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w e e k l y r e p o r te r. c o m T h e We e k l y Re p o r te r B r e a k s T h e S i l e n c e ! A p r i l 9, 2 0 0 9 - A p r i l 15 , 2 0 0 9 Vo l . 2 I s s u e 15
Tino Lettieri-He Loves Mokena
Tino Lettieri Thanks Those Who Voted For Him .................................................... Ralph LaPorte –
Tino Lettieri knew from the beginning that he was facing really stiff opposition when he chose to go head to head with the incumbents for a seat as trustee. The odds were always against Lettieri but feisty as he is he was determined that no matter how unlikely it was that he would beat the sitting trustees he was going to make an efREAD MORE ON PAGE 14 >
Mayor John Noak
Mayor John Noak Wins By A Landslide .................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer
John Noak can legitimately call himself Mayor now—he is no longer an appointee he won the mayoral election by soundly defeating three opponents heading three opposing parties. Noak was able to use funds from his $100,000 war chest to smother the vilREAD MORE ON PAGE 14 >
Joe Kral Trounces Paul Ruff With 60% of the Vote neighbors that Kral was the victim of dirty tricks. Many others accused Ruff of improperly assessing their property. Kral’s long uphill battle began with messages last October from a couple of local people who encouraged
.................................................... John Gabriel, Award Winning Writer
“I want to tell everyone thank you. Thank you for your votes. Thank you for your confidence, and thank you to everyone who helped me win an unwinnable battle,” said a very grateful Joe Kral, a man who humbly expressed his gratitude to the public. He repeatedly expressed his thanks to all those who made it possible for him to win in the face of incredibly high odds. Now that it is over you can call him Frankfort Assessor Joe Kral now. After an extraordinary effort to overcome the disability of not being on the ballot Joe Kral knocked on doors, shook hands and told his story to everyone and anyone who would listen to him. He asked them to write in his name on the ballot. A disgruntled public, many of them upset with the tactics used by Paul Ruff to keep Joe Kral’s name off the ballot, complained pubNewly elected Assessor Joe Kral licly to the media and to their
Kral not to run against Paul Ruff. Kral, according to an affidavit on record, was offered a job if he would agree not to run for the office. That job offering allegedly came from Frankfort Township Supervisor and County Board Chairman James Moustis. When Kral refused to quit, his nominating petitions were challenged by an unknown named Kent Brunner. Brunner filed objections to Kral’s nominating petitions. Testimony at a hearing headed by James Moustis proved that Paul Ruff, not Kent Brunner, paid for investigators who falsely claimed they were working for the township when they asked people if they had signed Kral’s petitions. One woman testified that she was tricked into signing a false affidavit for the investigators. Brunner’s attorney Patrick D. Burns would not say who paid his fee but it is assumed Ruff might have also paid the attorney costs. Three of Paul Ruffs political friends, James Moustis, Marguerite McREAD MORE ON PAGE 14 >
She Put Up A Courageous Fight But the Odds Beat Her! Roger Claar wins by a wide margin! ....................................................
By Mark Goodson mgoodson@the
Bonnie Kurowski-Alicea, mom and Phd. battled against a strong incumbent to become the mayor of Bolingbrook but in the end Roger Claar and the strong support he has within the village proved to be enough to defeat her. Bonnie and her supporters walked door to door shaking hands and asking for votes. They put up signs and banners.
As they put them up others would remove them. Even the police got in the act and ordered signs removed where Bonnie claimed they should have been allowed. Mayor Roger Claar who has an enormous amount of money in his campaign chest proved to be an opponent who just was not going to be removed easily. In addition to facing an opponent with money
and years in office Bonnie faced problems with election judges at the polling places in Bolingbrook. In a telephone conversation at noon on election day Bonnie said she had the State Police following her around to enforce the law. The State’s Attorney’s Office She fought the good fight, Bonnie Kurowski-Alicea