Banker & Tradesman: June 17, 2019

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County close-up: Plymouth Spotlight: Norwell



Following Harold Brown’s retirement in November 2017, capping a 64-year real estate career that built a $2.3-billion real estate empire, Jameson Brown was named co-CEO along with Chief Financial Officer Andy Bloch.



3,564 The number of housing units in Norwell. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: U.S. Census Bureau

$5,000 A bill on Beacon Hill would let first-time homebuyers set aside a tax-deductible $5,000 per year to save for a down payment. See Anne Meczywor’s column on page 5. Source: Massachusetts Association of Realtors

930 The number of affordable units HYM plans for Suffolk Downs. See Steve Adams’ story on this page. Source: Boston Planning & Development Agency

Developers of the 161-acre Suffolk Downs site say they cannot afford to add more affordable units to the 10,000-unit project.




$15.23 million The price of a recently-sold Pier 4 penthouse. See the Gossip Report on page 9. Source: The Warren Group

$765,000 The median home price so far this year in Hingham. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group’s Statistics Module

$20,851 The typical homeowner will pay $20,851 to sell their home. See Lew Sichelman’s column on page 4. Source: Zillow

3,319 square feet The size of a recently-sold, full-floor condominium overlooking the Public Garden. See the Gossip Report on page 9. Source: The Warren Group

$296,200 The median home price so far this year in Brockton. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group’s Statistics Module

Unless otherwise noted, all data is sourced from The Warren Group’s Mortgage Market Share Module, Loan Originator Module, Statistics Module and/or proprietary database. For more information please visit datasolutions.



rom Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards’ perspective, the worst outcome for the redevelopment of the 161acre Suffolk Downs property would be a finished product that resembles the Seaport District.

As the Boston Planning and Development Agency reviews a proposed 16.1-million-square-foot development proposal for Suffolk Downs, including 10,000 housing units, Edwards warns that the property has the potential to become an economically and ethnically homogeneous enclave with little connection to the existing neighborhood. The District 1 councilor is asking the BPDA to require more units for lowerincome households, to stem displacement as East Boston apartment-dwellers are


Raytheon Merger Could Hit the Office Market Don’t Believe the Happy Talk – Layoffs Will Be Coming By Scott Van Voorhis | Banker & Tradesman Columnist

Continued on Page 7

O’Brien said the current affordable unit income and rent guidelines are necessary to make the development profitable, given an estimated cost of $500,000 to construct each residential unit.


After Workplace Culture Issues, Berkshire Launches Diversity Initiatives Storefronts Will be Aimed at Less-Banked Communities By Bram Berkowitz | Banker & Tradesman Staff

Commercial Real Estate PAGE 3

Banking & Lending PAGE 9


JUNE 17, 2019

The Week on the Web

Timothy M. Warren Jr., CEO and Publisher David B. Lovins, President and COO



Published by The Warren Group



• The buyer is Fsbos LLC, an entity which lists as a manager Roger Blackall, director of the hotels and hospitalities division for Bahrainbased Premier Group. • Premier Group is an investment company controlled by King Hamad al-Kahlifa and his family, according to a 2014 Financial Times report. • A $160 million mortgage was provided by Pathways OPD1 LLC of Weston, Florida, according to Suffolk County Registry of Deeds records.


Associate Publisher: Cassidy Norton Managing Editor: James Sanna Associate Editor: Steve Adams Reporter: Bram Berkowitz Contributing Writer: Scott Van Voorhis


Audience Solution Specialists: Jenell James, Sarah Ahlgren

• Paul Pecci was the president and CEO of Braintree Cooperative Bank until it was acquired by South Shore Bank in July of 2017 when the Mashpee native assumed the role of president of the combined entity. • He has spent the last year and a half working with CEO James Dunphy to ensure the merger between South Shore Bank and Braintree Cooperative Bank was successfully completed. • “I could not be happier with the way the two banks have come together. We have met and exceeded the expectations that Jim and I had when we first began talking about joining the two banks together,” Pecci said in a statement. “Financially, technologically and from a customer service and product offering point of view – it was the best decision we could have made. I am thrilled with the way everything has turned out, and I am confident in Jim’s ability to lead a successful bank into the future.” • Pecci has spent a lifetime working in community banking, starting his career at the age of 14. His first job was working as a stock boy at Brighton Cooperative Bank, advancing during nine years to teller, bookkeeper and then internal auditor.

Client Services Assistant: Victor Salvo Advertising Account Manager: Steve Ketler Graphic Designer: William Samatis


Director of Sales & Marketing: John Bottini Communications Manager: Mike Breed Executive Data Solutions Account Manager: William Visconti Data Solutions Account Managers: Chris Mirakian, Peter Sullivan


Director of Operations & Product Strategy: Samantha Bullock Data Operations Supervisor: Tammy Dandurant


Data Vendor Coordinator: Tracey Kelley Data Quality Auditor: Ellen Gendron Acquisitions Coordinator: Linda MacDonald Transaction Acquisition Coordinators: Wally Bullock


• The Boston Tech Center at 176 Lincoln St. has sat vacant for many years while just across the Mass. Pike, New Balance’s Boston Landing has taken shape. • Constructed in the early 1900s as a warehouse and rehabbed after Cabot, Cabot & Forbes’ June 2000 acquisition, Harvard boughtl the 450,000-square-foot building in 2006, with several failed redevelopment and land swap plans playing out since then. • “The university continues to envision an exciting mixed-use project that takes full advantage of the intersections of various opportunities in and around the neighborhood, and that will resonate with people wanting to move into, and stay, in the area,” a statement from the university read.

STATE LEADERS AGREE ON PAID LEAVE TAX DELAY • A payroll tax of 0.63 percent is set to take effect on July 1, but without a bill ready to be voted on, legislative leaders tried with their statement to bring some predictability to the process, even if a successful vote can never be guaranteed. • “To ensure businesses have adequate time to implement the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program, the House, Senate, and [Baker] administration have agreed to adopt a three-month delay to the start of required contributions to the program,” read the statement from House Speaker Robert DeLeo, Senate President Karen Spilka and Gov. Charlie Baker. “We will also adopt technical changes to clarify program design. We look forward to the successful implementation of this program this fall.”



Senior Applications Developer: Joe Chan

• Its 25th branch will be located at 76 Bedford St. and is expected to open in the fall of 2019. • “Our new office will provide greater convenience to the significant base of customers and friends that we have in Lexington and will allow us to better serve the businesses, consumers, and non-profits in the area,” Enterprise CEO Jack Clancy said in a statement. • The Enterprise Bank Lexington team will be led by Branch Relationship Manager and Vice President Veronica Caira, a Lexington resident who is very active in the community and helps lead the Lexington Chamber of Commerce, Lexington Women in Business, the local Rotary Club and the Lexington Historical Society.

Software Developers: Michael Paul, Mark Wearsch


Controller: Gena Salvo Accounts Payable: Olga Khalaydovsky Human Resources Manager: Linnea Blair HR Coordinator: Andy Wells

• A report by the Hartford, Connecticut-based investment manager Conning ranked Massachusetts 23rd in the country in terms of credit quality. Bright spots in the Bay State’s credit quality ranking included state GDP per capita (second place), median household income (fourth place) and unemployment rate (11th place). • However, the state struggled in several sub-categories including economic debt (43rd place), debt per capita (49th place) and the ratio of general fund balances to general fund expenditures (41st place).



Texas Billionaire Revealed as Suffolk Downs Owner


Harvard Taps Berkeley Investments to Revive Allston’s Boston Tech Center


More Details of Plans for Morrissey Boulevard Properties Emerge


Encore Boston ‘In Good Spot’ for Opening Day


Westford Man Charged with Fraud and Embezzlement Scheme


Landmark Report Shows State Needs Multifamily Zoning Requirements


South Shore Bank President and Former Braintree Cooperative CEO to Retire


Back Bay 26K SF Penthouse Office Leased


Two Years After Construction Fire, Dorchester’s Rebuilt Treadmark Reopens

(ISSN 0005-5409)

Volume 200, Number 24 Published each Monday. ©2019 The Warren Group Inc., 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. Banker & Tradesman™ and The Warren Group™ are trademarks of The Warren Group Inc. Subscriptions to Banker & Tradesman: Premium: One year – $379 Two year – $679 Single copies are $10.00 each and are on sale at the offices of the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Banker & Tradesman The Warren Group 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 617-428-5100. Fax: 617-428-5119. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA


State Leaders Agree on Paid Leave Tax Delay

POLL RESULTS Banker & Tradesman readers are divided on how aggressively the state should act to create more housing. How should Massachusetts fix barriers to multifamily construction?

37% Reduce barriers to rezoning. “granny flats” and 37% Permit multifamily conversions of existing homes statewide.

towns allow multifamily 22% Make buildings near transit stops. a new wave of youth 4% Recruit into the trades to lower construction costs.

JUNE 17, 2019





o listen to all the corporate speak coming out of Raytheon and United Technologies over the past few days, you’d think one of the biggest mergers in New England history will involve

all gain and no pain. Shareholders will make a bundle, while everything else will be business as usual, with the combined company to keep the Raytheon name and its Massachusetts headquarters. It will be a “merger of equals,” a claim undercut by the fact that United Technologies will own 57 percent of the shares, control the corporate board. Greg Hayes, United Technologies CEO, will also run the combined company. But as always, you must look beyond the happy talk coming out of the corporate suites of the two defense giants to understand what’s really going on, for while there may be gain, at least in the short-term, there surely will be pain as well. There’s no better way to get a quick reality check than to look at the cold hard numbers that are one of the true drivers behind this deal. The telling number is the $1 billion in “gross annual cost synergies.” Where do you think Raytheon and United Technologies will turn in order to wring that billion-dollar plus in “cost synergies?”

If you had guessed layoffs and job cuts, you wouldn’t be half wrong. The corporate line is the core businesses of the two companies don’t overlap, and that’s largely correct. United Technologies is an aerospace company making HVAC systems, jet engines and elevators, while Raytheon is a pure defense contractor, making missiles, radars and other high-tech systems. In their presentation to analysts and investors, executives at the two corporate behemoths spell out exactly where the cost savings will come from.

The corporate line is the core businesses of the two companies don’t overlap, and that’s largely correct. Roughly a third – $325 million – will come from “corporate and segment consolidation,” while $175 million will be wrung from “facilities consolidation.” A sizeable $150 million chuck will come from combining two different IT staffs, as well as sales and administrative units as well. And execs at Raytheon and United Technologies believe they can squeeze another $350 million when the two companies’ supply chains and procurement systems are combined. Will there be thousands of layoffs? Maybe not, but its strains credulity to claim this will be a bloodless merger, or more accurately, acquisition by United Technologies. They never are.

Image courtesy of United Technologies.

Don’t Believe the Happy Talk – Layoffs Will Be Coming

Workers at United Technologies subsidiary Pratt and Whitney work on a jet engine assembly line in an undated handout photo.

Still, on paper anyway, the Boston area will come out with most of the gains. But the gains will not just come at Connecticut’s expense, with Gov. Ned Lamont lamenting the likely loss of 100 top executives to what will be the combined company’s new Massachusetts headquarters. Western Massachusetts, where thousands of workers commute each day to work at United Technologies plants and businesses, may also take a hit as well, part of a larger pattern of jobs and wealth flocking to Boston and other major urban centers across the country. Given we are talking about defense contracting that ultimately depends on federal spending, politics will also play a role who bears the brunt of the merger’s costs. Sen Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, a top power player in the Senate and a long-time critic of wasteful spending by the Pentagon, has said he’s received assurances from United Technologies that the combined company will be adding

to, not subtracting from, its more than 9,000 jobs in his Midwestern state. And you can bet he’s not the only member of Congress lobbying United Technologies and Raytheon executives to keep their home state jobs. Given Republicans still control many of the power levers in Washington, that puts blue states like Massachusetts and Connecticut at a disadvantage. Maybe $1 billion in savings sounds like peanuts when you are talking about a combined company with revenues of more than $74 billion, but top execs at Raytheon and United Technologies would probably beg to differ given it is prominently displayed as one of the deal’s selling points. And if it’s your life and livelihood on the line, those “cost synergies” are corporate doublespeak for job cuts and trouble ahead.

Scott Van Voorhis is Banker & Tradesman’s columnist; opinions expressed are his own. He may be reached at



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JUNE 17, 2019



Baker Must Be More Aggressive with Transit Fixes


ov. Charlie Baker’s and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s responses to the pair of MBTA derailments last week suggest both men still lack adequate plans to deal with the system’s biggest challenges. After the two incidents, referring to signal upgrades and other repairs Baker told a Boston Globe reporter “I wish we could install it all tomorrow. We can’t. But I believe we’re heading in the right direction.” In essence, Baker has asked everyone who relies on the T to “grin and bear it” while upgrades are made. He is right some gritting of teeth is necessary – even with all the money in the world, every upgrade and repair needs time to be planned, purchased and installed – and the $8 billion his administration plans to spend over the next five years is a significant chunk of the T’s $10.1 billion repair backlog. Unfortunately, the numbers aren’t on Baker’s side. Not only does his plan leave key fixes unfunded it permits those it does pay for to unfold over a positively lackadaisical time frame. Baker is right that more money will not fix the T’s problems unless the authority bulks up its ability to plan and deliver capital projects. Having put his finger on the problem, he should now be telling Bay Staters how he and the T plan to overcome that obstacle and accelerate repairs. Rider confidence in the T is so low, it and the region’s economy cannot afford another five years of dysfunction. Just as importantly, the Baker administration appears to be ignoring the urgent need to grow the system soon. The Seaport is far from filled in and even more transformative investments are planned in Allston and Suffolk Downs, not to mention the growth occurring in Boston’s suburbs. To efficiently move workers in and out of these major destinations and to pull the state economy towards a carbon-free future, aggressive plans are desperately needed. Walsh, for his part, took the path of outrage the day of the Red Line derailment, tweeting the crash was “unacceptable.” “We need answers, solutions & more funding, and we need it now,” he wrote. His support of more transit funding is good, but the city’s inability to ensure replacement bus service could expeditiously move through Boston’s streets showed he, too, isn’t playing his role in getting the T to its next destination. If riders are going to maintain any faith in the transit agency while necessary repairs are made, municipal leaders everywhere need to have thorough and aggressive plans in place to keep riders moving on the unavoidable occasions where things do break down. Some reactions to the derailments showed progress is being made. The MBTA followed good advice from advocacy group Transit Matters and deployed commuter rail trains to help buses shuttle Red Line riders last week. And House Speaker Bob DeLeo repeated a promise “the House will debate a comprehensive package of revenue enhancements that will allow us to more immediately invest in infrastructure” in a Facebook post Tuesday. Let’s hope that momentum builds.

Banker & Tradesman Cassidy Norton

Associate Publisher c m u r p h y @th e w a r r e n gr ou p . c om

Timothy M. Warren Jr.

Publisher T i m o t h y M. W a r r e n

Publisher 1975-1988 Keith F. Warren

Publisher 1928-1975 W i l l a r d C. W a r r e n

Publisher 1901-1928

T H E N AT I O N ’ S H O U S I N G

Can You Afford to Sell? Homeowners Focus on the Commissions Buyers Pay, but Sellers Also Face Big Costs BY LEW SICHELMAN SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


n most real estate transactions, the focus is on the purchaser and whether he or she can afford to buy the property. But there is another, equally important question: Can the seller afford to sell? Many sellers become riveted on the gross selling price and fail to consider how much money they need to net in order to move to their next residence. That can be a serious mistake, especially if they haven’t built up much equity in their current homes. The commission they are paying the listing agent is sometimes overlooked, as is the share of their buyer’s closing costs they’ll be expected to pay, what they owe on their current mortgage and the costs of the actual move.

Agents Should Warn Sellers

If the seller doesn’t take those and other costs into consideration, his or her agent should, said Margaret Rome, the broker-owner at HomeRome Realty in Baltimore. It’s part of the agent’s job. “What the seller needs has no bearing on the price. It is the place to start the discussion,” Rome wrote recently on real estate site ActiveRain. “It is a must to find out [the seller’s] expected dollar amount. If no one has explained the cost of selling, or they don’t understand the fees, even with a fullprice offer, [the seller] may not be able to afford to sell.” Her advice to colleagues: “Never price a home without knowing what is owed and what the owners need to move forward. Find out the bottom line, their intheir-pocket number.” More than a handful of deals have fallen through because a seller didn’t do the math – or an agent didn’t urge them to. “It amazes me how many sellers are surprised by all the additional costs,” said Endre Barath of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services in Beverly Hills, California. Carol Williams of Wenatchee, Washington, once inherited a listing in which she figured out that if the owners did move forward, “they would probably be left homeless.” The sellers’ credit was in bad shape and they had hardly any equity. Fortunately, at her suggestion, they spoke with a lender and discovered the harsh reality of their situation. “They took the home off the market and stayed put,” she said.

Here’s a brief rundown of some of the costs of selling: Prep work: Window-washing, painting, landscaping, repairs, staging to make the house more presentable – none of these will add much, if anything, to your home’s value, but they should help sell the place more quickly. Payoff: If you have a mortgage, you’ll have to pay the balance at closing. But the equity you’ve built up in your home should ease the sting, especially if you’ve owned it for five years or more. Home equity loans and second mortgages also have to be paid off, and your lender may charge a fee to do so. Commission: Typically 5 percent or 6 percent of the selling price, this amount will be split between your agent and the buyers. On a $300,000 selling price, a 5 percent commission comes out to $15,000, but commissions are totally negotiable. Inspection: It’s smart to get an independent home inspection to find any major issues and get them fixed before a potential buyer’s inspector finds them and uses them as bargaining tools. Figure on spending $500-$700. Closing costs: Yes, sellers have closing costs. And depending on how strong or slow the market is, the buyers may demand that you also pay some, or all, of theirs. Under this broad heading, there are recording fees, title insurance, warranty, settlement fees, appraisal fees, lawyers’ charges and settlement agent’s fees, along with bills for property taxes, utilities and homeowner’s association dues for the months you lived in the house. Together, these could add up to as much as 10 percent of the selling price. Repairs: There’s no way to estimate this in advance, but anything your buyer wants fixed means money out of your pocket. Big-ticket items like termite remediation or roof repairs are obviously expensive, but even minor fixes can add up. Moving: You can save beaucoup bucks by “hiring” friends and family help you move (a few six-packs and a couple pizzas should do the trick). Ditto if you rent a van. If you employ professional movers, expect to pay a couple of thousand dollars, and more, if you’re moving across state lines. Utilities: Many power and water companies require new customers to put up a deposit when they open accounts, especially if you are moving to another city or state. You’ll get it back when you move out. But for right now, it’s cash out of your pocket. Travel: Cross this item out if you aren’t moving far. But if you are moving long-distance, figure on racking up some significant dollars for hotels and meals.

If you employ professional movers, expect to pay a couple of thousand dollars, and more, if you’re moving across state lines.

Expect to Pay Up to $21K

According to a recent analysis from Zillow and Thumbtack, a home improvement marketplace, the typical owner will shell out $20,851, mostly in taxes and commissions, to sell their place.

Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications. He may be reached at

JUNE 17, 2019



This is ‘Who we R®’ The Massachusetts Association of Realtors has Been Busy on Beacon Hill BY ANNE MECZYWOR SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


n February, the National Association of Realtors debuted a new national advertising campaign titled “That’s Who we R®”. The goal of the campaign is to educate consumers on the Realtor difference. One of these differences being highlighted is our association’s advocacy work on behalf of home owners. Late Speaker of the House and Massachusetts Congressman Tip O’Neill was famous for saying “all politics is local.” Those of us in the real estate business believe all real estate is local too. So, it makes sense that as a state association, our advocacy work on behalf of homeowners reflects concerns across the commonwealth. Here are the Massachusetts Association of Realtors 2019-2020 legislative priorities that we advocated for at our 34th Annual Margaret C. Carlson Realtor Day on Beacon Hill on June 12.

Support Housing Production

MAR supports two bills that will increase housing production. The first is the H.O.M.E. Bill, which MAR developed and first introduced in 2014. This bill seeks to remove existing barriers to housing production through several complex zoning changes. For example, it would increase availability of open space or “cluster” development that allows for smaller lot acreage requirements than traditional subdivisions. These changes would diversify housing options and preserving open space. The bill also removes barriers to construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Commonly known as “in-law apartments,” ADUs are small, self-contained dwellings with their own entrance, kitchen, bathroom and sleeping area associated with a single-family home. ADUs will provide more housing options and help homeowners enhance the value of their homes. Finally, it promotes local development by easing restrictions on

zoning variance and site plan review procedures. The second bill that MAR supports is An Act to Promote Housing Choices. This is a bill that nearly passed with our support last session and was again named by Gov. Charlie Baker as one of his top priorities. The bill gives municipalities more tools and incentives to increase housing development. The big change this bill would do is allow permitting cities and towns to modify zoning laws by simple majority rather than the current twothirds majority vote for certain housing related issues.

Creating an entrance or exit fee to homeownership is the wrong way to solve climate change or municipal funding problems. Transfer taxes increase the bottomline price of most homes by thousands of dollars. This will increase housing production options for smart growth zoning districts, such as allowing cluster development and ADUs, and will enhance the ability to add housing near public transportation hubs.

Support for First-Time Home Buyers

MAR has also proposed An Act Authorizing the Establishment of First-Time Homebuyer Savings Accounts. This bill permits future home buyers to deposit up to $5,000 per year into a first-time homebuyer savings account and then claim that contribution as a deduction on their income tax. This measure will help people save towards homeownership. This would lead to wide-ranging eco-

nomic and community benefits, including payment of property taxes, local business patronization and community stability. We have long history of strongly opposing any new real estate transfer taxes which authorize the creation of a tax on the sale of a home. The imposition of this type of tax on housing would have serious implications for the Massachusetts economy and set the wrong precedent for the commonwealth’s tax policies. Specifically, MAR opposes An Act Providing for Climate Change Adaptation Infrastructure Investments in the Commonwealth. Proposed by the governor, this transfer tax would create a 50 percent increase in the deeds excise tax. In addition to this bill, Massachusetts communities facing budgetary deficiencies regularly seek transfer tax authority to solve local revenue problems. However, creating an entrance or exit fee to homeownership is the wrong way to solve climate change or municipal funding problems. Transfer taxes increase the bottom-line price of most homes by thousands of dollars. This creates an additional barrier to homeownership for many. Transfer taxes also unfairly single out home buyers and sellers to carry a disproportionate weight in funding government programs.

Oppose Mandatory Energy Scoring

Realtors are for energy efficiency. However, we oppose bills and regulations that would require sellers to have their homes inspected and rated through a Mass Save energy audit prior to listing a home for sale. This regulation would have an enormous impact on an individual’s right to freely transfer property. These requirements would negatively affect the real estate industry in the commonwealth, which is home to some of the oldest housing stock in the country. Mandatory energy scoring would significantly stigmatize these older homes and devalue many individual’s largest investment. We need to continue to incentivize homeowners to improve the energy efficiency of their home, not punish those that cannot afford to improve their homes.

Anne Meczywor is the 2019 president of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors and a broker/associate with Roberts & Associates Realty Inc., in Lenox.


Think KW Is Not a Tech Company? Think Again Keller Williams is Trying to Create a Seamless Consumer Experience BY BERNICE ROSS SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


hen Gary Keller declared that his company was a technology company, most industry experts thought this was aspirational – they were utterly wrong. I recently was Keller’s guest at his team leader meeting. What he unveiled during this meeting was a sophisticated technology platform that will rival anything Zillow, Redfin, or anyone else in our industry has built. My biggest takeaway from this meeting was that the changes ahead will be so profound that how we transact today may soon be as antiquated as doing business before the internet.

The Platform Revolution

If you want to understand why a company like Redfin that had never made a profit could be more valuable than Realogy, read the book “Platform Revolution” by Geoffery Parker, Marshal Van Alstyne and Sangret Choudary, which Keller urges all his team leaders to read. The book describes the traditional system employed by most business models as a pipeline model. A pipeline business “employs a step-by-step arrangement for creating and transferring value, with producers at one end and consumers at the other.” This is the case for virtually all real estate brokerages today. Sellers offer their houses for sale, brokerages take the listings and market them through the MLS, print and online marketing, and buyers show up to purchase. The authors call the pipeline business model a “linear value chain.” A “platform,” in contrast, is “a new business model that uses technology to connect people, organizations, and resources in an interactive ecosystem in which amazing amounts of value can be created and exchanged” like Amazon, Facebook and Google.

In the platform model, value is determined by the community that participates in the platform. This is why Zillow and Redfin have such high valuations in contrast to pipeline models such as Realogy and RE/ MAX – it’s the number of people who participate on their platform that drives value, not the number of sales or the profitability as in the pipeline model.

Zillow,, and Redfin have built powerful consumer platforms. The next round this battle will be won by those companies who nail the end-to-end consumer experience. The bulk of the real estate industry is still running on a pipeline model. In fact, this is the very reason that Compass is missing the boat – they’re recruiting agents into a pipeline model.

KW Building a Platform

Keller shared a spreadsheet one of his top team leaders had created to manage the numerous “bolt-on” technologies the agent uses to run his team like a CRM system, a lead generation platform, transaction tracking platform, print and online marketing systems and video. These systems are often incompatible. The result is that users are stuck creating elaborate workarounds just to cope with this stitched together, hodgepodge of “bolt-on” services. In February of last year, Keller Williams launched an AI-powered virtual assistant for its agents, called Kelle. The assistant helps agents access neighborhood market

reports, built using KW data, and helps them manage referrals and monitor their progress toward goals. Building an AI-based platform is a daunting effort. You not only have to build the technology – you must also allow a minimum of two years to train the AI. KW’s AI is now sophisticated enough that they can roll out the key components of their platform including Kelle, their CRM and other back office functions.

In Pursuit of Real Estate’s Holy Grail

Many experts have described creating a seamless consumer experience from point of contact to well after closing as the Holy Grail of real estate. “People think that we’re just talking about building Kelle, a CRM or a marketing platform, but what we’re really marching towards is a seamless transaction,” said Josh Team, president of Keller Williams. “This is why we have been building data alliances with companies like Google, Nextdoor, Porch and dozens of others. In addition, we’ve been building ancillary companies around mortgage, insurance, plus many others so that everything works together creating one unified experience for the consumer.” Couple this with the size of the platform that KW begins with – 160,000 agents and their clients – detailed transaction history dating back to 1983 which can train its AI plus the ability to drive 100 percent adoption because every transaction will ultimately be conducted on its platform, KW is well on the road to creating a user experience akin to what consumers experience on Netflix or Amazon. Today, the bottom line is not whether a company is a technology company, but whether it is doing business using a platform versus a pipeline model, the size of the community it creates, the strength of the data upon which its AI is built and to what degree the company can provide the most valuable experience to consumers. Zillow,, and Redfin have built powerful consumer platforms. The next round this battle will be won by those companies who nail the end-to-end consumer experience.

Bernice Ross is a nationally syndicated columnist, author, trainer and speaker on real estate topics. She can be reached at


JUNE 17, 2019





Norwell broke off from Scituate in 1849. Originally called “South Scituate,” residents voted to rename the town in honor of Henry Norwell, a dry goods merchant who provided the money to maintain the town’s roads.

YEAR INCORPORATED 1849 TOTAL AREA 21.1 square miles POPULATION 10,506 DENSITY 500 people per square mile TAX RATES Residential: Commercial:





Jan.-Apr. 2019


$366,000 10.08%


$387,000 1.25% 65 41.3%


$296,200 5.82% 221 -7.53%


$330,000 -1.05%

36 5.88%


$590,000 -13.24%

40 -2.44%

East Bridgewater




$332,000 -2.35%

25 47.06%

400000 $400,000


$504,000 -9.19%

39 -22%

$360,000 360000


$353,750 2.83%

22 -21.43%

$320,000 320000


$765,000 -2.08%

58 -32.56%

$280,000 280000


$385,000 12.24%

40 53.85%


$433,000 12.47%

38 -22.45%


$369,900 21.48%

35 2.94%


$451,000 26.17%

20 11.11%


$439,900 -2.24%

97 49.23%


$445,000 17.11%

25 31.58%


$331,500 5.41%

58 -14.71%


$614,000 4.07%

33 -35.29%


$379,750 -2.13%

46 -24.59%


$367,231 5.69% 184 -15.6%


$395,250 -15.45%


$424,900 6.91%

13 -40.91%


$345,000 2.99%

45 -4.26%


$575,000 4.07%

67 -6.94%



West Bridgewater


Whitman Plymouth County

Change from 2018

Jan.-Apr. Change from 2019 2018

43 19.44%


“Running is my addiction. It’s always present. I’m constantly thinking about my next run.” — Naturalist, TV host and Norwell native Jeff Corwin




$240,000 240000 $200,000 200000




2011 ’11

2012 ’12

2013 ’13

2016 ’16

2017 ’17


1200 1200



% of Market Share


Quicken Loan Inc.



Rockland Trust Co.



United Shore Financial 3.54% Services LLC

Rankings and Mortgage Market Share stats include purchase and refinance mortgages for single-family homes through April 2019 Market share percentage based on volume of mortgages • Source: The Warren Group

800 800

400 400


2019 ’19


1600 1600


2018 ’18

Plymouth Massachusetts



• Statistics based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group

2015 ’15

• Source: The Warren Group



2014 ’14

• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds

$333,250 3.65% 36 -2.7% $365,000

2010 ’10

• All sales thru April 2019

2% 112 17.89%


$16.40 $16.40

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ’09










• All sales thru April 2019

• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group




Kevin M. Byrne

Rockland Trust Co.


Patricia Caron

Rockland Credit Union


Don Parsons

Bridgewater Savings Bank

Ranked by volume of loans through April 2019

TOP 10 EXISTING HOME SALES Street Address Community

Buyer Seller

Date Price


35 Bradford Road Duxbury

OTH NT David M. Caso

3/29/2019 $5,400,000


1 Paige St. Hingham

Geoffrey Willison Jane E. Kringdon


169 Border St. Scituate

4 5


Street Address Community

Buyer Seller

Date Price


16 Great Rock Road Hingham

Alexander D. Bernstein Gerald Cosgrove

4/30/2019 $1,825,000

5/2/2019 $3,500,000


15 Halvorsen Ave. Hull

Christopher Devor Eric G Burns T

5/9/2019 $1,750,000

Kevin J. Leary 169 Border Street NT

5/8/2019 $3,000,000


12 15th Ave. Wareham

Harvest Home Properties Jane R. Fenton

3/28/2019 $1,750,000

386 Main St. Hingham

Amy C. Wilson Main Street Bell Tower

4/23/2019 $2,075,000


62 Baker Hill Drive Hingham

Arthur P. Vickery Jr. Christopher Hernandez

5/10/2019 $1,675,000

10 Crescent Ave. Scituate

Ralph M. Studley Michael E. Ayers

4/16/2019 $1,925,000


35 Crescent Ave. Scituate

Denis Sheahan Ralph M. Studley

4/16/2019 $1,651,000

• Statistics from March 2019 - May 2019 • New Construction Excluded • Source: The Warren Group


JUNE 17, 2019



Councilor Wants ‘Transparency’ on Suffolk Downs Affordability

With a stomach for long-term bets, a little-known family office is providing nearly all of the investment powering one of the largest development projects in Boston’s history.

Texas Billionaire Revealed as Suffolk Downs Owner HYM Investment Group’s plans for 10,000 housing units on the Suffolk Downs property would include 930 on-site affordable units, all on the East Boston side of the 161-acre property.

Continued from Page 1 pushed out by rising rents and condominium conversions. “Everything is on the table,” Edwards said. “I just want to see a commitment higher than the minimums, which is where we are right now, and negotiated in a transparent way before the BPDA votes up or down.” HYM Managing Partner Thomas O’Brien noted that the development – expected to take 15 to 20 years to build out – would generate 930 affordable units, the most of any single development since Boston enacted its inclusionary development policy in 2000. O’Brien said the current affordable unit income and rent guidelines are necessary to make the development profitable, given an estimated cost of $500,000 to construct each residential unit. “Our intention is to try to build these on a union basis,” O’Brien said. “That’s who we are as a company, and we’re working with the unions so they hopefully give some flexibility to build these on a cost-effective basis.”

HYM is in talks with building trades representatives on a project labor agreement for the development and is optimistic that one will be reached, O’Brien said. HYM and its financial backer, family office Cathexis Holdings (see sidebar), also estimate costs of over $80 million for common area amenities and open space, over $190 million for on-site infrastructure and over $50 million for off-site roadway projects.

Councilor Targets Income Guidelines

Boston’s inclusionary development policy requires multifamily developers to set aside a minimum 13 percent of a project’s housing units for households earning below the area median income. The policy, created by a mayoral executive order, is designed to maximize affordable housing generation without making new construction economically unfeasible. It generated 546 new housing units in 2018, with another 2,119 under construction, according to



he billionaire investor behind the Suffolk Downs racetrack redevelopment is a fourth-generation Texas oilman who inherited the family fortune at age 17 after his father died in a tractor accident on his Houston-area ranch. After setting up a Newtonville-based family investment office, Cathexis Holdings LP, in 2016, William Bruce Harrison partnered with experienced Boston developer HYM Investment Group on the $159 million acquisition of the racetrack property in May 2017. HYM is seeking approval to build 6.1 million square feet of commercial space and 10,000 housing units on the 161-acre site spanning parts of East Boston and Revere. “These are hard investments to make, to come into a large project like this that is not [permitted] yet,” HYM Managing Director Thomas O’Brien said. “We have to work very hard to protect our own investment. It’s the nature of our business

that we find capital from large institutional investors.”

’Our Ideal Hold Time is Forever’

Cathexis Holdings and other entities at the same Houston address have a 95 percent interest in the Suffolk Downs redevelopment, according to a statement of beneficial interests filed with the Boston Planning and Development Agency. Family offices are a growing source of capital in commercial real estate, as ultrahigh net worth investors seek to maximize returns through direct investments. Run by in-house investment managers or third-party advisers, the lightly-regulated investment vehicles typically have lower fee structures than hedge funds and private equity funds. Commercial real estate made up 17 percent of family offices’ investments in 2017, according to a 2018 report by Campden Wealth and UBS. Cathexis – which states on its web site that “our ideal hold time is forever” – is particularly well-suited for complex projContinued on Page 10

Continued on Page 10


Each week, Banker & Tradesman commercial real estate reporter Steve Adams spotlights a commercial real estate property in Massachusetts notable for its high deal activity, unique design or one-of-a-kind special features.



“Arrowstreet is attracted to complex design opportunities like that of 139 Main which enable us to reimagine the historic architecture that makes Greater Boston so unique in a way that respects the area’s past, matches the workstyles of today, and anticipates the needs of the future. We are thrilled to have worked alongside MITIMco to revive and rethink one of Cambridge’s first-generation commercial buildings and to deliver a new dynamic office building with shared spaces and modern amenities that will attract bright companies looking to be located in an intellectual hotbed like Cambridge.”

• Boston-based architectural and design firm Arrowstreet was recently named recipient of the Cambridge Historical Commission Preservation award for its work on 139 Main St. One of the last remaining pieces of Cambridge’s first-generation commercial construction, 139 Main was built in 1874 for grain dealers E.H. Luke & Sons. • Arrowstreet designed renovations to meet the needs of Kendall Square’s current economy while preserving its past. Each floor contains collaboration space shared by separate tenants, a rare feature in local workforce design. A roof terrace affords views of MIT, the Charles River and Beacon Hill. • Arrowstreet’s adaptive reuse of the building included reinforcing the building’s foundations and reconstructing the southeast corner facades, and restoring masonry, fenestration, stone trim and a carriageway that connects to Broad Canal.

— Jim Batchelor, principal, Arrowstreet

THINK YOUR PROPERTY IS HOT? Drop Steve a line at


JUNE 17, 2019


A Business Model Built for the Long Haul

Q: What’s the best way to describe The Hamilton Co.’s niche in the multifamily market?


We tend to go for the moderate-rent apartments and we try to appeal to the broadest possible market. We’re not at the highest end, they’re not affordable, subsidized tax credit units. We’re not building the largest or smallest. We try to be right in the middle. In terms of condos, we’ve generally stayed away from them in this cycle. We’re long-term holders and we’d like to grow the company and hold onto our new developments and acquisitions. We have a long history in Allston-Brighton and it’s great to see new development is going on and can be supported, but we’ve just stayed away from condo development in this cycle. Rental demand continues to be very strong and there’s still strong demand from students and young professionals.

Q: Outside of Allston, what geographic markets look promising, particularly for new development?


In eastern Massachusetts, we do have a large suburban portfolio. Half of the unit count is in Boston and Brookline, and half is further out in the suburbs. We have a large presence in Woburn and Framingham, our furthest property is in Worcester and we have a small property in Nashua, New Hampshire. We like suburban multifamily. We’re seeing more new development, but it’s not something we’ve done for ourselves. Our past few development projects have all been on land that we’ve owned. We have a low cost basis, so that’s really where we’ve been taking advantage of opportunities. When you look at construction costs, the numbers make the most sense where you can get the highest rents, and that’s in the city.

Q: How big of an effect do you think private student housing developers such as Scape will have on the Boston multifamily market?


It was always interesting that Boston didn’t have more private student housing, given how many students we have here. Some schools built really flashy new dormitories, and there are always those students who want to be off-campus, and I think that it would apply to the private student housing as well. I don’t really understand to what extent those are controlled by the universities.

Q: Is it worth it to include ground-floor retail in multifamily projects, given the industry’s upheaval?


Retail is changing, no doubt. I think for urban mixed-use, especially in this location, it’s not a problem. There’s still high demand for restaurant uses, which we’re seeing in a lot of properties in Brighton and Allston, for the high-traffic, high-pedestrian and transit-oriented developments.

JAMESON BROWN Title: Co-CEO and chief operating officer, The Hamilton Co.

Q: How does the Hamilton Co.’s leadership structure break down? A:

Age: 32 Industry experience: 10 years



The apartment business runs in the family at The Hamilton Co., the Allston-based landlord and developer founded by the late Harold Brown. His son Jameson, after working as a real estate agent Rental demand in Boston, joined the company in continues to be very 2009. Following Harold Brown’s strong and there’s still retirement in November 2017, capping a 64-year real estate castrong demand from reer that built a $2.3-billion real students and young estate empire, Jameson Brown was professionals. named co-CEO along with Chief Financial Officer Andy Bloch. The company manages and leases over 2.8 million square feet of commercial space and more than 5,600 residential units, including over 1,000 in the Allston neighborhood.

It’s not the same without my father around, but he put a lot of good people and processes in place. We have a lot of long-term and some new people he brought on, including our construction arm. We have about 170 employees, including maintenance and construction workers. They provide construction management for any project done at our properties over a certain size. They also do all of our development projects. They work on the entitlements, permit expediting and the projects.

Q: As the son of Harold Brown, one of the biggest multifamily landlords in Boston history, how did your father influence your business philosophy?


That’s a tough question. I worked for him almost my entire career, so obviously he had a big influence on me and I was always involved in the business, as is typical in any family business. I talked about appealing to the broadest market and not going too high end. He influenced me in terms of staying in for the long haul. Don’t take huge short-term risks, try to be riskaverse and stay in for the long haul. He was always very involved with the business to the end. He wasn’t an absentee.



JP Licks








Cookie Monstah

JUNE 17, 2019



After Workplace Culture Issues, Berkshire Launches Diversity Storefronts Will be Aimed at Less-Banked Communities Berkshire plans to launch an internship program that will offer college scholarships BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF and paid summer internships to students comince the abrupt ing out of high schools in the bank’s footprint. departure of for“Especially for women and people of color, mer President and it’s important to just let people know there is a CEO Michael Daly, and career in banking for them,” said Malia Lazu, reports of a “toxic” workchief experience and culture officer at Berkplace culture at Berkshire, adding that 80 percent of banking exshire Bank last year, new ecutives are white males. CEO Richard Marotta While 63 percent of Berkshire employees has said diversity and inare women and 46 percent of women at the clusion would be one of his top priorities. company are in management roles, according Now, the Berkshire veteran is taking seto Berkshire’s 2018 corporate social responrious steps to put his words into action, The sibility report, the report did not include stabank has launched new recruiting efforts to tistics for the number of people of color who make its workforce more diverse and plans work at Berkshire. to pilot and open several of what The bank has already begun to it calls “storefronts” in lowertake steps to start to look more income communities to reach like some of the communities it is more of the unbanked and unserving. derbanked populations in its footBerkshire recently added two print. African American business lead“You need to look and act like ers to its board – William Hughes the communities you are in and III and Baye Adofo-Wilson – and be able to provide banking serrecently promoted Jacqueline vices to everyone,” Marotta said. Courtwright, a woman of color, to “One of the things we talked head of human resources. about is can we take this idea of a These moves may be able to Richard Marotta storefront and bring it into a comcorrect some of the image probmunity; listen to a community and build it lems the company has experienced in recent around their needs and also provide banking months. services be it financial planning or financial After Daly left the bank under unclear cirliteracy; and start to build trust with a comcumstances, analysts at the investment bank munity of folks that really don’t trust you or Piper Jaffray said they had received an anonyhave minimal trust with banks.” mous letter from Berkshire employees saying



Berkshire Bank CEO Richard Marotta is responding to complaints of a “toxic” workplace culture under his predecessor by launching an effort to diversify the bank’s workforce and customer base.

the workplace culture at the bank was in dire need of change. They also analyzed Berkshire Bank employee reviews on and found that only 25 percent of employees would recommend working at Berkshire to a friend. “We think commitment and messaging from the top of the organization, starting with its board and executive team down to its line managers will certainly help to bring an authenticity and success to any diversity effort,” said Collyn Gilbert, managing director at the investment bank Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, who covers Berkshire. Malia Lazu An internal culture change is key to making Berkshire a better place to work, Marotta said.

“I think that in order for people to want to work or want to do business with a company, they need to feel they belong,” he said. “If you don’t have a culture that makes people feel like they belong there, it doesn’t work.”

Aligned with the Community

By expanding its footprint to include underserved and underbanked neighborhoods, Berkshire may also be able to burnish its reputation. Berkshire’s planned “storefronts” will not be branches, but shared spaces that include coworking, event rooms and some limited banking services like interactive teller machines and a Berkshire MyBanker financial consultant.

Continued on Page 10




Address: 300 Pier 4 Blvd. #PHC, Boston Price: $15,231,920 Buyer: Tessie NT Seller: Pier 4 Residences LLC Agent: Janice Dumont, Advisors Living – Back Bay Size: 3,644 square feet Sold: 6/3/2019

Two more Pier 4 condominiums have claimed spots in the Gossip Report again this week, but the real star is the third property: An entire floor in an Art Deco tower overlooking Boston’s Public Garden. Spacious formal living and dining rooms look out on the Garden through over-sized windows, and the corner master suite includes a private balcony.



Address: 12 Lincoln Ave., Nantucket Price: $9,400,000 Buyer: 12 Lincoln Avenue NT Seller: NT Nancy Nevins Danjou LLC Size: 3,203 square feet on 0.51 acres Sold: 5/30/2019



Address: 6 Arlington St. #8, Boston Price: $6,550,000 Buyer: ZM 8 RT Seller: Oon Tian Stafford RET Agent: Tracy Campion, Campion & Co. Size: 3,319 square feet Sold: 6/3/2019



Address: 36 Low Beach Road, Nantucket Price: $5,500,000 Buyer: Natalia V. O’Brien and Peter L. O’Brien Seller: Teasdale FT Size: 1,911 square feet Sold: 6/3/2019

2,4 5


Address: 300 Pier 4 Blvd. #PHJ, Boston Price: $5,450,000 Buyer: Luna Realty LLC Seller: Pier 4 Residences LLC Agent: Janice Dumont, Advisors Living – Back Bay Size: 1,952 square feet Sold: 6/3/2019


JUNE 17, 2019

Councilor Wants ‘Transparency’ on Suffolk Downs Affordability

Suffolk Downs reserve some of the IDP units for households earning 30 percent and 50 percent of the area median income, Edwards said. And she asked that the BPDA require a generous allocation of two- and three-bedroom units for families. “The project filing does not indicate whether any units will be produced below 70 percent of the area median income. The BPDA has not separately indicated whether or how it will require units affordable to East Boston residents, minority residents of the city of Boston or families with children,” Edwards wrote in a public comment letter. BPDA staff is reviewing all of the submissions received in the recent public comment period which expired May 31 before determining the next steps for the review, BPDA spokeswoman Bonnie McGilpin said.


Berkshire ‘Storefront’ Set for Roxbury Continued from Page 9 While no deposits and withdrawals can be made at the storefront, a bank employee can walk potential clients through the process of opening a banking account using the interactive teller machine. The first storefront will be a 2,000-squarefoot space in Dudley Square in Roxbury, a community that Marotta said has long requested coworking space. The bank is also in talks to open one in Worcester. The first few will open sometime this year, and if all goes well, Marotta said the bank could open 10 to 15 of them next year across Berkshire’s footprint from Albany to New Jersey. Marotta said he first thought of the idea when he visited the Bank of Ireland, which had opened a shared space in Dublin to serve as an incubator for startups in the tech and medical supply industries. The storefronts will not be cookie-cutter

and that the bank is working with at least 10 community-based organizations for three to six months before opening any storefront to help figure out what will be in the space and its location, Lazu said. “When you have money as banks do, it’s very easy to do things that are completely irrelevant to the actual community because you can; you have money to do it,” said Lazu, who is also the founder of the Boston-based work culture consulting firm Urban Labs. “We really want to make sure we are taking the organizing model and organizing with the community so they trust us and so we are getting honest feedback from them. We want them to see we are actually here to bring a value add, and not just coming in to check a box to say we did it and then wonder why no one is using the space.”


Texas Billionaire Revealed as Suffolk Downs Owner Continued from Page 7 ects with long timelines, HYM’s O’Brien said. The Suffolk Downs project would be the largest single residential project in Boston history and is expected to take up to 20 years to build out. Many closed-end real estate funds liquidate their holdings after 7 to 10 years. “Family offices are more willing to accept entitlement risk and construction risk, so they’ll come in a little bit earlier,” O’Brien said. “The returns on these projects are getting very tight and it’s hard to find projects that are interesting for people.”

A Fortune from Oil, Ranching

William Bruce Harrison’s great-grandfather, Dan Harrison, laid the foundation for the family’s fortune when he built an oil and ranching empire across Texas, according to a Forbes report. Harrison’s father, Bruce, died in June 2004 at age 54 when he fell from a tractor at his ranch outside Houston after an apparent bee attack, the Houston Chronicle reported at the time. His son joined the family firm, Harrison Interests Ltd., in 2008, according to legal documents in a breach of contract dispute with his uncle. A Texas appeals court ruled in the younger Harrison’s favor in March 2017. Houston-based Cathexis established a Massachusetts outpost in July 2016 when it filed registration papers with the Secretary of State’s Office for a limited partnership and general partnership. According to a LinkedIn profile, Josh Friedman is managing partner at the Newtonville office. Friedman was an investment analyst with Boston-based hedge fund Baupost Group before joining Cathexis in 2015. Reached by phone this week, Friedman said he was unable to comment. In a statement provided through HYM, Cathexis said, “This project will create the single

largest addition of housing units to the Boston market in history, meet the demands of the local innovation economy with new lab and office space, and support the local neighborhoods with job creation and economic opportunity. Overall, we’re encouraged by the growth of the Boston market and confident in the long-term prospects for housing and office demand.”

Broad Set of Investments

According to its web site, Cathexis invests in mineral rights, venture capital and private equity deals, along with real estate developments in the $100 million-plus range. Cathexis participates in real estate projects as co-general partner, providing predevelopment capital and co-investments in general partnerships. “They are here, and they are going to be a good candidate for outside-the-box investments like Suffolk Downs,” said a local commercial real estate executive not involved with the Suffolk Downs transaction. Cathexis is involved with a similarly-sized real estate project in Houston, where it’s seeking to develop an 8 million-square-foot mixed-use development on 150 acres in a partnership with Houston-based Midway Cos. And in its role as investor in established companies, Cathexis has acquired ISG Plc, a British contractor with more than $2 billion in annual revenues, along with Chicago-based specialty food vendor Hickory Farms and a California vendor of hair extensions known as Bellami. “Given that we are owned by a single individual, we are extremely nimble, with no boards or committees and the ability to make decisions quickly. We can be highly creative and take risks that are not down the center of the fairway for most investment firms,” Cathexis’ web site states.


Hudson Industrial Owner Pitches Housing to Revive Struggling Property

Image courtesy of Egnatz Assoc.

Continued from Page 7 a March report by city housing and development agencies. Developers also can request BPDA approval to pay a cash-out fee, ranging from $200,000 to $380,000 per unit depending upon the neighborhood, into a fund that supports nearby affordable housing construction. But to gain approval for that option, developers must provide financial documents to the BPDA indicating they cannot afford to build the units on-site. The policy sets income eligibility limits for the affordable units at a maximum of 70 percent of the area median income, which translates to $48,250 for an individual, or $68,950 for a family of four. In East Boston, the median household income is just under $53,000 and per-capita income is under $27,000, according to BPDA research. Given the disparity, it’s appropriate that


he owner of a 16.36-acre Hudson industrial property that has struggled for years to reach full tenancy is proposing to redevelop the land into 196 apartments, including 64 in a historic mill building on the site. George Danis bought the property in 1989, according to the application, but “[a] fter many years of expensive renovations and failed marketing, he chose to move his own company, Plastic Molding Manufacturing Inc. from Leominster to the site. The buildings and general location however are not ideal.

The 183,000 square feet of space on site is currently only 67 percent occupied.” Danis is asking town officials for permission to demolish all buildings on the site, save for the 1902 mill at 34 Tower St., and build three apartment buildings and 2,300 square feet of commercial space for a convenience store taking advantage of the town’s adaptive reuse zoning bylaw. The development program includes 98 one-bedroom apartments of about 790 square feet each and 98 two-bedroom units about 1,120 square feet each.

JUNE 17, 2019




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To Place an Ad in Classifieds, Please Contact Steve Ketler at 617-896-5307.

AUCTION MA Lic. #107

Mortgagee’s Sales of Real Estate & Secured Party Sales at


7,100± SF Full-Service Restaurant/Pub Plus Function Room






769 Bedford St (Rt 18) Whitman, MA Wednesday, June 26 at 11AM 1.2± acre lot improved by a 7,100± sf full-service restaurant & pub plus function room Mortgage Reference: Plymouth County Book 47616, Page 214

3,100± SF Full-Service Restaurant & Pub

63 Columbia St Braintree, MA Wednesday, June 26 at 2PM 35,796± sf corner lot improved by a 3,100± sf full-service restaurant & pub Mortgage Reference: Norfolk County Book 32728, Page 399 OFFERED SEPARATELY AT EACH LOCATION TERMS OF SALE FOR EACH PROPERTY: $25,000 deposit to bid on either the entirety or Real Estate at time & place of each sale by bank treasurer’s check or certified check; additional non-refundable deposit to bring the total deposit up to 10% of the purchase price due within 5 business days of the date of the public auction & balance due in 30 days. PERSONAL PROPERTY OFFERED IN THE ENTIRETY ONLY. Real Estate with its Personal Property will be offered together 1ST, followed by the Real Estate and Personal Property individually. The method which generates the highest price will result in a sale. Terms for Personal Property if sold separate from Real Estate: Full amount due & removal in 10 days. Lauren A. Solar, Esq., Hackett Feinberg P.C., 155 Federal St, Boston, MA, Atty. for Mort. Accuracy of information not guaranteed. Additional terms announced at sale. Auction conducted on premises. Call or visit web for additional information. • 617-350-7700

55 Colorado Avenue

Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 10AM Set on 2.85± acres, single-story building having warehouse, office space & multiple loading docks. Easy access to highways. Pre-auction conference at property for inspection and Q & A • Tuesday, June 18, 2019 from 10AM to 12PM • Thursday, June 20, 2019 from 1PM to 3PM TERMS OF SALE: $25,000 deposit by certified or bank check made payable to “GENERAL TREASURER: STATE OF RHODE ISLAND” at time & place of sale & balance due at closing; 2% buyer’s premium in addition to purchase price. Specific terms & conditions apply. Please call or visit website to download Auction Information Package. Accuracy of information is not guaranteed. • 617-350-7700

V I S I T C L A S S I F I E D S. B A N K E R A N D T R A D E S M A N. C O M


JUNE 17, 2019



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To Place an Ad in Classifieds, Please Contact Steve Ketler at 617-896-5307.




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Banker & Tradesman

JUNE 17, 2019





Volume of Mortgages for Single-Family Homes


$5,000 5000


$4,000 4000


$3,000 3000


$2,000 2000




$1,000 1000 Apr. May May Jun Jun. Apr ’18

Jul. Jul

4500 $4,500 3200

Aug. Sep Sept. Oct Oct. Nov Nov. Dec Dec. Jan Jan. Feb Feb. Mar Mar. Apr Apr. Aug ’19


3600 $3,600






Apr. 2015





Apr. 2016




Apr. 2017




Apr. 2018




Apr. 2019





2700 $2,700 800

Feb. 15

Feb. 16

Feb. 17

Feb. 18

Feb. 19

1800 $1,800 900 $900






B16 Franklin. . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B6 Barnstable . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B17 Hampden. . . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B8 Berkshire Middle. . 06/04/19

B19 Hampshire . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B9 Berkshire North . . . 06/04/19

B20 Middlesex North. . . 06/04/19

B9 Berkshire South. . . 06/04/19

B21 Middlesex South. . . 06/04/19

B9 Bristol Fall River. . . 06/04/19

B28 Nantucket. . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B10 Bristol North. . . . . . 06/04/19

B28 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B11 Bristol South. . . . . . 06/04/19

B31 Plymouth. . . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B12 Dukes . . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B35 Worcester. . . . . . . . 06/04/19

B12 Essex North. . . . . . . 06/04/19

B39 Worcester North. . . 06/04/19


Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. Jan Feb

Apr. Apr.15

Apr. Apr.16

Apr. Apr.17

Apr. Apr.18

Apr. Apr.19






❑ Statistics based on single-family home sales ❑ Source: The Warren Group


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B41 State Tax Liens

B40 COUNTY Chapter 13 Bankruptcies B42 COUNTY Attachments TRANSACTIONS THRU TRANSACTIONS THRU PAGE B2 Suffolk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B16 Franklin. . . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B40 Chapter 11 Bankruptcies B42 Petitions to Foreclose B6 Barnstable. . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B17 Hampden . . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B8 Middle . . . . . 06/04/19 B19 Hampshire . . . . Sales . . . . . . 06/04/19 B40 Berkshire Federal Tax Liens B42 Foreclosure B9 Berkshire North . . . . . 06/04/19 B20 Middlesex North . . . . . 06/04/19 B9 Berkshire South . . . . . 06/04/19 B21 Middlesex South . . . . . 06/04/19 B9 Bristol Fall River . . . . 06/04/19 B28 Nantucket . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B10 Bristol North. . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B28 Norfolk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B11 Bristol South. . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B31 Plymouth. . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B12 Dukes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B35 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 Property Management B12 Essex North. . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 B39 Worcester North. . . . . 06/04/19 Residential B13 Essex South. . . . . . . . . 06/04/19 Residential--Commercial Commercial

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Suffolk Registry Stephen J. Murphy, Register 24 New Chardon St., Court House Boston, MA. 02144-9660 Telephone: (617) 788-8575

Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Median Price $2,500,000

YTD 2019 11 $3,100,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 APPLETON ST U:2D........................... $1,100,000 B: Henley Holdings LLC S: Rachael Albarran & Brian Albarran Book/Page: 61215/35, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $500,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 935sf Prior Sale: $689,000 (07/15) 6 ARLINGTON ST U:8........................... $6,550,000 B: BHC Fiduciary LLC Tr, Tr for ZM 8 RT S: Oon T Stafford Tr, Tr for Oon Tian Stafford RET Book/Page: 61208/175, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Morgan Stanley $4,000,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3319sf Prior Sale: $5,000,252 (09/08) 2 AVERY ST U:23E................................ $5,000,000 B: Brian S Clouse & Rachel D Clouse S: James T Berylson Book/Page: 61177/136, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3246sf Prior Sale: $4,350,000 (04/14) 36 BEACON ST U:2............................... $1,470,000 B: Lisa P Pierce S: Peter Holzaepfel & Morgan Holzaepfel Book/Page: 61185/277, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $1,176,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1300sf Prior Sale: $1,150,000 (08/16)

191 BEACON ST U:3.............................. $539,000 B: Susan L Paradiso Tr, Tr for RJP INT S: Evan J Moltz & Janet E Morita-Moltz Book/Page: 61215/64, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Condo, Lot: 398sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (08/07) 255 BEACON ST U:24........................... $1,220,000 B: Marcelo Loureiro S: Nancy Olson Book/Page: 61218/253, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $976,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1184sf Prior Sale: $797,500 (03/05) 259 BEACON ST U:12A.......................... $895,000 B: Xiaoru Wang & Nien-Huei Jiang S: Karin E Blecko Book/Page: 61194/71, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $581,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 854sf Prior Sale: $827,000 (06/17) 285 BEACON ST U:5A........................... $1,275,000 B: Anthony M Vorlicek Tr, Tr for 285 5A Beacon Street RT S: Thaddeus R Gillespie Tr, Tr for Donald L Gillespir T Book/Page: 61194/202, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1248sf 285 BEACON ST U:5B........................... $1,275,000 B: Anthony M Vorlicek Tr, Tr for 285 5B Beacon Street RT S: Thaddeus R Gillespie Tr, Tr for Donald L Gillespir T Book/Page: 61194/207, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1268sf Prior Sale: $590,000 (11/99) 285 BEACON ST U:6A........................... $1,900,000 B: Lori A Coerver & Harrison F Coerver Jr S: Jill M Phillips Tr, Tr for JMP 2016 T Book/Page: 61197/119, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1087sf Prior Sale: $930,000 (06/05) 456 BEACON ST U:4.............................. $655,200 B: Boston Rainbow LLC S: Joyce Feuerstein Book/Page: 61182/309, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 678sf 70 BRIMMER ST U:333......................... $455,000 B: Kevin P Mohan Tr, Tr for AK Castanea T S: Lewis P Cabot Book/Page: 61196/22, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo Parking-residential, Lot: 171sf 109-113 BROAD ST............................. $27,500,000 B: Broad 115 Equity Partners S: 115-10 Broad Owner LLC Book/Page: 61197/13, Date: 05/31/19 115-119 BROAD ST............................. $27,500,000 B: Broad 115 Equity Partners S: 115-10 Broad Owner LLC Book/Page: 61197/13, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 3787sf Prior Sale: $21,500,000 (01/16)

282-284 CAMBRIDGE ST U:4................ $830,000 B: Michael T Robertson S: Joon S Lee & Kimberly A Lee Book/Page: 61196/213, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $580,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 844sf Prior Sale: $447,000 (06/11) 100 CHARLES ST U:2............................ $475,000 B: William J Richards S: Peter M Palica Tr, Tr for Palica T Book/Page: 61202/28, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $400,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 388sf 60 CHARLESGATE W U:3C................... $1,250,000 B: Charlesgate 3C LLC S: Henry B Kasdon Tr, Tr for Haricot NT Book/Page: 61216/195, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Everett Cp Bk $937,500 Use: Condo 521 COLUMBUS AVE U:5....................... $733,000 B: Deidre Pramer Tr, Tr for Meredith Pramer 2011 T S: John P Smyth Book/Page: 61209/221, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 690sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (09/10) 300 COMMERCIAL ST U:503................ $1,520,000 B: Matthew J Kerrigan & Sylvia J Kerrigan S: Jeff Avallon & John C Avallon Book/Page: 61193/94, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1063sf Prior Sale: $915,000 (07/14) 343 COMMERCIAL ST U:314................ $3,500,000 B: Ryan Sosebee & Kelly Sosebee S: James H Thrall & Jean M Thrall Book/Page: 61193/327, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3542sf Prior Sale: $1,750,000 (12/03) 88 COMMERCIAL WHARF.................... $1,750,000 B: Commercial Wharf East LLC S: Peter G Karlson Tr, Tr for KDC RT Book/Page: 61211/206, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 8744sf Prior Sale: $10,000,000 (11/17) 132 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:8............ $800,000 B: James T Tung Tr, Tr for Tung FT S: Anotai Sompatsorsiri Book/Page: 61181/230, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $560,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 748sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (03/16) 215 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:3........... $2,750,000 B: Maureen Monaco Tr, Tr for A D Monaco Beach QPRT S: Michael W Ellmann & Marie-Pierre H Ellmann Book/Page: 61211/162, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1901sf Prior Sale: $2,610,000 (12/14)

T O W N / R E G I S T R Y Town Name Registry Abington . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Acton . . . . . . Middlesex South Acushnet . . . . . . Bristol South Adams . . . . . . Berkshire North Agawam . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Alford . . . . . . Berkshire South Allston . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Amesbury . . . . . . . Essex South Amherst . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Andover . . . . . . . Essex North Aqinnah . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Arlington . . . . Middlesex South Ashburnham . Worcester North Ashby . . . . . . Middlesex South Ashfield . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Ashland . . . . . Middlesex South Athol . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Attleboro . . . . . . Bristol North Auburn . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Avon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Ayer . . . . . . . Middlesex South Barnstable . . . . . . . Barnstable Barre . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Becket . . . . . Berkshire Middle Bedford . . . . . Middlesex South Belchertown . . . . . . Hampshire Bellingham . . . . . . . . Norfolk Belmont . . . . . Middlesex South Berkley . . . . . . . Bristol North Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Bernardston . . . . . . . . Franklin Beverly . . . . . . . . Essex South Billerica . . . . . Middlesex North Blackstone . . . . . . . . Worcester Blandford . . . . . . . . . Hampden Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Bourne . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Boxboro . . . . . Middlesex South Boxford . . . . . . . . Essex South Boylston . . . . . . . . . Worcester Braintree . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Brewster . . . . . . . . Barnstable Bridgewater . . . . . . . Plymouth Brighton . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Brimfield . . . . . . . . . Hampden Brockton . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Brookfield . . . . . . . . Worcester Brookline . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Buckland . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Burlington . . . Middlesex South Cambridge . . . Middlesex South Canton . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Carlisle . . . . . Middlesex North Carver . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Centerville . . . . . . . Barnstable Charlemont . . . . . . . . Franklin Charlestown . . . . . . . . Suffolk Charlton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Chatham . . . . . . . . Barnstable Chelmsford . . Middlesex North Chelsea . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Cheshire . . . . Berkshire North Chester . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Chesterfield . . . . . . Hampshire Chicopee . . . . . . . . . Hampden Chilmark . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Clarksburg . . . Berkshire North Clinton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Cohasset . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Colrain . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Concord . . . . . Middlesex South Conway . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin

Cotuit . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Cummington . . . . . Hampshire Dalton . . . . . Berkshire Middle Danvers . . . . . . . . Essex South Dartmouth . . . . . Bristol South Dedham . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Deerfield . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Dennis . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Dighton . . . . . . . Bristol North Dorchester . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Douglas . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Dover . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Dracut . . . . . . Middlesex North Dudley . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Dunstable . . . Middlesex North Duxbury . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth East Boston . . . . . . . . Suffolk East Bridgewater . . . Plymouth East Brookfield . . . . . Worcester East Longmeadow . . . Hampden Eastham . . . . . . . . Barnstable Easthampton . . . . . Hampshire Easton . . . . . . . . Bristol North Egremont . . . . Berkshire South Erving . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Essex . . . . . . . . . . Essex South Everett . . . . . . Middlesex South Fairhaven . . . . . Bristol South Fall River . . . Bristol Fall River Falmouth . . . . . . . . Barnstable Fitchburg . . . . Worcester North Florida . . . . . . Berkshire North Foxboro . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Framingham . . Middlesex South Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Freetown . . . Bristol Fall River Gardner . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Georgetown . . . . . Essex South Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Gloucester . . . . . . Essex South Goshen . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Grafton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Gosnold . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Granby . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Granville . . . . . . . . . Hampden Great Barrington . . . . Berkshire South Greenfield . . . . . . . . . Franklin Greenwich . . . . . . . Hampshire Groton . . . . . . Middlesex South Groveland . . . . . . Essex South Hadley . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Halifax . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hamilton . . . . . . . Essex South Hampden . . . . . . . . . Hampden Hancock . . . . Berkshire North Hanover . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hanson . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hardwick . . . . . . . . . Worcester Harvard . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Harwich . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Hatfield . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Haverhill . . . . . . . Essex South Hawley . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Heath . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Hingham . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hinsdale . . . Berkshire Middle Holbrook . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Holden . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Holland . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Holliston . . . . Middlesex South Holyoke . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Hopedale . . . . . . . . . Worcester

Hopkinton . . . Middlesex South Hubbardston . . . . . . Worcester Hudson . . . . . Middlesex South Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Huntington . . . . . . Hampshire Hyannis . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Hyde Park . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Ipswich . . . . . . . . Essex South Jamaica Plain . . . . . . Suffolk Kingston . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Lakeville . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Lancaster . . . . . . . . . Worcester Lanesboro . . . Berkshire North Lawrence . . . . . . . Essex North Lee . . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Leicester . . . . . . . . . Worcester Lenox . . . . . Berkshire Middle Leominster . . . Worcester North Leverett . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Lexington . . . . Middlesex South Leyden . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Lincoln . . . . . Middlesex South Littleton . . . . . Middlesex South Longmeadow . . . . . . Hampden Lowell . . . . . . Middlesex North Ludlow . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Lunenburg . . . Worcester North Lynn . . . . . . . . . . Essex South Lynnfield . . . . . . . Essex South Malden . . . . . Middlesex South Manchester . . . . . Essex South Mansfield . . . . . . Bristol North Marblehead . . . . . Essex South Marion . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Marlborough . . Middlesex South Marshfield . . . . . . . . Plymouth Marstons Mills . . . . Barnstable Mashpee . . . . . . . . Barnstable Mattapan . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Mattapoisett . . . . . . . Plymouth Maynard . . . . Middlesex South Medfield . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Medford . . . . . Middlesex South Medway . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Melrose . . . . . Middlesex South Mendon . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Merrimac . . . . . . . Essex South Methuen . . . . . . . Essex North Middleboro . . . . . . . Plymouth Middlefield . . . . . . Hampshire Middleton . . . . . . Essex South Milford . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Millbury . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Millis . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Millville . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Milton . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Monroe . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Monson . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Montague . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Monterey . . . . Berkshire South Montgomery . . . . . . . Hampden Mt Washington Berkshire South Nahant . . . . . . . . Essex South Nantucket . . . . . . . Nantucket Natick . . . . . . Middlesex South Needham . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk New Ashford . Berkshire North New Bedford . . . Bristol South New Braintree . . . . . Worcester New Marlboro . Berkshire South New Salem . . . . . . . . Franklin Newbury . . . . . . . Essex South Newburyport . . . . Essex South

JUNE 17, 2019

313 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:PH........ $5,100,000 B: Commereford Property LLC S: Christopher C Davis & Kara B Davis Book/Page: 61177/268, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Village Bank $3,000,000 Use: Condo 391 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:2........... $1,540,000 B: Suzanne J Letso & Roger Letso S: Alexandra M Smith & Anthony J Polcari Book/Page: 61192/47, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $840,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1403sf Prior Sale: $875,000 (12/10) 464 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:36.......... $433,000 B: Jian Song S: Shirin Shahin Book/Page: 61202/234, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 380sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (08/14) 1 DALTON ST...................................... $215,000,000 B: Fsbos LLC S: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Book/Page: 61200/277, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Pathways OPD 1 LLC $160,000,000 1 DALTON ST U:3004........................... $2,850,000 B: James Gilbert S: 1 Dalton Owner LLC Book/Page: 61175/180, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 265-275 DARTMOUTH ST U:1H............ $871,000 B: Ebru Oral S: Robert D Manza Tr, Tr for Robert D&K H Manza RET Book/Page: 61205/287, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 785sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (09/13) 265-275 DARTMOUTH ST U:2L............. $702,000 B: Sergey Irgashev S: Sean Obrien & Wendy Obrien Book/Page: 61183/151, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 577sf Prior Sale: $507,000 (07/14) 30-34 E CONCORD ST U:15................... $590,000 B: Benjamin M Firn S: James A Brown & Susan T Brown Book/Page: 61201/121, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $472,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 601sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (08/03) 65 E INDIA ROW U:23C........................ $1,120,000 B: John J Foley S: Martin T Meehan Book/Page: 61198/279, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $896,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1226sf Prior Sale: $975,000 (08/16)

85 E INDIA ROW U:16H......................... $710,000 B: Harbor 10A LLC S: Nina Young & Paul C Young Book/Page: 61198/55, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 880sf Prior Sale: $521,000 (03/06) 85 E INDIA ROW U:22E......................... $849,000 B: Wei J Lam S: Alton J Tallent 2nd & Diane O Tallent Book/Page: 61193/193, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $721,650 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 854sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (10/97) 85 E INDIA ROW U:33E......................... $815,000 B: Nadia M Alhasani S: Leila El-Youssef Tr, Tr for Omar El-Youssef IRT Book/Page: 61188/318, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $570,500 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 862sf Prior Sale: $715,000 (01/16) 55 E SPRINGFIELD ST U:3..................... $750,000 B: Krishnan Iyengar & Sujatha Krishnan S: 55 E Springfield LLC Book/Page: 61196/161, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $550,000 Use: Condo 59 FLEET ST U:2.................................... $785,000 B: Colleen M Lowery S: C J Hessenius Jr & Maria A Hessenius Book/Page: 61184/97, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 883sf Prior Sale: $660,000 (03/15) 1 FRANKLIN ST U:1409........................ $1,072,500 B: Walden Investments LLC S: David Paez Book/Page: 61188/73, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 35 HANCOCK ST U:3............................ $1,025,000 B: Sarah K Ryan S: Tom Zampini & Cassandra Zampini Book/Page: 61189/270, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $615,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 852sf Prior Sale: $925,000 (12/17) 36 HANCOCK ST U:5B........................... $740,000 B: Michael Maker & Lauren Mcbeth S: Joshua A Miller & Allison M Miller Book/Page: 61200/135, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $666,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 810sf Prior Sale: $549,000 (06/08) 128 HEMENWAY ST U:101A.................. $660,000 B: Malina B Amand S: Deepak A Kumar Tr, Tr for 128 Hemenway IRT Book/Page: 61191/213, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $495,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo


Newton . . . . . Middlesex South Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk North Adams . Berkshire North North Andover . . . Essex North North Attleboro . . Bristol North North Brookfield . . . . Worcester North Reading Middlesex South Northampton . . . . . Hampshire Norhborough . . . . . . Worcester Northbridge . . . . . . . Worcester Northfield . . . . . . . . . Franklin Norton . . . . . . . . Bristol North Norwell . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Norwood . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Oak Bluffs . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Oakham . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Orleans . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Osterville . . . . . . . . Barnstable Otis . . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Palmer . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Paxton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Peabody . . . . . . . . Essex South Pelham . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Pembroke . . . . . . . . Plymouth Pepperell . . . . Middlesex South Peru . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Petersham . . . . . . . . Worcester Phillipston . . . . . . . . Worcester Pittsfield . . . Berkshire Middle Plainfield . . . . . . . . Hampshire Plainville . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Plymouth . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Plympton . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Princeton . . . . . . . . . Worcester Provincetown . . . . . Barnstable Quincy . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Randolph . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Raynham . . . . . . Bristol North Reading . . . . . Middlesex South Rehoboth . . . . . . Bristol North Revere . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Richmond . . Berkshire Middle Rochester . . . . . . . . Plymouth Rockland . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Rockport . . . . . . . Essex South Roslindale . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Rowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Rowley . . . . . . . . . Essex South Roxbury . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Royalston . . . . . . . . . Worcester Russell . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Rutland . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Salem . . . . . . . . . Essex South Salisbury . . . . . . . Essex South Sandisfield . . .Berkshire South Sandwich . . . . . . . . Barnstable Saugus . . . . . . . . Essex South Savoy . . . . . . Berkshire North Scituate . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Seekonk . . . . . . . Bristol North Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Sheffield . . . . Berkshire South Shelburne . . . . . . . . . Franklin Sherborn . . . . Middlesex South Shirley . . . . . . Middlesex South Shrewsbury . . . . . . . Worcester Shutesbury . . . . . . . . . Franklin Somerset . . . Bristol Fall River Somerville . . . Middlesex South South Boston . . . . . . . Suffolk South Hadley . . . . . Hampshire

Southampton . . . . . Hampshire Southborough . . . . . . Worcester Southbridge . . . . . . . Worcester Southwick . . . . . . . . Hampden Spencer . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Springfield . . . . . . . . Hampden Sterling . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Stockbridge . Berkshire Middle Stoneham . . . Middlesex South Stoughton . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Stow . . . . . . . Middlesex South Sturbridge . . . . . . . . Worcester Sudbury . . . . . Middlesex South Sunderland . . . . . . . . Franklin Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Swampscott . . . . . Essex South Swansea . . . Bristol Fall River Taunton . . . . . . . Bristol North Templeton . . . . . . . . Worcester Tewksbury . . . Middlesex North Thorndike . . . . . . . . Hampden Tisbury . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Tolland . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Topsfield . . . . . . . Essex South Townsend . . . Middlesex South Truro . . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Tyngsboro . . . Middlesex North Tyringham . . Berkshire Middle Upton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Uxbridge . . . . . . . . . Worcester Wakefield . . . Middlesex South Wales . . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Walpole . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Waltham . . . . Middlesex South Ware . . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Wareham . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Warren . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Washington . Berkshire Middle Watertown . . . Middlesex South Wayland . . . . . Middlesex South Webster . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Wellesley . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Wellfleet . . . . . . . . Barnstable Wendell . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Wenham . . . . . . . Essex South West Boylston . . . . . Worcester West Bridgewater . . . Plymouth West Brookfield . . . . Worcester West Newbury . . . Essex South West Roxbury . . . . . . . Suffolk West Springfield . . . . Hampden West Stockbridge . . . Berkshire South West Tisbury . . . . . . . . Dukes Westborough . . . . . . Worcester Westfield . . . . . . . . . Hampden Westford . . . . Middlesex North Westhampton . . . . . Hampshire Westminster . . Worcester North Weston . . . . . Middlesex South Westport . . . . . . Bristol South Westwood . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Weymouth . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Whately . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Whitman . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Wilbraham . . . . . . . . Hampden Williamsburg . . . . . Hampshire Williamstown . Berkshire North Wilmington . . Middlesex North Winchendon . . . . . . . Worcester Winchester . . . Middlesex South Windsor . . . . . Berkshire North Winthrop . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Woburn . . . . . Middlesex South Worcester . . . . . . . . . Worcester Worthington . . . . . . Hampshire Wrentham . . . . . . . . . Norfolk

Yarmouth . . . . . . .


Village Town Annisquam . . . . . . Gloucester Assabet . . . . . . . . . . Maynard Assonet . . . . . . . . . . Freetown Auburndale . . . . . . . . Newton Bass River . . . . . . . . Yarmouth Bradford . . . . . . . . . Haverhill Brant Rock . . . . . . Marshfield Bryantville . . . . . . . Pembroke Buzzards Bay . . . . . . . Bourne Byfield . . . . . . . . . . . Newbury. Cataumet . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Cedarville . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Chestnut Hill . . . . . . . Newton Cochituate . . . . . . . . . . Natick Feeding Hills . . . . . . . Agawam Fiskdale . . . . . . . . . Sturbridge Florence . . . . . . Northampton Fort Devens . . . . . . . . . . Ayer Forestdale . . . . . . . . Sandwich Gilbertville . . . . . . . . Hardwick Glendale . . . . . . . Stockbridge Gosnold . . . . . . . . . Edgartown Green Harbor . . . . . Marshfield Haydenville . . . . Northampton Humarock . . . . . . . . . Scituate Indian Orchard . . . . Springfield Islington . . . . . . . . Westwood Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . Holden Leeds . . . . . . . . Northampton Linwood . . . . . . . . Northbridge Magnolia . . . . . . . . Gloucester Manomet . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Mill River . . . . . . New Marlboro Millers Falls . . . . . . Greenfield Monponsett . . . . . . . . . Halifax New Seabury . . . . . . Mashpee Nutting Lake . . . . . . . Billerica Ocean Bluff . . . . . . Marshfield Onset . . . . . . . . . . . Wareham Pinehurst . . . . . . . . . . Billerica Pocasset . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Prides Crossing . . . . . . Beverly Sagamore . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Saxonville . . . . . . Framingham Shattuckvile . . . . . . . . . Colrain Sheldonville . . . . . . Wrentham Siasconset . . . . . . . Nantucket Teaticket . . . . . . . . . Falmouth Three Rivers . . . . . . . . . Palmer Turners Falls . . . . . Greenfield Waban . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton Waquoit . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Waverly . . . . . . . . . . . Belmont Wellington . . . . . . . . . Medford Whitinsville . . . . . Northbridge Woods Hole . . . . . . . Falmouth Woronoco . . . . . . . . . Westfield

How to Read The Real Estate Records

The information appearing in this newspaper is taken from deed and mortgage documents filed at each of the twenty-one registries of deeds in the state. All property transfers with a sales price of at least $100 and all term-mortgage documents are collected. Whenever possible, we combine the separate deed and mortgage documents so that we can present one complete record of the street address, purchase price, lender and mortgage amount. When we cannot link a deed with a mortgage (and vice versa) each transaction appears individually. Real estate records are organized alphabetically by registry, then town, then by street name within a subhead (Real Estate Sales, Foreclosure Deeds, or Mortgages.) The exception is Suffolk Registry and the City of Boston which appear first. L The statistics at the beginning of each town are for all single-family home sales with a purchase price of $100 and above from January through the most recent complete calendar month.

L The amount appearing on the same line as the street address is the purchase price from the deed. We print “No Amt Given” when the amount did not appear on the document we review. “No Street Given” appears in place of the street address when it was not available. The volume, page of the deed and filing date appear for all sales. The mortgage lender and the amount of the mortgage used to purchase the property are shown. Any second mortgage (Mtg2) filed at the same time as the deed will also appear here.

L In communities where we have a file of all properties from the assessor’s office, we provide additional property details when available. This is done by exactly matching the address and seller name from the new sales record with the address and owner name found in the property file. No descriptive data appears whenever there is any doubt that the two records are the same property. The “Use” is based on the code the assessor assigns to each building on a parcel. Whenever there is more than one use code or more than one building on a parcel, we flag these as “Multi-use” and “Multibldg” respectively.

L These deeds transfer title to the lender after the mortgage is foreclosed (unless there is a higher bidder at the auction.) The amount in these transactions is usually the amount of the outstanding mortgage that was foreclosed.


YTD 1993 17 $47,000

YTD 1994 23 $85,000

••Year-to-Date (YTD) statistics for all single-

family home transactions within our price range criteria.

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 315 MAIN ST U:15.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,000 Pleasant Towers Condo B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Bank $70,000 Mtg2:Seller $8,400 Prior Sale:$93,000 (11/90)

• The first two buyer (B) names and seller (S) names listed on the deed are shown. • Prior sale data (back to 1982) appears only when the address of the new sale matches exactly with the address of the older sale in our database.

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 ELM ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000 B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Mtg Co $140,000 Use:3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot:6459sf Prior Sale:$170,000 (9/89)

• “Use” distinguishes residential homes from land sales and commercial sales. • For residential homes, the number of bedrooms and house style appear when available. • The lot size (Lot) is shown in square feet.

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 43 MAIN ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $142,200 B:Main St Bank S:John Smith & Main St Bank Prior Sale:$190,000 (11/85)

• The prior sale shows the original price paid for the property.

Please note: The information contained in this newspaper is taken from public records. While every precaution is taken, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Readers should confirm any information before taking action.




JUNE 17, 2019

B = Buyer S = Seller Mtg = Mortgage lender and amount Mtg2 = Second Mortgage Use = Building use Bdrm = bedrooms Lot = lot size in square feet YTD = year-to-date

KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS LP = Limited Partnership Tr = Trustee T = Trust IRT = Irrevocable Trust ReT = Revocable Trust RT = Realty Trust FT = Family Trust NT = Nominee Trust Est = Estate Ex = Executor

Interested in Mortgage-Only Transactions?

Our online records offer a much deeper look into local markets. L Navigate to L Log in to your account L Click on Real Estate Records under the Real Estate Transactions tab And get busy putting our mortgage records to work!

20 HOLYOKE ST U:2............................. $4,470,000 B: Derek A Vance & Jane L Vance S: Tad S Yanagi Tr, Tr for Tad S Yanagi 2012 RET Book/Page: 61195/316, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $3,129,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1712sf Prior Sale: $1,975,000 (01/18) 176 HUMBOLDT AVE U:5...................... $499,000 B: Rose Lewis S: 176 Humboldt Avenue LLC Book/Page: 61205/300, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Condo 15 KESWICK ST U:5.............................. $470,000 B: Savory Associates 2 LLC S: Diane Samler Book/Page: 61218/88, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Patriot Community Bk $376,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 500sf 88 KINGSTON ST U:2C.......................... $688,000 B: Chung C Hsu & Maureen K Hsu S: Mary L Mesquita Book/Page: 61176/1, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 811sf Prior Sale: $445,000 (08/05) 51 LANGDON ST................................... $5,400,000 B: 94 Shirley Street Bos LLC S: Solutek Corp Book/Page: 61180/39, Date: 05/29/19 100 LOVEJOY WHARF U:3G................. $1,236,000 B: Scott E Plevy S: Related Lovejoy Residentl Book/Page: 61193/249, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $988,800 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 100 LOVEJOY WHARF U:8N.................. $850,000 B: Juan Barraza & Carol C Barraza S: Related Lovejoy Residentl Book/Page: 61200/163, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $350,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 100 LOVEJOY WHARF U:9G................. $1,550,000 B: 1 Root RE LLC S: Related Lovejoy Residentl Book/Page: 61202/50, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 375 MARLBOROUGH ST U:1................. $2,000,000 B: Adam G Ford & Kylie L Wright-Ford S: Kevin M Walsh & Arounseng Walsh Book/Page: 61195/153, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $1,700,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1543sf Prior Sale: $1,355,000 (06/13) 393 MARLBOROUGH ST U:3.................. $434,500 B: Scott M Flenke S: Andrew Snavely & Kay Snavely Book/Page: 61217/82, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $391,050 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 313sf Prior Sale: $227,500 (07/12) 63 MELCHER ST U:501......................... $1,100,000 B: Abagail Sullivan S: JSIP 63 Melcher LLC Book/Page: 61195/61, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 2 MOUNT VERNON SQ.......................... $2,555,000 B: Buyer S: Phyliss Meaders-Hurley Book/Page: 61208/30, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citibank Na $2,044,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 1045sf Prior Sale: $1,313,000 (06/02) 120 NORWAY ST U:7............................. $610,000 B: Sara Silk S: Christian B Gagnier Book/Page: 61200/103, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $579,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 690sf Prior Sale: $445,000 (05/15) 133 PEMBROKE ST U:2......................... $745,000 B: Bradley Demeter S: Stephanie C Beaudet Book/Page: 61175/239, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $707,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 635sf Prior Sale: $665,000 (06/16) 70 PHILLIPS ST U:1............................... $495,450 B: Yosuf El-Shabrawi S: Tiffany C Bebb Book/Page: 61196/16, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 395sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (08/09) 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:2E......................... $2,498,000 B: Alexandra Raisman S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61174/226, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:2M........................ $1,542,275 B: Michael H Loechel & Maria J Martin S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61215/173, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $933,820 Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:3A......................... $1,822,800 B: Dieter Reuther & Karen Reuther S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61194/3, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:3H......................... $2,631,530 B: David J Eagle & X Suzanne Eagle S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61184/190, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $550,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:4B......................... $3,356,159 B: Kevin P Geaney Tr, Tr for 48 Pier 4 RT S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61216/266, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:4H......................... $2,870,845 B: Jill M Phillips S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61177/125, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:5R......................... $2,487,000 B: Andersen M Smedegaard & Nicklas Kongsgaard S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61192/316, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,740,970 Type: Adj Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:6A......................... $2,199,755 B: Talin Agopyan S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61195/45, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:6F......................... $2,570,599 B: Judy L Dienstag Tr, Tr for Jules L Dienstag RET S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61214/305, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Condo

300 PIER 4 BLVD U:6L......................... $1,453,500 B: Kathryn Pinch & Timothy Pinch S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61184/130, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cooperative Bank $1,162,800 Type: Adj Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:7A......................... $2,385,800 B: Tyng T Hong S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61190/174, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:PHC..................... $15,231,920 B: Adam M Zaiger Tr, Tr for Tessie NT S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61210/279, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Condo 300 PIER 4 BLVD U:PHJ....................... $5,450,000 B: Luna Realty LLC S: Pier 4 Residences LLC Book/Page: 61211/196, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Condo 112 PINCKNEY ST U:33........................ $1,070,000 B: Robert Shanahan & Kristen Shanahan S: Viveca Zimmerman Book/Page: 61184/312, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $963,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 961sf Prior Sale: $799,000 (11/05) 145 PINCKNEY ST U:215....................... $507,500 B: Peter M Palica Tr, Tr for Palica T S: Kristina A Curtis & James J Murphy Book/Page: 61206/88, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Condo, Lot: 460sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (05/05) 121-127 PORTLAND ST U:202.............. $940,000 B: Xueqin Hu S: 121 Portland LLC Book/Page: 61201/181, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 155 PORTLAND ST.............................. $46,755,000 B: Back Street Boston Hldg S: LHO Onyx Hotel 1 LLC Book/Page: 61207/51, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of MA $37,823,500 Use: Hotel, Lot: 5769sf Prior Sale: $28,624,002 (05/05) 3 PRINCE ST U:3................................... $625,000 B: Holly M Rinaldi & Nicholas J Foley S: North Prince LLC Book/Page: 61186/215, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $500,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 45 PROVINCE ST U:1406...................... $1,335,000 B: Frank W Yen & Elaine P Yen S: Kang Lee & Chieh Lee Book/Page: 61179/235, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1405sf Prior Sale: $1,075,000 (08/11) 45 PROVINCE ST U:1508...................... $1,100,000 B: Hsin-Chih Hsu S: Chunhua Wang Book/Page: 61203/292, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: East West Bank $660,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 966sf Prior Sale: $701,000 (07/09) 45 PROVINCE ST U:906........................ $1,199,000 B: Yipeng Huang S: David Angel Book/Page: 61206/245, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1368sf Prior Sale: $1,275,000 (05/13) 64 QUEENSBERRY ST U:312................. $449,500 B: John P Sheridan S: Michael Grappo Book/Page: 61209/50, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $359,600 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 360sf Prior Sale: $375,375 (05/17) 70 REVERE ST U:9................................. $563,000 B: Beata Swierczynski S: Shankar Raman Book/Page: 61215/329, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Northeast Home Loan $394,100 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 525sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (06/98) 15 RIVER ST U:702................................ $960,000 B: Katherine C Bergmann Tr, Tr for Marcia E Izant RET 2019 S: Barbara F Shingleton Tr, Tr for 702 River Street RT Book/Page: 61196/131, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 797sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (08/10) 110 SAINT BOTOLPH ST...................... $2,900,000 B: 110 Saint Botolph LLC S: Veronica G Jordan Book/Page: 61185/31, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3-Family Row-middle, Lot: 1451sf 193 SAINT BOTOLPH ST U:5................ $1,425,000 B: Eleanor Allen S: Suzanne Letso & Roger Letso Book/Page: 61191/136, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1100sf Prior Sale: $1,187,500 (06/17) 2 SENTRY HILL PL................................ $1,850,000 B: Andrew Brunner & Katherine T Brunner S: Leonard G Buckley Tr, Tr for Sentry Hill Place RT Book/Page: 61208/81, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,480,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 672sf 140 SHAWMUT AVE U:1C...................... $860,000 B: Tianya Zhong S: Steward R Clark & Keith T Wayshville Book/Page: 61199/179, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $600,000 Use: Condo 290 SHAWMUT AVE U:4........................ $849,000 B: Zoe Michas S: Robert F Visconti Book/Page: 61217/224, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 681sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (11/06) 435 SHAWMUT AVE U:4........................ $885,000 B: Susan Miesfeldt & James H Morse S: Nicole Marchwicz Book/Page: 61201/326, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 737sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (08/13) 110 STUART ST U:PH1......................... $1,640,000 B: Roelof W VanResandt & Marijke W VanResandt S: David I Goulden & Andrea Mcdonough Book/Page: 61188/284, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1393sf Prior Sale: $1,575,000 (01/15) 32 TRAVELER ST U:604....................... $1,400,000 B: Michael Barelli & Margaret Siegel S: Peter Macgillivray & Diane N Macgillivray Book/Page: 61179/312, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $120,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 151 TREMONT ST U:20B....................... $610,000 B: Tony T Punjabi & Sapna T Punjabi S: Mandiga V Rao & Shyamali Mandiga Book/Page: 61216/81, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 675sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (09/03)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

170 TREMONT ST U:301....................... $595,000 B: Kenneth M Yee Tr, Tr for May C Yee RET S: Omaima N Poonawala Book/Page: 61183/81, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 532sf Prior Sale: $362,000 (08/08) 682 TREMONT ST U:4.......................... $1,080,000 B: Richardson K Smith S: Farrugia D Shagoury & Danielle Shagoury Book/Page: 61185/247, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 876sf Prior Sale: $596,500 (07/11) 166 W BROOKLINE ST U:1................... $1,785,000 B: Fei Tan & Hasat Cakkalkurt S: W Brookline Mainsail LLC Book/Page: 61211/346, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,338,750 Type: Adj Use: Condo 42 W NEWTON ST U:4-22..................... $690,000 B: Leena Peters S: Qingwan Chen Book/Page: 61183/183, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $586,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 688sf Prior Sale: $132,000 (04/97) 27 WAREHAM ST U:401........................ $955,000 B: Maria D Harden S: Joseph C Cheng Tr, Tr for Joseph C Cheng FT Book/Page: 61212/255, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $484,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1213sf Prior Sale: $449,000 (05/02) 1180-1200 WASHINGTON ST U:303.... $1,475,000 B: Joseph C Greene & Danielle I Butke S: Robert M Melia Tr, Tr for Robert M Melia RET Book/Page: 61199/47, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,180,000 Use: Condo, Lot: 1590sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (06/13) 1387 WASHINGTON ST U:PH1.............. $930,000 B: Meredith A Catchings S: Brad Johnson Book/Page: 61177/181, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Phillip B Catchings $600,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 943sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (06/00) 1 WELLINGTON ST U:4.......................... $930,000 B: Paula A Harker S: Karen Bommart & Gilles Bommart Book/Page: 61206/264, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Winchester Cp Bk $580,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 868sf Prior Sale: $780,000 (04/16) 85-87 WENDELL ST............................ $27,500,000 B: Broad 115 Equity Partners S: 115-10 Broad Owner LLC Book/Page: 61197/13, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 1186sf Prior Sale: $21,500,000 (01/16) 89-99 WENDELL ST............................ $27,500,000 B: Broad 115 Equity Partners S: 115-10 Broad Owner LLC Book/Page: 61197/13, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 4202sf Prior Sale: $21,500,000 (01/16) 6 WHITTIER PL U:10E............................ $730,000 B: Robert B Shaw S: Margaret F Mill Book/Page: 61193/43, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $584,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1179sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (01/07) 6 WHITTIER PL U:8P............................. $450,000 B: Victoria Angelucci & Vincent Angelucci S: Yuen L Yue Book/Page: 61216/254, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 542sf 8 WHITTIER PL U:6C............................. $750,000 B: Mohammad M Samimi Tr, Tr for Samimi FT S: Kamil Kaluski & Stephanie M Guadagno Book/Page: 61202/112, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $560,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1147sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (02/07) 86 WORCESTER ST U:4......................... $840,000 B: Raj Shekhar S: Bohan Xu Book/Page: 61195/272, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $756,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 871sf Prior Sale: $838,000 (06/17)

Allston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $570,500

YTD 2019 1

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 ASHFORD ST U:14............................ $352,000 B: Seth L Reinhardt S: Manuel Costa & Robin Costa Doc#: 000000894675, Date: 05/28/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 540sf 533 CAMBRIDGE ST U:405................... $788,000 B: Sophie Dai & Jianming Xu S: Rachel Oppenheimer Book/Page: 61190/29, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $551,600 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1083sf Prior Sale: $588,889 (08/15) 43 GLENVILLE AVE U:15....................... $320,000 B: Miao Wang S: Andrew W Elliott Book/Page: 61203/265, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 396sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (03/05) 45 GORDON ST U:1............................... $375,000 B: Dan Yang S: Yanhong Xiong Book/Page: 61188/28, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 720sf Prior Sale: $268,975 (01/17) 31-33 MANSFIELD ST.......................... $1,380,000 B: Xiang S Fei & Kaiyan Jin S: Arlene H Kelly Tr, Tr for 31-33 Mansfield Street RT Book/Page: 61193/141, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $952,500 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4250sf 45 MANSFIELD ST U:45....................... $1,010,000 B: Chen Deng & Zhiqian Zhou S: Clafeo Builders Corp Book/Page: 61189/204, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $650,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo




272 N HARVARD ST.............................. B: Holden Lewis S: Ryan Wise Book/Page: 61209/23, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $621,600 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4397sf Prior Sale: $442,500 (08/04) 10 SCOTTFIELD RD U:1......................... B: Ethan S Goldstein S: Elena Yablonovsky Book/Page: 61193/332, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $251,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 490sf Prior Sale: $158,000 (12/12)



Brighton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $738,500

YTD 2019 9 $725,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 300 ALLSTON ST U:207........................ $140,154 B: Igor Tepermeister & Diane Levy S: Zhana Tepermeister Book/Page: 61175/293, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1262sf Prior Sale: $422,500 (11/03) 46 ATKINS ST U:2................................. $515,000 B: Kristopher Tong S: Kristin M Diliberti Tr, Tr for Kristin M Diliberti RET Book/Page: 61190/292, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $463,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1120sf Prior Sale: $426,000 (07/16) 2400 BEACON ST U:512....................... $1,220,000 B: Raymond J Raposa & Dorothy G Raposa S: Ruterra Waterworks LLC Book/Page: 61176/140, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $854,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1401sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (12/16) 31-33 BRACKETT ST............................ $1,180,000 B: XRA LLC S: Montes&Mcneil Family LP Book/Page: 61195/249, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $826,000 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/98) 5-7 CHAMPNEY ST................................ $550,000 B: Michael G Treacy S: Susan M Morris Book/Page: 61180/290, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3500sf 1706 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:33........ $479,900 B: Hareshkumar K Patel S: Peter Madis Tr, Tr for K&G RT Book/Page: 61208/142, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $383,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 905sf 58-60 HOBSON ST................................ $900,000 B: Leonid Ostrovskiy & Aksana Simanava S: Robert A Operach & Kathleen R Operach Book/Page: 61202/167, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $765,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4740sf 8 KILSYTH TER U:21............................. $524,000 B: Vladimir Stepanenko Tr, Tr for Stepanenko FT S: Joshua B Bellin & Kayla A Bellin Book/Page: 61190/321, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1000sf Prior Sale: $376,000 (01/14) 34 KINROSS RD U:5.............................. $309,000 B: Carla G Roberts-Toler S: Burns A Taylor & Katherine S Boulton Book/Page: 61191/314, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $289,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 460sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (08/14) 27 LAKE SHORE CT U:2......................... $400,000 B: Jun Liu S: Anya Martira Book/Page: 61194/115, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $380,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 824sf 133 LAKE SHORE RD U:4...................... $452,000 B: May Kwan S: Oksana Nikiforova Book/Page: 61186/180, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $240,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 825sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (08/13) 166 LAKE SHORE RD U:2...................... $500,000 B: Tie B Chen & Elaine Lee S: Hongxin Hu & Shihong Hu Book/Page: 61200/305, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1053sf Prior Sale: $323,500 (07/10) 45-47 MONTFERN AVE U:1................... $530,000 B: Xingguo Chen & Hanxi Chen S: Patricia A Kelliher Book/Page: 61178/36, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1024sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (11/13) 25 MOUNT HOOD RD U:4...................... $420,000 B: JBB 888 Realty LLC S: Arthur Balasny & Louie Balasny Book/Page: 61186/147, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 681sf Prior Sale: $268,000 (08/05) 87 OAKLAND ST.................................... $773,000 B: MO Realty LLC S: George Kostopulos & Speredula Kostopulos Book/Page: 61188/162, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Village Bank $500,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4087sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (08/97) 124 SUTHERLAND RD U:10................... $391,000 B: Ramon A Castro S: Elina L Cohen & Kira Litvak Book/Page: 61207/207, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 623sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (08/13)

Charlestown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 Median Price $925,000

YTD 2019 10 $1,322,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 42 8TH ST U:3102................................. B: Mark H Lawler S: Edward Deluca Book/Page: 61193/222, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $466,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $545,000 (06/15)


42 8TH ST U:5208................................. $550,000 B: Judith Norris S: Richard I Dickinson Book/Page: 61176/40, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $440,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $366,900 (05/05) 197 8TH ST U:631................................. $879,900 B: James S Lee & Marian A Tse S: Jill Taliamonte Tr, Tr for Jill Taliamonte T Book/Page: 61201/259, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $475,000 (06/01) 7 COOK ST............................................. $362,500 B: Custom Capital Dev LLC S: Snapp Josephien W Est & Roberts C Hines Book/Page: 61216/54, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $1,512,000 Use: 2-Family Row-middle, Lot: 1056sf Prior Sale: $321,000 (03/00) 7 COOK ST............................................. $362,500 B: Custom Capital Dev LLC S: Cass James T Est & Roberts C Hines Book/Page: 61216/49, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2-Family Row-middle, Lot: 1056sf Prior Sale: $321,000 (03/00) 2 HENLEY ST........................................ $1,578,000 B: Gregory S Bombard Tr, Tr for Alexandra C Boudreau RET S: Jeffrey Manucuso & Anna L Manucuso Book/Page: 61211/171, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $778,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Row-end, Lot: 600sf Prior Sale: $1,075,000 (12/14) 29 HIGH ST........................................... $2,350,000 B: A Kim Saal Tr, Tr for A Kim Saal RET S: Jeanette Ives-Erickson Book/Page: 61188/209, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $550,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Row-end, Lot: 1347sf Prior Sale: $747,000 (03/98) 6 MOUNT VERNON AVE........................ $2,437,500 B: David Lewis & Jansulu Nurpeisova S: Lynne M Kortenhaus Book/Page: 61207/22, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $1,950,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 2900sf 36 MYSTIC ST U:2................................. $880,000 B: Ross Turner & Alecia Turner S: John T Vaughn & Alexander M Vaughn Book/Page: 61193/282, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $792,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $675,000 (10/15) 18 PARK ST U:2..................................... $584,000 B: Patrick M Winn S: William J Malone Book/Page: 61194/36, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $450,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $327,500 (12/07) 44 PLEASANT ST U:3............................ $910,000 B: Leigh E Colihan & Patrick Czorniak S: Paul A Schmid & Margaret M Schmid Book/Page: 61196/185, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $728,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $700,000 (09/14) 33 WINTHROP ST U:2............................ $764,000 B: Katherine Phillips & Stephen Plaisted S: Paula Figelski Tr, Tr for Paul Figleski T Book/Page: 61177/302, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo

Chelsea MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $464,900

YTD 2019 5 $365,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 960 BROADWAY U:10........................... $360,000 B: Quinlan Turner S: Elise Loiselle Book/Page: 61196/261, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $324,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $229,000 (11/14) 54 CLINTON ST...................................... $689,900 B: Jony J Gallego-Duque & Dora E Quinones S: Edward Arsenault & Rosemarie Arsenault Book/Page: 61189/183, Date: 05/30/19 103-105 CONGRESS AVE...................... $758,000 B: Nelson A Tejada-Lemus & Margarita J Carranza S: Alba Ordonez & Juan Blanco Book/Page: 61198/332, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $744,270 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4775sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (02/06) 60 DUDLEY ST U:309............................ $399,000 B: Lucy Lan S: Selma Nane Book/Page: 61218/52, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Key Bank NA $279,300 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $255,000 (06/13) 56 HOOPER ST U:R1.............................. $450,000 B: Korey J Mckinney & Adelle V Mckinney S: Darin Dumouchel Book/Page: 61186/158, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $436,500 Use: Condo 11 MEDFORD ST U:2............................. $334,000 B: Gresa Balaj S: Scott M Lieber Book/Page: 61205/217, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $300,600 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $215,000 (12/15) 75 SPENCER AVE.................................. $500,000 B: Marenglen Zepaj & Flaminio Lanzillo S: Misael DeJesus-Pena & Maria E Alfaro-DePena Book/Page: 61178/114, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6250sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (07/97) 79 SPENCER AVE.................................. $500,000 B: Marenglen Zepaj & Flaminio Lanzillo S: Misael DeJesus-Pena & Maria E Alfaro-DePena Book/Page: 61178/114, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 4000sf 25-27 SUFFOLK ST U:1......................... $475,000 B: Cassandra Leetz & Ryan M Leetz S: 25-27 Suffolk Street LLC Book/Page: 61177/242, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $380,000 Use: Condo 441 WASHINGTON AVE U:304............... $310,000 B: Julia G Ivins S: Susan L Smith Book/Page: 61211/20, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $263,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $280,000 (06/06)

157 WINNISIMMET ST U:73C................ B: Jonathan P Deweese S: Vanessa L Reeves & Ian C Reeves Book/Page: 61214/34, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $304,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $233,000 (06/15)


Dorchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $507,500

YTD 2019 30 $492,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 545 ADAMS ST U:32............................. $299,000 B: Helina Dagne S: Kenneth P Jakaus Book/Page: 61192/279, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $274,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 686sf Prior Sale: $188,000 (04/05) 6 ASHLAND ST U:3................................ $620,000 B: Caitlin T Sanchez S: Sean K Rabe & Amy Z Rabe Book/Page: 61193/108, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $370,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $599,000 (08/16) 36 AUCKLAND ST................................. $1,050,000 B: 36 Auckland St LLC S: Maureen Hardiman Book/Page: 61218/126, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,125,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2517sf 246 BOSTON ST U:1.............................. $580,000 B: Eric P Gutiuerrez & Georgina B Lio S: Alvan Mora LLC Book/Page: 61196/134, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $464,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 246 BOSTON ST U:3.............................. $620,000 B: Diane H Lim S: Alvan Mora LLC Book/Page: 61179/52, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $485,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 18-20 BRINSLEY ST.............................. $247,500 B: Liriano&Sons LLC S: Duncan Anthony A Est & Linette E Duncan Book/Page: 61200/235, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 4174sf Prior Sale: $81,500 (02/19) 34 BROOKVALE ST................................ $395,000 B: Patrick Stones S: Daniel Hynes Tr, Tr for Hynes RT Book/Page: 61191/36, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eagle Bank $296,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4651sf 15-17 CALLENDER ST........................... $625,000 B: Rolando Barbosa & Carlie Depina S: CFHM Properties LLC Book/Page: 61177/88, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $593,750 48 CARRUTH ST U:2.............................. $456,500 B: Brian Baxter S: Julie A Herlihy Book/Page: 61192/213, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Boston FireFightrs CU $456,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1140sf Prior Sale: $263,800 (06/10) 21 CAWFIELD ST U:3............................ $469,000 B: Wylie Stephens S: Amanda J Scoville & Michelle Scoville Book/Page: 61179/116, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $375,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 980sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (06/15) 233 COLUMBIA RD................................ $610,000 B: PL Properties 3 LLC S: Trevor Tom & Cheryl Tom Book/Page: 61207/191, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 5290sf 32-34 DITSON ST U:5............................ $400,000 B: Jossie A Carreras-Tartak S: Adam Myerson Book/Page: 61178/50, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1129sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (04/06) 796 DORCHESTER AVE U:1................... $385,000 B: Matthew Mcdermott S: Gregory A Woodbury Book/Page: 61198/168, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $365,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 856sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/09) 1245 DORCHESTER AVE...................... $3,000,000 B: Burlight LLC S: 1245 Dot LLC Book/Page: 61195/54, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Auto Supply, Lot: 7685sf Prior Sale: $2,600,000 (06/17) 77 DRAPER ST...................................... $860,000 B: Chad Verry S: David T Ly & Mai T Nguyen Book/Page: 61212/156, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $645,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2656sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (08/06) 275 E COTTAGE ST............................... $1,700,000 B: 275 East Cottage LLC S: College Bound Dorchester Book/Page: 61201/262, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $900,000 32 EAST ST U:1..................................... $380,000 B: Hai T Dinh & Tam M Tran S: Dat Doan & Thu T Huynh Book/Page: 61215/128, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $265,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1570sf Prior Sale: $111,000 (11/11) 31 ELMDALE ST.................................... $700,000 B: Hoang T Huynh Tr, Tr for 31 Elmdale Street RT S: Vy P Nguyen & Thao P Nguyen Book/Page: 61205/144, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4205sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (03/13) 21 FENDALE AVE................................... $549,000 B: Hung G Phan & Khoa T Nguyen S: Solomon Habte-Michael & Lemlem Berhame Doc#: 000000894671, Date: 05/24/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $384,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf 60 FLORIDA ST U:3............................... $489,000 B: Jami Wiegand & Tim Wiegand S: Jordan L Manchester & Nicholas E Manchester Book/Page: 61188/259, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Kenneth C Wiegand $464,568 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1127sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (04/15)

11-13 GREENWICH ST.......................... $755,000 B: Chi Dang S: Trang Le Book/Page: 61199/204, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $528,000 Use: 3-Family Semi Detachd, Lot: 1171sf Prior Sale: $622,000 (09/17) 19 HALLAM ST U:2................................ $485,000 B: Michael Tsabar & Maya Bustan S: Craig Hawkins Book/Page: 61192/4, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $363,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 979sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (06/15) 31 HALLET DAVIS ST............................ $345,000 B: Caitlin R Doherty & Joseph Renehan S: Kevin Doherty & Karen Doherty Book/Page: 61205/330, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $327,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4139sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (05/17) 80 HILLSDALE ST.................................. $460,000 B: C Grealish Generl Cntrctr S: Margaret E Buckley Book/Page: 61210/33, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Atlas Funding LLC $470,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5160sf 55 LAWLEY ST...................................... $510,000 B: Lawrence E Hamilton & Selam Woldeselassie S: Cole Jenness & Maryjane Jenness Book/Page: 61198/28, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $484,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3515sf Prior Sale: $304,500 (08/12) 59 LONSDALE ST U:1............................ $510,000 B: Courtney Stepien S: 59 Lonsdale LLC Book/Page: 61197/289, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 59 LONSDALE ST U:2............................ $525,000 B: Mary Dumont S: 59 Lonsdale LLC Book/Page: 61197/164, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $472,500 Use: Condo 37 MALLET ST....................................... $638,000 B: Adam Myerson & Janice Checchio S: Spencer Arnold & Felisha Arnold Book/Page: 61180/79, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $288,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2845sf 31 MCKONE ST...................................... $980,000 B: Duan C Le & Hang Dang S: 31 Mckone Street LLC Book/Page: 61203/55, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $735,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 4215sf Prior Sale: $715,000 (06/14) 65 MILLET ST........................................ $820,000 B: Khiem Tran & Hong T Le S: Pronita Saxena Book/Page: 61203/29, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $615,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 5250sf Prior Sale: $601,900 (08/15) 275 MINOT ST U:3................................. $525,000 B: Elizabeth Tillotson S: 275 Minot Street LLC Book/Page: 61191/278, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $446,250 Use: Condo 37 MOUNT VERNON ST U:2R................ $535,000 B: Michael Quinn S: Shawna A Sammis Book/Page: 61197/256, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $480,600 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 925sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (05/18) 23 MOUNTAIN AVE................................ $150,000 B: Vasey FT LLC S: Latresia C Hunter Book/Page: 61179/84, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: High Cotton Capital L $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3921sf 12 NEWHALL ST.................................... $855,000 B: Yun R Huang S: Kim C Pham & Peter Chan Book/Page: 61203/225, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $641,250 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2651sf Prior Sale: $820,000 (04/17) 239 NORWELL ST.................................. $20,000 B: Tlee Development LLC S: Kevin Bailey Book/Page: 61217/153, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 2187sf 3 NORWOOD ST..................................... $500,000 B: 28 Norwood Street LLC S: Donna M Murphy Book/Page: 61181/195, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Canton Cp Bk $1,640,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 8078sf 9 ODONNELL SQ U:1............................. $449,000 B: Deirdre M Lafferty & Michael V Lafferty S: Jennifer C Hearon Book/Page: 61194/246, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $324,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 923sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (06/11) 29 PORT NORFOLK ST U:3.................... $420,000 B: Peter Smedberg S: Bottom Of The Ninth LLC Book/Page: 61199/147, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $405,000 Use: Condo 29-31 PORT NORFOLK ST U:1.............. $603,000 B: Stanley R Sylvester S: Bottom Of The Ninth LLC Book/Page: 61184/105, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $395,000 Use: Condo 19-21 ROSARIA ST............................... $875,000 B: Dieu N Pham & Duc T Pham S: John F Hasson & Bernadette Hasson Book/Page: 61176/219, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4597sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (06/14) 39 ROSSETER ST U:2............................ $470,000 B: Brandy Joaquim S: 39 Rosseter Street LLC Book/Page: 61214/70, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $270,000 Use: Condo 90 SAVIN HILL AVE U:2......................... $510,000 B: Diane H Doering & Matthew Doering S: Andre K Campbell Book/Page: 61181/305, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $382,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 910sf Prior Sale: $244,000 (11/12) 87 SAWYER AVE U:2............................. $839,000 B: Benjamin Barstrom S: 87 Sawyer Avenue LLC Book/Page: 61218/228, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $671,200 Use: Condo

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

JUNE 17, 2019

58 SAXTON ST U:2................................ $465,000 B: Jenan Al-Hafidh S: David Mogielnicki Book/Page: 61187/229, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 802sf Prior Sale: $333,000 (08/16) 118 SAXTON ST U:1.............................. $545,000 B: Kelsey Mcmenamy S: Justin Dichio Book/Page: 61210/245, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $484,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1054sf 28 SELDEN ST....................................... $450,000 B: Arlene Blake S: Ruby Blake Tr, Tr for Ruby Blake RET Book/Page: 61202/309, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $366,300 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 6473sf 29 SOUTHERN AVE................................ $848,000 B: Xubo Wang S: Yvonne J Jones & Lena King Book/Page: 61190/249, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 4463sf 312 TALBOT AVE................................... $848,000 B: Xubo Wang S: Yvonne J Jones & Lena King Book/Page: 61190/249, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 4474sf 38 TOPLIFF ST....................................... $610,000 B: Nicolas M Smith S: Kevin M Stephenson & Dawn Stephenson Book/Page: 61217/233, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $598,951 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $189,900 (02/10) 19 W TREMLETT ST.............................. $375,000 B: 19 W Tremlett Street LLC S: DMAK Investments LLC Book/Page: 61207/270, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Commonwealth Coop Bk $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8985sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (08/18) 5 WHITBY TER U:1................................ $450,000 B: Patrick G Todd & Casey L Brescia S: Denis F Keohane Tr, Tr for Keohane RT Book/Page: 61218/192, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $427,500 Use: Condo

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 34 ASHTON ST...................................... B: NRZ REO 6B LLC S: Elsa E Alkins-Louis & Citibank NA Book/Page: 61197/49, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Semi Detachd, Lot: 3000sf


East Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $500,000

YTD 2019 13 $550,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 BOARDMAN ST U:301...................... $607,000 B: Huilan Ren S: Boardman Holdings LLC Book/Page: 61199/79, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $260,000 Use: Condo 16 BOARDMAN ST U:307...................... $486,000 B: Yuting Gan & Wenbin Chen S: Boardman Holdings LLC Book/Page: 61198/311, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $266,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 64 CHELSEA ST..................................... $650,000 B: 64 Chelsea LLC S: Chelsea Street Condo LLC Book/Page: 61177/31, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Loan Funder LLC $715,000 Use: 2-Family Row-middle, Lot: 1387sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (01/19) 172 EVERETT ST................................... $725,200 B: Simon C Kwok & Judy Y Kwok S: Kevin P Richardson & Rachel A Ferris Book/Page: 61217/340, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $652,680 Use: 3 Bdrm Semi Detachd, Lot: 2500sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (06/13) 77 HORACE ST U:2................................ $485,000 B: Michael R Barry & Maria C Barry S: Boston Building Co LLC Book/Page: 61191/108, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $225,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 85 LEXINGTON ST U:3........................... $585,000 B: Gregory F Walls S: Doug Hackenyos & Bethany Hackenyos Book/Page: 61208/55, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $526,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $519,000 (09/17) 152 LEYDEN ST..................................... $905,000 B: Real Estate Property Svcs S: Aldrich Leyden LLC Book/Page: 61185/199, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $908,750 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2032sf Prior Sale: $645,000 (05/15) 78 LIVERPOOL ST U:1........................... $730,500 B: Yunchi Pan & Michael Underwood S: Peace Properties Inc Book/Page: 61203/279, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Condo 88 LIVERPOOL ST U:6........................... $353,000 B: Guoquan Su & Dengfeng Ma S: Peace Properties Inc Book/Page: 61179/147, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $300,000 Use: Condo 214 MARGINAL ST U:1.......................... $900,000 B: John Boyce S: 214 Marginal Street LLC Book/Page: 61189/146, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 214 MARGINAL ST U:3......................... $1,075,000 B: John Boyce S: 214 Marginal Street LLC Book/Page: 61189/151, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 338 MERIDIAN ST U:2........................... $599,900 B: Jennifer Kelleman S: 42 Puritan Road LLC Book/Page: 61217/49, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $479,920 Use: Condo 186-188 PARIS ST U:7.......................... $650,000 B: Django Bliss & Cherie Bliss S: Jane B Armstrong Book/Page: 61197/314, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $450,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

156 PORTER ST U:142.......................... $475,000 B: Cole R Jenness S: Zachary Sullivan & Michelle Sullivan Book/Page: 61202/78, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $380,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 812sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (01/15) 156 PORTER ST U:202.......................... $524,200 B: Tarikh Campbell S: Angela Percy & Anthony Percy Book/Page: 61206/154, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $497,990 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 699sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (06/15) 156 PORTER ST U:434.......................... $685,000 B: Jacob Venter S: Huan Nguyen & Vinh Vu Book/Page: 61198/126, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $650,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1119sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (08/09) 61 PUTNAM ST U:1............................... $392,000 B: James M Cahill & Richard Howard S: Hicham Bichri Book/Page: 61205/193, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $294,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 715sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (05/10) 305 SARATOGA ST................................ $580,000 B: 305 Saratoga Street LLC S: Loc Tran Book/Page: 61179/28, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Beverly Bank $707,800 Use: 3-Family Row-middle, Lot: 1167sf 428 SARATOGA ST................................ $825,000 B: 428 Saratoga Street LLC S: John J Lyons 3rd & Lisa M Lyons Book/Page: 61178/149, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Pawtucket CU $660,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2500sf 314 SUMNER ST U:2............................. $580,000 B: Amanda Bronner & Bradley Maxfield S: Amit Tantri & Emma Gardner Book/Page: 61184/164, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $475,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $500,000 (08/16) 70 W EAGLE ST.................................... $1,630,000 B: 70-72 West Eagle St LLC S: Daniel E Jacobson & Nathan Jacobson Book/Page: 61207/117, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Melrose Cp Bk $1,947,500 Use: 3-Family Semi Detachd, Lot: 2176sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (11/09)

Hyde Park MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $428,000

YTD 2019 33 $442,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 87-89 BELNEL RD................................. B: David Vazquez & Antonia Guerra S: Raphael C Okoye Doc#: 000000894686, Date: 05/28/19 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $402,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6923sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (09/18) 39 BRAEBURN RD................................. B: Iwona M Wolska S: Georgeann Chavez Book/Page: 61213/45, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $410,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (12/13) 114 CLARE AVE..................................... B: Jose Brandao & Tony Ip S: MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 61178/269, Date: 05/29/19 9 GREENWOOD AVE U:1........................ B: Mary K Little S: 9 Greenwood Avenue LLC Book/Page: 61209/343, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $382,500 Use: Condo 54 HALLRON ST.................................... B: Eric Hynds S: Edgardo Rodriguez Book/Page: 61210/334, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $360,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3478sf Prior Sale: $116,000 (08/97)






Jamaica Plain MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $805,000



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 16 $858,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8-8A ASTICOU RD................................ $1,225,000 B: Matthew Sonnett & Eileen Moison S: Alan Genoves Tr, Tr for Alan Genoves T Book/Page: 61196/87, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $960,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 2780sf 15 BALLARD ST U:1.............................. $500,000 B: Alexandra J Frey & Kevin U Frey S: Mary M Engelbrecht & Michele M Engelbrecht Book/Page: 61191/71, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $475,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 184 BOYLSTON ST U:2.......................... $530,000 B: Michael Baxter & Sravya Khasnavees S: William Joaquim 3rd & Brandy Joaquim Book/Page: 61212/319, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $355,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 940sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (09/05) 990 CENTRE ST U:7............................... $425,000 B: Nizar K Fikani & Claire A Attie S: Jennifer Elliott Book/Page: 61194/218, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $318,750 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 785sf Prior Sale: $264,000 (11/15) 146 CHESTNUT AVE U:3........................ $610,000 B: Dmitry Cypen & Natalia Kukushkina S: Zachary A Cohen Book/Page: 61189/60, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $515,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 970sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (06/14) 26-28 CHILCOTT PL.............................. $608,000 B: JPNB LLC S: Kenneth J Patchett Tr, Tr for Cutillo Grandchildrens FT Book/Page: 61209/258, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Middlesex FSLA $1,312,500 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5004sf

88 DUNSTER RD U:2............................. $840,000 B: Ryan Flynn & Jennifer Flynn S: David Naimark & Roy Griffin-Thomas Jr Book/Page: 61206/106, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $588,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1133sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (08/08) 29 GOLDSMITH ST U:3.......................... $600,000 B: Keisha Thomas & Teron Samuel S: 29 Goldsmith LLC Book/Page: 61189/89, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $540,000 Use: Condo 111-121 GREEN ST U:203..................... $503,000 B: Neel Tripathi S: Grayson Dorvel & Jaclyn C Imhoff Book/Page: 61187/289, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $352,100 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 805sf Prior Sale: $399,000 (06/14) 28 IFFLEY RD U:4.................................. $676,000 B: Jennifer Hsu & Tiffany Hsu S: Stephen V Cagnazzi & Thomas Johnson Book/Page: 61198/22, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $692,000 (01/18) 10 JAMAICAWAY U:5............................ $450,000 B: Francesca Seta S: Adam P Dobberfuhl Book/Page: 61178/274, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $382,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 750sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (03/05) 16 JOHN A ANDREW ST....................... $1,185,000 B: Edward Johnson & Jessica Britt S: Tracey L Mccain Tr, Tr for 16 John A Andrew St RT Book/Page: 61184/74, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $785,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4126sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (03/02) 68 JOHNSWOOD RD U:68...................... $525,000 B: Deborah Wanzer S: Patrick L Fitzpatrick & Timmery Fitzpatrick Book/Page: 61199/110, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 22 KINGSBORO PARK U:1..................... $670,000 B: Erika Husson & Thomas A Husson S: Weizhen Tan & Victoria J Tan Book/Page: 61208/257, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $536,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1013sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (06/14) 18 OPHIR ST U:2................................... $659,000 B: Tarek Deeb & Yvonne Moore S: Benjamin M Greene & Leora C Kimmel Book/Page: 61186/248, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $593,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $575,000 (07/15) 39 PARKTON RD U:1............................. $603,000 B: Shan Jiang S: Adrian Champman & Rawan Missouri Book/Page: 61216/7, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $413,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1013sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (09/14) 21 PERSHING RD U:1............................ $721,000 B: Ann M Imes S: Thomas L Bierbaum Book/Page: 61183/54, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $648,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1270sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (12/11) 35 POND CIR........................................ $2,375,000 B: Daniel P Carbonneau Tr, Tr for Pond Circle RT S: Giuliana T Loukas Tr, Tr for 35 Pond Circle NT Book/Page: 61195/185, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,781,250 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 26435sf 156 SOUTH ST U:2L............................... $407,000 B: Arielle B Frangipane & Nicholas A Frangipane S: Taylor Hansen Book/Page: 61176/317, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $332,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 723sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (10/09) 171 SOUTH ST U:14B............................ $295,000 B: Rebecca Britton-Anastas S: Fargol Booya Book/Page: 61210/287, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $236,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 450sf Prior Sale: $173,000 (06/06) 211 WACHUSETT ST U:2....................... $464,000 B: Erhan Aslan S: Lauren Tringali Book/Page: 61175/58, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $394,400 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 870sf Prior Sale: $341,000 (10/15) 75 WILLIAMS ST U:3............................. $590,000 B: Jonathan H Zimbel S: David D Henry & Elizabeth D Turnbull Book/Page: 61201/340, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $472,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1075sf Prior Sale: $313,001 (06/12)

Mattapan MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $420,000

YTD 2019 20 $370,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 BABSON ST...................................... $600,000 B: Michael Satchell & Shemia Perry S: Allison Naudess Est & David A Schwartz Book/Page: 61190/67, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $731,725 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5569sf 599 RIVER ST........................................ $870,000 B: Pierre Marceau S: Karolina Olejnik Book/Page: 61190/229, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $839,946 Use: 3-Family Semi Detachd, Lot: 6161sf Prior Sale: $665,000 (12/18) 614-616 WALK HILL ST........................ $658,000 B: Renette Dorvilier & Joel Seide S: Victoria Griffith Book/Page: 61218/288, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $636,039 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4732sf

Revere MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 49 Median Price $399,974

YTD 2019 41 $400,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 BURNETT RD...................................... $890,000 B: Misael DeJesus-Pena & Maria E Del-Pena S: Hoyle Construction Inc Book/Page: 61218/316, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 6808sf 1 CAREY CIR U:114............................... $344,900 B: William A Rollins Jr S: Paul Tempesta Tr, Tr for Tempesta School Street RT Book/Page: 61192/178, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $334,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $225,000 (08/01) 130 DALE ST......................................... $387,000 B: Miriam Villatoro & Santos Etelvino-Villatoro S: Jenney E Dube Book/Page: 61183/326, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $379,990 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4573sf 21 ELIOT RD.......................................... $350,000 B: Norberto Alvarez S: Cornelius W Odonnell & Helen F Odonnell Book/Page: 61213/66, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $280,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4641sf 84 GARFIELD AVE................................. $650,000 B: DLG Holdings LLC S: E Y Perlera-Hernandez & Yolanda Martinez Book/Page: 61199/289, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $422,500 Type: Adj Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 2066sf Prior Sale: $321,500 (07/09) 13 HANCOCK ST.................................... $525,000 B: Paul Cassetta S: Jorida Leka & Denis Leka Book/Page: 61195/346, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $498,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7200sf Prior Sale: $331,000 (10/12) 54 HANCOCK ST.................................... $470,000 B: Lottie S Suarez S: Abdelkader Louali & Aicha Harrouchi Book/Page: 61182/153, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $453,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (06/18) 5 JOHN MOONEY RD............................. $445,000 B: Lidia E Cerna S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 61218/323, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $373,800 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7124sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (12/18) 42 LINCOLN ST...................................... $530,000 B: Noe Aviles-Henriquez S: Amado A Portillo-Pineda & Gerardo A Ruiz Book/Page: 61205/94, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $503,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4510sf Prior Sale: $446,000 (06/16) 1695 N SHORE RD U:18........................ $449,000 B: Maria R Gonzales & Dora L Gonzales S: Abdelhakim Dumont & Jennifer L Dumont Book/Page: 61201/156, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $404,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $204,000 (08/08) 201 OCEAN AVE.................................... $200,000 B: ASH Family LP S: Loraine T Ash Book/Page: 61181/292, Date: 05/30/19 585 REVERE BEACH PKWY U:202......... $240,000 B: Axiom Realty LLC S: Levine Arnold G Est & Erik Levine Book/Page: 61215/219, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 326 VANE ST......................................... $445,000 B: Oscar S Lopez-Tejada S: Derek Nuzzo Doc#: 000000894691, Date: 05/28/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $431,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 4400sf 27 WAVE ST U:B.................................... $350,000 B: Julia R Moreno S: Nicole K Duggan Book/Page: 61213/14, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $332,500 Use: Condo

Roslindale MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $573,000

YTD 2019 19 $655,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 13 FAIRVIEW ST U:2............................. $538,000 B: Todd T Toner S: Evelyn Rydz & Isaac Adatto Book/Page: 61184/252, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1090sf Prior Sale: $336,500 (12/10) 19 HASLET ST U:2................................. $449,000 B: Jonathan Huether S: Omer Ziyal & Elizabeth A Kassler-Taub Book/Page: 61182/314, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Boston FireFightrs CU $426,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 983sf Prior Sale: $328,000 (07/13) 790 HYDE PARK AVE U:6...................... $160,000 B: Beilin Wu & Tong Zhao S: Robert C Johnson Jr Book/Page: 61187/240, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $100,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 520sf Prior Sale: $86,000 (03/03) 70 JOHNSWOOD RD U:70...................... $540,000 B: Catherine P Bonsignore S: Patrick L Fitzpatrick & Timmery Fitzpatrick Book/Page: 61194/270, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $200,000 Use: Condo 11 MARION ST U:F................................ $403,000 B: Bena L Apreala S: Nancy A Schott Book/Page: 61189/321, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Direct Credit Union $322,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1731sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (04/16) 233 METROPOLITAN AVE..................... $575,000 B: Bradhi Investment Group L S: Bartley Quinn & Anne L Quinn Book/Page: 61178/81, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: CSLF Alamosa LLC $700,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 14031sf

48 MURRAY HILL RD............................ $649,000 B: Jennifer E Lawrence & Guzman J Camilo-Mendez S: Halyard Sheets&Rudder Inc Doc#: 000000894666, Date: 05/24/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $519,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $665,000 (05/18) 153 ROWE ST U:1.................................. $429,500 B: Hannah S Mclaughlin S: Daryk Pengelly & Emma Pengelly Book/Page: 61197/230, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $300,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $369,900 (07/16) 10-12 TAFTHILL PARK U:4................... $520,000 B: Andrea J Sacco S: Parkhead Development LLC Book/Page: 61188/79, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $416,000 Use: Condo 36 WELLSMERE RD U:36...................... $475,000 B: Anna E Cooley S: Nicole P Boucher Book/Page: 61200/331, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $451,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1056sf 9 WINTON ST......................................... $440,000 B: Gerson T Feliz Tr, Tr for Brickell RT S: Marie N Germian & Jean M Mercellus Book/Page: 61182/335, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: JCT Mortgage Fund $493,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7000sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (12/05)

Roxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $330,983

YTD 2019 10 $559,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 BLUE HILL AVE................................ $1,265,000 B: BMF 3 LLC S: Renee Davis LLC Book/Page: 61215/82, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,800,000 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 7786sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (08/01) 22-28 BLUE HILL AVE.......................... $1,835,000 B: BMF 3 LLC S: Kemo Avenue LLC Book/Page: 61215/87, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,800,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 9343sf 17 CENTRE ST....................................... $600,000 B: Celiberti Realty LLC S: Centre Hill Associates Book/Page: 61217/190, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Winter Hill Fed SB $1,445,000 Use: Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land, Lot: 1326sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (11/16) 18 INTERVALE ST.................................. $27,500 B: Herion Karbunara S: Anita Handy Book/Page: 61189/290, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 1800sf 683 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:2............ $690,000 B: Deepak Jain & Sangeeta Jain S: Charles S Cohen & Mary C Iaculli Book/Page: 61178/227, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $517,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 842sf Prior Sale: $559,000 (03/15) 15 MONTROSE ST................................. $500,000 B: Glynn Lloyd & Sara Mersha S: Marie Lindahl Book/Page: 61195/19, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5325sf 14-16 PARTRIDGE PL.......................... $1,835,000 B: BMF 3 LLC S: Kemo Avenue LLC Book/Page: 61215/87, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,800,000 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 7340sf 10-12 ROSWELL ST............................. $5,400,000 B: 94 Shirley Street Bos LLC S: Solutek Corp Book/Page: 61180/39, Date: 05/29/19 14 ROSWELL ST................................... $5,400,000 B: 94 Shirley Street Bos LLC S: Solutek Corp Book/Page: 61180/39, Date: 05/29/19 234 ROXBURY ST.................................. $600,000 B: Celiberti Realty LLC S: Centre Hill Associates Book/Page: 61217/190, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Winter Hill Fed SB $1,445,000 Use: Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land, Lot: 1150sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (11/16) 82-R SHIRLEY ST................................. $5,400,000 B: 94 Shirley Street Bos LLC S: Solutek Corp Book/Page: 61180/39, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 1860sf 84 SHIRLEY ST..................................... $5,400,000 B: 94 Shirley Street Bos LLC S: Solutek Corp Book/Page: 61180/39, Date: 05/29/19 94-96 SHIRLEY ST............................... $5,400,000 B: 94 Shirley Street Bos LLC S: Solutek Corp Book/Page: 61180/39, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 20115sf 102 SHIRLEY ST................................... $5,400,000 B: 94 Shirley Street Bos LLC S: Solutek Corp Book/Page: 61180/39, Date: 05/29/19 24 WABON ST....................................... $637,000 B: Cesar A Romero-Vasquez & Roquida A Ramos S: Stamatos Fam Props LLC Tr, Tr for GJS-24 Wabon Street RT Book/Page: 61208/290, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $625,462 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4369sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (04/12) 90 WALNUT AVE................................... $413,000 B: Shawn Newton & Michelle Frederick-Newton S: Merton Newton & Margo Newton Book/Page: 61217/160, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $330,400 Use: 5 Bdrm Semi Detachd, Lot: 2007sf 2164-2168 WASHINGTON ST................ $600,000 B: Nubian Square Dev LLC S: Timothy J Hamill Tr, Tr for 2164 Washington Street RT Book/Page: 61202/281, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Timothy J Hamill $500,000 Use: Museum, Lot: 3706sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

South Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $880,000

YTD 2019 23 $859,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 100 A ST U:8........................................ $1,800,000 B: Peter Macgillivray S: 100 A Street LLC Book/Page: 61211/45, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $900,000 Use: Condo 256 ATHENS ST U:2.............................. $700,000 B: Michael Clancy S: Katrina G Nelson Book/Page: 61195/90, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 840sf Prior Sale: $347,000 (03/04) 1794 COLUMBIA RD U:2....................... $755,000 B: Donald S Perdios & Denise J Perdios S: John J Gallagher & Patricia A Gallagher Book/Page: 61197/198, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $325,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1256sf 346-354 CONGRESS ST U:209............. $1,024,000 B: William Rives & Caroline Rives S: Alison M Barker & John Griffin Book/Page: 61200/76, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $745,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1033sf Prior Sale: $541,000 (08/08) 346-354 CONGRESS ST U:511.............. $855,000 B: Alexander J Shulman S: Huanyu Zhou Book/Page: 61209/113, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cooperative Bank $455,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 856sf 150 DORCHESTER AVE U:510.............. $1,616,000 B: Ronald Schafer & Anna Kuznetsova-Schafer S: Tracy Hawkins Book/Page: 61202/249, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,292,800 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 161 DORCHESTER ST U:1..................... $745,000 B: Terrence Woods S: Ryan R Maguire Tr, Tr for Maguire FT Book/Page: 61181/4, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $596,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1234sf Prior Sale: $541,125 (10/15) 586 E 3RD ST U:3................................. $1,500,000 B: Ugo Dibiase & Tory Jones S: 586 East 3rd Streeet LLC Book/Page: 61179/1, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of NY Mellon $1,200,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 599-601 E 3RD ST................................ $897,000 B: West Second Apartments S: Noel M Farrelly Tr, Tr for Farrelly RET Book/Page: 61206/82, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2-Family Semi Detachd, Lot: 1740sf Prior Sale: $499,900 (04/04) 615 E 3RD ST........................................ $850,000 B: American Building Constr S: Karen Ahern-Connor & Williamf F Connor Book/Page: 61191/6, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: South Shore Bank $600,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 1610sf 521 E 5TH ST U:2................................. $1,000,000 B: John Mcloughlin & Elizabeth Mcloughlin S: Marc K Piccuirro & Caitlin E Piccuirro Book/Page: 61198/1, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: NFM Inc $688,850 Use: 5 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1360sf Prior Sale: $617,500 (06/14) 649 E 7TH ST........................................ $1,250,000 B: Gino Puopolo & Rosalia Falzone S: 649 East 7th LLC Book/Page: 61193/171, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $999,900 Use: 3-Family Row-end, Lot: 962sf Prior Sale: $875,000 (07/17) 658 E 7TH ST U:1................................. $1,112,000 B: Harrison Ameen & Steven J Hatchouel S: 658 East 7th Street LLC Book/Page: 61210/186, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $889,600 Use: Condo 705 E BROADWAY U:2.......................... $480,000 B: Phil R Mendes S: Claire Chazen Book/Page: 61208/218, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $384,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 672sf Prior Sale: $414,500 (04/15) 765 E BROADWAY U:2.......................... $789,000 B: Katelyn Powers S: Keiron Obrien Book/Page: 61211/287, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $631,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1077sf Prior Sale: $530,000 (05/13) 286 EMERSON ST U:1E......................... $499,000 B: James Mccarthy & Mary Mccarthy S: Paul W Wilson Book/Page: 61178/195, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $349,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 627sf 125 FARRAGUT RD U:34....................... $480,000 B: Julia N Pelletier S: Jennifer L Needleman Book/Page: 61195/215, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $384,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 595sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (07/12) 59 GATES ST U:1................................... $549,900 B: Wing S Wong & Karen Lee S: Jennifer Totten Book/Page: 61197/344, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 958sf Prior Sale: $282,000 (06/11) 66 L ST U:3............................................ $399,900 B: Sara Velardi S: Steven H Krikorian Tr, Tr for Steven H Krikorian RET Book/Page: 61198/97, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $339,900 Use: Condo 150-1/2 M ST U:3.................................. $636,000 B: Milad Afdasta S: Megan J Donnelly Book/Page: 61184/281, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $572,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 771sf Prior Sale: $442,000 (10/14)




169 O ST U:2........................................ $1,300,000 B: Kristen C Baretta & Brien E Baretta S: 169 O Street LLC Book/Page: 61211/122, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $1,040,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 80 OLD HARBOR ST U:3........................ $630,000 B: Salvatore A Lombardo S: John H Clark Book/Page: 61207/165, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $567,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 802sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (12/13) 40 THOMAS PARK U:2.......................... $979,000 B: Ross Penkala & Joshua Talieka S: Jeffrey Bertoni Book/Page: 61211/76, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $881,100 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1314sf Prior Sale: $814,000 (01/15) 161 TUDOR ST U:2................................ $990,000 B: Michael N Arkin Tr, Tr for Doris S Arkin RET S: Matthew Chase Book/Page: 61182/28, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1410sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (09/13) 199 W 2ND ST U:199........................... $1,640,000 B: Kristof Huyghebaert S: Morgan A Harris Tr, Tr for Carol F Harris RET Book/Page: 61216/128, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 45 W 3RD ST U:402.............................. $1,100,000 B: Alexander Yusim S: E&T LLC Book/Page: 61201/28, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $484,000 Use: Condo 105 W 3RD ST U:1................................ $1,190,000 B: Chi-Jou Liu & Daniel M Powers S: CD West 3rd Street LLC Book/Page: 61196/240, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $780,000 Use: Condo 105 W 3RD ST U:2................................ $1,377,500 B: Thomas Greely & Madeline M Keeshan S: CD West 3rd Street LLC Book/Page: 61201/191, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,096,000 Use: Condo 105 W 3RD ST U:3................................. $800,000 B: John B Roman & Susan N Roman S: CD West 3rd Street LLC Book/Page: 61193/9, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $600,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 105 W 3RD ST U:4................................ $1,600,000 B: Inadab Properties LLC S: CD West 3rd Street LLC Book/Page: 61181/48, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 105 W 3RD ST U:6................................ $1,100,000 B: Kyle Sullivan & Amanda Smith S: CD West 3rd Street LLC Book/Page: 61188/133, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $880,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 388-390 W 4TH ST............................... $1,550,000 B: DMD 388-390 W 4th St LLC S: Lawrence Buechs & Anne Buechs Book/Page: 61198/244, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $2,964,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 3720sf Prior Sale: $640,000 (12/12) 193 W 5TH ST U:1................................. $550,000 B: Hannah Goldstein S: Pamela Kublin Book/Page: 61187/28, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $400,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 772sf Prior Sale: $274,200 (11/12) 239 W 5TH ST U:1................................. $489,000 B: Sean C Wholly S: Sullivan Anne E Est & Katherine Sullivan-Maher Book/Page: 61201/233, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $464,550 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 693sf 185 W 8TH ST U:3................................. $865,000 B: Andrew Robinson & Sarah Robinson S: Mark P Sagon Book/Page: 61212/246, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 14 W BROADWAY U:803...................... $1,125,000 B: Dale M Lodge Tr, Tr for Pauline M Lodge 2018 RET S: CPC Cornerstone Dev LLC Book/Page: 61215/268, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Northmark Bank $1,125,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 30 WOODWARD ST U:1......................... $495,000 B: Kala Subramanian S: Beth A Bowen Book/Page: 61176/35, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 671sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (05/11) 21 WORMWOOD ST U:417.................... $925,000 B: Kim R Roth & Zachary N Roth S: Steven K Morris & Caitlin Morris Book/Page: 61193/317, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1025sf Prior Sale: $789,000 (05/17)

West Roxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 Median Price $549,000

YTD 2019 57 $599,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 ATLANTIS ST.................................... B: Benjamin Greene & Leora Kimmel S: Gavin Flanagan & Meghan Flanagan Book/Page: 61192/98, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4800sf Prior Sale: $279,000 (11/09) 225 BAKER ST U:24.............................. B: Joshua Savides S: Vy D Hoang & Duc T Nguyen Book/Page: 61185/72, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $248,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 730sf Prior Sale: $279,000 (10/18) 144 COREY ST....................................... B: Donna Marohn & James Marohn S: Timothy Tokarczyk & Emily Tokarczyk Book/Page: 61178/314, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $560,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6869sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (03/15)




20 COURTNEY RD.................................. $555,000 B: W Dann Robinson & Patricia A Connors S: Sarah A Dundon Book/Page: 61187/202, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $444,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (12/09) 15 FERNWOOD RD................................ $680,000 B: Peter Orourke & Antonette Orourke S: Joseph G Thompson & Arleen M Thompson Book/Page: 61210/164, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Brookline Bank $544,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4025sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (08/05) 39 GOULD ST......................................... $650,000 B: Zhenxing Dong & Yunxuan Li S: Helidon Mertiri & Juliana Mertiri Book/Page: 61195/114, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3400sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (12/11) 115 GROVE ST U:7................................ $270,000 B: Nicholas S Renzulli S: Louis Falcone & Carol V Bender Book/Page: 61214/252, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Direct Credit Union $135,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 740sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (08/08) 14 HERON ST U:401.............................. $342,500 B: Jenna Gillies & Janet Gillies S: Kara May Book/Page: 61177/207, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 872sf Prior Sale: $208,000 (11/09) 5 KERNA RD.......................................... $564,900 B: Hieu Tieu & Brian Kelly S: Matthew Kesner & Lilly Kesner Doc#: 000000894655, Date: 05/24/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $524,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5400sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (04/12) 10 MAPLEWOOD ST.............................. $471,500 B: CAD Builders LLC S: Eileen Kohli Book/Page: 61178/102, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5390sf Prior Sale: $166,500 (11/98) 110 PARK ST U:5.................................. $669,000 B: Brian Mann & Mary B Mann S: Peter M Orourke & Antonette Orourke Book/Page: 61209/98, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $630,000 (09/17) 206 PARK ST........................................ $1,165,000 B: Judith A Deveau & Daniel H Abram S: Keren Mcginty Book/Page: 61189/113, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $932,000 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9425sf Prior Sale: $765,000 (06/07) 58 PARKLAWN RD................................ $760,000 B: Heather T Rowan-Kenyon & Mark A Kenyon S: Christopher R Wall & Wall J Palmateer Book/Page: 61185/225, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $608,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5692sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (07/13) 158 PAYSON RD.................................... $955,000 B: Michael Weinreich & Charlotta Lindvall S: Cheryl S Weinstein Doc#: 000000894594, Date: 05/22/19 282 PERHAM ST.................................... $506,000 B: Seth Tenenbaum & Mary N Tenenbaum S: Stephen Cosseboom Book/Page: 61217/131, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $404,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 3900sf 82 POTOMAC ST................................... $597,000 B: Leon U Aronovici & Mor Levi S: Ellen R Loeser Book/Page: 61192/150, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $537,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4182sf Prior Sale: $268,000 (03/01) 18 WESTOVER ST.................................. $560,500 B: Ephesus LLC S: Paul Florentine Tr, Tr for Florentine FT Book/Page: 61190/225, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5050sf 44 WESTOVER ST.................................. $810,000 B: Gavin Flanagan & Meghan Flanagan S: Matthew Rubin & Stephanie Rubin Book/Page: 61196/111, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $648,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5107sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (05/12)

Winthrop MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $470,000

YTD 2019 21 $455,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27-29 CORAL AVE................................. $320,000 B: Premium Properties Inc S: Michael N Dubinsky & Wendy Dubinsky Book/Page: 61205/119, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3333sf 15 MYRTLE AVE.................................... $591,000 B: Heather A Schill S: Patrick Butler Tr, Tr for DH NT Book/Page: 61185/135, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $472,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (09/18) 517 PLEASANT ST................................. $459,000 B: Melissa Perroni S: Andrea M Murphy Book/Page: 61187/263, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Everett Financial $390,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2480sf Prior Sale: $316,000 (08/14) 32 PROSPECT AVE................................ $475,000 B: Robert Pucillo & Susan Pucillo S: Mid Pac Portgfolio LLC Book/Page: 61189/52, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3600sf Prior Sale: $488,677 (06/18) 25 QUINCY AVE..................................... $675,000 B: Jose Giraldo Tr, Tr for 972-974 Saratoga St RT S: Kathleen A Martin Book/Page: 61192/143, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 8395sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (06/13) 7 SEAFOAM AVE U:3............................. $450,000 B: Stephen J Dentremont & Rabia Baba-Hmed S: Andrea M Desouza Book/Page: 61198/62, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $436,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3700sf Prior Sale: $253,500 (06/13)

Barnstable Registry John F. Meade, Esq. Register P.O. Box 368, Barnstable, MA 02630 Telephone: (508) 362-7733 Fax: (508) 362-5065

Barnstable MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $435,000

YTD 2019 27 $477,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 70 BURSLEY PATH................................ $572,000 B: Richard P Dinn 2nd & Michele L Dinn S: Shaun P Kennedy Book/Page: 32058/76, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cardinal Fncl Co LP $457,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32234sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (12/10) 20 CHURCH ST...................................... $445,000 B: Megan Riley & Andrew R Riley S: Paul H Merritt & Ann M Merritt Book/Page: 32056/225, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $371,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 114998sf 39 HILLIARDS HAYWAY....................... $1,035,000 B: Cape Calm LLC S: James Kelleher & Susan Kelleher Book/Page: 32059/169, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 34848sf Prior Sale: $1,175,000 (10/10) MASTER CONDO U:16A......................... $125,000 B: Matthew Mcdonough & Rebecca Mcdonough S: Kathleen A Dean & Susan G Degeorge Doc#: 000001370921, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 23 PERCIVAL DR................................... $534,000 B: Victor J Viola Sr Tr, Tr for Victor&Jean Viola FT S: Tara M Welsh Book/Page: 32052/325, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 35284sf 191 STONEY POINT RD......................... $245,000 B: John P Clancy & Judith A Clancy S: Brian P Donahue Tr, Tr for Stephen Douglas Barker T Book/Page: 32054/289, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8712sf 19 TILLAGE LN...................................... $785,000 B: Arlene R Antonicelli & Sharon K Murphy S: James J Cahill Tr, Tr for Cahill RET Book/Page: 32050/113, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 45302sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (03/11)

Centerville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $348,700

YTD 2019 62 $372,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 HAVILAND WAY............................... $535,000 B: Tendoh F Timoh & Alyssa M Timoh S: Richard P Ogonowsky Jr & Heather F Ogonowsky Book/Page: 32059/138, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $508,250 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (10/01) 125 KNOTTY PINE LN............................ $370,000 B: Samuel Ferrara & Stephen Ferrara S: Bethany L Gardner Doc#: 000001371007, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Federal Savings Bank $363,298 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $240,500 (04/02) 79 NOBADEER RD................................. $427,000 B: Stephen Roy S: Jeffrey J Lamothe & Melinda R Gula Doc#: 000001370970, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $384,300 Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 871sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (06/97) 24 RAINBOW DR................................... $360,000 B: Teresa Leonard-Gilham S: Bagley William F Est & William F Bagley Jr Book/Page: 32066/285, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $100,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15246sf 71 STANLEY WAY................................. $459,000 B: Shaun P Kennedy S: Peter T Johnson Book/Page: 32058/322, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $100,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27878sf 59 WHIDAH WAY................................... $375,000 B: Ronald Roberts 3rd S: Francis R Fermino & Linda A Fermino Book/Page: 32050/38, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $375,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22651sf Prior Sale: $313,000 (04/14)

Cotuit MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $420,000

YTD 2019 21 $415,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1664 MAIN ST...................................... $2,900,000 B: Benjamin A Gomez & Susan W Cable S: Adam M Koppel & Brenda E Haynes Doc#: 000001370965, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 22651sf 1665 MAIN ST...................................... $2,900,000 B: Benjamin A Gomez & Susan W Cable S: Adam M Koppel & Brenda E Haynes Doc#: 000001370965, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52272sf Prior Sale: $2,500,000 (03/10) 29 SCHOONER DR................................. $625,000 B: David C Weeks Jr & Cheree M Bellofatto S: Denise M Larner Book/Page: 32058/142, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $562,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $162,710 (09/03)

JUNE 17, 2019

Hyannis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 65 Median Price $325,000

YTD 2019 71 $315,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 152 BREEDS HILL RD............................ $275,000 B: JDB 152 Breeds Hl Rd LLC S: LJM Realty LLC Book/Page: 32054/188, Date: 05/30/19 18 BRIARWOOD AVE............................. $306,000 B: Marcos A Souza S: Ronald J Mattos & Susan Mattos Book/Page: 32055/289, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: ABSM $290,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11761sf 36 CANDLEWICK LN.............................. $354,000 B: Jeffrey Lamothe S: Charles G Andrewes & Clare O Andrewes Book/Page: 32056/1, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $254,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12197sf 12 CAPTAIN COOK LN U:12.................. $247,500 B: Susan Macleod S: Richard B Shechtman & Gary L Shechtman Book/Page: 32057/345, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nancy Macleod $100,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $168,000 (07/02) 184 CASTLEWOOD CIR U:18................. $215,000 B: Fischer MA Properties LLC S: John Diver & Ann Diver Book/Page: 32055/349, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 74 CHASE ST......................................... $340,000 B: Mitchell D Sutton & Linda M Beachy-Sutton S: Elizabeth C Feil & Janet E Feil Book/Page: 32060/129, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: eMortgage Management $333,841 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4792sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (07/16) 39 DELTA ST......................................... $250,000 B: Jomax Ltd S: Lois E Caldwell & Elaine D Eaton Book/Page: 32062/238, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12197sf 150 GOSNOLD ST.................................. $475,000 B: Deborah E Mulcahy Tr, Tr for Mulcahy FT S: Jillian G Paradise & Judith B Gordon Doc#: 000001371086, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (11/17) 74 HAMDEN CIR.................................... $297,000 B: Francis G Corbett & Kathleen F Corbett S: Maryann Aronson & Margaret L Santos Doc#: 000001371155, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf 264 OAK NECK RD................................ $385,000 B: Claude J Arsenault & Palmyer E Arsenault S: Paul H Arenburg Book/Page: 32058/295, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $378,026 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 10890sf 718 STRAWBERRY HILL RD.................. $218,166 B: Dan Currier-Wood & Bob A Edwards S: Bank New York Mellon Tr Book/Page: 32059/60, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $248,250 (10/18) 60 TOWN HOUSE TER U:60................... $250,000 B: Ann Diver & John Diver S: Kerry L Shank Book/Page: 32049/250, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $90,000 (12/99) 775 W MAIN ST U:4.............................. $175,000 B: Giancarlo Nobre & Frederico Bione S: Daithi Neligan Book/Page: 32058/193, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $131,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $81,000 (05/12) 49 WALNUT ST...................................... $285,000 B: Luis R Narvaez-Neira S: Evans Jean R Est & Robin Farrell Book/Page: 32053/220, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $279,837 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6970sf 6 WHIP O WILL DR................................ $290,000 B: Ngawang D Hubarau S: Victor Shtern & Ludmilla Shtern Book/Page: 32064/99, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf 130 WINTER ST U:C.............................. $177,000 B: Ramon Morel S: Andrei Goriounov Doc#: 000001371038, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $168,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $131,000 (08/15)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 40 ARBOR WAY..................................... $285,000 B: FNMA S: Jane E Pickering & Nationstar Mortgage LLC Doc#: 000001371133, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 13939sf

Marstons Mills MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $324,500

YTD 2019 40 $367,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 90 CAMELBACK RD............................... $325,000 B: James D Gaul S: John S Souza Tr, Tr for JSS RT Doc#: 000001370989, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $265,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23087sf Prior Sale: $319,000 (06/04) 3040 FALMOUTH RD U:B4.................... $140,000 B: Larry T Murray S: Theresa M Hidenfelter Book/Page: 32063/58, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $110,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/04) 70 RASPBERRY LN................................ $324,000 B: A S Junior-Defreitas & Elaine Freitas S: Kimberly A Amaral Tr, Tr for Newton Amaral FT Book/Page: 32060/230, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $318,131 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (05/97)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

125 SANDY VALLEY RD........................ B: Roberto Ortiz & Evelyn Feliciano S: Ruth L Lacava Book/Page: 32065/89, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Citizens Cr Un $268,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $159,900 (04/99) 274 SCHOOL ST..................................... B: David L Mansfield & Lynn Descoteau S: Cooper J Amster Doc#: 000001371221, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $279,760 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20473sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (07/16)



Osterville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $404,750

YTD 2019 27 $425,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 175 EVANS ST....................................... B: Kevin Kittredge & Sarah B Shomphe S: Joseph Cali & Wendy Cali Doc#: 000001371067, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $466,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $595,000 (03/16) 65 KING ARTHUR DR............................. B: Heather Ogonowsky S: William E Pudney & Gloria Pudney Doc#: 000001371226, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Citizens Cr Un $175,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15246sf 221 OLDHAM RD................................... B: Linda A Fermino & Francis R Fermino S: Marla A Myers Book/Page: 32051/102, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $435,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (05/05)




Bourne MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 76 Median Price $367,500

YTD 2019 74 $349,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 388 COUNTY RD.................................... $296,000 B: Manuel Chaves & Jennifer A Chaves S: Justin G Williams & Laura Derosa Book/Page: 32059/348, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $281,200 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 91912sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (06/15) 751 COUNTY RD.................................... $279,000 B: Marian C Costa S: Suzanne D Decker & Barbara D Tracy Book/Page: 32053/64, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $223,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12284sf 226 CRANBERRY HWY.......................... $125,000 B: Christopher Mcelroy Tr, Tr for CM RT S: Briggs Virginia J Est & Ralph E Briggs Book/Page: 32055/329, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 15507sf 1 DICKENSON CT U:D............................ $275,000 B: Clifford O Duval Tr, Tr for Clifford O Duval LT S: Janet P Hughgill Book/Page: 32059/3, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $206,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1273259sf Prior Sale: $302,500 (11/06) 60 HARBOR LIGHTS RD U:60................ $247,000 B: Nancy J Brennen S: Susan I Lindsay Doc#: 000001370981, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1305929sf Prior Sale: $210,500 (09/16) 4 HOMESTEAD ROAD EXT..................... $350,000 B: Stephen J Pirozzi & Crystal L Pirozzi S: Nancy J Brennen Book/Page: 32054/91, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $332,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25003sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (07/05) 16 LAURA LN......................................... $320,000 B: Paresh Patel S: Bette Tiede Book/Page: 32050/166, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Residential Mtg $256,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 12981sf Prior Sale: $129,000 (10/97) 356 MACARTHUR BLVD....................... $1,200,000 B: New Bourne Main Realty S: Alpha Realty Holdings LLC Book/Page: 32056/26, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $960,000 Use: Gas/service Station, Lot: 21998sf Prior Sale: $1,090,000 (03/15) 45 MAIN ST U:49E................................. $210,000 B: Elizabeth G Davis S: Josephine Bevilacqua Book/Page: 32059/34, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $168,000 Use: Condo 6 MARCONI ST...................................... $207,500 B: Paul Cummings & Marguerite Cummings S: Patricia A Perry Book/Page: 32052/227, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9017sf 20 MARJORIE AVE................................ $289,000 B: Laura O Romanelli S: Matthew G Weston & Rodney E Weston Book/Page: 32058/122, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $209,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8015sf Prior Sale: $206,000 (06/08) 35 ROBINSON RD.................................. $495,000 B: Joseph A Macritchie & Elizabeth A Macritchie S: Thomas P Callanan & Nancy A Callanan Book/Page: 32059/200, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21998sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/09) 41 SHIPS WAY U:41.............................. $410,000 B: Joseph Fraher S: Thomas C Pontbriand Tr, Tr for Louise A Pontbriand IRT Doc#: 000001371336, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 262667sf 149 STANDISH RD................................ $361,500 B: Brian Ellis & Janelle Hebb S: Valerie Gaines & Donna Perron Book/Page: 32057/116, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $350,655 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10542sf 9 VILLAGE GREEN DR U:A..................... $245,000 B: Nancy Winsor-Hickey S: Melissa Murphy Book/Page: 32065/57, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $232,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 260489sf Prior Sale: $243,000 (05/06)

Brewster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 55 Median Price $435,000

YTD 2019 40 $462,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 182 BILLINGTON LN U:182................... $319,000 B: James D White & Candace L White S: Andrew A Wylie & Alison Mcvie-Wylie Book/Page: 32055/76, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $159,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $251,000 (03/08) 1 CHILTON LN U:1................................. $221,000 B: Suzanne M Richardson S: Jeffrey O Segrave & Doris L Segrave Book/Page: 32060/255, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $70,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $157,000 (07/10) 17 CRANBERRY LN............................... $487,000 B: Cory A Davis & Amanda V Davis S: Howard J Galusha & Mary A Galusha Book/Page: 32054/137, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $413,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 37200sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (10/11) 116 EATON LN U:116............................ $229,000 B: Oscar Zuluaga & Dayan J Peterson S: John F Kielb & Marcia L Kielb Book/Page: 32060/286, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $231,313 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $146,000 (12/12) 16 FLYING MIST LN.............................. $470,000 B: William E Mclaughlin & Lynn A Pellegrino S: Beverly C Brown Tr, Tr for Mary A Cyr IRT Book/Page: 32064/250, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11000sf 951 MILLSTONE RD.............................. $460,000 B: John P Parmentier & Joyce T Parmentier S: Anthony S Quinn Book/Page: 32059/230, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15480sf Prior Sale: $236,000 (11/18) 54 NEWPORT RD................................... $375,000 B: Jeffrey R Mccaffery & Samantha J Crownshaw S: Michael B Gradone 3rd & Claire A Gradone Book/Page: 32065/7, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $362,484 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13286sf 26 PLEASANT CT................................. $1,080,000 B: Babak E Cohanim & Laura M Major S: Kevin M Gillis & Jennifer L Gillis Book/Page: 32065/346, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $485,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15234sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (05/12) 211 ROBBINS HILL RD.......................... $870,000 B: Mark W Lerner & Alyssa B Garnick S: Wilbraham&Monson Academy Book/Page: 32067/130, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $652,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24180sf SARA ANN LN........................................ $125,000 B: Robert S Tulloch Tr, Tr for J&J RET S: CC Construction Inc Book/Page: 32053/213, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 28401sf 169 SHEEP POND CIR........................... $482,000 B: Francis J Kelly & Patricia L Kelly S: Kevin Manzolini & Bonnie Manzolini Book/Page: 32055/137, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $337,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26100sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (10/10) 269 WHIFFLETREE AVE......................... $406,200 B: Jesse Flynn S: Amanda V Davis & Cory A Davis Book/Page: 32054/67, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $406,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17700sf Prior Sale: $301,000 (02/15)

Chatham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 52 Median Price $627,450

YTD 2019 53 $850,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 ELKANAH ST.................................... $375,000 B: Teresa Flavin S: Joyce H Guild Book/Page: 32050/94, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 11671sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (06/07) 158 OLD FIELD BND.............................. $774,250 B: Andrew Wylie & Alison Mcvie-Wylie S: Kirby J Mcbride & Linda Hanusaik Book/Page: 32054/257, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: FM Home Loans LLC $619,400 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25227sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (09/10) 26 STAGE COACH DR............................ $495,000 B: Mark Kaprelian & Katarzyna Kozlowska-Eidle S: 41 Main St LLC Doc#: 000001371094, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12178sf Prior Sale: $382,000 (08/18) 46 WADSWORTH RD............................. $850,000 B: Kevin D Kerin & Marybeth Durkin S: Timothy P Keady & Kristen L Keady Doc#: 000001371098, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $540,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5798sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (05/13) WHIDAH RD L:72.................................. $2,550,000 B: Whidah Hill LLC S: QBJKL LLC Doc#: 000001371079, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: South Shore Bank $1,912,500

Dennis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 100 Median Price $349,950

YTD 2019 100 $390,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 90 ACORN RD........................................ B: Emily L Frye S: Guy R Begin Book/Page: 32055/104, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $357,525 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (12/06)



JUNE 17, 2019


58 BAKERS POND RD........................... $900,000 B: Dennis Soriano & Paulette M Soriano S: Karen Benson Tr, Tr for Patricia A Doyle 2016 LT Book/Page: 32064/203, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20909sf 46 BAXTER ST....................................... $373,000 B: John P Deignan & Pamela J Deignan S: Jon Fish & Joyce Maria Book/Page: 32049/198, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $335,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (06/07) 496 CENTER ST..................................... $307,500 B: Jonathan W Nabors S: Joseph S Britt Tr, Tr for Wiles FT Book/Page: 32058/229, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $261,375 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23958sf 6 COACH HOUSE LN.............................. $223,000 B: Maeve P Flanagan & Vincenzo Barletta S: Sarah Bartholomew Book/Page: 32059/183, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $178,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3485sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (11/06) 8 COACH HOUSE LN.............................. $249,000 B: Connie Nye-Clark S: Valerie Bradshaw & Jessica Bradshaw Book/Page: 32058/272, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $244,489 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3485sf Prior Sale: $179,000 (08/17) 49 CORNELL DR.................................... $370,000 B: Cornelldp LLC S: George L Platt Jr & Dorothy M Platt Doc#: 000001370912, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Visio Financial Svcs $259,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $118,000 (10/99) 89 HEMLOCK LN.................................... $266,000 B: John C Rocha & Mary H Rocha S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 32052/331, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (04/18) 65 MIRAMAR AVE................................ $1,490,000 B: Andrew Lane & Christine Lane S: Dean P Wasniewski & Annemarie Wasniewski Doc#: 000001371193, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $1,000,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 25700sf Prior Sale: $577,500 (12/12) 19 OCEAN DR U:3.................................. $210,000 B: Connor M Sinn & Kelly F Sinn S: Maureen J Omalley Doc#: 000001371217, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $199,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $190,000 (08/16) 61 OLD WHARF RD U:18...................... $1,025,000 B: Edward V Gartland 3rd & Victoria J Gartland S: Jan Aggerbeck Tr, Tr for Jan Aggerbeck LT Book/Page: 32066/104, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Edward V Gartland $800,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 262 OLD WHARF RD U:104................... $189,286 B: Wyman R Allard Jr S: Salt Air Village Partners Book/Page: 32057/198, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $130,000 Use: Condo 262 OLD WHARF RD U:28..................... $210,714 B: Thomas M Gendron S: Salt Air Village Partners Book/Page: 32057/219, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $146,300 Use: Condo 262 OLD WHARF RD U:68..................... $210,714 B: Maryellen Roy & Eileen A Garabedian S: Salt Air Village Partners Book/Page: 32057/155, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $147,500 Use: Condo 9 SEAGRASS CIR U:15.......................... $420,000 B: Michael J Solitro S: Mary Sparrow Book/Page: 32060/36, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $336,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (09/06) 437 ROUTE 6A....................................... $290,000 B: Patricia Cronin S: John W Fortin & Patricia S Fortin Book/Page: 32062/325, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $232,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $199,500 (10/08) 14 SEA ST............................................. $62,160 B: Pelham House Partners LLC S: Olander Joseph J Est & Jody Siy Book/Page: 32051/152, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Motel, Lot: 63598sf Prior Sale: $48,000 (04/19) 14 SEA ST............................................. $48,000 B: Pelham House Partners LLC S: William Goodwin Book/Page: 32061/55, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Motel, Lot: 63598sf Prior Sale: $62,160 (05/19) 157 SEA ST.......................................... $1,035,000 B: Scott Mcfarlane & Catherine Mcfarlane S: Amy D Axthelm Book/Page: 32057/268, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 32670sf 311 SESUIT NECK RD........................... $2,100,000 B: Wayne K Whippen & Ellen M Whippen S: Robert J Oneill Tr, Tr for SNR RT Book/Page: 32058/2, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $1,500,000 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 117612sf 157 SHAD HOLE RD U:3........................ $165,600 B: Kory T Hoyt & Kayla J Hoyt S: Holly Din Doc#: 000001371390, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $149,040 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $115,000 (11/03) 40 SHORE RD........................................ $520,000 B: Randy J Brandenburg & Joanne M Brandenburg S: Off Cape LLC Book/Page: 32062/259, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $390,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $407,000 (06/16) 10 SOUTH ST U:2-5............................... $147,000 B: Richard F Rubino S: Melissa A Sandino Book/Page: 32053/239, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $117,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $125,000 (08/07) 11 VINLAND DR..................................... $650,000 B: Fred R Dunn & Faith B Dunn S: Natalie D Mahar Book/Page: 32063/212, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $800,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 23958sf

Eastham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $487,500

YTD 2019 37 $440,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 29 BEACH PLUM LN.............................. $170,000 B: Carolyn Clark & Mark Vanacore S: Nancy Stricklin & Judith Christofferson Book/Page: 32061/89, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8712sf BENHAM RD.......................................... $675,000 B: Eljay Properties LLC S: Karen F Delgreco Tr, Tr for Fitch NT Book/Page: 32049/255, Date: 05/29/19 27 FALMOUTH HEIGHTS RD.................. $675,000 B: Eljay Properties LLC S: Karen F Delgreco Tr, Tr for Fitch NT Book/Page: 32049/255, Date: 05/29/19 160 KINGSBURY BEACH RD.................. $395,000 B: Stephanie L Fisk & Patricia A Healy S: Linda M Watkins & Donna M Wilson Book/Page: 32056/350, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Broker Solutions Inc $355,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30056sf Prior Sale: $367,600 (09/17) 3 MAIN ST U:9....................................... $29,250 B: Brad D Carlson S: Sheila C Kenneally Book/Page: 32061/291, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Non-residential Condo Prior Sale: $58,500 (05/17) 19 NUTMEG LN...................................... $474,900 B: Michael K Greer & Ellen L Greer S: John A Boiney & Lindsley G Boiney Book/Page: 32063/197, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $386,500 (10/12) 19 NUTMEG LN...................................... $474,999 B: Michael K Greer & Ellen L Greer S: John A Boiney & Lindsley G Boiney Doc#: 000001371273, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $386,500 (10/12) 2 NYCOMA WAY.................................... $950,000 B: Stephen Greller S: Mark Haefeli Tr, Tr for Patricia Mark NT 2013 Book/Page: 32061/94, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $660,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (11/13)

Falmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 167 Median Price $400,000

YTD 2019 163 $430,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 ANDYS LN........................................ $350,000 B: Gerson Dasilva & Betania Pereira S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 32060/184, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $379,079 Use: 2-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 18176sf Prior Sale: $334,731 (07/18) 63 ANTLERS SHORE DR........................ $409,000 B: Brian Mastrianni & Ashley Mastrianni S: John A Smits & Catherine A Smits Book/Page: 32050/243, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $327,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8978sf Prior Sale: $319,000 (11/12) 7 BAHIA LN........................................... $240,000 B: Corey Tourville S: Nancy E Hazelton Book/Page: 32054/333, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $235,653 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13600sf 182 BAYFRONT WAY U:182.................. $455,000 B: Christopher Olsen S: Paul H Friberg & Andrea M Friberg Book/Page: 32057/342, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $434,000 (06/15) 88 BRAXTON RD................................... $326,000 B: David H Durfey & Jessica M Durfey S: Ferdinando A Mariano & Susan C Mariano Book/Page: 32050/145, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $320,095 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16808sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (12/12) 23 CAROL AVE...................................... $465,000 B: John Pezzone & Marie Pezzone S: Timothy M Doble & Karen R Doble Doc#: 000001371076, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $372,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20800sf 78 CENTER ST U:2-15........................... $175,000 B: Housing Assistance Corp S: Maureen Kotb-Vanhogezand Book/Page: 32057/289, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 32 CLOWES DR...................................... $897,000 B: Amy L Dines & David F Dines S: Laurence E Sheehan & Susan P Sheehan Doc#: 000001370993, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Poli Mtg Group $484,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 21569sf Prior Sale: $737,500 (11/10) 33 CRANBERRY XING............................ $609,000 B: Thomas Sejkora Tr, Tr for Sejkora IRT S: David Cousins & Kristan Cousins Book/Page: 32058/223, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19580sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (07/17) 56 E HARBOR DR.................................. $850,000 B: John Smits & Catherine Smits S: Senthil Kumar Tr, Tr for East Harbor RT Book/Page: 32052/69, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $650,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13700sf Prior Sale: $680,000 (09/05) 131 ELM RD.......................................... $551,000 B: Kimberly S Mercurio S: John E Martin Tr, Tr for John E Martin 2018 RET Book/Page: 32053/87, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $626,400 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 28500sf 17 EQUESTRIAN LN............................... $597,900 B: Laurence E Sheehan & Susan P Sheehan S: Thomas S Morrison Tr, Tr for 17 Equestrian Lane RET Book/Page: 32057/17, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $358,740 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40394sf 19 ESKER PL......................................... $230,625 B: Benjamin K Ford & Molly A Pinho S: Timothy L Bryan & Rachel Bryan Book/Page: 32055/161, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $215,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6505sf Prior Sale: $201,000 (04/07)

115 FAIRVIEW AVE............................... $445,900 B: Jonathan M Levitt S: G Batson-Gibson Tr, Tr for G Batson Gibson RET Book/Page: 32057/174, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $170,900 61 GREEN HARBOR RD......................... $520,000 B: Alexander Ibraghimov & Nikolay Bukanov S: Leslie J Fotiu Doc#: 000001371110, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16900sf 179 JONES RD....................................... $212,000 B: Gabriele Roggiolani S: Sean P Mclean & Colleen O Mclean Book/Page: 32053/121, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $190,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7490sf Prior Sale: $212,000 (04/19) 119-A LAKE SHORE DR......................... $344,000 B: Nancy C Fauteux Tr, Tr for Shirley L Fauteux IRT S: Gloria Goulart Book/Page: 32055/285, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11000sf Prior Sale: $329,000 (11/17) 480 MAIN ST U:16................................. $660,000 B: Soffia Johannesdottir S: Laura Flynn Tr, Tr for Laura Flynn RET Book/Page: 32057/335, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $459,000 (08/09) 10 MILTON ST....................................... $350,000 B: Dennis Keefe & Elizabeth S Keefe S: Daniel M Bernstein & Patricia A Bernstein Book/Page: 32054/111, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $315,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8127sf Prior Sale: $228,500 (11/01) 350 OLD BARNSTABLE RD U:4............. $335,000 B: Donald J Figon & Erica B Sade S: Meredith A Pratt Book/Page: 32051/181, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $110,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $268,000 (04/16) 12 PEARL LN......................................... $354,900 B: Christina Haskins S: Manuel Chaves & Jennifer A Chaves Book/Page: 32059/89, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $337,155 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10110sf Prior Sale: $233,000 (09/11) 135 PLUM HOLLOW RD......................... $265,000 B: Ilene Hill & Kenneth Hill S: Julie Wishart & Leah Landi Doc#: 000001371117, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21390sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (02/07) 105 QUAKER RD.................................... $547,000 B: Matthew E Lynch & Shelly L Lynch S: Joseph R Palermo & Nancy J Palermo Book/Page: 32064/25, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Webster Bank $437,600 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20190sf Prior Sale: $361,500 (07/09) 8 SAILFISH DR...................................... $320,000 B: Lloyd G Currie & Dorothy L Currie S: Christopher Santos Tr, Tr for Sally F Santos 2003 RET Book/Page: 32051/304, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $295,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10481sf 4 SALT RIVER RD.................................. $835,000 B: Seth Jacobson & Susan Jacobson S: Nancy A Buck Tr, Tr for Nancy A Buck LT Book/Page: 32053/268, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 30000sf 110 SANDCASTLE DR........................... $743,000 B: Patricia Keck S: Garrett S Youlden & Janice S Youlden Book/Page: 32054/195, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $341,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18132sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (06/11) 125 SHOREWOOD DR............................ $650,000 B: John P Bandini & Raeleen F Bandini S: William A Stuart & Colleen C Stuart Book/Page: 32067/272, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $585,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 9550sf Prior Sale: $152,370 (01/97) 420 SHOREWOOD DR............................ $260,000 B: BPU Home Renovations Inc S: Carol S Mckenzie Book/Page: 32056/278, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Thomas Latanzi $330,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19800sf 6 SHORT ST........................................... $289,000 B: John Magill Jr & Kristen Magill S: Reilly William C Est & Teresa Chang Doc#: 000001371025, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7200sf 40 SWALLOW ST................................... $389,050 B: Ferdinando A Mariano & Susan C Mariano S: Anthony J Mariani Tr, Tr for Anthony J Mariani RET Doc#: 000001370958, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $250,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7440sf Prior Sale: $68,000 (08/98) 65 TARPON RD...................................... $555,000 B: Robert J Riordan Jr & Kathleen M Riordan S: Beverly F Holmes Book/Page: 32054/316, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: eMortgage Management $255,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10556sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (08/15) 587 TEATICKET HWY............................ $120,000 B: Joseph Carlos & Vicki L Santos S: Sylvia George D Est & Beverly M Williams Book/Page: 32067/99, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6800sf 34 TIMOTHY BOURNE CARTWAY.......... $445,000 B: Kurt E Osullivan & Sandra L Osullivan S: Nancy C Fauteux Tr, Tr for Shirley L Fauteux IRT Book/Page: 32054/229, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $111,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11785sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (07/04) 306 TROTTING PARK RD....................... $410,000 B: Hung V Huynh & Hang N Ngo S: Robin E Friel Tr, Tr for Friel FT Book/Page: 32052/260, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $328,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 41307sf Prior Sale: $323,500 (01/10) 23 VILLAGE LN...................................... $449,000 B: Kenneth Foulks & Lucienne Foulks S: Janet A Vallee Book/Page: 32056/143, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $404,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17525sf Prior Sale: $45,000 (10/97) 3 WATERS EDGE................................... $452,500 B: Michael Zagachin & Luba Zagachin S: Robert L Perry & Karen A Whiteley Book/Page: 32066/329, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $342,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15612sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (08/15)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

30 WESTWOOD RD............................... $2,000,000 B: Eric S Groves Tr, Tr for Eric S Groves RET S: Carolyn P Partan Doc#: 000001371249, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 31750sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 36 MILTON ST....................................... $216,000 B: 36 Milton Street RT & Pamela Barter Tr S: Andrew L Robinson & Ditech Financial LLC Book/Page: 32066/42, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8127sf Prior Sale: $15,000 (01/00)

Harwich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 69 Median Price $400,000

YTD 2019 85 $427,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 BELMONT AVE................................. $424,900 B: Ann F Mcmahon S: Nadine G Essency Book/Page: 32059/263, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $224,900 Use: 1 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (03/06) 1 BELMONT RD U:645........................... $307,000 B: David M Shortsleeve & Karen E Shortsleeve S: Ruth L Torres Book/Page: 32051/203, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $276,300 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 38 CHESTNUT LN.................................. $408,000 B: Simone Azambuja & Damaria Cunha S: Steven C Lynch & Shari D Lynch Book/Page: 32063/31, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $400,610 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15025sf 15 COLONIAL WAY................................ $832,500 B: Laura D Locke S: Michael W Coughlan & Rhonda L Coughlan Book/Page: 32057/191, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11792sf Prior Sale: $526,800 (03/15) 3 CONNECTICUT AVE............................ $278,100 B: Leslie Bove S: Paul D Fox Book/Page: 32052/164, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $157,000 (08/00) 35 COTTONWOOD RD............................ $379,000 B: Lyubomir A Dopchev & Meaghan R Dopchev S: Leonard P Thonus Jr & Sarah L Thonus Book/Page: 32051/252, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $367,630 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15140sf Prior Sale: $359,000 (08/06) 726 DEPOT ST....................................... $280,000 B: Dennis Townsend Jr S: Millicent D Stevens Book/Page: 32067/187, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $266,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 24704sf Prior Sale: $118,500 (04/97) 765 DEPOT ST....................................... $291,000 B: Aleirson Amaro S: Richard E Gomes & Shirley A Gomes Book/Page: 32061/238, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $261,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15483sf Prior Sale: $235,450 (12/02) 127 GREAT WESTERN RD..................... $442,000 B: William Whalen & Lisa A Whalen S: Nickerson Albertine A Est & Jeffrey E Nickerson Book/Page: 32065/322, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $242,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 54682sf 71 OLIVER SNOW RD............................ $200,000 B: Amalgamated Business Corp S: Jan R Cook Book/Page: 32055/282, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 35785sf 595 QUEEN ANNE RD............................ $698,000 B: Daniel H Hamilton 3rd & Margaret L Fenn S: Stephen C Chandler & Bonnie L Chandler Book/Page: 32064/246, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 207842sf 68 RIVERSIDE DR.................................. $530,000 B: Robert M Turner & Darlene Turner S: Paul A Parenteau & Mary F Parenteau Book/Page: 32050/335, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (04/97) 261 ROUTE 28....................................... $125,000 B: Joanne Falla S: James M Falla Book/Page: 32051/293, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 14100sf 119 SISSON RD..................................... $420,000 B: Patricia R Irving S: Melanie R Meeker & Crawford Perry Book/Page: 32065/28, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $407,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18612sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (05/17) 20 STERLING RD................................... $329,000 B: Edward Straub Jr & Laura Straub S: James J Gallant Jr Book/Page: 32060/62, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $263,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14300sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (03/14) 3 WAYSIDE DR...................................... $298,000 B: Paul F Foley 3rd S: Mary J Saudade Tr, Tr for Saudade FT Book/Page: 32051/56, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $292,602 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12363sf

Mashpee MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 97 Median Price $385,000

YTD 2019 67 $413,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 BALFOUR LN...................................... B: Max O Ramirez & Oscar M Ramirez S: Joseph P Rohrer & Carrie Rohrer Book/Page: 32062/164, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Federal Savings Bank $395,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12589sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (06/15) 59 BLUFF AVE....................................... B: R Sean Saganey & Patricia A Saganey S: Wilfred F Reed & Patricia Reed Doc#: 000001370810, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $639,200 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6490sf





5 BONWOOD DR U:5.............................. $380,000 B: Nancy H Wilder S: Carole A Tule Tr, Tr for Carole A Tule 2007 T Doc#: 000001371415, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $365,000 (06/06) 2 CAMBRIDGE DR................................. $289,000 B: Christine M Barr & Michael C Welch S: Carol A Barr Book/Page: 32064/161, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $259,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13634sf 43 COTTAGE LN..................................... $830,000 B: Marjorie E Lachman & Avron Spiro 3rd S: Bayswater Cottages At New Doc#: 000001370939, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 5268sf 300 FALMOUTH RD U:19D.................... $209,000 B: Bennie T Lowe S: Roberto Ortiz Book/Page: 32063/334, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $209,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $122,000 (05/01) 194 FELLS POND RD............................ $1,230,000 B: Richard C Antonelli & Donna M Antonelli S: Mark D Segel & Gloria Chang-Segel Doc#: 000001371003, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $922,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14985sf Prior Sale: $1,266,000 (07/08) 190 GLENNEAGLE DR............................ $440,500 B: Joseph Turner & Betsy Turner S: William E Aldrich & Marie L Aldrich Doc#: 000001370868, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $425,798 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 23392sf 6 HALF HITCH LN.................................. $529,999 B: Christopher C Mason & Lynne Mason S: Arthur P Wunder & Elizabeth G Wunder Book/Page: 32052/350, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $250,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23566sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (12/98) 65 HORSESHOE BEND WAY.................. $487,000 B: Gregory P Cook & Teresa H Cook S: Epsilon Portunus LLC Doc#: 000001371034, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $343,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18034sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (06/17) 19 HYDRANGEA LN U:19....................... $485,000 B: Michael J Murphy Tr, Tr for Oceanaire RT S: Elizabeth A Jachles Doc#: 000001371123, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $495,000 (02/09) 4 KEEL WAY.......................................... $380,000 B: Claudia J Motta S: Nishan W Dagley & Carolyn L Dagley Doc#: 000001371189, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 15420sf Prior Sale: $283,545 (05/13) 174 LOWELL RD U:29............................ $217,500 B: Stephanie A Coleman S: RHGH Associates LLC Book/Page: 32061/64, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Citizens Cr Un $210,975 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,000 (06/17) 38 MASHIE CIR..................................... $389,000 B: Susan M Lapierre S: William J White & Catherine L White Doc#: 000001371311, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Gary Guidi $213,076 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6403sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (07/04) 100 MID IRON WAY U:7016.................. $445,000 B: Charles M Bradford & Carole H Bradford S: Margie B Decocinis & Michael D Decocinis Doc#: 000001371263, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $190,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $315,000 (04/01) 8 NEHOIDEN RD.................................... $350,000 B: Edward J Farley S: Michael J Biancamano & Evelyn J Biancamano Doc#: 000001370933, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $332,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19210sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (12/11) 126 NINIGRET AVE................................ $353,000 B: Kevin O Brown & Monique L Runners-Brown S: Brian D Richwine & Rachel S Richwine Doc#: 000001371090, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $346,606 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10193sf Prior Sale: $264,000 (01/15) 8 PIERRE VERNIER DR.......................... $467,000 B: Michael J Leslie S: Cynthia L Provencher-Shaw & Kelly H Provencher-Shaw Book/Page: 32060/102, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $467,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19471sf 29 QUINNS WAY U:29........................... $567,812 B: Alison S Randall S: Elissa F Katz Tr, Tr for Elissa F Katz T 2006 Doc#: 000001371422, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $600,000 (08/15) 27 SADDLEBACK RD............................. $372,000 B: Michael J Mauro & Kathryn A Nevens S: Robert J Steven & Florence J Steven Doc#: 000001371125, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $365,262 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26702sf Prior Sale: $249,000 (08/02) 15 SEA SPRAY AVE U:15...................... $565,000 B: Robert M Smith & Eileen C Smith S: Dale P Biersteker & Lydia A Biersteker Doc#: 000001370837, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $339,900 (07/11) 45 SEA SPRAY AVE U:45...................... $570,000 B: Gladys Buckley S: Nancy H Wilder Doc#: 000001371304, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $389,900 (06/12) 64 SIMONS RD U:E................................ $745,000 B: Robert L Mccrensky & Susan M Mccrensky S: Southworth Mashpee Props Book/Page: 32050/307, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Stoneham Cp Bk $585,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 72 SUNSET STRIP................................. $333,000 B: Matthew Threlkeld & Gina Souza S: Constance M Crespin Book/Page: 32063/181, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $323,010 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/15)

BANKER & TRADESMAN 73 TROUT BROOK RD............................ B: Daniel Maguffin & Patricia Maguffin S: Daniel Mcauliffe 3rd & Ann Mcauliffe Book/Page: 32055/240, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $297,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24524sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (05/05)


Orleans MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $722,500

YTD 2019 20 $502,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 GIBSON RD....................................... $800,000 B: Paul Hurley & John G Delvecchio S: Wesley M Baden & Laura B Arnold Book/Page: 32066/204, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21475sf Prior Sale: $857,500 (12/14) 26 HORSESHOE LN............................... $3,695,000 B: Paula B Madsen Tr, Tr for Paula B Madsen RET S: David J Driscoll & Pamela L Driscoll Doc#: 000001371168, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 82764sf Prior Sale: $12,000,000 (04/98) 5 SNOW SHORE RD............................... $560,000 B: Peter J Zimetbaum S: Cornelia Cornelissen & G Marten Cornelissen Doc#: 000001371136, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 37897sf 66 TOWHEE LN U:66............................ $2,150,000 B: Timothy P Keady & Kristen L Keady S: Cheryl Dolan & Robert J Dolan Doc#: 000001371181, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $1,500,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 22651sf 3 TWITCHKNOT FARM WAY................. $1,225,000 B: Jonathan A White & Joyce D White S: Anthony A Paralta Tr, Tr for Anthony A Paralta RET Doc#: 000001371161, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $425,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26136sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (12/03)

Provincetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $835,000

YTD 2019 6 $837,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 100 ALDEN ST U:304............................ $380,000 B: Dol Fin Development LLC S: Edward A Downey Book/Page: 32058/317, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 115643sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (02/18) 100 ALDEN ST U:305............................ $444,000 B: David B Hyslop & Charles W Bailey 2nd S: Seashore Point Deaconess Book/Page: 32067/63, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 115643sf 72-74 BRADFORD ST U:E...................... $510,000 B: Christopher J Manna & Kenneth Rooney S: David B Hyslop & Charles W Bailey 2nd Book/Page: 32059/110, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $382,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 4368sf Prior Sale: $449,000 (09/15) 294 BRADFORD ST................................ $267,500 B: Stanley Sikorski & Eva Sikorski S: David L Mayo Book/Page: 32062/97, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 49421sf COMMERCIAL ST.................................. $415,000 B: Francisco J Cortes S: Penny Rubin & Jean Corigliano Book/Page: 32051/74, Date: 05/29/19 16 CONWELL ST U:3............................. $493,500 B: Vera C Dooley S: Jeffrey Hetrick & Glenn Gonsalves Book/Page: 32059/205, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $200,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5569sf Prior Sale: $309,000 (10/07) KINGS WAY........................................... $750,000 B: David J Templeton Jr S: Roberta M Oliver Tr, Tr for Oliver Kings Way RT Doc#: 000001371199, Date: 05/31/19 24 NELSON AVE.................................... $479,000 B: Tri T LLC S: Miriam A Collinson Tr, Tr for Outer Rdge NT Book/Page: 32054/219, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 15004sf

Sandwich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 95 Median Price $371,000

YTD 2019 104 $380,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 BUCKINGHAM DR............................... $345,000 B: Jeannine M Hagan S: Robert E Ferrari & Kim M Ferrari Book/Page: 32052/38, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23087sf 34 DILLINGHAM AVE............................. $315,000 B: Paul M Mullen S: Denise A Moore Doc#: 000001371278, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $252,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6534sf Prior Sale: $238,000 (07/03) 23 GULLY LN......................................... $256,250 B: Christopher S Oreilly & Katherine C Faria S: Ellin Asak Tr, Tr for Constance S Crowell T Book/Page: 32060/85, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 368518sf 6 KETTLE DRUM LN.............................. $210,000 B: Christian R Dinoia Tr, Tr for ACMD RT S: FNMA Book/Page: 32060/217, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Brian E Ridgeway $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (05/19) 103 LYNDSEY WAY............................... $351,000 B: Justin D Seymour & Anna Seymour S: Lolita Childress-Shay & Roger Childress Doc#: 000001370918, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $344,642 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40075sf 293 PHILLIPS RD................................... $685,000 B: Scusset Realty LLC S: Ann T Gallello & Kevin Gallello Doc#: 000001371148, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: County Mortgage LLC $1,500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19602sf

24 POND VIEW DR................................. $345,000 B: Kevin M Carr & Rebecca Slamin S: Elizabeth L Campbell Book/Page: 32054/42, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $327,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 29621sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (05/10) 1 POPES MDW....................................... $752,500 B: Frederic Kirsten & Laura Kirsten S: Jonathan W Nabors & Emily B Nabors Book/Page: 32058/160, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $602,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $632,000 (08/13) 5 RIDGEWOOD DR................................. $490,000 B: Joseph E Moneghan & Pamela A Moneghan S: William J Bellamy Jr & Judith J Bellamy Book/Page: 32051/126, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $180,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 50094sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (01/18) 236 ROUTE 6A....................................... $410,000 B: James R Dunn & Lisa P Dillon S: John Hollenburg Book/Page: 32055/197, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $396,316 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (07/17) 497 ROUTE 6A....................................... $314,000 B: 497 Route 6A RT S: Kristen Bowen Tr, Tr for KAJ Sandwich RT Book/Page: 32064/281, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (03/13) 30 SCONSET CIR................................... $365,000 B: Dario Lilli & Pasha Sctruncis S: Robin Montgomery & Emily Montgomery Book/Page: 32059/288, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Shamrock Fncl Corp $358,388 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (07/13) 3 SLEEPY HOLLOW LN.......................... $535,000 B: Gregory Marchand & Elizabeth L Campbell S: Jessica Kent Doc#: 000001371017, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $454,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27878sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (08/12) 21 WOLF HILL RD.................................. $265,000 B: Carlos Ferreira S: ALJ Realty Corp Book/Page: 32066/239, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43124sf Prior Sale: $541,500 (06/04) 21 WOLF HILL RD.................................. $265,000 B: Carlos Ferreira S: ALJ Realty Corp Doc#: 000001371382, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Alfred Bleu $320,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43124sf Prior Sale: $541,500 (06/04)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 21 WOLF HILL RD.................................. $184,000 B: ALJ Realty Corp S: William B Dooley & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 32066/236, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43124sf Prior Sale: $541,500 (06/04) 21 WOLF HILL RD.................................. $184,000 B: ALJ Realty Corp S: William B Dooley & Wells Fargo Bank NA Doc#: 000001371381, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Alfred Bleu $320,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43124sf Prior Sale: $541,500 (06/04)

Truro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $615,000

YTD 2019 13 $993,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 SAWYER GROVE RD......................... B: Frank E Moore & Gustavo Dejo-Suarez S: Timothy G Brown & J Francis Rioux Book/Page: 32063/232, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Greenbox Loans Inc $615,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 36155sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (05/98)


Yarmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 169 Median Price $325,000

YTD 2019 151 $329,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 BALDWIN LN.................................... $250,000 B: Paul J Biondo & Margaret A Biondo S: Gregory J Salvucci Tr, Tr for 64 Heritage Drive RT Doc#: 000001371143, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 32234sf 61 BEACH RD........................................ $305,000 B: Charles Magnuson Jr & Tanya Magnuson S: David J Noren & Marsha V Noren Book/Page: 32066/261, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $306,000 (04/05) 222 BUCK ISLAND RD U:5-4................. $177,500 B: Karen M Millette S: Alan P Smith & Elisabeth A Smith Book/Page: 32060/314, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $159,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 441 BUCK ISLAND RD U:G3.................. $230,000 B: Crystle Logan S: Mark Mathurin & Edina Kelemen Book/Page: 32061/29, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $223,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/05) 481 BUCK ISLAND RD U:1B.................. $225,000 B: Alicia A Allen S: Joseph J Thomas & Nanette Thomas Book/Page: 32055/216, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $202,275 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $185,000 (04/16) 481 BUCK ISLAND RD U:4D.................. $227,000 B: Robert Sullivan & Barbara Natichioni S: Linda M Burke Book/Page: 32065/104, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $220,190 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $181,000 (12/16) 248 CAMP ST U:F4................................ $207,500 B: Diane M Singleton S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 32061/122, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $166,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $171,149 (10/18)

104 CAPTAIN CHASE RD....................... $310,000 B: Catherine A Mccarthy S: Marguerite J Brennen & Mary A Brennen Book/Page: 32058/248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $279,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12197sf 62 CAPTAIN YORK RD........................... $250,000 B: Thomas J Brady & Pamela Brady S: Mary E Brady Tr, Tr for 62 Captain York Road T Book/Page: 32060/27, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12197sf 45 CLEVELAND WAY U:45..................... $250,000 B: Patricia Mackenzie & Alexander Farkas S: Esse Saif & Khalil Razzaghi Book/Page: 32058/188, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $124,654 (08/17) 19 CLINTON DR..................................... $390,000 B: Colton Ellison & Claire Kremer S: Marguerite A Daly Tr, Tr for Marguerite A Daly RET Book/Page: 32050/67, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $378,300 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16553sf 23-25 COLLEGE RD............................... $343,000 B: Larry L Blacker Tr, Tr for Exchange NT 6 S: Glenroy S Burke Book/Page: 32059/176, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bayridge Realty LLC $348,307 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (08/16) 25 COLLEGE RD..................................... $343,000 B: Larry L Blacker Tr, Tr for Exchange NT 6 S: Glenroy S Burke Book/Page: 32059/176, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bayridge Realty LLC $348,307 52 CROWES PURCHASE RD.................. $310,000 B: Stephen Gariepy & Judy G Gariepy S: Paul M Rugg Book/Page: 32062/26, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $124,000 (10/06) 32 ERICKSON WAY................................ $315,000 B: True North Homes Inc S: Paul J Spuria & David J Spuria Doc#: 000001370975, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: 5 Arch Funding Corp $278,450 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf 65 FREEMAN RD................................... $347,000 B: Daniel E Corcoran S: Mattheau Leduc & Kate Leduc Book/Page: 32057/293, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Magnolia Bank Inc $354,460 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $277,675 (06/15) 26 JOHN HALL CARTWAY U:26............ $449,000 B: Robert Guethlen & Diane Guethlen S: Steven E Berglund & Kathleen N Berglund Doc#: 000001371104, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/16) 32 KATHY ANN RD................................ $375,000 B: Philip F Obrien & Melanie R Madaio-Obrien S: Ann M Mccallum & Robert Mccallum Book/Page: 32052/20, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $281,500 (04/13) 57 MELGO LN........................................ $442,500 B: Donald A Solari Jr & Carolyn R Solari S: Repurpose Properties LLC Book/Page: 32066/96, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12760sf 61 MIDSTREAM DR............................... $350,000 B: Kurt R Spagnuolo & Lisa J Spagnuolo S: Carol A Spagnuolo Tr, Tr for Spagnuolo FT Doc#: 000001371073, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Central One FCU $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15682sf 22 MUSKET LN...................................... $350,000 B: Gary F Babineau S: Vincent F Lepore Jr & Sharon G Romanelli Book/Page: 32052/159, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf 157 N MAIN ST...................................... $316,500 B: Deborah D Fox Tr, Tr for Deborah D Fox LT S: Robert R Driscoll & Lynn A Driscoll Doc#: 000001371319, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (09/15) 3 RITA AVE............................................ $357,500 B: Dennis Teno-Needham & Oliver Needhan S: Renato F Melo & Ana C Sarrizo Book/Page: 32064/112, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $351,024 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (09/01) 27 SATURN LN...................................... $330,000 B: Cory D Weller S: Ian C Wood & Brooke Wood Book/Page: 32060/343, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $337,095 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (06/15) 33 VILLAGE BROOK RD......................... $325,000 B: Ryan Mclaughlin & Chandler Dockery S: Jeanne M Heroux Doc#: 000001371171, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $319,113 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13939sf Prior Sale: $310,100 (05/17) 74 WASHINGTON AVE........................... $335,000 B: Marco Costa & Larissa Costa S: Carey Rebecca R Est & Dorothea E Mcgurk Doc#: 000001371232, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $284,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 23522sf 337 WHITES PATH................................ $260,000 B: Brothers Disposal Inc S: Timothy C Williams Tr, Tr for 337 Whites Path RT Book/Page: 32059/312, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $208,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $180,375 (07/04) 4 WIANNO RD........................................ $335,000 B: Timothy D Hallaran & Melanie M Hallaran S: Annese Kenneth B Est & Vera E Skinner Book/Page: 32055/36, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $131,900 (04/98) 97-99 WIMBLEDON DR......................... $300,000 B: Michael Lowery & Kathryn Lowery S: Joel E Zeger Tr, Tr for Robie RT Book/Page: 32050/263, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $225,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 6534sf 99 WIMBLEDON DR............................... $300,000 B: Michael Lowery & Kathryn Lowery S: Joel E Zeger Tr, Tr for Robie RT Book/Page: 32050/263, Date: 05/29/19

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

JUNE 17, 2019

Berkshire Registry Middle District

Patricia M. Harris, Register Court House, 44 Bank Row Pittsfield, MA 01201 Telephone: (413) 443-7438 Fax: (413) 448-6025

Dalton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $165,250

YTD 2019 20 $179,400

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 73 LINDSAY DR..................................... $310,000 B: Ethan Oberwager S: Joseph Mccasland & Colleen F Mccasland Book/Page: 6409/30, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Lee Bank $160,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15936sf 1112 SOUTH ST..................................... $223,700 B: Brent W Sturm S: Glen J Cowdrey & Debra M Cowdrey Book/Page: 6413/144, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $212,515 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11427sf

Lee MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $185,750

YTD 2019 11 $249,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 284 ANTELOPE DR................................ $370,000 B: Jeffrey H Klarsfeld & Elka Wolloch-Klarsfeld S: Digrigoli Louis J Est & Joyce C Digrigoli Book/Page: 6410/56, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Lee Bank $275,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19166sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (07/17) 81 FOX RUN........................................... $440,000 B: John M Polizzi 3rd & Ashley L Polizzi S: James S Bewick Tr, Tr for James S&P H Bewick RET Book/Page: 6412/80, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $360,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (09/07) 90 PARKVIEW TER................................ $205,000 B: Courtney L Donahue & Delphia A Foley S: Leonard Forrest Book/Page: 6411/156, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $202,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22651sf Prior Sale: $102,000 (07/01) 589 WEST RD........................................ $125,000 B: Jeffrey P Cella & Michelle N Dupont S: Homeworks Construction Co Book/Page: 6411/148, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 43560sf

Lenox MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $234,000

YTD 2019 20 $320,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 E NEW LENOX RD............................. $285,000 B: Gary Blazejewski & Heather Blazejewski S: Jeffrey A Carpenter Book/Page: 6411/64, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $190,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19994sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (06/04) 284 EAST ST......................................... $570,000 B: Daniel W Obrien S: John F Novotny & Michele S Novotny Book/Page: 6413/35, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26000sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (02/06) 639 EAST ST......................................... $435,000 B: Neil V Deluca Jr & Nina R Deluca S: Bernard Berofsky Tr, Tr for Bernard Berofsky 2006 FT Book/Page: 6411/197, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $391,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 134775sf 42 MAIN ST........................................... $500,000 B: BWFJ LLC S: Earl W Albert & Lesley B Albert Book/Page: 6409/135, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bay Colony Dev Corp $208,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 7712sf

Otis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $167,000

YTD 2019 8 $358,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1056 N MAIN RD................................... B: Leonard Forrest S: Leana D Kearin & Lorn E Miller Book/Page: 6412/175, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 84071sf


Pittsfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 99 Median Price $152,500

YTD 2019 124 $161,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 100 ACORN ST...................................... $145,000 B: Philip W Wicker 3rd S: Harrington E A Est & Patrick A Harrington Book/Page: 6411/217, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $130,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9901sf

12 APPLETREE PT................................. $375,000 B: Lesley A Robins S: Lesley A Robins Tr, Tr for Shirley Posner T Book/Page: 6413/112, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21201sf BLYTHEWOOD DR................................. $65,000 B: Daniel Talmi S: Warren S Jaferian & Deborah M Jaferian Book/Page: 6411/183, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 60984sf Prior Sale: $48,000 (08/02) 62 BURBANK ST.................................... $78,800 B: Jason D Berry S: Cheshire Green LLC Book/Page: 6412/237, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $77,372 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9304sf Prior Sale: $41,000 (08/15) 15 CHARISMA DR................................. $411,400 B: Suehiko Ono & Emily Ono S: Ethan Oberwager Doc#: 000000041715, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $370,260 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47916sf Prior Sale: $389,000 (06/18) 57 CHICKERING ST................................ $80,000 B: Jacob Trudeau S: Greylock FCU Book/Page: 6410/228, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4408sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (04/18) 12 COBBLE STONE CV.......................... $190,000 B: Brian G Adams & Dailin Adams S: Norma M Probst Book/Page: 6410/344, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $152,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6477sf 69 COMMONWEALTH AVE.................... $278,250 B: Elizabeth C Bevilacqua & Nathan J Ahern S: Ann M Cole & Toni M Massery Book/Page: 6412/3, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lee Bank $222,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8712sf 21 CROFUT ST....................................... $230,000 B: Ivan Saldana & Angel Jerez S: FNMA Book/Page: 6410/8, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $223,490 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 130680sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (04/18) 35 DELANCY AVE.................................. $177,500 B: Brittany M Wetherell S: Maura Kelly Book/Page: 6410/232, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $172,175 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (12/02) 12 DENISE AVE...................................... $225,000 B: Richard M Chiu S: Karen Gomula Book/Page: 6412/104, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Trustco Bank $180,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11500sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (02/13) 274 DEWEY AVE.................................... $35,000 B: Valery Poripski & Natalia Bolotova S: Sharon A Mcclellan Book/Page: 6410/49, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8516sf 77 DICKINSON AVE............................... $130,500 B: Robin Astore S: US Bank NA Book/Page: 6411/37, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8699sf Prior Sale: $83,632 (06/17) 43 DOREEN ST...................................... $162,000 B: Nicole M Andrus S: Matthew P Sloan & Heidi M Germann Book/Page: 6411/268, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lee Bank $133,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15294sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (02/06) 67 GALE AVE......................................... $147,000 B: Craig Smith & Gillian Bianchi S: Barbara A Richardson Book/Page: 6412/126, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $139,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11326sf 20 MAPLE GROVE DR............................ $205,400 B: Ryan Conklin & Stephanie Conklin S: Joseph E Romano Book/Page: 6411/92, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Broker Solutions Inc $205,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10986sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (04/16) 39 MCALLISTER ST............................... $80,000 B: Emily M Blanchard & Tucker T Blanchard S: Lisa Boyd & Timothy M Boyd Book/Page: 6412/208, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $95,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $97,500 (11/05) 366 NEWELL ST.................................... $144,000 B: Tury S Cruz-Cespedes & Ivan A Ospina-Gutierrez S: Robin Astore Book/Page: 6408/326, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $121,800 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 20887sf Prior Sale: $133,500 (06/17) 1003 NORTH ST U:B.............................. $119,000 B: Daniel P Simonds S: Carrie L Saldo Book/Page: 6411/243, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $115,430 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $90,000 (08/09) 35 OTIS AVE.......................................... $141,900 B: Michelle L Stetser S: David L Winchester Tr, Tr for David L&A M Winchester NT Book/Page: 6409/94, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $139,329 Use: 1-Family Ranch, Lot: 7100sf 14 RICHARDSON ST.............................. $160,000 B: Katherine Goodno & Christopher Goodno S: 23rd Century Corp Book/Page: 6413/119, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $152,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 10119sf Prior Sale: $142,000 (10/13) 20 SOUTHERN AVE................................ $23,000 B: Leydet Properties LLC S: Gary L Carthon Book/Page: 6410/184, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Onota Rental LLC $47,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3215sf 88 TAYLOR ST....................................... $165,000 B: Elizabeth Valenzuela & Matthew B Valenzuela S: Sara Kelley Book/Page: 6410/297, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $165,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23762sf Prior Sale: $173,000 (05/07)



JUNE 17, 2019

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 253 DEWEY AVE.................................... $43,000 B: Bank Of America NA S: Caroline A Golden & CIT Bank NA Book/Page: 6409/79, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4439sf Prior Sale: $43,000 (11/18) 72 NANCY AVE...................................... $124,000 B: Timothy M Hart S: Dale A Surbaugh Jr & First Guaranty Mortgage Book/Page: 6412/198, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12750sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (12/04) 58 W HOUSATONIC ST U:3.................... $93,251 B: US Bank NA Tr S: Debra Larkin & US Bank NA Book/Page: 6409/332, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $92,900 (08/06)

266-268 HOUGHTON ST........................ $123,000 B: Carlos E Sanchez-Herrera & Maria C Perez-Ayala S: Gloria J Martel Book/Page: 1683/138, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $119,310 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 16404sf Prior Sale: $128,000 (10/11) 4 LAMOUREAUX PL............................... $80,000 B: Jason D Murphy & Kathryn R Murphy S: Michael R Grogan Book/Page: 1682/973, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $49,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4131sf

Savoy MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 Median Price

YTD 2019 1


Berkshire Registry Northern District

Maria T. Ziemba, Register 65 Park Street, Adams, MA 01220 Telephone: (413) 743-0035 Fax: (413) 743-1003

Adams MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 Median Price $143,000

YTD 2019 23 $135,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 13 LEONARD ST.................................... $45,000 B: John Fish S: David P Stoddard & Catherine R Stoddard Book/Page: 1683/348, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (09/12) 19 NEWARK ST..................................... $153,500 B: James R White Jr & Roxana Moulton S: Tanner C Bird & Courtney R Bussiere Book/Page: 1682/1097, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $153,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (01/18) 87 ORCHARD ST.................................... $239,900 B: Tanner C Bird S: Andrew Goyette Book/Page: 1683/45, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $215,670 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9148sf 16 PINE ST............................................ $145,000 B: Leanne Beshaw S: Dawn M Milesi Book/Page: 1683/323, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $137,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 16553sf 8 SCHOOL ST......................................... $104,000 B: Bobbie J Briggs S: Dennis J Kingsbury & Jocelyn A Schlagetter Book/Page: 1683/166, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $100,880 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2178sf Prior Sale: $31,000 (08/13)

Cheshire MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 10 Median Price $212,000

YTD 2019 3 $180,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 129 DEAN ST......................................... B: Christopher J Flynn & Whitney E Flynn S: Eric J Laroche & Nancy L Laroche Book/Page: 1683/98, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $140,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10890sf 28 MAPLE DR........................................ B: Thomas G Kolodziejczyk S: Steven M Raimer & Tarryn L Raimer Book/Page: 1683/219, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $176,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 36982sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 Median Price $330,000

YTD 2019 12 $287,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 85 COBBLEVIEW RD.............................. $399,000 B: Alexandre A Millet & Anne R Leonard S: Laurie A Marrs Book/Page: 1683/411, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: MountainOne Bk $115,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 18731sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (03/98) 261 PINE COBBLE RD........................... $415,000 B: Jose A Constantine & Candice R Constantine S: Williams College Book/Page: 1682/1001, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: MountainOne Bk $274,200 Use: Educational Property, Lot: 30231sf Prior Sale: $507,950 (06/14) 100 STRATTON RD................................ $215,000 B: Nichole M Pervere S: Ronald A Chapman Book/Page: 1682/943, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $215,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 29185sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (04/14)

Southern District

Michelle Laramee-Jenny, Register 334 Main Street, Suite 2 Great Barrington, MA 01230 Telephone: (413) 528-0146 Fax: (413) 528-6878




Sheffield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Median Price $320,000

YTD 2019 8 $265,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES ASHLEY FALLS RD................................ $10,000 B: YS Real Estate Holdings S: Richard A Busch Book/Page: 2532/278, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 16988sf 1070 ASHLEY FALLS RD....................... $690,350 B: Ira R Abbott & Elaine L Abbott S: Barbara J Friedman Book/Page: 2533/174, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $15,000 (11/97) HULETT HILL RD.................................... $43,750 B: David Durning & Ronald B Durning Jr S: Ronald B Durning Sr Book/Page: 2533/201, Date: 06/04/19 29 SPRING HOLLOW LN........................ $215,000 B: Martin J Pastori & Rhonda F Pastori S: Kevin M Curtis Book/Page: 2532/288, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Village Mtg Co $172,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf

West Stockbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $350,000

YTD 2019 5 $518,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 EASLAND RD..................................... $1,875,000 B: Christina L Wagner & Paul R Brown S: Ronald Rynes & Mary Rynes Book/Page: 2532/237, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,500,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 871200sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (03/04)

Bernard J. McDonald III, Register 441 North Main Street Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone: (508) 673-1651 Fax: (508) 673-7633


Egremont MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $511,000

YTD 2019 4 $400,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 68 MAIN ST........................................... B: Profiteroles LLC S: Daniel W Duryea & Michelle F Ives Book/Page: 2533/30, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $235,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 7405sf


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $345,000

YTD 2019 21 $325,000


YTD 2019 23 $137,900


Bristol Berkshire Registry Registry Fall River District



645 BARBOUR ST.................................. B: Corey W Troop & Nicole L Troop S: Grant C Staublin & Julie D Choquette Book/Page: 1683/245, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $223,100 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8400sf Prior Sale: $212,500 (10/17) 153 CORINTH ST................................... B: Mary S Curns S: David P Morin Book/Page: 1683/356, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $121,526 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2400sf Prior Sale: $49,000 (01/14) 182 E MAIN ST...................................... B: C&S Development LLC S: Michelle G Forth Book/Page: 1683/442, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Greylock FCU $253,600 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12842sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (01/16) 123 FRANCIS ST................................... B: Roderick S Stanbrook & Ulrike Nagel S: Ross A Vivori & Michele A Boyer-Vivori Book/Page: 1683/279, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: NBT Bank NA $77,700 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3498sf


Great Barrington

North Adams YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $133,462

486 NEW STATE RD.............................. $175,000 B: J Paul Sebring & Joan M Wotkowicz S: Ronald E Owen & Catalina V Caban-Owen Book/Page: 1683/205, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 130898sf Prior Sale: $29,900 (12/09)

308 SHADOW LN................................... B: Bruce L Miller & Melanie Z Miller S: Lester H Korobow & Carol Korobow Book/Page: 2532/190, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 49223sf 308 SHADOW LN................................... B: Bruce L Miller & Melanie Z Miller S: Lester H Korobow & Carol Korobow Book/Page: 6409/82, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 49223sf

121 HURLBURT RD................................ B: Correy E Denihan S: Ronald F Kujawski & Patricia Kujawski Book/Page: 2532/259, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf 3 LAKE BUEL RD................................... B: Jared Shih & Yuan Jiang S: Peter T Mcnally Book/Page: 2533/152, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: GuardHill Fncl Corp $337,500 Use: 7 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $462,500 (01/08) 15 MANVILLE ST................................... B: Matthew Barlow & Patricia Barlow S: John M Polizzi 3rd & Ashley L Polizzi Book/Page: 2532/312, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Pittsfield Cp Bk $291,370 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $327,500 (03/13)




Sandisfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $236,600

YTD 2019 0




24 NORFOLK RD.................................... $65,000 B: Ronald B Durning Jr & Jennifer Durning S: Ronald B Durning Sr Book/Page: 2533/204, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 348480sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (10/07) 49 SANDISFIELD RD............................. $190,000 B: Ingrid M Krohn S: Sally H Kahn Book/Page: 2532/333, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22215sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (03/01)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 110 Median Price $237,000

YTD 2019 90 $246,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 662 2ND ST........................................... $312,000 B: Richard A Mercurio Tr, Tr for Mercurio T S: F&G Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 9783/314, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $216,718 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 3421sf Prior Sale: $242,500 (03/17) 571 4TH ST............................................ $375,000 B: Andy E Durity S: Kasa LLC Book/Page: 9784/153, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: eMortgage Management $368,207 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6240sf Prior Sale: $122,500 (10/17) 220 5TH ST............................................ $264,900 B: Elena Yablonovsky S: Brandon Camara Book/Page: 9786/59, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2530sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (04/17) 42 ABINGTON LN................................... $50,000 B: Carlos A Oliveira S: Carlos A Oliveira & Lucia Oliveira Book/Page: 9784/270, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fall River Mun ECU $252,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 9107sf Prior Sale: $298,000 (10/05) 83 ANGELL ST....................................... $243,000 B: Jean P Delpe & Mcalvan P Delpe S: CM Brogan Properties LLC Book/Page: 9781/275, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $232,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6231sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (08/18) 494 BOWEN ST...................................... $100,000 B: Susan Rapoza S: FNMA Book/Page: 9785/114, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $202,889 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3518sf Prior Sale: $194,200 (02/19) 44 BRIGHT ST........................................ $230,000 B: Khen T Dinh & Quy V Dinh S: Patrice N Moore Book/Page: 9781/313, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $184,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4583sf 293 DRIFTWOOD ST.............................. $349,900 B: Rachel L Poisson & Roger N Poisson S: Highland Farms Dev LLC Book/Page: 9782/209, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $279,900 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 24238sf 311 DRIFTWOOD ST.............................. $349,900 B: Melanie M Lussier S: Highland Farms Dev LLC Book/Page: 9786/106, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $279,000 Type: Adj

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

675 ELSBREE ST................................... $260,000 B: Holly Mota & Moses Mota S: Cheryl A Sullivan Book/Page: 9783/289, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $267,774 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 12055sf 76 EVELYNS WAY.................................. $323,000 B: Anthony H Puopolo S: Jason Carreiro & Priscilla Carreiro Book/Page: 9784/21, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $317,149 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5111sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (04/10) 83-95 FLINT ST..................................... $259,500 B: Jacqueline M Vernacchio S: Kristin Teves Tr, Tr for Sqeegee RET Book/Page: 9785/256, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $254,799 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4800sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (02/19) 252 GRINNELL ST................................. $230,000 B: David Bauer & Tracy Bauer S: Brenda Gagnon & Paul A Gagnon Jr Book/Page: 9780/134, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4243sf 152 HARDING ST................................... $305,000 B: Adeyinka Adeyinka S: Paul A Sirois & Anne M Sirois Book/Page: 9785/178, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $289,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4928sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (10/15) 60 HARRISON ST................................... $235,000 B: Steven M Melo S: 1 MCB LLC Book/Page: 9782/119, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $223,250 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (05/03) 327 HARRISON ST................................. $230,000 B: Socheata Kragn S: Joseph Raposo Book/Page: 9782/312, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $208,587 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3600sf 25 HIGHLAND FARM RD....................... $440,000 B: Steven J Grace Jr & Alexandria Grace S: Highland Farms Dev LLC Book/Page: 9781/44, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $432,030 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 20504sf 265 JOHN ST......................................... $248,000 B: Alexander Pena S: Martelly Properties LLC Book/Page: 9783/241, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $243,508 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3714sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (07/09) 155 KING ST.......................................... $319,000 B: Ernst Beaucejour S: Steven J Grace Jr & Alexandria Grace Book/Page: 9780/149, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $303,050 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 7703sf Prior Sale: $247,500 (03/16) 46 LANE ST........................................... $330,000 B: Alexandra M Lewis S: Alline Lelis Book/Page: 9783/154, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $313,500 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4800sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (09/17) 5455 N MAIN ST U:6B........................... $81,000 B: Debra A Desmarais & Robin M Hodkinson S: Bryan M Desmarais & Mandi D Desmarais Book/Page: 9783/236, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $99,000 (09/04) 388 NORMAN ST................................... $295,000 B: Bryan P Benoit & Solange Martins-Benoit S: Christopher D Allard & Sarah Allard Doc#: 000000050648, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $295,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5043sf Prior Sale: $243,500 (09/13) 665 OAK GROVE AVE............................ $270,000 B: Woozlande Legrand & Mathely Legrand S: Luis Belchior Book/Page: 9781/71, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Finance America LLC $265,109 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5600sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (06/17) 185 PALMER ST.................................... $499,000 B: Owen Kiernan S: Tetrault Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 9783/282, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6292sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (09/16) 286 PECKHAM ST................................. $240,000 B: Jin Y Gao & Ming J Zhang S: R&R Real Estate Solutions Book/Page: 9786/145, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2474sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (10/18) 103 RESERVOIR ST............................... $207,000 B: Yelitza M Rivera-Nazario & Ana I Velazquez-Oterio S: Joseph A Valiquette Book/Page: 9784/98, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $203,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4348sf 913 RODMAN ST................................... $270,000 B: C2S Development LLC S: John J Faris Book/Page: 9784/69, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $245,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5090sf 458 S BEACH ST................................... $265,000 B: Jose Cabral-Moniz & Escoloastica R Moniz S: Paul Medeiros & Michael Medeiros Book/Page: 9780/249, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Land Home Fncl Svcs $260,200 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6504sf 50 SALISBURY ST................................. $230,000 B: Joseph Souza Jr & Alice R Souza S: Edmund J Rocha Book/Page: 9784/131, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $177,187 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12000sf 455 VALENTINE ST................................ $274,500 B: Peter Brouns S: Stephen R Ponte & Shelly Ponte Book/Page: 9783/258, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $215,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5423sf Prior Sale: $213,000 (08/16) 75 WEAVER ST...................................... $245,000 B: 75 Weaver LLC S: Weaver Cove Mill LLC Book/Page: 9784/47, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Asset Funding LP $175,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 67518sf




Freetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $311,500

YTD 2019 18 $414,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27 N MAIN ST........................................ $281,000 B: Cameron A Mccormick & Tala Z Wunderler-Selby S: Jorgensen Rachael C Est & Juliene Mills Book/Page: 9783/40, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Southern Mass CU $224,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 34848sf 10 QUITTICAS AVE................................ $278,000 B: Christopher Coelho S: David H Hardy Tr, Tr for Tobie RT Book/Page: 9784/330, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $284,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 32670sf

Somerset YTD 2019 56 $256,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 431 HIGH ST.......................................... $443,750 B: Ryan Barba S: Joseph L Berube Tr, Tr for 431 NT Book/Page: 9781/12, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $266,250 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 9148sf 35 HINCHEY LN..................................... $357,000 B: Michael D Facchiano S: Kevin R Lindstrom & Jessica L Lindstrom Book/Page: 9780/67, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $285,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $269,000 (10/14) 27 OAK LN............................................. $412,000 B: John R Silvia & Kristine A Burke S: Kathleen Quinlan Book/Page: 9783/62, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (08/14) 3685 RIVERSIDE AVE............................ $450,000 B: Brian E Marquis & Stacy A Marquis S: Henry Vicini Book/Page: 9784/195, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $350,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20909sf 583 WHETSTONE HILL RD.................... $339,900 B: James Silva & Cheri Silva S: Paul W Lynch & Scott J Lynch Book/Page: 9784/302, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $333,742 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 20909sf 119 WORDELL RD................................. $259,900 B: Robert M Durette S: Sieczkowski S J Jr Est & Teresa A Sieczkowski Book/Page: 9786/71, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $255,192 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9583sf

Swansea MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 63 Median Price $250,000

Northern District

Barry J. Amaral, Register of Deeds 11 Court Street, Taunton, MA 02780 Telephone: (508) 822-7527 Fax: (508) 880-4975


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 Median Price $257,750

Bristol Registry

YTD 2019 56 $276,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 702 BARK ST......................................... $283,000 B: Carlos P Abad-Campoverde S: Marchand Raymond T Est & Thomas R Marchand Book/Page: 9783/207, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 449103sf 97 BIRCHWOOD DR............................... $325,000 B: Nicole Henriques & Bethany J Henriques S: Daniel A Mello & Laurea Mello Book/Page: 9783/179, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Province Mtg Assoc $260,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 22651sf Prior Sale: $292,000 (11/04) 62 BUCKINGHAM DR............................. $456,500 B: Daniel A Mello & Laurea Mello S: Timothy Faria & Grace Pavao Book/Page: 9784/171, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $342,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60112sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (12/12) 138 HIGH HILL RD................................. $439,900 B: Kevin M Pelletier & Karen E Pelletier S: Dream Homes LLC Book/Page: 9782/185, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $417,905 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13504sf 181 HIGH HILL RD................................. $440,000 B: Tiffany Laitola S: Dream Homes LLC Book/Page: 9783/215, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $449,460 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 12632sf 90 HOULTON ST.................................... $345,000 B: Anthony E Smith & Amanda K Smith S: Kevin M Pelletier & Karen E Varieur Book/Page: 9781/177, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $338,751 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (05/02) 18 MILDRED AVE.................................. $285,000 B: Kirby J Harrington S: Susan R Hajder Tr, Tr for Rita Lapointe T Book/Page: 9781/215, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6098sf 232 MILLERS LN................................... $290,000 B: S Line Realty LLC S: Marian Mcddrmott Book/Page: 9786/51, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32670sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (08/03) 58 PLAIN ST.......................................... $439,900 B: Sharon Ferreira & Scott Ferreira S: Richard Kimpel Book/Page: 9780/181, Date: 05/29/19 44 RALPH CHAPMAN RD...................... $110,000 B: DBLA LLC S: Monica S Watkinson Book/Page: 9784/94, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf SWANSEA MALL DR............................ $1,350,000 B: GF Funding Swansea LLC S: Carlyle Swansea Partners Book/Page: 9784/228, Date: 06/03/19 179 SWANSEA MALL DR...................... $820,000 B: 125 Swansea Mall Dr LLC S: Southbridge LLC Book/Page: 9782/42, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Webster Bank $615,000 Use: Retail-department Store, Lot: 22599sf SWANSEA MALL ROAD........................ $3,190,000 B: GF Funding Swansea LLC S: Carlyle Swansea Partners Book/Page: 9784/218, Date: 06/03/19

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 104 Median Price $300,000

YTD 2019 102 $310,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 ASHDEN CT...................................... $615,000 B: Lisa Sadowski & Christine Sadowski S: Lindsey Farms LLC Book/Page: 25123/187, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $522,750 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 94923sf 5 ASHTON RD........................................ $354,000 B: Thomas R Knight & Shannon L Sweeney S: Lynch Mayer Book/Page: 25125/226, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $347,588 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14550sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (01/16) 24 BENSON DR...................................... $480,000 B: Michael Murteira & Christopher Yagoobian S: Duane J Maceachern & Pamela Maceachern Book/Page: 25117/275, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $380,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20871sf 122 CURTIS AVE U:122......................... $248,000 B: Saood Rafique S: Geraldine L Chamberlain & Richard R Chamberlain Book/Page: 25126/7, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $240,560 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $135,000 (09/12) 205 DOWNING DR................................. $555,000 B: Tatyana Tiurina S: Frank Albernaz & Mark Malagrida Book/Page: 25123/207, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: GMH Mtg Services $444,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16000sf Prior Sale: $473,000 (04/15) 83 EMORY ST........................................ $250,000 B: Christopher Andreozzi S: Russell Christie Tr, Tr for 83 Emory Street RT Book/Page: 25128/304, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $228,937 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4208sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (12/11) 8 ERIKA WAY........................................ $450,000 B: Amber M Ezeani & C Chukwubuikem-Ezeani S: Jordan M Swanson & Shannon Swanson Book/Page: 25125/291, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $427,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20871sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (09/10) 110 FAIRWAY DR.................................. $520,000 B: Sara Betts & William Betts S: Eric J Zarski & Trina L Zarski Book/Page: 25122/147, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $320,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18131sf Prior Sale: $492,225 (09/05) 10 FULLER AVE U:24............................. $249,000 B: Jaeuk Lee S: Ricardo A Goncalves Book/Page: 25131/29, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $241,530 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $182,000 (03/14) 10 GILMORE ST U:1B............................ $157,000 B: Danielle B Allard S: Kelsy Rondeau Doc#: 000000110294, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $133,450 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 30 GREENBRIAR LN.............................. $386,000 B: Matthew Flashner & Carlasofia S Vinacco S: Meigan A Courville & Nicholas J Courville Book/Page: 25129/248, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $378,967 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27841sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (05/09) 43 HILLCREST AVE................................ $479,000 B: Brian M Coulter & Marisa L Titus S: Richard C Vaz Jr & Vanessa House Book/Page: 25123/104, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $428,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $467,000 (10/18) 7 HOWARD AVE..................................... $265,000 B: Rachel T Ferreira S: Bell Warren J Est & Joyce M White Book/Page: 25124/251, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $290,903 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5199sf 65 KNOTT ST......................................... $325,000 B: Shane Boedeker S: Sarah J Betts & William Betts Book/Page: 25122/132, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $292,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25227sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (07/10) 438 LINDSEY ST.................................... $420,000 B: Hansen Associates Inc S: Varla Gelineau-Smith & Stephen J Smith Book/Page: 25125/155, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mechanics Cp Bk $516,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 270034sf 21 LUSSIER AVE.................................... $345,000 B: Gregory M Bassett & Melissa A Madden S: Lisa E Sadowski Book/Page: 25121/158, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $327,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12137sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (08/12) 5 MENDON RD U:A................................ $300,000 B: Andrea Osori S: Raymond Bourque Tr, Tr for R&D RT Book/Page: 25128/162, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $280,000 Use: Condo

171 NORTH AVE.................................... $439,000 B: Bruno Lorena & Ana P Fortes S: George A Caldwell & Marie Y Caldwell Book/Page: 25122/258, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Homestar Mtg Inc $351,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25227sf PIKE AVE L:4......................................... $135,000 B: Steven W Harvey S: Woodlark Development Corp Book/Page: 25133/341, Date: 06/04/19 114 PINE ST.......................................... $360,000 B: Nancy Gomez & Kiara Ortiz S: John Souza & Cheryl Souza Book/Page: 25132/343, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $353,479 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 10098sf 180 S MAIN ST U:33............................. $105,000 B: Ahmad M Abuhantash S: Mohamed D Hatash & Lucia M Habtash Book/Page: 25119/116, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $84,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 497 S MAIN ST...................................... $429,000 B: Jason Massad S: Mark R Watters & Lynn C Watters Book/Page: 25126/302, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $321,750 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 9788sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (10/98) 49 STEEPLE CHASE CIR U:1................. $264,000 B: Kristen White S: Tamara Schneider Book/Page: 25125/102, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $211,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (08/13) 360 THACHER ST.................................. $329,000 B: Lydia Lovemore S: Noe P Faria & Zelia M Faria Book/Page: 25130/128, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Village Mtg Co $318,019 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $332,000 (06/06) 61 TOMLINSON RD................................ $330,000 B: Andrzej Bakowski S: Gary R Pudvah Jr & Carolyn M Pudvah Book/Page: 25125/125, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Navigant Credit Union $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 23049sf 45 UPLAND RD...................................... $385,900 B: Kevin A Tougas & Kerstin L Mcandrews S: Edward F Mangiaratti Book/Page: 25123/133, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $308,720 Use: 3 Bdrm Dutch Colonl, Lot: 13500sf Prior Sale: $252,500 (09/13) 108 ZACHARY LN.................................. $360,000 B: Robert E Cote & Joei-Lynn Cote S: Joei-Lynn Cote & Patricia Medeiros Book/Page: 25123/70, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $288,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16161sf

Berkley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $307,450

YTD 2019 14 $432,350

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 120 PADELFORD ST.............................. $150,000 B: Malloch Group Inc S: Waste Management Disposal Book/Page: 25129/167, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 1214017sf 86 PLAIN ST W...................................... $333,000 B: Joy Carlos & Michael Carlos S: Albina Carlos & Joseph Carlos Book/Page: 25132/316, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 69696sf 28 WATER ST........................................ $200,001 B: Ronald E Cunningham S: USA HUD Book/Page: 25122/65, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $200,001 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $241,900 (02/18)

Dighton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $317,450

YTD 2019 22 $353,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 349 BROOK ST...................................... $437,000 B: Dennis R Braga S: Wendy E Grant Book/Page: 25129/122, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $170,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (12/09) 88 NORTH ST......................................... $350,000 B: Jessica E Magnussen & Jonathan R Souza S: Linda A Magnussen Book/Page: 25131/260, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $343,660 Use: 3 Bdrm, Lot: 248292sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (06/07)

Easton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 Median Price $400,000

YTD 2019 54 $417,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 429 CENTER ST..................................... B: Joanne Riley & Ryan Riley S: Haley Murphy Book/Page: 25118/138, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $405,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25100sf Prior Sale: $494,000 (07/15) 75 FOUNDRY ST U:27............................ B: Abdelaziz Chadli S: Pezhman Tahavori Book/Page: 25119/60, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $250,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $205,000 (01/17) 64 GASLIGHT LN U:64........................... B: Corey Carlyle S: Gina M Lomardi-Malvone Book/Page: 25121/205, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $232,800 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $278,000 (08/07) 79 GASLIGHT LN U:79........................... B: Komal B Kenkare S: Jennifer M Stewart Book/Page: 25120/170, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Webster Bank $266,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $248,000 (01/07)





JUNE 17, 2019

135 HIGHLAND ST................................. $435,000 B: Chrismarthe Delicence & Jean Fritz-Delicence S: Jessica L Rosado & Brian W Rosado Book/Page: 25122/89, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $255,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30500sf Prior Sale: $304,000 (04/11) 22 MAIN ST........................................... $500,000 B: Hope&Grace LLC S: Flora T Flores Book/Page: 25127/5, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Kathlyn Flores Bukow $350,000 Use: Nursing Home, Lot: 19573sf 9 MATTHEW CIR................................... $750,000 B: Jeffrey Wyman S: Easton Land Co LLC Book/Page: 25120/30, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $600,000 9 MULLEN LN........................................ $450,000 B: Jon M Jensen & Leann W Jensen S: Joanne Bodio-Canty & Stephen M Canty Book/Page: 25127/135, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $270,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (04/03) 7 NANCY RD U:2................................... $187,500 B: Diane F Irwin S: Mary J Peiri Book/Page: 25127/18, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Merrimac Valley FCU $150,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $170,000 (04/09) 41 NORTON AVE.................................... $380,000 B: Naomi G Hurvitz & Mitchell M Hurvitz S: Donald J Frigon & Erica B Sade Doc#: 000000110298, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $361,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30963sf 104 NORTON AVE U:1........................... $201,000 B: Kelly A Celata S: Francis T Murphy Jr & Shoshana A Murphy Book/Page: 25131/181, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $117,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $210,000 (07/06) 108 NORTON AVE U:19......................... $223,000 B: Paul Smith & Mary Smith S: Joseph Goncalves & Kessena Goncalves Book/Page: 25129/284, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Equity Resources Inc $225,151 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $157,500 (11/18) 42 PRUDENCE CRANDALL LN U:42...... $277,500 B: Michael R Duprez & Jordan D Debban S: Ann Bonilla & John M Bonilla Book/Page: 25127/74, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $269,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $242,500 (08/07) 5 SHARRON DR U:5............................... $253,750 B: George C Williams & Maria F Silva S: Patricia Dominique & James E Saturne Book/Page: 25125/265, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $172,500 (12/09) 44 SHORT ST......................................... $457,000 B: Patricia Dominique S: Andrew R Nowakowski & Henryka Nowakowski Book/Page: 25127/338, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $365,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 35719sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (04/02)

Mansfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 Median Price $419,000

YTD 2019 44 $430,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 DUTTON DR........................................ $955,000 B: Erica Horan & Brian Pickard S: Kevin P Lynch & Melanie Y Lynch Doc#: 000000110304, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $764,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43996sf 631 EAST ST U:I202.............................. $354,900 B: Barbara J Payne S: Barbara N Gallagher & Lawrence T Gallagher Book/Page: 25124/45, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $347,900 (11/07) 23 FREEDOM TRL.................................. $710,000 B: Scott A Hawes & Lindsay D Hawes S: Lisa R George Book/Page: 25131/146, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $484,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 121532sf Prior Sale: $366,440 (05/99) 125 HIGH ST U:8.................................... $395,000 B: 419C Main Street LLC S: Shady Pines Real Estate Book/Page: 25126/168, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank $316,000 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $600,000 (09/18) 10 KING ARTHUR WAY.......................... $679,000 B: John K Walsh 3rd & Michelle A Walsh S: Rosemarie G Sirois Tr, Tr for Rosemarie G Sirois LT Book/Page: 25118/229, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $543,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 32103sf Prior Sale: $551,000 (06/09) 55 KING ST U:55.................................... $321,000 B: Mousa M Mousa S: Lee A Bruno & Richard J Bruno Book/Page: 25121/95, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $294,071 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (08/04) 3 LEONARD CIR..................................... $470,000 B: Jamie R Vitonis & Allison P Vitonis S: Lindsay Hawes & Scott A Hawes Book/Page: 25131/62, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $376,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 35300sf Prior Sale: $347,500 (09/07) 12 NOONAN ST...................................... $360,000 B: Christine Oslowski S: Jamie R Vitonis & Allison F Vitonis Doc#: 000000110337, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $306,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5049sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (12/05) 39 OLD STABLE DR............................... $800,000 B: C J Silveira-Picariello & L D Silveira-Picariello S: David Parsons & Elizabeth A Parson Book/Page: 25124/64, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $640,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30001sf Prior Sale: $825,000 (05/17)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

4 PLANTATION RD................................ $686,000 B: Lisa Smith S: Lindsay D Parker & C J Silveira-Picariello Book/Page: 25124/299, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $548,800 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30003sf Prior Sale: $551,000 (09/13) 101 PLEASANT ST................................. $350,000 B: Michael A Mcclanahan Tr, Tr for M&M RT S: Kathleen A Griffin Book/Page: 25126/36, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mechanics Cp Bk $786,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32512sf 167 WINTER ST..................................... $539,000 B: Christopher S Stacey & Patricia E Stacey S: John K Walsh 3rd & Michelle A Walsh Book/Page: 25118/27, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $431,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30240sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (05/14)

North Attleboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 73 Median Price $350,000

YTD 2019 69 $360,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 741 ALLEN AVE..................................... $390,000 B: Mitchell T Garon & Ashley A Thomas S: Staci L Macdonald Book/Page: 25118/184, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $331,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 32800sf Prior Sale: $219,900 (06/01) 7 BRICK KILN RD.................................. $417,000 B: Matthew Cabana & Jessica Demers S: Patrick F Wair & Lisa A Weir Book/Page: 25127/238, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Shamrock Fncl Corp $356,675 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15514sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (09/02) 26 BRICK KILN RD................................ $370,000 B: Alvaro Monsalve S: Christine J White Book/Page: 25127/40, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $363,298 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 19456sf Prior Sale: $149,900 (09/98) 59 CIRCULAR ST................................... $214,000 B: Simar House Inc S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 25128/143, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Justin Murphy $155,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 32021sf Prior Sale: $274,000 (10/18) 103 DODGE AVE.................................... $385,000 B: Diane J Maceachern & Pamela Maceachern S: Xiaoling Dong & John Q Yao Book/Page: 25119/86, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $160,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15820sf Prior Sale: $301,000 (08/11) 360 ELLIS RD........................................ $537,500 B: Cynthia Butler & Kevin Giuliano S: Robert Falcone Book/Page: 25125/315, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $477,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 68389sf Prior Sale: $355,500 (01/11) 18 HADUK DR........................................ $391,000 B: Michael J Surprenant & Kelsey E Shannahan S: Corey A Abreau & James J Abreau Book/Page: 25128/67, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $351,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16071sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (08/17) 215 KELLEY BLVD................................. $362,500 B: Geral Desert & Richemonde Desert-Cius S: William Roberts & Sandra Roberts Book/Page: 25121/16, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $355,933 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 36590sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (10/02) 14 LEO J RINGUETTE CIR...................... $660,000 B: Mei X Jin & Qing Weng S: John E Mason & Mona F Mason Book/Page: 25130/245, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $484,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40084sf Prior Sale: $648,805 (10/05) 426 MOUNT HOPE ST U:212................. $187,500 B: Robert H Goodman S: Sarah Lemmo Book/Page: 25133/308, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $178,125 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $94,410 (05/12) 265 PARK ST U:14................................ $200,000 B: Meghan K Baker S: Alvaro Monsalve Book/Page: 25121/271, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $190,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $192,500 (01/08) 202 S WASHINGTON ST........................ $485,000 B: Colleen D Endres & Paul J Endres S: Richard G Shiers & Deborah J Shiers Book/Page: 25124/323, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $412,250 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 36656sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (01/02) 40 STANSON DR.................................... $560,000 B: Laura A Mayer & Maxwell I Mayer S: Jason W Cupp & Patricia A Cupp Book/Page: 25122/329, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $532,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 15000sf 14 SYLVAN RD...................................... $280,000 B: Jason Christopher S: Colleen J Amaral & Nicholas M Amaral Book/Page: 25122/112, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $280,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12500sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (08/13) 95 TOWNE ST........................................ $345,000 B: Joshua R Mullaney & Rachel P Gould S: Diane H Gould & Michael P Gould Book/Page: 25122/279, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $275,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7910sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (08/18)

Norton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $341,450

YTD 2019 58 $356,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 195 BAY RD........................................... $557,500 B: Saima Khalid & Klaid Mughal S: Cornel Mckenzie & Bridget M Mckenzie Book/Page: 25128/244, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $446,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 66647sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (06/02) 6 FLINT LN U:6...................................... $449,900 B: Sandra Jodice Tr, Tr for Jodice RT S: Claire W Jackson & Robert J Jackson Book/Page: 25123/161, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $409,000 (01/07) 74 FREEMAN ST.................................... $350,000 B: Lisa Maclean S: Kevin M Lewis & Lee M Lewis Book/Page: 25121/182, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31100sf Prior Sale: $171,000 (03/97) 23 INDIAN RD........................................ $300,000 B: Brittaney Costa & Joshua Hines S: Dennis R Braga Book/Page: 25126/66, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $213,675 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (06/12) 5 MORSE DR......................................... $545,000 B: Arthur Lopez & Heidi P Mccormack S: David J Miller & Kristen A Miller Book/Page: 25119/144, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45738sf 134 N WASHINGTON ST U:3................. $245,900 B: Michael J Glennon S: Christopher A Sears & Stacey A Silver-Sears Book/Page: 25122/41, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $80,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $97,200 (04/98) 136 PINE ST.......................................... $495,000 B: Somasunthare T Appavu & Victor Kalimuthu S: Thomas Sejkora Tr, Tr for Sejkora IRT Book/Page: 25123/28, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: NFM Inc $445,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23452sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (03/01) 102 PLAIN ST........................................ $440,000 B: Julie Mearn S: Kurt E Osullivan & Sandra Osullivan Book/Page: 25122/21, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: FBC Mtg LLC $403,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 75359sf 15 SAMOSET ST.................................... $317,000 B: James F Monahan & John C Monahan S: Thomas J Powers Book/Page: 25131/171, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1-Family Bngl/cottage, Lot: 19785sf Prior Sale: $119,900 (04/18) 12 SUNSET RD...................................... $288,500 B: April A Pitrone S: Robert Weisberger Book/Page: 25126/105, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $279,845 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5046sf Prior Sale: $236,000 (08/15) 14 VILLAGE WAY U:C............................ $247,000 B: Nichole S Cook S: Joseph A Angell & Zoetrope E Angell Book/Page: 25121/120, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $209,950 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $220,500 (10/08) 9 WILBUR ST......................................... $395,000 B: Brian Korona S: Demetrios B Haseotes Book/Page: 25120/293, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $316,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20255sf Prior Sale: $309,225 (03/19)

Raynham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 42 Median Price $377,450

YTD 2019 39 $375,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 GALLAGHER PL................................ B: Michael D Teixeira & Diane Teixeira S: Chris J Gallagher & Julie B Gallagher Doc#: 000000110315, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $412,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 115447sf 101 PLEASANT ST................................. B: Krystal Christensen S: Kimberly Wensley Book/Page: 25127/170, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $340,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 40001sf Prior Sale: $332,500 (11/13) 134 SUNSET DR.................................... B: Matthew E Ryan S: Michael D Teixeira Book/Page: 25124/119, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $271,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15028sf Prior Sale: $262,000 (04/15)





YTD 2019 33 $405,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 351 ANAWAN ST................................... B: Rochelle A Talbot S: Joseph F Grilo & Lori A Grilo Book/Page: 25118/96, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $389,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60871sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (01/14) 11 AVA LN............................................. B: Carolyn C Kielec & Joseph E Kielec S: SH Phase 1 LLC Book/Page: 25128/131, Date: 05/31/19 58 BLANDING RD.................................. B: Bryan J Rousseau & Chelsea G Rousseau S: Lori L Bell & Scott J Bell Book/Page: 25128/30, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $245,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30056sf Prior Sale: $120,500 (12/98) 4 CHRIS DR........................................... B: Jonathan M Horrigan S: Ronald J Wood & Lisa J Ood Book/Page: 25122/216, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Province Mtg Assoc $329,944 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 123598sf

38 COLONIAL WAY................................ $343,000 B: Joshua E Goff & Kathryn L Goff S: Patricia A Morris Doc#: 000000110343, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Province Mtg Assoc $332,710 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 29621sf 26 HOMESTEAD AVE............................. $885,000 B: Sunny LLC S: RCW Realty LLC Book/Page: 25118/179, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 156703sf 199 ROCKY HILL RD.............................. $495,000 B: Tiffany Machado & Tony Machado S: John H Sulyma Jr & Kali B Sulyma Book/Page: 25127/56, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $420,750 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 65663sf Prior Sale: $467,000 (06/17) 1 SOPHIA DR......................................... $435,944 B: Marie Marcello S: SH Phase 1 LLC Book/Page: 25117/221, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $336,000 471 TREMONT ST.................................. $395,000 B: Nathan R Fisher & Elizabeth L Tripp S: Alexander C Takian Book/Page: 25119/148, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $316,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 246001sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (08/17) 17 WILLARD AVE.................................. $615,000 B: Mary R Marney S: Barbara M Link Tr, Tr for Barbara M Link T 2018 Book/Page: 25118/271, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $479,700 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Agricul, Lot: 1087637sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (06/00) 183 WINTHROP ST................................ $750,000 B: Rchard E Leary S: Enfield Corp Book/Page: 25125/281, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Enfield Corp $725,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 56628sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $292,500





YTD 2019 45 $351,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 94 ANTHONY ST.................................... $299,000 B: Allyson Lancia S: Aaron Ellertson & Erika L Woodcook Book/Page: 25129/226, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $213,000 (05/13) 99 BROOK HILL DR............................... $357,500 B: George Borges & Miranda T Borges S: Gregory K Donabedian & Juliann O Donabedian Book/Page: 25118/44, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Pawtucket CU $339,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $341,000 (07/17) 2 COLONIAL RD..................................... $320,000 B: Gregory Donabedian & Juliann Donabedian S: Debra L Owens Tr, Tr for 2 Colonial Road 2012 IRT Book/Page: 25118/203, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Shamrock Fncl Corp $256,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14375sf 51 DONALD LEWIS DR.......................... $493,512 B: Ronald J Wood & Lisa J Wood S: Karen A Skurka & Robert A Skurka Book/Page: 25123/255, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22216sf 530 FALL RIVER AVE............................ $355,000 B: Sopheak Men & Seng A Meas S: Reena Faisal Book/Page: 25131/324, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: American Natnwide Mtg $337,250 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 18295sf Prior Sale: $155,100 (08/17) 268 TAUNTON AVE................................ $195,000 B: Raymond E Magrath S: Frank J Govednik 3rd Book/Page: 25126/85, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $191,468 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19602sf 4 WAGONWHEEL RD............................. $485,000 B: Jennifer M Davis & Mark J Davis S: Roger G Desvergnes Book/Page: 25128/107, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Navigant Credit Union $412,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22651sf 64 WOO DR............................................ $672,500 B: Domenic A Covello & Laura E Tavares-Covello S: Heritage Realty Ent LLC Book/Page: 25122/1, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $446,500 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 52708sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (04/18)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 129 Median Price $290,000

Rehoboth YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 Median Price $402,450



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 123 $295,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BAY ST L:2............................................ $55,000 B: Antonio S Bairos Tr, Tr for ALE RT S: Sara A Rocha Tr, Tr for Sara A&Steven G Rocha T Book/Page: 25127/268, Date: 05/31/19 1559 BAY ST U:32................................. $274,900 B: Kathleen A Griffin S: Wlliam A Clapp & Gail H Perry-Clapp Doc#: 000000110325, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $130,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 1559 BAY ST U:57................................. $270,000 B: Dawn E Degrandpre S: Kellie L Wilder Doc#: 000000110320, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $135,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $299,900 (09/04) 545 BOUNDARY RD............................... $449,900 B: Handy Duterlien & Naviana Duterlien S: Hawthore Development Inc Book/Page: 25128/46, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $441,750 167 BROADWAY.................................... $250,000 B: Brian M Andrade Tr, Tr for Broadway Laundry RT S: Harry L Shoemaker Book/Page: 25124/245, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 17424sf 1302 CARRIAGE LN U:1302.................. $200,000 B: Tricia J Quinn S: Brendan P Mullen Book/Page: 25120/262, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $180,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $139,900 (01/16) 628 CASWELL ST.................................. $305,000 B: Dana Cheney & Hannah Donovan S: Michael P Luce & Kelly M Luce Book/Page: 25124/277, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $299,475 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24829sf Prior Sale: $150,500 (08/99)

18 CHESTER ST..................................... $295,000 B: Shannon E Cleary & Michael J Rose S: Johann C Wittng Tr, Tr for Judith A Witting IRT Book/Page: 25126/247, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $286,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4792sf 31 CHURCH GRN U:103......................... $165,000 B: Neal Strojny S: Elza C Pacheco Book/Page: 25119/322, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $168,000 (07/06) 9 CLIFTON ST U:B................................. $280,900 B: Melissa A Mckenney S: Aspen Properties Invests Book/Page: 25123/309, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $266,855 Use: Condo 925 CRANE AVE S U:O3........................ $204,000 B: Hitendra R Patel Tr, Tr for 925 Crane RT S: Kevin J Hanley Book/Page: 25133/98, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: South Shore Bank $160,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $242,000 (08/07) 110 DEAN ST U:58................................ $216,450 B: Keith C Roberts S: Samantha Mcgaughran & Christina J Mills Book/Page: 25133/71, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $179,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $170,500 (08/09) 158 DUFFY DR....................................... $345,000 B: Robert E Levesque Sr S: Bernadette M Milot Tr, Tr for Cranes Nest RT Book/Page: 25127/283, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Province Mtg Assoc $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20473sf Prior Sale: $303,000 (12/08) 11 FIELD ST........................................... $449,600 B: Kelley M Skeff Tr, Tr for Kelley M&Linda M Skeff T S: Christine Magnone Book/Page: 25124/149, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $337,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 34848sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (07/00) 37 GODFREY ST.................................... $345,000 B: Kelly A Enos S: Shawn M Dyer & Brian A Campbell Book/Page: 25130/101, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $327,750 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $277,000 (08/03) 61 HART ST U:C.................................... $257,500 B: Robert J Arndt & Robert L Moyer S: Jay Delaplain & Donald P Delaplain Book/Page: 25124/183, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $244,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 112 HIGH ST.......................................... $537,500 B: Theodoros Tambasidis & Vasiliki Tambasidis S: Chukwuemeka J Enere Book/Page: 25120/240, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $367,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (05/18) 32 INGELL ST........................................ $420,000 B: Christine Schettini S: Dale R Myford Book/Page: 25132/103, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4792sf 64 JACKSON ST.................................... $264,900 B: James D Kruskall & James D Kruskall 2nd S: Jessica Bourgault & John F Bourgault Jr Book/Page: 25125/244, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $198,675 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 19602sf Prior Sale: $173,000 (02/16) 5 JEROME ST........................................ $269,460 B: Anthony Riccio & Tiffanmy Riccio S: Kathleen Nunes Book/Page: 25128/187, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf 215 LONGMEADOW RD U:401.............. $224,000 B: Albert W Nunes S: John J Fresh 3rd Book/Page: 25130/74, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $212,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $150,799 (05/17) 26 OAK AVE........................................... $385,000 B: Ginette Laurent S: Aspen Properties Invests Book/Page: 25126/277, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Plaza Home Mtg $340,862 96 OLD COLONY AVE U:221.................. $154,900 B: Gina Lombardi-Malvone S: Matthew K Madonna Book/Page: 25122/301, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $104,000 (10/13) 132 PROSPECT HILL ST........................ $382,000 B: Peter D Fanjoy S: Cynthia Shearstone Book/Page: 25118/298, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $305,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 168142sf 26 SAINTS WAY U:2.............................. $399,900 B: Didi Alves & Helder Alves S: Clarewood Homes Inc Book/Page: 25127/192, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 260 SHAG BARK RD.............................. $415,000 B: Jenane E Dube S: Jesse R Cirelli & Sherry A Cirelli Book/Page: 25123/231, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Priority CU $125,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25265sf Prior Sale: $272,000 (12/02) SHORT ST L:4........................................ $90,000 B: Aspen Properties Invests S: Richard F Castro Book/Page: 25119/195, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bruce A Rawan $400,000 56 SILVER ST........................................ $257,000 B: Amanda M Hill S: Christopher F Mulbihill & Holly R Mulvihill Book/Page: 25128/220, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $252,345 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 11761sf 311 SOMERSET AVE............................. $345,000 B: Antonio Darosa & Manuel Darosa S: Roman Catholic Bishop Book/Page: 25117/332, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 35719sf 482 W BRITANNIA ST........................... $335,000 B: Joseph M Silva & Crystal A Silva S: Belma L Medeiros & Isaque D Medeiros Book/Page: 25131/114, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $284,750 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (01/17) 88 WASHBURN ST................................. $359,000 B: George Denning & Karen M Denning S: Mark W Hyde & Gina M Hyde Book/Page: 25132/192, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $352,497 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8276sf

193 WASHINGTON ST........................... $330,000 B: 193 Landscape Housing LLC S: Mason Plumbing&Heating Book/Page: 25117/300, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $220,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (12/18) 355 WASHINGTON ST........................... $425,000 B: Anthony B Vicente S: Alcina Amorim Tr, Tr for Washington Street 355 RT Book/Page: 25127/155, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Home Bank $417,302 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $117,000 (02/00) 99 WEIR ST........................................... $490,000 B: Endri Dhami & Jonela Dhami S: Thomas A Quintanilla Book/Page: 25123/167, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $367,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (08/18) 50 WINTER ST....................................... $317,900 B: Thiago Coelho S: Lawrence Turowski Book/Page: 25133/230, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $310,524 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (11/18) 15 WINTHROP ST.................................. $30,000 B: Robert Bastis S: Brent T Warren Book/Page: 25119/192, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (09/03)

Bristol Registry

Southern District Frederick Kalisz Jr., Register 25 North Sixth Street New Bedford, MA 02740 Telephone: (508) 993-2603 Fax: (508) 997-4250

Fairhaven MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $277,450

Acushnet YTD 2019 29 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 BERNARD ST.................................... $330,000 B: Linda S Rogers S: Channing Correia Tr, Tr for Correia IRT Book/Page: 12813/92, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $297,000 Use: 1-Family Old Style, Lot: 12500sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (10/08) 21 BOW DR............................................ $420,000 B: Daniel R Tremblay Jr & Krystal A Tremblay S: Joseph R Andrade & Lisa M Andrade Book/Page: 12809/261, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: New Bedford CU $336,000 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 32804sf Prior Sale: $374,000 (08/12) 337 MENDALL RD................................. $370,000 B: Alan D Burns S: Matthew Rezendes Tr, Tr for Rezends FT Book/Page: 12809/108, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 24345sf 11 MONMOUTH ST................................ $369,900 B: Scott R Baldwin & Casey A Baldwin S: John S Golda Tr, Tr for John S&B P Golda RET Book/Page: 12806/222, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $351,405 Use: 1-Family Ranch, Lot: 12481sf 31 MORSES LN...................................... $450,000 B: Sherry Barbosa & Matthew A Girard S: Antonios Mouratidis Book/Page: 12808/335, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $308,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60087sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (07/11)

Dartmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 76 Median Price $327,000

YTD 2019 45 $305,500


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $307,500

32 HIGH ST............................................ $950,000 B: Timothy Howes & Jane Howes S: Judith Bowen Doc#: 000000125636, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $857,500 (11/04) 616 HIXVILLE RD................................... $552,000 B: Christopher J Desmarais & Maureen L Desmarais S: Genoveva Gray Book/Page: 12811/1, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $441,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 435450sf Prior Sale: $557,500 (12/04) 60 LONGFELLOW ST.............................. $320,000 B: Jessica M Bobb & Edwin Rivera S: Raymond D Farrar & Amanda S Farrar Book/Page: 12812/6, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $314,204 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5445sf Prior Sale: $247,000 (09/14) 18 MEDEIROS LN.................................. $680,000 B: Henrique A Franco & Eunice Franco S: Maria D Ferreira & Cesario M Ferreira Book/Page: 12809/117, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $473,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 91761sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (11/16) 50 MOSHER ST...................................... $825,000 B: Jacqueline Sylvia S: Richard F Waltz & Maureen M Waltz Book/Page: 12811/84, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Citizens Cr Un $660,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (05/02) 4 NEWTON ST........................................ $288,900 B: Robert J Southerland S: Catherine L Southerland Book/Page: 12811/153, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $260,010 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11777sf 968 REED RD........................................ $1,825,000 B: 968 Reed Road LLC S: Olga Medeiros Tr, Tr for TNM RT Book/Page: 12810/146, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Industrial Devlpble Land, Lot: 172498sf Prior Sale: $1,125,000 (11/17) 1190 REED RD....................................... $350,000 B: Samantha Ponte & Jeremy Ponte S: Lois K Andrade & Jeffrey L Andrade Book/Page: 12807/98, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $343,660 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 40386sf

YTD 2019 80 $365,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 49 BUTTONWOOD RD............................ $260,000 B: Shawn Conchinha S: CNS Home Solutions LLC Book/Page: 12811/284, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $260,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4628sf Prior Sale: $117,000 (08/18) 150 CHASE RD...................................... $240,000 B: Valued Home Properties S: Karen A Haskell Tr, Tr for Earle W Cooper NT Book/Page: 12811/347, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 34939sf 774 DARTMOUTH ST............................. $625,000 B: Jeremy L Howard S: Brian Beggs & Jennifer Beggs Book/Page: 12813/157, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $225,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 34031sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (04/14) 350 FAUNCE CORNER RD U:350........... $715,000 B: 350 Faunce Corner Rd LLC S: Marc E Kaner Tr, Tr for Marc E Kaner RET 2011 Book/Page: 12808/188, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $342,105 Use: Retail Condo 29 GREYSTONE AVE.............................. $330,000 B: Amanda Flanagan & Andrew Santos S: Joanne Parent & Ronald Pousont Book/Page: 12811/220, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $320,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15000sf 378 GULF RD......................................... $292,900 B: Carl Conforti S: Anna Silva & Victor Medeiros Book/Page: 12806/120, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 51836sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

47-A ALDEN RD U:47A.......................... $80,000 B: Norman Shurtleff S: Heather J Lynham Tr, Tr for Christina A Eckenreiter T Book/Page: 12813/119, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Office Condo Unit 260 ALDEN RD...................................... $475,000 B: Jeff A White S: Jane Howland Book/Page: 12809/52, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: BayCoast Bank $560,000 162 DOGWOOD ST................................. $420,000 B: Jennifer Mchugh S: Chadwick Holdings LLC Doc#: 000000125644, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fed Natl Mtg Assn $357,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5998sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (12/12) 3 ELLIS AVE........................................... $142,500 B: Nawal Robitaille S: Anthony Zelano Book/Page: 12814/40, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 4034sf Prior Sale: $122,000 (10/12) 43 GREEN ST......................................... $319,900 B: Maried Roderick & Rebecca Flanders S: Sigitas J Verselis & Daiva Izbickas-Verselis Book/Page: 12808/47, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $245,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 5942sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (05/04) 35 HATHAWAY ST................................. $234,000 B: John E Gifford S: Eric W Dumoulin & Jennifer L Dumoulin Book/Page: 12811/36, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $222,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7902sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (06/10) 395 HUTTLESTON AVE.......................... $282,500 B: Ross E Macedo S: Crystal A Costa & Jonathan R Costa Book/Page: 12810/152, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $277,382 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18300sf Prior Sale: $204,000 (04/08) 21 JOHN ST........................................... $24,835 B: John P Kessie & Jasmine A Kessie S: Clattenburg Lewis L Est & Audrey Boulanger Book/Page: 12806/171, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Federal Savings Bank $227,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17028sf 21 JOHN ST........................................... $210,165 B: John P Kessie & Jasmine A Kessie S: Clattenburg Lewis L Est & Audrey Boulanger Book/Page: 12806/167, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17028sf 86 LONG RD.......................................... $475,000 B: Jeff A White S: Jane Howland Book/Page: 12809/52, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: BayCoast Bank $560,000 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 202319sf 88 LONG RD.......................................... $475,000 B: Jeff A White S: Jane Howland Book/Page: 12809/52, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: BayCoast Bank $560,000 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 252474sf 63 OXFORD ST...................................... $270,000 B: Michael J Hevey & Susan J Hevey S: Matthew Girard & Sherry Barbosa Book/Page: 12807/275, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Merrimac Valley FCU $80,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6155sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (12/06) 7 ROCHAMBEAU ST.............................. $240,000 B: Sean Murphy S: Peter M Gelinas Doc#: 000000125669, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fed Natl Mtg Assn $235,653 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7998sf 12 ROSEANNE DR................................. $255,000 B: Karen L Teves & Michael Teves S: Duckworth Lois E Est & Allison E Gavaletz Book/Page: 12806/288, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $247,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17001sf




8 WALNUT ST........................................ B: Michael Rivard & Lisa Ayotte S: Andre G Goyer Tr, Tr for Goyer FT Book/Page: 12808/72, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $344,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6604sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (06/12) 21 WASHINGTON ST............................. B: Northeast Property Hldgs S: Jacob A Days Book/Page: 12806/304, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Marc Davies $150,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 1529sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (06/18) 51 WILLIAM ST U:1............................... B: Andre G Goyer Tr, Tr for Goyer FT S: Joanne Foody Book/Page: 12810/329, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $150,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $320,000 (01/18)




New Bedford

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 162 Median Price $215,000

YTD 2019 173 $225,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2237 ACUSHNET AVE............................ $70,000 B: Maria C Delima & Jon Mendes S: Maria C Delima Book/Page: 12809/201, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11069sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (05/19) 142 ADAMS ST...................................... $264,000 B: Carla P Sousa & Jay R Avila S: Jenna A Danielli Book/Page: 12806/101, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $259,218 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2997sf 189-191 ADAMS ST.............................. $296,500 B: Josepha A Oneil 2nd S: Quintal Investments LLC Book/Page: 12812/290, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $256,500 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3480sf Prior Sale: $141,000 (01/19) 102 BELLEVILLE RD.............................. $225,000 B: Evelyn Semple & Lori Baker S: Jaime Silva & Sonia Silva Doc#: 000000125654, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fed Natl Mtg Assn $220,924 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4273sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (10/15) 73 BORDEN ST...................................... $360,000 B: Alton L Jenkens Jr & Catherine J Drake S: Walter Moniz & Lena Rouxinol Book/Page: 12810/174, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $306,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (10/04) 1098 CHURCH ST.................................. $238,000 B: Arianne L Walker S: Jacob Freeman & Rachael Freeman Doc#: 000000125613, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fed Natl Mtg Assn $219,576 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 7823sf Prior Sale: $252,900 (11/06) 195 COLLETTE ST................................. $320,000 B: Juan C Saquic-Ventura S: Kevin Welch Book/Page: 12810/249, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $192,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2905sf Prior Sale: $55,157 (03/17) 315 COLLETTE ST................................. $335,000 B: Leopoldo Reyes S: Ivan Rivas & Iris Rodas-Hernandez Book/Page: 12811/243, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $323,819 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3040sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (01/06) 317 CORNELL ST................................... $267,000 B: Jose J Henriquez S: David N Breton Jr Book/Page: 12809/333, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $257,606 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 9714sf Prior Sale: $269,000 (10/06) 132-134 DIVISION ST............................ $265,000 B: Carreiro Properties LLC S: Ronald Oliveira Tr, Tr for Roso INT Book/Page: 12810/122, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Taunton Federal Cr Un $198,750 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5597sf Prior Sale: $116,000 (02/13) 219 DOREEN ST.................................... $325,000 B: Debra L Lee S: Antonio Dasilva & Diana Dasilva Book/Page: 12808/27, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $319,113 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 16875sf Prior Sale: $259,000 (07/03) 584 ELM ST........................................... $205,000 B: Katherine Schoen & Alex I Buchanan S: Anthony E Smith & Amanda Smith Book/Page: 12806/262, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $209,407 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4069sf Prior Sale: $152,000 (09/14) 125 EUGENIA ST.................................... $240,000 B: Stephanie S Machado S: Louise Alves Book/Page: 12808/139, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $180,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4286sf 52 FRUIT ST.......................................... $180,000 B: Justina Perry S: Luis F Duran Jr Book/Page: 12810/230, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $176,739 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2439sf Prior Sale: $174,000 (10/03) 188 HATHAWAY ST............................... $319,900 B: Rosario C Pacheco & Apolinario Pacheco-Tzoc S: NCCC Properties LLC Book/Page: 12806/343, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $303,905 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4639sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (08/09) 361 HAWES ST...................................... $290,000 B: Laura Siler S: Jessica Dasilva & Matthew Dasilva Book/Page: 12809/3, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $275,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 13974sf Prior Sale: $248,000 (04/05) 262 HERITAGE DR................................. $270,000 B: Piper Silva & Sean A Silva S: Joao J Graca & Ana S Graca Book/Page: 12811/103, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $247,252 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 6399sf 381 HERSOM ST.................................... $250,000 B: Jason Cruz S: Glenn A Demanche Tr, Tr for Demanche FT Book/Page: 12810/88, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $245,471 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5998sf

98 LAFAYETTE ST................................. $292,000 B: Charles R Bailey Jr & Lisa D Bowman-Bailey S: Gisele M Pappas Book/Page: 12811/264, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $292,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6756sf 1050 LEROY ST..................................... $300,000 B: Alberto P Romero & Amy Dolman S: Joseph I Trottier Book/Page: 12814/155, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $294,556 39 LINCOLN ST...................................... $242,000 B: Lucas V Dacosta & Jucene S Costa S: Lori R Saulnier Book/Page: 12809/161, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $237,616 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4922sf 278 MILL ST.......................................... $220,000 B: Jonathan Santana-Ocasio & Carmen SantanaSantiago S: Antonio Neves Book/Page: 12806/75, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $220,924 Use: 4 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 2714sf Prior Sale: $18,000 (12/18) 93-95 NELSON ST................................. $130,000 B: Monica M Matias-Mello S: Noemia Pimentel Doc#: 000000125649, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fed Natl Mtg Assn $127,645 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3202sf Prior Sale: $113,000 (06/07) 181 NEWTON ST.................................... $185,000 B: David Hebda & Meaghan Hebda S: Debra L Jean Book/Page: 12807/132, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: American Finance $181,649 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 3062sf Prior Sale: $147,500 (03/03) 68 PARK ST........................................... $220,000 B: Talia M Reis S: Manuela Cabral & Dery D Rodrigues Book/Page: 12806/323, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $216,015 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2465sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (12/16) 28 PENNIMAN ST.................................. $209,900 B: Nelson Jorge S: Israel Smith Book/Page: 12809/221, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $146,930 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3816sf Prior Sale: $36,000 (02/16) 2108 PHILLIPS RD U:38........................ $80,000 B: Elena Jimenez S: Carol A Chisholm Tr, Tr for Kencar 2006 RT Book/Page: 12808/1, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 2108 PHILLIPS RD U:39........................ $80,000 B: Elena Jimenez S: Carol A Chisholm Tr, Tr for Kencar 2006 RT Book/Page: 12808/1, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 1846-1848 PURCHASE ST.................... $180,000 B: Jonathan C Martin & Bradley J Amaral S: Michael T Rhodes Tr, Tr for 1846 Purchase Street RT Book/Page: 12811/65, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $144,000 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 4386sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (01/13) 385 REED ST......................................... $250,000 B: Ronald S Duarte S: Excalibur Property Mgmt Book/Page: 12812/70, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $258,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5301sf 34 RICHMOND ST.................................. $199,900 B: Edward M Bowman S: Nora Rose Book/Page: 12810/177, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $193,903 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 3820sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (06/06) 11 RIDGEWOOD RD............................... $275,000 B: Stephanie L Santos S: Daniel R Tremblay Jr & Krystal A Tremblay Book/Page: 12811/177, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $266,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10202sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (08/08) 314 RIVET ST........................................ $525,000 B: Nivin S Kelada Tr, Tr for 312-314 Rivet Street RT S: Jose C Cabral Tr, Tr for J&M RT Book/Page: 12812/207, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: J&M RT $472,500 98 SEABURY ST.................................... $235,000 B: Jeffrey Barboza Sr & Stacey Barboza S: Ronald S Duarte Book/Page: 12811/194, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $230,743 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3071sf Prior Sale: $198,900 (04/14) 969 STRATFORD ST.............................. $228,000 B: Lucie R Nogueira S: Guilbert Ida P Est & David A Cabral Book/Page: 12807/22, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $110,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6612sf 181-183 TREMONT ST.......................... $225,400 B: Samantha J Olsen S: David A Koshiol Tr, Tr for Whale Town T Book/Page: 12811/131, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $213,905 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3933sf 34-36 WASHBURN ST........................... $193,500 B: Austin M Figuerado S: Kenneth Figuerado Book/Page: 12810/305, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $154,994 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6460sf Prior Sale: $78,001 (01/19) 156 WASHINGTON ST........................... $235,000 B: Holly A Bliss & Sara A Bliss-Parceiro S: Piper A Silva & Sean A Silva Book/Page: 12810/269, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $230,743 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5497sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (09/16) 167-169 WOOD ST................................ $275,000 B: Jacquelyn M Robbins S: Ruth E Niemczyk Tr, Tr for Niemczyk FT Book/Page: 12808/163, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $265,821 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3328sf

873 SANFORD RD................................. $325,000 B: John M Fielding S: Maria F Pires & Jose C Pires Book/Page: 12809/240, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $308,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 19765sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (03/18) 8 SHERMAN CT..................................... $591,200 B: Richard Triplett & Margarida Triplett S: Briggs Landing LLC Book/Page: 12809/79, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 40100sf 64 WESTPORT LAKES DR..................... $699,000 B: Besho Fareez S: Coastal Harvest LLC Book/Page: 12809/289, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $559,200 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 92089sf



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $290,000

YTD 2019 42 $379,603

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 CAROLINE WAY.................................. $519,890 B: Laureno R Cabral & Janice E Hughes S: Long Built Homes Inc Book/Page: 12814/176, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $452,890 234 OLD HARBOR RD............................ $179,500 B: Alexandra C Taylor S: Robert R Hawes & Barbara J Hawes Book/Page: 12807/245, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Janet Taylor $55,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 644688sf


YTD 2019 3 $1,395,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 ELIOT AVE......................................... $3,925,000 B: Vincent A Chippari & Deneen M Mcqueen-Chippari S: Arnold R Rissman Book/Page: 1497/669, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 52272sf Prior Sale: $4,500,000 (09/05)

Edgartown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $789,500

YTD 2019 10 $1,260,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 14TH ST S........................................ $615,000 B: Lancelot J Webb & Davina A Webb S: John J Doherty & Marie Doherty Book/Page: 1497/827, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $552,880 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18000sf 86 SCHOOL ST...................................... $3,000,000 B: John T Mclaughlin Tr, Tr for Najr 2015 IRT S: Patricia R Ravenscroft Tr, Tr for W G&S Lathrop Green FT Book/Page: 1497/607, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $2,100,000 Type: Adj Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 8960sf Prior Sale: $620,000 (09/13) 10 SHURTLEFFS WAY.......................... $2,300,000 B: EZ Pickins LLC S: Laura Morsman-Thorsen & Joseph J Morsman 4th Book/Page: 1497/946, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $1,610,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13900sf

Oak Bluffs MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 Median Price $575,000

YTD 2019 15 $600,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 E SIDE RD.......................................... $6,201 B: Marilyn J Williams Tr, Tr for Doris I Williams Legacy T S: Doris I Williams Book/Page: 1497/365, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15682sf 3 OLD DIRT RD...................................... $684,000 B: Brendan P Mahady S: Chandlerita LLC Book/Page: 1497/706, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19166sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (05/12) 13 POND VIEW DR................................. $719,000 B: Margarita Doncheva-Sabeva S: Dawkins Stan B B Est & Brenda M Dawkins Book/Page: 1497/595, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 67841sf 8 PULPIT ROCK RD............................... $698,000 B: Shane Tank & Kerrenjeet Tank S: Dean H Conrad & Richard W Conrad Book/Page: 1497/969, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $663,100 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20653sf 14 RYANS WAY..................................... $699,000 B: Scott D Merritt S: Mildred A Merritt Book/Page: 1497/889, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $629,100 Use: 2-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 60113sf 6 SETHS PATH....................................... $650,000 B: Geoghan E Coogan Tr, Tr for Dog&A Half NT S: E Lois Marie Tr, Tr for Robert F&E Lois Marie RET Book/Page: 1497/770, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 29177sf

Tisbury YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $547,500





West Tisbury

Paulo C. DeOliveira, Register Box 5231, Edgartown, MA 02539 Telephone: (508) 627-4025 Fax: (508) 627-7821

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $825,000

302 GREENWOOD AVE.......................... B: Valerie Dent & David Dent S: Phillip J Mcandrews Book/Page: 1497/1086, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $668,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $712,500 (01/06) 25 HVOSLEF WAY.................................. B: Speros P Beldekas & Ellen F Orthlieb S: Paul A Medeiros & Laurie A Medeiros Book/Page: 1497/345, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $452,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 14850sf 13 LEONARD CIR................................... B: Samuel Rothberg-Pimsler S: William S Little & Deborah A Little Book/Page: 1497/537, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $560,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10000sf 4 WOOD CHIPS CIR............................... B: Caleb E Nannes & Elisabeth H Nannes S: Krista E Riley Book/Page: 1497/802, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $824,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52800sf Prior Sale: $657,500 (08/14)

JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 17 $722,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 EDGARTOWN RD.............................. $435,000 B: Source Real Estate LLC S: Carrington Mortgage Svcs Book/Page: 1497/909, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Stormfield Cptl Fndng $490,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6983sf Prior Sale: $451,000 (01/19) 149 GREENWOOD AVE.......................... $310,000 B: MV Welding Corp S: C K Dorsey-Riseborough & Ashleen Cafarelli Book/Page: 1497/752, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 25470sf

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 10 Median Price $776,250

YTD 2019 6 $697,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 62 MUSIC ST......................................... $707,500 B: John K Eisner & Maureen Eisner S: Martha C Hamilton Tr, Tr for Hamilton FT Book/Page: 1497/516, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Martha Vineyard SB $530,625 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 44649sf 67 OLD COACH RD................................ $710,000 B: Jaidip Chanda & Sara E Chanda S: William D Mastroianni & Karen F Mastroianni Book/Page: 1497/641, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $505,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 41980sf Prior Sale: $528,000 (05/13)

Essex Registry

Northern District

M. Paul Iannuccillo, Register 354 Merrimack Street, Suite 304 Lawrence, MA 01843 Telephone: (978) 683-2745 Fax: (978) 688-4679

Andover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 76 Median Price $646,250

YTD 2019 84 $617,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 ANDOVER ST.................................... $675,000 B: Jieyu P Chen & Ruie Zhang S: Wayne D Nader & Susan L Nader Book/Page: 15864/70, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $540,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 23448sf 88 ANDOVER ST.................................... $300,000 B: Matthew Strong & Amanda Strong S: Dorothea Leblanc & Edward C Ferragamo Jr Book/Page: 15866/219, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 58196sf 3 ARCHER LN........................................ $685,000 B: Douglas J Emerzian & Toby Emerzian S: Cadence Capital Group LLC Book/Page: 15862/210, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $548,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 29375sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (11/18) 12 BASSWOOD LN............................... $1,355,000 B: Gwendolyn Cugine S: Katherine M Malarney & Joseph R Malarney Book/Page: 15870/248, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $300,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 30000sf 12 BINNEY ST........................................ $353,000 B: Ethan Hildebrand & Molly Lewis S: John S Distefano & Cynthia E Distefano Book/Page: 15866/173, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $342,410 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7230sf 6 BURNHAM RD.................................... $413,000 B: Romy Eichner S: Michael T Phillips & Amanda J Phillips Book/Page: 15870/228, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $309,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4450sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (07/18) 5 CHESTER ST....................................... $625,000 B: Andrew K Campbell & James M Stuart S: Samuel P Mclellan & Susan Mclellan Book/Page: 15864/140, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $339,000 (12/10) 4 COLONIAL DR U:9B............................ $170,000 B: Scott C Hunt S: Somerset Properties LLC Book/Page: 15867/269, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $161,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $133,000 (02/08) 10 COLONIAL DR U:4B.......................... $130,000 B: Ellen Cunniffe & Christopher Cunniffe S: Mark Menezes Book/Page: 15868/52, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $92,000 (11/14) 6 COUNTRYSIDE WAY........................... $650,000 B: Meredith E Reid & John H Reid 4th S: Thomas D Keough & Denise L Keough Doc#: 000000119938, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $520,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45738sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

3 DELPHI CIR......................................... $614,900 B: Jason A Reilly & Karen E Reilly S: Lori J Moccaldi & Robert Moccaldi Book/Page: 15866/243, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $330,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 29340sf Prior Sale: $453,200 (04/02) 2 FUN FLIGHT CIR................................. $710,000 B: Matthew Glynn & Holly Glynn S: James A Vieira Tr, Tr for 2 Fun Flight Circle RT Book/Page: 15866/274, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $568,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf 85 HIGH PLAIN RD................................ $450,000 B: JJG Construction LLC S: Dubocq Elsie H Est & Renee J Vigoroso Book/Page: 15870/169, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13500sf 372 LOWELL ST..................................... $475,000 B: Migdalia Diaz S: Anne M Concemi Doc#: 000000119933, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $380,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12420sf Prior Sale: $45,000 (02/16) 247 N MAIN ST U:11............................. $230,000 B: Muxuan Kang & Xiaoni Wu S: Martin Rita S Est & Thomas F Caffrey Book/Page: 15867/45, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 354 N MAIN ST U:302........................... $161,000 B: Richard Licciardi S: Todd A Pattison & Sharon C Pattison Book/Page: 15863/227, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $155,000 (09/07) 450 S MAIN ST...................................... $700,000 B: Uyen Le-Kong S: Black Sun Investments LLC Book/Page: 15864/231, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $525,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 28416sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (06/17) 20 SAINT JAMES DR U:20.................... $675,000 B: Abdullah Chahin & Neda Safadi S: Russell Mcgrath & Sharon Mcgrath Book/Page: 15869/202, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 136 SALEM ST...................................... $540,000 B: Heather Normandie & John W Normandie 4th S: William F Douty 3rd Book/Page: 15870/50, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $378,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18900sf 363 SALEM ST...................................... $654,000 B: John B Cervone 4th & Kristy Partlow S: Brett W Cox Tr, Tr for Cox IRT Book/Page: 15865/341, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $584,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 45302sf 1 SHAWNEE CIR.................................... $854,000 B: Laurence W Gibson 3rd & Jac-Lyn Gibson S: Marie A Brown Tr, Tr for Marie A Brown RET Doc#: 000000119917, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $250,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31899sf Prior Sale: $545,000 (05/00) 7 WESTWIND RD................................... $480,000 B: Mary B Mola S: Jason A Reilly & Karen E Reilly Doc#: 000000119924, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $320,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15414sf Prior Sale: $281,000 (04/11) 109 WOBURN ST................................... $750,000 B: Samuel P Mclellan & Susan N Mclellan S: Elizabeth C Chapman Book/Page: 15865/4, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $400,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45912sf 19 WOLCOTT AVE.................................. $778,000 B: Timothy P Martin & Lindsey J Sansone S: Mark Barsanti & Christine Barsanti Book/Page: 15867/55, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $583,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8800sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (10/14)

Lawrence MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 73 Median Price $260,000

YTD 2019 65 $272,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 ADAMS ST.......................................... $295,000 B: Gerardo Matos & Rosbeidy Y Gracesqui-Pena S: Maria Thomas Book/Page: 15861/34, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $289,656 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6250sf Prior Sale: $218,000 (03/16) 23 BODWELL ST.................................... $341,000 B: Miguel A Romero-Jimenez & Estefany R Duran S: Juan F Dominguez Book/Page: 15870/98, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $334,823 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5716sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (03/98) 7-9 BOXFORD ST.................................. $534,000 B: Carlos R Calcano-Sierra & Katherine N Vasquez S: David R Lamattina Book/Page: 15864/305, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $507,300 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (08/04) 20 CHESTER ST..................................... $399,000 B: Danny M Gutierrez S: Arcenio Tavarez Book/Page: 15867/214, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $383,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $267,000 (07/15) 199-A CHESTER ST............................... $321,000 B: Mercis S Florencio-DeDiaz & Fulvio R Diaz S: Paulo J Loureiro Book/Page: 15868/31, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $315,185 68 DURSO AVE...................................... $335,000 B: Chelxis Guzman-Then S: Michael Barbosa & Magda Barbosa Book/Page: 15866/338, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $324,950 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9700sf Prior Sale: $107,000 (05/97) 12 E HAVERHILL ST.............................. $480,000 B: Johnny Difo & Maribel Morrobel-Acevedo S: Ana S Rodriguez Book/Page: 15865/274, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $471,306 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6800sf Prior Sale: $81,000 (02/98)

31-33 EASTON ST................................. $460,000 B: Gabriel Rosa S: IMC Realty LLC Book/Page: 15861/126, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $437,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5000sf 276-280 ESSEX ST................................ $330,000 B: 5-9 Mill Street LLC S: New Eng Annual Conference Book/Page: 15864/278, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Religious Property, Lot: 4800sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (10/02) 56 GILBERT ST U:56.............................. $220,000 B: Maria Thomas S: Matthew Boucher Book/Page: 15861/156, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $120,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $95,000 (06/09) 293 HAMPSHIRE ST.............................. $130,000 B: 6-12 Hampshire Street LLC S: Bart J Mchugh Tr, Tr for 293 Hampshire RT Book/Page: 15869/249, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 14040sf 190 JACKSON ST.................................. $402,000 B: Adriano Javier & Yessica A Araccna-Javier S: Gillberto Taveras Book/Page: 15864/326, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $381,900 Use: 7 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5900sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (05/11) 24-26 MAY ST....................................... $512,500 B: Hugo E Deleon & Maria L Deleon S: German D Pimentel Book/Page: 15868/285, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $503,216 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 13830sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (06/09) 110 NEWTON ST.................................... $271,000 B: Carlos A Rosario S: Dianna R Rosario & Audalina Martin Book/Page: 15861/61, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $100,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4809sf Prior Sale: $116,000 (08/99) 17 PILGRIM RD..................................... $418,000 B: Patrick Rocha S: Gina L Lautieri Tr, Tr for PGM RT Book/Page: 15867/297, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $334,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22178sf Prior Sale: $193,750 (11/06) 22 PLEASANT ST U:6............................ $185,000 B: Freddy Abreu & Josefina Abreu S: Juana Gomez Book/Page: 15870/180, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $130,000 (08/07) 115 PROSPECT ST U:3.......................... $305,000 B: Doel Lopez & Raquel Rivera S: Chris-Sco Corp Book/Page: 15870/203, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $295,850 Use: Condo 250-252 PROSPECT ST......................... $721,600 B: Gap Apartments Lawrence S: KYM Properties LLC Book/Page: 15861/104, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $541,125 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 8000sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (04/18) 350-352 S UNION ST............................. $350,000 B: Juan Lopez-Vasquez & Laudy D Ortiz S: Valery E Jerez Book/Page: 15868/169, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $345,320 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 2778sf Prior Sale: $162,000 (08/12) 87-89 SAUNDERS ST............................ $100,000 B: LLB Construction Inc S: Paul F Boshar Book/Page: 15862/65, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Methuen Cp Bk $370,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 7350sf 9 SILESIA CT......................................... $175,000 B: Daniel Berube S: Mark Berube & Theresa Berube Book/Page: 15868/320, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Methuen Cp Bk $140,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5522sf 8 SWAN ST............................................ $480,000 B: Victoria Ranieri & G Vanderhorst-Batista S: Jose Batista Book/Page: 15867/193, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $471,306 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 12292sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (03/16)

Methuen MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 123 Median Price $334,000

YTD 2019 115 $349,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 80 AMES ST.......................................... B: Alan R Nault S: Shelley A Nault Doc#: 000000119915, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14000sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (05/08) 111 ANDERSON DR............................... B: John P Amaral S: Kathryn A Colon Book/Page: 15867/173, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17999sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (05/19) 15 BRIARCLIFF DR................................ B: Paul J Bova & Gail K Bova S: Chadi Chakar Book/Page: 15866/91, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $312,375 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $292,000 (09/18) 188 BROADWAY U:8............................. B: Ferreira Holdings LLC S: Spring Glory LLC Book/Page: 15865/319, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $104,000 (08/14) 34 BURNHAM RD U:401........................ B: Kathleen A Lawson S: Riverside Drive LLC Book/Page: 15867/248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Home Ln & Invest Bk $225,274 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 58 CHIPPY LN........................................ B: Kyle Hutton & Amanda Hutton S: Barbara R Naroian Book/Page: 15861/200, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $363,298 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 13996sf



JUNE 17, 2019







45 CHRISTOPHER DR U:136.................. $215,000 B: Anthony P Autiello Tr, Tr for Nancy L Autiello IRT S: JJJM LLC Book/Page: 15867/20, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $50,000 (09/15) 3 COMBINATION ST.............................. $329,900 B: Eric H Thidemann & Carol V Thidemann S: Alfred Deberardinis 3rd & Lisa M Turgeon Book/Page: 15866/28, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $313,405 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 11156sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (04/10) 7 CONSTITUTION WAY U:7.................... $200,000 B: Andrew Defillippo & Xuelan Defillippo S: Sharelle R Lopez-Howarth Book/Page: 15864/193, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $160,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $177,000 (03/07) 40 DANBURY DR U:13........................... $130,000 B: Yatin Patel & Diptiben Patel S: Sarkis Abrahamian Tr, Tr for Nadia Abrahamina RET Book/Page: 15865/67, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Pentucket Bank $97,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 110 DRACUT ST.................................... $475,000 B: Olivio O Gondinho S: David A Lafave & Cynthia A Lafave Book/Page: 15863/124, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $451,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 80150sf 5 DRUID HILL AVE................................. $385,000 B: Paul Cruz S: Robert J Egan Jr & Shawna Smith Book/Page: 15863/208, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $346,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 7597sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (11/14) 178 EAST ST......................................... $330,000 B: Elsa C Figueroa S: Jinx L Desell Book/Page: 15870/286, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $264,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9487sf 19 FALMOUTH ST.................................. $410,000 B: Sidney B Semedo S: Thomas M Roberts & Joanne M Roberts Book/Page: 15861/289, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $402,573 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10001sf 187 HAMPSHIRE ST.............................. $380,000 B: James E Marin S: Michael L Pollack Book/Page: 15866/71, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $361,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14100sf Prior Sale: $219,000 (11/06) 227 HAMPSTEAD ST............................. $455,000 B: Rayshon Payne S: Joseph J Jozokos Book/Page: 15865/105, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $432,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 41421sf 109 HARRIS ST..................................... $359,000 B: Joseph Dolben S: Matthew L Jalbert & Jade M Parker Book/Page: 15861/308, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $287,200 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5502sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (11/06) 34 HAYMEADOW RD............................. $447,000 B: John A Ricci & John M Villanueva S: Rosa N Reyes Book/Page: 15869/169, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $438,903 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40968sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (09/09) 26 HERRICK DR U:26............................ $460,000 B: Lela Tatarouns & William Tatarouns S: Judith S Holzmann Tr, Tr for J&J Holzman RT Book/Page: 15863/193, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 10-12 LARCHWOOD RD........................ $472,000 B: Jesus M Rosario S: Ivan Diaz & Angel Diaz Book/Page: 15867/119, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $456,247 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 10001sf 70 LORENZO CIR................................... $382,000 B: Geronimo Fana S: Alfred J Dipietro & Carol A Dipietro Book/Page: 15867/102, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $342,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 16100sf 4 MEMORIAL DR................................... $345,000 B: David A Meskell Jr & Lisa A Meskell S: Eileen J Marchand Book/Page: 15862/112, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $333,485 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12219sf 468 MERRIMACK ST U:B...................... $380,000 B: NSER Property Hldg LLC S: Kenneth Knight Tr, Tr for Atlantic RT Book/Page: 15866/116, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $190,000 Use: Condo 160-162 OAKLAND AVE........................ $460,000 B: Kris StClaude & Junot StClaude S: Juan A Lopez & Mabel Y Yalenzuela Book/Page: 15865/26, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $442,612 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $337,000 (10/15) 214 PELHAM ST.................................... $235,000 B: Marco Recinos-Ordonez & Rosa D Recinos S: Rochelle M Arinella Book/Page: 15861/334, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $227,950 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $205,900 (09/02) 10 PERLEY ST....................................... $291,250 B: Carl A Bettano Jr & Carl A Bettano Sr S: Christopher J Bettano Book/Page: 15863/334, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Village Mtg Co $233,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8002sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/05) 74 PINE TREE DR U:74.......................... $669,749 B: Jeanne M Dennis S: Toll MA 4 LLC Book/Page: 15866/47, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Possible New Construction Prior Sale: $698,889 (10/18) 600 PROSPECT ST................................ $550,000 B: Jason Burgess S: Elias Z Ata & Philippa E Ata Book/Page: 15863/2, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $484,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 144184sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/14) 945 RIVERSIDE DR U:8D....................... $215,000 B: Nicole Padilla S: Melissa Edwards Book/Page: 15867/144, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $184,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $195,000 (07/07)

1 RIVERVIEW BLVD............................... $305,000 B: Linda Mele S: Anthony P Autiello Tr, Tr for Nancy L Autiello IRT Book/Page: 15865/334, Date: 05/31/19 9 SAVIN AVE......................................... $485,000 B: Kathy Amato S: Carlos A Quintal Book/Page: 15865/224, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nations Lending Corp $476,215 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6726sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (11/04) 8 TUCKER TER....................................... $620,000 B: Jason Naroian & Robyn Naroian S: Homes At Great Oaks LLC Book/Page: 15864/283, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $485,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 7937sf 6 WINSTEAD AVE.................................. $375,000 B: Francheska J Montas S: Kelmyn Realty LLC Book/Page: 15867/27, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: eMortgage Management $368,207 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $248,000 (01/19)

North Andover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 73 Median Price $490,000

YTD 2019 52 $599,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 38 COMPASS PT U:38........................... $500,000 B: Anand Rangoli & Smita Rangoli S: Kenan Resic & Ranjana Sharma Book/Page: 15868/5, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $394,400 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 59 FARRWOOD AVE U:4........................ $220,000 B: Ryan F Maguire S: Jan A Haverhals & Diana Hernandez Book/Page: 15864/158, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $152,000 (08/15) 1 FERNVIEW AVE U:6............................ $222,000 B: Matthew Macdonald S: Mee-Jin Kelly Book/Page: 15865/300, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $142,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $134,000 (01/15) 37 FERNWOOD AVE U:12...................... $222,000 B: Meghan E Kelley S: Rosemary T Leccese Book/Page: 15866/300, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $210,900 Use: Condo 148 MAIN ST U:A105............................ $240,000 B: N6 Properties LLC S: Irene M Cox Tr, Tr for Edwina M Fredo FT Book/Page: 15865/266, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 148 MAIN ST U:F441............................. $180,000 B: Timothy A Giard Tr, Tr for TAG RT S: Kenneth F Strobel Book/Page: 15868/133, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 157 OLD CART WAY.............................. $715,000 B: David F Castillo & Christina T Castillo S: Monte D Kramer Tr, Tr for 157 Old Cart Way NT Book/Page: 15863/239, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $572,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60548sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (04/00) 386 SUTTON ST..................................... $440,000 B: Matthew R Veazie & Sarah Veazie S: Patrick Mccrossan & Catherine Mccrossan Book/Page: 15863/46, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $440,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14366sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (08/15) 12 YOUNG RD........................................ $510,000 B: Ben Pieratt & Kristen R Pieratt S: Lesley S Folensbee Doc#: 000000119929, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $484,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (10/13)

Essex Registry

Southern District John L. O’Brien, Jr., Register 45 Congress St, Suite 4100 Salem, MA 01970 Telephone: (978) 742-1700 Fax: (978) 744-5865

Amesbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $352,250

YTD 2019 46 $362,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 BARTLETTS REACH U:7..................... $485,000 B: Cathleen H Voelker & Joseph C Voelker S: Ann Bordeianu & Ovid Bordeianu Book/Page: 37560/159, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $285,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $335,000 (03/15) 25 CLARKS RD U:207............................ $178,000 B: Karen M Atkins S: Nicole Cohen & Thomas H Cunningham Book/Page: 37552/480, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $100,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $175,000 (03/05) 8 CRUMHILL.......................................... $480,000 B: Jamie L Blackburn & Jason W Blackburn S: Bruce A Besancon & Kathryn G Besancon Book/Page: 37543/263, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $463,980 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18480sf Prior Sale: $429,900 (06/14)

73 CYNTHIA LN U:73............................. $205,000 B: Gregory Marche S: Kripali Patel Book/Page: 37555/567, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $198,850 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $134,000 (07/14) 91 HIGHLAND ST................................... $445,000 B: Janice Sirois & Elizabeth L Woundy S: Bradley J Towns Tr, Tr for Market Square T Book/Page: 37543/98, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $436,939 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 11190sf Prior Sale: $278,500 (08/15) 45 MACY ST U:305A............................. $197,500 B: Derek Paru S: Inessa Ovnanyan Book/Page: 37551/336, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $202,240 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,000 (06/17) 13 NICHOLAS DR U:13.......................... $380,000 B: Katrina M Francescone S: Andrea Meola & John Meola Book/Page: 37547/393, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Republic State Mtg Co $368,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $339,900 (03/17) 5 OSGOOD PL U:C.................................. $279,000 B: Walter Cook S: R C Hernandez-Cisneros & Katie Hernandez Book/Page: 37561/241, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $229,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $209,000 (03/16) 14 RIDGEMERE WAY............................. $345,000 B: Marcus C Lisle S: Thomas J Platt Book/Page: 37551/504, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $276,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13070sf 42 RIVER ST.......................................... $235,000 B: Myles Cheston & Anastasia Russo S: Paul F Dolan & Sara J Dolan Book/Page: 37546/77, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $135,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5940sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (01/07) 51 S HUNT RD....................................... $401,500 B: Alan J Rollins Jr S: Lori A Rizza Book/Page: 37552/169, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $381,425 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (04/13) 30 S MARTIN RD................................... $200,000 B: Russell Beegan S: Amy Donovan Tr, Tr for Barbara A Donovan IRT Book/Page: 37562/220, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 27913sf 13 UNICORN CIR................................... $451,000 B: Katelyn J Meredith & Michael O Meredith S: Tricia L Barnes Book/Page: 37558/98, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $405,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20007sf Prior Sale: $288,250 (04/12)


Boxford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $635,000

YTD 2019 24 $583,750


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $455,000

22 IVERSON RD..................................... $531,000 B: David P Samson & Kate K Samson S: Ann Gavin & Shawn Gavin Book/Page: 37558/302, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $331,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6500sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (06/02) 20 OLD PLANTERS RD.......................... $990,000 B: Howard Beader S: Daniel Carnevale & Lisa Carnevale Book/Page: 37543/204, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $792,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22414sf Prior Sale: $729,000 (03/17) 48 POND ST.......................................... $1,332,500 B: Dauenhauer Capital LLC S: 48 Pond Street LLC Book/Page: 37548/201, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Melrose Cp Bk $965,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6332sf Prior Sale: $995,000 (07/16) 22 ROUNDY ST...................................... $466,500 B: Roshawn Watson & Venita Watson S: Caroline Debernardi & John Debernardi Book/Page: 37546/303, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $349,875 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3023sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (12/97) 21 SUMMIT AVE U:4............................. $339,000 B: Vera A Fomenkov & David A Plotkin S: Marissa Hudson & Michael Prescott Book/Page: 37552/534, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $199,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $318,000 (04/17) 11 THISSELL ST U:3............................. $1,080,000 B: Eugene F Barnes 3rd Tr, Tr for Eugene F Barnes 3rd RET S: 11 Thissell Street LLC Book/Page: 37553/116, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $950,000 (08/16) 8 VINE ST U:5........................................ $260,000 B: Julianne E Perron S: Jason Richards Book/Page: 37559/83, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $247,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $223,000 (04/06) 14 WALDEN ST...................................... $427,500 B: Marrissa Mckie & Michael O Stone S: Stephen R Collins Book/Page: 37546/123, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $419,756 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf 109 WATER ST U:103............................ $480,000 B: Scott Brown S: Nancy E Traicoff Tr, Tr for Story RT Book/Page: 37563/344, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $200,000 (09/99)

YTD 2019 65 $512,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 ATLANTIC AVE U:17......................... $279,000 B: Mikhail Derkautsan S: Elizabeth A Bailey Book/Page: 37548/511, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $270,630 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $216,000 (03/10) 35 BRACKENBURY LN.......................... $1,009,000 B: Jennifer L Schley-Johnson & Jeremy C Schley-Johnson S: Nancy R Brusil Tr, Tr for Paul J Brussi RET Book/Page: 37546/279, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $730,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 37520sf 36 COLGATE RD.................................... $585,000 B: Jennifer M Reynolds & Luke Reynolds S: Daniel Fishman & Eleanor Fishman Book/Page: 37547/589, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $400,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 13810sf Prior Sale: $388,000 (04/08) 7 DOLLOFF AVE..................................... $440,000 B: Alismely Batista & Joel Batista S: Kimberly Strout & Ryan C Strout Book/Page: 37551/59, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $420,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4600sf Prior Sale: $195,500 (10/13) 6 DONDI RD........................................... $449,000 B: Edith Valeri & Jonathan Valeri S: Erica Clapp & Jesse Clapp Book/Page: 37542/559, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $359,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15520sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (05/18) 201 ELLIOTT ST U:214.......................... $600,000 B: James D Dipaolo S: Camile Bachry & Daniel Noyes Book/Page: 37548/120, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $605,400 (06/17) 201 ELLIOTT ST U:505.......................... $605,000 B: Gregory P Ambrose & Victoria A Ambrose S: Michael Benes Book/Page: 37547/537, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $567,900 (01/17) 34 HART ST........................................... $525,000 B: Lauren A Messinger & Stephen A Messinger S: Bige P Bowling & Katherine Bowling Book/Page: 37545/317, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $315,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3102sf Prior Sale: $445,000 (07/16) 37 HILLCREST AVE................................ $273,500 B: Donnie Settlemoir Tr, Tr for 37 Hillcrest RT S: Jerry R Langone & Mary B Langone Book/Page: 37561/29, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10000sf 38 HILLCREST AVE................................ $419,000 B: Adam Geissler S: Michael R Morris Book/Page: 37551/89, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Beverly Bank $335,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4938sf Prior Sale: $316,000 (04/10) 7 IVERSON RD....................................... $432,000 B: Molly M Connolly S: Caroline Mruk & Shamus M Mruk Book/Page: 37547/517, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $272,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (12/12)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

53 GREAT POND DR.............................. $687,000 B: Geoffrey S Bessin & Shannon E Bessin S: Maria J Malin Doc#: 000000602354, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Winter Hill Fed SB $684,300 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87556sf 15 GUNNISON RD.................................. $800,000 B: Kate O White & Michael W White S: Joseph E Mallon & Karen A Mallon Book/Page: 37552/555, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $640,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87120sf Prior Sale: $845,000 (07/04) 119 HIGH RIDGE RD............................. $1,040,000 B: Andrew Carey & Sheri Carey S: Robert H King & Susan King Book/Page: 37552/190, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $832,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 87120sf 15 ROBERTS RD.................................... $605,000 B: Reyitos J Krische & Noelia Miranda S: Robert J Eisenberg Tr, Tr for North Shore Drive RT Book/Page: 37545/578, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $574,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 74923sf 51 TOWNSEND FARM RD..................... $1,030,000 B: Michael R Carey & Emily D Hinchey S: David E Maher & Lara E Maher Book/Page: 37552/270, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $824,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 92347sf Prior Sale: $1,265,000 (10/07)

Danvers MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 72 Median Price $438,500

YTD 2019 63 $485,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 79 BURLEY ST....................................... $420,000 B: Dakota Home Development S: Toward Independent Living Book/Page: 37546/184, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Charity Property, Lot: 18750sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (08/00) 33 DAMON ST....................................... $499,000 B: Michael Deveau & Dianna Sands S: Gail M Odonnell Book/Page: 37547/162, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $424,150 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6150sf 78 GREEN ST......................................... $500,000 B: Brian Esteves S: Jarrett F Mcgilloway & Melanie L Mcgilloway Book/Page: 37549/385, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8550sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (01/12) 5 HOLLY LN........................................... $930,265 B: Christopher E Monteiro & Robyn E Monteiro S: Danvers Living LLC Book/Page: 37561/413, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $744,210 Use: Possible New Construction, Lot: 71868sf 33 HOLTEN ST U:10............................... $225,800 B: Pamela A Stellato S: Lisa A Paciulli Book/Page: 37553/353, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $191,930 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $182,900 (10/03) 45 LINDALL ST U:L2.............................. $200,000 B: Janice L Fortin S: Woods David A Est & Arnold F Woods 3rd Book/Page: 37543/511, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $208,200 (07/05)




47 LOCUST ST U:1................................. $369,000 B: Ellen P Friedman & David D Maclennan S: Christian P Harrington Book/Page: 37544/88, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: NBKC Bank $269,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $199,900 (10/00) 55 PARK ST........................................... $559,000 B: Deborah Dimichele S: AOL Properties LLC Book/Page: 37552/462, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $475,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5957sf Prior Sale: $351,000 (07/18) 5 RIDING CLUB RD................................ $730,000 B: Adam R Barras & Kristin Burke S: Malissa Markos & Nick Markos Book/Page: 37554/127, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $584,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27700sf Prior Sale: $530,000 (07/14) 57 SYLVAN ST U:3F.............................. $232,500 B: William H Sheehan 3rd & William H Sheehan 4th S: Wilfred J Sirois Tr, Tr for Sirois FT Book/Page: 37547/79, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $115,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $115,900 (06/99)

Essex MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $475,000

YTD 2019 4 $607,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 HARLOW ST...................................... $789,000 B: Dean A Macfarland S: Margaret V Hegarty-Steck & Robert C Steck Book/Page: 37545/158, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 22922sf Prior Sale: $660,000 (03/16) 11 JOHN WISE AVE............................... $785,000 B: Essex Town Of S: Lee H Bresnahan Tr, Tr for Bresnahan Mass NT Book/Page: 37545/498, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 33977sf

Georgetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $386,000

YTD 2019 22 $404,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 171 POND ST......................................... $440,000 B: Joseph D Simeone S: Charles B Rollins & Emi N Rollins Book/Page: 37549/45, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: WEI Mortgage Corp $352,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (07/15) 4 RICHARDSON LN............................... $1,060,000 B: Nicole Izzo & Thomas Izzo S: Nancy J Dimento-Jerome & William C Jerome 3rd Book/Page: 37554/191, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $700,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 42486sf Prior Sale: $899,900 (11/09)

Gloucester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 Median Price $389,000

YTD 2019 62 $429,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 38 BOND ST........................................... $528,000 B: Diane M Pramas & Nicholas Pramas S: Terry E Delpercio & David Piemonte Book/Page: 37552/503, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12188sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (12/01) 20 CALDER ST....................................... $722,373 B: Cynthia Smith & Judson A Smith S: Guy Crudele & Kimberly Crudele Book/Page: 37544/2, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Natl Grand Bk Marblhd $568,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 24219sf 75 COLES ISLAND RD........................... $500,000 B: Julia Barry Tr, Tr for Julia Barry FT S: Bonnie G Covington & Christopher H Covington Book/Page: 37551/487, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 849420sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (05/00) 89 COLES ISLAND RD.......................... $2,800,000 B: Julia Barry Tr, Tr for Julia Barry FT S: Herman A Patrican Tr, Tr for Farm Creek Holdings RT Book/Page: 37552/580, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 1054152sf 93 COLES ISLAND RD.......................... $2,800,000 B: Julia Barry Tr, Tr for Julia Barry FT S: Herman A Patrican Tr, Tr for Farm Creek Holdings RT Book/Page: 37552/580, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 400752sf 97 COLES ISLAND RD.......................... $2,800,000 B: Julia Barry Tr, Tr for Julia Barry FT S: Herman A Patrican Tr, Tr for Farm Creek Holdings RT Book/Page: 37552/580, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 823284sf 10 DALTON AVE U:6.............................. $250,000 B: Thelma S Millard S: Cheryl L Marfleet Book/Page: 37562/114, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: RTN FCU $100,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $168,500 (10/13) 44 DENNISON ST................................... $787,700 B: Cecily K Spencer & Nathan J Spencer S: Scott Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 37556/24, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $630,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 25616sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (05/18) 97 E MAIN ST........................................ $425,000 B: Douglas A Kerr & Liisa I Nogelo S: Anna V Baumgaertel Book/Page: 37559/358, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $293,250 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 1700sf Prior Sale: $238,000 (10/01) 99 E MAIN ST........................................ $425,000 B: Douglas A Kerr & Liisa I Nogelo S: Anna V Baumgaertel Book/Page: 37559/358, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $293,250 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 4564sf 17 EASTERN AVE U:2............................ $345,000 B: Janice Palazzolo S: Betts Investments LLC Book/Page: 37552/381, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo

83 EASTERN AVE.................................. $375,000 B: L A Starritt-Molinski S: C D Starritt-Molinski Tr, Tr for TNR RT Book/Page: 37556/54, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $300,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7540sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (01/08) 143 EASTERN AVE................................ $674,000 B: Mary E Brady S: Robert L Neuburg & Elizabeth M Neuburg Doc#: 000000602349, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 12915sf Prior Sale: $319,485 (04/01) 57 HILL TOP RD..................................... $374,900 B: Michael Shulman S: Christine Toms Book/Page: 37546/29, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $363,653 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6500sf Prior Sale: $239,000 (12/08) 59 HILL TOP RD..................................... $374,900 B: Michael Shulman S: Christine Toms Book/Page: 37546/29, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $363,653 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 7200sf 10 MONDELLO SQ................................. $382,000 B: James A Curcuru & Kimberly A Curcuru S: Mondello Frank P Est & Christopher J Mondello Book/Page: 37558/358, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $375,081 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6960sf 3 PIRMI LN U:1...................................... $405,000 B: Elizabeth Holmberg & John Holmberg S: Janice L Palazzolo Book/Page: 37551/282, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $299,900 (11/09) 18 PLEASANT ST................................... $158,000 B: John E Carter S: Charles H Mcmanus Jr Book/Page: 37549/507, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 374sf 15 REVERE ST....................................... $473,000 B: Catherine A Griffith & Lydia J Prysak S: Robin M Johnson Book/Page: 37554/417, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $120,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6690sf Prior Sale: $277,000 (06/12) 15-A REVERE ST................................... $473,000 B: Catherine A Griffith & Lydia J Prysak S: Robin M Johnson Book/Page: 37554/417, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 638sf 7 SEA RULE LN..................................... $1,134,200 B: Laurentzi Brabo & Celine Demke S: David A Schwartz & Debra D Schwartz Doc#: 000000602351, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 53579sf Prior Sale: $893,000 (12/09) 17 SILVA CT.......................................... $680,000 B: Michael A Bertolino Jr S: 17 Silva Court LLC Book/Page: 37555/188, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $646,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 11200sf Prior Sale: $595,000 (01/16) 1082 WASHINGTON ST U:A................... $500,000 B: Brenna E House S: William C Rochford Jr Book/Page: 37553/93, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Republic State Mtg Co $450,000 Use: Condo 18 WESTERN AVE U:R........................... $75,000 B: Vien Dargon S: Robert M Dargon & Hojae Lee Book/Page: 37558/18, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $72,500 Use: Condo 13 WHEELER ST U:B............................. $391,000 B: Jay Fitzgerald & Kerry Fitzgerald S: Robert J Murphy Book/Page: 37548/599, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $312,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $155,000 (11/98) 14 YOUNGS RD...................................... $875,000 B: Barbara E Drake S: David C Pike & Morgan F Pike Book/Page: 37560/77, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 19300sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (06/99)

Groveland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $375,000

YTD 2019 24 $390,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1004 ALYSSA DR U:1004...................... B: Charles M Friel Tr, Tr for Friel FT S: Heather E Lunt & Michael B Lunt Book/Page: 37541/579, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $360,500 (09/16) 5 BRISCOE RD....................................... B: Alyssa Diluigi S: Mary E Cowley & Roger E Cowley Jr Book/Page: 37551/2, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $368,125 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17500sf 183 KING ST.......................................... B: Jaclyn Benson & Jonathan Benson S: Emily C Foti & Nicholas W Graziano Book/Page: 37553/499, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $416,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 82764sf Prior Sale: $379,000 (04/14) 10 PHEASANT LN.................................. B: Andrew W Plummer & Brea A Plummer S: Clare Perkins & Jonathan Perkins Book/Page: 37554/306, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $484,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 48866sf Prior Sale: $566,000 (11/15)





Hamilton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $494,000

YTD 2019 33 $600,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 175 GARDNER ST................................. $1,717,500 B: John A Roush Tr, Tr for Old Planters Road RT S: Joni Costello & R David Schelzi Book/Page: 37558/276, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 396396sf 60 GREGORY ISLAND RD...................... $657,000 B: Elaine M Doroff Tr, Tr for Stephen F Doroff T S: Inga Wisniewski & Leonard Wisniewski Book/Page: 37543/115, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 47045sf

10 PARTRIDGEBERRY LN...................... $705,000 B: Qin Chen & Na Liu S: Donna C Pfizenmaier & Thomas C Pfizenmaier Book/Page: 37547/541, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $564,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 90605sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (08/16) 96 ROCKMAPLE AVE............................. $644,000 B: Paul Mcmahon S: Jennifer M Griffin Book/Page: 37559/241, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $515,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 270072sf Prior Sale: $498,000 (05/13) 59 RUST ST........................................... $462,000 B: Catherine T Carleo & Mark A Carleo S: Sharon A Larkin Tr, Tr for Sharon A Larkin T Book/Page: 37553/18, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $320,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5615sf

Haverhill MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 114 Median Price $322,700

YTD 2019 130 $326,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 59 14TH AVE......................................... $434,000 B: Alex P Marchegiani & Laurie Marchegiani S: Joseph J Long Book/Page: 37559/188, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $412,300 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5502sf Prior Sale: $189,900 (09/00) 27 5TH AVE U:1..................................... $85,000 B: Paul Partridge S: Scott Robertson Book/Page: 37543/70, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Melrose Cp Bk $134,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $130,000 (05/14) 977 AMESBURY RD............................... $450,000 B: AL Realty Partners LLC S: George A Sacco Book/Page: 37548/258, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $260,000 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 39208sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (06/99) 64 ARLINGTON ST U:A.......................... $150,000 B: Bryan M Comeau S: Daniel Gill Book/Page: 37554/329, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Haverhill Bk $135,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $99,900 (01/15) 93-95 BEACH ST................................... $381,000 B: Abel Guzman-Perez & Rosaura Guzman-Perez S: Alpine Village Realty LLC Book/Page: 37555/507, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $374,099 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 8420sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (12/15) 5 BICKNELL CIR U:5.............................. $385,000 B: Anna M Johnson & Frederick D Johnson Jr S: Brady Sullivan Haverhill Book/Page: 37555/504, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Possible New Construction 51 CALEDONIA ST................................. $320,000 B: Robert C Cabrera S: Charles Parker & Meagan R Parker Book/Page: 37558/156, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $304,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7109sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (10/16) 2 CROSS RD U:6.................................... $330,000 B: Halima Amal & Mimoun Hammouti S: Martha Sykes Book/Page: 37543/594, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: ABSM $264,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $309,900 (05/17) 54 DEN WORTH BELL CIR U:54............. $364,900 B: Kevin R Mccann Jr & Nellie Mccann S: Brady Sullivan Haverhill Book/Page: 37543/390, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $180,000 Use: Possible New Construction 181 FARRWOOD DR U:181.................... $237,500 B: Colleen Finocchiaro & Gail Oconnell S: Maureen Filliger Book/Page: 37549/440, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $190,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $196,000 (01/06) 17 GARDEN ST U:17.............................. $300,000 B: Phillip E Castro & Natalie Duran S: Nicole Hong Book/Page: 37549/401, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $294,566 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $228,000 (12/16) 59 GROVE ST......................................... $286,500 B: Edward A Burt S: Brandon Baldassari & Ashlee Murray Book/Page: 37547/4, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Beverly Bank $270,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5624sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (06/17) 20 HAMEL WAY U:20............................ $329,900 B: Salahuddin J Muhammad S: Brady Sullivan Haverhill Book/Page: 37555/388, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $329,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 65 HANCOCK ST.................................... $299,900 B: Cole P Murphy S: Mary T Sargent Tr, Tr for Mary T Sargent T Book/Page: 37543/558, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $279,900 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3258sf 415 HILLDALE AVE................................ $399,000 B: Patricia L Zagarella S: Jason G Labella & Savanna N Clements Doc#: 000000602295, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: eMortgage Management $391,773 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10964sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (04/15) 4 JANET RD........................................... $350,000 B: Minelys Sanchez & Molly Sanchez S: Reynaldo D Rodriguez Book/Page: 37545/529, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9679sf Prior Sale: $244,000 (01/19) 5 JEFFEREY LN U:5............................... $243,000 B: Gregory M Quirion & Lauren E Quirion S: Marguerite A Carifio & Thomas J Carifio Book/Page: 37543/146, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $213,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 430 KENOZA ST..................................... $400,000 B: Kahley M Apostolou & Michael E Apostolou S: Sirois Daphne A Est & Efronia N Lagasse Book/Page: 37554/506, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Daphne A Sirois $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40842sf

38 KRISTINE LN.................................... $510,000 B: Jessica L Copeland S: Adrian Santiago & Lissette Santiago Book/Page: 37551/553, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $357,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40001sf Prior Sale: $389,900 (08/11) 10 LAWRENCE RD................................. $320,000 B: Rebecca L Decoff & Lindsey M Wilson S: Jenifer L Curtis Book/Page: 37546/591, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $304,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6652sf Prior Sale: $248,000 (07/14) 149 LOWELL AVE.................................. $324,000 B: Alexander L Mohr S: Paula Bacon Tr, Tr for Fassio RT Book/Page: 37547/338, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $324,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 28318sf 797 MAIN ST......................................... $157,000 B: Lauren A Waelter S: Anthony M Waelter Book/Page: 37551/40, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mass Family CU $205,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4927sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (06/16) 2 MENDUM RD...................................... $330,000 B: Manuel Delossantos & Vivian Suarez S: Alex N Trenchovska & Aleksandar Trenchovski Book/Page: 37547/299, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $320,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 30000sf Prior Sale: $262,500 (08/16) 40 MORGAN DR U:40............................ $255,000 B: David Memmolo S: Stacy M Marshall Book/Page: 37546/327, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $242,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $205,000 (07/05) 91 MOUNT VERNON ST......................... $237,200 B: Charles W Mathison 3rd & Patricia M Mathison S: Jennifer A Grillo & Mary E Grillo Book/Page: 37541/486, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6978sf 9 MYLES STANDISH DR U:6.................. $167,000 B: Janis L Pare S: John P Arahovites Jr Tr, Tr for 9 Myles Standish 6 IRT Book/Page: 37541/231, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Merrimac Valley FCU $115,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $109,900 (01/10) 19 NORTH AVE...................................... $574,900 B: Heather R Gaither & Larry A Gaither S: Alexander F Collier & Carolyn A Collier Book/Page: 37555/482, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $517,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23853sf 440 NORTH AVE U:107.......................... $149,900 B: Fazil M Zakaria & Yasmeen M Zakaria S: Eric F Kilgour Book/Page: 37553/439, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $113,000 (06/15) 440 NORTH AVE U:67............................ $195,000 B: Mercedes Richards S: Mamiko Sakurai Book/Page: 37552/352, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $187,210 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 42 NORTH ST......................................... $371,000 B: Hector Melendez S: Olga I Juarbe & Antonio Pagan Book/Page: 37557/307, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $364,280 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3215sf Prior Sale: $237,000 (06/14) 55 OLD YANKEE RD.............................. $465,500 B: Anthony R Puzzo & Sorina Puzzo S: Lori Regis Book/Page: 37543/326, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Home Ln & Invest Bk $418,950 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47916sf 200 PRIMROSE ST................................ $135,000 B: Primrose Properties LLC S: Mass Machine&Metal Fab Book/Page: 37542/503, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 2026sf Prior Sale: $119,900 (05/15) 9-11 PROCTOR ST................................. $415,000 B: Arianny Diaz & Roselito Tejada S: Maria Seballo Book/Page: 37553/71, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $407,483 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2252sf Prior Sale: $152,000 (08/12) 8 RED MAPLE RD.................................. $490,000 B: Mark D Guida & Rachel Guida S: Bianca N Kooken & Blanca N Kooken Book/Page: 37561/319, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $392,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40045sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (06/16) 31 S RIVERVIEW ST.............................. $335,000 B: Alvin B Bonilla & Ferliannie Bonilla S: Jennifer Defex & Luis Defex Book/Page: 37556/143, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $335,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (11/11) 21 SAINT JAMES AVE........................... $275,000 B: Judy Eaton S: Libby Jane G Est & Bruce E Nunn Book/Page: 37555/257, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $220,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7501sf 33 SAWYER ST...................................... $415,000 B: Matthew S Noonan S: KNJ Investments LLC Book/Page: 37548/455, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $407,483 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8250sf Prior Sale: $353,000 (12/17) 24 SHERMAN AVE................................. $282,000 B: Cody A Kucker S: Norman C Mercier Tr, Tr for Mercier FT Book/Page: 37562/451, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: North Shore Bank $267,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11260sf 11 SMITH ST......................................... $350,000 B: Joseph D Labrecque & Thomas P Labrecque S: Ryan A Quinton & Tais W Statucka Book/Page: 37549/361, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $280,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 15481sf Prior Sale: $274,900 (06/16) 54 STEEPLECHASE CT U:54.................. $193,000 B: Mark A Elliott & Michael W Smolak Jr S: Christopher N Kinney Book/Page: 37554/77, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $153,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $187,000 (08/05)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

JUNE 17, 2019

49 TALMUTH AVE.................................. $298,000 B: Jason R Mccarthy S: Brittany C Edwards & Kevin S Thibault Book/Page: 37543/354, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $271,350 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21240sf Prior Sale: $212,000 (04/16) 77 VALLEY VIEW AVE U:77................... $285,000 B: Eric F Kilgour & Rachel M Kilgour S: Roseanne Wallis Tr, Tr for Ronald E Aubin IRT Book/Page: 37561/217, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Pentucket Bank $260,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $83,500 (08/97) 46 WASHINGTON ST U:202................... $170,000 B: Tians Brothers LLC S: Maria S Martellucci & Peter Martellucci Book/Page: 37560/124, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Haverhill Bk $127,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $160,000 (05/04) 330 WATER ST...................................... $410,000 B: Kevin P Lee & Alexis N Lykins S: Matute Realty Inc Book/Page: 37548/3, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Broker Solutions Inc $397,700 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6608sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (07/18) 121 WHITTIER RD................................. $236,000 B: L&B RT S: Helen Chase Book/Page: 37561/156, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 49223sf Prior Sale: $45,954 (05/08)

Ipswich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $502,450

YTD 2019 38 $542,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 BUTTONWOOD LN U:16.................... $865,000 B: Shayda Majidi-Ahi Tr, Tr for Shayda Ahi T S: Barbara S Wolf & Michael H Wolf Book/Page: 37561/56, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $800,000 (12/08) 24 EAGLE HILL RD................................ $670,000 B: Maryann S Carr & Gregg E Gents S: Gordon G Pugh, Tr for Pugh RT Book/Page: 37545/72, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $340,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3095sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (12/10) 38 KIMBALL AVE U:7............................ $381,000 B: Elizabeth Irons & Kirk Irons S: Cynthia Curtis Book/Page: 37549/464, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $281,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $228,000 (06/12)

Lynn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 182 Median Price $325,000

YTD 2019 164 $355,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 APPLEHILL LN.................................. $622,450 B: Elizabeth Smith & Sean Carritte S: Michael W White & Kate O White Doc#: 000000602343, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $322,450 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11724sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (05/12) 15 BIRCH ST.......................................... $425,000 B: Karin Dominguez & Leonardo A Rodriguez S: Giuseppe Branciforte & Vivian Dominguez Book/Page: 37551/362, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $318,750 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4255sf Prior Sale: $179,900 (06/01) 481 BROADWAY.................................... $300,000 B: Kalani E Reel-Neeland & Michael P Neeland S: Phylicia Riley & Ryan Riley Book/Page: 37549/200, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $255,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6460sf Prior Sale: $291,000 (12/16) 45 COTTAGE ST U:6.............................. $50,000 B: Monica Meas S: Lynna Sor Book/Page: 37543/44, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 12689sf Prior Sale: $55,000 (05/15) 9 EDGEMERE RD................................... $375,000 B: Angela Kennison & Brett Kennison S: Chris J Deberardinis & Debbie M Deberardinis Book/Page: 37558/77, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: North Shore Bank $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7353sf 20 ESSEX CT......................................... $520,000 B: ZAT Properties LLC S: Rhonda M Healey & Reginald Kernizan Book/Page: 37549/479, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $416,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2208sf Prior Sale: $261,500 (10/06) 382 ESSEX ST....................................... $510,000 B: Dora P Parra S: Orlando S Rivera & Ana M Santana Book/Page: 37544/204, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $481,500 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3809sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (06/03) 79 GRANT RD........................................ $450,000 B: Hope N Crowe & Robert J Crowe S: David A Ledonne & William R Ledonne Book/Page: 37543/124, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $441,849 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (05/19) 18 GROSVENOR PARK U:18.................. $389,500 B: Catherine M Foley & David Lamoureuz Jr S: Helen D Tieger Book/Page: 37562/380, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $350,550 Use: 5 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 6117sf 115 HAMILTON AVE.............................. $370,000 B: Sindy M Vargas S: Denis T Nwetbefua Book/Page: 37554/263, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $351,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3418sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (12/05) 37 HOWARD ST..................................... $375,000 B: Oscar R Erazo & Eneida E Luna S: Patricia M Thomson Book/Page: 37548/129, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $337,500 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3791sf

57 HOWARD ST..................................... $244,000 B: Joaquin Guevara S: Emmanuel Innocent Book/Page: 37548/232, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $239,580 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 1600sf Prior Sale: $69,000 (03/09) 32 JUDGE RD........................................ $585,000 B: Z&L Development LLC S: Albert V Divirgilio 2nd Book/Page: 37546/21, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13930sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (12/08) 23-25 KING ST...................................... $550,000 B: Raul A Renderos-Diaz S: Frank D Ramelli Book/Page: 37555/363, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $440,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6838sf 8 LAFAYETTE PARK U:5........................ $110,000 B: Valvel Temin S: Shauna L Oshea Book/Page: 37552/2, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $88,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 22241sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (11/05) 62 LAIGHTON ST................................... $550,000 B: Nestor Garcia S: William L Molinari Book/Page: 37562/236, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $522,500 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3393sf Prior Sale: $72,500 (02/98) 15-19 LINCOLN ST U:1.......................... $279,900 B: Clementina M Andres S: Tonya Cameron Book/Page: 37560/38, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Republic State Mtg Co $271,503 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 9169sf Prior Sale: $173,500 (09/03) 23 LUMMUS CT..................................... $419,000 B: Tyrone Figueroa S: Joseph D Carpenter & Lauren E Carpenter Book/Page: 37550/497, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $398,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6062sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (09/12) 324 MAPLE ST...................................... $440,000 B: Ashley R Gordon & Mark Garrett-Gordon S: Emma M Morales & Eugenio Morales Book/Page: 37557/220, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $396,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 4796sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (03/18) 63 N BEND ST U:63............................... $399,000 B: Kara A Smith S: Birchwood Estates Dev Inc Book/Page: 37559/306, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $387,030 Use: Condo, Lot: 10000sf 95 NAHANT ST U:16.............................. $284,100 B: Robert L Scheier S: Lyudmila Polyak Book/Page: 37549/155, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $165,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 30137sf Prior Sale: $173,000 (11/07) 33 RANGE AVE...................................... $394,900 B: Jose E Escobar-Merlos & Arnoldo Perez S: Barbara Porro Book/Page: 37561/503, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $375,155 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4615sf 20 S VIEW RD........................................ $431,000 B: Linda Ritter S: Amy Nerich & Mark F Nerich Book/Page: 37546/3, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $251,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 8500sf Prior Sale: $306,000 (06/10) 16 SACHEM AVE................................... $250,000 B: Elena Cooper & Carlos A Cavajal S: CVI LCF Mortgage Loan T Doc#: 000000602284, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2991sf 101 SAUNDERS RD............................... $500,000 B: David Macmillan & Nicole Macmillan S: Sophal Khun & Kuntha Lim Book/Page: 37555/280, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20500sf Prior Sale: $332,000 (09/10) 9-11 SOUTH ST..................................... $700,000 B: Sandra D Gonzalez & Genaro M Rodriguez S: Nadia Ustariz & Ho-Chi Weil Book/Page: 37563/289, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $595,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 2675sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (10/15) 23 SPRING RD....................................... $475,000 B: Jason T Scott & Jessica M Scott S: Kathyann Purdy & Michael J Purdy Book/Page: 37554/216, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $466,396 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6400sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (11/10) 20 STANDISH RD.................................. $390,000 B: Evan D Davolio & Kristina Derosa S: William J Dumas Tr, Tr for 20 Standish Road RT Book/Page: 37550/348, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Stoneham Cp Bk $345,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6630sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (12/03) 43 STERLING ST.................................... $400,000 B: Corinne M Dixon & Scott A Dixon S: David Wolkiewicz Book/Page: 37552/145, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Liberty Bay CU $375,250 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (04/16) 40 STORY AVE....................................... $110,000 B: Brijeshkumar G Patel S: Richard A Mageary Book/Page: 37562/430, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2218sf 697 SUMMER ST................................... $320,000 B: Uri FT LLC S: Tommie A Taggart Jr Book/Page: 37545/199, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6500sf 62 SUPERIOR ST................................... $410,000 B: Bryce J Ferrara & Leah Ferrara S: Amy Heath & Shanna T Heath Book/Page: 37541/64, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $328,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5600sf Prior Sale: $330,500 (06/15) 41 TUDOR ST......................................... $633,500 B: Meredith Connell & Vernon Connell S: Arthur N Calavritinos & Gail Pilosi Book/Page: 37551/288, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $570,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 5248sf Prior Sale: $567,000 (09/02)



JUNE 17, 2019

42 W BALTIMORE ST U:12.................... B: Judith Andrade S: Ilya Kolev & Svetoslav V Neshev Book/Page: 37542/410, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $169,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 12395sf Prior Sale: $79,500 (05/14)


Lynnfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 45 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2019 33 $666,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 63 CANTERBURY RD............................. $491,500 B: Melissa Brodie S: Juliana Malatesta Book/Page: 37555/41, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $340,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5090sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (01/18) 1 CHARING CROSS................................ $861,910 B: Halvard Gudmundsen & Tara Gudmundsen S: Ameeta Soni Tr, Tr for Soni FT Book/Page: 37551/174, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $629,500 Use: 5 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 41883sf 15 RAMSDELL WAY U:33...................... $849,900 B: Lianhua Cui & Zhenan Zheng S: Spring-L Realty LLC Book/Page: 37548/539, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $449,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 30 STILLMAN RD.................................. $496,000 B: Pierce Road LLC S: David S Macintyre Tr, Tr for 30 Stillman Road RT Doc#: 000000602401, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 28371sf

Manchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $777,000

YTD 2019 9 $1,150,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 BLYNMAN CIR................................. $1,450,000 B: Daniel R Riff Tr, Tr for Daniel Ryan Riff LT S: Carol L Fatta Tr, Tr for Summer Hill CNK T Doc#: 000000602309, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,015,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 7694sf Prior Sale: $1,387,500 (11/15) 12 CROOKED LN.................................... $615,000 B: Elizabeth P Leavitt & Keith A Leavitt Sr S: Patricia J Myerson & Eric Wilson Book/Page: 37544/232, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $522,750 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 27360sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (07/99) 7 FOREST LN......................................... $480,000 B: Mark C Bruno & Roseanne L Bruno S: Kathryn Boudreau Tr, Tr for Walter B Gannett RET Book/Page: 37547/42, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $384,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 45642sf 15 HIGHLAND AVE............................... $3,243,500 B: Victoria Esser & Solomon R Provan S: George Harrington & Mary Harrington Book/Page: 37548/156, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $1,500,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 205866sf Prior Sale: $3,238,550 (06/13) 60 PINE ST............................................ $515,000 B: Tonya Colpitts S: Kayla Burroughs & William Burroughs Book/Page: 37545/381, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $463,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6000sf 29 PLEASANT ST U:29.......................... $675,000 B: Alexis Karras S: Candy C Bergquist & David G Bergquist Book/Page: 37554/472, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 5 TANGLEWOOD RD.............................. $835,000 B: Margaret Hegarty-Steck & Robert C Steck S: Constance Leahy & Philip Leahy Book/Page: 37548/353, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $642,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 44164sf Prior Sale: $780,000 (09/06)

Marblehead MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $683,855

YTD 2019 57 $646,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15-17 BASSETT ST U:3......................... $119,000 B: Kayse Properties LLC S: Janet M Newman Tr, Tr for 5 Lookout Court T Book/Page: 37558/597, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Condo 42 BAYVIEW RD.................................... $640,000 B: Kevin J Inman & Lisa A Inman S: Laurie A Magrane Book/Page: 37556/454, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $653,760 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9181sf 39 BEACH ST......................................... $810,000 B: Scott G Moore S: Zompetta Matilda V Est & Paul J Setze Book/Page: 37544/128, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Marblehead Svgs Bk $607,500 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7014sf 1 BOWDEN ST....................................... $987,500 B: Cynthia Blain & Peter Blain S: Elizabeth Buchan & Hugh S Buchan Book/Page: 37550/417, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Natl Grand Bk Marblhd $790,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 5530sf Prior Sale: $752,500 (11/14) 3 BRIMBLECOMB AVE.......................... $610,000 B: Paul B Balbo & Ti-Cheng C Balbo S: Andrea C Portnoy & Kenneth Portnoy Book/Page: 37547/242, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $549,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6345sf 30 BUBIER RD....................................... $915,000 B: Katherine Thomson & Mark Thomson S: Katherine A Healey & Mark Healey Book/Page: 37559/440, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $615,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6528sf Prior Sale: $899,000 (11/18)

16 DENNETT RD.................................... $690,000 B: Krista Stellato & Sean Stellato S: Dennett Road LLC Book/Page: 37554/4, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $490,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf 15 ELM ST U:15..................................... $310,000 B: Christine Goldfinger & Ronald Goldfinger S: Ann Mcnamara Book/Page: 37559/122, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Marblehead Svgs Bk $279,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $337,500 (06/03) 15 ELMWOOD RD................................. $1,150,000 B: Stacy K Griffin & Thomas H Griffin Jr S: Nicole Bartlett & Matthew Stein Book/Page: 37554/584, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $920,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10470sf Prior Sale: $815,000 (11/14) 8 FRANKLIN ST U:20............................. $100,000 B: Eastmen LLC S: Jacques A Bergeron Book/Page: 37550/298, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rem Initium LLC $107,371 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $45,000 (08/99) 33 FRANKLIN ST.................................. $1,375,000 B: Ann L Equitz & William H Equitz S: Joseph A Truxler Tr, Tr for 33 Franklin Street RT Book/Page: 37553/519, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 2425sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (01/10) 61-R FRONT ST U:1............................... $855,000 B: A&K Properties LLC S: Jeannette H Bart Tr, Tr for JHB RT Book/Page: 37563/215, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Marblehead Svgs Bk $641,250 Use: Condo 61-R FRONT ST U:2............................... $855,000 B: A&K Properties LLC S: Jeannette H Bart Tr, Tr for JHB RT Book/Page: 37563/215, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Marblehead Svgs Bk $641,250 Use: Condo 60 GARFIELD ST................................... $1,045,000 B: Colin J Devlin & Elizabeth Cramer-Devlin S: Beth W Crouch & William J Crouch Book/Page: 37552/232, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Suntrust Bank $992,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7885sf Prior Sale: $883,059 (07/03) 11 GINGERBREAD HL............................ $775,000 B: Andrew Bull & Dana M Bull S: Lisanne Louden Tr, Tr for Doris Ann Louden RET 2014 Book/Page: 37546/58, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $620,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5070sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (05/99) 47 GINGERBREAD HL........................... $1,515,000 B: Earl A Pickett & Emily E Pickett S: Walter L Suydam Tr, Tr for Suzies Farm T Book/Page: 37552/293, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,212,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 37066sf Prior Sale: $1,625,000 (07/16) 11 GRANT RD....................................... $1,077,000 B: Gerrick J Rodrigues & Laurie-Sue T Rodrigues S: Phyllis C Ellsworth Tr, Tr for Phyllis M Ellsworth RET Book/Page: 37562/282, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $861,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8656sf 126 GREEN ST U:B................................ $384,000 B: Frantisek Rodovsky & Maricar Rodovsky S: Amanda B Lavoie Book/Page: 37546/519, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northeast Home Loan $307,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $337,000 (12/15) 34-R MUGFORD ST............................... $526,250 B: Janet M Sheehan S: Marion K Mccauley & Raymond P Mccauley Book/Page: 37563/1, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4914sf Prior Sale: $282,000 (05/12) 34 ROSE AVE......................................... $676,000 B: Anne Petre S: Cristin Copeland & Keith R Webster Book/Page: 37559/596, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $540,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7810sf Prior Sale: $443,500 (02/09) 18 STACEY ST....................................... $860,000 B: Nancy E Reardon Tr, Tr for Nancy E Reardon RET S: Gerrick J Rodrigues & Laurie-Sue T Rodrigues Book/Page: 37561/467, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $460,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 6750sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (07/12) 4 STONY BROOK RD.............................. $450,000 B: Amanda Lavoie & Cathy E Leary S: Nancy Baisley & John G Tobey Book/Page: 37548/314, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $475,456 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4682sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (09/97)

Merrimac MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 Median Price $404,950

YTD 2019 21 $392,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 ABBEY RD........................................ $640,000 B: Katie M Bullen & Matthew J Sweeney S: Merrimac Ruby Tuesday LLC Book/Page: 37547/473, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $512,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 22146sf 14 WOODLAND ST................................. $500,000 B: Joanne E Breau & Andrew T Dunbar S: Angela Kirkpatrick & Jeremy Kirkpatrick Book/Page: 37545/152, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10600sf Prior Sale: $347,500 (05/13)

Middleton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $573,500

YTD 2019 20 $582,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 184 BOSTON ST.................................... $589,000 B: Kellie Barrett & Jean G Conwell S: Elizabeth C Wladkowski & Michael C Wladkowski Book/Page: 37559/502, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $471,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 43560sf

9 CASHMAN WAY U:9........................... $789,900 B: David Reade S: Old Essex Estates LLC Book/Page: 37555/461, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $761,250 Use: Condo 6 FULLER RD......................................... $622,000 B: Mikhail Liulkovich & Olga Liulkovich S: Daniel E Zenga Book/Page: 37543/432, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $528,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $185,500 (07/99) 157 N MAIN ST...................................... $525,000 B: JOZ Development LLC S: Kevin Lehan Book/Page: 37553/37, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: North Shore Bank $393,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 35283sf Prior Sale: $127,500 (02/19) 32 PARK AVE......................................... $325,000 B: Derek Fullerton S: Makarewicz Conrad M Est & Conrad M Makarewicz Book/Page: 37560/215, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Kelly Properties LLC $288,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14810sf 15 RIVERVIEW DR................................. $515,000 B: David Wolkiewicz S: Joseph Keeks & Kimberly Keeks Book/Page: 37553/463, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $437,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 63598sf Prior Sale: $457,000 (06/18) 36 VILLAGE RD U:314........................... $357,000 B: Shuwen Deng S: Kevin D Stepanick Book/Page: 37554/238, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $214,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $324,888 (09/15) 40 VILLAGE RD U:409........................... $400,000 B: Judith L Clark & Paul K Clark S: Diane L Eastman Tr, Tr for Ledrew FT Book/Page: 37559/8, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 40 WHITE CEDAR DR U:40.................... $738,400 B: Judy Hommel & William Hommel S: Deborah A Giorgio & Louis A Giorgio Book/Page: 37559/576, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $640,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 7 WOODWARD RD................................. $860,000 B: Emily K Baur & Russell Baur S: Loren M Montgomery & Jared B Waitt Book/Page: 37549/339, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: North American SB $783,675 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43287sf Prior Sale: $762,500 (06/14)

Newbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $482,500

YTD 2019 16 $527,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 DARTMOUTH WAY........................... $835,000 B: Joseph P Verdone & Meredith M Verdone S: Christine A Fair Book/Page: 37546/164, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6382sf Prior Sale: $775,000 (12/16) 9 HIGH RD............................................. $550,000 B: Angela H Kirkpatrick & Jeremy B Kirkpatrick S: Paul Wilkinson Book/Page: 37546/211, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: eMortgage Management $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10698sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (07/18) 17 S POND ST....................................... $573,950 B: Daniel P Spillane & Mark W Spooner S: Brett S Reily & Kristen B Reily Book/Page: 37545/165, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Natl Grand Bk Marblhd $436,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8999sf Prior Sale: $184,900 (04/99) 3 SEAVIEW LN....................................... $670,000 B: Brett S Reily & Kristen B Reily S: Deborah A Ciampa & Donald P Ciampa Book/Page: 37546/233, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: USA Alliance FCU $536,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41500sf Prior Sale: $124,000 (04/97)

Newburyport MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 55 Median Price $617,000

YTD 2019 56 $621,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 59TH ST U:5....................................... $445,000 B: Active Property Group LLC S: Bonnie Pybus Tr, Tr for 2008 Bonnie S Pybus RET Book/Page: 37544/31, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Ipswich Bank $376,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 4 BASHAW ST....................................... $15,000 B: Jamee Buchmayr & Scott Buchmayr S: Charles M Johnson Book/Page: 37561/564, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 20000sf 39 BROMFIELD ST U:D.......................... $375,000 B: Gail M Milton S: Janice Tangney Book/Page: 37550/588, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $225,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $229,900 (06/11) 5 DANIEL LUCY WAY............................. $649,900 B: Caitlin Blais & Evan Blais S: Patricia J Torrey & Stephen T Torrey Book/Page: 37553/375, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $549,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11942sf Prior Sale: $389,900 (08/01) 4 DUFFY DR........................................... $809,900 B: Joan B Ross Tr, Tr for John A&Jane E Crafton LT S: Evergreen Commons LLC Book/Page: 37550/375, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10598sf 12 DUFFY DR......................................... $877,500 B: Heidemarie Kuc & Jason W Kuc S: Evergreen Commons LLC Book/Page: 37553/593, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Direct Credit Union $658,125 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10222sf 9 FOX RUN DR....................................... $762,500 B: Jamee Buchmayr & Scott Buchmayr S: Charles M Johnson Tr, Tr for Johnson FT Book/Page: 37561/570, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $686,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20436sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

55 HILL ST U:B...................................... $595,000 B: Joseph M Morgan & Catharina Slatterback S: Lisa Matysiewicz & Michael Noetzel Book/Page: 37559/561, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $495,000 (12/16) 4 KNIGHTS LN....................................... $870,000 B: Brian Roach & Michelle Roach S: Martin J Leahy & Nancy J Leahy Book/Page: 37553/133, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $330,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20871sf Prior Sale: $373,000 (11/98) 1 LIBERTY ST U:4.................................. $450,000 B: Karen G Keller S: Ray L Andrews Book/Page: 37555/3, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $210,150 (08/02) 556 MERRIMAC ST............................... $599,900 B: James C Goudreau & Jennifer L Goudreau S: Heidemarie Kuc & Jason W Kuc Book/Page: 37551/414, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $599,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19590sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (11/04) 12 MULLIKEN WAY.............................. $1,300,000 B: Daldrop USA LLC S: Functional Realty LLC Book/Page: 37559/33, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Research & Dvlpmnt Facility, Lot: 176418sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (08/15) 2-1/2 NEPTUNE ST................................ $284,900 B: Dirk S Weisman S: Mary E Bergeron Tr, Tr for 2 1&2 Neptune Street T Book/Page: 37548/502, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2201sf 133 FERRY RD....................................... $701,000 B: Charles Reynolds & Joan Reynolds S: Leigh O Blood Book/Page: 37559/167, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $410,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 20436sf Prior Sale: $144,000 (03/09) 15 OLIVE ST.......................................... $821,000 B: Andrew D Caverly & Lauren Albrecht-Caverly S: Karen P Battles & James G Shanley Book/Page: 37542/476, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 5700sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (07/97) 13 OTIS PL U:13.................................... $668,250 B: Laura Wacker & Timothy Wacker S: Gregory A White Book/Page: 37554/497, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $464,900 (08/03) 122 PARKER ST................................... $10,313,910 B: AGNL Foam LP S: Innocor Foam Technologies Book/Page: 37551/472, Date: 05/31/19 11 PAYSON ST U:11.............................. $820,000 B: Jonathan Oltsik & Wendy Oltsik S: Karen Keller & Marc Keller Book/Page: 37551/195, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Avidia Bank $420,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 12060sf Prior Sale: $733,597 (07/14) 19-23 PLEASANT ST U:403................... $365,000 B: Nancy E Peace S: Wendy Appel Tr, Tr for Wendy RT Book/Page: 37542/585, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $292,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $372,000 (04/15) 1 WALLACE BASHAW WAY................. $27,400,000 B: EPC Sparti LLC S: CHP Newburyport MA Mob Book/Page: 37558/6, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Private Hospital, Lot: 194713sf Prior Sale: $18,000,000 (11/14) 14 WARREN ST U:14............................. $450,000 B: John Tomasz & Laurel Tomasz S: Robert C Shuman Tr, Tr for 100 Oxford Street RT Book/Page: 37551/253, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $360,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $329,900 (09/15) 3 WATER ST U:3.................................... $300,000 B: French Twist Properties S: Samuel J Gillingham Jr Book/Page: 37555/102, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $160,000 Use: Retail Condo 94-96 WATER ST U:4............................ $434,000 B: Kelly Dunne S: 94 Water Street Dev LLC Book/Page: 37545/403, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $420,980 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

Peabody MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $420,000

YTD 2019 84 $433,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 BERRY ST........................................... $247,000 B: RPF Distribution LLC S: Lee N Fortin Tr, Tr for Fortin 2015 T Book/Page: 37544/270, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3960sf 66 COUNTY ST....................................... $340,000 B: Mario Sabatine S: MTGLQ Investors LP Doc#: 000000602418, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 6155sf 38 DOWNING RD................................... $460,000 B: Jillian Phelps & William C Phelps S: Brenda M Gardner & Anthony J Martocchio Book/Page: 37553/174, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $368,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (09/98) 111 FOSTER ST U:318........................... $179,000 B: Robert J Corriveau Jr & Lili Shang S: Patrick S Borges Book/Page: 37554/284, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $171,661 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $104,000 (05/15) 32 HAWTHORNE CIR U:32..................... $322,500 B: Tanin Sasaluxanon S: Paula C Carpenito & Sandra J Kulacz Book/Page: 37553/528, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 54 HIGHLAND ST................................... $412,000 B: F Edward Hamilton & Taryn S Harrington S: Margaret Butler & Taylor Butler Book/Page: 37553/417, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Beverly Bank $329,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5567sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (01/15)





19 HINGSTON ST................................... $365,000 B: Ariola Rand & Norman Rand S: Carla Casey Book/Page: 37547/450, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $365,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6151sf 11 LEBLANC DR.................................... $741,500 B: Dean M Whitehouse S: Jane E Naggar Tr, Tr for Naggar 2017 T Book/Page: 37550/562, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $593,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13334sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (08/00) 11 LEDGEWOOD WAY U:20................... $315,000 B: Harry E Ogden S: Lake Arba LP Book/Page: 37554/171, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $236,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $270,000 (09/04) 220 LYNN ST......................................... $450,000 B: Amanda Brenes & Bryan Brenes S: Lawrence Dithomas & Mary Dithomas Book/Page: 37553/443, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $375,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7083sf Prior Sale: $177,000 (06/97) 3 MAPLE ST.......................................... $615,000 B: Jerry C Cooksey S: Michael D Solimine Tr, Tr for MJ 2 RT Book/Page: 37557/44, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $415,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5955sf Prior Sale: $293,900 (04/05) 11 RAYMOND CIR................................. $590,000 B: Yacouba Sangare S: Leighan Hennigan & Matthew Pinardi Book/Page: 37542/330, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $560,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14301sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (06/00) 13 TARA RD.......................................... $585,000 B: Chad L Mercier & Jessica J Mercier S: Charles G Kirby & Cheryl A Kirby Book/Page: 37546/142, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $574,404 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12977sf Prior Sale: $474,000 (12/06) 16 VIEIRA DR........................................ $605,000 B: Luiz C Bertoldo-Filho S: Michael D Solimine Tr, Tr for MJ 2 RT Book/Page: 37549/543, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $574,750 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 11326sf 210 WASHINGTON ST U:14................... $184,900 B: Cynthia A Yates & Robert M Yates S: James J Silva Book/Page: 37541/253, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $170,000 (07/03)

Rockport MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $719,500

YTD 2019 14 $491,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 227 GRANITE ST U:3A........................... $220,000 B: Mildred Driz S: Katherine M Kilty Book/Page: 37545/107, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $198,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,500 (02/18) 6 HIGH ST.............................................. $795,000 B: AEB Development LLC S: Richard M Lamarre Tr, Tr for Lake View RT Book/Page: 37549/5, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $596,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 12001sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (06/13) 50 PIGEON HILL ST............................... $540,000 B: Jacqueline B Lageson S: Curtis Wright 4th & Erik C Wright Book/Page: 37551/219, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $432,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13137sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (02/06) 13 S STREET CT.................................... $300,000 B: Susan G Aube S: Chasin Helen Est & Marion Gray Book/Page: 37561/538, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5650sf

Rowley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $522,500

YTD 2019 11 $475,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28 CINDY LN.......................................... $695,000 B: Jinyou Lin & Tian G Lin S: Brett K Gent & Carolyn A Gent Book/Page: 37562/400, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Sun Mortgage Co Inc $484,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40060sf Prior Sale: $599,000 (07/14) 67 CROSS ST......................................... $520,000 B: Cheryl Trevisani S: Dianne Brand Tr, Tr for Dianne Brand RET Book/Page: 37554/446, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $418,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 51180sf Prior Sale: $449,900 (11/14) 94 HILLSIDE ST..................................... $602,500 B: Robert Chain & Jennifer Leslie S: Cheryl L Loughlin & Paul T Loughlin Book/Page: 37542/86, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $482,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44313sf 40 KATHLEEN CIR................................. $545,000 B: Lauren A Condon & Matthew T Condon S: Nancy M Mcgrath Book/Page: 37542/102, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Firstrust Bank $436,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40000sf 30 WAREHOUSE LN............................... $340,000 B: Earl C Blais Jr S: FNMA Book/Page: 37555/236, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $289,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $335,422 (09/18)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $387,000

YTD 2019 54 $421,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 BALCOMB ST U:2............................... $350,000 B: Jacob Adams & Kayla Coffman S: Jason H Naczas & Maria-Jose Naczas Doc#: 000000602377, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $339,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $229,900 (08/03) 9 BARTON SQ U:202............................. $353,000 B: William H Goldberg Family S: Nancy J Rygiel Tr, Tr for Muriel J Matula IRT Book/Page: 37551/85, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $249,900 (08/04) 43 BELLEVIEW AVE............................... $550,000 B: Scott Songer S: 43 Belleview Street LLC Book/Page: 37552/410, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $550,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (10/18) 45 BROAD ST U:1.................................. $165,000 B: R Angus West Tr, Tr for 45 Broad Street Unit 1 RT S: Patrice Khouri Book/Page: 37558/343, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Condo, Lot: 6307sf Prior Sale: $52,000 (02/10) 17 CANAL ST........................................ $1,700,000 B: 17 Canal Street LLC S: Brito Realty LLC Book/Page: 37562/225, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 18295sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (12/97) 11 CHURCH ST U:114............................ $286,900 B: Hannah S Diozzi S: Mariann M Horgan & Nicholas J Horgan Book/Page: 37560/253, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,000 (11/07) 17 EMERTON ST U:17........................... $535,000 B: James W Shibbani S: Michael Becker Tr, Tr for Evergreen RT Book/Page: 37556/210, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $428,000 Use: Condo 48 ESSEX ST U:3................................... $85,000 B: Heather Bohan-Anagnos & James P Anagnos Jr S: Cecily Hull-Bryant Book/Page: 37543/167, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $63,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $65,000 (08/13) 275 ESSEX ST U:305............................. $330,000 B: Michael Cox S: Heather E Weinberg Tr, Tr for Wendy RT Book/Page: 37546/564, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $297,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (04/08) 346 ESSEX ST U:346............................. $375,000 B: Pedro Perez S: Eve E Cronin & Matthew Cronin Book/Page: 37557/102, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $356,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $309,900 (12/16) 31 GREENWAY RD................................. $123,652 B: Janet T Dubois S: Nancy E Peluso Doc#: 000000602207, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $80,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $123,652 (05/12) 21 LAUREL ST....................................... $515,000 B: Dennis Dicicco & Denns Dicicco S: Reny Investments 1 LLC Book/Page: 37548/397, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $386,250 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (02/17) 6 LORING HILLS AVE U:B2.................... $358,000 B: Lawrence W Dithomas & Mary Dithomas S: Anton Repin Book/Page: 37555/81, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $232,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $251,000 (01/19) 7 LORING HILLS AVE............................ $3,250,000 B: Carol Way LLC S: 7 Loring Hills Avenue LLC Book/Page: 37558/456, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Oxford Finance LLC $4,000,000 Use: Nursing Home, Lot: 87120sf Prior Sale: $10,080,000 (07/15) 13 MEADOW ST U:1.............................. $262,000 B: Antonio Mondella S: Annette M Miccoli Book/Page: 37547/372, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $251,907 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (08/16) 13 MEADOW ST U:2.............................. $309,900 B: Elana Audet S: Nathan J Freehling & Danielle Torgersen Book/Page: 37549/49, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Winchester Cp Bk $289,900 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $213,000 (09/16) 149 NORTH ST....................................... $650,000 B: Brinn Weaver & Joseph Weaver S: Brietta C Harrington & Peter S Harrington Book/Page: 37554/145, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 2614sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (03/04) 12 NURSERY ST.................................... $315,000 B: Patrick Baker-Corcoran & Rachel E Hinckley S: Margaret F Hinckley Book/Page: 37558/217, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $305,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (09/06) 4 PLANTERS ST..................................... $245,000 B: Briana P Norwood S: Martin Norwood Book/Page: 37545/32, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $220,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3049sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (04/18) 20 PLEASANT ST................................... $450,000 B: Anastasia V Alter & Jessica R Alter S: Hannah S Diozzi Book/Page: 37555/208, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $427,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 4792sf Prior Sale: $287,000 (01/01) 24 RAYMOND RD.................................. $410,000 B: Cassandra Acciaioli & Nicholas Broughton S: Lisa K Rosenthal Book/Page: 37553/157, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $387,486 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5663sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (12/16)

9 S MASON ST U:1................................ B: Michele Engelbrecht & Kevin Lemaire S: Juniper Point Ice Cream Book/Page: 37551/389, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $434,600 Use: Condo 9 S MASON ST U:2................................ B: Cody R Dano & Kyle S Walker S: Juniper Point Ice Cream Book/Page: 37552/94, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $458,300 Use: Condo 20 STATION RD..................................... B: Morris Cletorial & Sarah Cletorial S: Manal J Kurbaj Book/Page: 37558/138, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $438,903 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $349,900 (05/02) 56 VALIANT WAY U:56.......................... B: Susan Curtin & Jose Gonzalez S: William V Papa Book/Page: 37551/307, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $324,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $266,000 (05/13) 10 VICTORY RD..................................... B: Matthew E Ingram & Courtney M Slavn S: Louise D Cleary Book/Page: 37552/395, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Marblehead Svgs Bk $342,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7405sf







MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $322,250

YTD 2019 15 $340,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 29 12TH ST W....................................... $328,000 B: Anthony Finocchiaro S: Donovan Dorothy A Est & Leslie A Quinlan Book/Page: 37556/168, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $262,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3750sf 17 1ST ST.............................................. $350,000 B: Stephen A Roth S: Terry V Anderson Book/Page: 37552/508, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $310,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 14520sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (10/14) 53 BRIDGE RD....................................... $550,000 B: West Lebanon Realty LLC S: Timothy W Lamprey Book/Page: 37543/197, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 32001sf 105 FOLLY MILL RD.............................. $125,000 B: Dale Grasso S: JJP Custom Homes LLC Book/Page: 37557/144, Date: 06/03/19 246 N END BLVD................................... $330,000 B: Bryan Champagne & Pamela Champagne S: David J Carbevale & Patricia M Carbevale Doc#: 000000602247, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 991sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (11/11) 18 OLD COUNTY RD.............................. $449,000 B: Derek P Weldon S: Decm LLC Book/Page: 37550/470, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $359,200 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10066sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $395,000

YTD 2019 86 $445,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 3RD ST............................................. $485,000 B: Stella Montgomery & William Montgomery S: Mary A Flaherty Book/Page: 37553/400, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $229,000 (09/99) 65 ALTAMOUNT AVE............................. $866,500 B: Zachary M Gildin & Anna R Lane S: Altamount Ave LLC Book/Page: 37563/8, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $693,200 13 CHERRY STREET EXT....................... $569,000 B: Dyan Bendavid & Paul E Bendavid S: Barbara A Finocchiaro & David L Finocchiaro Book/Page: 37562/182, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $569,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 17550sf 206 ESSEX ST....................................... $15,000 B: Carmen M Sinatra S: Carmen M Sinatra & Patricia J Sinatra Book/Page: 37555/312, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7279sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (08/16) 1 FAIRVIEW ST...................................... $390,000 B: Caroline A Mendes & Kameron M Mendes S: Leo F Gillespie & Sandra L Obrien Book/Page: 37563/186, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $370,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10463sf 15 FELTON ST....................................... $310,000 B: Emily Curley & Patrick Curley S: Brian J Sanphy & Donna E Sanphy Book/Page: 37554/49, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $294,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 9988sf 112 HOWARD ST................................... $535,500 B: Barry M Silverman S: Dmitriy Kaplan & Alina D Kaplan Doc#: 000000602393, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16906sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (07/16) 2107 LEWIS O GRAY DR U:2107........... $447,000 B: Daniel Doherty & Lisa Doherty S: Jane M Marchurs & Kenneth A Marchurs Book/Page: 37551/383, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $355,000 (09/03) 10 OAK ST............................................. $423,000 B: Phenny Lou & Richie Lou S: Darlene M Matthews & Scott B Wetherbee Book/Page: 37553/329, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $317,250 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8259sf 31 PINEHURST AVE............................... $390,000 B: Meghan M Macleod & Meghan M Mackleod S: Jo-Marie Cushing & Stephen Macdougall Book/Page: 37547/187, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Village Mtg Co $370,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11635sf Prior Sale: $159,900 (01/00) 20 SALEM TPKE................................... $3,500,000 B: Charles Lightbody S: Route 107 Storage LLC Book/Page: 37542/369, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Route 107 Storage LLC $2,000,000 Use: Auto Sales, Lot: 41147sf Prior Sale: $2,000,000 (09/04)

JUNE 17, 2019

150 SALEM TPKE................................. $3,500,000 B: Charles Lightbody S: Route 107 Storage LLC Book/Page: 37542/369, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Route 107 Storage LLC $2,000,000 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 135994sf 55 SAUGUS AVE.................................... $460,500 B: East Coast Lux Limousine S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 37556/84, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: JCT Mortgage Fund $438,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19998sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (11/18) 46 SUMMER ST..................................... $545,000 B: Ronald E Ramirez-Guzman S: Mark O Armstrong Book/Page: 37555/585, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $484,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13865sf Prior Sale: $497,000 (09/05) 2 THISTLE RD........................................ $665,000 B: Salvatore J Gesamondo Jr & Nicole N Lopez S: Lovey LLC Book/Page: 37553/565, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $532,000 Use: 2-Family Split Entry, Lot: 10738sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (02/19) 127 VINE ST.......................................... $470,000 B: Gilberto Silva-Santos & Keitman Dasilva-Santos S: Anthony Renzi Tr, Tr for Jennifer A Renzi T Book/Page: 37556/262, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $376,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 11731sf 6 WALDEN POND CIR............................ $500,000 B: Soumia Brown & Timothy A Brown S: Nicholas Murphy & Nicole Murphy Book/Page: 37552/126, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 11047sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (12/13) 39 WALDEN TER................................... $575,000 B: Eric M Shaker S: Hugh J Burke & Mary C Burke Book/Page: 37544/112, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $325,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28754sf


Wenham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $672,500

YTD 2019 15 $565,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 108 MAIN ST......................................... $690,000 B: Aimee Cooper & Chandler Hovey-Cooper S: Christopher Gaylord Book/Page: 37546/167, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $380,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $701,000 (08/03) 41 WILLIAM FAIRFIELD DR.................. $1,055,000 B: Brian R Thomas & Jennifer M Thomas S: Shayda Majidi-Ahi Tr, Tr for Shayda Ahi T Book/Page: 37557/122, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 63522sf

West Newbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $476,250

YTD 2019 12 $587,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 104 BACHELOR ST................................ B: Derek Mitchell & Lydia Sisson S: FNMA Book/Page: 37554/348, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $256,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 95832sf Prior Sale: $242,072 (02/15) 154 BACHELOR ST................................ B: Billie-Jo L Gauley & Michael Marvel S: Mary E Cooney & James W Rymsha Book/Page: 37558/255, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $234,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 82764sf 6 WATERSIDE LN.................................. B: James Leclaire S: Daniel G Chory Book/Page: 37560/14, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $540,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 66647sf Prior Sale: $7,500 (04/97)




MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $553,750

YTD 2019 27 $555,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 BOYNTON ST.................................... $474,000 B: Marco Sanchez & Molly Sanchez S: Mary B Marchal & James M Nicholson Book/Page: 37546/397, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $450,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (07/15) 441 ESSEX ST U:204............................. $484,000 B: Eric Rasmussen S: Swampscott Living LLC Book/Page: 37555/9, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 53 MAGNOLIA RD.................................. $553,700 B: Aaron B Altman & Katherine H Plapinger S: Joshua Altschuler Book/Page: 37542/181, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $276,850 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5532sf Prior Sale: $543,551 (06/18) 10 NANTUCKET AVE.............................. $530,000 B: Christopher M Conroy S: Patricia F Tradd & Ronald J Tradd Book/Page: 37562/94, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $180,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6316sf Prior Sale: $419,000 (06/03) 80 PINE ST............................................ $350,000 B: Grant Dauber & Kaitlin Dauber S: Jean-Claude Banderier & Kara Banderier Book/Page: 37563/28, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $332,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3093sf Prior Sale: $226,000 (05/16) 70 REDINGTON ST................................. $605,000 B: Cindy Ho & Jeffrety Laing S: Nancy Benotti Book/Page: 37542/509, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $400,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 6578sf Prior Sale: $429,000 (06/02) 94 ROCKLAND ST U:2........................... $253,000 B: Sheila A Dodge & Cathy E Leary S: Sharon Hunt Book/Page: 37549/193, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $155,000 (11/06) 39 STANWOOD RD................................ $735,000 B: Matthew Wirth S: Bonnie E Westerman & Kurt L Westerman Book/Page: 37550/535, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $510,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8320sf

Topsfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $537,500

YTD 2019 14 $645,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 75 ALDERBROOK DR............................. $582,000 B: Thomas J Manning Tr, Tr for Manuel C Candido FT S: Anne D Lang Book/Page: 37554/526, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Home Ln & Invest Bk $552,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87556sf Prior Sale: $382,000 (04/97) 470 BOSTON ST U:19............................ $900,193 B: Thomas Cadigan Tr, Tr for 470 Boston 19 RET S: Topsfield Rolling Green Book/Page: 37547/268, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 9 FULLER FARMS RD............................ $955,000 B: Christopher A Barger & Rebeca S Barger S: John A Ivester & Teresa L Ivester Book/Page: 37546/116, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 74179sf 61 HAVERHILL RD................................. $477,000 B: Michael Shaer S: Dayle L Day & Scott W Mckenna Book/Page: 37559/418, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $424,297 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 94961sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (11/02) 76 WASHINGTON ST............................ $1,185,000 B: William F Connor Sr Tr, Tr for 76 Washington Street T S: Karen Birdsall Book/Page: 37552/33, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 488743sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Franklin Registry Scott A. Cote. Register 43 Hope Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 Telephone: (413) 772-0239 Fax: (413) 774-7150 or

Ashfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $160,000

YTD 2019 2

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 536 MARCH RD..................................... B: Dennis J Vight & Theresa M Vight S: Mareen A Steiner Book/Page: 7367/61, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $85,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 453024sf


Bernardston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $200,000

YTD 2019 3 $247,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 83 FOX HILL RD..................................... B: Bessie Jones S: Angela L Russek Book/Page: 7369/299, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Stone By Stone Farm $220,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 133729sf Prior Sale: $135,250 (10/00)


Buckland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 Median Price

YTD 2019 3 $204,070

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES APPLE VALLEY RD................................ $55,000 B: Benjamin S Murray & Amy B Murray S: Nicholas D Warren Book/Page: 7369/51, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Edwin A Murray Jr $45,000 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 217800sf 48 CRITTENDEN HILL RD...................... $879,750 B: William L Jacobson & Elizabeth R Jacobson S: Ana O Hendrick Tr, Tr for Richard&Ana LT Book/Page: 7370/181, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 1100413sf 39 FRANKLIN ST................................... $150,000 B: Donald P Kahn Jr S: Courtney Zarish Book/Page: 7369/24, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $179,000 (08/11)

Conway MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $323,000

YTD 2019 3 $146,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES ACADEMY HILL RD............................... $25,000 B: Steven P Thomas & Jeanne E Thomas S: William Sheehan & Katherine Robertson Book/Page: 7369/30, Date: 05/31/19 ACADEMY HILL RD............................... $18,000 B: John A Maggs Tr, Tr for John A Maggs INT S: William Sheehan & Katherine Robertson Book/Page: 7369/33, Date: 05/31/19

Deerfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $272,000

YTD 2019 8 $238,800

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 13 DUNCAN DR U:B............................... $245,000 B: Matthew A Plotkin S: John M Kronenwetter & M T Comeau-Kronenwetter Book/Page: 7368/108, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $196,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $224,000 (07/15) 2 MEADOW OAK LN U:B........................ $239,500 B: Jared H Gale & Grace E Evangelista S: Brian M Stoll & Robin Venditti-Stoll Book/Page: 7370/144, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $232,315 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $189,000 (08/15) RIVER RD............................................... $64,000 B: Vladimir V Sinigur S: John L Knuerr Book/Page: 7369/146, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 60004sf 23-B SNOWBERRY CIR U:8B................. $307,900 B: Roark C Herron & Linda A Slattery S: Ragus LLC Book/Page: 7368/38, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo

Erving MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $175,000

YTD 2019 3 $215,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 HIGH ST............................................ B: Jacqualyn Crosby S: Deborah A Taylor Book/Page: 7370/23, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $162,626 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27240sf Prior Sale: $89,171 (12/11)


YTD 2019 32 $194,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 890 BERNARDSTON RD........................ $227,750 B: Michele Hoyt S: Rhiannon M Thackeray & Kyle R Schroder Book/Page: 7369/149, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Florence Bank $197,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 76243sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (06/17) 975 BERNARDSTON RD........................ $301,500 B: Eric R Amato & Angela M Amato S: Luallen Chadwick & Susan A Chadwick Book/Page: 7367/346, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $241,200 Type: Adj Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Agricul, Lot: 415040sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (05/06) 56 CHEAPSIDE ST................................. $167,000 B: Emmalyn Hicks S: Bruce G Thomas & Margaret A Thomas Book/Page: 7370/266, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 59860sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (09/18) 12 HUNTINGTON CIR U:B...................... $191,000 B: Peter W Strakose & Carrie A Strakose S: Rozina N Butt Book/Page: 7368/307, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $171,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $107,200 (01/17) 50 PROSPECT ST U:H............................ $99,500 B: Dennis E Welcome Jr & Susan J Welcome S: Thomas T Merrigan & Margaret S Merrigan Book/Page: 7367/316, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $88,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 91 SMITH ST........................................ $2,495,833 B: CV Greenfield 1 LLC S: Ronald G Demaio Tr, Tr for Concetta Simone T 1962 Book/Page: 7368/145, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 35410sf 19 SUNRISE AVE................................... $254,000 B: Eduard Rotari & Ludmila Rotari S: John W Merz & Carole E Merz Book/Page: 7368/245, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $219,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14950sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (04/00) 100 WILDWOOD AVE............................. $210,000 B: Joanne C Start S: Susan J Welcome & Dennis E Welcome Jr Book/Page: 7367/186, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $199,500 Use: 2-Family Ranch, Lot: 17433sf


YTD 2019 7 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 CIDER MILL RD................................ $300,000 B: Kristen E Chamberlin & Doris J Chamberlin S: Patricia Thiebe Book/Page: 7369/232, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $240,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33300sf 332 LONG PLAIN RD............................. $70,000 B: Lillianna Pereira & Robert Piotrowski S: Pioneer Valley Redev LLC Book/Page: 7367/247, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $360,600 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 206427sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (12/12)

Montague MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $184,500


YTD 2019 19 $204,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 INDUSTRIAL BLVD........................... $990,000 B: 253 Property Management S: Savage Legacy LLC Book/Page: 7370/318, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Savage Legacy LLC $640,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 100754sf Prior Sale: $142,200 (05/03)

Wendell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1 Median Price

YTD 2019 0

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES JENNISON RD........................................ $236,000 B: Massachusetts Audubon Soc S: L Marcelle Feltman Book/Page: 7367/134, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Chapter 61 Forest, Lot: 5480284sf NEW SALEM RD.................................... $236,000 B: Massachusetts Audubon Soc S: L Marcelle Feltman Book/Page: 7367/134, Date: 05/30/19 152 NEW SALEM RD............................. $140,000 B: Mary E Ziemba S: Homewright LLC Book/Page: 7369/273, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $90,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 104544sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (08/18)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $230,000

YTD 2019 3 $224,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 4 MILE BROOK RD........................... $273,360 B: Michael T Magnuson & Bethany R Magnuson S: Joel N Fowler Tr, Tr for Fowler INT Book/Page: 7367/17, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $273,360 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 415998sf Prior Sale: $13,000 (10/18) 177 MAIN ST......................................... $315,000 B: Amy K Hildenbrand S: John Hovnanian & Marylou App-Hovnanian Book/Page: 7370/81, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $277,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $262,500 (04/17)



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $335,000

3 MADISON AVE.................................... $200,000 B: Nicholas J Henry & Ciara A Henry S: Kristie M Timberlake & Claudia K Vearling Book/Page: 7369/173, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $202,020 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6316sf Prior Sale: $146,500 (10/12) 72 MILLERS FALLS RD......................... $132,000 B: Bonnie M Bongiovanni & Kristine A Jordan S: Lehman Charity E Est & John A Drozdowski Book/Page: 7368/288, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $105,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 7971sf 11 MONTAGUE ST................................. $261,500 B: Quentin K Reynolds & Margaux A Reckard S: William L Payne Book/Page: 7368/178, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $209,200 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14636sf Prior Sale: $251,000 (08/11)


Greenfield YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $179,500



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $164,000

YTD 2019 33 $172,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 95 FAIRMAN RD.................................... $226,000 B: Desiree D Ciccone & Jesse R Ciccone S: Eric R Amato & Angela M Amato Book/Page: 7367/139, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $210,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 19201sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (12/13) 186 WALNUT HILL RD........................... $391,000 B: Christopher M Jean & Samantha L Jean S: Christopher J Donelan & Maureen Donelan Book/Page: 7368/278, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 59634sf

Shelburne MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $212,500

YTD 2019 5 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 417 LITTLE MOHAWK RD...................... B: Alyssa L Gerry & Seamus Strong S: Little Mohawk Properties Book/Page: 7368/328, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $294,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 303613sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (09/18)


Shutesbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $240,000

YTD 2019 3 $271,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 204 W PELHAM RD............................... $377,500 B: Gregory Milton-Darms & Christi D Payne S: David R Foster & Marianne R Jorgensen Book/Page: 7369/58, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 78844sf

Sunderland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 Median Price $265,450

YTD 2019 4 $306,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 352 MONTAGUE RD............................... $80,000 B: Jennifer A Potyrala S: Thomas M Storozuk Jr Book/Page: 7367/40, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 77738sf Prior Sale: $226,000 (10/12) 17 N PLAIN RD...................................... $190,000 B: Robert H Adair S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 7369/92, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $235,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 32670sf Prior Sale: $324,219 (01/18) 156 RUSSELL ST................................... $85,000 B: AGT Homes LLC S: Ellen Smith Book/Page: 7369/197, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 96033sf 41 S PLAIN RD...................................... $380,000 B: Eli Z Berk & Lauren E Potter S: David J Dion & Mary E Dion Book/Page: 7368/52, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Florence Bank $285,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32100sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (03/06) 352 S SILVER LN................................... $251,000 B: Lindsay A Clough & Peter J Clough S: Jonathan M Bell & Ronald E Bell Book/Page: 7369/114, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $253,535 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 35022sf Prior Sale: $237,500 (08/06)

Hampden Registry Cheryl A. Coakley Rivera, Esq., Register 50 State Street Springfield, MA 01103 Telephone: (413) 755-1722 Fax: (413) 731-8190

Westfield Satellite Office

Westfield City Hall 59 Court Street Westfield, MA 01085 Telephone: (413) 568-2290 Fax: (413) 568-4869

Agawam MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 58 Median Price $222,000

YTD 2019 55 $221,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 BEEKMAN DR U:11........................... $146,000 B: Steven D Bishop & Angela Bishop S: Neil A Donah Book/Page: 22690/102, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $138,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $134,000 (06/14) 4-D MANSION WOODS.......................... $177,500 B: Marwan Al-Masri S: Anne C Llewellyn & Judith H Llewellyn Book/Page: 22692/586, Date: 06/03/19 17 MANSION WOODS DR U:A............... $170,000 B: Ellen S Farley S: Peter A Picknelly & Melissa M Picknelly Book/Page: 22685/180, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Webster Bank $136,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $168,000 (05/17) 11 MAYNARD ST................................... $235,000 B: Long Nguyen S: Peter J Gallagher Book/Page: 22684/598, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $176,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9950sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (10/08) 418 MEADOW ST U:E4.......................... $136,000 B: Alisha R Conti S: Derek J Benton Book/Page: 22689/27, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lee Bank $122,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $160,000 (11/06) 13 NICOLE TER...................................... $248,000 B: Denise Pelchat S: Tylor R Vaillancourt & Kathryn M Vaillancourt Book/Page: 22685/91, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $85,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 16225sf Prior Sale: $232,000 (03/16) 78 PLANTATION DR U:78...................... $145,000 B: Mark R Denning S: Timothy D Garska Book/Page: 22688/261, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nations Lending Corp $132,802 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $154,000 (05/09) 244 SILVER ST...................................... $217,000 B: Volodymyr Chyzh & Antonina Chyzh S: Evelyn M Porter Book/Page: 22690/582, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Westfield Bank $195,300 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 50965sf

Brimfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $250,000

YTD 2019 9 $295,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 61 PROSPECT HILL RD.......................... $302,000 B: Daniel Dellacroce & Andrea Dellacroce S: Joseph G Chadwick Jr & Rachael V Chadwick Doc#: 000000218332, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $296,530 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12900sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (06/09)

Chicopee MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 110 Median Price $171,500

YTD 2019 96 $175,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 104 ANDERSEN RD U:104..................... B: Carrie A Castrillo S: M&G Property Group LLC Book/Page: 22689/62, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $130,752 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $81,000 (03/19)


51 BEMIS AVE....................................... $159,000 B: Miriam Reyes & Aisy Padilla S: Mcnamara Patricia F Est & William J Mcnamara Jr Book/Page: 22690/343, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $156,120 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf 771 BRITTON ST................................... $141,000 B: Sarah L Wenners S: Michelle L Navarez-Sandy Book/Page: 22687/7, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $136,770 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $114,765 (11/09) 75 CATHERINE ST................................. $121,000 B: Ganna Boyko S: Drobnak Martin Est & Steven Drobnak Book/Page: 22687/592, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7841sf 26 HARDING ST..................................... $195,000 B: Kelly C Galindez S: Nathan Warren & Karen Warren Book/Page: 22688/180, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inland B&T $191,468 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (08/10) 115 LABELLE CIR.................................. $252,000 B: Natalie E Hernandez-Lopez & Luis E Rolon S: Dean C Ravosa & Gina Ravosa Doc#: 000000218352, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $247,435 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10019sf 24 LANGEVIN ST................................... $175,000 B: George Laguerre & Susanne Laguerre S: Alexander T Devik & Brenna A Weisslender Doc#: 000000218303, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $140,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $144,000 (10/15) 166 LANGEVIN ST................................. $410,000 B: NSTAR Electric Co S: Teresa Rideout & Theresa Rideout Book/Page: 22686/278, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40946sf Prior Sale: $178,000 (04/12) 10 LAVALLE AVE................................... $315,000 B: Cody R Romanowicz S: Peter J Creanza & Lauren G Creanza Book/Page: 22689/421, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $252,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (06/13) 39 MCCARTHY AVE............................... $187,000 B: David S Triffletti S: Michael G Paquette & Cecilia C Paquette Book/Page: 22690/308, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $167,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $157,000 (10/04) 21 MILLER ST........................................ $95,000 B: Cornerstone Homebuying S: Antonio Pellegrino & Linda S Pellegrino Book/Page: 22689/411, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Brian Lindley $138,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 1307sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (03/03) 38 MORGAN CIR.................................... $364,000 B: January L Wilson S: Premier Home Builders Inc Book/Page: 22690/452, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $304,000 87 NASH ST........................................... $94,500 B: Kevin F Piquette S: Bruce Piquette Book/Page: 22688/297, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf 96 OLD FARM RD.................................. $220,000 B: Michael D Beaudreault S: January L Wilson Doc#: 000000218341, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $209,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $139,900 (07/02) 4 PARADISE ST..................................... $212,000 B: Christopher M Roy S: Sebastian Mgmt Inc Tr, Tr for Paradise Street RT Book/Page: 22693/93, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $169,600 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5663sf 741 PROSPECT ST................................ $100,000 B: Samantha Britt S: Paquette Raymond E Est & Nathan A Paquette Book/Page: 22686/498, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf 10 PROVIDENCE ST............................... $165,000 B: Yasmin M Forbes S: Marcel Nunes Book/Page: 22690/499, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $162,011 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3485sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (10/17) 83 ROBAK DR........................................ $235,000 B: Anthony M Russell & Beth A Slater S: Steven J Malke Jr & Katherine M Malke Doc#: 000000218373, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Northern Mtg $223,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (06/14) 74 SHAW PARK AVE............................. $190,000 B: Michelle Garcia S: Arnold Construction Inc Book/Page: 22686/303, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Shamrock Fncl Corp $184,300 Use: 2 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (09/18) SHEPHERD ST....................................... $121,000 B: Ganna Boyko S: Drobnak Martin Est & Steven Drobnak Book/Page: 22687/592, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10890sf 20 STEARNS TER.................................. $211,150 B: Benjamin R Merritt & Samantha J Merritt S: Ellen Sullivan-Farley Book/Page: 22685/154, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Finance America LLC $218,117 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4792sf 89 STEDMAN ST................................... $108,420 B: Westside Housing Inc S: Carrington Mortgage Svcs Book/Page: 22684/506, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $113,980 (04/19) 59 THADDEUS ST.................................. $60,000 B: Walter W James & Donna J James S: Cogdill Mitsuko Est & Harold F Brunault Book/Page: 22685/19, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6534sf 24 WELLS AVE...................................... $125,000 B: Kevin T Florio S: Linda M Costa Book/Page: 22688/434, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $127,687 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4356sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

East Longmeadow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $279,200

YTD 2019 65 $224,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 BAYNE ST......................................... $212,000 B: Julius Jimenez & Tayler Jiminez S: G O Markman Holdings LLC Book/Page: 22694/443, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $194,139 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14060sf Prior Sale: $183,000 (08/16) 81 BAYNE ST......................................... $270,000 B: Benjamin T Thornton & Shannon H Thornton S: Gavin J Kelly & April E Kelly Book/Page: 22686/440, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $256,500 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14290sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (11/12) 94 BAYNE ST......................................... $90,000 B: Gregory B Spaulding S: Kimberlee J Wright Book/Page: 22688/120, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9965sf 162 BRAEBURN RD............................... $220,000 B: Robbin L Conde & David J Antinore S: Brianna Perry Book/Page: 22686/419, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $176,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15518sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (07/13) 112 CHESTNUT ST................................ $225,000 B: Anthony Terzi & Aubrey A Terzi S: Nicole M Bouchereau & Kelly L Griffith Book/Page: 22689/217, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greatr Springfield CU $213,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 22740sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (01/07) 25 FERNWOOD DR................................ $260,000 B: Anthony M Tranghese S: Jeff A Mackenchnie Book/Page: 22691/62, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: American Fncl Svc Net $208,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26753sf Prior Sale: $217,000 (01/07) 60 HANWARD HL................................... $196,000 B: Jeff Mackechnie S: Birch Hill Realty Ptnrs Book/Page: 22691/290, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $166,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27110sf 123 MOUNTAINVIEW RD....................... $350,000 B: Brian L Mcclelland & Sarah H Mcclelland S: Margaret Slade & Mark W Swenor Book/Page: 22690/325, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: American Fncl Svc Net $332,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 33959sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (04/16) 127 PINEHURST DR U:127.................... $300,000 B: Mary L Dragone S: Avis Haight Book/Page: 22690/392, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $150,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $285,000 (07/10) 212 PINEHURST DR U:212.................... $295,000 B: Kenneth J Albano & Beth A Albano S: Robert G Davis Book/Page: 22690/140, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $236,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $212,400 (09/99) 12 PLEASANT PL................................... $195,000 B: Nathan A Bisson S: Gerald J Celetti Jr & Kathleen T Celetti Book/Page: 22687/281, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $185,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12872sf 9 SHERWOOD LN................................... $630,000 B: Jeffry A Kerr S: Lori A Digennaro Book/Page: 22688/357, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $415,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26544sf Prior Sale: $447,127 (09/04) 51 THOMPSON ST................................. $156,100 B: William T Raleigh S: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 22694/598, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9000sf Prior Sale: $165,640 (10/18) 40 VAN DYKE RD................................... $220,000 B: Matthew D Adams S: Sean P Butler & Karoline F Butler Book/Page: 22689/108, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $176,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7997sf Prior Sale: $210,900 (09/05) 20 WELLINGTON DR.............................. $485,000 B: Sean P Butler & Karoline F Butler S: Michael Sullivan & Gay E Sullivan Book/Page: 22690/482, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $363,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43485sf

Granville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $215,000

YTD 2019 3 $337,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 62 WATER ST........................................ B: Allison G Falcetti S: Brian K Falcetti & Deborah C Falcetti Book/Page: 22690/5, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $91,400 (01/07)


Hampden MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $200,000

YTD 2019 20 $259,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 352 BENNETT RD.................................. $400,000 B: Andrew V Schwendenmann & Stefanie V Schwendenmann S: Sonya E Vickers Book/Page: 22690/367, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $360,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 61420sf SCANTIC RD.......................................... $82,500 B: Todd C Pelletier & Tammey D Jones S: Eddie Santiago Book/Page: 22686/540, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 507038sf




47 WOODLAND DR................................ B: Timothy Cairney S: Shawn A Teece & Courtney K Teece Book/Page: 22686/546, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $196,377 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32240sf Prior Sale: $172,000 (08/14)


Holland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 Median Price $210,000

YTD 2019 15 $240,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 CANDLEWOOD CT.............................. $148,000 B: Noah D Merle S: Carolyn M Haley Book/Page: 22691/355, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $140,600 Use: 2-Family Ranch, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $106,000 (06/04) 4 DAVIDSON RD.................................... $275,000 B: Nelson A Rouette S: Anika Pecyna Book/Page: 22695/57, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $280,912 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (04/06) 31 KIMBALL HILL RD............................ $35,000 B: Fens Co LLC S: Patricia Dibonaventura Book/Page: 22693/274, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Gary H Harvey $85,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 57499sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (11/08) 4 LINDER RD......................................... $215,000 B: Melissa M Kelley S: Deborah J Benoit Book/Page: 22686/80, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $217,171 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $184,500 (01/15) 42 OVER THE TOP RD........................... $265,000 B: Anthony D Lauzon & Robbin J Lauzon S: Laurie E Longchamps & David P Longchamps Book/Page: 22686/356, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Granite State Mtg Cor $198,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $54,800 (07/10)

Holyoke MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 Median Price $207,500

YTD 2019 46 $190,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 BEACON AVE...................................... $37,100 B: Sheena H Watkins S: Holyoke City Of Book/Page: 22690/214, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Country Bank $70,760 Type: Adj Use: County/municipality Property, Lot: 6790sf 106-120 HIGH ST.................................. $120,000 B: Wrights Block LLC S: Joel Almonte Book/Page: 22687/97, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Todd Freeman $150,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 9774sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (01/19) 32 HITCHCOCK ST................................. $219,000 B: Brandi T Tourville S: Joseph W Westcott & Patricia J Westcott Book/Page: 22690/548, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $208,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6250sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (07/06) 934 MAIN ST......................................... $127,000 B: William J Philpott S: Aleksandr Yarmolenko Book/Page: 22689/124, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 16095sf Prior Sale: $23,000 (11/12) 75 RICHARD EGER DR........................... $415,000 B: Albert R Kingan & Jan C Kingan S: Nancy L Weiss Book/Page: 22685/111, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 10311sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (10/98)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 276 HIGH ST.......................................... B: Prew LLC S: Pedro Morales & Prew LLC Book/Page: 22693/585, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (03/12)


Longmeadow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $297,500

YTD 2019 60 $345,776

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 BELLECLAIRE AVE........................... B: Oscar Ortega S: Jordan Montoya & Cierra Montoya Book/Page: 22694/464, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: American Fncl Svc Net $291,822 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $262,500 (12/16) 119 ELY WAY........................................ B: Patrick J Sheehy & Leslie A Sheehy S: Kathleen M Caputo Book/Page: 22688/205, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38333sf 90 FAIRVIEW ST.................................... B: Soyoung Kim S: Dongsup Kim & Donghee Kim Book/Page: 22690/271, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $210,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (05/02) 191 GREENACRE AVE............................ B: Carolyn E Santiago S: Jennifer M Carroll Doc#: 000000218309, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $281,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30056sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (05/18) 398 MAPLE RD...................................... B: Alicia Bell S: Rehanahmed S Peerzada & Anisa Kagzi Book/Page: 22688/236, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $185,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $177,000 (07/12)


29 PRYNNWOOD RD.............................. B: Nancy A Sigler & Christopher L Hensley S: Thomas J Fisher & Dawn M Fisher Book/Page: 22690/74, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $264,900 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 53143sf 32 SYLVAN PL....................................... B: Aaron Laudermith & Ariel Laudermith S: David K Sanger & Rebecca J Sanger Doc#: 000000218319, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $296,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (08/11)



Ludlow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $205,500

YTD 2019 50 $203,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 353 FULLER ST U:13............................. $250,000 B: Russell C Newman & Carol B Newman S: Luann T Trigo Book/Page: 22691/431, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $249,900 (09/15) 2 MARIAS WAY..................................... $380,000 B: Ryan J Linton & Lauren M Shastany S: M&G Investors LLC Book/Page: 22688/487, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $304,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 15175sf 504 MILLER ST...................................... $367,000 B: Benjamin M Belisle & Nicole Belisle S: Nils E Midttveit & Jane F Midttveit Book/Page: 22684/281, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $348,650 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25358sf Prior Sale: $326,000 (03/10) 54 NASH HILL RD.................................. $270,000 B: Jordan M Leal & Nicholas B Tsagaris S: Kaitlin M Lalor & John P Lalor Book/Page: 22688/593, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Bank $216,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 32187sf Prior Sale: $259,000 (10/15) PINEY LN L:A......................................... $140,000 B: Derek Rodrigues & Stephanie Rodrigues S: Capuano Jay C Est & Barbara Capuano Book/Page: 22683/511, Date: 05/29/19 PINEY LN L:B......................................... $140,000 B: Derek Rodrigues & Stephanie Rodrigues S: Capuano Jay C Est & Barbara Capuano Book/Page: 22683/511, Date: 05/29/19 69 W AKARD ST.................................... $267,500 B: Teresa Rideout S: Andrew Rose & Janine Rose Book/Page: 22689/364, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9760sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (06/14) 13 WATERS EDGE U:13......................... $117,500 B: Sophia Hess & George Leastman S: Joseph M Cabral Book/Page: 22688/533, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $172,175 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $91,000 (04/99) 204 WEST ST......................................... $98,280 B: NSP Residential LLC S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 22685/424, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8250sf Prior Sale: $103,320 (07/18) 204 WEST ST......................................... $127,693 B: James A Maciag S: NSP Residential LLC Book/Page: 22685/461, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Aura Mtg Advisors LLC $131,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8250sf Prior Sale: $103,320 (07/18)

Monson MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 23 Median Price $235,000

YTD 2019 29 $210,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 HIGH ST............................................ $129,330 B: Raymond F Labonte Jr & Phattiya Labonte S: Bank New York Mellon Tr Book/Page: 22686/562, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 23290sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (08/18) 237 HOVEY RD...................................... $325,000 B: Joseph C Martin & Lisa M Martin S: H&L&Tassinari Builders Book/Page: 22687/158, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $240,000 Type: Adj 58 MARGARET ST................................. $315,500 B: Joshua W Meskill S: Diane M Ridgway Book/Page: 22686/33, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $306,035 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 112385sf Prior Sale: $184,900 (01/02) 300 WALES RD...................................... $369,900 B: Joseph L Kaminski & Christin M Kaminski S: Joseph C Martin & Lisa M Martin Book/Page: 22687/53, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $369,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 61420sf Prior Sale: $29,999 (07/99)


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 Median Price

YTD 2019 3 $220,000



36 OLD HOUSE RD................................ B: Marshall Prokop S: Paul A Mason & Jessica Mason Book/Page: 22687/131, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $358,546 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 84071sf


Palmer MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $188,000

YTD 2019 36 $198,000


26 BOWDEN ST..................................... B: Mary E Hart S: Marjorie J Albano Book/Page: 22694/561, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $140,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (07/11)


9-11 CREST ST...................................... $204,000 B: David A Mcdonald & Debra A Mcdonald S: Dennis C Biron Book/Page: 22693/464, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $173,400 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 7377sf 17 DUBLIN ST........................................ $125,000 B: Dylan Kirkland S: Adam Hilario Book/Page: 22687/567, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Finance America LLC $122,735 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6144sf Prior Sale: $92,783 (11/17) EMERY ST............................................. $40,000 B: Roger W Barnes Jr S: Country Bank For Savings Book/Page: 22684/319, Date: 05/29/19 4032 MAIN ST....................................... $112,600 B: Charles W Russis & Megan Russis S: Charles W Russis & Randy E Russis Book/Page: 22688/555, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: North American SB $162,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 76230sf 1011 OAK ST......................................... $224,900 B: Rolande M Smalarz S: Thomas Russo Book/Page: 22691/197, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6250sf Prior Sale: $98,061 (05/18) 2142 PALMER RD................................. $123,000 B: Judy Bergdoll S: Carrington Mortgage Svcs Book/Page: 22694/392, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: MRD Profit Sharing $160,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $194,816 (12/18) 1099 PARK ST....................................... $139,000 B: Roger Parker S: Townson Ronald M Est & Nancy J Townson Book/Page: 22690/25, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $104,250 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 10982sf 17 PEARL ST......................................... $129,000 B: Chad D Chevalier S: Doyle Edward W Est & Douglas W Doyle Book/Page: 22687/304, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $125,130 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8712sf 106 PINNEY ST...................................... $236,000 B: Paul Mowery & Tara Mowery S: Edward J Belanger & Katherine M Belanger Book/Page: 22686/581, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $204,110 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11243sf Prior Sale: $117,900 (03/10)

Russell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 Median Price

YTD 2019 3 $84,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 696 WOODLAND WAY........................... B: Jamie A Lisella & Keith T Cotter S: James Fournier & Gail Fournier Book/Page: 22691/41, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $360,905 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87120sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (07/01)


Southwick MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $225,950

YTD 2019 27 $240,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 LAUREL RIDGE RD............................. $645,000 B: Kristin Pierce & Andrew Norton S: Kelly A Arsenault & Eugene M Arsenault Jr Book/Page: 22691/79, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $516,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 289163sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (01/01) 10 SHIRLEY TER.................................... $207,500 B: Mitchell A Davidson S: Robert J Davidson Jr & Derrick C Davidson Book/Page: 22684/386, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $166,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15400sf

Springfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 368 Median Price $144,950

YTD 2019 388 $160,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 68 ABBOTT ST....................................... B: David Coon & Sheila Coon S: Wmass Capital Partners Book/Page: 22687/595, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $174,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4966sf Prior Sale: $89,000 (01/18) 14 ANNIES WAY.................................... B: Nicole Benjamin S: Erin Short Book/Page: 22691/201, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $283,882 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7797sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (04/16) 104 APPLETON ST................................. B: David Maina S: Nicole L Benjamin Book/Page: 22690/48, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $216,532 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $186,000 (09/16) 75 BIRCHLAND AVE.............................. B: Kidon Gebersadik S: Marcus B Elliot & S P Mckenzie-Elliot Book/Page: 22691/512, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $172,567 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13203sf Prior Sale: $142,000 (11/09) 70 BOLTON ST....................................... B: Joseph E Hastain S: Jill A Newton Book/Page: 22686/58, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $157,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9335sf Prior Sale: $149,500 (06/08) 644 BOSTON RD.................................... B: Charles Craig Jr S: SAW Contracting LLC Book/Page: 22693/238, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $207,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (08/07)







40-42 CHERRY ST................................. $188,000 B: V M Martinez-Melendez S: Arnold Construction Inc Book/Page: 22684/570, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Bank $184,594 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 6081sf Prior Sale: $119,900 (11/18) 52 CHESTERFIELD AVE......................... $280,000 B: Judy A Maisonet S: Daniel E Carabine & Amanda R Carabine Book/Page: 22689/385, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $274,928 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6251sf Prior Sale: $222,000 (11/12) 71-73 CLEVELAND ST........................... $180,000 B: Wanda I Rivera S: Yousif Saleh Book/Page: 22689/514, Date: 05/31/19 44 COREY RD........................................ $205,000 B: Ryan Keefe S: Laura J Pinsonnault & Paul G Pinsonnault Jr Book/Page: 22687/353, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $164,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15804sf Prior Sale: $176,000 (03/09) 95 COVINGTON ST................................. $215,000 B: Peter M Sulewski S: Innovative Housing Group Book/Page: 22687/30, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Semper Home Loans $196,402 47 CURVE ST......................................... $158,500 B: Matthew R Shanahan & Abbie L Shanahan S: Andre R Laquerre & Deborah A Laquerre Book/Page: 22685/63, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $149,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6708sf 141 DONBRAY RD................................. $165,000 B: Joseph A Barszczewski S: Michele J Connors & Francis A Connors Book/Page: 22693/161, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Pioneer Vally CU $123,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11857sf Prior Sale: $122,000 (07/14) 48-50 DRESDEN ST............................... $179,000 B: Kevin D Tran & Viet T Dang S: Yellowbrick Property LLC Book/Page: 22693/443, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $134,250 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7048sf Prior Sale: $71,154 (11/08) 186 DWIGHT RD.................................... $190,000 B: David F Elliot S: Heather M Sharp Book/Page: 22691/97, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $180,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8015sf Prior Sale: $15,000 (07/11) 136 E ALLEN RIDGE RD........................ $218,205 B: Anne E Welz & Kevin Welz S: Paul T Flannery & Mary E Flannery Doc#: 000000218290, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Greatr Springfield CU $140,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 12271sf 212 ESSEX ST....................................... $202,000 B: Rafael Zavala 3rd & Ebony Jordan S: Sonia Morales & Nicolas Delgado-Rivera Book/Page: 22684/411, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Inland B&T $198,341 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5201sf Prior Sale: $162,500 (03/09) 11 FLORIDA ST...................................... $166,000 B: Miguel A Aviles S: Michael Simmonds & Djuan Barklow Book/Page: 22686/126, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $161,020 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3350sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (11/18) 385-387 FRANKLIN ST.......................... $126,000 B: Martin Vasquez & Ana Lantigua S: Fosy Claude & Flore Claude Book/Page: 22691/459, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fed Hm Ln Bk Bos $15,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7728sf Prior Sale: $148,000 (11/04) 23 FRONTENAC ST................................ $91,500 B: Property Keys LLC S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 22691/388, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $82,038 (06/18) 14 GLEN ALBYN ST............................... $148,000 B: Denise J Meyers S: Mary A Jones & Kimberly Coon Book/Page: 22689/86, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $145,319 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12332sf 374 GRAND VALLEY RD........................ $250,000 B: Theodore Scibelli & Susan Scibelli S: Joseph B Kaye & Merrie W Kaye Book/Page: 22691/343, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14048sf Prior Sale: $174,900 (06/03) 215 GRESHAM ST................................. $242,000 B: Tek Rai & Rina R Subba S: Ranjana Panchakoti Book/Page: 22690/248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $193,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5014sf Prior Sale: $239,000 (04/17) 111 INGLEWOOD AVE............................ $216,000 B: Jessica L Mullarkey S: Joann M Lafountain Book/Page: 22692/524, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $212,087 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6517sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (11/09) 72 IRENE ST.......................................... $195,500 B: John A Altomonte 2nd & Patricia Edgerton S: Francis L Siana Book/Page: 22691/535, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $185,725 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11330sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (07/10) 125 KATHLEEN ST................................. $236,000 B: Ramon M Serrano & Lourdes Serrano S: Theodore Scibelli & Susan Scibelli Book/Page: 22690/291, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $224,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13822sf Prior Sale: $212,000 (11/05) 45 KEDDY ST......................................... $164,900 B: Booker Lemons S: Marcus Navarro Book/Page: 22687/321, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $164,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10755sf Prior Sale: $63,600 (01/18) 115 KIMBERLY AVE.............................. $199,000 B: Dorota Glosowitz S: Jane O Miller Book/Page: 22690/167, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $193,030 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7000sf 15 LADD ST........................................... $115,000 B: Jessica I Salgado S: Barry Bys & Natalie Bys Book/Page: 22687/264, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $112,917 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3798sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

JUNE 17, 2019

27 LAKEVILLA AVE................................ $160,000 B: Carlos Badillo S: Marianne E Therrien Book/Page: 22689/322, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inland B&T $157,102 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (07/15) 20 LORIMER ST..................................... $95,000 B: Chenevert Properties LLC S: Ibis Duo Holdings LLC Book/Page: 22687/371, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Pinnacle Fncl Svc LLC $116,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $72,000 (01/19) 249-251 MAIN ST................................. $720,000 B: Ashford Heights LLC S: Raev LLC Book/Page: 22691/219, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $576,000 253 MAIN ST......................................... $720,000 B: Ashford Heights LLC S: Raev LLC Book/Page: 22691/219, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $576,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 14793sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (08/17) 257-259 MAIN ST................................. $720,000 B: Ashford Heights LLC S: Raev LLC Book/Page: 22691/219, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $576,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 14741sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (08/17) 20 MANHATTAN ST............................... $125,000 B: Quanita Stewart S: Mark J Walachy & Maureen T Walachy Book/Page: 22693/364, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $122,735 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3446sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (11/07) 257 NAISMITH ST................................. $330,000 B: Mohamed A Kibodya & Saumu Mwakabi S: Mark Dumais & James Shepard Doc#: 000000218360, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $264,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8455sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (11/17) 841 NEWBURY ST................................. $263,000 B: Ian A Mclean & Denise Mclean S: N Riley Realty LLC Book/Page: 22688/329, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $240,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 2496sf 114 NEWHOUSE ST............................... $190,000 B: Julio Nunez & Joseline M Aponte S: Melissa L Hamelin Book/Page: 22687/406, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $186,558 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9561sf Prior Sale: $116,500 (02/18) 408 NOTTINGHAM ST............................ $30,000 B: 408 Nottingham Street LLC S: Ruby Realty LLC Doc#: 000000218325, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $74,450 Use: 1 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2627sf Prior Sale: $2,000 (04/19) 75 PEMAQUID ST.................................. $163,000 B: Alberto Archeval S: Kevin S Mcnamara Book/Page: 22689/239, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $169,047 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6625sf Prior Sale: $48,000 (06/12) 141 PINECREST DR............................... $202,000 B: Jeanette I Torres S: Nicole A Contois Book/Page: 22684/327, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $195,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10001sf 1259 PLUMTREE RD............................. $295,000 B: Solkeren Figuereo & Oliver Figuereo S: R2R LLC Book/Page: 22692/18, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $250,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 49175sf Prior Sale: $294,000 (03/19) 1598 PLUMTREE RD............................. $176,500 B: Delia L Goyenechea S: Hilary Stone Book/Page: 22691/559, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inland B&T $171,143 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5998sf 161 PORTER LAKE DR U:161................ $125,000 B: Thomas F Allen 4th S: Rachel Berg-Georgantas Book/Page: 22691/585, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $112,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $91,700 (09/14) 38 PRINCETON ST................................. $82,600 B: Alden Pond Properties LLC S: Lucy Davis Book/Page: 22684/101, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3990sf 11 RUSH ST........................................... $185,000 B: Tashaia Dejesus & Carlos Enchautegui S: Oliver Figuereo & Solkeren Figuereo Book/Page: 22690/194, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $181,649 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5502sf Prior Sale: $138,900 (03/06) 96 SAFFRON CIR................................... $205,000 B: Diane M Ridgway S: Mark J Mccoy Doc#: 000000218316, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10088sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (06/12) 58 SAN MIGUEL ST............................... $160,000 B: Melvin Orta-Cruz S: Maria L Adorno Book/Page: 22685/409, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $155,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $129,700 (12/13) 20 SAVOY AVE...................................... $172,000 B: Jaime Garrafa & Zulmari Bahamonde S: Della Ripa Real Estate Book/Page: 22695/95, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $168,884 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4500sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (01/19) 42 SHERWOOD RD................................ $240,000 B: Jacob Lemieux S: Hiba Youness & Zeinab H Mourad Book/Page: 22691/326, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inland B&T $235,653 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14427sf Prior Sale: $214,000 (09/06) 143 SLATER AVE................................... $150,000 B: Jesus Melendez S: Michelle E Malone Book/Page: 22694/523, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $147,283 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10960sf Prior Sale: $55,000 (04/04)

28 SURREY RD...................................... $164,000 B: Andres R Rivera S: Moll Marie A Est & John F Moll Doc#: 000000218297, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $159,080 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6508sf 150 SWITZER AVE................................. $60,000 B: Daniel E Chraplak Tr, Tr for T&D RT S: E&R Realty LLC Book/Page: 22688/130, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 11866sf TALBOT RD............................................ $181,500 B: Kimberly R Daughtry S: Michael J Guertin Book/Page: 22688/429, Date: 05/31/19 32 TAMARACK DR................................ $246,000 B: Andy J Otero S: David Rivera & Angeles Rivera Book/Page: 22691/117, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $241,544 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 13316sf Prior Sale: $95,500 (01/97) 193 TAYLOR ST..................................... $217,700 B: Samuel Springer S: Daigles Steer-O-Master Book/Page: 22690/526, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Velocity Comm Cap LLC $150,500 Use: Auto Sales, Lot: 9239sf 72 WACHUSETT ST............................... $179,000 B: Kyle Platner & Alyssa Flores S: David Chapdelaine Book/Page: 22684/445, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $175,757 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11831sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (10/18) 99-101 WAIT ST.................................... $40,000 B: John Reigner S: Diane Lee Book/Page: 22684/157, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5471sf 109 WESTFORD AVE............................. $185,000 B: Fernando A Santana S: Arch Properties LLC Book/Page: 22691/240, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $179,450 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6739sf Prior Sale: $59,000 (05/08) 180 WESTFORD CIR.............................. $76,000 B: Junior C Martin & Ann M Martin S: FNMA Book/Page: 22690/432, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $90,653 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5815sf Prior Sale: $53,000 (07/18) 70 WEXFORD ST................................... $207,000 B: Michael J Tucker & Jennifer M Tucker S: Alicia Bell Book/Page: 22688/156, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $211,450 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6386sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (12/02) 103 WILMONT ST.................................. $43,000 B: Dominic Kirchner 2nd Tr, Tr for Coraxe RT S: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Book/Page: 22686/120, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2322sf Prior Sale: $58,526 (08/17) 152 WINDEMERE ST............................. $168,000 B: Kelvin J Lopez-Caraballo & Enrique M DeleonCamacho S: Daniel T Beaven & Krysten Beaven Book/Page: 22687/484, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $164,957 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5502sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (05/04)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 106 HARKNESS AVE.............................. B: Keybank S: Robyn L Pinette & Keybank NA Book/Page: 22689/375, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7701sf Prior Sale: $137,500 (10/08) 30 PRINCE ST........................................ B: FHLM S: Ismael Sanchez & US Bank NA Book/Page: 22685/385, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3724sf 101 W CANTON CIR.............................. B: FHLM S: Donna S Thompson & Quicken Loans Inc Book/Page: 22689/354, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8403sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (02/11)





YTD 2019 2

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 111 OWLS NEST LN.............................. B: Christopher Robare S: William Magni Book/Page: 22683/519, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $98,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $72,500 (12/16)


West Springfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 72 Median Price $202,120

YTD 2019 101 $205,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 93 BRETTON RD.................................... B: Johannes Postma & K Joelle Million S: Kyle G Morin & Melissa A Morin Book/Page: 22691/158, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $110,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 36098sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (05/13) 127 BROOKLINE AVE............................. B: Fedai Bayram S: Richard W Manser & Geraldine R Manser Book/Page: 22684/299, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First World Mortgage $207,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf 27 BROOKSIDE DR................................ B: Thomas Pajak S: CIG 2 LLC Book/Page: 22689/567, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $266,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 16830sf Prior Sale: $146,000 (03/18) 24 CIRCLE DR........................................ B: Catherine E Sotolotto S: Melissa Legalos Book/Page: 22688/137, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lee Bank $171,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13015sf Prior Sale: $141,000 (02/12)

98 CONNECTICUT AVE.......................... $315,000 B: Daniel B Ballard S: Matthew J Geaughan & Stacy A Geaughan Book/Page: 22687/183, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $299,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (02/06) 857 ELM ST........................................... $410,000 B: KPQP LLC S: Margolis Family LLC Book/Page: 22693/54, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Industrial Office Building, Lot: 26206sf Prior Sale: $227,500 (11/99) 30 HAMPHREY LN................................. $259,900 B: Hector L Baez Jr & Evelyn J Montanez S: Andrea M Nazzaro Book/Page: 22693/421, Date: 06/03/19 56 HANOVER ST.................................... $205,000 B: Peter Ellis S: Glenn G Rocheleau & Melissa Rocheleau Book/Page: 22691/310, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $164,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6775sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (11/13) 19 HIGHLAND AVE............................... $3,700,000 B: Briarwood 17 LLC S: Hillcrest Apartments LLC Book/Page: 22692/292, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $2,700,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 56192sf 74 IRVING ST......................................... $175,000 B: Ali Alhajaj S: George R Lucier & Laura L Lucier Book/Page: 22686/175, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $166,250 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5330sf Prior Sale: $42,000 (05/98) 86 LAUREL RD....................................... $252,000 B: Kathleen M Scott S: Gerald A Burke & Kimberly L Burke Book/Page: 22684/257, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $201,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11437sf 49 LYMAN ST........................................ $245,000 B: Man Magar & Januka Magar S: Pavel Mashnitski & Maryna Mashnitskaya Book/Page: 22690/600, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $220,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9375sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (08/13) 89 MORGAN RD..................................... $114,500 B: Murad S Drifish S: Sau-Ching Wong Book/Page: 22685/261, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Sachem Capital Corp $110,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13750sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (10/98) 737 PIPER RD........................................ $205,000 B: Kiryl Sidash & Alena Sidash S: Ricardo Sustache Book/Page: 22684/192, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $194,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24500sf Prior Sale: $199,900 (09/12) 38 SHADY BRK U:38............................. $347,000 B: Bing Hou & April Hou S: Marc C Campbell & Mary L Campbell Book/Page: 22685/569, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $401,000 (11/04) 706 WESTFIELD ST............................... $382,500 B: Crest Real Estate LLC S: Robert L Fastie Jr Book/Page: 22695/76, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Kenneth L Maryea $500,000 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (11/99)


Tolland YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1 Median Price



JUNE 17, 2019





MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $210,000

YTD 2019 82 $221,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 90 ALEXANDER PL................................ B: Douglas B Cesan & Virginia M Cesan S: Paula A Pagos Book/Page: 22684/121, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Westfield Bank $288,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 40472sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (08/02) 164 BATES RD....................................... B: Kurt M Pfeffer & Amanda J Pfeffer S: Mary K Johnson Book/Page: 22687/78, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $228,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (02/14) 37 BERKSHIRE DR................................. B: Bruce A Daigle S: Kurt M Pfeffer & Amanda J Pfeffer Book/Page: 22686/150, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $188,752 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12240sf Prior Sale: $146,500 (07/11) 17 CHARLES ST..................................... B: Jonathan P Camp S: Sean M Nangle & Alyssa C Nangle Book/Page: 22689/186, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $165,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $166,000 (05/09) 12 DARBY DR........................................ B: Sean M Nangle & Alyssa C Nangle S: John F Keefe Jr & Christine M Keefe Book/Page: 22689/548, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $192,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22600sf 84 EASTWOOD DR................................. B: Eugene Arsenault & Kelly Arsenault S: Gilles J Aube & Gaetane C Aube Book/Page: 22691/150, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17920sf 88 FAIRFIELD AVE................................. B: Iuri Naumenko & Larysa Naumenko S: Natalya Safitova Book/Page: 22689/283, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $237,650 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 13324sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/06) 8 HANCOCK ST...................................... B: George W Barnet Jr & Linda C Barnet S: John F Amrich 3rd Book/Page: 22693/322, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $191,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10230sf 284 HOLYOKE RD.................................. B: Westfield City Of S: Leiann W Messer & Norman R Soule Book/Page: 22692/520, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17400sf





11 LINDA DR......................................... $258,000 B: Luis A Nunez & Ashley N Garton S: John E Ramsay & Diane P Ramsay Book/Page: 22689/129, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $253,326 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15750sf Prior Sale: $172,500 (09/01) 131 N ELM ST....................................... $159,900 B: Artem Martynyuk S: Ibis Duo Holdings LLC Book/Page: 22695/8, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $119,925 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6022sf Prior Sale: $63,000 (11/18) 27 ORANGE ST...................................... $160,000 B: Gary J Venne S: Zane R Venne & Jane A Venne Book/Page: 22694/483, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6160sf 94 RACHAEL TER.................................. $279,000 B: Ruby Realty LLC S: Tracy L Cromack Book/Page: 22694/381, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Jay N Michaelman $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25700sf Prior Sale: $260,500 (07/01) 58 RIDGEWAY ST.................................. $235,000 B: Aaron J Cooper & Katherine A Cooper S: Keith T Cotter Book/Page: 22689/590, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $188,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $237,000 (08/17) 153 ROOSEVELT AVE............................ $360,000 B: Tylor Vaillancourt & Kathryn Vaillancourt S: MS Homes LLC Book/Page: 22685/135, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $342,000 204 RUSSELL RD U:A............................ $220,000 B: Beverly Dudek S: Brian J Ingeldue & Janis I Turner Book/Page: 22688/463, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $185,000 (07/15) 324 RUSSELL RD U:101........................ $141,000 B: Francis A Noble S: Jane E Disanto Book/Page: 22690/424, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $102,000 (10/13) 324 RUSSELL RD U:212........................ $125,000 B: Paula R Knapp S: Marwan Al-Masri & Hader Abid Book/Page: 22692/545, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $80,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $80,000 (09/99) 555 RUSSELL RD U:J65........................ $116,000 B: Joshua C Peloquin S: Kimberly L Murphy Book/Page: 22689/494, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Holyoke CU $104,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $117,000 (06/15) 49 S MAPLE ST..................................... $191,500 B: Carolyn Krause S: Joseph C Ala & Andrea Ala Book/Page: 22691/20, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $153,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11609sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (03/08) 15 SCENIC RD....................................... $315,000 B: Kelly A Fellner S: Kristin A Pierce Book/Page: 22689/7, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $220,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23522sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (05/17) 22 SPRUCE ST....................................... $280,000 B: Gregory J Hamel & Michelle J Hamel S: Michael J Robinson & Elizabeth Robinson Book/Page: 22684/138, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $266,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10800sf 11 SUSAN DR........................................ $330,000 B: Kyle S Draleau & Veronica C Draleau S: Elizabeth J Bigelow & Sonia K Ellis Book/Page: 22689/466, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Key Bank NA $330,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19303sf Prior Sale: $283,000 (07/16) 16 VERONA ST...................................... $161,000 B: Brian J Belcher S: Donald R Forgey & Michele C Forgey Book/Page: 22693/566, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $156,170 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7625sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (03/06) 16 W SCHOOL ST.................................. $160,000 B: James M Bowler & Karin A Bowler S: Girouard Matthew A Est & Marcia A Girouard Book/Page: 22691/437, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $120,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 13068sf 23 WALKER AVE.................................... $180,000 B: Katie L Laplante S: Edward Laplante & Cindy L Laplante Book/Page: 22695/123, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Edward Laplante $180,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22000sf


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $261,000

YTD 2019 56 $258,000





3123 BOSTON RD.................................. $155,000 B: Duc H Huynh S: Jamie Kohn Book/Page: 22693/496, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $152,192 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16835sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (01/18) 9 CEDAR OAK DR.................................. $16,000 B: Tanya M Vital-Basile & Anabela S Basile S: Wilbraham Town Of Book/Page: 22692/3, Date: 05/31/19 Use: County/municipality Property, Lot: 7623000sf 210 CRANE HILL RD.............................. $85,000 B: Evergreen Design Build S: Jean E Blanchard Tr, Tr for Jean E Blanchard 2001 RET Book/Page: 22693/461, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 152460sf 3 DEERFIELD DR................................... $665,000 B: Siavash Saadat & Deanna Tocco S: Bryan S Cowan & Traci Cowan Book/Page: 22693/520, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $665,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 114563sf Prior Sale: $615,000 (08/15)

62 HIGH PINE CIR U:62......................... B: William Chmura & Nadine Chmura S: Mary L Dragone Tr, Tr for Kazin FT Book/Page: 22689/445, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $288,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $397,500 (05/07) 4 LANCE LN........................................... B: Caitlin A Garreffi S: Gary R Woods & Laurel A Martin Book/Page: 22693/64, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $251,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21400sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (05/17) 22 MANCHONIS RD............................... B: Jamie Kohn & Aimee Kaufman S: Sarah E Miller Book/Page: 22693/545, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $213,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 43065sf Prior Sale: $141,500 (06/14) 12 POND RD.......................................... B: Elizabeth F Squindo & Michael A Squindo S: Gary F Babineau Book/Page: 22683/387, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $260,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 90605sf 415 SOULE RD....................................... B: Viktoria Dubovoy S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 22694/543, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Westfield Bank $140,554 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 38500sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (09/18)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $264,950 $280,000




Hampshire Registry Mary Olberding, Register 33 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: (413) 584-3637 Fax: (413) 584-4136 or

Amherst MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $339,000


YTD 2019 32 $357,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 BAYBERRY LN.................................. $507,500 B: James J Paluch & Amanda E Paluch S: Robert W Carkhuff Book/Page: 13278/110, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $456,570 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 31936sf 39 CANTON AVE.................................... $307,500 B: J Scot Brackenridge & Maggie C Brackenridge S: Michael D Little & Keerthi L Mukunda Book/Page: 13278/271, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Members Advantage Mtg $246,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 16650sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (08/01) 97 GLENDALE RD.................................. $285,000 B: Leonard E Norton & Rosemarie T Norton S: Peter J Neville Book/Page: 13278/346, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $256,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30464sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (08/14) 127 LEVERETT RD................................. $280,000 B: Henry P Roberts & Maura S Roberts S: Daiheng Ni & Chunxia Feng Book/Page: 13275/154, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Florence Bank $260,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 19425sf Prior Sale: $292,500 (02/06) 221 LINCOLN AVE................................. $545,000 B: Jesse D Coull & Michelle R Facette S: Carol S Mccormick Book/Page: 13273/332, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $405,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 18438sf Prior Sale: $530,000 (09/17) 24 PINE GRV U:24................................. $215,000 B: Norman W Shearin & Janet F Shearin S: William J Schwalbaum Book/Page: 13277/351, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $172,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 8453sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (07/08) 1460 S EAST ST.................................... $500,000 B: Timothy K Kirkwood & Shelley L Kirkwood S: Stanley Shore Book/Page: 13276/69, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $475,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 32567sf 26 VALLEY LN....................................... $336,600 B: Rudolph T Bedely & Mary Bedely S: KTS Partners LLC Book/Page: 13277/121, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $326,502 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 10800sf Prior Sale: $206,500 (03/18) 316 W POMEROY LN............................. $405,000 B: W Scot Green S: John G Fortin & Susan M Fortin Book/Page: 13276/347, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $364,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30000sf 59 WOODLOT RD................................... $545,000 B: Ali S Batn-Moghaddam & Narges Mahyar S: Linda S Cohen Book/Page: 13273/305, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $517,750 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 27206sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2019 30 $277,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 468 AMHERST RD................................. $387,530 B: Robert W Carkhuff S: Ethan S Bloomfield Book/Page: 13278/165, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $280,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 370260sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (08/10) 18 CRESTVIEW DR................................ $324,000 B: Marcus P Lafountain & Joann M Lafountain S: Karla Soffen & Maria T Docarmo Book/Page: 13279/144, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $282,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 40600sf Prior Sale: $281,000 (11/10) 21 OLD PELHAM RD.............................. $179,500 B: Louis A Tonelli S: Nicholas D Gencarella & Daniel A Ciconi Book/Page: 13279/340, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $170,525 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (06/17) 33 WESTVIEW DR.................................. $274,900 B: Yadira Rodriguez & Raylin M Pisano S: Robert E Wojtczak Book/Page: 13278/190, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Members Advantage Mtg $261,155 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 37620sf Prior Sale: $166,600 (01/17)

Easthampton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $236,750

YTD 2019 33 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 BAYBERRY DR................................. $380,000 B: Nathan M Lemoine & Meghan A Lemoine S: Raymond Vieira & Evelyn M Vieira Book/Page: 13275/109, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $361,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20909sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (12/17) 34 BROOK ST........................................ $258,500 B: Rebecca Y Wallace S: Jason S Donaldson Tr, Tr for Etabav RT Book/Page: 13274/216, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $250,745 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 95984sf Prior Sale: $138,500 (12/18) 311 EAST ST U:10................................. $285,000 B: C R Lieberman-Bachman & Nancy J Duer S: Joan M Cinner Book/Page: 13279/302, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 242629sf Prior Sale: $226,000 (11/13) 359 MAIN ST U:21B.............................. $380,000 B: Michael L Phelan 3rd Tr, Tr for Mary A Phelan IRT S: Nancy N Young Book/Page: 13278/46, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 33106sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (03/13) 2 MAXINE CIR....................................... $478,000 B: Michael R Banas & Qiuhui Chen-Banas S: John P Ulshoeffer Book/Page: 13272/1, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $473,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (08/01) 26 MOUNT TOM AVE............................. $200,000 B: Daniel Ortmeyer S: Wojnar Doris E Est & Edward J Wojnar Book/Page: 13278/222, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf 5 PEPIN AVE.......................................... $280,000 B: Mojdeh B Mostafavi S: Kevin C Netto Constr Inc Book/Page: 13272/304, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Suntrust Bank $266,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $142,500 (12/18) 4 WARD AVE......................................... $275,000 B: Paul StJohn-Frisoli S: Cynthia J Iannacci & Susan C Bilski Book/Page: 13276/149, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $220,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15682sf

Granby MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $225,000

YTD 2019 20 $275,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 505 AMHERST RD................................. $289,000 B: Joseph A Kurtz & Doreen M Kurtz S: Christopher R Perron & Elizabeth R Perron Book/Page: 13279/53, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $280,330 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 37026sf AMHERST ST......................................... $179,000 B: Mountain Stream LLC S: Christopher H Aldrich Book/Page: 13272/136, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Farm Credit East ACA $138,370 35 BAGGS HILL RD............................... $169,900 B: Curtis Mailloux S: Johnson Roger N Est & Paul Johnson Book/Page: 13277/98, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Polish National CU $164,803 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 577095sf 8 KAREN DR.......................................... $173,000 B: Zachary T Venturini S: Diana Peltier Book/Page: 13275/322, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Country Bank $167,810 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19600sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (02/06) 254 TAYLOR ST..................................... $434,201 B: Tiffany Kirk S: Raymond J Mackenzie & Shirley R Mackenzie Book/Page: 13275/178, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Raymond J Mackenzie $1,066,450 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 162839sf




Hadley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 10 Median Price $296,250

YTD 2019 8 $275,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 75 HOCKANUM RD................................ $370,000 B: Brian P Gobell & Kaitlin M Gobell S: Nathan R Larkin & Cheryl A Brodowski Book/Page: 13273/272, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Triumph Bank $270,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 57878sf Prior Sale: $327,000 (12/16) 3 RAILROAD ST..................................... $400,000 B: Seamrog LLC S: Jacqueline M Allard & Walter M Basara Jr Book/Page: 13272/264, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Walter M Basara Jr $300,000 Use: Retail-department Store, Lot: 21295sf 200 RIVER DR....................................... $265,000 B: Mark Holt S: Constance E Russell Book/Page: 13275/196, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $238,500 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 56136sf 88 ROCKY HILL RD................................ $211,000 B: Mary S Cadorette S: Gwendolyn Grabiec & Joseph J Wilga Jr Book/Page: 13274/283, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 134980sf 185 RUSSELL ST................................... $280,000 B: A1N1 LLC S: Ronald Bercume & Irene Bercume Book/Page: 13276/249, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $224,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20037sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (03/19) 190 RUSSELL ST................................... $975,000 B: Valley Building Co Inc S: Mohammad Moini & Mark M Klepacki Book/Page: 13277/236, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mohammad Moini $850,000 Use: Commercial Building, Lot: 45302sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (03/16) 9 SYLVIA HTS........................................ $663,000 B: George J Revoir & Kimberlee A Revoir S: Soaring Heights LLC Book/Page: 13276/60, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 269580sf Prior Sale: $10,000 (05/97)

Hatfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $262,500

YTD 2019 5 $247,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 79 DEPOT RD........................................ $280,000 B: Emma C Ram & Kara E Fagan S: Penelope J Siemionko Tr, Tr for Siemionko FT 2009 Book/Page: 13276/34, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $224,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22564sf 147 LINSEED RD................................... $465,000 B: Christopher Bakker & Rebecca Scandura S: Daniel Custodio & Allison Avalos-Custodio Book/Page: 13277/176, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $441,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 298085sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (06/99) MAIN ST................................................ $200,000 B: Smiarowski Brothers LLC S: Matthew J Dauer & Christian J Dauer Book/Page: 13279/243, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Farm Credit East ACA $200,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 962676sf




MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $254,250

YTD 2019 3 $305,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 PINE TREE CIR................................... B: David A Keiser & Ashley Keiser S: Meredith H Jones & Blair F Bigelow Book/Page: 13278/307, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $479,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $505,000 (01/06)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 94 Median Price $427,000


YTD 2019 2

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 116 S CENTRAL ST............................... B: Nicole L Meehan S: James R Shearer & Roxanne Shearer Book/Page: 13278/226, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $85,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30492sf


South Hadley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 Median Price $229,000

YTD 2019 50 $230,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 286 BRAINERD ST................................. $235,000 B: Ryan M Davis & Julia R Davis S: Alice I Bellerose Book/Page: 13275/266, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $226,775 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26053sf 28 EDISON DR....................................... $239,000 B: Richard Byrne S: Deborah Inglis Book/Page: 13274/103, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24918sf 540 GRANBY RD U:32B......................... $78,000 B: James Brin S: Janet L Spongberg Tr, Tr for Stetson FT Doc#: 000000020383, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $42,500 (07/09) 51 OLD LYMAN RD................................ $125,000 B: Center For Human Dev Inc S: Michael J Ciolek Jr Tr, Tr for SHR T Book/Page: 13272/278, Date: 05/29/19

Southampton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $345,500

YTD 2019 35 $345,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 428 BRIDGE RD..................................... $150,000 B: Thomas Quinlan Jr S: Judith K Adamites Tr, Tr for Edward Dzenis FT Book/Page: 13276/181, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 28998sf 46 CLARK ST......................................... $375,000 B: Peter M Buscemi & Ann H Buscemi S: James T Foudy & Christine M Foudy Book/Page: 13275/352, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $300,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43024sf 80 DAMON RD U:6302.......................... $145,000 B: Samira C Artur S: Chander Gandhi & Rosy U Gandhi Book/Page: 13276/201, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $123,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 41 FORD XING....................................... $615,000 B: Carol Abend Tr, Tr for Lisa Noel Abend T S: Susan K Lewis & Pamela J Codario Book/Page: 13275/252, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 4922sf Prior Sale: $603,500 (07/18) KENNEDY RD......................................... $120,000 B: Janet I Clark & Norbert J Salz S: Mary Samberg Gdn & Garson R Fields Book/Page: 13276/305, Date: 05/31/19 426 KENNEDY RD.................................. $450,000 B: John Salz-Schuyler & Katie L Salz S: Nancy E Fields Tr, Tr for Nancy Ella Fields RET Book/Page: 13276/223, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Florence Bank $320,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 190357sf 67 LIBERTY ST...................................... $324,000 B: Sarah C Spademan & Daniel J Selig S: Roger Taylor & Unmi Abkin Book/Page: 13278/252, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12001sf Prior Sale: $289,000 (10/15) 25 NEW ST............................................ $699,000 B: Ari J Kriegsman & Ruby R Kriegsman S: Martin Sexton Book/Page: 13276/94, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $629,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 35501sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (06/01) 155 PROSPECT ST................................ $385,000 B: Ever E Osorio-Ruiz S: Dominquez Kathryn I Est & William H Groening Book/Page: 13274/330, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4452sf Prior Sale: $369,000 (11/14) 100 RIVERSIDE DR................................ $255,000 B: Lauren Weinsier & Steven B Weinsier S: Chris A Petrides & Sally F Rubenstone Book/Page: 13277/313, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4648sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (04/97)

YTD 2019 18 $262,500

5 PARSONS WAY................................... $345,000 B: Trevor H Young & Angela M Young S: Sean J Ohare Tr, Tr for Suzanne L Ohare FT Book/Page: 13277/216, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $327,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30056sf

Ware MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $145,000

YTD 2019 35 $180,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 70 GREENWICH PLAINS RD.................. $278,000 B: Lynette R Gabrila & Amy M Gabrila S: Armand A Desantis & Gail A Desantis Book/Page: 13276/314, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $278,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 245888sf 181 GREENWICH PLAINS RD................ $365,000 B: Kara M Moulton & Nicholas M StLaurent S: Richard A StLaurent Book/Page: 13275/228, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $346,750 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 208975sf Prior Sale: $10,000 (11/01) 242 MONSON TURNPIKE RD................. $195,000 B: Mechelle L Brown & Victoria Kolenda S: Thomas A Miranda Tr, Tr for Elisha Cox IRT Book/Page: 13280/25, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $225,325 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20505sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (03/11)

Worthington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1 Median Price

Richard Howe, Jr., Register 360 Gorham Street Lowell, MA 01852 Telephone: (978) 322-9000 Fax: (978) 322-9001


Plainfield YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 0 Median Price

Middlesex Registry Northern District



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 Median Price $318,000

49 WILLIAMS ST................................... B: Jane Gish & Kristopher Banks S: William Yenner Book/Page: 13277/346, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4600sf Prior Sale: $1,400,000 (11/08) 5 WINCHESTER TER.............................. B: Gertrude W Kaiser & Owen Colas S: Edward A Berube & Cynthia L Berube Book/Page: 13274/183, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10999sf

YTD 2019 4 $165,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 144 HUNTINGTON RD............................ $392,500 B: Bearly LLC S: David P Shiffer & Adele B Shiffer Book/Page: 13279/74, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $294,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 579348sf Prior Sale: $492,500 (04/11) 220 STARKWEATHER HILL RD............... $1,400 B: Judith A Terry S: Peter P Ball Jr Book/Page: 13278/150, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1-Family Conventional, Lot: 2613600sf 138 WITT HILL RD................................. $20,000 B: Brandon C Lagoy S: Amy F Miller Book/Page: 13278/68, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $180,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 87120sf Prior Sale: $99,900 (08/16)

YTD 2019 112 $444,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 ADELMAN RD..................................... $545,000 B: Neha Tannu & Abhijeet Tannu S: Venkata Vissapragada & Sailaja Vissapragada Book/Page: 33014/171, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $484,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $495,000 (06/18) 48 CALL ST............................................ $397,500 B: Stephen J Fraone & Reva S Fraone S: John B Puppo Jr & Muriel A Puppo Book/Page: 33024/39, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $377,625 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf 12 FINNWAY ST.................................... $280,000 B: Kevin M Mazzeo & Ashley D Carresi S: James F Odonnell Tr, Tr for Walker FT Book/Page: 33010/157, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $271,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8005sf 15 GARRISON ST................................... $365,000 B: Brian Kazibwe S: Win Win Capital Invests Book/Page: 33022/292, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $328,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (12/17) 10 HATTIE LN........................................ $587,000 B: Andrew W Porter & Julie A Porter S: Frank A Falite & Maureen A Falite Book/Page: 33021/128, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $380,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 25807sf 3 KENMAR DR U:22............................... $180,000 B: Blue Lake Real Est Props S: Abhishek Nagrath & Vasundhra Ganju Book/Page: 33024/63, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $138,600 (01/19) 1 LEDGELAWN AVE............................... $583,000 B: Bolivar Hally Jr & Edna Paes-Miranda S: Wenhao Liu & Lei Zhang Book/Page: 33020/204, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $572,440 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5777sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (09/13) 231 NASHUA RD.................................... $260,000 B: AA Real Estate Ent LLC S: Paul Sands & Cindy Sands Book/Page: 33010/290, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: LendingOne LLC $261,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22572sf Prior Sale: $148,000 (08/98) 41 NILE ST U:41.................................... $490,000 B: Nakul G Venkateshappa & Chandana C Rajeshwari S: Syed Faheemuddin & Beenish Faheem Book/Page: 33010/23, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $441,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $355,000 (05/12) 16 OLNEY ST......................................... $459,900 B: Anton Wirsch & Sumako Kakuda S: Smith Catherine G Est & Lee Butler Book/Page: 33030/248, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $239,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 31558sf 31 PINES RD.......................................... $230,000 B: Sawyer Contracting LLC S: Garry Materese Book/Page: 33016/173, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $416,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6831sf Prior Sale: $302,000 (12/10) 8 PRATT ST........................................... $564,900 B: Jasen D Thomsen S: William E Tatarouns & Lela C Tatarouns Book/Page: 33010/94, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $364,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 25000sf 237 SALEM RD...................................... $460,000 B: Nicholas C Deangelo S: Devon F Hogan & Elisa Hogan Book/Page: 33026/237, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $437,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 16010sf Prior Sale: $316,500 (04/13) 2 SKYLINE DR....................................... $654,900 B: Nicholas Morabito & Laura Morabito S: Michael P Zani & Laurie A Zani Book/Page: 33015/213, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $589,410 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13700sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (06/12) 14 SULLIVAN RD................................... $460,000 B: Ryan F Taft & Joshua S Talbot S: Peter Reinhold & Chelsea D Reinhold Book/Page: 33015/87, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $451,668 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 49963sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (12/15) 10 SUMMER ST..................................... $600,000 B: Monique Trenell-Bean S: Syno Tell LLC Book/Page: 33023/60, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $600,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 16700sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (12/16) 31 SYCAMORE DR................................. $677,405 B: Yih H Tan S: RFM Meadow Creek LLC Book/Page: 33022/190, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $541,924 Type: Adj 14 TOMAHAWK DR............................... $493,000 B: Eric Musisi & Pamela R Nankoole S: Winwin Properties LLC Book/Page: 33017/222, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $468,350 Use: 2-Family Split Entry, Lot: 26550sf Prior Sale: $253,617 (12/18)

JUNE 17, 2019

Carlisle MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $865,000

YTD 2019 20 $839,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 148 50 ACRE WAY................................ $900,000 B: Daniel J Connors & Sandra M Connors S: Steffi R Samman Tr, Tr for 148 50 Acre Way RT Book/Page: 33026/112, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $300,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 195149sf 588 BEDFORD RD.................................. $665,000 B: Julie M Viola & Michelle L Kudirka S: Lance Ostrom & Laurel Ostrom Book/Page: 33014/282, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $532,000 Use: 2-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 87124sf Prior Sale: $530,000 (10/04) 46 CONCORD ST.................................... $899,000 B: Anthony Thyne & Kendra Thyne S: Paul R Carpenter & Elisabeth J Carpenter Book/Page: 33017/135, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $719,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 43560sf 300 CONCORD ST.................................. $673,350 B: Gaelen C Daly & Jennifer Daly S: Donna Somers Book/Page: 33010/174, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $538,680 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 52272sf Prior Sale: $660,000 (04/16) 288 STEARNS ST.................................. $577,100 B: John F Horcher & Mary E Horcher S: David M Moreau Book/Page: 33021/32, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $519,390 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 104544sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (01/04) 288 STEARNS ST.................................. $62,911 B: Brian J Cruise & Ruth C Cruise S: David M Moreau Book/Page: 33020/38, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 104544sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (01/04) 388 STEARNS ST................................. $1,330,000 B: Lance J Ostrom & Laurel L Ostrom S: Steven E Golson & Terry Blonder-Golson Book/Page: 33016/243, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $890,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 104544sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (05/01)

Chelmsford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 78 Median Price $425,000

YTD 2019 111 $420,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 8TH AVE........................................... B: Amy Lundquist S: Stephen Renzulli & Akira Gutierrez Book/Page: 33023/293, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: RBC Bank Georgia NA $312,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5600sf Prior Sale: $307,000 (05/15) 30 ARBUTUS AVE.................................. B: Kirk G Bishop & Alison E Bishop S: John E Taylor & Linda S Taylor Book/Page: 33009/59, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: John E Taylor $475,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 32400sf Prior Sale: $392,000 (06/17) 6 BENTLEY LN....................................... B: Maryrose Knott S: Jeffrey S Melisi & Susan L Melisi Book/Page: 33009/268, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $220,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 33639sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (11/16) 2 CHECKERBERRY LN........................... B: Jay J Mcleman & Stefanie Preston S: Raquel M Alvarez & Deborah A Morrison Doc#: 000000300839, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $561,522 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40926sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (08/09) 256 CHELMSFORD ST........................... B: Scott Taylor Jr & Megan Waring S: Wayne J Noon Book/Page: 33015/111, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $332,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3030sf 204 GROTON RD.................................... B: Jeremy Betts S: Ethel M Chancey & Joanne B Mccarthy Book/Page: 33024/167, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25690sf 43 GROVE ST U:43................................ B: Yanping Wang & Yirong Ren S: John M Mello Jr Book/Page: 33012/216, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $300,000 Use: Condo 262 LITTLETON RD U:46....................... B: Petar P Petkov S: Mark R Adams & Jacqueline M Adams Book/Page: 33009/138, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $268,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $289,900 (05/07) 360 LITTLETON RD U:H10..................... B: Jason D Mcmahon S: Sally M Gilman Book/Page: 33011/215, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $216,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $193,000 (10/12) 5 MISSION RD U:304............................. B: Roger B Lamb & Marcia Lamb S: Thomas M Crowe Jr Tr, Tr for Crowe FT Book/Page: 33014/258, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Hunt Mortgage $261,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $302,511 (05/05) 68 PARKER RD...................................... B: Lauren M Woods & William J Ellis S: Dianna Mitchell & Kelly Mitchell Book/Page: 33016/294, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $337,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $287,000 (10/14) 10 PLEASANT ST................................... B: Edward Preble & Jennifer N Preble S: Alexander B May & Justine H May Book/Page: 33029/19, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $304,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9860sf Prior Sale: $332,000 (10/06)













©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

180 TYNGSBORO RD U:31..................... B: John Gergos S: Jonathan S Beeson Book/Page: 33022/86, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: NFM Inc $120,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $85,100 (09/09) 96 WARREN AVE................................... B: KBK Ventures LLC S: Sandra Musgrave & Karen Mitropoulis Book/Page: 33022/36, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: KBK Ventures LLC $490,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18000sf Prior Sale: $97,523 (09/14) 144 WELLMAN AVE U:144.................... B: Robert E Corkery & Phyllis Corkery S: Justin G Momaney & Staisha J Momaney Book/Page: 33022/237, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $212,000 (04/14) 873 WELLMAN AVE U:873.................... B: Kathleen A Kelley S: Matthew Renzullo & Lindsay Renzullo Book/Page: 33023/85, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $75,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $247,000 (02/08)





Dracut MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 81 Median Price $345,000

YTD 2019 69 $345,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 BELAIR AVE...................................... $369,000 B: Christopher J Pereira S: Sabrina Benitez & Robert Lopez Book/Page: 33020/270, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $295,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 9000sf Prior Sale: $272,000 (12/09) 324 COLBURN AVE................................ $590,000 B: Peter Kabingu & Rose Kariuki S: William J Zannoni Inc Book/Page: 33021/181, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $560,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 101930sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (01/18) 70 DERBY ST......................................... $470,000 B: Alisson G Ferreira S: Loon Hill Development Inc Book/Page: 33028/1, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $110,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17467sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (10/18) 102 FOREST PARK RD.......................... $330,000 B: Nicole Brady & Matthew Deveau S: David P Duncan & Pamela A Duncan Book/Page: 33022/170, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $318,986 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 22640sf Prior Sale: $233,000 (11/01) 14 FOX HILL LN U:14............................ $520,000 B: David A Salvi Tr, Tr for D M Salvi T S: Elizabeth E Mackey Book/Page: 33023/125, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 110 G ST................................................ $439,900 B: Nicholas S Robinson S: Matthew R Breault & Melissa J Breault Book/Page: 33008/221, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $405,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 25444sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (12/04) 100 MERRIMACK AVE U:7.................... $224,000 B: Paul A Redmond S: Frank J Brucato & Donna M Brucato Book/Page: 33019/143, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $217,280 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $159,900 (07/08) 935 METHUEN ST U:15......................... $235,000 B: Oscar A Siqueira-Miranda & Melanie L Miranda S: Parsons Diane T Est & Nicole A Parsons Book/Page: 33023/192, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $227,950 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $125,000 (03/01) 94 PARKER RD...................................... $499,900 B: Joseph A Mirabella & Ana P Mirabella S: JRV Homes Inc Book/Page: 33021/248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $100,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 95396sf 44 SHELTON ST..................................... $497,000 B: Sumin Sandhir S: Abreu Constr Corp Tr, Tr for Abreu Construction RT Book/Page: 33015/195, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $397,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (04/17) 37 SPARE ST......................................... $225,000 B: Settlemoir LLC S: Michael P Cox & Norman J Cox Jr Book/Page: 33023/35, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11206sf 74 TENNIS PLAZA RD U:6..................... $212,000 B: Estela R Fernandes S: Matthew J Stone & Erin E Paul Book/Page: 33026/18, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $208,160 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $179,900 (05/17) 125 VARNUM RD................................... $535,000 B: Sameth En S: Jamie Jussaume & Heidi S Jussaume Book/Page: 33015/234, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $150,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22500sf Prior Sale: $109,000 (04/97) 41 WAGON WHEEL RD.......................... $495,000 B: Robert Lopez & Sabrina Benitez S: Lucia Petros Book/Page: 33022/262, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $346,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22503sf Prior Sale: $253,000 (03/01) 596 WHEELER RD.................................. $482,000 B: Timothy Dy S: John T Cole & Sharon A Cole Book/Page: 33017/295, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $372,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40098sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (07/04) 111 WINSOR DR.................................... $449,900 B: Alvaro N Amaral S: James J Wilson & Jane F Wilson Book/Page: 33018/117, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $359,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf

Dunstable MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $574,950

YTD 2019 6 $422,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 285 KEMP ST........................................ $440,000 B: Lauren Noferi & Matthew Noferi S: Mary E Chosse & Wayne J Chosse Book/Page: 33011/38, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $340,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87599sf Prior Sale: $387,000 (08/07) 980 MAIN ST......................................... $690,000 B: Wagner D Goncalves S: Frederick P Gallant Tr, Tr for Gallant RT 2 Book/Page: 33017/109, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $655,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 92347sf

Lowell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 157 Median Price $290,000



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 139 $300,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 306 AIKEN AVE U:18............................. $168,000 B: Jason Pinela-Marbelt & Carlos Pinela S: Pearl Richards Book/Page: 33011/297, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $151,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 41 BELVIDERE CIR................................ $390,000 B: Mark Mcdonald & Elizabeth Mcdonald S: Kevin P Garneau Tr, Tr for Garneau FT Book/Page: 33009/168, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $312,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7970sf 41 BIGELOW ST..................................... $320,500 B: Michael L Rios S: Jean L Dillon Tr, Tr for Dillon FT Book/Page: 33029/165, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $306,078 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14928sf 126 BOWERS ST.................................... $370,000 B: Matthew J Santos & Tanya M Santos S: Gregg Croteau Book/Page: 33022/213, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $375,964 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4325sf Prior Sale: $130,100 (03/09) 54 BOYLSTON LN U:1............................ $160,000 B: David Roberts S: Harkins Real Estate Inc Book/Page: 33018/289, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 110 BRANCH ST U:1.............................. $109,900 B: Achintya Goel & Payal Goel S: Ming Wang & Jing W Wang Book/Page: 33023/221, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ming Wang $87,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 110 BRANCH ST U:8.............................. $180,000 B: Achintya Goel & Payal Goel S: Ming Wang & Jing W Wang Book/Page: 33023/275, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ming Wang $144,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 125 BURNHAM RD................................ $337,900 B: Mark Murphy & Erin J Murphy S: 125 Burnham Road LLC Book/Page: 33019/93, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Great Plains Natl Bk $331,779 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11104sf Prior Sale: $267,000 (02/18) 33 CAMPAW ST..................................... $208,000 B: Joseph R Doiron S: Richard L Grigg & Priscille A Grigg Book/Page: 33016/34, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Brookline Bank $178,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2808sf 219 CENTRAL ST U:1E.......................... $70,000 B: Christian Doherty S: 219 Central Street LLC Book/Page: 33015/183, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $80,000 (01/19) 219 CENTRAL ST U:2F.......................... $207,000 B: Joshua Cote S: Ferney D Lopez Tr, Tr for Central Place RT Book/Page: 33023/166, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $196,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $66,000 (09/12) 52 CHURCH ST...................................... $50,000 B: Charles A Kokinos S: Rosemary Drenas & Charles A Kokinos Doc#: 000000300807, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $208,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 2752sf 91 EUSTIS AVE...................................... $260,000 B: Nathashali Ortiz S: Cailler Denise C Est & Jodi A Cailler Book/Page: 33011/132, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $247,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5076sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (05/02) 121 FAIRFIELD ST................................. $369,900 B: Daniel J Menezes 2nd S: Deanna P Desmond & Thomas P Desmond Book/Page: 33017/86, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Chemical Bank $369,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5000sf 64 FOWLER RD...................................... $400,000 B: Gary Waite S: Aida Rivera Book/Page: 33029/56, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10000sf 1118 GORHAM ST................................. $150,000 B: Kevin Fernandes & Debbie M Fernandes S: Nicpepe LLC Doc#: 000000300791, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Belvidere Capital LLC $225,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $108,000 (02/18) 11 HARDING ST..................................... $85,000 B: Daniel F Chasse S: Halsall Dolores A Est & Francis Halsall Book/Page: 33017/173, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4500sf 42 KEENE ST......................................... $265,000 B: Paulinus Mbong & Bibiana E Mbong S: Anju Realty LLC Book/Page: 33011/151, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $260,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 1846sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (01/19) 696 LAKEVIEW AVE............................... $320,000 B: PKJNM LLC S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 33013/87, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $256,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $328,676 (03/18)

491 LAWRENCE ST............................... $200,000 B: Full Throttle Investments S: Resendes John M Est & Martha M Resendes Book/Page: 33009/102, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Commercial Building, Lot: 5313sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (05/99) 1281 LAWRENCE ST U:9....................... $164,900 B: Zarica K Vateva S: Jennifer Mancia & Jonathan Mancia Doc#: 000000300811, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $153,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $158,400 (10/05) 125 LONDON ST.................................... $430,000 B: Joseph Q Nguyen & Kanitha I Nguyen S: Fernando S Fortuna Book/Page: 33027/266, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $378,400 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 4422sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (03/07) 52 LORING ST........................................ $280,000 B: Sinara Non S: Syno Tell LLC Book/Page: 33011/60, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $180,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4032sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (02/18) 99 MANCHESTER ST U:B...................... $279,000 B: Joao L Stamato & Aline S Nogueira S: Eric Morrill Book/Page: 33019/205, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $270,630 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $248,255 (06/04) 256-R MARKET ST U:3116.................... $203,000 B: Steven Barna S: Cara M Christous Book/Page: 33014/137, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $162,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $162,000 (05/16) 1159 MIDDLESEX ST............................. $320,000 B: Andrea Dutile & John Molinari S: Rita M Roberts & Carroll Roberts Book/Page: 33016/59, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $240,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9816sf Prior Sale: $5,000 (03/00) 1541 MIDDLESEX ST U:30.................... $250,000 B: Chenda Pich & Sokhoeun Nhem S: Sam S Meas Doc#: 000000300822, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $225,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $193,000 (01/16) 11 MONARCH ST................................... $334,000 B: Pamela Puryear & Jeffrey B Puryear Jr S: Timothy Dy Book/Page: 33013/298, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $152,930 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5295sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (05/02) 19 NATCHEZ ST..................................... $280,500 B: William J Bancroft S: Nancy Souza & Barbara A Hoar Book/Page: 33021/202, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $196,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11000sf 102 PARK AVE W U:C8.......................... $238,000 B: Matheus Darosa S: Jessica S Lamond Book/Page: 33026/137, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $230,860 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $170,000 (05/14) 449 PARKER ST..................................... $366,000 B: Kea Keung & Sary Sem S: James D Leary & Kyra L Leary Book/Page: 33021/106, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $355,020 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7758sf 1461 PAWTUCKET BLVD U:5-6............. $201,000 B: Mitchell R Sullivan S: Sherri-Ann S Smith Book/Page: 33020/83, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $194,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $135,500 (06/02) 171 REMINGTON ST.............................. $386,000 B: Mark Adams & Jacqueline Adams S: James Mccann Book/Page: 33011/184, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $347,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10807sf 55 RUMFORD ST................................... $305,000 B: Scarlet L Desaavedra S: Alisson G Ferreira Book/Page: 33027/236, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $303,788 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9345sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (07/05) 80 SMITH ST U:A6................................. $210,000 B: Miria Slaviero S: Rebecca Collins Book/Page: 33019/259, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $147,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $178,360 (08/17) 40 WAUGH ST........................................ $476,750 B: Grace J Chow & Jason Li S: Bunkeang Aung Book/Page: 33019/44, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $351,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 6950sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (08/17)

Tewksbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 72 Median Price $405,000

YTD 2019 61 $445,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 ANTHONY RD................................... $475,000 B: Ryan Powers & Colleen Clark S: Lisa Nye Book/Page: 33010/256, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $451,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10265sf Prior Sale: $284,000 (08/18) 130 BLIGH ST........................................ $516,000 B: Chad R Alper & Jamie L Alper S: Philip J Martell & Susan A Martell Book/Page: 33030/178, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: RTN FCU $438,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20338sf Prior Sale: $259,900 (06/98) 662 CLARK RD U:13.............................. $250,000 B: Imperial Construction S: Jane A Hillis Tr, Tr for 1415 Clark Road RT Book/Page: 33014/209, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Industrial Condominum, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (04/01) 25 EDGEWOOD RD................................ $450,000 B: Cassandra L Muse & Michael Stys S: Andrew Porter & Julie Porter Doc#: 000000300804, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $405,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $289,900 (12/09)

251 FOSTER RD..................................... $449,900 B: Gerard Macdonald S: Richard T Sheehan & Lois A Sheehan Book/Page: 33016/120, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $199,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 74052sf 54 FRENCH ST....................................... $391,000 B: Jesse Ollove & Sarah Sanchez S: Tyler M Waite Book/Page: 33017/272, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $312,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 114127sf Prior Sale: $379,900 (06/16) 102 HERITAGE DR U:102....................... $348,000 B: Thiago E Marques & Nicole Dione-Marques S: Tarryn M Daisy Book/Page: 33019/113, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $313,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $306,235 (04/05) 141 HERITAGE DR U:141....................... $341,000 B: Marie C Gath S: V Gourishankar Book/Page: 33008/244, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $141,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (06/13) 583 KENDALL RD.................................. $445,000 B: Riverdale Construction S: Mark A Degennaro Tr, Tr for Degennaro RT Book/Page: 33030/4, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $394,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 43560sf 45 LOWELL ST....................................... $490,000 B: Benitta G Kiconco S: Joanne Lotto Book/Page: 33017/40, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $473,646 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5914sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (06/16) 1330 MAIN ST....................................... $328,000 B: Howard W Redmond & Kirk M Butler S: Atlantic Property Dev LLC Book/Page: 33024/197, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $322,059 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16302sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (04/16) 1501 MAIN ST U:12............................... $30,000 B: John Carroll Tr, Tr for 1501 Main Street 12 RT S: Richard A Nazzaro Book/Page: 33019/85, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Office Condo Unit, Lot: 100sf 108 MERRIMACK MEADOWS LN U:108.................... $345,000 B: Theresa M Moulton S: Danielle C Lavanga & Angelo M Lavanga Book/Page: 33027/160, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $333,485 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $288,000 (04/17) 99 MYSTIC AVE..................................... $330,000 B: Devin P Driscoll S: Michael J Silvestro Cnstr Book/Page: 33024/123, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $264,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/18) 15 OAK ST............................................. $305,000 B: Betty Kwok S: Oconnor Merilyn J Est & Michael Oconnor Book/Page: 33014/230, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $299,475 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9600sf 159 PATRICK RD U:159......................... $331,000 B: Joseph G Galli & Christine S Galli S: Justin Beaulieu Book/Page: 33013/270, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $294,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $263,000 (11/15) 623 SHAWSHEEN ST............................. $285,000 B: Mullane Construction LLC S: Tony M Norton & Linda J Norton Book/Page: 33018/221, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 13096sf 31 SPAULDING CT................................. $679,900 B: Alana Nagle & Christopher Lackey S: Karen M Hodgson Tr, Tr for Barrett RT Book/Page: 33023/136, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: UMB Bank $679,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60113sf Prior Sale: $317,000 (02/00)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $382,500

YTD 2019 37 $380,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 CANNONGATE RD............................... $410,000 B: Brian Y Suon & Yinny Peou S: James Kohr Book/Page: 33010/104, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $225,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 67518sf Prior Sale: $5,000 (09/12) 2 CAROLINE WAY.................................. $321,899 B: Mabel A Boateng S: Tyngsboro Crossing Dev Book/Page: 33021/1, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $312,242 Use: Use Not Provided By Assessor 4 CAROLINE WAY.................................. $326,244 B: Tyler J Peters & Casey J Balukonis S: Tyngsboro Crossing Dev Book/Page: 33026/209, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $316,437 Use: Use Not Provided By Assessor 20 CAROLINE WAY................................ $313,650 B: Paul Terrio S: Tyngsboro Crossing Dev Book/Page: 33010/63, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $150,000 Use: Use Not Provided By Assessor 3 CONNELL DR...................................... $435,000 B: Andrew J Shifres & Kristina M Reppucci S: Luke M Adolph & Tara D Adolph Book/Page: 33009/74, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $348,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 56192sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (10/10) 3 GAIL AVE............................................ $390,000 B: Tanumpong Leemarpilab S: Richard R Sigman Tr, Tr for Richard&Marie E Sigman FT Book/Page: 33015/28, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $382,936 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40659sf 3 JOCO DR............................................. $570,000 B: Keith F Lyttle & Molly J Lyttle S: Scott S Perry Book/Page: 33022/63, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $559,675 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 84027sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (05/16) 15 OLD HICKORY RD............................. $575,000 B: Christopher Burns & Lauren E Frazee S: Audie E Hittle & Karina Hittle Book/Page: 33011/106, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $460,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 424579sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (03/98)

24 RILEY RD.......................................... B: Brian Watson S: Tyngsboro Crossing Dev Book/Page: 33021/279, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $160,000 Use: Use Not Provided By Assessor 12 VIRGINIA RD..................................... B: Carol J Mullin S: Pamela E Mullin & Carol J Mullin Book/Page: 33030/60, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 56192sf Prior Sale: $219,000 (08/97) 13 WYOMING RD................................... B: David R Pimentel S: Hee B Oh & Ji H An Book/Page: 33015/284, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $286,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47045sf Prior Sale: $412,900 (08/17)




Westford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $560,000

YTD 2019 67 $565,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 ABBOT ST......................................... $437,000 B: Alison Silva & Jason Smith S: Becky J Gibson Tr, Tr for Becky J Gibson 2016 T Book/Page: 33009/243, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $337,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 39988sf 7 BATES LN U:7..................................... $379,750 B: Nikhil V Byahatti & Vijayalaxmi D Agnihotri S: Michael D Lambert Tr, Tr for Lambert FT Book/Page: 33010/204, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $360,763 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $345,000 (05/07) 114 CONCORD RD................................. $770,000 B: Di Zhao & Shan Liu S: Peijun Shan & Qingrong Zhang Book/Page: 33021/222, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $400,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 107593sf Prior Sale: $730,000 (11/11) 18 JUNIPER HILL RD............................. $724,444 B: Finney J George & Renuka R Selvaraj S: Quality Green Homes LLC Book/Page: 33018/61, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $650,900 Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 11826sf 120 LOWELL RD U:C............................. $319,900 B: Brett T Kelly & Stephanie L Kelly S: Elizabeth A Arsenault Book/Page: 33009/213, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $287,910 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $295,000 (12/15) 15 LYNWOOD LN................................... $708,000 B: Kenneth Ernest & Keara Ernest S: Alex Wang & Tianshu Li Book/Page: 33014/43, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $672,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 29753sf Prior Sale: $590,000 (01/05) 9 MONADNOCK DR U:9......................... $420,000 B: John C Philipp S: Richard M Mclaughlin Tr, Tr for Mclaughlin FT Book/Page: 33015/79, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 8 PILGRIM DR U:C................................. $387,000 B: Melissa Peura S: Furbush Veronica Est & Richard R Bisaillon Book/Page: 33013/58, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $348,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 24 TENNEY RD...................................... $541,000 B: Sean D Scannevin & Bethany A Lessard S: James M Connolly Jr & Laura C Connolly Book/Page: 33020/173, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $459,850 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 52403sf Prior Sale: $379,900 (12/13) 1 WOODRIDGE LN U:1........................... $430,500 B: Kevin Hall S: Cecily Kulsick Book/Page: 33020/44, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $230,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $301,000 (06/12)

Wilmington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $484,000

YTD 2019 73 $550,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 AVON ST............................................. $450,000 B: John Perrino S: Daniel J Brandano Jr & Colleen A Brandano Book/Page: 33031/1, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: David J Crescio $337,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 90056sf 271 BALLARDVALE ST......................... $4,800,000 B: 271 Ballardvale St LLC S: Walter T Dowgiallo Book/Page: 33028/172, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Country Bank $3,840,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 192100sf 8 CUSHING DR....................................... $535,300 B: Kalpeshkumar K Patel & Sweetu S Patel S: Bernard E Devlin & Heidi M Devlin Book/Page: 33022/150, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $428,240 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 25002sf Prior Sale: $477,500 (05/05) 16 GREEN MEADOW DR........................ $799,900 B: Pamela A Furfure S: Elm Tree Development LLC Book/Page: 33017/189, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $550,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 33209sf 21 HENSEY WAY U:14........................... $649,900 B: Thomas D Keough & Denise L Keough S: Spruce Farm LLC Book/Page: 33028/35, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $485,000 Use: Condo 25 KING ST............................................ $580,000 B: Alex Volovick & Sarah A Adams S: Jerzy Rak & Danuta Rak Book/Page: 33010/237, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $529,047 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 9630sf 21 LAKE ST........................................... $475,000 B: Hailey Litchfield & Michael Oconnor S: Theresa A Russo & John P Russo Book/Page: 33016/273, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $375,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13730sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

26 MURRAY HILL CIR............................ $809,900 B: Michelle Guyette & Glenn A Guyette S: CS Newhouse Builder Inc Book/Page: 33022/118, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $485,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 17850sf 2-R OAKDALE RD.................................. $725,500 B: Mikio Yanagisawa & Sarah D Gunnery S: Jeffrey M Tonello & Vanessa E Tonello Book/Page: 33016/152, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $652,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 79602sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (02/12) 38 OAKDALE RD.................................... $440,000 B: Sean Lawrence & Ashley Robarge S: Michael Tkachuk Tr, Tr for 38 Oakdale Road NT Book/Page: 33021/59, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mid-Island Mortgage C $431,420 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (11/18) 17 SEAFORD ST.................................... $519,900 B: Christopher Salvati & Taylor B Balin S: Robert Bessette & Lauren Bessette Book/Page: 33019/227, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $483,507 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 15650sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (12/10) 62 TAPLIN AVE...................................... $489,000 B: Daniel J Spencer & Sandra Spencer S: April T Turner Book/Page: 33030/32, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Poli Mtg Group $391,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (07/10) 90 WEST ST.......................................... $5,100,000 B: Westdale Ave LLC S: KCP Advisory Group LLC Book/Page: 33027/34, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Oxford Finance LLC $4,000,000 Use: Nursing Home, Lot: 681278sf Prior Sale: $4,500,000 (03/15)

Middlesex Registry Southern District Maria C. Curtatone, Register 208 Cambridge Street East Cambridge, MA 02141 Telephone: (617) 679-6310 Fax: (617) 617-577-1289 or

Acton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $629,494

YTD 2019 37 $568,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 232 ARLINGTON ST U:232.................... $540,000 B: Anne-Marie Smith S: Tao Sun & Yuting Wang Book/Page: 72706/47, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 36794sf Prior Sale: $456,500 (05/13) 14 ASSABET XING................................. $785,000 B: Brian Hazzard & Belkys Hazzard S: Ian Hirst Tr, Tr for Hirst NT Book/Page: 72700/55, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 93939sf 31 DRUMMER RD U:31......................... $310,000 B: Guoping Li & Ying Ma S: Ramkrishna Sadhukan & Jayati Sadhukhan Book/Page: 72672/142, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $279,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $296,000 (07/04) 24 DUGGAN RD..................................... $660,000 B: Robert Fountain & Jillian M Fountain S: Harold M Henry & Barbara A Nichols Book/Page: 72683/23, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $648,045 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20031sf 11 ELM ST U:4....................................... $223,000 B: Jennifer Bresnick & David Bresnick S: Evgeniy A Karyakin & Irina V Gorbacheva Doc#: 000001814496, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $200,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $160,525 (03/15) 5 FRASER DR........................................ $457,000 B: Lesley Folensbee S: Alessandra J Mahan Tr, Tr for Rick H Rogers FT Book/Page: 72695/524, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $365,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 21483sf Prior Sale: $378,000 (03/13) 51 KNOX TRL U:2.................................. $274,000 B: Northeast Realty Business S: Rosemary Johnson Tr, Tr for Unit 2 Knox Trail NT Doc#: 000001814357, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $205,500 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $277,500 (09/09) 11 LOTHROP RD.................................... $534,000 B: Seema Bag & Yidyanand G Shukla S: Bridget Conley Book/Page: 72693/285, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $427,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 21372sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (07/12) 282 MAIN ST U:4................................... $565,000 B: Hsun-Fan Wang S: Acton Crossing LLC Book/Page: 72693/586, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 634 MASSACHUSETTS AVE.................. $446,500 B: Kevin Gorjup & Katherine Nycz-Gorjup S: Robert Delpaine & Kristen Delpaine Book/Page: 72679/488, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $424,175 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16050sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (04/13) 41 NYLANDER WAY U:41...................... $447,500 B: Chad Kroll & Janice Vatland S: James Palermo & Vincent Palermo Book/Page: 72696/223, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $335,625 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7138sf




118 PARKER ST U:31............................ $208,000 B: Jasmira LLC S: Ghaleb Rihani Book/Page: 72677/348, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $150,000 (12/13) 132 PARKER ST U:G1............................ $215,000 B: Cheuk W Chan S: Carlstrom David L Est & Brian D Carlstrom Book/Page: 72681/410, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $121,000 (08/09) 9 PHLOX LN........................................... $655,000 B: Gary G Makredes & Tatiana P Makredes S: Nancy L Cusato Book/Page: 72682/329, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $484,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21050sf Prior Sale: $340,100 (08/98) 336 POPE RD......................................... $990,800 B: Jennifer Sun & Dan Sun S: Sue Wang Book/Page: 72682/487, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $792,600 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 115719sf Prior Sale: $956,700 (05/08) 215 SCHOOL ST U:R.............................. $363,000 B: Suneep S Nair S: Jaclyn Benson & Jonathan Benson Book/Page: 72678/132, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $326,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 22500sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (10/12) 55 STONEYMEADE WAY....................... $920,000 B: Peter E Reinhold & Chelsea B Reinhold S: James T Belanger Tr, Tr for Karen&James Belanger LT Book/Page: 72683/238, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $736,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38292sf Prior Sale: $888,000 (06/12) 1 TOWN HOUSE LN U:S2....................... $88,000 B: Catherine Donovan S: Cheryl E Janse Book/Page: 72685/79, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $83,600 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $70,000 (06/16) 3 WINDINGWOOD LN U:3...................... $675,000 B: Dennis J Keane & Joan T Keane S: Paul Gaumnitz & Joan Gaumnitz Book/Page: 72686/144, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $387,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $635,000 (08/05)

Arlington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 71 Median Price $790,000

YTD 2019 59 $825,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 56 ABERDEEN RD.................................. $600,000 B: Michael P Pellegrino S: Robert R Greaves Book/Page: 72682/358, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northmark Bank $700,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4500sf 104 BARTLETT AVE.............................. $1,210,000 B: Lionel Bichet & Stephanie Bichet S: Sarah C Riley Book/Page: 72687/332, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $786,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7200sf 14-16 BEACON ST................................. $825,000 B: 14-16 Beacon Street LLC S: Guanci Elizabeth A Est & John Guanci Book/Page: 72690/21, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,334,750 Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 4800sf 11 COLONIAL VILLAGE DR U:7............. $271,000 B: Wenjie Tu S: Joseph F Fullum Book/Page: 72678/362, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 52 DAVIS AVE....................................... $665,000 B: Neal A Moawed & Allyson E Galle-Moawed S: Paul G Desmond Tr, Tr for Mary A Desmond 2013 RET Book/Page: 72690/87, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $532,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7326sf 5 FOXMEADOW LN............................... $1,050,000 B: Jeffrey C Wang & Erin Keefe S: Cheryl J Mccoy Tr, Tr for Charlotte M Nelson IRT Doc#: 000001814268, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $840,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 7590sf 289 GRAY ST........................................ $1,120,000 B: Bertram Lehmann & Daniela Sosa S: Katharine VonMehren Doc#: 000001814638, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $616,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4916sf 15 HARTFORD RD................................ $1,125,000 B: David A Adams & Katrina R Adams S: James C Barr Tr, Tr for West View RT Book/Page: 72704/357, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $675,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 8852sf Prior Sale: $790,000 (06/18) 22-24 HOPKINS RD.............................. $1,050,000 B: Grenham Gavin Stone LLC S: Edwin F Taylor Tr, Tr for Taylor FT Book/Page: 72703/287, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4767sf 24 KENSINGTON RD............................. $1,149,000 B: Demetrious M Harrington & Jennifer M Harrington S: Sidney A Slobodkin & Janelle K Slobodkin Book/Page: 72666/517, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $580,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 9681sf 11 LENNON RD...................................... $730,000 B: Jesse Clapp & Erica Clapp S: Nancy Capaccio Book/Page: 72671/108, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $365,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5038sf 4 LONGMEADOW RD............................ $1,420,000 B: Courtney Anzalone & Ryan Anzalone S: John A Carney Book/Page: 72695/565, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,136,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10229sf Prior Sale: $769,000 (10/18) 43 PROSPECT AVE................................ $735,000 B: Issac Adatto & Evelyn Rydz S: Barry Katz & Virginia P Katz Book/Page: 72703/322, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $588,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 7578sf

289 RENFREW ST.................................. $675,000 B: Franklin Chung & Christina Chung S: Kristin Phillips & Richard Waring Book/Page: 72709/504, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $540,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $489,000 (05/05) 1 SCHOOL ST U:309.............................. $489,000 B: Linda E Bruce S: Jeanne VanOrman Tr, Tr for School Street RT Book/Page: 72691/82, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $342,300 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $263,150 (07/01) 2 SUMMER HILL CIR U:2....................... $935,000 B: Michael E Plum & Karen E Brown S: Shu Zhang & Mengyang Sun Book/Page: 72689/558, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $720,000 (09/14) 474 SUMMER ST U:474......................... $467,000 B: Qiang Zeng & Linghui Li S: Matthew Glynn & Holly Glynn Book/Page: 72686/369, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $370,000 (04/16) 482 SUMMER ST U:482......................... $465,000 B: Xuxu Yan S: Migdalia Diaz Book/Page: 72677/479, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $432,450 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $283,000 (09/11) 651 SUMMER ST................................... $670,000 B: Anmol Nagre & Shweta Shanbhag S: Linda Larson Book/Page: 72695/87, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $636,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5402sf 662 SUMMER ST U:662........................ $1,100,000 B: Thomas Washington & Azza Idris S: Brian Callahan Co Book/Page: 72682/533, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $880,000 Use: Condo 34 WASHINGTON ST U:34..................... $783,000 B: Wendi Ni & Sixuan Sun S: John A Carney Book/Page: 72695/544, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $626,400 Use: Condo 36 WASHINGTON ST U:38..................... $783,500 B: Christopher Beaudoin & Elisabeth Vollmann S: John A Carney Book/Page: 72684/431, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $460,000 Use: Condo 329 WASHINGTON ST........................... $585,000 B: Seaver Properties LLC S: Robert E Corkery & Phyllis Corkery Book/Page: 72678/422, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7568sf 7-7A WHITE ST.................................... $1,126,000 B: Brian E Dowling & Michelle M Shortsleeve S: Peter M Dowd Book/Page: 72673/390, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $801,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4938sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 1500-1502 MASSACHUSETTS AVE....... B: Darin Dinucci S: Mohammed Taqiuddin & US Bank NA Book/Page: 72668/259, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3200sf


Ashby MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $247,550

YTD 2019 15 $240,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 538 FITCHBURG STATE RD................... $165,000 B: Timothy R Haroules & Nicole A Clark S: Mary Binari-Krol Tr, Tr for Eugene Binari T Book/Page: 72687/486, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $156,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 34848sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (07/17) 519 PILLSBURY RD............................... $300,000 B: Wallace Freire-Lobao S: Bryan J Lang & Cheryl A Lang Book/Page: 72690/253, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $291,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 105415sf 630 PILLSBURY RD............................... $185,000 B: Bryan J Lang & Cheryl A Lang S: William A Pillsbury Tr, Tr for Pillsbury RT Book/Page: 72711/47, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: IC Credit Union $148,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 334759sf 1392 W STATE RD................................. $335,000 B: Jeremy Boylan & Melissa Boylan S: Peter Mcmurray & Mary E Mcmurray Book/Page: 72697/118, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Workers Credit Union $249,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 121968sf

Ashland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $440,000

YTD 2019 37 $460,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 136 ALGONQUIN TRL U:136.................. $406,000 B: Sourabh B Kulkarni & Madhushree S Kulkarni S: Lisa L Swanson Book/Page: 72679/53, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $365,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $349,900 (08/16) 32 BRAEBURN LN U:32......................... $515,000 B: Ross A Pelletier & Linda E Pelletier S: Louise M Monaco Tr, Tr for Monaco LT Book/Page: 72692/71, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $290,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $394,900 (07/03) 179 CAPTAIN EAMES CIR U:179........... $380,000 B: Alison Gallagher S: Anita Kinsley & David J Kinsley Book/Page: 72673/245, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $361,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $226,640 (07/98) 14 COBURN DR..................................... $685,000 B: Erich Deoliveira & Monica Deoliveira S: Brian Dean & Bridgette Dean Book/Page: 72710/592, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $662,621 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47045sf Prior Sale: $530,000 (09/03)

70 E BLUFF RD U:70............................. $345,000 B: Indhuja Murali S: Bruce M Halpryn Tr, Tr for Merle Halpryn LT Book/Page: 72703/360, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $318,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 10 FERN XING U:10............................... $545,050 B: John A Loporto & Jayne S Avery S: Ashland Green LLC Book/Page: 72680/87, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $385,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 19 HAVEN WAY U:19............................. $501,000 B: Marta Rokhlin & Tatiana Rokhlina S: Brian J Thomas Tr, Tr for Thomas IRT Book/Page: 72681/58, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northstar Mtg Corp $363,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $360,000 (11/15) 7 LAFOLLETTE RD................................. $349,900 B: Robson Rocha & Luciana Pirolla-Rocha S: Brian J Mcgrath Tr, Tr for Mcgrath FT Book/Page: 72689/501, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $339,403 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16553sf 8 LANDS END WAY............................... $439,900 B: Joanna S Ford S: David N Jost & Donna J Jost Book/Page: 72691/591, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $260,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $219,900 (06/98) 35 LORRAINE DR................................... $681,000 B: Yanli Wu & Xuelu Liu S: Tony A Fredericks & Sharon L Fredericks Book/Page: 72710/497, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $544,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 57064sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (07/97) 8 OAK TREE LN..................................... $425,000 B: Jeremy D Shakun & Jennifer H Shakun S: Tanner Taylor & Melissa Taylor Book/Page: 72690/548, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: CBC National Bk $340,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (07/18) 7 STONYBROOK DR............................... $600,000 B: Florence Fevrier-Wagner S: David R Barrett Tr, Tr for Karen M Barrett RET Book/Page: 72682/260, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $480,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22216sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (08/03) 54 STROBUS LN.................................... $500,000 B: Leigh Robinson & Jason Robinson S: Christopher D Burns Book/Page: 72668/386, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (02/16) 264 TRAILSIDE WAY U:264................... $318,500 B: Iuri Aleksandrov & Gulnara Aleksandrov S: Gokul Iyapparajan & Karthiga D Gokul Book/Page: 72696/136, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $301,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $169,950 (06/11) 276 TRAILSIDE WAY U:276................... $285,000 B: Demetra Votto S: Leslie J Bove Book/Page: 72671/158, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $229,425 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $246,000 (05/17) 330 TRAILSIDE WAY U:330................... $360,000 B: Anatoli Zakharov & Valentina Zakharova S: Nancy Winslow Book/Page: 72698/168, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $273,000 (12/17) 3 TREASURE WAY U:3........................... $355,000 B: Camilo Espitia & Pamela Espitia S: Richard F Reiland & Myrth E Reiland Doc#: 000001814556, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $319,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

Ayer MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 23 Median Price $436,900

YTD 2019 19 $370,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 E MAIN ST........................................ $187,000 B: Amanda Amicangelo & Scott Blanchette S: Philip A Lee Book/Page: 72680/575, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Vandyk Mortgage Corp $177,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2178sf Prior Sale: $119,500 (05/12) 21 ELM ST U:B...................................... $275,000 B: Eric C Peters Tr, Tr for Eric C Peters T 2012 S: Graham W Walsh Book/Page: 72687/14, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 15 HOWARD ST..................................... $247,500 B: Amber J Mendes S: John A Delcore Book/Page: 72667/483, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $235,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (04/12) 46 NORWOOD AVE................................ $565,000 B: Michael C Campisi & Julie E Campisi S: Stefanie Magnant Book/Page: 72691/222, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $480,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 57499sf Prior Sale: $438,500 (07/16) 50 PARTRIDGE RUN.............................. $553,900 B: Annelize Blom & Matthew T Blom S: Klemen Strle & Peggy Leung-Strle Book/Page: 72686/195, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Synergy One Lending I $543,866 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 92347sf 130 WOODLAND WAY U:130................. $552,396 B: Thomas K Alummootil & Susan T Alummootil S: Crabtree Development LLC Book/Page: 72667/382, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $441,916 Use: Condo

Bedford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $689,500

YTD 2019 25 $750,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 BENJAMIN KIDDER LN..................... B: Teresa Watts & C Daniel Watts S: Samuel L Petrecca & Carol S Petrecca Book/Page: 72671/320, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31816sf


283 DAVIS RD....................................... B: Colton B Sullivan & Julie M Mangan S: Frank A Horrigan & Jane Horrigan Book/Page: 72700/83, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $416,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 15002sf 63 EVERGREEN AVE U:11...................... B: John P Granville & Evanthia Granville S: Melanson Evergreen LLC Book/Page: 72683/86, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $688,000 Use: Condo 61 NEILLIAN ST U:61............................ B: William Gendron S: Haresh Rangwani Book/Page: 72675/235, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $220,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 246 NORTH RD...................................... B: Steven Grossman & Shaena Grossman S: Pierce Wanda L Est & Joshua C Pierce Book/Page: 72683/371, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $559,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40868sf 50 ROBERTS DR U:50........................... B: Weidi Li S: Hakob Mkrtchyan Book/Page: 72691/580, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $242,000 (01/14)

JUNE 17, 2019







Belmont MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $1,110,000

YTD 2019 35 $1,100,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 53 BOW RD........................................... $1,700,000 B: Diana D Moitra & Ankur Moitra S: Timothy A Dent & Anne G Dent Book/Page: 72701/97, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,000,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7736sf Prior Sale: $805,000 (01/07) 139 BROOKSIDE AVE............................ $845,000 B: Chao Huang & Yilin Qi S: Jon Lanham Doc#: 000001814659, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $445,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7232sf 78 CHESTER RD U:1.............................. $600,000 B: John Healey & Elizabeth Younger S: Susan D Lourie Book/Page: 72669/397, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $450,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $390,000 (08/06) 40-42 COLBY ST.................................. $1,020,000 B: Benjamin Woo & Huimei Woo S: Dorothy A Oconnor Book/Page: 72686/449, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 4050sf 42-44 COLBY ST.................................. $1,020,000 B: Benjamin Woo & Huimei Woo S: Dorothy A Oconnor Book/Page: 72686/449, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $670,000 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 4050sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (06/12) 368 COMMON ST U:368....................... $1,000,000 B: Jungyoon Kim S: Robert J Disidoro Tr, Tr for Robert J Disidoro RET Book/Page: 72696/274, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $500,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $742,900 (01/05) 14 PARTRIDGE LN................................ $1,100,000 B: Luxe Development New Eng S: Pizzi Nicholas Est & Janet M Pizzi Doc#: 000001814351, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Triumph Cptl Ptnrship $1,289,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15609sf 53 PEQUOSSETTE RD........................... $1,280,000 B: Yunzhe Li S: Melanie M Bedrosian & Jean E Osachuk Book/Page: 72677/31, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $656,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5864sf 5 RUTLEDGE RD.................................... $825,000 B: Her Homes LLC S: Rusk Jerry W Est & Michelle K Rusk Book/Page: 72684/189, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Brookline Bank $806,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7442sf 9 SARGENT RD...................................... $945,000 B: Lisa Green S: Laura Piecewicz Book/Page: 72681/332, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 7360sf 352 SCHOOL ST.................................... $1,220,000 B: Shaomin Shu & Lin Fu S: Guoqin Yu Book/Page: 72688/247, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7698sf Prior Sale: $960,000 (08/14)

Boxboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 Median Price $665,000


YTD 2019 8 $684,150

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 294 CODMAN HILL RD U:294................ $77,224 B: Connor K Virzi S: Melissa M Richardson Book/Page: 72682/17, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $61,779 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $60,000 (08/08) 99 COLONIAL RIDGE DR....................... $975,000 B: Alexander H Pyle & Mariko A Pyle S: Sanjay K Mistry & Sejal Mistry Book/Page: 72688/233, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 200812sf Prior Sale: $875,000 (10/08) 271 SARGENT RD.................................. $880,000 B: Divya V Iyer Tr, Tr for Subbu Ramamurthi Iyer RET S: Timothy S Smith & Anne-Marie Smith Book/Page: 72704/432, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $704,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 75794sf Prior Sale: $835,000 (08/16) 89 SCHOOLHOUSE LN........................... $840,000 B: Kevin Curley & Robin Curley S: Julie A Schieni Book/Page: 72693/110, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $672,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 62291sf Prior Sale: $477,140 (12/98)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 52 Median Price $526,500

YTD 2019 64 $580,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 ALCINE LN.......................................... $448,500 B: 16 Dorothy Avenue LLC S: Ginelle M Davidson & Robert E Davidson Jr Doc#: 000001814335, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 25662sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (03/03) 13 ALMA RD.......................................... $600,000 B: Danny Reese & Amelia Manson S: Thomas S Christmann & Bethany L Christmann Book/Page: 72688/502, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $480,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20231sf Prior Sale: $462,000 (09/15) 59 CENTER ST U:101............................. $190,902 B: Frances Balestrier S: Weinberg Stanley Est & Bonnie Tomassian Book/Page: 72699/140, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $169,900 (10/06) 59 CENTER ST U:312............................. $190,902 B: Patricia Tegan S: Simpson Jeanne D Est & Donald L Simpson Book/Page: 72686/43, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $169,900 (10/06) 19 DONALD RD...................................... $862,500 B: Michael J Filosa S: Stephen F Castelli Book/Page: 72711/509, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $682,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26856sf 68 DONALD RD..................................... $1,290,000 B: Sean P Odowd & Melissa A Odowd S: 115 Lexington Street LLC Doc#: 000001814288, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,032,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 20166sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (07/18) 7 HARVARD AVE................................... $574,000 B: Priscilla Divas-Pinto & Jaime O Lobos-Sandoval S: April D Bartlett Tr, Tr for George H Sheldon T Book/Page: 72674/483, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $480,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 20000sf 15 HILLCREST RD................................. $483,000 B: Daniel D Hanafin & Amanda L Hanafin S: Richard P Lane Jr Book/Page: 72665/117, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $386,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7800sf 14 LEOPOLD ST..................................... $417,500 B: Lauren E Coleman S: Patricia A Scanlon Book/Page: 72680/508, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $334,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9300sf 26 OLD COLONY RD.............................. $655,000 B: Mohan S Jogi & Soumya Jogi S: Richard Morneweck & Lorena Morneweck Book/Page: 72685/448, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $589,500 Use: 6 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/99) 28 SEDALIA RD..................................... $470,000 B: Ian W Just S: Mimose Francois Book/Page: 72704/547, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 6 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10000sf

Cambridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $1,450,000

YTD 2019 32 $1,375,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 2ND ST U:226................................... $640,000 B: Andrei Ignachkin S: Gaurav Vaid & Kiran Vaya Book/Page: 72670/103, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (12/09) 222 3RD ST......................................... $87,000,000 B: American Twine Owner LLC S: American Twine LP Book/Page: 72697/479, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1 269 ALLSTON ST U:2............................ $745,000 B: Simon Kwok S: Owen Andrews Book/Page: 72701/460, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $596,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $395,000 (06/11) 24 BIGELOW ST U:A.............................. $765,000 B: Nicholas Friedman S: Thomas D Caughey & Elaine L Caughey Book/Page: 72678/236, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $475,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $356,000 (05/00) 245 CAMBRIDGE ST U:204................... $499,000 B: Christopher H Stamas & Penelope S Stamas S: Paul S Virgin Tr, Tr for Phyllis B Hall RET Book/Page: 72680/283, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 18 CENTRE ST U:102............................. $560,000 B: Andrew Israel & Ellen Israel S: Thomas Defay & Marisa Defay Book/Page: 72705/156, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $420,000 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $407,500 (03/14) 21 CHAUNCY ST U:21............................ $555,000 B: Saeed Alerasool & Azita Tajaddini S: John Piazza Book/Page: 72703/101, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $112,000 (07/97) 21 CHAUNCY ST U:32............................ $750,000 B: Xing Liu S: Lisa Gwiazda Tr, Tr for LG Cambridge IRT Book/Page: 72696/215, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 461 CONCORD AVE U:2......................... $850,000 B: Talia G Brown & Geoffrey S Brown S: Lorraine A Goffe Book/Page: 72697/258, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $765,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $687,000 (07/15) 8 CORPORAL BURNS RD....................... $960,000 B: Leslie E Garvey & Timothy Garvey S: Ana Lages Book/Page: 72705/58, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4100sf Prior Sale: $301,000 (10/99)

2 FAYETTE PARK U:2........................... $1,475,000 B: Ernest Park & Tina S Park S: Constance M Hilton Book/Page: 72707/266, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $999,000 Use: Condo 50 FOLLEN ST U:512............................. $655,000 B: Sojung Kim S: Augustus Moore & Dawn Santana-Moore Book/Page: 72691/156, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 192-194 FRANKLIN ST U:1.................. $1,292,500 B: Amitabh Dugar S: Arun Agarwal & Arushi Agarwal Book/Page: 72667/347, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $969,375 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 240 FRANKLIN ST U:B2......................... $530,000 B: Mahmoud B Sharaf Tr, Tr for MBS 2016 RET S: Hue Nguyen & Andrea Vendramin Book/Page: 72688/388, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $273,199 (08/11) 348 FRANKLIN ST U:A........................... $244,400 B: Andrew Pilster-Cowan Tr, Tr for Louise Andrew Franklin NT S: Henry J Bass Tr, Tr for Bass Frnklin A RT Book/Page: 72688/593, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $2,161 (04/19) 125 HARVARD ST U:407....................... $185,217 B: JAS Homeownership LLC S: Scott B Raymond & Emily S Raymond Book/Page: 72700/189, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cambridge, City of $210,217 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $200,000 (11/09) 321 HARVARD ST U:307....................... $782,000 B: Debbie L Teodorescu & Mike Teodorescu S: Philip R Webber Tr, Tr for Webber NT Book/Page: 72708/291, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $625,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $415,000 (06/05) 345 HARVARD ST U:2E........................ $1,300,000 B: Yumeng Niu S: Techin Chuladesa Book/Page: 72709/269, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $725,000 (01/12) 345 HARVARD ST U:2F........................ $1,300,000 B: Yumeng Niu S: Techin Chuladesa Book/Page: 72709/269, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $725,000 (01/12) 57-59 HENRY ST U:1............................. $768,000 B: Cathy Wu S: Lan Zhang Book/Page: 72672/357, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $400,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $652,000 (11/16) 25 HOLMES ST...................................... $512,000 B: Karen C Bonacci S: Joseph A Colosimo Book/Page: 72670/372, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $440,000 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 3825sf 21 HOWARD ST..................................... $990,000 B: 21 Howard Street LLC S: Loretta A Selman-Betts Book/Page: 72666/463, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: MutualOne Bk $1,275,600 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 1950sf 241 HURLEY ST U:1............................... $450,000 B: Zufan Wu & Kam F Li S: Kyla D Slavinsky Book/Page: 72704/482, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $405,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $275,000 (08/14) 177 HURON AVE U:177......................... $2,875,000 B: Lisa A Robinson & Robert S Hansel S: 175 Huron LLC Book/Page: 72673/184, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $2,156,250 Type: Adj Use: Condo 112 KINNAIRD ST U:112....................... $646,900 B: Duo Yu S: Konstantin Turitsyn Book/Page: 72672/133, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $357,000 (04/11) 41 LINNAEAN ST U:38........................... $512,000 B: Stefan Pinter S: Nancy L Yellin Doc#: 000001814715, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $409,600 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 2549 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:2549... $1,095,000 B: Byron Rounds & Maisha G Rounds S: 2551 Mass Ave LLC Doc#: 000001814581, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $1,008,363 Use: Condo 238 PEARL ST...................................... $2,600,000 B: 238 Pearl LLC S: Susan M Reverby Book/Page: 72705/575, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $4,036,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 7875sf 143 PLEASANT ST U:380...................... $167,324 B: JAS Homeownership LLC S: Melina M Avery & Thomas W Welch 4th Doc#: 000001814450, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cambridge, City of $181,324 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $150,000 (07/13) 157 PLEASANT ST U:1-107................... $680,000 B: Arthur R Formanek & Anna M Sheridan S: Jonathan Ospraseuth Doc#: 000001814371, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $544,000 Use: Condo 384 PROSPECT ST U:1.......................... $805,000 B: Nicholas K Hinzy-Andersen & Luke F Massa S: Bryan Uzzell Book/Page: 72708/452, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $605,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $458,000 (08/09) 32 REED ST U:2..................................... $670,000 B: Andrew Mudge & Sophie Lehar S: Marian C Mase-Sabal Tr, Tr for MMS RET Book/Page: 72699/23, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $385,000 (06/12) 55 REGENT ST U:3............................... $2,300,000 B: Christopher A Young & Marian H Adly S: 55 Regent Street LLC Book/Page: 72671/204, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,840,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo



JUNE 17, 2019

316 RINDGE AVE U:4............................ $1,100,000 B: Hui Xiao & Xiaomei Peng S: Ehsan Rasekh & Niloofar Farnoosh Book/Page: 72703/505, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $600,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $825,000 (06/16) 318 RINDGE AVE U:404......................... $145,897 B: JAS Homeownership LLC S: Xun Sun & Linnu Cao Book/Page: 72668/463, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cambridge, City of $170,897 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $130,000 (04/06) 318 RINDGE AVE U:405......................... $766,666 B: Wenran Chen S: Harriet Newman & Martin A Newman Book/Page: 72693/499, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $466,666 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $365,000 (10/10) 32 SCIARAPPA ST U:1.......................... $330,000 B: Haleh Khojasteh S: Kairos Vision Group LLC Doc#: 000001814633, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $264,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (01/16) 30 SODEN ST U:3.................................. $620,000 B: Hendrik Strobelt S: Katherine S Maloney Book/Page: 72670/483, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $496,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 90 THORNDIKE ST................................ $1,050,000 B: Christopher M Shachoy Tr, Tr for 90 Thorndike Street NT S: Jean E Raymond Book/Page: 72688/468, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Brookline Bank $1,162,500 Use: 5 Bdrm Row House, Lot: 1917sf 18 TUFTS ST U:2................................... $995,000 B: Elaisa E Rubio & Katherine A Rubio S: 18-20 Tufts Street LLC Book/Page: 72685/276, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of Easton $696,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 283 UPLAND RD U:2............................ $1,450,000 B: John D Bright & Judy C Bright S: Virginia C Payette Tr, Tr for Payette Upland Road RT Book/Page: 72699/422, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 5 WALDEN ST U:2................................. $465,000 B: Kevin Forrest-Kwaku & Inger M Kwaku S: Alan E White & Jane Nicholls Book/Page: 72683/270, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank Fund Staff FCU $232,500 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $260,000 (04/09) 151 WALDEN ST U:2............................. $792,000 B: Jillian E Anderson & Kolin J Loveless S: Olivia Pennock Book/Page: 72710/297, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $752,400 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $365,000 (12/07) 12 WARE ST U:33.................................. $719,000 B: Jun Yang & Zhihong Peng S: Luca Maini Doc#: 000001814468, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $376,000 (08/12) 62 WENDELL ST................................... $1,251,000 B: Oliver Wunsch & Rose Levine S: Walter Cushing-Giesey & Janice Ellertsen Book/Page: 72692/155, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $651,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 1665sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (08/07)

Concord MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 59 Median Price $950,000

YTD 2019 41 $1,290,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 ARROWHEAD RD............................. $1,360,000 B: Donald C Batsford Jr & Mary C Batsford S: Seaver Properties LLC Book/Page: 72695/267, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,086,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22178sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (12/17) 612 BARRETTS MILL RD....................... $612,000 B: J&L Home Designs LLC S: Isabelle H Naginski Book/Page: 72694/524, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 5 Bdrm, Lot: 54375sf 56 BORDER RD...................................... $825,000 B: Meredith D Palusci & John V Palusci S: Glenn T Hoffman Tr, Tr for 56 Border Road RT Book/Page: 72708/330, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $484,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23060sf Prior Sale: $615,000 (11/09) 22 CENTER VILLAGE DR U:22............... $647,500 B: Bret D Wilson S: Gary R Clayton & Helene W Clayton Book/Page: 72680/312, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $518,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 110207sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (01/11) 121 COTTAGE ST.................................. $1,429,000 B: Melissa A Mattison & Jon B Mattison S: Colleen N Vanhouten & Scott M Vanhouten Book/Page: 72709/539, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $1,079,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13049sf Prior Sale: $1,220,000 (08/06) 52 EDGEWOOD RD................................ $620,000 B: Heather M Macphee S: Sharyn D Baker & David S Baker Book/Page: 72682/212, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $496,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23920sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (09/07) 281 HUNTERS RIDGE RD...................... $1,250,000 B: Carl J Beckmann & Emily C Martin S: Geoffrey D Cronin Tr, Tr for Hunter Ridge RT Book/Page: 72695/213, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $750,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 80871sf Prior Sale: $1,350,000 (11/17) 119 NIMROD DR................................... $1,171,000 B: Daniel A Lazewatsky & Hayley R Moore S: Thomas J Hudner 3rd & Jennifer P Hudner Book/Page: 72690/157, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $596,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (10/06)

76 UPLAND RD...................................... B: Clifford B Orvedal & Haley Orvedal S: Lucinda S Duncan Book/Page: 72692/22, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $780,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 37860sf


Everett MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $430,000

YTD 2019 29 $455,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 85 ELSIE ST........................................... B: Michael Marchese S: Lisa C Gruccio Doc#: 000001814542, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6752sf Prior Sale: $329,900 (05/02) 93 FLORENCE ST................................... B: Shaun Sutcliffe S: Miledis Reyes Book/Page: 72701/586, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $318,750 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5471sf Prior Sale: $338,000 (08/14) 19-A HARDING AVE.............................. B: Selvia P Saravia & Amber A Gouveia S: Jose D Rosa & Yanira D Rosa Book/Page: 72695/233, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $631,053 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2614sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (06/09) 114 HARVARD ST U:114....................... B: Bosheng Gao S: DW Realty Group LLC Book/Page: 72693/190, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $322,000 Use: Condo 116 HARVARD ST U:16......................... B: Allegra Stennett S: DW Realty Group LLC Book/Page: 72692/482, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $445,500 Use: Condo 68 LINDEN ST U:28............................... B: Ashley Consedine S: Erin Monahan Book/Page: 72693/339, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $95,000 (08/03) 72 PARIS ST.......................................... B: Qingjia Yang S: Richard A Haselton Tr, Tr for Haselton FT Book/Page: 72687/567, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 2570sf 111 WOODLAWN ST.............................. B: Sete Gurung & Reema Gurung S: Daniel Kelley & Anna Kelley Book/Page: 72689/420, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $361,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5397sf Prior Sale: $242,000 (05/07)









Framingham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 154 Median Price $413,500

YTD 2019 146 $428,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27 BEXLEY RD....................................... $377,000 B: David Deagazio S: Jack Greaney & Alexandra M Greaney Doc#: 000001814790, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $339,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12001sf Prior Sale: $277,500 (06/14) 34 BISHOP DR U:34............................... $210,000 B: Marcelo B Mello & Francisberth B Soares S: Regina D Temple Book/Page: 72670/51, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $203,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $114,000 (10/08) 145 BISHOP DR U:145........................... $212,000 B: Alencar J Santos S: Wanli Hu Book/Page: 72701/59, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $167,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $179,900 (03/03) 25 CAMPELLO RD................................. $380,000 B: Leandro Braz & Luana Braz S: June Scafidi Tr, Tr for 25 Campello Road T Book/Page: 72696/50, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $373,450 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13852sf 12 CORRINE DR..................................... $430,000 B: Qun F Kuang & Robert Gilliland S: Carol A Sullivan Book/Page: 72702/33, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $344,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20695sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (06/11) 34 CRESTWOOD DR.............................. $565,000 B: Zev A Rieser & Britta L Rieser S: Dennis I Deaner & Eleanor R Deaner Book/Page: 72682/388, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $452,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 20011sf 95 ELM ST............................................. $610,000 B: Melanie Bunda & Micro Junker S: Derek Ryan & Rachael L Ryan Doc#: 000001814411, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $518,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12789sf Prior Sale: $452,500 (07/13) 78 FENWICK ST..................................... $715,000 B: Scott Shen & Alicia Kim-Shen S: Julian J Fowler & Sena J Fowler Book/Page: 72669/129, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $440,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14127sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (11/08) 94 LONDONDERRY RD.......................... $370,000 B: Thomas Mckeon-Long S: Richard L Cashin Tr, Tr for Edgar L Cashin 2005 RET Doc#: 000001814605, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $330,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10446sf 7 MICHAEL RD...................................... $500,000 B: Ellen M Pumphret S: Zev A Rieser & Britta L Rieser Doc#: 000001814401, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19998sf Prior Sale: $325,900 (01/15) 24 MILLER AVE..................................... $735,000 B: Stephen T Darr S: Linda E Pelletier & Ross A Pelletier Book/Page: 72684/54, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $588,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10655sf

8 MILLWOOD CIR.................................. $495,000 B: Joseph J Caron S: Shuangqi Zheng & Elyse D Zheng Book/Page: 72683/339, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $396,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 29590sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (06/14) 5 MURPHY CIR...................................... $675,500 B: Andrew J Shepard & Ann R Shepard S: Brian T Tartufo & Kara Tartufo Book/Page: 72679/229, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $540,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20160sf Prior Sale: $438,000 (07/08) 86 NICHOLAS RD................................... $410,000 B: Nicholas P Richard & Amy L Bustos S: Edras Medina & Helen Medina Doc#: 000001814198, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $389,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 24598sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (10/16) 17 ORDWAY ST..................................... $404,000 B: Marlon Estuardo-Estrada & Ada Estrada S: Richard Ssemambo & Rebecca Namwase Doc#: 000001814598, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: American Natnwide Mtg $389,694 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10385sf Prior Sale: $334,900 (12/07) 18 PAMELA RD...................................... $476,000 B: Tianna Tagami & Jason Clemence S: George R Fournier & Julie A Buszuwski Book/Page: 72684/386, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $380,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 20260sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (05/05) 101 POND ST......................................... $600,000 B: Melissa D Ball S: Refab Capital Management Book/Page: 72679/109, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $480,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $134,000 (05/18) 19 RICHMOND LN U:19......................... $646,899 B: David P Cole Jr Tr, Tr for Cole FT S: Brendon Props Northside Book/Page: 72680/562, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 26 RICHMOND LN U:26......................... $699,900 B: Jeanne A Capobianco Tr, Tr for Jeanne A Capobianco FT S: Brendon Props Northside Book/Page: 72679/129, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 13 ROLLING LN..................................... $450,000 B: Angela Caruso S: Edward R Harris Book/Page: 72708/546, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $441,849 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20865sf 7 RUTHELLEN RD.................................. $642,000 B: Richard Ssemambo & Rebecca Namwase S: LRB Acquisition LLC Book/Page: 72698/306, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $513,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19998sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (02/18) 119 SALEM END RD.............................. $460,000 B: John A Erikson & Rachel C Erikson S: Philip E Read & Maureen A Read Book/Page: 72669/255, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $260,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 15390sf 657 SALEM END RD.............................. $847,000 B: Andrew Jewett & Katherine Healan-Gaston S: Land Conservation&Advoccy Book/Page: 72689/294, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $635,250 Use: Charity Property, Lot: 55495sf Prior Sale: $817,894 (11/15) 50 SALMI RD......................................... $570,000 B: Curtis Falzoi S: Nancy A Mondock Book/Page: 72678/486, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 13281sf 46 SINGLETARY LN............................... $400,000 B: 46 Singletary Lane LLC S: Laura Aurelio Tr, Tr for Joseph H Gross RET Book/Page: 72692/187, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: South Shore Bank $460,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20778sf 9 WELD ST U:17.................................... $124,000 B: Vanusa V Deoliveira & Divino S Ferreira S: Daniela Alves Book/Page: 72700/211, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Direct Credit Union $117,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $123,000 (03/02) 1602 WINDSOR DR U:1602................... $316,000 B: Wyatt A Gotbetter & D S Waldorf-Gotbetter S: Martha Greenfield Tr, Tr for 1602 Windsor RT Book/Page: 72679/84, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $240,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $194,500 (03/02) 1550 WORCESTER RD U:509................ $285,000 B: Olga Morgovsky S: Mona Dabbon Book/Page: 72675/410, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northstar Mtg Corp $228,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $245,000 (08/09)

Groton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $446,000

YTD 2019 33 $499,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 BROOKFIELD DR U:A........................ $315,000 B: Anthony C Gendron & Joanne M Gendron S: Christopher J Beaudoin Book/Page: 72677/451, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $219,900 (12/10) 43 DOLAN DR........................................ $875,000 B: Steven M Hertog & Susan B Marion S: Louis D Dinkel Tr, Tr for Dinkel RET Book/Page: 72699/479, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 116590sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (06/04) 456 LONGLEY RD.................................. $585,000 B: Marcel Metellus & Marie U Aristide S: Dean Baxevanis & Shannon Mehard-Baxevanis Book/Page: 72671/593, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $468,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 49472sf Prior Sale: $407,000 (04/12) 87 MCLAINS WOODS RD....................... $595,000 B: Daniel G Pierpont & Hannah Pierpont S: Alan S Bishop & Heather M Bishop Book/Page: 72670/145, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 91761sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Holliston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $430,500

YTD 2019 39 $430,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 76 CHERYL LN....................................... $452,500 B: Ryan Wills & Lisa Wills S: Shawn E Whitehead & Kate Whitehead Doc#: 000001814818, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $429,875 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 38289sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (08/09) 65 CHURCH ST...................................... $240,000 B: Peter Barlow & Sandra Barlow S: Rose A Fidel Book/Page: 72668/122, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13068sf 548 FISKE ST......................................... $540,000 B: Sandy M Kessloff & Michele M Lomax S: Francis X Jarvis Jr & Lynn S Jarvis Book/Page: 72689/140, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Finance America LLC $540,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41730sf Prior Sale: $529,000 (10/05) 1271 HIGHLAND ST............................... $230,000 B: Dependable Home Solutions S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 72671/454, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 74967sf Prior Sale: $346,500 (12/18) 181 PINECREST RD............................... $815,000 B: Venkata R Krishnamurthy & M L Venkatasubramanian S: Jose R Rodriguez & Caryl A Rodriguez Doc#: 000001814229, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $652,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47132sf Prior Sale: $785,000 (05/06) 29 SCHOOL ST....................................... $429,900 B: Walter Mcclennen Tr, Tr for Walter Mcclennen 2002 RET S: Todd A Hamilton & Michele A Hamilton Book/Page: 72671/418, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6970sf 5 SHEA DR............................................. $700,000 B: Kevin Cruz & Courtney Cruz S: Jonathan S Coppelman & Nancy L Coppelman Book/Page: 72669/280, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $560,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40032sf 601 WASHINGTON ST........................... $447,000 B: Romel Tarin & Melissa P Tarin S: Richard L Hemstreet & Barbara J Hemstreet Doc#: 000001814735, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $424,650 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 17860sf

Hopkinton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 48 Median Price $633,500

YTD 2019 48 $715,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 41 E MAIN ST........................................ $495,000 B: Linda T Martin & Marilina H Martin S: Bryan J Canzoneri & Justina Canzoneri Book/Page: 72699/533, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $450,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 23239sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (04/17) 47 E MAIN ST........................................ $668,530 B: Henry Roberts & Anna T Dorcey S: Andrew Bridges-Lindsay Tr, Tr for Alice French Lindsay RET Book/Page: 72703/587, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $494,512 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 175490sf 51 ELM ST............................................. $427,500 B: Huan He & Bin Liu S: Gitania M Felix-Dasilva Book/Page: 72668/270, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $320,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18726sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (10/18) 18 FOREST LN U:18............................... $454,900 B: Barbara Klein Tr, Tr for Pennock Road RT S: Mark A Contardo & Donna M Contardo Book/Page: 72679/291, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $396,000 (11/15) 105 HAYDEN ROWE ST......................... $500,000 B: Maureen E Holmes S: Sean F Hagan & Jeannine M Hagan Book/Page: 72668/486, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: David A Holmes $600,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 26881sf 9 OAKHURST RD................................... $613,800 B: Lifeng Lin & Queenie Li S: Sean J Themeli Tr, Tr for John A Themeli IRT 2012 Doc#: 000001814254, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Webster Bank $491,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 11500sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (04/10) 4 OVERLOOK DR.................................... $925,000 B: Julius D Billeter & Marjorie J Billeter S: Arra S Reddy & Leela Reddy Book/Page: 72667/172, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $740,000 Type: Adj 10 PRISCILLA RD.................................. $430,000 B: Jeffry P Bonica S: Janet L Swaine Doc#: 000001814462, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $408,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 17803sf 29 TERESA RD....................................... $630,000 B: Cyvia Star & Jonathan L Star S: Peter A Hebert & Heather Hebert Book/Page: 72665/148, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $504,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 34164sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (10/15) 14 THAYER HEIGHTS RD....................... $490,000 B: Syed N Hyder & Fatima Ahtisham S: Susan V Kane Book/Page: 72709/279, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $473,646 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 30000sf 5 TIFFANY TRL...................................... $657,500 B: Mariela Febles & Jose A Green S: John Bloomer & Robin Bloomer Book/Page: 72688/296, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 60000sf Prior Sale: $385,500 (06/00) 30 TWIN ISLAND RD............................. $400,000 B: Alexandra L Rowland & Andrew B Rowland S: Peter N Cholakis & Susan L Cholakis Doc#: 000001814722, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $220,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 21449sf




69 W ELM ST......................................... $638,000 B: Jenna G Gavula & John M Gavula S: Richard J Roche & Jane Huntington-Roche Book/Page: 72702/221, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $508,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 123244sf 10 WESTFIELD RD................................. $790,000 B: Dong J Kim & Heeok Han S: Robert W Rossini Book/Page: 72679/505, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $484,300 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45564sf Prior Sale: $386,000 (07/98)

Hudson MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $377,500

YTD 2019 56 $390,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 125 CHAPIN RD U:2E............................ $210,000 B: Peter Mcdowell & Mcdowell A Moura S: James Robin D Est & Richard Frias Doc#: 000001814249, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $155,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $190,000 (10/03) 74 COX ST U:9....................................... $399,900 B: Maria C Loura S: RJK Realty LLC Book/Page: 72682/245, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 34 CURLEY DR...................................... $400,000 B: Eliza A Levene S: Kevin Richardson & Holly Budrewicz Book/Page: 72679/297, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (11/15) 6 EDITH RD............................................ $380,000 B: Daysel Matos & Johnathan K Matos S: Michael M Puim & Mandy L Puim Book/Page: 72690/571, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $361,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15100sf Prior Sale: $369,000 (06/07) 80 FORT MEADOW DR.......................... $525,000 B: Sean Concannon & Jennifer Concannon S: Steven H Patterson & Gayle E Garlick Book/Page: 72670/125, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $420,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15154sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (10/03) 40 KENT DR........................................... $380,000 B: Anderson Desousa & Sandra Nguyen S: Ainslie J Innamorati & Peter Innamorati Book/Page: 72709/377, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $373,117 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15039sf Prior Sale: $302,875 (11/15) 4 KNOTTS ST U:4.................................. $332,500 B: Kathryn Donovan S: Michael Schnare & Mindy Schnare Book/Page: 72702/62, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $266,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (12/14) 12 LINDEN ST U:3................................. $252,000 B: Megan E Lehnerd S: Jean A Wnuk Book/Page: 72711/255, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $244,440 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (07/17) 497 MAIN ST......................................... $559,000 B: Edras D Medina-Hernandez & Helen P Medina S: Arthur H Caiado Book/Page: 72678/402, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $485,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 64792sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (12/15) 137 MANNING ST.................................. $290,000 B: Graham Rogers-Johnson S: Ronkay N Daniels Book/Page: 72690/598, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $275,500 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 19738sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (08/08) 38 OLD BOLTON RD.............................. $450,000 B: Edeilson Dias-Lopes S: Cathleen P Oconnor Book/Page: 72686/70, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $315,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15023sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (09/11) 23 ONEIL ST.......................................... $350,000 B: Danielle Gregorie S: Sandra J Gregoire Book/Page: 72702/289, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Avidia Bank $200,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 10800sf 31 PACKARD ST.................................... $305,000 B: Bria E Milbery & Nathaniel J Milbery S: Michael J Clark 2nd & Amanda L Clark Book/Page: 72669/25, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $295,850 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12245sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (09/13) 18-24 RIVER ST U:9.............................. $175,000 B: Carolone M Hultin S: Daniel Forest Book/Page: 72685/396, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citibank Na $140,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $162,900 (12/16)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 2 KATHLEEN RD.................................... $272,000 B: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr S: George F Howes & Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 72674/189, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15300sf

Lexington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 59 Median Price $895,000

YTD 2019 65 $1,090,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 BRANDON ST................................... $807,000 B: Jason Prentice & Melissa Prentice S: Scott D Eliasof Tr, Tr for 35 Brandon Street RT Doc#: 000001814616, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $507,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $485,750 (05/02) 8 BUSHNELL DR................................... $1,325,000 B: Charles Favazzo & Brenda Favazzo S: Paul B Gilbert & Patricia Romeo-Gilbert Book/Page: 72688/89, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $860,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15500sf

6 CRAWFORD RD................................. $1,195,000 B: Jeffrey J Darcy & Cynthia L Darcy S: Charles N Favazzo Jr & Brenda L Favazzo Book/Page: 72681/269, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $500,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20945sf Prior Sale: $1,076,000 (11/13) 30 DAWES RD...................................... $1,407,000 B: Chelsea C Portney & Joshua H Trask S: Gustavo J Melchert & Ingrid C Nunez Doc#: 000001814594, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,125,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18985sf Prior Sale: $673,000 (07/11) 287 EMERSON RD................................ $2,310,000 B: Hakan Wennbo S: Ari J Salonen & Pirjo T Tuomi Book/Page: 72701/394, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $1,732,500 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 31742sf Prior Sale: $1,772,000 (06/05) 15 HATHAWAY RD............................... $2,265,000 B: Sunita Kanesa-Thasan Tr, Tr for Niranjan KanesaThasan LT S: Joseph G Houston Book/Page: 72676/552, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,698,750 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Mansion, Lot: 30436sf Prior Sale: $2,250,000 (12/09) 17 HATHAWAY RD............................... $1,620,000 B: Ram A Aiyar & Anita N Aiyar S: Hongkun Park & Jina P Kim Book/Page: 72693/251, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $1,296,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 29875sf Prior Sale: $1,485,000 (08/04) 160 LINCOLN ST................................... $1,375,000 B: Andrew Y Yew & Patricia K Yew S: Lye Investment&Dev LLC Book/Page: 72709/174, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,100,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25954sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (09/15) 5 LOIS LN U:5....................................... $1,000,000 B: Mark Pella & Katherine Pella S: Christopher J Mullen & Jessica J Grasso Book/Page: 72711/446, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $800,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 436sf Prior Sale: $670,000 (06/15) 140 MARRETT RD................................ $1,158,050 B: David B Joliat & Andrea J Joliat S: F Peter Waystack Tr, Tr for Manuel Baptiste 1985 RET Book/Page: 72681/549, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25800sf 10 PINE KNOLL RD............................... $1,189,500 B: Feng Wang & Chao Li S: Lu Huayi Tr, Tr for Huayi Lu RET Doc#: 000001814387, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $688,850 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12600sf 5 TRICORNE RD.................................... $1,200,000 B: Louis M Viollet & N M Simonnot-Viollet S: Vitali Vinokour & Anya Vinokour Book/Page: 72688/28, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $800,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 20292sf Prior Sale: $844,000 (04/09) 36 WEBSTER RD.................................. $1,400,000 B: Meisam Bakhshayeshirad & Mahsa M Rohani S: Sara M Lane Tr, Tr for Lane 2017 Funding T Doc#: 000001814536, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $700,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17242sf Prior Sale: $975,000 (06/01)

Lincoln MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $1,030,500

YTD 2019 12 $1,011,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES WESTON RD.......................................... $732,500 B: Donna Peck & John K Peck S: Heidi H Russell & Daniel Russell Book/Page: 72710/7, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 53977sf

Littleton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 23 Median Price $402,000

YTD 2019 30 $392,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 BEAVER BROOK RD......................... $385,000 B: Marcos Garcia & Gislene C Garcia S: Anthony J Rotella Book/Page: 72681/126, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $327,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 42432sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (06/18) 7 FIELD LN............................................ $720,000 B: Adam B Ouamani & Bala S Gazula S: Jeanson Bldrs Contracting Book/Page: 72671/296, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $648,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10668sf 5 SPARTAN ARROW RD........................ $631,250 B: Thomas R Lyons & Stephanie C Lyons S: Henry F Zolla Tr, Tr for Zolla RT Book/Page: 72681/93, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $505,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40001sf 58 SPECTACLE POND RD...................... $660,000 B: Jillian Hufnagel S: Carl D Lando Tr, Tr for Spectavle Pond Road RT Book/Page: 72698/64, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $627,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40006sf Prior Sale: $299,215 (04/99) 13 SPRUCE ST....................................... $783,600 B: Hemtej Gullapalli & Radhika Kanakamedala S: Durkee Farm Builders Inc Book/Page: 72694/578, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $626,400 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 31494sf

Malden MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $500,000

YTD 2019 61 $459,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 146 BELMONT ST.................................. $640,000 B: Jessica L Nascimento & Alexander C Nascimento S: Brian Barton & Kristine Barton Book/Page: 72689/388, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $544,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5928sf Prior Sale: $467,000 (06/05)

15 BISHOP RD....................................... $475,000 B: Daniel J Furlong Jr S: Ellen M Furlong Doc#: 000001814404, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $378,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2250sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (10/97) 35 CLARENDON ST................................ $455,000 B: Heather Ross & Matthew L Freake S: Robert G Harris & Cynthia A Harris Book/Page: 72692/352, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $437,470 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3253sf Prior Sale: $252,500 (10/09) 77 CROSS ST U:1.................................. $385,000 B: Tara Montgomery S: Natacha N Vautier Book/Page: 72680/152, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $365,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $299,000 (06/16) 55-57 DURSO AVE................................. $620,000 B: Deepak R Dangol & Sunil Dangol S: Patrick M Sasso & Amy E Sasso Book/Page: 72690/137, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $465,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5506sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/11) 269 FELLSWAY E U:2............................ $525,000 B: John J Brattin & Melinda Avery-Foulk S: Steven J Simmons & Judith A Simmons Book/Page: 72693/554, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $393,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 30 FRANKLIN ST U:429......................... $373,000 B: Lan T Truong & Anh N Hoang S: Gillian Guidetti-Myers Book/Page: 72669/196, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $229,000 (03/14) 27 GRANT RD........................................ $554,900 B: Gerald Brandt & Crystal Brandt S: William L Montgomery Jr & Stella M Montgomery Book/Page: 72686/375, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $544,848 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 4620sf 511 HIGHLAND AVE.............................. $749,900 B: Cody A Desjardins & Meredith G Amshoff S: Giannelli Management&Dev Book/Page: 72704/168, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $674,910 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $402,000 (11/18) 21 HILLSIDE AVE................................... $431,000 B: Huifen Liu S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 72690/316, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $360,874 (09/18) 60 HUBBARD ST.................................... $760,000 B: Howard H Chi & Minhui Yang S: Bao Mei & Allen B Mei Book/Page: 72671/539, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $570,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4402sf 34 KNOLLIN ST...................................... $450,000 B: Govarthanan Inparajah & Chithrakumary Govarthanan S: Winnett James P Est & Margarete Winnett-Welch Doc#: 000001814458, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $360,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3614sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (03/06) 51 LAWRENCE ST U:3........................... $380,000 B: Frederick George & Emily Johnson S: Keith D Martinelli Book/Page: 72684/456, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $325,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Condo 80 MAIN ST U:18................................... $289,500 B: Jianghong Zhou & Zhiming Zhang S: May Alan L Est & Kathryn M Fallon Book/Page: 72703/453, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 783 MAIN ST U:783............................... $250,000 B: Wanying Chen S: Aylto J Silva Book/Page: 72698/552, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $146,000 (11/12) 449-451 MEDFORD ST.......................... $810,000 B: Theodore Tsaousidis & Marika Ladopoulos S: Rochelle M Patterson & Christopher C Patterson Book/Page: 72667/591, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $420,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $166,875 (11/13) 32 NEWMAN RD U:1.............................. $210,000 B: Olukemi O Alonge S: Hoyu Lau Book/Page: 72688/307, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $199,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $153,500 (08/05) 30 RICH ST U:13.................................... $230,000 B: Shawn P Mcgaffigan S: Govarthanan Inparajah & Chithrakumary Govarthanan Book/Page: 72677/423, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $165,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/16) 11-15 SPRING ST.................................. $305,500 B: Thiet T Tran S: Nicholas A Synowiec Doc#: 000001814454, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5855sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (08/15) 38-40 SPRINGDALE ST......................... $620,000 B: Herman Jiang S: Anthony Vatalaro Book/Page: 72692/212, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $496,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5251sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (07/03) 136-138 WALNUT ST U:2...................... $288,000 B: Wan-Ting Liao & Karl I San-Luis S: Melissa Brodie Book/Page: 72690/426, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: American Internet Mtg $230,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $205,000 (05/15) 16 WALNUT TER.................................... $461,500 B: Jaykar Nayeck S: Donald R Taylor Jr Tr, Tr for Walnut Terrace RT Book/Page: 72682/440, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $438,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5702sf

JUNE 17, 2019







46 APPLEWOOD DR.............................. $290,000 B: ARBBB RT S: Glenn R Hartmann Tr, Tr for 46 Applewood Drive RT Book/Page: 72679/24, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10833sf 410 BIGELOW ST................................... $420,000 B: Rubens M Cunha & Waleria D Cunha S: Diane V Hanson Book/Page: 72700/290, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $336,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14870sf 688 BOSTON POST RD E U:228............ $190,000 B: Victoria Coviello S: Victor A Martinez Book/Page: 72692/508, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $184,300 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $183,500 (07/05) 17-19 CHESTNUT ST............................. $345,850 B: Charles R Butler S: Peter R Graham Tr, Tr for Alex P RT Book/Page: 72706/162, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $339,585 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3500sf 194 CHURCH ST.................................... $332,500 B: Ryan Judy S: John P Langelier Book/Page: 72698/459, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: William A Judy $365,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 25424sf Prior Sale: $222,500 (08/18) 81 DUFRESNE DR.................................. $625,700 B: Jason Swepson & Tanya Sparkes-Swepson S: West Hill LLC Book/Page: 72695/460, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $594,415 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 53143sf 56 FRYE ST............................................ $435,000 B: Charles L Estes 3rd Tr, Tr for 56 Frye Street RT S: Bruce A Bartolini Tr, Tr for Frye Street RT Book/Page: 72684/326, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $326,250 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 14678sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (01/08) 65 HILDRETH ST.................................... $340,000 B: Sean M Guerino S: John Savage & Ann Savage Book/Page: 72677/230, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $302,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8070sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (07/16) 28 HURLEY CIR..................................... $415,000 B: Amie Milkowski S: Steven Delorey & Mary J Insani Doc#: 000001814425, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $373,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12105sf Prior Sale: $161,583 (01/03) 46 MELODY LN...................................... $337,500 B: Assil Farhat & Ghadeer Farhat S: Ahmad Farhat Book/Page: 72688/394, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $270,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20100sf Prior Sale: $215,500 (09/00) 6 TURNER RIDGE RD............................. $595,000 B: Joan E Bell S: Daniel G Pierpont & Hannah Pierpont Book/Page: 72666/446, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (06/10) 26 VINE ST............................................ $430,000 B: Ana L Ramalho & Jose R Filho S: Helio L Guedes Book/Page: 72707/106, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: ABSM $422,211 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4585sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (05/18) 275 W MAIN ST U:41............................ $175,000 B: Jose B Dacosta & Maria D Barboza-Costa S: 275 W Main LLC Book/Page: 72695/338, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $166,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $150,000 (04/17) 10 WAKEFIELD RD................................ $430,000 B: Mark Donahue & Jennifer Donahue S: David Tenofsky & Stephanie Boundy Book/Page: 72695/109, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $344,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12500sf Prior Sale: $376,963 (09/10)

9 EMERALD ST...................................... $830,000 B: Winter Hill Enterprises S: Linda G Ryan Tr, Tr for Ryan FT Book/Page: 72686/485, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Naveo Credit Union $875,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3720sf 12 FAIRFIELD ST................................... $549,900 B: John G Keating S: Tucker Dorothy E Est & William H Robinson Jr Book/Page: 72681/179, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6050sf 1126-1128 FELLSWAY U:1................... $455,000 B: Corinne J Pearl S: Ryan Ribeiro Book/Page: 72698/246, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $386,750 Use: Condo 266 FELLSWAY W U:1........................... $410,000 B: Mario J Gonzales & Clancy S Gonzales S: Jennifer Gochis-Smith Book/Page: 72678/177, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $393,083 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $260,000 (09/12) 93 GASTON ST...................................... $445,000 B: Katherine C Laguzza & Graham J Patten S: David Register & Erin Register Book/Page: 72675/481, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Middlesex FSLA $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4335sf Prior Sale: $342,500 (07/15) 11 HICKS AVE U:1................................. $722,000 B: Shravan K Lakumarapu & Sai P Bhamidipati S: 11 Hicks Ave LLC Book/Page: 72707/392, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $568,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 50 HICKS AVE U:21............................... $583,000 B: Xiumin Liu & Bo Song S: Joshua B Libby & Lynn M Guthrie-Libby Book/Page: 72692/46, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Poli Mtg Group $408,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (04/11) 18 HIGGINS AVE.................................... $575,000 B: Joshua B Libby & Lynn M Guthrie-Libby S: Anthony R Sarno & Gail A Sarno Book/Page: 72695/416, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $255,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2730sf 41 HURLCROFT AVE.............................. $725,000 B: Peter Scott & Carol Scott S: Winwin Properties LLC Doc#: 000001814524, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4872sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (12/18) 24 MARION ST...................................... $520,000 B: CBC Homes LLC S: John C Monahan & Marie Monahan Book/Page: 72703/546, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Brookline Bank $721,200 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5850sf 45 MYSTIC AVE.................................... $1,100,000 B: 45-47 Mystic Avenue LLC S: William J Mcdonough Jr Tr, Tr for Louie C RT Book/Page: 72706/543, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Brookline Bank $1,100,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7534sf Prior Sale: $518,000 (06/06) 18 OSBORNE RD................................... $680,000 B: Prabitha Natarajan & Vinay Raghu S: Stephen P Cole & Sarah B Cole Book/Page: 72700/494, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $544,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5015sf Prior Sale: $430,500 (12/08) 44 PARIS ST.......................................... $530,000 B: James Hill & Amira Hodes S: John R Barton & Debrah A Dost Book/Page: 72691/45, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $424,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4679sf 24 RAYMOND ST................................... $575,000 B: Thinh Nguyen & Katie T Nguyen S: Casey Kudesia & Valmeek M Kudesia Book/Page: 72690/343, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4250sf Prior Sale: $311,500 (03/10) 10 SANGER ST U:2................................ $520,000 B: Thomas Prodhomme S: John C Doherty & Denise S Doherty Book/Page: 72680/408, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $416,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 20 SHIP AVE U:8.................................... $555,000 B: Kristen N Lannan S: James C Straticos Book/Page: 72696/104, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $205,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 169 SPRING ST..................................... $465,000 B: Jaswant Singh & Sharanjit Kaur S: Alizeo Mary A Est & Walter M Cameron Book/Page: 72690/205, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $310,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3471sf 15 VALLEY ST U:15............................... $490,000 B: Alexandra Schiffer S: Nancy A Ross & Peter Higgins Book/Page: 72695/301, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $390,000 Use: Condo 81 WOODS RD....................................... $740,000 B: Christopher J Hanson & Karisa M Hanson S: Patrick R Sylvester Tr, Tr for Sylvester FT Book/Page: 72689/99, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $592,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5600sf Prior Sale: $394,000 (06/09)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 68 Median Price $345,000

YTD 2019 78 $371,250

Maynard MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $378,450

YTD 2019 26 $354,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 LEWIS ST.......................................... $367,500 B: Sarah M Patten & Nicholas E Wilder S: Erin M Stirk & Derek J Stirk Book/Page: 72686/256, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $330,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5036sf Prior Sale: $309,900 (07/16) 8 MAYBURY RD..................................... $385,000 B: Stephan J Martel & Jessica L Mcdonald S: Michael Albanese & Kathryne E Albanese Book/Page: 72668/48, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $365,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15002sf Prior Sale: $163,000 (04/12) 111 POWDER MILL RD......................... $5,000,000 B: Blue Stone LLC S: David M Blackman Tr, Tr for Sir Ma RT Book/Page: 72701/295, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Industrial Office Building, Lot: 548856sf 164 SUMMER ST................................... $375,000 B: Andrew Soddy & Derry-Lee Soddy S: Clifford H Backman & Deborah A Backman Book/Page: 72693/69, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $356,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 13852sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (03/06) 3 SUNSET RD........................................ $250,100 B: Stephen M Keller & Sara M Keller S: Robert H Powderly Tr, Tr for Virginia C Powderly RET Doc#: 000001814471, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $237,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11861sf

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 58 Median Price $547,000

YTD 2019 73 $609,000

Melrose MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 37 Median Price $660,000

YTD 2019 46 $627,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 177 ASHLAND ST.................................. B: Bryon G Fong & Margaret E Ivins S: Daniel Doherty & Lisa Doherty Book/Page: 72678/289, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $648,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6225sf


55 BOSTON ROCK RD............................ $577,000 B: Scott A Carson & Shannon D Smith S: Francis E Sutherby & Mary E Sutherby Doc#: 000001814274, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $461,600 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18288sf 26 BOW ST............................................ $621,000 B: Tenzin Ngodup & Tsering Choedon S: Donna J Hill Book/Page: 72672/110, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $522,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11172sf 17 BURNETT ST..................................... $580,000 B: Salvatore A Giliberto & Cathy A Daigle S: Randy Wohlen & Ronald Wohlen Doc#: 000001814282, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $450,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8630sf Prior Sale: $482,000 (08/07) 2 COLBY TER......................................... $465,000 B: Elizabeth L Gillcrist S: Chirstopher J Colongeli & Melissa Colongeli Book/Page: 72670/255, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $441,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6460sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (07/15) 61 DAMON AVE..................................... $630,000 B: Michael Ciulla & Kerri Ciulla S: Olga E Limongelli Tr, Tr for Limongelli FT Book/Page: 72701/338, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $504,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf 36 ELLIOTT ST....................................... $745,000 B: Gregory J Lohman & Katherine Dobbins S: Gilbert M Michetti Tr, Tr for Michetti FT Doc#: 000001814394, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $675,193 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 3919sf 202-204 FRANKLIN ST.......................... $910,000 B: Susan C Mclaren & Stephen J Mclaren S: Anthony R Lacascia 2nd & Carrie A Lacascia Book/Page: 72711/230, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $682,500 Use: 2-Family Victorian, Lot: 6100sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (08/02) 180 GREEN ST U:401............................ $410,000 B: Carol L Nestor S: Rita A Nason & Laurie A Nason Book/Page: 72682/476, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,000 (05/99) 180 GREEN ST U:401............................ $59,961 B: Rita N Nason & John F Nason S: Nason John F 3rd Est & Richard M Coan Book/Page: 72682/472, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,000 (05/99) 111 GROVE ST U:1................................ $316,000 B: Breanna M Dunne S: Joseph G Figler Book/Page: 72666/215, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $306,520 Use: Condo 134 LINDEN RD..................................... $585,000 B: Ryan Farrell & Carrie Palumbo S: Zachary M Gildin & Anna R Lane Book/Page: 72670/209, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $468,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7740sf Prior Sale: $399,900 (10/13) 118 LINWOOD AVE................................ $547,500 B: Yi Huang & Hongying Xiao S: Phyllis Weldon Book/Page: 72682/186, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $438,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6190sf Prior Sale: $358,615 (09/06) 34 LYNDE AVE....................................... $585,500 B: John Torres & Erin Griffiths S: William J Doran & Phillip R Veysey Book/Page: 72682/142, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $556,225 Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 20096sf 340 MAIN ST U:308............................... $219,900 B: Christopher Mcintyre S: David M Amerault Book/Page: 72681/291, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $75,000 (03/00) 88 MERIDIAN ST................................... $660,000 B: Mark S Feldman S: Martha D Hopewell Book/Page: 72668/535, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $528,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 4865sf Prior Sale: $463,000 (12/03) 56 PARK ST........................................... $460,000 B: Jillian Natale & Jerry Natale S: Paul V Kulakowski & Eleanor Kulakowski Doc#: 000001814528, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7474sf 47 SHEFFIELD RD.................................. $925,000 B: Matthew R Lalone & Amy M Lalone S: Daniel J Cotton Tr, Tr for Cotton FT Book/Page: 72677/141, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $740,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6145sf Prior Sale: $295,001 (08/97) 295 UPHAM ST...................................... $539,900 B: Christopher M Neukamm & Marty A Fernandez S: Sheila A Martel & Richard W Kendall Book/Page: 72669/564, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $431,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 4403sf

Natick MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 75 Median Price $570,000

YTD 2019 86 $588,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 ALDEN ST......................................... B: Marina M Momot S: Emily Helm Book/Page: 72687/233, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $535,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4069sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (09/14) 49 BEVERLY RD.................................... B: 49 Beverly Road LLC S: Joanna S Ford Doc#: 000001814518, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $799,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12062sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (11/04) 15 CURTIS RD....................................... B: James E Murphy Jr & Simone Murphy S: Thomas D Driscoll Tr, Tr for Driscoll FT Book/Page: 72698/134, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $444,444 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13085sf



JUNE 17, 2019




3 DEER PATH........................................ $1,480,000 B: Adam Holbrook & Elina Holbrook S: Craig R Oliver & Charlene D Oliver Book/Page: 72696/26, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $750,001 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 42955sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (12/01) 10 FIELDSTONE LN............................... $741,500 B: Craig E Stewart & Sharon A Bartley S: Narayana N Swamy Book/Page: 72687/379, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $593,200 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 20025sf 2 GUYS WAY U:2................................... $539,392 B: Darlene R Dearden S: Wheeler Lane Realty LLC Book/Page: 72685/588, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 20 HOPEWELL FARM RD U:20.............. $640,000 B: Ni He & Ling Ren S: Edward C Conrad & Susan H Conrad Book/Page: 72695/201, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $550,000 (03/12) 11 KYLIE LN......................................... $1,225,000 B: Boris Gershman & Shann Gershman S: Bond Development LLC Book/Page: 72682/508, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,102,500 13 OTIS ST............................................ $320,000 B: Michael Bratsis S: Timothy J Ryan & Barbara J Ryan Book/Page: 72687/423, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $288,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 10799sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (10/00) 15 PHEASANT HOLLOW RD.................. $940,000 B: Edward Close & Margaret K Close S: Adam Holbrook & Elina Holbrook Book/Page: 72691/313, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $690,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15560sf Prior Sale: $809,900 (08/13) 13 PINE ST............................................ $554,500 B: Alexandra Lavoie & Jonathan Lavoie S: Derrick J Hobin & Meira Bar-Halpern Book/Page: 72689/47, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $443,520 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10846sf Prior Sale: $439,900 (04/14) 138 PINE ST.......................................... $680,000 B: Changying F Lee S: Nancy F Ogles Tr, Tr for Ogles LT Book/Page: 72676/244, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20316sf 85 PLEASANT ST................................... $785,000 B: Brian E Malo & Lilianna O Malo S: Leslie A Dakin & Darlene R Dearden Doc#: 000001814419, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $310,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40001sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (09/11) 6 POST OAK LN U:5............................... $310,000 B: Yancheng Zheng & Yuyan Fu S: Daniel Glickman & Amelia Glickman Book/Page: 72681/380, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $155,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $249,900 (11/16) 1 PROCTOR ST...................................... $305,000 B: Brusa Construction Corp S: Davis Helen F Est & John W Rousseau Jr Book/Page: 72711/339, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $567,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7501sf 3 SAWIN ST........................................... $385,000 B: Red Green Blue 1 LLC S: Gail L Hendricks Book/Page: 72669/219, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $639,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7671sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (01/07) 12 SQUIRE CT U:11............................... $290,000 B: Jordan S Green & Karen R Green S: Wenli Hao Book/Page: 72686/409, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $275,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $279,000 (05/05) 22 SYLVESTER RD................................ $705,000 B: Uday B Kadaboina & Krishna P Kondasani S: Samuel Schatz & Sam Schatz Doc#: 000001814585, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $564,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10202sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (06/15) 2 VILLAGE GREEN LN U:1..................... $278,000 B: Xiaoyan Cai S: Jie Zhao Book/Page: 72690/362, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $188,000 (02/14) 6 VILLAGE ROCK LN U:22..................... $199,000 B: Vladislav Mangeym & Nataliya Mangeym S: Tetrick Paul A Est & Lawrence R Bowers Book/Page: 72687/91, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $149,250 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $165,000 (03/03) 25 VILLAGE ROCK LN U:3..................... $240,000 B: Olga Faybushevich S: Robert E Fierman Tr, Tr for Natvil RT Book/Page: 72688/429, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northeast Home Loan $105,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 1 VILLAGE WAY U:6.............................. $255,000 B: Liyuan Gao S: Harshdeep Walia & Puneet Walia Book/Page: 72694/441, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: East West Bank $153,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $232,000 (03/05) 283 W CENTRAL ST U:B........................ $638,500 B: Nicholas R Drake & Emily C Drake S: Chadwick Homes LLC Book/Page: 72692/441, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $510,800 Use: Condo 7 WARING RD........................................ $727,500 B: Elezibeth E Georgiopoulos & Antonios Veloudakis S: Shane E Mulligan & Jodi H Mulligan Book/Page: 72696/77, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $582,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10319sf Prior Sale: $640,000 (12/14) 5 WHALEN LN........................................ $380,000 B: Yong Wang & Xiaomeng Sun S: Joseph Sanford Book/Page: 72687/592, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2919sf Prior Sale: $346,000 (01/16)

Newton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 135 Median Price $1,055,000

YTD 2019 141 $1,300,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 46 ACACIA AVE.................................... $1,300,000 B: Sung P Chang S: Elaine C Maney & Patrick J Maney Book/Page: 72693/416, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $900,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Tudor, Lot: 7620sf Prior Sale: $917,000 (01/08) 423 ALBEMARLE RD............................. $835,000 B: Natalia Espinal & Burton Granofsky S: Joan M Murphy Tr, Tr for 423 Albemarle Road RT Book/Page: 72691/450, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $664,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5625sf 72 ALLISON ST...................................... $665,000 B: Northeast Venture Group S: Michael Lee Book/Page: 72691/588, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 2949sf 493 AUBURN ST U:A............................. $482,000 B: Allen Bress S: John P Fantini Book/Page: 72688/69, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $457,900 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7655sf Prior Sale: $320,750 (08/06) 58 AUBURNDALE AVE........................... $500,000 B: Seton B Murphy & Megan Murphy S: Margaret A Murphy Book/Page: 72667/151, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $400,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 20069sf 3 BERTRAND RD................................... $920,000 B: Jing Mo & Weiguo Yao S: Ajaykumar Kutty & Roshni Kutty Book/Page: 72675/302, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $690,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6282sf Prior Sale: $723,500 (08/12) 61 BOWDOIN ST................................... $1,492,500 B: Sabrina Sloman S: Joy Reichling Tr, Tr for Joy Reichling 2008 T Book/Page: 72692/236, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 6913sf Prior Sale: $1,085,000 (06/08) 321 CABOT ST....................................... $730,000 B: 321 Cabot LLC S: William J Bertrand Jr Tr, Tr for Mary M Bertrand IRT Book/Page: 72701/538, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Village Bank $1,134,000 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 5278sf 106 CHARLESBANK RD......................... $872,000 B: Kristopher Ciccarelli & Emma Seabrook S: Charlesbank LLC Book/Page: 72682/120, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $572,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7664sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (04/19) 287 CHERRY ST.................................... $1,525,000 B: Arlene H Kelly & Joseph A Kelly S: Luis E Vasquez-Solis & Ivana Vasquez-Solis Book/Page: 72699/202, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $1,220,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4500sf 15 DAVIS ST.......................................... $955,000 B: Ikuko Isihara S: Seamus T Tuohy & Kirsten M Mccarthy Book/Page: 72691/244, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3751sf Prior Sale: $352,000 (12/98) 11 DEDHAM ST..................................... $770,000 B: Jason G Contardo & Fei X Contardo S: Adam T Wright & Aileen P Wright Doc#: 000001814609, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $616,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6657sf Prior Sale: $644,500 (04/14) 437 DEDHAM ST U:C............................ $1,500,000 B: Alan P Moss & Jane E Moss S: Lawrence P Cohen & Meryl L Cohen Doc#: 000001814575, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $637,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1240857sf 391 DUDLEY RD................................... $2,525,000 B: Daniel M Santinello & Natalie R Santinello S: E J Michael Witzel & Ernst J Witzel Book/Page: 72691/499, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Village Bank $2,245,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18716sf 14 EMERSON ST U:14.......................... $1,275,000 B: Claude Yama & Signe Yama S: M-7 Realty LLC Book/Page: 72686/309, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $956,250 Use: Condo 21 ENDICOTT ST.................................. $2,825,000 B: Joanne Melikian-Cate & Earl M Cate S: Kay L Shanny Tr, Tr for Kay Lynn Shanny RET Book/Page: 72680/251, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12370sf Prior Sale: $2,100,000 (05/06) 105 FAIR OAKS AVE.............................. $930,000 B: Li-Wen Chang & Hui C Chen S: Thomas J Smith & Margaret M Ciccone Book/Page: 72702/165, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Direct Credit Union $744,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10680sf 77 FLORENCE ST U:202S..................... $1,650,000 B: Paula Witkin & Mark J Witkin S: Darin Samaraweera Book/Page: 72678/313, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $1,237,500 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 332926sf Prior Sale: $985,000 (07/03) 60 GROVE ST........................................ $1,278,000 B: Joshua L Markette & Shimrit P Markette S: Yu Wu Book/Page: 72690/280, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12906sf Prior Sale: $888,888 (04/02) 91-93 HALCYON RD............................. $1,515,000 B: Fu Zeng & Chang M Zeng S: Mark J Sullivan Tr, Tr for 91-93 Halcyon Road RT Book/Page: 72709/408, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $833,250 Use: 3-Family Duplex, Lot: 12500sf 84 HANCOCK AVE................................ $1,525,000 B: Waleed A Farahat & Mayssam H Ali S: Jonathan D Plaut Tr, Tr for 84 Hancock Avenue RT Book/Page: 72692/590, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Beverly Bank $1,804,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14498sf

303 HARTMAN RD................................ $2,737,500 B: Oleg Shchegolev & Elena Shchegoleva S: Elite Properties LLC Doc#: 000001812894, Date: 05/09/19 Use: 7 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18294sf Prior Sale: $990,000 (11/15) 72 HERRICK RD U:72........................... $1,800,000 B: Lisa M Cohen Tr, Tr for Lisa M Cohen 1999 RET S: 65 Chase Street LLC Book/Page: 72694/31, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 23 HIGH ST U:23.................................... $965,000 B: Thomas J Fontaine S: Paul J Mcginty Tr, Tr for 23 High Street NT Book/Page: 72688/259, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $750,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 391 HIGHLAND ST................................ $2,075,000 B: Hannah Brown & Hugh Auchincloss S: Armin Spura & Yuanyaun Xiao Book/Page: 72685/52, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $1,660,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8800sf Prior Sale: $1,825,000 (11/18) 46 HOMESTEAD ST.............................. $1,900,000 B: Shoshana F Rosen & Eli B Rosen S: Harland S Winter Book/Page: 72690/56, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Kimberly E Cohen $410,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Tudor, Lot: 10238sf 16 KINGSWOOD RD.............................. $1,849,000 B: Ajakumar Kutty & Roshni Kutty S: Neil T Leifer & Ellen B Carno Doc#: 000001814569, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $1,219,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8344sf 49 LENOX ST........................................ $1,530,000 B: John P Mills & Kylie E Mills S: Karyn A Dean Tr, Tr for SSW Lenox Street T Book/Page: 72690/471, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,053,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9707sf Prior Sale: $905,000 (08/03) 142 MIDDLESEX RD U:1........................ $665,000 B: Irwin Applebaum & Nina Applebaum S: Yan Epelboym & Natalya Shnitser Book/Page: 72673/120, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 33414sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (06/14) 44 MIGNON RD..................................... $1,691,000 B: Viral D Dholabhai & Rajika R Bhansali S: Daniel H Wolf Tr, Tr for 44 Mignon T Book/Page: 72681/185, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 31737sf 9 NEWBROOK CIR................................ $1,602,000 B: Boris Gelfand & Yevgeniya Gelfand S: Richard L Winer & Bette M Winer Book/Page: 72679/27, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,281,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11594sf 100 NORWOOD AVE.............................. $875,000 B: Anthony J Disciullo S: Sarah Doebler Book/Page: 72709/571, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3708sf Prior Sale: $554,000 (08/12) 14 OWATONNA ST................................. $975,000 B: Valmeek M Kudesia & Casey D Kudesia S: Kane Built Inc Book/Page: 72705/326, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $780,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5840sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (08/18) 21 PARMENTER TER............................ $1,350,000 B: Linda J Thayer & Caroline Wilson S: Bhawana Dave & Ashish Dave Book/Page: 72699/232, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $1,080,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7955sf Prior Sale: $1,085,000 (10/14) 89 PEARL ST U:89................................. $358,500 B: Brendon B Chiou S: Jose F Portuondo-Dember & Yoshi Portuondo-Dember Book/Page: 72707/203, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $268,875 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 6126sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (03/10) 23 PEMBROKE ST................................ $1,629,000 B: Harris R Lieberman & Brandon Irvine S: Jane E Lederman Book/Page: 72689/354, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,221,750 Use: 2-Family Victorian, Lot: 13595sf Prior Sale: $660,000 (11/99) 21 PLEASANT ST.................................. $1,250,000 B: Peter A Donovan & Lisa B Mahoney S: G Brian Gray Tr, Tr for G Brian Gray RET Book/Page: 72676/345, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,000,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9429sf 40 PLEASANT ST U:40......................... $1,125,000 B: Judi T Cantor & Murray R Cantor S: Asaf Waizman & Vered Waizman Book/Page: 72672/518, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $750,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 25656sf Prior Sale: $959,000 (09/16) 16 RICKER RD U:2................................ $1,100,000 B: David S Richman & Sara A Richman S: 16 Ricker Rd LLC Book/Page: 72690/112, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $850,000 Use: Condo 334 RIVER ST........................................ $700,000 B: Frederick S Camerato S: Erin Doran Book/Page: 72701/568, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $461,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5750sf Prior Sale: $348,000 (11/10) 62-64 ROWE ST U:A.............................. $769,000 B: Ram Reshef & Gal Reshef S: Syamak Moattari & Anita Malek Book/Page: 72711/75, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $615,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 9894sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (06/13) 31 SARGENT PARK.............................. $1,051,000 B: Jiantong Wei & Yue Sun S: Awtrey Pamela L Est & Bernard S Awtrey Jr Book/Page: 72703/254, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $840,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5658sf 7 SPAULDING LN.................................. $1,290,000 B: Dale F Bentson & Wendy W Bentson S: Afshin Ehsan & Parastoo V Ehsan Book/Page: 72703/276, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16000sf Prior Sale: $863,750 (08/04) 225 SPIERS RD.................................... $1,375,000 B: Asaf Waizman & Vered Waizman S: KM Dover LLC Book/Page: 72690/285, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $975,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7004sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (01/18)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

4 TAMWORTH RD................................. $1,370,000 B: Benjamin Bergestein & Anna Gilman S: Catherine Braun Book/Page: 72680/461, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Michael Gilman $1,370,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Tudor, Lot: 8390sf Prior Sale: $535,000 (04/99) 210 VARICK RD.................................... $1,060,000 B: Andrew H Moraco S: Brian M Mann & Mary B Mann Book/Page: 72701/507, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $848,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9095sf Prior Sale: $760,000 (09/03) 78 WABAN AVE.................................... $2,048,000 B: Dmitri Rabin & Irene Porokhova S: Wenhua Zhang & Xiaoqing Cao Book/Page: 72707/489, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,638,400 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17710sf Prior Sale: $1,800,000 (06/10) 1007 WALNUT ST.................................. $850,000 B: Diana Ivans & Dwight Branch S: Rafat M Gheewala Doc#: 000001814259, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $722,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 8792sf 2071 WASHINGTON ST......................... $790,000 B: Asma Ejaz & Shamsher Ali S: William Miller & Lisa J Pieloch Book/Page: 72696/554, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $632,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10100sf

North Reading MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 37 Median Price $479,900

YTD 2019 44 $572,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 ABBOTT RD U:A................................. $699,900 B: Devon F Hogan & Elisa C Hogan S: Swanview Investments LLC Book/Page: 72702/493, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $544,922 Use: Condo 9-R ABBOTT RD U:B............................. $740,000 B: Rebecca G Anzuoni S: Swanview Investments LLC Book/Page: 72694/489, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USA Alliance FCU $592,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 113 CENTRAL ST................................... $550,000 B: Ryam M Patti & Gina R Patti S: Michael D Salem Jr Tr, Tr for Michael D Salem Jr FT Book/Page: 72705/70, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $495,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 37462sf 132 CHESTNUT ST................................ $510,000 B: James R Wells & Katherine A Birkemose S: Matthew R Brown & Sarah E Brown Book/Page: 72675/439, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $484,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 28750sf Prior Sale: $494,000 (12/16) 10 EISENHAURE LN............................... $699,000 B: Matthew R Brown & Sarah E Brown S: Michael L Boyle Sr & Nancy C Boyle Book/Page: 72676/124, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $300,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 40511sf 46 MAIN ST U:4..................................... $101,500 B: Peter C Sfikas Tr, Tr for 46 Main Street Unit 4 RT S: James P Sullivan Tr, Tr for Sullivan Investment RT Book/Page: 72705/373, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Wakefield Cp Bk $76,125 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $61,000 (06/02) 21 NICHOLS ST..................................... $860,000 B: Ryan C Strout & Kimberly L Strout S: Smith Sons Plumbing&Htng Book/Page: 72694/366, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $688,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 44257sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (10/18) 40 NORTH ST......................................... $470,000 B: Francis M Lobello 4th S: Chochrek Lois M Est & Cheryl Chochrek Book/Page: 72689/457, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $446,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 24829sf 4 PATLEY RD......................................... $415,000 B: James Celeste & Michelle Agahigian S: Cameron Morgan Doc#: 000001814242, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Workers Credit Union $394,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 34979sf Prior Sale: $351,000 (01/17) 7 SHADY HILL DR.................................. $575,000 B: Athanasios Metropoulos & Maria Pantazelos S: Uyen Le-Kong & Alan Kong Book/Page: 72677/458, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $460,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 40206sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (09/16)

Pepperell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $305,000

YTD 2019 31 $370,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 BACON ST........................................ $510,000 B: Scott R Arseneault & Jennifer N Arseneault S: Brian Sandager & Amber Sandager Book/Page: 72670/424, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $408,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40302sf Prior Sale: $429,000 (10/13) 52 BAYBERRY ST.................................. $337,500 B: Daniel Johnstone S: Jeremy E Betts Book/Page: 72692/535, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $320,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 79715sf Prior Sale: $274,000 (11/16) 17 CRANBERRY ST............................... $415,000 B: Kayt Holland & Miguel Guzman S: Leah E Merrill Book/Page: 72694/390, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $407,483 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 81745sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (07/07) 6 FAIRCHILD CT.................................... $364,900 B: Patrice Teda-Fonkou & Berengere N Mbatchou S: Robert C Goes Book/Page: 72669/536, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7427sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (11/11)




11 OAK HILL ST..................................... $375,000 B: Elizabeth Penney & Thomas Penney S: Steven P Berrigan Book/Page: 72666/291, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $325,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 46174sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (10/11) 1 RILEYS WAY....................................... $532,000 B: Robert C Goes S: Albert W Patenaude Jr Book/Page: 72671/56, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $532,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 40894sf 10 SARTELLE ST U:L............................. $232,000 B: Kira E Mcgann S: Forrest Finkler & Melissa Finkler Doc#: 000001814303, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $185,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $195,000 (05/08)

Reading MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $550,000

YTD 2019 59 $599,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 29 CANTERBURY DR............................. $300,000 B: Canterbury Drive LLC S: Charlene A Amico Tr, Tr for Canterbury Drive M&A RT Book/Page: 72668/564, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Long Term Capital LLC $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7000sf Prior Sale: $268,400 (06/01) 10 CENTER AVE..................................... $850,000 B: 10-12 Center Avenue LLC S: Robert A Houle & Ellen M Houle Book/Page: 72704/589, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Boston Cnst Hld $950,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 8900sf 382 CHARLES ST................................... $550,000 B: Michele Bertolini & Krysta M Bertolini S: Barbara Buks Doc#: 000001814543, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $390,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 28769sf 12 GREEN MEADOW DR U:12............... $715,000 B: Charles V Doherty & Patricia Doherty S: Carol A Kaplan Tr, Tr for 12 Green Meadow Drive NT Book/Page: 72710/380, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $350,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $610,000 (01/06) 25 GREEN MEADOW DR U:25............... $863,000 B: Thomas Callaghan & Joyce Callaghan S: Todal Pitel & Priti Patel Book/Page: 72684/291, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $685,000 (08/14) 443 HAVERHILL ST............................... $470,000 B: Aditi Basu & Debjyoti Ghosh S: Michael Vining Book/Page: 72708/165, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 131551sf Prior Sale: $526,500 (07/16) 121 JOHNSON WOODS DR U:121......... $853,018 B: Julie Blanche S: David Hauser Tr, Tr for Ellen L Hauser RET 2007 Book/Page: 72703/470, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $767,716 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $820,000 (09/09) 181 LOWELL ST..................................... $580,000 B: Gregory J Vasami & Justine D Bryar S: Powers Development Inc Book/Page: 72678/159, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $540,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 11738sf Prior Sale: $399,000 (04/18) 57 AUGUSTUS CT U:1006...................... $499,900 B: Gail L Marino S: John E Burke & Marie E Burke Book/Page: 72672/481, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 47 SCOTLAND RD.................................. $870,000 B: Erik Beckstrom & Selmira Beckstrom S: John J Greeley & Nancy J Greeley Book/Page: 72669/103, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Ally Bank $783,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14113sf Prior Sale: $620,000 (08/03) 605 SUMMER AVE U:4-109................... $295,000 B: Ronaldo K Fuji S: Mary T Butler Book/Page: 72665/387, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $265,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $235,000 (10/13) 20 SUSAN DR........................................ $777,000 B: Kevin Walsh & Linette Walsh S: Domenic J Pustizzi & Renee A Pustizzi Book/Page: 72669/303, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $535,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30726sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (06/05) 39 TAYLOR DR U:1006.......................... $555,000 B: Nancy F Ogles Tr, Tr for Ogles LT S: Johnson Woods Realty Corp Book/Page: 72684/166, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 99 VINE ST............................................ $165,000 B: Joseph Solimine Tr, Tr for 99 Vine Street RT S: Robert R Mchugh Book/Page: 72693/446, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: VJ INT $165,368 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 8350sf 162 WALNUT ST.................................... $572,000 B: Christopher A Degel & Elizabeth H Wales S: Grace C Fitzpatrick Book/Page: 72690/525, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $523,809 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 20050sf 20 WHITE OAKS LN U:20....................... $720,000 B: Kathleen Dambrosio S: Linda M Campisi Tr, Tr for Linda M Campisi 2002 T Book/Page: 72682/173, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $699,000 (12/07)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Median Price $735,000

YTD 2019 22 $792,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 BEAR HILL RD................................. $1,270,000 B: Berri H Jacque & Asha R Strazzero-Wild S: Robert W Eckert & Jolanta K Eckert Book/Page: 72678/209, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $1,016,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87120sf

127 FARM RD....................................... $1,830,000 B: Adria Balog & Daniel W Kahn S: Michael B Alexander & Mary B Alexander Doc#: 000001814778, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 504425sf 48 HOLLIS ST........................................ $690,000 B: Hanmin Lee S: Elaine Mccabe-Donahue Book/Page: 72689/262, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 136343sf Prior Sale: $620,000 (02/04) 36 HUNTING LN.................................... $1,800,000 B: Sena J Fowler & Julian J Fowler S: Wayne M Bloom Tr, Tr for Veronica S Bloom RET Book/Page: 72672/289, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $1,440,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87120sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (04/00) 38 PAGE FARM RD................................ $779,000 B: David King & Allyson King S: Francine Cleveland Doc#: 000001814564, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $623,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 104108sf Prior Sale: $796,000 (05/10)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $388,700

YTD 2019 12 $340,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 APPLE ROCK WAY.............................. B: Julio Alessio & Linda S Wells S: John G Arriza Book/Page: 72704/226, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $194,417 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10018sf 27 HOSPITAL RD................................... B: Shirley Commons LLC S: MA Dev Finance Agency Book/Page: 72694/202, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Womens Institute Reat $2,600,000 8 POND VIEW CIR.................................. B: Bryan G Wilson & Amy Wilson S: Leah Norridge & Paul Norridge Book/Page: 72677/297, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $461,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20495sf Prior Sale: $407,900 (10/16)




▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 2 CATHERINES WAY............................. B: FHLM S: Christine Bogdahn & CIT Mortgage Inc Book/Page: 72670/326, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32234sf Prior Sale: $369,900 (07/01)



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $710,000

YTD 2019 33 $850,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 65 ADAMS ST....................................... $3,200,000 B: 65 Adams LLC S: Joanna Shumway & Maria Ready Book/Page: 72704/124, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $2,750,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3152sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (08/98) 44 ALBION ST U:A................................. $600,000 B: Michelle E Dipietro & Andrew Seeber S: Jeffrey J Mancarella Book/Page: 72683/464, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $300,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 94 ALBION ST....................................... $1,400,000 B: Neil Mushaweh & Andrea Brennen S: Vincent E Beaudet Book/Page: 72692/379, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,120,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2923sf Prior Sale: $790,000 (06/18) 395 ALEWIFE BROOK PKWY................ $4,000,000 B: 395 ABP LLC S: G E & M Auto Services Inc Doc#: 000001814831, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: GE&M Auto Service Inc $2,500,000 Use: Gas/service Station, Lot: 19754sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (10/06) 111 BOSTON AVE U:2............................ $690,000 B: Shahar Ben-Josef & Frederick Mcgirr S: Damon Amato Tr, Tr for 111 Boston Avenue NT Book/Page: 72690/182, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $385,000 Use: Condo 242 BROADWAY................................... $1,560,000 B: Zelia I Silva & Lauro O Dasilva S: Mario L Devita Tr, Tr for Maria P Devita FT Book/Page: 72679/558, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $1,170,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 7502sf 921 BROADWAY................................... $1,300,000 B: Robert Veling & Mary Veling S: Dennis Coscia & Kristine Damhave-Coscia Book/Page: 72686/514, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,105,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4205sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (03/03) 15 BURNHAM ST.................................. $1,140,000 B: Samuel Wu S: OP Development LLC Book/Page: 72693/356, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $600,000 Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 4443sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (04/19) 4 CAMERON AVE U:2............................ $682,000 B: Alan R Campbell S: Paul Gervais & Valentina Cecchi Book/Page: 72691/542, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $613,800 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $475,000 (12/13) 89 CENTRAL ST.................................... $1,100,000 B: John K Holmes Tr, Tr for 89 Central Street RT S: Gerard R Cerrato & David A Cerrato Book/Page: 72674/63, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $2,000,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3465sf 173 COLLEGE AVE................................ $1,200,000 B: 173 College Avenue LLC S: Robert W Goggin Tr, Tr for Virginia T Book/Page: 72692/308, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3600sf 141 CROSS ST...................................... $1,025,000 B: 1 Chester Ave LLC S: Jac Investments LLC Book/Page: 72672/74, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: CSLF Alamosa LLC $2,295,000 38 EDGAR AVE U:2................................ $950,000 B: Andrew Varley & Marion Latendresse-Varley S: Mahyar Mahdavi-Harsini Book/Page: 72680/596, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $612,000 (03/15)

46 HIGH ST........................................... $1,100,000 B: Gary M Sullivan Tr, Tr for 46-48 High Street RT S: TM Santos Realty Co LLC Book/Page: 72668/530, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 2783sf Prior Sale: $960,000 (08/17) 183 HIGHLAND AVE U:3........................ $515,000 B: M Rave-Indranathan S: Emily Neil Book/Page: 72701/436, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $412,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $385,000 (12/15) 21 JOSEPH ST U:1................................. $575,000 B: Benjamin M Grotto & Laura B Duncan S: Daniel P Grotto & Susan D Grotto Book/Page: 72678/588, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $385,000 Use: Condo 66-A MARSHALL ST.............................. $641,000 B: Jia Luo & Nicole C Yang S: Muharrem Huvaj Book/Page: 72692/242, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $440,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 1277sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (07/15) 9 MEDFORD ST U:512........................... $737,000 B: James Mcdonald & Rebecca Gilligan S: Somerville Millbrk Assoc Book/Page: 72680/42, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $485,000 Use: Condo 9 MEDFORD ST U:604........................... $650,000 B: Kyunghee Chung S: Somerville Millbrk Assoc Book/Page: 72682/353, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $455,000 Use: Condo 9 MEDFORD ST U:714........................... $969,000 B: Patrick J Dignan S: Somerville Millbrk Assoc Book/Page: 72708/214, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $500,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 39 MEDFORD ST U:714......................... $969,000 B: Patrick J Dignan S: Somerville Millbrk Assoc Book/Page: 72708/214, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Condo 425 MEDFORD ST U:2........................... $760,000 B: Sanjay Madan S: Andre Pelletier & Andrea Traviglia Book/Page: 72666/183, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $570,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $463,000 (10/14) 494 MEDFORD ST................................. $810,000 B: Edward Bernazzani S: Jacquelyn Wells Book/Page: 72670/511, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $591,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2571sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (04/15) 7 MELVIN ST......................................... $900,000 B: Barbara Liepmann S: Jean K Moise & Marline E Moise Book/Page: 72689/64, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $650,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3201sf 78 MORRISON AVE............................... $1,400,000 B: Sha Mi & Vincent Jung S: Leslie J Tabor & Susan J Masison Book/Page: 72671/476, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $745,750 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4326sf 411 NORFOLK ST U:2B.......................... $600,000 B: Shirali A Pandya S: Nadav Kupiec & Jennifer K Kupiec Book/Page: 72673/56, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $316,500 (05/11) 192 NORTH ST....................................... $900,000 B: Andrews Angels LLC S: Charles S Vigneau Book/Page: 72688/292, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 3796sf 124 PEARSON RD U:3........................... $520,000 B: Jessica R Yen S: Jeffrey T Ludwig Book/Page: 72711/383, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $416,000 Use: Condo 71 SCHOOL ST....................................... $980,000 B: Yan Zhao & Ji Shi S: Maria R Lobo & Nancy Lobo Book/Page: 72710/361, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5750sf 229 SCHOOL ST..................................... $975,000 B: Jesse T Hubbell S: Salvatore R Monaco Tr, Tr for 229 School Street RT Book/Page: 72687/541, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $780,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3250sf Prior Sale: $66,000 (03/03) 115 SHORE DR...................................... $900,000 B: John T Colbert S: Roberta M Silva Tr, Tr for Hickey FT Book/Page: 72690/405, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: FBC Mtg LLC $720,000 Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 4005sf 440 SOMERVILLE AVE U:3A.................. $760,000 B: Boston Meditation Center S: 440 Somerville Ave 3A LLC Book/Page: 72667/276, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Industrial Condominum 91 SUMMER ST U:4............................... $606,000 B: Zamir Johl S: Catherine Martus Book/Page: 72709/577, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $484,800 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $299,900 (08/11) 190 TREMONT ST U:1........................... $870,000 B: Mashooq Muhaimen S: Gregory T Martin & Emily Martin Book/Page: 72668/217, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $696,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $449,000 (04/05) 130 WALNUT ST U:B............................. $869,000 B: Jaime G Gallegos-Salazar S: Garrett Realty LLC Book/Page: 72710/529, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $738,650 Use: Condo 33 WARREN AVE................................... $600,000 B: 33 Warren Ave LLC S: Susan L Nugent Book/Page: 72689/203, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Marmac Investment LLC $450,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 2834sf 400 WASHINGTON ST U:204................. $840,000 B: Xuan Xuan & Siyi Shen S: Livia Montana Book/Page: 72699/297, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $638,400 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $652,250 (05/16)

29 WOODBINE ST U:101....................... B: Suresh S Bohara & Shukrata Bohra S: Rail&Glass LLC Book/Page: 72697/302, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $157,605 Use: Condo

JUNE 17, 2019


Stoneham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $522,000

YTD 2019 47 $536,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 ELMHURST RD................................... $450,002 B: Melinda A Dodge S: Daniel J Boyd Tr, Tr for Boyd FT Book/Page: 72668/315, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $436,501 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7423sf 157 FRANKLIN ST U:E5......................... $253,500 B: Platinum Real Estate LLC S: Richard C Curran Book/Page: 72683/455, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 5 GERALD RD........................................ $540,000 B: Equity T Co S: Joseph Vaccaro Doc#: 000001814613, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7342sf 205 HANCOCK ST.................................. $534,000 B: Brian S StThomas & Christina L StThomas S: Thomas Izzo & Nicole Izzo Book/Page: 72679/270, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $346,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4300sf Prior Sale: $273,000 (01/13) 159 MAIN ST U:44B.............................. $263,000 B: Stacey J Kuy S: Susan B Jones Book/Page: 72676/456, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $163,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $192,000 (12/05) 426 MAIN ST U:211............................... $465,000 B: Anthony Aliberti & Connie Aliberti S: Kathleen H Toppi Tr, Tr for Toppi 2016 T Book/Page: 72669/54, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $311,000 (03/12) 519 MAIN ST U:A.................................. $501,000 B: Michael Muesch S: John R Cooke & Alexandra K Sibilia Book/Page: 72694/73, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $400,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $425,000 (08/16) 32 NEWCOMB RD.................................. $803,000 B: Amy Lachapelle & Steven Lachapelle S: Thomas I Mcdowell & Karen A Mcdowell Book/Page: 72702/89, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $562,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 23815sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (11/00) 224 PARK ST U:C16.............................. $460,000 B: Elysa M Aswad S: Brian J Connell Tr, Tr for Carrie K Oliveira T 2018 Book/Page: 72676/413, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $368,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 6 PINE RIDGE RD.................................. $705,000 B: Michael Macone S: Robert Ahern Jr & Eileen C Ahern Book/Page: 72705/434, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10050sf Prior Sale: $256,000 (05/98) 43 POMEWORTH ST U:17...................... $300,000 B: Julie Gillcrist S: Renee M Sacco Book/Page: 72679/596, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $291,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $205,000 (07/03) 21 SUMMIT RD...................................... $770,000 B: Nazan N Artun & Utar Artun S: Piotr Mikulski & Magdalena Mikulski Book/Page: 72679/186, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $654,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 8998sf Prior Sale: $406,500 (08/14) 5 VETERANS LN.................................... $505,000 B: Benjamin R Austin & Kendal K Austin S: Brian Gobell & Kaitlin Gobell Book/Page: 72670/78, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $454,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7140sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (05/15)

Stow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2019 17 $486,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 269 BOXBORO RD................................ $1,200,000 B: Jeffrey M Kimmelman & Iva C Kimmelman S: Carole S Sureau Tr, Tr for Carole S Sureau T Book/Page: 72703/183, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Forest, Lot: 1568160sf 42 MARLBORO RD................................ $225,000 B: James F Brennan S: MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 72669/485, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $243,084 (03/18) 34 MEETING HOUSE LN U:209.............. $302,000 B: Sharyn D Baker S: Marguerite M Wengler Tr, Tr for Eugene Scalzo T Book/Page: 72689/483, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 318 W ACTON RD.................................. $917,000 B: Todd Jurgensen & Teresa L Jurgensen S: Distinctive Acton Homes Book/Page: 72673/363, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $733,600 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 243500sf

Sudbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 Median Price $693,712

YTD 2019 59 $730,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 BALCOM RD..................................... B: Peter M Gottlieb & Andrea J Aris S: Paul Devine & Gail S Devine Book/Page: 72692/287, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Village Mtg Co $799,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40117sf Prior Sale: $512,000 (12/97)


©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

21 BRIAR PATCH LN............................. $707,000 B: Kathryn E Mcmenamin & Barry A Mcmenamin S: Daniel Kunath Jr & Jayme Kunath Doc#: 000001814316, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $565,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 30056sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (04/17) 28 CENTER ST....................................... $685,000 B: Joseph Albanese & Christine Moschella S: Banur R Dhruvakumar & Ramani D Nayak Doc#: 000001814532, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $548,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40117sf 252 CONCORD RD................................. $836,000 B: Santino Parente & Kathleen Parente S: Edward M Rodrigues & Cynthia Rodrigues Book/Page: 72693/306, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $736,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 97499sf 436 DUTTON RD.................................... $425,000 B: Warrior Homes LLC S: Michael W Mittelstadt & Stefanie J Mittelstadt Book/Page: 72704/258, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Jonathan Porter $411,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22186sf Prior Sale: $532,500 (11/01) 16 FARMSTEAD LN U:8......................... $775,000 B: Arlene R Ascione Tr, Tr for Arlene R Ascione RET S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 72691/286, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 16 FARMSTEAD LN U:9......................... $770,000 B: Mary S Distefano & Mark S Distefano S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 72674/317, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 22 FARMSTEAD LN U:7207................... $421,150 B: Ellen B Stone S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 72699/57, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $314,276 Use: Condo 45 HENRYS MILL LN............................ $1,149,000 B: Noah D Webster & Jessica L Webster S: Timothy C Collins & Susan M Collins Book/Page: 72679/328, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Baxter CU $919,200 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 68749sf Prior Sale: $1,074,500 (02/03) 30 NORTHWOOD DR U:301................... $649,900 B: William R Thompson & Catherine A Thompson S: First Colony Northwoods Book/Page: 72704/331, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $617,405 Use: Condo 610 PEAKHAM RD................................. $695,000 B: David P Nusinow & Nicole A Neuman S: Raymond J Wallett & Thelma Sosa-Wallett Book/Page: 72671/130, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $556,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 54375sf Prior Sale: $589,000 (11/07) 93 POKONOKET AVE............................. $755,000 B: Zachary G Jarvis & Marissa L Jarvis S: David E Parnes & Janet M Cone Book/Page: 72669/451, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $604,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 37462sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (06/05) 120 PRATTS MILL RD........................... $606,000 B: Joshua Kessler & Rebecca Wershba S: Steven W Hall & Michelle M Hall Doc#: 000001814798, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $484,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22216sf Prior Sale: $524,500 (05/06) 8 RUN BROOK CIR................................. $960,000 B: Eric J Zarski & Trina L Zarski S: Shari Grosso Book/Page: 72686/111, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $755,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40025sf Prior Sale: $825,000 (08/01) 14 SPRUCE LN...................................... $1,237,000 B: Michael P Boutillette & Vanvisa Attaset S: Mark L Kleifges & Elena M Kleifges Book/Page: 72695/24, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $989,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40435sf 35 TAVERN CIR..................................... $965,000 B: Luke Faust S: Dennis E Foller Book/Page: 72688/19, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40200sf Prior Sale: $825,000 (04/09) 105 WILLARD GRANT RD...................... $650,000 B: James D Hibbard & Amanda T Hibbard S: 105 Willard Grant LLC Book/Page: 72665/276, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citibank Na $552,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40435sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (05/17)

Townsend MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $248,250

YTD 2019 26 $260,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 COPPERSMITH WAY........................ B: Michael A Schneider S: Justin M Medeiros & Vanessa L Medeiros Book/Page: 72691/344, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $210,490 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25456sf Prior Sale: $195,200 (09/08) 58 DUDLEY RD...................................... B: Matthew K Cloyd S: Judith C Brown & Joseph W Brown Book/Page: 72689/266, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $286,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 21000sf 4 HICKORY DR....................................... B: Responsive Results LLC S: Dennis P Mahoney Book/Page: 72700/380, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Xiaoyan Julia Xie $260,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27736sf 60 S HARBOR RD.................................. B: Lisa A Daigle S: Richard C Cooke 3rd Book/Page: 72691/520, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $316,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 141570sf Prior Sale: $392,500 (07/05)





Wakefield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $511,000

YTD 2019 52 $540,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 248 ALBION ST U:315........................... $451,000 B: Wenruo Wang S: Joie L Edson Tr, Tr for Joie L Edson RET Book/Page: 72700/314, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $361,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $335,000 (08/15) 18-A BARTLEY ST................................. $540,000 B: Daniel Bump & Florie Bump S: Thomas P Walsh Jr & Dorothy A Walsh Book/Page: 72694/142, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $415,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf 3 BENNETT ST U:301............................ $459,900 B: Charles Mccarthy & Beth Mccarthy S: HB Development Corp Book/Page: 72711/171, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Condo 3 BENNETT ST U:403............................ $479,900 B: Carl Homicki S: HB Development Corp Book/Page: 72706/407, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Condo 19 BYRON ST........................................ $540,000 B: Christopher P Basso & Erin P Yokay-Basso S: Kevin D Kirby & Elizabeth A Kirby Book/Page: 72672/230, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $513,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8512sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (10/13) 17 COLUMBIA RD.................................. $860,000 B: 17 Columbia Road LLC S: Joseph C Interrante Tr, Tr for Columbia Hill RT Book/Page: 72687/210, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $671,250 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5502sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (08/06) 96 GOULD ST......................................... $525,000 B: Ines M Leung & Ramon Miquilena S: Benjamin Mccoy & Erin E Mccoy Book/Page: 72679/386, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $385,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3515sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (07/12) 15 LAKESHORE DR............................... $1,000,000 B: Patrick Sautier & Lusia Sautier S: Patricia L Sozio Book/Page: 72679/466, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: North Cambridge Cp Bk $800,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18408sf 66 MAIN ST........................................... $595,000 B: Kristina Tecce S: Barbara J Mahoney Tr, Tr for Barbara J Mahoney RET Book/Page: 72681/149, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $446,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7231sf 25 TOBEY LN......................................... $840,000 B: Eric M Savage & Deirdre J Savage S: Warren Laskey & Florence A Calore Book/Page: 72710/264, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $195,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16875sf 39 TUTTLE ST U:39............................... $350,000 B: A J Ferrante LLC S: Kenrick Mui & Regina H Mui Book/Page: 72689/542, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Retail Condo Prior Sale: $150,000 (04/15) 120 VERNON ST U:2C............................ $420,000 B: Adam T Kowal S: Paula Pappas & Nikolaos D Pappas Book/Page: 72689/169, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $220,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $311,000 (09/14) 7 WALTER AVE...................................... $829,000 B: Elizabeth A Kirby & Kevin D Kirby S: Courtney A Hunt & Christopher M Hunt Doc#: 000001814311, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $694,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7771sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (12/13)

Waltham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 80 Median Price $568,750



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 88 $590,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 206 ADAMS ST U:4............................... $560,000 B: Jessica L Mccoy S: Magnus Ljungberg Tr, Tr for Magnus&A Ljungberg RET Book/Page: 72688/344, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $448,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $440,000 (04/15) 47 ALDER ST U:4................................... $494,000 B: Tiantong Deng S: Lisa Drew & Carl T Talmo Book/Page: 72672/321, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $316,160 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $369,900 (04/05) 37 AMHERST AVE................................. $440,000 B: Michael J Wightman S: Laura Arisetty Book/Page: 72692/96, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $352,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3615sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (07/11) 61 ARCADIA AVE................................... $389,000 B: Scott M Douglas & Regina M Douglas S: Nunnari Frances M Est & Kenneth E Leblanc Jr Book/Page: 72694/6, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: FBC Mtg LLC $291,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6447sf 156 ASH ST U:3..................................... $710,000 B: Carlos E Isava S: 156-158 Ash Street LLC Book/Page: 72683/179, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $532,500 Use: Condo 187 ASH ST U:2..................................... $530,000 B: Clark Whitney & Iryna Vyshnevetska S: Emily F Brash Book/Page: 72680/288, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $424,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $399,900 (06/14) 22 AUGUSTUS RD.................................. $592,000 B: Gregory C Herot S: Lacci Sarah A Est & Joseph A Lacci Jr Book/Page: 72694/547, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $674,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11631sf

53 BARTLETT WAY U:105..................... $615,000 B: Artin Palandjian Tr, Tr for Palandjian FT S: Lawrence H Marino Tr, Tr for Marino Legacy T Book/Page: 72693/350, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $540,000 (11/13) 109 BRIGHT ST U:3............................... $410,000 B: Michael D Martino S: 105 Bright Street LLC Book/Page: 72668/136, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $410,643 Use: Condo 66-68 CENTRAL ST............................... $695,000 B: 66-68 Central Street LLC S: Stephen M Douglas Book/Page: 72700/6, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Village Bank $1,081,150 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 12110sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (09/13) 195 CHAFFEE AVE................................. $510,000 B: Nardone Corp S: Mary C Brown & Carol A Shilakowsky Book/Page: 72677/95, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of New England $591,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8276sf 75 CRESTVIEW RD................................ $567,000 B: Martin A Schultz & Michaela J Schultz S: Jeffrey M Krueger & Gina T Krueger Book/Page: 72689/236, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $538,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11108sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (05/12) 18 CROSS ST U:2.................................. $285,000 B: Sivaruban Sivanesan S: 4 Winns Development LLC Book/Page: 72680/368, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: TIAA CREF T Co FSB $260,000 Use: Condo 44 CURTIS ST U:44............................... $400,000 B: Yunfu Chan & Xiaoxue Chan S: Brent Kenneway & Jennifer Kenneway Book/Page: 72704/300, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $240,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 276 DALE ST........................................ $1,200,000 B: Anthony J Antico S: Jane Mula Book/Page: 72685/121, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17729sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (12/98) 9 DRURY LN.......................................... $535,000 B: Tony Z Minassian & Liliane Minassian S: Roger Luther & Dina Horani Book/Page: 72708/480, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $65,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8015sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (01/09) 29 EDWIN RD........................................ $617,500 B: Kathryn A Fraser & Aaron Hoffmann S: Dennis P Caissie & Amy M Caissie Book/Page: 72667/434, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $530,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5009sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (03/05) 8 FULLER ST.......................................... $600,000 B: 8 Fuller Street LLC S: Ernest B Leblanc Tr, Tr for E&B RT Book/Page: 72700/518, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Jeffrey N Rosenberg $1,150,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7013sf 23 HAMMOND ST U:1............................ $260,000 B: Victor C Alonso S: US Bank NA Book/Page: 72686/303, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $272,979 (06/18) 82 HARDY POND RD............................. $620,000 B: Thomas D Karolyshyn & Meredith K Drennan S: Meera Bhalotra-Reynolds Book/Page: 72691/257, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $496,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4530sf Prior Sale: $287,500 (12/03) 32 HOWARD ST..................................... $730,000 B: Mark T Dolan & Darcy E Dolan S: Terence J Kiernan & Nicole L Kiernan Book/Page: 72695/492, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $547,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6055sf Prior Sale: $444,000 (12/13) 267-271 LEXINGTON ST........................ $700,000 B: High Noon Holdings LLC S: Andromeda LLC Book/Page: 72695/368, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $396,520 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 8146sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (06/16) 74-88 LINDEN ST.................................. $350,000 B: Pin High LLC S: LSREF 4 Linden LLC Doc#: 000001814729, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Village Bank $3,800,250 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 19166sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (10/15) 3 LOWELL ST U:3.................................. $725,000 B: Jennifer Cheung & Quangvu Nguyen S: Walter E Ohnemus 4th Tr, Tr for 63 Pine Street RT Book/Page: 72677/184, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $580,000 Use: Condo 68 LYMAN ST........................................ $850,000 B: Andrea Canziani & Valentina Bersani S: Lisa H Fast Book/Page: 72709/40, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $595,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7536sf Prior Sale: $689,000 (08/15) 1156 MAIN ST....................................... $560,000 B: Sergio I Hernandez-Soto S: Joan Murray Book/Page: 72666/390, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10629sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (06/06) 6 MARIVISTA AVE................................. $520,000 B: Howard Y Turkenkopf S: Susan M Mcgarry Doc#: 000001814510, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $417,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4008sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (07/17) 6-8 MAYALL RD.................................... $859,800 B: Annamaria C Dejulio Tr, Tr for DJL RT S: Anthony N Dow & Jessie G Dow Book/Page: 72708/381, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $687,040 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5009sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (10/08) 65 MILNER ST....................................... $450,000 B: Jeff E Dusek & Lianne I Dusek S: Amie Milkowski Book/Page: 72679/534, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $405,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5489sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (11/16)

61 MOUNTAIN RD................................. $510,000 B: Gina T Krueger Tr, Tr for Gina T Krueger RET S: Jean F Priestman Book/Page: 72693/388, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $484,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12327sf 68 MYRTLE ST U:2................................ $416,000 B: Maureen Oleary S: Cassandra N Berman & Dhruva Jaishankar Book/Page: 72692/128, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $166,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/12) 14-16 ORANGE ST................................. $525,000 B: Orange Street Hldg LLC S: Jun Inagaki Book/Page: 72708/50, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $393,750 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7362sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (06/10) 180-B RIVER ST U:8.............................. $235,000 B: Ojeny Kavlakian S: Angel K Panossian Book/Page: 72700/78, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $205,000 (04/19) 167 ROSE HILL WAY............................. $605,000 B: Patricia Roggeveen S: Gail M Melanson Doc#: 000001814805, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $484,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6490sf 346 SCHOOL ST..................................... $500,000 B: Tom Tran & Hoa Nguyen S: Jeffrey T Herman Book/Page: 72701/244, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $375,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2091sf Prior Sale: $5,000 (08/09) 17 TUDOR ST......................................... $655,100 B: Dennis P Caissie & Amy M Caissie S: Joseph Lafauci & Kimberly Lafauci Book/Page: 72681/190, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $458,570 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9017sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (04/13) 11 UNDERWOOD PARK U:4................... $384,000 B: Eric J Sutherland & J Doremus-Sutherland S: Karan A Sullivan Book/Page: 72680/222, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $326,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $262,500 (01/14) 111 VERNON ST U:1.............................. $660,000 B: Zheng Zhou S: Peter M Halpern Book/Page: 72702/484, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $436,667 (12/12) 16 WINTER ST U:14B............................ $385,000 B: Indu M Anand & Yoginder Anand S: Elmer Arel & Sarah Arel Book/Page: 72665/239, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Align CU $269,500 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (04/17) 221 WORCESTER LN U:1....................... $628,000 B: Jane A Mula S: Katherine F Keleher Book/Page: 72689/445, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $620,000 (09/18)

Watertown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2019 31 $685,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25-27 BIRCH RD.................................... $847,500 B: Christopher Crugnale S: Alison Au Tr, Tr for Au RET Book/Page: 72707/155, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $678,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5362sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (12/11) 8 CHANDLER ST.................................... $591,000 B: Lynn M Darrah S: David S Gaker & Emily Cosin Book/Page: 72669/150, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $441,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4617sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (05/16) 13-15 CHANDLER ST............................ $830,000 B: Carol A Berberian & Edward B Berberian S: Patrick J Mcaleavey Jr & Doris A Mcaleavey Book/Page: 72680/534, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $350,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5152sf 20 CHESTER ST U:1.............................. $569,000 B: Chong Ma S: Igor Lybarsky Tr, Tr for Barsky RT Book/Page: 72667/462, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $455,200 Use: Condo 125 COOLIDGE AVE U:204.................... $710,000 B: Patricia Provost Tr, Tr for Provost RT S: Wendy C Etkind Book/Page: 72695/196, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $599,900 (05/15) 229 COOLIDGE AVE U:303.................... $195,000 B: Timothy Roche & Carole Roche S: Diane M Baltozer Book/Page: 72689/535, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 1-3 DERBY RD....................................... $895,000 B: Shylaja Nathan & Manju Nathan S: David B Allen Tr, Tr for Marsha E Allen RET Book/Page: 72681/23, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $716,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5439sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (10/99) 13 DERBY RD........................................ $860,000 B: James G Moloney & Maryann Giel-Moloney S: Arthur Griffin Tr, Tr for 13-15 Derby Road RT Book/Page: 72689/20, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $645,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5280sf 257 EDENFIELD AVE U:257.................. $1,085,000 B: David J Geisler & Mia T Lieberman S: Cardillo Developement Book/Page: 72683/507, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $868,000 Use: Condo 259 EDENFIELD AVE U:259.................. $1,100,000 B: Trent G Tillman & Lisa K Tillman S: Cardillo Development Corp Book/Page: 72690/498, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $880,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo

64 FAYETTE ST U:64............................. $685,000 B: Eric Guenterberg & Sarah Ostadabbas S: Justin Roy & Jessica Fosbrook Book/Page: 72688/156, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $595,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $450,000 (01/16) 6 GRANT AVE U:6.................................. $439,000 B: Susan Kennedy S: Mary L Remon Book/Page: 72680/477, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $395,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 33 HUDSON ST...................................... $925,000 B: Sam B Spector S: 33 Hudson Street LLC Book/Page: 72691/197, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6300sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (12/17) 11 LOOMIS AVE..................................... $749,999 B: Shilpi Banerjee S: Leonard T Holt Book/Page: 72672/571, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $484,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5809sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (03/18) 170 MAPLEWOOD ST U:2...................... $679,000 B: Donna Salzman & Jo Ripoll S: Mari A Ryan Tr, Tr for Mari A Ryan T Book/Page: 72693/42, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $543,200 Use: Condo 18 PRESCOTT ST................................... $656,000 B: Nikita Mehta & Vimal H Vaidya S: Timothy Busa & Diana Busa Book/Page: 72677/355, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $590,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (04/14) 9 PURVIS ST U:9................................... $920,000 B: Benjamin Davini & Elizabeth Clark S: Michael P Carpenter Tr, Tr for Carpenter Purvis 2018 RT Book/Page: 72669/332, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $620,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $800,000 (05/16) 153-155 SCHOOL ST............................. $950,000 B: Dimitrios Konstantopoulos & Wendy M Konstantopoulos S: James H Seferian & Cynthia M Magarian Doc#: 000001814815, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $712,500 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5500sf 55 SPRINGFIELD ST U:55...................... $849,900 B: Leanne M Hammonds & Evan L Hammonds S: Kamel A Alhady & Kamel AlHady Doc#: 000001814705, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $679,920 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 254 SYCAMORE ST U:254..................... $640,000 B: Samuel M Rosenbaum S: DSE Construction Inc Book/Page: 72701/306, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $480,000 Use: Condo 47 UNION ST U:47................................. $627,000 B: Lacey R Trebaol S: David Yuh & Faith Yuh Book/Page: 72691/400, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $527,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $535,000 (06/16) 14 WASHBURN ST U:14........................ $750,100 B: Benjmain Cohen S: Sean A Mcelroy Tr, Tr for Mcelroy FT 2017 Book/Page: 72710/77, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $600,080 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 8238sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (07/14)

Wayland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 Median Price $722,430

YTD 2019 38 $761,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 CHESTNUT RD.................................. $225,000 B: Joseph J Dorr S: Joseph R Dorr Tr, Tr for Dorr FT Book/Page: 72695/158, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $218,200 Use: 1 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 8267sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (10/14) 63 DRAPER RD...................................... $890,000 B: Seth D Bancroft & Kaitlin M Bancroft S: Anne Fox-Ayanian Book/Page: 72703/390, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $800,910 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 60436sf Prior Sale: $505,000 (07/97) 16 INDIAN DAWN U:16.......................... $565,000 B: Jun Zhou & Gang Fu S: Carmen Villani Doc#: 000001814627, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $330,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $538,000 (09/15) 7 LINGLEY LN....................................... $1,818,000 B: Priyanka Garg & Prashant Srivastava S: Debbie M Davis & Jay P Davis Book/Page: 72693/454, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,454,400 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 56057sf Prior Sale: $1,785,000 (08/16) 8 PICKWICK WAY U:8............................ $701,000 B: Cynthia A Sheppard S: Gary W Dragoon & Diane E Young Doc#: 000001814785, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $560,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $500,000 (08/10) 20 PICKWICK WAY U:20....................... $542,000 B: Wenlong Lian & Wan Qu S: Dan-George Icon & Olympe Icon Doc#: 000001814416, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Poli Mtg Group $433,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $440,000 (08/15) 30 PICKWICK WAY U:30....................... $590,000 B: Lynda F Wyman S: David J Conners & Patricia P Conners Doc#: 000001814643, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Village Bank $300,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $520,000 (12/15) 62 WOODRIDGE RD............................... $850,000 B: James W Weider & Melanie E Delgado-Weider S: Ilan Kinreich & Sivan Kinreich Book/Page: 72675/188, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $680,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 54843sf Prior Sale: $583,000 (08/99)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Weston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 48 Median Price $1,712,500

YTD 2019 30 $1,493,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 GRANISON RD.................................. $714,000 B: Adam Shoemaker S: James M Caffrey Book/Page: 72677/328, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $571,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 46150sf 22 PHEASANT TRL............................... $2,459,250 B: Umut Ozcan S: Vicki E Modest & John W Burress Book/Page: 72688/117, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $1,467,400 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 55897sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (12/98) 148 SUDBURY RD................................ $1,070,000 B: Hans A Felix-Scheuplein & Sarah Maas-Scheuplein S: Leonel Rodriguez & Rima L Fawaz Book/Page: 72691/423, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $635,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 41382sf Prior Sale: $939,000 (09/05)

Winchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 59 Median Price $1,100,000

YTD 2019 55 $1,210,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 30 BROOKS ST..................................... $2,500,000 B: Michael Medeiros & Kimberly Medeiros S: Stephen F Keating & Mary B Keating Book/Page: 72691/479, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $2,000,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 33860sf Prior Sale: $1,522,500 (06/06) 18 GRAYSTONE CIR U:18..................... $1,300,000 B: Chester P Murphy Jr & Anna L Murphy S: Eugene Lye & Abby Kosla-Lye Book/Page: 72704/558, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Northmark Bank $1,040,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $879,000 (05/12) 19 HANCOCK ST.................................... $975,000 B: Nardone Property Group S: Robert A Tarani & Monique D Millar Book/Page: 72672/180, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 15000sf 8 LAGRANGE ST................................... $1,650,000 B: Elizabeth Badger S: MRE Realty LLC Book/Page: 72672/512, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8372sf Prior Sale: $915,000 (03/17) 666 MAIN ST U:203............................... $550,500 B: Rita DeCassia-Couto S: Joseph T Keating Book/Page: 72676/177, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $495,450 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $454,000 (10/12) 54 MYOPIA RD..................................... $2,650,000 B: R R Rivera-Guiterrez Tr, Tr for 54 Myopia RT S: Leopold E Odonnell & Amelia S Odonnell Doc#: 000001814719, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 6 Bdrm Revival, Lot: 24680sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (04/97) 7 PRINCE AVE....................................... $631,000 B: Benjamin M Mccoy & Erin E Mccoy S: Robert T Mazzarella & Maryjane Mazzarella Book/Page: 72694/109, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $504,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5000sf 27 SAMOSET RD.................................. $1,045,000 B: Jonathan W Derby & Jennifer Smith S: James Cross & Rachel Cross Book/Page: 72687/519, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $575,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12512sf Prior Sale: $532,500 (09/06) 23 WENDELL ST.................................... $760,000 B: Lei Shen & Lu Yan S: Stephen A Russo Book/Page: 72695/63, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $608,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6500sf

Woburn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2019 74 $455,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 ANTHONY DR..................................... $585,000 B: Kathleen A Oleary & Carolyn Walters S: Eileen Digirolamo Book/Page: 72681/518, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $335,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 16600sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (06/12) 6 BAY ST............................................... $560,000 B: Briana R Delucia & Vincenzo A Delucia S: Bright Investment Props Book/Page: 72693/134, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wakefield Cp Bk $544,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15080sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (01/19) 8 BRIARWOOD RD................................. $744,500 B: Stephen J Harvell Tr, Tr for Stephen J Harvell LT S: Alexander Piacitelli & Doreen M Piacitelli Book/Page: 72710/218, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $595,600 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12873sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (09/13) 10 CEDAR ST U:25................................ $170,169 B: Ameena Langford S: Joanne E Clark Tr, Tr for Sterling RT Book/Page: 72686/548, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Jeffrey Barratt $210,000 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $554,205 (11/99) 12 DREW PL U:12.................................. $619,700 B: Robert Weissman Tr, Tr for William L Weissman T S: Keith Furfure & Pamela Furfure Book/Page: 72670/245, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 41 DUREN AVE...................................... $526,000 B: Dsebastian Felleisen & Lauren Felleisen S: Bertochi Paul V Est & Paul G Bertochi Book/Page: 72689/315, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $427,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15000sf




14 EXETER DR....................................... $670,000 B: Woosung Choi & Yoonjin Jo S: Christopher K Krikorian & Karina T Krikorian Book/Page: 72669/3, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $536,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15009sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (04/10) 94 FOWLE ST......................................... $467,000 B: Eileen Digirolamo S: Lisa M Lines Book/Page: 72691/28, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Avidia Bank $55,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8000sf Prior Sale: $393,000 (08/16) 39 HIGHLAND ST................................... $637,000 B: Rocco A Leo S: Herbert E Pflanz Tr, Tr for AE RT Book/Page: 72704/8, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Eagle Bank $480,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 9098sf 95-A LOWELL ST................................... $537,000 B: Gurnam Singh Sr & Manjit Kaur S: Mark G Mcdonough & Kim K Mcdonough Book/Page: 72679/447, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $322,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12200sf 924 MAIN ST U:15................................. $204,000 B: Elizabeth J Abraham S: Jason Renda Book/Page: 72671/512, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $153,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $156,000 (12/15) 951 MAIN ST......................................... $350,000 B: 186 River Street LLC S: Prochamp Realty LLC Book/Page: 72679/145, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: CSLF Alamosa LLC $535,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 6058sf Prior Sale: $262,500 (06/18) 79 MERRIMAC ST................................. $439,000 B: David Guevara S: Laura M Bardascino Doc#: 000001814328, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: American Natnwide Mtg $395,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 12200sf Prior Sale: $374,000 (12/14) 17 MIDDLESEX ST................................. $610,000 B: Matthew Wolcott & Jennifer Wolcott S: Robin J Humphreys Book/Page: 72682/304, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $488,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5550sf 25 NAPLES AVE..................................... $533,000 B: Kerby Thabert & Farding Jarbath S: Matthew Arria Book/Page: 72690/446, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $426,400 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 15760sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (07/14) 48 NASHUA ST...................................... $395,000 B: Adnan Hasaba S: Hayden Daniel R Est & Daniel R Hayden Jr Book/Page: 72710/330, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 13030sf 20 SONAR DR....................................... $2,750,000 B: 20 Sonar Drive LLC S: Sambry Realty LLC Book/Page: 72692/561, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Morag Bamforth $2,000,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 50400sf Prior Sale: $2,000,000 (10/08) 7 VALLEY RD......................................... $605,000 B: Victoria F Travia & Eric M Bucci S: Matthew D Albertelli & Courtney N Albertelli Book/Page: 72680/256, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $544,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10900sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (11/12) 10 WINTER RD...................................... $550,000 B: Brooke Cote S: James M Calvey Book/Page: 72710/409, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $522,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (01/19)

Nantucket Registry Jennifer H. Ferreira, Register 16 Broad Street Nantucket, MA 02554 Telephone: (508) 228-7250 Fax: (508) 325-5331

Nantucket MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $1,472,500

YTD 2019 31 $1,395,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 41 EASTON ST...................................... $3,148,000 B: Christopher T Roeder Tr, Tr for Roeder FT S: Trevor Huffard & Paul P Huffard 4th Book/Page: 1695/226, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $2,000,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 6742sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (05/98) 2-A EVERGREEN WAY........................... $480,000 B: Michael J Wilson Tr, Tr for 2A Evergreen Way RT S: James P Hendricks Jr & Theresa A Hendricks Doc#: 000000161926, Date: 06/03/19 6 FIELD AVE.......................................... $118,000 B: Katherine Hemingway S: NC Ventures Inc Book/Page: 1695/129, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 35719sf Prior Sale: $118,000 (08/18) 3 FRIENDSHIP LN.................................. $550,000 B: Jonathan D Heneke S: Brandon M Ronca Doc#: 000000161919, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $412,500 Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 20100sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (09/16)

12 LINCOLN AVE.................................. $9,400,000 B: Deanna Damore Tr, Tr for 12 Lincoln Avenue NT S: Nancy Nevins Danjou LLC Book/Page: 1695/218, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22424sf Prior Sale: $1,700,000 (11/12) 36 LOW BEACH RD............................... $5,500,000 B: Peter L Obrien & Natalia V Obrien S: Taso Denis Tr, Tr for Teasdale FT Book/Page: 1696/82, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $5,500,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 71573sf 12 OAK ST............................................ $6,500,000 B: 4 Ack LLC S: Brewster Equities LLC Doc#: 000000161913, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $5,200,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 8485sf 51 ORANGE ST..................................... $2,600,000 B: Ross Silverstein & Amy Silverstein S: Patrice A Callies Tr, Tr for 52 Orange Street RT Book/Page: 1696/27, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 3445sf Prior Sale: $1,629,000 (12/99) 125 ORANGE ST................................... $2,405,000 B: 125 Orange LLC S: Paul A Piccirillo Book/Page: 1696/30, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $1,920,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 8049sf Prior Sale: $1,136,000 (08/07) 6 PAWGUVET LN.................................. $3,900,000 B: Martin G Glavin & Kimberly D Glavin S: Trevor Woods & Julie Woods Book/Page: 1696/132, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $750,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11098sf Prior Sale: $4,120,000 (04/14) 6 SANDPIPER WAY.............................. $1,500,000 B: Marcus Mignone & Amy Mignone S: Seraphina Watts Doc#: 000000161911, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27443sf Prior Sale: $1,475,000 (10/16)

Norfolk Registry William P. O’Donnell, Esq, Register 649 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Telephone: (781) 461-6122 Fax: (781) 326-4742


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 19 Median Price $350,000

YTD 2019 22 $353,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 CHESTNUT RD.................................. B: Dennis Robertson & Amanda Collins S: Heather L Adams Doc#: 000001422520, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $205,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $177,500 (04/06)



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $309,900

YTD 2019 51 $295,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 ANDREWS ST................................... B: Joshua Prouty & Juliana Prouty S: Ryan Jacobs Book/Page: 36835/287, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $297,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 28000sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (07/13) 148 BELLWOOD CIR U:148.................... B: Kenneth Spindola & Elizabeth Spindola S: Pine Hollow LLC Book/Page: 36846/542, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Possible New Construction 63 BOX POND DR.................................. B: Randy Reasonover & Ann Morganti S: Patti J Barrett Book/Page: 36851/50, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5802sf Prior Sale: $211,000 (03/15) 2 BRITTANY RD..................................... B: Jamie Doucette S: Susan M Watson & Jessica L Cole Book/Page: 36835/43, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: USA Alliance FCU $388,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 51967sf Prior Sale: $434,900 (05/16) 42 CAROLINE DR................................... B: Ace Klaw Real Estates LLC S: David A Moll & Angel M Moll Book/Page: 36838/28, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: State Funding LLC $184,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10427sf 30 CENTRAL BLVD................................ B: Andrew P Geffers & Cassidy M Geffers S: Alfred Deprato Book/Page: 36848/351, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $281,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 11555sf Prior Sale: $131,000 (04/18) 302 FARM ST U:302.............................. B: Kevin Mcbride & Margaret Mcbride S: Wendy Harlow Book/Page: 36840/186, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $273,055 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $203,000 (05/13) 21 FLORENCE ST................................... B: Ethan Sawka & Caitlin E Sawka S: Bruce A Serret & Adelicia Burgos Book/Page: 36837/336, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 11220sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (09/09) 109 PLYMOUTH RD............................... B: Leon Murrain & Jasmine Murrain S: Judith M Mittan Doc#: 000001422355, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $399,491 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12003sf










25 TEMI RD........................................... $345,000 B: Kelly Schweppenhauser & Philip Schweppenhauser S: Elizabeth A Mcneil Book/Page: 36839/135, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $334,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $193,000 (03/13) 219 VILLAGE LN U:219.......................... $449,900 B: Michele Grabert & Lawrence Lapointe S: Country Home Builders Inc Book/Page: 36831/418, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Possible New Construction 208 WRENTHAM RD.............................. $509,900 B: Justin T Cameron & Jamie A Cameron S: Plum Tree Custom Homes Book/Page: 36845/417, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $444,900 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 32276sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (09/17)

Braintree MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 66 Median Price $477,500

YTD 2019 80 $474,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 BELLEVUE AVE................................... $560,000 B: Howard Moy & Jeannette Moy S: Richard C Hirtle Tr, Tr for Richard C Hirtle 2017 LT Book/Page: 36843/41, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $448,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (11/18) 23 BOWER RD....................................... $527,500 B: Shauna Kelleher & Emil Ata S: Clement Fourny & Vanessa Khouy Book/Page: 36835/315, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $501,100 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10511sf Prior Sale: $444,000 (03/17) 44 BRADFORD COMMONS LN U:44...... $310,000 B: Janet M Oconnor S: Lemuel H Rodriguez & Neriliz S Gonzalez Book/Page: 36833/480, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $255,000 (04/16) 50 BRIERWOOD RD............................... $490,000 B: Michael T Sullivan S: Christopher Potts & Olivia Potts Book/Page: 36835/179, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $441,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16888sf Prior Sale: $356,000 (07/15) 11 BROOKSIDE RD U:8.......................... $440,000 B: Simin Yang S: Alexey Nazarov & Mariya Bohun Book/Page: 36835/583, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cathay Bank $240,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $285,000 (06/12) 227 CAIN AVE........................................ $745,000 B: Christine Fan S: Russell E Hatch & Jaclyn M Hatch Doc#: 000001422489, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $596,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15102sf Prior Sale: $407,500 (05/12) 12-14 CLARK ST................................... $750,000 B: Kevin Jay & Denise J Perdios S: Edward N Morgan & Terri A Morgan Book/Page: 36836/136, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $450,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6460sf Prior Sale: $381,600 (07/09) 315 COMMERCIAL ST........................... $421,000 B: Ryan Leclair S: John J Flaherty & Nanci Flaherty Book/Page: 36846/318, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $399,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 11500sf 93 COTTON AVE.................................... $475,000 B: Zoe Tang & Brendon Wu S: Pt Investments LLC Book/Page: 36851/597, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $380,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5027sf Prior Sale: $268,000 (03/18) 11 CRAWFORD ST................................. $526,000 B: Xiaoyan Zhao & Lixian Mai S: Dorothy M Walsh Book/Page: 36844/222, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $421,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5001sf 32 DEWEY RD........................................ $328,000 B: Zoe Tusen & Luis Tusen S: David T Curran & Cynthia M Curran Book/Page: 36851/433, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: American Natnwide Mtg $258,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 2121sf Prior Sale: $203,000 (02/04) 53 DICKERMAN LN................................ $462,900 B: Wei F Liu & Su D Ma S: Rawson Joanne P Est & Pamela S Morse Doc#: 000001422651, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $334,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 8999sf 57 GRAZIANO DR.................................. $830,000 B: Donald Larkin & Julie Larkin S: Diana M Okeefe Book/Page: 36841/295, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $664,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19720sf Prior Sale: $665,000 (02/10) 25 HUNT AVE......................................... $442,500 B: Daniela M Rosu S: Timothy F Maccurtain & Julie R Maccurtain Doc#: 000001422737, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $219,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4591sf Prior Sale: $340,500 (11/11) 80 JENSEN FARM RD............................ $980,000 B: Mahmudun Nabi & Abu Zafar S: LF Properties LLC Doc#: 000001422681, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 20713sf 1070 LIBERTY ST.................................. $436,000 B: Irina Makucha S: Hernan Chappuzeau & Maria Chappuzeau Book/Page: 36838/69, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $428,102 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22586sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (11/06) 1197 LIBERTY ST.................................. $570,000 B: Richard M Freeman & Hui-Ling Hsu S: Edgar C Carnell & Jane M Carnell Book/Page: 36834/419, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $570,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13682sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (03/99) 92 PROSPECT ST N............................... $516,500 B: Mary E Galvin S: Courtney English & Brian Finnigan Doc#: 000001422613, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $387,375 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5240sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (03/12)

390 SHAW ST........................................ B: Kyle J Shaughnessy & Chelsea Scholz S: Justin S Mclaughlin & Heidi Mclaughlin Book/Page: 36839/296, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $552,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32134sf 36 SHERBROOKE AVE........................... B: Joseph Vita S: Adam Riccio & Chelsea Riccio Book/Page: 36839/548, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $484,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8019sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (06/11) 361 TILDEN COMMONS LN U:361......... B: Garrett D Hazebrouck S: Foley Marylou Est & Matthew Sawatzky Book/Page: 36835/439, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $300,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $190,000 (04/00) 115 TYSON COMMONS LN U:115......... B: Marcia A Romano S: Deborah A Coon Book/Page: 36847/562, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Ditech Financial LLC $280,250 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 301 WASHINGTON ST U:3..................... B: Rony M Abboud & Alexei M Abboud S: Dana A Salorio Tr, Tr for Salorio FT Doc#: 000001422472, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Home Bank $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $290,000 (06/03) 1219 WASHINGTON ST......................... B: Cuong M Lai & Nguyen M Lai S: Terrance P Foley Book/Page: 36843/435, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $332,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12001sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (09/15)

JUNE 17, 2019







Brookline MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $1,817,500

YTD 2019 37 $1,980,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 ADDINGTON RD U:41....................... $760,000 B: Linda B Azrin S: Yang Zheng Book/Page: 36836/128, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $671,000 (06/15) 1600 BEACON ST U:311........................ $710,000 B: Karen A Konisky & Raymond Konisky S: Donna Engel & Mitchell Engel Book/Page: 36831/490, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $447,000 (07/07) 1753 BEACON ST U:2............................ $690,000 B: Terry J Sall S: Penelope E Bitzas Book/Page: 36842/372, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $502,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $400,950 (12/10) 1756 BEACON ST U:1............................ $530,000 B: Juliana Casale S: Andrew O Giacomelli Book/Page: 36843/545, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $285,000 (07/11) 139 BEACONSFIELD RD U:5................. $1,130,000 B: Travis Pittman & Kimberly Glass S: Marie Radler & Edward C Radler Book/Page: 36837/514, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $904,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $880,000 (06/16) 125 BONAD RD...................................... $952,000 B: Milagros R Villafane & Eldin L Villafane S: Deborah Wanzer Book/Page: 36835/240, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $202,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $522,500 (07/07) 110-112 CYPRESS ST U:308................. $893,000 B: Peter Kung & Kavita Ketwaroo S: William C Droste Book/Page: 36836/40, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $560,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $535,000 (07/07) 49 DAVIS AVE U:2................................ $1,100,000 B: Alysa D Hammond & Vikram Aggarwal S: Linda Hickey Tr, Tr for Ford FT Book/Page: 36837/596, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $880,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 29 ELM ST U:1...................................... $1,573,000 B: Nathan A Bernard & Catherine K Bernard S: 29 Elm LLC Book/Page: 36848/255, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Citibank Na $1,258,400 Use: Condo 29 ELM ST U:3...................................... $1,430,000 B: Daniel Wichs & Elizabeth Libby S: 29 Elm LLC Book/Page: 36842/25, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $1,144,000 Use: Condo 60 GLEN RD U:T1.................................. $449,000 B: Bernard A Plovnick S: Lisa Drew Tr, Tr for Ruth Faris Drew T Book/Page: 36832/232, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $149,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $427,000 (11/16) 373 HARVARD ST U:2.......................... $1,110,000 B: Narendranath Bhat & Rashi Agarwal S: 371-373 Harvard St LLC Book/Page: 36844/350, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $888,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 9 HIGH ST U:1........................................ $555,000 B: Mingxing Liu & Jingyu Peng S: Anthony Naro & Kristina Talevi Book/Page: 36842/124, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $444,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 38 JUNIPER ST U:111........................... $600,000 B: Joonchul Kim & Okyean Lee S: Travis Hoh & Ann K Hoh Book/Page: 36836/403, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $430,000 (05/17) 58-62 KENT ST..................................... $5,200,000 B: Kent Street Development S: Barbara J Murphy Book/Page: 36852/6, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Barbara J Murphy $3,200,000 Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 10113sf 62 KENT ST.......................................... $5,200,000 B: Kent Street Development S: Barbara J Murphy Book/Page: 36852/6, Date: 06/04/19

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

45 LONGWOOD AVE U:706.................... $695,000 B: David J Berman Tr, Tr for 45 Longwood NT S: Stephen J Belt Book/Page: 36847/520, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (11/11) 50 LONGWOOD AVE U:615.................... $849,900 B: Toshiya Fukuda & Keiko Fukuda S: Sarah Yules Doc#: 000001422538, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 142 MIDDLESEX RD U:1........................ $665,000 B: Irwin Applebaum & Nina Applebaum S: Yan Epelboym & Natayla Shinister Book/Page: 36832/404, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 125 PARK ST U:5................................. $1,310,000 B: Svetla K Kurteva & Yordan S Yordanov S: Beata Zakrzewski & Uri Mariash Book/Page: 36839/360, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $982,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $716,000 (06/12) 193 PLEASANT ST U:3-2....................... $383,000 B: Aaron Gelb S: Lev Gelb Doc#: 000001422397, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 379 POND AVE U:B................................ $659,000 B: Rebecca Burns & Dylan Griffin S: Bernard A Plovnick Book/Page: 36831/3, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Direct Credit Union $527,200 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 106 SEWALL AVE U:5............................ $841,000 B: Jonathan M Tsai & Liujing Xing S: Dwight G Branch & Diana M Ivans Book/Page: 36847/57, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $672,800 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $410,000 (12/10) 55 STATION ST U:1A............................ $1,110,000 B: Hal Tepfer & Stacie Simon S: Nancy Boyd-Franklin & Anderson Franklin Doc#: 000001422563, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $833,250 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $665,000 (02/08) 227 SUMMIT AVE U:E104..................... $955,000 B: Ke Liu S: Baopeng Bai Book/Page: 36830/205, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $825,000 (08/16) 140 SUMNER RD U:1............................ $1,565,000 B: Brian T Duffy & Mary E Duffy S: WC Sumner 140 LLC Book/Page: 36843/464, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 319 TAPPAN ST U:4.............................. $990,025 B: Keren R Mcginity S: Heather Cochrane & Anthony Russo Book/Page: 36838/495, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $820,000 (05/15) 44 WASHINGTON ST U:504................... $480,000 B: Ning Wang S: Pamidimukkala M Rao & Pamidimakkala M Rao Book/Page: 36847/302, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $335,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $245,000 (06/08) 429 WASHINGTON ST U:4..................... $649,000 B: Yueliang Dai S: Joshua Mellamed Book/Page: 36843/105, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $486,750 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $418,000 (03/13)

Canton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 52 Median Price $535,000

YTD 2019 43 $540,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 CHAPELGATE RD.............................. $845,000 B: Kevin P Cullen & Meghan A Cullen S: Robert J Korycansky & Susan M Korycansky Doc#: 000001422625, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $676,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18339sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (06/10) 10 FLAGSTAFF HILL TER...................... $350,000 B: Mark T Thomas & Jill Thomas S: John C Lardner Jr Book/Page: 36837/427, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Canton Cp Bk $404,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15594sf 120 KENSINGTON DR............................ $965,000 B: Ryan M Quinn & Jaime D Quinn S: Daniel T Flatley & Maureen C Flatley Book/Page: 36830/138, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $579,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 316246sf 7 LEDGEWOOD DR................................ $550,000 B: Nicholas Bothchan & Julie Mccarthy S: Keith W Price Tr, Tr for Ingrid R Price 2010 RET Book/Page: 36851/157, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 30100sf 42 MESSINGER ST................................ $435,000 B: 42-44 Messinger St LLC S: Dennis A Shea Book/Page: 36850/173, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $348,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 11369sf Prior Sale: $250,900 (06/00) 4 MORRIS DR........................................ $552,000 B: Jeffery M Wilson Jr & Mary C Wilson S: Phyllis S Moore Tr, Tr for 4 Morris Drive T Book/Page: 36841/130, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $441,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11543sf 12 PLEASANT CIR................................. $384,900 B: Josephine Davis & Stephen Potts S: Michelle L Guiney Book/Page: 36835/98, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of Canton $346,410 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6403sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/13) 21 PLEASANT GARDEN RD................... $555,444 B: Sean G Harvey & Maria A Harvey S: Kevin P Cullen Book/Page: 36842/172, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $444,355 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15072sf Prior Sale: $433,000 (07/12) 66 ROCKLAND ST.................................. $440,000 B: Eric A Ohanian & Jessica M Morse S: Kelley A Chuckran Doc#: 000001422418, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $418,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20822sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (07/11)

7 SEMINOLE RD.................................... B: Jeffrey R Bacon & Jessica L Bacon S: Cheryl Okun Doc#: 000001422503, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $655,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32060sf 59 WALPOLE ST U:214.......................... B: Jon W Lakritz & Jane S Lakritz S: Julie Ogg & Steven P Ryan Book/Page: 36850/329, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $339,900 (12/14) 569 WASHINGTON ST........................... B: Canton 569 RT LLC S: Adga Realty LLC Book/Page: 36839/154, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $520,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 8494sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (06/04)





YTD 2019 30 $828,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 CARBONE LN................................... $1,335,000 B: Samantha W Zildjian S: Erin C Sunday Tr, Tr for Erin C Sunday 2017 RET Book/Page: 36851/217, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $484,351 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44431sf Prior Sale: $985,000 (03/10) 85 JERUSALEM RD.............................. $1,861,000 B: Peter C Tea & Laura J Flynn S: Barbara M Oneill Tr, Tr for Jerusalem Road RT Book/Page: 36832/281, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Peoples Credit Union $281,000 Use: 1-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 124146sf Prior Sale: $1,332,500 (12/09) 80 N MAIN ST....................................... $3,780,000 B: Edward Roche S: Bruce J Garelick & Ashley K Garelick Doc#: 000001422403, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 57369sf Prior Sale: $2,755,000 (09/10) 116 PLEASANT ST................................. $869,000 B: Tyler Mcpherson & Aleca Hughes S: Bryan A Dunkelberger & Marie L Dunkelberger Book/Page: 36848/93, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $669,000 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 19960sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (08/06) 49 RED GATE LN.................................. $1,450,000 B: Thomas Wetherald & Maryanne K Wetherald S: Charles J Mcdermott Book/Page: 36836/437, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 30424sf Prior Sale: $1,125,000 (11/06) 45 WINDY HILL RD............................... $1,200,000 B: Alexander M Berg & Nicole A Berg S: Scott J Filion & Sarah L Filion Doc#: 000001422604, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $960,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28912sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (08/05)

Dedham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 75 Median Price $475,000

YTD 2019 59 $535,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 CHUTE RD......................................... $465,000 B: Kathleen M Brannelly S: Kenneth Golden Tr, Tr for 21 Chute Road RT Book/Page: 36842/262, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $372,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10911sf Prior Sale: $372,000 (09/14) 30 HIGH ST U:103................................. $300,000 B: Dhimiter Rister & Aferdita Rister S: Arman Manshadi Book/Page: 36841/54, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $231,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $165,000 (09/13) 310 HIGH ST U:310............................... $285,000 B: Dennis G Sheehy & Marissa A Walion S: Jeanette Lake Book/Page: 36840/227, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $228,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 346 HIGHLAND ST................................. $615,000 B: Samuel B Wallace & Lauren A Mccue S: Nehman Ishac Book/Page: 36837/459, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $492,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13006sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (05/04) 139 PACELLA DR.................................. $505,000 B: Kelsey Gasseling & Andrew Yarrows S: Melanie Rokes & Paul Mogilevsky Book/Page: 36847/117, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $429,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 9772sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (01/16) 21 STOUGHTON RD............................... $580,000 B: Philip D Kohn & Mary E Twombley S: Anthony Civitarese & Pamela Civitarese Book/Page: 36844/139, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $464,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10655sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (01/08) 216 VILLAGE AVE U:216....................... $872,094 B: Maria D Murray & John Murray S: 214-216 Village Ave LLC Book/Page: 36839/328, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $697,675 Use: Condo 358 WHITING AVE................................. $412,000 B: Estref Xherimeja & Klarita Xherimeja S: Edward Witten & Erin Copeland Book/Page: 36835/162, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $391,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5587sf Prior Sale: $361,000 (06/15)

Dover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $1,192,500


Cohasset YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $830,000



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 12 $1,101,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28-A MILLER HILL RD.......................... $2,800,000 B: Michael Brunner & Carolyn Hettrich S: Miller Hill Road LLC Book/Page: 36831/356, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $2,240,000 Use: 1-Family Mansion, Lot: 131116sf

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 42 Median Price $407,500

YTD 2019 36 $440,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27 ALDEN ST......................................... $475,000 B: Amanda J Shelley & Christopher M Contre S: Sandra L Jodice Tr, Tr for Jodice RT Book/Page: 36835/27, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Charles River Bank $405,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20000sf 52 BORROWS RD.................................. $395,000 B: Matthew C Brackett & Candace C Brackett S: Wesley W Rice & Patricia A Rice Book/Page: 36839/445, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $296,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 21530sf 112 COCASSET ST U:3.......................... $297,500 B: Ryan J Sears S: Dorthe Rasmussen Book/Page: 36846/272, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $236,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $278,000 (06/17) 247 COCASSET ST................................ $699,900 B: Jeffrey T Klayman & Sarah E Klayman S: John E Young & Jennifer A Young Book/Page: 36836/222, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Sharon CU $494,900 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 102291sf 3 JENNIFER LN...................................... $840,000 B: Albert Kurinskas & Linda A Kurinskas S: Michael P Gookin & Laura A West Book/Page: 36830/243, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $340,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $622,000 (08/05) 135 OAK ST........................................... $730,000 B: Richard G Shiers & Deborah J Shiers S: Brendan P Daly & Keely E Daly Book/Page: 36843/3, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $155,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 104904sf Prior Sale: $695,000 (11/17) 39 PINE ST............................................ $520,000 B: Jianhui Li S: Chase A Kurinskas & Linda A Kurinskas Book/Page: 36830/27, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $405,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44792sf Prior Sale: $429,900 (08/17) 12 ROBBINS RD.................................... $465,000 B: Matthew F Oshea & Christine A Oshea S: Daniel H Abram Book/Page: 36832/327, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $465,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8527sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (06/13) 1 ROSELAND ST U:B13......................... $201,000 B: Richard E Ogboin S: Muhammad M Itani Tr, Tr for Sage RT Book/Page: 36850/91, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of Canton $194,970 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 335 SOUTH ST....................................... $450,000 B: Cassidey J Badessa & Laurm M Badessa S: Shawn P Murphy & Patricia A Murphy Book/Page: 36846/588, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $337,500 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 41307sf 451 SOUTH ST....................................... $560,000 B: Wendy Harlow & Daniel Harlow S: Phillip A Giardino Jr Book/Page: 36842/287, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Village Mtg Co $410,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 42614sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (02/16) 20 WATER ST........................................ $900,022 B: Philip D Barry & Jennifer A Barry S: Stephen E Krupski & Susan L Krupski Book/Page: 36848/185, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 213369sf

Franklin MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 75 Median Price $448,000

YTD 2019 69 $450,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 ARROWHEAD LN................................ $499,900 B: Rebecca E Ferland S: Eric R Knox & Kirsten H Knox Book/Page: 36842/596, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Foxboro FSLA $374,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26341sf Prior Sale: $416,000 (04/12) 14 BESSO ST......................................... $395,000 B: He Zhu & Jia Kang S: Aditya Agashe & Uma Bapat Book/Page: 36849/320, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $295,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17954sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (10/18) 74 CRESCENT ST.................................. $365,000 B: Ge Song & Hao Zhang S: Sarah H Johnson Book/Page: 36841/363, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $273,750 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3500sf Prior Sale: $362,000 (02/06) DANIELS ST........................................... $115,000 B: Smitsville Farm LLC S: Peter C Smits Tr, Tr for Indulis A Smits NT Book/Page: 36837/363, Date: 05/30/19 4 DOGWOOD CIR U:4............................. $355,000 B: Douglas Fitzgerald & Suzanne Fitzgerald S: Charlotte A Maliff Tr, Tr for Fernald RT Book/Page: 36838/540, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $310,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $392,500 (09/05) 300 E CENTRAL ST............................... $3,000,000 B: New England Chapel S: Ficcos Bowladrome Inc Doc#: 000001422551, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $2,000,000 Use: Bowling Alley, Lot: 331056sf 6 HAWTHORNE VLG U:A........................ $351,000 B: Leslie S Caruso Tr, Tr for LP IRT S: James W Tindol Tr, Tr for James&Tracey Tindol LT Book/Page: 36842/565, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (03/08) 9 HAWTHORNE VLG U:D........................ $306,000 B: Kirsten H Knox S: Tara Henrichon Book/Page: 36844/455, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $216,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/16)

177 HIGHWOOD DR U:177..................... $258,000 B: Lynda Strissel S: Gerald F Kiley & Mary Rondeau-Kiley Book/Page: 36835/553, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $135,000 (06/99) 1 HUCKLEBERRY LN.............................. $678,750 B: Charles Webb & Leanne Webb S: George G Waters & Linda K Waters Book/Page: 36838/135, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $543,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30026sf Prior Sale: $392,500 (11/99) 6 JACKS WAY........................................ $499,900 B: Christopher M Karas S: Joanne W Lohan Book/Page: 36835/7, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $399,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27626sf 8 KARA LYNN DR.................................. $594,350 B: Christopher Fahey & Melissa Fahey S: Daniel S Mcglynn & Brenda L Mcglynn Book/Page: 36843/62, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $534,915 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 71090sf Prior Sale: $235,200 (03/97) 139 KING ST U:206B............................. $174,000 B: Beili Wang S: Roger Tardie Book/Page: 36831/442, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $65,000 (06/99) 6 LEANNE WAY U:6............................... $372,000 B: Sarah Y Reagan S: Peter V Carbonaro Book/Page: 36842/573, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $305,040 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $368,000 (09/18) 3 LENOX DR........................................... $867,500 B: Paul R Aparo & Nicole D Aparo S: Lorne B Colena & Paula M Colena Book/Page: 36840/534, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $694,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 71482sf Prior Sale: $508,645 (09/01) 28 LINCOLN ST...................................... $528,417 B: Matthew H Campbell & Kathryn Campbell S: David Saltzman & Teresa Y Saltzman Doc#: 000001422621, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $475,575 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 29755sf Prior Sale: $532,775 (09/05) 910 LINCOLN ST.................................... $252,000 B: Brian L Strange & Amanda J Freehoff S: Robert S Adams & Monica Ruiz Book/Page: 36842/236, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $244,358 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 25585sf Prior Sale: $134,000 (05/12) 54 PLAIN ST.......................................... $440,000 B: Jonathan R Tenaglia & Christina A Tenaglia S: Paul J Oconnor Book/Page: 36848/115, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $352,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf 837 UPPER UNION ST U:20................... $190,000 B: Macleod General Contrctrs S: JME Enterprises LLC Book/Page: 36851/402, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $195,000 (12/07)

Holbrook MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $330,000

YTD 2019 38 $348,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 734 SOUTH ST....................................... B: Siobhan Poncin & Domenick Poncin S: Dylan T Cragin Book/Page: 36840/339, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $336,996 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9942sf Prior Sale: $188,000 (10/09) 114 UNION ST....................................... B: Simeir Alves-Ribeiro & Maria D Ribeiro S: James S Morrison & Nancy Morrison Doc#: 000001422665, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $289,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 21780sf 26 WINTER ST....................................... B: Jonathan D Harper S: Steven M Lewis 2nd & Marissa Lewis Book/Page: 36835/63, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $346,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 152460sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (08/12)




MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $447,500

YTD 2019 41 $415,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 HOOKSETT CIR................................... B: Marc S Cushway & Kristin J Cushway S: Kevin J Stone & Cindy A Stone Book/Page: 36844/251, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $390,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43996sf 22 HOOKSETT CIR................................. B: Daniel J Davin & Dale Fingar S: Kristin Cushway & Marc Cushway Book/Page: 36840/316, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $217,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 106113sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (08/03) 14 SANFORD ST U:15............................ B: Natalie Demerjian S: Craig P Vinton Book/Page: 36840/11, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $189,900 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $209,000 (12/17) 12 STABLE WAY.................................... B: Brett M Fagan & Hollyann A Fagan S: Stephen M Forrester & Sarra Forrester Book/Page: 36841/265, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $527,200 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $629,000 (12/16)





Millis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $390,000

YTD 2019 17 $499,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 BAYBERRY CIR U:19........................ B: Catherine A Green S: James Gabriele Book/Page: 36841/425, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $187,425 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $119,900 (09/99) 10 BOGASTOW CIR............................... B: Ian Y Macdonald & Emma S Macdonald S: Matthew S Lake & Cara L Lake Doc#: 000001422714, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $532,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 68825sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (08/13) 29 DANIELS ST U:29............................. B: Melissa L Hyslop S: Deborah A Bearse Book/Page: 36849/30, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $251,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $147,000 (01/00) 4 KENSINGTON PL................................. B: Tucker W Hoskins & Vanessa M Hoskins S: Kensington Place LLC Book/Page: 36832/377, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $444,260 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, 624 MAIN ST......................................... B: Kathleen E Reardon S: Sandy M Kessloff & Michele M Lomax Book/Page: 36840/507, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $311,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11326sf Prior Sale: $319,000 (11/13) 1032 MAIN ST U:2................................. B: Femion Mezini S: Albi Mezini Book/Page: 36837/226, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $202,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $136,000 (06/09) 22 PARNELL ST..................................... B: Jean P Marchette S: George P Hall & Catherine A Green Book/Page: 36841/248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $244,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $389,900 (06/14) 9 TERESA DR......................................... B: Ryan M Guilbault & Elaine C Guilbault S: Ellen M Pumphret Book/Page: 36830/567, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $523,600 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30928sf









YTD 2019 56 $671,750



▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 41 DALE ST.......................................... $1,700,000 B: Medfield Meadows LLC S: John Solari Tr, Tr for Solari RET Doc#: 000001422657, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Boston Cnst Hld $3,150,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 127555sf 75 GRANITE ST..................................... $524,000 B: Nupur Bansal S: Lawrence J Dombrowski Book/Page: 36829/378, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $497,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 30177sf Prior Sale: $126,000 (07/06) 281 NORTH ST....................................... $835,000 B: Russell V Kiser & Sarah R Kiser S: Kevin Newell & Erin P Newell Book/Page: 36842/326, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $584,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52744sf Prior Sale: $712,500 (09/17) 11 PENOBSCOT ST................................ $812,000 B: Denny Yee & Sally Tam S: Lawrence M Krasner Tr, Tr for Lawrence M Krasner RET Book/Page: 36841/388, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $649,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30471sf

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 75 Median Price $1,015,000

YTD 2019 89 $1,060,000


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 73 Median Price $650,000

21 FAIRFAX RD..................................... $700,000 B: Melanie Barbier & Guillaume Barbier S: Francesco Pasquariello & Carlos Torres Book/Page: 36831/195, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $630,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7183sf Prior Sale: $627,000 (07/16) 41 GASKINS RD..................................... $900,000 B: Ryan R Maguire Tr, Tr for Maguire FT S: Christine M Manzone Tr, Tr for 41 Gaskins Road RT Book/Page: 36837/149, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $575,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8668sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (11/97) 11 GIBBONS ST..................................... $615,000 B: Christopher Potts & Olivia Potts S: Richard H Russell Jr Doc#: 000001422485, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $484,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6299sf 24 HUDSON ST...................................... $560,000 B: Julie A Herlihy S: Edward Fidrocki & Debra Fidrocki Book/Page: 36850/573, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Tremont CU $360,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5998sf 23 HURLCROFT RD................................ $700,000 B: Jonathan P Morrissey & Karoline A Morrissey S: Kevin P Grogan & Katherine C Grogan Book/Page: 36842/479, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $450,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7065sf 39 HURLCROFT RD................................ $760,000 B: Jeffrey Thomas & Caitlin Thomas S: Brian T Ferland & Rebecca E Ferland Book/Page: 36841/598, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $608,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (07/13) 195 PLEASANT ST................................. $633,000 B: Mark C Foulds & Stephanie Foulds S: Scott Brown & Jacqueline Brown Book/Page: 36843/404, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $569,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7732sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (06/14) 669 RANDOLPH AVE............................. $530,000 B: Andy Vo S: Julio R Garcia & Maria P Camacho Book/Page: 36844/165, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $477,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10180sf Prior Sale: $438,000 (05/14) 52 RIDGEWOOD RD............................... $625,000 B: Chau Nguyen & Ben Vo S: Issadore Law LLC Doc#: 000001422574, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 28236sf Prior Sale: $510,000 (10/02) 10 WOODMERE DR U:10...................... $1,250,000 B: Kenneth M Johnson & Traci Johnson S: James P Ashmore & Suzanne S Ashmore Book/Page: 36840/600, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $650,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $980,000 (04/17)



Medfield YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $745,000


40 CANTON AVE................................... $1,330,000 B: Paul A Schmid & Margaret Schmid S: Timothy J Colton & Mary J Colton Book/Page: 36844/320, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $433,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10616sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (07/10) 9 CAPE COD LN..................................... $930,000 B: James M Mccann & Kathleen M Morgan S: H Stephen Dembowski & Kristin K Dembowski Doc#: 000001422616, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $744,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7070sf Prior Sale: $664,000 (08/05) 120 CENTRAL AVE............................... $1,125,000 B: Yen K Le S: Peter J Nash Tr, Tr for 120 Central Avenue RT Book/Page: 36831/242, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $675,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41848sf 16 COLLAMORE ST............................... $660,000 B: Michael E Gaughan S: Michael Oskin & Megan Burney Book/Page: 36839/86, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $594,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5763sf Prior Sale: $416,000 (07/12) 28 EATON ST......................................... $725,000 B: Brian J Mcnaughton & Katrina Mcnaughton S: Jonathan P Morrissey & Karoline A Morrissey Book/Page: 36840/164, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $539,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8250sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (12/12)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

80 ARCH ST........................................... $810,000 B: Pinewood Land Holdings S: Andrew J Drayer & Larissa A Drayer Book/Page: 36851/194, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $1,257,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $655,000 (08/04) 456 CHESTNUT ST............................... $1,400,000 B: Michael G Haynes & Rebecca A Haynes S: NPL Development LLC Book/Page: 36840/428, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $1,120,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (06/17) 1077 GREENDALE AVE......................... $1,420,000 B: Nidhi R Patel & Rushi R Patel S: KRP Development LLC Book/Page: 36835/347, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $600,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (04/18) 32 HASENFUS CIR U:32........................ $835,000 B: Zichuan Zhang & Ying Zhang S: Elena Chokler & Stanislav Chokler Book/Page: 36842/85, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $709,750 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $699,000 (04/16) 60 HORACE ST..................................... $1,069,000 B: Michael Giordano & Samantha Ceppos S: Claire M Reardon & Michael W Reardon Book/Page: 36831/391, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $669,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 12632sf 290 MANNING ST.................................. $929,675 B: Slicklen Builders Inc S: Brion Margaret E Est & Stephen C Gaudette Book/Page: 36829/482, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $1,544,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13939sf 58 NORFOLK ST.................................... $925,000 B: Zilong Deng & Yinfei Zhang S: Denise M Sullivan Book/Page: 36836/89, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $740,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10019sf 6 PINE GROVE ST U:6............................ $670,000 B: Amy Levey-Moonshine & Hanna Levey-Moonshine S: Kane Built Inc Book/Page: 36850/437, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $502,500 Use: Condo 14 PUTNAM ST U:14............................. $840,000 B: Raj Vysetty & Garima Painuly S: Rebecca M Levin & Joshua G Levin Book/Page: 36844/5, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $672,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $685,000 (06/14) 9 TROUT POND LN U:9......................... $1,185,000 B: James Coutu & Sommer Coutu S: Westview Partners LLC Book/Page: 36840/248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Sirva Mortgage $735,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo




53 WEBSTER ST................................... $1,000,000 B: Brian Fox & Christina Fox S: Eric A Anderson & Jan M Anderson Book/Page: 36842/60, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $800,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 13504sf 294 WEST ST U:1................................. $1,043,300 B: Somnath Bose & Soumi Ray S: North Shore Development Book/Page: 36844/484, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $834,640 Type: Adj Use: Condo

Norfolk MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $521,200

YTD 2019 32 $567,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 BROOKSIDE LN................................... $610,000 B: Mary L Sabelli & Andrew B Nitschke S: Melinda E Mcgann & Joseph W Mcgann Book/Page: 36840/273, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $484,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 55037sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (08/13) 19 ERIC RD............................................ $725,000 B: Joseph Salami Jr & Elizabeth Milligan S: Jean-Paul Marchette & Christine L Marchette Book/Page: 36836/447, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Webster Bank $580,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31904sf Prior Sale: $696,000 (08/10) 20 ESSEX ST........................................ $1,050,000 B: Timothy Faford & Kara Faford S: Duncan N Barnard & Gillian S Barnard Book/Page: 36851/498, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $500,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40686sf Prior Sale: $1,012,500 (06/06) 37 LAFAYETTE LN................................. $550,000 B: Kevin T Pendergast & Heather A Pendergast S: Michael P Puccia Tr, Tr for Puccia RT 2016 Book/Page: 36843/303, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $150,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 65019sf 8 STRAWBERRY LN............................... $600,000 B: Matthew R Mcneil & Elizabeth A Mcneil S: Joseph X Casey & Elizabeth L Casey Book/Page: 36841/226, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $480,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43667sf 5 TIMBERLINE DR................................. $640,000 B: Alexandra Montes-Mcneil S: Richard D Harkins & Lynne M Harkins Book/Page: 36849/336, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 33750sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (02/98)

Norwood MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $430,000

YTD 2019 66 $428,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 59 ALLEN RD......................................... $427,500 B: Brendan J Osullivan & Claire Osullivan S: Irene B Larosee & Charles Bibeault Book/Page: 36842/55, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8182sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (02/05) 108 AZALEA DR.................................... $530,000 B: Joan Murray S: Jean M Springer Doc#: 000001422461, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10967sf Prior Sale: $347,750 (05/12) 48-50 COTTAGE ST............................... $450,000 B: Patrick Mcdonagh & Danielle M Mcdonagh S: Theresa A Flynn Tr, Tr for 48-50 Cottage Street RT Book/Page: 36832/45, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $337,500 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7672sf Prior Sale: $158,000 (07/97) 99 DEAN ST........................................... $389,900 B: Robert P Ober & Brandon M Fontes S: Alexander G Novakovic & Valerie A Novakovic Book/Page: 36837/275, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $366,506 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $304,900 (07/10) 70 ENDICOTT ST U:1002....................... $482,000 B: Jacek A Szwec & Maya S Rucinski-Szwec S: EW Development LLC Book/Page: 36849/64, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $385,600 Use: Condo 70 ENDICOTT ST U:305......................... $439,900 B: Bryan H Corbett & Linda M Corbett S: Brendan J Osullivan & Claire L Osullivan Book/Page: 36839/173, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $417,905 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $379,000 (06/16) 70 ENDICOTT ST U:804......................... $448,750 B: Prakash Talele & Neha Talele S: Lev Salnikov & Valentina Batalov Book/Page: 36837/121, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $426,312 Use: Condo 70 ENDICOTT ST U:906......................... $509,000 B: Kunal N Desai & Rhea R Parekh S: EW Development LLC Book/Page: 36847/281, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $458,100 Use: Condo 15-17 FLORENCE AVE........................... $602,000 B: Barbara T Reardon S: Pauline H Foley Book/Page: 36831/167, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $270,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9901sf 67 FORREST AVE.................................. $675,000 B: Stephen E Burke S: David J Correia & Mildred O Correia Book/Page: 36847/418, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $350,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9564sf Prior Sale: $517,000 (07/12) 43 GEORGE ST....................................... $323,000 B: Michael Saad Tr, Tr for 43 George Street RT S: Susan A Moulton Tr, Tr for Agnese FT Book/Page: 36841/539, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Walpole Coop Bank $375,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4500sf

101 LEDGEVIEW DR.............................. $620,000 B: Justin R Randall & Colleen T Randall S: Janet M Reid Book/Page: 36829/404, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $496,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12500sf 2-4 NAHATAN CT.................................. $590,000 B: Stella StHubert & Fritzca Badio S: Aristotle Michopoulos 5th Book/Page: 36834/480, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Keller Mortgage LLC $579,313 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 8775sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (02/09) 381 NEPONSET ST U:F.......................... $359,000 B: Rebekah Macchia S: Christina M Verhorevoort Book/Page: 36842/414, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $305,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $310,000 (06/15) 221 ROCK ST U:F11.............................. $257,000 B: Amol Penshanwar S: Francis S Grasso & Dorene A Grasso Book/Page: 36841/507, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $244,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 21 SYCAMORE ST................................. $485,000 B: Kara May & David Blake Jr S: Judith S Ludwig Tr, Tr for 2009 Sullivan FT Book/Page: 36832/8, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4940sf 785 WASHINGTON ST U:106................. $295,000 B: Mary P Osborne Tr, Tr for Mary P Osborne RET S: Chris Carpin & Kelly Carpin Book/Page: 36830/347, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $258,900 (05/16)

Plainville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $303,500

YTD 2019 25 $370,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 FARMHILL LN..................................... $680,000 B: Brian Mccusker & Jessica Feather S: Canterbury Ventures LLC Book/Page: 36838/5, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $525,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 61855sf 47 GEORGE ST U:A................................ $285,000 B: Richard C Ghizzoni & Donna M Ghizzoni S: Peter R Lafleur & Lisa Lafleur Book/Page: 36831/462, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $225,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 8 HILLCREST DR................................... $370,000 B: Mary A Federico S: Thor V Vanvaerenewyck & Emily M Vanvaerenewyck Book/Page: 36841/405, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: NFM Inc $330,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9776sf Prior Sale: $264,900 (04/07) 40 MIRIMICHI ST................................... $325,000 B: Edward Lowe & Michele Mckenna S: Mary E Pacella Tr, Tr for Joseph J Pacella T Book/Page: 36840/388, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Joseph J Pacella T $308,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30205sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (10/01) 63 SHARLENE LN.................................. $509,000 B: Steve Hammond & Linda Hammond S: Danny Tratenberg & Suzanne Tratenberg Book/Page: 36843/470, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $100,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20007sf Prior Sale: $404,705 (05/03) 8 TURTLE BROOK RD............................ $677,048 B: Jia W Hou & Yahan Chen S: Mirimichi Land Invests Book/Page: 36848/326, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $227,000 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 40019sf 8 WALTHAM DR U:8.............................. $318,000 B: Sheryar Mazhar S: Pavan Anna & Bhargavi Baddam Book/Page: 36840/478, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nations Lending Corp $321,212 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $277,000 (10/14)

Quincy MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 123 Median Price $471,000

YTD 2019 114 $495,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 48 ANDREWS RD................................... $602,000 B: Joseph A Cichocki S: Robert Johnson & Karin A Johnson Book/Page: 36843/494, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $481,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5844sf 97 ATLANTIC ST U:3............................. $540,000 B: Adelina Alves & Jose C Alves S: 97 Atlantic LLC Book/Page: 36851/548, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $300,000 Use: Condo 18 BATES AVE....................................... $789,000 B: NBE Management Corp S: Nazih B Elkallassi Tr, Tr for Bates Avenue RT Book/Page: 36841/192, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 9059sf 35 BAY STATE RD U:37........................ $606,000 B: Gregory Oneal S: 35 Bay State Road LLC Book/Page: 36839/575, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USA Alliance FCU $484,800 Type: Adj Use: Condo 344 BEALE ST....................................... $610,000 B: Jeannie Do & Jeffrey Cai S: Shirly Tam & Mike Tam Book/Page: 36841/156, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $484,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12782sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (01/18) 81 BELMONT ST.................................... $625,000 B: Ashley Ridge & Richard Zapata S: Deborah Ridge Book/Page: 36832/419, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: MountainOne Bk $500,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5000sf 48 CHARLES ST..................................... $345,000 B: Clinton J Gentile & Kelly Gentile S: Brian Korona Book/Page: 36830/549, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of Canton $334,650 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2400sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (10/09)

200 COVE WAY U:117........................... $310,000 B: Avery M Wu & Jian H Lei S: Jeannette Moy & Howard Moy Book/Page: 36842/208, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $290,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $217,000 (08/06) 200 COVE WAY U:306........................... $363,000 B: Mangamma Narala S: Kyungshick Choi & Mineson Park Book/Page: 36846/571, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $273,500 (07/13) 200 COVE WAY U:320........................... $274,000 B: Elena Avtaykina S: Ruth G Donovan Tr, Tr for Ruth G Donovan T Book/Page: 36833/222, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $260,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $63,758 (02/10) 95 DORCHESTER ST.............................. $354,000 B: Algirdas Endriunas S: 95 Dorchester Street LLC Doc#: 000001422689, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $272,580 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5430sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (04/13) 68 E ELM AVE....................................... $450,000 B: Xianchai Zhang & Yongguan Li S: Richard G Weidmann Tr, Tr for Weidmann FT Book/Page: 36848/16, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $340,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf 351 E SQUANTUM ST............................ $461,000 B: Quang N Ly S: Karen Jessen & Joseph Grygorcewicz Book/Page: 36831/323, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 8299sf Prior Sale: $161,943 (09/05) 94 ELM ST............................................. $870,000 B: Michael Ruh & Dana Marcogliese S: Stephen A Marcus & Veronika T Chayady Doc#: 000001422577, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $826,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 10850sf Prior Sale: $690,000 (12/05) 123 ELM ST U:B12................................ $360,000 B: Lei Zhao S: Zhenyu Liao & Zhe Wang Book/Page: 36845/452, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $288,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $282,000 (04/16) 25 EVELYN PL....................................... $850,000 B: Xiang Liu & Yutong Zhu S: Robert C Sleeth & Dianne A Sleeth Book/Page: 36843/590, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: East West Bank $510,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7015sf 200 FALLS BLVD U:D112...................... $315,000 B: Brianne M Panzarella S: Casavant Gail M Est & Arthur J Casavant Book/Page: 36836/201, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $280,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $155,000 (06/00) 237 FRANKLIN ST................................. $400,000 B: John Mccaffery S: Nelson S Yee Tr, Tr for Yee-Wong FT Book/Page: 36843/250, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6299sf 87 FREEMAN ST.................................... $680,000 B: Ying Liu S: Bi Z Liu Book/Page: 36851/73, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $420,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (12/15) 34 KEMPER ST...................................... $600,000 B: Xueqin Ou S: Eileen F Higgins Tr, Tr for Eileen F Eiggins IRT Book/Page: 36846/114, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6646sf 1001 MARINA DR U:707....................... $829,000 B: V L Elper-Thompson Tr, Tr for V L Epler-Thompson LT S: Peter Oconnell Doc#: 000001422596, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $655,000 (11/15) 4 MONTILLIO ST.................................... $535,000 B: Emma O Nguyen & Nguyen X Do S: Duc T Mai & Jamie H Duong Book/Page: 36830/174, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $365,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4483sf Prior Sale: $434,900 (07/15) 18 NORMAN RD.................................... $426,000 B: Joseph W Feeney S: Maureen A Howley Tr, Tr for Maureen A Howley RET Book/Page: 36836/250, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Newrez LLC $340,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5040sf Prior Sale: $269,000 (05/11) 45 OVAL RD U:1.................................... $245,000 B: Kaitlyn He S: Jared E Sutton Book/Page: 36840/357, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Colonial Fed Svgs Bk $159,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $188,500 (11/16) 6 PRESIDENTS LN U:13......................... $242,000 B: Iring Ng S: David M Shih Book/Page: 36841/595, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $52,000 (01/98) 100 QUARRY ST................................... $3,850,000 B: B&G Quarry Street LLC S: Patrick Fallon Tr, Tr for Fallon RT Book/Page: 36843/161, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $2,175,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 18391sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (02/00) 308 QUARRY ST U:501.......................... $270,000 B: Peter Gialantzis & Mary Cunningham S: Young Douglas F Jr Est & Eugene Haines Doc#: 000001422383, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $202,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $233,000 (05/06) 90 QUINCY SHORE DR U:311................ $307,000 B: Deepak Jain S: Michael J Keffer Doc#: 000001422609, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $245,600 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $210,000 (03/06) 56 S CENTRAL AVE............................... $620,000 B: John E Kindregan & Nicole A Kindregan S: Jing Zhang & Mark Samaha Book/Page: 36839/516, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $465,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 10300sf Prior Sale: $495,000 (03/15)

JUNE 17, 2019

198 SCHOOL ST U:1.............................. $460,000 B: Cheuk M Ho & Li Li S: Gerard T Hegarty & Joan M Hegarty Book/Page: 36845/568, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $240,000 Use: Condo 625 SEA ST........................................... $375,000 B: Neeraj Shrestha S: Brendan Ohearn & Alison Mcintyre Book/Page: 36840/114, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $356,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2526sf Prior Sale: $303,000 (12/16) 856 SEA ST........................................... $376,000 B: Keri Ibbitson S: Michael J Reaney & Eileen M Reaney Book/Page: 36830/323, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $357,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 3693sf 62 SOUTH ST U:1.................................. $296,500 B: Jared Sutton S: Ruben Sosa & Emma Soucy Book/Page: 36843/85, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $266,850 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $290,000 (04/18) 116 SPRING ST..................................... $50,000 B: Leslie C Artinian S: Zareh M Artinian & Leslie C Artinian Book/Page: 36830/424, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $289,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5059sf Prior Sale: $227,400 (08/00) 231 VICTORY RD U:231......................... $785,000 B: Lawrence R Laing Tr, Tr for Lisa M Laing RET S: Edward M Lynch Jr & Rosalin Acosta Doc#: 000001422637, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $387,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $775,000 (07/17) 165 W SQUANTUM ST........................... $800,000 B: Laimhin LLC S: Michael R Mcauliffe Doc#: 000001422405, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6414sf 322 W SQUANTUM ST........................... $550,000 B: Ji Wu & Tailin Huang S: Xiu Y Chen Book/Page: 36838/198, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $393,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (02/02) 45 WALLACE RD................................... $571,000 B: Megan J Donnelly S: Todd A Stawicki & Stacey L Olson Doc#: 000001422476, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $342,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5052sf Prior Sale: $358,000 (08/08) 123 WATERSTON AVE........................... $650,000 B: Ann M Leitao & Alexander Kaiser S: Carl V Leitao Tr, Tr for Carl&Pamela Leitao LT Book/Page: 36836/68, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $585,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4500sf 228 WHITWELL ST................................ $810,000 B: Duy A Nguyen & Trang T Nguyen S: Timothy J Bryan Book/Page: 36840/379, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6320sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (12/13)

Randolph MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $357,000

YTD 2019 72 $377,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 337-339 CANTON ST............................. $512,500 B: Ayeisha D Mathis S: James P Voneuw & Maureen C Voneuw Doc#: 000001422750, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $512,500 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 12020sf 14 DRUID HILL AVE E............................ $445,000 B: Lalldhar Balgobin & Premwatie Balgobin S: Diep N Tran & Kimloan T Le Doc#: 000001422641, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 24356sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (05/02) 3 FAIRVIEW AVE................................... $380,000 B: Nam Thai & Men Nguyen S: Chak L Cheung Book/Page: 36843/570, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $249,287 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7500sf 59 HIGHLAND GLEN DR U:328.............. $204,000 B: Benjamin Theodore & Elise John-Baptise S: Sandra Jean-Jacques Doc#: 000001422436, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $204,000 (04/06) 4 HILLSDALE RD................................... $500,000 B: Claude Chery S: Mento Homes Inc Book/Page: 36848/563, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $483,312 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 13500sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (10/18) 4 LOUIS LN U:4...................................... $225,645 B: Lisa Nguyen S: Nationstar Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 36837/37, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $272,903 (03/19) 6 NORTHWAY RD.................................. $363,000 B: Khoi Nguyen & Van Nguyen S: Randi Levy Tr, Tr for Rochelle H Solod IRT Book/Page: 36836/522, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $283,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 30019sf 13 RESERVOIR DR................................. $412,000 B: Donna Rainford S: Patrick Momplaisir & Nadege Momplaisir Book/Page: 36836/19, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $402,930 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (08/11) 11 SHERMAN DR................................... $398,000 B: Raymond N Vo & Huyen H Nguyen S: Maruti V Wagle & Manisha M Wagle Book/Page: 36835/367, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Provident Fund Assoc $318,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17064sf 114 STEARNS DR.................................. $275,000 B: Stephen Sera S: Meredith E Genatossio Book/Page: 36840/295, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20000sf 19 TANGEN ST...................................... $450,000 B: Mosharrof Hossain & Sabana Akhter S: Adel Nasser Book/Page: 36844/55, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $417,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8830sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (09/14)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

57 WARD ST.......................................... B: Sherine Solomon S: Garry White Book/Page: 36848/495, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $419,699 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 11050sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (07/11) 47 WEST ST U:A1.................................. B: Renald Joseph S: Donald H Cohen Book/Page: 36832/166, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $157,625 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 98 WILMARTH RD................................. B: Wilga Belval & Farah Belval S: Ayodeji Falade Book/Page: 36841/96, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $357,675 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9000sf Prior Sale: $271,250 (06/14)




Sharon MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $495,000

YTD 2019 42 $526,444

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 BALDWIN DR U:3............................... $590,000 B: George L Horowitz & Ellen S Horowitz S: Peter L Chapman Tr, Tr for Chapman FT Book/Page: 36840/6, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $429,000 (10/99) 16 BAYBERRY DR U:4........................... $240,000 B: Manuela Arango-Restrepo S: Michael Rubinshtein Book/Page: 36842/306, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $232,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,000 (02/19) 29 BAYBERRY DR U:3........................... $215,900 B: Irina Bedoeva S: Edward Keenan Book/Page: 36845/56, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $205,100 Use: Condo 41 BAYBERRY DR U:4........................... $160,000 B: Scott J Parmentier S: Svetlana Antonelli Tr, Tr for Taropina RT Book/Page: 36841/202, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $110,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $128,400 (11/09) 121 BILLINGS ST................................... $525,000 B: Maxwell Taylor & Jacqueline Taylor S: James Cavanagh & Nora M Cavanagh Book/Page: 36835/199, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $420,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26167sf Prior Sale: $116,557 (11/97) 90 BULLARD ST.................................... $440,000 B: Gennady Gorbovitsky & Maria L Gorbovitsky S: Bullard Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 36851/457, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 68554sf 45 CHESTNUT ST.................................. $525,000 B: Maclean Carr & Sara Carr S: Deborah T Harris Doc#: 000001422494, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $420,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26585sf 194 EDGE HILL RD................................ $375,000 B: Country Club Townhomes S: 25 Tiot Holdings LLC Doc#: 000001422588, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Boston Cnst Hld $775,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 60984sf Prior Sale: $6,184,580 (05/16) 39 FIREBRICK RD.................................. $673,000 B: Garth Mitchell & Fuchsia Mitchell S: Michael L Woodson & Maureen A Woodson Book/Page: 36831/217, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $639,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21242sf 35 MORSE ST........................................ $585,000 B: Humberto R Toledo & Stephanie K Downey-Toledo S: James P Ricciardi & Mary P Ricciardi Doc#: 000001422446, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $468,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 144904sf 52 ORCHARD HILL DR U:52.................. $630,000 B: Susan H Gilson Tr, Tr for Susan H Gilson FT S: Roberta A Mcnulty Tr, Tr for Roberta A Mcnulty FT Book/Page: 36840/473, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $631,000 (03/04) 5 TALL TREE RD.................................... $675,000 B: Bacem Baccar & Salma Sallem S: Jon M Jensen & Leann W Jensen Book/Page: 36839/12, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $607,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21598sf Prior Sale: $467,900 (09/07) 3 WEYMAN LN....................................... $875,000 B: Sangeetha Velamoor & Sudhakar Velamoor S: Vladislav Gotlib & Ilana L Gotlib Book/Page: 36842/150, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $700,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20253sf Prior Sale: $705,000 (08/13)

Stoughton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $343,000

YTD 2019 71 $356,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 213 4TH ST............................................ B: Marie N Paul & Odelin Vilmar S: Roodly Gauthier Doc#: 000001422723, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $343,660 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (06/12) 1266 BAY RD......................................... B: Sharon Taylor S: Linda A Hammond Book/Page: 36842/501, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25335sf 14 CENTRAL DR.................................... B: Annette N Thomas S: Susan Mendelson Book/Page: 36836/333, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $306,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9802sf Prior Sale: $317,000 (08/17) 110 CHESTNUT ST................................ B: Johanna C Stitson & Marc E Langthorne S: Hersee Properties Inc Book/Page: 36836/314, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $539,730





31 ERICA DR......................................... $529,000 B: Ayodeji P Falade S: Alexey Belov Book/Page: 36844/71, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $396,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $484,125 (12/16) 91 GREG RD.......................................... $470,000 B: Victor Mcdouglas & Mariana Mcdouglas S: Antoine Issa & Marie J Issa Book/Page: 36838/51, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 14512sf Prior Sale: $405,900 (04/05) 25 HEELAN AVE..................................... $465,000 B: Justin Fongemie & Nomiki Vallas S: Laura P Anastasi & Leonard L Anastasi Book/Page: 36833/369, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $428,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15404sf 500 HIGHLAND ST................................. $680,000 B: Toward Independent Living S: John J Stagnone & Roberta A Stagnone Book/Page: 36839/248, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 36534sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (05/08) 41 JESSICA DR U:A............................... $265,000 B: Feyisetan R Idowu S: Frederick C Yaitanes Tr, Tr for TLN Jessica RT Book/Page: 36831/71, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $260,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $241,312 (01/19) 25 JONES TER U:4................................. $197,500 B: Delson C Rodrigues & Maria R Rodrigues S: Jean B Pascal & Marie F Pascal Book/Page: 36836/590, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $158,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,000 (08/08) 76 JOYCE DR......................................... $289,900 B: PEJR LLC S: Joanne Kennedy Doc#: 000001422581, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of Canton $224,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $164,025 (12/98) 84 MURRAY CIR.................................... $671,590 B: Jayesh P Patel & Nitaben Patel S: Elliot Schneider Tr, Tr for Vlgs At Goddard Highlnds Book/Page: 36842/460, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $570,851 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 11644sf 38 PATRICIA DR U:38........................... $320,000 B: Nancy Urell S: Graham Mary K Est & Suzanne M Vincente Book/Page: 36846/477, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 120 PEARL ST....................................... $55,920 B: Mary Tran S: Dennis Bates Book/Page: 36846/551, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $256,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12165sf Prior Sale: $256,000 (08/11) 87 POSKUS ST....................................... $390,000 B: David J Nunez & Kathy C Giacobbe S: Brian C Klim & Anne M Klim Book/Page: 36834/61, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $378,300 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19677sf 21 RIPLEY DR........................................ $564,200 B: Rose-Marie Khnaizir S: Elliot Schneider Tr, Tr for Vlgs At Goddard Highlnds Book/Page: 36831/36, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $535,990 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 11999sf 75 SHEEHAN ST.................................... $507,000 B: Jacqueline C Angelos & Michael Sweny S: Mary M Angelos Book/Page: 36844/184, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $405,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 33700sf 108 SWANSON TER............................... $450,000 B: Jennifer M Oates S: Deborah M Conway Tr, Tr for Conway RET Book/Page: 36840/139, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $330,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15000sf 829 WEST ST......................................... $440,000 B: Juliana Lacroix S: Erik Feist Book/Page: 36843/348, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $432,030 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22511sf 1459 WEST ST....................................... $78,000 B: Long K Dai S: Dat M Tieu Book/Page: 36843/587, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27700sf

Walpole MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $531,000



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 68 $517,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 GINLEY RD....................................... $545,000 B: Carol M Knight S: Edward G Sullivan Jr & Jocelyn K Sullivan Book/Page: 36842/542, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $115,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 24806sf Prior Sale: $444,900 (05/14) 26 JUNE ST........................................... $440,000 B: Michael R Werlich S: Sean M Brennan & Laura B Brennan Book/Page: 36836/428, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Robert D Ryan $440,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8324sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (04/09) 11 LAMPLIGHTER LN............................ $727,000 B: Matthew J Zubrowski & Rebecca A Zubrowski S: Timothy E Burke & Deborah L Burke Book/Page: 36830/285, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $577,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 42426sf Prior Sale: $510,000 (03/03) 59 NEPONSET ST.................................. $155,000 B: Robert S Belcher & Julianns S Belcher S: John A Vozzella Book/Page: 36840/102, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 32610sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (07/11) 7 PELICAN DR U:7................................. $536,000 B: Joshua D Hipsman & Elizabeth R Hipsman S: John Radosta & Gilda Radosta Book/Page: 36841/24, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $421,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $515,000 (01/19) 125 PEMBERTON ST............................. $581,000 B: Anthony Tornaritis & Meredith Tornaritis S: Peder Vonharten Book/Page: 36839/465, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $551,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18516sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (02/19)

9 PILGRIM WAY.................................... $505,000 B: Alexander G Novakovic & Valerie A Novakovic S: Christopher M Head & Alison Head-Saulnier Book/Page: 36835/560, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Anthony N Novakonic $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (06/11) 37 PILGRIM WAY.................................. $389,000 B: Craig Weinstein & Tara A Weinstein S: Jean C Barbarick Tr, Tr for Jean C Barbarick T Book/Page: 36832/306, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $300,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16850sf 129 PLIMPTON ST................................. $769,500 B: Alyssa S Ellis & Harold T Ellis S: Andrew L Kung & Cinthia G Kung Book/Page: 36851/110, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $509,500 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41219sf Prior Sale: $595,000 (08/02) 28 WASHINGTON GRN U:28.................. $397,500 B: Kristen M Cammarata S: Brian T Brown & Donna G Brown Book/Page: 36846/500, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $390,299 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $365,000 (12/05) 19 WOODARD RD.................................. $599,000 B: Edward G Sullivan Jr & Jocelyn K Sullivan S: Carol M Knight Book/Page: 36842/354, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $420,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20378sf Prior Sale: $506,000 (11/07)

Wellesley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 83 Median Price $1,289,000

YTD 2019 87 $1,382,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 ALBA RD.......................................... $1,300,000 B: Andrew Ferrer & Caitlin Ferrer S: Jeffrey Varsa & Gael Varsa Doc#: 000001422393, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $975,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13052sf Prior Sale: $1,110,000 (07/08) 23 BOULDER BROOK RD...................... $2,225,000 B: Rocco A Belmont & Lauren J Belmont S: Robert Plenge & Alexa Plenge Book/Page: 36837/3, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $1,557,500 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10366sf Prior Sale: $1,780,000 (06/10) 42 BROOK ST....................................... $2,250,000 B: Edward Bell S: Stonepath LLC Book/Page: 36840/215, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peggy Bell Gen Skip $750,000 Use: Possible New Construction, Lot: 17290sf Prior Sale: $875,000 (04/18) 24 CARVER RD...................................... $925,000 B: Stephen M Laplante & Heather N Laplante S: Sue H Poulton Book/Page: 36837/488, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $765,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27792sf 1 CHESTNUT ST.................................... $1,900,000 B: Adam B Burch & Elizabeth S Burch S: Edwin L Winters Book/Page: 36837/96, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $1,710,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 17167sf Prior Sale: $1,421,000 (09/16) 42 CLIFF RD......................................... $1,075,000 B: Morgan A Harris S: Hugh Miller & Frances H Miller Book/Page: 36852/69, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14010sf 11 CUNNINGHAM RD........................... $1,157,000 B: Predrag Radivojac & Jelena Radivojac S: Yun Fu & Qi Zhang Book/Page: 36850/364, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $750,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10580sf Prior Sale: $855,000 (12/12) 25 GLEN RD.......................................... $1,130,000 B: Jamie Cohen & Lauren Wilwerding S: Adam B Burch & Elizabeth S Burch Book/Page: 36829/229, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8760sf Prior Sale: $945,000 (03/17) 25 KENILWORTH RD............................ $3,225,000 B: Mary C Cochran & Christopher C Cochran S: Spencer Zwick & Jenny Zwick Book/Page: 36843/255, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $1,250,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26134sf Prior Sale: $2,723,345 (08/09) 375 LINDEN ST...................................... $673,000 B: Buildrite LLC S: George J Mutrie 3rd Tr, Tr for Mutrie RT Book/Page: 36847/4, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9690sf 103 MANOR AVE................................... $710,000 B: Limei Yu S: Cheryl L Mcduffy & Dan H Nardi Book/Page: 36847/362, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 8068sf Prior Sale: $710,000 (04/17) 11 OAK ST U:26..................................... $590,000 B: David J Kemble & Myung Jang S: Ziyang Yu & Chengyin Min Book/Page: 36830/396, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $472,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $518,000 (05/15) 25 ROCKRIDGE RD............................... $3,700,000 B: Matthew A Cannan & Katherine A Cannan S: Edgar W Soule & Elizabeth W Soule Book/Page: 36835/480, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $2,500,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 33872sf Prior Sale: $2,762,500 (06/04) 11 STRATHMORE RD............................ $939,000 B: Jongsong Wang & Haihong Li S: Dorothy E Howells Book/Page: 36851/339, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Webster Bank $650,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10903sf 27 SWARTHMORE RD.......................... $1,175,000 B: Madmoejoe LLC S: Alan J Taylor & Janet W Taylor Book/Page: 36843/512, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Village Bank $1,950,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 20052sf 25 WASHBURN AVE............................. $1,600,000 B: Kun D Yi & Paul M Hinderliter S: Kevin Barry & Patricia Barry Book/Page: 36851/521, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $1,280,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26150sf Prior Sale: $787,000 (04/03)

34 WILLOW RD...................................... $865,100 B: 34 Willow LLC S: Richard A Young & Ann C Vasaly Book/Page: 36833/18, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: MutualOne Bk $1,350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 14708sf 490 WORCESTER ST............................. $610,000 B: Eshwar Sonti & Samantha Sonti S: Patrick J Mullowney Tr, Tr for Tipperary RT Book/Page: 36842/525, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $549,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40219sf Prior Sale: $359,000 (07/00)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $780,000

YTD 2019 48 $733,063

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 31 BUCKMASTER RD............................ $410,000 B: Robert Hennessee & Lindsey Hennessee S: Joseph F Feeney Book/Page: 36839/63, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 7524sf 53 CRYSTAL HILL TER.......................... $625,000 B: Nesti Ropi S: Edmund J Winslow 3rd Tr, Tr for Winmac RT Book/Page: 36836/568, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 45227sf 270 FARM LN........................................ $740,000 B: 270 Farm Lane LLC S: Harry B Mccracken & Jane N Mccracken Book/Page: 36844/30, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Needham Bk $592,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 78408sf 843 GAY ST........................................... $614,670 B: Neal Rosenthal & Leslie Rosenthal S: James F Oconnor & Janice M Oconnor Book/Page: 36848/590, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Rosenthal Family $520,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 14301sf 30 JUNIPER RIDGE RD......................... $1,300,000 B: Quinn R Hetrick & Courtney M Hetrick S: Trjuniper Lane LLC Book/Page: 36831/116, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,040,000 14 REED AVE......................................... $675,000 B: Edward M Ross & Lauren Ross S: Mark F Murphy Tr, Tr for Katherine Serge RET Book/Page: 36850/56, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $540,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10035sf 80 WALKER RD..................................... $940,000 B: John J Maguire & Patricia E Maguire S: Joseph A Consoli & Josephine Consoli Book/Page: 36835/508, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $688,850 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40000sf 238-242 WASHINGTON ST.................... $862,000 B: Albi Mezini S: Petruzziello Properties Book/Page: 36838/96, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $646,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6437sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (07/18) 19 WESTLAND AVE.............................. $1,100,000 B: Matthew W Eckerle Tr, Tr for Eckerle LT S: Gregory D Schantz & Ivy L Schantz Book/Page: 36843/137, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $880,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50890sf Prior Sale: $822,000 (06/13)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 136 Median Price $379,000

YTD 2019 108 $400,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 BIRDIE LN U:19................................ $670,000 B: Thomas P Robinson & Kathleen T Robinson S: Thomas P Libby & Margaret M Libby Book/Page: 36836/305, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 47 BLACKSTONE RD............................. $349,000 B: Edmund Delaney S: Keith J Bryan Book/Page: 36835/128, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: City Of Boston CU $149,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7682sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (06/10) 51 BROAD REACH U:M62A................... $269,000 B: Christopher Cazault Tr, Tr for C&C RT S: Gerard J Hutchinson Tr, Tr for Hutchinson IRT Book/Page: 36830/484, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 118 BURKHALL ST U:S.......................... $258,000 B: Qiming Bing S: Robert Ciampa & Elissa Ciampa Book/Page: 36841/245, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $214,900 (03/16) 7 CALDWELL ST.................................... $675,000 B: Don Cervone & Judith Cervone S: Jeffrey S Hartel & Janice A Hartel Book/Page: 36848/528, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $641,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2800sf 18 CHARLES ST.................................... $2,150,000 B: Jeffrey S Aronson & Maureen Aronson S: Ryder Properties Co LLC Book/Page: 36839/226, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,238,800 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 28100sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (05/12) 1529 COMMERCIAL ST U:9................... $357,000 B: Thomy Nieto S: Patricia Kaminski Book/Page: 36846/408, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $339,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $249,900 (12/09) 147 DONNELLAN CIR............................ $390,000 B: Frank R Capostagno & Jamie L Capostagno S: Matthew J Miller & Jilleanne C Miller Book/Page: 36840/85, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (02/05) 37 FULLER RD....................................... $496,000 B: Justin A Piscopo & Courtney D Holt S: DS Ventures Inc Doc#: 000001422600, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $396,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6175sf Prior Sale: $301,350 (06/18) 8 HANOVER ST...................................... $380,000 B: Santigao Sierra & Melanie A Marston S: Harold F Wheeler & Mary A Wheeler Doc#: 000001422374, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $373,117 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15642sf 10 HERITAGE LN................................... $690,000 B: Matthew J Miller & Jilleanne C Miller S: John J Brady Jr Book/Page: 36843/323, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $552,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16500sf

75 HIGH ST............................................ $499,000 B: Gilberto Perez & Luis Perez S: Joseph A Deluca 2nd & Kathleen A Casey Book/Page: 36835/262, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $489,961 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 16400sf 50 HOLBROOK RD................................. $479,000 B: Eric Charette S: Jo-An R Heileman Tr, Tr for Jo-An Rolfe Heileman LT Book/Page: 36834/36, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $383,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6770sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (05/11) 187 LAKE ST U:3................................... $354,900 B: Harshavarthini Natarajan S: Absolute Builders LLC Book/Page: 36843/294, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 406 LIBBEY INDUSTRIAL PKWY U:406. $475,000 B: 406 Libbey Ind Pkwy LLC S: Philip J Tilton & Michelle K Tilton Book/Page: 36836/158, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $350,000 Use: Medical Condo Unit Prior Sale: $215,000 (06/00) 64 LOCHMERE AVE............................... $495,500 B: Avelyn Pires S: William J Gardner Jr & Karen A Gardner Book/Page: 36841/172, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $486,524 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9912sf 40 MOORE RD....................................... $595,000 B: JM Family Realty LLC S: Robert E Whipple Tr, Tr for Whipple Moore FT Book/Page: 36850/238, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: First RT $700,000 Use: Auto Repair, Lot: 43124sf 93 NEVIN RD......................................... $630,000 B: Michael J Feeney & Audrey E Feeney S: Robbie E Wilson Book/Page: 36842/396, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $567,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15284sf Prior Sale: $569,900 (04/14) 15 ORLANDO AVE.................................. $300,000 B: Catherine Robinson & Natalia Robinson S: Rita F Davis Doc#: 000001422480, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $294,566 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5000sf 18 PAOMET RD..................................... $436,500 B: Philip Germansderfer & Peter S Cram S: Frederick M Kaczowka Tr, Tr for 18 Paomet Road RT Book/Page: 36841/482, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (10/18) 203 POND ST......................................... $526,000 B: Francis J Quigley S: Barbara A Smith Book/Page: 36839/113, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $300,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 20880sf 69 SQUANTO RD.................................... $390,000 B: Robert T Waddell S: Sean C Chase & Nicole A Chrostowski Book/Page: 36848/468, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $340,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3547sf Prior Sale: $336,000 (06/15) 135 STONEHAVEN DR........................... $545,200 B: Jennifer Totten S: Cynthia L Hoover & James M Hoover Book/Page: 36844/514, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $245,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2408sf 202 TALL OAKS DR U:K........................ $285,000 B: Sabine S Dolliver S: Barbara E Mckeon Book/Page: 36851/371, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $265,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $285,000 (07/18) 46 UNION ST.......................................... $500,000 B: Build 1 Properties LLC S: Whittaker Rest Home Inc Book/Page: 36843/550, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: South Shore Bank $375,000 Use: Nursing Home, Lot: 37927sf 25 W LAKE DR....................................... $490,000 B: Yohanny M Herrera & Alexis Herrera S: Tianna Tagami & Jason Clemence Book/Page: 36836/361, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $465,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 21000sf Prior Sale: $371,000 (05/15) 884 WASHINGTON ST.......................... $1,657,500 B: 884 Washington St Realty S: Martha Hartel Tr, Tr for Lighthouse T Book/Page: 36839/382, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $875,000 Use: Office Bldg-medical, Lot: 30995sf Prior Sale: $1,457,000 (07/16) 59 WEBB ST.......................................... $397,000 B: Leigh C Collins S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 36834/256, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $357,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5052sf Prior Sale: $289,000 (03/18) 115 WESTMINSTER RD......................... $410,000 B: Daleen R Jordan & Samuel A Jordan S: Maria Mainini Book/Page: 36837/192, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $401,403 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7750sf Prior Sale: $192,000 (10/17) 128 WHIPPLE ST................................... $516,000 B: Michael W Ferrazzi & Roxanne Ferrazzi S: Pamela S Colarusso Book/Page: 36839/259, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quincy Credit Union $412,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10130sf Prior Sale: $364,000 (01/06) 215 WINTER ST U:4A............................ $197,000 B: Linxi Li S: Clementina S Randall Book/Page: 36845/440, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $155,000 (04/07)

Wrentham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2019 41 $465,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 97 ARCHER ST...................................... B: Carolyn E Castellano S: Scott M Coyle & Sierra Coyle Book/Page: 36841/575, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Tr Co $371,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30000sf Prior Sale: $389,900 (07/16) 88 BEACH ST......................................... B: Scott Strachan & Lori A Strachan S: Albert L Rao & Ellen M Rao Book/Page: 36850/197, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $120,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (10/18)



©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

183 BEACH ST....................................... $520,000 B: Scott Heine & Mary E Heine S: Jason P Cunnane Tr, Tr for 183 Beach St RT Book/Page: 36830/213, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $520,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52533sf 653 EAST ST......................................... $455,000 B: Alicia Kolovson & Jason Kolovson S: Michele A Grabert Book/Page: 36830/495, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $364,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 18750sf 35 FEDERICO DR................................... $670,000 B: Michael B Oskin & Megan Burney S: JESE Construction Inc Book/Page: 36842/435, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $536,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 45738sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (07/18) 29 FIELD CIR......................................... $959,100 B: Kevin R Wallace & Lee A Wallace S: Ricciardelli Custom Homes Book/Page: 36834/374, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $550,000 Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 43747sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (09/18) 224 FOREST GROVE AVE...................... $180,000 B: Joseph Mazzotta & Gina Mazzotta S: 857 Beacon Street LLC Book/Page: 36834/6, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 8920sf Prior Sale: $96,000 (04/17) 109 HEMMINGWAY PL.......................... $647,450 B: Jonathan M Lipsy & Kim K Lipsy S: John C Berthiaume & Joanne P Berthiaume Book/Page: 36830/361, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $190,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22715sf Prior Sale: $563,100 (10/13) 25 JONES ST......................................... $555,000 B: Andrew D Glass S: Steven P Lincourt & Ellen M Lincourt Book/Page: 36831/262, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Poli Mtg Group $499,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 9100sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (11/09) 40 KING JAMES WAY............................ $375,000 B: Daniel M Leite Jr & Tracey Leite S: Robert F Foulis Tr, Tr for 40 King James Way RT Book/Page: 36831/590, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30087sf 27 MADISON ST.................................... $326,000 B: Kent N Allen & Jillian H Strickland S: Paul L Haraldsen Tr, Tr for Oneil IRT Book/Page: 36843/221, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $309,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11870sf 37 RAY RD............................................. $570,000 B: Steven P Lincourt & Ellen M Lincourt S: Brien Brothman & Sharon Parnes Book/Page: 36833/163, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $513,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 71200sf 140 RED FOX RUN................................. $595,000 B: Michael P Gookin & Laura A West S: Justin D Laverdiere & Kristen A Laverdiere Book/Page: 36831/501, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16363sf Prior Sale: $456,900 (10/15) 261 SOUTH ST....................................... $463,000 B: Christina M Griffin & Nicholas M Curry S: Judith A Wilk Book/Page: 36830/51, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $370,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 29185sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (05/07) 40 SYCAMORE RD................................. $229,380 B: Marc Buvair S: Joan I Dugas Book/Page: 36841/77, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $217,911 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4840sf

Plymouth Registry John R. Buckley Jr., Esq., Register 32 Belmont St., Brockton, MA 02360 Telephone: (508) 586-6998 Fax: (508) 830-9280

Brockton Satellite Office

For recordings and rundowns of unregistered land: 155 West Elm Street, 2nd floor Brockton, MA 02301 Telephone: (508) 586-6998 Fax: (508) 588-0240

Rockland Satellite Office

900 Hingham Street – Suite 920 Rockland, MA 02370 Telephone: (781) 792-2800 Fax: (781) 792-2424

Abington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 Median Price $332,500

YTD 2019 43 $366,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 242 ASHLAND ST.................................. $395,000 B: Jason Hewitt & Rebecca Hewitt S: Robert T Strano & Michelle G Strano Book/Page: 51181/339, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $258,445 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19583sf Prior Sale: $291,000 (06/14) 208 DORSEY ST..................................... $230,000 B: CE Development LLC S: Danecca Development LLC Book/Page: 51174/117, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 30473sf 469 HANCOCK ST.................................. $190,000 B: Damian Reilly S: Daniel P Chapin & Kathleen E Chapin Book/Page: 51186/126, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $180,500 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 19148sf





45 MARTIN ST....................................... $335,000 B: Joshua M Perry S: Elisabeth Sheehan & Joseph Sheehan Doc#: 000000784893, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $324,950 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7540sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (11/02) 118 OAK ST........................................... $368,000 B: Christie Moore & Charles R Moore S: Edmund D Cuneo & Brenda L Cuneo Book/Page: 51184/226, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $361,334 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14356sf 156 OAK ST........................................... $363,000 B: Matthew J Oconnor S: Joseph W Deluca Jr Book/Page: 51165/56, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $326,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8000sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (12/14) 5 PINE ST.............................................. $180,000 B: Roger Woods Jr Tr, Tr for 5 Pine Street RT S: Fowler Dennis E Est & Lisa J Daniel Book/Page: 51177/279, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Easton Capital LLC $210,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 27860sf 28 RICE ST............................................ $300,000 B: Joshua S Reddington & Amy E Galvin S: Jason M Hewitt & Rebecca L Hewitt Doc#: 000000784859, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $291,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7350sf Prior Sale: $282,500 (12/05) 35 RICE ST............................................ $220,000 B: Matthew Giannini & Stephanie Powers S: Albert Giannini Jr Doc#: 000000784968, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $213,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7350sf 219 ROCKLAND ST................................ $251,000 B: Ross Reale S: FNMA Book/Page: 51169/156, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Scott A White $251,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 103218sf Prior Sale: $325,759 (12/18) 179 RUSSELL LN................................... $480,000 B: Patricia A Feterowski S: Kevin M Sullivan Book/Page: 51173/63, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $455,525 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 37007sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (05/12) 73 WILBUR ST....................................... $410,000 B: L Henriquez-Rodriguez & Neriliz Soto-Gonzalez S: Darrell M Kohr Doc#: 000000784769, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $369,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20019sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (06/18)

Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $382,225

YTD 2019 65 $387,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 ALDRICH PL....................................... $505,000 B: Keith Lane & Laurie Lane S: Lee Harper & Julie A Harper Book/Page: 51163/319, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $454,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20615sf Prior Sale: $399,900 (08/12) 14 EDGE HILL DR.................................. $440,000 B: Martin G Flynn S: Leah Falconeiri Tr, Tr for Sycamore T Book/Page: 51174/314, Date: 05/31/19 558 FOREST ST..................................... $455,000 B: Kathleen Roberts S: Maryann Wolski Tr, Tr for Wolski FT Book/Page: 51162/140, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $446,758 Use: 2-Family Ranch, Lot: 28437sf 30 GRANGE PARK................................. $540,000 B: Cory Smith & Jennifer Smith S: David W Mason Book/Page: 51175/143, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $429,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 118939sf 40 JILLIANS WAY.................................. $446,000 B: Joseph W Deluca Jr & Marissa L Deluca S: Alexander S Littman & Katherine E Littman Book/Page: 51168/56, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $446,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43616sf Prior Sale: $209,900 (01/98) 180 MAIN ST U:F135............................. $165,000 B: Madelyn I Disla S: Jessica Pedraza Book/Page: 51160/122, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $141,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $139,000 (12/16) 544 MAIN ST......................................... $454,900 B: Ronald Paynter S: Thomas Hogan & Heidi Hogan Book/Page: 51169/132, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $446,303 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 25300sf Prior Sale: $449,900 (04/17) 501 NORTH ST....................................... $305,000 B: Robbie B Natale S: Marmish Lawrence Est & Michael Baker Book/Page: 51172/188, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lawrence E Lucier $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 27355sf 5 OLDFIELD RD..................................... $595,000 B: Lee A Harper & Julie A Harper S: Lehtola Homes Inc Book/Page: 51171/274, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: JG Wentworth Hm Lend $344,250 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 43588sf 85 PLYMOUTH ST................................. $1,000,000 B: SLV Bridgewater Po LLC S: Michael S Keith Tr, Tr for A-American RT Book/Page: 51183/161, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Brookline Bank $13,521,471 Use: Auto Repair, Lot: 86900sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (05/03) 113 UNION ST....................................... $399,000 B: Southbridge Properties S: James A Perry Tr, Tr for JPCG RT Book/Page: 51177/273, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 30600sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (01/11) 40 WILDWOOD PL................................. $406,000 B: David J Borini & Catherine M Borini S: Brenda V Falvey Tr, Tr for Falvey FT Book/Page: 51178/88, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $324,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 55931sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (10/97)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 239 Median Price $279,899

YTD 2019 221 $296,200

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 31 ANGERER AVE.................................. $277,000 B: Marie Louisne & Yves Lorey S: David Murray Doc#: 000000784809, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $271,982 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 6556sf Prior Sale: $238,900 (09/04) 482 ASH ST........................................... $335,000 B: Yveline Baptiste & Rony Baptiste S: Antonio Monteiro Book/Page: 51176/290, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $318,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 8154sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (03/10) 21 AUNA DR U:6.................................... $112,000 B: Olasoji B Martins S: Jonathan Coulanges Book/Page: 51174/197, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $82,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $112,000 (07/05) 17 BACKLUND DR................................. $237,500 B: Brian W Bonia S: Kendra L Thellen Book/Page: 51191/255, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $233,197 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15804sf Prior Sale: $193,000 (07/03) 45 BATTLES ST..................................... $340,000 B: Roody Teneus S: Ronald V Grant Tr, Tr for 45-47 Battles Street RT Book/Page: 51193/229, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 11739sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (10/07) 41 BAY POINTE DR U:25....................... $419,900 B: Gerard F Galizio & Diane P Galizio S: Windward Pines LLC Book/Page: 51187/288, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Condo 96 BERNARD RD................................... $310,000 B: Bernard J Santino & Donna M Santino S: Daniel Shea Book/Page: 51176/67, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10367sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (04/09) 60 CAIRN RD......................................... $306,000 B: Jessica Pedraza S: Antonio Chaves & Dyllan Dosreis Book/Page: 51161/194, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $306,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9091sf Prior Sale: $187,500 (01/19) 52 CLARENCE ST.................................. $379,000 B: Aunnakalia Boyce S: Lisa M Oliveira Book/Page: 51169/113, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $372,135 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5371sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (12/08) 223 CLINTON ST U:8............................. $203,000 B: Brian D Buckley & Helena G Buckley S: Raquel Andrade-Thompson Book/Page: 51171/320, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $203,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $159,900 (05/09) 34 DAVIDS ST....................................... $156,450 B: Ambrose Props New Eng LLC S: Bank Of New York Book/Page: 51162/342, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: David Pasquale $240,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5920sf Prior Sale: $208,000 (06/18) 34 ELSIE RD.......................................... $349,000 B: Jason J Hayward S: James F Mclaughlin Book/Page: 51183/127, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Inland B&T $338,530 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11901sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (12/18) 32 FRED ST........................................... $275,000 B: Maria Dossantos S: Celidonio Francis E Est & Eric F Celidonio Book/Page: 51184/305, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $261,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5998sf 31 HOPE ST........................................... $300,000 B: Rachel L Quintanilla S: Lamy Investments LLC Book/Page: 51184/85, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Federal Savings Bank $307,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7200sf Prior Sale: $192,000 (12/18) 36 HUNT ST........................................... $350,000 B: Daniel Cabral & Rute Cabral S: Roberto S Amado Book/Page: 51170/183, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $280,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4948sf Prior Sale: $177,000 (05/10) 47 JACOB ST......................................... $279,000 B: Gregory J Burnett S: David M Irungu Book/Page: 51161/94, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $270,630 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8899sf Prior Sale: $206,395 (12/14) 83 JORDAN ST...................................... $329,000 B: Wilton D Correa & Andrea I Correa S: Ermelinda Pineda Book/Page: 51177/36, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $309,260 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 5558sf Prior Sale: $210,800 (11/12) 51 LEACH AVE....................................... $450,000 B: Antonio Monteiro S: Manuel T Buginga Jr & Jennifer L Buginga Book/Page: 51180/299, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $360,000 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 9579sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (03/99) 647 MAIN ST......................................... $875,000 B: Lopes Property Management S: Dahlborg-Macnevin Funeral Book/Page: 51173/312, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $700,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 35175sf 84 MALVERN RD................................... $170,000 B: Ambrose Props New Eng LLC S: Jason A Shampine Book/Page: 51193/106, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $176,250 (01/13) 5 MARGERY RD..................................... $436,000 B: Tanairys Cruz S: Sybil F Mason & Densel Danvill-Mason Book/Page: 51173/247, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $428,102 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 10402sf Prior Sale: $421,000 (07/18)

61 MARKET ST...................................... $600,000 B: TDC Realty LLC S: Ryan Gadles Tr, Tr for Vision Group RT Book/Page: 51187/222, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Stormfield Cptl Fndng $390,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6325sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (02/13) 13 MELROSE AVE.................................. $314,000 B: Stephanie Etienne S: Jessica L Sturgis & Diclecio S Correia Book/Page: 51161/242, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $308,312 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11583sf Prior Sale: $149,300 (11/01) 32 MILTON ST....................................... $340,000 B: Montinard R Blanchard S: Lincoln RE Invest&Mgmt Book/Page: 51178/307, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $333,841 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8930sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (09/13) 27 MOULTON ST.................................... $351,000 B: Jeffery Iverson & Cheryl L Lverson S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 51163/54, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Firstrust Bank $263,250 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6538sf Prior Sale: $256,500 (01/18) 98 N LEYDEN ST................................... $460,000 B: Marline E Moise & Jean K Moise S: Stephen J Mcduffy & Cheryl L Mcduffy Book/Page: 51173/270, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 12402sf 956 N MAIN ST...................................... $645,000 B: Bellerive Louis & Myriane Thadal S: Citywide RE Mgmt LLC Tr, Tr for 956 North Main Street RT Book/Page: 51158/1, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $598,500 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 11570sf Prior Sale: $178,000 (01/13) 8 N MANCHESTER ST........................... $460,000 B: Benvindo Barbosa S: Agnes Nichols Book/Page: 51179/175, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $450,732 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 1882sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (02/04) 2 N QUINCY ST...................................... $280,000 B: Marcell P Mitchell & Jackline R Mitchell S: Brunswick Beech Invests Book/Page: 51181/182, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $271,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12654sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (06/18) 16 NADIAS WAY.................................... $570,000 B: Lise Mckenzie S: Kandace Reece Book/Page: 51173/153, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $410,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18827sf Prior Sale: $506,900 (04/17) 685 OAK ST U:4..................................... $175,000 B: Ricardo Arocho S: Janet A Leydon Book/Page: 51180/80, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Shamrock Fncl Corp $166,250 Use: Condo 52 PATRIDGE DR................................... $365,000 B: Jean B Pascal & Mark F Pascal S: Scott Tierney Book/Page: 51178/254, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $334,248 284 PEARL ST....................................... $313,000 B: Michelle Taylor & Newell Taylor S: Barbara R Macdonald Book/Page: 51176/324, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $307,330 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10097sf 66 REGENT RD...................................... $299,900 B: Jean M Antoine S: Myly LLC Book/Page: 51170/96, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $294,467 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12031sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (07/18) 245 SAWTELL AVE................................ $72,500 B: RCA Development Inc S: Donald F Ryan Book/Page: 51182/219, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7919sf 36 SEWELL ST....................................... $427,000 B: John E Quarles S: Michael Haikal Tr, Tr for Maron RT Doc#: 000000785006, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $419,265 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 8133sf 123 SUMMER ST................................... $325,000 B: Samuel P Correia S: Lauren E Quinn Book/Page: 51166/266, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $315,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9357sf Prior Sale: $124,600 (02/09) 82 TALBOT ST....................................... $325,000 B: Erika C Christon S: Brent M Peterson & Dawn M Peterson Book/Page: 51159/142, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $315,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $249,900 (03/04) 17 TRENTON ST.................................... $339,000 B: Gregory Dixon & Saisy Dixon S: Christopher P Mcguire Book/Page: 51189/16, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Shamrock Fncl Corp $332,859 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9239sf Prior Sale: $297,500 (12/05) 248 W ELM ST U:2................................ $157,000 B: Antonio B Tavares & Maria F Tavares S: Ralph A Calderone Tr, Tr for Calderone RT Book/Page: 51170/116, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $57,000 (02/13) 1225 WARREN AVE............................... $420,000 B: Joao F Depina S: Antonio Delgado & Maria R Gomes Book/Page: 51177/98, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $412,392 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5545sf Prior Sale: $379,000 (05/04) 82 WELSFORD ST.................................. $474,000 B: Manuel Soto & Fulvio Nia S: Jose J Mendes & Carla G Mendes Book/Page: 51160/232, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $465,414 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $383,000 (12/15) 384 WEST ST......................................... $325,000 B: Shawn A Griffiths & Chrlene Victorino S: Timothy Christensen & Krystal Christensen Book/Page: 51177/156, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $315,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9357sf Prior Sale: $189,000 (03/12)

JUNE 17, 2019

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 419 MAIN ST U:5................................... B: MHFA S: Otis Edwards & MHFA Book/Page: 51180/28, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $194,900 (01/07)


Carver MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $333,500

YTD 2019 36 $330,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 66 MAIN ST U:4..................................... $135,000 B: JLK Realty&Development S: Lynda Nute Tr, Tr for Teddy Bear RT Book/Page: 51158/189, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $108,000 Use: Retail Condo Prior Sale: $195,000 (02/07) 104 MEADOW ST................................... $347,250 B: Daryl Shaw-Delancey & Gayle Delancy S: Ryan L Chandler & Lisa M Chandler Book/Page: 51177/81, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $340,960 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 66211sf Prior Sale: $274,000 (10/03) 23 RANSOM ST..................................... $345,000 B: Dale P Swartz Jr & Ashley M Swartz S: Marla A White Book/Page: 51175/168, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $338,751 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22500sf Prior Sale: $337,000 (04/18) 201-A&C TREMONT ST......................... $165,400 B: D R Warren Enterprises Lp S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 51159/177, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $425,799 (12/18)

Duxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 Median Price $680,000

YTD 2019 40 $590,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 71 BRICK HILL LN................................. $660,000 B: Tyler P Smith & Carol A Smith S: Stephen D Stayton & Nancy Stayton Book/Page: 51167/122, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $627,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (11/00) 142 DUCK HILL RD................................ $750,000 B: Devin M Russell & Meredith J Russell S: Laura W Dunn Tr, Tr for Dunn FT Book/Page: 51168/82, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $675,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 48712sf 19 ELM ST............................................. $385,000 B: Catherine A Cullen S: Parris Rebecca Est & Marla A Kelman Book/Page: 51188/4, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $185,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40436sf 1062 FRANKLIN ST............................... $525,000 B: William J Sheehan & Kelley E Sloane S: Trevor M Balboni & Colleen W Balboni Book/Page: 51173/221, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $498,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 41742sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (03/13) 56 GURNET RD...................................... $535,000 B: James Sullivan & Mary Sullivan S: Richard Obrien Tr, Tr for Gurnet Road 56 RT Book/Page: 51162/98, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $481,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4356sf 81 HIGHLAND TRL................................. $649,000 B: Kevin M Sullivan & Jill Sullivan S: William M Jamieson & Kimberly B Jamieson Book/Page: 51175/98, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $425,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40436sf Prior Sale: $572,000 (06/13) 51 HITTY TOM RD................................. $587,000 B: Alexander Maslennikov S: Gary D Leaverton & Paula M Leaverton Book/Page: 51164/197, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Sean Power $150,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 48712sf Prior Sale: $279,900 (10/99) 71 MARSHALL ST................................. $900,000 B: Kelly Frazier S: John J Lavoie & Mary E Lavoie Doc#: 000000784904, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $688,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30928sf 185 SOUTH ST....................................... $554,000 B: Christopher M Doyle & Nicole P Doyle S: Caralie C Ford Book/Page: 51172/231, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $443,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 46098sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (10/06) 232 SURPLUS ST................................... $720,000 B: Christopher D Dibona & Elena S Manning S: JRM Investment Rlty 2010 Book/Page: 51160/150, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $460,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 61344sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (11/16) 287 SURPLUS ST................................... $925,000 B: Thomas Dacey & Sarah Dacey S: Champion Builders Inc Book/Page: 51178/206, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $600,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $522,000 (11/18) 160 WEST ST......................................... $480,000 B: William M Jamieson 4th & Kimberly B Jamieson S: Andrew F Stout & Elizabeth Stout Book/Page: 51180/109, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TJC Mortgage Inc $384,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43049sf Prior Sale: $399,900 (07/17)

East Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $342,450

YTD 2019 36 $367,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 69 FRANKLIN ST................................... B: Kieran Lane & Stephenie Lane S: Norine M May Book/Page: 51173/89, Date: 05/31/19


©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

330 HARMONY XING............................. $330,000 B: Gary E Porter S: Robert A Mcneil Tr, Tr for Mcneil FT Book/Page: 51180/324, Date: 05/31/19 1326 PLYMOUTH ST.............................. $245,000 B: David C Mcsweeney Sr & Gail Mcsweney S: William Chandler Book/Page: 51176/97, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $220,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 29011sf Prior Sale: $225,500 (10/15) 5 SULLYS LN U:2A................................ $629,050 B: Eric Santiago & Kelly Santiago S: James J Kulle Sr Tr, Tr for Better Homes RT Book/Page: 51179/104, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mansfield Cp Bk $503,240 Type: Adj Use: Condo 150 THAYER AVE.................................. $369,900 B: Dean Shadley & Samantha Ford S: David M Beecy Book/Page: 51175/80, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $351,405 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 53143sf Prior Sale: $291,000 (10/03) 51 WASHINGTON ST............................. $470,000 B: Jonathan D Ferbert S: Judith A Ferbert & David E Ferbert Book/Page: 51188/348, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $423,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32670sf 639 WASHINGTON ST........................... $575,000 B: William G Conway & Deborah Conway S: Peter A Larsen & Debra J Larsen Book/Page: 51176/248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $325,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 114998sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (04/01)

Halifax MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $340,000

YTD 2019 25 $332,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 BUTTONWOOD RD............................ $265,000 B: James D Buirton S: George Whitcher Book/Page: 51174/159, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $257,050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $162,000 (05/11) 266 ELM ST........................................... $375,000 B: Bryan Mcnamara & Kimberly Schneider S: Mary F Hefler Tr, Tr for Charles H Hefler LT Book/Page: 51161/262, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $356,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 176854sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (07/09) 129 FRANKLIN ST................................. $365,000 B: Michael E Gammell & Alisha L Record S: Alyson M Sneyd & Robin L Pugsley Book/Page: 51181/153, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $358,388 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40000sf 80 LINGAN ST....................................... $216,000 B: Terri L Morris S: Terri L Morris Tr, Tr for Matthews T Book/Page: 51185/90, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $148,555 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10607sf 473 PLYMOUTH ST................................ $340,000 B: Kate Curreri & Jasoph M Thomas S: Marc J Roy & Kim R Roy Book/Page: 51158/52, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $328,652 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25380sf Prior Sale: $172,000 (10/99)

Hanover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $555,000

YTD 2019 39 $504,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 BRADFORD RD................................. $465,000 B: Steven M Lewis 2nd & Marissa Lewis S: Carolyn R Cleveland Book/Page: 51170/271, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $372,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 35178sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (08/06) 96 BROADWAY...................................... $490,000 B: Allison J Candura & Christopher P Candura S: Alyson L Chizauskas Book/Page: 51164/277, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $442,612 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 17859sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (04/08) 49 GROVE ST......................................... $510,000 B: Robert C Sleeth & Dianne A Sleeth S: Frederick J Freeman Book/Page: 51181/17, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $100,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (11/04) 21 LONGWOOD LN U:21........................ $612,078 B: Thomas Magee & Michelle T Magee S: FMNV Hanover Villages LLC Book/Page: 51159/1, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $309,900 Use: Condo 766 MAIN ST......................................... $825,000 B: Julia Ho S: Brian Cormican Tr, Tr for MH RT Book/Page: 51160/24, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Institution for Svgs $660,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 15184sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (04/17) 1010 MAIN ST....................................... $660,000 B: Joseph Pacella & Maria V Pacella S: Margaret M Pacella & Thomas J Pacella Book/Page: 51181/129, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $528,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 61855sf Prior Sale: $607,500 (05/05) 51 MILL ST U:2...................................... $315,000 B: Mark R Bossey Tr, Tr for 51 Mill Street U2 RT S: Mark Hanley Tr, Tr for Mill Street RT Book/Page: 51190/158, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $252,000 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $180,000 (05/97) 172 OLD TOWN WAY............................. $360,000 B: Mark Wolongevicz S: Wolongevicz May J Est & John J Wolongevicz Book/Page: 51180/280, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $286,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30056sf

28 WINSLOW DR................................... $699,000 B: Mari A Dibenedetto & Steven F Dibenedetto S: David M Degennaro & Carolyn A Degennaro Book/Page: 51191/115, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $559,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 51401sf Prior Sale: $374,200 (05/99)

Hanson MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $344,000

YTD 2019 22 $353,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 125 COUNTY RD.................................... $499,000 B: Mary Kinyariro S: Kathleen Nee Book/Page: 51179/299, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Home Bank $399,200 12 MONPONSETT ST............................ $1,850,000 B: 12 Hanson LLC S: 7-11 Inc Doc#: 000000785010, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: South Shore Bank $1,120,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 30231sf Prior Sale: $537,600 (12/04) 12 MONPONSETT ST............................ $1,850,000 B: 12 Hanson LLC S: 7-11 Inc Book/Page: 51192/229, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: South Shore Bank $880,000 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 30231sf Prior Sale: $537,600 (12/04) 94 PROGRESS WAY U:94...................... $457,500 B: James Bach Jr S: Barry N Greene & Angela M Greene Book/Page: 51165/126, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $457,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 177 SPRING ST..................................... $465,000 B: Thomas C Macadam & Claire Johnson-Macadam S: Patricia E Packard Book/Page: 51168/336, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $315,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 53579sf 103 STONEBRIDGE DR U:103............... $459,000 B: Judith Whitside Tr, Tr for Judith Whiteside T S: John G Mann Book/Page: 51176/208, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $259,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 75 UNION ST.......................................... $470,000 B: Daniel Marini & Hope Marini S: John B Buchanan & Shannon A Buchanan Book/Page: 51171/214, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $376,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60548sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (02/14) 894 WHITMAN ST................................. $310,000 B: American Bldg Realty LLC S: Hammond Robert W Est & Tracy L Cragin Book/Page: 51169/58, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 522720sf Prior Sale: $35,000 (01/99)

562 MAIN ST........................................ $2,672,000 B: Michael A Wirtz Tr, Tr for 562 Main Street T S: David J Wilson Tr, Tr for David&Amy Wilson FT Book/Page: 51166/136, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 51326sf Prior Sale: $2,550,000 (10/17) 8 MERRYMOUNT RD............................. $718,000 B: Stewart A Lewack Tr, Tr for Lewack LT S: Adam Larson & Kara Larson Book/Page: 51164/333, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: TIAA CREF T Co FSB $574,400 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7800sf Prior Sale: $489,000 (03/04) 182 NEWBRIDGE ST............................. $1,549,000 B: Jacob E Moore & Elizabeth A Moore S: 182 Newbridge LLC Book/Page: 51161/191, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,175,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 34304sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (02/18) 17 PILGRIM RD..................................... $485,000 B: Dale M Pederson & Elizabeth Redersen S: William B Livingston & Carole J Livingston Book/Page: 51174/8, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $388,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 12500sf 12 POND ST........................................... $991,500 B: Sarah W Shea S: Stephen R Bray Tr, Tr for Stephen R W Bray RET Book/Page: 51185/208, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32426sf 14 SEAL COVE RD................................ $4,650,000 B: Leonard Monfredo & Karin Monfred S: Charles J Flint Tr, Tr for Judith A Flint 2012 Gst T Book/Page: 51159/338, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 42614sf Prior Sale: $2,225,000 (08/05) 72 SHARP ST U:C12.............................. $255,000 B: BCA Realty LLC S: MMPG Realty LLC Book/Page: 51193/148, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Condo 10 SHIPYARD DR U:502....................... $1,160,000 B: Stephen E Krupski & Susan L Krupski S: Perry Back Shipyard LLC Book/Page: 51192/188, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $260,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 9 STONEGATE LN.................................. $750,000 B: Antonio A Araujo & Alyssa Thorvaldsen S: Tom J Thorvaldsen & Linda J Thorvaldsen Doc#: 000000784777, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $300,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28653sf 68 THAXTER ST..................................... $905,000 B: Bridgette Dean & Brian Dean S: Mark Banion & Phyllis A Kidder Book/Page: 51192/159, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $405,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 37699sf Prior Sale: $715,000 (08/11)



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $343,000



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $781,250



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 58 $765,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 ANDERSON RD................................... $623,000 B: Patricia P Emerson & Caroline Emerson-Dawey S: Roger Hill-Emerson Book/Page: 51174/128, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mid America Mtg $498,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27690sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (07/15) 17 BEL AIR RD..................................... $1,900,000 B: Joseph J Drummond & Kira S Drummond S: Vincent P Owens & Kerry A Owens Doc#: 000000784848, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $950,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21444sf Prior Sale: $1,335,000 (11/13) 19 BUCKET MILL LN............................. $925,000 B: Christopher R Barry & Kristina E Barry S: Wilkins Cynthia F Est & Edward F Fanjoy Book/Page: 51160/97, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $740,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 61344sf 87 CANTERBURY ST............................. $750,750 B: Blake K Thomas & Lindsey A Lecain S: Matthew Joyce Book/Page: 51169/27, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $675,595 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7750sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (12/15) 6 COLBY RD.......................................... $775,000 B: Ryan Miller & Margaret Miller S: Paul Corbett & Carol B Corbett Book/Page: 51183/205, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $658,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8974sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (11/04) 28 CROWES LN..................................... $1,055,000 B: Jeffrey S Mancuso & Larkin Manecuso S: Daniel Rodriguez & Christine Rodriguez Book/Page: 51189/48, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $688,860 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12525sf Prior Sale: $676,000 (08/14) 14 HERON WAY U:14............................ $1,190,000 B: John K Donelan & Martha C Doneham S: James F Prosper Tr, Tr for Prosper Mcdonnell RET Book/Page: 51171/26, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $800,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,099,256 (05/08) 19 HILLSIDE TER................................... $701,500 B: Daniel Pardini & Carlie Pardini S: Scott D Bennett & Katherine J Bennett Book/Page: 51186/144, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $561,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12536sf Prior Sale: $663,000 (04/17) 161 HMS HALSTED DR U:1304............ $1,300,000 B: Frederick W Taubert & Maureen A Taubert S: Gurcharan P Gill & Karen Gill Book/Page: 51174/63, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 10 KIMBALL BEACH RD........................ $550,000 B: Martin Haxhi & Riva Milloshi S: Urbati M Elenor Est & David Nardo Book/Page: 51176/269, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6257sf

YTD 2019 40 $385,000

338 BAY ST........................................... $315,000 B: Meng Q Wang & Songhua Cui S: Michael E Lee Book/Page: 51180/38, Date: 05/31/19 28 BELMONT ST.................................... $347,000 B: Brianna D Kelly & Sean L Perry S: James A Cannata Book/Page: 51181/54, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $340,714 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 7200sf 20 BERKLEY RD.................................... $440,900 B: Ben Maitland-Lewis & Britany Hayes S: Caroline M Wagner & John R Wagner Book/Page: 51162/55, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $432,913 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5250sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (10/02) 59 CLIFTON AVE................................... $1,399,000 B: Kevin G Donovan Tr, Tr for Stephenie Ldonovan T S: John W Mitchell Book/Page: 51165/154, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9200sf Prior Sale: $414,191 (12/15) 19 DRIFTWAY AVE............................... $1,700,000 B: Craig D Noble & Christina S Hoble S: William H Turpie & Joy J Turpie Book/Page: 51191/274, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7256sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (10/98) 13 E ST.................................................. $379,999 B: Edward A Frado & Sali-Jane C Frado S: Denise M Luther Book/Page: 51179/237, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $303,999 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3598sf Prior Sale: $277,750 (07/10) 6 FRONT ST........................................... $390,000 B: Kevin C Perry & Kasey Lombardo S: Glenn T Chavious Book/Page: 51181/296, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: MountainOne Bk $351,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6932sf Prior Sale: $327,500 (10/11) 8 HADASAH WAY.................................. $529,000 B: Harvey Wolf & Cathee Wolf S: Michael J Viola Book/Page: 51174/3, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7000sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (10/05) 2 MARINA DR U:2................................. $370,775 B: David A Kellem S: Nancy R Casemiro & Eryk C Casemiro Book/Page: 51178/59, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $296,620 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $319,500 (06/02) 90 N TRURO ST..................................... $385,000 B: Charles E Simmons 3rd & Ashley L Meehan S: Lyons Francis C Jr Est & Thomas C Lyons Doc#: 000000784958, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $365,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7665sf 9 PARK AVE U:301................................ $310,000 B: Vladimir Baranov S: Andrea J Sacco Book/Page: 51167/48, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Superior Funding Corp $294,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $265,500 (11/10) 18 Q ST.................................................. $429,000 B: Gerald Padilla & Patricia E Padilla S: Jason G Myette Book/Page: 51187/190, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $386,100 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5050sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (12/16)

38 WHITEHEAD AVE.............................. B: Michael E Hickey S: Atherton Whitehead LLC Book/Page: 51185/322, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $430,148 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 2941sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (09/04)


Kingston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 49 Median Price $385,000

YTD 2019 38 $433,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 CLINTON TER..................................... $585,000 B: Robert P Boyle & Catherine A Boyle S: Stephen A Mcdonald & Joanne M Mcdonald Book/Page: 51159/79, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $230,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30056sf 12 EAGLE DR......................................... $238,900 B: Kenda A Cluff S: High Pines LLC Book/Page: 51171/134, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $230,433 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 6970sf 47 HOWLANDS LN................................. $425,000 B: Robert M Markon & Liza D Markon S: Alexander Mitchell & Ashley Mitchell Book/Page: 51174/36, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (10/14) 65 PEMBROKE ST................................. $205,775 B: Scott Denicola S: MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 51184/166, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $186,680 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26136sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (04/99) 167 PEMBROKE ST............................... $385,000 B: David Currier S: Brendan M Burke & Kathleen Y Burke Book/Page: 51170/213, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $346,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 110642sf 28 RIVERSIDE DR.................................. $359,900 B: Dana J Govoni & Renee A Govoni S: Margaret A Morris Book/Page: 51181/70, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $353,380 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 48787sf 6 SMITHS LN......................................... $260,000 B: Kent M Archer & Amy A Archer S: Sandra Bartlett Book/Page: 51162/37, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $252,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 24394sf 13 SMITHS LN....................................... $356,000 B: Elliot A Parke & Sandra J Inglis S: Eric L Westwater Book/Page: 51169/3, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $284,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 43124sf Prior Sale: $277,000 (09/09) 8 TREETOP LN U:1................................. $242,000 B: Anthea E Dimond S: Carolyn M Inglis Tr, Tr for Sandjule RT Book/Page: 51165/165, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $181,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $262,500 (04/05)







Marion MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $357,450

YTD 2019 20 $451,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 BAYBERRY LN.................................. $865,000 B: Caitlin O Camara S: Frank G Shirley & Elizabeth Kirke Book/Page: 51172/35, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $565,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 19840sf Prior Sale: $560,000 (12/05) 252 CONVERSE RD................................ $390,000 B: Aele G Sands & John E Martin S: Daniels Margaret C Est & Richard P Daniels Doc#: 000000784900, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $312,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 65663sf 159 CROSS NECK RD............................ $555,000 B: Peter M Levine S: Greg M Mills & Stasha H Mills Book/Page: 51178/139, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $444,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 65227sf 105 FRONT ST...................................... $1,295,000 B: Helenka Hopkins-Nolan & Robert C Nolan S: James S Cunningham Tr, Tr for Helen E Cunningham T Book/Page: 51170/318, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $647,500 Type: Adj Use: 1-Family, Lot: 14680sf Prior Sale: $680,000 (07/15)

Marshfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 65 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2019 97 $439,900


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $304,500

39 NACHAOMET RD.............................. B: Brian M Adams & Jessica Adms S: Edward J Fallo & Mary V Fallo Book/Page: 51176/143, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $423,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 70000sf Prior Sale: $82,000 (06/99) 123 PRECINCT ST................................. B: Alexander W Seibert & Sarah J Thomas S: Nynelyon Inc Book/Page: 51178/111, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $313,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $146,000 (09/18) 7 RUSTIC DR......................................... B: American Property Invets S: Peter G Fuller & Barry O Fuller Book/Page: 51176/340, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 7500sf 8 S KINGMAN ST................................... B: David J Cropley & Nicole A Cropley S: Ruth M Kidnay Doc#: 000000784855, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 70000sf Prior Sale: $217,200 (11/00) 34 S KINGMAN ST................................. B: Nicholas Camacho & Taylor Alfonse S: Timothy D Pope & Jamie L Pope Book/Page: 51173/44, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $301,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 82632sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (07/07)

YTD 2019 35 $369,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 CAPTAINS WAY................................ $399,000 B: Andria Kieffer & Patrick Stapleton S: Linda Santos Tr, Tr for Lillian Sullivan T Book/Page: 51160/187, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $391,773 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 34850sf 90 COUNTY ST....................................... $520,000 B: Diana L Chaffalo & Michael C Deroy S: Thomas W Bodnar & Joanne Bodnar Book/Page: 51173/330, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $468,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 166268sf Prior Sale: $436,250 (10/09) 35 CROSS ST......................................... $360,000 B: Joshua Reis & Mallory Reis S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 51178/280, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $324,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (01/00) 35 CROSS ST......................................... $360,000 B: Joshua Reis & Mallory Reis S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 51178/280, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (01/00) 140 HOWLAND RD................................ $574,000 B: Stephen J Bernat & Lauren N Bernat S: Bryan K Anderson & Kristine M Anderson Book/Page: 51165/279, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $374,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 134904sf Prior Sale: $519,900 (04/17) 30 LEBARON BLVD U:30....................... $390,000 B: Alan C Edwards & Roberta J Edwards S: Kenneth F Denham Book/Page: 51159/123, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $240,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $349,000 (06/08) 1 LIBERTY LN........................................ $25,000 B: William J Mcnamara Jr Tr, Tr for William Jmcnamara T S: Subon Co Book/Page: 51161/27, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 70000sf 3 LIBERTY LN........................................ $25,000 B: William J Mcnamara Jr Tr, Tr for William Jmcnamara T S: Subon Co Book/Page: 51161/27, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 70000sf 5 LIBERTY LN........................................ $25,000 B: William J Mcnamara Jr Tr, Tr for William Jmcnamara T S: Subon Co Book/Page: 51161/27, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 70000sf 7 LIBERTY LN........................................ $25,000 B: William J Mcnamara Jr Tr, Tr for William Jmcnamara T S: Subon Co Book/Page: 51161/27, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 77841sf

28 10TH RD........................................... $290,000 B: Paul F Herlihy & Carolm Herlihy S: Richard J Herlihy Tr, Tr for Herlihy RT Book/Page: 51170/302, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 6 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 3600sf 1026 CARESWELL ST............................ $549,900 B: Emily B Nabors S: James Lehane 3rd & Erin Lehane Doc#: 000000784869, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47480sf Prior Sale: $405,750 (05/09) COVE ST................................................ $41,500 B: Thomas Brooks & Shannon Brooks S: Jeff D Howard Tr, Tr for Ram RT Book/Page: 51168/202, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 7300sf 22 COVE ST........................................... $420,000 B: Thomas Brooks & Shannon Brooks S: Jeff D Howard Tr, Tr for Saint Zita RT Book/Page: 51168/255, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $336,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 1515sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (07/07) 323 FERRY ST....................................... $454,000 B: Jennifer L Coyle S: Marilyn S Nee Tr, Tr for Marilyn S Nee RET Book/Page: 51156/338, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $332,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50094sf 16 FURNACE ST.................................... $600,000 B: Kevin D Kelleher & Rebecca J Crompton S: Kerin E Sulllivan & Beverly Sullivan Doc#: 000000784877, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $570,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 68389sf Prior Sale: $599,000 (07/15) 44 JAYNA WAY..................................... $455,000 B: Michael W Manning & Jacqulyn A Manning S: Susan A Bocchino & Adam Bocchino Book/Page: 51159/235, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $416,666 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21496sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (08/99) 62 LANDING RD..................................... $610,000 B: Frank R Aikens S: John E Cole Book/Page: 51176/308, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $579,975 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 22552sf 8 LIBERTY RD........................................ $475,000 B: David R Baker & Janice Baker S: Property Buyers LLC Book/Page: 51169/222, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $466,396 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 23800sf Prior Sale: $289,000 (12/18) 34 MASSASOIT AVE.............................. $370,625 B: Kristin M Dewey S: William F Nicholson & Barbara J Nicholson Book/Page: 51180/61, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $315,030 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5000sf 1804 OCEAN ST..................................... $325,000 B: Baljinder Singh & Talvinder Kaur S: Baljinder Singh Tr, Tr for Jagjit RT Book/Page: 51177/176, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Retail-service, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (02/07)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

678 PLAIN ST U:4A............................... $165,000 B: Alexandra M Tepper S: Meghan C Greco & Michael J Farrell Book/Page: 51180/127, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TJC Mortgage Inc $160,050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $176,000 (08/04) 980 PLAIN ST U:12................................ $135,000 B: Bryan E Warner S: Erica H Pollard Book/Page: 51177/179, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $101,250 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $86,500 (11/08) 126 PLEASANT ST................................. $552,000 B: Andrew D Wierman & Mary A Matnell S: Martin L Desmond & Susan J Desmond Book/Page: 51176/231, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $441,600 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf 240 PRINCE ROGERS WAY................... $820,000 B: Stephanie J Reinertsen & Anters J Reinertsen S: Gail A Oconnell & Stephen M Oconnell Book/Page: 51159/99, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $656,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 57935sf 639 S RIVER ST..................................... $669,900 B: Michael G Bradley & Nicole A Bradley S: Francis J Dewey 3rd & Kristin Dewey Book/Page: 51179/211, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $569,415 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22228sf Prior Sale: $579,900 (09/04) 17 SOUTH ST......................................... $550,000 B: Brian West & Tracy West S: Betty J Fucillo Tr, Tr for Betty J Fucillo RET Book/Page: 51172/268, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $440,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2780sf 11 SPYGLASS LANDING DR U:11......... $529,900 B: Gregory T Niland & Madeleine A Niland S: Robin A Demarco & Cecilia Fagan Book/Page: 51167/243, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $423,920 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $499,900 (08/18) 15 TEMPLE RD...................................... $330,000 B: Christopher J Loconte S: Bruce A Nieuwkoop & L A Napolitano-Nieuwkoop Book/Page: 51158/318, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $297,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (01/12) 122 WASHINGTON AVE......................... $479,900 B: Daniel T Corcoran & Lauryn E Corcoran S: Michael G Bradley & Nichole A Bradley Book/Page: 51177/53, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $455,905 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $376,000 (06/06) 71 WEBSTER AVE.................................. $430,000 B: Francis J Dewey 3rd S: Kevin L Devito Tr, Tr for Devito FT Book/Page: 51180/187, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $351,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (06/10)

Mattapoisett MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 19 Median Price $380,000

YTD 2019 25 $445,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BOWMAN RD......................................... $510,000 B: Next Grid Patriots LLC S: Frederick K Macleod Book/Page: 51169/257, Date: 05/30/19 49 BRANDT BEACH AVE....................... $375,000 B: Valdas Jurkauskas & Melody M Jukauskas S: Richard E Flynn Book/Page: 51159/162, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $160,500 (04/98) 9 CHANNING RD.................................... $540,000 B: Bruce W Larson S: Matthew G Murray Tr, Tr for Lois A Murray IRT Book/Page: 51160/83, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15159sf MATTAPOISETT NECK RD..................... $825,000 B: David Monteiro & Lois Monteiro S: Donald P Farwell & Beverly M Farwell Book/Page: 51172/128, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Donald P Farwell $760,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 83200sf 31 NORTH ST......................................... $650,000 B: Susan C Schenker & Richard C Schenker S: Mary M Schubert Book/Page: 51186/344, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Baxter CU $320,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 14945sf 38 PROSPECT RD.................................. $390,000 B: Kerin A Mckinnon S: Paul M August Book/Page: 51170/235, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $366,600 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19662sf Prior Sale: $259,000 (10/09)

Middleboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 68 Median Price $314,500

YTD 2019 58 $331,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 BARROWS ST..................................... $250,000 B: Bradley M Osborne S: Angela Chin Tr, Tr for Fonda RET Book/Page: 51159/315, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Angela S Chin $225,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $104,000 (07/12) 9 BASKING RDG U:9.............................. $265,100 B: Nicole E Dasilva S: Andria L Kieffer Book/Page: 51160/50, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Harvard University CU $243,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $190,000 (04/16) 224 EVERETT ST................................... $215,000 B: Aspen Properties Invests S: FNMA Book/Page: 51178/229, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cuttysark Capital LLC $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 134450sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/18) 15 GIBBS RD......................................... $335,000 B: D Barnhardt-Vantran 3rd & Nicole M Walton S: Patrick M Taylor Book/Page: 51179/128, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $328,932 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (07/17)




72 HOLTON WAY................................... $639,950 B: Eileen Bendiksen S: Malloch Construction Co Doc#: 000000784841, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $300,000 83 INDIAN MEADOW RD....................... $454,900 B: Eric Wass S: Michael P Oshaughessy Tr, Tr for 83 Indian Meadow Road RT Book/Page: 51167/266, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $416,574 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 111363sf Prior Sale: $407,000 (08/16) 8 N GROVE ST....................................... $185,000 B: Really Sharp Realty LLC S: Catherine M Polk Tr, Tr for 8 North Grove RT Book/Page: 51166/244, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $148,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $248,970 (11/01) 88 PEARL ST......................................... $370,000 B: Kevin B Bennett 2nd & Elysse M Benett S: Peter J Foley Jr & Kiaya L Foley Book/Page: 51177/139, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $296,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $283,900 (06/14)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $590,000

YTD 2019 33 $614,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 68 CHITTENDEN LN............................... $657,000 B: Eric D Horowitz & Mary A Horwitz S: Brendan T Murray & Julie Murray Book/Page: 51174/69, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $580,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 58370sf Prior Sale: $560,000 (05/12) 191 HIGH ST.......................................... $396,000 B: Eric R Chalmers S: Eric D Horowitz & Mary A Horowitz Book/Page: 51167/294, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $388,827 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19166sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (03/16) 908 MAIN ST........................................ $1,080,000 B: Raymond Therrien S: William W Dromeshauser & Stephanie R Dromeshauser Book/Page: 51171/293, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $972,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 59677sf Prior Sale: $770,000 (04/06) 17 MAY ELM LN.................................... $665,000 B: Clement M Herve-Fourny & Vanessa Khony S: John H Hayes & Amy VanHam-Hayes Book/Page: 51178/274, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 121532sf Prior Sale: $622,500 (07/11) 51 SIMON HILL RD................................ $615,000 B: Peter A Lynch & Mckenzie S Lynch S: George R Atkinson Tr, Tr for Meredith O Atkinson T Book/Page: 51181/276, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $522,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (02/05) 11 SOUTH ST......................................... $469,000 B: Adam J Riccio S: Cornelius J Connolly Book/Page: 51186/207, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Conway Financial Svcs $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 45302sf Prior Sale: $242,000 (12/00) 299 SOUTH ST....................................... $585,000 B: Jeremy Starr & Kacie Odonnell S: Russell B Fox Book/Page: 51190/265, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $468,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $272,000 (12/99) 156 TIFFANY RD.................................... $480,000 B: David Hutton S: Leonard D Taylor 3rd Tr, Tr for Leonard D Taylor 3rd T Book/Page: 51169/336, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $384,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (03/00)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $388,000

YTD 2019 46 $379,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 60 CRANBERRY RD............................... $370,000 B: Matthew J Holtz & Yael N Holtz S: Robert M Hall Doc#: 000000784942, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Poppy Bank $296,000 Use: 2-Family Ranch, Lot: 46130sf 7 INDIAN TRL........................................ $80,000 B: Frank Archibald S: John D Mcgarrell & Diane K Mcgarrell Book/Page: 51166/5, Date: 05/30/19 131 INDIAN TRL.................................... $335,000 B: Casey Robinson-Archacki & Raquel A Hammond S: Derek C Stearns Book/Page: 51185/106, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $301,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (01/17) 20 IRONWOOD RD................................. $641,545 B: Sabrina Mainini S: Copperwood Circle Bldrs Doc#: 000000784782, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $481,150 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 12199sf 549 MATTAKEESETT ST........................ $575,000 B: Seymour Lucien & Jean R Ricot S: Partners Choice Props LLC Book/Page: 51160/279, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $564,585 Use: 3-Family Antique, Lot: 29512sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (05/18) 93 OAK ST............................................. $370,000 B: Caden B Collins & Kelley M Collins S: Michael Logan & Amanda Logan Book/Page: 51167/83, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $377,955 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 42500sf Prior Sale: $228,000 (01/13) 32 PIERCE DR........................................ $500,000 B: Michael J Logan & Amanda I Logan S: Charles J Cobbett & Derryl L Cobbett Book/Page: 51167/105, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 29376sf 188 PLEASANT ST................................. $250,000 B: Ruth Mcgee Tr, Tr for 188 Pleasant Street RT S: Christopher R Coelho Book/Page: 51179/266, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40362sf Prior Sale: $234,000 (03/17)

235 PLYMOUTH ST................................ B: Christina M Mustone S: Robert E Lane Jr & Cheryl A Lane Book/Page: 51168/205, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $498,000 Use: 2-Family Cape Cod, Lot: 40000sf 194 SCHOOSETT ST.............................. B: Shelly M Pitts & Matthew R Pitts S: Mark E Ridlon Book/Page: 51187/163, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $360,000 Use: 1-Family Ranch, Lot: 25000sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (01/17) 9 SHEILA RD.......................................... B: Brandon V Sanders S: Michael Gammell & Alisha Record Book/Page: 51175/216, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $240,562 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4457sf Prior Sale: $196,000 (09/14)




Plymouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 218 Median Price $347,450

YTD 2019 184 $367,231

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 56 BAY SHORE DR................................ $581,000 B: Scott W Estabrooks & Susan P Estabrooks S: Stephen M Franzino Tr, Tr for Franzino RET Book/Page: 51180/237, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $464,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16988sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (04/06) 46 BIRMINGHAM................................... $540,899 B: Betsy F Johnson & William M Johnson S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 51176/27, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 6012sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (12/17) 47 BIRMINGHAM ST U:11-356............. $536,414 B: David S Smith & Maureen T Smith S: Pulte Homes Of New Eng Book/Page: 51165/112, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 29 BRIGGS AVE..................................... $213,000 B: Joan M Cavacco S: Jennifer M Avitabile Doc#: 000000784821, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $181,050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $217,000 (11/04) 10 CENTRAL AVE.................................. $284,000 B: Michael S Cole & Carly A Hayes S: Yona L Vincent Book/Page: 51184/283, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Stephen Certa $287,247 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $189,900 (07/07) 70 CLAM PUDDING............................... $525,000 B: Janet C Strecker S: George Wood & Gail Wood Book/Page: 51164/60, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $150,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 7426sf Prior Sale: $421,290 (08/13) 49-55 CORDAGE TER............................ $670,000 B: Todd D Amelang & Veronica D Amelang S: Tara L Wakefield Tr, Tr for Cordage Terrace NT Book/Page: 51171/249, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $502,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 28245sf 319-R COURT ST................................... $150,000 B: Pamela J Maceachern Tr, Tr for Mitchell FT S: Philipl Goduti Tr, Tr for Profit Sharing Pln Mstr T Book/Page: 51192/77, Date: 06/04/19 47 DANFORTH LN U:16-1...................... $491,919 B: Susan F Buckley S: Summer Reach LLC Book/Page: 51190/28, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $368,939 Use: Condo 96 DEREK DR........................................ $516,500 B: Christopher M Destefano & Tara M Welsh S: Ray Perez & Sandra F Thomas Book/Page: 51167/209, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $309,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 67916sf Prior Sale: $459,900 (02/04) 15 DWIGHT AVE.................................... $460,000 B: Caralie C Ford S: Antonia M Serena Book/Page: 51190/292, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $345,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21307sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (06/06) 80 ELLISVILLE DR................................. $278,000 B: Susan A Bocchino S: Chase Elaine C Est & John M Chase Doc#: 000000784724, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $224,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (10/97) 21 FRESH POND AVE............................ $250,000 B: John P Feeney Jr S: Anne-Marie Feeney & John P Feeney Doc#: 000000784719, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $157,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (08/07) 79 HATHERLY RISE U:79....................... $685,606 B: Tom P Thorvaldsen & Linda H Thorvaldsen S: Hatherly Rise LLC Book/Page: 51165/324, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 6 HENLOE GRN U:6................................ $595,000 B: Thomas Iredale S: Jacqueline Hughes Tr, Tr for Jacqueline A Hughes LT Book/Page: 51170/346, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $345,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $525,000 (05/11) 24 HIGHLAND TER U:2416.................... $384,000 B: Robert F Feeney Tr, Tr for Robert F Feeney LT S: George W Devillafranca Tr, Tr for G W Devillafranca RET Doc#: 000000784835, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $157,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $372,000 (06/10) 30 HIGHLAND TER U:3014.................... $357,000 B: Albert A Smith Jr & Deirdre M Smith S: David Drake & Richard Drake Doc#: 000000784689, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $339,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $176,185 (03/98) 37 HILLSIDE DR.................................... $38,500 B: Joseph F Costa 3rd S: Costa Joseph F Est & Thomas P Killoran Doc#: 000000784978, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 5227sf 68 HOLBECK COR U:68......................... $450,000 B: Robert J Keegan Tr, Tr for Robert J Keegan RET S: Robert J Keegan Tr, Tr for Dianne J Keegan T Book/Page: 51174/289, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Robert J Keegan $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $492,000 (09/05)

25 HOWLAND ST U:6............................. $565,000 B: Frederick Casinelli S: 25 Howland St LLC Book/Page: 51171/344, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $452,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 24 JANEBAR CIR................................... $359,000 B: Tadd P Martin & Kerrin A Harris S: Craig E Odonnell Book/Page: 51189/132, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $366,718 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15274sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (05/18) 11 JAYNES ST....................................... $176,100 B: Atac Inc S: Mary E Oconnor Book/Page: 51172/212, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9148sf 30 KENWOOD DR.................................. $253,050 B: WHM Capital LLC S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Doc#: 000000784930, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 24356sf 29 LAKEWOOD DR................................. $325,000 B: Krystal Landry S: Daniela Lords Doc#: 000000784887, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $319,113 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (09/04) 4 MARC DR U:4C5................................. $175,000 B: Joseph L Alcarez S: Robert E Wyatt Tr, Tr for Robert E Wyatt RET Book/Page: 51186/240, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Washington Mtg Co $131,250 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $135,000 (03/10) 71 MENOTOMY RD................................ $670,000 B: Jonathan Weber-Lanstein S: Lois M Badwan Tr, Tr for Lois M Badwan 2009 T Book/Page: 51181/323, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $603,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf 17 MILES CT U:17................................. $525,000 B: Meranda M Dickey & Stephen S Ferguson S: Spectrum Homes Inc Book/Page: 51174/339, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $472,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 17 NAMELOC RD................................... $359,900 B: Kerry M Talbot S: Marcia L Galavotti Book/Page: 51159/213, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $305,915 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $243,900 (11/13) 80 NAUTICAL WAY................................ $699,900 B: Thomas Carvalho S: Absolute Bldg Consultants Book/Page: 51183/225, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $629,910 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 85959sf Prior Sale: $146,900 (11/18) 10 NORTH ST U:2A................................ $170,000 B: Christine Silva S: Mary M Cotter-Hurst Tr, Tr for Mary M Cotter Hurst RET Book/Page: 51193/199, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Condo 11 PRIEST RD........................................ $260,000 B: SJC Consulting Group Inc S: Kirk B Littlefield & Kirt B Littlefield Book/Page: 51172/217, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 24356sf 428 RAYMOND RD................................ $430,500 B: Nicole P Farrag S: Ora J Harris Doc#: 000000784883, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Navy FCU $438,033 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27841sf Prior Sale: $364,790 (12/02) 21 RIVER FARM RD............................... $770,000 B: Ray Perez & Sandra F Thomas S: Richard C Donoghue & Kathleen A Donoghue Book/Page: 51168/107, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $616,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 51799sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (08/15) 11 RIVER ST.......................................... $417,000 B: Patricia A Ahern S: Dorothy A Appleton Tr, Tr for Appleton FT Book/Page: 51170/51, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $237,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18731sf 207 SAMOSET ST U:A12....................... $148,000 B: Keith A Russell S: Devereaux Eva F Est & Steven M Devereaux Book/Page: 51162/20, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $146,900 (06/04) 3 SHERIDAN DR.................................... $425,000 B: Keith C Pearson & Kelly W Pearson S: Helen B Kindy Book/Page: 51175/126, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $375,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 21743sf 5 SMITH TER......................................... $270,000 B: Carl A Donaldson S: Emily Dewire-Sbragia Book/Page: 51180/167, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $265,109 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (07/06) 28 SNAPPING BOW............................... $669,674 B: Paul D Mcdonald S: Toll MA Land LP Book/Page: 51177/345, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TBI Mortgage Co $484,350 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 7177sf 1474 STATE RD..................................... $360,000 B: Stephen A Mcdonald & Joannnem Mcdonald S: Peter Hacunda & Teresa M Hacunda Book/Page: 51160/302, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Home Mtg $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33939sf 43 STRAWBERRY HILL RD.................... $332,000 B: Russell W Corsini 3rd & Erin R Obrien S: Eric W Savard Book/Page: 51180/343, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $325,986 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (04/14) 228 VALLEY RD..................................... $720,000 B: Richard C Donoghue & Kathleen A Donoghue S: John W Brister & Susan Brister Book/Page: 51170/145, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $165,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 172460sf Prior Sale: $749,900 (08/05) 17 WALKING STICK............................... $596,600 B: Robert W Vick & Suzanne M Vick S: Barefoot Cottage LLC Book/Page: 51166/47, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 6511sf Prior Sale: $197,000 (12/18) 8 WHITE CLOVER TRL........................... $483,025 B: Paul Giaquinto & Marilyn Giaquinto S: Valle Redbrook LLC Book/Page: 51161/46, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $461,800 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10596sf

JUNE 17, 2019

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 15 WRENS NEST U:15........................... $571,500 B: Peoples United Bank NA S: Morton J Nussbaum & Peoples United Bank NA Book/Page: 51188/316, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 Median Price $397,450

YTD 2019 13 $424,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 BISBEE DR U:7................................... $305,000 B: Anne V Garvey S: Michael P Stevens Tr, Tr for Joanne Ceurvels FT Book/Page: 51173/20, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 35 BRADFORD LN................................. $429,000 B: Jason J Obrebski S: Joseph Leahy & Sara Leahy Book/Page: 51177/242, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $443,157 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 69260sf Prior Sale: $321,500 (10/13) 4 COMSTOCK PL................................... $520,000 B: Joseph D Obrien & Kelly Nogueira S: Keith J Riquinha & Stacey Riquinha Book/Page: 51174/220, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $475,534 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40510sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (01/13) 53 MARION RD...................................... $675,000 B: Keith J Riqunha & Stacey M Riquinha S: Thomas G Etheridge Tr, Tr for Etheridge LT Book/Page: 51177/117, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $585,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 47045sf Prior Sale: $567,000 (08/14) 356 NECK RD........................................ $370,000 B: Caileigh P Stearns S: Nancy J Fuller Tr, Tr for Fuller RET Book/Page: 51178/186, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $296,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 1260191sf Prior Sale: $11,000 (08/18) 1009 WALNUT PLAIN RD...................... $380,000 B: Michael A Oliver S: Stephen M Sadeck & Tiffany P Sadeck Book/Page: 51175/235, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $280,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 108900sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (08/15)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $335,000

YTD 2019 45 $345,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 BOXBERRY LN U:11......................... B: Sheila A Sechoka S: Chelsea Riccio Book/Page: 51165/214, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $223,210 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 381586sf Prior Sale: $213,000 (10/14) 34 BOXBERRY LN U:34......................... B: Patrick J Ellis & Julie Cavanaugh S: Jason P Trechok Book/Page: 51177/77, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 381586sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (05/07) 41 BOXBERRY LN U:41......................... B: Catherine V Yuen S: Kimberly A Rich Book/Page: 51179/279, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $220,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 381586sf Prior Sale: $242,000 (07/16) 88 BOXBERRY LN U:88......................... B: Christine M Rose S: Sean T Obrien & Nicole Obrien Book/Page: 51167/1, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $231,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 381586sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (12/05) 340 CENTRE AVE U:13.......................... B: Abhishek Sharma & Pranita Mainali S: Marie F Connolly Book/Page: 51169/63, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $246,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 872507sf Prior Sale: $133,000 (01/98) 103 GROVE ST U:333............................ B: Robert Gobeil S: Muktar Yakubu Book/Page: 51158/26, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 194713sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (10/17) 20 HOBART LN U:20.............................. B: Leanne Rich S: Cheryl A Scolamiero Book/Page: 51170/21, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Washington Mtg Co $208,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 909533sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (06/12) 282 MONCRIEF RD................................ B: Amy Patten S: William J Kaszanek & Mary L Kaszanek Book/Page: 51169/279, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $315,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8500sf 282 SALEM ST...................................... B: James A Connolly S: Michael P Keenan & Laurie-Ann Keenan Book/Page: 51160/338, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $321,070 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 23347sf Prior Sale: $271,500 (06/04) 356 W WATER ST.................................. B: Angela M Greene & Barry N Greene S: Derek Mariani & Marie A Mariani Book/Page: 51167/339, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $426,214 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 57935sf








Wareham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 95 Median Price $250,000





MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 72 Median Price $552,500

10 BELL TOWER LN............................... $495,000 B: Kyle Brien S: Jonathan J Cassidy & Cynthia M Anderson Book/Page: 51168/20, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $325,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25421sf Prior Sale: $448,700 (04/17) 6 CLIFF ESTATES RD U:B...................... $720,000 B: John Hayes & Amy Hayes S: Kevin M Curtin & Patricia L Curtain Book/Page: 51179/150, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $576,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $585,000 (11/09) 23 EDITH HOLMES DR........................... $510,000 B: Keir M Spellman & Caolyn J Spellman S: Jason C Butterworth & Jill T Butterworth Book/Page: 51174/248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $492,826 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21867sf Prior Sale: $393,000 (11/07) 53 FOREST LN U:53............................... $660,000 B: Timothy J Shevlin Jr & Suzanne M Shevlin S: Ralph E Berry 3rd Book/Page: 51169/301, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $730,000 (04/06) 134 GANNETT RD.................................. $799,000 B: Thomas C Leahy & Kate R Leahy S: Leo X Dwyer Jr & Judith T Dwyer Book/Page: 51177/315, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Boston Private Bank $549,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 27007sf Prior Sale: $690,000 (08/08) 66 GLADES RD U:5................................ $425,000 B: Dennis P Mcbride & Patricia Mcbride S: William F Waters Tr, Tr for Waters Hidden Cove RT Book/Page: 51191/298, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: CU Members Mortgage $318,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 417 HATHERLY RD................................ $440,000 B: Sean Chase & Nicole Chrostowski S: Edward Collins Book/Page: 51187/270, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $352,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 10193sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (02/00) 7 MILTON ST......................................... $500,000 B: Kevin P Mcgoff & Edward M Fopiano S: Paul Hehir Doc#: 000000784733, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $400,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3180sf 12 OLD FARM RD.................................. $520,000 B: Gregory A Ross & Kelly S Ross S: Maureen Restuccia Book/Page: 51193/76, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $370,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $181,500 (02/98) 36 OTIS PL............................................ $664,000 B: Charles Perfetuo & Kerry A Perfetuo S: Michelle L Gregory Book/Page: 51192/103, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: MountainOne Bk $1,147,200 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15507sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (04/05) 8 RACHELS WAY U:8............................. $585,000 B: Jason P Cunnane Tr, Tr for 183 Beach St RT S: Jonathan J Choi Book/Page: 51160/87, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $505,900 (05/16) 9 RIVERVIEW PL.................................... $480,000 B: Catherine Callanan S: Joan S Dorr Book/Page: 51161/279, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (06/15) 9 RIVERVIEW PL.................................... $570,000 B: Culhane P Doyle & Bethany Doyle S: Ryan N Meyers & Marisa S Lauria Book/Page: 51178/348, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TJC Mortgage Inc $484,350 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (05/19) 26 SUMMER ST..................................... $820,000 B: Brandon M Bushey & Olivia N Handerek S: Gary Meyerson & Anne Meyerson Doc#: 000000784805, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $656,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24117sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (11/14) 126 TURNER RD.................................... $720,000 B: Jeffrey J Lance Tr, Tr for Jeff&Wendy Lance LT S: Michael A Adams Tr, Tr for Michael Anthony Adams LT Book/Page: 51179/326, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $576,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2788sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (07/97)

YTD 2019 67 $575,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 349 1ST PARISH RD.............................. $649,000 B: Abraham Ceesay S: Raymond Therrien & Christy Fiorentino Book/Page: 51171/196, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bridgewater Svgs Bk $616,550 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 34600sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (06/15) 768 1ST PARISH RD.............................. $686,000 B: Lyman B Kirpatrick Tr, Tr for Highland Street T S: Barbara M Berger Book/Page: 51186/330, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 63162sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (08/03)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2019 112 $255,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27 ANDREWS ST................................... $230,000 B: Dawn Tenney Tr, Tr for Tenney INT S: Janice Mirabito & Joanne Young Book/Page: 51192/19, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3430sf 3 BERTINO ST....................................... $259,900 B: James Kazuschyk & Deborah Kazusch S: Property Renovations LLC Book/Page: 51168/286, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $239,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 8300sf Prior Sale: $169,000 (01/19) BURGESS POINT SHORES RD............... $110,000 B: Buzzards Bay Coalition S: Norman R Beauregard Tr, Tr for John C Decas IRT 2012 Book/Page: 51163/303, Date: 05/30/19 11 CIRCUIT AVE.................................... $329,900 B: Christa L Johnson S: Shelby J Solomon & Ashleen A Solomon Book/Page: 51190/286, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4400sf Prior Sale: $319,000 (05/18) 2536 CRANBERRY HWY........................ $130,000 B: Peter M Galavotti S: Ronald W Phillips Book/Page: 51181/243, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19800sf Prior Sale: $114,900 (06/99) 12 DIVISION AVE................................... $249,000 B: Theodore S Hatch & Helen A Sergi S: Ronald R Baker Book/Page: 51157/192, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10039sf 19 EDGEWATER EXT............................. $379,000 B: William H Calhoun & Shonna L Calhon S: Robert J Lavoie Jr & Robin M Lavoie Book/Page: 51182/159, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 53143sf Prior Sale: $349,900 (11/03)

3 FAIRWAY DR U:E................................ $210,000 B: Robert Lagrutta S: Brian Kennedy Doc#: 000000784932, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $203,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $172,500 (03/17) 4 FAIRWAY DR U:4................................ $187,000 B: Matthew F Orne S: Diana L Thompson Doc#: 000000784740, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $177,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $96,000 (05/00) 9 GRANT ST........................................... $260,000 B: Jason M Quigley & Kate L Quigley S: Anthony N Farmusa Book/Page: 51179/192, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $249,287 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4000sf 254 GREAT NECK RD............................ $211,194 B: Bank Of America NA S: Alexander Whiteside & Haidee W Flinders Book/Page: 51176/202, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 831125sf 254 GREAT NECK RD............................ $211,194 B: Alexander Whiteside S: Alexander Whiteside & Haidee W Flinders Book/Page: 51176/197, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 831125sf 55 HARVEST CIR................................... $360,150 B: Edwin G Brundage 3rd & Mellisa S Brundage S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 51158/133, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: American Fncl Resrcs $385,979 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 65776sf Prior Sale: $613,461 (01/17) 12 IVY ST............................................... $255,000 B: Janet A Leydon S: Leonard B Hathan & Priscilla M Hathon Book/Page: 51185/296, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $191,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 8000sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (11/00) 4 JETTY CT U:17................................... $419,900 B: Fred Parkinson & Karen Parkinson S: Windward Pines LLC Book/Page: 51172/27, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Condo 45 MAIN ST U:C1.................................. $260,000 B: Crossroad Properties LLC S: 5H LP Book/Page: 51179/231, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: 5H LP $260,000 Use: Office Condo Unit 45 MAIN ST U:C2.................................. $260,000 B: Crossroad Properties LLC S: 5H LP Book/Page: 51179/231, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: 5H LP $260,000 Use: Office Condo Unit 45 MAIN ST U:C3.................................. $260,000 B: Crossroad Properties LLC S: 5H LP Book/Page: 51179/231, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: 5H LP $260,000 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $60,000 (02/17) 14-B OCEAN AVE.................................. $307,000 B: David M Morrow & Christine M Morrow S: Walter R Jeter Jr Book/Page: 51170/161, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $170,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3544sf Prior Sale: $259,000 (07/15) 293 ONSET AVE..................................... $220,000 B: Brandon Dixon & Haley Blasser S: Brian M Atherton Book/Page: 51176/121, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $216,015 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 1753sf Prior Sale: $146,500 (01/07) 87 PARKWOOD DR................................ $255,000 B: Marybeth Tripp S: Daryl Delancey & Pamela G Delancey Book/Page: 51175/21, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $204,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6230sf Prior Sale: $228,000 (12/03) 12-A W CENTRAL AVE......................... $1,350,000 B: David Boudreau & Julie Boudreau S: Robert C Heroux & Susan Gallagher-Heroux Book/Page: 51164/17, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2275sf Prior Sale: $71,500 (07/97)

West Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $290,500



JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 26 $370,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 69 BROOKS PL...................................... $364,900 B: Ruth M Kidnay S: Christopher L Varney & Roxanne Varney Book/Page: 51178/326, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: US Bank NA $164,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $297,000 (12/15) 180 EAST ST......................................... $550,000 B: Christopher L Varney S: Children Of Haiti&Refugee Book/Page: 51179/83, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $484,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 38100sf Prior Sale: $528,000 (08/09) 59 MAOLIS AVE..................................... $320,000 B: Lucas Babbin & Alison Quinn S: Shawn M Babbin & Lisa J Babbin Book/Page: 51164/130, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $243,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $203,000 (06/10) 64 S ELM ST.......................................... $419,900 B: Addison Nye & Stephanie Sylvester S: Patricia A Cronin Book/Page: 51182/103, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $335,920 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 35719sf Prior Sale: $199,900 (04/98) 387 S ELM ST........................................ $550,000 B: Dylan T Cragin & Casey A Cragin S: Hugo R Amate & Catherine M Amate Book/Page: 51179/54, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $440,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 53181sf Prior Sale: $564,900 (08/05) 140 SCOTLAND ST................................ $375,000 B: Jamie L Pope & Timothy D Pope S: Richard T Alger Tr, Tr for Richard T Alger T Book/Page: 51179/20, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $318,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 48352sf

Whitman MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 37 Median Price $321,500

YTD 2019 36 $333,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1235 AUBURN ST.................................. B: Brian J Kennedy S: Donald A Deems Book/Page: 51193/156, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 30884sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (09/04) 15 FIELDSTONE CIR.............................. B: Christine S Wallace S: Richard J Wallace Book/Page: 51178/164, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $422,400 Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 18374sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (09/07) 726 SOUTH AVE..................................... B: David Young S: KMD Construction LLC Book/Page: 51177/17, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $280,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17969sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (12/18) 442 TEMPLE ST..................................... B: Jonathan J White S: James A Watson & Kathleen I Watson Book/Page: 51169/307, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $449,445 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 18674sf 626 TEMPLE ST..................................... B: Oliver W Jenkins & Kasandra R Jenkins S: Daniel Marini & Hope Marini Book/Page: 51166/27, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $362,736 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33389sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (12/15) 66 VINCENT ST...................................... B: Robert W Ferrara S: Daniel F Creed & Debra A Creed Book/Page: 51157/254, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $270,902 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8102sf Prior Sale: $138,000 (09/98) 67 WARREN AVE................................... B: Patrick Mckunes S: David P Young & Geriann Young Book/Page: 51175/346, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $418,815 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5998sf Prior Sale: $375,500 (12/04)








Worcester Registry Kathryn A. Toomey, Esq., Register 90 Front St., Worcester, MA 01608 Telephone: (508) 798-7717 Fax: (508) 798-7746

Athol MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $156,800

YTD 2019 49 $155,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 60 BENTON PL....................................... $165,000 B: Stanley E Haley 2nd S: Marguerite E Lacroix Book/Page: 60465/296, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Athol Savings Bk $135,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 39000sf Prior Sale: $69,500 (06/12) 742 DANIEL SHAYS HWY U:4B............. $70,000 B: Lisa K Kowalczyk S: Logan Reid Ventures LLC Book/Page: 60481/151, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: GFA Federal Credit Un $54,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $38,500 (12/13) 390 KING RD......................................... $61,330 B: Aaron L Afonso & James J Taylor S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 60491/347, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $142,040 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21300sf Prior Sale: $117,000 (11/17) 1333 MAIN ST....................................... $299,900 B: 1333 Main Street LLC S: William F Macdonald & Tracey J Macdonald Book/Page: 60468/128, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Athol Savings Bk $240,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 26426sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (08/05) 847 OLD KEENE RD............................... $303,000 B: David B Lyon & Birdena A Lyon S: Alan D Dodge & Patti A Dodge Book/Page: 60479/120, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $203,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (12/05) 207 WALNUT ST.................................... $10,000 B: Scott D Wolf S: Hometown Bank & Scott D Wolf Book/Page: 60493/376, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $67,236 (08/12)

Auburn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 Median Price $255,000

YTD 2019 59 $246,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 ALPINE TRL...................................... $262,000 B: Dar Ku & Way N Beh S: Toboyko Barbara A Est & Linda J Babraitis Book/Page: 60484/167, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $257,254 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9885sf 3 ARLINGTON ST................................... $300,000 B: Shannon Parker S: David B Wills & Z Evelyn Wills Book/Page: 60475/361, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $294,566 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 35200sf

45 BARBARA AVE................................. $320,000 B: Kelly Gleason & Mathew Gleason S: Thomas Lavoratti 3rd Book/Page: 60479/153, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $278,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12413sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (07/13) 11 EASTFORD RD.................................. $265,000 B: Kirstina M Klein & Michael F Klein S: Wyrzykowski Carol A Est & Jennifer L Lapierre Book/Page: 60485/136, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $257,050 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12654sf 57 HAMPTON ST................................... $461,000 B: Brian D Halloran & Kathleen C Halloran S: William F Even & Diane M Even Book/Page: 60482/108, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $437,950 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27745sf 133 HAMPTON ST................................. $317,000 B: Hannah L Rotti & Adam J Degregorio S: Evergreen Property Sltns Book/Page: 60475/388, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $283,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 18623sf Prior Sale: $166,000 (12/18) 30 HAWTHORNE ST............................... $255,000 B: David Cipriano S: Jordan D Acosta & Jessica M Acosta Book/Page: 60474/37, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $247,350 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 42554sf Prior Sale: $136,000 (05/14) 21 INWOOD RD...................................... $261,000 B: Daniel Weagle 2nd S: Jonathan R Warms & Alyssa J Warms Book/Page: 60475/156, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Central One FCU $230,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10620sf Prior Sale: $168,000 (11/12) 4 LINDA AVE.......................................... $305,000 B: Steffanie C Carnazza S: Gayle M Gionet Tr, Tr for Harold J Gionet 2007 IRT Book/Page: 60489/213, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $130,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9600sf 5 MARIE ST........................................... $195,000 B: John Donovan S: Linda E Adamiak Book/Page: 60481/354, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $175,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9259sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (11/07) 401 PAKACHOAG ST............................. $335,000 B: David H Falcone & Brittany Falcone S: Wallachia LLC Book/Page: 60487/271, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $318,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 24940sf Prior Sale: $247,000 (01/19) 17 SARATOGA RD................................. $305,000 B: Leslie Wilson & Russell Therrien S: Steven M Mansur & Judith E Mansur Book/Page: 60490/211, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $240,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10625sf 106 SOUTHOLD RD................................ $369,900 B: Aaron J Schatz S: David J Letourneau Book/Page: 60485/49, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $295,920 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20147sf Prior Sale: $133,000 (03/05) 14 SUNRISE AVE................................... $301,000 B: Christopher Patterson S: Luis A Diaz-Rosario Book/Page: 60467/242, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: JG Wentworth Hm Lend $240,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 40388sf Prior Sale: $133,500 (08/18) 67 WALLACE AVE.................................. $386,500 B: Rodrigo Oliveira S: Jean Desrosiers & Chelsea J Desrosiers Book/Page: 60486/372, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Natl Bk $289,875 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 35700sf 133 WEST ST......................................... $338,000 B: Luc-Simon Lindor & Veronica M Soto-Lindor S: Uyen Vo & Thai Do Book/Page: 60485/162, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $321,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60871sf Prior Sale: $282,000 (06/03) 16 WHITMAN BAILEY DR U:16............. $391,671 B: Mary T Sliwowski S: JW Land&Development LLC Book/Page: 60489/385, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $313,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo

Barre MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $193,250

YTD 2019 24 $225,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 CEDAR ST......................................... B: L&B Realty LLC S: Brittney D Butler & Melony C Butler Book/Page: 60463/214, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fredrick M Berk $40,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Federalist, Lot: 1245sf 193 CHAMBERLAIN HILL RD................ B: Mathew L Hare & Michelle A Hare S: Henry Toloczko Jr & Linda Toloczko Book/Page: 60496/172, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $253,326 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (09/05) 220 FRUITLAND RD............................... B: Ansley D Siter S: Ray Hackney & Jeanne Hackney Book/Page: 60484/120, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Central One FCU $274,646 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 142291sf Prior Sale: $336,500 (07/09) 12 N BROOKFIELD RD........................... B: Manuel Alvarado & Paula T DeGomez S: Norman Methe & Charlotte Methe Book/Page: 60490/142, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $201,760 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5663sf 755 WORCESTER RD............................. B: Greg Overstreet S: Nancy O Rogan Book/Page: 60487/132, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $240,562 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22400sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (10/09)


Berlin YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $403,000




YTD 2019 7 $317,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 BROOK LN U:33................................ B: Kristina Anes Tr, Tr for J&J RT S: Philip A Kuszpa Book/Page: 60468/115, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $362,000 (03/16)


Blackstone MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $291,000

YTD 2019 27 $282,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 EDGEWATER DR............................... $270,000 B: Simon Paonessa S: Jeffrey Tsacoyianis Book/Page: 60488/356, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $243,000 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 2200sf Prior Sale: $206,000 (08/15)

Bolton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $746,150

YTD 2019 20 $555,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 171 ANNIE MOORE RD.......................... $579,000 B: William Voigt & Kayla Voigt S: Stephen A Guyan & Ann E Gooding Doc#: 000000114235, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $463,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 121097sf Prior Sale: $517,000 (04/03) 90 FOX RUN RD..................................... $910,000 B: Tao Wei & Liang Zhang S: Oanh T Nguyen Book/Page: 60464/16, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $819,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (01/02) 703 MAIN ST......................................... $210,000 B: Thomas M Payne S: Judith A Lawton Book/Page: 60499/27, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $229,517 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 77537sf 28 SUNSET RIDGE LN U:28................... $519,900 B: Carmen J Guinta Jr Tr, Tr for Guinta LT S: Thomas R Theobald Tr, Tr for Theobald RET Book/Page: 60490/202, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 6 VILLAGE LN U:6.................................. $167,900 B: Marc W Follit S: Weston Development Group Book/Page: 60483/54, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of Canton $157,900 Use: Possible New Construction 539 WATTAQUADOCK HILL RD............. $495,000 B: Samantha Bradley-Sawdon S: Leah N Guidry Book/Page: 60496/193, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $310,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 483516sf Prior Sale: $510,000 (06/17)

Boylston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $327,500

YTD 2019 11 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES MADDIE LN L:2...................................... $150,000 B: Shrewsbury Homes Inc S: Daniel W Pendell Book/Page: 60476/101, Date: 05/30/19 6 PINE ST U:6........................................ $420,000 B: Gregory Pappo & Melissa M Pappo S: Pine Street Boylston Rlty Book/Page: 60497/125, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $336,000 Use: Condo 135 SEWALL ST.................................... $339,900 B: William S Towle & Debra A Towle S: T Ashley Edwards Tr, Tr for Lillian A Luksis 1995 T Book/Page: 60489/144, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Avidia Bank $254,925 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 31405sf

Brookfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $159,000




YTD 2019 6 $292,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 103 BRUNNELL AVE U:103.................... B: Joann F Kass S: David A Mcdonald & Debra A Mcdonald Book/Page: 60481/116, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 436sf 14 N BROOKFIELD RD........................... B: Tyler J Benoit S: Terri A Shea-Kelly Book/Page: 60470/387, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Inland B&T $124,800 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (08/17) 22 PINE LN............................................ B: Chelsea M Dietlin & Elizabeth M Dyer S: Christopher Larson & Donna M Larson Book/Page: 60479/231, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: JG Wentworth Hm Lend $328,012 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7405sf 28 RIVER ST.......................................... B: James E Jenkins & Brenda Lowell S: Amanda M Pelletier & Evan Pelletier Book/Page: 60474/54, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $200,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $148,000 (06/15)



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $284,500

YTD 2019 33 $261,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES JENNINGS RD L:33................................ $45,000 B: Gair LLC S: Iris Jennings Book/Page: 60488/174, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $369,000 29 JENNINGS RD................................... $82,000 B: Alyssa C Difronzo & Corey T Day S: Gair LLC Book/Page: 60488/177, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 45302sf 11 MASONIC HOME RD......................... $49,500 B: Jose P Villegas Jr S: Robert M Linehan Book/Page: 60490/346, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Robert M Linehan $45,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3400sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (04/07) 22 MORTON STATION RD..................... $464,900 B: Nina Howe S: Elliott P Bulingame&Sons Book/Page: 60491/284, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $441,665 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 82764sf 218 N STURBRIDGE RD......................... $291,000 B: Laura G Foley & William R Gerstacker S: Joseph K Healy & Paula L Healy Book/Page: 60502/56, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $276,450 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 25915sf Prior Sale: $108,000 (09/00) PRINDLE HILL RD (NWS)...................... $125,000 B: Kevin F Brassard & Debora L Brassard S: Michael L Laflash & Rachel J Laflash Book/Page: 60483/23, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Country Bank $369,980 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 23383sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (06/16) 148 RAMSHORN RD.............................. $595,000 B: Susan Cutright S: Linda L Mason & Stephen J Mason Book/Page: 60483/380, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 176462sf Prior Sale: $82,500 (09/03) 28 SOUTHBRIDGE RD U:401................. $205,000 B: Jennifer A Bracy S: Marie C Martin Book/Page: 60503/224, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: First Choice Loan Svc $184,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $144,000 (04/03)

Clinton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $219,500

YTD 2019 31 $258,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 EAGLE NEST U:B7.............................. $332,900 B: Daniela Parente S: Eagle Landing Inc Book/Page: 60503/293, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $154,000 Use: Condo 57 FLAGG ST......................................... $247,300 B: Regina Mccarthy S: Christopher N Farnham Book/Page: 60475/254, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $242,820 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 18871sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (06/15) 82 FRANKLIN ST................................... $200,000 B: Julia M Konola S: John F Kilcoyne Tr, Tr for M Hastings Kilcoyne FT 2 Book/Page: 60484/210, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12375sf 20-22 PLEASANT ST............................. $206,000 B: Rui G Tavares S: Learned Delphine E Est & Willard C Learned Jr Book/Page: 60491/316, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $202,268 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 5806sf 914 RIDGEFIELD CIR U:A...................... $150,000 B: Charles D Silverman & Nancy H Silverman S: Donna L Hathaway Tr, Tr for Warren&F Hathaway RET Book/Page: 60486/339, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $269,000 (07/07)

Douglas MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $332,500

YTD 2019 20 $301,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 77 MAPLE ST........................................ $60,000 B: Audet Homes Inc S: Peter E Ruiz Jr Book/Page: 60488/130, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Newbury Finance Inc $230,000 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 25642sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (09/18) 41 OAK ST............................................. $484,900 B: William A Rossi S: Richard R Russo & Paula K Russo Book/Page: 60471/333, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $387,920 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 89734sf 45 SW MAIN ST..................................... $285,000 B: Lauren Melle S: Leblanc Paul R Est & Nicholas H Ronfeld Book/Page: 60496/223, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $276,450 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 90170sf Prior Sale: $229,900 (12/11)





©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $229,500

YTD 2019 34 $232,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 49 FAIRVIEW AVE................................. $323,000 B: Sean Ebbeling & Shannon Ebbeling S: Eilene Fanning Book/Page: 60467/359, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $323,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25026sf 150 W MAIN ST..................................... $237,500 B: Adam Szymanski & Elzbieta Szymanska S: Dupont 150 W Main St LLC Book/Page: 60495/329, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20300sf Prior Sale: $151,000 (09/11)






Gardner MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 67 Median Price $180,000

YTD 2019 68 $200,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 314 BROOKSIDE DR.............................. $284,900 B: Kristofer Melton & Kasie Melton S: BBC Development LLC Book/Page: 60488/21, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $256,000 63 CATHERINE ST................................. $245,000 B: Danielle R Mccann S: Michael W Salem Book/Page: 60482/79, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $208,587 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 11010sf Prior Sale: $162,500 (09/17) 66 CHERRY ST....................................... $95,000 B: Mario Novia S: Mara Philip J Est & John P Mara Book/Page: 60476/125, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10666sf 153 CONANT ST.................................... $186,000 B: Heang Sok S: Allan A Rantala Book/Page: 60474/267, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $139,500 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $198,000 (06/07) 26 CRAWFORD ST................................. $165,000 B: Alysha J Munoz S: Jeremy Bryce Book/Page: 60482/303, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $162,011 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $117,000 (09/15) 131 GRAHAM ST................................... $121,000 B: Walter Canales & Emelina Flores S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 60491/53, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7947sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (05/18) 83 GREENWOOD ST............................... $176,000 B: Angel Escudero & Joan I Villot S: Tyler S Leblanc Book/Page: 60470/128, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Broker Solutions Inc $172,812 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5450sf Prior Sale: $92,900 (07/15) 56 JAMES ST........................................ $181,000 B: Richardo H Bones S: Dempsey Karen E Est & Edward V Hojnowski Jr Book/Page: 60489/244, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $177,721 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16500sf 22 KENDALL ST..................................... $235,500 B: Jeffrey Boyer & Danielle StLouis S: Elizabeth Ozemko & John Ozemko Book/Page: 60477/347, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $237,878 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (05/17) 50 LAKEVIEW DR.................................. $255,000 B: Evan Bedell & Erica Dunn S: Jonathan Berube & Erica Berube Book/Page: 60488/106, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $242,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26600sf Prior Sale: $177,754 (07/13) 33 OLDE COLONIAL DR U:2................... $135,000 B: Mikaela M Berthiaume S: Steven D Browell & Douglas S Browell Book/Page: 60502/230, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Poli Mtg Group $100,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $138,500 (10/04) 435 PARTRIDGE ST............................... $355,000 B: Jason Bosse & Erica Bosse S: Everett P Rodgerson & Joyce A Rodgerson Book/Page: 60484/279, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Firstrust Bank $337,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 753475sf 182 PEABODY ST.................................. $161,000 B: Tyler A Bergeron S: David C Oldham & Betty-Jane Oldham Book/Page: 60491/168, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $158,083 252 PEARL ST....................................... $226,000 B: Linda J Keaney & Karen L Keaney S: Patricia A Taylor & Allen Gross Book/Page: 60473/294, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $219,220 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14300sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (12/04) 448 PLEASANT ST................................. $65,000 B: Central City Properties S: Michael J Marcinkiewicz Book/Page: 60489/321, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5175sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (07/11) 86 RICH ST............................................ $16,313 B: WPS Revest LLC S: Kenneth E Carley Book/Page: 60469/272, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2178sf Prior Sale: $72,000 (05/99) 15 ROBERT DR...................................... $291,500 B: Scott E Newman & Laura Newman S: Patrick J Harkins & Donna M Harkins Book/Page: 60488/79, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: IC Credit Union $261,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14326sf Prior Sale: $5,000 (08/04) 68 SAWYER ST...................................... $264,900 B: Jason Hendershaw S: Julie M Spain Tr, Tr for J&R Spain RET Book/Page: 60483/392, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $260,101 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 60000sf Prior Sale: $216,000 (07/09)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 25 HOLLY DR......................................... $204,353 B: DLJ Mortgage Capital Inc S: David D Gallagher & Maureen E Gallagher Book/Page: 60470/278, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 46609sf 47 SUMMER ST..................................... $53,000 B: Resilient Investments LLC S: Richard R Martin & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 60474/1, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5095sf


JUNE 17, 2019







16 AIRPORT RD..................................... $371,864 B: Crystal L Caron S: Focus Homes LLC Book/Page: 60479/93, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $535,270 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 25700sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (11/18) 11 CHESTNUT ST.................................. $208,000 B: Todd J Carroll S: Homefield CU Book/Page: 60469/66, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $192,908 (03/19) 9 DANIELLE DR..................................... $485,000 B: Kyle G Morin & Melissa A Morin S: Jason W Carabba & Jennifer T Carabba Book/Page: 60490/278, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $363,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (10/15) 61 HIGH POINT DR................................ $615,000 B: Prasheel K Oggu & Vineela Thangella S: Kevin R Cruz & Courtney Cruz Book/Page: 60465/270, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $492,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18731sf Prior Sale: $508,350 (02/08) 17 HILLTOP ST...................................... $379,900 B: Timothy F Murphy & Brittany Hafford S: Nickmatt Realty LLC Book/Page: 60476/265, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $360,905 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (10/18) 2 JODI LN.............................................. $575,000 B: Syed Faheemuddin & Beenish Faheem S: Christopher L Marlette & Debne H Marlette Book/Page: 60470/365, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $340,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23087sf Prior Sale: $544,900 (08/04) 65 N MAIN ST........................................ $325,000 B: Sarah Fair-Wandland S: Michael Scully & Katrina G Scully Book/Page: 60476/367, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $285,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (06/05) 100 N MAIN ST...................................... $375,000 B: E StGermain-Guyott & Harry W Dale S: Neil A Minardi Book/Page: 60474/378, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $368,207 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $293,000 (09/03) 38 NELSON ST....................................... $450,000 B: Zeeshan R Syed & Alina Ali S: Yvonne C Carrier Book/Page: 60497/239, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Avidia Bank $436,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 18731sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (06/18) 43 PLEASANT ST................................... $520,000 B: Jack Greaney & Alexandra Greaney S: James R Leboeuf & Emily E Leboeuf Book/Page: 60503/155, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $468,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50530sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (06/09) 13 PULLARD RD U:18............................ $265,000 B: John Bates S: Gina Hubsch & Jason L Hubsch Book/Page: 60477/40, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $225,250 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 392040sf Prior Sale: $201,900 (10/09) 11 SARTELL RD..................................... $340,000 B: Roman Manetsch & Julia W Davis S: Catherine Mullaney Book/Page: 60493/12, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $323,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (10/16) 5 SEAVER FARM LN.............................. $455,000 B: Nathaniel Miller & Krista Miller S: Fu Zhou & Xuemei Zhao Book/Page: 60467/327, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $409,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $411,500 (05/14)

176 BAILEY RD...................................... $206,900 B: Joseph Hancock & Sandra M Cate S: Justin Valjat & Kasi Valjat Book/Page: 60486/98, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22960sf Prior Sale: $137,500 (04/11) 97 BULLARD ST.................................... $345,000 B: Tan M Nguyen S: JHD Properties LLC Book/Page: 60484/222, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $327,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 33541sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (03/19) 95 CUTLER RD....................................... $465,000 B: Alexandra S Schunermann & Anthony F Rovinelli S: James M Harrity Jr Tr, Tr for Simac RT Book/Page: 60491/148, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $441,750 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 101855sf 228 FISHER RD...................................... $402,700 B: Jodi E Hirschman S: Charles S Bowers & Mary Parker-Bowers Book/Page: 60475/48, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of Canton $322,160 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 146722sf 88 FLAGLER DR..................................... $487,500 B: Jeremy J Mazzotta & Amy M Mazzotta S: David S Frustaci & Kelle S Frustaci Book/Page: 60476/335, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Premia Mortgage LLC $438,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20210sf Prior Sale: $224,638 (01/97) 24 JAMIESON RD.................................. $420,000 B: Michael Atwell & Alison R Sleeper-Ames S: Donna A Papazian Book/Page: 60502/253, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $230,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26136sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (11/05) 48 NOLA DR.......................................... $300,000 B: Kristen Nuzzetti S: Anthony F Rovinelli & Alexandra Schunemann Book/Page: 60483/121, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $294,566 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $238,500 (06/15) 54 PLYMOUTH RD................................. $305,000 B: Rita Williams S: Mark R Russell Tr, Tr for Jane Russell T Book/Page: 60491/125, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $244,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20909sf 418 RESERVOIR ST............................... $333,500 B: Paul Spyropoulos S: Ashdown Homes LLC Book/Page: 60489/296, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $323,495 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $202,000 (10/18) 7 SHERWOOD HILL DR.......................... $321,000 B: Brian M Thanas & Justine M Thanas S: Yusuf Elminshway Book/Page: 60486/309, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $293,955 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $251,500 (04/15) 204 TORREY LANE EXT U:204.............. $285,000 B: Donna A Papazian S: Stephen T White & Clare H White Book/Page: 60502/279, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Bank of Canton $115,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 15 TORREY LN U:15.............................. $433,226 B: Sharon E Hanna & Dighton Spooner Jr S: CJ&J Consulting Ltd Book/Page: 60499/267, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $341,600 Use: Condo

200 CHAPEL ST..................................... B: Eric Sauvageau S: Jonathan W Crago Book/Page: 60504/1, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $192,060 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $182,000 (02/07) 98 MANNVILLE ST................................. B: Fuat Senko S: Mandie N Gentile & Dean Neal Book/Page: 60484/188, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $323,040 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 54014sf Prior Sale: $14,000 (06/01) 62 MCCARTHY AVE............................... B: Jason Lavallee & Holly A Lavallee S: Catherine C Petty Book/Page: 60497/31, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $206,196 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8432sf 409 PLEASANT ST................................. B: Monica Appiah S: Heather Oconnor & James Draheim Book/Page: 60484/370, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $319,113 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36508sf Prior Sale: $258,380 (09/08) 4 WASILLA DR...................................... B: David J Baldino S: Richard S Warren & Sharon E Warren Book/Page: 60483/233, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $316,658 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 21250sf

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 45 Median Price $348,000

YTD 2019 55 $356,500


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 Median Price

YTD 2019 6 $217,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1843-1845 BARRE RD.......................... $199,400 B: Lionel S Carter & Michelle K Sthilaire S: Timothy R Cronk & Elizabeth A Hanson-Cronk Book/Page: 60477/75, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $195,788 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/09) 2997 GREENWICH RD........................... $284,900 B: Christopher Lance & Danielle Lance S: Henry Kane & Kathleen Kane Book/Page: 60485/272, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $256,410 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Rec, Lot: 2482920sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (08/09) 601 OLD GREENWICH PLAINS RD........ $26,000 B: Kevin Cruz S: Go America LLC Book/Page: 60466/123, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 60113sf Prior Sale: $17,055 (05/19)

YTD 2019 68 $314,500

Hopedale MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $349,900

YTD 2019 10 $378,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 ADIN ST........................................... $2,000,000 B: 55 Adin Street LLC S: Vincent J Arone Tr, Tr for Arone RET Book/Page: 60481/249, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 12 Bdrm Mansion, Lot: 758558sf Prior Sale: $975,000 (02/08) 75 GREENE ST....................................... $345,000 B: Stacey R Scott & Mark D Kelly S: Eliza Sharrah & Eliza Schuster Book/Page: 60482/167, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $333,485 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43124sf Prior Sale: $224,000 (03/14) 81 MENDON ST.................................... $2,000,000 B: 55 Adin Street LLC S: Vincent J Arone Tr, Tr for Arone RET Book/Page: 60481/249, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 48238sf 11 TAMMIE RD...................................... $400,000 B: John C Jastremski & Kali L Jastremski S: Kenneth J Spindola & Elizabeth A Spindola Book/Page: 60481/336, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $320,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15002sf

Hubbardston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $200,000

YTD 2019 15 $285,000



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $299,450

YTD 2019 15 $620,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 ELM ST U:B...................................... $275,000 B: Eric C Peters Tr, Tr for Eric C Peters T 2012 S: Graham W Walsh Book/Page: 60487/343, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 64 JACKSON RD.................................. $36,700,000 B: PPF Industrial 64 Jackson S: Jackson 64 MGI LLC Book/Page: 60470/108, Date: 05/29/19 3 TRAIL RIDGE WAY U:A....................... $480,000 B: Anne M Trischitta S: Christopher J Mcwhite & Wyona M Lynch-Mcwhite Book/Page: 60489/339, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $310,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $445,000 (08/16)

3 WOODVIEW DR................................... B: Central City Properties S: Brian S Logan Book/Page: 60502/206, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Residential Capital $237,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 89148sf Prior Sale: $136,500 (06/98)


Lancaster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $343,250

YTD 2019 19 $345,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 456 LANGEN RD.................................... $715,000 B: Darcie L Stawinski & Adam T Stawinski S: Michael P Rivard Book/Page: 60475/1, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $525,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 436036sf Prior Sale: $514,000 (08/10)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $252,500

YTD 2019 29 $250,000 $198,000








MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $441,000

YTD 2019 18 $495,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 HAYWOOD CIR................................... B: Jonathan H Mcbee & Cayla D Mcbee S: Rocco A Rossi & Catherine A Rossi Book/Page: 60476/222, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $454,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43951sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (08/13)


Milford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 Median Price $324,950

3 ROSEBUD LN...................................... $500,000 B: Henry Tabur S: Kevin M Beauregard & Linnea P Beauregard Book/Page: 60474/313, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $416,150 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 46174sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (07/12) 5 SELMA CIR......................................... $570,000 B: Rafael Ferraz-Desousa & Janaina Freire-Desousa S: Gary A Iversen & Monica A Iversen Book/Page: 60476/133, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $456,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24498sf Prior Sale: $545,000 (06/17) 36-38 VINE ST....................................... $290,000 B: OA Homes LLC S: George E Aoude & Katya Aoude Book/Page: 60485/370, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Charles River Bank $499,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 10502sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (09/17) 6 VIOLET CIR......................................... $413,500 B: Michael V Albanese & Kathryne E Albanese S: William V Kershow & Nannette S Kershow Book/Page: 60467/137, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $372,150 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 32966sf 1 WEST ST............................................. $375,000 B: OA Homes LLC S: Real Life Realty LLC Book/Page: 60485/377, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Charles River Bank $499,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $219,900 (12/15) 176 WEST ST......................................... $925,000 B: Riverside Community Care S: Richard W Siedel Jr Tr, Tr for SNH Medical Office RT Book/Page: 60497/1, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Office Bldg-medical, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $91,948,929 (08/08)

YTD 2019 58 $317,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 COUNTRY CLUB LN U:C................... $290,000 B: John J Bloomer S: James S Coleman & Marguerite K Coleman Book/Page: 60497/93, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $232,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $230,250 (08/10) 5 GODFREY LN U:5................................ $275,000 B: Sharyn Mulvaney S: Pamela Gonsalves-Arpin Book/Page: 60477/187, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $247,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $295,000 (06/05) 23 GOVERNORS WAY U:B..................... $339,900 B: Carlos M Pereira-Victor S: Thomas M Payne & Charlene Martini Book/Page: 60486/131, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Envision Bank $305,910 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $335,000 (09/18) 8-12 INDUSTRIAL RD.......................... $33,600,000 B: Knickerbocker Milford LLC S: CRP-3 Milford LLC Book/Page: 60480/279, Date: 05/31/19 1 JANOCK RD........................................ $370,000 B: Hans N Miersma & Rebecca Miersma S: Scott Kathleen B Est & Douglas L Scott Book/Page: 60480/5, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $296,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15037sf 7 JOAN CIR............................................ $480,000 B: John Webster & Amy J Webster S: Richard E Webster Book/Page: 60481/93, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $408,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 35114sf 17 KATE LN U:14................................... $580,000 B: Tony A Fredericks & Sharon L Fredericks S: Snowflake LLC Book/Page: 60489/113, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $301,900 Use: Condo 1 KRAFT RD........................................... $467,000 B: Ann M Ragosta & Michael C Ragosta S: John R Webster & Amy J Webster Book/Page: 60472/294, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15054sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (10/10) 30 LAWRENCE ST................................. $250,000 B: Kate E Saccone S: Marlon E Estrada & Ada Estrada Book/Page: 60484/100, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Poli Mtg Group $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5101sf Prior Sale: $217,000 (02/17) 309 MAIN ST......................................... $250,000 B: Maria Vacuna S: Heidi A Lambert-Bell & Edward C Bell Book/Page: 60482/226, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $187,500 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6599sf 33 MILL POND CIR................................ $530,000 B: Luciano B Miranda S: Michael J Donato Book/Page: 60478/37, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $477,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45019sf Prior Sale: $299,900 (02/97) 35 MOUNT PLEASANT ST..................... $278,500 B: Eduardo Alves & Domingos Alves S: Me&D Group LLC Book/Page: 60464/150, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $222,800 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 8999sf Prior Sale: $183,000 (06/11) 22 MURIEL LN....................................... $357,500 B: Maura E Prince S: Charles J Webb & Leanne Webb Book/Page: 60478/67, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Wellesley Bk $145,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 11787sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (05/11)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $270,000

YTD 2019 33 $284,155

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 COLDBROOK RD................................. $475,000 B: Sandy P Peng S: Andrew Swiatilowski & Barbara Swiatilowski Book/Page: 60490/61, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 24355sf Prior Sale: $183,000 (07/06) 110 ELM ST.......................................... $1,315,000 B: Dung K Do & Tam H Nguyen S: Barry R Lundgren & Patrick Lundgren Book/Page: 60488/311, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Bank $625,000 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 7734sf Prior Sale: $1,075,000 (04/16) 45 LEXINGTON RD U:45........................ $220,000 B: Regina M Porciello S: Thomas E Dolliver Jr & Kristen L Dolliver Book/Page: 60476/285, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Eugene A Porciello $75,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $171,000 (05/15) 67 PARK HILL AVE................................ $334,500 B: Iris Cintron S: Joseph R Messier Jr Book/Page: 60497/177, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $328,440 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 19573sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/14)

Millville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $250,000

YTD 2019 6 $172,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 473 CHESTNUT HILL RD....................... $245,000 B: James A Caviness Jr & Alexandria Moreira S: Efrain Cartagena & Elizabeth Cartagena Book/Page: 60466/392, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $232,750 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 79017sf Prior Sale: $217,000 (12/02)

North Brookfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $225,000

YTD 2019 10 $205,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 BULLARD RD.................................... B: Yadira Rodriguez & Ediberto Rodriguez S: Denise M Knight Book/Page: 60485/335, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $284,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 128938sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (08/07) 7 CENTRAL ST....................................... B: Daniel A Dowd S: Holly A Lane Book/Page: 60483/214, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (01/12) 2 LEE AVE.............................................. B: Donna J Belmont S: David M Chisholm Book/Page: 60470/260, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: First Alliance Lendin $183,150 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $207,500 (09/11)




Northborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $385,000

YTD 2019 48 $398,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 COOLIDGE CIR.................................. $490,000 B: Kenneth Frankenbush Jr & Tracy L Brockway S: Carol A Quinn Tr, Tr for Coolidge Circle RT Book/Page: 60489/41, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $392,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40655sf 29 KING ST............................................ $435,000 B: 29 King Street LLC S: Frederick K Dewolfe & Linda A Dewolfe Book/Page: 60485/331, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Auto Repair, Lot: 235224sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (06/01) 490 MAIN ST U:213............................... $300,000 B: Regina M Muccio & Angelo R Muccio S: Karen Callahan & Timothy B Mcdonnell Book/Page: 60486/159, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $240,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 534046sf Prior Sale: $256,000 (12/11)

311 NEWTON ST.................................... $865,000 B: Jeffrey T Insull & Jessie E Holeman S: David L Temlak Tr, Tr for Kathleen A Temlak RET Book/Page: 60484/307, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $692,000 74 RESERVOIR ST................................. $724,000 B: Enilton Lisboa & Juana Lisboa S: Allen P Arsenault & Sandra J Arsenault Book/Page: 60501/37, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Avidia Bank $651,600 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 103960sf 52 VALENTINE RD................................. $460,000 B: Christine Mesite S: Breet B Rand Book/Page: 60487/240, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $391,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 22246sf Prior Sale: $335,000 (07/15)

Northbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $308,750

YTD 2019 33 $307,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 109-113 BORDER ST U:C...................... B: Aaron C Snead S: Paul Spyropoulos & Gina Spyropoulos Book/Page: 60485/300, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Condo 331 COOPER RD.................................... B: Roberto V Moniz & Noemia F Freitas S: Richard Kompa & Betty J Kompa Book/Page: 60465/23, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $242,900 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24525sf 100 FAIRWAY DR.................................. B: Gene Decristofaro S: Brian W Avedian & Amy Avedian Book/Page: 60489/188, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $420,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23173sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (10/13) 92 FREEDOMS WAY.............................. B: Christopher Giguere & Jessica Arruda S: Sherri L Vandenakker & Krystyn-Jo White Book/Page: 60487/213, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $237,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33428sf 373 GOLDTHWAITE RD......................... B: Anthony Prigmore & Julie Prigmore S: Citizens Bank NA Book/Page: 60497/292, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13080sf Prior Sale: $72,198 (09/18) 26 LOUIS ST.......................................... B: Patrick J Soullier S: Patricia D Cook Book/Page: 60466/340, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $208,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5152sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (01/11) 32 MASON RD....................................... B: Robert W Rojee S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 60489/274, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $328,932 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20289sf Prior Sale: $316,610 (07/18) 2400 PROVIDENCE RD U:A................... B: David H Wellons S: Bellingham MA Self Storge Book/Page: 60469/176, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 2400 PROVIDENCE RD U:B................... B: David H Wellons S: Bellingham MA Self Storge Book/Page: 60469/176, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 2400 PROVIDENCE RD U:C.................... B: David H Wellons S: Bellingham MA Self Storge Book/Page: 60469/176, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 2400 PROVIDENCE RD U:D................... B: David H Wellons S: Bellingham MA Self Storge Book/Page: 60469/176, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 2400 PROVIDENCE RD U:E.................... B: David H Wellons S: Bellingham MA Self Storge Book/Page: 60469/176, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Condo 2400 PROVIDENCE RD U:F.................... B: David H Wellons S: Bellingham MA Self Storge Book/Page: 60469/176, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $162,000 Use: Condo 29 SWIFT RD......................................... B: Breno Sette S: Brian E Collins Book/Page: 60473/66, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $330,125 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27236sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (03/12) 35 WOODSIDE DR................................. B: Andrew W Briere & Stephanie E Briere S: Ian A Fowler & Jessica A Fowler Book/Page: 60485/243, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: North American SB $320,095 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 22216sf Prior Sale: $244,900 (02/16)









16 BARTLETT ST................................... $225,000 B: Tyler J Smith & Lori L Cloninger S: James H Haskell & Paula A Haskell Book/Page: 60503/54, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Crescent Mtg Svc $220,924 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9148sf 14 CHESTNUT HILL RD.......................... $260,000 B: Itza Rosado S: Shawn L Lussier & Danielle C Lussier Book/Page: 60464/336, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $255,290 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8276sf Prior Sale: $224,500 (11/16) 10 HOLLY ST......................................... $257,000 B: Jason R Bergeron S: Kenneth J Prefontaine 3rd & Jennifer Prefontaine Book/Page: 60476/157, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Webster First FCU $228,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $214,500 (03/06) 58 LARNED RD...................................... $173,000 B: James D Cestone S: Charles F Proctor Book/Page: 60483/342, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bay State Savings Bk $123,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Log, Lot: 152460sf Prior Sale: $95,500 (05/04) 1 OVERLOOK LN.................................... $380,000 B: Kenneth J Prefontaine 3rd & Jennifer E Prefontaine S: John S Goretti & Chreyl A Goretti Book/Page: 60477/109, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $314,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 215186sf Prior Sale: $196,000 (08/98)

80 MAIN ST........................................... B: Forrest J Finkler & Melissa E Finkler S: Mark Fiandaca & Alexandra Fiandaca Book/Page: 60475/27, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $260,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 86970sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (12/98)

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $242,750

YTD 2019 33 $265,000

YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $290,000

YTD 2019 13 $315,000






78 ASNEBUMSKIT RD........................... $364,000 B: William R Mortimer & Emily K Mortimer S: Scribner Management LLC Book/Page: 60501/390, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $327,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 66534sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (04/18) 82 DAVIS HILL RD................................. $185,000 B: Mohammed Khan & Shehla Khan S: Ronald D Faucher Tr, Tr for Elna L Faucher T Book/Page: 60479/256, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Country Bank $148,000 Type: Adj Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Agricul, Lot: 1503578sf Prior Sale: $102,000 (11/13) 470 MARSHALL ST............................... $260,000 B: John Denton-Holbrook & Casey M Bogan S: Ansley D Siter Book/Page: 60487/51, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 60000sf 2 WILDEWOOD DR................................ $500,000 B: David Tenofsky & Stephanie E Boundy S: Eugene W Butler Book/Page: 60490/323, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $385,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40436sf Prior Sale: $559,900 (06/04)



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $173,900

YTD 2019 4 $165,500




1 NICHEWAUG RD................................. $60,000 B: Adam R Cooley & Rebecca M Cooley S: James E Beliveau Jr & Elizabeth A Beliveau Book/Page: 60472/65, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $36,000 5 WEST ST............................................. $230,000 B: Jane C Joyce S: James Mccrohon & Marie Mccrohon Book/Page: 60478/192, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leominster CU $184,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 174240sf Prior Sale: $449,000 (07/16)






YTD 2019 4 $212,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 132 ADAMS RD..................................... B: Mandie V Neal & Sean Donald S: Michael Greene & Heather Greene Book/Page: 60487/90, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $205,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 56628sf Prior Sale: $189,000 (07/12) 147 FOREST HILL DR............................ B: Michael R Greene & Heather M Greene S: Amidio Bros Inc Book/Page: 60496/318, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Country Bank $446,500 Type: Adj



Oakham YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 Median Price



▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 47 TRACEY DR...................................... B: PNC Bank NA S: Richard L Paulhus & PNC Bank NA Book/Page: 60500/241, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20000sf



JUNE 17, 2019


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $234,000

YTD 2019 6 $213,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 30 BALDWINVILLE RD........................... B: Jeffrey L Miller & Kimberly A Miller S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Doc#: 000000114240, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Finance America LLC $128,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $147,600 (05/18) 30 BALDWINVILLE RD........................... B: Jeffrey L Miller & Kimberly A Miller S: Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 60484/329, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $147,600 (05/18) 65 BROOKS VILLAGE RD....................... B: Jillian Cassell S: Don J Luciani Jr Book/Page: 60470/162, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $205,214 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $181,900 (09/04) 395 PETERSHAM RD............................. B: Frank P Parillo & Lisa A Parillo S: Christopher Langley Book/Page: 60473/242, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: GFA Federal Credit Un $134,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 127480sf Prior Sale: $151,500 (07/16) 630 ROYALSTON RD............................. B: Derek Goodwin & Lauren Goodwin S: Virginia Realty Inc Book/Page: 60484/18, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $216,015 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87841sf Prior Sale: $93,000 (01/19)







195 WARD HILL RD............................... B: Edward Favart S: Lorie A Butler & MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 60501/301, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 130530sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (10/06)


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $337,000

YTD 2019 12 $365,750 $325,000


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 Median Price $307,000

YTD 2019 33 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 43 CAMPBELL ST.................................. $360,000 B: Matthew D Caron S: David J Achilles & Gayle A Achilles Book/Page: 60470/56, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $288,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87120sf Prior Sale: $229,900 (04/99) 125-B CAMPBELL ST............................ $335,000 B: Pierre S Tomas S: Lussier Enerprises LLC Book/Page: 60483/307, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $324,950 10 HIGHLAND PARK RD........................ $160,000 B: Haven Construction Mgmt S: Moira Caron & Matthew D Caron Book/Page: 60476/74, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf 176 MAPLE AVE U:6-1.......................... $85,000 B: Susan J Stankus S: Patricia Arsenault Book/Page: 60472/346, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $63,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $49,900 (03/02) 176 MAPLE AVE U:7-23........................ $68,000 B: Ni Yan S: Patricia Arsenault Book/Page: 60482/158, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 15-A&B MOULTON MILL RD................. $75,000 B: Erik M Wohlander S: Scott J Landgren Book/Page: 60484/46, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 130680sf 17 OAKRIDGE DR.................................. $375,000 B: Jesse A Harvey S: Kenneth Kephart Jr & Kerriann Hathaway-Kephart Book/Page: 60493/397, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $356,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $308,000 (10/12)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 88 Median Price $366,293

YTD 2019 79 $415,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 40 BARNARD ST................................... $356,000 B: Michael Mitchell S: Patrick A Laverty & Caroline A Laverty Book/Page: 60469/113, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $284,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12900sf Prior Sale: $223,800 (11/14) 483 BOSTON TPKE................................ $260,500 B: Blossom Development LLC S: Gremo Jeffrey S Est & Robert P Gremo Book/Page: 60502/349, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7500sf 7 CHASE TER......................................... $320,000 B: Xiao Wang & Yetao Wang S: Roy B Russell & Louise A Russell Book/Page: 60478/222, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $256,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15433sf 65 COMMONS DR U:510....................... $225,000 B: Bijendra P Malik & Sarita Malik S: Maria A Depina Book/Page: 60485/13, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $190,000 (12/03) 55 CRESCENT ST.................................. $140,000 B: Megan E Bradley S: Robert J Bradley & Diane L Bradley Book/Page: 60468/349, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Central One FCU $110,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10655sf 63 EDGEWOOD RD................................ $415,000 B: Alison W Smith & Sean P Smith S: Mark J Peris Book/Page: 60491/183, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $373,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11989sf Prior Sale: $319,000 (01/19) 5 ESSEX DR U:5.................................... $329,900 B: Stephen J Saniuk & Patricia A Saniuk S: John P Lacombe & Maureen C Lacombe Book/Page: 60498/49, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $182,500 (05/98) 6 ESSEX DR U:6.................................... $329,900 B: Paul F Rovetti & Janice Rovetti S: Gerald J Woods & Mary F Woods Book/Page: 60483/334, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $280,000 (10/11) 350 GRAFTON ST.................................. $600,000 B: Adnan Malik & Sadia Kazimi S: Sathyanarayan Jaganathan & Shilpa Ananthakrishnan Book/Page: 60495/26, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: 2015 12 LLC $480,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20034sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (06/11) 37 HARRINGTON FARMS WAY U:37..... $355,000 B: Anshul Mehediratta & Shweta Mehediratta S: Charlotte A Scearbo Tr, Tr for Charlotte A Scearbo T Book/Page: 60468/383, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $330,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $246,500 (06/12) 376 LAKE ST......................................... $550,000 B: William J Hulme & Kristin M Vonflatern S: John P Duquette Book/Page: 60476/189, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $440,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 55321sf Prior Sale: $59,000 (08/18) 86 LAKESIDE DR................................... $689,000 B: Philip Kuszpa & Lynann Kendall S: Teresa S Diliddo Book/Page: 60495/201, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $289,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4070sf Prior Sale: $535,000 (09/12)

5 LEBEAUX DR...................................... $225,000 B: DMW LLC S: Jakstis Anthony J Est & Joan B Pavolis Book/Page: 60473/107, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 32476sf 107 NORTH ST....................................... $755,000 B: Andrew D Gribbons & Marjory C Gribbons S: Angelo R Tamburro & Lenette M Tamburro Book/Page: 60478/166, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bay State Savings Bk $205,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14747sf Prior Sale: $699,900 (06/15) 240 PROSPECT ST................................ $420,000 B: Tine VanNunen & Alfredo Barragan S: Robert M Ostrosky Book/Page: 60474/134, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $325,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23825sf 38 ROLFE AVE....................................... $319,000 B: Antar Hana S: Walter E Ortiz & Sandra M Ayala-Deortiz Book/Page: 60498/380, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $255,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8900sf Prior Sale: $279,900 (12/16) 575 SOUTH ST....................................... $715,000 B: Paul R Visconti & Sharyn K Visconti S: Shrewsbury Vineyards LLC Book/Page: 60469/225, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $572,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 35781sf 25 WESLEYAN TER................................ $280,000 B: Walid B Youssef & Wided Ghobber S: Francis W Rimkus Tr, Tr for Rimkus IRT Book/Page: 60479/179, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $210,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11820sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $545,000

YTD 2019 26 $652,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 BARN LN........................................... $1,695,000 B: Scott D Jamroz & Caroline E Jamroz S: Mota Construction Corp Book/Page: 60479/16, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,356,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 39958sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (12/17) 90 FRAMINGHAM RD............................ $425,905 B: Cyntha Simpson S: Paul D Hundley & Holly M Hundley Book/Page: 60487/150, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $383,315 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 27007sf Prior Sale: $346,450 (01/07) 18 GILMORE RD.................................... $225,000 B: Kevin R Boucher & Laura J Kirk S: Robert E Kay Tr, Tr for 18 Gilmore Road RT Book/Page: 60482/35, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Avidia Bank $182,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17333sf 10 LEEDS WAY..................................... $1,103,782 B: Mihir Ayachit & Pradnya Patil S: Bartolini Properties LLC Book/Page: 60487/181, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $883,026 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 82895sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/19) 10 LEEDS WAY...................................... $250,000 B: Bartolini Properties LLC S: Bartolini Brothers Inc Book/Page: 60465/265, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 82895sf 96 MAIN ST........................................... $650,000 B: David M Coderman Jr S: C Charles Margaritis Tr, Tr for Margaritis LT Book/Page: 60482/1, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43604sf 10 TURNPIKE RD.................................. $3,463,000 B: Malsun LLC S: CJS Holdings 2 Inc Book/Page: 60480/297, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $9,520,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 263538sf 43 VALLEY RD...................................... $1,250,000 B: Devi Bheemappa-Deluca Tr, Tr for Carlo J Deluca 2016 T S: Thomas A Froeschle & Phyllis M Froeschle Book/Page: 60496/14, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 113692sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $184,900

YTD 2019 40 $200,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 BOWLEN AVE..................................... $215,500 B: Hector Ramos S: Michael V Caplette Tr, Tr for Mirage RT Book/Page: 60487/22, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Southbridge CU $172,400 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 13500sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (02/98) 189 CHARLTON ST................................ $136,000 B: Aynsley Goodness S: MTGLQ Investors LP Book/Page: 60478/92, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $128,500 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5750sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (03/19) 631 CHARLTON ST................................ $164,000 B: Matthew Atchue S: Laurie A Blake Book/Page: 60474/337, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Village Mtg Co $161,029 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 27800sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (09/04) 36 E MAIN ST........................................ $115,000 B: Garon Electrical Services S: John C Montani & Angela Montani Book/Page: 60491/20, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Auto Repair, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (03/19) 22 FOSTER ST....................................... $65,000 B: Marc M Anctil S: Christopher Lepoer Book/Page: 60486/264, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Stephen G Lariviere $75,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3250sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (03/15) 19 GERARD ST...................................... $316,500 B: Ellis J Cropper S: Frederick Laboy Book/Page: 60491/59, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $316,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 29185sf Prior Sale: $237,000 (06/15) 304 HAMILTON ST................................ $205,000 B: Erin M Flood S: Casimiro Betancourt & Nancy Mojca Book/Page: 60495/304, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $201,286 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4212sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (05/16)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

50 HILLCREST AVE................................ B: Michael Earielo S: Clifford A Corriveau & Pamela J Corriveau Book/Page: 60488/253, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $179,450 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7200sf 381 MORRIS ST..................................... B: RMG Group LLC S: Sovereign Grace Chapel Book/Page: 60469/33, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Sovereign Grace Chap $100,000 Use: Golf Course, Lot: 6331446sf Prior Sale: $324,500 (12/15) 63 TIPTON ROCK RD............................. B: Rodney Patterson S: Rolande M Smalarz Book/Page: 60488/230, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $264,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 74488sf 115 WESTWOOD PKWY......................... B: Darryus Bass & Amanda Bass S: Kenneth F Boland Tr, Tr for TKMMK RT Book/Page: 60479/54, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Land Home Fncl Svcs $212,087 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18800sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (02/07) 379 WHITETAIL CIR.............................. B: Erin R Craig S: Derek Burrill & Kerry Burrill Book/Page: 60477/212, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Hunt Mortgage $202,730 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22651sf Prior Sale: $174,000 (03/09) 11 WINDSOR CT.................................... B: Geraldo Alicea S: Reyes Properties LLC Book/Page: 60495/153, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $186,459 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 8064sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (09/04)







Spencer MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $225,000

YTD 2019 34 $252,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 106 ASH ST........................................... $121,250 B: Richard Barrell & Roland Messier S: Bertnell Realty Inc Book/Page: 60487/111, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 14870sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (03/19) 7 DUSTIN ST.......................................... $165,000 B: Yolanda Gutierrez S: Bullock Joseph A Est & Michael J Bullock Book/Page: 60481/307, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $172,389 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17420sf

Sterling MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 Median Price $373,000

YTD 2019 16 $332,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES CINTON RD (OFF)................................... $4,000 B: Thomas Orsini & Pamela Orsini S: Sterling Heights Builders Book/Page: 60468/85, Date: 05/29/19 31 HOLDEN RD...................................... $260,000 B: Scott Hammond S: Melinda Oconnor & Constance Oconnor Book/Page: 60466/165, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $208,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 54886sf Prior Sale: $10,000 (09/04) 118 KENDALL HILL RD.......................... $630,000 B: Thomas J Blair & Kimberly Blair S: Robert E Conway & Christine L Conway Book/Page: 60471/136, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $450,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 72310sf Prior Sale: $528,000 (09/01) MEETINGHOUSE HILL RD....................... $6,500 B: Christine M Desmaris & Philip V Desmaris S: Robert Eyles Book/Page: 60478/279, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 109336sf 124 REDEMPTION ROCK TRL................ $395,000 B: Kilcoyne RT Ltd S: Douglas A Roberts Book/Page: 60468/333, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 435600sf 41 SANDY RIDGE RD............................. $557,500 B: Joseph Austin & Mary A Lucht-Austin S: Darrell M Rohwer & Yolanda F Hall Book/Page: 60488/349, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 91476sf Prior Sale: $605,000 (06/06)

Sturbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $268,950

YTD 2019 26 $333,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 13 BLUEBERRY LN................................ $343,800 B: Jordan Acosta & Jessica M Acosta S: Thomas Savage & Diane M Savage Book/Page: 60476/247, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22216sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (04/11) 11 COVE DR........................................... $472,875 B: Sharon Riley & James Dinopoulos S: Charles P Mccarthy & Sharon Mccarthy Book/Page: 60491/264, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 26572sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (11/08) 78 FAIRVIEW PARK RD......................... $375,000 B: Bruce A Serret & Adelicia Burgos S: Jeffrey K Lloyd & Eileen M Lloyd Book/Page: 60480/96, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $200,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 51401sf Prior Sale: $309,900 (05/03) 12 RIDGE HILL RD................................. $315,000 B: Jason Edelman-Devine & Alicia Fahey S: Jillian E Lemieux Book/Page: 60486/190, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $236,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (04/12) 19 WOODLAWN DR............................... $242,500 B: Marcia M Riggsby S: Sharon L Simonic Tr, Tr for Lois J Bizak FT 2018 Book/Page: 60477/134, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Southbridge CU $194,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 22651sf





MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $321,000

YTD 2019 28 $398,114

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 40 BARNETT RD.................................... $262,500 B: Peter Richard S: Gerald A Arata Jr Tr, Tr for CMA RT 2013 Book/Page: 60484/258, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $254,625 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 80436sf 15 EAGLE DR U:15................................ $600,000 B: Kevin B Latraverse Tr, Tr for 15 Eage Drive T 2019 S: Gary G Pontbriand & Crystal E Grover Book/Page: 60473/155, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $630,000 (10/13) 125 LINCOLN RD................................... $394,900 B: Joseph Messier Jr & Rachelyn Provencher S: Patrick T Gaffney & Cassandra Gaffney Book/Page: 60478/324, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Firstrust Bank $314,920 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 82614sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (01/15) 31 PUTNAM HILL RD............................. $335,000 B: Tucker J Obrien & Rachel L Obrien S: Justin Brigham & Michaela Brigham Book/Page: 60497/271, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 36588sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (12/13)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $247,400

YTD 2019 27 $225,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 37 BAKER LN......................................... $253,500 B: Gregory K Mcguane & Judith M Mcguane S: Judith L Sawtelle Book/Page: 60484/154, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (01/06) BALDWINVILLE RD................................ $118,000 B: Alan Drouin S: Templeton Heights LLC Book/Page: 60478/123, Date: 05/30/19 382 BALDWINVILLE RD......................... $108,000 B: Evan Ringgard & Amber Ringgard S: Matthews Ronald F Est & Kristin A Matthews Book/Page: 60477/16, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $128,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 75359sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (05/15) 40 BAPTIST COMMON RD..................... $320,000 B: Lisa M Basso S: Scribner Development LLC Book/Page: 60502/84, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $304,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 695653sf Prior Sale: $232,000 (01/18) 53 BROOKS RD...................................... $330,000 B: James A Wironen & Heather D Wironen S: Regina M Oldfield Book/Page: 60486/23, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $297,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (11/01) CARRUTH RD......................................... $57,000 B: Alan Drouin S: Arthur Beese & Heidi Beese Book/Page: 60477/337, Date: 05/30/19 GRAY RD............................................... $100,000 B: Timothy Toth & Elizabeth A Toth S: Thomas P Dow & Cindy S Dow Book/Page: 60472/198, Date: 05/30/19 12 HIGH ST............................................ $106,250 B: Eric L Ronn & Heather Corey S: Wayne S Ronn Tr, Tr for Fitzgerald RT Book/Page: 60502/299, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $85,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 28750sf 75 MAIN ST........................................... $230,000 B: Melissa L Moore S: Scribner Development LLC Book/Page: 60486/347, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $222,323 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 71874sf Prior Sale: $104,200 (05/11) 28 WATER WHEEL CIR U:28.................. $198,000 B: Nancy R Seguin S: Charles M Henrickson Book/Page: 60501/94, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $153,000 (04/18)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $400,000

YTD 2019 18 $482,500

11 CARRIAGE PATH U:11...................... $282,500 B: Tom W Lane & Ruth E Lane S: Rita G Labonte Book/Page: 60481/67, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $60,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $289,900 (02/06) 99 CHARLES AVE.................................. $435,000 B: Timothy Rosati & Chelsea R StPere S: Paul E Newman & Maria A Newman Book/Page: 60473/26, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $378,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 78844sf Prior Sale: $195,680 (08/97) 52 CROWNSHIELD AVE......................... $549,000 B: Jason Hogan & Patricia Hogan S: Thomas C Parker & Doreen L Parker Book/Page: 60483/185, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $439,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44431sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (06/08) 2 DUCHESS PATH U:2........................... $242,500 B: Sue A Dionne S: Ruth E Logan Tr, Tr for Ruth E Logan FT Book/Page: 60484/70, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $140,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 61 EAST ST........................................... $375,000 B: Ian Fowler & Jessica Fowler S: Adam Whittemore Book/Page: 60487/114, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $337,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $297,000 (05/11) 19 EASY ST........................................... $350,000 B: Ethan Peloquin & Brianna L Peloquin S: Mark W Andrews Book/Page: 60504/54, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $297,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 58370sf Prior Sale: $236,927 (11/99) 45 HYDE PARK CIR U:45....................... $347,000 B: Werner Christ & Lin Li S: Autumn Ridge Condominium Book/Page: 60468/310, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $322,000 Use: Possible New Construction 33 KING ST............................................ $25,000 B: Matthew D Laplante & Amanda M Laplante S: Fred Hutnak Development Book/Page: 60470/352, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 45738sf 12 PARKIS ST........................................ $225,000 B: Brianna Scherer & Benjamin Aitken S: Blanche A Beaudoin & Kenneth W Beaudoin Book/Page: 60490/28, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $200,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8438sf 59 ROCKMEADOW RD........................... $365,000 B: Daniel C Cardin & Lauren A Robinson S: David M Cardin Book/Page: 60482/396, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $292,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 79279sf 182 S MAIN ST...................................... $405,000 B: David L Anastas & Donna M Anastas S: Keith P Hynes & Mary M Hynes Book/Page: 60481/188, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $384,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 41382sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (05/09) 16 TUCKER HILL RD.............................. $489,900 B: Justin M Valjat & Kasi E Valjat S: TTK Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 60489/162, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $351,920 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 54014sf

Warren MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 23 Median Price $195,000

YTD 2019 8 $172,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 742 OLD WEST WARREN RD................ B: Laura E Wood & Linda Kinmonth S: Mary J Blanchet & Gabrielle A Nutter Book/Page: 60490/254, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $126,585 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5227sf SOUTHBRIDGE RD.................................. B: Mark J Tuttle & Gloria M Tuttle S: Robert B Tuttle & Ann M Tuttle Book/Page: 60496/262, Date: 06/03/19 55 SOUTHBRIDGE RD............................ B: Rebecca A Thomas S: Mark Andrews & Joyce A Andrews Book/Page: 60486/389, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Southbridge CU $143,450 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $28,900 (09/09)




Webster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $230,000

YTD 2019 55 $235,000



59 FISKE MILL RD................................. B: Sarah Abbott & Karl Ketola S: Robert O Freeman & Sarah J Freeman Book/Page: 60482/324, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $436,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 129791sf 64 GRAFTON RD.................................... B: Marc J Gravel Jr & Eve J Gravel S: Amir D Tajiani & Tiffany E Tajiani Book/Page: 60480/349, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 81875sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (12/15) 133 HOPKINTON RD.............................. B: Thomas P Watson & Katia D Watson S: JP Development Properties Book/Page: 60465/363, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Stearns Lending $353,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 84053sf Prior Sale: $229,000 (12/18)

4 BERNARD ST...................................... $259,000 B: Israel Rodas-Torres S: Scott R Beals & Valerie R Beals Book/Page: 60469/351, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $240,970 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14000sf Prior Sale: $184,000 (02/03) 19 HALL RD........................................... $610,000 B: James P Gannon 3rd & Michele Mcgovern S: John Mcmahon Tr, Tr for Mcmahon LT Book/Page: 60470/92, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $484,350 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13538sf Prior Sale: $449,900 (06/12) 46 HIGHLAND ST................................... $259,900 B: Lynne F Thorburn S: Kerri Pirrotta & Santo Pirrotta Book/Page: 60503/35, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $156,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 17271sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (12/14) 14 HUMES ST........................................ $42,500 B: Robert J Vota & Jeffrey T Devine S: Mcdowell Sheila Est & Keith A Mcdowell Book/Page: 60465/108, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 10489sf 5 JACKSON RD...................................... $282,000 B: Stephen J Koopman S: Keith Forcier & Jane Horanzy Book/Page: 60480/181, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $282,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 13204sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (08/10) 2 MARKET ST........................................ $225,000 B: MAT Properties LLC S: M&G LLC Book/Page: 60476/315, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $300,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (01/11)





MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $361,150

YTD 2019 36 $332,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 801 ALDRICH ST................................... B: Melissa Rouleau & David A Rouleau S: Steven LLC Book/Page: 60497/11, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $346,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 135036sf Prior Sale: $213,000 (11/18) 445 BLACKSTONE ST............................ B: James S Ruscitti S: Paul A Marcin Book/Page: 60502/343, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 626393sf



12 PARADIS LN..................................... B: Basha Prominski S: Timothy M Lermond Book/Page: 60490/76, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9600sf Prior Sale: $237,500 (11/05)


YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $186,650

YTD 2019 22 $290,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 89 MAPLE ST........................................ $300,000 B: Jason Howland S: Stephen A Howland Tr, Tr for Howland FT Book/Page: 60479/384, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $156,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 31116sf 318 STERLING ST U:E2......................... $198,000 B: Adriana Grabski & Robert G Owen S: Rigger Lane LLC Book/Page: 60486/287, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $188,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (04/17) 12 W BOYLSTON ST.............................. $329,000 B: Gabrielle Palmer Inc S: Beverly K Goodale Book/Page: 60499/78, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Rollstone Bk & Tr $298,200 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 17028sf


YTD 2019 6 $250,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 JOHN GILBERT RD........................... $37,500 B: Brian E Miarecki & Amy J Miarecki S: Mary F Maskell Tr, Tr for Mcrevey FT Book/Page: 60479/348, Date: 05/30/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 856390sf 1585 LAKE ST....................................... $111,000 B: Robert J Richard & Patricia A Richard S: FHLM Book/Page: 60503/183, Date: 06/04/19 56 LAKESHORE DR................................ $355,000 B: Francis F Elliott & Jeanne M Elliott S: Carol A Brown & Christine L Giard Book/Page: 60477/162, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $337,250 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (08/01) 123 PIERCE RD...................................... $222,000 B: Margarita Baez S: Christopher A Lance & Danielle Lance Book/Page: 60481/120, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Members Advantage Mtg $210,900 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 33977sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (10/11) 25 PINE GROVE RD............................... $308,000 B: Derek E Burrill & Kerry L Burrill S: Craig Braconnier & Christine Braconnier Book/Page: 60494/192, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $290,638 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 41382sf Prior Sale: $142,000 (09/18)

Westborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $475,000

YTD 2019 38 $215,300



YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 Median Price $230,000



West Boylston YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 Median Price $281,700

JUNE 17, 2019

YTD 2019 44 $500,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1007 BRADISH LN U:1007.................... $415,000 B: Jun Yan S: Peter Renkel & Irina Renkel Book/Page: 60490/85, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $311,200 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $375,000 (05/17) 15 DENFELD DR.................................... $399,900 B: 15 Denfeld Drive LLC S: Eleanor C Mckeever Book/Page: 60466/253, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14000sf 10 FOLLY LN......................................... $605,000 B: Ian G Lyons & Delia Lyons S: Eric S Moran & Miranda Moran Book/Page: 60482/200, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Abbott Labs EFCU $544,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 68912sf Prior Sale: $363,000 (12/14) 165 LYMAN ST...................................... $361,000 B: Elizabeth A Felton & Danny B Felton S: Lori A Strachan & Scott Strachan Book/Page: 60494/290, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $333,485 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11107sf Prior Sale: $318,500 (06/16) 7 MCTAGGART ST................................. $685,000 B: Miranda Moran & Eric Moran S: James J Niedzolkowski & Ruth M Niedzolkowski Book/Page: 60488/380, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $410,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30524sf 11 NASH ST........................................... $675,000 B: Jessica L Grant & Jeffrey P Grant S: Anita A Joshi & Ashok M Joshi Book/Page: 60466/361, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Central One FCU $525,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28648sf Prior Sale: $399,900 (08/99) 3 NICHOLS TER..................................... $670,000 B: Aman Khanna & Navdeep Kaur S: Jing Tian & Rubing Zhu Book/Page: 60496/149, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $536,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 65423sf Prior Sale: $300,700 (10/02) 21 SOUTH ST U:29................................ $221,500 B: Stephanie Cousens S: Peter S Evans Tr, Tr for Peter S Evans T Book/Page: 60466/231, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $177,200 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $140,000 (12/12) 34 TREETOP PARK U:34........................ $282,250 B: Yansong Geng & Yiqun Wang S: Vincent P Coluccio & Robert C Coluccio Book/Page: 60478/243, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $225,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

81 ELMWOOD RD.................................. B: Joseph L Cormier & Amanda E Yelle S: Brian C Benson Sr Book/Page: 60489/62, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $202,268 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 158558sf 25 HYDE ST........................................... B: Daniel J Kelley & Anna M Kelley S: Peter J Bredberg & Linda M Bredberg Book/Page: 60491/49, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43734sf 155-157 MILL ST.................................. B: Alfredo Franco-Gutierrez S: Fernando Angulo & Valerie V Angulo Book/Page: 60490/383, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LYC Mortgage LLC $199,813 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 12763sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (07/12) 52 WINTER ST....................................... B: Scott A Flagg S: Omalley Nina V Est & William J Omalley Book/Page: 60486/223, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $118,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6708sf






MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 339 Median Price $227,500

YTD 2019 319 $240,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 2ND ST............................................. $244,000 B: Komlan Touglo S: AMTD LLC Book/Page: 60475/176, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Bank of Canton $218,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7236sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (03/18) 4 ALPINE ST.......................................... $340,000 B: Ryan R Emrich S: Paul F Jennette & Stephen G Jennette Book/Page: 60497/349, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $333,841 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5750sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (02/98) 30 ARBUTUS RD.................................... $235,000 B: Patrick R Mccauley S: Mary T Bradshaw Book/Page: 60486/106, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $223,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6518sf 7 ARDMORE RD..................................... $385,000 B: Danielle Pickett & William Schachterle S: Sona Liskova Book/Page: 60485/105, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Bank of America NA $308,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14580sf Prior Sale: $279,900 (04/13) 36 ASHMORE RD................................... $300,000 B: M DelToro-Cournoyer S: Lois A Moore Book/Page: 60479/353, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16450sf 43 AUSTIN ST....................................... $2,900,000 B: Whiting Building LLC S: Alaro Realty&Dev Corp Book/Page: 60496/66, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $2,175,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 5102sf 49 AUSTIN ST....................................... $2,900,000 B: Whiting Building LLC S: Alaro Realty&Dev Corp Book/Page: 60496/66, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $2,175,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 6386sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (06/97) 215 BEACON ST.................................... $333,500 B: Snowhound Property Group S: Gary M Leuenberger & Nga T Do Book/Page: 60486/48, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Millbury National Bk $285,600 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5121sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (01/15) 8 BEALE ST........................................... $370,000 B: Ina Bregu S: Douglas W Gray & Roberta M Gray Book/Page: 60478/138, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $318,750 3 BELVIDERE AVE................................. $266,000 B: Chudamuni Bhujel S: Cindy Gibbons Book/Page: 60470/17, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $212,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6042sf Prior Sale: $196,000 (03/12) 10 BELVIDERE AVE............................... $327,000 B: Joseph R Moyer & Alison Wortman S: Peter J Wagner & Kathryn Rankin-Wagner Book/Page: 60473/175, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $261,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11400sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (06/12) 11 BOLTON ST....................................... $210,000 B: Oceana J Montalvo S: Kristin Rivera & Marcus Rivera Book/Page: 60487/296, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $203,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 5108sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (12/15) 601 CAMBRIDGE ST.............................. $249,900 B: Opheret Ogaus & Amanda M Ogaus S: Sam Nguyen Book/Page: 60486/77, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $245,373 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3425sf Prior Sale: $83,000 (10/17) 15 CAMP ST.......................................... $310,000 B: Lori T Chau & Tommy T Du S: Myduyen Nguyen & Tan V Tran Book/Page: 60491/221, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $304,385 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4036sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (06/15) 26-A CARLSTAD ST.............................. $193,000 B: Luz E Velazquez S: James S Capuano & Elizabeth M Capuano Book/Page: 60498/31, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $187,210 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8790sf 441 CHANDLER ST................................ $279,900 B: San Subba & Harki Subba S: Tami S Fernandes & Antonio Fernandes Book/Page: 60473/47, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $246,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6512sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (12/13) 72 CHRISTINE ST.................................. $240,000 B: Cara A Hanrahan S: Katherine E Butterfield & Andrew J Butterfield Book/Page: 60475/338, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $228,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4519sf Prior Sale: $127,500 (04/14)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

8 COLBY AVE......................................... $230,000 B: Wasim Khan & Bushra Khan S: Martin A Lee & Lorelie H Lee Doc#: 000000114248, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $195,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10129sf 37 COLUMBIA ST.................................. $208,000 B: Austin Montgomery & Constance Su S: Sree FT LLC Book/Page: 60484/247, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (03/19) 69 COOLIDGE RD................................... $335,000 B: Ethan F Borchelt & Abigail E Borchelt S: David J Stavros Tr, Tr for Stavros LT Book/Page: 60469/205, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $318,250 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10892sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (01/13) 35 COVENTRY RD.................................. $305,000 B: Jeffrey C Webster & Nancy L Mullin S: Leo J Bullard Book/Page: 60495/20, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6600sf Prior Sale: $278,500 (09/04) 33 CRILLON RD..................................... $175,000 B: Alberto Sagastume S: Robyn A Harris Book/Page: 60472/94, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $169,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7428sf 8 DAWSON RD....................................... $123,000 B: NE Homes LLC S: Thuan Vuong Book/Page: 60488/72, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 37230sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (10/18) 50 DOMINION RD.................................. $235,000 B: Nell E Casey S: Kitty H Schrow & David Dowd Book/Page: 60476/51, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Avidia Bank $100,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 4721sf Prior Sale: $243,000 (10/04) 175 EASTERN AVE................................ $210,000 B: Deborah Danson S: Sulleyman A Braimah Book/Page: 60470/146, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $165,852 Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6969sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (08/08) 38 FRANCIS ST U:38............................. $229,000 B: Yarl LLC S: Francis Investments LLC Book/Page: 60487/176, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $106,000 (04/15) 160 FREMONT ST U:415....................... $201,000 B: Zoe Coburn S: Bruce Leeds & Ari Leeds Book/Page: 60497/382, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $183,350 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $204,000 (10/07) 61 HAVELOCK RD.................................. $343,900 B: Elizabeth M Gearhardt S: Rhonda L Mcfleder & Matthias T Mcfleder Book/Page: 60489/366, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $326,705 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9310sf Prior Sale: $254,900 (11/15) 153 INGLESIDE AVE.............................. $415,000 B: Gilmar S Barbosa S: 153-155 Ingleside LLC Book/Page: 60483/360, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $401,149 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5600sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (04/13) 46 IRVING ST........................................ $2,900,000 B: Whiting Building LLC S: Alaro Realty&Dev Corp Book/Page: 60496/66, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: TD Bank NA $2,175,000 5 JACKSON ST...................................... $450,000 B: S&O Realty LLC S: D&L Ventures LLC Book/Page: 60463/298, Date: 05/29/19 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5626sf Prior Sale: $159,000 (11/12) 58 JAMES ST........................................ $295,000 B: Saint Nourieh Estate LLC S: Grant Nieszyewski Tr, Tr for Nieszyewski RT Doc#: 000000114257, Date: 06/03/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 11430sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (04/15) 38 JOHN ST........................................... $475,000 B: Sean Doherty & Susan Doherty S: James R Lewis Tr, Tr for Lewis Worcester IRT Book/Page: 60501/156, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5137sf 34 KINNICUTT RD.................................. $257,000 B: Iiir Mborja & Vangjelie Shkurti S: Helen Bosnakis & George Bosnakis Book/Page: 60485/74, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Central One FCU $221,020 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8701sf 1 KNOLLWOOD DR................................ $590,000 B: Joshua D Claunch & Catherine C Claunch S: Jane E Moss Tr, Tr for Jane E Moss NT Book/Page: 60474/202, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Members Advantage Mtg $472,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 100675sf 379 MAIN ST........................................ $6,908,000 B: MCPHS University S: SJ Realty LLC Book/Page: 60491/214, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 11408sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (12/12) 531 MAIN ST U:404............................... $70,000 B: Jose J Taveras S: Mohammed B Reza Book/Page: 60486/275, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 28 MARCONI RD.................................... $221,000 B: Dagogo E Pepple & Jessica R Pepple S: Elite Rivers LLC Book/Page: 60465/244, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $216,997 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4800sf Prior Sale: $119,000 (12/17) 234 MAY ST.......................................... $265,000 B: Sunny S Nguyen S: Darlene Lanava & Henry C Tinney Book/Page: 60478/366, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $235,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9287sf 11 MONTROSE ST................................. $340,000 B: Joseph Aponte & Eric M Burkman S: David Nagatti Tr, Tr for 11 Montrose St RT Book/Page: 60482/364, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Arvest Bank $255,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 3023sf Prior Sale: $103,000 (08/10) 3 MORTON CT....................................... $15,000 B: Rafael Martinez S: Son Tran Book/Page: 60501/189, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 7420sf Prior Sale: $54,900 (04/13)

15 MOUNT VERNON ST......................... $300,000 B: Jason Theoharis S: 2800 NW 56th LLC & Jidms LLC Book/Page: 60471/23, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $285,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 17295sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (06/17) 6 MOUNTAINSHIRE DR U:6................... $175,000 B: Matthew Curry S: Linda A Chaput Book/Page: 60475/228, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $169,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $153,500 (10/08) 11 NEW YORK ST.................................. $254,900 B: Viola LLC S: Justin P Wahlstrom & Melissa Wahlstrom Book/Page: 60479/203, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $191,175 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 2313sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (04/05) 15 NEWBURY ST................................... $399,000 B: Reginald B Howard S: Newbury Heera Corp Book/Page: 60490/300, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Evolve B&T $412,167 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 3321sf Prior Sale: $166,500 (09/18) 134 NEWTON AVE N.............................. $400,000 B: William C Cahill & Michelin C Cahill S: Jason P Hogan & Patricia Hogan Book/Page: 60474/288, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $250,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9512sf Prior Sale: $349,900 (06/09) 220 NORFOLK ST.................................. $244,000 B: Maria Calderon S: Nina A Howe Book/Page: 60489/89, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $235,856 Use: 2 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 4856sf Prior Sale: $199,900 (09/09) 77 OLEAN ST......................................... $243,000 B: Douglas M Elfman S: Robert A Prior Book/Page: 60468/25, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $194,400 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 14179sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (06/06) 25 PARKTON AVE.................................. $246,000 B: Roxanne B Starkin S: Brenda Panneton Book/Page: 60475/67, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Millbury CU $196,800 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5144sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (07/18) 2 PELICAN AVE..................................... $256,900 B: Citlin Belanger S: Rosa L Timm & Damon Timm Book/Page: 60467/87, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $252,246 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8100sf Prior Sale: $257,000 (04/07) 15 PHOEBE WAY................................... $199,000 B: Kristina Mcgrath & John Mcgrath S: Kastytis J Apuliukonis Book/Page: 60495/382, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $159,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 15000sf 7 PLANTATION ST................................. $375,000 B: 7 Plantation Street LLC S: 7 Plantation LLC Book/Page: 60478/189, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5797sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (01/11) 1029 PLEASANT ST U:35...................... $169,000 B: Roy Moy & Eun Y Chung S: Kewu Zhang Book/Page: 60478/61, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $127,000 (12/18) 45 PROUTY LN....................................... $324,000 B: Alexander A Winn & Kaitlyn A Mathis-Winn S: Andrew Keefe & Eve Keefe Book/Page: 60475/104, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $314,280 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 24441sf Prior Sale: $314,000 (07/14) 24-A PURITAN AVE............................... $170,000 B: Sean Weilbrenner S: Douglas M Cooper Book/Page: 60503/189, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $170,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $101,000 (08/98) 14 RESERVOIR ST................................. $206,500 B: Edwin D Aybar & Ada D Morales S: Grethel Mulroy Book/Page: 60488/50, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Seacoast Mortgage Cor $202,759 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4505sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (09/02) 57 RICH ST U:2...................................... $179,000 B: Janice Tangney S: Derik Opdyke Book/Page: 60485/263, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $228,000 (08/06) 671 SALISBURY ST............................... $429,900 B: David J Lond & Eileen K Lisk S: Jennifer Mackoul & Alexandra Xanthopoulos Book/Page: 60485/31, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $322,425 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10497sf Prior Sale: $349,500 (08/16) 770 SALISBURY ST U:219..................... $189,000 B: Timothy Rucho S: Cindy J Williams & Beth A Piermarini Book/Page: 60485/185, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $151,200 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 770 SALISBURY ST U:572..................... $220,000 B: Susan S Harrington & Michael C Moschos S: J L Conroy-Laboeuf Tr, Tr for Carnazza FT Book/Page: 60485/218, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $70,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $204,900 (06/16) 49 SANDRA DR..................................... $285,000 B: Russell Carlson & Nicole Notidis S: US Bank NA Tr Book/Page: 60471/356, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 10732sf Prior Sale: $263,468 (10/18) 1 SUNTAUG RD...................................... $325,000 B: Chris Milne Tr, Tr for Suntaug RT S: John F Ohara Book/Page: 60482/12, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10525sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (03/14) 76 TOWNSEND ST................................. $385,000 B: Alon Maoz & Tamar Maoz S: Djafari East LLC Book/Page: 60491/369, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $281,250 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 2356sf Prior Sale: $133,000 (10/14) 15 TURIN RD......................................... $177,000 B: Maria M Cariglia & Gina D Cariglia S: Elizabeth Cariglia Book/Page: 60502/35, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $157,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4050sf



JUNE 17, 2019

1 WAHNITA RD...................................... $297,000 B: Andrew J Butterfield & Katherine E Butterfield S: Deborah P Mosca & Kenneth J Mosca Book/Page: 60497/71, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $237,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 9186sf Prior Sale: $228,000 (03/03) 28 WATER ST........................................ $600,000 B: B1 Water Street LLC S: Walkers 4 Dev Bldgs LLC Book/Page: 60472/398, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: East Boston Svgs Bk $495,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 16464sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (10/16) 12 WHISPERING PINE CIR U:12............ $265,000 B: Kaye Lu S: John M Donahoe & Kathrine E Donahoe Book/Page: 60466/41, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $212,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $235,000 (05/16) 6 WHITNEY ST....................................... $400,000 B: Naomi Maina S: Elzbieta Szymanska & Adam Szymanska Book/Page: 60492/217, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: American Fncl Svc Net $392,042 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 5715sf 9 WIGWAM HILL DR.............................. $301,000 B: Cameron Salvatelli S: Tina Le Book/Page: 60466/188, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $295,548 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11609sf Prior Sale: $131,000 (11/13) 20 WILLIAM ST U:6............................... $199,000 B: Lindita Bozdo & Artur Bozdo S: Billb Burkhart & Patricia A Burkhart Book/Page: 60491/241, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $159,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $170,000 (04/17) WINTER ST............................................ $59,995 B: B2 Water Street LLC S: Walker 4 Development Land Book/Page: 60473/1, Date: 05/30/19

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 102 BEACONSFIELD RD........................ B: AS Hestia LLC S: Sharron M Breault & AS Hestia LLC Book/Page: 60488/217, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14224sf Prior Sale: $128,221 (11/07)


Worcester Registry Northern District Kathleen R. Daigneault, Esq. 166 Boulder Drive, Suite 202 Fitchburg, MA 01420 Telephone: (978) 342-2637 Fax: (978) 345-2865

Ashburnham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $199,250

YTD 2019 22 $235,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 85 DUNN RD.......................................... B: Mauri Pelto & Lynne A Pelto S: Susan I Maki Book/Page: 9335/262, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $348,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 32500sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (05/16) 12 RUSSELL AVE................................... B: Sarah C Black S: Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Book/Page: 9331/281, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $213,069 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13785sf Prior Sale: $124,900 (12/00)



Fitchburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 97 Median Price $186,000

YTD 2019 95 $215,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 161 ALPINE RD..................................... $305,000 B: Edmundo Zambrano S: Sara A Morin & George T Morin Book/Page: 9333/362, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $295,850 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 41955sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (03/10) 50 BELGIAN WAY U:50.......................... $238,000 B: Karen M Mezick & Austin W Sheatsley S: Philip Grzewinski & Kathleen M Grzewinski Book/Page: 9335/8, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $102,500 (12/12) 46 CASTLE RD....................................... $269,000 B: Brent W Cote & Emily C Cote S: Anthony D Baker & Melissa M Baker Book/Page: 9335/220, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $264,127 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 17927sf Prior Sale: $229,000 (09/08) 35 CAUSEWAY ST................................. $165,000 B: Michael J Allen S: Paula J Gottschalk Book/Page: 9337/36, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Paula J Gottschalk $160,343 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4900sf Prior Sale: $144,000 (09/16) 127 CEDAR ST....................................... $330,000 B: Kenia M DePaula-DeLaRosa & Edysson D Aquino S: Reynaldo Mejia Book/Page: 9337/212, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $324,022 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4176sf Prior Sale: $306,000 (09/18) 29 CONNORS ST.................................... $315,000 B: Aaron J Tourigny S: Roger P Fontaine & Anne M White-Fontaine Book/Page: 9335/342, Date: 05/31/19 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 8107sf

17 ELLIS ST........................................... $193,500 B: Robert J Benson S: David R Bashaw Tr, Tr for Treichl IRT Book/Page: 9333/194, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $189,994 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 8706sf Prior Sale: $248,500 (08/04) 480 ELM ST U:3..................................... $136,900 B: Rafael Minllety S: Raymond C Dykstra Book/Page: 9332/367, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $132,793 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $139,900 (12/04) 100 EXETER ST..................................... $173,000 B: Lauryn E Larson S: Deborah A Williams Book/Page: 9332/328, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $167,810 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (05/07) 330 FRANKLIN RD................................. $209,000 B: Amy Assaad & Sivixay B Nhonvongsouthi S: Suzanne D Longey Book/Page: 9335/87, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Workers Credit Union $167,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14250sf 35 KELLY AVE....................................... $265,450 B: Kenny B Marcellus & Evins Marcellus S: Leonel Z Mendez Book/Page: 9334/164, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $256,206 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 11334sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (09/04) 20 LONGEDGE AVE................................ $185,000 B: Timothy Collins S: Laura Newman & Scott E Newman Book/Page: 9335/57, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $181,649 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8545sf Prior Sale: $24,500 (06/18) 479 MILK ST.......................................... $303,900 B: Carlos Galdamez S: Conquest 2 LLC Book/Page: 9334/132, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $243,120 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19580sf Prior Sale: $153,100 (11/18) 41 NUTTING ST..................................... $140,000 B: Michael A Allen S: William Smith Tr, Tr for Smith LT Book/Page: 9335/368, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $170,922 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 25200sf 26-28 PATTON ST................................. $315,000 B: Aaron J Tourigny S: Roger P Fontaine & Anne M White-Fontaine Book/Page: 9335/342, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $299,250 466 PEARL HILL RD.............................. $260,000 B: Miguel A Mejia S: David B Lyon & Birdena A Lyon Book/Page: 9334/83, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $250,900 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22734sf 84 PIERCE FARM RD............................. $300,000 B: Hai H Pham S: Pelletier Properties LLC Book/Page: 9333/301, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $294,566 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10160sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (11/18) 73 PINE ST............................................ $221,000 B: Dennis C Hendrickson & Todd M Upton S: Donna Stebbins Book/Page: 9334/25, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $165,750 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 11845sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (08/01) 164 PLYMOUTH ST................................ $73,000 B: Lam V Ngo S: Trieu H Truong Book/Page: 9332/344, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $58,400 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7272sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (08/14) 79 PRICHARD ST................................... $190,000 B: Antonio D Alford-El S: Scott I Price Book/Page: 9337/253, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $311,061 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 5177sf 514 ROLLSTONE ST.............................. $298,000 B: Leomar J Dasilva S: E320 LLC Book/Page: 9334/46, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: ABSM $292,602 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 9117sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (09/18) 194 SAINT CAMILLE ST........................ $220,000 B: Thien T Truong & Duyen H Truong S: Thuan Tran Book/Page: 9334/64, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $209,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 9801sf Prior Sale: $248,000 (02/04) 63 SANBORN ST.................................... $45,000 B: Iris Ulloa S: Jose Martinez Book/Page: 9336/238, Date: 06/03/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3928sf Prior Sale: $27,000 (12/17) 143 TIBBETT CIR................................... $398,000 B: Christopher C Lowe & Kristin Lowe S: Taryn LLC Book/Page: 9337/187, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Sun East FCU $318,400 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 79716sf 141 WALTON ST.................................... $224,900 B: Adam K Christie & Kara E Jewell S: Michael J Coughlin Book/Page: 9337/98, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Digital FCU $218,153 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7976sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (09/14) 46-48 WINTER ST................................. $240,000 B: Joel Ortega S: Danny Hernandez & Adalgisa Coss Book/Page: 9336/307, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: United Bank $235,653 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6013sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (10/15)

Leominster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 109 Median Price $230,000

YTD 2019 96 $259,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 107 8TH ST............................................ B: Raul Fuerte & Fernando D Fuerte S: Ronald J Maillet & Susan M Maillet Book/Page: 9336/103, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $239,590 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3784sf


125 8TH ST............................................ $190,000 B: Michael J Smith S: Margaret E Hopkins Book/Page: 9335/239, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: First Alliance Lendin $186,558 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7560sf Prior Sale: $94,500 (08/98) 149 BAYBERRY HILL LN U:149............. $195,000 B: Sharyn L Cianci S: Bruce P Miller & Linda Miller Book/Page: 9336/334, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $185,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $178,000 (01/19) 159 BERRINGTON RD U:159................. $123,000 B: Claudyne A Lofgren S: Heather L Gray Book/Page: 9332/64, Date: 05/29/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $155,000 (08/07) 16 BLOSSOM ST.................................... $343,000 B: Braulio U Castro S: Jacqueline Civitarese Book/Page: 9338/172, Date: 06/04/19 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $336,787 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 11309sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (11/15) 66 CHAPMAN PL U:66........................... $206,000 B: Jamey B Richards S: Felicidad Melquiades Book/Page: 9332/142, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $202,268 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 18 CONNORS WAY................................ $985,000 B: Steven R Randle Tr, Tr for Mark 1124 T S: James F Connors 2nd Book/Page: 9335/168, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Hometown Bank $788,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 336719sf Prior Sale: $720,000 (08/11) 74 FAIRVIEW ST.................................... $133,000 B: EF Realty LLC S: Peter A Gradito Tr, Tr for Lograd RT Book/Page: 9333/186, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Somerset Ventures LLC $200,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11400sf 263 GROVE AVE.................................... $241,000 B: David Guimond S: Andrea M Morales Book/Page: 9332/77, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $233,770 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 9113sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (05/09) 40 LITCHFIELD PINES DR U:40............. $140,000 B: Admir Hamidovic S: Guido C Brusa Book/Page: 9336/49, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $133,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $100,000 (11/11) 112 LITCHFIELD PINES DR U:D............. $80,000 B: Luis Calderon S: Ellizabeth A Grant & Elaine J Stevenson Book/Page: 9338/56, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 123 LITCHFIELD PINES DR U:B............. $55,000 B: Jose Telles S: Elaine J Stevenson & Elizabeth A Grant Book/Page: 9338/64, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $450,000 (07/11) 135 LITCHFIELD PINES DR U:D............. $68,000 B: David Dibenedetto S: Charles S Carroll Tr, Tr for Carroll RT Book/Page: 9335/189, Date: 05/31/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $42,000 (05/14) 139 LITCHFIELD PINES DR U:D............. $53,000 B: Luis Calderon S: Elizabeth A Grant & Elaine J Stevenson Book/Page: 9338/60, Date: 06/04/19 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $25,000 (11/97) 642 MERRIAM AVE............................... $180,000 B: Conquest 2 LLC S: Ronald D Rigopoulos Tr, Tr for Rigopoulos LT Book/Page: 9332/294, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Richard Straight $258,978 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 22391sf 54 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD........................ $410,000 B: Michael M Proietti & Jessica R Proietti S: Matthew J Clifford Book/Page: 9333/238, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $328,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26377sf Prior Sale: $26,000 (08/11) 42 ORCHARD ST.................................... $442,900 B: Marie L Jacques S: Donna M Allard & Francis Wada Book/Page: 9336/133, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $354,320 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10792sf Prior Sale: $178,000 (06/98) 165 PENNACOOK DR U:165.................. $175,000 B: David S Bradley S: Gene R Peterson & David C Peterson Book/Page: 9332/209, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $178,762 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $175,000 (10/03) 56 POSCO AVE...................................... $277,000 B: Marcia E Wagnac & Jean Fritz-Wagnac S: Mary J Allain & Robert J Allain Book/Page: 9334/4, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $271,982 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 12765sf 16 PRESCOTT ST................................... $283,000 B: Peter J Burns S: Joseph P Goguen & Cecilia M Goguen Book/Page: 9334/209, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $268,850 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4832sf 19 ROCHE AVE...................................... $150,000 B: Peter E Bovenzi Tr, Tr for Pierce Pond RT S: John H Pichette & Patricia L Pichette Book/Page: 9335/315, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Lachance Fncl Svcs $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf 12 RUTH ST........................................... $289,000 B: Danny Chaves & Elizabeth Bond S: Antonio C Sousa & Joy Parenti-Sousa Book/Page: 9334/108, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $269,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 11000sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (06/99) 21 SACRAMENTO DR............................ $443,000 B: Daphnay Mercidie S: Michael G Gosselin & Sharon R Pojadas Book/Page: 9335/193, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $411,990 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20350sf 64 SAMOSET DR................................... $440,000 B: Michael Schnare & Mindy Schnare S: Ronald L Mueller & Amy J Mueller Book/Page: 9337/275, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cardinal Fncl Co LP $396,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16641sf Prior Sale: $388,449 (08/15)

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

62 WEBBER ST...................................... B: Cintia R Andradedemenezes S: Tata Larry J Est & Jack Tata Book/Page: 9335/149, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: ABSM $309,294 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 21472sf


▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS COMMERCIAL RD...................................................... B: CLNC REO Whitney LLC S: VCG Whitney Field LLC Book/Page: 9336/76, Date: 05/31/19

Lunenburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 Median Price $249,950

YTD 2019 44 $285,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 22 BOUCHER RD.................................... $478,500 B: Christopher Barrile & Dana Barrile S: John H Esposito Tr, Tr for Granite RT Book/Page: 9334/103, Date: 05/30/19 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 197327sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (05/17) 44 BURKE ST......................................... $229,900 B: Stefan Daniel S: Sharon L Gravelle Book/Page: 9335/287, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $218,405 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9148sf 531 BURRAGE ST.................................. $375,000 B: Lewis A Alfano & Kirsten D Russell S: Thomas J Blair & Kimberly A Donovan Book/Page: 9332/310, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Camden National Bank $337,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 76230sf Prior Sale: $382,000 (12/04) 136 COVE RD......................................... $249,000 B: Russell Dufresne & Diane Dufresne S: TVR LLC Book/Page: 9337/121, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $149,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 52272sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (01/19) 120 GOODRICH ST................................. $110,000 B: Deborah L Swett S: Scott Miller & Colleen E Miller Book/Page: 9338/122, Date: 06/04/19 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 111949sf 656 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:2............ $344,900 B: Bernard A Manning 2nd & Kathleen A Manning S: Signature Living LLC Book/Page: 9331/263, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: eMortgage Management $274,900 Use: Condo 658 MASSACHUSETTS AVE.................. $342,400 B: John Dillon S: Signature Living LLC Book/Page: 9335/112, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: Eastern Bank $332,128 Type: Adj Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $4,000 (08/17) 1864 MASSACHUSETTS AVE................ $465,000 B: Andrea Morales-Ahmed S: Steven Salovardos & Cynthia L Gerante Book/Page: 9332/167, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $372,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 88862sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (01/15) 32 SPRING STREET EXT........................ $400,000 B: Steven E Salovardos & Cynthia L Gerante S: Michael Mayotte & Kelly Mayotte Book/Page: 9337/235, Date: 06/03/19 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $333,485 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 33977sf Prior Sale: $276,000 (08/13) 478 W TOWNSEND RD.......................... $479,000 B: Chandran D Venkitachalam & Johanna A Venkitachalam S: Gary A Turner & Peggy A Turner Book/Page: 9331/357, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $383,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 104108sf Prior Sale: $449,000 (08/16)

Westminster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH APRIL YTD 2018 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 Median Price $254,000

YTD 2019 22 $321,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES COLONY RD........................................... $341,000 B: Greenstone Realty LLC S: Joyce A Koski Book/Page: 9332/26, Date: 05/29/19 28 HARRINGTON RD............................. $550,000 B: Nicco A Ciccolini & Allison P Ciccolini S: Michael E Despres & Nancy Barnicle-Despres Book/Page: 9334/360, Date: 05/31/19 Mtg: IC Credit Union $440,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 85813sf 22 HERITAGE LN................................... $431,565 B: Joseph W Quinn & Michelle S Quinn S: Westminster Properties Book/Page: 9333/159, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: Athol Savings Bk $225,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 13939sf 169 N COMMON RD.............................. $80,000 B: Hakala Bros Corp S: Westminster Business Park Book/Page: 9332/184, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Westminster Business $80,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 43996sf 71 NARROWS RD.................................. $250,000 B: EBML Realty LLC S: Maevis A Reilly Book/Page: 9332/231, Date: 05/29/19 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $187,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $164,000 (05/02) 31 NEWTON RD..................................... $340,000 B: Joseph P White S: Joshua R Saltsgaver & Sarah J Saltsgaver Book/Page: 9334/187, Date: 05/30/19 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $289,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44431sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (08/15)



JUNE 17, 2019

Credit Records Voluntary Bankruptcies Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.

These are Chapter 7 Liquidations in which a debtor turns over all property owned to be converted into money which is used to pay administration costs and creditors to the extent possible. Honest debtors receive a discharge relieving them from legal liability for the payment of provable debts listed in the petition with some specific exemptions, most notably taxes and support payments. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#). BARNSTABLE



GARCIA, Randolph, 42 Harris St, Peabody, 019604450 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11947

BONARRIGO, Frances M, 5 Robert St, Foxboro, 02035-2823 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11954

HALL, Phillip P, 14 Highland Park, Peabody, 019603216 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11936


HICKMAN, Julia M, 25-B Shore Dr, Peabody, 019603007 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-11942 DAVIS, Pamala Maxine, 19 Pike St, Salisbury, 019521218 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-11941

Saugus 3RD, Charles J Kuzmin, 5 Hawkes St, Saugus, 019061014 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-11943


Erving ADAMS, Vanessa L, 16 Lillians Way U:16, Erving, 01344-4422 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-30463

Greenfield HALE, Daniel F, 180 Davis St, Greenfield, 01301-2529 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-30462



Centerville CHALPARA, Susan, 65 Juniper Rd, Centerville, 026322532 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11963

COSTA, Gaery Aaron, 15 Ellington St, Agawam, 01001-1301 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-30464


DAVIS, Sylvia E, 1070 Iyannough Rd U:227, Hyannis, 02601-1852 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11962 PORTER, Kenneth A, 1070 Iyannough Rd U:227, Hyannis, 02601-1852 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11961


Pittsfield AUDET, Timothy E, 89 Asci Dr, Pittsfield, 01201-1921 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-30469

Washington BENNETT, Leonard B, 781 S Washington State Rd, Washington, 01223-9649 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-30456


BATURE, Murtala Adamu, 265 New Ludlow Rd, Chicopee, 01020-4301 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-30457

Hampden MCKENNA, Jeanne A, 601 Main St, Hampden, 010369202 D:06/01/19 Case#: 19-30455

Springfield REDMOND, Cherlyn M, 271 Roy St, Springfield, 01104-1227 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-30460


Easthampton TORQUATO, Scott Eric, 84 Union St U:A, Easthampton, 01027-1449 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-30468



MCMAKIN Jr, William F, 3 Myrtle St U:E5, Adams, 01220-1726 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-30470

LEAS, Brian D, 112 Oak St U:10, Northampton, 01062-1327 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-30465



Fall River


ARRUDA, Cecilia X, 30 Lyon St, Fall River, 027211901 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11967

BOKUNIEWICZ, Frederick, 11 Tomahawk Dr, Billerica, 01821-1301 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-40925

DIGIUSEPPE, Robert R, 131 Foster St, Fall River, 02721-2663 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11973


GOUVEIA Jr, James S, 130 Canal St, Fall River, 02721-1426 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11971 POITRAS, James M, 5300 N Main St, Fall River, 02720-2048 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11972


Attleboro BARTUCCA, Timothy J, 64 Westchester Dr, Attleboro, 02703-1034 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11931 OCKERT, Carla R, 12 Short St U:2, Attleboro, 027034912 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11929

Raynham NICKOLAOW, Sylvia J, 39 Tucker Ter, Raynham, 02767-1063 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11966

Taunton AMARO, Lydia V, 209 Washington St U:2, Taunton, 02780-2538 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11933 FRASER-LANDRY, Claire C, 31 Church Grn U:109, Taunton, 02780-3413 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11932 LABOSSIERE, Patricia L, 780 S Precinct St, Taunton, 02718-1410 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11935 TERRA, James J, PO Box 3666, Taunton, 02780 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11970


Acushnet JEROME, Alyssa L, 225 Main St, Acushnet, 027431543 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11914

BENDIDA, Amine, 319 Paris St, East Boston, 021283063 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11915

Revere GOURINY, Abdelali, 102 Atwood St U:102, Revere, 02151-4625 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11953 TORRES-MOLINA, Johanna, 535 Malden St, Revere, 02151-1861 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11952


Gardner NEWMAN, Thomas A, 104 Conant St, Gardner, 01440-3116 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-40920

Millbury RINDONE, John P, 23 Horne Way U:23, Millbury, 01527-1958 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-40918

Shrewsbury BJORKLUND, Kenneth C, 2232 Arbor Dr, Shrewsbury, 01545-6007 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-40917

Southbridge BEVANS, Linda C, 249 Pleasant St, Southbridge, 01550-1263 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-40909

West Boylston


Framingham CORTEZ, Aldo B, 22 Picard Ter, Framingham, 017027162 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-40924 DEHNER, Vivian, 89 Kelleher St, Marlborough, 017526022 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-40931 PITTOL, Leandro Marcal, 206 Bolton St U:9, Marlborough, 01752-3907 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40938

Medford GREEN, Robert Irving, 93 Winthrop St, Medford, 02155-5424 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11905

Natick LEVY, Jeffrey Scott, 6 Flynn St, Natick, 01760-1702 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11958

Pepperell LIVINGSTONE, George, 38 Parkwood Dr, Pepperell, 01463-1334 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-40923

Reading NICHOLS, Norman R, 1019 Main St, Reading, 018671721 D:06/02/19 Case#: 19-11900


DOWLING, Edward J, 26 Shrine Ave, West Boylston, 01583-1930 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-40922

PAJARI, Naoma Dorcas, 83 Mason Rd, Townsend, 01474-1033 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40934



EWANS, Susan Faith, 30 Everton Ave, Worcester, 01604-3348 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40936


GRANDE-VASQUEZ, Amalia, 41 Hooper St, Worcester, 01605-2749 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40940

MANNING, Cheryl A, 68 Freeman St, Avon, 023221105 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11923

MILO, Leandro, 17 Fairlawn Dr, Worcester, 016023201 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40932 VARISTE, Benita, 157 Ingleside Ave, Worcester, 01604-4732 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40933




GERAKIS, Emmanuel N, 781 E Squantum St U:3, Quincy, 02171-1251 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11937

MARCHI, Linda Mary, 8 Colburn St, Burlington, 01803-3246 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11948

Hudson BAKER, Lisa C, 10 Marion St, Hudson, 01749-1636 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40942


Natick HANNA, John J, PO Box 82, Natick, 01760 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11951

Stoneham ALLEN, James T, 10 Arnold Rd, Stoneham, 021803033 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11904

Watertown MATEVOSYAN, Aram, 221 Arsenal St U:1, Watertown, 02472-2718 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-11945

Weston SHENKER, Ronald E, 15 Village Rd, Weston, 024931337 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11925

Woburn CABRAL, Samuel N, 100 Fowle St, Woburn, 018015240 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11908



Falmouth CRISTA, Roland C, 32 Cutter Dr, Falmouth, 025363942 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11919

Yarmouth LANOUE, Paul R, PO Box 812, Yarmouth, 02673 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11920


Fairhaven FRIAS, Maria A, 37 Babbitt St, Fairhaven, 02719-5118 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11939

New Bedford

DELRIO, Alison F, 217 S Ashburnham Rd, Westminster, 01473-1167 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-40908

Chapter 11 Bankruptcies Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.

These are reorganizations usually used by a business (may be used by an individual) to rehabilitate rather than to liquidate. Debtors propose a plan to reorganize their financial affairs and satisfy their creditors. This plan must be accepted by the creditors and approved by the court. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#). NORFOLK

Needham NEW GARDEN INC, 40 Chestnut Pl, Needham, 024922422 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11956

Hanover STANDARD RUBBER PRODUCTS, PO Box 1157, Hanover, 02339 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11911

RICHARDSON, Donna M, 59 S Grove St, Foxboro, 02035-2834 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11924

CRONIN, Carol A, 12 Wordsworth St, Randolph, 02368-2116 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11922

MERCADO, Deborah L, 89 Bethany Rd, Framingham, 01702-7237 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-40927




BRATSLAVSKIY, Yakov, 3 S Stone Mill Dr, Dedham, 02026-2956 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11912

O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.


KYLE, Sean M, 59 Beaman Rd, Sterling, 01564-2703 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-40928


Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court,

These allow for an adjustment of debt. An individual with a regular income proposes a plan to pay off debts from future earnings over a period of time between three to five years. Usually these payments are in full satisfaction of the debt, but may be a percentage of them. Upon completion, the debtor receives a discharge of all debts covered by the plan except child support and alimony, if applicable. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#)

MIGNAULT, Dawn Marie, 75 Wallen Way, Northbridge, 01534-1100 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-40912



WYLIE, Christine M, 23 Oaklawn St, New Bedford, 02744-1418 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11965


East Boston

COLON, Juan E, 17 Lind Ter, Randolph, 02368-5021 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11916

MENDOZA, Jose E, 14-16 Orchard St, Malden, 02148-3121 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11957

CUTTER, Amy, 4 Mcdewell Ave, Danvers, 01923-3316 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11901

PLACE, David D, 68 Better Way, Springfield, 011191750 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-30459

Chapter 13 Bankruptcies

KULIGA, Morgan A, 99 E Clinton St U:A, New Bedford, 02740 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11913


WRIGHT, Regina D, Rosies Pl, Boston, 02205 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11959






New Bedford

OLIVO, Ines Milagros, 106 Willow St, Lawrence, 01841-2452 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-40915

HOWARD, Melisa S, 27 Van Buren Ave, Springfield, 01104-2543 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-30467

VALENTIN, Glenda L, 25 Newton St, Leominster, 01453-3561 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-40911

OCONNOR, Mark, 2 Mount Auburn St, Cambridge, 02138-6021 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11906

TROTTIER, Todd A, 29 KEMPTON RD, Millville, 015291519 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-40913







PELISSIER, Amy S, 6 Garnet St, Fitchburg, 014203222 D:06/02/19 Case#: 19-40905

GOMEZ, Peter J, 1 Sunflower Ct, Ayer, 01432-5503 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40939

WACKELL, Joseph, 457 Pleasant St, Leicester, 01524-1223 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-40910

ALTOMARE Jr, Salvatore P, 178 Shady Brook Ln, Springfield, 01118-2432 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-30471

SULLIVAN, Jennifer Ann, 109 4th Ave, Lowell, 018542729 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40937



SMITH, Edward John, 6 Sharps Dr, Plymouth, 023601428 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11950

GNAMAN, Dominique J, 102 Jordan Rd, Franklin, 02038-1219 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-40930

GIKAS, Valerie E, 5 Coakley Cir, Westford, 018862159 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-40921

NICHOLS, Joseph G, 57 Town Farm Rd, Brookfield, 01506-1744 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-40919






DUFFY, Shari A, 535 South St U:6-1, Fitchburg, 01420-6295 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-40914

PRITCHARD, Irina B, 42 Woodcliffe Rd, Lexington, 02421-7834 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11907

DELACRUZ, Luz D, 35 Rollins St, Lawrence, 018411410 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-40929

PORCELLO, Michael Vincent, 11 Harwich Rd, Longmeadow, 01106-1207 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-30461


BORGES, James J, 56 Wolcott Ave, Dartmouth, 02747-2458 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11909

ALEGRE, Natacha M, 9 Lowell Ter, Lawrence, 018414650 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-40907


DEALMEDIA, Geraldo Magela, 84 Lane St, Lowell, 01851-3208 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40941

MANRAJ INC, 32 Solomon Pierce Rd, Lexington, 02420-2533 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11910


MAYNARD, Gary Rene, 635 Springfield St, Agawam, 01030-2135 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-30458

BRIDGES Jr, John B, 40 Walton St, Lowell, 018515008 D:06/02/19 Case#: 19-40906



SINGH-KHALSA, Siri Karm, 368 Village St, Millis, 02054-1737 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11903



BIRCHENOUGH, Kelly A, 12 Randall St, Agawam, 01001-1621 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-30466




AUGUSTE, Fitzroyson E, 159 Bittersweet Ln U:131, Randolph, 02368-3972 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11969

ESTIVERNE, Ginette D, 37 Acorn Dr U:37, Randolph, 02368-5502 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11960 GRAY, Renita, 33 Moulton St, Randolph, 02368-4612 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-11946


Brockton ALBERTSON, David H, 100 Malvern Rd, Brockton, 02301-3173 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11917 SANDERS, Alfrieda, 47 Deanna Rd, Brockton, 023024426 D:06/03/19 Case#: 19-11902

East Bridgewater ORTENZI, Mary P, 318 N Central St, East Bridgewater, 02333-1712 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11930

Federal Tax Liens Filed: Clerk’s Office, US District Court, Boston.

Liens are placed by the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, on the property, real or personal, of any taxpaying entity deemed to be in default on taxes. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and filing date (D) of the lien is listed; the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) follows. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed. Types of tax include 941 FICA and Withholding Tax; 940 Federal Unemployment Tax; 1040 Individual Income Tax; 2290 Highway Use Tax; 1120 Corporate Tax; 720 Excise Tax.

Lakeville BARACH, Anne M, 7 Fairway Dr, Lakeville, 023471225 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11918

Marion PAKNIS, Matthew B, 521 Delano Rd, Marion, 027381267 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11938

Norwell BITTNER, Charlotte A, 88 High St, Norwell, 020611839 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-11944

Plymouth HUBERT, Michael Francis, 224 Bourne Rd, Plymouth, 02360-2840 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11949


Dorchester MULLINGS, Keive Anthony, 16 Fowler St, Dorchester, 02121-3702 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11926 PIRES, William E, 740 Washington St, Dorchester, 02124-4412 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11921

Hyde Park

ESTACIO, Jason, 8 Mcgurk St, New Bedford, 027442501 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11974

CORNELIUS, Veron L, 1048 River St U:1, Hyde Park, 02136-3008 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11964

PRATA, Jose A C, 46 Fair St, New Bedford, 027404736 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11940

RODRIGUEZ, Marilyn, 1403 River St, Hyde Park, 02136-2146 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-11968

CARDONE, Salvatore S, 2 Ashland Pl, Gloucester, 01930-4802 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11928


SILVA, Melanie A, 63-R Perkins St, Gloucester, 01930-2929 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11934

COLE, Gaia Ruth, 217 Kent St, Brookline, 02446-5403 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-11927





BRIANA, Cheryl Lee, 81 Oxford Ave, Haverhill, 018358342 D:06/04/19 Case#: 19-40916

MILLS, Charles Curtis, PO Box 419, Cohasset, 02025 D:06/06/19 Case#: 19-11955

MALDONADO, Jose A, 99 Abbott St, Lawrence, 01843-1631 D:06/07/19 Case#: 19-40935

RICHINICK Jr, William J, 1 Westwood Dr, Auburn, 01501-1225 D:06/05/19 Case#: 19-40926



©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


Attleboro HUBER, Joseph W, 1 Fontneau Ave, Attleboro, 027036320 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$27,630

Mansfield MANSFIELD ENDODONTICS LLC, 100 Copeland Dr U:2, Mansfield, 02048-1223 D:05/29/19 Tax:941 Amt:$11,776 MANSFIELD ENDODONTICS LLC, 100 Copeland Dr U:2, Mansfield, 02048-1223 D:05/29/19 Tax:941 Amt:$2,921 MANSFIELD ENDODONTICS LLC, 100 Copeland Dr U:2, Mansfield, 02048-1223 D:05/29/19 Tax:940 Amt:$47 MANSFIELD ENDODONTICS LLC, 100 Copeland Dr U:2, Mansfield, 02048-1223 D:05/29/19 Tax:941 Amt:$1,698 MANSFIELD ENDODONTICS LLC, 100 Copeland Dr U:2, Mansfield, 02048-1223 D:05/29/19 Tax:1120 Amt:$20,656

Taunton DUEST, Annemarie & Mark B Duest, 52 Plain St, Taunton, 02780-4980 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,464 HANDLEY, David, 120 Winthrop St, Taunton, 027804124 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,279 MD COMMUNICATIONS INC, 125 John Hancock Rd, Taunton, 02780-1046 D:05/29/19 Tax:941 Amt:$70,755


New Bedford MARINI Jr, Richard A, 118 Charles L Mccombs Blvd, New Bedford, 02745-1126 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$39,147


Edgartown DALY, Steven E & Sharon Mccann-Daly, 77 Washque Ave, Edgartown, 02539-4707 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,197


Chicopee INSTITUTE OF ABILITIES, 274 Center St, Chicopee, 01013-1570 D:05/29/19 Tax:941 Amt:$6,602



FOLEY, Jessica A, 17 Pioneer Rd, Hingham, 020433618 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$23,369

HAIR&NAIL CONCEPTS INC, 6 Scott Dr, Charlton, 01507-1258 D:05/29/19 Tax:1120, 941 Amt:$11,127


PATTERSON, Michael E & Kimberly N Patterson, 11 Lindsey Ln, Charlton, 01507-6735 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,465

BERRIOS, Edwin, 9 Bunkerhill St U:2, Lawrence, 01841-2519 D:06/03/19 Amt:$11,671

SHAWN, Frederick, 7 Vine St, Medford, 02155-3909 D:05/30/19 Amt:$8,837

RIVERA, Eulises, 340 Haverhill St U:10, Lawrence, 01840-1128 D:06/03/19 Amt:$30,254


LITTLEFIELD, David M & Rosemary Littlefield, PO Box 258, Hingham, 02043 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,322 SENSOR TECHNOLOGIES INC, 171 Main St, Hingham, 02043-1910 D:06/03/19 Tax:1120 Amt:$32,760

Hull MCCANN, Thomas & Judith Mccann, 1021 Avalon Dr, Hull, 02045-3428 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$2,275

Kingston BOUCHARD, Tyler R, 6 Quail Run, Kingston, 023641395 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$7,078


DAM INC, 182 Summer St U:301, Kingston, 023641271 D:06/03/19 Tax:1120 Amt:$6,694

WILSON, Brandon & Sharon Wilson, 809 Western Ave, Hampden, 01036 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$183,631

DILLINGHAM, R & L Herbert Dillingham, 121 Summer St, Kingston, 02364-1401 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,923


Easthampton COLBY, Brian K, PO Box 1159, Easthampton, 01027 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,077

South Hadley HARRINGTON 2nd, John J, 316 Alvord Pl, South Hadley, 01075-1372 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,235

Ware CLEMMER, Kristen E, 109 Church St, Ware, 010821203 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$31,635


Belmont SHAH-TULADHAR, Anu R, 300 Trapelo Rd, Belmont, 02478-1863 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,008

PROVOST, Stephen J, 31 Bayberry Ln, Kingston, 02364-1258 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,174 SILLARI, Charles J & Karen Manganaro, 80 Lot Phillips Rd, Kingston, 02364-1389 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$58,100

Lakeville JOHNSON, Michael B & Jennifer M Johnson, 12 Water St U:5, Lakeville, 02347-1417 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,801 LINTON, Barry & Patricia Linton, 4 Coombs St, Lakeville, 02347-1640 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$27,246 MARTIN, Dennis J, 14 Charles St, Lakeville, 023472531 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,564



COTE, James S & Janis E Cote, 1 Crapo St, Marion, 02738-1605 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,001

HOLLAND, Julia, PO Box 125728, Cambridge, 02139 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,192

COTE, James S, 1 Crapo St, Marion, 02738-1605 D:06/03/19 Tax:6672 Amt:$3,289

Everett AERO COMMUNICATIONS INC, 11 Lewis St, Everett, 02149-3418 D:05/30/19 Tax:6721, 940 Amt:$22,059 FIGUEROA, Jose, 34 Shirley St, Everett, 02149-5001 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$28,678

Framingham FLANAGAN, Mary A & Sean P Flanagan, 4 Billings Way, Framingham, 01701-4025 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,349

Malden ROWE, Brian D, 109 Medford St, Malden, 021487424 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,270

Newton MCSMITH, Wanda M, 51 Circuit Ave, Newton, 024611602 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,183 SMITH, Martin R, 89 Needham St, Newton, 024611646 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$56,240

HAYES, Stephen, 50 Lewis St, Marion, 02738-1657 D:06/03/19 Tax:6672 Amt:$9,369

Marshfield COSTELLO, Sherry A, 9 Fresh Brook Way, Marshfield, 02050-4958 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$37,745


EVIRS, Jason & Caryn Evirs, 277 Thompson St, Middleboro, 02346-1613 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,702 PICKETT, Brad M, 12 Forest St U:1, Middleboro, 02346-2014 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$58,917

Pembroke BURGESS CO & Christopher L Burgess, 247 High St, Pembroke, 02359-2706 D:06/03/19 Tax:5500 Amt:$178,411


BROWN 3rd, William G, 80 Webster Ave, Somerville, 02143-4119 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$32,973

DREW, Kenneth P & Laura E Drew, 722 Rocky Hill Rd, Plymouth, 02360-5509 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$5,294

SPINNEY, David & Kyong Chang-Spinney, 89 Eastern Ave, Woburn, 01801-5217 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$11,200


Nantucket GRAY, Joshua B, 19 Youngs Way, Nantucket, 025542871 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$91,281


Cohasset NEAGLE, Joellen, 142 Timberview Ln, Cohasset, 02025-1252 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$66,318




Holden LOUIS, Joel C & Koleen M Louis, 7 Hickory Cir, Holden, 01520-1159 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$19,728

Sutton JERNBERG, Terry W, PO Box 73, Sutton, 01590 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$37,741 OFTRING, Mary E, 2 Burbank Rd, Sutton, 01590-2426 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$12,894

Worcester BOAKYE, Alexander, 66 Waverly St, Worcester, 01604-4262 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,778 WAHLE, Bruce M & Ellen L Wahle, 89 Lynnwood Ln, Worcester, 01609-1118 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,616

ELLIS, Dianne, 56-R Island Lake Rd, Plymouth, 02360-7401 D:05/30/19 Tax:6672 Amt:$17,122 JAYDE CORP, 13 Camelot Dr, Plymouth, 02360-3030 D:05/30/19 Tax:941 Amt:$47,535 KING, Roger B & Cynthia J King, 208-B Standish Ave, Plymouth, 02360-4419 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$6,321 KOLB, Harold & Cheryl Kolb, 13 Stagecoach Cir, Plymouth, 02360-4926 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,990 NEMES, Eric B & Kathryn W Nemes, 10 Brewster St, Plymouth, 02360-3802 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,721 QUINN, Michele L, 13 Indian Trl, Plymouth, 023605414 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$26,468


Barnstable BRITTON, Andrew, 500 Maple St, Barnstable, 026681203 D:06/03/19 Amt:$8,090

Brewster MIP COFFEE INC, 2149 Main St, Brewster, 026311819 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$34,385

Falmouth ARAL RESTAURANT GROUP, 5 Davis Straits, Falmouth, 02540-3905 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$6,188 PAGE, Stephanie, 105 Hamlin Ave, Falmouth, 025402821 D:06/03/19 Amt:$2,647 WILBUR, Robert, 34 Highland Cir, Falmouth, 025363950 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,283

Hyannis ARAL MANAGEMENT GROUP, 1090 Iyannough Rd, Hyannis, 02601-1852 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$8,513

Mashpee CARROLL, Kelly, 27 Forest Dr, Mashpee, 02649-2332 D:06/03/19 Amt:$8,954

Sandwich BARRETT, Jason, 21 Route 6A U:4, Sandwich, 025631801 D:06/03/19 Amt:$1,461

Yarmouth WESTON, David, 93 North Rd, Yarmouth, 02673-3344 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,695





BEAN, Kevin A, 73 Hilltop Dr, Bridgewater, 023241933 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$19,263

CLIFFORD 3rd, Arthur E, 32 Martha Dr U:C, Rockland, 02370-2507 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,430

CHOICE, Hobsons, 159 Water St, Williamstown, 01267-2830 D:06/03/19 Amt:$13,491

BEAN, Kevin A & Stacey Bean, 73 Hilltop Dr, Bridgewater, 02324-1933 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$47,025

HOCKING, Roger K, 47 Concord St, Rockland, 023702013 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$16,136

CLARK, Donald A, 42 Grant Ave, Brockton, 023016938 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$9,680 FERREIRA Jr, Alirio J, 412 E Ashland St, Brockton, 02302-2106 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$24,329 FLEMING, James, 187 N Pearl St, Brockton, 023011716 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$2,241 PASSIAS, C, 90 Hatchfield Dr, Brockton, 02301-4428 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,226

Duxbury HIGH Jr, Ronald C, 1146 Tremont St, Duxbury, 02332-4411 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$2,433

East Bridgewater MARTINEAU, R & C Wass-Martineau, 3 Pearl Rd, East Bridgewater, 02379-4210 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$18,427

Halifax DUNPHY, James P, 570 Twin Lakes Dr U:570, Halifax, 02338-2226 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$30,057 FIRTH, John D & Tammy A Firth, 100 Plymouth St, Halifax, 02338-1511 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$38,855 HEALEY, Susan C, 406 Plymouth St, Halifax, 023381343 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,354

Hanson LOWE, Donald R & Nikki J Lowe, 407 W Washington St, Hanson, 02341-1020 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$20,431

BROWN, Christina M, PO Box 545, Scituate, 02066 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$80,621 CONLEY, Gail M, 40 Curtis St, Scituate, 02066-2538 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$128,651 MACPHETRES, Bruce A, 68 Old Oaken Bucket Rd, Scituate, 02066-4433 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$94,555 PASKELL Jr, James, 9 Moorland Rd, Scituate, 020664667 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$109,429

Lenox GROSSETTI, Dorothy, 529 Walker St U:D, Lenox, 01242-9701 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,236

Fall River ARAL MANAGEMENT GROUP & Friendlys, 135 Mariano Bishop Blvd, Fall River, 02721-2368 D:06/04/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$14,747 MSA LANDSCAPE&CONST, 3545 N Main St, Fall River, 02720-1613 D:06/04/19 Tax:CORP Amt:$4,093

Somerset NEO CHINA INC, 956 County St, Somerset, 027265003 D:06/04/19 Tax:CORP Amt:$4,096

Swansea STANLEY, Leonard, 154 Seaview Ave, Swansea, 02777-1102 D:06/04/19 Amt:$21,187




LONG, Kevin M, 9 Birch St, Wareham, 02571-2362 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$33,812

REBELLO, Carl, 843 Main St, Dighton, 02715-1126 D:06/03/19 Amt:$10,217

West Bridgewater


ARRUDA, Carlos A & Maria C Arruda, 18 American Ave, West Bridgewater, 02379-1254 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,675

FIELD, Richard, 412 Mohawk Rd, Raynham, 027675272 D:06/03/19 Tax:WITH Amt:$7,490

DESJARDIN, Jonathan, 19 Farm Rd, West Bridgewater, 02379 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,265


New Bedford

M&G KITCHENS CORP, 11-B Florence St, Marlborough, 01752-2822 D:06/04/19 Amt:$9,848


BARRINEAU, Philip, 34 Walnut St, Natick, 01760-2837 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,148 SHYYONA LLC, 1350 Worcester St, Natick, 017601514 D:05/30/19 Amt:$5,548 ZERVINS, James, 32 Grove St, Natick, 01760-2835 D:06/04/19 Amt:$3,854


CTTJ NT & Carleen Johnson Tr, 575 Turnpike St U:30, North Andover, 01845-5905 D:06/03/19 Amt:$33,474

JARRAS, Hedy, 439 Dedham St U:A, Newton, 024593300 D:06/04/19 Amt:$61,240


Amesbury TOOMEY, Sean, 190 Market St, Amesbury, 019131200 D:06/03/19 Amt:$92,159 LANE, Judith, 20 Liberty St U:10, Gloucester, 019302826 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,088 MAMA D S INC & Pizzeria Eros, 612 Broadway, Haverhill, 01832-1206 D:06/03/19 Amt:$9,452 WHITTAKER, John H, 70 Washington St, Haverhill, 01832-5524 D:06/03/19 Amt:$26,197

Peabody BOAVENTURA, Sueli, 33 Swampscott Ave U:10, Peabody, 01960-5832 D:06/03/19 Amt:$7,783

Salem ALLWORTH, Christopher, 12-1/2 Fort Ave U:10, Salem, 01970-5231 D:06/03/19 Amt:$9,696 CROSBY, Debra, 26 Cross St U:2, Salem, 01970-3943 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,962

Saugus LITTLE BROOK LOGGING INC & Little Brook Logging&Ga, 115 Lynn Fells Pkwy, Saugus, 019064142 D:06/03/19 Amt:$22,928

FRANKLIN LYNDE, Clara, 7 West Rd, Bernardston, 01337-9457 D:06/03/19 Amt:$2,269

Greenfield SENSER, Nathaniel, 24 Factory Holw, Greenfield, 01301-1309 D:06/03/19 Amt:$5,386



CRIMSON PETAL INC, 160 Needham St, Newton, 02464-1506 D:06/04/19 Amt:$17,370

KING, Veronica, 70 Wyman St, Newton, 02468-1517 D:06/04/19 Amt:$2,804

Pepperell DALEY LANDSCA PING INC, 112 Main St, Pepperell, 01463-1562 D:05/30/19 Amt:$12,330

Somerville FERREIRA, Josmar F, 82 Grant St, Somerville, 021451928 D:05/30/19 Amt:$1,262 FF GENERAL SERVICES INC, 82 Grant St, Somerville, 02145-1928 D:05/30/19 Amt:$1,262 PETSI PIES INC, 285 Beacon St, Somerville, 021433509 D:05/30/19 Amt:$26,320

Stow BEMIS, Elysha, 310 Sudbury Rd, Stow, 01775-1546 D:06/04/19 Amt:$29,683

Wakefield MOREIRA, John, 1273-B Main St, Wakefield, 018804115 D:06/04/19 Amt:$11,697

Waltham INE MEDIA INC, 1344 Main St, Waltham, 02451-1622 D:06/04/19 Amt:$47,154 MJ PAIMTING SERVICES INC, 17 Hammond St, Waltham, 02451-3620 D:05/30/19 Amt:$12,445

Watertown FATHER&SON FLOORCRAFT LLC, 2 Belmont St, Watertown, 02472-2925 D:05/30/19 Amt:$44,908

Wayland GOODMAN, Marion, 11 Spruce Tree Ln, Wayland, 01778-1215 D:05/30/19 Amt:$21,220

Woburn ALVES, Fabio, 13 N Warren St, Woburn, 01801-4144 D:05/30/19 Amt:$17,508 TIDD HOME, 74 Elm St, Woburn, 01801-1859 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,198


DEVINE CONSTRUCTION INC, 20 Hartland Hollow Rd, Granville, 01034-9713 D:06/03/19 Tax:WITH Amt:$5,384



GALSCHNEIDER, Pavel, 14 Atlantic Ave, Nantucket, 02554-3310 D:06/04/19 Amt:$6,632

LOUIE BS INC, 101 Point Grove Rd, Southwick, 01077-9596 D:06/03/19 Amt:$2,944

Springfield ASG SEAMLESS GUTTERS INC, 70 Leete St, Springfield, 01108-1575 D:06/03/19 Tax:WITH Amt:$13,310 CALLIRGOS, Juliano J, 74 Groton St, Springfield, 01129-1630 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$30,318


Billerica DOWCETT Jr, Charles, 27 Old Elm St, Billerica, 01862-1431 D:06/03/19 Amt:$5,480

FRAKER, Deborah, 44 Prospect St, Nantucket, 025542702 D:06/04/19 Tax:SALE Amt:$489,614


Avon WANG, Le, 53 E Main St, Avon, 02322-1435 D:06/04/19 Tax:WITH Amt:$5,223

Braintree TRAHON, Joseph, 70 Logan Dr, Braintree, 021845818 D:06/04/19 Amt:$2,724

Brookline SHAER, Richard, 1685 Beacon St U:3, Brookline, 02445-4434 D:05/29/19 Amt:$59,405


MACRAE, Robert, 311 Salem Rd, Billerica, 018212142 D:06/03/19 Amt:$7,975

VANITY WORLD INC, 348 Turnpike St, Canton, 020212703 D:05/30/19 Amt:$19,497



LIVINGSTONE, Frederick, 101 Mill St U:101, Dracut, 01826-3221 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$3,288

LEDDA, Vincent, 15 Coach Ln, Dedham, 02026-6637 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,484


MORALES, Milton G, 72 Barrows St, Dedham, 020263052 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,105

MORAIS&DALFIOR INC & Pizzeria Presti 101, 34 Farmland Rd, Lowell, 01850-1428 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$22,496




CTTJ NT & Thomas Johnson Tr, 575 Turnpike St U:30, North Andover, 01845-5905 D:06/03/19 Amt:$33,474


VACUUM PROCESS TECHNOLOGY, 710 Industrial Park Rd, Plymouth, 02360 D:06/03/19 Tax:940, 941 Amt:$1,595,628


North Andover


Liens are placed by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue on the property of the taxpayer deemed to be in default on taxes. If the lien is not fully satisfied, the property may be sold at public auction. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and the filing date (D) is listed followed by the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) which includes penalties and interest as of the filing date. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed.

STUART, Robert F & Caroline Stuart, 420 Lincoln St, Abington, 02351-1669 D:05/30/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$9,489

CLAGUE, Daniel T & Elizabeth M Clague, 20 Marion Ave, Brockton, 02301-6525 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$22,896

FONDEUR, Kenssia & La Bahia Restaurant, 35 Arlington St, Methuen, 01844-4963 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,906

Filed: Registry of Deeds

ERCOLANO Sr, Jason M, 20 Kingswood Dr U:F3, Abington, 02351-1136 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,356




VACUUM PROCESS TECHNOLOGY, 710 Industrial Park Rd, Plymouth, 02360 D:05/29/19 Tax:941 Amt:$81,048

MCSHARRY, Michael & Carol A Mcsharry, 6 Leah Dr, Rockland, 02370-2335 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$55,466

BELMONT DATA INC & Law Grill, 2 Amesbury St, Lawrence, 01840-1302 D:06/03/19 Amt:$22,984

State Tax Liens

CARUSO, Dineen, 17 Forest St U:1, Middleboro, 02346-2013 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$31,543





JUNE 17, 2019


Arlington HUERRERO, Carolina & Broadway Diner, 111 Gardner St, Arlington, 02474-3829 D:06/04/19 Amt:$12,538 WEBER, Christopher, 29 Grescent Hill Ave, Arlington, 02475 D:06/04/19 Amt:$10,668

Cambridge MONA LISA RESTAURANT INC, 1621 Cambridge St, Cambridge, 02138-4315 D:06/04/19 Amt:$12,159 NIEVES, Omayra, 30 Cambridge Pkwy, Cambridge, 02142-1220 D:06/04/19 Amt:$2,792 PRICE, Will, 366 Windsor St, Cambridge, 02141-1342 D:05/30/19 Amt:$5,672

Everett SANTOS, Robson S, 751 Broadway, Everett, 021494004 D:05/30/19 Amt:$5,245 SILVA, Lucas D, 11 Cumberland St, Everett, 021491618 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,553

Framingham ANTUNES, Zaqueu, 114 Wilson Dr, Framingham, 01702-6528 D:05/30/19 Amt:$12,604 RAMOS, Bento, 44 Highland St, Framingham, 017026937 D:06/04/19 Amt:$17,289

Groton PALMER, Paul, 27 Chicopee Row, Groton, 014501336 D:06/04/19 Amt:$17,059

Hudson STEVIES EATERY LLC, 577 Main St U:100, Hudson, 01749-3035 D:06/04/19 Amt:$6,685

VICTORY GRILLE LLC, 47 Legacy Blvd, Dedham, 02026-2639 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$50,993

Franklin BRIDGE RESTAURANT GROUP & Incontro Restaurant, 860 W Central St, Franklin, 02038-3153 D:06/04/19 Amt:$128,482 CARUSO, Louis, 26 Sahlin Cir, Franklin, 02038-2646 D:05/29/19 Amt:$7,058

Holbrook BUCCINI, Kalpana, 18 Overlook Rd, Holbrook, 023431656 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$91,558

Medfield 4 CLAIRS INC, 11 Haven Rd, Medfield, 02052-2804 D:05/29/19 Amt:$211,305

Milton ASHUR, George, 182 Adams St, Milton, 02186-3427 D:05/29/19 Amt:$3,700 BYRNE, John, 3 Laurel Rd, Milton, 02186-1521 D:05/29/19 Amt:$2,084 MCCARTHY, John, 68 Brook Rd, Milton, 02186-1111 D:05/29/19 Tax:WITH Amt:$8,897

Norfolk BARROWS, Colby, 8 Johnston Way, Norfolk, 020561744 D:06/04/19 Amt:$18,080

Norwood BINGHAM, Eleanor, 22 Dorset St, Norwood, 020621211 D:05/29/19 Amt:$3,882 BINGHAM, Louis, 22 Dorset St, Norwood, 02062-1211 D:05/29/19 Amt:$3,882

Plainville KINDERBOOK INC, 62-R South St, Plainville, 027622618 D:05/29/19 Tax:WITH, CORP Amt:$62,362


AVILA, Duarte, 21 Acorn St, New Bedford, 027404452 D:06/03/19 Amt:$7,337

PINHEIRO, Douglas R, 90 Myrtle Ave U:217, Whitman, 02382-1363 D:06/03/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$64,398

DONLEY, Michael, 131 Deane St, New Bedford, 02746-1721 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,246

KAZAN, Brent, 50 Waltham St, Lexington, 024215407 D:06/04/19 Amt:$3,101

ZAVALA, Alcides, 2298 Acushnet Ave, New Bedford, 02745-2828 D:06/03/19 Amt:$5,632


FUZHOU GOURMET INC & Fuzhou Gourmet, 10 Brook St, Quincy, 02170-1721 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$4,178






HERITAGE OF VIETNAM LLC, 342 Pearl St, Malden, 02148-6634 D:05/30/19 Amt:$13,767

HAZNAR, Aubrey, 45 Mears Ave, Quincy, 02169-3152 D:05/29/19 Amt:$87,798

BERUBE, Thomas H, 421 Worcester Rd, Barre, 010059006 D:05/29/19 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,917

CHEF JEFFS INC, 23 Oakland Ave, Westport, 027902627 D:05/31/19 Amt:$2,425

VO, Nam, 203 Webster St, Malden, 02148-4424 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,052

ZHENG, Ling, 291 Newport Ave U:31, Quincy, 021712104 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$39,017

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.





RICE, Alfonzo, 17 Corcoran St, Randolph, 02368-4006 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,118


RICE, Shirley, 17 Corcoran St, Randolph, 02368-4006 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,118

Sharon KRUG, Frank & EMK Catering, 9 Paul Revere Rd, Sharon, 02067-2212 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$19,018 NORTON, Nancy, 9 Paul Revere Rd, Sharon, 020672212 D:05/29/19 Amt:$14,859

Stoughton 138 EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC, 1801 Washington St, Stoughton, 02072-3348 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,083 ALESIS SOLUTIONS LLC, 49 Rose St, Stoughton, 02072-2303 D:06/04/19 Tax:WITH Amt:$12,880

Walpole HAGOPIAN, Lee, 36 Windsor Rd, Walpole, 020321358 D:06/04/19 Amt:$13,177

Westwood DEAMANTOPOULOS, Spero, 21 Palomino Ln, Westwood, 02090-2120 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$26,984

Weymouth ANGEL, Matthew, 233 Lake St U:A, Weymouth, 02189-1252 D:06/04/19 Amt:$4,483 HERLIHY, Jason, 25 Greentree Ln U:29, Weymouth, 02190-2001 D:05/29/19 Amt:$7,459 OLYMPIC PIZZA INC, 15 Union St, Weymouth, 021902303 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$17,004 ROZANSKI, James, 26 Weybosset St, Weymouth, 02191-1232 D:05/29/19 Amt:$5,756 ROZANSKI, Nancy, 26 Weybosset St, Weymouth, 02191-1232 D:05/29/19 Amt:$5,756

Wrentham WARNER, Craig, 306 Creek St, Wrentham, 020931226 D:06/04/19 Amt:$9,242


Abington STIX&STONES RESTAURANT & Stix&Stones Restaurant, 800 Brockton Ave U:1, Abington, 02351-2175 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$108,544

Bridgewater CAMPUS PIZZA PIZZERIA LLC, 955 Pleasant St, Bridgewater, 02324-2300 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$11,089 EXPRESS TAN & Debra Rice, 152 Main St, Bridgewater, 02324-1409 D:05/29/19 Amt:$13,920

Brockton GUERRIER, Rene, 182 Cambo St, Brockton, 023016321 D:05/29/19 Amt:$7,045 WOHL, Brett, 166 Quincy Ave, Brockton, 02302-2803 D:05/29/19 Amt:$6,445

East Bridgewater POCE, Andrew, 3 Rolling Hills Dr, East Bridgewater, 02333-2067 D:05/29/19 Amt:$6,382

Westborough, 01581-1411 D:06/03/19 Amt:$25,412

Worcester BULL MANSION EQUITY LLC, 55 Pearl St, Worcester, 01608-2406 D:05/31/19 Amt:$21,035 SILVA FAMILY ENTERPRISES, 17 Monteforte St, Worcester, 01604-2626 D:06/03/19 Amt:$42,096


Fitchburg KENNEY, Mary, 34 Dailey Ter, Fitchburg, 01420-7223 D:06/03/19 Amt:$4,459

Leominster MONIZ, Victor, 18 Walden Ct, Leominster, 014535039 D:06/03/19 Amt:$26,417

Attachments Filed: Registry of Deeds.

Attachments are liens on real property of defendant(s) to satisfy any potential judgement for damages and


dant is required except in unusual

NICKERSON REAL EST HLDGS, 81 Locust St, Falmouth Plaintiff: Randy Walsh & Joanne Walsh D:05/29/19

circumstances when the court may allow an ex parte attachment without prior notice. The filing of an attachment does not mean that the plaintiff will win the lawsuit and by the time

or releases. The name and address of the defen-


the registry of deeds and the potential

ARAL RESTAURANT GROUP & Friendlys No 516, 1985 Washington St, Hanover, 02339-1621 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$8,889

award (Amt) is shown. If an address does not appear here, it was not available on the document we review.

DOHERTY, Paul, 21 Whiting Ln, Hingham, 020434019 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL, WITH Amt:$5,282



STROM, Thomas & Kone Kool, 12 Pitcher St, Marion, 02738-1617 D:05/29/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$20,582

Great Barrington TAIKOWSKI, Lisa & Lisa Taokowski, Great Barrington Plaintiff: NBT Bank NA D:06/04/19 Amt:$40,000



ARAL MANAGEMENT GROUP & Friendlys No 1027, 146 Church St, Pembroke, 02359-1920 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$13,494

Plymouth ARAL MANAGEMENT GROUP & Friendlys No 1264, 47 Long Pond Rd, Plymouth, 02360-2670 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$4,544 ARTUCK INC, 114 Long Pond Rd, Plymouth, 023602688 D:06/03/19 Amt:$3,100 BOCCELLI, Janet, 38 Bayberry Rd, Plymouth, 023601306 D:06/03/19 Tax:SALE, WITH Amt:$10,902 BROWN, Robert, 18 Oar And Line Rd, Plymouth, 02360-3212 D:06/03/19 Amt:$10,447


Dr, Somerset Plaintiff: Fall River Municipal CU D:05/31/19 Amt:$8,000


Dracut GOODIN, Jason B, 8 Tremwood Rd, Dracut Plaintiff: Horizon Beverage Co Inc D:06/04/19 Amt:$5,000

CALDWELL, Gwenn, 2 Marc Dr U:7B, Plymouth, 02360-6106 D:06/03/19 Amt:$5,074 CUTTING, Dennis, 16 Bittersweet Cir, Plymouth, 02360-1585 D:06/03/19 Amt:$3,553 CUTTING, Erin, 16 Bittersweet Cir, Plymouth, 023601585 D:06/03/19 Amt:$3,553



Bank NA D:05/30/19 Amt:$80,000


ZOEBISCH, Roger, 46 Carters Bridge Rd, Plymouth, 02360-1904 D:05/29/19 Amt:$4,099



AINSLEY, John F, 73-75 Hall Pl, Quincy Plaintiff: Christine E Ainsley D:06/03/19 Amt:$30,000



233 UNION STREET INC & Cassis Good N Baked, 223 Union St, Rockland, 02370-1842 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$8,137



LUNDHILD, Viggo, 66 Hutchinson Rd, Sutton Plaintiff:

DUDLEY L BROWN POST 2846, 4 Gibbs Ball Park Rd, Wareham, 02571 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL Amt:$4,438


Hopedale HOLLAND&HOLLAND INC, 76 Hopedale St, Hopedale, 01747-1716 D:06/03/19 Amt:$13,295

West Boylston PINGETON, Walter, 554 Prospect St, West Boylston, 01583-2210 D:06/03/19 Amt:$5,546

214 Osterville West Barnstab Owner:Scott A Sousa L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:19SM002702 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Sandwich 5 Wolf Hill Rd Owner:Eric D Tobias L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:19SM002684 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Fall River 52 Barker St Owner:Helica C Amado-Vaz L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:19SM002707 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 427 Bay St Owner:Carlos A Estrella L:Midfirst Bank Case#:19SM002689 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Somerset 2373 Riverside Ave Owner:Cory Enos L:Pennymac Loan Services Case#:19SM002712 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

BRISTOL NORTH 249 Titicut Rd Owner:John E Lydstone 4th L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:19SM002685 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Taunton 10 Alpine Ave Owner:Bellamarie Besse L:US Bank NA Case#:19SM002688 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Peter H Fein D:06/03/19 Amt:$400,000

Worcester JOONIES GRILLE INC, 8 Blair St, Worcester Plaintiff: Francis Breen D:05/29/19 Amt:$230,000 PAQUIN, Keith & Marlena Hanley, 15 5th Ave, Worcester Plaintiff: Amy Petrucelli D:05/30/19 Amt:$20,000

Holyoke 91 Pleasant St Owner:Gary Bennett L:Home Point Financial Corp Case#:19SM002687 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Springfield 6 Cornell St Owner:Patricia A Coleman L:Bank Of New York Mellon Case#:19SM002714 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 170 Laurelton St Owner:Andie Gedeon L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:19SM002711 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 151 Vincent St Owner:Albert J Billings Jr L:Pingora Loan Servicing Case#:19SM002713 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Ashby 716 New Ipswich Rd Owner:Alyssa A Martin L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:19SM002681 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Reading 91 Green St Owner:Michael F Farnham Jr L:Reading Cooperative Bank Case#:19SM002700 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Somerville 38 Otis St Owner:Joseph J Scimemi L:Bank Of New York Mellon Case#:19SM002678 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Quincy 52 Charles St Owner:Joann M Miller L:East Boston SB Case#:19SM002692 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Randolph 16 Stacy St Owner:James O Wharton L:CIT Bank NA Case#:19SM002696 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Stoughton 11 Oakwood Ave Owner:Victoria L Mcdade L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:19SM002686 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

74 Seaview Ave Owner:Joseph T Giammatteo L:Reverse Mortgage Funding Case#:19SM002682 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Amesbury 13 Ridgemere Way Owner:Cheryl E Resler L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:19SM002705 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Haverhill 77 S Riverview St Owner:Christian J Currier L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:19SM002680 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Lynn 134 Alley St Owner:Paul E Columbus L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:19SM002697 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Peabody 10 Aborn St Owner:Jose Torres L:Midfirst Bank Case#:19SM002701 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 13 Curwen Rd Owner:Beverly I Horton L:Bank Of New York Mellon Case#:19SM002674 Filing Date:05/29/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Dudley 157 Baker Pond Rd Owner:Magdalena Pater L:Quicken Loans Inc Case#:19SM002695 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Grafton 5 Nottingham Rd U:5 Owner:Matthew C Wood L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:19SM002694 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Winchendon 72 Spruce St Owner:Isis Caouette L:Ditech Financial LLC Case#:19SM002691 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 71 Woodlawn St Owner:John W Bussiere L:Newrez LLC Case#:19SM002706 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Fitchburg 9 Highland Ave Owner:Stirling E Ince L:Newrez LLC Case#:19SM002704 Filing Date:05/31/19

Foreclosure Sales These notices of the public sale of mortgaged property are compiled from legal notices published in newspapers throughout the state. The proceeds from the sale usually are used to satisfy the mortgage in default. The time and place of the sale must be published for three consecutive weeks in a local newspaper prior to the sale. The sale may be postponed; or the sale may not occur at all if the debt is satisfied before the sale. The property address, date and time of the sale appears on the first line followed by the current owner (O) of the property. The lender (L) and the cash deposit (Deposit) required at the time of sale are found on the third line. The book and page number (Bk/ Pg) of the mortgage document and the filing date (D) at the registry of deeds comprise the fourth line. The newspaper (Source) and issue date (in parenthesis) can be checked for additional details. The attorney’s name (Atty) and phone number appear on the last line for interested parties to contact.

Weymouth 48 Seminole Ave Owner:Stephen C Debello L:Bank Of New York Mellon Case#:19SM002715 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Brockton 23 Winnifred Rd Owner:Gwendolyn W Barnes L:Citimortgage Inc Case#:19SM002708 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

East Bridgewater 1600 Plymouth St U:1600 Owner:Joshua Anthony L:Bank Of America NA Case#:19SM002698 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Dennis 06/20/19 10:00 AM 2 Heegeong Dr Owner:Mark Harmon Lender:Cape Cod Cooperative Bank Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:25265/138 D:02/16/11 Source:Register (the) (05/30/19) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 07/18/19 12:00 PM 15 Stewarts Ave Owner:Bryan L Smith Lender:Pennymac Loan Services Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:26719/140 D:09/28/12 Source:Register (the) (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


48 High St Owner:Gerald P Ryan L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:19SM002679 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

06/21/19 10:00 AM 99 Town Hall Sq Owner:Edmond R Nickerson Lender:Land Use Technology Inc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:444/100 D:07/29/87 Source:Cape Cod Times (05/30/19) Atty:Christopher G Lebherz Esq



233 Hersey St Owner:Andrea Hatch Tr L:Newrez LLC Case#:19SM002699 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

06/27/19 10:00 AM 15 Venus Rd Owner:Holly A Sheridan Lender:Admirals Bank Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:21675/113 D:12/29/06 Source:Register (the) (05/30/19) Atty:Law Office Of William F B




MALIHI, Ali, 17 Otis St, Cambridge Plaintiff: Santander

HOBAN, John, 182 Lunns Way, Plymouth, 023602351 D:06/03/19 Tax:MEAL, WITH Amt:$264,773

ROSS, Michael, 62 Winnetuxet Rd, Plympton, 023671508 D:06/03/19 Amt:$5,566




AGOSTINHO, Maria R & Vicente C Pimentel, 4 Skylar

86 Bostwick Ln Owner:Earl Lashway Jr L:Tiaa FSB Case#:19SM002677 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

115 Spring St Owner:Eli Davis L:New Residential Mortgage Case#:19SM002703 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

deeds must be checked for discharges



released. We report only that an attachment was recorded; the registry of

76 Hayes Ave Owner:John M Spellacy 2nd L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:19SM002709 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

MYERS, Donnie & Laurence M Starr, 15 W Cottage St, Roxbury Plaintiff: Gray NT & Jeffrey B Gray D:05/30/19 MYERS, Donnie & Laurence M Starr, 17 W Cottage St, Roxbury Plaintiff: Gray NT & Jeffrey B Gray D:05/30/19

ing the claim. The filing date (D) at






it appears here, it may have been

REED, Wayne, 18 Bryant Rd, East Bridgewater, 02333-2504 D:06/03/19 Amt:$10,482

WOODLYN, Rose, 583 Nantasket Ave, Hull, 020452332 D:05/29/19 Amt:$4,264


plaintiff(s). Prior notice to the defen-

dant is followed by the Plaintiff mak-

BRETT, Kerry & Kerry Brett Photography, 87 Hersey St, Hingham, 02043-2735 D:06/03/19 Amt:$19,110

The information here has been abstracted from initial filings at the Massachusetts Land Court where a lender has asked the court for authority to foreclose the mortgage it holds on the property mentioned. The Land Court has the responsibility of notifying interested parties of the foreclosure proceedings through the publication of legal notices in newspapers throughout the state. Only parties who are protected under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 may register objections to the proceedings. If no legitimate objections are filed with the court, the lender is granted permission to proceed with the foreclosure sale of the property. The property address appears on the first line. The current owner of the property is followed by the lender (L). The third line begins with the Massachusetts Land Court case number and is followed by the date that the foreclosure petition was filed with the court.

costs that may be awarded to the

POCE, Kimberly, 3 Rolling Hills Dr, East Bridgewater, 02333-2067 D:05/29/19 Amt:$6,382


Petitions to Foreclose

JUNE 17, 2019


Dorchester 68 Beaumont St Owner:Lisa M Oneill L:Roundpoint Mortgage Svc Case#:19SM002683 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing 21 Ferndale St Owner:Michael Good L:Massachusetts Housing Fin Case#:19SM002676 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Revere 320 American Legion Hwy Owner:Jose M Vasquez L:Pennymac Loan Services Case#:19SM002675 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Roslindale 540 Beech St Owner:Jacqueline Wallace L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:19SM002690 Filing Date:05/30/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

West Roxbury 223 Wren St Owner:Patricia M Smith L:Liberty Home Equity Solut Case#:19SM002710 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing


Blackstone 19 Union St Owner:Brian Roman L:Wells Fargo Bank NA Case#:19SM002693 Filing Date:05/31/19 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

©2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


Becket 06/27/19 10:00 AM 77 Algerie Rd Owner:Hildegarde Freedman Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:02/02/09 Source:Berkshire Eagle (06/06/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200

Dalton 06/27/19 12:00 PM 41 Field St Owner:Elizabeth M Levers Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:08/04/11 Source:Berkshire Eagle (06/06/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200

Hinsdale 06/26/19 01:00 PM 251 Pittsfield Rd Owner:Donald G Graves Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:01/09/08 Source:Berkshire Eagle (05/31/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Otis 06/27/19 02:00 PM 560 E Otis Rd Owner:Michael L Poulin Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:06/26/06 Source:Berkshire Eagle (06/06/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200


North Adams 06/27/19 10:00 AM 16 Frederick St Owner:Cheryl A Prevey Lender:Greylock FCU Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/30/04 Source:Berkshire Eagle (06/04/19) Atty:Hashim & Spinola 413-499-1304 06/27/19 11:00 AM 80-82 Prospect St Owner:Gregory N Wells & Elizabeth M Wells Lender:Greylock FCU Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:03/23/05 Source:Berkshire Eagle (06/04/19) Atty:Hashim & Spinola 413-499-1304


Fall River 06/19/19 11:00 AM 137 Mcgowan St Owner:Maria C Silva Lender:Combined Investments LLC Deposit:$25,000 Bk/Pg:8437/224 D:12/20/13 Source:The Herald News (06/05/19) Atty:Mark S Scott Esq 617-523-9000 06/25/19 01:00 PM 175 Middle St Owner:Sergio Francisco Lender:Pennymac Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:6810/6 D:11/07/07 Source:The Herald News (06/03/19) Atty:Bendett And Mchugh 860-677-2868 07/09/19 12:00 PM 541 Tecumseh St Owner:Lori A Hathaway Lender:CIT Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:6813/266 D:08/22/07 Source:The Herald News (06/05/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


Dighton 06/21/19 10:00 AM 517 Center St Owner:Sharon H Araujo Lender:Correira&Correira LLP Deposit:$278,800 D:10/19/00 Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (05/31/19) Atty:David J Correira Esq 508-679-5040

Easton 06/26/19 10:00 AM 70 Center St Owner:Bradley W Lacouture & Joanne P Lacouture Lender:Select Portfolio Svc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/29/04 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/05/19) Atty:Orlans Pc

Norton 06/24/19 10:00 AM 145 Burt St U:5 Owner:Brian Burns Lender:Selene Finance LP Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:16337/1 D:10/31/06 Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (06/03/19) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq

Raynham 07/10/19 11:00 AM 930 King St Owner:James Messinger Lender:Boston City Of Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:81950 D:06/02/05 Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (06/03/19) Atty:Brock And Scott PLLC 401-217-8701

Taunton 06/24/19 11:00 AM 170 Highland St Owner:Denise Mccloskey Lender:Massachusetts Housing Fin Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:17617/108 D:07/30/08 Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (06/03/19) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq 06/27/19 10:00 AM 2 Cohannet St Owner:Sherry C Desousa Lender:Daniel E Goldrick Tr Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:2882/194 D:12/26/85 Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (05/31/19) Atty:P Burke Fountain Esq 508-822-7373 07/02/19 12:00 PM 697-R Richmond St Owner:Edward Baptiste Lender:FNMA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16575/79 D:01/31/07 Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (05/31/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


Lawrence 07/01/19 12:00 PM 51 Dana St Owner:Alicia C Kasper Lender:Quicken Loans Inc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:12508/115 D:05/02/11 Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (05/30/19) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500 07/09/19 10:00 AM 511 Lowell St Owner:Felix Rosario Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:9536/220 D:05/23/05 Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (06/03/19) Atty:Brock & Scott PLLC


Haverhill 06/20/19 01:00 PM 15-17 Brockton Ave Owner:William Kerrigan Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:25243/145 D:12/23/05 Source:Haverhill Gazette (05/30/19) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 06/21/19 01:00 PM 49 Casablanca Ct U:49 Owner:Beverly Oconnell Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:25535/31 D:03/01/06 Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (05/31/19) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 06/26/19 01:00 PM 86 Arlington St U:E Owner:Anthony P Moschetti Jr Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:27839/95 D:05/22/08 Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (06/04/19) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868

Lynn 06/24/19 02:00 PM 50 Trevett Ave Owner:Evelena J Hudson Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/29/03 Source:Daily Item (05/31/19) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 06/26/19 10:00 AM 12 Suffolk Ct Owner:Kenneth R Hawkes & Zoe Greene Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:10/28/03 Source:Daily Item (06/05/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200



JUNE 17, 2019




06/26/19 12:00 PM 109 Constellation Rd Owner:Robert A Smith Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:705826 D:03/21/13 Source:Marshfield Mariner (06/05/19) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq

06/28/19 10:00 AM 89 Woburn St Owner:Tracy A Kelly Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:62663/192 D:09/10/13 Source:Medford Transcript (05/30/19) Atty:Korde And Associates 978-256-1500

07/10/19 02:00 PM 5 Country Way Owner:Michael J Bray Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:751785 D:10/24/16 Source:Marshfield Mariner (06/05/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

07/02/19 12:00 PM 56 Leamy St Owner:Amy K Montgomery Lender:Newrez LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:56432/316 D:12/08/16 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/30/19) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500

07/08/19 03:00 PM 24 Bulfinch St Owner:James E Harkins & Linda M Harkins Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/19/06 Source:Daily Item (06/05/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

06/20/19 10:00 AM 61 Norland St Owner:John R Gannon Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:59438/500 D:06/22/12 Source:Metro West (05/30/19) Atty:Doonan Graves And Longori 978-921-2670

Marblehead 06/13/19 11:00 AM 197 W Shore Dr U:B Owner:Andrew Anthony Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:25326/497 D:01/25/06 Source:Marblehead Reporter (05/30/19) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800 06/20/19 11:00 AM 3 Colonial Ct Owner:Burton J Apple Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:21774/292 D:09/11/03 Source:Marblehead Reporter (05/30/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group 401-234-9200

Middleton 06/21/19 01:00 PM 158 Forest St Owner:Michael Suke Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:33466/463 D:08/04/14 Source:Tri-town Transcript (05/31/19) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

Peabody 06/24/19 01:00 PM 13 Peabody Rd Owner:Robert F Caulfield Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:21145/330 D:06/17/03 Source:Salem Evening News (05/31/19) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868

Swampscott 07/01/19 03:00 PM 75 Stetson Ave Owner:Mario Travascio Jr Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:03/23/09 Source:Daily Item (05/31/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500


Agawam 06/26/19 10:00 AM 183 Regency Park Dr U:183 Owner:Pedro J Cuello Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:16294/19 D:10/31/06 Source:Republican (the) (06/04/19) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-5868

Shirley 06/21/19 11:00 AM 85 Benjamin Rd Owner:H Keith Begun Lender:MTGLQ Investors LP Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:39132/199 D:05/09/03 Source:Shirley Oracle (05/31/19) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq

Somerville 06/27/19 10:00 AM 65 Grove St Owner:John W Mansfield & Mary W Mansfield Lender:Specialized Loan Servicin Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:08/01/03 Source:Boston Herald (06/05/19) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc

Stow 06/13/19 10:00 AM 458 Gleasondale Rd Owner:Michael S Karlskind Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:57224/306 D:07/29/11 Source:Maynard Beacon (05/30/19) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800


Braintree 06/26/19 02:00 PM 63 Columbian St Owner:Matt Lind Chris Realty Lender:Radius Bank Deposit:$25,000 Bk/Pg:32728/399 D:11/14/14 Source:Patriot Ledger (05/30/19) Atty:Lauren A Solar Esq 617-350-7700 07/08/19 03:00 PM 35 Elm Knoll Rd Owner:James M Joy Jr Lender:Citizens Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:21699/451 D:10/01/04 Source:Braintree Forum (05/30/19) Atty:Brock And Scott PLLC 401-217-8701


07/09/19 03:00 PM 57 Harding St Owner:Byron A Zinn Lender:Branch B&T Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:20204/331 D:02/27/14 Source:Republican (the) (06/04/19) Atty:Brock & Scott PLLC 401-217-8701

06/07/19 03:00 PM 200 Cove Way U:120 Owner:Fatima M Fialho Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:20124/169 D:10/29/03 Source:Patriot Ledger (05/31/19) Atty:Korde And Associates 978-256-1500


07/09/19 03:00 PM 475-479 Sea St U:2 Owner:Brian P Deshler Lender:Harborone Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:32366/326 D:07/01/14 Source:Patriot Ledger (06/03/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

07/09/19 04:00 PM 55 Cedar Rd Owner:Diane Stocks Lender:Citizens Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:15640/108 D:12/22/05 Source:Republican (the) (06/01/19) Atty:Brock & Scott PLLC 401-217-8701

Springfield 06/24/19 03:00 PM 80 Woodroad St Owner:Nelson M Santiago Lender:MTGLQ Investors LP Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:13257/540 D:05/14/03 Source:Republican (the) (05/31/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 06/25/19 10:00 AM 400-404 Hancock St Owner:400 Hancock LLC Lender:Donald P Barry Tr Deposit:$2,500 Bk/Pg:21678/99 D:05/12/17 Source:Republican (the) (06/03/19) Atty:Hashim & Spinola 413-499-1304 06/27/19 04:00 PM 185 Allen St Owner:Elizabeth A Leahy-Santane Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:15190/549 D:07/18/05 Source:Republican (the) (05/30/19) Atty:Brock & Scott PLLC 401-217-8701 07/03/19 02:00 PM 87 Cherrelyn St Owner:Mayra Lugo Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17094/299 D:12/26/07 Source:Republican (the) (05/30/19) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500 07/08/19 12:00 PM 31 Ravenwood St Owner:Greg A Pease Lender:Pennymac Loan Services Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:21115/158 D:03/29/16 Source:Republican (the) (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


Billerica 06/27/19 12:00 PM 3 Judy St Owner:Jagmohan Singh Chani Lender:Leader Bank NA Deposit:$7,500 Bk/Pg:17565/16 D:07/02/04 Source:Billerica Minute-man (05/30/19) Atty:Neil S Cohen Esq 617-332-4700 07/01/19 02:00 PM 13 Morningside Dr Owner:Mark H Foskin Lender:PNC Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17880/119 D:09/28/04 Source:Billerica Minute-man (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Dracut 06/24/19 10:00 AM 91 Frederick St U:75 Owner:Eleanor M Abisi Lender:Metlife Home Loans Deposit:$1 Bk/Pg:25284/69 D:09/22/11 Source:Sun (the) (06/03/19) Atty:Oak Knoll

Lowell 06/24/19 05:00 PM 343 Pawtucket Blvd U:2 Owner:Angel L Figueroa Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:27863/158 D:12/03/13 Source:Sun (the) (05/31/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Weymouth 06/27/19 02:00 PM 21 Roosevelt Rd Owner:Christian Murphy Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:23272/378 D:12/23/05 Source:Weymouth News (06/05/19) Atty:Bendett And Mchugh 860-677-2868 07/09/19 12:00 PM 301 Summer St Owner:Annette C Crowley Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:27130/433 D:10/14/19 Source:Weymouth News (06/05/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


Brockton 06/24/19 02:00 PM 12 Cappys Way Owner:Alfred Smith & Gloria A Smith Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/08/05 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/03/19) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 06/25/19 10:00 AM 107 Cross St Owner:Daniel Gomes Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:08/26/05 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/04/19) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc 06/25/19 11:00 AM 18 Fairfield St Owner:Duane F Gilbert & Kelley J Gilbert Lender:Bayview Loan Servicing Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:06/23/03 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/04/19) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc 06/27/19 10:00 AM 38 Brookside Ave Owner:Carla Cardoso Lender:Pingora Loan Servicing Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:08/06/14 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/06/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200 06/28/19 12:00 PM 685 Oak St Owner:Warren S Shave & Edna L Shave Lender:Pennymac Loan Services Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/18/02 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/06/19) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 07/24/19 01:00 PM 1021 Pleasant St Owner:Claude Duverglas & Dianine T DaVeiga Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/01/08 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/04/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Hanover 07/08/19 02:00 PM 769 Hanover St Owner:William J Miles & Dorothy A Miles Lender:Citizens Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:07/24/08 Source:Brockton Enterprise (05/31/19) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701



06/21/19 12:00 PM 150 Brook St Owner:Rachel C Clark Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/09/99 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/05/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

06/13/19 11:00 AM 87-125 Jeffrey Ave Owner:Pinnacle Realty Corp Lender:Digital FCU Deposit:$50,000 Bk/Pg:51985/464 D:12/16/08 Source:Metro West (05/31/19) Atty:Mirick Oconnell Demallie 800-862-9588

06/21/19 12:00 PM 158 Brook St Owner:Rachel C Clark Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17558/80 D:06/09/99 Source:The Enterprise (06/05/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500



07/02/19 01:00 PM 69 Lynde St Owner:George T Patriquin Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:39516/178 D:08/03/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/30/19) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500

06/18/19 12:00 PM 5 Antilla Ct Owner:Matthew S Carey Lender:Quicken Loans Inc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:44569/72 D:07/25/14 Source:Pembroke Mariner (05/31/19) Atty:Korde And Associates 978-256-1500

07/05/19 12:00 PM 37 Elm St Owner:Malaiperumal Sundaramurth Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:54095/289 D:07/30/15 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

06/21/19 03:00 PM 15 Andrew Dr Owner:Edward P Adams Lender:MTGLQ Investors LP Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:27088/199 D:11/19/03 Source:Pembroke Mariner (05/31/19) Atty:Orlans 781-790-7800

Plymouth 07/05/19 02:00 PM 4 Tartane Rd Owner:Anthony Lobello Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:621586 D:04/20/07 Source:Mpg Newspapers (06/05/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Rockland 06/26/19 11:00 AM 85 Levin Rd Owner:Peter N Newell & Karen L Newell Lender:Bayview Loan Servicing Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:09/30/04 Source:Brockton Enterprise (06/05/19) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc

Scituate 06/19/19 05:00 PM 47 Oceanside Dr Owner:Ann C Sheehan Lender:FNMA Deposit:$15,000 Doc#:630552 D:11/26/07 Source:Scituate Mariner (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 07/15/19 02:00 PM 1 Alexander Pl U:1 Owner:Kara L Bongarzone Lender:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:33856/144 D:11/22/06 Source:Scituate Mariner (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 07/17/19 01:00 PM 44 Captain Peirce Rd Owner:Irving R Versoy Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:32213/105 D:02/09/06 Source:Scituate Mariner (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Wareham 06/13/19 01:00 PM 26 Tomahawk Dr Owner:Sarah J Kearley Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:47939/20 D:12/23/06 Source:Wareham Courier (05/30/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group 401-234-9200 06/20/19 10:00 AM 152 Fearing Hill Rd Owner:Richard J Wilder Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:33316/86 D:08/30/06 Source:Wareham Courier (05/30/19) Atty:Peter V Guaetta Esq 06/26/19 02:00 PM 6 Shamrock Cir Owner:Craig F Hogan Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:33277/254 D:08/30/06 Source:Wareham Courier (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 07/05/19 01:00 PM 13 Overlook Rd Owner:Anne Marie Fuoco Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:46197/1 D:10/21/15 Source:Wareham Courier (05/30/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500


Boston 06/20/19 11:00 AM 85 E India Row U:37G Owner:Kenneth Golden Lender:Steven A Ross Deposit:$50,000 Doc#:* D:11/16/18 Source:Boston Herald (05/31/19) Atty:Potter Maclellan Llp 781-240-1414

Dorchester 06/27/19 11:00 AM 11 Claridge Ter Owner:Rachelanne H Logan Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:05/20/04 Source:Boston Herald (06/06/19) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc

Roxbury 07/01/19 01:00 PM 94 Blue Hill Ave Owner:Rebecca Lynch Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:03/22/02 Source:Boston Herald (06/03/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

West Roxbury 06/27/19 12:00 PM 23 Chilton Rd Owner:Michael A Pereira & Jane M Johnson Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:12/23/06 Source:Boston Herald (06/06/19) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc


Grafton 06/26/19 03:00 PM 1 Whitney St Owner:Robert G Maxwell Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:31257/174 D:08/15/03 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/31/19) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500

North Brookfield 06/28/19 05:00 PM 1 Kittredge Rd Owner:Leonard K Robinson Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:37338/339 D:09/13/05 Source:Telegram Gazette (06/03/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Oxford 07/10/19 11:00 AM 6 Thayer Pond Dr U:17 Owner:Thomas J Beaudreau Lender:Midfirst Bank Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:33485/3 D:04/30/04 Source:Telegram Gazette (06/03/19) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500

Templeton 07/02/19 11:00 AM 10 Ware Dr Owner:William F Newman Jr Lender:Ditech Financial LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:37189/32 D:08/30/05 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/30/19) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500

Winchendon 06/21/19 01:00 PM 768 Brown St Owner:Michelle N Graves Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:56420/359 D:12/06/16 Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (05/31/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group 401-234-9200 06/24/19 11:00 AM 1 Maynard St Owner:Thomas C Dintinosanto Lender:Bank Of America NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:42921/83 D:05/29/08 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/31/19) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868

Worcester 06/25/19 12:00 PM 4 Quincy St Owner:David M Kroma Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:42170/341 D:12/05/07 Source:Telegram Gazette (06/04/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group 401-234-9200 06/26/19 11:00 AM 95 Prescott St Owner:PA Development LLC Lender:Millbury National Bank Deposit:$25,000 Bk/Pg:43964/164 D:03/19/09 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/31/19) Atty:Mirick Oconnell Demallie 508-842-9000


Fitchburg 06/06/19 11:00 AM Main St Owner:3 Way RT Lender:Road Glider Enterprises Deposit:$7,500 Bk/Pg:6139/8 D:06/06/06 Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (05/30/19) Atty:Patrick J Dolan Esq 617-535-7763 06/26/19 02:00 PM 85 Loiselle Ave Owner:Kenneth L Borelli Lender:Pennymac Holdings LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:6431/323 D:04/09/07 Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (06/04/19) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh 860-677-2868 06/28/19 04:00 PM 365 Shea St Owner:Philip C Wead Lender:FNMA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:5462/87 D:10/08/04 Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (06/05/19) Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500

Leominster 06/21/19 11:00 AM 39 Pleasant St Owner:Amildo J Castillo Lender:United Bank Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:6100/278 D:05/01/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/31/19) Atty:Howard B Damico Esq 508-842-6400 07/02/19 02:00 PM 34 Buttermilk Rd Owner:Brenda L Tonry Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:6012/283 D:01/27/06 Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (06/03/19) Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500



06/28/19 11:00 AM 45 Central St Owner:45-49 Central Street LLC Lender:Hometown Bank Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:55857/227 D:08/24/16 Source:Telegram Gazette (06/05/19) Atty:David E Silverman Esq 508-987-2707

06/20/19 12:00 PM 50 Turnpike Rd Owner:Aaron Labonte Lender:Mycumortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:7713/294 D:08/31/12 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/30/19) Atty:Marinosci Law Group 401-234-9200

Brookfield 06/27/19 01:00 PM 25 Molasses Hill Rd Owner:Peter H Lescord Jr Lender:Citizens Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:38516/96 D:02/06/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (05/30/19) Atty:Brock & Scott PLLC 401-217-8701

Š2019 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

06/25/19 03:00 PM 77 Lake Dr W Owner:Cecilia V Bowser Lender:Carrington Mortgage Svc Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:6800/132 D:09/12/08 Source:Telegram Gazette (06/03/19) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670



JUNE 17, 2019





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