Jol iet | Bol ingb rook | Romeovi l le | Home r Glen | Crest H i l l | Lock po r t | Pla in f ield | Sho rewood
w w w.t h ewe e k l y re p o r te m
T h e We e k l y Re p o r te r
B re a k s T h e S i l e n ce !
J u l y 2 8 , 2 0 0 9 - Au g u s t 5 , 2 0 0 9 Vo l . 2 I s s u e 31
Romeoville Blew a Lot of Money On Church Affair .................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer
US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald annoucned the indictment of Scott.
Wayne C. Scott Charged In Alleged Swindle ....................................................
CHICAGO, IL—A South Holland, Illinois resident, who offered and sold investment interests to the public in 2007 and again in 2009 in purported “monthly advertising campaigns” was indicted by a federal grand jury yesterday and charged with mail fraud in connection with the two schemes to fraudulently obtain investors’ funds. Patrick J. Fitzgerald, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, and Thomas P. Brady, Inspector in Charge of the Chicago Division of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, announced the return of the six-count indictment against Wayne C. Scott. In doing so, they also thanked the High Intensity Financial
Last week a Romeoville church held a 50th anniversary celebration. The event took place on the church grounds on Saturday July 18th and Sunday July 19th. On Friday the 17th, Romeoville employees were busy moving large wooden carnival style booths to the church grounds. They spent many hours transporting those booths to the church grounds, unloading them, and then installing the windows and doing other necessary work to prepare them for use. A front loader lifted the booths onto a trailer and at least 5 employees were involved. They are paid hourly with your tax dollars. Besides the fuel, the insurance, and the cost of those heavy pieces of equipment that were used,
Some people are out of work, pressed for money while their tax dollars pay these village employees to chat the day away on church property.
the village provided wooden horses to block one entrance to the church property and erected snow fencing to cordon off a recreational area from what might be called a midway. The following day the
multi-cultural fest, as someone dubbed it, opened on Saturday about noon. Mexican, Filipino, and Polish foods were sold to the public from those three booths with the proceeds going to the church.
On Monday morning, disassembly of the tents and other items began. Early in the morning there was no sign of Continued on
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Romeoville Cops Scramble to Beat Lawsuit ....................................................
TELLS HIS STORY 14 > Continued on
Handicapped resident Mike Stevens was re-arrested by probably frustrated cops.
Ralph LaPorte
For those readers who may have missed the July 16th story on the arrest of Romeoville resident Mike Stevens we will supply a brief recap of the facts surrounding the case.
Mike Stevens was a furniture mover until about 9 years ago. While he was helping move a large sofa-bed a strap commonly used by professional movers broke. The sofa bed fell and struck Stevens on his head and neck. As a result of those injuries he is permanently disabled, Continued on
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John Cappas
Sentenced to 45 Years In Prison Now He’s Out And Telling His Story The Untold Story Only In The Weekly Reporter.
A Story You Want Your Kids To Read.