The Weekly Reporter

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e We ekly h T

Jol iet | Bol ingb rook | Romeovi l le | Home r Glen | Crest H i l l | Lock po r t | Pla in f ield | Sho rewood

State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias surprises Joe Kral with endorsement.

State Treasurer


Endorses Joe Kral


Mark Goodson


The Frankfort Township Democrats held a fundraiser in Mokena on Sunday March 22nd at the 191 South Restaurant. It might have been a routine event except that the guest of honor was none other than Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias. With a jammed house Giannoulias arrived about 7:00 READ MORE ON PAGE 14 >

Prominent Civil Rights Attorney Scott Skaletsky


Faces Another Lawsuit for Alleged Police Misconduct READ MORE ON PAGE 14 >

REPORTER we e k l y re p o r te m

T he Week l y Repo r te r B reak s T he Si l ence!

March 26, 20 09 -

Someone In Romeoville Hates Freedom of Speech! .................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer


Americans are Americans! No matter what baseball team, football team or other sport club we may embrace, no matter what political party we may choose to support, we are first and foremost Americans. We all pledge allegiance to the same flag of the United States of America. Ask any member of the military and he or she will proudly tell you they are a member of The United States Army, The United States Marine Corps, The United States Navy, The United States Air Force or the United States Coast Guard, not the army or navy of any political party. We believe in, our men and women have died for, and continue to suffer for, the Freedoms guaranteed by that great instrument of Liberty—The Constitution of the United States of America. That wonderful document that has withstood tyranny and war and threats of every kind for 232 years is your promise that you can walk, talk, and go about your daily affairs freely, believing what you will, supporting whom you wish and speaking your mind without fear. Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels was expert at suppressing truth, and preventing the other fellow from speaking. The Nazi’s under the evil eyes of Adolph Hitler realized the importance of preventing the people from hearing the

A p r i l 1, 2 0 0 9

Vo l . 2 I s s u e 13

When the people lose control of their government the consequences can be evil. READ STORY ON PAGE 12 >

One of many Andy Goitia signs destroyed by traitors to Constitution.

Mayor Noak Uses Village READ STORY ON PAGE 6 >

Constitution Haters kill Freedom of Speech!

truth, from hearing anything except the lies that glorified the Nazi Party. Joseph Goebbels feared what others said so on May 10, 1933 he ordered the burning of thousands of books because the Nazi’s wanted only one point of view to reach the ears of the people—Nazi pro-

Have A Job To OfferNeed A Job?

paganda. Now someone wants to silence the message of three of the four parties who are running in the April 7th Romeoville election. Someone, much like Joseph Goebbels, does not READ MORE ON PAGE 14 >


(815) 723-4880 P.O. BOX 2761 / JOLIET, IL 60434

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