“Let us dare to, read, think, speak and write.” - John Adams, 1765 December 29, 2011
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WillingTo Say The Truth.
Protecting Liberty Through Freedom of Speech
Happy New Year RON PAUL SAYS WE SHOULD Do Doctors Leave Their FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION Oaths at The Prison Gate? View related videos on pages 2 and 3 Norman Rockwell captured the tone of a real doctor’s office in his March 15, 1958 cover of The Saturday Evening Post magazine. All of us know it is no longer an accurate depiction of what a visit to a doctor’s office is. Today it is formality and money; do you have money, do you have insurance, do we accept your insurance. Somehow the friendliness, the compassion, the personal interest in the person seems lost between the pages of a bankbook.
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) is calling for a return to old fashioned Republican politics. Listen to his videos as he takes on Newt Gingrich and calls for a return to following the Constitutional intent of our forefathers. The nation has fallen into a habit of disregarding the Constitution in favor of satisfying the whims of a minority of individuals who have convinced the party it needs to be more progressive. Ron Paul does not accept that. With a flood of inexperienced often loud-mouthed newcomers in the Tea Party we are seeing more and more divisiveness within the rank and file and too many extremes in the changes be sought by some of the toddler side of Congress wishes to institute. Ron Paul is a man with a lifetime of experience who understands economics and who understands the ins and outs of national economics. On the other hand we have New Gingrich who has suddenly found religion after a lifetime of cheating and infidelity. Now he wants us to believe he is second Jimmy Swaggart pleading the devil made me do it. Enough of the tomfoolery let’s get back to being the party we once were with organization and a keen eye on what the Constitution truly means.
Worse yet is the dilemma facing those who for whatever reason find themselves in need of medical attention behind the fences or walls of the thousands of prisons across the country. Some folks will wrinkle a brow at the mention of healthcare for prisoners but the fact is they too are human beings, although some have committed inhuman acts. Most men or women in prison, about 66% of them, are in prison for drug related offenses. They are considered non-violent offenses. You yourself may know someone who is or has been imprisoned at some
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MY PATRIOTISM MADE ME CHEAT ON MY WIFE You Might Forgive a Bear For Mauling You - Do You Forget Who He Is?
A TIGER CAN’T CHANGE IT’S STRIPES The world seems to be filled with miracles that happen at exactly the appropriate. Newt Gingrich wants to be the President of the United States. He has a disgusting past as a cheating husband – not once but repeatedly. Whether he cheats on his third wife remains to be seen. Wrongdoers have a knack for invoking religion to pull them from the depths of disgrace whenever it becomes necessary and whenever it the situation calls for them to be a moral person.
For those who are religious an willing to forgive the Bill Clinton’s and the Newt Gingrichs for their infidelity that is a very generous attitude but as a wise Indian man once said to me, “You can’t make a crooked branch grow straight.”
You certainly ought to forgive those who sincerely repent but should you trust them not to “backslide” as religious folks refer to doing the same wrong again. Look at it this way. Perhaps a neighbor whom you have known for a long time and with whom you were close is found guilty of some sex act. Yes, he has been a friend, and yes you might try to understand what prompted him to do wrong, you forgive him -- BUT -- would you trust that person alone with your wife or children? The Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart was confronted with a serious situation that threatened the $500,000 dollars a day he was collecting in donations from across the nation. Swaggart like many hypocrites realized or was advised that the best defense is a strong offense. The idea is, throw it all out there and swear you are converted. Swear you are a changed person! The stupid followers, the stupid public at large, will feel sorry for you and you can resume dragging in the dollars. The momentary shame, after all, is worth the fortune at stake. Those dumb enough to believe these filthy hypocrites deserve them. It makes one wonder if they will train their children to emulate the behavior of these “golden calves”. One thing is for sure: You can fool all of the people some of the time but the gullible will always believe you.
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RON PAUL ATTACKS NEWT GINGRICH Believe In The Constitution? Listen To Ron Paul!
It was January 17, 1997 when the United States House Ethics Committee voted to reprimand then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich ordered him to also pay a $300,000 sanction. That decision was reached by the committed after a five and one-half hour televised hearing. In the end the committee concluded that his use of tax-deductible money for political purposes and inaccurate information supplied to investigators represented "intentional or . . . reckless" disregard of House rules. The nerve of this man to expect to be elected President of the United States! Do we have no shame left as a nation? Do we not care about a national image? How would a president with such a background appear going before the nations of the world to demand that they do right that they honor their laws or abide by the standards of honesty and human respect that we idealize as a nation? How would we appear to the world if we elect a man who admitted monetary wrong doing to the Congress of the United States and to its people? Yes there are rule breakers and lawbreakers in government but when we discover them we ought to oust them not iconize them by electing them to the highest office in the land.
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America's wackiest laws still on the books (ARA) - In just about every state, city and town in America, there are crazy, weird and outright goofy laws, regulations and ordinances that are still legally valid, but that no one pays attention to, much less enforces, according to FindLaw.com the nation's number one online source for free legal information. Thousands of such laws exist, some dating back to the days of the horse and buggy, which nonetheless remain on the books because nothing has been done to officially repeal them. There are also some laws that remain valid that raise serious questions given the dramatic changes in U.S. society, and what today's citizens consider right and wrong. Of the thousands of crazy, yet still-official laws, here are some of the wackiest, according to FindLaw.com: * In Wisconsin, serving colored oleomargarine or margarine at a public eating establishment, as a substitute for table butter, is prohibited unless it is ordered by the customer. * Atheists are not allowed to hold public office in Tennessee. Under Tennessee's Constitution, "no person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this State." * In South Berwick, Maine, it is illegal to park in front of the Dunkin' Donuts store located on Main Street West, according to Article III, Section 15 of the town's ordinances. * It's illegal to keep, place or store any upholstered couch or chair on the front porch of a house in Boulder, Colo., home of the University of Colorado, according to city ordinance No. 7125, which was enacted in 2002. It's illegal to keep any upholstered furniture in any part of your yard as well. * Baggy pants are illegal in Collinsville, Ill. In July 2011, this suburb of St. Louis enacted a new law banning baggy pants in all public areas of this town of 26,000 residents. According to the new law, pants must be secured to waist to prevent the pants from falling more than three inches below the hips, causing exposure of the person's undergarments. The new law applies only to public property, such as schools and parks. Violators will be fined $100 and be required to perform community
service for the first offense, and $300 and community service for subsequent offenses. * Louisiana may have one of the most rigorous processes in the nation to become a...florist. A retail florist license is required to arrange and sell floral designs, cut flowers and ornamental plants. The licensing process includes a 45-minute written exam. In 2010, the Louisiana legislature eliminated the 4-hour, hands-on floral design portion of the process after considerable pressure from unlicensed florists * In 1992, New York's Supreme Court ruled in favor of two female defendants in People v. Ramona Santorelli and Mary Lou Schloss, which established that women could go topless in public in New York State, just like men can. * In University City, Mo., according to city ordinance 9.28.060, it's unlawful to conduct a yard or garage sale in the front of a building * Under the miscellaneous section of its city code, the town of Dyersburg, Tenn. prohibits giving an animal or bird tobacco, alcohol or another known noxious substance in city parks * In Kentucky, it's illegal to sell, exchange, display or possess living baby chicks, ducklings or rabbits that have been dyed or colored. Violating this law can lead to a fine of up to $500. * North Dakota and Wisconsin have banned the forced implantation of microchips in humans. A number of other states are considering similar laws to protect the privacy rights of individuals
http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jul/25/news/la-pn-gingrich-worth-2011http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jul/25/news/la-pnOur Blog gingrich-worth-201107250725 The Squeaking Wheel
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Revolutionize family night with the newest technology
(ARA) - The concept of reserving one night periodically for a family night is one that goes back generations, whether playing different card games, watching a movie, board games or games that only require creativity, like charades. While those activities are still household staples, family night now involves technology as much as it does creativity - and with family holiday parties coming, finding new and innovative ways to keep everyone entertained are a must. While some may scoff at the idea of technology as a useful tool in family night, a recent study by Trinity University concluded that technology can actually enhance family togetherness by promoting teamwork and learning through a shared game experience. The survey of more than 30,000 players of an online game found that many families - children, parents and grandparents - are brought closer together by playing the game, and children learn reading, math, goal-setting and teamwork.
Technology takes family game night to new heights with the newest wave of video games that don't take place merely sitting on the couch with a controller in hand. New advances in motion-based technology, like PlayStation Move for PlayStation 3, offer an experience that gets people moving together and interacting with one another in both collaborative and competitive ways. Here are three new games and a selection of networked services to make that family holiday gathering one that people won't want to leave: * Everybody Dance With a party mode that allows up to 20 players to compete in head-to-head dance competitions, dancers can try out one of the 40 dance tracks with their original music videos. Using the PlayStation Eye camera, performances can be captured, played back and links can then be sent to players' Facebook and Twitter accounts. Using the camera to create a profile for every user, the win-loss records are tracked, keeping the competition going every time they Continued on Page 12
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HEADS UP ON FINANCE Changes impacting your taxes and this year's refund from Uncle Sam (ARA) - In the way of tax legislation, 2011 was a relatively quiet year. However, that doesn't mean there aren't tax law changes that will affect this year's tax returns. "The changes enacted at the end of 2010 will still impact this year's and next year's federal tax returns," says TaxACT spokesperson, Jessi Dolmage. "With the debate over the federal budget and taxes unlikely to end any time soon, who knows if the soon-to-be expired tax breaks will be extended. So, take advantage of all your benefits while you still can." Three out of four taxpayers receive a federal refund, and last year's average refund totaled $2,805. To help you maximize your refund, here are some tax law changes you should know about before filing this year's return. * Your federal return must be filed by Tuesday, April 17, 2012. April 15 is a Sunday and Washington, D.C., is recognizing Emancipation Day April 16. Don't use the extended deadline as an excuse to procrastinate, though. When you rush, you're more likely to make mistakes that could cost you money and time. Furthermore, filing, paying or providing information late will result in IRS penalties that have increased this year. * Amounts for standard mileage, standard deductions, personal exemptions and the Alternative Minimum Tax have increased. Note there are different standard mileage rates for miles driven before July 1
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and after June 30. Details about all increases are in IRS Publication 17 at www.irs.gov. * Among the tax breaks available last year but expired for this year are the Making Work Pay Credit and Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit (unless it was a new fuel cell vehicle). The Making Work Pay Credit was essentially replaced by the payroll tax holiday for 2011. Employees and self-employed already received the tax benefit in 2011 paychecks through a reduction in the FICA-OASDI Social Security taxes. Unlike the Making Work Pay Credit, employees who benefited from the payroll tax holiday don't need to claim it on this year's tax return. * Unless lawmakers extend them, this will be the last year to claim the following breaks: Tuition and Fees Deduction, Nonbusiness Energy Credit, the refundable Adoption Credit, Educator Expense Deduction, option for those with itemized deductions to deduct state and local sales taxes paid in lieu of state and local income taxes paid and mortgage insurance premiums deduction. * The amount of the Health Coverage Tax Credit decreased to 72.5 percent for qualified health insurance coverage received between March and December 2011. * If you converted a traditional IRA over to a designated Roth IRA in 2010, or rolled over a qualified retirement plan to a Roth IRA, but did not report the taxable amount on your 2010 tax return (due April 2011), you must report half of the amount on this year's return and the other half on your 2012 return. Details are
Your legacy of giving: Review your beneficiary lists during the holiday season
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Your legacy of giving: Review your beneficiary lists during the holiday season Courtesy of ARAcontent
For Seniors Only Kennyholmes@theweeklyreporter.com
(ARA) - The holiday season is in full swing, and amid the flurry of preparations, your will and legacy may be the last things on your mind. However, when you're surrounded by loved ones this season, it may be the best time to evaluate the gifts you plan to leave them. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans offers these tips to help get you started on a beneficiary review. Your estate: for beneficiaries only One of the most common mistakes people make is failing to update the beneficiary designations on financial contracts to coordinate with their will and other estate plan documents. Beneficiary designations supersede bequests made in a will. Your intentions for giving your estate may be at risk if your designations are not kept up to date. Life insurance and financial services companies can distribute money only to the designated beneficiaries. Life events make it necessary to update your designations from time to time. If your beneficiary moves, you should update their address to ensure they'll be contacted should benefits need to be paid out. Also, if you become divorced or widowed, you should review your designation and possibly update it. Wills are created to eliminate confusion for your loved ones in your absence. Some work now will be worth it when the time comes to enact your will.
Consult a financial professional The laws related to inheriting assets are complex and can be confusing unless you have an experienced professional at your side. Financial professionals can help guide you through the process of updating your will. They can answer questions and provide insight on common solutions to will-related issues, and they can ensure that your wishes are granted with the way you set up your plans.
An ongoing process Thrivent Financial recommends you review and update your beneficiary designations at least once a year or any time you have a life event. Regular reviews can prevent surprises down the road. They also provide an opportunity to discuss the future with loved ones: conversations that may otherwise be avoided. Leaving a legacy for the people and causes you care for most is a lasting, meaningful gift. To learn more, visit Thrivent.com. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its respective associates and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work with your Thrivent Financial representative, and as appropriate, your attorney and/or tax professional for additional
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Transforming holiday leftovers into mouthwatering meals
(ARA) - Gathering with friends and family for special meals is a beloved part of the fall and winter holidays. Spending time preparing dishes that everyone looks forward to somehow feels less like a chore and more like a tradition during this time of year. And, of course, you don't want anyone to go away hungry, so the amount of food that comes out of your kitchen is usually nothing short of monumental. Even if you send packages home with guests, it's inevitable that you will have leftovers. You might even have enough for a few days' worth of meals. But eating the same dishes day after day gets old quickly. Instead of letting your menu get stale, rethink the concept of leftovers. Rather than viewing leftovers as a finished dish, consider * The centerpiece of many of those holiday meals is often a turkey, and there's nothing quite as lovely as a golden brown bird ready for carving. One simple tip can make your turkey taste better on the day of the celebration - and as leftovers. As you're seasoning the turkey prior to roasting, spread on Hellmann's(R) Real Mayonnaise for a juicy, crispy, flavorful meal. * Mashed potatoes are a universally loved side dish during the holidays. They can warm up even the coldest days and make any meal more comforting. With the extra helpings left from your holiday-sized batch of mashers, make your own interpretation of shepherd's pie. Mix the vegetables and meat of your choice with herbs, salt and pepper to taste before adding them to a baking dish or casserole. Top the mixture with mashed potatoes (and a few small dabs of butter), and bake until warmed through. If your potatoes have gotten a bit stiff, add a bit of cream or milk to soften them up. * Whether you know it as "dressing" or "stuffing," the dish is a staple of the cold weather holidays. Regional naming differences aside, it's a versatile leftover that should be praised as much on the day after your celebration as the day of. These rich, herbal flavors pair exceptionally well with pork, so use it (or reuse it) to create delectable stuffed pork chops. * The sweet-tart taste of cranberry relish is great with turkey, but you can also add it to sweeter dishes for a different spin. Get started the very next morning after your gathering by heating up a griddle for crepes or pancakes. Mash your cranberries to a more jam-like texture to use as a zingy topping on whichever kind of griddle cake you prefer. Your loved ones will certainly appreciate your efforts to make the holidays delicious, but the praise will go even further when you test out tasty new recipes for
leftovers. For more ideas, visit www.hellmanns.com, and get started by trying Hellmann's(R) Turkey Casserole recipe.
Turkey Casserole Serves: 6 Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Ingredients: 4 cups leftover prepared stuffing, divided 4 cups coarsely chopped leftover cooked turkey (about 1 pound) 3/4 cup Hellmann's(R) or Best Foods(R) Real Mayonnaise, divided 1/4 cup whole berry cranberry sauce 2 cups leftover mashed potatoes 1-1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (about 6 ounces)
Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray 8-inch baking dish with no-stick cooking spray. Spoon in 2 cups stuffing, then top with turkey. Combine 1/4 cup Hellmann's(R) or Best Foods(R) Real Mayonnaise with cranberry sauce; evenly spread over turkey. Combine remaining 1/2 cup Mayonnaise, potatoes and cheese in large bowl. Evenly spread on turkey, then top with remaining 2 cups stuffing. Bake 40 minutes or until heated through. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. If desired, garnish with dried cranberries. Also terrific with Hellmann's Light Mayonnaise.
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Getting a dog? Consider these factors to make sure you're a match (ARA) - There are plenty of cliche things that people say about dogs: that they're man's best friend, that they love you unconditionally and that behind those cold noses, there are warm hearts. But while dog owners might feel a bit silly about repeating those old chestnuts, they'll also admit they're absolutely true. Before you get a dog, doing a bit of background research is important, but keep in mind that you also have a valuable resource right in your community - the local animal shelter. Shelter dogs are often the ones that are "invisible" - out of the public eye and therefore, out of mind as well. Best Friends Animal Society has created the "Invisible Dogs" campaign to call attention to the hundreds of thousands of very real, but unseen dogs hoping to be adopted from U.S. animal shelters, any of which might be right for your home. Whether your household has one person or 10, a dog can fit right in, but not every dog fits with every home. At shelters across the country, the pet experts on the staff can help match you with an adoptable dog, based on your lifestyle and the dog's personality and traits. Because you can meet shelter dogs before bringing them home, it's easier to make the perfect puppy love connection.
When you're ready to start looking for the right dog for you, consider these tips from Best Friends Animal Society and InvisibleDogs.org:
* Be honest about your lifestyle. Everyone has a different schedule, and dogs have schedules of their own. If you're away from home a lot, consider dogs that have lower energy levels and minimal exercise demands. However, if you love to go for a run in the morning and a long stroll every evening, you might be a good match for a dog that has a bit more of a get-up-and-go demeanor. * How much maintenance? Some dogs have washand-wear coats that don't require grooming other than a nice bath every so often. Others will need to be combed and still others will need haircuts to keep their coat in check, or to be more comfortable in the summer heat. Opt for a dog with a coat that matches the level of dedication you're ready to put into grooming, keeping in mind that it's not too much of a hassle for any dog. Also remember that you'll need to care for his toenails and teeth to keep him feeling his best. * Find a personality match. Some dog owners like their pups to be right on their lap as much as possible, while others prefer a companion who is a little more independent. While breed can have some effect on this, it also largely depends on the individual dog. Meeting a dog at a shelter will let you spend a little time together to see if you're a good combination. Big or small, shaggy or sleek, the dog that's right for you is out there waiting. With a bit of forethought and a few one-on-one meetings with available dogs, you'll be well prepared to find the dog that will be the companion of a lifetime. And when you do, it won't be long before you're telling everyone that your dog really is your best friend. To learn more about helping adoptable dogs, go to www.invisibledogs.org.
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Health & Wellness
(ARA) - With one in eight women projected to be diagnosed with breast cancer over the course of her lifetime, understanding what affects your risk and how to catch any warning signs early - not only for your own sake, but for the sakes of your loved ones- is more important than ever. There
may not be a cure for breast cancer yet, but there is so much you can do to raise awareness and lower your risk 1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle You can reduce your risk for breast cancer by leading a healthier lifestyle - including exercising regularly, making healthier choices when it comes to eating and drinking, and limiting your exposure to tobacco and alcohol. The changes don't have to be drastic - start with simple changes, such as swapping one sugar-sweetened beverage a day for water, adding fruit and vegetables to your diet or taking the dog for an extra-long walk. 2. Know your history and how to detect the symptoms Despite a healthy lifestyle, if you have a family history of breast cancer, that adds to your risk. So, it's crucial to
know if any of your close relatives have had the disease. In addition, there are factors you can be on the lookout for as warning signs at almost any age. The American Cancer Society recommends starting routine self-examinations in your 20's, so you can report any changes or concerns to your health care provider. You can also visit MayoClinic.com for more information. Yearly mammograms are recommended starting at age 40. 3. Support research and the mission to find a cure Great work has been done to improve the treatment of breast cancer and researchers are working tirelessly towards a cure. In order to continue their intensive and innovative research, they need the support of organizations, such as The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), to help fund their work. BCRF, for example, directs more than 90 cents of every dollar donated to breast cancer research and awareness programs. There are simple ways for you to get involved - from buying products that support these types of organizations to hosting a fundraiser with friends. Nestle Pure Life brand bottled water is a great example, spotlighting breast cancer awareness on its packaging nationwide and in Canada during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October). For every specially marked "pink ribbon" package produced, the company will donate 10 cents to BCRF (minimum donation of $350,000). The funding will support a BCRF grant directed to researchers who are working on innovative ways to prevent, treat and cure all aspects of breast cancer. For more information on how to get involved in raising awareness and on the latest research and breakthroughs, visit BCRFCure.org. There are even more tips on precautions you and your loved ones can take to reduce your risk and get involved.
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Solutions Page 12
1 Facial soap brand 6 Energy unit 9 Bomb 12 Pet __ (annoyance) 13 Moved quickly 14 Flightless bird 15 Keyed 16 Sphere 17 Except 18 Evils 20 Take out a video 22 Sign on 25 Short 26 Truss 27 Apparition 29 Dog food brand 31 Gall 32 Zip 36 Glacial 39 Scoundrel 40 Foot parts 43 Lesser goddesses 45 Scream 46 Water main 47 Offence 48 Winter hazard 50 Loots 54 East northeast 55 Kernel 56 Take off the lid 57 Ball 58 Baboon 59 Hinder
Down 11 Filler 19 Words to a song 21 Singer Denver 22 Airport abbr. 23 Ml 24 Spiritedness 25 Swimsuit 28 Artist's creation 30 Island 33 American College of Physicians (abbr.) 34 Morse code "T" 35 Advertisements
37 38 40 41 42 44 46 49 51 52 53
Eye part Mediterranean island Resource Large african animal, for short Rabbit Intended Peter, for short Glass Frosty Barrier Engage in espionage
Down 1 Able 2 Sign of the zodiac 3 Women's partners 4 To no __ 5 Color 6 Sisters sibs. 7 Sticky black substance 8 Undo the belt of 9 Three masted Mediterranean boat 10 Went crazy
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Continued from Page 5 - Family
Continued from Page 6 - Heads Up On Finance
Technology takes family game night to new heights with the newest wave of video games that don't take place merely sitting on the couch with a controller in hand. New advances in motion-based technology, like PlayStation Move for PlayStation 3, offer an experience that gets people moving together and interacting with one another in both collaborative and competitive ways. Here are three new games and a selection of networked services to make that family holiday gathering one that people won't want to leave: * Everybody Dance With a party mode that allows up to 20 players to compete in head-to-head dance competitions, dancers can try out one of the 40 dance tracks with their original music videos. Using the PlayStation Eye camera, performances can be captured, played back and links can then be sent to players' Facebook and Twitter accounts. Using the camera to create a profile for every user, the win-loss records are tracked, keeping the competition going every time they come over for a visit.
With so much of your hard-earned money at stake and our complex tax law, it's no wonder a growing number of Americans use tax preparation solutions. "Trusted solutions like TaxACT navigate all the tax law changes for you to help maximize your refund, file a return that's 100 percent accurate and provide help when you need it," says Dolmage. When choosing a tax preparation solution, especially free products, Dolmage warns you to carefully weigh your options. "TaxACT Free Federal Edition covers all 1040 returns, but other free programs are only for 1040EZ returns, sometimes referred to as 'simple returns'. The nearly nine out of 10 taxpayers who have more complex returns don't qualify for those." For information about these and other tax law changes affecting this year's tax return, visit www.irs.gov and www.taxact.com/taxinfo. Learn more about TaxACT Free Federal Edition for both simple and complex returns at www.taxact.com.
it takes one to know one
Crossword solution
Dont Be Stupid Don’t Vote For an Idiot Because He’s In Your Party!! That’s Dumb!
The Weekly Reporter Continued from font page - doctors
point in his or her lifetime; about 1 in 32 people fall into that category. The United States imprisons more people than any other nation in the world topping even Russia and China! Prisoners were sentenced by a judge or jury and subsequently ordered to prison as punishment by a judge. The punishment for the crime is IMPRISONMENT. The sentences do not include ignoring a malady that needs medical attention while the person is confined. Our laws and the U.S. Constitution demands that prisoners be treated humanely.
Yet, pressed to find ways to reduce the expense of running a state some adinistrations have turned to private companies to provide medical attention and medicines to the prisoners. On the surface that may seem to be a plausible solution but the fact is that companies, private or public, have a singular purpose for being – TO MAKE A PROFIT --- to make money! To make as much money as possible all companies must strive to cut costs. The healthcare industry that provides care to prisoners does exactly the same thing, but, to save the greatest amount of money possible they must reduce the consumption of medicine and related supplies; deny medical attention to some inmates entirely; and/or hire inferior people to perform the healthcare including substandard doctors. If you happen to be one of those doctors you belong in hell not in healthcare. Wexford Healthcare Source, Inc., of Pittsburg has a trail of lawsuits behind it for questionable conduct. Some doctors, according to inmate reports, often deny medical attention, discontinue or deny drugs to save money, and sometimes consider the inmates unworthy of medical
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attention. If the attention of a costly specialist is needed the treatment may be denied. In one case on record an inmate was denied care for a cancer condition and died as a result. The New Mexico Santa Fe Reporter did a series of articles concerning inmate care provided by Wexford and said in one article printed in October 2006 that an inmate died because Wexford personnel failed to give him heart medication. The judge did not sentence that man to death but he suffered a death sentence. The Santa Fe Reporter did a series of articles concerning inmate care provided by Wexford and said in one article printed in October 2006 that an inmate died because Wexford personnel failed to give him heart medication. The judge did not sentence that man to death but he suffered a death sentence. The Santa Fe Reporter said Wexford was found to have not reported 14 inmate deaths. Do the doctors who are employed by Wexford leave their oaths to serve humanity at the prison gates? Did someone neglect to tell them prisoners are people too whether we like them or not? Punishment is the sole responsibility of the courts. Healthcare professionals have no legal right to inflict pain or suffering on a prisoner or on anyone else for that matter! Across the nation private healthcare providers are under attack for failing to provide the care they are contracted to do. Perhaps some smart attorney will begin to look into charges of fraud for the medications and medical attention that inmates are deprived of for they appear to be intentional acts done to save money and to make a larger profit. You, sitting in your chair, you Mr. or Mrs. Average citizen are not a cruel or inhuman person. Yes, you want criminals punished for breaking the law; yes you want to be safe from criminals who might put you in danger, but do you want those convicted persons to suffer at the hands of inhumane monsters who worship the dollar while pretending to be in the business of providing health care to human beings? We are not by nature cruel. We give to charities, we dig deep to help the underprivileged; that speaks well of us a civilized people but we must understand that there are among us cruel people, inhumane people who will in order to keep their jobs or to make money for the corporation sacrifice the well-being of other human beings. It is time to demand an end to contracting with private companies to provide healthcare to anyone in state or federal custody. It is time to begin hiring doctors who have not had to leave a state to practice somewhere else because of wrongs they left behind them. It is time to demand an accounting of the $214 million Continued on page 14
The Weekly Reporter Continued from page 13 - Doctors
dollars Illinois is spending to provide healthcare to its prison population. Perhaps the answer lies in reducing the prison population thereby reducing the tremendous costs needed to operate, staff and to build prisons. It is sad if the medical profession has become so dollar oriented that money should rank above patient care. Has life become so meaningless within our society that we are willing to place human life beneath the importance of making a profit. Those who find profits more important than providing care and compassion to those needing healthcare, should be banned from medical practice across the United States. There should be a national administration to oversee the conduct of those who provide medical care; it should not be left to the states to license doctors or nurses. Under the current system a doctor can commit a terrible medical wrong in one state and move on to another and another and yet another to inflict his incompetence or indifference on people within different borders. They are criminals just as much as any man or woman serving time behind the walls. America needs to return to its former stature of concern and compassion for people and make money a secondary issue nationwide rather than a god.
World War I Poster
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The revolutionary technology that's making smartphones even smarter Courtesy of ARAcontent (ARA) - Smartphones are about to become much smarter. Here are ways NFC technology can be used for a typical day: * With NFC enabled smartphones, you can make credit card purchases with the necessary information securely stored on the phone. Simply wave or tap your smartphone
across a special contactless reader in a store. The BlackBerry Bold 9900 and BlackBerry Curve 9360 are the first SIM-based NFC smartphones to be certified by MasterCard as PayPass-approved devices. * NFC can be integrated into the public transit payment systems. People can touch their phones to an NFC tag when boarding trains or buses. * Instead of using a key, keypad PIN, or ID cards, hold your smartphone up to a pad to unlock. Whether it is to your home, dorm or workplace the possibilities are wideranging. * NFC technology has the potential to allow smartphone users to share information with others. For example, BlackBerry Tag will allow BlackBerry users to share contact information, documents and more by tapping one handset against another. It will be important to choose a smartphone with a secure platform. This will provide you with the peace of mind to use your NFC enabled smartphone to its full capabilities.