The Weekly Reporter

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Joliet | Bolingbrook | Romeoville | Homer Glen | Crest Hill | Lockport | Plainfield | Shorewood

Republican Reorganization Confused With Dirty Tricks Read more on PAGE 5 >

we e k l y re p o r te m

What Arrogance Noak Will Not Respond! Read more on PAGE 9 >

To Protect Those Who Protect Us Read more on PAGE 6 >

First Midwest Bank looking for workers at March 19 event Read more on PAGE 16 >

Girot Makes Another Bid For Sheriff Read more on PAGE 8 >

Pastor Isaac Singleton Retires After 47 Years Read more on PAGE 11 >

T he Week l y Repo r te r B reak s T he Si l ence!

M a r c h 12 , 2 0 0 9 -

Frankfort Township Assessor Paul Ruff Caught In The Act! .................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer

V o l . 2 I s s u e 11

Will Noak & Hassert



Pockets? ....................................................

John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer


The Weekly Reporter is paid for by advertisers who want you to know about their businesses. They are exercising their right to freedom of speech and they are paying for the privilege of reaching the public—person by person. When free products are made available everyone is entitled to one. They are entitled to take one for someone else, but when they do take more than one of a free product whether that is legal depends on their motivation, their intent. A nitwit would know he cannot take a stack of newspapers that is not his to trash them. An idiot would know that is wrong! Frankfort Township Assessor Paul Ruff holds a position in which there should never be a question about his honesty. Paul Ruff should do nothing to make you believe he might be a petty thief. Paul Ruff should know not to take what does not belong to him. Paul Ruff holds a position of trust, he should never take something

M a rch 18 , 2 0 0 9


Some people will read this article and perhaps call it partisan; they may say The Weekly Reporter does not like Brent Hassert. All of that would be wrong. Brent Hassert is a nice man, he has served his community well, and he was defended by this newspaper in the last election when he was accused of raising a tax that did not exist. But! It would be dishonorable to pick and to choose who will be exposed and who will not be. You would never know when to believe what you read and when to disregard it as trash if some people were to escape scrutiny. So, when it was learned that Mr. Hassert may be trying to unjustly dip into your pockets it became imperative to bring the facts to you.

Paul Ruff-date unknown that is not his. Mothers teach their children: if it is not yours don’t touch it. When people entrust a person with the responsibility of taxing them, of assessing their properties, they have right to expect that he will be scrupulously honest. That means a person whose character would prohibit him from taking something that did not belong to him; a person who can be READ MORE ON PAGE 14 >


Thief caught stealing newspapers

Did Richard Kavanagh Unfairly Boot Bolingbrook Mom? submitted to get her name on the April 7th ballot. No one really knows if Christopher Mathis actually did hire Attorney Richard Kavanagh, Chairman of the Will County Republican Party, to challenge Bonnie’s petitions. Mathis


Ralph LaPorte


Bonnie Kurowski-Alicea is the Bolingbrook mom who dared to run against Roger Claar Mayor of Bolingbrook. According to the records, Christopher Mathis, an individual who never appeared before the Electoral Board and who has not stepped forward to prove he is a living being, filed objections to the petitions Bonnie

His hearings had only one outcome. America must be different!


Brent Hassert

John Noak

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