The Weekly Reporter

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“Let us dare to read, think, speak and write.” – John Adams 1765 Januar y 22, 2009 -

January 28, 2009

Vo l . 2 I s s u e 4 | R e a d m o r e o n - l i n e a t t h e w e e k l y r e p o r t e r. c o m

The Declaration of Independence is For Real!

Mokena Man Files Ethics Complaint .......................................................

Ralph LaPorte


Julia Wislocka

Melissa’s Friend Still Using Fake I.D. ....................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer


Twenty-year old Julia Wislocka was called as the first witness in a Joliet liquor commission hearing on December 3, 2008. Julia was testifying before Deputy Liquor Commissioner Dan Campus in the matter of four citations issued to The City of Champions Bar and Grill in Joliet. Those citations were issued by Joliet police in the early morning hours of August 7th after Melissa Lech 20 was found dead on McDonough Street near 129th Infantry Drive. Melissa was apparently the victim of a hit and run accident. After attending a Chicago White Sox game, and having consumed enough liquor to inebriate them, Melissa, Julia and two young men, Michael Peterson and Vincent Stellato, all 20 years old, drove to the City of Champions Bar and Grill on West Jefferson Street. CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 >

May God Bless You Mr. President Barack H. Obama ....................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer .......................................................

Americans everywhere can only marvel at the wisdom of the great instruments of law that have secured American democracy and America’s freedoms. Thomas Jefferson, the primary author of the Declaration of Independence must have been one very extraordinary man to have had the ability to so perfectly word that document of truth that declared our determination to be a free and self-governed nation. Our forefathers were without question a combination of very unique individuals. The carefully chosen words they employed when we declared our independence on July 4, 1776 took on real meaning on Tuesday January 20, 2009 when President

Barack Obama took the reins of government as our President— the President of the United States of America! Thomas Jefferson wrote: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among

merely words within an historic document they are a promise kept. They are now the assurance to every American citizen that every person is and ought to be equal under the constitution and laws of this great land, the United States of America, the protector and progenitor of freedom for all mankind.

Tino Lettieri loves his community; he lives in Mokena because it is home to him. Tino is a person probably very much like you, one who sincerely believes in democracy and the promises of personal liberty that were wisely incorporated into our U.S. Constitution and the laws of the United States. It seems logical then, that Mr. Lettieri would become upset with officials who preside over his community for violating those legal protections of our personal freedom. Tino has but one avenue of recourse to enforce officials to obey the law in Mokena. He must follow the administrative rules, and unlike Mayor Joe Werner, some trustees, and Chief of Police Randy Rajewski, Tino says, “I’ll do what the law asks of me.” Lettieri has filed a formal, sworn complaint with the Village to protest the violation of Illinois election law because his voiced objections have fallen on deaf ears. He has been a proponent of reorganization of the village administration. Mr. Lettieri was instrumental in getting a proposition on the ballot to give Mokena residents the opCONTINUED ON PAGE 15 >

these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Americans, the world, watched enthusiastically on Tuesday as those beautiful, those wonderful words, took on a real meaning for Americans everywhere. They are no longer

The election of President Obama, and certainly his inauguration, has restored the glitter to the image of the United States, an image that has been at times, damaged by severe blows to our beliefs and laws by the CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 >

Tino Lettieri


Mazda of Naperville Exclusive!

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