“Let us dare to read, write, and speak.” John Adams,
Joliet Bolingbrook Crest Hill Frankfort Homer Glen
Lockport Mokena Plainfield Romeoville Shorewood
Published Weekly In Will County
Volume 2 Number 40
Compliments Of Our Fine Advertisers
October 8 thru October 14, 2009
Chicago Never Had A Chance To Win
Mayor Richard M. Daley
There are people who are devoted to Chicago’s Mayor Richard M. Daley, some who detest him, and those who are indifferent in any event. No matter your opinion of him, the general consensus is that he made an outstanding effort to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago.
That effort proved to be futile but it should not reflect either on the Mayor or on Chicago, the real answer is much larger in scope. Apparently Americans have been quick to put the past President’s administration behind them in their desire to move on to establishing a better image for the nation but the world has not forgotten. Many Americans have been quick to erase the memories of Abu Ghraid, the disgrace of Guantanamo, and the often sickening opinions of legal advisor John Yoo and then Attorney General John Ashcroft. People seem to have forgotten that President Bush, VP Dick Chaney, and Donald Rumsfeld send an American Hero, Colin Powell before the world to tell lies that convinced them that Iraq must be invaded. Colin Powell a man of impeccable repute and a genuine man of honor was so upset over having been used by the Bush administration he removed himself and went away to suffer out of the public eye.
The world learned very quickly that then President Bush could not be trusted to tell the truth and in developing a hatred for him the peoples of the world carried that dislike to our entire nation. The United States has always been a nation respected. People have died in making efforts to come to America. Why? Because we were the champions of human rights, the symbol of liberty, and the image of all that is right. Then Americans elected George W. Bush. Deep into President Donald Rumsfeld, Former Pres. Geo. W. Bush, Bush’s presidency as many Former VP Dick Chaney as 86% of people polled around the world disliked him or had a negative view of him and the United States. Toss in the torture photos from Abu Ghraid and stories that came out of Guantanamo, stories of innocent men being confined and abused, and you have the worst image of America it has ever known. In our own defense we allowed individuals such as the very controversial John Yoo to justify those acts with his own distorted legal views. Throw in the performance of Attorney General John Ashcroft who seemed to only want to please his boss no matter what the law said, and you have a recipe for disaster.Consider the very questionable election result that put George W. Bush into office and the bad taste that left in the mouths of many around the Continued on page 3
Tired of Working? Be A Consultant When you become too old, too tired, or simply unwilling to do the job anymore you should get out of the picture, and let those who follow you take your place. People who for whatever reason are removed or remove themselves from positions ought to be mature and have the fortitude to hand the keys over to a successor and not convince themselves that the ship cannot stay on course without them. Recently former State Representative Brent Hassert (R-85) left office after being defeated in the November 2008 election.
It should have ended there with his retirement but it didn’t. Hassert whose state pension is more than many earn solicited the Will County Forest Preserve District and was contracted to become a paid consultant for $3,600 per month. Hassert then went to his old friends in Romeoville and convinced them he is able to do more than a very able senator, elected by the people, and a new state representative are able to do for the public—a public that gave him the boot. In Bolingbrook there seems to be a similar scenario playing out. Karen
Karen Anderson Retired now
Anderson was the local Library Director until March 2009. She apparently decided she has had enough of the work-a-day life and so she quit her job. She had a pension coming that she earned for her service but although she apparently decided that trudging off to work was no longer something she wanted to do, she seems to not want to surrender the position after all—only the work. The problem is, she does not want to give up a paycheck. She wants her pay and her pension. According to our source Karen Anderson was replaced with a new director Vicki Tipiano, who will, of
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