Vol.42, No.06
W E E K O F M O N D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 0 , 2 0 2 0
Manchester BODWELL RD U:1-1 TO 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,395,000 B: Forest Woodedge Hldg LLC and Forest Woodedge Hldg II LLC S: Laurels Pines Woodedge
Salem 12 MANOR PKWY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,300,000 B: CP BA 12 Manor Pkwy LLC S: Kenneth W Gudek Tr, Tr for Park Place RT Mtg: Berkshire Bank $3,045,000 Use: Industrial Office Building, Lot: 127631sf
Towns Push to Eliminate New Development Appeals Process Housing Appeals Board Intended to Streamline Land Use Appeals BY JAMES SANNA REGISTRY REVIEW STAFF
new body housing advocates say is important to expediting housing construction across the state is facing challenges at the State House before it has even begun
7 IRONWOOD RD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000,000 B: Anthony J Christopher & Debra A Christopher S: Susan Mesiti Tr, Tr for Mesiti Jenny Hill RT Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 242629sf
Moultonboro 58 W POINT RD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,495,000 B: Stefan T Baur Tr, Tr for Stefan T&Lori A Baur RET S: Barbara Cardi Tr, Tr for Generation Skipping T Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $1,000,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 30492sf
Londonderry 49 HARVEY RD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,400,000 B: Lexor Realty LLC S: Charles Zoulias Mtg: Pentucket Bank $1,100,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 91476sf
Newbury 21 LAKEWOOD MANOR RD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,400,000 B: Joseph Yost S: Michelle Gibbs & Marc-Andre Giguere Mtg: UBS Bank USA $750,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf
Concord 237 SHEEP DAVIS RD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,385,000 B: York Machinery North Inc S: Chadwick Baross Inc Use: Auto Other, Lot: 244372sf
Alton 10 MELODY LANE L:8&9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,350,000 B: Edward Sampadian Tr, Tr for Sampadian FT S: Jason Clark & James G Garneau
Manchester 1787 ELM ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,210,000 B: Memers First CU Of NH S: Cronin Properties LLC 1705 ELM ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,210,000 B: Memers First CU Of NH S: Cronin Properties LLC Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 10400sf 1687 ELM ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,210,000 B: Memers First CU Of NH S: Cronin Properties LLC Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 17400sf
Even before it has been formed, a body intended to help streamline appeals of local land use decisions is coming under attack at the State House.
members in cases of conflict of interest or other absences. However, many local planning boards have strongly opposed the measure and a pair of bills have been filed in the Senate to undo the board’s creation before it even has a change to get off the ground. Senate Bills 735 and 721 got hearings recently before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The former would simply disestablish the board. The latter would replace it with an on-
line application process for expedited review by the Superior Court and send the $400,000 already earmarked for the Housing Appeals Board’s startup costs to the courts to implement the new system. Many town officials claim the Housing Appeals Board would “usurp” their authority, although it would rely on the same laws that ordinarily govern Superior Court review of their decisions.
3 Belknap �������������������������� 01/28/20 3 Carroll ���������������������������� 01/28/20 4 Cheshire ������������������������ 01/28/20 4 Coos �������������������������������� 01/28/20 4 Grafton ���������������������������� 01/28/20 5 Hillsborough ������������������ 01/28/20 7 Merrimack ���������������������� 01/28/20 7 Rockingham ������������������ 01/28/20 9 Strafford ������������������������ 01/28/20 9 Sullivan �������������������������� 01/28/20 9 Bankruptcies 10 Lien & Attachments 10 Foreclosure, Mortgagee & Other Lien Auctions 10 Requests for Bids & Proposals
$320,000 320000
$280,000 280000 $260,000 260000 $240,000 240000
Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May May June June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. ’18
Number 300000 of Sales $300,000 275000 $275,000 250000 $250,000 225000 $225,000 200000 $200,000
Dec. ’15
Dec. ’16
Dec. ’17
Dec. ’18
Dec. ’19
Continued on Page 12
Single-Family Median Sales Price $300,000 300000
its work. The state Housing Appeals Board was established as part of a year-end budget deal in 2019. It was intended to offer homeowners and developers a way to appeal decisions by local planning and zoning boards without the fiveto six-figure costs of appealing to the Superior Court or the attendant delays as land use cases get backed up behind criminal ones. The board was part of a package of reforms suggested by a large group of housing stakeholders convened in 2018 by St. Anselm College’s Center for Ethics in Business and Governance. The board can only hear a case once all local remedies have been exhausted, and it must hear a case within 90 days of receiving the appeal and render a judgement within 60 days of the hearing. The board will be made up of an attorney, a surveyor and an expert in housing or land use issues, all appointed by the state Supreme Court for five-year terms. It is slated to begin its work later this year. The court is also authorized to appoint substituted
Median Price
Change Prior Year
Dec. 2015
Dec. 2016
Dec. 2017
Dec. 2018
Dec. 2019
q Statistics based on single-family home sales of $1,000 q Source: The Warren Group
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
he Registry Review is online! After more than 40 years as a printed newspaper, all of the real estate information you rely on is now available at www.theregistryreview.com. (There are no plans to cease publication of the newspaper.) All current subscribers have complimentary access to the website. When you first visit the site, please click the “forgot password” button to set up your account. If you have any problems please call or email customer service at 617-896-5388 or customerservice@thewarrengroup.com. If you have any feedback or would like to contribute content, please email editorial@ thewarrengroup.com. Sincerely, Cassidy Norton Associate Publisher The Warren Group
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
County Close-Up Rockingham
In 1836, Danville Town Meeting voted to change the settlement’s name from “Hawke,” named after a British admiral. However, it is unclear why “Danville” was chosen as a replacement, or why “China” was also under consideration.
TOTAL AREA 11.9 square miles POPULATION 4,387 DENSITY 387 people per square mile TAX RATE $28.06 TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSING UNITS 1,582
Jan.-Nov. 2019
Change from 2018
East Kingston
400000 $400,000
$350,000 350000
$300,000 300000
$250,000 250000
$200,000 200000
Hampton Falls
$150,000 150000
• All sales thru December YTD
New Castle
• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds
North Hampton
South Hampton
Rockingham County
Jan.-Nov. Change from 2019 2018
“Saturday, May 13, 1995, was a raw and drizzly day, but that didn’t discourage a determined cleanup crew who were at the old town pond by 8:30 AM.”
• Statistics based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group
— “Reminisces,” Vol. 1, No. 3, a newsletter of the Hawke Historical Society of Danville
2010 ‘10
2011 ’11
2012 ’12
2013 ’13
2014 ’14
2015 ’15
2016 ’16
2017 ’17
4,500 4500 4,000 4000
3500 3,500
3000 3,000
% of Market Share
Quicken Loan Inc.
United Shore Financial 5.07% Services LLC
Residential Mortgage 4.69% Services Inc
Rankings and Mortgage Market Share stats include purchase and refinance mortgages for all residential property through December 2019 Market share percentage based on volume of mortgages • Source: The Warren Group
2,500 2500 2,000 2000
1,500 1500 1,000 1000
2019 ’19
Rockingham New Hampshire
• Source: The Warren Group
2018 ’18
’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ‘19 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
• All sales thru December YTD
United Shore Financial Michael R. Comerford Services LLC
• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds
Robert P. Gagnon
Cambridge Trust Co.
John R. Healy
United Shore Financial Services LLC
• Source: The Warren Group
Ranked by volume of loans through December 2019 • Source: The Warren Group
TOP 10 EXISTING HOME SALES Street Address Community
Buyer Seller
Date Price
2420 Ocean Blvd. Rye
Sawyers Beach Cottage LLC Seaside Cottage LLC
10/17/2019 $2,995,000
81 Heritage Hill Road Windham
Timothy J. Robbins William J. Andreolli Jr.
89 Front St. Exeter
4 5
Street Address Community
Buyer Seller
Date Price
3 Appledore Ave. North Hampton
Carah K. Kiley LT Carbone FT
10/16/2019 $1,350,000
11/1/2019 $2,900,000
11 Chelmsford St. Seabrook
Deanna R. Gaiero Higgins FT
10/1/2019 $1,318,000
Judith P. Meaney Geoffrey Andrew-VonKuhn
11/22/2019 $2,188,933
32 Turtle Rock Road Windham
Ryan M. Maclean John Alosso
11/13/2019 $1,275,000
100 South Road Rye
Robert J. Gemmett Rowland T. Moriarty
10/30/2019 $1,960,000
208 Central Road Rye
Michael C. Sullivan Taraneh Azar RET
10/22/2019 $1,085,000
30 Laurence Lane Rye
MJG LT David J. Oleary
10/25/2019 $1,515,000
65 Foss Circle Rye
Paula B. Leed Susan O. Dudley T
11/12/2019 $1,050,000
• Statistics from Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019 • New Construction Excluded • Source: The Warren Group ©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Belknap County
Judith A. McGrath, Registrar 64 Court St, Laconia, NH, 03246 603-527-5420
Alton ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 126 LEVITT RD....................................... $350,000 B: Paul W Butler Tr, Tr for Paul W&Janet E Butler RET BAddr: 196 A Dover Point Rd DOVER NH 03820 S: Thomas E Coffey Tr, Tr for Coffey FT Bk/Page: 3292/624, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 52272sf 1543 MOUNT MAJOR HWY.................... $381,000 B: Jennifer Robb & Roger Moeller BAddr: 7 Fletcher Rd WESTFORD MA 01886 S: Stephen A Longmuir & Francee T Longmuir Bk/Page: 3292/325, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Meredith Vlg Svgs Bk $282,400 Term: 2050 Use: 1-Family, Lot: 1393920sf 78 RIVERLAKE ST.................................. $130,000 B: Matthew J Ryan BAddr: 78 Riverlake St ALTON NH 03810 S: Donna J Ryan Bk/Page: 3292/577, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Navy FCU $132,275 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 35719sf BIG BARNDOOR ISL L:25....................... $580,000 B: Meighan D Garnsey BAddr: 15 Orchards Rd WOLFEBORO NH 03894 S: Donald Bennett & Sherryl Bennett Bk/Page: 3291/949, Date: 01/22/20 10 MELODY LANE L:8&9....................... $1,350,000 B: Edward Sampadian Tr, Tr for Sampadian FT BAddr: 308 South St CONCORD NH 03301 S: Jason Clark & James G Garneau Bk/Page: 3292/17, Date: 01/23/20
Barnstead ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 MILLSFIELD LN................................. $129,000 B: Gate City Dev Ptnrs BAddr: 11 Courtney Ln NASHUA NH 03062 S: Deutsche Bk Natl T Co Tr Bk/Page: 3291/886, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $126,000 (11/19) 122 PARADE RD..................................... $365,000 B: Mark D Miller & Diane L Miller BAddr: 26 Sequoia Dr TYNGSBOROUGH MA 01879 S: Janice S Metzger Tr, Tr for Metzger FT Bk/Page: 3292/240, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $288,800 Term: 2035 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 95832sf Prior Sale: $279,000 (06/05) 323 PITMAN RD..................................... $250,000 B: Alexander L Rice BAddr: 883 B S Stark Hwy WEARE NH 03281 S: Jennifer L Abbott Bk/Page: 3291/890, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $252,525 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 179032sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 152 BOW LAKE RD................................. $259,200 B: NHFA BAddr: 32 Consitution Dr BEDFORD NH 03110 S: Lily C Bowen & NHFA Bk/Page: 3292/457, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 283445sf Prior Sale: $249,933 (06/16)
Belmont ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 340 DEPOT ST........................................ $103,000 B: Jennifer D Arguin BAddr: 340 Depot St BELMONT NH 03220 S: Vaughn C Lawrence Tr, Tr for Lawrence FT Bk/Page: 3292/79, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $99,910 Term: 2050 Use: 1 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 21344sf 70 ROGERS RD....................................... $349,933 B: Brian N Siembor & Meghan Adams-Siembor BAddr: 11104 Inwood Dr WOBURN MA 01801 S: Timothy G Dinan & Kelly J Dinan Bk/Page: 3291/912, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $332,405 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 263102sf Prior Sale: $159,900 (10/01) NO STREET GIVEN.................................. $40,000 B: Terry T Threlfall Jr Tr, Tr for Threlfall FT BAddr: PO Box 113 LOCHMERE NH 03252 S: Cynthia I Stanley Tr, Tr for Cynthia I Stanley RET Bk/Page: 3292/126, Date: 01/23/20 19 HOLLY TREE CIRCLE.......................... $2,000 B: Kerry L Ellis & Michael Ellis BAddr: 19 Holly Tree Cir BELMONT NH 03220 S: Kerry L Ellis Ex, Ex for Golden Neil A Est Bk/Page: 3292/403, Date: 01/27/20
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
121 MORRILL ST.................................... $235,000 B: Andrew R Davis & Katherine Davis BAddr: PO Box 627 BELMONT NH 03220 S: Edward B Smith Bk/Page: 3292/544, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Supreme Lending $230,743 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $212,000 (05/16)
37 GRANGE RD....................................... $200,000 B: James Dearborn BAddr: 91 Pine St #2 LACONIA NH 03246 S: Lloyd C Cornell Bk/Page: 3292/20, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $200,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (08/04) 35 NOYES RD......................................... $306,000 B: Mark E Bobek & Janine L Bobek BAddr: 16 Madison St METHUEN MA 01844 S: Gary Anderson & Ryan Allen Bk/Page: 3292/564, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Ross Mortgage Co Inc $260,100 Term: 2050 Use: 1 Bdrm Camp/cabin, Lot: 71874sf Prior Sale: $37,533 (02/19)
Laconia ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 50 BLUEBERRY LN U:3........................... $107,000 B: Linda Noel-Fairbanks BAddr: 31 Van Buren Rd LACONIA NH 03246 S: Thomas Lucciano & Joan Lucciano Bk/Page: 3292/602, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $80,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $120,000 (06/04) HOME PL L:10........................................ $494,200 B: Henry J Hoell & Juliann Hoell BAddr: 12 Pepperbush Ln NORTH ATTLEBORO MA 02760 S: LPH Inc Bk/Page: 3292/621, Date: 01/27/20 268 LEXINGTON DR................................ $80,000 B: James Swormstedt & Randy Swormstedt BAddr: PO Box 491 LACONIA NH 03247 S: Geoffrey M Gray & Catrina M StHilaire-Gray Bk/Page: 3292/163, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Geoffrey M Gray $61,695 Term: 2023 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 40214sf 54 MCKINLEY RD U:7............................. $290,000 B: Daniel F Ricard BAddr: 34 Nancy Ln BEDFORD NH 03110 S: Matthew Fasolino Bk/Page: 3292/57, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $230,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $390,000 (09/04) 18-20 MEADOW ST................................ $200,000 B: Timothy R Simpson & Tamara C Simpson BAddr: 28 Primrose Ln TYNGSBORO MA 01879 S: Seth D Nuttelman Bk/Page: 3292/183, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 13939sf 227 PINE ST........................................... $219,000 B: Bernard Bleggi & Samantha Bleggi BAddr: 691 Shore Dr LACONIA NH 03246 S: B&W Property 5 LLC Bk/Page: 3292/282, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $212,430 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 19276sf PLANTATION RD..................................... $27,000 B: Robert E Love & Wendi M Love BAddr: 402 D Skiff Mountain Rd KENT CT 06757 S: Stephen A Taber Bk/Page: 3292/159, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10800sf 741 SCENIC RD...................................... $685,000 B: Douglas Smith & Colleen Smith BAddr: 40935 Grenata Preserve Pl LEESBURG VA 20175 S: Alan Gelinas & Muriel Gelinas Bk/Page: 3292/524, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $510,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8276sf Prior Sale: $46,000 (10/97) THYNG RD.............................................. $115,000 B: Granite Props Of New Eng BAddr: PO Box 5370 LACONIA NH 03247 S: Kevin E Halligan & Gillian R Roux Bk/Page: 3292/232, Date: 01/24/20 1144 WEIRS BLVD U:19......................... $190,000 B: Ronald D Haywood & Karen A Haywood BAddr: 3 Schofield St CHELMSFORD MA 01824 S: Lakehouse Cottages LLC Bk/Page: 3292/97, Date: 01/23/20 Use: Condo
Meredith ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 DALE RD............................................ $161,959 B: Marcia J Fowler Tr, Tr for Marcia J Fowler 2002 FT BAddr: PO Box 4251 MANCHESTER NH 03108 S: Jacalyn S Emerson & Marcia A Emerson Bk/Page: 3292/496, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Marcia J Fowler $90,000 Term: 2023 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 75359sf DALE RD L:1A-14................................... $115,000 B: Jacalyn S Emerson & Marcia A Emerson BAddr: 83 Bruce Rd WALPOLE MA 02081 S: Marcia J Fowler Tr, Tr for Marcia J Fowler 2002 FT Bk/Page: 3292/498, Date: 01/27/20 169 HATCH CORNER RD......................... $195,000 B: Dianne M Amand BAddr: 169 Hatch Corner Rd MEREDITH NH 03253 S: Dianne M Amand & Bradley W Forrest Bk/Page: 3292/860, Date: 01/28/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 893851sf Prior Sale: $177,500 (07/11) 44 TRACY WAY....................................... $895,000 B: LFRD Holdings LLC BAddr: 1924 Dumfries Ct ST JOHNS FL 32259 S: James A Wallace Tr, Tr for Wallace FT Bk/Page: 3291/953, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 118919sf
Carroll County
Lisa Scott, Registrar Rte 171, Admin Bldg, Ossipee, NH, 03864 603-539-4872
Bartlett ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 ATTITASH WOODS RD U:5................... $285,000 B: Sarah S Parsons BAddr: 1115 Main St LYNNFIELD MA 01940 S: Martin D Williams Bk/Page: 3487/849, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $185,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $262,000 (08/05) 20 HILL N VALE LN U:20........................ $185,000 B: Matthew J Desabella & Catherine Desabella BAddr: 23 Old Orchard Ln TRUMBULL CT 06611 S: Peter F Graham & Jo-Anne B Graham Bk/Page: 3487/1020, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $148,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $130,000 (07/13) 36 MARSDEN DR U:36........................... $224,000 B: Marco Hodges & Jacqueline Hodges BAddr: 79 Turkey Hill Rd NEWBURYPORT MA 01980 S: 36 Marsden Drive SPE LLC Bk/Page: 3487/949, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $201,600 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $197,533 (08/17) 47 ROLLING RIDGE RD U:A.................... $174,933 B: Michael A Carmon & Jesse S Jameson BAddr: 152 Academy St Unit A FRANCONIA NH 03861 S: Stephen C Davidson Tr, Tr for Davidson FT Bk/Page: 3487/435, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Union Bank $168,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo
Brookfield ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 13 EATON RD.......................................... $138,933 B: Lois L Munroe BAddr: 13 Eaton Dr BROOKFIELD NH 03872 S: Alfred T Look Jr Bk/Page: 3487/989, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Profile Bank $160,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 1524600sf Prior Sale: $237,500 (07/13)
Conway ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 101 CRANMORE RD U:1......................... $545,000 B: Paul C Capodilupo BAddr: 3 Lara Ln LYNNFIELD MA 01940 S: Joseph E Sullivan 3rd Bk/Page: 3487/764, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $436,000 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 195 MAPLE MANOR RD......................... $100,000 B: Carters Properties LLC BAddr: 8 Belair Estates Rd FRYEBURG ME 04037 S: David E Boyd & Martha R Boyd Bk/Page: 3487/730, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Norway Savings Bank $76,000 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $39,900 (01/13) 70 NORTHBROOK CIR U:50.................... $210,000 B: Robert W Mcelhinney Jr & Alice M Mcelhinney BAddr: 85 Lynde St MELROSE MA 02176 S: Jeffrey D Brown & Greta M Collins-Brown Bk/Page: 3487/1054, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $164,800 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.88% Type: Adj Rate Use: 3 Bdrm Condo
How to Read The Real Estate Records The information appearing in this newspaper is taken from deed and mortgage documents filed at each of the ten registries of deeds in the state. All property transfers with a sales price of at least $100 and all term-mortgage documents are collected. Whenever possible, we combine the separate deed and mortgage documents so that we can present one complete record of the street address, purchase price, lender and mortgage amount. When we cannot link a deed with a mortgage (and vice versa) each transaction appears individually. Real estate records are organized alphabetically by registry, then town, then by street name.
The amount appearing on the same line as the street address is the purchase price from the deed. We print “No Amt Given” when the amount did not appear on the document we review. “No Street Given” appears in place of the street address when it was not available. The volume, page of the deed and filing date appear for all sales. The mortgage lender and the amount of the mortgage used to purchase the property are shown. Any second mortgage (Mtg2) filed at the same time as the deed will also appear here.
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 315 MAIN ST U:15.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,000 Pleasant Towers Condo B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Bank $70,000 Mtg2:Seller $8,400 Prior Sale:$93,000 (11/90)
• The first two buyer (B) names and seller (S) names listed on the deed are shown. • Prior sale data appears only when the address of the new sale matches exactly with the address of the older sale in our database.
In communities where we have a file of all properties from the assessor’s office, we provide additional property details when available. This is done by exactly matching the address and seller name from the new sales record with the address and owner name found in the property file. No descriptive data appears whenever there is any doubt that the two records are the same property. The “Use” is based on the code the assessor assigns to each building on a parcel. Whenever there is more than one use code or more than one building on a parcel, we flag these as “Multi-use” and “Multi-bldg” respectively. These deeds transfer title to the lender after the mortgage is foreclosed (unless there is a higher bidder at the auction.) The amount in these transactions is usually the amount of the outstanding mortgage that was foreclosed.
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 ELM ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000 B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Mtg Co $140,000 Use:3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot:6459sf Prior Sale:$170,000 (9/89)
• “Use” distinguishes residential homes from land sales and commercial sales. • For residential homes, the number of bedrooms and house style appear when available. • The lot size (Lot) is shown in square feet.
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 43 MAIN ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $142,200 B:Main St Bank S:John Smith & Main St Bank Prior Sale:$190,000 (11/85)
• The prior sale shows the original price paid for the property.
Please note: The information contained in this newspaper is taken from public records. While every precaution is taken, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Readers should confirm any information before taking action.
B = Buyer S = Seller Mtg = Mortgage lender and amount Mtg2 = Second Mortgage Use = Building use Bdrm = bedrooms Lot = lot size in square feet YTD = year-to-date
LP = Limited Partnership Tr = Trustee T = Trust IRT = Irrevocable Trust ReT = Revocable Trust RT = Realty Trust FT = Family Trust NT = Nominee Trust Est = Estate Ex = Executor
Notice To Readers
The information published in The Registry Review is taken from public and other records. The Warren Group takes reasonable steps to provide an accurate publication, however, The Warren Group has not investigated the accuracy of the source records and does not guarantee the accuracy of those records or any part of the transcription and publishing process. The Warren Group cautions you that public records may not reflect actual circumstances, and that the meaning of public records may be obscure. In addition, the conditions existing when a public record is filed may change with the passage of time. By accepting and using The Registry Review, you agree to use this publication for information only and only as a reference to the public records. You further agree to independently verify any published information which affects you before taking any action, forming opinions or otherwise relying on the published information in any way. Publication of any category or item of information is dependent upon that information continuing to be reasonably available in the public records. The Warren Group assumes no responsibility for changes in public policy which may affect the availability of public information. The Warren Group assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors.
The Registry Review
ISSN 1067-0521
Published by: The Warren Group, 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960 CEO & Publisher: Timothy M. Warren, Jr. President & COO: David B. Lovins The Registry Review is published every Monday for $229.00 per year. Periodicals Postage paid at Boston, MA USPS #536710. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Registry Review, 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960. © Copyright 2020 The Warren Group. All Rights Reserved. Without limiting The Warren Group’s (TWG) rights under applicable copyright law, by accepting and using a copy of The Registry Review the recipient agrees as follows: Each copy of The Registry Review and the information contained in that copy are for the sole use of the recipient in the form presented and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner. The information contained in The Registry Review may not be entered by any means into any form of electronic, digital, optical, or other media for storage or processing (“any means” includes, without limitation, transcription, photocopying, facsimile, or scanning). None of the information contained in or originating from The Registry Review may be sold, transferred, or provided to a third party (including, without limitation, an affiliate of the recipient); however, this provision shall not prevent a recipient from giving that recipient’s copy of an issue of The Registry Review to a third party, so long as the recipient does not retain a copy of all or any portion of that issue of The Registry Review or the information contained in that issue. Waiver or modification of any of these conditions may only be obtained by written permission of TWG. TWG offers a wide variety of alternative services and licensing options for its data. Contact TWG for further information. Customer Service: 617-896-5388 or email subscriptions@thewarrengroup.com.
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
4 20 PATTON CT........................................ $165,000 B: Jacqueline E White BAddr: PO Box 357 NORTH CONWAY NH 03860 S: Leon Filip & Ellen B Filip Bk/Page: 3487/872, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $138,500 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 8276sf Prior Sale: $156,000 (04/08) 36 STEVEWOOD CIR............................... $195,000 B: Danielle A Tillinghast & Matthew J Swisher BAddr: PO Box 146 CONWAY NH 03818 S: Darren Smith Bk/Page: 3487/711, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $196,969 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 54450sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (09/18) GRANDVIEW RD L:74............................. $66,000 B: Greg Grinnell BAddr: PO Box 191 EATON NH 03832 S: Ellen H Zelman Tr, Tr for Hugh W Hastings 2nd RET Bk/Page: 3487/335, Date: 01/23/20
Harts Location ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 91 BURKE RD......................................... $249,000 B: Regis Randall & Amelia Randall BAddr: PO Box 5483 STATELINE NV 89449 S: Vera Haskell Bk/Page: 3487/487, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $224,100 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 78408sf
Jackson ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES CARTER NOTCH RD................................ $228,000 B: Lucas Lane LLC BAddr: 77 Liberty Cmn RYE NH 03870 S: Sara C Curtis & Stuart W Curtis Bk/Page: 3487/905, Date: 01/24/20
Madison ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1690 E MADISON RD............................. $259,000 B: Steven R Brodeur Tr, Tr for Camp Brodeur T BAddr: 46 Highland Pl WEYMOUTH MA 02190 S: Wasserman Holdings LLC Bk/Page: 3487/806, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $233,100 Term: 2045 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 59242sf
530 OXBOW RD...................................... $130,000
BAddr: 123 Elm St WINCHESTER NH 03470
245 BELLEAU BLVD................................ $455,000 B: Weston N Bearce BAddr: PO Box 3 SOUTH TAMWORTH NH 03883 S: Christopher R Hayward & Melissa A Drumm Bk/Page: 3487/886, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Meredith Vlg Svgs Bk $155,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 29185sf
S: Amy L Hinkell & Matthew Hinkell
B: Dustin Taylor
S: Goamerica LLC
524 GOVERNOR WENTWORTH HWY...... $200,000 B: Andrew Stockton & Rianna Stockton BAddr: PO Box 932 WOLFEBORO FALLS NH 03896 S: Cindy Stockton Bk/Page: 3487/203, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $160,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43124sf 56 PLEASANT ST.................................... $585,000 B: Ellen E Fowler & James H Giuca BAddr: 3 Reubens Driftway HAMPTON NH 03842 S: Timothy R Kellogg & Mary A Kellogg Bk/Page: 3487/461, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $250,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2fam-5fam Residence, Lot: 37462sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (07/12) 172 PORK HILL RD................................. $750,000 B: Stephen Dirocco & Deborah Dirocco BAddr: 41 Shetland Rd CHESTER NH 03036 S: Steven E Knudsen & Mary E Knudsen Bk/Page: 3487/166, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $484,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm, Lot: 5238961sf
Cheshire County Anna Z. Tilton, Registrar 33 West St, Keene, NH, 03431 603-352-0403
37 SKYLINE DR...................................... $255,000 B: Andrew Forsberg BAddr: 37 Skyline Dr MOULTONBOROUGH NH 03254 S: Brent A Leighton Bk/Page: 3487/217, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $250,381 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 83200sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (11/14) 58 W POINT RD..................................... $1,495,000 B: Stefan T Baur Tr, Tr for Stefan T&Lori A Baur RET BAddr: 895 Windsor Ct SANTA BARBARA CA 93111 S: Barbara Cardi Tr, Tr for Generation Skipping T Bk/Page: 3487/286, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $1,000,000 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.25% Type: Adj Rate Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $615,000 (11/99) 822 WHITTIER HWY............................... $254,000 B: Brian Huey BAddr: PO Box 683 MOULTONBOROUGH NH 03254 S: Correia Fletcher Hldg Co Bk/Page: 3487/1040, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Leaderone Financial $249,399 Term: 2050 Use: Retail-department Store, Lot: 62726sf
245 NH ROUTE 123................................ $93,000 B: Connor Prentiss BAddr: 248 Upper Walpole Rd WALPOLE NH 03608 S: Daniel C Barile Bk/Page: 3097/677, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $91,315 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 34848sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (07/16)
6 OSSIPEE LAKE DRIVE.......................... $8,533 B: Meena LLC BAddr: PO Box 2262 NORTH CONWAY NH 03860 S: Lindsey Lu Inc Bk/Page: 3487/662, Date: 01/24/20
Sandwich ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 487 CHASE RD....................................... $220,000 B: Jamie R Oakes & Stephanie A Oakes BAddr: 85 Main St TAMWORTH NH 03886 S: Susan J Postlewaite Bk/Page: 3487/420, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Northway Bank $222,222 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 221285sf
Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $127,645 Term: 2050 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 203425sf Prior Sale: $134,900 (09/06) NO STREET GIVEN..................................
BAddr: 1016 Rte 123 STODDARD NH 03464 Bk/Page: 3097/174, Date: 01/24/20
Keene 363 CHAPMAN RD................................. $629,000 B: Sheryl Ortlieb & Terence Ortlieb BAddr: 5270 Red Pass Ln CASTLE ROCK CO 80108 S: Giselle A Lascala Tr, Tr for Giselle A Lascala RET Bk/Page: 3096/1104, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 143748sf 148 DARLING RD.................................... $290,000 B: Adam Ford BAddr: 32 Rule St Apt A KEENE NH 03431 S: Vincent P Mcmahon & Georgia G Mcmahon Bk/Page: 3097/231, Date: 01/24/20
Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87991sf
48 RIDGEWOOD AVE.............................. $235,000
66 LITTLE RIVER RD.............................. $145,000 B: Meghan Maguire BAddr: 153 Burke View Ln MONROE NH 03771 S: Philip Greco Tr, Tr for Philip Greco FT Bk/Page: 1528/644, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $123,250 Term: 2050 Use: 2-Family Mlti-unt Blg, Lot: 266587sf Prior Sale: $27,000 (08/19)
B: Jeannette H Wulff BAddr: 705 Center Rd MIDDLESEX VT 05602 Bk/Page: 3097/357, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $212,000 (06/17) 220 ROXBURY ST................................... $205,533 BAddr: 8 Sunset Pt NORTH SWANZEY NH 03431
S: Brian Hansen
Bk/Page: 3097/566, Date: 01/28/20
66 PLEASANT ST.................................... $67,800 B: Cindy L Brucker & Karl R Brucker BAddr: 9 Green Mountain Dr COLEBROOK NH 03576 S: Shane R Weir Bk/Page: 1528/690, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $61,020 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11326sf 50 SHALLOW RD.................................... $270,000 B: Heather L Cote & Brian M Cote BAddr: 32 Gile Rd NOTTINGHAM NH 03290 S: Pollywog Pond LLC Bk/Page: 1528/685, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 78408sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (10/19) TITUS HILL RD........................................ $125,000 B: Caren A Jones & Edmund D Wood BAddr: 40 Main St LOWELL MA 01852 S: Kimberlee A Daley Bk/Page: 1528/805, Date: 01/24/20
B: Rebecca N Carey
Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $195,225 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 21780sf
BAddr: 17 Leahy Rd KEENE NH 03431 S: William Schwerdtfeger & Colleen Schwerdtfeger Bk/Page: 3097/218, Date: 01/24/20
Rindge ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 BANCROFT RD.................................. $160,000 B: Brett R Somero & Courtney L Somero BAddr: 161 Page Hill Rd NEW IPSWICH NH 03071 S: Richard A Cloutier
Term: 2050
54 COBLEIGH ESTATES RD.................... $265,000 B: Cartus Financial Corp BAddr: 40 Apple Ridge Rd DANBURY CT 06810 S: Shane Gormley Bk/Page: 3097/87, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 90605sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (04/17) 54 COBLEIGH ESTATES RD.................... $265,000 B: Lori A Tustin BAddr: 158 Crowningsheild Rd CHESTERFIELD NH 03443 S: Cartus Financial Corp Bk/Page: 3097/91, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $170,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 90605sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (04/17)
Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 43560sf
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 453 ROYALSTON RD............................... $38,700 B: Susan Wheeler BAddr: 626 Royalston Rd FITZWILLIAM NH 03447 S: Gregory K Koziara & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Bk/Page: 3097/512, Date: 01/27/20 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 252648sf Prior Sale: $75,675 (07/16)
B: Robert M Dignitti & Elisabeth M Dignitti
NH ROUTE 12......................................... $55,000 B: Donald M Bailey BAddr: PO Box 101 FITZWILLIAM NH 03447 S: K H White-Guenther Bk/Page: 3097/491, Date: 01/27/20
Grafton County
216 PROSPECT ST................................. $125,000 B: Christopher P Graham BAddr: PO Box 623 INTERVALE NH 03845 S: Michael F Scala Bk/Page: 1528/807, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Northway Bank $100,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $72,900 (02/17) 126 CLARK ST L:13................................ $22,000 B: Greg P Giannos BAddr: 126 Clark St BERLIN NH 03570 S: Panagiotis G Giannos & Vasiliki P Giannos Bk/Page: 1528/683, Date: 01/23/20
Bk/Page: 3097/587, Date: 01/28/20
Leon H. Rideout, Registrar 55 School St, Ste 103, Lancaster, NH, 03584 603-788-2392
Term: 2050
Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $284,747
Coos County
NO STREET GIVEN L:53..........................
Bk/Page: 3097/397, Date: 01/27/20
S: Lexden LLC
B: Michael J Stephens
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
Mtg: Navy FCU $163,680
275 ROBBINS RD...................................
B: Kimberly M Favart BAddr: 263 Robbins Rd RINDGE NH 03461 S: Wade A Tenney Bk/Page: 3096/1102, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 392040sf
Stoddard ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1489 ROUTE 123 N................................. $399,000 B: Kevin C Schlosser & Linda Murray-Schlosser BAddr: 3991 Waverly Rd OWEGO NY 13827 S: Susan H Francis Bk/Page: 3097/495, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $359,100 Term: 2050 Use: 5 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 1498464sf 155 SCENIC DR...................................... $197,533 B: Benjamin R Courchesne BAddr: 112 Red Coat Ln STODDARD NH 03464 S: Denise Banford
US ROUTE 3............................................ $186,533 B: Thomas W Pepper BAddr: 4 Vanderbilt Terr COVENTRY RI 02816 S: Christopher Foss & Kristen Foss Bk/Page: 1528/909, Date: 01/28/20
Pittsburg ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 FLETCHER RD.................................... $132,000 B: Peter Gray Jr BAddr: 1540 Mystic Valley Pkwy MEDFORD MA 02155 S: Edward R Spirdione Bk/Page: 1528/785, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $105,600 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6534sf 92 MERRILL RD...................................... $225,000 B: First Connecticut LLC BAddr: 2354 Parade Rd LACONIA NH 03246 S: Terrell P Swain Tr, Tr for Terrell P Swain 1998 RET Bk/Page: 1528/926, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Terrell P Swain $215,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo/apt, Lot: 78408sf Prior Sale: $117,500 (04/14)
Bk/Page: 3097/202, Date: 01/24/20
Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $202,042
Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 69696sf Prior Sale: $15,000 (07/04)
29 MICHIGAN ST.................................... $154,000
131 POCO DR......................................... $215,533 B: Shaun Carlisle & Allison Carlisle BAddr: 1955 Congress St PORTLAND ME 04102 S: Michael R Pitts Bk/Page: 3488/180, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $209,001 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 50094sf Prior Sale: $22,000 (11/18)
213 MONUMENT RD............................... $138,533 B: Patricia H Harris BAddr: 222 Plain Rd HINSDALE NH 03451 S: Janet E Stinchfield & Maureen C Donahue Bk/Page: 3097/333, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $131,575 Term: 2050 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 33000sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (07/04)
B: Bruce Parker & Margaret Parker
BAddr: PO Box 164 VERNON VT 05354 S: William S Trenholm 2nd & Angeline M Trenholm Bk/Page: 3097/29, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $157,542 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18731sf Prior Sale: $138,533 (01/18)
71 STATE ROUTE 2................................. $198,533 B: Gregory R Corrigan & Jennifer J Corrigan BAddr: 1333 Rte 2 SHELBURNE NH 03581 S: Eric Giovagnoli Bk/Page: 1528/934, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: First Internet Bk In $188,500 Term: 2035 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (06/19)
Stratford ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 62&66 POTATO HILL RD......................... $137,800 B: David Aldrich BAddr: 82 Dennis Dr NEW BRITAIN CT 06053 S: Margaret S Cook Bk/Page: 1528/783, Date: 01/24/20
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES S WHITEFIELD RD.................................. $79,000 B: Daniel Ferrara & Rosalba Ferrara BAddr: 1 Gold Mine Rd FOSTER RI 02825 S: Janet Savage Bk/Page: 1528/828, Date: 01/24/20 US ROUTE 3............................................ $11,266 B: Mark C Lufkin BAddr: 5 Colby Rd WHITEFIELD NH 03598 S: USA VA Bk/Page: 1528/831, Date: 01/24/20
Kelley J. Monahan, Registrar 3855 Dartmouth Coll Hwy Box 4, N Haverhill, NH, 03 603-787-6921
Alexandria ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES WASHBURN RD...................................... $90,000 B: D H Hardwick&Sons BAddr: PO Box 430 ANTRIM NH 03440 S: Sylvia G Dow Bk/Page: 4496/388, Date: 01/23/20 WASHBURN RD L:2................................ $170,000 B: Forever Forestlands LLC BAddr: PO Box 519 ANTRIM NH 03440 S: Sylvia G Dow Bk/Page: 4496/390, Date: 01/23/20
Ashland ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES MAIN ST................................................. $33,000 B: High Life Building Co Inc BAddr: PO Box 277 MOULTONBOROUGH NH 03254 S: Robert P Comeau & Terry M Comeau Bk/Page: 4496/349, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Meredith Vlg Svgs Bk $21,450
Bath ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 321 GOOSE LN........................................ $25,000 B: Meghan A Riggie BAddr: 3 Ammonoosuc Ave BATH NH 03740 S: Woodsville Guaranty SB Bk/Page: 4496/531, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Woodsville Guar Bank $16,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19166sf PETTYBORO RD...................................... $95,000 B: Andre V Richardson BAddr: 14 Ogontz Rd LYMAN NH 03585 S: Jeffrey P Stimson Bk/Page: 4495/971, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Northeast Home Loan $60,000 Term: 2035
Bethlehem ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES SOUTH ST............................................... $42,000 B: Scott Dyment & Joanna Dyment BAddr: 56 Springs Rd BEDFORD MA 01730 S: Mark Fahlbeck Bk/Page: 4496/608, Date: 01/24/20
Campton ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 DUBEAU CIR........................................ $275,000 B: Sandeep Basnet BAddr: 224 Shute St EVERETT MA 02149 S: Lloyd J Willey & Lynn H Willey Bk/Page: 4495/909, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $220,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 11326sf HOGBACK RD......................................... $87,533 B: Christopher Mohan BAddr: 30 Partridge Knoll Rd CAMPTON NH 03223 S: Danielle L Bragdon Bk/Page: 4496/698, Date: 01/24/20 RICHARDSON TRL.................................. $10,000 B: Daman Chadha BAddr: 8 Victoria Rd ARLINGTON MA 02474 S: Diane Lucente Bk/Page: 4496/344, Date: 01/23/20 WINDMILL RD........................................ $180,000 B: Paul G Stutzman BAddr: 110 Tack Factory Pond Dr SCITUATE MA 02066 S: Anne M Kurriss & Jean P Bisson Bk/Page: 4496/749, Date: 01/24/20
Enfield ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES NORTH HLS L:26.................................... $115,000 B: Nicholas H Fletcher BAddr: 124 Spruce Ln NEW LONDON NH 03257 S: Norman T Lorrey & Karen B Lorrey Bk/Page: 4496/65, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Creative Fncl Concep $92,000
SPECTACLE POND RD............................ $60,000 B: Anthony J Stewart & Katherine D Stewart BAddr: 1085 Lockehaven Rd ENFIELD NH 03748 S: Kelly Butler Ad, Adm for Butler Shawn K Est Bk/Page: 4497/84, Date: 01/28/20
Groton ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES PROVINCE RD......................................... B: Marc Beaulieu BAddr: 128 Lille Rd NASHUA NH 03062 S: Loretta Hayden Bk/Page: 4496/766, Date: 01/24/20
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
Monroe ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES NH ROUTE 135....................................... B: Donald S Mitchell BAddr: 0 Rte 25 PIERMONT NH 03779 S: Todd Wright Bk/Page: 4496/392, Date: 01/23/20
20 LEDYARD LN...................................... $470,066 B: Alexis R Abramson & Christopher R Sklarin BAddr: 13 Lyme Rd HANOVER NH 03755 S: Deloris H Netzband Bk/Page: 4496/548, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Ledyard Natl Bk $800,000 Term: 2021 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13774sf
630 NH ROUTE 10.................................. $20,000 B: Arthur A Dennis BAddr: 630 Nh Rte 10 ORFORD NH 03777 S: Carl W Dennis Bk/Page: 4496/909, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3920sf 847 NH ROUTE 10................................. $1,050,000 B: David M Hinsley BAddr: 198 Lyman Rd HANOVER NH 03755 S: Victoria E Perilman Tr, Tr for Victoria E Perilman RET Bk/Page: 4495/939, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Mascoma Bank $600,000 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.00% Type: Adj Rate Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 246114sf
7 PERKINS PL......................................... $21,000 B: Woodsville Place LLC BAddr: 630 Daniel Webster Hwy PLYMOUTH NH 03264 S: Kristina L Tibbits & Alicia Thompson-Brooks Bk/Page: 4497/64, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8276sf
28 LANGDON ST..................................... $161,000 B: Jeffrey G Hannum & Nicole M Hannum BAddr: 100 Main St M-18 PEMBROKE NH 03275 S: Runnymede Investments LLC Bk/Page: 4495/867, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $120,750 Term: 2050 Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $156,133 (05/16)
Landaff ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES GALE CHANDLER RD.............................. $60,200 B: James G Myers 3rd & Jillian E Myers BAddr: 51 Elliot Farm Rd LISBON NH 03585 S: Gene Krupa & Gayle Krupa Bk/Page: 4496/422, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 589802sf
Rumney ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES HOOPER HILL RD.................................... $90,000 B: Icer LLC BAddr: PO Box 5 WENTWORTH NH 03282 S: Micheal Mckinnon Bk/Page: 4496/420, Date: 01/23/20
15 SHAW ST........................................... $205,000 B: Joshua Rudner & Sarah Durante BAddr: 2 King St ETNA NH 03750 S: Mary A Carr Bk/Page: 4496/814, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Title Mtg Solution $311,200 Term: 2050 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15682sf 11 TIMBER LN........................................ $463,400 B: Laura M Deveau & William G Deveau BAddr: 66 Nh Rte 4a ENFIELD NH 03748 S: James E Roberts Tr, Tr for Roberts FT Bk/Page: 4497/18, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $275,000 Term: 2035 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 135036sf 136 TRUES BROOK RD........................... $210,000 B: Cole M Ward & Jasmin J Johnson BAddr: 174 Johsons Way SHARON VT 05065 S: Robin M Rondeau Bk/Page: 4496/925, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $212,121 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 148975sf Prior Sale: $139,000 (02/15)
55 BIRCH BEND DR U:5......................... $93,000 B: Julia Sheehan BAddr: 16 Marie Ave NASHUA NH 03063 S: Elizabeth A Terp Bk/Page: 4496/882, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $99,000 (05/09) 23 FALLS RD U:9.................................... $145,000 B: Robert M Vanasse Tr, Tr for Vanasse FT BAddr: 42 Cottage Ave MANCHESTER NH 03103 S: Mountain River Dev Assoc Bk/Page: 4496/789, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 6 PAPPYS TRL........................................ $219,000 B: Kimberly A Thibault BAddr: 18 Pleasant St #2 LINCOLN NH 03251 S: Nancy M Kennison Bk/Page: 4496/682, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $215,033 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 52272sf
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 LODGE RD U:B201............................. $70,000 B: Raman S Rana & Jatinder Kaur BAddr: 2205 Devenport Ave CANTON MA 02021 S: Brian P Marshall & Janice M Marshall Bk/Page: 4496/725, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $56,000 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.63% Type: Adj Rate Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $64,500 (05/06) 7 POTASH RD U:1................................... $213,000 B: Jonathan Dwyer & Sarah Ivey BAddr: 128 Magazine St Apt 1 CAMBRIDGE MA 02139 S: David M Izzo Jr Bk/Page: 4496/504, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $170,400 Term: 2040 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1307sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (02/07)
Lisbon ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES OREGON RD............................................ $21,000 B: Anthony P Guyotte BAddr: 1351 Winona Rd NEW HAMPTON NH 03256 S: Alicia M Ganzel & Louis B Smith Jr Bk/Page: 4496/959, Date: 01/27/20 1214 WALKER HILL RD.......................... $79,533 B: Daniel S Dobson BAddr: 653 Meadows Rd Apt 1 JEFFERSON NH 03583 S: Michael A Richards & Cindy M Richards Bk/Page: 4496/989, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: NHFA $78,059 Term: 2050 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 113256sf Prior Sale: $88,500 (08/12)
Waterville Valley 29 FOREST RIM WAY U:5....................... $168,000 B: David T Lawton & Joyce A Lawton BAddr: 131 Abbey Gate Rd COTUIT MA 02635 S: Robert J Dugas & Jodi M Dugas Bk/Page: 4496/502, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $165,000 (06/14)
Wentworth ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 NH ROUTE 25A.................................. $54,000 B: Scott R Plimpton & M E Galante-Plucenik BAddr: 65 Providence Rd BROOKLYN CT 06234 S: FNMA Bk/Page: 4497/82, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 42689sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (03/18) 68 POND BROOK RD.............................. $85,000 B: Michael P Westgate & Deborah A Westgate BAddr: 8 Kane St NEW BEDFORD MA 02740 S: Mark T Buccelli & Jeanne T Buccelli Bk/Page: 4497/230, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $80,665 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22651sf
Woodstock ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 CROSSING DR U:303......................... $190,000 B: David L Kneeland BAddr: 51 Main St GOFFSTOWN NH 03045 S: Michael J Kelley & Judith A Kelley Bk/Page: 4496/884, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: St Marys Bank $146,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Hillsborough County Edward Sapienza, Registrar 19 Temple St, Nashua, NH, 03061 603-882-6933
Amherst ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 9 NATHANIEL DR.................................... $375,000 B: Dominic Lopriore BAddr: 28 S Shore Rd SALEM NH 03079 S: Okan Ala & Ilke Tosun Bk/Page: 9256/1398, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $340,200 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 130680sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (07/17)
Bedford ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 CAMPBELL RD.................................. $485,000 B: Sarah A Bascle & Nicholas J Bascle BAddr: 1 Iris Ln LONDONDERRY NH 03053 S: Judith Pomper Tr, Tr for Pomper FT Bk/Page: 9255/1232, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $460,750 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 89298sf INDIAN ROCK RD.................................... $297,000 B: Aaron S Bernan & Suzanne Bernan BAddr: 23 Michael Ave NASHUA NH 03062 S: West Bedford County Farm Bk/Page: 9255/305, Date: 01/22/20 85 OLDE LANTERN RD........................... $800,000 B: Thomas R Smetana & Rachelle Smetana BAddr: 1857 Miramonte Way LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30045 S: Bel Air Homes Inc Bk/Page: 9255/2296, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $632,000 Term: 2050 Rate: +2.63% Type: Adj Rate 11 REVEREND HOUSTON DR.................. $460,533 B: Mary E Bligh Tr, Tr for Mary E Bligh RET BAddr: 10 Reverend Houston Dr BEDFORD NH 03110 S: Ronald W Cole Jr Tr, Tr for Cole FT Bk/Page: 9255/2116, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $368,400 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 95396sf Prior Sale: $435,000 (09/06) WHITE AVE............................................. $475,000 B: Silver Stream Properties BAddr: 142 Meetinghouse Rd BEDFORD NH 03110 S: Bellemore Buisness Park Bk/Page: 9255/173, Date: 01/22/20 Use: Industrial Devlpble Land, Lot: 226512sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (05/04)
Bennington ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 104 DURGIN RD...................................... $135,000 B: Cody P Martin & Shannon E Martin BAddr: 45 Twiss Ln HOLLIS NH 03049 S: Jeffrie A Durgin Bk/Page: 9255/1606, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $108,000 Term: 2050 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 103237sf
Brookline ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 AMES RD........................................... $344,000 B: Todd W Perkins & Elisha B Allan-Perkins BAddr: 148 Old Lyman Rd SOUTH HADLEY MA 01075 S: Keith Hutchinson & Julia Hutchinson Bk/Page: 9256/134, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $275,200 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 54363sf Prior Sale: $274,800 (09/12) 17 MILFORD ST...................................... $300,000 B: Anne M Castriotta BAddr: 2 Hollis Ln BROOKLINE NH 03033 S: Jonathan E Boyle & Diana L Boyle Bk/Page: 9256/321, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $240,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43560sf
Goffstown ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 181 NEW BOSTON RD............................ $256,000 B: Kristopher A Moore & Jessica P Hawes BAddr: 19 Charter St EXETER NH 03833 S: CJM Properties LLC Bk/Page: 9255/76, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $251,363 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $98,533 (08/19) 148 S MAST ST...................................... $359,933 B: Shawn E Collins & Mary E Collins BAddr: 562 Granite St MANCHESTER NH 03102 S: Barbara-Jo Cirnigliaro Bk/Page: 9255/2616, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $368,177 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 26334sf Prior Sale: $269,933 (02/16)
5 TIMBERWOOD DR U:101..................... $155,000 B: Lynne Dugan Tr, Tr for Lynne Dugan FT BAddr: 28 Golfview Dr MANCHESTER NH 03102 S: Patricia A Bourque Tr, Tr for Elizabeth M Bourque T Bk/Page: 9255/1689, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $116,250 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 6658sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (06/17)
Greenville ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 TEMPLE RD....................................... $120,000 B: David M Winslow BAddr: 66 Valhalla Dr MILFORD NH 03055 S: Charles W Buttrick Bk/Page: 9255/556, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $108,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2fam-5fam Residence, Lot: 3920sf
Hillsboro ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 34 ELLEN BROOK RD............................. $70,000 B: Nicholas Goodnow BAddr: 321 Clinton St CONCORD NH 03301 S: Randy R Fitzpatrick & Karen C Wehmann Bk/Page: 9255/2959, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $67,900 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 9365sf 42 ELLEN BROOK RD............................. $199,800 B: David A Rushford Sr & Kaylyn E Rushford BAddr: 25 B River St HILLSBOROUGH NH 03244 S: Bennett Properties LLC Bk/Page: 9256/2041, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $204,344 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 9365sf Prior Sale: $93,000 (12/19) 14 PINE GLEN RD................................... $128,900 B: Raymond Cowham BAddr: 631 Hayward St MANCHESTER NH 03103 S: Gerald E Dwight Jr Ad, Adm for Dwight Peter B Est Bk/Page: 9256/1108, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $122,455 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Chalet, Lot: 10498sf
Hollis ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 64 BUTTONWOOD DR............................. $240,000 B: BM Investments LLC BAddr: 63 Crosby St MILFORD NH 03055 S: Mark P Madsen Tr, Tr for Ralph P&B L Madsen IRT Bk/Page: 9256/2120, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Marmac Funding LLC $204,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87120sf 37 COBBETT LN U:37............................. $494,933 B: Suzanne R Leonard BAddr: 46 Derby Ln TYNGSBOROUGH MA 01879 S: Raisanen Homes Elite LLC Bk/Page: 9255/1564, Date: 01/23/20 Use: Possible New Construction NO STREET GIVEN.................................. $150,000 B: Tymeless Construction LLC BAddr: 124 Wheeler Rd HOLLIS NH 03049 S: Timothy W Sullivan & John Harrison Bk/Page: 9255/2184, Date: 01/24/20
Hudson ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 B ST................................................... $279,000 B: Juan Cruz-Santiago & Diana M Cruz BAddr: 18 B St HUDSON NH 03051 S: STG LLC Bk/Page: 9255/2778, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $269,235 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 8930sf Prior Sale: $182,000 (10/19) 22 BONNIE HEIGHTS DR U:22................ $206,000 B: Frank V Fichera 3rd BAddr: 50 Dutton Rd PELHAM NH 03076 S: Carolyn Irby Ex, Ex for Oteri Linda Marie Est Bk/Page: 9255/2565, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $175,100 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $190,000 (06/06) 9 CEDAR ST............................................ $312,533 B: Kevin B Gervais & Kelley A Gervais BAddr: 21 S Shore Dr PELHAM NH 03076 S: Granite Props Of New Eng Bk/Page: 9254/2347, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (11/19) 15 SUNSHINE DR U:B............................. $334,933 B: Kareem Eltobgi BAddr: 30 Digital Dr Apt 407 NASHUA NH 03060 S: Jennick Home Builders Inc Bk/Page: 9255/2982, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $318,155 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 22063sf 8 HARDY RD........................................... $174,000 B: Michael Guerrette & Sandra Ziehm BAddr: 44 Riverside Ave HUDSON NH 03051 S: Michael A Hardy Ex, Ex for Hardy Margery L Est Bk/Page: 9256/950, Date: 01/27/20
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Litchfield ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 FERNWOOD DR U:25......................... $295,000 B: William J Carroll BAddr: 240 Charles Bancroft Hwy Apt 4 LITCHFIELD NH 03052 S: Judith A Barthakur Bk/Page: 9255/1196, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $83,000 Term: 2035 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $234,300 (01/04)
Manchester ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 111 BLEVENS DR................................... $309,000 B: Devin B Bleakley BAddr: 21 Kenneally Dr CHICHESTER NH 03258 S: Rudolf M Musat & Sonia Musat Bk/Page: 9256/1230, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Navy FCU $316,107 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7605sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (12/08) BODWELL RD U:1-1 TO 24...................$14,395,000 B: Forest Woodedge Hldg LLC and Forest Woodedge Hldg II LLC BAddr: 625 Mount Auburn St Ste 210 CAMBRIDGE MA 02138 S: Laurels Pines Woodedge Bk/Page: 9256/161, Date: 01/24/20 CEDAR EDGE HOMES WOODLAND U:14. $403,200 B: Virginia-Wai C Seng BAddr: 3 Blackberry Way Unit 216 MANCHESTER NH 03102 S: Mid Rise Homes LLC Bk/Page: 9255/2193, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Condo 336 CIRCLE RD U:336............................ $203,933 B: Andrew Nicholson BAddr: 99 Clinton St #2 CONCORD NH 03301 S: David J Crear & Kelly L Rigg Bk/Page: 9255/1494, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $163,120 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $154,000 (10/16) 23 COTTER CT U:23................................ $200,000 B: Jeremy C Hart & Alison E Smith BAddr: 30 Hanover St #315 MANCHESTER NH 03101 S: Shannon Moran Bk/Page: 9254/2363, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $194,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $159,500 (12/06) 36 COTTER CT........................................ $255,133 B: Jonathan Richard & Lynn Dubois BAddr: 1107 Bodwell Rd #1 MANCHESTER NH 03109 S: 76 Medford Street LLC Bk/Page: 9256/2361, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $242,345 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4471sf Prior Sale: $156,000 (09/18) 59 COVINGTON ST.................................. $409,933 B: Daniel J Mendoza Tr, Tr for Mendoza FT BAddr: 1465 Hooksett Rd #470 HOOKSETT NH 03106 S: Gally LLC Bk/Page: 9255/187, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $199,000 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 25794sf CREEKSIDE DR....................................... $381,533 B: Richard F Mcmanus Jr Tr, Tr for Richard F Mcmanus Jr RET BAddr: 1 Hartshorn Way MANCHESTER NH 03109 S: K&M Developers LLC Bk/Page: 9255/550, Date: 01/23/20 131 DOUBLE BROOK RD........................ $437,200 B: Stephen M Law Tr, Tr for Law FT BAddr: 20 North Rd KINGSTON NH 03848 S: K&M Developers LLC Bk/Page: 9256/1545, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $349,700 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 194350sf 1687 ELM ST......................................... $1,210,000 B: Memers First CU Of NH BAddr: 44 Bridge St MANCHESTER NH 03105 S: Cronin Properties LLC Bk/Page: 9255/2578, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 17400sf Prior Sale: $237,000 (07/16) 1705 ELM ST......................................... $1,210,000 B: Memers First CU Of NH BAddr: 44 Bridge St MANCHESTER NH 03105 S: Cronin Properties LLC Bk/Page: 9255/2578, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 10400sf 1787 ELM ST......................................... $1,210,000 B: Memers First CU Of NH BAddr: 44 Bridge St MANCHESTER NH 03105 S: Cronin Properties LLC Bk/Page: 9255/2578, Date: 01/24/20 19 ERSKINE AVE.................................... $200,000 B: Michelle Loranger BAddr: 5 Fremont St NASHUA NH 03063 S: Pauline Thibeault Bk/Page: 9255/2799, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: St Marys Bank $196,377 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5275sf 428 FRONT ST........................................ $174,933 B: Wayne C Stanley BAddr: 97 Russell St MANCHESTER NH 03104 S: Rosi B Uzdavinis Bk/Page: 9256/28, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $171,731 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4838sf Prior Sale: $89,000 (04/10)
6 735 HEVEY ST........................................ $218,933 B: Yan C Ventura & Samantha H Nizer BAddr: 259 Notre Dame Ave Fl 1 MANCHESTER NH 03102 S: Christopher W Murray Bk/Page: 9255/1709, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $207,905 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $167,500 (07/14) 142 KARATZAS AVE U:142..................... $199,000 B: Marie Simard & Paul L Mullen BAddr: 47 Dexter St NASHUA NH 03030 S: Joseph F Ballou Bk/Page: 9255/846, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $189,050 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $161,000 (06/16) 82 LAUREL ST........................................ $208,000 B: James Comfort BAddr: 2927 Cambridge St PHILADELPHIA PA 19130 S: Christopher Trosin Bk/Page: 9255/1030, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $156,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3375sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (04/09) 42 MEDFORD ST.................................... $142,500 B: Kathryn M Beleski BAddr: 54 Medford St MANCHESTER NH 03109 S: James L Lefrancois Bk/Page: 9256/436, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Rathmore LLC $134,850 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7000sf 152 N ADAMS ST................................... $330,000 B: Amy Kershaw BAddr: 47 Greenfield St MANCHESTER NH 03104 S: Eric Jodoin & Amber Jodoin Bk/Page: 9255/2393, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Newton H Kershaw 2nd $250,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9750sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (04/14) 244 PATRICIA LN.................................... $289,000 B: Jerrilyn S Tancrell & Brian K Tancrell S: Joshua S Bouthot & Trisha A Bouthot Bk/Page: 9255/2827, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: St Marys Bank $260,100 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 11612sf Prior Sale: $266,900 (07/05) 1 PHEASANT LN..................................... $336,000 B: Patrick Escabi & Janna Escabi BAddr: 32 Stoneyview Way MANCHESTER NH 03102 S: Roger F Kirouac & Lori Kirouac Bk/Page: 9256/643, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $329,913 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27333sf 25 PHEASANT LN................................... $305,000 B: Nicole M Godschall & Daniel Melville BAddr: 20 Kessler Farm Dr NASHUA NH 03063 S: Pamela A Richard Ex, Ex for Richard Leonard G Est Bk/Page: 9256/1514, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $295,550 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 32599sf 35 SHERBURNE ST................................. $185,000 B: Romes Homes LLC BAddr: 355 Circle Rd MANCHESTER NH 03103 S: Kenneth G Goss Ex, Ex for Goss Brian W Est Bk/Page: 9255/2425, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Marmac Funding LLC $187,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14630sf SKYVIEW RD.......................................... $233,000 B: Patircia H Gjelde & Paul E Gjelde BAddr: PO Box 2007 POULSBO WA 98370 S: John A Burroughs Bk/Page: 9256/380, Date: 01/27/20 50 WEBSTER ST..................................... $250,000 B: 50 Webster LLC BAddr: 497 Hooksett Rd Ste 156 MANCHESTER NH 03104 S: Flora Poulos Tr, Tr for Flora Poulos RET Bk/Page: 9255/2944, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: John Palmieri $125,000 Term: 2021 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7500sf 253 WILSON ST...................................... $245,000 B: WM Property LLC BAddr: 253 Wilson St MANCHESTER NH 03103 S: EH Family Properties 1 Bk/Page: 9255/1535, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Triangle Credit Union $196,000 Rate: 5.00% Type: Adj Use: Restaurant/bar, Lot: 12186sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (03/05) 279 HARVARD ST................................... $190,000 B: Dinh Realty LLC BAddr: 290 Aladdin St MANCHESTER NH 03104 S: Willian J Ducasse Tr, Tr for Willian J Ducasse FT Bk/Page: 9255/2420, Date: 01/24/20
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 57 HAMBLET ST..................................... $236,542 B: FNMA BAddr: 55 Beattie Pl Ste 110 GREENVILLE SC 29601 S: Charles W Graham Jr & FNMA Bk/Page: 9256/2702, Date: 01/28/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4800sf 312 SEAMES DR..................................... $212,294 B: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA BAddr: 7255 Baymeadows Way JACKSONVILLE FL 32256 S: Robert P Gerhold & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Bk/Page: 9254/2807, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6440sf Prior Sale: $175,400 (03/13)
Merrimack ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 APPLETREE VILLAGE LN U:10.......... $225,000 B: Travis S Wanger BAddr: 9 Crestwood Cir AMHERST NH 03031 S: Linda J Kallefelz Ad, Adm for Brown Donna M Est Bk/Page: 9255/2726, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Service Credit Union $180,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $178,100 (06/02) 88 BABOOSIC LAKE RD.......................... $279,933 B: Kimberly J Seefeld BAddr: 16 Dashwood St REVERE MA 02151 S: Robert C Aviles Tr, Tr for Aviles FT 2015 Bk/Page: 9256/974, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $223,920 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 47916sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (03/11) 33 CRAIG DR.......................................... $479,933 B: Elizabeth B Scheib & Keith Scheib BAddr: 46 Whiteford Rd NASHUA NH 03062 S: Pennie M Kane Tr, Tr for Pennie M&S L Kane Sr RET Bk/Page: 9256/1623, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Bellwether Cmnty CU $230,000 Term: 2040 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43429sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (12/98) 23-A E RIDGE RD U:23A........................ $122,533 B: Joseph M Landry BAddr: 195 Mcgregor St Apt 140 MANCHESTER NH 03102 S: Peter L Zsofka Bk/Page: 9256/2158, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Churchill Mtg Invest $87,500 Term: 2035 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 14 FERNWOOD DR................................. $351,000 B: Desirae R Jutras & David M Talbot Jr BAddr: 56 Huntington St 1st Fl LOWELL MA 01852 S: Derek M Sanders & Melissa Sanders Bk/Page: 9256/2526, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $340,470 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17990sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (11/15) 21 HARWICH CT U:21............................. $122,000 B: Judith D VanVliet Tr, Tr for Judith D VanVliet RET BAddr: 76 Baboosic Lake Rd MERRIMACK NH 03054 S: Keith A Bentley Bk/Page: 9255/2582, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $63,000 (08/99) 53 LAWRENCE RD.................................. $355,000 B: Brendan M Donovan & Jacqueline L Donovan BAddr: 53 Lawrence Rd MERRIMACK NH 03054 S: James E Stiles & Cindy L Stiles Bk/Page: 9256/1447, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Bay Equity LLC $284,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 169013sf Prior Sale: $176,000 (06/98) 4 MERRIMACK DR U:4........................... $229,533 B: Zachary J Levesque & Elizabeth Orban BAddr: 1 Technology Dr #4033 NORTH CHELMSFORD MA 01862 S: Garden Song Properties Bk/Page: 9255/1471, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Santander Bank NA $183,600 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $150,000 (10/19) 4 OSPREY LN U:4................................... $480,000 B: Jacqueline Comeau & Stephen Comeau BAddr: 1310 Ocean Blvd RYE NH 03870 S: William J Quinlan & Kimberlee P Quinlan Bk/Page: 9255/2823, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 11935sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (06/14) 55 TOBY CIR........................................... $445,533 B: Charles G Sehwab Tr, Tr for Charles G&J M Schwab LT BAddr: 28 Hyacinth Dr NASHUA NH 03062 S: Bowers Lndg Merrimack 2 Bk/Page: 9256/1445, Date: 01/27/20 Use: Accessory Land Improved
Milford ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 FERN CT.............................................. $327,000 B: Leland Testa BAddr: 25 Sewall St MARBLEHEAD MA 01945 S: Semir Fazlic Bk/Page: 9255/2926, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $302,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $207,000 (09/19) 14 FORD ST............................................ $380,000 B: Brian J Friolet & Jane K Friolet BAddr: 80 Autumn Ln BRISTOL NH 03222 S: David Anzalone & Courtney A Moore Bk/Page: 9256/259, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $304,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 39204sf Prior Sale: $273,133 (07/16) 37 HERITAGE WAY.................................. $299,000 B: Osaruonamen L Ighodaro & Kathleen Ighodaro BAddr: 37 Heritage Way MILFORD NH 03044 S: JCB LLC Bk/Page: 9255/2708, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Home Point Finl Corp $283,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 20909sf Prior Sale: $186,400 (11/19)
439 N RIVER RD U:8............................... $230,000 B: Scott M Hammond BAddr: 3 Abby Ln Unit 3 MILFORD NH 03055 S: Edward Wood & Jaimie Jarvis Bk/Page: 9255/1099, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $218,500 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $203,000 (02/17) 486 NASHUA ST U:302........................... $92,533 B: Eric Fischer BAddr: 12 Georgetown Dr MILFORD NH 03055 S: Cahill Place LLC Bk/Page: 9256/2329, Date: 01/28/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 428 PONEMAH HILL RD......................... $69,000 B: Irealty Investments LLC BAddr: 47 Knollcrest Rd GOFFSTOWN NH 03045 S: HB2 Alternative Hldg LLC Bk/Page: 9256/2211, Date: 01/28/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 92347sf Prior Sale: $236,553 (11/19) 428 PONEMAH HILL RD......................... $103,000 B: Laura Lance Properties BAddr: 111 Laura Ln HAMPSTEAD NH 03841 S: Irealty Investments LLC Bk/Page: 9256/2304, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Westmount Financial $188,140 Term: 2021 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 92347sf Prior Sale: $236,553 (11/19)
Mont Vernon ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 TWIN OAKS DR.................................. $405,000 B: Jason M Reed & Kathlyn Gates BAddr: 6 Standish Way Unit 2 AMHERST NH 03031 S: Pamela J Bailey & Scott K Bailey Bk/Page: 9254/2672, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $364,500 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 53143sf Prior Sale: $309,000 (11/02) 16 TWIN OAKS DR.................................. $265,000 B: Leo D White & Amy D White BAddr: 21 Grand Hill Rd MONT VERNON NH 03057 S: David Sturm Tr, Tr for Sherri J Conyers RET Bk/Page: 9255/1382, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $274,540 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $204,000 (02/14)
Nashua ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 ANTRIM ST........................................ $325,000 B: Lauren M Demille & Nora L Demille BAddr: 57 Tyler St Apt 702 NASHUA NH 03063 S: William D Burney Bk/Page: 9256/234, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $297,618 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 19646sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (11/05) 6 AUTUMN LEAF DR U:6........................ $140,000 B: Pedro Silver BAddr: 6 Autumn Leaf Dr NASHUA NH 03060 S: April Ducheneau Bk/Page: 9256/1462, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $157,102 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 40 BARRINGTON AVE U:404.................. $259,933 B: Kaplesh C Bodalwala & Lisa K Bodalwala BAddr: 9 N Ridge Rd HUDSON NH 03051 S: Iqbal H Khan & Samina Iqbal Bk/Page: 9254/2396, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $236,900 (08/05) 2 BLACK OAK DR U:J............................. $194,000 B: Dana Gugliotti BAddr: 35 Bowl Rd LOWELL MA 01851 S: Adam Cox Bk/Page: 9256/1641, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $184,300 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $105,000 (04/14) 2 BRILEY PL U:2..................................... $310,000 B: Jerry Martinez & Alexander Castillo BAddr: 3 Kessler Farm Dr Unit 106 NASHUA NH 03063 S: Michael J Bernard Bk/Page: 9255/238, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $248,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $304,000 (06/06) 4 BRYANT RD......................................... $360,000 B: Mayank Aggarwal & Malvika Sharma BAddr: 4 Bryant Rd NASHUA NH 03060 S: Timothy O Dailey Bk/Page: 9255/1517, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $288,000 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9496sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (04/14) 55 BUCKMEADOW RD............................ $140,000 B: Plainridge LLC BAddr: 58 Crestwood Dr HOLLIS NH 03049 S: Mary L Laflamme & George Laflamme Bk/Page: 9256/573, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 60113sf 9 BURNS ST........................................... $234,933 B: Thea Miller & Ryan Melancon BAddr: 9 Burns St NASHUA NH 03060 S: Denise S Mcnulla, Tr for Hurd Patricia A Est Bk/Page: 9255/2354, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $227,853 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5140sf
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
86 CANNONGATE 3 U:86........................ $195,000 B: Erin Walford BAddr: 3 B Dolan St NASHUA NH 03060 S: Zhen Fu Bk/Page: 9256/1086, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $175,500 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,000 (07/15) 110 COLISEUM AVE U:207..................... $210,000 B: Diana L Moores BAddr: 1000 Fountainview Cir Unit 102 NEWARK DE 19713 S: James M Flynn Tr, Tr for Flynn FT Bk/Page: 9256/1508, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $181,300 (06/05) EASTMAN ST.......................................... $125,000 B: Dan Bergeron Bldg&Dev BAddr: 78 Hills Ferry Rd NASHUA NH 03064 S: Paul Gerstner Tr, Tr for Reynald R&J M StPierre T Bk/Page: 9254/2847, Date: 01/22/20 14 FIFIELD ST......................................... $270,000 B: Pino A Dampolo-Souza BAddr: 14 Field St HILLSBOROUGH NH 03060 S: Nocella Development LLC Bk/Page: 9256/99, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $265,109 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7013sf Prior Sale: $183,000 (06/19) 32 HOLLOW RIDGE DR U:32................... $400,000 B: Patricia M Sorensen & Ronald Sorensen BAddr: 11 Delaney Way SALEM NH 03079 S: Craig C Lawrence Bk/Page: 9256/1800, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Service Credit Union $50,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo HUNT ST................................................. $118,000 B: Gimak Properties LLC BAddr: 7 Jenny Hill Ln NASHUA NH 03062 S: John J Norton Jr Tr, Tr for JJN RT Bk/Page: 9255/2416, Date: 01/24/20 28 HYACINTH DR.................................... $410,933 B: Edward Diaz & Carrie Diaz BAddr: 38 Gleneagle Dr NASHUA NH 03063 S: Charles G Schwab Tr, Tr for Charles G&J M Schwab LT Bk/Page: 9255/2663, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $328,720 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16771sf 9 KARNOUSTIE WAY U:9........................ $272,000 B: Shuguang Zhao & Shuxia Liu BAddr: 138 Russet Ln BOXBOROUGH MA 01719 S: Joshua S Anderson & Alcionir A Ramos Bk/Page: 9255/2682, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: American Internet Mtg $217,600 Term: 2035 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,000 (06/09) 37 KING ST............................................. $249,000 B: Ryan R Shea & Mary A Shea BAddr: 15 Leighton St PEPPERELL MA 01463 S: Bonnie W Bowes Tr, Tr for First J A Skirkey FT Bk/Page: 9255/2881, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $244,489 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5401sf 8 KIPLING ST.......................................... $529,933 B: Christopher A Mauti & Alanah Busby BAddr: 11 Poitras Ave TYNGSBORO MA 01879 S: Gateway Homes LLC Bk/Page: 9255/526, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $476,910 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 22651sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (10/18) 100 LOCK ST.......................................... $75,000 B: Kevin M Delaney & Jenny L Fitzgerald BAddr: 3 Torrey Rd NASHUA NH 03063 S: Denis W Larochelle Bk/Page: 9255/1893, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Triangle Credit Union $56,250 Term: 2045 Rate: 4.38% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6011sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (11/17) 36 MASON ST......................................... $200,000 B: Othot Relaty Inc BAddr: 127 Page Hill Rd LANCASTER NH 03584 S: Cheryl A Masson Bk/Page: 9256/63, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Bar Harbor Bk & Tr $170,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 17511sf 7 MASSACHUSETTS DR......................... $354,000 B: Usha Natarajan BAddr: 10 Courtney Ln NASHUA NH 03062 S: Robert J Aiello & Diane M Aiello Bk/Page: 9255/1086, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Draper and Kramer Mtg $247,800 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16335sf 10 SMITHFIELD TER............................... $415,000 B: Morgan L Doyle & Britton A Doyle BAddr: 10 Smithfield Ter NASHUA NH 03064 S: Samsonite Properties LLC Bk/Page: 9254/2378, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Digital FCU $100,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8320sf Prior Sale: $368,000 (02/17) 31 VINE ST............................................. $230,000 B: Nanmaz LLC BAddr: 355 Main St Unit 12 NASHUA NH 03060 S: Margarita Amonte Bk/Page: 9256/920, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Bar Harbor Bk & Tr $170,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 5619sf Prior Sale: $112,500 (02/01)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
WALDEN WOODS CONDO U:412............ $360,933 B: Barbara J Foran Tr, Tr for Barbara J Foran RET BAddr: 12 Ledgewood Hills Dr #306 NASHUA NH 03062 S: Etschstone Properties Inc Bk/Page: 9256/1295, Date: 01/27/20 Use: Condo WALDEN WOODS CONDO U:414............ $360,933 B: James H Adams Tr, Tr for James H Adams LT BAddr: 16 Ledgewood Hills Dr #301 NASHUA NH 03062 S: Etschstone Properties Inc Bk/Page: 9256/1289, Date: 01/27/20 Use: Condo 46 WHITFORD RD................................... $375,000 B: Pere M Casanovas & Maria O Jordan BAddr: 14 Normandy Way NASHUA NH 03063 S: Elizabeth B Scheib Bk/Page: 9256/1676, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $300,000 Term: 2040 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30100sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (05/13) 32-A-C WILLOW ST................................ $279,933 B: Jesse Smith BAddr: 5 Elm St Apt 3 DERRY NH 03038 S: Ying L Chau Bk/Page: 9256/592, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $274,829 Term: 2050 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $107,400 (07/07) NO STREET GIVEN.................................. $70,000 B: Brookdale Fruit Farm Inc BAddr: 38 Broad St HOLLIS NH 03049 S: George Demarais Bk/Page: 9255/844, Date: 01/23/20
New Boston ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 MOLLY STARK LN................................ $219,000 B: Brian D Conley & Rachel J Lund BAddr: 612 Gaskill Ave JEANNETTE PA 15644 S: Kary N Jencks & Francois N Sagna Bk/Page: 9256/1604, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $215,033 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 27443sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (06/06) OLD COACH RD...................................... $70,000 B: David W Perry & Aleia M Ramsey BAddr: 942 N Spaulding Ave Unit 9 WEST HOLLYWOOD CA 94006 S: Ferus Terra LLC Bk/Page: 9255/553, Date: 01/23/20 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 340204sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (01/12)
Pelham ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 59 ASPEN DR......................................... $614,000 B: Sudheer Jinka & Jillesha Thawani BAddr: 31 Digital Dr #203 NASHUA NH 03062 S: Skyview Estates LLC Bk/Page: 9255/1117, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Bank of America NA $491,168 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.13% Type: Adj Rate Use: Open Space, Lot: 26572sf
Peterboro ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 144 HUNT RD......................................... $262,000 B: Lauren M Stacy BAddr: 144 Hunt Rd PETERBOROUGH NH 03458 S: Joseph Q Castelli Tr, Tr for Tanko Koi T Bk/Page: 9256/45, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Service Credit Union $230,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (12/18)
Weare ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 63 BRANCH RD...................................... $220,000 B: Nathan Sanel BAddr: 239 S Main St CONCORD NH 03301 S: Brynn M Bastian Bk/Page: 9255/343, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Merrimack Cnty SB NH $176,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 52708sf Prior Sale: $174,000 (11/09) 43 CHUCK ST S...................................... $364,200 B: Michele Lariviere & Thomas Lord BAddr: 3 Alpha St HUDSON NH 03051 S: Peacock Hill Road LLC Bk/Page: 9255/1627, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $327,635 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 1631758sf Prior Sale: $132,000 (06/19) 43 GUYS LN............................................ $230,000 B: William Wilkinson & Samantha Wilkinson BAddr: 3 Black Brook Rd GOFFSTOWN NH 03045 S: Eleaine D Lovell & Christopher J Lovell Bk/Page: 9256/776, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $225,834 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 107158sf MEADOW DR.......................................... $120,000 B: Benjamin D Nichols Tr, Tr for Bradley A&S T Nicols RET BAddr: 95 Upper Craney Hill Rd WEARE NH 03281 S: Robert J Covino Bk/Page: 9255/980, Date: 01/23/20 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 352836sf
Merrimack County Susan Cragin, Registrar 163 North Main St, Suite 103, Concord, NH, 03301 603-228-0101
Allenstown ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES DOWST RD............................................. $52,533 B: Jon Benson BAddr: 241 Chester Rd FREMONT NH 03044 S: Michael W Nash Tr, Tr for Michael W Nash RET Bk/Page: 3663/2793, Date: 01/28/20
Andover ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 828 FRANKLIN HWY............................... $164,933 B: Abrahm K Grover BAddr: 15 Charles Ln HILL NH 03243 S: Mary A Embree Bk/Page: 3663/1907, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $159,953 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 32670sf Prior Sale: $47,100 (03/13) 50 MAPLE ST......................................... $285,000 B: Brian Connolly Tr, Tr for Connolly RET BAddr: 48 College Rd STRATHAM NH 03885 S: Peter P Zak & Mary E Lloyd-Evans Bk/Page: 3663/2289, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $228,000 Term: 2035 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 100188sf
Boscawen ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 166 KING ST........................................... $278,200 B: 166 King Street LLC BAddr: 166 King St BOSCAWEN NH 03303 S: Beau Place LLC Bk/Page: 3663/998, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Provident Bank $280,000 Use: Commercial Building, Lot: 189922sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (03/09) WATER ST L:29-2................................... $219,000 B: Water St Villages LLC BAddr: 423 South Rd SALISBURY NH 03268 S: Kelly M Landry Tr, Tr for Kelly M Landry RET Bk/Page: 3663/2587, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Kelly M Landry RT $47,000
Bow ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 71-77 BROWN HILL RD.......................... $250,000 B: Hamilton Court LLC BAddr: 559 Pembroke St PEMBROKE NH 03275 S: Joan C Pushee & Steven A Chadwick Bk/Page: 3663/1325, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Merrimack Cnty SB NH $1,400,000 Use: Mixed Use-forest & Recreat, Lot: 2060824sf
Concord ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BRANCH ST L:4...................................... $180,000 B: 4 Lights Investment Props BAddr: 900 Elm St 19th Fl MANCHESTER NH 03101 S: Gilbert Chamberland & Gloria Chamberland Bk/Page: 3663/814, Date: 01/22/20 12 E SIDE DR U:314............................... $275,000 B: F8 Tri Partners Realty BAddr: PO Box 1206 LONDONDERRY NH 03053 S: Plato Properties Inc Bk/Page: 3663/698, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $64,500 (04/04) ELM ST................................................... $110,000 B: Jonathan D Mulcahy & Magan L Mulcahy BAddr: 60 Elm St PENACOOK NH 03303 S: Michael A Bourque Bk/Page: 3663/1486, Date: 01/23/20 29 LAUREL ST........................................ $207,000 B: Baystone Properties LLC BAddr: 162 Barton Center Rd HOPKINTON NH 03229 S: Brittany Rogers Ad, Adm for Rogers Malcolm G Jr Est Bk/Page: 3663/883, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Westmount Financial $286,545 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (08/07) 392 N STATE ST..................................... $209,933 B: Karen A Campbell & Wayne C Campbell BAddr: 418 Rollins Rd HOPKINTON NH 03229 S: Tatianna Vanhoy Bk/Page: 3663/2512, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $167,920 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/16) 530 N STATE ST..................................... $206,000 B: Mary A Fortier BAddr: 30 North Rd GILMANTON IRON WORKS NH 03837 S: Joanne Oneil Tr, Tr for Carol J Tait RET Bk/Page: 3663/1647, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $195,700 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16988sf
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
90 PORTSMOUTH ST.............................. $40,000 B: Jonathan P Young & Victoria J Young BAddr: 75 Main St CONCORD NH 03301 S: Ying Chen & Minh B Trinh Bk/Page: 3663/915, Date: 01/22/20 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 13504sf 237 SHEEP DAVIS RD............................ $1,385,000 B: York Machinery North Inc BAddr: 6 York Denny Rd Ste 200 WILMINGTON DE 19809 S: Chadwick Baross Inc Bk/Page: 3663/912, Date: 01/22/20 Use: Auto Other, Lot: 244372sf
Franklin ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES W BOW ST.............................................. $65,000 B: Warren B Cook Tr, Tr for Warren B Cook RET BAddr: 92 Water St LACONIA NH 03246 S: Leonard Dibartolomeo Bk/Page: 3663/2029, Date: 01/27/20
Henniker ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 127 OLD MILL POND RD........................ $319,000 B: Daniel M Beaudet & Denise C Beaudet BAddr: 423 Sterling Rd LEXINGTON SC 29072 S: Megan N Lawrence & Seth Lawrence Bk/Page: 3663/2228, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Envision Bank $313,222 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 68825sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (09/16)
Hooksett ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1465 HOOKSETT RD U:201.................... $229,933 B: Celeste G Frink & Matthew J Frink BAddr: 809 S Mammoth Rd MANCHESTER NH 03109 S: Sarah B Tautkus Bk/Page: 3663/1734, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $154,900 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $134,900 (07/00) 1465 HOOKSETT RD U:470.................... $282,533 B: Carlene L Desruisseaux Tr, Tr for Desruisseaux FT 2019 BAddr: 108 Spruce Ln AUBURN NH 03032 S: Daniel J Mendoza Tr, Tr for Mendoza FT Bk/Page: 3663/1703, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (07/17) 151 MERRIMACK ST.............................. $392,533 B: Shane A Lipke & Lori K Trickel BAddr: 74 Overledge Dr Ext DERRY NH 03038 S: Marla Hattendorf Bk/Page: 3663/2596, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $225,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 171191sf Prior Sale: $363,000 (08/17)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS SUMMERFARE ST................................... $900,000 B: GC Fund 1 Special Asset BAddr: 1515 Hancock St Ste 404 QUINCY MA 02169 S: Autumn Frost Realty Assoc & Grand Coast Capitl Fund 1 Bk/Page: 3663/1777, Date: 01/24/20 482 W RIVER RD.................................... $52,500 B: MDR Rehab&Development LLC BAddr: 22 Helen Ct GOFFSTOWN NH 03045 S: Christine E Saindon & JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Bk/Page: 3663/1277, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/cottage, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $129,900 (11/08)
Hopkinton ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 89 WHITE TAIL RUN............................... $400,000 B: Adriel Pratts & Shannon G Pratts BAddr: 23 Cotter Ct MANCHESTER NH 03103 S: Douglas R Devers Bk/Page: 3663/1302, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $372,000 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 68389sf Prior Sale: $349,933 (04/15)
Loudon ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES HILLTOP DRIVE L:9&10.......................... $32,000 B: Jeffrey A Thoroughgood BAddr: 95 Clough Pond Rd LOUDON NH 03307 S: S Julia Emerson Bk/Page: 3663/2715, Date: 01/28/20
New London ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 276 NEWPORT RD U:104........................ $350,000 B: PE Enterprises LLC BAddr: 276 Newport Rd Ste 104 NEW LONDON NH 03257 S: Brian W Campion Ex, Ex for Campion Constance F Est Bk/Page: 3663/959, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $280,000 Use: Office Condo Unit 276 NEWPORT RD U:105........................ $350,000 B: PE Enterprises LLC BAddr: 276 Newport Rd Ste 104 NEW LONDON NH 03257 S: Brian W Campion Ex, Ex for Campion Constance F Est Bk/Page: 3663/959, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $280,000 Use: Office Condo Unit
276 NEWPORT RD U:106........................ $350,000 B: PE Enterprises LLC BAddr: 276 Newport Rd Ste 104 NEW LONDON NH 03257 S: Brian W Campion Ex, Ex for Campion Constance F Est Bk/Page: 3663/959, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $280,000 Use: Office Condo Unit 158 SUMMIT VIEW RD........................... $415,000 B: Bruce P Allen & Patricia L Shaw-Allen BAddr: 191 Four Corners Rd SPRINGFIELD NH 03284 S: Hardy A Hasenfuss Tr, Tr for Sunflower LT Bk/Page: 3663/2118, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $332,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 970517sf
Newbury ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 42 FOWLER MILL RD............................. $200,000 B: Jennifer R Tockman & Neil D Tockman BAddr: PO Box 22 ELKINS NH 03233 S: Dannelle L Moeckel & Brian M Hurley Bk/Page: 3663/1464, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 20909sf 51 HEARTHSTONE RD............................ $552,000 B: National Res Nominee Svcs BAddr: 10125 Crosstown Cir Ste 380 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 S: Michael J Shaw & Sarah F Shaw Bk/Page: 3663/1820, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 246550sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (06/18) 51 HEARTHSTONE RD............................ $552,000 B: Matthew J Zanderigo BAddr: 810 Dexter Ave N Apt 904 SEATTLE WA 98109 S: National Res Nominee Svcs Bk/Page: 3663/1824, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $441,600 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 246550sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (06/18) 21 LAKEWOOD MANOR RD................... $1,400,000 B: Joseph Yost BAddr: 430 Waterman St KENNESAW GA 30144 S: Michelle Gibbs & Marc-Andre Giguere Bk/Page: 3663/1801, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $750,000 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.00% Type: Adj Rate Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $780,000 (05/12) 58 SUTTON RD....................................... $120,000 B: Joseph Plunkett & Lillian M Plunkett BAddr: 3618 Halibut Point Rd SITKA AK 99835 S: Linda Plunkett Ex, Ex for Plunkett C J Est Bk/Page: 3663/1666, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $95,000 Term: 2035 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 95396sf
Northfield ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 157 OAK HILL RD................................... $282,533 B: Shafiq Chaudhry & Arifa Shafiq BAddr: PO Box 554 FRANKLIN NH 03235 S: Just Another LLC Bk/Page: 3663/1045, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $268,328 Term: 2050 Use: 5 Bdrm Salt Box, Lot: 88035sf Prior Sale: $146,000 (08/19) 18 SHADY LN.......................................... $59,000 B: Ralph Carey BAddr: 55 Chandler St NASHUA NH 03060 S: Melberg Joan C Est & Candace Dupuis Gdn Bk/Page: 3663/2114, Date: 01/27/20 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 1125155sf 19 SHADY LN.......................................... $25,000 B: Ralph Carey BAddr: 55 Chandler St NASHUA NH 03060 S: Melberg Joan C Est & Candace Dupuis Gdn Bk/Page: 3663/2116, Date: 01/27/20 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 65340sf
Pembroke ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES CLOUGH MILL RD................................... $300,000 B: 123 Realty LLC BAddr: 18 Branch Ln PRIDES CROSSING MA 01965 S: Richard Kruger Bk/Page: 3663/1088, Date: 01/22/20 325 PEMBROKE HILL RD....................... $161,000 B: STG Properties LLC BAddr: 315 Lavallee Ln MANCHESTER NH 03104 S: Bruce H Currier & Philip R Currier Bk/Page: 3663/1646, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 30056sf 1 SHEEP DAVIS RD................................. $205,000 B: Kaylee Boisvert & Stephen Boisvert BAddr: 15 D St MANCHESTER NH 03102 S: Kimberly Carter Bk/Page: 3663/1098, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Merrimack Cnty SB NH $194,750 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (11/12) 148-158 SHEEP DAVIS RD..................... $370,000 B: Susan W Chrabolowski Tr, Tr for S Whitmore Chrablowsi RET BAddr: 2 Blevens Dr CONCORD NH 03301 S: Riverwood Cmrcl Props Bk/Page: 3663/890, Date: 01/22/20 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 269201sf NO STREET GIVEN.................................. $200,000 B: Ayn B Whytemare-Donovan BAddr: 439 Pembroke St PEMBROKE NH 03275 S: Riverwood Cmrcl Props Bk/Page: 3663/892, Date: 01/22/20
371 S PITTSFIELD RD............................ $220,000 B: Kyle E Johnson BAddr: 83 Hackett Hill Rd HOOKSETT NH 03106 S: Just Another LLC Bk/Page: 3663/894, Date: 01/22/20 567 TILTON HILL RD............................... $245,000 B: Daniel L Gilon & Emily R Gilon BAddr: 615 Alton Woods Dr CONCORD NH 03301 S: AKB Construction LLC Bk/Page: 3663/1859, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $220,500 Term: 2050 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 187308sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (07/17)
8 3 PONDS DR U:8................................. $391,600 B: Mario Winter & Pamela Winter BAddr: 7 Corporal Patten Way SALISBURY MA 01952 S: 3 Ponds LLC Bk/Page: 6077/2482, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Possible New Construction 12 3 PONDS DR U:12............................. $423,733 B: Louise Garver Tr, Tr for Louise Garver T BAddr: 2686 Cedarbrook Way BEAVERCREEK OH 45431 S: 3 Ponds LLC Bk/Page: 6077/2505, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Possible New Construction 47 MIDDLE RD....................................... $375,000 B: Joseph Tammik & Theresa Tammik BAddr: 307 Little Bay Rd NEWINGTON NH 03801 S: Hazen W Wilson & Margaret B Wilson Bk/Page: 6078/479, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $363,750 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 31799sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (08/05) 4 VEAZY CIR........................................... $430,000 B: Shankar R Narayan-Swamy & Shalini Mishra BAddr: 70 Webb Pl DOVER NH 03820 S: Aaron Nichols Bk/Page: 6077/517, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $387,000 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.50% Type: Adj Rate Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52708sf Prior Sale: $363,200 (02/14)
Sutton ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 157 CHALK POND RD............................. $189,000 B: Michael J Mcelman BAddr: 157 Chalk Pond Rd BRADFORD NH 03221 S: Maria C Blanck Tr, Tr for Robert M Blanck RET Bk/Page: 3663/2658, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $190,909 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 409464sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (08/17)
Wilmot ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 54 CASCADE RD..................................... $320,000 B: Julia M Scavotto & Sean M Scavotto BAddr: 112 Hillcrest Dr ELKINS NH 03233 S: Joseph W Jablonski Tr, Tr for Tron Brothers RET Bk/Page: 3663/1941, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $304,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Salt Box, Lot: 162043sf 573 NH ROUTE 11.................................. $245,000 B: Charles Palmer BAddr: 133 Newport Rd #7 NEW LONDON NH 03257 S: Kevin S Mcdermott Bk/Page: 3663/2379, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $229,908 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Chalet, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $22,500 (08/14)
Rockingham County Cathy Ann Stacey, Registrar 10 Route 125, Brentwood, NH, 03833 603-642-5526
Atkinson ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 BRITTANY LN...................................... $800,000 B: Andrew W Wallace & Carla M Wallace BAddr: 620 Creamery Rd WILLISTON VT 05495 S: John P Lally & Kellie J Lally Bk/Page: 6078/968, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 130680sf Prior Sale: $738,733 (09/16) 11 INDUSTRIAL WAY............................. $1,000,000 B: MRMT LLC BAddr: 231 Candia Rd CHESTER NH 03036 S: NEM Realty LLC Bk/Page: 6077/2183, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Haverhill Bk $610,000 Term: 2045 Use: Industrial Use, Lot: 80150sf 2 MEETING ROCK DR............................. $593,000 B: Justin R Scatamacchia & Cara E Scatamacchia BAddr: 2 Meeting Rock Dr ATKINSON NH 03811 S: Aristidis Scrivanos & Marina Scrivanos Bk/Page: 6078/1985, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Align CU $474,400 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 97008sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (06/12) 16 SLEEPY HOLLOW RD......................... $369,533 B: Calvin Carroll & Rachel Sterner BAddr: 16 Sleepy Hollow Rd ATKINSON NH 03811 S: Cara Scatamacchia & Justin R Scatamacchia Bk/Page: 6078/1731, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $295,600 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22651sf Prior Sale: $254,900 (02/13)
Auburn ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES SILVER HILL RD...................................... $50,000 B: David J Gugger BAddr: 20 Silver Hill Rd AUBURN NH 03032 S: Christopher G Kean Bk/Page: 6077/2994, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 130680sf
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Candia ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 167 DEERFIELD RD................................ $145,000 B: Help Inc BAddr: 27 Aunt Mary Rd CANDIA NH 03034 S: Michael J Stariknok Bk/Page: 6078/406, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (04/06)
Chester ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 194 HARANTIS LAKE RD........................ $510,000 B: David L Murphy Jr & Joan C Murphy BAddr: 200 Woodview Way #2127 ANDOVER MA 01810 S: Paul T Carleton & Ruth-Anne Q Carleton Bk/Page: 6077/1579, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $382,500 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 121532sf
Danville ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 136 BEACH PLAIN RD............................ $388,000 B: Joseph E Hester & Billie D Hester BAddr: 136 Beach Plain Rd DANVILLE NH 03819 S: Roger S Young Bk/Page: 6078/1389, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: USAA Federal SB $388,000 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 94525sf 37 BRENDANS WAY............................... $590,000 B: William J Main & Maria Cugno BAddr: 26 Studley St HAVERHILL MA 01832 S: CMS Sullivan Inc Bk/Page: 6078/2457, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $531,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 912582sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (05/17) 110 CALEB DR........................................ $389,933 B: Nicholas J Morgida & Melissa M Morgida BAddr: 110 Caleb Dr DANVILLE NH 03819 S: Lewis Builders Dev Inc Bk/Page: 6078/791, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $365,838 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 126760sf 24 CARAMEL DR.................................... $325,000 B: Ciara R Angelone & Christopher M Matthews BAddr: 21 Folly Mill Ter 2b SEABROOK NH 03874 S: Gerald F Carbone 2nd Ex, Ex for Carbone Gerald F Est Bk/Page: 6077/2810, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Merrimac Valley FCU $292,500 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 87991sf Prior Sale: $141,500 (07/96) 108 LONG POND RD............................... $330,000 B: Cheryl Turner & William Turner BAddr: 41 Elliott St Apt 1 BEVERLY MA 01915 S: Christopher G Appleton & Laurel A Appleton Bk/Page: 6077/898, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $330,000 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 118483sf Prior Sale: $283,500 (09/03)
Deerfield ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 ECHO VALLEY RD................................ $249,933 B: Linda Gorton BAddr: 138 Exeter Rd #10 EPPING NH 03042 S: Shea R Ahern Bk/Page: 6078/2192, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $125,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 287757sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (02/13)
8 111 MIDDLE RD..................................... $417,333 B: Marrissa Macleod & Brandon Macleod BAddr: 23 A Old Candia Rd DEERFIELD NH 03037 S: RJM Holdings LLC Bk/Page: 6078/435, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Leaderone Financial $334,300 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 131551sf
Derry ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 BILL ST................................................ $300,000 B: Thomas J Glidden & Heather Glidden BAddr: 6 Carkin Rd CHESTER NH 03036 S: Diane M Miller Bk/Page: 6077/440, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $294,566 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 40946sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (05/14) 11 BLUEBERRY RD U:R.......................... $255,000 B: Jacob P Cleveland BAddr: 2 Fairway Dr #222 DERRY NH 03038 S: Jamie A Yarwood Bk/Page: 6077/2489, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $247,350 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 15682sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (11/16) 13 EASTMAN DR.................................... $387,000 B: Shannon K Roche & Joseph M Steen 2nd BAddr: 13 Eastman Dr DERRY NH 03038 S: Maureen A Howley Bk/Page: 6077/2012, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $309,600 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 54450sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (06/19) 46 LAWRENCE RD.................................. $230,000 B: RL Bellia Holdings LLC BAddr: 26 Ermer Rd SALEM NH 03079 S: George R Clements Jr Ex, Ex for Clements George R Est Bk/Page: 6077/2340, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 68825sf 3 NUTFIELD CT U:8................................ $249,900 B: Tina M Denis & Robert E Manley BAddr: 3 Nutfield Ct Unit #8 DERRY NH 03038 S: Healyford Realty LLC Bk/Page: 6077/2871, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $237,405 Term: 2050 Use: Condo OAKWOOD CONDO U:4........................... $441,533 B: Stephen Withers & Susan Withers BAddr: 19 Gulf Rd DERRY NH 03038 S: Lifestyle Homes Of Derry Bk/Page: 6077/1192, Date: 01/23/20 Use: Condo OLESEN RD............................................. $305,000 B: J Barry Mulhern & Elizabeth M Mulhern BAddr: 31 Pleasant Dr LONDONDERRY NH 03053 S: Joseph Cierri & Kendra Cierri Bk/Page: 6077/920, Date: 01/22/20 74 OVERLEDGE DRIVE EXT U:74............ $322,000 B: Levi Flood & Alicia Flood BAddr: 49 Linwood Ave WHITINSVILLE MA 01588 S: Lori K Trickel Bk/Page: 6078/1999, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $333,592 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 21780sf 12 PAUL AVE.......................................... $324,000 B: Paul D Ledoux BAddr: 16 Benton St LEBANON NH 03766 S: Cynthia A Martin Bk/Page: 6078/2334, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $275,400 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $114,000 (08/98) 4 PROSPERITY DR.................................. $329,000 B: C A Pollard-Mahoney & Michael C Mahoney BAddr: 4 Prosperity Dr DERRY NH 03038 S: William C Madden & Rebecca A Madden Bk/Page: 6077/1765, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $323,040 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52708sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (11/18) 16 SUNNYSIDE LN U:R........................... $194,000 B: Nicole K Chambers BAddr: 5 Joshua Cir DERRY NH 03038 S: Terry L Melim Bk/Page: 6078/1849, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $184,300 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $82,000 (12/99)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 1 SILVESTRI CIR U:15............................ $92,000 B: Kyle Segal BAddr: 270 Nashua Rd LONDONDERRY NH 03053 S: Paul Libby & US Bank NA Bk/Page: 6077/1740, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $112,000 (03/05)
Epping ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 138 EXETER RD U:10............................. $229,333 B: Dylan Dinwiddie BAddr: 73 Locust St SOUTH HAMPTON NH 03827 S: Linda Gorton Bk/Page: 6078/2061, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: eMortgage Management $199,250 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $221,000 (06/18)
R E G I S T RY R E V I E W 19 WINDBROOK DR................................ $325,000 B: Krista D Rosato & Constantine M Birmbas BAddr: 19 Windbrook Dr EPPING NH 03042 S: Joseph T Farnham & Jennifer L Farnham Bk/Page: 6077/2826, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $276,250 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 80586sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (12/09) 9 ANTHONY LN....................................... $364,933 B: Andrea Hantz BAddr: 1855 Nh Rte 119 RINDGE NH 03461 S: Pamela L Lewis & Matthew A Lewis Bk/Page: 6078/2848, Date: 01/28/20
Exeter ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 ASPEN WAY......................................... $365,000 B: Margaet H Reilly & Alexander C Forestieri BAddr: 190 Cedar St SOMERVILLE MA 02145 S: David A Smart & Rosemary A Smart Bk/Page: 6078/408, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $280,000 Term: 2050 156 FRONT ST U:306.............................. $200,133 B: Jacqueline R Drapeau & Terri A Drapeau BAddr: 156 Front St Unit 420 EXETER NH 03833 S: Norman R Farland & Simonne S Farland Bk/Page: 6077/2725, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $157,000 (12/16) 6 STERLING HILL LN U:618.................... $383,000 B: Douglas Sullivan BAddr: 6 Boudler Dr BELMONT NH 03220 S: Joseph M Mercurio Tr, Tr for Mercurio FT 2004 Bk/Page: 6077/2174, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo
Fremont ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 235 MAIN ST.......................................... $255,000 B: Tyler Secorsky BAddr: 111 Harriman Hill Rd RAYMOND NH 03077 S: Stephen A Tenney Tr, Tr for Stephen A Tenney RET Bk/Page: 6079/365, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $260,865 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $222,933 (08/18)
Greenland ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 914 PORTSMOUTH AVE U:914............... $480,000 B: James D Moats Jr & Ela O Moats BAddr: 914 Portsmouth Ave GREENLAND NH 03840 S: Mei S Chen Bk/Page: 6078/2020, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Service Credit Union $491,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 60000sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (06/13)
Hampton ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 G ST U:52.......................................... $195,000 B: John F Shea & Michael Bakhtiari BAddr: 14 Curtis St MEDFORD MA 02155 S: Tomy Korytowsky Bk/Page: 6077/1001, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: St Marys Bank $156,000 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.75% Type: Adj Rate Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (02/15) 339 OCEAN BLVD U:203......................... $655,000 B: Scott F Richards & Deborah R Richards BAddr: 335 Chester Tpke AUBURN NH 03032 S: Stephen M Copley & Roanne B Copley Bk/Page: 6079/330, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Peoples United Bank $524,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $469,900 (01/15) 435 OCEAN BLVD................................... $555,000 B: Riviera Condominiums LLC BAddr: 6 Manchester St NASHUA NH 03064 S: Michael Napier Bk/Page: 6077/1931, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (04/19) 10 STOWECROFT DR.............................. $581,000 B: David Anzalone & Courtney A Moore BAddr: 14 Ford St MILFORD NH 03055 S: John G Nash & Jana Nash Bk/Page: 6077/1495, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $551,950 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (09/98) 5 TRAFFORD RD..................................... $377,000 B: Stephen F Howe & Maura L Rimbach-Howe BAddr: 731 Washington Rd RYE NH 03870 S: Carla J Warren Bk/Page: 6079/32, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Bangor Savings Bank $301,600 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $287,500 (06/04)
Kingston ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 68 ROUTE 125 U:1.................................. $179,933 B: CED Realty LLC BAddr: 4 Currier St SOUTH HAMPTON NH 03827 S: Micheal A Garceau Tr, Tr for Goldcoast RT Bk/Page: 6077/2516, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: North Shore Bank $143,000 Use: Non-residential Condo
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 13 MARSHALL RD.................................. $208,629 B: FNMA BAddr: 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd COPPELL TX 75019 S: Diane M Bean & FNMA Bk/Page: 6077/1153, Date: 01/23/20 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 26136sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (07/04)
Londonderry ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 49 HARVEY RD...................................... $1,400,000 B: Lexor Realty LLC BAddr: 17 Reed Rd CHESTER NH 03036 S: Charles Zoulias Bk/Page: 6079/142, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Pentucket Bank $1,100,000 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 91476sf 96 WINTERWOOD DR U:96..................... $260,000 B: Kara Therrien BAddr: 19 Houstons Way HAMPSTEAD NH 03841 S: Robin L Slocomb Bk/Page: 6077/2243, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $247,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $15,866 (05/15) 1 IRIS LN................................................ $508,000 B: Thomas Stonitsch BAddr: 4 Mountain Ash Ln #174 GOFFSTOWN NH 03045 S: Nicholas J Bascle & Sarah A Bascle Bk/Page: 6077/823, Date: 01/22/20
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 23 RED DEER RD.................................... $265,500 B: Dream Homes Corp BAddr: 2 A Crown St NASHUA NH 03060 S: Kenneth S Sharkey & FNMA Bk/Page: 6078/2795, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: David Wheeler $300,000 Term: 2021 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44431sf Prior Sale: $232,000 (11/01)
New Castle ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 27 RIVERVIEW RD.................................. $750,000 B: Darryl Mojdehi & Lisa Levasseur BAddr: 33 Riverview Rd NEW CASTLE NH 03854 S: Kathleen K Kulisek & Carolyn K Scott Bk/Page: 6079/311, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $562,500 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12197sf
Newington ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES FOX POINT RD........................................ $382,600 B: Kimball A Osmars & Loredana C Osmars BAddr: 14 Wiggin Way STRATHAM NH 03885 S: Sharon A Alley Bk/Page: 6078/251, Date: 01/24/20
Newmarket ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 241 ASH SWAMP RD.............................. $360,000 B: Erik A Ek & Kirin A Ek BAddr: 225 Northern Ave BOSTON MA 02210 S: Robert W Fraser Bk/Page: 6077/2630, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $342,000 Term: 2050 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 14810sf 125 MAIN ST U:50.................................. $345,000 B: Jose A Ramos Tr, Tr for Jose A&Maria F Ramos RET BAddr: 115 Bayside Rd GREENLAND NH 03840 S: Maysoon Dowling Tr, Tr for Michael Dowling 1999 RET Bk/Page: 6078/1801, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo PACKERS FALLS RD............................... $25,000 B: Christopher R Schuyler & Jennifer M Schuyler BAddr: 20 Packers Falls Rd NEWMARKET NH 03857 S: Michael E Anderson & Kristin Blue Bk/Page: 6077/1730, Date: 01/23/20 1304 PISCASSIC ST U:1304................... $220,533 B: Samantha Law BAddr: 1304 Piscassic St NEWMARKET NH 03857 S: Rachel C Sterner Bk/Page: 6078/1108, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $162,750 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $166,600 (07/17)
North Hampton ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 95 LOVERING RD.................................... $440,000 B: Robert Cousins & Ellen Cousins BAddr: 107 Mannakee St ROCKVILLE MD 20850 S: MFT Development Co LLC Bk/Page: 6077/2928, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: First Home Mtg $374,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 87120sf
Plaistow ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES OLD COUNTY RD.................................... $495,000 B: Michael R Leavitt BAddr: 3 Sycamore Ct ATKINSON NH 03811 S: D&H Construction Of Plais Bk/Page: 6078/233, Date: 01/24/20
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
Portsmouth ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 155 ECHO AVE U:5................................. $310,000 B: Emily M Thomas BAddr: 9 Winterberry Ln N HAMPTON NH 03862 S: Catherine A Nevin Bk/Page: 6078/1217, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: TD Bank NA $248,000 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.75% Type: Adj Rate Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $147,000 (11/00) 100 F W HARTFORD DR......................... $662,000 B: Jaosn Richards & Emily Gleason BAddr: 115 Spinnaker Way PORTSMOUTH NH 03801 S: David C Johnson & Joyce R Johnson Bk/Page: 6077/1333, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $587,512 Term: 2050 Use: 7 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 29302sf Prior Sale: $462,000 (10/14) HIGHLAND ST......................................... $800,000 B: William N Sturtevant & Carol Sturtevant BAddr: 7 Ambler Way DURHAM NH 03824 S: Anne Kendall-Montouri Bk/Page: 6078/2846, Date: 01/28/20 149 ODIORNE POINT RD........................ $714,000 B: Brian Reagan & Sarah Reagan BAddr: 40 Tumble Rd BEDFORD NH 03110 S: Bank New York Mellon Tr Bk/Page: 6078/2789, Date: 01/28/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44431sf Prior Sale: $1,192,216 (06/19) 557 SAGAMORE AVE U:14..................... $159,400 B: Sagamore Court LP BAddr: 559 Sagamore Ave #3 PORTSMOUTH NH 03801 S: Cynthia L Maple Tr, Tr for First Portsmouth Sagam RT Bk/Page: 6077/876, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 203 SPRINGBROOK CIR U:203............... $248,000 B: Sabine Deshazo BAddr: 208 Highland St PORTSMOUTH NH 03801 S: William J Rawding Bk/Page: 6077/2950, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $181,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $183,500 (07/07) 612 SPRINGBROOK CIR U:612............... $245,000 B: Suzanne E Danforth BAddr: 1745 Islington St PORTSMOUTH NH 03801 S: Shanmugam Patel & Soundara R Subramanian Bk/Page: 6077/2839, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $171,500 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $179,533 (08/15) 222 WIBIRD ST....................................... $750,000 B: Ahmad Hussein & Whitney Hussein BAddr: 220 -222 Wibird St PORTSMOUTH NH 03801 S: Harold O Posselt & Edith P Posslt Bk/Page: 6078/325, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Mortgage Networks Inc $700,803 Term: 2050 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 9695sf 155 WOODLAWN CIR............................. $429,000 B: Kara J Bleakney BAddr: 86 Osprey Dr PORTSMOUTH NH 03801 S: Paul E Bellows & Jill A Bellows Bk/Page: 6078/499, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Newrez LLC $300,300 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10110sf
Raymond ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 BLACKSTONE DR U:50........................ $374,933 B: Steven Allain BAddr: 246 Daniel Webster Hwy MERRIMACK NH 03054 S: Blackstone Reserve Dev Bk/Page: 6078/322, Date: 01/24/20 Use: Condo 16 KENDALL LN...................................... $411,533 B: Jeremy E Vandersyde & Marie L Vandersyde BAddr: 2 Kolbe Dr WATERBORO ME 04087 S: River Valley Development Bk/Page: 6077/1064, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $280,000 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 51836sf
Salem ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 DELANEY WAY.................................. $394,000 B: Emily E Foster & Connor J Lyons BAddr: 11 Delaney Way SALEM NH 03079 S: Ronald Sorensen Tr, Tr for Ronald Sorense RET Bk/Page: 6078/1750, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Salem Cooperative Bk $362,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 28314sf 32 DENNISON AVE................................. $401,000 B: Patrick Obrien BAddr: 103 Balsam Pl Apt 106 TEWKSBURY MA 01876 S: Richard P Eichhorn Tr, Tr for Eichhorm FT Bk/Page: 6078/752, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $388,970 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 7405sf GRANITE WOODS CONDO U:7................ $536,733 B: Anthony Chardo & Toni Chardo BAddr: 11 Butternut Rd SALEM NH 03079 S: DHB Homes LLC Bk/Page: 6077/1292, Date: 01/23/20 Use: Condo 21 LAKE ST............................................ $400,000 B: Caroline Thomas BAddr: 12358 S 1565 East Draper DRAPER UT 84020 S: Mary E Desantis Bk/Page: 6078/735, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $150,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 217800sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (12/05)
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
12 MANOR PKWY.................................. $4,300,000 B: CP BA 12 Manor Pkwy LLC BAddr: 300 Third Ave Ste 2 WALTHAM MA 02451 S: Kenneth W Gudek Tr, Tr for Park Place RT Bk/Page: 6078/1, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $3,045,000 Use: Industrial Office Building, Lot: 127631sf Prior Sale: $8,150,000 (09/05) 3 TIMBER WOODS DR............................ $637,000 B: Laurent F Thibodeau Tr, Tr for Thibodeau 2016 T BAddr: 8 Captains Rd SALEM NH 03079 S: KLN Construction Co Inc Bk/Page: 6079/400, Date: 01/28/20
Sandown ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 HEMLOCK CIR................................... $435,000 B: David W Matthews 3rd & Jessica M Mathews BAddr: 7 Bridle Path Unit 106 LONDONDERRY NH 03053 S: Mark C Beaulieu & Amy Beaulieu Bk/Page: 6078/815, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $348,000 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 89298sf Prior Sale: $272,000 (08/02)
Seabrook ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 ELEPHANT ROCK RD U:7.................... $334,000 B: Michael D Carreiro BAddr: 176 Drakeside Rd Unit 200 HAMPTON NH 03842 S: Contance M Dillion Bk/Page: 6078/1067, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $300,600 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 15106sf Prior Sale: $219,900 (02/02) 73 FOGGS LN U:A................................... $339,999 B: Michael S Orgettas BAddr: 62 Cavendish Cir SALEM MA 01970 S: Salt LLC Bk/Page: 6078/1461, Date: 01/27/20 Use: Condo 77 FOGGS LN U:B................................... $381,733 B: Constance M Dillon BAddr: 7 Elephant Rock Rd SEABROOK NH 03874 S: Ralph Welch & Sorin Ciobanu Bk/Page: 6078/254, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Title Mtg Solution $240,000 Term: 2050 Use: Condo
Stratham ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 BROOKSIDE DR U:16......................... $230,000 B: Paula C Goetschius Tr, Tr for Paula Craig Goetschius T BAddr: 23 Coach Rd EXETER NH 03833 S: Paul D Baughmna 3rd Bk/Page: 6077/2771, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 16 TRISHAS WAY................................... $355,000 B: Scott Sharry BAddr: 16 Trishas Way STRATHAM NH 03885 S: Edmond P Lafrance & Kelly Zemrose Bk/Page: 6077/1751, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $348,570 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 51401sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (03/00)
Windham ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 41 BROOKVIEW RD U:41........................ $298,000 B: Christopher C Staley & Dona B Staley BAddr: 41 Brookview Rd Unit 6 WINDHAM NH 03087 S: Louise A Makarewicz Bk/Page: 6078/433, Date: 01/27/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $235,100 (03/05) 21 GLENDENIN RD................................. $843,000 B: Matthew Quinn & Tara Quinn BAddr: 6 Bardfields Dr HAVERHILL MA 01830 S: Wood Meadow Land Dev LLC Bk/Page: 6077/559, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $674,000 Term: 2050 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 30056sf 18 GROVE ST.......................................... $140,000 B: Patricia E Klemm BAddr: 18 Grove St WINDHAM NH 03087 S: David M Klemm Bk/Page: 6078/2213, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Quicken Loan Inc $126,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 7405sf 7 HIGHCLERE RD.................................... $740,000 B: John W Koutrobis & Christine M Koutrobis BAddr: 19 Mulberry Ln PELHAM NH 03076 S: Ruby Holdings LLC Bk/Page: 6077/2377, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Northpointe Bank $475,000 Term: 2050 Use: Forest Use-christmas Trees, Lot: 29621sf 7 IRONWOOD RD................................... $4,000,000 B: Anthony J Christopher & Debra A Christopher BAddr: 7 Ironwood Dr WINDHAM NH 03087 S: Susan Mesiti Tr, Tr for Mesiti Jenny Hill RT Bk/Page: 6079/179, Date: 01/28/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 242629sf 50 KENDALL POND RD........................... $392,533 B: Mark Hawes & Colleen Hawes BAddr: 88 Belmont St NORTH ANDOVER MA 01845 S: 24 Pingree Hill Road LLC Bk/Page: 6078/286, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $380,725 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 40075sf
Strafford County Catherine A. Berube, Registrar 259 County Farm Rd Suite 202, Dover, NH, 03820 603-742-1741
Barrington ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BEAUTY HILL RD.................................... $225,000 B: DWSX2 Hldg LLC BAddr: 152 Charles St ROCHESTER NH 03867 S: Peter C Cook Bk/Page: 4728/370, Date: 01/22/20
Dover ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 4TH ST U:1........................................ $340,000 B: Theodore D Hoxie BAddr: 36 Fourth St A DOVER NH 03820 S: DBS Holdings LLC Bk/Page: 4728/32, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $323,000 Term: 2050 Use: Condo 36 4TH ST U:2........................................ $335,000 B: Ross Miller BAddr: 219 Roosevelt Ave Apt 9 HORSEHEADS NY 14845 S: DBS Holdings LLC Bk/Page: 4728/837, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Academy Mortgage Corp $318,250 Term: 2050 Use: Condo 1 ELLIOT PARK....................................... $220,000 B: Lestari D Watson BAddr: 32 Dunns Bridge Ln DOVER NH 03820 S: Kenneth E Foye Bk/Page: 4728/818, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Service Credit Union $209,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf
Durham ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES ROUTE 108............................................. $340,000 B: Maxim Harris BAddr: 142 Durham Point Rd DURHAM NH 03824 S: Frederik D Meissner Bk/Page: 4728/196, Date: 01/22/20
Farmington ▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 88 RIDGE RD.......................................... $122,713 B: Wells Fargo Bank Na BAddr: 3476 Stateview Blvd FORT MILL SC 29715 S: Michael S Cummings & Wells Fargo Bank NA Bk/Page: 4728/553, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11326sf Prior Sale: $144,000 (04/09)
Lee ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 GRANGER DR...................................... $697,600 B: Russell Contino & Erin Contino BAddr: 173 Main St #7 KINGSTON NH 03848 S: Paul Sagnella & Tracy L Sagnella Bk/Page: 4728/797, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $279,040 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 47045sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (08/11)
Madbury ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 74 CHERRY LN....................................... $410,000 B: Benjamin L Cosby Tr, Tr for Benjamin L Cosby RET BAddr: 74 Cherry Ln MADBURY NH 03823 S: Robert F Houston Jr Bk/Page: 4728/185, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 105415sf 16 MOHARIMET DR................................ $337,000 B: Alan S Rogers & Elizabeth A Rogers BAddr: 8 Cherry Ln MADBURY NH 03823 S: Nancy E Maclean Tr, Tr for Nancy E Maclean RET Bk/Page: 4729/353, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Residential Mtg Svcs $330,896 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 84071sf
Milton ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES ROUTE 16............................................... $65,000 B: Cynthia S Wyatt Tr, Tr for Carl Siemon FT BAddr: 307 Applebee Rd MILTON NH 03852 S: James F Watkins Jr Bk/Page: 4728/352, Date: 01/22/20 WINDING HILL RD.................................. $22,000 B: Ryan L Heath LLC BAddr: PO Box 232 ALTON NH 03809 S: Randy Kinville & Connie Kinville Bk/Page: 4729/408, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: David Sands $245,000
New Durham ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES JENKINS RD........................................... $22,000 B: Silas Archambault BAddr: 9 Lamprey River Park NEWMARKET NH 03857 S: Megna Property Management Bk/Page: 4728/261, Date: 01/22/20 Use: Forest Use-christmas Trees, Lot: 444312sf Prior Sale: $28,000 (12/13)
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
33 CEDERGREN RD................................. $6,666 B: Marjorie Patch Tr, Tr for 33 Cedergren Road RT BAddr: 4 Hummingbird Ln SALEM NH 03079 S: Marjorie Patch Bk/Page: 4729/238, Date: 01/27/20
Rochester ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 ACADEMY ST.................................... $104,000 B: Jonathan Hill & Kate Hill BAddr: 108 Mast Rd DOVER NH 03820 S: Eric J Smith & Catherine A Smith Bk/Page: 4729/340, Date: 01/28/20 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 1742sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (10/14) 15-A-C FELKER ST................................. $255,000 B: Cynthia A Hebert Tr, Tr for Hebert FT BAddr: 53 Tebbetts Rd ROCHESTER NH 03867 S: Mary B Larocque Tr, Tr for Mary Beth Larocque RET Bk/Page: 4728/738, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Holy Rosary Cr Un NH $204,000 Term: 2050 Rate: 4.38% Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 10019sf 5 GLORIA ST........................................... $229,000 B: Peter J Wituszynski & Karen C Wituszynski BAddr: 629 Main St Apt A ROLLINSFORD NH 03869 S: Lakeview Properties LLC Bk/Page: 4728/784, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Leaderone Financial $183,200 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $128,000 (11/19) 14 MOORES CT....................................... $123,000 B: Sean P Gavin & Leah C Gavin BAddr: 12 Lincoln St Apt 10 DOVER NH 03820 S: 1st Regional Funding LLC Bk/Page: 4728/535, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $98,400 Term: 2035 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $13,800 (11/13) 17 PINE ST............................................. $120,000 B: Margaretha A Malino & Sjeny E Pioh BAddr: 78 Elm St SOMERSWORTH NH 03878 S: Gail A Lemire Bk/Page: 4729/508, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $114,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $61,300 (08/03) 33 SUMMER ST...................................... $166,533 B: Keely M Penney BAddr: 616 Portland St #60 ROCHESTER NH 03867 S: Kevin R Osfar Bk/Page: 4729/471, Date: 01/28/20 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $163,483 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $166,400 (06/17)
▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 50 CROWHILL RD................................... $215,000 B: HBI Alternative Holdings BAddr: 2900 Esperanza Xing AUSTIN TX 78758 S: Robert A Pelletier & WVMF Funding LLC Bk/Page: 4728/712, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 37462sf 14 WAVERLY ST..................................... $185,000 B: FNMA BAddr: 1100 15th St Nw WASHINGTON DC 20005 S: Arthur W Gagnon & Nationstar Mortgage LLC Bk/Page: 4729/414, Date: 01/28/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12632sf
Somersworth ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 BARCLAY SQ U:B................................ $124,933 B: Alpha Bird LLC BAddr: 175 High St PORTSMOUTH NH 03801 S: G Brandt Atkins Tr, Tr for HD RT Bk/Page: 4728/274, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Kennebunk Svgs Bank $62,450 Use: Non-residential Condo, Lot: 7501sf 8 LAVOIE WAY........................................ $392,000 B: Elizabeth Monteith & Mark Miles BAddr: 74 Shelburn Rd MERRIMACK NH 03054 S: Louis W Spies & Tamara Raidoo-Spies Bk/Page: 4729/89, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: NHFA $384,899 Term: 2050 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 269201sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (09/17) 165 OLD ROCHESTER RD....................... $185,000 B: John C Jameson BAddr: 58 Dexter St NASHUA NH 03060 S: Wendy M Donnelly Tr, Tr for Carder LT Bk/Page: 4728/221, Date: 01/22/20 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 33367sf 49 LILY POND RD................................... $200,000 B: Nicholas D Downing BAddr: 707 Central Ave Apt 3 DOVER NH 03820 S: Jeannie R Wentworth Bk/Page: 4728/344, Date: 01/22/20
Sullivan County
Janet Gibson, Registrar 14 Main St 2nd FL, Newport, NH, 03773 603-863-2110
Charlestown ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES LAWRANCE HILL RD.............................. $58,000 B: Paul L Putnam & Patricia B Putnam BAddr: 871 Old Chesire Tpke CHARLESTOWN NH 03603 S: Nancy D Putnam Tr, Tr for Nancy D Putnam T Bk/Page: 2095/273, Date: 01/23/20
30 GROVE ST.......................................... $163,933 B: Edward F Morris & Megan C Morris BAddr: 207 Garden Way WEATHERSFIELD VT 06030 S: Keith A Mudge Bk/Page: 2095/78, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Claremont Svgs Bk NH $158,983 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.38% Type: Adj Rate Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6098sf 207 HANOVER ST................................... $50,000 B: Daniel Alonzo BAddr: 710 Newport Ave PAWTUCKET RI 02861 S: Sonia E Baerhuk Bk/Page: 2095/491, Date: 01/24/20 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 156816sf 3 ROSE AVE............................................ $153,000 B: John D Crockett Jr & Priscilla Crockett BAddr: 25 Buck Cir DANVILLE NH 03819 S: Jean A Saben Bk/Page: 2095/356, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Mascoma Bank $119,200 Term: 2050 Rate: +3.50% Type: Adj Rate Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $134,900 (06/07) 8 SPAULDING ST.................................... $35,000 B: Granite Props Of New Eng BAddr: PO Box 5370 LACONIA NH 03247 S: Barbara P Prinn Bk/Page: 2095/708, Date: 01/28/20 NO STREET GIVEN L:50.......................... $46,000 B: Donald T Thompson 3rd BAddr: 165 Myrtle St CLAREMONT NH 03743 S: Granite Props Of New Eng Bk/Page: 2095/710, Date: 01/28/20
157 MAPLE ST....................................... $110,000 B: Scott Stanton & Emily Safford BAddr: 96 S Main St Apt D NEWPORT NH 03773 S: Kyle C Stone Bk/Page: 2095/523, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Sugar River Bank $106,700 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6534sf Prior Sale: $32,000 (03/17) 58 SUMMER ST...................................... $155,000 B: Diana L Main BAddr: 11 Hillsdale Ave LACONIA NH 03246 S: J Henderson Properties Bk/Page: 2095/119, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Northway Bank $156,565 Term: 2050 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (05/19) UNITY RD................................................ $50,000 B: Frederick H VonMechow & Patriica E VonMechow BAddr: 149 Palmer Rd SHERBURNE NY 13460 S: Lorayne A Billings Bk/Page: 2095/591, Date: 01/27/20 Use: Residential Open Land, Lot: 568458sf
Cornish ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES NELSON RD............................................ $37,533 B: Paulo J Sousa & Rosa A Sousa BAddr: 334 Hortonville Rd SWANSEA MA 02777 S: Jennifer Thibeault Bk/Page: 2095/354, Date: 01/23/20
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2527 ROUTE 4A...................................... $175,000 B: Jonah O Walker BAddr: 436 Clement Hill Rd DEERING NH 03244 S: John R Bateman Jr Ex, Ex for Bateman Laurie Lynn Est Bk/Page: 2095/541, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Bank of New Hampshire $140,000 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 130680sf NO STREET GIVEN.................................. $323,800 B: Claudia D Zent Tr, Tr for Claudia D Zent RET BAddr: 14 Pinewood Dr AMHERST NH 03031 S: Bruce P Allen & Patricia L Shaw-Allen Bk/Page: 2095/473, Date: 01/24/20
▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BERTON RD L:11-231............................ $43,000 B: Susan J Neuwirt & George M Neuwirt BAddr: PO Box 663 SUNAPEE NH 03782 S: Geoffrey M Mcintosh Tr, Tr for Geoffrey&C G Grimsley LT Bk/Page: 2095/494, Date: 01/24/20 Mtg: Claremont Svgs Bk NH $194,400 Term: 2050 RYDER CORNER RD................................. $7,733 B: Corey N Davis BAddr: PO Box 775 SUNAPEE NH 03782 S: Croydon Town Of Bk/Page: 2095/352, Date: 01/23/20
Goshen ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES NO STREET GIVEN.................................. B: Barbara J Bailey & Charles B Bailey BAddr: PO Box 524 GOSHEN NH 03752 S: Barbara J Bailey Bk/Page: 2095/348, Date: 01/23/20
Grantham ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 ALLENS DR.......................................... $580,000 B: Allison G Kennealey & David W Kennealey BAddr: 1 Fawn Rd MEDWAY MA 02053 S: Gordon K Wagner Bk/Page: 2095/325, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $290,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 117612sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (04/18) 15 BARN OWL OVERLOOK..................... $170,000 B: William W Fillingame Jr & Beverle C Fillingame BAddr: 72 Mountain View Dr LEBANON NH 03766 S: Ronald E Cook Ex, Ex for Bucker Harold W 3rd Est Bk/Page: 2095/614, Date: 01/27/20 Mtg: Title Mtg Solution $161,500 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 63598sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (05/11) 25 LONGWOOD DR................................. $350,000 B: Pamela J Grace & Christy W Hayford BAddr: 105 Elm St FRAMINGHAM MA 01701 S: Carol G Shepherd & Ronald J Shepherd Bk/Page: 2095/283, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: TIAA CREF T Co FSB $280,000 Term: 2050 Rate: 4.25% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 42253sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (06/17) 14 PLEASANT DR U:14........................... $170,000 B: Miguel Istvan-VonFedak & Elena J DeVonFedak BAddr: 57 Lincoln Rd SHARON MA 02067 S: Warren R Barclay Tr, Tr for Warren&S Barclay RET Bk/Page: 2095/188, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Citizens Bank of RI $136,000 Term: 2035 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $165,000 (05/01) 21 PLEASANT DR U:21........................... $158,933 B: James Spotts & Rebekah Spotes BAddr: 47 Century Ln LITCHFIELD NH 03052 S: Frederick E Kolehmainen Bk/Page: 2095/310, Date: 01/23/20 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $167,000 (06/08)
747 JOBS CREEK RD.............................. $750,000 B: Eric S Seybold BAddr: 256 Chittenden Rd CHITTENDEN VT 05737 S: James J Spero & Susan P Spero Bk/Page: 2095/134, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Bar Harbor Bk & Tr $675,000 Term: 2050 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 270943sf SHADOW LN........................................... $42,000 B: Loriann Cozza BAddr: 2848 Oneida St UTICA NY 13501 S: Gaetano Sprague Bk/Page: 2095/379, Date: 01/24/20 77 TONSET SLOPE U:77......................... $315,000 B: Stephen A Almeida BAddr: 45 Loomis St Apt 204p MALDEN MA 02148 S: Patricia A Seitz Tr, Tr for RDH FT Bk/Page: 2095/220, Date: 01/22/20 Mtg: Homebridge Financial $283,500 Term: 2050 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1307sf 71 TONSET SLOPE.................................. $455,000 B: Thomas A Davies Tr, Tr for Davies FT BAddr: 36 Forest View Dr HOLLIS NH 03049 S: James D Shinn 2nd & Brenda A Shinn Bk/Page: 2095/587, Date: 01/27/20
Washington ▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 564 DOLE SCHOOL HOUSE RD............... $215,000 B: Garrett I Curtis & Shantell R Curtis BAddr: 62 W Lake Rd FITZWILLIAM NH 03447 S: AMKS Realty LLC Bk/Page: 2095/313, Date: 01/23/20 Mtg: Farm Credit East ACA $315,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3267000sf Prior Sale: $109,800 (03/18)
Laconia FRASER, David, 36 Ashley Dr, Laconia, 03246-1900 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10106-BA
Wolfeboro SEMCO, Stanley, 20 Crescent Lake Ave, Wolfeboro, 03894-4408 D:01/29/20 Case#: 20-10103-BA
Keene GARNEAU, Krusha Ryan, 30 Maple Ave, Keene, 03431-1628 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10121
Enfield ALDRICH, Susan M, PO Box 240, Enfield, 03748 D:01/27/20 Case#: 20-10096-BA
Deering CARTER, Jason, 3 Martin Rd, Deering, 03244-6033 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10113 TICKEL, Debra L, 357 Long Woods Rd, Deering, 03244-6003 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10118
Hancock SWANSON, Margot L, 47 Depot St, Hancock, 034403915 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10091-BA
Manchester DEMERS, Rebecca, 75 Kearsarge St, Manchester, 03102-3428 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10117 NGUYEN, Jennifer, 335 Cypress St U:2C, Manchester, 03103-3670 D:01/27/20 Case#: 20-10097-BA SHEA, Brian A, 30 Clement St, Manchester, 031024656 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10114
Peterboro GILBERT, Lisa L, 122 Summer St, Peterboro, 034582436 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10090-BA
Concord KNEELAND, Leo A, 1205 Alton Woods Dr, Concord, 03301-7861 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10110 LACLAIR, Aleashia Marie, 94 Fisherville Rd U:3, Concord, 03303-2086 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10108 PROVENCAL, Raina K, 21 Concord Gdns, Concord, 03301-6142 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10109
Northfield ROBERTS, Joshua B, 20 Arch St, Northfield, 032761532 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10092-BA
Kingston STJOURDANAIS, Jennifer B, 11 Ridgewood Dr, Kingston, 03848-3033 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10089-BA
Londonderry FOOSE, Shannon L, 27 Gilcreast Rd, Londonderry, 03053-3520 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10120
New Durham WAITE, Kimberly C, 260 Old Bay Rd, New Durham, 03855-2244 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10111
Rochester BOURDON Jr, Wilfred J, 1 Bermuda Ln, Rochester, 03867-4591 D:01/27/20 Case#: 20-10098-BA
Somersworth COOMBS, Michael Alan, 10 3rd St, Somersworth, 03878-2916 D:01/30/20 Case#: 20-10105-BA
Chapter 13 Bankruptcies *Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court
Chapter 7 Bankruptcies
District of New Hampshire
*Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court District of New Hampshire
plan to pay off debts from future earnings over
These are Chapter 7 Liquidations in which a debtor turns over all property owned to be converted into money which is used to pay administration costs and creditors to the extent possible. Honest debtors receive a discharge relieving them from legal liability for the payment of provable debts listed in the petition with some specific exemptions, most notably taxes and support payments. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the Case # (Case#).
These allow for an adjustment of debt. An individual with a regular income proposes a a period of time between three to five years. Usually these payments are in full satisfaction of the debt, but may be a percentage of them. Upon completion, the debtor receives a discharge of all debts covered by the plan except child support and alimony, if applicable. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#). CHESHIRE COUNTY
Belmont CAIN, Joseph L, PO Box 476, Belmont, 03220 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10115 RHODES, Christopher, 52 Middle Rte, Belmont, 03220-3706 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10093-BA SULLIVAN, Barbara J, PO Box 476, Belmont, 03220 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10116
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
POPPLE, Robert L, 125 W Lake Rd, Fitzwilliam, 03447-3507 D:01/27/20 Case#: 20-10100-BA
Keene POWER, Katherine E, 88 Old Walpole Rd, Keene, 03431-4915 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10094-BA
Stoddard ARPINO Jr, Carmine M, PO Box 859, Stoddard, 03464 D:01/24/20 Case#: 20-10095-BA
MARTIN, Normand G, 3 Edgar Ct, Hudson, 030514524 D:01/27/20 Case#: 20-10099-BA
RIVERS, Michael, 251 Hill Rd, Franklin, 032351120 Plaintiff: USA IRS D:01/22/20 Tax:941 Amt:$190,157 Bk/Pg:3663/861
Manchester AMIRAULT, Robert Charles, 101 McQuesten St, Manchester, 03102-5246 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10107-BA CRAIG, Brenda J, 288 Megan Dr, Manchester, 03109-5922 D:01/28/20 Case#: 20-10102-BA SMITH, Danny M, 145 Anthony St, Manchester, 03103-2937 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10119
RIVERS, Michael, 251 Hill Rd, Franklin, 032351120 Plaintiff: USA IRS D:01/22/20 Tax:941 Amt:$144,686 Bk/Pg:3663/862
Allenstown TRUJILLO, Maria D, 14 Campbell St, Allenstown, 03275-1933 D:01/31/20 Case#: 20-10112
Exeter STPIERRE, Richard, 115 Brentwood Rd, Exeter, 03833-4512 D:01/28/20 Case#: 20-10101-BA
Raymond SPINELLI, Donald L, 7 Fox Run Rd U:7, Raymond, 03077-1908 D:01/30/20 Case#: 20-10104-BA
Lien & Attachments *Filed: Registry of Deeds.
The Registry Review provides notice of the
Atkinson LEMIEUX, John W & Susan A Lemieux, 24 Lamplight Dr U:24, Atkinson, 03811-2179 Plaintiff: Commons Of Atkinson D:01/27/20 Amt:$2,033 Bk/ Pg:6078/1796 MCGOWAN, Jeffrey & Cynthia Mcgowan, 127 Maple Ave, Atkinson, 03811-2246 Plaintiff: Thomas A Dube Constr D:01/22/20 Amt:$13,500 Bk/ Pg:6077/837
Exeter NORTH COUNTRY T & David Blanchard Tr, High St, Exeter, 03833 Plaintiff: New Hampshire State Of D:01/24/20 Amt:$37,600 Bk/Pg:6077/2538
Review reports lien filings in each county,
In accordance with standard Registry Review policy and especially with respect to liens, readers are cautioned to investigate all public records and other circumstances surrounding the filing of any lien in which they are interested. No other action should be taken
Types of tax include: 941
FICA and Withholding Tax;
Federal Unemployment Tax;
Individual Income Tax;
Highway Use Tax;
Corporate Tax;
Excise Tax.
Keene DICEY, Judy, 792 Court St U:F, Keene, 034311728 Plaintiff: Court Condominium D:01/27/20 Amt:$1,595 Bk/Pg:3097/451
Swanzey JOYCE, Robert, 35 Spring St U:B, Swanzey, 034463640 Plaintiff: USA IRS D:01/22/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$37,265 Bk/Pg:3096/1145
Troy PRATER, Stephanie, PO Box 323, Troy, 03465 Plaintiff: USA IRS D:01/22/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$15,028 Bk/Pg:3096/1146
Hudson CLARK, Debbie E, 421 Abbott Farm Ln U:421, Hudson, 03051-3693 Plaintiff: Abbott Farms Condominium D:01/27/20 Amt:$2,522 Bk/ Pg:9256/1162 CONROY, John E, 217 Abbott Farm Ln U:217, Hudson, 03051-3680 Plaintiff: Abbott Farms Condominium D:01/24/20 Amt:$1,834 Bk/ Pg:9255/2602 NEE, Joseph R & Elaine N Lee, 417 Elk Run Rd U:417, Hudson, 03051-3542 Plaintiff: Village At Barrett Hill D:01/27/20 Amt:$6,431 Bk/ Pg:9256/1539 THIBEAULT INVESTMENT LLC, 23 Tammy Ct, Hudson, 03051-6900 Plaintiff: Shepherds Hill Condo D:01/23/20 Amt:$1,070 Bk/Pg:9255/1760
Owner:David A Brown & Marlena E Brown Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20)
Chesterfield 03/19/20 03:00 PM 820 Route 9 Owner:David Hickey & Judy Hickey Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:07/28/05 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/27/20) Atty:Mark Lamper 860-677-2868
Lender:FNMA Deposit:$5,000
Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
02/24/20 01:00 PM 11 Morgan Ln Lender:Pennymac Loan Services Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/05/13 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/24/20) Atty:Elena Peterson 603-669-7963 02/24/20 12:00 PM 391 Washington St
Atty:Elena Peterson 603-669-7963 Owner:Richard L Fleming Sr Lender:Citizens Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:03/25/08 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20)
Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc
GIRARD, Todd M, 19 Nel Mar Hts, Claremont, 03743-3154 Plaintiff: Saint Marys Bank D:01/22/20 Amt:$14,965 Bk/Pg:2095/105
02/25/20 11:00 AM 95 Winch Hill Rd
SHAW, Karlie K, 15 Garden St, Claremont, 037432031 Plaintiff: New Hampshire State Of D:01/23/20 Amt:$172,531 Bk/Pg:2095/263
Owner:Anthony J Dubois 3rd & Joseph B Dubois Lender:TD Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/12/17 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/27/20) Atty:Elizabeth M Lacombe
Winchester 02/25/20 12:00 PM 49 Riley Rd
Foreclosure, Mortgagee & Other Lien Auctions The schedule of recently published notices of mortgagee foreclosure sales is to be used only as a reference and index to the actual public notices. The Warren Group does not independently verify the listed information and disclaims all responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of this information. Readers are advised that foreclosure notices may contain errors with respect to any aspect of the property or the auction being noticed. TWG might not report subsequent corrections, if any. Listing of summary information for a notice is not intended to represent that a default has occurred. Any actual default which may have occurred may have been, or may be, cured at any time. The reader should contact the person or firm specified in the actual notice for any purpose (including, but not limited to, verification, current status, cancellation or postponement of the sale). Auctions may be cancelled or postponed at any time up to and including at the auction itself.
Owner:Norman B Best & Marilyn J Best Lender:Northeast Home Loan Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:01/21/04
Lender:PNC Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/02/09 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc
Ashland 02/25/20 11:00 AM 194 Thompson St Owner:John D Jirkovsky Lender:Midfirst Bank SSB Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/31/16 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20) Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
Canaan 02/18/20 01:00 PM 992 Goose Pond Rd Owner:Edwin M Barney & Kathleen Hayes Lender:Nationstar Mortgage LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:06/01/12 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200
Groton 02/24/20 12:00 PM 37 N Groton Rd Owner:Lewis J Albert Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/30/09 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/27/20)
Owner:Judith Cunliffe & Arthur Stancombe Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:07/14/03 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/24/20) Atty:Emery Markles 603-669-7963
Meredith 02/25/20 12:00 PM 378 Daniel Webster Hwy
02/20/20 01:00 PM 30 Parker Rd Owner:Mark A Gerry & Jane E Gerry Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/23/04 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/23/20) Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
Hudson 02/26/20 11:00 AM 29 Shadowbrook Dr U:B Owner:Joy M Shannon Lender:First American T Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:07/24/03 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500 03/18/20 10:00 AM 21 Springwood Cir
Owner:Sharon Smith & Gregory Smith
Owner:Stephen J Drohan & Jennifer M Drohan
MANDOJANO, J Garcia & G Pina Jimon, 11 Atherton Ave U:3, Nashua, 03064-1902 Plaintiff: USA IRS D:01/23/20 Tax:1040 Amt:$40,922 Bk/Pg:9255/836
Lender:FNMA Deposit:$5,000
Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000
Doc#:* D:10/08/03
Doc#:* D:06/18/04
Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20)
Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/23/20)
Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
Atty:Mark Lamper 860-677-2868
Doc#:* D:04/06/07 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/23/20) Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
Somersworth 02/20/20 11:00 AM 33 Rouleau Dr Owner:Cory Baker & Christina Baker Lender:New Penn Financial LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:09/30/14 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/23/20) Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
Owner:Christopher R Plummer Lender:NHFA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:05/25/07 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/24/20) Atty:Craig Deachman & Associat 603-665-9111
Owner:Elizabeth M Soucy & Leonard G Soucy Lender:Citizens Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:07/10/09 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20)
Sunapee 03/18/20 03:00 PM 22 Hells Corner Rd Owner:Peter Salvitti & Loriann Salvitti Lender:Montvale LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/02/07 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/27/20) Atty:Mark Lamper 860-677-2868
Deerfield 03/04/20 09:00 AM 110 Mount Delight Rd Owner:Stephen Robert Lender:Truist Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/22/18 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 03/17/20 01:00 AM 243 Middle Rd Owner:Erica Kowalski Lender:NHFA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:03/31/15 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Craig Deachman & Associat 603-665-9111
Requests for Bids & Proposals Requests for bids and proposals now being circulated by state and local New Hampshire and other public agencies. Requests may include requirements for prequalification, mandatory meetings or other prebid deadlines. Public agencies have limited resources, please use discretion in seeking additional information about these RFBs & RFPs.
2/13/2020 2:00:00 PM ..............Construction RFB
02/25/20 02:00 PM 1 Grout Farm Rd Owner:Maria Debenedetto Lender:Deutsche Bank Natl T Co Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/13/06 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20) Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
Nature of Request: sealed bids for the Town of Durhamís
03/13/20 01:00 PM 23 John St Owner:Eric T Fitzgerald Lender:Pennymac Loan Services Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:04/27/15 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Elena Peterson 603-669-7963
Source: 1/30/2020
2020 Highway Resurfacing Program Requesting Agency: DURHAM, TOWN OF - DPW, ,603-8685578, 100 STONE QUARRY DR,DURHAM NH 03824 Next Action Required: N/A
2/20/2020 2:00:00 PM ..............Construction RFB Nature of Request: X-A004(767) 41897 THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE REPLACEMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 11350 FEET OF DEFICIENT CABLE AND W-BEAM GUARDRAIL
Salem 03/24/20 12:00 PM 43 Matthias St Owner:Frank I Odell & Donna M Odell Lender:FNMA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:11/15/93 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/24/20) Atty:Mark Lamper 860-677-2868
03/24/20 03:00 PM 7 Alpine Rd Owner:Timothy P Ryan Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:10/08/15 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/27/20) Atty:Mark Lamper 860-677-2868
Gilmanton 02/24/20 12:00 PM 35 Anderson Rd
Atty:Elena Peterson 603-669-7963
Lender:Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Deposit:$5,000
Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc
02/26/20 03:00 PM 234 Woodland Rd Owner:Susan Macquade & Joel Macquade Lender:Quicken Loan Inc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:01/16/18 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
Owner:Gary M Jobes
Owner:Selena S Randolph
02/25/20 02:00 PM 21 Jacqueline Ave
02/26/20 02:00 PM 50 Dalton Rd
02/20/20 10:00 AM 16 Front St
02/26/20 01:00 PM 131 Berry Rd Owner:Michael C Dube & Nancy A Dussault Lender:FNMA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/02/06 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/24/20) Atty:Michael S Driscoll 603-669-7963
Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc
Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20)
Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20)
Doc#:* D:05/26/06
02/25/20 01:00 PM 179 Wyman Rd
Doc#:* D:10/27/06
Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/24/20)
Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$5,000
03/12/20 01:00 PM 22 Indigo Hill Rd
Owner:Dorothy H Cashman
JRK BUILDERS NH LLC, 52 Weare Rd, Seabrook, 03874-4127 Plaintiff: Truteam Builder Services D:01/27/20 Amt:$6,830 Bk/Pg:6078/703
03/24/20 11:00 AM 29 Verona St Owner:Theresa A Dauphinais & James A Dauphinais Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/27/03 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/24/20) Atty:Mark Lamper 860-677-2868
02/20/20 10:00 AM 78 Stratton Rd
Owner:Donald P Hudson
02/26/20 10:00 AM 3 Rogers St Owner:Francisco Rodriguez Lender:OCWEN Loan Servicing Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:02/23/15 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
02/26/20 02:00 PM 5 NH Route 45 Owner:Richard A Forte & Amy Forte Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:06/28/12 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/24/20) Atty:Michael S Driscoll 603-669-7963
PARENTEAU, John M, 550 Winnacunnet Rd, Hampton, 03842-2746 Plaintiff: Beachside Inn Condominium D:01/24/20 Amt:$2,265 Bk/ Pg:6077/2907
02/18/20 03:00 PM 9 Redwood Cir U:9 Owner:Eric J Sawicki & Jenniferjennys L Sawicki Lender:FNMA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:* D:03/24/16 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200
Owner:Norman J Girouard
Owner:Mark C Foynes & Sarah M Foynes
Atty:Susan W Cody 978-256-1500
Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/23/20)
or opinions formed based solely on information published in The Registry Review.
Atty:Michael S Driscoll 603-669-7963
Doc#:* D:08/11/03
the same lien may appear in one or more county listings in any issue or in multiple issues.
Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/27/20)
HANSEN, Gene, 1 Brook Rd U:2, Salem, 03079-3611 Plaintiff: Salem Ct Condominium 2 D:01/23/20 Amt:$997 Bk/Pg:6077/1124
more than one county. Since The Registry
Doc#:* D:05/24/05
Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc
no bearing on the credit worthiness of the
cautioned that the same lien may be filed in
Lender:FNMA Deposit:$5,000
Doc#:* D:11/30/06
reasons including some which have little or
shortly after they are filed. Readers are further
02/26/20 01:00 PM 297 Birch Hill Rd
Owner:David G Fox & Lynne A Fox
03/04/20 11:00 AM 201 Beverly Hills Dr
parties involved. Also, many liens are released
New Durham
03/04/20 12:00 PM 300 Roby Rd Owner:Erik A Pierson Lender:NHFA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:08/29/03 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Craig Deachman & Associat 603-665-9111
FICICI, Aysun, 501 Bean Hill Rd U:38, Northfield, 03276-4348 Plaintiff: Highlands Resort Condo D:01/22/20 Amt:$5,415 Bk/Pg:3663/954
Registries. Liens are filed for any number of
Liens and other Liens in the various County
03/02/20 12:00 PM 98 High St
CUMMINGS, Steven S, 138 Newton Rd U:20, Plaistow, 03865-2400 Plaintiff: Valleyfield Townhouse D:01/24/20 Amt:$2,307 Bk/ Pg:6077/2541
filing of Writs Of Attachments, RSA72: 38-a
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
Farmington 03/18/20 12:30 PM 346 Meetinghouse Hill Rd Owner:Justin F Barker Lender:NHFA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:12/29/17 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/29/20) Atty:Craig Deachman & Associat 603-665-9111
Milton 02/25/20 10:00 AM 16 Wilson St Owner:Joseph H Hubbard & Nancy L Hubbard Lender:Reverse Mortgage Solution Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:* D:03/19/13 Source:Manchester Union Leader (01/28/20) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc
©2020 The Warren Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
2/20/2020 2:00:00 PM ..............Services RFP Nature of Request: City of Somersworth REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Jules Bisson Park Playground Equipment The City of Somersworth Requesting Agency: SOMERSWORTH, CITY OF, ,603-6929524, 1 GOVERNMENT WAY,SOMERSWORTH NH 03878 Next Action Required: N/A Source: Manchester Union Leader 1/31/2020
2/28/2020 4:00:00 PM ..............Services RFQ Nature of Request: Town of Wentworth Request for Qualifications interested engineering firms to submit Qualification Statements for bridge design, permitting, bidding, and construction administrative services Requesting Agency: WENTWORTH TOWN OF -SELECTMANS OFFICE, , 7 ATWELL HILL RD,WENTWORTH NH Next Action Required: N/A Source: Manchester Union Leader 2/3/2020
FEBRUARY 10, 2020
A Little Schooling Goes A Long Way for Homebuyers Homebuyer Education Courses Train Buyers to Find Affordable Loans, Too BY LEW SICHELMAN SPECIAL TO THE REGISTRY REVIEW
btaining an affordable mortgage is an art, not a science – especially for first-time buyers – and is just as important as finding an affordable house. Fortunately, homebuyer education – learning how to cover your down payment and closing costs, in particular – can provide real traction toward financing your first home. Moreover, you can save thousands of dollars in lenders’ fees if you mind the wise words of the old Smokey Robinson song “Shop Around.” Taking a class for a few weeks is an excellent way for first-timers to learn about credit and mortgages. On certain types of loans, homebuyer education is a requirement. And repeat buyers could learn a lot, as well – especially if they haven’t been in the market for some time. Marisa Calderon, executive director of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, sees a little schooling as useful across the entire spectrum of buyers. “Education is helpful regardless of anyone’s financial situation, especially when it comes to the nuances of managing homeownership,” she said.
Counseling Often Required, but Helpful The big mortgage agencies like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae often require homebuyer education to qualify for specialty loan programs. With Fannie’s HomeReady, designed for lowincome borrowers, completing the course gives
qualified buyers a shot at financing with just 3 percent down – a far cry from the 20 percent many loans require. Homebuyer education programs vary, but they have some common traits. They teach students the ins and outs of credit scores, as well as how and when to pay bills, balance a checkbook, save money and live within their means. Classes also cover how to manage student loans and other debt; the value of nontraditional forms of credit, such as timely rent payments, cellphone bills and utility bills; and overcoming a reluctance to use credit cards to establish and build credit records. Far from being just for first-timers, counseling benefits homeowners at all stages. For example, seniors looking to access the equity they’ve built in their homes through reverse mortgages are required to visit a counselor by the Federal Housing Administration, which insures the bulk of these loans. Even proprietary reverse mortgages originated by lenders outside the FHA limits come with a counseling requirement; the sessions are usually handled by the same counselors who work on government-insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgages.
Too Few Know About Assistance Programs Low-down payment loans or loans that come with some form of assistance are really where the rubber meets the road. For example, the congressionally chartered nonprofit NeighborWorks America has just unveiled a program for Alaska residents who earn 100 percent or less of the median income in their areas. It offers a $10,000 forgivable loan for buyers who successfully complete an educational component.
“A knowledgeable borrower is a sustainable borrower,” said Stephen Barbier, the relationship manager at NeighborWorks. “Homebuyer education and counseling create knowledgeable buyers, who save money through awareness of affordable loan products and down-payment assistance, he said. “[It also helps buyers] understand the rights and responsibilities of homeownership, and ensures they have a trusted adviser to turn to with questions.” The number of buyers receiving such aid recently doubled, according to Freddie Mac. In a survey by Freddie Mac and Down Payment Resource, which tracks programs available in every state, 5 percent of respondents reported receiving a loan or assistance from either a nonprofit or a government program in 2013. By 2016, that figure increased to 10 percent. There’s quite a bit of help available, if you know where to find it. Of the 2,500 homeownership programs in DPR’s database, 83 percent had down-payment funds available at last count. Yet DPR’s Rob Chrane said the availability of assistance is not as well-known as it should be. “Research and data show there is a wide gap between consumer perception of what it takes to buy a home and what it really takes,” he said. “Sixty-five percent in a recent survey thought they needed 15 percent for a down payment. That’s pretty far off the mark.”
gram his group has started has “made an indent” in affording the very pricey Boston market. The agency offers financing with just 3 percent down to buyers with incomes at or below the median in the Boston area. Moreover, the down payment can be funded by a second mortgage of up to $12,000 at just 1 percent interest. The program is so successful, it is being expanded to include “workforce” housing for buyers who earn more than 100 percent of Boston’s annual median income. In this case, a 2 percent loan of up to $15,000 will help offset participants’ closing costs. Another way to cut your upfront costs is to bargain with your lender about its fees. Closing costs can be daunting, but they don’t have to leave you with nothing in the bank. You can save thousands by shopping around. Mortgage platform LendingTree reports that buyers can be saddled with as many as 16 different fees during the mortgage process. In last year’s first quarter, these charges added up to a median of $2,059 for buyers and $1,807 for owners who were refinancing. But by shopping lenders – or by using some good old-fashioned jawboning – some borrowers got away with paying nothing at all in fees, once again showing the value of learning about mortgages before taking the leap into homeownership. Freelance writer Mark Fogarty contributed reporting.
Mortgage Fees Add Up
Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications. Readers can contact him at lsichelman@aol.com.
Mounzer Aylouche, vice president of homeownership programs at MassHousing, the New Hampshire Housing Finance Agency’s counterpart in Massachusetts, said an assistance pro-
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FEBRUARY 10, 2020
Former Banker Gets Two Years for Client Theft Stratham woman was sentenced to at least two years in prison recently after pleading guilty to charges she stole from an elderly client, according to the office of the New Hampshire attorney general. Britt K. Landsperger, 46, had plead guilty to theft by unauthorized taking and was sentenced in Rockingham County Superior Court. An investigation revealed that between 2013 and 2018, Landsperger was TD Bank man-
ager who exercised unauthorized control over money from seven bank accounts belonging to the victim, a bank customer identified as C.M. The total value of the money taken from all of C.M.’s accounts was $94,303, prosecutors said. TD Bank has made full restitution to CM, prosecutors said. Landsperger’s attorney said he appreciated the judge’s time and thoughtfulness that went into the sentence and said his client was eager to move on with her life.
Image courtesy of Redgate/Kane
Brady Sullivan Proposes 160 Manchester Apartments
Portsmouth City Council Rejects Agreement with McIntyre Image courtesy of Brady Sullivan Properties
anchester-based Brady Sullivan Properties is looking to add to its stable of Queen City multifamily properties with a new development south of the city’s downtown. The developer is seeking planning permission to build 160 apartments above a parking podium on Dunbar Street, near the Velcro USA facility and the Sundial Center. The project will occupy an empty, triangular piece of land with views of the Merrimack River, near where Dunbar Street becomes Sundial Avenue. The 6-story building will have 200,418
square feet of space excluding the first-floor parking podium. Between an on-site parking lot and the covered parking spots, the development will provide 290 parking spaces. Neither the mix of amenities nor the rents have yet been determined, a Brady Sullivan spokesperson said. If approved, the building will be finished in the fall of 2021. Manchester and neighboring Bedford have seen a spate of new multifamily developments proposed in recent months, and several existing properties traded for large sums.
he new Portsmouth City Council voted recently to reject an agreement the previous council had inked with developers behind a hotly contested revamp of the city’s former federal building. The city is seeking to redevelop a former post office and federal building in its downtown, which the federal government is seeking to dispose of, but the current 2.1-acre proposal has met vocal opposition from residents concerned about its scale. The councilors were told by the deputy city manager the previous council had only approved a draft ground lease agreement between the city and development team Redgate/Kane, not a final document. However, Mayor Rick Becksted said – and many public officials had previously stated – he believed the council was locked into an agreement with the developers, the Ports-
Blue Water Mortgage Corp. Opens Fourth NH Office
Advocates Say Appeals Board Must Stay B Continued from Page 1 “We have heard probably as much reaction to this bill as we have to any bill since I’ve been at the Municipal Association, which is 16 years,” Cordell Johnston, government affairs counsel at the New Hampshire Municipal Association, told the Judiciary Committee’s Jan. 28 hearing. While the NHMA neither opposed nor supported the board’s creation in past years, near-unanimous outcry in last month from its member towns changed its stance, Johnston said. At the core of many arguments against the board aired at the January hearing appeared to be discomfort with a process that would make it easier for their decisions to be challenged. Others worried smoothing the appeals process would lead to unchecked development. “It seems to me that when the developer is turned down [under the current system], he has to take the town to court and pay the legal fees,” said Jim McConnell, a former state representative from Swanzey and a former alternate member of the town’s planning board. “It seems to me this bill puts the shoe on the other foot, wrongly.”
Current System Called Too Slow Housing advocates and the state’s biggest business group are cool on both repeal bills, saying the board is a necessary piece of larger efforts to streamline the state’s land use regulations to encourage more housing construction. “Whether its admissible or not, planning boards are using and weaponizing the legal
system to delay and to delay and to delay and to add expenses [for developers,]” Sen. Bob Giuda, R-Warren, said during the Jan. 28 hearing. “It’s a significant factor in the inability to develop properties.” While the Superior Court has a so-called “rocket docket” for land use cases, a constitutional requirement for criminal cases to be heard first frequently delays these appeals, said Ben Frost, managing director for policy and public affairs and New Hampshire Housing. The state is one of the five most litigious states when it comes to land use issues, St. Anselm College Center for Ethics in Business and Governance Director Jason Sorens said. The board would also help rein in towns that try to unfairly deny projects, supporters say. “I’ve had planning board members tell me ‘We don’t want workforce housing. We don’t want those kinds of people in our community. They can go to Manchester,’” Sen. Sharon Carson, D-Londonderry, told the committee. Supporters at the hearing repeatedly brought up the state’s housing crisis, and the effect of low housing production on the state’s businesses. “Employers are challenged to attract workers because many job applicants are unable to find affordable housing. That’s because many towns put up roadblocks to affordable housing for working people,” David Juvet, senior vice president at the Business and Industry Association told the Judiciary Committee.
Email: jsanna@thewarrengroup.com
mouth Herald reported. A lawyer for the development team had warned earlier in January the city would be risking a lawsuit for breach of contract if it rejected the deal. The November 2019 city elections were widely seen as a referendum on the previous council’s handling of Redgate/Kane’s proposal, and many councilors who had supported the project were not returned. Councilors said they hoped the move will cause the development team to seek negotiations with the new council over the project. Redgate/Kane had proposed to renovate the existing, landmarked McIntyre building for office space and build two new buildings containing 76 apartments and 92 covered parking spaces on the site’s current parking lot. The development already has an anchor tenant signed up, the marketing agency Hubspot.
lue Water Mortgage Corp., an independent mortgage broker licensed in New England and Florida, has announced the opening of a new office in downtown Meredith, its fourth in the state and its third in less than a year. Hampton-headquartered Blue Water also opened offices in Lebanon and Bedford in 2019. Jonathan Ferrante is the Meredith’s office’s operating loan officer. Brokerage owner Garrett Collins will also be based out of the new office.
“We’re really excited about serving the Lakes Region,” Ferrante said in a statement. “This is my home.” The new office in Meredith is also accompanied by a large expansion in Blue Water’s supporting staff positions. “We want to be right in town and a part of the community with these local offices so that our clients can enjoy the benefits,” Ferrante said. The company marked the occasion with $70,000 in donations to local charities and nonprofit groups.
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