Citizens’ share of the July Middlesex County single-family mortgage market. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group’s Marketshare Module
A new set of Community Reinvestment Act regulations are 700 pages long. See Diane McLaughlin’s story on this page. Source: OCC, FDIC and the Federal Reserve $2 24.36700billionpagespercent
Commercial Real
WEEK OF MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 BY THE NUMBERS PAGE 6 County close-up: Middlesex Spotlight: Stoneham IN PERSON PAGE 8 Real estate was always a side hustle for Ricky Beliveau until a series of condo conversions opened the door to a new career. Six years later, he’s working to build a 21-story luxury tower in Everett’s rapidlytransforming industrial zone. COMMERCIAL INTERESTS
The second-most prolific Middlesex County loan originator is affiliated with Watertown Savings Bank. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group’s Loan Orignator Module Unless otherwise noted, all data is sourced from The Warren Group’s Mortgage Market Share Module, Loan Originator Module, Statistics Module and/or proprietary database. For more information please datasolutions.www.thewarrengroup.com/business/visit
The implementation time for a new set of CRA reforms. See Diane McLaughlin’s story on this page. Source: The OCC, FDIC and Federal Reserve 12 months Guaranteed Rate’s share of the July Middlesex County single-family mortgage market. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group’s Marketshare Module 5.36 percent 27 Regulations implementing the Community Reinvestment Act haven’t been updated in 27 years. See Diane McLaughlin’s story on this page. Source: Public record Leader Bank’s share of the July Middlesex County single-family mortgage market. See By the Numbers on page 6. Source: The Warren Group’s Marketshare Module 4.9 percent The size, in assets, of an “intermediate bank” under proposed CRA reforms. See Diane McLaughlin’s story on this page. Source: The OCC, FDIC and Federal Reserve
Natural Gas Bans Go from Pilot to Behemoth Boston’s Planned Ban Comes as Headwinds Hit Multifamily Building By Scott Van Voorhis | Banker & Tradesman Columnist Commercial Real Estate
Banking trade groups say the latest plan to reform an antiredlining law will put smaller lenders at a disadvantage. And advocacy groups think it doesn’t go far enough to help correct redlining’s racial legacy. DISRUPTED? Weigh Spending on Tech for Agents Some Tech Will Stay as Pandemic Boom Fades By Cameron Sperance | Special to Banker & Tradesman Estate
After a yearslong and often con troversial ef fort by federal regu lators to update the federal banksReinvestmentCommunityAct,couldhavejust one year before they have to start comply ing with new CRA rules. “[T]he speed at which this is expected to be turned around and implemented – 12 months – is unreasonable at best,” executives at North Adams-based Moun tainOne Bank said in a letter to federal regulators.Stakeholders finished submitting feed back earlier this month on a nearly 700page proposal aimed at modernizing reg ulations implementing the anti-redlining law. And both banks and community advocates have concerns about the pro posed changes to regulations that had not been updated in more than 25 years. On one hand, banking trade groups say the reforms will put medium-sized banks with only a few billion dollars in assets at a disadvantage as they try to compete with their larger brethren. On the other hand, community and housing groups say the reform doesn’t deal squarely with decades of redlining’s racial legacy. The fraught nature of the debate shows in how long it took the three federal bank regulators to agree on joint reforms. An earlier effort failed to produce a joint pro posal; instead, the Office of the Comptrol ler of the Currency issued its own rule in May 2020, which some critics derided as a giveaway to elements of the banking industry. The OCC’s CRA rule was even tually rescinded by the Biden administra tion, and the OCC, FDIC and the Federal Reserve agreed to work on a new proposal. on Page BY DIANE MCLAUGHLIN BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF Concern for Small Lenders, Redlining’s Legacy Mark Critiques

• Examples of companies it’s invested in include local property management software company HqO, drywall finishing robotics firm Canvas and OpenSpace, which offers camera-based construction progress tracking services.
Director of Sales & Marketing: John Bottini Communications Manager: Mike Breed Executive Data Solutions Account Manager: William Visconti National Account Executive: Trang Vu Data Solutions Account Manager: Rose Zavala Client Service Specialist: Mike Sweeney Marketing Coordinator: Sara Ryerson
Controller: Gena Salvo Accounts Payable: Olga Khalaydovsky Accounts Receivable Clerk: Nicole Catino BANKER & TRADESMAN (ISSN 0005-5409) Volume 203, Number 34 Published each Monday. ©2022 The Warren Group LLC, 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. Banker & Tradesman and The Warren Group are trademarks of The Warren Group LLC. Subscriptions to Banker & Tradesman: Premium: One year – $399 Two year – $699 Single copies are $10.00 each and are on sale at the offices of the publisher.
Associate Publisher: Cassidy Norton Managing Editor: James Sanna Associate Editor, Commercial Real Estate: Steve Adams Associate Editor, Banking: Diane McLaughlin Contributing Writer: Scott Van Voorhis Web Editor: Yasmin Daiha Senior Customer Support Specialist: Sarah Ahlgren Advertising Account Manager: Caitlin Bobe Graphic Designer: William Samatis
Director of Operations & Product Strategy: Samantha Bullock Data Operations Manager: Tammy Dandurant Data Quality/Key Accounts Manager: Ellen Gendron Data Vendor Coordinator: Katherine Snow Acquisitions Coordinators: Christina Doucette Transaction Acquisition Coordinator: Wally Bullock INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Software Development Manager: Michael Paul Senior Applications Developer: Joe Chan Technical Assistant: Tyler North IT Technical Assistants: Matthew Paul, Joey Roundtree, Daniel Coan FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION
• The change, if approved, will cut office space on the third floor from 140,000 square feet to 56,000 square feet, with 275,000 square feet permitted elsewhere in the new buildings rising on-site. Total lab space in the development will rise to 685,000 square feet.
• The first property, at 50 Otis St., is a 406,437-squarefoot R&D and industrial building, was renovated and expanded in 2001. Atlantic refinanced the property’s debt with a $70.5 million loan from Brookline Bank. Atlantic plans to use a $26 million construction loan from Middlesex Savings Bank to build a 100,000-squarefoot, high-bay warehouse at 54 Otis St. The former is leased to Amazon and the second is pre-leased.
Banker & Tradesman readers are casting a gimlet eye on the T How does the MBTA’s Orange Line shutdown impact your business plans? I’m waiting to see if it significantly improves the line.43% The MBTA is irrelevant to my business.28% It makes me more likely to invest in downtown Boston.15% It makes me less likely to invest in downtown Boston.14%
What the MBTA Really Needs: Renewing Its Relationships with Residents a Mission to Build Housing Democracy FDIC to Increase Scrutiny of Banks’ CRE Lending OKs 93 Condos, 43 Apartments
• New England Development has filed a request with the Cambridge Planning Board to take 84,000 square feet of office space on the mall’s third floor, originally converted from retail space in 2019, and reprogram it as lab space.
• Worried about “the uncertain long-term impacts of changes in work and commerce in the wake of the pandemic, the effects of rising interest rates, inflationary pressures, and supply chain issues,” the FDIC says it will pay closer attention to banks’ commercial real estate lending practices.
• CRE loan delinquencies are at historically low levels, but bank examiners have noted concerns during recent examinations, including underwriting and allowing borrowers to use financial information that includes pandemic aid when applying for a loan.
Timothy M. Warren Jr., CEO and Publisher David B. Lovins, President and COO & TRADESMAN 1872 Published by The Warren Group PUBLISHING
• The 13 million-square-foot Cambridge lab market saw 533,000 square foot of positive absorption in the second quarter, according to Newmark research, with the average asking rent topping $114 per square foot and forecast to rise even as 2 million square foot is under construction in the area.
• The portfolio includes consists of the 92-key Courtyard Lenox Berkshires and the 79-key Hampton Inn and Suites Berkshires-Lenox. Built in 2016, the Courtyard Lenox Berkshires is located on 70 Pittsfield Road, and was sold for $25 million. Built in 2007, the Hampton Inn and Suits Berkshires-Lenox is located at 445 Pittsfield Road, and was sold for $13 million. Toole Cos. developed both properties.
Buyers of New Construction Have New Tastes Boston Seeks to Join Fossil Fuel Ban Pilot CRE Lending Powers Fast Community Bank Growth Compass Drops Agent Recruitment Incentives
With New Plans, Parcel 13 Hits the Accelerator Could Boston Turn on Biotech?
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Banker & Tradesman The Warren Group 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 617-428-5100. Fax: andPeriodicalswww.bankerandtradesman.com617-428-5119.postagepaidatPeabody,MA,additionalmailoffices.
• The fund is being organized by Suffolk Technologies, the company’s startup accelerator arm, according to an SEC filing. Suffolk Technologies is intended to scout for a range of companies at various stages of the startup cycle that can drive innovation in construction.
• Atlantic Management has refinanced one warehouse property in Westborough and secured construction financing for a second next door. Newmark arranged the financing.
• JLL marketed the property on behalf of the seller, Toole Cos. The buyer was Mission Hill Hospitality, an arm of Denver-based real estate investor KSL Capital. Goldman Sachs provided financing for both transactions.

COMMERCIAL INTERESTS Planned Ban Comes as Headwinds Hit Multifamily Building Natural
Boston was not part of the group of 10 communities that have already expressed in terest in joining, a group that includes Cam bridge and upscale suburbs like Newton, Con cord and Lexington. But Boston’s push to muscle in on the pro gram is only likely to escalate concerns over the impact going cold turkey on new gas hookups will have on apartment construction. After all, Boston alone produces a large chunk of all the apartments built each year in Massachusetts. Now add in Cambridge, Brookline and other suburbs, and that num ber grows even larger. What had been billed by supporters as a relatively modest experiment is starting to suddenly look like a behemoth. Limited Data for Larger Multifamilies Supporters of banning natural gas hookups have touted a state study show ing new, new all-electric residential housing can be competitive with gas, with heavy Mass Save subsi dies covering the 10 to 20 percent increase in cost in construction. But that study only looked at single-family and homes and apartment buildings with six or fewer Developersunits. are concerned about the impact on larger multifamily projects, and rightfully so. There is a paucity of research on what forced electrification would mean for the cost of building say, a 50-unit apartment building, let alone a 100- or 200-unit project. And would-be builders of new rental proj ects are already facing serious headwinds, with surging construction costs and rising interest rates having already put some proposals on ice. After a big dip amid surging inflation and high economic anxiety in April and May, per mits issued for new apartment and condo minium projects bounced back a bit in June, federal stats show. But the overall volume of new multifamily construction – as it has for years – remains far below what’s needed to meet current demand, let alone bring down rents. Meanwhile, rents show no signs of flatten ing out, let alone declining, putting unbear able pressure on middle- and working-class families looking for a place to call home. Too Far, Too Fast No one is arguing that natural gas should be left alone – eventually it is going to either have to be phased out or replaced by more climate-friendly green hydrogen when and if that technology matures. But Massachusetts last year passed a major update to its stretch energy code aimed at boosting the energy efficiency of buildings old and new, with Boston in the middle now if its own, ambitious effort. Jumping right to natural gas bans threatens to heap additional complexities and costs onto new apartment buildings as warning signs mount – even as Wu’s administration prom ises to work with developers when crafting its local gas ban regulations. Too often, the more zealous supporters of an immediate ban on new gas hookups brush aside the upfront costs and potential impact on new However,construction.itisaconcern the gas banners, clustered as it would seem in affluent suburbs where housing costs are astronomical and where renters are not always welcomed with open arms, would be wise to acknowledge.
Scott Van Voorhis is Banker & Tradesman’s columnist; opinions expressed are his own. He may be reached at sbvanvoorhis@hotmail.com. SCOTT VAN VOORHIS BANKER & TRADESMAN COLUMNIST Gas Bans from gas-fueled
Just as badly needed new apart ment projects start to face some serious headwinds, here come the natural gas bans, courtesy of the state’s sweeping new climate change law. A controversial and freshly inked state pilot program could potentially see several suburbs and cities bar natural gas hookups in new apartment and condo buildings. A big issue, and one not particularly well covered in the local media, has been the seri ous concern that banning natural gas hookups could drive up the cost of construction – and hence rents – at desper ately needed new apart ment buildings. It was this provision that Gov. Charlie Baker balked at before eventually signing the climate bill, saying it gave him “agita,” given the potentially nega tive impact on new mul tifamily construction in Cambridge, New ton and other communities seeking to ban new gasWell,hookups.ifhe was feeling the burn before, Baker has got to be downing Tums and other antiac ids like mad to deal with an epic case of heart burn following Boston Mayor Michelle Wu’s announcement, after the law passed, that she wants her city to take part in the program, too.
Pilot to Behemoth Developers are concerned about the impact on larger multifamily projects, and rightfully so. State research shows heavy state subsidies are still needed to make all-electric construction competitive with natural
multifamily building systems. Loan Originator Module THE WARREN GROUP | LOAN ORIGINATOR MODULE WHERE DO LOAN ORIGINATORS RANK IN YOUR COUNTY? Identify top loan originators with The Warren Group’s Loan Originator Module. Analyze the local mortgage lending market with custom reports that highlight rankings, competitors, and individual loan officers. View data across various time periods, geographies, and so much more. Visit www.thewarrengroup.com to view a sample report. Contact 617.896.5388 or email customerservice@thewarrengroup.com for more information.

Don’t Be Afraid to Call a Pro If, at any point, you realize you’re in over your head, step back and reconsider. More than a few hapless homeowners have spent more to have a pro fessional come straighten out their mistakes than they would have had they gone the pro route in the first place. For example, if your replacement door or window isn’t hung properly, water intrusion could result in costly damage to your walls, floors and in sulation. Ditto for roof shingles. If you wind up hiring someone, make sure they are licensed, bonded and insured. Even the pros are not immune to accidents.
The study – published by insurance comparison company Clearsurance and based on data collected from the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System –found that 3 percent of all ER visits were the unin tended result of working around the house. Lacera tions were by far the most common injury, followed by fractures, then contusions or abrasions. Fingers, hands and eyes were the most commonly wounded bodyMoreparts.than 9,000 injuries chronicled in 2020 re sulted in amputations, while nearly 7,500 were inju ries to internal organs. Poisonings numbered more thanOf2,500.course, there’s nothing wrong with tackling home projects. But you should know what you are getting yourself into. If you have no experience, then look online for how-to videos that offer basic instruction. As an alternative, purchase a book or manual that you can refer to as your work pro gresses, or take one of the many classes offered by hardware stores and home improvement chains. Before you start, you should have a rudimentary knowledge of the tools you’ll be using – especially if power tools are involved. Make sure you have the appropriate safety gear on hand, including gloves, eye protection and a face shield. Hard-toed safety shoes are a must, while flip-flops and fabric sneak ers are verboten. And wear long pants and a longsleeved shirt to help protect your skin from flying debris, even if it’s too hot for them under ordinary circumstances. Remember Ben Franklin’s advice: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
More than 9,000 injuries chronicled in 2020 resulted in amputations.
t imothy m . W arre N J r Publisher t imothy m . W arre N Publisher 1975-1988 K eith F. W arre N 1928-1975 W illard C. W arre N 1901-1928
Some 25-odd years ago, I sent the family to the beach for the summer while I, all by my lone some, refurbished our manse. I removed outdated wallpaper. I patched drywall in some places and replaced entire walls in others. I painted practically every room, and replaced every doorknob, lock and hinge in the joint. I had never done this kind of work before, but I managed to do it all without hurting myself. Turns out, I was lucky. Many do-it-yourselfers, especially rookies like me, aren’t as fortunate. In 2020, according to new research, more than 290,000 people were treated in emergency rooms for injuries resulting from home improvement projects. And some 24,500 ended up being admitted. In other words, while doing the work yourself can save money and stimulate your creative juices, it can also be dangerous. You can quickly lose a finger if your circular saw runs amok, get a traumatic brain injury if you fall off a ladder or end up on crutches for a while if you drop a gallon of paint on your big toe.
4 | BANKER & TRADESMAN AUGUST 22, 2022 OPINION Massachusetts’ residential brokers and agents shouldn’t let the huge dips in home sales reported last week convince them the sky is falling.July’ssingle-family sales were down 17.4 percent over July 2021, according to The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman. Condominium sales last month were even worse: 24.5 percent off the same month last year. Buyers are clearly feeling the heat as affordabil ity hits record lows. But do these dramatic-look ing sales figures signal a collapse in demand? Not likely.First, remember that most home sales that closed in July went under contract in May and June. The economic conditions of those two months had a significant influence on how many homes formally traded hands in July, and at what price. And June saw a 72-basis-point spike in the aver age interest on a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage over the course of three weeks – faster than any other jump in the last five years, even including March’s meteoric rise in rates. Combined with widespread concern about rampant inflation at the time, that may very well have caused a substantial chunk of otherwise-qualified buyers to put their plans on hold and not put in offers on homes they could still afford.For additional evidence, we point to pending sales figures, as reported by the Massachusetts As sociation of Realtors. Pending single-family sales were only down 4.2 percent year-over-year state wide in July, MAR reported. Some collapse in de mand, that is, although it’s worth noting pending sales of condos were down 15.8 percent, in line with a 20.6 percent decline in June for listings of these more-affordable and therefore likely more price-sensitive dwellings. Redfin reported last week that only 12 percent of Boston-area home sales – condos and single-fam ilies combined – and 13.4 percent of Worcesterarea home sales fell out of contract in July, a far cry from the more than 1 in 4 sales that fell through in places like Las Vegas and Jacksonville, Florida. Instead, what we are seeing is the slow-motion erosion of demand. Data on multiple-offer situa tions from Redfin shows Boston and Worcester are, by one measure at least, the sixth-most and fifthmost competitive housing markets in the country – but with levels of competition somewhat lower than the same time pre-pandemic. While buyers may curse them for goosing price appreciation with their supersized buying power, Massachusetts’ relatively high share of well-paid tech workers could well be keeping sellers’ pan demic-driven home values afloat. Just don’t stop to contemplate why we, as a so ciety, are all so anxious that the values of existing homes might fall, taking retirement plans with them. Letters to the editor of 350 words or less may be submitted via email at editorial@thewarrengroup.com with the subject line “Letter to the Editor,” or mailed to the offices of The Warren Group. Submission is not a guarantee of publication. July OneSalesHomeAreOnlyDataPoint EDITORIAL
DIY Comes with Some Peril
Finally, make sure you have insurance and that your coverage is up to date. In the Clearsurance re port, insurance attorney Anastasia Allmon advises do-it-yourselfers to make sure their insurance will cover them if they get hurt. “There are a lot of insurance companies [that] will consider making your own home improvements as a kind of reckless endangerment, and you could possibly find yourself uncovered in the event of an emergency,” said Allmon, of personal injury firm Farris, Riley and Pitt in Birmingham, Alabama.
Check to make sure you are covered before you start. If you’re not, it may be worthwhile to pay a premium to add coverage. “That’s definitely going to be your best option, no matter how safe you try to be,” the attorney said. Even the perils that are covered could come with limits. So be aware that the concept of willful endan germent could put you over that limit.
Speaking of prevention, if you are going to use a ladder, even a relatively short six-footer, check it first for loose or broken joints and steps. Only use it on level surfaces, and be aware of your surroundings in case you fall off or have to jump.
Banker & Tradesman C assidy N orto N Associate cnorton@thewarrengroup.comPublisher
Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications. Readers can contact him at lsichelman@aol.com.
Nearly 300K Hurt Themselves on Projects Every Year THE HOUSINGBYSCENELEW
Many ER Visits Caused

Let Locals Dictate Development A better process starts with creating solid em ployment opportunities in our suburbs, creating less pressure to commute into town for work and more opportunity to move out of the city to live. Natu rally, that process will lead to the creation of more housing stock in outer areas, and under a more manageable plan that respects local resources. We also need to build up infrastructure in areas of our state that have traditionally been left out of the process, and which desperately need invest ment to fund upgrades to their basic systems. That includes improving roads and bridges, making sure utilities are sufficient and improving municipal buildings so they can adequately serve local needs.
Banking regulators have been advising financial market participants to be proactive in addressing the LIBOR discontinuation since late 2020. With re spect to contracts entered into prior to Dec. 31, 2021, banks were urged either to use a reference rate other than LIBOR or have clear fallback language that in cludes a defined alternative reference rate after LI BOR’s discontinuation. European regulators of the floating interest rate benchmark have announced that the publication of LIBOR for tenors of U.S. dollar-denominated LIBOR will cease after June 30, 2023.Despite these measures, there are still a significant number of existing contracts that reference LIBOR, which will not mature by June 30, 2023 and cannot be easily amended. Of particular concern are socalled “tough legacy contracts,” which lack adequate fallback provisions providing for a clearly defined or practicable replacement benchmark following the cessation of LIBOR. In an effort to provide a uni form, nationwide solution for replacing references to LIBOR in tough legacy contracts, Congress passed the LIBOR Act. What’s Changing? The LIBOR Act lays out a set of default rules that apply to tough legacy contracts subject to U.S. laws. Section 104, the act’s main operative provision, distinguishes between three categories of LIBOR contracts: (1) contracts that contain fallback provi sions identifying a specific benchmark replacement that is not based in any way on any of the LIBOR Act’s LIBOR values and that do not require any per son to conduct a poll, survey or inquiries for quotes or information concerning interbank lending or deposit rates; (2) contracts that contain no fallback provisions; and (3) contracts that contain fallback provisions authorizing a determining person to de termine a benchmark replacement. The Fed’s proposed rule prescribes guidance for each of these three categories. Contracts that fall into the first category will tran sition to the contractually agreed-upon benchmark replacement on or before the LIBOR replacement date, which shall be the first London banking date after June 30, 2023. Contracts that fall into the second category, so called “covered contracts,” will see the LIBOR bench mark replaced by a benchmark replacement rate identified by the Fed that is based on SOFR (which is referred to as the “Board-selected benchmark re placement”) on the LIBOR replacement date.
Possible Regulatory Impact
According to recent studies, Massachusetts is one of several states leading the nation in an inauspicious statistic – the number of people choosing to move out-of-state. We are losing popu lation at staggering rates, while other states are add ing residents fast. I believe there are many reasons driving these numbers. High taxes, overbearing mandates that fail to respect individual liberty and a lack of paren tal choice in education and health care decisions all lead the list. But for many, high cost of living is the critical deciding factor, including specifically a lack of affordable housing in Massachusetts. Our state needs a new approach that helps more people realize the American dream of homeowner ship while preserving the character of our commu nities.Unfortunately, state policy keeps leading us in the wrong direction by confusing housing affordability with housing density.
For contracts that fall into the third category the applicability of the LIBOR Act is subject to the de termination, if any, made by the determining person. If the determining person does not select a bench mark replacement by the LIBOR replacement date, the LIBOR Act states the LIBOR benchmark shall be replaced by SOFR. If the determining person selects SOFR as a new benchmark, that decision must be irrevocable, must apply on and after the LIBOR replacement date and must have been selected no later than the earlier of the LIBOR replacement date or the latest selection date authorized in the contract.
Transit Zoning an Overreach Too often, our housing laws are aimed at squeez ing more housing units into tighter spaces near cit ies and the transportation hubs that serve them. For example, a recent state law requires 175 eastern Massachusetts communities served by the MBTA to change their zoning to accommodate more housing density – much more. Communities will be required to have at least one zoning district where multifamily housing is allowed as-of-right, whether residents want it or not. Many communities in and around the Interstate 495 belt will be required to build hundreds of new multifam ily housing units – against local preferences – just in order to meet arbitrary state rules. Meanwhile, at least one Boston-area city is actu ally considering going even further, with a proposal reportedly being studied to do away with singlefamily zoning in favor of high-density alternatives. This strategy serves developers, but not people in these communities. It takes a limited view of host communities as mere bedrooms for urban employ ment. Density puts a squeeze on schools and other local resources, and the regulations requiring this zoning are an unfunded mandate. What’s more, the strategy seems outdated in an era when more and more jobs are moving out of cities or, in some cases, transitioning to work-from-home roles.
Streamlined permitting is often cited as a major need in order to jump-start the creation of more housing. I support efficiency and streamlined ser vice for permitting and other government functions. But I also favor local control over the process. We also need to look at home financing care fully. As a state representative several years ago, I led our state to create a special commission to study problems with the lending industry and to identify ways to keep people out of foreclosure and in their homes. I also proposed expanded emergency assis tance for certain people at-risk of foreclosure due to circumstances beyond their control. I think there is more work we can do in this area, including holding lenders who commit unfair or discriminatory prac tices in the housing market accountable. There is no question that we need more housing. And we need to make housing more affordable so it’s accessible for more people. But the way and man ner in which we expand our housing stock makes a big difference to the future sustainability of our communities. Let’s make smart housing decisions now to ensure a better future for Massachusetts and a more affordable way of life for Bay Staters.
By providing a uniform, nationwide solution for replacing references to LIBOR in tough legacy con tracts, the LIBOR Act aims to forestall costly and po tentially disruptive litigation. Further, the automatic transition to the SOFR rate obviates the need for the laborious process of amending each tough legacy contract individually to replace the LIBOR reference rate.The Fed’s proposed rule would not impose any reporting or recordkeeping requirements, nor re quire the parties to covered contracts to take any affirmative steps. Instead, the proposed rule would codify the provisions of Section 104 of the LIBOR Act, which replaces references to LIBOR in contracts with SOFR. Counterparties will not be required to consent to adopt the new benchmark and the de termination, implementation and performance of SOFR are protected under Section 105 of the LIBOR Act and designed to ensure continuity of the con tracts.The change from LIBOR to SOFR will likely result in different amounts due under loan agreements. As a result, in the rule the Fed commented that the sub stitution of SOFR for LIBOR may have a “potentially significant economic impact on parties to covered contracts.”
Unfortunately, state policy keeps leading us in the wrong direction.
Timothy Rennie and Kate Henry are associates in Boston law firm Nutter’s corporate and transactions department. Michael Krebs is co-chair of Nutter’s banking and finance practice group. Legacy Contracts Get Simplified Solution Regulations for LIBOR Replacement in Contracts
Timothy Rennie Kate
So-called “tough legacy contracts” adequate fallback for a LIBOR
Fed Outlines
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is proposing a regulation that would implement the Adjustable Interest Rate Act, better known as the LIBOR Act. The proposed rule, released on July 19, provides for separate replace ment rates for derivatives transactions, contracts where a government-sponsored enterprise is a party and other certain affected contracts.
Let’s Create More Affordable Housing the Right Way
Geoff Diehl is a resident of Whitman and is the Republican Party’s officially endorsed candidate for governor of Massachusetts in the Sept. 6 gubernatorial primary. GOP Candidate Says More Density Won’t Generate Affordability

6 | BANKER & TRADESMAN AUGUST 22, 2022 3 • Statistics from May 2022 - July 2022 • New Construction Excluded • Source: The Warren Group 5421 321 109876 BY THE NUMBERS Community Change2021fromJan.-July2022 Change2021fromJan.-July2022 Acton $880,000 14% 130 -9% Arlington $1,192,500 24% 180 -3% Ashby $372,750 7% 26 -10% Ashland $660,000 20% 101 -8% Ayer $557,500 33% 32 -24% Bedford $930,000 13% 79 -5% Belmont $1,615,000 13% 91 -6% Billerica $621,500 12% 228 14% Boxboro $943,000 2% 24 26% Burlington $736,500 8% 114 -22% Cambridge $1,800,000 0% 63 -16% Carlisle $1,269,000 8% 26 -37% Chelmsford $640,000 13% 174 -21% Concord $1,526,000 5% 98 -16% Dracut $499,800 9% 160 11% Dunstable $700,000 6% 21 5% Everett $607,000 13% 49 -36% Framingham $614,000 6% 334 -4% Groton $742,000 18% 69 0% Holliston $655,000 4% 137 5% Hopkinton $985,000 19% 108 -4% Hudson $550,000 17% 82 -14% Lexington $1,602,500 9% 194 -26% Lincoln $1,794,000 27% 30 -17% Littleton $650,000 16% 65 7% Lowell $445,000 10% 291 -5% Malden $630,000 7% 141 14% Marlborough $525,000 9% 148 -11% Maynard $525,000 9% 71 -7% Medford $840,500 15% 178 -6% Melrose $835,000 8% 153 0% Natick $845,000 15% 183 -25% Newton $1,640,000 11% 376 -14% North Reading $758,500 9% 82 -31% Pepperell $530,000 17% 55 -31% Reading $825,000 14% 153 2% Sherborn $1,107,000 14% 45 2% Shirley $465,000 6% 33 -41% Somerville $1,200,000 41% 35 -44% Stoneham $725,000 13% 99 -15% Stow $825,500 25% 46 -38% Sudbury $1,232,500 22% 162 -2% Tewksbury $605,000 9% 166 0% Townsend $402,500 1% 70 19% Tyngsboro $580,000 5% 56 -25% Wakefield $725,000 10% 126 3% Waltham $740,018 5% 192 3% Watertown $860,000 8% 51 -22% Wayland $977,500 3% 84 -22% Westford $750,000 3% 139 -3% Weston $2,195,000 13% 91 -14% Wilmington $687,900 16% 149 -3% Winchester $1,520,500 10% 142 -10% Woburn $675,000 13% 168 -13% Middlesex County $750,000 9% 6,300 -9% • Statistics based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group $300,000$400,000$500,000$600,000$700,000$800,000 STATISTICAL SNAPSHOT TOP 10 EXISTING HOME SALES MEDIAN SALES PRICES SALE VOLUME 5,0005,5006,0006,5007,0007,500 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 800000700000600000500000400000300000 2022202120202019201820172016201520142013 MassachusettsMiddlesex TOP 3 MORTGAGE LENDERS % of Market Share Rankings and Mortgage Market Share stats include purchase and refinance mortgages for all residential properties in July 2022 Market share percentage based on volume of mortgages Source: The Warren Group 21 Guaranteed Rate Inc. 5.36% Leader Bank NA 4.90% Rank Lender 750070006500600055005000 2022202120202019201820172016201520142013 Organization Ranked by volume of loans in July 2022 • Source: The Warren Group Shant Banosian Guaranteed Rate Inc. Cynthia Iskenderian Watertown Savings Bank Matthew E. Chabot Rank Lender TOP 3 LOAN ORIGINATORS 3 Citizens Financial Group 4.36% 76 Robin Rd 76 Robin Road T 5/23/2022 Weston Joseph F. Ryan $7,900,000 16 Driftwood Ln Dalton Way LLC 6/15/2022 Weston Kenneth V. Stevens $7,750,000 22 Highland St Gregory S. Burd 6/1/2022 Cambridge Roy G. Gordon $7,550,000 120 Bigelow Rd Sekar Kathiresan 6/24/2022 Newton 120 Bigelow LLC $7,258,821 19 Appleton St 19 Appleton RT 6/3/2022 Cambridge Hugh A. Simons $6,850,000 99 Gate House Rd Gate House Chestnut Hl 6/30/2022 Newton Miceal Chamberlain $5,800,000 275 Brookline St MM 2 Ventures LLC 5/3/2022 Newton Michael Sylvester $5,550,000 5 Gray Gdns E K. M. Glick Irrev Gst T 7/11/2022 Cambridge John J. Moriarty 3rd $5,430,000 65 Juniper Rd Li Ma Revocable FT 5/26/2022 Weston M. Ben Balbale $5,380,000 201 Highland St Jaka M. Saarony 5/25/2022 Newton Rachel Goldstein $5,250,000 Street CommunityAddress SellerBuyer PriceDate Street CommunityAddress SellerBuyer PriceDateRank Rank • All sales through July YTD • Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group • All sales through July YTD Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren SPOTLIGHTGroup Stoneham YEAR INCORPORATED 1725 TOTAL AREA 6.7 square miles POPULATION 23,244 DENSITY 3,500 people per square mile TAX RATES Residential: $10.41 Commercial: $19.81 TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSING UNITS 10,159 Every morning at 9 a.m. and every night at 9 p.m., a horn mounted on the Stoneham Fire Station goes off. Once used to make sure the horn used to summon firefighters to emergencies was working, it’s now primarily a tradition. SALES VOLUMEMEDIAN SALES PRICE COUNTY CLOSE-UP MIDDLESEX Washington Trust Mortgage Co. “S/Sgt. Hall’s fearlessness, his determined fighting spirit, and his prodigious combat skill exemplify the heroic tradition of the American Infantryman.” — The Medal of Honor citation for Staff Sgt. George J. Hall, a Stoneham native and World War II veteran
Bulfinch Cos. is planning a combined life science-and-multifamily project at 804-812 Huntington Ave. in Boston’s Mission Hill neighborhood.
BPDA OKs 93 Condos, 43 Apartments
Boston could be come the first community in Massachusetts to apply for a new pilot pro gram to ban natural gas hookups in new construction and major renovations. “Our community members deserve to work, learn and live in spaces that are healthy, energy efficient and save money on utilities costs,” Boston Mayor Michelle Wu said at a press conference on City Hall Plaza last week, noting that build ings were one of the largest sources of green house gas pollution in Boston.Thegas ban pilot was included in a major cli mate package signed by Gov. Charlie Baker earlier this month. It allows 10 communities to ban the use of fossil fuels in new residen tial and office construction as a way to prove out techniques and building costs associated with all-electric building systems. All-electric buildings substitute heat pumps for natural gas-powered water heaters and heating and air conditioning systems, and induction cook tops for gas-powered ones.
THEY SAID IT: “Greater Boston continues to be ranked among the top life sciences markets in the world. As a result, liquidity for projects with best-in-class sponsorship and location, such as 15 McGrath, remains intact and active.”—Brett Paulsrud, senior managing director, JLL
The state Department of Energy Resources is expected to write regulations in the coming weeks that will determine how far along a de velopment can be in its planning process be fore it will be exempted from the ban. State Rep. Jeff Roy, the House chair of the state legislature’s key climate committee, told reporters during the Tuesday press conference that no community had yet filed a home rule petition under the new pilot program. The city of Cambridge, along with wealthy sub urbs like Arlington, Lexington and Newton, are widely expected to apply, although some may not be admitted to the program based on affordable housing production requirements. “Your announcement today is bold, creative and energizing,” Roy said. “The 10-com munity pilot program will offer valuable and robust data associated withBostonelectrification.”Planning & Development Agency Director Arthur Jemi son said the gas ban would work in tandem with new net zero carbon building standards being developed in collaboration with real estate lobby group NAIOP-MA and businessbacked group A Better City. “These are critical steps to the city’s goal of becoming net zero carbon by 2050,” he said. After the home rule petition is filed, the city will begin crafting its local fossil fuel ban ordinance. Chief of Housing Sheila Dillon pledged that the city would work with developers to write the law, noting that her Office of Hous ing was already requiring new affordable de velopments in the city to be all-electric.
REAL ESTATE THINK YOUR PROPERTY IS HOT? Drop Steve a line at sadams@thewarrengroup.com
Industry to Get Voice in Rules “There is not one developer or lender in Boston that doesn’t realize climate change is real and will get worse if we don’t take deliber ate action,” she said.
• Despite the general softening of the local life science real estate market, a major pension fund has decided to back Somerville’s latest spec lab high-rise.
Boston Seeks to Join Fossil Fuel Ban Pilot
• Oxford Properties Group, an arm of the pension fund for government employees in the Canadian province of Ontario, is financing 15 McGrath Highway, a 262,000-square-foot, 9-story project next to the massive Cambridge Crossing mixeduse development.
Boston officials are pledging to work with the real estate industry to write detailed rules of how a ban on new natural gas hookups would work, but many industry groups are concerned the plan could drive up housing construction costs.
• JLL Capital Markets arranged the $230 million construction loan. A $175.5 million mortgage for the property issued by Oxford was also recorded July 27 at the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds.
Each week, Banker & Tradesman commercial real estate reporter Steve Adams spotlights a commercial real estate property in Massachusetts notable for its high deal activity, unique design or one-of-a-kind special features.
Wu’s office said in a statement that the final ordinance would be written over a “monthslong community process” with input from an advisory “made up of stakeholders with ex pertise in environmental justice, affordable housing, labor and workers’ rights, building engineering and energy, healthcare and public health, real estate development and manage ment, architecture and urban design, and dis tributed energy systems.”
Continued on Page 11 Four new multifamily projects advanced at the Boston Planning & Development Agency board of directors’ August meeting. The projects total 135 units – 93 condo miniums and 43 apartments, many of which will be designated affordable. The board also approved a new policy ask ing developers of projects over 20,000 square feet in size to voluntarily disclose the par ticipation of women- and minority-owned businesses in different phases of the project along with efforts developers and construc tion companies are taking to diversify their workforces. City officials say they hope the ef fort will lead more companies to think harder about their diversity, equity and inclusion ef forts, and the data collected will help identify areas where additional resources need to be developed.
The gas ban pilot was included in a major climate package signed by Gov. Charlie Baker earlier this month. Real Estate Groups Concerned for Housing Production
84 Warren St., Roxbury What is it: Redevelopment of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts’ headquarters Size: 22 affordable condos and 42 apartments in a 6-story building with ground-floor offices for the ULEM Developer: ULEM, Madison Park Develop ment Corp., Origin Property Group 804-812 Huntington Ave., Mission Hill What is it: Redevelopment of a vacant commercial parcel Size: 23 condos, four of which will be incomerestricted, plus 58,373 square feet of office/lab space and 4,746 square feet of ground-floor retail in a separate building Developer: Bulfinch Cos. 1169-1171 Adams St., Dorchester What is it: Redevelopment of a vacant commercial parcel in Dorchester’s Lower Mills neighborhood Size: 29 condos, five of which will be incomerestricted, across four stories Developer: 6M Development 582 Cambridge St., Allston What is it: Redevelopment of a residential lot outside Allston’s Union Square Size: 19 condos, three of which will be income-restricted, across four stories Developer: Odessit Capital

If you look at the current political landscape and the [Boston Planning & Development Agency] in Boston, it’s a slow, slow grind to have projects move through the neighborhoods and the BPDA. There’s also a lot of anti-development feeling in the neighborhoods. In Worcester, where we have the [WooSox’s] outfield wall for The Cove, they were so excited for us to bring this project forward. Everett – same thing. You have a mayor who’s very pro-devel opment and moving the old industrial uses out that are contaminating Everett and bringing in housing. We’re very excited to be a part of that transformation.
Q: What’s next on your plate? A: Our next project up is The Cove in Worcester. We just received our building permit and our hope is to start construction in September. We’re also working on unit layouts and engineering in Sky Tower and we hope to start that sometime in 2023. There’s a lot of work that goes into a tower like this. With Sky, we received a lot of offers to be co-[general partner], but we realized we needed to do a lot more engineering work to generate a set of plans that could be priced, so we’re working on that and we’ll be going back out to the market for a co-GP. For 128 Spring St., which is next to Sky, we already have our equity partners and hope to start that soon. SANNA BANKER
Q: You started out as a multifamily investor. How did you get into development? A: By 2013, the multifamily market had really started to accelerate. I really wanted to invest in East Boston and a lot of investment companies active there were, I felt, over-paying. From a cashflow perspective it didn’t make sense for me, but they were thinking about long-term value and now those properties are worth millions of dollars. That opened my eyes to doing condo conversions. I saw an opportunity to do what a lot of people were doing in Southie, but bring it to Eastie by buying small multifamilies, gut-renovat ing them and selling them. I repeated that process on two more properties over the following year and that’s when I decided I would leave my finance job [at Wellington Management], and in 2016 moved into the development world full-time.
Q: So, you must have faced a learning curve jumping over to five-over-ones and 21-story towers.
Q: What’s your strategy at V10? A: We’re continuing to look for opportunities, mostly not in the Boston area but in the surrounding communities whether it’s Worcester or Everett or others. Really, it’s in communi ties that are excited for growth and for change. We feel like there are communities that haven’t gotten the attention they deserve for new housing or from a great developer. We’re looking to bring in developments that people are excited about.
A: When V10 was founded, the biggest project I’d worked on to date was 15 units. I was at a networking event with John B. Hynes III telling him about how I wanted to invest in Everett, He mentioned how a friend of his had just interviewed with him, John Tocco, who was looking to join a development company or start one and suggested we get in touch. We didn’t have a company or a brand or anything. We found our first property, where The 600 is now on Broadway [in Everett] and we went through the process of entitling that – a five-over-one, 85 units. That was in early 2020 when the world felt rentals in the city could be ending and here we were, trying to finance this new apartment building. Fortunately, we were able to raise the equity and take out a great construction loan from Hingham Savings Bank and lock in a great price from Callahan Construction Managers as our [general contractor]. We’re on time and on budget and preparing to deliver. For all our projects, it’s been fairly smooth. As far as the learning curve goes, on smaller projects, you can make decisions on the fly – moving a wall, for example. On the larger ones, you realize what’s on the plans gets built. That’s been the learning curve: digging into the plans and making sure the plans are very tight.
Q: You have a big social media presence at Volnay – not something most developers are comfortable with. Who are you trying to reach with that? A: It’s always been a part of our business. We were on Instagram and Facebook right when it started. I think we were one of the first companies sharing what we were doing on social media. A lot of my mentors thought I was crazy – “you’re giving away your trade secrets!” – but the number of opportunities and leads and relationships I’ve gained from social media have far outweighed any information my competitors have learned about me. Our social media arm now has about 5 million followers. We have Kitchens of Instagram, Bathrooms of Instagram, @VolnayCapital and several others. Those first two are inspiration accounts where we share what we’re doing, as well as others’ work around the globe. People can also pay us to have their stuff posted. We also have large marketing contracts where we’re not only using these products in our developments because we like them, but featuring them on our pages, as well. If we’re taking paid advertising and all of our marketing, it’s bringing in about $300,000, $350,000. If you look at the other young developers in the Boston area, you’ll see a lot of them are doing social media. When you’re putting yourself out there, whether it’s me or these other guys, you’re just letting people know you’re looking for opportunities
IN RICKYPERSONBELIVEAU Title: Owner, Volnay Capital and partner, V10 Development Age: 35 Industry experience: 12 years BY JAMES
Asingle college course at Northeastern University got Ricky Beliveau hooked on real estate. By graduation, he already had a six-month plan to buy his first multifamily property. But it was always a side hustle until a series of condominium con versions in East Boston opened his eyes to the career’s potential. Six years later, he’s a partner with for mer Encore Boston Harbor head of government relations John Tocco in a company working to build the Sky Everett 21-story luxury apartment tower, a 230-unit apartment building next door called 128 Spring St. and 171unit apartment building called The Cove overlooking the new Worcester Red Sox stadium.
& TRADESMAN STAFF THE FIVE THINGS THAT MAKE BELIVEAU, BELIVEAU: 1 Family 2 Nantucket summers 3 Thinking big 4 Being bold 5 “Network is your net worth” Is the Sky Just the Start? We’re looking to bring in developments that people are excited about.

Bankers Say Medium-Sized Lenders Hurt Four tests have been created in the pro posed rules – retail lending test, retail services and products test, community development financing test, and community development services test. And new asset thresholds will determine the tests applicable at each bank.
Could Reforms Help Big Banks over Small? from
“If we strive to help our communities, why should we be penalized for making fewer loans than a much larger institution?”
Patrick Murray, president and CEO, Bristol County Savings Bank “This was the premier, planned, manmade neighborhood of Boston. It was the quintessential Victorian neighborhood of New England.”
Activists Want More Rigor, Race Considered While CRA is considered an anti-redlining law and part of the civil rights initiatives of the 1960s and 1970s, the law does not reference race. For many Mas sachusetts advocacy groups, CRA exams should include race and ethnicity when evalu ating a bank’s lending activities to determine whether it serves people of color and communi ties of sachusettsulators,liance,AffordableThecolor.MassachusettsHousingAlinalettertoregpointedtoMasashaving“one of the worst racial homeownership gaps in the nation,” noting that more work is needed to eliminate persis tent lending disparities. “We hope regulators will recognize the long history and ongoing practice of racism in our financial systems and move decisively to ex plicitly include race and ethnicity (Hispanic/ NonHispanic) in the regulations going for ward,” MAHA NeighborWorkssaid.
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• Faced with a huge tidal marsh made fetid by untreated sewage and railroad bridges that stymied the ocean’s flow, plus a need to accommodate a growing population and economy, Boston began filling in land to make the Back Bay.
The tidal basin that would become Boston’s Back Bay is seen from the top of Beacon Hill in 1858. The causeway and mill dam that is now Beacon Street stretches out towards in the right of the photograph.
Some changes in the proposal include tai loring CRA evaluations and data collection to different sizes and types of bank, expand ing the types of banking services consid ered for CRA in low- and moderate-income communities, clarifying whether an activity counts for CRA purposes and recognizing the changes in lenders’ customer bases brought on by online and mobile banking.
Housing Solutions, the Massachusetts Housing Partnership and the Massachusetts Association of Community De velopment Corporations also voiced support for the idea in their own comments. “CRA is a Civil Rights-era law that doesn’t mention race,” Tom Callahan, executive di rector of the Massachusetts Community & Banking Council, told Banker & Tradesman. “We took an organizational position that race should be explicitly included in CRA as a per formance measure, not just low- and moder ate-Thisincome.”was the first time MCBC, whose membership includes banks and examwantsadvocacyMassachusetts-basedbershipCouncil,munitylahanintodorsedorganizations,communityhadeninsertingraceCRAexams,Calsaid.TheNationalComReinvestmentwhosememincludesseveralgroups,saiditamorerigorousprocessthatdoes not inflate ratings, noting that most banks re ceive a “satisfactory” rating. While the ABA has said it agrees the test should be rigorous, the reformed CRA now includes a “low satisfactory” rating, causing concerns among bankers that new perfor mance standards might be unachievable. “It seems that these heightened perfor mance standards were proposed as an in centive for banks to increase lending to un derserved communities,” Nicole Almeida, Swansea-based BayCoast Bank’s senior vice president, chief diversity officer and CRA of ficer, said in a letter. “[H]owever, the proposed performance benchmarks for the Retail Lend ing Test may be unachievable for a significant amount of banks.” Ben Craigie, Massachusetts Bankers Associ ation vice president of government affairs, told Banker & Tradesman that a “low satisfactory” rating could risk a bank’s reputation. The trade group recommended regulators eliminate the “low satisfactory” rating and mirror instead Massachusetts’ state-level CRA system, which separates midlevel performance into “satisfac tory” and “high satisfactory” ratings.
• At the outset, developers and builders of prospective mansions paid around $3 per square foot for land on Commonwealth Avenue and $1.50 per square foot for land on Marlborough or Newbury Streets. By contrast, a condominium at 17 Commonwealth Ave. recently sold for $1,850 per square foot.
Everett Bank Adds to Multifamily Loan Portfolio in Lead-Up to IPO DIANE MCLAUGHLIN
A long tussle over how to reform the Community Reinvestment Act has banks concerned about the new rules they’ll have to face in bank examinations. on
— Historian Anthony Sammarco to the Boston Herald’s “Boston History Project”
• To finance the first phase of the construction, the state sold the entire block on the south side of Beacon Street between what would become Arlington and Boylston streets for $70,000 to William W. Goddard and T. Bigelow Lawrence on Aug. 10, 1857 according to historian Nancy S. Seasholes.
This Month in History
Everett Bank saw its multifamily real es tate loans increase by nearly 80 percent during the first six months of 2022, the bank’s final quarters before converting to a stockEverettbank.Bank’s net loans were $623.97 mil lion, up 20.7 percent from Dec. 31, when the bank had $517.13 million in net loans, ac cording to the bank’s second-quarter report filed with the SEC. The bank had hired senior executives from the former East Boston Savings Bank and Century Bank, which were both acquired in November, and then announced plans in March to convert from a mutual to a stock bank. The conversion was completed on July 27, and the bank’s new parent company, ECB Bancorp Inc., began trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol ECBK. In its final full quarter before the stock conversion, Everett Bank had second quarter earnings of $1.39 million compared to $1.41 million in the second quarter of 2021. Total assets at the end of June were $781.95 million, up from $666.49 million at the end of 2021.The loan growth included multifamily real estate loans, which increased by $47.1 million, or 79.2 percent, from Dec. 31 to June 30. Oneto four-family residential real estate loans in creased $34.9 million, or 13.4 percent, during that period, and commercial real estate loans grew by $17.7 million, or 17.7 percent. The bank also saw its construction loans increase by $7.9 million since the end of 2021, or 11.2 percent.Plans for the bank’s initial public offering helped drive an increase in deposits. Total deposits were $663.42 million compared to $571.73 million at the end of last year. The bank said in its 10-Q filing that interest-bear ing demand deposits increased during that time by $74.5 million, with that growth driven by $75.5 million of subscription funds from prospective investors in the initial public of fering. Excluding those funds and certificates of deposit, core deposits increased by $18 mil lion since Dec. 31, or 5.2 percent, to $362.9 million, driven primarily by an increase in money market accounts. Increases in salaries and employee benefits drove up noninterest expenses year-over-year. The bank had noninterest expenses of $3.58 million in the second quarter, up 25.4 per cent from the same quarter last year, when expenses were $2.85 million. Salary and em ployee benefit expenses increased $523,000, or 29.6 percent. The bank said the increases resulted primarily from additional employees and normal salary increases. “The recent hires of several executive offi cers and other seasoned bankers should allow us to implement our growth strategy and will continue to increase our compensation and benefits expense in 2022 and thereafter, which will increase our noninterest expense,” the bank said in its quarterly report. Everett Bank said its initial public offering resulted in gross proceeds of $89.2 million, with 8,915,247 shares of common stock sold at a price of $10 per share. After expenses related to the offering of approximately $2.5 million, net proceeds were approximately $86.6 million. About $50 million of the net proceeds from the IPO went to Everett Bank, and $7.3 mil lion went to the bank’s employee stock owner ship plan. The company contributed 260,000 shares and $600,000 to the Everett Co-oper ative Bank Charitable Foundation. The bank said the remaining $29.3 million was retained by the parent company.

“It gives the client a chance to continue to lean on the real estate agent who, frankly, is well connected in the community,” Lund said. Still a Key Recruiting Tool Brokerages taking selective, curated ap proach to technology doesn’t necessarily mean there is going to be a massive tech and disrup tion era of reckoning for the real estate industry. Both Compass and Redfin continue to be major forces to reckon with in the markets they serve. Compass CEO Robert Refkin even said last week he thinks the tech his brokerage offers agents will be enough of a “competitive moat” it can stop paying out cash and stock to agents who affiliate with it. The brave talk, however, comes as Compass is awash in red ink from a slowing national real estate market. Still, there might be uncertainty around the legacy of how much technology – and the hefty resources they require if developed and managed in-house – a real estate firm needs to keep around as a recruiting tool. “Technology is obviously extremely im portant in the real estate industry. Many companies made it their end-all, be-all, and it worked for the time when the market was ab solutely insane,” said Larry Rideout, chairman and founder of Gibson Sotheby’s International Realty. “But now that the market is somewhat stabilized, I guess everybody’s probably going to shift. The relationship in the business be comes more important.”
Address: 8 Boardman Ave., Manchester Price: $4,000,000 Buyer: 8 Boardman Avenue LLC Seller: Elisabeth Youngman Size: 3,223 square feet on 1.09 acres Sold: 8/5/2022 4 Address: 186 Windswept Way, Osterville Price: $14,000,000 Buyer: Osterville Property Holdings One LLC Seller: Peninsula RT Size: 10,063 square feet on 4 acres Agent: Robert Kinlin, BHHS Robert Paul Properties Sold: 8/5/2022
NEWTON3 5CHATHAM Address: 444 Old Harbor Road, Chatham Price: $8,225,000 Buyer: J Lapides 2019 T Seller: Mary L. Brienza and Christopher H. Seymour Size: 4,148 square feet on 0.57 acres Agent: Jeffrey Marcus, Sotheby’s International Realty Sold: 8/3/2022 2 The first home in this week’s Gossip Report is a well-sited throwback to years gone by. Built in 1933, the seaside Tudor-style manse was weatherized in 2017 according to town property records, but its public rooms offer plenty of opportunities for reimagining. A spiral staircase surmounted by a metal pendant lamp and a peaked roof, and ending in a long, arched corridor will leave the new owners feeling like they’ve landed their very own Cape Cod castle.
Some Tech Will Stay as Pandemic Boom Fades
Brokers Weigh Spending on Tech for Agents CAMERON TO BANKER &
Email: camsperance@gmail.com DISRUPTED?
10 | BANKER & TRADESMAN AUGUST 22, 2022 What goes up, must come down. That appears to be the case today with stock values and employee counts of tech-fueled anything that might have boomed during the pandemic. In the world of residential real estate, look no further than Redfin and Compass. Both platforms, known for their greater use of online marketing than more traditional brokerages, announced layoffs earlier this summer. RE/ MAX announced plans earlier this summer to cut 17 percent of its staff. Most of those positions were expected to come from the brokerage’s booj platform, a customer rela tionship management tool for brokers and agents. Does this mean the world of real estate, often seen as slow to adopt technological innovation, thwarted disruption and will remain business as usual? Not quite. But it will likely mean an era of cost-benefit analysis on what technology works best as the real estate industry moves beyond pandemic boom times. In-House? Or Outsourced? “The disruptors have been kind of dis rupted. But at the end of the day, we’re human. At the end of the day, it’s a very emo tional and important part of us, of our family, and our portfolio,” said Marilyn Wilson Lund, founding partner at real estate consulting firm WAV Group. “You want trusted humans. I think what technology can do is it can sim plify things. It can make it more transparent.”
What makes the cut compared to what is more easily dispensable in the realm of real estate tech? RE/MAX’s booj layoffs might in dicate customer relationship management ser vices aren’t valued, but the company still plans to offer them via outsourcing them on kv CORE, a platform offered by tech provider In side Real Estate – meaning RE/MAX doesn’t have to make the hefty capital investment in developing its own technology arm. There is still very much a place for technol ogy in the real estate industry. But maybe the brokerages themselves don’t go to all the trouble of research and develop ment.Customer relation ship management soft ware, which can provide everything from market statistics to other datas ets needed to help man age client relations, is still very important to brokers, Lund said. Other offerings in what she calls “customer-for-life technologies” help maintain client relationships. The platform Milestone connects brokers and homeowners while also serving as a type of homeowner management software (think: a reminder to do repairs or keeping equipment manuals all within reach) between buying and selling. It also means a reliable source – the real estate agent – is the conduit between the home owner and, say, a repair tech versus the uncer tainty around various customer review sites.
The cooling real estate market will likely mean an era of cost-benefit analysis on what technology works best for agents and for clients.
EDGARTOWNMANCHESTER Address: 180 Allen Ave., Newton Price: $4,250,000 Buyer: Alison Chang and Henry Chang Seller: 50 Gould LLC Size: 6,754 square feet on 0.34 acres Agent: Anya Kogan, Luxury Realty Partners Sold: 8/1/2022
Address: 77 N. Neck Road, Edgartown Price: $4,000,000 Buyer: Amy Schuster and Rollin Schuster Seller: 77 North Neck Road RT Size: 2,500 square feet on 5.85 acres Agent: Wendy Harman, Point B Realty Sold: 8/3/2022 4 3 2 “You want trusted humans. I think what technology can do is it can simplify things.” Marilyn Wilson Lund, founding partner, WAV Group 5 1
The world appears to be moving beyond the pandemic and getting back to more inperson business dealings, even if the housing market takes a dip amid higher interest rates than during the first years of the pandemic. That means less willingness to vie for a deed against multiple competing offers, sight unseen, and more of a return to traditional wheeling and dealing and reliance on personal relationships. Those from more traditional brokerages see that as a recruiting tool. “We feel like our company can withstand this stuff. For us, it’s an opportunity to be a flight to safety for people who are out of places that are maybe flash-in-the-pan-type opera tions, or those that can’t sustain the model that they promised their agents,” said Al Becker, the chief operating officer and executive vice presi dent at brokerage firm Jack Conway & Co.

To order your
RETURN TO NORMALCY Mass. Housing Market Cools in July BY JAMES SANNA BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF Boston, Worcester Still Among Nation’s Strongest
Small banks with assets under $600 million could choose to keep the current CRA frame work; intermediate banks with assets under $2 billion would be subject to the retail lending test and either keep the current framework for community development or opt into the new community development financing test. Large banks would be subject to all four tests.For community organizations, increasing the asset thresholds for determining the test ing requirements would reduce the required activities these banks would need for CRA purposes.Inaletter to regulators, Joseph Kriesberg, president of MACDC, pointed to NCRC esti mates that over $1 billion in community de velopment financing could be lost from ad justing these thresholds. “If that estimate proves to be anywhere close to accurate, it would be a significant failure for the regulating agencies,” Kriesberg said.But for banking lobby groups, these in creases did not go far enough. The American Bankers Association said the threshold for intermediate banks should be capped at $3.3 billion. The Massachusetts Bankers Association signed the ABA’s letter, but the state trade group submitted a separate letter calling for a $750 million cap for small banks and $3 billion for intermediate banks. For banking groups, the complexity of the new retail lending test drives recommenda tions for higher asset thresholds. Concerns about the retail lending test in clude the fairness of comparing banks with a few billion in assets to larger banks. Patrick Murray, president and CEO of Bristol County Savings Bank, said in a comment letter that having a test heavily focused on lending could make CRA more of a competition between banks for the same population of loans. “If we strive to help our communities, why should we be penalized for making fewer loans than a much larger institution?” Murray said. “While we recognize that creating com plete equity among all the institutions regu lated under CRA is difficult at best, this level of disparity is very concerning for community banks like us.”
Limited Inventory Buoys Prices
Email: jsanna@thewarrengroup.com
Still, the median single– family sale price spiked 8.3 percent on a year–over–year basis to $585,000, up from $540,000 in July 2021 – a new all–time high for the month of July, reflecting inventory levels that never truly ap proached pre-pandemic levels all spring. At the same time, the median condo sale price increased 10.9 percent on a year–over–year basis to $521,000 – the fourth consecu tive month that the median condo price has hovered above $500,000.
The process will establish definitions, cri teria for applicability and determine how to balance the city’s drive to decarbonize build ings, keep housing affordable and make sure workers who work on and install on natural gas building systems don’t lose their jobs. “NAIOP is pleased to hear that the Wu Ad ministration plans to work with the real estate development industry and NAIOP to discuss how a fossil fuel ban would be implemented in Boston,” NAIOP-MA CEO Tamara Small said in an email. “NAIOP’s members continue to lead the way in building resilient projects that bring housing and jobs to the region. The real estate development community is com mitted to tackling climate change – a threat to the environment, economic development, and public health – and we look forward to partic ipating in the stakeholder process.”
Page 9
Real Estate Urges Against Gas Ban coverage helps reprint from Banker & Tradesman. latest reprint www.bankerandtradesman.com/reprints & Tradesman
Numerous indicators show the Massachusetts real estate market cooling off thanks to a combination of high prices and high interest rates. Still, a limited supply of inventory has kept buyers’ options restricted.
Boston is one of a small group of munici palities in Massachusetts that builds the ma jority of the state’s new multifamily housing. It’s not yet clear whether state legislators will allow Boston to join the program. In an interview with GBH News’ “Boston Public Radio” program Thursday, Gov. Charlie Baker said he would “want to try and be helpful” to Wu on the issue. “I understand why she wants to get in and I know her motives on this one are what I would describe as appropriate,” Baker said. “But my big worry here is that before we even figure out on a pilot – we’re already heading down the road that the legislature promised me they weren’t going to do, which is just open this door up and basically say anybody who wants to come in through this door can.”
Continued from Page 7 rePRINTS Positive
Pending Sales Fall, Price Cuts Rise Most of the homes whose sales closed in July and which were reported by The Warren Group went under contract in May and June, when the average interest rate on a 30-year fixed mort gage jumped from 5.1 percent to 5.81 percent over the space of two months, according to Freddie Mac. While mortgage rates moderated somewhat in July, even falling 1 basis point below 5 percent at one point, they remained el evated compared to previous months. “At every level, buyers are having to dig deeper into their pockets to purchase a home. They’re becoming more cautious and costconscious, so homes are taking longer to sell, and in many instances they are attracting less interest and more modest offers,” Viera, an agent at RE/MAX Destiny, said. Those pressures appear to be telling on someDatasellers.from listings portal Zillow shows 14.67 percent of Greater Boston home listings, including both single-families and condo miniums, had a price cut in July, compared to 11.75 percent in July 2021. That’s still lower than the 18.14 percent re corded in July 2019 and 16.94 percent recorded in July 2018, but unlike in previous years, these cuts are larger relative to a home’s list price. The median price cut on a Greater Boston home listing sat at 3.68 percent of list price in July. In 2018 and 2019, the median size of a price cut peaked in May at 2.78 percent of list price and 2.95 percent of list price, respec tively, with the size of a price cut plateauing between July, August and September of 2021 at 3.44 percent of list price. Pending sales figures for July published by the Massachusetts Association of Realtors show that pending single-family sales were off 4.2 percent year-over-year statewide, with the biggest drop occurring in Greater Boston: 9.3 percent. Greater Boston pending condo sales were also off 17.3 percent, while pending condo sales were off 15.8 percent statewide. Amid the discernible cooling in the Mas sachusetts residential real estate market, the state continues to turn out stronger perfor mance than most other markets. Redfin re ported that the Worcester and Boston metros were the fifth-most and sixth-most competi tive housing markets in the country in July, as measured by the share of offers written by the company’s agents that met with competition. Over half of all offers in both metros met with at least one competing offer while other metro areas, particularly in the Sun Belt, reported figures half that much. The combined brokerage and listings por tal separately reported Tuesday that only 12 percent of Boston-area home sales and 13.4 percent of Worcester-area home sales fell out of contract in July, similar to peer cities like Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and Denver. By contrast, in markets like Jacksonville, Flor ida and Las Vegas, between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 home sales fell out of contract in July.
drive business. Put your coverage to work with a
Banks Worry About Rapid Reform Rollout from Single–family home and condominium sales declined dramatically in July, as did several indicators of buyer competi tion adding up to what one observer termed a “more normal market” after the “frenzy” of recentOnlyyears.5,266 single–family homes sold in Massachusetts last month, according to The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Trades man, a 17.4 percent decrease from July 2021. Meanwhile, there were 2,201 condominium sales in the same month, a 24.5 percent de crease on a year–over–year basis. Redfin researchers separately reported only 53.2 percent of offers its agents wrote in the region in July met with at least one competing offer, compared to 73.2 percent in June and 61.1 percent in July 2021. In Worcester, the figures were 54.8 percent last month compared to 62.3 percent in June and 72.4 percent in July 2021. “There’s a little more room for negotiation these days and with prices starting to level off, it’s creating more opportunity for today’s buy ers,” 2022 Greater Boston Association of Real tors President Melvin Vieira said in a statement accompanying that group’s monthly sales re port. “The days of double-digit price growth are all but over, and in much of the market it’s quite possible prices have peaked, especially now that inventory levels are starting to improve.”
“Mortgage rates are now over 5 percent while a year ago they were under 3 percent. The single–family home median price is $45,000 higher than a year ago. Increases in wages and salaries are not keeping pace with inflation that is now running at 8.5 percent. Plus, homebuy ers face a very low inventory of homes for sale. All this leads us to a cooler real estate market,” Tim Warren, CEO of The Warren Group, said in a statement. “We’ve seen the same trend occur for many consecutive months now; prices reach new highs while the total number of sales declines on a year–over–year basis. Evi dence of the cooling is seen in prices. They are rising at a slower rate, gaining just 9 percent so far this year after gaining 14 percent last year.”
Affordability Concerns Remain Still, questions linger over the impact of Boston joining the ranks of wealthy suburbs that have already expressed interest in banning new natural gas hookups within their borders. In her remarks, Wu echoed claims that allelectric buildings will be cheaper or compara ble to existing fossil fuel-powered ones. The pilot program’s backers on Beacon Hill cited Baker administration research focused on small multifamily buildings to claim that all multifamily buildings would cost the same or less to build and operate than natural gasfueled ones, thanks in part to rebates for elec trically-powered HVAC equipment. But during the debate over the pilot pro gram on Beacon Hill, real estate lobby groups raised strong concerns that the bans will in es sence be a back door to severely curbing mul tifamily development due to what they char acterized as increased costs associated with all-electric development. “While we share and admire Mayor Wu’s dedication to combating climate change, we are deeply concerned by fully banning fossil fuels from new construction and the negative impacts such a blunt change will have on the critical need for housing production,” Greater Boston Real Estate Board CEO Greg Vasil said in a statement. “Instead of taking part in the state’s pilot program to ban fossil fuels in new developments, we believe the city and state should await the results of the pilot program before considering if and how Boston may implement this ban.”
Email: jsanna@thewarrengroup.com
Rapid Rollout a Worry Banks also want more time to implement the“Whenrules. we talk about a delayed implemen tation process, it’s not to get out of complying with regulations or punting things,” said Crai gie, with Mass. Bankers. “It’s because we want to make sure that the banks have adequate re sources and an adequate amount of time.” Craigie pointed out that a two-year imple mentation would line up with past regulatory changes, including the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.The ABA said the bank regulators’ aggres sive time frames have suggested that they want to implement the rule before a possible change in the administration in 2025. “Regulators, banks, consumer and commu nity advocates, and other stakeholders have come too far and worked too hard to rush the final stage of this important work,” the ABA said. Email: dmclaughlin@thewarrengroup.com

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The majority of registries and courts are now open and Banker & Tradesman has resumed its previous collec tion to print schedule. There are still some data collection issues as individ ual offices may have to temporarily close. We will collect that information as soon as it is available and include it here in the records section. Please call 617-896-5388 or email customerservice@thewarrengroup.com if you have any questions. Cassidy Norton Associate Publisher, The Warren Group ❑ Statistics based on single-family home sales ❑ Source: The Warren Group Number of Mortgages for Single-Family Homes MASSACHUSETTS MARKET STATISTICS July 2018 5,999 7,821 13,820 July 2019 5,865 10,899 16,764 July 2020 6,209 19,148 25,357 July 2021 5,753 14,984 20,737 July 2022 4,797 7,219 12,016 Month Purchase Refinance Both 300025002000150010005000000000 PuReBothnancerchase JulyJuneMayApr.Mar.Feb.Jan.Dec.Nov.Oct.Sept.Aug.July July July July July July ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 10,00015,00020,00025,00030,0005,0000 300002500020000150001000050000 PuReBothnancerchase May 22May 21May 20May 19May 18 2000010000 Both May 22May 21May 20May 19May 18 300025002000150010005000000000 PuReBothnancerchase JulyJuneMayApr.Mar.Feb.Jan.Dec.Nov.Oct.SeptAug.July10,00015,00020,00025,00030,0005,0000 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July ’21 ’22 REAL ESTATE RECORDS CREDIT RECORDS B2 Suffolk 08/05/22 B5 Barnstable 08/05/22 B6 Berkshire Middle 08/05/22 B7 Berkshire North 08/05/22 B7 Berkshire South 08/05/22 B7 Bristol Fall River 08/05/22 B8 Bristol North 08/05/22 B9 Bristol South 08/05/22 B9 Dukes 08/05/22 B9 Essex North 08/05/22 B10 Essex South 08/05/22 B12 Franklin 08/05/22 B13 Hampden 08/05/22 B14 Hampshire 08/05/22 B16 Middlesex North 08/05/22 B16 Middlesex South 08/05/22 B21 Nantucket 08/05/22 B21 Norfolk 08/05/22 B24 Plymouth 08/05/22 B26 Worcester 08/05/22 B29 Worcester North 08/05/22 B30 Voluntary Bankruptcies B30 Chapter 13 Bankruptcies B30 Chapter 11 Bankruptcies B30 Federal Tax Liens B30 State Tax Liens B31 Attachments B31 Petitions to Foreclose B31 Foreclosure Sales INDEX PAGE COUNTY TRANSACTIONS THRU PAGE COUNTY TRANSACTIONS THRU PAGE CREDIT RECORDS PAGE CREDIT RECORDS

©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. BANKER & TRADESMANB2 AUGUST 22, 2022 RegistrySuffolk Stephen J. Murphy, Register 24 New Chardon St., Court House Boston, MA. 02144-9660 Telephone: (617) 788-8575 www.suffolkdeeds.com MARKETBostonSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 34 Median Price $3,462,500 $3,882,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 127 BEACON ST U:41 $720,000 B: Alexandra Rogatkin S: Larry A Blankstein & Miriam Blankstein Book/Page: 68028/75, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 623sf 177 BEACON ST U:3 $1,918,000 B: Successgate 55 Inv LLC S: David M Crean & Heidi Crean Book/Page: 68033/210, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1380sf 478 BEACON ST U:8 $699,990 B: Effrosyni Lorandou & Dimokratis D Tsakiris S: Applebriar RE LLC Book/Page: 68046/324, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,215,000 Use: Condo 483 BEACON ST U:57 $570,000 B: Bam Properties LLC S: Ritta Bernardo Tr, Tr for Ritta Bernardo RT Book/Page: 68044/133, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 480sf 36 BRADFORD ST U:2 $685,000 B: Jennifer A Wachs & Kenneth R Wachs S: Devyn F Lacamera Book/Page: 68047/74, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $513,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 485sf Prior Sale: $595,000 (07/20) 188 BROOKLINE AVE U:25F $1,185,000 B: Putik R Burhanudin & Yavuz F Yavuz S: Ki T Book/Page:Cheon68036/11, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 188 BROOKLINE AVE U:27B $2,125,000 B: An-An Mao & Colin R Giles S: Yijiao Book/Page:Guo68024/126, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 1 DARTMOUTH PL $1,615,000 B: Hediger Homes LLC S: Gerard M Ives & Kay L Ives Book/Page: 68036/312, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,865,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Row-end, Lot: 1140sf 85 E INDIA ROW U:35F $1,900,000 B: Joseph Albanese S: Kenneth Hamel & Donna Giovannini Book/Page: 68042/58, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1636sf Prior Sale: $1,650,000 (08/17) 7 EDGERLY PL $2,895,000 B: Scott M Sabatino Tr, Tr for Sabatino RT S: 132 Arlington LLC Book/Page: 68024/139, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: LoanDepot Com $775,000 15 EDGERLY PL U:15 $2,175,500 B: 15 Edgerly Place LLC S: 132 Arlington LLC Book/Page: 68026/47, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Condo 17 EDGERLY PL U:17 $3,175,000 B: Mark Froot S: 132 Arlington LLC Book/Page: 68026/64, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Condo 80-82 FENWOOD RD U:613 $1,200,000 B: Lindsay Overhage & Kimberly M Overhage S: Samnoon Haider & Safawa Huq Book/Page: 68041/149, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 1 FRANKLIN ST U:1807 $2,000,000 B: Sweta V Shah & Vikash C Shah S: Anne B Book/Page:Peacher68047/242, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 99 FULTON ST U:2-2 $922,000 B: Joseph T Bono S: John Book/Page:Sanderson68031/95, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Everett Cp Bk $691,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1155sf 284-286 HANOVER ST $4,000,000 B: Frank Pezzano Tr, Tr for Tony&Lucia RT S: Federal Investment Inc Book/Page: 68029/45, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,000,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 1170sf 464 HANOVER ST U:7 $700,000 B: Emily K Gumbulevich S: Kristen M Abels Doc#: 000000000936579, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $665,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 808sf Prior Sale: $607,500 (08/15) 108 LINCOLN ST U:5A $950,000 B: Anita Scheuber S: Elisabeth A Jenney Book/Page: 68043/190, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Ardent FCU $760,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1515sf 136 LINCOLN ST U:1 $800,000 B: Lahman Collective Impact S: Austin Wei & Samantha Shih Book/Page: 68042/199, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Stoneham Cp Bk $400,000 Use: Retail Condo, Lot: 1226sf Prior Sale: $725,000 (06/14) 100 LOVEJOY WHARF U:10N $915,000 B: Steven B Lehrer Tr, Tr for S&Isabella Leher FT S: Related Lovejoy Res LLC Book/Page: 68045/252, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 13 MARGARET ST $2,525,000 B: Anit Patel S: Torrington 2 LLC Book/Page: 68024/192, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $1,893,750 Type: Adj Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 792sf Prior Sale: $1,930,000 (10/19) 119 MARLBOROUGH ST $200,000 B: Rui Wang & Ketao Liu S: Rennell Zimmerman Tr, Tr for 119 Marlborough Pking T Book/Page: 68032/203, Date: 08/02/22 22 MEDFIELD ST U:6 $850,000 B: Annie W Chan S: Philip J Book/Page:Cotugno68042/276, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $680,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1009sf 425 NEWBURY ST U:F3 $150,000 B: 390 CW LLC S: Linda Book/Page:Patti68024/28, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Condo Parking-residential, Lot: 155sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (03/12) 452 PARK DR U:8 $733,000 B: Steven R Brillhart Jr & Cara E Hogan S: Heather J Mckinley Book/Page: 68048/101, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $513,100 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1080sf 112 PINCKNEY ST U:46 $820,000 B: Croan M Mccormack S: Bartek M Konieczny Tr, Tr for R M Mulford RET 2017 Book/Page: 68051/1, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $656,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 825sf 84 PRINCE ST U:3D $650,000 B: Christopher Chane-Yook S: Monica Book/Page:Bou68049/42, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: First Republic Bk $520,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 663sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (12/12) 66 QUEENSBERRY ST U:219 $716,500 B: Lola Ferz LLC S: Caroline A Ferzoco Book/Page: 68027/163, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 720sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (02/19) 124 SAINT MARYS ST U:4 $594,500 B: Giovanni Battistella S: Michael Oanea & Misha Zahedi Book/Page: 68037/75, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $475,600 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 565sf Prior Sale: $434,000 (07/20) 23 SAINT STEPHEN ST U:1 $560,000 B: Veersinh Patil S: Justin Book/Page:Codinha68049/90, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $476,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 590sf 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1719 $1,195,000 B: Rui Harvard Pioneering S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 68034/16, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: International Bk Of C $717,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:1907 $1,239,000 B: Jiaqi Zhang S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Land Book/Page: 68044/149, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 219 SHAWMUT AVE U:4 $1,995,000 B: Jaclyn Henderson Tr, Tr for Todd Foley T S: Jason Vaillancourt & Kathryn Michalewicz Book/Page: 68031/163, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Citibank Na $1,396,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1759sf 320 SHAWMUT AVE U:3 $925,000 B: Jacqueline A Falla S: Jeanne M Nutt Book/Page: 68049/11, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $740,000 Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 600sf Prior Sale: $899,000 (04/19) 411 SHAWMUT AVE U:5 $570,000 B: Sarah T Chau S: 411 Shawmut Owner LLC Book/Page: 68029/311, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Bank of America NA $370,000 Use: Condo, Lot: 450sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (09/20) 37 SYMPHONY RD U:B $708,888 B: David A Cenizal Tr, Tr for David&Venus Cenizal LT S: Kristen J Talbot & Frederick B Talbot Jr Book/Page: 68025/170, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 620sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (02/16) 195 W CANTON ST U:1 $1,751,000 B: Patricia J Conway & William J Conway S: Adam Roberts & Chloe V Roberts Doc#: 000000000936505, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1427sf Prior Sale: $1,502,012 (09/19) 61 W CEDAR ST U:4 $710,000 B: George Earley & Stacey Earley S: Lisa Mclaren-Page & Stephen W Page Doc#: 000000000936627, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $568,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 750sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (10/21) 209 W NEWTON ST $3,300,000 B: S Efstratoudakis Tr, Tr for Aegean RT S: Barbara Sullivan Tr, Tr for Sullivan Family 1999 RET Book/Page: 68029/75, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: MountainOne Bk $2,475,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 2200sf 77 WALTHAM ST U:2 $785,000 B: Karen Mitchell S: Jonathan Orton Book/Page: 68028/175, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 780sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (06/16) TOWN/REGISTRY GUIDE Town Name Registry Abington Plymouth Acton Middlesex South Acushnet Bristol South Adams Berkshire North Agawam Hampden Alford Berkshire South Allston Suffolk Amesbury Essex South Amherst Hampshire Andover Essex North Aqinnah Dukes Arlington Middlesex South Ashburnham Worcester North Ashby Middlesex South Ashfield Franklin Ashland Middlesex South Athol Worcester Attleboro Bristol North Auburn Worcester Avon Norfolk Ayer Middlesex South Barnstable Barnstable Barre Worcester Becket Berkshire Middle Bedford Middlesex South Belchertown Hampshire Bellingham Norfolk Belmont Middlesex South Berkley Bristol North Berlin Worcester Bernardston Franklin Beverly Essex South Billerica Middlesex North Blackstone Worcester Blandford Hampden Bolton Worcester Boston Suffolk Bourne Barnstable Boxboro Middlesex South Boxford Essex South Boylston Worcester Braintree Norfolk Brewster Barnstable Bridgewater Plymouth Brighton Suffolk Brimfield Hampden Brockton Plymouth Brookfield Worcester Brookline Norfolk Buckland Franklin Burlington Middlesex South Cambridge Middlesex South Canton Norfolk Carlisle Middlesex North Carver Plymouth Centerville Barnstable Charlemont Franklin Charlestown Suffolk Charlton Worcester Chatham Barnstable Chelmsford Middlesex North Chelsea Suffolk Cheshire Berkshire North Chester Hampden Chesterfield Hampshire Chicopee Hampden Chilmark Dukes Clarksburg Berkshire North Clinton Worcester Cohasset Norfolk Colrain Franklin Concord Middlesex South Conway Franklin Cotuit Barnstable Cummington Hampshire Dalton Berkshire Middle Danvers Essex South Dartmouth Bristol South Dedham Norfolk Deerfield Franklin Dennis Barnstable Dighton Bristol North Dorchester Suffolk Douglas Worcester Dover Norfolk Dracut Middlesex North Dudley Worcester Dunstable Middlesex North Duxbury Plymouth East Boston Suffolk East Bridgewater Plymouth East Brookfield Worcester East Longmeadow Hampden Eastham Barnstable Easthampton Hampshire Easton Bristol North Egremont Berkshire South Erving Franklin Essex Essex South Everett Middlesex South Fairhaven Bristol South Fall River Bristol Fall River Falmouth Barnstable Fitchburg Worcester North Florida Berkshire North Foxboro Norfolk Framingham Middlesex South Franklin Norfolk Freetown Bristol Fall River Gardner Worcester Georgetown Essex South Gill Franklin Gloucester Essex South Goshen Hampshire Grafton Worcester Gosnold Dukes Granby Hampshire Granville Hampden Great Barrington Berkshire SouthGreenfield Franklin Greenwich Hampshire Groton Middlesex South Groveland Essex South Hadley Hampshire Halifax Plymouth Hamilton Essex South Hampden Hampden Hancock Berkshire North Hanover Plymouth Hanson Plymouth Hardwick Worcester Harvard Worcester Harwich Barnstable Hatfield Hampshire Haverhill Essex South Hawley Franklin Heath Franklin Hingham Plymouth Hinsdale Berkshire Middle Holbrook Norfolk Holden Worcester Holland Hampden Holliston Middlesex South Holyoke Hampden Hopedale Worcester Hopkinton Middlesex South Hubbardston Worcester Hudson Middlesex South Hull Plymouth Huntington Hampshire Hyannis Barnstable Hyde Park Suffolk Ipswich Essex South Jamaica Plain Suffolk Kingston Plymouth Lakeville Plymouth Lancaster Worcester Lanesboro Berkshire North Lawrence Essex North Lee Berkshire Middle Leicester Worcester Lenox Berkshire Middle Leominster Worcester North Leverett Franklin Lexington Middlesex South Leyden Franklin Lincoln Middlesex South Littleton Middlesex South Longmeadow Hampden Lowell Middlesex North Ludlow Hampden Lunenburg Worcester North Lynn Essex South Lynnfield Essex South Malden Middlesex South Manchester Essex South Mansfield Bristol North Marblehead Essex South Marion Plymouth Marlborough Middlesex South Marshfield Plymouth Marstons Mills Barnstable Mashpee Barnstable Mattapan Suffolk Mattapoisett Plymouth Maynard Middlesex South Medfield Norfolk Medford Middlesex South Medway Norfolk Melrose Middlesex South Mendon Worcester Merrimac Essex South Methuen Essex North Middleboro Plymouth Middlefield Hampshire Middleton Essex South Milford Worcester Millbury Worcester Millis Norfolk Millville Worcester Milton Norfolk Monroe Franklin Monson Hampden Montague Franklin Monterey Berkshire South Montgomery Hampden Mt Washington Berkshire South Nahant Essex South Nantucket Nantucket Natick Middlesex South Needham Norfolk New Ashford Berkshire North New Bedford Bristol South New Braintree Worcester New Marlboro Berkshire South New Salem Franklin Newbury Essex South Newburyport Essex South Newton Middlesex South Norfolk Norfolk North Adams Berkshire North North Andover Essex North North Attleboro Bristol North North Brookfield Worcester North Reading Middlesex South Northampton Hampshire Norhborough Worcester Northbridge Worcester Northfield Franklin Norton Bristol North Norwell Plymouth Norwood Norfolk Oak Bluffs Dukes Oakham Worcester Orange Franklin Orleans Barnstable Osterville Barnstable Otis Berkshire Middle Oxford Worcester Palmer Hampden Paxton Worcester Peabody Essex South Pelham Hampshire Pembroke Plymouth Pepperell Middlesex South Peru Berkshire Middle Petersham Worcester Phillipston Worcester Pittsfield Berkshire Middle Plainfield Hampshire Plainville Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Plympton Plymouth Princeton Worcester Provincetown Barnstable Quincy Norfolk Randolph Norfolk Raynham Bristol North Reading Middlesex South Rehoboth Bristol North Revere Suffolk Richmond Berkshire Middle Rochester Plymouth Rockland Plymouth Rockport Essex South Roslindale Suffolk Rowe Franklin Rowley Essex South Roxbury Suffolk Royalston Worcester Russell Hampden Rutland Worcester Salem Essex South Salisbury Essex South Sandisfield Berkshire South Sandwich Barnstable Saugus Essex South Savoy Berkshire North Scituate Plymouth Seekonk Bristol North Sharon Norfolk Sheffield Berkshire South Shelburne Franklin Sherborn Middlesex South Shirley Middlesex South Shrewsbury Worcester Shutesbury Franklin Somerset Bristol Fall River Somerville Middlesex South South Boston Suffolk South Hadley Hampshire Southampton Hampshire Southborough Worcester Southbridge Worcester Southwick Hampden Spencer Worcester Springfield Hampden Sterling Worcester Stockbridge Berkshire Middle Stoneham Middlesex South Stoughton Norfolk Stow Middlesex South Sturbridge Worcester Sudbury Middlesex South Sunderland Franklin Sutton Worcester Swampscott Essex South Swansea Bristol Fall River Taunton Bristol North Templeton Worcester Tewksbury Middlesex North Thorndike Hampden Tisbury Dukes Tolland Hampden Topsfield Essex South Townsend Middlesex South Truro Barnstable Tyngsboro Middlesex North Tyringham Berkshire Middle Upton Worcester Uxbridge Worcester Wakefield Middlesex South Wales Hampden Walpole Norfolk Waltham Middlesex South Ware Hampshire Wareham Plymouth Warren Worcester Warwick Franklin Washington Berkshire Middle Watertown Middlesex South Wayland Middlesex South Webster Worcester Wellesley Norfolk Wellfleet Barnstable Wendell Franklin Wenham Essex South West Boylston Worcester West Bridgewater Plymouth West Brookfield Worcester West Newbury Essex South West Roxbury Suffolk West Springfield Hampden West Stockbridge Berkshire SouthWest Tisbury Dukes Westborough Worcester Westfield Hampden Westford Middlesex North Westhampton Hampshire Westminster Worcester North Weston Middlesex South Westport Bristol South Westwood Norfolk Weymouth Norfolk Whately Franklin Whitman Plymouth Wilbraham Hampden Williamsburg Hampshire Williamstown Berkshire North Wilmington Middlesex North Winchendon Worcester Winchester Middlesex South Windsor Berkshire North Winthrop Suffolk Woburn Middlesex South Worcester Worcester Worthington Hampshire Wrentham Norfolk Yarmouth Barnstable Village Town Annisquam Gloucester Assabet Maynard Assonet Freetown Auburndale Newton Bass River Yarmouth Bradford Haverhill Brant Rock Marshfield Bryantville Pembroke Buzzards Bay Bourne Byfield Newbury Cataumet Bourne Cedarville Plymouth Chestnut Hill Newton Cochituate Natick Feeding Hills Agawam Fiskdale Sturbridge Florence Northampton Fort Devens Ayer Forestdale Sandwich Gilbertville Hardwick Glendale Stockbridge Gosnold Edgartown Green Harbor Marshfield Haydenville Northampton Humarock Scituate Indian Orchard Springfield Islington Westwood Jefferson Holden Leeds Northampton Linwood Northbridge Magnolia Gloucester Manomet Plymouth Mill River New Marlboro Millers Falls Greenfield Monponsett Halifax New Seabury Mashpee Nutting Lake Billerica Ocean Bluff Marshfield Onset Wareham Pinehurst Billerica Pocasset Bourne Prides Crossing Beverly Sagamore Bourne Saxonville Framingham Shattuckvile Colrain Sheldonville Wrentham Siasconset Nantucket Teaticket Falmouth Three Rivers Palmer Turners Falls Greenfield Waban Newton Waquoit Barnstable Waverly Belmont Wellington Medford Whitinsville Northbridge Woods Hole Falmouth Woronoco Westfield
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 315 MAIN ST U:15. $98,000 Pleasant Towers Condo B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Bank $70,000 Mtg2:Seller $8,400 Prior Sale:$93,000 (11/90)
KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS LP = Limited Partnership Tr = Trustee T = Trust IRT = Irrevocable Trust ReT = Revocable Trust RT = Realty Trust FT = Family Trust NT = Nominee Trust Est = Estate Ex = Executor
2 Bdrm Condo Prior
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH FEBRUARY YTD 1993 YTD 1994 Number of Sales 17 23 Median Price $47,000 $85,000 L The amount appearing on the same line as the street address is the purchase price from the deed. We print “No Amt Given” when the amount did not appear on the docu ment we review. “No Street Given” appears in place of the street address when it was not available. The volume, page of the deed and filing date appear for all Thesales.mortgage lender and the amount of the mortgage used to purchase the prop erty are shown. Any second mortgage (Mtg2) filed at the same time as the deed will also appear here.
Please note: The information contained in this newspaper is taken from public records. While every precaution is taken, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Readers should confirm any informa tion before taking action.
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
The information appearing in this newspaper is taken from deed and mortgage documents filed at each of the twenty-one registries of deeds in the state. All property transfers with a sales price of at least $100 and all term-mortgage documents are collected. Whenever possible, we combine the separate deed and mortgage documents so that we can present one complete record of the street address, purchase price, lender and mortgage amount. When we cannot link a deed with a mortgage (and vice versa) each transaction appears individually.Realestate records are organized alphabetically by registry, then town, then by street name within a subhead (Real Estate Sales, Foreclosure Deeds, or Mortgages.) The exception is Suffolk Registry and the City of Boston which appear first. How Read Estate Records
L In communities where we have a file of all properties from the assessor’s office, we provide additional property details when available. This is done by exactly matching the address and seller name from the new sales record with the address and owner name found in the property file. No descrip tive data appears whenever there is any doubt that the two records are the same property. The “Use” is based on the code the assessor assigns to each building on a parcel. Whenever there is more than one use code or more than one building on a parcel, we flag these as “Multi-use” and “Multibldg” respectively.
• “Use” distinguishes residential homes from land sales and commercial sales.
The Real
• The first two buyer (B) names and seller (S) names listed on the deed are shown.
• Prior sale data (back to 1982) appears only when the address of the new sale matches exactly with the address of the older sale in our database.
$700,625 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4500sf 761 WASHINGTON ST U:2 $595,000 B: Liqiong Tan S: Edge RE Investments LLC Doc#: 000000000936651, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $259,000 Use: Condo 70 WHITFIELD ST $625,000 B: Home Reconstruction LLC S: Tench Phyllis A Est & Marcia G Tench-Mora Book/Page: 68034/190, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Vu Cuong $605,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7930sf ▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 51 WILLOWWOOD ST U:51 $256,000 B: Maria Mainini S: Diana C Parcon & Rocket Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 68024/94, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Donna Mainini $256,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1631sf East Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 20 Median Price $667,500 $685,500
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 44 42 Median Price $1,357,500 $1,408,250 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 BELMONT ST U:1 $570,000 B: Alexis Regan S: Jessica E Fees & Scott H Leeman Book/Page: 68026/149, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $513,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $560,000 (03/18) 27-37 CHESTNUT ST U:110 $1,075,000 B: Daniel C Schmoll & Rebecca M Centanni S: Kevin Alexanderson & Emily V Alexanderson Book/Page: 68036/218, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Cooperative Bank $860,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $804,500 (04/18) 28 CHESTNUT ST U:1 $1,500,000 B: Lorraine Spadaro & Janet Fernandez S: Diane M Marshall & John Marshall Book/Page: 68035/100, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Workers Credit Union $1,220,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $790,000 (12/12) 16 MONUMENT SQ U:4 $1,010,000 B: Inga Stenta S: Marc B St Andre & Lynne M St Andre Book/Page: 68042/82, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $717,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $785,000 (12/14) 3 SHORT STREET PL $705,000 B: Sean Porter & Melissa Remmeyan S: Benjamin Baltimore Book/Page: 68029/165, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: First Republic Bk $564,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 500sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (07/17) 98 WARREN ST U:98 $1,550,000 B: Ferreira-Azevedo Book/Page: 68025/214, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Sale: (07/20) Lot: 6009sf Prior Sale: $590,000 (11/19) 223 CALLENDER ST $850,000 B: Curtis A Jones Jr S: Leonard R Nimmons Book/Page: 68033/264, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $637,500 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4867sf 61 CAPEN ST $360,000 B: Mark G Worster Tr, Tr for Taj FT S: Donald E Sangster & Linda Sangster Book/Page: 68050/296, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4277sf 1121 DORCHESTER AVE $3,800,000 B: 1121 Dorchester Ave Rlty S: George A Bragel Tr, Tr for 1121 RT Book/Page: 68052/115, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Digital FCU $11,880,000 Use: Auto Supply, Lot: 8800sf 13 DORSET ST $1,200,000 B: Keith M Stocks & Erica M Stocks S: Waldemar Smierzchalski & Emily W Manczuk Book/Page: 68025/68, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $900,000 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 5000sf 472-474 GALLIVAN BLVD $915,000 B: Vivian L Tran S: Tobin J Whaley Doc#: 000000000936694, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Envision Bank $549,000 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4250sf 29 GARNER RD $710,000 B: Thao Dao & Thanh Nguyen S: Kristen Book/Page:Omalley68036/206, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3304sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (05/14) 43-45 GEORGIA ST $1,550,000 B: Erj Realty LLC S: 4349 Ga Boston MA LLC Book/Page: 68040/314, Date: 08/04/22 71-73 GLENDALE ST U:1 $550,000 B: Tiffany E Soto & Wensess Raphael S: Vito M Colucci & Maria M Colucci Book/Page: 68048/325, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $522,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1901sf 128 HAMILTON ST $450,000 B: Joy Builder LLC S: 128 Hamilton Street LLC Book/Page: 68023/12, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $1,500,000 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 3420sf Prior Sale: $31,200 (11/19) 55 JACOB ST $430,000 B: Sharon M Bradford-Gordon S: Daniella Foxx Tr, Tr for Daniella Foxx RET Doc#: 000000000936669, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $387,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Row-end, Lot: 2397sf 14-14A KING ST $1,000,000 B: Mai H Tran S: Donna P Nguyen Book/Page: 68042/118, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $750,000 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 11475sf 2 MOULTRIE ST U:2 $550,000 B: Timothy J Repucci S: Henry Lou-Goode & Edward C Lou-Goode Book/Page: 68028/242, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $440,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1347sf 42 NEWPORT ST $1,100,000 B: Lin Y Xu S: Joseph Walsh Tr, Tr for Carson Newport RET Book/Page: 68027/326, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Wakefield Cp Bk $825,000 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 4959sf 9 OAKHURST ST $555,000 B: Pinky Faruk & Faruk R Talukdar S: Holmes Book/Page:Consulting&RE68031/233,Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Quontic Bank $416,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3250sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (12/20) 78-80 OAKTON AVE $1,020,000 B: Terrence V Otoole S: Robert B Oneill 3rd Book/Page: 68050/187, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $980,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5327sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (07/10) 1 ODONNELL SQ $735,000 B: Michael Odonnell S: Kevin J Medeiros & Elizabeth B Medeiros Book/Page: 68049/302, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $735,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3100sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (07/18) 29 PLEASANT ST U:1 $464,070 B: Benjamin Baker & Michael Jenkins Jr S: Maria E Book/Page:Roges68033/291, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $348,052 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1312sf 18 REGAN RD $785,000 B: Alexander Grundt & Taylor Bernhard S: William Condon & Kellie Delvecchio Doc#: 000000000936566, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: NFM Inc $628,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4200sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (07/12) 10 REV ROBERT M COSTELLO PL $525,000 B: Bradley L Moreno & Rachel R Taravella S: Molly E Obrien & Nathan J Nottingham Book/Page: 68026/95, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $472,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 605sf Prior Sale: $439,000 (01/19) 31 SAVIN HILL AVE $3,800,000 B: 1121 Dorchester Ave Rlty S: George A Bragel Tr, Tr for 1121 RT Book/Page: 68052/115, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3229sf 51 STANLEY ST U:3R $231,000 B: Lionsgate Properties LLC S: Adrian J Wong Book/Page: 68046/39, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: RF Boston LLC $290,180 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 792sf Prior Sale: $143,000 (02/10) 36 TEMPLE ST U:34A $980,000 B: Khanh X Nguyen & Quoc Dao S: Shanti Acquisition LLC Book/Page: 68032/298, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Condo 70 TONAWANDA ST $737,500 B: Christine E Lambright & Jasen Lambright S: Scott Clara M Est & Kenneth B Grooms Book/Page: 68033/189, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 47 BOARDMAN ST $690,000 B: Meghan K Roche-Laputka & Melanie L Roche-Laputka S: Joseph L Carr & Melanie L Carr Book/Page: 68037/47, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $552,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 2475sf Prior Sale: $560,000 (07/20) 10 BREMEN ST $950,000 B: 10 Bremen Street LLC S: JDX 5 Book/Page:LLC68038/337, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: North Shore Bank $712,500 Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 1697sf 21 BROOKS ST $900,000 B: 21 Brooks Street LLC S: Julio C Book/Page:Deoliveira68045/297, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 1560sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (02/18) 96 COTTAGE ST U:9 $860,000 B: Houssam Alkhoury S: 231 Maverick Street LLC Book/Page: 68043/107, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Avidia Bank $688,000 Use: Condo 226 HAVRE ST $1,040,000 B: Blue Door Investments LLC S: A LLC Book/Page:LLC68043/235, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $1,700,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2500sf Prior Sale: $605,000 (10/20) 61 MARION ST $875,000 B: 61 Marion St LLC S: Vladislav Mlch & Estra Mlch Book/Page: 68029/192, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Bank of Canton $656,200 Use: 3-Family Semi Detachd, Lot: 2150sf
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 ELM ST $175,000 B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Mtg Co $140,000 Use:3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot:6459sf Prior Sale:$170,000 (9/89) L These deeds transfer title to the lender after the mortgage is foreclosed (unless there is a higher bidder at the auction.) The amount in these transac tions is usually the amount of the outstanding mortgage that was foreclosed.
S: Robert G Delaney & Noelle M Delaney
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 21 Median Price $857,500 $892,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 142 BIGELOW ST U:102 $590,000 B: Richard B Magee & Elizabeth M Magee S: Xulei Book/Page:Liu 68050/324, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1311sf Prior Sale: $472,000 (08/15) 1500 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:3F $587,500 B: Chin-Lee Wu & Elizabeth Wu S: Paula K Friedman Tr, Tr for DEJ RT Book/Page: 68050/28, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $440,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 960sf 1754 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:A $390,100 B: Viktor Soldatov & Tamara Polosova S: Blue J Book/Page:LLC68048/140, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $312,080 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 584sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (03/18) 1868 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:A $775,000 B: MJL Holdings LLC S: Gregory V Moeller Book/Page: 68023/165, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Morgan Stanley $775,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1370sf 285 COREY RD U:7 $580,000 B: Molly Mcguinness & Thomas Alexander S: Kalyana C Vattikuti & Pratima Vattikuti Book/Page: 68026/336, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $522,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 916sf 7 CUMMINGS RD U:7 $635,000 B: Farhang Sakhitab & Vanda Khadem S: Neda Book/Page:Sakhitab68029/278, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: First Republic Bk $381,420 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 985sf 245 KELTON ST U:22 $435,000 B: Selden Properties LLC S: Elik I Fooks & Jane Fooks Book/Page: 68040/187, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: First Republic Bk $282,750 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 690sf 50-56 LEO M BIRMINGHAM PKWY U:202 $926,500 B: Hanchun Shao & Shouyi Jin S: Leo Birmingham Dev LLC Book/Page: 68047/271, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $647,000 Use: Condo 50-56 LEO M BIRMINGHAM PKWY U:404 $1,025,000 B: Michael Cruz S: Leo Birmingham Dev LLC Book/Page: 68032/121, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Condo 50-56 LEO M BIRMINGHAM PKWY U:606 $835,000 B: Zakai Sun S: Leo Birmingham Dev LLC Book/Page: 68035/240, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $145,000 Use: Condo 78 PRESENTATION RD $730,000 B: Kendra L Roe & David A Roe S: Mark C Irmscher & Laura S Irmscher Book/Page: 68038/138, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Quontic Bank $547,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4760sf Prior Sale: $426,000 (01/10) 180 TELFORD ST U:510 $585,000 B: Minfang Gong & Wei Du S: Michael Book/Page:Cruz68026/181, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 7 TIP TOP ST $925,000 B: 7 Tip Top Street LLC S: BBDN Properties LLC Book/Page: 68052/28, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $250,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3200sf MARKETCharlestownSTATISTICSTHROUGH
MARKETChelseaSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 25 Median Price $476,500 $600,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 770 BROADWAY U:4 $205,000 B: Mildred M Diplan S: Eda E Gonzalez & Jennifer Gonzalez Book/Page: 68046/28, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 165 COTTAGE ST U:608 $400,000 B: Timilehin Odunuga & Iyanuloluwa O Odunuga S: Jackson J Garcia & Cecelia Sepulveda Doc#: 000000000936645, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: US Bank NA $360,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $202,650 (09/16) MARKETDorchesterSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 95 83 Median Price $690,000 $715,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 671 ADAMS ST U:2 $435,000 B: Esteffani Rubiera S: Joan B Sweeney Tr, Tr for 671 Adams Street RT Book/Page: 68051/343, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $421,950 Use: Condo 544 ASHMONT ST U:2 $475,000 B: Joshua R Barrom & Samuel R Shepard S: Michael Book/Page:Stephens68051/280, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Harvard University CU $425,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 945sf Prior Sale: $435,000 (07/20) 32 BRENT ST $550,000 B: Offspring Capital Inv LLC S: RB Brent Street LLC Book/Page: 68027/278, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2-Family Two Family,
KEY TO LABELS B = Buyer S = Seller Mtg = Mortgage lender and amount Mtg2 = Second Mortgage Use = Building use Bdrm = bedrooms Lot = lot size in square feet YTD = year-to-date
• For residential homes, the number of bedrooms and house style appear when available.
• The prior sale shows the original price paid for the property.
L The statistics at the begin ning of each town are for all single-family home sales with a purchase price of $100 and above from January through the most recent complete cal endar month. ••Year-to-Date (YTD) statistics for all singlefamily home transactions within our price range criteria.
• The lot size (Lot) is shown in square feet.
Andrew Lessard & Renata Q
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 43 MAIN ST $142,200 B:Main St Bank S:John Smith & Main St Bank Prior Sale:$190,000 (11/85) Interested in Mortgage-Only Transactions? Our online records offer a much deeper look into local markets.
L Navigate to bankerandtradesman.com L Log in to your account L Click on Real Estate Records under the Real Estate Transactions tab And get busy putting our mortgage records to work!
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 9 Median Price $831,550 $825,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1419 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:503 $607,257 B: Stephen A Mosca 2nd S: Alexander J Gill Book/Page: 68029/84, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $589,039 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1017sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (06/19) 22 PRATT ST $14,000,000 B: Huspp 22 Pratt JV LLC S: 22 Pratt Street LLC & Michael Oshry Doc#: 000000000936612, Date: 08/04/22 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Other, Lot: 91440sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (03/13) 24 PRATT ST $1,000,000 B: Huspp 22 Pratt JV LLC S: Frank Bille Tr, Tr for 24 Pratt Street RET Book/Page: 68042/112, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 5000sf
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 42 26 Median Price $759,500 $844,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 50 NEWCOMB HILL RD $1,675,000 B: Keith L Long & Kristen M Maultsby S: Linda B Riehl Tr, Tr for Salem St NT Doc#: 000000001464673, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Morgan Stanley $1,005,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 50965sf 8 OLD STATE RD $285,000 B: Iris Margariti & Valdi Margariti S: Crowe Michael R Est & Jessica Libby Book/Page: 35288/181, Date: 08/03/22 30 RYDER CT $795,000 B: Marc Infield S: Myya L Beck-Baum & Thor Baum Book/Page: 35290/27, Date: 08/04/22
115 PINE HILL BLVD U:115 $625,000 B: Neal R Olsen Tr, Tr for Pine Hill RT S: Judith M Hom Tr, Tr for Dalton FT Doc#: 000000001464604, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 35 PINECREST AVE $444,000 B: Summerrealty LLC & Jtaylor LLC S: Jicara Decarvalho-Faria Doc#: 000000001464525, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Dominion Fncl Svcs $244,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11238sf 54 PLEASANT PARK DR $1,495,000 B: Stephen J Gately & Arlene D Gately S: Starbuck Const Svcs Inc Book/Page: 35288/329, Date: 08/04/22 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 23392sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (09/21) 16 ROCK ISLAND RD $1,925,000 B: Adam A Solomon & Kathleen F Solomon S: Noreen Michienzi Tr, Tr for Mary Gunning FT Doc#: 000000001464828, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: City National Bank $1,540,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9017sf 7 SALTWATER CIR $1,275,000 B: Guang Yang Tr, Tr for Warren Y FT S: Ronald Farquhar & Mary B Farquhar Doc#: 000000001464788, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 4295sf Prior Sale: $792,310 (06/16) 7 SAND DOLLAR LN $975,000 B: Joseph Fabiano & Kathleen Fabiano S: Raymond J Foley Jr & Lisa S Foley Book/Page: 35292/147, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $780,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9060sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (08/16) 11 STONY BROOK DR U:11 $750,000 B: Raymond A Burger Tr, Tr for Raymond A Burger RET S: Arthur J Matney & Lynda F Matney Doc#: 000000001464597, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $375,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 48 TAURUS DR $924,500 B: Suzanne C Roy S: Mark A Mordecai & Eileen Robbins Book/Page: 35286/286, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 20299sf Prior Sale: $738,569 (01/21) 88 TAURUS DR $1,160,000 B: Steven J Isenberg S: Patrice L Dardenne & Roxanne L Dardenne Book/Page: 35281/244, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $650,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24568sf Prior Sale: $722,500 (01/18) 4 WOODS EDGE LN U:4 $535,000 B: Richard H Manning & Angela L Manning S: Elizabeth H Biong Ad, Adm for Blanchard Ann E Est Doc#: 000000001464698, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $285,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo MARKETOrleansSTATISTICS
LN $365,000 B: Gail K Whitney & Anthony J Ouimet S: Gail K Whitney & Debra W Giblin Book/Page: 35281/344, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6970sf 9 ROWLEY LN $380,000 B: James Saben & Tammy Saben S: Mary A Book/Page:Jordan35284/334, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf 2 SIOUX RD $554,000 B: Kevin J Iula & Monica M Iula S: Mark A Desiderio & Rebecca A Nikolski Doc#: 000000001464457, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf 143 W YARMOUTH RD $495,000 B: Rosangela Leite-Dasilva S: Robert Pizzi & Carol L Saari Doc#: 000000001464629, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $445,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15465sf MiddleRegistryBerkshireDistrict Patricia M. Harris, Register Court House, 44 Bank Row Pittsfield, MA 01201 Telephone: (413) 443-7438 Fax: (413) 448-6025 www.berkshiremiddledeeds.com MARKETBecketSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 23 Median Price $269,750 $283,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3071 MAIN ST $168,500 B: Susana M Ruiz S: Arlo D Book/Page:Guthrie7248/239, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $134,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 56628sf 311 WOODMERE RD $640,000 B: Vacation Prop Vt I LLC S: John R Amato & Robin A Amato Book/Page: 7246/269, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 246114sf ▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 98 WERDEN RD $297,166 B: Newrez LLC S: John J Kettler Jr & Newrez
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 71 59 Median Price $875,000 $1,040,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 MILL LN U:B $825,000 B: Jo A Bradbury Tr, Tr for Jo Anne Bradbury RET S: Edward B Longton Tr, Tr for Longton Millennium RET Book/Page: 35285/149, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $560,000 (07/12) 106 QUANSET RD $1,700,000 B: David Ferrucci & Michele Ferrucci S: Matthew H Farmer & Carolyn H Marcus Book/Page: 35290/30, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $1,360,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 39640sf Prior Sale: $995,000 (05/18) 45 WEST RD U:3H $451,500 B: Timothy C Reed S: Geraldyne M Leclerc Tr, Tr for G M&Ronald P Leclerc LT Book/Page: 35286/96, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $300,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $320,000 (08/20)
MARKETYarmouthSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 318 270 Median Price $445,000 $517,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 441 BUCK ISLAND RD U:D3 $400,000 B: Alexey Ishchenko & Lyudmila Ishchenko S: Rosa M Book/Page:Fallon35282/213, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $300,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $315,000 (07/21) 481 BUCK ISLAND RD U:4CD $237,000 B: Francis E Kelley & Marianne Kelley S: Willard Patricia A Est & Eileen Sullivan-Rose Book/Page: 35288/46, Date: 08/03/22 Use: Condo 31 CHERUB LN $518,000 B: Robert C Klute Tr, Tr for Klute Schoeffel LT S: Daniel C Fitzgerald & Patricia A Fitzgerald Book/Page: 35286/62, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $300,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf 36 FREEMAN RD $500,000 B: Cathy J Cugini S: John A Ramondetta & Gina Assetta Book/Page: 35291/323, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11326sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (08/18) LABAN LN L:1 $30,000 B: Children Elders&Disabled S: Stage One Investors LLC Book/Page: 35284/148, Date: 08/02/22 6 NASHOBA LN $569,000 B: Scott J Mccubrey & Lisa A Mccubrey S: Edward J Defreitas Book/Page: 35287/142, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Shrewsbury Mun EFCU $398,300 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf 22 NORTON RD $315,000 B: Andrew Pelka & Peter Pelka S: Sarah L Walsh Doc#: 000000001464497, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17860sf 245 OLD TOWN HOUSE RD U:245 $214,000 B: Robert S Ormon S: Lester R Allen 3rd Tr, Tr for Lra Ira T Book/Page: 35291/258, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $160,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 50 PAMET RD $589,000 B: Anthony C Gennaoui & Heather A Gennaoui S: Danielle K Gale Doc#: 000000001464509, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $441,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (05/21) 32 PEREGRINE LLC Book/Page: 7245/227, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 104544sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (11/20) JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 52 35 Median Price $212,500 $253,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17-19 2ND ST $270,000 B: Wendy Appleton S: Cynthia M Cantwell Book/Page: 7250/151, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Land, Lot: 300564sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (10/20) 360 SPRING ST $598,000 B: Erickson&Pozzi Hm LLC S: Stephanie W Copeland Book/Page: 7250/39, Date: 08/05/22 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 38333sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (05/14) 388 SPRING ST $598,000 B: Erickson&Pozzi Hm LLC S: Stephanie W Copeland Book/Page: 7250/39, Date: 08/05/22 JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 3 Median Price $190,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES CURTIN RD $240,000 B: Caitlin M Stunich & Amanda Carroll S: Marshall E Gaston & James A Gaston Book/Page: 7249/71, Date: 08/04/22 DAVID DR L:10 $10,000 B: Nathaniel S Murphy & Stephanie L Murphy S: Cathy J Book/Page:Murnane7245/267, Date: 08/01/22 DAVID DR L:11 $10,000 B: Nathaniel S Murphy & Stephanie L Murphy S: Cathy J Book/Page:Murnane7245/267, Date: 08/01/22 DAVID DR L:12 $10,000 B: Nathaniel S Murphy & Stephanie L Murphy S: Cathy J Book/Page:Murnane7245/267, Date: 08/01/22 DAVID DR L:13 $10,000 B: Nathaniel S Murphy & Stephanie L Murphy S: Cathy J Book/Page:Murnane7245/267, Date: 08/01/22 DAVID DR L:9 $10,000 B: Nathaniel S Murphy & Stephanie L Murphy S: Cathy J Book/Page:Murnane7245/267, Date: 08/01/22 MARKETPittsfieldSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 271 257 Median Price $208,000 $255,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 655 CHESHIRE RD U:1 $8,000,000 B: Mehran Namiri-Kalantari S: Durga Prop Holdings Inc Book/Page: 7245/188, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Condo 77 CHICKERING ST $175,000 B: Stephen J Carlson S: Dale E Book/Page:Carlson7247/276, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $140,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7658sf 43 CLINTON AVE $200,000 B: Alejandra Del Sol Lebeau S: Rosa Book/Page:Velasquez7248/64, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $170,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4230sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (10/17)
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 12 Median Price $1,390,000 $1,512,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 BANGS ST $2,850,000 B: James Nozar S: Mark S Morgan Tr, Tr for Klara E Muller RET Book/Page: 35281/199, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 8233sf 4 BROWN ST $1,225,000 B: Joseph A Asermely & Eric J Auger S: William Book/Page:Dante-Genova35285/183,Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $980,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6150sf 177 COMMERCIAL ST $3,160,000 B: Shadow Properties LLC S: Our Moms LLC Book/Page: 35288/129, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $1,990,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 3703sf Prior Sale: $1,816,000 (05/14) 690 COMMERCIAL ST U:4C $499,000 B: Lupita Property Group LLC S: Linda A Fox Ad, Adm for Romano Alberta Est Doc#: 000000001464869, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 167950sf
444 WAQUOIT HWY U:444 $315,000 B: Bogosian Development LLC S: Nassos G Prapas Tr, Tr for Prapas Waquoit RT Book/Page: 35286/188, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Retail Condo, Lot: 43560sf 446 WAQUOIT HWY U:446 $535,000 B: Bogosian Development LLC S: CNP Realty LLC Book/Page: 35286/192, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Retail Condo, Lot: 43560sf 29 WHITECAPS DR $655,000 B: Michael Mclaughlin & Courtney Kearney S: Michael Singer & Judith E Singer Book/Page: 35292/94, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 10650sf
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 142 110 Median Price $535,000 $675,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 144 LONG RD $800,000 B: Roberta J Colyer Tr, Tr for Roberta J Colyer RET S: Sandra J Kloo Book/Page: 35293/251, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $500,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40349sf 29 MILL POND RD $449,000 B: Brandon Wilkinson S: Eric L Iverson Tr, Tr for Nancy Craemer FT Book/Page: 35290/269, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $381,650 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21344sf 96 QUEEN ANNE RD U:403 $280,000 B: Andra Moore & Ashefonia Moore S: Charles J Campbell & Michelle E Campbell Book/Page: 35292/320, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Click Nclose Inc $271,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $165,603 (09/11) 6 SEAWARD LN $575,000 B: David Yager S: Roberta J Colyer Tr, Tr for Roberta J Colyer RET Book/Page: 35293/175, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $460,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12968sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (03/19) 19 SHORE RD $3,600,000 B: 19 Shore Road LLC S: Tully Rufo LLC Doc#: 000000001464583, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $2,520,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16553sf 23 SHORE ROAD EXT $475,000 B: Christopher Lynch Tr, Tr for Lynch INT S: Clare Descomo Doc#: 000000001464570, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: US Bank NA $375,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6534sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (03/17) 63 SISSON RD $1,600,000 B: Michael Rodriguez Tr, Tr for Blue Heron Lighthouse RT S: 63 Sisson Road Hldg LLC Book/Page: 35282/348, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $900,000 Use: 6 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 58806sf Prior Sale: $669,000 (11/10) 58 SUGAR HILL DR $571,500 B: Daniel J Michael & Patrice C Michael S: Eugene E Moloy Jr & Marie F Moloy Book/Page: 35284/81, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $350,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10450sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (11/10) 20 SURREY LN $555,000 B: Elizabeth A Couturier Tr, Tr for Couturier Family RET S: Paul Johnson & Susan Finelli Doc#: 000000001464502, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (01/16) MARKETMashpeeSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 181 144 Median Price $585,000 $645,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 54 BEECHWOOD DR $515,000 B: Fabio Basso & Ducimara Baldin-Basso S: Charlie E Schmalz Book/Page: 35287/309, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: First Natl Bank Trini $412,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11848sf Prior Sale: $354,000 (05/18) 41 COBBLESTONE CIR $898,675 B: Michael Agganis & Madeline Agganis S: Bayswater Cott New Doc#: 000000001464730, Date: 08/04/22 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 4400sf 52 HEMLOCK DR $910,000 B: Farnaz Bakhtari & Kaveh Bakhtari S: Margaret M Murray Tr, Tr for Margaret M Murray LT Book/Page: 35293/132, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: City Of Boston CU $250,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 79758sf 12 LEESHORE DR $849,900 B: Paulus M Gogh & Stacey V Gogh S: Brian Reyenger Tr, Tr for South Cape RET Doc#: 000000001464489, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $220,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 14462sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (02/21) 411 MONOMOSCOY RD $1,100,000 B: Mt Guard LC S: Allan M Martin Doc#: 000000001464755, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $880,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 16771sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (01/22) 135 PADDOCK CIR $1,800,000 B: Raymond J Foley & Lisa Foley S: Scott D Vetstein Doc#: 000000001464444, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: US Bank NA $1,066,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 37767sf Prior Sale: $760,000 (07/18)
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 15 Median Price $885,000 $1,100,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 109 CASTLE RD $465,000 B: Mohamad T Haghighi S: Henry V Rothschild 3rd & Julia C Hatfield Doc#: 000000001464821, Date: 08/05/22 1 FRIENDSHIP WAY $605,000 B: Robert D Lynch & Margaret A Taylor S: Peter L Book/Page:Burgess35282/3, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $538,450 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 42794sf 334 SHORE RD U:12 $490,000 B: Lawrence Oliverio S: Adam R Herbst & James H Gelder 3rd Doc#: 000000001464871, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
MARKETSandwichSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 235 180 Median Price $530,000 $620,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 63 BEACHWAY RD $500,000 B: Thomas L Hendy S: Judy K Hendy Tr, Tr for JCH T Book/Page: 35284/202, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11761sf 34 BOARDLEY RD $900,000 B: Guadalupe Amaral & Niuza Barroso-Amaral S: Peter C Book/Page:Meomartino35286/4,Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $675,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 202990sf 7 DAVIDS WAY $730,000 B: John K Mattson & Sarah L Mattson S: Tara L Dodrill Tr, Tr for John Collinson Doc#: 000000001464888, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $625,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24394sf 53 HIGHVIEW DR U:53 $449,000 B: James A Peterson & Linda J Peterson S: Daniel P Whelan & Theresa M Whelan Book/Page: 35282/31, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $324,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $226,500 (12/15) 10 JAN SEBASTIAN DR U:4 $688,500 B: Apcon Realty LLC S: Mark W Wisentaner Tr, Tr for Briar Patch T Book/Page: 35285/289, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: TD Bank NA $550,800 Use: Industrial Condominum 191 ROUTE 130 $511,000 B: Michael Kelly Sr & Arlene Kelly S: Joseph D Prusakowski & Jane D Prusakowski Book/Page: 35288/9, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $408,800 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20473sf 26 SPINNAKER ST $525,000 B: Josue Dacunha-Souza S: Michael F Schulz Tr, Tr for Cardinal NT Doc#: 000000001464875, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22216sf 20 WATER ST $877,500 B: Scott A Allegretti & James B Mcneilly S: Charles W Kleekamp & Kathryn M Kleekamp Book/Page: 35292/209, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $702,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 34412sf 15 WESTERLY DR $519,000 B: Russell M Levrault & Margaret A Hunter S: Jean C Fahey Tr, Tr for Ciborowski RT Doc#: 000000001464589, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf 49 WOODRIDGE RD $444,350 B: Maggie Chan S: Eileen P Martin & David Bouchard Book/Page: 35288/188, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $298,900 (07/18) ▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 48 WOOD AVE $115,000 B: Peter A Lindquist S: Matthew Birmingham Doc#: 000000001464831, Date: 08/05/22
Academy Mortgage Corp $256,500 Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 10816sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (01/15) 67-69 CARSON AVE $256,000 B: First Fruits Prop Mgmt S: Edward B Eurbin & Barbara A Eurbin Book/Page: 7249/85, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7980sf 498 MAIN ST $560,000 B: RJ Estates LLC S: James P Carsell & Laurel W Carsell Book/Page: 7248/40, Date: 08/03/22 Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 40685sf MARKETHinsdaleSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 15 Median Price $467,250 $317,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 126 ROBINSON RD $380,000 B: David Lemay & Jennifer Lemay S: Clayton P Fancher Jr Book/Page: 7246/137, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $370,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52272sf MARKETLee STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 26 Median Price $295,000 $349,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 81 E CENTER ST $285,000 B: Samantha U Kankanamalage S: Carolyn M Hitchcock & David E Hitchcock Book/Page: 7249/109, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $276,450 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 18295sf 880 EAST ST U:100B $229,000 B: David Geisler & Rowena Geisler S: Frederik W Eliason & Carolyn A Eliason Book/Page: 7250/120, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $183,200 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 865 FAIRVIEW ST $82,000 B: Robert J Piccolo Jr & Sheena M Piccolo S: 865 Fairview LLC Book/Page: 7246/93, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Residential Developable
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 73 GOOSE POND RD $185,000 B: Zachary W Desantis S: William Desantis & Trysta Desantis Book/Page: 7245/303, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $125,000 Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 468270sf MAIN RD $340,000 B: Bradford Morse & Arin Willey S: Basil Alsop-Eisenman Ad, Adm for Alsop Adele L Est Book/Page: 7246/185, Date: 08/01/22 Maria T. Ziemba, Register 65 Park Street, Adams, MA 01220 Telephone: (413) 743-0035 Fax: (413) 743-1003 JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 55 48 Median Price $193,500 $188,000 ESTATE SALES 8 BIENIEK AVE $189,900 B: Nathan G Jette & David R Jette S: Michael P Cannava Book/Page: 1799/219, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $159,900 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (09/21) 20 PROSPECT ST $150,000 B: Jose Rosario S: David L Zaleski & Ann M Zaleski Book/Page: 1799/162, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Lower LLC $147,283 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3659sf 17 SPRING ST $26,000 B: Lahcen Bamadi & Saleh Salhi S: Thomas Book/Page:Abate1799/741, Date: 08/05/22 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $56,500 (07/13) 8 VALLEY ST $20,000 B: Patriot Associates LLC S: Chris Book/Page:Bonnivier1799/700, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $3,000 (05/22) RD $20,000 B: Z&G LLC S: Sky Vault Investment LLC Book/Page: 1799/525, Date: 08/04/22 655 CHESHIRE RD U:1 $8,000,000 B: Mehran Namiri-Kalantari S: Durga Prop Holdings Inc Book/Page: 7245/188, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Condo 25 ORCHARD AVE $200,000 B: Matthew D Hamilton S: Sling Book/Page:LLC1799/1, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: UT Corp $140,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $80,001 (05/17) North Adams MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 48 Median Price $163,000 $193,250 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 139 ASHLAND ST $400,000 B: Sy Kitchen LLC S: Se E Book/Page:Oh 1799/329, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Se Eun Oh $287,000 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 8960sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (03/20) 10 MINER ST $154,900 B: JP Parent Co LLC S: Henry Gates & Jacqueline Linard-Gates Book/Page: 1799/703, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Pittsfield Cp Bk $123,920 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6250sf 73 N HOLDEN ST $100,000 B: Enasin LLC S: Dovy Book/Page:Fuchs1799/213, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 13556sf Prior Sale: $121,000 (03/18) 442 NOTCH RD $377,500 B: Tyler Carroll S: Tyler A Filiault Ad, Adm for Filiault Mary Jeanne Est Book/Page: 1799/497, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: LoanDepot Com $339,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26296sf 196 VEAZIE ST $129,900 B: Jason Nocher S: Claudia Pasternak & Christopher Crews Book/Page: 1799/608, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $103,920 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5958sf Prior Sale: $15,900 (03/11) WHITCOMB HILL RD $20,000 B: Tim Foldy-Porto S: Waldemar Demusz & Wieslaw Demusz Book/Page: 1799/661, Date: 08/05/22
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 24 Median Price $462,500 $497,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 467 BERKSHIRE SCHOOL RD $489,000 B: Marley E Freeman S: Yaroslav Shukel Book/Page: 2794/232, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $439,611 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 64295sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (09/12) 1615 HOME RD $200,000 B: Goose Hollow LLC S: Mary L Book/Page:Grismer2794/200, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 453895sf West Stockbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number Date: 08/03/22 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 6142sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (08/20) 275 BLACKSTONE ST $549,000 B: Jair Nicolio S: Manuel F Medeiros & Maria C Medeiros Book/Page: 11086/85, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $539,056 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 13896sf 1030 COUNTY ST $580,000 B: Nadege Cadet S: Christopher M Coppinger Book/Page: 11085/139, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Hometown Equity Mtg $566,544 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 7362sf Prior Sale: $352,000 (03/20) 298 DIVISION ST $460,000 B: Timothy Dalley S: Blanca N Anletta Book/Page: 11082/214, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: EMM Loans LLC $451,668 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4443sf Prior Sale: $207,500 (04/17) 869 DWELLY ST $439,000 B: Joao Araujo & Lubeila Araujo S: Robert G Kfoury Tr, Tr for RGK RT Book/Page: 11083/161, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: NBKC Bank $424,348 239 GLASGOW ST U:8 $210,000 B: Jefferson Dasilva-Gomes & Marlete F Longo S: Nicholas P Ozug & Debra P Ozug Book/Page: 11083/331, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $203,700 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 217 HARRISON ST $510,000 B: Christopher Mitchell S: Joao Benevides & Connie M Benevides Book/Page: 11083/305, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $500,762 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (09/15) 294 JUNE ST $500,000 B: Nicholas A Cipriano S: Demitra A Wilder & David K Wilder Book/Page: 11086/255, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $375,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 9278sf Prior Sale: $129,000 (12/11) 621 KING PHILIP ST $1,350,000 B: 621-631 King Philip Rlty S: Alan Garant & Sharon K Garant Book/Page: 11086/194, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Eastern Bank $1,012,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 12589sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (07/21) 309 LINDEN ST $525,000 B: 309 Linden LLC S: Cran Properties Inc Book/Page: 11082/271, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $393,750 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6316sf 325 OAK GROVE AVE $144,000 B: Troy J Camara S: Connie Book/Page:Raposo11084/319, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5097sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (04/13) RIGGENBACH RD $650,000 B: East Branch Dock LLC S: Charles Scrap Metal Inc Doc#: 000000000053843, Date: 08/05/22 1649 RODMAN ST $310,000 B: John R Agular & Deborah M Orlando S: Alberto G Javier Book/Page: 11087/74, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $300,700 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11848sf 171 SNELL ST $200,000 B: Marino A Benevides S: Dorothy M Borden & Susan E Boissoneault Book/Page: 11084/308, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10019sf 1021 SPENCER ST $225,000 B: Ann M Dupre S: Ronald C Leblanc & Regent P Leblanc Doc#: 000000000053840, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6708sf 483 STAFFORD RD $405,000 B: T&A RT S: Mario A Medeiros & Maria T Medeiros Book/Page: 11082/311, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4922sf 103 TUCKER ST $315,000 B: Justin Gagne S: John Moniz & Rosalina Moniz Book/Page: 11087/133, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: St Michaels CU $250,000 08/05/22 Mtg: LoanDepot Com $414,200 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11369sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (11/19) 5 ROLAND AVE $390,000 B: Natalle M Alves S: Noah Nowak & Lauryn Nova Doc#: 000000000053826, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $140,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $322,500 (06/21) THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 102 106 Median Price $350,000 $410,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BRENTWOOD CT L:4 $112,000 B: Candido Pereira & Ann M Pereira S: John Book/Page:Valhes11084/72, Date: 08/02/22 71 CLANCY ST $315,000 B: Owen Klernan S: Cruz Alexader Realty Inc Book/Page: 11085/119, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (02/22) 9 HOULTON ST $479,900 B: Rodrigo Camarao & Helena Camarao S: Donald G Head & Joann Head Book/Page: 11083/104, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $386,548 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (07/14) 33 MACOMBER AVE $200,000 B: Thornston Capital LLC S: Donna L Lewis & Mark Lewis Book/Page: 11084/51, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9148sf 166 OAK ST $633,422 B: Jared Sousa & Lauren Sousa S: Martelly Book/Page:Buliding&Design11087/161,Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $505,500 Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 30056sf
MARKETCheshireSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 19 23 Median Price $230,000 $293,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 175-177 CHURCH ST $147,250 B: Stephen Richardson & Cynthia Richardson S: Claire E Book/Page:Wood1799/56, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2-Family Old Style, Lot: 23087sf MARKETClarksburgSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 8 Median Price $130,500 $309,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 37 WHEELER AVE $177,000 B: James W Recknagel S: Allen M Arnold & Tracie L Arnold Book/Page: 1799/104, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (08/21) MARKETLanesboroSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 28 Median Price $221,500 $255,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 105 BRODIE MOUNTAIN RD $699,000 B: Robert R Benner & Susan M Benner S: Randolph H Stein & Barbara R Stein Book/Page: 1799/64, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $559,200 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 268504sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (11/12) CHESHIRE RD $15,450 B: Sky Vault Investment LLC S: Gary A Book/Page:Monette1799/413, Date: 08/04/22 CHESHIRE
Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6882sf 223 WEETAMOE ST $320,000 B: Luiz Ezequiel & Icaro Ezequiel S: Justeen F Ouellette Book/Page: 11086/140, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: EMM Loans LLC $314,204 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 10019sf MARKETFreetownSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 52 Median Price $377,500 $492,450 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 FALLBROOK LN $706,275 B: Jeffrey Mercier & Ana R Mercier S: Fallbrook LLC Book/Page: 11086/52, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $647,200 54 QUANAPOAG RD $100,000 B: Detera Development LLC S: Craig J Carbal Tr, Tr for CJC RT Book/Page: 11084/160, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: CJC RT $100,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (04/18) 4 REBECCA RD $500,000 B: Jacob W Bosse & William F Bosse Jr S: David Carvalho & Diane L Carvalho Book/Page: 11085/283, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: William F Bosse Jr $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 74052sf MARKETSomersetSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 142 114 Median Price $355,000 $402,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 28 BUCKNER CT $328,000 B: Arthur J Costa & Andrew Costa S: Christopher Batten & Tami Batten Book/Page: 11085/89, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $322,059 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (08/14) 474 KAUFMAN RD $436,000 B: Allison J Starring & Tyler Walsh S: Adam D Morris & Leanne A Morris Book/Page: 11087/104, Date:
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 6 Median Price $406,000 $752,500
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 12 Median Price $698,000 $577,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES DUGWAY RD $222,500 B: Philip E Rosenberg & Meredith H Savitt S: Michael Dee & Marilyn Dee Book/Page: 7248/224, Date: 08/04/22
BANKER & TRADESMAN B7AUGUST 22, 2022 94 CRANE AVE $227,500 B: Jordan M Smith S: Kai M Chi & Zhen Z Chi Book/Page: 7250/81, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $216,125 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8185sf 124 DANFORTH AVE $111,000 B: Gerber A Maldonado & Blanca Y Rodriguez S: Longbridge Financial LLC Book/Page: 7250/203, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $107,303 (01/22) 81 DARTMOUTH ST U:308 $161,000 B: Darian K Weldon S: Laurie A Chivers Book/Page: 7246/275, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Members Advantage Mtg $152,950 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $91,000 (08/16) 43 DEBORAH AVE $289,462 B: Rosemary A Polidoro Tr, Tr for Polidoro NT S: Daryl J Book/Page:Scorpa7249/65, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14000sf 108 E HOUSATONIC ST U:10 $145,000 B: Carlo F Petrucci Jr S: Hallett Shirley B Est & Keith Ireland Book/Page: 7246/196, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $140,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 33 ELEANOR RD $389,000 B: Jacob Sweener & Bridget Sweener S: Edward Eshleman & Tamara Eshleman Doc#: 000000000043454, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12545sf Prior Sale: $341,500 (01/22) 164 ELM ST $249,500 B: Alexis M Vega S: Anthony J Dinicola Tr, Tr for A M Dinicola Rlty NT Book/Page: 7249/6, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $237,405 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5976sf 13 HALL PL $242,000 B: Aisha Baptiste-Gilmore & Stephanie Semper S: Jean E Kirsch & James B Asmussen Book/Page: 7246/303, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $229,900 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 5201sf 45 HARDING ST $235,000 B: Gordon H Cassone & Alison M Cassone S: Marie B Book/Page:Metivier7250/20, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $233,100 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5998sf 18 HENRY AVE $640,000 B: Wind Chime Properties LLC S: Ibh Silverberg LLC Book/Page: 7247/159, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Pittsfield Cp Bk $536,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4622sf 28 HOLLISTER ST $256,700 B: Adrian Bennett S: Dean E Eksuzian & Patricia S Eksuzian Book/Page: 7249/298, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $243,865 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 8712sf 76 LEXINGTON PKWY $475,000 B: Ramzy D Sookey & Meghan R Sookey S: Angela L Elzner Doc#: 000000000043449, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $380,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12998sf Prior Sale: $314,900 (04/10) 28 POMEROY AVE $230,000 B: Jorge R Aguilar Sangurima S: Pratt Gurmeet K Est & Sukha Singh Book/Page: 7246/62, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $184,000 Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6882sf 210 SOUTH ST $640,000 B: Wind Chime Properties LLC S: Ibh Silverberg LLC Book/Page: 7247/159, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Pittsfield Cp Bk $536,000 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 10764sf 561 SOUTH ST $317,000 B: Arthur J Fletcher S: Desire M Lane Book/Page: 7245/327, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $448,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $318,000 (04/12) 159 WENDELL AVE $450,000 B: Lawrence F Reilly S: Truman R Keys & Kevin Batista Book/Page: 7250/47, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $360,000 Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9527sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (11/20)
Sales 46 40 Median Price $377,500 $420,100 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 405 N HEMLOCK LN U:405 $400,000 B: David Moskowitz Tr, Tr for Moskowitz RT S: Allison H White Book/Page: 1799/653, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 1250 SIMONDS RD $77,750 B: Christopher S Horn & Paulina K Smolinski S: Jacqueline A Duguay Book/Page: 1799/477, Date: 08/04/22 Use:
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
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of 1-Fam Sales 16 14 Median Price $524,500 $511,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 CROSS RD $1,100,000 B: Peter F Wittrock S: Peter Mccormick & Patricia Hickey Book/Page: 2794/206, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: GuardHill Fncl Corp $880,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 244807sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (02/16) 48 MAPLE HILL RD $1,475,000 B: Martin Kreitman & Joy Bergelson S: Edward A Denham & Marsha A Denham Book/Page: 2794/152, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 349351sf FallRegistryBristolRiverDistrict Bernard J. McDonald III, Register 441 North Main Street Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone: (508) 673-1651 Fax: (508) 673-7633 www.fallriverdeeds.com Fall MARKETRiverSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 237 198 Median Price $330,000 $366,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 554 3RD ST $600,000 B: Divine Development LLC S: Joao F Soares & Eduarda Soares Book/Page: 11085/30, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Tailor Ridge Reit LLC $600,000 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 6882sf 150 BAKER ST $70,000 B: Carlos P Abadeampo-Verde S: Agostinho Ponte & Maria C Ponte Book/Page: 11084/316,
MARKETWilliamstownSTATISTICSTHROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam 6 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 16553sf 24 WATER ST U:1 $485,000 B: Williams College S: Deborah A Donovan Book/Page: 1799/101, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Condo SouthernRegistryBerkshireDistrict Laramee-Jenny, Register 334 Main Street, Suite 2 Great Barrington, MA 01230 Telephone: (413) 528-0146 Fax: (413) 528-6878 Barrington 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 57 Median Price $399,000 $475,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 BENTON AVE U:5 $480,000 B: Jessie Duff-Mclaurin S: Kendal Book/Page:Mcteigue2794/36, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 436sf Prior Sale: $390,172 (10/12) 3 CRIMSON LN $550,000 B: David M Markowitz S: Robert M Sleboda & Cheryl M Sleboda Book/Page: 2793/326, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 46609sf Prior Sale: $312,000 (03/16) 1096 MAIN ST $285,000 B: Liza Gennari S: Richard Kelly Ad, Adm for Zerbato Olindo J Est Book/Page: 2794/165, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Greylock FCU $256,500 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 6098sf 80 MAPLE AVE U:B $206,000 B: Andrew W Beckwith & Beth R Beckwith S: Susan Book/Page:Bell-Mower2793/281, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $156,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo MARKETSheffieldSTATISTICS
REAL ESTATE SALES 23 CHERRYSTONE RD $420,000 B: Matthew A Romano & Melissa D Romano S: 23 Cherrystone Road LLC Doc#: 000000000133366, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Sofi Bank NA $399,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 5998sf 42 CHURCH ST $510,000 B: Andrew T Larrow & Kathryn L Larrow S: Nathan Rebello & Kateri M Shockro Book/Page: 14429/144, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4082sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (06/15) 54 YALE ST $399,900 B: Gregory P Crissman & Sarah L Kiepper S: Winifred E Sylvia Book/Page: 14425/327, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $392,656 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5576sf New Bedford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 297 316 Median Price $311,000 $342,250 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 888 ASHLEY BLVD $300,000 B: Jun C Zhang & Jun J Zhang S: Zi Q Book/Page:Zhang14426/251, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 20800sf 46 BONNEY ST $315,000 B: Wendy M Lajoie S: Andrew S Ferreira & Daidra L Ferreira Book/Page: 14428/306, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Mechanics Cp Bk $300,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2595sf Prior Sale: $211,000 (11/17) 147 CEDAR ST $350,000 B: Cynthia N Felisberto & Antonio M Felisberto S: Joshua M Romao & Irma T Defaria Book/Page: 14428/271, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4996sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (01/20) 662 COUNTY ST $520,000 B: Ruth M Alvarez & Santos R Alvarez S: Joy P Rose & James A Reid Book/Page: 14427/224, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $509,767 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4277sf 21-23 ELLEN ST $430,000 B: Katherine Spatola S: Paul M Book/Page:Demello14429/223, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $422,170 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7668sf 195-197 EUGENIA ST $500,000 B: Marcel Viera S: George A Torres & Kathy Fidalgo Book/Page: 14425/211, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $400,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3664sf 123 HATHAWAY ST $515,000 B: Rosario C Pacheco & Apolinario Pacheco-Tzoc S: Elizabeth Solue & Maria Ataya Book/Page: 14425/294, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $445,410 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4446sf 293 HAWTHORN ST $620,000 B: Andy L Coakley S: Marc W Desroches & Mary E Desroches Book/Page: 14430/53, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $536,222 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11956sf 976 HOMESTEAD ST $200,000 B: Erin N Cyr-Pereira S: Joan H Book/Page:Cyr14427/185, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Alltrust CU $160,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6400sf 164 NORTH ST $288,700 B: Angel G Reyes-Jimenez & Kendra D Burr S: K&J Fix&Flip LLC Book/Page: 14428/219, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $280,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2499sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (02/22) 106 POTOMSKA ST $320,000 B: Monica Andrade S: Cunha Mabilia G Est & Maria Andrade Book/Page: 14424/316, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $293,040 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3673sf 120 ROTCH ST $175,000 B: Keeley R Maranhas S: Patricia C Maranhas Book/Page: 14426/246, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10240sf 59 SHERMAN ST $360,000 B: Richard A Gordon S: Benedict Porperties LLC Book/Page: 14426/148, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $353,479 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3030sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (02/22) 23 TALLMAN ST $1,450,000 B: Dav Properties LLC S: Tallman Apartments LLC Book/Page: 14429/45, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,125,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 16289sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (06/18) 1056 VICTORIA ST U:B17 $349,000 B: Elizabeth Soule & Paul T Soule S: Donald P Boudreau & Mareen C Boudreau Book/Page: 14426/3, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $139,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 27 VINE ST $270,000 B: Andrew Charpentier & Shyla Barrett S: Elsa Book/Page:Maldonado14426/264, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Alltrust CU $270,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4517sf ▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 57 LAFAYETTE ST $123,165 B: Bank New York Mellon Tr S: Orlando Rivera & Ivette Cintron Doc#: 000000000133391, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4800sf JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 99 85 Median Price $425,000 $440,000 ESTATE SALES 56 BENTLEY LN $735,000 B: Robin C Arruda S: Anderson Development LLC Book/Page: 14425/1, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $475,000 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 59982sf Prior Sale: $169,900 (01/21) 351 FISHER RD $423,505 B: Fabio Silva & Gleiciane Silva S: DBLA Book/Page:LLC14428/263, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Antonio Alameida $423,505 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43200sf Prior Sale: $311,000 (05/20) 131 PETTEY LN $625,000 B: Amy S Grutzner & Carmen D Legato S: Randy S Mayall & Eileen F Mayall James M Mcgonigle Book/Page: 17530/10, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $288,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 100 CENTRAL ST $400,000 B: Kindred Homes Inc S: Dennis A Barous Tr, Tr for Clipper RT Book/Page: 17527/31, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $975,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 18600sf 2 CHRISTIAN WAY $1,255,000 B: Laxmikant Sharma & Archana Sharma S: Gur D Singh Tr, Tr for Gur D Singh RET Doc#: 000000000127595, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $905,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43865sf Prior Sale: $770,900 (02/13) 8 DONALD CIR $850,000 B: Evan H Michals & Emily R Michals S: Lih Yen Hsieh Tr, Tr for Lih Yen&Tzai Y Hsieh RET Book/Page: 17530/115, RT S: Marcia Walsh Doc#: 000000000127577, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 24611sf 30 STONEYBROOK CIR $1,705,000 B: James Deng & Morgan Deng S: William T Maclellan & Deborah J Maclellan Book/Page: 17528/83, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: US Bank NA $1,324,800 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 35676sf Prior Sale: $1,030,000 (07/19) MARKETLawrenceSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 121 126 Median Price $370,000 $415,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 121 FARLEY ST $520,000 B: Vicente J Perez & Ralmadys D Mella-Perez S: Jose A Perez & Gladys Perez Book/Page: 17529/138, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $494,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $240,500 (11/14) 33-35 FLORAL ST $630,000 B: Juan Arias & Fernando A Pena S: Albert A Book/Page:Maciariello17531/106, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $618,589 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5600sf Prior Sale: $79,000 (10/17) 469 HAMPSHIRE ST U:A $275,000 B: Yudelka M Hidalgo S: Giovanni Sorbello Book/Page: 17530/181, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $261,250 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 9600sf
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Book/Page: 14426/99, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 13472sf RIVER RD $495,000 B: James F Lynch S: John W Wyatt & Lydia A Wyatt Book/Page: 14428/74, Date: 08/04/22 868 SANFORD RD $290,000 B: David Borges S: William M Guay Tr, Tr for W&Nancy A Guay IRT Book/Page: 14430/113, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: LoanDepot Com $481,887 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26950sf WESTPORT LAKES DR L:20 $175,000 B: Maria L Moniz & Joseph L Moniz S: Coastal Harvest LLC Book/Page: 14430/83, Date: 08/05/22 RegistryDukes Paulo C. DeOliveira, Register Box 5231, Edgartown, MA 02539 Telephone: (508) 627-4025 Fax: (508) 627-7821 MARKETEdgartownSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 34 Median Price $1,260,000 $1,467,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 CASSANDRAS PATH $100,000 B: Philip J Garbarino 3rd & Angela M Annino S: Robert Book/Page:Kloumann1632/903, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 43560sf 77 N NECK RD $4,000,000 B: Rollin Schuster & Amy Schuster S: Eric Peterson Tr, Tr for 77 North Neck Road RT Book/Page: 1632/1071, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 254826sf 6 SWAN NECK RD $6,500,000 B: David Y Adler & Amie R Weitzman S: Thomas J Rapone Tr, Tr for 6 Swan Neck RT Book/Page: 1632/928, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 296208sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (01/21) Oak MARKETBluffsSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 36 Median Price $877,500 $991,100 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES ISLAND COUNTRY CLUB CONDO U:33 $505,000 B: Herman J Benton Jr Tr, Tr for Herman J Benton Jr RET S: Steven Denholtz & Jennifer Denholtz Book/Page: 1633/238, Date: 08/05/22 Use: Condo MARKETTisburySTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 33 Median Price $850,000 $1,050,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 CATAUMET AVE $3,375,000 B: Cataumet Road LLC S: Stuart E Lucas Tr, Tr for Tisbury T Book/Page: 1633/192, Date: 08/05/22 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 42550sf West Tisbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 9 Median Price $1,267,000 $1,525,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 FARMS END RD $760,000 B: Allen K Healy S: Healy Maureen F Est & Jonathan K Healy Book/Page: 1633/209, Date: 08/05/22 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 69696sf NorthernRegistryEssexDistrict M. Paul Iannuccillo, Register 354 Merrimack Street, Suite 304 Lawrence, MA 01843 Telephone: (978) 683-2745 Fax: (978) 688-4679 www.lawrencedeeds.com MARKETAndoverSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 220 192 Median Price $830,000 $953,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 37 ALGONQUIN AVE $1,125,000 B: Kimberly Middlemiss & Jillian A Middlemiss S: Richard C Manjoney & Rosanne Schipani Book/Page: 17526/335, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $900,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31015sf 16 BALMORAL ST U:301 $275,000 B: AVK Enterprises LLC S: David W Wright Book/Page: 17529/212, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 15 BLACKBERRY LN $1,225,000 B: Christopher P Macphee & Jenna Macphee S: Daniel M Grondin & Katherine E Grondin Book/Page: 17531/193, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Bank of America NA $918,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19994sf 750 BROOKSIDE DR U:E $360,000 B: Oleg Suru S:
Annes Credit Union $514,800 Type:
BANKER & TRADESMAN B9AUGUST 22, 2022 157 CRANE AVE S $486,000 B: Victor Obasuyi & Evonne Idumwonyi S: Efthimios Georgakakis Ad, Adm for Georgakakis Martha Est Book/Page: 28030/81, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: LoanDepot Com $469,067 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 14810sf DORA DR L:2 $250,000 B: MRH Development LLC S: Dora Estates LLC Book/Page: 28034/288, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Taunton Federal Cr Un $732,721 18 HARRISON AVE $430,000 B: Desina J Baptiste & Bensly Cadet S: Michael A Rodriquez Book/Page: 28025/12, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $421,499 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 17424sf 171 HIGHLAND ST U:304 $165,000 B: Tatiana N Tepi S: Michael Book/Page:Fitzgerald28024/86, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Citizens Bank $156,750 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $108,500 (03/20) 9 HORTON ST $409,000 B: Wayne Machado & Leigh Machado S: Rodrigo Book/Page:Camarao28025/222, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $401,591 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $220,500 (08/14) 15 LAUREL ST $308,000 B: Julio C Castro S: Becky Angulo & Paula A Burgoyne Book/Page: 28034/322, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $292,600 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12197sf 215 LONGMEADOW RD U:602 $290,000 B: Emily R Savisky S: Daniel E Goldrick Tr, Tr for Longmeadow Development RT Book/Page: 28033/318, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $240,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 29 MADISON ST $425,000 B: Lindsey M Hymer & Michael J Hymer S: Samantha M Sarantakis Book/Page: 28034/78, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $403,750 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (12/19) 120 MALIBU DR $725,000 B: Kimberly B Cornell S: Mary L Mcdonald & Robert S Mcdonald Book/Page: 28034/62, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $525,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60113sf 140 N WALKER ST U:512 $409,900 B: Nnamdi C Okoye S: MRH Development LLC Book/Page: 28031/127, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Liberty Bay CU $388,500 Type: Adj Use: Condo 140 N WALKER ST U:515 $426,900 B: Marieelana Miranda S: MRH Development LLC Book/Page: 28027/65, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Condo 140 N WALKER ST U:523 $299,900 B: Eileen J Hall S: MRH Development LLC Book/Page: 28033/185, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Envision Bank $224,900 Use: Condo 19 OAKLAWN AVE $529,900 B: Ignace Valcourt S: Artesani&Moniz LLC Book/Page: 28030/161, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Bank of England Mtg $485,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 6098sf 34 PINEVIEW TER $200,000 B: Randy M Covel S: IJ Realty Inv Group LLC Book/Page: 28024/2, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: First Home Mtg $293,600 Use: 1 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $31,159 (08/20) 135 PRINCESS KATE CIR $518,000 B: James L Clancy & Sarah E Tocehio S: Joseph I Feldman Book/Page: 28026/321, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $492,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 46174sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (10/18) 677 RICHMOND ST $2,811,160 B: Prime Storage Lkville LLC S: Farrell Advantage Lkville Book/Page: 28025/248, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (07/17) 355 TREMONT ST $345,000 B: Christopher M Coppinger S: Patricia A Dunn & Richard A Dunn Book/Page: 28031/17, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: LoanDepot Com $520,282 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 87556sf 26 WALES ST $450,000 B: Manuel Teixeira S: Emily G Book/Page:Collins28031/185, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Envision Bank $434,981 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $316,000 (07/20) 37 WILBUR ST $500,000 B: Angelica Sierra S: Tornton Capital LLC Book/Page: 28023/189, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Citizens Bank $485,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $329,000 (03/22) 139 WINTHROP ST $605,000 B: Dac&Roman LLC S: Charles B Edson & Diane V Edson Book/Page: 28026/73, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $395,000 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 10454sf 269 WINTHROP ST $300,000 B: Margaret Barros & Mark D Mcwilliam S: Danielle Laplante & Derek Laplante Book/Page: 28034/144, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $285,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (01/21)
08/05/22 Mtg:
Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $650,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 34238sf 60 ELM ST $775,000 B: 84 Andover Street LLC S: Ronald A Radice & Claire L Radice Book/Page: 17527/258, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 37113sf 8 KNOLLCREST DR $1,400,000 B: Christopher C Manocchio & Sonya S Manocchio S: Gregory Wilkie & Pamela Wilkie Book/Page: 17526/232, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 48003sf 30 LOWELL JUNCTION RD $7,000,000 B: 30 Lowell Junction LLC S: Thomas W Goddard Tr, Tr for TJ RT Book/Page: 17528/139, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Mixed Use-prim Indust & Othr, Lot: 190793sf 4 MONTCLAIR AVE $990,000 B: John Sullivan & Maria Sullivan S: Jay S Sousa & Kimberly Sousa Doc#: 000000000127582, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $647,300 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 58806sf 122 N MAIN ST $550,000 B: Buxton Redevelopment LLC S: Dawn Book/Page:Fisher-Salk17530/247, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9845sf Prior Sale: $178,800 (10/11) 9 PIONEER CIR $865,000 B: Joy Eaton-Nemergut Tr, Tr for JKK
Frederick Kalisz Jr., Register 25 North Sixth Street New Bedford, MA 02740 Telephone: (508) 993-2603 Fax: (508) 997-4250 JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam B: Jennin Martin & Kenneth R Mello S: Roy M Book/Page:Springer14429/201, Date: St Adj 3 Bdrm Lot: B: John A Botelho Tr, Tr for JAB RT S: William Bachant Tr, Tr for 9 Tyler Ave RT Book/Page: 14429/162, Date: 08/05/22 MORNINGSIDE AVE L:52-56 $217,000 B: John A Botelho Tr, Tr for JAB RT S: William Bachant Tr, Tr for 9 Tyler Ave RT Book/Page: 14429/162, Date: 08/05/22 JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 186 155 Median Price $427,750 $485,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES E RIVER DR $650,000 B: Jared A Silva & Sarah M Silva S: Michaels J Deforge & Helen C Deforge Book/Page: 14425/270, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $520,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20473sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (10/12) 16 EISENHOWER ST $520,000 B: Michal Cabral & Susan C Cabral S: Sharon K Anthony & Robert G Anthony Book/Page: 14424/166, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Envision Bank $230,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15682sf 12 MELNIC LN $655,000 B: Stephanie F Silva & Trevor M Costa S: Gary K Atkinson & Paula L Atkinson Book/Page: 14429/281, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $524,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 51401sf 1305 REED RD $465,000 B: Michael St Rock & Tammy St Rock S: Sally A Book/Page:Belanger14428/133, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40075sf 14 RUSSELLS MILLS RD $460,000 B: Michael Downing & Manuela Downing S: Alan P Book/Page:Reis14429/152, Date: 08/05/22 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6970sf 245 RUSSELLS MILLS RD $290,000 B: Dartmouth Town Of S: Thomas Book/Page:Brooks14424/342, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 46174sf Prior Sale: $242,000 (12/20) 58 SAINT JOHN ST U:8 $435,000 B: Alexandra Levasseaur Tr, Tr for Alexandra Levasseaur RET S: Cashley Hldg Dartmouth Book/Page: 14430/44, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 608 SLOCUM RD $579,000 B: David M Littlefield & Rosemary Littlefield S: Randall F Mello Book/Page: 14429/307, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Millbury National Bk $463,200 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5227sf 89 SONGBIRD DR $750,000 B: Jon Mazur S: Daniel P Juttelstad Tr, Tr for D P Juttelstad RET 2013 Book/Page: 14429/103, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Wrentham Cp Bk $600,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 44431sf 40 WILLIAM BRADFORD RD $750,000 B: Zahraa Hijazi & Hassan J Hijazi S: Michaels A Matias & Maria G Matias Book/Page: 14424/215, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: St Michaels CU $562,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 30056sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (08/14) ▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 16 BEVERLY ST $290,000 B: T&A RT Inc S: Marie C Correia & US Bank NA Book/Page: 14428/91, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 7841sf JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 96 103 Median Price $356,000 $430,000
Sales 58 40 Median Price $370,500 $401,950 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 257 KEENE RD $585,000
60044sf MORNINGSIDE AVE L:29-37 $217,000
www.newbedforddeeds.com MARKETAcushnetSTATISTICS THROUGH
Edward D Dahn & Sharyn G Dahn Book/Page: 41113/430, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: First Republic Bk $759,200 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 56628sf RegistryFranklin Scott A. Cote. Register 43 Hope Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 Telephone: (413) 772-0239 Fax: (413) 774-7150 orwww.franklindeeds.comwww.masslandrecords.com MARKETBernardstonSTATISTICSTHROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 5 Median Price $256,250 $294,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES MERRIFIELD RD L:5 $130,000 B: Eric Boliski & Adrianne Boliski S: Veaceslav Falceanu & Inna Falceanu Book/Page: 8044/296, Date: 08/03/22 MARKETCharlemontSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 1 Median Price $216,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 66 MAIN ST $280,000 B: Matthew A Meade & Aida I Perez S: Cathleen O Buntin Tr, Tr for Buntin INT Book/Page: 8043/292, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $266,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 18295sf MARKETGill STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 7 Median Price $285,000 $400,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 392 MAIN RD $476,000 B: Corwin D Edson S: Renaissance Community LLC Book/Page: 8046/36, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $380,800 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 50225sf MARKETGreenfieldSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 112 90 Median Price $249,500 $270,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10-12 BEECH ST $235,000 B: Marianne E Bullock S: Michael R Pendriss & Sarah R Walker Book/Page: 8043/197, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $199,750 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 4944sf 198 BRIAR WAY U:198 $355,000 B: Thomas W Jackson & Jenny Jackson S: Richard Book/Page:Hopper8045/108, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $220,000 (10/21) 50 ELM ST $165,000 B: Stephen H Crowningshield & Tracey E Brooks S: Kirk Book/Page:Sanger8043/65,
Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $662,500
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 42 Median Price $820,000 $790,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 76 CAMPMEETING RD $2,900,000 B: Linda Berkowitz & Murray Berkowitz S: James Laverdiere & Janet Laverdiere Book/Page: 41114/511, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 4 Bdrm, Lot: 446490sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (09/19) 76 CAMPMEETING RD $1,000,000 B: James Laverdiere & Janet Laverdiere S: Christopher C Peabody Tr, Tr for Campmeeting Road RT Book/Page: 41114/508, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 4 Bdrm, Lot: 446490sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (09/19) 19 PERKINS ROW $212,622 B: Robin M Long S: Paul B Ackerman & Robin M Long Book/Page: 41109/129, Date: 08/03/22 57 PERKINS ROW $658,400 B: Perkins Landing LLC S: Cameron Bagherpour Doc#: 000000000638343, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 352836sf Prior Sale: $658,400 (09/21) 57 PERKINS ROW $1,150,000 B: Natalie M Whalen S: Perkins Landing LLC Doc#: 000000000638352, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 352836sf Prior Sale: $658,400 (09/21) JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 33 Median Price $915,000 $870,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 CHARLES DAVIS DR $1,405,000 B: Andrew Jorgensen & Jamie Flaherty S: Francois Wilhelm & Isabelle Wilhelm Book/Page: 41111/514, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $1,124,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41308sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (08/18) West Newbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 23 Median Price $810,000 $735,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 CHURCH ST $1,495,000 B: Kevin Warren & Whitney Warren S: Kathleen Bradshaw-Long & Francis X Long Book/Page: 41102/590, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: First Republic Bk $970,000 Mixed Use-prim Lot: 392040sf Kathleen Bradshaw-Long Martha Raymond 41105/104, Date: 2 (05/18) $949,000 B: Elizabeth Donofrio & Michael Schiraldi S: Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $110,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10624sf Prior Sale: $87,500 (12/14) 103 JAMES ST U:A $220,000 B: Tara L Savoie S: Gary B Book/Page:Noga8044/320, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Norwich Commercal Grp $198,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 583 LEYDEN RD $329,000 B: Evan J Morrell S: Steven Book/Page:Rossetti8044/267, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $275,000 Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 63920sf 66 ORCHARD ST $480,000 B: Jesse Leavitt & Ann F Leavitt S: Spencer Sherman & Christine Luiggi Book/Page: 8043/124, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $384,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12968sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (05/18) 263-265 SILVER ST $202,000 B: Bobisfat LLC S: Stephen H Crowningshield & Kim L Crowningshield Book/Page: 8043/154, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 29146sf 23 SPRUCE ST $297,500 B: Roy D Balzter & Thalia A DeLaTorre S: Bernadette A Bernard Book/Page: 8043/108, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13826sf 100 WILDWOOD AVE $298,900 B: Gabriella M Jasper & Shannon C Jasper S: Joanne C Start Book/Page: 8046/63, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $308,460 Use: 5 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17433sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (05/19) of 1-Fam Sales 6 7 Median Price $494,494 $560,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 CHESTNUT HILL RD $485,000 B: Margaret Seldin S: Joyce Austin Ad, Adm for Naff Rose Y Est Book/Page: 8043/88, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Evolve B&T $363,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 130567sf JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 35 Median Price $269,950 $267,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 61 CENTRAL ST $240,000 B: David W Galvin 3rd & Matthew B Lee
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 92 72 Median Price $749,500 $785,350 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 443 ESSEX ST U:201 $560,000 B: Carol Z Schulman & Kenneth S Schulman S: C A Garbuschewski Tr, Tr for C A Garbuschewski LT Book/Page: 41103/501, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Merrimack Valley CU $340,000 Type: Adj Use: Condo 20 NICHOLS ST $599,000 B: Thomas J Pitman & Caitlyn M Tobyne S: Eric Scott & Rebecca Scott Doc#: 000000000638370, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $539,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 18644sf Prior Sale: $458,000 (05/19) 88 ROY ST $585,000 B: Jeffery Hinshaw & Stephanie Hinshaw S: Ebed Book/Page:Jacques41107/80, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $585,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4966sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (02/20) 59 THOMAS RD $729,000 B: Michael F Sweeney & Sarah Sweeney S: Christie A Ruta & Michael Ruta Book/Page: 41104/225, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $500,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3267sf Prior Sale: $443,000 (09/16) MARKETTopsfieldSTATISTICS
C Matthews Book/Page:
08/01/22 Use:
S: Jessica K Adamites & Neil A Young Book/Page: 8046/145, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $192,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6708sf 39 MONTAGUE AVE $249,000 B: William J Szal S: Daniel J Drumgool & Karlee M Drumgool Book/Page: 8045/47, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $199,200 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 1742sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (12/14) 23 UNITY ST $275,000 B: Ira B Karasick S: Charles J Light & Samuel H Lovejoy Book/Page: 8043/33, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $220,000 Type: Adj Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 18861sf MARKETNorthfieldSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 14 Median Price $295,000 $304,163 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 234 OLD WENDELL RD $400,000 B: Ilie Groza & Ana N Groza S: Rachael M Pride Book/Page: 8045/79, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $200,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 240103sf Prior Sale: $242,500 (02/17) MARKETOrangeSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 42 41 Median Price $228,000 $250,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 ROYALSTON RD $425,000 B: Nicole E Noll & Linda G Noll S: Thomas J Ellsworth Book/Page: 8044/38, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Harvard University CU $340,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 69696sf 450 W RIVER ST $825,000 B: Freeborn LLC S: Heywood Realty Corp Book/Page: 8042/182, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $1,150,000 Use: Charity Property, Lot: 561779sf ▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 24 CHURCH ST $157,000 B: Troy Santerre & John Dunphy S: Wayne L Hess & US Bank NA Book/Page: 8045/301, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $119,900 (02/17) MARKETShelburneSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 3 Median Price $288,000 $620,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 REYNOLDS RD $319,500 B: Erin M Wilensky & Joseph P Mccormack S: Catherine H Smith Book/Page: 8042/336, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $255,600 Use: 1 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 26136sf Prior Sale: $238,500 (01/10) MARKETShutesburySTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 12 Median Price $352,000 $266,518 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 124 PELHAM HILL RD $405,000 B: Matthew R Hogan & Shannon E Reilly S: Mark S Book/Page:Pocsik8045/338, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $360,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 185566sf 296 WENDELL RD $359,000 B: Valerie Killebrew & David Killebrew S: Tammie A Foster & Tammy A Foster Book/Page: 8042/289, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $280,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 43560sf MARKETSunderlandSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 20 Median Price $427,500 $442,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES FERRY RD $50,892 B: Gideon A Porth S: Hadley&Ferry LLC Book/Page: 8044/101, Date: 08/02/22 ESSEX REGISTRY continued
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 116 118 Median Price $532,500 $600,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 1ST ST U:A2 $447,000 B: Keith A Little S: Karla Delomba & Ryan Henehan Book/Page: 41104/285, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $297,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $359,000 (08/19) 13 BARTON ST $520,000 B: Francisco Garcia & Jennifer Garcia S: Emily Pauli & Emlily Pauli Book/Page: 41101/143, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $494,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 2818sf Prior Sale: $338,000 (12/16) 58 BRIDGE ST $965,000 B: Jam 5 Properties LLC S: Raymond L Young Book/Page: 41109/205, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Latitude Capital LLC $1,225,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5114sf 89 BRIDGE ST U:1 $655,000 B: Forrest Dowling S: Alycia J Book/Page:Mack41102/168, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $524,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3237sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (01/18) 5 CHESTNUT ST $1,590,000 B: Isabel I Thornton & John M Thornton S: Blake Anderson & Nina Anderson Book/Page: 41103/407, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $960,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4243sf 36 ENDICOTT ST $1,250,000 B: 36 Endicott LLC S: Dennis M Vallee Book/Page: 41110/481, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Align CU $1,000,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 2413sf 44 ESSEX ST U:2 $450,000 B: Katina E Tibbetts S: Susan Book/Page:Low41113/422, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $275,000 (11/17) 28 FAIRMOUNT ST $750,000 B: Fairmount Development LLC S: Ruth A Book/Page:Goodhue41104/249, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Loan Funder LLC $675,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4365sf 49 FEDERAL ST U:4 $470,000 B: Jake Davis & Kelsey Davis S: 49 Federal Street LLC Book/Page: 41112/36, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $449,910 Use: Condo 49 FEDERAL ST U:4 $499,900 B: Jake Davis & Kelsey Davis S: 49 Federal Street LLC Book/Page: 41112/446, Date: 08/05/22 Use: Condo 11 FORRESTER ST $1,500,000 B: Eric Lipsky S: Benjamin A Carlson Book/Page: 41108/151, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $1,125,000 Type: Adj Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 7427sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (05/16) 24 FOWLER ST $500,000 B: Dancing Bera LLC S: John J Kozlowski Jr Tr, Tr for Kozlowski FT Book/Page: 41109/452, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $375,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 1921sf 50 FREEDOM HOLW U:204 $569,000 B: Corrine C Linsky & Elaine Linsky S: Rachel Book/Page:Schauer41102/360, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $315,000 (08/18) 8 LAURENT RD $626,000 B: Jamie M Lara S: Karlene J Feeney & Michael P Feeney Book/Page: 41105/441, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $589,132 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5397sf 12 LINCOLN RD $575,000 B: Emilye Topacio & Lori Henshaw S: John M Contrada Jr & Claire E Contrada Book/Page: 41111/393, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Eastern Bank $564,585 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5750sf Prior Sale: $409,006 (06/18) 60 MARLBOROUGH RD $575,000 B: Jennifer Spaneas & Peter Spaneas S: Gregory Kozubek Ad, Adm for Kucharo Kozubek D Est Book/Page: 41113/122, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Brotherhood CU $395,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 14366sf 30 PROCTOR ST $510,000 B: Anna A Urena-Luna & Yuderca F Luna S: Chester A Famico & Dominic J Famico Book/Page: 41107/523, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $468,050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7009sf 22 SABLE RD $725,000 B: Bailey Powell & Stephen Powell S: Christopher Carroll Book/Page: 41114/395, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $647,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 7379sf Prior Sale: $505,000 (06/18) 1 SAVOY RD $630,000 B: Colleen Norve S: David M Mcdonald & Laurie Mcdonald-Curtin Book/Page: 41110/394, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4369sf 5 SCHOOL ST U:5 $400,000 B: Kelly J Belthoff S: Rachel Bedick & David Relethford Book/Page: 41106/478, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $300,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $315,000 (02/18) 40-42 SCHOOL ST $550,000 B: Revision Prop Vent LLC S: GNR Realty LLC Book/Page: 41109/260, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Cutter Hill Capital $715,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3690sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (07/21) 49 WARREN ST U:B $520,000 B: Caitlin Bryan & Michael May S: Sarh M White & Steven Williams-White Book/Page: 41105/223, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $390,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5105sf Prior Sale: $436,000 (12/20) MARKETSalisburySTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 38 Median Price $500,000 $509,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 123 CABLE AVE U:B $520,000 B: Peter Kinnon & Angeline Kinnon S: David Z Lippman Doc#: 000000000638316, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 12 CUSHING ST $516,000 B: Alyssa Schatzel S: Johanna B Page Tr, Tr for Johanna B Page RET Book/Page: 41108/39, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $300,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27739sf 4 DERBY LN U:A $655,000 B: Christine P Donahue Tr, Tr for Christine P Donahue T S: Daniel E Lassik & Nicole M Lassik Book/Page: 41101/187, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/20) 11 LOCUST ST $285,000 B: Derek Roundy S: Timothy W Knowles Tr, Tr for Knowles IRT Book/Page: 41111/194, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $250,800 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 43560sf MARKETSaugusSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 165 144 Median Price $544,000 $607,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 BAYFIELD RD $621,000 B: Niraj Rai & Bishu Rai S: Maria T Book/Page:Mckee41111/572, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $496,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6273sf 15 BIRCH POND DR $1,180,000 B: Scott Hatch S: Birchpond LLC Book/Page: 41114/474, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25134sf 67 BROADWAY $83,000 B: Michael Sasso Tr, Tr for 2021 Nicola Sasso RET S: Antonio Book/Page:Procaccini41102/495, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 204732sf 15 FELTON ST $650,000 B: Luis Ramirez S: Emily Curley & Patrick Curley Book/Page: 41103/156, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $578,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 9975sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (05/19) 9 HOOD ST $608,000 B: Chun L Huang & Cheng Zheng S: Eric J Book/Page:Czerlonka41114/514, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: TD Bank NA $486,400 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5053sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (07/19) 25 OAK POINT RD $635,000 B: Shiferaw G Alemayehu & Naney G Sisay S: Christine A Manley & Robert C Manley Book/Page: 41107/58, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Eastern Bank $603,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf 28 OAK POINT RD $550,000 B: Paula H Emelock & Rachel Emelock S: Daniel R Blanco & Diego G Nebot Book/Page: 41103/43, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $372,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4225sf Prior Sale: $307,000 (09/16) 54 PEARSON ST $600,000 B: Michele Cannizzaro S: Patricia A Montano Book/Page: 41108/331, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $310,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5401sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (09/16) 29 PLEASANT AVE $603,000 B: Jeffrey D Lopes S: Kristine L Graney-Foye Tr, Tr for Graney FT Book/Page: 41102/449, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $572,850 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8494sf 18 PUTNAM ST $630,000 B: Fatimazahra Aitghallami & Toufik Ouballa S: Anh T Nguyen & Ngoc Nguyen Book/Page: 41113/452, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $598,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5663sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (02/14) MARKETSwampscottSTATISTICSTHROUGH
E Matthews &
62 MOODY LN U:62 $899,900 B:
Tr, Tr for Long West Newbury T S:
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. BANKER & TRADESMANB12 AUGUST 22, 2022 MARKETRockportSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 29 Median Price $749,000 $850,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 340 GRANITE ST U:4 $395,000 B: Barbara M Deoliveira S: Ellen M Book/Page:Canavan41102/508, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Cape Ann Svgs Bk $335,750 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo MARKETRowleySTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 45 32 Median Price $707,000 $732,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 740 HAVERHILL ST $725,000 B: Nancy B Thomas Tr, Tr for Nancy B Thomas RET S: Kevin Barry Tr, Tr for Barry Family RET Book/Page: 41105/464, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 38941sf 17 JELLISON RD $490,000 B: William E Butler 3rd & Julia M Hickey S: Faughnan Carol A Est & William A Faughnan Book/Page: 41110/518, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $215,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14823sf 104 TROWBRIDGE CIR $1,099,000 B: Joseph G Messina & Mirelle S Messina S: Karen A Siepka & Mark C Siepka Book/Page: 41113/518, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $799,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60250sf MARKETSalemSTATISTICS
Res & Agricul,
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 111 107 Median Price $430,000 $450,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 74 BARRETT ST U:209 $200,000 B: Hugh L Guilderson Tr, Tr for Guilderson Kirsch Faily T S: Unja L Book/Page:Hayes14634/148, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 15 BURNCOLT RD $330,000 B: Kyle L Scott & Rachel L Scott S: Kendra Book/Page:Kaczenski-Cross14637/141,Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $247,500 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14392sf 635 FLORENCE RD $275,000 B: Anthony A Dastoli S: Driscoll Thomas D Est & Thomasd Driscoll Jr Book/Page: 14638/242, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Polish National CU $220,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26798sf 45 FORT HILL TER $98,000 B: Todd D Wilchek & Katia L Wilchek S: Milene Ribas-Avila & Todd D Wilchek Book/Page: 14635/113, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $372,000 Use: 2-Family Bngl/cottage, Lot: 4012sf Prior Sale: $447,500 (08/18) 78 GOLDEN DR $380,000 B: Pamela E Witting S: Elbin Vargas & Suzanne D Vargas Book/Page: 14637/289, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10559sf 142 GROVE ST $405,600 B: Alfred F Lyons & Barbara C Lyons S: Anna Book/Page:Jarnryd14633/251, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15320sf Prior Sale: $344,000 (06/21) 266 GROVE ST U:5 $220,000 B: Nicole L Campaniello S: Robert H Griffen Jr Book/Page: 14638/132, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $209,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 51 HATFIELD ST U:9 $273,500 B: Shellie Taggart S: Suzzanne B Daneau Book/Page: 14639/330, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $246,150 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $197,500 (07/17) 64 HATFIELD ST $375,000 B: Erin Lingle & Brant Lingle S: Craig L Moore & Sharon A Inman Book/Page: 14640/207, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6499sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (06/21) HOOKER AVE $3,000 B: Adam Novitt & Priscilla Novitt S: Kevin C Netto & Jovita B Netto Book/Page: 14640/52, Date: 08/05/22 11 LADYSLIPPER LN $590,000 B: Ann M Rocheleau & Michael T Kelley S: Peter R Daniello & Mary L Daniello Book/Page: 14633/332, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Salt Box, Lot: 45302sf 102 MASSASOIT ST $805,000 B: Jordi Herold S: A Nicholas Fleisher & Phoebe M Fiddler Book/Page: 14639/47, Date: 08/05/22 60 NORWOOD AVE $525,000 B: Stephen C Bartlett Tr, Tr for Stephen C Bartlett LT S: Mari Jon Adams Book/Page: 14634/197, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20735sf 117 OLANDER DR U:4B $390,000 B: Margaret C Bogdan Tr, Tr for Carlisle FT S: Amanda L Nash Book/Page: 14633/128, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $366,300 (05/21) 83 SPRING ST $449,000 B: Building T LLC S: Chaos Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 14640/23, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 8002sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (02/19) South Hadley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 101 80 Median Price $299,500 $325,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 48 CHARON TER $320,000 B: David Yang S: Bryan Book/Page:Pelchat14639/182, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $256,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14267sf Prior Sale: $212,000 (01/18) 44 CHESTNUT HILL RD $486,000 B: Robert Martin & Rachel M Waserman S: Aimee R Racicot & Erasmo D David Book/Page: 14634/77, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Evolve B&T $461,700 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19054sf Prior Sale: $368,400 (09/18) 100 COLLEGE ST $450,000 B: Jeffrey Carlson & Susan Countryman S: Sandra M Roy & Christopher M Roy Book/Page: 14634/166, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $436,500 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10757sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (12/15) 9 GRAVES ST $303,000 B: Jessica Mekal-Foss S: Gallagher Cap Group LLC & KMAK LLC Doc#: 000000000021524, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $287,850 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 13881sf Prior Sale: $192,000 (05/22) 20 LAWRENCE AVE U:39B $155,700 B: Robert E Surbrug Jr S: Weymouth Condo Renovators Book/Page: 14639/237, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $147,915 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $120,000 (04/22) JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 41 Median Price $369,543 $450,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 BISSONNETTE CIR $625,000 B: Patrick S Michaud & Nicole M Michaud S: James E Carlson Book/Page: 14639/264, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Florence Bank $437,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 49223sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (10/12) 73 FOMER RD $585,000 B: Ryan Dearborn S: Daviau&Robert Prop LLC Book/Page: 14640/128, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $380,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 66908sf 86 STRONG RD $635,000 B: Christopher Dunham & Leta Dunham S: Andrew Book/Page:Dirats14633/299, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60113sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (09/10) 100 WHITE LOAF RD $382,500 B: Guinevere A Vanhorne S: Kara D Book/Page:Cisek14633/303, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Florence Bank $363,375 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 55321sf
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 12 Median Price $359,500 $327,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 ELM ST $450,000 B: Benson MS Rlty A MA LLC S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Book/Page: 14636/352, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 7 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 185265sf Prior Sale: $531,663 (10/19) 6 KING ST $475,000 B: Garland H Green Jr & Image Green S: Peter J Johanson & Heather A Johanson Book/Page: 14638/223, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $380,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 48487sf
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 31 Median Price $456,250 $484,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 ALOHA DR $442,500 B: Sally F Rubenstone & Chris A Petrides S: Jonathan Schneider & Morgan Schneider Book/Page: 14633/136, Date: 08/01/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22651sf Prior Sale: $291,000 (04/16)
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 41 Median Price $326,000 $332,250 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 609 AMHERST RD $240,000 B: Nicole L Garreffi S: Bruce Labonte & Clint Labonte Book/Page: 14637/12, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $231,807 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13900sf 5 DARREL AVE $155,000 B: Nationwideabstract LC S: Wright Barbara Ann Est Book/Page: 14636/213, Date: 08/03/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 38300sf 12 HUBBARD DR $320,000 B: Tinamarie Garde S: Timothy M Tremblay Book/Page: 14639/102, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 54375sf Prior Sale: $224,900 (01/18) 165 KENDALL ST $275,000 B: Mosheh Roller S: Oziel Book/Page:Woodward14633/150, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Prestige Home Mtg LLC $220,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $236,000 (02/19)
MARKETWilliamsburgSTATISTICSTHROUGH Prior Sale: $425,500 (07/20) 22 FREDRICKSON RD $620,000 B: Bethany L Arnold & Courtney B Leavitt S: Stimpson Virginia A Est & Richard M Stimpson Book/Page: 37282/216, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Mid-Island Mortgage C $575,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30204sf 10 KENMAR DR U:26 $240,000 B: Chungiang Zhao & Yanru Zhang S: Linda J Byrnes Tr, Tr for A Rita Lavery RT Book/Page: 37284/144, Date: 08/05/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 22 OX RD $475,000 B: Michael Sansevero S: Steven J Beaulieu & Kimberly H Beaulieu Book/Page: 37283/80, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $451,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15673sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (06/14) 10 OXFORD RD $670,000 B: Megan Bredes & Spenser Haddad S: Pamela W Meyers Tr, Tr for Wright T Book/Page: 37283/28, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Digital FCU $536,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25000sf 51 PEACE ST $655,000 B: Michael Balma & Megan Balma S: Lorig E Manoukian, Tr for David M Trombley Book/Page: 37282/281, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Digital FCU $490,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $411,000 (12/15) Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Provident Funding $395,500 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $429,900 (08/16) 29 TWOMBLEY AVE $675,000 B: Joseph Terranova & Brenna L Terranova S: Mark Cenci & Danielle Cenci Book/Page: 37273/188, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $590,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12387sf MARKETChelmsfordSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 220 174 Median Price $567,500 $640,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 139 BILLERICA RD U:C2 $44,000 B: Belle Kuo S: Erich A Book/Page:Dieffenbach37271/186, Date: 08/01/22 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $78,000 (08/15) 13 BROOK ST $635,000 B: Oliver Z Kline & Hope A Alaimo S: John E Cronin & Marcia G Cronin Book/Page: 37277/169, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $508,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20200sf 5 CRESCENT DR $780,000 B: Jeffrey Sybertz & Alyssa Sybertz S: Tina Book/Page:Nguyen37279/259, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 43581sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (09/20) 1 DANFORTH LN $735,000 B: Karen A Jones & Antoine V Jones S: Mary L Book/Page:Mitchell37280/65, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $588,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31552sf 28 MANNING RD $492,500 B: Natacha Malila & Yannick Itambo S: Kimberly M Hatfield Ad, Adm for Morrell Nancy T Est Book/Page: 37269/209, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $483,312 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19199sf 7 NABNASSET DR $1,063,400 B: Sumesh Khosa & Pamposh Koul S: Dunstable Ledge LLC Book/Page: 37273/9, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $711,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43394sf 255 NORTH RD U:103 $453,000 B: Aishwarya Bapat & Deep Bhattacharya S: Faiyaz Chatiwala Tr, Tr for F&N Chatiwala RET Book/Page: 37281/106, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $430,350 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $182,000 (09/13) 28 OLD FARM WAY $1,150,000 B: Pavi Gupta S: Steven L Martin Book/Page: 37271/199, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $350,000 Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25902sf 37 OLD STAGE RD $665,000 B: Adam Chapman & Jennifer Vildzius S: Charles E Riley & Rebecca A Riley Book/Page: 37283/172, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Wrentham Cp Bk $598,500 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 29520sf 20 RAINBOW AVE $480,000 B: Megan Kass S: Marcia Kennedy-Blount Tr, Tr for Gerald J Kennedy RET Book/Page: 37274/8, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: EMM Loans LLC $250,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16232sf 96 RIVERNECK RD $3,000 B: Georgiana Mueller Tr, Tr for G Mueller RET S: St Joseph Cemetery Inc Book/Page: 37274/247, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Cemetery, Lot: 2482920sf 145 STEDMAN ST U:6 $475,000 B: Hm One Investments LLC S: Nazzaro Property Mgmt LLC Book/Page: 37279/279, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $333,000 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $170,000 (11/15) 145 STEDMAN ST U:7 $475,000 B: Hm One Investments LLC S: Nazzaro Property Mgmt LLC Book/Page: 37279/279, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $333,000 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $170,000 (11/15) 145 STEDMAN ST U:8 $475,000 B: Hm One Investments LLC S: Nazzaro Property Mgmt LLC Book/Page: 37279/279, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $333,000 Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $65,000 (11/15) 174 TYNGSBORO RD U:16 $210,000 B: Shital Vinod-Shah S: Fred Haley & David Haley Book/Page: 37270/217, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Bank of America NA $168,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $60,000 (07/18) 28 WALNUT RD $650,000 B: Ryan Urbon & Lauren Gallas S: Michael H Trenk, Tr for Holly E Trenk Book/Page: 37271/156, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $600,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16568sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (01/17) 24 WARREN AVE $625,000 B: Mariam Ssozi S: Gary D Brown Jr Book/Page: 37277/115, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $531,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17952sf Prior Sale: $343,500 (07/15) 54 WESTFORD ST $575,000 B: Wesley A Hopper & Margaret A Marsh S: Clark Nancy P Est & Charles L Gagnebin 3rd Book/Page: 37278/130, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Service Credit Union $460,000 Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 66211sf MARKETDracutSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 144 160 Median Price $460,000 $499,800 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 99 BOUCHARD AVE $550,000 B: Nana Y Boateng & Peace Akorlatse S: Robert P Doherty 3rd & Kelsey E Oconnor Book/Page: 37270/76, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Bay Equity LLC $503,662 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10710sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (07/20) 100 CASS AVE U:B22 $275,000 B: Brian N Curley S: DCR Development LLC Book/Page: 37280/205, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $247,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $191,100 (05/22) 19 COLONIAL DR $650,000 B: Jahzmin M Walker & Corey A Halliday S: David H Sylvester & Erin L Sylvester Book/Page: 37270/205, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $565,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 45302sf Prior Sale: $406,500 (10/17) 50 LAKESHORE DR $200,000 B: 50 Lakeshore Dr LLC S: Priscilla G Mccarthy Tr, Tr for Priscilla G Mccarthy LT Book/Page: 37282/190, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Chartier Partners LLC $375,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11174sf 235 SALEM RD $780,000 B: John Campbell & Katelyn Tobin S: Gary Lucas & Debra Lucas Book/Page: 37280/283, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $592,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (01/17) 346 SALEM RD $569,900 B: Michael Sunde & Kimberly Casey S: Stephen Phair & Jaclyn Phair Book/Page: 37279/143, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $541,405 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36350sf Prior Sale: $222,500 (04/13)
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 15 Median Price $425,000 $450,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BLUEBERRY HILL RD L:1 $170,000 B: Benjamin A Kraus & Anna K Kraus S: Martin M Downey Book/Page: 14640/122, Date: 08/05/22 100 LAUREL HILL RD $564,750 B: Maria Rabinovich & Eugene Berens S: Jannifer L Waters & Celeste E Whiting Book/Page: 14637/300, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $380,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 43560sf 199 NORTHWEST RD $400,000 B: Jordan Prickett & Veronica Prickett S: Joseph B Prickett Book/Page: 14636/39, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $245,000 Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 273992sf
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 11 16 Median Price $409,000 $339,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 HASTFIELD ST $100,000 B: Paul A Larochelle & Margaret M Molloy S: Larochelle Paul A Est & Marianne Larochelle Book/Page: 14639/256, Date: 08/05/22 MARKETWorthingtonSTATISTICSTHROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 9 Median Price $373,250 $290,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 160 LINDSAY HILL RD $161,500 B: Thomas G Church & Sherri L Church S: Bruce N Book/Page:Porzelt14635/217, Date: 08/02/22 Use: 1 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 292723sf NorthernRegistryMiddlesexDistrict Richard Howe, Jr., Register 360 Gorham Street Lowell, MA 01852 Telephone: (978) 322-9000 Fax: (978) 322-9001 www.lowelldeeds.com MARKETBillericaSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 200 228 Median Price $557,000 $621,500 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 COLLEEN CIR $605,000 B: Maria Grant & Lawrence Grant S: Elizabeth J Autenzio Book/Page: 37272/280, Date: 08/02/22 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $484,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 17400sf 14 ELSIE AVE $490,000 B: Ernani Paganini & Tathiane Paganini S: Toni M Vacca Doc#: 000000000317165, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $451,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 12150sf 32 FOX HILL RD $530,000 B: Matthew Johnson & Sabrina Johnson S: Arthur R Fennelly 3rd & Rylee Fennelly Doc#: 000000000317123, Date: 08/01/22 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $488,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10500sf
11 POND ST $725,000 B: Philippe Blaizot & Marlene Zouein-Blaizot S: Josephine B Fitzgerald Tr, Tr for Ginjo 2017 T Book/Page: 37275/283, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $175,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12267sf 218 RANGEWAY RD U:273 $666,000 B: Daniel S Clark S: Lisa M Bumbaca-Obrien Tr, Tr for Carmela Bumbaca IRT Book/Page: 37277/11,
MARKETMiddlefieldSTATISTICS THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 2 Median Price $209,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES TOWN HILL RD $7,000 B: William W Burton S: Sky Vault Investment LLC Book/Page: 14635/312, Date: 08/02/22
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 13 Median Price $295,000 $400,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 818 MAIN ST $425,000 B: Karen Militana & Gary Militana S: Scott Book/Page:Swigget-Miller14640/281, Date: 08/05/22
JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 79 Median Price $320,000 $385,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 211 EAST ST U:26 $350,000 B: Lilliam A Calderon S: Renate H Bello Book/Page: 14640/32, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Florence Bank $262,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (07/18) 11 STRONG ST $430,000 B: Jenna J Messer & Matthew Stratton S: Holly H Allgaier & Joshua C Allgaier Book/Page: 14636/228, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $387,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 35436sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (03/18) 20 UNDERWOOD AVE $175,000 B: Jaime D Pizha & Dunia S Buri S: Richard M Zafft & Sharrie A Zafft Book/Page: 14639/140, Date: 08/05/22 Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 20473sf Prior Sale: $134,000 (12/13) MARKETGoshenSTATISTICS
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 71 65 Median Price $250,000 $295,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 MATTSON BLVD $225,000 B: Moira K Mathieu S: Jennie S Kapinos Book/Page: 14637/337, Date: 08/04/22 Mtg: Country Bank $195,000 Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10502sf 207 OSBORNE RD $245,000 B: Elizabeth A Sanborn & John A Sanborn S: Nicholas W Burgos Book/Page: 14637/43, Date: 08/03/22 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $240,562 Use: 1 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 100946sf Prior Sale: $142,500 (03/19)
THROUGH JULY YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 8 Median Price $347,000 $385,000 ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 149 WEST ST $284,000 B: Jennifer L West S: Gary R Papineau & Alfred F Papineau Book/Page: 14638/36, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 91345sf MARKETGranbySTATISTICS
BANKER & TRADESMAN B15AUGUST 22, 2022 107 PONDVIEW CIR $556,500 B: Gaurav Dang & Vanessa C Dang S: Dwight D Lowe & Deborah A Lowe Book/Page: 14638/51, Date: 08/04/22 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47916sf 213 SUMMIT ST $292,000 B: Emily M Flores-Asencio S: Allen J Book/Page:Fizsimmons14640/166, Date: 08/05/22 Mtg: Citizens Bank $283,240 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 129809sf Prior Sale: $194,000 (08/12) 205 WARE RD $238,350 B: Ngan T Nguyen S: Linh Book/Page:Tran14635/91, Date: 08/02/22 Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 136343sf Prior Sale: $238,350 (07/21)
BARNSTABLE Bourne CANTALUPO, Christopher, 34 Noreast Dr, Bourne, 02562-2500 D:08/06/22 Case#: 22-11127 BRISTOL NORTH Attleboro BOVE, Pamela M, 39 Adelray Ln, Attleboro, 02703 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-11155 Taunton PARISH, Donald W, 144 Partidge Dr, Taunton, 02780 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-11136 BRISTOL SOUTH Fairhaven MEDEIROS, Rebecca L, 4 Teal Cir, Fairhaven, 027191907 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-11145 New Bedford BELANGER, Brittany J, 77 Dartmouth St, New Bedford, 02740 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-11149 LOPES, Deborah L, 19-21 Query St, New Bedford, 02745-6031 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-11130 ESSEX NORTH Lawrence CABRERA, Michele, 151 Berkeley St, Lawrence, 01841-1221 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-40575 ESSEX SOUTH Beverly YUSHAN FOOD LLC, 38-R Enon St, Beverly, 019151139 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-11154 Danvers BAKARI-SEMWERI, Peter, 180 Newbury St, Danvers, 01923-1021 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-11129 Gloucester GENEST, Laurie, 7 Fernald St, Gloucester, 019302010 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-11133 Lynnfield PARELLO, Thomas J, 29 Durham Dr, Lynnfield, 01940-1067 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-11150 Salem MORNEAU, Denise G, 3 Plymouth St, Salem, 019705423 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-11134 Saugus MAGNASCO, Susan, 27 Water St, Saugus, 01906 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-11143 Swampscott DAMICO, Umberto, 304 Humphrey St, Swampscott, 01907 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-11140
HAMPDEN Hampden LAGUE, Jenna L, 111 E Longmeadow Rd, Hampden, 01036-9672 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-30285 Springfield BARNETT, Marilyn A, 51 Mountainview St, Springfield, 01108-2015 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-30291 GODBOLT, Josephine R, 65-69 Pendleton Ave, Springfield, 01109 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-30292 MENZIE, Jermaine, 87 Garfield St, Springfield, 011082038 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-30286 MIDDLESEX NORTH Tewksbury KASPER, Kaitlin, 121 Emily Rd, Tewksbury, 018762204 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-40587
Voluntary Bankruptcies
Filed: Registry of Deeds Liens are placed by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue on the property of the taxpayer deemed to be in default on taxes. If the lien is not fully satisfied, the property may be sold at public auc tion. Releases are not published. The name and address of the tax payer and the filing date (D) is listed fol lowed by the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) which includes penalties and interest as of the filing date. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed.
SUFFOLK Hyde Park JAMES, Jacqueline Y, 1072-1074 River St U:3, Hyde Park, 02136 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-11156 Mattapan MICKENS, Michelle, 70 Fairlawn Ave, Mattapan, 02126-1634 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-11152 Revere REVALLION, Natasha J, 22 Kilburn St, Revere, 021515202 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-11158 South Boston ESTRELLA, Soraya A, 2 Joseph Agri St, South Boston, 02127-3296 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-11141 WORCESTER Holden DUNLEA, Michael B, 29 Glenwood St, Holden, 015202033 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-40579 Oxford ANIOLOWSKI, Lauren B, 87 Larned Rd, Oxford, 01540-2703 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-40585 Paxton MCCARTHY, Fadia M, 830 Pleasant St, Paxton, 01612-1024 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-40589 Worcester VIGLIOTTI, Ralph M, 200 Cohasset St, Worcester, 01604-3102 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-40586 WORCESTER NORTH Leominster SERPA, Gustavo L, 740 Central St U:C4, Leominster, 01453-4874 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-40583
FRANKLIN Greenfield HARWOOD, Arthur H, 3-D Park Villa Dr, Greenfield, 01301 D:08/06/22 Case#: 22-30281 HAMPDEN Agawam REED Jr, George E, 142 S West St, Agawam, 010301052 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-30288 Springfield PEREZ, Greychi, 1468 Wilbraham Rd, Springfield, 01119 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-30293 QUINONES, Hector L, 202-204 Savoy Ave, Springfield, 01104-2000 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-30289 HAMPSHIRE Ware BROWN, Terrah L, 220 Belchertown Rd, Ware, 01082-9481 D:08/06/22 Case#: 22-30282 DOUGLAS, Sarah J, 44 Bank St, Ware, 01082 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-30283 TOWER Sr, George R, 19 Warebrook Vlg, Ware, 01082-1332 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-30287
MIDDLESEX SOUTH Lincoln WINGFIELD-BURNS, Robert, 17 Bedford Ln, Lincoln, 01773 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-11137 Waltham WORCESTER, Joseph R, 126 Felton St U:1, Waltham, 02453-4119 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-11146 NORFOLK Quincy HAMILTON, Mitchell L, 121 Madison Ave, Quincy, 02169-7927 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-11142 Stoughton MALLON, Kevin F, 52 Malcolm Rd, Stoughton, 020723127 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-11139 PLYMOUTH Middleboro ANUKEM, Simone A, 15 Evergreen Dr, Middleboro, 02324-3553 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-11153 SUFFOLK Hyde Park WILLIAMS, Rickey, 245 Kennebec St, Hyde Park, 02136-6205 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-11128 WORCESTER Boylston DUTCZAK, Julie F, 1202 Main St, Boylston, 015051100 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-40578 Holden MURPHY, Dorothy Ann, 110 Twinbrooke Dr, Holden, 01520-2712 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-40581 Milford TRACY Jr, John F, 32 Hancock St, Milford, 017572214 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-40577 Millville SAMBOR, Judith A, PO Box 39, Millville, 01529 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-40576 Warren BROWN, Richard W, 101 Dunham Rd, Warren, 010109508 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-40582
Credit Records
PLYMOUTH Brockton LAMOUR, Valerie, 21 Pondview Cir, Brockton, 023012911 D:08/12/22 Case#: 22-11157 Rockland SMITH, Patricia M, 41 Winding Way, Rockland, 02370-2167 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-11138
Chapter 13 Bankruptcies Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston. These allow for an adjustment of debt. An individual with a regular income pro poses a plan to pay off debts from future earnings over a period of time between three to five years. Usually these payments are in full satisfaction of the debt, but may be a percentage of them. Upon comple tion, the debtor receives a discharge of all debts covered by the plan except child support and alimony, if applicable. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is fol lowed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#) BERKSHIRE MIDDLE Pittsfield KURBER, Mark H, 210 Woodlawn Ave, Pittsfield, 01201-4315 D:08/09/22 Case#: 22-30284 BERKSHIRE NORTH Adams KOFFI, Affoue, 9 Pearl St, Adams, 01220-2122 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-30290 BRISTOL NORTH Easton CAMPELO, Francisco D, 395 Purchase St, Easton, 02375-1620 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-11148 North Attleboro THURSTON, Joseph D, 15 Brick Kiln Rd, North Attleboro, 02760-1817 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-11144 Raynham THIBEAULT, Casey P, 138 Carver St, Raynham, 02767-1790 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-11151 BRISTOL SOUTH Fairhaven STJEAN Jr, George R, 210 Main St, Fairhaven, 027193329 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-11147 New Bedford KELLY-AZUARA, Juana M, 111 Osborne St, New Bedford, 02740-1056 D:08/05/22 Case#: 22-11125
Chapter 11 Bankruptcies Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston. These are reorganizations usually used by a business (may be used by an individ ual) to rehabilitate rather than to liquidate. Debtors propose a plan to reorganize their financial affairs and satisfy their creditors. This plan must be accepted by the credi tors and approved by the court. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is fol lowed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#).
B30 AUGUST 22, 2022
Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston. These are Chapter 7 Liquidations in which a debtor turns over all property owned to be converted into money which is used to pay administration costs and creditors to the extent possible. Honest debtors receive a discharge relieving them from legal liability for the payment of prov able debts listed in the petition with some specific exemptions, most notably taxes and support payments. The name and mailing address of the per son or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#).
BERKSHIRE NORTH Cheshire ROSE, Timothy & Karen Rose, 33 Arnold Ct, Cheshire, 01225-9752 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$36,436 BRISTOL NORTH Norton SHANNON, Ryan, 48 Cross St, Norton, 02766-2319 D:08/02/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$28,213 ESSEX NORTH Andover TOMASZCZUK, Anatoli, 50 River Rd, Andover, 018101118 D:08/02/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$13,000 North Andover BROWN, Allen T, 49 Meadowview Rd, North Andover, 01845-1318 D:08/02/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$25,336 ESSEX SOUTH Gloucester DACOSTA, Marcio J & Luzimar Dacosta, 16 Causeway St, Gloucester, 01930-2133 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$43,314 MIDDLESEX SOUTH Arlington KWAK, Kyong N, 75 Grove St, Arlington, 02474-2956 D:08/03/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$10,141 Everett POLCARI, James D & Debra Polcari, 32 School St, Everett, 02149-3413 D:08/03/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$283,290 Framingham SHIELDS, Marilyn, 175 Millwood St, Framingham, 01701-3775 D:08/03/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$17,448 Malden DRYWALL INSTALLERS INC, 326 Lynn St, Malden, 02148-6124 D:08/03/22 Tax:941 Amt:$15,534 FOTHERGILL, Thomas W, 44 Blaine St, Malden, 02148-6224 D:08/03/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$115,834 North Reading SWARTZ, Steven & Judith Swartz, 7 Brassie Way, North Reading, 01864-3433 D:08/03/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$65,066 Woburn PALMER, Kevin, 17 Crescent Rd, Woburn, 018014715 D:08/03/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$3,325 NORFOLK Quincy HUYNH, Trong V, 12 Trafford St, Quincy, 02169-7609 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$106,879 Sharon STARUSKI, Scott C, 45 Highland St, Sharon, 020671423 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$21,962 PLYMOUTH Carver MOYER, Kevin L, 5 Bisbee Dr, Carver, 02330-1438 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$41,299 MOYER, Kevin L, 5 Bisbee Dr, Carver, 02330-1438 D:08/01/22 Tax:6672, 1041 Amt:$57,502 MOYER, Kevin L, 5 Bisbee Dr, Carver, 02330-1438 D:08/01/22 Tax:6672 Amt:$900 PUTNEY, Timothy & Lisa Putney, 204 Tremont St, Carver, 02330-1600 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$30,846 Kingston CROWELL, James, 7 Silver Birch Ln, Kingston, 02364-1228 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$20,273 Mattapoisett LAMARR, Donald R & Carol L Lamarr, 5 Tallman St, Mattapoisett, 02739-1416 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$40,720 SUFFOLK Charlestown TARANTO, James T & Richelle R Taranto, 94 Bartlett St, Charlestown, 02129-2417 D:08/03/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$94,513 West Roxbury CORRIVEAU, Lori & Venus Corriveau, 41 Lyall St, West Roxbury, 02132-1727 D:08/03/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$50,069
WORCESTER Holden GUARIN, Zaldy & Edna Guarin, 71 Mason Rd, Holden, 01522-1316 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$68,208 Worcester MCKILLOP, Vernon, 10 Frothingham Rd, Worcester, 01605-1807 D:08/01/22 Tax:1040 Amt:$14,570 State Tax Liens
MIDDLESEX NORTH Billerica HUGHES, Peter A, 232 Pond St, Billerica, 01862-1919 D:08/11/22 Case#: 22-40588 MIDDLESEX SOUTH Cambridge RAMOS, Juan A, 45 Yerxa Rd, Cambridge, 021402522 D:08/05/22 Case#: 22-11126 Everett DEASSIS, Laerte, 76 Nichols St, Everett, 02149-4910 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-11131 Malden DEFRANCISCO, Robin L, 322 Pearl St, Malden, 02148-6634 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-11135 Medford SULLIVAN, Gregg R, 11 Boylston Ter, Medford, 02155-2214 D:08/08/22 Case#: 22-11132 NORFOLK Bellingham NUNEZ, Diana M, 51 Mechanic St, Bellingham, 02019-1633 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-40580 Medway CHRISTIANO, Dennis A, 51 Lovering St, Medway, 02053 D:08/06/22 Case#: 22-40574
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
WORCESTER Charlton ROCK SPLITTERS INC, PO Box 415, Charlton, 01507 D:08/10/22 Case#: 22-40584 Federal Tax Liens Filed: Clerk’s Office, US District Court, Boston. Liens are placed by the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, on the property, real or personal, of any taxpaying entity deemed to be in default on taxes. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and filing date (D) of the lien is listed; the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) follows. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed. Types of tax include 941 FICA and Withholding Tax; 940 Federal Unemployment Tax; 1040 Individual Income Tax; 2290 Highway Use Tax; 1120 Corporate Tax; 720 Excise Tax.
BRISTOL NORTH Attleboro MASSAD, Walid, 497 Main St, Attleboro, 02703 D:08/05/22 Amt:$70,118 BRISTOL SOUTH Dartmouth HARGIS, Christelle, 35 Mccormick St, Dartmouth, 02747-2615 D:08/05/22 Amt:$14,192 ESSEX SOUTH Beverly JOSEPHA MURAGIJIMANA INC, 207 Essex St, Beverly, 01915-1941 D:08/05/22 Amt:$12,168 Danvers MCNULTY, Thomas, 12 Lebel Rd, Danvers, 019231399 D:08/05/22 Amt:$20,965 Haverhill HUMBLE BEGINNINGS INC, 146 White St, Haverhill, 01830-5723 D:08/05/22 Amt:$6,316 Lynn CONTRERAS, Jonathan M, 75 Broad St, Lynn, 019025003 D:08/05/22 Amt:$7,330 Peabody DANCO MANAGEMENT INC, 67 Foster St, Peabody, 01960-5933 D:08/05/22 Amt:$494,475 Rockport LATTOF Jr, Michael, 4 Lattof Farm Cir, Rockport, 01966-2068 D:08/05/22 Amt:$4,504 Salem HERNANDEZ, Leandro R, 32 Palmer Rd, Salem, 01915-2723 D:08/05/22 Amt:$4,665 MIDDLESEX SOUTH Arlington SANROMA, Michael, 21 Quincy St, Arlington, 024766031 D:08/05/22 Amt:$6,380 Ashland EXPRESS CONSTS ENT INC, 32 Ashland Woods Ln, Ashland, 01721-4418 D:08/03/22 Amt:$4,647 FILHO, Jose S, 20 Vine St, Ashland, 01721-1035 D:08/05/22 Amt:$15,199 ROCHA, Marli, 20 Vine St, Ashland, 01721-1035 D:08/05/22 Amt:$15,199 Belmont COWAN, Andrew P, 159 Trapelo Rd, Belmont, 024781874 D:08/03/22 Amt:$2,284 Burlington RS SERVICES INC, 4 Savin St, Burlington, 01803-2210 D:08/05/22 Amt:$5,734 Cambridge MASS BREAKFAST INC, 2030 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, 02140-2104 D:08/03/22 Amt:$19,750 MOLLOY, Christine, 117 Gore St, Cambridge, 021411125 D:08/03/22 Amt:$5,579 TEYYA&SON LLC, 2261 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, 02140-1212 D:08/05/22 Amt:$14,433 Concord MCDONNELL, Joseph, 67 Elsinore St, Concord, 01742-2330 D:08/03/22 Amt:$13,145 Everett BLACK, Seth, 527 Perry St, Everett, 02149 D:08/05/22 Amt:$17,793 MEXICAN, Maris, 204 Ferry St, Everett, 02149-5609 D:08/05/22 Amt:$4,329 WOODS, Maria, 49 Grover St, Everett, 02149-4204 D:08/05/22 Amt:$31,930 WOODS, Mark, 49 Grover St, Everett, 02149-4204 D:08/05/22 Amt:$31,930 Framingham CARNEIRO, Carolina, 9 Weld St, Framingham, 017027424 D:08/05/22 Amt:$6,589 GALLANT, Raymond, 14 Rose Kennedy Ln, Framingham, 01702-2358 D:08/05/22 Amt:$8,643 Hudson LUZ, Jerry, 13 Johnson Ave, Hudson, 01749-1226 D:08/05/22 Amt:$13,209 WILSON, Terry, 11 Hunter Ave, Hudson, 01749-3003 D:08/03/22 Amt:$7,720 Lexington PABLA, Jaswinder, 32 Solomon Pierce Rd, Lexington, 02420-2533 D:08/03/22 Amt:$5,518 Malden AVIL AUTOMOTIVE LLC, 900 Eastern Ave, Malden, 02148-5928 D:08/05/22 Amt:$15,806 Maynard PIRRO, Anthony, 2 Forest St, Maynard, 01754-1826 D:08/03/22 Amt:$5,539 Medford SOUZA, Aguimar, 46 7th St, Medford, 02155-5113 D:08/05/22 Amt:$11,695 Melrose FISH, Timoty, 1067 Main St, Melrose, 02176-1339 D:08/05/22 Amt:$7,506 PEREIRA, Anderson, 23 Essex St, Melrose, 021767600 D:08/03/22 Amt:$2,825 Natick BARRINEAU, Philip, 34 Walnut Ave, Natick, 017602050 D:08/03/22 Amt:$381 NEOCHORITIS, Ataansios, 14 Pearl St, Natick, 017604814 D:08/03/22 Amt:$3,419 Newton DANA RENOVATIONS INC, 154 Langley Rd, Newton, 02459-2056 D:08/05/22 Amt:$3,991 ZOLL, William, 21 Floral St, Newton, 02461-1246 D:08/05/22 Amt:$212,100 North Reading SOENCER, Timothy, 8 Gould St, North Reading, 01864-2213 D:08/05/22 Amt:$11,387 Sherborn NEOCHORITIS, Rachel, 59 N Main St, Sherborn, 01770-1501 D:08/03/22 Amt:$4,217 Somerville BHZ CONSTRUCTION INC, 18 Autumn St, Somerville, 02145-3128 D:08/05/22 Amt:$4,521 CHAPMAN, Timothy, 94 Beacon St, Somerville, 02143-4303 D:08/03/22 Amt:$13,092 DABADY, Francillo, 288-A Broadway, Somerville, 02145-2934 D:08/05/22 Amt:$28,743 GLARDON, Xavier, 519 Somerville Ave, Somerville, 02143-3238 D:08/05/22 Amt:$10,110 STILES, Mark, 7 Virginia St, Somerville, 02145-3910 D:08/03/22 Amt:$39,924 Sudbury ARKOFF, Harold, 71 Harness Ln, Sudbury, 017761520 D:08/03/22 Amt:$27,029 ARKOFF, Sharon B, 71 Harness Ln, Sudbury, 017761520 D:08/05/22 Amt:$27,029 Townsend BOSTON TILE&MARBEL, 7 Pearl Brook Rd, Townsend, 01474-1107 D:08/03/22 Amt:$5,043 CARVALHO, Josue, 7 Pearl Brook Rd, Townsend, 01474-1107 D:08/03/22 Amt:$5,983 Wakefield BRACKEN, Sean, 103 Pleasant St, Wakefield, 018801855 D:08/05/22 Amt:$29,191 Waltham WOOLERY, Norrell, 13 Walnut St, Waltham, 024534408 D:08/05/22 Amt:$4,071 Watertown ARAUJO, Josiane, 28 Lexington St, Watertown, 02472-2239 D:08/05/22 Amt:$24,231 DESOUZA, Luiz, 172 Pleasant St, Watertown, 024722321 D:08/05/22 Amt:$3,125 SABINO, Rodrigo, 28 Lexington St, Watertown, 02472-2239 D:08/05/22 Amt:$15,019 WILSON, Alyssa, 15 Main St, Watertown, 02472-4403 D:08/03/22 Amt:$7,241 Winchester FURLONG, Denise M, 27 Ledyard Rd, Winchester, 01890-4016 D:08/05/22 Amt:$5,907 FURLONG, John, 27 Ledyard Rd, Winchester, 018904016 D:08/03/22 Amt:$3,849 Woburn ASPHALT SERVICES INC, 210 New Boston St, Woburn, 01801-6207 D:08/05/22 Amt:$69,984 FULTON, Jason, 18 Beach St, Woburn, 01801-2655 D:08/05/22 Amt:$5,086 NANTUCKET Nantucket PALKA, Matthew & Matthew Palka Landscape, 55 Pochick Ave U:B, Nantucket, 02554-2858 D:08/01/22 Amt:$14,673
BANKER & TRADESMAN B31AUGUST 22, 2022 NORFOLK Bellingham LANDRY, Jason C, 33 Cranberry Ave, Bellingham, 02019 D:08/05/22 Amt:$6,578 LAO THAI CAFE INC, 52 Pulaski Blvd, Bellingham, 02019-2717 D:08/05/22 Amt:$7,187 SULLIVAN, Kerri, 5 Priscilla Ave, Bellingham, 020192122 D:08/05/22 Amt:$1,469 SULLIVAN, Paul, 5 Priscilla Ave, Bellingham, 020192122 D:08/05/22 Amt:$2,548 Braintree VT HOLDING INC, 10 Forbes Rd, Braintree, 021842602 D:08/05/22 Amt:$3,474 Cohasset COOPER, Scott, 48 Lamberts Ln, Cohasset, 020251214 D:08/05/22 Amt:$30,863 Dedham SOUNTOULIDIS, Xenofon, 64 Rosemary Rd, Dedham, 02026-7020 D:08/05/22 Amt:$66,922 Norwood KANE, Susan, 53 Puritan Pl, Norwood, 02062-5347 D:08/05/22 Amt:$3,858 PANELLA, Douglas, 88 Yarmouth Rd, Norwood, 02062-1138 D:08/05/22 Amt:$16,441
MIDDLESEX NORTH Chelmsford MARTIN, Marta, 109 Dunstable Rd, Chelmsford Plaintiff: 40 Pkhurst Operations LLC D:08/01/22 Amt:$48,567 MIDDLESEX SOUTH Hopkinton ZILIOLI, Peter M & Ji Zilioli, Spring St, Hopkinton Plaintiff: Paul Zilioli Jr D:08/05/22 Amt:$275,000 Petitions to Foreclose
BARNSTABLE Brewster 697 Freemans Way Owner:Julie Trzcinski L:Bank Of America NA Case#:22 SM 002117 Filing Date:08/04/22 Falmouth 32 Deer Pond Rd Owner:James W Moore L:US Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002115 Filing Date:08/03/22 71 Pinyon Way Owner:Miguel A Gordon L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:22 SM 002158 Filing Date:08/10/22 Sandwich 342 Quaker Meeting House Rd Owner:Bernard A Mitchell L:Mortgage Assets Mgmt Case#:22 SM 002122 Filing Date:08/04/22 Truro 8 Sylvias Way Owner:William C Romanelli L:Finance Of America Revers Case#:22 SM 002125 Filing Date:08/04/22 Wellfleet 70 Commercial St U:B Owner:David L Daniels L:Cape Cod Five Cents SB Case#:22 SM 002120 Filing Date:08/04/22 Yarmouth 21 Adams Rd Owner:Machele Watkins L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:22 SM 002146 Filing Date:08/08/22 23 Alison Ln Owner:Joseph A Butler L:Loancare LLC Case#:22 SM 002137 Filing Date:08/05/22 BERKSHIRE MIDDLE Pittsfield 70 Plinn St Owner:Lisa Cachat L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:22 SM 002142 Filing Date:08/08/22 BRISTOL NORTH Attleboro 32 Clayton Ave Owner:Beverly Defreitas L:Mortgage Assets Mgmt Case#:22 SM 002164 Filing Date:08/10/22 23 Sturdy St Owner:Kathleen M Stpierre L:US Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002169 Filing Date:08/10/22 Mansfield 9 Erin Dr Owner:Janice A Olson L:Flagstar Bank FSB Case#:22 SM 002121 Filing Date:08/04/22 Norton 25 Sanlin St Owner:John J Balis L:UMB Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002127 Filing Date:08/05/22 Rehoboth 1 Summer St Owner:Robert C Archer L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:22 SM 002157 Filing Date:08/09/22 ESSEX NORTH Lawrence 49 Basswood St Owner:Arielle S Howe L:Finance Of America Revers Case#:22 SM 002160 Filing Date:08/10/22 ESSEX SOUTH Ipswich 8 Mile Ln Owner:Alicia Zampitella L:Tremont CU Case#:22 SM 002163 Filing Date:08/10/22 Lynn 11 Longwood Rd Owner:Arthur J Herrera L:US Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002152 Filing Date:08/09/22 Lynnfield 159 Bourque Rd Owner:Charles P Russo L:US Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002166 Filing Date:08/10/22 FRANKLIN Orange 94 Daniel Shays Hwy Owner:Michael J Beaton L:John G Costa Case#:22 SM 002148 Filing Date:08/09/22 HAMPDEN Agawam 216 Pineview Cir Owner:Gregory M Mccann L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:22 SM 002126 Filing Date:08/05/22 123 South St Owner:Tammy M Hotte L:Reverse Mortgage Funding Case#:22 SM 002159 Filing Date:08/10/22 Springfield 1163-1165 Liberty St Owner:Ilia Torres L:US Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002118 Filing Date:08/04/22 West Springfield 59 Ashley St Owner:Gianna R Russo L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:22 SM 002128 Filing Date:08/05/22 Westfield 9 Frederick St Owner:Kyle V Lannon L:Pennymac Loan Services Case#:22 SM 002134 Filing Date:08/05/22 61 Sherwood Ave Owner:Carolyn Pack Tr L:Finance Of America Revers Case#:22 SM 002136 Filing Date:08/05/22
The information here has been abstracted from initial filings at the Massachusetts Land Court where a lender has asked the court for authority to foreclose the mortgage it holds on the property mentioned. The Land Court has the responsibility of notifying inter ested parties of the foreclosure proceed ings through the publication of legal notices in newspapers throughout the state. Only parties who are protected under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 may register objections to the proceedings. If no legitimate objec tions are filed with the court, the lender is granted permission to proceed with the foreclosure sale of the property. The property address appears on the first line. The current owner of the prop erty is followed by the lender (L). The third line begins with the Massachusetts Land Court case number and is followed by the date that the foreclosure petition was filed with the court.
PLYMOUTH East Bridgewater BERUBE-HAYES, Joseph, 320 Belmont St, East Bridgewater, 02333-1303 D:08/05/22 Amt:$9,701 Middleboro DEBERRY, Nicole, 28 Courtland St, Middleboro, 02346-2119 D:08/05/22 Amt:$3,613 Norwell DOHERTY, John, 114 Old Oaken Bucket Rd, Norwell, 02061-1321 D:08/05/22 Amt:$5,988 Pembroke PIERCE, Amy, 213 Plymouth St, Pembroke, 023593521 D:08/05/22 Amt:$19,402 PIERCE, Christopher, 213 Plymouth St, Pembroke, 02359-3521 D:08/05/22 Amt:$19,402 Rockland RODRIGUEZ, Yolanda, 207 Union St U:7, Rockland, 02370-1842 D:08/05/22 Amt:$4,163 WORCESTER Athol JOLLY, Gloria, 469 Main St, Athol, 01331-1846 D:08/05/22 Amt:$67,220 JOLLY, Gloria, 469 Main St, Athol, 01331-1846 D:08/05/22 Amt:$67,220 Dudley TERRY, Gordon, 40 Lakeview Dr, Dudley, 01507-5430 D:08/05/22 Amt:$32,693 Holden KUCHARSKI, Robert, 20 Boulder Hill Rd, Holden, 01522-1340 D:08/05/22 Amt:$9,547 SALKLEV, Dorota, 20 Boulder Hill Rd, Holden, 015221340 D:08/05/22 Amt:$9,547 Milford BRITO, Jeovanny, 126 Main St, Milford, 01757-2601 D:08/05/22 Amt:$5,399 Shrewsbury KING, Carol, 80 Grove St, Shrewsbury, 01545-4621 D:08/05/22 Amt:$9,033 KING, Steven, 80 Grove St, Shrewsbury, 01545-4621 D:08/05/22 Amt:$9,033 Sturbridge CELKO, Robert, 3 Lakeshore Rd, Sturbridge, 01566 D:08/05/22 Amt:$11,774 Webster FAIR, Maxwell, 31 Prospect St, Webster, 01570-2418 D:08/05/22 Amt:$8,886 Worcester MATOS, Jonathan, 43 Laurel St, Worcester, 016053030 D:08/05/22 Amt:$5,039
HAMPSHIRE Belchertown 311 Turkey Hill Rd Owner:Jeffrey D Plant L:US Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002144 Filing Date:08/08/22 Granby 61 North St Owner:Carrie L Burke L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:22 SM 002155 Filing Date:08/09/22 South Hadley 24 Bolton St Owner:Tanya A Mailhott L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:22 SM 002170 Filing Date:08/10/22 MIDDLESEX NORTH Dracut 132 Thissell Ave U:117 Owner:Ann Leach L:Mortgage Assets Mgmt Case#:22 SM 002167 Filing Date:08/10/22 Lowell 320 Woburn St Owner:Kevin Im L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:22 SM 002123 Filing Date:08/04/22 Tyngsboro 38 Elm St Owner:Kristyn Rudolph L:US Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002161 Filing Date:08/10/22 MIDDLESEX SOUTH Burlington 85 Francis Wyman Rd Owner:Joseph P Fucci L:Santander Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002143 Filing Date:08/08/22 Malden 40 Maynard St Owner:Michael D Giordano L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:22 SM 002153 Filing Date:08/09/22 Stoneham 38 Gould St Owner:Jason M Blount L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002156 Filing Date:08/09/22 Wakefield 7 Bateman Ct U:7 Owner:Andrew D Mcrae L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:22 SM 002162 Filing Date:08/10/22 Woburn 3 Hiawatha Rd Owner:Carolyn J Dooley L:Planet Home Lending LLC Case#:22 SM 002147 Filing Date:08/08/22 NORFOLK Cohasset 12 Reservoir Rd Owner:Grzegorz Kluza L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002124 Filing Date:08/04/22 Quincy 260 Bellevue Rd Owner:The Heirs L:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002151 Filing Date:08/09/22 100 Cove Way Owner:Michael J Foran L:FHLM Case#:22 SM 002145 Filing Date:08/08/22 Westwood 102 Partridge Dr Owner:Darren Wicks L:Jeanne Darc CU Case#:22 SM 002129 Filing Date:08/05/22 Weymouth 39 Barbara Ln Owner:Michael J Finn L:US Bank NA Tr Case#:22 SM 002140 Filing Date:08/08/22 PLYMOUTH Abington 136 Captain Standish Dr Owner:Robert S Faulkner L:Rocket Mortgage LLC Case#:22 SM 002139 Filing Date:08/05/22 Plymouth 2140 State Rd Owner:Peter Sheehan L:Rocket Mortgage LLC Case#:22 SM 002132 Filing Date:08/05/22 Wareham 44 Minot Ave Owner:David W Norcross Jr L:Statebridge Co LLC Case#:22 SM 002138 Filing Date:08/05/22 SUFFOLK Dorchester 39 Minot St Owner:Kathleen P Tardanico L:Citizens Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002168 Filing Date:08/10/22 East Boston 112 Marginal St Owner:Ranae Valente L:Mortgage Assets Mgmt Case#:22 SM 002150 Filing Date:08/09/22 Mattapan 83 Hollingsworth St Owner:James Holmes 3rd L:Bank New York Mellon Tr Case#:22 SM 002116 Filing Date:08/04/22 WORCESTER East Brookfield 113 Paula Cir Owner:Ricky D Garvey L:FHLM Case#:22 SM 002149 Filing Date:08/09/22 Gardner 26 Edgell St Owner:Eduardo Almonte L:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Case#:22 SM 002131 Filing Date:08/05/22 342 Temple St Owner:Jason M Lanciani L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:22 SM 002119 Filing Date:08/04/22 Oxford 64 Merriam District Owner:Carmelo Perez L:Freedom Mortgage Corp Case#:22 SM 002135 Filing Date:08/05/22 19 Rawson Ave Owner:Brian Lalone L:US Bank NA Case#:22 SM 002165 Filing Date:08/10/22 Rutland 159 Barre Paxton Rd Owner:Craig Bosse L:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Case#:22 SM 002141 Filing Date:08/08/22 Sutton 205 Whitins Rd Owner:Paula J Lafleur L:Arvest Central Mortgage Case#:22 SM 002133 Filing Date:08/05/22 Worcester 340 Harding St Owner:Robert H Lewis Sr L:PHH US Mortgage Corp Case#:22 SM 002154 Filing Date:08/09/22 WORCESTER NORTH Lunenburg 26 New West Townsend Rd Owner:Keith P Santangelo L:Lakeview Loan Servicing Case#:22 SM 002130 Filing Date:08/05/22
BERKSHIRE MIDDLE Pittsfield 08/26/22 11:00 AM 11 Dartmouth St Owner:Darryl Hamel Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Source:BerkshireD:09/29/08Eagle (08/05/22) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc 09/06/22 12:00 PM 396 Partridge Rd Owner:Jeffrey W Carmel Jr Lender:Rocket Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* Source:BerkshireD:09/14/18Eagle (08/10/22) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc BERKSHIRE NORTH Clarksburg 09/06/22 02:00 PM 94 Gravel Bank Rd Owner:Mark A Lender:LakeviewKleinLoan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* Source:BerkshireD:11/04/16Eagle (08/05/22) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 BRISTOL NORTH AM 76 Yorktown Ct U:76
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Owner:Kermit E Lender:NationstarBrantleyMortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:18971/463 Atty:GuaettaSource:RepublicanD:10/13/11(the)(08/10/22)AndBensonLLC East Longmeadow 08/30/22 12:00 PM 26 Oak Bluff Cir Owner:Charles W Hanson-Zuzgo Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:18221/107 Atty:KordeSource:RepublicanD:03/09/10(the)(08/04/22)&Associates978-256-1500 Holyoke 08/16/22 02:00 PM 225-227 Beech St Owner:Jessika M Rivera Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17670/499 Atty:KordeSource:RepublicanD:03/02/09(the)(08/05/22)&Associates978-256-1500 Springfield 08/30/22 01:00 PM 140 Ellendale Cir Owner:Joy C Atty:KordeSource:RepublicanBk/Pg:14511/483Lender:LoancareCrenshawLLCDeposit:$5,000D:09/23/04(the)(08/04/22)&Associates978-256-1500 08/30/22 10:00 AM 113-115 Knollwood St Owner:Jose R Escribano Sr Lender:Lycaste LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:81536/21 Atty:OrlansSource:RepublicanD:09/29/05(the)(08/09/22)781-790-7800 09/08/22 11:00 AM 142 Treetop Ave Owner:Donald Lender:CitimortgageSacco Inc Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:18130/549 Atty:CunninghamSource:RepublicanD:12/10/09(the)(08/08/22)MachanicCetli508-651-7524 Wales 08/31/22 11:00 AM Walker Rd Owner:Eagle Pass Camp LLC Lender:Webster First FCU Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:21258/320 Atty:MichaelSource:RepublicanD:07/08/16(the)(08/08/22)CMeloche MIDDLESEX NORTH Lowell 09/08/22 01:00 PM 621-627 Central St Owner:JAF 27 Lender:BelvidereLLCCapital LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:227/11 D:03/24/20 Source:Sun (the) (08/10/22) Atty:Rosemary Traini 781-461-8300 09/19/22 12:00 PM 106 Lundberg 09/06/22 03:00 PM 147 Centre St U:109 Owner:Vernaya Johnson Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* Source:BrocktonD:09/21/06Enterprise (08/09/22) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 Hanson 08/26/22 10:00 AM 41 King St Owner:Wayne Webb Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* Source:BrocktonD:09/26/05Enterprise (08/05/22) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 Wareham 08/29/22 10:00 AM 240 County Rd Owner:Michael J Reed & Marjorie I Reed Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Source:BostonD:08/29/03Herald (08/08/22) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc 08/29/22 11:00 AM 152 Fearing Hill Rd Owner:Richard J Wilder & Lisa R Wilder Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Source:BostonD:08/30/06Herald (08/08/22) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc West Bridgewater 09/02/22 12:00 PM 440 W Center St Owner:William J Mead Jr Lender:Rocket Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* Source:BrocktonD:08/30/18Enterprise (08/08/22) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 SUFFOLK Boston 09/08/22 10:00 AM 27-29 Silvia Ct U:2 Owner:Oneil Lender:WilmingtonMcdannaSvgs Fund Soc Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Source:BostonD:05/02/06Herald (08/11/22) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670 Brighton 09/15/22 04:00 PM 63 Murdock St Owner:Daniel Atty:BrockSource:BostonDoc#:*Lender:IslandcapHirschkopLLCDeposit:$5,000D:12/30/05Herald(08/05/22)&SocttPllc401-217-8701 WORCESTER West Boylston 08/31/22 11:00 AM 135 Laurel St Owner:Richard H Mensing & Becky L Mensing Lender:Bank Of America NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Source:TelegramD:08/28/02Gazette (08/10/22) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc Worcester 08/31/22 10:00 AM 21 Electric St Owner:Kevin P Collins & Deborah L Collins Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Source:TelegramD:02/10/06Gazette (08/10/22) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc 09/02/22 02:00 PM 9-1/2 Bourne St Owner:Najee Abdul-Baseer Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* Source:TelegramD:10/05/16Gazette (08/05/22) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 09/02/22 09:00 AM 30 Brandon Rd Owner:Marc D Bolduc Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* Source:TelegramD:09/16/05Gazette (08/08/22) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 09/02/22 10:00 AM 2 Hockanum Way Owner:Tracey L Moore Lender:PHH US Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* Source:TelegramD:06/22/12Gazette (08/08/22) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500
Easton 09/08/22 10:00 AM 9 Adam St U:9 Owner:Daniel D Atty:KlineSource:BrocktonDoc#:*Lender:RocklandJordanTCoDeposit:$5,000D:09/05/14Enterprise(08/08/22)&SandersLlp617-964-2200 ESSEX SOUTH Lynn 08/30/22 11:00 AM 19 High St Owner:Maria A Guerrero Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Atty:GuaettaSource:DailyD:07/15/04Item(08/09/22)AndBensonLlc Rowley 08/26/22 12:00 PM 44 W Ox Pasture Ln Owner:Norietta G Bannon Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:25290/131 Atty:KordeSource:NewburyportD:01/11/06News(08/05/22)&Associates978-256-1500 Salem 08/25/22 11:00 AM 24 Barnes Cir Owner:Kevin Lender:WilmingtonDohertySvgs Fund Soc Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:521276 D:07/06/11 Source:Salem Evening News (08/04/22) Atty:Guaetta And Benson LLC 08/25/22 10:00 AM 11 Read St U:5 Owner:Michael Upton Lender:MHFA Atty:GuaettaSource:SalemBk/Pg:36912/275Deposit:$10,000D:08/02/18EveningNews(08/04/22)AndBensonLLC HAMPDEN Chicopee 08/24/22 10:00
Filed: Registry of Deeds. Attachments are liens on real property of defendant(s) to satisfy any potential judge ment for damages and costs that may be awarded to the plaintiff(s). Prior notice to the defendant is required except in unusual circumstances when the court may allow an ex parte attachment without prior notice. The filing of an attachment does not mean that the plaintiff will win the lawsuit and by the time it appears here, it may have been released. We report only that an attachment was recorded; the registry of deeds must be checked for discharges or releases. The name and address of the defendant is followed by the Plaintiff making the claim. The filing date (D) at the registry of deeds and the potential award (Amt) is shown. If an address does not appear here, it was not available on the document we review.
Foreclosure Sales These notices of the public sale of mortgaged property are compiled from legal notices published in newspapers throughout the state. The proceeds from the sale usually are used to satisfy the mortgage in default. The time and place of the sale must be published for three consecutive weeks in a local newspaper prior to the sale. The sale may be post poned; or the sale may not occur at all if the debt is satisfied before the sale. The property address, date and time of the sale appears on the first line fol lowed by the current owner (O) of the property. The lender (L) and the cash deposit (Deposit) required at the time of sale are found on the third line. The book and page number (Bk/Pg) of the mort gage document and the filing date (D) at the registry of deeds comprise the fourth line. The newspaper (Source) and issue date (in parenthesis) can be checked for additional details. The attorney’s name (Atty) and phone number appear on the last line for interested parties to contact.
St U:7 Owner:Marie Lender:BankunitedHenry NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:30530/164 D:10/19/07 Source:Sun (the) (08/10/22) Atty:Brock & Scott PLLC MIDDLESEX SOUTH Hudson 08/26/22 11:00 AM 13 Temi Rd Owner:Patrick Mcneil Lender:RTN FCU Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Source:TelegramD:02/28/02Gazette (08/05/22) Atty:David A Kelly & Associate 978-244-2400 Newton 09/06/22 01:00 PM 143 Stanton Ave Owner:Yushuang Xu & Xun Zhu Lender:Washington T Co Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* Source:BostonD:01/13/20Herald (08/09/22) Atty:Cunningham Machanic Cetli 508-651-7524 PLYMOUTH Brockton 08/26/22 12:00 PM 16 Sansom St Owner:Robert Atty:KordeSource:BrocktonDoc#:*Lender:NewrezStaffordLLCDeposit:$5,000D:01/25/18Enterprise(08/05/22)&AssociatesPc978-256-1500
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. BANKER & TRADESMANB32 AUGUST 22, 2022 ORDER YOUR MONTHLY REPORTS TODAY! Monthly Transfer Directory (COMP) Reports are a comprehensive property valuation andmarket resource containing sales transactions for all properties and their related assessment information, in an easy–to–read and portable report. Each report lists every real estate transaction over $1,000, by market, including FSBOs, estate sales and foreclosure deeds for MA, NH, CT and RI. TRANSFER REPORTS COMPILE ACTIONBLE DATA • Perform comparable sales analysis • Verify appraisals • Identify sales trends • Locate new homeowners for marketing campaigns BENEFITS: • Gives you easy access to comparable sales and their assessment details in the areas you care about most. • A year-end compendium you can file away for future reference and research. • Available in easy to read PDF format or in print for an additional cost. • Includes all sales, including foreclosure deeds and fsbos, so you won’t miss a thing! • Order an individual town, county, or state of your choice (MA, NH, CT, RI). County level includes all towns within that county. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Call 617.896.5388 or email customerservice@thewarrengroup.com to order today! MONTHLY TRANSFER DIRECTORY REPORTS PROVIDED BY THE WARREN GROUP REPORTSDIRECTORYTRANSFERMONTHLYIDENTIFYALL REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS IN YOUR AREA