 Source:Brockton Enterprise (01/17/20) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868



Š2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

02/17/20 12:00 PM 137 Greenwood St Owner:Altagracia Paulino Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$15,000 Bk/Pg:39052/296 D:05/26/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/20/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 02/17/20 01:00 PM 95 Loxwood St Owner:Aldo B Cortez Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:38204/84 D:01/12/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/20/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 02/17/20 02:00 PM 30 Montague St Owner:Theresa B Sargent Lender:US Bank NA Tr Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:42111/54 D:11/21/07 Source:Telegram Gazette (01/21/20) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Sheriff Sales These notices of the public sale of mortgaged property are compiled from legal notices published in newspapers throughout the state. The proceeds from the sale usually are used to satisfy the mortgage in default. The time and place of the sale must be published for three consecutive weeks in a local newspaper prior to the sale. The sale may be postponed; or the sale may not occur at all if the debt is satisfied before the sale. The property address, date and time of the sale appears on the first line followed by the current owner (O) of the property. The lender (L) and the cash deposit (Deposit) required at the time of sale are found on the third line. The book and page number (Bk/ Pg) of the mortgage document and the filing date (D) at the registry of deeds comprise the fourth line. The newspaper (Source) and issue date (in parenthesis) can be checked for additional details. ESSEX SOUTH

Salem 45 Congress St Sale at:, 02/13/20 10:00 AM Owner:George Daaboul Bk/Pg: Source:Salem Evening News (01/16/20)





FEBRUARY 3, 2020


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