Greater Boston is poised to regain the national lead in life science space from California’s Bay Area, with nearly 18 million square feet of life science construction and conversions. Pictured is the 10 World Trade lab tower under construction in Boston’s Seaport District.
ising energy costs, lack of housing af fordability, limited availability of de velopment sites and costly new building codes add up to headwinds for the growth of the life science industry.
Massachusetts and the San Francisco Bay area, the leading U.S. clusters, share many of these same risk factors on top of
the recent declines in private investment already slowing the industry’s growth.
RBut industry executives and real estate researchers predict neither Greater Bos ton nor northern California are likely to cede their leading positions to markets such as San Diego and North Carolina’s Research Triangle, the next-biggest bio tech clusters, even if the industry enters a contraction phase.
“We’ve got a 40-plus-year head start at this,” said Molly Heath, senior managing director at JLL, citing the Boston region’s potent combination of university re search, teaching hospitals, venture fund ing and startup ecosystem. “Other mar
kets would need a time machine to catch up with Boston.”
The Bay Area has the current edge in the size of its life science real estate portfolio, with nearly 34 million square feet of space to Greater Boston’s 28.4 million-square-foot portfolio, according to Newmark research. But the Boston area is poised to retake the top spot with 17.6 million square feet of current new construction and conversions, compared with the Bay Area’s 9.7 million-squarefoot pipeline.
Whether developers will find ten ants for all of that space remains an open question. Continued on Page 11
• The median singlefamily sale price saw the smallest year-over-year percentage gain of the last six months, according to new data from The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman, as Massachusetts sellers continue to stay away from the market in numbers and price increases and interest-rate hikes pushed more buyers out of the market.
• The median single-family sale price increased 5.6 percent on a year-over-year basis to $565,000, up from $535,000 in August 2021 – still a new all-time high for the month of August. The monthly statewide median sale price hasn’t risen by this little since February, when it slid up 5.38 percent.
• “This is the fewest single-family home sales we’ve seen in the month of August since 2014,” Tim Warren, CEO of The Warren Group, said in a statement. “Interest rates are rising, and the number of homes for sale is falling, which are two of the biggest factors that contributed to the decline. Add concerns about inflation, declines in the stock market, and a weak economy and consumer confidence is taking a hit. This puts many potential homebuyers on the sideline. I fully expect to see year-over-year declines in the single-family sales volume throughout the remainder of 2022.”
Brian Golden
• Former Boston Planning & Development Agency Director Brian Golden will lead a newly-created real estate permitting practice at Boston law firm Keegan Werlin LLP. Another former BPDA official, Sean Nehill, is joining Keegan Werlin as senior counsel. Nehill most recently was the BPDA’s associate general counsel.
• Golden was appointed as BPDA director by former Mayor Marty Walsh shortly after Walsh took office in 2014. During his
tenure at the BPDA, the longest of a director in the agency’s 65-year history, the agency approved more than 90 million square feet of development projects.
• The Biden administration is moving one step closer to developing a central bank digital currency, known as the digital dollar, saying it would help reinforce the U.S. role as a leader in the world financial system.
• Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said a recent analysis of how the government should respond to the rise of cryptocurrencies includes a recommendation that the U.S. “advance policy and technical work on a potential central bank digital currency” to figure out if the technology would be in the national interest
• Central bank digital currencies differ from existing digital money available to the general public, such as the balance in a bank account, because they would be a direct liability of the Federal Reserve, not a commercial bank.
• David Perry, senior managing director for Hines’ Boston office, said the developer hopes to begin construction of the second phase before completion of the 678-foottall office-condo tower scheduled for completion in 2025, which is now rising behind the South Station headhouse and scheduled for completion in 2025.
• Uncertainties about future demand for hotel development prompted the Houston-based developer to consider a change in the future phases of the project, Perry said after a ribbon-cutting ceremony marking a milestone in the first tower’s construction. Currently, the second phase, to be built east of the office-condominium tower, is approved for a 473,000-square-foot hotel-condo building.
• The Boston developer recently pulled out of its plans to buy a 95-acre tank farm in Everett, the Boston Globe reported, amid an ongoing legal dispute between Boston-based Conservation Law Foundation and the current property owner, ExxonMobil about responsibility for cleaning up site contamination.
• Davis presented preliminary plans to Everett officials in August for a mixed-use development transforming the oil tank farm into up to 4.2 million square feet of industrial, multifamily, office and lab space.
• Environmental groups have mobilized in reaction to interest in large-scale development projects in the industrial waterfront section of Everett, including a potential professional soccer stadium at the Constellation Energy power plant property.
Banker & Tradesman readers think change is coming to downtown neighborhoods.
With work-from-home firmly entrenched, will downtown retail rents have to shrink soon?
Yes. The foot traffic doesn’t support it.60%
Maybe. Many institutional land owners can wait.27%
No. The neighborhood’s transit connections keep it valuable.13%
THE DAVIS COS. CANCELS TANK FARM P&S mage courtesy of JLL I mage courtesy of Pelli Clarke PelliCan a public rela tions campaign talking up the need for new hous ing, coupled with some modest incentives, con vince NIMBY suburbs to change their ways?
That’s my question after examining the housing plan Attorney General Maura Healey, the Democratic gu bernatorial candidate, released last week, along with her Democratic running mate, Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll.
Count me as skeptical.
Healey’s plan to tackle the housing crisis is full of carrots to get suburbs to stop blocking new apartments. But sticks are nowhere to be found.
Healey pledges to “fully implement” the new MBTA Communities law, which, on paper at least, requires dozens of cities, towns and suburbs to roll out the welcome mat for potentially a couple hundred thousand apart ments and condos near T stations.
All of which is good and fine but, given the law depends on communities’ good will to ac tually generate much new housing, how does Healey hope to achieve this?
More than a few suburbs have been pushing back against the new MBTA Communities law.
More than a few suburbs have been push ing back against the new law, enacted under the Baker administration to boost housing production. Elected officials in towns like Newton and Concord have talked openly of ignoring the law, while all but scoffing at the relatively mild penalties that generally amount to the loss of some minor grant money.
Just take Henry Dane, a Select Board mem ber in Concord, where the median home price is $1.4 million. After the Baker administra tion unveiled the rules of the road for the new MBTA Communities law earlier this year, Dane discussed openly whether to simply ig nore the new law and risk losing some popu lar, but rather modest, state grants.
“Requiring us to build 750 units of mul tifamily housing, we would have to lose an awful lot of state funding to make it worth while to do this,” Dane said.
Yet there’s no mention of stiffer penalties in Healey’s plan. Rather, there’s talk of “cre ating incentives” and initiatives that would “empower” towns and cities to revamp restric tive zoning rules and open their doors to new apartment construction.
There will be no getting tough with com munities that pull out all the stops to bar new rental projects, or insist on smaller units with just one or two bedrooms to discourage fami lies with children from moving to town.
Instead, Healey wants to go on a PR offen sive “with state-led pro-housing campaign to educate residents about our housing shortage and advocate for the creation of enhanced housing options.”
In practical terms, that will mean “public advocacy, training and education” for com munity members and business leader alike, and technical assistance and “toolkits,” what ever that means, for local officials.
A Healey administration would also work with communities to establish housing pro duction goals on a local and regional level, though these would appear to be voluntary, not mandatory.
There’s a whole bunch of other things stuffed into Healey’s blueprint for tackling the housing crisis, such more money for first-time home buyers, low-income renters and devel opers of affordable housing as well.
Our governor-in-waiting’s housing plan – sorry, GOP gubernatorial candidate and Trumpy Geoff Diehl doesn’t stand a chance –also calls for a dedicated housing secretary to ride herd over state bureaucracy.
And Healey’s team spills much digital ink talking up cuts to red tape on the state level for developers looking to build affordable housing.
It sounds good, though it really remains to be seen how much regulatory pruning needs
to be done on the state level following nearly eight years now of Gov. Charlie Baker, a busi ness-minded, moderate Republican.
The focus on slashing regulatory rigama role on the state level also sidesteps where
the real snags are at this point for developers, and that is at the local level through restric tive zoning rules and even health regulations as well.
Democratic candidate for governor Maura Healey promises no backsliding on a new, transit-oriented zoning and a push to encourage new housing construction.Cambridge is on track to pioneer the elimina tion of parking requirements for residential buildings citywide in an effort to boost af fordability. The entire state of California decided last week to do the same for projects within a halfmile of transit. This is a building trend that more Massachusetts communities should join.
On one level, the city’s action is a statement of principal. Fighting climate change demands we shift to greener ways of getting around, whether that’s via bus, subway, on a bike or on foot. And in cities or towns with as comprehensive transit service as Cambridge – or Somerville, Malden, Brookline, Boston Everett, Chelsea or many parts of Lynn, Quincy, Newton, Revere and Medford, for that matter – an able-bodied person doesn’t need to own a car to get by, even if they may rent one from time to time.
Eliminating parking requirements to help en courage a shift away from cars is one of many things Cambridge and its peers can do to strike a blow for the planet.
But it’s also a very practical way to help create cheaper forms of new housing, especially outside any city’s main commercial centers and deep in residential neighborhoods.
In their most basic form, they still take up space that could otherwise be ground-floor housing units. A small, 3-story multifamily building will largely cost the same to construct whether or not the developer is forced by law to tuck ground-level parking spots underneath its upper stories. Yet, the number of units over which the construction cost could be spread will be cut dramatically. And park ing minimums – especially when combined with height limits – can mean the smallest lots may not be practically developable, at all.
Every parking space adds additional costs to a development, but this impact is most visible in large developments. When so many parking spots are needed, a garage above or below ground is the only option, the costs can easily run into the hun dreds of thousands of dollars per parking space. In any city where one or even two parking spots are required per apartment or condominium, this translates directly to steep increases in prices and rents at a time where land, labor and materials cost more than ever.
As Banker & Tradesman covered last year, park ing requirements are even a threat to the small retail spaces needed to keep neighborhood com mercial nodes thriving. Especially on small or shal low lots, parking spots eat up so much space that it’s physically impossible to provide a home for the next great coffee shop or funky boutique.
Experience shows parking requirements actively make neighborhoods more congested and unpleas ant. Somerville’s Assembly Row is a case in point. Despite being directly served by the MBTA’s Or ange Line, its numerous parking garages draw in thousands of cars every day and leave its streets choked with traffic.
Let’s kick this 20th century mindset to the curb and get rid of parking requirements in transit-con nected neighborhoods once and for all.
Letters to the editor of 350 words or less may be submitted via email at editorial@thewarrengroup.com with the subject line “Letter to the Editor,” or mailed to the offices of The Warren Group. Submission is not a guarantee of publication.
THE HOUSING SCENEConfidence games come and go. But some seem to go on forever. Con artists are apparently still selling building lots in Florida, sight unseen, that turn out to be underwater swampland.
But some real estate cons are worth remembering, if only because how successful they were.
For example, Darren Berg, a Seattle man dubbed the “Mini Madoff” – after Bernie Madoff, who ran the largest Ponzi scheme in history – is still at large after escaping prison in December 2017. Berg had been convicted of wire and bankruptcy fraud stem ming from his own Ponzi scheme, which involved real estate con tracts, mortgage-backed securities and other loans.
He bilked more than 800 investors out of $120 mil lion – small potatoes, compared to the $64.8 billion raked in by Madoff, who died in prison last year. De cades before these guys fleeced their flocks, though, the man for whom these ruses are named was in dicted in Florida.
In 1926, Charles Ponzi was found guilty of fraudu lently selling swampland. He was sentenced to a year in prison, but appealed and was freed on bond. He then tried to flee to Italy, but was captured and sent to Massachusetts – to serve out his prison sentence for his other investment scam.
In that scheme, Ponzi took in an estimated $20 million by convincing thousands of people to in vest in international postage stamps. He used the money from new clients to pay the existing ones, all while pocketing significant funds for himself. That’s the basis for all Ponzi schemes: Pay the old guy with money from the new one.
But real estate cons go back even farther: Erik the Red, the murderous Viking explorer, pulled off one of the first, in the year 985, when he convinced several hundred of his fellow Icelanders to move with him to Greenland. He called the barely habitable island “Greenland” as a way of enticing settlers.
Back to the present day, real estate rip-offs are more prevalent than ever. According to the Detroit law firm of Maddin Hauser Roth & Heller, cyber criminals have “ramped up their attacks on the mort gage and real estate industries, taking advantage of the multiple entry points available in every transac tion, the lack of coordinated security efforts among the parties, and the abundance of personal and finan cial information that awaits them after a successful breach.”
The list is unending: mortgage fraud, title fraud, wire fraud, timeshare fraud, collection scams, foreclo
sure relief scams, credit fixing ruses and investment schemes. Earlier this year, Georgia realty agent Eric Hill was sentenced to 30 months in prison for his part in a scheme that netted $21 million in fake mortgages that ended up in default.
Here’s how to avoid scammers: The No. 1 rule in any transaction is simple: If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. So be skeptical – very skeptical – when someone is trying to separate you from your money.
Before you put your name on the dotted line, and definitely be fore handing over cash, thoroughly check out the person or company you are dealing with.
If you are being pressured to take advantage of a deal right away or it will evaporate, run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit. Being pressed into acting immediately is a sure sign something’s rotten in Denmark. If the deal is valid, it’ll still be there tomorrow.
“Walk away from high-pressure sales tactics that don’t allow you time to read a contract or get legal advice before signing,” warns the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “Also, don’t fall for the sales pitch that said you need to pay immediately – for example, by wiring the money or sending it by courier.”
Don’t deal with anyone who wants to be paid with gift cards. They’re totally untraceable. Once you hand them over, they’re gone. And don’t deal with anyone who asks for more than what you will owe with the promise that they will send you back the difference. Don’t take any money from someone who asks you to send your money back in exchange.
Don’t wire any money without confirming the transaction with someone you trust. Better to use a credit card so you can cancel the transaction if you find out you’ve been had.
Once you’ve been presented with a “once-in-alifetime” opportunity, ask for something in writing. Then read it carefully to make sure it said what you’ve been promised. If it doesn’t, keep your wallet closed. If you have any questions, run it by your lawyer first.
Write down the names and titles of everyone with whom you speak, as well as the time of the conver sation and what is said. Next, verify their credentials and make sure they are who they say they are.
If you are conversing by email, never give anyone your bank account or credit card numbers. Ditto for your Social Security number.
Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications. Readers can contact him at lsichelman@aol.com.
Real estate rip-offs are more prevalent than ever.
Fresh attention from financial regulators and the pub lic towards multiple non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees for re-presented transactions has prompted financial institutions to reassess compliance measures and the rela tive benefits of continuing this practice.
When a bank customer writes a check or uses a debit card to make a purchase, the merchant will present the transaction to the customer’s financial institution for pay ment. If the account does not have enough funds to pay for the transaction, the financial institution may decline the transaction and in either case it may assess the cus tomer an NSF fee.
The merchant may, upon learning that the transaction was declined, “re-present” the same transaction, and if again declined then the financial institution may charge an additional NSF fee for the same payment transaction.
According to the FDIC, “[i]n these situations, there is an elevated risk of violations of law and harm to consum ers.”
Regulatory focus on this issue intensified in 2021 when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced its concentration on overdraft fees practices, which includes NSF fees. According to the CFPB and its director, Rohit Copra, “[r]ather than competing on quality service and attractive interest rates, many banks have become hooked on overdraft fees” and that the CFPB will “be taking ac tion to restore meaningful competition.”
On the state level, the New York State Department of Financial Services issued a letter in July 2022 stating that the agency will evaluate whether New York-regulated in stitutions are engaged in deceptive or unfair practices with respect to NSF fees.
The concept of unfair or deceptive acts or practices was recently the focal point of August guidance issued by the FDIC. According to the guidance, charging multiple NSF fees for the same transaction may implicate Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act, which prohib its unfair or deceptive acts or practices.
Compliance concerns may be exacerbated by the use of third-party core data processors, which are commonly used by smaller financial institutions that typically do not have the resources to bring these data processing services in-house.
According to industry publications, the systems of core processors are not ready to discern between the original presentment of a transactions and its re-presentment. Some core processors have indicated that software updates will not be ready until early 2023 to identify re-present ment, and for some core processors, the software upgrades may not be implemented until mid-year 2023.
According to the FDIC guidance, financial institutions should make appropriate changes and clarifications to customer disclosures to clearly and conspicuously explain when and how NSF fees will be charged and should also review customer notification or alert practices to avoid multiple fees for re-presented transactions. A financial institution’s failure to disclose how re-presentment can af fect NSF fees has the potential to mislead customers and be considered deceptive under Section 5 of the FTC Act.
Importantly, the FDIC’s guidance goes on to say that “[w]hile revising disclosures may address the risk of de ception, doing so may not fully address the unfairness risk.”
If a bank charges multiple NSF fees in a short period of time without sufficient notice or opportunity, the fi nancial institution’s NSF fee practices may be considered unfair under Section 5 of the FTC Act. The guidance sug
Recent studies have raised concerns about indoor air emissions from gas stoves. Academic researchers and agencies such as the California Air Resources Board have reported that gas stoves can release hazard ous air pollutants while they’re operating, and even when they’re turned off.
One of the main air pollutants commonly associated with using gas stoves is nitrogen dioxide, or NO2, which is a byproduct of fuel combustion. Nitrogen dioxide ex posures in homes have been associated with more severe asthma and increased use of rescue inhalers in children. This gas can also affect asthmatic adults, and it contrib utes to both the development and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Nitrogen dioxide in homes comes both from outdoor air that infiltrates indoors and from indoor sources. Road traffic is the most significant outdoor source; unsur prisingly, levels are higher close to major roadways. Gas stoves often are the most substantial indoor source, with a greater contribution from large burners that run longer.
The gas industry’s position is that gas stoves are a minor source of indoor air pollutants. This is true in some homes, especially with respect to exposures averaged over months or years.
But there are many homes in which gas stoves contrib ute more to indoor nitrogen dioxide levels than pollu tion from outdoor sources does, especially for short-term “peak” exposures during cooking time. For example, a study in Southern California showed that around half of homes exceeded a health standard based on the highest hour of nitrogen dioxide concentrations, almost entirely because of indoor emissions.
How can one gas stove contribute more to your expo sure than an entire highway full of vehicles? The answer
is that outdoor pollution disperses over a large area, while indoor pollution concentrates in a small space.
How much indoor pollution you get from a gas stove is affected by the structure of your home, which means that indoor environmental exposures to NO2 are higher for some people than for others. People who live in larger homes, have working range hoods that vent to the out doors and have well-ventilated homes in general will be less exposed than those in smaller homes with poorer ventilation.
But even larger homes can be affected by gas stove usage, especially since the air in the kitchen does not im mediately mix with cleaner air elsewhere in the home. Using a range hood when cooking, or other ventilation strategies such as opening kitchen windows, can bring down concentrations dramatically.
Nitrogen dioxide is not the only pollutant of concern from gas stoves. A 2022 study estimated that U.S. gas stoves not in use emit methane – a colorless, odorless gas that is the main component of natural gas – at a level that traps as much heat in the atmosphere as about 400,000 cars.
Some of these leaks can go undetected. Although gas distributors add an odorant to natural gas to ensure that people will smell leaks before there is an explosion risk, the smell may not be strong enough for residents to notice small leaks.
Those who have lost their sense of smell – whether from COVID-19 or other causes – may not smell even large leaks. One recent study found that 5 percent of homes had leaks that owners had not detected that were large enough to require repair.
This same study showed that leaking natural gas con tained multiple hazardous air pollutants, including ben zene, a cancer-causing agent. While measured concen trations of benzene did not reach health thresholds of
gests that banks will be expected to identify and track represented transactions and determine when multiple NSF fees are assessed for the same transactions. The guidance encourages banks to review and understand the risks pre sented from their core processing system settings related to multiple NSF fees and review the timing of charges to ensure customers are provided an opportunity to avoid multiple fees.
These suggested risk mitigation practices highlight the difficulties that financial institutions may encounter when trying to monitor re-presented transactions. Such transac tions are a small subset of all transactions, and the time and effort that comes with these monitoring efforts may be unfeasible.
The FDIC’s guidance indicates that financial institu tions will be expected to oversee their third-party vendors, including core processors, to identify and control risks arising from third-party payment processing relationships to the same extent as if the activity was performed within the bank. The practical compliance challenge, of course, is that neither financial institutions nor their core processors can efficiently review each NSF charge manually.
In response to regulatory scrutiny and threat of litiga tion, financial institutions are trending towards reduction or elimination of overdraft and NSF fee practices altogether instead of revamping compliance measures for NSF fees.
According to publicly available information, Capital One Financial Corp. eliminated overdraft and NSF fees for consumer banking customers, and Ally Financial Inc. has reportedly eliminated overdraft fees entirely.
Meanwhile, Bank of America and Wells Fargo & Co. did not completely eliminate overdraft fees but took steps to reduce the financial burden on consumers, including elimination of NSF fees for certain consumer banking cus tomers.
It remains to be seen whether community banks, which often lack other opportunities for fee income, will follow in the footsteps of the financial behemoths.
Michael Krebs, Matthew Hanaghan and Armand Santaniello are a partner, of counsel and associate, respectively, in Nutter’s corporate and transactions department. All are members of the firm’s banking and financial services group.and financial services group.
concern, the presence of these hazardous air pollutants could be problematic in homes with substantial leaks and poor ventilation.
So, if you live in a home with a gas stove, what should you do and when should you worry? First, do what you can to improve ventilation, such as running a range hood that vents to the outdoors and opening kitchen windows while cooking.
If you live in a smaller home or one with a smaller closed kitchen, and if someone in your home has a respiratory disease, exposures may still be concern ing even with good ventilation. Swapping out a gas stove for a magnetic induction cooktop, which cooks much faster than conventional stoves without ignit ing a flame or heating an electric coil, would eliminate this exposure while also providing climate benefits.
The recently signed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 offers rebates for the purchase of high-efficiency electric appli ances such as stoves.
Dozens of U.S. cities have adopted or are considering regulations that bar natural gas hookups in new-construc tion homes after specified dates to speed a transition away from fossil fuels. At the same time, at least 20 states have adopted laws or regulations that prohibit bans on natural gas.
Moving away from gas stoves is especially important if you are investing in home energy efficiency measures. Some weatherization steps can reduce air leakage to the outdoors, which in turn can increase indoor air pollu tion concentrations if residents don’t also improve kitchen ventilation.
In my view, the opportunity to have cleaner air in side your home may be a strong motivator to make the switch.
Jonathan Levy is a professor and chair of the Department of Environmental Health at Boston University.Climate Change Not the Only Concern with Natural Gas AppliancesMichael Krebs Matthew Hanaghan Armand J. Santaniello
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Anytime you have an external event, like the pandemic or the current [interest] rate environment, it can get people to reassess some of their long-term goals and why they might be running the business. We’re certainly seeing a lot of business owners taking a step back and asking: What’s my three-year plan? What’s my five-year plan? How long do I want to run this business as a lifestyle business that might support myself and my family? And at what point does it make sense to look at this as a value-creation entity that could provide a financial windfall to support either my next venture or retirement?
Anytime you see a potential pullback in your own financial figures for your company, it’s going to give people pause. I think we saw some good years in the late 2010s and early 2020s, and certainly owners that are maturing may be looking around and deciding if now might be a good time to hit the bid, so to speak. As far as what we’re seeing in the world of companies that are transacting, there’s definitely been a shift in preference to more established and mature companies being sold. If you look at actual deal volume that’s occurred in 2022, it’s roughly half the pace of 2021. So, substantially fewer companies are being sold, but the valuation that those companies are getting is actually on par with 2021 and above its long-term average. It’s telling us that the companies that are best in their peer group and in their industry are still able to transact competitively. But with the era of free money and zero interest rates likely behind us, it makes it a little bit more challenging for some of the companies that aren’t at the top of their peer class to find an appropriate buyer.
A: As interest rates go up, it makes the cost of any debt-fueled acquisition higher. Debt costs affect the buyer’s ability to finance the transaction, and it makes them view the debt on the balance sheet of the company that they are acquiring with more scrutiny than they would have when interest rates were near zero.
With inflation higher, that’s affecting operating costs across the board, whether it’s labor costs, input cost, supply-side cost. Buyers want to look at your detailed financials, legal documents, perhaps sustainability data and how you run the administrative side of your company. Those types of things that might have been glossed over a little bit in years past certainly will help you look more professional to a potential acquirer.
A: You’re definitely seeing that. UBS did a study, and 58 percent of companies have actually never been formally valued by the owners, and 48 percent of business owners have no formal exit strategy documented anywhere. If over half of business owners have never gone through that process on a formal basis, they might be surprised by what the number is, and that could certainly give them pause. Our recommendation in all markets is to have an ongoing process and professionals around you so that you understand what makes your business valuable as an income-producing entity and what elements are most attractive to a buyer. Those two things are not always the same.
The pandemic and a pending recession have left many business owners con templating their own futures along with everyone else. Brian Lynch is help ing them figure out what’s next.
Despite a drop-off in merger and acquisition activity this year the market re mains competitive for some businesses, including mature companies, and buy ers continue to pay premium prices in these deals, said Lynch, a Bostonbased financial adviser with UBS Fi nancial Services’ wealth management team.
Lynch is a certified exit planning adviser who works with businesses in the region on planning exit, succes sion and legacy strategies. After study ing economics at Colgate University, Lynch decided to focus on wealth management and began working at UBS soon after graduation. Outside of work, Lynch participates in competitive obstacle course races, including endurance races that can last up to 60 hours.
BY DIANE MCLAUGHLIN BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF PeanutOne of the big changes is we’re seeing a lot more private equity transactions as opposed to strategic-buyers transaction. A private equity transaction generally looks at the seller’s standalone financial performance and cash flow and buys the business as its own entity. A strategic buyer will generally integrate the seller’s operations into their own. Without making any absolute statements, strategic buyers tend to pay a higher premium price than financial buyers. In this post-pandemic, resetting-interest-rate world, I think sellers would be wise to look more at the private equity side. There certainly are still strategic deals that occur but less than we had been accustomed to over the last few years.
A: A general piece of advice for a business owner who’s considering an exit in the short- to medium-term – but really, just as a best practice for a company – is to get as much as you can documented about how your company runs. I think business owners, especially those who perhaps started the business when it was quite small, have a tendency to wear a lot of hats and keep internal a lot of what makes the company function and operate. The best way to run your company so that it is attractive in an exit, but also simply to run it as efficiently as possible, is to be more of a chairperson of the company as opposed to a key employee. The more intrinsically that you are integral to certain elements of the business, that can be a potential risk to a buyer – because if that owner is so involved in these key elements, what happens when that owner isn’t there?
Q: What are some of the keys that help find an appropriate buyer?
Less than three years after re branding with a new name and mission, the former Admirals Bank has again changed its focus and taken on another name: 42 North Private Bank.
Launched in August, the new name re places the short-lived Ethic, A Wealth Bank. Along with referencing Boston’s location on the 42nd parallel, the name points to the bank’s new business model. Instead of com prehensive wealth management services, the bank now focuses on private banking – de posit and lending ser vices that will support the region’s independent financial advisers and their high-net-worth cli ents.
For President and CEO William Buccella, who joined the bank less than a year ago, the focus on private banking will let the institution offer products and ser vices within the region’s wealth management space without competing with financial ad visers, while giving the bank a path toward growth.
“We are unique in that we’re not interested
in being a broad-based community bank,” Buccella said. “We are interested in focusing on the private banking aspect and enhancing those services that are provided by indepen dent financial advisers. It is unique in many ways.”
Admirals Bank had moved toward the private banking model in 2011, said Dimitri Nionakis, the bank’s executive vice president and chief operating and legal officer. After changing its name from Domestic Bank in 2010, the bank had relocated its headquarters from Rhode Island to Boston in 2013.
Admirals Bank then had a difficult year in 2017, when it reported more than $19 mil lion in losses. The bank also became sub ject to a federal consent order and saw a plan fall apart to sell off most of the bank’s assets to a group of private bankers.
Marc White Jr., origi nally part of the group that wanted to buy the bank, came on as CEO and led the bank through a rebranding to Ethic, A Wealth Bank. White left in March 2021 and now heads Clarendon Private, Brookline Bancorp’s wealth management business.
Previously president of U.S. markets at Wilmington Trust Co., Buccella joined the bank in November 2021.
Ethic, A Wealth Bank was a good name, Buccella said, pointing to the bank’s strategy to offer broad-based wealth management services to high net worth and ultra-high net worth customers. But he added that succeed ing as a broad-based wealth management firm comes with challenges.
Companies like Fidelity and Charles Schwab have made wealth management tech nology available to registered investment advisers, allowing them to operate indepen dently of big banks and brokerage firms. Private equity capital has also flowed into the wealth management space, adding to the competitive market.
This transformation of the wealth manage ment market has left a void that Buccella said
42 North Private Bank can fill, prompting the name change. The bank now focuses on pro viding independent financial advisers with access to private banking capabilities that they might have lost after leaving a big bank.
What the bank won’t do is offer broadbased wealth management. When he meets with these advisers, Buccella said he lets them know that 42 North Private Bank no longer has a registered investment adviser on staff.
“We’re only focused on deposits and lend ing,” Buccella said. “It’s very attractive to [ad visers] to have a terrific delivery platform and a service culture which reflects their service culture, and I’m not competing with them.”
N ational Numismatic Collection, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution CC0
Front and back of a sample of the card used in the 1958 Fresno Drop.
WHEN: SEPT. 18, 1958
• While the first half of the 20th century saw consumers using charge cards, like the Diners Club, to make purchases and later pay off the balance, Bank of America was the first bank to launch a large-scale card program providing consumers with a revolving line of credit.
• The BankAmericard launched through what became known as the “Fresno Drop,” a mass
mailing of plastic credit cards to 60,000 residents of Fresno, California. Residents received no notice about the cards, but more than 300 merchants had agreed to accept the BankAmericard before the drop. The mass mailing of credit cards would later be outlawed in the U.S.
• While encountering fraud, consumers who decided not to pay and other problems as the cards went out to more Californians, Bank of America began to profit from the credit cards within three years. BankAmericard would become Visa in the 1970s.
Five years after being subject to a federal consent order, the former Admirals Bank is back with a new name and a new strategy looking to take advantage of a hole its leaders say they see in the market.“I think we made a tremendous amount of progress in the past year and a half.”
Dimitri Nionakis, chief operating and legal officer, 42 North Private Bank
“Here began the trickle of what we now call ‘financial products,’ aimed largely at the middle class, that would become, by the 1980s, an avalanche. Here was the first inkling of the gradual but enormous changes in financial habits and assumptions of the middle class. … Though this transformation wouldn’t become apparent for another 20 years, and though it continues to this day, this is when the American middle class began to change the way it thought about, and dealt with, its money.”
— Joseph Nocera in a 1994 Washington Post article adapted from his book, “A Piece of the Action: How the Middle Class Joined the Money Class.”
To support these clients, 42 North Private Bank offers standard deposit products, like checking accounts, as well as options for lon ger-term deposits and the cash position in an investment portfolio.
Some of the lending products are tradi tional as well, such as residential and com mercial real estate lending. Other loan prod ucts will be geared toward specific needs of high and ultra-high net worth individuals, including securities-based lending. The bank plans to look at more lending products in the future, Buccella said.
The bank will focus on the Greater Bos ton, New England and New York markets, Buccella said, pointing to the size of Greater Boston’s wealth market and the diverse in dustries that provide opportunities for a private bank. He added that with a national bank charter, 42 North Private Bank could do business in every state.
The bank will also have a new address in October. With leases expiring for its offices in Boston on High Street and in Rhode Is land, the bank will move to new space in Canton at 250 Royall St.
Though the new office will have a clientfacing area, Buccella refers to the bank as branchless.
Being branchless was Admirals Bank’s goal when it first moved to the private bank model 11 years ago, Nionakis said. Then and now, the bank plans to distinguish itself through service, he added.
Buccella’s primary goal is to introduce the bank’s brand and services to the private wealth market. From there, he wants to grow the balance sheet and the staff, including adding a private banker and customer service and operations staff.
William BuccellaThe bank as of June 30 had $204.8 million in total assets, down 17.5 percent year-overyear. Net loans of $164.88 million were down 18.4 percent compared to June 30, 2021, ac cording to FDIC data, and total deposits were $179 million, down 19.9 percent.
Buccella does not have a target in mind for the bank’s size, but he did say 42 North Pri vate Bank’s growth would be organic.
“If I went out there and purchased an other institution, the chances are they would have some components that maybe would not allow us to continue to sell the notion that we’re not a competitor,” Buccella said. “I’m not really interested in doing something from an M&A standpoint that would have us deviate from our core strategy around being solely focused on private banking.”
Nionakis, who joined Admirals Bank in 2010, said registered investment advisers who have heard about 42 North Private Bank have had an “overwhelmingly positive” reac tion to the changes.
“I think we have always tried to be inno vative and creative, and with innovation and creativity comes a little bit of risk,” Nionakis said. “There were some bumps in the road to get there, but here we are, and I think we made a tremendous amount of progress in the past year and a half.”
Email: dmclaughlin@thewarrengroup.com
Don’t expect lower mortgage rates, higher origination volumes or more robust any time next year, but you should expect a recession.
That was the message of Fannie Mae’s lat est economic forecast issued last week. The government-owned mortgage buyer expects America’s GDP to shrink up to half a percent next year, and not grow at all this year as in flation and a series of big interest-rate hikes keep biting into economic activity.
Freddie Mac’s weekly survey showed that the average interest rate on a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage jumped a quarter of a percentage point in the last week, to 6.29 percent, marking the fifth straight week of similar increases.
“In our view, the recent interest rate surge is due to the market’s recognition of two critical factors: that inflation is indeed not transitory, and that, to tame it, the Federal Reserve will need to be resolute, even at the risk of possible recession,” Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae senior vice president and chief economist, said in a statement. “Inflation’s entrenchment – and the policy action likely required of the Fed – con firms the expectation in our forecast of a mod erate recession beginning in the first quarter of 2023. That said, the rise in rates is having the Fed’s desired effect on housing, as house price growth began to slow in June. We expect the slowdown in housing to continue through 2023 as affordability constraints mount for po tential homebuyers, and considering, too, that refinance activity has been significantly cur tailed by the rise in mortgage rates.”
With gas prices continuing to fall rent growth and a tight labor market are emerging as some of the biggest drivers of persistent in flation which, Fannie Mae’s forecast said, “his torically has been difficult to contain without a general economic contraction.”
Duncan’s team lowered its forecast for sin
gle-family total home sales in 2022 and 2023 to 5.71 million and 4.98 million, which would represent declines of 17.2 percent and 12.8 percent, respectively. While multifamily con struction remains strong, Fannie Mae econo mists also revised their multifamily starts forecast for 2022 downward to 542,000 units even as they expect rental demand to remain strong due to unaffordably high prices and in terest rates for single-family homes – a recipe for upward pressure on rents.
In his comments at a press conference fol lowing the Federal Reserve’s announcement of another three-quarter-point interest rate hike Wednesday, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said in a response to a question from CNN Business reporter Nicole Goodkind that he believes the housing sector will probably “have to go through a correction” to restore affordability to the market.
“There was a big imbalance between sup ply and demand. Housing prices were going up at an unsustainably fast level. The decelera tion in housing prices were seeing should help bring housing prices more in line with rents and other housing market fundamentals and, you know, that’s a good thing. For the longer term, what we need is for supply and demand to get better aligned so that housing prices go up at a reasonable pace and so that people can afford houses again,” he said.
Powell also nodded to the larger struc tural challenges – over which the Fed has no control – that have restricted homebuilding nationwide: a shortage of available lots for single-family construction within a reason able distance of job centers, building materi als and labor cost fluctuations and zoning that prohibits denser development in many cities.
He ended with a pessimistic assessment of how long home prices and rents would con tinue to rise.
It may take some time [to bring shelter inflation down,” he said. “Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
Address: 2 Lincoln Ave., Nantucket
Price: $14,250,000
Buyer: Crossways LLC
Seller: 2 Lincoln Avenue NT
Size: 6,113 square feet on 0.24 acres
Sold: 9/9/2022
Address: 40 Hampshire St., Newtown
Price: $6,100,000
Buyer: 40 Hampshire Street RT
Seller: 40 Hampshire Street LLC
Size: 8,747 square feet on 1 acre
Agent: The Allain + Warren Group, Compass
Sold: 9/9/2022
Symbols of whales are a common sight on Nantucket. But how about a kitchen whose ribbed ceiling evokes the skeleton of one?
That’s what’s in store for the residents of the fourth home in this week’s Gossip Report. In addition to the striking atmosphere, this 1996 home about 2 miles outside of downtown Nantucket brings a lot of light, space and privacy to the table.
Address: 165 Tremont St. #1701, Boston
Price: $5,700,000
Buyer: Hai Tran
Seller: 165 Tremont St. Unit 1701
Size: 2,934 square feet
Sold: 9/6/2022
Address: 216 Cliff Road, Nantucket
Price: $4,550,000
Buyer: 216 Cliff Road LLC
Seller: Sheree Laws-Nichol and Ramon V. Nichol
Size: 2,600 square feet on 0.34 acres
Agent: Michael Passaro, Douglas Elliman Sold: 9/9/2022 4
Address: 324 Adams St., Milton
Price: $3,750,000
Buyer: Cariana Bulman and Timothy R. Bulman
Seller: Adams Street RT
Size: 6,204 square feet on 1.88 acres
Sold: 9/9/2022
“There’s been some decent preleasing, but we’re facing more supply than we’ve really ever seen,” said Liz Berthelette, director of re search for Newmark in Boston. “This comes at a time when demand growth is moving back to the historic norms, coming off the heady days of 2020 and 2021.”
According to industry group MassBIO, Massachusetts’ life science companies added over 12,000 jobs in 2021, the second-largest historical increase. The industry now has nearly 107,000 employees with average annual wages of $201,549.
Bay State economic development officials with long memories might wonder about a se quel to the downward trajectory of the state’s tech sector in the 1990s, as Silicon Valley eclipsed Massachusetts as the industry leader.
Massachusetts’ life science industry currently lags California in several key metrics, including job growth, National Institutes of Health funding awards and drug pipeline.
Massachusetts’ life science industry cur rently lags California in several key metrics, including job growth, National Institutes of Health funding awards and drug pipeline, ac cording to MassBIO’s 2022 industry snapshot.
California added nearly 12,000 R&D jobs, a 21 percent increase, compared with Massa chusetts’ 8,769, which represented a 17.4 per cent increase. California companies received $5.1 billion in NIH funding last year, outpac ing Massachusetts’ $3.3 billion. And Califor nia companies have more than 3,000 drug candidates in the pipeline, compared with just under 2,000 in Massachusetts.
Venture capital fund ing – which has de clined across the board as capital markets shift to less risky investments amid interest rate hikes
– declined sharply from 2022’s record levels in both states. Through the end of June, Massachu setts firms received $5.1 billion in venture fund ing, compared to $8 bil lion in all of 2020 and $13.6 billion in 2021, ac cording to MassBIO.
“That’s not a bad place to be considering all of the turmoil in the economy,” said Jeffrey Myers, director of re search for brokerage Colliers in Boston. “Folks understand that pharma and biotech is still a good place to invest, and the demand funda mentally is still there.”
Globally, venture funding declined 23 per cent in the second quarter to $108.5 billion, the largest quarterly drop in nearly a decade, according to a report by CB Insights.
“Venture capital investment is on the side lines for the most part, so it’s been a chal lenge,” said Joseph Panetta, CEO of industry group Biocom California, which represents 17,000 industry firms. “We continue to see companies with good ideas selectively being able to find the funding they need, but cer tainly not where it was last year.”
Both regions also have high housing costs, a potential barrier to workforce recruitment, and recent state laws to encourage housing produc tion haven’t yet made a mark. Massachusetts officials recently released final guidelines for 175 MBTA-served communities that are re quired to rezone for multifamily development near transit stops, but communities aren’t re quired to submit plans until January 2023.
California abolished single-family zoning in September 2021, but the implementation hasn’t yet resulted in a groundswell of devel opment proposals, said Melanie Cohn, senior
The owners of Boston’s One Lincoln will spend $200 million to update the 1.1 million-square-foot office tower after landing a partial replacement for departing anchor tenant State Street Corp.
Private equity fund manager HarbourVest will lease 250,000 square feet on seven floors in the Fortis Property Group-owned tower, which has served as State Street Corp.’s head quarters for two decades. The lease was re ported first in The Boston Globe.
HarbourVest will move two blocks from One Financial Center and occupy seven floors in the building in mid-2025, while receiving naming rights to replace State Street’s sign atop the 36-story tower. HarbourVest has 700 Boston-based employees.
Fortis plans a series of upgrades to the tower as it attempts to lease vacant space left behind by State Street when it relocates in early 2023 to 510,000 square feet at the new One Congress tower being developed at Gov ernment Center by HYM Investment Group.
The firm this week closed on a $1 billion refinancing of the property and plans to spend $200 million on capital improvements to up
grade the amenity package. Fortis plans to up date One Lincoln’s lobby and add a food mar ket and beer garden, along with recreational facilities including a basketball court on a new eighth-floor roof terrace.
“HarbourVest has been headquartered in Boston since our founding 40 years ago, and we are excited to continue growing our presence locally in this dynamic city,” John Toomey, managing director of HarbourVest Partners, said in a statement.
Portions of the building will be converted into flex spaces with stadium-style seating for large events, Fortis Property Group announced.
director of public policy and government af fairs for Biocom California.
A 2021 change to California energy codes gives communities the local option of effec tively enforce all-electric commercial develop ments. The new standards could make it im possible to build certain types of life science facilities with specific temperature require ments, and further strain the state’s electric grid, Cohn said.
MassBIO CEO Joseph Boncore said former Gov. Deval Patrick’s $1 billion Massachusetts Life Science Initiative primed the pump for the state’s recent biotech boom, doling out $1 bil
lion to support the industry from 2008 to 2018. Gov. Charlie Baker authorized another $623 million toward the program in 2018, through a combination of state borrowing and tax credits.
The latest round of funding runs out in 2023, and Boncore said another extension should be a priority for the next administration.
“When industry and companies see gov ernment is invested in creating an ecosystem where they can thrive, they’re going to think of Massachusetts as the best place in the world,” Boncore said.
Email: sadams@thewarrengroup.com and environmentally friendly finishes and fixtures. Visitors are greeted in a waiting room with living moss walls.
ttorney General Maura Healey and Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll began to put meat on the bones of their pledges to boost housing production and affordability Wednes day with a new “Hous ing Plan.”
The two Democrats are running against Re publican former state legislators Geoff Diehl and Leah Cole Allen to be Massachusetts’ next governor and lieutenant governor, respectively.
During the Democratic primary, Healey shaped her pitch to voters around the state’s high cost of living and housing costs that are among some of the steepest in the nation.
“If we want to make Massachusetts more af fordable and help our businesses be more com petitive, then we have to address the high cost of housing,” Healey said in a statement issued by the campaign. “Young families can’t buy their
first house, renters can’t stay in their homes, small businesses are struggling to retain work ers, and our seniors can’t afford to downsize.
The Healey-Driscoll Housing Agenda will work to dramatically increase housing stock across the state in order to drive down costs for all. It will also alleviate the burden on renters, address homelessness, and support our workforce.”
In addition to pledging that a Healey ad ministration would “implement the Housing Choice Initiative to its fullest extent” to get tens of thousands of new housing units built near MBTA subway and commuter rail sta tions, perhaps the biggest pledge the plan re leased Wednesday morning makes is the cre ating of a “secretary of housing” charged with guiding a “coordinated housing policy.”
Currently, housing policy is run by the combined Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. Splitting the two functions into different, cabinet-level posi tions was an idea championed by Diehl’s op ponent in the GOP primary, Wrentham busi nessman Chris Doughty, who said it would allow greater executive-level focus on increas ing housing supply.
Continued from Page 3
Healey’s plan misjudges how entrenched anti-housing attitudes are in many suburban communities, especially when it comes to rental housing and even more so when the units are affordable.
Proposals for new apartment buildings often generate all sorts of concerns related to overtaxing school systems, clogging roads with traffic and even talk of increased crime.
These issues have been refuted time and again by various studies, but to no avail.
It would be hard to find a local official who hasn’t heard of the need for more affordable housing. And it’s doubtful simply repeating the same arguments, even if they are pre
sented more creatively, is going to make a sig nificant difference.
Cheerleading alone won’t work. If it did, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in right now with sky high rents and home prices, with Baker more outspoken about the state’s housing crisis than any other governor in recent memory.
But Healey must have a stick or two up her sleeves after all those years and lawsuits filed as Massachusetts attorney general.
If so, here’s hoping she has the gumption to wield them.
Scott Van Voorhis is Banker & Tradesman’s columnist; opinions expressed are his own. He may be reached at sbvanvoorhis@hotmail.com.
“Bolstered by support from the Governor’s Office, which will make housing a priority, the Secretary will be responsible for implementa tion of a coordinated housing policy with a goal of working with local officials, state agen cies, existing housing stakeholders, and public and private sector housing developers to meet our housing needs in a manner that enhances communities and expands opportunities,” Healey’s plan says.
Healey’s plan also promises the establish ment of a “pro-housing campaign” to market the idea of more housing construction to of ten-skeptical communities, including suburbs whose municipal governments have become dominated by anti-development factions.
“This effort will include public advocacy, training and education for community mem bers and business leaders, toolkits and techni cal assistance for local officials, along with sup port for establishing local and regional housing production goals,” the Healey plan reads.
The plan also includes a nod to Healey’s and Driscoll’s stated backing for local-option rent stabilization measures, wrapping them and “zoning reforms to allow housing at greater densities” together as items where a Healey administration would “empower com munities to enact local policies that best ad dress their own, unique housing challenges” by offering technical assistance and regional collaboration.
Other pledges in the campaign include:
• Streamlining the process to receive fund ing from the Department of Housing and Community Development for affordable housing construction.
• Creating an advisory council to write a strategy to use state land to advance hous ing production goals.
• Increasing opportunities for first-time homeownership by expanding down pay ment and closing cost assistance programs, housing counseling services and “match savings” programs.
• Expand existing rental assistance programs including Massachusetts Rental Voucher Pro gram and the Alternative Housing Voucher Program and make the programs more acces sible with a single application portal.
• Create apprenticeship and workforce pro grams at a time when shortages of con struction labor are contributing to rising construction costs.
“With the cost of rents and mortgages being the single biggest expense for most households across Massachusetts, many fami lies are struggling to stay afloat,” Driscoll said in a statement. “Quality housing means hav ing access to good jobs, transportation op tions, and strong public schools. Our Housing Agenda will drive economic growth across every region of our state and bring down costs for Massachusetts residents.”
On behalf of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicles Division, also known as the Registry of Motor Vehicles Division (MassDOT/RMV), the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance invites proposals to lease approximately 8,100 usable square feet of retail or customer service space in the above-referenced search area for a term of 10 years.
Proposals must be submitted to: Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance Office of Leasing and State Office Planning One Ashburton Place 14th Floor, Room 1411 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 or by e-mail to: leasepropsubmittal.DCAMM@mass.gov
Proposals must be submitted by the deadline of October 13, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Proposals will be opened at that time.
The RFP can be downloaded from www.mass.gov/service-details/ leasing-property-to-the-commonwealth Under Requests for Proposals (RFP) to Lease Space, click on “COMMBUYS” and then click on “Find It”. You may also email leasing.dcamm@mass.gov or call 857-204-1355 to request a copy of the RFP, referencing Project Number 202231900.1. For further information, call (857) 310-6327. This notice is also available at www.masspublicnotices.org.
A commercial and industrial site in Worcester would be redeveloped with 218 multifamily housing units under a proposal by an Auburn real estate company.
Lundgren Equity Partners is proposing a 204,413-square-foot apartment building at a site that was approved for a 48,000-squarefoot office building in 2018.
The latest plans for the 2.4acre property at 225 Shrewsbury St. and 68 Albany St. call for a 7-story multifamily building with 298 parking spaces, including 104 located in an at-grade podium. Developers propose 55 studios, 127 one-bedroom units and 36 two-bedroom units.
The 225 Shrewsbury St. property also contains the 1-story Shrewsbury Street Marketplace shopping plaza, as well as a former ambulance storage building which would be demolished. The Albany Street parcel includes a 1-story industrial building which would be redeveloped as surface parking.
Developers received a $150 million construction loan for the first residential building at the former Suffolk Downs racetrack property.
The 475-unit Amaya complex spans 415,000 square feet on the Revere section of the property near Beachmont station on the MBTA Blue Line.
Boston-based HYM Investment Group, Texas family office Cathexis and National Real Estate Advisors are partnering on the 16.5 millionsquare-foot redevelopment.
JLL sourced the loan from Washington, D.C.-based insurer Ullico, which finances projects that use 100 percent union labor.
Designed by Boston-based ICON Architecture, the property will include a range of units sizes from micro studios to two-bedroom apartments and 24,000 square feet of ground-floor retail space. Resident amenities include a pool, outdoor kitchen, game room and arcade.
The project broke ground in May along with the first commercial building, a 280,000-square-foot life science facility at 100 Salt St. scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2024.
It might seem like the mantra among most Boston com mercial real estate developers these days is “Build it as labs or nothing at all.”
Life science and biomanufacturing projects are in vari ous stages of development from Worcester to the Seaport and an ex panding range of outer suburbs.
But how many of these proposed new life science clusters outside the traditional Kendall Square and Cam
bridge ecosystem have sea legs? One might surprise you.
Medford, less than 4 miles north of downtown Boston and connected via the MBTA’s Orange Line (and soon the Green Line Extension), might not jump to mind as the next life science hub. But several large-scale proposals say otherwise.
With projects ranging from air rights development potential over the MBTA’s Wellington station to lab conversions, the city is emerging as a sleeper life sci ence cluster a few MBTA stops beyond the current crop of major projects at Cambridge Crossing and Somerville’s Assembly Row.
“Life sciences firms want to expand past Cambridge and Boston, so we’re
excited and willing and able to do what we can to find locations and work with landowners and developers and make it happen,” Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn said.
The developments vary in size and scope. At the transformative end, there is Combined Properties’ 1.2 millionsquare-foot Medford Life Science Park proposal that includes four 8-story office-lab buildings at 278-326 Mystic Ave. Medford leaders are also offering up 28 acres of air rights development over the Wellington station.
Boston developer RISE Together’s 250,000square-foot lab tower at 4060 Mystic Valley Parkway was approved in July by Medford officials, the first in a growing pipeline of proposed redevelopments of commercial properties as life science space. ON THE MYSTICA: Lab conversions play an important role in the real estate piece of the ecosystem. Over 80 percent of the tenants still need to be in occupancy within 12 months. Conversions provide a quicker path to occupancy. That’s being impacted with supply issues right now. The schedules are going in the wrong direction. But once a company is a little bit further in their maturity, and to use a size range, once a company is out looking for 50,000 square feet and they’ve got a little bit longer horizon, they are going to be focused on purpose-built construction for the most part, now that you’ve got some available supply.
Just like office tenants, lab tenants are going to be focused on buildings where the infrastructure supports them and their science, but also locations where their people want to go and work. Good amenities, access to public transportation or parking, dynamic locations where they know they can be com petitive from a recruiting standpoint: That has not changed. The shift is the loosening of availability. Companies are able to go back to their second or third choice of location, versus making the decision that wasn’t their target location because they’ve got to be in and there’s no supply.
A: No and it’s not that their programmatic requirements aren’t specialized. The great thing on the sublease front is it’s providing opportunities for young companies to come in and lease high-quality space. A lot of the space on the sublease market is in newly constructed or newly-converted buildings, and they can do a two- or three-year lease which comple ments how their fundraising works.
When we were in a more supply-constrained market, a lot of these companies were signing leases for 10 years, or taking more space than they needed because they didn’t have an alternative. As we track sublease inventory for the last six months, 75 to 80 percent of the sublease options are what we call controlled growth – companies that took on space they were planning to grow into – versus companies that had a negative business event.
A year ago, a majority of the space was getting leased before it even hit the market. Today, the biggest contrast is that when leasing space that was in shell condition and you had to build it out 15 to 18 months ago, that was completely acceptable. Now these companies are not willing to spend the capital to build out the space. If you want to get space leased today, you’re probably doing a spec suite or coming out of pocket with bigger tenant allowances than you have in the past.
We’ve seen tenant improvements increase, and also construc tion pricing has been super challenging. [Developers’] idea is: Not only are we going to sign a lease with a good company, but when they grow we’re 100 percent confident we’ll be able to re-lease the space after they vacate. With office suites, you’ve got to gut the whole space and redo it. The perfor mance on second-generation [lab] space has been incredibly strong. Companies want to get in and start operations ASAP.
Life science brokers are adjusting to the new market fundamentals in 2022 as biotechs and their venture capital backers take a more cautious approach to expanding their real estate footprints amid rising interest rates and stock market declines. Molly Heath represents developers of some of the region’s notable large-scale developments in the hunt for anchor tenants, including 10 World Trade in Boston, University Park and 100 and 20 CambridgeSide, both in East Cambridge. After stints in community relations for O’Neill & Assoc., the Boston College graduate and Chicagoarea native was introduced to the fundamentals of commercial real estate as a researcher at Trammell Crow Co., and has spent 15 years as a broker at JLL focusing on Boston, Cambridge and the fast-growing inner suburban lab markets.
A: No, life science leadership thinks about public transportation in the same way everybody else does. It’s a super important component to the location criteria and attracting and recruiting some of the younger workforce. It’s the same thing with traffic. Everybody bellyaches about it but fundamentally you live with it, because this is where you need and want to be.
Q: As life science tenants have more options and less competition for space, are they favoring new construction or converted space, or is speed to occupancy still the most important factor?
Q: How many proposals does a typical listing receive now versus mid-2021?
Q: Has the uncertainty about the future of MBTA schedules and reliability affected demand for urban transit-oriented lab sites?
Most of the sublease options are coming from what we call controlled growth: companies that took on space they were planning to grow into.
he Massachu setts Biotechnol ogy Council is a private nonprofit lo cated near the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology and Kend all Square in Cam bridge. Its members include biomedical firms, academic hospi tals and allied organizations, and its mis sion is the advancement of Massachusetts’s leadership in the life sciences industry.
MassBio’s 2022 snapshot summarizes the growth of that industry in Massachu setts. According to the report, life sci ences employment in Massachusetts has grown by 131 percent since 2006, with 13 percent growth in 2021 alone. There are over 106,000 people employed in the Mas sachusetts biopharma industry, with aver age salaries above $200,000 per year.
The town offers an expedited permitting process priority development under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 43D,
In 2021, venture capital firms invested $13.7 billion in biopharma companies head quartered in Massachusetts, and the Na tional Institute of Health invested another $3.3 billion in Massachusetts. Massachu setts real estate used for life sciences in creased from 18 million square feet in 2011 to 40 million in 2021, and it is expected to reach 56 million square feet this year.
Much of the Massachusetts life sciences industry is situated in Middlesex and Suf folk Counties, mostly in Cambridge, Boston and Waltham, but MassBio also recognizes several other “BioReady” communities that can accommodate life science develop ments. It awards bronze, silver, gold and platinum ratings to Massachusetts commu nities, based on their ability to offer favor
able land use laws and necessary infra structure to life science firms
TMassBio reserves its platinum rating for communities that are best prepared for life science developments. To earn a platinum rating, a community must either have a board of health that adopted NIH guidelines on rDNA activity, and permit ted buildings with at least 20,000 square feet available for biotech uses, or have shovel-ready, pre-permitted land sites with municipal water and sewer capacity and completed reviews under the Massa chusetts Environmental Protection Act.
MassBio has awarded platinum ratings to 37 communities – Andover, Bedford, Beverly, Billerica, Boston, Burlington, Cambridge, Canton, Chelmsford, Devens, Fitchburg, Framingham, Franklin, Gloucester, Grafton, Haverhill, Leomin ster, Lexington, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, Marlborough, New Bedford, Newton, North Andover, Norwood, Quincy, Revere, Shrewsbury, Somerville, Southfield, Springfield, Taunton, Waltham, Westbor ough, Woburn and Worcester.
Andover is among several communities outside the Route 128 belt that have earned MassBio’s platinum rating. Located at the intersection of two interstate high ways, and hosting an attractive town cen ter, dedicated open space, and two com muter rail stations, Andover is a desirable place to live and work. Its zoning bylaw establishes expansive industrial zones along Interstate 93, where research labora tories and manufacturing facilities for pharmaceuticals, biologics, and medical devices are specifically allowed as of right. The town offers an expedited per mitting process for specified priority de velopment sites under Massachusetts Gen eral Laws Chapter 43D, which guarantees local permitting decisions within 180 days.
Andover already has about 2 million square feet of building space devoted to life sciences, of which Pfizer Pharmaceuti cals occupies over 1 million square feet. Other life science firms such as Draeger Medical Systems, Smith & Nephew and Straumann USA have significant pres ences in Andover. The town has an addi tional 500,000 square feet of new life sci ence space in its pipeline. This includes 100,000 square feet of new construction at 4 Corporate Drive, which IQHQ purchased in 2020. That property is leased to Univer sity of Massachusetts-Lowell and Ora Inc.
Andover is willing to consider tax incre
ment financing to encourage life science developments. In 2017, Pfizer used a TIF to expand its Andover campus by 180,000 square feet. Under the five-year TIF, the town agreed to 100 percent real estate tax relief on Pfizer’s expansion for three years, plus 65 percent relief in years four and five, capped at $2.9 million total tax relief.
Andover expects to realize a $3.8 million TIF benefit over 10 years from the expan sion. Pfizer’s expansion not only benefits people locally. Its Andover campus is in strumental in manufacturing the COVID-19 vaccine, which benefits people worldwide.
Paul Materazzo, Andover’s director of planning and land use, points out that An dover encourages employee amenities such as restaurants and daycare facilities near life science firms.
“It has been a remarkable ride witness
ing Andover’s transformation into a life sci ence cluster,” Materazzo said. “The hard work put in by Andover’s boards and com mittees over the years has distinguished Andover as a life science leader in the commonwealth. As we continue to wel come new life science companies seeking space near Cambridge and Boston, Ando ver has become an attractive alternative, based upon our understanding of their needs, location, and available incentives.”
Andover has available sites with excel lent infrastructure, an accommodating reg ulatory environment, and a willingness to provide tax incentives. Its welcome mat is out for more life science developments.
Christopher R. Vaccaro is a partner at Dalton & Finegold in Andover. His email address is cvaccaro@dfllp.com.
Total Value (2022): $42,258,800
320 Revere Beach Blvd, Revere $80,000,000
Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units
B: 320 Revere Bch Blvd Apt
S: Revere Bch Apartments LLC
Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $46,143,400
Lot Size: 49118sf
40 Locke St, Haverhill $77,000,436
Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units
B: Locke Street Owner LLC
S: Fc Haverhill LLC
Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $45,900,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $26,562,400
Lot Size: 199505sf
1260 Westford St, Lowell $25,900,000
Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units
B: DSF Westford Street LLC
S: Residences At Drum Hl LLC
Mtg: Walker & Dunlop LLC $17,660,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $9,493,600
Lot Size: 130910sf Prior Sale: $13,200,000 (06/21)
45 Industrial Pkwy, Woburn $23,750,000
Use: Industrial Warehouse B: WCV 45 Industrial LLC S: 45 Industrial Pky Assoc
Mtg: US Bank NA 144,368,220 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $5,529,900
Lot Size: 199533sf
35 Danton Dr, Methuen $21,000,000
Use: Manufacturing Building
B: 47r Danton Main Owner LLC
S: 192 Pelham St LLC
Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,147,300
Lot Size: 217800sf Prior Sale: $3,350,000 (06/16)
495 Turnpike St, Canton $19,750,000
Use: Industrial Warehouse
B: Babar LLC Tr, Tr for 495 Turnpike RT
S: 495 Turnpike Street LLC
Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $10,500,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $9,050,500
Lot Size: 605484sf
123 Gilboa St, Douglas $17,636,125
Use: County/Municipality Property
B: Cubes At Gilboa LLC
S: Davis Street LLC
Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $57,500
Lot Size: 397703sf
22 Pratt St, Allston $14,000,000
Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other
B: Huspp 22 Pratt JV LLC
S: 22 Pratt Street LLC & Michael Oshry
Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,397,100
Lot Size: 91440sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (03/13)
265 Foster St, Littleton $13,550,000
Use:Industrial Warehouse
B: VAF 1 265 Foster LLC
S: 265 Foster LLC
Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $3,088,000
Lot Size: 199505sf Prior Sale: $7,385,000 (10/20)
For a complete list of commercial property sales that have closed in the past month, see our full monthly review, starting on page B9. Pfizer broke ground on a 180,000-square-foot expansion of its Andover campus in 2017 after receiving a tax increment financing agreement from town officials. P hoto courtesy of PfizerThe Boston metro has been a leader in life science research for decades, and the attention that the COVID-19 pan demic drew to the in dustry propelled the area even more over the last few years.
Although that upward projection con tinued through the first half of 2022, a few headwinds are mounting.
The public biotech market has seen a downturn since early 2021, and the pri vate markets have started to feel the pinch. After a record year in venture capi tal funding in 2021 ($12.4 billion), the first half of 2022 ($3.7 billion so far) has seen a decrease of private companies in Mas sachusetts receiving funding. This has caused new company formation to slow, and many private firms are being forced to prioritize their cash reserves. The fund ing levels in 2022 resemble those of 2020 ($6.3 billion), still strong historically.
Even with the uncertainty on the ho rizon, Boston has remained the nation’s epicenter of biotech and pharmaceutical research. In the second quarter of 2022, the market recorded over 2 million square feet of net absorption, while rents were the highest in the country, and vacancy sat at sub-1.5 percent. East Cambridge
was home to the nation’s two largest leases with AstraZeneca and Takeda sign ing leases in new build-to-suit projects, both over 550,000 square feet. Vertex was the third-largest lease signed nation ally during the second quarter for over 340,000 square feet in the Seaport District submarket of Boston. These leases drove leasing activity to over 3 million square feet across the Boston Metro.
With such strong leasing pushing the market, a number of developers stayed bullish on the life science market. Projects across the Boston metro, from the Sea port to West Cambridge and out to the 128 West area, either broke ground or began converting in the second quarter. These under-construction projects are drawing a large share of leasing activity, as they have for the last 12 months. Of the 14.9 million
handful of promising new ventures. Midsized companies looking for space in the 40,000 to 100,000 square feet range have seen the most pullback, as these private companies prioritize preserving capital in the short term.
their spaces. The sublease rate at the end of the second quarter, 2.2 percent, was the highest in the metro since 2015.
A few companies have put their space onto the sublease market because of planned relocations, for example, Bristol Myers Squibb has put over 100,000 square feet of space onto the sublease market in anticipation of their relocation to Cam bridge Crossing next year.
square feet of life science projects under construction, 45.2 percent are preleased.
As funding drove demand in 2021, the pullback in funding has caused many companies to reconsider expanding into new space. Even so, demand for lab space has remained strong, held up by several large pharmaceutical companies and a
his month Presi dent Joe Biden signed an execu tive order helping to expand biomanufac turing in the U.S. and reverse the decadeslong migration of critical manufacturing abroad. The National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Ini tiative will create new jobs, strengthen the supply chain and lower prices. This order will have especially great impact here in Massachusetts, the world’s top biotech hub.
COVID-19 created a sense of urgency in the U.S., enough to ex pedite a plan for swift and safe development and production of vac cines. The ensuing collapse of the global supply chain prompted a realization that we must re-domesticate the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs,) which are the starting materials used to make almost every phar maceutical or biotech product. Currently, 80 percent of APIs are made in China and India.
This is where real estate comes in. In order to manufacture here, we need spe cialized space to support both the produc tion of these materials and their use in the creation of new medicines. We’ve already
Tgot some: King Street Properties of Bos ton – a national leader in the development of specialized biomanufacturing facilities – broke ground two years ago on an inno vative project at the Devens business park that will make the president’s initiative come to life in Massachusetts.
Here is some important background. The first phase of the medicine-making equation takes place in research lab space. These buildings typically are sleek, glassy struc tures where scientists, CEOs and scores of talented life sciences professionals work tirelessly to develop the treatments that will prevent, manage and cure diseases.
But these life-saving drugs can’t reach the people who need them without thor oughly modern and ef ficient manufacturing facilities. Today there is a critical lack of supply of rental space world wide for this type of real estate. The short age is due to the rapid rise of new molecular classes of medicines collectively called bio logics, which are much more effective than older generations of medicines.
The sudden demand took the real es tate industry by surprise. Simply put, there were no purpose-built biomanufacturing buildings to be found anywhere that could meet the needs of this new science. And then came COVID. The biomanufacturing real estate shortage was greatly exacer bated by the pandemic.
An influx of sublease space has come onto the market across the region. Most of this space is strategic, allowing a com pany to sublease space for one to three years, while giving them time to grow into that space at the end of the sublease term. A handful of companies that faced finan cial troubles have been forced to sublet
The life science industry is more im portant than ever with an aging popula tion and COVID-19 still hanging around, and Boston will remain a key player. As the number one market for talent and an ever-growing lab inventory, Boston is the epicenter pushing the life science industry forward.
Connor Channel is field research manager for CBRE in Boston.
At King Street Properties, we responded quickly. In October 2020, we launched our Pathway platform dedicated to biomanufac turing when we broke ground on the first multi-building, multi-tenant biomanufac turing campus in the world in Devens. The platform provides companies a “Pathway to a Cure” by creating customizable, turnkey biomanufacturing space on demand.
By utilizing Pathway facilities, compa nies can save two to three years of time that would otherwise be spent on acquisi tion, permitting and construction. We do all the upfront work, so that our tenants can focus on the streamlined installation of their specialized interior improvements and getting their medicines to market.
The response from the pharmaceuti cal industry has been encouraging. Only 16 months after breaking ground on the Pathway campus in Devens, King Street an nounced its first lease with Azzur Group, which plans to operate a “Cleanrooms on Demand” facility to help companies accel erate their products by taking over aspects of the production process.
In addition, we have started construc
tion of two additional facilities. In July, we topped off the steel at 33 Jackson Road, which contains 187,000 square feet. And, encouraged by the volume of leasing activ ity we are seeing, we have started specula tive construction of a third 100,000 square foot building at 39 Jackson Road.
Pathway is gaining national traction as well, and we have recently expanded the concept to North Carolina where we have purchased a large site we are calling Path way Triangle. We plan to launch the same turnkey concept there and in other U.S. locations as well. But Massachusetts is our home and this state will be well sup ported in maintaining its leading share of the drug manufacturing market.
For King Street, finding ways to remove the real estate obstacles that life science companies face is our mission. We look for ward to continuing to support life science innovators, with immediate and unimpeded access to the materials and the facilities that they require for their life-saving work.
Stephen Lynch is co-managing principal of King Street Properties.
Vertex was the third-largest lease signed nationally during the second quarter for over 340,000 square feet in the Seaport District submarket of Boston.mage courtesy of CBT Architects
Today there is a critical lack of supply of rental space worldwide for this type of real estate.
apid innovation in the life sci ences has driven the need for many dif ferent types of labs and technical spaces. Where standard chem istry and biology labs could once accommo date most processes, the rise of cell/gene therapies, RNAi, pro tein therapeutics, genomics and synthetic biology has created a need for highly spe cialized labs and equipment.
Additionally, industries such as robot ics, medical devices, batteries, food sci ence and semiconductors have expanded and require technical space with func tionality for both scientists and makers. As lab spaces grow in volume and com plexity, effective lab planning has become more critical than ever to optimizing func tion and flow in the workplace.
Lab planning lays the groundwork for strategy and design decisions around a new lab space. It balances technical re quirements with purpose-driven program ming – the iterative process of compiling functional requirements around square feet and infrastructure. As real estate is one of the largest expenses for life sci ences companies, planning and program ming are essential steps to maximize value in real estate decisions and facili tate a smooth transition into the new lab.
Without thoughtful planning, subop timal work environments may lead to
Rcostly disruptions. Imagine moving into a new lab with infrastructure like HVAC or waste collection that doesn’t comply with local biosafety regulations, thereby delay ing any work to occur in the lab. Or realiz ing that the relocated mass spectrometer doesn’t have the right connections to ex haust, power, specialized gas or backup power, thus significantly delaying planned experiments. Both scenarios represent major interruptions to lab operations and could be financial nightmares to remedy.
The worst circumstance a life sciences company can encounter is prematurely running out of space for new equip ment and employees, leading to an unex pected and urgent search for more space.
Instead, organizations should initiate lab planning and operational conversa tions during their search for space to help define the parameters of the search. Ac curate “right-sizing” generates true value, potentially saving companies millions of
velopment, industry, scientific modality, processes, equipment, functional support, infrastructure requirements, and more.
Fortunately, with the rise in life sci ences in Boston, many real estate organi zations have recruited professionals with scientific industry experience. These advi sors can leverage end-user perspective to ask the right questions and develop holis tic real estate solutions.
A robust and tailored program paired with a realistic real estate strategy can help life sciences companies confidently plan for the future and avoid potential missteps.
Develop a Team and Timeline
Lab planning and programming should begin in the very early stages of the real estate process. While these activities are often carried out during the architectural design process, this is potentially problem atic: The lease has already been signed, and there is a risk that the space cannot support the lab function and needs.
oston Planning & Development Agency directors approved over 480,000 square feet of real estate proj ects at their September meeting, including a new mixed-income housing tower in Mis sion Hill, while putting the brakes on a pro posed lab conversion in Fort Point.
Directors tabled the approval of an of fice-to-lab conversion at 51 Melcher St., after receiving opposition from City Council President Ed Flynn and neighborhood resi dents.
GI Partners’ project has generated con cern since it was originally proposed in December 2021 because the 51 Melcher St. building shares walls with a pair of residen tial buildings.
Developers said they designed the build ing to limit effects on neighbors, including locating some mechanical equipment inside the 102,727-square-foot building instead of the roof. The project would convert 57,000 square feet into lab space and support areas.
City Council President Ed Flynn submit ted a letter of opposition to the BPDA board stating that neighbors’ health and safety would be put at risk by the project, includ ing the removal of biohazard waste, and cre ate noise and vibration that could disturb residents of 63 Melcher St.
“I feel it’s a little disingenuous for you to say when you don’t know who the tenants are going to be, that these kinds of labs uses are, to use your language, 'Kind of just an office,' unquote,” BPDA board member Ted Landsmark told developers during their pre sentation on Sept. 15. “You don’t know what it’s going to be.”
As proposed conversions of office build ings to lab uses have increased in recent
years, neighbors and some elected officials have asked for increasing scrutiny of proj ects near in and around residential neigh borhoods.
In April 2021, BPDA directors delayed a vote on conversion of the 321 Harrison Ave. office building into lab-ready space. Board members said South End and Chinatown neighbors had insufficient notice of the project and opportunity to comment. The project was approved in July 2021.
The BPDA has been updating its review standards for life science projects to reflect neighborhood impacts.
At September’s meeting, BPDA direc tors approved projects creating 305 housing units, including 111 which will be incomerestricted.
The Traggorth Cos. plans to develop a $74 million mixed-income tower at 775 Hun tington Ave. in Mission Hill. The 13-story project will include 57 apartments and 55 condominiums, with units reserved for rent ers earning 30 to 80 percent of area median income. Half of the condos will be reserved for buyers earning up to 120 of AMI, with the remainder offered at market rate.
In Brighton, another 117 housing units are planned in a redevelopment of a vacant bank branch located at 30 Leo Birmingham Parkway and another 38 units at the site of a former State Police barracks. Developer Mount Vernon Co. plans the 111,545-squarefoot apartment complex across the street from its Radius apartment complex. The new development will include 17 percent income-restricted units, 5,810 square feet of retail space and screened at-grade parking.
At 46 Leo Birmingham Parkway, devel oper Arx Urban received approval for a 6-story, 38-unit apartment building.
In Newmarket, board members approved a new charter school and a planned canna bis cultivation facility.
dollars by avoiding situations of too much or not enough space.
Assembling the right real estate advi sory team is key to this process. Many commercial real estate advisors work primarily with traditional office space, where a simple headcount and workstyle analysis can determine square footage and layout needs. Life sciences clients, on the other hand, require a higher degree of customization and specification. Labs and technical spaces are driven by many factors beyond headcount: stage of de
With companies’ operations and output depending on the functionality of their lab spaces, it is imperative to use all of the tools at one’s disposal to ensure it is done right. Lab planning is critical to the success of the real estate life cycle for life sciences organizations, offering a process to capture initial requirements and serve as a basis for the evolving needs that inev itably arise throughout the design devel opment. By investing in a custom lab pro gram early in the real estate process and bringing the right expertise to the table, organizations will save time and money for maximized value and productivity.
R.J. Panzo is a senior vice president of life sciences in the Boston office of Cresa.
Many real estate advisors work primarily with traditional office space, where a simple headcount and workstyle analysis can determine square footage and layout needs.Sophisticated analysis of future space needs is critical to a life science company’s growth.
assachusetts state govern ment bet big on the life sciences industry in 2008 with a $1 billion invest ment over the next decade. The result of this risky wager? An industry that has been on a record-breaking tear of raising funds, hiring people, building labs and solving medical challenges.
As we approach the close of the second act – a five-year extension worth hun dreds of millions of dollars – MassBio’s latest “Industry Snapshot” paints a picture of a cluster built to remain the global life sciences leader.
With more than 106,000 people now working in the industry, continued strong venture capital investment in Massachu setts companies (over $5 billion in the first six months of 2022), and a life sci ences real estate portfolio totaling 55.9 million square feet, Massachusetts has po sitioned itself to weather a transition from the heady months of 2021 to the head winds of 2022 to what comes next better than most other clusters and industries.
To properly consider where we go from here, we must look at some of the founda tional pieces that this successful ecosystem here is built on: talent and science and, more recently, space. Our workforce has long been the calling card for Massachu setts. Hiring challenges exist, but CBRE re cently renewed their labeling of Greater Boston as the number one life science clus
Mter based on jobs, local wages, cost of living and other factors. The density of emerging companies in Boston and Cambridge work ing on the world’s most difficult medical challenges is second to none, and that’s why the biggest biopharma players are here too.
On lab and biomanufacturing space, let’s go to the data: beyond the current 55.9 million-square-foot inventory, there are 14.9 million square of lab space and 1.7 million square feet of GMP space cur rently under construction. These projects are part of a pipeline that could be any
tinued construction boom positions Massa chusetts to benefit in the long term from company expansions, firms looking to relo cate and new startups backed by strong clinical data and plentiful VC funding.
locating jobs in the places where marginal ized populations live, updating job descrip tions and hiring practices to make careers accessible and aligning training curriculums with what employers need and with the lives of non-traditional students.
where from 26 million and 59 million square feet by 2025. All told, we are look ing at a market that is heading away from the currently unhealthy vacancy rates and toward a regionalization that exposes new communities and populations to the bene fits of the innovation economy with a sup ply that can meet the demand.
Instead of a situation where a company is leasing more space than it needs because its leadership is concerned about a lack of expansion options down the road, the con
And MassBio is helping to keep the movement beyond Kendall Square and the Seaport going by guiding cities and towns through the process of becoming Bio Ready – our organization’s designation for municipalities that have streamlined per mitting, biotech-ready zoning and good in frastructure – and making their municipal ities more appealing to developers. Some of our newest BioReady communities in clude Danvers, Foxborough and Lynn. We’re also seeing exciting developments in the state’s Gateway Cities, with re cently proposed life sciences develop ments in Brockton, Everett and Revere.
When the industry moves beyond its tra ditional confines, it opens itself up to a new pool of talent that is untapped, more diverse and underrepresented in the life sciences. MassBio has been leading the charge in sup porting our members as they address hiring challenges and lagging workforce diversity. Some ways this can be accomplished is by
A company that has biomanufacturing facilities that are accessible by public transportation or without gridlock can offer on-the-job training as part of a cre dentialing program at a local community college. A city or town that hosts a life sci ences campus has new tax revenue and ready-made customers for their restau rants and shops.
As we ponder the life sciences indus try’s third act here in Massachusetts, we must remain vigilant in our efforts to miti gate competition from other states, larger policy challenges like the cost of housing and failing infrastructure and a workforce that wants to work from or closer to home. State government has been far more than a cheerleader for the life sci ences this last decade and a half. Going forward this public-private partnership could be the difference in staying on top or ceding our leadership position.
Joe Boncore is CEO of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council.
According to the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council 2022 Industry
Snapshot, venture capital funding of the biopharma industry remained strong in 2022 with the first six months of the year boasting $5 billion invested in Massachu setts-headquartered biopharma compa nies. The strength of the Massachusetts early-stage ecosystem has translated into a drug development pipeline for Massa chusetts-headquartered companies that outpaces all but one competitor state, representing 15.6 percent of the U.S. pipe line and a nearly 25 percent increase in drug candidates over last year’s snapshot.
One of the new therapies that have emerged at the forefront of the Massa chusetts biopharma pipeline is cell ther apy. Cell therapy manufacturing is unique in that it’s personalized medicine, spe cific to each patient, requiring special ized manufacturing space for the delivery of safe and effective therapies. Tradi
tional cell therapy processes involve sig nificant manual operations, equipment configurations with varying durations of each process step, and multiple batches running simultaneously.
Conducting throughput analyses can determine the optimal equipment re quired for meeting target production goals. This can then be translated into the right amount of space required for a cell therapy facility while optimizing cap ital expenditures.
Most cell therapy manufacturers em ploy extensive use of biosafety cabinets (BSCs) for production to maintain quality control. There is an inherent risk in open operations that are carried out in BSCs and an enhanced room classification is required to ensure product sterility.
Recently, cell therapy manufacturers have shifted to using Automated Cell Pro cessors (ACPs) and cleanroom isolators to replace BSCs, by physically closing op erational steps while dedicated open op erations are carried out inside isolators.
ACPs offer the advantage of combin ing multiple cell processing steps into a single equipment. This leads to a reduc tion in footprint as well as an enhanced
safety profile as the product is no longer exposed to operators or the environ ment. Due to the closed nature of the processing, the cleanroom classification can also be reduced using this approach.
One of DPS’s recent cell therapy proj ects employed BSCs in the process, while another employed ACPs and isola tors. Both processes had similar opera tion times. The first project (using BSCs) could process about 70 patients per year
per 1,000 square feet of class B manufac turing space. The second project (using isolators) could process about 370 pa tients per year per 1,000 square feet of class C manufacturing space.
The benefit of using ACPs and isola tors is clear as the cost savings of design ing, building and operating a class C clean room as compared to class B clean room are significant while at the same
A company that has biomanufacturing facilities that are accessible by public transportation or without gridlock can offer on-the-job training as part of a credentialing program at a local community college.mage courtesy of Gensler Use of automated cell processors in cleanrooms can save space and money while increasing production capacity. DPS Group took part in the renovation of 650 Pleasant St. in Watertown including 13 cGMP suites for Arranta Bio. P hoto courtesy of Arranta Bio
ontrol areas are a tool to com partmentalize a lab building so that the amount of chemi cals being used is code compliant, and if a fire occurs, its spread can be minimized. Multiple control areas are de sirable in both new and existing buildings, but this can be achieved in numerous ways.
When a life science company is looking for space, they should work with their en vironmental health and safety (EH&S) vendor to develop a list of chemicals that will be used in their laboratory. A wet lab with hazardous and/or combustible chem icals and gases must be evaluated by an architect for such factors as the availabil ity of space on the lowest floors of a building, construction type classification, sprinkler and/or fire suppression systems and the ability to comply with the Na tional Fire Protection Agency Codes.
There are three distinct codes that need to be considered when designing control areas, including the International Building Code (IBC), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 45, and NFPA 30.
With IBC, the enclosed area is a control area defined as “spaces within a building where quantities of hazardous materials not exceeding the maximum allowable quanti ties per control area are stored, dispensed, used, or handled.” NFPA 45, “Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals,” is the industry's comprehensive source for requirements for the fire-safe de sign and operation of laboratories to avoid
injury to lab occupants. It outlines the max imum allowable quantities of liquids and gases, as well as requirements for ventilat ing systems and chemical fume hoods.
CThe enclosed area is the laboratory it self, and is divided into hazard levels A, B, C and D based upon the amount of chemi cals that are in use. NFPA 30, “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,” provides fundamental safeguards for the storage, handling, and use of flammable and com bustible liquids and, in short, includes a system for categorizing liquids as being flammable or combustible.
With new buildings, determining the con struction type (IBC Types I-V) dictates the control area strategy, which is based on the required fire resistance rating and separa tion distance for occupancy groups B and H, under which most research labs are cat
in providing the maximum possible num ber of control areas. This provides the most flexible control area strategy which benefits both tenants and landlords who want buildings that will serve as laborato ries for the long term.
For an existing building renovation, a careful review of existing conditions, in
can be infilled to create a two-hour rating and add extra fireproofing to columns and beams.
Another alternative is to create three distinct rated storage rooms on the first floor of the building. The latter alterna tive, which takes advantage of the higher capacity of chemicals permitted to be stored at lower levels, treats the rest of the building as a single control area, thus limiting the amount of chemicals a tenant can use. Tenants switch chemicals in the building between their storage area and laboratory as they need to use them.
egorized. In modern lab buildings, where each floor typically gets at least one con trol area, the amount of allowable chemi cals decreases for each story above the ground floor per code due to the increased difficulty of access by the fire department.
Above the seventh floor, control areas are limited to 5 percent of the chemicals that can be used on the first floor. In past projects designed by our firm, providing a two-hour fire rating to the floors and the supporting structure has been successful
time processing about five times the number of patients.
A client is building a cell therapy facil ity to fight solid tumors. The facility uses isolators and ACPs to carry out the oper ations for the patient-specific process.
DPS was tasked with finding an opti mal equipment strategy to maximize utili zation of space and minimize fixed costs while processing 500 batches per year.
idle for extended durations. Adjusting batches temporally, by initiating batches at different time points, led to an im provement in equipment utilization and allowed for a reduction in the fixed equipment required.
At the end of the throughput analysis, we were able to reduce the number of ACPs required from 21 to 18 and the number of isolators to just five. This ad justed configuration would occupy ap proximately 1,100 square feet of clean room area, a reduction of approximately 52 percent.
cluding as-built drawings and invasive partial demolition, is required to confirm that the floors are rated to allow for sepa rate control areas on adjacent floors. When the floors aren’t rated – this in cludes the gap often found at the edge of the floor slab – there are alternatives to consider. The gap at the edge of the floors
In either new buildings or building renovations, the chemical usage of ten ants needs to be monitored on an ongoing basis. Tenants are responsible for securing chemical use licenses annually and build ing owners must maintain a chemical use permit that matches their tenants’ licenses.
Jess Hamilton is a project manager with architects Margulies Perruzzi in Boston.
A throughput analysis was developed considering a process duration of 12 days and an annual facility production time of 300 days. A single ACP can process about 24 batches a year, which implies that 21 ACPs would be needed to process 500 batches.
With multiple batches running simulta neously and to eliminate the potential of cross-contamination, 21 isolators would be required to keep one dedicated per batch. This is effectively an ACP to isola tor ratio of 1:1, with the ACP utilization of about 70 percent and the isolators about 10 percent and with about 2,300 square feet of cleanroom area required.
This configuration is not ideal as ex pensive equipment, such as isolators, are
The economic impact of operating times from a facility design perspective can be evaluated from these results. For example, ACPs cost approximately $150,000 each and isolators for such an application would be $300,000 each. By carrying out throughput analyses, we were able to reduce the upfront capital costs from $10 million (for 21 ACPs and 21 isolators) to approximately $4.2 mil lion, an overall savings of 58 percent.
Conducting a throughput analysis can assist in right-sizing the space required for your cell therapy facility to avoid wasting time, space and money.
Ankur Shah is a lead process engineer with DPS Group.
One of the new therapies that have emerged at the forefront of the Massachusetts biopharma pipeline is cell therapy.
While it’s expected developers are likely to flock first to the 10 acres of sur face property that doesn’t require building over an active train line, don’t rule out the more ambitious part of the air rights offer ing. Air rights projects over South Station and at a variety of parcels over the Mas sachusetts Turnpike through Boston are now moving ahead after decades of delay.
“We are at a unique point in time where it's not only a land-use best practice and a community best practice, but also there's a business case now for the state and the MBTA to pursue these projects,” said Viktor Schrader, Medford’s economic development director.
Elsewhere in the city, Cummings Prop erties already offers speculative floor plans ranging from 2,000 and 25,000 square feet for build-to-suit labs at 200 Boston Ave., between Tufts University and the Mystic Valley Parkway. The developer has also pro posed converting a parking deck on the property into a 3-story building that can support office research, development and advanced manufacturing.
‘Closer to Kendall than Watertown’
“Location, location, location and an enlightened and cooperative city govern ment,” Cummings Properties CEO Dennis Clarke said in response to what drew the Woburn-based developer to Medford for additional life science development op portunities. “There's long been a spillover effect from Cambridge and Longwood in Boston, where firms – especially smaller startup firms – are looking for space and more cost-effective space than what's in the big city.”
Kendall Square’s appeal to life science firms looking to plant a flag in the area
stemmed from the neighborhood’s prox imity to Harvard and MIT. But don’t dis count Medford, home to many who work at those prestigious schools as well as Tufts University.
“As far as the crow flies, certain parts of Medford are closer to Kendall Square than [other life science] hot spots like Watertown or even the far edges of the Seaport,” said Jeffrey Myers, a research director at Colliers. “If you think about the access to talent, Medford is a quick easy commute from communities in Cam bridge, Somerville and Boston.”
Additionally, city leaders pitch their ju risdiction as one where companies can be closer to where life sci ence workers actually live. Sure, downtown Boston and Cambridge are desirable places to call home, but they are also extraordinarily ex pensive and competi tive for housing. Med ford and Malden at the northern end of the Orange Line offer comparatively more affordable housing.
Medford’s median sales price was $850,000 for single-family homes and $603,500 for condominiums, according to data compiled by The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman. Mal den’s were $613,000 and $355, respec tively. Those stack up favorably compared to the median condo prices in Somerville ($720,000) and Cambridge ($890,000), let alone those two cities’ million-dollar-plus median single-family sales prices.
“Greater Cambridge and Boston are staffed by employees that live in Medford, so as [the companies] are getting priced out or as they're needing to grow, they’re looking for a new location that's close to where employees live,” Schrader said. “Medford’s right there. It’s been passed over for years and decades.”
But Medford also can offer a lot more space for companies needing to scale up. Even with the threat of a recession on the horizon, Greater Boston’s life science va cancy rate was 3 percent at the end of the second quarter, according to Colliers.
“We have industrial areas around Wel lington, Mystic Ave. and around Tufts University that had been underdeveloped for a long time, and developers are lead ing the charge,” Schrader said. “Compa nies are interested that it aligns really well with their requirements.”
If people are still scratching their heads at why Medford could emerge as a life science cluster, look a little further to the south in Somerville. Areas like Union Square and Assembly Row were propelled forward in recent years as viable places to park life science development, but Somer ville – like Medford – was historically a residential area.
“Somerville has similar kind of charac teristics: heavier on the residential but has good transit access and proximity to Cam bridge and Kendall Square and Boston and the airport and all of those things that you would expect in an inner-suburban loca tion,” said Elizabeth Berthelette, director of research at Newmark. “Medford in tuitively makes sense as part of that new northern, inner-suburban cluster.”
Is there enough room to go around?
Most likely. While the biggest pharma ceutical companies typically stick to real estate deals in areas like Cambridge Crossing, Kendall Square and the Seaport, Berthelette said a submarket like Medford is best-positioned to capitalize on smaller and medium-sized life science companies looking to grow.
“I won't call it a silver bullet, but I do think that some companies will find it a viable location for expansion and growth opportunities,” Myers said.
Email: camsperance@gmail.com
Somerville’s Davis Square. Some observers compare Medford’s potential to that of Somerville’s: historically residential, but possessed of good transit connections to existing life science hubs.100 Wales St, Abington $980,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 100 Wales LLC
S: Andrew J Tullis
Mtg: G Capital LLC $905,000 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $751,700 Lot Size: 42234sf
Prior Sale: $700,000 (09/13)
425 Great Rd, Acton $3,918,000
Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323)
B: 425 LLC
S: Harold Tubman Tr, Tr for Act Sud RT
Mtg: Avidia Bank $2,938,500 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,938,100 Lot Size: 135036sf
7 Hoosac St, Adams $692,500
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: Adams Spinning Partners
S: Spinning Mill LLC
Mtg: Capital Bank NA $900,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $462,100 Lot Size: 306227sf
Prior Sale: $450,000 (04/14)
17 Spring St, Adams $26,000
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Lahcen Bamadi & Saleh Salhi
S: Thomas Abate
Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $66,300 Lot Size: 6970sf
Prior Sale: $56,500 (07/13)
320 Bowles Rd, Agawam $12,500,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Therma Howe LLC & Big Brother LLC
S: Agawam 320 TGCI LLC
Mtg: Washington Tr Co $6,875,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $4,752,500 Lot Size: 668638sf
Prior Sale: $5,025,000 (10/19)
325-327 Walnut Street Ext, Agawam $250,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Walnut Vo LLC
S: OSC Property LLC
Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $150,000 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $279,700 Lot Size: 5663sf
Prior Sale: $281,000 (03/16)
22 Pratt St, Allston $14,000,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: Huspp 22 Pratt JV LLC
S: 22 Pratt Street LLC & Michael Oshry
Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,397,100 Lot Size: 91440sf
Prior Sale: $25,000 (03/13)
35 Whitehall Rd, Amesbury $815,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: RLE Properties LLC
S: 35-41 Whitehall Rd Dev
Mtg: Winter Hill Fed SB $611,250 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $598,400 Lot Size: 4880sf
Prior Sale: $297,000 (03/15)
4 Francis Dr U:106, Andover $650,000
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: William T Quirk & Barbara Quirk
S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC
Mtg: Berkshire Bank $496,000 Date: 07/27/22
4 Francis Dr U:302, Andover $450,000
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Matthew Mclaughlin Tr, Tr for Mary J Mclaughlin RET
S: Janet Ghiozzi Tr, Tr for June Bug RT Date: 07/18/22
30 Lowell Junction Rd, Andover $7,000,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Othr (040)
B: 30 Lowell Junction LLC
S: Thomas W Goddard Tr, Tr for TJ RT Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,115,200 Lot Size: 190793sf
8 Lupine Rd, Andover $210,000
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Emmanuel Mauricio
S: Andover Cmnty T Inc
Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $189,000 Date: 07/15/22
6 Overlook Dr U:302, Andover $337,500
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Richard Ghiozzi & Janet Ghiozzi
S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC
Mtg: Andover Town Of $337,500 Date: 07/19/22
6 Overlook Dr U:307, Andover $488,825
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Sally L Sangermano
S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC Date: 07/26/22
260 Salem St, Andover $650,000
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Andover USA LLC
S: Octavio Dasilva
Mtg: QS Lending T $1,303,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $399,100 Lot Size: 46653sf
Carrs Mill Rd, Ashby $35,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Kevin Michaud & Amanda Michaud
S: Devin M Crowe
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $80,600 Lot Size: 216929sf
375 Exchange St, Athol $260,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Maverick Couture & Pauline Couture
S: Todd M Bushee & Judith E Bushee
Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $208,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $185,100 Lot Size: 5903sf
1365 Main St, Athol $400,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Trevor A Brown
S: John Boudreau
Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $382,936 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $217,000 Lot Size: 20173sf
31 Chestnut St, Attleboro $600,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Sally Z Soliman & Mina F Soliman
S: Janet Danello
Mtg: Bayfirst NB $250,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $492,400 Lot Size: 10000sf
Prior Sale: $323,000 (02/15)
180 Colvin St, Attleboro $75,000
Use:Industrial Potntl Dvlp Land (441)
B: County Street Realty Corp
S: Robert Lallier
Mtg: Robert Lallier $75,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $122,700 Lot Size: 22886sf
49 Dennis St, Attleboro $1,750,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 49 Dennis Owener LLC
S: Mario S Oliveira Tr, Tr for Oliveira RT Mtg: Needham Bk $1,412,500 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $776,700 Lot Size: 21742sf
59 Gardner St, Attleboro $1,410,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Sturdy Mem Hospital Inc
S: Allen D Conaway Tr, Tr for Boulevard Assoc T Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,456,300 Lot Size: 60984sf
59 Gardner St, Attleboro $100,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Sturdy Mem Hospital Inc
S: Portwest Corp Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,456,300 Lot Size: 60984sf
450 N Main St, Attleboro $510,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Maria Barbosa-Oliveira & Aldenir Oliveira
S: Craig A Cerroue
Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $500,762 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $421,100 Lot Size: 15200sf
555 Pleasant St U:101, Attleboro $375,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Mccrone Properties LLC
S: Paul Duffy Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $158,800
34 Quinton Ave, Attleboro $815,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Laurence A James & Tonia E James
S: TP Enterprises LLC
Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $611,250 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $535,300 Lot Size: 11000sf
Prior Sale: $210,000 (08/16)
40 Townsend Rd, Attleboro $295,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: DGG Industries Inc
S: Norsemen Inc Mtg: Customers Bank $883,000 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $272,200 Lot Size: 23468sf
55 Turner St, Attleboro $489,900
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Alexander Digiantommaso & Jessica Montoya
S: ADM Contractors LLC
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $465,405 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $24,100 Lot Size: 5000sf
Prior Sale: $70,000 (09/21)
Auburn 7 Saint Mark St, Auburn $690,000
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: Turnpike Development LLC
S: Johnson Pleasant Rlty LLC
Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $490,000 Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $402,000 Lot Size: 42600sf
Prior Sale: $495,000 (07/16)
Companies are constantly on the move in the Bay State’s dynamic commercial real estate market. It’s a high stakes game of musical chairs – and the landlords with the best information on who’s heading where have an inside edge. Our monthly Lease Roundup aims to provide that edge, offering a snapshot of leasing activity across the commonwealth. The following information was compiled from reports originally published on www.bankerandtradesman.com between Aug. 10 and Sept. 21. It is not meant to be a comprehensive accounting of all leases executed during that time. If you recently signed a new lease and want to potentially appear in future editions of the Lease Roundup, please send all relevant leasing and representation information to editorial@thewarrengroup.com. High resolution photos and graphics are welcomed in .jpeg and .gif formats.
Address: 1 Lincoln St.
City/town: Boston
Tenant: HarbourVest
Landlord: Fortis Property Group
Square Feet Taken: 250,000
Lease Type: Relocation
Tenant Representation: N/A
Landlord Representation: N/A
Address: 75 Technology Drive
City/town: Lowell
Tenant: Microchip Technology
Landlord: Rhino Capital
Square Feet Taken: 62,000
Lease Type: Extension
Tenant Representation: N/A
Landlord Representation: N/A
Address: 3 Van de Graaff Drive
City/town: Burlington
Tenant: Fractyl Health
Landlord: Jumbo Capital and Apollo Global Management
Square Feet Taken: 78,000
Lease Type: Relocation
Tenant Representation: CBRE’s Alex Plaisted, Ryan Romano and Tom Hovey
Landlord Representation: T3 Advisors’ Austin Barrett
5 Southbridge St, Auburn $425,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: A3 Properties LLC
S: Keith Sparhawk Tr, Tr for Sparhawk FT
Mtg: Hometown Bank $340,000 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $263,000 Lot Size: 7435sf
60 Barnum Rd, Ayer $2,040,648
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Riveridge Mass Land Co
S: Joseph P Sullivan&Co
Mtg: Apple Orchard RT $3,000,000 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,800,600 Lot Size: 152460sf
Prior Sale: $55,000 (04/13)
11 Columbia St, Ayer $630,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Columbia Rentals LLC
S: Edward F Smith Tr, Tr for Black Lantern RET
Mtg: Workers Credit Union $504,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $477,900 Lot Size: 5619sf
609 Main St, Becket $238,500
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Becket On Main Hldg LLP
S: Thomas W Rumbolt Tr, Tr for Cory Wishes NT
Mtg: Polish National CU $237,807 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $138,800 Lot Size: 43560sf
Prior Sale: $89,250 (07/21)
Bedford 139 Great Rd, Bedford $1,700,000
Use:Educational Property (940)
B: Bedford Town Of S: Utah State University
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,375,400 Lot Size: 64822sf
40 Middlesex Tpke, Bedford $8,850,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Fds Bedford LLC
S: Aware Inc Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $7,384,600 Lot Size: 175695sf
201 Springfield Rd, Belchertown $600,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Othr (040)
B: Belchertown RE LLC
S: Northeast Treaters Inc Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,560,000 Lot Size: 1940598sf
205 Ware Rd, Belchertown $238,350
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Ngan T Nguyen
S: Linh Tran Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $374,000 Lot Size: 136343sf
Prior Sale: $238,350 (07/21)
302 Hartford Ave U:302, Bellingham $5,163,180
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: Prime Storage Bellingham & Delaware LLC
S: Farrell Storage
Mtg: Trtx Master Clo Loan $69,000,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $4,693,800
17 Rita Ln U:3, Bellingham $695,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Civetti Holdings LLC
S: David L Apicella
Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $556,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $408,800
147-151 Belmont St, Belmont $1,000,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Nune Khachatrian
S: Belmont Street Inv LLC
Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $739,000 Lot Size: 5352sf
Prior Sale: $665,000 (11/16)
358 Pleasant St, Belmont $1,800,000
Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: 358 Pleasant St Belmont
S: William J Casey 3rd Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $751,000 Lot Size: 8985sf
11 South St, Bernardston $200,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: John A Crosby & Debbie Crosby
S: Pamela Pieropan-Adorno
Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $160,000 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $263,900 Lot Size: 14375sf
Beverly 266 Cabot St U:9, Beverly $156,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Liu Y Liu
S: Robert Murphy Tr, Tr for Valution RT
Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $92,200
2-6 Enon St, Beverly $6,593,750
Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323)
B: Aubuchon Realty Co Inc
S: Centderry LLC
Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $4,064,900 Lot Size: 56500sf
Prior Sale: $4,150,000 (10/16)
293 Rantoul St, Beverly $1,500,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Xu Y Chow Tr, Tr for J&D RT
S: Constantinos Angelakis
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,050,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,097,100 Lot Size: 8103sf
131 Boston Rd U:6, Billerica $148,000
Use:Retail Condo (345)
B: Thuy LeSantos
S: Ram N Gupta
Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $96,200 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $128,000
284-286 Hanover St, Boston $4,000,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Frank Pezzano Tr, Tr for Tony&Lucia RT
S: Federal Investment Inc
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,000,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,498,700 Lot Size: 1170sf
136 Lincoln St U:1, Boston $800,000
Use:Retail Condo (345)
B: Lahman Collective Impact
S: Austin Wei & Samantha Shih
Mtg: Stoneham Cp Bk $400,000 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $485,600 Lot Size: 1226sf
Prior Sale: $725,000 (06/14)
13 Margaret St, Boston $2,525,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Anit Patel
S: Torrington 2 LLC
Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $1,893,750 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,414,600 Lot Size: 792sf
Prior Sale: $1,930,000 (10/19)
209 W Newton St, Boston $3,300,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: S Efstratoudakis Tr, Tr for Aegean RT
S: Barbara Sullivan Tr, Tr for Sullivan Family 1999 RET
Mtg: MountainOne Bk $2,475,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,841,000 Lot Size: 2200sf
155-157 W Springfield St, Boston $4,700,000
Use:Religious Property (960)
B: 157 Ebenezer LLC
S: Ebenezer Bapt Chrch Bosto
Mtg: MountainOne Bk $9,125,000 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $4,408,500 Lot Size: 7219sf
5 Adams St, Bourne $399,900
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Jean P Rutledge Tr, Tr for Partridge RT
S: Louis R Gallo Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $331,400 Lot Size: 12415sf
Prior Sale: $150,000 (06/12)
290 Shore Rd, Bourne $4,375,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: MSLT Bourne LLC
S: Lobster Trap Co Inc
Mtg: Eastern Bank $2,187,500 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,086,600 Lot Size: 30481sf
1034 Massachusetts Ave, Boxboro $1,925,000
Use:Industrial Office Building (402)
B: 1034 Mass Ave LLC
S: Neil H Phaneuf Jr Tr, Tr for Phaneuf RT Mtg: M&T Bank NA $962,500 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $416,100 Lot Size: 48003sf
29 Barnard Hill Rd, Boylston $1,150,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: David M Mckenna & Erin Mckenna
S: Natl Hm Executives LLC
Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $920,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $97,100 Lot Size: 46098sf
Prior Sale: $285,000 (11/21)
70 Jensen Farm Rd, Braintree $1,100,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Yihua Cai & Xiaohong Zhang
S: LF Properties LLC
Mtg: Bank of Canton $400,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $251,900 Lot Size: 44257sf 577 Pond St, Braintree $800,000
Use:Auto Sales (330)
B: Dorchester Rlty Group LLC
S: Carl S Erickson Tr, Tr for C&N Erickson IRT Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $400,600 Lot Size: 20996sf
405-413 Washington St, Braintree $2,150,000
Use:Bank Building (341)
B: Wave 405 Washington LLC
S: 405 Washington LLC
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,575,000 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,530,800 Lot Size: 27225sf
139 Underpass Rd, Brewster $430,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Hook&Hammer LLC
S: Raymond M Parks
Mtg: Eastern Bank $344,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $292,700 Lot Size: 21450sf
414-442 Underpass Rd, Brewster $449,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Calm Seas LLC
S: Paula K Duguay & Lawrence Gabriel Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $355,500 Lot Size: 40754sf
62 Brett St, Brockton $960,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Pan 3 Realty LLC
S: 62 Brett LLC
Mtg: RFLF 7 LLC $720,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,006,800 Lot Size: 5101sf
26 Mulberry St, Brockton $2,700,000
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: 26 Mulberry St Prop LLC
S: Robert D Sullivan Tr, Tr for Mulberry Street RT
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $2,160,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $904,000 Lot Size: 53230sf
224 Pleasant St, Brockton $751,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Liylexlay LLC
S: James Kent Tr, Tr for First Light RT
Mtg: Bluestone Bank $563,250 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $572,500 Lot Size: 6325sf
641 Pleasant St, Brockton $900,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Wainwright Prop Group LLC
S: 641 Pleasant Street LLC
Mtg: M&T Bank NA $780,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $575,600 Lot Size: 47045sf
5 Terminal Pl, Brockton $2,500,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: NWHS 1200 Montello LLC
S: 1200 Hoppy LLC
Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $477,100 Lot Size: 54694sf
17 Waverly St, Brockton $745,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Vailson B Frederico
S: Manuel J Mendes Tr, Tr for 17 Waverly Street RT
Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $731,506 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $492,100 Lot Size: 6721sf
1180 Beacon St U:1D, Brookline $200,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Joseph Lee & Sarah G Lee
S: Kathleen M Fennell Tr, Tr for J R Fennell RT 1994 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $376,200
6 Orcutt Hill Rd, Buckland $135,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Kristen Cafasso-Parker & Michael Parker
S: Blackberry Fields LLC Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $106,200 Lot Size: 265019sf
Prior Sale: $105,000 (10/19)
Burlington 173 Bedford St, Burlington $1,700,000
Use:Gas Station (333)
B: HAH Realty LLC
S: Sloane Enterprises LLC
Mtg: Cooperative Bank $1,224,000 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $886,300 Lot Size: 16500sf
330 Cambridge St, Burlington $551,410
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: Barbara A Benjamin Tr, Tr for B A Benjamin 2018 T
S: Burlington RE Group LLC Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $242,000 Lot Size: 38115sf
Prior Sale: $14,300,000 (12/21)
201 Middlesex Tpke, Burlington $7,250,000 Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323)
B: 97 No 6th Street LLC
S: 201 Middlesex Tpke LLC Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,361,200 Lot Size: 40000sf
Cambridge 97 Hampshire St, Cambridge $1,300,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: 97 Hampshire St RE LLC
S: Debra J Sousa Tr, Tr for M&M Boswell RT
Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $2,025,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,284,700 Lot Size: 3528sf
372-378 Washington St, Cambridge $4,370,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Jase P Khyeam & Jinsun Khyeam S: 372-378 Washington St LLC
Mtg: US Bank NA $3,059,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $3,253,400 Lot Size: 2489sf
Prior Sale: $3,750,000 (09/19)
304-310 Western Ave, Cambridge $2,820,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: James M Maher Tr, Tr for 102 Alpine RT S: SRP 310 Western Ave LLC
Mtg: Middlesex FSLA $2,500,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,782,200 Lot Size: 3278sf
Prior Sale: $1,500,000 (05/12)
304-310 Western Ave, Cambridge $1,880,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: James M Maher Tr, Tr for 102 Alpine RT S: Nicholas Katis Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,782,200 Lot Size: 3278sf
Prior Sale: $1,500,000 (05/12)
495 Turnpike St, Canton $19,750,000
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401)
B: Babar LLC Tr, Tr for 495 Turnpike RT
S: 495 Turnpike Street LLC
Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $10,500,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $9,050,500 Lot Size: 605484sf
1689 Route 2, Charlemont $305,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Zachary E Bartak
S: Robert D Burrington Tr, Tr for R&Pearl Burrington IRT
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $299,475 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $192,700 Lot Size: 89734sf
Prior Sale: $151,400 (03/19)
97 Commerce Park S U:12A, Chatham $210,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: 12 A Commerce Park LLC
S: William J Regan Tr, Tr for Regan FT Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $131,300
595 Main St U:32, Chatham $600,000
Use:Retail Condo (345)
B: Wildest Frontier LLC
S: 595 Main Street LLC
Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $300,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $436,800
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
139 Billerica Rd U:C2, Chelmsford $44,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Belle Kuo
S: Erich A Dieffenbach Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $102,600
Prior Sale: $78,000 (08/15)
40-42 Church St, Chelmsford $695,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: A C DeSilva-Souza & Wolney A DeSouza
S: William J Rees & Dianne D Rees
Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $657,661 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $579,500 Lot Size: 8673sf
Prior Sale: $385,000 (04/13)
3 Meeting House Rd U:24, Chelmsford $275,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: J&C Managment LP
S: Bjorn Bie Tr, Tr for Moskowitz RT Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $326,900
374 North Rd, Chelmsford $600,000
Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: Dana Horan
S: Howard Ryan
Mtg: Eastern Bank $350,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $352,400 Lot Size: 14190sf
96 Riverneck Rd, Chelmsford $3,000 Use:Cemetery (953)
B: Georgiana Mueller Tr, Tr for G Mueller RET
S: St Joseph Cemetery Inc Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $7,412,300 Lot Size: 2482920sf
67-69 Webster Ave, Chelsea $1,765,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 67 Webster LLC
S: 69 Webster LLC
Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,275,000 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,552,000 Lot Size: 5000sf
Prior Sale: $1,335,000 (04/18)
239 North St, Cheshire $285,000 Use:Auto Sales (330)
B: Harrys Auto LLC
S: Harry Lewis & Josephine Lewis
Mtg: Adams Community Bk $228,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $219,300 Lot Size: 61855sf
11 Main St, Chester $250,000
Use:Retail-Department Store (322)
B: Perennial Flow LLC
S: Diane Demoss & John Demoss Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $152,400 Lot Size: 15682sf
451 Britton St, Chicopee $275,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Matthew B Jensen
S: Mary J Skinner
Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $200,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $161,300 Lot Size: 9460sf
924 Chicopee St, Chicopee $2,105,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Blue River Properties LLC
S: Nolava LLC
Mtg: Southbridge CU $1,684,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,252,600 Lot Size: 9346sf Prior Sale: $1,355,000 (03/20)
2 West St, Chicopee $150,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Miguel Maria
S: Juan A Rosario & Madeline Rosario Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $95,700 Lot Size: 2435sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (02/21)
48 West St, Chicopee $850,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: Strong Building Co LLC
S: Luke Realty Mgmt LLC
Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $637,500 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $565,700 Lot Size: 5481sf
835 Main St, Clinton $250,000
Use:Parking Lot (337)
B: Mhrose Inc
S: Attila I Simon Tr, Tr for Simon FT
Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $986,250 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $156,500 Lot Size: 14085sf
103 Ripley Rd, Cohasset $640,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Cohasset Flatiron LLC
S: Thomas F Meade Tr, Tr for Ripley Road RT Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $612,900 Lot Size: 5954sf
Prior Sale: $435,000 (04/17)
1173 Main St, Concord $1,417,500
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Scanio Cre 1173 Main LLC & Emclo LLC
S: Pet Source LLC
Mtg: Metro Credit Union $960,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,053,900 Lot Size: 20800sf
Prior Sale: $1,370,000 (09/18)
1237 Main St, Concord $1,300,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: CJS Realty LLC
S: CRJ Real Estate LLC
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $975,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $827,100 Lot Size: 8832sf
1266 Main St, Concord $500,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: EMS Property Holdings LLC
S: First Concord Realty Corp
Mtg: Needham Bk $570,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $568,900 Lot Size: 3750sf
498 Main St, Dalton $560,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: RJ Estates LLC
S: James P Carsell & Laurel W Carsell
Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $358,200 Lot Size: 40685sf
78 High St, Danvers $699,999
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: High Street 78 Hldg LLC
S: 78 High Street LLC & Albert V Divirgilio
Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $524,999 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $432,600 Lot Size: 3200sf
Prior Sale: $490,000 (12/20)
14 Russells Mills Rd, Dartmouth $460,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Michael Downing & Manuela Downing
S: Alan P Reis
Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $324,900 Lot Size: 6970sf
35 Roosevelt Rd, Dedham $1,025,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Augustine Kim
S: 49 Arlington Road LLC
Mtg: Key Bank NA $973,750 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $69,900 Lot Size: 7500sf
Prior Sale: $100,000 (10/21)
369 Main St, Dennis $850,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Mitchells Cafe Corp
S: Kam L Peck Tr, Tr for Royal Palace RT
Mtg: Citizens Bank $615,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $868,900 Lot Size: 40946sf
626 Main St, Dennis $635,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: Joseph Baker House Dennis
S: Christopher J Grimaldi Tr, Tr for 626 Main Street IRT
Mtg: Christopher J Grimald $535,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $831,500 Lot Size: 35284sf
Prior Sale: $625,000 (10/12)
113 Old Wharf Rd U:16, Dennis $190,000
Use:Condominium/Motel (348)
B: Robert E Walsh 3rd & Joan E Walsh
S: D Lawrence Fadjo Tr, Tr for L&Yazmin Fadjo 2019 RET Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $148,300
Prior Sale: $105,000 (07/16)
405 Old Wharf Rd U:B203, Dennis $480,000
Use:Condominium/Motel (348)
S: Old Wharf Village LLC
Mtg: GCCG Lending LLC $384,000 Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $408,500
405 Old Wharf Rd U:B402, Dennis $1,075,000
Use:Condominium/Motel (348)
S: Old Wharf Village LLC
Mtg: GCCG Lending LLC $752,500 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $636,600
207 Main St, Dighton $790,000
Use:Religious Property (960)
B: Dighton Town Of S: Fathers House Family
Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $718,700 Lot Size: 34848sf
Prior Sale: $230,000 (07/16)
123 Gilboa St, Douglas $400,000
Use:County/Municipality Property (930)
B: Davis Street LLC
S: Douglas Town Of Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $57,500 Lot Size: 397703sf
123 Gilboa St, Douglas $17,636,125
Use:County/Municipality Property (930)
B: Cubes At Gilboa LLC
S: Davis Street LLC Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $57,500 Lot Size: 397703sf
300 Main St, Douglas $815,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Timberwolf Properties LLC
S: Christopher J Colonero Tr, Tr for Colonero Douglas RT
Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $549,327 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $515,800 Lot Size: 54886sf
30 Berube Ln, Dracut $783,388
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Ramy An & Sophia Soeurn
S: Berube Lane LLC
Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $600,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $157,800 Lot Size: 22714sf
15 Colburn Ave, Dracut $100,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Landsmart LLC
S: Yvonne A Meisner
Mtg: Washington Svgs Bk $427,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $62,100 Lot Size: 57935sf
469 Nashua Rd U:4, Dracut $190,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Kenny Nguyen & Khang Quoc-Nguyen
S: Gloria T Brunelle & Joseph P Herlihy
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $69,000
469 Nashua Rd U:6, Dracut $90,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Kenneth Bergeron
S: Somong Rattanayong
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $66,700
10 Bremen St, East Boston $950,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: 10 Bremen Street LLC
Mtg: North Shore Bank $712,500 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $327,600 Lot Size: 1697sf
299-303 Meridian St, East Boston $920,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Brandon A Melendez
S: David Tirone & Lisa J Tirone
Mtg: Capital Mart LLC $875,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $422,200 Lot Size: 950sf 333-333A Meridian St, East Boston $800,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: PNE Lopez LLC
S: Prestige Apartment LLC
Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $550,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $405,800 Lot Size: 1250sf
Prior Sale: $215,000 (06/12)
226-228 Princeton St, East Boston $2,100,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 226-228 Princeton St LLC
S: Lolastar LLC
Mtg: Needham Bk $3,145,000 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,111,700 Lot Size: 5000sf Prior Sale: $1,600,000 (10/19)
6 Central St, East Bridgewater $337,500
Use:Bank Building (341)
B: Sophie Properties LLC
S: Coastal Heritage Bank Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $405,200 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $623,500 Lot Size: 10585sf
302 Benton Dr, East Longmeadow $217,812
Use:Commercial Building (347)
B: MPT Development LLC
S: Hampden View RE LLC Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,222,000 Lot Size: 220774sf
580 Massasoit Rd, Eastham $450,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Eastham Town Of S: Stony Lonesome LLC Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $367,500 Lot Size: 7405sf
2555 State Hwy, Eastham $700,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Eastham Town Of S: Gloria Moll Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $395,900 Lot Size: 23958sf
4760 State Hwy, Eastham $425,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: BLCR Holdings LLC S: Karlson Group LLC Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $396,200 Lot Size: 21344sf
17 Mill St U:19, Edgartown $765,000
Use:Condominium/Motel (348)
B: Antonio R Piraino & Ashley B Piraino S: John R Burger & Pamela M Burger Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $390,100 Lot Size: 1sf
162 Main St, Essex $525,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Jocelyn Pierce
S: Susanna Vennerbeck Tr, Tr for Eric R Vennerbeck IRT Mtg: Philip J Pierce $400,000 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $358,100 Lot Size: 6125sf
2 Union Wharf, Fairhaven $80,000
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390)
B: Fairhaven Town Of S: Union Wharf Realty LLC Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $48,300 Lot Size: 902sf
780 Bedford St, Fall River $610,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 780 Bedford LLC
S: OM Holdings LLC
Mtg: Eastern Bank $457,500 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $304,500 Lot Size: 3180sf
Prior Sale: $300,000 (08/20)
1081 Bedford St, Fall River $519,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Lermon Hibbert
S: Andre T Peeples
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $509,599 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $327,200 Lot Size: 5358sf
Prior Sale: $489,500 (08/21)
201 Hanover St, Fall River $2,125,000
Use:Charity Property (950)
B: PC 538 Robeson LLC
S: Fall Riv Jewish Home Inc Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,742,400 Lot Size: 75664sf
240 Highland Ave, Fall River $650,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Ana Cojocaru
S: Jenne A Fontaine & Marie F Whalon-Sharp
Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $350,000 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $446,900 Lot Size: 11282sf
761 Highland Ave, Fall River $450,000
Use:Nursing Home (304)
B: Tetrault Real Estate LLC
S: Highland Ave Rlty Spe LLC & TX&OK Funding LLC
Foreclosure Deed Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $680,200 Lot Size: 19515sf
Prior Sale: $705,426 (12/16)
294 June St, Fall River $500,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Nicholas A Cipriano
S: Demitra A Wilder & David K Wilder
Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $375,000 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $375,400 Lot Size: 9278sf
Prior Sale: $129,000 (12/11)
621 King Philip St, Fall River $1,350,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: 621-631 King Philip Rlty
S: Alan Garant & Sharon K Garant
Mtg: Eastern Bank $1,012,500 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $654,800 Lot Size: 12589sf
Prior Sale: $400,000 (07/21)
309 Linden St, Fall River $525,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 309 Linden LLC
S: Cran Properties Inc
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $393,750 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $344,700 Lot Size: 6316sf
288 Locust St, Fall River $449,900
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 6 South Drive LLC
S: Miceala M Benigno-Cowell
Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $326,200 Lot Size: 3311sf
2046 N Main St, Fall River $600,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Tetrault Real Estate LLC
S: Cesar Sousa & Edward F Sousa
Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $450,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $362,100 Lot Size: 4443sf 263 Pine St, Fall River $35,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Preserv Socitey Of Fall
S: Marino Z Benevides Tr, Tr for 150 Forest St T
Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $565,000 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $485,300 Lot Size: 6534sf
Prior Sale: $355,800 (09/18)
279 Pine St, Fall River $325,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Iknowaguy LLC
S: Steven A Camera Mtg: BayCoast Bank $243,750 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $315,000 Lot Size: 7884sf 686 Plymouth Ave, Fall River $490,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: FP Portfolio LLC
S: Kevin Pacheco Jr & Amanda M Pacheco Mtg: Align CU $392,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $365,600 Lot Size: 4225sf
Prior Sale: $180,000 (10/15)
692 Plymouth Ave, Fall River $485,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: FP Portfolio LLC
S: Kevin Pacheco Jr & Amanda M Belden Mtg: Align CU $388,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $334,500 Lot Size: 5750sf 627 S Main St, Fall River $500,000
Use:Public Service-Misc (356)
B: Kat Management LLC
S: Associacaco Academica Inc Mtg: Associacao Academica $60,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $167,200 Lot Size: 16640sf 112 Short St, Fall River $1,000,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 112 Short Street LLC
S: 112 Short LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $800,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $453,900 Lot Size: 7013sf
Prior Sale: $425,000 (09/20)
28 Tobin St, Fall River $1,100,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Fall Riv Cmnty Hsng
S: Ctlab LLC
Mtg: Fall River Cmty Dev $972,500 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $556,100 Lot Size: 9888sf
Prior Sale: $350,000 (04/13)
866 Warren St, Fall River $600,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Olivia Holdings LLC
S: David P Duval & Joseph A Keogh 3rd
Mtg: BayCoast Bank $509,400 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $571,200 Lot Size: 58806sf
291 Jones Rd, Falmouth $8,026,625
Use:Motel (301)
B: Synh LLC
S: Falmouth Hotel LLC
Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $6,000,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $6,016,900 Lot Size: 249468sf
Prior Sale: $11,225,000 (07/14)
444 Waquoit Hwy U:444, Falmouth $315,000
Use:Retail Condo (345)
B: Bogosian Development LLC
S: Nassos G Prapas Tr, Tr for Prapas Waquoit RT
Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $312,700 Lot Size: 43560sf
41 Dumais St, Fitchburg $280,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: AG Dream Flip LLC
S: Truist Bank
Mtg: Erik T Potter $335,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $248,900 Lot Size: 7474sf
Prior Sale: $342,679 (01/14)
105 John Fitch Hwy, Fitchburg $574,900
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: River Realty LLC
S: David D Deconinck & Michelline E Deconinck
Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $265,000 Lot Size: 14791sf
Prior Sale: $250,000 (12/11)
124 Pleasant St, Fitchburg $525,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Transform Prop Group LLC
S: Mass Ave Rentals LLC
Mtg: N Brookfield Svgs Bk $400,000 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $374,300 Lot Size: 11948sf
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Swan Ave, Fitchburg $70,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Anne M Zarrella
S: John F Zarrella Tr, Tr for 619 South Street IRT Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $68,800 Lot Size: 17902sf
Prior Sale: $45,000 (12/15)
830 Westminster St, Fitchburg $750,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: 830 Westminster St LLC
S: M2 Realty LLC
Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $562,500 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $471,400 Lot Size: 125279sf
Prior Sale: $635,000 (04/21)
73 Main St, Foxboro $825,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Briarwood Const Corp
S: Ann D Ferguson Tr, Tr for Ann D Ferguson LT
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $660,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $532,600 Lot Size: 60044sf
30 Wall St, Foxboro $540,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: TNC Development LLC
S: Michael E Pacella Tr, Tr for Vip RT Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $263,500 Lot Size: 4560sf Prior Sale: $232,500 (12/13)
153 Winter St, Framingham $895,000
Use:Nursing Home (304)
B: 153 Winter St Realty LLC
S: John L Steacie Tr, Tr for WSNH RT
Mtg: Dobrushkin Hldg LLC $1,605,000 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $796,000 Lot Size: 36360sf
3-5 Cranwood Ct, Freetown $625,000 Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: JSF Enterprise LLC
S: Italian Hm For Childern
Mtg: Bluestone Bank $468,750 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $772,600 Lot Size: 169623sf 47 Flagg Swamp Rd, Freetown $650,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Tyler J Hutchens & Sandra N Cardoso
S: Lynn Ellis
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $617,500 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $476,500 Lot Size: 104980sf Gardner
7-11 Glazier St, Gardner $300,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Forest Hills LLC
S: New Man Ventures LLC Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $357,300 Lot Size: 8740sf Prior Sale: $262,500 (04/21)
437 Main St, Gardner $175,000 Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: Wood Enterprises Inc S: Bruce E Leblanc & Ursula R Leblanc Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $59,400 Lot Size: 5340sf
12 Maynard St, Gardner $280,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Gisell Delacruz
S: Ronald L Miller & Celeste M Miller
Mtg: Equity Prime Mtg $274,928 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $162,300 Lot Size: 7236sf 104-108 Parker St, Gardner $210,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Millennium Hldg Group LLC
S: Thomas A White Tr, Tr for Leonard RT
Mtg: ABL RPC Res Credit Ac $309,000 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $289,300 Lot Size: 6358sf
172 Parker St, Gardner $52,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Ossama Aksadi & Achraf Aksadi
S: Mark J Lenhart
Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $45,300 Lot Size: 2499sf
Prior Sale: $17,000 (12/19)
219 Pine St, Gardner $400,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Elvis Vargas
S: Kyle J Miklinevich
Mtg: Quontic Bank $300,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $203,500 Lot Size: 9406sf
Prior Sale: $300,000 (02/21)
15-17 Union St, Gardner $400,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Stephen Bethel
S: Atila C Barcelos & Barbara R Barcelos
Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $445,104 Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $289,700 Lot Size: 5663sf
172 E Main St, Georgetown $6,700,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: MMG Georgetown Acq LLC
Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $3,563,700 Lot Size: 253084sf
172 E Main St, Georgetown $6,700,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
S: MMG Georgetown Acq LLC
Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $3,563,700 Lot Size: 253084sf
163 Atlantic Rd, Gloucester $1,750,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: Melissa Keohane & Stephen Keohane
S: 171 Atlantic Road LLC
Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,554,400 Lot Size: 287496sf
62 Grove St, Gloucester $390,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Michael R Allen
S: Vitale Conrad Est & Julie Giarla
Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $265,900 Lot Size: 5000sf
21 Kettle Cove Ln U:14, Gloucester $150,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: Steven J Crane
S: Kettle Cove Prop LLC
Mtg: Kettle Cove Propertie $120,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $100,900
21 Kettle Cove Ln U:15, Gloucester $150,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: Ann Dimaio
S: Kettle Cove Prop LLC
Mtg: Kettle Cove Propertie $120,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $100,900
Prior Sale: $89,000 (01/12)
21 Kettle Cove Ln U:6, Gloucester $150,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: KRM Prototype LLC
S: Kettle Cove Prop LLC
Mtg: Kettle Cove Propertie $120,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $100,900
43 W State St, Granby $1,200,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: Kinetic Estates LLC
S: Darcy Daniel J Est & Patricia Darcy
Mtg: Liberty Bk $960,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $390,200 Lot Size: 38800sf
216 W State St, Granby $90,000
Use:Retail-Department Store (322)
B: Miguel Carrasco-Carrasco & Joimary Acevedo-Cotto
S: Robert Hislop
Mtg: Robert Hislop $50,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $106,700 Lot Size: 6970sf
322 High St, Greenfield $300,000
Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: Crocker&Berry LLC
S: Bobisfat LLC
Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $240,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $280,200 Lot Size: 25256sf
Prior Sale: $145,000 (11/19)
21 Adams Ave, Groton $1,800,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: 21 Adams Ave LLC
S: Wendy B Jones Tr, Tr for Bryce IRT
Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $834,200 Lot Size: 64033sf
154 Center St, Groveland $1,250,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: HKL Realty LLC
S: 460 Merrimack LLC
Mtg: BankGloucester $1,175,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $548,200 Lot Size: 62291sf
1375 Main St, Hanson $525,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Charles B Callahan
S: Leah Archibald Tr, Tr for 1375 Main Street RT
Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $450,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $450,500 Lot Size: 28880sf
Prior Sale: $277,500 (06/15)
1117 Whitman St, Hanson $730,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Andreia V Dasilva
S: Dennis C Laversa & Ellen C Laversa Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $517,900 Lot Size: 40022sf
411-417 Main St, Hardwick $500,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 411-417 Main Street LLC
S: Bruce Darrah & Debra Darrah
Mtg: Needham Bk $368,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $252,000 Lot Size: 15987sf
3 Allen St, Haverhill $745,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Elsio Julia
S: Bryan Mason
Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $731,506 Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $560,800 Lot Size: 10842sf
Prior Sale: $519,000 (10/19)
84 Hale St U:84, Haverhill $165,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: Boi LLC
S: David Nelson & Patricia Nelson Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $106,500
Prior Sale: $130,000 (06/15)
2 Lafayette Sq, Haverhill $1,275,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: 245 Stage Road LLC
S: OCP Realty LLC
Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $956,250 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $447,900 Lot Size: 6159sf
40 Locke St, Haverhill $77,000,436
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: Locke Street Owner LLC
S: Fc Haverhill LLC
Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $45,900,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $26,562,400 Lot Size: 199505sf
25 Portland St, Haverhill $2,675,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: 25 Portland St Re Grp LLC
S: Michael A Cronin Tr, Tr for 25 Portland St RT
Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,875,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,023,900 Lot Size: 5192sf
117 Portland St, Haverhill $700,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Quezada Painting&Carpen & Tulio Quezada
S: Schadrac Desrosiers
Mtg: Steven Ross $595,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $489,700 Lot Size: 11295sf
Prior Sale: $470,000 (09/18)
2 Prospect St, Haverhill $680,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Daniel Singh S: Bimmer 24 Realty LLC
Mtg: Metro Credit Union $612,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $373,100 Lot Size: 7331sf
664 Riverside Ave, Haverhill $1,325,000
Use:Veterinary Hospital (307)
B: Keeper Haverhill LLC
S: E Niki Lagasse Tr, Tr for ENL RT
Mtg: Bar Harbor Bk & Tr $861,250 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $431,500 Lot Size: 14588sf
22 Washington St U:22, Haverhill $245,000
Use:Retail Condo (345)
B: Issa Zefta & Kamal Zefta
S: Mohamed Machkour
Mtg: George R Tombarello $245,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $138,300
Prior Sale: $200,000 (12/18)
150 Washington St, Haverhill $290,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: Gacema Inc
S: 150 Washington Street LLC
Mtg: James A Tomacchio $95,000 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $142,700 Lot Size: 1311sf
141 White St, Haverhill $130,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: DMJA Realty LLC
S: Donna L Carbone Tr, Tr for E-Z Way RT Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $214,800 Lot Size: 4182sf
62 Derby St U:11, Hingham $450,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: William C Leonard Jr Tr, Tr for Psalm 4610 T
S: Thyatira LLC Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $415,400
Prior Sale: $420,000 (07/16)
62 Derby St U:2, Hingham $305,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Brady Bunch LLC
S: Daniel J Phillips Tr, Tr for Posey-Bird IRT
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $213,500 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $327,200
26 Governor Prence Way, Holliston $1,016,850
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Vladimir Nechev & Tara Nechev
S: Constitution Village LLC
Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $760,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $285,800 Lot Size: 44431sf
126-128 Beech St, Holyoke $360,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Andrew Rohan
S: Albert E Paone & Brenda A Paone
Mtg: M&T Bank NA $288,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $279,100 Lot Size: 6050sf
Prior Sale: $200,000 (07/20)
693 Dwight St, Holyoke $169,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Albert E Paone & Brenda A Paone S: Enviroserv Inc Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $178,900 Lot Size: 11000sf
321-323 Main St, Holyoke $454,500
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Vivek Deshmukh
S: 321-323 Main St Prop LLC
Mtg: Southbridge CU $333,600 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $133,900 Lot Size: 2750sf
456 Maple St, Holyoke $750,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: 456 Maple Holyoke MA LLC
S: Posiadlosc LLC
Mtg: Posiadlosc LLC $650,000 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $395,800 Lot Size: 3700sf
Prior Sale: $675,000 (06/18)
405 S Main St, Hopedale $125,000
Use:Religious Property (960)
B: Tariq H Fayyad
S: Free Street Church Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $416,800 Lot Size: 4774sf
6 Felton St, Hudson $975,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Eric M Chaves Tr, Tr for 6 Felton Street RT
S: Hudson Highlands LLC Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $672,000 Lot Size: 2178sf
Prior Sale: $1,475,000 (12/15)
22 Barnstable Rd, Hull $932,500
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Adam Knapton & Morgan Steven
S: JBS Development LLC
Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $746,000 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $224,000 Lot Size: 12684sf
Prior Sale: $179,900 (04/21)
50 Airport Rd, Hyannis $2,500,000
Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: 50 Airport Road LLC
S: Stephen J Davis & Kevin A Davis
Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $660,500 Lot Size: 74052sf
63 Main St, Hyannis $665,000
Use:Commercial Building (347)
B: Seashore Homes Inc
S: Kindred Realty LLC
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $1,000,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $441,500 Lot Size: 10454sf
Prior Sale: $437,000 (10/20)
715 W Main St, Hyannis $1,300,000
Use:Bank Building (341)
B: Arista Hyannis LLC
S: Santander Bank
Mtg: Eastern Bank $900,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,217,500 Lot Size: 19602sf
1391 Hyde Park Ave U:F, Hyde Park $565,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Daniel N Chase & Erin B Chase
S: Julia L Perilli & Justin Perilli
Mtg: Better Mortgage Corp $485,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $519,800 Lot Size: 1758sf
Prior Sale: $215,000 (01/13)
23-25 Rosebery Rd, Hyde Park $278,700
Use:County/Municipality Property (930)
B: Tahira C Langston
S: Norfolk Design&Const
Mtg: Boston City of $270,339 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $377,600 Lot Size: 4600sf 85 Walnut St, Hyde Park $100,000 Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: 87 Walnut Street LLC
S: Debra A Gehrke Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $145,500 Lot Size: 3295sf
389 Linebrook Rd, Ipswich $760,000 Use:Religious Property (960)
B: Matthew Twomey & Nicole Twomey
S: Linebrook Church Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $420,000 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $619,200 Lot Size: 64469sf
14 Washington St, Ipswich $400,000
Use:Auto Repair (332)
S: Charles A Hall
Mtg: TD Bank NA $300,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $326,200 Lot Size: 9701sf
189 Chestnut Ave, Jamaica Plain $3,150,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Justin Iantosca Tr, Tr for 189 Chestnut NT S: Ledermann US RE Corp Mtg: First Republic Bk $2,015,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,288,100 Lot Size: 5864sf
Prior Sale: $1,850,000 (08/16)
68 Day St, Jamaica Plain $2,050,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Pesa Og One LLC
S: Abigail Properties LLC Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $602,700 Lot Size: 3122sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (11/18)
172-178 Green St U:6, Jamaica Plain $627,500 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Julie L Berson
S: Nancy Vasiloff & Scott Lesniewski Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $359,600 Lot Size: 1094sf 43 Saint Joseph St, Jamaica Plain $1,950,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 43 SJ LLC
S: Kevin M Kirrane Tr, Tr for JPC2 RT
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,462,500 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,252,800 Lot Size: 4609sf 3381 Washington St, Jamaica Plain $1,340,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Sanz Pimentel Prop LLC
S: Lolastar LLC
Mtg: Eastern Bank $1,206,000 Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $512,600 Lot Size: 3120sf
Prior Sale: $3,888,743 (11/16)
14 Harding St, Lakeville $2,811,160
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: Prime Storage Lkville LLC
S: Farrell Advantage Lkville
Mtg: Trtx Master Clo Loan $69,000,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,462,100 Lot Size: 258179sf
Prior Sale: $2,477,777 (05/18)
417 Bolton Rd, Lancaster $1,140,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: NPA Properties LLC
S: 417 Bolton Road LLC
Mtg: Avidia Bank $570,000 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $752,700 Lot Size: 104544sf
Prior Sale: $775,000 (02/19)
Lawrence 58 E Haverhill St, Lawrence $350,000
Use:Parking Lot (337)
B: Jeyson Baez & Ramon A Reyes
S: Elias Chaya Tr, Tr for Chaya 58A E Haverhill St
Mtg: Pena RE&Invs LLC $350,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $15,000 Lot Size: 2796sf
530 Essex St, Lawrence $800,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Gomez&Paulino LLC
S: DLC Phase Three LLC Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $344,800 Lot Size: 4000sf
Prior Sale: $562,500 (10/21)
857 Essex St, Lawrence $270,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Ramon T Quezada & Francisca Quezada
S: Rafael Arias
Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $202,500 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $182,100 Lot Size: 765sf
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
11-21 Lawrence St, Lawrence $5,700,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: ADC Properties LLC & Luckystar Properties LLC
S: PBN Exchange Lawrence LLC & CCH Exchange Lawrence LLC Mtg: Middlesex FSLA $4,275,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $3,198,700 Lot Size: 7000sf
Prior Sale: $910,000 (02/11)
203-209 Water St, Lawrence $900,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Aroldo Lopez & Ronald Lopez
S: AJR Investments LLC
Mtg: AJR Investments LLC $600,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $507,000 Lot Size: 15000sf
Prior Sale: $260,000 (06/16)
1185 Pleasant St, Lee $1,200,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Othr (040)
B: T&S Holdings LLC
S: Casella Waste Mgmt Inc Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $891,300 Lot Size: 653836sf
Prior Sale: $963,800 (02/20)
18 Sargent St, Leicester $580,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Milton Contreras
S: Daniel M Ford & Nancy J Ford
Mtg: QS Lending T $582,000 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $444,000 Lot Size: 29854sf
15 Hawthorne St, Lenox $1,012,241
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Corcoran Lodging LLC
S: Philip Halpern & Linda Halpern
Mtg: Grasshopper Bank $990,000 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,471,400 Lot Size: 32085sf
449 Pittsfield Rd, Lenox $640,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Smegal Holdings LLC
S: Wojtkowski Bros Inc Mtg: Wojtkowski Bros Inc $600,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $503,800 Lot Size: 27500sf
60 Willow Creek Rd, Lenox $640,000
Use:Lumber Yard (313)
B: Casella Waste Mgmt Inc
S: Valley Mill Corp Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $425,600 Lot Size: 75794sf
Prior Sale: $449,025 (02/16)
68 Willow Creek Rd, Lenox $710,000
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: Casella Waste Mgmt Inc
S: Raymond Kushi Tr, Tr for T R&B L Garrity 2012 IRT Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $489,400 Lot Size: 15246sf
313 Central St, Leominster $749,900 Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: GCJ Realty LLC
S: Robert L Bolio Tr, Tr for Bolio FT
Mtg: Workers Credit Union $599,920 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $465,500 Lot Size: 26948sf
Prior Sale: $295,628 (08/19)
309 Lancaster St, Leominster $588,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Alex Manhaes-Dasilva
S: AO Investments LLC
Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $413,000 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $383,500 Lot Size: 10330sf
Prior Sale: $275,000 (09/18)
28 Tolman Ave, Leominster $475,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Alexander W Reason & Tiffany N Reason
S: BBC Development LLC
Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $485,925 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $42,000 Lot Size: 8314sf
Prior Sale: $85,000 (11/20)
241 Willard St, Leominster $7,200,000
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401)
B: 241 Willard LLC S: Autumn Tides LLC
Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $5,750,000 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,400,300 Lot Size: 167706sf
Prior Sale: $220,000 (05/12)
594 Marrett Rd U:6, Lexington $46,410
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Anthony Lafayette-Henke
S: Hope Kung Tr, Tr for Kung INT Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $46,000 Lot Size: 304sf
594 Marrett Rd U:7, Lexington $72,590
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Anthony Lafayette-Henke
S: Hope Kung Tr, Tr for Kung INT Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $73,000 Lot Size: 304sf
1707 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington $2,375,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Va 1707 Lexington LLC
S: Dennis Dyer
Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,404,000 Lot Size: 4950sf
Prior Sale: $2,350,000 (05/15)
265 Foster St, Littleton $13,550,000
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401)
B: VAF 1 265 Foster LLC
S: 265 Foster LLC
Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $3,088,000 Lot Size: 199505sf
Prior Sale: $7,385,000 (10/20)
423 King St, Littleton $1,075,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: AMR Realty Invs LLC
S: Lyttleton Inn LLC
Mtg: Avidia Bank $806,250 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $820,900 Lot Size: 48352sf
537 King St, Littleton $1,500,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: 537 King Street RE LLC
S: Catherine S Goldring Tr, Tr for Stone RT
Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $750,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $626,000 Lot Size: 39718sf
234 Taylor St, Littleton $4,500,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Premier Healthcare Grp
S: 234 Taylor LLC
Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $3,237,800 Lot Size: 276170sf
Prior Sale: $2,740,000 (06/17)
Lowell 37 Arlington St, Lowell $1,370,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Saga Investments LLC
S: Marc A Gizzi Tr, Tr for 37 Arlington Street IRT
Mtg: Washington Svgs Bk $1,027,500 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $602,700 Lot Size: 8022sf
Prior Sale: $325,000 (04/10)
255 Chelmsford St, Lowell $600,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: A&W Realty LLC
S: Gannem Entertainment LLC
Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $450,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $451,000 Lot Size: 6315sf
Prior Sale: $525,000 (05/19)
21-A Leroy St, Lowell $565,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Stephen Philipov & Todor Ialamov
S: Ahmad Najib
Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $423,750 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $440,200 Lot Size: 3110sf
Prior Sale: $279,000 (01/16)
114 Merrimack St, Lowell $700,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: 89 5th Ave LLC
S: Davis Building LLC
Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $834,500 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $731,000 Lot Size: 3430sf
75 Technology Dr, Lowell $12,400,000
Use:Research & Dvlpmnt Facility (404)
B: Rhino 75 Technology Inv
S: IP Jumbo Prop 75
Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $8,900,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $4,713,900 Lot Size: 338925sf
Prior Sale: $7,700,000 (10/20)
476 Varnum Ave, Lowell $2,137,500
Use:Charity Property (950)
B: 476 Varnum LLC
S: Fairhaven Healthcare Ctr
Mtg: Bankwell Bank $5,643,750 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $5,924,500 Lot Size: 142236sf
9 W Adams St U:1, Lowell $250,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: Airise Hvac Design Inc
S: Tiffany Perry
Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $187,500 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $157,300
Prior Sale: $165,000 (07/18)
1260 Westford St, Lowell $25,900,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: DSF Westford Street LLC
S: Residences At Drum Hl LLC
Mtg: Walker & Dunlop LLC $17,660,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $9,493,600 Lot Size: 130910sf
Prior Sale: $13,200,000 (06/21)
601 Leominster Rd, Lunenburg $100,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: James Xarras
S: Wendy Cracovia Tr, Tr for 601 Leominster Road IRT
Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $5,400 Lot Size: 34587sf
Prior Sale: $25,000 (08/16)
43 Summer St, Lunenburg $770,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Smita Patel & Kaushik Patel
S: John D Donnelly Tr, Tr for JEL RT Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $610,000 Lot Size: 25700sf
Lynn 43 Broad St, Lynn $645,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Misain A Orellena & Fedelina Garcia
S: Thu T Nguyen
Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $337,200 Lot Size: 4712sf
Prior Sale: $240,000 (05/13)
28 Essex St, Lynn $2,130,000
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Lynn Healthcare Prop LLC
S: Alliance Health Of Lynn
Mtg: Webster Bank $1,920,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,457,700 Lot Size: 38000sf
28 Essex St, Lynn $2,130,000
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Lynn Healthcare Prop LLC
S: Alliance Health Of Lynn
Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,457,700 Lot Size: 38000sf
200 Broadway U:207, Lynnfield $180,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Godwin&Jax LLC
S: Pioneer Realty Corp
Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $144,000 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $144,000
290 Ferry St, Malden $580,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Y&M Home Solutions LLC
S: Teddy Bear Holdings LLC
Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $406,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $703,800 Lot Size: 3354sf
8 Atwater Ave, Manchester $7,300,000
Use:Tennis/Racquetball Club (375)
B: New Quarry LLC
S: Simboli Prop Manchester
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $5,545,100 Lot Size: 277042sf
Prior Sale: $400,000 (09/16)
39 Lafayette St, Marblehead $2,510,000
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Marblehead Healthcare
S: Alliance Health Marble
Mtg: Webster Bank $2,380,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,557,800 Lot Size: 26560sf
325 Front St, Marion $505,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Michael D Lane & Pamela J Lane
S: Rerkdee LLC
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $260,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $462,400 Lot Size: 28520sf
Prior Sale: $520,000 (01/22)
820 Boston Post Rd E, Marlborough $635,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: El Judicial LLC
S: Boston Post Assoc LLC
Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $476,250 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $443,100 Lot Size: 18129sf
207 Pleasant St, Marlborough $3,800,000
Use:Charity Property (950)
B: AR Raheem Academy Inc S: Saint Chretienne Edual Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,233,800 Lot Size: 104544sf
17 Trinity Pl U:D, Mashpee $399,000
Use:Retail Condo (345)
B: Per Mare LLC
S: Trinity Place LLC
Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $200,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $498,600
Prior Sale: $325,000 (11/13)
3 Sutton St, Mattapan $1,755,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 3 Sutton Street Dev LLC
S: Deschamp Group LLC Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $1,249,500 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $758,400 Lot Size: 5250sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (09/21)
1111-1113 Washington St, Mattapan $2,000,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 25 Moreland Street LLC
S: MTB Washington LLC Mtg: Cooperative Bank $1,600,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $958,700 Lot Size: 12953sf
39 Marion Rd, Mattapoisett $505,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Jennifer J Mello Tr, Tr for Jennifer J Mello RET
S: Jane T Kendall Tr, Tr for Tavares NT Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $427,900 Lot Size: 16972sf 62 Marion Rd, Mattapoisett $700,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: 62 Marion Road LLC
S: New Elements LLC
Mtg: New Elements LLC $815,000 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $430,300 Lot Size: 17867sf
Prior Sale: $600,000 (11/17)
39-43 Main St, Maynard $350,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Open Table Inc
S: 39-43 Main St LLC Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $518,500 Lot Size: 6795sf
Prior Sale: $625,000 (05/22)
53 High St U:53, Medford $480,000
Use:Retail Condo (345)
B: Jennifer N Tran, Tr for Eric H Tran
S: Tuan Nguyen & Lana Dao
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $338,800
Prior Sale: $350,000 (12/17)
84 High St U:204, Medford $320,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Ezdj Properties LLC
S: Paul Levy
Mtg: Bank of America NA $272,000 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $192,400 Lot Size: 1sf
38-40 Hurd St, Melrose $1,200,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 17 Seaview LLC
S: Theodore A Morris 3rd & Karen A Morris
Mtg: Northmark Bank $900,000 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $717,300 Lot Size: 3803sf
138 Main St, Melrose $600,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Trin Ext Properties LLC
S: Metro CU
Mtg: ARB Investments LLC $500,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $558,300 Lot Size: 10023sf
138 Main St, Melrose $600,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Trin Ext Properties LLC
S: Metro CU
Mtg: Main Street Lndng LLC $500,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $558,300 Lot Size: 10023sf
837 Main St, Melrose $308,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Down E Alzheimers
S: Joan Haynes Tr, Tr for Ole Main IRT
Mtg: Winchester Cp Bk $231,000 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $573,500 Lot Size: 6312sf
50 Rowe St U:700, Melrose $700,000
Use:Medical Condo Unit (344)
B: Hallmark Health Prop Inc
S: Maury A Goldman Tr, Tr for Goldman INT Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $666,600
268 Broadway, Methuen $350,000
Use:Commercial Building (347)
B: Ossi Dental Property LLC
S: Kwong S Oh & Young S Oh
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $262,500 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $304,200 Lot Size: 2500sf
35 Danton Dr, Methuen $21,000,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: 47r Danton Main Owner LLC
S: 192 Pelham St LLC Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,147,300 Lot Size: 217800sf
Prior Sale: $3,350,000 (06/16)
80 Lowell St, Methuen $2,505,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: Vine Realty Group LLC
S: Arrowpoint Methuen LLC & Spire Enterprises LLC
Mtg: Metro Credit Union $1,878,750 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,331,200 Lot Size: 12057sf
Prior Sale: $1,450,000 (06/19)
323 Merrimack St, Methuen $725,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Trio Investments LLC
S: Paul S Vieira
Mtg: Eastern Bank $543,750 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $343,400 Lot Size: 9653sf 36-38 Pine St, Methuen $588,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Juan C Maysonet
S: Perrault Family LP
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $345,950 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $450,400 Lot Size: 8355sf 228 Pleasant St U:238, Methuen $2,773,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Saisa Realty LLC
S: Benjamin P Goodman Tr, Tr for Eastie IRT Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,218,400 447 Prospect St, Methuen $350,000 Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: JMG Real Estate LLC
S: Mark D Mastrangelo Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $175,000 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $141,100 Lot Size: 4312sf
85 Centre St, Middleboro $1,000,000
Use:Retail-Department Store (322)
B: MD Realty Ventures LLC
S: Cgma Middleboro LLC
Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $750,000 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $428,200 Lot Size: 6970sf
Prior Sale: $698,100 (04/18)
148 W Grove St U:4A, Middleboro $50,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Cece Realty Holdings LLC
S: Jeff L Williams
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $40,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $138,300
321 W Grove St, Middleboro $570,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Casabella Group LLC
S: 321 West Grove LLC Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $581,300 Lot Size: 27700sf
Prior Sale: $285,000 (11/15)
259-263 S Main St, Middleton $2,650,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: 259 South Main LLC
S: John J St Cyr Tr, Tr for JBJ NT
Mtg: John Stcyr $2,239,650 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,365,900 Lot Size: 36155sf
13 Cape Rd, Milford $2,520,000
Use:Auto Sales (330)
B: Silveira Holdings LLC
S: Kevin P Meehan
Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $2,016,000 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,375,900 Lot Size: 125017sf
23 Unity St, Montague $275,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Ira B Karasick
S: Charles J Light & Samuel H Lovejoy
Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $220,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $253,300 Lot Size: 18861sf
5 Amelia Dr, Nantucket $4,692,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: 5 Amelia Drive LLC
S: Amelia Drive LLC
Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,753,300 Lot Size: 12850sf
Prior Sale: $1,105,000 (06/11)
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
10 Washington St, Nantucket $4,750,000
Use:Charity Property (950)
B: Nantucket Town Of S: Greenhound LLC Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,445,800 Lot Size: 5032sf
127-R Bacon St, Natick $110,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Ellen G Harwood
S: Church Mary E Est & Brian A Church
Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $55,000 Lot Size: 36660sf
3 Superior Dr, Natick $86,450,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: GS AA Avenu Natick Owner
S: Natick Avenu Owner LLC
Mtg: TC ST Origination Hld $52,000,000 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $42,258,800
13 Tech Cir, Natick $3,990,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: 13 Tech Circle LLC
S: Elm Realty Holdings LLC
Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,995,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,355,600 Lot Size: 36351sf
Prior Sale: $1,130,000 (03/11)
67 Union St U:204, Natick $25,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Kareem H Garas
S: Marianne Sullivan Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $61,000
Prior Sale: $59,000 (07/19)
67 Union St U:3A, Natick $25,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Kareem H Garas
S: Marianne Sullivan Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $83,500
Prior Sale: $59,000 (07/19)
67 Union St U:3B, Natick $25,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Kareem H Garas
S: Marianne Sullivan Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $83,500
Prior Sale: $59,000 (07/19)
67 Union St U:3C, Natick $25,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Kareen H Garas S: Marianne Sullivan Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $83,500
Prior Sale: $59,000 (07/19)
67 Union St U:401, Natick $25,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Sylvia Waguin-Hanna
S: Marianne Sullivan Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $128,500
Prior Sale: $127,500 (04/16)
35 Highland Cir, Needham $5,500,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: 35 Highland LLC
S: Carmelo Iriti
Mtg: Digital FCU $4,125,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $3,015,400 Lot Size: 29185sf 422 Hillside Ave, Needham $2,900,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: Jek Realty LLC
S: 444 Group Inc Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,729,200 Lot Size: 29621sf 426 Hunnewell St, Needham $1,300,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: 426 Hunnewell Street LLC
S: Little Cor School House
Mtg: Needham Bk $1,020,000 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $476,100 Lot Size: 10019sf
Prior Sale: $1,175,000 (06/20)
133-135 Acushnet Ave, New Bedford $127,000
Use:Gymnasium (376)
B: Victoria Souza
S: Jose Borgges Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $111,300 Lot Size: 3907sf
Prior Sale: $27,500 (07/15)
1142 Acushnet Ave, New Bedford $200,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Emanuel L Fontes & Carla H Almeida-Fontes
S: Elizabeth Tripanier, Tr for Edgar Tripanier
Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $203,300 Lot Size: 1808sf
Acushnet Ave (WS), New Bedford $35,000
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390)
B: Liberio Demelo
S: Kimberly A Garcia
Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $23,600 Lot Size: 4771sf
888 Ashley Blvd, New Bedford $300,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: Jun C Zhang & Jun J Zhang
S: Zi Q Zhang
Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $649,400 Lot Size: 20800sf
52-54 Brigham St U:6, New Bedford $78,000
Use:Medical Condo Unit (344)
B: Michael J Rogers
S: Elizabeth Silva Tr, Tr for Suite 6 IRT
Mtg: Liberty Bay CU $168,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $103,800
Prior Sale: $23,000 (09/14)
588-594 Brock Ave, New Bedford $590,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 588-594 Brock Ave LLC
S: John J Ray
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $442,500 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $339,200 Lot Size: 2962sf
Prior Sale: $400,000 (02/21)
176 Brooklawn Ct, New Bedford $250,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Shawn Sousa
S: Guiomar A Silveira Tr, Tr for Velas RT
Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $187,500 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $213,800 Lot Size: 3564sf 109 Bullard St, New Bedford $450,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Brandin Gonsalves Tr, Tr for B&B RT
S: Jose L Freitas
Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $299,100 Lot Size: 3305sf 327-329 Coffin Ave, New Bedford $310,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Roland Morgan
S: Jean M Stgelais Tr, Tr for Stgelais RT
Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $363,900 Lot Size: 7166sf 36 County St, New Bedford $189,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Jose M Matos
S: Jose A Freitas Tr, Tr for J M L RT
Mtg: Jose A Freitas $159,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $119,500 Lot Size: 4307sf 50 Nye St, New Bedford $535,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Shawn Cabral
S: Gregg S Rutch Tr, Tr for Gregg S Rutch RET
Mtg: Taunton Federal Cr Un $374,600 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $293,500 Lot Size: 4400sf 10 Roosevelt St, New Bedford $490,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Joseph N Kubik
S: Michael A Downing & Manuela Downing
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $471,153 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $247,100 Lot Size: 3200sf 23 Tallman St, New Bedford $1,450,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: Dav Properties LLC
S: Tallman Apartments LLC
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,125,000 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $738,700 Lot Size: 16289sf
Prior Sale: $750,000 (06/18)
12-16 Inn St, Newburyport $1,430,000
Use:Retail-Department Store (322)
B: Mijo Wijo LLC
S: Colleen A Hughes Tr, Tr for Galcor RT
Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $642,300 Lot Size: 1153sf
3 Liberty St U:3, Newburyport $50,000
Use:Retail Condo (345)
B: 3 Liberty Street LLC
S: Carolyn P Leahy Tr, Tr for C&M NT
Mtg: TD Bank NA $37,500 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $152,700
32 Market St, Newburyport $2,675,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: A Wonderful Life LLC
S: Mark E Bilodeau
Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $1,605,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,092,000 Lot Size: 11sf
Prior Sale: $1,025,000 (05/18)
3-5 Opportunity Way, Newburyport $10,500,000
Use:Industrial Building (405)
B: 3-5 Opportunity Way LLC
S: Packaging Realty LLC
Mtg: Sandy Spring Bank $7,475,000 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $5,529,600 Lot Size: 164657sf
7 Prince Pl U:301, Newburyport $1,650,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Clipper Realty Vent LLC
S: 7 Prince Place LLC
Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $1,320,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $760,200
Prior Sale: $650,000 (10/10)
38 Crafts St, Newton $7,600,000
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: Monroe Queens-Rockaway
S: Crafts Street Prop LLC
Mtg: Needham Bk $14,850,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,816,300 Lot Size: 16617sf
108 Oak St, Newton $1,080,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: 108 Oak Street LLC
S: RE2 Realty LLC
Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,006,700 Lot Size: 4796sf
50 Tower Rd, Newton $12,000,000
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: Northland 50 Tower Rd LLC
S: Bigelow Oil Co Inc
Mtg: Brookline Bank $7,800,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,477,000 Lot Size: 54316sf
North Adams
139 Ashland St, North Adams $400,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: Sy Kitchen LLC
S: Se E Oh
Mtg: Se Eun Oh $287,000 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $297,500 Lot Size: 8960sf
Prior Sale: $180,000 (03/20)
73 N Holden St, North Adams $100,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Enasin LLC
S: Dovy Fuchs
Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $120,800 Lot Size: 13556sf
Prior Sale: $121,000 (03/18)
243 Union St U:408, North Adams $450,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Noah W Haidle & Kelsey A Shultis
S: Carol J Mcmahon
Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $431,000
Prior Sale: $380,000 (10/20)
565 Turnpike St U:84, North Andover $145,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: VLB Realty LLC
S: Lynn M Barash Tr, Tr for Electra IRT
Mtg: Hanscom FCU $116,000 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $191,600
120 S Washington St, North Attleboro $1,200,000
Use:Gas Station (333)
B: Hopedale 404 Main St LLC
S: Judith A Forget
Mtg: BayCoast Bank $960,000 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $751,300 Lot Size: 24226sf
113 King St, Northampton $680,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Sherry L Taylor
S: Strong Ave LLC
Mtg: Strong Ave LLC $330,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $581,700 Lot Size: 6090sf
45 Reservoir Rd, Northampton $575,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Mary O Evborokhai
S: Conrad J Noel Tr, Tr for Conrad Noel RET
Mtg: Flagstar Bank FSB $564,585 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $346,600 Lot Size: 15398sf
320 Riverside Dr U:2, Northampton $1,050,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: Sterling Lane LLC
S: Cutlery Building Assoc
Mtg: Cutlery Building Asso $250,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $739,100
Prior Sale: $821,580 (02/18)
55 Main St, Northborough $548,600
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 55 Main JMD LLC
S: Tetreault Betty A Est & Janice E Ferenchick Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $405,500 Lot Size: 10999sf
Northbridge 369 Douglas Rd, Northbridge $4,200,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Douglas 369 Property LLC
S: Woon Tech Inc
Mtg: UniBank for Savings $3,360,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,762,000 Lot Size: 141134sf
Prior Sale: $4,400,000 (10/18)
13 Bolton Rd, Northfield $200,000
Use:Educational Property (940)
B: Margaret I Hughes
S: Thomas Aquinas College
Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $160,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $224,700 Lot Size: 21780sf
Prior Sale: $355,274 (07/21)
75 Highland Ave, Northfield $195,000
Use:Educational Property (940)
B: Peter Cross & Ramona G Cross
S: Thomas Aquinas College
Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $156,000 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $204,500 Lot Size: 10890sf
Prior Sale: $176,186 (07/21)
86 W Main St, Norton $430,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Scharman Realty LLC
S: 86 Westv Main St LLC
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $344,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $400,000 Lot Size: 14418sf
Prior Sale: $290,000 (11/10)
683 Main St, Norwell $1,150,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: M6 Capital LLC
S: Ragazzi LLC
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $858,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $687,900 Lot Size: 44867sf
327 Washington St, Norwell $487,500
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Westport Rlty Partners
S: Whidden Enterprises LLC
Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $321,100 Lot Size: 13504sf
699 Washington St, Norwood $750,000
Use:Bank Building (341)
B: JKM Property 4 LLC
S: Bank Of America NA Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,700,300 Lot Size: 18000sf
Orange 52 R W Moore Ave, Orange $400,000
Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440)
B: Orange RE Holdco LLC
S: Lot 9 RW Moore Ave LLC
Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $106,900 Lot Size: 179903sf
Prior Sale: $187,500 (07/18)
450 W River St, Orange $825,000
Use:Charity Property (950)
B: Freeborn LLC
S: Heywood Realty Corp
Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $1,150,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $961,500 Lot Size: 561779sf
Orleans 78 Route 6A, Orleans $865,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Delude Enterprises LLC
S: 78 Route 6A LLC
Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $464,500 Lot Size: 12632sf
Palmer 4031-4037 Pleasant St, Palmer $400,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Lord Warren LLC
S: Gary Depace
Mtg: Patricia A Willette $330,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $207,200 Lot Size: 21150sf
6 Essex Center Dr U:205, Peabody $205,000
Use:Medical Condo Unit (344)
B: Sergey Chubenko
S: Northshore Aesthetics Grp
Mtg: Marblehead Svgs Bk $153,750 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $93,600
5 Essex Green Dr U:23, Peabody $139,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Daniel M Miller
S: Philip F Freehan Tr, Tr for 523 IRT
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $121,000 103 Foster St, Peabody $1,375,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Charles Patsios Tr, Tr for Humphrey 460 RT
S: Chemical Applications Co Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,019,300 Lot Size: 80150sf
95 Lynn St U:4, Peabody $175,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Samuel G Fischer
S: Accel Music LLC
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $140,800
Prior Sale: $262,500 (09/19)
7 Oak St, Peabody $2,450,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: 576 Main Street LLC & 7 Oak Peabody LLC S: 3 Of Hearts LLC
Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $1,837,500 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,487,100 Lot Size: 13321sf
Prior Sale: $1,349,000 (06/14)
60 Pulaski St, Peabody $1,600,000
Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440)
B: Raymond S Falite Tr, Tr for 60 Pulaski Street RT S: 60 Pulaski Street LLC
Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $1,325,000 Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $41,900 Lot Size: 291852sf
12 Amherst Rd, Pelham $155,000
Use:Charity Property (950)
B: Hassan Chalhe & Hajar Abaakil
S: Pioneer Vly Habitat
Mtg: Pioneer Vly Habitat F $153,727 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $600 Lot Size: 6055sf
220 Center St U:16, Pembroke $540,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: NSW Ventures LLC
S: Duck Hill Properties LLC Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $414,800
100 Schoosett St U:1B, Pembroke $224,900
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Gen Con Group LLC
S: Facility Management Corp
Mtg: Sharon & Crescent Uni $179,920 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $264,100
Prior Sale: $230,000 (09/14)
62-68 Townsend St, Pepperell $540,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Daniel J Milinazzo Jr S: James K Stevens
Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $405,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $308,800 Lot Size: 14423sf
66 3rd St, Pittsfield $300,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Emerald City Rentals LLC
S: Ruby Realty LLC
Mtg: Loan Funder LLC $225,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $165,700 Lot Size: 6499sf 835 North St, Pittsfield $370,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: 835 North LLC
S: Ronald J Piazza Tr, Tr for Piazza FT
Mtg: Salisbury Bk & Tr $277,500 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $210,600 Lot Size: 9505sf
1404 North St, Pittsfield $100,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Fern Cliff Properties LLC
S: Roberta A Bolotin & Christopher M Bolotin
Mtg: Greylock FCU $80,000 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $51,600 Lot Size: 30270sf
Prior Sale: $50,000 (10/15)
415 Pecks Rd, Pittsfield $100,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: Fin Mar Holdings LLC
S: Cornelius O Marshall Tr, Tr for 415 Pecks Road NT
Mtg: Cornelius Marshall $100,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $89,300 Lot Size: 4508sf
17 Cross St U:5, Plainville $472,000
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: Shajake LLC
S: Elizabeth Nettnay Tr, Tr for Rem IRT
Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $377,600 Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $320,100
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Plymouth 28 Forest Ave, Plymouth $925,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: US Bank NA Tr
S: Andrew J Costa & US Bank NA
Foreclosure Deed Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $679,700 Lot Size: 15770sf
3 Hill Dale Rd, Plymouth $845,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Farid Safaie & Sara M Safaie S: MBRE LLC
Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $676,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $220,300 Lot Size: 25227sf
549 Mast Rd, Plymouth $1,475,000
Use:Charity Property (950)
B: Wildlands T Inc
S: Philosophy Foundation Inc Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,163,600 Lot Size: 1338884sf
20 Pilgrim Hill Rd, Plymouth $7,500,000
Use:Supermarket (324)
B: Bold Colony LLC
S: Thomas Ford Tr, Tr for Plymouth Conifer IRT Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $6,402,600 Lot Size: 289979sf
Prior Sale: $5,000,000 (03/21)
15 Roberts Rd U:11, Plymouth $159,900
Use:Non-residential Condo (349)
B: Marc Bilodeau Tr, Tr for MCRL RT
S: June C Aronson & Edward L Foster Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $149,200
17 S Park Ave, Plymouth $702,500
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Arcese LLC
S: Paul S Foti Tr, Tr for Paul S Foti T
Mtg: South Shore Bank $405,909 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $330,700 Lot Size: 3915sf
Prior Sale: $630,000 (06/21)
14 Water St, Plymouth $100,000
Use:Gas/Service Station (334)
B: 10 Water Plymouth LLC
S: JBR Enterprises Inc Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $807,700 Lot Size: 21344sf
6 Bangs St, Provincetown $2,850,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: James Nozar
S: Mark S Morgan Tr, Tr for Klara E Muller RET Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,073,500 Lot Size: 8233sf
177 Commercial St, Provincetown $3,160,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Shadow Properties LLC
S: Our Moms LLC
Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $1,990,000 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,394,900 Lot Size: 3703sf
Prior Sale: $1,816,000 (05/14)
94 Harry Kemp Way, Provincetown $1,887,500
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Seamens Bank
S: William J Gately Tr, Tr for 94 Harry Kemp Way IRT Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $832,000 Lot Size: 48918sf
173 Billings St, Quincy $1,050,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Paul D Smith Tr, Tr for Smith FT
S: Agostino Confalone Tr, Tr for Confalone FT
Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $400,000 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $810,900 Lot Size: 7406sf
7-9 Elm Ave, Quincy $1,100,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: AJC Prop&Management LLC
S: Creative Dev Assoc LLP
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $825,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $657,000 Lot Size: 7148sf
Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (01/22)
51-57 Holbrook Rd, Quincy $1,750,000 Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: Lana M Tran, Tr for Mann F Tam
S: Robert V Whitman Tr, Tr for Whitman IRT Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $455,600 Lot Size: 11775sf
38 Water St, Quincy $1,000,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Saif Naji
S: Madueno D Alves & Antonieta Alves
Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $750,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $707,500 Lot Size: 7853sf
Prior Sale: $546,000 (02/14)
107 Mill St, Randolph $475,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Herb Jackson & Joyce A Jackson
S: Paul M Smith Tr, Tr for 107 Mill Street T
Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $466,396 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $465,000 Lot Size: 15919sf
44 Smith St, Rehoboth $125,000
Use:Non-Productive Land (720)
B: Paul Suprenard & Pamela L Suprenard S: 295 Tremont Inc
Mtg: Coastal One CU $100,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $200 Lot Size: 110207sf
Broadway, Revere $355,000
Use:Auto Sales (330)
B: Noah Autobody Repair&Sals
S: Anthony Squillante
Mtg: BankGloucester $284,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $426,700 Lot Size: 6743sf
38 Dolphin Ave, Revere $1,650,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Dolphin Ridge LLC
S: 38 Dolphin Ave LLC
Mtg: MutualOne Bk $1,320,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,354,900 Lot Size: 3202sf
Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (02/18)
6 Garfield Ave, Revere $1,025,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 6-8 Garfield LLC
S: Biping Huang
Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $859,400 Lot Size: 2984sf
Prior Sale: $660,000 (07/17)
320 Revere Beach Blvd, Revere $80,000,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: 320 Revere Bch Blvd Apt
S: Revere Bch Apartments LLC
Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $46,143,400 Lot Size: 49118sf
344 Salem St, Revere $1,100,000
Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: Zepaj Development LLC
S: Patricia C Nazzaro & Gary F Fornari
Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $413,700 Lot Size: 19001sf 604 Squire Rd, Revere $2,515,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
S: Rosemarie A Fiumara Tr, Tr for Peter J Fiumara 1981 RET
Mtg: Needham Bk $1,760,500 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,252,200 Lot Size: 14993sf
24-26 Belmont St, Rockland $740,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Darryl Buefort & Dana Adrianna
S: David Dolympio
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $555,000 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $445,400 Lot Size: 4247sf
Prior Sale: $380,000 (10/15)
357 Main St, Rowley $490,000
Use:Auto Repair (332)
B: 357 Main LLC
S: Jaremsek Robert R Est & Robert R Jaremsek Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $347,800 Lot Size: 19339sf
124 Newburyport Tpke, Rowley $10,050,000
Use:Farm Building (317)
B: Simboli Prop Manchester
S: Rupert E Annis Tr, Tr for Spirit RT Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $813,400 Lot Size: 507474sf
Prior Sale: $1,035,000 (07/21)
Roxbury 1536-1542 Tremont St, Roxbury $5,700,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Groma Nav Reit BDC LLC
S: Melbourne St Partners LLP
Mtg: MA Business Dev Corp $1 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,511,400 Lot Size: 5400sf
12 Pioneer Cir, Rutland $600,685
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Michael C Kwashie & Cynthia Quansah
S: Brice Estates Inc
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $530,410 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $73,000 Lot Size: 21419sf
Salem 58 Bridge St, Salem $965,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Jam 5 Properties LLC
S: Raymond L Young
Mtg: Latitude Capital LLC $1,225,000 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $633,700 Lot Size: 5114sf
36 Endicott St, Salem $1,250,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 36 Endicott LLC
S: Dennis M Vallee
Mtg: Align CU $1,000,000 Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $813,400 Lot Size: 2413sf 260 Essex St U:260, Salem $525,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Thomas Mcdonald Tr, Tr for Mcdonald Essex St T S: Tidal Wave Holdings LLC
Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $283,400 Lot Size: 3157sf
11 Forrester St, Salem $1,500,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Eric Lipsky
S: Benjamin A Carlson
Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $1,125,000 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,011,500 Lot Size: 7427sf
Prior Sale: $675,000 (05/16)
327 Jefferson Ave, Salem $920,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: John A Longmire
S: Urban Renewal 11 LLC
Mtg: Allied Mortgage Group $644,000 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $744,400 Lot Size: 6312sf
38 Norman St, Salem $1,210,000
Use:Parking Lot (337)
B: 38 Norman QOZB LLC S: 38 Norman Street LLC
Mtg: RFLF 7 LLC $665,500 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $769,600 Lot Size: 15220sf
Prior Sale: $150,000 (01/20)
167 Elm St U:L47, Salisbury $149,000
Use:Non-residential Condo (349)
B: Anthony Campagnone
S: Mark E Daykin
Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $119,300
Prior Sale: $80,000 (07/14)
148 Lafayette Rd, Salisbury $375,000
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390)
B: Lafayette Development LLC
S: Bruce E Rines
Mtg: Stoneham Cp Bk $587,000 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $289,300 Lot Size: 60000sf
Prior Sale: $341,455 (12/10)
150 Lafayette Rd, Salisbury $25,000
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390)
B: William P Lenahan Tr, Tr for Lenahan Int
S: Bruce E Rines
Mtg: Stoneham Cp Bk $587,000 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $228,900 Lot Size: 150918sf
10 Jan Sebastian Dr U:4, Sandwich $688,500
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: Apcon Realty LLC
S: Mark W Wisentaner Tr, Tr for Briar Patch T
Mtg: TD Bank NA $550,800 Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $398,100
11 Jan Sebastian Dr U:13, Sandwich $252,500
Use:Industrial Condominum (450)
B: Gault RE Holdings LLC
S: Paul M Gens Tr, Tr for P&T Summit RT Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $168,400
Prior Sale: $160,000 (12/16)
669 Route 6A, Sandwich $1,300,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Sun Of A Beach LLC
S: Carol Hanson Tr, Tr for Chosen FT
Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $1,070,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $661,100 Lot Size: 99317sf
Prior Sale: $590,000 (08/18)
4 Water St, Sandwich $100,000
Use:County/Municipality Property (930)
B: FC Homes LLC
S: Sandwich Town Of Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $758,200 Lot Size: 38768sf
67 Broadway, Saugus $83,000
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390)
B: Michael Sasso Tr, Tr for 2021 Nicola Sasso RET
S: Antonio Procaccini Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $717,600 Lot Size: 204732sf
60 Salem Tpke, Saugus $3,000,000
Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390)
B: 60 Paramount Dev LLC
S: 60 Salem Turnpike LLC
Mtg: Boston T Financial $975,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $369,400 Lot Size: 90605sf
62 Benjamin Rd, Shirley $725,000
Use:Nature Study (803)
B: David Wilson & Amy Wilson S: Apple Valley Homes LLC
Mtg: Envision Bank $616,250 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $30,333 Lot Size: 45578sf
Prior Sale: $275,000 (08/21)
524 Main St, Shrewsbury $400,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Shrewsbury Ctr Rlty LLC
S: Richard J Abdella
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $455,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $370,300 Lot Size: 10162sf
604 Main St, Shrewsbury $6,000,000
Use:Office Bldg-Medical (342)
B: 604 Mian Street Prop LLC
S: Scott C Mcmanus Tr, Tr for DSN RT Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $4,500,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $4,736,500 Lot Size: 82764sf
Prior Sale: $4,500,000 (05/12)
861 Brayton Point Rd, Somerset $750,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: Biswas LLC
S: Schoolhouse Vlg Apt LLC
Mtg: Schoolhouse Vlg Apart $200,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,503,600 Lot Size: 220849sf
Prior Sale: $125,000 (10/19)
1091 County St, Somerset $1,225,000
Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323)
B: Legacy 1091 LLC
S: Keith Plaza LLC & P W Keith LLC
Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $918,750 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,375,300 Lot Size: 117612sf
7 Summer St, Somerville $3,200,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: SCLT Community Land LLC
S: 7 Atsummer LLC
Mtg: Somerville Affordable $2,525,708 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,839,200 Lot Size: 4495sf
148 Charlton St, Southbridge $450,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Stevyn Pujols
S: Blue Star Properties LLC
Mtg: US Bank NA $270,500 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $231,000 Lot Size: 11326sf
Prior Sale: $235,000 (09/18)
14 Hamilton St, Southbridge $637,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Jiyo LLC
S: Investment Guru LLC
Mtg: Southbridge CU $292,800 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $213,700 Lot Size: 3049sf
Prior Sale: $300,000 (07/20)
223 Hamilton St, Southbridge $230,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Jet Investment LLC
S: Shawn Floody
Mtg: QS Lending 2 T $255,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $202,000 Lot Size: 5227sf
Prior Sale: $28,000 (03/11)
7 Cherry St, Spencer $47,500
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: 43 Orient LLC
S: Donald B Lacaire
Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $54,600 Lot Size: 4549sf
1630 Boston Rd, Springfield $562,500
Use:Bank Building (341)
B: Ddm Property Group LLC
S: Banas Josephine F Est & Sandra Banas-Clark Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $506,600 Lot Size: 21780sf
196-198 Bowdoin St, Springfield $1,355,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: 196 Bowdoin LLC
S: 196-198 Bowdoin St Rlty
Mtg: FM Home Loans LLC $1,016,250 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $872,500 Lot Size: 13382sf
27-33 Caldwell Pl, Springfield $315,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Emily Vila
S: Emerson Vila & Concepcion Cruzado
Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $309,294 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $268,700 Lot Size: 9448sf 140 Chestnut St U:C1, Springfield $512,500
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: Guardian Assets LLC
S: Attilio F Cardaropoli Tr, Tr for Kimball RT Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $282,100 752 Page Blvd, Springfield $1,387,000 Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Judith L Brown Tr, Tr for Brown Marital T
S: Kasa Sprfield Realty LLC Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $760,700 Lot Size: 17415sf
Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (12/17) 57 Pearl St, Springfield $185,000 Use:Retail-Service (325)
S: Charles A Yenian
Mtg: Polish National CU $154,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $120,100 Lot Size: 9614sf 262 Saint James Blvd, Springfield $450,000 Use:Auto Sales (330)
B: Wheels&Deals Auto Sales
S: Marwan Awkal Mtg: Marwan Awkal $450,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $134,900 Lot Size: 10907sf 120 Tapley St, Springfield $1,695,000 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401)
B: 90 Tapley LLC S: 90 Tapley LLC Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $968,100 Lot Size: 109771sf 19 Warner St, Springfield $735,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Paula Ventura S: 15 Warner Street LLC Mtg: Align CU $588,000 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $468,600 Lot Size: 6630sf
Prior Sale: $502,000 (11/20)
415 Wilbraham Rd, Springfield $340,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Mabel Desiree-Guicho & Jose J Guicho
S: Methe Robert A Est & Catherine Sandillo
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $255,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $227,300 Lot Size: 4970sf
39 Pleasant St U:2A, Stoneham $300,000 Use:Charity Property (950)
B: Whiteclaw Prop Group LLC
Mtg: Wakefield Cp Bk $225,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $599,400
3 Woodland Rd U:318, Stoneham $195,000
Use:Medical Condo Unit (344)
S: Daniel W Bienkowski & Sally Boothe-Bienkowski Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $201,300
386 Washington St, Stoughton $1,200,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: Papantoniadis Prop LLC
S: 386 Washington St LLC
Mtg: 386 Wa Street LLC $850,000 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $782,600 Lot Size: 15477sf
Prior Sale: $600,000 (04/17)
830 Washington St U:3, Stoughton $120,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Andrew F Reservitz Tr, Tr for 830 Washington Street RT
S: Angelo Kostoulas Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $33,300
49 White Pond Rd, Stow $315,000
Use:Commercial Warehouse (316)
B: Larocca Prop Holdings LLC
S: Ronald Jagiello Tr, Tr for J&K T
Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $236,250 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $386,900 Lot Size: 60113sf
10 Providence Rd, Sutton $1,300,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Woocity LLC
S: Stephen J Chabot
Mtg: Stephen J Chabot $1,000,000 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $463,100 Lot Size: 43560sf
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Swansea 60 Old Fall River Rd, Swansea $415,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Robert M Sousa
S: Christine A Kaiser
Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $332,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $324,300 Lot Size: 16988sf
264 Broadway, Taunton $145,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Ricardo Cruz
S: Raymond L Dumont & Sandra H Dumont Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $258,200 Lot Size: 6098sf
27 Grant St, Taunton $760,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Kaidy F Cruz
S: Karen M Charette Tr, Tr for Rocha FT
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $731,503 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $475,300 Lot Size: 10019sf
Prior Sale: $80,000 (01/18)
66 Main St, Taunton $1,390,000
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: MK Melvin Properties LLC
S: Combined Realty LLC
Mtg: RF Boston LLC $2,631,000 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $896,200 Lot Size: 9583sf
61 Plain St, Taunton $680,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Mike M Charles & Winckgayasha Lorquet
S: Robert P Munroe
Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $663,918 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $401,200 Lot Size: 15682sf
1 Prospect St, Taunton $735,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Lawrence Seggelin
S: Prospect Rlty Partners
Mtg: Taunton Federal Cr Un $298,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $546,600 Lot Size: 26136sf
Prior Sale: $485,000 (01/19)
509 Somerset Ave, Taunton $499,900
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: James Elliott
S: Largo Enterprises LLC
Mtg: Foundation Cref Fundi $230,000 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $21,000 Lot Size: 9148sf
78 Winthrop St, Taunton $610,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Rosa Florestal
S: Ronald Oliveira Tr, Tr for Roso Investment IRT
Mtg: T2 Financial LLC $598,951 Date: 07/14/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $422,300 Lot Size: 14810sf
Prior Sale: $286,000 (07/21)
285 Winthrop St, Taunton $610,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: 285 Winthrop St RT S: Dhanraj 2 LLC
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $308,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $280,300 Lot Size: 10019sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (03/10)
935 Main St, Tewksbury $165,000
Use:County/Municipality Property (930)
S: MDR Construction Co Inc
Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $6,000,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $447,000 Lot Size: 282704sf
Prior Sale: $165,000 (11/21)
1501 Main St U:29, Tewksbury $45,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
B: Kenneth Bergeron
S: Keith D Crowley Tr, Tr for N1&N2 IRT Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $27,200 Lot Size: 100sf Prior Sale: $18,000 (06/20)
26 Surveyors Ln U:11, Tisbury $350,000
Use:Office Condo Unit (343)
S: C&J Prop Enterprises LLC
Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $179,000
Prior Sale: $170,000 (06/20)
11 Truro Center Rd U:2, Truro $329,000
Use:Non-residential Condo (349)
B: Joseph R Fiorello Tr, Tr for Joseph R Fiorello T
S: Scrimshaw Longnook LLC
Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $360,500
53 Shannon Way, Upton $558,640
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Charles P Lamb Tr, Tr for Lamb FT
S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC
Date: 07/26/22
55 Shannon Way, Upton $211,800
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: Rudi Ribeiro & Claudette D Ribeiro
S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC
Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $158,850 Date: 08/05/22
59 Shannon Way, Upton $602,875
Use:Other Exempt (990)
B: William J Sweeney & Patricia A Sweeney
S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC
Date: 07/27/22
56 Industrial Dr, Uxbridge $6,358,333
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
S: Ronald E Parsons Tr, Tr for 56 Industrial Drive RT
Mtg: Needham Bk $10,300,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,932,200 Lot Size: 74488sf
Prior Sale: $2,000,000 (12/19)
49 Summer St, Walpole $3,100,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: 49 Summer Street LLC
S: Dickran Babigian Tr, Tr for Legacy RT
Mtg: Walpole Coop Bank $2,480,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,487,000 Lot Size: 221285sf
30 Cedar St, Waltham $860,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 30-32 Cedar Street LLC
S: Stephen J Centofanti Tr, Tr for PAC RT
Mtg: Village Bank $645,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $802,600 Lot Size: 3084sf 98-100 Cushing St, Waltham $410,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Michael F Taranto
S: Marissa A Taranto & Samuel J Gelso Jr Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $916,900 Lot Size: 6499sf 6-12 Derby St, Waltham $719,900
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Harout Sajonian & Lena Sajonian
S: West Woburn Dev Corp
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $360,000 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $867,000 Lot Size: 7166sf 33 Rumford Ave, Waltham $1,430,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: 33 Rumford Avenue LLC
S: Thomas Hession Sr & Diane R Hession
Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,072,500 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $490,200 Lot Size: 10010sf 26-32 Washington Ave, Waltham $1,302,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Daniel M Hatch & Anna M Hatch
S: Dimeo Realty LLC
Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $976,500 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,090,200 Lot Size: 8080sf
51 Pleasant St, Ware $310,400
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Michael F Matondi 3rd & Ashley Matondi
S: Audra Hogle & Ricky Hogle
Mtg: Plains Commerce Bank $232,800 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $139,500 Lot Size: 6599sf
Prior Sale: $85,000 (10/19)
2196 Cranberry Hwy, Wareham $775,000
Use:Retail-Department Store (322)
B: Pingree 2000 RE Hldg LLC
S: Helga Ross Tr, Tr for Ross Marital T Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $497,200 Lot Size: 39997sf
173 Main St, Wareham $875,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Lopez Holdings LLC
S: Beverly A Hallisey Tr, Tr for WPH NT
Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $656,250 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $684,300 Lot Size: 16137sf
155 Onset Ave, Wareham $1,400,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: South Shore Apt LLC S: 155 Onset Avenue LLC
Mtg: Norwood CooperativeBk $1,050,000 Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $403,200 Lot Size: 4418sf
Prior Sale: $425,000 (09/20)
West Bridgewater
373 Crescent St, West Bridgewater $4,390,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: RD Crescent Hldg LLC S: 373 Crescent Street LLC
Mtg: RD WB Lender LLC $3,951,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,962,400 Lot Size: 228254sf
Prior Sale: $650,000 (05/18)
373 Crescent St, West Bridgewater $4,390,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: RD Crescent Hldg LLC S: 373 Crescent Street LLC Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,962,400 Lot Size: 228254sf
Prior Sale: $650,000 (05/18)
175 Shoreline Dr, West Brookfield $350,000
Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131)
B: Erwin J VanLochem & Maria J Ezpeleta S: Linda A Berube Ad, Adm for Chliszczyk T J Jr Est Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $7,972 Lot Size: 17424sf
168 Garden St, West Newbury $3,450,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: E Niki Lagasse Tr, Tr for ENL RT
S: Trilogy Farm LLC Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,268,100 Lot Size: 576299sf
Prior Sale: $2,187,000 (09/17)
57 Wayside Ave, West Springfield $4,150,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: 57 Wayside Ave LLC
S: JLL Real Estate LLC
Mtg: Jibber Capital LLC $4,166,718 Date: 07/13/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,307,200 Lot Size: 64412sf
Prior Sale: $152,000 (07/18)
217 Westfield St, West Springfield $150,000 Use:Nursing Home (304)
B: Saremi LLP
S: Briarwood 8 LLC Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $134,900 Lot Size: 95396sf
2223 Westfield St, West Springfield $287,500
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Pink Finch LLC
S: Acumen Mgmt Group LLC Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $262,400 Lot Size: 12545sf
64 Arch St, Westborough $1,750,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Dwarkamai Inc S: 64 Arch Street LLC
Mtg: Harinder Johar $1,050,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $791,600 Lot Size: 128066sf
Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (03/15)
3 Baylor Ave, Westborough $48,000
Use:County/Municipality Property (930)
B: Westborough Affo Hsng T S: Westborough Town Of Date: 08/04/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $277,300 Lot Size: 8777sf 113 Milk St, Westborough $200,000 Use:Industrial Use (497)
B: Stonegate 113 Milk St S: Forrestall Ent Inc Date: 07/25/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $97,100 Lot Size: 219107sf
Prior Sale: $50,000 (10/10)
35 South St, Westborough $800,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: 35 South St Realty LLC
S: Tammy A Mcgee Tr, Tr for Mcgee FT
Mtg: Avidia Bank $569,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $512,000 Lot Size: 13403sf
130 Southampton Rd, Westfield $3,312,500 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Ind (034)
B: 809 College Highway LLC S: Saremi LLP
Mtg: Westfield Bank $2,484,375 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,259,000 Lot Size: 163350sf
Prior Sale: $2,275,000 (11/13)
117 Union St, Westfield $251,720
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: US Bank NA Tr
S: Richard M Clark & US Bank NA Foreclosure Deed Date: 07/11/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $256,900 Lot Size: 8712sf
1180 American Legion Hwy, Westport $950,000
Use:Religious Property (960)
B: Mackady LLC
S: Roman Catholic Bishop Mtg: Webster Bank $1,500,000 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,739,000 Lot Size: 200376sf
235-237 State Rd, Westport $1,050,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: Roll The Dice LLC
Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $803,800 Lot Size: 290502sf
94 Mutton Ln, Weymouth $650,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 94 Mutton Lane LLC
S: Molinari Louis J Est & William K Brown Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $655,500 Lot Size: 18000sf
199 Long Plain Rd, Whately $756,000
Use:Manufacturing Building (400)
B: Michael P Damon & Diana L Damon
S: La Management LLC
Mtg: LA Management LLC $506,000 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $381,400 Lot Size: 1132473sf
Prior Sale: $405,000 (10/11)
94 State Rd, Whately $1,500,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: 94 State Road LLC
S: Whately Self Storage Inc
Mtg: Jibber Capital LLC $3,965,165 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,053,900 Lot Size: 140220sf
965-969 Temple St, Whitman $325,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031)
B: Jerome P Barrett
S: Jill S Leblanc Tr, Tr for Jill S Leblanc T Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $325,400 Lot Size: 10049sf
278 Lowell St, Wilmington $2,250,000
Use:Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land (391)
B: KJE Realty Group LLC
S: John R Forrest Tr, Tr for Arejay RT
Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $2,050,000 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $253,800 Lot Size: 98010sf
253 Front St, Winchendon $356,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Chrisalis B Cheek & Pamela A Cheek
S: Bobby L Fortes Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $349,551 Date: 08/01/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $181,300 Lot Size: 16988sf
Prior Sale: $158,784 (03/17)
6 Jefferson St, Winthrop $5,250,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112)
B: Thomas Jefferson Prop LLC
S: Bernadette Mcdevitt & John Mcdevitt Mtg: MutualOne Bk $4,200,000 Date: 07/27/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $2,076,700 Lot Size: 4707sf
45 Industrial Pkwy, Woburn $23,750,000
Use:Industrial Warehouse (401)
B: WCV 45 Industrial LLC
S: 45 Industrial Pky Assoc
Mtg: US Bank NA 144,368,220 Date: 07/19/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $5,529,900 Lot Size: 199533sf
596 Main St, Woburn $651,200
Use:Office Bldg-General (340)
B: Collier Conglomerate LLC
S: Jutta L Hager Tr, Tr for 596 Main Street IRT Mtg: 596 Main Street RT $901,200 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $547,600 Lot Size: 10715sf
Commercial Sales Monthly Review provides a recap of commercial, industrial and other income-pro ducing property sales that have appeared in the previous four weekly issues of Banker & Tradesman. This reference is an easy-to-use listing of these hardto-find sales, compiled by The Warren Group, B&T’s parent company.
Included in these listings are residen tial developable land, residential prop erties with more than three units and many mixed-use parcels. The residential developable land properties are included in the list because they are often sourc es of income for developers. Similarly, multi-unit residential units are deemed to be income-producers as opposed to purely places of residence for the owner. Mixed-use parcels are included because they often have non-residential features.
Because property use designations are culled from assessors’ records and not from the deed to the property, this section includes only those communities where we have the assessor’s property file – the
communities The Warren Group calls COMPreport towns, which now includes all Massachusetts communities except for Great Barrington and Hancock.
The records are organized alpha betically by town and street name. In addition to the property address, buyer, seller, lender, mortgage amount, lot size and prior sale data that were detailed when these sales were originally pub lished in the Official Records section of Banker & Tradesman, the records in this recap also include the filing date, building area (when available) and total assessed value. The fiscal year of the assessment is also noted.
After a sale transaction is entered into the The Warren Group database, the address is compared to the addresses in the assessor’s property file. Whenever a match occurs, The Warren Group takes the details from the property record and
creates the enhanced sales records pub lished here. If The Warren Group cannot be sure of matching the correct records, it does not match them at all. If it is unable to identify an unmatched sale’s property-use class, that sale will not be included in this recap.
As The Warren Group processes the assessor’s files, it checks that propertyuse codes are used consistently across all towns. To this end, The Warren Group sometimes translates a code that one town has created for its own purpose into a code that has the same meaning in the The Warren Group system. There are some instances where The Warren Group has created its own codes to sup plement the Massachusetts Department of Revenue codes. This is generally done for multi-use parcels where assessors have assigned their own supplemental codes for greater specificity. In turn, when The Warren Group processes the assessor’s files, it applies its own code to standardize the use code applied to these properties.
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Worcester 170 Austin St, Worcester $878,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Virgo Capital LLC S: Eph Investments LLC
Mtg: Webster First FCU $702,400 Date: 08/05/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $342,900 Lot Size: 7236sf
Prior Sale: $310,000 (01/17)
10 De Marco Ter, Worcester $435,000
Use:Parking Lot (337)
B: Chadd M Lafond S: Theresa Travaglio
Mtg: Supreme Lending $413,250 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $49,500 Lot Size: 3056sf
Prior Sale: $353,000 (05/18)
49 Eastern Ave, Worcester $500,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: Rosa M Manche & Juan C Abarca S: Celsa Ayala-Coloma
Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $490,943 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $240,500 Lot Size: 4642sf
94 Eastern Ave, Worcester $710,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Houda Assif S: Mustafa Naief Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $568,000 Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $502,000 Lot Size: 3645sf
Prior Sale: $279,500 (06/15)
93 Gage St, Worcester $700,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Portia Johnson
S: Shohreh E Gaval Tr, Tr for 93 Gage St Worcester IRT Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $676,637 Date: 07/12/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $371,100 Lot Size: 4980sf
Prior Sale: $130,000 (12/13)
264 Grafton St, Worcester $820,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: RWJC Properties LLC
S: Ronald P Brosnan Tr, Tr for Ronald P Brosnan T Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $574,000 Date: 07/20/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $592,400 Lot Size: 13729sf
300 Grove St, Worcester $9,500,000
Use:Private Hospital (305)
B: 300 Grv St Prof Props S: 300 Grove St Realty LLC
Mtg: Avidia Bank $7,125,000 Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $5,183,300 Lot Size: 60548sf
Prior Sale: $8,500,000 (01/17)
2 Holland Rd, Worcester $1,125,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Zero Two Holland LLC S: Living Life Prop LLC
Mtg: Fidelity Cp Bk $6,000,000 Date: 08/03/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $602,500 Lot Size: 5029sf
Prior Sale: $330,000 (12/16)
40 Merrifield St, Worcester $500,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: 40 Merrifield Street LLC S: Elwin F Gibson 3rd Date: 07/29/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $400,500 Lot Size: 9294sf
24 Mill St, Worcester $1,350,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Worcester Hsng Authority S: DKM Realty LLC Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $766,600 Lot Size: 25822sf
Prior Sale: $5,357,000 (09/10)
43 Orient St, Worcester $675,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Bachir M Atallah S: Emad R Benyamin Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $506,250 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $324,500 Lot Size: 5000sf 315 Park Ave, Worcester $190,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: Roccos Gentlemens S: Rocco Froio & Christine A Froio Date: 08/02/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $273,200 Lot Size: 3707sf
15 Russell St, Worcester $799,900
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Tarun Bhalla & Anuradha Bhalla S: Kimberly Rickman Mtg: Leader Bank NA $400,000 Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $617,000 Lot Size: 7818sf
Prior Sale: $378,000 (10/16)
25 Shelby St, Worcester $561,600
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Saul J Silva S: Murilo S Silva & Myllene Batista-Silva Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $392,700 Date: 07/18/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $350,400 Lot Size: 5000sf
Prior Sale: $137,000 (05/13)
300 Southbridge St, Worcester $925,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030)
B: 8-10 Upland LLC
S: Benjamin Mantyla Tr, Tr for Saul Talber T Mtg: Saul Talber T $595,000 Date: 07/22/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $500,500 Lot Size: 31254sf
1 Vinton St, Worcester $530,000
Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111)
B: Roee Agami & Liran Agami
S: Paul A Sharon Jr Tr, Tr for 1 Vinton Street RT
Mtg: IC Credit Union $393,750 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $435,100 Lot Size: 5467sf
Prior Sale: $150,000 (05/10)
926 W Boylston St, Worcester $2,900,000
Use:Retail-Service (325)
B: 320 Enterprises LLC S: Worcester UC LLC Date: 07/26/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $482,100 Lot Size: 20001sf
Prior Sale: $1,125,000 (12/21)
1160 W Boylston St, Worcester $2,200,000
Use:Restaurant/Bar (326)
B: Dennis G Maxwell Tr, Tr for 1160 West Boylston St RT
S: Annacotty LLC
Mtg: Webster Bank $2,182,500 Date: 07/28/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,200,700 Lot Size: 84071sf
500 Thurston St, Wrentham $2,800,000
Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013)
B: RLP 3 Wrentham Logistics S: Thurston Street LLC Date: 07/15/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $1,094,800 Lot Size: 448518sf
Prior Sale: $1,600,000 (06/21)
91-93 Weir Rd, Yarmouth $375,000
Use:Religious Property (960)
B: Ryan Mann & Adrian G Mann S: Harwich Ecumenical Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $281,250 Date: 07/21/22
Total Assessed Value (2022): $410,500 Lot Size: 15682sf
Aug. 2018 6,191
Aug. 6,014
Aug. 2020 6,057
Aug. 2021 5,739
Aug. 2022 5,055 7,594 12,649
The Warren Group and Banker & Tradesman sincerely appreciate your patience over the past two years. The majority of registries and courts are now open and Banker & Tradesman has resumed its previous collec tion to print schedule. There are still some data collection issues as individ ual offices may have to temporarily close. We will collect that information as soon as it is available and include it here in the records section. Please call 617-896-5367 or email customerservice@thewarrengroup.com if you have any questions.
C2 Suffolk 09/09/22
C4 Barnstable 09/09/22
C5 Berkshire Middle 09/09/22
C5 Berkshire North 09/09/22
C6 Berkshire South 09/09/22
C6 Bristol Fall River 09/09/22
C6 Bristol North 09/09/22
C7 Bristol South 09/09/22
C7 Dukes 09/09/22
C8 Essex North 09/09/22
C8 Essex South 09/09/22
C2 Suffolk 09/09/22
C4 Barnstable 09/09/22
C5 Berkshire Middle 09/09/22
C5 Berkshire North 09/09/22
C6 Berkshire South 09/09/22
C6 Bristol Fall River 09/09/22
C6 Bristol North 09/09/22
C7 Bristol South 09/09/22
C7 Dukes 09/09/22
C8 Essex North 09/09/22
C8 Essex South 09/09/22
C10 Franklin 09/09/22
C10 Hampden 09/09/22
C11 Hampshire 09/09/22
C12 Middlesex North 09/09/22
C12 Middlesex South 09/09/22
C15 Nantucket 09/09/22
C15 Norfolk 09/09/22
C17 Plymouth 09/09/22
C19 Worcester 09/09/22
C21 Worcester North 09/09/22
C10 Franklin 09/09/22
C10 Hampden 09/09/22
C11 Hampshire 09/09/22
C12 Middlesex North 09/09/22
C12 Middlesex South 09/09/22
C15 Nantucket 09/09/22
C15 Norfolk 09/09/22
C17 Plymouth 09/09/22
C19 Worcester 09/09/22
C21 Worcester North 09/09/22
Stephen J. Murphy, Register 24 New Chardon St., Court House Boston, MA. 02144-9660
Telephone: (617) 788-8575 www.suffolkdeeds.com
YTD 2021 YTD 2022
Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 40
Median Price $3,475,000 $3,675,000
74 APPLETON ST U:3 $1,405,000
B: Leora Rodenstein
S: Joshua B Kay & Brook L Patkin Book/Page: 68185/278, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Berkshire Bank $1,124,000
Type: Adj
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1130sf
Prior Sale: $1,275,000 (04/19)
138 BEACON ST U:8 $1,370,000
B: Stephen P Ahern Tr, Tr for Atlast Beacon RT S: Sharan L Schwartzberg Tr, Tr for S L Schwartzberg 2018 RET Book/Page: 68187/324, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1045sf
188 BEACON ST U:4 $2,574,500
B: James P Lally Tr, Tr for Lally FT S: Joan F Fink & Peter W Fink Book/Page: 68180/194, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1700sf
371 BEACON ST U:2 $686,000
B: Kendrick Chow S: Suzan Griffith Tr, Tr for Suzan Griffith RET Book/Page: 68177/108, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Citibank Na $617,331
Type: Adj
Use: Condo, Lot: 441sf
1 CHARLES ST S U:410 $1,362,000
B: Bin Zhou & Zheng Zhou S: Paul A Guarracino Tr, Tr for Guarracino Silver NT Book/Page: 68185/182, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $1,020,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1294sf
Town Name Registry
Abington Plymouth Acton Middlesex South
Acushnet Bristol South Adams Berkshire North Agawam Hampden Alford Berkshire South Allston Suffolk Amesbury Essex South Amherst Hampshire Andover Essex North Aqinnah Dukes Arlington Middlesex South Ashburnham Worcester North Ashby Middlesex South Ashfield Franklin Ashland Middlesex South Athol Worcester Attleboro Bristol North Auburn Worcester Avon Norfolk Ayer Middlesex South Barnstable Barnstable Barre Worcester Becket Berkshire Middle Bedford Middlesex South Belchertown Hampshire Bellingham Norfolk Belmont Middlesex South Berkley Bristol North Berlin Worcester Bernardston Franklin Beverly Essex South Billerica Middlesex North Blackstone Worcester Blandford Hampden Bolton Worcester Boston Suffolk Bourne Barnstable Boxboro Middlesex South Boxford Essex South Boylston Worcester Braintree Norfolk Brewster Barnstable Bridgewater Plymouth Brighton Suffolk Brimfield Hampden Brockton Plymouth Brookfield Worcester Brookline Norfolk Buckland Franklin Burlington Middlesex South Cambridge Middlesex South Canton Norfolk Carlisle Middlesex North Carver Plymouth Centerville Barnstable Charlemont Franklin Charlestown Suffolk Charlton Worcester Chatham Barnstable Chelmsford Middlesex North Chelsea Suffolk Cheshire Berkshire North Chester Hampden Chesterfield Hampshire Chicopee Hampden Chilmark Dukes Clarksburg Berkshire North Clinton Worcester Cohasset Norfolk Colrain Franklin Concord Middlesex South Conway Franklin
2 CLARENDON ST U:408 $880,000
B: Barbara B Edgar S: Michael Leung Book/Page: 68176/214, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: LoanDepot Com $460,000
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 793sf
Prior Sale: $850,000 (02/18)
261 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:8 $660,000
B: Chi H Mok & Chiuyin L Mok S: Lynda Vercruysse Book/Page: 68179/159, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 691sf
Prior Sale: $440,000 (08/11)
35 FAY ST U:218 $1,054,000
B: Rachael Steinbock & Vivienne Mendelsohn
S: Brian Perry Book/Page: 68175/119, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: First Republic Bk $735,000
Type: Adj
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 862sf
1 FRANKLIN ST U:4308 $2,900,000
B: Ocean Spring LLC S: Noor A Zubair Book/Page: 68181/216, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
19 GREENWICH PARK U:2 $855,000
B: Margaret Torrence & Michael Everett
S: Michael L Reddy Tr, Tr for Reddy FT Book/Page: 68188/116, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 775sf
Prior Sale: $659,000 (08/15)
37 HARBOR VIEW ST U:3 $260,000
B: Justin T Downey
S: Marie F Downey Tr, Tr for Ponde House RT Book/Page: 68174/237, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Marie Downey $260,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Condo
41 MILFORD ST U:1 $1,550,000
B: Alice Mcelhinney & Nikolai Eroshenko
S: Matthew Hardy & Anne F Hardy Book/Page: 68177/76, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,240,000
Type: Adj
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1290sf
Prior Sale: $1,435,000 (12/17)
69 MONTGOMERY ST U:1 $2,600,000
B: Adam Roberts & Chloe V Roberts
S: 69 Montgomery Mainsail Book/Page: 68181/115, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Bank of America NA $2,000,000
Type: Adj Use: Condo
69 MONTGOMERY ST U:2 $3,472,000
B: Beth T Freeman Tr, Tr for Montgomery 69 RT
S: 69 Montgomery Mainsail Book/Page: 68178/56, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: First Republic Bk $1,200,000 Use: Condo
27-29 N MARGIN ST $2,000,000
B: North End Capital LLC
S: 27 N Margin Street LLC Book/Page: 68184/205, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,400,000
Type: Adj Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 637sf
Prior Sale: $1,205,000 (06/16) 36 NEWBURY ST $13,750,000
B: 36 Newbury St LLC S: 36 Newbury Hldg Book/Page: 68178/209, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Needham Bk $10,000,000
Use: Retail-service, Lot: 2016sf
Prior Sale: $7,500,000 (09/21)
B: Vinny C Aswani
S: Sasha Lam-Plattes & Denise A Donovan Book/Page: 68181/322, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $484,500
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 657sf
Prior Sale: $450,000 (12/20)
135 SEAPORT BLVD U:1616 $1,119,000
B: Donovan Holdings LLC
S: Boston Seaport M1&2 Book/Page: 68177/65, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo
58 TEMPLE ST U:2 $999,000
B: Amy B Johnson Tr, Tr for Amy B Johnson RET
S: Aaron Norton & Cheryl Norton Book/Page: 68182/63, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $499,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 810sf
Prior Sale: $860,000 (08/21)
165 TREMONT ST U:1701 $5,700,000
B: Hai Tran
S: Michael A Bass Tr, Tr for 165 Tremont St Unit 1701 Book/Page: 68176/84, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 5 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2934sf
Prior Sale: $3,450,000 (06/15)
580 WASHINGTON ST U:1505 $1,927,500
B: Sara Kravet & Jeffrey Wagner
S: Esam Almarzouq & Muna Alobaid Book/Page: 68185/222, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1502sf 1166 WASHINGTON ST U:502 $460,000
B: Mahmoud Goodarzi
S: Joerg Dressler Book/Page: 68186/128, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: First Republic Bk $200,000
Type: Adj
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 469sf 3531 WASHINGTON ST U:327 $900,000
B: Nittin Mittal & Disha Mittal
S: Sharon Tam & David Harwath Book/Page: 68190/212, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $675,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Condo
150 WORCESTER ST U:3 $995,000
B: 205 WPSG LLC S: Eliot Smullen Book/Page: 68184/173, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 924sf
Prior Sale: $835,126 (06/18)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 9 Median Price $831,550 $825,000
B: Sunghyun Jun S: Carmen L Herlihy Tr, Tr for C L Herlihy T 2013 Book/Page: 68191/192, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $409,500
Type: Adj
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 623sf 9 GARDNER ST U:4 $400,000
B: Osvald Duvelson
S: Yunzhe Xie Book/Page: 68192/18, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $320,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1007sf Prior Sale: $244,100 (02/10)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 25 Median Price $862,500 $875,000
300 ALLSTON ST U:205 $725,000
B: Ziv Bar-Joseph S: Gregory G Dicarlo & Daisy Martinez-Dicarlo Book/Page: 68179/9, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: PNC Bank $475,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1085sf
Prior Sale: $680,000 (09/20)
309 ALLSTON ST U:11 $205,900
B: Shiphrah J Rosenberg
S: Community Condo Corp Doc#: 000000000937579, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $190,900
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 556sf 45 COLBORNE RD U:B1 $360,000
B: Garett P Lambert S: Scott Coblyn Book/Page: 68189/82, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $306,000
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 600sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (05/19)
Cotuit Barnstable Cummington Hampshire Dalton Berkshire Middle Danvers Essex South Dartmouth Bristol South Dedham Norfolk Deerfield Franklin Dennis Barnstable Dighton Bristol North Dorchester Suffolk Douglas Worcester Dover Norfolk Dracut Middlesex North Dudley Worcester Dunstable Middlesex North Duxbury Plymouth East Boston Suffolk East Bridgewater Plymouth East Brookfield Worcester East Longmeadow Hampden Eastham Barnstable Easthampton Hampshire Easton Bristol North Egremont Berkshire South Erving Franklin Essex Essex South Everett Middlesex South Fairhaven Bristol South Fall River Bristol Fall River Falmouth Barnstable Fitchburg Worcester North Florida Berkshire North Foxboro Norfolk Framingham Middlesex South Franklin Norfolk Freetown Bristol Fall River Gardner Worcester Georgetown Essex South Gill Franklin Gloucester Essex South Goshen Hampshire Grafton Worcester Gosnold Dukes Granby Hampshire Granville Hampden Great Barrington Berkshire South Greenfield Franklin Greenwich Hampshire Groton Middlesex South Groveland Essex South Hadley Hampshire Halifax Plymouth Hamilton Essex South Hampden Hampden Hancock Berkshire North Hanover Plymouth Hanson Plymouth Hardwick Worcester Harvard Worcester Harwich Barnstable Hatfield Hampshire Haverhill Essex South Hawley Franklin Heath Franklin Hingham Plymouth Hinsdale Berkshire Middle Holbrook Norfolk Holden Worcester Holland Hampden Holliston Middlesex South Holyoke Hampden Hopedale Worcester
Hopkinton Middlesex South Hubbardston Worcester Hudson Middlesex South Hull Plymouth Huntington Hampshire Hyannis Barnstable Hyde Park Suffolk Ipswich Essex South Jamaica Plain Suffolk Kingston Plymouth Lakeville Plymouth Lancaster Worcester Lanesboro Berkshire North Lawrence Essex North Lee Berkshire Middle Leicester Worcester Lenox Berkshire Middle Leominster Worcester North Leverett Franklin Lexington Middlesex South Leyden Franklin Lincoln Middlesex South Littleton Middlesex South Longmeadow Hampden Lowell Middlesex North Ludlow Hampden Lunenburg Worcester North Lynn Essex South Lynnfield Essex South Malden Middlesex South Manchester Essex South Mansfield Bristol North Marblehead Essex South Marion Plymouth Marlborough Middlesex South Marshfield Plymouth Marstons Mills Barnstable Mashpee Barnstable Mattapan Suffolk Mattapoisett Plymouth Maynard Middlesex South Medfield Norfolk Medford Middlesex South Medway Norfolk Melrose Middlesex South Mendon Worcester Merrimac Essex South Methuen Essex North Middleboro Plymouth Middlefield Hampshire Middleton Essex South Milford Worcester Millbury Worcester Millis Norfolk Millville Worcester Milton Norfolk Monroe Franklin Monson Hampden Montague Franklin Monterey Berkshire South Montgomery Hampden Mt Washington Berkshire South Nahant Essex South Nantucket Nantucket Natick Middlesex South Needham Norfolk New Ashford Berkshire North New Bedford Bristol South New Braintree Worcester New Marlboro Berkshire South New Salem Franklin Newbury Essex South Newburyport Essex South
Newton Middlesex South Norfolk Norfolk North Adams Berkshire North North Andover Essex North North Attleboro Bristol North North Brookfield Worcester North Reading Middlesex South Northampton Hampshire Norhborough Worcester Northbridge Worcester Northfield Franklin Norton Bristol North Norwell Plymouth Norwood Norfolk Oak Bluffs Dukes Oakham Worcester Orange Franklin Orleans Barnstable Osterville Barnstable Otis Berkshire Middle Oxford Worcester Palmer Hampden Paxton Worcester Peabody Essex South Pelham Hampshire Pembroke Plymouth Pepperell Middlesex South Peru Berkshire Middle Petersham Worcester Phillipston Worcester Pittsfield Berkshire Middle Plainfield Hampshire Plainville Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Plympton Plymouth Princeton Worcester Provincetown Barnstable Quincy Norfolk Randolph Norfolk Raynham Bristol North Reading Middlesex South Rehoboth Bristol North Revere Suffolk Richmond Berkshire Middle Rochester Plymouth Rockland Plymouth Rockport Essex South Roslindale Suffolk Rowe Franklin Rowley Essex South Roxbury Suffolk Royalston Worcester Russell Hampden Rutland Worcester Salem Essex South Salisbury Essex South Sandisfield Berkshire South Sandwich Barnstable Saugus Essex South Savoy Berkshire North Scituate Plymouth Seekonk Bristol North Sharon Norfolk Sheffield Berkshire South Shelburne Franklin Sherborn Middlesex South Shirley Middlesex South Shrewsbury Worcester Shutesbury Franklin Somerset Bristol Fall River Somerville Middlesex South South Boston Suffolk South Hadley Hampshire
1633 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:2 $432,500
B: Vaughn Walker
S: E Krishna Rao Tr, Tr for DKR NT Book/Page: 68188/271, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $389,250
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 670sf 137 ENGLEWOOD AVE U:45 $477,500
B: Daniel A Garcia & Aldo R Garcia S: Elizabeth A Wegman Doc#: 000000000937659, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $453,625
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 600sf 50-56 LEO M BIRMINGHAM PKWY U:308 $314,000
B: Tabassum Naushad & Syed Ahmad
S: Leo Birmingham Dev LLC Book/Page: 68188/126, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $293,000
Use: Condo
10 MELVIN AVE U:5 $434,000
B: Daniel E Chaprut & Rita Chaprut
S: Tatyana Vinnikova Tr, Tr for Vinnikova FT Doc#: 000000000937677, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $325,500
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 791sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 52 47
Median Price $1,367,500 $1,381,500
42 8TH ST U:3518 $595,000
B: Henrik Homann
S: David Evans & Donna K Evans Book/Page: 68179/332, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $417,500 (12/13)
2 DEXTER ROW $1,250,000
B: Opus Realty Partners LLC
S: Richard K Mazow Tr, Tr for Dexter RT Book/Page: 68187/195, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Middlesex FSLA $830,000
Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Comm, Lot: 3080sf
53 ELM ST U:3 $625,000
B: Elliot Baxter
S: Matthew C Feeney Book/Page: 68181/229, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $365,000
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo
Prior Sale: $440,001 (12/14)
Southampton Hampshire Southborough Worcester Southbridge Worcester Southwick Hampden Spencer Worcester Springfield Hampden Sterling Worcester Stockbridge Berkshire Middle Stoneham Middlesex South Stoughton Norfolk Stow Middlesex South Sturbridge Worcester Sudbury Middlesex South Sunderland Franklin Sutton Worcester Swampscott Essex South Swansea Bristol Fall River Taunton Bristol North Templeton Worcester Tewksbury Middlesex North Thorndike Hampden Tisbury Dukes Tolland Hampden Topsfield Essex South Townsend Middlesex South Truro Barnstable Tyngsboro Middlesex North Tyringham Berkshire Middle Upton Worcester Uxbridge Worcester Wakefield Middlesex South Wales Hampden Walpole Norfolk Waltham Middlesex South Ware Hampshire Wareham Plymouth Warren Worcester Warwick Franklin Washington Berkshire Middle Watertown Middlesex South Wayland Middlesex South Webster Worcester Wellesley Norfolk Wellfleet Barnstable Wendell Franklin Wenham Essex South West Boylston Worcester West Bridgewater Plymouth West Brookfield Worcester West Newbury Essex South West Roxbury Suffolk West Springfield Hampden West Stockbridge Berkshire South West Tisbury Dukes Westborough Worcester Westfield Hampden Westford Middlesex North Westhampton Hampshire Westminster Worcester North Weston Middlesex South Westport Bristol South Westwood Norfolk Weymouth Norfolk Whately Franklin Whitman Plymouth Wilbraham Hampden Williamsburg Hampshire Williamstown Berkshire North Wilmington Middlesex North Winchendon Worcester Winchester Middlesex South Windsor Berkshire North Winthrop Suffolk
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Woburn Middlesex South Worcester Worcester Worthington Hampshire Wrentham Norfolk Yarmouth Barnstable Village Town Annisquam Gloucester Assabet Maynard Assonet Freetown Auburndale Newton Bass River Yarmouth Bradford Haverhill Brant Rock Marshfield Bryantville Pembroke Buzzards Bay Bourne Byfield Newbury Cataumet Bourne Cedarville Plymouth Chestnut Hill Newton Cochituate Natick
Feeding Hills Agawam Fiskdale Sturbridge Florence Northampton Fort Devens Ayer Forestdale Sandwich Gilbertville Hardwick Glendale Stockbridge Gosnold Edgartown Green Harbor Marshfield Haydenville Northampton Humarock Scituate Indian Orchard Springfield Islington Westwood Jefferson Holden Leeds Northampton Linwood Northbridge Magnolia Gloucester Manomet Plymouth Mill River New Marlboro Millers Falls Greenfield Monponsett Halifax New Seabury Mashpee Nutting Lake Billerica Ocean Bluff Marshfield Onset Wareham Pinehurst Billerica Pocasset Bourne Prides Crossing Beverly Sagamore Bourne Saxonville Framingham Shattuckvile Colrain Sheldonville Wrentham Siasconset Nantucket Teaticket Falmouth Three Rivers Palmer Turners Falls Greenfield Waban Newton Waquoit Barnstable Waverly Belmont Wellington Medford Whitinsville Northbridge Woods Hole Falmouth Woronoco Westfield
35 WESTCHESTER RD $1,425,000
The information appearing in this newspaper is taken from deed and mortgage documents filed at each of the twenty-one registries of deeds in the state. All property transfers with a sales price of at least $100 and all term-mortgage documents are collected.
Whenever possible, we combine the separate deed and mortgage documents so that we can present one complete record of the street address, purchase price, lender and mortgage amount. When we cannot link a deed with a mortgage (and vice versa) each transaction appears individually.
Real estate records are organized alphabetically by registry, then town, then by street name within a subhead (Real Estate Sales, Foreclosure Deeds, or Mortgages.) The exception is Suffolk Registry and the City of Boston which appear first.
L The statistics at the begin ning of each town are for all single-family home sales with a purchase price of $100 and above from January through the most recent complete cal endar month.
L The amount appearing on the same line as the street address is the purchase price from the deed. We print “No Amt Given” when the amount did not appear on the docu ment we review. “No Street Given” appears in place of the street address when it was not available. The volume, page of the deed and filing date appear for all sales.
The mortgage lender and the amount of the mortgage used to purchase the prop erty are shown. Any second mortgage (Mtg2) filed at the same time as the deed will also appear here.
L In communities where we have a file of all properties from the assessor’s office, we provide additional property details when available. This is done by exactly matching the address and seller name from the new sales record with the address and owner name found in the property file. No descrip tive data appears whenever there is any doubt that the two records are the same property. The “Use” is based on the code the assessor assigns to each building on a parcel. Whenever there is more than one use code or more than one building on a parcel, we flag these as “Multi-use” and “Multibldg” respectively.
L These deeds transfer title to the lender after the mortgage is foreclosed (unless there is a higher bidder at the auction.)
The amount in these transac tions is usually the amount of the outstanding mortgage that was foreclosed.
Number of Sales 17 23 Median Price $47,000 $85,000
••Year-to-Date (YTD) statistics for all singlefamily home transactions within our price range criteria.
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 315 MAIN ST U:15. $98,000
Pleasant Towers Condo
B:John Doe & Mary Smith
S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones
Mtg:Main Street Bank $70,000 Mtg2:Seller $8,400 Prior Sale:$93,000 (11/90)
• The first two buyer (B) names and seller (S) names listed on the deed are shown.
• Prior sale data (back to 1982) appears only when the address of the new sale matches exactly with the address of the older sale in our database.
Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 28
Median Price $476,500 $592,500
359 BEACHAM ST $350,000
B: Dev&Mktg Grp Chelsea & 359 Hamilton South LLC
S: Dev&Mktg Grp Chelsea Doc#: 000000000937651, Date: 09/09/22
Use: Marina, Lot: 67807sf
149-B CENTRAL AVE U:149B $299,900
B: Munerah A Shehry
S: Pasha Realty LLC Book/Page: 68189/110, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $306,797
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,000 (02/22)
165 COTTAGE ST U:513 $272,000
B: Ever Zavala
S: John Hancock Doc#: 000000000937607, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 40 CRESCENT AVE U:3 $370,000
B: Pedro Florentino
S: Melissa A Stockbridge Doc#: 000000000937680, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 106 EXETER ST $380,000
B: Jia J Chan
S: Stacey A Sullivan Book/Page: 68184/326, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3475sf
126 GARFIELD AVE $690,000
B: Ildefonso Maldonado & Williams Hernandez
S: Jacqueline R Belanger Book/Page: 68189/141, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Caliber Home Loans $666,971
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5232sf 152 GARFIELD AVE $850,000
B: Jose Estrada & Marta J Estrada S: Leonardo Caradonna & Mara Caradonna-Alvino Doc#: 000000000937665, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $637,500
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 12022sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 108 109
Median Price $690,000 $700,000
336 ADAMS ST U:23 $127,000
B: Tal Levy S: David L Levy & Tal Levy Book/Page: 68173/308, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 875sf Prior Sale: $326,000 (10/17) 51 BULLARD ST U:51 $610,000
B: Tyler C Ash & Philip W Silva S: Yale Investments LLC Book/Page: 68190/340, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Digital FCU $549,000
161 COTTAGE ST U:1 $460,000
B: Karol Mendieta S: 161 Cottage Street EB LLC Book/Page: 68191/309, Date: 09/09/22
Use: Condo
161 COTTAGE ST U:5 $475,000
B: Sean Duggan S: 161 Cottage Street EB LLC Book/Page: 68189/305, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: First Republic Bk $380,000
Use: Condo 18-20 CRESTWAY RD U:4 $910,000
B: Henry Sanchez & Kenia J Umanzor S: Crestway Road Dev LLC Book/Page: 68177/280, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $800,800
Type: Adj Use: Condo 21-23 LEXINGTON ST U:306 $745,000
B: Annie Ingaldson & Jackson Silverstein S: 21-23 Lexington St LLC Book/Page: 68190/247, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: First Republic Bk $596,000
Use: Condo 197-207 MAVERICK ST U:304 $699,900
B: Jaclyne H Fuchs
S: Maverick St Inv Partners Book/Page: 68188/304, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: First Republic Bk $520,000
Use: Condo 205 MAVERICK ST U:210 $649,900
B: Anupama Gaur S: Maverick St Inv Partners Book/Page: 68181/288, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $584,910
Use: Condo 205 MAVERICK ST U:401 $794,900
B: Juanzi Liu & Yuze Zhang
S: Maverick St Inv Partners Book/Page: 68180/210, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: First Republic Bk $635,920
Use: Condo 205 MAVERICK ST U:410 $719,900
B: Anushya Jeyabalan
S: Maverick St Inv Partners Book/Page: 68186/8, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $575,920
Use: Condo
205 MAVERICK ST U:412 $669,900
B: Oguz Barin S: Maverick St Inv Partners Book/Page: 68177/193, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Workers Credit Union $569,415
Type: Adj
Use: Condo 205 MAVERICK ST U:414 $759,900
B: Jeoung Oh & Ji S Oh S: Maverick St Inv Partners Book/Page: 68176/143, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $607,920
Type: Adj Use: Condo 23-25 MERIDIAN ST $890,000
B: 82 Webster St LLC S: Louis R Cappucci Tr, Tr for Anna R Dimaria RET Book/Page: 68183/28, Date: 09/08/22
Use: Office Bldg-general, Lot: 1476sf 336 SARATOGA ST U:8 $595,000
B: Ariadna Burgos-Chaves & Ignacio Inglessis-Azuaje
S: Raymond A Kemper Tr, Tr for Kemper FT Book/Page: 68185/100, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Citizens Bank $770,501
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8250sf
Prior Sale: $735,000 (01/13)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 129 102 Median Price $527,000 $579,950
139 ENDICOTT AVE $825,000
B: Juan C Villanueva & Mercedes Villanueva
S: Colleen A Dicicco Book/Page: 68190/278, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: US Bank NA $275,000
Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 5001sf
155 ORVIS RD $539,000
B: Jose Ayala S: Paul M Blake & John G Blake Doc#: 000000000937593, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: First Natl Bank Trini $431,200
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4844sf 57 PLEASANT ST $515,000
B: Michael Hajjar S: Anna Imbriano & Marina Imbriano Book/Page: 68176/113, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6260sf
55 ROLAND RD $727,000
B: Henry S Sayar & Zeynep Sayar
S: George Kelly 3rd & Renee L Misci Book/Page: 68189/211, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $500,000
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5994sf
Prior Sale: $425,000 (03/16)
117 SAVAGE ST $720,000
B: Christian Aguirre & Xiomara Rivera S: Attilio Degregorio Doc#: 000000000937653, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $648,000
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3999sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 107 84 Median Price $690,000 $772,450
35 ARBOROUGH RD $400,000
B: Heather Ovesen
S: William J Hagerty Jr Book/Page: 68180/73, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5431sf
27 ARDALE ST $910,000
B: Benjamin Governo-Allar & Kathleen Mcgrail S: Alexis A Cahill & Christopher M Cahill Book/Page: 68181/40, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $500,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3726sf Prior Sale: $418,000 (08/13)
32 ELM ST $175,000
B:John Doe & Mary Smith
S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Mtg Co $140,000
Use:3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot:6459sf Prior Sale:$170,000 (9/89)
• “Use” distinguishes residential homes from land sales and commercial sales.
• For residential homes, the number of bedrooms and house style appear when available.
• The lot size (Lot) is shown in square feet.
Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Prior Sale: $433,750 (06/22)
7 CHRISTOPHER ST $1,500,000
B: Van H Truong, Tr for Tuan Q Le S: Vy H Truong Book/Page: 68189/272, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $900,000
Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3995sf Prior Sale: $1,240,000 (03/22) 1743 DORCHESTER AVE $1,049,000
B: Lam Mai & Nhu Nguyen
S: James F Gambardello Book/Page: 68176/129, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 4175sf 489 GALLIVAN BLVD $5,150,000
B: Gallivan Corner LLC
S: 489 Realty LLC & Gallivan Realty LLC Book/Page: 68179/99, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $3,900,000
Use: Bank Building, Lot: 24819sf 11-13 GRANITE AVE $5,150,000
B: Gallivan Corner LLC S: 489 Realty LLC & Gallivan Realty LLC Book/Page: 68179/99, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $3,900,000
Use: Retail-service, Lot: 27738sf 705 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:C2 $960,000
B: 705 Mass Ave LLC
43 MAIN ST $142,200
B:Main St Bank
S:John Smith & Main St Bank Prior Sale:$190,000 (11/85)
• The prior sale shows the original price paid for the property.
Please note: The information contained in this newspaper is taken from public records. While every precaution is taken, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Readers should confirm any informa tion before taking action.
S: Sarkis Antreassian & Silva Antreassian Book/Page: 68186/269, Date: 09/08/22
Use: Condo
57-59 NIGHTINGALE ST $5,000
B: Melvin D Vasquez Tr, Tr for MDV Nightingale RT S: Rafael Pons Book/Page: 68177/38, Date: 09/06/22
Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 4772sf
Prior Sale: $16,000 (04/10)
25 SUDAN ST $1,575,000
B: Real Estate Boston LLC S: 25 Sudan Street LLC Book/Page: 68190/62, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Needham Bk $1,260,000
Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2930sf
9 TAFT ST $1,725,000
B: Real Estate Boston LLC
S: 9 Taft Street LLC Book/Page: 68190/95, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Needham Bk $1,380,000
Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3598sf
Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (08/17)
East Boston
Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 24
Median Price $667,500 $689,500
48 CHELSEA ST U:1 $650,000
B: Brett M Losen S: Tyrone Pardue & Ashley Pardue Book/Page: 68175/225, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: First Internet Bk In $617,500
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
161 COTTAGE ST U:1 $500,000
B: Michael Bannon S: 161 Cottage Street EB LLC Book/Page: 68191/225, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Boston FireFightrs CU $500,000
Type: Adj Use: Condo
B: Matthew T Ovtom S: Marlene M Jandricic Book/Page: 68189/19, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: First Republic Bk $476,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1268sf
Prior Sale: $385,000 (03/16) 59 WEBSTER ST $1,590,000
B: Krisztian Kopasz
S: Craig L Buttner & Caroline P Buttner Book/Page: 68188/84, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,272,000
Use: 3-Family Row-middle, Lot: 1120sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 96 93
Median Price $580,500 $620,000
120 ARLINGTON ST $550,000
B: Rommel Christopher & Melanie E Christopher
S: Josephine O Moore & Obinna Ogundu Book/Page: 68184/334, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $440,000
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8562sf
800 HYDE PARK AVE U:9 $232,000
B: Laval Interiors LLC
S: Sooda L Bhatt Tr, Tr for Bhatt RET Book/Page: 68175/262, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: BPL Mortgage T LLC $150,800
Use: Condo
Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 48
Median Price $985,000 $1,167,500
266 AMORY ST U:3 $819,000
B: Maya Litani
S: Whittenton Management LLC Book/Page: 68181/173, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $655,200
Use: Condo 47 FORBES ST U:2 $1,180,000
B: Tewfik Ghattas
S: Patrick M Mulvaney & Lillian R Mulvaney Book/Page: 68174/275, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: US Bank NA $944,000
Type: Adj
Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2101sf
Prior Sale: $1,005,000 (04/18)
240 HEATH ST U:101 $460,000
B: Milos Nikolic & Jovana Kaludjerovic
S: Austin Smith Book/Page: 68177/338, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $345,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 795sf
11 SOUTHBOURNE RD $765,000
B: Xiomara Lorenzo & Cara Herbitter
S: Michael A Granger Tr, Tr for Grooner T Doc#: 000000000937600, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $688,500
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5560sf 69 WENHAM ST $1,070,000
B: David Holden-Cordes & Mochen S Pong-Liu
S: Josh Brett & Andrea Brett Book/Page: 68191/109, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Camden National Bank $648,000
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3600sf
Prior Sale: $720,000 (04/18)
B: Nicholas Burnes & Richard A Lyon S: Maureen E Kraft Tr, Tr for Sutherby FT Doc#: 000000000937611, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5921sf 53 MONTVALE ST U:1 $570,000
B: Brie Ostreicher S: Anita Vanka Book/Page: 68179/47, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: UniBank for Savings $320,000
Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1053sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (03/20)
32-34 WHITFORD ST $325,000
B: T&PJ Realty LLC
S: Mary T Dunphy Ad, Adm for Joyce Barbara T Est Book/Page: 68184/114, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7042sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 23 18 Median Price $600,000 $667,500
771 HARRISON AVE U:G3 $740,000
B: Ruth E Lewis S: 761 Harrison Church LLC & 771 Harrison Church LLC Book/Page: 68184/239, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $440,000
Use: Condo 683 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:3 $634,000
B: Jiyoung Kim S: Mark J Brownhill & Eric J Brownhill Book/Page: 68182/212, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $507,200
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 604sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (11/15)
B: 705 Mass Ave LLC
S: Sarkis Antreassian & Silva Antreassian Book/Page: 68186/269, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Eastern Bank $820,000
Use: Retail Condo, Lot: 1306sf
100-102 WARREN ST $1,700,000
B: Natl Council Forarcerated
S: Reid Benov & Kathryn Scott Book/Page: 68178/129, Date: 09/06/22
Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Other, Lot: 4704sf
South Boston
Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 53
Median Price $925,000 $1,040,000
45 A ST U:3 $1,350,000
B: Oliver D Allen & Diana E Schneider
S: Marissa C Dolan Tr, Tr for McDolan RT Book/Page: 68185/71, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $1,080,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1572sf
Prior Sale: $1,375,000 (09/18)
360 ATHENS ST U:360 $1,529,000
B: John J Laurendeau 3rd & Nicole G Laurendeau
S: 358 Athens Street LLC
Book/Page: 68175/342, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Morgan Stanley $1,223,200
Use: Condo
20 WOODVIEW DR U:D $437,000
B: Eugene Shpitalnik & Alla Shpitalnik
S: Patrick Morin Book/Page: 35354/16, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $232,000 (11/16)
YTD 2021 YTD 2022
Number of 1-Fam Sales 170 131
Median Price $530,000 $675,000
2 ENGLEWOOD DR U:F4 $350,000
B: Glenn L Starner Tate & Paul R Starner Tate
S: Carole A Maroney Book/Page: 35352/220, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $175,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Prior Sale: $235,000 (08/19)
186 FOREST ST $875,000
B: Robert Dolski & Nicole Dolski
S: Michael Gallant Book/Page: 35352/316, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 17424sf
Prior Sale: $410,000 (08/15)
7 HARBOR LIGHT DR $425,000
B: Robert T Woelflein & Elizabeth B Woelflein
S: Steven Mclean & Lisa Mclean
Doc#: 000000001466812, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $250,000
Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 42867sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (04/17)
14 HAROLD ST U:9B $224,400
B: Patrick R Curtin
S: Murray Jeffrey A Est & Linda M English Book/Page: 35355/169, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $201,736
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
9 LITTLE MARSH LN $740,000
B: Richard Keefe & Elaine Keefe
S: Aline H Glifort Tr, Tr for Glifort Little M Ln RT Book/Page: 35353/130, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $592,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20088sf
1728 ORLEANS RD $455,000
B: Radu D Luca & Stefanie A Hake
S: Kyle Geishecker & Antonia Sacco
Doc#: 000000001466981, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $409,045
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf
Prior Sale: $250,000 (04/16)
724 ROUTE 28 U:2C $455,000
B: Kevin T Collins & Ellen J Collins
S: David Fager & Barbara Fager Book/Page: 35347/215, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $341,250
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Prior Sale: $215,000 (03/10)
95 SISSON RD $555,000
B: Phillip Harder
S: Judith Murray Book/Page: 35353/331, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $499,500
Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16545sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 206 171 Median Price $588,000 $685,000
18 COBBLESTONE CIR $1,200,000
B: William Hebert & Karen Hebert
S: Michael Smith Doc#: 000000001466770, Date: 09/07/22
Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 6517sf
Prior Sale: $996,019 (05/22)
97 FELLS POND RD $799,000
B: Gerald F Mullen Jr & Amy Mullen
S: Joseph A Cassinelli Tr, Tr for Joseph A Cassinelli FT Doc#: 000000001466978, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $639,200
Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 10019sf Sale: $560,000 (05/18)
18 $655,000 Mercantile Commercial 35355/209, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Martha $837,750 74476sf 35356/139, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cape Cod
YTD 2021 YTD 2022
Number of 1-Fam Sales 24 14
Median Price $1,390,000 $1,525,000
100 ALDEN ST U:335 $435,000
B: Patricia E VanDijkhuizen
S: Thomas W Lavash Tr, Tr for Lavash FT Book/Page: 35350/200, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Bank Fund Staff FCU $250,000
Type: Adj
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 115643sf
Prior Sale: $380,000 (08/19)
B: Nicholas J Peterson Tr, Tr for Nicholas J Peterson LT
S: 24 Captain Berties Way Book/Page: 35350/148, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $780,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 76112sf
Prior Sale: $633,750 (05/14)
145 COMMERCIAL ST U:M1R $1,300,000
B: Herbert C Howell 3rd
S: Prince Albert Apt LLC Book/Page: 35348/4, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $1,040,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 11064sf
Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (06/21)
376 COMMERCIAL ST U:1 $500,000
B: Ptown Heart LLC
S: Wendy Hinden Book/Page: 35352/87, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Janet Kosloff $350,000
Use: Retail Condo, Lot: 1786sf
Prior Sale: $260,000 (01/13)
376 COMMERCIAL ST U:2 $700,000
B: Sans LLC
S: Kathryn Livelli Book/Page: 35351/328, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: 376 Commercial St LLC $450,000
Use: Retail Condo, Lot: 1770sf
376 COMMERCIAL ST U:3 $431,667
B: Michelle Axelson Tr, Tr for Michelle Axelson LT
S: Wendy Hinden Book/Page: 35351/54, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $345,334
Type: Adj
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1770sf
Prior Sale: $220,000 (05/11)
34 CONWELL ST U:5 $245,000
B: Patricia E VanDijkhuizen
S: Jaime Malzman Book/Page: 35350/76, Date: 09/07/22
Use: Condo, Lot: 12822sf
Prior Sale: $130,000 (12/19)
4 FRANKLIN ST U:3 $715,000
B: Jeremy S Woolf & Christopher M Slye S: David E Cash Book/Page: 35349/119, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $572,000
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7316sf
8 MEADOW RD U:1 $1,200,000
B: Michael A Boots & Brian T Barlow
S: Michael K Wechsler & James P Matz Book/Page: 35350/79, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Michael T Carmen $903,370
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 225336sf
Prior Sale: $515,000 (07/15)
26 PLEASANT ST U:3 $625,000
B: Wilfred G Idsten Tr, Tr for W G Idsten Prop RET S: Brian B Halley & Aaron S Lecklider Book/Page: 35348/274, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5105sf
Prior Sale: $390,000 (01/18)
9 STABLE PATH U:B $975,000
B: Christian G Gregory S: Kevin C Osborn & Luis G Fuentes Book/Page: 35355/263, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Morgan Stanley $731,250
Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 20842sf
Prior Sale: $780,000 (05/21)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 265 211 Median Price $539,000 $615,000
24 CRESTVIEW DR $639,900
B: Terrence J Hurrie & Elizabeth A Sweeney
S: William E Burke Tr, Tr for Babes Place NT Book/Page: 35354/324, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $511,200
Type: Adj 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20038sf MILL RD $530,000
B: Daniel J Tanner & Ruth E Tanner John Collinson & Andrew P Lanciano Book/Page: 35355/9, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $200,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22651sf
Prior Sale: $213,000 (07/14)
510 SHORE RD U:B $1,125,000
B: Mary H Wells Tr, Tr for Mary H Wells T S: Bruce Winer Tr, Tr for Bruce Winer 1997 FT Book/Page: 35355/257, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
660 SHORE RD U:5 $730,000
B: Kimberly Rosen & Denise Mcdonald
S: Dale Heubner & Robin Dwyer Book/Page: 35354/174, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $457,000 (01/17)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 30
Median Price $759,500 $844,500
935 STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 6 U:C $410,000
B: Elise A Dreyer
S: Karen Arnold Book/Page: 35353/229, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $307,500
Type: Adj
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $325,000 (09/21)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 369 314
Median Price $440,000 $522,500
121 CAMP ST U:100 $455,000
B: Joseph Cali Tr, Tr for Cali LT
S: Janet M Hively Tr, Tr for Janet M Hively RET Book/Page: 35352/190, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $219,500 (08/10)
3 CARRIE LN $802,500
B: Todd S Duquette & Jessica L Duquette
S: Fazela Horne Book/Page: 35356/57, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $592,500
Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf
Prior Sale: $345,000 (09/14)
21 FRUEAN WAY U:C4 $500,000
B: Peak Season LLC S: Fruean Avenue Inc Book/Page: 35355/317, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Bank of America NA $336,000
Use: Industrial Condominum Prior Sale: $230,000 (01/21)
72 HARBOR RD $700,000
B: Anastasia Tsoumbanos S: Natalia Kapourelakos Doc#: 000000001466810, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 10890sf
6 MARCHANT WAY $391,000
B: Janeth Edelmira-Blanco S: Giancarlo A Nobre & Aldemir M Deoliveira Book/Page: 35351/22, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $351,500
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf
Prior Sale: $237,000 (11/19)
44 ROUTE 28 $400,000
B: 44&48 Route 28 LLC
S: Code Realty LLC Book/Page: 35350/32, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $450,000 48 ROUTE 28 $400,000 B: 44&48 Route 28 LLC
S: Code Realty LLC Book/Page: 35350/32, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $450,000
9 VICTORY LN $202,000
B: Todd Olson S: US Bank NA Tr Doc#: 000000001466948, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8712sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 59 42
Median Price $218,000 $256,750
42 OTIS AVE $175,000
B: Matthew J Larkin
S: Henault Thomas A Sr Est & Shawn M Henault Book/Page: 7275/170, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Greylock FCU $140,000
Type: Adj
Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 6395sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 17
Median Price $476,500 $317,000
B: Constantine Holdings LLC S: Neil R Genaway & HSBC Bank USA NA Book/Page: 7272/213, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 74052sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 31
Median Price $292,000 $349,000
880 EAST ST U:200A $255,000
B: Susan E Mechanic-Meyers
S: Merryl Bushansky Book/Page: 7273/301, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Adams Community Bk $204,000
Type: Adj
Use: 3 Bdrm Condo
40 SUMMER ST $187,500
B: Jon Sundermann & Melissa R Sundermann
S: David P Seamans & Sue A Seamans Book/Page: 7273/126, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $150,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 42689sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 48 47
Median Price $540,000 $530,000
60 HAWTHORNE ST $900,000
B: Barry Meier & Ellen J Pollock
S: James Chervenak Book/Page: 7274/292, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 111949sf
260 PITTSFIELD RD U:C11 $169,900
B: Lawrence Casella & Kathryn Casella
S: Patrick Robbins-Oneil Book/Page: 7275/55, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Prior Sale: $105,000 (02/16)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 27
Median Price $340,000 $409,000
81 NORTON ROAD EXT $600,000
B: Jess E Gross & Viola E Gross S: Jae K Shin Book/Page: 7273/51, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $150,000
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 92347sf
19 MCARTHUR ST $228,000
B: Ashley Bowman S: Michaela M Powers Book/Page: 7272/70, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $204,250
Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7100sf
Prior Sale: $164,000 (11/17)
1 ONOTA LN $222,500
B: Tanya M Palmer
S: Timothy A Martin & Patricia S Martin Book/Page: 7274/28, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Greylock FCU $215,825
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11892sf
Prior Sale: $36,000 (02/16)
30 VIEW ST $157,000
B: Amelia L Krump
S: Jan Blaszak Tr, Tr for H D RT Book/Page: 7272/171, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Adams Community Bk $141,143
Type: Adj
Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 7728sf
1232 W HOUSATONIC ST $187,000
B: Matthew F Carmichael
S: Cynthia J Kelly Book/Page: 7273/14, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Adams Community Bk $163,100
Type: Adj
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14349sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 17
Median Price $698,000 $575,000
17 BEACHWOOD DR $455,000
B: Olga Faktorovich & Steven M Allen
S: Raymond P Tuggey & Mary A Tuggey Book/Page: 7275/139, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $318,500
Use: 3 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 56628sf
15 LAKEVIEW DR $640,000
B: Scott K Goodell & Maryann Goodell
S: Gail Denicola Book/Page: 7274/115, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Bank of America NA $320,000
Type: Adj
Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 15246sf
Prior Sale: $570,000 (11/21)
B: Joy E VanAlstyne & Joseph H Degiorgis
S: Alan P Birnbaum Book/Page: 7275/68, Date: 09/09/22
Maria T. Ziemba, Register 65 Park Street, Adams, MA 01220
Telephone: (413) 743-0035
Fax: (413) 743-1003
282 PHILLIPS RD $840,000 $1,450,000 (09/21)
17 $360,000
B: Mary Loftus-Levine & Paul H Levine S: Joanne Burke Tr, Tr for Patterson Burke 2012 LT Book/Page: 35348/226, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $187,000 (08/18)
Prior Sale: $192,100 (07/22) MA 01201 (413) 443-7438 (413) 448-6025
Number of 1-Fam Sales 333 317
Median Price $220,000 $259,000
233 2ND ST $90,000
B: Douglas M Escalon
S: Stephen J Carlson & Dale E Carlson Book/Page: 7275/206, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 5841sf
35 BRENTON TER $215,000
B: Jason M Reynolds & Shayla K Clark
S: Joseph Hugal Book/Page: 7273/215, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Greylock FCU $215,000
Type: Adj
Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10189sf
Prior Sale: $50,000 (01/19)
19 BRUNSWICK ST $590,000
B: Terry W Zych Tr, Tr for Zych FT 2017
S: David T Wimberly Jr Book/Page: 7275/3, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11317sf
35 BRUNSWICK ST $621,000
B: Kyron Woolf-Scott Tr, Tr for R Lane Scott T
S: Jennifer Trainer-Thompson Book/Page: 7272/226, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15168sf
S: Deborah L Wolf Book/Page: 7273/174, Date: 09/07/22
CASTLE LN L:20 $7,000
S: Deborah L Wolf Book/Page: 7273/174, Date: 09/07/22
144 LITTLE JOHN DR $44,900
B: Vincent P Larouche
S: Sharon L Beckett Book/Page: 7275/14, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 35719sf
816 MAIN ST $16,000
B: Susan L Deacon & Jennifer M Deacon
S: Henry Gates & Jacqueline Gates Book/Page: 7274/311, Date: 09/09/22
Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 65776sf
Prior Sale: $440,000 (07/19)
60 CHESHIRE RD $160,000
B: Lisa Pletzer & John Pletzer
S: Bryan A White Sr & Jane E White Book/Page: 7272/114, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Amerisave Mtg Corp $157,102
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16335sf
45 CHURCHILL CRST U:45 $224,000
B: Candice Forrest
S: Daniel P Powers & Lynn J Powers Book/Page: 7275/126, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Prior Sale: $162,900 (10/12)
46 JAMES ST $145,000
B: Katherine Rys
S: Richard A Chaloux & Cathy A Chaloux Book/Page: 7273/86, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $140,650
Use: 1 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5998sf
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Number of 1-Fam 68 55 Price $197,001 $188,000
162 COLUMBIA ST $25,000
B: District Properties LLC
S: David N Palardy Tr, Tr for Palardy FT Book/Page: 1802/608, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Row-middle, Lot: 4792sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 25
Median Price $217,450 $293,000
84 INGALLS RD $300,000
B: Michaela Powers
S: Kathleen J Hagy & Zachary A Roy Book/Page: 1802/408, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Adams Community Bk $278,650
Type: Adj
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16335sf
Prior Sale: $180,000 (08/19)
745 SAVOY RD $375,000
B: Edward F Ameen & Barbara A Ameen
S: Richard A Lazarczyk Book/Page: 1802/760, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 1437480sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 10
Median Price $141,000 $297,500
511 WALKER ST $133,000
B: Allison Degrenier
S: USA HUD Book/Page: 1802/539, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Adams Community Bk $209,467
Type: Adj
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 121968sf
Prior Sale: $164,293 (04/21)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 7
Median Price $69,250 $235,000
245 RIVER RD $74,557
B: James A Mowe & Jennifer L Mowe
S: Augustine A Mowe & Anne M Mowe Book/Page: 1802/483, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 56628sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 5
Median Price $260,000 $401,000
COREY RD U:825 $222,500
B: James Hensel & Carolyn Hensel
S: Laurie A Gomez Book/Page: 1802/512, Date: 09/07/22
Use: Condo
37 COREY RD U:378 $115,000
B: Vincenzo Polsinelli & Francesca Bellu
S: Marc S Goldberg Book/Page: 1802/874, Date: 09/09/22
Use: Condo
37 COREY RD U:732 $115,000
B: Vincenzo Polsinelli & Francesca Bellu
S: Marc S Goldberg Book/Page: 1802/874, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo
Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 3
Median Price $310,000 $285,000
ROUTE 7 $118,000
B: Larry N Moody Tr, Tr for Larry N Moody 2019 RET
S: Holly A Ware Book/Page: 1802/738, Date: 09/09/22
708 ROUTE 7 $118,000
B: Larry N Moody Tr, Tr for Larry N Moody 2019 RET
S: Holly A Ware Book/Page: 1802/738, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 1-Family Bngl/cottage, Lot: 17424sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 64 58
Median Price $173,000 $194,500
B: Matthew J Alcombright
S: Richard J Alcombright & Donald F Alcombright Book/Page: 1802/634, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Adams Community Bk $120,000
Type: Adj
Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 19158sf 350 STATE RD $301,000
B: Garage Na LLC
S: Wilfred P Rose Tr, Tr for Wilfred P Rose 2001 RET Book/Page: 1802/374, Date: 09/06/22
Use: Retail-service, Lot: 21998sf
360-362 STATE RD $301,000
B: Garage Na LLC
S: Wilfred P Rose Tr, Tr for Wilfred P Rose 2001 RET Book/Page: 1802/374, Date: 09/06/22
Use: Mixed Use-prim Comm & Other, Lot: 18165sf 78 YALE ST $290,000
B: Adam B Dean & Theresa A Dean
S: Jamual L Harris & Pamela E Harris Book/Page: 1802/794, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $203,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7392sf
Prior Sale: $149,000 (04/16)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 55 50 Price $400,000 $496,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES COLD SPRING RD $246,500 Mark Hopkins Janice V Williams 000000000014757, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Greylock FCU $239,105
Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 139392sf
Prior Sale: $210,000 (07/21)
S: Bruce Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: $330,000
Michelle Laramee-Jenny, Main Street,
Great Barrington, (413) (413)
MARKET Clark E Downs & Emilie L Downs Book/Page: 2801/65, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 104980sf
Prior Sale: $650,000 (07/14)
Number of 1-Fam Sales Price $585,000 $785,000
88 BLUNT RD $710,000
B: Jon M Varese
S: Ada B Johnson & Jerome Kern-Johnson Book/Page: 2801/82, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Homestead Fund Corp $568,000
Use: Residential-multiple Bldgs, Lot: 59242sf
YTD 2021 YTD 2022
Number of 1-Fam Sales 70 66
Median Price $419,750 $475,000
45 CASTLE HILL AVE $720,000
B: David M Sultan & Kathryn A Potts
S: Blake Williams & Alexandra Cosgrove Book/Page: 2800/264, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $647,000
Type: Adj
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5227sf
Prior Sale: $465,000 (07/17)
4 KIRK ST $795,000
B: William L Richardson & Lea C Richardson S: Lana R Hearst Book/Page: 2801/29, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 35719sf
6 RAMSEY AVE $350,000
B: Cynthia J Granahan S: Matthew W Lokker Book/Page: 2800/244, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 42689sf
36 SILVER ST $640,000
B: Robert L West & Donna P West S: Dorothy Phillips Book/Page: 2800/176, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18295sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 19
Median Price $614,000 $710,000
9 BUCKINGHAM LN $1,410,000
B: Jamie Dresner & Jeffrey Dresner
S: Mark Flicker Tr, Tr for Mark Flicker IRT Book/Page: 2800/188, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $750,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8712sf
Prior Sale: $625,000 (10/10)
113 TYRINGHAM RD $120,000
B: David G Browne & Linda A Browne
S: David G Browne Ad, Adm for Browne George J Jr Est Book/Page: 2800/259, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Lot: 56628sf
Prior Sale: $70,000 (08/18)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Price $325,000 $321,000
32 S SANDISFIELD RD $410,000
B: Jonathan Gosberg & Crystal Gosberg
S: Estelle L Leeds & Charles Giaimo Book/Page: 2801/109, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 278784sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 17
Median Price $524,500 $545,000
18 ALBANY RD $215,000
B: Ana R Rales
S: Marie Massini-Reynolds Book/Page: 2800/317, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Greylock FCU $172,000
Type: Adj
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30928sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (09/20)
Bernard J. McDonald III, Register 441 North Main Street Fall River, MA 02720
Telephone: (508) 673-1651 Fax: (508) 673-7633 www.fallriverdeeds.com
Number of 1-Fam Sales 281 227 Median Price $335,000 $364,000
93 APPLE CREEK LN $452,000
B: Brandon Coutinho & Antonio B Coutinho S: Daniel C Costa Book/Page: 11112/22, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: St Annes Credit Union $361,600
Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 11500sf 23-27 ASH ST $595,000
B: Roger S Walters S: Veronica D Santos Book/Page: 11113/326, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Homebridge Financial $446,250
Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 3528sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (10/18)
132 BUFFINTON ST $520,000
B: Benguesny Autoine & Giviana Evora S: Amado Gonzalez Book/Page: 11116/148, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $510,581
Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (12/21)
128 COVEL ST $540,000
B: Roudnei M Santos
S: Jose Cordeiro & Michelle Cordeiro Book/Page: 11115/212, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Nations Lending Corp $530,219
Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (11/15)
750 DAVOL ST U:816 $250,000
B: Merak LLC S: Nicholas G Friar Book/Page: 11111/199, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $130,000 (10/18)
197 FIELDSTONE LN $599,900
B: Stephanie Etienne S: Highland Farms 2 Dev LLC Book/Page: 11116/166, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: NE Regional Mtg Corp $579,975
165 GARDEN ST $345,000
B: Christoffer L Johnson
S: Christopher Gomes Book/Page: 11115/82, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $334,650
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6621sf
609 KING PHILIP ST $550,000
B: Indira Moise
S: Jason C Araujo Book/Page: 11112/94, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $540,038
Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6490sf
Prior Sale: $235,000 (08/14)
220 LAPHAM ST $470,000
B: Justin Dealmeida & Christine Dealmeida
S: FHT Realty Investors Inc Book/Page: 11113/219, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $461,487 588-590 LOCUST ST $550,000
B: Vasilios Katsarakes
S: Laureen S Berglund Tr, Tr for 985 Walnut St RT Book/Page: 11115/236, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Leader Bank NA $412,500
Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5227sf 164 MARCHAND ST $350,000
B: Adam M Gagnom
S: Andrew J Faria & Diane M Faria Book/Page: 11112/203, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $339,500
Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4661sf
Prior Sale: $175,000 (12/14) 31 MILTON ST $340,000
B: Sara N Vieira & Adam C Vieira
S: Tedd E Hadley & Susan M Hadley Book/Page: 11112/252, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $180,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17293sf 33 MORRIS ST $299,000
B: Tani L Bingham S: Stephen L Beaupre Tr, Tr for Agnes M Beaupre IRT Book/Page: 11115/174, Date: 09/09/22
306 MOTT ST $550,000
B: Leandro D Pinheiro
S: T&A RT Inc Book/Page: 11113/57, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Antonio Almeida $525,200
Use: 3-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 8059sf
Prior Sale: $455,000 (07/22)
16 MURRAY ST $25,000
B: Lisette Aceto
S: Giulio Aceto Book/Page: 11112/117, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3441sf
Prior Sale: $150,000 (02/21)
267 QUEQUECHAN ST $500,000
B: Alessandra Ventura
S: F1 Painting Corp Inc Book/Page: 11116/232, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $483,312
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4487sf
Prior Sale: $144,000 (02/21)
64 RIVERVIEW ST $575,000
B: Felipe D Ladeira
S: Alan J Charette & Susan Charette Book/Page: 11115/284, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $564,585
Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 13896sf
Prior Sale: $177,000 (02/16)
68 PROSPECT ST U:C $173,146
B: US Bank NA Tr
S: Eric D Candey & US Bank NA Book/Page: 11114/151, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Prior Sale: $99,540 (08/16)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 63 57
Median Price $400,000 $500,000
B: Massachusetts Comm Of S: Anne M Cabucio Tr, Tr for Alice I Gurney IRT Book/Page: 11113/181, Date: 09/07/22
B: William R Choate & Sandra J Choate
S: Debra Deree Ad, Adm for Dacosta Dolores A Est Book/Page: 11116/50, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $452,650
Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20038sf 63 COUNTY RD $320,000
B: Emily Polutchko & Nathan Farrington
S: Tricia M Farrington & Gerard J Farrington Book/Page: 11113/37, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Homebridge Financial $305,250
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 36155sf GM WAY L:7 $124,500
B: Richard Sousa
S: Kenneth R Rezendes Book/Page: 11114/77, Date: 09/08/22
Number of 1-Fam Sales 159 133
Median Price $356,000 $400,000
400 LUTHER AVE $455,000
B: Michele Camara & Christina M Camara
S: R&M Industries LLC Book/Page: 11114/9, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $455,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf
Prior Sale: $200,000 (08/22)
14 RIPLEY ST $445,000
B: Robert Hooley & Joanne Hooley
S: Elizabeth A Elmasian Book/Page: 11114/182, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Envision Bank $422,750
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6403sf
Prior Sale: $280,000 (07/20)
23 RIPLEY ST $600,000
B: Steven White S: Linda Lizotte Book/Page: 11116/139, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2962sf
Prior Sale: $239,900 (06/16)
140 SLADES FERRY AVE $237,000
B: Harbor View Prop LLC S: St Steven Management LLC Book/Page: 11115/319, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Navigant Credit Union $166,000
Use: Retail-service, Lot: 6055sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 133 125
Median Price $365,000 $408,000
999 HORTONVILLE RD $321,500
B: Jan N Clegg
S: Francis N Clegg Tr, Tr for Clegg 2014 FT Book/Page: 11114/298, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Francis N Clegg $321,500
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 65340sf 125 KINGS CT $605,000
B: Joseph Faria & Diane M Faria
S: Joshua D Biltcliffe Tr, Tr for Biltcliffe LT Book/Page: 11112/304, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $445,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44867sf
Prior Sale: $385,000 (08/14)
76 MILDRED AVE $365,000
B: Lindsay E Macdonald & Zachary Walsh
S: Tina Loureiro Book/Page: 11115/28, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Northpointe Bank $346,750
Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6534sf
Prior Sale: $275,000 (12/20)
26 WINDFALL DR $455,000
B: Christine Staskiewicz
S: Fannie Mae Book/Page: 11115/264, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Envision Bank $255,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 34848sf
Barry J. Amaral, Register of Deeds 11 Court Street, Taunton, MA 02780
Telephone: (508) 822-7527
Fax: (508) 880-4975
Number of 1-Fam Sales 292 277 Median Price $409,000 $452,000
B: Jencole Enterprises LLC S: Trifera LLC Book/Page: 28083/126, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13335sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (08/22)
31 CHAPEL HILL LN $519,900
B: Atia E Silvi & Jay K Silvi
S: Janet M Kerr & John A Kerr Book/Page: 28088/110, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $493,905
Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Cape, Lot: 16020sf 146 COLTS WAY $725,000
B: Adam N Goncalves & Kimberley V Goncalves S: Marette&Sons Inc Book/Page: 28083/328, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $580,000
Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 20072sf 993 COUNTY ST $660,000
B: Winslow M Whittier & Robin M Whittier S: Cloud Realty LLC Book/Page: 28090/296, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $601,037
33 DONALD LN $665,000
B: Michael Faria & Yolanda M Miller S: Jason Hedtler & Colleen Hedtler Book/Page: 28090/343, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $425,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16000sf
26 FRENCH FARM RD $575,000
B: Matthew B Callanan & Michelle Callanan S: David P Neveux Sr Book/Page: 28083/289, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $460,000
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16840sf
168 KENNEDY DR $780,000
B: Michael E Nezny S: Elizabeth A Brack & Michael J Brack Book/Page: 28087/10, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Eastern Bank $684,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16018sf
Prior Sale: $549,900 (02/20)
129 SCOTT ST U:6 $350,000
B: Gusta D Baptiste & Jyvenson Delille S: Rene Makhlouta & May Sandakli Book/Page: 28084/46, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $332,500
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $140,000 (07/10)
2 YORK DR $495,000
B: Northeast Custom Hm Bldr
S: John F Rocha 3rd Tr, Tr for Mary Rocha T Book/Page: 28090/60, Date: 09/09/22
3 YORK DR $495,000
B: Northeast Custom Hm Bldr
S: John F Rocha 3rd Tr, Tr for Mary Rocha T Book/Page: 28090/60, Date: 09/09/22
6 YORK DR $495,000
B: Northeast Custom Hm Bldr
S: John F Rocha 3rd Tr, Tr for Mary Rocha T Book/Page: 28090/60, Date: 09/09/22
67 WOODCREST DR $329,000
B: Bank Of America NA
S: Anthony J Sousa & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 28082/318, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12090sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 168 145 Median Price $620,000 $675,000
488 BAY RD $510,000
B: Sean M Flynn Tr, Tr for JLSMF RT
S: Brian F Mason & Karen A Mason Book/Page: 28089/200, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $300,000
Type: Adj
Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30000sf
41 FOUNDRY ST U:14-3 $333,000
B: Muriel L Radden & Genevia Wilson
S: Jennifer Armando Book/Page: 28087/244, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $326,968
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Prior Sale: $223,000 (06/19)
26 KILSYTH RD $450,000
B: Laurin J Mottle
S: Joyce E Bishop Book/Page: 28088/302, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $360,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30031sf
B: Jonathan Carroll & Kylie Carroll
S: Morse George H Jr Est & Grafton H Willey 4th Book/Page: 28084/84, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 5 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 41243sf
9 REARDON WAY $425,000
B: Dorothy Tamasang & David Medina
S: E B Development LLC Book/Page: 28090/133, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $960,000
Type: Adj
Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 88862sf
Mtg: First Home Mtg $284,050 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5009sf
Prior Sale: $227,700 (07/19)
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 47916sf
Prior Sale: $200,000 (03/22)
404 PARADISE RD U:3P $375,000
B: Eugene Pyatkovsky
S: Louise Chudnofsky Tr, Tr for L Chudnofsky 2006 T Book/Page: 41182/14, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
50 PLEASANT ST $905,000
B: Brian Y Kauh & Janiee Kim
S: Igor Rakhmanov Book/Page: 41174/430, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $787,500
Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 7492sf
Prior Sale: $460,000 (09/16)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 39
Median Price $912,500 $870,000
12 EDDEL AVE $500,000
B: Nancy Holland & Thomas Holland
S: Diane S Wiley Tr, Tr for Perkins FT Book/Page: 41179/168, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: North Shore Bank $400,000
Type: Adj
Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 41744sf
38 MAPLE ST $1,250,000
B: Colleen Diguiseppe & Matthew Diguiseppe
S: Lisa M Terranova & Louis D Terranova Book/Page: 41176/594, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: TD Bank NA $1,000,000
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 62217sf
Scott A. Cote. Register
43 Hope Street, Greenfield, MA 01301
Telephone: (413) 772-0239
Fax: (413) 774-7150
or www.masslandrecords.com
Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 7
Median Price $267,500 $280,000
76 CHURCH ST $680,000
B: Gabriel F Hmieleski Kristin Hmieleski
S: Gerard Pilorge & Kristin L Smith-Pilorge Book/Page: 8062/215, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Florence Bank $544,000
Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 579348sf
Prior Sale: $350,000 (05/19)
Charlemont Date: 09/07/22
Use: Nursing Home, Lot: 208260sf
Prior Sale: $2,938,953 (09/13)
19 OLD ALBANY RD $439,000
B: Sarah A Morgan S: Diane E Sanborn Book/Page: 8063/17, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Polish National CU $417,050
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 539560sf
YTD 2021 YTD 2022
Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 6
Median Price $170,250 $170,000
4 CHEYENNE ST $11,000
B: Christopher L Bradway S: Gerald Smith Book/Page: 8062/196, Date: 09/06/22
Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 18731sf
Prior Sale: $6,000 (09/15)
8 CHEYENNE ST $11,000
B: Christopher L Bradway S: Gerald Smith Book/Page: 8062/196, Date: 09/06/22
Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 9148sf
Prior Sale: $2,500 (09/15)
10 MOHAWK BEACH DR $130,000
B: Victoria B Anderson S: Bruce H Lamothe & Jean A Lamothe Book/Page: 8062/292, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 1 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 10019sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 45
Median Price $224,500 $260,000
118 PUTNAM ST $232,000
B: Zacchary M Peele & Victoria L Peele
S: Marcia J Perry Ad, Adm for Dirth Marjorie E Est Book/Page: 8063/272, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: TD Bank NA $225,040
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43560sf
44 WHITNEY ST $290,000
B: Kyle Bicknell & Shelby E Bicknell
S: Maria D Vega Book/Page: 8063/347, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $265,567
Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 12197sf
Prior Sale: $80,000 (10/14)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 27
Median Price $435,000 $435,000
296 RUSSELL ST $315,000
B: Thomas M Storozuk
S: Stanley Storozuk Jr Tr, Tr for S&Sophie Storozuk FT Book/Page: 8063/297, Date: 09/09/22
Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Agricul, Lot: 2291278sf
Cheryl A. Coakley Rivera, Esq., Register 50 State Street Springfield, MA 01103
Telephone: (413) 755-1722
Fax: (413) 731-8190
Westfield Satellite Office Westfield City Hall 59 Court Street Westfield, MA 01085
Telephone: (413) 568-2290
Fax: (413) 568-4869
MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH AUGUST YTD 2021 2022 1-Fam $290,000 $315,000 ESTATE SALES (REAR) $20,000 24718/293, Date: 09/09/22
MARKET Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Westfield Bank $318,750
Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 95396sf
Prior Sale: $178,000 (08/14)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 34
Median Price $349,950 $358,750
B: Robert C Montgomery S: Scribner Development LLC Book/Page: 24715/95, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43076sf
Prior Sale: $176,000 (04/22)
118 WALES RD $406,000
B: John T French & Amanda L Banfill
S: Stephen R Soper & Amie J Soper Book/Page: 24719/364, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $398,646
Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 182081sf
Prior Sale: $200,000 (09/18)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 316 249
Median Price $241,500 $267,000
B: Katherine P Robillard
S: Matthew A Ruyffelaert Book/Page: 24715/378, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $247,200
Type: Adj
Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 11734sf
Prior Sale: $305,000 (08/21)
12 CRAWFORD AVE $245,000
B: Selicia A Franklin
S: Peter Walsh & Aubrea Walsh Book/Page: 24719/382, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $240,562
Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8400sf Prior Sale: $77,000 (09/18)
40 DESLAURIERS ST $240,000
B: Jill M Beaudette
S: Chad A Beaudette Book/Page: 24716/391, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Aldenville CU $192,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6861sf Prior Sale: $152,750 (03/14)
38 FRONT ST $150,000
B: Pah Properties LLC S: CDM Properties LLC Book/Page: 24719/281, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: CDM Properties LLC $60,000
Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 18552sf
22 HONEYSUCKLE DR U:22 $192,000
B: Brian R Houghton Jr & Kerryann M Houghton
S: Kevin Carkey Book/Page: 24715/493, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Semper Home Loans $188,522
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $125,000 (06/15)
38 KEITH ST $425,000
B: Gilberto Cruz S: Sergey Dikan & Nikolay Dikan Book/Page: 24719/237, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $382,500
Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 20266sf
Prior Sale: $65,000 (09/17)
200 LAMBERT TER U:6 $235,000
B: Chantel M Duda & Chantel Duda S: Joshua M Njuguna Book/Page: 24717/235, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $223,000
Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 30 MARLBOROUGH ST $145,000
B: Z&M Investments LLC S: Todd T Blanchard Doc#: 000000000231771, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14400sf
15 MARYLAND AVE $410,000
B: Justin P Fay & Danielle Fay S: Donald R Lacroix Book/Page: 24713/151, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $424,760
Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11372sf
162 PENDLETON AVE $270,000
B: David Hueber
S: Thomas D Morin & Michelle A Joubert Book/Page: 24713/543, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $265,109
Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10046sf
Prior Sale: $157,000 (07/12)
26 PLYMOUTH ST $335,000
B: Ashley J Rhodes & Justin A Rhodes
S: Ty D Frappier Doc#: 000000000231763, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30500sf
Prior Sale: $265,000 (11/19)
59 PROSPECT ST $349,000
B: Jessie E Peterson
S: Sebastian A Raposo Book/Page: 24719/293, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $349,000
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 29212sf
Prior Sale: $259,900 (09/19)
192 SCHOOL ST $380,000
B: Nicholas Turnberg Tr, Tr for School Street RT
S: Jorge Morgado Tr, Tr for Morgado Schoolstreet RT Book/Page: 24718/135, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Polish National CU $285,000
Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4242sf
Prior Sale: $215,000 (09/15)
35 SHAW PARK AVE $131,000
B: Rafael Mestre
S: USA HUD Book/Page: 24717/393, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $99,704
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8285sf
Prior Sale: $168,210 (03/21)
41 SYREK ST $30,000
B: Gary R Bernard & Lisa Sweatt
S: James A Mercier & Darlene J Nareau Book/Page: 24713/386, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 12458sf
79 WALLACE AVE $187,000
B: Wicked Deals LLC
S: Barbara G Boucher & Chicopee SB Book/Page: 24716/333, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Jay N Michelman $190,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8180sf
YTD 2021 YTD 2022
Number of 1-Fam Sales 163 148
Median Price $305,000 $340,000
47 BREEZY KNOLL RD $342,000
B: Jennifer M Conroy S: Peter A Mengwasser & Beth T Mengwasser Book/Page: 24719/494, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $324,900
Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 33464sf
Prior Sale: $247,500 (07/15)
57 FIELDS DR $722,650
B: Robert T Whitely & Pamela K Whitely
S: D R Chestnut LLC Book/Page: 24719/550, Date: 09/09/22
56 NELSON ST $225,000
B: Michael Choquette & Judith A Brodenuk
S: Talbot Shirley J Est & Nancy J Deraleau Book/Page: 24713/275, Date: 09/06/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12600sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 7
Median Price $277,274 $446,000
12 BORDEN BROOK RD $245,000
B: Jesse T Mayne
S: Timothy K Derrig Book/Page: 24713/389, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $220,500
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf
Prior Sale: $90,000 (03/20)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 37
Median Price $325,500 $335,000
272 BENNETT RD $403,000
B: Eric Shimits & Arianna Shimits
S: John Kirzec & Judith Makol-Kirzec Book/Page: 24715/104, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $200,000
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 49223sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 30
Median Price $209,000 $310,000
188 BRIMFIELD RD $402,000
B: Krista E Digregorio
S: Tyler Hutton & Willard J Hutton Book/Page: 24712/545, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Prestige Home Mtg LLC $282,000
Use: 5 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 20909sf
Prior Sale: $185,000 (05/21)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 169 152
Median Price $230,000 $263,750
282 CABOT ST $2,725,200
B: 282 Cabot Propco LLC
S: NHI Reit Of Northeast LLC Book/Page: 24715/7, Date: 09/07/22
Use: Nursing Home, Lot: 47480sf
16 CHARLES ST $249,000
B: Nicholas O Hewes
S: Foley Capital LLC Book/Page: 24719/215, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $241,530
Type: Adj
Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6270sf
Prior Sale: $135,000 (11/21)
49 LIBERTY ST $532,000
B: Christopher M Stoddard Tr, Tr for Michael P Stoddard FT
S: James M Reed & Donna J Reed Book/Page: 24717/90, Date: 09/08/22
Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7875sf
47 PYNCHON RD $310,000
B: William J Zemanek Jr & Susan F Zemanek
S: Pah Properties LLC Book/Page: 24719/132, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10469sf
Prior Sale: $140,000 (10/21)
3 TAYLOR ST $261,000
B: Christopher Donahue
S: Michael W Czerniak & Helen Breeden Book/Page: 24718/564, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $247,950
Type: Adj
Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9520sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 188 163
Median Price $394,000 $452,000
33 COOLEY DR $290,000
B: Cara L Deane
S: James R Clune Ad, Adm for Clune Christine A Est Book/Page: 24716/372, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $250,813
Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16002sf
B: Anthony Pacheco & Samantha Pacheco
S: Ellen Patton-Stanaway & Nathaniel N Stanaway Book/Page: 24719/65, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $439,890
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7903sf
Prior Sale: $285,000 (06/19)
©2022 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Number of 1-Fam Sales 140 135 Median Price $264,000 $280,000
142 CEDAR ST $240,000
B: Daniel Rowe S: David A Bucalo & Dawn M Bucalo Book/Page: 24719/344, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Shamrock Home Loans $216,000
Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 5000sf
231 CHAPIN ST $260,000
B: Jerad P Ostrowski
S: William F Ostrowski & Peter M Ostrowski Book/Page: 24717/123, Date: 09/08/22
Mtg: Country Bank $247,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 34617sf
Prior Sale: $100,000 (07/22)
EQUINOX PASS L:93 $149,900
B: Evan Wytas & Karla Wytas
S: Whitetail Wreks LLC Book/Page: 24716/454, Date: 09/08/22
143 PARKER LN $510,000
B: Michelle Morin & Thomas Morin
S: Luisa Mccarthy Book/Page: 24714/67, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $478,000
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25582sf
40 ARCH ST $119,000
B: Maria Mainini
S: Brian S Strange & Alden CU Book/Page: 24714/387, Date: 09/07/22
Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3500sf
Prior Sale: $142,500 (03/11)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 59
Median Price $320,000 $300,000
354 BOSTON RD W $750,000
S: Bropod LLC Book/Page: 24713/359, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $600,000
Use: Retail-service, Lot: 247421sf
Prior Sale: $675,000 (10/19)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 7
Median Price $340,000
20 CHAMBERLAIN RD $483,000
B: Felix Lufkin & Margaret Ranen
S: Jon C Hollingshead & Genessa V Hollingshead Book/Page: 24715/165, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Easthampton Svgs Bk $386,400
Type: Adj Use: Mixed Use-prim Res & Ind, Lot: 10389060sf
Prior Sale: $580,000 (08/18)
Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 99
Median Price $250,000 $265,000
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 2ND ST $800,000
B: Linde Gas&Equipment Inc S: TDK Group LLC Book/Page: 24714/576, Date: 09/07/22
Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 86684sf
Prior Sale: $930,000 (01/12)
3040 MAIN ST U:3040 $195,000
B: Josephine Fitzgerald Tr, Tr for J Fitzgerald T S: Carol A Ramsey & Laurie A Tyburski Book/Page: 24719/156, Date: 09/09/22
Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 95 RONDEAU ST $510,000
B: Coy J Chaney S: Stewart A Terrien & Deborah A Terrien Book/Page: 24718/470, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $528,360
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 37602sf
Prior Sale: $300,000 (11/21)
44 SQUIER ST $390,000
B: Bernadette Flores & Carol Negron
S: Helena Stephens & Shane Stephens Book/Page: 24715/470, Date: 09/07/22
Mtg: Homebridge Financial $382,936
Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 15594sf
Prior Sale: $110,000 (07/17)
9 WINTHROP ST $255,000
B: Darian J Saraiva
S: Ryan M Allard & Karye Allard Book/Page: 24714/87, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Luso FCU $229,000
Type: Adj
Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9600sf
Number of 1-Fam Sales 89 60
Median Price $340,824 $344,950
97 COLLEGE HWY $325,000
B: Ryan A Wescott
S: Zachary P Dougherty & John K Dougherty Book/Page: 24713/573, Date: 09/06/22
Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $319,113
Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 90094sf
Prior Sale: $185,000 (09/15)
8 LAUREL RIDGE RD $580,000
B: Allison E Leavitt & Jeremy J Beu
S: Denise A Ratti Book/Page: 24719/563, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $435,000
Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40436sf Prior Sale: $493,000 (08/20)
1 PAULINE CIR $415,000
B: Lucy S Moran
S: Allison E Leavitt Book/Page: 24719/474, Date: 09/09/22
Mtg: Evolve B&T $373,500
Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 63087sf
Prior Sale: $236,000 (09/14)
Oak Bluffs 09/27/22 12:00 PM 11 Strawberry Ln
Owner:Monte J Bizzaro
Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:03/25/11
Source:Vineyard Gazette (09/09/22)
Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670
10/03/22 01:00 PM 16 Janes Rd
Owner:Patricia A Horner
Lender:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:26937/379 D:05/25/07
Source:Haverhill Gazette (09/08/22)
Atty:Korde & Associates 978-256-1500 Haverhill 09/30/22 11:00 AM 122 Rosemont St
Owner:Peter D Palermo Jr
Lender:21 Asset Management Hldg Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:18399/339 D:02/28/02
Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (09/09/22)
Atty:Braucher & Associates Pll 603-486-1530
Salem 10/06/22 11:00 AM 39 Norman St
Owner:Common Ground Enterprises
Lender:North Shore Bank Succes Deposit:$50,000 Bk/Pg:35253/260 D:09/09/16
Source:Salem Evening News (09/08/22)
Atty:Riemer & Braunstein LLP 617-880-3485 Topsfield 10/14/22 02:00 PM 86 Howlett St
Owner:Steven Hinch
Lender:Robert F Knowles Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:37320/250 D:02/06/19
Source:Salem Evening News (09/14/22)
Atty:Downey Law Group LLC 978-887-1000
Bernardston 10/13/22 12:00 PM 189 Bald Mountain Rd
Owner:Patti L Couture
Lender:MHFA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:05/25/07
Source:Greenfield Recorder (09/14/22)
Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670 Deerfield 09/28/22 11:00 AM 208 Greenfield Rd
Owner:Margaret A Robbins
Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:06/25/08
Source:Greenfield Recorder (09/14/22)
Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200 Northfield 10/14/22 11:00 AM 23 New Plain Rd
Owner:Robert A Snow & Wendy S Snow Lender:Greenfield Coop Bank Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:01/21/10
Source:Greenfield Recorder (09/13/22)
Atty:Doherty Wallace Pillsbury Rowe 09/29/22 10:00 AM 96 Ford Hill Rd
Owner:Cristine Levitre Lender:Loancare LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:05/12/09
Source:Greenfield Recorder (09/15/22) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200
Agawam 10/12/22 11:00 AM 262 Regency Park Dr
Owner:Kenneth G Goodman & Maria P Goodman Lender:Stearns Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/14/18
Source:Boston Globe (09/09/22)
Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 Chicopee 10/06/22 11:00 AM 691 Britton St
Owner:Gloria Goodspeed Lender:Peoples Bank Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:17001/530 D:10/26/07
Source:Republican (the) (09/08/22)
Atty:Resnic Beauregard Waite A East Longmeadow 10/05/22 10:00 AM 65 Westernview Cir
Owner:Dolores M Grant Lender:MHFA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:11/09/17
Source:Republican (the) (09/14/22)
Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc Springfield 09/30/22 03:00 PM 29-31 Rush St
Owner:Rodney E Gould Lender:Isanthes LLC Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:13693/443 D:09/12/03
Source:Republican (the) (09/08/22)
Atty:Brock & Scott PLLC 401-217-8701 10/17/22 10:00 AM 258-260 Commonwealth Ave
Owner:Gaetano A Diciocco Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:18734/278 D:04/06/11
Source:Republican (the) (09/08/22)
Atty:Brock & Scott PLLC 401-217-8701 Wilbraham 10/03/22 02:00 PM 120 Washington Rd
Owner:Rachel E Dewhuirst Lender:Midfirst Bank State Sav Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/14/09
Source:Republican (the) (09/12/22)
Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800
Dracut 10/12/22 02:00 PM 134 Heather Rd
Owner:Jeffrey T Jack & Dorena C Jack Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:05/15/13
Source:Sun (the) (09/14/22)
Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Lowell 09/29/22 11:00 AM 1057 Gorham St
Owner:Clear Coast Realty LLC Lender:AIM Management Ent Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:36229/223 D:09/08/21
Source:Sun (the) (09/08/22)
Atty:Plunkett & Plunkett 978-458-6162 10/05/22 10:00 AM 257 Walker St U:C
Owner:Fred Georgoulis Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Bk/Pg:18336/82 D:01/24/05
Source:Sun (the) (09/14/22)
Atty:Harmon Law Offices 617-558-0500 10/17/22 10:00 AM 659 E Merrimack St
Owner:William R Abreu & Carmen Abreu Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/10/18
Source:Sun (the) (09/12/22) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868
Tewksbury 10/06/22 10:00 AM 45 Judith E Dr
Owner:Alma L Mclaughlin & Robert F Mclaughlin Lender:Mortgage Asset Mgmt Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:12/19/08
Source:Sun (the) (09/15/22) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200 MIDDLESEX SOUTH
Ashby 09/26/22 12:00 PM 137 Turnpike Rd
Owner:Dean Leblanc Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:01/16/07
Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (09/15/22)
Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 10/03/22 02:00 PM 453 Foster Rd
Owner:Sandra J Lynch & Joseph P Lynsh Jr Lender:Mortgage Asset Mgmt Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:06/25/09
Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (09/14/22)
Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 NORFOLK
Braintree 09/28/22 12:00 PM 54 Hillside Rd
Owner:Patrick Osullivan & Jacqueline Osullivan Lender:Harborone Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/07/14
Source:Patriot Ledger (09/15/22) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701 Quincy Randolph 10/05/22 11:00 AM 30 Silver St
Owner:Minh H Tran-Vo Lender:Latitude Capital LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:09/27/21
Source:Patriot Ledger (09/14/22)
Atty:Hadlock Law Offices Pc Stoughton 10/07/22 10:00 AM 321 Walnut St
Owner:Catherine R Gallant Lender:Rocket Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/27/16
Source:Brockton Enterprise (09/12/22)
Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 Wrentham 10/07/22 12:00 PM 1925 West St
Owner:Michael Campanelli & Courtney Campanelli Lender:Rocket Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/06/17
Source:Sun Chronicle (the) (09/12/22) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 PLYMOUTH
Brockton 10/19/22 01:00 PM 222 Grafton St
Owner:Wesnher Baptiste & Bernadette M Tellus Lender:Santander Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/19/13
Source:The Enterprise (09/14/22)
Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868 Lakeville 09/29/22 11:00 AM 22 Coombs St
Owner:David J Mannes & Katrina M Mannes Lender:Rockland T Co Deposit:$7,500 Doc#:* D:03/30/12
Source:Standard Times (the) (09/15/22) Atty:Jack Mikels & Associates 617-472-5600 10/11/22 10:00 AM 23 5th Ave
Owner:Richard J Ahern & Kerry Ahern Lender:Forethought Life Ins Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:08/09/06
Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (09/12/22) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670
Middleboro 10/11/22 02:00 PM 150 Sachem St
Owner:Pamela C Martin Lender:Freedom Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/22/15
Source:Brockton Enterprise (09/13/22) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 10/12/22 10:00 AM 63 Oak St
Owner:Claude P Domercant
Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/02/17
Source:Taunton Daily Gazette (09/15/22) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 Plymouth 09/27/22 02:00 PM 10 Amos Hill Rd
Owner:Ryan T Albanese
Lender:Bayview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/02/15
Source:Old Colony Memorial (09/15/22) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 09/27/22 03:00 PM 56-R Island Lake Rd
Owner:Dianne M Ellis & Mark E Ellis Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:12/16/05
Source:Old Colony Memorial (09/15/22) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 10/19/22 11:00 AM 212 Bournehurst Dr
Owner:Matthew N Cobb & Shannon M Cobb Lender:Newrez LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/21/03
Source:Old Colony Memorial (09/15/22) Atty:Bendett & Mchugh Pc 860-677-2868
Boston 10/10/22 10:00 AM 472 North St
Owner:Anna M Dancy Lender:Reverse Mortgage Funding Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/15/08
Source:Boston Herald (09/15/22) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 Brighton 10/04/22 11:00 AM 19 South St U:8
Owner:Xiaoxiao Lu Lender:JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/08/15
Source:Boston Globe (09/14/22) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 Charlestown 10/03/22 02:00 PM 69 Tremont St
Owner:Kathleen A Burns Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/22/04
Source:Boston Herald (09/12/22) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 Mattapan 10/10/22 10:00 AM 472 Norfolk St
Owner:Anna M Dancy Lender:Reverse Mortgage Funding Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/15/08
Source:Boston Herald (09/15/22) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 Roxbury 09/30/22 11:00 AM 200 Highland St
Owner:Bowen Realty&Management Lender:Rockland T Co Deposit:$15,000 Doc#:* D:07/20/15
Source:Boston Globe (09/09/22) Atty:Jack Mikels & Associates 617-472-5600 10/04/22 12:00 PM 74 Dale St
Owner:Grace Pina Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/26/07
Source:Boston Globe (09/15/22)
Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500
West Roxbury 10/03/22 09:00 AM 351 Corey St
Owner:Harold D Levine Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:01/21/09
Source:Boston Herald (09/09/22)
Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 10/05/22 12:00 PM 25 Westmoor Rd
Owner:Daniel S Shedd Jr Lender:MHFA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:07/01/13
Source:Boston Herald (09/09/22)
Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670
Northbridge 09/29/22 10:00 AM 34-36 Church Ave
Owner:Sandra P Valenti & Gregory Valenti Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:12/19/05
Source:Telegram Gazette (09/15/22)
Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc Princeton 10/04/22 11:00 AM 31 Prospect St
Owner:Leon P Strand Lender:Bay State SB Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:04/29/11
Source:Telegram Gazette (09/09/22)
Atty:Alexandrov Metzger & Flan Sturbridge 09/30/22 11:00 AM South Rd L:E
Owner:Horizon Properties LLC Lender:Juice Capital Funding LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:09/29/20
Source:Republican (the) (09/09/22)
Atty:Frank Tassoni 508-761-9200 09/30/22 11:00 AM South Rd L:F
Owner:Horizon Properties LLC Lender:Juice Capital Funding LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:09/29/20
Source:Republican (the) (09/09/22)
Atty:Frank Tassoni 508-761-9200 09/30/22 11:00 AM South Rd
Owner:Horizon Properties LLC Lender:Juice Capital Funding LLC Deposit:$10,000 Bk/Pg:63401/103 D:09/29/20
Source:Republican (the) (09/09/22)
Atty:Frank Tassoni Esq 508-761-9200
WORCESTER NORTH Leominster 10/06/22 11:00 AM 15 Appletree Ln
Owner:Wayne T Nicholson & Elsie A Nicholson Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/24/09
Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (09/15/22) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 10/07/22 01:00 PM 51 Willard St
Owner:Donna R Lew-Rouleau Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/22/10
Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (09/09/22)
Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500
Lunenburg 10/20/22 10:00 AM 390 Burrage St
Owner:Coleen M Radzewicz Lender:Fidelity Coop Bank Deposit:$7,500 Doc#:* D:08/31/10
Source:Sentinel & Enterprise (09/13/22) Atty:Barsh And Cohen Pc 617-332-4700