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T h e We e k l y R e p o r t e r B r e a k s T h e S i l e n c e !
A p r i l 16 , 2 0 0 9 - A p r i l 2 2 , 2 0 0 9
Former Bolingbrook Mayoral Candidate Cheats Death .................................................... Ralph LaPorte –
You may recall Bonnie Kurowski-Alicea who unsuccessfully challenged Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar in the Tuesday April 7th election. Bonnie as we have referred to her for convenience, was attempting to enter I-90 North Bound from Ohio
Street in Chicago when her 2007 Nissan Altima was hit from the rear by a 2004 Lexus at about 3:35 p.m on Friday April 10th. Firemen on the scene said she was fortunate to be alive. They commented that if any passengers had been inside they would likely have been killed. Chicago Fire Department paramedics offered to
transport Bonnie to the John H. Stroger Hospital in Chicago but she declined the offer. She was driven by her husband to Edward Hospital in Naperville. Her examination showed no broken bones or internal bleeding and she was released. The driver of the Lexus, Gregory J. Pine of West Hubbard Street in Chicago, was reportedly not injured in the crash but that has not
been confirmed. Unofficial estimates placed the speed of the Lexus as high but no details of the crash or the speed of the Lexus have been released by the State Police. Upon impact, Bonnie’s car was thrown into another vehicle driven by Malettia Albury Washington of Kissimmee, Florida. Damage to Washington’s 2005 Chevrolet Impala
A Book by Kim Worley READ MORE ON PAGE 11 > Author/Publisher Kim Worley
Why Won’t Somone Enforce The Law In Will County? .................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer READ STORY ON PAGE 14 >
was confined to the driver’s side of the rear of her car when Bonnie’s car struck it a glancing blow as it careened into Washington’s Chevrolet after the Lexus crashed into her’s.
Miraculously no one suffered life-threatening injuries. Mr. Pine could not be reached for comment and he did not respond to our voiceREAD MORE ON PAGE 14 >
Attorney In Joe Kral Hearing Responds to ARDC
Wisdom Good For the Soul
Vo l . 2 I s s u e 16
.................................................... Mark Goodson
Attorney Patrick D. Burns
Here’s what I think of your complaints! Elden Laffoon in picture above.
Attorney Patrick D. Burns represented Kent Brunner the Objector that challenged the nominating petitions of Joseph N. Kral who at the time was attempting to get his name on the ballot for the April 7th election. Kral’s name was kept off the ballot by that Frankfort Township ElecREAD MORE ON PAGE 16 >
(815) 723-4880 P.O. BOX 2761 / JOLIET, IL 60434