The Weekly Reporter

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Good Samaritan Refuses Reward Read more on PAGE 2 >

we e k l y re p o r te m

T he Week l y Repo r te r B reak s T he Si l ence!

March 5, 20 09 -

M a r c h 11 , 2 0 0 9

Vo l . 2 I s s u e 10

Joliet | Bolingbrook | Romeoville | Homer Glen | Crest Hill | Lockport | Plainfield | Shorewood

Kral Says Frankfort Newspaper Got the Facts Wrong

Mayor Noak Had $5,890 Magically It became $63,000 UW



Read more on PAGE53(>325

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.................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer


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Bonnie Kurowski-Alicea Candidate for Mayor


The removal of Rod Blagojevich from office 6 aroused a cry for stricter ethics 5H ( R W H ',785( WH LW P (;3(1 % 1 laws and the State Legislature W ,2 6(&7 &KDQH\ & is responding. A committee is / , O LO VW + $7 and perhaps pursuing %/(issue ,/$the + $9$they ( &$6when + complete their work 7 1,1* 2) *,1 IHUV 2XW

( V Q % % ' ( OH UD the lawmakers will pass strong, ,2 X + 7 G 5 7 ' H ,1* 3( 3(5,2 RP 6FK 257,1* ethics statutes that D ,WHPL]HG IU 5(3257 meaningful 5(3 UX WK will make it faster and easier to E 1RW ,WHPL]HG who violate the public jail those Read more on PAGE 4 > trust. It can only be meaningful

if every penalty is severe and /RDQV PDGH % OH X KHG (,376 only if the law calls for swift, IURP 6F ,WHPL]HG $ 5(& 3OHDVH 0D\RU 1RDN /HW HYHU\ERG\ VKDUH WKH SRW 1 D ,2 7 & 6( sure and certain justice. PL]HG E 1RW ,WH Violations must be brought must all be subject to punish before a court of law and ment. Milk-toast legislation Having 34 Year XWLRQV begin V O &RQWULE convictions should with will solve nothing. UH D X X


$ Q LY OH % H G Q GXOH ([S FKHGX RP 6FKH being fines in the thousands of dol- ThePL] state IUlegislation G IURP 6 H G L] H P H ,W D Old Mom on D ,WH ex lars not hundreds, removal considered leaves gaping HG a PL]HG

RW ,WHPL] 1 E 1RW ,WH E 6 ( 85address from office, and prison time ception that 3does not ',7 Ballot Seen as (; (1 7$/flagrant offor more serious or repeat the72 most “pay-to-play� 6 fenses. Loopholes need to politics, that of local politicians be ,*$7,21 to Threat Roger 1' 2%/ ,Q $ UV 6

IH 7 V closed that would allow a com $ who frequently fatten their % Q OH ( UD X G ' H 7 K F & 6 ,21cam HG IURP pany to change its name and political war chests 6(&7with D ,WHPL] G Kurowski - Alicea, H Bonnie L] continue doing business after a paign contributions that come P E 1RW ,WH E

& Phd, abd, is a 34-year old OH conviction. A company should from those who do business X Read more on PAGE 8 > 6FKHG with cities, G IURP $/ H Mom, who believes she would 7 L] 2 be banned forever for the first 7 towns, townships P H ,W D Why allow for more and make a good Bolingbrook may G H infraction. even the county. L] P H ,W 1RW 7,216 HFHLYHG $ 5

,* V / $ Q or. Believing she could do a bet% D OH R X 2 than one violation? The official / 1' I really need this job 6FKHG (%76 $ READ'MORE ON PAGE 14 > HG IURP L] ter job than incumbent Mayor P H ,W and those who corrupted him D PL]HG Roger Claar, Bonnie gathered $/$1&( E 1RW ,WH &$6+ % ' 1 signatures to get her name on ,2 7 & ( 6 the April 7th ballot. Bonnie says she hired an elecJ LQQLQ to accompany her as 5HFHLSWV judge W WKH EHJ XOH $

D G tion H OH 2WKHU K E F D LO 6 D Y HG IURP )XQGV D SHULRG those signatures, collected D ,WHPL] she HSRUWLQJ U H G WK H I L] R P

H ,W $ W Q anticipating challenges to her R R WL 1 E WV 6HF (,376 O 5HFHLS & WD ( R petitions when they were filed. 5 7 / $ 727

that he would not at.................................................... nounced She knows Roger Claar % 6XEWRWDO Q R WL F H LWXUHV 6 Ralph LaPorte tend after he learned that the has run unopposed year after I O ([SHQG R H WD V R OR 7 DW WKH F OH E V D audience would not be permitQ LO year and thought that having R D WL Y X .................................................... )XQGV D G &RQWULE ULRG ted to ask random questions. OH ,

anyone dare to challenge him ,Q .LQ RUWLQJ SH 6FKHGX S P UH R IU H WK G H Roger. Her suspi criticized having Lettieri might upset D ,WHPL] There was a Candidate’s G H L] P questions prepared in advance cions seemed farfetched considE 1RW ,WH Night held in Mokena on ,1' then . 1 and distributed to people , ering that Claar has collected / $ 727 Thursday February 26th. The RWDO VWPHQW 7 in the audience to ask. Lettieri H enough money, about 1.3 milY ,Q event was sponsored by the lodid not consider that democratlion dollars, to overwhelm any Read more on PAGE 9 > cal chamber of commerce and ic. He did promise citizens that would be challenger. But somethe participants were members he will hold his own Town Hall one wanted Bonnie stopped! of the United Party. meeting at which voters will be Busy Bonnie gathered 205 Santino Lettieri, candidate free to ask whatever questions signatures. She believed they \ OO D LF Q for Trustee, was given an opFWUR )LOHG (OH would be sufficient to get her portunity to attend and to Tino Lettieri says name in the running. Then a READ MORE ON PAGE 14 > participate, however in a press he won’t be duped. release issued last week he anRU 1LFN OHFW 0D\


Crest Hill Resident Speaks out Against Mayor



Phantom Objects to Mom Bucking Roger Claar

Illinois Set to Gain 148,000 jobs

Giannoulias Returns Lost Loot Cash Dash searches in Shorewood

Mokena Joe Werner— Pot Calling the Kettle Black!


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